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晶澳科技:2023年度可持续发展暨ESG报告英文版(JA SOLAR SUSTAINABILITY AND ESG REPORT2023) 下载公告














This is an annual report covering the period from January 1, 2023, to December31, 2023 (hereinafter referred to as the "reporting period"). To improve theintegrity of the Report, some data may exceed the above range (subject to thespecific date indicated).The Report covers JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd. and its subsidiary manufacturingbases, which is consistent with the scope of the disclosure in JA Solar's 2023Annual Report. Some manufacturing bases consist of multiple companies. Whereindividual companies are involved in the Report, they will be reflected as such;otherwise, the name of the associated manufacturing base will be used. For easeof presentation, "JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd." is also referred to as "JA Solar","the Company" or "we" in the Report.This is the seventh sustainability report/ESG report/social responsibility reportreleased by JA Solar and its subsidiaries. The last report was published in April 2023.

The Company guarantees that the contents of the Report do not contain any falserecords or misleading statements. The majority of the data in the Report wasderived from the Company's original operational records and publicly disclosedofficial documents, such as its quarterly and annual reports. Unless otherwisespecified, the amounts disclosed in the Report are measured in RMB.The ?nancial data involved in the Report are in compliance with theAccountingStandards for Business Enterprisesand relevant accounting systems promulgated bythe state, and have been audited according to theChina Internal Auditing Standards,truly re?ecting the ?nancial indicators and operating conditions of the Company.The Report has been reviewed and audited internally by the Company and areport assurance agency has been engaged to provide guidance and evaluation toensure that the Report is true, accurate, and complete. JA Solar hopes to enhancecommunication with stakeholders through the release of the Report.The Report can be accessed online and is available in both Chinese and English.You may log on to the Company's official website (http://www.jasolar.com) orcontact esg@jasolar.com to obtain an electronic copy of the Report. In case of anyambiguity in the comprehension of the Chinese and English content, the Chineseversion shall prevail.

Sustainability Reporting Standardsof Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)The Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standardsof International Sustainability StandardsBoard (ISSB)Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEX)Environmental, Social and GovernanceReporting GuideShenzhen Stock ExchangeSelf-regulatory Guideline No. 1 for Companies Listed onthe Shenzhen Stock Exchange – the Standardized Operation of Companies Listedon the Main Board




























ESG REPORT 2023001002



It has become a global consensus to implement ESG practices across all operations andpromote sustainability. In its capacity as a global leader in PV power generation solutions,JA Solar abides closely by the G2G sustainability philosophy of "Green to Green, Green toGrow, Green to Great". In addition to contributing to the global transition to green andlow-carbon energy, JA Solar also strives to be an advocate, practitioner, and leader of ESGby working together with various stakeholders to create a sustainability ecosystem.In light of the escalating global demand in the PV market, we have steadfastly adhered toour founding mission of "Developing solar power to benefit the planet". Our unwaveringefforts in R&D innovation have allowed us to make significant advancements inphotovoltaic power generation while enhancing efficiency and reducing costs, therebyenabling more people to embrace green energy. The Company's sales and service networkspans 165 countries and regions. During the reporting period, JA Solar shipped over 57GWof solar cell modules, achieving avoided emissions of over 37 million tCO

e based on gridemission factors of these countries.With ESG as a strategic priority, we have established a robust three-level sustainabilitygovernance system to ensure the seamless implementation of our ESG strategic goals.We strictly adhere to the laws and regulations of all countries as well as internationalnorms to guarantee our operational compliance. Moreover, we have embarked on astrategic path of globalization, digitalization, and ecologization, which gears us towardsthe comprehensive fostering of a green manufacturing system and creating zero-carbonproducts throughout their full life cycles.We firmly believe that sustainability is a shared responsibility that requires collaborationamong global partners. Taking on a leadership role, JA Solar actively engages indomestic and international advocacy efforts while contributing to global environmentalgovernance. By announcing sustainability programs at the United Nations ClimateChange Conference and participating in China's "GE100%" Initiative as a pioneer, we havedemonstrated our commitment to working for global sustainability in practical ways.Looking ahead, we remain steadfast in our original mission, striving relentlessly to be areliable and accountable provider of clean energy and a champion of ESG practices. Withour global partners, we will forge together towards tomorrow!

Jin BaofangChairman of JA Solar

April, 2024





JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd. ("JA Solar") is a global leader in PV power generationsolutions. Founded in 2005, JA Solar was listed on NASDAQ in 2007. After beingprivatized and delisted from the US stock market in 2018, it was o?cially listed onthe A-share market of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (stock code: 002459) in 2019. JASolar, which was both established and registered publicly in Ningjin County, HebeiProvince, has its headquarters located in No. 8 Building, Nuode Center, East AutoMuseum Road, Fengtai District, Beijing. JA Solar has established 14 manufacturingbases around the world and owns 13 sales companies overseas. It has also built avertically integrated industry chain encompassing silicon wafers, cells, modules, andPV power plants, with over 50,000 employees. The Company's product sales andservice network spans 165 countries and regions, ranking among the top companiesworldwide for module shipments for several consecutive years.JA Solar has consistently adhered to technological innovation as its core drivingforce and embarked on a path of high-quality development, ensuring that its producttechnology remains at the forefront of the industry. At the end of 2023, JA Solar held1,263 valid granted patents. The Company has established a global modern enterprisemanagement system, backed by a core management team that holds profoundinsights into global PV industry technology, business development paths, and futuretrends. With continuous technological innovation, robust ?nancial power, and a well-developed global sales and service network, JA Solar has been widely recognized bydomestic and international customers. Moreover, it has been listed in the "FortuneChina 500" and "Global Top 500 New Energy Enterprises" for consecutive years.


Being a great enterpriseVision

Developing solar power to bene?t the planetMission

Being customer-centered, promoting welfare for our sta? members,

and creating value for the ownersCore Values

Being genuine, simple, respectful and restrained, gratefulSpiritMotto

To be an upstanding and responsible person and apply oneself with

integrity and industry






Manufacturing basesaround the world

Operatingincome of RMBFinancialPerformance

In 2023JA Solar owned

Net pro?ts attributableto the parent companyof RMB

Employees worldwide

Sales companiesoverseas

A YoYincrease ofA YoYincrease of


Gross pro?tmargin of

1651,263Covered countriesand regions

Valid grantedpatents


Basic earningsper share of RMB








Sustainalytics is a world-leading institute specialized on ESG research, rating and data. Its ESG risk rating comprehensively evaluates the major ESGrisks faced by companies and their risk management capability. A lower rating score indicates a lower level of risk.

"Seashell Finance Private Listed Company ESG Pioneer"2023 Forbes China ESG Innovative Enterprise2022 China's Corporate Social Responsibility and Carbon NeutralityPioneer of the YearFifth Batch of National Specialized and New "Little Giant"Enterprises of Ministry of Industry and Information TechnologyIntelligent Manufacturing Demonstration Factory of 2023Excellent Scenarios for Intelligent Manufacturing of 2023Fifth Batch of "Green Design Demonstration Enterprise for IndustrialProducts"List of "Excellent Practice Cases of Green and Low-carbonDevelopment of Enterprises in 2022"Third Batch of "Smart PV Pilot Demonstration Enterprises" ofMinistry of Industry and Information TechnologyThe 4th IFF Global Green Finance Award"Zero-Carbon Future · ESG Innovation Practice List"Third Prize in "Global Call 2023"Title of "National Advanced Private Enterprise in Employment andSocial Security"Top 50 Private Listed Companies for ESG Indices (Ranked 1st)Best ESG Practice in Listed Company Case Study of 2023"Belt and Road" ESG Classic Case2023 Annual "GREENPV Technology Innovation Award"15th on the "Top 30 Technology Innovation Pioneers among China'sESG Listed Companies" List

Seashell Finance, Beijing News, and Qianlong.comForbes ChinaMinistry of Industry and Information Technology

Five ministries and commissions including the Ministryof Industry and Information TechnologyInternational Finance ForumWallstreetcn.comUnited Nations Industrial Development OrganizationMinistry of Human Resources and Social SecurityAll-China Federation of Industry and CommerceChina Association for Public CompaniesChina-Asia Economic Development AssociationPV Committee of China Green Supply Chain AllianceFinancial Program Center of China Media Group

AwardsAwarded by


CNI Index ESG Rating "AAA" ? Industry ranking: Top 1%Wind ESG Rating "A" ? Industry ranking: Top 4%SynTao Green Finance ESG Rating "A-" ? Industry ranking: Top 3%S&P Global CSA score of 42 ? Industry ranking: Top 7%, and listed inSustainability Year Book (China edition) 2024Morningstar Sustainalytics ESG risk rating score of 37.1 drops to 30.5First proactive response to the CDP's climate change questionnaires, with "B" rating




In 2023, JA Solar continued sustainability assessment e?orts and realized signi?cantimprovements in both domestic and international ratings, fully demonstrating its excellentstrength and ?rm determination in sustainability.








JA Solar attended the roundtablemeeting of the Asia Pacific FinancialForum.

JA Solar was invited to the UN WaterConference where we delivered akeynote speech on the topic of "WaterPromoting Sustainability".



On March 25, JA Solar participated inthe Forum on Investment in China'sDual Carbon Goals organized byIndustrial Securities and the UnitedNations Development Programme(UNDP).


On March 25, as a landmark, JA Solar'sHeadquarters Building in Beijingparticipated in the "Earth Hour"blackout event initiated by the WorldWildlife Fund (WWF).

On March 29, JA Solar signed asustainability partnership agreementwith the Institute for SustainableDevelopment Goals of TsinghuaUniversity.



On June 28, JA Solar was invited to the2023 Global Smart Logistics Summit,during which we shared on topics suchas recycled packaging materials.


On July 10, the n-type product wasawarded one of the PPE 2 carbonfootprint certificates among the firstbatch issued by Certisolis in France.


On June 13, JA Solar was invited tothe annual conference of S&P GlobalMarket Intelligence.


In May, JA Solar passed the SA8000social responsibility managementsystem certification.



On August 19, JA Solar assistedin the finals of the 2023 TsinghuaInternational Case AnalysisCompetition of Public Policy on SDGs.


On September 5, JA Solar officiallybecame the first private enterprisemember of the World Business Councilfor Sustainable Development (WBCSD)in China and the world's first memberenterprise in the PV industry.




ESG REPORT 2023009010

On September 15, JA Solar was selected asa case for low-carbon transition researchin theTracking the Low-Carbon Transitionof Enterprises in China - Business andSustainability in China 2022/2023releasedby the United Nations DevelopmentProgramme (UNDP).


On September 18, JA Solar attendedthe UN SDG Summit and reported onits work as a business representativeat the UN Autumn Sustainable MarketsInitiative CEO Summit.


On October 20, JA Solar, as one ofthe ?rst global enterprises to join the"Forward Faster" initiative, was invitedto the closed-door meeting for CEOsorganized by the United Nations GlobalCompact (UNGC) for "Forward Faster".


On October 22, JA Solar, in collaborationwith Tsinghua University, held asustainability practice activity for PVleaders at the Ningjin base.

From October 26 to 27, JA Solar was invitedto participate in the 2023 InternationalCooperation Conference on SustainableDevelopment as a representativeenterprise, where we delivered a keynotespeech on JA Solar's sustainability e?ortsduring the enterprise exchange session.



On September 7, JA Solar was invited tothe Global Conference on Environmentand Sustainable Development organizedby the United Nations EnvironmentProgramme (UNEP) where we delivereda keynote speech at the Forum onSustainable Development.


On November 30, JA Solar was invitedto the 2023 Forbes China ESG InnovativeEnterprise Selection and shared itsinsights during the roundtable meetingsession themed "ESG New Technologies ·Innovation Opportunities".


On December 1, JA Solar participatedin multiple events at the 28th UnitedNations Climate Change Conference(COP28) and held a press conference aspart of the "Pathway to Net Zero and JASolar Sustainability Development ProjectLaunch Event".


On November 2, JA Solar's multipleseries of products underwent theEnvironmental Product Declaration(EPD) assessments for Norway andItaly through the French authoritativeorganization Kapstan.


On November 2, JA Solar was invitedto the Fortune ESG Summit where weparticipated in a roundtable meetingand shared about JA Solar's ESGpractices.


In November, JA Solar's n-type modulewas certified with the Green Leaf Markby the international authoritativeorganization Intertek Group.








The global sustainable business ecosystem is undergoinga profound transformation. As a pioneer in this field,JA Solar has established a systematic framework forsustainability management comprising a three-levelsustainability governance structure and formulated clearand transparent ESG policies to ensure efficient ESGpractices. JA Solar actively integrates ESG principlesinto its business strategies and fully integrates them intobusiness practices, thus forming a unique sustainablebusiness model. With its constant and effective promotionof sustainability, JA Solar continuously expands its positiveinfluence on the economy, environment, and society, soas to contribute to the creation of a more inclusive andsustainable community while creating shared value.

JA Solar has proposed the G2G sustainability concept, strategy, and vision of "Greento Green, Green to Grow, Green to Great" centering on the sustainable developmentgoals of the United Nations.

JA Solar has implemented thesustainability concept of "buildinggreen factories, manufacturing greenproducts, generating green energy,and jointly creating a green planet"in its operations. The Companyadvocates the adoption of the greenand low-carbon concept as a guide,reshaping the business modelof the enterprise, and advancingthe green cycle across the entireindustry chain. On the one hand,the Company comprehensivelyimplements the requirements ofenergy conservation, environmentalprotection, pollution reduction, andcarbon reduction while fostering agreen manufacturing system. At thesame time, the Company promotesthe recycling of resources in allaspects of production. Through theapplication of digital technologiessuch as 5G technology and bigdata, we have created an intelligentgreen factory, thereby driving therealization of a green cycle in the PVindustry chain.

Adhering to the business philosophyof robust growth for sustainedpro?tability, JA Solar activelycooperates with upstream anddownstream partners to build a"zero-carbon" ecosystem. By drivingthe technological development ofPV products, expanding the scaleof PV power plants, and exploringenergy storage technologies withvarious innovations, the Companyis committed to working withvalue chain partners to boostthe widespread application ofclean energy in various industrieswhile contributing to global greendevelopment.

With a mission of "developing solarpower to bene?t the planet," JASolar is committed to becoming agreat enterprise. Over the years ofoperation, JA Solar has not onlyprovided the world with greenpower generation products but hasalso been ardently practicing socialresponsibility. The Company bringsbene?ts to all parties in China andabroad through various forms suchas charity donations, disaster relief,and education assistance. Throughthis, we can achieve a mutuallybene?cial situation for the economy,society, and environment. Togetherwith the rest of the world, JA Solarcontributes to the creation of a greenand beautiful future for humanity.

SUSTAINABILITYCONCEPTBuilding a GreenCycle Together

SUSTAINABILITYSTRATEGYPursuing GreenDevelopment Together

SUSTAINABILITYVISIONCreating a GreenFuture Together







To drive the sustainable development of the Company, JA Solar has joined the"Forward Faster" initiative of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and iscommitted to actively investing corporate resources in multiple aspects such asclimate action, gender equality, living wage security, financing and investmentsin sustainable development goals. The Company has formulated a strategic targetfor sustainability that covers the entire value chain according to the content ofthe initiative. We have also developed a practical and efficient ESG action plantargeting key issues, so as to further achieve multi-dimensional goals such as riskmanagement and control, model innovation, and value creation.Taking into account importance, urgency, and feasibility, JA Solar has planneda phased and modular ESG action path, defined key milestones and outlined ablueprint for accelerating the creation of a greener, better, and sustainable future.

"Together" is JA Solar's activeresponse to the call for the entirehuman race to join forces to battleclimate change. JA Solar encouragesits value chain partners to unite,keep pace with the trends of thetimes, transcend geographical andprofessional boundaries, and jointlypromote sustainability throughcollective efforts. Our ultimate goal isto contribute to the global transitiontowards a future of low-carbonenergy and provide solutions forsustainable and clean energy.

"Towards" is a positive idea of JASolar's pursuit of a better community.In our journey of pursuing dreams,we break conventions, innovateand improve while collaboratingwith all stakeholders to fulfill oursocial responsibilities. Throughpractical actions, we jointly build aharmonious and prosperous homefor sustainability, making sure thatno one is left behind.

"Tomorrow" represents JA Solar'scommitment and dedicationto improving governance andcultivating a long-standing enterprisefoundation. We integrate the conceptof sustainability into the heart ofour operations, leveraging internalstrengths and projecting a positiveimage externally. By doing so, wealign our responsibilities with ouraspirations and collectively embracea bright and promising future filledwith boundless opportunities.

TOGETHER TOWARDS TOMORROWSustainability Theme ofJA Solar in 2023:

Under this vision, JA Solar was driven by the theme of "Together Towards Tomorrow", firmlycollaborated with partners, and took multifaceted actions in 2023 to jointly address uncertaintiesand challenges in ESG aspects, aiming to create a better sustainable future together.


Become a global leader in sustainable development

42% reduction in total GHG emissions (Scope 1+ Scope 2) compared to 2023

Achieve net zero emissions

Establishment of a diversity, equity andinclusion management system

Create full-life-cycle green products

100% sustainability-related certificationof mainstream suppliers

Support sustainable investmentand financing



To cater to the Company's strategy and sustainability needs as well as strengthenour sustainability governance capacity, JA Solar has established a three-tiersustainability governance framework covering the decision-making, management,and executive layer. We continue to optimize the team structure and boost thedevelopment of professional capacity. In 2023, the Company officially renamedthe former "Carbon Management and Sustainability Department" under the"ESG and Sustainability Committee" as the "ESG Management and SustainabilityDepartment" to promote coordination, communication, and implementation ofthe Company's work in ESG, climate change, and other areas.

Decision-making LevelThe Board of Directors has set up a "Strategy and Sustainable DevelopmentCommittee" responsible for leading and supervising the Company's sustainabilitywork. The Board of Directors has formulated theWorking Rules of Strategy andSustainable Development Committee of Board of Directors. The Board of Directorsprovides guidelines and issues approval for the Company's climate and ESG strategiesand goals, with regular monitoring and reviews of the progress of the goals.

Management LeadershipThe management has established an "ESG and Sustainability ManagementCommittee", which is responsible for formulating the Company's sustainabilitystrategies and goals as well as implementing strategic deployments from thedecision-making level. The management has formulated theRegulations ofprocedure for ESG and Sustainability Management Committeeto facilitate ESGmatters and conduct regular reviews of the progress of ESG goals.Executive LeadershipThe Executive Leadership includes an "ESG Management and SustainabilityDepartment", which has formed a linked working group with the main relevantdepartments. It undertakes all decisions related to ESG/climate/sustainabilityand promotes the implementation of relevant measures. The Department alsoliaises with the relevant personnel of various departments and bases to form acoordinated and united mechanism in work.


Board of Directors of JA Solar

ESG and SustainabilityManagement Committee

Developing strategy,organization andcoordination

Strategy and SustainableDevelopment Committee

Guiding strategy,supervising review

ESG Management andSustainability Department

Linkage working group

To comprehensively strengthen the systematization, professionalization, andstandardization of sustainability management, JA Solar adopts a balanced approachthat integrates theory and practice. With due diligence, we review and re?nemultiple dimensions, encompassing governance framework, work processes, andinformation disclosure. By seamlessly integrating the principles of sustainability intoour corporate governance and across all business segments, we are committed tocontinuously enhancing our sustainability governance capacity and performance.Our ultimate goal is to achieve coordinated development in various aspects such ascompany growth, industry transition, and social value creation.


Expertise of Board ofDirectors in ClimateChange


The Board members of JA Solar demonstrate exceptional expertise and a high level ofparticipation in combating climate change. The following Board members, with theirprofessional backgrounds, endow JA Solar with profound expertise in addressingcomplex ESG topics and ensure that the Company can take proactive measures in theglobal battle against climate change.

Remuneration LinkageIn 2023, we continued to enhance the engagement and understanding of Boardmembers and senior executives in ESG topics, incorporated sustainability indicatorsas a core component of KPIs for senior executives and linked them to remunerationand incentive schemes. This not only demonstrates our unwavering commitment toenhancing sustainability development management but also guarantees the e?cientexecution of ESG and strategic goals for sustainability.

The Blue Planet Prize, an internationally authoritative award in the field of environmental protection, is known as the "Nobel Prize inEnvironmental Industry".

Specialist AdvisorWe actively engage external experts like Dr. Mohan Munasinghe, former Vice Chair ofthe UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), co-recipient of the NobelPeace Prize in 2007, and winner of the 2021 "Blue Planet Prize", whom we haveappointed as our inaugural sustainability advisor. Dr. Munasinghe's addition to ourteam brings invaluable expertise and experience that will greatly enhance our e?ortsin driving sustainability and strengthening international collaborations.

Independent DirectorZhao Yuwen

From 2017 to the present, he has served as the Honorary Director of the SolarPhotovoltaic Committee of China Renewable Energy Society, participating inthe Company's energy development planning and strategic research.

Independent DirectorQin Xiaolu

As a senior accountant, continuously monitors the Company's disclosure withinthe Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and providesspeci?c guidance on matters related to climate change.

Independent DirectorZhang Miao

She served as a prosecutor and director of the Public Prosecution Departmentof Dongcheng District People's Procuratorate in Beijing. She is currently a seniorpartner of Hylands Law Firm. She comprehensively promotes JA Solar's compliancewith laws and regulations in climate change and ESG from a legal perspective.





ESG REPORT 2023017018


JA Solar recognizes the signi?cant impact of stakeholder opinions on ESG e?orts,proactively listens to the voices of stakeholders, and understands their demands.We have established various forms of open and e?ective communication channelswith the objective of actively responding to the concerns and expectations of ourstakeholders through practical actions.

Ensure product quality and promote product innovationPay close attention to customer demands andprovide timely feedbackCarry out satisfaction surveys and ensure securityof customer information

Implement the code of business conductOptimize internal control and compliancemanagement systemImprove our anti-fraud managementStrengthen advocacy on corporate integrity andanti-corruptionStrengthen production safety managementImprove the environmental management system

Improve the supplier management systemConduct training for suppliers as well asenvironmental and social assessmentsPerform dynamic evaluation and review of suppliersCreate a list of excellent suppliersConduct transparent procurement

Organization of charity activities, volunteer work,rendering aid, and making donationsAllocation of resources to support communityconstruction

New product launches,networking meetings, customerappreciation meetings,exhibitions, customer service,product exchange conventions,etc.

Government-related meetings,websites, policy advicechannels, etc.

Supplier exchange meetings,daily supplier management,etc.

Public welfare activities,organization of relief e?orts,environmental protectionactivities, etc.

High-performanceproducts, high-qualityservice, and informationsecurityHigh returns oninvestment, robust?nancial health as wellas accurate and timelyinformation disclosure

Shareholders' meetings,online performance brie?ngs,roadshows, on-site reception,investor communicationactivities, telephone calls,online messages, e-mail, andother methods

The regular release of ESG and sustainabilityreports, ?nancial reports, and other announcementsTimely reminders for shareholders to check andcollect information related to sustainability andcompany operationsSet up an "Investor Relations" column on theCompany's o?cial website100% reply rate on the Shenzhen Stock Exchangeinteraction platform

Employmentopportunities,operational complianceof the Company,environmental protection,and safe production

Stable supply andlong-term faircooperation

Environmental safety,improvement of people'slivelihood, communitydevelopment, publicrelations, and cultural life



Strengthen cooperation with nongovernmentalorganizations and actively provide assistanceStrengthen the environmental management systemCarry out public welfare activitiesJoin associations, participatein initiatives, conduct publicwelfare donations, etc.Focus on environmentalprotection, promoteindustrial development,and proactively assumesocial responsibility


Governmentand regulatoryauthorities



Key StakeholdersConcerns and ExpectationsCommunication ChannelsFeedback and Practice


Clear career developmentchannels, comfortableworking environment, anddiversi?ed developmentopportunities


Establish a scienti?c human resource managementsystem and promotion mechanismListen to and collect employee suggestionsStrengthen occupational health and safety managementProvide career development channels for employeesRegularly organize team building or cultural andsports activities

Employee training andcommunication, employeedevelopment and groupbuilding activities, etc.



List of Topics and Matrix of Material Topics of JA Solar

Materiality Analysis Process ofJA Solar in 2023




Clean Technology OpportunitiesNo.2No.7Energy Management

Product Life Cycle ManagementNo.3No.8Water Resources Use and Management

Developing Circular EconomyNo.4No.9E?uents and Waste Management

Building a Green Supply ChainNo.5No.10Combating Climate Change

Anti-unfair CompetitionNo.22No.26Anti-corruption and Business Ethics

Market PerformanceNo.23No.27Corporate Governance

Product Life Cycle ManagementNo.24No.28Compliance and Risk ManagementNo.25Information Security and Privacy Protection

Protection of Employees' Rights & InterestsNo.11No.17R&D Innovation and Protection of IPRs

Human Capital DevelopmentNo.12No.18Product Quality and Safety

Occupational Health and SafetyNo.13No.19Protection of Customers' Rights & Interests

Diversity and Equal OpportunitiesNo.14No.20Driving Industrial Development

Responsible ProcurementNo.15No.21Supply Chain ManagementNo.16Community Impact and Development

Significance to stakeholders

Significance to JA SOLAR


With reference to the international authoritative reporting guidelines issued byorganizations such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the InternationalSustainability Standards Board (ISSB) as well as the latest Chinese andinternational policies and industry standards, JA Solar sorts out and identi?es thematerial topics related to sustainability.The Company communicated with key internal and external stakeholder groupsthrough various methods including questionnaires, interviews, and others to fullyunderstand their expectations and opinions on JA Solar's sustainability e?orts.

Based on questionnaire surveys, interview communications, and multiple factorssuch as the Company's development strategy, the Company evaluated theimportance of 28 material topics and formulated a Matrix of Material Topics for thisyear accordingly.

After undergoing the process of review and approval by the management, the ?nalJA Solar 2023 Matrix of Material Topics was formed, comprising the con?rmed listof material topics and analysis results.

Identi?cation ofMaterial Topics


Evaluation andAnalysis

Con?rmation andReview


Sustainability is a strategic choice for JA Solar and we have integrated our long-termcorporate development strategy with our sustainability concept to a rather largeextent. In order to respond to the expectations and demands of stakeholders moree?ectively and establish a systematic management approach, JA Solar identi?edand analyzed ESG-related material topics in 2023 through various measures suchas policy analysis, extensive internal and external stakeholder research, and others.These e?orts serve as a foundational reference for the Company to make systematicprogress in its ESG e?orts and disclose pertinent information.

Materiality Analysis



Environmental Management System



Decent Work andEconomic Growth

Promote sustained, inclusiveand sustainable economicgrowth, full and productiveemployment and decent workfor all.

JA Solar o?ers our employees a competitive remuneration and welfaresystem, providing equal, safe, and decent working conditions. We strive tocreate clear, transparent, and diversi?ed career development pathways toenhance employees' sense of belonging. While creating a sustainable supplychain, the Company creates employment opportunities and drives thedevelopment of the industry.

UN SDGsJA Solar's Corresponding Actions

No Poverty

End poverty in all its formseverywhere.

JA Solar fully mobilizes resources to support social welfare undertakings suchas community construction, rural community development, and disasterrelief. The Company continues to promote PV construction plans in multipleareas, drive local economic development, contribute tax revenue to localgovernments, assist local people in ?nding employment, and bring land-basedincome to local people.Good Health and Well-beingEnsure healthy lives andpromote well-being for all atall ages.

JA Solar is also foster occupational health and safety in various manufacturingbases to ensure the basic rights and interests of employees are safeguarded.JA Solar has supported the "Brightness Project for Poor Cataract Patients" formany consecutive years and incorporated it into the Company's Three MajorProjects for the Bene?t of the People, helping cataract patients regain theirvision.

Quality Education

Ensure inclusive andequitable quality educationand promote lifelong learningopportunities for all.

JA Solar attaches great importance to the development of education and hasbeen continuously supporting regional education equity through JA Solar'sSunshine Charity Fund and projects such as the "100 Hope Primary SchoolsDonation Project" and the "10,000 Needy Students Financial Support Project"for over a decade. The Company attaches great importance to talent cultivationand development. Through regulations such as theTraining ManagementSystem, it has established a comprehensive talent training system and regularlyfacilitates in-depth university-enterprise cooperation to provide professionaltalents for the industry.

Gender Equality

Achieve gender equality andempower all women and girls.

JA Solar places great emphasis on gender equality and equal pay for equalwork, thereby fully safeguarding the special rights and interests of femaleemployees while creating an equal workplace environment.

Clean Water and Sanitation

Ensure availability andsustainable management ofwater and sanitation for all.

JA Solar attaches great importance to water resource management, withcomprehensive control over the discharge of wastewater generated duringproduction, which is discharged only after meeting the standards. TheCompany continuously explores measures for water resource treatment andrecycling to improve the e?ciency of water resource utilization.A?ordable and Clean Energy

Ensure access to a?ordable,reliable, sustainable, andmodern energy for all.

Through technological innovation, JA Solar improves product e?ciency,enhances the accessibility of clean energy, and drives the transformationof clean energy. The Company facilitates PV grid connection at a fairprice, playing a part in ensuring fairness and justice in the global energytransformation.

Reduced Inequalities

Reduce inequality within andamong countries.

JA Solar adheres to the principles of fair and equitable employment whileupholding the concept of diversi?ed talents and inclusive development.Respecting and safeguarding human rights, we ?rmly oppose all forms ofworkplace discrimination and strive to provide a fair and diverse workplaceenvironment for employees of di?erent genders, ages, ethnicities, regions, andreligious backgrounds.Sustainable Cities andCommunities

Make cities and humansettlements inclusive, safe,resilient, and sustainable.

With the mission of "developing solar power to bene?t the planet", JA Solarcontinuously creates BIPV products that meet building safety, aesthetics,and design speci?cations, with the combination of building materials and PVproperties, contributing to the creation of zero-carbon and resilient futurecities.Responsible Consumptionand Production

Ensure sustainableconsumption and productionpatterns.

JA Solar promotes the management of their products across the entire lifecycle, creating a "zero-carbon factory" while disassembling and recyclingdiscarded PV modules. It promotes the establishment and improvement ofa PV recycling and utilization system. The Company continues to enhancesupply chain responsibility management, advocating the low-carbon conceptalongside responsible production and consumption.Climate Action

Take urgent action to combatclimate change and its impact.

JA Solar actively responds to climate change, carries out climate riskidenti?cation, and takes corresponding measures. The Company also adoptsvarious measures such as green production, green logistics and packaging,green factories, green product technology, and green o?ces to enhance greendevelopment from multiple aspects.

Life on Land

Protect, restore and promotesustainable use of terrestrialecosystems, sustainablymanage forests, combatdeserti?cation, and halt andreverse land degradation andhalt biodiversity loss.

JA Solar remains steadfast in its commitment to harmonious coexistencebetween human beings and nature. We strictly adhere to national ecologicalred lines while actively exploring and creating biodiversity parks to provide newsolutions for ecological governance and harmonious symbiosis.

Peace, Justice, and StrongInstitutions

Promote peaceful and inclusivesocieties for sustainabledevelopment, provide access tojustice for all and build e?ective,accountable and inclusiveinstitutions at all levels.

JA Solar prohibits the employment of child labor and forced labor and hasestablished a raw material traceability mechanism. At the same time, it carriesout the management of critical minerals and supply chain labor. The Companycontinues to strengthen the business ethics management of employees andsuppliers. We have established the "JA Solar Integrity Platform", adhere tocompliant and legal operations, and eliminate corruption.

Partnerships for the Goals

Strengthen the means ofimplementation and revitalizethe Global Partnership forSustainable Development.

JA Solar actively collaborates with global partners, engaging in profoundcooperation with organizations such as the United Nations Global Compact,the World Wildlife Fund, and international renewable energy solutionplatforms. Together, we strive for mutual success and contribute to theachievement of SDGs.



ESG REPORT 2023Integrating the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) into its strategy and operations, JA Solar identi?es SDGs relatedto the Company and value chain, and actively takes actions to acceleratethe progress of SDGs.

UN SDGsJA Solar's Corresponding Actions

Industry, Innovation,and InfrastructureBuild resilient infrastructure,promote inclusive andsustainable industrialization andfoster innovation.

JA Solar remains focused on technological innovation, with the continuouslaunch of safe and reliable products as well as e?cient solutions. We prioritizeenhancing the adaptability of our products under extreme conditions anddriving the innovation and upgrade of our industrial o?erings. Meanwhile, theCompany has implemented projects such as "grid parity" for photovoltaic,making contributions to ensure fairness and justice in the global energytransition.



All Company's mainstream products have passed the FrenchCertisolis carbon footprint certi?cation.

Multiple products have been selected into the ?rst batch of "Green DesignProducts" for PV cell modules by the Ministry of Industry and InformationTechnology of the People's Republic of ChinaIn 2023, the conversion e?ciency of n-type Bycium+ solarcells in mass production reached up to 26.3%, rankingamong the world's leading levels.

JA Solar's p-type series products and n-type DeepBlue 4.0 Pro seriesproducts have passed the Norwegian and Italian UL EPD (EnvironmentProduct Declaration) evaluations.

We have established a "Supplier Social Responsibility and Sustainability Evaluation"system that covers multiple aspects including product quality and safety, communitycommunication, environmental management, and business ethics. We incorporatecarbon disclosure, carbon footprint, and green power utilization into our supplierevaluation and scoring rubrics. This approach helps our value chain partners enhancetheir awareness of sustainability, unleash greater potential, explore pathways forsustainability, and empower them to improve their sustainability management capacity.

Amid the global tide of energy transformation and climate change response, PVenterprises are not only signi?cant providers of green energy but also practitionersand leaders of sustainability. JA Solar adheres to the sustainability philosophy of"Green to Green", guided by green and low-carbon principles to drive the greentransition of critical components ranging from product design, supplier management,raw material procurement, and manufacturing, to warehousing and logistics. Weexplore the path of green cycling and sustainability throughout the entire industrychain and lifecycle.

In terms of product design, we take into account green and low-carbon concepts, aswell as their impact on the environment. In addition to introducing low-carbon newmaterials during the design phase, we continuously strengthen our innovation and R&Dcapacity, improve product conversion e?ciency and module power, and reduce carbonemissions per unit of power generation.



We employ innovative means such as industrial robots, the Internet of Things (IoT),and AI to create digital and intelligent factories. By employing advanced productiontechniques and equipment, we enhance energy utilization e?ciency, reduce energyconsumption and carbon emissions during production, and improve the recyclingrates of waste and water resources. This approach allows us to fully implement greenand intelligent manufacturing.


We follow a circular packaging scheme, optimize cross-packing, reduce unnecessarypackaging, and continuously improve packaging and loading e?ciency. We also carryout veri?cations on the removal of wooden frames from domestic shipping packagingand actively explore carbon reduction solutions throughout the full life cycle.


Six manufacturing bases underJA Solar have been listed as"National Green Factories"

Two bases have been shortlistedfor the List of Green Factories inJiangsu Province

Total waste recycling

Unit: tonneTotal water resources recyclingUnit: m



Contents of evaluation system:

18 topics and 105 indicators

Percentage of supplierscommitted to improvementafter evaluation100%

The green and intelligent stereoscopic warehouses we have created enable real-time analysisand intelligent management of inbound and outbound inventory, storage, and inventoryinformation, thus creating a highly automated, digitalized, and intelligent warehousing center.WAREHOUSE

Our intelligent stereoscopic warehouse project in theYangzhou Base provides over 3,400 cargo spaces, an increaseof about 2.55 times compared to ordinary warehouses,which is equivalent to a reduction of land use by 10,850m




We adopt more green and low-carbon transportation modes such as road-railway combinedtransportation and water-land combined transportation, and explore the use of clean energylike biomass fuels and methanol. During on-site transportation, we actively promote theforklift "oil to electricity" project to reduce carbon footprint, thus achieving coordinateddevelopment between logistics cost reduction and green logistics promotion.LOGISTICS

We provide customized road-railway combinedtransportation solutions based on project conditions.In 2023, JA Solar arranged for a total of about 377MW ofshipments via road-railway combined transportation.


Increase in procurementproportion of local siliconmaterial suppliersYear-on-year growth in procurement of low-carbonparticulate silicon

We have formulated theJA Solar Responsible Procurement Policy, implemented carbonfootprint certi?cation for raw materials, and strictly monitored the sustainability of rawmaterials. We vigorously drive localization and low-carbon procurement to minimize thenegative impact on the environment during the procurement process.RAW MATERIALPROCUREMENT







Bene?ting mankind withgreen inheritance.Propelling forward towardsustainability in the great era.


In 2023, the Yangzhou Base recycled nearly 400,000 sets of cell cartons andapproximately 160,000 pallets and 170,000 junction box totes.In 2023, the Ningjin Base recycled nearly 930,000 sets of packaging materials andover 45,000 pallets.


JA Solar has built a strategic partnership with PV CYCLE to promote global recyclingof discarded PV modules.

We have jointly established the "Photovoltaic Recycling Industry DevelopmentCooperation Center" with industry partners to actively explore recycling solutions formodules and packaging. We have developed management standards for the recycling ofused packaging materials and implemented specialized recycling at our bases, therebyminimizing the use of packaging materials and reducing energy consumption duringpackaging production.

All modules exported to the European Union comply with the WEEE directive.

In 2002, the EU formallypromulgated the Waste Electricaland Electronic Equipment Directive(WEEE Directive), which providesguidelines for environmentalprotection in the ?eld of wasteelectrical and electronic products.






ESG REPORT 2023025026















Yiwu Base Low-CarbonPark Project: "Source-Grid-Load-Storage" Low-Carbon System Solution

Creating Benchmark Cases ofLow-Carbon Smart Parks

Dongtai Base Low-CarbonPark Project: DigitalSolution Based on Multi-Scenario BIPV

Selected intoChina'sTypical Cases of Synergyand E?ciency in ReducingPollution and CarbonEmissions in 2023by theMinistry of Ecology andEnvironment

In 2023, the Center for Environmental Education and Communications of the Ministryof Ecology and Environment, PRC releasedChina's Typical Cases of Synergy andE?ciency in Reducing Pollution and Carbon Emissions in 2023in a thematic sideevent "Achieving Multi-wins in Environment, Climate and Economy through SynergyCo-control of Air Pollution and Climate Change at the 28th United Nations ClimateChange Conference (COP28). The "E?cient PECVD Ammonia-containing Tail GasTreatment Project" and the "Air Compressor Renovation Project" at the Ningjin Baseof JA Solar were selected into the list of typical cases.As the ?rst successful case study in the PV industry, the "E?cient PECVD Ammonia-containing Tail Gas Treatment Project" can be ?exibly modi?ed according to changesin exhaust gas volume, environmental policies, regulations, and regulatory trendsafter completion, thus fully meeting production and policy requirements. It provides areplicable solution for low-carbon production in the industry and tackling climate change.

Exploring SustainabilityPaths and Creatinga Low-carbon GreenCampus

To carry out in-depth sustainability practices to a greater extent, JA Solar has integratedthe green and low-carbon concept into the construction of Xingtai Polytechnic Instituteof New Energy. The Institute not only focuses on sustainability and ecological educationin course design but also actively develops a low-carbon campus in practice. The PVconstruction of the Institute totals 1MW. By integrating green technologies related tosoil and air sources, it creates an e?cient heating and cooling system, with renewableenergy accounting for about 70%. Through the construction of an integrated "wind-PV-storage" system, the Institute is expected to reduce CO

emissions by about 390 tonneper year. The establishment of the Xingtai Polytechnic Institute of New Energy serves asan example for the green and low-carbon development of the industry, demonstratingJA Solar's exploration in the ?eld of sustainability and its pursuit of a sustainable future.

The PVconstruction of theInstitute totalsThe renewableenergy for thee?cient heatingand cooling systemaccount for aboutExpected to reduceannual CO

emissions by about


Expansion of PVconstruction spaceby more than


In 2023, JA Solar completed its ?rst low-carbon park project, the Yiwu Base Low-Carbon Park Project, o?cially marking JA Solar's entry into the era of "zero-carbonparks" and "intelligent energy".Focusing on park resources and needs, JA Solar's Intelligent Energy tailored asystematic low-carbon solution centered on "Source-Grid-Load-Storage". Startingfrom the four aspects of "zero-carbon from the source, carbon reduction on the gridside, low carbon load, and carbon savings through response", we comprehensivelyreduce the energy consumption and GHG emissions of the park from constructionto operation. We aim to create a low-carbon park that forms an industry benchmarkin terms of ?exible management of comprehensive park energy, operational carbonreduction, and environmental protection development, providing innovative modelsand model cases for the industry.The project is expected to generate 28.76 million kWh of PV green power a year, reduceCO

emissions by about 16,000 tonne, achieve an energy-saving rate of over 10% for thepower station, and reach a ?exible resource adjustment rate exceeding 15%.

JA Solar takes the lead in implementing low-carbon practices and actively exploresgreen technological innovation and low-carbon park construction. In 2023, JA Solarand the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) jointly developed theZero-Carbon FactoryConstruction Guidance for PV Cell and Module Manufacturers, providing a reference forgreen manufacturing and intelligent manufacturing in the industry.Leading Low-CarbonDevelopment viaGreen Practices





Tackling climate change has become a global consensus. Acknowledging theimportance of climate change to the sustainability of enterprises, JA Solar activelyidenti?es climate-related risks and opportunities, integrating climate changestrategies into business development and ESG goals. We continuously promotegreen and low-carbon manufacturing to create benchmark examples of zero-carbonpractices. We have newly established over 50 carbon management positions withinthe Company, which will be responsible for monitoring and managing our carbonemissions. Externally, they actively participate in external climate change-relatedactivities in China and abroad as well as internal promotion. They will also exchangeinnovative and practical experiences in climate action, serving as trendsetters andadvocates for climate action.We ceaselessly move forward on the path of combating climate change and join forceswith more stakeholders to contribute to the global climate governance goals whileaccelerating our journey towards a zero-carbon and better future as a collective.



Expected annualgeneration of PVgreen power ofReduce CO

emissionsby about



million kWh


Expected annualgeneration of PVgreen power ofReduce CO

emissionsby about




million kWh

In 2023, the construction of JA Solar's Dongtai Base Low-Carbon Park commenced.Positioned as a world-class lighthouse factory, the park is equipped with acomprehensive "intelligent manufacturing + digitization + 5G operation system". Usingdistributed roof PV, new energy storage, integrated PV, storage and charging, and airconditioning energy storage, BIPV applications can be implemented successfully inmultiple scenarios covering planes and facades, including rain shelters, car sheds,glass curtain walls, and corridors, providing an innovative way to expand green powerproduction. Digital and intelligent means have been employed to create a zero-carbonintelligent energy management platform for overall regulation and control, whichprovides the foundation for the low-carbon development of the park. Adaptabilityand sustainability are further enhanced by having these resources that can be ?exiblyadjusted and optimized to meet project needs.The project is expected to generate 45.85 million kWh of PV green power annually, reduceCO

emissions by about 26,000 tonne, and achieve an expansion of PV construction spaceby more than 15% as well as a ?exible and adjustable resource proportion of over 15%.

Furthering Exchangeand Jointly BuildingClimate Ambition

Climate Goal:

Promote theEstablishmentof Science BasedTargets

Actively responding to the national strategy of "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality"while taking the initiative to respond to climate change, JA Solar contributes to theachievement of the long-term goal under theParis Agreementto "limit the temperatureincrease to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels". The Company o?cially joined theScience Based Targets initiative (SBTi) in 2022 and is formulating GHG emissionreduction targets and action plans based on scienti?c methods —We are committedto reducing operation-wide total GHG emissions (Scope 1 + Scope 2) by 42% in 2030compared to 2023 and achieving net-zero GHG emissions no later than 2050.

JA Solar Attended theGlobal Conferenceon Environment andSustainable Development

In September 2023, JA Solar participated in the main forum of the Global Conferenceof Environmental Scientists and the Second Authors Meeting for the SeventhGlobal Environment Outlook (GEO-7) organized by the United Nations EnvironmentProgramme (UNEP). We discussed sustainable environmental development, globalenergy transition, and green development with representatives from over 30 countriesand regions, thus helping accelerate the global green, low-carbon, and sustainabledevelopment process.

Leading theTransition, JA SolarContributes toSustainability

Working Together todraw a SustainabilityBlueprint

In June 2023, JA Solar joined China's "Green Electricity 100%" (GE100%) Initiative asone of its ?rst initiative supporters.

In September 2023, JA Solar joined the 2023 Climate Ambition Accelerator (CAA)program of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC).

Bringing ChineseVoice to ClimateGovernance

While strengthening international cooperation and making a stand, JA Solarcontinuously demonstrates through practical actions to the world that we willalways be active participants, contributors, and advocates of global environmentalgovernance, hence bringing a Chinese voice to the sphere of climate governance.






Total GHGEmissions(Scope 1 + Scope 2)42% reductionin total GHGemissions(Scope 1 + Scope 2)compared to 2023Achieve net zeroemissions






While the global battle against climate change has embarked on a new journey,more innovative forces are urgently needed for climate governance. JA Solar activelyparticipates in various climate change exchange activities in China and all around theworld, demonstrating the green actions of Chinese enterprises and providing newideas for global climate governance.

Profoundly Involvedin COP28, JA Solar IsTaking Action

The 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) stands as one of themost important climate change conferences worldwide and carries the hopes ofachieving global climate goals as well as the challenges that come with it. JA Solar isdeeply involved in the related meetings and activities of COP28, demonstrating to theworld its determination and strength in pursuing global climate goals.

JA Solar participated in the Dialogue on Sustainability for Renowned Chinese andForeign Entrepreneurs with the theme of "Sustainability Strategy for Global CarbonNeutrality Enterprises"

The 2023 Pathway to Net Zero and JA Solar Sustainable Development Event LaunchConference was held at the Dubai China Pavilion, where JA Solar released its short-,medium-, and long-term sustainable development strategies and "Every Corner"Sustainable Development Project. At the Launch Conference, we appointed Dr. MohanMunasinghe, former Vice Chairman of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on ClimateChange (IPCC), co-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007, and winner of the 2021"Blue Planet Prize", as our sustainability advisor, who will guide and support JA Solarin sustainability.



JA Solar co-organized the thematic side event "Achieving Multi-wins in Environment,Climate and Economy through Synergy Co-control of Air Pollution and Climate Change"JA Solar participated in the thematic side event "Women for Climate: Making the WorldBeautiful"


JA Solar participated in the thematic side event "Academic Forum on Climate Governance"JA Solar participated in the thematic side event "Role of Reports and Their Impact onAchieving Environmental Goals"



JA Solar co-organized the thematic side event "Technology & Innovation Driving GreenSupply Chain"JA Solar participated in the sharing and exchange conference on "Empowerment forAccelerating Carbon Reduction in Enterprise Supply Chain"

JA Solar participated in the thematic side event "Focusing on TechnologicalInvestment Development and Achieving a Zero-Carbon Energy System"



JA Solar participated in the thematic side event "From Ambition to Action: RE Power theFuture"JA Solar released theZero-Carbon Factory Construction Guidance for PV Cell and ModuleManufacturers with the Beijing Representative O?ce of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF)JA Solar participated in the thematic side event "South-South Cooperation Enterprisesof Renewable Energy Forum"

JA Solar participated in the thematic side event "Stronger International Cooperation inthe Photovoltaic Industry to Accelerate Global Energy Transition"


The Air Compressor Renovation Project at the Ningjin Base was nominated for the2023Business Climate Action Casesreleased at the side event of "Zero Carbon Acceleration -Chinese Practice and Global Outlook" on the Enterprise Day in China Pavilion

12. 1 1




JA Solar signs a donation agreement with the United NationsHigh Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)EVERY PERSON

JA SOLAR X UNHCRMore than 20 million people are displaced annually due to climate change. JA Solarhas signed a donation agreement with the UNHCR to provide necessary light sourcesfor living and learning to displaced families in need, bringing light and hope to forciblydisplaced persons worldwide through clean energy.

JA Solar joins the deserti?cation prevention and control project"100 Million Haloxylon Ammodendron"EVERY DESERT



JA Solar collaborates with WWF to create a biodiversity parkJA SOLAR QUJING BASE X WWF


Creating an innovative solution combining ecologicalgovernance and industrial development

LAND MANAGEMENT & PV ENERGY STORAGE GENERATIONJA Solar actively explores an innovative solution combining ecological governanceand industrial development. The Tuquan Xinsheng Land Management and PV EnergyStorage and Power Generation Project can e?ectively achieve desert greening. PVoases are built on the Gobi desert, achieving dual bene?ts of ecological governanceand green development. The project can save about 120,000 tonnes of coal equivalent(tce) annually and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 300,000 tonnes.


Building zero-carbon factories to provide zero-carbon guidancefor the industryJA SOLAR ZERO CARBON FACTORY X WWF





WE CARE EVERY CORNEROF THE WORLDAround the world, the great changes unseen in a century are accelerating. Today, ourworld, our times, and history are changing in ways like never before. JA Solar o?ciallylaunched the "Every Corner" Sustainable Development Project during the 28th UnitedNations Climate Change Conference (COP28), committing to long-term investmentin biodiversity, zero-carbon factories, ecological governance, and humanitarianism.With the sights set before and the heart attached to them, JA Solar protects and caresabout every corner of the world with love and responsibility in every choice and stepforward.

In 2023, JA Solar joined the deserti?cation prevention and control project "100Million Haloxylon Ammodendron" initiated by the Alxa Society of Entrepreneursand Ecology (SEE). The project is planned to plant 30,000 Haloxylon ammodendron,Caragana microphylla, Salix mongolica, and other symbolic plants in Alxa League,Inner Mongolia. We also take measures such as cleaning, irrigation, and weedingfor nurturing, promote carbon emission reduction to improve the local ecologicalenvironment, and leverage the derived economic value of Haloxylon ammodendronto enhance the living standards of herdsmen.

JA Solar partners with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) to create a biodiversity park atthe Qujing Base, combines the 24 solar terms and local planting characteristics tocreate small wetland landscapes, and advocates for biodiversity protection.

JA Solar and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) jointly developed theZero-CarbonFactory Construction Guidance for PV Cell and Module Manufacturers, providing zero-carbon guidance. We also actively create benchmark cases for Qujing JA Solar PhaseIII Zero-carbon Factory and Yangzhou Jingshan Park Zero-carbon Factory.
















As a leading global provider of new energy power generationsolutions, JA Solar continues to optimize environmentalmanagement and promote clean energy development. Amidthe growing trend towards greening and reducing carbonemissions worldwide, we join hands with partners across thevalue chain to embark on a low-carbon and green journey,create lifecycle green parks, and contribute to the globaltransition to a lower carbon economy.



JA Solar constantly improves environmental management, enhances thee?ciency of energy and resource use, and reduces waste emissions in itsproduction, operation, and business activities. The Company attaches greatimportance to the environmental impact of its operations, creates greenparks, and strives to play a leading role in green development.


JA Solar complies with industry standards as well as national and local laws andregulations, guided by theEnvironmental Protection Law of the People's Republicof China, the Environmental Impact Assessment Law of the People's Republic ofChina, theManagement Measures for Legal Disclosure of Enterprise EnvironmentalInformation, theLaw of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention andControl of Atmospheric Pollution, theLaw of the People's Republic of China onPrevention and Control of Water Pollution, theSoil Pollution Prevention and ControlLaw of the People's Republic of China, theLaw of the People's Republic of China onPrevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste, theLaw of thePeople's Republic of China on Promotion of Cleaner Production, and theLaw of thePeople's Republic of China on Energy Conservation. We also strictly comply with allapplicable laws and regulations in the overseas manufacturing bases' regions. TheCompany further boosts energy e?ciency and resource utilization while continuouslyre?ning and improving the ISO14001 environmental management system. We haveformulated multiple internal management policies to foster clean production,promote the creation of green factories, and drive the Company's green development.During the reporting period, all manufacturing bases that had o?cially been put intooperation by JA Solar had passed the ISO14001 environmental management systemcerti?cation.In accordance with ISO14001 and other international standards, we have formulatedpolicy documents that comply with our sustainable development goals, including theEHS Management System Manual, theGuidelines for EHS Management of JA Solar,theEnvironmental Protection Management Procedures, and theEnvironmental FactorIdenti?cation and Evaluation Procedures. These documents specify the environmentalmanagement framework and responsibilities. We have established an environmentalmanagement system that provides a standardized and systematic basis for identifyingand reducing environmental risks in production processes and operations. In addition,all manufacturing bases take active steps to improve environmental emergencyresponse plans, with the facilitation of regular environmental emergency managementtraining and drills. At the same time, they strive to minimize and mitigate the potentialadverse impacts of environmental accidents.Apart from continuously improving our environmental management system, wehave also established a comprehensive environmental management process thatencompasses environmental objectives, management plans, green production, andwaste disposal, and environmental monitoring.




Determine the environmental protection objectives and quanti?able indicators foreach department, ensuring that all employees can contribute to environmentalprotection e?orts.

According to the established environmental targets and indicators, each PVmanufacturing base shall develop clear and characteristic environmental targetmanagement plans based on relevant national and local laws regulations andother applicable provisions.Regularly dispose of exhaust gas and solid waste generated in the productionprocess, establish and improve various environmental management records, andensure the normal operation of environmental protection facilities.

Implement an environmental monitoring plan to supervise and manage everydayenvironmental protection and governance facilities daily; regularly commissionquali?ed third-party organizations to conduct environmental testing; master theoperation of environmental protection work and environmental managementsystem; identify loopholes in environmental protection and management forimmediate remediation, to ensure that sewage, exhaust gas, and noise aredischarged per the standards.

De?nition ofQuanti?ableEnvironmentalObjectivesDevelopment ofEnvironmentalManagement Plans

Compliant Disposal andGreen Production

Daily EnvironmentalMonitoring

All manufacturing bases that hado?cially been put into operation byJA Solar had passed the ISO14001environmental management systemcerti?cationISO14001

Environmental Management ProcessSpeci?c Measures

The new Shijiazhuang Base that has been put into production is planning to apply for certi?cation.1


JA Solar constantly provides framework and talent support for environmentalmanagement. JA Solar has established the EHS Management Department at itsHeadquarters to supervise and control the environmental management of all bases.Each PV manufacturing base has established an EHS functional department to reporton its management work to the Headquarters. We have established a performanceappraisal system, with the Headquarters conducting annual performanceappraisals of each manufacturing base and linking the appraisal results to theannual evaluations of senior executives of the bases and the Company. In 2023, theCompany's Headquarters and manufacturing bases steadily fostered environmentalmanagement e?orts and there were no penalties arising from violating anyenvironmental laws and regulations.We also vigorously support the training of environmental management talents,o?ering professional strength for the Company's environmental management. Tofurther encourage the growth of EHS professionals, the Company introduced theReward Management Measures for Employees Obtaining EHS Vocational Quali?cationCerti?cates at All Levels in 2023. These measures o?er comprehensive examinationsupport and certi?cation incentives to employees who have secured environmentalprotection quali?cation certi?cates, thereby successfully fostering their initiative toindependently delve into EHS management.


ESG REPORT 2023039040

JA Solar actively promotes the construction of green parks, considering ESG factorsin multiple stages such as preliminary assessment, project site selection, projectinitiation and review, post-investment evaluation, and park operation. We align ourCompany's investment and operation with Sustainable Development Doals and arecommitted to creating benchmark cases of full life cycle green and low-carbon parks.BUILDINGGREEN PARKS



We strive to build a leading green manufacturing system in the industry andcontribute to the global sustainable development goal process with our greenstrength. JA Solar maintains consistently high standards in environmentalmanagement across our various manufacturing bases. At the end of 2023, six of ourmanufacturing bases - Qujing, Ningjin, Hefei, Xingtai, Shanghai Fengxian, and Baotou- have been awarded the prestigious title of "National Green Factory" by the Ministryof Industry and Information Technology. On the other hand, JA Solar TechnologyYangzhou Co., Ltd. and JA Solar New Energy Yangzhou Co., Ltd. have been shortlistedfor the List of "Green Factories in Jiangsu Province" while Yiwu JA Solar TechnologyCo., Ltd. has been awarded the title of Green Factory in Jinhua City.

Six JA Solar manufacturingbases have been listed as"National Green Factories"

JA Solar actively responds to the national new energy strategy, devoting itself to theconstruction of low-carbon parks with a high sense of responsibility and mission. In2023, the Company collaborated with the Ordos Municipal People's Government toinitiate a full-industry-chain PV industrial park project with a low-carbon footprint.This initiative seamlessly integrates ESG considerations, encompassing biodiversitypreservation, water conservation facilities, and green power utilization into the siteselection process, to foster a harmonious balance between economic growth andenvironmental sustainability. The completion of this park marks another solid stepforward for JA Solar in the creation of a green energy ecosystem and the promotionof regional sustainability.

Ordos Low-Carbon IndustrialPark Project


JA Solar actively explores high-quality park models and incorporates more cutting-edge green design concepts into new parks. We have integrated green park standardswith sponge city design concepts at the new Wuxi JA Solar Deep Blue Base. Byimplementing measures such as installing permeable pavers in parking areas andestablishing rainwater collection facilities including rainwater drainage networks andrainwater detention basins within the park, we have signi?cantly enhanced the park'scapacity for water storage, in?ltration, and conservation. These initiatives contributeto the formation of a sustainable water cycle system.Furthermore, the park drives the momentum of green development through thedual dimensions of "demand side + supply side". On the demand side, we havestrengthened intelligent management of energy resources and actively adoptedenergy-saving equipment. This includes promoting green lighting products such ashigh-e?ciency, long-lasting, and excellent color-rendering light sources and ?xtures.We have optimized and enhanced the e?ciency of our lighting systems through thecentralized control of public lighting and local control of o?ce lighting. On the supplyside, we constantly explore more innovative clean power application scenarios throughvarious forms, including integrated PV buildings, PV car sheds, etc. We will install solarPV power generation systems on the roofs of factories, warehouses, and ?re watertanks, with an estimated annual power generation capacity of about 3.8 million kWh.

Creating Wuxi JA Solar DeepBlue Base into a Green Park

The estimatedannual powergeneration capacityis about



PreliminaryAssessmentProject SiteSelectionProject Intiationand ReviewPost-investmentEvaluationGreen Operation

Create Full-Life-CycleGreen Parks

Through collecting information on environmental capacity and local environmentalplanning, we comprehensively assess the potential impact of the project on theregion after its implementation and actively assess the local green power supply.We consider multiple ESG factors such as the project site's environment, greenpower, water resources use, and local employment, implement sustainable siteselection, actively identify related risks, and, if necessary, engage third parties for duediligence.In the project investment feasibility study report, ESG and sustainable developmentfactors such as the use of green electricity will be included in the review criteria.We require the base and the invested project to evaluate their sustainabilityperformance to ensure that the project achieves sustainability in technical, economic,and environmental dimensions.Based on rating criteria such as theGeneral Rules for Evaluation of Green Factories,we conduct a comprehensive green upgrade, further increase the number of nationaland provincial green factory applications, and create green benchmark cases.


million kWh


ESG REPORT 2023041042




Annual powergeneration willexceed

Project's averageannual utilizationcan exceed


The proportion ofclean energy(chie?y hydropower)exceeds


Equivalentto an annualsavings of


In June 2023, JA Solar's Qujing Phase II 30MW Rooftop Distributed Power StationProject was successfully connected to the grid for power generation and subsequentlyput into operation. The Project is designed to adopt the mode of "self-generatedpower for self use and surplus electricity connected to the grid". Through blockpower generation, decentralized inverting and centralized grid connection as well asother measures, the average annual utilization of the Project can exceed 1,300 hourswhile the average annual power generation will exceed 39 million kWh, equivalent tosavings of about 4,700 tce every year. The clean electricity generated by the Projectcan basically be consumed locally, thus e?ectively reducing the cost of electricityconsumption and decreasing pollutant emissions. Moreover, the JA Qujing Base islocated in Yunnan, where it is rich in water resources and the proportion of cleanenergy (chie?y hydropower) used in the operation process exceeds 85%. By adoptinghydropower and PV power generation, the Project can greatly reduce the Qujing Base'sdependence on conventional electricity and GHG emissions.

With a strong emphasis on energy management, JA Solar has formulated applicablepolicy documents such as theEnergy Resource Management Policyand EnergyManagement Manual according to the applicable laws and standards, includingtheLaw of the People's Republic of China on Energy Conservation, theLaw of thePeople's Republic of China on Renewable Energy, theLaw of the People's Republic ofChina on Promotion of Cleaner Production. JA Solar has established and enforced ane?cient energy management system to control, optimize, and intelligently manageenergy data throughout the product life cycle through industrial Internet technology.During the reporting period, 7 PV manufacturing bases of JA Solar passed the ISO50001 energy management system certi?cation, covering nearly 50% of all its bases.In addition to daily energy management supervision and energy management inproduction workshops at each base, the Company also conducts multi-dimensionalmanagement and guidance with respect to energy and water resources managementat all bases through the Project Management Department, with timely recti?cationsof the identi?ed energy management problems, to reduce unnecessary energyconsumption. We have established a top-down energy management frameworkcovering all bases, and implemented the three-level "company, workshop and team"energy incentive and assessment mechanism for the quantitative and systematicenergy management, so as to continuously improve energy-saving awareness andoptimize energy use e?ciency.We also constantly improve the level of energy management through digitalmeans. As a result of constructing a digital management system and enterpriseenergy management system, we can improve energy management accuracy tothe equipment's side, take into account the use of energy and resources, pollutantdischarges, and management of pollutants throughout the product's life cycle,and quantitatively assess the carbon footprint based on energy consumption forintelligent carbon management.

Real-time Monitoring ofHigh Energy ConsumptionEquipment in YangzhouBaseCASE

To better monitor energy e?ciency and identify energy-saving potential, JA YangzhouBase collected real-time power data of key high-energy-consuming equipmentwith power exceeding 100 kW, covering the ice machine system, air conditioningsystem, air compressor, workshop coating and di?usion furnace and other highenergy-consuming equipment and systems. The real-time monitoring of operationof production equipment can result in more timely identi?cation and eliminationof abnormal equipment operation, so as to avoid potential energy waste. Throughan in-depth analysis of the energy usage of the equipment, we can systematicallyidentify the potential for energy-saving optimization, to continuously improve energye?ciency in production.

JA Solar has always believed that we are not only a provider of clean energy, butalso a user and advocate of clean energy. In 2023, we actively promoted the use ofclean energy in various manufacturing bases, and comprehensively reduced energyconsumption and GHG emissions through self-generated power for self-use distributedPV power generation and green power procurement. As one of the ?rst support unitsof China's "Green Electricity 100%" initiative (GE100%), we actively explore greenpower procurement in the pilot base while actively promoting and participating in theconsumption of renewable power in China. When evaluating potential o?ce locationsor manufacturing bases, we also consider the local green electricity supply capacity,usage ratio and relevant policy support etc. to promote the Company's use of greenenergy, reduce carbon emissions andmake positive contributions to environmentalprotection.In 2023, the clean energy consumption of JA Solar exceeded 1,790 GWh while theinstalled capacity of distributed power stations for self-generated power for self-usereached 138 MW.

Installed capacity of distributedpower stations for seif-generatedpower for self-use reached

Clean energyconsumptionof JA Solarexceeded



Comprehensive energy consumptionUnit: tce


Comprehensive energy consumption density

Unit: tce/RMB 100 million operating revenues


Key Performance

Qujing Base Actively UsesClean Electricity


To further reduce energy consumption and GHG emissions during production, JA Solar'sBaotou Base has carried out comprehensive energy-saving technology optimizationand renovation of existing equipment. The energy-saving renovation covers the airenergy heating system, the water source heat pump unit heating system, the argonrecovery process, and many others. The energy savings are expected to exceed about4,700 tce every year. The central heating renovation of air energy systems of theapartment buildings in the dormitory areas can e?ectively achieve the e?cient use ofenergy,resulting in annual electricity savings of about 740,000 kWh.

ComprehensiveEnergy-saving TechnicalRenovation in Baotou Base






million kWh




Pure Water and ReclaimedWater Reuse System inYangzhou BaseCASE

Baotou Base EnhancesCyclic Utilization of WaterResourcesCASE

The increasing pressure on water resources is a common challenge the worldfaces. JA Solar also uses a large amount of water in its production process to meetthe requirements for the production of crystalline silicon, equipment cooling,etc. As water resources become increasingly scarce and the ability to use watersustainably is under pressure, we prioritize the management and protectionof water resources. TheWater Law of the People's Republic of Chinaand otherrelevant laws are strictly adhered to, and internal management documents suchas the Energy Resources Management Systemand theWastewater DischargeControl Procedureregulate water resources management, wastewater discharge,and treatment. Aside from including water consumption targets in environmentalmanagement indicators, our Bases re?ne water use management, evaluate wateruse risks and pressure, and continuously reduce total water consumption andwater consumption intensity, so that water use is scienti?c and sustainable. TheESG and Sustainability Management Committee of the Company is responsiblefor ESG performance management, including several ESG project teams, amongwhich the senior management is responsible for managing and supervising theimplementation of the water resources management team.




JA Solar has always regarded water conservation as a top priority in itsproduction and operation processes, and actively engages in a number of water-saving measures to improve the e?ciency of water use and recycling, as well asinvestigating wastewater treatment and reclaimed water recycling. Through factoryconstruction, water intake site selection, and water-e?cient renovation of keywater-consuming components in the production and operation process, we willconserve water throughout the life cycle of products.Additionally, we strive to conserve water throughout the supply chain, assistsuppliers in the management of water resources, and manage water footprintsthroughout all stages of product life cycles. Furthermore, we monitor and measurethe use of water resources in the operating areas (factories, o?ce areas) on aregular basis, and actively explore water-saving projects, encourage employees toconserve water, and improve the utilization of reclaimed water in order to improvethe e?ciency of water resources.

Use water-saving appliances, such as installing water-saving faucets withautomatic control, delayed self-closing, self-closing upon water-stopping, etc.Equip building toilets with water-e?cient delayed self-closing ?ushing valves.Enhance management of the water supply pipeline network, with strict monitoringand timely elimination of leakages in the pipeline network in order to reduce waste.Use the inductive outlet valve device and water-e?cient equipment.Increasing the reuse of water, reducing sewage discharge and providing sustainablewater sources for the preparation of pure water is achieved by treating and recyclingthe water used in the production processes of the manufacturing bases, and bybuilding the reclaimed water recycling system in the wastewater station.Build rainwater recycling facilities in the factory area, and use the recycled rainwateras greening and landscape water.

Key Water Saving Measures of JA SolarInstalling WaterSaving Equipment

Optimizing WaterSaving Network

IncreasingRecycled andRepeated Use

Factory Construction

Production and OperationWater Intake Site Selection

JA Solar's WaterTargets andCompletion Status

Mid-term water consumption target: From 2022 to 2025,the water consumption intensity per unit output willdecrease by no less than 0.8% year-on-year.Target in 2023: The water consumption intensity per unitoutput will decrease by no less than 1% year-on-year.In 2023, the water consumption intensity per unit outputof JA Solar for power operation decreased by more than3% year-on-year.




To improve the utilization rate of water resources, JA Solar's Yangzhou Base has builta pure water and reclaimed water recycling system that recycles concentrated waterproduced in the RO section of pure water to the front-end water tank before continuingto use it for pure water preparation. We have also implemented the reclaimed waterrecycling system in F2 wastewater station, which recycles dilute acid and alkaliwastewater before returning to the tap water pool and continuing to use it for purewater preparation.

In JA Solar's Baotou Base, the cooling water for the process equipment, air compressorof the power station and other equipment is recycled for other uses. These includethe reuse of reclaimed water, recovery of pure water, concentrated water and largecirculating water systems for slicing, etc., so as to increase the recycled use level ofwater resources while signi?cantly reducing the consumption of fresh water.Total water consumption

Unit: million m

Amount of recycled water recourcesUnit: million m

Utilization rate of recycled water




Key Performance






ESG REPORT 2023045046

We actively control the emission of air pollutants and reduce our negative impact onthe environment so as to safeguard the health of the ecological environment aroundthe Bases. We strictly comply with theLaw of the People's Republic of China on thePrevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollutionand other laws and regulations. At eachbase, classi?ed monitoring is conducted with online monitoring equipment alongsidestrict treatment of all kinds of waste gases produced in each production process. Themain types of air pollutants generated during our production processes include acidwaste gas, particulate matter, ammonia gas, non-methane hydrocarbon, and so on.According to the production process and actual conditions, each base has set up wastegas collection devices in the waste gas generation component, and installed over-standard alarm equipment for real-time control, so as to ensure that all waste gases aredischarged according to the standards through the exhaust pipe after uni?ed collectionand treatment. For example, the organic waste gases generated in the productionprocess of the cell quality inspection laboratory in the battery workshop and the moduleworkshop are treated through the bag dust collector, activated carbon adsorption, andso on before being discharged through the 25-meter-high exhaust pipe after meeting thestandard, thereby ensuring 100% compliance.To ensure the long-term stable operation of the equipment, we have established thepatrol inspection system for environmental protection equipment, appointed designatedmaintenance patrol inspectors, and entrusted third-party monitoring institutions withprofessional quali?cations to carry out regular waste gas monitoring and environmentalquality monitoring on the Bases. This allows us to ensure that all emission steps meet thestandards. In 2023, we achieved 100% discharge compliant with standards.

According to theLaw of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Controlof Water Pollution, theAction Plan for Prevention and Control of Water Pollution,theEmission Standard of Pollutants for Battery Industry, theIntegrated WastewaterDischarge Standard (GB8978-1996)and other relevant laws, regulations and standards,JA Solar constantly explores various solutions for wastewater management and fullyutilizing all recyclable wastewater generated during production. At the same time, weensure that non-recyclable wastewater that is discharged after treatment meets thestandards. The Bases have set the respective management objectives for wastewater,and continuously optimize wastewater reuse based on their own process requirements.In 2023, JA Solar achieved an overall wastewater compliant discharge rate of 100%,with continuous improvements made to the reclaimed water reuse rate in the mainwater use processes.

Air Pollutants

WastewaterManagementPollutant discharge management is an important component of green productionand environmental management. JA Solar strictly abides by the relevant laws andregulations and formulates corresponding systems for strict control of discharge of airpollutants, wastewater and wastes, to minimize the potential impact of productionand operation on the environment.POLLUTANTDISCHARGEMANAGEMENT



To improve the utilization rate of water resources in the production process, thereclaimed water reuse project was implemented in the Qujing Base. We pay closeattention to and monitor key pollutants such as chemical oxygen demand (CODcr),?uoride, ammonia nitrogen, etc., to ensure that the wastewater produced in theproduction process can meet the discharge standards, and be reused in the productionprocess after treatment through the reclaimed water recovery system of the Base.This allows us to minimize wastewater discharge and realize the cyclic use of waterresources. Wastewater generated in the monocrystalline silicon processing workshopand the slicing workshop is treated through the concentrated water recycling pump,reuse water tank, multi-media and PP ?ltration, and then returned to the workshopfor use in production. This allows the degree of water recycling to be maximized andreduces the consumption of water resources.In 2023, the wastewater reuse rate of the monocrystalline silicon processing workshopand the slicing workshop in the Qujing Base reached nearly 90% and 70% respectively.

In August 2023, the 20,000 m3/d Comprehensive Wastewater Treatment Projectcommenced at JA Solar's Ningjin Base. As part of the project, a variety of wastewatertreatment and reuse systems were put into operation for deep treatment and e?cientreuse of production wastewater and living sewage, such as battery wastewater and acidmist tower wastewater. The wastewater reuse rate of the whole system reached 80%,thus signi?cantly improving the water balance of the whole plant. The Project resultedin the reduction of discharge of wastewater pollutants and e?ective improvementin the recycling e?ciency of water resources, allowing JA Solar to make positivecontributions to building a green ecology and promoting the sustainable developmentof water resources.Wastewater reuserate of the overallproject system


Wastewater reuserate of slicingworkshop

Wastewaterreuse rate ofmonocrystallinesilicon processingworkshop


90%Air pollutantscompliantwith dischargestandards


Overallwasterwatercompliantwith dischargestandards


Cooperate with raw and supplementing material manufacturers involving VOCs to ?ndcleaner formula alternatives through various technical means, so as to comprehensivelyreduce the proportion of VOCs materials.For primary pollution-producing processes such as welding and lamination, we adoptthe "Closed+negative pressure" collection method to e?ectively reduce the escape ofpollutants.Adopt three-level activated carbon for waste gas treatment devices in each workshop toimprove the e?ciency and quality of waste gas treatment.Dismantle the heating boiler for winter in the second park of the Xingtai Base, and adoptcleaner air-cooled heat pump equipment and waste heat recovery in the laminated areafor heating in winter, so as to eliminate the emission of nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxidesfrom the source of the equipment.

For better management of the emission of waste gases and volatile organic compounds(VOCs), JA Solar's Xingtai Base has optimized the air pollutant management system frommultiple dimensions with accordance to the principle of "source control, e?cient collectionand scienti?c treatment", so as to improve the environmental management level.Source ControlEfficient CollectionScientific TreatmentAdopting CleanEquipment

Xingtai Base OptimizedManagement of VolatileOrganic Compounds (VOCs)CASE

Qujing Base OptimizedWastewater Management andRecoveryCASE

Ningjin Base KickstartedComprehensive WastewaterTreatment Project




ESG REPORT 2023047048

We implement strict classi?ed management of wastes and actively explore theconstruction of a "waste-free factory" according to theLaw of the People's Republicof China on Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Wastes,the Measures for the Transfer of Hazardous Wastesand other regulations. We haveformulated a series of management systems including theEnvironmental ManagementSystem, theSolid Waste Environmental Management System, theWastewater, WasteGas and Solid Waste and Noise Management Procedures, and theWaste MaterialsManagement System, which are targeted at regulating the management and disposalof di?erent types of wastes, thereby achieving the management of waste generation,collection, classi?cation, storage, transfer and disposal across the entire life cycle.During the reporting period, we actively carried out waste identi?cation and recycling.The hazardous wastes primarily consist of waste-activated carbon, waste ?ux, wastepackaging barrels, waste acid-base garbage, etc. Non-hazardous wastes mainly includesludge, used paper boxes and domestic garbage generated by employees. For hazardouswastes, we reduce the generation from the source and prepare a list of hazardous wastes,with clear records of the relevant sources, treatment units and treatment methods.Meanwhile, we have established a monitoring system covering the entire processacross the entire chain, to achieve e?ective supervision of the key points such as wasteproducing locations, transportation routes, hazardous waste warehouse, intelligentweighing, etc., so as to ensure the process of hazardous waste disposal is standardizedand transparent throughout. On the other hand, we commission professional third-party agencies for the disposal of non-hazardous wastes while also actively exploringvarious recycling methods. At the same time, we are on a constant pursuit of cooperationopportunities to improve the recovery and cyclic use of cartons, plastics, sludge andother materials in the manufacturing bases.

Waste Management

Total amount of hazardouswastes producedUnit: tonne


Waste recycling

Unit: tonne


Waste recycling amount increasedby 216% year-on-year


Total amount of non-hazardouswastes producedUnit: tonne


As a leader in the PV industry, JA Solar has also been paying close attention to theprotection of the surrounding ecology in its own development process. With adherenceto the Environmental ProtectionLaw of the People's Republic of China, theLaw of thePeople's Republic of China on Environmental Impact Assessmentand other relevant lawsand regulations, we stipulate in the internal document of theEnvironmental ProtectionManagement Proceduresthat the negative impact on the ecological environment shouldbe minimized during project development, construction, production and operation. Atthe same time, the requirements for biodiversity protection should be followed in orderto achieve the harmonious coexistence with nature.On the one hand, we continuously expand the possible scenarios of PV applicationand explore innovative modes of clean energy solutions and ecological restorationand protection through organic combination of natural ecological resources with PVprojects. We have developed green ecological development modes such as "on-panelpower generation, under-panel planting and inter-panel breeding", thereby becomingthe benchmark cases of complementary integration of ecological governance andindustrial development. On the other hand, we actively develop biodiversity parksand other projects, as so to provide new solutions for ecological governance andharmonious symbiosis.




Key Performance



The wastewater treatment system is actively optimized at JA Solar's Yiwu Base, wherethe quartz sand ?lter, ultra?ltration device, RO device, pH adjustment device and othersupporting facilities are implemented for separate collection of slow-lifting drainage,dilute alkali wastewater and dilute acid wastewater generated by the workshop.Independent recycling is also carried out with two sets of reclaimed water recyclingequipment as well as strict control of backwashing, cleaning, dosing and wastewaterdischarge, so as to ensure the quality of wastewater discharge and maximize theproportion of wastewater recovery.

Yiwu Base OptimizedTreatment of Dilute Acidand Dilute Alkali SlowLifting WastewaterCASE

In 2023, JA Solar cooperated with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) to build a biodiversitypark in JA Solar's Qujing Base. We have since carried out detailed design of theproduction area greening and road greening in the factory. With adherence to theprinciple of suitable greening and taking into account biodiversity protection duringselection of plants in the factory, we gave priority to planting local nectar source and?ower and fruit plants, to increase the diversity of nectar-source insects and birds. Plantswith low maintenance, strong adsorption and strong resistance were also preferred,allowing us to build a green and friendly ecological environment in the Base.

JA Solar and World WildlifeFund (WWF) Jointly DevelopBiodiversity ParkCASE


ESG REPORT 2023049050

We use renewable resources and recycled materials to reduce dependence onlimited natural resources. In addition to using lead-free solder strip, ?uorine-free backsheet, dealcoholized silica gel, low-acid adhesive ?lm and othergreen materials, we have also introduced new composite glass ?ber reinforcedpolyurethane frame material. Compared to conventional aluminum alloy materials,it produces lower carbon emissions in the manufacturing process and reducesthe adverse impact on the climate. We also ensure that the product design andmanufacturing process are conducive to the disassembly, recycling and treatmentof waste products while actively promoting the R&D and industrial application ofwaste PV module recycling technologies, to reduce the exploitation of primaryresources and energy consumption of resource re?ning.

Green ProductDesign

We take into complete consideration the environmental protection requirementsof various materials and exercise strict control over toxic and harmful substancesinvolved in the whole life cycle of raw materials, such as lead, mercury, cadmium,hexavalent chromium, poly (brominated diphenyl ether), poly (brominateddiphenyl ether) and others. Before any of the materials for production are used, thehazardous substance compliance and third-party chemical tests shall be performedin order to ensure that all raw and auxiliary materials and consumables are greenproducts.

We are fully aware that transportation and storage are important components of thegreen value chain, so we continuously explore innovative solutions to reduce carbonemissions during transportation. During on-site transportation, we actively promote theforklift "oil to electricity" project to reduce the carbon footprint of on-site transportation,so as to facilitate the construction of zero-carbon green factories. Now that 96% of theon-site transport vehicles such as forklifts, loaders and stackers have been replaced withtheir electric counterparts, diesel consumption and GHG emissions have been e?ectivelyreduced. As for o?-site transportation, we explore fast, stable and safe green transportationmodes such as sea-rail combined transportation and barge transportation, with thevigorous promotion of the use of clean energy such as biomass fuel and methanol. At thesame time, we actively explore the three-dimensional warehousing and multimodal modesof transport to improve warehousing and logistics e?ciency. In addition, we activelybuild the local supply chain and promote localized procurement to further reduce carbonemissions generated during the transportation process.We also actively explore solutions for green packaging and recycling packaging materials.In 2023, our manufacturing bases have continued to promote the recycling of used paperpulp for carton production and joined hands with suppliers to actively explore the recyclingof packaging material through the use of silicon pallet crates instead of the originalpackaging. This allows us to achieve the recycling of silicon packaging.Based on the international trend and requirements for environmental protection,JA Solar adheres to the principle of environmental protection in the selection ofproduction materials, and is committed to promoting the use of green raw materials.In the process of product design and production, it gives priority to recyclable, low-carbon and environmentally friendly materials, and takes many measures to reducethe carbon footprint and environmental impact.

EnvironmentalFriendly RawMaterials






96% of on-sitetransport vehicleshave beenelectrified


Located in an inland city, JA Solar's Hefei Base adheres to the concept of "Originating fromwater and prospering from water". With the optimization of opportunities arising fromthe "Water Diverting from the Yangtze River to Huaihe River" Project, JA Solar activelycooperates with Hefei Economic Development Zone to develop international and domesticlogistics, warehousing, distribution and other businesses by leveraging the strategiclocation of the Paihe Port Jianghuai Intermodal Hub while relying on the logistics park port,railway logistics base and public logistics center, with the road, railway, waterway and othertransportation modes. By improving transportation timeliness and reducing logistics costs,we can e?ectively reduce carbon emissions in logistics.JA Solar's Baotou Base has taken a series of measures to promote green warehousing,including the recycling of packaging materials, improving the utilization rate of warehousecapacity, improving the e?ciency of warehousing operations, improving the accuracy ofwarehousing operations, etc. These enable us to achieve energy saving, low carbon andemission reduction, thus e?ectively reducing the operating costs of the Company andpromoting the healthy development of the warehousing and distribution industry.

In 2023, JA Solar's Donghai Base cooperated with stakeholders to recycle 1.39 million setsof silicon wafer foam boxes, with a recovery rate of up to 99%; 1.33 million sets of PE foamand cartons, with a recovery rate of over 60%; and nearly 10,000 wooden pallets, with arecovery rate of 88%.

PE foam andcartons recycled in2023


Silicon wafer foamboxes recycled in2023


Green ControlRequirements


Adhering to the concept of the whole life cycle in the process of productproduction, we optimized and established the green product managementsystem from all aspects covering raw material acquisition, manufacturing,packaging and transportation, product use and maintenance, and recycling,so as to minimize the consumption of resources and energy, reduce theimpact on the ecological environment to the minimum, and drive the high-quality development of the circular economy.


EnvironmentalFriendly RawMaterials

Green Logisticsand Packaging

ProductDisassemblyand Recycling



JA Solar gives priority to suppliers of environmental protection and low-carbonraw materials and establishes a long-term partnership with them to ensure thestability and sustainability of raw material sources. We also pay close attentionto the carbon footprint management of raw materials, actively explore low-carbon material solutions with outstanding enterprises in the value chain, andhelp suppliers carry out carbon footprint certi?cation of raw materials for theproduction of green products.

Collaborationwith Suppliers

Hefei Base ExploreGreen LogisticsCASE

Baotou BasePromotes GreenWarehousingCASE

Donghai Base IncreasedRecycling of PackagingMaterials


million setsmillion sets


ESG REPORT 2023051052

JA Solar disassembles and recycles waste PV modules with a commitment toestablishing a robust product recycling and treatment system, to ensure that PVproducts can be properly disposed of after the end of their service life. We alsoprovide innovative solutions to help cover "the last mile" of the PV green chain.In terms of recycling, we adopt classi?ed treatment and resource utilization tofacilitate e?ective recycling of metal, glass and other recyclable materials, so as toreduce the negative impact on the environment. For recycling of waste PV modules,JA Solar strictly abides by theEU Directive on Waste Electrical and ElectronicEquipment (WEEE Directive)andRestriction of Hazardous Substances in Electricaland Electronic Equipment (RoHS Directive). At the same time, we operate therecycling and cyclic use mechanism of PV modules in Europe in full compliance withthe law.JA Solar has established a long-term strategic partnership with PV CYCLE, a world-renowned PV module recycling agency. As a global member of PV CYCLE, we activelyful?ll our responsibilities through the "Compliance and Take Back Scheme" whichensures that all modules exported to the EU comply with WEEE Directives andcorresponding national electronic waste disposal speci?cations and requirements. Atthe same time, we actively deliver end-of-life solutions for non-EU customers in orderto support the global sales and recycling of our PV modules. In 2023, together with PVCYCLE, JA Solar formulated theProcedures and General Guidelines for Collection andRecycling of PV Modules, theGuidelines for Recycling, Packaging and Transportationof PV Modulesand other industry guidelines, along with the submission of ourecological design plan to the French government. We also established a WEEEworking group for PV module recycling, and arranged for nearly 200 overseasemployees to participate in the WEEE training. We also worked with third-partypartners and stakeholders to establish a long-term cooperation system for coveringthe "last mile" of green and low carbon throughout the entire life cycle of the PVindustry and realizing the closed loop of the industrial chain.

For the disassembly and reuse of modules, we actively promote cooperation withscienti?c research and academic institutions, undertake several national science andtechnology projects, and speed up the survey and application of new technologiesand equipment. We have been investing in the construction of the demonstration lineproject of comprehensive utilization of waste PV modules and conducting the trialproduction veri?cation test for e?cient disassembly of PV modules. The Project willenable the entire industry to achieve the goals of recycling, disassembly, separationand reuse of waste PV modules.To further boost the sustainable development of the PV industry, JA Solar workswith the PV Committee of the China Green Supply Chain Alliance, as well as variousenterprises, universities, scienti?c research institutions, ?nancial institutions, andindustry organizations engaged in PV recycling, to jointly initiate the establishmentof Photovoltaic Recycling Industry Development Cooperation Center. JA Solar fullyutilizes its expertise and advantages to actively promote the establishment andimprovement of systems in the ?eld of PV recycling as well as the formulation andpopularization of policy standards, technology research and innovation, for coveringthe ?nal and key link of the entire PV industry chain with our unremitting e?orts.

ProductDisassemblyand Recycling



JA Solar, in collaboration with several renowned universities and enterprises, hassuccessfully applied for the important project of the national key R&D plan in 2023,"Integrated Technology and Demonstration of E?cient Dissociation and Recycling(Wet Method) of Decommissioned PV Laminates". The Project aims to achieve thee?cient dissociation and clean regeneration of decommissioned crystalline siliconPV laminates through wet technology, which will facilitate the high-quality recyclingof PV modules and high-quality development of the circular economy.

JA Solar, together with several well-known universities and enterprises, hassuccessfully applied for the important project of the national key R&D plan in 2023,"R&D of Complete Technologies and Key Equipment for Fully Passivated ContactHigh E?ciency Batteries and Modules of Thin Crystal Silicon Wafers". The Projectaims to achieve the e?cient dissociation and clean regeneration of decommissionedcrystalline silicon PV laminates through wet technology, which will facilitate the high-quality recycling of PV modules and high-quality development of the circular economy.

JA Solar, together with several well-known universities and enterprises, hassuccessfully applied for a project of the national key R&D plan in 2023, the "DigitalEcological Design Technology and Application of PV Modules", a key project in"Key Technologies and Equipment of Circular Economy". The Project aims to meetthe requirements of reducing pollution and carbon, easy recycling of PV modules,etc., the study of the ecological design strategy of PV modules, development of theintelligent online assessment technology of environmental load, study of reducedraw material consumption, module recycling and the design of product available fordisassembly and easy for recycling. At the same time, it also resolves the problems ofhigh consumption of crystalline silicon, high energy consumption, di?cult recycling,inaccurate life prediction of PV modules, etc. while providing technical support forhigh-quality green development of the PV industry.



JA Solar has registered WEEE compliance in 17 European countries andassumed the responsibility of extended producer responsibility (EPR).In 2023, JA Solar reported the following performance to WEEE:


Total WattTotal Weight

Unit: tonne

6GW 330,000

Key Performance



Promoting HighQuality Recycling ofDecommissioned PVModules


Exploring the Future Pathof Ultra-high E?ciencyBatteries and ModulesCASE

Promoting High QualityGreen Development of PVIndustry





JA Solar continuously pays attention to issues related to climate change, strengthensthe identi?cation, assessment and management of climate-related risks, assesses thepotential impact of climate change on the business of the Company and its customers,incorporates climate-related risk management into the overall risk management. At thesame time, we actively take relevant actions and adopt countermeasures.We comprehensively sort out, identify and evaluate climate-related risks beforemanaging them. We also fully incorporate them into the overall risk managementprocess of the Company. The main steps include:


As an active promoter and leader in the ?eld of climate action, JA Solar carries outsystematic work on climate change control and discloses the Company's governanceon climate-related risks and opportunities. The Board of Directors of JA Solar activelyparticipates in the decision-making and supervision of identifying climate-relatedrisks and opportunities. In February 2023, JA Solar renamed the Strategy Committeeunder the Board of Directors as the Strategy and Sustainable DevelopmentCommittee, which is responsible for leading, supervising and approving theformulation and process of the climate-related and ESG strategies and goals whileevaluating the short-term and long-term business strategies of the Company. We alsoactively build the capacity of the Board of Directors, and regularly participate in thetraining and forums related to climate and sustainable development arranged byinternational authoritative rating agencies, so as to comprehensively improve theadvanced concepts and cognition in climate governance.


Based on our overall sustainable development strategy, we actively identify climate-related risks and opportunities (short-term, medium-term and long-term) as wellas their impacts on the organization. At the same time, we develop climate actionstrategies to enhance our adaptability to climate change, especially in the climatescenarios of temperature changes at 2℃ or lower (1.5℃). We joined the ScienceBased Targets initiative (SBTi) in November 2022. Based on the internationallyrecognized scienti?c methodologies, the actual operation of the Company and futuredevelopment anticipation, we made the commitment to reduce total GHG Emissions(Scope 1 + Scope 2) by 42% in 2030 compared with 2023 and achieve zero net GHGemissions no later than 2050. We actively joined the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)supply chain project to continuously improve the performance of supply chainemission reductions and enhance the ability of suppliers in coping with climatechange risks.

Identify risk management processes and policies for climate-related risksReview the implemented risk control systemReview the climate-related risk management process and policy evaluationDe?ne the sustainability/key risk indicators of the climate-related riskmanagement process of the CompanyReview the internal reporting system of the climate-related risk managementprocess of the CompanyReview the integration of climate risks in the overall risk management framework


As an important topic of global sustainability, climate change is a majorchallenge faced by mankind, and its impact encompasses all aspects ofsocial development. In the tide of global energy transformation and copingwith climate change, the innovative development of the renewable energyindustry represented by PV has become an important approach of copingwith climate change.In the face of the increasingly prominent impacts and challenges posedby climate risks on enterprises and capitals, JA Solar supports theestablishment of market infrastructures while adhering to the frameworkrecommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related FinancialInformation Disclosures (TCFD). We also promote the use of ISSB climatestandards as the global climate benchmark, so as to ensure the consistentand comparable climate-related disclosure in the world. We evaluateclimate-related risks and opportunities as well as their impact on ?nancialperformance, etc. with respect to the four dimensions of governance,strategy, risk management, indicators and objectives. At the same time, wecontinuously improve our ability to cope with climate risks by identifyingkey strategies for climate action.





Important Climate-related Risk Categories, Potential Impacts and ResponsePhysical Risks

Extreme Weather

On the one hand, extreme weather events such as rainstorm, ?ood, typhoon, and droughtcaused by climate change may threaten the equipment and infrastructure of various productionand operation bases of JA Solar, as well as PV power plants and other facilities owned by theCompany, resulting in a series of direct or indirect economic losses such as asset damage,maintenance costs and insurance costs.On the other hand, extreme natural disasters in the short term may cause the Company'sraw material supply and product logistics to be blocked or interrupted, as well as delays inconstruction in progress, resulting in a decline in the Company's contractual ability whilea?ecting the supply and sales of products and services.

Quantitative analysis of physical risks JA Solar evaluates the climate-related physical risks based on its data as well as the related models

and analysis, taking it as a key component of TCFD strategic pillars.Evaluation and screening of climate-related risks JA Solar continues to pay attention to topics related to addressing climate change,strengthening the assessment of the potential impact of climate change on the Company's and its customers' business based on the TCFDframework, and acquires property insurance as appropriate to balance the ?nancial risks.Increasing climate resilience JA Solar integrates climate change risk management concepts into the entire life cycle of the location, planning,

design, construction, and operation of infrastructure as well as operating facilities such as manufacturing bases and PV power stations, tomaximize its climate resilience, while strengthening the R&D of related technologies.Improving emergency management ability In terms of operations, JA Solar comprehensively assesses the impact of climate-related risks onbusiness continuity, improves its emergency response capacity, and develops emergency plans and conducts drills.Physical RisksLong-termNatural Risks

Chronic risks caused by climate change include persistently high temperatures, drought, andrising sea levels. Such risks may a?ect the production and operation bases, PV power plants,and other infrastructure belonging to JA Solar located in climate sensitive areas, water-resource-sensitive areas or low altitude areas, resulting in increased operating costs (such asincreased water and electricity costs, increased cooling and heating expenses, and increasedequipment losses), compromising the stability of the Company's operations and causingsustained economic losses.

Risk CategoryPotential ImpactsRelevant Actions and Response

With the continuous increase in carbon prices in domestic and foreign markets as well as thecontinuous expansion of the coverage of emission control industries, higher requirements havebeen raised for the carbon footprint management of JA Solar's product life cycle in the long run.Furthermore, in the context of supply chain globalization, the relevant risks faced by suppliersmay also be transferred to JA Solar through the supply chain, thus further increasing our costs.With the continuous reduction of subsidies for new energy, the market heat may decrease inthe short term, with the risk of increased costs.Climate change actions continue to boost the global enthusiasm for clean energy investmentwhereas countries while countries consistently strengthen the protection of local enterprises,thus potentially increasing the costs for JA Solar.With the increasing public awareness on addressing climate change, higher requirements havebeen put forward for enterprises to practice social responsibility and carry out informationdisclosure.

Transition Risks

Policy and Legal Risks

With the introduction of stricter environmental protection and safety regulations such astheIndustrial Green Development Plan (2016-2020), theGreen Manufacturing EngineeringImplementation Guideline (2016-2020), and the14th Five-Year Plan on Industrial GreenDevelopment Plan, higher requirements have been put forward for enterprises to practice greenproduction, build green factories, and reduce their carbon footprint.In the future, as various overseas countries and regions have successively announced carbonneutrality goals and action plans (such as the signing of theEuropean Green Deal by EU

countries to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, and the introduction of a series of importantpolicies such as theEuropean Climate Law), JA Solar will also face more stringent regulationsand requirements for addressing climate change overseas.In China, with the introduction of relevant systems such as theWorking Guidance For CarbonDioxide Peaking And Carbon Neutrality In Full And Faithful Implementation Of The NewDevelopment Philosophyand theAction Plan for Carbon Dioxide Peaking Before 2030, thecountry and the regions may implement stricter climate-related policies (such as the carbonprice mechanism, which requires a higher proportion of the use of renewable energy). With theestablishment and continuous improvement of China's carbon market, more key industries withhigh energy consumption are expected to gradually be included in the carbon market management.This may put greater pressure on JA Solar's supply chain, further a?ecting its production and sales.

Improving industrial deployment JA Solar takes the main industrial chain of "Silicon Wafer-Battery -Module" as the main component,supplemented by supplementary PV materials, equipment and PV+application scenario solutions, with a focus on developing the strengthand manufacturing excellent products of the main industrial chain, and simultaneously increases the R&D of auxiliary materials andinvestment in power stations.Exploring diversi?ed markets JA Solar actively explores the international market and reduces its dependence on speci?c products andmarkets, thus e?ectively dispersing potential risks, promoting the overall business resilience and facilitating the long-term sustainabledevelopment of the industrial chain.

Technical innovation and R&D JA Solar continuously promotes innovation and R&D in PV technologies, increases investment in R&D, and hasestablished a systematic technical talent training system, with positive promotion of industry exchanges to improve its competitiveness in the?ercely competitive market.

Product life cycle management JA Solar actively joins industry organizations in participating in various initiatives as well as in the preparationof standards. Furthermore, we work with partners on the value chain to promote the carbon footprint management of products in the entirelife cycle for manufacturing green and low-carbon products.

Transparency and communication JA Solar actively improves the transparency of information, with regular disclosure of information relatedto climate change and environmental protection. At the same time, it also continuously improves the quality of information disclosure whilemaintaining communication and interaction with stakeholders to establish a good relationship with them.Actively practicing social responsibility JA Solar pays close attention to social responsibility, and actively participates in social welfare undertakingsand environmental protection activities in order to demonstrate the Company's concern and contribution to society and the environment.Brand building JA Solar pays due attention to brand building and establishes a good corporate image through continuous improvement ofproduct quality and service, to enhance the trust and recognition of consumers and the market.

Transition Risks

Technical Risks

Transition RisksMarket Risks

Transition RisksReputational Risks

In the short term, with the rapid expansion of the new energy industry globally, users have putforward higher requirements for the e?ciency and stability of PV module power generation.At the same time, with the market continuously paying more attention to the carbon footprintof products in the future, the carbon footprint management of the entire life cycle of products isstill a pressing topic that needs to be addressed urgently.

JA Solar complies with the climate-related laws and standards of the country or region where it operates in order to ensure that its businessactivities meet the requirements of laws and regulations.Quantitative analysis of transition risk JA Solar evaluates the climate-related physical risks based on its data and related models and analysis,

taking it as a key component of TCFD strategic pillars.Monitoring and evaluation Regularly monitor and evaluate the impact of climate laws and regulations on the Company's business, withtimely adjustments made to the business strategies and measures to cope with such changes.Information disclosure Timely and transparent disclosure of the Company's climate-related information, including GHG emission data,climate risk assessment and response measures, so as to increase the transparency and trust of the Company.Risk management Establish a sound climate risk management system, including evaluations of the possible risks caused by climate changeand formulating corresponding countermeasures.

Technical innovation Reduce the Company's GHG emissions through technical innovation, and improve the e?ciency of resource utilization,

so as to adapt to the possibly stricter climate regulations in the future.Compliance training Provide employees with compliance training on climate laws and regulations, so as to improve their knowledge andunderstanding of climate change-related laws and regulations while ensuring that the Company's business activities meet legal requirements.






ESG REPORT 2023057058

To increase employees' environmental awareness, pursue green and low-carbonproduction and lifestyle, and jointly contribute to energy conservation andconsumption reduction, we actively participate in international initiatives and organizevarious green cultural activities, such as holding environmental protection knowledgecontests, and regularly carrying out environmental publicity and education activities.In 2023, we organized 434 environmental protection training sessions, with the totalnumber of attendance of 45,402.

Green O?ce Initiatives


JA Solar has always adhered to the principle of green development andadvocated the concept of low carbon. While actively exploring greenmanufacturing and building green factories, we also actively advocate greenculture, promote the implementation of green o?ces, energy conservationand emission reduction and e?cient green development in operation, andconstantly enhance the employees' green awareness, making "low-carbonlife" an excellent business card for sustainable development of the Company.To promote the implementation of green o?ces, we have formulated aseries of internal systems, such as theManagement System for O?ce andLogistic Supplies, the Lighting Safety Management System, and theWaterConservation Management System, advocating power saving, paper savingand green travel, to create a low-carbon and environmentally-friendly greeno?ce atmosphere. In 2023, we advocated the principle of "Save one degreeof electricity, save one drop of water, and it is everyone's responsibility tosave energy and reduce consumption", to integrate low-carbon measuresinto daily work.


Indicators andTargets

434 environmentalprotection trainingsessions organizedin 202345,402employeesattendance+


GHG Emissions Intensity (Scope 1 + Scope 2)

Unit: tCO

e / RMB 100 million


Proportion of self-generated power for self-usedistributed electricity


Self-generated power for self-use distributedinstalled capacity

138MWAvoided emissionsUnit: million tCO


Proportion of green electricity use


In the calculation of avoided emissions, itis assumed that the power generation hourof JA Solar's PV modules is 1,300 hoursper year. We adopted the emission factorsreleased by the European Commission andthe US Environmental Protection Agency(US EPA) in January 2024 for power grids inmajor overseas sales regions. As for othersales regions, we used the emission factorsreleased by the Ministry of Ecology andEnvironment of the People's Republic ofChina in April 2024.

As a world leading manufacturer of photovoltaic products, JA Solar focuses ondeveloping and manufacturing solar products that convert solar energy into electricalenergy used for residential and commercial power generation systems as well as powerstations. Based on the shipment of solar cell modules in 2023, it is estimated that theoutput of clean electricity can be more than 75 billion kWh every year, avoiding theemissions of more than 37 million tCO


Use energy-saving and environment-friendly lighting, air-conditioning and water-saving equipment as well as require that the air-conditioning temperature should beset appropriately while computers, monitors, and other electronic equipment shouldbe turned o? timely after work.Saving EnergyResources

Encourage double-sided printing and collecting o?ce supplies on demand to reduceconsumption.Paperless O?ce

Reduce large-scale in-person meetings, improve the utilization e?ciency of digitaltelecommuting tools such as video conferencing, and decrease the environmentalimpact caused by unnecessary travel. Work Online

Place shared umbrellas and bicycles in the factory areas, and encourage employees toreduce the use of private vehicles and opt for shared resources or low-carbon transportoptions instead.Shared Resources

Set the target of using new energy vehicles, actively purchase and promote the use ofnew energy o?cial vehicles, and advocate green business travel.Switching to NewEnergy Vehicles










Scope 1:

Direct GHG Emissions

Unit: tCO

eScope 2:

Indirect GHG Emissions

Unit: tCO

eScope 3:

Other Indirect GHG Emissions

Unit: tCO

eGHG Emissions Intensity(Scope 1 + Scope 2)Unit: tCO

e / RMB 100 million









Key Performance

Guided by the Company's philosophy of G2G sustainable development, JA Solarcontinuously promotes the formulation of climate-related strategies and targetsand strengthens the disclosure of climate-related indicators (Scope 1, 2 and 3) andtargets used to measure performance, including identi?cation and sorting of keyindicators, followed by the determination of the targets for measuring performance.We comprehensively perform intelligent carbon management through carbonemission planning, budget, forecast, analysis and control, and actively promote theprocess of carbon footprint veri?cation. All of our manufacturing bases have carriedout GHG inventory according to the ISO 14064-1: 2018 standard and GHG Protocoland obtained third-party veri?cation statements. In 2023, JA Solar released theGHGEmissions Reporting, providing a transparent and scienti?c data basis for green andlow-carbon development.In the future, we will continue to commit e?orts to promoting the achievement ofcarbon reduction targets, lead the global transformation of energy, and help ful?llthe targets of theParis Agreement, making more contributions to the construction ofglobal ecological civilization and sustainable development.




ESG REPORT 2023059060

Knowledge Propagationand Advocacy Activities

Employee TreePlanting Activity

Advocating Green Travel

To enhance the awareness of environmental protection, JA Solar's Dongtai Baseorganized a variety of activities themed around environmental protection, so as toadvocate the green concept through various forms such as quizzes, knowledge lectures,walking activities and creative painting. Q&A activities for knowledge propagationcovered topics such as emission classi?cation, pollution factors, emergency response,low-carbon life and other aspects, so as to comprehensively improve employees'ability to take green activities. The Base also invited environmental experts from theEnvironmental Monitoring Station of Dongtai Ecology and Environment Bureau togive detailed explanations on national environmental protection strategy, laws andregulations, enterprise environmental management and other issues, providing theemployees with environmental awareness and knowledge popularization from macroto micro aspects, and calling on employees to implement environmental protectionpractices in their daily production and life. The Base also organized a "zero waste"walking activity based on the garbage cleaning in the factory area, and held a creativepainting activity with the theme of "low carbon" for all employees.Donghai Base held the "Improving Environmental Protection Raising" activity, includingwatching environmental protection documentaries, environmental protection blindbox answers and other varied interactive forms in order to demonstrate the importanceand urgency of environmental responsibility and help employees further deepen theirunderstanding of environmental protection concepts.

Qujing Base actively carried out the "Ant Forest" tree planting activities, to explore the"Carbon Inclusion" carbon reduction vigorously promoted by the government. Duringthe activity, several online planting groups were set up, and the employees participatedin online payment of water and electricity charges, online ticket purchase, ETC payment,co?ee capsule recycling and other green actions. In total, 16 spruce trees, 8 Pinusarmandii trees, 9 Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica trees and 7 Pinus tabulaeformis treeswere planted.

In 2023, JA Solar o?cially joined the Climate Ambition Accelerator (CAA) initiative of theUnited Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and held a CAA Climate Ambition activity andaward selection called "JA Solar and I" within the Company, to actively explore the bestpractice of low-carbon emission reduction and green living. After the activity began,employees of all Bases actively participated in environmental protection knowledgecontests, environmental protection speeches, environmental protection blind box andother activities aimed at enhancing the awareness of environmental protection amongemployees, and fully implement the concept of sustainable development.We also established an online learning platform of the United Nations Global CompactInstitute for all employees. The employees can participate in all courses related toenvironmental protection and sustainable development for free and obtain certi?catesafter completing their course of study. These programs are meant to comprehensivelyenhance employees' awareness and knowledge of environmental protection, keep pacewith the international community, and continuously cultivate green talents equippedwith the knowledge and professional skills needed to cope with climate change.

"JA Solar and I" ClimateAmbition Accelerator (CAA)Initiative


Dongtai Base ArrangedVaried EnvironmentalProtection Theme Activities


Donghai Base Held"Environmental ProtectionAwareness Raising"ActivitiesCASE

Online Tree Planting Activityin Qujing BaseCASE

JA Solar's Yangzhou Base actively arranges for employees to participate in Arbor Dayactivities together with local communities and schools. Such actions not only deeplyingrain the concept of green development in people's hearts, but also bring morevitality and joy to our lives. Respect and care for the environment are re?ections of thesustainable development advocated by JA Solar.Employee Tree PlantingActivity in Yangzhou Base


To encourage employees to adopt greener modes of commute, JA Solar's Hefei Baseintroduced shared bikes in the employee dormitory area to provide employees with agreen and low-carbon mode of travel. In November 2023, the Base organized a "HappyRiding" green cycling activity, advocating a low-carbon, environmental-friendlyand healthy mode of travel. The Base also actively responded to the call of localgovernment to carry out the 2023 Inclusive Green Travel and encouraged employees toopt for public transport for low-carbon travel by providing public transport subsidies.

Hefei Base Advocates GreenTravel











With the positive idea of building a better society, we activelyforge ahead, lead the development of technologies, cherishtalents, regard employees as high-quality and reliablegrowth partners, work with partners to promote the high-quality development of the industry, and participate incommunity activities, to jointly build a better home. As JASolar continues advancing forward, we work with partnersto build a harmonious and prosperous home for sustainabledevelopment through practical actions.








In order to ensure the independent innovation ability of the Company, JA Solarhas established a complete R&D management system, management standards andintellectual property protection as well as an internal incentive system, therebycreating a good atmosphere for technological innovation and promoting theintelligence upgrading of products.JA Solar adheres to the R&D strategy of "one generation for production, onegeneration under R&D, and one generation for reservation" in order to inject vitalityinto the independent innovation capability of the Company. We have establishedindependent R&D centers in Xingtai, Hebei Province; Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province;and Chengdu, Sichuan Province; and built a professional research team composed ofprofessional scientists and personnel with doctoral and master's degrees conferredby renowned universities locally and abroad. They are responsible for the researchand development of crystal pulling, slicing, batteries and modules, energy storagetechnology, new materials and new processes. Based on technical R&D, withprocess innovation as the starting point and market demand as the guidance, wehave established a vertically integrated R&D system, covering silicon rods (ingots),silicon wafers, batteries, PV modules and intelligent systems; and strengthenedtechnological innovation and provided systematic products, thereby laying a solidfoundation for maintaining the global leading advantages in product technology.We continuously increased investment in R&D, introduced innovative talents, andregulated the intellectual property protection and incentive system. In 2023,JA Solar's R&D investment reached RMB 4.446 billion, which accounted for about

5.45% of the Company's overall revenue. By December 31, 2023, JA Solar has

obtained 1,263 granted patents. We gradually increased the deployment of overseaspatent applications, including Europe, the United States, Japan, South Korea,Malaysia, India and other countries and regions.To continuously improve its R&D capability and competitiveness, JA Solar attachesgreat importance to the R&D cooperation with third parties, and has establishedclose R&D cooperation relations with many universities and well-known researchinstitutions at home and abroad. By sharing resources and complementing eachother's advantages, it constantly promotes the "enterprise, university and institute"integrated R&D model while spearheading the technological progress.


The continuous innovation of products and technology is the core drivingforce for high-quality development of the Company. JA Solar actively createsa collaborative innovation mechanism with internal and external stakeholderswith market demand as the guide. At the same time, we promote theiterative updating of technology and consolidate the R&D system in order tocontinuously boost the development of the green energy industry and theinnovation of intelligent manufacturing.


JA Solar adheres to the concept of innovation-driven development, and incorporatesinnovation in the whole product research and development process. With the aimto "inject in?nite vitality into global renewable energy", we provide customers withmore e?cient and reliable new energy solutions.STIMULATINGINNOVATIONVITALITY




In 2023, three bases of JA Solar were included in the "2023 Candidates for IntelligentManufacturing Demonstration Factories" issued by the Ministry of Industry andInformation Technology, including JA Solar Energy Co., Ltd., Shanghai JA Solar EnergyTechnology Co., Ltd. and JA Solar (Yangzhou) Solar Energy Technology Co., Ltd. Inaddition, Yiwu JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd. was successfully included in "ExcellentIntelligent Manufacturing Scenarios in 2023". This accolade is an a?rmation of JASolar's intelligent and digital manufacturing capability in recent years, as well as arecognition of our outstanding and leading technical expertise. JA Solar will continueto play a leading role in the PV intelligent manufacturing industry.

About 5.45% ofthe Company'soverall revenue

In 2023, JA Solar'sR&D investmentreached RMB



For Silicon WafersFor Batteries

For Modules

JA Solar was selected as anational-level "IntelligentManufacturing DemonstrationFactories" and "ExcellentIntelligent ManufacturingScenarios"



JA Solar continues to build strength and lay a solid foundation for manufacturing.We keep pace with the global trend of intelligent manufacturing, build smartfactories, improve the deployment of industrial chains, and take intelligence as an"accelerator" for transformation and upgrading, so as to constantly promote high-end and intelligent manufacturing capabilities.The production analysis system has been established in our bases for 24-houruninterrupted monitoring and automatic early warning of production data with the aimto realize ?ne control of silicon wafer product quality with digital intelligent means.Our manufacturing bases have established the product quality analysis system inorder to form a comprehensive quality management system and realize qualitystandardization control by summarizing the quality and process data in the productionprocess. To improve the quality management of battery production equipment, themanufacturing bases are equipped with world-class highly-automated equipment suchas monocrystalline silicon tank texturing equipment, low-voltage soft landing di?usionsystem and fully automatic color EL (Electroluminescence) detection, etc., to realizeintelligent control and monitoring throughout the process.All the manufacturing bases adopt advanced equipment such as automatic double-track high-speed serial welding machines, integrated double-cavity laminatorsand automatic framing machines, automatic typesetting machines equipped withindustrial computer intelligent control multi-dimensional manipulators, and so on.On this basis, our module production line is highly adaptable. It is capable of realizingintelligent linkage throughout the whole production process and completing productspeci?cation switches with just one click, thus providing intellectual strength foraccelerating intelligent.



ESG REPORT 2023065066

JA Solar Recognized as"Overall Highest Achievers"by RETC for the 4th YearCASE

JA Solar Rated again as thePVEL "Best Performance"Module Supplier


The2023 PV Module Index Report(2023 PVMI) issued by the Renewable Energy TestCenter (RETC), an authoritative testing organization in the United States, providesa summary of the test results of PV modules in actual application scenarios formore than 12 months. In the end, JA Solar's modules demonstrated outstandingperformance in quality, performance and reliability, and were once again awardedthe "Overall Highest Achievers", a testament of the competitive edge of our industry-leading high-e?ciency modules.

In 2023, JA Solar was successfully listed in the 2023 PV module reliability scorecardreleased by PVEL, an independent PV testing laboratory, and was rated as one of thecompanies with the best performance of PV products in the test. This is the eighthtime that JA Solar has been rated the "Top Performer" module supplier by PVEL.

JA Solar's Project wasShortlisted in InnovationCompetitionCASE

In the ?rst Energy Electronics Industry Innovation Competition jointly organizedby the Industrial Development Promotion Center of the Ministry of Industry andInformation Technology and the Yibin Municipal People's Government, JA Solar stoodout among 174 projects and won the Excellence Award.

Overall HighestAchievers

Through continuous R&D, innovation and technical upgrading, JA Solar providesleading PV power generation solutions to the world, injecting long-term impetus forthe high-quality development of the industry while promoting energy transformation.JA Solar continues to place a strong emphasis on R&D and innovation and remainsas a leading provider of battery and module technologies. JA Solar continuouslyincreases its investment in solar cell technology and has achieved fruitful results inthe industrial application of laser-assisted sintering (LECO) technology and double-sided microcrystalline technology. On the basis of LECO technology, the R&D teamof JA Solar has incorporated two new technologies, namely thinning with backdoped polysilicon and optimizing the back ?lm structure in order to achieve anincrease in TOPCon solar cell e?ciency of about 0.4%. The latest n-type Bycium+batteries developed by JA Solar after many years of research have been put in massproduction. Up to now, the highest conversion e?ciency totals up to 26.3%, a cleardemonstration of JA Solar's competitive edge in the global market. We continuouslyre?ne the process and achieved the successful reduction of silicon wafer thicknessto 130 microns. This enables us to reduce production costs and improve the costperformance and conversion rate of battery products.In terms of high-e?ciency PV modules, we have launched a new-generation n-typehigh-e?ciency PV module-DeepBlue 4.0 Pro in 2023 by leveraging our strong R&Dcapabilities and vertically integrated industrial chain deployment. As for products,we adopted a more inclusive silicon wafer size of 182mm*199mm for the ?rst time,which is a silicon wafer suitable for preparation of four mainstream modules in theindustry at the same time and is applicable for di?erent application scenarios. Ascerti?ed by authoritative third-party organizations at home and abroad, DeepBlue 4.0Pro modules have passed salt spray, ammonia gas, and dust tests as well as variousother testing scenarios. Its power generation performance, safety and reliability invarious application scenarios have also been fully recognized. In comparison to p-typemodules and original n-type modules, DeepBlue 4.0 Pro series products have a lowercost of PV Balance-of-System (BOS) and Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) while thecomprehensive gain of weak light power generation is about 0.2%, thus providingcustomers with higher value.We continue to enhance the advantages of innovative technology and brandin?uence, actively deploy energy storage technologies, and create integrated energysolutions for PV power generation and energy storage. Our self-developed 1500Vliquid cooling platform technology can be applied to multi-scenario solutions such asindustry and commerce, source network side, etc., to meet customized requirements.For household users, we have also actively launched a series of products such ashousehold battery system, optical storage systems and energy storage systems inorder to meet the various energy storage needs of di?erent types of users.

InnovationAchievements andPopularization


+The latest n-type Bycium+ batterieshave been put in mass production

In 2023, a new-generation n-typehigh-e?ciency PV module has beenlaunched



ESG REPORT 2023067068

While continuously improving the technical conversion rate of PV products, JA Solaractively ful?lls its social responsibilities and provides clean energy solutions forglobal energy transformation through the creation of green low-carbon products, thestrengthening of green manufacturing, and the exploration of zero-carbon and greenenergy application scenarios. By the end of 2023, our battery modules have beenshipped to 165 countries and regions.Based on the concept of green design and the requirements of green productstandards in China and abroad, we continue to increase the development ofgreen certi?ed products, the proportion of production and sales, and enhancethe management of carbon footprint so as to provide cleaner products for themarket. We assign experts responsible for the research and management of productcarbon footprint in the product technology R&D department to actively evaluatecarbon footprint and certi?cation according to the international market trends andrequirements. To date, all our mainstream products have passed the Certisolis carbonfootprint certi?cation in France, with the p-type products and n-type DeepBlue 4.0Pro products successfully passing the EPD evaluation in Norway and Italy. In 2023,the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released the ?fth batch of"Green design demonstration enterprises for industrial products", and JA Solar wassuccessfully included in the List.

With a focus on battery and PV module products, we continuously meet the needsof customers in various application scenarios by providing them with customizedand integrated green and smart solutions to support the green and low-carbontransformation of industrial chains and regional development. In addition, we havealso formed a zero-carbon business team, established a zero-carbon technologysystem and completed the innovative application of low-carbon parks, low-carboncampuses, low-carbon hospitals and other scenarios.By the end of 2023, the scale of JA Solar's self-held power stations has reached 2,165MW, with an annual power generation of over 2 billion kWh. We also facilitate PV gridconnection with fair prices, so as to contribute to fairness and justice in the globalenergy transformation.

JA Solar will continue to improve the green manufacturing system, increase the use ofgreen electricity, speed up the deployment of medium and long-term technical reservesfor energy storage, and strive to construct more green factories while promoting greenmanagement. We attach great importance to the coordination of the whole industrialchain, strive to build resource-saving and environment-friendly enterprises, promotethe green and low-carbon transformation of conventional manufacturing industries,promote the overall improvement of green development of industries, and endeavor tobuild a high-end, intelligent and green high-quality development model.


Carbon Footprintand Green ProductCerti?cate

Low-carbon GreenSolution




JA Solar's self-held power stations scale



JA Solar Established DigitalZero-carbon Smart EnergyManagement PlatformCASE

JA Solar was selected in the5th Batch of "Green DesignDemonstration Enterprisesfor Industrial Products" bythe Ministry of Industry andInformation TechnologyCASE

In 2023, JA Solar developed the "Zero-carbon Smart Energy Management Platform"to facilitate the integrated management of energy consumption and data related tocarbon emissions through intelligent means. At the same time, it allows us to providedi?erentiated and digital smart energy and low-carbon management solutions basedon di?erent application scenarios. Based on the energy consumption characteristicsof the bases and the regional resource conditions, JA Solar Smart Energy can not onlybuild renewable energy power generation systems for projects, but also achieve upto 5MW/10MWh of electrochemical energy storage and green transportation chargingfacilities, etc., so as to enable a collaborative synergy between the source, grid, loadand storage. Meanwhile, it allows us to reduce transmission loss and promote localconsumption of green power and low-carbon development of the park. The digitalzero-carbon smart energy management platform provides smart and green solutionsfor exploring green power production space and realizing digital energy management.

The color steel tile BIPVproduct awarded with"China Green BuildingMaterial Product Certi?cate"


In December 2023, JA Solar smart energy's colored steel tile BIPV products wereawarded the "China Green Building Material Product Certi?cate" issued by the ChinaTesting & Certi?cation International Group. This is the ?rst BIPV product certi?cationobtained by JA Solar, contributing to the high-quality development and low-carbontransformation of the building material industry. At present, the color steel tile BIPVproducts have been put into use at JA Solar's Yangzhou Base, Fengxian Base andDongtai Base, thus providing innovative solutions for diversi?ed market demands andcustomer application scenarios while contributing to the realization of social green andsustainable development."Whole IndustrialChain+Application Scenario"Solution Helps to Build"World Green Silicon City"


In order to continuously expand green solutions, JA Solar vigorously developsits distributed commercial PV business. In 2023, JA Solar Smart Energy providedprofessional procurement and construction services for the system and has sinceachieved a grid-connected power generation of 18MW distributed commercial PV atits Baotou Base. The Project is expected to be completed in June 2024, with a total of50MW grid-connected power generation after the construction is completed entirely.The Project helped Qingshan District, Baotou become the ?rst ?ag/county/district torealize the "Full industrial chain+application scenario" of crystalline silicon industry,thus positively contributing to the construction of a "World Green Silicon City" in Baotou.The Project is also of great signi?cance in optimizing the regional energy consumptionstructure, promoting energy conservation and emission reduction while achieving thegoal of "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. " At the same time, it will also contributeto the low-carbon industrial transformation and regional high-quality development.

In 2023, JA Solar was successfully included in the list of the ?fth batch of "Green DesignDemonstration Enterprises for Industrial Products" issued by the Ministry of Industryand Information Technology. This is another national green honor of JA Solar afterGreen Factory and Green Design Products, which demonstrates JA Solar's leadershipstatus in innovative design of green products, manufacturing level of green products,green management of product life cycle, brand and market in?uence.

JA Solar has always prioritized product quality control as a core component. Relyingon the comprehensive quality management system of the entire value chain, weexercise strict control over product quality so as to provide customers with high-quality, safe and reliable products, and demonstrate our "high-quality" strength inthe world. JA Solar strictly abides by theProduct Quality Law of the People's Republicof China, theStandardization Law of the People's Republic of China and other quality-related laws and regulations and has established a robust quality managementsystem. Adhering to the product quality management concepts of "Quality-oriented,Excellence and Creating Value," we have developed a multi-dimensional and all-rounded quality responsibility mechanism encompassing aspects such as qualitymanagement policy, system, supervision mechanism and inspection.JA Solar attaches great importance to the construction of the quality managementsystem and ensures product quality and safety through a number of measures,thus achieving the transformation of management mode from "product safety"quality to "enterprise safety" quality. We constantly innovate management conceptsand models and have established a clear product quality supervision mechanism.We also make it a point to clarify the quality responsibilities and authorities atall levels, providing a solid framework for building a quality ecology. In addition,we actively analyze and resolve the existing quality problems by applying qualitymanagement tools, conducting quality management month and regular meetings,and continuously improving product quality in order to ensure product quality andsafety with a standard system.

In addition, JA Solar also actively organizes training onquality management in order to improve the safety andquality awareness of R&D personnel as well as their abilityto use quality methods and tools while advocating anddeveloping the culture of zero-defect quality. We arecommitted to solving the potential defects of productsfrom the design end, thereby ensuring the quality andperformance safety of products right from the source.

We also accelerate digital transformation and promote"quality" manufacture upgrading with intelligentmanufacturing, so as to continuously improve the qualitymanagement capabilities. Through big data and intelligentmanagement, we successfully achieve intelligent controlof the entire process of product quality, integrating costcontrol, lean management, zero defect managementand benchmarking management, to provide the digitalfoundation for technical innovation, product developmentand process improvement.

Based on the vertically integrated industrial chain deployment, we actively identifyand monitor the factors that may a?ect product quality and safety. We have alsoestablished a lean quality management system from product design, raw materialcontrol, production monitoring to ?nished product quality control. We have builtthe Characterization Laboratory with an international leading technology level forsystematic analysis of the product quality, thus providing excellent quality assurancefor customers while creating higher product value.

JA Solar Quality andSafety ManagementSystemQUALITYMANAGEMENT



The products have passed the product safety certification of several countriesand regions, such as CE (EU), ETL (US), MCS (UK), etc., including PID, salt spray,nitrogen certification, etc.

JA Solar has been certi?ed with theISO9001:2015 quality management systemand IEC62941 PV module manufacturingquality system


Key Performance


Quality System

Managementat Headquarters

Whole industry chain

Organizing internal audit,cross-base review andmanagement review






Fine quality management ofwhole industry chain



PurchasingTestingShipmentTransportationDesign andDevelopment


Con?rmation and reviewof product requirementsProduct design anddevelopmentProcess design anddevelopmentQuality control planR&D quality managementInfrastructure managementContinuous qualityimprovementQuality assurancemanagementManagement of qualitychanges

Import of supplierdevelopmentSupplier performanceappraisalSupplier site reviewSupplier changemanagementPurchase planmanagementMaterial quality inspectionMaterial storage and useMaterial environmentalprotection managementImprovement for qualityabnormalities

Process quality inspectionImprovement of processabnormalitiesProcess monitoring andmeasurementProcess change controlApplication of quality toolsProcess ability analysisMeasuring systemmanagementProduct identi?cation andtraceabilityGreen manufacturingmanagement

Product warehousinginspectionProduct shipmentinspectionManufacturing supervisionand product inspectionmanagementProduct storage safetyProduct transportationmanagementInstructions for productinstallationProduct maintenance safetyCustomer complainthandlingCustomer satisfaction survey

Product DesignRaw Material



Finished ProductControl


ESG REPORT 2023071072

In recent years, China has seen rapid development in the PV industry and its marketapplication has continued to expand. Social organizations are faced with the urgentneed to independently develop advanced group standards, to provide developmentguidance for the PV industry, and to promote sustainable and healthy development.JA Solar has been actively participating in the formulation and promotion of industrialstandards. In 2023, JA Solar edited several group standards, including theMeasuringMethod for Sheet Resistance of Di?usion Layer in PV Cellsand theStandard for Gradeof PV Module Recovery. We also participated in the preparation of theSpeci?cationof Crystalline Silicon Solar PV Module Dimensions, theTechnical Speci?cation forPerformance Evaluation of Terrestrial Crystalline Silicon Double-Glass Modulesandother industry standards and group standards, thereby making more outstandingcontributions to the formulation of relevant systems, technical process standardsand implementation and operation speci?cations in the industry. This is a form of oursupport for the high-quality development of the PV industry.

JA Solar actively collaborates with numerous enterprises and institutions aroundthe world, taking its own responsibility to lead the development of the industry as itactively participates in international initiatives and communication with the industry.These include the preparation of standards and technical exchange, working togetherto promote healthy competition and the high-quality development of the solar PVindustry.To promote the development of clean energy, drive progress towards a green economyacross the globe, and enable all parties to share the fruits of the Fourth IndustrialRevolution, JA Solar continuously reinforces exchanges and cooperation in technicalupgrading and digital transformation. In 2023, JA Solar joined the "Fourth IndustrialRevolution Industry Alliance of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization".We will carry out in-depth cooperation with internal and external partners of theUnited Nations Industrial Development Organization, promote sustainable industrialdevelopment through collective e?orts, accelerate the industrialization process, andprovide support for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Industry.We also actively promote research on the development and application of photovoltaictechnologies and products. At present, we have sponsored seminars on n-type high-e?ciency technology in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Africa, America, Europeand other regions and countries with the goal of drawing the blueprint for the futuredevelopment of new energy in the regions together with our partners.




Fostering IndustryStandardization

JA Solar took the initiative to host the 2023 Global PV Summit. Under the theme of"Trends and Analysis of Global Renewable Energy Industry", the Summit broughttogether industrial leaders and experts of the global energy industry for discussions onthe future development direction of the photovoltaic market, thus supporting the high-quality and sustainable development of the PV industry.

JA Solar actively joins hands with industrial associations and alliances, and hasestablished close ties with industrial partners, experts and scholars and governmentagencies to leverage forces by actively participating in exchanges and activities. Wehave established partnerships with China Chamber of International Commerce, ChinaPhotovoltaic Industry Association, China New Energy Chamber of Commerce, ChinaChamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Mechanical and Electrical Products,China Federation of Industrial Economics, China Council of Sustainable MarketInitiative (SMI) and other industrial alliances, as well as International New EnergySolution (INES), International Investment Alliance for Renewable Energy (IIARE), etc., tofacilitate negotiations and discussions on the future of the industry.

ProactiveCommunicationand Exchange

In July 2023, JA Solar was invited to the 4th China Industrial and Commercial PVConference, where we discussed with representatives and experts of the PV industryon ways to promote the high-quality development of the industrial and commercial PVindustry under the vision of "Carbon peaking and carbon neutrality". We also delivereda presentation titled "DeepBlue 4.0 Pro Helps Cost Reduction and E?ciency Increase ofDistributed PV, and Create More Values for Customers", providing innovative cases forthe development of the industry.

In December 2023, JA Solar was invited to the "2023 PV Industry Annual Conference" todiscuss with industry authorities, organizations, renowned experts, and representativesof PV enterprises on a number of trending topics in the PV industry. We also facilitatedin-depth exchanges and discussions on topics such as supporting the development ofthe PV supply chain, opportunities and challenges faced by the PV industry as well asthe ecological innovation and development of PV applications.

JA Solar Hosted"2023 Global PV Summit"


JA Solar Attended the4th China Industrial andCommercial PV Conferencein 2023

JA Solar was Invited to 2023Annual Conference of PVIndustry





ESG REPORT 2023073074

Upholding the business philosophy of "born for customer value", JA Solar constantly re?nesthe global service network with a commitment to provide customers with a high-quality,e?cient, and caring service experience. Adhering to the service tenet of being "Customer-centered", we have established a complete customer service assurance system to ensurethat our valued customers can feel JA Solar's commitment to the pursuit of excellence in thequality of products and services in every component before, during and after sale.We have formulated a series of system documents, such as theCustomer Service ControlProcedures, theService Process in Sales of Headquarters, theControl Proceduresfor Customer Satisfaction Survey, theCustomer Complaint Handling Procedures ofHeadquartersand the Procedures for Handling Customer Complaint and Feedback, whichoutline the customer-centered service policy, along with explanations and regulations ofthe details of the certi?cation and quali?cation of customer service personnel, businessprocesses, customer feedback handling matters, etc. This allows us to continuously improvethe standard and regular level of customer services.

JA Solar has developed theCode of Conduct for Suppliersbased on the basic frameworkof internationally-recognized supplier social responsibility systems and standards, such asthe Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct, Joint Audit Cooperation (JAC)Supply Chain Sustainability Guidelines, and SA8000. Under these regulations, all suppliersare required to sign theSupplier's Letter of Commitment on Environmental Health, Safety,and Social Responsibility. The Code provides requirements in quality control, suppliers'labor rights, occupational health and safety, environmental management, business ethics,employment equality, and other aspects.




We have continuously optimized the supplier introduction process based on the needsand goals of technology upgrading as well as environmental protection. Our suppliers arerequired to sign theNoti?cation of Occupational Health and Environmental Responsibility toSupplier, theSupplier's Acknowledgment of Receipt for Social Responsibility Commitments,and theChange Management Noticebefore coming onboard. This serves to ensure thecompleteness and legality of their introduction process as well as suppliers' compliance withour needs for technology upgrading, cost control, and green and environmental protection.With regard to the purchase of raw materials, JA Solar has developed theMeasures forMonitoring Key Characteristics of Raw Materials, theJA Framework Agreement on Purchaseof Solar-Related Goods and Services, and other systems. We have also established acomplete supply chain traceability map and applied internal systems like a traceabilitysystem and Manufacturing Execution System (MES) for data support, ensuring the traceabilityand controllability of the sources of raw materials.JA Solar continues to place a strong emphasis on the sustainability management of supplierswhile ensuring the quality of the supply chain. We have set up a "supplier social responsibilityand sustainability assessment" process. It covers a total of 105 indicators on 18 major topics,such as product quality and safety, community communication, and business ethics. Wehave also formulated theScoring Sheet for Initial Quali?cation Investigation of New Supplier/New Material, with carbon-related scores added to access scoring considerations.





A healthy and stable supply chain is key for enterprises to achieve sustainabledevelopment. JA Solar integrates the concept of sustainable developmentinto all key components of supply chain management with respect tosupplier onboarding, management, evaluation, appraisal and supplierquality improvement. At the same time, we proactively engage in responsibleprocurement, reinforce the management of critical minerals, and work togetherwith stakeholders to build a green and compliant responsible supply chain.JA Solar is committed to building a competitive supply chain as we continuouslyimprove the supply chain management system and re?ne the relevantdocuments. We have formulated and improved theSupplier Code of Conduct,the

Routine Management Rules for Suppliers, theSupplier Material Assessment Rules,

theManagement System for Development of New Suppliers and Adoption of NewMaterials, theMeasures for Monitoring Key Characteristics of Raw Materials, andso forth, providing more detailed standards in multiple dimensions, includingsupply chain risk management, response measures, supplier performanceevaluation and assessment, and contractor safety and security management. Thislays the groundwork for our systematic supply chain management.


Average customersatisfaction score


Up to 100% of main material suppliers have passed the certi?cation ofthe ISO9001 quality management system

Signing rate of theSupplier's Letter of Commitment on EnvironmentalHealth, Safety, and Social Responsibility

Up to 80% of main material suppliers have passed the certi?cation ofthe ISO14001 environmental management systemUp to 80% of main material suppliers have passed the certi?cation ofthe ISO45001 occupational health and safety management system




JA Solar Global CustomerService System

Establish a professional sales team with experienced and skilled sta? to provide customerswith comprehensive product information, solutions and customized services.Pre-sales Services

In the process of module supply, we arrange for engineers to provide on-site service andprofessional technical support in addition to conducting comprehensive technical disclosureand training on module handling, storage, turnover, unpacking, installation and maintenancewith accordance to technical documents. In 2023, we provided on-site services 278 times.Implement factory inspection audits for customers (including quality management system,occupational health and safety management system, social responsibility related ?elds).Provide customers with power station testing services. In 2023, we conducted a total of 119rounds of power station testing, of which 68 were commissioned to third-party agencies and 51were conducted by the Company.Provide full disclosure and detailed communication on the safety risks existing in ?eldoperation (such as glass cut, frame scratch, module toppling and crushing, crushing andelectrical injury, etc.).

During-sales Service

On-site services weprovided in 2023Power stationtesting weconducted in 2023

Strictly select and train customer service personnel to ensure the professionalism of thecustomer service team.Establish the "24-hour response mechanism" to resolve issues raised by customers moree?ciently. After receiving feedback from customers, we will get in touch with them within24 hours to ?nd out more about the situation and provide emergency solutions. At the sametime, we will delegate the problem to the relevant departments, set up an investigation team,complete the cause analysis, and determine the responsibility within 7 working days, before?nally resolving the problem within 30 working days.Conduct customer satisfaction surveys every year to continuously improve customer satisfaction.

After-sales Service


JA Solar has always been committed to improving the customer service experience andcustomer satisfaction. In order to better meet the needs of customers, we have implementedon-site services in China to ensure rapid response and provide technical support. For overseascustomers, we employ local after-sales support personnel to provide them with the necessarytechnical support. In order to listen to customers' feedback e?ciently, JA Solar providescustomers with diversi?ed and multi-platform communication channels, and customerscan obtain corresponding service support through JA Solar's o?cial website, o?cial WeChataccount, JA Solar Headquarters telephone, customer service email, and other channels.In addition, we continuously carry out customer satisfaction surveys as we strive to fullyunderstand customers' feedback and demands on product performance and safety, productdelivery, product price, customer service and new product demand, so as to continuouslyimprove service quality. In 2023, we received a total of 2,573 customer complaints andfeedback, including 641 product complaints. The average customer satisfaction score was

95.99 and we conducted 1 product recall.


Social Accountability 8000 (SA8000) is the world's ?rst international standard for code of ethics.It covers many issues such as child labor, forced labor, health and safety, freedom to organizetrade unions, collective bargaining rights, and anti-discrimination. Its Its aim is to ensure thatthe products supplied by a company meet the requirements of social accountability standards.

Suppliers' businesses and laborpractices must comply with allapplicable laws as well as therequirements and principles outlinedin theCode of Conduct for Suppliers.Suppliers shall not employ child labor,engage in any forced labor activitiesthrough slavery, imprisonment,contractual bondage, guarantees, orother means. They are also prohibitedfrom exploiting workers throughthreats, duress, coercion, abduction,or fraud, restricting the personalfreedom of employees, or engaging inany discriminatory behavior.Suppliers must provide workerswith a safe and healthy workingenvironment.Suppliers must promptly pay andprovide workers with remunerationthat at least complies with theapplicable laws, including overtimepay and welfare.Suppliers shall not require workers towork for any more than the maximumnumber of hours allowed by law.Suppliers are required to abide bybusiness ethics, anti-corruption, andprohibit any acts of bribery.Suppliers shall respect the rights ofemployees to freely establish andparticipate in labor unions as well ascollective bargaining.To ensure that JA Solar does notuse any con?ict minerals, suppliersneed to conduct due diligence on thecorresponding mineral supply chain tocreate a "con?ict-free" supply chain.

Main Contents of JA SolarSupplier ResponsibilityManagement:




ESG REPORT 2023075076

For suppliers who meet the access standards, JA Solar establishes a supplier management?le based on the Code of Conduct for Suppliersand conducts daily management and regularaudits of suppliers. We have set up a trans-department audit team that includes multiplefunctional departments, such as SQE, procurement, product technology, and quality control.The team provides regular supplier audits and training sessions, e?ectively identi?es andevaluates supply risks and weaknesses, de?nes the objectives and management measures inthe supply process, and contributes to the supply chain sustainability.In order to fully improve the comprehensive level of suppliers, JA Solar has developed theSupplier Material Assessment Rulesto evaluate suppliers across the entire production lineand established a classi?ed supplier management mode based on performance indicators,such as quality control, business cooperation, delivery management, and service delivery.We conduct monthly assessment and evaluation for suppliers. We classify suppliers intofour levels: A (excellent), B (good), C (average), and D (needs to be improved), based on theirquality and comprehensive level, and provide preferential conditions for Class A and Class Bsuppliers in terms of supply of materials, price, and service to encourage suppliers to pursuehigher material quality and better services.For the suppliers who have failed their respective audits and assessments are requiredto make timely recti?cations within the speci?ed date and undergo another audit. If themanagement team ?nds that there are serious violations of labor regulations and the SA8000standard, such as forced labor and environmental pollution in the area where a supplier islocated, we will set up a special department to conduct a written review of the supplier'ssocial responsibility and sustainability performance before terminating the cooperation withnon-compliant suppliers in order to ensure supply chain compliance.In 2023, JA Solar conducted regular environmental and social evaluation covering 220suppliers, through which there were no ?ndings of any actual or potential signi?cantnegative environmental or social risks by suppliers. Our supplier audit will gradually expandinto second- and third-tier suppliers in the future.

JA Solar advocates responsible procurement and has established theJA Solar ResponsibleSourcing Policy. We make extensive e?orts to implement localized and low-carbonprocurement by actively promoting carbon footprint certi?cation of raw materials and strictlymonitoring the sustainability of raw materials, thus minimizing the environmental impact ofthe procurement process. In 2023, JA Solar conducted a RoHS or REACH investigation on thematerials supplied by all main material suppliers. RoHS test reports from all main materialsuppliers met the requirements of the RoHS2.0 Directive.

Environmental andsocial evaluationcovering 220 suppliers

Registration, Evaluation,Authorisation and Restriction ofChemicals (REACH) is a EU regulationfor the precautionary managementof all chemicals that will enter itsmarket. It came into force onJune 1, 2007.

In order to ensure suppliers' compliance with theCode of Conduct for Suppliers, JA Solarconducts "corrective actions". We engage with third-party auditors to conduct audits onthe work and accommodation facilities of suppliers through con?dential communicationwith supplier-end workers. During the audits, suppliers are required to be honest and toallow auditors to access their facilities, records and workers. For those with issues, JA Solarrequires them to provide a detailed remediation plan immediately, and to take correctivemeasures to rectify any deviation from theCode of Conduct for Suppliers. We track andcon?rm the suppliers' implementation of corrective actions. If a supplier is found to haveviolatedthe Code of Conduct for Suppliers, JA Solar will terminate its cooperation with them.




To prevent potential social and environmental risks in the supply chain and ensurecompliance with supply chain responsibility regulations, such as the EU's Directive onCorporate Sustainability Due Diligence (Proposal), JA Solar implements ESG and traceabilityaudits on suppliers. The audits combine assessment questionnaires and on-site audits,after which a sustainability audit report will be generated. We also subsequently develop acorrective action plan for suppliers who have failed the audits in order to help them improvetheir sustainability performance.

ESG Audit ofSilicon Suppliers

JA Solar attaches great importance to the compliance risk control and the improvementof capacity for sustainable development of suppliers, with continuous communicationand regular empowerment carried out with suppliers to enhance the full-chaincoordinated development.We adopt the SQE teamwork mode, implement the project responsibility system forprocess control, and set up a special team to verify the quality issues of suppliers on thespot and to assist suppliers in the recti?cation of quality abnormalities during production.We also track quality complaints in a timely manner and organize regular quality analysismeetings. In addition to establishing the data and information sharing mechanism, wehave also implemented a structured process for claims arising from quality problems, asupplier management cycle of plan, do, check, and act (PDCA), and thereby to improvethe supplier performance.JA Solar attaches great importance to the sustainable development of suppliers. Inaccordance with theCode of Conduct for Suppliers, we have not only added topicslike environmental management, health and safety, and business ethics to suppliers'internal management, but also require suppliers to present performance requirementsof environmental responsibility, social responsibility and sustainability to their externalsupply chain (second-tier suppliers), thus promoting the coordinated development of theentire value chain.In order to better enhance the sustainable development capacity of suppliers, weempower suppliers through regular communication, information sharing, specialtraining, and other means, ensuring the long-term improvement of the performance andcapability of the entire value chain.

In June 2023, JA Solar conducted online training for its polysilicon suppliers in the supplychain decarbonization project of the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), covering 69% ofthe procurement cost. JA Solar will assume the chain-master driven role, take the lead inthe international industry, and work with supply chain partners to address the challengesbrought by climate change.






Letterto Supplier

SustainabilityAudit ReportRiskAssessment

On-siteAudit onSustainabilitySupplierScreening

CorrectiveAction PlanSelf-AssessmentQuestionnaire


JA Solar's"Corrective Actions"CASE

Enhancing theDecarbonization Capacity ofSupply ChainCASE






JA Solar adheres to the principles of open, fair, and just employment, with strictadherence to theLabor Law of the People's Republic of China, theLabor Contract Law ofthe People's Republic of China, theEmployment Promotion Law of the People's Republicof China, theLaw of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Women'sRights and Interests, theProvisions on Prohibition of Child Labor, and other relevantinternational, national, and regional laws and regulations where JA Solar operates. Wehave established a robust internal management system in accordance with relevantinternational standards, including but not limit to theInternational Bill of Human Rights,ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work,United Nations GuidingPrinciples on Business and Human Rights,and United Nations Global Compact. JA Solarmakes active e?orts to obtain international authoritative certi?cations. At the same time,we actively re?ne our social responsibility and ethical performance on all fronts. In 2023,JA Solar headquarters, located in Beijing, obtained the SA8000 certi?cate.To actively create a harmonious and diverse workplace while ensuring employees'rights and interests, JA Solar has formulated and put in place a range of internal rulesand regulations covering all regular employees, such as theRecruitment ManagementSystem, thePerformance Appraisal Management System, theEmployee Rewards andPunishments Management Measures, and theCode of Conduct for JA Solar's Employees.These regulations provide detailed standards on employee recruitment and promotion,remuneration and welfare, equal employment and other issues. JA Solar states intheHeadquarters Recruitment Management Systemthat the Company prohibits alldiscriminatory acts against ethnic, racial, religious, gender, age, sexual orientationand other factors in the recruitment and employment process, and is committed tosafeguarding the legitimate rights and bene?ts of all employees. We also respect therights of all employees to freedom of association and collective bargaining, activelyimplement the human rights policy speci?ed in theConventions of the InternationalLabor Organization, and formulate theJA Solar Human Rights Policy. We repeatedlyverify and examine the age and employments of employees throughout the on-boardingprocess in order to resolutely prohibit child labor and forced labor. JA Solar was notfound to have engaged in any employment discrimination, harassment, employment ofchild labor, forced labor, or other illegality events in 2023.





JA Solar believes that talents are the cornerstone of our business and thatthe high-quality development of the PV industry requires the support ofhigh-level talents. We adhere to the employment philosophy of "attractingtalents externally and cultivating talents internally", implement theprotection of employees' basic human rights and labor rights, provide allemployees, including part-time and contractors with a remuneration andwelfare system, including both statutory bene?ts and non-statutory bene?tsthat could contribute and ensure the level of internal fairness and externalcompetitiveness at the same time, meet the diverse needs of di?erentemployee groups, and create a vibrant workplace in multiple aspectsincluding employee growth, occupational health and safety, democraticcommunication, and employee care.


China Preferred Employer of theYear 2023 (Hefei Base, Yiwu Base)

— Zhaopin

Top 100 Private Enterprises inEmployments in Anhui Province in2023 (Hefei Base)— Department of Human Resourcesand Social Security of Anhui Province

Coverage of supplier audit based onthe provisions for "con?ict minerals"audit

Traceability ratio of suppliers involvedin con?ict minerals




To prevent the situations where production and operation may involve the use ofcon?ict minerals, we adhere to ethical procurement, commit ourselves to complyingwith the requirements of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development(OECD), avoid the use of conlict minerals, conduct due diligence on the mineral supplychains for which we are responsible, and ensure the traceability and controllability ofminerals used in the supply chain.To e?ectively enhance the management capability of critical minerals, JA Solar de?nesthe provisions for "con?ict minerals" audit in supplier onboarding and daily audit. Theprovisions explicitly require suppliers to complete the con?ict mineral questionnairesand to verify the source of purchased materials and products. For suppliers whorefuse to track and monitor the origin of con?ict minerals or are unable to determinethe nature of the con?ict minerals, JA Solar will suspend its cooperative relationshipwith them. In 2023, JA Solar's coverage of supplier audit based on the provisions for"con?ict minerals" audit was 100%, and all the ?rst-, second-, and third-tier supplierswere covered.

In 2023, JA Solar carried out mineral tracing on junction boxes and solder strips involvingthe use of con?ict minerals (Tin) and disseminated con?ict minerals questionnairesthat were developed based on Con?ict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT) principlesissued by Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) to all suppliers of metal raw materials ofPV solder strips and solder wires, with a traceability ratio of 100%. The survey resultsshowed that there is only one type of con?ict mineral (Tin) sourced from JA Solar'ssuppliers, and no other con?ict mineral materials involved. The metal "Tin" used by oursuppliers was sourced from RMI-certi?ed compliant Tin smelters list. JA Solar was notfound to be using con?ict minerals throughout its supply chain in 2023.JA Solar plans to invite a third-party auditing institution to participate in product-related certi?cation to ensure that our products are free of con?ict minerals.


In November 2023, we invited third-party experts to conduct compliance training foremployees of relevant departments in order to enhance employees' understandingof anti-forced labor and compliance awareness. The experts interpreted the relevantlaws and regulations on anti-forced labor to employees, gave a vivid explanation basedon actual cases, and interacted with employees, thus laying a solid foundation for thecompliance development of our business.

Compliance Training inAnti-Forced Labor




ESG REPORT 2023079080

Total number of employees

Including labor dispatching employeesand part-time employees

Total number of regular employeesHaving signed full-time labor contracts


By age (persons)

Under 30 years old30 to 50 years oldOver 50 years old


By gender(persons)

Number of male employeesNumber of female employees



With a focus on the introduction, retention, cultivation and development of talent,JA Solar has established a complete talent management system and managementmechanism. We have been committed to nurturing professionals for the PV industryand have formulated theHeadquarters Recruitment Management Systemto providecomprehensive guidance for talent introduction.

JA Solar focuses on the strategic requirements of "globalization, digital intelligence andecologicalization" while adhering to the talent strategy of "attracting talents externallyand cultivating talents internally". We continuously optimize the employee trainingsystem and launch all-round and high-quality empowerment projects to promotethe diversi?ed development of employees and give impetus to the enhancement ofpersonal value and the coordinated development of the Company strategy.Talent is the foundation of enterprise establishment. As we continue to grow, there isan increasingly urgent need for talent, especially for industry technical experts andglobal elites. This is a global problem. Continuous e?orts in recruitment, training,deployment and retention are a necessity for JA Solar to create a superiority of talentin the industry. To ensure that we have advantages in talent training, JA Solar plans thejobs and actively communicates with each department on market demand accordingto the market situation, predicts the direction of talents to be recruited in the future,and has built a talent database to satisfy our talent development needs.




Diversi?ed CareerDevelopment

JA Solar continuously re?nes the employeeability training model and provides diversecareer promotion channels. We have builta "Post Competency Evaluation Model"to empower and evaluate employees'performance in multiple aspects such asmanagement, professional, executive andinnovation capabilities, thus creating aconstructively competitive atmosphereand encouraging employees to grow amidpositive competition. We also provideeach employee with a comprehensivegrowth system that is in line with thejob requirements and career goal-basedplanning. We provide employees withdiverse career development platformsand path choices based on the three-channel design of "management channel,technical channel and functional channel",and encourage employees to make multi-channel development to help realize theirpersonal value.

Deputy General

ManagerDirectorManagerManager Assistant

SupervisorManagement Sequence


Professional sequence(P) - Technology

JA Solar TalentManagement Mechanism

Talent PlanningTalent Identi?cationand ReserveTalent CultivationTracking andEvaluationTalent Promotion

Develop a reasonable talent strategy based on the Company strategyOptimize the talent quality and ability training model and create a talent poolUnleash talent potential and carry out talent planning and positioningDetermine the talent development plan and strategyBuild a learning mapPropose a development plan

Establish a mentoring mechanism

Make promotion decisions based on evaluation resultsContinuously optimize the Company's talent allocation

Regularly track and evaluate the talent development to grasp the development situationActively perform two-way communication and optimize the standards based on the actual situation按年龄划分(人)

30 岁以下员工数量30 至 50 岁员工数量50 岁以上员工数量按年龄划分(人)30 岁以下员工数量30 至 50 岁员工数量50 岁以上员工数量

按性别划分(人)男性员工数量女性员工数量Number ofemployees withdisabilitiesFemalerepresentationrate inmanagementPercentageof femaleemployees

Number ofethnic minorityemployees




Diverse Promotion Channels

As a leader in the PV industry, JA Solar has always been dedicated to leading thedevelopment of the industry and providing a platform for young people to display theirabilities. In 2023, JA Solar actively carried out campus recruitment through online andin-person recruitment talks to attract high-potential talents to join us in an e?ort toreserve excellent backup talents.In October 2023, JA Solar successfully held the 2024 Global Campus RecruitmentOnline Recruitment Talk themed "Spread Youth and Strive for Future in JA Solar",during which our relevant o?cers and heads closely interacted with aspiring studentsseeking jobs. Furthermore, they shared on the latest trends and development statusin the industry. The event conveyed our culture and values to students, introducedthe platform for employee growth and development, and displayed our steadfastdetermination to attract and cultivate future talents in the PV industry.

JA Solar had a total of 50,258 employees (including labor dispatching employees andpart-time employees) during the reporting period. Among them, there were 46,147regular employees that have signed full-time labor contracts, including 33,320 malesand 12,827 females.JA Solar resolutely implements the policy of gender equality and equal remuneration forall employees. We place a strong emphasis on protecting the labor rights and interests offemale employees in the special physiological periods according to an array of nationallaws and regulations, such as theSpecial Provisions on Labor Protection of FemaleEmployees. We attach great importance to the employment of disabled people andhave onboarded employees with disabilities based on the actual situation of positionsavailable in accordance with relevant national regulations and recommendations.In order to ensure that each employee is fairly rewarded for his/her contributionswith appropriate remuneration, JA Solar adopts ?exible remuneration incentivestrategies according to the changes of national policies and other macro factorsas well as the development trend of the industry. We continuously optimize theremuneration structure and improve the remuneration management mechanism. Tobring employees' initiative into full play, JA Solar has set a remuneration system of"?xed + ?oating performance". The performance-based part of employees' salary ispaid based on the performance appraisal results of employees. JA Solar carries outregular performance appraisal feedback to enable employees to be more informed oftheir performance in a timely manner, with a feedback rate of 100%. In 2023, JA Solar'scoverage ratio of regular performance appraisal and career development assessmentwas 100% for employees that have passed the probation evaluation.We provide employees with remuneration and welfare of market competitivenessand incentive, and conduct regular surveys on the level and change frequency andamplitude of remuneration in the PV industry, analyze the remuneration situation ofall positions within the Company, and improve the remuneration level di?erence andbandwidth of the positions in a scienti?c, reasonable and balanced manner.

"Spend Youth and Strivefor Future in JA Solar"Online Recruitment Talk forCampus RecruitmentCASE


Professional sequence(P) - Function

ExpertExpertExpert EngineerExpert ResearcherSenior EngineerSenior ResearcherEngineerSpecialist


ESG REPORT 2023081082

In 2023, we further improved the incentive and welfare system and launched nearly30 comprehensive incentive welfare projects involving short-, medium- and long-term measures, such as academic advancement - JA Solar Talent Program and theremuneration package project. We also provide talent export incentives, subsidies forstable jobs, subsidies for skill upgrading projects, and other welfare to attract and retainoutstanding management personnel as well as the core pillars of our business. At thesame time, these initiatives also serve to support the career development of employees.

EmployeeEmpowermentand Training

As a leading company in the international industry, JA Solar makes unremitting e?orts topromote strategic development and organize talent cultivation. We expect that all of ouremployees, regardless of their ranks respective channels can fully release their potential,acquire the skills, knowledge and abilities they need in their career development paths,and continuously enhance their personal value and in?uence. Based on theTrainingManagement System, JA Solar has created a multi-dimensional talent training systemincluding training plans, professional skills and management ability of managementtrainees from the perspective of post characteristics, so as to provide targeteddevelopment plans and empowerment for employees at di?erent stages of growth.

We implement comprehensive management and supervision of the talent training plansto ensure professional and standardized talent training. In 2023, we increased sta?training e?orts to improve the professional ability and level of employees by combiningboth online and in-person forms of teaching as well as internal and external training. Wehave also set up a "Yidian Zhishi" online learning platform and established a diversi?edtraining system, thereby providing employees with a wide range of online trainingresources in a more e?cient and convenient way.

We provide traineeship and apprenticeship program for all young graduates who join JASolar, and carry out training in general ability, business capability, professional skills andother dimensions to help management trainees grow rapidly, adapt to the Company'sworking environment, and ?nd a suitable career development path. Each base hasdeveloped appropriate training programs and carries out training activities accordingto the respective conditions, thus helping the Company build a sustainable talentdevelopment echelon and vitalize talents.

To promote the growth of employees, we actively cooperate with local universities tocarry out joint training programs with educational institutions for degree improvementand capability enhancement for all employees of JA Solar. We have formulated a rangeof systems, such as theManagement Regulations on Continual Education for OnboardEmployees, theIncentive Measures for Further Strengthening On-the-job Learning forEmployees, and the Management Rules on Rewarding Employee for Publications, so as toencourage employees to receive lifelong education and improve their overall capability,thus providing professionals for the development of the PV industry.



Employee Training Coverage


Female EmployeeTrainingAttendanceMale EmployeeTrainingAttendance

368,336 874,227

Employee Training Attendance


JA Solar EmployeeTraining Performancein 2023

Funded ExternalTraining SessionsInternal and ExternalProfessional SkillsTraining Sessions


Training targetTalent training planClass 1 Critical TalentsClass 2 Core TalentsClass 3 Key Talents

Assistance PlanLaunching PlanJA Solar PlanPilot PlanStabilization PlanProtection Plan

Training PersonnelManagement TraineesSenior Manager and Above PersonnelManagement PersonnelTechnical PersonnelFront-Line Personnel

Remuneration,Welfare and IncentiveSystem

Talent growth anddevelopmentTalent achievement andvalue realizationTalent respect andrecognition

Three IncentiveMechanisms

Remuneration and equity incentivesPatent and technology incentivesTraining and promotion incentivesOther incentives:

model evaluation, skill evaluation,etc.

Four IncentiveModules


The JA Solar management trainee "precision plan" training course in Dongtai Basewas successfully held in August 2023, with more than 100 management trainees inthe ?rst batch. In order to improve the comprehensive ability and accomplishment ofmanagement trainees across the board, this training included diverse contents such asspecialist leading, team expansion, and outdoor team building. The focus of the corecontents includes role positioning, career planning, industry technology developmenttrend, and tool methodology. We invited pillar lecturers to teach, thus enablingmanagement trainees to gain knowledge and improve themselves through rich courseswhile maintaining stable and long-term development.

JA Solar encourages employees to participate in academic advancement programs in an e?ortto develop the Company into a multi-functional platform that integrates learning and work.In 2023, we continued to implement the "Sunshine JA Solar Talents" academic advancementprogram, thereby improving the overall capability of employees and boosting their sense ofbelonging to the Company. This helps to drive the continuous improvement of the Companyand individuals and achieve the dual development of the Company and individuals.

In order to improve the training mechanism of trainees, JA Solar's Yangzhou Base hasestablished the Yangzhou JA Solar Sailing Talent Training Program, which speci?es thetraining content, apprenticeship mechanism, and student assessment. The YangzhouBase has carried out the "Yangzhou JA Launch Plan" MT231 training course to improvethe teamwork and thinking innovation abilities of trainees through team development,group cooperation, results display and other activities, thus guaranteeing the supply ofyoung talents for JA Solar's future development.

JA Solar Management Trainee"Precision Plan" TrainingCourse in Dongtai Base

"Sunshine JA Solar Talent"Degree and CapabilityAdvancement Program

Strengthened theDevelopment and Training ofTrainees in Yangzhou Base



We provide diverse training opportunities for our managers and c-suite executives to helpthem enhance leadership, management skills and professional knowledge, and equipthem with better overall leadership skills and strategic thinking.ManagementTeam

Business training of the management and executive team from the Headquarter and theUnited States Module Base in November 2023.

United States Module BaseTrainingCASE



ESG REPORT 2023083084

2023 Provincial Specialty Building Site of Industry-EducationIntegration Brand? Jiangsu Education Department

Key Performance

JA Solar is committed to exploring a new talent training model and scienti?cresearch model in the ?eld of university-enterprise cooperation, with the objectiveof making the channels for communication and cooperation between the Companyand universities smoother. This enables us to solve the technical problems ofthe Company and promote the transformation of scienti?c and technologicalachievements. We jointly work with universities to deliver joint training programs forthe employess and thus to create an ecological chain of talents in the PV industry tocontribute to the high-quality development of the industry.


In order to promote the development of the new energy industry and nurtureoutstanding talents with high quality while providing all-round development for thePV industry, JA Solar actively fosters university-enterprise cooperation to build a"Production-Education Integration Community in PV Industry".Xingtai Polytechnic Institute of New Energy, which was establishd and invested byJA Solar, takes talent training as the core and focuses on specialty development,further promoting the production-education integration and university-enterprisecooperation. As an orientation to the new energy industry, the College focuses onnew energy materials and power, new energy intelligent manufacturing, new energyinformation technology, and new energy application technology, while activelyadapting to future industrial developments in order to meet industry demands. Thereare several domestic and overseas manufacturing bases developed by JA Solar thathave been used for training and practice at the College, achieving seamless connectionbetween post-ability and teaching of the College and training outstanding industrytalent to adapt to industry transformation and upgrade. Moreover, Xingtai PolytechnicInstitute of New Energy had developed joint 2+1+1 bachelor degree program with theUniversity of New South Wales (UNSW) prepared for students gaining more knowledgeand global insights in a sense. Not only that, Xingtai Polytechnic Institute of NewEnergy has also reached cooperation with other universities for study abroad program,like Busan University of Foreign Studies, HOSEO University and so forth. In additions,Xingtai Polytechnic Institute of New Energy also provides a wide range of capabilityenhancement programs for the students, i.e. the US J-1 SWT/Internship Training Plan,Teaching Assistant USA Program, Japanese JITP Program, etc.JA Solar's Xingtai Base has built diverse recruitment channels for di?erent postsand makes active e?orts to a new university-enterprise cooperation model. In 2023,the Base reached an agreement with Xingtai Modern Occupation School (secondaryvocational school) and Hebei Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Technology (highervocational college) respectively. The cooperative colleges were required to developteaching programs based on the Company's needs and provide skilled professionalsfor the Company.

Building a "Production-Education IntegrationCommunity in PV Industry"and Cultivating Industry-Leading Talents

"2+2+2" CooperativeTraining Program to ImproveProfessional Skills



In collaboration with Jiangsu University of Social Science, JA Solar established the JAEducation Research Center in July 2023. The Center is committed to building a leadingproduction-education platform in China with a strong focus on the developmentof PV talents. The Center gathers outstanding talents from universities, enterprisesand scienti?c research institutions, and constantly deepens university-enterprisecooperation. The Center also strives to build an industry-university-research exchangeplatform to help Xingtai Polytechnic Institute of New Energy develop a robust curriculumsystem and practical training system.Externally, the Center has built a training base with Yangzhou Polytechnic College, anddeveloped the module manufacturing teaching equipment program and curriculumprogram, focusing on and exploring the innovation of the production-educationintegration model. Internally, the Center conducted the "Skill JA Solar Action" to expandthe career development channel for skilled talents. The Center has implemented the"Level 8 Employee" vocational skill level quali?cation in Hefei Base along with theestablishment of uni?ed ability standards, complete personnel evaluation tools, asystematic learning model, as well as a training and development system based onlearning model. It has also built a mass training mechanism for internal skilled talents.

JA Solar and Yangzhou Polytechnic College have jointly established the Modern IndustryCollege of Intelligent Optoelectronics and Intelligent Manufacturing, which providesmore high-quality talents for the development of the industry through continuousstrengthening of practical education in the education system. The College providesexisting students with richer vocational training and employment opportunities anddelivers to the industry high-quality education content in line with market developmentand requirements by optimizing education courses.

JA Solar Established theEducation Research Center

JA Solar Established theModern Industry College ofIntelligent Optoelectronicsand Intelligent Manufacturing



In 2023, the Vietnam Base launched university-enterprise cooperation with institutionssuch as Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Thai Nguyen Polytechnic Universityof Technology, and Bac Giang Vietnam-Korean Polytechnic College to provide internshipand employment opportunities for students. The cooperation helps the Base de?ne itspositioning, enhance its competitive edge, and promote the transformation of scienti?cresearch achievements.

University-EnterpriseCooperation StrengtheningInternship and EmploymentCASE



ESG REPORT 2023085086

JA Solar's Work SafetyManagement Procedure

In 2023, JA Solar achieved

JA Solar attaches great importance to the occupational health and safety of employees.To continuously improve the prevention and management capabilities of occupationalhealth and safety issues while remaining in accordance with the laws and regulations, suchas theLaw of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of OccupationalDiseases, theLaw of the People's Republic of China on Work Safety, theFire ProtectionLaw of the People's Republic of China, theSpecial Equipment Safety Law of the PeoplesRepublic of China, theBasic Rules for Standardization of Enterprise Safety Production, wehave formulated theEHS Management System Manual, theEHS Accident ManagementProcedures, theOccupational Health Management Procedures, theHazard Identi?cationand Evaluation Control Procedures, and other procedures to ensure the managementof occupational health and safety. JA Solar has built a risk management system with theISO45001 occupational health and safety management system as the framework, and worksafety standardization as the basis, which provides dual prevention and control includinghierarchical risk control as well as potential risk identi?cation and governance. In 2023, allbases under JA Solar have obtained the ISO45001 system certi?cation.To further promote the development of occupational health and safety managementsystem, our headquarters and all of our manufacturing bases have established a SafetyCommittee with full-time safety management personnel and occupational healthmanagement personnel, who are fully responsible for the establishment, maintenance,and optimization of the occupational health and safety management system to ensuretimely and e?ective control of occupational health and safety risks. By the end of2023, the PV Manufacturing Division has 145 full-time environmental health and safetyemployees, more than 70% of whom hold several years of EHS professional workexperience and have obtained relevant training quali?cation certi?cates. They e?ectivelyimprove JA Solar's occupational health and safety management capabilities.In addition, the EHS team of JA Solar headquarters and each base organizesoccupational health and safety risk identi?cation and assessment at least once a year. Wecomprehensively identify and detect occupational hazards in production processes, laborprocesses, and production environment. At the same time, we conduct risk assessmentand grading in accordance with theFire Management Procedures, theEmergency ResponseManagement Proceduresas well as other system documents and operating procedures.Based on the evaluation results, we list the identi?ed "major risks" and "signi?cant risks"as unacceptable risks and include them in the Company'sUnacceptable Risk List andControl Planfor strict control and follow-up review. Those classi?ed as "general risk" and"low risk" are included in the acceptable risk list, and subject to control measures to furtherreduce the risk value, whereas negligible risks are excluded.

JA Solar has always adhered to the "people-oriented, prevention ?rst, safe andhealthy work" occupational health and safety principle. We adopt the plan-do-check-action (PDCA) model to establish a dynamic cycle of occupational health and safetymanagement process to help achieve the goals of occupational safety and health.





We establish and improve theProcedures for Planning of Hazard Identi?cation,RiskEvaluation and Risk Controland the list of posts exposed to occupational disease hazards,and specify the details including workshop, area, post, occupational hazard factors,possible consequences, regular test results, engineering control and protection measures,administrative control measures and personal protective equipments.We establish the company-level emergency and contingency plan for safety accidents andorganize maneuvers regularly.We have a reasonable plant structure layout, with partitions separating hazardous areasfrom the non-hazardous ones. We also take engineering and technical measures againstvarious occupational hazard factors to eliminate hazardous substances to employees tothe greatest extent.

We set up the Work Safety Committee, which holds a monthly safety meeting accordingly,which serves as a means to report and make decisions on the matters related tooccupational health.We supervise all special equipment and organize training for special operation personneland the annual inspection of special equipment.We organize regular testing of equipment and facilities related to health and safety,occupational health and environment monitoring, safety inspection, ?re protectioninspection, and other special inspections every year.We collect feedback on environmental and occupational health and safety fromstakeholders in order to create a better occupational environment based on suchfeedback.

We provide employees with labor protection equipments according to the relevantstandards of the management system of labor protection equipments, and supervise thecorrect use of labor protection equipments by employees.We always attach great importance to the occupational health of employee and organizeoccupational health examinations for employees before, during and after work. Those foundto have occupational contraindications will subsequently be transferred to other units.We set up facilities to defend against occupational hazards such as dust, gas, noise,high temperature and others, so as to ensure that the concentration and intensityof occupational disease hazard factors at the workplace meet the relevant nationaloccupational health standards.We post a notice on occupational hazard factors.





JA Solar has always attached great importance to the occupational health andsafety of employees as part of its adherence to the principle of "people-orientedand safety ?rst". We continue to develop the long-term mechanism of work safety,comprehensively improve the management level of work safety, and advocate worksafety culture to e?ectively safeguard the health and safety for employees.PROMOTINGTALENTDEVELOPMENT



Developing SafetyManagement System

Ensuring a SafeProductionEnvironment

Classi?cationSpeci?c Measures

Rate of work lossaccidents per millionworking hours



Number of employees su?eringfrom occupational diseases

Percentage of employeescovered by occupationalhealth and safetymanagement system


The new Shijiazhuang Base that has been put into production is planning to apply for this certi?cate.1

70% of employeeswith several yearsof professional EHSexperience andrelevant trainingquali?cations

By the end of 2023,the PV ManufacturingDivision has 145 full-timeenvironmental healthand safety employees

In 2023, all basesunder JA Solarhave obtained theISO45001 systemcerti?cation




ESG REPORT 2023087088

To enhance the occupational health awareness and self-protection ability ofemployees while reducing the risk of workplace accidents, JA Solar has established acomprehensive occupational health and safety training system. Employees are requiredto experience training in three-level safety education and occupational health beforeentry, and can take the post only after passing the examination. After entering theCompany, employees undergo regular and irregular on-the-job education and trainingin safety, occupational health and ?re protection to constantly enhance their safetyknowledge and skills, which will help ensure safety during responsible operation.Adhering to the concept of "work safety and training ?rst", JA Solar activelyimplements safety training and education, promoting the work safety awareness ofall employees through holistic safety education. The Safety Committee holds regularmeetings, carries out various forms of training activities based on di?erent types andneeds of personnel, including safety training, emergency exercise, occupational healthtraining, safety month activities, occupational disease prevention and control publicityweek, ?re emergency competition, safety knowledge challenge as well as otherdiversi?ed safety culture activities. We also actively participate in the external appraisaland exchanges related to safety culture construction. JA Solar has also released theEHS Emergency Manual,Safety Instructionsand other emergency guidebooks via theexisting online platforms such as DingTalk and "Yidian Zhishi" to improve the vividnessand accessibility of training.In addition to physical health, we also attach great importance to the psychologicalhealth of employees. In 2023, an individual at JA Solar's Yiwu Base was speciallyassigned to participate in psychological counseling training and has since obtainedthe certi?cate of psychological counseling engineer. A digital psychological counselingprocess has also been built. The counselor provides psychological health counselingfor its employees every month to ensure their physical and psychological health.

In order to create a happy workplace and enable employees to realize their personalvalue in an equal, harmonious and warm working environment, JA Solar has establisheda comprehensive employee welfare security system and holds a series of activities toenhance the cohesiveness of employees and increase their well-being at work. We alsoprovide multiple smooth channels to facilitate democratic communication of employees.In terms of employees' physical and psychological health, we provide all employees,including part-time and contractors, with health insurance, psychological counselingservices, regular health examination, and health lectures in order to protect their physicaland psychological health in an all-rounded manner and improve their well-being andsatisfaction at work. Regarding culture development, we advocate the culture of teamworkand culture sharing, and carry out various team-building activities, employee birthdayparties and other activities to strengthen communication and exchange among employees,thereby creating a harmonious working atmosphere. In addition, JA Solar organizes regularactivities such as holiday welfare visits to employees and their families, rendering ofsupport and assistance for employees faced with di?culties, caring for employees' familylife and work, and increasing their sense of belonging and cohesiveness. We also emphasizethe care of female employees, providing all female employees with a batch of statutoryand non-statutory bene?t, like prenatal check-up leave, childcare leave, breastfeedingleave and various special allowances. Furthermore, we o?er relevant bene?ts and organizeappropriate entertainment activities on Women's Day.

DevelopingOccupationalHealth Culture

JA Solar's Baotou Base was Awarded as "Occupational Health Expert" ExcellentOrganization in Qingshan District in 2023.

Health and safetytraining sessionsorganized in 2023179,187employeesattended





In April 2023, JA Xingtai Base organized the publicity week series of theLaw onPrevention and Control of Occupational Disease. External senior doctors were invitedto carry out training in occupational health related knowledge and on-site consultationon health issues as well as special training of position-speci?c occupational hazardsnoti?cation aimed at improving employees' awareness and response ability ofoccupational health risks. The Base also carried out special inspections on occupationalhealth, which focused on the operation of facilities for protection against occupationaldiseases, the intactness of relevant on-site warning signs, and the provision and use ofpersonal labor protection articles.

In 2023, JA Solar's Ningjin Base participated in the "Ankang Cup" Safety KnowledgeCompetition jointly organized by the Emergency Management Bureau, the Federationof Trade Unions, and the Convergence Media Center in Ningjin, and won the third prize.

In commemoration of International Women's Day and with the purpose of enrichingthe intellectual and cultural life of female employees as well as stimulate their passionfor work and hustling, JA Solar's Labor Union launched the Women's Day Welfare Visiton March 8, 2023, during which female employees were thanked and commended fortheir pioneering e?orts, united and harmonious, and vigorous spiritual outlook and forsetting trends for the style of new women in the new era.

To enrich and activate the Company's cultural life while promoting learning andexchanges among the bases, the Labor Union of JA Solar's headquarters held the"Leader Cup" Basketball, Table Tennis and Badminton League in the Yangzhou Baseand Donghai Base in August 2023.

Dongtai JA Labor Union held the "Bright and Sunny Growth" Employee Birthday Partyin August 2023. The recipients signed the prepared balloons, made their wishes, andconveyed their best wishes to each other. All employees sang the birthday song andhad a whale of a time.

Publicity Week Series ofLawon Prevention and Controlof Occupational DiseasesinXingtai Base

"Ankang Cup" SafetyKnowledge Competition inNingjin Base

JA Solar Delivers HolidayBlessings to FemaleEmployees

JA Solar's Labor UnionOrganized Sports Activities

JA Solar Held Birthday Partyfor Employees






"Occupational Health Expert"Excellent Organization




ESG REPORT 2023089090

JA Solar has always been concerned about the wellbeing of needy employees andhas continuously carried out relief activities for them to enhance their sense of gain,happiness and security. The Labor Union in each base has formulated and optimizedthe relevant systems to provide assistance, rights protection, and support foremployees faced with various di?culties. In 2023, the support and assistance programfor needy employees was kickstarted and implanted at all bases. We paid closeattention to their safety, health and living conditions, and provided timely assistancefor them.

In light of JA Solar's active e?orts to build an open, transparent and democraticcommunication mechanism, each base has established a labor union committee,which has developed collective agreements and documents such as theCollectiveAgreement, theCollective Agreement for the Protection of the Rights and Interestsof Female Employees, and theCollective Negotiation Agreement on Salaries. Theseagreements are updated every year to ensure that the rights and interests of employeesare protected. The labor union regularly holds a sta? representative meeting, inwhich employee representatives participate and make constructive comments andsuggestions on behalf of employees to provide important reference for the Company'sdecision-making parties. In 2023, 100% of employees have been covered by JA Solar'slabor union and are bound to collective agreements.We collect feedback from employees through various forms by setting up diversecommunication channels such as employee opinion exchange meeting, feedbackmailbox, and telephone. We address the mindset counseling of employees, collectfeedback or suggestions and handled them in a timely manner. In the event thatthere are any violations or actions that may damage employees' rights and interests,the employee may make consultation and lodge a report through the labor unioncomplaint platform, "discussion" and other channels. Led by the employee relationscoordination group, the entire process of recording, tracking, feedback and ?ling of theemployee report is completed to ensure that the employee report is fully heard. Thisalso helps to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of employees as well as theexemplary discipline of the Company.JA Solar annually conducts surveys on employee satisfaction and facilitates thecollection, analysis, discussion and summary of the survey results before developingand implementing a targeted improvement plan in an e?ort to continuously improveemployee satisfaction by covering all employees at JA Solar. For example, thesatisfaction of employees in Baotou Base was 99% in 2023.

Employees coveredby JA Solar's laborunionEmployees coveredby JA Solar'scollectiveagreements


In response to the national call, JA Solar, as a leading enterprise in the PV industry,leverages its industrial chain advantages and product technology advantages to makedeep integration of PV with various industries based on the driving force of scienti?cand technological innovation.JA Solar also contributes to rural community development through the means ofpaired-up assistance and special funds. The Company has established assistanceagreements with Dagongchang Village in Yunnan Province and Gacha Village in InnerMongolia to promote rural development. In 2023, we donated more than RMB 300,000to rural community development and assistance projects.As the Chinese saying goes, "Give a man a ?sh and he has ?sh for a day; teach him howto ?sh and he has ?sh for life". JA Solar has created multiple application scenariossuch as animal husbandry PV, ?shing PV, agrivoltaics, and PV mountain, and hasexplored the innovative rural community development model of "assistance fund +lease payment + job opportunities" based on the construction of PV projects. Throughthe "PV+" industry revitalization strategy, JA Solar not only provides high-quality cleanenergy for rural areas, but also provides more than 400 jobs to the surrounding areaswithin the vicinity of the PV projects every year, with the labor subsidies amountingto over RMB 1 million. This results in a rise in rural household income, thus boostingindustrial upgrading and promoting rural community development.





The year 2023 marks a key year of the 14th Five-Year Plan bridging the pastand the future. With the mission and responsibility of "Developing solarpower to bene?t the planet", JA Solar extensively participates in industrialdevelopment, charity and public welfare activities, disaster relief and otheractivities while practicing corporate responsibility through concrete actions.At the same time, we exert the power of business for good, spreadingsunshine and warmth to the world and building a better home.


SOCIETYTOWARDSSOCIETYTOWARDSThe Third Sta? SportsMeeting in JA Solar'sVietnam BaseCASE

With the further advancement of the rural community development strategy, the greenenergy industry is becoming a new engine for rural economic development. The "PV-charging parking shed project" in Longhua Town, Xianyou County was completed onDecember 6, 2023. The project boasts a total installed capacity of 36.3 kW and coversan area of 245 m

. JA Solar donated all PV modules required for the project. Aftercompletion, the entire project was donated to the local town government, and itsexpected annual electricity production is about 40,000 kWh. The completion of the "PV-charging parking shed project" e?ectively alleviates the pressure on the power grid inthe market town area and meets the electric vehicle charging needs of the people livingin the vicinity.

The Successful Completionof the Distributed PV Projectof Xianyou County, Fujianwas Supported by JASolar for Rural CommunityDevelopmentCASE


ESG REPORT 2023091092

100 Hope PrimarySchools DonationProject

10,000 NeedyStudentsFinancial SupportProject

BrightnessProject for PoorCataract Patients

Since 2007, JA Solar, together with Jinglong Group, has continued to conduct the"Three Major Projects for the Bene?t of the People", that is, "100 Hope Primary SchoolsDonation Project", "10,000 Needy Students Financial Support Project", and "BrightnessProject for Poor Cataract Patients". We have improved the teaching hardware facilities,provided learning tools and student subsidies, and carried out medical assistance,thereby promoting the development of rural education and medical causes.

The "10,000 Needy Students Financial Support Project" focuses on needy students andregularly provides learning tools and student subsidies for them. As part of the Project,more than RMB 430,000 was donated in 2023.

In addition to the "Three Major Projects for the Bene?t of the People", eachmanufacturing base of JA Solar also takes an active role in cooperating with localcommunities and charity foundations and carrying out diversi?ed community welfareactivities such as rendering aid to students and one-day donation drives for surroundingcommunities, so as to improve the education and economic levels of these communitieswhile achieving harmony and integration between us and the communities.In terms of education aid, our manufacturing bases proactively respond to the callof the headquarters and make vigorous e?orts in supporting community educationdevelopment by supporting poor students, rewarding exemplary teachers, enhancingteaching facilities, and other measures. In 2023, JA Solar's Solar Charity Fundimplemented student aid projects for central primary schools in Xin County, Xinyang,Henan Province and Mutouchengzi Town, Chaoyang, Liaoning Province. We donated atotal of RMB 180,000 in scholarships to help students who are outstanding in characterand academic performance but are plagued with ?nancial burdens successfullycomplete their studies and realize their dreams. These measures help improve thequality of local education and make education fair and inclusive.In the ?eld of community health, JA Solar's Solar Charity Fund donated 5 ambulancesto the Health Bureau of Huize County, Yunnan Province to support the local medicalrescue works. JA Solar's Baotou Base donated two automated external de?brillators(AEDs) to Baotou No. 36 Primary School through the Red Cross Society of QingshanDistrict, Baotou City, to improve the school's emergency medical assistance.At the same time, JA Solar vigorously supports innovation. We proactively practice thenational strategic layout of "innovation leads to development", which aims to supportthe training of innovative talents and recruit more talents in the clean energy industry bygiving full play to our industrial and technological edge. Since 2011, JA Solar has providedPV modules free of charge to many famous Chinese universities, and also supportedcompetition teams participating in the International Solar Decathlon Competitions.

The "100 Hope Primary Schools Donation Project" aims to improve teaching facilitiesto promote educational equality. JA Solar's Solar Charity Fund signed an agreementwith the Hebei Charity Federation to make donations amounting to RMB 900,000 forthe construction of 4 primary schools in Hebei Province.JA Solar launched the "Brightness Project for Poor Cataract Patients" aimed at carryingout medical assistance actions to promote the development of community healthcauses. In 2023, JA Solar's Ningjin Base continued to implement the "BrightnessProject for Poor Cataract Patients" and donated more than RMB 190,000 in addition toproviding medical assistance for 160 patients. The Donghai Base has completed PhaseII and Phase III of the "Brightness Project for Poor Cataract Patients", with donations toa total of 454 persons.







In 2023, JA Solar invested RMB1,785,600 in "Three Major Projects forthe Bene?t of the People"1,785,600

1 2 3

Key Performance


JA Solar's "10,000 Needy Students Financial Support Project" aims to encourageoutstanding students in need through various forms of funding in order to help themovercome ?nancial di?culties and successfully complete their studies. In 2023, JASolar's Ningjin Intelligent Manufacturing Base provided ?nancial support for 34students with excellency in character and academic performance. Each student hasobtained the "Solar Subsidy" of RMB 5,000 every year, to support them successfullycomplete their university studies.

JA Solar's 2023 "RealizingDreams of Needy Students"Scholarship AssistanceActivity and GrantingCeremony of "SolarScholarship"CASE

Including payments of Phases II and III of the "Brightness Project for Poor Cataract Patients" of Donghai Base in 2023.1

To better guarantee the collaborative cultivation of innovative talents in parks,enterprises and colleges, JA Solar has partnered with Beijing Red Cross Foundation,Beijing SHKB Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Beijing Zhidemai Technology Co., Ltd., andChina Railway Electri?cation Engineering Group Co., Ltd. to jointly launch the "BeijingRed Cross Society Fengsheng Education Fund". The Fund aims to provide assistancefor teachers, tutors and students in ?nancial di?culties, and is also used for teachingand scienti?c research, academic exchanges, professional training as well as innovativetalent cultivation and incentive.In October 2023, the sustainability practice activity for PV leaders jointly organized byJA Solar and Tsinghua University was successfully held at the Ningjin Base. Guided bythe persons-in-charge from JA Solar, teachers and students from the School of PublicPolicy & Management, the delegation of Tsinghua University visited the FengzhuangPV power station, and gained a deeper understanding of the working principle andoperation of these stations, as well as the complementary and win-win model ofagriculture and PV industry. After the visit, JA Solar also shared a lecture themedaround sustainable development, PV applications, and the process ?ow of crystallinesilicon PV cells with teachers and students from Tsinghua University. It helped thestudents gain a deeper insight into the PV industry and technology development. Thisactivity also helped the two parties establish partnerships for sustainable developmentthrough cooperation and jointly push ahead China's sustainable development process.

Beijing Red Cross SocietyFengsheng Education Fundco-founded by JA Solar

Sustainability PracticeActivity for PV LeadersJointly Organized byJA Solar and Tsinghua




ESG REPORT 2023093094

Being a part of volunteer service is an important way to cultivate team spirit and civicconsciousness among employees. JA Solar encourages employees to participate involunteer activities to convey our social responsibility with practical actions. In 2023, JASolar's Baotu Base, Hefei Base, Yangzhou Base and Qujing Base and a few other basescarried out voluntary blood donation activities several times, with over 370 volunteersin attendance. At the same time, all our bases proactively arranged for employees toparticipate in volunteer services and community services, conveying the spirit of loveto society.




The environment is a key foundation for the sustainable development of enterprisesand society. Upholding a respectful attitude towards the natural environment, JASolar joins hands with social organizations to promote environmental protection withconcrete e?orts and also fosters a favorable atmosphere that encourages widespreadparticipation from the whole society.SAFEGUARDINGECOLOGY WITHCONCERTEDEFFORTS









Disaster relief directly involves the safety of the lives and properties of people indisaster-stricken areas. Therefore, JA Solar attaches great importance to emergencydisaster relief. We proactively support disaster relief and post-disaster reconstructionto reduce the economic losses of the victims a?ected by the disaster and promote therecovery and development of disaster-stricken areas.In the wake of the ?ood that occurred in Hebei Province in August 2023, JA Solarresponded fast and issued theAnnouncement on External Donations to Support FloodPrevention and Disaster Relief in Hebei Province, donating RMB 20 million to HebeiProvince for ?ood prevention, disaster relief and post-disaster reconstruction. Inresponse to the disaster, we established a militia emergency company and a volunteerservice team that consists of nearly 100 employees, to make full preparations for ?oodprevention, disaster relief and post-disaster reconstruction.In December 2023, Jishishan County, Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture, GansuProvince was struck by a 6.2-magnitude earthquake, which resulted in numerouscasualties and heavy property losses. JA Solar's Headquarter and Yangzhou Base actedswiftly to respond by donating earthquake relief supplier worth of over RMB 300,000.We also rushed to the disaster-stricken areas to provide disaster relief and support forthe locals and rescue workers.

JA Solar gives full play to our industrial and technological edge, vigorously providingassistance overseas in the construction of PV projects, to build a community with ashared future for mankind. We provide e?cient and reliable PV products to manycountries along the "Belt and Road". By the end of 2023, we have provided Uzbekistan,Vietnam, Pakistan and other countries with PV modules to support the local PV industry.In addition to donating PV equipment, we have also been following the development ofcommunities where our overseas business operates. In 2023, our Vietnam Base donatedapproximately RMB 700,000 worth of teaching equipment, facilities, and scholarshipsto nearly 120 schools in Son Dong, Luc Ngan, Yen The and other areas of Bac GiangProvince.


Amidst rapid industrial development, Vietnam's electricity market has struggled withmajor challenges in power supply. To advance the construction of the "Belt and Road"initiative in Vietnam, JA Solar donated a 30kW PV power station to the Bac GiangProvince Industrial Zone to help improve Vietnam's power supply.JA Solar Donated a 30 kW PVPower Station to Bac GiangIndustrial Zone in VietnamCASE

In 2023, JA Solar joined the deserti?cation prevention and control project "100Million Haloxylon Ammodendron" initiated by the Alxa Society of Entrepreneurs andEcology (SEE). The project aims to plant 100 million psammophytes represented byHaloxylon ammodendron in Alxa's key ecological zone and recover 2 million mu ofdesert vegetation, thereby improving the local ecological environment and curbingthe spread of deserti?cation. In the next three years, we will plant 30,000 Haloxylonammodendron, Caragana korshinskii, Salix mongolica and other symbolic plants inAlxa League, Inner Mongolia in order to reclaiming 450 mu of desert land, improvethe local ecological environment and the living standards of local herdsmen, andcontribute to the national deserti?cation prevention and ecological protection.

JA Solar Joins theDeserti?cation Preventionand Control Project"100 Million HaloxylonAmmodendron"

In November 2023, JA Solar's Baotou Base organized a welfare visit to children'swelfare home themed "Warm Heart in Winter with Love". More than 300 employeesparticipated and donated a total of 3,136 daily supplies and school supplies, includingtoiletries, clothing and books."Warm Heart in Winter withLove" Welfare Visit CarriedOut by Baotou Base onThanksgiving DayCASE

In June 2023, the trade union of Yangzhou Base arranged for employees to carry outa voluntary blood donation. Under the theme of "Let Love Flow with Blood DonatedVoluntarily", this activity was carried out in strict accordance with the relevantregulations on unpaid blood donation. A total of more than 200 employees participatedin the donation, spreading warmth and love to society."Let Love Flow with BloodDonated Voluntarily"Organized by Yangzhou BaseCASE



Donate RMB 20 million to Hebei Province for ?oodprevention, disaster relief and post-disaster reconstruction








In line with the operating principle of "steady growth andsustained pro?tability", JA Solar has established a completegovernance structure, which fully safeguards the rights andinterests of investors, and pools strength through complianceoperations, IPR protection, information security managementand other means, so as to lay a foundation of responsibility forthe enterprise's everlasting development. At the same time,we strive to embrace a promising future, hand in hand with ourvalued partners.




JA Solar is committed to making decisions in a scienti?c, standardized, and transparentway that can safeguard the bene?ts and interests of our shareholders and promote thehealthy development of the Company. We have a robust corporate governance structure.All directors work in accordance with theSelf-regulatory Guideline No. 1 for CompaniesListed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange – the Standardized Operation of CompaniesListed on the Main Board, theRules of Procedure for the Board of Directorsand rulesformulated by each special committee. They also implement the resolutions passedby the Shareholders' Meeting, thereby ensuring the sustainable, healthy and robustdevelopment of the Company. At the same time, we attach great importance to thesupervisory functions of independent directors and have formulated theIndependentDirector Systemand the Working Rules for Special Meetings of Independent Directors.We seek to protect the rights of independent directors to participate in corporategovernance and supervision, and proactively cooperate with them in duty performance,thereby enabling independent directors to fully exercise their role in the governance oflisted companies. Currently, our Board of Directors consists of 9 directors, of whom 3 areindependent directors, constituting 33% of the total membership of the Board.Our Board of Directors has established the Remuneration and Appraisal Committee,which is responsible for formulating and reviewing the remuneration policies and plansof the Company's directors, supervisors and senior executives. The Remuneration andAppraisal Committee formulates the assessment standards for directors and seniorexecutives, and conducts assessment on a regular basis. We evaluate the performanceof directors and managers in an open, transparent manner with strict reference to theWorking Rules for the Remuneration and Appraisal Committee. To further standardizethe behavior of senior executives, we have established an incentive mechanism thataligns the remuneration of senior executives with company performance and individualperformance. This ensures that all senior executives comply with the relevant laws andregulations and perform their duties in line with theArticles of Association and WorkingRules for General Manager as well as other regulations.In 2023, we held a total of 5 Shareholders' Meetings, 15 Board of Directors meetings,5 Strategy and Sustainable Development Committee meetings, 3 Remunerationand Appraisal Committee meetings, and 7 Audit Committee meetings, to carry outcomprehensive discussions and hold votes on our Company's various proposals,thereby ensuring that our decision-making is compliant, rigorous and e?cient.

We strictly comply with a series of laws and regulations, such as theCompany Law of the People's Republic of China,theSecurities Law ofthe People's Republic of China, theGuidelines for Corporate Governancefor Listed Companies, and theRules Governing the Listing of Shares onShenzhen Stock Exchange. Accordingly, we continue to upgrade our internalcorporate governance structure, and have established a robust internalcontrol system, standardized our behaviors, enhanced the communicationwith investors, and fully protected their rights and interests with theobjective of improving our corporate governance.A scienti?c, standardized management system with e?cient operation and clearboundaries is the prerequisite for our Company's robust operation. To this end,JA Solar has established a corporate governance structure with the Shareholders'Meeting, Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, and Senior Management asthe main body. Among them, the Board of Directors has four special committeesunder its umbrella, namely the Strategy and Sustainable DevelopmentCommittee, Remuneration and Appraisal Committee, Nomination Committee,and Audit Committee. We have also formulated a decision-making and operationmanagement system accordingly, thus e?ectively safeguarding the interests andrights of all shareholders and creditors.JA Solar elects all directors, supervisors and senior executives in strict accordancewith the conditions and procedures speci?ed in theCompany Law and Articlesof Association. Our Board of Directors brings together management memberswith professional expertise and diversi?ed backgrounds covering a wide range of?elds, including renewable energy applications, sustainable development, legalcompliance, business strategy, and ?nancial management & analysis, therebyproviding a solid, professional foundation for the comprehensive development ofthe Company. At the end of the reporting period, the Board of Directors consists of9 directors, 6 of whom are male and 3 are female. Female directors constitute 33%of the total membership of the Board. Our Board of Supervisors comprises threemembers, 1 of whom is male and the other 2 are female. The latter constitute 67%of the total membership of the Board.









Percentage offemale members inBoard of DirectorsPercentage offemale membersin SupervisoryBoard


Shareholders'meetingBoard of DirectorsmeetingsStrategy and SustainableDevelopment Committeemeetings

Number of members in Board of DirectorsTotal number of Board of Directors

Number of male directorsNumber of female directors

Number of independent directors

Total number of Board of Directors

Number of independent directors

Shareholders'Meeting of JA Solar

General Manager

Supervisory Committee

Strategy and SustainableDevelopment CommitteeRemuneration and AppraisalCommitteeNomination CommitteeAudit CommitteeBoard of Directors of JA SolarSecretary of the Boardof Directors





ESG REPORT 2023099100

JA Solar performs duties in strict accordance with the requirements of the relevantlaws and regulations, thus enabling small- and medium-sized investors to enjoyequal status and full exercise of power, with the objective of safeguarding their rightsand interests. We convene Shareholders' Meetings in strict accordance with relevantrequirements of the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the ShenzhenStock Exchange, with lawyers engaged to serve as witnesses on site. To ensure thatsmall and medium-sized investors can exercise their rights as shareholders moreconveniently, the Shareholders' Meeting combines on-site voting and online votingto make these investors more involved in the Company's decision-making while fullyprotecting their voting rights on major matters related to the Company.By pursuing the principle of "Creating Value for The Owners", JA Solar ?rmlyestablishes the awareness of repaying shareholders, with a focus on providingthem with reasonable and stable returns on investment. We have also shared theCompany's development achievement with investors. The total amount of cashdividends expected to be paid out by the Company this time, combined with theamount of shares repurchased in 2023, was RMB 2,111,851,755.10, accountingfor 30% of the net pro?t attributable to shareholders of the listed company in theconsolidated statements for 2023.Furthermore, to encourage employees to gain a deeper understanding andproactively safeguard the rights and interests of investors, JA Solar invited the legalcounsel of our Company serving as the lecturer to provide training to its employees.The training is provided for all employees, which popularizes laws and regulationsrelated to the securities market in a targeted manner, so as to increase theinvestment-related legal knowledge reserves of our employees, and better protectthe rights and interests of investors.




Ways of communicationwith JA Solar investors

We provide investors with plenty of activities such as on-site investigation,conference calls, and base visits, so that they, along with our shareholders andinvestor, can fully understand the Company's operating conditions through avariety of ways. We have held several performance brie?ngs as well as the "Walkinto a Listed Company" collective reception day activities, so that investors canhave a more intuitive understanding of the Company's production and operation,which e?ectively protects their rights and interests.Through our o?cial WeChat account, video account, and other platforms underthe new media matrix, we timely transmit relevant information to investors informs of visual pictures, short videos, H5, etc., which is used to present investorswith the Company's latest updates in a timely and comprehensive manner.Besides, we also proactively utilize diversi?ed media communication channels toexpand the coverage and in?uence of information.We arrange designated personnel to manage the Shenzhen Stock Exchangeinteraction platform to ensure that all the questions raised by investors areanswered in a timely, comprehensive, and complete manner with popular andeasy-to-understand language. As for information that needs to be con?rmed withthe business department, it will be veri?ed with the relevant person in chargeat the ?rst opportunity before a reply is given to investors in a timely manner.During the reporting period, we replied 100% of questions on the Shenzhen StockExchange interaction platform.

Investigation &Reception


Online InteractiveCommunication

We assign designated personnel to answer calls made through the investor hotline,and patiently answer inquiries from our investors. For questions that cannot beanswered immediately, we will follow up and provide timely replies.

Investor Hotline

We constantly upgrade the "Investor Relations" special column on our o?cialwebsite and continue to release the latest developments as well as publicizerelevant information. We provide detailed breakdowns of main information, so asto facilitate quick access by investors and improve reading e?ciency. This allowsour shareholders and investors to better understand our operating conditions. Inthis way, we can improve our transparency and integrity.

Special Column on theCompany's O?cialWebsite

According to theRules for Repurchase of Shares by Listed Companies, theSelf-Regulatory Guidelines No. 9 for Listed Companies on the ShenzhenStock Exchange – Share Repurchases, and relevant regulations, when listed companies repurchase shares by cash consideration in the form of o?eror centralized bidding, the amount of repurchased shares in the current year shall be regarded as the amount of cash dividends and included in thecalculation of the relevant proportion of cash dividends for that year.


JA Solar has always been committed to establishing a sound investor protectionmechanism to enhance our credibility and market competitiveness. We haveformulated theManagement System for Investor Relations, theManagementSystem for Information Disclosureand theManagement System for Reception ofSpeci?c Visitorsin order to strictly comply with regulatory requirements and fullyful?ll information disclosure obligations. In addition to ensuring compliance withinformation disclosure, JA Solar also voluntarily increases information disclosure,thus making the disclosed information more referable and practical. At the sametime, this ensures the true, accurate, complete and timely disclosure of information.Furthermore, we communicate with investors in a diversi?ed and innovative way,thereby promoting closed-loop investor communication and making informationacquisition more transparent and e?cient. During the reporting period, JA Solar hadsuccessfully prepared and disclosed 4 periodic reports and 177 interim reports.

During the reportingperiod, the amount ofcash dividends expectedto be paid by theCompany exceeded RMB


The percentage of thenet pro?t attributableto shareholders forthe year that equitydistribution accountedfor reached


Transaction amountreached about RMB

During the reportingperiod, the convertedshares of theCompany reached



million shares



ESG REPORT 2023101102

JA Solar strictly observes theAnti-Monopoly Law of the People's Republic of China, the

Anti-Unfair Competition

Law of the People's Republic of China, theForeign Trade Lawof the People's Republic of Chinaand the lawsand regulations of local places of ouroverseas operations. We proactively ful?ll our legal obligation in terms of anti-monopolyand anti-unfair competition, seek to create a market environment for fair play, andresolutely oppose unfair means used to restrict or exclude market competition. Thisallows us to ensure the healthy and orderly development of the market.To further improve our anti-unfair competition management system, JA Solar issuedtheGlobal Compliance System for Anti-monopoly and Competition Lawin 2023,which requires all company personnel to comply with this system, as well as relevantlaws and regulations on competition and anti-monopoly in all jurisdictions whereour business is involved. As a comprehensive guideline on unfair competition forour Company, this system provides comprehensive guidance in addressing unfaircompetition and clari?es the potential adverse impacts, including those resulting fromlegal consequences. At the same time, to reduce operational compliance risks, we haveorganized training sessions on anti-monopoly regulation to continuously enhanceemployees' compliance awareness while laying a solid foundation for the Company'ssteady development.




JA Solar ?rmly believes that compliance operation is the cornerstone ofour robust development. We constantly optimize our internal compliancemanagement and risk prevention and control system. In terms of anti-corruption and business ethics, we actively ful?ll our duties, act in line withbusiness ethics, and promote an integrity corporate culture. At the sametime, JA Solar attaches great importance to the protection of IPR, informationsecurity, and user privacy, so as to ensure our robust, e?cient operation in anall-round manner.



JA Solar has always placed the construction and improvement of the compliancesystem at the core of corporate governance. We have set up the Audit Committeeindependent of all functional departments of the headquarters and subsidiaries.The Committee is responsible for coordinating the internal control, auditing andsupervision within the Company, and is mainly involved in the internal control and riskmanagement, supervision audit and engineering audit, and identi?cation of risks orvulnerabilities in the Company's operation management. At the same time, JA Solarhas set up the Compliance Management Committee, giving full play to the leadershipof senior executives to promote the establishment of various compliance systems,including anti-unfair competition compliance, data compliance, and safety andenvironmental compliance, etc. This enables us to constantly re?ne our compliancemanagement system and reducing operation risks.We continue to improve the compliance management operation guarantee mechanismand supporting systems while comprehensively standardizing the construction of thecompliance system in line with a series of internal management systems, including theInternal Audit Management System, theWork Plan for Standardized Implementationof Internal Control, theResponsibility and Accountability Management System, andtheLaws, Regulations and Other Requirements and Compliance Evaluation ControlProcedures. In 2023, we continued to improve the internal control system by revisingthe Internal Audit Management Systemand theResponsibility and AccountabilityManagement Systemand adding theCompliance Management System, therebyadvancing our compliance work in a steady and orderly manner.In terms of compliance risk management of overseas business, JA Solar strictlyobserves the relevant laws and regulations on international trade and has issued the

Export Control Compliance Systemto ensure the legal export of our products andreduce the potential impact caused by overseas trade restrictions. As of the end of2023, JA Solar had not been subject to any economic sanctions anywhere in the world.JA Solar attaches great importance to enhancing employees' compliance awarenessthrough training. We have formulated theCode of Conduct, which imposes speci?cconstraints on employees' ethical code of conduct. In 2023, we provided compliancetraining courses for senior executives and employees, covering topics such asrestrictions on import & export trade, anti-money laundering, economic sanctions,and forced labor compliance. Facilitated by senior lawyers, the courses helped traineesdeepen their understanding of relevant laws and regulations and enhance theircompliance awareness through case analysis and practical instructions.





In October 2023, with the objective of helping employees gain a deeper insight intoanti-monopoly regulations and improve their capacity in practical application andensure our compliance development amidst the market environment with ?ercecompetition, we invited a third-party professional institute and carried out specialtraining on anti-monopoly and competition law for relevant employees. The trainingexplained in detail the core provisions and latest policy trends of anti-monopolyregulations. Through the analysis of typical cases at home and abroad, the trainingenhanced employees' awareness of anti-monopoly, and improved their ability toincorporate anti-monopoly regulations in their actual work, thereby laying a solidfoundation for our compliance development.

Internal Training onAnti-monopoly RegulationCASE

In pursuit of the corporate spirit of "Being genuine, simple, respectful and restrained,grateful", JA Solar strictly abides by the code of business ethics, and is committed tocreating a clean and upright corporate culture. We have always observed local lawsand regulations when carrying out business and commercial activities worldwide andwe resolutely prohibit all practices of acquiring business in an improper way.ConstructingIntegrity System

JA Solar strictly adheres to the standards of business ethics and spares no e?ortsto build an integrity system that strictly regulates and prevents embezzlement andcorruption. We comply with theAnti-Money Laundering Law of the People's Republicof China and other relevant laws and regulations, including those pertaining to anti-bribery, anti-fraud, anti-extortion and anti-money laundering of each local areawhere our overseas business is operated. The Board of Directors and its subordinatecommittees have formulated and reviewed a series of systems such as theAnti-FraudReporting and Handling Procedures, which are fully implemented alongside thestandardization of the business ethics management system. The Board of Directors alsosupervises and updates the system on a regular basis. In 2023, we revised and updatedtheAnti-Fraud Reporting and Handling Proceduresand other systems, providing aninstitutional foundation for building a complete integrity system.





ESG REPORT 2023103104

AdvocatingIntegrity Culture

Ensuring SmoothComplaint Channels

JA Solar advocates a corporate culture of honesty and integrity as we continue to carryout anti-corruption education on a regular basis. We also regularly publish posts onour O?cial WeChat account "LianJieJA", to continuously enhance our employees' anti-corruption awareness. In addition, JA Solar has designated December as the "IntegrityPublicity Month". During December each year, we strengthen training and educationfor all employees through a series of activities themed on "Shaping a Spirit of Integrityand Building a Great Enterprise", proactively promoting the construction of enterpriseintegrity and compliance.During the reporting period, JA Solar continued to step up e?orts in integrity promotion,and guided employees' honest practice in work through diversi?ed training activities,such as induction training, system training, and case sharing, in forms of O?cial WeChataccount and integrity agreements. We also published integrity promotion videos andonline courses on the Company's "Yidian Zhishi" learning platform. All employees arerequired to complete the courses and submit questionnaires, thereby ensuring that theyare more involved. In 2023, JA Solar conducted ?ve training sessions on business ethicsand anti-corruption, and the training attendance reached 98,204. In addition to employeeintegrity training, JA Solar also regularly conducts integrity education and training forsuppliers and dealers to enhance their awareness of integrity.To build a clean and honest business environment in the industry, JA Solar has joinedthe Trust and Integrity Enterprise Alliance and Enterprise Anti-Fraud Alliance, serving asa governing member of the Alliances. We work to build a clean and compliant businessenvironment together with our partners through the platform.To establish smooth reporting and complaint channels, JA Solar has formulatedtheManagement System for Informer Protection and Integrity Reporting, so as toprovide internal and external stakeholders with multiple reporting channels such asO?cial WeChat accounts, complaint hotlines, and email addresses. Once we receiveinformation from reports, we will hand the case over to the Internal Audit Departmentimmediately for preliminary screening and in-depth investigation. As for suspectedcriminal acts, we will hand them over to the Legal Department for processing. We setup the "SpeakUp" reporting mechanism for overseas markets, thus providing a safe,convenient, and transparent reporting channel for all our personnel, partners andother stakeholders.JA Solar sets great store by the protection of informers. We keep the informersand relevant information strictly con?dential while strictly prohibiting all forms ofblackmail, threats and retaliation against informants. Anyone held accountable forviolation of con?dentiality provisions will be punished strictly and severely. At JA Solar,we have zero tolerance for all personnel involved in violating regulations and engagingin fraudulent practices. In 2023, we updated theManagement System for InformerProtection and Integrity Reporting, supplementing rules for rewards for informers andrules for integrity declaration, along with clari?cations of our reporting and integritydeclaration channels.During the reporting period, we evaluated the risk of corruption of all operation sites,and there were no lawsuits or cases involving corruption or violation of business ethics.

JA Solar internal and external complaint & reporting channel

Access from "JA Integrity"

DingTalk: JA Solar workbench-Integrity reportingTel: 010-63611911 | QQ: 3476840246WeChat: LianJieJA | Email: antifraud@jasolar.comAddress: JA Solar Audit Committee, No. 8 Building, Nuode Center,Fengtai District, Beijing

Number of attendance in JA Solar's businessethics and anti-corruption training in 2023


In terms of organizational structure, our Audit Committee under the Board of Directorsis responsible for coordinating audit and supervision, conducting business sorting,anti-fraud supervision and risk assessment through control testing, and identifyingpotential risks and vulnerabilities in operation and management based on internal andexternal reporting clues. During the reporting period, the Audit Committee continuedto improve the relevant governance systems, and resolutely cracked down on violationsof laws and regulations, thereby providing a solid guarantee for the robust and stableoperation of our Company.At the same time, JA Solar attaches great importance to the business ethicsperformance of our partners. We issued anOpen Letter to JA Solar Partners, whichrequires our partners to abide by business ethics and eliminate corruption and fraud.At the same time, we have signed theAgreement on Honest Cooperationwith oursuppliers and formulated a detailed Code of Conduct for Suppliers, which clari?es thatthe relationship between company employees and customers must not violate anylaws and must comply with applicable professional or industry codes.Moreover, JA Solar regularly conducts due diligence on third-party partners throughpublic and legal channels, with supervision and management of the integrityperformance of our dealers. Any supplier who violates JA Solar's business ethics codewill be blacklisted, and we will cease all business cooperation immediately. In 2023, weadvocated integrity requirements through theAgreement on Honest Cooperation, ourWeChat public account and other means to continuously strengthen suppliers' anti-corruption and integrity awareness.

In December 2023, JA Solar o?cially signed the "Call-to-Action on Underscoring Anti-Corruption and Good Governance" initiated by the United Nations Global Compact(UNGC). The Call-to-Action was initiated by UNGC on the occasion of the 20thanniversary of the United Nations Convention against Corruption. It is a call frombusinesses to governments for stepping up e?orts to address corruption that a?ectsbusinesses worldwide.

JA Solar Signed the"Call-to-Action onUnderscoring Anti-Corruptionand Good Governance"by UNGC


In August 2023, JA Solar participated in the 2nd "Private Enterprise Integrity andCompliance Innovation Award" and "Private Enterprise Integrity and ComplianceInnovation" high-end forum. JA Solar was awarded with an award for its outstandingperformance and remarkable achievements in integrity, compliance and anti-corruption.Jointly initiated by the Criminal Justice College of East China University of PoliticalScience and Law (ECUPL) and Internet Enterprise Anti-Corruption and ComplianceResearch Institute of ECUPL, the award is the ?rst academic and professional award forintegrity and compliance of private enterprises nationwide.

Awarded with the "PrivateEnterprise Integrity andCompliance InnovationAward"




ESG REPORT 2023105106





JA Solar is well aware of the core position of independent IPRs in technologicalinnovation. We follow the market-oriented strategy and talents as the cornerstoneof our development. We continuously strengthen IPR management and consistentlyenhance our core competitive edges, thereby providing strong support for technologicalinnovation. We strictly abide by relevant laws and regulations such as thePatent Lawof the People's Republic of Chinaand theRules for the Implementation of the PatentLaw of the People's Republic of China, and have formulated and implemented a seriesof internal rules and regulations such as theMeasures for Management of IntellectualProperty Rightsand theMeasures for Management of Trade Secrets, all of which areaimed at clarifying patent protection measures and penalties for violations.JA Solar attaches great importance to the management of IPR risks and has establisheda robust IPR management system, ensuring that patent management fully covers allaspects of product development, production and sales. During the reporting period, JASolar had continuously improved its IPR management and re?ned its IPR managementsystem as well as rights protection mechanisms from patents, trademarks, technicalsecrets, to software copyrights.To avoid the risk of product infringement, we ramp up e?orts in FTO (Free to Operate)investigation, carrying out in-depth investigations in solar cell technologies such asTOPCon, IBC and HJT, as well as the critical bus bar technology by integrating internalIPR team and external lawyer team.In 2023, JA Solar vigorously embraced digital transformation, which resulted in thesuccessful launch of the patent management system. We have also achieved all-processdigitalization and intelligence of patent management. The system covers the ?ling andreview of patent proposals, as well as post-authorization maintenance, rights protectionand operation of the patent. By tracking the status of the patents in real time, the systemimproves the accuracy and traceability of patent information and optimizes patentmanagement e?ciency.At the same time, JA Solar actively advances the cultivation and protection of the brandwhile steadily promoting trademark registration and protection strategies worldwide.We make strategic plans for trademarking before a new product is released, therebyincorporating the brand into the track of legal protection to ensure the e?ectivenessof trademark. We quickly respond to trademark infringement in the market bymonitoring the latest developments of core trademarks in real time. We resolutelycease any infringement identi?ed through sending letters, ?ling complaints, and takingother measures, e?ectively preventing trademark infringement and safeguarding thelegitimate rights and interests of our Company and the brand image. We were granted 25registered trademarks in 2023. By the end of the year, we had accumulately obtained atotal of 310 registered trademarks granted domestically and internationally.

JA Solar attaches great importance to information security and privacy protection duringoperations. We strictly observe theData Security Law of the People's Republic of China, thePersonal Information Protection Law of the People's Republic of Chinaand other laws, andhave formulated a series of rules and regulations, such as theMeasures for Managementof Trade Secrets, theInformation Security Management Procedures and the System andCybersecurity Management Regulations. By continuously re?ning our information securityand privacy protection system, we ensure the information security of our employees,customers and partners.In response to the public emergencies involving cybersecurity and information security,JA Solar has formulated the Management System for Emergency Response of SecurityIncidents, which clari?es the departments held accountable for emergency response,thereby ensuring the stability and security of important computer information systemsin case of emergencies. In 2023, we formulated the Management System for EmergencyResponse of Business Continuity, which strengthens the response management of systememergency plans and ensures the continuity of our business.JA Solar's organizationalstructure for informationsecurity emergency response

When it comes to data security, we exercise strict control over access to data using securitytechnology, conduct security detection and defense for personal terminal data, andmonitor key data and ?le formats in data tra?c under speci?c conditions. We also takestrict data encryption measures in special scenarios and circumstances. In 2023, JA Solarinitiated the assessment for classi?ed protection of core system as well as the certi?cationof ISO27001 information security management system and ISO27701 privacy managementsystem. It is expected that in October 2024, we will pass the certi?cation, which covers theheadquarters and 9 companies/bases of the listed parent company.For data security protection of overseas operation sites, we process personal data in strictaccordance with EU'sGeneral Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)and theFederal DataProtection Act (FDPA)alongside other relevant laws and regulations on privacy policiesrequired by the operation site. Furthermore, we sign standard contractual clauses (SCCs)for cross-border data transmission. At the same time, we appoint Data Protection O?cers(DPOs) who will be responsible for data protection and data compliance management, thusproviding a solid guarantee for data security in our operation sites overseas.To strengthen suppliers' information security and privacy management, JA Solar signstheMutual Con?dentiality Agreementwith its suppliers, so as to protect the privacyand information ownership of both parties. At the same time, we conduct training oninformation security for suppliers who enter our operation sites for project implementation.The training covers safety operations in computer rooms, computer room ?re safety, andcontrol strategy for cybersecurity-related access. As for long-term resident suppliers on site,we sign theCybersecurity Commitment Letterwith them, which further guarantees theinformation security of supply chain.On this basis, we also carry out information security training for employees in order tocontinuously enhance their awareness of information security and privacy protection.In 2023, based on the "Yidian Zhishi" online learning platform, we added the contentof mandatory training on information security awareness for all employees. 100% ofemployees bene?ted from the training. At the same time, we proactively carried outactivities for information security week, with a total of 37 sessions of o?ine training oninformation security organized, and employees' training attendance reaching 1,760 times.During the reporting period, we had no complaints arising from infringement of customerprivacy rights or loss of customer information.

As of December 31, 2023,the number of validgranted patents JA Solarheld reached

In 2023, the numberof newly grantedpatents reached1,263138

Key Performance

Newly grantedtrademarks grantedin 2023Accumulately obtainedtrademarks granteddomestically andinternationally

Coverage rate of employeeinformation security training is100%

Key Performance

In January 2023, JA Solar o?cially received support from the China National IntellectualProperty Administration (CNIPA) in accordance with theLetter on Supporting theConstruction of the PV Industry IPR Operation Center, to build an IPR operation centerthat is currently the only one of its kind at national level in the ?eld of PV manufacturing(excluding polysilicon) in China.Relying on the Center, JA Solar seeks to enhance the stability and competitiveness ofindustrial and supply chains. We integrate relevant IPR service resources with a focus ondeveloping IPR operation service capabilities. In this way, we can create high-quality IPR,foster sound IPR portfolio planning and generate higher bene?ts through IPR, therebyboosting the high-quality development of the PV industry.

In 2023, our Digitalization and Engineering Center organized the "Information SecurityWeek-Email Security" special event, to enable the headquarters and all bases to jointlyhold training on information security awareness and broadcast the training simultaneouslywithin the Company. We combined phishing email simulation exercises with o?ine trainingto enhance all employees' awareness of email security protection.

JA Solar Establishes PVIndustry IPR OperationCenter

"Information SecurityWeek-Email Security"Special Event



Simulated UserTeamInformation SecurityEmergency DrillLeading Team

Information SecurityEmergency DrillImplementation Team

Emergency TechnicalTeamInformation RecordTeam



ESG REPORT 2023107108



Primary IndicatorsSecondary IndicatorsUnit20222023Primary IndicatorsSecondary IndicatorsUnit20222023

Energy Intensity Integrated Energy Consumption Intensitytce/RMB 10

736.15 980.13

Number of SessionsNumber of Employees Participating




Non-compliancewithEnvironmentalLaws andRegulations

Amount of FinesNumber of IncidentsCases Brought through Dispute Resolution Mechanisms

RMB 10


Scale ofSelf-owned PVStation

Scale of Self-owned PV Station- Scale of Self-owned PV Station-Centralized- Scale of Self-owned PV Station-DistributedSelf-generated Distributed PV Plant









Integrated Energy Consumption- Electricity Consumption- Natural Gas Consumption- Coal Consumption- Diesel Consumption (burning of stationary source)- Diesel Consumption (burning of movable source)- Motor Gasoline- LPG Consumption- Heating Consumption- LNG ConsumptionTotal Energy Consumption (Non-renewable Energy)Total Energy Consumption (Renewable Energy)Electricity Consumption- Market-based Purchase of Green Electricity- Other Purchased Electricity- In-plant Distributed Green Electricity Consumption























The data for 2022 is revised according to the latest statistical standardsAccording to GRI 303-5, water consumption = water withdrawal - water dischargeRecycled amount of water resources/(recycled amount of water resources+water withdrawal)×100% = recycling rate of water resources

Includes 2.156 GW of self-consumption.

Water ResourcesRecycling andUse

(Reuse of Reclaimed Water) Recycling Rate of Water Resources(Reuse of Reclaimed Water) Recycled Amount of Water Resources


6,627,645.63 162,141,605.34 —84%

WasteTotal Hazardous Waste

Total Non-hazardous WasteAmount of Waste Recycled- Amount of Hazardous Waste Recycled- Amount of Non-hazardous Waste Recycled








Other Signi?cantGas Emissions

Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) EmissionsSulfur Oxide (SOx) EmissionsVolatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) EmissionsParticulate Matter (PM) EmissionsAmmoniaFluoride










Total Water WithdrawalWater Withdrawal by Source- Municipal Water- Rainwater Collected and Stored Directly by Enterprises- Wastewater from Other Enterprises or Organizations- Ground Water- Surface WaterWater Withdrawal from Areas under ater Resources Stress













Total Wastewater DischargeBy Discharge Destination- Discharged to Sewage Pipes- Discharged to Surface Waters- Discharged to Ground Waters- Discharged to Other DestinationsWater Discharged to Areas under Water Resources Stress











Total Water Consumption

Water Consumption from All Areas under Water Resources Stress





Operating IncomeNet Pro?ts Attributable to the Parent CompanyShipment of Cells and Modules

RMB 10

RMB 10









ESG REPORT 2023109110

Percentage of Employees Covered by Occupational Healthand Safety Management SystemNumber of Health and Safety TrainingsEmployees Participated in Occupational Health and SafetyTraining



Number of Employee Deaths due to Work-related InjuriesPercentage of Employee Deaths due to Work-related InjuriesWork Wastage Rate per Million Working HoursNumber of Employees Su?ering from Occupational Diseases






Total GHG Emissions (Scope 1+Scope 2)- Scope 1: Direct GHG Emissions- Scope 2: GHG Emissions from Purchased EnergyGHG Emissions (Scope 1+Scope 2) IntensityScope 3: Other Indirect GHG Emissions- Indirect GHG Emissions from Transportation (Category 3)- Indirect GHG Emissionsrom Products Used by Organizations (Category 4)- Indirect GHG Emissions Related to the Use of Products by Organizations (Category 5)- Indirect GHG Emissions from Other Sources (Category 6)





e/RMBhundred milliontCO









GHG Emissions

Total Number of Employees- Number of Full-time Employees- Labor Outsourcing/Labor Dispatch- Part-time Employees- Working in Mainland China- Working in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan (China), and Overseas






Number ofEmployees


Minority EmployeesDisabled Employees


Under 30 years old30-50 years oldOver 50 years old

Under 30 years old30-50 years oldOver 50 years old











Managementby Gender

Other DiversityIndicators ofEmployees

Employees byGender(with Full-time LaborContracts)

Managementby Age

Employees by Age(with Full-time LaborContracts)

Employee training data in 2022 only covered 2,357 employees who have registered on JA online learning platform.1




Average Training Hours per Employee- Male Employees- Female Employees- Senior Management- Middle Management Employees- Front-line EmployeesEmployees Who Participated in Trainings- Male Employees- Female Employees- Senior Management- Middle Management Employees- Front-line EmployeesInternal and External Professional Training

Funded External Professional Training

Proportion of Employees Accepting Regular Performanceand Career Development Reviews

hourhourhourhourhourhourattendanceattendanceattendanceattendanceattendanceattendancesessionattendancehoursessionattendancehourRMB 10






19,270——1,8586,45210,960 17,117———1,90117,684












Primary IndicatorsSecondary IndicatorsUnit20222023Primary IndicatorsSecondary IndicatorsUnit20222023COMBATING CLIMATE CHANGEEMPLOYEE TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT






ESG REPORT 2023111112

Percentage of assessed products in all products (%) = product categories for which environmental and social impacts are assessed/total number of product categories ×100%

Including 48,118 attendance in online training and 1,760 in o?ine training




NegativeEnvironmentalImpacts in theSupply Chain andActions Taken

Number of Suppliers that Have Undergone Social andEnvironmental Impact AssessmentNumber of Suppliers Identi?ed for Having Actual andPotential Signi?cant Negative Environmental ImpactsNumber of Suppliers Identi?ed for Having Actual andPotential Signi?cant Negative Social ImpactsPercentage of Operation Sites that have Accepted Corruption Risk AssessmentCon?rmed Lawsuits and Cases Involving Corruption or Violation of Business Ethics




Number of Board of DirectorsNumber of Females among the Board of Directors


Training on Anti-corruption andBusiness Ethics

Data SecurityTraining forEmployees

Customer PrivacyProtection

Number of Substantiated Complaints of Invasion ofCustomer Privacy and Loss of Customer Data

Employees Participated in Anti-corruption Related TrainingNumber of Anti-corruption Training

Number of In-person Training on Employee PersonalInformation SecurityNumber of Employees that Participated in InformationSecurity Training








Public WelfareDonations

Donations in the "Three Major Projects for the Bene?t of the People"Donation of Overseas Assistance

RMB 10

RMB 10





Customer Satisfaction Ratescore96.4895.99

Primary IndicatorsSecondary IndicatorsUnit20222023R&DInnovation

R&D ExpensesNumber of R&D Employees

RMB 10






Cumulative Number of Patent GrantedNumber of Newly Authorized Patents Granted during theReporting Period





Number of Product Categories for Which Environmental and Social Impacts areAssessed during the Reporting PeriodThe Company's Total Product Category in the Reporting PeriodPercentage of Assessed Products out of All










About This Report; 003-004About This ReportAbout This Report117-118003-004078-079; 107-111078-079; 107-111015-020; 053-057; 097097; 098015-020015-020; 053-057015-020015-020; 085-087015-020; 053-057; 097015-020078-079; 097

003-004; 011-014074; 075; 076; 101101; 107-111003-004015-020088-089015-020015-020015-020003-004; 107-111053-057003-004; 063-066; 067-068; 090063-066; 090; 105

2-1 Organizational details2-2 Entities included in the organization's sustainability reporting2-3 Reporting period, frequency and contact point2-5 External assurance2-6 Activities, value chain and other business relationships2-7 Employees2-8 Workers who are not employees2-9 Governance structure and composition2-10 Nomination and selection of the highest governance body2-12 Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impacts2-13 Delegation of responsibility for managing impacts2-14 Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reporting2-16 Communication of critical concerns2-17 Collective knowledge of the highest governance body2-18 Evaluation of the performance of the highest governance body2-19 Remuneration policies2-20 Process to determine remuneration2-22 Statement on sustainable development strategy2-23 Policy commitments2-27 Compliance with laws and regulations2-28 Membership associations2-29 Approach to stakeholder engagement2-30 Collective bargaining agreements3-1 Process to determine material topics3-2 List of material topics3-3 Management of material topics201-1 Direct economic value generated and distributed201-2 Financial implications and other risks and opportunities due to climate change203-1 Infrastructure investments and services supported203-2 Signi?cant indirect economic impacts

GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021

GRI 3: Material Topics 2021

GRI 201: Economic Performance 2016

GRI 203: Indirect Economic Impacts 2016

102-104; 107-111102-104; 107-111205-1 Operations assessed for risks related to corruption205-2 Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and proceduresGRI 205: Anti-corruption 2016


ESG REPORT 2023113114





080-084; 107-111080-084107-111078-079; 097; 107-111088-089

074; 075; 078-079090-094

069-070073; 106; 107-111

074; 078-079

041-042; 107-111107-111107-111041-042041-042; 063-066043-044; 107-111043-044; 107-111043-044; 107-111043-044; 107-111043-044; 107-111

045-047045-047; 107-111045-047; 107-111045-047; 107-111045-047; 107-111

053-057; 107-111053-057; 107-111053-057; 107-111053-057; 107-111053-057053-057; 107-111

301-1 Materials used by weight or volume301-2 Recycled input materials used301-3 Reclaimed products and their packaging materials

404-1 Average hours of training per year per employee404-2 Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programs404-3 Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employees407-1 Operations and suppliers in which the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining may be at risk

409-1 Operations and suppliers at signi?cant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labor413-1 Operations with local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programs

416-1 Assessment of the health and safety impacts of product and service categories418-1 Substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data

408-1 Operations and suppliers at signi?cant risk for incidents of child labor

302-1 Energy consumption within the organization302-2 Energy consumption outside of the organization302-3 Energy intensity302-4 Reduction of energy consumption302-5 Reductions in energy requirements of products and services303-1 Interactions with water as a shared resource303-2 Management of water discharge-related impacts303-3 Water withdrawal303-4 Water discharge303-5 Water consumption

306-1 Waste generation and signi?cant waste-related impacts306-2 Management of signi?cant waste-related impacts306-3 Waste generated306-4 Waste diverted from disposal306-5 Waste directed to disposal

305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions305-3 Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions305-4 GHG emission intensity305-5 Reduction of GHG emissions305-7 Nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), and other signi?cant air emissions

GRI 301: Materials 2016

GRI 404: Training and Education 2016

GRI 405: Diversity and Equal Opportunity 2016GRI 407: Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining 2016

GRI 409: Forced or Compulsory Labor 2016

GRI 414: Supplier Social Assessment 2016GRI 413: Local Communities 2016

GRI 416: Customer Health and Safety 2016GRI 418: Customer Privacy 2016

GRI 408: Child Labor 2016

GRI 302: Energy 2016

GRI 303: Water and E?uents 2018

GRI 306: Waste 2020

GRI 305: Emissions 2016

074; 075; 076; 107-111074; 075; 076; 107-111308-1 New suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria308-2 Negative environmental impacts in the supply chain and actions takenGRI 308: Supplier Environmental Assessment 2016

401-2 Bene?ts provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employees401-3 Parental leaveGRI 401: Employment 2016 

206-1 Legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust, and monopoly practices

304-1 Operational sites owned, leased, managed in, or adjacent to, protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas

GRI 206: Anti-competitive Behavior 2016

GRI 304: Biodiversity 2016

088-089; 107-111088-089085-087085-087; 107-111085-087085-087085-087085-087; 088-089085-087085-087085-087; 107-111085-087

403-1 Occupational health and safety management system403-2 Hazard identi?cation, risk assessment, and incident investigation403-3 Occupational health services403-4 Worker participation, consultation, and communication on occupational health and safety403-5 Worker training on occupational health and safety403-6 Promotion of worker health403-7 Prevention and mitigation of occupational health and safety impacts directly linked by business relationships403-8 Workers covered by an occupational health and safety management system403-9 Work-related injuries403-10 Work-related ill health

GRI 403: Occupational Health and Safety 2018

414-1 New suppliers that were screened using social criteria414-2 Negative social impacts in the supply chain and actions taken

074; 075074; 075



Verification Statement of GHG emissions

Certificate No. : CGC-CC&SS-CN20240014Company Name : JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd.

: Ningjin County, Xingtai City, Hebei ProvinceReporting Period


: 01/01/2023- 31/12/2023Applied Standards


ISO 14064-1:2018 Greenhouse gases — Part 1: Specification with guidance at theorganization level for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and



: Other indirect GHG emissions from global business activitiesGHG Included


: ?







O ?


HFCs ?

PFCs ?





GHG Emissions



Indirect GHG emissions from transportation(

Category 3)

771,076 tCO

eIndirect GHG emissions from products used by an organization(

Category 4)

22,895,695 tCO

eIndirect GHG emissions associated with the use of products from the organization(

Category 5)

685,084 tCO

eIndirect GHG emissions from other sources(

Category 6)

Not quantified

The organization verifies in accordance with ISO 14064-3 that the above organization-level GHGaccounting complies with the selected standards and that the results are accurate, conservative and

24,351,855 tCO2e

China General Certification Center


Verification Statement of GHG emissions

Certificate No. : CGC-CC&SS-CN20240013Company Name : JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd.

: Ningjin County, Xingtai City, Hebei ProvinceReporting Period


: 01/01/2023- 31/12/2023Applied Standards


ISO 14064-1:2018 Greenhouse gases — Part 1: Specification with guidance at theorganization level for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and



: GHG emissions from global operationsGHG Included


: ?







O ?


HFCs ?

PFCs ?





GHG Emissions



Direct GHG emissions(

Category 1)

109,178 tCO

eIndirect GHG emissions from imported energy(

Category 2)

2,762,785 tCO


Total GHG emissions quantified above:
2,871,963 tCO

The organization verifies in accordance with ISO 14064-3 that the above organization-level GHGaccounting complies with the selected standards and that the results are accurate, conservative and


China General Certification Center





SGS-CSTC’S REPORT ON SUSTAINABILITY ACTIVITIES IN THE JA SOLARTECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. 2023 SUSTAINABILITY AND ESG REPORTNATURE OF THE ASSURANCE/VERIFICATIONSGS-CSTC STANDARDS TECHNICAL SERVICES CO., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as SGS) wascommissioned by JA SOLAR TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. (hereinafter referred to as JA Solar) to conduct anindependent assurance of the Chinese version of JA Solar's sustainability and ESG report for 2023 (hereinafterreferred to as the Report) .

INTENDED USERS OF THIS ASSURANCE STATEMENTThis Assurance Statement is provided with the intention of informing all JA Solar’s Stakeholders.

RESPONSIBILITIESThe information in the Report and its presentation are the responsibility of the directors or governing body ofDirectors and ESG&Sustainability Committee of JA Solar. SGS has not been involved in the preparation of anyof the material included in the Report.

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the text, data, graphs and statements within the scope ofverification with the intention to inform all JA Solar’s stakeholders.

ASSURANCE STANDARDS, TYPE AND LEVEL OF ASSURANCEThe SGS ESG & Sustainability Report Assurance protocols used to conduct assurance are based uponinternationally recognised assurance guidance and standards including the principles of reporting processcontained within the Global Reporting Initiative Sustainability Reporting Standards (GRI Standards) GRI 1Foundation 2021 for report quality, GRI 2 General Disclosure 2021 for organisation’s reporting practices andother organizational detail, GRI 3 2021 for organisation’s process of determining material topics, its list ofmaterial topics and how to manages each topic, and the guidance on levels of assurance contained within theAA1000 series of standards and ISAE3000.

The assurance of this report has been conducted according to the following Assurance Standards:

Assurance Standard OptionsLevel of Assurance
SGS ESG & SRA Assurance Protocols (based on GRI Principles and guidance in AA1000)


Assurance has been conducted at a moderatelevel of scrutiny.

SCOPE OF ASSURANCE AND REPORTING CRITERIAThe scope of the assurance included evaluation of quality, accuracy and reliability of specified performanceinformation as detailed below and evaluation of adherence to the following reporting criteria:

Reporting Criteria Options
GRI Standards 2021 (Reference)

ASSURANCE METHODOLOGYThe assurance comprised a combination of pre-assurance research, on-site interviewed with relevant employeesincluding the JA Solar group which is located at Building 8, Noble Center, East Auto Museum Road, FengtaiDistrict, Beijing, P.R. China.


Financial data drawn directly from independently audited financial accounts has not been checked back tosource as part of this assurance process.The carbon emission related data in the Report was directly adopted from the independent third party verificationdata and has not been double verified in this audit.The on-site verification was only at the JA Solar group. The original data of all subsidiaries of JA Solar were nottraced.The assurance process only involved interviews with the heads of relevant departments and certain employeesof group as well as consultation with relevant documents. No external stakeholders involved.

STATEMENT OF INDEPENDENCE AND COMPETENCEThe SGS Group of companies is the world leader in inspection, testing and verification, operating in multiplecountries and providing services including management systems and service certification; quality,environmental, social and ethical auditing and training; environmental, social and sustainability reportassurance. SGS affirm our independence from JA solar, being free from bias and conflicts of interest with theorganisation, its subsidiaries and stakeholders.


The assurance team was assembled based on their knowledge, experience and qualifications for thisassignment, and comprised auditors registered with CCAA registered ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001auditor, SGS recognized ISO37001 and CSR/ESG lead auditor.


ASSURANCE/VERIFICATION OPINIONOn the basis of the methodology described and the verification work performed, the specified performanceinformation included in the scope of assurance is accurate, reliable, and has been fairly stated.

The assurance team believes that the Report is with reference to the GRI Standards 2021.


AccuracyJA Solar’s information in the report was accurate, enable to release multiple qualitative and quantitativeinformation with indicators for stakeholders.

BalanceThe Report followed the balance principle and truthfully disclosed the positive and negative information.

ClarityThe Report was presented different ways with words, charts, graphics and pictures, also described with actualcases to ensure the stakeholders understanding easily.

ComparabilityJA Solar conducted statistics and analysis on key quantitative performance indicators, and outlined their impactand purpose in the report. The report compares most of the key performance data over the last two years,which could help stakeholders to understand and compare the improved performance year by year.

CompletenessThe Report included coverage of material aspects and boundaries, to reflect significant economic,environmental and social impacts and enable stakeholders to assess the organization’s performance in thereporting period.

Sustainability ContextJA Solar had presented the efforts on sustainability development related to economic, environmental and socialaspects and combined the performance in the wide context as well.

TimelinessVerification showed that the reported data and information was timely and effective.


The data and information can be traced and verified.

Management ApproachThe Report had disclosed the management approach of identified material topics.

General Disclosures

The selected indicators were presented in accordance with GRI 2: general disclosures 2021.

Topic-Specific Disclosures

JA Solar’s topic-specific disclosures related to the material topics in environmental, social and governance

areas were in accordance with GRI Standards 2021.

Findings and recommendationsGood practices and recommendations for sustainability report and management process were described in theinternal management report which has been submitted to the management of JA Solar for continuousimprovement.


For and on behalf of SGS-CSTC

David XinSr. Director – Business Assurance16/F Century Yuhui Mansion, No. 73, Fucheng Road, Beijing, P.R. China

Apr. 25




JA SOLARSUSTAINABILITY ANDESG REPORT 2023www.jasolar.comAdd.: Building 8, Noble Center, East Auto Museum Road,Fengtai District, Beijing, ChinaTel.: 010-63611888

Environmental considerations for report publicationPaper: Printed on environmentally friendly paperInk: Using environmentally friendly ink to reduce air pollution

JA Solar WeChatOfficial Account
