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晶澳科技:2023年年度审计报告英文版(2023Audit Report) 下载公告

JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd.






JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd.Notes to the financial statements(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan unless otherwise indicated)

I Basic Information of the Company

JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”), formerly known asQinhuangdao Tianye Tonglian Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Tian YeTong Lian”), the predecessor of the Company is Qinhuangdao Beidaihe Tonglian Road andBridge Machinery Co., Ltd., which was founded on October 20, 2000, after several capitalincrease and equity transfer, in July 2008, the Company was changed to a joint stock companywith May 31, 2008 as the benchmark date, and the share capital of the Company was RMB120million after the change. The Company went through the formalities for industrial andcommercial registration change at the Qinhuangdao City Administration for Industry andCommerce of Hebei Province on July 18, 2008. On August 10, 2010, Tian Ye Tong Liansuccessfully listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange. On November 15, 2019, JA Solar Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as "JA Solar") has successfully back door listed in Shenzhen StockExchange through Tian Ye Tong Lian. On December 11, 2019, Tian Ye Tong Lian completedthe industrial and commercial change and officially changed its name to "JA Solar TechnologyCo., Ltd.". On December 13, 2019, the abbreviation of Tian Ye Tong Lian securities wasofficially changed to "JA Technology". As of December 31, 2023, the Company's total sharecapital is RMB 3,316,259,833.00, and par value of each share is RMB 1.

As of 31 December 2023, the registered capital of the Company was RMB 2,356,514,564.00.Registered address: No. 123. Xinxing Road, Ningjin County, Hebei Province. Office address:

Building No. 8, Noble Center, Automobile Museum East Road, Fengtai District, Beijing. Uniformsocial credit code: 91130300601142274F.

The parent company of the Company is Dongtai Jingtaifu Technology Co., Ltd. (formerly knownas Ningjin Jingtaifu Technology Co., Ltd.), and the actual controller is Jin Baofang.

The principal business activities of the Company and its subsidiaries (referred to as “theGroup”) are: production and processing of monocrystalline silicon rods and monocrystallinesilicon wafers; production of solar cells and modules; research and develop solar products;sales of solar cells, modules and related products and raw materials; solar photovoltaic grid-connected power generation, electricity sales; development, construction, operation,management and maintenance of solar photovoltaic power plants; import and export of goodsand technology; engaged in technology development and technology transfer in the field ofsolar cells; workshop lease; space lease; electrical equipment rental (those involvingadministrative licensing shall be operated with permits). (For any item subject to approvalaccording to the law, relevant business activities shall be conducted upon approval by therelevant departments). For information about the subsidiaries of the Company, refer to NoteVIII.

During the reporting period, the information about increases and decreases in the Group’ssubsidiaries is disclosed in Note VII.

II Basis of preparation

1 Basis of preparation

This financial statement is in accordance with the “Accounting Standards for BusinessEnterprises - Basic Standard” and relevant specific standards, application materials,interpretations (together hereinafter referred to as “Accounting Standards for BusinessEnterprises”) issued by the Ministry of Finance, and the disclosure requirements relating tofinancial statements and notes from “Information Disclosure Rules for Companies of securitiesfor public issuance No. 15 - General Regulations for Financial Statements” amended by theChina Securities Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as “CSRC”) in 2023.

2 Going concern

As at 31 December 2023, the Group’s current liabilities exceeded current assets byRMB1,134,042,186.73. After taking into account the Group's expected operating cash flow andavailable bank facilities, the Group will also seek long-term loans and repay current debts bycarrying out financing activities, and considers alternative sources of financing whenappropriate and necessary. It is the opinion of management that the Group will be able to meetits financial commitments as they fall due within the next twelve months. Accordingly, thesefinancial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis.

III Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates

1 Statement of compliance with China Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises

The financial statements present the requirements of the Accounting Standards for BusinessEnterprises promulgated by the Ministry of Finance. It truly and completely reflects theCompany’s merger on December 31, 2023 and the financial position of the parent company,as well as the 2023 merger and the operating results and cash flow of the parent company.

2 Accounting year

The Accounting year is from 1 January to 31 December.

3 Operating period

The operating period is twelve months.

4 Functional currency

The Company and its domestic subsidiaries use RMB as the functional currency. The foreignsubsidiaries of the Company determine their functional currency according to the currency ofthe main economic environment in which they operate and the main currency of businessincome and expenditure.

5 Method used to determine the materiality threshold and the basis for selection

ItemMateriality threshold
Significant receivables for which provisions for bad and doubtful debts are individually assessedequals to or more than RMB5 million
Significant construction in progresshas an ongoing financing project; or its amount incurred for the period/balance exceeds 10% of the total fixed assets.
Significant joint arrangements or associatesthe carrying amount of the investment in the joint venture or associate is greater than 0.2% of total assets in the consolidated balance sheet; or the profit (loss, expressed in absolute terms) from the investment in the joint venture or associate is greater than 0.2% of operating profit in the consolidated balance sheet.
Significant non-wholly-owned subsidiariesits profit represents 10% of the Group's net profit (loss, expressed in absolute terms).
Significant cash flow from investing activitiesamount of the individual cash inflow or outflow represents 0.2% of the total assets.
Significant contract liabilities with ageing of more than one yearamount of the individual contract liability represents 0.2% of the total assets.

6 Accounting treatments for business combinations involving entities under common control and

not under common control

Business combinations involving entities under common control

The assets and liabilities that the Group acquired in a business combination shall be measuredon the basis of their carrying amount of aquiree’s assets, liabilities (as well as the goodwillarising from the business combination) in the consolidated financial statement of the ultimatecontroller on the combining date. As for the balance between the carrying amount of the netassets obtained by the Group and the carrying amount of the consideration paid by it (or thetotal par value of the shares issued), capital reserve needs to be adjusted. If the capital reserveis not sufficient, any excess shall be adjusted against retained earnings.

Business combinations involving entities not under common control

The Group shall, on the acquisition date, measure the assets given and liabilities incurred orassumed by an enterprise for a business combination in light of their fair values, and shallrecord the balances between them and their carrying amounts into the profits and losses atthe current period. The Group shall recognize the positive balance between the combinationcosts and the fair value of the identifiable net assets it obtains from the acquiree as goodwill.The Group shall treat the negative balance between the combination costs and the fair valueof the identifiable net assets it obtains from the acquiree into the profits and losses of thecurrent period.

The intermediary costs and relevant fees for the business combination paid by the acquirer,including the expenses for audit, assessment and legal services, shall be recorded into theprofits and losses at the current period. The transaction expenses for the issuance of equitysecurities for the business combination shall be recorded into the initial recognition amount ofequity securities.

7 Criteria of control and preparation of consolidated financial statements

Criteria for control

Control exists when the investor has all of the following: power over the investee; variablereturns from its involvement with the investee; and the ability to affect those returns through itspower over the investee. When assessing whether the Group has power, only substantiverights (held by the Group and other parties) are considered.

Consolidation of Financial Statements

(1) Scope of consolidation

The scope of consolidation of consolidated financial statements is determined based oncontrol. All the subsidies (including separable sections of the investees controlled by theCompany) have been consolidated into the scope of consolidation for this period ended.

(2) Procedure of consolidation

The consolidated financial statements shall be presented by the parent based on the financialstatements of both the parent and its subsidiaries according to the related information. Whenpreparing consolidated financial statements, the parent shall consider the entire group as anaccounting entity, adopt uniform accounting policies and apply the requirements of AccountingStandard for Business Enterprises related to recognition, measurement and presentation. Theconsolidated financial statements shall reflect the overall financial position, operating resultsand cash flows of the Group.

The accounting policy and accounting period of the subsidiaries within the consolidation scopeshall be in accordance with those of the Company. If not, it is necessary to make the adjustmentaccording to the Company’s accounting policies and accounting period when preparing theconsolidated financial statements. For subsidiaries through acquisition that are now undercommon control, the financial statements are adjusted according to fair value of identifiablenet assets on the acquisition date. For subsidiaries through acquisition that are under commoncontrol, the assets, liabilities (as well as the goodwill arising from purchasing the subsidiary bythe ultimate controller) are adjusted according to book value of net assets in the financialstatements of the ultimate controller.

The owners’ interests, profit or loss, and comprehensive income of the subsidiary attributableto the non-controlling shareholders shall be presented separately in the shareholders’ equityof the consolidated balance sheet and under the item of net profit of the consolidated statementof comprehensive income and under the item of total comprehensive income. Where lossesassumed by the minority exceed the minority’s interests in the beginning equity of a subsidiary,the excess shall be charged against the minority’s interests.

(a) Increasing new subsidiaries or businesses

If the Company has a new subsidiary due to business combination under commoncontrol during the reporting period, it shall adjust the beginning amount in theconsolidated statement of financial position when preparing consolidated statement offinancial position. The revenue, expenses and profits of the subsidiaries from theacquisition date to the end of the reporting period are included in the Company’sconsolidated statement of comprehensive income. The cash flow of the subsidiaries fromthe acquisition date to the end of the reporting period is included in the Company’sconsolidated statement of cash flows. And meanwhile the Company shall adjust therelevant items of the comparative financial statements as if the reporting entity for thepurpose of consolidation has been in existence since the date the ultimate controllingparty first obtained control.

When the Company becomes capable of exercising control over an investee undercommon control due to additional investment or other reasons, adjustment shall be madeas if the reporting entity after the combination has been in existence since the date theultimate controlling party first obtained control. The investment income recognizedbetween date of previously obtaining equity investment and the date the acquiree andacquirer are under common control, which is later, and the combining date, othercomprehensive income and other changes of net assets arising from the equityinvestment previously-held before obtaining the control the acquiree shall be adjustedagainst the prior retained earnings of the comparative financial statements and thecurrent profit or loss respectively.

During the reporting period, if a subsidiary or business is added due to a businesscombination not under the same control, the beginning balance of the consolidatedbalance sheet shall not be adjusted. The revenue, expenses and profits of thesubsidiaries from the acquisition date to the end of the reporting period are included inthe parent company’s consolidated statement of comprehensive income. The cash flowof the subsidiaries from the acquisition date to the end of the reporting period is includedin the Company’s consolidated statement of cash flows.

When the Company becomes capable of exercising control over an investee not undercommon control due to additional investment or other reasons, the acquirer shallremeasure its previously held equity interest in the acquiree to its fair value at theacquisition date. The difference between the fair value and the carrying amount shall berecognized as investment income for the period when the acquisition takes place. Whenthe previously-held equity investment is accounted for under the equity method, anyother comprehensive income previously recognized in relation to the acquiree’s equitychanges, and other equity changes rather than changes from net profit, othercomprehensive income and profit distribution shall be transferred to profit or loss for thecurrent period when the acquisition takes place. Other comprehensive income arisingfrom remeasurement of defined benefit plan is excluded.

(b) Disposing subsidiaries or businesses

General treatment

If the Company disposes a subsidiary during the reporting period, the revenue, expensesand profits of the subsidiary from the beginning of the reporting period to disposal dateare included in the Company’s consolidated statement of comprehensive income. Thecash flow of the subsidiaries from the beginning of the reporting period to disposal dateis included in the Company’s consolidated statement of cash flows.

When the Company loses control over an investee due to partial disposal or otherreasons, the acquirer shall re-measure the remaining equity interests in the acquiree toits fair value at the acquisition date. The difference, between sums of considerationreceived for disposal equity shares and fair value of the remaining shares, and sums ofshare of net assets of the subsidiary calculated continuously from the acquisition date orthe combination date based on the previous shareholding proportion and goodwill, shallbe recognized as investment income for the period when the Company loses control overacquiree. When the previously-held equity investment is accounted for under the equitymethod, any other comprehensive income previously recognized in relation to theacquiree’s equity changes, and other equity changes rather than changes from net profit,other comprehensive income and profit distribution, shall be transferred to investmentincome for the current period when the Company loses control over acquiree. Othercomprehensive income arising from re-measurement of defined benefit plan is excluded.

When the Company loses control over a subsidiary due to the increase of capital fromother investors and thus the shareholding ratio of the Company declines, accountingtreatment shall be in accordance with the above-mentioned principles.

Disposing subsidiaries by multiple transactions

Where the Company loses control of a subsidiary in multiple transactions in which itdisposes of its subsidiary in stages, in determining whether to account for the multipletransactions as a single transaction, the Company shall consider all of the terms andconditions of the transactions and their economic effects. One or more of the followingmay indicate that the Company shall account for the multiple arrangements as a singletransaction:

- Arrangements are entered into at the same time or in contemplation of each other;- Arrangements work together to achieve an overall commercial effect;- The occurrence of one arrangement is dependent on the occurrence of at least oneother arrangement; and- One arrangement considered on its own is not economically justified, but it iseconomically justified when considered together with other arrangements.

If each of the multiple transactions forms part of a bundled transaction which eventuallyresults in loss of control of the subsidiary, these multiple transactions shall be accountedfor as a single transaction. In the consolidated financial statements, the differencebetween the consideration received and the corresponding proportion of the subsidiary’snet assets in each transaction prior to the loss of control shall be recognized in othercomprehensive income and transferred to the profit or loss when the Companyeventually loses control of the subsidiary.

If each of the multiple transactions which eventually results in loss of control of thesubsidiary do not form part of a bundled transaction, apply the treatment of disposingpartial long-term equity investments in a subsidiary without loss of control prior to theloss of control. After the loss of control, apply the treatment of disposing the subsidiaryin common cases.

(c) Acquiring the subsidiaries’ equity interest held by non-controlling shareholders

Where the Company has acquired a subsidiary’s equity interest held by non-controllingshareholders, the difference between the increase in the cost of long-term investmentsas a result of acquisition of non-controlling interests and the share of net assets of thesubsidiary calculated continuously from the acquisition date or the combination datebased on the new shareholding proportion shall be adjusted to the capital reserve( capitalpremium or share premium) in the consolidated financial statements. If the balance ofthe capital reserve is not sufficient, any excess shall be adjusted against retainedearnings.

(d) Disposing portion of equity investments in subsidiaries without losing control

When the Company disposes of a portion of the long-term equity investments in asubsidiary without loss of control, the difference between the amount of the considerationreceived and the corresponding portion of the nest assets of the subsidiary calculatedcontinuously from the acquisition date or the combination date related to the disposal ofthe long-term equity investments shall be adjusted to the capital reserve (capital premiumor share premium) in the consolidated financial statements. If the balance of the capitalreserve is not sufficient, any excess shall be adjusted against retained earnings.

8 Cash and cash equivalents

For the purpose of preparing the statement of cash flows, the term “cash” refers to the cashon hand and the unrestricted deposit. And the term “cash equivalents” refers to short-term(maturing within three months from acquisition) and highly liquid investments that are readilyconvertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changein value.

9 Foreign currency transaction and translation of foreign currency financial statements

(1) Foreign currency transaction

Foreign currency transactions are translated into RMB at the current exchange rate andapproximate exchange rate at the day of transactions.

The foreign currency monetary items shall be translated at the spot exchange rate on thebalance sheet date. The balance of exchange arising from the difference between the spotexchange rate on the balance sheet date and the spot exchange rate at the time of initialrecognition or prior to the balance sheet date, except those arising from the raising of specialforeign debt for the purchase or construction of capitalizable assets thus shall be capitalizedaccording to the borrowing costs capitalization principle, shall be recorded into the profits andlosses at the current period.

(2) Translation of foreign currency financial statements

The asset and liability items in the statement of financial position shall be translated at a spotexchange rate on the balance sheet date. Among the owner’s equity items, except the onesas “undistributed profits”, others shall be translated at the spot exchange rate at the time whenthey are incurred. The income and expense items in the income statement are converted usingthe average exchange rate during the transaction period.

When disposing an overseas business, the Company shall shift the balance, which ispresented under the items of the owner’s equities in the statement of financial position andarises from the translation of foreign currency financial statements related to this overseabusiness, into the disposal profits and losses of the current period. If the overseas business isdisposed of partially, the Company shall calculate the balance arising from the translation offoreign currency statements of the part of disposal based on the disposal rate and shall shiftthem into the profits and losses of the current period.

10 Financial instruments

When the Company becomes a party to a financial instrument contract, it recognizes a financialasset, financial liability or equity instrument.

(1) Classification of financial instruments

The Company shall classify financial assets on the basis of both the entity’s business modelfor managing the financial assets and the contractual cash flow characteristics of the financialasset as: financial assets measured at amortised cost, financial assets measured at fair valuethrough other comprehensive income (debt instrument) and financial assets measured at fairvalue through profit or loss at initial measurement.

A financial asset shall be measured at amortised cost if both of the following conditions aremet. The financial asset is held within a business model whose objective is to hold financialassets in order to collect contractual cash flows and the contractual terms of the financial assetgive rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest onthe principal amount outstanding. A financial asset shall be measured at fair value throughother comprehensive income if both of the following conditions are met. The financial asset isheld within a business model whose objective is achieved by both collecting contractual cashflows and selling financial assets and the contractual terms of the financial asset give rise onspecified dates to cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest on the principalamount outstanding . Other financial assets other than these are classified as financial assetsmeasured at fair value through profit or loss.

The Company may make an election at initial recognition for non-trading equity instrumentinvestments whether it is designated as a financial asset (equity instrument) that is measuredat fair value through other comprehensive income. At the initial recognition, in order to eliminateor significantly reduce accounting mismatches, financial assets can be designated as financialassets measured at fair value through profit or loss.

The Company shall classify financial liabilities as financial liabilities measured at amortisedcost and financial liabilities measured at fair value through profit or loss at initial measurement.

The Company may, at initial recognition, designate a financial liability as measured at fair valuethrough profit or loss because either:

(a) it eliminates or significantly reduces an accounting mismatch;(b) a group of financial liabilities or financial assets and financial liabilities is managed and

its performance is evaluated on a fair value basis, in accordance with a documented riskmanagement or investment strategy, and information about the Group is providedinternally on that basis to the entity’s key management personnel;(c) the financial liability contains embedded derivatives that need to be separated.

(2) Recognition and measurement of financial instruments

(a) Financial assets measured at amortised cost

Financial assets measured at amortized cost include notes receivables, accountsreceivables, other receivables, long-term receivables, debt investments, etc. At initialrecognition, the Company shall measure a financial asset at its fair value plus or minustransaction costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition or issue of the financialasset. The Company shall measure account receivables at their transaction price if theaccount receivables do not contain a significant financing component and accountsreceivables that the Company has decided not to consider for a financing component ofno more than one year.

Interests calculated by using the effective interest method during the holding period shallbe recognized in profit or loss.

When recovering or disposing the receivables, the difference between the price obtainedand the carrying value shall be recognized in current profit or loss.

(b) Financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income (debt


Financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income (debtinstruments) include receivables financing, other debt investments, etc. At initialrecognition, the Company shall measure a financial asset at its fair value plus transactioncosts that are directly attributable to the acquisition or issuance of the financial asset.The financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value. Changes in fair value areincluded in other comprehensive income except for interest calculated using the effectiveinterest method, impairment losses or gains and exchange gains and losses.

When the financial assets are derecognized, the accumulated gain or loss previouslyrecognized in other comprehensive income is transferred from other comprehensiveincome and recognized in profit or loss.

(c) Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income (equity instruments)

Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income (equity instruments).include other equity instrument investments, etc. At initial recognition, the Company shallmeasure a financial asset at its fair value plus transaction costs that are directlyattributable to the acquisition or issue of the financial asset. The financial assets aresubsequently measured at fair value. Changes in fair value are included in othercomprehensive income. The dividends obtained are recognised in profit and loss.

When the financial assets are derecognized, the accumulated gain or loss previouslyrecognised in other comprehensive income is transferred from other comprehensiveincome and recognised in retained earnings.

(d) Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss include transactional financial assets,derivative financial assets, other non-current financial assets, etc. The Company shallmeasure the financial assets at fair value at initial recognition. Transaction costs arerecognised in profit or loss. Changes in fair value are included in profit or loss.

(e) Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss

Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss include current financial liabilities,derivative financial liabilities, etc. The Company shall measure the financial assets at fairvalue at initial recognition. Transaction costs are recognised in profit or loss. Changes infair value are included in profit or loss.

(f) Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost

Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost include short-term borrowings, notespayables, accounts payables, other payables, long-term borrowings, bonds payables,long-term payables. At initial recognition, the Company shall measure a financial liabilityat its fair value plus. transaction costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition orissue of the financial asset.

Interests calculated by using the effective interest method during the holding period shallbe. recognized in profit or loss.

When the financial liabilities are derecognized, the difference between the price obtainedand the carrying value shall be recognised in profit and loss.

(3) Derecognition of financial assets and transfer of financial assets

Where the Company has transferred nearly all of the risks and rewards related to theownership of the financial asset to the transferee, it shall stop recognizing the financial asset.If it retained nearly all of the risks and rewards related to the ownership of the financial asset,it shall not stop recognizing the financial asset.

To judge whether the transfer of a financial asset can satisfy the conditions as prescribed inthese Standards for stopping the recognition of a financial asset, the Company shall follow theprinciple of the substance over form. Transfer of an entire financial asset can be divided intopartial financial assets transfer and entire financial asset transfer. If the transfer of an entirefinancial asset satisfies the conditions for de-recognition, the difference between the amountsof the following two items shall be recorded in the profits and losses of the current period:

- The book value of the transferred financial asset; and- The sum of consideration received from the transfer, and the accumulative amount of thechanges of the fair value originally recorded in the owners’ equities (in the event that thefinancial asset involved in the transfer is available-for-sale financial asset.

If the transfer of partial financial asset satisfies the conditions to derecognize, the entire bookvalue of the transferred financial asset shall, between the portion whose recognition has beenstopped and the portion whose recognition has not been stopped (under such circumstance,the service asset retained shall be deemed as a portion of financial asset whose recognitionhas not been stopped), be apportioned according to their respective relative fair value, and thedifference between the amounts of the following 2 items shall be included into the profits andlosses of the current period :

- The book value of the portion whose recognition has been stopped; and- The sum of consideration of the portion whose recognition has been stopped, and the

portion of the accumulative amount of the changes in the fair value originally recorded inthe owner’s equities which is corresponding to the portion whose recognition has beenstopped (in the event that the financial asset involved in the transfer is a financial assetAvailable-for-sale).

If the transfer of financial assets does not satisfy the conditions to stop the recognition, it shallcontinue to be recognized as financial assets and the consideration received shall berecognized as financial liabilities.

(4) Derecognition of financial liabilities

Only when the prevailing obligations of a financial liability are relieved in all or in part may therecognition of the financial liability be terminated in all or partly. Where the Company (debtor)enters into an agreement with a creditor so as to substitute the existing financial liabilities byway of any new financial liability, and if the contractual stipulations regarding the new financialliability is substantially different from that regarding the existing financial liability, it shallterminate the recognition of the existing financial liability, and shall at the same time recognizethe new financial liability.

Where the Company makes substantial revisions to part or all of the contractual stipulations ofthe existing financial liability, it shall terminate the recognition of the existing financial liabilityor part of it, and at the same time recognize the financial liability after revising the contractualstipulations as a new financial liability.

Where the recognition of a financial liability is totally or partially terminated, the Company shallinclude into the profits and losses of the current period the difference between the carryingamount which has been terminated from recognition and the considerations it has paid(including the non-cash assets it has transferred out and the new financial liabilities it hasassumed).

Where the Company buys back part of its financial liabilities, it shall distribute, on the date ofrepurchase, the carrying amount of the whole financial liabilities in light of the comparativelyfair value of the part that continues to be recognized and the part whose recognition hasalready been terminated. The gap between the carrying amount which is distributed to the partwhose recognition has terminated and the considerations it has paid (including the noncashassets it has transferred out and the new financial liabilities it has assumed) shall be recordedinto the profits and losses of the current period.

(5) Determination of the fair value of the financial assets (liabilities)

If active markets for the financial instruments exist, the fair value shall be measured by quotedprices in the active markets. If active markets for the financial instruments do not exist,valuation techniques shall be applied for the measurement. The Company uses valuationtechniques appropriate in the circumstances and for which sufficient data are available tomeasure fair value. The Company chooses relevant observable inputs for identical or similarassets or liabilities. Only when relevant observable inputs are unavailable or should theCompany use unobservable inputs for the asset or liability.

(6) Testing methods and accounting treatment methods for impairment of financial assets

The Company considers all reasonable and relevant information, including forward-lookinginformation, to recognize the expected credit loss on financial assets measured at amortizedcost, and financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income (debtinstruments) on the individual or portfolio basis. The measurement of expected credit lossdepends on whether there is a significant increase in credit risk of financial assets since theinitial recognition.

If the credit risk of the financial instrument has increased significantly since the initialconfirmation, the Company shall measure the loss allowance for a financial instrument at anamount equal to the lifetime expected credit losses. If the credit risk on a financial instrumenthas not increased significantly since initial recognition, the Company shall measure the lossallowance for that financial instrument at an amount equal to 12-month expected credit losses.The increase or reversal amount of loss allowance thus formed shall be included in the currentprofits and losses as impairment losses or gams.

Generally, the Company believes that the credit risk of the financial instrument has significantlyincreased over 30 days after the due date, unless there is solid evidence that the credit risk ofthe financial instrument has not increased significantly since initial recognition.

If the credit risk of a financial instrument at the reporting date is relatively low, the Companyconsiders that the credit risk of the financial instrument has not increased significantly sincethe initial recognition.

If there is objective evidence indicating that a certain financial asset has been impaired, theCompany shall recognize provision for impairment of the financial asset individually.

For account receivables, whether a significant financing component is contained or not, theCompany shall always measure the loss allowance at an amount equal to lifetime expectedcredit losses. For the receivables from Energy Performance Contracting, long-term receivablesformed by the Company through the sale of goods or rendering of services, the Companychooses to measure the expected credit loss at an amount equal to 12-month expected creditlosses (stage one).

When individual financial assets that cannot be used to estimate expected credit losses atreasonable cost, the Company shall divide receivables based on the credit risk characteristicsinto different portfolio and calculate expected credit loss based on portfolios. The criteria forthe portfolio are as follows:

Bills receivableThe Group classifies bills receivable into bank and commercial acceptance bills based on the credit risk characteristics of the acceptor.
Accounts receivableAccording to the historical experience of the Group, there are differences in the losses of different customer groups. As a result, the Group classifies accounts receivable into receivables from companies within the scope of consolidation, electricity fees due from Power Grid Companies and accounts receivable due from external customers (excluding power grid companies).
Receivables under financingReceivables under financing held by the Group for dual purpose are bank acceptance bills receivable and accounts receivable. The Group classifies receivables under financing into bank acceptance bill portfolio and commercial acceptance bill portfolio, based on the credit risk characteristics of the acceptor.
Other receivablesAccording to the nature of receivables and the credit risk characteristics of different counterparties, the Group classifies other receivables into amounts due from related parties, deposits and warranties, equity transfer receivable, amounts due from other entities, export rebates receivables and subsidies receivable.
Contract assetsAccording to the historical experience of the Group, this portfolio is based on power bills receivables due from Power Grid Companies.
Long-term receivablesThe Group’s long-term receivables are composed primarily of receivables from Energy Performance Contracting and Installment sale. According to the credit risk characteristics of different counterparties, the Group classifies long-term receivables as amounts due from companies within the scope of consolidation, and other current accounts.

For the accounts receivable and contract assets divided into portfolios, the Group shall, basedon past events, current conditions and forecasts of future economic conditions, calculateexpected credit losses using comparison table of the other receivables aging analysis andlifetime expected credit loss ratio.

For the notes receivable and account receivable financing formed by daily business activitiessuch as sales of goods and service, which are divided into portfolios, the Group shall, basedon past events, current conditions and forecasts of future economic conditions, calculateexpected credit losses using the default risk exposure and the expected credit loss rate of thewhole lifetime. Besides, notes receivable, account receivable financing and other receivableswill be divided into portfolios, the Group shall, based on past events, current conditions andforecasts of future economic conditions, calculate expected credit losses using the default riskexposure and the expected credit loss rate within the next 12 months or the whole lifetime.

The Group shall recognize the amount of expected credit losses or reversal in profit or loss.For debt instruments measured at fair value through other comprehensive incomes, the Groupshall recognize the amount of expected credit losses or gains in profit or loss and adjust othercomprehensive income.

(7) Equity instruments

The consideration received from the issuance of equity instruments net of transaction costs isrecognized in shareholders’ equity. Consideration and transaction costs paid by the Group forrepurchasing self-issued equity instruments are deducted from shareholders’ equity.

(8) Convertible instruments

- Convertible instruments containing an equity component

Convertible instruments issued by the Group that can be converted to equity instruments ofthe Group, where a fixed number of equity instruments is issued in exchange for a fixedamount of consideration at the time of conversion, are accounted for as compound financialinstruments containing both liability and equity components.

The initial carrying amount of a compound financial instrument is allocated to its equity andliability components. The Group first determines the fair value of the liability componentwhich includes the fair value of any embedded derivatives other than the equity component.The amount allocated to the equity component is the residual amount after deducting thefair value of the liability component from the fair value of the entire compound instrument.Transaction costs that relate to the issue of a compound financial instrument are allocatedto the liability and equity components of the instrument in proportion to the allocation ofproceeds.

Subsequent to initial recognition, the liability component is measured at amortised costusing the effective interest method, unless it is designated upon recognition as measuredat fair value through profit or loss. The equity components will not be re-measured.

If the convertible instrument is converted, the liability component, together with the equitycomponent, is transferred to equity. If the convertible instrument is redeemed, theconsideration paid for the redemption, together with the transaction costs that relate to theredemption, are allocated to the liability and equity components. The method used toallocate the consideration and transaction costs is the same as that used for issuance. Afterallocating the consideration and transaction costs, the difference between the allocated andcarrying amounts is charged to profit and loss if it relates to the liability component or isdirectly recognised in equity if it relates to the equity component.

- Convertible instruments without equity component

For other convertible instruments issued by the Group which do not contain an equitycomponent, at initial recognition, the derivative component is measured at fair value, andany excess of proceeds over the derivative component is recognised as the liabilitycomponent.

The derivative component is subsequently measured at fair value through profit or loss. Thehost liability component is subsequently carried at amortised cost using the effective interestmethod.

Upon conversion, the carrying amounts of the derivative and host liability components aretransferred to the revalent captions in equity. If the instrument is redeemed, any differencebetween the redemption amount paid and the carrying amounts of both components isrecognised in profit or loss.

11 Contract assets and contract liabilities

(1) Confirmation methods and standards of contract assets and contract liabilities

The Company lists contract assets or contract liabilities on the balance sheet based on therelationship between performance obligations and customer payments. The Company has theright to receive consideration for the transfer of goods or services to customers (and the rightdepends on other factors other than the passage of time) listed as contract assets. Contractassets and contract liabilities under the same contract are presented in net terms. TheCompany’s unconditional (only depends on the passage of time) right to collect considerationfrom customers are separately listed as receivables.

(2) Determination methods and accounting treatment methods of expected credit loss of contract


The methods for determining the expected credit loss of contract assets and the accountingtreatment methods are detailed in this Note III 10(6). Testing methods and accountingtreatment methods for impairment of financial assets.

12 Inventories

(1) Classification and cost of inventories

Inventories include material procurement, raw material, low-valued consumables, finishedgoods, work in process, materials for consigned processing, goods in transit, etc.

(2) Valuation method for inventories dispatched

The weighted average method is used to confirm the actual cost of the inventories dispatched.

(3) Inventory count system

The Group uses perpetual inventory system.

(4) Amortisation method for low-value consumables and packaging materials

- Low-valued consumables shall be amortized in full amount on issuance.- Packing materials shall be amortized in full amount on issuance.

(5) Criteria and method for provision for impairment of inventories

At the balance sheet date, inventories are carried at the lower of cost and net realisable value.

The net realizable value of inventories (finished products, stock commodity, material, etc.) heldfor direct selling in the daily business activity shall be calculated by deducting the estimatedsale expense and relevant taxes from the estimated sale price of inventories; The net realizablevalue of inventories for further processing in the daily business activity shall be calculated bydeducting the estimated cost of completion, estimated sale expense and relevant taxes fromthe estimated sale price of inventories; The net realizable value of inventories held for theexecution of sales contracts or labor contracts shall be calculated on the ground of the contractprice. If the Company holds more inventories than the quantities subscribed in the salescontract, the net realizable value of the excessive part of the inventories shall be calculated onthe ground of the general sales price.

The Company shall make provision for loss on decline in value of inventories on the ground ofeach item of inventories at the year end. For inventories with large quantity and relatively lowunit prices, the provision for loss on decline in value of inventories shall be made on the groundof the categories of inventories. For the inventories related to the series of productsmanufactured and sold in the same area, and of which the final use or purpose is identical orsimilar thereto, and if it is difficult to measure them by separating them from other items, theprovision for loss on decline in value of inventories shall be made on a combination basis.

Unless clear evidence shows that the market price is exceptionally fluctuating, the netrealizable value of inventories is based on the market price at the balance sheet date.

The net realizable value of inventories at the year-end is based on the market price at thebalance sheet date.

13 Assets held for sale and discontinued operations

(1) Non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale

The Company classifies non-current assets or disposal asset groups when the assets meetthe following criterion into holding categories for sale simultaneously:

- According to the practice of selling such assets or disposal asset groups in similar

transactions, they can be sold immediately under current conditions;

- The sale of assets is highly probable, as the Company has already made a resolution on a

sale plan and obtained a certain purchase commitment, and the transaction is expected tobe completed within one year. The relevant regulations that the assets can be sold havebeen approved by relevant authorities or regulatory authorities of the Company.

Non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale are stated at the lower of carrying amountand fair value less costs to sell (except financial assets (see Note III.10) and deferred taxassets (see Note III.28)) initially and subsequently. Any excess of the carrying amount over thefair value less costs to sell is recognized as an impairment loss in profit or loss.

In case of any subsequent reversals of the above impairment losses of assets, a reversal ofan impairment loss will not result in the asset’s carrying amount exceeding what the carryingamount at the date of impairment reversal would have been had no impairment loss beenrecognized in prior years.

(2) Discontinued operations

Discontinuing operation is a component that has been disposed or classified as held for saleby the Company, and can be distinguished separately in operating and preparing financialstatements when one of the following conditions is met:

- The component stands for an independent main business or a major business area;- The component is a part of disposal plan of an independent main business or a major

business area;- The component is a subsidiary which is acquired only for sale again.

Where an operation is classified as discontinued in the current period, profit or loss fromcontinuing operations and profit or loss from discontinued operations are separately presentedin the income statement for the current period. The comparative information for profit or lossfrom discontinued operations, which used to present as profit or loss from continuingoperations in the prior period, is re-presented as profit or loss from discontinued operations inthe comparative income statement.

14 Long-term equity investment

(1) Criteria of joint control and significant influence

Joint control is the contractually agreed sharing of control of an arrangement, which exists onlywhen decisions about the relevant activities require the unanimous consent of the partiessharing control. If the Company and other joint venture have joint control of the investee andhave rights to the net assets of the investee, the investee is a joint venture of the Company.

Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisionsof the investee but not control or join control of those policies. If the Company could exertsignificant influence over the investee, the investee is the associate of the Company.

(2) The initial cost of long-term equity investment from business acquisition

(a) Long-term equity investment from business acquisition

For a business combination under common control, if the consideration of thecombination is satisfied by paying cash, transfer of non-cash assets or assumption ofliabilities and issue of equity securities,the initial investment cost of the long-tenn equityinvestment shall be the absorbing party’s share of the carrying amount of the owner’sequity of the party being absorbed in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimatecontrolling party at combination date. When an investor becomes capable of exercisingcontrol over an investee under common control due to additional investment or otherreasons, the initial investment cost shall be the absorbing party’ s share of the carryingamount of the owner’s equity of the party being absorbed in the consolidated financialstatements of the ultimate controlling party at combination date. The difference betweenthe initial investment cost and the carrying amount of the previously-held equityinvestment, together with the additional investment cost for new shares at combinationdate, shall be adjusted to the capital reserve. If the balance of capital reserve is notsufficient, any excess shall be adjusted to retained earnings.

For a business combination not under common control, the initial investment cost of thelong-tenn equity investment shall be the acquisition cost at the acquisition date. Whenan investor becomes capable of exercising control over an investee due to additionalinvestment or other reasons, the initial investment cost under the cost method shall bethe carrying amount of previously-held equity investment together with the additionalinvestment cost.

(b) The initial cost of the long-term equity investment other than from business acquisition

The initial cost of a long-tenn equity investment obtained by making payment in cashshall be the purchase cost which is actually paid.

The initial cost of a long-tenn equity investment obtained on the basis of issuing equitysecurities shall be the fair value of the equity securities issued.

If the exchange of non-monetary assets is commercial in nature and the fair values ofboth the assets received and surrendered can be reliably measured, the fair value of theassets surrendered shall be used as the basis for detennining the cost of the assetsreceived, unless there is any exact evidence showing that the fair value of the assetsreceived is more reliable. Where any non-monetary assets transaction does not meetthe conditions as prescribed above, the carrying value and relevant payable taxes of theassets surrendered shall be the initial cost of the assets received.

The initial cost of a long-tenn equity investment obtained by debt restructuring shall beascertained on the basis of fair values.

(3) Subsequent measurement and profit or loss recognition

(a) Cost method

The Company adopts cost method for the long-tenn investment in subsidiary company.Under the cost method, an investing enterprise shall, in accordance with the attributableshare of the net profits or losses of the invested entity, recognize the investment profitsor losses except the dividend declared but unpaid, which is included in the payment whenacquiring the investment.

(b) Equity method

A long-tenn equity investment in an associate or a joint venture shall be accounted forusing the equity method. Where the initial investment cost of a long-tenn equityinvestment exceeds an investor’s interest in the fair values of an investee’s identifiablenet assets at the acquisition date, no adjustment shall be made to the initial investmentcost. Where the initial cost is less than the investor’s interest in the fair values of theinvestee’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition date, the difference shall be creditedto profit or loss for the current period.

The Company shall recognize its share of the investee’s net profits or losses, as well asits share of the investee’s other comprehensive income, as investment income or lossesand other comprehensive income, and adjust the carrying amount of the investmentaccordingly. The carrying amount of the investment shall be reduced by the portion ofany profit distributions or cash dividends declared by the investee that is attributable tothe investor. The investor’s share of the investee’s owners’ equity changes, other thanthose arising from the investee’s net profit or loss, other comprehensive income or profitdistribution, and the carrying amount of the long-tenn equity investment shall be adjustedaccordingly.

The investor shall recognize its share of the investee’s net profits or losses after makingappropriate adjustments according to the Company’s accounting principles andoperating period based on the fair values of the investee’s identifiable net assets at theacquisition date. During the holding period, if the investee makes consolidated financialstatements, the Company shall calculate its share based on the investee’s net profit,other comprehensive income and the amount of other owners’ equity attribute to theinvestee in the consolidated financial statements.

The unrealized profits or losses resulting from transactions between the investor and itsassociate or joint venture shall be eliminated in proportion to the investor’s equity interestin the investee, based on which investment income or losses shall be recognized. Anylosses resulting from transactions between the investor and investee which areattributable to asset impainnent shall be recognized in full. If the transaction ofinvestment or sale of assets among the Company and associate and joint venture andthe assets is a business, it shall apply the treatment mentioned in Note III 5 “Theaccounting treatment for Business combination under/not under common control” andNote III 6 “Consolidation of Financial Statements”.

When the Company recognizes the losses of invested enterprise, it shall follow thefollowing sequence: First of all, offset the book value of long-term equity investment. Ifthe book value of long-tenn equity is insufficient to dilute, the investing enterprise shallrecognize the net losses of the invested enterprise until the book value of the long-termequity investment and other long-term rights and interests which substantially form thenet investment made to the invested entity are reduced to zero. If the Company still hasthe obligation to undertake extra losses per contract, and then estimated liabilities shallbe recognized into current profit and loss accordingly to the estimated obligation.

(c) Disposal of long-term equity investment

When disposing long-term equity investment, the difference between the proceedsactually received and the carrying amount shall be recognized in profit or loss for thecurrent period.

When the previously-held equity investment is accounted for under the equity method,any other comprehensive income previously recognized shall be accounted for on thesame basis as would have been required if the investee had directly disposed of therelated assets or liabilities. Those owner’s equity recognized other than the change ofnet profits or loss, other comprehensive income, profit distribution of the invested entityshall be transferred proportionally into profit or loss of current period, othercomprehensive income arising from the re-measurement of defined benefit plan isexcluded.

When an investor can no longer exercise joint control of or significant influence over aninvestee due to partial disposal of equity investment or other reasons, the remainingequity investment shall be accounted for in accordance with “Accounting Standard forBusiness Enterprises No. 22-Financial instruments: recognition and measurement”. Thedifference between the fair value and the carrying amount at the date of the loss of joincontrol or significant influence shall be charged to profit or loss for the current period.When the previously-held equity investment is accounted for under the equity method,any other comprehensive income previously recognized shall be accounted for on thesame basis as would have been required if the investee had directly disposed of therelated assets or liabilities for the current period upon discontinuation of the equitymethod. Those owner’s equity recognized other than the change of net profits or loss,other comprehensive income, profit distribution of the invested entity shall be transferredinto profit or loss of current period in full when the Company cease to adopt the equitymethod.

When the Company can no longer exercise control over an investee due to partialdisposal of equity investment or due to decrease of shareholding ratio because ofadditional investment by other investors, and with the retained interest, still has jointcontrol of, or significant influence over, the investee, when preparing the individualfinancial statements, the investor shall change to the equity method and adjust theremaining equity investment as if the equity method had been applied from the date ofthe first acquisition. If the investor cannot exercise joint control of or significant influenceover the investee after partial disposal of equity investment, the remaining equityinvestment shall be accounted for in accordance with “Accounting Standard for BusinessEnterprises No.22-Financial instruments: Recognition and Measurement”, and thedifference between the fair value and carrying amount at the date of the loss of controlshall be charged to profit or loss for the current period.

When the equity investment disposed is acquired through business combination due toadditional investment or other reasons, in preparing stand-alone financial statement, theremaining equity investment shall adopt cost method or equity method, any othercomprehensive income and other owner’s interests previously recognized of thepreviously-held equity investment under the equity method shall be transferredproportionally. For those remaining equity investments accounted for in accordance with“Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No.22-Financial instruments:

Recognition and Measurement” after disposal, other comprehensive income and otherowner’s interests previously recognized shall be transferred to profit or loss in full.

15 Investment property

Investment property refers to real estate held for the purpose of earning rent or capitalappreciation, or both, including leased land use rights, land use rights held and prepared fortransfer after appreciation, and leased buildings (Buildings that are leased after completion ofself-construction or development activities and buildings that are being used for rental in thefuture during construction or development).

Subsequent expenditures related to investment property are included in the cost of investmentproperty when the relevant economic benefits are likely to flow in and their costs can be reliablymeasured. Otherwise, they are included in the current profit and loss when incurred.

The Company uses the cost model to measure the existing investment property. Forinvestment property measured according to the cost model, that is, the rental building adoptsthe same depreciation policy as the fixed assets of the Company, and the land use right forrental is amortized according to the same amortization policy as the intangible assets.

16 Fixed assets

(1) Recognition of Fixed assets

The term “fixed assets” refers to the tangible assets held for the sake of producingcommodities, rendering labor service, renting or business management and of which usefullife is in excess of one fiscal year. No fixed asset may be recognized unless it simultaneouslymeets the conditions as follows:

- The economic benefits pertinent to the fixed asset are likely to flow into the enterprise; and- The cost of the fixed asset can be measured reliably.

(2) Fixed assets depreciation

Fixed assets are depreciated under the straight-line method . The depreciation rate isdetermined according to the category of assets, the useful life and the expected residual rate.If the components of the fixed assets have different useful lives or provide the economicbenefits in a different way, then different depreciation rate or method shall be applied and thedepreciation of the components shall be calculated separately.

Details of classification, depreciation period, residual value rate and annual depreciation rateare as follows:

CategoryDepreciation methodDepreciation Period (year)Residual Value Rate (%)Depreciation Rate (%)
Plants and BuildingsStraight-line method200 - 54.75 - 5.00
Photovoltaic power stationStraight-line method200 - 104.50 - 5.00
MachineryStraight-line method5 - 100 - 59.50 - 20.00
TransportationStraight-line method4 - 50 - 519.00 - 25.00
IT and office equipmentStraight-line method3 - 50 - 519.00 - 33.33

At least at the end of each year, the Company will review the service life, estimated net salvagevalue and depreciation method of fixed assets.

(3) Disposal of fixed assets

When a fixed asset is disposed of, or it is expected that no economic benefits will be generatedthrough use or disposal, the fixed asset should be derecognized. The amount of disposableincome from the sale, transfer, scrap or damage of fixed assets after deducting its book valueand related taxes included in the current profit and loss.

17 Construction in progress

The cost of fixed assets transferred from a construction in progress includes all the necessaryexpenses incurred for bringing the asset to the expected conditions for use. Construction inprogress is transferred to fixed asset when it has reached its working condition for its intendeduse. In case the final project accounts have not been completed or approved, the asset shallbe transferred to fixed assets at an estimated value by considering project budget, cost oractual cost of the project and etc., and the deprecation of the said fixed assets shall be providedin accordance with the Company’s accounting policy since it has reached its working conditionfor its intended use. After the project accounts have been approved, the estimated values shallbe adjusted based on the actual cost, but those provided deprecation shall not be adjusted.

Criteria and timing for reclassification of construction in progress to fixed assets:

CategoryCriteria and timing for reclassification of construction in progress to fixed assets
Plant & buildingsWhen main and supporting constructions are completed substantially, and are ready for their intended uses.
Machinery & equipmentWhen (1) the relevant equipment and its supporting facilities have been installed; (2) the equipment is able to maintain a normal and steady operation for a period of time after tuning and testing; (3) the production equipment can consistently produce good quality products for a certain period of time.
Photovoltaic power stationWhen the performance of the power plant has been verified and accepted after connection to the power grid.

When an enterprise sells products or by-products produced before a fixed asset is availablefor its intended use, the proceeds and related cost are accounted for in accordance with CAS14 - Revenue and CAS 1 - Inventories respectively, and recognized in profit or loss for thecurrent period.

18 Borrowing costs

(1) Principle of the recognition of capitalized borrowing costs

The borrowing costs shall include interest on borrowings, amortization of discounts orpremiums on borrowings, ancillary expenses, and exchange balance on foreign currencyborrowings.

Where the borrowing costs incurred to an enterprise can be directly attributable to theacquisition and construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization, it shall becapitalized and recorded into the costs of relevant assets. Other borrowing costs shall berecognized as expenses on the basis of the actual amount incurred, and shall be recorded intothe current profits and losses.

Assets eligible for capitalization refer to the fixed assets, investment real estate, inventoriesand other assets, of which the acquisition and construction or production may take quite a longtime to get ready for its intended use or for sale.

The borrowing costs shall not be capitalized unless they simultaneously meet the followingrequirements:

- The asset disbursements have already incurred, which shall include cash, transferred non-cash assets or interest-bearing debts paid for the acquisition and construction or productionactivities for preparing assets eligible for capitalization;- The borrowing costs has already incurred; and- The acquisition and construction or production activities which are necessary to prepare the

asset for its intended use or sale have already started.

(2) The capitalization period of borrowing costs

The capitalization period shall refer to the period from the commencement to the cessation ofcapitalization of the borrowing costs, excluding the period of suspension of capitalization of theborrowing costs.

When the qualified asset under acquisition and construction or production is ready for theintended use or sale, the capitalization of the borrowing costs shall be ceased.

Where each part of a qualified asset under acquisition and construction or production iscompleted separately and is ready for use, the capitalization of the borrowing costs in relationto this part of asset shall be ceased.

Where each part of an asset under acquisition and construction or production is completedseparately and is ready for use or sale during the continuing construction of other parts, but itcannot be used or sold until the asset is entirely completed, the capitalization of the borrowingcosts shall be ceased when the asset is completed entirely.

(3) The suspension of capitalization of borrowing costs

Where the acquisition and construction or production of a qualified asset is interruptedabnormally and the interruption period lasts for more than 3 months, the capitalization of theborrowing costs shall be suspended . If the interruption is a necessary step for making thequalified asset under acquisition and construction or production ready for the intended use orsale, the capitalization of the borrowing costs shall continue. The borrowing costs incurredduring such period shall be recognized as expenses, and shall be recorded into the profits andlosses of the current period, till the acquisition and construction or production of the assetrestarts.

(4) Method of calculating the capitalization rate and capitalized amount of borrowing costs

For interest expense (minus the income of interests earned on the unused borrowing loans asa deposit in the bank or investment income earned on the loan as a temporary investment)and the ancillary expense incurred to a specifically borrowed loan, those incurred before aqualified asset under acquisition, construction or production is ready for the intended use orsale shall be capitalized at the incurred amount when they are incurred, and shall be recordedinto the costs of the asset eligible for capitalization.

The Company shall calculate and determine the to-be-capitalized amount of interests on thegeneral borrowing by multiplying the weighted average asset disbursement of the part of theaccumulative asset disbursements minus the general borrowing by the capitalization rate ofthe general borrowing used. The capitalization rate shall be calculated and determined in lightof the weighted average interest rate of the general borrowing.

19 Intangible Assets

(1) Useful life and the basis for its determination, estimation, amortization methods or review


(i) Measurement of Intangible Assets

(a) Initial measurement is based on cost upon acquisition

The cost of an intangible asset on acquisition include the purchase price, relevant taxesand other necessary disbursements which may be directly attributable to bringing theintangible asset to the conditions for the expected purpose. If the payment for anintangible asset is delayed beyond the normal credit conditions and it is of the financingnature, the cost of the intangible asset shall be determined on the basis of the presentvalue of the purchase price.

For intangible assets obtained from debt restructuring as settlement of liabilities fromdebtors, initial recognition is based on its fair value of the abandoned equity and othercosts such as taxes that can be directly attributable to the asset’s intended use, and thedifference between the fair value and book value of the debt are recognized in the currentprofit and loss.

For intangible assets obtained from non-monetary transactions with commercialsubstance, and the fair value of the assets obtained or surrendered can be reliablymeasured, the initial recognition of the asset obtained is based on the fair value of theasset surrendered, unless there is strong evidence that the fair value of the assetobtained is more reliable. For intangible assets obtained through non-monetarytransactions which do not meet the above criteria, the initial recognition is based on thebook value of the assets surrendered and the relevant taxes payable. No gain or losswill be recognized.

(b) Subsequent measurement

The Company shall analyze and judge the beneficial period of intangible assets uponacquisition.

Intangible assets with finite beneficial period shall be amortized under the straight-linemethod during the period when the intangible asset can bring economic benefits to theenterprise. If it is unable to estimate the beneficial period of the intangible asset, it shallbe regarded as an intangible asset with uncertain service life and shall not be amortized.

(ii) Estimated useful lives of intangible assets with limited useful lives

ItemEstimated useful lifeCriteria
Land use right40 - 50 yearsEstimated useful life
Patent right5 - 10 yearsEstimated useful life
Non-patented technology5 - 10 yearsEstimated useful life
Software3 - 10 yearsEstimated useful life
Other intangible assets5 - 10 yearsEstimated useful life

The Company shall review the useful lives and amortization methods of intangible assets withlimited useful lives at each year end.

After review, there is no difference between the useful lives and amortization method ofintangible assets at the end of this year and previous estimates .

(iii) Determination of intangible assets with uncertain useful lives

As at the balance sheet date, the useful lives of intangible assets which are uncertained havebeen reviewed. If there is evidence that the period during which the intangible assets bringeconomic benefits to the Company is foreseeable, its useful life will be estimated andamortized according to the amortization policy for intangible assets with limited service life.

(2) The scope of research and development expenditures and the related accounting treatments

(i) The scope of research and development expenditures and the related accounting treatments

The Group classifies research and development expenditures mainly as material expenses,salaries and benefits, fuel expenses, and others according to the research and developmentprojects.

Expenditures on internal research and development projects are classified into expendituresincurred during the research phase and expenditures incurred during the development phase.Expenditures during the research phase are expensed when incurred. Expenditures during thedevelopment phase are recognized as intangible assets when meeting the capitalizationcriteria.

(ii) Classification criteria for internal research phase and development phase

Research phase refers to the phase of creative and planned investigation to acquire and studyto acquire and understand new scientific or technological knowledge.

Development phase refers to the phase during which the result of research phase or otherknowledge is applied into certain projects or designs for the manufacturing of new orsubstantially improved material, device and product.

(iii) Specific conditions for capitalization of expenditure for development phase

Expenditures of internal research and project development phase shall be recognized asintangible assets when the following conditions are met simultaneously:

- It is technically feasible to complete the intangible assets so that they can be used or sold;- Have the intention to complete the intangible assets and use or sell them;- The ways in which intangible assets generate economic benefits, including the ability to

prove that there is a market for the products produced by using the intangible assets orthere is a market for the intangible assets themselves, and that the intangible assets will beused internally, can prove its usefulness;- Have sufficient technical, financial and other resources support to complete thedevelopment of the intangible assets, and have the ability to use or sell the intangibleassets;- The expenditure attributable to the development stage of the intangible assets can be

reliably measured.

20 Impairment of long-term assets

For long-term assets under the cost model such as long-term equity investments, fixed assets,construction in progress, intangible assets with limited useful lives, right-of-use assets, long-term deferred expenses etc., the Company shall perform impairment tests at the period end ifthere is clear indication of impairment. If the recoverable amounts of long-term assets are lessthan their carrying amounts, the carrying amounts of the assets shall be written down to theirrecoverable amounts. The write-downs are recognized as impairment losses and charged tocurrent profit and loss. The recoverable amounts of long-term assets are the higher of their fairvalues less costs to sell and the present values of the future cash flows expected to be derivedfrom the assets. The Company shall estimate its recoverable amount on an individual basis.Where it is difficult to do so, it shall determine the recoverable amount of the Group assets onthe basis of the asset group to which the asset belongs. The term “group assets” refers to aminimum combination of assets by which the cash flows could be generated independently.

The goodwill and the intangible assets with uncertain service life shall be subject to animpairment test at least at the end of each year.

When the Company makes an impairment test of goodwill, it shall, as of the purchasing day,apportion the carrying value of the business reputation formed by merger of enterprises to therelevant asset groups by a reasonable method. Where it is difficult to do so, it shall beapportioned to the relevant combinations of asset groups.

When making an impairment test on the relevant asset groups or combination of asset groupscontaining business goodwill, if any evidence shows that the impairment of asset groups orcombinations of asset groups is possible, the Company shall first make an impairment test onthe asset groups or combinations of asset groups not containing business goodwill, calculatethe recoverable amount, compare it with the relevant carrying value and recognize thecorresponding impairment loss. Then the Company shall make an impairment test of the assetgroups or combinations of asset groups containing business goodwill, and compare thecarrying value of these asset groups or combinations of asset groups (including the carryingvalue of the business reputation apportioned thereto) with the recoverable amount. Where therecoverable amount of the relevant assets or combinations of the asset groups is lower thanthe carrying value thereof, it shall recognize the impairment loss of the business reputation.

Impairment losses on long-term assets shall not be reversed in subsequent accounting periodsonce recognized.

21 Long-term deferred expense

The long-term deferred expense refers to the expenses incurred but shall be borne by currentand subsequent accounting period, which is more than one year. The long-term deferredexpense shall be amortized over its beneficiary period evenly.

22 Employee benefits

(1) Accounting treatment for short-term employee benefits

The Company shall recognised, in the accounting period in which an employee providesservice, actually occurred short-term employee benefits as a liability, with a correspondingcharge to the profit or loss or cost of an asset for the current period.

Payments made by an enterprise of social security contributions for employees, payments ofhousing funds, and union running costs employee education costs provided in accordance withrelevant requirements shall, in the accounting period in which employees provide services, becalculated according to prescribed bases and percentages in determining the amount ofemployee benefits.

The employee benefits which are non-monetary benefits shall be measured at fair value if itcould be measured reliably.

(2) Accounting treatment of post-employment benefits

The Company adopt defined contribution plan for post-employment benefits. The Companyshall recognize, in the accounting period in which an employee provides service, pension fundand unemployment fund for employees as a liability according to the local governmentregulations. The amount shall be calculated according to local prescribed bases andpercentages in determining the amount of employee benefits, with a corresponding charge tothe profit or loss or cost of an asset for the current period.

(3) Accounting treatment of termination benefits

The Company shall recognize an employee benefits liability for termination benefits, with acorresponding charge to the profit or loss for the current period, at the earlier of the followingdates: when the Company cannot unilaterally withdraw the offer of termination benefitsbecause of an employment termination plan or a curtailment proposal; or when the Companyrecognizes costs or expenses related to a restructuring that involves the payment oftermination benefits.

23 Estimated liabilities

(1) Recognition criteria of estimated liabilities

The obligation pertinent to a Contingency (litigation, guarantees, loss contract , restructuring)shall be recognized as an estimated liability when the following conditions are satisfiedsimultaneously:

- That obligation is a current obligation of the enterprise;- It is likely to cause any economic benefit to flow out of the enterprise as a result of

performance of the obligation; and- The amount of the obligation can be measured in a reliable way.

(2) Measurement of all kinds of estimated liabilities

The estimated liabilities shall be initially measured in accordance with the best estimate of thenecessary expenses for the performance of the current obligation.

To determine the best estimate, an enterprise shall take into full consideration of the risks,uncertainty, time value of money, and other factors pertinent to the Contingencies. If the timevalue of money is of great significance, the best estimate shall be determined after discountingthe relevant future outflow of cash.

The best estimate shall be conducted in accordance with the following situations, respectively:

If there is a continuous range for the necessary expenses and if all the outcomes within thisrange are equally likely to occur, the best estimate shall be determined in accordance with theaverage estimate within the range, that is, the average of the upper and lower limit.

If there is not a sequent range for the necessary expenses and if the outcomes within thisrange are not equally likely to occur, the best estimate shall be determined as follows:

If the Contingencies concern a single item, it shall be determined in the light of the most likelyoutcome.

If the Contingencies concern two or more items, the best estimate shall be calculated anddetermined in accordance with all possible outcomes and the relevant probabilities.

When all or some of the expenses necessary for the liquidation of an estimated debts of anenterprise is expected to be compensated by a third party, the compensation shall beseparately recognized as an asset only when it is virtually certain that the reimbursement willbe obtained. The amount recognized for the reimbursement shall not exceed the book valueof the estimated debts.

The details are as follows :

(a) Onerous contract

An onerous contract is a contract in which the inevitable costs of performing contractualobligations exceed the expected economic benefits. If the contract to be executedbecomes an onerous contract, and the obligations arising from the onerous contractmeet the above-mentioned conditions for confirming the estimated liabilities, the portionof the contract losses expected to exceed the confirmed impairment losses (if any) of theunderlying assets of the contract is recognized as estimated liabilities.

(b) Product quality guarantee

Product quality guarantee refers to a commitment to provide services to customers afterselling products or providing services. During the agreed period, if the quality or otherproblems related to the product are in the normal range during the normal use of theproduct or service, the Company is responsible for replacing the product, repairing it freeof charge or only receiving the cost price. If the conditions for the confirmation of theaforementioned estimated liabilities are met , they are recognized as estimated liabilities.

24 Share-based payment

The Company’s share-based payment is a transaction that grants equity instruments orassumes liabilities determined on the basis of equity instruments in order to obtain servicesprovided by employees or other parties. The Company’s share-based payment is an equity-settled share-based payment.

(1) Accounting method of share-based payment

Equity-settled share-based payment in exchange for services provided by employees shall bemeasured at the fair value of the equity instruments granted to employees on the grant date.The fair value amount is calculated on the basis of the best estimate of the number of vestingequity instruments during the waiting period and included in the relevant cost according to thestraight-line method when the service in the waiting period is completed or the specifiedperformance conditions are met. Or expenses. When the right is exercised immediately afterthe grant, the relevant costs or expenses are included on the grant date, and the capital reserveis increased accordingly.

On each balance sheet date during the waiting period, the Company makes the best estimateof the number of vested equity instruments based on the latest obtained changes in the numberof vested employees, whether the specified performance conditions are met, and other follow-up information, and revises the expected number of vested equity instruments. The impact ofthe above estimates is included in the relevant costs or expenses of the current period, andthe capital reserve is adjusted accordingly. However, if the right can be exercised immediatelyafter the grant, it shall be included in the relevant costs or expenses at the fair value on thegrant date, and the capital reserve shall be increased accordingly.

For share-based payments that cannot be exercised, costs or expenses are not recognized,unless the exercise conditions are market conditions or non-exercising conditions. At this time,regardless of whether the market conditions or non-exercising conditions are met, as long asall of the exercise conditions are met Non-market conditions are deemed to be exerciseable.

(2) Relevant accounting method for modification and termination of share-based payment plans

When the Company revises the share-based payment plan, if the revision increases the fairvalue of the equity instruments granted, the increase in the fair value of the equity instrumentsis correspondingly confirmed to obtain an increase in services. The increase in the fair valueof equity instruments refers to the difference between the fair values of the equity instrumentsbefore and after the modification on the modification date. If the modification reduces the totalfair value of the share-based payment or adopts other methods that are not conducive to theemployees, the accounting treatment of the services obtained will continue to be treated as ifthe change has never occurred, unless the Group cancels part or all of the granted rights andinterests tool.

During the waiting period, if the granted equity instruments are cancelled, the Company treatsthe cancellation of the granted equity instruments as an accelerated exercise, and the amountthat should be confirmed during the remaining waiting period is immediately included in thecurrent profit and loss, and the capital reserve is confirmed at the same time. If employees orother parties can choose to meet the non-exercising conditions but have not met within thewaiting period, the Company will treat them as the cancellation of the granted equityinstruments.

25 Revenue

(1) Accounting policies used in revenue recognition and measurement

The Company has fulfilled the performance obligations in the contract, that is, the revenue isrecognized when the customer obtains control of the relevant goods or services . Obtainingcontrol over related goods or services means being able to lead the use of the goods orservices and obtain almost all of the economic benefits from it.

If the contract contains two or more performance obligations, the Company will allocate thetransaction price to each individual performance obligation in accordance with the relativeproportion of the stand-alone selling price of the goods or services promised by each individualperformance obligation on the date of the contract. The Company measures revenue basedon the transaction price allocated to each individual performance obligation.

The transaction price refers to the amount of consideration that the Company expects to beentitled to receive due to the transfer of goods or services to customers, excluding paymentscollected on behalf of third parties and payments expected to be returned to customers. TheCompany determines the transaction price in accordance with the terms of the contract andcombined with its past customary practices. When determining the transaction price, itconsiders the impact of variable consideration, major financing components in the contract,non-cash consideration, consideration payable to customers and other factors. The Companydetermines trading price at the best estimate of the variable consideration according to theexpected value or the most likely amount, and determines the amount that includes the variableconsideration at an amount that does not exceed the amount that the accumulated recognizedincome is unlikely to be significantly reversed when the relevant uncertainty is eliminated. Ifthere is a major financing component in the contract, the Company will adjust the transactionprice according to the financing component in the contract; if the interval between the transferof control and the payment by the customer is less than one year, the Company will notconsider the financing component.

If one of the following conditions is met, it belongs to the performance obligation within a certainperiod of time, otherwise, it belongs to the performance obligation at a certain point in time:

- The customer obtains and consumes the economic benefits brought by the Company’s

performance at the same time as the Company’s performance.- Customers can control the products under construction in the Company’s performanceprocess.- The goods produced by the Company during the performance of the contract have

irreplaceable uses, and the Company has the right to collect payment for the cumulative

performance part that has been completed so far during the entire contract period.

For performance obligations performed within a certain period of time, the Companyrecognizes revenue in accordance with the performance progress during that period, exceptwhere the performance progress cannot be reasonably determined. The Company considersthe nature of the goods or services and adopts the output method or the input method todetermine the progress of the contract. When the performance progress cannot be reasonablydetermined, and the cost incurred is expected to be compensated, the Company shallrecognize the revenue according to the amount of the cost incurred until the performanceprogress can be reasonably determined.

For performance obligations performed at a certain point in time, the Company recognizesrevenue at the point when the customer obtains control of the relevant goods or services.When judging whether the customer has obtained control of goods or services, the Companyconsiders the following signs:

- The Company has the right to receive payment for the goods or services, that is, the

customer has the current payment obligation for the goods or services- The Company has transferred the legal ownership of the product to the customer, that is,

the customer has the legal ownership of the product.- The Company has transferred the product to the customer, that is, the customer has taken

possession of the product.

- The Company has transferred the main risks and rewards of the ownership of the goods tothe customers, that is, the customers have obtained the main risks and rewards of theownership of the goods.- The customer has accepted the goods or services, etc.- Other signs that the customer has obtained control of the product.

(2) The specific accounting policies related to the main activities of obtaining income are described

as follows:

(a) Photovoltaic power plant operation

The Company supplies electricity to the grid company, and the grid company recognizesrevenue when it obtains control of the power.

(b) Sales of solar modules and relevant products

The Company’s sales of solar module products will recognize revenue when the controlis transferred to the customer in accordance with the contractual agreement.

(c) Sales of monocrystalline furnaces and other photovoltaic equipments

Revenue is recognized based on the above policy for the sale of goods, including PVmodules. When the settlement period between the Group and the customer exceeds oneyear, the financing component in the contract is considered in determining the transactionprice and the transaction price is adjusted accordingly.

(d) Service income

The service provided by the Company recognizes revenue during the period of serviceprovision.

26 Contract cost

Contract costs are divided into contract performance costs and contract acquisition costs.

The cost incurred by the Company to perform the contract is recognized as an asset as thecontract performance cost when the following conditions are met:

- This cost is directly related to a current or expected contract;- This cost increases the Company’s future resources for fulfilling contract performance

obligations;- The cost is expected to be recovered.

The incremental cost incurred by the Company in order to obtain the contract is expected tobe recovered, and it shall be recognized as an asset as the cost of obtaining the contract.

Assets related to contract costs are amortized on the same basis as the revenue recognitionof goods or services related to the asset; however, if the amortization period of contractacquisition costs does not exceed one year, the Company will recognize them in the currentprofits and losses when the cost incurred.

For assets related to contract costs, if the book value is higher than the difference between thefollowing two items, the Company will make provision for impairment for the excess part andrecognize it as an asset impairment loss:

- The remaining consideration expected to be obtained due to the transfer of goods or

services related to the asset;- Estimate the cost that will be incurred for the transfer of the related goods or services.

27 Government Subsidies

(1) Types

A government subsidy means the monetary or non-monetary assets obtained free of chargeby the Company from the government. Government subsidies consist of the governmentsubsidies pertinent to assets and government subsidies pertinent to income.

Government subsidies related to assets are government subsidies whose primary condition isthat an entity qualifying for them should purchase, construct or otherwise acquire long-termassets. The government subsidies related to incomes refers to government subsidies otherthan those related to assets.

The standard of the Company recognizing the government subsidies related to assets is: anentity qualifying for them should purchase, construct or otherwise acquire long-term assets.

The standard of the Company recognizing the government subsidies related to income is: Inaddition to government subsidies related to assets, government subsidies that have beenclearly targeted for subsidies.

(2) Recognition

Government subsidies related to assets shall be recognized by deducting the subsidies at thecaring amount of the assets or recognized as deferred income. Subsidies that recognized asdeferred income shall be recognized in profit or loss over the periods during the useful lives ofthe relevant assets.

The government subsidies related to incomes to compensate future expenses, shall berecognized as deferred income and transferred to current profit or loss. Government subsidiesto compensate expenses or losses already incurred shall be recognized in current profit andloss.

(3) Accounting treatment

Government subsidies related to assets shall be recognized by deducting the subsidies at thecaring amount of the assets or recognized as deferred income. Subsidies that recognized asdeferred income shall be recognized in profit or loss on a systematic basis over the periodsduring the useful lives of the relevant assets (Subsidies related to daily activities should berecorded in Other Income. Subsidies that unrelated to daily activities should be recorded inNon-operating Income).

The government subsidies related to incomes to compensate future expenses, shall berecognized as deferred income and transferred to current profit or loss (Subsidies related todaily activities should be recorded in Other Income. Subsidies that unrelated to daily activitiesshould be recorded in Non-operating Income) in the period during which the expensescompensation is recognized or deduct relevant cost or loss. Government subsidies tocompensate expenses or losses already incurred shall be recognized in current profit and loss(Subsidies related to daily activities should be recorded in Other Income. Subsidies unrelatedto daily activities should be recorded in Non-operating Income) or deduct relevant cost or loss.

The policy-related preferential loan interest discount obtained by the Company shall be dividedinto the following two situations and be accounted for separately:

- The finance allocates interest discount funds to the lending bank, and the lending bank

provides loans to the Company at a preferential policy interest rate. The Company uses theactual loan amount received as the entry value of the loan, based on the loan principal andthe policy preferential interest rate to calculate related borrowing costs.- If the finance directly allocates the interest discount funds to the Company, the Company

will offset the corresponding interest discount to reduce the relevant borrowing costs.

28 Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

An enterprise shall recognize the deferred income tax assets arising from a deductibletemporary difference to the extent of the amount of the taxable income which it is most likelyto obtain and which can be deducted from the deductible temporary difference. As for anydeductible loss or tax deduction that can be carried forward to the next year, the correspondingdeferred income tax assets shall be determined to the extent that the amount of future taxableincome to be offset by the deductible loss or tax deduction to be likely obtained.

All taxable temporary differences shall be recognized as deferred tax liabilities with certainlimited exceptions.

Deferred tax is not recognised for temporary differences arising from the initial recognition ofassets or liabilities in a single transaction that is not a business combination, affects neitheraccounting profit nor taxable profit (or deductible loss) and does not give rise to equal taxableand deductible temporary differences. Deferred tax is also not recognised for taxabletemporary differences arising from the initial recognition of goodwill.

Where there is a legal right to net settlement and there is an intention to net settlement or toacquire assets and pay off liabilities at the same time, current income tax assets and currentincome tax liabilities shall be presented as the net offset.

An entity shall offset deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities if, and only if: (a) the entityhas a legally enforceable right to set off current tax assets against current tax liabilities; and(b) the deferred tax assets and the deferred tax liabilities relate to income taxes levied by thesame taxation authority on either:(i) the same taxable entity; or (ii) different taxable entitieswhich intend either to settle current tax liabilities and assets on a net basis, or to realize theassets and settle the liabilities simultaneously, in each future period in which significantamounts of deferred tax liabilities or assets are expected to be settled or recovered.

29 Leases

(1) The Company as lessee

(a) Right-of-use assets

At commencement date, the Company recognizes the right-of-use assets for leasesother than short-term leases and low value asset leases. The right-of-use assets areinitially measured at cost. The cost includes:

- Initial measurement amount of lease liabilities;- For the lease payment paid on or before the commencement date, ifthere is lease

incentive, the relevant amount of lease incentive enjoyed shall be deducted;- Initial direct costs incurred;- The estimated costs incurred for dismantling and removing the underlying assets,restoring the site where the underlying assets are located or restoring the underlyingassets to the state agreed in the lease terms, but it does not include costs incurred inproducing inventory.

Depreciation method of right-of-use assets the Company adopts the straight-line methodfor depreciation. If it can be reasonably determined that the ownership of the underlyingasset will be obtained at the expiration of the lease term, the Company shall accruedepreciation within the remaining useful life of the underlying asset; otherwise, theunderlying asset shall be depreciated within the shorter of the lease term and theremaining useful life of the underlying asset.

For the principles which Company determines whether the right-of-use asset has beenimpaired, please refer to Note III 20 Impairment of long-term assets under “ III .Significantaccounting policies and accounting estimates”.

(b) Lease liabilities

At commencement date, the Company recognizes the present value of the unpaid leasepayments as lease liabilities, except for short-term leases and low value asset leases.The lease liability is initially measured at the present value of outstanding leasepayments. Lease payments include:

- Fixed payments (including in-substance fixed payments), if there is a lease incentive,

deduct the relevant amount of the lease incentive;- Variable lease payments that depend on an index or ratio;- Amounts expected to be payable by the lessee under residual value guarantees;- The exercise price ofa purchase option if the lessee is reasonably certain to exercise

that option;- Payments of penalties for terminating the lease, if the lease term reflects the lessee

exercising an option to terminate the lease.

The Company uses the interest rate implicit in the lease as the discount rate, but if theinterest rate implicit in the lease cannot be reasonably determined, the Company’sincremental borrowing rate is used as the discount rate.

The Company calculates the interest expense of the lease liability in each period of thelease term according to the fixed periodic interest rate, and includes it into the currentprofit and loss or the cost of related assets. Variable lease payments that are not includedin the measurement of lease liabilities are included in the current profit and loss or thecost of related assets when they are actually incurred.

After the commencement date of lease, the Company shall re-measure the leaseliabilities and adjust the corresponding right-of-use assets under the followingcircumstances. If the book value of the right-of-use assets is reduced to zero and thereis a further reduction in the measurement of the lease liability, the difference is includedin the current profit and loss:

- When there is a change in the evaluation results of the purchase option, lease renewaloption or termination option, or the actual exercise of the aforementioned options isinconsistent with the original evaluation result, the Company shall calculate the leasepayment amount after the change and the revised discounted value. Remeasure thelease liability at the present value of the rate calculation;

- When the actual fixed payment changes, the estimated payable amount of the

residual value guarantee changes, or the index or ratio used to determine the leasepayment changes, the Company calculates the present value based on the changedlease payment and the original discount rate Remeasure the lease liability. However,where changes in lease payments result from changes in floating interest rates, arevised discount rate is used to calculate the present value.

(c) Short-term leases and low-value asset leases

The Company chooses not to recognize right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for short-term leases and low-value asset leases, and includes the relevant lease payments in thecurrent profit and loss or related asset costs on a straight-line basis over each period ofthe lease term. Short-term leases refer to leases with a lease term of not more than 12months and excluding purchase options on the commencement date of the lease term.A low-value asset lease refers to a lease with a lower value when a single leased assetis a brand-new asset. If the Company subleases or expects to sublease the leasedassets, the original lease is not a low-value asset lease.

(d) Lease modification

A lessee shall account for a lease modification as a separate lease if both:

- The modification increases the scope of the lease by adding the right to use one or

more underlying assets;

- The consideration for the lease increases by an amount commensurate with the

stand-alone price for the increase in scope and any appropriate adjustments to thatstand-alone price to reflect the circumstances of the particular contract

If the lease change is not accounted for as a separate lease, on the effective date of thelease change, the Company re-allocates the consideration of the contract after thechange, re-determines the lease term, and calculates the current value based on thelease payment after the change and the revised discount rate. value to remeasure thelease liability.

If the lease change leads to the narrowing of the lease scope or the shortening of thelease term, the Company will reduce the book value of the right-of-use asset accordingly,and include the relevant gains or losses on partial or complete termination of the leaseinto the current profit and loss. If other lease changes result in re-measurement of leaseliabilities, the Company adjusts the book value of the right-of-use asset accordingly.

(e) Sale and leaseback transactions

The Company apply the requirements for determining when a performance obligation issatisfied in Note III 25 Revenue under " III Significant accounting policies and accountingestimates" to determine whether the transfer of an asset is accounted for as a sale ofthat asset.

If the asset transfer in the sale and leaseback transaction is a sale, the Company, as thelessee, measures the right-of-use asset formed by the sale and leaseback according tothe part of the original book value of the asset that is related to the right of use obtainedby leaseback, and only transfers to the leased asset. If the asset transfer in the sale-and-leaseback transaction is not a sale, the Company, as the lessee, continues to recognizethe transferred asset and recognizes a financial liability equal to the transfer income. Forthe accounting treatment of financial liabilities, please refer to Note III 10 Financialinstruments under " III Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates".

(2) The Company as lessor

At commencement date, the Company classifies leases into finance leases and operatingleases. A lease is classified as a finance lease if it transfers substantially all the risks andrewards incidental to ownership of an underlying asset Operating leases refer to leases otherthan finance leases.

(a) Accounting treatment of operating leases

Lease receipts from operating leases are recognized as rental income on a straight-linebasis over each period of the lease term. The Company capitalizes the initial directexpenses incurred in relation to operating leases, and is amortized and included in thecurrent profit and loss on the same basis as the rental income is recognized during thelease term. Variable lease payments not included in lease receipts are included in profitor loss for the period when they are actually incurred. If the operating lease is changed,the Company will account for it as a new lease from the effective date of the change, andthe advance receipts or lease receivables related to the lease before the change areregarded as the receipts of the new lease.

(b) Accounting treatment of financial lease

At lease commencement date, the Company recognizes the finance lease receivablesfor the finance lease and derecognizes the finance lease assets. When the Companyinitially measures the finance lease receivables, the net investment in the lease isregarded as the entry value of the finance lease receivables. The net lease investmentis the sum of the unguaranteed residual value and the present value of the lease receiptsnot yet received at the commencement date of the lease term, discounted at the interestrate implicit in the lease.

The Company calculates and recognizes the interest income in each period of the leaseperiod according to the fixed periodic interest rate. For the derecognition and impairmentof finance lease receivables, please refer to Note III 10 Financial instruments under “IIISignificant accounting policies and accounting estimates

Variable lease payments that are not included in the net lease investment measurementare included in the current profit and loss when they are actually incurred.

(c) Sale and leaseback transactions

If the asset transfer in the sale and leaseback transaction is a sale, the Company, as thelessor, accounts for the purchase of the asset according to the aforementionedaccounting treatments relating to operating leases and financial lease; If the assettransfer in the sale-and-leaseback transaction is not a sale, the Company, as the lessor,does not recognize the transferred asset but recognizes a financial asset equal to thetransfer income. For the accounting treatment of financial assets, please refer to Note III10 Financial instruments under “ III Significant accounting policies and accountingestimates”.

30 Other significant accounting policies and accounting estimates

Segment report

The Company determines the operating segment based on the internal organizationalstructure, management requirements, and internal reporting system, and determines thereporting segment based on the operating segment and discloses segment infonnation.

Operating segment refers to the component of the Company that meets the followingconditions at the same time:

(1) The component can generate income and expenses in daily activities;

(2) The management of the Company can regularly evaluate the operating results of this

component to determine the allocation ofresources to it and evaluate its performance;

(3) The Company can obtain relevant accounting information such as the financial status,

operating results and cash flow of this component. If two or more operating segmentshave similar economic characteristics and meet certain conditions, they can be combinedinto one operating segment.

31 Description and reasons of changes in accounting policies

The Group has adopted “the accounting treatment of deferred tax related to assets andliabilities arising from a single transaction excluded from the scope of the initial recognitionexemption” in CAS Bulletin No.16 (Caikuai [2022] No.31) (“CAS Bulletin No.16”) starting 1January 2023.

According to the provisions, the Group does not apply the initial recognition exemption underCAS 18 Income Taxes to temporary differences arising from the initial recognition of assets orliabilities in a single transaction that is not a business combination, affects neither accountingprofits nor taxable profit (or deductible losses) and gives rise to equal taxable and deductibletemporary differences.

The Group has made retrospective adjustments in accordance with these provisions for singletransactions occurring between 1 January 2022 and the date of initial implementation. For thetaxable and deductible temporary differences arising from the recognition of lease liabilitiesand right-of-use assets on 1 January 2022 as a result of the relevant transactions to which theprovisions apply, the Group has recognised the cumulative effect as an adjustment to theopening balance of retained earnings and other related financial statement items for theearliest period presented in the financial statements in accordance with the above provisionsand the requirements of CAS 18 Income Tax.

(a) The effects on the financial statements

The effects on each of the line items in the consolidated balance sheet and company balancesheet as at 31 December 2023 are as follows:

Increase in the amount of statement items after the adoption of the changed accounting policies
The GroupThe Company
Deferred tax assets1,601,515.73-
Deferred tax liabilities53,663.5010,876.21

The effects on each of the line items in the consolidated income statement and companyincome statement for the year ended 31 December 2023 are as follows:

(Decrease)/Increase in the amount of statement items after the adoption of the changed accounting policies
The GroupThe Company
Less: Income tax expenses(666,598.22)10,876.21
Net profit for the yesr666,598.22(10,876.21)

(b) The effects on the comparative financial statements

The effects on each of the line items in the consolidated balance sheet as at 1 January 2023are as follows:

The Group
Before adjustmentAdjustment amountAfter adjustment
Deferred tax assets866,051,837.07923,074.61866,974,911.68
Deferred tax liabilities410,589,595.0541,820.60410,631,415.65

The effects on each of the line items in the consolidated balance sheet for the year 2022 areas follows:

The Group
Before adjustmentBefore adjustmentAfter adjustment
Income tax expenses777,556,748.42(1,466,935.83)776,089,812.59

IV. Taxation

1. Main types of taxes and corresponding tax rates

Tax typeTax basisTax rate
Value-added tax (VAT)According to tax laws, output VAT is calculated on product sales and taxable services revenue. VAT payable is determined by deducting input VAT from output VAT for the period3% - 19%
City maintenance and construction taxBased on VAT paid5%, 7%
Corporate income taxBased on taxable profits15%、20%、25% etc.



The corporate income tax rate of the Company’s domestic subsidiaries is the statutory rate of25% (2022: 25%). The corporate income tax of its overseas subsidiaries should be recognizedin accordance with the local income tax laws and regulations of its registration place, whichare disclosed as follows:

Name of taxpayerIncome tax rate
JA Solar15.00%
Hefei JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd.15.00%
JA Solar (Xingtai) Co., Ltd.15.00%
Jing Hai Yang Semiconductor Material (Donghai) Co., Ltd.15.00%
JA Solar New Energy Yangzhou Co., Ltd.15.00%
Shanghai JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd.15.00%
JA Solar Technology Yangzhou Co., Ltd.15.00%
Xingtai Jinglong PV Materials Co., Ltd.15.00%
Yiwu JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd.15.00%
Hebei Jingle Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd.15.00%
Beijing Jinghong Energy Economization Technology Co., Ltd.15.00%
Qujing Jinglong Electronic Materials Co., Ltd.15.00%
Qujing JA Solar PV Technology Co., Ltd.15.00%
Qujing JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd.15.00%
Baotou JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd.15.00%
Baotou Jingxu Carbon-carbon Technology Co., Ltd.15.00%
Baotou JA Carbon Technology Co., Ltd.15.00%
Inner Mongolia JA Solar PV Technology Co., Ltd.15.00%
Baotou JA New Material Co., Ltd.15.00%
JA Wisdom Energy Technology (Hainan) Co., Ltd.15.00%
PV Power Station Project companies3 - year exemption and 3 - year half payment or 20% or 15%
JA Solar Australia PTY Limited30.00%
JA Solar GmbHFederal tax rate 15.825%+ state tax
JA Solar International Limited16.50%
JA Solar Investment (Hong Kong) Limited.16.50%
JA Solar Hong Kong Limited16.50%
JA Solar Smart Energy (Hong Kong) Limited16.50%
JA Solar Energy Investment (Hong Kong) Co., Limited16.50%
JA Solar Renewable Energy Limited16.50%
JA Solar Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.24.00%
JA Solar Korea Co., Ltd.20.90%
JA Solar South Africa (PTY) Ltd.27.00%
JA Solar Brasil Ltda15.00%
JA Solar USA Inc.Federal tax rate 21%+ state tax
JA Solar AZ, LLC.Federal tax rate 21%+ state tax
JA Solar Japan Limited30.62%
JA Solar VietNam Company Limited20.00%
JA Solar PV VietNam Company Limited20.00%
JA Solar NE VietNam Company Limited20.00%



2 Tax preferential treatments

During the reporting period, the major preferential tax treatments entitled by the Group are asfollows:

(1) The subsidiary JA Solar Co., Ltd. (referred to as “JA Solar”) was re-certified by Hebei

Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Hebei Provincial Department ofFinance and Hubei Provincial Office of the State Administration of Taxation on 18 October2022, and obtained a High-tech Enterprise Certificate (No.GR202213000628) with thevalidity period lasting for 3 years. A 15% corporate income tax rate is applicable to high-tech enterprises within the validity period.

(2) The subsidiary Hefei JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as “Hefei JA Solar”) was

re-certified by Anhui Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Anhui ProvincialDepartment of Finance and Anhui Provincial Office of the State Administration of Taxationon 18 October 2022, and obtained a High-tech Enterprise Certificate(No.GR202234000794) with the validity period lasting for 3 years. A 15% corporateincome tax rate is applicable to high-tech enterprises within the validity period.

(3) The subsidiary JA Solar (Xingtai) Solar Co., Ltd. (referred to as “Xingtai Module”) was

certified by Hebei Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Hebei ProvincialDepartment of Finance and Hubei Provincial Office of the State Administration ofTaxation on 6 November 2023, and obtained a High-tech Enterprise Certificate(No.GR202313001646) with the validity period lasting for 3 years. A 15% corporateincome tax rate is applicable to high-tech enterprises within the validity period.

(4) The subsidiary Jing Hai Yang Semiconductor Material (Donghai) Co., Ltd. (referred to as

“Jing Hai Yang”) was certified by Jiangsu Provincial Department of Science andTechnology, Jiangsu Provincial Department of Finance and Jiangsu Provincial Office ofthe State Administration of Taxation on 6 November 2023, and obtained a High-techEnterprise Certificate (No.GR202332006222) with the validity period lasting for 3 years.A 15% corporate income tax rate is applicable to high-tech enterprises within the validityperiod.

(5) The subsidiary JA Solar New Energy Yangzhou Co., Ltd. (referred to as “Yangzhou

Module”) was re-certified by Jiangsu Provincial Department of Science and Technology,Jiangsu Provincial Department of Finance and Jiangsu Provincial Office of the StateAdministration of Taxation on 12 December 2022, and obtained a High-tech EnterpriseCertificate (No.GR202232011093) with the validity period lasting for 3 years. A 15%corporate income tax rate is applicable to high-tech enterprises within the validity period.

(6) The subsidiary Shanghai JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as “Fengxian

Module”) was re-certified by Shanghai Municipal Department of Science and Technology,Shanghai Municipal Department of Finance and Shanghai Municipal Office of the StateAdministration of Taxation on 12 December 2023, and obtained a High-tech EnterpriseCertificate (No.GR202331005925) with the validity period lasting for 3 years. A 15%corporate income tax rate is applicable to high-tech enterprises within the validity period.

(7) The subsidiary JA Solar Technology Yangzhou Co., Ltd. (referred to as “Yangzhou

Battery”) was re-certified by Jiangsu Provincial Department of Science and Technology,Jiangsu Provincial Department of Finance and Jiangsu Provincial Office of the StateAdministration of Taxation on 6 November 2023, and obtained a High-tech EnterpriseCertificate (No.GR202332002014) with the validity period lasting for 3 years. A 15%corporate income tax rate is applicable to high-tech enterprises within the validity period.

(8) The subsidiary Xingtai Jinglong PV Materials Co., Ltd. (referred to as “Jinglong PV”) was

certified by Hebei Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Hebei ProvincialDepartment of Finance and Hebei Provincial Office of the State Administration ofTaxation on 5 December 2023, and obtained a High-tech Enterprise Certificate(No.GR202313003014) with the validity period lasting for 3 years. A 15% corporateincome tax rate is applicable to high-tech enterprises within the validity period.

(9) The subsidiary Yiwu JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as “Yiwu JA”) was certified

by Zhejiang Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Zhejiang ProvincialDepartment of Finance and Zhejiang Provincial Office of the State Administration ofTaxation on 16 December 2021 and obtained a High-tech Enterprise Certificate(No.GR202133000164) with the validity period lasting for 3 years. A 15% corporateincome tax rate is applicable to high-tech enterprises within the validity period.

(10) The subsidiary Hebei Jingle Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd.(referred to as “Jingle

Optoelectronic”) was certified by Hebei Provincial Department of Science andTechnology, Hebei Provincial Department of Finance and Hubei Provincial Office of theState Administration of Taxation on 3 November 2021 and obtained a High-techEnterprise Certificate (No.GR202113004394) with the validity period lasting for 3 years.A 15% corporate income tax rate is applicable to high-tech enterprises within the validityperiod.

(11) The subsidiary Beijing Jinghong Energy Economization Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to

as “Jinghong Energy Economization”) was certified by Beijing Municipal Science andTechnology Commission, Beijing Municipal Finance Bureau and Beijing Municipal Officeof the State Administration of Taxation on 30 November 2023 and obtained a High-techEnterprise Certificate (No.GR202311003991) with the validity period lasting for 3 years.A 15% corporate income tax rate is applicable to high-tech enterprises within the validityperiod.

(12) The subsidiary Qujing Jinglong Electronic Materials Co., Ltd. (referred to as “Qujing

Jinglong” ): in accordance with the “Announcement of the Ministry of Finance, the StateAdministration of Taxation and the National Development and Reform Commission onContinuing the Income Tax Policy for Enterprises in the Great Western Development”(No. 23 [2020] ), from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2030, the enterprises establishedin the western region whose principal businesses are industry projects stipulated in theCatalogue of Encouraged Industries in the Western Region, and whose income fromprincipal businesses constitutes 60% or more of their total income, CIT shall be levied ata reduced tax rate of 15%.

(13) The subsidiary Qujing JA PV Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as “Qujing JA” ) : in

accordance with the “Announcement of the Ministry of Finance, the State Administrationof Taxation and the National Development and Reform Commission on Continuing theIncome Tax Policy for Enterprises in the Great Western Development” (No. 23 [2020] ),from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2030, the enterprises established in the westernregion whose principal businesses of the year are industry projects stipulated in theCatalogue of Encouraged Industries in the Western Region, and whose income fromprincipal businesses constitutes 60% or more of their total income, CIT shall be levied ata reduced tax rate of 15%.

(14) The subsidiary Qujing JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as “Qujing

Technology” ) : in accordance with the “Announcement of the Ministry of Finance, theState Administration of Taxation and the National Development and Reform Commissionon Continuing the Income Tax Policy for Enterprises in the Great Western Development”(No. 23 [2020] ), from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2030, the enterprises establishedin the western region whose principal businesses of the year are industry projectsstipulated in the Catalogue of Encouraged Industries in the Western Region, and whoseincome from principal businesses constitutes 60% or more of their total income, CIT shallbe levied at a reduced tax rate of 15%.

(15) The subsidiary Baotou JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as “Baotou JA Solar” ) :

in accordance with the “Announcement of the Ministry of Finance, the StateAdministration of Taxation and the National Development and Reform Commission onContinuing the Income Tax Policy for Enterprises in the Great Western Development”(No. 23 [2020] ), from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2030, the enterprises establishedin the western region whose principal businesses of the year are industry projectsstipulated in the Catalogue of Encouraged Industries in the Western Region, and whoseincome from principal businesses constitutes 60% or more of their total income, CIT shallbe levied at a reduced tax rate of 15%.

(16) The subsidiary Baotou Jingxu Carbon-carbon Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as

“Baotou Jingxu” ) : in accordance with the “Announcement of the Ministry of Finance, theState Administration of Taxation and the National Development and Reform Commissionon Continuing the Income Tax Policy for Enterprises in the Great Western Development”(No. 23 [2020] ), from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2030, the enterprises establishedin the western region whose principal businesses of the year are industry projectsstipulated in the Catalogue of Encouraged Industries in the Western Region, and whoseincome from principal businesses constitutes 60% or more of their total income, CIT shallbe levied at a reduced tax rate of 15%.

(17) The subsidiary Baotou JA Carbon Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as “JA Carbon” ) : in

accordance with the “Announcement of the Ministry of Finance, the State Administrationof Taxation and the National Development and Reform Commission on Continuing theIncome Tax Policy for Enterprises in the Great Western Development” (No. 23 [2020] ),from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2030, the enterprises established in the westernregion whose principal businesses of the year are industry projects stipulated in theCatalogue of Encouraged Industries in the Western Region, and whose income fromprincipal businesses constitutes 60% or more of their total income, CIT shall be levied ata reduced tax rate of 15%.

(18) The subsidiary Inner Mongolia JA Solar PV Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as “Inner

Mongolia Module” ) : in accordance with the “Announcement of the Ministry of Finance,the State Administration of Taxation and the National Development and ReformCommission on Continuing the Income Tax Policy for Enterprises in the Great WesternDevelopment” (No. 23 [2020] ), from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2030, theenterprises established in the western region whose principal businesses of the year areindustry projects stipulated in the Catalogue of Encouraged Industries in the WesternRegion, and whose income from principal businesses constitutes 60% or more of theirtotal income, CIT shall be levied at a reduced tax rate of 15%.

(19) The subsidiary Baotou JA New Material Co., Ltd. (referred to as “Baotou New Material” ) :

in accordance with the “Announcement of the Ministry of Finance, the StateAdministration of Taxation and the National Development and Reform Commission onContinuing the Income Tax Policy for Enterprises in the Great Western Development”(No. 23 [2020] ), from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2030, the enterprises establishedin the western region whose principal businesses of the year are industry projectsstipulated in the Catalogue of Encouraged Industries in the Western Region, and whoseincome from principal businesses constitutes 60% or more of their total income, CIT shallbe levied at a reduced tax rate of 15%.

(20) In accordance with Notice on Preferential CIT Policies for the Hainan Free Trade Port

(Cai Shui [2020] No. 31), enterprises in encouraged industries registered in the HainanFree Trade Port and engaging in substantive operations are entitled to corporate incometax at a reduced tax rate of 15%. Enterprises in encouraged industries are those mainlyengaged in businesses stipulated in the List of Encouraged Industries in the Hainan FreeTrade Port, and the income from their principal activities must account for at least 60%of their total income. JA Wisdom Energy Technology (Hainan) Co., Ltd. (“JA Hainan”) isentitled to the above mentioned preferential tax treatment from 1 January 2023 to 31December 2024.

(21) The Company’s PV Power Station Project companies are eligible for the preferential tax

treatments as follows:

(a) Eligible for the “3-year exemption and 3-year half payment” preferential treatment

According to the provisions of the Article 27 of Corporate Income Tax Law of thePeople’s Republic of China and the Article 87 of the Implementation Rules ofEnterprise Income Tax Law of the People’s Republic of China, income derived byan enterprise investing and operating a key public infrastructure project supportedby the State shall be exempted from Corporate Income Tax for the first year to thethird year with effect from the tax year in which the first sum of production andbusiness revenue is derived from the project and be subject to Corporate IncomeTax at 50% reduction for the fourth year to the sixth year.

According to the “Notice from the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration ofTaxation, and the National Development and Reform Commission on thePromulgation of the Catalogue for Public Infrastructure Projects Eligible for aFavorable Corporate Income Tax” (Cai Shui [2008] No. 116) and the “Notice ofMinistry of Finance and State Administration of Taxation on Issues relating toImplementation of Catalogue of Corporate Income Tax Preferential Incentives forPublic Infrastructure Projects” (Cai Shui [2008] 46), newly established solar powerplant project is within the preferential catelogue. Some of the Group's subsidiariesare photovoltaic power plants and meet the criteria, therefore fall in the scope ofthe above preferential tax treatments.

(b) Eligible for the preferential tax treatments of Catalogue of Encouraged Industries

in the Western Region (15%):

In accordance with the “Announcement of the Ministry of Finance, the StateAdministration of Taxation and the National Development and Reform Commissionon Continuing the Income Tax Policy for Enterprises in the Great WesternDevelopment” (No. 23 [2020] ), from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2030, theenterprise income tax on an enterprise in an encouraged industry established inwestern China shall still be paid at the reduced rate of 15%. Enterprises inencouraged industries referred to herein shall mean enterprises whose principalbusinesses are industry projects stipulated in the “Catalogue of EncouragedIndustries in the Western Region”, and whose income from principal businessesconstitutes 60% or more of their total income. The following enterprises are eligiblefor the above preferential policies: JA Solar PV Electric (Yanchi) Co., Ltd., AiyouenPower Electric (Yinchuan) Co., Ltd.

(c) Preferential tax treatments for small meagre-profit enterprises (20%):

In accordance with the Notice of Ministry of Finance and State TaxationAdministration on Implementing the Inclusive Tax Deduction and ExemptionPolicies for Small Meagre-profit Enterprises (Caishui No.77 [2018]) and the Noticeof Ministry of Finance and State Taxation Administration on Implementing theInclusive Tax Deduction and Exemption Policies for Small Meagre-profitEnterprises (Caishui No.13 [2019]), for small meagre-profit enterprises, theapplicable rate of corporate income tax is 20%. Some of the Group's subsidiariesare photovoltaic power plants and meet the criteria as small meagre-profitenterprises, therefore fall in the scope of the above preferential tax treatments.

(22) Under Decree 218/2013/ND-CP of 26 December 2013, JA Solar VietNam Company

Limited (“Vietnam JA Solar”), JA Solar PV VietNam Company Limited (“Vietnam JA PV”),JA Solar NE VietNam Company Limited (“Vietnam JA NE”), are entitled to a taxexemption for 2 years and a 50% reduction in corporate income tax for the 4 years thatfollows. Vietnam JA Solar, Vietnam JA PV and Vietnam JA NE have received preferentialtax treatment certificates from the Vietnam Department of Trade and Industry, namelyCertificate No.7224/GXN-BCT dated November 2021, Certificate No.431/GXN-BCTdated January 2023 and Certificate No. 7224/7GXN-BCT dated October 2023. Thesecompanies are entitled to a preferential tax rate of 10% for 15 years and a tax policy of"tax exemption for 4 years and a reduced tax rate of 50% for 9 years" after the applicationof the preferential tax rate.

(23) In accordance with Announcement on the Weighted VAT Deduction Policy for Advanced

Manufacturing Enterprises (Announcement No. 43 [2023] of the Ministry of Finance andthe State Taxation Administration), with effect from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2027,advanced manufacturing enterprises are allowed to deduct weighted 5% of the currentdeductible input tax amount from the VAT payable (hereinafter referred to as the"Weighted Deduction Policy"). Some of the Group’s subsidiaries meet the criteria and fallin the scope of the Weighted Deduction Policy.

V. Notes to the consolidated financial statements

1 Cash at bank and on hand

Item20232022 (Restated)
Cash on hand-38,680.00
Deposits with banks6,763,088,775.676,120,437,904.90
Other monetary funds9,225,344,774.406,063,162,734.63
Including: Total overseas deposits2,479,554,046.771,498,418,929.73



The balance of cash or other monetary funds that are restricted for being pledged as securityor frozen is as follows:

Deposits for bills7,378,106,051.044,458,656,453.29
Deposits for letter of guarantee1,648,619,731.901,083,536,118.21
Deposits for letter of credit40,280,549.46202,522,503.14
Time deposits or demand deposits for guarantee150,913,171.16307,619,800.80
Frozen bank deposits-609,428.48



2 Derivative financial assets

Foreign currency derivatives11,847,761.02-



The Group hedges its exposure to the foreign exchange market by entering into forward foreignexchange contracts with banks. The Group does not apply hedge accounting, and thesecontracts are measured at fair value through profit or loss.

3 Bills receivable

(1) Classification of bills receivable

Bank acceptance bills158,375,167.5256,563,331.86
Commercial acceptance bills21,999,672.2892,196,070.55
Less: Provision for bad and doubtful debts219,996.72-



All of the above bills are due within one year.

(2) Outstanding endorsed or discounted bills that have not matured at the end of the year:

ItemAmount derecognized at year endAmount not derecognized at year end
Bank acceptance bills-148,599,819.06
Commercial acceptance bills-6,483,457.88



(3) Bills receivable by provisioning method

Book valueProvision for bad and doubtful debtsCarrying amountBook valueProvision for bad and doubtful debtsCarrying amount
AmountPercentage (%)AmountPercentage (%)AmountPercentage (%)AmountPercentage (%)
Individual assessment----------
Collective assessment180,374,839.80100.00219,996.720.12180,154,843.08148,759,402.41100.00--148,759,402.41
- Bank acceptance bills158,375,167.5287.80--158,375,167.5256,563,331.8638.02--56,563,331.86
- Commercial acceptance bills21,999,672.2812.20219,996.721.0021,779,675.5692,196,070.5561.98--92,196,070.55

(4) Movements of provisions for bad and doubtful debts

Balance at the beginning of the year--
Additions during the year219,996.72-
Balance at the end of the year219,996.72-

4 Accounts receivable

(1) Accounts receivable by customer type are as follows:

Amounts due from related parties75,070,090.3177,112,971.88
Amounts due from third parties9,437,561,810.638,558,203,396.32
Less: Provision for bad and doubtful debts346,644,227.33288,302,930.23



(2) The ageing analysis of accounts receivable is as follows:

Within 6 months (inclusive)7,835,543,209.017,679,012,904.15
Over 6 months but within 1 year (inclusive)692,599,666.15282,618,576.12
Over 1 year but within 2 years (inclusive)462,557,322.05285,453,994.40
Over 2 years but within 3 years (inclusive)185,989,733.72134,286,417.01
Over 3 years but within 4 years (inclusive)103,493,625.1463,016,828.15
Over 4 years but within 5 years (inclusive)54,199,556.6443,167,351.87
Over 5 years178,248,788.23147,760,296.50
Less: Provision for bad and doubtful debts346,644,227.33288,302,930.23



The ageing is counted starting from the date when accounts receivable are recognized.

(3) Accounts receivable by provisioning method

Book valueProvision for bad and doubtful debtsCarrying valueBook valueProvision for bad and doubtful debtsCarrying value
AmountPercentage (%)AmountPercentage (%)AmountPercentage (%)AmountPercentage (%)
Individual assessment150,897,028.451.59134,539,976.7889.1616,357,051.67139,215,713.581.61139,215,713.58100.00-
Collective assessment9,361,734,872.4998.41212,104,250.552.279,149,630,621.948,496,100,654.6298.39149,087,216.651.758,347,013,437.97
- Accounts receivables due from external customers (except for power grid companies)8,697,309,873.0291.43202,137,875.562.328,495,171,997.467,928,640,569.2491.82140,575,315.371.777,788,065,253.87
- Electricity fees due from Power Grid Companies664,424,999.476.989,966,374.991.50654,458,624.48567,460,085.386.578,511,901.281.50558,948,184.10



(a) Rationale for individual assessment in 2023:

ItemBook valueProvision for bad and doubtful debtsPercentage (%)Rationale for provision
Company 142,280,901.1242,280,901.12100.00%Amount expected to be unrecoverable
Company 220,430,000.0020,430,000.00100.00%Amount expected to be unrecoverable
Company 317,789,622.533,557,924.5120.00%Full amount expected to be unrecoverable
Company 416,275,837.5316,275,837.53100.00%Amount expected to be unrecoverable
Company 513,599,402.5013,599,402.50100.00%Amount expected to be unrecoverable
Company 611,472,198.4011,472,198.40100.00%Amount expected to be unrecoverable
Company 711,434,086.9111,434,086.91100.00%Amount expected to be unrecoverable
Company 86,124,160.006,124,160.00100.00%Amount expected to be unrecoverable
Other (individual amount less than RMB5 million)11,490,819.469,365,465.8181.50%Full amount expected to be unrecoverable



(b) Criteria for collective assessment in 2023 and details:

Accounts receivables are classified into several portfolios based on their similar creditrisk characteristics and the expected credit loss is calculated on a collective basis. Thebasis of determining the portfolios is as follows:

Portfolio 1: Accounts receivables due from external customers (except for power grid


Portfolio 2: Electricity fees due from Power Grid Companies

(c) Assessment of ECLs on accounts receivable:

At all times the Group measures the impairment loss for accounts receivable at anamount equal to lifetime ECLs, and the ECLs are based on the number of ageing andthe expected loss rate. According to the historical experience of the Group, the losses ofdifferent customer groups are as follows:

Portfolio 1: Accounts receivables due from external customers (except for power grid



?Expected credit loss rateCarrying amount at the end of the yearImpairment loss allowance at the end of the year
Within 6 months (inclusive)1%7,685,312,060.6976,853,120.61
Over 6 months but within 1 year (inclusive)5%577,178,139.1928,858,906.96
Over 1 year but within 2 years (inclusive)10%297,676,522.9429,767,652.29
Over 2 years but within 3 years (inclusive)30%74,772,922.3022,431,876.69
Over 3 years but within 4 years (inclusive)50%36,287,817.7818,143,908.89
Over 4 years but within 5 years (inclusive)100%1,812,735.601,812,735.60
Over 5 years100%24,269,674.5224,269,674.52




?Expected credit loss rateCarrying amount at the end of the yearImpairment loss allowance at the end of the year
Within 6 months (inclusive)1%7,518,045,690.4775,180,456.91
Over 6 months but within 1 year (inclusive)5%184,124,307.519,206,215.38
Over 1 year but within 2 years (inclusive)10%146,452,233.6514,645,223.37
Over 2 years but within 3 years (inclusive)30%53,670,704.7316,101,211.42
Over 3 years but within 4 years (inclusive)50%1,810,849.18905,424.59
Over 4 years but within 5 years (inclusive)100%11,405,916.9811,405,916.98
Over 5 years100%13,130,866.7213,130,866.72



Portfolio 2: Electricity fees due from power grid companies


ItemExpected credit loss rateCarrying amount at the end of the yearImpairment loss allowance at the end of the year
Electricity fees due from Power Grid Companies1.50%664,424,999.479,966,374.99




ItemExpected credit loss rateCarrying amount at the end of the yearImpairment loss allowance at the end of the year
Electricity fees due from Power Grid Companies1.50%567,460,085.388,511,901.28



The expected credit losses is measured based on the actual credit loss experience inthe past period and is adjusted for the differences among the economic conditionsduring the historical period, the current economic conditions and the anticipatedeconomic conditions during the expected lifetime.

(4) Movements of provisions for bad and doubtful debts:

Balance at the beginning of the year288,302,930.23258,912,502.71
Additions during the year66,706,966.5639,041,006.13
Recoveries or reversals during the year(a)?8,711,579.5413,619,430.95
Written-off during the year(b)2,495,862.36-
Balance at the end of the year346,644,227.33288,302,930.23



(a) Significant recoveries or reversals during the year:

DebtorAmount of reversals or recoveriesReason for reversalsRecovery mannerBasis for determining the original provision percentage and its reasonableness
TIANWEI SOLUTION (BEIJING) CO., LTD7,028,332.43Actual recoveryBank transferConsidering all reasonable and relevant information for the debtor to recognize the expected credit loss

(b) Accounts receivable written off during the year

ItemWritten-off amount
Accounts receivable written off2,495,862.36

(5) Five largest accounts receivable and contract assets by debtor at the end of the year:


DebtorBalance at the end of the year
Accounts receivablePercentage of total accounts receivable and contract assets (%)Provision for bad and doubtful debts
The First403,549,418.034.214,035,494.18
The Second341,067,606.833.563,410,676.07
The Third327,506,362.623.423,275,063.63
The Fourth252,380,788.422.632,523,807.88
The Fifth247,093,774.202.582,470,937.74




DebtorBalance at the end of the year
Accounts receivablePercentage of total accounts receivable and contract assets (%)Provision for bad and doubtful debts
The First340,088,133.763.903,400,881.35
The Second323,212,158.913.703,232,121.59
The Third191,568,291.062.201,915,682.91
The Fourth180,881,954.492.071,808,819.54
The Fifth161,301,016.751.851,613,010.17



5 Receivables under financing

Item20232022Accumulated impairment losses recognised in other comprehensive income
Bills receivable831,051,690.24510,733,341.15-
Accounts receivable550,000.00228,062,025.96-



(a) Receivables under financing that are pledged at the end of the year:

CategoryPledged amount at the end of the year
Bank acceptance bills174,350,594.00
Commercial acceptance bills-

(b) Receivables under financing that are endorsed or discounted but have not matured at the

end of the year:

CategoryAmount at the end of the year of what has been derecognisedAmount at the end of the year of what has not been derecognised
Bank acceptance bills17,786,554,455.10-
Commercial acceptance bills246,543,923.68-

6 Prepayments

(1) Prepayments by category:

Material and service payment in advance1,837,771,374.262,394,741,788.39



(2) The ageing analysis of prepayments is as follows:

AmountPercentage (%)AmountPercentage (%)
Within 1 year (inclusive)1,415,027,063.0571.111,935,044,560.6275.85
Over 1 year but within 2 years (inclusive)359,477,369.7018.07614,059,967.0624.07
Over 2 years but within 3 years (inclusive)213,412,660.7710.721,091,564.340.04
Over 3 years1,993,879.740.10906,978.370.04



The ageing is counted starting from the date when prepayments are recognized.

Prepayments with ageing of over 1 year are mainly for long-term procurement of raw materials.

(3) Five largest prepayments by debtor at the end of the year:

DebtorBalance at the end of the yearPercentage of total prepayments (%)
The First355,587,658.8017.87
The Second230,697,562.7511.59
The Third170,538,750.008.57
The Fourth141,654,000.007.12
The Fifth134,430,867.216.76


7 Other receivables

Dividends receivable(1)3,042,037.802,000,000.00



(1) Dividends receivable

Datang Angli (Lingwu) New Energy Co., Ltd.3,042,037.80-
JA Solar PV Electric (Lincheng) Co., Ltd.-2,000,000.00



(2) Others

(a) Analysis by customer type is as follow:

Customer type20232022
Amounts due from related parties13,000.0013,000.00
Amounts due from third parties953,051,865.87680,221,540.13
Less: Provision for bad and doubtful debts45,060,120.3721,055,253.15



(b) The ageing analysis is as follows:

Ageing20232022 (Restated)
Within 1 year (inclusive)565,601,500.51232,333,537.36
Over 1 year but within 2 years (inclusive)17,936,300.86124,953,131.61
Over 2 years but within 3 years (inclusive)74,529,177.54164,379,430.23
Over 3 years but within 4 years (inclusive)154,943,110.6130,304,247.46
Over 4 years but within 5 years (inclusive)30,158,625.26109,300,252.55
Over 5 years109,896,151.0918,963,940.92
Less: Provision for bad and doubtful debts45,060,120.3721,055,253.15



The ageing is counted starting from the date when other receivables are recognized.

(c) Others by provisioning method:


Book valueProvision for bad and doubtful debtsCarrying amount
AmountPercentage (%)AmountPercentage (%)
Individual assessment41,193,035.804.3237,201,149.9290.313,991,885.88
Collective assessment911,871,830.0795.687,858,970.450.86904,012,859.62


Book valueProvision for bad and doubtful debtsCarrying amount
AmountPercentage (%)AmountPercentage (%)
Individual assessment19,536,937.262.8719,536,937.26100.00-
Collective assessment660,697,602.8797.131,518,315.890.23659,179,286.98

Basis for significant individual assessments in 2023:

Item20222023Basis for provision
Book valueProvision for bad and doubtful debtsBook valueProvision for bad and doubtful debtsPercentage (%)
Individual assessment19,536,937.2619,536,937.2641,193,035.8037,201,149.9290.31%Amount expected to be unrecoverable

(d) Movements of provisions for bad and doubtful debts


Provision for bad and doubtful debtsStage 1Stage 2Stage 3Total
12 - month ECLLifetime ECL - Not credit impairedLifetime ECL - Credit impaired
Balance at 1 January 20231,143,219.52-19,912,033.6321,055,253.15
Transfer to stage 3(633,553.60)-?633,553.60-
Additions during the year5,733,521.35-?19,620,803.7825,354,325.13
Written-off during the year--?1,267,073.121,267,073.12
Translation differences arising from translation of foreign currency financial statements--(82,384.79)(82,384.79)
Balance at the end of the year6,243,187.27-?38,816,933.1045,060,120.37




Provision for bad and doubtful debtsStage 1Stage 2Stage 3Total
12 - month ECLLifetime ECL - Not credit impairedLifetime ECL - Credit impaired
Balance at 1 January 20221,926,985.11-9,827,769.3811,754,754.49
Transfer to stage 3(44,100.99)-44,100.99-
Additions during the year1,114,629.43-10,544,835.6711,659,465.10
Recoveries or reversals during the year1,854,294.03--1,854,294.03
Written-off during the year--1,117,768.361,117,768.36
Translation differences arising from translation of foreign currency financial statements--613,095.95613,095.95
Balance at the end of the year1,143,219.52-19,912,033.6321,055,253.15



(e) Provisions for bad and doubtful debts

CategoryBalance at the beginning of the yearMovements during the yearBalance at the end of the year
ProvisionRecoveries or reversalsTransfers or write-offsTranslation differences arising from translation of foreign currency financial statements
Provision for bad and doubtful debts21,055,253.1525,354,325.13-1,267,073.12(82,384.79)45,060,120.37

(f) Others categorized by nature

Nature of other receivables20232022 (Restated)
Amounts due from related parties13,000.0013,000.00
Deposits and warranties778,478,246.68558,906,861.77
Equity transfer receivable127,489,000.0046,939,000.00
Amounts due from other entities22,355,533.2526,294,966.79
Export rebates receivables21,315,091.1614,682,360.20
Subsidies receivable3,413,994.783,266,062.09



(g) Five largest others by debtor at the end of the year


Debtor?Nature of the receivable?Balance at the end of the year?Ageing??Percentage of ending balance of others (%)Ending balance of provision for bad and doubtful debts?
The FirstDeposits331,470,360.000 - 5 years and over five years34.78-
The SecondDeposits306,216,341.550 - 2 years32.13-
The ThirdEquity transfer receivable98,400,000.00Within 1 year10.324,920,000.00
The FourthEquity transfer receivable21,494,000.003 - 4 years2.2617,500,000.00
The FifthDeposits11,830,706.000 - 2 years1.24-


Debtor?Nature of the receivable?Balance at the end of the year?Ageing??Percentage of ending balance of others (%)Ending balance of provision for bad and doubtful debts?
The FirstDeposits346,140,620.000 - 5 years and over five years50.89-
The SecondDeposits and equity transfer receivable36,781,000.001 - 3 years5.41-
The ThirdDeposits34,606,160.32Within 1 year5.09-
The FourthDeposits30,117,096.39Within 1 year4.43-
The FifthEquity transfer receivable25,445,000.001 - 2 years3.74-

8 Inventories

(1) Inventories by category:

Book valueProvision for impairment of inventoriesCarrying amountBook valueProvision for impairment of inventoriesCarrying amount
Raw materials3,340,999,537.3447,246,587.823,293,752,949.523,397,494,668.3366,094,864.243,331,399,804.09
Materials in transit481,573,852.98-481,573,852.98427,623,292.15-427,623,292.15
Goods in transit1,384,289,217.5010,022,712.441,374,266,505.06956,446,296.98-956,446,296.98
Material for consigned processing3,628,781.21-3,628,781.2112,492,071.10-12,492,071.10
Semi-finished goods3,119,086,544.63597,543,569.202,521,542,975.432,383,512,768.42164,593,515.252,218,919,253.17
Finished goods7,614,330,848.29817,244,183.216,797,086,665.085,213,614,286.35251,188,571.134,962,425,715.22

(2) Provision for impairment of inventories

ItemBalance at the beginning of the yearProvision or reversalsWritten-offTranslation differences arising from translation of foreign currency financial statementsBalance at the end of the year
Raw materials66,094,864.2418,924,221.24(37,778,923.65)6,425.9947,246,587.82
Goods in transit-9,970,922.80-51,789.6410,022,712.44
Semi-finished goods164,593,515.25432,711,030.12-239,023.83597,543,569.20
Finished goods251,188,571.13553,002,888.73(713,346.91)13,766,070.26817,244,183.21


(3) The basis for the determination of the net realisable value and the provision for impairment of inventories for the current period

ItemsBasis for the determination of the net realisable valueBasis for the determination of the provision for impairment of inventories
Raw materials and semi-finished goodsThe net realisable value shall be calculated by deducting the estimated cost of completion, estimated sale expense and relevant taxes from the estimated sale price of inventories.The sale price of a product is expected to decrease and therefore the net realisable value of the related inventories is lower than the book value.
Finished goods and goods in transitThe net realisable value shall be calculated by deducting the estimated sale expense and relevant taxes from the estimated sale price of inventories.The sale price of a product is expected to decrease and therefore the net realisable value of the related inventories is lower than the book value.

9 Contract assets

(1) Contract assets analyzed by nature as follows:

Book valueProvision for impairmentCarrying amountBook valueProvision for impairmentCarrying amount
Electricity fees due from Power Grid Companies66,861,106.031,002,916.6065,858,189.4390,890,772.511,363,361.6089,527,410.91



(2) Contract assets by provisioning method

Book valueProvision for impairmentCarrying amountBook valueProvision for impairmentCarrying amount
AmountPercentage (%)AmountPercentage (%)AmountPercentage (%)AmountPercentage (%)
Collective assessment66,861,106.03100.001,002,916.601.5065,858,189.4390,890,772.51100.001,363,361.601.5089,527,410.91
Attributable to:?????
- Electricity fees due from Power Grid Companies66,861,106.03100.001,002,916.601.5065,858,189.4390,890,772.51100.001,363,361.601.5089,527,410.91



Collective assessment:

ItemBalance at the end of the year
Contract assetsProvision for impairmentPercentage (%)
Electricity fees due from Power Grid Companies66,861,106.031,002,916.601.50


(3) Provision for impairment of contract assets:


ItemBalance at the beginning of the yearAdditions during the yearReversals during the yearTransfers out or written-off during the yearBalance at the end of the year
Electricity fees due from Power Grid Companies1,363,361.60175,705.36536,150.36-1,002,916.60




ItemBalance at the beginning of the yearAdditions during the yearReversals during the yearTransfers out or written-off during the yearBalance at the end of the year
Electricity fees due from Power Grid Companies1,057,359.82306,001.78--1,363,361.60



10 Non-current assets due within one year

Time deposits due within one year2,498,637,840.30268,477,657.97
Long-term receivables due within one year169,902,425.13-



11 Other current assets

Input VAT to be deducted/certified2,481,748,420.901,105,249,908.66
Prepaid taxes283,809,448.7599,468,490.04
Prepaid expenses30,802,023.7437,837,898.09



12 Long-term receivables

Book valueProvision for impairmentCarrying amountRange of discount rate
Receivables from Energy Performance Contracting12,792,474.02639,623.7012,152,850.324.57%
Including: Unearned finance income?3,029,068.24-?3,029,068.24?
Installment sale562,422,004.6728,121,100.23534,300,904.446.00%
Including: Unearned finance income?46,864,651.33-?46,864,651.33?
Less: Due within one year - Receivables from Energy Performance ContractingV.101,088,948.4054,447.421,034,500.984.57%
Less: Due within one year - Installment saleV.10?177,755,709.638,887,785.48168,867,924.156.00%

(1) By method of provisioning

Book valueProvision for bad and doubtful debtsCarrying amount
AmountPercentage (%)AmountPercentage (%)
Individual assessment384,666,295.0497.0519,233,314.755.00365,432,980.29
Collective assessment11,703,525.622.95585,176.285.0011,118,349.34
- Receivables from companies within the scope of consolidation-----
- Amounts due from other entities11,703,525.622.95585,176.285.0011,118,349.34

(2) Provisions for bad and doubtful debts

categoryBalance at the beginning of the yearMovements during the yearBalance at the end of the year
ProvisionRecoveries or reversalsTransfers or write-offsOther movements
Receivables from companies within the scope of consolidation-585,176.28---585,176.28
Installment sale-19,233,314.75---19,233,314.75

13 Long-term equity investments

(1) Long-term equity investments by category:

Investments in associates899,155,598.20773,754,028.19
Less: Provision for impairment--


(2) Movements of long-term equity investments during the year are as follows:

InvesteeBalance at the beginning of the yearMovements during the yearBalance at the end of the yearBalance of provision for impairment at the end of the year
Investment gains or losses recognized under equity methodOther equity movementsDeclared distribution of cash profitsTranslation differences arising from translation of foreign currency financial statements
Luoyang Jiwa Materials Technology Co., Ltd.12,987,625.951,793,717.18-?-?-?14,781,343.13-
Yuhong JA New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.5,187,921.284,872,689.63-?222,251.47-?9,838,359.44-
Datang Angli (Lingwu) New Energy Co., Ltd.43,647,362.14(3,125,170.15)5,517.553,042,037.80-?37,485,671.74-
JA Solar PV Electric (Lincheng) Co., Ltd.54,256,108.909,117,488.39415,098.57?--?63,788,695.86-
Jingguan PV Electric (Yugan Xian) Co., Ltd. (Note 2)--?---?--
Fukushima Nakamori Power Plant Contract Company (Note 1)88,191,785.045,941,262.25-?6,503,777.56(3,683,507.97)83,945,761.76-
Suzhou JSolar Incorporated41,484,649.669,601,990.706,114,757.81?--57,201,398.17-
Inner Mongolia Xinte Silicon Material Co., Ltd.527,998,575.22221,653,400.11766,798.79118,304,406.02?-632,114,368.10-



Note 1: JA Solar Japan Limited (referred to as “JA Solar Japan”) adopted an investment method of “Contract company - anonymous portfolio”,

which means that the Group does not have control of JA Solar Japan, but the Group has significant influence over it. Therefore, the equityinvestments in JA Solar Japan is accounted for using the equity method and was not incorporated into consolidated scope.

Note 2: In January 2019, Jingneng New Energy Development (Ningjin) Co., Ltd.(referred to as “Ningjin Jingneng”) made a capital contribution of

RMB 9 million to establish the Jingguan PV Electric (Yugan Xian) Co., Ltd.(referred to as “Yugan Power Station”) and held 90% of itsequity. Since the Group does not have control or common control over Yugan Power Station but has significant influence over it, the long-term equity investments in Yugan Power Station should be accounted for as associates based on equity method.

14 Investments in other equity instruments

Yonz Technology Co., Ltd.55,861,000.0027,500,800.00
Nordkette (SuZhou) Intelligent Equipment Co.,Ltd.13,803,681.075,000,000.00
Duowei Union Group Co., Ltd.30,000,000.00-



(1) Investments in other equity instruments:

ItemsReason for being designated at fair value through other comprehensive incomeDividend income recognized for the yearAccumulated gains or losses recognized in other comprehensive income (“-” for losses)Amount transferred from other comprehensive income to retained earningsReason for transferring from other comprehensive income to retained earnings
Yonz Technology Co., Ltd.With the intention of establishing or maintaining a long-term investment for strategic reasons-35,851,000.00--
Nordkette (SuZhou) Intelligent Equipment Co.,Ltd.With the intention of establishing or maintaining a long-term investment for strategic reasons-8,803,681.07--
Duowei Union Group Co., Ltd.With the intention of establishing or maintaining a long-term investment for strategic reasons----



15 Fixed assets

Item20232022 (Restated)
Fixed assets36,859,908,408.9821,445,276,087.21
Disposal of fixed assets5,966,385.613,398,426.88



(1) Details of fixed assets

?Plant & buildingsMachinery & equipmentTransportation vehiclesElectronic and office equipmentsPhotovoltaic power stationTotal
Balance at the beginning of the year (Restated)7,529,419,932.6916,672,012,701.7970,660,294.54302,544,685.714,304,833,953.9228,879,471,568.65
Additions during the year
- Purchases7,181,302.4289,305,632.989,312,658.9889,604,456.69-195,404,051.07
- Transfers from construction in progress6,366,554,220.6110,756,412,808.097,255,147.1035,308,495.414,641,013,626.7321,806,544,297.94
- Transfers from right-of-use assets-?---182,017,806.07182,017,806.07
Disposals or written-offs during the year(164,624,174.99)(2,247,978,932.34)(9,258,793.79)(41,098,255.44)(27,118,385.92)(2,490,078,542.48)
Change of consolidation scope---(87,619.46)(1,605,195,901.28)(1,605,283,520.74)
Translation differences arising from translation of foreign currency financial statements14,488,749.0929,877,217.4724,055.7396,184.75(854,737.20)43,631,469.84
Balance at the end of the year13,753,020,029.8225,299,629,427.9977,993,362.56386,367,947.667,494,696,362.3247,011,707,130.35
Accumulated depreciation??????
Balance at the beginning of the year (Restated)1,429,323,537.314,366,201,294.9834,778,162.25179,568,808.83459,394,391.766,469,266,195.13
Additions during the year??????
- Charge for the year443,669,038.032,501,751,996.7811,740,450.5460,757,312.28317,660,324.773,335,579,122.40
Disposals or written-offs during the year(69,674,404.60)(1,180,032,154.21)(7,462,102.75)(35,884,758.41)(20,204,359.20)(1,313,257,779.17)
Change of consolidation scope---(33,795.49)(54,304,841.97)(54,338,637.46)
Translation differences arising from translation of foreign currency financial statements1,249,609.875,805,039.5110,801.3518,917.72(850,715.90)6,233,652.55
Balance at the end of the year1,804,567,780.615,693,726,177.0639,067,311.39204,426,484.93701,694,799.468,443,482,553.45
Provision for impairment??????
Balance at the beginning of the year (Restated)2,428,313.22868,901,379.75183,008.911,138,851.8192,277,732.62964,929,286.31
Charge for the year-1,291,932,119.05---1,291,932,119.05
Disposals or written-offs during the year(2,428,313.22)(544,901,494.47)(113,854.91)(1,138,851.81)-(548,582,514.41)
Translation differences arising from translation of foreign currency financial statements-?37,276.97---37,276.97
Balance at the end of the year-1,615,969,281.3069,154.00-92,277,732.621,708,316,167.92
Carrying amounts??????
At the end of the year11,948,452,249.2117,989,933,969.6338,856,897.17181,941,462.736,700,723,830.2436,859,908,408.98
At the beginning of the year (Restated)6,097,668,082.1611,436,910,027.0635,699,123.38121,837,025.073,753,161,829.5421,445,276,087.21


(2) Impairment loss on fixed assets

The Group perform impairment tests for PERC battery and module production lines which show clear indication of impairment, and the recoverableamounts of long-term assets are determined on their fair values less costs to sell.

ItemCarrying amountRecoverable amountImpairmentBasis for the determination of the fair value and costs to sellKey parameter and basis of determination
Machinery & equipment3,594,133,174.882,325,122,141.001,291,932,119.05Fair value is based on the expected future use of the asset, taking into account recent market prices for similar assets and taking into account residue ratio of the asset as well as the cost of disposal of retired fixed assets. Costs to sell are related to the disposal of assets.1)residue ratio is based on the expected future use of the asset and its physical condition, 2) the price of scrapped asset is determined based on the Company's historical disposal recovery value and the comparable market value, and 3) the costs to sell include the costs of disposal and related taxes, and direct costs that are necessary to prepare the asset for sale.

(3) Temporarily idle fixed assets

ItemCostAccumulated depreciationProvision for impairmentCarrying amount
Plant & buildings168,693,813.32113,196,255.55-55,497,557.77
Machinery & equipment616,351,005.21345,340,745.37248,953,700.0622,056,559.78
Electronic and office equipments1,014,388.811,014,388.81--



(4) Fixed assets leased out under operating leases

ItemPlant & buildings
Balance at the beginning of the year62,083,057.80
Additions during the year23,084,337.23
Disposals or written-offs during the year(13,509,150.84)
Balance at the end of the year71,658,244.19
Accumulated depreciation?
Balance at the beginning of the year41,906,063.25
Additions during the year18,806,548.25
Disposals or written-offs during the year(9,118,676.82)
Balance at the end of the year51,593,934.68
Carrying amounts?
At the end of the year20,064,309.51
At the beginning of the year20,176,994.55



(5) Fixed assets pending certificates of ownership

ItemCarrying amountReason why certificates of ownership are pending
Plant & buildings6,692,645,792.10Self-built new buildings which certificates of ownership are being applied and the buildings constructed by the governments agency



(6) Disposal of fixed assets

Disposal of fixed assets5,966,385.613,398,426.88



16 Construction in progress

?Note20232022 (Restated)
Construction in progress(1)9,740,436,205.072,655,480,839.82
Construction materials(3)-?310,520.34


(1) Construction in progress

Project20232022 (Restated)
Book valueProvision for impairmentCarrying amountBook valueProvision for impairmentCarrying amount
Baotou JA Solar (3th) 20GW pulled crystal and slicing project1,515,487,056.22-1,515,487,056.22513,330,484.07-513,330,484.07
Shijiazhuang annual output of 10GW slicing and 10GW batteries project1,459,815,513.28-1,459,815,513.28---
Yangzhou annual output of 10GW solar batteries project1,215,087,279.43-1,215,087,279.43---
Qujing Technology 10GW high-efficiency batteries and 5GW high-efficiency modules project1,208,542,355.14-1,208,542,355.142,923,180.14-2,923,180.14
Dongtai annual output of 10GW batteries and 10GW modules project855,565,384.64-855,565,384.64---
Photovoltaic power station848,002,989.74-848,002,989.7443,710,167.31-43,710,167.31
Annual output of 10GW high-efficiency batteries project725,360,379.72-725,360,379.72---
Yangzhou annual output of 2GW high-efficiency batteries project280,723,609.76-280,723,609.76---
Inner Mongolia annual output of 5GW modules project266,024,527.70-266,024,527.70---
High-efficiency solar cells R&D pilot project168,821,040.36-168,821,040.3662,951,218.47-62,951,218.47
New Energy Technology Institute project phase 1115,248,128.17-115,248,128.177,438,460.46-7,438,460.46
JA Solar NE VietNam (2nd) silicon wafer upgrade project114,005,891.82-114,005,891.8260,628,921.87-60,628,921.87
Wuxi JA Waylion annual output of 500 monocrystalline furnaces and 100 tons of silver paste project108,226,878.63-108,226,878.63---
Ningjin 5GW slice and 6GW high-efficiency batteries project77,857,619.24-77,857,619.241,190,000.00-1,190,000.00
Qujing JA Solar 20GW monocrystalline silicon rods and annual 20GW monocrystalline silicon rods and wafers project75,085,275.40-75,085,275.40191,220,340.56-191,220,340.56
Hefei 11GW high-power module expansion project73,150,489.16-73,150,489.1625,613,605.02-25,613,605.02
Installing equipment57,301,658.09-57,301,658.0961,954,042.68-61,954,042.68
Donghai 15GW velum project31,081,185.72-31,081,185.72---
Xingtai Module 5GW solar cells and modules project20,337,627.51-20,337,627.51109,157,000.70-109,157,000.70
Yangzhou Module annual 6GW high-performance solar modules project14,893,990.30-14,893,990.3032,077,861.45-32,077,861.45
Vietnam annual 3.5GW batteries project14,547,680.37-14,547,680.3780,595,014.58-80,595,014.58
Xingtai Module workshop renovation13,550,354.39-13,550,354.39---
Xuanhua County JA Solar 1GW solar module production project62,748,077.4453,211,178.399,536,899.0562,565,206.3353,211,178.399,354,027.94
Ningjin 1.3GW high-efficiency battery project7,742,386.45-7,742,386.4531,714,354.19-31,714,354.19
Kangbao module annual production of 1GW solar module project39,011,575.7232,439,027.076,572,548.6538,973,101.3632,439,027.076,534,074.29
Yiwu 5GW high-efficiency battery project5,679,375.65-5,679,375.656,317,859.72-6,317,859.72
Vietnam JA Solar (1st) silicon wafer upgrade project5,493,677.34-5,493,677.3478,794,345.66-78,794,345.66
Yiwu Jingcheng 10GW modules and supporting project4,269,276.73-4,269,276.7372,932,287.73-72,932,287.73
Yiwu annual output of 5GW high-efficiency batteries and 10GW high-efficiency modules and supporting projects1,295,575.24-1,295,575.2443,295,686.94-43,295,686.94
Vietnam annual 3.5GW high-power module project1,265,401.27-1,265,401.2732,861,186.82-32,861,186.82
Chaoyang Xinghua photovoltaic power station project---17,634,483.88-?17,634,483.88
Tuquan 200MW PV power storage and generation project---925,992,909.14-925,992,909.14
Other projects460,946,286.6021,082,136.70439,864,149.90258,341,462.9021,082,136.70237,259,326.20



(2) Movements of major construction projects in progress during the year

ProjectBudget (In RMB10,000)Balance at the beginning of the yearAdditions during the yearTransfers to fixed assetsOther decreasesBalance at the end of the yearPercentage of actual cost to budget (%)Project progress (%)Accumulated capitalised interestPercentage of actual cost to budget (%)Interest rate for capitalisation in 2023 (%)Sources of funding
Baotou JA Solar (3th) 20GW pulled crystal and slicing project440,660.62513,330,484.072,099,104,908.911,096,948,336.76-1,515,487,056.2273.06%73.06%---Fund raising and self-financing
Shijiazhuang annual output of 10GW slicing and 10GW batteries project363,708.97-3,471,889,257.262,012,073,743.98-1,459,815,513.2895.46%95.46%---Self-financing
Yangzhou annual output of 10GW solar batteries project212,829.32-1,488,431,336.84273,344,057.41-1,215,087,279.4369.94%69.94%---Self-financing
Qujing Technology 10GW high-efficiency batteries and 5GW high-efficiency modules project400,315.122,923,180.143,325,172,963.722,119,553,788.72-1,208,542,355.1483.14%83.14%---Fund raising and self-financing
Dongtai annual output of 10GW batteries and 10GW modules project496,571.91-4,643,784,245.773,788,218,861.13-855,565,384.6493.52%93.52%---Self-financing
Annual output of 10GW high-efficiency batteries project204,476.46-1,749,063,473.631,023,703,093.91-725,360,379.7285.54%85.54%---Fund raising and self-financing
High-efficiency solar cells R&D pilot project35,548.0062,951,218.47196,559,839.7075,893,026.6614,796,991.15168,821,040.3695.34%95.34%---Fund raising and self-financing
Ningjin 5GW slice and 6GW high-efficiency batteries project190,085.071,190,000.001,722,668,157.741,646,000,538.50-77,857,619.2490.69%90.69%---Self-financing
Qujing JA Solar 20GW monocrystalline silicon rods and annual 20GW monocrystalline silicon rods and wafers project425,333.44191,220,340.5689,419,424.72205,554,489.88-75,085,275.4089.67%89.67%---Fund raising and self-financing



(3) Construction materials

Book valueProvision for impairmentCarrying amountBook valueProvision for impairmentCarrying amount
Construction materials---310,520.34-310,520.34



17 Right-of-use assets

(1) As a lessee

ItemPlant & buildingsLand use rightsMachinery & equipmentTransportation vehiclesElectronic equipment and othersPhotovoltaic power stationTotal
Balance at the beginning of the year759,421,705.35471,793,229.66-40,303,634.54136,406.68399,763,511.241,671,418,487.47
Additions during the year615,143,306.3614,323,502.6346,386,121.0924,267,259.67111,503.35368,907.97700,600,601.07
(1) Leases611,943,424.0611,822,808.2746,093,696.2024,253,754.0344,557.36368,907.97694,527,147.89
(2) Others3,199,882.302,500,694.36292,424.8913,505.6466,945.99-6,073,453.18
Decreases during the year(260,853,698.74)(81,551,658.14)(193,415.40)(13,648,344.29)(5,898.33)(236,711,040.15)(592,964,055.05)
(1) Transferred to fixed assets-----(236,711,040.15)(236,711,040.15)
(2) Disposals(43,465,302.28)(74,613,466.33)-(2,426,476.26)--(120,505,244.87)
(3) Expiration of lease(213,978,466.41)(5,381,630.86)-(11,220,966.19)--(230,581,063.46)
(4) Others(3,409,930.05)(1,556,560.95)(193,415.40)(901.84)(5,898.33)-(5,166,706.57)
Balance at the end of the year1,113,711,312.97404,565,074.1546,192,705.6950,922,549.92242,011.70163,421,379.061,779,055,033.49
Accumulated depreciation???????
Balance at the beginning of the year228,105,996.0324,193,032.80-19,952,203.3671,724.3967,555,336.87339,878,293.45
Additions during the year159,052,310.2223,700,116.451,892,094.4115,746,235.0847,354.2013,546,205.82213,984,316.18
(1) Provision158,712,348.5323,700,116.451,892,094.4115,694,304.2647,354.2013,546,205.82213,592,423.67
(2) Others339,961.69--51,930.82--391,892.51
Decreases during the year(251,660,306.31)(9,591,623.71)-(12,006,157.01)(3,045.48)(55,393,477.87)(328,654,610.38)
(1) Transferred to fixed assets-----(55,393,477.87)(55,393,477.87)
(2) Disposals(35,076,182.29)(4,202,309.49)-(646,435.48)--(39,924,927.26)
(3) Expiration of lease(213,978,466.41)(5,381,630.86)-(11,220,966.19)--(230,581,063.46)
(4) Others(2,605,657.61)(7,683.36)-(138,755.34)(3,045.48)-(2,755,141.79)
Balance at the end of the year135,497,999.9438,301,525.541,892,094.4123,692,281.43116,033.1125,708,064.82225,207,999.25
Provision for impairment???????
Balance at the beginning of the year4,561,837.20-----4,561,837.20
Additions during the year-------
(1) Provision-------
Decreases during the year(4,561,837.20)-----(4,561,837.20)
(1) Disposals(4,561,837.20)-----(4,561,837.20)
Balance at the end of the year-------
Carrying amount???????
At the end of the year978,213,313.03366,263,548.6144,300,611.2827,230,268.49125,978.59137,713,314.241,553,847,034.24
At the beginning of the year526,753,872.12447,600,196.86-20,351,431.1864,682.29332,208,174.371,326,978,356.82

For the Group's specific arrangements relating to leasing activities, refer to note V.66.

18 Intangible assets

(1) Intangible assets

ItemLand use rightsPatent rightKnow-howSoftwareOwnership of landOther intangible assetsTotal
Balance at the beginning of the year (Restated)1,467,851,621.467,660,254.9612,792,901.16123,728,673.86956,891.1422,120,650.101,635,110,992.68
Additions during the year???????
- Purchases794,869,973.32106,415,833.32-66,442,354.57-341,704.63968,069,865.84
- Translation differences arising from translation of foreign currency financial statements2,378,254.80--77,253.53-(92,715.97)2,362,792.36
Decreases during the year???????
- Disposals---(99,056.60)-(99,056.61)(198,113.21)
- Change of consolidation scope(776,201.82)-----(776,201.82)
Balance at the end of the year2,264,323,647.76114,076,088.2812,792,901.16190,149,225.36956,891.1422,270,582.152,604,569,335.85
Accumulated amortization???????
Balance at the beginning of the year (Restated)154,904,756.844,754,749.9412,792,901.1665,842,565.64-7,355,909.53245,650,883.11
Additions during the year???????
- Charge for the year42,242,319.1219,948,333.35-29,973,700.97-3,857,013.7696,021,367.20
- Translation differences arising from translation of foreign currency financial statements219,614.91--24,155.51-(33,916.87)209,853.55
Decreases during the year???????
- Disposals---(75,943.24)--(75,943.24)
- Change of consolidation scope(20,698.72)-----(20,698.72)
Balance at the end of the year197,345,992.1524,703,083.2912,792,901.1695,764,478.88-11,179,006.42341,785,461.90
Carrying amounts???????
At the end of the year2,066,977,655.6189,373,004.99-94,384,746.48956,891.1411,091,575.732,262,783,873.95
At the beginning of the year1,312,946,864.622,905,505.02-57,886,108.22956,891.1414,764,740.571,389,460,109.57



The Group does not have any intangible asset arising from internal development.

(2) Land use rights pending certificates of ownership

ProjectCarrying amountReason why certificates of ownership are pending
Land use rights406,998,076.10Mainly are the land use rights newly added in the current period and being purchased and delivered by the government



19 Long-term deferred expenses

ItemBalance at the beginning of the year (Restated)Additions during the yearAmortization for the yearBalance at the end of the year
Installing expense4,093,790.4453,397.192,084,330.192,062,857.44
Reconstruction expense183,929,584.0436,711,929.07111,844,676.00108,796,837.11
Decoration expense21,238,338.697,709,741.056,111,877.7922,836,201.95
Graphite pieces, thermal field and other expense167,329,362.91369,151,436.21246,740,719.87289,740,079.25



20 Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

(1) Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

Item20232022 (Restated)
Temporary differencesDeferred taxTemporary differencesDeferred tax
Deferred tax assets:??
Asset depreciation and amortization616,722,651.2794,454,204.39338,441,617.5650,766,242.63
Provision for impairment of assets2,149,682,987.21328,283,337.591,062,205,243.11159,439,412.41
Accrued expenses20,856,044.353,128,406.6554,291,572.438,143,735.86
Unrealized profits of intra-group transactions3,825,527,352.33512,591,208.002,928,730,389.11470,759,959.02
Deferred income458,514,947.4468,956,734.17395,065,585.3260,319,666.87
Deductible tax losses498,415,392.0776,214,077.101,205,081,702.15181,870,431.53
Lease liabilities1,243,728,176.84213,028,366.34982,984,180.18155,652,861.20
Share-based payment8,971,787.661,822,795.46364,003,590.1359,963,805.42
Changes in fair value of derivative financial liabilities--36,411,244.435,461,686.66
Amount offset3,460,182,599.23553,014,372.512,687,373,630.32411,931,754.00
Balance after offsetting6,577,323,092.26932,781,800.675,523,367,254.67866,974,911.68
Deferred tax liabilities????
Capitalization of interest78,043,862.9211,918,451.0099,560,017.7315,174,063.48
Right-of-use assets1,235,044,161.06211,480,514.11977,218,650.59154,771,607.19
Asset depreciation and amortization5,760,273,955.28868,809,505.054,313,973,352.93650,744,798.98
Changes in fair value of investments in other equity instruments44,654,681.0711,163,670.277,490,800.001,872,700.00
Changes in fair value of derivative financial assets7,389,914.401,108,487.16--
Convertible bonds600,567,739.20150,141,934.80--
Installment sale92,818,697.7123,204,674.43-?-?
Amount offset3,460,182,599.23553,014,372.512,687,373,630.32411,931,754.00
Balance after offsetting4,358,610,412.41724,812,864.312,710,869,190.93410,631,415.65



(2) Details of unrecognized deferred tax assets

Item20232022 (Restated)
Deductible temporary differences2,685,533,684.78?3,995,681,810.24
Deductible tax losses3,603,443,193.26?1,318,325,294.74



(3) Expiration of deductible tax losses for unrecognized deferred tax assets

Year20232022 (Restated)
Years afterwards2,453,471,816.51?925,785,288.15



21 Other non-current assets

Book valueProvision for impairmentCarrying amountBook valueProvision for impairmentCarrying amount
Prepayments for equity investments165,000,000.00-165,000,000.00165,000,000.00-165,000,000.00
Prepayments for long-term assets and raw materials1,304,517,312.54-1,304,517,312.54646,409,190.30-646,409,190.30
Input VAT to be deducted/certified62,806,986.34-62,806,986.34---
Pledge time deposits of more than 1 year5,269,208,573.03-5,269,208,573.034,865,582,109.95-4,865,582,109.95
Less: Time deposits due within one year2,498,637,840.30-2,498,637,840.30268,477,657.97-268,477,657.97


22 Assets with restrictive ownership titles or right-of-use

Book valueCarrying amountRestriction typesReason for restrictionBook valueCarrying amountRestriction typesReason for restriction
Cash at bank and on hand9,225,344,774.409,225,344,774.40PledgeDeposits, etc6,063,162,734.636,063,162,734.63PledgeDeposits, etc
Fixed assets5,373,103,863.734,254,272,062.52MortgageLoan secured by mortgages, finance leases and government agency construction, etc4,702,460,039.513,734,756,759.28MortgageLoan secured by mortgages, finance leases and government agency construction, etc
Intangible assets453,873,160.38392,438,094.97MortgageLoan secured by mortgages and government agency construction, etc397,613,403.05333,554,927.60MortgageLoan secured by mortgages and government agency construction, etc
Bills receivable155,083,276.94155,018,442.36PledgeOutstanding endorsed or discounted bills that have not matured at the end of the year91,248,544.6291,248,544.62PledgeOutstanding endorsed or discounted bills that have not matured at the end of the year
Accounts receivable406,188,266.96400,095,442.96PledgeLoan secured by pledges and finance leases459,772,534.13452,875,946.12PledgeLoan secured by pledges and finance leases
Receivables under financing174,350,594.00174,350,594.00PledgeBills pledge----
Non-current assets due within one year2,498,637,840.302,498,637,840.30PledgeDeposits, etc268,477,657.97268,477,657.97PledgeDeposits, etc
Other non-current assets2,770,570,732.732,770,570,732.73PledgeDeposits, etc4,597,104,451.984,597,104,451.98PledgeDeposits, etc

23 Short-term loans

(1) Short-term loans by category:

Credit loans706,735,733.19-
Guaranteed loans260,827,484.01602,297,060.70
Pledged loans6,483,457.881,137,939,376.85
Guarantees and mortgages-38,270,682.77
Guaranteed and pledged loans4,544,400.004,069,945.00
Guaranteed, mortgaged and pledged loans-4,565,000.00



Guaranteed loans are obtained by the Company and the Group's subsidiaries as guaranteesfor their subsidiaries.

24 Derivative financial liabilities

Foreign currency derivatives-113,064,066.74



25 Bills payable

Bank acceptance bills18,480,904,576.5013,418,146,649.03
Commercial acceptance bills128,392,037.35-



There is no due but unpaid bill payable at the end of the year. The bills above are all due withinone year.

26 Accounts payable

Item20232022 (Restated)
Payable for materials and service fees8,816,378,706.335,155,050,686.52



27 Contract liabilities

Advances for goods4,872,292,085.695,388,228,068.95



28 Employee benefits payable

(1) Employee benefits payable

ItemsBalance at the beginning of the year (Restated)Accrued during the yearDecreased during the yearBalance at the end of the year
Short-term employee benefits(2)804,743,478.305,457,167,118.185,197,763,595.681,064,147,000.80
Post-employment benefits - defined contribution plans(3)7,602,948.06371,147,729.42367,425,492.4511,325,185.03
Termination benefits3,657,113.424,029,524.537,401,945.42284,692.53



(2) Short-term employee benefits

ItemsBalance at the beginning of the year (Restated)Accrued during the yearDecreased during the yearBalance at the end of the year
Salaries, bonuses, allowances and subsidies716,748,029.954,834,388,871.854,523,726,978.561,027,409,923.24
Staff welfare56,284,197.34196,478,879.17247,775,861.404,987,215.11
Social insurance????
- Medical insurance5,786,505.61187,653,582.79187,707,863.725,732,224.68
- Work-related injury insurance143,735.2511,811,929.8111,751,544.35204,120.71
- Maternity insurance8,924.829,714,481.219,669,544.1053,861.93
Housing fund5,421,525.11165,458,412.55162,746,833.758,133,103.91
Labour union fee, staff and workers’ education fee20,350,560.2251,660,960.8054,384,969.8017,626,551.22



(3) Post-employment benefits - defined contribution plans

ItemBalance at the beginning of the yearAccrued during the yearDecreased during the yearBalance at the end of the year
Basic pension insurance7,294,294.20358,307,226.20354,730,582.7110,870,937.69
Unemployment insurance308,653.8612,840,503.2212,694,909.74454,247.34



29 Taxes payable

Item20232022 (Restated)
Corporate income tax231,234,915.34305,156,253.20
Value-added tax (VAT)159,901,779.5568,058,637.75
Stamp duty35,611,976.4537,241,414.45
Individual income tax22,327,570.8019,699,732.09
Property tax18,897,603.635,410,147.32
Land use tax10,145,004.022,334,168.16
Urban maintenance and construction tax5,405,270.643,319,668.81
Education surcharges4,009,137.162,537,355.90
River management fees1,502,546.471,459,626.33
Consumption tax1,122,080.531,654,400.54



30 Other payables

?Note20232022 (Restated)
Dividends payable(1)252,599,002.2415,490,934.75



(1) Dividends payable

KEI CHEONG(HK) Co., Ltd.89,261,071.5015,147,553.25
China Orient Asset Management Co., Ltd.121,666,399.00-
ABC Financial Asset Investment Co., Ltd.30,416,599.75-?
Hong Kong Jinhua Semiconductor Materials Corporation11,254,931.99343,381.50

(2) Others

Details of others by nature are as follows:

Items20232022 (Restated)
Equipment and construction fee11,650,444,216.923,851,675,178.24
Freight, customs declaration service fees1,776,829,893.141,204,556,027.26
Amounts due to other entities40,007,182.45123,428,658.06
Deposits, security deposit513,682,964.24304,786,138.70
Repurchase obligation of restricted shares136,159,795.49154,494,371.80



31 Non-current liabilities due within one year

Non-current liabilities due within one year by category are as follows:

Long-term loans due within one year228,796,034.14480,815,951.32
Debentures payable due within one year8,150,197.69-
Long-term payables due within one year364,871,521.03469,000,450.08
Lease liabilities due within one year222,489,413.91304,171,449.74
Other long-term liabilities due within one year (Notes)-651,054,794.56



Note 1: Yangzhou Battery signed a construction assignment agreement with Yangzhou

Lingang Construction and Development Co., Ltd. in October 2017. According to theagreement, as the consignee of “JA No.11 High-efficiency Battery Workshop andAuxiliary Building Project”, Yangzhou Lingang construction and development Co., Ltd.should assist the management committee in fund raising, payment and supervision,and assist in construction site management. Five years after the first payment ofYangzhou Lingang Construction and Development Co., Ltd.,and Yangzhou Batteryshall have a bullet repay without interest. As of 31 December 2023, “JA No.11 High-efficiency Battery Workshop and Auxiliary Building Project” has been completed.Yangzhou Lingang Construction and Development Co., Ltd. has raised a total ofRMB150,000,000.00 for the project, which was settled by Yangzhou Battery in April2023.

Note 2: On 29 June 2021, ICBC Financial Asset Investment Co., Ltd. signed a capital increase

agreement with Hefei JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd. ICBC Financial Asset InvestmentCo., Ltd. increased the capital of Hefei JA Solar by RMB1,000,000,000.00. After thecapital increase, the registered capital of Hefei JA Solar is changed from RMB1.822billion to RMB2.167 billion. The equity proportion of ICBC Financial Asset InvestmentCo., Ltd. is 15.93%, and the investment income of ICBC Financial Asset InvestmentCo., Ltd. is limited to the dividend target agreed herein (the expected annual returnrate is 7%). Equity withdrawal: Upon mutual agreement, JA Solar Technology Co.,Ltd. can acquire Hefei JA Solar’s equity held by ICBC Financial Asset Investment Co.,Ltd. through a private placement, and ICBC Financial Asset Investment Co., Ltd. willwithdraw its equity through the secondary market in the future. ICBC Financial AssetInvestment Co., Ltd. will increase its stake after implement exit in transfer way whichinvolving the rights and obligations of the Company and the actual controller, to thisagreement and ICBC Financial Asset Investment Co., Ltd., JA Solar Co., Ltd., JinBaofang, Jin Junmiao and JA Solar Technology Yangzhou Co., Ltd. shall be signedby the Shareholders’ Agreement shall prevail. On 18 February 2022, the Group paidICBC Financial Asset Investment Co., Ltd. RMB500,000,000.00 to repurchase 7.97%equities of Hefei JA Solar it held. After the repurchase, ICBC Financial AssetInvestment Co., Ltd. held 7.97% equities. On 30 June 2023, the Group paid ICBCFinancial Asset Investment Co., Ltd. RMB500,000,000.00 to repurchase 7.97%equities of Hefei JA Solar it held. After that, ICBC Financial Asset Investment Co., Ltd.will no longer hold the equity interest in Hefei JA Solar.

32 Other current liabilities

Pending output VAT228,496,447.73365,369,574.18



33 Long-term loans

Credit loans50,000,000.00-
Guaranteed loans543,352,351.74627,854,370.82
Guarantees and mortgages-243,985,740.14
Guaranteed and pledged loans1,069,255,555.11936,917,430.43
Guaranteed, mortgaged and pledged loans43,040,000.00448,646,056.17
Less: Long-term loans due within one yearV.31228,796,034.14480,815,951.32
Including: Guaranteed loans due within one year191,624,178.73299,697,035.14
Guarantees and mortgages due within one year-32,216,882.81
Guaranteed and pledged loans due within one year37,171,855.4144,471,589.00
Guaranteed, mortgaged and pledged loans due within one year-104,430,444.37



Guaranteed loans are obtained by the Company and the Group's subsidiaries as guaranteesfor their subsidiaries.

34 Debentures payable

(1) Debentures payable

Convertible bonds8,359,739,960.81-

(2) Details of debentures payable

DebentureFace valueIssuance dateMaturity periodIssuance amountBalance at the beginning of the yearIssuance during the yearInterest at face valueAmortisation of discounts or premiumRepayment during the yearBalance at the end of the yearDefault (Y/N)
JA Convertible Bonds100.0018 July 2023Six years8,960,307,700.00-8,237,817,094.548,150,197.69130,073,063.968,150,197.698,359,739,960.81N?

(3) Description of Conditions for conversion and timing of convertible bonds

In accordance with the resolutions of the 36th Meeting of the 5th Board of Directors of JA SolarTechnology held on 25 August 2022 and the 24th Meeting of the 5th Supervisory Committeeheld on the same date, and the resolution of its 1st Extraordinary General Meeting ofShareholders of 2022 held on 13 September 2022, as well as the resolution of the 28th Meetingof the Listing Committee of Shenzhen Stock Exchange held on 27 April 2023, plus the Approvalof the Registration of the Issuance of Convertible Bonds to Public by JA Solar Technology Co.,Ltd. By the CSRC (Zheng Jian Xu Ke No.1164 [2023]), JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd. haspublicly issued RMB8.96 billion convertible bonds. Fund raised amounted to RMB8.93 billionafter costs of issuance (RMB26.46 million). The convertible bonds have been listed and tradedon the Shenzhen Stock Exchange since 4 August 2023, with the abbreviation of "JAConvertible Bonds" and the bond code of "127089".

According to the Prospectus of JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd. on Issuance of ConvertibleBonds to the Public, the initial conversion price of the convertible bonds is RMB38.78 per share.The coupon rate of the convertible bonds is 0.20% for the first year, 0.40% for the second year,

0.60% for the third year, 1.50% for the fourth year, 1.80% for the fifth year and 2.00% for thesixth year.

The issuance ended on 24 July 2023. The conversion period starts from 24 January 2024 (thefirst trading day six months after 24 July 2023) to 17 July 2029 (the maturity date of theconvertible bond).

In 2023, the Company recognised other equity instruments of RMB515,408,280.06 relating tothe issuance of convertible bonds.

35 Lease liabilities

Long-term lease liabilities?1,375,781,457.391,031,646,335.92
Less: Lease liabilities due within one yearV.31222,489,413.91304,171,449.74

See Note V 66 for specific arrangements regarding the Group’s leases.

36 Long-term payables

Long-term payables4,359,874,503.932,612,101,405.39
Less: Long-term payables due within one yearV.31364,871,521.03469,000,450.08



37 Provisions

ItemBalance at the beginning of the yearAdditions during the yearReductions during the yearTranslation differences arising from translation of foreign currency financial statementsBalance at the end of the yearReasons for the provision
Warranties for product quality1,139,398,304.79390,873,089.5213,983,449.672,685,747.061,518,973,691.70?
Outstanding litigation90,739,769.78-95,184,259.214,444,489.43-Note?



Note: As at 31 December 2023, the Group has no provisions arising from outstanding

litigation. JA Solar GmbH was in dispute with its customer over a module supplycontract signed between the two parties on 26 October 2020. The customer has appliedto International Chamber of Commerce (hereinafter referred to as “ICC”) for arbitration.The Company received a notice of acceptance from ICC on 10 January 2022 and asof reporting date, JA Solar GmbH has won the arbitration. JA Solar International Limitedwas in dispute with its customer over a module supply contract signed between the twoparties on 17 September 2021. The customer has applied to Singapore InternationalArbitration Centre (hereinafter referred to as “SIAC”) for arbitration. The Companyreceived a notice of acceptance from SIAC on 1 July 2022 and as of 31 December2023, the case has settled.

38 Deferred income

ItemBalance at the beginning of the yearAdditions during the yearReductions during the yearBalance at the end of the year
Government grant611,231,908.32768,880,895.00479,206,198.83900,906,604.49
Unrealized profit from long-term investment under equity method104,857,809.09939,410.62-105,797,219.71



39 Other non-current liabilities

Other non-current liabilities83,875,914.00183,875,914.00



Note 1: Yangzhou Battery signed a repurchase agreement for project construction with

Yangzhou Lingang Construction and Development Co., Ltd. in March 2020. Accordingto the agreement, Yangzhou Lingang Construction and Development Co., Ltd. isresponsible for “JA Solar (Yangzhou) Solar Technology Co., Ltd. annual 4GW High-performance solar photovoltaic module project” agency construction fund raising anduse supervision, and timely payment of agency construction funds according to thecontract and the actual progress of the project, the total amount of project funds raisedis not more than RMB250 million. The use period of Yangzhou Battery’scommissioned construction funds for the project is 5 years. It will be calculated inbatches from the date when the funds arrive in the jointly managed account of bothparties. After each commissioned construction fund expires, it will be paid in one lumpsum without any interest. Yangzhou Lingang construction and development Co., Ltd.has raised funds of RMB183,875,914.00 for the project. As of 31 December 2023,Yangzhou Battery has repayed RMB100 million.

40 Share capital

ItemBalance at the beginning of the yearChanges during the year: Increase / (Decrease)Balance at the end of the year
Issuance of new sharesBonus sharesTransfer from reservesOthersSub-total
Total shares2,356,345,036.0017,215,966.00-942,715,373.00(16,542.00)959,914,797.003,316,259,833.00



1. As at 31 December 2023, the number of stock options exercised under the first grant

and the reserved grant of the 2020 Stock Option and Restricted Stock Incentive Planand the 2022 Stock Option Incentive Plan of the Company was 13,815,966.00, and theshare capital has accordingly increased by RMB13,815,966.00. As at 31 December2023, under the Restricted Stock Incentive Plan issued to the employees of the Group,3,400,000.00 shares have been subscribed and the share capital has accordinglyincreased by RMB3,400,000.00;

2. The 2022 Proposal on the Distribution of Profit and Conversion of Capital Reserve into

Share Capital (“Proposal 2022”) was approved in the 4h Meeting of the 6th Board ofDirectors of the Company held on 22 March 2023. In accordance with Proposal 2022,based on the total share capital as at the date of share registration at the time ofimplementation of the distribution plan, RMB2.4 (before tax) of cash dividend for every10 shares will be distributed to all shareholders; 4 shares for every 10 shares will betransferred to all shareholders by transferring the share premium in the capital reservewith no bonus shares, and the remaining undistributed profits will be carried forward fordistribution in subsequent years. The Proposal 2022 was approved by the 2022 AnnualGeneral Meeting of Shareholders held on 13 April 2023. After the implementation of theequity distribution plan, the share capital was increased by RMB942,715,373.00;

3. Pursuant to the Proposal on the Repurchase and Cancellation of Certain Restricted

Shares that Have Been Granted But Not Released approved by the 4th Meeting of the6th Board of Directors and the the 6th Supervisory Committee held on 22 March 2023,the Announcement of Resolutions of the 2022 General Meeting of Shareholdersapproved by the 2022 General Meeting of Shareholders held on 13 April 2023, as wellas the Proposal on the Adjustment of the Number and Price of Interests Related to the2020 Stock Option and Restricted Stock Incentive Plan approved by the 5th Meeting ofthe 6th Board of Directors and the 5th Meeting of the 6th Supervisory Committee heldon 26 April 2023, the Company completed the corresponding restricted sharecancellation plan on 12 June 2023 by repurchasing 3,920.00 restricted shares that havenot been released from resigning employees at a price of RMB3.76 per share, and theshare capital decreased by RMB3,920.00;

4. Pursuant to the Proposal on the Repurchase and Cancellation of Certain Restricted

Shares that Have Been Granted But Not Released approved by the 11th Meeting of the6th Board of Directors and the 9th meeting of the 6th Supervisory Committee held on 30August 2023, and the Announcement of Resolutions of the 3rd Extraordinary GeneralMeeting of Shareholders of 2023 approved by the 2023 Extraordinary General Meetingof Shareholders held on 18 September 2023, the Company completed the correspondingrestricted share cancellation plan on 22 December 2023 by repurchasing 12,622.00restricted shares that have not been released from resigning employees at a price ofRMB3.76 per share, and the share capital decreased by RMB12,622.00.

41 Other equity instruments

(1) Financial instruments (including preference shares and perpetual bonds) that remain

outstanding at the end of the year are set out as follows:

Outstanding financial instrumentsIssuance dateAccounting classificationDividend or interest rateIssuance priceQuantityAmountMaturity date or renewal statusConditions for conversionConversion status
JA Convertible Bonds18 July 2023Other equity instruments0.20%-2.00%100.0089,603,077.00515,408,280.0617 July 2029The conversion period starts from 24 January 2024 (the first trading day six months after 24 July 2023)Conversion not started



(2) Movement of the financial instruments (including preference shares and perpetual bonds)

that remain outstanding at the end of the year:

Outstanding financial instrumentsAt the beginning of the yearAdditions during the yearReductions during the yearAt the end of the year
QuantityCarrying valueQuantityCarrying valueQuantityCarrying valueQuantityCarrying value
JA Convertible Bonds--89,603,077.00515,408,280.06--89,603,077.00515,408,280.06



42 Capital reserve

ItemBalance at the beginning of the year (Restated)Additions during the yearReductions during the yearBalance at the end of the year
Share premium13,695,660,891.90631,861,872.811,033,862,190.3413,293,660,574.37
Other capital reserves303,627,620.36270,380,734.51117,050,776.86456,957,578.01



As of 31 December 2023, the reason for changes in the Group’s capital reserves are asfollows:

1. Since the exercise conditions of the 2020 Stock Options and Restricted Share Incentive

Plan are met, the number of the exercised stock options during the year was13,815,966.00 shares as of 31 December 2023, resulting an increase ofRMB121,138,786.40 in the share premium under the capital reserve.

2. The Company issued an equity incentive plan to motivate employees of the Company

and its subsidiaries to settle with its own equity instruments, resulting an increase ofRMB263,078,561.80 in the other capital reserves under the capital reserve.

3. Due to the resignation of the incentive objects, the Company has repurchased and

cancelled 16,542.00 restricted shares granted but not released, resulting a decrease ofRMB45,655.92 in the share premium under the capital reserve.

4. As of 31 December 2023, since the exercise and release conditions of the Company’s

2020 Stock Options and Restricted Shares Incentive Plan are met in 2022, the othercapital reserves under the capital reserve has been decreased by RMB117,050,776.86and the other share premium under the capital reserve has been increased byRMB117,050,776.86.

5. In February 2023, the Company's subsidiary Shijiazhuang JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd.

merged with Shijiazhuang JA PV Technology Co., Ltd. (a company under commoncontrol) for a consideration of RMB56 million, resulting in an decrease of RMB56 millionin the share premium under the capital reserve.

6. On 13 April 2023, the Company conversed capital reserve into share capital, resulting a

decrease of RMB942,715,373.00 in the share premium under the capital reserve.

7. In June 2023, the subsidiary of the Group, Yiwu JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd., introduced

non-controlling shareholders, resulting in an increase of RMB341,828,500.26 in theshare premium under the capital reserve.

8. The Company issued the Restricted Share Incentive Plan to motivate employees of the

Company and 3,400,000.00 shares were purchased, resulting an increase of RMB45,900,000.00 in the share premium under the capital reserve as of 31 December 2023.

9. In October 2023, the Company acquired non-controlling interests in JA Solar Technology

Yangzhou Co., Ltd. (a subsidiary), resulting in a decrease of RMB35,059,717.40 in theshare premium under the capital reserve.

10. In November 2023, the Company acquired non-controlling interests in Xingtai Jinglong

PV Materials Co., Ltd. (a subsidiary), resulting in an increase of RMB5,943,809.29 in theshare premium under the capital reserve.

11. In October 2023, the Company adopted a share repurchase plan. As of 31 December

2023, the Company repurchased 12,483,600.00 shares of the Company in accordancewith the above plan, and the related cost amounted to RMB41,444.02, resulting in adecrease of RMB41,444.02 in the share premium under the capital reserve.

12. Due to other equity changes of associates, the other capital reserves under the capital

reserve has been increased by RMB1,187,414.90.

13. The Company's equity interest in Suzhou JSolar Incorporated was subject to a passive

dilution due to the financing activities of the associate, resulting in an increase in capitalreserve - other capital surplus by RMB6,114,757.81.

43 Treasury shares

ItemBalance at the beginning of the yearAdditions during the yearReductions during the yearBalance at the end of the year
Treasury shares154,494,371.80309,228,728.6267,634,576.31396,088,524.11



44 Other comprehensive income

ItemBalance at the beginning of the year attributable to shareholders of the CompanyMovements during the yearBalance at the end of the year attributable to shareholders of the Company
Before-tax amountLess: Previously recognized amount transferred to profit or lossLess: Income tax expensesNet-of-tax amount attributable to shareholders of the CompanyNet-of-tax amount attributable to non-controlling interests
Item that will not be reclassified to profit or loss5,618,100.0037,163,881.07-9,290,970.2727,872,910.80-33,491,010.80
- Changes in fair value of investments in other equity instruments5,618,100.0037,163,881.07-9,290,970.2727,872,910.80-33,491,010.80
Item that may be reclassified to profit or loss(19,008,468.67)33,961,286.93--33,961,286.93-14,952,818.26
- Translation differences arising from translation of foreign currency financial statements(19,008,468.67)33,961,286.93--33,961,286.93-14,952,818.26
Total other comprehensive income(13,390,368.67)71,125,168.00-9,290,970.2761,834,197.73-48,443,829.06



45 Specific reserve

ItemBalance at the beginning of the yearAdditions during the yearReductions during the yearBalance at the end of the year
Safety fund19,144,079.9012,469,623.465,678,020.9825,935,682.38



46 Surplus reserve

ItemBalance at the beginning of the yearAdditions during the yearReductions during the yearBalance at the end of the year
Statutory surplus reserve531,983,909.75251,500,356.12-783,484,265.87



47 Retained earnings

ItemNote20232022 (Restated)
Retained earnings at the beginning of the year?10,815,830,846.995,581,219,747.20
Add: Business combination under common control?(20,883,103.49)(20,342,020.39)
Changes in accounting policies881,254.01(585,681.82)
Add: Net profits for the year attributable to shareholders of the Company7,039,490,537.235,533,792,625.25
Less: Appropriation for statutory surplus reserve?251,500,356.1246,688,504.33
Dividends to ordinary shares(1)565,629,224.16251,567,168.40
Retained earnings at the end of the year17,072,121,825.7310,795,828,997.51



(1) Dividends in respect of ordinary shares declared during the year

Pursuant to the shareholders’ approval at the shareholders’ general meeting on 13 April2023, a cash dividend of RMB2.4 per share (2022: RMB1.5 per share), totallingRMB565,629,224.16 (2022: RMB251,567,168.40), was declared and paid to the Company’sordinary shareholders on 25 April 2023.

(2) In 2023, the Group’s subsidiary, Solar Silicon Valley Electronic Science and Technology Co.,

Ltd. reverted the non-payable welfare fund of RMB53,931,871.27 accrued in previous years.

48 Operating income and operating costs

(1) Operating income and operating costs

Principal activities80,747,270,951.1566,509,517,967.9772,343,858,918.4762,025,003,520.37
Other operating activities808,906,285.83263,557,591.70645,541,656.71179,701,212.09



(2) Disaggregation of income and cost from contracts with customers

Type of contract20232022
By type of products????
Solar module78,174,617,903.2263,885,045,710.2670,344,583,284.9760,277,554,933.83
Operation of photovoltaic power station843,274,457.51481,624,584.51423,039,306.76199,330,285.56
By geographical regions????
Asia and Oceania11,142,627,268.228,791,550,994.059,529,350,477.058,352,754,323.03
Africa and others2,093,897,625.131,787,232,636.671,434,118,767.481,201,846,088.42

49 Taxes and surcharges

Stamp duty130,031,410.97107,136,185.47
City maintenance and construction tax101,217,305.4844,854,202.14
Education and local education surcharges80,761,979.8834,793,589.87
Property tax53,820,023.5526,989,999.31
Land use tax34,876,948.5115,982,351.14
River management fees14,350,447.9911,266,096.11



50 Selling and distribution expenses

Salaries and benefits438,061,901.51264,900,747.95
Warranties for product quality390,873,089.52351,722,916.42
Commission for agent47,783,142.7130,266,729.23
Service fee54,638,306.9087,354,499.22
Storage and rental charge180,201,906.44162,137,156.19
Sample expenses58,748,646.3741,601,742.51
Promotion and exhibition fees53,778,096.8532,848,217.28
Expenses for advisory, auditing and evaluating11,446,832.2610,189,015.97
Bidding expenses49,032,712.8620,679,797.48
Travel expenses41,368,278.7512,779,922.14
Customs clearance expenses750,320.934,959,459.81



51 General and administrative expenses

Item20232022 (Restated)
Salaries and benefits1,294,727,383.96883,803,023.60
Depreciation and amortization185,345,343.28190,353,234.50
Expenses for advisory, auditing and evaluating96,743,257.5345,692,041.43
Rental charge25,897,726.4940,106,304.94
Administrative expense78,352,590.3451,245,817.36
Property management fee50,507,097.9139,915,636.92
Travelling expenses37,159,389.0025,671,492.57
Pre-operating expenses141,047,599.0476,562,906.45
Entertainment expenses16,458,254.9317,357,521.37
Share-based payment306,762,489.43232,545,033.24



52 Research and development expenses

Material expenses560,820,993.93521,370,985.66
Salaries and benefits332,035,406.26261,558,773.10
Fuel expenses130,805,057.41113,609,335.47



53 Financial expenses

Interest expenses from loans and payables442,265,199.29405,178,836.68
Interest expenses from lease liabilities66,568,480.6288,817,112.23
Less: Borrowing costs capitalised2,549,244.7452,588,358.87
Interest income from deposits and receivables(364,837,863.67)(354,629,082.95)
Net foreign exchange gains(585,237,913.56)(716,240,973.71)
Other financial expenses83,920,969.31100,090,260.37



In the year 2023, the interest rate per annum, at which the borrowing costs were capitalisedby the Group, was 3.75% - 4.15% (2022: 3.48% - 5.67%).

54 Other income

Government grants724,034,368.08339,786,161.13
Additional deduction of input VAT3,476,473.45102,719.72
Refund of handling fee for individual income tax5,860,426.673,197,358.78



55 Investment income

Investment income by item

Income from long-term equity investments accounted for using equity method277,063,417.49186,717,689.89
Investment income from disposal of long-term equity investments (Note)203,384,130.7917,327,398.34
Investment (losses) / income from disposal of derivative financial instruments(550,954,146.01)113,178,881.69



Note: Refer to Note VII.2

56 Gains from changes in fair value

Gains / (losses) on fair value changes of derivative financial instruments proceeds125,640,705.84(198,899,064.91)



57 Credit losses

Losses of bad and doubtful debts on bills receivable(219,996.72)-
Losses of bad and doubtful debts on accounts receivable(57,995,387.02)(25,421,575.18)
Losses of bad and doubtful debts on other receivables(25,354,325.13)(9,805,171.07)
Losses of bad and doubtful debts on long-term receivables(28,760,723.93)-



58 Impairment losses

Contract assets360,445.00(306,001.78)
Fixed assets(1,291,932,119.05)(842,562,373.23)
Right-of-use assets-(4,421,276.56)
Intangible assets-(130,081.05)



59 Gains from asset disposals

Losses from disposal of fixed assets(110,683,232.83)(161,178,181.77)
Losses from disposal of long-term deferred expenses-(1,777,777.80)
Gains from disposal of right-of-use assets985,946.275,433,552.61

60 Non-operating income and non-operating expenses

(1) Non-operating income by item is as follows:

Item20232022 (Restated)Amount recognized in extraordinary gain and loss in 2023
Gains from damage or scrapping of non-current assets2,967,661.1417,482,304.102,967,661.14
Insurance claim3,087,162.505,881,180.623,087,162.50
Written-off on payables2,985,501.113,639,659.662,985,501.11
Income from default fine and penalties8,265,241.9019,479,771.618,265,241.90



(2) Non-operating expenses

Item20232022Amount recognized in extraordinary gain and loss in 2023
Losses on damage or scrapping of fixed assets106,753,912.7134,861,377.11106,753,912.71
Donations provided35,408,894.3924,673,750.0035,408,894.39
Expenses for contract settlement fees, fines and late payment penalty2,640,325.4244,256,876.612,640,325.42
Outstanding litigation(57,447,283.15)40,356,456.00(57,447,283.15)



61 Income tax expenses

ItemNote20232022 (Restated)
Current tax expense for the year based on tax law and regulations849,577,280.03714,767,444.23
Changes in deferred tax assets/liabilities(1)882,015.1561,322,368.36

(1) The analysis of changes in deferred tax assets/liabilities is set out below:

Item20232022 (Restated)
Origination and reversal of temporary differences882,015.1561,322,368.36



(2) Reconciliation between income tax expenses and accounting profit:

Item20232022 (Restated)
Profit before taxation8,042,818,848.916,316,546,910.78
Expected income tax expense at tax rate of 25%2,010,704,712.231,579,136,727.70
Effect of different tax rates applied by subsidiaries(1,745,013,904.56)(896,179,681.49)
Adjustments to income tax of previous years(5,210,135.02)?6,430,389.69
Effect of non-taxable income(63,418,570.05)(46,679,422.47)
Effect of non-deductible costs, expense and losses51,169,794.5418,553,250.70
Effect of using the deductible losses for which no deferred tax asset was recognized in previous periods(49,602,676.62)(90,103,939.32)
Effect of deductible temporary differences or deductible losses for which no deferred tax asset was recognized at the end of this year797,438,542.59362,606,666.46
Income tax expenses850,459,295.18?776,089,812.59



62 Basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share

(1) Basic earnings per share

Basic earnings per share is calculated as dividing consolidated net profit attributable to ordinaryshareholders of the Company by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding:

?20232022 (Restated)
Consolidated net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company7,039,490,537.235,533,792,625.25
Less: Net profits distributed to the shareholders of restricted shares during the period2,363,286.24832,353.90
Weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding3,295,316,958.403,227,048,327.33
Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)2.141.71



Weighted average number of ordinary shares is calculated as follows:

?Note20232022 (Restated)
Issued ordinary shares at the beginning of the year?3,285,097,214.003,120,980,139.76
Effect of non-directional issuance of new shares-97,193,295.36
Effect of repurchase of equity interestV.42(1,040,300.00)-
Effect of the release of restricted sharesV.42?4,665,298.173,468,850.46
Effect of share options exercisedV.426,594,746.235,406,041.75
Weighted average number of ordinary shares at the end of the year?3,295,316,958.403,227,048,327.33



The Company has issued the Implementation Report on the 2022 Annual Equity Distributionin April 2023, and increased 4 shares for every 10 shares to all shareholders by transferringthe share premium in the capital reserve. The calculation of the weighted average number ofordinary shares has considered the effect of transferring capital reserves into shares.

(2) Diluted earnings per share

Diluted earnings per share is calculated as dividing consolidated net profit attributable toordinary shareholders of the Company (diluted) by the weighted average number of ordinaryshares outstanding (diluted):

?Note20232022 (Restated)
Consolidated net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company (diluted)(a)7,137,045,335.195,533,792,625.25
Weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding (diluted)(b)3,406,373,769.253,254,952,713.45
Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share)?2.101.70



(a) Consolidated net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company (diluted) is

calculated as follows:

?20232022 (Restated)
Consolidated net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company7,039,490,537.235,533,792,625.25
Diluted adjustments:
After-tax effect of effective interest on the liability component of convertible bonds97,554,797.96-
Consolidated net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company (diluted)7,137,045,335.195,533,792,625.25



(b) Weighted average number of the Company’s ordinary shares (diluted) is calculated as


?Note20232022 (Restated)
Weighted average number of ordinary shares at the end of the year?3,295,316,958.403,227,048,327.33
Diluted adjustments:?
Effect of convertible bonds96,372,264.89-
Effect of granting restricted shares?186,983.638,931,418.78
Effect of share options?14,497,562.3318,972,967.34
Weighted average number of ordinary shares (diluted) at the end of the year?3,406,373,769.253,254,952,713.45



63 Cash flow statement

(1) Proceeds from other operating activities:

Item20232022 (Restated)
Government grant1,087,057,686.64484,678,170.48
Interest income168,584,938.67230,479,113.39
Capital flows and others542,921,972.60373,727,337.43



(2) Payments for other operating activities:

Item20232022 (Restated)
Cash paid expenses and others1,419,051,212.991,264,556,229.14
Service charges59,778,306.3037,843,074.58
Non-operating expenses57,481,565.2247,664,418.54



(3) Proceeds from other investing activities:

Item20232022 (Restated)
Proceeds from asset placement for restructuring and listing-372,000,000.00
Recovery of forward foreign exchange contracts, foreign currency option income and others125,569,344.43163,548,580.32
Recover the amounts due from disposed subsidiaries336,255,681.49-
Recovery of time deposits and interest-4,545,000.00



(4) Payments for other investing activities:

Item20232022 (Restated)
Payment for forward foreign exchange contracts, foreign currency option loss and others672,534,465.2765,146,302.03
Payment for deposits158,818,599.05-



(5) Proceeds from other financing activities:

Item20232022 (Restated)
Recovery of financing deposits and pledged time deposits-256,628,831.93
Payment for financing lease-11,994,880.80
Borrowing funds-90,000,000.00



(6) Payments for other financing activities:

Item20232022 (Restated)
Lease and installment purchase of assets1,004,809,027.242,010,984,144.39
Business combination under common control56,000,000.00-
Repayment of the principal and interest of the borrowing funds807,000,000.001,075,656,792.73
Financing deposits and pledged time deposits-1,038,425,031.29
Purchase of non-controlling interests218,450,000.00-
Repurchase of equity interest259,928,728.62-
Other expenses relating to financing15,624,158.0166,270,116.79



(7) Changes in liabilities relating to financing activities:

Balance at the beginning of the yearAdditions during the yearDecreases during the yearBalance at the end of the year
Change in cashChange in non cashChange in cashChange in non cash
Dividends payable15,490,934.75-951,483,007.40714,374,939.91-252,599,002.24
Short-term and long-term loans (including loans due within one year)4,044,545,662.886,514,967,134.26-7,607,397,165.95267,876,649.262,684,238,981.93
Lease liabilities (including lease liabilities due within one year)1,031,646,335.92-765,288,978.59421,153,857.12-1,375,781,457.39
Long-term payables (including long-term payables due within one year)2,612,101,405.39-2,331,428,268.66583,655,170.12-4,359,874,503.93
Debentures payable (including debentures payable due within one year)-8,237,817,094.54130,073,063.96--8,367,890,158.50
Other non-current liabilities (including other non-current liabilities due within one year)834,930,708.56--750,000,000.001,054,794.5683,875,914.00
Other payables57,000,000.00--57,000,000.00--

64 Supplementary information on cash flow statement

(1) Supplement to cash flow statement

a. Reconciliation of net profit to cash flows from operating activities:

Item20232022 (Restated)
Net profit7,192,359,553.735,540,457,098.19
Add: Credit losses112,330,432.8035,226,746.25
Impairment losses2,306,180,736.941,108,828,944.48
Depreciation of fixed assets3,335,579,122.402,227,986,502.76
Depreciation of right-of-use assets213,592,423.67267,373,293.12
Amortization of intangible assets96,021,367.2052,434,063.24
Amortization of long-term deferred expenses366,781,603.85511,482,598.31
Losses from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and other long-term assets109,697,286.56157,522,406.96
Losses from scrapping of fixed assets103,786,251.5717,379,073.01
(Gains)/ Losses from changes in fair value(125,640,705.84)198,899,064.91
Net financial (income)/expenses(82,953,378.39)(224,952,593.13)
Investment income/(loss)70,506,597.73(317,223,969.92)
Depreciation of deferred income(97,593,097.61)(72,177,758.28)
(Increase)/ Decrease in deferred tax assets(123,385,811.88)95,390,264.33
Increase/(Decrease) in deferred tax liabilities124,267,827.03(1,404,123.33)
Increase in inventories(3,552,725,398.62)(4,276,304,992.62)
Share-based payment306,762,489.43232,545,033.24
Provision of safety fund12,469,623.467,800,187.05
Utilization of safety fund(5,678,020.98)(3,357,392.60)
Increase in operating receivables(5,042,117,656.50)(5,723,352,110.04)
Increase in operating payables7,093,904,139.208,347,724,939.19
Net cash inflows from operating activities12,414,145,385.758,182,277,275.12



b. Change in cash and cash equivalents:

Item20232022 (Restated)
Cash at the end of the year6,763,088,775.676,120,476,584.90
Less: Cash at the beginning of the year6,120,476,584.906,531,701,654.96
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents642,612,190.77(411,225,070.06)



(2) Information on disposals of subsidiaries during the year:

Cash or cash equivalents received during the year for disposing subsidiaries during the year257,875,200.00-
Including: Kunshan Jinghai Energy Technology Co., Ltd.476,000.00-
Xinsheng PV Electric (Tuquan) Co., Ltd.195,000,000.00-
Inner Mongolia YiAo PV Technology Co., Ltd.16,603,200.00-
Inner Mongolia ChengAo PV Technology Co., Ltd.21,249,700.00-
Inner Mongolia Huijia PV Technology Co., Ltd.24,546,300.00-
Less: Cash and cash equivalents held by the Company at the date when control is lost25,187,094.26-
Including: Kunshan Jinghai Energy Technology Co., Ltd.179,419.00-
Xinsheng PV Electric (Tuquan) Co., Ltd.1,901,822.00-
Inner Mongolia YiAo PV Technology Co., Ltd.9,142,649.56-
Inner Mongolia ChengAo PV Technology Co., Ltd.7,115,160.13-
Inner Mongolia Huijia PV Technology Co., Ltd.6,848,043.57-
Add: Cash or cash equivalents received during the period for disposing subsidiaries in previous years23,850,000.00128,082,398.34
Including: Jiuzhou Fangyuan New Energy (Xinjiang) Co., Ltd.-100,452,784.29
Hai Tian Da PV Electric (Beitun) Co., Ltd.-13,907,700.00
Hai Tian Da PV Electric (Hoboksar) Co., Ltd.23,850,000.0013,721,914.05
Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries256,538,105.74128,082,398.34



(3) Details of cash and cash equivalents

Item20232022 (Restated)
Including: Cash on hand-38,680.00
Bank deposits available on demand6,763,088,775.676,120,437,904.90
Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents6,763,088,775.676,120,476,584.90



65 Foreign-currency monetary items

(1) Foreign-currency monetary items

ItemBalance at foreign currency at the end of the yearExchange rateBalance at RMB equivalent at the end of the year
Cash at bank and on hand???
Including: AUD16,184,799.324.848478,470,381.02
Accounts receivable
Including: AUD25,108,091.604.8484121,734,071.31



ItemBalance at foreign currency at the end of the yearExchange rateBalance at RMB equivalent at the end of the year
Other receivables???
Including: AED1,000.001.93261,932.55
Short-term loans
Including: EUR1,800,582.757.859214,151,139.95
Accounts payable
Including: BRL155,462.521.4596226,913.09
Other payables
Including: AED68,985.001.9326133,317.24
Long-term loans ( including loans due within one year)
Including: JPY600,000,000.000.050230,127,800.00



(2) Details of foreign operations

Name of the SubsidiaryNative namePrincipal place of businessFunctional currencyReasons for funcational currency
JA Solar USA Inc.JA Solar USA Inc.U.S.A.USDSettlement currency for operating activities
JA Solar Hong Kong LimitedJA Solar Hong Kong LimitedHong KongUSDSettlement currency for operating activities
JA Solar GmbHJA Solar GmbHGermanyEURSettlement currency for operating activities
JA Solar Japan LimitedJAソーラー?ジャパン株式会社 (JA Solar Japan Limited)JapanJPYSettlement currency for operating activities
JA Solar Investment (Hong Kong) Limited.JA Solar Investment (Hong Kong) LimitedHong KongUSDSettlement currency for operating activities
JA Solar Australia PTY LimitedJA Solar Australia PTY LimitedAustriliaAUDSettlement currency for operating activities
JA Solar South Africa (PTY) Ltd.JA Solar South Africa (PTY) Ltd.South AfricaZARSettlement currency for operating activities
JA Solar Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.JA Solar Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.MalaysiaMYRSettlement currency for operating activities
Ecoplexus Shiojiri Project LLCエコプレクサス塩尻プロジェクト合同会社 (Ecoplexus Shiojiri Project Limited Liability Company)JapanJPYSettlement currency for operating activities
JA Solar Brasil LtdaJA Solar Brasil LtdaBrazilBRLSettlement currency for operating activities
JA Solar Korea Co., Ltd.????????????? (JA Solar Korea Co., Ltd.)KoreaKRWSettlement currency for operating activities
JA Solar International LimitedJA Solar International LimitedHong KongUSDSettlement currency for operating activities
JA Solar Viet Nam Company LimitedJA Solar VietNam Company LimitedVietnamUSDSettlement currency for operating activities
JA Solar Enerji Yatirim Ticaret Limited SirketiJA Solar Enerji Yatirim Ticaret Limited SirketiTurkeyTRYSettlement currency for operating activities
Fukushimanakamori Real Estate LLC福島中森土地合同会社 (Fukushimanakamori Real Estate LLC)JapanJPYSettlement currency for operating activities
JA Solar Japan Asset Management LLCJAソーラー?ジャパン?アセットマネジメント合同会社 (JA Solar Japan Asset Management LLC)JapanJPYSettlement currency for operating activities
JA Solar Mexico EnergyJA Solar Mexico EnergyMexicoMXNSettlement currency for operating activities
JA Solar Trading LimitedJA Solar Trading LimitedHong KongUSDSettlement currency for operating activities
JA Solar Middle East DMCCJA Solar Middle East DMCCDubaiAEDSettlement currency for operating activities
JA Solar PV VietNam Company LimitedJA Solar PV VietNam Company LimitedVietnamUSDSettlement currency for operating activities
JA Solar NE VietNam Company LimitedJA Solar NE VietNam Company LimitedVietnamUSDSettlement currency for operating activities
JA Solar Smart Energy (Hong Kong) LimitedJA Solar Smart Energy (Hong Kong) LimitedHong KongUSDSettlement currency for operating activities
JA Solar Energy Investment (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.JA Solar Energy Investment (Hong Kong) Co.,LimitedHong KongUSDSettlement currency for operating activities


66 Leases

(1) As a lessee

Short-term lease expenses for which the practical expedient has been applied61,476,672.7930,026,287.53
Expenses relating to leases of low-value assets for which the practical expedient has been applied, excluding short-term leases of low-value assets40,631,888.26850,239.36
Total cash outflow for leases525,622,493.45621,786,382.24



(2) As a lessor

Operating lease

Lease income10,320,544.166,626,312.19
Including: Income relating to variable lease payments not included in lease receipts--



The undiscounted lease receipts to be received after the balance sheet date are as follows:

Within 1 year (inclusive)7,232,129.455,061,194.00
Over 1 year but within 2 years (inclusive)5,068,959.063,712,569.05
Over 2 years but within 3 years (inclusive)3,229,026.321,806,767.96
Over 3 years but within 4 years (inclusive)2,181,953.82518,218.18
Over 4 years but within 5 years (inclusive)544,609.2517,000.00
Over 5 years-238,000.00



VI. Research and development expenses

Presentation by nature

Material expenses560,820,993.93521,370,985.66
Salaries and benefits332,035,406.26261,558,773.10
Fuel expenses130,805,057.41113,609,335.47
Including: research and development expenditures that are expensed1,142,079,441.861,006,731,118.21

VII. Change of consolidation scope

1 Business combinations involving entities under common control

(1) Business combinations involving entities under common control during the year

Name of acquireeProportion of equity interests acquired in business combinationBasis for business combination under common controlCombination dateBasis for determination of acquisition dateFrom the beginning of the period to the combination date2022
IncomeNet lossesNet xash outflowIncomeNet losses
Shijiazhuang JA PV Technology Co., Ltd. (formerly known as Shijiazhuang Jinglong Electronic Materials Co., Ltd.)100%It’s under the control of Jin Baofang both before and after the business combination, and the control was and is not temporaryFebruary 2023Obtained control-(64,717.16)(98,569.26)-(541,083.10)

Shijiazhuang JA PV Technology Co., Ltd. (formerly known as Shijiazhuang Jinglong ElectronicMaterials Co., Ltd.) was established in Shijiazhuang, Hunan on 26 October 2007. TheCompany is principally engaged in the provision of technical services, technologydevelopment, technology consulting, technology exchange, technology transfer andtechnology promotion; production of photovoltaic equipment and components; sales ofphotovoltaic equipment and components; production of batteries; sales of batteries; researchand development of special electronic materials; production of special electronic materials;sales of mechanical and electrical equipment; sales of special electronic equipment; technicalservices for solar power generation; sales of mechanical parts and components; machining ofmechanical parts and components; import and export of goods; Sales of special electronicmaterials; Sales of mechanical and electrical equipment; Sales of special electronicequipment; Technical services for solar power generation; Sales of mechanical parts andcomponents; Machining of mechanical parts and components; Import and export of goods;Import and export of technology; Leasing of land use rights; Leasing of housing; Leasing ofmechanical equipment.

(2) Acquisition cost

Acquisition costShijiazhuang JA PV Technology Co., Ltd.

(3) The carrying amounts of assets and liabilities of the acquiree at the combination date

Shijiazhuang JA PV Technology Co., Ltd.
Combination DateDecember 31, 2022
Cash at bank and on hand144,748.44243,317.70
Other Receivables714,188.00714,188.00
Fixed assets18,829.4819,158.90
Construction in progress51,417,535.8851,338,863.83
Intangible assets33,592,965.8333,671,637.88
Long-term deferred expenses300,000.00300,000.00
Accounts payable129,450.50129,450.50
Employee benefits payable4,774.008,956.00
Taxes payable3.783.30
Other payables57,001,860.0057,031,860.00
Net assets29,052,179.3529,116,896.51
Less: Non-controlling interests--
Net assets acquired29,052,179.3529,116,896.51



2 Disposal of subsidiaries

Disposal of investments in subsidiaries through a single transaction resulting in loss of control

Entity nameConsideration on the date of losing controlShareholding being disposed on the date of losing control (%)Disposal method on the date of losing controlDate of losing controlBasis for determining date of losing controlDifference between consideration received and the related share of net assets in consolidated financial statements
Kunshan Jinghai Energy Technology Co., Ltd.476,000.00100.00TransferMay 6 2023Equity transfer completed298,282.05
Xinsheng PV Electric (Tuquan) Co., Ltd.325,000,000.00100.00TransferNovember 30 2023Equity transfer completed34,434,623.35
Inner Mongolia YiAo PV Technology Co., Ltd.18,603,200.00100.00TransferDecember 26 2023Equity transfer completed69,311,292.02
Inner Mongolia ChengAo PV Technology Co., Ltd.23,249,700.00100.00TransferDecember 26 2023Equity transfer completed69,025,566.52
Inner Mongolia Huijia PV Technology Co., Ltd.26,546,300.00100.00TransferDecember 26 2023Equity transfer completed30,314,364.85

3 Other reasons for change of consolidation scope

In January 2023, the Group newly established Shijiazhuang JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd.,Inner Mongolia JA Solar PV Technology Co., Ltd. , Anhui Chengjia New Energy TechnologyCo., Ltd. , Guangdong Xingjia New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. , Langfang Fujing New EnergyTechnology Co., Ltd. , Xingtai Jingyi Energy Technology Co., Ltd. , Gaotai Jingguan NewEnergy Development Co., Ltd. , Shanghai Jingzhihui New Energy Co., Ltd. and cancelledHainan Changjiang Jingyao New Energy Co., Ltd.;

In February 2023, the Group newly established Weinan Aofeng Solar New Energy TechnologyCo., Ltd. , Linzhou Mengxing New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. , Rongcheng Hejing NewEnergy Technology Co., Ltd. , Dongtai Jingdong New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. andcancelled Jingguan New Energy Development (Ningjin) Co., Ltd. , Inner Mongolia Chengjia PVTechnology Co., Ltd. , Inner Mongolia Chengxing PV Technology Co., Ltd. , Inner MongoliaPuAo PV Technology Co., Ltd. , Inner Mongolia FuAo PV Technology Co., Ltd. , Inner MongoliaLixing PV Technology Co., Ltd. , Inner Mongolia Pujing PV Technology Co., Ltd. , InnerMongolia Anxing PV Technology Co., Ltd. , Inner Mongolia Hejing PV Technology Co., Ltd. ,Inner Mongolia Fuijing PV Technology Co., Ltd. , Inner Mongolia Mengjing PV Technology Co.,Ltd. , Inner Mongolia MengAo PV Technology Co., Ltd. , Inner Mongolia Mengxing PVTechnology Co., Ltd.;

In March 2023, the Group newly established Wuxi JA Waylion New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Zhengyang Anxing New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. , Meizhou Fuao New EnergyTechnology Co., Ltd. , Dongtai Jingzhihui New Energy Co., Ltd. , JA Solar Renewable EnergyLimited and cancelled Jingsheng PV Electric (Huhhot) Co., Ltd. , Gaotai Jingsheng NewEnergy Electric Power Co., Ltd. , Gaotai Jingguan New Energy Co., Ltd.;

In April 2023, the Group newly established Dongtai JA Distributed Energy Co., Ltd. , JA SolarInvestment (Inner Mongolia) Co., Ltd. , Ordos JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd. , Shanghai JAWaylion New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. , Hengyang Shuojing New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Tangshan Youjing New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. , Donghai Jinghang New EnergyTechnology Co., Ltd. , Zhengzhou Jingkun New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. , NanningJingcheng New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. , LuAn HuiAo New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. ,Suqian Xujing New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. , TaiAn Aosheng New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Bozhou Yijing New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. , Putian Aoshuo New Energy TechnologyCo., Ltd. , Yangzhou Crystal Storage New Energy Co., Ltd. , Jingzhou Jingyao New EnergyTechnology Co., Ltd. and cancelled Jingneng New Energy (Baotou) Co., Ltd.;

In May 2023, the Group newly established Yiyang Jingnuo New Energy Co., Ltd. , TianjinDingAo New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. , Chongqing Hongjing PV Technology Co., Ltd. ,Beihai Jinghai New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. , Ordos Jingyang New Energy Co., Ltd. andcancelled Dalian Jingsheng New Energy Co., Ltd.;

In June 2023, the Group newly established Jiangsu JA International Investment Co., Ltd. ,Chengdu Jingxin Mingneng PV Technology Co., Ltd. , Suzhou Jinghui New Energy TechnologyCo.,Ltd. , Dongfang Shuojing New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Jingxingbao(Guangxi) NewEnergy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Suzhou Yuanao PV Technology Co.,Ltd. , Jingxing Shuke(Beijing)Energy Co., Ltd. , Jinping Jingjian(Shantou) Technology Co., Ltd. , Shanghai Jinglianghui NewEnergy Co., Ltd. , Donghai Jinglu New Energy Co., Ltd. , Baotou Jingyun New Energy Co.,Ltd. , Chongqing Jingyonghai New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.;

In July 2023, the Group newly established Yichun Jingming New Energy Co.,Ltd. , MaanshanAoxiong New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Anhui Aokang New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. ,Datong Jingxing New Energy Co.,Ltd. , Zhumadian Xingao New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. ,Xunxian Lijing New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Wenxian Fuao New Energy Co.,Ltd. ,Pingdingshan Jingming New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Taikang Jingsheng New EnergyCo.,Ltd. , Suixian Jingfeng New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Shenqiu Aofeng New EnergyTechnology Co.,Ltd. , Dongtai JA New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. , Xinxiang Jingshun NewEnergy Co., Ltd. , Xuzhou Aozhi New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Xiangcheng JingshengNew Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Sihong Huayi New Energy Co., Ltd. and cancelled JA SolarPV Electric (Anyang) Co., Ltd. , Anyang Jingguan Technology Co., Ltd. and purchased JinzhouRuineng New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. , Zhumadian Fengda New Energy Co., Ltd. at cashconsideration of RMB1;

In August 2023, the Group newly established Changde Jingde New Energy TechnologyCo.,Ltd. , Shaoyang Jingju New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Shaoyang Jingshao New EnergyTechnology Co.,Ltd. , Shanxi Jingyu New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Chenzhou YongjingNew Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Guangxi Jingyang New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , AnhuiAosbang New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Anhui Aosheng New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. ,Xuchang Jinghao New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Xinyang Aoxing New Energy TechnologyCo.,Ltd. , Fuyang Jingfeng Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Zhoukou Jinghui New EnergyTechnology Co.,Ltd. , Wushe Ruijing New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Baotou JA NewMaterial Co., Ltd. , Suzhou Jinghong New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Hubei Aoyu NewEnergy Co.,Ltd. , Boao Energy (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. , Heze Aosheng New Energy TechnologyCo.,Ltd.;

In September 2023, the Group newly established Guangxi Jingrui New Energy TechnologyCo.,Ltd. , Zhengzhou Qianao New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Qujing Jinghao New EnergyCo.,Ltd. , Haerbin Jingguan New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. , Xiangxi Jinghong New EnergyTechnology Co.,Ltd. , Chizhou Jingxing Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Huainan Jinghong NewEnergy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Xinyang Aoan New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Xinyang JinganNew Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Anhui Aoteng New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , NanyangJingling New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. , Hefei Jingyue New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. ,Huangshan Jingbao New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Anhui Aoqing New Energy TechnologyCo.,Ltd. , Guangxi Jingyu New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Anhui Chenao New EnergyTechnology Co.,Ltd. , Fuyang Haotai New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Hefei Jingwanjia NewEnergy Co.,Ltd. , Fengqiu Lichuang New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Yuanyang MingchangNew Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Yanjin Yunche New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , HubeiChujing New Energy Co.,Ltd. , Yicheng Jingyu New Energy Co.,Ltd. , Hubei Jingran NewEnergy Co.,Ltd. , Zhangjiakou Jingxing New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Suiping Siao NewEnergy Co., Ltd. , Qinzhou Jingyang New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. , Guangdong JinghuoNew Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Jiujiang Jingming New Energy Co.,Ltd. and cancelledJingjie PV Electric (Taizhou) Co., Ltd.;

In October 2023, the Group newly established Shijiazhuang JA Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd. , JA SOLAR DMCC , Haerbin Aohai New Energy Co., Ltd. , Jinzhou Jingshun New EnergyCo., Ltd. , Shenyang Jingshun New Energy Co., Ltd. , Suzhou Yaoka New Energy TechnologyCo., Ltd. , Wuhan Aohai New Energy Co., Ltd. , Hube Chuangguang New Energy TechnologyCo.,Ltd. , Hubei Aofan New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Dongguan Jingshun New EnergyTechnology Co.,Ltd. , Heyuan Jinghuo New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Hubei Aoyu NewEnergy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Mingguang Aosheng New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. ,Yangquan Aoya New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Yuzhou Longao New Energy Co.,Ltd. ,Quanzhou Jinxin New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Beijing Jingchuang New Energy Co., Ltd. ,Tianchang Jingyong New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Zhejiang Suao New EnergyTechnology Co.,Ltd. , Qingxu Aojie New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Yangxin Yuzhiyuan NewEnergy Co.,Ltd. , Luotian Jingxing New Energy Co.,Ltd. , Chuzhou Aofeng New EnergyTechnology Co.,Ltd. , Qujing Jingfeng New Energy Co.,Ltd. , Xinyi JA PV Technology Co., Ltd. ,Shenze Jingsheng New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. , Jingzhou Jingsheng New EnergyTechnology Co., Ltd. , Xinbaerhu Jingyao New EnergyCo., Ltd. , Yiyang Jingzhen New EnergyCo.,Ltd. , Hubei Aobo New Energy Co.,Ltd. , Hubei Jingxu New Energy Co.,Ltd. and purchasedEzhou Kasilaite New Energy Co., Ltd. at cash consideration of RMB1;

In November 2023, the Group newly established Zhangzhou Aolong New Energy TechnologyCo.,Ltd. , Erdos Jingfei PV Co., Ltd. , Puyang Jingzhong New Energy Co., Ltd. , Anhui JingranNew Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Zhengzhou Aohai New Energy Co., Ltd. , Anhui JingtengNew Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Hubei Yichang New Energy Co.,Ltd. , Hubei Aohong NewEnergy Co.,Ltd. , Gongan Jingle New Energy Co.,Ltd. , Daye Jingyu New Energy TechnologyCo.,Ltd. , Hubei Jingxing New Energy Co.,Ltd. , Shiyan Aoshun New Energy TechnologyCo.,Ltd. , Shiyan Baojing New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Shiyan Aosheng New EnergyTechnology Co.,Ltd. , Anhui Aoning New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Hubei Jingyang NewEnergy Co.,Ltd. , Hubei Jingfeng New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Fuzhou Jingding NewEnergy Technology Co.,Ltd. , JA Energy Storage Technology(Shanghai) Co., Ltd. , HongheJingfeng New Energy Co.,Ltd. , Anlu Aoliang New Energy Co.,Ltd. , Zaoyang Jingying NewEnergy Development Co.,Ltd. , Yunnan Fengjing New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , YunnanFengjia New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Kunming Jingsheng New Energy Co.,Ltd. , GuangxiJingan New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Yangchun Xingjia New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.and cancelled Gaotai Jingguan New Energy Development Co., Ltd. , Aksai Kazak AutonomousCounty Jingxin New Energy Co., Ltd. , Chengdu Jingxin Yucheng PV Technology Co., Ltd. andXingtai Jinglong New Energy Co., Ltd. , Xingtai Jinglong Electronic Materials Co., Ltd.weremerged by absorption by JA Solar (Xingtai) Co., Ltd. and have completed the deregistrationprocedures on November and purchased Qingdao Jingshun New Energy Co., Ltd. , LinyiAoshun New Energy Co., Ltd. at cash consideration of RMB1;

In December 2023, the Group newly established Henan Yaojing New Energy Co.,Ltd. , LuyiAofeng PV Technology Co., Ltd. , Qujing Jingsheng New Energy Co.,Ltd. , Xingtang JingshengNew Energy Technology Co., Ltd. , Shanxi Anjing New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , HubeiJinghao New Energy Co.,Ltd. , Yuncheng Anjing New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , MeishanAoshun New Energy Co., Ltd. , Shanghai Jiahe Energy Co.,Ltd. , Shijiazhuang Jingming PVTechnology Co., Ltd. , Hubei Jingmian New Energy Co.,Ltd. , Ningde Jinghui New EnergyTechnology Co.,Ltd. , Qujing Fengjing New Energy Co.,Ltd. , Shanghai Xingzheng EnergyCo.,Ltd. , Shanghai Xingyao New Energy Co.,Ltd. , Gejiu Jingsheng New Energy Co.,Ltd. ,Yichang Jingyan New Energy Co.,Ltd. , Puer Jingfeng New Energy Co.,Ltd. , Hubei Aowei NewEnergy Co.,Ltd. , Yuanshi Jingsheng Energy Co., Ltd. , Guangxi Jingzuo New EnergyTechnology Co.,Ltd. , Jieyang Ruijing New Energy Co.,Ltd. , Binzhou Jingyan New EnergyCo.,Ltd. , Zhanjiang Yuanjia New Energy Co.,Ltd. , Hubei Weifeng New Energy Co.,Ltd. ,Shanxi Yuanao New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Anhui Yeteng New Energy TechnologyCo.,Ltd. , Shanghai Xingfeng New Energy Co.,Ltd. , Shanghai Xingjing Energy Co.,Ltd. ,Shayang Jingaoda New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. , Shanghai Mingjia Energy Co.,Ltd. ,Shanghai Jiaming Energy Co.,Ltd. , Shanghai Xinjia Energy Co.,Ltd. , JA SOLAR SA (PTY)LTD. , Jingzhou Jingrui New Energy Co., Ltd. and cancelled Dali JA Solar PV Technology Co.,Ltd. , Youyu Jingsheng PV Electric Co., Ltd.

VIII. Interests in other entities

1 Interests in subsidiaries

(1) Composition of the Group

Name of the SubsidiaryPrincipal place of businessRegistration placeBusiness natureRegistered capitalShareholding percentage (%)Acquisition method
JA SolarHebei ProvinceHebei ProvinceProduction baseRMB21,271,975,746.37100.00-Reverse acquisition
Ningjin Jingxing Electronic Material Co., Ltd.Hebei ProvinceHebei ProvinceProduction baseRMB323,090,000.00-70.00Purchase
Qujing Jinglong Electronic Materials Co., Ltd.Yunnan ProvinceYunnan ProvinceProduction baseRMB520,000,000.00-100.00Purchase
Hebei Jinglong Sun Equipment Co., Ltd.Hebei ProvinceHebei ProvinceProduction baseRMB248,100,000.00-100.00Purchase
Beijing Jinghong Energy Economization Technology Co., Ltd.BeijingBeijingEnergy economizing companyRMB100,000,000.00-100.00Purchase
Hebei Jingle Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd.Hebei ProvinceHebei ProvinceProduction baseRMB30,000,000.00-80.00Purchase
Xingtai Jinglong PV Materials Co., Ltd.Hebei ProvinceHebei ProvinceProduction baseRMB25,710,000.00-100.00Purchase
JA Solar Hong Kong LimitedHong KongHong KongInvestment companyHKD10,000.00-100.00Purchase
JA Solar Mexico EnergyMexicoMexicoTrading companyMXN50,000.00-100.00Set up
JA Solar USA Inc.USAUSATrading companyUSD50,000.00-100.00Purchase
JA Solar International LimitedHong KongHong KongInvestment companyHKD100,000.00-100.00Set up
JA Solar Investment (Hong Kong) Limited.Hong KongHong KongInvestment companyUSD100,000.00-100.00Purchase
JA Solar Korea Co., Ltd.South KoreaSouth KoreaTrading companyKRW100,000,000.00-100.00Set up
JA Solar Australia PTY LimitedAustraliaAustraliaTrading companyAUD1,000.00-100.00Set up
JA Solar Brasil LtdaBrazilBrazilTrading companyBRL10,000.00-100.00Set up
JA Solar GmbHGermanyGermanyTrading companyEUR25,000.00-100.00Purchase
JA Solar South Africa (PTY) Ltd.South AfricaSouth AfricaTrading companyZAR100.00-100.00Purchase
JA Solar Japan LimitedJapanJapanTrading companyJPY99,990,000.00-100.00Purchase
JA Solar Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.MalaysiaMalaysiaProduction baseMYR2,500,000.00-100.00Set up
JA Solar VietNam Company LimitedVietnamVietnamProduction baseUSD90,000,000.00-100.00Set up
JA Solar PV Electric (Hefei) Co., Ltd.Anhui ProvinceAnhui ProvinceDistributed project companiesRMB18,000,000.00-100.00Purchase
JA Solar PV Electric (Datong) Co., Ltd.Shanxi ProvinceShanxi ProvinceCentralized project companiesRMB100,000,000.00-100.00Purchase
Jingsheng Agricultural Technology (Renxian) Co., Ltd.Hebei ProvinceHebei ProvinceAgricultureRMB10,000,000.00-100.00Purchase
JA Solar Enerji Yatirim Ticaret Limited SirketiTurkeyTurkeyTrading companyTL10,000.00-100.00Set up
Jiuzhou Fangyuan New Energy (Yichang) Co., Ltd.Hubei ProvinceHubei ProvinceInvestment companyRMB120,000,000.00-100.00Purchase
Jingkong PV Electric (Foshan) Co., Ltd.Guangdong ProvinceGuangdong ProvinceDistributed project companiesRMB10,000,000.00-100.00Set up
JA Solar (Chaoyang) Electric Co., Ltd.Liaoning provinceLiaoning provinceCentralized project companiesRMB120,000,000.00-100.00Set up
JA Solar PV Electric (Yangzhou) Co., Ltd.Jiangsu ProvinceJiangsu ProvinceDistributed project companiesRMB10,000,000.00-100.00Set up
JA Solar PV Electric (Xingtai) Co., Ltd.Hebei ProvinceHebei ProvinceDistributed project companiesRMB10,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Jingneng Solar PV Electric (Daqing) Co., Ltd.Heilongjiang ProvinceHeilongjiang ProvinceCentralized project companiesRMB120,000,000.00-100.00Set up
JA Solar Japan Asset Management LLCJapanJapanAsset managementJPY100,000.00-100.00Set up
Fukushimanakamori Real Estate LLCJapanJapanLand leaseJPY100,000.00-100.00Set up
JA Solar Investment China Co., Ltd.ShanghaiShanghaiInvestment companyRMB7,721,974,500.00-100.00Purchase
JA Solar Technology Yangzhou Co., Ltd.Jiangsu ProvinceJiangsu ProvinceProduction baseRMB2,831,859,675.00-71.16Purchase
Hefei JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd.Anhui ProvinceAnhui ProvinceProduction baseRMB2,167,340,000.00-78.54Purchase
Shanghai JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd.ShanghaiShanghaiProduction baseRMB821,450,520.00-85.29Purchase
Shanghai JA Solar PV Technology Co., Ltd.ShanghaiShanghaiTrading companyRMB251,424,000.00-100.00Purchase



Name of the subsidiaries (continued)Principal place of businessRegistration placeBusiness natureRegistered capitalShareholding percentage (%)Acquisition method
Jingneng PV Electric (Zhengding) Co., Ltd.Hebei ProvinceHebei ProvinceDistributed project companiesRMB10,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Jingneng New Energy Development (Ningjin) Co., Ltd.Hebei ProvinceHebei ProvinceDistributed project companiesRMB50,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Jingneng New Energy Development (Lincheng) Co., Ltd.Hebei ProvinceHebei ProvinceCentralized project companiesRMB200,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Jingneng New Energy Development (Renxian) Co., Ltd.Hebei ProvinceHebei ProvinceCentralized project companiesRMB120,000,000.00-100.00Purchase
Jingneng New Energy Development (Kangbao) Co., Ltd.Hebei ProvinceHebei ProvinceCentralized project companiesRMB30,000,000.00-100.00Purchase
JA Solar PV Electric (Wulanchabu) Co., Ltd.Inner Mongolia Autonomous RegionInner Mongolia Autonomous RegionCentralized project companiesRMB70,000,000.00-100.00Purchase
JA New Energy Development (Hebei) Co., Ltd.Hebei ProvinceHebei ProvinceOthersRMB50,000,000.00-100.00Purchase
JA Solar PV Electric (Yanchi) Co., Ltd.Ningxia Hui Autonomous RegionNingxia Hui Autonomous RegionCentralized project companiesRMB180,000,000.00-100.00Purchase
Aiyouen Power Electric (Yinchuan) Co., Ltd.Ningxia Hui Autonomous RegionNingxia Hui Autonomous RegionCentralized project companiesRMB100,000,000.00-100.00Purchase
JA Solar PV Electric (Baotou) Co., Ltd.Inner Mongolia Autonomous RegionInner Mongolia Autonomous RegionCentralized project companiesRMB100,000,000.00-100.00Purchase
Shanghai Jinglong Solar Technology Co., Ltd.ShanghaiShanghaiOthersRMB180,000,000.00-100.00Purchase
JA Solar PV Electric (Linzhou) Co., Ltd.Henan ProvinceHenan ProvinceCentralized project companiesRMB110,000,000.00-100.00Purchase
JA Solar PV Electric (Laiwu) Co., Ltd.Shandong ProvinceShandong ProvinceCentralized project companiesRMB60,000,000.00-100.00Purchase
JA Solar (Zhangjiakou) Co., Ltd.Hebei ProvinceHebei ProvinceProduction baseRMB130,000,000.00-100.00Set up
JA Solar (Kangbao) Co., Ltd.Hebei ProvinceHebei ProvinceProduction baseRMB100,000,000.00-100.00Set up
JA Solar (Xingtai) Co., Ltd.Hebei ProvinceHebei ProvinceProduction baseRMB1,236,007,700.00-100.00Purchase
Baotou JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd.Inner Mongolia Autonomous RegionInner Mongolia Autonomous RegionProduction baseRMB780,000,000.00-78.54Purchase
Solar Silicon Valley Electronic Science and Technology Co., Ltd.Hebei ProvinceHebei ProvinceProduction baseRMB351,407,014.19-100.00Purchase
Donghai JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd.Jiangsu ProvinceJiangsu ProvinceTrading companyRMB250,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Jiangsu JA Convention Centre Co., Ltd.Jiangsu ProvinceJiangsu ProvinceService companyRMB10,000,000.00-100.00Purchase
Jing Hai Yang Semiconductor Material (Donghai) Co., Ltd.Jiangsu ProvinceJiangsu ProvinceProduction baseRMB714,482,900.00-100.00Set up
Beijing JA Solar PV Technology Co., Ltd.BeijingBeijingTrading and investment companyRMB500,000,000.00-100.00Purchase
JA PV Technology Co., Ltd.ShanghaiShanghaiTrading companyRMB61,107,000.00-100.00Purchase
JA Solar PV Electric (Shexian) Co., Ltd.Hebei ProvinceHebei ProvinceCentralized project companiesRMB110,000,000.00-100.00Purchase
JA Solar PV Electric (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.ShanghaiShanghaiDistributed project companiesRMB2,000,000.00-100.00Purchase
Qingdao Hai Neng Zhi Guang PV Technology Co., Ltd.Shandong ProvinceShandong ProvinceDistributed project companiesRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Purchase
Qingdao Qing Heng Han New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Shandong ProvinceShandong ProvinceDistributed project companiesRMB10,000,000.00-100.00Purchase
Xusheng New Enegy Electric (Kazuo) Co., Ltd.Liaoning provinceLiaoning provinceDistributed project companiesRMB1,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Xinghua PV Electric (Chaoyang) Co., Ltd.Liaoning provinceLiaoning provinceCentralized project companiesRMB380,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Dongsheng PV Electric (Chaoyang) Co., Ltd.Liaoning provinceLiaoning provinceCentralized project companiesRMB10,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Yangzhou JA Solar PV Engineering Co. Ltd.Jiangsu ProvinceJiangsu ProvinceEngineering companyRMB68,270,000.00-100.00Purchase
Longsheng PV Electric (Chaoyang) Co., Ltd.Liaoning provinceLiaoning provinceCentralized project companiesRMB390,000,000.00-100.00Set up
JA Solar New Energy Yangzhou Co., Ltd.Jiangsu ProvinceJiangsu ProvinceProduction baseRMB1,900,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Qingdao Shun Yao Yang PV Technology Co., Ltd.Shandong ProvinceShandong ProvinceDistributed project companiesRMB1,000,000.00-100.00Purchase
Ecoplexus Shiojiri Project LLCJapanJapanCentralized project companiesJPY200,000.00-100.00Purchase
Changde Dingcheng Xingyang PV Electric Technology Co., Ltd.Hunan ProvinceHunan ProvinceCentralized project companiesRMB70,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Jingsheng PV Electric (Daqing) Co., Ltd.Heilongjiang ProvinceHeilongjiang ProvinceCentralized project companiesRMB200,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Yiwu JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd.Zhejiang ProvinceZhejiang ProvinceProduction baseRMB4,116,518,557.00-90.12Set up
Jingyuan PV Electric (Yiwu) Co., Ltd.Zhejiang ProvinceZhejiang ProvinceDistributed project companiesRMB40,000,000.00-100.00Set up
JA SOLAR MIDDLE EAST DMCCUnited Arab EmiratesUnited Arab EmiratesTrading companyAED50,000.00-100.00Set up
JA Solar Trading LimitedHong KongHong KongTrading companyHKD100,000.00-100.00Set up
JA Wisdom Energy Technology (Hainan) Co., Ltd.Hainan ProvinceHainan ProvinceInvestment companyRMB300,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Baotou Jingxu Carbon-carbon Technology Co., Ltd.Inner Mongolia Autonomous RegionInner Mongolia Autonomous RegionProduction baseRMB30,000,000.00-80.00Set up
Qujing JA PV Technology Co., Ltd.Yunnan ProvinceYunnan ProvinceProduction baseRMB1,300,000,000.00-100.00Set up
JA Solar PV VietNam Company LimitedVietnamVietnamProduction baseUSD60,000,000.00-100.00Set up



Name of the subsidiaries (continued)Principal place of businessRegistration placeBusiness natureRegistered capitalShareholding percentage (%)Acquisition method
Beijing JA Energy Technology Co., Ltd.BeijingBeijingTrading companyRMB300,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Dongtai JA Solar PV Technology Co., Ltd.Jiangsu ProvinceJiangsu ProvinceTrading companyUSD80,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Changde Jingsheng PV Technology Co., Ltd.Hunan ProvinceHunan ProvinceTrading companyRMB28,100,000.00-100.00Set up
JA Solar (Wuxi) PV Technology Co., Ltd.Jiangsu ProvinceJiangsu ProvinceProduction baseRMB388,878,000.00-100.00Set up
JA Solar (Gaoyou) PV Technology Co., Ltd.Jiangsu ProvinceJiangsu ProvinceProduction baseRMB200,000,000.00-100.00Set up
JA Solar Smart Energy (Hong Kong) LimitedHong KongHong KongInvestment companyUSD100,000.00-100.00Set up
JA Solar PV Electric (Qujing) Co., Ltd.Yunnan ProvinceYunnan ProvinceDistributed project companiesRMB60,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Tuquan Xinhua New Energy Co., Ltd.Inner Mongolia Autonomous RegionInner Mongolia Autonomous RegionTrading companyRMB1,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Zhuhai Hengqin JA New Energy Investment Co., Ltd.Guangdong ProvinceGuangdong ProvinceInvestment companyRMB1,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Zhuhai Hengqin JA Trading Co., Ltd.Guangdong ProvinceGuangdong ProvinceTrading companyRMB1,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Zhuhai Hengqin JA Information Consulting Service Co., Ltd.Guangdong ProvinceGuangdong ProvinceConsulting companyRMB1,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Yiwu Jingcheng Photovoltaic Materials Co., Ltd.Zhejiang ProvinceZhejiang ProvinceProduction baseRMB160,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Hebei JA Education Technology Co., Ltd.Hebei ProvinceHebei ProvinceEducation companyRMB500,000,000.00100.00-Set up
Jingxin PV Electric (Wuqiang) Co., Ltd.Hebei ProvinceHebei ProvinceResidential project companiesRMB1,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Hefei Jingjiu PV Technology Co., Ltd.Anhui ProvinceAnhui ProvinceProduction baseRMB56,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Baotou JA Carbon Technology Co., Ltd.Inner Mongolia Autonomous RegionInner Mongolia Autonomous RegionProduction baseRMB9,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Changde Xiangchu Technology Co., Ltd.Hunan ProvinceHunan ProvinceEnergy storage project companiesRMB24,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Hebei Ruineng Electricity Sales Co., Ltd.Hebei ProvinceHebei ProvinceElectricity sales intermediary service companiesRMB50,000,000.00-100.00Purchase
Jingneng PV Electric (Longyao) Co., Ltd.Hebei ProvinceHebei ProvinceDistributed project companiesRMB5,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Linyi Xingjing PV Technology Co., Ltd.Shandong ProvinceShandong ProvinceDistributed project companiesRMB1,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Inner Mongolia Chengjing PV Technology Co., Ltd.Inner Mongolia Autonomous RegionInner Mongolia Autonomous RegionResidential project companiesRMB69,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Inner Mongolia Li’ao PV Technology Co., Ltd.Inner Mongolia Autonomous RegionInner Mongolia Autonomous RegionResidential project companiesRMB106,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Inner Mongolia Hui’ao PV Technology Co., Ltd.Inner Mongolia Autonomous RegionInner Mongolia Autonomous RegionResidential project companiesRMB109,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Inner Mongolia An’ao PV Technology Co., Ltd.Inner Mongolia Autonomous RegionInner Mongolia Autonomous RegionResidential project companiesRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Inner Mongolia Rui’ao PV Technology Co., Ltd.Inner Mongolia Autonomous RegionInner Mongolia Autonomous RegionResidential project companiesRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Inner Mongolia You’ao PV Technology Co., Ltd.Inner Mongolia Autonomous RegionInner Mongolia Autonomous RegionResidential project companiesRMB56,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Inner Mongolia Ruijia PV Technology Co., Ltd.Inner Mongolia Autonomous RegionInner Mongolia Autonomous RegionResidential project companiesRMB86,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Inner Mongolia He’ao PV Technology Co., Ltd.Inner Mongolia Autonomous RegionInner Mongolia Autonomous RegionResidential project companiesRMB160,000,000.00-100.00Set up
JA Wisdom Distributed Energy Technology (Hainan) Co., Ltd.Hainan ProvinceHainan ProvinceInvestment companyRMB2,917,560,000.00-100.00Set up
JA New Energy Power Investment (Hainan) Co., Ltd.Hainan ProvinceHainan ProvinceInvestment companyRMB1,000,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Shanghai Jiejing Jicheng Chemical Technology Co., Ltd.ShanghaiShanghaiEngineering companyRMB35,000,000.00-70.00Set up
Changde Jingyang Technology Co., Ltd.Hunan ProvinceHunan ProvinceCentralized project companiesRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Suiyang Jingneng Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Guizhou ProvinceGuizhou ProvinceCentralized project companiesRMB40,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Jiuquan Jingyang New Energy Co., Ltd.Gansu ProvinceGansu ProvinceEnergy storage project companiesRMB5,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Suiyang Jingyang Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Guizhou ProvinceGuizhou ProvinceCentralized project companiesRMB40,000,000.00-100.00Set up
JA Solar NE VietNam Company LimitedVietnamVietnamProduction baseUSD30,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Inner Mongolia Anjing PV Technology Co., Ltd.Inner Mongolia Autonomous RegionInner Mongolia Autonomous RegionResidential project companiesRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Inner Mongolia Huijing PV Technology Co., Ltd.Inner Mongolia Autonomous RegionInner Mongolia Autonomous RegionResidential project companiesRMB35,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Inner Mongolia Huixing PV Technology Co., Ltd.Inner Mongolia Autonomous RegionInner Mongolia Autonomous RegionResidential project companiesRMB42,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Name of the subsidiaries (continued)Principal place of businessRegistration placeBusiness natureRegistered capitalShareholding percentage (%)Acquisition method
Inner Mongolia Yijia PV Technology Co., Ltd.Inner Mongolia Autonomous RegionInner Mongolia Autonomous RegionResidential project companiesRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Jingneng New Energy (Dalian) Co., Ltd.Liaoning provinceLiaoning provinceCentralized project companiesRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Qujing JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd.Yunnan ProvinceYunnan ProvinceProduction baseRMB3,334,484,600.00-100.00Set up
Zhengxiang Baiqi Xingsheng PV Electric Co., Ltd.Inner Mongolia Autonomous RegionInner Mongolia Autonomous RegionCentralized project companiesRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Zhejiang JA New Materials Technology Co., Ltd.Zhejiang ProvinceZhejiang ProvinceProduction baseRMB30,000,000.00-75.00Set up
JA Yuhong New Energy Power Development Co., Ltd.TianjinTianjinDistributed project companiesRMB100,000,000.00-65.00Set up
Beijing JA Haibo Energy Storage Technology Co., Ltd.BeijingBeijingEnergy storage project companiesRMB100,000,000.00-50.50Set up
Hainan Honghui New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Hainan ProvinceHainan ProvinceJA Yuhong Project companiesRMB5,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Yiwu Jingda New Energy Co., Ltd.Zhejiang ProvinceZhejiang ProvinceSolution project companiesRMB8,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Tangxian Jingxing New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Hebei ProvinceHebei ProvinceDistributed project companiesRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Inner Mongolia Mengjia PV Technology Co., Ltd.Inner Mongolia Autonomous RegionInner Mongolia Autonomous RegionResidential project companiesRMB51,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Inner Mongolia Pujia PV Technology Co., Ltd.Inner Mongolia Autonomous RegionInner Mongolia Autonomous RegionResidential project companiesRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Inner Mongolia Fengjia PV Technology Co., Ltd.Inner Mongolia Autonomous RegionInner Mongolia Autonomous RegionResidential project companiesRMB88,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Inner Mongolia Fujia PV Technology Co., Ltd.Inner Mongolia Autonomous RegionInner Mongolia Autonomous RegionResidential project companiesRMB127,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Inner Mongolia Fengxing PV Technology Co., Ltd.Inner Mongolia Autonomous RegionInner Mongolia Autonomous RegionResidential project companiesRMB35,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Inner Mongolia Fengjing PV Technology Co., Ltd.Inner Mongolia Autonomous RegionInner Mongolia Autonomous RegionResidential project companiesRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Inner Mongolia Lijia PV Technology Co., Ltd.Inner Mongolia Autonomous RegionInner Mongolia Autonomous RegionResidential project companiesRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Inner Mongolia Hejia PV Technology Co., Ltd.Inner Mongolia Autonomous RegionInner Mongolia Autonomous RegionResidential project companiesRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Inner Mongolia Feng’ao PV Technology Co., Ltd.Inner Mongolia Autonomous RegionInner Mongolia Autonomous RegionResidential project companiesRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Yanhe Jingneng Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Guizhou ProvinceGuizhou ProvinceCentralized project companiesRMB2,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Yanhe Jingyang Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Guizhou ProvinceGuizhou ProvinceCentralized project companiesRMB1,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Nanchang Hongjie New Energy Development Co., Ltd.Jiangxi ProvinceJiangxi ProvinceDistributed project companiesRMB1,000,000.00-100.00Set up
JA Solar Energy Investment (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.Hong KongHong KongInvestment companyUSD100,000.00-100.00Set up
JA (Donghai) New Materials Technology Co., Ltd.Jiangsu ProvinceJiangsu ProvinceProduction baseRMB65,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Xinrong PV Electric (Tuquan) Co., Ltd.Inner Mongolia Autonomous RegionInner Mongolia Autonomous RegionCentralized project companiesRMB1,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Lanping JA PV Technology Co., Ltd.Yunnan ProvinceYunnan ProvinceTrading companyRMB1,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Zhangjiagang Hongneng PV Technology Co., Ltd.Jiangsu ProvinceJiangsu ProvinceDistributed project companiesRMB1,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Xuzhou Hongjing PV Technology Co., Ltd.Jiangsu ProvinceJiangsu ProvinceDistributed project companiesRMB12,600,000.00-100.00Set up
Qidong Hongguang PV Technology Co., Ltd.Jiangsu ProvinceJiangsu ProvinceDistributed project companiesRMB23,430,000.00-100.00Set up
Daqing Jingyang Wind Power Co., Ltd.Heilongjiang ProvinceHeilongjiang ProvinceCentralized project companiesRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Liaocheng Aozhi PV Technology Co., Ltd.Shandong ProvinceShandong ProvinceResidential project companiesRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Ningjin Ning’ao New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Hebei ProvinceHebei ProvinceDistributed project companiesRMB50,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Qionghai Jinneng New Energy Development Co., Ltd.(Hainan)Hainan ProvinceHainan ProvinceCentralized project companiesRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Inner Mongolia Ruijing PV Technology Co., Ltd.Inner Mongolia Autonomous RegionInner Mongolia Autonomous RegionResidential project companiesRMB33,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Inner Mongolia Yijing PV Technology Co., Ltd.Inner Mongolia Autonomous RegionInner Mongolia Autonomous RegionResidential project companiesRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up



Name of the subsidiaries (continued)Principal place of businessRegistration placeBusiness natureRegistered capitalShareholding percentage (%)Acquisition method
Inner Mongolia Youjing PV Technology Co., Ltd.Inner Mongolia Autonomous RegionInner Mongolia Autonomous RegionResidential project companiesRMB63,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Hainan Fengjing New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Hainan ProvinceHainan ProvinceDistributed project companiesRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
JA Solar Technology Chaoyang Co., Ltd.Liaoning provinceLiaoning provinceProduction baseRMB100,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Tianjin Lijing New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.TianjinTianjinDistributed project companiesRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Mengchenge Mengjing New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Anhui ProvinceAnhui ProvinceDistributed project companiesRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Ningjin Jingteng PV Electric Co., Ltd.Hebei ProvinceHebei ProvinceDistributed project companiesRMB28,780,000.00-100.00Set up
Changzhi Anjing New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Shanxi ProvinceShanxi ProvinceDistributed project companiesRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Wuxi Jinghao New Materials Technology Co., Ltd.Jiangsu ProvinceJiangsu ProvinceProduction baseRMB10,000,000.00-51.00Set up
Inner Mongolia Lijing PV Technology Co., Ltd.Inner Mongolia Autonomous RegionInner Mongolia Autonomous RegionResidential project companiesRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Qujing Development Zone Jiantou Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Yunnan ProvinceYunnan ProvinceDistributed project companiesRMB5,000,000.00-51.00Set up
Taiyuan Honghui PV Technology Co., Ltd.Shanxi ProvinceShanxi ProvinceDistributed project companiesRMB5,840,000.00-100.00Set up
Tangshan Honggao New Energy Development Co., Ltd.Hebei ProvinceHebei ProvinceDistributed project companiesRMB1,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Baoding Honghui New Energy Development Co., Ltd.Hebei ProvinceHebei ProvinceDistributed project companiesRMB10,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Ja Solar Ireland LimitedIrelandIrelandTrading company--100.00Set up
Lushan Honghui New Energy Development Co., Ltd.Jiangxi ProvinceJiangxi ProvinceDistributed project companiesRMB1,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Tianjin Jingtong PV Electric Co., Ltd.TianjinTianjinDistributed project companiesRMB1,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Dongtai JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd.Jiangsu ProvinceJiangsu ProvinceProduction baseRMB1,500,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Shijiazhuang Chengjing New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. (Formerly known as “Zanhuang Ruijing New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.”)Hebei ProvinceHebei ProvinceDistributed project companiesRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Jinzhou Ruijing New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Hebei ProvinceHebei ProvinceResidential project companiesRMB30,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Beijing Jingtong PV Technology Co., Ltd.BeijingBeijingDistributed project companiesRMB1,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Shijiazhuang JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd.Hebei ProvinceHebei ProvinceProduction baseRMB1,000,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Inner Mongolia JA Solar PV Technology Co., Ltd.Inner Mongolia Autonomous RegionInner Mongolia Autonomous RegionProduction baseRMB200,000,000.00-78.54Set up
Name of the subsidiaries (continued)Principal place of businessRegistration placeBusiness natureRegistered capitalShareholding percentage (%)Acquisition method
Anhui Chengjia New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Anhui ProvinceAnhui ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Guangdong Xingjia New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Guangdong ProvinceGuangdong ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Langfang Fujing New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Hebei ProvinceHebei ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Xingtai Jingyi Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Hebei ProvinceHebei ProvinceIntegrated energy project companyRMB10,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Shanghai Jingzhihui New Energy Co., Ltd.ShanghaiShanghaiDistributed project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Linzhou Mengxing New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Henan ProvinceHenan ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Rongcheng Hejing New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Shandong ProvinceShandong ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Wuxi JA Waylion New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Jiangsu ProvinceJiangsu ProvinceProduction baseUSD50,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Zhengyang Anxing New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Henan ProvinceHenan ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Meizhou Fuao New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Guangdong ProvinceGuangdong ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Dongtai Jingzhihui New Energy Co., Ltd.Jiangsu ProvinceJiangsu ProvinceIntegrated energy project companyRMB1,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Dongtai JA Distributed Energy Co., Ltd.Jiangsu ProvinceJiangsu ProvinceDistributed platform company of industry and commerceRMB1,000,000,000.00-100.00Set up
JA Solar Investment (Inner Mongolia) Co., Ltd.Inner Mongolia Autonomous RegionInner Mongolia Autonomous RegionInvesting platform companyRMB1,000,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Ordos JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd.Inner Mongolia Autonomous RegionInner Mongolia Autonomous RegionProduction baseRMB1,000,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Shanghai JA Waylion New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.ShanghaiShanghaiProduction baseRMB50,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Hengyang Shuojing New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Hunan ProvinceHunan ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Tangshan Youjing New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Hebei ProvinceHebei ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Donghai Jinghang New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Jiangsu ProvinceJiangsu ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Zhengzhou Jingkun New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Henan ProvinceHenan ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Nanning Jingcheng New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous RegionGuangxi Zhuang Autonomous RegionResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
LuAn HuiAo New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Anhui ProvinceAnhui ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Suqian Xujing New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Jiangsu ProvinceJiangsu ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
TaiAn Aosheng New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Shandong ProvinceShandong ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Bozhou Yijing New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Anhui ProvinceAnhui ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Putian Aoshuo New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Fujian ProvinceFujian ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Jingzhou Jingyao New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Hubei ProvinceHubei ProvinceDistributed project companyRMB1,000,000.00-80.00Set up
Yiyang Jingnuo New Energy Co., Ltd.Hunan ProvinceHunan ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Tianjin DingAo New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.TianjinTianjinResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Chongqing Hongjing PV Technology Co., Ltd.ChongqingChongqingDistributed project companyRMB14,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Beihai Jinghai New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous RegionGuangxi Zhuang Autonomous RegionDistributed project companyRMB1,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Ordos Jingyang New Energy Co., Ltd.Inner Mongolia Autonomous RegionInner Mongolia Autonomous RegionCentralized project companyRMB1,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Jiangsu JA International Investment Co., Ltd.Jiangsu ProvinceJiangsu ProvinceInvestment companyRMB550,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Chengdu Jingxin Mingneng PV Technology Co., Ltd.Sichuan ProvinceSichuan ProvinceResearch and development companyRMB100,000,000.00-65.00Set up
Suzhou Jinghui New Energy Technology Co.,LtdAnhui ProvinceAnhui ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Dongfang Shuojing New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Hainan ProvinceHainan ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Jingxingbao(Guangxi) New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous RegionGuangxi Zhuang Autonomous RegionResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Suzhou Yuanao PV Technology Co.,Ltd.Anhui ProvinceAnhui ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Jingxing Shuke(Beijing) Energy Co., Ltd.BeijingBeijingIntegrated energy project companyRMB10,550,000.00-100.00Set up
Jinping Jingjian(Shantou) Technology Co., Ltd.Guangdong ProvinceGuangdong ProvinceCentralized project companyRMB10,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Shanghai Jinglianghui New Energy Co., Ltd.ShanghaiShanghaiIntegrated energy project companyRMB5,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Donghai Jinglu New Energy Co., Ltd.Jiangsu ProvinceJiangsu ProvinceDistributed project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Dongtai Jingdong New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Jiangsu ProvinceJiangsu ProvinceCentralized project companyRMB300,000,000.00-66.67Set up
Yangzhou Crystal Storage New Energy Co., Ltd.Jiangsu ProvinceJiangsu ProvinceEnergy storage project companyRMB1,000,000.00-100.00Set up
JA Solar Renewable Energy LimitedHong KongHong KongInvestment companyHKD100,000-100.00Set up
JA Solar Industrial Corp.USAUSAInvestment company--100.00Set up
JA Solar AZ, LLC.USAUSAProduction base--100.00Set up
Chongqing Jingyonghai New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.ChongqingChongqingDistributed project companyRMB1,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Name of the subsidiaries (continued)Principal place of businessRegistration placeBusiness natureRegistered capitalShareholding percentage (%)Acquisition method
Shanghai Xingyao New Energy Co.,Ltd.ShanghaiShanghaiResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Gejiu Jingsheng New Energy Co.,Ltd.Yunnan ProvinceYunnan ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Yichang Jingyan New Energy Co.,Ltd.Hubei ProvinceHubei ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Puer Jingfeng New Energy Co.,Ltd.Yunnan ProvinceYunnan ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Hubei Aowei New Energy Co.,Ltd.Hubei ProvinceHubei ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Yuanshi Jingsheng Energy Co., Ltd.Hebei ProvinceHebei ProvinceCentralized project companyRMB2,000,000.00-70.00Set up
Guangxi Jingzuo New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous RegionGuangxi Zhuang Autonomous RegionResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Jieyang Ruijing New Energy Co.,Ltd.Guangdong ProvinceGuangdong ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Binzhou Jingyan New Energy Co.,Ltd.Hunan ProvinceHunan ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Zhanjiang Yuanjia New Energy Co.,Ltd.Guangdong ProvinceGuangdong ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Hubei Weifeng New Energy Co.,Ltd.Hubei ProvinceHubei ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Shanxi Yuanao New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Shanxi ProvinceShanxi ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Anhui Yeteng New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Anhui ProvinceAnhui ProvinceResidential project companyRMB5,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Shanghai Xingfeng New Energy Co.,Ltd.ShanghaiShanghaiResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Shanghai Xingjing Energy Co.,Ltd.ShanghaiShanghaiResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Shayang Jingaoda New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Hubei ProvinceHubei ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Shanghai Mingjia Energy Co.,Ltd.ShanghaiShanghaiResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Shanghai Jiaming Energy Co.,Ltd.ShanghaiShanghaiResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Shanghai Xinjia Energy Co.,Ltd.ShanghaiShanghaiResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Hefei Jingyue New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Anhui ProvinceAnhui ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Shanxi Jingyang Risheng New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. (Formerly known as “Weinan Aofeng Solar New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.”)Shanxi ProvinceShanxi ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Huangshan Jingbao New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Anhui ProvinceAnhui ProvinceResidential project companyRMB5,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Xinxiang Jingshun New Energy Co., Ltd.Henan ProvinceHenan ProvinceDistributed project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Anhui Aoqing New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Anhui ProvinceAnhui ProvinceResidential project companyRMB5,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Hube Chuangguang New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Hubei ProvinceHubei ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Zhangzhou Aolong New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Fujian ProvinceFujian ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Erdos Jingfei PV Co., Ltd.Inner Mongolia Autonomous RegionInner Mongolia Autonomous RegionInvestment companyUSD2,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Guangxi Jingyu New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous RegionGuangxi Zhuang Autonomous RegionResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Hubei Aofan New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Hubei ProvinceHubei ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Xuzhou Aozhi New Energy Technology Co.,LtdJiangsu ProvinceJiangsu ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Anhui Chenao New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Anhui ProvinceAnhui ProvinceResidential project companyRMB5,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Dongguan Jingshun New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Guangdong ProvinceGuangdong ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Heyuan Jinghuo New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Guangdong ProvinceGuangdong ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Hubei Aoyu New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Hubei ProvinceHubei ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Mingguang Aosheng New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Anhui ProvinceAnhui ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Yangquan Aoya New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Shanxi ProvinceShanxi ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Yuzhou Longao New Energy Co.,Ltd.Henan ProvinceHenan ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Fuyang Haotai New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Anhui ProvinceAnhui ProvinceResidential project companyRMB5,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Hefei Jingwanjia New Energy Co.,Ltd.Anhui ProvinceAnhui ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Fengqiu Lichuang New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Henan ProvinceHenan ProvinceResidential project companyRMB5,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Puyang Jingzhong New Energy Co., Ltd.Henan ProvinceHenan ProvinceDistributed project companyRMB1,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Quanzhou Jinxin New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Fujian ProvinceFujian ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Anhui Jingran New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Anhui ProvinceAnhui ProvinceResidential project companyRMB5,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Beijing Jingchuang New Energy Co., Ltd.BeijingBeijingDistributed project companyRMB1,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Zhengzhou Aohai New Energy Co., Ltd.Henan ProvinceHenan ProvinceDistributed project companyRMB1,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Name of the subsidiaries (continued)Principal place of businessRegistration placeBusiness natureRegistered capitalShareholding percentage (%)Acquisition method
Tianchang Jingyong New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Anhui ProvinceAnhui ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Suzhou Jinghong New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Anhui ProvinceAnhui ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Zhejiang Suao New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Zhejiang ProvinceZhejiang ProvinceResidential project companyRMB10,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Yuanyang Mingchang New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Henan ProvinceHenan ProvinceResidential project companyRMB5,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Yanjin Yunche New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Henan ProvinceHenan ProvinceResidential project companyRMB5,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Hubei Aoyu New Energy Co.,Ltd.Hubei ProvinceHubei ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Anhui Jingteng New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Anhui ProvinceAnhui ProvinceResidential project companyRMB5,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Henan Yaojing New Energy Co.,Ltd.Henan ProvinceHenan ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Qingxu Aojie New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Shanxi ProvinceShanxi ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Yangxin Yuzhiyuan New Energy Co.,Ltd.Hubei ProvinceHubei ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Luotian Jingxing New Energy Co.,Ltd.Hubei ProvinceHubei ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Chuzhou Aofeng New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Anhui ProvinceAnhui ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Hubei Chujing New Energy Co.,Ltd.Hubei ProvinceHubei ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Yicheng Jingyu New Energy Co.,Ltd.Hubei ProvinceHubei ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Hubei Yichang New Energy Co.,Ltd.Hubei ProvinceHubei ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Hubei Aoyu New Energy Co.,Ltd.Hubei ProvinceHubei ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Hubei Jingran New Energy Co.,Ltd.Hubei ProvinceHubei ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Xiangcheng Jingsheng New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Henan ProvinceHenan ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Gongan Jingle New Energy Co.,Ltd.Hubei ProvinceHubei ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
JA SOLAR SA (PTY) LTDSouth AfricaSouth AfricaTrading companyZAR1,000,000.00-100.00Set up
JA SOLAR DMCCDubaiDubaiTrading companyAED50,000.00-100.00Set up
Jingzhou Jingrui New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Hubei ProvinceHubei ProvinceDistributed project companyRMB10,000,000.00100.00Set up
Baotou Jingyun New Energy Co., Ltd.Inner Mongolia Autonomous RegionInner Mongolia Autonomous RegionDistributed project companyRMB50,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Shijiazhuang JA PV Technology Co., Ltd.Hebei ProvinceHebei ProvinceProduction baseRMB200,000,000.00-100.00Business combination under common control
Yichun Jingming New Energy Co.,Ltd.Jiangxi ProvinceJiangxi ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Maanshan Aoxiong New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Anhui ProvinceAnhui ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Jinzhou Ruineng New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Hebei ProvinceHebei ProvinceDistributed project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Purchase
Anhui Aokang New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Anhui ProvinceAnhui ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Datong Jingxing New Energy Co.,Ltd.Shanxi ProvinceShanxi ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Zhumadian Xingao New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Henan ProvinceHenan ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Xunxian Lijing New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Henan ProvinceHenan ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Changde Jingde New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Hunan ProvinceHunan ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Shaoyang Jingju New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Hunan ProvinceHunan ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Shaoyang Jingshao New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Hunan ProvinceHunan ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Shanxi Jingyu New Energy Technology Co.,LtdShanxi ProvinceShanxi ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Chenzhou Yongjing New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Hunan ProvinceHunan ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Guangxi Jingyang New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous RegionGuangxi Zhuang Autonomous RegionResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Zhumadian Fengda New Energy Co., Ltd.Henan ProvinceHenan ProvinceDistributed project companyRMB2,200,000.00-100.00Purchase
Anhui Aosbang New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Anhui ProvinceAnhui ProvinceResidential project companyRMB5,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Anhui Aosheng New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Anhui ProvinceAnhui ProvinceResidential project companyRMB5,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Wenxian Fuao New Energy Co.,Ltd.Henan ProvinceHenan ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Pingdingshan Jingming New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Henan ProvinceHenan ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Name of the subsidiaries (continued)Principal place of businessRegistration placeBusiness natureRegistered capitalShareholding percentage (%)Acquisition method
Guangxi Jingrui New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous RegionGuangxi Zhuang Autonomous RegionResidential project companyRMB10,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Xuchang Jinghao New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Henan ProvinceHenan ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Xinyang Aoxing New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Henan ProvinceHenan ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Fuyang Jingfeng Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Anhui ProvinceAnhui ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Taikang Jingsheng New Energy Co.,Ltd.Henan ProvinceHenan ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Suixian Jingfeng New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Henan ProvinceHenan ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Shenqiu Aofeng New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Henan ProvinceHenan ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Zhengzhou Qianao New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Henan ProvinceHenan ProvinceResidential project companyRMB5,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Qujing Jinghao New Energy Co.,Ltd.Yunnan ProvinceYunnan ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Haerbin Jingguan New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Heilongjiang ProvinceHeilongjiang ProvinceCentralized project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Xiangxi Jinghong New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Hunan ProvinceHunan ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Chizhou Jingxing Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Anhui ProvinceAnhui ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Huainan Jinghong New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Anhui ProvinceAnhui ProvinceResidential project companyRMB5,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Zhoukou Jinghui New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Henan ProvinceHenan ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Wushe Ruijing New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Henan ProvinceHenan ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Xinyang Aoan New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Henan ProvinceHenan ProvinceResidential project companyRMB5,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Xinyang Jingan New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Henan ProvinceHenan ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Anhui Aoteng New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Anhui ProvinceAnhui ProvinceResidential project companyRMB5,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Shijiazhuang JA Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.Hebei ProvinceHebei ProvinceProduction baseRMB150,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Dongtai JA New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Jiangsu ProvinceJiangsu ProvinceProduction baseRMB500,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Baotou JA New Material Co., Ltd.Inner Mongolia Autonomous RegionInner Mongolia Autonomous RegionProduction baseRMB30,000,000.00-78.54Set up
Nanyang Jingling New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Henan ProvinceHenan ProvinceDistributed project companyRMB30,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Haerbin Aohai New Energy Co., Ltd.Heilongjiang ProvinceHeilongjiang ProvinceDistributed project companyRMB1,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Jinzhou Jingshun New Energy Co., Ltd.Liaoning provinceLiaoning provinceDistributed project companyRMB1,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Shenyang Jingshun New Energy Co., Ltd.Liaoning provinceLiaoning provinceDistributed project companyRMB1,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Ezhou Kasilaite New Energy Co., Ltd.Hubei ProvinceHubei ProvinceDistributed project companyRMB17,600,000.00-100.00Purchase
Suzhou Yaoka New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Jiangsu ProvinceJiangsu ProvinceDistributed project companyRMB7,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Wuhan Aohai New Energy Co., Ltd.Hubei ProvinceHubei ProvinceDistributed project companyRMB1,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Sihong Huayi New Energy Co., Ltd.Jiangsu ProvinceJiangsu ProvinceDistributed project companyRMB1,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Boao Energy (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd.Jiangsu ProvinceJiangsu ProvinceDistributed project companyRMB10,000,000.00-80.00Set up
Heze Aosheng New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Shandong ProvinceShandong ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Zhangjiakou Jingxing New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Hebei ProvinceHebei ProvinceResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Suiping Siao New Energy Co., Ltd.Henan ProvinceHenan ProvinceDistributed project companyRMB1,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Qinzhou Jingyang New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous RegionGuangxi Zhuang Autonomous RegionDistributed project companyRMB1,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Guangdong Jinghuo New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Guangdong ProvinceGuangdong ProvinceResidential project companyRMB5,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Jiujiang Jingming New Energy Co.,Ltd.Jiangxi ProvinceJiangxi ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Qujing Jingfeng New Energy Co.,Ltd.Yunnan ProvinceYunnan ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Xinyi JA PV Technology Co., Ltd.Jiangsu ProvinceJiangsu ProvinceTrading companyRMB10,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Shenze Jingsheng New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Hebei ProvinceHebei ProvinceCentralized project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Jingzhou Jingsheng New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Hebei ProvinceHebei ProvinceCentralized project companyRMB2,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Xinbaerhu Jingyao New EnergyCo., Ltd.Inner Mongolia Autonomous RegionInner Mongolia Autonomous RegionCentralized project companyRMB1,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Yiyang Jingzhen New Energy Co.,Ltd.Hunan ProvinceHunan ProvinceResidential project companyRMB10,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Hubei Aobo New Energy Co.,Ltd.Hubei ProvinceHubei ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Name of the subsidiaries (continued)Principal place of businessRegistration placeBusiness natureRegistered capitalShareholding percentage (%)Acquisition method
Hubei Jingxu New Energy Co.,Ltd.Hubei ProvinceHubei ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Daye Jingyu New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Hubei ProvinceHubei ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Hubei Jingxing New Energy Co.,Ltd.Hubei ProvinceHubei ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Shiyan Aoshun New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Hubei ProvinceHubei ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Shiyan Baojing New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Hubei ProvinceHubei ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Shiyan Aosheng New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Hubei ProvinceHubei ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Anhui Aoning New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Anhui ProvinceAnhui ProvinceResidential project companyRMB5,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Hubei Jingyang New Energy Co.,Ltd.Hubei ProvinceHubei ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Hubei Jingfeng New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Hubei ProvinceHubei ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Fuzhou Jingding New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Fujian ProvinceFujian ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
JA Energy Storage Technology(Shanghai) Co., Ltd.ShanghaiShanghaiEnergy storage project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Honghe Jingfeng New Energy Co.,Ltd.Yunnan ProvinceYunnan ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Anlu Aoliang New Energy Co.,Ltd.Hubei ProvinceHubei ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Zaoyang Jingying New Energy Development Co.,Ltd.Hubei ProvinceHubei ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Yunnan Fengjing New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Yunnan ProvinceYunnan ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Yunnan Fengjia New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Yunnan ProvinceYunnan ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Kunming Jingsheng New Energy Co.,Ltd.Yunnan ProvinceYunnan ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Guangxi Jingan New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous RegionGuangxi Zhuang Autonomous RegionResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Yangchun Xingjia New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Guangdong ProvinceGuangdong ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Luyi Aofeng PV Technology Co., Ltd.Henan ProvinceHenan ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Qujing Jingsheng New Energy Co.,Ltd.Yunnan ProvinceYunnan ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Xingtang Jingsheng New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Hebei ProvinceHebei ProvinceCentralized project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Shanxi Anjing New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Shanxi ProvinceShanxi ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Hubei Jinghao New Energy Co.,Ltd.Hubei ProvinceHubei ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Yuncheng Anjing New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Shanxi ProvinceShanxi ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Meishan Aoshun New Energy Co., Ltd.Sichuan ProvinceSichuan ProvinceDistributed project companyRMB1,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Shanghai Jiahe Energy Co.,Ltd.ShanghaiShanghaiResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Shijiazhuang Jingming PV Technology Co., Ltd.Hebei ProvinceHebei ProvinceDistributed project companyRMB5,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Hubei Jingmian New Energy Co.,Ltd.Hubei ProvinceHubei ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Ningde Jinghui New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.Fujian ProvinceFujian ProvinceResidential project companyRMB5,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Qujing Fengjing New Energy Co.,Ltd.Yunnan ProvinceYunnan ProvinceResidential project companyRMB3,000,000.00-100.00Set up
Shanghai Xingzheng Energy Co.,Ltd.ShanghaiShanghaiResidential project companyRMB20,000,000.00-100.00Set up

(2) Material non-wholly owned subsidiaries

Name of the SubsidiaryProportion of ownership interest held by non-controlling interestsProfit or loss allocated to non-controlling interests during the yearDividend declared to non-controlling shareholders during the yearBalance of non-controlling interests at the end of the year
Yiwu JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd.9.88%(9,292,486.46)-648,879,012.58



Note: Refer to Note VIII.2(1)

(3) Key financial information about material non-wholly owned subsidiaries

Name of the Subsidiary2023
Current assetsNon-current assetsTotal assetsCurrent liabilitiesNon-current liabilitiesTotal liabilities
Yiwu JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd.8,795,018,216.113,648,608,095.4112,443,626,311.525,499,186,619.68475,990,837.075,975,177,456.75



Name of the Subsidiary2022
Current assetsNon-current assetsTotal assetsCurrent liabilitiesNon-current liabilitiesTotal liabilities
Yiwu JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd. (Restated)9,515,903,742.574,059,789,311.8613,575,693,054.438,254,659,070.36609,616,206.398,864,275,276.75



Name of the Subsidiary20232022 (Restated)
Operating incomeNet profit for the yearTotal comprehensive income for the yearCash flows from operating activitiesOperating incomeNet profit for the yearTotal comprehensive income for the yearCash flows from operating activities
Yiwu JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd.21,154,819,542.78751,402,046.83751,402,046.83(692,274,491.39)24,380,321,632.80985,253,239.81985,253,239.811,417,730,517.59


2 Transactions that cause changes in the Group’s interests in subsidiaries that do not result in

loss of control

(1) Changes in the Group’s interests in subsidiaries:

In June 2023, a subsidiary of the Group, Yiwu JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafterreferred to as “Yiwu Base”), accepted an investment of RMB1 billion from ICBC Financial AssetInvestment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “ICBC Investment”) to optimise its capitalstructure and reduce its asset-liability ratio, thereby promoting its healthy development of itsbusiness and enhancing its overall competitiveness. The funds will mainly be used to repaythe debts to financial institutions and for the production and operation. After the capital injectionfrom ICBC Investment, the Group holds 90.12% equity in Yiwu Base, and ICBC Investmentholds 9.88%. Therefore Yiwu Base is still within the consolidation scope of the Group.

In October 2023, Sino-German Manufacturing (Anhui) Investment Fund (L.P.) transferred 2.31%equity in Yangzhou Battery to JA Solar, for a consideration of RMB218,450,000.00. After thetransfer, the Group holds 71.16% equity in Yangzhou Battery, China Orient Asset ManagementCo., Ltd. holds 23.07%, ABC Financial Asset Investment co., Ltd. holds 5.77%. YangzhouBattery is still within the consolidation scope of the Group.

In November 2023, JA Solar acquired all the shares of Xingtai Jinglong PV Materials Co., Ltd.held by Shanghai HIUV New Materials Co., Ltd. (a non-controlling shareholder) with aconsideration of RMB10,552,334.60. After the acquisition, the Group holds 100% equity inXingtai Jinglong PV Materials Co., Ltd.

(2) Impact from transactions with non-controlling interests and equity attributable to the

shareholders of the Company:

?Yiwu JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd.JA Solar Technology Yangzhou Co., Ltd.Xingtai Jinglong PV Materials Co., Ltd.
Acquisition cost - Cash1,000,000,000.00218,450,000.0010,552,334.60
Less: share of net assets in subsidiaries based on the shares disposed658,171,499.74183,390,282.6016,496,143.18
Including: Adjustment on capital reserve341,828,500.2635,059,717.40(5,943,808.58)

3 Interests in joint ventures or associates

Item31 December 202331 December 2022
- Material associates632,114,368.10527,998,575.22
- Immaterial associates267,041,230.10245,755,452.97
Less: Provision for impairment--


(1) Material associates

Name of associatePrincipal place of businessRegistered placeNature of businessShareholding percentage (%)Accounting treatment of investments in associatesRegistered capital
Inner Mongolia Xinte Silicon Material Co., Ltd.Inner Mongolia Autonomous RegionInner Mongolia Autonomous RegionProduction9.00-Equity methodRMB3,500,000,000.00?


(2) Key financial information of material associates:

Inner Mongolia Xinte Silicon Material Co., Ltd.Inner Mongolia Xinte Silicon Material Co., Ltd.
Current assets5,227,754,291.293,659,131,121.24
Non-current assets8,578,206,719.718,699,660,948.05
Total assets13,805,961,011.0012,358,792,069.29
Current liabilities3,836,028,252.543,260,072,925.25
Non-current liabilities2,946,439,779.653,208,845,565.63
Total liabilities6,782,468,032.196,468,918,490.88
Non-controlling interests--
Equity attributable to shareholders of the Company7,023,492,978.815,889,873,578.41
Group’s share of net assets632,114,368.10530,088,622.06
- Goodwill--
- Unrealized profits of intra-group transactions--
- Others--
Carrying amount of equity investments in associates632,114,368.10527,998,575.22
Fair value of equity investments in associates which have quoted market prices--
Operating income9,078,630,667.855,035,245,094.00
Net profit for the year2,462,815,556.752,364,113,038.35
Net profit from discontinued operations--
Other comprehensive income for the year--
Total comprehensive income for the year2,462,815,556.752,364,113,038.35
Dividends received from associates during the year118,304,406.02-

(3) Summarized financial information of immaterial associates:

Aggregate carrying amount of investments267,041,230.10245,755,452.97
Aggregate amount of share of??
- Net profit28,201,978.0127,387,853.85
- Other comprehensive income6,535,373.91-
- Total comprehensive income34,737,351.9227,387,853.85

(4) Excess loss from associates

Name of enterpriseAccumulated unrecognized loss in prior periodsUnrecognized loss at the end of the yearAccumulated unrecognized loss at the end of the year
Jingguan PV Electric (Yugan Xian) Co., Ltd.(60,320,780.55)(30,114,495.47)(90,435,276.02)



The net loss of Jingguan PV Electric (Yugan Xian) Co., Ltd. for the year 2023 isRMB33,460,550.52, and has recognized an accumulated unrecovered loss ofRMB110,483,640.02. In the year 2020, the Group recognized the investment loss ofRMB9,000,000.00 according to the 90% shareholding ratio, and the remainingRMB7,333,775.87 of excess losses were recorded off the books for future reference. In 2021,the Group recognized the investment loss of RMB17,291,195.61 according to the 90%shareholding ratio. In the year 2022, the Group recognized the investment loss ofRMB35,695,809.07 according to the 90% shareholding ratio and the accumulatedRMB60,320,780.55 of excess losses were recorded off the books for future reference. In theyear 2023, the Group recognized the investment loss of RMB30,114,495.47 according to the90% shareholding ratio and the accumulated RMB90,435,276.02 of excess losses wererecorded off the books for future reference.

IX. Government grants

1 Details of government grants


ItemAmountPresentation itemAmount recognized in profit or loss for the current period
Industrial development support funds438,157,882.60Other income438,157,882.60
Fixed assets subsidy and infrastructure support funds74,283,138.12Other income74,283,138.12
Research and development subsidy48,327,944.00Other income48,327,944.00
Special funds39,693,989.85Other income39,693,989.85
Electricity subsidy24,487,907.95Other income24,487,907.95
Tax rebate support funds19,144,087.31Other income19,144,087.31
Housing support funds17,178,300.00Other income17,178,300.00
Project grants24,150,474.22Other income24,150,474.22
Foreign trade subsidy10,699,998.84Other income10,699,998.84
Job stabilization subsidy8,551,670.00Other income8,551,670.00
Technical transformation subsidy funds6,703,411.13Other income6,703,411.13
Land support funds1,318,074.00Other income1,318,074.00
Loan discount subsidy19,894,040.02Financial expenses19,894,040.02
Others (individual amount less than 1 million)11,337,490.06Other income11,337,490.06


ItemAmountPresentation itemAmount recognized in profit or loss for the current period
Industrial development support funds75,754,120.60Other income75,754,120.60
Fixed assets subsidy and infrastructure support funds43,792,048.20Other income43,792,048.20
Research and development subsidy8,600,000.00Other income8,600,000.00
Special funds25,377,959.12Other income25,377,959.12
Electricity subsidy82,610,000.00Other income82,610,000.00
Tax rebate support funds10,002,349.75Other income10,002,349.75
Project grants31,559,069.61Other income31,559,069.61
Foreign trade subsidy5,807,857.00Other income5,807,857.00
Job stabilization subsidy12,282,609.45Other income12,282,609.45
Technical transformation subsidy funds14,539,917.70Other income14,539,917.70
Loan discount subsidy43,640,300.00Financial expenses43,640,300.00
Others (individual amount less than 1 million)29,460,229.70Other income29,460,229.70

2 Liabilities relating to government grants

ItemBalance at the beginning of the yearAdditions during the yearAmounts recognised in non-operating income during the yearAmounts recogniesd in other income during the yearOther changes during the yearBalance at the end of the yearRelated to assets/income
Deferred income611,231,908.32431,810,895.00-96,836,967.90(49,613,101.22)896,592,734.20related to assets
Deferred income-337,070,000.00-332,756,129.71-4,313,870.29related to income

X. Risk related to financial instruments

The Group has exposure to the following main risks from its use of financial instruments in thenormal course of the Group’s operations:

- Credit risk- Liquidity risk- Interest rate risk- Foreign currency risk- Other price risks

The following mainly presents information about the Group’s exposure to each of the aboverisks and their sources, their changes during the year, and the Group’s objectives, policies andprocesses for measuring and managing risks, and their changes during the year.

The Group aims to seek appropriate balance between the risks and benefits from its use offinancial instruments and to mitigate the adverse effects that the risks of financial instrumentshave on the Group’s financial performance. Based on such objectives, the Group’s riskmanagement policies are established to identify and analyse the risks faced by the Group, toset appropriate risk limits and controls, and to monitor risks and adherence to limits. Riskmanagement policies and systems are reviewed regularly to reflect changes in marketconditions and the Group’s activities.

1 Credit risk

Credit risk is the risk that one party to a financial instrument will cause a financial loss for theother party by failing to discharge an obligation. The Group is mainly exposed to credit riskarising from customers’ failure to discharge an obligation in sales on credit. The Group mainlyfaces customer credit risks caused by sales on account. Prior to the conclusion of the newcontract, the Group will evaluate the credit risk of the new customer including the externalcredit rating and bank credential letter under some circumstances (if it is available). The Groupsets a credit limit for each customer. The limit is the maximum amount unnecessary foradditional approval.

The Group quarterly monitors the existing customer credit rating and monthly reviews aginganalysis of accounts receivable to ensure that the Group’s overall credit risk is within thecontrollable range. When monitoring the credit risk of the customer, the Group will divide thecustomer into groups by their credit characteristics. Customers rated as “high risk” level will beplaced in a restricted customer list. The Group may sell goods to such customers on credit infuture periods in case of additional approval, otherwise the Group must require advancepayments of the corresponding amount.

The maximum exposure to credit risk is represented by the carrying amount of each financialasset, including derivative financial instruments, in the balance sheet. The Group does notprovide any other guarantees which would expose the Group to credit risk.

2 Liquidity risk

Liquidity risk is the risk that an enterprise will encounter difficulty in meeting obligations thatare settled by delivering cash or another financial asset. The Group’s policy is to maintainsufficient cash to meet maturing obligations. Liquidity risk is centralized controlled by theCompany’s finance department. The finance department monitors cash balances, readilyrealizable marketable securities, and rolling forecasts of cash flows over the next 12 monthsto ensure that the Company has sufficient funds to repay debts under all reasonable forecasts.

The following tables set out the remaining contractual maturities at the balance sheet date ofthe Group’s financial liabilities, which are based on contractual undiscounted cash flows(including interest payments computed using contractual rates or, if floating, based on ratescurrent at the balance sheet date) and the earliest date the Group can be required to pay:

Item2023 Contractual undiscounted cash flowCarrying amount at balance sheet date
Within 1 year or demand (inclusive)More than 1 year but less than 2 years (inclusive)More than 2 years but less than 5 years (inclusive)More than 5 yearsTotal
Short-term loans1,062,995,428.03---1,062,995,428.03978,591,075.08
Bills payable18,609,296,613.85---18,609,296,613.8518,609,296,613.85
Accounts payable8,816,378,706.33---8,816,378,706.338,816,378,706.33
Other payables14,369,723,054.48---14,369,723,054.4814,369,723,054.48
Long-term loans (including the portion due within one year)262,010,256.25212,244,481.30675,916,499.35881,823,654.802,031,994,891.701,705,647,906.85
Lease liabilities (including the portion due within one year)292,704,714.13471,747,100.32337,370,153.33761,182,360.861,863,004,328.641,375,781,457.39
Long-term payables (including the portion due within one year)417,614,564.83215,104,698.021,620,646,959.183,357,887,011.745,611,253,233.774,359,874,503.93
Other non-current liabilities (including the portion due within one year)-27,235,914.0056,640,000.00-83,875,914.0083,875,914.00


Item2022 Contractual undiscounted cash flow (Restated)Carrying amount at balance sheet date
Within 1 year or demand (inclusive)More than 1 year but less than 2 years (inclusive)More than 2 years but less than 5 years (inclusive)More than 5 yearsTotal
Short-term loans1,801,452,489.98---1,801,452,489.981,787,142,065.32
Derivative financial liabilities113,064,066.74---113,064,066.74113,064,066.74
Bills payable13,418,146,649.03---13,418,146,649.0313,418,146,649.03
Accounts payable5,155,050,686.52---5,155,050,686.525,155,050,686.52
Other payables5,659,249,722.01---5,659,249,722.015,659,249,722.01
Long-term loans (including the portion due within one year)495,211,612.80451,113,052.53688,150,142.281,102,807,776.802,737,282,584.412,257,403,597.56
Lease liabilities (including the portion due within one year)414,293,324.48146,587,193.14275,824,273.25685,783,146.221,522,487,937.091,031,646,335.92
Long-term payables (including the portion due within one year)687,621,409.56476,889,914.50220,616,898.161,937,346,028.213,322,474,250.432,612,101,405.39
Other non-current liabilities (including the portion due within one year)651,163,858.67-183,875,914.00-835,039,772.67835,039,772.67



3 Interest rate risk

Interest rate risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument willfluctuate because of changes in market interest rates. The Group’s exposure to currency riskis primarily arising from variable-rate bank balances and variable-rate borrowings. The Grouphas not yet formulated a policy to manage its interest rate risk, but the management will closelymonitor interest rate risk and use interest rate swaps when necessary to achieve the expectedinterest rate structure. Although this measure cannot completely prevent the Company frompaying the risk that the interest rate paid exceeds the current market interest rate, nor can itcompletely eliminate the cash flow risk associated with fluctuations in interest income andexpenditure, the management believes that this measure achieves a reasonable balancebetween these risks.

(1) As at 31 December, the Group held the following interest-bearing financial instruments:

Fixed rate financial instruments :

Financial assetsEffective interest rateAmountsEffective interest rateAmounts
Non-current assets due within one year2.70%-3.99%2,498,637,840.302.50% - 3.60%268,477,657.97
Long-term receivables(including the portion due within one year)4.57%-6.00%546,453,754.76--
Other non-current assets2.65%-3.55%2,770,570,732.732.70% - 3.99%4,597,104,451.98
Financial liabilities??
Short-term loans0-3.89%536,006,444.000 - 5.22%1,787,142,065.32
Long-term loans(including the portion due within one year)1.00%-2.95%70,163,855.560 - 5.39%1,911,326,647.83
Lease liabilities(including the portion due within one year)3.56%-6.70%1,375,781,457.394.20% - 6.70%1,031,646,335.92
Long-term payables(including the portion due within one year)1.52%-4.65%4,359,874,503.931.52% - 4.65%2,612,101,405.39
Debentures payable(including the portion due within one year)0.20%-2.00%8,367,890,158.50--



Variable rate financial instruments:

Item20232022 (Restated)
Financial assetsEffective interest rateAmountsEffective interest rateAmounts
Cash at bank and on hand0-7.50%15,988,433,550.070 - 5.10%12,183,639,319.53
Financial liabilities--
Short-term loansLPR-0.25%105,938,435.17--
Short-term loansLPR-0.43%2,001,650.00--
Short-term loansLPR-0.45%80,095,206.26--
Short-term loansLPR-0.55%112,098,527.86--
Short-term loansPBOC benchmark lending rate+10%1,544,400.00--
Short-term loansLPR-0.20%140,906,411.79--
Long-term loans(including the portion due within one year)LPR10,009,777.783M LIBOR + 2.75%346,076,949.73
Long-term loans(including the portion due within one year)LPR-0.43%298,255,627.78--
Long-term loans(including the portion due within one year)LPR-0.45%901,617,423.41--
Long-term loans(including the portion due within one year)LPR-0.95%99,596,026.70--
Long-term loans(including the portion due within one year)PBOC benchmark lending rate+10%167,638,131.70--
Long-term loans(including the portion due within one year)LPR-1.40%50,000,000.00--
Long-term loans(including the portion due within one year)LPR+5.00%43,040,000.00--
Long-term loans(including the portion due within one year)LPR-0.20%59,679,673.22--
Long-term loans(including the portion due within one year)6MLIBOR+4%5,647,390.70--



(2) Sensitivity analysis

As at 31 December 2023, it is estimated that a general increase/decrease of 100 basis pointsin interest rates, with all other variables held constant, would increase/decrease the Group’sequity by RMB123,802,247.33 (2022: RMB104,170,548.86 (Restated)), and net profit byRMB123,802,247.33 (2022: RMB104,170,548.86 (Restated)).

4 Foreign currency risk

In respect of cash at bank and on hand, accounts receivable and payable, short-term loansdenominated in foreign currencies other than the functional currency, the Group ensures thatits net exposure is kept to an acceptable level by buying or selling foreign currencies at spotrates when necessary to address short-term imbalances.

(1) As at 31 December, the Group’s exposure to currency risk arising from recognized assets or

liabilities denominated in foreign currencies is presented in the following tables. Forpresentation purposes, the amounts of the exposure are shown in Renminbi, translated usingthe spot rate at the balance sheet date. Differences resulting from the translation of thefinancial statements denominated in foreign currency are excluded.

Balance in foreign currencyBalance in RMB equivalentBalance in foreign currencyBalance in RMB equivalent
Cash at bank and on hand
- USD408,181,587.142,891,027,727.22234,696,374.781,634,566,371.82
- EUR23,344,459.80183,468,778.4442,955,059.40318,851,110.45
- Other foreign currencies218,688,151.88176,902,883.95
Derivative financial assets
- USD589,264.134,173,581.05--
Accounts receivable
- USD649,998,749.764,603,746,144.90436,629,119.773,040,947,167.56
- EUR176,640,804.341,388,255,409.44445,921,450.763,310,030,336.87
- Other foreign currencies289,621,346.39171,344,870.96
Other receivables
- USD92,129,104.83652,522,810.7962,047,650.95432,137,070.03
- EUR2,296,123.5318,045,694.051,272,961.159,449,063.35
- Other foreign currencies8,500,448.3719,982,509.53
Short-term loans
- EUR1,800,582.7514,151,139.9540,238,634.63298,687,361.03
Derivative financial liabilities
- USD--9,130,633.9263,591,213.00
Accounts payable
- USD76,566,780.61542,299,537.0098,151,169.05683,583,631.98
- EUR2,356,668.4018,521,528.257,655,261.5056,824,240.61
- Other foreign currencies23,921,301.9226,693,581.29
Other payables
- USD153,987,232.211,090,645,369.57120,921,748.67842,171,610.77
- EUR6,686,211.0052,548,269.528,822,182.5865,486,179.05
- Other foreign currencies138,992,391.6482,588,919.99
Long-term loans (including the portion due within one year)
- USD--48,759,270.04339,588,812.09
- Other foreign currencies35,775,190.7039,211,573.46
Gross balance sheet exposure
- USD920,344,693.046,518,525,357.39456,410,323.833,178,715,341.57
- EUR191,437,925.521,504,548,944.21433,433,392.603,217,332,729.98
- Other foreign currencies318,121,062.38219,736,189.70



(2) The following are the exchange rates for Renminbi against foreign currencies applied by the


?Average rateBalance sheet date mid-spot rate



(3) Sensitivity analysis

Assuming all other risk variables remained constant, a 5% strengthening of the Renminbiagainst other foreign currencies at 31 December would have decreased / increased theshareholders’ equity and net profit by the amount shown below, whose effect is in Renminbiand translated using the spot rate at the year-end date:

?Shareholders’ equityNet profit
As at 31 December 2023
Increase by 5%(372,959,265.23)(372,959,265.23)
Decrease by 5%372,959,265.23372,959,265.23
As at 31 December 2022
Increase by 5%(290,146,415.34)(290,146,415.34)
Decrease by 5%290,146,415.34290,146,415.34



A 5% weakening of the Renminbi against other foreign currencies at 31 December would havehad the equal but opposite effect to the amounts shown above, on the basis that all othervariables remained constant.

5 Other price risks

Other price risk refers to the risk that the fair value or future cash flow of financial instrumentswill fluctuate due to changes in market prices other than exchange rate risk and interest raterisk. The Group did not hold equity investments in other listed companies in the year 2023.

XI. Fair value disclosure

The following table presents the fair value information and the fair value hierarchy, at the endof the current reporting period, of the Group’s assets and liabilities which are measured at fairvalue at each balance sheet date on a recurring or non-recurring basis. The level in which fairvalue measurement is categorized is determined by the level of the fair value hierarchy of thelowest level input that is significant to the entire fair value measurement. The levels are definedas follows:

Level 1 inputs: unadjusted quoted prices in active markets that are observable at the

measurement date for identical assets or liabilities;

Level 2 inputs: inputs other than Level 1 inputs that are either directly or indirectly observable

for underlying assets or liabilities;

Level 3 inputs: inputs that are unobservable for underlying assets or liabilities.

1 Fair value of assets and liabilities measured at fair value at the end of the year

ItemNote31 December 2023
Level 1 Fair value measurementLevel 2 Fair value measurementLevel 3 Fair value measurementTotal
Recurring fair value measurements?
Receivables under financingV.5--831,601,690.24831,601,690.24
Investments in other equity instrumentsV.14--99,664,681.0799,664,681.07
Derivative financial assetsV.2?-11,847,761.02-11,847,761.02
Total assets measured at fair value on a recurring basis?-11,847,761.02931,266,371.31943,114,132.33



ItemNote31 December 2022
Level 1 Fair value measurementLevel 2 Fair value measurementLevel 3 Fair value measurementTotal
Recurring fair value measurements?
Receivables under financingV.5--738,795,367.11738,795,367.11
Investments in other equity instrumentsV.14--32,500,800.0032,500,800.00
Total assets measured at fair value on a recurring basis?--771,296,167.11771,296,167.11
Derivative financial liabilitiesV.24?-113,064,066.74-113,064,066.74
Total liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis?-113,064,066.74-113,064,066.74



2 Valuation techniques used and the qualitative and quantitative information of key parameters

for recurring and non-recurring fair value measurements categorized within Level 2

The Company uses the input value verified by the market as the basis for determining the fairvalue of the second-level financial assets.

3 Valuation techniques used and the qualitative and quantitative information of key parameters

for recurring and non-recurring fair value measurements categorized within Level 3

The Company uses the unobservable input value as the basis for determining the fair value ofthe third-level financial assets.

The Company's receivables under financing for items measured at fair value in Level 3 is bankacceptance bills. These bills will mature in a relatively short period of time, and there is nosignificant difference between their carrying amount and fair value. The fair value is based onthe carrying value of the bank acceptance bills.

The Company's investments in other equity instruments measured at fair value in Level 3 arethe equity interests in Yonz Technology Co., Ltd., Nordkette (SuZhou) Intelligent EquipmentCo.,Ltd. and Duowei Union Group Co., Ltd. The fair value of investments in other equityinstruments is based on the fair value of the initial investment consideration in the investee andadjustments to the cost of investment from the investee's operations.

XII. Related parties and related party transactions

1 Information about the parent of the Company

Company nameRegistered placeBusiness natureRegistered capital (RMB’0000)Shareholding percentage (%)Percentage of voting rights (%)
Dongtai Jingtaifu Technology Co., Ltd.Dongtai, JiangsuInvestment3,000.0047.3547.35



The parent company of the Company is Dongtai Jingtaifu Technology Co., Ltd., and theultimate controlller of the Company is Jin Baofang.

2 Information about the subsidiaries of the Company

For information about the subsidiaries of the Group, refer to Note VIII. Interests in other entities.

3 Information about joint ventures and associates of the Company

For information about the joint ventures and associates of the Group, refer to Note VIII.Interests in other entities. Joint ventures and associates that have related party transactionswith the Group during this year or the previous year are as follows:

Name of entityRelationship with the Company
JA Solar PV Electric (Lincheng) Co., Ltd.Associates of the Group
Fukushima Nakamori Power Plant Contract CompanyAssociates of the Group
Jingguan PV Electric (Yugan Xian) Co., Ltd.Associates of the Group
Suzhou JSolar IncorporatedAssociates of the Group
Inner Mongolia Xinte Silicon Material Co., Ltd.Associates of the Company
Yuhong JA New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Associates of the Group
Datang Angli (Lingwu) New Energy Co., Ltd.Associates of the Group



4 Information on other related parties

Name of other related partiesRelated party relationship
Jinglong Industrial Group Co., Ltd.Company controlled by the same ultimate controller
Jinglong (Anhui) Property Co., Ltd.Company controlled by the same ultimate controller
Ningjin County Jinglong Hotel Co., Ltd.Company controlled by the same ultimate controller
Yiwu Hongyang Catering Management Co., Ltd.Company controlled by the same ultimate controller
Hefei Dinghong Catering Management Co., Ltd.Company controlled by the same ultimate controller
Yangzhou Hongkang Catering Management Co., Ltd.Company controlled by the same ultimate controller
Xingtai Jingning Catering Management Co., Ltd.Company controlled by the same ultimate controller
Jinglong Catering Co., Ltd.Company controlled by the same ultimate controller
Jinglong Property Co., Ltd.Company controlled by the same ultimate controller
Jinglong (Hebei) Property Co., Ltd.Company controlled by the same ultimate controller
Jinglong (Jiangsu) Property Co., Ltd.Company controlled by the same ultimate controller
Jinglong (Zhejiang) Property Co., Ltd.Company controlled by the same ultimate controller
Yunnan Jinglong Property Co., Ltd.Company controlled by the same ultimate controller
Jinglong (Lianyungang) Property Co., Ltd.Company controlled by the same ultimate controller
Jinglong (Inner Mongolia) Property Co., Ltd.Company controlled by the same ultimate controller
Sanhe Lewanjia Trading Co., Ltd.Company controlled by the same ultimate controller
Ningjin Jinglong Small Loan Co., Ltd.Company controlled by the same ultimate controller
Sunshine Silicon Peak Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.Company controlled by the same ultimate controller
JASO HOLDINGS LIMITEDCompany controlled by the same ultimate controller



Name of other related parties (continued)Related party relationship
Hebei Jinglong Logistics Co., Ltd.Company controlled by the same ultimate controller
Qujing Dinghong Catering Management Co., Ltd.Company controlled by the same ultimate controller
Sanhe Huadian Yili Technology And Trade Co., Ltd.Company controlled by the same ultimate controller
Jinglong Technology Holdings LimitedCompany controlled by the same ultimate controller
Ningjin County Xinghe Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.Company controlled by the same ultimate controller
Yiwu Jinghong Supermarket Co., Ltd.Company controlled by the same ultimate controller
Baotou Hongyang Catering Management Co., Ltd.Company controlled by the same ultimate controller
Ningjin County Jingdian Jingwei Pastry Co., Ltd.Company controlled by the same ultimate controller
Ningjin County Chengzhi Trading Co., Ltd.Company controlled by the same ultimate controller
Sanhe Jingning Catering Co., Ltd.Company controlled by the same ultimate controller
Ningjin County Dinggao Trading Co., Ltd.Company controlled by the same ultimate controller
Hebei Jinglong Human Resource Service Co., Ltd.Company controlled by the same ultimate controller
Hebei Jinglong Hotel Co., Ltd.Company controlled by the same ultimate controller
Tianjin Jinfeng Logistics Co., Ltd.Company controlled by the same ultimate controller
Yangzhou Jinglefu Supermarket Co., Ltd.Company controlled by the same ultimate controller
Jinglong (Xingtai) Property Co., Ltd. (Formerly known as “Jinglong Property (Xingtai) Co., Ltd.”)Company controlled by the same ultimate controller
Hebei Jingning Elderly Care Service Co., Ltd.Company controlled by the same ultimate controller
Xingtai Hongfan Trading Co., Ltd.Company controlled by the same ultimate controller
Bank of Xingtai Co., Ltd.Company invested by the ultimate controller
Xinte Energy Co., Ltd.Company invested by the ultimate controller
Xinjiang Xinte Crystalline Silicon High-tech Co., Ltd.Company invested by the ultimate controller
Name of other related parties (continued)Related party relationship
Ningjin County Heilonggang Construction and Installation Co., Ltd.Company under the significant influence of close relatives of executives
Yuhong JA New Energy Technology (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.Subsidiary of associates
Baotou Jinglong Hotel Co., Ltd.Company controlled by the same ultimate controller
Jinglong (Shijiazhuang) Catering Management Co., Ltd.Company controlled by the same ultimate controller
Yangzhou Jinglong Catering Management Co., Ltd.Company controlled by the same ultimate controller
Lianyungang Jingkanghong Catering Co., Ltd.Company controlled by the same ultimate controller
Jinglong (Qujing) Catering Co., Ltd.Company controlled by the same ultimate controller
Jinglong (Dongtai) Catering Management Co., Ltd.Company controlled by the same ultimate controller
Baotou Jinghong Trading Co., Ltd.Company controlled by the same ultimate controller
Yancheng Jiwa New Material Technology Co., Ltd.Subsidiary of associates
Xinte Silicon-based New Material Co., Ltd.Company invested by the ultimate controller
Jinglong (Dongtai) Property Co., Ltd.Company controlled by the same ultimate controller
Ningjin County Jingyuan New Energy Investment Co., Ltd.Company controlled by the same ultimate controller
Donghai County Longhai Real Estate Co., Ltd.Company controlled by the same ultimate controller
Beijing Sunshine Jinglong Technology and Trade Co., Ltd.Company controlled by the same ultimate controller

5 Transactions with related parties

(1) Purchase of goods/receiving of services (excluding remuneration of key management


Name of related partyNature of transaction20232022
Bank of Xingtai Co., Ltd.Interest and handling fees1,625,358.78?9,228,606.96
Qujing Dinghong Catering Management Co., Ltd.Procurement of services15,802,827.00?13,253,101.00
Sanhe Lewanjia Trading Co., Ltd.Procurement of services-272,210.03
Ningjin County Heilonggang Construction and Installation Co., Ltd.Procurement of services299,026.611,645,929.03
Hebei Jinglong Logistics Co., Ltd.Procurement of services149,087,669.4792,089,495.50
Jinglong Industrial Group Co., Ltd.Procurement of services227,690.1563,736.28
Sanhe Jingning Catering Co., Ltd.Procurement of services76,625.001,692,627.37
Yiwu Hongyang Catering Management Co., Ltd.Procurement of services27,066,722.2526,479,814.19
Baotou Hongyang Catering Management Co., Ltd.Procurement of services9,545,937.004,235,148.95
Hefei Dinghong Catering Management Co., Ltd.Procurement of services20,284,857.0011,775,588.00
Tianjin Jinfeng Logistics Co., Ltd.Procurement of services90,206,008.5354,364,370.33
Yangzhou Hongkang Catering Management Co., Ltd.Procurement of services19,660,582.5821,518,896.78
Jinglong (Anhui) Property Co., Ltd.Procurement of services7,895.4330,723.37
Jinglong Catering Co., Ltd.Procurement of services17,451,911.6710,538,525.00
Hebei Jinglong Human Resource Service Co., Ltd.Procurement of services408,098.26205,883.65
Hebei Jinglong Hotel Co., Ltd.Procurement of services1,328,892.27949,832.58
Xingtai Jingning Catering Management Co., Ltd.Procurement of services16,423,184.868,909,610.15
Ningjin County Jinglong Hotel Co., Ltd.Procurement of services52,503.96409,747.08
Yuhong JA New Energy Technology (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.Procurement of services51,440,459.56-
Jinglong Property Co., Ltd.Procurement of services12,182.55-
Baotou Jinglong Hotel Co., Ltd.Procurement of services70,379.61-
Jinglong (Shijiazhuang) Catering Management Co., Ltd.Procurement of services3,628,664.20-
Yangzhou Jinglong Catering Management Co., Ltd.Procurement of services3,247,451.17-
Lianyungang Jingkanghong Catering Co., Ltd.Procurement of services635,621.87-
Jinglong (Qujing) Catering Co., Ltd.Procurement of services4,175,593.35-
Jinglong (Dongtai) Catering Management Co., Ltd.Procurement of services6,444,271.48-
Xinte Energy Co., Ltd.Procurement of materials654,958,937.961,688,811,858.44
Inner Mongolia Xinte Silicon Material Co., Ltd.Procurement of materials3,696,235,710.831,022,527,433.56
Xinjiang Xinte Crystalline Silicon High-tech Co., Ltd.Procurement of materials1,231,017,345.932,099,610,168.22
Name of related party (continued)Nature of transaction20232022
Yancheng Jiwa New Material Technology Co., Ltd.Procurement of materials4,531,407.30-
Xinte Silicon-based New Material Co., Ltd.Procurement of materials197,028,318.60-
Sanhe Huadian Yili Technology And Trade Co., Ltd.Rental and property management fees-1,079,194.34
Jinglong (Xingtai) Property Co., Ltd.Rental and property management fees3,389,434.001,363,449.79
Jinglong Technology Holdings LimitedRental and property management fees2,170,098.122,455,592.93
Jinglong (Jiangsu) Property Co., Ltd.Rental and property management fees9,185,369.766,862,753.00
Jinglong (Hebei) Property Co., Ltd.Rental and property management fees1,535,173.634,578,204.11
Jinglong (Zhejiang) Property Co., Ltd.Rental and property management fees7,812,073.237,043,740.40
Jinglong (Inner Mongolia) Property Co., Ltd.Rental and property management fees3,345,542.141,534,512.94
Jinglong (Lianyungang) Property Co., Ltd.Rental and property management fees2,073,834.881,831,157.24
Yunnan Jinglong Property Co., Ltd.Rental and property management fees7,174,992.072,556,722.48
Jinglong Property Co., Ltd.Rental and property management fees2,966,436.275,553,714.22
Jinglong (Anhui) Property Co., Ltd.Rental and property management fees2,799,730.902,487,146.44
Jinglong (Dongtai) Property Co., Ltd.Rental and property management fees3,925,247.87-
Ningjin County Jingdian Jingwei Pastry Co., Ltd.Procurement of goods153,984.70174,417.00
Ningjin County Jinglong Hotel Co., Ltd.Procurement of goods442,859.00899,353.00
Hebei Jinglong Hotel Co., Ltd.Procurement of goods2,571,452.69543,177.00
Xingtai Hongfan Trading Co., Ltd.Procurement of goods734.003,665.50
Yangzhou Jinglefu Supermarket Co., Ltd.Procurement of goods162,782.8960,310.60
Ningjin County Chengzhi Trading Co., Ltd.Procurement of goods14,842.0036,747.00
Ningjin County Dinggao Trading Co., Ltd.Procurement of goods2,730,041.71947,410.00
Yiwu Jinghong Supermarket Co., Ltd.Procurement of goods465,798.8082,805.59
Jinglong Catering Co., Ltd.Procurement of goods36,600.00-
Jinglong Property Co., Ltd.Procurement of goods35,761.60-
Yiwu Hongyang Catering Management Co., Ltd.Procurement of goods5,349.50-
Baotou Jinghong Trading Co., Ltd.Procurement of goods21,374.24-
Jinglong (Qujing) Catering Co., Ltd.Procurement of goods11,040.00-
Qujing Dinghong Catering Management Co., Ltd.Procurement of goods410,450.00-
Xingtai Jingning Catering Management Co., Ltd.Procurement of goods1,909.44-

(2) Sale of goods/rendering of services

Name of related partyNature of transaction20232022
Bank of Xingtai Co., Ltd.Interest income1,504,393.041,898,535.03
Jingguan PV Electric (Yugan Xian) Co., Ltd.Sale of goods1,374,848.68(5,436,645.00)
Sanhe Lewanjia Trading Co., Ltd.Sale of goods6,293.8520,341.79
Ningjin Jinglong Small Loan Co., Ltd.Sale of goods-176.99
Yuhong JA New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Sale of goods516,515,263.28222,647,416.95
JA Solar PV Electric (Lincheng) Co., Ltd.Sale of goods-581,365.49
Xinte Energy Co., Ltd.Sale of goods54,557.5217,208.70
Hebei Jinglong Logistics Co., Ltd.Sale of goods344,992.4910,006.20
Jinglong Industrial Group Co., Ltd.Sale of goods135,163.053,982.31
Jinglong Property Co., Ltd.Sale of goods1,017.693,379.11
Inner Mongolia Xinte Silicon Material Co., Ltd.Sale of goods-35,935.81
Xingtai Jingning Catering Management Co., Ltd.Sale of goods-663.71
Ningjin County Dinggao Trading Co., Ltd.Sale of goods-442.48
Ningjin County Jinglong Hotel Co., Ltd.Sale of goods-1,969.02
Hebei Jinglong Hotel Co., Ltd.Sale of goods4,619.46-
Jinglong (Anhui) Property Co., Ltd.Rendering of services484,475.11290,222.64
Fukushima Nakamori Power Plant Contract CompanyRendering of services602,689.52613,594.16
Yiwu Hongyang Catering Management Co., Ltd.Rendering of services159,077.82295,734.43
Jinglong (Hebei) Property Co., Ltd.Rendering of services59,687.78346,636.99
Baotou Jinglong Hotel Co., Ltd.Rendering of services780,483.80-
Heifei Dinghong Catering Management Co., Ltd.Rendering of services93,577.98-
Jinglong (Inner Mongolia) Property Co., Ltd.Rendering of services236,240.90-
Jinglong (Dongtai) Catering Management Co., Ltd.Rendering of services60,311.06-



(3) Leases

As the lessee:

Name of lessorType of assets leasedShort-term rental expense and low-value lease expense, to which the practical expedient is appliedRental paidInterest expenses incurred on lease liabilitiesIncreased right-of-use assets
Jinglong Technology Holdings LimitedPlant and buildings, transportation vehicles435,495.51381,365.8219,103,709.4018,378,454.00382,221.491,080,688.53-3,808,227.01
Jinglong Industrial Group Co., Ltd.Land use rights, buildings, equipment, machinery equipment1,683,225.165,421,484.7252,764,777.4853,674,713.071,683,144.953,776,243.6421,310,761.96(45,906,371.01)
Sanhe Huadian Yili Technology And Trade Co., Ltd.Plant and buildings3,725,037.48-3,847,384.1713,218,821.04294,752.80888,538.62-(2,620,919.31)
Sunshine Silicon Peak Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.Machinery and equipment4,800,000.00-5,961,809.2332,800,000.00169,656.941,979,361.53-(9,766,777.58)
Hebei Jinglong Logistics Co., Ltd.Transportation vehicles1,561,254.1231,380.001,999,952.34267,075.0913,598.558,443.70354,446.79(513,518.91)

(4) Guarantees with related parties

(a) The Group does not act as a guarantor for the year.

(b) The Group as the guarantee holder

Name of guarantorAmount of guaranteeInception date of guaranteeMaturity date of guaranteeGuarantee expired (Y/N)
Sanhe Huadian Yili Technology And Trade Co., Ltd.210,000,000.0001/04/202215/03/2023N

(5) Funding from related parties

Name of related partyAmount of fundingInception dateMaturity date
Funds received
Sunshine Silicon Peak Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.33,000,000.0008/11/202206/04/2023
Donghai County Longhai Real Estate Co., Ltd.2,000,000.0021/09/202206/04/2023
Donghai County Longhai Real Estate Co., Ltd.15,000,000.0005/05/202206/04/2023
Donghai County Longhai Real Estate Co., Ltd.7,000,000.0009/03/202207/04/2023

(6) Fund usage fees and guarantee fee paid to the related parties

Name of related partyNature of transactionCurrent periodPrior period
JASO HOLDINGS LIMITEDGuarantee fee10,293,764.83?12,238,027.37
Sanhe Huadian Yili Technology And Trade Co., Ltd.Guarantee fee2,100,000.003,975,000.00
Dongtai Jingtaifu Technology Co., Ltd.Guarantee fee1,716,657.53?1,749,945.21
Jinglong Technology Holdings LimitedGuarantee fee420,273.97?3,985,616.44
Jinglong Industrial Group Co., Ltd.Guarantee fee-?6,429,166.67

(7) Transfer of assets and debt restructuring between related parties

Name of related partyNature of transaction20232022
Ningjin County Jingyuan New Energy Investment Co., Ltd.Acquire 100% equities of Shijiazhuang JA PV Technology Co., Ltd. (formerly known as Shijiazhuang Jinglong Electronic Materials Co., Ltd.)56,000,000.00-
Jinglong Industrial Group Co., Ltd.Disposal of equipment90,086.4432,446.56
Jinglong Property Co., Ltd.Disposal of equipment789.31-
Hebei Jingning Elderly Care Service Co., Ltd.Disposal of equipment-40,480.00
Hebei Jinglong Hotel Co., Ltd.Disposal of equipment-10,000.00
Ningjin County Xinghe Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.Disposal of equipment176.99-
Sanhe Huadian Yili Technology And Trade Co., Ltd.Disposal of equipment6,686.22-
Jinglong Industrial Group Co., Ltd.Procurement of equipment26,548.67-?
Yuhong JA New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Procurement of equipment-186,902.65
Suzhou JSolar IncorporatedProcurement of equipment-37,207,998.25



(8) Remuneration of key management personnel

Remuneration of key management personnel56,560,196.5734,823,846.59
Share-based payments for key management personnel28,423,921.6629,190,803.77



6 Receivables from and payables to related parties

(1) Receivables from related parties

ItemRelated party20232022
Book valueProvision for bad and doubtful debtsBook valueProvision for bad and doubtful debts
Cash at bank and on handBank of Xingtai Co., Ltd.76,358,206.21-270,585,091.48-
Accounts receivableJingguan PV Electric (Yugan Xian) Co., Ltd.66,006,736.0023,606,556.8076,006,736.1112,176,527.86
Jinglong Industrial Group Co., Ltd.2,970.0029.7026,664.61266.65
Yuhong JA New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.7,873,424.1082,635.741,015,860.9310,158.61
Jinglong Property Co., Ltd.--600.006.00
Ningjin County Jinglong Hotel Co., Ltd.--1,050.0010.50
Xingtai Jingning Catering Management Co., Ltd.--750.007.50
Yiwu Hongyang Catering Management Co., Ltd.--61,310.23613.10
Jinglong (Anhui) Property Co., Ltd.77,224.42772.24--
?Baotou Jinglong Hotel Co., Ltd852,192.838,521.93--
Jinglong (Inner Mongolia) Property Co., Ltd.257,542.962,575.43--
PrepaymentsXinjiang Xinte Crystalline Silicon High-tech Co., Ltd.42,535,200.00---
Xinte Energy Co., Ltd.112,836,000.00-183,720,000.00-
Inner Mongolia Xinte Silicon Material Co., Ltd.74,180,337.19---
Jinglong Technology Holdings Limited198,476.19-186,479.26-
Ningjin County Dinggao Trading Co., Ltd.--105,560.00-
Ningjin County Jinglong Hotel Co., Ltd.--49,388.78-
Xinte Silicon-based New Material Co., Ltd.820,800.00---
Other receivablesJinglong Technology Holdings Limited13,000.00-13,000.00-
Dividends receivableJA Solar PV Electric (Lincheng) Co., Ltd.--2,000,000.00-
Datang Angli (Lingwu) New Energy Co., Ltd.3,042,037.80---
Other non-current assetsXinte Energy Co., Ltd.83,920,000.00---


(2) Payables to related parties

ItemRelated party20232022 (Restated)
Accounts payableTianjin Jinfeng Logistics Co., Ltd.10,181,172.0010,923,214.46
?Ningjin County Heilonggang Construction and Installation Co., Ltd.205,678.28208,749.73
Jinglong Catering Co., Ltd.233,744.00-
Hebei Jinglong Hotel Co., Ltd.33,200.00-
Hebei Jinglong Logistics Co., Ltd.6,993,211.826,749,316.50
Suzhou JSolar Incorporated16,876,905.8516,876,905.82
Xingtai Jingning Catering Management Co., Ltd.-2,088,042.00
Jinglong Industrial Group Co., Ltd.-2,349.40
?Ningjin County Jinglong Hotel Co., Ltd.-20,244.00
?Yancheng Jiwa New Material Technology Co., Ltd.475,805.30-
Jinglong (Zhejiang) Property Co., Ltd.31,273.50-
Yiwu Hongyang Catering Management Co., Ltd.97,994.00-
Yiwu Jinghong Supermarket Co., Ltd.3,690.00-
Jinglong (Qujing) Catering Co., Ltd.1,215,564.00-
Jinglong (Heibei) Property Co., Ltd.64,800.00-
Other payablesJASO HOLDINGS LIMITED-1,812,821.88
Yiwu Jinghong Supermarket Co., Ltd.676.3535,169.85
Yiwu Hongyang Catering Management Co., Ltd.1,742,734.121,669,024.60
Baotou Hongyang Catering Management Co., Ltd.3,764,007.00437,391.00
Hefei Dinghong Catering Management Co., Ltd.2,384,538.00-
Tianjin Jinfeng Logistics Co., Ltd.12,406,314.925,305,412.12
Ningjin County Heilonggang Construction and Installation Co., Ltd.342,041.39341,494.99
?Jinglong (Lianyungang) Property Co., Ltd.367,415.54520,950.00
Ningjin County Dinggao Trading Co., Ltd.177,080.00-
Jinglong Industrial Group Co., Ltd.4,458,530.01132,403.42
Jinglong Catering Co., Ltd.1,286,890.001,705,497.00
Hebei Jinglong Human Resource Service Co., Ltd.93,185.0222,361.99
Hebei Jinglong Hotel Co., Ltd.85,566.003,929.00
Hebei Jinglong Logistics Co., Ltd.65,117,623.4223,101,629.91
?Fukushima Nakamori Power Plant Contract Company324,375.98343,931.64
?Jinglong (Anhui) Property Co., Ltd.631,750.346,132.08
Ningjin County Jinglong Hotel Co., Ltd.-112,948.00
Xingtai Jingning Catering Management Co., Ltd.1,369,334.00378,357.00
Jinglong Property Co., Ltd.134,288.3512,490.57
Sanhe Jingning Catering Co., Ltd.-93,377.03
Sanhe Lewanjia Trading Co., Ltd.-68,864.97
Sunshine Silicon Peak Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.-33,940,604.15
Donghai County Longhai Real Estate Co., Ltd.-24,000,000.00
Lianyungang Jingkanghong Catering Co., Ltd.213,248.32-
?Jinglong (Inner Mongolia) Property Co., Ltd.1,127,509.43-
?Baotou jinghong Trading Co., Ltd.3,600.00-
?Yangzhou Jinglong Catering Management Co., Ltd.879,154.25-
Jinglong (Zhejiang) Property Co., Ltd.714,306.84-
?Jinglong (Shijiazhuang) Catering Management Co., Ltd.1,491,960.00-
?Jinglong (Hebei) Property Co., Ltd.117,794.00-
Yuhong JA New Energy Technology (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.3,412,890.86-
Suzhou JSolar Incorporated800,000.00-
Contract liabilitiesHebei Jinglong Logistics Co., Ltd.-66,376.64
?Fukushima Nakamori Power Plant Contract Company361,872.55-
Lease liabilitiesJinglong Industrial Group Co., Ltd.13,219,821.928,981,737.23
Jinglong Technology Holdings Limited-23,879.71
?Hebei Jinglong Logistics Co., Ltd.175,348.26-
Non-current liabilities due within one year ?Jinglong Industrial Group Co., Ltd.14,619,026.6245,782,725.49
Jinglong Technology Holdings Limited-17,851,631.30
Hebei Jinglong Logistics Co., Ltd.150,497.0417,931.60



7 Commitments of the related parties

ItemRelated party20232022
Procurement of goodsXinte Energy Co., Ltd.Note 1Note 1
Procurement of goodsInner Mongolia Xinte Silicon Material Co., Ltd.
Procurement of goodsXinjiang Xinte Crystalline Silicon High-tech Co., Ltd.
Procurement of goodsXinte Silicon-based New Material Co., Ltd.
Procurement of goodsYancheng Jiwa New Material Technology Co., Ltd.6,120,000.00-
Receipt of serviceHebei Jinglong Human Resource Service Co., Ltd.130,000.00312,245.16
Receipt of serviceJinglong (Anhui) Property Co., Ltd.2,592,400.562,129,298.75
Receipt of serviceJinglong (Hebei) Property Co., Ltd.908,364.00-
Receipt of serviceJinglong (Jiangsu) Property Co., Ltd.4,970,805.60529,200.00
Receipt of serviceJinglong (Lianyungang) Property Co., Ltd.2,160,493.242,113,800.00
?Receipt of serviceJinglong (Inner Mongolia) Property Co., Ltd.5,747,333.331,355,760.72
?Receipt of serviceJinglong (Zhejiang) Property Co., Ltd.7,500,000.009,009,059.54
?Receipt of serviceJinglong Technology Holdings Limited2,300,304.002,300,304.01
Receipt of serviceJinglong (Xingtai) Property Co., Ltd.5,125,500.002,059,200.00
Receipt of serviceJinglong Property Co., Ltd.1,630,800.004,161,422.92
Receipt of serviceYuhong JA New Energy Technology (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.609,612.07176,135.40
Receipt of serviceYunnan Jinglong Property Co., Ltd.7,024,271.129,415,132.07
Receipt of serviceNingjin County Heilonggang Construction and Installation Co., Ltd.-108,231.00
Rendering of servicesFukushima Nakamori Power Plant Contract Company298,572.57310,685.20
Lease outBaotou Jinglong Hotel Co., Ltd.323,547.00-
Lease outFukushima Nakamori Power Plant Contract Company232,091.01266,460.23
Lease outJinglong (Inner Mongolia) Property Co., Ltd.107,848.83
Lease outJinglong (Anhui) Property Co., Ltd.-334,951.20
Rent inBeijing Sunshine Jinglong Technology and Trade Co., Ltd.156,000.00-
Rent inJinglong Technology Holdings Limited60,000.00156,000.00
Rent inJinglong Industrial Group Co., Ltd.1,226,473.661,370,409.72
Rent inHebei Jinglong Logistics Co., Ltd.-94,000.00



Note 1: In 2020, Donghai JA Solar, subsidiary of the Group, signed a “Strategic Cooperation

Sale and Purchase Agreement” with Xinte Energy Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred toas “Xinte Energy”). Donghai JA Solar and other companies under its groupcompanies planned to pay Xinte Energy and its subordinate companies during theperiod from October 2020 to December 2025 to purchase 97,200 tons of primarypolysilicon, and the unit price of the product is determined by monthly negotiation,subject to the signed current contract execution confirmation. In 2021, both partiessigned a “Strategic Cooperation Sale and Purchase Agreement” to reach strategiccooperation. Donghai JA Solar and other companies under its group planned topurchase 181,000 tons of primary polysilicon from Xinte Energy and its subsidiariesfrom April 2022 to December 2026. The unit price of the product is determined bymonthly negotiation and confirmed by the execution of the signed current contract.As of 31 December 2023, a total of 183,700 (2022: 240,500) tons of primarypolysilicon is to be purchased.

XIII. Share-based payments

1 Information about share-based payments

Total amount of equity instruments granted during the year82,240,200.00?
Total amount of equity instruments exercised during the year23,373,220.00
Total amount of equity instruments forfeited during the year727,571.00
Range of exercise prices and remaining contractual life of stock options outstanding at the end of the yearRMB7.89, 832,941.00 shares with a remaining maturity of 0 month; RMB17.66, 436,408.00 shares with a remaining maturity of 0 month; RMB30.21,5,470,876.00 shares with a remaining maturity of 0 month, 6,138,367.00 shares with a remaining maturity of 7 months, and 8,184,490.00 shares with a remaining maturity of 19 months; RMB21.75, 23,652,060.00 shares with a remaining maturity of 11 months, 23,652,060.00 shares with a remaining maturity of 23 months and 31,536,080.00 shares with a remaining maturity of 35 months.
Range of exercise prices and remaining contractual life of other equity instruments outstanding at the end of the yearRMB20.06, 1,805,160 shares with a remaining maturity of 7 months, 2,406,889 shares with a remaining maturity of 19 months; RMB14.5, 1,020,000 shares with a remaining maturity of 10 months, 1,020,000 shares with a remaining maturity of 22 months, and 1,360,000 shares with a remaining maturity of 34 months.



Expenses recognized during the year arising from share-based payments are as follows:

Equity-settled share-based payments306,762,489.43232,545,033.22



2 Equity-settled share-based payments

On 26 April 2023, the Proposal to Adjust the Number and Price of Interests Related to the 2022Stock Option and Restricted Stock Incentive Plan was approved at the 5th Meeting of the 6thBoard of Directors and the 5th Meeting of the 6th Supervisory Board of the Company. TheBoard of Directors has agreed to adjust the number and exercise price of the stock optionsand the number and repurchase price of the restricted shares due to the profit distribution bythe Company in 2022. Following the adjustment, the number of unvested share options grantedunder the Company's 2022 Incentive Plan has been adjusted to 20,731,300.00 shares and thenumber of unvested restricted shares has been adjusted to 6,017,200.00 shares.

On 30 August 2023, the 11th Meeting of the 6th Board of Directors approved the 2023 StockOption and Restricted Stock Incentive Plan (Draft) and its Summary, the Proposal on theManagement Measures for the Implementation and Evaluation of the 2023 Stock Option andRestricted Stock Incentive Plan of the Company, and the Proposal to Request the GeneralMeeting to Authorise the Board of Directors to Handle Matters Relating to the Equity Incentive.On 18 September 2023, the 3rd Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of 2023approved the above three proposals. On 18 September 2023, the 13th Meeting of the 6th ofthe Board of Directors and the 10th Meeting of the 6th of the Supervisory Board approved theProposal for Adjustment of Matters Related to the 2023 Stock Option and Restricted StockIncentive Plan, and the Proposal for Granting Stock Options and Restricted Stock to IncentiveRecipients. In accordances to the aforementioned resolutions, the Company has implementedthe 2023 Stock Option and Restricted Stock Incentive Plan (“Incentive Plan 2023”) effective18 September 2023, and 3,400,000.00 restricted shares and 78,840,200.00 options weregranted.

(1) Method for determining the fair value of equity instruments at the grant date

Fair value of share options and model inputs are as follows:

Method for determining the fair value of equity instruments at the grant dateCalculated and confirmed according to the Black-Scholes modelCalculated and confirmed according to the Black-Scholes model
Method for determining the best estimate of the number fo exercizable equity instrumentsManagement’s best estimate?Management’s best estimate?
Reasons for material differences between estimates for the current period and previous periodNone?None?
The cumulative amount of equity-settled share-based payments included in the capital reserves611,232,852.25304,470,362.82
The total amount of expenses recognized for the year arising from equity-settled share-based payments306,762,489.43232,545,033.22

(2) Basis of determining the number of equity instruments expected to vest

At each balance sheet date during the vesting period, the best estimation is made accordingto the latest information, such as the number of employees who are granted options, and thenumber of equity instruments expected to vest is revised accordingly. On the vesting date, theestimated number is equal to the number of equity instruments that are ultimately vested.

XIV. Capital management

The Group’s primary objectives when managing capital are to safeguard its ability to continueas a going concern, so that it can continue to provide returns for shareholders, by pricingproducts and services commensurately with the level of risk and by securing access to financeat a reasonable cost.

The Group defines “capital” as including all components of shareholders’ equity. The balancesof related party transactions are not regarded by the Group as capital.

The Group’s capital structure is regularly reviewed and managed to achieve an optimalstructure and return for shareholders. Factors for the Group’s consideration include: its futurefunding requirements, capital efficiency, actual and expected profitability, expected cash flows,and expected capital expenditure. Adjustments are made to the capital structure in light ofchanges in economic conditions affecting the Group.

The Group’s capital structure is monitored on the basis of an adjusted net debt-to-capital ratio.

XV. Significant commitments

1 Capital commitments

Signed assets procurement and assets construction contracts which are beinig executed, and the one signed or approved but not yet executed.8,002,287,297.174,385,980,935.62

2 Significant procurement commitments

For the year ended 31 December 2023, the Group did not have new significant procurementcontract. As of 31 December 2023, the undergoing significant procurement contracts are asfollows:

In October 2016, the Group and Hemlock have entered into a settlement agreement and a newsupply agreement. According to the new agreement, the Group shall purchase solar gradepolycrystalline silicon products from Hemlock on a quarterly basis until 31 October 2026. InSeptember 2020, Hemlock signed a supplementary agreement with the Group to postpone theexecution of the contract to 30 September 2027.

In September 2020, Donghai JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “DonghaiJA Solar”), a subsidiary of the Group , signed a “Strategic Cooperation Sale and PurchaseAgreement with Xinte Energy Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Xinte Energy”). Donghai JASolar and other companies under its group companies planned to pay Xinte Energy and itssubordinate companies during the period from October 2020 to December 2025 to purchase97,200 tons of primary polysilicon. The unit price of the product is determined by monthlynegotiation and confirmed by the execution of the signed current contract. In April 2021,Donghai JA Solar, subsidiary of the Group, signed a “Strategic Cooperation Sale and PurchaseAgreement” with Xinte Energy. Donghai JA Solar and other companies under its group plannedto purchase 181,000 tons of primary polysilicon from Xinte Energy and its subsidiaries fromApril 2022 to December 2026. The unit price of the product is determined by monthlynegotiation and confirmed by the execution of the signed current contract.

In December 2020, the Group’s subsidiary Donghai JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafterreferred to as “Donghai JA Solar”) and Xinjiang Daquan Energy Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referredto as “Xinjiang Daquan”) signed the “Polysilicon Procurement Cooperation” on 23 December2020. Donghai JA Solar intended to purchase solar-grade polysilicon special-grade no-cleanmonocrystalline materials from Xinjiang Daquan from January 2021 to December 2023, andthe total purchase is expected to be 32,400 to 43,200 tons. The actual purchase price adoptsmonthly bargaining method, and the specific quantity and price are subject to the purchaseorder / contract reached each month. In May 2021, the Group’s subsidiary Donghai JA Solarand Xinjiang Daquan signed the “Polysilicon Procurement Cooperation” on 12 May 2021.Donghai JA Solar intended to purchase solar-grade polysilicon special-grade no-cleanmonocrystalline materials from Xinjiang Daquan from 1 July 2021 to 31 December 2025, andthe total purchase is expected to be 78,200 tons. The actual purchase price adopts monthlybargaining method, and the specific quantity and price are subject to the purchase order /contract reached each month.

The Company and Flat Glass Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Flat”) signed the“Strategic Cooperation Agreement” on photovoltaic glass procurement on 30 July 2021. TheAgreement stipulated that the Company and the holding company designated by the Companyare expected to purchase approximately 230 million square meters of photovoltaic rolled glassfor modules from Flat and its designated wholly-owned holding company from 1 August 2021to 31 July 2024, and the specific order price will be determined through negotiation on amonthly basis.

The Group’s subsidiary Donghai JA Solar and Jiangsu Zhongneng Polysilicon TechnologyDevelopment Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as “Jiangsu Zhongneng”) signed the “PolysiliconProcurement Framework Cooperation” on 27 May 2021. Donghai JA Solar intended topurchase granular silicon from Jiangsu Zhongneng from 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2026, and thetotal purchase is expected to be 145,800 tons. The actual purchase price adopts monthlybargaining method, and the specific quantity and price are subject to the purchase “TheContract Confirmation form” reached each month.

The Group’s subsidiary Donghai JA Solar and Asia Silicon Supply (Qinghai) Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as “Asia Silicon”) signed the “Polysilicon Purchase and Sale Long OrderContract” on 24 August 2020. Donghai JA Solar intended to purchase polysilicon from AsiaSilicon from September 2020 to August 2023, and the total purchase is expected to be 19,800tons. In consideration of the Company’s future business plan, the Company fully guaranteedthe supply of raw materials, and on the basis of the above procurement contract, the Companyand Asia Silicon signed the “Supplementary Agreement for Polysilicon Purchase and SalesLong Order Contract” on 20 April 2021, to increase the purchase quantity of polysilicon materialand extend the supply period. According to the signed “Polysilicon Purchase and Sales LongOrder Contract” and supplementary agreement, Donghai JA Solar intended to purchasepolysilicon materials from Asia Silicon from September 2020 to August 2025, and the totalpurchase is expected to be 75,000 tons. The actual purchase price adopts monthly bargainingmethod, and the specific quantity and price are subject to the purchase order / contract reachedeach month.

XVI. Subsequent events

1 Material non-adjusting post balance sheet date events

On 14 March 2024, the 1st Extraordinary General Meeting of 2024 of the Company approvedthe Resolution on the Termination of the 2022 Stock Option and Restricted Stock IncentivePlan and the Cancellation of Stock Options and the Repurchase and Cancellation of RestrictedStocks, and the Proposal for Termination of the 2023 Incentive Plan and Cancellation of StockOptions and Repurchase and Cancellation of Restricted Shares. The 2022 and 2023 IncentivePlans shall be terminated, and all stock options granted but not yet exercised under the twoincentive plans shall be cancelled, all restricted stock granted but not yet vested under the twoincentive plans shall be repurchased and cancelled.

2 Profit appropriations after the balance sheet date

The Board of Director proposed on 29 April 2024, the appropriation of a cash dividend ofRMB5.63 (including tax) for every 10 shares to the Company’s ordinary shareholders, totallingRMB1,851,923,026.48. The proposal is subject to approval by the shareholders’ generalmeeting.

XVII. Other significant items

1 Segment reporting

(1) Determination basis and accounting policies of reporting segments

According to the Group’s internal organizational structure, management requirements andinternal reporting system, two reporting segments have been established, namely,manufacturing segment and power station segment. Each reporting segment of the Groupprovides different products or services, or operates in different region. As each segmentrequires different technologies or market strategies, the Group’s management separatelyoperates business activities of each reporting segment and regularly evaluates the businessresults of these reporting segments to decide on allocation of resources to them and evaluatetheir performance.

The transfer price between segments is determined on the basis of the actual transaction price,and the expenses indirectly attributable to each segment are allocated among the segmentsaccording to the proportion of revenue. Assets are allocated based on the operations of thesegments and the location of the assets. Segment liabilities include the liabilities attributableto the segment arising from the segment’s operating activities. If expenses related to liabilitiesshared by more than one operating segment are allocate to these operating segments, theshared liability is also allocated to those operating segments.

(2) Financial information about reportable segments

ItemManufacturing segmentPower station segmentElimination among segmentsTotal
Total assets104,065,139,383.5012,282,901,029.21(9,758,574,339.19)106,589,466,073.52
Total liabilities66,781,491,477.765,623,482,819.92(3,819,639,208.10)68,585,335,089.58
Total owners’ equity37,283,647,905.746,659,418,209.29(5,938,935,131.09)38,004,130,983.94
Operating income83,112,397,015.531,032,114,657.74(2,588,334,436.29)81,556,177,236.98
Operating costs68,512,730,780.01610,678,268.58(2,350,333,488.92)66,773,075,559.67
Net profit7,341,950,378.1424,484,652.03(174,075,476.44)7,192,359,553.73


XVIII. Notes to the Company’s financial statements

1 Accounts receivable

(1) Accounts receivable by customer type are as follows:

Amounts due from subsidiaries and related parties218,611,637.401,237,056,842.64
Amounts due from third parties491,295,574.2686,022,547.22
Less: Provision for bad and doubtful debts15,681,489.491,225,867.02



(2) The ageing analysis of accounts receivable is as follows:

Within 6 months (inclusive)286,362,313.961,149,633,096.68
Over 6 months but within 1 year (inclusive)208,599,987.82173,446,293.18
Over 1 year but within 2 years (inclusive)214,944,909.88-
Less: Provision for bad and doubtful debts15,681,489.491,225,867.02



The ageing is counted starting from the date when accounts receivable are recognized.

(3) Accounts receivable by provisioning method

Book valueProvision for bad and doubtful debtsCarrying amountBook valueProvision for bad and doubtful debtsCarrying amount
AmountPercentage (%)AmountPercentage (%)AmountPercentage (%)AmountPercentage (%)
Individual assessment----------
Collective assessment709,907,211.66100.0015,681,489.492.21694,225,722.171,323,079,389.86100.001,225,867.020.091,321,853,522.84
Attributable to:?????
- Accounts receivables due from external customers (except for power grid companies)491,393,111.7169.2215,681,489.493.19475,711,622.2287,038,408.156.581,225,867.021.4185,812,541.13
- Amounts due from companies within the scope of consolidation218,514,099.9530.78--218,514,099.951,236,040,981.7193.42--1,236,040,981.71



(a) Criteria for collective assessment in 2023 and details:

Accounts receivables are classified into several portfolios based on their similar credit risk characteristics and their expected credit loss aredetermined on a collectively basis. The basis of determining the portfolios is as follows:

Portfolio 1: Accounts receivables from external customers (except for power grid companies)Portfolio 3: Amounts due from companies within the scope of consolidation

(b) Assessment of ECLs on accounts receivable:

At all times the Company measures the impairment loss for accounts receivable at anamount equal to lifetime ECLs, and the ECLs are based on the number of ageing andthe expected loss rate. According to the historical experience of the Group, the losses ofdifferent customer groups are as follows:

Portfolio 1: Accounts receivables due from external customers (except for power gridcompanies)


?Expected credit loss rateCarrying amount at the end of the yearImpairment loss at the end of the year
Within 6 months (inclusive)1%255,864,692.062,558,646.92
Over 6 months but within 1 year (inclusive)5%208,599,987.8210,429,999.39
Over 1 year but within 2 years (inclusive)10%26,928,431.832,692,843.18




?Expected credit loss rateCarrying amount at the end of the yearImpairment loss at the end of the year
Within 6 months (inclusive)1%78,151,334.72781,513.35
Over 6 months but within 1 years (inclusive)5%8,887,073.43444,353.67



(4) Movements of provisions for bad and doubtful debts

Balance at the beginning of the year1,225,867.02660,981.41
Additions during the year14,455,622.47564,885.61
Balance at the end of the year15,681,489.491,225,867.02



(5) Five largest accounts receivable and contract assets by debtor at the end of the year


DebtorBalance at the end of the year
Accounts receivablePercentage in the total balance of accounts receivable (%)Provision for bad and doubtful debts
The First188,016,478.0526.49-
The Second95,967,673.7613.524,133,228.35
The Third49,423,007.166.961,778,693.81
The Fourth45,672,398.136.431,978,853.01
The Fifth45,325,328.616.381,640,742.68




DebtorBalance at the end of the year
Accounts receivablePercentage in the total balance of accounts receivable (%)Provision for bad and doubtful debts
The First792,061,761.9659.87-
The Second443,979,219.7533.56-
The Third15,725,317.721.19157,253.18
The Fourth13,394,159.991.01133,941.60
The Fifth11,286,190.390.85112,861.90



2 Other receivables

Dividends receivable(1)2,200,000,000.00100,000,000.00



(1) Dividends receivable

Dividends receivable by category:

JA Solar2,200,000,000.00100,000,000.00

(2) Others

(a) Others by customer type:

Customer type20232022
Amounts due from related parties2,900,391,000.24411,247,021.08
Amounts due from third parties25,062,888.5518,047,511.78
Less: Provision for bad and doubtful debts--



(b) The ageing analysis is as follows:

Within 1 year (inclusive)2,912,396,867.71429,294,532.86
Over 1 year but within 2 years (inclusive)13,057,021.08-
Less: Provision for bad and doubtful debts--



The ageing is counted starting from the date when other receivables are recognized.

(c) Others categorized by nature

Nature of other receivables20232022
Amounts due to/from subsidiaries2,900,391,000.24411,247,021.08



(d) Five largest others by debtor at the end of the year


DebtorNature of the receivableBalance at the end of the yearAgeingPercentage of ending balance of others (%)Ending balance of provision for bad and doubtful debts
The FirstAmounts due to/from subsidiaries1,963,902,507.26Within 1 year (inclusive)67.13-
The SecondAmounts due to/from subsidiaries903,469,788.06Within 1 year (inclusive)30.88-
The ThirdAmounts due to/from subsidiaries11,360,661.29Over 1 year but within 2 years (inclusive)0.39-
The FourthDeposits6,200,000.00Within 1 year (inclusive)0.21-
The FifthAmounts due to/from subsidiaries4,999,268.97Within 1 year (inclusive)0.17-




DebtorNature of the receivableBalance at the end of the yearAgeingPercentage of ending balance of others (%)Ending balance of provision for bad and doubtful debts
The FirstAmounts due to/from subsidiaries411,247,021.08Within 1 year (inclusive)95.80-
The SecondOthers6,422,511.78Within 1 year (inclusive)1.50-
The ThirdDeposits3,200,000.00Within 1 year (inclusive)0.75-
The FourthDeposits2,400,000.00Within 1 year (inclusive)0.56-
The FifthDeposits800,000.00Within 1 year (inclusive)0.19-



3 Long-term equity investments

(1) Long-term equity investments by category:

Book valueProvision for impairmentCarrying amountBook valueProvision for impairmentCarrying amount
Investments in subsidiaries27,141,241,312.84-27,141,241,312.8417,511,557,800.57-17,511,557,800.57
Investments in associates632,114,368.10-632,114,368.10527,998,575.22-527,998,575.22



(2) Investments in subsidiaries:

InvesteeBalance at the beginning of the yearIncrease during the yearDecrease during the yearBalance at the end of the yearImpairment at the end of the year
Hebei JA Education Technology Co., Ltd.160,000,000.00295,000,000.00-455,000,000.00-
JA Solar17,048,857,383.409,036,168,662.97-26,085,026,046.37-
Long-term equity investment recognized arising from equity-settled share-based payments302,700,417.17298,514,849.30-601,215,266.47-



For information about the subsidiaries of the Company, refer to Note VIII.

(3) Investments in associates

Name of investeeBalance at the beginning of the yearIncrease/decrease in the current yearBalance at the end of the yearImpariment at the end of the year
Investment Gains or losses under equity methodOther changes in equityDeclared distribution of cash dividends or profits
Inner Mongolia Xinte Silicon Material Co., Ltd.527,998,575.22221,653,400.11766,798.79118,304,406.02632,114,368.10-

4 Operating income and operating costs

(1) Operating income and operating costs

Principal activities10,888,372,803.6710,650,056,290.7715,245,486,324.7415,063,465,180.70
Other operating activities58,928,082.24-12,308,781.81-



(2) Disaggregation of revenue from contracts with customers

Solar module10,888,372,803.6711,641,126,370.04



5 Investment income

Income from long-term equity investments accounted for using cost method2,200,000,000.00100,000,000.00
Income from long-term equity investments accounted for using equity method221,653,400.11212,668,889.08



XIX. Extraordinary gains and losses in 2023

Disposal of non-current assets(213,483,538.13)?Mainly are the assets disposals through technological transformation?
Government grants recognized through profit or loss (excluding those having close relationships with the Group’s operation and enjoyed in fixed amount or quantity according to uniform national standard)627,197,400.18?Mainly are the government grants received during the period?
Profit or loss of subsidiaries generated before the acquisition date of a business combination involving entities under common control(64,717.16)
Changes in fair value of financial assets and liabilities held for trading and derivative financial assets and liabilities, and disposal of financial assets and liabilities held for trading, derivative financial assets and liabilities and other debt investments, other than those held for effective hedging related to normal operations(425,313,440.17)Mainly are losses arising from forward sale and purchase of foreign exchange?
Reversal of provision for bad and doubtful debts of receivables and contract assets assessed on an individual basis8,711,579.54??
Other items that qualify as extraordinary gain and loss2,063,434.84?
Other non-operating income and expenses besides items above32,392,123.01?
Tax effect(114,397,509.29)??
Effect on non-controlling interests after taxation(18,113,902.67)??



In accordance with Interpretive Pronouncement on the Preparation of Information Disclosuresof Companies Issuing Public Shares No.1 – Extraordinary Gains and Losses (Revised in2023), an amount of RMB75,375,117.06 in the items presented by the Group as extraordinarygains and losses in 2022 should be redefined as ordinary gains and losses, and a decrease ofRMB58,698,427.68 in the Group’s total extraordinary gains and losses in 2022 after deductingthe effects on tax and non-controlling interests.

XX. Return on net assets and earnings per share

In accordance with “Regulation on the Preparation of Information Disclosures by CompaniesIssuing Securities No.9 – Calculation and Disclosure of the Return on Net Assets and EarningsPer Share” (2010 revised) issued by the CSRC and relevant accounting standards, the Group’sreturn on net assets and earnings per share are calculated as follows:

Profit for the reporting periodWeighted average return on net assets (%)Basic earnings per shareDiluted earnings per share
Net profit attributable to the Company’s ordinary equity shareholders22.52%2.142.10
Net profit excluding extraordinary gain and loss attributable to the Company’s ordinary equity shareholders22.84%2.172.12

1 Calculation of earnings per share

(1) Basic earnings per share

For calculation of the basic earnings per share, refer to Note V.62.

(2) Basic earnings per share excluding extraordinary gain and loss

Basic earnings per share excluding extraordinary gain and loss is calculated as dividingconsolidated net profit excluding extraordinary gain and loss attributable to ordinaryshareholders of the Company by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding:

20232022 (Restated)
Consolidated net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company7,039,490,537.235,533,792,625.25
Less: Extraordinary gains and losses attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company(101,008,569.85)(24,625,874.33)
Net profit distributed to the shareholders of restricted shares for the period2,363,286.24832,353.90
Consolidated net profit (excluding extraordinary gain and loss and net profits distributed to the shareholders of restricted shares for the period) attributable to the Company’s ordinary equity shareholders7,138,135,820.845,557,586,145.68
Weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding3,295,316,958.403,227,048,327.33
Basic earnings per share excluding extraordinary gain and loss (RMB/share)2.171.72

(3) Diluted earnings per share

For calculation of the diluted earnings per share, refer to Note V.62.

(4) Diluted earnings per share excluding extraordinary gain and loss

Diluted earnings per share excluding extraordinary gain and loss is calculated as dividingconsolidated net profit excluding extraordinary gain and loss attributable to ordinaryshareholders of the Company (diluted) by the weighted average number of ordinary sharesoutstanding (diluted):

20232022 (Restated)
Consolidated net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company (diluted)7,137,045,335.195,533,792,625.25
Less: Extraordinary gains and losses attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company(101,008,569.85)(24,625,874.33)
Consolidated net profit excluding extraordinary gain and loss attributable to the Company’s ordinary equity shareholders (diluted)7,238,053,905.045,558,418,499.58
Weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding (diluted)3,406,373,769.253,254,952,713.45
Diluted earnings per share excluding extraordinary gain and loss (RMB/share)2.121.71

2 Calculation of weighted average return on net assets

(1) Weighted average return on net assets

Weighted average return on net assets is calculated as dividing consolidated net profitattributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company by the weighted average amount ofconsolidated net assets:

20232022 (Restated)
Consolidated net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company7,039,490,537.235,533,792,625.25
Weighted average amount of consolidated net assets31,265,657,778.8722,899,996,673.00
Weighted average return on net assets22.52%24.17%

Calculation of weighted average amount of consolidated net assets is as follows:

20232022 (Restated)
Consolidated net assets at the beginning of the year27,534,705,796.2616,523,919,103.27
Effect of consolidated net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company3,519,745,268.622,766,896,312.63
Effect of net assets attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company increased by issuance of new shares or debt-to-equity swaps during the reporting period-3,311,611,788.13
Effect of net assets attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company decreased by redemption or cash dividends during the reporting period(397,171,270.64)(125,483,668.41)
Effect of changes of net assets arising from other transactions or events608,377,984.63423,053,137.38
Weighted average amount of consolidated net assets31,265,657,778.8722,899,996,673.00

(2) Weighted average return on net assets excluding extraordinary gain and loss

Weighted average return on net assets excluding extraordinary gain and loss is calculated asdividing consolidated net profit excluding extraordinary gain and loss attributable to ordinaryshareholders of the Company by the weighted average amount of consolidated net assets:

20232022 (Restated)
Consolidated net profit excluding extraordinary gain and loss attributable to the Company’s ordinary equity shareholders7,140,499,107.085,558,418,499.58
Weighted average amount of consolidated net assets31,263,236,763.9322,870,609,234.93
Weighted average return on net assets excluding extraordinary gain and loss22.84%24.30%
