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通威股份:2023年度环境、社会和公司治理报告(英文版) 下载公告



Environmental, Social andGovernance Report


????Environmental, Social and Governance Report


????Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperationCorporate GovernanceCompliance and RiskManagementBusiness EthicsInformation SecurityProtectionInvestor Relations

Pioneering ProductInnovation

R&D and InnovationDigital TransformationProduct ResponsibilityClient Rights

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Supply Chain ManagementSustainable Supply Chain

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Environmental ManagementSystemClimate Change ResponsePollution and WasteManagementWater Resource ManagementBiodiversity Conservation

Partners for Diversityand Progress

Employee Rights ProtectionEmployee Care andCommunicationTalent Attraction andDevelopmentOccupational Health and SafetyValue Contribution toCommunity

AppendixOverview of ESG DataOther DesignationsIndicator IndexAssurance ReportReader Feedback

PrefaceAbout this ReportMessage from the ChairmanAbout TongweiTopicESG Management andGovernance

For Better Life

The period covered by this Report isfrom January 1, 2023 to December 31,2023 unless otherwise speci?ed. Inorder to guarantee the continuity,completeness, and comparability ofthe report, some of the contentsextend beyond the aforementionedtimeframe and are explained in thereport.

Reporting Period

This Report is issued in both Chineseand English and any con?ict betweenthe understanding of the two versionsshall be subject to the Chinese version.


In this Report, "Tongwei Co., Ltd.","Tongwei", "Company" and "We" allrefer to Tongwei Co., Ltd. For details ofthe other designations used in thereport, please refer to OtherDesignations.


This is the fourth Environmental,Social, and Corporate Gover-nance (ESG) report (this Report)issued by Tongwei Co., Ltd. (theCompany) to disclose anddemonstrate its ESG perfor-mance and responses toimportant concerns of eachstakeholder. This Report hasbeen reviewed by the Board ofDirectors of the Company whichis responsible for the authentici-ty and validity of the informationcontained herein.

About this Report

This Report covers Tongwei Co., Ltd.and its subsidiaries and branches,which is identical to the scope of itsconsolidated ?nancial statements.


All information and data used in thisReport are from formal documentsand publicly disclosed documents ofthe Company. Any con?ict between?nancial data referenced herein and?nancial data contained in the annualreport shall be subject to the annualreport. All amounts are expressed inChinese yuan unless otherwise stated.

Data Sources

This Report has been prepared withreference to the Guidelines forEnvironmental Information Disclosure ofListed Companies on the Shanghai StockExchange, Environmental, Social andGovernance Reporting Guide in Appen-dix C2 to the Listing Rules of the StockExchange of Hong Kong (SEHK), GlobalReporting Initiative Standards (GRIStandards), United Nations Sustain-able Development Goals (UN SDGs),and Recommendations of the TaskForce on Climate-related FinancialDisclosures (TCFD).


This Report is issued electronically andavailable in the Sustainable Develop-ment module of the website ofTongwei (www.tongwei.com.cn) andthe website of the Shanghai StockExchange (www.sse.com.cn).


To enhance the Company's ESGmanagement level, improve the qualityof ESG information disclosure, anddrive the Company to live the ESGdevelopment concept, the Companysincerely seeks comments fromreaders (refer to Reader's OpinionForm for details). Please send youropinions and comments to twesg@ton-gwei.com.

Feedback from Readers


Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Energy transition has become the world's commonmission inevitably. In recent years, China has builtthe world's largest power generation system usingclean energy, becoming a pioneer leading theworld's energy pattern revolution. In 2023, the“new three” of China's manufacturing prowess,namely new energy vehicles, lithium batteries, andPV products, sold well overseas, injecting strongmomentum into the green transformation of theworld's economic and social development. In detail,the PV industry has become China's mostcompetitive and in?uential strategic emergingindustry worldwide, accounting for over 70% of theglobal market shares. As the leading enterprise inthe global PV industry, we are deeply aware of thecrucial responsibility of promoting green andlow-carbon social development that we shoulder.We consistently adhere to the operation policy of"Focus, Execution and E?ciency", gatheringmomentum for innovation, summoning strengthfor the industry, and injecting energy intodevelopment.

Since its inception in the aquatic feed sector, Tongwei has made a leap fromagriculture to PV, achieving a globally leading position in both of its corebusinesses. Leveraging outstanding innovation capability and marketcompetitiveness, we achieved an annual revenue of 139.104 billion yuan.Carefully grasping the key opportunities in the development of clean energy, wedeeply engaged in the development and exploration of green agriculture andgreen energy, contributing to China's goal of becoming the leading country inthe global PV industry.

In 2023, we came to stand at a critical juncture in the world.

This year, Tongwei took the lead in embracing international standards, o?ciallybecoming one of the ?rst companies in China's PV industry chain to obtain theISO 37301 compliance management systems certi?cate. Meanwhile, wecontinuously optimized the Company's sustainable development managementsystem. In detail, this year, we o?cially transformed the Energy ManagementCommittee into the ESG Management Committee, deepening its engagement inESG, re?ning ESG management and improving ESG decision-making. Besides, weimproved our information disclosure quality, enhanced the transparency of ourbusiness operations, and actively accepted the supervision of our shareholders.We ensured our business's compliance with business ethics and continuouslydeepened our anti-corruption measures to prevent ethical risks.

In 2023, we continuously improved management, strengthening thecompliance of the management system.

Message from the Chairman

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Tongwei continuously improved channels for employee development as wewere committed to the mutual development of our employees and the Companyand we paid attention to our employees' well-being, striving to build a diversi?edand healthy workplace featuring equality. This year, we signed the UnitedNations Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs), continuing to promote genderequality and contributing to our e?orts to unleash the power of women.Externally, we bore in mind the recognition and suggestions from all sectors ofsociety, adhering to the concept of “Build Together, Govern Together, and ShareTogether”. It was our responsibility to become a responsible and world-leadinggreen food supplier and clean energy operator while we leveraged our leadingrole in the supply chain to jointly ful?ll green responsibilities with value chainpartners.

In 2023, we made both internal and external e?orts, as we collaboratedclosely with various sectors of society.

We adhered to the carbon reduction paths covering the whole value chain morestrictly while we continuously explored opportunities in PV technology andsustainable agriculture and animal husbandry solutions to achieve net zero. Thisyear, we joined the RE100 global initiative, committing to achieve a 100%renewable energy electricity usage rate by 2030 while accelerating towards thegoal of net-zero emissions for the grid alongside global enterprises. Whilestriving for excellence in exploring comprehensive PV technologies such ashigh-purity polysilicon, high-e?ciency solar cells and modules, andAquaculture-Photovoltaic Integration, as a promoter of green agriculture, we

In 2023, the unusual heatwave made us more clearly aware of the urgentneed for mitigating and addressing climate change.

continuously explored non-grain protein sources to enhance the sustainability ofagriculture and animal husbandry products under climate stress, making agreater contribution to the global response to climate change.Looking back at 2023, Tongwei steadily forged ahead amid economic changes.We have consistently maintained a strong con?dence in development, leavingour mark with ordinary steps on solid ground. With the past behind us and afuture with in?nite possibilities ahead, we will maintain a positive attitude inconveying sustainable concepts to shareholders, fully leveraging Tongwei'spivotal role in the industry, empowering industry development with greenopportunities, and writing a new brilliant chapter with high-quality products,services, and a responsible attitude.

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Tongwei · For Better Life

Introduction to TongweiCompany Culture

For better lifeVision

Striving for Excellence andContributing to Society

PurposeManagement Philosophy

Headquartered in Chengdu, Sichuan, Tongwei Co., Ltd., established in1995, is a large-scale private technology-based listed company controlledby Tongwei Group. It holds a leading position in the e?cient synergy ofgreen agriculture and green energy. Over the years, the Company hasdeveloped by leaps and bounds and has become a national key enterprisefor agricultural industrialization, a major global producer of aquatic feed,and a leading manufacturer of high-purity polysilicon and silicon crystalcells worldwide. Currently, the Company has more than 200 branches andsubsidiaries globally, with more than 50,000 employees.Based on the two main businesses, agriculture and new energy, Tongweihas created unique competitiveness from the Aquaculture-PhotovoltaicIntegration mode. For the future, it focuses on food safety and energytransition, two issues concerning the future of mankind, with the aim ofbecoming a world-class safe food supplier and a world-class clean energyoperator.Originating in aquatic products, growing up in agriculture and animalhusbandry, and expanding to the new energy sector, Tongwei alwaysadheres to the real economy, practices the philosophy of serving thepeople with industry, never forgets our original ideals and aspirations, andcontinues to implement the dream of green development.

Being Sincere and



Winning Trustby CredibilityTrust

Running Businesswith Fairness andLegitimacy


Taking the Leadwith GuaranteedExcellence


About Tongwei

Adhere to the

managingphilosophy of"Focus, Execu-tion andE?ciency".

Implement therequirementof "Executewith clarityand precision".

Follow theprinciple thate?ciency, details,and speed arekey.Work diligently,smartly, andurgently.

Stay strategicallyfocused,con?dent, andenhance one'sabilities.

Stay unitedand preciselyimplement



Business OverviewTongwei develops a coordinated development mode with the integration of resources from agriculture and photovoltaics, and is committed to providing the wholesociety with healthy and safe green food and clean energy that have you assured.

Deeply rooted in aquaculture, the agriculture and animalhusbandry business focusing on the feed industry has beenextended to aquaculture and livestock and poultry industry.With continuous e?orts, it strives to create a green industrychain that is safe, healthy and traceable, thereby becoming aworld-class safe food supplier.

Our PV business mainly consists of the production of high-puritypolysilicon production, high-e?ciency solar cells and modules and PVclean electricity. Currently, we have built a vertically integratedindustry chain, spanning from the production of high-puritypolysilicon (upstream), the production of high-e?ciency solar cellsand modules (midstream), and the construction and operation of PVpower stations (downstream), with leading scale, technology, costand quality advantages, and the intent to become a world-class cleanenergy operator.

Agriculture and Animal Husbandry

PV industry

PV Power Stations










JilinLiaoningInner MongoliaAutonomous RegionNingxia HuiAutonomous Region



Agriculture and Animal HusbandryPV IndustryBusiness Layout


Tongwei Yongxiang has an intelligentmanufacturing line that has a large singlescale, low comprehensive energyconsumption, a new integration oftechnologies and high quality. Currently, theannual capacity for high-purity polysiliconexceeded450,000 tons.Tongwei Solar now has solar cell andmodule production bases all over thecountry. Currently, the Company canproduce95 GW of solar cells and 75 GWof modules.Tongwei New Energy has constructed

power stations based onAquaculture-Photovoltaic Integration inover 20 provinces and cities in China, witha cumulative grid connection of


GW by the end of this reporting period,an annual electricity settlement of

4.432 billion kWh in 2023 and a carbon

emission reduction of

3.30 million tons.

Production ofHigh-PurityPolysilicon

Production ofHigh-e?ciency SolarCells and ModulesConstruction andOperation of PVPower Stations

In terms of the feed business, the Company isengaged in research, production and sale ofaquaculture feeds, and livestock and poultryfeeds. For now, the annual capacity of theCompany exceeded10 million tons.The Company maintains an intelligentaquaculture mode where all processes such aswater quality monitoring, environmentmonitoring, water quality regulation, precisefeeding, and regulation and management ofgrowth status are digit-driven, precise,automatic and environmental-friendly.The Company performs the entire process offood quality monitoring from source to tableand enhances the value and competitiveness ofthe modern aquaculture chain.The Company strives to build the ?rst ?shbrand “Tongwei Fish” in China, and realize “onecode for one ?sh” and the traceability of thewhole feeding process, with an aim to provideconsumers with healthy and safe high-qualityfood.




Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


About Tongwei—Participation in InternationalInitiativesIn 2023, we participated in 7 international initiatives related to sustainabledevelopment.

The 28th Conference of the Parties to theUNFCCC (COP28): Tongwei Initiative DrivesZero-carbon Development

Tongwei Co., Ltd. joins the CorporationCarbon Neutral Action (CCNA)

Tongwei Co., Ltd. participates in launching andsigning the Intelligent Climate & Eco-CivilizationInitiative

Tongwei Co., Ltd. signs UN Women'sEmpowerment Principles (WEPs)

Tongwei Co., Ltd. has joined the UnitedNations Global Compact(UNGC)

Tongwei Co., Ltd. participates in launching andsigning the “Capacity Building Project forSino-Africa Collaboration on Renewable EnergyDevelopment”

Tongwei Co., Ltd. joins the RE100

Tongwei Solar (Hefei) Co., Ltd. joins the ScienceBased Targets initiative (SBTi)

Joining hands in South-South cooperation to support sustainableenergy development in AfricaTongwei has taken part in initiating and witnessing the o?cial launch ofthe "Capacity Building Project for Sino-Africa Collaboration on RenewableEnergy Development". It is hoped that Chinese renewable energycompanies will join hands to help Africa's economy, industry, and energysectors onto a path of sustainability, demonstrating the high-leveldevelopment of the China-Africa community of shared future in the newera.

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


The purpose behind Tongwei’s participation in initiating and signing theIntelligent Climate & Eco-Civilization Initiative is to utilize the power oftechnology to encourage more global partners to get involved, thusaccelerating actions and cooperation towards green and low-carbonobjectives.

Utilizing technological power to accelerate collaboration on green andlow-carbon initiatives

Tongwei’s pioneering Aquaculture-Photovoltaic Integration developmentmodel, which allows for both power generation and ?sh farming, hasattracted widespread attention and recognition.Tongwei Dongying Aquaculture-Photovoltaic Integration Ecological Park hasbeen selected by the World Resources Institute as the cover case for theCOP28 "Photovoltaic + Agriculture" theme.Tongwei's Aquaculture-Photovoltaic Integration model has been includedin the 2023 Business Climate Action Cases jointly released by the C Team andthe Center for Environmental Education and Communications of theMinistry of Ecology and Environment.

Tongwei's Aquaculture-Photovoltaic Integration paints a green pictureof the "Photovoltaic +" industry

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Tongwei Data

Operating revenue


billion yuan

Total Assets


billion yuan

As of the present

Annual productioncapacity of feed

million tonsOver

Annual productioncapacity of high-puritypolysilicon450,000tons

Production capacity ofhigh-e?ciency solarmodules

GWAnnual productioncapacity of solar cells


Aquaculture-PhotovoltaicIntegration grid connection



Total tax


billion yuanBasic earnings per share




Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress



Proportion of the Company’sshares held by employees




billion yuan

Number of green factorycerti?cations as of the present

Proportion of recycledwater


Number of carbon footprintcerti?cations for products

Increase in the total number ofemployees compared to 202237%

Increase in the number of femaleemployees compared to 202226%

Year-on-year increase of R&Dpersonnel17%

R&D investment


billion yuanNumber of newlyauthorized patents

Clean energy electricity consumption18,722,308.47



Number of businessethics audit

Number of trainingsessions foranti-corruption

Number of ISO 37301compliance managementsystems certi?cates

Proportion ofindependent directors


Proportion of femaledirectors



Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Topic 1Advance with Resilience for a New Power System

The new power system is a technological revolution with new energy as the main body,innovation as the fundamental driving force, and digital intelligence as the key means. Itaims to address the complex issues of integrating new energy sources and ensuringreliable power supply through a series of cutting-edge technologies and innovativestrategies, thereby promoting sustainable development in the energy sector. The typicalmodel of the new power system, known as “generation-grid-load-storage”, representsthe main challenges that need to be tackled in the construction of the network.Currently, the development of new power systems faces multiple challenges such asimbalances in power production and consumption, uneven distribution of energyresources across regions, complex grid operations, increased issues with grid safety andstability, and imperfect market mechanisms. Therefore, managing the variability on thesupply side, enhancing interconnectivity on the grid side, and bolstering electri?cationon the demand side are crucial prerequisites and core elements for the transformationand development of new power systems.The Company recognizes that building a new power system that smoothly transitionsand e?ectively integrates new and traditional energy sources is essential for promotingChina’s green and low-carbon energy transformation. As part of the PV industry, thecompany also faces the crucial task of contributing to the development of a new powersystem suited to China’s speci?c conditions, with a stronger capacity for integrating newenergy sources. Therefore, we are committed to leading the PV industry andcontinuously voicing strong support for photovoltaics on important platforms like theNational People’s Congress, contributing our wisdom and strength to the constructionand development of the new power system.In 2023, facing the multifaceted challenges and transformations of the new powersystem, Mr. Liu Hanyuan, a director of Tongwei and a deputy to the National People’sCongress, actively proposed three motions during the sessions to promote thedevelopment of China’s new energy industry.

Challenge oneAs the proportion of new energy sources continues to increase,how can the power system cope with the strong randomness andvolatility of new energy generation?

In order to provide robust support for the integration of large-scale,high-proportion renewable energy and facilitate the creation of a newtype of power system in line with a low-carbon Chinese initiative, it isrecommended to further intensify policy incentives, keep pace with thedevelopment speed of renewable energy, and focus on the constructionof large-scale pumped storage facilities during the “14th Five-Year Plan”and the “15th Five-Year Plan” period; to further enhance the developmentof new forms of energy storage, support the investment and constructionof new energy storage systems involved in peak shaving and frequencyregulation, guide and encourage market entities to get engaged in energystorage services, and address issues concerning energy storage throughmarket mechanisms; to accelerate the formulation of supportive policiesand measures for integrating electric vehicles into the grid energy storagesystem.

Speed up the construction of a system with multiple forms ofenergy storage and advance the process towards a low-carbonsociety in China.

Motion one

Challenge twoWith the large-scale integration of new energy, how can the powersystem absorb renewable energy in di?erent distribution patterns?

For the purpose of monitoring and accurately quantifying the carbonemissions from power consumption, and promoting the green andlow-carbon transformation of enterprises, it is advisable to construct adatabase for carbon emission factors that is authentic, traceable,comprehensive, and e?ective and constantly updates its data fromnational, regional, and provincial grids; to accelerate the development ofgreen power trading mechanisms, which help to avoid the issue of asingle project obtaining multiple environmental rights simultaneously;and to intensify e?orts to launch pilot programs for green power tradingin regions rich in green power resources that meet internationalstandards, thereby enhancing the green and low-carbon competitivenessof Chinese enterprises and products in the global market.

Establish a database for carbon emission factors of the grid andimprove the green power trading mechanism.

Motion two

Challenge threeAs land costs for PV power stations rapidly increase, how can weexpand the applications of new energy in various scenarios to saveland resources e?ectively?

With the continuous increase of ?oating PV projects, relevant governmentdepartments have introduced policies to balance the construction of PVstations with the use and protection of rivers and lakes as well asaquaculture. It is suggested to ?rmly implement the principle of “noone-size-?ts-all” policies, to properly handle problems left over from thepast. Authorities should issue detailed rules for implementation, unifystandards across regions, and review ?oating PV projects in a scienti?c,standardized, and regulated manner. Under the guidance of the Ministryof Agriculture and Rural A?airs, leading aquaculture enterprises, researchinstitutes, and universities work together in the"Industry-University-Research" initiative, to jointly develop nationalstandards for Aquaculture-Photovoltaic complementary projects, thuspromoting the healthy and orderly development of the industry.

Support the development of ?oating photovoltaic projects topromote the e?cient and compound use of land resources.Motion three

BioenergyElectricityCoalNatural gasOil

Total primary energy demand mix-Worldwide


Data sourced from IEA, with 2050 IEA NZE energy mix

In the face of global climate challenges thatthreaten both human survival and development,it has become a global consensus to pushforward with clean energy and drive the greenand low-carbon transformation of economic andsocial frameworks. In response, China hascommitted to ambitious carbon peak and carbonneutrality goals, contributing its strength tobolster global climate resilience.Energy plays a pivotal role in this eco-friendlyrevolution, with electricity at the forefront oftransformative e?orts. According to the “WorldEnergy Outlook 2023” from the InternationalEnergy Agency (IEA), electricity will lead the way inthe future energy structure. As new energytechnologies scale up, global power supply willgradually transform into a new power systemprimarily driven by clean energy in the future.

Topic 2Marching toward a Sustainable Future with Leading Innovation

Renewable energy power generation is the primary technologicalsupport for the generation side of the new type of power system.Predominantly represented by wind and solar energy, it possesses thetechnical characteristics of being low-carbon and clean. It is a signi?cantbreakthrough in promoting the grid integration and consumption ofrenewable energy. In recent years, our country's solar PV technologyhas made breakthroughs, and its proportion in the new energy powergeneration mix has continued to grow. In the future, it will become amainstay of the electricity supply system. Therefore, continuing toadvance core technology research in the PV sector and accelerating theconstruction of solar power stations across di?erent regions will be thekey development path for achieving high-quality and sustainabledevelopment of our country's power system.As a leading PV enterprise integrating the production of high-puritypolysilicon (upstream), production of high-e?ciency solar cells andmodules (midstream), and construction and operation of PV powerstations (downstream), Tongwei has always been committed toadvancing its PV Integration layout, utilizing the synergies of upstreamand downstream collaboration to accelerate research anddevelopment, with continuous technological breakthroughs achieved in?elds such as cell e?ciency and module power. By continuouslyenhancing the production capacity of high-purity polysilicon and cells,and leveraging the scale and cost advantages, we support the reductionof global solar PV costs. Meanwhile, we lead the development of the PVindustry with advanced technology, providing strong technical supportfor promoting the global energy transition, and contributing to theachievement of carbon neutrality with "Tongwei Energy".

Focus on the Depth of PV IntegrationTongwei's core technology of TOPCon continues to lead theindustry's progress

Tongwei has developed the industry's ?rst 210 PECVD Poly pilot line. Tongweicontinues to lead the industry's technological innovation as 50% of theindustry's TOPCon capacity currently applies PECVD technology.

E?ciency of cells in massproduction


The highest power of Tongwei182-72 TNC module (T?VRheinland Certi?cation)


Tongwei's HJT technology is highly advanced in the industryTongwei is one of the earliest companies exploring HJT technology in theindustry and has ?rst completed the development of double-sidedmicrocrystalline in the industry.

E?ciency of cells in R&Dstage


The highest power of Tongwei210-66 THC module (T?V S?DCerti?cation)


Tongwei actively expands multiple high-tech R&D lines and continuesto improve the e?ciency and performance of solar cells, expanding thescope of the integration through pattern innovation.

As one of the important participants and drivers in the development ofPV new energy industry in China and even the world, Tongwei deeplyunderstands scienti?c and technological innovation's importance to thedevelopment of corporates and the PV industry, and even the world'ssustainable development. We continuously strengthen our edge in R&Dand always focus on exploring advanced technologies. With PVIntegration layout as the cornerstone, we focus on its depth,consolidate its stability, and expand its scope, continuously increasingthe value we create, promoting industrial development, and furtherpromoting low-carbon China.

Expand the Scope of PV Integration

Deploy multiple technologies to achieve breakthroughs incapacity and e?ciencyCurrently, Tongwei has deployed R&D in terms of technologies such asTOPCon, HJT, IBC, Perovskite/HJT tandem, with research facilities such aspilot lines and laboratories for them respectively. So far, industry-leadingachievements have been made.

The e?ciency of backcontact p-TBC solarcell in pilot productionhas achieved


The e?ciency of backcontact n-TBC solarcell in pilot productionhas achieved


The e?ciency ofPerovskite/HJT tandemsolar cell in pilotproduction has achieved


Explore the Future of PV Integration

In 2023, Tongwei Global Innovation R&D Center commenced construction tocreate a crucial engine that, over the next 5, 10, or even more years, will assistthe Company in risk mitigation, direction ?nding, market positioning, andleading R&D trends. The center is dedicated to establishing an innovativelandmark that matches the Company’s industry standing and aims to reachthe level of an exemplary national enterprise technology center.Tongwei Global Innovation R&D Center focuses on the R&D, pilot testing, andmass production transfer of silicon solar wafers, cells, and module products. Itis committed to providing technical support and a patent reserve for theindustrialization of the next generation of high-e?ciency batteries, throughthe development of hardware conditions, R&D teams, research anddevelopment achievements, and R&D demonstrations.

The planned total area of Tongwei's Global InnovationR&D Center (excluding supporting facilities)113,000㎡


TBC R&DModule R&DHJT, THL and Perovskite R&D

Photovoltaic Testing Center

Tongwei Global Innovation R&D Center, Chengdu·Shuangliu

The data on this page is updated as of April 2024.

Consolidate the Stability of PV IntegrationTongwei has built multiple technological pilot lines to explore thepossibility of the industrialization of advanced technologies, andenhance its technology reserve and conditions for mass production,aiming to maintain the technological stability of the integration.The pilot Copper interconnection equipment meets thecapacity standardsIn the ?eld of heterojunction, Tongwei took the lead in developing theadvanced technology of Copper interconnection metalization, committed toachieving non-silver heterojunction cells. In 2023, the Companycomprehensively upgraded equipment, materials and processes. Moreover,by developing THL pilot lines, the industry's ?rst major reliability problem ofheterojunction+Copper interconnection was solved. So far, an overall THLplan for industry-leading mass production at GW level with Tongweicharacteristics has been formed.

ESG Management and GovernanceTongwei remains committed to sustainable development, integrating PV power generation with modern ?sheries, and creating multiple bene?ts for the economy,environment, and society. We actively respond to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and are dedicated to continuously enhancing our ESGgovernance level, thus contributing to global sustainable development.



Good healthand well-being

Gender equality

Clean water &sanitation

A?ordable andclean energy

Decent work& EconomicGrowth



Sustainablecities andcommunities

Responsibleconsumptionand production

Climate action

??Life below water

Life on land

Peace, justiceand stronginstitutions

Partnershipsfor the goals

Quality education

P146-147 / Partners for Diversity and Progress-Value Contribution to Community

P55-56 / Pioneering Product Innovation-R&D and Innovation

P138-145 / Partners for Diversity andProgress-Occupational Health and Safety

P114-120 / Partners for Diversity andProgress-Employee Rights and Bene?tsProtectionP88-103 / Green and Low CarbonPractices-Climate Change Response

P111-112 / Green and Low Carbon Practices-Biodiversity


P85-87 / Green and Low CarbonPractices-Environmental Management SystemP104-107 / Green and Low Carbon Practices-

Pollution and Waste Management

P30-41 / Robust Corporate Operations- Corporate Governance

P42-49 / Robust Corporate Operations- Business Ethics

P74-81 / Responsible Supply Chain Management-Supply Chain ManagementP82-83 / Responsible Supply Chain Management-Sustainable Supply Chain

P88-92 / Green and Low Carbon Practices-Climate Change

ResponseP104-106 / Green and Low Carbon Practices-Pollution and

Waste Management

P107-110 / Green and Low Carbon Practices-WaterResource ManagementP92-97 / Green and Low Carbon Practices-Climate ChangeResponseP114-120 / Partners for Diversity and Progress-Employee Rights andBene?ts ProtectionP114-120 / Partners for Diversity and Progress-Employee Rights and Bene?ts Protection

P146-147 / Partners for Diversity and Progress-Value Contribution to Community

P51-60 / Pioneering Product Innovation-R&D and InnovationP61-64 / Pioneering Product Innovation-Digital Transformation

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


ESG Strategy

In 2023, Tongwei continuously optimized its sustainable development strategy, adopting the mission “Together to Win”, and proposed the core concepts of “BuildTogether,” “Govern Together,” and “Share Together”. The Company also sustained in-depth communications with stakeholders to further clarify the four major ESGstrategic directions: harmonious partnerships, robust development, beautiful ecology, and value creation. We have fully integrated the United Nations SDGs into theCompany’s ESG strategy, creating a sustainably better new life for society through practical actions.




Together to Win












































Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Committed to green and low-carbondevelopment, achieving a harmonioussymbiosis between business development andenvironmental protection, and continuouslysharing a beautiful ecological environment

Winning Environment

People-oriented, building a green ecologicalindustry chain with upstream anddownstream partners through the establish-ment of a long-term and mutually trustingcooperative relationship

Winning People

Continuously improving the level of corporatesustainability governance, participating inglobal ESG governance, and strengtheningoperational resilience

Winning Progress

Creating economic value while sharingeconomic vitality with society throughinnovative business models and productsWinning Economy




















































we published 10 com-mitments to sustain-able development and



Principle of Diversi?ed Board of

Directors and Its Performance

Business Ethics Code of Conduct

Anti-commercial Bribery Statement

Environmental ManagementCommitment and Policy

Biological Diversity Conservation

Commitment and Policy

Human Rights Commitment and PolicyAnti-harassment and Anti-discrimination

Commitment and Policy

Occupational Health and Safety

Commitment and Policy

Supplier Code of


Con?ict MineralsCommitment and


Upholding the mission of “Strivingfor Excellence and Contributing toSociety”, Tongwei regardssustainable development as key tocorporate growth. The Companyconsistently attaches equalimportance to business value andsocial responsibility, committing toconducting all its businesses withhigher ethical standards andcorporate governance norms.We strictly comply with the legalregulations of the locations whereour business operations aresituated. In the absence of explicitlocal regulations, we will act inaccordance with the Company’srelevant sustainable developmentcommitments and policies.Moreover, the Companyencourages, supports, andcollaborates with suppliers andpartners to build and govern thepath toward sustainabledevelopment together.

Sustainable Development Commitments and Policies

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and Low

Carbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


We commit to operate in an honest and compliant manner, establishand improve our compliance and risk management systems coveringanti-monopoly, unfair competition, anti-commercial bribery andanti-corruption, and abide by the highest standards of businessethics.

Business Ethics

We commit to strictly comply with the regulatory requirements forenvironmental protection in the region where we operate in termsof resource utilization and emission management; adopt e?cientand innovative technologies and measures to combat climatechange, thus minimizing the environmental impact of our businessoperations.

Environmental Protection

We commit to actively respond to the Universal Declaration ofHuman Rights, safeguard and respect the human rights andlegitimate rights and interests of all employees, and prohibit childlabor, forced labor and human tra?cking; resolutely opposediscrimination, harassment and other insulting behaviors;creating a safe, healthy, diversi?ed, and inclusive workplace foremployees.

Human Rights and Labor

We commit to abide by international conventions and industryinitiatives such as the United Nations Global Compact and Responsi-ble Minerals Initiative (RMI), purchase tin, tantalum, tungsten, gold,cobalt and other mineral raw materials responsibly used forproducts, and make every e?ort to ensure that all raw materials forproducts are acquired lawfully.

Con?ict Minerals

We commit to incorporate environmental and social factors into oursupplier management mechanism in an orderly manner, strengthen-ing supplier performance management in human rights, environmen-tal protection, safety and health, business ethics and other relevantaspects, and building a sustainable supply chain.

Supply Chain Management

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Sustainable Development Goals

During the last reporting period, we set up and have continuouslypromoted the sustainable development goals of 2023, and so far wehave made primary achievements. Through the joint e?orts of all thesta?, the goals have been implemented e?ectively and accomplished.

Achieved value


million tonsof water

Target value


million tonsof waterWater Saving Goal

?ISO 37301 Compliance manage-

ment system?ISO 50001 Energy management

system?ISO 14001 Environmental

management system?ISO 45001 Occupational health

and safety management system?GB/T 23001 Integration of

informatization and industrializa-

tion management?SA8000 Certi?cation & Audits-So-

cial Accountability?Kiwa's SEE on-site certi?cation?ISO 14064 GHG certi?cate?ISO 14067 Carbon footprint of

products certi?cate

Goal of 2022

Actual completionof 2023

ESG-related systemcerti?cation projects


?Polycrystalline silicon producttraceability management project?Module product traceability

management project?Projects of sustainable surveyand evaluation of TongweiModules’ suppliers

Goal of 2022

Actual completionof 2023

sustainable social responsibilitysupply chain projects


?Completed CDP and CSAquestionnaires

Goal of 2022

Actual completion

of 2023

information disclosureprojects


?Participated in the developmentof3 ESG/carbon-related

standards?Joined7 initiatives related tointernational sustainabledevelopment?Published the Company's

measures for the administration

of energy

Goal of 2022


of 2023

Other 8 ESG projects


Speci?c performance of ESG projects

?Carried out carbon emissionaccounting and veri?cationprojects within the Company'sScope 1, 2 and 3, including theHead O?ce and86 branches

and subsidiaries, achieving acoverage of over99% of GHG

emissions at the operationallevel.

Goal of 2022

Actual completion

of 2023

carbon emission accountingand veri?cation projects


?Meishan base intelligent energy saving management system project?15mm square silicon core production increase and consumptionreduction technology improvement project?B1 cooling station comprehensive e?ciency improvement project?Total water consumption reduction project in slicing workshop?Nitrogen energy saving improvement project in cell plant 3?Reduction of comprehensive energy consumption of cement/clinker

technical improvement project?Intelligent energy-saving gas station project?Process cooling system for laminator equipment feel cooling project?Energy saving and emission reduction project based on air compres-sor-boiler?Air compressor heat recovery preheating ultra-pure water project?Integrated energy management project for Tonghe plant a?airs?Natural gas boiler to commercial steam transformation project?Biomass boiler to natural gas boiler transformation project (1)?Biomass boiler to natural gas boiler transformation project (2)?145-line dryer drain valve to steam trap transformation project?Ultra-micro process energy conservation project?Steam energy conservation transformation project?Air compressor energy conservation transformation project

Goal of 2022

energy saving and carbon reduction technologytransformation key projects


Actual completionof 2023

? 11 modules products?7 cells products?2 silicon wafers products

?1 high-purity polysilicon


Goal of 2022

product carbon footprint andlife-cycle assessment projects


Actualcompletionof 2023

?Tongwei energy and carbonmanagement system?Yongxiang energy and carbon

management system?Tongwei Solar (Meishan) energy

and carbon management system?Tongwei Solar (Jintang) energy

and carbon management system?Tongwei Solar (Yancheng) energy

and carbon management system

Goal of 2022

Actual completionof 2023

energy carbon digitalizationprojects


Speci?c performance of climate action projects

Achieved value100%

Target value100%

The Coverage of the Sustainable Survey andEvaluation of Tongwei Modules’ suppliers

Achieved value


Target value


Carry out ESG and Climate Action Programs

In addition, our other long-term sustainability goals have been transformed into internal and external policies and institutional documents, establishing a regularmanagement system for these objectives. Besides, we continuously update and advance these sustainability goals based on our progress throughout the year.The company will timely review, follow up, adjust, and update these sustainability goals in response to domestic and international policies, regulatoryrequirements, and industry trends.

The rate of integritycommitment signedby suppliers100%

The signing rate for social responsi-bility commitments from primaryraw material suppliers in the PVmanufacturing sector will achieve


by the end of 2024

The rate of ESG risk identi?cationand assessment among primaryraw material suppliers in the PVmanufacturing sector will achieve100%

by the end of 2025

The on-site audit rate for coresuppliers of primary rawmaterials in the PV manufactur-ing sector will achieve100%

by the end of 2026


The internal audit on anti-corruption and sta? training rate in key positions each year will achieve




in 2024The Company’s waterconservation goal

The carbon emission reductionrate we strive to achievecompared with that in 2020

The percentage of usage ofrenewable energy forelectricity we plan to achieve


by 2023


by 2025

We strive to achievecarbon neutrality atthe operating levelby 2023

million tonsof water

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


ESG Management Committee

Sustainable Development Working Group


AuditInformationFinancialESGrepresenta-tive fromEachDepartment

PV CommercePV Technology CenterBusinessSectorsESG Manage-


Feed businessFood business

Polysilicon businessSolar Cell businessPV Module business

PV Power Station


Core Operation Management

ESG Management Working Groups

Strategy and Sustainable Development Committee

Board of Directors

Overall supervision and strategic

decision-makingConduct research on strategic matters and ESGdevelopment, and propose recommendationsSpeci?c decisions for incorporating ESG into all

aspects of operations

Professional empowerment

ESG strategic planning and performance


Participate in the setting of ESG goalsand the planning of ESG action path,implement ESG practices, and collectand report information and data in time





ESG Governance

The Company has built a three-level(decision-making level, managementlevel and execution level) ESGmanagement structure consisting of theBoard of Directors, ESG ManagementCommittee, and ESG ManagementWorking Groups/SustainableDevelopment Management Group. Onthis basis, the Company incorporatedthe core operation management, and allfunctional departments and businessesinto the ESG management system, tomake concerted e?orts from top tobottom and from bottom to top andgive full play to the advantages ofcross-sectoral and cross-functionalcollaborative advantages, ensuringrobust operation and sustainabledevelopment of the Company.In 2023, the Company renamed the"Energy Management Committee" tothe "ESG Management Committee" tofurther re?ne ESG responsibilities andauthorities, and to expand the scope ofmanagement issues.

Management Structure

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversity

and Progress


?Determine the signi?cance of ESG matters andtake them into business consideration;?Formulate the review the Company’s ESGpolicies, strategies, regulations andspeci?cations;?Supervise the implementation of ESG strategies.?Regularly report the ESG management progressand performance to the ESG ManagementCommittee, convey the Board’s ESG decisions toall departments, and mobilize all departmentsand business segments to implement ESGstrategies;?Identify ESG risks and opportunities, improve the

ESG risk management process, and urge themanagement to develop ESG plans and goals thathelp reduce risks and discover long-term value;?Determine the departments in charge of

sustainable development, and organize andcoordinate all departments and businesssegments to carry out sustainable developmentpractices;?Organize the communication and participation ofESG stakeholders, coordinate and integrateresources to promote cross-businesscooperation, and create a sustainable businessecosystem.





?Make decisions on and supervise ESG matters,and provide guidance for the Company’sstrategic deployment for sustainabledevelopment;?Review, approve and update ESG guidelines,policies, strategic objectives and plans;?Review and discuss annual ESG reports andsigni?cant ESG matters.

Board ofDirectors

?Research on the Company’s sustainabledevelopment and ESG matters, and provideadvice accordingly;?Authorize ESG Management Committee to carry

out speci?c tasks.

Strategy andSustainableDevelopmentCommittee

?Get to know the progress of ESG managementevery month, solve the key and di?cultproblems in sustainable development, andprovide decision support for ESG managementin each operation link.Core OperationManagement


?The ESG Management Committee is led by theChairman, and composed of 8 core executivesfrom di?erent businesses.?Regularly report the progress of ESGmanagement to the Board and coremanagement;ESGManagementCommittee

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress




Sustainable Development Management Group is a specialized ESG teamCapacity buildingOrganize the management and employees to participate in specialized learning on ESG, mobilize internal and external resources to developESG training courses, carry out all-round promotion activities, and promote the Company’s innovation in sustainable development.

BenchmarkingFollow the world’s leading ESG standards, analyze the gap with benchmarking enterprises, analyze and summarize the Company’s currentsituation of ESG, and provide professional support, countermeasures and solutions.Standardization

Establish the Company’s ESG indicator system according to the ESG information disclosure principles at home and abroad, and clarify thescope and requirements of information and data reporting.Information disclosurePrepare and publish ESG reports, and ensure the authenticity, accuracy and timeliness of the Company’s ESG-related information disclosure.

ESGRepresentativefrom EachDepartment

Each functional department of the Head O?ce has an ESG representative who is responsible for participating in the setting of ESG goals andplanning of ESG action path, carrying out specialized training on ESG, putting into practice the overall ESG strategy of the Head O?ce, andreporting the action progress in time.BusinessSectorsESG Manage-mentWorking Group

Depending on its characteristics, each of the Company’s six major business segments sets up an Energy Management Center orInter-departmental Working Group which is responsible for participating in the Head O?ce’s ESG goal setting and action path planning,carrying out ESG practice within its business segment, putting into practice the overall ESG strategy of the Head O?ce, and reporting theaction progress in time.

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


To e?ectively advance the Company's ESG management work, the company has established an ESG rolling management mechanism. This mechanism dynamicallyidenti?es and controls ESG risks and opportunities in the process of production and operation. ESG analysis and improvement meetings are regularly organized acrossall departments and business groups. Additionally, regular reports are presented to the Board and core management to promptly optimize and adjust ESG managementstrategies, ensuring the e?ective implementation of ESG management across all departments and business segments.

Management Mechanism

th day

On the 5th day of each month, theESG Management Committee reportsthe following matters to the Boardand core operation management?ESG improvement measures?Problems and di?culties thatneed to be solved by the manage-ment?Work plan and arrangements for

the next month

th day

On the 20th day of each month, theESG Management Working Groupshold an “ESG Analysis and Improve-ment Meeting of Tongwei Co., Ltd.”?Summarize the experience in ESG

management?Discuss the problems that need

to bei solved by the Head O?ce?Set tasks for the next stage

th day

On the 30th day of each month, theESG Management Working Groupsreport the following matters to themembers of the ESG ManagementCommittee?Carry out data collection, statisticsand analysis?Identify major ESG risks andopportunities?Develop improvement action

plans and suggestions

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


The Company links the key performance indicators related to ESG to the salaries of the ESG Management Committee, the Sustainable Development ManagementGroup, and persons in charge of business segments, assesses the key ESG performance indicators, commends and rewards outstanding projects and individuals, anddeprive the departments and individuals that fail to meet the advanced targets of the eligibility of the assessment of outstanding departments and outstandingindividuals.

ESG Analysis and ImprovementMeetings of Tongwei were held

ESG-related meetings were held by theBoard and core operation management

ESG issues are concerned

During this reporting period

the Company conducted specialized ESG training


with employees from relevant positions participating in the trainingover

In 2023

The Company regularly organizes both internal and external training and exchanges on ESG-related themes to continuously empower the daily ESG management ofvarious business segments. In 2023, we invited external industry experts to conduct specialized training for employees involved in ESG management across di?erentsegments. The training covered a range of topics including foundational ESG knowledge, energy saving and consumption reduction, green and low-carbon practices,information systems, and management systems, further enhancing the ESG management awareness and capabilities of each operating entity.

ESG Training Empowerment

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


ESG thematic training

Theme Category





ESG& "Dual Carbon"

ESG& Green Bills

Training of the Promotion and Implementation of Measures for Energy Management of Tongwei Co., Ltd.

Construction of Intelligent and E?cient Generator Rooms

Comprehensive Solutions to Integrated Energy E?ciency Management Platform

Deep Energy Saving in Cleanrooms Based on MPC of “Mechanism Framework + Data-Driven”

Operation of Carbon and Energy Management System

Introduction to the Background of Climate Change

Quanti?cation and Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals

Introduction to Carbon Trading, Emission Reductions, Green Electricity Certi?cates, and Green Electricity

Introduction to the Carbon Footprint in France

Background of Carbon Footprint Certi?cation in European Market Products

Speci?cations for Carbon Emission Data and Supporting Material Collection

Process Mining to Enhance Enterprise Capacity for Lean Management

Construction and Declaration of National Green Factories

Zero-Carbon Factory Construction

Construction of Zero-Carbon Smart Park Information System

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


In 2023, Tongwei engaged actively in various ESG-related exchanges and activities among industries, promoting the concept of sustainable development andcollaborating with industry partners to create a sustainable future.ESG Industry Empowerment

We attended the China International Oiland Gas Trade Congress to discuss thegreen and low-carbon transformation inoil and gas trade

We attended the BNEF Summit New York to explore theconvergence of energy, ?nance, and technology

We attended the BNEF Summit to discuss the direction ofsustainable development of energy in the future

We attended the UNIDO Global Call ???? and won ?rstprize in the Clean Energy Innovation section

We attended the Green, Low-Carbon, and SustainableDevelopment Forum for Advanced Manufacturing to explorethe path of green and low-carbon transformation in manufac-turing under the “Dual Carbon” background

We attended the ???? ESG Global Leaders Conference to share a vision ofsustainable and improved living with all sectors of society

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


The Ambassador of Uzbekistan to China and hisdelegation visited Tongwei Solar Jintang Base

Liu Shuqi, the Chairman and CEO of Tongwei Co., Ltd. had afriendly exchange with the Deputy Prime Minister of Georgia

The Ambassador of Ecuador to China and his delegationvisited the Yongxiang Digital Experience Center

In 2023, Tongwei warmly welcomed ambassadors from various countries to China, engaging in friendly exchanges and discussions on the theme of sustainabledevelopment, further enhancing the friendship between the people of China and other countries.International Exchanges

The Ambassador of Pakistan to China and his delegation visited the Tongwei Experience Center

The UNDP Resident Representative in China and her delegation visited the TongweiExperience Center

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


ESG Ratings, Honors and Awards

The Company's remarkable ESG honors in 2023

Awarding organizations2023 ESG honors and awardsFirst Prize in the Global Call 2023 for “InnovativeSolutions in Clean and Smart Energy”

United Nations Industrial Development


Golden Bee Social Responsibility China List“In?uence·Leading Enterprise” Award 2023

Golden Bee Think Tank,

China Sustainability TribuneThe 8th “Value Co-Creatio” China EnterpriseSustainable Development Case “Dual CarbonGoals and Climate Change Contribution Award”

CCM CSR Promotion Center, School of

Management Fudan University and Institute of

Oriental Management Fudan University

EcoVadis Silver Medal 2023EcoVadisTop Ten Innovative Technologies Award for"Zero-Carbon China" 2023

The Investment Association of China

EY Sustainability Excellence Awards ExcellentCompany 2023

Ernst & YoungChina ESG Golden Awards 2023 Sustainabilityof the Year Award

Sina FinanceChina ESG Golden Awards 2023 EnvironmentalResponsibility of the Year Award

Sina FinanceChina ESG Golden Awards 2023 Social Responsi-bility of the Year Award

Sina FinanceEvergreen Award for Sustainable DevelopmentBene?t 2023

Caijing Magazine2023 ESG Gold MedalTimes Responsibility Forty People Forum Think TankLeading Enterprise of Chengdu Green Low-Car-bon Industry Chain

Chengdu Ecological Environment Bureau

Awarding organizationsRankingsISSB International Sustainability Disclosure Standards PioneerPartner

IFRS Foundation Beijing O?ce

Fortune China ESG In?uence List 2023FortuneGolden Bee Social Responsibility China List 2023

Golden Bee Think Tank, China

Sustainability Tribune

Forbes China Top 50 Sustainable Development IndustrialEnterprises

Forbes China2023 Forbes China Top 50 ESG Innovation EnterprisesForbes China

Top 100 ESG Listed Enterprises in ChinaChina Media GroupNFZM China Enterprise Social Responsibility ListNFZMTop 50 Chinese Enterprises Contributing to Carbon Neutralityin 2023

Forum on High-quality Develop-

ment of New Energy Storage

Industry and the 13th Global Top

500 New Energy Enterprises

SummitHuxiu MioTech Sustainable Brand Model Low-CarbonProduct List

Huxiu, MioTechBloomberg Green Finance ESG 50 List 2023BloombergTop Ten A-share and Hong Kong-listed Chinese PowerEquipment Companies in ESG Performance 2023

The Beijing News, Shell FinanceTop 20 Comprehensive Market Evaluation ofChinese Private Enterprises ESG


Awarding organizationsCases2023 Golden Bee Responsibility CompetitivenessCase (the Case of Aquaculture-PhotovoltaicIntegration)

Golden Bee Think Tank, China Sustain-

ability Tribune“Together for Carbon Expertise” Climate ActionOutstanding Case (Tongwei Shares Climate ActionCase)

CCM CSR Promotion Center, SynTaoTop 100 ESG Leading Cases of Chinese ListedCompanies (Tongwei Shares ESG GovernanceFramework Case)

China Sustainable Investment and Financing

(ESG) & Free Trade Port Construction Sanya

Forum Organizing Committee

The Second Xinhua Credit Jinlan Cup ESG Environ-mental Excellence Case (the Case of Aquacul-ture-PhotovoltaicIntegration)

China Economic Information Society2023 Business Climate Action Cases (the Case ofAquaculture-PhotovoltaicIntegration)

the Center for Environmental Education and

Communications of Ministry of Ecology and

Environment, C TeamEnvironmental Governance Case - New AgriculturePractice 2023 (the Case of Aquaculture-PhotovoltaicIntegration)

ESG and Sustainable Development SummitExcellent Case of Chinese Enterprises ESG PracticeObservation

China ESG Observers Consortium

Blue Book Case in the China Listed Companies ESGResearch Report (Tongwei Shares ESG Practice)

China Listed Companies ESG Research ReportBest ESG Practice of Listed Companies in 2023China Association for Public Companies



Scores of S&P GlobalCorporate Sustainability


CDP Climate Change program

CDP Supply ChainProgram

Wind ESG Rating

First-time inclusion in the S&P Global LargeMidCap ESG and S&P

China A 300 ESG Tilted Index

Scores of Ecovadis Sustainability


Tongwei Solar (Hefei) Co., Ltd.

Silver Medal

International Institute of GreenFinance of the Central Universityof Finance and EconomicsESG Rating




CSI ESG Rating



In 2023, we won 33 domestic and international honorary awards, demonstrating the company's strength and in?uence in the ?eld of sustainable development.

sessionsIndustry associations





Materiality Assessment

Tongwei is well aware that the opinions and expectations of all stakeholders have a signi?cant impact on the operation anddevelopment of the Company. During this reporting period, the Company kept communications with stakeholders via manychannels to understand and respond to their expectations and needs which are taken as an important consideration indecision-making to improve the sustainable development management and achieve a win-win result.

Communications with Stakeholders

Distribution of 87 communication activities with stakeholders on ESG in 2023

These communications covered a wide range of topics, including the Company's ESG managementstructure, carbon emissions management, water management, supply chain management, occupation-al health and safety, con?ict minerals sourcing, and business ethics.

TopicCommunication and responseStakeholdersStakeholders

Governmental bodiesand regulators

?Compliant operations?Business ethics and anti-corruption?Intellectual property protection?Emissions and waste management


?Operate with honesty?Pay taxes on time?Submit to supervision and inspection?Conduct meetings and exchanges?Disclose information, etc.

Communication and response

?Corporate governance?Risk control and management?Business ethics and anti-corruption?Communications with stakeholders?Clean-tech opportunities?ESG management

?Pro?t distribution?Disclose information?Shareholders' meeting?Regular reporting?ESG report?Performance brie?ng?Use the SSE E-interactive platform?Daily exchange meetings/teleconferences/roadshows with investors, etc.

?Business ethics and anti-corruption?Sustainable supply chain management?Intellectual property protection?Product lifecycle management

?Product quality and safety?Customer service and satisfaction?Data security

?Product quality and safety?Technological innovation, research and development?Reaction on climate change?ESG management?Product quality and safety?Social responsibilities and community development?Social responsibilities and community development?Emissions and waste management?Ecological impact

?Organize volunteering activities?Participate in community activities?Charitable donation?Poverty alleviation through PV projects?Compliance with emission standards, etc.

?Press conference?Exclusive interview?Disclose information, etc.

?Industry conference and forum?Seminar on standard setting?Academic research activities, etc.

?Enhance product quality management?Improve the after-sale service?Client satisfaction survey, etc.?Client online/on-site visit?New product release conferences, product exhibitions, etc.

?Optimize supplier management system?Develop supplier code of conduct?Supplier vetting and training?On-site interview and visit?Industry exhibitions, cooperative meetings and exchanges, etc.

?Protection of interests?Equality and diversity?Training and career development?Occupational health and safety

?Employee representatives' meeting?Employee satisfaction survey?Employee feedback channels?Improve the training system?Organize occupational health examinations?Employee talks?Set the Employee Care Fund








Government andregulatory bodies

Local communi-ty/charitableorganizations






ClientsESG issues

Identi?ca-tion ofmateriality

·Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting Guide of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong·Global Reporting Initiative Standards (GRI Standards)·Sustainability Accounting Standards Board Standards (SASB Standards)·Recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)·United Nations Sustainable Development Goals(UN SDGs)

In order to identify the most pertinent sustainable development issues, Tongwei has conducteda comprehensive review of national macro policies, relevant international standards and disclo-sure frameworks, capital market rating indicators, industry standards, as well as the Company'sbusiness development. The international standards and frameworks referenced include:

Review ofmateriality

Tongwei Matrix of material ESG issues in ???? was formed upon the review by the senior ?managers, ESG Management Working Groups and external experts.

Researchof materiality

Through an online questionnaire, both internal and external stakeholders of the companywere invited to assess the importance of various issues. After an initial screening based onthe quality of the responses, ??? valid questionnaires were yielded, which cover ? catego-ries of stakeholders, including company management, employees, government or regula-tory bodies, shareholders or investors, clients, suppliers, local communities or charitableorganizations, and media or industry associations.questionnaires

Con?rmationof materiality

The questionnaire data was processed and analyzed using a comprehensive quantitativeranking method. The issues were evaluated and ranked based on two dimensions: their impor-tance to Tongwei and their importance to stakeholders. A matrix of material ESG issues wascreated based on these assessments.material ESGissues

joint review by


Tongwei is committed to enhancing the management and analysis of its materiality issues to ensure accurate and e?ective responses to stakeholder concerns and toprovide valuable references for the orderly identi?cation and management of its risks and opportunities.In 2023, the Company conducted a materiality assessment using a four-step process. The steps of the materiality assessment are outlined below:

Assessment of Material Issues

Distribution of 871 questionnaire responses

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


2023 Matrix of material ESG issues





Materiality to the Company


Climate change response*Energy management*Environmental managementWater resource management*Emissions and waste management*Green manufacturingClean technology opportunities*Product lifecycle managementEcological impact

Environmental responsibility


Employee rights protection*Equality and diversityEmployee training and developmentOccupational health and safety*Product quality and safety*Customer service and satisfactionDigital transformationTechnological innovation and R&D*Sustainable supply chain managementSocial responsibility and communitydevelopment

Social responsibility


Corporate governanceCompliant operations*

??Risk control and management

??Business ethics and anti-corruption

??ESG management

??Information security

??Intellectual property protection

??Stakeholder communication

Corporate governance

* means high materiality to the Company

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Holding in “awe of the market, the rule of law,professionalism, and risks”, Tongwei places high importanceon risk management, business ethics, and information datasecurity. The Company continuously optimizes thecorporate governance structure, aiming to create long-termsustainable value for stakeholders through a stable andtransparent governance system.

Robust CorporateOperation

The material ESG issues mentioned in this chapter:

?Corporate Governance?Compliant Operations?Risk Control and Management?Business Ethics and Anti-Corruption?Information Security?Stakeholder Communication

The SDGs addressed in this chapter:

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Governance Structure

Tongwei has continuously optimized the governance structure, and has established a corporate governance structureconsisting of the Shareholders’ Meeting, Board of Directors and Board of Supervisors. The Board of Directors includesthe Strategy and Sustainable Development Committee, Remuneration and Review Committee, Nomination Committeeand Audit Committee. In accordance with the internal policies of the Company and the actual needs of corporategovernance, the committees implement standardized and e?ective management decision-making and operationaloversight mechanisms, providing the Board of Directors with professional and precise decision support.

Corporate Governance

Tongwei actively convenes meetings ofshareholders, the Board of Directors andthe Board of Supervisors, in strictaccordance with the Company Law of thePeople’s Republic of China and other relevantlaws and regulations, the Rules of Procedurefor the Shareholders’ Meeting, the Rules ofProcedure for the Board of Directors and theRules of Procedure for the Board ofSupervisors of the Company, etc., to take theopinions and comments from investors intoconsideration, with the intent to improveoperational transparency and fullysafeguard the legal rights and interests ofthe Company and shareholders.

Strategy and SustainableDevelopment CommitteeRemuneration and Review Committee

Nomination Committee

Audit Committee

Board of Directors

ESG Management CommitteeTechnical CommitteeProduct Committee

Board of SupervisorsShareholders’


Core Operation


The governance structure of Tongwei Co., Ltd.

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


During the reporting period,

Diversity of Directors

Tongwei ?rmly believes that the diversity of Directors is crucial for promoting thedevelopment of the Company and enhancing aggregate value. Directors wereelected on the principle of diversity, taking into account factors such as thegender, age, cultural and educational background, and professional experience ofthe candidates. In addition, talents from various ?elds are appointedappropriately in accordance with the Company’s own business model and actualworking needs, fully carrying out the personnel management philosophy of “Valuethe capable ones, replace the mediocre ones, and dismiss the incapable ones”.







Diversity of gender

Diversity of ageDiversity of education30-3940-4950-59

Bachelor’sdegree and

belowMaster’s degree Doctor’s degree


the Company convenedShareholders’ meeting

proposals wereapproved

proposals under theseparate voting mechanismfor minority shareholders

the Company convenedSupervisory Boardmeetings

with an attendancerate of


proposals wereapproved

the Company convenedBoard meetings

with an attendancerate of100%

proposals wereapproved

public information disclosure documents were released

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Independence of DirectorsTongwei regards independence as the key to fairness and objectivity. Strictlyfollowing the Rules for Independent Directors of Listed Companies, the Company?rst released the Rules of Procedure for the Board of Directors of Tongwei Co., Ltd. in2023. In addition, the Company revised several documents, including theWorking Rules on the Remuneration and Review Committee of the Board, theWorking Regulations for the Strategy and Sustainable Development Committee of theBoard of Tongwei Co., Ltd., and the Working Regulations for the Audit Committee ofthe Board of Tongwei Co., Ltd., to strengthen the role of independent directors inthe governance of listed companies, promoting the Company’s standardizedoperation and high-quality development.

Professionalism of Directors

The Company’s current directors possess extensive experience in ?elds includingagriculture and animal husbandry, PV industry, ?nance and risk management.With the professional knowledge and skills required to ful?ll their duties, thesedirectors provide e?ective support for the Company’s strategic planning withdiverse backgrounds and perspectives.Several members of the Board have professional knowledge in riskmanagement, providing explicit guidance for the Company's risk control. Amongthem, Ms. Jiang Yumei, the independent director, possesses a profound legalprofessional background and is an expert with special government allowancesfrom the State Council. She has achieved remarkable research results in theareas of corporate management and sustainable development. With herextensive research and hands-on experience, she provides invaluable supportfor the Company's risk management strategies. Independent director, Mr. FuDaiguo, as the vice president of Chengdu Accounting Association, has conductedin-depth on corporate risk internal control and sustainability issues, with over 30research articles published in top domestic journals, continuously providing theCompany with profound professional insights into risk control.independent directors

of the total number of directors


By the end of the reporting period,

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Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Agriculture and Animal HusbandryPV IndustrySustainable Development

Risk ManagementLegal ComplianceFinancial IndustryFinancial ManagementCorporate GovernanceBusiness Strategy

Chairand CEO

Ms. Liu ShuqiSpecialized in business administrationmajor, graduated from Queen MaryUniversity of London and has extensivepractical experience in the supply chaindomain as well as strong businessmanagement capabilities.

Vice Chairof theBoard ofDirectors

Mr. Yan HuMBA from Guanghua School ofManagement at Peking University andsenior accountant, has extensiveexperience in corporate management,sustainable strategy, and ?nancial riskcontrol.


Mr. Liu HanyuanEMBA from Guanghua School ofManagement, Peking University. He is asenior engineer in hydroelectric engineering,a deputy to the National People’s Congress,and vice chair of the All-China Federation ofIndustry and Commerce.


Mr. Fu Daiguo

The dean of the Western Business Schoolof Southwestern University of Finance andEconomics, doctoral supervisor, and vicepresident of Chengdu Accounting Society.


Ms. Jiang YumeiDoctor in Law and doctoralsupervisor, is committed tolong-term research in the areassuch as international trade rules,business management, andsustainable development.


Mr. Xu Yingtong

MBA from Fudan University, hasextensive industry experience inthe ?eld of new energy and isactively involved in the globalsustainable development cause.


Mr. Li PengDoctor in ?nance who graduatedfrom the School of Economics atXiamen University, possessesextensive experience in ?nancialrisk management and strategicinvestment industries.


Ms. Ding YiDoctor in economics whograduated from the RenminUniversity of China, possessesprofound experience in?nancial management.


Mr. Song DongshengMaster's degree, senior engineer,and recipient of the SpecialGovernment Allowance grantedby the State Council.

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Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Tongwei attaches great importance to compliantgovernance and risk control and has developedinternal control procedures and policies such as theCompliance Management Measures of Tongwei Co.,Ltd. and the Internal Control Evaluation and RiskAssessment System of Tongwei Co., Ltd., establishing astandardized and e?ective corporate compliancemanagement system and risk management systemto conduct systematic identi?cation andcomprehensive analysis of risks related to businessoperations and internal control objectives andpromptly develop response strategies to ensure thestable operation of the Company.In 2023, Tongwei, Yongxiang New Energy, TongweiSolar (Meishan) and Tongwei Solar (Hefei) allobtained ISO 37301 compliance managementsystem certi?cation simultaneously. Tongweispeci?ed the uniform compliance guidelines andestablished the three-level compliance managementstructure, ensuring the continuous e?ectivefunctioning of the compliance management systemand the Company's legal and compliant operation.

Compliance and Risk Management

In 2023, the four business entities of theCompany obtained the ISO 37301compliance management systemcerti?cations.

Compliance ManagementSystems

Tongwei Co., Ltd.Yongxiang New EnergyTongwei Solar (Meishan)Tongwei Solar (Hefei)

Adhere to the rules, be honest and trustworthyDuring operation, we strictly abide by applicable lawsand regulations and related policies, implementing themanagement philosophy of “Honesty, Trust, Fairness,and Excellence”, we adhere to pragmatism, dedication,and integrity; we maintain integrity in our roles, towardsthe business, our customers, the community, and thenation.Know and abide by rules, operate legallyWe operate in accordance with the law, advocate for faircompetition, and oppose the use of unfair practices thatharm the interests of peers and customers; we usestandardized management to maintain product andservice quality; we actively foster a legal, fair, just, andtransparent cooperative environment.Protect through compliance, strive for excellenceCompliance management safeguards the Company'sbusiness operation and the excellence in product,service, brand and reputation, building an image of a?rst-class and benchmark enterprise.

Compliance Guidelines

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Compliance Structure and Duties

Independent compliance management systems built by business entities

Decision-makers: Take a comprehensivelead in decision-making

Management: Coordinate and managein an overall manner

Execution: Speci?cally implement andexecute



ESG ManagementWorking GroupHR

Administrative Department(Compliance Management


Board of Directors


Board of SupervisorsAudit Committee

Compliance O?cers


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Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Tongwei has established and improved thecompliance management system. By identifying andassessing the risks and opportunities related to theinternal and external environments of the Company,we fully understand the core demands of allstakeholders and identify related risks andopportunities. This helps determine the coverage ofthe compliance management system, promoting theCompany’s strategic development and risk control.

Compliance System Development

Externally, we focus on regulatory agencies,suppliers, shareholders, and other relevantparties. We highlight business compliance,related transactions, and other risk factors, andassess their level of concern, conductingcompliance management work in an orderlymanner.Internally, we focus on governance bodies,employees, and relevant departments. We covercompliance obligations such as informationdisclosure and employee remuneration toensure that the needs of internal stakeholdersare fully addressed.

We implement classi?ed and graded managementfor internal and external stakeholders:

Tongwei organized lawsand regulations


corporate normativedocuments

covering compliancedomains

conducted corporate interviews(encompassing gap analysis incompliance management, internalaudits, external audits, andmanagement reviews)


identi?ed complianceobligations


drafted documents relatedto compliance management

During the reporting period,

Corporate GovernanceAccounting and TaxationEnergyEmploymentAnti-monopoly and Unfair CompetitionIntellectual Property RightAnti-commercial BriberyProduct ResponsibilityExport ControlInformation Security and Data ProtectionEnvironment, Health and Safety

We have formulated compliance-related normative documents, covering:

A total of 11 compliance domains were covered, formulating corresponding compliance risk response plansto ensure the e?ective implementation of compliance risk management measures.

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


conducted trainingfor compliance


conducted trainingfor compliance


with the participation of employees totaling



During the reporting period, the Company

Identi?cation ofCompliance ObligationsTongwei conducted the identi?cation ofcompliance obligations. The completion ofthe Compliance Obligation Checklist entailsinternalizing legal regulations andregulatory policies as necessarycompliance obligations for eachcompliance area; internalizing identi?edinternal and external environments andelements into compliance obligations thatTongwei embraces proactively.

Evaluation of Compliance System Operation

The evaluation of the compliance system operation involves the compliance department, compliance managementteam, compliance o?cers, supervision and audit team, the Chairman of the Board, and third-party certi?cationinstitutions. We conduct self-assessment through organizing compliance supervision and inspection internal audits,and management reviews covering all compliance domains; we also objectively assess the operation of thecompliance management system by engaging third-party certi?cation institutions, to comprehensively rectify issuesduring the system operation process.

Compliance Culture DevelopmentIn 2023, Tongwei organized compliance practitioner trainingon the ISO 37301 compliance management system, mainlycovering the interpretation of the ISO 37301 systemsstandard and the core steps of system establishment.The Company actively cultivates a professional compliancemanagement talent team, training 51 compliancepractitioners, and laying a solid foundation for building aprofessional compliance management team. In the future,we will continue to carry out compliance practitioner training,attracting more compliance talents to ensure the compliancemanagement system continues to operate e?ectively.The Company’s compliance risk assessmentwork covers important third parties such assuppliers. We utilize risk assessmentcriteria to quantify compliance risks anddevelop risk control measures based onthe results of compliance risk assessments,including due diligence, signing complianceagreements, and conducting specialcompliance audits. We form and executethe Risk Assessment Summary Tables and theRisk Response Plan Tables, preventing andmitigating compliance risks in a timely ande?ective manner.

Identi?ed risk coverage in response planning


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Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Tongwei has established and continuously optimized its risk and compliancemanagement system, releasing multiple risk management regulations related tooperational management, audit management, capital management, and?nancial management, etc. These regulations clarify the division ofresponsibilities among the Board, the Audit Committee, the Board ofSupervisors, and the management level within the risk control mechanism.Guided by the principles of “e?ciency priority, positive transparency, andsupervision assurance”, the Company continuously re?nes internal controlprocedures to ensure the e?cient operation of the risk managementmechanism and advances the implementation of various risk control measures.

Risk Management System

Tongwei continues to improve its compliance management framework andenhance its risk prevention capabilities. We implement a closed-loop managementprocess that encompasses identi?cation, assessment, response, execution, andevaluation of signi?cant risks. The Company systematically conducts riskassessment tasks in vital areas including signi?cant investment management,fund management, credit management, and production quality management,fully integrating risk awareness into the Company’s core business activities.To ensure the long-term e?ectiveness of risk management measures, we regularlyupdate and execute internal audit plans based on operational priorities, closelymonitor the e?ectiveness of internal audit and internal control work, as well asthe implementation of related remedial measures.

Risk Identi?cation and ControlRisk Management

First line of defense

Strengthen business management

Second line

of defenseRisk control

Third line of defense

Internal and external audit

Each businessdepartmentestablishes andenhances theinternal control risksystem

The functionaldepartments at theheadquarters ofeach business sectorestablish andimprove the internalcontrol risk systemfor their respectivefunctional lines

The Audit Department and external auditors promote the establishment andoptimization of the internal control risk system

The framework of Tongwei's "three lines of defense"










ImplementationThe risk identi?cation and management process of Tongwei

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Additionally, the Company provides annual risk management training to all sta?and the management team to strengthen their expertise and consciousness inrisk prevention, thereby comprehensively enhancing the Company’s riskmanagement level.

The Company conducted risk identi?cation, assessment, and legalcompliance training to deepen employees’ risk awareness

CaseIn 2023, Tongwei’s branches and subsidiaries actively organized multipleinternal control risk management training sessions for their main businesslines, including specialized training and discussions for key managementpersonnel, with participation exceeding 6,000 individuals. The Companyvigorously promoted and implemented the risk management measures andsystem, conducted in-depth analyses of compliance status, and enhanced therisk identi?cation capabilities of personnel at all levels through diverse trainingmethods such as online learning and on-site training, thereby optimizinginternal risk control within the Company.

The legal compliance training conducted by Tongwei New Energy

Supervision MechanismAudit and Supervision

In accordance with the requirements of the Company Law, theArticles of Association, the Rules of Procedure for the Board ofSupervisors and other applicable regulations, the actions ofdirectors and senior management in executing their companyduties are supervised. Any actions damaging to the interests of theCompany are corrected promptly, and signi?cant illegal ornon-compliant behaviors are reported timely to the shareholders'meeting or relevant national authorities.

The Board of Supervisors

Under the leadership of the Board of Directors and the Board ofSupervisors, independent supervision and inspection are carriedout. This includes investigating illegal and undisciplined actions ofpersonnel in subordinate units, with a focus on pursuingresponsibilities for losses caused to the Company due to improperbusiness practices.

Supervision System

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Adhering to the Audit Law of the People's Republic of China and other applicablelaws and regulations, Tongwei carries out internal supervision, veri?cation, andauditing through the Audit Department, encompassing all areas of theCompany’s business activities, such as ecological environment protection,safeguarding employee rights, and product quality management. Furthermore, athree-level review mechanism is formed for audit reports.

Internal Audit

the audit coverage for thecapital-intensive sectors annually100%

the audit coverage for all operatingentities and subsidiaries every two years100%According to the materiality principle:

Tongwei completed internal audits

supervisory reports issued

the recti?cation rate for identi?edissues reached82%

with the recti?cation rate for keyissues achieving100%

In 2023,

During the reporting period, Tongwei conducted internal audits, covering areassuch as sales and collection, procurement and payment, inventory management,?xed asset management, monetary fund management, guarantees and?nancing, investment management, R&D management, personnel management,information system management, and information disclosure management.

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Tongwei adheres to the management philosophy of"Honesty, Trust, Fairness, and Excellence" and highstandards of business ethics, continuously advances theconstruction of the anti-corruption system, improves thecomplaint reporting mechanism, regularly conductsbusiness ethics audits, actively implements relevant policiesand standards through various anti-corruption promotions,and resolutely opposes any form of corruption and unfaircompetition.

Business Ethics

Business Ethics ManagementPrinciples

Tongwei strictly abides by the Criminal Law of the People’sRepublic of China, the Anti-Monopoly Law of the People’s Republicof China, the Anti-Unfair Competition Law of the People’s Republicof China and other relevant laws and regulations. In 2023, werevised and published the Tongwei Co., Ltd. Business Ethics Codeof Conduct, which clari?es the Company’s principles andstandards regarding anti-corruption and anti-bribery, con?icts ofinterest, competition and anti-monopoly, responsible marketing,and business con?dentiality. The scope of the application coversall employees of Tongwei and its subsidiaries (includinginterns),and encourages our stakeholders (such as suppliers,contractors, etc.) to actively comply with the Code.

Summary of the Tongwei Co., Ltd. Business Ethics Code of ConductTongwei adheres to a commitment to honest business operations and the principleof integrity during its operations, prohibiting all employees from accepting oro?ering any form of bene?t, thereby eliminating all forms of corruption andbribery.Anti-Corruptionand Anti-Bribery

Tongwei is dedicated to avoiding con?icts of interest in its business dealings,requiring employees to make rational decisions and promptly disclose any potentialcon?icts of interest to the compliance department.Con?icts ofInterest

Tongwei is committed to engaging in free and fair market competition, strictlyadhering to competition laws and anti-monopoly regulations, and requiringsuppliers and partners to sign the Anti-Monopoly and Anti-Unfair CompetitionAgreement to avoid improper competitive conduct in business processes.CompetitionandAnti-Monopoly

Tongwei pledges not to make false statements, respects customer privacy, activelycarries out customer education, and regularly reviews the compliance of marketingpractices. Employees are required to convey truthful and credible productmarketing information to customers, thereby establishing a positive brand image.ResponsibleMarketing

Tongwei strictly adheres to relevant laws and regulations on privacy, dataprotection, and information security. The Company signed the Con?dentialityAgreement with employees, suppliers, and partners to ensure that the privacy of allbusiness partners is e?ectively protected.



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Partners for Diversityand Progress


The Company has formulated the Tongwei Co., Ltd. Employee Reward andPunishment Policy, which requires all employees to strictly comply with laws andprofessional ethical standards in business activities, and has establishedcorresponding punishment measures for corruption, bribery, money laundering,and other fraudulent activities. Additionally, we require employees in keypositions such as procurement, quality control, sales, and ?nance to sign theLetter of Undertaking on Compliance with Laws and Rules for Clean Performance,e?ectively strengthening control over employees’ integrity risks.


Tongwei conducts regular audits on anti-corruption and business ethicsannually, ensuring that all operational aspects are covered at least once everythree years, and increases the frequency of audits based on speci?c businessneeds. In 2023, Tongwei conducted 113 business ethics audits, covering routineand specialized business ethics audits of the subsidiaries, both established andunder construction. The audit content included, but was not limited to,anti-corruption, anti-bribery, responsible marketing, fair competition, andinformation con?dentiality.

Anti-corruption Audit

Tongwei attaches great importance to the development of an anti-corruptionculture and compliance ability, all the senior managers and sta? are required toparticipate in the annual business ethics and anti-corruption training organizedby the Audit Department and sign the Letter of Undertaking on Compliance withLaws and Rules for Clean Performance, ensuring that all the sta? abide byapplicable laws, regulations and occupational ethics. Besides, Tongwei requiresall the partners and suppliers to participate in the annual business ethics andanti-corruption training organized by the Company and sign the Anti-businessCorruption and Compliance Agreement to demonstrate their understanding andadherence to the Company's code of business ethics.The anti-corruption training for directors is provided in the form of the annualreview, covering the publicity and implementation of anti-corruption policiesregarding corruption, fraud and dereliction of duty. The anti-corruption trainingfor managers, employees in key positions and ordinary employees is provided inthe form of anti-corruption-themed training events, ?nancial training, managertraining and other specialized training activities, aiming to disseminateanti-corruption policies regarding duty corruption and bribery.

Anti-corruption Training

the Company has appointeddedicated personnel toanti-corruption positions

with an increase of individuals from theprevious year

By the end of the reporting period,

the Company encountered litigation case related to corruption, bribery ormoney laundering

During the reporting period,

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Partners for Diversityand Progress


the company conductedtraining foranti-corruption467sessions

with the participationof employees totaling

56,264timesa total trainingduration of201hoursDuring the reporting period,

Tongwei's anti-corruption training (by rank)


number of training sessions

number of participants

pass rate



number of training sessions

number of participants3,744

pass rate100%


number of training sessions

number of participants52,488

pass rate100%

Tongwei Solar carried out anti-corruption and compliance training toenhance occupational ethics and conductsCaseIn October 2023, Tongwei Solar organized a training event themed with"Cherish Your Occupational Life and Bear Anti-Corruption in Mind". A total of117 employees from Tongwei Solar's procurement and sales systemparticipated in the training. The training was centered around the publicity andimplementation of core integrity principles of "e?ciency priority, positivetransparency, and supervision assurance", aiming at reinforcing the awarenessof integrity among employees in the procurement and sales departments,establishing a solid foundation of integrity in their professional mindset.

Tongwei Solar carried out anti-corruption and compliance training

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Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Tongwei Agricultural Development hosted quality control systeminternal control training meeting

CaseIn March 2023, the Audit Department of Tongwei focused on the agriculturaldevelopment quality control system and organized internal risk control training.The training aimed to analyze and study the product quality risk points in keystages such as procurement, production, materials management, and sales. Itemphasized the importance of integrity and transparent performance for thepersonnel in the quality management department. This is to further enhancethe understanding of the Company's quality policies and objectives amongquality management personnel, and to raise their awareness of compliance andresponsibilities. Additionally, the training proposed improvement plans for thecurrent work, actively promoting the optimization of the quality controlprocesses. This initiative aims to accelerate the perfection of the internalcontrol system in quality management, ensure the Company's compliantoperations, and continuously improve product quality.

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Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Tongwei encountered incidents of non-compliance or legal proceedingsrelating to information and data security violations.

During the reporting period,

Tongwei considers information security protection a crucial responsibility inits operations. We strictly comply with the applicable policies andregulations such as the Cybersecurity Law of the People's Republic of China,the Data Security Law of the People's Republic of China, the PersonalInformation Protection Law of the People's Republic of China. We haveestablished an information security management system aligned withISO/IEC 27001 information security management system, ensuring acomprehensive implementation of information and data security measuresat all levels.

Information Security Protection

Information and Data SecurityThe Company continuously prioritizes data security management by developingand implementing a series of standardized systems. We identify and preventinformation security risks, maintain infrastructure, optimize securitytechnologies, conduct information security audits, and organize informationsecurity training to comprehensively manage data protection and informationsecurity across all businesses of the Company, and thoroughly safeguard theinformation and privacy data security of all stakeholders.In 2023, Tongwei’s subsidiaries, Tongwei Solar (Hefei) and Tongwei Solar(Meishan), attained the ISO/IEC 27001 certi?cation for information securitymanagement systems.

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Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Tongwei's main measures for information security management

Construction ofinformationsecurity system

Promotion ofinformationsecurity aware-


Developed documents such as the Con?dentialityManagement System, the Information System AccessControl Management Measures, and the Network andInformation Security Incident Emergency Plan, e?ectivelyembedding the requirements and measures forinformation security and privacy protection throughoutthe entire work?owEstablished a con?dentiality task force responsible formanaging con?dentiality and preventing the leakage ofcompany information

Developed an "integrated smart o?ce" to ensure thesecurity of document and data assetsInstalled antivirus software, implemented internalnetwork isolation, and improved login authenticationrequirements to reduce the risk of information leakage

Launched AI log management, comprehensive logauditing, and network behavior audit managementplatforms, and conducted specialized internal audits forinformation security, audits of the ISO 37301 compliancemanagement systems, and annual audits, thoroughlyscrutinizing system vulnerabilities

Conducted penetration testing of information systems,performed vulnerability scanning of o?ce networks andservers, and promptly addressed system vulnerabilitiesand risk itemsAdded a situational awareness platform system tocomprehensively perceive the risk items of internalnetwork assets and enhance the level of securitydefense

Conducted multiple security presentations for allemployees to implement and promote the concept ofinformation securityOrganized activities such as Information SecurityAwareness Month and other events to deepen allemployees' understanding of the importance ofinformation securityConducted information security training for keypositions to enhance capabilities in informationsecurity and privacy protection

Maintenance andimprovement ofinformation


Informationsecurity audits

Prevention of

informationsecurity risks

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Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Customer Privacy ProtectionTongwei attaches high importance to the protection of customer privacy and complies with theapplicable policies and regulations, such as the Civil Code of the People’s Republic of China toprevent the occurrence of a breach of customer privacy.

Information Security TrainingThe promotion of information security is the focus ofTongwei's digitalization process. During the year, wecontinued to prioritize security planning and construction,enhance overall information security awareness andcapabilities, implement company-wide security campaigns,organize Information Security Awareness Month activities,and conduct information security training for key positions.The Company has developed diverse measures for the protection of customer privacy in lightof our businesses and operations:

Collect customerinformation on thepremise thatcustomers are


Keep con?dentialityof key information

during theonboarding auditprocess for newcustomers

By ????, signcon?dentialityagreements with allnew clients beforecollaborations

Clearly specify thecon?dentialityobligations of bothparties in the formal

contract andcon?dentiality


data breach on customer information occurred

During the reporting period,

the Company conductedtraining for informationsecurity


with the participation ofemployees totaling



During the reporting period,

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Tongwei recognizes the importance of robustinvestor relations management in safeguarding therights and interests of investors. We employ a rangeof channels and formats to enhance communicationwith investors and facilitate the healthy andsustainable development of investor relations.

Investor Relations

Communications with InvestorsWith the commitment to safeguard the legitimate rightsand interests of its shareholders, creditors and otherstakeholders, Tongwei strengthens e?ectivecommunications with investors and shareholders inaccordance with the Tongwei Investor RelationsManagement Policy. In 2023, the Company furtherincreased value dissemination to foreign institutions, andcarried out a total of 152 communication activities withover a hundred well-known overseas brokerage ?rms,e?ectively enhancing the Company's international capitalmarket visibility.In addition, the Company is committed to broadening thecommunication channels with small and medium-sizedinvestors, and has collaborated with a number of ?nancialinstitutions to carry out a series of "Stepping intoTongwei" activities for a total of 19 sessions, coveringmore than 10,000 small and medium-sized investors.

"Bringing in"site surveys

"Going out"externalexchanges

responded to small andmedium-sized investorsvia telephone


response rate of small andmedium-sized investorsonline reached nearly


During the reporting period, Tongwei carried out

Information Disclosure

Tongwei has developed information disclosure systems such as the Tongwei Information DisclosureManagement Policy, with an e?ort to strengthen the con?dentiality of insider information and conductinformation disclosure following the principles of transparency, fairness, and impartiality. During thereporting period, the Company published 144 announcements to investors, fully ful?lling itsinformation disclosure obligations and safeguarding investors' right to information.

“A” by Shanghai Stock Exchange (for threeconsecutive years)Information disclosure by Tongwei Co., Ltd.from 2022 to 2023 was rated

“TOP 100 Most Valuable CompaniesListed on the Main Board”

rated by Securities Times

"Best Practice Award for Investor RelationsManagement for Listed Companies"

by China Association for Public Companies (CAPCO)

"Most Valuable Investment" at the 25thGolden Bull Awards

organized by China Securities Journal

During the reporting period, Tongwei received the following honors and awards:

Tongwei always adheres to an innovation-driven develop-ment strategy, takes client needs as our ?rst priority, andcontinues to improve product processes and research anddevelopment levels for higher product quality. At the sametime, we are committed to deepening the company’s digitaltransformation and strengthening the establishment ofdigital infrastructure, so as to enhance overall operationale?ciency and management e?ectiveness.

Pioneering ProductInnovation

The material ESG issues mentioned in this chapter:

?Product Quality and Safety?Customer Service and Satisfaction?Digital Transformation?Technological Innovation and R&D?Intellectual Property Protection

The SDGs addressed in this chapter:

Top ?? Technological Innovations of Tongwei

Leading Smart Manufacturing in China and Building a Global Hub for InnovationTongwei held a ceremony for the signing of photovoltaic industry projects and the commencement of the Global InnovationR&D Center projects, giving full play to our role as a leading company in the industry, with an aim to accelerate theconstruction of an innovative chain and ecosystem for the silicon and photovoltaic industry, and to promote the establishmentof an industrial innovation center.

A Signi?cant Boost for Expanding into Overseas Markets

Tongwei Modules has passed the TNC double-glass PV module technology speci?cation test, earning the world’s ?rst o?shorephotovoltaic project certi?cate from T?V Nord. Additionally, Tongwei Modules have received certi?cations for hurricaneresistance above grade 17, CNAS, CEC, and the French carbon footprint, among other authoritative certi?cations.Prominent Original Key Technology - Yongxiang Winning First Prize in Scienti?cand Technological ProgressThe project "Development and Integration of High-Purity Polysilicon Preparation Core Technology and Its IndustrialApplication" has won the First Prize of Scienti?c and Technological Progress awarded by the China Petroleum and ChemicalIndustry Federation.International Authoritative Certi?cations Highlighting Research StrengthTongwei’s multiple technological research achievements have been published and selected as cover papers in top academicjournals such as Progress in Photovoltaics and Nature.Robust Capabilities - Continuously Earning National Quali?cationsSeveral subsidiaries of Tongwei, including Yunnan Tongwei High-purity Crystalline Silicon Co., Ltd., Tongwei Solar (Chengdu)Co., Ltd., and Tongwei Solar (Anhui) Co., Ltd., have been selected as “High-tech Enterprises”.Shaping Industry Development Blueprint at the Forefront of Photovoltaic TechnologyTongwei actively engages in global cutting-edge PV technology exchange summits. At the 6th China International PV IndustryConference and Innovation Technology Exchange Conference in 2023, Tongwei exchanged views with leading ?gures in globalPV industry on the future development trends of PV technology.

Technological Strength Being Our Source of Development Con?denceTongwei’s 210-66 type THC modules, with a standard size of2384*1303mm, have achieved a front-side power of


and a conversion e?ciency breakthrough of


, breaking the HJT module e?ciency records six times.A New Stride – Further Breakthrough in Technological ProcessesTongwei Yongxiang exports electronic-grade polysilicon overseas, which meets the quality standards of Grade 2 or higher forelectronic-grade polysilicon.The World’s Largest Smart Factory for Photovoltaic ModulesTongwei Solar (Modules) Yancheng base has o?cially commenced its production capacity delivery, incorporating a new “5G+”digital management model, which ensures visualized and intelligent management throughout the entire production andtransportation processes.Breakthrough and Accelerated LeadingTongwei’s 182-72 type TNC modules, with astandard size of2278*1134mm, have achieved a front-side power of


and a conversion e?ciency of


, setting an industry record.

In 2023, Tongwei invested in R&D


billion yuan

R&D personnel

Established national company-leveltechnology centers and sub-technol-ogy centers


Tongwei continues to deepen its research-based development strategy,steadfastly committed to becoming a technological pioneer within theindustry. We strive to build a competitive scienti?c research platform andR&D team, leading the industry in the innovation and upgrading oftechnology. Furthermore, we have established a complete intellectualproperty management system to protect patent achievements, ensuringsteady progress in the wave of technological innovation.

R&D and Innovation

Tongwei's innovation and R&D strategy

PV industryIn combination with the products' technologicalcharacteristics and the market's development trend, we havemultiple technological and product pathways running inparallel, deeply developing various technologies such asTOPCon, heterojunction, back contact, perovskite/crystallinesilicon layered cells, and module R&D, thereby establishing amulti-dimensional product matrix.

Agriculture and animal husbandry"1 2 3 4 Strategy":

Establishing the Ecology of Innovation

Tongwei incorporates innovative thinking into its corporate development,increasing its investment in technological research and innovation, and aimingto become a technological leader in the industry. We are dedicated to building adual green future that includes both green energy and green agriculture. In2023, we continued to enhance our scienti?c research capabilities and advancethe construction and stable operation of several technological innovationplatforms.




varieties of greatconcern andbreakthrough

The Company continuously optimizes its scienti?c and technological innovationstructure, committed to establishing a science and innovation system suitablefor the actual operational conditions of the PV industry and agriculture andanimal husbandry. This aims to enhance the coordination of technology R&D,strengthen the construction of the technology R&D team, and support theCompany’s sustainable and high-quality development in these two majorbusiness ?elds.

The System of R&D and Innovation

As for the PV industry, the Company has newly established a technicalcommittee to create an e?cient communication and collaboration bridge acrossdi?erent business segments such as crystalline silicon, crystal pulling, slicing,cells, modules, and end-user deployment, achieving close coordinationthroughout the upstream and downstream of the PV industry chain.

PV Industry

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


202320224,400.58million yuan3,982.34million yuan

20212,035.85million yuan

AppliedR&DResponsible for marketdemand research for thepresent and the future1-2 years

FundamentalR&DResponsible forresearch activitiesspanning the future3-5 years

Forward-lookingR&DResponsible forresearch work spanningthe future5-10 yearsand beyondTongwei Agriculture Development's three-level R&D system

Tongwei's R&D expenses (million yuan)

During the reporting period

Tongwei's R&D expensesamounted to


billion yuanaccounting for

of operating revenues


By the end of the reporting period, Tongwei has set up

national company-level technologycenters and sub-technology centers

provincialtechnology centers

R&Dexperiment bases

As for agriculture and animal husbandry, Tongwei has set up ten researchinstitutes, including Aquaculture Research Institute, Livestock and PoultryResearch Institute, and Animal Health Research Institute. We have alsoestablished a three-level R&D system, including forward-looking R&D,fundamental R&D, and applied R&D, to stimulate the driving force for industrialupgrading.

Agriculture and Animal Husbandry

In addition, we possess multiple national and provincial-level recognizedenterprise technology centers, e?ectively gathering and attracting innovativeresources and talents, to build an R&D platform that boasts competitiveautonomous innovation and R&D capabilities.

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Tongwei boasts a team of advanced technical professionals and R&Dcapabilities. By implementing specialized management measures such as thePhotovoltaic Technology Department Talent Integration Scheme, the Companycultivates and attracts talent in a parallel fashion, creating an internationalcohort of experts that aligns with the Company’s strategic development.In terms of talent recruitment, we tailor our hiring processes to the Company’sstrategic development needs and the technology team’s talent optimizationrequirements, ensuring the orderly assembly of the team. For talentdevelopment, we provide online and physical learning platforms through talentdevelopment projects and customized training courses, developing personnel atall levels and enhancing the internal R&D team’s capabilities through methodssuch as the selection and training of in-house trainers.By the end of the reporting period, the Company’s R&D team had attracted alarge number of high-level scienti?c and technological talents, including SichuanProvince high-end talents, specially-invited experts of Sichuan Province,academic leaders at the province or city level, high-level talents under the“10,000 Talents Program of Tianfu”, and agricultural talents recognized by theMinistry of Agriculture and Rural A?airs.

million yuan

R&D Talent Construction

Tongwei has made continuous improvements to its incentive mechanism forscienti?c and technological innovation, formulating internal systems such as theStandard for Innovation Management and the Special Incentive Program for the PVTechnology Department. In 2023, the Regulations on the Implementation ofTechnological Achievement Rewards was revised to further standardize themanagement of scienti?c and technological awards and clarify the reward detailsfor patents, scienti?c papers, works, academic reports, standards, scienti?c andtechnological honors, research platforms, and quali?cations. This aims toenhance the enthusiasm and initiative of technical personnel for innovation andto create a favorable research atmosphere.

Innovation Incentive Mechanism

Tongwei actively promotes industry-university-research cooperation, seekingin-depth collaboration opportunities with major universities in project researchand talent development. By gathering the cutting-edge scienti?c researchstrengths of universities and research institutes, we accelerate the tackling ofcore technologies in the industry. In the ?elds of PV power generation such asbattery technology innovation and industrialization, ?exible support technology,and in the agricultural feed domains like aquaculture feed and animal nutrition,we have engaged in technical exchanges and close cooperation with well-knowndomestic universities and research institutes, including Fudan University,

Industry-University-Research CooperationIn 2023, Tongwei had

R&D personnel


representing a year-over-year increase of


of which those with master's degrees or above accounted for


During the reporting period

Tongwei invested in innovation incentives


with individuals receiving bonuses


Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Product designMaterial selection

Product useThrough continuoustechnological innovation, ensurethat products operate reliably forover 25 years; implement green logistics,

with packaging materials that can be

recycled and reused

New productdevelopment

Energy Use Reduction:

Continuously optimize the process ?owof new products to reduce carbon footprintScarce Resource Alternatives:

R&D e?orts have shifted towardstechnologies like Copper interconnection,Alternative TCO (Transparent ConductiveOxide), and 0BB technology, which reducethe consumption of scarce metallicresources such as silver, indium, bismuth,etc.

Maintain the “green, low-carbon” materialselection philosophy, and increase theproportion of recyclable components inthe modules, such as using ?uorine-freesolar back panels, which can be recycledand reused after the product’s life

cycle has concluded


Advancing Product Iteration

Fully consider the substitution at thesource of toxic and hazardoussubstances, and avoid selectingmaterials that contain toxic or harmfulmetal elements and otherenvironmentally harmfulmaterials

Tongwei Solar (Chengdu) has launched an industry-university-researchcooperation project with Southwest Petroleum University. The project focusedon the traditional crystalline silicon solar cells which su?ered from poorpassivation e?ects and low photoelectric conversion e?ciency. Systematicresearch was conducted around innovative structures and the upscaling ofPERC solar cells, to develop a comprehensive set of industrialized e?cientsilicon-based cell technology solutions that e?ectively reduced costs andenhanced e?ciency for PERC batteries.In 2023, this project received the Sichuan-ChongqingIndustry-University-Research First Prize for Collaborative InnovationAchievement, which was jointly awarded by the Chongqing Association for thePromotion of Industry-University-Research Cooperation and the SichuanScienti?c Collaborative Innovation Promoting Association.

PV Industry: Integrating ESG principles into the product lifecyclemanagementCase

Tongwei Solar (Chengdu) collaborated with Southwest PetroleumUniversity in the ?eld of innovative battery technology

Sichuan University, Ocean University of China, and the Freshwater FisheriesResearch Center of the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, jointly promotingscienti?c research innovation and the transformation and implementation ofscienti?c and technological achievements.

Tongwei fully integrates ESG principles in the product R&D process, consideringenvironmental friendliness in product design and development, and iscommitted to reducing the environmental footprint and negative impact ofproducts from the source.

During the reporting periodTongwei has establishedindustry-university-researchcooperation projects

branches and subsidiaries of Tongweihave received honors related to R&Dand innovation

branches and subsidiaries of Tongwei have been recognized as High-tech Enterprises

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


ProjectsTubular PECVD Poly Technology

Selected as the cover article of the renownedphotovoltaic science journal Progress inPhotovoltaics (PIP)

Awards and Honors

Flexible Monocrystalline SiliconSolar CellsTechnology

Selected for inclusion in the top internationalacademic journal NatureHigh-e?ciency TongweiN-passivated Contact Cell (TNC)Technology

Selected for the 2023 Photovoltaic IndustryInnovation Achievement Promotion CatalogueSolar cell and its preparationmethod, and back surfacemultilayer passivation ?lm forsolar cells

First Prize of Sichuan Provincial Patent Award

Flexible support system solutionsTongwei New Energy has developed a ?exible three-cable structure, which is a?exible support structure based on innovative technical features such as thecable-stayed truss structure and the Cross-Tie lateral vibration dampingsystem. It has the characteristics of a large span and high clearance, and whileproviding clean electricity for society, it also achieves the e?cient use of landresources.

Agriculture and Animal Husbandry: Independently researchingand developing non-grain protein sources to reduce nationalfood security risks

Aquaculture-Photovoltaic Integration:Flexible supporttechnology realizes composite use of land resources

R&D innovation technology awards in 2023 (partial list)

Conversionof industrialexhaust


Clostridium autoethanogenum can convert industrial exhaust gases intosafe and e?ective Clostridium autoethanogenum protein, which can beused as a raw material for animal feed. Based on research, evaluation,and experimentation of the industrial application of this new type ofprotein source, we have achieved the result of producing 10-20 tons offeed products from one ton of Clostridium autoethanogenum protein.

Utilization offood waste

The Company independently researches and develops non-grain proteinsas feed raw materials, the Company utilizes the hermetia illucens larvae,which feed on decomposing organic materials such as food waste, toreplace ?shmeal and other animal proteins. According to estimates, 1kilogram of ?y eggs can digest 5-10 tons of food waste residues per day,ultimately yielding 2 tons of fresh Hermetia illucens larvae. The Companyis currently progressively validating and promoting the use of Hermetiaillucens larvae as a protein source at its terminal facilities

Optimizationof formulasto save food

Promote the technology of reducing and substituting soybean mealby supplementing alternative raw materials and balancing aminoacid levels through technical optimization methods. This reducesthe proportion of soybean meal in feed and further improves thefeed conversion e?ciency, in order to reduce nutritional waste andsave grain.

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


ProjectsA coating method for PERC solarcell, a method of making a PERCsolar cell, and PERC solar cells

Anhui Provincial Patent Award of Excellence

Awards and Honors

Key technology of high-e?ciencyand low-cost passivated contactsolar cell and its industrialization

First Prize in Sichuan and ChongqingIndustry-University-Research CollaborativeInnovation Achievement Award in 2022Tongwei Solar N-type TNCHigh-e?ciency Cell Technology

“Zero-Carbon China” Top 10 InnovativeTechnologies in 2023

Intellectual Property ProtectionIn accordance with the Enterprise Intellectual Property Compliance ManagementSystem (GB/T 29490-2023), Tongwei has established and implemented internalsystems such as Intellectual Property Management Manual and IntellectualProperty Control Procedures. This year, the Company revised its IntellectualProperty Management Standards and Intellectual Property Management System.Additionally, Tongwei has continued to build a standardized work?ow coveringpatent risk management control, patent mining, patent layout, and patentknowledge training to improve the patent and intellectual property protectionmanagement system.

Establish a professional team for intellectual propertyand patent maintenance, responsible for the whole processmanagement including IP application, maintenance,enforcement, and operationCollaborate with technical personnel from various productionsegments to conduct infringement assessments for patentsapplied for by the Company, ensuring a comprehensiveunderstanding of the IP application within the industry

Perform IP searches and analyses in advance for eachtechnology development, making judgments to identify gapsin the technologyProvide timely and high-quality patent protection for eachinnovative technology to create a "moat“, safeguardingintellectual property

In the event of an infringement, immediately initiate aninvestigation and evidence collection and handle thesituation based on the circumstancesWhen necessary, protect intellectual property rights throughlitigation or other legal means




Tongwei's patent full process management mechanism

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Number of patentsUnit2023

TotalAgricultureand animalhusbandry

PVindustryPatents authorized3 9497/Utility models authorized 108436544/Patent applications33318351/Utility model applications32589621/

Patent acquisition of Tongwei

We regularly conduct intellectual property training and exchange activities,which include providing training on themes such as the protection of tradesecrets for new employees and inviting intellectual property experts todisseminate relevant laws and regulations. These e?orts aim to deepen theunderstanding of IP protection among our research and development sta? andenhance the overall level of intellectual property management within theCompany.

In 2023, Tongwei actively participated in37 international exhibition events,including InterSolar Europe in Munich, ENERGAIA in France, Solar Storage Live inthe UK, All-Energy in Australia, and PVS Asia in Indonesia.

In 2023,

Tongwei conducted training for intellectual property protection


with employees participants2,811

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Standard NumberAgriculture and animal husbandry

Standard TitleParticipation Time

GB/T 13079-20222022Determination of Total

Arsenic in FeedsGB/T 20806-20222022Determination of Neutral

Detergent Fiber (NDF) in

FeedsGB/T 6434-20222022Determination of Crude Fiber

Content in FeedPV industryGB/T 29057-20232023Practice for Evaluation of

Polycrystalline Silicon Rods

by Float-Zone Crystal Growth

and Spectroscopy (revision)GB/T 42907-20232023Test Method for


Recombination Lifetime in

Silicon Ingots, Silicon Bricks and

Silicon Wafers - Noncontact

Eddy-Current SensorGB/T 29447-20222022The Norm of Energy

Consumption per Unit Products

of Polysilicon and Germanium


Participation in national standards by Tongwei (partial list)

Participation in the 34th International PV Science andEngineering ConferenceIn November 2023, the Company attended the 34th InternationalPV Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC 34) held inShenzhen. As one of the top three global PV events, PVSEC 34 is themost in?uential and authoritative scienti?c and technologicalindicator in the PV ?eld in Asia. At the conference, we presented tworeports: "Perspectives on industrial perovskite/silicon tandem solarcells: opportunities and challenges" and " E?ective boron doping ofLPCVD deposited intrinsic silicon". Our introduction of cutting-edgeinnovative technologies and in-depth analysis received widespreadattention and high recognition within the industry.


Participation in the 34th International PV Science and EngineeringConference and the 6th China International PV Industry Conference

Industry Development

Tongwei actively participates in industry association activities, becoming formal members of several associations and assuming related positions. Additionally, weactively contribute to the improvement of industry standards by assisting in the formulation of industry standards, and participating in seminars, industry conferences,and forums, thus continuously promoting the high-quality development of the PV industry and agriculture and animal husbandry.

As of the end of the reporting period,Tongwei has cumulatively participatedin the formulation/revision of

During the reporting period,

various industrystandards

national standardsincluded

industry association exchange activitiesparticipated

more than 240

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


2023.11Participation in the 6th China International PV Industry Conference

In November 2023, the Company participated in the 6th China International PV Industry Conference held in Chengdu, Sichuan, and delivered a speech on thetheme of “Advanced Tongwei Technology - Creating and Winning Together”, discussing cutting-edge technologies and developments in the industry.Additionally, during the global launch ceremony of new products, the Company released the “Major Upgrade of ‘N’ Product - A Report on Tongwei’sNew-Generation N-type Product”, which details the technology and application advantages of Tongwei’s N-type modules.

CaseParticipation in the 34th International PV Science and Engineering Conference and the 6th China International PV Industry Conference

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Digitalization Empowered Agricultural Production

Intelligent Manufacturing | Three Strategies

Smart Aquaculture | Four Stages of Aquaculture and Photovoltaic Integration





Digitalization Empowered PV Manufacturing

“Aquaculture-Photovoltaic Integration” - IntegratedSmart Monitoring of Land, Sea, and Air

PV CellIn production



multi-leveloperation andmaintenancedisplayplatformsonardetectionsmartmonitoringintelligentfeedingsystemsremote

diagnosisof ?shdiseasesIntegratedPlatform-orientedDrones and unmanned boats can cruise automaticallyFeeding robots can achieve precise feeding

benchmark intelligentfactories established

quali?ed rate of Tongwei'sagricultural products100%

of key equipment isnumerically controlledIn warehousing

the fragmentation rate is signi?cantly reduced


In overall productione?ciency hasincreased by161%

overall energy consumptionhas decreased by30%

operating costs havebeen reduced by


overall labor usage hasdecreased by


of key equipment isconnected to the Internet


quality safety incidentsoccurred

Tongwei is building its digital system by integrating digital standards across various business groups, enhancingcross-sector collaboration and process management, and tapping into the potential value of data. Meanwhile, theCompany sets “excellent operation, ultimate experience and integrated ecosystem” as its digital transformationgoals and establishes digital infrastructure to push digital transformation to a new high.

Tongwei : Dual Drive of Intelligent Manufacturing and Smart Farming

One Cloud


One Center


Digitalization strategy of Tongwei

Digitalization strategy of Tongwei

Digital TransformationStrategiesTongwei has designed a digital strategy of “One Cloud,” “One Network,” “One Center,” and “One System”, mainly focusing on three major aspects: support for di?erentbusiness groups, digital business empowerment, and system and capacity building. The company is dedicated to improving process e?ciency in areas such asbusiness-?nance collaboration, ?nance and taxation, marketing, human resources, and collaborative work, while reducing manpower costs to provide data support forbusiness decision-making. Additionally, we continuously advance the construction of the system for “business standardization, service productization, andprofessionalization of personnel,” improve project management systems and internal operational norms of departments, and strengthen the training of digitaltransformation capabilities for the team.

During the reporting period,3 subsidiary companies, Tongwei Solar (Chengdu) Co., Ltd., Tongwei Solar (Jintang) Co., Ltd., and Tongwei Solar (Meishan) Co., Ltd. were

selected as national exemplar enterprises for digital transformation.

One CloudAchieve uni?ed management across all sectors in termsof data architecture, ecosystem, functionality, and userexperienceProvide computing and storage resources for datasharing, standardized cloud computing services, andconsistent cloud-native technologies

One NetworkEstablish an e?cient global network to ensure thesmooth operation of business productionSectors of Tongwei Solar, Tongwei Modules, andTongwei Yongxiang use dedicated lines + Internet routesto prioritize tra?c scheduling to dedicated linesOne System

Build intelligent ?nance, digital human resources, andsmart o?ce systems to support communication andintegration from headquarters to all sectorsAdhering to the principle of one standard and oneplatform, develop a next-generation application systemtailored for the PV industry chain

One Center

Continuously re?ne and optimize business rules toreduce manual operations and errors, therebyenhancing business operational e?ciencyStandardize data governance, data development, anddata platform construction, and centralize data storageacross all business domains

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust Corporate


Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Digitalization ManagementIn terms of institutional standardization, the Company has added fourregulations and systems including the Tongwei Co., Ltd. Information TechnologyImplementation Management Speci?cation and the Tongwei Co., Ltd.Informatization Project Management and Operation Measures in the current year,continuously improving technical management standards. In terms of personnelprofessionalization, the Company continuously improves personnel professionalcapabilities through activities such as internal and external training, supportingthe Company in digital transformation.In terms of smart o?ce, the Company actively organizes the development andapplication of various smart systems, such as conducting projects in smart?nance, smart marketing, digital HR, etc., to enhance business e?ciencyimprovement.

In 2023, we had been actively developing our smart ?nance system,including:


We established a ?nance-sharing center, integrated with11 systems, gradually implementing 10 major businessareas with a total of133 detailed processes.

CaseTongwei started developing the smart ?nance system

During the reporting period,Tongwei

conducted training activities relatedto digital transformation25sessions


We constructed a smart tax management platform,covering over200 subsidiary companies, gradually

upgrading the original manual tax management to “fullydigitalized”. The invoicing process has been reducedfrom150 seconds to 15 seconds, greatly improvinginvoicing e?ciency.

with the participation of employeestotaling410times

planned and completed key digitalization projects (covering areas such as ?nance,fund utilization, information disclosure, energy and carbon management, businessmarketing, and smart operations)12 projects

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Tongwei is committed to providing safe and stable products, aiming toachieve mutual development between the Company and its clients. We placea high emphasis on product quality, strictly adhere to the national laws andregulations of the product sales regions, continuously improve the qualitymanagement system, achieve full-process quality management, ensurestandardized production, and persist in delivering the greatest value to ourclients with the highest quality products.

Product Responsibility

Construction of Quality Management SystemTongwei has established and enhanced its quality management system, activelyengaging in ISO 9001 quality management system and ISO 22000 food safetymanagement system certi?cations.

Intelligent ProductionWhile achieving deep integration of business operations and digital technology,Tongwei also strengthens the automation and digitalization of production andbreeding bases to improve the e?ciency of production and management. Wecontinue to build production and aquaculture smart parks, gradually upgradingthem to be of larger scale and be more standardized and intelligent, bringingrobust and long-term core competitive advantages to the Company.Initiatives for Tongwei’s intelligent production and breedingAs of the reporting period, Tongwei has operated and managed

IoT +intelligent eco-aquaculture demonstration parks.The aquaculture bases employ an intelligent aquaculture controlsystem, which utilizes modern equipment such as the "SmartAquaculture" system for online water quality monitoring ofparameters such as water temperature and dissolved oxygen,while intelligently controlling aquaculture facilities and equipment.The existing feed tower system has been upgraded with AI technology,and feeding robots have been developed and deployed to ensure amore precise feeding mode, thereby achieving feed savings.

As of the end of the reporting period,In the agricultural and animal husbandrysector, companies obtained dual certi?cationsfor ISO 9001 quality management system andISO 22000 food safety management system

more companies compared to theprevious year

In the PV industry, the certi?cation rate for

ISO 9001 quality management system


laboratories and testing centers havebeen accredited by CNAS (ChinaNational Accreditation Service forConformity Assessment)



Tongwei Solar (Jintang) was developed into a 5G smart park with 17 intelligent

manufacturing production lines, realizing comprehensive interconnectivity

and collaboration among people, equipment, and devices.Through digital means such as data visualization, equipmentvisualization, and the deployment of intelligent forklifts, keyproduction data ?ows are seamlessly connected between systems,enhancing production e?ciency and resource utilization e?ciency.By presenting data in di?erent ways such as production screens, centralcontrol systems, and mobile devices, the timeliness of equipment monitoringby relevant personnel is improved, thereby increasing management e?ciency.

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


SectorAwarding UnitsAwards

Agricultureand animalhusbandry

Leading Enterprise of Quality inChina's Agriculture and AnimalHusbandry IndustryChina Associationfor QualityInspection

Leading Brand of Quality in China'sAgriculture and Animal HusbandryIndustryNational Demonstration Enterprisesfor Product and Service Quality andIntegrityStable Quali?ed Product inNationwide QualityInspectionNational Quality and IntegrityBenchmark Enterprise


Sichuan Province QualityBenchmark Advanced QualityManagement UnitSichuan QualitySupervisionAssociationAnhui Administrationof Market RegulationJiangsu Province WuxiMunicipal GovernmentMarket Supervision andAdministration Bureauof Inner MongoliaAutonomous Region

2023 Sichuan Province QualityStability Commitment Unit withEmphasis on Quality and IntegrityWanmei Brand DemonstrationEnterpriseFirst Taihu Lake Green ExcellenceAward - Platinum AwardInner Mongolia Autonomous RegionUp-to-the-Standard BenchmarkDemonstration Enterprise

Quality, market, and bene?ts are the eternal themes in the Company’sdevelopment, with quality serving as the foundation and prerequisite forthe market and bene?ts.Accurately identify the essential needs of clients, always aim to maximizeclient value as the goal to standardize the consciousness and behavior ofall employees, and strictly control the quality of products throughprofessional, standardized, and large-scale management across theentire process of design, manufacturing, and usage.Continuously improve the quality management system, committed tocreating an e?cient, value-added, and irreplaceable supply chain,providing safe and stable products to society, and achieving win-windevelopment for the Company and clients.

Quality Policy··


We rigorously control product quality, aiming for 100% product quali?cationupon factory delivery, 0 incidents of quality and safety issues, 100% usercomplaint resolution rate, and quality goals that contribute to the Company’sgrowth and expansion.

Quality Goal

product quali?cation rateupon factory delivery100%

incidents of quality andsafety issues

user complaintresolution rate


Quality Honors (partial list)

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Indicators202320222021Number of TQMimprovement projects

21,6682,7961,676Revenues of TQMimprovement projects(in 10 thousand yuan)

120,49561,56679,131Rewards for TQMimprovement projects(in 10 thousand yuan)


In May 2023, each department's supervisors and team/group leaders atTongwei Solar participated in a quality management tools training eventorganized by the Company. This training course focused on the ?ve corequality management tools: Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP),Production Part Approval Process (PPAP), Failure Mode and E?ects Analysis(FMEA), Statistical Process Control (SPC), and Measurement System Analysis(MSA). It emphasized the practical application of these tools in actual work andintegrated case studies for analysis. The training further enhanced theemployees' professional skills and e?ective use of quality tools, safeguardingproduct quality.

CaseTongwei Solar carried out quality management training

In 2023, Tongwei has

conducted training for product quality and safety


with employee participants24,651

a total training duration of29,193hours

To advocate for employee engagement in corporate management, and enhanceoverall quality risk awareness, and quality management capabilities, Tongweicontinuously strengthens its quality culture construction. September of eachyear is designated as Quality Month. In accordance with relevant qualitymanagement laws and regulations, and considering product characteristics,various activities focusing on improving quality are organized during this period.The "Star of Quality" selection is conducted to encourage all employees toactively participate in quality and safety construction, enhance overall qualityawareness, and e?ectively improve the Company's management e?ciency andproduct quality.Tongwei Solar has developed a set of total quality management (“TQM”)procedures and the Continuous Improvement Management Measures of TQM, withreasonable incentive systems to encourage employees to propose rational andinnovative suggestions. Employees are rewarded accordingly based on thee?ects of the implemented suggestions.In 2023, Tongwei Solar's improvement projects amounted to21,668,revenues from improvement projects reached1,205 million yuan,and rewards for improvement projects went as high as

5.25 million yuan.

Construction of Quality Culture

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Life-cycle Quality ManagementTongwei has implemented a series of meticulous management measures throughout the life cycle of its products. From the initial stages of market research and productdesign to the ?nal stages of mass production and market release, the Company has established strict testing and control measures to ensure comprehensive qualitymanagement across the product life cycle.

Benchmarking within the industry,collecting the latest product qualitydata from peers

Product Introduction


Product TestingPhase

Product Mass Production


Handling ofNon-conforming Products

Developing a product developmentplan, clearly de?ning the objectives,progress, and expected outcomesfor each stage

Conducting root cause analysis andformulating corrective measures

Strictly supervising and controllingthe experimental process inaccordance with managementprocedures to ensure the accuracyand reliability of the test resultsFocusing on verifying whether theproduct's performance andreliability meet the expectedrequirementsPromptly organizing and analyzingthe test data to identify potentialissues and risksAnalyzing and optimizingimprovements for problemsencountered during the testsBased on the results of the productquality risk assessment, decidingwhether the testing products shouldenter the normal inventory toensure that no risky products ?owinto the regular stock

Adhering strictly to the documentedregulations for productionConducting daily inspections,regular special inspections, and jointpatrol inspectionsContinuously improving qualitythrough the PDCA cycleAuditing potential quality issues anddriving line improvements toprevent the production ofnon-conforming products

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Tongwei's product quality control process

Tongwei has implemented a series of internal management systems and procedures, ranging from source control and process supervision to quality risk assessment,?nished product acceptance, and product recalls. These multi-dimensional measures are designed to ensure product quality and enhance the ability to manage productquality risks, thereby guaranteeing the delivery of high-quality and reliable products to clients.

Supplier Management and Control ProceduresIncoming Inspection and Test Control ProceduresManagement Procedures on Introduction of N-typeMaterials

Clarify the requirements for raw material procurement to prevent theusage of non-conforming raw materialsPromote the multi-level spot-check mechanism, including pre-inspectionof raw materials and procurement reviewEnsure the quality of supplier deliverables

Management ProcessCompany PoliciesManagement Measures

Procurement sourcecontrol

Process qualitycontrol

Quality riskcontrolProduct acceptancemanagementProduct recallmanagement

Product Quality Management Process

Product Manufacturing Process Control ProceduresIn-Process Product Inspection ManagementOn-site Quality Inspection Policy, etc.

Clarify production process inspection, abnormality de?nition anddisposal methodsAutomatic monitoring of the whole production process, real-time riskalarm, and timely correction of instructionsConduct random sampling inspections of productsRisk and Opportunity Control ProcedureQuality Risk and Opportunity Management PolicyProduct Quality and Safety Risk Prevention Measures, etc.

Clarify the mechanisms and procedures of risk identi?cation, anddevelop e?ective prevention and control measuresFinished Goods Outbound Inspection Control ProceduresProduct Inspection Management PolicyNon-conforming Product Control Procedures, etc.

Conduct quality inspections for ?nished goodsDispose of non-conforming productsRegularly deliver products to a third-party testing company for type testProduct Recall PolicyFood Recall Management Procedures, etc.

Establish the product recall mechanism

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


In 2023, Tongwei Yongxiang implemented multiple managementmeasures to promote standardization in production processes,with the main activities as follows:

Established a visual demonstration area where visual managementspecialists conduct on-site learning tofacilitate benchmarking across work sections.Conducted a weekly comprehensive visualinspection to identify and rectify issues.


Tongwei Yongxiang advanced standardization inproduction to ensure product quality

recti?cationrate achieved100%

reduction in standarddeviation rates65%

reduction in executiondeviation rates39%

Management System/Standard Revision

revised manage-ment standards

updated workstandards

re?ned version 3.0operational standards

Visual Management

Carried out comprehensive job cycle checks involving all employees,resulting inJob Cycle Checks

Initiate therecallprocedure

Convene a product recallreview meeting to assesswhether to recall the product

1. For client-side issues, follow the Client

Complaint Handling Process

2. For recalled products, follow the

Non-Conforming Product Control ProceduresMake records, publish the resolution,and archive the documentation

Yes, recall theproductsNo, adopt alternativesolutions

Product recall process

Standardization in production is the cornerstone of productquality assurance and a critical aspect of quality management.To ensure safe, e?cient, and stable production management,and to e?ectively prevent various risks while continuallyenhancing production management capabilities, Tongwei hasestablished a series of systems such as the ProductionManagement Standards, the Production Operation PlanManagement, and the Production Demand Plan Management,based on national guidelines for production management.

Product Production Quality Management

Tongwei regularly and proactively carriesout internal and external product testing toensure product quality and safety. Internalmonitoring includes routine spot checksand surveillance, while external monitoringis conducted by third-party organizationsfor product testing.In the PV industry, when there is a changein the process, parameters or materials, theCompany strictly follows the changedocuments to conduct preventive tests toidentify and avoid potential risks andprevent batch abnormalities fromoccurring. Meanwhile, we regularly conductproduct quality and reliability tests and urgethe relevant departments to continuouslyoptimize and improve.In the agriculture and animal husbandrysector, the Company strictly monitors thequality of raw materials and products.According to the Raw Material QualityStandards, we carry out correspondingbatch inspections, routine inspections, andquality and safety monitoring for eachbatch of incoming raw materials.

Product Quality Monitoring

To protect the interests of clients and preventthe occurrence of unsafe hazards, Tongweihas established internal managementsystems, such as the Product Recall Processand the Product Recall Management Procedure,improving the relevant work managementstandards. Additionally, the Companyregularly conducts product recall drills.During the reporting period, there have beenno incidents of the Company initiating orbeing compelled to recall products due toquality issues.

Product Recall Management

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Introduce product information to clientsthrough various means such as tradeshows, distribution of promotionalmaterials, and inviting clients andmainstream industry media to witness theCompany's production processes andquality control measures at our subsidiariesAnswer client inquiries online throughWeChat o?cial accounts, TikTok accounts,live streaming, and other internet platformsDevelop our own CRM application and builda pool of potential clients through o?inesurveys by client representatives

Tongwei's standardized communication process with clients

Tongwei abides by the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests and other national laws and regulations, practices themanagement philosophy of “client-oriented”, attaches great importance to the protection of client rights, and continues to enhance client satisfaction andsafeguard client privacy and safety.

Client Rights

Client Service ManagementTongwei continuously optimizes the client service system, formulates internal management systems such as theClient Complaint Handling Process and the Procedures for Handling of Client Returns to clarify the service process forthe entire lifecycle of the products, and revised the Standard Handbook on Client Complaint Handling in 2023 tofurther improve the process of handling client complaints as well as the appraisal mechanism for the relevantsta?, so as to ensure that clients’ feedback and complaints will be handled promptly.

Tongwei not only places great emphasis on theregular communication process with clients butalso responds to and addresses client inquiriespromptly, ensuring that client needs are fed backin a timely manner.

Visit clients to understand theirneeds and help address their painpointsInvite interested target clients toattend promotional meetings todeepen their understanding of ourbusinessFormulate reasonable productionand procurement plans,strengthen production andlogistics management, improveproduction e?ciency and logisticspunctuality, and ensure timelydelivery of products

Provide clients with timely andprofessional technical supportand servicesRespond promptly to clientinquiries and feedback, andhandle client complaints, returns,and exchanges with careProactively maintaincommunication with clients,conduct satisfaction surveys, andunderstand client needs andmarket feedback

Clients provide feedbackCon?rm as not

due to ourCompanyCommunicate

with clients

Analyze and seek improvement, issue

reports, and provide solutions

Archive client complaint documentation

Con?rm as due to our CompanyCollect information and conduct preliminary review

In 2023,Tongweireceived product-relatedfeedback and complaints

client complainthandling rate achieved


Client complaint handling process

After-sales Pre-salesDuring sales

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Client SatisfactionWith the aim of improving client satisfaction, Tongwei has formulated manyinternal management procedures such as the Client Visit Management Measuresand the Procedures for Client Communication and Satisfaction Survey, establishinga bridge for communication with clients to understand their needs and toprovide high-quality services. Each subsidiary of Tongwei regularly conductsclient satisfaction surveys in diversi?ed manners, collecting feedback and ratingsfrom clients on product quality, services, prices, delivery times, etc., throughsatisfaction survey questionnaires, the Marketing Comm App, telephone, email,and other ways. The collected data is summarized and analyzed to continuouslyoptimize products and services.

mechanism for headquarters supervision and subsidiary execution to regulatetrademark usage and marketing of the Company, eliminate false advertising,and prevent consumer deception. The company’s brand managementdepartment and product safety management department are responsible forreviewing all external publicity content to ensure the authenticity andcompliance of product promotion.During the reporting period, the company did not experience any violationsrelated to product and service information and labeling.

Responsible MarketingIn strict adherence to the Advertising Law of the People’s Republic of China andother relevant laws and regulations, Tongwei established a management

2023 was the “Year of Good Products” for Tongwei Agriculture Development.Tongwei Agriculture Development proposed the standard of “stable rawmaterials, consistently good quality,” collected a total of 11,142 excellentfarming cases, and obtained e?ective data through on-site testing and samplingby technical personnel orservice engineers. Thepromotional materialsdistributed on feedpackaging were madebased on real sample data,practicing responsiblemarketing with authenticdata.


Tongwei Agriculture Development promotes its “good products”with “good quality”

Promotion poster for Tongwei AgricultureDevelopment product

In 2023, Tongwei achieved

an average salessatisfaction rate of


an average after-salesservice satisfaction rate of


an average clientsatisfaction rate of


In 2023, Tongwei

with the participation of employeestotaling


a total training duration of


conducted internal and external specialized audits onresponsible marketing


conducted training for responsiblemarketing


Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Tongwei emphasizes long-term partnership and sharedgrowth with suppliers and comprehensively integrates theconcept of sustainable development into supply chainmanagement. Ful?lling its social responsibility, Tongweicarries out special e?orts for responsible procurement andsupply chain traceability and devotes itself to building adigital, green and sustainable supply chain.

Responsible SupplyChain Management

The material ESG issues mentioned in this chapter:

?Sustainable Supply Chain Management

The SDGs addressed in this chapter:

To meet global needs for green development and clean energy, Tongwei has seized the initiative ofsupplying core raw materials for PV and has established a complete new energy industry chain for PV withindependent intellectual property rights. At the same time, we actively promote a win-win situation in theindustry and work with our partners to build a sustainable supply chain.

Sustainable Supply Chain Components

National Green Supply Chain ManagementEnterprises

Green Supply Chain (Green Manufacturing)

Carbon Footprint Certi?cations

Low Carbon Supply Chain (Carbon Footprint)

Special Working Group on Supply ChainTraceability

Responsible Supply Chain (Labor Traceability)

Capacity data on this page is updated as of April 2024

Sustainable Supply Chain at Tongwei Co., Ltd.

Under construction, expected to beoperational by the end of 2024

Green Material(Metallurgical-Grade Silicon)

Crystalline SiliconPV Modules

Existing capacity of GW

Existing capacity of GW


Existing capacity of tons

450,000High-Purity Polysilicon

Existing capacity of GW

Solar Cells

Crystalline SiliconSlicing

Existing capacity of GW

Tongwei attaches importance to supplier management, upholds thebusiness philosophy of "Honesty, Trust, Fairness and Excellence", andadvocates for establishing an equal, respectful and transparent environmentfor cooperation. Over the years, Tongwei has established long-term andstable, mutually bene?cial and win-win partnerships with suppliers andpartners to build a responsible supply chain.

Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management System

Tongwei strictly abides by the Company Law of the People's Republic of China, theBidding and Tendering Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevantlaws and regulations, and has formulated the Supplier Management ControlProcedures, the Management Procedures on Suppliers of Raw Materials, theManagement Procedures on Suppliers of Non-raw Materials and other documentsin accordance with business needs, so as to carry out the whole-processstandardized management of suppliers.In addition, we comply with laws and regulations such as the EnvironmentalProtection Law of the People's Republic of China, the Labor Law of the People'sRepublic of China, the Social Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China, theResponsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct, the International Labor

Management Principles and System

Organization (ILO) Conventions, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights andother international conventions. We have formulated the Tongwei Co., Ltd.Supplier Code of Conduct to incorporate environmental and social factors into thesupplier management mechanism and to strengthen the performancemanagement of suppliers in business ethics, human rights and labor,environmental protection, and occupational safety and health.

100%By the end of 2024, achieve a 100% signingrate for social responsibility commitmentsfrom primary raw material suppliers in thephotovoltaic manufacturing sector


By the end of 2025, achieve a coverage rate for

ESG risk identi?cation and assessment amongprimary raw material suppliers in thephotovoltaic manufacturing sector

100%By the end of 2026, achieve a 100% on-siteaudit rate for core suppliers of primary rawmaterials in the photovoltaic manufacturingsector

Supplier Management Sustainability Goals

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


?Comply with privacy and information securitylaws and regulations to conduct business?Encourage and strengthen information security

and enhance the resilience of the industrychain against risks

Privacy and Information Protection

?Eliminate the use of child labor and forced

labor, and comply with local labor and humanrights laws and regulations?Provide a zero-harassment, zero-discriminationand inclusive work environment

Human Rights and Labor

?Provide a safe and healthy workingenvironment, establish occupational healthand safety management systems andstandards, and o?er occupational health andsafety training and regular medical checkups

Occupational Health and Safety

?Sign the Agreement on Integrity, Cooperation and FairCompetition, Agreement on Anti-bribery in Business and theIntegrity Commitment, and accept reports through the openhotline and mailboxes?Compete and cooperate in accordance with the principles offairness, transparency and integrity

Business Ethics

?Strictly follow international conventions such as

the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI), noinvolvement in controversial purchases, and nouse of mineral resources from con?ict areasand those that violate the policies of TongweiCo., Ltd

Con?ict Minerals

?Require suppliers not to cause environmentalpollution during the production of goods andprovision of services?Comply with laws and regulations and localpolicies on pollutant discharge and disposal,and avoid the use of hazardous materials

Environmental Management

?Respect local cultures, traditions and beliefs,respect the right to informed consent ofcommunities and residents, and activelyparticipate in the activities of the communitiesin which we operate

Community Involvement

Supplier management principles at Tongwei

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


To further improve the e?ciency of supply chain management and strengthen thecapability of supplier management, Tongwei has developed documents such as theSupplier Management and Control Procedures, the Survey Form and Access Criteria forDeveloping Suppliers of Various Categories, the Supplier Access Policy, the ProcurementControl Procedures, which de?ne the process of quali?ed suppliers' admission andevaluation system.Tongwei employs classi?cation management for suppliers by categorizing them by theimpact of purchased materials on ?nal product quality, production safety andenvironment, and carrying out supplier management at di?erent levels. In the processof supplier selection and admission, we conduct quali?cation audits with variousindicators such as ISO 9001 quality management system certi?cation, ISO 14001environmental management system certi?cation, ISO 45001 occupational health andsafety management system certi?cation, operation status and production capacity. Weincorporate ESG issues such as labor rights and environmental compliance into thescope of the on-site audits, so as to continuously strengthen the e?ectiveness andstandardization of the supplier admission process.

Supplier Admission and Classi?cationSupplier Overview

New supplierregistration

Quali?cation andcapability inspection

Sample inspection of raw

and auxiliary materialsIntroduction ofquali?ed suppliers

Quali?ed supplierevaluation

On-site audit andoversight of recti?cation

Quali?ed supplier admission ?owchart

As of the end of the reporting period, the number of Tongwei's supplierstotaled4,547

Tongwei AgriculturalDevelopment1,545

In China1,197

Outside China

Tongwei Food

In China

Outside China

Tongwei Yongxiang


In China1,862

Outside China

Tongwei Solar

In China

Outside China

Tongwei Modules

In China

Outside China

Tongwei New Energy

In China

Outside China

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust Corporate


Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Supplier Risk Management

Tongwei includes ESG concepts in the full life cycle management process of suppliers to ensure that their relevant environmental, social and business ethicsperformance is aligned with the guidelines. Based on the Supplier EHS Audit Form, the Supplier ESG Audit Form, and the Supplier Site Audit Standard Form, we carry outsupplier ESG risk identi?cation and assessment, supervision and audit, and training, and work together with suppliers to reduce operational risks.

Full Life Cycle ESG Risk Management

Supplier full life cycle ESG management ?owchart

Require suppliers to sign the Agreement on Integrity, the Cooperation and Fair Competition and the Social Responsibility Commitment, and submit ESGquali?cation for review, and reject those who are not quali?edSupplier Screening

Conduct regular supplier on-site audits in which suppliers with excellent ESG performance are upgraded to higher levels, prioritized forprocurement, and recognized or awarded with incentivesAudit and SupervisionEvaluate suppliers using the "Supplier Scorecard", which covers labor rights, business ethics, environmental management and other aspects

so that suppliers with high scores will be prioritized under the same conditions

Risk Identi?cation and Assessment

Suppliers failing to rectify problems will be withdrawnSupplier Withdrawal

Propose improvement targets and plans for audited issues

Propose Improvement Targets and Plans

Provide training and assistance to suppliers to enhance their ability to operate in a sound manner

Supplier Training

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Tongwei's ESG management metrics in the supply chain include, but are not limited to:


?ISO 14001 system certi?cation?Penalties for environmental violations?Emission permits and EIA reports?Compliance with emission standards for "three wastes"?Energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions

?Employment compliance: non-discrimination, prohibition of forced

labor and child labor?Labor rights protection, compensation and bene?ts compliance?ISO 45001/OHSA18001 Occupational health and safety managementsystem certi?cation?Privacy and information protection?Con?ict minerals?Suppliers are not allowed to transfer, or subcontract any rights or

obligations to a third party without the written consent of Tongwei Co.,



?Business integrity quali?cation?Business ethics and prohibition of commercial bribery?Signing of Fair Competition Agreement and the Social Responsibility


Corporate Governance

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress






Tracingdocumentand evidencecollectionandpreliminaryreview

Tracingdocument andevidence ?nal


Third-partytraceabilityand on-siteaudit of laborcompliance


Supply chain traceability work?ow

Tongwei attaches particular importance to human rights and labor managementin the supply chain. In the Social Responsibility Commitment and the Supplier Codeof Conduct, we require suppliers to strictly comply with the Social Accountability8000 Standard (SA8000), Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI), SMETA

and other social responsibility guidelines, so as to ensure the protection of laborrights and bene?ts.

Supply Chain Labor Management

During the reporting period, Tongwei set up a special working group on supplychain traceability for the traceability and audit of relevant orders, which canrealize the whole process of traceability from raw material procurement,manufacturing, warehousing and logistics to sales and use of the siliconmaterials to modules.For internal management, the Company has prepared the Traceability Workbook,which speci?es the traceability requirements of each link and the division ofresponsibilities of each position. We have established a digital traceabilityplatform to ensure standardized and orderly traceability e?orts.For external cooperation, the Company provides solid support for externaltraceability e?orts by establishing an information-sharing mechanism withsuppliers to timely obtain product traceability data and production records.

Supply Chain Traceability

Non-discriminationProhibit any form of child and forced laborRespect for the basic human rights of employeesRespect for employees' freedom of association and collective bargainingrightsProvide an equal and fair working environmentProvide safe and hygienic working conditions to ensure employee safetyand healthReasonably arrange working hours, rest and vacationPay reasonable remuneration to employees that at least meet their basicneeds and the minimum wage, and pay overtime wages in accordancewith local laws in the case of overtime workEnsure employees' welfare and bene?tsEstablish a social responsibility management system and continuouslyimprove social responsibility performance

Key Provisions for Human Rights and Labor

SMETA is a responsible supply chain audit program initiated by Supplier Ethical Data Exchange (SEDEX) and is widely used by the industry.

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Tongwei develops an Annual Audit Plan for Quali?ed Suppliers every year, and assesses suppliers' performance by utilizing tools such as the Supplier EHS Audit Form andthe Supplier ESG Audit Form to evaluate suppliers' risk level and signi?cance. Our focus is on scrutinizing high-risk suppliers. Whenever problems are identi?ed, suppliersare required to formulate a recti?cation scheme, execute the necessary corrections within a speci?ed timeline, and undergo a follow-up audit. If suppliers do not meetthe requirements of the reassessment, they will be disquali?ed from further collaboration with the Company.

Supplier Audit

As of the end of the reporting period, in Tongwei's photovoltaicmanufacturing sector

the rate of suppliers who signedsocial responsibility commitmentwas


the rate of suppliers whosigned integrity commitmentwas


During the reporting period, we

conducted CSR assessmentsof suppliers, covering1,714supplierssupplierssuppliers

eliminated a totalof

required to rectify atotal of

Increase orders to Level Asuppliers if under the samebusiness conditions

Level ALevel BLevel CLow Risk

Maintain the existing orders to

Level B suppliersLow Risk

Reduce the orders as appropriateto Level C suppliers, and requirethe suppliers to rectifyMedium Risk

Suspend large-volume orders to

Level D suppliers in the nextassessment cycle, and carry outspecial recti?cation; those who pass

the veri?cation can be selected as

the alternative suppliers

High RiskLevel D

Traceability ChainModuleprocess


Silicon waferprocess

Silicon rodprocess

Silicon materialprocess

Silicon powder, silicon metal, and siliconore process

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


In 2023, we issued the Tongwei Co., Ltd. Con?ict Minerals Commitment and Policy to safeguard labor and human rights, healthcare, and the environment inmineral-producing regions, aiming to strengthen ethical sourcing practices of con?ict minerals. Tongwei is dedicated to enforcing compliance with the UN GlobalCompact, OECD's Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Con?ict-A?ected and High-Risk Areas, the Responsible Minerals Initiative(RMI), and further international regulations. We prioritize responsible sourcing of minerals like tantalum, tin, tungsten, and gold (3TG) for our products, ensuring theirorigin from ethical sources.Tongwei has established a con?ict minerals management mechanism, conducted supplier due diligence, and integrated purchases of con?ict materials into its auditingprocesses. Speci?cally, Tongwei Modules has required suppliers to ?ll out the Con?ict Minerals Survey questionnaire and endorse the Con?ict Minerals Commitment andDeclaration. This obligation explicitly demands that ?rst-tier suppliers guarantee their non-involvement in transactions of con?ict materials while also imparting theprinciples of responsible mineral procurement to their respective suppliers in higher tiers.In the future, we plan to progressively expand the range of minerals covered in con?ict-a?ected and high-risk area surveys and evaluations among suppliers,incorporating minerals such as cobalt and mica, aimed at advancing the longevity of Tongwei's responsible sourcing program.

Responsible Mineral Procurement

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Building a stable and environmentally friendly supply chain is an importantpart of Tongwei's e?orts to fully achieve sustainable development. We arecommitted to promoting the concept of sustainability to the upstream anddownstream enterprises in the supply chain, empowering our suppliers andpartners, and building a mutually bene?cial, eco-friendly, and low-carbonsupply chain.

Sustainable Supply Chain

Supply Chain EmpowermentTongwei has established a regular communication and feedback system with itssuppliers. Communication sessions are arranged to review pertinent issues ando?er recommendations for enhancement. Additionally, we o?er technicalguidance and personnel assistance to our suppliers. Training programs coveringtopics such as anti-unfair competition, ethical collaboration, and EHS complianceare conducted through various channels including o?ine and online training,announcements on the supplier relation management platform, and directengagement with business representatives, to help suppliers improve their ESGmanagement.

Building a Green and Low Carbon SupplyChain

Tongwei integrates the concept of green development into business and supplychain management, placing a strong emphasis on advancing greenprocurement, which drives ongoing enhancements in suppliers' greenproduction standards and facilitates the transition towards a green andlow-carbon supply chain.

Tongwei actively builds a green supply chain system through the initiatives infour key areas: green procurement, energy saving and consumption reduction,water resource management, and public engagement. Additionally, theCompany is progressively advancing an audit model that integrates internalaudits with suppliers' self-assessments, so as to build a green and low-carbonsynergistic development system.

Green Supply Chain

During the reporting period, the photovoltaic manufacturing sector conducted

supplier training


with suppliers

a training duration ofabout


Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Tongwei was invited to a supplier connection meeting organized by ChinaWater Resources & Electric Power Materials & Equipment GroupCaseIn August 2023, Tongwei was invited to a supplier connection meeting organizedby China Water Resources & Electric Power Materials & Equipment Group,where we delivered a keynote presentation. During this period, we signedstrategic cooperation, integrity commitment, and supply guarantee agreementswith China Datang Low-Carbon & Green Development Co., Ltd. Concurrently,Tongwei Solar (Hefei) was recognized as an "Excellent Collaborative Supplier".

Supplier connection meeting

Energy-related metrics are includedin the supplier's ESG assessment,covering?Percentage of renewableenergy used?Percentage of natural gas used?Total energy consumption

Water-related metrics are includedin the supplier's ESG assessment,covering?Total water withdrawals?Total water use?Percentage of water recycled

?Prioritizing local suppliers to

reduce transportation energyconsumption?Prioritizing suppliers with excellentenvironmental performance?Prioritizing energy-e?cientequipment to improve energye?ciency?Prioritizing products with lowercarbon footprints

Green Procurement

?Actively responding to green and

low-carbon supply chain initiatives?Promoting green products?Promoting two-way circular

development along the upstream

and downstream of supply chain?Supporting the industry-wide

green and low-carbon cooperative

development system

Public Participation

Energy Saving andConsumption Reduction

Water Management

green supply


Tongwei launches green supply chain initiative

As of the end of the reporting period, Tongwei has

national greenfactories

national greensupply chainmanagemententerprises

green designproducts

provincialgreen factories

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Tongwei embraces ecological protection as a core responsi-bility, ?rmly commits to the green development strategy,and strives to emerge as a premier safe food globalprovider and clean energy operator. We actively adhere tothe objectives outlined in the national "dual-carbon"strategy, diligently uphold our environmental protectionpledges, ensure the e?ective implementation of pollutioncontrol measures and waste disposal protocols, and activelyengage in initiatives that advance the eco-friendly anddecarbonization e?orts within our production and opera-tions. Through tangible e?orts and initiatives, we drive theshift towards a more sustainable global energy landscapeby leveraging the in?uence of Tongwei.

Green and Low CarbonPractices

The material ESG issues mentioned in this chapter:

?Climate Change Response?Energy Management?Environmental Management?Water Resource Management?Emissions and Waste Management

?Green Manufacturing?Clean Technology Opportunities?Product Lifecycle Management?Ecological Impact

The SDGs addressed in this chapter:

Tongwei has established a comprehensive environmental managementsystem, featuring an environmental management structure with clear rolesand e?cient coordination. We proactively advocate for green andlow-carbon production processes, enforce rigorous environmentalmonitoring and control protocols, emphasize the cultivation of employees'environmental awareness and emergency response capabilities, establishindustry-leading green production facilities, and undertake tangibleinitiatives to promote environmental sustainability and growth of theenterprise.

Environmental Management System

Tongwei three-tier environmental management structureEnvironmental Management StructureTongwei strictly abides by the Environmental Protection Law of the People'sRepublic of China, alongside other relevant national and local statutes. TheCompany has formulated internal guidelines such as the EnvironmentalProtection Management Procedure and the Environmental Monitoring ManagementPolicy, continuously enhancing the environmental management system.Tongwei has implemented a comprehensive three-tier environmentalmanagement structure, delineating roles and responsibilities across each level.The core management of the Head O?ce oversees environmental matters,encompassing greenhouse gas emissions, pollutants, and water resourcemanagement. Meanwhile, the security and environmental protectiondepartment, and other operational units under each business entity, overseeand execute speci?c environmental management tasks at the plant level.

Moreover, the Company has incorporated environmental managementperformance into the annual assessment of key personnel through documentslike the Safety and Environmental Protection Assessment Management Policy.Additionally, to continuously enhance the environmental management system,Tongwei regularly engages external third-party organizations to conductsupervision and audits in alignment with ISO 14001 certi?cation standards,ensuring the applicability and e?ectiveness of the management system.

As of the end of the reporting period,

companies of Tongwei and itssubsidiaries were certi?ed with ISO 14001environmental management systemIn April 2023, Tongwei Solar built the ?rst "Near-Zero Carbon Factory" in AnhuiProvince, and in October, it was awarded the Near-Zero Carbon Factory EvaluationCerti?cate issued by the Eco-Environmental Sub-bureau of Hefei High-Tech Zone.

production bases werecerti?ed as nationalgreen factories


of the Head


Heads ofbusinessentities

Security andenvironmental

protectiondepartments of


Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Environmental Risk ControlThe Company prepares the Procedures for Identi?cation and Evaluation of Environmental Protection Factors and Hazardous Sources as well as the List of Signi?cantEnvironmental Factors. Through a systematic analysis framework encompassing three temporal states, three statuses, and eight aspects, the Company routinely identi?es,evaluates, and monitors environmental impact factors throughout its operations. Additionally, the Company takes into account the environmental impacts associatedwith its raw material suppliers and other relevant entities to ensure a comprehensive coverage of environmental responsibilities. Clear environmental objectives andtargets are established for key environmental impact factors, accompanied by corresponding management plans to facilitate the e?ective control of key environmentalfactors and enhance environmental risk management.


EightAspectsActivitiesby Related





Emissions tothe atmosphere

Emissionsto waterEmissionsto landContractorsSuppliers

Waste disposalWaste haulers

Waste andby-products


Raw materials andnatural resource use




Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversity

and Progress


The security and environmental protection department of the Companyroutinely organizes and carries out special environmental inspections, monitorsenvironmental conditions, conducts emergency drills, and implements othercontrol measures to proactively address potential environmental safety hazardsand mitigate environmental risks:

Moreover, Tongwei upholds a stringent internal audit mechanism, conductingcomprehensive quarterly reviews of its environmental management procedures.This evaluation aims to promptly identify any potential issues or de?ciencies,enabling the swift implementation of corrective actions to avert potentialenvironmental accidents and pollution incidents.

In 2023, the Company allocated

1.527 billion yuan towards environmental

protection investments. This budget encompasses expenses related to acquiringenvironmental protection equipment, such as water and electricity-saving devices,maintaining environmental protection infrastructure, enhancing the greenery ofthe facilities, and promoting various environmental protection initiatives.

Environmental Protection Investment






Environmental protection investment at Tongwei(unit: 0.1 billion yuan)

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Professionals across various departments are organized to conductperiodic inspections on water, electricity, gas, and specializedequipment to identify and assess environmental safety risks. Thedepartment guides responsible units in analyzing, managing, andrectifying identi?ed hazards and performs monthly environmentalassessments to ensure e?ective implementation and enhancement ofcompany security and environmental protection protocols.SpecialEnvironmental


Quarterly environmental factors testing is conducted, and results arepublicized. Regular online monitoring of wastewater, exhaustemissions, and noise is carried out, with timely calibration andmaintenance of monitoring equipment to guarantee the system's safeand e?cient operation.An emergency response mechanism for environmental crises isestablished and enhanced, including the formulation of an EmergencyResponse Plan for Environmental Emergencies and the establishment ofan emergency response team. Environmental risk incidents aremanaged categorically, with corresponding preventive and emergencyresponse measures devised. Daily inspection and supervisionmeasures are reinforced to ensure the Company's capability to handleemergencies swiftly, methodically, and e?ectively.



In response to the pressing and immediate challenge of global climate change,Tongwei, as a prominent player in the agricultural and animal husbandry, andphotovoltaic sectors, has been actively pursuing green growth throughout itsindustrial endeavors, and contributing e?orts to worldwide energy transitionand green development.

Climate Change Response

All subsidiaries of Tongwei jointly hold energy-saving awareness week activities

Environmental Protection Culture BuildingDuring the production process, we organize regular emergency drills andspecialized job training to enhance our employees' understanding ofenvironmental regulations and pollution prevention. Within the o?ce, wepromote paperless operations and endorse double-sided printing, and introduceother environmental initiatives to embody optimal low-carbon o?ce practicesand collaboratively foster a green and e?cient o?ce environment.

During the reporting period,environmental emergency drills were carriedout at the production bases of Tongwei

environmental education and trainingactivities were conducted

with the participationof employees totaling37,692timeswith employeeparticipants7,381

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Climate Governance and Strategy

Tongwei attaches great importanceto climate-related issues. Under thesupervision and guidance of theBoard of Directors, the ESGManagement Committee formulatesaction guidelines, and the ESGManagement Executive WorkingGroup takes the lead andcollaborates with relevantdepartments to formulate climatestrategic plans and implementrelevant action plans closely aroundthe action guidelines.Under the dual strategy of greenenergy and green agriculture andanimal husbandry, Tongwei hasestablished climate action policiesand strategies to enhance climateadaptation and response capability,and consistently bolstering itsoverall resilience to climate crisis.

Management Structure & Strategy

Medium-term | 2025-2030Utilizing the marginalabatement cost curve, Tongweiimplements abatementmeasures systematically andscienti?cally while adhering tothe principles of prioritizingeasier tasks before morechallenging ones, addressingissues point by point, engagingall stakeholders, and employingdiverse measures to advancetowards operational carbonneutrality.The Company strives to achievecarbon neutrality at theoperational level by 2030,relying solely on100%renewable energy sources.

Short-term | 2023-2025Tongwei consistently monitorscarbon emissions status,adheres to an energyconservation policy, enhancesenergy e?ciency, controlscarbon emissions, and strivesto align closely to achievecarbon neutrality.In 2025, the Company aims toachieve a

19.5% reduction

in carbon emission intensitycompared to the levels record-ed in 2020.

Long-term | After 2030In the commitment to sustain-ing carbon neutrality in ouroperations, Tongwei willfacilitate the transition tonet-zero carbon emissions forboth the upstream anddownstream sectors of thevalue chain and maintain thecritical

1.5℃ threshold

outlined in the Paris Agree-ment.

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

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Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


TechnologyNeglecting energy-e?cient technologies increasesenergy consumption and cost growth.Failed investments in new technologies and equipmentresult in higher expenses and reduced pro?ts fromR&D on low-carbon technologies.

Evaluate the ?nancial implications of energy consumption costs andgradually phase out high-energy-consuming, and high-emission equipmentand facilities.Enhance feasibility studies on researching, developing, and applyinglow-carbon technologies to mitigate investment risks.

Tongwei's climate risk identi?cation and response measures

Tongwei incorporates climate risk identi?cation and management into the daily ESG risk management system. The Company consistently monitors policy changes, lawsand regulations, market dynamics, technological advancements, business reputation, and physical risks. By analyzing external environmental shifts and internaldevelopment status, Tongwei e?ectively identi?es climate-related physical and transition risks and promptly develops and updates response measures accordingly.

Climate Risks and Opportunities

Risk TypePhysicalRisks



Extreme weather events, including extreme heat, heavyprecipitation, and river and coastal ?ooding, pose riskssuch as equipment damage, production disruptions,decreased productivity, increased repair andreplacement costs, and impacts on production outputat production sites.

Fully identify and evaluate ?nancial risks associated with climate change onproduction and operations, collaborate with insurers, and promptly activateemergency response plans and claims procedures during suddenenvironmental disasters.Formulate and timely update emergency drill plans for extreme weatherevents and natural disasters, along with regular drills to enhance theemergency response mechanism continually.





The country released stringent policies and regulationsto mitigate climate change and raise compliance costs,pressures, and legal risks in the corporate carbonmarket.Exported products face carbon tari?s, carbonfootprints, and policy restrictions.

Monitor changes in international and domestic environmental andcarbon-related laws, regulations, and policies, timely account for carbonemissions, and evaluate compliance costs.Expand product carbon footprint certi?cation, consider carbon tari?policies, assess export costs, and timely adjust business plans.



Prolonged droughts can lead to water scarcity,a?ecting production stability.Rising sea levels expose coastal production sites orprojects to erosion and inundation risks.

Continuously optimize the production process, replace water-savingequipment, and improve the e?ciency of water resources utilization.Conduct comprehensive analysis and demonstration of the natural andsocial environmental factors in the construction project area, developoptimal planning and design schemes, and respond to the climate crisiswith precise site selection and positioning.

Risk DescriptionRisk Response

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Risk TypeTransitionRisks

TechnologyActively engage in industry collaborations and promote low-carbontechnology R&D and application with value chain partners.

MarketReductions in new energy subsidies raise costs.Climate impact leads to increases in raw material,storage, and transportation costs, which escalate therisk of cost in?ation.Market price ?uctuations due to policy changes canalso reduce pro?ts.

Continuously improve product e?ciency and power generation capacity todrive product sales and boost pro?ts.Monitor the market impact of climate and natural disasters, and formulatepreemptive strategies.Establish strategic partnerships with high-quality partners to bolster supplychain risk response capability.

Risk DescriptionRisk Response

ReputationStakeholders like regulators, investors, and customersare demanding enhanced ESG performance andclimate disclosure, and failure to respond appropriatelymay harm reputation and brand value.

Responsive engagement with stakeholders regarding climate concernsthrough ESG reports, website disclosures, and questionnaire responses,aiming to enhance company performance and information transparency.Tongwei's climate opportunity identi?cation and response measuresOpportunity TypePoliciesThe state has released the "14th Five-Year Plan" for renewable energydevelopment to promote the integrated growth of photovoltaic powergeneration in multiple scenarios, and actively promote the "PV+" compositedevelopment mode, such as agricultural (pastoral) photovoltaiccomplementary systems, aquaculture-photovoltaic complementary setups.

The Company's " Aquaculture-Photovoltaic Integration" businessmodel enables photovoltaic power generation above aquaculturewaters, enabling a dual-use approach for ?shery production.

TechnologyGiven the Company's substantial total comprehensive energy consumptionand high carbon emissions footprint, improving energy e?ciency can notonly achieve emission reduction targets but also lead to comprehensivecost savings in energy usage.

By conducting technological R&D, upgrading equipment,optimizing processes, and enhancing management practices, theCompany proactively identi?es and pursues energy-savingprospects across all facets, boosts energy e?ciency, and lowersproduct unit consumption.


Photovoltaic power generation is an important technical means to build anew type of power system and facilitate carbon neutrality, and the marketdemand for green power will continue to increase. This trend is expected toboost the demand for silicon materials, battery cells, and modules.

Being a leading player in the photovoltaic industry, the Companystays committed to enhancing the core segments of silicon, cells,and modules. It consistently innovates photovoltaic applicationscenarios to o?er customers e?ective carbon reduction productsand solutions, creating ample opportunities for market expansion.

Opportunity DescriptionResponse

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world-class safe food supplier and world-class clean energy operator

In 2023,

Tongwei's clean energy power consumption1


increase in total compared to 2022

1The clean energy categories include wind, solar, hydropower, biomass, and natural gas.4,264,946.97MWh

Tongwei: Collaborating to Tackle Climate Change and Foster a Sustainable Green EarthClimate Action GoalsTongwei has established a systematic climate action framework covering "zero-carbon operations - zero-carbon value chain - zero-carbon products". We have set targets for carbon intensity at the operational level, the use ofrenewable energy, and the construction of zero-carbon factories. Leveraging the leadership in the supply chain, we actively advocate for a zero-carbon transition of the value chain to mitigate carbon emissions throughout theentire product life cycle.

As a signi?cant player and promoter of China and the global energytransition, Tongwei actively engages in international climate initiativeorganizations and contributes to global climate governance.During the reporting period, Tongwei o?cially joined the RE100 globalinitiative, pledging to achieve100% renewable energy consumption by

2030 and collaborating with enterprises across various sectors toadvance global climate action and sustainable development. In 2023,the Company's clean energy utilization accounted for 76.95% of the totalpower consumption.In addition, during the reporting period, Tongwei New Energy andCNOOC Gas & Power Electricity Investment signed the CooperationFramework Agreement on green power initiatives. This agreementunderscores their dedication to leveraging individual strengths forlong-term cooperation in green power, green certi?cate trading, andintelligent energy management, fostering the advancement of greenand low-carbon energy transitions.

Tongwei has committed to sourcing100% of its electricity fromrenewable energy sources by 2030,demonstrating its leadership in theclimate arena. As the globalfrontrunner and key player in thephotovoltaic industry, we anticipatethat Tongwei will take a leading rolein the global e?orts to combatclimate change, setting an examplenot only for China but also for theworld at large.

— Ollie WilsonHead of RE100

— Hui YumingDirector of Climate Group in China

At RE100, we are more than just acollection of businesses - we are acommunity with a shared vision of a'renewable energy, sustainablefuture.' Therefore, it is undoubtedlythat the inclusion of Tongweidemonstrates that globalcollaboration and synergy are vitaldrivers in combating today'sclimate challenges. We believe thatTongwei's participation will alsoinject new vitality into RE100.

Tongwei strives to achieve carbon neutrality at the operational level by 2030, and help the world reach the goal of zero emissions

"Zero-carbon operations - zero-carbon value chain - zero-carbon products" systematic action goal

Participate in global climate governance and join international voluntary climate initiative organizations

Zero carbon operationEnergy saving ande?ciency improvementSource-grid-load-storage


Energy management systemGreen electricity management systemCarbon asset management systemGreen supply chain management system



Promote the zero-carbontransition of the value chain

Zero carbon aquatic productsZero carbon feed|Zero carbon foodZero-carbon photovoltaic productsRaw fuelreplacementCleanerpower

Zero carbon value chainZero carbon products

Strive to achieve a 19.5%reduction in carbon intensity by2025 compared to 2020

Strive to achieve full (100%)usage of renewable electricityby 2030

Gradually carry out constructionand certi?cation zero-carbonfactories

Set the zero-carbon goal andaction path for the value chainGradually develop supply chaincarbon management

Gradually develop carbon-neutral productsContinuously promote the third-partycarbon footprint certi?cation of PV products

Carbon intensityRenewable energy useZero carbon factoryValue chain Product carbon footprint




Action goal

Becoming an O?cial Member of RE100

In 2023,participated in the meeting on monthly energymanagement analysis and improvement

300employeesmore than

with topics

As of the end of the reporting period,companies have passed ISO 50001 energy management system certi?cation

1In order to ensure data integrity and accuracy, in 2023, Tongwei carried out retrospectiveverification of the energy data of the past three years, further standardized the scope of statistics,calculation methods, and statistical calibers, and made adjustments to the historical data.

Energy ManagementTongwei strictly complies with the requirements of the Energy Conservation Lawof the People's Republic of China and other laws and regulations, adheres to themanagerial principle of "budgeting for energy use and planning for energydevelopment", and continuously optimizes its energy management system. In2023, we established and issued the Energy Management Measures of Tongwei Co.,Ltd. to clarify organizational roles in energy management, de?ne compliancestandards, standardize energy management procedures, and enhance thecompany's capacity to mitigate energy risks.The Company has implemented a monthly energy and carbon data reportingmechanism for each subsidiary, conducting routine meetings on monthly energymanagement analysis and improvement. These sessions involve headquarters'functional units, energy management teams from each department, technicalsta?, and other key stakeholders, who collaborate to review monthly activities,share insights, and provide timely communication and feedback on problemsencountered in the work of energy management and plans.

Energy consumption at TongweiEnergyDirect energy consumption

Indirect energy consumption

Bituminous coalTon114,432.85





Comprehensive energy consumptionTotal comprehensiveenergy consumption

Ton1,540,636.13Comprehensiveenergy consumptionper million revenue

Tons of


coal/ per




GasolineLiter245,851.80Diesel oilLiter596,458.22BiodieselTon144.00Natural gas



74,089,723.66Lique?ed natural gasTon101,938.57Lique?edpetroleum gas























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Yongxiang was awarded the Advanced Unit ofEnergy Conservation and Emission Reduction in the14th Five-Year Plan by the magazine EnvironmentalProtection.Tongwei Solar (Hefei) Co., Ltd. was honored asAdvanced Unit of Green and Low-carbonDevelopment in Hefei High-tech Zone for 2022-2023.Tongwei Solar (Chengdu) Co., Ltd. was honored asone of the "Top Ten Examples" of Green and LowCarbon Transformation by the Chengdu MunicipalBureau of Economy and Information Technology.

In 2023,energy-saving and consumption reduction projectsat Tongwei

with an energy e?ciency investment of

615.287million yuan

Energy conservation and consumption reduction havebeen longstanding focal points of Tongwei’s re?nedmanagement practices. We diligently exploreenergy-saving potential and consistently enhanceenergy e?ciency through technological research anddevelopment, equipment upgrades, processoptimization, and management enhancements.

· Tongwei conducts multi-dimensional energy consumptionmanagement across company divisions, shifts, andequipment, and emphasizes a bottom-up approach,enabling energy management from post-statistical controlto process-level energy consumption management.

· Tongwei applies an energy managementinformation system for centralized control of energy datafrom power, MES, and DCS systems, detects energyconsumption data in real-time, and issues early warningsfor abnormal situations.

· Tongwei independently developed 40-rodpolysilicon reduction furnace technology, reduction ofhigh-temperature hot water recovery technology, and thereduction process - one-button automatic controltechnology, substantially reducing the energy consumptionin polycrystalline silicon production.· Tongwei independently researched and developed agradient utilization process of reduction heat energy,precise matching and control technology of heat energy,and system steam recycling technology, to improve thecomprehensive utilization e?ciency of heat energyand reduce steam consumption.

Energy Conservation and Consumption Reduction

Typical exampleof energyconservation andconsumptionreduction

Management Upgrade

Equipment Retro?ttingProcess Optimization

Technology Development

· Tongwei optimized and modi?ed circulatingwater pumps, and adopted high-e?ciency impellers toreduce head loss, thus resolving issues of insu?cient watervolume and motor overcurrent. This initiative has led to asubstantial cumulative power saving of8,100MWh.

· Tongwei optimized the intelligent control program in thereduction section to reduce the number of abnormalfurnaces, thereby saving more than120,000MWh ofelectricity consumption cumulatively.· Tongwei adopted a closed cooling tower for direct heatand cold exchange, partially replacing ice machines,signi?cantly reducing the electricity consumption of coolingsources, leading to an annual energy saving ofapproximately8,590MWh/year.· Tongwei renovated the chilled water production andsupply system of the power station, and built an intelligentmanagement platform and control system, to optimizequality control. This strategic overhaul resulted incumulative power savings exceeding3,006MWh.

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External Honors

In the context of global climate change, energy conservation and consumption reduction have become the key actions to address challenges. As an active participant inthe global energy transition, Tongwei has consistently embraced the responsibility of advancing sustainable development. Tongwei engages in proactive exploration andimplementation of cutting-edge technologies aimed at enhancing energy e?ciency and reducing energy consumption intensity.In 2023, Tongwei launched the inaugural "Tongwei Energy E?ciency Cup" Best Practice Award for Energy Consumption Reduction. The theme of the award centeredaround "Energy Conservation Leadership and Green Development," to foster knowledge exchange, sharing of experiences, and widespread adoption of exemplary

energy-saving practices. This initiative sought to elevate the overall level of energy management within the organization by promoting outstanding projects.The ?rst "Energy E?ciency Cup" competition encompassed participation fromTongwei's six primary business entities, spanning the photovoltaic andagriculture and animal husbandry in terms of electricity, gas, and waterconservation. Assessment criteria were based on ?ve key dimensions:

energy-saving e?ectiveness, di?culty in implementation, scalability, economicviability, social impact, and energy e?ciency enhancements.

Emphasizing principles oftransparency, equity, and impartiality, a panelof experts from reputable external organizations such as the UnitedNations Development Program and the World Resources Institute, alongwith internal company experts, evaluated the projects, culminating in therecognition of 9 exceptional initiatives with ?rst, second, and third placedistinctions.

Tongwei: Implementing Practical Measures for Energy Conservationand Consumption Reduction

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Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


134,929,100KWhof electricity saved

16,582.80tons of standard coalreduced in energy consumption


of decreased carbon dioxide emissionsFirst Prize Project

Second Prize Project

Third Prize Project

Meishan Base Intelligent Energy Saving Management System Project - Tongwei Solar (Meishan) Co., Ltd.

The award-winning projects encompass not only large and complex comprehensive systems but also feature widespread adoption and innovative small specializedprojects, fostering a new paradigm of energy conservation and consumption reduction characterized by multi-faceted support, diverse measures, and varieddevelopment strategies.

15mm Square Silicon Core Production Increase and Consumption Reduction Technology Improvement Project - Sichuan Yongxiang Polysilicon Co., Ltd.B1 Cooling Station Comprehensive E?ciency Improvement Project - Tongwei Solar (Chengdu) Co., Ltd.Total Water Consumption Reduction Project in Slicing Workshop - Tonghe New Energy (Jintang) Co., Ltd.

Nitrogen Energy Saving Improvement Project in Cell Plant 3 - Tongwei Solar (Jintang) Co., Ltd.Reduction of Comprehensive Energy Consumption of Cement/Clinker Technical Improvement Project - Sichuan Yongxiang Polysilicon Co., Ltd.Intelligent Energy-saving Gas Station Project - Qingdao Great Seven Nutritional Technology Co., Ltd.Process Cooling System for Laminator Equipment FEEL COOLING Project - Tongwei Solar (Yancheng) Co., Ltd.Energy Saving and Emission Reduction Project Based on Air Compressor-Boiler - Nanchang Tongwei Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

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Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


A stable energy supply is the foundation for guaranteeing the continuous production andoperation of a company. In 2023, Tongwei focused on the establishment of an internal systemand external resources network to sustain supply as the central focus. The Company is dedicatedto enhancing the level of power supply assurance, mitigating potential losses stemming fromenergy supply risks, and bolstering resilience in addressing energy ?uctuations.

Set up an internal power supply working group to facilitateinformation sharing and up-and-down communication between theheadquarters, operating entities and production bases.

Continuously monitor and analyze power-related policies, marketdynamics, regional grid maintenance schedules, weather patterns,reservoir water levels, and other pertinent information, and releasea weekly Regional Power Supply and Demand Analysis Report to theproduction bases, so as to ensure that the alignment of productionplans with stable power supply.

Consider energy security as an investment decision in constructionprojects at production bases, with substations and new energyinitiatives being developed to ensure a reliable power supply.

Coordinate activities across all operating entities and productionbases to build an internal power supply network structure, preparecontingency plans for system vulnerabilities and risk areas, andconduct regular drills to ensure the completeness and e?ectivenessof these plans.

Internal energysupply securitymechanism

Power supplyand demandanalysis andearly warning

Guarantee ofpower sourceat productionbase

Energy Security

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

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Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Tongwei consistently enhances its carbon emission management by conductingannual greenhouse gas emissions accounting for each subsidiary within theCompany. We also engage a third-party organization to verify emissions at bothoperational and value chain levels, thereby strengthening its carbon managementcapabilities and leveraging opportunities for scienti?c carbon reductionthroughout the value chain.In 2023, Tongwei commissioned a third-party certi?cation ?rm to verifygreenhouse gas emissions for the preceding three years. Concurrently, inalignment with the climate action objectives outlined in 2022, the Companyinitiated its inaugural Scope 3 carbon emissions accounting and veri?cation, apivotal stride towards sustainable development that integrates carbonmanagement awareness across the entire value chain.The Company performs carbon emissions accounting and veri?cation activitiesfollowing international standards such as ISO 14064-1 (Greenhouse GasAccounting and Reporting Guidelines), GHG Protocol (Greenhouse Gas AccountingSystem), and national carbon emission accounting guidelines pertinent toindustries. This includes the Company's headquarters and its 86 subsidiaries insectors including Tongwei Agricultural Development, Tongwei Food, TongweiSolar Energy, and Tongwei Modules, with a GHG emission coverage exceeding99% at the operational level. Furthermore, its subsidiary Tongwei Solar (Hefei) hasjoined the global Scienti?c Carbon Target (SBTi) initiative.

Carbon Emission Accounting and Veri?cation

In 2023, Tongwei carried out carbon emission accounting and veri?cationbranches and subsidiaries havebeen included in the veri?cation

sources of carbon emission havebeen screened and settled1,376

traceability veri?cation supportingdocuments have been included


obtained the ISO 14064-1 GHG veri?cation statement certi?cate issuedby BSI

departments cooperated with theaccounting and veri?cation

Carbon Emissions Management

Tongwei has consistently endorsed the climate objectives outlined in the Paris Agreement, proactively engaged with the national "dual-carbon" strategy, andspearheaded intra-company carbon-neutral initiatives leveraging its expertise in green energy and agriculture. During the reporting period, we diligently practiced theestablished climate action targets, conducted a Scope 3carbon emission accounting, advanced the carbon footprint certi?cation of products, and bolstered energy andcarbon management capabilities.

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Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


1The GHG emissions checklist includes carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen oxides,hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) and nitrogentrifluoride (NF3). GHG accounting is presented on a carbon dioxide equivalent basis.2In 2023, Tongwei further refined the scope of GHG assessment and standardized themeasurement methodology, so the carbon emission measurement results for 2021 and 2022 wereslightly adjusted.3Scope 1 GHG emissions cover emissions from consumption of bituminous coal, diesel, naturalgas, gasoline, as well as process emissions from cement production, etc., fugitive carbon dioxidefire extinguishers, fugitive refrigerants, fugitive CH4 from septic tanks, and fugitive CH4 fromsewage treatment. Emission calculation factors refer to IPCC, cement industry guidelines, otherindustry guidelines, GB/T2589.4Scope 2 GHG emissions cover GHG emissions from the consumption of purchased electricity,purchased heat and purchased cooling sources. The emission calculation factors refer to thenational grid average emission factors published by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment in2022 and the default values of the heat factor in other guidelines for industry.5Scope 3 GHG emissions cover emissions from upstream transportation and distribution ofmaterials, downstream transportation and distribution of finished products, employeecommuting, waste transfer, business travel, material consumption, tap water, and hazardouswaste disposal. Emission calculation factors refer to databases such as ecoinvent and CPCD.

Greenhouse gas emissions at Tongwei1IndicatorTotal GHG scope 1emissions3






Total GHG scope 2emissions4

tCO2e5,487,643.8213,980,776.0410,308,044.5Total GHG scope 3emissions5


Total GHGemissions atoperation level


Carbon Emissionintensity atoperational level




In August 2023, Tongwei proactively organized and carried out capacity-buildingtraining for greenhouse gas management as part of its low-carbon developmentstrategy. The training focused on essential topics including climate changebackground and signi?cance, greenhouse gas emission accounting standards,carbon neutrality standards and practices, and environmental equity assettrading. This initiative aimed to enhance the expertise and skills of relevantpersonnel in addressing climate change issues. Following systematic internalaudit practices and rigorous assessment tests, 52 employees successfullyacquired the "Corporate Greenhouse Gas Internal Auditor" professionalcerti?cation. This achievement signi?cantly bolstered the Company's internalcarbon management capabilities, establishing a robust foundation for tacklingclimate challenges.


Tongwei organizes and conducted training on capacity buildingfor greenhouse gas management and implements a low-carbondevelopment strategy

Greenhouse gas management capability training at Tongwei

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Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Certi?cation Type

Certi?ed ProductType and number

Crystalline SiliconPhotovoltaic Modules


CrystallineSilicon Slicing

SolarPhotovoltaic Cells

CrystallineSilicon Slicing

SolarPhotovoltaic Cells

Crystalline SiliconPhotovoltaic Modules

Evaluation Carbone


Life CycleAssessment (LCA)

ISO 14067 Product carbon

footprint certi?cation

In 2023,

carbon footprint certi?cations for various series of products (silicon,cells, and modules) at Tongwei

new certi?cations increased from last year, including the French CarbonFootprint Certi?cation and ISO International Standard System Certi?cation

Tongwei is dedicated to minimizing carbon emissions across the entire product life cycle, demonstrating a robust commitment to sustainable development with tangibleoutcomes.Product Carbon Footprint

Carbon FootprintCerti?cation in 2023

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Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


In 2023, to enable real-time monitoring of carbon emissions, product carbonfootprints, and carbon assets, a tailored integrated energy and carbonmanagement system was established. This system was designed based on acomprehensive analysis of the Company's current status and extensive marketresearch. It encompasses energy management, energy e?ciency projects,carbon emission management, carbon asset management, carbon footprintproject management, and a central control "cockpit," facilitating the transition ofinternal energy and carbon-related datafrom visibility to e?ective managementand eventual control.By integrating with the operational systems of each business entity, the systemgathers essential carbon emission data, supporting the Company's ambition ofachieving “Three Goals” and carbon neutrality by 2030.

Tongwei: Building a Visible, Manageable and Controllable Energy andCarbon Management System



























































New Energy


Food SectorSolar Energy


AgriculturalDevelopment Sector


Energy & carbon dashboard

Carbon emission ?ow charts

Data management coverage100%

System interfacing coverage


International standards coverage

Domestic industry standard coverage

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Energy & carbon management system functional structure

HeadquartersEnergy & CarbonData Dashboard

Carbon Source Library

Emission Source Date

Energy Use ZoningEnergy Management System

Energy Equipment Management

FBC Platform

Emission Source Data Mapping

Financial System

Production Data Mapping


Financial DataProduct Data

EmissionReduction Data

Carbon Asset DataCarbon Emission Factor LibraryCarbon Emission Accounting ModelCarbon Allowance Accounting Model

Energy Visualizationand Monitoring

Carbon EmissionDashboard



Carbon ReductionDashboard

Carbon AssetPanorama

OrganizationManagementUser ManagementPermissionManagementAccounting UnitManagementCarbon Asset Data

LibraryTradingInformationCarbon Reduction

ReportingCarbon FootprintDashboardCarbon Footprint

ReportingCarbon NeutralProcess ForecastingCarbon Emission Plan Alarm Rules

Carbon Emission

AccountingAlarm EventsEnergy ReportManagement







Diesel Gasoline








EmissionReduction Items




Carbon Reporting


Carbon Footprint


Carbon Reduction




Energy &Carbon DataDashboard

Energy &CarbonApplications


Carbon AssetManagementCarbon Emission


Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

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Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


During the reporting period, Tongweiregistered greenmedium-term noteswith a line of3billion yuan

issued two tranches ofGreen Sci-Tech Ultra ShortTerm Financing totaling

600million yuan

issued one tranche of GreenSci-Tech Medium-TermNotes totaling

500million yuan

As of the end of the reporting period, Tongweiobtained bankproject loans whichmeets greenstandards with over22billion yuan

amounting to

1.7billion yuan

green bonds


Tongwei has initially established a green ?nancial business system centered ongreen energy and green agriculture and has implemented green ?nancingprojects across various crucial segments of the photovoltaic industry.Concurrently, e?orts are underway to advance the harmonized growth of bothdomestic and international green ?nancial markets utilizing green bonds andgreen loans as primary instruments. Moving forward, Tongwei will enhance thepromotion of green bonds and related ventures, spearheading industryprogress through the in?uence of green ?nance and supporting the progressiontowards achieving sustainable development objectives.

Green Finance

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Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Tongwei adheres to the principle of "business development in line with thecircular economy" and enforces rigorous waste gas, wastewater and wastemanagement practices in strict accordance with national laws andregulations and emission permit stipulations, so as to mitigateenvironmental pollution and reduce the negative impact of businessactivities on the ecosystem.

Pollution and Waste Management

Waste Gas Management

Tongwei strictly implements the requirements of the Law of the People's Republicof China on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution and the EmissionStandard of Pollutants for Battery Industry. The Company has formulatedmanagement frameworks such as the Wastewater and Waste Gas Emission ControlProcedures and carries out routine monitoring activities in strict accordance withemission permit requirements. Through the utilization of strategies such as rawmaterial substitution and process enhancements, Tongwei strives to minimizethe release of exhaust gases during production.During the reporting period,total waste gas emissions from Tongwei and its subsidiaries


Waste gas management measures at TongweiWaste GasCategory

Industrialwaste gas

Waste gas fromfarming/processingWaste GasSource

Waste gas from workshopprocesses, exhaust from sewagetreatment at wastewater stations.

Odor exhaust from feedresidues.


The ventilation and puri?cationdevices are operated insynchronization with production.Process exhausts are dischargedand recorded after treatment tomeet the standards as requiredby the government. The wastegas treatment facilities areinspected regularly.

Quarterly waste gasodor testing isconducted, mainly onorganized andunorganized odorswithin the plantboundary.


The relevant departments carry out targeted waste gastreatment according to the location of the exhaust gasgeneration, pollution factors, generation and concentration,and conduct regular inspections and maintenance of the wastegas treatment facilities. We contact quali?ed environmentaltesting units to regularly test the pollution factors of theexhaust gas and keep the relevant test reports.HighlightedCase

In 2023, Tongwei Solar (Hefei) conducted a causal analysis andimplemented improvement measures to address the issue ofsurpassing the standard for non-methane total hydrocarbonlevels in P1 and P4 welding organic emissions. This wasaccomplished by eliminating the collection pipeline above theimmersion tank, incorporating activated carbon with a highiodine value, and enhancing the replacement frequency. Theseactions resulted in a signi?cant reduction in the non-methanetotal hydrocarbon emissions by 42.8 tons/year and a decreasein hazardous waste production by 60 tons/year.

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

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Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Wastewater ManagementTongwei strictly abides by the Law of the People's Republic of China on Preventionand Control of Water Pollution and other laws and regulations and formulatessystems such as the Wastewater and Waste Gas Emission Control Procedures toimprove the wastewater management system. The Company has strengthenedthe management of water pollution prevention and control by improvingproduction processes and equipment and other initiatives to ensure thatwastewater discharge fully meets the requirements.

During the reporting period,total wastewater discharged by Tongwei and its subsidiaries

26.1558million tons

total wastewater pollutants discharged8,916.25tons

Wastewater management measures at TongweiWastewaterCategory



Wastewater fromfarming/processingWastewaterSource

Sewage generatedfrom workshopprocesses such asequipment cleaning

Wastewatergenerated bythe o?ce andcafeteria

Wastewater fromaquaculture, feed processingDisposalMethod

According to the requirementsof the sewage dischargestandard, the third-partywastewater station operatorcarries out the treatment.Sewage is discharged into themunicipal pipeline after thetreatment reaches the standardand makes the correspondingrecords.DischargeMonitoring

Cooperate with professional environmental testing companies tomonitor wastewater pollution factors and upload the data publiclyto the government environmental monitoring platform. Therelevant departments contact the third-party maintenance serviceproviders to investigate and maintain the wastewater onlinemonitoring equipment, and regularly clean up the total discharge,pH meter probes and pumps and other equipment.


Regular maintenance of equipment

regularly inspect and maintain sewage and rainwater pipenetwork, convene a meeting to analyze the causes ofabnormalities by the relevant departments, and take appropriatecorrective measures in a timely manner.Wastewater reuse

In March 2023, Tongwei Solar Pengshan Base completed a dilutealkaline wastewater recycling project, which reused wastewaterinstead of tap water by adjusting the pH value and ROR treatmenttechnology to save water and reduce consumption, creating anannual income of about 150,000 yuan.

A special wastewater treatmentstation is established in theproduction base, and thewastewater treatment equipmentis inspected and cleanedregularly; the AAO process isadopted, and the e?uent isreused in the environmentalprotection waste gas spray towerto save water resources.

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Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Waste ManagementTongwei Co., Ltd. strictly abides by the Law of the People's Republic of China on thePrevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste, the Standard forpollution control on hazardous waste storage and other national and local lawsand regulations and formulates the Solid Waste Management System, theHazardous Waste Disposal Management System and other documents. TheCompany implements the standardization of waste management and disposalmeasures and promotes resource reorganization and material recycling withinnovative technology to maximize the environmental and economic bene?ts.During the reporting period,total waste discharged by Tongweiand its subsidiaries

536.9thousand tons

accounting for


rate of non-hazardous wasterecycling


total non-hazardous waste

534.8thousand tons

accounting for


total hazardous waste2,100tons

Waste management measures at TongweiWasteCategory



General industrial waste, domesticwaste, construction waste,end-of-life electronic equipment.

Waste activated carbon, wastebatteries, waste oil, wastepackaging containers.DisposalMethod

Solid waste classi?cationmanagement is implemented tomaximize the recovery andcomprehensive utilization ofvaluable resources in waste.The general industrial solid wastegenerated in the workshop istransported outside the plant fordisposal by specializedmanufacturers afterpreclassi?cation; high-value solidwaste is transferred to the wastewarehouse for internal recycling.

Hazardous waste is classi?ed in strictaccordance with the NationalCatalogue of Hazardous Wastes andtransported to the hazardous wastewarehouse, and transfermanagement records.When the storage capacity ofhazardous waste reaches 80% of thewarehouse's capacity, the appropriatedepartments will coordinate with thehazardous waste disposal companyfor the transportation and disposal ofthe waste materials.


Material reduction

The implementation of iron pallets instead of wooden pallets led to amonthly reduction of approximately 500 tons of wood products.Hazardous waste minimizationTongwei Modules promotes the recycling of ?ux packaging containersacross all facilities and has established the Empty Drum RecyclingAgreements with its suppliers, resulting in a reduction of approximately14,000 waste packaging containers generated in 2023.Hazardous waste resourceization

Tongwei Solar outsourced the storage and utilization of waste leadbatteries totaling 7.9 tons in 2023.


The Security and Environmental Protection Department establisheshazardous waste management ?les and accounts, improves thehazardous waste management system, and supervises and manages thelegal disposal of hazardous waste in each workshop and department.The Administration Department supervises the veri?cation of the typesand quantities of hazardous waste leaving the factory.

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Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Tongwei strictly abides by national laws, regulations, and local policies suchas the Water Law of the People's Republic of China and the Law of the People'sRepublic of China on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution. The Companyformulates and implements the Water Conservation Management Procedure,continuously strengthens water management, optimizes water usestructure, and minimizes water resource consumption at the source toreduce operational risks caused by water resource shortages.

Water Resource Management

During the reporting period,

total packaging materials used byTongwei and its subsidiaries

115.5thousand tons

Tongwei fully embraces the principles of green, low-carbon, and high-qualitydevelopment by prioritizing a green development strategy that spans crucialproduction processes including product design, manufacturing, packaging, anddistribution. The Company focuses on enhancing the recyclability and recyclingrates of packaging materials, aiming to establish a model example of asustainable green supply chain within the industry.

Establish a recycling package material warehouse to recycle packaging materials suchas hollow boxes, ?nished goods boxes and wooden pallets for battery cell products,reduce auxiliary materials purchased and minimize waste generated.

Convert certain raw and auxiliary materials packaging from cartons to enclosed boxesand implement reuse practices for the latter to achieve both recyclability andminimization in packaging material usage.

Expand the packaging speci?cations of battery cell products, decrease theconsumption of package materials, improve work e?ciency, and lower labor,materials and transportation costs;Increase the utilization of glass packaging, replace wooden pallets with steel ones,optimize warehouse space, minimize forklift operations, reduce wood waste and cutdown on energy waste.

Packaging Material Management

Management StructureIn order to ensure the organized and standardized implementation of waterconservation e?orts, Tongwei actively establishes and enhances theorganizational structure for water resource management. The Strategy andSustainable Development Committee, serving as the highest governing body,consists of ?ve directors. Its primary responsibilities include researching andpresenting recommendations on the Company's sustainable development andESG matters, including but not limited to carbon reduction management, energymanagement, and water resource management. Furthermore, water usageindicators are incorporated into the performance evaluation criteria for relevantpersonnel to continuously reinforce the execution of water resourcemanagement across various areas of the Company's operations and activities.In 2023, Tongwei and its subsidiaries collectively recorded a total waterconsumption of 57,076,700 tons, resulting in a water consumption intensity of

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Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Packaging recycling

Packaging design improvement

Green packaging materials

410.32 tons per million revenue. The achieved water savings amounted to 8.2229 million tons, surpassing the initial short-term water savings target set in the priorreporting period. Moving forward, a new short-term water-saving goal of

4.5259 million tons has been established for 2024, with ongoing monitoring to track the target's


During the reporting period,

total water consumption by Tongwei and its subsidiaries

57.0767million tons

proportion of recycled water


increase compared to 2022


Tongwei water management structure

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Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Strategy andSustainableDevelopmentCommittee

Head of



Head ofeachsubsidiaryand branch

Relateddepartments ofsubsidiaries andbranches

Tongwei attaches great importance to water resource management and adopts a comprehensive water resource management strategy. The Company not only employsinnovative practices in water-saving management to improve water e?ciency but also continuously optimizes water utilization technologies to ensure the sustainableuse of water resources. In addition, e?orts are ongoing to bolster oversight of vulnerable areas in water management, e?ectively mitigating water dependency and risksof water scarcity.

The company has formulated the TQM ContinuousImprovement Management Measures to incentivizeemployees to propose rationalization suggestions forenhancing water conservation e?orts and reducingconsumption. Furthermore, the Company o?ersappropriate rewards for outstanding suggestions andprocess improvement measures.

Management Measures

Tongwei water resource management measuresRationalization Suggestions






Water BalanceMeasurement

Process andEquipmentImprovements

The Company reduces water consumption through aseries of process optimization, technologyimprovement and equipment replacement measures,including recycling of over?ow water by washing tankfrom the texturing and alkali blasting processes,connecting water tank pipelines, and improving thecooling tower’s ice machine system.

Process and Equipment Improvements

The Company regularly organizes water conservationtraining sessions for employees to bolster theirawareness and commitment to water conservation,and cultivate a sense of responsibility towardsenvironmental protection and e?ective waterresource management among employees.

Water Conservation Training

The company has established a scienti?c water meteringsystem, added water meters and readers for key waterconsumption equipment, quanti?ed and analyzed thewater balance, timely discovered and controlledabnormal water consumption, and promoted therational formulation of water conservation plans.

Water Balance Measurement

The Company sets energy-saving and consumption reduction targets for keyperformance indicators like water consumption per unit of product. Thesetargets are integrated into the economic responsibility system assessment toenforce accountability for energy conservation and emission reduction e?orts.

Performance Assessment

The Company recovers production wastewater such as ?ne dilute acidwastewater, ROR concentrated water and EDI electrode water from theworkshop, and recycles them after processing, replacing the tap water used inthe production process, thus reducing water consumption and production costs.

Wastewater Recycling

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During the reporting period,water-saving improvement projectsconducted by Tongwei

20more than

water saved

8.2229million tons

In 2023, Tongwei Solar (Jintang) Plant 1 and 3 conducted water-savingrenovations on texturing and alkali polishing equipment, which consumedhigh levels of water and energy. Improvements were made to address thewaste of pure water resources during the texturing and alkali polishingprocesses. Speci?cally, measures were taken to recycle and reuse theover?ow water from the washing tank. It is expected that after therenovation, approximately230,000 cubic meters of pure water can be

saved annually, with an annual cost savings of

1.56 million yuan.

Actively improves process equipment to save water

In 2023, Tongwei Solar Energy (Tonghe) undertook a technical renovationproject to recycle ROR concentrated water for water conservation. Thisproject involved the reuse of high-salt water discharged from theconcentrated water RO recovery system at the pure water station for thewastewater station. This recycled water replaced the industrial tap waterused in various operations at the wastewater station, such as dosing. Thisinitiative successfully achieved the dual objective of environmentalprotection through water conservation and cost reduction. It is projectedthat the industrial tap water consumption at the wastewater station will be

completely eliminated post-renovation, leading to an annual increase innet pro?t of approximately 140,000 yuan.

Carries out wastewater recycling to save water


Tongwei promotes water-saving technological transformationacross various subsidiaries by implementing water-saving andconsumption reduction practices

Yongxiang New Energy has established a water conservation managementleadership group and organizational structure to implement the initiatives todevelop water-saving enterprises. Yongxiang New Energy has engaged areputable third-party organization to prepare a water-saving enterprisestatement and water balance test report and strictly compared them withstandard requirements. It has conducted thorough self-inspections on themain water intake and usage processes and equipment to verify alignmentwith the requirements for water-saving enterprise certi?cation. YongxiangNew Energy has successfully obtained approval from the Leshan WaterResources Bureau in Sichuan Province.


Yongxiang New Energy vigorously fosters water-saving practicesto become a water-saving enterprise

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Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Tongwei aligns with theprinciples of sustainabledevelopment by diligentlyadhering to the tenetsoutlined in the Convention onBiological Diversity, theKunming Declaration, andBiodiversity Conservation inChina. The Company hasenacted a Biological DiversityConservation Commitment andPolicy. Through proactivebiodiversity risk assessmentsand the establishment ofbiodiversity-related objectives,Tongwei leverages the dualstrengths of green agricultureand green energy as part of its"dual main business"approach. These e?orts aredirected toward realizing thevision of a harmoniouscoexistence between humansand nature.

Biodiversity Conservation

We pledge to comply with all international and local laws and regulations related to forest resource protection. We prohibit allsubsidiaries from engaging in operational activities within forested areas, nature reserves or ecological habitats, andencourage suppliers to work together to restore degraded forest ecosystems. Concurrently, the Company actively promotesthe development and utilization of renewable energy, continuously focuses on solar photovoltaic technology innovation, andimproves energy e?ciency to reduce natural resource extraction.

Natural Resource Protection

We pledge to comply with the regulatory frameworks established by environmental protection authorities such as theNational Natural Resources Administration and the Forestry and Grassland Administration. Special attention will be directedtowards the land use aspects of photovoltaic and other power generation projects. Biodiversity considerations will beintegrated into the preliminary assessment of project construction. It is ensured that Tongwei Co., Ltd.'s business operations,as well as project site selections within its supply chain, do not encroach upon local nature reserves or ecological conservationhabitats. Stringent controls will be implemented to mitigate environmental impact and noise pollution throughout the projectconstruction phase. E?orts will be made to minimize material and time consumption during construction activities.

Project Initiation and Construction

We pledge to identify and evaluate the ecological risks around each project. Following this, a detailed examination of thepotential impact of projects on biodiversity will be conducted. Immediate ecological restoration measures will beimplemented post-project completion on surface, soil, and vegetation elements. In cases of environmental pollutionincidents, emergency pollution response and environmental restoration will be enforced according to the establishedEmergency Plan for Sudden Environmental Incidents. Special attention will be accorded to safeguarding important ecologicalprotection zones near accident sites. Targeted ecological restoration strategies will be initialized to mitigate adverse impactson biodiversity.

Environmental Restoration

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Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Tongwei engages in extensive research and application of centralized photovoltaic power generation technology, leveraging its robust environmental adaptability andability to control wind and sand to establish large-scale "photovoltaic+deserti?cation control" projects in regions a?icted by severe deserti?cation. These endeavorse?ectively contribute to deserti?cation mitigation and the restoration of plant ecosystems. In 2023, Tongwei collaborated proactively with industry partners such as Datangand Hangtai to execute innovative cooperation projects in Bayannur, Inner Mongolia, and Wuwei, Gansu. This collaboration involves delivering e?cient componentproducts and solutions, leading to a dual enhancement of local economic development and ecological bene?ts.

Case"Photovoltaic+Deserti?cation Control" initiatives at Tongwei to enhance ecological governance and restoration

"Photovoltaic+Deserti?cation Control" initiatives at Tongwei

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

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Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Tongwei adheres to the management philosophy of"e?ective management hinges on personnel selection" andplaces signi?cant emphasis on holistic talent development.We are committed to establishing a diverse, inclusive,healthy, and safe work environment to uphold the funda-mental rights and well-being of employees, fostering theircontinuous growth, and pursuing mutual advancement forboth the organization and workforce. Additionally, Tongweiwill continue ful?lling its social obligations, engaging inphilanthropic initiatives, and showcasing corporate socialresponsibility and compassionate concern through tangibledeeds.

Partners for Diversityand Progress

The material ESG issues mentioned in this chapter:

?Employee Rights Protection?Equality and Diversity?Employee Training and Development?Occupational Health and Safety?Social Responsibility and Community Development

The SDGs addressed in this chapter:

Tongwei strictly adheres to the Labor Law of the People's Republic of China,the Labor Contract Law of the People's Republic of China, and all relevantstatutes and regulations to protect the legitimate rights and bene?ts ofemployees concerning human rights, compensation and bene?ts, as well asrecruitment and employment practices. Additionally, the Companypromotes and supports employees in sharing their perspectives andinsights on policies and internal procedures, granting them increasedinvolvement and independence to foster a harmonious and robust laborrelationship.

Employee Rights Protection

Compliance EmploymentThe Company's business development and innovation are closely tied to theavailability of exceptional talent. We have consistently adopted an open andinclusive approach to foster diversity within our workforce. Committed toaligning with the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and theUnited Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the Company hasestablished the Human Rights Commitments and Policies, the Recruitment andHiring Management Measures, and other systems to uphold and honor thehuman rights and lawful interests of all employees without exception. Ourpledge unequivocally prohibits the use of child labor or forced labor within ouroperations and management procedures. During the reporting period, Tongweireported a 100% labor contract signing rate, with zero incidents of child labor orforced labor.

?Legally and e?ectively identify the age and other applicant informationduring the recruitment process to prevent wrongful recruitment due to theprovision of false age information by applicants

Prohibition of child labor

?Prohibit any form of forced labor such as intimidation, threat, kidnapping,and fraud?Protect employees' right to choose and leave their jobs, prohibit punitiveretaliation against those who leave their jobs, and prohibit the illegalwithholding of employee documents

Elimination of forced labor

In 2023, we collaborated with a third-party agency to conduct a comprehensiveassessment of the Company's labor employment compliance, covering aspectssuch as employment promotion, labor agreements, collective contracts, specialprotection for female workers and minors, social insurance, and welfare. Inreaction to the compliance risks identi?ed during the inspection, diversemeasures were implemented to fortify the labor employment system, and it wasclearly articulated that labor dispute negotiations must involve tripartiterepresentatives to safeguard the rights and well-being of our employees.

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Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Employee structure by genderEmployee structure by age Employee structure by rank












General sta? Junior managementMiddle managementSenior management







30 and below31 to 5051 and above

Employee structure by educational backgroundEmployee structure by geographic location







Bachelor's degree Below bachelor's degreeMaster's degree Doctor’s degree





DomesticOverseasEmployee structure at Tongwei (unit: people)

As of the end of the reporting period, Tongwei has 56,406 employees worldwide.Employee Overview

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Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible Supply

Chain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Employee diversity at Tongwei

Diversity and Inclusiveness

Tongwei pledges to fully respect all employees under the principle of fair employment, and foster a work environment characterized by mutual respect, zero tolerancefor harassment and discrimination. We steadfastly protect the lawful rights and bene?ts of employees. Additionally, we enhance our support measures for female anddisabled employees, promoting an inclusive, equitable, supportive, and amicable workplace environment.

Percentage of female employeesAll employees

R&D sta?



Percentage of female management

All managementJunior managementMiddle managementSenior management





Employment of disabled employees

Number of disabled employees

Employee ethnicity distributionNon-ethnic minorityEthnic minority





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Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


The Company has developed the Management Regulations on Anti-Discrimination, Anti-Harassment, and Anti-Abuse and introduced the Anti-harassment and Anti-discrimina-tion Commitment and Policy, strictly prohibiting any form of discriminatory or harassing behavior towards employees within the workplace.We actively strive to recognize instances of discrimination and harassment and encourage employees to report complaints of discrimination. The Company will seriouslyhandle such cases and take appropriate disciplinary actions against individuals involved in such behaviors. All employees are encouraged to oversee and report anyinstances of discrimination, harassment, or abuse from time to time to continuously enhance the work environment.Furthermore, the Company promotes the inclusion of individuals with disabilities in the workforce, ensuring that disabled employees are a?orded equal rights. Throughavenues such as liaising with the street o?ces, China Disabled Persons Federation, utilizing internal sta? recommendations, and implementing other initiatives, theCompany facilitates the employment of disabled individuals to increase their income opportunities, promote their sense of social value and belonging, and facilitatetheir integration into societal frameworks.

Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment

In 2023, Tongwei signed UN Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs), pledging to take positive actions and implement the seven speci?c principles of the WEPs andstrive for gender equality and women's empowerment in the workplace, in the market competition and community life.Signing UN Women's Empowerment Principles

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Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Tongwei: Embracing the Power of "She"

"Tongwei upholds the principle of 'competence overgender', ensuring equal pay for both men and womenwhile strongly opposing all forms of discrimination. At thesame time, Tongwei will set a positive example inadvancing gender equality and empowering women,collaborating with suppliers, customers, and industrypartners. Tongwei recognizes the signi?cant contributionsof women in global issues such as climate action,technological innovation, and digital inclusion."—Liu Shuqi, Chairman and CEO, Tongwei Co.,Ltd.Equality

"Tongwei steadfastly embraces the ethos of 'competenceover gender', with the Board of Supervisors and itsoversight mechanisms consistently supporting theenhancement of women's rights and interests through acompliance-oriented approach. Moreover, the supervisoryframework provides a platform for numerous femaleemployees to showcase and validate their professionalcapabilities."—Deng San, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, TongweiCo.,Ltd.Protection

"The rapid progression of Tongwei underscores itsdeep-seated commitment to social responsibility andacknowledgment of the invaluable contributions ofwomen, infusing renewed vitality into the sustainableadvancement of the industry."—Liu Yifeng, Deputy General Manager of YongxiangCo.,Ltd. and General Manager of Yongxiang PolysiliconResponsibility

"Upon graduating from school, I joined Tongwei to engagein research and development as well as the application ofaquaculture. During my tenure, I profoundly experiencedthe company's guiding principles known as 'The ThreeValues and Three Don'ts'. Speci?cally, Tongwei valuesindividuals based on their capabilities, disregarding anyconsideration of gender; prioritizes outcomes overeducational credentials; and emphasizes long-termperspectives rather than transient circumstances. It isevident that women, with their meticulousness, tenacity,and empathy, hold a signi?cant role in driving researchand development. "—Gao Qiping, Vice President, Tongwei Research Institute


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Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


"In the realm of China's evolving new energy sector,female professionals are actively engrossed in drivingadvancements, thereby propelling global initiativestowards greener and more sustainable development. "—Song Jingjing, General Manager, Tongwei Green EnergyCon?dence

"Women's distinct qualities of attentiveness, adaptability,and inclusivity prove to be invaluable assets within theworkplace. "

—Jiang Wenting, General Manager of Chengdu TongweiFeast


"In Tongwei, a large stage with a high sense of socialresponsibility, everyone has an equal opportunity torealize their dreams and gain achievements, and theability does not discriminate between genders. "—He Yihong, Assistant General Manager, Tongwei NewEnergy


"Observing the uptrend in the representation of womenwithin Tongwei's international business division, both infrontline sales and managerial positions, rea?rms oursteadfast belief that professional advancementtranscends gender biases. "

—Li Yan, Deputy General Manager, Module Marketing, PVBusiness Department, Tongwei Co.,Ltd.Strength

"Tongwei Solar not only empowers women to exhibit theirskills but also encourages them to unleash their fullpotential for personal growth and ful?llment. As a femalemanager of Tongwei Solar, I am deeply honored to be apart of an enterprise that values women and endorsesequitable opportunities for professional development. "—Luo Xiaoyun, Assistant General Manager of TongheNew EnergyAmbition

"Increasingly, leading companies such as Tongwei attachgreat importance to the value and contributions ofwomen, provide equal opportunities and resources forwomen, and uphold the rights and ambitions of women. "—Li Huayu, Head of Securities Department, TongweiCo.,Ltd.Balance

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Partners for Diversityand Progress


The Company has formulated the Protection System for Female Employees and Minors. The system prohibits discrimination against female employees based on marriage,pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding. It ensures that female employees will not face rejection, dismissal, or salary reduction due to these reasons. Moreover, thesystem emphasizes gender equality in the grading, promotion, and salary adjustments of all employees, adhering strictly to the principle of gender equality and equalpay for work of equal value.In addition to these measures, Tongwei o?ers female employees various supportive bene?ts such as holiday gifts, paid leave, complimentary medical checkups, andconvenient services to ful?ll their daily needs and bolster their well-being.

Women's Rights and Bene?ts Protection

caseIn ????, Tongwei implemented further support initiatives for female employees, including provisions such as holiday gifts, dedicated mother and babyrooms, pregnant mother seating arrangements, women-speci?c health checkups, and legal literacy seminars. These initiatives aimed to comprehensivelyaddress the welfare and support of female employees.

Tongwei's support initiatives for female employees in 2023

Care for pregnant mothers at Tongwei Solar EnergyGift-giving activity on Women's Day at Tongwei Solar Energy

Lecture on legal literacy of women's rights at Tongwei Solar Energy

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Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Compensation and Bene?ts

Tongwei establishes a robust and systematic salary incentive structure, developsthe Salary Management Measures, and enforces internal salary protocols. Westrictly comply with local laws and regulations and ensure equal treatment byrefraining from setting disparate starting salaries or reward criteria based onfactors such as gender, religion, political a?liation, or marital status. Through afair and equitable salary management system, Tongwei o?ers competitivecompensation packages to its employees.In 2023, we collaborated with an external consultancy ?rm to revamp thecompensation and incentive mechanisms, aligning them with the Company'sneeds and benchmarking against industry best practices under the principles ofleading indicators, talent and income. This involved optimizing procedures suchas total salary and bonus adjustments, year-end bonus calculations, anddistribution rules, aiming to enhance compensation incentives, boost overalloperational e?ciency, and foster a mutually bene?cial relationship between theCompany and employees.

Compensation Management

Additionally, to bolster employee job satisfaction and well-being, we haveestablished the Employee Welfare Management Measures and the Attendance andVacation Management Measures to create a comprehensive welfare framework.Apart from salary-related bene?ts, we proactively extend various welfareprotection measures to all employees, categorized as social welfare andTongwei-exclusive welfare. Continuous enhancement and adaptation of welfarecomponents are driven by employees’ feedback to cater to diverse employees’

Welfare Assurance

needs. During the reporting period, Tongwei ensured that all employees werecovered by 100% social security contributions.

?Paid leave (statutory holidays, annual leave, sick leave, marriage leave, maternityleave, breastfeeding leave)?Insurance and housing fund (medical insurance, endowment insurance,unemployment insurance, insurance against injuries at work, maternityinsurance, housing fund)?Labor protection (occupational health check, high-temperature subsidy)

Social Welfare

?Life care amenities (welfare canteen, refreshments, personalized uniforms,holiday and care gifts, care mutual fund, and retirement support).?Family visit bene?ts (family visit vacation, travel expense reimbursement, etc.)?Health protection (health checkup, insurance against accidental injury)?Loyal Employee Rewards (trophies and commemorative bonuses for employeeswho have completed 10 years of continuous service)?Incentive perks (opportunities for studying abroad, travel, development training,etc.)

Tongwei-exclusive Welfare

Collectively held by employees via employee stockincentive plans175,778,505shares

of the total share capital


At the end of the reporting periodTo enhance the long-term incentive structure and boost employee motivation,Tongwei has introduced the employee stock incentive plan.

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Partners for Diversityand Progress


Care for EmployeesTongwei places a strong emphasis on the physical and mental well-being of ouremployees. We provide both spiritual and material support through initiativessuch as the ongoing operations of the Employee Care Fund, the implementationof diverse cultural and sports activities, and the focus on the mental health ofour workforce.

To foster unity and mutual support among Tongwei employees and strengthentheir resilience against critical diseases and disasters, we have established theEmployee Care Fund. Participation in the fund is voluntary, and its purpose is tofacilitate mutual assistance.

Employee Care Fund

Tongwei recognizes the signi?cance of employees' happiness and sense ofbelonging in the Company's success. We promote work-life balance amongemployees by organizing a range of activities, including sports competitions suchas badminton and basketball matches, as well as various social events like funsports games, employee birthday parties, family days, holiday-themed activities,and culture-themed months, to enrich the spare time life of the employees. Weencourage employees to pursue their personal hobbies and organize diverseinterest groups, such as badminton, yoga, dessert making, and other interests,fostering a platform for showcasing their talents through club activities.

Recreational and Sports Activities

by Tongwei's EmployeeCare Fund



2.21million yuan



During the reporting period

Employees are the cornerstone of Tongwei's sustainability and growth. Weattach great importance to the needs of our employees and carry out arange of care activities to enhance their sense of belonging. Additionally, weactively listen to employee feedback, establish various communicationchannels and improve the complaint procedure to encourage open dialogueamong our workforce.

Employee Care and Communication

Medical expensessubsidies for employees,their spouses, parents,and children

Condolence money

Gifts for employee'schild's admission byuniversity

Employee Care Fund Items

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Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


In 2023, the Company purchased emotional relaxation and stress-relievingequipment and established an emotional relaxing room. Various mental healthactivities were organized, including sandplay games, on-site and online lectures,one-on-one psychological counseling, interactive sessions, and health clinics.These initiatives sought to reduce workplace stress among employees, improvetheir ability to manage both physical and mental well-being, and foster a positiveenvironment of happiness at work and a healthy lifestyle.

Focus on Mental Health

caseTongwei carries out colorful cultural and sports activities

Outstanding sta? outreachactivity at Yongxiang New Energy

The ninth basketball game atTongwei Solar Anhui Base

Family fun day at TongweiModules

E-sports competition at TongweiSolar Shuangliu Base

caseIn 2023, Tongwei Solar enhanced the psychological well-being room across itsbases. For instance, the Shuangliu base conducted nine psychological lecturesattended by over 900 individuals o?ine, while the Jintang base organized foursigni?cant psychological health seminars with more than 320 participants.

Tongwei Solar carries out diversi?ed mental health activities

Mental health lecture at Tongwei Solar

Sandplay experience of mentalcare activities at Tongwei Solar

Stress-relieving activity atTongwei Solar (Meishan)

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Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


The Company has developed the Employee Reward and Punishment ManagementSystem and the Employee Suggestions and Complaints Management Measures. TheCompany has established a dedicated mailbox for receiving suggestions andfeedback, implemented a democratic management committee, and e?ectivelyscreened, fed back, adopted, publicized, and rewarded all suggestions andadvice.Tongwei mailbox for receiving suggestion:


Proposing Suggestions

We actively listen to employees' input, open and maintain diversecommunication channels, and continue to cultivate an open and conducivecommunication environment. In 2023, Tongwei Solar utilized a range ofcommunication platforms to facilitate activities like new employee exchanges,

Multi-Channel Communication

symposiums, birthday celebrations, and departmental tea gatherings. Theseinitiatives aimed to encourage employees to freely share their thoughts andideas while ensuring that the leadership team actively engaged with andaddressed employees' needs. This approach ultimately sought to enhancecommunication quality and operational e?ciency.

workers’ congress

coverage of workersand labor union100%

signing of collectiveagreements100%

During the reporting period, Tongwei held

Democratic CommunicationTongwei attaches great importance to the democratic rights of the employees byfacilitating democratic participation channels to gather and address employees'opinions and needs e?ectively so that every employee's voice can be heard. wealso place a strong emphasis on protecting whistleblowers who bravely reportany concerns. Furthermore, regular employee satisfaction surveys areconducted to uphold employees' rights to information, participation, andoversight.In 2023, Tongwei further speci?ed that the mediation of labor disputes must beattended by three types of members: employee representatives, employerrepresentatives and labor union representatives, and continued to optimize thework?ow of the labor committee.

caseTongwei conducted multi-channel communication

Module marketing employee symposium

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In 2023, Tongwei Agricultural Development introduced the "Incentive Program for Suggestions" to actively collect and respond to rationalization suggestions. The incentiveprogram encourages employees to submit reasonable suggestions across various areas such as safety, cost, environment, site, e?ciency, and quality. Once the suggestionsare evaluated and adopted, employees receive rewards of 50 yuan for each innovative suggestion, 20 yuan for each improvement suggestion, and 10 yuan for each generalsuggestion. This program stimulates all sta? to focus on production improvement, which signi?cantly improves work e?ciency. During the reporting period, TongweiAgricultural Development received 37,000 rationalization suggestions.

Tongwei agricultural development's incentive program for suggestions

Tongwei is committed to providing employees with a robust complaint mechanism and a smooth complaint reporting channel. The company has formulated theEmployee Suggestions and Complaint Management Measures that apply to all Tongwei employees. This framework encourages and welcomes employees to reportcomplaints such as violations of discipline, human rights infringements, labor rights violations, and any other inappropriate behavior as de?ned in the guidelines.Various channels are available for lodging complaints, including telephone, o?cial account, email, and suggestion box. We are committed to maintaining strictcon?dentiality of the complainant and their complaint details, promptly verifying and investigating the issues raised, and taking necessary measures to safeguard thepersonal safety and legitimate rights of the complainant.

Employee Complaint

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Upload the whistleblowerinformationThe whistleblower cancomplain and report throughthe o?cial channels

Register and reportinformation timelyThe whistleblower cancomplain and report throughthe o?cial channels

Formulate theinvestigation planThe head of the supervisiondepartment formulates aninvestigation plan andassigns tasks

Investigate and feedbackThe reports are followed upby specialized personnel forinvestigation and timelyfeedback

Terminate the investiga-tion acceptanceFile for record and terminatethe complaint process

Access to case-related data is restricted solely to department heads and receivers, ensuring that con?dentiality is maintained regarding the

whistleblower's identity and case detailsEmployee complaint process at Tongwei

Communication between receivers and whistleblowers in a single line during investigation

Tel: 028-86168834/86168838Mobile: 15608175053(also WeChat account number)

E-mail: jcb@tongwei.comAddress: 38th Floor, Tongwei International Center, No.588 Tianfu Avenue, Hi-Tech Zone, Chengdu, Sichuan 610095, ChinaO?cial Account: Tongwei IntegrityInternal Account Number: Tongwei Supervision

Complaint and Reporting Channel at Tongwei

Terminate thecomplaint

File for the record andterminate the process

Conduct secondaryinvestigation

The result of the secondaryinvestigation is the ?nal

If the result is notaccepted

Start the secondarycomplaint-handling processSecondarycomplaint process

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Each year, Tongwei administers an annual employeesatisfaction survey that encompasses all sta?, providing aplatform for them to express their thoughts and insightswhile pinpointing and addressing pertinent issues. The surveyplaces emphasis on gauging employee satisfactionconcerning the Company's developmental status, managerialsupport, sta? training and development opportunities,teamwork dynamics, employee retention, and occupationalhealth and safety measures. Based on the feedback garneredfrom these surveys, Tongwei devises enhancement initiativesaimed at continuously augmenting its capacity to e?ectivelymanage and support its workforce and fostering a deepersense of belonging and loyalty among employees.

Employee Satisfaction Survey

average participation rate90%

overall satisfaction rate92%

In 2023, the job satisfaction survey at Tongweicovered all employees

Talent Attraction and Development

In 2023, the Company made revisions to the Recruitment and Hiring Management Measures. Theserevisions aim to provide further clarity on recruitment principles, standards, and theimplementation process. By standardizing the management of each recruitment process, weensure a professional, continuous, and timely mechanism for talent acquisition, which is essentialfor the Company's sustainable development.

Principles for Employee Recruitment

Tongwei ?rmly believes that talent is the cornerstone of business development. We haveconsistently adhered to the principles of fair, open and just recruitment practices. We haveestablished smooth promotion pathways, comprehensively implemented employee trainingprograms, and engaged in college-enterprise collaborations to further enhance our talent pool.Finally foster a collaborative environment where the Company and its employees can growhand in hand, synergistically.

Talent AttractionTongwei advocates an employment program based on the principles of "Value the capable ones,replace the mediocre ones, and dismiss the incapable ones". We prioritize evaluations that focus onabilities, performance, and character, and we employ a merit-based approach in personnelappointments, disregarding seniority.

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Principle of strategic orientation

Formulate the recruitment plan based on theoverall strategic planning and business


Principle of matching person and jobDe?ne job requirements and objectives, and

e?ectively allocate human resources

Principle of streamlining and e?ciencyRationally use recruitment channels, andimplement the concise and e?cient recruit-

ment process

Principle of internal recruitment before external recruitmentAdhere to the priority allocation of internal human resources,particularly for key positions, where internal candidates are given

preference under equal conditions

Principle of openness and fairnessFollow the principle of equal competition, maintain the open andtransparent recruitment process and results, and select the most

quali?ed candidates

Employee Recruitment

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In 2023, Tongwei Agricultural Development conducted timely campusrecruitment activities, with a speci?c focus on over 50 prominent agriculturaland animal husbandry colleges as well as comprehensive universities in China.Special previews were conducted during fall campus recruitment to introduce anew cohort of talent in bulk and enhance Tongwei's brand presence in campusrecruitment e?orts.

Tongwei consistently strengthens the talent attraction plan, formulatesemployee recruitment plans every year according to the company's businessdevelopment needs and changes in the talent market, strengthens theconstruction of the workforce, reserves talents for the company's development,and ensures the stability and vitality of the workforce.

Talent Attraction Strategy

The Company employs various recruitment methods including campusrecruitment, channels, internal referrals, and other strategies to attract newemployees, aims to maintain a rigorous, fair, transparent, and standardizedhiring process to ensure a high level of alignment and quality in talentacquisition.

Multi-Channel Talent Attraction


?Based on organizational managementpractices, budgets and actual business needs?Forecast recruitment needs and develop thetalent poolDetermine the

type ofrecruiment


?Annual plan?Monthly plan?Specialized plans



?Related departments submit recruitmentneeds?HR department evaluates the reasonablenessand accuracy of the demand


?The departments and HR departmentcollaborate to recruit and dynamically adjustthe needs.?Keep the talent pool updated

Talent Attraction and Recruitment Process at Tongwei

CaseTongwei agricultural development conducts campus recruitment

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To further unlock employees' potentialand enhance their job performance, wehave devised the PerformanceManagement Measures encompassingindicator formulation, assessmentmethodologies, feedback mechanisms,and complaint procedures. Performanceevaluations are conducted quarterly andannually, serving as the foundation forsalary distribution, talent promotion, andtalent development. Employees canvalidate their performance resultsthrough online veri?cation or o?inecon?rmation, with provisions forcomplaints through the online systemand o?ine feedback step by step.

Performance Evaluation

Tongwei has established the Position Promotion Management Procedures and the Cadre Development ManagementProcedures to standardize employee promotion and advancement processes. We have developed career developmentchannel management documents aligned with position requirements and career planning trajectories, categorizingemployee career paths into six main sequences - management, research and development, technology, function,marketing, and operation. This framework facilitates both horizontal and vertical advancement opportunities, ensuringemployees across all sequences have a transparent, unhindered, and equitable path to career promotion.

Talent Promotion

In order to motivate employees to continuously improve their professional skills and broaden their careeropportunities, Tongwei has devised the Internal Competitive Recruitment Management Measures. This includesestablishing a standardized and transparent internal recruitment process, implementing a fair and unbiasedassessment mechanism, and o?ering policy support to attract talents aligned with corporate culture and suitable forthe positions, thereby facilitating e?ective personnel appointment and management.

Internal Competitive Promotion

Talent DevelopmentTongwei prioritizes talent retention andpromotion by emphasizing clear careerdevelopment pathways, implementing arobust performance incentive system, andcontinually enhancing internal competitionand rotation mechanisms to facilitateemployee growth and progression.

?Employees are encouraged to enhance their skills and are given the chance to rotate across various responsibilities.

Horizontal development

?Management sta? are hired based on a meritocratic competition system, with annual promotion opportunities o?ered toeligible employees.?Professionals followed procedures by the Company's Administrative Measures for Evaluation and Appointment of Professionaland Technical Positions.

Vertical development

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To foster a robust talent pipeline,Tongwei has instituted the Tongwei LearningCenter and PV Learning Center within the Agriculture and Animal Husbandry andPhotovoltaic Sector, respectively. These departments are tasked with developinga training system encompassing all employees and constructing acomprehensive talent development model that integrates basic learning, jobpractice, technical practice,and management practice.

Talent Training System

Commendation and IncentiveCaseTo promote Tongwei's outstanding corporate culture, foster an environmentwhere employees strive for excellence and ?rst-class, and unleash theirenthusiasm and creativity, the Company recognized its top-performingemployees of the year in 2023.

Tongwei recognized top-performing employees of the year

Top-performing employees were recognized

Talent TrainingIn terms of employee training, Tongwei strictly follows systems such as theTraining and Development Management Measures of Tongwei Co., Ltd. (2023Revision) and the Employee Self-Development Training Management Measures ofTongwei Co., Ltd. (2022 Revision) to formulate a categorized training plan for allemployees, and establish a comprehensive, diverse, and hierarchical talenttraining system.


engagedin training activities56,616

training sessions


average training hours


During the reporting period

The training content includes areas such as corporate culture, managementprinciples, professional skills, occupational safety, energy and carbonmanagement, business ethics, and information security.

Include those who have left the Company.

The statistics cover all specialized training organized by various departments of Tongweiand its subsidiaries.

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Average Training Hours - by Gender

Average Training Hours - by Rank




General sta?Junior managementMiddle managementSenior management





Rich trainingresources

High-qualityinstructor team

Diversi?edlearning modes

Better TongweitalentsTalent training system at Tongwei

Tongwei TalentTrainingSystem

Photovoltaic Sector - Five ProjectsSailingProject



Elite Project






ExcellenceProgramAgriculture Sector - Five Programs


Employeesfrom campusrecruitmentManagementtraineeTop Talent

Newemployeesfrom socialrecruitment

Planning/cur-rent 1-6 gradetechnical


Reserve teamand currentminister/fac-tory director

Planning andcurrentexecutives

Employeesfrom campusrecruit-ment/Man-agementtrainees







Strengthen key business: professional knowledge and skillsEnhance general literacy: improve academic and professional quali?cations, strengthen communication and collaboration skillsCultivate management capabilities: meet job requirements, support team development, hunt for potential talents, and expand business presence


Theory test & practical assessment + online learning + presentation + comprehensive performanceResourcesharing

E-learning + o?ine courses (internal instructors / external experts) + training base practice + case library

The statistics only cover training organized by the HR departments of Tongwei and its subsidiaries.

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satisfaction rate of ?ve programsnearly100%

satisfaction rate of ?ve projects

not less than


During the reporting period

to support employees in improving their education and professional quali?cations


reimbursed or rewarded


During the reporting period

We administer satisfaction surveysfor diverse training programs togauge the extent of knowledgeapplication, instructor’s mode ofinstruction, training procedures, andprogram organization. Thesesurveys are conducted throughonline rating systems usinganonymous questionnaires.Subsequently, we re?ne our trainingmethods based on the feedbackreceived from participants.

The Company has developed and implemented the Employee Self-Development and Training Management Measures of TongweiCo., Ltd. to create vocational quali?cation training programs and learning and education schemes for all employees, includingcontractors and part-time employees1. This initiative aims to motivate employees to acquire relevant vocational certi?cationsor enhance their academic credentials. The policy outlines the reimbursement details for academic advancement expensesand subsidies for certi?cation attainment.Employees receive varying study grants based on their ranks, ranging from 1,000 yuan to 20,000 yuan annually per person.

Academic and Quali?cation Support

Academic Credential and Quali?cation Project CategoriesIncentives Support MethodsAcademic education:

Obtaining a state-recognized undergraduate degree (or higher) of highereducation, with both a diploma and a degree certi?cate.

Granting tuition reimbursementsubsidies.

Expatriate training and learning:

Expatriate training related to the job position.

Reimburse training expenses.

Training for middle-level and senior titles:

Obtaining middle-level and senior titles (including vocationalquali?cations and technical titles) recognized nationwide throughrelevant training.

Granting incentives

In 2023,Tongweihad no part-time employees.

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Tongwei places signi?cant emphasis on thedevelopment of new employees and campusrecruitment employees. The Company o?ers new hirestraining encompassing corporate culture, companypolicies, and role-speci?c expertise via mentorshipprograms, courses, online learning platforms, and casestudy compilations to facilitate the seamless integrationof new sta? into their roles and team dynamics.Additionally, the Company creates a training trajectoryfor management trainees to cultivate talent reserves forkey managerial roles.

Management Trainee Program

In 2016, we implemented the Sailing Project Program,followed by the introduction of the Top Talent Programin 2022. We identify suitable candidates based onassessment results and o?er training in projectcoordination, planning, and other management skills.We devised and executed the Management Measures forthe Development of Top Talents to handpick promising"Top Talents" each year from the Sailing Projectparticipants. These individuals undergo comprehensivecoaching by the plant manager, practical workexperience, and holistic learning to enhance theirprofessional knowledge, skills, and managementcompetencies over a ?ve-year period.

Photovoltaic Sector

In 2023, Tongwei Agricultural Development integrated management trainees, fresh graduates, andinterns into a uni?ed one-year seedling program for collective training. This program features face-to-faceo?ine courses complemented by online supplementary learning and incorporates practical assessments,expert lectures, and group activities for teachers and students. The training covers three developmentalphases: introduction to company culture, practical job experience, and role transformation, with theprimary goal of nurturing young talents with ethical integrity and competence for the enterprise.

Agriculture and Animal Husbandry

Training pathway for management trainees in the PV sector of Tongwei

Deploying internal lecturers toeducational institutions forteaching, facilitating studentinternships at the Company'sfacilities, and providing special

scholarships to establish adirect pathway for studentstransitioning from school to



Order Class

The Sailing Program targetsrecent university graduates,o?ering a training regimen that

includes 15 days of intensive

training, followed by 2.5months of mentor-apprentice

coaching and a subsequent

3-month job competencytraining phase. Participantsundergo rigorous training todevelop into key personnel

within 1-3 years.


Top Talent Program identi?esoutstanding students from thelatest cohort, nurturing them

into future digital factorymanagers through a compre-hensive 5-year program thatencompasses guidance from

plant managers, practicalwork experience, and holistic

learning opportunities.

Top Talent


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In February 2023, Tongwei Agricultural Development’s seedling project traineesand functional line management trainees gathered in Foshan to commence theinitial phase of the 2023 seedling program titled "Meet at Tongwei." Thetrainees energetically engaged in team-building activities and an ice-breakingsession, showcasing their individual charisma, youthful energy, andcollaborative teamwork.

Tongwei Agricultural Development launched the seedling program 2023

Training for the seedling program

Tongwei is dedicated to establishing a strong core leadership team by nurturingpotential leaders and integrating leadership development into employees'career paths. The Company conducts a variety of multi-level leadership trainingprograms.

Leadership Training

CaseIn November 2023, Tongwei Solar conducted an open class on "Scenario-basedCoaching - 5 Scenarios of Coaching Leadership Training" aimed at enhancingthe management skills of middle and senior management trainees. The eventgarnered attendance from over 40 executives and key personnel from variousbases. Professional coaches certi?ed by the ICF were invited to deliver lectures,focusing on coaching models such as GROW and the 3F model, along withother coaching tools. The training incorporated situational case studies toaugment the practical application skills of middle and senior executives andkey personnel through immersive experiences.

Tongwei Solar held an open course on leadership

Open class on leadership

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Tongwei prioritizes the development of potential technical talents, outlining a clear career progression from operational roles to technical positions, guiding individualsfrom technicians to senior engineers. The Company encourages employees to enhance their expertise, supporting them in advancing their professional careers.Job Development Training

CaseThe Climbing Project’s technology training system in the PV sector comprises two segments: "reserve technician training" and "advanced technician training". Each phasenecessitates a 3 to 6-month period of theoretical study and practical application, with progression to the subsequent level contingent upon successful completion of a ?nalexamination. This structured training initiative maintains transparency and accessibility, de?ning a career trajectory from foundational technician roles to senior engineeringpositions. It serves to inspire highly skilled and capable employees to ascend the ranks and evolve alongside the Company.

Climbing project’s technical sequence reserve training program

Advanced technical sequence training program overview

TargetsEmployees in technical sequence

Training duration3 months, 3-4 sessions per yearTraining modeOnline learning, job practice, case study salon, ?nal report

Technical reserve training program

Reserve assistant engineer

TargetsEmployees in technical sequenceTraining duration6 months, 2 sessions per year

Training modeOnline learning, rotational learning, IDP program, internalempowerment, specialized tasks, case study salon, ?nal report, etc.

Reserve engineer, senior engineer,advanced engineer

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In a quest to harness complementaryadvantages and foster mutual bene?t in talentdevelopment, Tongwei has forged profoundpartnerships with esteemed academicinstitutions such as Fudan University, SichuanAgricultural University, Huazhong AgriculturalUniversity, Jilin Agricultural University, andother premier domestic colleges and researchorganizations. These collaborations extendacross technology research, talent cultivation,skills training, and employmentrecommendations. Through initiatives like the"Tongwei Class," "Tongwei Elite Training Camp,"and "Vocational Training Camp," a strategiccooperation framework has been established atthree key educational levels: Doctor's andMaster's, Bachelor's, vocational and technicalprograms, to deepenindustry-university-research collaboration.In 2023, the Company collaborated withmultiple training institutions and highereducation institutions to carry out more than 10training courses and projects, including:

Deepened College-EnterpriseCooperation


Training categoryCooperative institutions/universities

Reserve productionmanager project

College enterprisecooperation

Training program formiddle and seniormanagement talents

Order class

Sichuan Agricultural University and Chengdu Vocational &Technical College of IndustryEmployment salonMeishan Vocational and Technical CollegeCorporate culturepromotion

Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu UniversityMiddle and seniormanagementadvancement journey

Beijing Zhibocheng Education Consulting Co., Ltd.Productionmanagement capabilityenhancement

BESTWAY Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd.

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The Company actively engages in external learning and exchange initiatives toshare and learn from advanced manufacturing and management practices withindustry peers and leading enterprises in diverse sectors. These activities aim tobroaden the Company’s perspective, and bolster its competitive edge.

External Learning and Exchange

The backbone team of Tongwei Agricultural Development ?nished studytours in Muyuan FoodsCaseIn August 2023, Tongwei Agricultural Development’s subsidiaries, together withthe Learning Center, facilitated a study tour for its management team and keypersonnel to Muyuan Foods Nanyang. The visit entailed in-depth discussions onaquaculture production management, intelligentization development,information technology infrastructure, and talent cultivation strategies. Theseexchanges were designed to advance the specialization, standardization, andsystematization of aquaculture seedling business operations.

Study tour

The Company rigorously complies with the provisions outlined in theOccupational Disease Prevention and Control Law of the People's Republic ofChina, the Workplace Safety Law of the People's Republic of China, the FireSafety Law of the People's Republic of China, and other pertinentregulations. Employees' occupational health and safety constitute thecornerstone of the enterprise, with a steadfast commitment to furnishinga healthy, secure, and worry-free work environment.

Occupational Health and Safety

Safety Management SystemEmbracing the management tenet of "Safety Comes First and Prevention ComesFirst with Comprehensive Management," Tongwei pledges to achieve theobjectives of zero personal injury, ?re, explosion, and occupational diseaseincidents. This resolute commitment not only underpins the Company's stableprogress but also safeguards the well-being of its workforce.

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Adhering to the speci?cations delineated by the ISO 45001 Occupational health and safety management system, the Company formulates system documents such asthe Environmental Factor Identi?cation and Evaluation Procedures, Safety Production Responsibility Management Procedures, Safety Inspection and Hidden TroubleManagement System, and the Occupational Health Management Procedures. These documents encompass facets like secure production management, safety performanceevaluation, risk management and control, hazard scrutiny, emergency response, occupational disease prevention and control, training and education. By establishing arobust occupational health and safety management protocol, the Company ensures that each operational aspect adheres to prede?ned guidelines and regulations.

Safety Management System

Tongwei safety management system

安全第一防危重安Risk managementSystem managementSafety education and trainingOccupational health management

Related party management

All sta? responsi-bility systemFire emergencymanagement Hazard scrutiny and managementEnvironmental protection managementTeam safety managementLocal ManagementSafety Leadership




Safety comes ?rstPrevention of dangers

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companies under Tongwei have obtainedISO 45001 Occupational Health and SafetyManagement System certi?cation

increase compared tolast year

As of the end of the reporting period

extraordinarily serioussafety accident

serious safetyaccident

incident rate per200,000 hours


Workplace safety at Tongwei in 2023

In order to enhance the Company's workplace safety and occupational healthand safety management, Tongwei has developed internal systems such as theWorkplace Safety Responsibility Assessment System, the Workplace Safety Rewardand Punishment System, and the Safety and Environmental Protection Assessmentand Incentive System. Furthermore, annual environmental and occupationalhealth and safety targets have been established, with full-time safety o?cersconducting monthly performance assessments.

Safety Performance Assessment

occupational health andworkplace safety training

with the participation of employeestotaling


During the reporting period, Tongwei and its subsidiaries conducted

To bolster employees' awareness of workplace safety and enhance their capacityfor self-protection, Tongwei has instituted the Safety Training and EducationManagement System and the Occupational Health and Safety Training ManagementSystem. Regular thematic activities and specialized training sessions areorganized, encompassing various areas such as three-tier safety education,specialized equipment training, ?re prevention activities, safety incident casestudies, and ?rst aid training. Through a multifaceted approach, the Companyendeavors to fortify the development of a culture of occupational health andsafety.

Safety Culture Development

Moreover, Tongwei Solar has pioneered the implementation of the EHS IncentiveProgram, wherein strategies like issuing "sunshine coins" are utilized toencourage safety-conscious behaviors among the workforce. Tongwei Solarencourages the team for safety improvements through the implementation ofTotal Quality Management (TQM) improvements, EHS assessments, recognitionof outstanding safety work teams, commendation of top safety productioncontractors, and other evaluative activities.

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CaseWithin the framework of the safety doctrine that "safety serves as the foundation for all operations," Yongxiang New Energy has instituted a distinct safety managementsystem encompassing 1,798 e?ective safety measures. It consistently conducts safety initiatives based on varying control priorities during di?erent periods to e?cientlymitigate safety hazards. In 2023, Yongxiang New Energy carried out 100-day safety initiatives during the winter and summer seasons. Through a comprehensive array ofsafety activities, Yongxiang New Energy enhanced the risk identi?cation, emergency response, process safety management, and duty ful?llment capabilities of all sta?members, thereby upholding the principle of "safety management and accident prevention."

Yongxiang New Energy enacts 100-day safety initiative to fortify safety culture fundamentals

Yongxiang’s Characteristic Safety Management SystemLeadershipGuidelines and targets | Leaders’ guidance | Cultural constructionDesignLegal Compliance | Risk managementSupport

Organization responsibilities | Ability training | File management |Informationalized construction


Hidden danger investigation and management | Supervision and audit | SafetyperformanceImprovement

Accidents and incidents | Evaluation of management |One prevention and three improvement


Engineering construction | Contractor management | Alarm management | HazardouschemicalsMajor hazard sources | Change management | Equipment integrity | Work safetyEnergy and environmental protection | Health management| Public safety | Fire andemergency measure

100 Days of Safety Activities in 2023

In-depth hidden dangerinvestigation and management


Benchmarking study activitieson accident cases

365 Guardian of SafetyEvaluation Campaign


Risk identi?cationcompetitions

Safety speech contests

Safety skills contests

Safety Debate Competition

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CaseIn 2023, Tongwei Solar (Hefei) executed 72 safety-themed initiativesencompassing all employees, including safety knowledge competitions,displays of labor protection equipment, and safety-centric recreationalactivities. These events drew 37,000 participants on themes related toproduction safety, occupational health, workplace safety, and tra?c safety.

Implementation of safety-themed management at Tongwei Solar (Hefei)

Safety-themed activities at Tongwei Solar (Hefei)Tongwei continuously improves its emergency management framework bydeveloping various documents such as the Emergency Rescue Management Systemfor Production Safety Accidents, the Emergency Response Plan for EnvironmentalEmergencies, the Emergency Management and Response Procedures, as well asspeci?c plans for ?re?ghting, chemical leaks, and natural disasters. Regularemergency drills and capacity assessments are conducted, annual emergency drillschedules are devised, and comprehensive and specialized drills are performed,all aimed at bolstering the Company's emergency response capabilities

?re drills

with the participation of employees totaling

times32,154During the reporting period, Tongwei and its subsidiaries conducted

Tongwei Solar Jintang Base conducts emergency drills on disasterprevention and mitigation

CaseIn May 2023, Tongwei Solar Jintang Base carried out a two-day multi-disciplinaryemergency drill on disaster prevention and mitigation, including scenarios suchas hydrogen leaks and earthquake evacuations, to disseminate knowledge ondisaster preparedness, and to strengthen the sta?'s awareness of earthquakeprevention and mitigation.

Emergency drills on disaster prevention and mitigation

Safety Risk Prevention and ControlTongwei integrates risk management into all facets of production andoperations, enhancing safety compliance by engaging in risk identi?cation,assessment, classi?cation, control, and the investigation and management ofhidden dangers. These measures serve to safeguard the health and safety ofemployees, prevent accidents, and contribute to achieving safety objectives.

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Risk Control System

The Company has assembled a hazard source identi?cation team to devise control strategies for identi?ed hazards, integrating them into the knowledge base system.Simultaneously, Tongwei conducts hazard source identi?cation training at various levels to enhance employees' capacity to recognize hazard sources and implementpreventative measures e?ectively.

Hazard Sources Identi?cation

Tongwei has instituted procedures for identifying hazardous sources and evaluating risks, including the development of the Procedures for Identifying and EvaluatingEnvironmental Factors and Hazard Sources this year. The Company utilized the LEC Evaluation Method1 to identify and evaluate potential hazards in production processes.Following this evaluation, Tongwei conducts hidden danger risk assessments, implements risk mitigation strategies, and strives to minimize safety risks to protect andpreserve the lives of its employees.

Risk Safety Evaluation

Review the whole process of monitoring

Safety risk evaluation procedures

Form anevaluation



Risk identi?cation

Type of accident

In?uencing factors,accident mechanism

Risk evaluation

Severity of the accidentExposure to thehazardous environmentLikelihood of accidents

Risk control

Implement measures toreduce or prevent risksDevelop risk controlplans

LEC Evaluation Method: a semi-quantitative safety evaluation method for hazard sources in a potentially dangerous operating environment.

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Tongwei has established systems such as the Accident and Hidden DiseaseIdenti?cation and Management System and the Safety Inspection and HiddenDisease Management Procedures. The Company institutes a hidden dangersregistry, enhancing its hidden danger investigation system through dailyinspections, EHS supervision, monthly assessments conducted by middle andsenior executives, pre-season comprehensive inspections, and technician-ledprofessional reviews. Leveraging the ERP digitalization system, Tongwei ensurese?ective closed-loop management of risks and hidden dangers.

Risk Investigation and Management

Tongwei has conducted audits on workplace safety and occupational health toenhance the development of the workplace safety system by combining internalself-inspections and external oversight, aiming to establish a "Safe Tongwei".

Safety Audit

risks and dangers

18,000more than

recti?cation rate by the due date100%During the reporting period, Tongwei and its subsidiaries investigated

in production safety and occupational health163million yuan

During the reporting period, Tongwei invested

internal and external audits related to occupational health and safety

40more thanDuring the reporting period, Tongwei carried out

Tongwei has also formulated the Safety Investment Management System toestablish a sustainable mechanism for investing in workplace safety, promotingthe adoption of new technologies, processes, and equipment, ensuring regularmaintenance of safety equipment, strengthening the emergency response teambuilding, and enhancing safety education and awareness initiatives to guaranteethe e?ective implementation of production safety measures.

The Company has devised chemical management systems, including theHazardous Chemicals Management System and the Major Hazard SourcesManagement System. These systems specify management protocols for theprocurement, storage, handling, and emergency response for hazardouschemicals. We conduct annual training sessions on hazardous chemicalmanagement for warehouse sta? and on-site personnel, along with quarterlyinspections of scattered hazardous chemicals in use on-site, averting accidentsinvolving hazardous substances and maintaining a standardized and secureproduction environment.

Chemical Safety

Environmental, Social

and Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Employee Health ProtectionTongwei has established various occupational health and safety protocols,including the Responsibility System for Prevention and Control of OccupationalDiseases, the System for Workers' Occupational Health Guard and File Management,and the Labor Protective Supplies Management System. The Company strictlyprovides personnel exposed to hazardous factors like chemicals, noise, and hightemperatures with appropriate protective gear and ensures their correct use.Furthermore, we collaborate with quali?ed medical institutions to conductroutine occupational health screenings, maintain detailed employee healthrecords, and enhance the overall protection of employees' occupational health.

coverage rate of occupational health examinations for employees

100%In 2023, Tongwei had a

Additionally, in compliance with pertinent laws and regulations, we routinelycontract third-party accredited ?rms to monitor workplaces with potentialoccupational hazards, ensuring a safe and healthy work environment. Duringthe reporting period, none of Tongwei's subsidiary companies exceeded thelimit set by the state for occupational hazards.

Case Tongwei Solar Hefei Base carries out hazardous chemical safety training

Chemical training courseware

Safety training


In 2023, Tongwei Solar (Anhui) identi?ed noise issues in the silk screen processand successfully mitigated production noise levels by adjusting air knifepressure, installing protective doors and sound-absorbing materials, andconducting thorough noise monitoring, etc.

Tongwei Solar (Anhui) enhances noise environment

Add protective doors and keepthem closed

Daily noise monitoring

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


CaseIn 2023, multiple Tongwei production bases organized blood donationcampaigns. Notably, Tongwei Solar Meishan Base collaborated with MeishanCentral Blood Station to host the "Donate Blood, Share Life" event on the 20thBlood Donor Day. Employees enthusiastically participated to spread themessage of love and solidarity. Similarly, Tongwei Solar Hefei Base partneredwith Hefei Hi-Tech Zone to conduct a joint blood donation drive, with nearly400 employees actively donated blood on the designated day, collectivelysharing warmth and compassion.

Mobilizing youth for blood donation and love advocacy

Tongwei has consistently prioritized its economic and socialresponsibilities. Alongside delivering quality products and services to themarket, Tongwei has expanded its initiatives in social welfare and ruralrevitalization, undertaking photovoltaic (PV) poverty alleviation projectsrooted in the "Aquaculture-PhotovoltaicIntegration" model, embodying"Tongwei Wisdom" and "Tongwei Strength" to build a beautiful China.

Value Contribution to Community

Volunteer ActivitiesThe Company remains committed to upholding the values of volunteerism,which are characterized by dedication, camaraderie, mutual support, andprogression. Tongwei’s tangible acts of corporate responsibility, such asengaging in volunteer service and societal contributions, shape its image as aresponsible entity.

Hefei Blood Donor"Happy Home" Community Welfare Fund Enterprise by ChangningCenter

Social Responsibility Related Awards Received in 2023

with the participation of employees totaling


money donated


worth of goods donated


During the reporting period, Tongwei investedBlood donation activity at Tongwei Solar Meishan Base

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Tongwei leverages its prominent position and core technologies within the agricultural and photovoltaic sectors to innovate the "Aquaculture-PhotovoltaicIntegration"industry. This initiative aims to establish a contemporary industrial park that combines new ?sheries, renewable energy, and rural development. By doing so, Tongweinot only enhances its economic impact but also fosters local prosperity. These e?orts align with China's rural revitalization strategy.

Rural Revitalization

Job CreationA large number of jobs can be created in PV power plantconstruction, aquaculture, power plant operation andmaintenance, development research and neighboring services.

Rural revitalization· Produce clean energy above water· Produce green agricultural products underwater· Synchronized with tourism· Building a beautiful countryside

Contribute to the achievement of the dual-carbon goalA power station with a capacity of 1MW can be built every 20mu, which can output about 60,000 kWh of clean energypower per mu annually. This is equivalent to saving 18 tons ofstandard coal and reducing 450 tons of carbon dioxideemissions.

· Generate electricity on water, conduct aquaculture underwater· Improve land use e?ciency· Promote the transformation and upgrading of modern agriculture· Industrial integration drives rural economic development

Address problems of agriculture, rural areas and rural people



power stations that emphasize the"Aquaculture-PhotovoltaicIntegration" model

clean energy collectively generated

billion kWh


equivalent to saving

million tons of standard coal

equivalent to reducingcarbon dioxide emissions

approximatelymillion tons

As of the end of the reporting period, Tongwei has facilitated the development of

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Overview of ESG Data

EconomyIndicatorTotal assets

Operating revenueOperating cost

Total taxBasic earnings per share

Unit??? million yuan??? million yuan??? million yuan??? million yuan??? million yuan??? million yuanYuan/share















Net assets attributableto shareholders of listedcompany

Weighted average returnon net assets


Net pro?t attributable toshareholders of listedcompany



Number of legal casesregarding corruption or briberyNumber of anti-corruptiontraining hoursNumber of anti-corruptiontraining sessionsDirectorsManagersEmployeesNumber of anti-corruption training participants by rankDirectorsManagersEmployees

Pass rate of anti-corruption training by rankDirectorsManagersEmployees








Number of anti-corruption training by rank


Due to Tongwei's ongoing business growth and expanded production capacity, the data for resource consumption and pollution emissions in 2023 have shown an increase when compared to the previous year.

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Total GHG scope 1 emissionsTotal GHG scope 2 emissions

Total GHG emissions at opera-tional levelCarbon emission intensity atoperational level








e/mil-lion yuanrevenue

Greenhouse Gas




1,049,077.7110,308,044.5Total GHG scope 3 emissionstCO




Waste Gas Pollutants

Total emissions of waste gas pollutantsSulfur dioxideNitrogen oxideTin and its compoundsAmmoniaFluoride








































Total in








TongweiNew Energy



Total in








TongweiNew Energy

Waste Water Pollutants

VOCsHydrogen chlorideGeneral dustParticulate matterSmokeSulfuric acid mist

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress






































Total emissions of wastewaterpollutants







ChlorideCODcrSuspended solids (SS)BOD5Total nitrogenFluorideAmmonia nitrogenTotal phosphorus
































































Total in









TongweiNew Energy

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Waste acidWaste alkali

Hazardous waste emission intensity

Hazardous Wastes

Non-hazardous Wastes

Ton/millionyuan revenueTotal emissions of hazardous wastesTon








Other hazardous wasteTon








Waste organic solvents and wastecontaining organic solvents


0.000.00 4.90 30.13 7.09 /



Total emissions of non-hazardouswastes

Ton1,698.33 1,211.55 349,527.72 136,396.0445,964.26/534,797.90416,766.76Non-hazardous waste emissionintensity

Ton/millionyuan revenue


Waste mineral oil and wastecontaining mineral oil


0.000.43 93.0427.95 2.91/

























O?ce wasteWaste slagSludgeWaste wood























In 2023, Tongwei further standardized the measurement methodology, so the non-hazardous waste emissions for 2022 were slightly adjusted.



Total in









TongweiNew Energy

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Waste paperWaste steelWaste materialsWaste metalsOther non-hazardous wasteNon-hazardous waste recycledRate of non-hazardous waste recycled





























Total discharge

Ton/350,261.603,509,521.41 21,135,436.55 1,160,621.74/26,155,841.30/



Total water consumptionMunicipal water supplySurface waterGroundwater

























Water Resource

Water consumption intensity

Ton/millionyuan revenue


Percentage of recycled and reusedwater


In 2023, Tongwei further re?ned statistical coverage and implemented various lightweight packaging initiatives, resulting in a signi?cant decrease in the amount of packaging materials used compared to 2022.



Total in









TongweiNew Energy

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Packaging materials use intensity

Ton/millionyuan revenue


Number of environmentalmanagement training


Total packaging materials use

































Packaging Material

Environmental Management Training

205481295/Number of environmentalmanagement training participants


106,63520,3119,836 300 37,692/



Total in


TotalTongweiAgriculturalDevelopmentTongwei Co.,

Ltd. (Head-







TongweiNew Energy



Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Total comprehensive energyconsumptionComprehensive energyconsumption per millionrevenue

Tons ofstandard coalTons ofstandardcoal/millionrevenue






14,457,361.503,595,655.37 13,917.6698,392.0018,722,308.47/14,050.633,033.2714,997,259.54Total clean energyelectricity used


Bituminous coalGasolineDiesel oilBiodieselNatural gasLique?ed natural gasLique?ed petroleum gasPurchased steamPurchased electricity

TonLiterLiterTonCubic meterTonTonTonMWh





















































Clean Energy



R&D investmentMillion yuan%





Ratio of R&D investment tooperating revenues

Investment in occupationalhealth and safety

Million yuan



33,436Session/Number of informationsecurity trainingNumber of informationsecurity participants

Number of R&D personnelIntellectual Property

Patents authorizedUtility models authorizedPatent applicationsUtility model applicationsCharitable DonationAmount of donationOccupational Health and Safety


////Ten thousand yuan





Information Security Training


SupplierTotal number of suppliersSuppliers inside ChinaSuppliers outside China



4,846//Number of CSR assessmentsconducted



%/Number of product andservice complaintsResponse ratio of clientcomplaints

Number of suppliersremoved due to violation ofthe Code of ConductNumber of supplier training


Percentage of product recalls

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress




Total in2022Unit

Tongwei Co.,Ltd. (Head-quarters)






TongweiNew Energy


Total employeesBy age30 and below31 to 5051 and above

By educational background

Below bachelor's degreeBachelor's degreeMaster's degreeDoctor's degree

By gender




























































By rank

General sta?Junior managementMiddle managementSenior managementBy physical conditionGeneral employeeDisabled employeeBy ethnicity typeEthnic minorityNon-ethnic minorityR&D personnel



Total in2022Unit

Tongwei Co.,Ltd. (Head-quarters)






TongweiNew Energy

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


By geographic locationDomesticOverseas

Total R&D personnelPerson11,266231,3771,37910564,1573,549



Percentage of women in management

Women leadership



Total in


Tongwei Co.,

Ltd. (Head-quarters)








TongweiNew Energy

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


By educational backgroundBelow bachelor's degreeBachelor's degreeMaster's DegreeDoctor's degree




By gender







Number of women in management

All managementJunior managementMiddle managementSenior management



Percentage in all managementPercentage in juniormanagement




















Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


New employee



Total in


Tongwei Co.,Ltd. (Head-quarters)






TongweiNew EnergyPercentage in middlemanagementPercentage in seniormanagement




















Total new employeeBy gender

MaleFemaleBy age30 and below31 to 5051 and above

By geographic location


By rank

General employee























Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Junior managementMiddle managementSenior management



Number of employees trained

Average number of training hours for the employee



Total in2022Unit

Tongwei Co.,Ltd. (Head-









TongweiNew Energy

Total number of employeestrained

By genderMaleFemale

By rank

All managementJunior managementMiddle managementSenior management


















Average number of traininghours



Percentage of employeesreceiving regular performanceand career developmentevaluation



5975522042,1951,327454,5876,563Number of internal recruit-ments

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Employee development

Employee rights & bene?ts



Total in


Tongwei Co.,

Ltd. (Head-









TongweiNew Energy



Coverage rate of supplemen-tary insuranceRate of employees signinglabor contracts

By genderMaleFemaleBy rank

General sta?Junior managementMiddle managementSenior management















































Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Employee satisfaction

Employee health and safety



Total in


Tongwei Co.,

Ltd. (Head-








TongweiNew Energy%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%

Rate of employees coveredby social security


13.13630458511431,562163,2331,636Number of days lost due towork-related injury



Incident rate per 200,000hours

%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%Employee physical examina-tion coverage

Survey participationEmployee satisfaction











Other DesignationsDesignationDe?nitionTongwei Co., Ltd., Tongwei, the Company, WeTongwei Group

Tongwei Co., Ltd.Tongwei Group Co., Ltd.

The collective name of Tongwei Solar Energy Co., Ltd., Tongwei Solar (Anhui) Co., Ltd., Tongwei Solar (Chengdu) Co., Ltd., Tongwei Solar(Meishan) Co., Ltd., Tonghe Solar (Jintang) Co., Ltd., Tongwei Solar (Jintang) Co., Ltd., Tongwei Solar (Pengshan) Co., Ltd., etc.Tongwei YongxiangTongwei Food

Tongwei Solar

The collective name of Tongwei Solar (Hefei) Co., Ltd., Tongwei Solar Energy (Sichuan) Co., Ltd., Tongwei Solar Energy (Yancheng) Co.,Ltd., Tongwei Solar Energy (Nantong) Co., Ltd., Tongwei Solar Energy Technology Co., Ltd., etc.The collective name of Tongwei New Energy Co., Ltd., Tongwei New Energy (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., Tongwei New Energy Technology(Beijing) Co., Ltd., Sichuan Yuguang IoT Technology Co., Ltd., etc.Branches and subsidiaries of Tongwei Agricultural Development and Tongwei FoodBranches and subsidiaries of Tongwei Yongxiang, Tongwei Solar, Tongwei Modules, and Tongwei New EnergyBranches and subsidiaries of Tongwei Yongxiang, Tongwei Solar, and Tongwei Modules

Tongwei ModulesTongwei New Energy

Tongwei Photovoltaic Industry/Photovoltaic SectorTongwei Photovoltaic Manufacturing Sector

Tongwei Agricultural Development

The collective name of Tongwei Agricultural Development Co., Ltd., Sichuan Tongwei Feed Co., Ltd., Tongwei (Dafeng) Feed Co., Ltd.,Tianjin Tongwei Feed Co., Ltd. and Foshan Gaoming Tongwei Feed Co., Ltd., etc.The collective name of Tongwei Chunyuan Food Co., Ltd., Tongwei (Chengdu) Aquatic Products Co., Ltd., Tongwei (Hainan) AquaticProducts Co., Ltd., Chengdu Xintaifeng Agricultural Development Co., Ltd., etc.The collective name of Yongxiang Co., Ltd., Sichuan Yongxiang Polysilicon Co., Ltd., Sichuan Yongxiang New Energy Co., Ltd., SichuanYongxiang Energy Technology Co., Ltd., Inner Mongolia Tongwei High-purity Crystalline Silicon Company, Yunnan Tongwei High-purityCrystalline Silicon Co., Ltd., Sichuan Yongxiang Silicon Materials Co., Ltd., Sichuan Yongxiang Photovoltaic Technology Co., Ltd., etc.

Tongwei Agriculture and Animal HusbandryIndustry /Agriculture and Animal Husbandry

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners forDiversity andProgress

Environmental Management SystemClimate Change ResponsePollution and Waste ManagementWater Resource ManagementBiodiversity ConservationEmployee Rights and ProtectionEmployee Care and CommunicationTalent Attraction and DevelopmentOccupational Health and SafetyValue Contribution to Community







Overview of ESG Data


Other DesignationsIndicator IndexAssurance ReportReader Feedback

ChapterContentGRI Standards

GRI Indicator Index


About this ReportMessage from the ChairmanAbout Tongwei




Compliance and Risk ManagementBusiness EthicsInformation Security ProtectionInvestor RelationsR&D and InnovationDigital TransformationProduct ResponsibilityClient Rights

GRI Standards


2-27、207-1、207-2、207-3205-1、205-2、205-32-272-29//2-27、417-1、417-2、417-32-25、416-1、416-2、418-1ResponsibleSupply ChainManagement

Supply Chain ManagementSustainable Supply Chain




Indicator Index

ESG Management and Governance

Corporate Governance

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


HKEX ESG Indicator Index

AspectIndicator No.ContentPage




A1: Emissions

The types of emissions and respective emissions data.

A Environmental

Information on:(a) the policies; and (b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations that have a signi?cant impact on the issuer;relating to air and greenhouse gas emissions, discharges into water and land, and generation of hazardous and non-hazardous waste.GeneralDisclosure


A2:Use ofResources


P98-99P150-152 P152P16, P92-106

P93, P107P93P107P92-103P109-110P107


Direct (Scope 1) and energy indirect (Scope 2) greenhouse gas emissions (in tonnes) and, where appropriate, intensity (e.g. per unit ofproduction volume, per facility).Total hazardous waste produced (in tonnes) and, where appropriate, intensity (e.g. per unit of production volume, per facility).Total non-hazardous waste produced (in tonnes) and, where appropriate, intensity (e.g. per unit of production volume, per facility).Description of how hazardous and non-hazardous wastes are handled, and a description of reduction target(s) set and steps taken toachieve them.Policies on the e?cient use of resources, including energy, water and other raw materials.Note: Resources can be used for production, storage, transportation, buildings, electronic equipment, etc.Direct and/or indirect energy consumption by type (e.g. electricity, gas or oil) in total (kWh in"000s) and intensity (e.g. per unit ofproduction volume, per facility).Water consumption in total and intensity (e.g. per unit of production volume, per facility).Description of energy use e?ciency target(s) set and steps taken to achieve them.Description of whether there is any issue in sourcing water that is ?t for purpose, water e?ciency target(s) set and steps taken toachieve them.Total packaging material used for ?nished products (in tonnes) and, if applicable, with reference to per unit produced.

Description of emission target(s) set and steps taken to achieve them.

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


P85, P111-112P85-87, P111-112






AspectIndicator No.ContentPage







Description of the signi?cant impacts of activities on the environment and natural resources and the actions taken to manage them.Policies on minimising the issuer's signi?cant impacts on the environment and natural resources.GeneralDisclosureGeneralDisclosure




Policies on identi?cation and mitigation of signi?cant climate-related issues which have impacted, and those which may impact, theissuer.Description of the signi?cant climate-related issues which have impacted, and those which may impact, the issuer, and the actionstaken to manage them.Information on:(a) the policies; and (b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations that have a signi?cant impact on the issuer;relating to compensation and dismissal, recruitment and promotion, working hours, rest periods, equal opportunity, diversity,antidiscrimination, and other bene?ts and welfare.Total workforce by gender, employment type (for example, full-or part-time), age group and geographical region.Employee turnover rate by gender, age group and geographical region.Information on: (a) the policies; and (b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations that have a signi?cant impact on the issuer;relating to providing a safe working environment and protecting employees from occupational hazards.Number and rate of work-related fatalities occurred in each of the past three years including the reporting year.Lost days due to work injury.Description of occupational health and safety measures adopted, and how they are implemented and monitored.Policies on improving employees' knowledge and skills for discharging duties at work.Note: Training refers to vocational training and may include internal and external courses paid for by the employer.The percentage of employees trained by gender and employee category (e.g. senior management, middle management).The average training hours completed per employee by gender and employee category.

A3: TheEnvironmentand NaturalResourcesA4: ClimateChange

B1: Employ-ment

B2: Healthand Safety

B3: Develop-ment andTraining

B Social

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress



AspectIndicator No.ContentPage






Description of measures to review employment practices to avoid child and forced labour.


P114 P117, P124-127


P76P76-80P74-80P82-83 P64-71



Description of steps taken to eliminate such practices when discovered.Policies on managing environmental and social risks of the supply chain.Number of suppliers by geographical region.Description of practices relating to engaging suppliers, number of suppliers where the practices are being implemented, and howthey are implemented and monitored.Description of practices used to identify environmental and social risks along the supply chain, and how they are implemented andmonitored.Description of practices used to promote environmentally preferable products and services when selecting suppliers, and how theyare implemented and monitored.Information on:(a) the policies; and (b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations that have a signi?cant impact on the issuer;relating to health and safety, advertising,labelling and privacy matters relating to products and services provided and methods ofredress.Percentage of total products sold or shipped subject to recalls for safety and health reasons.Number of products and service related complaints received and how they are dealt with.Description of practices relating to observing and protecting intellectual property rights.Description of quality assurance process and recall procedures.Description of consumer data protection and privacy policies, and how they are implemented and monitored.

B?: LabourStandards

B?: SupplyChainManagement

B?: ProductResponsibili-ty


Information on: (a) the policies; and (b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations that have a signi?cant impact on the issuer;relating to preventing child and forced labour.B4: LabourStandards

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress




P43-45P43P43Number of concluded legal cases regarding corrupt practices brought against the issuer or its employees during the reporting periodand the outcomes of the cases.Description of preventive measures and whistle-blowing procedures, and how they are implemented and monitored.

Information on: (a) the policies; and (b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations that have a signi?cant impact on the issuer;relating to bribery, extortion, fraud and money laundering.B?: Anti-cor-ruption


AspectIndicator No.ContentPage



Description of anti-corruption training provided to directors and sta?.


Policies on community engagement to understand the needs of the communities where the issuer operates and to ensure itsactivities take into consideration the communities' interests.Focus areas of contribution (e.g. education, environmental concerns, labour needs, health, culture, sport).Resources contributed (e.g. money or time) to the focus area.B8: Commu-nity Invest-ment

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


TCFD Indicator Index

RecommendationRecommended DisclosurePageDisclose the organization’sgovernance around climate-relat-ed risks and opportunities.



Risk Management

Metrics and Targets

Disclose the actual and potentialimpacts of climate-related risksand opportunities on the organiza-tion’s businesses, strategy, and?nancial planning where suchinformation is material.

Disclose how the organizationidenti?es, assesses, and managesclimate-related risks.

Disclose the metrics and targetsused to assess and managerelevant climate-related risks andopportunities where suchinformation is material.

c.Describe the targets used by the organization to manage climate-related risks and opportunities and performance against targets.b.Disclose Scope 1, Scope 2, and, if appropriate, Scope 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and the related risks.a.Disclose the metrics used by the organization to assess climate-related risks and opportunities in line with its strategy and riskmanagement process.

a. Describe the board’s oversight of climate-related risks and opportunities.b. Describe management’s role in assessing and managing climate-related risks and opportunities.

a. Describe the organization’s processes for identifying and assessing climate-related risks.b. Describe the organization’s processes for managing climate-related risks.c. Describe how processes for identifying, assessing, and managing climate-related risks are integrated into the organization’s overallrisk management.

a. Describe the climate-related risks and opportunities the organization has identi?ed over the short, medium, and long term.b. Describe the impact of climate-related risks and opportunities on the organization’s businesses, strategy, and ?nancial planning.






c. Describe the resilience of the organization’s strategy, taking into consideration di?erent climate-related scenarios, including a2°C or lower scenario.

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress


Assurance Report

Environmental, Socialand Governance Report

Robust CorporateOperation

Pioneering ProductInnovation

Responsible SupplyChain Management

Green and LowCarbon Practices

Partners for Diversityand Progress



Statement No: SRA-806767

Tongwei Co., Ltd.

2023 Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Report

The British Standards Institution is independent of Tongwei Co., Ltd., and its subsidiaries (hereafter referred to as“Tongwei” collectively in this statement), and has no financial interest in the operation of Tongwei Co., Ltd. other thanfor the assessment and assurance of Tongwei Co., Ltd.’s 2023 environmental, social, and governance (ESG) report(the “Report”).

This independent assurance opinion statement is prepared on the basis of review by the British Standards Institutionof Tongwei Co., Ltd.’s 2023 environmental, social, and governance (ESG) report presented by Tongwei Co., Ltd.. Thereview does not extend beyond such information and is solely based on it. In performing such review, the BritishStandards Institution has assumed that all such information is complete and adequate.

ScopeThe scope of engagement agreed upon with “Tongwei Co., Ltd.” includes the following:

1ˊThe assurance scope is consistent with the description of Tongwei Co., Ltd.’s 2023 environmental, social, and governance (ESG)report. The Report is prepared with reference to the sustainable development reporting standards of Global Reporting Initiative?GRI?.

2ˊType 1 Moderate Level of Assurance in accordance with the AA1000 Assurance Standard v3 (“AA1000AS v3”) evaluates the natureand extent of Tongwei Co., Ltd. adherence to four reporting principles: Inclusivity, Materiality, Responsiveness and Impact, and thereliability of specified sustainability performance information/data disclosed in the Report hasn’t been evaluated.

Opinion StatementWe conclude that the Report provides a fair view of Tongwei Co., Ltd.,’s sustainability plan and performance in the reporting year.Based on the assessment within the scope of this assurance, we have not encountered any matters that would lead us to believe thatthe data and information reported in the sustainability report of the reporting organization have been improperly presented or omittedin any material aspect, or that the inclusivity, materiality, responsiveness, and impact based on the AA1000 standards have not beenproperly addressed.

Our work was carried out by a team of sustainability report assurors in accordance with the AA1000AS v3. We planned and performedthis part of our work to obtain the necessary information and explanations. we believe that Tongwei Co., Ltd.'s statement of referenceto the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards is a fair representation.

For and behalf of BSI?

Issue Date: 2024-04-10 Effective Date: 2024-04-10


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The British Standards Institution is independent to the above named client and has no financial interest in the above named client. This Opinion Statement has beenprepared for the above named client only for the purposes of verifying its statements relating to its carbon emissions more particularly described in the scope. It wasnot prepared for any other purpose. The British Standards institution will not, in providing this Opinion Statement, accept or assume responsibility (legal or otherwise) oraccept liability for or in connection with any other purpose for which it may be used or to any person by whom the Opinion Statement may be read. This OpinionStatement is prepared on the basis of review by The British Standards Institution of information presented to it by the above named client. The review does not extendbeyond such information and is solely based on it. In performing such review, The British Standards Institution has assumed that all such information is complete andaccurate. Any queries that may arise by virtue of this Opinion Statement or matters relating to it should be addressed to the above name client only.

Michael Lam - Managing Director Assurance, APAC


Statement No: SRA-806767


Our work was designed to gather evidence on which to base our conclusion. We undertook the following activities:

x A top level review of issues raised by external parties that could be relevant to Tongwei Co., Ltd. policies to provide a check onthe appropriateness of statements made in the Report.x Discussion with senior executives on Tongwei Co., Ltd. approach to stakeholder engagement. We had no direct contact with

external stakeholders.x Interview with staff involved in sustainability management, report preparation and provision of report information.x Review of Tongwei Co., Ltd.’s key developments.x Review of supporting evidence for claims made in the Report, andx An assessment of the Tongwei Co., Ltd. reporting and management processes concerning reporting against the principles of

Inclusivity, Materiality, Responsiveness and Impact as described in the AA1000 Accountability Principles(2018) Standard

("AA1000AP (2018)”).

ConclusionsA review against the AA1000AS v3 principles of Inclusivity, Materiality, Responsiveness and Impact is set out below:

As a result of the verification, we determined that the social responsibility and sustainability related indicators in the report are disclosedin accordance with the AA1000 Accountability Principles (2018).In our professional opinion, the Report covers Tongwei Co., Ltd. Environment, Society, Governance responsibility and sustainabilityissues.

Assurance Level

The Type 1 Moderate Level of Assurance provided in our review is defined by the scope and methodology described in this statement.


It is the responsibility of Tongwei Co., Ltd. senior management to ensure that the information being presented in the Report is accurate.Our responsibility is to provide an independent assurance opinion statement to stakeholders giving our professional opinion based onthe scope and methodology described.

Ability and IndependenceThe assurance team was composed of Lead Assurer and Assurer, who are experienced in the industrial sector, and trained in a range ofsustainability, environmental and social standards including GRI Series Standards, AA1000 Assurance Standard V3, ISO14064, ISO 14001,ISO45001, ISO50001, ISO 9001, etc.

Issue Date: 2024-04-10 Effective Date: 2024-04-10

Page: 2 of 2

The British Standards Institution is independent to the above named client and has no financial interest in the above named client. This Opinion Statement has beenprepared for the above named client only for the purposes of verifying its statements relating to its carbon emissions more particularly described in the scope. It wasnot prepared for any other purpose. The British Standards institution will not, in providing this Opinion Statement, accept or assume responsibility (legal or otherwise) oraccept liability for or in connection with any other purpose for which it may be used or to any person by whom the Opinion Statement may be read. This Opinion Statementis prepared on the basis of review by The British Standards Institution of information presented to it by the above named client. The review does not extend beyondsuch information and is solely based on it. In performing such review, The British Standards Institution has assumed that all such information is complete and accurate.Any queries that may arise by virtue of this Opinion Statement or matters relating to it should be addressed to the above name client only.

Reader Feedback

Dear Reader,Thank you for taking the time to review this report. Your feedback is highlyvalued and we eagerly anticipate hearing your comments. Your suggestionsare instrumental in our ongoing e?orts to enhance the quality of corporateESG disclosure and to advance corporate ESG management and practices. Weappreciate and sincerely thank you for your valuable input.

1.Overall, your assessment of our ful?llment of ESG is as follows:

GoodVery goodAverageBadPoor

2.Your overall rating of this Report is:

GoodVery goodAverageBadPoor

3.How would you rate our performance in terms of stakeholder communication?

GoodVery goodAverageBadPoor

4.How would you rate our performance in terms of product liability?

GoodVery goodAverageBadPoor

GoodVery goodAverageBadPoor

6.How would you rate our performance in terms of employee responsibility?

GoodVery goodAverageBadPoor

7.How would you rate our performance in terms of ESG?

GoodVery goodAverageBadPoor

8. Do you have any comments and suggestions on our ESG performance and this


5.How would you rate our performance in terms of environment, safety and

occupational health?

Tongwei · For Better Life
