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华东医药:2024年第一季度报告(英文版) 下载公告

Security code: 000963 Stock abbreviation: Huadong Medicine Announcement No.: 2024-041

Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd.First Quarterly Report 2024

The Company and all members of the Board of Directors hereby guarantee that the information presentedin this report is authentic, accurate and complete and free of any false records, misleading statements or materialomissions.Important Declaration:

1. The Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, directors, supervisors and senior management of HuadongMedicine Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") hereby guarantee that the information presentedin this report is authentic, accurate and complete and free of false records, misleading statements or materialomissions, and shall undertake individual and joint legal liabilities.

2. The Company's legal representative, the officer in charge of accounting, and the head of accountingdepartment (accounting supervisor) hereby declare that the financial information in this quarterly report isauthentic, accurate and complete.

3. Has the First Quarterly Report been audited?

□Yes ?No

According to “Stock Listing Rules of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange”, if listed companies have both Chineseand other language version of public notice, they should ensure the content of both versions are the same. In thecase of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

I. Key Financial Data(I) Key accounting data and financial indicators

Does the Company need to retroactively adjust or restate the accounting data of previous years?

□Yes ?No

Current reporting periodSame period last yearIncrease or decrease during the current reporting period compared with the same period of last year (%)
Operating revenue (RMB)10,410,809,128.7210,114,531,331.772.93%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company (RMB)862,411,560.96755,284,976.4714.18%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company after deduction of non-recurring profits and losses (RMB)838,303,551.41757,542,618.0110.66%
Net cash flow from operating activities (RMB)-484,522,666.13-246,152,770.16-96.84%
Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)0.49290.431614.20%
Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share)0.49280.431514.21%
Weighted average return on equity4.01%3.99%0.02%
End of the current reporting periodEnd of the last yearIncrease or decrease at the end of the current reporting period compared with the end of the last year (%)
Total assets (RMB)34,467,844,280.3733,509,361,816.982.86%
Owners' equity attributable to shareholders of listed companies (RMB)21,955,243,888.9021,047,609,756.664.31%

(II) Non-recurring profit and loss items and amounts?Applicable □Not applicable

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount during the current reporting periodDescription
Profit and loss on disposal of non-current assets (including the write-off of provision for impairment of assets)1,521,275.31
Government grants included in the current profits and losses (except those that are closely related to the normal business operation of the Company, comply with national policies and regulations, are enjoyed in accordance with the defined criteria, and have a lasting impact on the Company's profits and losses)28,822,099.15
Profits and losses from changes in fair value arising from financial assets and financial liabilities held by non-financial corporations, and profits and losses from the disposal of financial assets and liabilities, except for the effective hedging business related to the normal business operation of the Company-25,364.49
Other non-operating revenue and expenses other than those mentioned above-1,436,525.67
Minus: Amount affected by income tax4,281,616.36
Amount affected by minority interests (after tax)491,858.39

Details of other profit and loss items conforming to the definition of non-recurring profits and losses

□Applicable ?Not applicableThe Company has no other specific circumstances of profit and loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring profits andlosses.An explanation of the fact that the non-recurring profit and loss items listed in the Explanatory Announcement No.1 onInformation Disclosure by Companies that Offer Securities to the Public - Non-recurring Profits and Losses are defined asrecurring profit and loss items

□Applicable ?Not applicableThe Company did not define the non-recurring profit and loss items listed in the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on InformationDisclosure by Companies that Offer Securities to the Public - Non-recurring Profits and Losses as recurring profit and loss items.(III) Details and reasons for changes in key accounting data and financial indicators

?Applicable □Not applicable

Items in the balance sheetAmount at the end of the periodAmount at the beginning of the periodPercentage changeReasons for changes
Notes receivable0.00681.21-100.00%Mainly attributable to the decrease in commercial acceptance bills receivable during the current period
Receivables financing84,325.79143,436.63-41.21%Mainly attributable to discounting of bank acceptance bills during the current period
Other accounts receivable47,383.6329,113.5162.75%Mainly attributable to an increase in provisional payment receivable
Short-term borrowings108,359.7182,238.0331.76%Mainly attributable to an increase in loans during the current period

Advance receipts

Advance receipts40.52139.36-70.92%Mainly attributable to a decrease in rental received in advance
Employee compensation payable21,539.6935,914.85-40.03%Mainly attributable to remuneration paid during the current period
Non-current liabilities due within one year20,941.3735,934.26-41.72%Mainly attributable to the payment of long-term payables and long-term borrowings due within one year during the current period
Lease liabilities8,300.635,669.5246.41%Mainly attributable to additional leases during the current period
Long-term accounts payable2,480.5310,725.12-76.87%Mainly attributable to the transfer of outstanding acquisition amounts to non-current liabilities due within one year
Other comprehensive income24.80-4,034.15100.61%Mainly attributable to an increase in foreign currency translation differences

Items in the profitstatement

Items in the profit statementAmount in the current periodAmount in the previous periodPercentage changeReasons for changes
Financial expenses755.502,915.08-74.08%Mainly attributable to an increase in net interest income
Other income3,831.171,458.25162.72%Mainly attributable to an increase in revenue-related government grants
Proceeds from disposal of assets152.13-219.99169.15%Mainly attributable to an increase in proceeds from disposal of fixed assets
Items in the cash flowAmount in theAmount in thePercentageReasons for changes
statementcurrent periodprevious periodchange
Net cash flow from operating activities-48,452.27-24,615.28-96.84%Mainly attributable to the increase in purchases of goods and cash paid to employees
Net cash flows from investing activities-70,737.61-44,005.53-60.75%Mainly attributable to added investment during the current period
Net cash flow from financing activities7,149.63-84,941.26108.42%Mainly attributable to the year-on-year increase in loans during the current period

II. Shareholder Information(I) Total number of common shareholders, number of preferred shareholders with restored voting rightsand shareholdings of top 10 shareholders

Unit: Shares

Total number of common shareholders at the end of the reporting period93,834Total number of preferred shareholders with restored voting rights at the end of the reporting period (if any)0
Shareholdings of top 10 shareholders (excluding shares lent through refinancing)
Name of shareholderNature of shareholderShareholding ratio (%)Number of shares heldNumber of shares held with restricted sale conditionsPledged, marked or locked-up status
Status of sharesQuantity
China Grand Enterprises, INC.Domestic non-state-owned legal person41.66%730,938,157.000.00Pledged147,070,000.00
Hangzhou Huadong Medicine Group Co., Ltd.State-owned legal person16.42%288,000,000.000.00Not applicable0.00
Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company LimitedOverseas legal person2.75%48,286,883.000.00Not applicable0.00
China Securities Finance Corporation LimitedDomestic non-state-owned legal person1.26%22,186,818.000.00Not applicable0.00
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited - Zhong Ou AMC Medical and Health Hybrid Securities Investment FundOthers1.15%20,099,373.000.00Not applicable0.00
China Construction Bank Corporation - E Fund CSI 300 Medical and Health Trading Open Index Securities Investment FundOthers0.72%12,696,732.000.00Not applicable0.00
China Construction Bank Corporation - ICBC Credit Suisse Frontier Medical Equity SecuritiesOthers0.68%12,000,000.000.00Not applicable0.00
Investment Fund
National Social Security Fund - Portfolio 110Others0.63%10,983,604.000.00Not applicable0.00
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited - Huatai-PB CSI 300 Open-ended Index FundOthers0.54%9,494,245.000.00Not applicable0.00
China Life Insurance (Group) Company - Traditional - General Insurance Products - 005L-CT001 ShanghaiOthers0.50%8,819,214.000.00Not applicable0.00
Shareholdings of the top 10 shareholders without restricted sales conditions
Name of shareholderNumber of shares held without restricted sale conditionsType of shares
Type of sharesQuantity
China Grand Enterprises, INC.730,938,157.00RMB-denominated ordinary share730,938,157.00
Hangzhou Huadong Medicine Group Co., Ltd.288,000,000.00RMB-denominated ordinary share288,000,000.00
Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited48,286,883.00RMB-denominated ordinary share48,286,883.00
China Securities Finance Corporation Limited22,186,818.00RMB-denominated ordinary share22,186,818.00
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited - Zhong Ou AMC Medical and Health Hybrid Securities Investment Fund20,099,373.00RMB-denominated ordinary share20,099,373.00
China Construction Bank Corporation - E Fund CSI 300 Medical and Health Trading Open Index Securities Investment Fund12,696,732.00RMB-denominated ordinary share12,696,732.00
China Construction Bank Corporation - ICBC Credit Suisse Frontier Medical Equity Securities Investment Fund12,000,000.00RMB-denominated ordinary share12,000,000.00
National Social Security Fund - Portfolio 11010,983,604.00RMB-denominated ordinary share10,983,604.00
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited - Huatai-PB CSI 300 Open-ended Index Fund9,494,245.00RMB-denominated ordinary share9,494,245.00
China Life Insurance (Group) Company - Traditional - General Insurance Products - 005L-CT001 Shanghai8,819,214.00RMB-denominated ordinary share8,819,214.00
Description of affiliation or concerted action of the above shareholdersThe Company did not know whether there was any relationship among the above shareholders, or whether they were parties acting in concert.
Description of the participation in securities margin trading business of top 10 shareholders (if any)As of the end of the current reporting period, none of the top 10 common shareholders of the Company held shares of the Company through securities margin trading accounts.

Participation in the lending of shares through refinancing business of shareholders holding more than 5% of shares, top 10shareholders and top 10 shareholders holding tradable shares without restricted sale conditions?Applicable □Not applicable

Unit: Shares

Participation in the lending of shares through refinancing business of shareholders holding more than 5% of shares, top 10 shareholders and top 10 shareholders holding tradable shares without restricted sale conditions
Name of shareholder (full name)Shares held in ordinary accounts and credit accounts at the beginning of the periodShares lent through refinancing and not yet returned at the beginning of the periodShares held in ordinary accounts and credit accounts at the end of the periodShares lent through refinancing and not yet returned at the end of the period
Total number of sharesProportion in share capitalTotal number of sharesProportion in share capitalTotal number of sharesProportion in share capitalTotal number of sharesProportion in share capital
China Grand Enterprises, INC.730,938,15741.66%00.00%730,938,15741.66%00.00%
Hangzhou Huadong Medicine Group Co., Ltd.288,000,00016.42%00.00%288,000,00016.42%00.00%
Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited47,954,9322.73%00.00%48,286,8832.75%00.00%
China Securities Finance Corporation Limited22,186,8181.26%00.00%22,186,8181.26%00.00%
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited - Zhong Ou AMC Medical and Health Hybrid Securities Investment Fund31,080,5151.77%00.00%20,099,3731.15%00.00%
China Construction Bank Corporation - E Fund CSI 300 Medical and Health Trading Open Index Securities Investment Fund12,896,9320.74%328,5000.02%12,696,7320.72%00.00%
Construction Bank Corporation - ICBC Credit Suisse Frontier Medical Equity Securities Investment Fund
National Social Security Fund - Portfolio 11013,619,8040.78%00.00%10,983,6040.63%00.00%
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited - Huatai-PB CSI 300 Open-ended Index Fund6,639,1450.38%17,5000.00%9,494,2450.54%4,6000.00%
China Life Insurance (Group) Company - Traditional - General Insurance Products - 005L-CT001 Shanghai7,582,3140.43%00.00%8,819,2140.50%00.00%

Change in top 10 shareholders and top 10 shareholders holding tradable shares without restricted sale conditions due tolending/returning of shares through refinancing as compared to the previous period?Applicable □Not applicable

Unit: Shares

Changes in top 10 shareholders and top 10 shareholders holding tradable shares without restricted sale conditions due to lending/returning of shares through refinancing as compared to the previous period
Name of shareholder (full name)Addition/withdrawal during the current reporting periodNumber of shares lent through refinancing and not yet returned at the end of the periodNumber of shares held in shareholders' ordinary accounts and credit accounts and shares lent through refinancing and not yet returned at the end of the period
Total number of sharesProportion in share capitalTotal number of sharesProportion in share capital
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited - Huatai-PB CSI 300 Open-ended Index FundAddition4,6000.00%9,498,8450.54%
China Life Insurance (Group) Company - Traditional - General Insurance Products - 005L-CT001 ShanghaiAddition00.00%8,819,2140.50%
New China Life Insurance Co., Ltd. - Traditional - General Insurance Products - 018L-CT001 ShenzhenWithdrawal00.00%6,920,8360.39%
Bank of Shanghai Co., Ltd. - Yinhua CSI Innovative Pharmaceutical Industry Traded Open-ended Index Securities Investment FundWithdrawal00.00%7,318,2980.42%

(II) Total number of preferred shareholders and shareholding list of top 10 preferred shareholders of theCompany

□Applicable ?Not applicable

Ⅲ. Other Important Matters?Applicable □Not applicable(I) Overview of the Company's overall operations during the reporting periodIn 2024, the reform of the domestic pharmaceutical industry continued to be expanded, which,coupled with market competition, drove the intensification of the differentiation of pharmaceuticalenterprises. By focusing on the overall strategic planning and annual business objectives, theCompany actively promoted the implementation of various operational management work, andachieved a good start in the first quarter. During the reporting period, the Company achievedoperating income in the amount of RMB 10.411 billion, up 2.93% year-on-year; net profitattributable to parent company in the amount of RMB 862 million, up 14.18% year-on-year; netprofit attributable to the parent company after deducting non-recurring profits and losses in theamount of RMB 838 million, up 10.66% year-on-year; and realized a positive growth in operatingincome and net profit compared with the fourth quarter of 2023. After deducting the equityincentive expenses and the profits and losses of participating and holding R&D institutions, netprofit attributable to shareholders of the listed company upon deduction of non-recurring profits andlosses during the reporting period was amounted to RMB 928 million, representing an increase of

22.45% compared with the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company upondeduction of non-recurring profits and losses in the first quarter of 2023.

During the reporting period, the overall operation of the core subsidiary Zhongmei Huadongcontinued to maintain a stable growth trend, achieved operating income (including CSO business)in the amount of RMB 3.399 billion, showing a year-on-year increase of 10.53%; and achievedconsolidated net profit attributable to the parent company in the amount of RMB 751 million, with a

year-on-year increase of 11.67%.During the reporting period, the Company's pharmaceutical business segment achieved anoverall operating income of RMB 6.717 billion, down 1.86% year-on-year, and a net profit of RMB107 million, up 1.51% year-on-year. The decreasing operating income of the Company'spharmaceutical business segment was mainly affected by the higher base in the first quarter of2023. It is expected that the pharmaceutical business segment will return to show positive growth inthe second quarter.

The Company's aesthetic medicine business continued to maintain a good growth momentumduring the reporting period. Its aesthetic medicine segment realized a consolidated operatingincome of RMB 630 million (excluding internal offsets), representing a year-on-year increase of

25.30%. Sinclair UK, a wholly-owned subsidiary, continued to expand the global aesthetic medicinemarket, realized a consolidated operating income of approximately RMB 272 million during thereporting period. Due to fluctuations in demands caused by the impact of the slowdown in globalmacro-economic growth, it underwent a year-on-year decline of 4.40%, with the overall incomereaching the operating target for the first quarter. Growth rate is expected to gradually pick up fromthe second quarter. Sinclair (Shanghai), a wholly-owned subsidiary engaging in domestic aestheticmedicine, was actively expanding the domestic market. During the reporting period, it achievedoperating income of RMB 257 million, representing a year-on-year increase of 22.65%, and aquarter-on-quarter increase of 13.38% compared with the fourth quarter of 2023.

During the reporting period, the income of the Company's industrial microbiology businessmaintained a stable growth, up 23.00% year-on-year. Subsequently, along with the active expansionof the overseas market, increasing online and offline marketing promotion for the domestic animalhealth business and the launching of products of Hubei Magic Health, it is expected that the growthof industrial microbiology business will accelerate.

(II) Important R&D progress of the Company during the reporting period

During the reporting period, the Company accelerated its R&D efforts and continued toincrease its R&D investment. The Company's R&D investment in the pharmaceutical industry(excluding equity investment) amounted to RMB 588 million during the reporting period, of which,direct R&D expenditure amounted to RMB 349 million, representing a year-on-year increase of

13.96%. The Company's innovative drugs and biosimilar business ushered in a number of importantmilestones. The main progress is described as follows:

1. The Company's BLA application in China for the recurrent pericarditis indication ofRilonacept (ARCALYST?) for injection, a global innovative product introduced from Kiniksa,USA, was accepted in March 2024;

2. The Company's Chinese IND application for HDM1005, which is the GLP-1R/GIPR dual-target, long-acting peptide agonist product independently developed by the Company, intended forweight management among overweight or obese people and for Type 2 diabetes, was approved inMarch 2024. The first subject was enrolled and administered in the phase Ia clinical study in Chinain March 2024. In addition, the US IND application of HDM1005 for overweight or obesityindications was approved in April 2024;

3. Chinese IND Application for HDM2005, the first ADC program that is independentlydeveloped by the Company and intended for the treatment of advanced solid tumors andhematological tumors, was submitted and accepted in March 2024;

4. In March 2024, the Company's U.S. partner announced that ELAHERE? (MirvetuximabSoravtansine Injection), an ADC drug intended for the treatment of platinum-resistant ovariancancer, has been converted from accelerated approval to full approval in the United States. In April2024, the Company was approved to join the international multi-center PSOC (platinum-sensitiveovarian cancer) Phase III clinical study, to promote this product for the frontline treatment ofovarian cancer. It is being developed as maintenance therapy for the treatment of subjects withrecurrent platinum-sensitive, epithelial ovarian, primary peritoneal, or fallopian tube cancers withpositive folate receptor alpha (FRα) in combination with bevacizumab;

5. The NDA application for Relmapirazin Injection in China, which is an innovative drug usedin conjunction with a glomerular filtration rate dynamic monitoring system, was accepted inJanuary 2024;

6. On March 1, 2024, CARsgen's CAR-T product Zevorcabtagene Autoleucel Injection (tradename: Saikaize?, R&D code: CT053), has received notification from the National MedicalProducts Administration (NMPA) that it has been granted conditional approval for the treatment ofadult patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma, who have previously progressed afterat least 3 lines of therapy (including a proteasome inhibitor and immunomodulator agent). TheCompany was granted the exclusive right to commercialize zevorcabtagene autoleucel in mainlandChina, and has set up a dedicated commercialization team. The first prescription was issued on theday when such product was approved for marketing.

In addition, the Company's generic drug registration was proceeded as planned. TacrolimusExtended-Release Capsules with a specification of 5mg were approved by the NMPA for marketingin February 2024.

During the reporting period, the Company continued to promote the registration andimplementation of key aesthetic medicine in China:

1. The Chinese clinical trial of MaiLi Extreme, the Company's new high-end lidocaine-

containing sodium hyaluronate for injection, successfully reached the primary study endpoint andshowed good product safety data. The application for registration of this product as a Class IIImedical device in China has recently been accepted;

2. Two innovative botulinum toxin products under development, i.e., ATGC-110 (Type Abotulinum toxin) and YY001 (Type A recombinant botulinum toxin), which were introduced by theCompany in cooperation with South Korea ATGC and Chongqing Claruvis, have made significantprogress respectively: the marketing application of ATGC-110 has been accepted by the Ministry ofFood and Drug Safety (MFDS) of Korea. The declared indication is to improve the moderate tosevere frown lines between eyebrows among adult patients. YY001 has completed the enrollment ofPhase III clinical subjects in China.

(III) Other important matters

The Company held the 20th Meeting of the 10th Session of the Board of Directors on February7, 2024, reviewed and approved the Proposal on Investment in Construction of Bio-Innovation andIntelligent Manufacturing Center Project, which agreed that Hangzhou Zhongmei HuadongPharmaceutical Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, would invest in constructionof the Bio-Innovation and Intelligent Manufacturing Center Project in accordance with its owndevelopment plan and new product launch plan. The total investment amount of this project isexpected to be RMB 2 billion. This project would be carried out in stages. The investment amountof Phase I is about RMB 1.188 billion (the final investment amount is subject to the actualinvestment expenditure of the project construction) (for details, please refer to the relevantannouncements disclosed by the Company at www.cninfo.com.cn, with the Announcement No.:


(IV) Registration form of receptions, including research, communication, interviewand other activities during the reporting period

Reception dateReception locationReception modeReception object typeReception objectMain topics discussed and information providedBasic information index of the survey
January 9 and 10, 2024Meeting room of the CompanySite survey and online meetingInstitutionNew China Asset Management, Industrial Securities, Guotai Junan Securities, etc.Investor communicationFor details, please refer to the Record Sheet of Investor Relations Activities on January 9 and 10, 2024 published by the Company at https://irm.cninfo.com.cn/ and at www.cninfo.com.cn.
January 16 and 17,Meeting room of theOn-site surveyInstitutionHaitong Securities,Investor communicatioFor details, please refer to the Record
2024CompanyOrigin Asset Management, SWS MU Fund, etc.nSheet of Investor Relations Activities on January 16 and 17, 2024 published by the Company at https://irm.cninfo.com.cn/ and at www.cninfo.com.cn.
March 4, 2024Meeting room of the CompanyOnline meetingInstitutions and individualsSoochow Securities, Zhong Ou Asset Management, Perseverance Asset Management, etc.Exchange Meeting for Launching New Drug Saikaize? of Huadong Medicine and CARsgen TherapeuticsFor details, see the Record Sheet of Investor Relations Activities on March 4, 2024, which was published by the Company at https://irm.cninfo.com.cn/ and at www.cninfo.com.cn.
April 18, 2024Meeting room of the CompanyOnline meetingInstitutions and individualsCICC, China Securities, TF Securities, etc.2023 Annual Performance Exchange Meeting of Huadong MedicineFor details, see the Record Sheet of Investor Relations Activities on April 18, 2024, which was published by the Company at https://irm.cninfo.com.cn/ and at www.cninfo.com.cn.

IV. Quarterly Financial Statements

(I) Financial statements

1. Consolidated balance sheet

Prepared by: Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd.

March 31, 2024

Unit: RMB

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance
Current assets:
Monetary funds3,563,064,869.464,663,378,011.64
Deposit reservation for balance
Lendings to banks and other financial institutions
Trading financial assets
Derivative financial assets16,409,129.4516,434,493.97
Notes receivable6,812,089.97
Accounts receivable9,677,692,232.297,455,250,690.83
Receivables financing843,257,932.301,434,366,300.69
Premium receivable
Reinsurance accounts receivable
Reinsurance contract reserve receivable
Other accounts receivable473,836,282.59291,135,104.33
Including: Interest receivable
Dividends receivable2,623,608.842,623,608.84
Financial assets purchased for resale
Including: Data resources
Contract assets
Assets held for sale
Non-current assets due within one year
Other current assets51,878,760.1759,881,757.08
Total current assets19,212,283,494.6018,496,680,369.94
Non-current assets:
Loans and advances issued
Debt investments
Other debt investments
Long-term receivables
Long-term equity investment1,529,526,141.051,535,907,809.85
Investment in other equity instruments565,223,872.68565,223,872.68
Other non-current financial assets
Investment real estate12,485,783.8512,746,181.87
Fixed assets4,050,202,967.464,140,144,817.51
Works in progress927,713,584.81913,147,212.17
Productive biological assets
Oil and gas assets
Right-of-use assets139,021,674.64151,175,007.16
Intangible assets2,527,437,482.392,333,787,357.62
Including: Data resources
Development expenses1,068,480,143.55992,532,091.86
Including: Data resources
Long-term unamortized expenses19,291,856.3820,053,854.34
Deferred income tax assets187,808,574.44187,808,574.44
Other non-current assets1,631,559,010.611,561,458,605.23
Total non-current assets15,255,560,785.7715,012,681,447.04
Total assets34,467,844,280.3733,509,361,816.98
Current liabilities:
Short-term borrowings1,083,597,089.07822,380,292.37
Borrowings from the central bank
Borrowings from other banks and other financial institutions
Trading financial liabilities
Derivative financial liabilities
Notes payable1,437,934,424.821,727,420,960.30
Accounts payable4,326,094,692.224,374,832,979.95
Advance receipts405,231.331,393,551.48
Contract liabilities170,289,424.40135,459,275.17
Expense for financial assets sold for repurchase
Deposits from customers and interbank
Receivings from vicariously traded securities
Receivings from vicariously underwriting securities
Employee compensation payable215,396,862.69359,148,474.25
Taxes and dues payable547,143,131.41489,385,055.57
Other accounts payable2,910,002,629.172,518,621,382.87
Including: Interests payable
Dividends payable143,024,219.60143,024,219.60
Fees and commissions payable
Reinsurance accounts payable
Liabilities held for sale
Non-current liabilities due within one year209,413,662.46359,342,623.38
Other current liabilities18,040,693.6914,621,494.85
Total current liabilities10,918,317,841.2610,802,606,090.19
Non-current liabilities:
Reinsurance contract reserves
Long-term borrowings519,383,524.08520,759,460.07
Bonds payable
Including: Preferred share
Perpetual bonds
Lease liabilities83,006,313.4656,695,158.59
Long-term accounts payable24,805,289.23107,251,248.59
Long-term employee compensation payable
Estimated liabilities38,460,444.3937,184,074.06
Deferred income167,391,739.98171,056,435.34
Deferred income tax liabilities182,493,233.05184,373,974.04
Other non-current liabilities46,192,650.0047,170,650.00
Total non-current liabilities1,061,733,194.191,124,491,000.69
Total liabilities11,980,051,035.4511,927,097,090.88
Owners’ equity:
Share capital1,754,327,548.001,754,425,348.00
Other equity instruments
Including: Preferred share
Perpetual bonds
Capital reserve2,448,599,611.002,446,313,774.82
Minus: Treasury stock82,074,369.0784,519,369.07
Other comprehensive income247,990.92-40,341,544.18
Special reserves
Surplus reserves1,277,779,972.181,277,779,972.18
General risk reserves
Undistributed profit16,556,363,135.8715,693,951,574.91
Total owners' equity attributable to the parent company21,955,243,888.9021,047,609,756.66
Minority interests532,549,356.02534,654,969.44
Total owners’ equity22,487,793,244.9221,582,264,726.10
Total liabilities and owners’ equity34,467,844,280.3733,509,361,816.98

Legal Representative: Lv Liang Officer In Charge of Accounting: Lv Liang Head of Accounting Department: Qiu Renbo

2. Consolidated profit statement

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the previous period
I. Total operating revenue10,410,809,128.7210,114,531,331.77
Including: Operating revenue10,410,809,128.7210,114,531,331.77
Interest revenue
Premiums earned
Fees and commissions revenue
II. Total operating costs9,331,357,509.929,111,221,456.77
Including: Operating costs7,076,397,110.066,790,724,204.77
Interest expense
Fees and commissions expenditures
Surrender value
Net payments for insurance claims
Net provision for insurance liabilities
Policy dividend expenditures
Reinsurance expenses
Taxes and surcharges56,334,556.1453,150,033.98
Selling expenses1,574,261,928.291,642,616,610.16
Management expenses335,169,160.39330,086,070.32
R&D expenses281,639,751.64265,493,695.70
Financial expenses7,555,003.4029,150,841.84
Including: Interest expense23,050,131.4134,466,716.93
Interest revenue24,409,865.2412,491,377.82
Plus: Other incomes38,311,729.1814,582,456.30
Investment income (loss expressed with “-”)-47,163,448.93-61,752,708.66
Including: Investment income in associates and joint ventures-37,504,466.74-52,816,907.73
Income from derecognition of financial assets measured on the basis of amortization costs
Exchange earnings (loss expressed with “-”)
Net income of exposure hedge (loss expressed with “-”)
Income from changes in fair value (loss expressed with “-”)-25,364.49
Credit impairment loss (loss expressed with “-”)
Asset impairment loss (loss expressed with “-”)
Proceeds from disposal of assets (loss expressed with “-”)1,521,275.31-2,199,859.71
III. Operating profit (loss expressed with “-”)1,072,095,809.87953,939,762.93
Plus: Non-operating incomes1,295,600.391,389,195.74
Minus: Non-operating expenses5,202,610.916,049,187.60
IV. Total profit (total loss expressed with “-”)1,068,188,799.35949,279,771.07
Minus: Income tax expense207,943,278.46189,354,280.74
V. Net profit (net loss expressed with “-”)860,245,520.89759,925,490.33
(I) Classification by continuity of operation
1. Net profits from continuing operations (net loss expressed with “-”)860,245,520.89759,925,490.33
2. Net profit from discontinued operations (net loss expressed with “-”)
(II) Classification by ownership
1. Net profit attributable to the owners of the parent company862,411,560.96755,284,976.47
2. Minority interest income-2,166,040.074,640,513.86
VI. Net of tax of other comprehensive income40,589,535.10-31,351,409.53
Net of tax of other comprehensive income attributable to the owner of the parent company40,589,535.10-31,351,409.53
(I) Other comprehensive income that cannot be reclassified into the profits and losses693,671.15
1. Change from re-measurement of
defined benefit plan
2. Other comprehensive income that cannot be included in the profits and losses under the equity method
3. Changes in fair value of investment in other equity instruments693,671.15
4. Changes in fair value by the enterprise’s credit risks
5. Others
(II) Other comprehensive income that can be reclassified into the profits and losses40,589,535.10-32,045,080.68
1. Other comprehensive income that can be transferred to the profit and loss under the equity method
2. Changes in fair value of investments in other debt investments
3. Financial assets reclassified into other comprehensive income
4. Provision for credit impairment of other debt investments
5. Cash flow hedging reserves
6. Converted difference in foreign currency financial statements40,589,535.10-32,045,080.68
7. Others
Net of tax of other comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders
VII. Total Comprehensive Income900,835,055.99728,574,080.80
Total comprehensive income attributable to the owner of the parent company903,001,096.06723,933,566.94
Total comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders-2,166,040.074,640,513.86
VIII. Earnings per share:
(I) Basic earnings per share0.49290.4316
(II) Diluted earnings per share0.49280.4315

If there is a business combination under common control in this period, the net profit of the combined party before thecombination is RMB 0.00, and the net profit of the combined party in the previous period is RMB 0.00.Legal Representative: Lv Liang Officer In Charge of Accounting: Lv Liang Head of Accounting Department: Qiu Renbo

3. Consolidated cash flow statement

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the previous period
I. Cash flows from operating activities:
Cash received from selling goods and providing services9,896,088,428.649,958,329,191.55
Net increase in deposits from customers as well as banks and other financial institutions
Net increase in borrowings from the central bank
Net increase in borrowings from other financial institutions
Cash received from the original insurance contract premium
Net cash received from reinsurance
Net increase in savings and investment funds of policyholders
Cash for interest, fees and commissions
Net increase in borrowings from banks and other financial institutions
Net increase in funds from repurchase business
Net cash received from securities trading agency
Refund of taxes and fees received3,909,537.241,207,680.51
Other cash received related to business activities179,167,865.43166,606,563.49
Subtotal of cash inflow from operating activities10,079,165,831.3110,126,143,435.55
Cash paid for purchases of goods and services7,688,555,061.587,268,626,176.06
Net increase in customer loans and advance payments
Net increase in deposits with the central bank and interbank
Cash for payment of the original insurance contract
Net increase in lendings to banks and other financial institutions
Cash for interest, handling fees and commissions
Cash for payment of dividends on policies
Cash paid to and for employees1,232,560,542.55845,672,966.99
Various taxes and fees paid606,028,807.91609,699,664.95
Payment of other cash related to business activities1,036,544,085.401,648,297,397.71
Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities10,563,688,497.4410,372,296,205.71
Net cash flow from operating activities-484,522,666.13-246,152,770.16
II. Cash flows arising from investment activities:
Cash received from investment recovery1,000,000.00
Cash received from obtaining investment income2,000,000.00
Net cash recovered from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets2,328,201.94149,204.89
Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other business units
Other cash received related to investment activities44,313,052.83
Subtotal of cash inflows from investing activities5,328,201.9444,462,257.72
Cash paid for the purchase and construction of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets472,272,778.22398,081,956.46
Cash paid for investment65,861,678.4251,794,250.00
Net increase in pledged loans
Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries and other business entities17,006,187.3234,641,364.12
Payments of other cash related to investing activities157,563,682.87
Subtotal of cash outflows from investing activities712,704,326.83484,517,570.58
Net cash flows from investing activities-707,376,124.89-440,055,312.86
III. Cash flows arising from financing activities:
Cash received by absorbing investment
Including: Cash received by subsidiaries from minority shareholders' investment
Cash received from obtaining loans1,510,044,486.23907,116,269.61
Other cash received related to financing activities62,459,038.6159,222,104.05
Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities1,572,503,524.84966,338,373.66
Cash paid for debt repayment1,202,198,901.631,652,722,088.75
Cash paid to distribute dividends, profits or pay interest36,432,249.0364,853,544.08
Including: Dividends and profits paid by subsidiaries to minority shareholders13,328,000.00
Payment of other cash related to financing activities262,376,106.6998,175,384.50
Subtotal of cash outflows from financing activities1,501,007,257.351,815,751,017.33
Net cash flow from financing activities71,496,267.49-849,412,643.67
IV. Impact of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents17,392,454.164,528,971.51
V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents-1,103,010,069.37-1,531,091,755.18
Plus: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents4,208,160,010.913,416,910,702.33
VI. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents3,105,149,941.541,885,818,947.15

(II) Situation of relevant items of financial statements at the beginning of the currentyear after the initial implementation of adjustment of the New Accounting Standards in2024

□Applicable ?Not applicable

(III) Audit reportHas the First Quarterly Report been audited?

□Yes ?No

The First Quarterly Report of the Company has not been audited.

Board of Directors of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd.

April 26, 2024
