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虹美菱B:2024年半年度报告(英文版) 下载公告


Semi-Annual Report 2024

August 2024

Section I. Important Notice, Contents and Interpretation

Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, all directors, supervisors and senior executives of Changhong MeilingCo., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Company) hereby confirm that there are no any fictitious statements,misleading statements, or important omissions carried in this report, and shall take all responsibilities, individualand/or joint, for the reality, accuracy and completion of the whole contents.Mr. Wu Dinggang, Chairman of the Company, Mr. Pang Haitao, person in charge of accounting work and Mr. YangJun, person in charge of accounting organ (accountant in charge) hereby confirm that the Financial Report of 2024Semi- Annual Report is authentic, accurate and complete.The Company did not have directors, supervisors and senior executives of the Company could not guarantee thereality, accuracy and completion of the whole contents or have objections.All the directors attended the board meeting to review this report in person.Modified audit opinions notes

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Risk warning of concerning the forward-looking statements with future planning involved in semi-annual report

√ Applicable □Not applicable

Concerning the forward-looking statements with future planning involved in the Report, they do not constitute asubstantial commitment for investors, investors and the person concerned should maintain adequate risk awareness,furthermore, differences between the plans, forecast and commitments should be comprehended. Investors areadvised to exercise caution of investment risks.

Investors are advised to read the full text of semi-annual report, and pay particular attention to the following riskfactors:

More details about the possible risks and countermeasures in the operation of the Company are described in thereport “X. Risks and countermeasures” of “Section III Management Discussion and Analysis”, investors are advisedto read the relevant content.Securities Times, China Securities Journal and Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn) are the media for informationdisclosure for year of 2024 that appointed by the Company. All public information under the name of the Companydisclosed on the above said media and website shall prevail, and investors are advised to exercise caution.Does the Company need to comply with disclosure requirements of the special industry: NoProfit distribution pre-plan or capitalizing of common reserves pre-plan deliberated by the Board in the semi-annualperiod

□Applicable √Not applicable

The Company has no plans of cash distribution, bonus shares and capitalizing of common reserves either.Directors, supervisor and senior executives of the Company respectively signed Written Confirmation Opinions for2024 Semi-Annual Report.Supervisory Committee of the Company formed Written Examination Opinions for 2024 Semi-Annual Report.


I.Important Notice, Table of contents and Definitions 1II. Company Profile and Main Financial Indexes 6III. Management Discussion & Analysis 10IV. Corporate Governance 34V. Environmental & Social Responsibility 39VI. Important Events 43VII. Change of share capital and shareholding of Principal Shareholders 94VIII. Situation of the Preferred Shares 100IX. Corporate Bond 101X. Financial Report 102

Documents Aavailable for Reference

I.Financial statement carrying the signatures and seals of the Chairman, principal of the accounting works andperson in charge of accounting organ;II. Original documents of the Company and manuscripts of public notices that disclosed in the website designatedby CSRC in the report period;


Terms to be definedRefers toDefinition
Company, The Company, Changhong Meiling or Meiling ElectricRefers toCHANGHONG MEILING CO.,LTD.
Sichuan Changhong or controlling shareholderRefers toSichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.
Changhong GroupRefers toSichuan Changhong Electronics Holding Group Co., Ltd.
Hong Kong ChanghongRefers toCHANGHONG (HK) TRADING LIMITED
Meiling GroupRefers toHefei Meiling Group Holdings Limited
Changhong Air-conditionerRefers toSichuan Changhong Air-conditioner Co., Ltd.
Zhongke MeilingRefers toZhongke Meiling Cryogenic Technology Co., Ltd.
Mianyang MeilingRefers toMianyang Meiling Refrigeration Co., Ltd.
Mianyang MeilingRefers toMianyang Meiling Refrigeration Co., Ltd.
Jiangxi MeilingRefers toJiangxi Meiling Electric Appliance Co., Ltd.
Wulian TechnologyRefers toHefei Meiling Wulian Technology Co., Ltd
Zhongshan ChanghongRefers toZhongshan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.
Changmei Life AppliancesRefers toHefei Changhong Meiling Life Appliances Co., Ltd.
Changhong HuayiRefers toChanghong Huayi Compressor Co., Ltd.
Shine WingRefers toShine Wing Certified Public Accountants (LLP)
CSRCRefers toChina Securities Regulatory Commission
Anhui Securities BureauRefers toChina Securities Regulatory Commission, Anhui Province Securities Regulatory Bureau
SSERefers toShenzhen Stock Exchange

II. Company Profile and Main Financial IndexesI.Company Profile

Short form of the stockChanghong Meiling, Hongmeiling BStock code000521,200521
Short form of the Stock after changed (if applicable)N/A
Stock exchange for listingShenzhen Stock Exchange
Name of the Company (in Chinese)长虹美菱股份有限公司
Short form of the Company (in Chinese)长虹美菱
Foreign name of the Company (if applicable)CHANGHONG MEILING CO.,LTD.
Abbr. of English name of the Company (if applicable)CHML
Legal representativeWu Dinggang

II. Person/Way to contact

Secretary of the Board
NameLi Xia
Contact add.No. 2163, Lianhua Road, Economic and Technology Development Zone, Hefei

III. Others(I) Way of contactWhether registrations address, offices address and codes as well as website and email of the Company changed inreporting period or not

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Registrations address, offices address and codes as well as website and email of the Company has no change inreporting period, found more details in Annual Report 2023.(II) Information disclosure and preparation placeWhether information disclosure and preparation place changed in reporting period or not

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The newspaper appointed for information disclosure, website for semi-annual report publish appointed by CSRCand preparation place for semi-annual report have no change in reporting period, found more details in AnnualReport 2023.

(III) Other relevant informationWhether other relevant information has changed in reporting period or not

□Applicable √Not applicable

IV. Main accounting data and financial indexesWhether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data or not

□Yes √No

Current periodSame period last yearChanges in the current reporting period compared with the same period of the previous year (+,-)
Operating income (RMB)14,947,670,291.7012,828,694,323.5716.52%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company (RMB)415,033,415.88358,054,844.7415.91%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company after deducting non-recurring gains and losses (RMB)432,504,456.37381,989,843.8213.22%
Net cash flow arising from operating activities (RMB)2,728,225,876.601,410,519,809.8193.42%
Basic earnings per share (RMB/Share)0.40300.347715.90%
Diluted earnings per share (RMB/Share)0.40300.347715.90%
Weighted average ROE6.88%6.69%Increase by 0.19 percentage points
End of current periodEnd of last yearChanges at the end of the reporting period compared with the end of the previous year (+,-)
Total assets (RMB)23,844,271,479.9219,391,604,526.1922.96%
Net assets attributable to shareholder of listed company (RMB)5,932,872,702.915,824,782,654.091.86%

V. Accounting data difference under domestic and foreign accounting standards

(I) Difference of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report, under both IAS (InternationalAccounting Standards) and Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company has no difference of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report, under both IAS

(International Accounting Standards) and Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) in reportingperiod.(II) Difference of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report, under both foreign accountingrules and Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)

√ Applicable □ Not applicable


Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companyNet assets attributable to shareholders of listed company
Current periodPrevious periodEnding amountOpening amount
Chinese GAAP415,033,415.88358,054,844.745,932,872,702.915,824,782,654.09
Items and amount adjusted by foreign accounting rules
Foreign accounting rules415,033,415.88358,054,844.745,932,872,702.915,824,782,654.09

The Company had no difference of the net profit or net assets disclosed in financial report, under either foreignaccounting rules or Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) in the period.

(III) Reasons for the differences of accounting data under accounting rules in and out of China

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

The “Notice of Relevant Issues of Audit for Company with Domestically Foreign Shares Offering” was issued fromCSRC dated 12 September 2007, since the day issuing, cancel the previous “dual audit” requirement for companieswho offering domestically listed foreign shares (B-share enterprise) while engaging securities practice qualificationCPA for auditing. The Company did not compile financial report under foreign accounting rules since 2007, thefinancial report of the Company is complying on the “Accounting Standard for Business Enterprise” in China, andtherefore, there are no differences of accounting data under accounting rules in and out of China at period-end.VI. Items and amounts of non-recurring profit (gains)/losses

√ Applicable □ Not applicable


Gains/losses from the disposal of non-current asset (including the write-off that accrued for impairment of assets)36,334.95Found more in “Income from assets disposal” and “Non-operation income/expenses”
Governmental subsidy calculated into current gains and losses(while closely related with the normal business of the Company, the government subsidy that accord with the provision of national policies and are continuously enjoyed in line with a certain standard quota or quantity are excluded)25,786,292.09Found more in “Other income"
Gains/losses of fair value changes arising from holding of the trading financial asset, trading financial liability and investment earnings obtained from disposing the trading financial asset, trading financial liability, and financial assets available for sale, except for the effective hedging business related to normal operation of the Company-65,274,314.20Found more in "Financial cost”, “Investment income” and “Income of fair value changes”
Switch back of the impairment for receivables that has20,809,004.37Found more in “Account receivable"
impairment test independently
Other non-operating income and expenses other than the above-1,926,547.40Found more in “Non-operation income" and " Non-operation expenses"
Less: impact on income tax-7,066,269.14
Impact on minority shareholders’ equity (post-tax)3,968,079.44

Details of other gains/losses items that meets the definition of non-recurring gains/losses:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There are no other gains/losses items that meet the definition of non-recurring gains/losses in the Company.Explain the items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according to the lists of extraordinary profit (gain)/loss inQ&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public ---Extraordinary Profit/loss (revised in 2023).

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There are no items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according to the lists of extraordinary profit (gain)/lossin Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public ---Extraordinary Profit/loss (revised in 2023).

III. Management Discussion & AnalysisI. Main businesses of the company engaged in during the PeriodThe Company is one of China's major electric appliance manufacturers, possesses four major domesticmanufacturing bases in Hefei, Mianyang, Jingdezhen and Zhongshan, and two overseas manufacturing bases inIndonesia and Pakistan.The Company carefully builds the core competitiveness of the enterprise with technological innovation andproduct innovation. With the advanced R&D team and advanced technology accumulation, Meiling has madecontinuous breakthroughs in terms of frequency conversion, intelligence, preservation, thin wall, odourlessness,energy saving, air cooling, deep cooling, simulation, ultra-thin, cleaning and clothing protection. The Company hasestablished the first RoHS public testing center in Anhui Province, and it has a national enterprise technology center,a national industrial design center, a national post-doctoral research center and a 5G industrial Internet innovationand application laboratory.

In recent years, the Company has successively won many national honorary titles such as "IntelligentManufacturing Pilot Demonstration Project for Smart Refrigerators", "National Green Factory", "National QualityLeading Enterprise in Home Appliance Industry", "National Technology Innovation Demonstration Enterprise" and"China Industry-University-Research Cooperation Innovation Demonstration Enterprise". At the same time, theCompany has won a number of technology and product innovation honors by virtue of its strong innovation,products and brand, and a number of Meiling products have repeatedly won multiple domestic awards, constantlydemonstrating Meiling's ability and strength in intelligent innovation technology. The Frozen Fresh refrigerator506WP9BDZ won the AWE Award "Innovation Award" for its "Fresh" technology - roof-top constant temperaturefresh freezing technology, which was pioneered by Changhong Meiling in the industry, completely solving the sorepoint of repeated freezing in the freezer with subversive technological innovation, and promoting the upgrading offresh-keeping consumption in the refrigerator industry; Meiling 10KG "Blue Oxygen as Hand Washing" drumwashing machine LRS1H100D set a world record of "Drum washing machine with the least stain residue afterrinsing in the world" in world record association. Through the "stain residue removal technology by blue oxygen",the product features of "Cleanliness and Care" of the "Blue Oxygen as Hand Washing" series was established, whichpromoted the R&D of washing machines to the level of "Care" and "Cleanliness" and brought more health andscience to users' life; Meiling household gas-fired quick water heaters (JSQ30-MR-BS16516, JSQ30-MR-BS616Q3)won the "Boiling Quality Award" in 2024; Zhongke Meiling large-scale ultra-low temperature automatic biologicalsample bank technology won the "First Prize for Hefei Workers' Innovation".After more than 40 years of development, the Company has developed from single refrigerator products to anew pattern of coordinated development of refrigerators (freezers), air conditioners, washing machines, kitchen andbathroom products, small home appliances and biomedical cryogenic storage equipment. Through continuousinnovation, it has successively introduced a series of industry-leading products, such as the M-fresh refrigeratorwith the best fresh-keeping effect in the industry, the industry's first all-dust-free fresh air conditioner, the "BlueOxygen as Hand Washing" drum washing machine with the least stain residue after rinsing in the world, the

industry's first intelligent tea bar machine, and the ultra-low temperature medical refrigerator with a refrigerationtemperature up to minus 180°C, which has constantly brought consumers a fresher lifestyle with fresher products.In the future, based on the direction of digitalization and intelligence, the Company will adhere to the valueorientation and comprehensive efficiency improvement, enhance six capabilities around one goal, deepen internaland external coordination, strengthen compliance and risk control, promote sustained and high-quality developmentof the industry, and make the white goods industry bigger and stronger with excellent performance as the leadingforce. The Company will further improve the overall layout of smart homes, continue to develop 5G complete setsof home appliances based on the smart home system (consisting of IoT platform and App interactive software), andstrive to become a smart home solution provider. In the meanwhile, it will strengthen digital transformation andcontinue to strengthen digital and intelligent transformation around intelligent manufacturing (digital manufacturingand intelligent quality), 5G quantum cooperation and network security, and C+3 customer order system, so as tofurther promote the high-quality development of the enterprise.During the reporting period, main income of the Company coming from refrigerator (freezer), air conditioner,washing machine, small home appliances, kitchen & toilet products and biomedical etc., total amounting to 14.848billion yuan, a 99.33% of the operating income.II. Core Competitiveness Analysis

(1) Brand capacity

The Company is one of the well-known electrical appliance manufacturers in China, with products such asrefrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, washing machines, kitchen and bathroom products, small home appliances,and biomedical products. In order to achieve brand revitalization, the Company establishes four support points ofmarket, product, service and brand around brands that are strongly related to consumer behaviors, and makes jointefforts to form a brand revitalization plan.In the first half of 2024, the Company planted the "Fresh" seeds into consumers' hearts through measures suchas marketing, product experience, service upgrade and brand statement, molded the brand feature of "Meiling =Fresh" in consumers' hearts, and enhanced brand awareness, reputation and loyalty.

The Company adhered to differentiated innovation measures such as technology innovation, productinnovation and service innovation, and constantly accelerated the development of new quality productivity of theenterprise, accelerated the transformation and upgrading to intelligent manufacturing, and helped high-qualitydevelopment of the enterprise. In the first half of this year, the Company aimed at "new" and "quality" improvement,pursued "new" and "intelligence", which triggered People's Daily Online, Xinhua News Agency and GuangmingNet to report competitively.

In the future, the Company will adhere to the cultural spirit of "be a strong enterprise with innovation andachievements", adhere to the core values of "dedication, accountability, co-creation and sharing", constantlyimprove its core competitiveness, and constantly develop products to meet consumers' requirements, and strive tojointly create "Beautiful China, Fresh Meiling" with fresher products, fresher technologies and fresher services,

realize the corporate mission of "Meiling, may the happiness come" and accompany hundreds of millions of familiesaround the world in their beautiful life.

(2) Product capacity

The Company has built a number of national R&D platforms with strong R&D capabilities, establishedextensive and close Industry-University-Research cooperation with domestic and foreign research associations,enterprises and institutions, universities or scientific research institutions in various fields, continuously promotedtechnology and product innovation from an open perspective, and carefully built the core competitiveness of theenterprise. The Company has authoritative certifications such as "National Enterprise Technology Center","National Industrial Design Center", "National Intellectual Property Demonstration Enterprise", "NationalIndustrial Product Green Design Demonstration Enterprise", "National Technological Innovation DemonstrationEnterprise" and "China Industry-University-Research Cooperative Innovation Demonstration Enterprise" as astrong guarantee. Over the years, with the mode of independent innovation and cooperative innovation, it hasachieved fruitful results in multiple fields such as refrigerator (freezer), washing machine, air conditioner, kitchenand bathroom product, small home appliances, and biomedicine.In terms of refrigerator (freezer) products, the Company has been deeply involved in the field of professionalrefrigeration for more than 40 years. Through the accurate control of market trends and the study of consumerpreferences, it has persisted in promoting the continuous improvement of product competitiveness around theproduct upgrading idea of "fresh, thin, narrow and embedded", and continued to strengthen the product businesscards of "Meiling Fresh", "Meiling Thin", "Meiling Narrow" and "Meiling Embedded" in 2024. In terms ofrefrigerator products, the Company has released the third generation of "M-Fresh Series" refrigerators, continuouslysupplemented the best new French five-door of "Frozen Fresh Series" in the industry, and continuously strengthenedthe features of "Meiling Fresh". In order to comply with the trade-in trend of the industry, it fully upgraded the400/600BT "Big Narrow Door" series and rode the wave of "zero flat embedding" and "dual system" to continuouslystrengthen the layout of "Worry-free Embedded PRO" and "Seamless PRO" second-generation series embeddedrefrigerators; In terms of freezer products, it has developed frost-free series freezers, thin-walled defrosting andbacteriostatic freezers, -40°C deep-cooling intelligent electric control freezers, intelligent round-screen displayDTEB series freezers, large commercial freezers with variable frequency and great cryogenic ability, -40°C quick-frozen and fresh-locked vertical air-cooled freezers, export vertical air-cooled freezers, SC-270WE single-doorrefrigerated vertical display cabinets and commercial kitchen cabinets, and continuously built "the freezers with thebest fresh-keeping effect in the industry" for freezer products in the market.In terms of washing machine products, the Company has a deep insight into the users' needs, its strength in thecore technology field has been rapidly improved, and its product layout has become more complete. On the basis ofas hand washing series drums, it pioneered the "stain residue removal technology by blue oxygen" in the industry,and released the "Blue Oxygen as Hand Washing" series products. With the triple technology of as hand washingplus the stain residue removal technology by blue oxygen, the stain residue removal was more thorough at the sametime of cleaning, which laid the product features of "Cleanliness and Care" of the "Blue Oxygen as Hand Washing"series. In terms of pulsator products, it has further enriched the product lineup of "Hercules" series and created

characteristic products with more product features.Air conditioning products are user centered, based on actual usage scenarios, constantly iterating and upgradingproducts, and creating a series of "fully dust-free, guest dining cabinets" as two business cards. In the first half of2024, new products such as Q7D "fully dust-free and free air" hanging air conditioner and Q7V "Juneng Province"cabinet air conditioner will be launched, further meeting user needs in terms of health and comfort. Adhering toquality control, improving efficiency, and strengthening user service have greatly enhanced product confidence andbrand influence at the user and channel levels.In terms of kitchen and bathroom products and small home appliance products, it has focused on core productlines, takes market demand as the guide, strengthened the R&D capabilities, and optimized the product structure. Interms of small home appliances, it continued to tap into the core category. In the first half of the year, it launchedN10 fresh water series tea bar machine, which is equipped with industry-leading strontium-rich mineralizationtechnology and trace element equipment technology to achieve scientific proportion, thus realizing strontium-richmineralization of drinking water. In terms of kitchen and bathroom appliances, the Company insists on userorientation, focuses on users' sore points, constantly optimizes the product structure to meet the different needs ofthe market. In the first half of the year, it launched the second-generation honeycomb shaped gas-fired water heaterproduct, and improved the corrosion resistance and scale prevention ability of the water tank in hard water areas byoptimizing the pipe diameter, pipe running mode and turbulence structure.In terms of biomedicine, the Company adheres to the brand concept of "taking products as the main carrier anddelivering core values to users", focuses on the field of life sciences, and continuously promotes product innovationiteration and quality upgrade based on users' scenario demand, providing users with professional full-scenariosolutions, thus shaping a safe and stable brand image and continuously enhancing the brand influence. Focusing onthe needs of users, it has further improved the diversified layout of products, accelerated the R&D of new productsand the iterative upgrading of existing products, developed clean workbench and automatic ultra-low temperaturerefrigerated storage box products that meet good manufacturing practice standards, and at the same time,successfully iteratively upgraded a series of large-volume blood box products. In addition, it has also developedthree laboratory centrifuge products, namely, desktop low-speed, desktop high and low-speed and floor-type high-speed, to continuously promote the diversified and all-round development of products.

(3) Operation capacity

The Company continues to carrying out bench-marking activities to improve the operation and managementstandards and competitiveness of the Company. At the same time, the internal management capability has beencontinuously improved by continuing to carry out the improvement work in "human efficiency, money efficiencyand material efficiency". The company established a hierarchical sharing system with clear goals, quantitativeindicators, performance-oriented performance appraisal and incentives to activate internal productivity. Takingvalue chain management as the main line, continued to carry out value creation work, and enhanced the company'scompetitiveness. At the same time, continuously improved the internal control system and improved the ability toprevent risks.

(4) Marketing ability

The Company has established a relatively complete sales network and service system, which can provide userswith high-quality services covering all categories of white goods. The domestic market is actively accelerated to realizethe marketing transformation from product line-oriented sales management to channel- and user-oriented businessservices, from single-category marketing to full-category marketing, quickly building an operation managementsystem with reasonable commercial inventory management as the core and a value management system core withterminal retail price; through determined bench marking match, achieved products leading and efficiency improvementand builds the capability for marketing system and development potential for long period of time.In overseas markets, the Company has always adhered to business-oriented and customer-centered principles,and based on "product collaboration, internal and external collaboration and channel expansion", it explores intomarket demand, focuses on key markets and core quality customers, and improves marketing capabilities; Itstrengthens scientific and technological innovation, adheres to quality first, and constantly improves the quality andperformance of products; It focuses on customer satisfaction, continuously improves customer service ability andcustomer satisfaction by improving delivery rate, strengthening accessory management and quickly responding topre-sales and after-sales technical support needs. Based on the whole value chain, it enhances its operationalcapability, links up "marketing, production and research", promotes "money efficiency and material efficiency", andcontinuously enhances its international logistics capability in combination with the new shipping form. Throughproduct collaboration and team empowerment, it builds a team with the business ability of ice washing doubleindustry line, with the refrigerator cabinet and washing machine industry driven by two wheels; It develops brandbusiness, focuses on key markets and core channels of key markets, industrial structure balance and productstructure improvement, as well as resources to strengthen brand building, deepens channel expansion, continuouslyexpands business scale and improves business quality.III. Main Business Analysis

(1) Overview

□Yes √No

In the first half of 2024, The demand of domestic home appliance industry is insufficient. According to thetotal data of AVC, the retail sales of white goods market in the first half of the year was RMB 231.9 billion, with ayear-on-year decrease of 7.0%; The overseas market for home appliance exports continued to maintain a steadygrowth trend. In the face of fierce stock competition in the traditional home appliance market, the Company adheresto value orientation and comprehensively improves efficiency, strengthens industrial coordination and internal andexternal coordination, and steadily improves its business quality. In the first half of the year, the Company's revenuescale achieved year-on-year growth, profitability improved, and achieved benign development.

(2) Progress of the company's development strategy and business plan during the reporting period

During the reporting period, the Company carried out work around the business idea of "adhering to theguidance of party building, adhering to the value orientation, comprehensively improving efficiency, focusing onone goal, improving six capabilities, deepening internal and external coordination, strengthening compliance andrisk control, and promoting the company's sustained and high-quality development", and actively promoted the

implementation of the business plan.

1. Refrigerator industry

Domestically, it adheres to the business idea of "value-orientation and comprehensive efficiency improvement",focuses on promoting quality products, strengthening channels, enhancing coordination, improving efficiency,controlling risks and improves market construction in base areas, improves marketing management and servicecapabilities, makes full use of a relatively complete sales network and service system to provide customers withhigh-quality services. On the research and production end, it is user-centered, to solve the users' sore points, createusers' value, and promote the intelligent and high-end transformation and upgrading of the Company's products. Onthe market end, it adheres to the product strategy of "grasping retail, promoting quality products and improvingefficiency", enlarges the product layout around M-Fresh, Frozen Fresh, Zero-embedded Refrigerators and Frost-free Freezers, and creates phenomenal hot products through product packaging planning, online and offlineintegrated promotion, new product launch conference, recommendation by networking platform, etc., thuscontinuously improving the ability of middle and high-end products, and promoting product structure improvementand benign industrial operation.Overseas, the Company continues to promote the business strategy of "product leading, ice-washing dual-drive,brand strength and KA speed-up", and carries out work around high-quality scale growth. By strengthening theupgraded product planning and differentiated product design, it mainly promotes air-cooling, frequency conversion,multi-door and drum products to improve product structure; It develops brand business, develops key markets andmake breakthrough in key core channels; It accelerates the increase of KA customer scale and strengthens thematching of key resources such as R&D and manufacturing; It focuses on energy efficiency upgrading and upgradesthe European market, deepens the Asian and African markets with good business foundation, focuses on largecustomers to expand the markets in Latin America and the Middle East, actively explores the potential of emergingmarkets in developing countries, and achieves sustained and benign growth in scale.During the reporting period, the Company's refrigerator (freezer) business realized an income of about RMB

4.607 billion, with a year-on-year increase of 12.42%.

2. Air conditioning industry

Domestic air conditioning is guided by goals, problem oriented, quickly responds to the market, consolidatesbasic management, and strengthens compliance and risk control. In terms of products, we focus on Q7D "fully dust-free and free air" hanging machines and Q7V "giant energy saving" cabinet machines, continuously meeting users'health, comfort, and energy-saving needs, and enhancing brand image; In terms of marketing, the C-end ispromoting channel expansion, focusing on key regional markets to increase scale and market share; B-end continuesto deepen strategic cooperation with core customers, pursuing maximum scale while controlling profits and losses.

In terms of overseas air conditioning, it carries out work around the business policy of "brand momentum,product upgrading, quality remolding, regional balance and digital empowerment" to continuously promote thebenign development of business. It adheres to the principle of prioritizing brand development and deeply cultivates

the base market; It promotes high, new and frequency conversion products, and actively adjusts the product structureto meet the market demand for energy-efficient products; It optimizes channels and focuses on key markets in LatinAmerica and the Middle East; It focuses on big customers and increases the customer scale; It makes breakthroughin new markets and new customer channels, accelerates the expansion of new markets and new customer channels,and continuously injects momentum into business development, and achieves good results.During the reporting period, the Company's air-conditioning business realized an income of about RMB 8.50billion, with a year-on-year increase of 21.47%.

3. Washing machine industry

In the washing machine industry, it adheres to the business idea of "value orientation and comprehensiveefficiency improvement", adheres to the differentiated competition strategy, continuously optimizes and adjusts theproduct structure, actively promotes the timely delivery of products, comprehensively improves product quality andenhances customer service satisfaction. In the domestic market, it focuses on the base market, infrastructure and e-commerce channels, promotes the breakthrough of outlets through key products, deepens the transformation andconstruction of key stores and benchmark areas, and achieves scale improvement; At the same time, around theneeds of users, it gives full play to the competitive advantages of product differentiation, expands the "Blue Oxygenas Hand Washing" drum and the "Hercules" pulsator products, enhances the competitiveness of Meiling's mid- tohigh-end products, and further consolidates the cleaning features. In terms of foreign markets, it has rapidlypromoted the expansion of business layout around the world and achieved breakthroughs in core customers in keyregions; It emphasizes ultra-thin drums, focuses on resource investment, completes the product layout in the corearea by enriching the product matrix, and improves the scale and profitability of washing machines.During the reporting period, the Company's washing machine business realized an income of about RMB 784million, with a year-on-year increase of 40.65%.

4. Kitchen, bathroom and household appliance industry

In the kitchen and bathroom product and small home appliance industry, in the first half of the year, it focusedon its core business, promoted the update and iteration of product technology, promoted the successful launch ofnew products, and continuously improved its brand influence; It accelerated the upgrading of product structure,promoted the optimization of product efficiency, gradually eliminated the categories with poor market performanceand poor consumer feedback, and output the category planning outline; It continuously optimized the marketingstrategy, channel construction layout, and control of core business links, enhanced the business capabilities, andhelped the high-quality development of the industry.

During the reporting period, the Company's kitchen, bathroom and household appliance business realized anincome of about RMB 745 million, with a year-on-year increase of 12.69%.

5. Biomedical

In the domestic market, it focuses on the field of life sciences, continuously implements the reform and

reconstruction of user-centered channel organization, co-ordinates the platform resources, promotes the horizontalexpansion and vertical deepening of market segment channel system, deeply explores the user demand, furtherenhances the product strength and service strength, expands the user coverage, and enhances the marketcompetitiveness and market share. In overseas markets, it adheres to the strategy of "expanding scales for oldcustomers, and strengthening distribution for new customers", consolidates the foundation of overseas channels interms of quality and quantity, builds a comprehensive and sound channel distribution network, and maintains astrong momentum of market development in key regions; It adheres to "inviting in and going out", activelyparticipates in well-known international exhibitions, and appears in overseas markets with new products such ascentrifuges; It constantly upgrades the after-sales service system, be close to customers, approach users and serveusers, and effectively improve the customer satisfaction.

During the reporting period, the Company's biomedical business realized an income of about RMB 132 million,with a year-on-year increase of 4.5%.

(3)Y-o-y changes in the key financial data


Current PeriodSame period last yearY-o-y changes (+,-)Causes
Operation income14,947,670,291.7012,828,694,323.5716.52%No major changes
Operation cost13,261,806,565.8011,178,914,075.8318.63%No major changes
Sales expense834,329,749.56786,493,259.326.08%No major changes
Administrative expense157,436,505.99182,962,865.60-13.95%No major changes
Financial expense-101,700,926.74-115,013,926.2711.58%No major changes
Income tax expenses53,105,204.51925,010.045,641.04%It is mainly due to the increase in income tax expenses caused by the increase in taxable income of the Company in this period
R&D investment315,380,860.98279,474,680.9612.85%No major changes
Net cash flow from operation activity2,728,225,876.601,410,519,809.8193.42%It is mainly due to the year-on-year increase in cash received by the Company in selling goods and providing services in this period
Net cash flow from investment activity-2,185,864,480.54-471,423,480.69-363.67%It is mainly due to the year-on-year increase in structured deposits purchased by the Company in this period
Net cash flow from financing activity-337,831,777.09187,731,430.13-279.95%It is mainly due to the year-on-year increase in the Company's repayment of short-term loans and dividend distribution
Net increased amount of cash and cash equivalent221,968,930.271,132,355,171.56-80.40%It is mainly due to the decrease in net cash flow generated by the Company's investment activities in this period
Taxes and surcharges53,110,913.1998,025,766.62-45.82%It is mainly due to the payment of waste electrical and electronic product disposal fund in the previous period, which is not caused in this period
Other income81,307,947.6232,328,256.66151.51%It is mainly due to the Company's
recognition of value-added tax deduction in this period
Investment income2,933,725.8714,377,940.05-79.60%It is mainly due to the year-on-year increase in the Company's factoring expenses in this period
Credit impairment loss12,475,890.64-41,081,589.83-130.37%It is mainly due to the reversal of the Company's bad debt losses of accounts receivable in this period
Assets impairment loss-29,258,587.16-18,167,335.8961.05%It is mainly due to the year-on-year increase in the provision for inventory depreciation loss of the Company in this period
Non-operating income2,550,542.7010,704,019.80-76.17%It is mainly due to the reduction of liquidated damages received by the Company in this period
Non-operating expenses4,477,090.103,014,799.2248.50%It is mainly due to the increase in the Company's relocation expenses in this period

(4)Major changes on profit composition or profit resources in reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No major changes on profit composition or profit resources occurred in reporting period

(5) Constitute of operation revenue/income


Current PeriodSame period last yearY-o-y changes (+,-)
AmountRatio in operation revenueAmountRatio in operation revenue
Total operation revenue14,947,670,291.70100%12,828,694,323.57100%16.52%
On industry
Manufacture of household appliances14,847,789,922.8699.33%12,734,698,313.8499.27%16.59%
Other business99,880,368.840.67%93,996,009.730.73%6.26%
On products
Refrigerator, freezer4,739,349,946.8031.71%4,224,670,444.6432.93%12.18%
Washing machine783,936,724.285.24%557,352,305.324.34%40.65%
Small appliance and kitchen & toilet744,514,913.934.98%852,703,435.926.65%-12.69%
Other products80,082,677.490.54%102,474,968.720.80%-21.85%
Other business99,880,368.840.67%93,996,009.730.73%6.26%
On Area

(6)The industries, products or regions that accounting for over 10% of the Company’s operating revenue oroperating profit

√Applicable □ Not applicable


Operating revenueOperating costGross profit ratioIncrease/decrease of operating revenue y-o-yIncrease/decrease of operating cost y-o-yIncrease/decrease of gross profit ratio y-o-y
On Industry
Manufacture of household appliances14,847,789,922.8613,208,737,884.3711.04%16.59%18.72%-1.59%
On Products
Refrigerator, freezer4,739,349,946.803,927,763,612.8317.12%12.18%13.76%-1.15%
On Area

Under circumstances of adjustment in reporting period for statistic scope of main business data, adjusted mainbusiness based on latest one year’s scope of period-end

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IV. Analysis of the non-main business

√ Applicable □Not applicable


AmountRatio in total profitNoteWhether be sustainable (Y/N)
Investment income2,933,725.870.61%It is mainly due to the income from the Company's creditor's rights investment and other non-current financial asset investment in this periodN
Gains/losses from change of fair value-42,719,405.68-8.94%It is mainly due to the evaluated loss of the Company's forward foreign exchange contracts and unrecognized firm commitments in this periodN
Asset impairment-29,258,587.16-6.12%It is mainly due to the provision for inventory depreciation loss of the Company in this periodN
Non-operating income2,550,542.700.53%It is mainly due to the liquidated damages received by the Company in this periodN
Non-operating expense4,477,090.100.94%It is mainly due to the relocation expenses paid by the Company in this periodN
Other income81,307,947.6217.01%It is mainly due to the Company's recognition of value-added tax deduction in this periodN
Credit impairment loss12,475,890.642.61%It is mainly due to the reversal of the Company's bad debt losses of accounts receivable in this periodN

V. Analysis of assets and liability

(1) Major changes of assets composition


End of current periodYear-end of last yearRatio changesNotes of major changes
AmountRatio in total assetsAmountRatio in total assets
Monetary fund9,049,689,291.7837.95%8,840,685,525.7145.59%-7.64%It is mainly due to the decrease in the proportion caused by the increase in the total assets of the Company in this period
Account receivable2,167,372,348.829.09%1,633,706,889.068.42%0.67%It is mainly due to the increase in the Company's operating income in this period
Contract assets10,193,150.120.04%13,261,690.620.07%-0.03%No major changes
Inventory3,570,153,407.5714.97%2,022,738,412.9710.43%4.54%It is mainly due to the increase in production of the company in this period
Investment real estate49,948,104.520.21%50,920,487.710.26%-0.05%No major changes
Long-term equity investment112,836,567.940.47%112,745,811.750.58%-0.11%No major changes
Fix assets2,155,971,273.869.04%2,136,912,034.2811.02%-1.98%It is mainly due to the decrease in the proportion caused by the increase in the total assets of the Company in this period
Construction in progress69,381,313.710.29%69,920,839.200.36%-0.07%No major changes
Right-of-use assets115,425,096.530.48%49,993,400.610.26%0.22%It is mainly due to the Company's new factory lease in this period
Short-term loans1,145,550,587.354.80%1,134,102,419.035.85%-1.05%It is mainly due to the decrease in the proportion caused by the increase in the total assets of the Company in this period
Contract liability394,822,462.191.66%405,698,756.022.09%-0.43%It is mainly due to the decrease in the Company's advance payment in this period
Long-term loans89,058,089.900.37%108,000,000.000.56%-0.19%It is mainly due to the reclassification of the company's long-term loans to non-current liabilities due within one year
Lease liability104,173,573.280.44%43,488,292.700.22%0.22%It is mainly due to the Company's new factory lease in this period
Creditor’s rights1,231,537,871.005.16%420,537,485.542.17%2.99%It is mainly due to the increase in the
End of current periodYear-end of last yearRatio changesNotes of major changes
AmountRatio in total assetsAmountRatio in total assets
investmentCompany's large deposit certificates in this period

(2) Main overseas assets

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(3) Assets and liability measured by fair value

√Applicable □ Not applicable


ItemAmount at the beginning periodChanges of fair value gains/losses in this periodAccumulative changes of fair value reckoned into equityDevaluation of withdrawing in the periodAmount of purchase in the periodSales in the periodOther changesAmount at end of the period
Financial assets
1.Trading financial assets (derivative financial assets excluded)39,236,447.63-28,216,454.502,380,000,000.001,300,000,000.001,091,019,993.13
2.Receivable financing1,641,858,740.34-41,485,382.471,600,373,357.87
3.Other non-current financial assets674,139,515.48674,139,515.48
Subtotal of financial assets2,355,234,703.45-28,216,454.502,380,000,000.001,300,000,000.00-41,485,382.473,365,532,866.48
Subtotal of financial assets2,355,234,703.45-28,216,454.502,380,000,000.001,300,000,000.00-41,485,382.473,365,532,866.48
Financial liabilities32,229,012.8614,677,745.7046,906,758.56

Other changes:

Other change of Trading financial assets mainly due to the provision of income from financial products; otherchange of rreceivable financing due to the decrease in note receivable with the objective of both collectingcontractual cash flow (collections) and selling (endorsement or discounting)

Whether there have major changes on measurement attributes for main assets of the Company in report period ornot

□Yes √ No

(4) Assets right restricted ended as reporting period

Ended as the reporting period, the Company has no major assets been closed down, detain, freeze or pledge andguarantee. As for other assets have restriction on rights found more in relevant content of “25. Assets with restrictedownership or use rights” in “V. Note of consolidate financial statement” carried under Section X. Financial ReportVI. Investment analysis

(1) Overall situation

√Applicable □ Not applicable

Investment in the reporting (RMB)Investment in the same period of last year ( RMB)Changes

(2) The major equity investment obtained during the reporting period

√Applicable □ Not applicable


Name of investedPrincipal businessMethod of investmentAmount of investmentShareholding ratioCapital sourcesPartnersTerm of investmentType of productsStatus as of the balance sheet dateExpected returnCurrent investment profit and lossWhether involved in a lawsuit(Y/N)Date of disclosure (if applicable )Index of disclosure (if applicable )
Sichuan Changhong Intelligent Air Conditioning Technology Co., Ltd.General items: Technical service, technical development, technical consultation, technical exchange, technology transfer and technology popularization; Software development; Software sales; Information technology consulting services; Industrial Internet data service; Information system integration service; Electronic component manufacturing; R&D of special electronic materials; Integrated circuit manufacturing; R&D of home appliances; Manufacturing of home appliances; Sales of home appliances; Installation service of home appliances; Sales of refrigeration and air conditioning equipment; Manufacturing of refrigeration and air conditioning equipment; Sales of electronic products; Manufacturing of special electronic materials; Sales of spare parts for home appliances; Sales of metal materials; Manufacturing of communication equipment; Non-residential real estate lease; General cargo storage services (excluding dangerous chemicals and other items that need permission and approval); Import and export of goods. (Except for items that are subject to approval according to law, business activities shall be independently carried out according to law by virtue of business license)Newly established100,000,000100%Self-fundN/ALong-termManufacturing and sales of frequency conversion drive control panel in air conditioning industry (including special air conditioners)During the reporting period, it invested RMB 100 millionNot applicable-4,243,922.62NoMarch 15,2024www.cninfo.com.cn(2024-006)

(3)The material non-equity investment during the reporting period

□Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company invested RMB 88 million in the refrigerator front-end capacity improvement project of Hefei manufacturing base. For details, please refer to SectionVI "XIII. Explanation of Other Important Matters".

(4)Financial assets investment

1. Securities investment

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company had no securities investment in the reporting period.

2. Derivative investment

√Applicable □ Not applicable

(1) Derivatives investment for hedging purposes during the reporting period

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

In RMB 10,000

TypeInitial investmentAmount at the beginning periodProfit and loss of fair value change in the current periodChanges in the cumulative fair value included in the equityAmount purchased in the reporting periodAmount sales in the reporting periodInvestment amount at period-endRatio of investment amount at period-end in net assets of the Company at period-end
Forward foreign exchange contract630,614.02332,515.07-4,516.010469,175.88470,831.56331,426.9955.86%
Specific principle of the accounting policy and calculation for derivatives in the Period comparedNot applicable
with last period in aspect of major changes
Description of actual profit and loss during the reporting periodDuring the reporting period, the Company confirmed the income from derivatives investment of RMB -5.6759 million
Description of hedging effectDuring the reporting period, the Company adhered to the principle of exchange rate risk neutrality, used forward foreign exchange contracts as hedging tools, and signed forward foreign exchange contracts according to the foreign exchange receipt amount predicted by sales and the target cost exchange rate. The delivery period matched with the predicted return amount, and the agreed delivery amount matched with the predicted return amount to avoid the risks caused by exchange rate fluctuations. The cash flow changes in the hedging tools during the reporting period can offset the cash flow changes in the hedged items caused by exchange rate fluctuations, which met the requirements of hedging effectiveness and achieved the hedging objectives.
Capital resourceOwn fund
Risk analysis and controlling measures for derivatives holdings in the Period (including but not limited to market risk, liquidity risk, credit risks, operation risk and law risks etc.)Risk analysis: 1. Market risk: domestic and international economic situation changes may lead to exchange rate fluctuations, forward foreign exchange transactions are under certain market risk. Forward foreign exchange business is aiming to reducing impact on corporate profits by foreign exchange settlement and sale prices, exchange rate fluctuations. The Company will follow up the exchange fluctuation, on the basis of target rate determined from the business, relying on the research of the foreign currency exchange rates, combined with prediction of consignments, and burdening ability to price variations due to exchange rate fluctuations, then determine the plan of forward foreign exchange contracts, and make dynamic management to the business, to ensure reasonable profit level. 2. Liquidity risk: all foreign exchange transactions are based on a reasonable estimate of the future import and export business, to meet the requirements of the trade authenticity. In addition, forward foreign exchange transactions are processed with bank credit, will not affect liquidity of company funds. 3. Bank default risk: if cooperative banks collapse within the contract time, the Company will not be able to transact the original foreign exchange contracts with contract price, which leads the risk of income uncertainty. So the Company chose five state-owned banks, the Chinese-funded banks in shareholding enterprise as Everbright Bank, Industrial Bank and the foreign-funded banks as UOB, OCBC, BEA etc. to conduct the trading of foreign exchange capital. These banks share a solid strength and management whose failure and the risk of loss may bring to the Company is very low. 4. Operational risk: improper operation of the person in charge of forward foreign exchange transactions may cause related risk also. The Company has formulated related management system which defines the operation process and responsibility to prevent and control risks. 5. The legal risks: unclear terms based in contract signed with banks for related transactions may lead legal risks when forward foreign exchange transactions are processing. The Company will strengthen legal review, and choose good bank to carry out this kind of business as to risk control.
Invested derivative products have changes in market price or fair value in the Period, as for analysis of the fair value of derivatives, disclosed specific applied methods and correlation assumption and parameter settingThe Company determines fair value in accordance with the Chapter VII “Determination of Fair Value” carried in the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.22 - Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments. Fair-value is basically obtained according to prices offered by bank and other pricing services. While fair-value of derivatives is mainly obtained according to the balance between prices given by outstanding contracts and forward prices given by contracts signed during the reporting period with bank. The differences are identified as trading financial assets and liabilities.
Lawsuit involved (if applicable)Not applicable
Disclosure date for approval from the Board for investment of derivatives (if applicable)March 30,2024
Disclosure date for approval from board of shareholders for investment of derivatives (if applicable)April 26,2024

(2)Derivative investments for speculation during the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company had no derivative investment in the reporting period.

(5).Application of raised proceeds

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company had no Application of raised proceeds in the reporting period.VII. Sales of major assets and equity(i) Sales of major assets

□Applicable √ Not applicable

No major assets are sold in the period(ii) Sales of major equity

□Applicable √ Not applicable

VIII. Analysis of main holding company and stock-jointly companies

√ Applicable □Not applicable

(1) Particular about main subsidiaries and stock-jointly companies net profit over 10%


Company nameTypeMain businessRegister capitalTotal assetsNet assetsOperating revenueOperating profitNet profit
Zhongke Meiling Cryogenic Technology Co., Ltd.SubsidiaryResearch and development, manufacturing and sales of ultra-low temperature freezer96,730,934737,697,341.25603,039,962.52147,052,294.2510,339,671.7910,426,784.69
Company nameTypeMain businessRegister capitalTotal assetsNet assetsOperating revenueOperating profitNet profit
Jiangxi Meiling Electric Appliance Co., Ltd.SubsidiaryManufacturing of refrigeration and freezer50,000,000388,537,580.99164,424,780.67452,727,042.338,065,880.448,070,080.44
Mianyang Meiling Refrigeration Co., Ltd.SubsidiaryManufacturing of refrigeration and freezer100,000,000188,261,484.31121,564,226.19144,161,250.48226,435.20225,729.28
Sichuan Changhong Air-conditioner Co., Ltd.SubsidiaryR&D, manufacturing and domestic sales of air-conditioning850,000,0007,669,854,642.671,387,607,623.095,980,606,189.78197,430,766.90169,983,588.43
Zhongshan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.SubsidiaryR&D, manufacturing and foreign sales of air-conditioning334,000,0003,084,772,990.34397,811,423.402,646,258,855.5754,017,058.0348,293,893.96
Hefei Meiling Group Holdings LimitedSubsidiarySales of white goods80,000,0001,224,041,101.51-232,062,180.442,725,785,206.3560,437,448.5460,074,232.62
Hefei Changhong Meiling Life Appliances Co., Ltd.SubsidiaryR&D and sales of household appliances, kitchen appliances and small home appliances50,000,000681,337,829.37153,568,317.80680,109,991.8516,904,169.8913,774,801.74

(2) Subsidiary obtained and disposed in the period

√ Applicable □Not applicable

Company nameThe method of obtaining and disposing subsidiaries during the report periodThe influence to the whole production and performance
Sichuan Changhong Intelligent Air Conditioning Technology Co., Ltd.Established by investmentChanghong Air Conditioning, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, invested RMB 100 million to set it up. The establishment of the company aims to further enhance the key core technical capabilities and asset utilization rate, improve the processing services and quality assurance capabilities of electronic products, and at the same time to engage in related businesses centered on manufacturing and sales of frequency conversion drive control panels in the air conditioning industry (including special air conditioners). It has little impact on the company's overall production, operation and performance.

(3) Description of the holding company and stock-jointly companies

□Applicable √ Not applicable


IX. Structured entity controlled by the Company

□Applicable √ Not applicable

X. Risks and countermeasures

(1) Risks and countermeasures

In the first half of 2024, the domestic economy rebounded as a whole, but the domestic home appliance marketdemand was weak, and the industry competition became more intense. At the same time, the global political andeconomic environment was complicated, and the business situation still faced severe challenges. In the second halfof 2024, the Company will face risks such as intensified industry competition, exchange rate fluctuation, pricefluctuation of bulk materials, trade friction and geopolitical influence.

1. Risk of intensified industry competition

The home appliance industry market in which the Company is engaged has entered the stock marketcompetition, and the growth rate of the industry scale has slowed down, and the channel fragmentation and pricecompetition have intensified. The Company will actively explore new channels such as integration, pre-installationand Tik Tok, and at the same time, it will seize the opportunities such as upgrading the structure of home appliances,and driving policy of replacing old ones with new ones to achieve growth.

2. Risk of exchange rate fluctuation

In the first half of 2024, the Company was influenced by the international situation and the exchange ratefluctuated greatly. It carefully operated the exchange from the perspective of steady operation and risk control, andwill pay close attention to exchange rate changes in the future to avoid adverse effects caused by exchange ratefluctuations.

3. Risk of price fluctuation of bulk materials

The main raw materials of the company's products are steel, copper, aluminum, plastics and chemical materials,etc. If the prices of bulk raw materials fluctuate greatly, the related costs of the company will also change accordingly,which will have a certain impact on the company's operating performance.

4. Influence of trade friction and geopolitics

The Company pays close attention to the impact of uncertain factors such as international trade friction andgeopolitics on its global business.

In view of the above risks, combined with the industry situation in the second half of the year and the shortagein the first half of the year, in the second half of 2024, the Company will seize the opportunity, turn crisis intoopportunity, and implement the business plan from the following aspects in part (II).

(2)Operation plan for second half of the year

In the second half of 2024, the Company will continue to carry out work around the business idea of "adheringto the guidance of Party building, adhering to the value orientation and comprehensively efficiency improvement,focusing on one goal, improving six capabilities, deepening internal and external coordination, strengtheningcompliance and risk control, and promoting the company's sustained and high-quality development". Under the

premise of continuous improvement in profits and losses, the Company will strive to achieve scale growth higherthan the industry average. The main work is as follows:

1. Refrigerator industry

In the domestic market, it continues to adhere to the business idea of "value-orientation and comprehensiveefficiency improvement", and faces the stock market competition, product structure upgrade and channel structurechange based on "goal-orientation and problem-orientation". In terms of product promotion, it focuses on the layoutof "fresh, thin, narrow and embedded", adheres to the product strategy of "ensuring retail, promoting qualityproducts and improving efficiency", and well ensures customer-centered product operation and user-centered brandoperation to provide consumers with unique value products; In terms of product R&D, it continues to adhere theuser-centered principle, gain insight into consumer demand and technology development trend, build a three-tierR&D system, implement the product manager responsibility system, form the competitive advantage of "excellentproducts + hot products" on the basis of refined management of product structure, and continuously improve productquality, enhance product competitiveness and create user value; In terms of channel reform, it continues toconsolidate basic channels, win retail channels, expand incremental channels and make breakthrough in emergingchannels to improve the quality and scale of channel operation; In terms of terminal marketing, it strengthensterminal marketing capacity building, enhances terminal image competitiveness, focuses on new media contentmarketing, and enhances user operation and diversion & transformation; It continues to carry out benchmarking andstrengthen the continuous improvement of internal efficiency.In the overseas market, it actively improves the product structure, adjusts the market structure, optimizes thecustomer structure, improves the efficiency internally and continuously improves the operating quality incombination with the development trend of industry demand. On the product end, it carries out product innovationin terms of air cooling, frequency conversion and energy saving, and enhances the promotion of multi-doorrefrigerators; It focuses on improving competitiveness, quality and value, deepens the construction of key resources,improves the manufacturing efficiency of middle and low-end products, and increases the refinement andmanufacturing capacity of high-end refrigerators. On the market end, it accelerates brand business, increases thedevelopment of emerging markets, and focuses on ToC promotion, training and terminal capacity building; Itincreases the proportion of big customers and enhances the support ability of big customers. It deepens efficiencyimprovement, builds CIF shipping capacity, strengthens the connection between production, marketing and supplythrough the mode of "production by cabinets", improves R&D efficiency through digital construction, and strictlycontrols overdue inventory and overdue accounts receivable by "controlling time and abnormality" to achieve asteady improvement in operating quality.

2. Air conditioning industry

In the domestic market, the Company adheres to the science and technology strategy, focuses on coretechnologies and empowers products with technology. It insists on innovation leading, and continues to deepentechnical R&D around core technologies such as frequency conversion and simulation, and has established keyprojects such as intelligent, efficient and comfortable brand-new "Winning" frequency conversion technologyplatform, preventive technology of explosion and combustion of refrigeration system, digital holographic parameter

commercial inspection technology, five-constant air conditioner and AI air conditioner to maintain itscompetitiveness in the industry. Further strengthen the dual circulation of ToC and ToB, strengthens strategiccooperation at B-end, and promotes multi-channel and diversified B-end business; At the C-end, it promotes channelco-creation and direct access to users, comprehensively covers all online and offline channels, and promotes theefficiency improvement with commercial inventory as the core and the integration of "delivery, loading, service andcollection" services.

In overseas markets, it continues to implement the core concept of "scale growth with profit and profit growthwith cash flow". It adheres to the brand priority strategy and deepens the development of the base market. It focuseson regional markets with core advantages, actively seeks growth opportunities, focuses on strengtheningadvantageous channels and opening up new markets, and is committed to in-depth cooperation with key customers.It keeps up with the market development trend and constantly introduces high-end, innovative and frequencyconversion products; It adheres to the business-oriented and customer-centered principle, and continuouslyimproves product quality and customer service capabilities to enhance customer satisfaction; It adheres to the digitalempowerment business, builds a digital factory, strengthens the integrated operation of production, supply,marketing, research and logistics planning, and continuously improves the efficiency of the Company.

3. Washing machine industry

In terms of washing machine industry products, the Company will continue to upgrade and optimize theproduct appearance, function and washing effect in the second half of 2024, and comprehensively enhance itsproduct competitiveness. As for drum products, it mainly promotes the expansion of "As Hand Washing" productseries, enhances the competitiveness of waist products, and helps drum products in the domestic market to achieverapid scale breakthrough; Its pulsator products are continuously upgraded to improve profitability; It completes thelaunch of the heat pump dryer, builds a set of washing machine and dryer products, and further improves the productline layout. As for market, in terms of domestic sales, it continues to consolidate the construction of basic channels,focuses on resources to achieve breakthrough development of e-commerce channels, and ensure the steady growthof domestic sales. In terms of export, it realizes the coordination of refrigerator washing machines in the wholeproduct line, focuses on key areas, key customers and key products, and gradually completes the layout of drumproducts at all levels to achieve sustained and rapid growth in scale.

4. Kitchen, bathroom product and home appliance industry

While stabilizing the market position of tea products, it continues to expand the market influence and furtherenhance the brand influence around single products. At the same time, it strengthens brand building and marketing,improves brand awareness and reputation, and lays a solid foundation for the sustainable development of theindustry. Guided by market demand and driven by technological innovation, it continues to increase investment inR&D and continuously introduce innovative and competitive products to meet the increasingly diversified needs ofconsumers. It continues to promote the category focus strategy, strengthen the product effect analysis, reduce thenumber of categories and SKUs, and improve operational efficiency; It improves the efficiency of inter-departmental coordination, optimizes management processes, improves the quality of employees, and helps thehigh-quality development of the industry.

5. Biomedical industry

The Company unswervingly promotes the product collaboration strategy of "diversification based onbiomedical field", focuses on the field of life sciences, promotes channel innovation and upgrading, product R&Dinnovation based on the improvement of overall operational capacity, deepens the business, and comprehensivelyimproves service capacity and management level, so as to enhance market user coverage and product market share.It always adheres to the business philosophy of "technology-founded, product-based, market-oriented and customer-centered", and continues to operate steadily around the business principles of deepening channels, innovatingproducts, optimizing quality and improving efficiency.XI. The implementation of the action plan of "Double improvement of quality and return".Whether the Company has disclosed the action plan of "Double improvement of quality and return".

□Yes ?No

Section IV Corporate GovernanceI. AGM(Annual General Meeting) and extraordinary general meeting

(1)AGM held in the period

MeetingTypeParticipation ratio for investorsMeeting dateDisclosure dateResolution
2023 AGMAnnual General Meeting44.8860%April 25,2024April 26,2024The General Meeting have approved 14 proposals in total, including “Annual Report of 2023 and Its Summary”,“Report on Works of BOD for year of 2023”, “Report on Works of BOS for year of 2023”, “Financial Statement Report for year of 2023”, “ Plans of Profit Distribution for year of 2023”, “Proposal on Changing 2024 Annual Financial Report and Internal Control Auditing Organization” found more in the “Resolution of 2023 Annual General Meeting” (No.: 2024-024) released on Juchao Website www.cninfo.com.cn
First Extraordinary General Meeting of 2023Extraordinary General Meeting42.7763%June 18,2024June 19,2024The General Meeting have approved 9 proposals in total, including the Proposal on Providing Guarantee for the Company's Wholly-owned Subsidiaries, the Proposal on Amending Some Clauses of "Articles of Association", the Proposal on Amending Some Clauses of the Company's "Authorization Management System", the Proposal on Increasing the Use of the Company's Own Idle Funds to Invest in Wealth Management Products and the Proposal on Amending Some Clauses of the Company's "Rules of Procedure for the Board of Supervisors". found more in the “Resolution of 2023 First Temporary General Meeting” (No.: 2024-036) released on Juchao Website www.cninfo.com.cn

(2) Request for extraordinary general meeting by preferred stockholders with rights to vote

□Applicable √ Not applicable

II. Changes of directors, supervisors and senior executives

√ Applicable □Not applicable

Wu DinggangChairmanElectedJune 18,2024After review and approval at the First Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in 2024, it was agreed to elect Mr. Wu Dinggang as a non-independent director of the 11th Board of Directors of the Company, with a term of office of three years, which will take effect from the date of review and approval at the General Meeting of Shareholders; According to the resolution of the first meeting of the 11th Board of Directors of the Company, it was agreed to elect Mr. Wu Dinggang as the chairman of the 11th Board of Directors of the Company,
with a term of office from the date of review and approval by the Board of Directors of the Company to the date of expiration of his term of office in the current Board of Directors.
Zhong MingDirectorElectedJune 18,2024According to the resolution of the first meeting of the 11th Board of Directors of the Company, it was agreed to elect Mr.Zhong Ming as a non independent director of the 11th Board of Directors of the Company, with a term of office from the date of review and approval by the Board of Directors of the Company to the date of expiration of his term of office in the current Board of Directors.
PresidentAppointJune 18,2024According to the resolution of the first meeting of the 11th Board of Directors of the Company, it was agreed to elect Mr. Zhong Ming as the president of the 11th Board of Directors of the Company, with a term of office from the date of review and approval by the Board of Directors of the Company to the date of expiration of his term of office in the current Board of Directors.
Yi SuqinDirectorElectedJune 18,2024After review and approval at the First Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in 2024, it was agreed to elect Ms. Yi Suqin as a non-independent director of the 11th Board of Directors of the Company, with a term of office of three years, which will take effect from the date of review and approval at the General Meeting of Shareholders;
Cheng PingDirectorElectedJune 18,2024After review and approval at the First Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in 2024, it was agreed to elect Mr. Cheng Ping as a non-independent director of the 11th Board of Directors of the Company, with a term of office of three years, which will take effect from the date of review and approval at the General Meeting of Shareholders.
Fang WeiDirectorElectedJune 18,2024After review and approval at the First Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in 2024, it was agreed to elect Mr. Fang Wei as a non-independent director of the 11th Board of Directors of the Company, with a term of office of three years, which will take effect from the date of review and approval at the General Meeting of Shareholders.
Mu WenIndependent directorElectedJune 18,2024After review and approval at the First Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in 2024, it was agreed to elect Ms.Mu Wen as the independent director of the 11th Board of Directors of the Company, with a term of office of three years, which will take effect from the date of review and approval at the General Meeting of Shareholders.
Hong YuanjiaIndependent directorElectedJune 18,2024After review and approval at the First Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in 2024, it was agreed to elect Mr.Hong Yuanjia as the independent director of the 11th Board of Directors of the Company, with a term of office of three years, which will take effect from the date of review and approval at the General Meeting of Shareholders.
Cheng WenlongIndependent directorElectedJune 18,2024After review and approval at the First Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in 2024, it was agreed to elect Mr.Cheng Wenlong as the independent director of the 11th Board of Directors of the Company, with a term of office of three years, which will take effect from the date of review and approval at the General Meeting of Shareholders.
Qiu JianSupervisorElectedJune 18,2024After review and approval at the First Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in 2024, it was agreed to elect Mr.Qiu Jian as the shareholder representative supervisor of the 11th Board of supervisors of the Company, with a term of office of three years, which will take effect from the date of review and approval at the General Meeting of Shareholders.
Chairman of SupervisoryElectedJune 18,2024According to the resolution of the first meeting of the 11th Board of Supervisors of the Company, it was agreed to elect Mr. Qiu Jin as the chairman of the 11th Board of supervisors of the Company, with a term of office of three years, The term of office is consistent with the term of office of the current Board of Supervisors.
Ma YuSupervisorElectedJune 18,2024After review and approval at the First Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in 2024, it was agreed to elect Mr. Ma Yu as the shareholder representative supervisor of the 11th Board of Supervisors of the Company, with a term of office of three years, which will take effect from the date of review and approval at the General Meeting of Shareholders.
Ji GeStaff supervisorElectedJune 17,2024After democratic election by 2nd session of the 9th employee representative meeting, Ms.Ji Ge was elected as the employee supervisor of the 11th board of supervisors, with a term of office of three years, The term of office is consistent with the term of office of the current Board of Supervisors.
Tang YoudaoVice presidentAppointJune 18,2024According to the resolution of the first meeting of the 11th Board of Directors, it was agreed to appoint Mr. Tang Youdao as the Company's vice president. with a term of office from the date of review and approval by the Board of Directors of the Company to the date of expiration of his term of office in the current Board of Directors.
Kou HuamengDirectorDimissionJune 18,2024When the Board of Directors changes, he will resign at the expiration of his term of office.
Vice presidentAppointJune 18,2024According to the resolution of the first meeting of the 11th Board of Directors, it was agreed to appoint Mr. Kou Huameng as the Company's vice president. with a term of office from the date of review and approval by the Board of Directors of the Company to the date of expiration of his term of office in the current Board of Directors.
Hu ZhaogeiDirectorDimissionJune 18,2024When the Board of Directors changes, he will resign at the expiration of his term of office.
Vice presidentAppointJune 18,2024According to the resolution of the first meeting of the 11th Board of Directors, it was agreed to appoint Mr. Huu Zhaogui as the Company's vice president. with a term of office from the date of review and approval by the Board of Directors of the Company to the date of expiration of his term of office in the current Board of Directors.
Li XiaVice presidentAppointJune 18,2024According to the resolution of the first meeting of the 11th Board of Directors, it was agreed to appoint Ms. Li Xia as the Company's vice president. with a term of office from the date of review and approval by the Board of Directors of the Company to the date of expiration of his term of office in the current Board of Directors.
Secretary of the BoardAppointJune 18,2024According to the resolution of the first meeting of the 11th Board of Directors, it was agreed to appoint Ms. Li Xia as the Company's secretary of the board. with a term of office from the date of review and approval by the Board of Directors of the Company to the date of expiration of his term of office in the current Board of Directors.
Pang HaitaoCFOAppointJune 18,2024According to the resolution of the first meeting of the 11th Board of Directors, it was agreed to appoint Mr.Pang Haitao as the Company's CFO. with a term of office from the date of review and approval by the Board of Directors of the Company to the date of expiration of his term of office in the current Board of Directors.
Yong FengshanDirectorDimissionJune 18,2024When the Board of Directors changes, he will resign at the expiration of his term of office.
Zhao GangDirectorDimissionJune 18,2024When the Board of Directors changes, he will resign at the expiration of his term of office.
Shao MinChairman of SupervisoryDimissionJune 18,2024When the Board of Supervisors changes, he will resign at the expiration of his term of office.
He XintanSupervisorDimissionJune 18,2024When the Board of Supervisors changes, he will resign at the expiration of his term of office.
Huang HongSupervisorDimissionJune 18,2024When the Board of Supervisors changes, he will resign at the expiration of his term of office.
Sun HongyingSupervisorDimissionJune 18,2024When the Board of Supervisors changes, he will resign at the expiration of his term of office.
Huang DanianChairman of SupervisoryDimissionJune 18,2024He will resign at the expiration of his term of office.

III. Profit distribution plan and capitalizing of common reserves in the period

□Applicable √ Not applicable

There are no cash dividend, bonus and capitalizing of common reserves carried out in the semi-annualIV. Implementation of the company’s stock incentive plan, employee stock ownership plan or otheremployee incentives

□Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company has no implementation of the company’s stock incentive plan, employee stock ownership plan orother employee incentives in the period.

Section V Environmental and Social Responsibility

I. Major environmental

(1)The listed Company and its subsidiary whether belongs to the key sewage units released from environmentalprotection department

□Yes √No

Administrative penalties for environmental issues during the reporting period

NameCauseViolation of the situationResultImpact on the production and operation of listed companiesThe company's rectification measures
Not applicableNot applicableNot applicableNot applicableNot applicableNot applicable

(2).Refer to other environmental information disclosed by key pollutant discharge units

Not applicable。

(3).Measures taken to reduce carbon emissions and their effectiveness during the reporting period

√Applicable □ Not applicable

Combined with the characteristics and special requirements of carbon emissions, the Company has set up amanagement committee for carbon peaking and carbon neutrality to set carbon reduction targets, promote theCompany's overall carbon emission work, and at the same time to help save energy and reduce carbon emission bycontinuously improving the Company's energy management system. During the reporting period, the Companyvigorously promoted and applied the advanced energy-saving equipment and technology in the industry, andimplemented energy-saving renovation projects such as depressurization operation of air compressor, renovation ofcombined control system of nitrogen generator, automatic control of steam valve, energy-saving renovation ofcontainer packed oven dryer, application research on waste heat recovery of air compressor, and application of solarstreet lamp. In addition, the Company actively upgraded its energy management system, realized interoperabilitywith production systems, further improved the refined level of energy management of the Company, and effectivelyreduced energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. In order to improve the use of green energy, theCompany has also purchased some green electricity, and will continue to expand the proportion of green energy inthe future. Under the guidance of the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality committee, the Company will furtherimprove the management and cooperation of the supply chain, promote suppliers and partners to jointly reducecarbon emissions, optimize logistics and transportation modes, improve the use of green vehicles, and pay attentionto the use of recyclable packaging and transshipment materials to reduce carbon emissions in the whole productionand transportation process.

(4).Reasons for not disclosing other environmental information

Neither the Company nor its subsidiaries belong to the key pollutant discharge units announced by the

environmental protection department.The Company advocates the development concept of green environmentalprotection, strictly abides by environmental protection laws and regulations such as the Environmental ProtectionLaw of People's Republic of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control ofWater Pollution and the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of AtmosphericPollution, promotes green production, enhances energy conservation and emission reduction, and earnestly fulfillsits environmental protection responsibilities.II. Social responsibilityThe Company continues to promote win-win development with its stakeholders, earnestly fulfills its socialresponsibilities, pays close attention to the voices of all stakeholders, and actively gives back and improves, and isdetermined to become an enterprise that is respected by the society and loved by its employees. While achievingsound development, it pays attention to protecting the interests of its shareholders, employees, suppliers, customersand consumers, and actively engages in public welfare undertakings, thus promoting the harmonious developmentof the Company and the whole society.

1. Protection of the rights and interests of shareholders and creditors

The company strictly follows the provisions and requirements formulated by the Articles of Association andthe Rules of Procedure for the General Meeting of Shareholders, regulates the convening, holding and votingprocedures of the general meeting of shareholders, equally treats all shareholders, especially small and mediumshareholders equally, and ensures that all shareholders enjoy equal status and fully exercise their own rights. Underthe premise of strictly implementing the Administrative Measures for Information Disclosure of Listed Companies,the company actively communicates and exchanges information with investors on the company's operations andmanagement, financial status, etc. through annual performance briefings, Anhui service week for investors by SZSE,investor telephone hotline, e-mails, and the investor relations interactive platform of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange,and discloses information to all investors in a truthful, accurate, complete, concise and clear, and easy-to-understandmanner; further, the company attaches great importance to the shareholder return mechanism, According to theReturn Plan for Shareholders of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd. for the Next Three Years (2024 -2026), It guidesinvestors to establish the concept of long-term investment and rational investment, and maintains the continuity andstability of the profit distribution policy. During the reporting period, combined with its own operating conditionsand other factors, the Company implemented the 2023 profit distribution plan and made cash dividends, accountingfor 41.70% of the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies in 2023, offered shareholders areasonable return on investment.In addition, in order to establish a variety of shareholder return mechanisms and thank investors for their long-term concern and support for the Company, during the reporting period, the Company held the "Meiling ShareholderThanksgiving Festival" to give back to all shareholders with sincerity.

2. Protection of the rights and interests of employees

In accordance with relevant laws, regulations and policies, and in light of its own actual situation, the companyhas established a relatively complete employment management system, including labor contract system, salary and

performance appraisal system, welfare management system, training management system, employee vacationmanagement system, etc..The company attaches importance to the vital interests of employees, protects thelegitimate rights and interests of employees to the maximum extent, establishes harmonious labor relations, andstrives to form a good mechanism for the company and employees to create and share together. At the same time,the company creates a people-oriented cultural atmosphere by providing various holidays, allowances, condolencesand organizing diversified employee activities, benchmarking personnel selection, carnivals, etc., and continuouslyimproves employee satisfaction.

3. Protection of the rights and interests of suppliers, customers and consumers

The company has established a relatively complete procurement management system, optimized and revisedsystem documents in a timely manner, unified information system tools, strictly controlled every link of theprocurement business, cultivated core and strategic suppliers, and established a high-end supply chain cultivationplan for component suppliers of high-end products, so as to form a synergy, cooperation and win-win situationbetween the company and its suppliers.The Company has a perfect product development process, advanced R&D system, and constantly developsproducts with leading technology. The Company attaches great importance to product quality, has strong qualitycontrol ability, reliable product performance and a refined quality management system, and has passed themanagement system certifications such as ISO9001, ISO14001 and ISO45001. The Company's testing center hasCNAS accreditation qualification, complete test items and strong testing ability, which meets the requirements ofstrict and high-level testing of products. At the same time, it has built one of the few RoHS and intelligent IoTlaboratories in the industry. The Company adheres to the user-centered principle and attaches importance to userreputation. In the domestic market, it increases its attention and support in terminal construction, user experienceand product training to increase the sales of products; In the export market, it fully recognizes the requirements oflocal laws and regulations, strictly certifies products, and fully verifies the reliability and environmental adaptabilityof products to ensure the reliability of products in the target market. Its export products have covered more than 100countries or regions. According to different types of customers, it implements classification and system managementthrough the information system, and timely feeds back the demands put forward by customers, continuouslyimproves quality services and enhances brand image; It also tracks the market performance by customer satisfactionand user net recommendation value.For the protection of consumers' rights and interests, the company has a relatively advanced closed-loopmanagement system for user service. In order to meet users' service needs, it gradually improves the functionconstruction of official channel service platforms such as 400 service hotline, brand official website, WeChat officialaccount and Zhihuijia APP, attaches importance to and strengthens the user interaction and experience of socialplatforms such as Tik Tok, Xiaohongshu, Weibo, Bilibili and Zhihu, and understands and handles users' needs andquestions in time. In view of user demand processing, it promotes the process visualization management and userevaluation system management of work order processing timeline. In addition, the company pays attention toimproving consumers' product guarantee service ability, and has created Meiling's exclusive characteristic guaranteeservice measures, and upgraded and launched the services such as unconditional return within 180 days for Meiling

M fresh refrigerator because of dissatisfaction in preservation, and unconditional return within 180 days for Meilingclean refrigerator because of dissatisfaction in disinfection and sterilization, so as to effectively meet users' needsand enhance consumer satisfaction.

Changhong household air conditioner enjoys the 10-year warranty policy of the whole unit, which effectivelymeets the needs of users and enhances consumer satisfaction.

4. Social welfare

Over the years, the company has been actively participating in social welfare undertakings and various socialwelfare activities. The Company actively carries out actions such as helping employees with serious illness ordifficulties, advocating voluntary donations from employees, paying attention to occupational disease preventionand control, and organizing safety education and training. During the reporting period, the Company took theinitiative to assume social responsibilities, rushed to the flood-stricken areas in Xixian County, Huangshan, andprovided free testing and cleaning services for home appliances. The Party Committee of the Company activelyparticipated in the third party building project of Micro-philanthropy venture capital in the Jinxiu Community SocialOrganization Incubation Park in Hefei Economic Development Zone. During the reporting period, it organized sixactivities, including popular science popularization experiment, safety education and psychological salon, toenhance the happiness of the community and family. The Company also helped many primary and secondary schoolsin Hefei to carry out 26 study tours, gave full play to the advantages of national intelligent manufacturingdemonstration enterprises, set up labor practice classes on the production line, received nearly 3,000 primary andsecondary school students, and sowed the "made in China" seeds in the hearts of every teenager through interestingexperiment classes, creative labor classes and brand history classes.

Section VI Important Events

I. Commitments that the actual controller, shareholders, related party, the buyer and the company havefulfilled during the reporting period and have not yet fulfilled by the end of reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company has no commitments that the actual controller, shareholders, related party, the buyer and the companyhave fulfilled during the reporting period and have not yet fulfilled by the end of reporting periodII. Non-operational fund occupation from controlling shareholders and its related party

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No non-operational fund occupation from controlling shareholders and its related party in period.III. External guarantee out of the regulations

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No external guarantee out of the regulations occurred in the period.IV. Appointment and non-reappointment (dismissal) of CPAWhether the semi-annual financial report had been audited

□Yes √ No

The semi-annual report was not auditedV. Explanation on “non Qualified Opinion” from CPA by the Board and Supervisory Committee

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VI. Explanation from the Board for “non Qualified Opinion” of last year’s

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VII. Bankruptcy reorganization

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No bankruptcy reorganization for the Company in reporting periodVIII. Lawsuit(i) Major Litigation and Arbitration Matters

√ Applicable □Not applicable

Basic situation of litigation(arbitration)Amount involvedWhether toLitigation(arbitraLitigation(arbitration)trialImplementation ofDisclosureDisclosure
(Ten thousand yuan)form estimated liabilitiestion)progressresults and impactlitigation(arbitration)judgmentsdateindex
Zhiyijia, an affiliated enterprise of the company, signed a sales contract with the defendant, Tianjin Pengsheng Logistics Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Tianjin Pengsheng"). After the contract was signed, Zhiyijia, the plaintiff, supplied the goods to Tianjin Pengsheng, the defendant as agreed, but Tianjin Pengsheng, the defendant, failed to fulfill the payment obligation to Zhiyijia as agreed. As of November 30, 2022, according to statistics, Tianjin Pengsheng, the defendant, still owed Zhiyijia a payment of RMB 96,174,308.42. Based on this, Zhiyijia, the plaintiff brought a lawsuit against Tianjin Pengsheng, the defendant to the People's Court of Mianyang High-tech Industrial Development Zone, and requested the court to order Tianjin Pengsheng to immediately pay the plaintiff RMB 96,174,308.42 and the corresponding liquidated damages for overdue payment, and bear the related litigation costs and property preservation guarantee fees.9,617.43NoThe judgment of the first instance has come into effect.The court ordered the defendant Tianjin Pengsheng to immediately pay the plaintiff RMB 96,174,308.42 and the corresponding liquidated damages for overdue payment, and bear the related litigation costs and property preservation guarantee fees.Under executionDecember 24,2022, October 20,2023(www.cninfo.com.cn)(2022-101and 2023-057)
Meiling Group, a subsidiary of the Company, signed a sales contract with Gome Electrical Appliances Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Gome"). After the contract was signed, Meiling Group, the plaintiff, fulfilled the supply obligation according to the contract, while Gome and its affiliated companies, the defendant, failed to fulfill the payment obligation to Meiling Group according to the contract. According to statistics, the defendant Gome and its affiliated companies owe Meiling Group RMB 9,841,267.21 for purchase payment and RMB 1,018,820.55 for liquidated damages for overdue payment, totaling RMB 10,860,087.76. Based on this, the plaintiff Meiling Group filed a lawsuit against the defendant Gome and its affiliated companies in the People's Court of Hefei High-tech Industry Development Zone. It requested the court to order the defendant Gome to immediately pay the plaintiff Meiling Group the purchase payment and the liquidated damages for overdue payment, totaling RMB1,086.01NoThe case has been accepted and is in the formal trial stage or pre-litigation mediation stage.No trial result yetNo trial result yetOctober20,2023(www.cninfo.com.cn)( 2023-058)


Notes: The Company's shareholding in Zhiyijia is 50%, and the products are sold through Zhiyijia's smart tradingplatform. The customers, channels and sales transactions corresponding to the products sold are controlled anddocked by the company itself, and the external transaction object is Zhiyijia, and related transactions are formedbetween the Company and Zhiyijia. In terms of payment settlement, the Company and Zhiyijia follow the principleof "external customer account period is Zhiyijia's account period to the Company, and external customer paymentis Zhiyijia's payment to the Company, which is not allowed to be remained or transited at Zhiyijia". The amountsinvolved in this case are all accounts receivable and liquidated damages for overdue payment caused by theCompany's sales through the smart trading platform of Zhiyijia, but the subject of the agreement is Zhiyijia, andthis lawsuit will be filed by Zhiyijia. The Company and its affiliated enterprise Zhiyijia will claim their legitimaterights and interests according to law and actively take relevant measures to safeguard the legitimate rights andinterests of the Company, Zhiyijia and the investors.(ii) Other litigation matters

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IX. Penalty and rectification

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

During the reporting period, the Company had no Penalty and rectification.X. Integrity of the company and its controlling shareholders and actual controllers

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

XI. Major related party transaction(i) Related party transaction with routine operation concerned

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

SerialRelated partyRelationshipType of related transactionContent of related transactionPricing principleRelated transaction price (in 10 thousand Yuan)Related transaction amount (in 10 thousand Yuan)Proportion in similar transactions (%)Trading limit approved (in 10 thousand Yuan)Whether over the approved limited or Not (Y/N)Clearing form for related transactionAvailable similar market priceDate of disclosureIndex of disclosure
1Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.Controlling shareholderCommodity purchasedPressure regulator, integrated circuit, transistors, steel plate, plastic parts, etcMarketing price6,217.876,217.870.45%23,000.00NSpot exchange, Bank acceptance-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
2Sichuan Changhong Electric Holdings Group Co., Ltd.Controlling shareholderCommodity purchasedSteel plate and plastic particles, etcMarketing price116,368.5116,368.58.51%280,000.00NSpot exchange, Bank acceptance-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
3Changhong Huayi Compressor Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerCommodity purchasedCompressor, EnergyMarketing price29,660.3729,660.372.17%80,000.00NSpot exchange, Bank acceptance-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
4Sichuan Changhong Mold Plastic Tech. Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerCommodity purchasedComponents, plastic parts and lining accessories etc.Marketing price59,341.4959,341.494.34%130,000.00NSpot exchange, Bank acceptance-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
5Sichuan Changhong Jijia Fine Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerCommodity purchasedBase plate assembly, black plate, bracket etc.Marketing price40,976.0840,976.083.00%65,000.00NSpot exchange, Bank acceptance-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.: 2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
6Sichuan Changhong Package Printing Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerCommodity purchasedPacking boxes, foam, fixed support block etc.Marketing price8,727.998,727.990.64%20,000.00NBank acceptance-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.: 2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
7Sichuan Changhong Precision Electronics Tech. Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerCommodity purchasedPrinted board machine insertion machine paste assemblyMarketing price1,976.061,976.060.14%4,000.00NSpot exchange, Bank acceptance-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
8Guangdong Changhong Electronics Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerCommodity purchasedFoam and cartonMarketing price542.44542.440.04%6,000.00NSpot exchange, Bank acceptance-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
9Sichuan Changhong Intelligence Manufacturing Technology Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerCommodity purchasedOutside cover partsMarketing price0.490.490.00%5,000.00NBank acceptance-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
10Sichuan Hongwei Technology Co., LtdOther enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerCommodity purchasedElectric toothbrush, body fat weighing, smart watches, etcMarketing price1.421.420.00%6,000.00NBank acceptance-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
11Hefei Changhong Industrial Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerCommodity purchasedEnergyMarketing price403.79403.790.03%6,000.00NBank acceptance-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
12Sichuan Changhong NewOther enterprise controlCommodity purchaseBatteriesMarketing price41.5841.580.00%5,000.00NSpot exchange, Bank acceptance-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, MarchJuchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-
Energy Technology Co., Ltd.under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerd30,2024,April 26,2024066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
13Sichuan Zhiyijia Network Technology Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerCommodity purchasedAir conditioner, LCD TVMarketing price160.02160.020.01%6,000.00NSpot exchange-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
14Changhong International Holdings (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerCommodity purchasedTelevisionMarketing price432.77432.770.03%16,000.00NSpot exchange-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
15Sichuan Changhong Device Technology Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerCommodity purchasedprinted boardMarketing price454.57454.570.03%6,000.00NBank acceptance-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
16Sichuan Changhong ElectronicOther enterprise control under the same controllingCommodity purchasedRemote controls, switching transformers, printed boards, electronic components, etc.Marketing price1,485.081,485.080.11%5,000.00NSpot exchange, Bank acceptance-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
Products Co., Ltd.shareholder and ultimate controller
17Sichuan Ailian Science & Technology Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerCommodity purchasedInternet access modules, electronic components, etcMarketing price777.61777.610.06%3,000.00NSpot exchange, Bank acceptance-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
18Sichuan Aichuang Science & Technology Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerCommodity purchasedInverter integrated boardMarketing price7,397.517,397.510.54%30,000.00NSpot exchange, Bank acceptance-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
19Sichuan Aoku Technology Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerCommodity purchasedInverter integrated board ,Electronic control componentsMarketing price1,458.921,458.920.11%8,000.00NSpot exchange, Bank acceptance-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
20Sichuan Changhong Electronics Holding Group Co., Ltd.Controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerAccept labor serviceShuttle transportation fee, training feeMarketing price66.7466.740.07%280,000.00NSpot exchange-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
21Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.Controlling shareholderAccept labor serviceSoftware usage fee, information consultation fee, inspection and certification feeMarketing price189.23189.230.21%5,000.00NSpot exchange-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
22Sichuan Changhong Minsheng Logistics Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerAccept labor serviceTransportation costs, storage and handling charges, freight and miscellaneous charges etc.Marketing price45,670.3145,670.3150.08%75,000.00NSpot exchange-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
23Sichuan Changhong Mold Plastic Tech. Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerAccept labor servicecommission processing fee,Change the mold serviceMarketing price2,237.632,237.632.45%5,000.00NSpot exchange, Bank acceptance-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
24Sichuan Service Exp. Appliance Service Chain Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerAccept labor serviceThree packages, equipment repair, miscellaneous fees, installation fee etc.Marketing price19,691.1319,691.1321.59%51,000.00NSpot exchange-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
25Sichuan Hongxin Software Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controllingAccept labor serviceSoftware usage fee, service supporting fee and informationMarketing price114.75114.750.13%5,000.00NSpot exchange-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-
shareholder and ultimate controllerservice fee014,2024-024.
26Guangdong Changhong Electronics Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerAccept labor serviceService support fee, network service fee etc.Marketing price16.9716.970.02%5,000.00NSpot exchange-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
27Sichuan Jiahong Industrial Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerAccept labor serviceMeals, property management fees etc.Marketing price344.91344.910.38%5,000.00NSpot exchange-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
28Sichuan Changhong International Hotel Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerAccept labor serviceMeetings fee, accommodation,Travel serviceMarketing price88.3888.380.10%5,000.00NSpot exchange-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
29Sichuan Changhong Property Services Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerAccept labor serviceproperty management feesMarketing price5.835.830.01%5,000.00NSpot exchange-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
30Sichuan Zhiyijia Network Technology Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerAccept labor serviceDesign service fee and platform usage feeMarketing price7.717.710.01%5,000.00NSpot exchange-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
31Sichuan Changhong Network Technology Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerAccept labor serviceNetwork maintenance servicesMarketing price0.070.070.00%5,000.00NSpot exchange-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
32Mianyang High-tech Zone Hongfu Technology Co., Ltd.Companies where the supervisor of the controlling shareholder serves as a directorAccept labor serviceTraffic servicesMarketing price68.2468.240.07%120.00NSpot exchange-
33Sichuan Changhong Jijia Fine Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerAccept labor servicecommission processing feeMarketing price125.35125.350.14%5,000.00NBank acceptance-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
34Sichuan Changhong Gerun EnvironmeOther enterprise control under theAccept labor serviceEnvironmental protection serviceMarketing price5.415.410.01%5,000.00NSpot exchange-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,AprilJuchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-
ntal protection Technology Co., Ltd.same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller26,2024080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
35Sichuan Changhong Electronic Products Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerAccept labor serviceLabor servesMarketing price3.413.410.00%5,000.00NSpot exchange-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
36Sichuan Aichuang Technology Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerAccept labor serviceWarehouse management serviceMarketing price-6-6-0.01%5,000.00NSpot exchange-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
37Sichuan Qiruike Technology Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerAccept labor serviceTechnology development service fee, instrument repair fee, inspection and certification fee, etc.Marketing price691.92691.920.76%5,000.00NSpot exchange-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
38Sichuan Changhong Device Technology Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerSales of goodsServiceMarketing price17.8117.810.02%5,000.00NSpot exchange-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
39Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.Controlling shareholderSales of goodsAir conditioner, Kitchen and bathroom, small appliancesMarketing price49.7949.790.00%1,000.00NSpot exchange-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
40Sichuan Changhong Jijia Fine Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerSales of goodsAir conditioner, Kitchen and bathroom, small appliancesMarketing price84.7484.740.01%3,000.00NSpot exchange-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
41Sichuan Changhong Mold Technology Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerSales of goodsPlastic pressure partsMarketing price38.3838.380.00%3,000.00NSpot exchange-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
42Sichuan Zhiyijia Network TechNlogy Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerSales of goodswashing machine, Refrigerator, freezer, Air conditioner, small appliancesMarketing price381,470.5381,470.525.69%880,000.00NSpot exchange, Bank acceptance-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
43Sichuan Changhong DeviceOther enterprise control under the same controllingSales of goodsAir conditioner, EnergyMarketing price80.980.90.01%3,000.00NSpot exchange-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-
Technology Co., Ltd.shareholder and ultimate controller014,2024-024.
44Sichuan Changhong Minsheng Logistics Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerSales of goodsRefrigeratorMarketing price77.9877.980.01%3,000.00NSpot exchange-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
45Sichuan Service Exp. Appliance Service Chain Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerSales of goodsAir conditioners, inverter integrated boards, components etc.Marketing price217.07217.070.01%3,000.00NSpot exchange-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
46Sichuan Changhong Real Estate Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerSales of goodsKitchen and bathroom, small home appliancesMarketing price1.441.440.00%3,000.00NSpot exchange-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
47Sichuan Changhong Network Technology Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerSales of goodsAir conditionerMarketing price7.547.540.00%3,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
48Sichuan Aoku Technology Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerSales of goodsRefrigeratorMarketing price19.2319.230.00%3,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
49Sichuan Changhong Source Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerSales of goodsSmall home appliancesMarketing price0.30.30.00%3,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
50Sichuan Ailian Technology Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerSales of goodsElectric deviceMarketing price4.954.950.00%3,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
51Sichuan Changhong Jiahua Information Product Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerSales of goodsAir-conditionerMarketing price43.2443.240.00%3,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
52Sichuan ChanghongOther enterprise controlSales of goodsSmall home appliancesMarketing price0.110.110.00%3,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, MarchJuchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-
International Hotel Co., Ltd.under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller30,2024,April 26,2024066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
53CHANGHONG(HK)TRADINGLIMITEDOther enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerSales of goodsAir conditioner and partMarketing price23,462.823,462.81.58%140,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
54CHANGHONGELECTRIC(AUSTRALIA)PTY.LTD.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerSales of goodsRefrigerator, freezers ,washing machine and partMarketing price13,731.6713,731.670.92%140,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
55Orion.PDP.Co.,ltdOther enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerSales of goodsRefrigeratorMarketing price2,058.892,058.890.14%6,500.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
56ChanghongEuropeElectrics.r.oOther enterprise control under the same controllingSales of goodsRefrigeratorMarketing price3,386.813,386.810.23%12,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
shareholder and ultimate controller
57Changhong International Holdings (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerSales of goodsRefrigerator, freezers, Air conditioner, kitchen utensilsMarketing price7,047.957,047.950.47%30,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
58Sichuan Aichuang Science & Technology Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerSales of goodsKitchen and bathroom, small home appliancesMarketing price0.530.530.00%3,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
59MianyangHuafeng Hulian Technology Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerSales of goodsAir conditionerMarketing price41.5941.590.00%3,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
60Sichuan Changhong Mold Plastic Tech. Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerProviding servicesLabor costMarketing price82.8282.824.08%10,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
61Sichuan Changhong Jijia Fine Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerProviding servicesLabor costMarketing price14.114.10.69%3,000.00NBank acceptance-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
62Sichuan Aichuang Science & Technology Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerProviding servicesTechnical service fee, Labor costMarketing price-9.71-9.71-0.48%3,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
63Sichuan Huafeng Technology Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerProviding servicesLabor costMarketing price-1.12-1.12-0.06%3,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
64Sichuan Zhiyijia Network Technology Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerProviding servicesService feeMarketing price7.027.020.35%5,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
65Sichuan Changhong ElectricControlling shareholderProviding servicesLabor costMarketing price-5.25-5.25-0.26%5,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, MarchJuchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-
Co., Ltd.30,2024,April 26,2024066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
66Sichuan Changhong Device Technology Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerProviding servicesTechnical service feeMarketing price54.554.52.69%5,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
67Sichuan Changhong Network Technology Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerProviding servicesRepair ServiceMarketing price17.3517.350.85%5,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
68Mianyang Huafeng Hulian Technology Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerProviding servicesRepair ServiceMarketing price395.44395.4419.48%3,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
69Changhong Huayi Compressor Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerProviding servicesLabor costMarketing price27.6527.651.36%200.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
70Sichuan Changhong Minsheng Logistics Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerProviding servicesLabor costMarketing price1.141.140.06%5,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
71Sichuan Ailian Technology Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerProviding servicesWarehousing servicesMarketing price0.160.160.01%3,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
72Sichuan Service Exp. Appliance Service Chain Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerProviding servicesLabor costMarketing price86.7786.774.28%5,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
73Sichuan Aoku Technology Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerProviding servicesLabor costMarketing price5.095.090.25%3,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
74Sichuan ChanghongOther enterprise controlProviding servicesMaintenance feesMarketing price2.632.630.13%3,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, MarchJuchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-
International Hotel Co., Ltd.under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller30,2024,April 26,2024066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
75Sichuan Changhong Xinwang Technology Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerProviding servicesLabor costMarketing price-10.14-10.14-0.50%5,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
76Sichuan Changhong Electronic Products Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerProviding servicesLabor costMarketing price0.090.090.00%5,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
77Sichuan Qiruike Technology Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerProviding servicesLabor costMarketing price0.140.140.01%3,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
78Yuanxin Finance Lease Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimateProviding servicesConsultation serviceMarketing price48.9448.942.41%5,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
79Sichuan Changhong Property Service Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerProviding servicesTechnical service feeMarketing price8.588.580.42%3,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
80Sichuan Changhong Jiechuang Lithium technology Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerProviding servicesInstallation serviceMarketing price1.091.090.05%3,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
81Sichuan Aoku Technology Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerRent to the related partyRental apartment,Marketing price0.590.590.03%3,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
82Sichuan Service Exp. Appliance Service Chain Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerRent to the related partyRental apartment, officeMarketing price12.6712.670.57%4,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
83Sichuan QiruikeOther enterpriseRent to theLease of factoryMarketing price4.734.730.21%3,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,DecemberJuchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)
Technology Co., Ltd.control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerrelated party22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
84Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.Controlling shareholderRent to the related partyLease of factory, equipmentMarketing price42.9442.941.92%4,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
85Sichuan Changhong Jijia Fine Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerRent to the related partyRental apartment, warehouses,plants,equipmentMarketing price227.04227.0410.15%4,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
86Sichuan Changhong Minsheng Logistics Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerRent to the related partyServiced apartment, office, etc.Marketing price14.6114.610.65%4,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
87Sichuan Changhong Mold Plastic Tech. Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimateRent to the related partyServiced apartment, warehouse, workshop, equipment and living quartersMarketing price437.05437.0519.54%4,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
88Sichuan Changhong Device Technology Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerRent to the related partyLease of factoryMarketing price107.36107.364.80%4,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
89Sichuan Zhiyijia Network Technology Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerRent to the related partyRental apartmentMarketing price9.419.410.42%4,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
90Chengdu Changhong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerLeasing from related partyLeasing officeMarketing price32.9232.921.47%4,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
91Guangdong Changhong Electronics Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerLeasing from related partyLease of staff dormitory, plantMarketing price880.36%4,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
92Hefei ChanghonOther enterpriseLeasing fromlease of plantMarketing price113.02113.025.05%4,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,DecemberJuchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)
g Industrial Co., Ltd.control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerrelated party22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
93Sichuan Jiahong Industrial Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerLeasing from related partyLease of staff dormitoryMarketing price28.7328.731.28%5,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
94Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.Controlling shareholderLeasing from related partyLease of laboratory and workshopMarketing price198.34198.348.87%4,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
95Sichuan Changhong Electronics Holding Group Co., Ltd.Controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerLeasing from related partyLease shopMarketing price9.769.760.44%280,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
96Changhong Huayi Compressor Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerLeasing from related partyLease of staff dormitoryMarketing price5.75.70.25%200.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
97Sichuan Changhong Intelligent Manufacturing Technology Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerPurchase and construction of fixed assetsassembly line bodyMarketing price35.2435.240.17%500.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
98Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.Controlling shareholderPurchase and construction of fixed assetsRelocation and renovation equipmentMarketing price61.0761.070.29%3,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
99Sichuan Zhiyijia Network Technology Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerPurchase of fixed assetsTVMarketing price7.887.880.04%3,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
100081 Electronic Group Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerPurchase of fixed assetsFinished warehouseMarketing price18.4618.460.09%3,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-014,2024-024.
101Yuanxin Financial Lease Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controllingFinancing businessFinancing businessMarketing price56,792.4956,792.4980,000.00NSpot exchange,-December 5,2023,December 22,2023, March 30,2024,April 26,2024Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn)Announcement No.:2023-066,2023-067,2023-068,2023-080,2024-007,2024-008,2024-
shareholder and ultimate controller014,2024-024.
Detail of sales return with major amount involvedNot applicable
Report the actual implementation of the daily related transactions which were projected about their total amount by types during the reporting period (if applicable)1 It is estimated that the related transaction amount resulted by purchasing goods (including door shell and plastic products etc.) and accepting fuel and power from Sichuan Changhong and its subsidiary by the Company for year of 2024 was 2,690 million yuan at most (tax-excluded), actually 1,207.1958 million yuan occurred in reporting period.
2. It is estimated that the related transaction amount resulted by purchasing compressors, Sell goods, accept or provide services with Changhong Huayi and its subsidiary by the Company for year of 2024 was 802 million yuan at most (tax-excluded), actually 296.9372 million yuan occurred in reporting period.
3. It is estimated that the related transaction amount resulted by purchasing or selling equipment, software, maintenance and spare parts and molds etc. from Sichuan Changhong and its subsidiary by the Company for year of 2024 was 30 million yuan at most (tax-excluded), actually 874,100 yuan occurred in reporting period.
4. It is estimated that the related transaction amount resulted by selling goods and providing fuel and power to Sichuan Changhong and its subsidiary by the Company for year of 2024 was 10,660 million yuan at most (tax-excluded), actually 4,297.0111 million yuan occurred in reporting period.
5. It is estimated that the related transaction amount resulted by leasing business to Sichuan Changhong and its subsidiary by the Company for year of 2024 was 40 million yuan at most (tax-excluded), actually 12.0336 million yuan occurred in reporting period.
6. It is estimated that the related transaction amount from domestic finished goods logistic business outsourcing to Sichuan Changhong Minsheng Logistics Co., Ltd. by the Company for year of 2024 was 750 million yuan at most (tax-excluded), actually 456.7031 million yuan occurred in reporting period.
7. It is estimated that the related transaction amount from after sales service of domestic goods outsourcing to Sichuan Service Exp. Appliance Service Chain Co., Ltd. by the Company for year of 2024 was 510 million yuan at most actually 196.9113 million yuan occurred in reporting period.
8. It is estimated that the related transaction amount resulted by accepting other service and labor service etc. or providing other service and labor service etc. to Sichuan Changhong and its subsidiary by the Company for year of 2024 was 180 million yuan at most (tax-excluded), actually 30.1027 million yuan occurred in reporting period.
9. It is estimated that the related transaction amount resulted by selling goods and leasing business from Sichuan Changhong Electronics Holding Group Co., Ltd and its subsidiary by the Company for year of 2024 was 95 million yuan at most (tax-excluded), actually 25.3292 million yuan occurred in reporting period
10. It is estimated that the related transaction amount resulted by purchasing goods and receiving labor services, fuel power, leasing and purchasing equipment etc. from Sichuan Changhong Electronics Holding Group Co., Ltd. and its subsidiary by the Company for year of 2024 was 3,265 million yuan at most (tax-excluded), actually 1,273.1602 million yuan occurred in reporting period.
11. It is estimated that the related transaction amount resulted by received the financing lease, commercial factoring and bill financing from Yuanxin Financial Lease Co., Ltd was 800 million yuan at most, actually 567.9249 million yuan occurred in reporting period.
Reasons for major differences between trading price and market reference price (if applicable)Not applicable

Note: According to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange's "Listing Rules" and the company's "Authorization Management System" and other relevant regulations, relatedparty transactions between the company and related parties with an amount less than 3 million yuan (including 3 million yuan) shall be implemented with the approvalof the company's president. Therefore, during the reporting period, the related-party transactions between the company and its related party Mianyang High-tech ZoneHongfu Technology Co., Ltd. were within 3 million yuan , and has been approved by the company's president.

(ii) Related transactions by assets acquisition and sold

□Applicable √ Not applicable

There are no related transactions by assets acquisition and sold in the period(iii) Related party transaction of joint foreign investment

□Applicable √ Not applicable

There are no related transactions by joint foreign investment in the period(iv) Connect of related liability and debt

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Whether has non-operational contact of related liability and debts or not

□Yes √ No

No non-operational contact of related liability or debts in Period(v) Contact with the related finance companies

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Deposit business

Related partyRelationshipMaximum daily deposit limit (In 10 thousand yuan)Deposit interest rate rangeOpening balance (In 10 thousand yuan)Amount for the PeriodEnding Balance (In 10 thousand yuan)
Total deposit amount for the Period (In 10 thousand yuan)The total amount withdrawn in the Period (In 10 thousand yuan)
Sichuan Changhong Group Finance Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller450,000.000.42%-3.3%432,748.972,322,987.152,358,403.52397,332.59

Credit extension or other financial business

Related partyRelationshipType of businessTotal amount ( in 10 thousand yuan)Actual amount ( in 10 thousand yuan)
Sichuan Changhong Group Finance Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerOther financial services - note issuance300,000.0078,625.86
Sichuan Changhong Group Finance Co., Ltd.Other enterprise control under the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerOther financial services - note discounting300,000.0041,515.60
Sichuan Changhong Group Finance Co., Ltd.Other enterprises controlled by the same controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerOther financial services - Guarantee issued100,000.00130.72

Note 1: As of June 30,2024, registered capital of Changhong Finance Company is 2,693,938,365.84 yuan. TheCompany and Changhong Huayi holds 14.96% equity of Chonghong Finance Company respectively, andcontrolling shareholder of the Company -Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd and its controlling shareholderSichuan Changhong Electronics Holding Group Co., Ltd holds 35.04% equity of Changhong Finance Companyrespectively.Note 2: After deliberated and approved by the 35th session of 9

th BOD and 2

thextraordinary shareholders generalmeeting of 2020 held on 16 October 2023 and 3 November , it is agreed to continue the financial servicescooperation between the Company and Changhong Finance Company and renew the “Financial Service Agreement”for a period of three years. Changhong Finance Company will provides a series of financial services such as depositand loans within scope of operation according to the requirements of Company and its subsidiaries(ExcludingZhongke Meiling and its subsidiaries).

(vi) Transactions between the finance company controlled by the Company and related parties

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(vii) Other related party transactions

√Applicable□ Not applicable

On March 28,2024 and April 25, 2024, it was reviewed and approved by the 42nd meeting of the Tenth Boardof Directors and the 30th meeting of the Tenth Board of Supervisors, and it was agreed that the amount of dailyrelated transactions between the Company and its subsidiaries and Changhong Group and its subsidiaries onpurchase of commodities and raw materials in 2024 should not exceed RMB 1,138. million (excluding tax); Afterthis increase estimation, the Company and its subsidiaries expect that the total amount of daily related-partytransactions with Changhong Group, such as in purchasing goods, accepting labor services and renting, will notexceed RMB 2,938 million (excluding tax) in 2024.Related searches for disclosure website of interim report with major related transaction concerned

Interim reportDisclosure dateWebsite for disclosure
Resolution Notice of the 42nd session of 10thBOD (2024-007) Resolution Notice of the 30th session of 10thBOS (2024-008) Announcement on Increasing the Daily Related Party Transactions in 2024(2024-014) Announcement of the Resolution of the general meeting of 2023 (2024-024)March 30,2024, April 26,2024www.cninfo.com.cn

XII. Significant contract and implementations(i) Entrust, contract and leasing

1. Entrust

□Applicable √ Not applicable

No entrust in Period.

2. Contract

□Applicable √ Not applicable

No contract in Period.

3. Leasing

√Applicable □ Not applicable

Lease situation descriptionThe details of the company's operating leases can be found in the notes to the financial statements, including"investment real estate", "fixed assets", "right of use assets", "related party leasing", and "related party leasing".Projects that bring profits or losses to the company exceeding 10% of the total profit for the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

During the reporting period, there were no leasing projects that resulted in a profit or loss for the companyexceeding 10% of the total profit for the reporting period.(ii) Major guarantee

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

In 10 thousand yuan

Particulars about the external guarantee of the Company and subsidiaries (Barring the guarantee for subsidiaries)
Name of the Company guaranteedRelated Announcement disclosure dateGuarantee limitActual date of happeningActual guarantee limitGuarantee typeCollateral (if applicable)Counter guarantee (if applicable)Guarantee termComplete implementation or notGuarantee for related party
Total approving external guarantee in report period (A1)0Total actual occurred external guarantee in report period (A2)0
Total approved external guarantee at the end of report period ( A3)0Total actual balance of external guarantee at the end of report period (A4)0
Guarantee between the Company and the subsidiaries
Name of the Company guaranteedRelated Announcement disclosure dateGuarantee limitActual date of happeningActual guarantee limitGuarantee typeCollateral (if applicable)Counter guarantee (if applicable)Guarantee termComplete implementation or notGuarantee for related party
Zhongshan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.Announcement No.: 2023-091, 2021-092, 2021-096 and 2021-109 released on 7 December 2021 and 24 December 2021 respectively.140,000.00October 11,202215,000.00Joint liability guarantyYes1 yearYesNo
Announcement No.: 2022-087, 2022-088, 2022-091 and 2022-100 released on 7 December 2022 and 23 December 2022 respectively.150,000.00April 7,20236,000.00Joint liability guarantyYes1 yearYesNo
April 24,202310,000.00Joint liability guarantyYes1 yearYesNo
June 8,202310,000.00Joint liability guarantyYes1 yearNoNo
June 27,20237,000.00Joint liability guarantyYes1 yearYesNo
July 4,202310,000.00Joint liability guarantyYes1 yearNoNo
July 10,202320,000.00Joint liability guarantyYes1 yearNoNo
July 28,20235,000.00Joint liability guarantyYes1 yearNoNo
August 29,202315,000.00Joint liability guarantyYes1 yearNoNo
November 2,20235,000.00Joint liability guarantyYes1 yearNoNo
Announcember No.: 2023-066,2023-067,2023-070 and 2023-080 released on December 5 2023 andDecember 22, 2023130,000.00-------
Changhong MeilingRidian Technology Co., Ltd.Announcement No.: 2021-091, 2021-092, 2021-096 and 2021-109 released on 7 December 2021 and 24 December 2021 respectively.16,000.00December 8,20223,500.00Joint liability guarantyYes11.2 monthsYesNo
Announcement No.: 2022-087, 2022-088, 2022-091 and 2022-100 released on 7 December 2022 and 23 December 2022 respectively.16,000.00ULY 10,20234,000.00Joint liability guarantyYes1 yearNoNo
Announcement No.: 2023-066, 2023-067, 2023-070 and 2023-080 released on 5 December 2023 and 22 December 2023 respectively.14,500.00March 19,20243,500.00Joint liability guarantyYes10.7 monthsNoNo
ZhongkeMeiling Cryogenic Technology Co., Ltd.Announcement No.: 2023-066, 2023-067, 2023-070 and 2023-080 released on 5 December 2023 and 22 December 2023 respectively.10,000.00-------
Sichuan Changhong Air-conditioner Co., Ltd.Announcement No.: 2022-087, 2022-088, 2022-091 and 2022-100 released on 7 December 2022 and 23 December 2022 respectively.250,000.00January 17,202310,000.00Joint liability guarantyYes9 monthsYesNo
January 17,20235,000.00Joint liability guarantyYes1 yearNoNo
February 27,202316,000.00Joint liability guarantyYes1 yearYesNo
March 16,202330,000.00Joint liability guarantyYes1 yearNoNo
March 24,202360,000.00Joint liability guarantyYes1 yearYesNo
April 14,202312,000.00Joint liability guarantyYes1 yearNoNo
July 5,20231,500.00Joint liability guarantyYes5.4 monthsYesNo
Announcement No.: 2023-066, 2023-067, 2023-070 and 2023-080 released on 5 December 2023 and 22 December 2023 respectively.262,000.00-------
Announcement No.: 2024-020, 2024-021, 2024-023 and 2024-036 released on 20 April 2024 and 19 June 2024 respectively.60,000.00-------
Jiangxi Meiling Electric Appliance Co., Ltd.Announcement No.: 2023-066, 2023-067, 2023-070 and 2023-080 released on 5 December 2023 and 22 December 2023 respectively.15,000.00-------
Hefei Meiling Nonferrous Metal Products Co., Ltd.Announcement No.: 2023-066, 2023-067, 2023-070 and 2023-080 released on 5 December 2023 and 223,000.00-------
December 2023 respectively.
Hefei Meiling Group Holdings LimitedAnnouncement No.: 2022-087, 2022-088, 2022-091 and 2022-100 released on 7 December 2022 and 23 December 2022 respectively.60,000.00May 11,20234,500.00Joint liability guarantyYes1 yearYesNo
July 12,20238,000.00Joint liability guarantyYes1 yearNoNo
Announcement No.: 2023-066, 2023-067, 2023-070 and 2023-080 released on 5 December 2023 and 22 December 2023 respectively.25,000.00-------
Hefei Changhong Meiling Life Appliances Co., Ltd.Announcement No.: 2021-091, 2021-092, 2021-096 and 2021-109 released on 7 December 2021 and 24 December 2021 respectively.35,000.00November 21,20225,000.00Joint liability guarantyYes1 yearYesNo
Announcement No.: 2022-087, 2022-088, 2022-091 and 2022-100 released on 7 December 2022 and 23 December 2022 respectively.35,000.00March 22,20238,000.00Joint liability guarantyYes11 monthsYesNo
April 24,20232,000.00Joint liability guarantyYes1 yearYesNo
May 4,20235,000.00Joint liability guarantyYes1 yearNoNo
October 19,20232,000.00Joint liability guarantyYes1 yearNoNo
December 1,202310,000.00Joint liability guarantyYes1 yearNoNo
December 15,20234,000.00Joint liability guarantyYes5.7 monthsNoNo
Announcement No.: 2023-040, 2023-041, 2023-043 and 2023-065 released on 18 August 2023 and 4 November 2023 respectively.8,000.00-------
Announcement No.: 2023-066, 2023-067, 2023-070 and 2023-080 released on 5 December 2023 and 22 December 2023 respectively.50,000.00March 6,20245,000.00Joint liability guarantyYes8.4 monthsNoNo
March 26,20248,000.00Joint liability guarantyYes1 yearNoNo
Total amount of approving guarantee for subsidiaries in report period (B1)60,000.00Total amount of actual occurred guarantee for subsidiaries in report period (B2)310,000.00
Total amount of approved guarantee for subsidiaries at the end of reporting period (B3)1,088,500.00Total balance of actual guarantee for subsidiaries at the end of reporting period (B4)161,500.00
Guarantee of the subsidiaries for the subsidiaries
Name of the Company guaranteedRelated Announcement disclosure dateGuarantee limitActual date of happeningActual guarantee limitGuarantee typeCollateral (if applicable)Counter guarantee (if applicable)Guarantee termComplete implementation or notGuarantee for related party
Anhui Tuoxing Technology Co., Ltd.Announcement No.: 2022-087, 2022-088, 2022-091 and 2022-100 released on 7 December 2022 and 23 December 2022 respectively.8,000.00June 20,20231,000.00Joint liability guaranty1 yearNoNo
August 15,2023400.00Joint liability guaranty1 yearNoNo
October 25,20231,000.00Joint liability guaranty1 yearNoNo
Announcement No.: 2023-066, 2023-067, 2023-070 and 2023-080 released on 5 December 2023 and 22 December 2023 respectively.5,000.00-------
Anhui Ling'an Medical Equipment Co., Ltd.Announcement No.: 2022-087, 2022-088, 2022-091 and 2022-100 released on 7 December 2022 and 23 December 2022 respectively.12,000.00August 25,20231,000.00Joint liability guaranty1 yearNoNo
October 20,1,000.00Joint liability guaranty1 yearNoNo
Announcement No.: 2023-066, 2023-067, 2023-070 and 2023-080 released on 5 December 2023 and 22 December 2023 respectively.10,000.00-------
Total amount of approving guarantee for subsidiaries in report period (C1)0Total amount of actual occurred guarantee for subsidiaries in report period (C2)4,400.00
Total amount of approved guarantee for subsidiaries at the end of reporting period (C3)35,000.00Total balance of actual guarantee for subsidiaries at the end of reporting period (C4)4,400.00
Total amount of guarantee of the Company (total of three above mentioned guarantee)
Total amount of approving guarantee in report period (A1+B1+C1)60,000.00Total amount of actual occurred guarantee in report period (A2+B2+C2)314,400.000
Total amount of approved guarantee at the end of report period (A3+B3+C3)1,123,500.00Total balance of actual guarantee at the end of report period (A4+B4+C4)165,900.00
Ratio of actual guarantee (A4+B4+C4) in net assets of the Company27.96%
Amount of guarantee for shareholders, actual controller and its related parties (D)0
The debts guarantee amount provided for the guaranteed parties whose assets-liability ratio exceed 70% directly or indirectly (E)154,000
Proportion of total amount of guarantee in net assets of the Company exceed 50% (F)0
Total amount of the aforesaid three guarantees (D+E+F)154,000
Explanations on possibly bearing joint and several liquidating responsibilities for undue guarantees (if applicable)N/A
Explanations on external guarantee against regulated procedures (if applicable)N/A

The above-mentioned guarantee objects are the wholly-owned and holding subsidiaries of the Company, and these wholly-owned and holding subsidiaries are innormal production and operation, there are no overdue loans, and the guarantee risks are controllable.

During the reporting period, there were no external guarantees for the Company and its subsidiaries, but there were guarantees from the Company to its subsidiaries,or from such subsidiaries to their subsidiaries.

By the end of the reporting period, the total approved amount of the Company's guarantee provided to its subsidiaries and the guarantee provided by such

subsidiaries to their subsidiaries was RMB11235 million, the actual amount was RMB3144 million, and the actual guarantee balance was RMB 1,659 million,accounting for 27.96% of the Company's latest net assets.Explanation on guarantee with composite way: Not applicable(iii) Trust financing

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

In 10 thousand yuan

TypeCapital resourcesAmount for entrustUndue balanceOverdue amountImpairment amount for overdue financial management
Bank financing productsIdle own funds183,00083,00000

Details of the single major amount, or high-risk trust investment with low security, poor fluidity

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

During the reporting period, the bank wealth management products with high safety, good liquidity, low risk and stability purchased by the Companywithin one year are as follows:

In 10 thousand yuan

Trustee institution (or name of trustee)Trustee typeProduct typeAmountSource of fundsStart dateExpiry dateCapital investment purposeCriteria for fixing rewardReference annual rate of returnAnticipated income (if applicable)Actual gains/losses in periodActual collected gains/losses in periodAmount of reserve for devaluation of withdrawing in the year(if applicable)Whether approved by legal procedure (Y/N)Whether has entrust finance plan in the futureSummary of the items and related query index (if applicable)
China Everbright Bank Co., Ltd., Hefei BranchBankPrincipal-guaranteed with floating income30,000.00Idle own fundsJanuary 16,2024April16,2024This product is a RMB structured deposit product with embedded financial derivatives. Banks invest the raised structured deposit funds in bank time deposits, and at the same time invest in financial derivative transactions (including but not limited to derivative transactions such as options and swaps) in domestic or international financial markets within the upper limit of the income of such time deposits. The sum of the investment gains and losses of financial derivative transactions and the interest of bank deposits jointly constitutes the income of structured deposit products.Agreement2.60%Not applicable183.96183.96N/AYesNot applicable(www.cninfo.com.cn)(2024-001)
China Everbright Bank Co., Ltd., Hefei BranchBankPrincipal-guaranteed with floating income5,000.00Idle own fundsJanuary 18,,2024April18,2024This product is a RMB structured deposit product with embedded financial derivatives. Banks invest the raised structured deposit funds in bank time deposits, and at the sameAgreement2.60%Not applicable32.532.5N/AYesNot applicable(www.cninfo.com.cn)(2024-002)
time invest in financial derivative transactions (including but not limited to derivative transactions such as options and swaps) in domestic or international financial markets within the upper limit of the income of such time deposits. The sum of the investment gains and losses of financial derivative transactions and the interest of bank deposits jointly constitutes the income of structured deposit products.
Zhongshan branch of Bank of Communications Co., LtdBankPrincipal-guaranteed with floating income3,000.00Idle own fundsMarch29,2024May 31,2024Bank of Communications operates the funds raised by structured deposit products in a unified manner and manages them in accordance with the principle of separating basic deposits from derivative transactions. The raised principal will be included in the internal fund of Bank of Communications for unified operation and management, andAgreement2.35%Not applicable12.1712.17N/AYesNot applicable(www.cninfo.com.cn) (2024-017)
will be included in the payment scope of deposit reserve fund and deposit insurance. The embedded derivative part of products will be linked to the exchange rate, interest rate, commodity and index, etc
Industrial Bank Co., Ltd., Hefei BranchBankPrincipal-guaranteed with floating income15,000.00Idle own fundsMay 27,2024August 27,2024This deposit product is a RMB capital-guaranteed non-fixed income product, and the product income is divided into two parts: fixed income and non-fixed income, in which the non-fixed income is associated with the fluctuation of the observed target.Agreement1.15% Or 2.65%Not applicable--N/AYesNot applicable-
Industrial Bank Co., Ltd., Hefei BranchBankPrincipal-guaranteed with floating income5,000.00Idle own fundsMay 27,2024August 28,2024This deposit product is a RMB capital-guaranteed non-fixed income product, and the product income is divided into two parts: fixed income and non-fixed income, in which the non-fixed income is associated with the fluctuation of the observed target.Agreement1.15% Or 2.65%Not applicable--N/AYesNot applicable-
Bank of Hangzhou Co., Ltd. Hefei BranchBankPrincipal-guaranteed with floating income12,000.00Idle own fundsMay 29,2024November 25,2024The principal of this product is invested in bank deposits and derivative financial instruments. Derivative financial instruments include but are not limited to credit goods, foreign exchange, interest rate options and other derivative financial instruments.Agreement1.5% or 2.82% or 3.02%Not applicable--N/AYesNot applicable-
Bank of ChinaBankPrincipal-guaranteed with floating income15,000.00Idle own fundsMay 30,2024August 30,2024This deposit product is a RMB capital-guaranteed non-fixed income product, and the product income is divided into two parts: fixed income and non-fixed income, in which the non-fixed income is associated with the fluctuation of the observed target.Agreement1. Or 2.64%Not applicable--N/AYesNot applicable-
Dongguan Bank Co., Ltd. Hefei BranchBankPrincipal-guaranteed with floating income13,000.00Idle own fundsMay 30,2024November 28,2024The principal part of structured deposits is included in the in-statement accounting, and it is included in the scope of deposit reserve and deposit insurance premium payment according to the deposit management. The relevantAgreement2% or 2.95% or 3.0%Not applicable--N/AYesNot applicable-
assets are accrued with capital and provisions according to the relevant regulations of the State Council's Banking Regulatory Authority; The final actual income of structured deposits depends on the market performance of the linked target and is influenced by many factors in the market.
Dongguan Bank Co., Ltd. Hefei BranchBankPrincipal-guaranteed with floating income3,000.00Idle own fundsMay 31,2024November 29,2024The principal part of structured deposits is included in the in-statement accounting, and it is included in the scope of deposit reserve and deposit insurance premium payment according to the deposit management. The relevant assets are accrued with capital and provisions according to the relevant regulations of the State Council's Banking Regulatory Authority; The final actual income of structured deposits depends on the market performance of the linked targetAgreement2% or 2.95% or 3%Not applicable--N/AYesNot applicable-
and is influenced by many factors in the market.
Bank of Hangzhou Co., Ltd. Hefei BranchBankPrincipal-guaranteed with floating income20,000.00Idle own fundsJune 3,2024June 30,2024The principal of this product is invested in bank deposits and derivative financial instruments. Derivative financial instruments include but are not limited to credit goods, foreign exchange, interest rate options and other derivative financial instruments.Agreement2.90%Not applicable43.5043.50N/AYesNot applicable-
Bank of Hangzhou Co., Ltd. Hefei BranchBankPrincipal-guaranteed with floating income5,000.00Idle own fundsJune 5,2024June 29,2024The principal of this product is invested in bank deposits and derivative financial instruments. Derivative financial instruments include but are not limited to credit goods, foreign exchange, interest rate options and other derivative financial instruments.Agreement2.60%Not applicable8.198.19N/AYesNot applicable-
Bank of Hangzhou Co., Ltd. Hefei BranchBankPrincipal-guaranteed with floating income27,000.00Idle own fundsJune 5,2024June 28,2024The principal of this product is invested in bank deposits and derivative financial instruments. Derivative financial instruments include but are not limited to credit goods, foreign exchange, interest rate options and otherAgreement2.90%Not applicable49.3449.34N/AYesNot applicable-
derivative financial instruments.
Bank of Hangzhou Co., Ltd. Hefei BranchBankPrincipal-guaranteed with floating income10,000.00Idle own fundsJune 6,2024June 28,2024The principal of this product is invested in bank deposits and derivative financial instruments. Derivative financial instruments include but are not limited to credit goods, foreign exchange, interest rate options and other derivative financial instruments.Agreement2.90%Not applicable17.4817.48N/AYesNot applicable-
China Everbright Bank Co., Ltd., Hefei BranchBankPrincipal-guaranteed with floating income20,000.00Idle own fundsJune 26,2024September 26,2024This product is a RMB structured deposit product with embedded financial derivatives. Banks invest the raised structured deposit funds in bank time deposits, and at the same time invest in financial derivative transactions (including but not limited to derivative transactions such as options and swaps) in domestic or international financial markets within the upper limit of the income of such time deposits. The sum of the investment gains and losses of financial derivative transactionsAgreement1.5% or 2.35% or 2.45%Not applicable--N/AYesNot applicable-
and the interest of bank deposits jointly constitutes the income of structured deposit products.

Note: Zhongke Meiling, a subsidiary of the Company, is a listed company of the Beijing Stock Exchange. For details of its entrusted financial management, please refer to

Zhongke Meiling's 2024 Semi-annual Report.Entrust financial expected to be unable to recover the principal or impairment might be occurred

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(iv) Other material contracts

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No other material contracts in the period.XIII. Explanation on other significant events

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

1. According to the resolution of the 40th meeting of the 10th Board of Directors of the Company, it was agreedthat the Company should set up an ESG management organization structure, and an ESG management committeeunder the Board of Directors of the Company, consisting of six directors of the Board of Directors, namely Mr. WuDinggang, Mr. Zhong Ming, Mr. Zhao Qilin, Mr. Kou Huameng, Mr. Hu Zhaogui and Ms. Mu Wen (independentdirectors), and the chairman of Mr. Wu Dinggang, which will take effect from the date of review and approval bythe Board of Directors. The term of office of the above members is the same as that of the Board of Directors.Foundmore on appointed media “Securities Times”, “China Securities Journal” and Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)that the Company disclosed in the form of announcement (Announcement No. 2024-004 and 2024-005 )on 20February 2024 .

2. According to the resolution of the 40th meeting of the 10th Board of Directors, it was agreed that theCompany will invest RMB 88 million to transform the front-end refrigerator production line of Hefei manufacturingbase, in order to enhance the refrigerator manufacturing capacity of Hefei base and improve the marketcompetitiveness of products. Found more on appointed media “Securities Times”, “China Securities Journal” andJuchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn) that the Company disclosed in the form of announcement (AnnouncementNo. 2024-004 )on 20 February 2024 .

3. According to the resolutions of the 42nd meeting of the 10th Board of Directors, the 30th meeting of the10th Board of Supervisors and the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, it was agreed to pass theCompany's 2023 profit distribution plan: based on the Company's total share capital of 1,029,923,715 shares onDecember 31, 2023, it will distribute a cash dividend of RMB 3 (including tax) to all shareholders for every 10shares, with no bonus shares or share capital increase by reserve fund conversion. It is expected to distribute a cashdividend of RMB 308,977,114.50 (including tax), accounting for 41.70% of the net profit attributable toshareholders of listed companies in 2023. Found more on appointed media “Securities Times”, “China SecuritiesJournal” and Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn) that the Company disclosed in the form of announcement(Announcement No. 2024-007,2024-008, 2024-010 and 2024-024 )on 30 March 2024 and 26 April 2024. .

4. According to the resolution of the 42nd meeting of the 10th Board of Directors and the 2023 Annual GeneralMeeting of Shareholders, it was agreed to appoint Pan-China Certified Public Accountants (special generalpartnership) AS appointed as the auditor of the Company's 2024 annual financial report and internal control for aperiod of one year. Found more on appointed media “Securities Times”, “China Securities Journal” and JuchaoWebsite (www.cninfo.com.cn) that the Company disclosed in the form of announcement (Announcement No. 2024-

007 ,2024-011 and 2024-024 )on 30 March 2024 and 26 Apri 2024.

5. According to the resolution of the 42nd meeting of the 10th Board of Directors and the 2023 Annual GeneralMeeting of Shareholders, it was agreed that the Company and its subsidiaries will conduct forward foreign exchangefund trading business from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025, with a transaction balance not exceeding USD 1.199billion (mainly including USD, AUD and EUR, and all other foreign exchange will be converted into USD), and alongest delivery period of a single business of no more than one year.Found more on appointed media “SecuritiesTimes”, “China Securities Journal” and Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn) that the Company disclosed in theform of announcement (Announcement No. 2024-007,2024-013 and 2024-024 )on 30 March 2024 and 26 April2024. .

6. According to the resolutions of the 42nd meeting of the 10th Board of Directors, the 30th meeting of the10th Board of Supervisors and the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, it was agreed to pass theCompany's Return Plan for Shareholders for the Next Three Years (2024 -2026).Found more on appointed media“Securities Times”, “China Securities Journal” and Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn) that the Companydisclosed in the form of announcement (Announcement No. 2024-007,2024-008 and 2024-024 )on 30 March 2024and 26 April 2024. .

7. According to the resolution of the 42nd meeting of the 10th Board of Directors and the 2023 Annual GeneralMeeting of Shareholders, it was agreed that the Company and its subsidiaries apply to Hefei Branch of IndustrialBank Co., Ltd. for a special credit line of up to RMB 400 million for bill pool; and apply to Hefei Branch of PingAn Bank Co., Ltd. for a special credit line of up to RMB 500 million for bill pool.Found more on appointed media“Securities Times”, “China Securities Journal” and Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn) that the Companydisclosed in the form of announcement (Announcement No. 2024-007,2024-015 and 2024-024 )on 30 March 2024and 26 April 2024. .

8. According to the 43rd meeting of the 10th Board of Directors, the 31st meeting of the 10th Board ofSupervisors and the First Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in 2024, it was agreed to provide a totalguarantee amount of no more than RMB 600 million for raw materials purchased by Changhong Air Conditioning,a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, with a guarantee period of one year, starting from the date of reviewand approval by the Company's General Meeting of Shareholders.Found more on appointed media “SecuritiesTimes”, “China Securities Journal” and Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn) that the Company disclosed in theform of announcement (Announcement No. 2024-020,2024-021,2024-023 and 2024-036 )on 20 April 2024 and 19June 2024. .

9. In order to establish a variety of shareholder return mechanisms, thank shareholders for their long-termconcern and support, and at the same time to allow shareholders to experience the Company's new products andservices, and improve investors' understanding and recognition of the Company's intrinsic value, the Company heldthe "Changhong Meiling Shareholder Thanksgiving Festival" from May 18, 2024 to May 26, 2024. Found more onappointed media “Securities Times”, “China Securities Journal” and Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn) that theCompany disclosed in the form of announcement (Announcement No. 2024-025 )on 17 May 2024 a.

10. According to the resolutions of the 44th meeting of the 10th Board of Directors and the First ExtraordinaryGeneral Meeting of Shareholders in 2024, it was agreed to amend some clauses of the Company's Articles ofAssociation according to relevant provisions of laws and regulations and combined with the actual situation of theCompany.Found more on appointed media “Securities Times”, “China Securities Journal” and Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn) that the Company disclosed in the form of announcement (Announcement No. 2024-026,2024-028 and 2024-036 )on 1 June 2024 and 19 June 2024. .

11. According to the resolution of the 44th meeting of the 10th Board of Directors and the First ExtraordinaryGeneral Meeting of Shareholders in 2024, it was agreed to amend some clauses of the Company's AuthorizationManagement System according to the relevant provisions of laws and regulations and combined with the actualsituation of the Company.Found more on appointed media “Securities Times”, “China Securities Journal” andJuchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn) that the Company disclosed in the form of announcement (AnnouncementNo. 2024-026,2024-028 and 2024-036 )on 1 June 2024 and 19 June 2024. .

12. According to the resolutions of the 44th meeting of the 10th Board of Directors, the 32nd meeting of the10th Board of Supervisors and the First Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in 2024, it was agreed thatthe Company and its subsidiaries (excluding Zhongke Meiling Cryogenic Technology Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries)would increase the use of their own idle funds of no more than RMB 1.85 billion (which can be used in a rollingway) to invest in and purchase bank wealth management products with high safety, good liquidity, low risk andstability within one year. The authorization period is valid within one year from the date of deliberation and approvalby the General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company.Found more on appointed media “Securities Times”,“China Securities Journal” and Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn) that the Company disclosed in the form ofannouncement (Announcement No. 2024-026,2024-027 ,2024-030 and 2024-036 )on 1 June 2024 and 19 June2024. .

13. In view of the expiration of the term of the 10th Board of Directors of the Company, according to relevantregulations, the Board of Directors of the Company needs to be re-elected. It was agreed that the 11th Board ofDirectors of the Company should have 9 directors, including 6 non-independent directors and 3 independentdirectors. According to the resolutions of the 44th meeting of the 10th Board of Directors and the First ExtraordinaryGeneral Meeting of Shareholders in 2024, it was agreed to appoint Mr. Wu Dinggang, Mr. Zhong Ming, Mr. ZhaoQilin, Ms. Yi Suqin, Mr. Cheng Ping and Mr. Fang Wei as the non-independent directors of the 11th Board ofDirectors, and Ms. Mu Wen, Mr. Hong Yuanjia and Mr. Cheng Wenlong as the independent directors of the 11thBoard of Directors.Found more on appointed media “Securities Times”, “China Securities Journal” and JuchaoWebsite (www.cninfo.com.cn) that the Company disclosed in the form of announcement (Announcement No. 2024-026,2024-031 and 2024-036 )on 1 June 2024 and 19 June 2024. .

14. According to the resolution of the 32nd meeting of the 10th Board of Supervisors and the FirstExtraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in 2024, in order to optimize the enterprise supervision system,combined with the revision of the Articles of Association, it was agreed to amend some clauses of the Rules ofProcedure of the Board of Supervisors, and adjust the member number of the Board of Supervisors from 5 to 3.Foundmore on appointed media “Securities Times”, “China Securities Journal” and Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

that the Company disclosed in the form of announcement (Announcement No. 2024-027,2024-029 and 2024-036 )on 1 June 2024 and 19 June 2024. .

15. In view of the expiration of the term of the 10th Board of Supervisors of the Company, according to relevantregulations, the Board of Supervisors of the Company needs to be re-elected. It was agreed that the 11th Board ofSupervisors of the Company should have 3 supervisors, including 2 shareholder representative supervisors and 1employee supervisor. According to the resolution of the 32nd meeting of the 10th Board of Supervisors and the FirstExtraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in 2024, it was agreed to appoint Mr. Qiu Jin and Mr. Ma Yu as theshareholder representative supervisors of the 11th Board of Supervisors; After voting at the second meeting of theNinth Workers' Congress, it was agreed to elect Ms. Ji Ge as the employee supervisor of the 11th Board ofSupervisors.Found more on appointed media “Securities Times”, “China Securities Journal” and Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn) that the Company disclosed in the form of announcement (Announcement No. 2024-027,2024-032, 2024-036 and 2024-037)on 1 June 2024 and 19 June 2024. .

16. According to the resolution of the first meeting of the 11th Board of Directors, it was agreed to elect Mr.Wu Dinggang as the chairman of the 11th Board of Directors, to elect members of the strategy, audit, nomination,remuneration and assessment and ESG management committees under the 11th Board of Directors, to re-appointMr. Tang Youdao, Mr. Kou Huameng and Mr. Hu Zhaogui as the Company's vice presidents, to employ Ms. Li Xiaas the Company's vice president and concurrently the secretary of the Board of Directors, and to re-appoint Mr.Pang Haitao as the Company's financial director, with a term of office from the date of review and approval by theBoard of Directors to the Company to the date of expiration of the term of office of the current Board ofDirectors.Found more on appointed media “Securities Times”, “China Securities Journal” and Juchao Website(www.cninfo.com.cn) that the Company disclosed in the form of announcement (Announcement No. 2024-038 and2024-040 )on 19 June 2024 and 20 June 2024. .

17. According to the resolution of the first meeting of the 11th Board of Supervisors of the Company, it wasagreed to elect Mr. Qiu Jin as the chairman of the 11th Board of Supervisors of the Company, with a term of officethe same as that of the 11th Board of Supervisors of the Company.Found more on appointed media “SecuritiesTimes”, “China Securities Journal” and Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn) that the Company disclosed in theform of announcement (Announcement No. 2024-038 and 2024-040 )on 19 June 2024 and 20 June 2024. .XIV. Major event of the subsidiary

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

1. According to the resolution of the 41st meeting of the 10th Board of Directors of the Company, it was agreedthat Sichuan Changhong Air Conditioning Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company, would invest RMB 100 millionwith its own funds to set up a wholly-owned subsidiary, Sichuan Changhong Intelligent Air ConditioningTechnology Co., Ltd., to engage in related business centered on manufacturing and sales of frequency conversiondrive control panels in the air conditioning industry (including special air conditioners).Found more on appointedmedia “Securities Times”, “China Securities Journal” and Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn) that the Companydisclosed in the form of announcement (Announcement No. 2024-006 )on 15 March 2024. .

2. According to the resolution of the 42nd meeting of the 10th Board of Directors and the 30th meeting of the10th Board of Supervisors, it was agreed that Hefei Meiling Nonferrous Metal Products Co., Ltd., a subsidiary ofthe Company, would write off some unrecoverable accounts receivable totaling RMB 3,092,614.56.Found more onappointed media “Securities Times”, “China Securities Journal” and Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn) that theCompany disclosed in the form of announcement (Announcement No. 2024-007,2024-008 and 2024-012 )on 30March 2024. .

Section VII Changes in Shares and Particular about ShareholdersI. Changes in Share Capital(i) Changes in Share Capital

In Shares

Before the ChangeIncrease/Decrease in the Change (+, -)After the Change
AmountProportionNew shares issuedBonus sharesPublic reserve transfer into share capitalOthersSubtotalAmountProportion
I. Restricted shares7,688,8420.75%000-1,178,307-1,178,3076,510,5350.63%
1. State-owned shares00.00%0000000.00%
2. State-owned legal person’s shares1,141,0530.11%000001,141,0530.11%
3. Other domestic shares5,280,3690.52%000+89,113+89,1135,369,4820.52%
Including: Domestic legal person’s shares3,363,5390.33%000003,363,5390.33%
Domestic natural person’s shares1,916,8300.19%000+89,113+89,1132,005,9430.19%
4. Foreign shares1,267,4200.12%000-1,267,420-1,267,42000.00%
Including: Foreign legal person’s shares00.00%0000000.00%
Foreign natural person’s shares1,267,4200.12%000-1,267,420-1,267,42000.00%
II. Unrestricted shares1,022,234,87399.25%000+1,178,307+1,178,3071,023,413,18099.37%
1. RMB ordinary shares875,312,45984.99%000-89,113-89,113875,223,34684.98%
2. Domestically listed foreign shares146,922,41414.26%000+1,267,420+1,267,420148,189,83414.39%
3. Overseas listed foreign shares00.00%0000000.00%
4. Others00.00%0000000.00%
III. Total shares1,029,923,715100.00%000001,029,923,715100.00%

1. Reasons for share changed

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

(1) On June 18, 2024, the Company held the first meeting of the 11th Board of Directors, and held a generalelection for senior managers. Mr. Huang Danian no longer served as the Company's vice president. According tothe relevant provisions of the Guideline No.18 on Self-regulation of Listed Companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange- Reduction of Shares held by Shareholders and Directors, Supervisors and Senior Managers, 75% of Mr. HuangDanian's shares, namely 267,337 shares, were restricted shares of senior managers before he left office. During thereporting period, as Mr. Huang Danian left office less than six months ago, the remaining 25% of the total sharesheld by him, that is, 89,113 shares, were locked. At present, the Meiling shares held by Mr. Huang Danian are lockedin full.

(2) On May 25, 2023, Mr. Liu Hongwei, the former Executive Vice President of the Company, resigned as theexecutive vice president of the Company for personal reasons, and his original term of office expired on June 18,2024. According to the relevant provisions of the Guideline No.18 on Self-regulation of Listed Companies ofShenzhen Stock Exchange - Reduction of Shares held by Shareholders and Directors, Supervisors and SeniorManagers, all the shares of Mr. Liu Hongwei were locked six months after his resignation, but on December 31,2023, 75% of the shares held by Mr. Liu Hongwei, that is, 1,267,420 shares, were locked because his original termof office did not expire. During the reporting period, as it had been six months since Mr. Liu Hongwei left officeand his original term expired, 75% of the shares held by him, that is, 1,267,420 shares, were lifted from restrictedsale.

2. Approval of share changed

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Ownership transfer of share changed

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

4. Implementation progress of shares buy-back

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

5. Implementation progress of reducing holdings of shares buy-back by centralized bidding

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

6. Influence on the basic EPS and diluted EPS as well as other financial indexes of net assets per shareattributable to common shareholders of Company in latest year and period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

7. Other information necessary to disclose or need to disclosed under requirement from security regulators

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(ii) Changes of lock-up stocks

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

In: Shares

ShareholdersOpening shares restrictedShares released in PeriodRestricted shares increased in PeriodEnding shares restrictedRestricted reasonsDate for released
Huang Danian267,337089,113356,450Top management lock-in stockOn June 18, 2024, the Company held the first meeting of the 11th Board of Directors, and held a general election for senior managers. Mr. Huang Danian no longer served as the Company's vice president. According to the relevant provisions of the Guideline No.18 on Self-regulation of Listed Companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange - Reduction of Shares held by Shareholders and Directors, Supervisors and Senior Managers, 75% of Mr. Huang Danian's shares, namely 267,337 shares, were restricted shares of senior managers before he left office. During the reporting period, as Mr. Huang Danian left office less than six months ago, the remaining 25% of the total shares held by him, that is, 89,113 shares, were locked. At present, the Meiling shares held by Mr. Huang Danian are locked in full.
Liu Hongwei1,267,4201,267,42000Top management lock-in stockAccording to the relevant provisions of the Guideline No.18 on Self-regulation of Listed Companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange - Reduction of Shares held by Shareholders and Directors, Supervisors and Senior Managers, all the shares of Mr. Liu Hongwei were locked six months after his resignation, but on December 31, 2023, 75% of the shares held by Mr. Liu Hongwei, that is, 1,267,420 shares, were locked because his original term of office did not expire. During the reporting period, as it had been six months since Mr. Liu Hongwei left office and his original term expired, 75% of the shares held by him, that is, 1,267,420 shares, were lifted from restricted sale.

II. Securities issuance and listing

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III. Amount of shareholders of the Company and particulars about shares holding

In Shares

Total shareholders at end of the Period51,072Total preference shareholders with voting rights recovered at end of reporting period (if0
any)( See Note 8)
Particulars about common shares held above 5% by shareholders or top ten common shareholders(Excludes shares lent through refinancing)
Full name of ShareholdersNature of shareholderProportion of shares heldAmount of common shares held at the end of reporting periodChanges in report periodAmount of restricted common shares heldAmount of common shares held without restrictionInformation of shares pledged, tagged or frozen
State of shareAmount
Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.State-owned legal person24.12%248,457,72400248,457,724--
HKSCCForeign legal person6.52%67,198,211+62,479,597067,198,211--
The National Social Security Fund 101 portfolioDomestic non-state-owned legal person3.44%35,423,661+12,640,925035,423,661--
Hefei Industry Investment Holding (Group) Co., Ltd.State-owned legal person2.71%27,920,220-19,903,181027,920,220--
CHANGHONG (HK) TRADING LIMITEDForeign legal person2.63%27,077,7970027,077,797--
CAOSHENGCHUNForeign nature person1.43%14,766,0860014,766,086--
Industrial Bank-Southern Xingrun value one-year holding period of hybrid securities investment fundDomestic non-state-owned legal person1.34%13,797,353+4,635,753013,797,353--
ICBC-South Excellent Growth Stock Securities Investment FundDomestic non-state-owned legal person1.25%12,823,000+2,180,000012,823,000--
China Construction Bank Co., Ltd.- Jiashixin Consumer Stock Securities Investment FundDomestic non-state-owned legal person1.18%12,182,400+100,300012,182,400--
ICBC-Guangfa Jiyuan bond securities investment fundDomestic non-state-owned legal person0.68%7,000,000+7,000,00007,000,000--
Strategy investors or general legal person becomes top 10 shareholders due to rights issued (if applicable)(See note 3)Not applicable
Explanation on associated relationship among the aforesaid shareholdersAmong the above shareholders, CHANGHONG (HK) TRADING LIMITED (hereinafter referred to as Hong Kong Changhong) is the wholly-owned subsidiary of Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd., the foregoing shareholders constitute persons of uniform action. There existed no associated relationship or belong to the concerted actors as specified in the Measures for the Administration of Information Disclosure of Shareholder Equity Changes of Listed Companies among Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd, Hong Kong Changhong and other top 8 shareholders, The company neither knows whether there is any association among other shareholders, nor knows whether other shareholders belong to the persons acting in concert that is stipulated in the “Administrative Measures on Information Disclosure of Changes in Shareholding of Listed Companies”.
Description of the above shareholders in relation to delegate/entrusted voting rights and abstention from voting rights.Not Applicable
Special note on the repurchase account among the top 10 shareholders (if applicable)(See Note 11)Not Applicable
Particular about top ten shareholders with un-restrict shares held(Excluding shares lent through refinancing and Top management lock-in stock)
Shareholders’ nameAmount of unrestricted shares held at end of PeriodType of shares
Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.248,457,724Common shares in RMB248,457,724
HKSCC67,198,211Common shares in RMB67,198,211
The National Social Security Fund 101 portfolio35,423,661Common shares in RMB35,423,661
Hefei Industry Investment Holding (Group) Co., Ltd.27,920,220Common shares in RMB27,920,220
CHANGHONG (HK) TRADING LIMITED27,077,797Foreign shares in domestic market27,077,797
CAOSHENGCHUN14,766,086Foreign shares in domestic market14,766,086
Industrial Bank-Southern Xingrun value one-year holding period of hybrid securities investment fund13,797,353Common shares in RMB13,797,353
ICBC-South Excellent Growth Stock Securities Investment Fund12,823,000Common shares in RMB12,823,000
China Construction Bank Co., Ltd.- Jiashixin Consumer Stock Securities Investment Fund12,182,400Common shares in RMB12,182,400
ICBC-Guangfa Jiyuan bond securities investment fund7,000,000Common shares in RMB7,000,000
Expiation on associated relationship or consistent actors within the top 10 un-restrict shareholders and between top 10 un-restrict shareholders and top 10 shareholdersFound more in “Particulars about shares held above 5% by shareholders or top 10 shares holding”
Explanation on top ten common shareholders involving margin business (if any)Not applicable

Information of shareholders holding more than 5% of the shares, the top 10 shareholders and the top 10 shareholdersof unrestricted tradable shares participating in the lending of shares in securities lending and borrowing business

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The top 10 shareholders and the top 10 shareholders of unrestricted tradable shares have changed compared withthe previous period due to the securities lending/returning,

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Whether top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held have a buy-back agreement dealing in reporting period.

□ Yes √ No

The top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held of the Companyhave no buy –back agreement dealing in reporting period.IV. Changes of shares held by directors, supervisors and senior executives

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The shareholding of directors, supervisors and senior managers of the Company has not changed during thereporting period. For details, please refer to the 2023 annual reportV. Changes in controlling shareholders or actual controllers(i) Controlling shareholder changes in reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Controlling shareholder stays the same in Period.(ii) Changes of actual controller in Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Actual controller stays the same in Period

Section VIII Preferred Stock

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company had no preferred stock in the Period

Section IX Corporate Bonds

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Section X Financial ReportI Audit reportHas the semi annual report been audited

□ Yes √ No

The company's semi annual financial report has not been audited.II. Financial StatementStatement in Financial Notes are carried in RMB/CNY

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet


June 30, 2024


ItemJune 30, 2024January 1, 2024
Current assets:
Monetary funds9,049,689,291.788,840,685,525.71
Settlement provisions
Capital lent
Trading financial assets1,091,019,993.1339,236,447.63
Derivative financial assets
Note receivable267,174.50
Account receivable2,167,372,348.821,633,706,889.06
Receivable financing1,600,373,357.871,641,858,740.34
Accounts paid in advance26,026,323.7245,738,805.90
Insurance receivable
Reinsurance receivables
Contract reserve of reinsurance receivable
Other account receivable80,790,579.5582,953,808.97
Including: Interest receivable
Dividend receivable
Buying back the sale of financial assets
Including:Data resources
Contractual assets10,193,150.1213,261,690.62
Assets held for sale
Non-current asset due within one year122,294,027.78
Other current assets634,179,060.52225,419,883.07
Total current assets18,229,797,513.0814,668,161,406.55
Non-current assets:
Loans and payments on behalf0.00
Debt investment1,231,537,871.00420,537,485.54
Other debt investment0.00
Long-term account receivable0.00
Long-term equity investment112,836,567.94112,745,811.75
Investment in other equity instrument0.00
Other non-current financial assets674,139,515.48674,139,515.48
Investment real estate49,948,104.5250,920,487.71
Fixed assets2,155,971,273.862,136,912,034.28
Construction in progress69,381,313.7169,920,839.20
Productive biological asset0.00
Oil and gas asset0.00
Right-of-use assets115,425,096.5349,993,400.61
Intangible assets889,031,727.48886,455,434.73
Including:Data resources
Expense on Research and Development110,820,740.9297,177,535.34
Including:Data resources
Long-term expenses to be apportioned33,215,466.4035,698,465.62
Deferred income tax asset158,259,901.69162,340,495.03
Other non-current asset13,906,387.3126,601,614.35
Total non-current asset5,614,473,966.844,723,443,119.64
Total assets23,844,271,479.9219,391,604,526.19
Current liabilities:
Short-term loans1,145,550,587.351,134,102,419.03
Loan from central bank0.00
Capital borrowed0.00
Trading financial liability46,906,758.5632,229,012.86
Derivative financial liability0.00
Note payable7,438,928,526.005,904,387,089.98
Account payable6,482,294,160.763,882,303,908.89
Accounts received in advance847,417.6755,949.90
Contractual liability394,822,462.19405,698,756.02
Selling financial asset of repurchase0.00
Absorbing deposit and interbank deposit0.00
Security trading of agency0.00
Security sales of agency0.00
Wage payable445,960,283.15443,612,216.56
Taxes payable76,400,837.3191,917,751.71
Other account payable1,039,236,170.68884,714,721.30
Including: Interest payable0.00
Dividend payable6,005,989.725,384,407.44
Commission charge and commission payable0.00
Reinsurance payable0.00
Liability held for sale0.00
Non-current liabilities due within one year59,795,173.1248,822,798.47
Other current liabilities17,855,988.6719,172,541.50
Total current liabilities17,148,598,365.4612,847,017,166.22
Non-current liabilities:
Insurance contract reserve0.00
Long-term loans89,058,089.90108,000,000.00
Bonds payable0.00
Including: Preferred stock0.00
Perpetual capital securities0.00
Lease liability104,173,573.2843,488,292.70
Long-term account payable627,878.52800,347.84
Long-term wages payable10,530,588.3411,417,181.82
Accrual liability35,570,774.1932,054,790.39
Deferred income119,482,607.70132,977,494.33
Deferred income tax liabilities28,890,023.4121,814,466.43
Other non-current liabilities0.00
Total non-current liabilities388,333,535.34350,552,573.51
Total liabilities17,536,931,900.8013,197,569,739.73
Owner’s equity:
Share capital1,029,923,715.001,029,923,715.00
Other equity instrument0.00
Including: Preferred stock0.00
Perpetual capital securities0.00
Capital public reserve2,805,503,457.772,805,503,457.77
Less: Inventory shares0.00
Other comprehensive income-21,877,980.74-20,704,362.05
Reasonable reserve14,454,178.0411,246,811.91
Surplus public reserve477,053,194.82477,053,194.82
Provision of general risk0.00
Retained profit1,627,816,138.021,521,759,836.64
Total owner’ s equity attributable to parent company5,932,872,702.915,824,782,654.09
Minority interests374,466,876.21369,252,132.37
Total owner’ s equity6,307,339,579.126,194,034,786.46
Total liabilities and owner’ s equity23,844,271,479.9219,391,604,526.19

Legal Representative: Wu DinggangPerson in charge of accounting works: Pang HaitaoPerson in charge of accounting institute: Yang Jun

2. Balance Sheet of Parent Company


ItemJune 30, 2024January 1, 2024
Current assets:
Monetary funds3,726,975,756.844,809,758,761.19
Trading financial assets755,898,224.2318,729,757.94
Derivative financial assets
Note receivable38,674.50
Account receivable1,238,008,121.721,451,795,533.72
Receivable financing1,172,289,956.041,497,014,392.88
Accounts paid in advance38,578,600.0557,223,852.86
Other account receivable67,480,000.9561,841,221.91
Including: Interest receivable
Dividend receivable
Data resources
Contractual assets37,408.0537,408.05
Assets held for sale
Non-current assets maturing within one year122,294,027.78
Other current assets338,807,851.70117,873,746.80
Total current assets8,071,836,027.438,699,663,066.09
Non-current assets:
Debt investment741,391,902.78185,038,444.44
Other debt investment
Long-term receivables
Long-term equity investments1,858,536,438.741,857,475,810.90
Investment in other equity instrument
Other non-current financial assets639,796,405.98639,796,405.98
Investment real estate3,230,606.153,335,032.47
Fixed assets1,094,447,507.551,129,605,191.26
Construction in progress47,182,435.4223,067,134.99
Productive biological assets
Oil and natural gas assets
Right-of-use assets13,900,722.9614,847,119.40
Intangible assets451,229,552.02450,919,869.65
Data resources
Research and development costs53,940,097.2459,134,989.07
Data resources
Long-term deferred expenses16,968,304.6018,688,725.10
Deferred income tax assets91,953,130.46112,630,572.62
Other non-current assets638,649.57638,649.57
Total non-current assets5,013,215,753.474,495,177,945.45
Total assets13,085,051,780.9013,194,841,011.54
Current liabilities:
Short-term borrowings827,328,642.911,128,097,377.36
Trading financial liability21,726,469.3813,310,995.04
Derivative financial liability
Notes payable3,289,284,464.262,697,168,522.01
Account payable2,085,829,995.332,296,410,046.78
Accounts received in advance
Contractual liability86,009,211.06107,529,353.67
Wage payable159,344,814.67159,773,962.41
Taxes payable7,955,060.2525,137,168.64
Other accounts payable1,014,893,542.38951,772,428.91
Including: Interest payable
Dividend payable5,405,989.724,784,407.44
Liability held for sale
Non-current liabilities due within one year47,410,970.5842,339,541.12
Other current liabilities4,402,429.734,875,594.29
Total current liabilities7,544,185,600.557,426,414,990.23
Non-current liabilities:
Long-term loans83,000,000.00108,000,000.00
Bonds payable
Including: Preferred stock
Perpetual capital securities
Lease liability13,730,549.8814,511,484.16
Long-term account payable
Long term employee compensation payable5,945,685.566,554,481.48
Accrued liabilities8,758,265.238,758,265.23
Deferred income70,196,628.9075,130,950.40
Deferred income tax liabilities10,223,883.7913,589,235.48
Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities191,855,013.36226,544,416.75
Total liabilities7,736,040,613.917,652,959,406.98
Owners’ equity:
Share capital1,029,923,715.001,029,923,715.00
Other equity instrument
Including: Preferred stock
Perpetual capital securities
Capital public reserve2,740,508,510.572,740,508,510.57
Less: Inventory shares
Other comprehensive income
Special reserve1,330,778.37505,111.75
Surplus reserve476,835,029.14476,835,029.14
Retained profit1,100,413,133.911,294,109,238.10
Total owner’s equity5,349,011,166.995,541,881,604.56
Total liabilities and owner’s equity13,085,051,780.9013,194,841,011.54

Legal Representative: Wu DinggangPerson in charge of accounting works: Pang HaitaoPerson in charge of accounting institute: Yang Jun

3. Consolidated Profit Statement


ItemSemi-annual of 2024Semi-annual of 2023
I. Total operating income14,947,670,291.7012,828,694,323.57
Including: Operating income14,947,670,291.7012,828,694,323.57
Interest income
Insurance gained
Commission charge and commission income
II. Total operating cost14,492,584,406.0812,396,558,239.03
Including: Operating cost13,261,806,565.8011,178,914,075.83
Interest expense
Commission charge and commission expense
Cash surrender value
Net amount of expense of compensation
Net amount of withdrawal of insurance contract reserve
Bonus expense of guarantee slip
Reinsurance expense
Tax and extras53,110,913.1998,025,766.62
Sales expense834,329,749.56786,493,259.32
Administrative expense157,436,505.99182,962,865.60
R&D expense287,601,598.28265,176,197.93
Financial expense-101,700,926.74-115,013,926.27
Including: Interest expenses12,799,719.7013,185,503.15
Interest income98,725,551.3483,240,562.07
Add: Other income81,307,947.6232,328,256.66
Investment income (Loss is listed with “-”)2,933,725.8714,377,940.05
Including: Investment income on affiliated company and joint venture7,391,368.3012,544,969.44
The termination of income recognition for financial assets measured by amortized cost-24,604,289.53-14,192,040.21
Exchange income (Loss is listed with “-”)
Net exposure hedging income (Loss is listed with “-”)
Income from change of fair value (Loss is listed with “-”)-42,719,405.68-56,428,183.43
Loss of credit impairment (Loss is listed with “-”)12,475,890.64-41,081,589.83
Losses of devaluation of asset (Loss is listed with “-”)-29,258,587.16-18,167,335.89
Income from assets disposal (Loss is listed with “-”)36,334.95
III. Operating profit (Loss is listed with “-”)479,861,791.86363,165,172.10
Add: Non-operating income2,550,542.7010,704,019.80
Less: Non-operating expense4,477,090.103,014,799.22
IV. Total profit (Loss is listed with “-”)477,935,244.46370,854,392.68
Less: Income tax expense53,105,204.51925,010.04
V. Net profit (Net loss is listed with “-”)424,830,039.95369,929,382.64
(i) Classify by business continuity
1.continuous operating net profit (net loss listed with ‘-”)424,830,039.95369,929,382.64
2.termination of net profit (net loss listed with ‘-”)
(ii) Classify by ownership
1.Net profit attributable to owner’s of parent company415,033,415.88358,054,844.74
2.Minority shareholders’ gains and losses9,796,624.0711,874,537.90
VI. Net after-tax of other comprehensive income-1,142,407.832,267,837.82
Net after-tax of other comprehensive income attributable to owners of parent company-1,173,618.692,021,916.55
(I) Other comprehensive income items which will not be reclassified subsequently to profit of loss
1.Changes of the defined benefit plans that re-measured
2.Other comprehensive income under equity method that cannot be transfer to gain/loss
3.Change of fair value of investment in other equity instrument
4.Fair value change of enterprise's credit risk
5. Other
(ii) Other comprehensive income items which will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss-1,173,618.692,021,916.55
1.Other comprehensive income under equity method that can transfer to gain/loss
2.Change of fair value of other debt investment
3.Amount of financial assets re-classify to other comprehensive income
4.Credit impairment provision for other debt investment
5.Cash flow hedging reserve
6.Translation differences arising on translation of foreign currency financial statements-1,173,618.692,021,916.55
Net after-tax of other comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders31,210.86245,921.27
VII. Total comprehensive income423,687,632.12372,197,220.46
Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of parent Company413,859,797.19360,076,761.29
Total comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders9,827,834.9312,120,459.17
VIII. Earnings per share:
(i) Basic earnings per share0.40300.3477
(ii) Diluted earnings per share0.40300.3477

In the current period, if there is a merger of enterprises under the same control, the net profit realized by themerged party before the merger is 0 yuan, and the net profit realized by the merged party in the previous period is0 yuan.Legal Representative: Wu DinggangPerson in charge of accounting works: Pang HaitaoPerson in charge of accounting institute: Yang Jun

4. Profit Statement of Parent Company


ItemSemi-annual of 2024Semi-annual of 2023
I. Operating income4,969,902,647.324,338,699,541.92
Less: Operating cost4,525,131,724.213,954,954,574.25
Taxes and surcharge23,478,425.4436,432,651.42
Sales expenses150,916,822.2594,839,586.49
Administration expenses50,816,647.1349,060,555.60
R&D expenses133,895,567.76118,815,372.05
Financial expenses-41,115,313.08-36,066,516.62
Including: Interest expenses9,051,889.4212,503,638.74
Interest income50,681,932.5639,678,411.29
Add: Other income7,598,647.1010,946,996.56
Investment income (Loss is listed with “-”)26,670,093.5068,376,405.75
Including: Investment income on affiliated Company and joint venture6,158,368.7511,539,929.52
The termination of income recognition for financial assets measured by amortized cost (Loss is listed with “-”)-2,635,478.39-4,223,097.22
Net exposure hedging income (Loss is listed with “-”)
Changing income of fair value (Loss is listed with “-”)-21,247,008.05-20,365,050.80
Loss of credit impairment (Loss is listed with “-”)-168,300.27-7,182,062.31
Losses of devaluation of asset (Loss is listed with “-”)-5,947,448.04-808,792.91
Income on disposal of assets (Loss is listed with “-”)3,044.16
II. Operating profit (Loss is listed with “-”)133,687,802.01171,630,815.02
Add: Non-operating income165,605.98496,859.54
Less: Non-operating expense1,260,307.212,712,957.69
III. Total Profit (Loss is listed with “-”)132,593,100.78169,414,716.87
Less: Income tax17,312,090.47-1,667,121.35
IV. Net profit (Net loss is listed with “-”)115,281,010.31171,081,838.22
(i) continuous operating net profit (net loss listed with ‘-”)115,281,010.31171,081,838.22
(ii) termination of net profit (net loss listed with ‘-”)
V. Net after-tax of other comprehensive income
(i) Other comprehensive income items which will not be reclassified subsequently to profit of loss
1.Changes of the defined benefit plans that re-measured
2.Other comprehensive income under equity method that cannot be transfer to gain/loss
3.Change of fair value of investment in other equity instrument
4.Fair value change of enterprise's credit risk
5. Other
(ii) Other comprehensive income items which will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
1.Other comprehensive income under equity method that can transfer to gain/loss
2.Change of fair value of other debt investment
3.Amount of financial assets re-classify to other comprehensive income
4.Credit impairment provision for other debt investment
5.Cash flow hedging reserve
6.Translation differences arising on translation of foreign currency financial statements
VI. Total comprehensive income115,281,010.31171,081,838.22
VII. Earnings per share:
(i) Basic earnings per share0.11190.1661
(ii) Diluted earnings per share0.11190.1661

Legal Representative: Wu DinggangPerson in charge of accounting works: Pang HaitaoPerson in charge of accounting institute: Yang Jun

5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement


ItemSemi-annual of 2024Semi-annual of 2023
I. Cash flows arising from operating activities:
Cash received from selling commodities and providing labor services15,308,589,791.3012,198,688,836.73
Net increase of customer deposit and interbank deposit
Net increase of loan from central bank
Net increase of capital borrowed from other financial institution
Cash received from original insurance contract fee
Net cash received from reinsurance business
Net increase of insured savings and investment
Cash received from interest, commission charge and commission
Net increase of capital borrowed
Net increase of returned business capital
Net cash received by agents in sale and purchase of securities
Write-back of tax received563,109,006.37335,722,174.27
Other cash received concerning operating activities37,974,186.4745,885,272.47
Subtotal of cash inflow arising from operating activities15,909,672,984.1412,580,296,283.47
Cash paid for purchasing commodities and receiving labor service11,525,479,789.409,633,823,103.98
Net increase of customer loans and advances
Net increase of deposits in central bank and interbank
Cash paid for original insurance contract compensation
Net increase of capital lent
Cash paid for interest, commission charge and commission
Cash paid for bonus of guarantee slip
Cash paid to/for staff and workers1,058,061,492.06969,995,100.78
Taxes paid201,465,905.00220,348,189.39
Other cash paid concerning operating activities396,439,921.08345,610,079.51
Subtotal of cash outflow arising from operating activities13,181,447,107.5411,169,776,473.66
Net cash flows arising from operating activities2,728,225,876.601,410,519,809.81
II. Cash flows arising from investing activities:
Cash received from recovering investment1,420,000,000.00530,000,000.00
Cash received from investment income28,412,801.6329,194,568.79
Net cash received from disposal of fixed, intangible and other long-term assets200,791.002,580,708.68
Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other units
Other cash received concerning investing activities101,996,559.3583,960,584.77
Subtotal of cash inflow from investing activities1,550,610,151.98645,735,862.24
Cash paid for purchasing fixed, intangible and other long-term assets149,362,697.07112,867,755.64
Cash paid for investment3,580,000,000.00990,000,000.00
Net increase of mortgaged loans
Net cash received from subsidiaries and other units obtained
Other cash paid concerning investing activities7,111,935.4514,291,587.29
Subtotal of cash outflow from investing activities3,736,474,632.521,117,159,342.93
Net cash flows arising from investing activities-2,185,864,480.54-471,423,480.69
III. Cash flows arising from financing activities:
Cash received from absorbing investment
Including: Cash received from absorbing minority shareholders’ investment by subsidiaries
Cash received from loans1,127,882,556.92738,227,027.56
Other cash received concerning financing activities72,296,545.79246,707,138.50
Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities1,200,179,102.71984,934,166.06
Cash paid for settling debts1,131,967,080.14543,000,000.00
Cash paid for dividend and profit distributing or interest paying325,527,935.7294,160,552.96
Including: Dividend and profit of minority shareholder paid by subsidiaries5,083,093.4016,677,010.63
Other cash paid concerning financing activities80,515,863.94160,042,182.97
Subtotal of cash outflow from financing activities1,538,010,879.80797,202,735.93
Net cash flows arising from financing activities-337,831,777.09187,731,430.13
IV. Influence on cash and cash equivalents due to fluctuation in exchange rate17,439,311.305,527,412.31
V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents221,968,930.271,132,355,171.56
Add: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the period -begin8,391,128,635.876,113,222,069.76
VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the period -end8,613,097,566.147,245,577,241.32

Legal Representative: Wu DinggangPerson in charge of accounting works: Pang HaitaoPerson in charge of accounting institute: Yang Jun

6. Cash Flow Statement of Parent Company


ItemSemi-annual of 2024Semi-annual of 2023
I. Cash flows arising from operating activities:
Cash received from selling commodities and providing labor services5,280,211,025.343,881,403,178.06
Write-back of tax received293,706,672.31105,626,324.39
Other cash received concerning operating activities14,519,557.1011,635,429.61
Subtotal of cash inflow arising from operating activities5,588,437,254.753,998,664,932.06
Cash paid for purchasing commodities and receiving labor service4,180,482,491.503,259,367,184.55
Cash paid to/for staff and workers291,758,151.83253,472,494.63
Taxes paid43,581,975.8149,530,385.16
Other cash paid concerning operating activities115,440,944.4789,990,627.33
Subtotal of cash outflow arising from operating activities4,631,263,563.613,652,360,691.67
Net cash flows arising from operating activities957,173,691.14346,304,240.39
II. Cash flows arising from investing activities:
Cash received from recovering investment620,000,000.00
Cash received from investment income27,533,505.7874,682,585.15
Net cash received from disposal of fixed, intangible and other long-term assets202,186.002,534,831.90
Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other units
Other cash received concerning investing activities53,882,098.2938,996,739.61
Subtotal of cash inflow from investing activities701,617,790.07116,214,156.66
Cash paid for purchasing fixed, intangible and other long-term assets85,678,643.5776,197,096.37
Cash paid for investment2,100,000,000.00180,000,000.00
Net cash received from subsidiaries and other units obtained
Other cash paid concerning investing activities13,796,171.19
Subtotal of cash outflow from investing activities2,185,678,643.57269,993,267.56
Net cash flows arising from investing activities-1,484,060,853.50-153,779,110.90
III. Cash flows arising from financing activities:
Cash received from absorbing investment
Cash received from loans809,669,129.02738,227,027.56
Other cash received concerning financing activities150,450,083.6395,587,946.50
Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities960,119,212.65833,814,974.06
Cash paid for settling debts1,131,967,080.14518,000,000.00
Cash paid for dividend and profit distributing or interest paying316,626,529.9776,787,308.98
Other cash paid concerning financing activities7,491,686.8048,994,977.36
Subtotal of cash outflow from financing activities1,456,085,296.91643,782,286.34
Net cash flows arising from financing activities-495,966,084.26190,032,687.72
IV. Influence on cash and cash equivalents due to fluctuation in exchange rate-1,950,942.842,973,726.15
V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents-1,024,804,189.46385,531,543.36
Add: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the period -begin4,746,147,736.993,086,968,775.61
VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the period -end3,721,343,547.533,472,500,318.97

Legal Representative: Wu DinggangPerson in charge of accounting works: Pang HaitaoPerson in charge of accounting institute: Yang Jun

7. Statement of Changes in Owners’ Equity (Consolidated)

This Period


ItemSemi-annual of 2024
Owners’ equity attributable to the parent CompanyMinority interestsTotal owners’ equity
Share capitalOther equity instrumentCapital reserveLess: Inventory sharesOther comprehensive incomeReasonable reserveSurplus reserveProvision of general riskRetained profitOtherSubtotal
Preferred stockPerpetual capital securitiesOther
I. The ending balance of the previous year1,029,923,715.002,805,503,457.77-20,704,362.0511,246,811.91477,053,194.821,521,759,836.645,824,782,654.09369,252,132.376,194,034,786.46
Add: Changes of accounting policy
Error correction of the last period
II. The beginning balance of the current year1,029,923,715.002,805,503,457.77-20,704,362.0511,246,811.91477,053,194.821,521,759,836.645,824,782,654.09369,252,132.376,194,034,786.46
III. Increase/ Decrease in the period (Decrease is listed with “-”)-1,173,618.693,207,366.13106,056,301.38108,090,048.825,214,743.84113,304,792.66
(i) Total comprehensive income-1,173,618.69415,033,415.88413,859,797.199,827,834.93423,687,632.12
(ii) Owners’ devoted and decreased
1.Common shares invested by shareholders
2. Capital invested by holders of other equity instruments
3. Amount reckoned into owners equity with share-based payment
4. Other
(iii) Profit distribution-308,977,114.50-308,977,114.50-5,083,093.40-314,060,207.90
1. Withdrawal of surplus reserves
2. Withdrawal of general risk provisions
3. Distribution for owners (or shareholders)-308,977,114.50-308,977,114.50-5,083,093.40-314,060,207.90
4. Other
(iv) Carrying forward internal owners’ equity
1. Capital reserves conversed to capital (share capital)
2. Surplus reserves conversed to capital (share
3. Remedying loss with surplus reserve
4. Carry-over retained earnings from the defined benefit plans
5. Carry-over retained earnings from other comprehensive income
6. Other
(v) Reasonable reserve3,207,366.133,207,366.13470,002.313,677,368.44
1. Withdrawal in the report period17,312,570.3217,312,570.32878,578.3718,191,148.69
2. Usage in the report period14,105,204.1914,105,204.19408,576.0614,513,780.25
(vi) Others
IV. Balance at the end of the period1,029,923,715.002,805,503,457.77-21,877,980.7414,454,178.04477,053,194.821,627,816,138.025,932,872,702.91374,466,876.216,307,339,579.12

Legal Representative: Wu Dinggang Person in charge of accounting works: Pang Haitao Person in charge of accounting institute: Yang JunLast Period


ItemSemi-annual of 2023
Owners’ equity attributable to the parent CompanyMinority interestsTotal owners’ equity
Share capitalOther equity instrumentCapital reserveLess: Inventory sharesOther comprehensive incomeReasonable reserveSurplus reserveProvision of general riskRetained profitOtherSubtotal
Preferred stockPerpetual capitOther
al securities
I. The ending balance of the previous year1,029,923,715.002,806,493,904.30-20,881,462.632,467,205.78441,201,471.98909,082,037.665,168,286,872.09370,748,395.265,539,035,267.35
Add: Changes of accounting policy17,219.50167,328.13184,547.63-8,145.54176,402.09
Error correction of the last period
II. The beginning balance of the current year1,029,923,715.002,806,493,904.30-20,881,462.632,467,205.78441,218,691.48909,249,365.795,168,471,419.72370,740,249.725,539,211,669.44
III. Increase/ Decrease in the period (Decrease is listed with “-”)2,021,916.559,648,600.83265,361,710.39277,032,227.77-3,634,481.73273,397,746.04
(i) Total comprehensive income2,021,916.55358,054,844.74360,076,761.2912,120,459.17372,197,220.46
(ii) Owners’ devoted and decreased capital
1.Common shares invested by shareholders
2. Capital invested by holders of other equity instruments
3. Amount reckoned into owners equity with share-based
4. Other
(iii) Profit distribution-92,693,134.35-92,693,134.35-16,677,010.63-109,370,144.98
1. Withdrawal of surplus reserves
2. Withdrawal of general risk provisions
3. Distribution for owners (or shareholders)-92,693,134.35-92,693,134.35-16,677,010.63-109,370,144.98
4. Other
(iv) Carrying forward internal owners’ equity
1. Capital reserves conversed to capital (share capital)
2. Surplus reserves conversed to capital (share capital)
3. Remedying loss with surplus reserve
4. Carry-over retained earnings from the defined benefit plans
5. Carry-over retained earnings from other comprehensive income
6. Other
(v) Reasonable reserve9,648,600.839,648,600.83922,069.7310,570,670.56
1. Withdrawal in the report period15,558,156.1415,558,156.141,133,609.0616,691,765.20
2. Usage in the report period5,909,555.315,909,555.31211,539.336,121,094.64
(vi) Others
IV. Balance at the end of the period1,029,923,715.002,806,493,904.30-18,859,546.0812,115,806.61441,218,691.481,174,611,076.185,445,503,647.49367,105,767.995,812,609,415.48

Legal Representative: Wu Dinggang Person in charge of accounting works: Pang Haitao Person in charge of accounting institute: Yang Jun

8. Statement of Changes in Owners’ Equity (Parent Company)

This Period


ItemSemi-annual of 2024
Share capitalOther equity instrumentCapital reserveLess: Inventory sharesOther comprehensive incomeReasonable reserveSurplus reserveRetained profitOtherTotal owners’ equity
Preferred stockPerpetual capital securitiesOther
I. The ending balance of the previous year1,029,923,715.002,740,508,510.57505,111.75476,835,029.141,294,109,238.105,541,881,604.56
Add: Changes of accounting policy
Error correction of the last period
II. The beginning balance of the current year1,029,923,715.002,740,508,510.57505,111.75476,835,029.141,294,109,238.105,541,881,604.56
III. Increase/ Decrease in the period (Decrease is listed with “-”)825,666.62-193,696,104.19-192,870,437.57
(i) Total comprehensive income115,281,010.31115,281,010.31
(ii) Owners’ devoted and
decreased capital
1.Common shares invested by shareholders
2. Capital invested by holders of other equity instruments
3. Amount reckoned into owners equity with share-based payment
4. Other
(iii) Profit distribution-308,977,114.50-308,977,114.50
1. Withdrawal of surplus reserves
2. Distribution for owners (or shareholders)-308,977,114.50-308,977,114.50
3. Other
(iv) Carrying forward internal owners’ equity
1. Capital reserves conversed to capital (share capital)
2. Surplus reserves conversed to capital (share capital)
3. Remedying loss with surplus reserve
4. Carry-over retained earnings from the defined benefit plans
5. Carry-over retained earnings from other comprehensive income
6. Other
(v) Reasonable reserve825,666.62825,666.62
1. Withdrawal in the report period4,842,286.804,842,286.80
2. Usage in the report period4,016,620.184,016,620.18
(vi) Others
IV. Balance at the end of the period1,029,923,715.002,740,508,510.571,330,778.37476,835,029.141,100,413,133.915,349,011,166.99

Legal Representative: Wu Dinggang Person in charge of accounting works: Pang Haitao Person in charge of accounting institute: Yang JunLast period


ItemSemi-annual of 2023
Share capitalOther equity instrumentCapital reserveLess: Inventory sharesOther comprehensive incomeReasonable reserveSurplus reserveRetained profitOtherTotal owners’ equity
Preferred stockPerpetual capital securitiesOther
I. The ending balance of the previous year1,029,923,715.002,740,508,510.57687,069.38440,983,306.301,064,136,866.985,276,239,468.23
Add: Changes of accounting policy17,219.50154,975.45172,194.95
Error correction of the last period
II. The beginning balance of the current year1,029,923,715.002,740,508,510.57687,069.38441,000,525.801,064,291,842.435,276,411,663.18
III. Increase/ Decrease in the period (Decrease is listed with “-”)1,544,823.0278,388,703.8779,933,526.89
(i) Total comprehensive income171,081,838.22171,081,838.22
(ii) Owners’ devoted and decreased capital
1.Common shares invested by shareholders
2. Capital invested by holders of other equity instruments
3. Amount reckoned into owners equity with share-based payment
4. Other
(iii) Profit distribution-92,693,134.35-92,693,134.35
1. Withdrawal of surplus reserves
2. Distribution for owners (or shareholders)-92,693,134.35-92,693,134.35
3. Other
(iv) Carrying forward internal owners’ equity
1. Capital reserves conversed to capital (share capital)
2. Surplus reserves conversed to capital (share capital)
3. Remedying loss with surplus reserve
4. Carry-over retained earnings from the defined benefit plans
5. Carry-over retained earnings from other comprehensive income
6. Other
(v) Reasonable reserve1,544,823.021,544,823.02
1. Withdrawal in the report period4,278,881.394,278,881.39
2. Usage in the report period2,734,058.372,734,058.37
(vi) Others
IV. Balance at the end of the period1,029,923,715.002,740,508,510.572,231,892.40441,000,525.801,142,680,546.305,356,345,190.07

Legal Representative: Wu Dinggang Person in charge of accounting works: Pang Haitao Person in charge of accounting institute: Yang Jun

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

I. Company profileChanghong Meiling Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) ,originally named as Hefei MeilingCo., Ltd. is an incorporated Company established and reorganized by Hefei Meiling Refrigerator GeneralFactory and approved on June 12

th1992 through [WanTiGaiHanZi (1992) No.039] issued by originalMechanism Reform Committee of Anhui Province. On August 30

th1993, through Anhui ProvincialGovernment [Wanzhenmi (1993) No.166] and re-examination of China Securities Regulatory Commission,the Company made first public issue for 30 million A shares and the Company was listed on Oct. 18


, 1993 inShenzhen Stock Exchange. On August 13

th, 1996, the Company was approved to issue 100 million B shares toinvestors abroad through [ZhengWeiFa (1996) No.26] issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission. TheCompany went public in Shenzhen Stock Exchange on August 28

th, 1996.State-owned Assets Supervision & Administration Commission of the State Council approved such transferswith Document Guozi Chanquan (2007) No.253 Reply on Matters of Hefei Meiling Group Holdings LimitedTransferring Partial State-owned Ownership, Hefei Meiling Group Holdings Limited (hereinafter referred toas Meiling Group) transferred its holding 37,852,683 shares in 82,852,683 state-owned shares of the Companyto Sichuan Changhong Electronic Group Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as Changhong Group), other45,000,000 shares to Sichuan Changhong Electric Co. Ltd (hereinafter referred to as Sichuan Changhong). OnAug 15, 2007, the above ownership was transferred and Cleaning Corporation Limited.On 27 August 2007, State-owned Assets Supervision & Administration Commission of Anhui ProvincialGovernment replied with Document [WGZCQH (2007) No.309] Reply on “Related Matters of Share MergerReform of Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.”, agreed the Company’s ownership split reform plan. The Company madeconsideration that non-tradable share holders deliver 1.5 shares to A share holders per 10 shares, and originalMeiling Group made prepayment 3,360,329 shares for some non-tradable share holders as consideration forsplit reform plan.On 29 May 2008, concerning 34,359,384 state-owned shares (including 3,360,329 shares paid for other non-tradable shareholders by original Meiling Group in share reform) held by original Meiling Group, the “Noticeof Freely Transfer of Meiling Electrics Equity held by Meiling Group”[HGZCQ(2008) No. 59] issued fromState-owned Assets Supervision & Administration Commission of Hefei Municipal, agrees to transfer theabove said shares to Hefei Xingtai Holding Group Co., Ltd.(“Xingtai Holding Co.,”) for free. On 7 August2008, the “Reply of Transfer Freely of Part of the Shares of Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd. held by State-ownedshareholders” [GZCQ (2007) No. 752] issued by SASAC, agrees the above said transferring.On October 29, 2008, Changhong Group signed Agreement on Equity Transfer of Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd withSichuan Changhong, in which 32,078,846 tradable A-shares with conditional subscription of the Company(accounting for 7.76% in total shares) held by Changhong Group. On 23 December 2008, “Reply of TransferFreely of Part of the Shares of Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd. held by State-owned shareholders” [GZCQ (2008) No.

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.

From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

1413] issued by SASAC agrees the above said share transferring.On 24 December 2010, being deliberated and approved in 32

nd Session of 6

th BOD and 2

ndExtraordinaryShareholders’ General Meeting of 2010 as well as approval of document [ZJXK (2010) No. 1715] from CSRC,totally 116,731,500 RMB ordinary shares (A stock) were offering privately to target investors with issue priceof RMB 10.28/share. Capital collecting amounting to RMB 1,199,999,820 after issuing expenses RMB22,045,500 deducted, net capital collected amounting to RMB 1,177,954,320, and paid-in capital (share capital)increased RMB 116,731,500 with capital reserve (share premium) RMB 1,061,106,088.5 increased. Theincreasing capital has been verified by Capital Verification Report No.: [XYZH2010CDA6021]issued fromShin Wing CPA Co., Ltd.On 20 June 2011, the general meeting of the Company considered and approved the 2010 profit distributionplan, namely to distribute cash dividends of RMB0.5 (tax included) plus two shares for every ten shares heldby shareholders to all shareholders, based on the total share capital of 530,374,449 shares as of 31 December2010. The total share capital of the Company upon profit distribution increased to 636,449,338 shares. Thecapital increase was verified by Anhui Huashen Zhengda Accounting Firm with the verification reportWHSZDKYZ (2011) No.141.On 26 June 2012, the general meeting of the Company considered and approved the 2011 profit distributionand capitalization of capital reserve plan, namely to distribute cash dividends of RMB0.5 (tax included) plustwo shares for every ten shares to all shareholders capitalized from capital reserve, based on the total sharecapital of 636,449,338 shares as of 31 December 2011. The total share capital of the Company uponimplementation of capitalization of capital reserve increased to 763,739,205 shares from 636,449,338 shares,and was verified by Anhui Anlian Xinda Accounting Firm with the verification report WALXDYZ (2012)No.093.On November 18, 2015, considered and approved by the 12

th Session of the 8

thBOD of the company and thefirst extraordinary general meeting in 2016, and approved by the document of China Securities RegulatoryCommission [CSRC License No. (2016) 1396] “Reply to the approval of non-public offering of shares of HefeiMeiling Co., Ltd.”, the company has actually raised funds of 1,569,999,998.84 yuan by non-public offering ofno more than 334,042,553 new shares at face value of 1 yuan per share and with issue price no less than 4.70yuan per share, after deducting the issue costs of 29,267,276.08 yuan, the net amount of raised funds is1,540,732,722.76 yuan, the increased paid-in capital (share capital) of 280,858,676.00 yuan, increased capitalreserve (share premium) of 1,259,874,046.76 yuan. This capital increase has been verified by No.[XYZH2016CDA40272]capital verification report of Shine Wing Certified Public Accountants (LLP).Since the first repurchase of shares on November 4, 2020, the company had cumulatively repurchased14,674,166 shares of the company (B shares) in centralized bidding transactions through the special securitiesaccount for repurchase until February 18, 2022, and completed the cancellation procedures of the repurchasedshares at the Shenzhen Branch of China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd. on March 2, 2022, a totalof 14,674,166 shares of the company (B shares) were cancelled, accounting for 1.4048% of the company's total

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.

From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

share capital before cancellation. After the cancellation, the total share capital of the company was reducedfrom 1,044,597,881 shares to 1,029,923,715 shares.Ended as June 30, 2024, total share capital of the Company amounting to 1,029,923,715shares with ordinaryshares in full. Among which, 881,733,881 shares of A-share accounting 85.61% in total shares while B-sharewith 148,189,834 shares accounting 14.39% in total shares. Specific capital structure is as follows:

Type of stockQuantityProportion
(I)Restricted shares6,510,5350.63
1. State-owned shares
2. State-owned legal person’s shares1,141,0530.11
3. Other domestic shares5,369,4820.52
Including: Domestic legal person’s shares3,363,5390.33
Domestic natural person’s shares2,005,9430.19
4. Foreign shares
(II)Unrestricted shares1,023,413,18099.37
1. RMB Ordinary shares875,223,34684.98
2. Domestically listed foreign shares148,189,83414.39
3. Overseas listed foreign shares
4. Others
Total shares1,029,923,715100.00

The Company belongs to the manufacture of light industry, and engaged in the production and sale ofrefrigerator, freezer and air-conditioner. Unified social credit code of the Company: 9134000014918555XK;Address: No.2163, Lianhua Road, Economy and Technology Development Zone, Hefei City; LegalRepresentative: Wu Dinggang; register capital (paid-in capital): 1,029,923,715 yuan; type of company: limitedliability company(joint venture and listed of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao).

This financial statement was approved by the Board of Directors of the Company on August 15, 2024.II. Basis for preparation of financial statement

1.Basis for preparation

According to the actual transactions and matters, the Company's financial statements are prepared inaccordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and its application guidelines, explanationsand other relevant provisions (hereinafter referred to as "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises")promulgated by the Ministry of Finance, as well as the disclosure-related provisions of No.15 Rules onInformation Disclosure and Compilation of Companies Offering Securities to the Public - General Provisionson Financial Reports (revised in 2023) issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referredto as "CSRC").

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

2.Continuous operation

The Company recently has a history of profitability operation and has financial resources supporting, andprepared the financial statement on basis of going concern is reasonable.III. Significant Accounting Policy and accounting EstimationSpecific accounting policies and accounting estimates tips: The specific accounting policies and accountingestimates formulated by the company according to the actual production and operation characteristics includereceivables provisions for bad debts, inventory depreciation provisions, capitalization conditions of R & Dexpenses, revenue recognition and measurement, etc.

1. Statement on observation of accounting standards for enterprise

The financial statements prepared by the Company meet the requirements of the Accounting Standards forBusiness Enterprises, and truly, accurately and completely reflect the financial status of the Company on June30, 2024, as well as the operating results and cash flow first half-year of 2024 .

2.Accounting period

The accounting period of the Company is the calendar date from 1 January to 31 December.

3.Operation cycle

Operation cycle of the Company was 12 months, and it is the standard of flow classification for assets andliabilities.

4.Standard currency for accounting

The Company takes RMB as the standard currency for accounting.

5.Determination method and selection basis of importance standard

The Company follows the principle of materiality in preparing and disclosing financial statements. The mattersdisclosed in the notes to the financial statements involving judgement by materiality standard, and thedetermination method and selection basis of materiality standard are as follows:

Matters disclosed involving the judgment by materiality standardsDetermination method and selection basis of importance standard
Recovery or reversal of important accounts receivable bad debt reservesThe individual recovery or reversal amount accounts for more than 10% of the total recovery or reversal amount of accounts receivable, and the amount is greater than RMB 10 million
Actual write off of important accounts receivableThe single item write off amount accounts for more than 10% of the total bad debt write off amount of various receivables, and the amount is greater than 5 million yuan
Important accounts receivable with single provision for bad debt reservesThe single provision amount accounts for 10% of the total bad debt provision for various accounts receivable and is greater than RMB 50 million
Important debt investmentSingle debt investment accounts for 5% of the total debt investment and the amount is greater than RMB 20 million
Significant changes in the book value of contract assetsThe change in the book value of contract assets accounts for more than 30% of the initial balance of contract assets
Material construction in progressThe budget of a single project is more than RMB 50 million
Material capitalized R&D projectsThe budget of a single project is more than RMB 20 million
Material contractual liabilities with an age of more than one yearContractual liabilities with a single aging of more than one year account for more than 10% of the total contractual liabilities and are more than RMB 50 million

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

Matters disclosed involving the judgment by materiality standardsDetermination method and selection basis of importance standard
Significant changes in the book value of contractual liabilitiesThe change in the book value of contractual liabilities accounts for more than 30% of the initial balance of contractual liabilities
Important accounts payableAccounts payable with a single account age exceeding 1 year account for more than 5% of the total accounts payable and with an amount greater than RMB 100 million
Important other payablesOther payables with a single account age exceeding 1 year account for more than 5% of the total other payables and an amount greater than RMB 50 million
Important non wholly-owned subsidiariesSubsidiary net assets account for over 1% of the company's net assets
Important joint ventures or associatesThe book value of long-term equity investments in a single invested entity accounts for more than 1% of the company's net assets and the amount is greater than RMB 50 million, or the investment gains and losses under the equity method account for more than 1% of the company's consolidated net profit
Important investment activitiesIndividual investment activities account for more than 10% of the total cash inflows or outflows related to received or paid investment activities, and the amount is greater than RMB 100 million
Significant activities that do not involve current cash inflows and outflowsNot involving current cash inflows and outflows, with an impact on the current financial statements greater than 10% of net assets

6.Accountant arrangement method of business combination under common control and not under commoncontrolAs acquirer, the Company measures the assets and liabilities acquired through business combination undercommon control at their carrying values as reflected in the consolidated financial statement of the ultimatecontroller as of the combination date. Capital reserve shall be adjusted in respect of any difference betweencarrying value of the net assets acquired and carrying value of the combination consideration paid. In case thatcapital reserve is insufficient to offset, the Company would adjust retained earnings.The acquiree’s net identifiable assets, liabilities or contingent liabilities acquired through business combinationnot under common control shall be measured at fair value as of the acquisition date. The cost of combinationrepresents the fair value of the cash or non-cash assets paid, liabilities issued or committed and equity securitiesissued by the Company as at the date of combination in consideration for acquiring the controlling power inthe acquiree, together with the sum of any directly related expenses occurred during business combination(incase of such business combination as gradually realized through various transactions, the combination costrefers to the sum of each cost of respective separate transaction). Where the cost of the combination exceedsthe acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquirer’s identifiable net assets acquired, the difference isrecognized as goodwill; where the cost of combination is lower than the acquirer’s interest in the fair value ofthe acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the Company shall firstly make further review on the fair values of thenet identifiable assets, liabilities or contingent liabilities acquired as well as the fair value of the non-cash assetsportion of combination consideration or the equity securities issued by the Company. In case that the Companyfinds the cost of combination is still lower than the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’sidentifiable net assets after such further review, the difference is recognized in non-operating income for thecurrent period when combination occurs.

7.Criteria for Control and Preparation Method of Consolidated Financial StatementsControl means that the Company has the power over the investee, enjoys variable returns by participating inthe related activities of the investee, and has the ability to influence the amount of returns by using the power

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

over the investee.The Company shall put all the subsidiaries controlled and main body structured into consolidated financialstatements.Any difference arising from the inconformity of accounting year or accounting policies between thesubsidiaries and the Company shall be adjusted in the consolidated financial statements.All the material inter-company transactions, non-extraordinary items and unrealized profit within thecombination scope are written-off when preparing consolidated financial statement. Owners’ equity ofsubsidiary not attributable to parent company and current net gains and losses, other comprehensive incomeand total comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders are recognized as non-controllinginterests, minority interests, other comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders and totalcomprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders in consolidated financial statement respectively.As for subsidiary acquired through business combination under common control, its operating results and cashflow will be included in consolidated financial statement since the beginning of the period when combinationoccurs. When preparing comparative consolidated financial statement, the relevant items in previous yearsfinancial statement shall be adjusted as if the reporting entity formed upon combination has been existing sincethe ultimate controller commenced relevant control.As for equity interests of the investee under common control acquired through various transactions whicheventually formed business combination, the Company shall supplement disclosure of the accounting treatmentin consolidated financial statement in the reporting period when controlling power is obtained. For example,as for equity interests of the investee under common control acquired through various transactions whicheventually formed business combination, adjustments shall be made as if the current status had been existingwhen the ultimate controller commenced control in connection of preparing consolidated financial statement;in connection with preparing comparative statement, the Company shall consolidate the relevant assets andliabilities of the acquiree into the Company’s comparative consolidated financial statement to the extent notearlier than the timing when the Company and the acquiree are all under control of the ultimate controller, andthe net assets increased due to combination shall be used to adjust relevant items under owners’ equity incomparative statement. In order to prevent double computation of the value of the acquiree’s net assets, therelevant profits and losses, other comprehensive income and change of other net assets recognized during theperiod from the date when the Company acquires original equity interests and the date when the Company andthe acquiree are all under ultimate control of the same party (whichever is later) to the date of combination inrespect of the long-term equity investment held by the Company before satisfaction of combination shall beutilized to offset the beginning retained earnings and current gains and losses in the period as the comparativefinancial statement involves, respectively.As for subsidiary acquired through business combination not under common control, its operating results andcash flow will be included in consolidated financial statement since the Company obtains controlling power.When preparing consolidated financial statement, the Company shall adjust the subsidiary’s financial statementbased on the fair value of the various identifiable assets, liabilities or contingent liabilities recognized as of theacquisition date.As for equity interests of the investee not under common control acquired through various transactions whicheventually formed business combination, the Company shall supplement disclosure of the accounting treatmentin consolidated financial statement in the reporting period when controlling power is obtained. For example,as for equity interests of the investee not under common control acquired through various transactions whicheventually formed business combination, when preparing consolidated financial statement, the Company

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

would re-measure the equity interests held in the acquiree before acquisition date at their fair value as of theacquisition date, and any difference between the fair value and carrying value is included in current investmentincome. in case that the equity interests in acquiree held by the Company before the relevant acquisition dateinvolves other comprehensive income at equity method and change of other owners’ equity (other than netgains and losses, other comprehensive income and profit distribution), then the equity interests would transferto investment gains and losses for the period which the acquisition date falls upon. The other comprehensiveincome arising from change of the net liabilities or net assets under established benefit scheme as acquiree’sre-measured such scheme is excluded.The transaction with non-controlling interest to dispose long-term equity investment in a subsidiary withoutlosing control rights over the subsidiary, the difference between the proceeds from disposal of interests and thedecrease of the shared net assets of the subsidiary is adjusted to capital premium (share premium). In casecapital reserve is not sufficient to offset the difference, retained earnings will be adjusted.As for disposal of part equity investment which leads to losing control over the investee, the Company wouldre-measure the remaining equity interests at their fair value as of the date when the Company loses controlover the investee when preparing consolidated financial statement. The sum of consideration received fromdisposal of equity interest and fair value of the remaining equity interest, less the net assets of the originalsubsidiary attributable to the Company calculated based on the original shareholding proportion since theacquisition date or the date then consolidation commences, is included in investment gains and losses for theperiod when control is lost, meanwhile to offset goodwill. Other comprehensive income related to equityinterest investment in original subsidiaries is transferred into current investment gains and losses upon lost ofcontrol.If the disposal of the equity investment of subsidiary is realized through multi pletran section sunlit loss ofcontrol and is a pack age deal. the accounting treatment of the sterna sections should be dealt with as onetransaction of disposal of the subsidiary until loss of control. However, before the Company loses total controlof the subsidiary, the differences between the actual disposal price and the share of the net assets of thesubsidiary disposed of in every transaction should be recognized as other comprehensive income in theconsolidated financial statements, and transferred to profit or loss when losing control.

8. Accounting treatment for joint venture arrangement and joint controlled entityThe joint venture arrangement of the Company consists of joint controlled entity and joint venture. As forjointly controlled entity, the Company determines the assets held and liabilities assumed separately as a partyto the jointly controlled entity, recognizes such assets and liabilities according to its proportion, and recognizesrelevant income and expense separately under relevant agreement or according to its proportion. As for assettransaction relating to purchase and sales with the jointly controlled entity which does not constitute businessactivity, part of the gains and losses arising from such transaction attributable to other participators of thejointly controlled entity is only recognized.

9.Cash and cash equivalents

Cash in the cash flow statement comprises the Group’s cash on hand and deposits that can be readily withdrawn on demand. Cash equivalents are short-term, highly liquid investments held by the Group, that arereadily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an in significant risk of changes invalue.

10. Foreign currency business and foreign currency financial statement conversion

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.

From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

(1) Foreign currency business

As for the foreign currency business, the Company converts the foreign currency amount into RMB amountpursuant to the spot exchange rate as of the business day. As at the balance sheet date, monetary items expressedby foreign currency are converted into RMB pursuant to the spot exchange rate as of the balance sheet date.The conversion difference occurred is recorded into prevailing gains and losses, other than the disclosure whichis made according to capitalization rules for the exchange difference occurred from the special foreign currencyborrowings borrowed for constructing and producing the assets satisfying condition of capitalization. As forthe foreign currency non-monetary items measured by fair value, the amount is then converted into RMBaccording to the spot exchange rate as of the confirmation day for fair value. And the conversion differenceoccurred during the procedure is recorded into prevailing gains and losses directly as change of fair value. Asfor the foreign currency non-monetary items measured by historical cost, conversion is made with the spotexchange rate as of the business day, with no change in RMB amount.

(2) Conversion of foreign currency financial statement

Spot exchange rate as of the balance sheet date is adopted for conversion of assets and liabilities in foreigncurrency balance sheet; as for the items in statement of owners’ equity except for “Retained profit”, conversionis made pursuant to the spot exchange rate of business day; income and expense items in income statementthen are also converted pursuant to the spot exchange rate of transaction day. Difference arising from theaforementioned conversions shall be listed separately in items of owners’ equity. Spot exchange rate as of theoccurrence date of cash flow is adopted for conversion of foreign currency cash flow. The amount of cashaffected by exchange rate movement shall be listed separately in cash flow statement.

11. Financial assets and liabilities

A financial asset or liability is recognized when the group becomes a party to a financial instrument contract.The financial assets and financial liabilities are measured at fair value on initial recognition. For the financialassets and liabilities measured by fair value and with variation reckoned into current gains/losses, the relatedtransaction expenses are directly included in current gains or losses; for other types of financial assets andliabilities, the related transaction costs are included in the initial recognition amount.

(1) Method for determining the fair value of financial assets and financial liabilitiesFair value refers to the price that a market participant can get by selling an asset or has to pay for transferringa liability in an orderly transaction that occurs on the measurement date. For a financial instrument having anactive market, the Company uses the quoted prices in the active market to determine its fair value. Quotationsin an active market refer to prices that are readily available from exchanges, brokers, industry associations,pricing services, etc., and represent the prices of market transactions that actually occur in an arm's lengthtransaction. If there is no active market for a financial instrument, the Company uses valuation techniques todetermine its fair value. Valuation techniques include reference to prices used in recent market transactions byparties familiar with the situation and through voluntary trade, and reference to current fair values of otherfinancial instruments that are substantially identical, discounted cash flow methods, and option pricing models.

(2) Category and measurement on financial assets

The group divided the financial assets as the follow while initially recognized: the financial assets measured atamortized cost; the financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in othercomprehensive income; and the financial assets measured by fair value and with variation reckoned into current

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.

From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

gains/losses. The classification of financial assets depends on the business model that the Group's enterprisesmanage the financial assets and the cash flow characteristics of the financial assets.

1) The financial assets measured at amortized cost

Financial assets are classified as financial assets measured at amortized cost when they also meet the followingconditions: The group's business model for managing the financial assets is to collect contractual cash flows;the contractual terms of the financial assets stipulate that cash flow generated on a specific date is only paidfor the principal and interest based on the outstanding principal amount. For such financial assets, the effectiveinterest method is used for subsequent measurement according to the amortized cost, and the gains or lossesarising from amortization or impairment are included in current profits and losses. Such financial assets mainlyinclude monetary funds, notes receivable, accounts receivable, other receivables, debt investment and long-term receivables, and so on. The Group lists the debt investment and long-term receivables due within one year(including one year) from the balance sheet date as non-current assets due within one year, and lists the debtinvestment with time limit within one year (including one year) when acquired as other current assets.

2) Financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other comprehensive incomeFinancial assets are classified as financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included inother comprehensive income when they also meet the following conditions: The Group's business model formanaging the financial assets is targeted at both the collection of contractual cash flows and the sale of financialassets; the contractual terms of the financial asset stipulate that the cash flow generated on a specific date isonly the payment of the principal and the interest based on the outstanding principal amount. For such financialassets, fair value is used for subsequent measurement. The discount or premium is amortized by using theeffective interest method and is recognized as interest income or expenses. Except the impairment losses andthe exchange differences of foreign currency monetary financial assets are recognized as the current profitsand losses, the changes in the fair value of such financial assets are recognized as other comprehensive incomeuntil the financial assets are derecognized, the accumulated gains or losses are transferred to the current profitsand losses. Interest income related to such financial assets is included in the current profit and loss. Suchfinancial assets are listed as other debt investments, other debt investments due within one year (including oneyear) from the balance sheet date are listed as non-current assets due within one year; and other debtinvestments with time limit within one year (including one year) when acquired are listed as other currentassets.

3) Financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in current gains/lossesFinancial assets except for the above-mentioned financial assets measured at amortized cost and financialassets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other comprehensive income are classified asfinancial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in current profits and losses, whichadopt fair value for subsequent measurement and all changes in fair value are included in current profits andlosses. The Group classifies non-trading equity instruments as financial assets measured at fair value and whosechanges are included in current profits and losses. Such financial assets are presented as trading financial assets,and those expire after more than one year and are expected to be held for more than one year are presented asother non-current financial assets.

(3) Devaluation of financial instrument

On the basis of expected credit losses, the Group performs impairment treatment on financial assets measuredat amortized cost and financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

comprehensive income and recognize the provisions for loss.Credit loss refers to the difference between all contractual cash flows that the Company discounts at the originalactual interest rate and are receivable in accordance with contract and all cash flows expected to be received,that is, the present value of all cash shortages. Among them, for the purchase or source of financial assets thathave suffered credit impairment, the Company discounts the financial assets at the actual interest rate adjustedby credit.The Group considers all reasonable and evidenced information, including forward-looking information, basedon credit risk characteristics. When assessing the expected credit losses of receivables, they are classifiedaccording to the specific credit risk characteristics as follows:

1) For receivables and contractual assets and lease receivables (including significant financing componentsand not including significant financing components), the Group measures the provisions for loss based on theamount of expected credit losses equivalent to the entire duration.

①Evaluate expected credit losses based on individual items: credit notes receivable (including accepted lettersof credit) of financial institutions in notes receivable and accounts receivable, and related party payments(related parties under the same control and significant related parties); dividends receivable, interest receivable,reserve funds, investment loans, cash deposits (including warranty), government grants (including dismantlingsubsidies) in other receivables, and receivables with significant financing components (i.e. long-termreceivables);

②The Group considers all reasonable and evidenced information, including forward-looking information,when assessing expected credit losses. When there is objective evidence that its customer credit characteristicsand ageing combination cannot reasonably reflect its expected credit loss, the current value of the expectedfuture cash flow is measured by a single item, and the cash flow shortage is directly written down the bookbalance of the financial asset.The Group considers all reasonable and evidenced information, including forward-looking information, whenassessing expected credit losses. When there is objective evidence that its customer credit characteristics andageing combination cannot reasonably reflect its expected credit loss, the current value of the expected futurecash flow is measured by a single item, and the cash flow shortage is directly written down the book balanceof the financial asset.

2) Assess the expected credit losses on a case-by-case basis for other assets to which the financial instrumentsare impaired, such as the loan commitments and financial guarantee contracts that are not measured at fairvalue through profit or loss, financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are recognized in othercomprehensive income; other financial assets measured at amortized cost (such as other current assets, othernon-current financial assets, etc.).

(4) Reorganization basis and measure method for transfer of financial assets

The financial assets meet one of following requirements will be terminated recognition: ① The contract rightsof collecting cash flow of the financial assets is terminated; ②The financial assets has already been transferred,and the Company has transferred almost all risks and remunerations of financial assets ownership to thetransferee; ③The financial assets has been transferred, even though the Company has neither transferred norkept almost all risks and remunerations of financial assets ownership, the Company has given up controllingthe financial assets.If the enterprise has neither transferred or kept almost all risks and remunerations of financial assets ownership,

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

nor given up controlling the financial assets, then confirm the relevant financial assets according to how itcontinues to involve into the transferred financial assets and confirm the relevant liabilities accordingly. Theextent of continuing involvement in the transferred financial assets refers to the level of risk arising from thechanges in financial assets value faced by the enterprise.If the entire transfer of financial assets satisfies the demand for derecognition, reckon the balance between thebook value of the transferred financial assets and the sum of consideration received from transfer andfluctuation accumulated amount of fair value formerly reckoned in other consolidated income in the currentprofits and losses.

If part transfer of financial assets satisfies the demand for derecognition, apportion the integral book value ofthe transferred financial assets between the derecognized parts and the parts not yet derecognized according toeach relative fair value, and reckon the balance between the sum of consideration received from transfer andfluctuation accumulated amount of fair value formerly reckoned in other consolidated income that should beapportioned to the derecognized parts and the apportioned aforementioned carrying amounts in the currentprofits and losses.When the Group sells financial assets adopting the mode of recourse, or endorses and transfers its financialassets, it is necessary to ensure whether almost all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial assetshave been transferred. If almost all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial assets have beentransferred to the transferee, the financial assets shall be derecognized; if almost all the risks and rewards ofownership of the financial assets are retained, the financial assets shall not be derecognized; if almost all therisks and rewards of ownership of the financial assets are neither transferred nor retained, continue to judgewhether the company retains control over the assets, and conduct accounting treatment according to theprinciples described in the preceding paragraphs.

(5) Category and measurement of financial liability

Financial liability is classified into financial liability measured by fair value and with variation reckoned intocurrent gains/losses and other financial liability at initially measurement.

① the financial liability measured by fair value and with variation reckoned into current gains/lossesThe conditions to be classified as trading financial liabilities and as financial liabilities designated to bemeasured at fair value and whose changes are included in current profit or loss at the initial recognition areconsistent with the conditions to be classified as trading financial assets and as financial assets designated tobe measured at fair value and whose changes are included in current profit or loss at the initial recognition.Financial liabilities measured at fair value and whose changes are included in current profit or loss aresubsequently measured at fair value, and the gain or loss arising from changes in fair value and the dividendsand interest expense related to these financial liabilities are included in current profit or loss.

② Other financial liability

It must go through the delivery of the derivative financial liabilities settled by the equity instrument tolink to the equity instruments that are not quoted in an active market and whose fair value cannot be reliablymeasured, and the subsequent measurement is carried out in accordance with the cost. Other financial liabilitiesare subsequently measured at amortized cost by using the effective interest method. The gain or loss arisingfrom derecognition or amortization is included in current profit or loss.

③Financial guarantee contract

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

The financial guarantee contract of a financial liability which is not designated to be measured at fairvalue through profit or loss is initially recognized at fair value, and its subsequent measurement is carried outby the higher one between the amount confirmed in accordance with the Accounting Standards for BusinessEnterprises No. 13 — Contingencies after initial recognition and the balance after deducting the accumulatedamortization amount determined in accordance with the principle of Accounting Standards for BusinessEnterprises No. 14—Revenue from the initial recognition amount.

(6) Termination of recognition of financial liability

The financial liability or part of it can only be terminated for recognized when all or part of the currentobligation of the financial liability has been discharged. The Group (debtor) and the creditor sign an agreementto replace the existing financial liabilities with new financial liabilities, and if the contract terms of the newfinancial liabilities are substantially different from the existing financial liabilities, terminated for recognizedthe existing financial liabilities and at the same time recognize the new financial liabilities. If the financialliability is terminated for recognized in whole or in part, the difference between the carrying amount of the partthat terminated for recognized and the consideration paid (including the transferred non-cash assets or theassumed new financial liabilities) is included in current profits and losses.

(7) Off-set between the financial assets and liabilities

When the Company has a legal right to offset a recognized financial asset and a financial liability andsuch legal right is currently enforceable, and the Company plans to settle the financial asset on a net basis orto realize the financial asset and settle the financial liability simultaneously, the financial asset and the financialliability are presented in the balance sheet at their respective offsetting amounts. In addition, the financial assetsand financial liabilities are presented in the balance sheet separately, and are not offset against each other.

(8) Derivatives and embedded derivatives

Derivatives are initially measured at fair value on the signing date of the relevant contract, and are subsequentlymeasured at fair value. Except for derivatives that are designated as hedging instruments and are highlyeffective in hedging, the gains or losses arising from changes in fair value will be determined based on thenature of the hedging relationship in accordance with the requirements of the hedge accounting and be includedin the period of profit and loss, other changes in fair value of derivatives are included in current profits andlosses. For a hybrid instrument that includes an embedded derivative, if it is not designated as a financial assetor financial liability measured at fair value and whose changes are included in current profit or loss, theembedded derivative does not have a close relationship with the main contract in terms of economiccharacteristics and risks, and as with embedded derivatives, if the tools existing separately conform to thedefinition of the derivatives, the embedded derivatives are split from the hybrid instruments and are treated asseparate derivative financial instruments. If it is not possible to measure the embedded derivative separately atthe time of acquisition or subsequent balance sheet date, the whole hybrid instrument is designated as afinancial asset or financial liability measured at fair value and whose changes are included in current profitsand losses.

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

(9) Equity instrument

The equity instrument is the contract to prove the holding of the surplus stock of the assets with the deductionof all liabilities in the Group. The Company issues (including refinancing), repurchases, sells or cancels equityinstruments as movement of equity. No fair value change of equity instrument would be recognized by theCompany. Transaction costs associated with equity transactions are deducted from equity. The Group's variousdistributions to equity instrument holders (excluding stock dividends) reduce shareholders' equity.

12. Inventory

Inventories of the Company principally include raw materials, stock goods; work in process, self-made semi-finished product, materials consigned to precede, low-value consumption goods, goods in transit, goods inprocess, mould and contract performance costs.Perpetual inventory system is applicable to inventories. For daily calculation, standard price is adopted for rawmaterials, low-value consumption goods and stock goods. Switch-back cost of the current month is adjustedby distribution price difference at the end of the month, the dispatched goods will share the cost differences ofinventory while in settlement the business income; and low-value consumption goods is carried forward atonce when being applied for use and the mould shall be amortized within one year after receipt.Inventory at period-end is valued by the Lower-of-value between the cost and net realizable value.Theprovision for inventory depreciation shall be drawn from the difference between the book cost of a singleinventory item and its net realizable value, and the provision for inventory depreciation shall be recorded intothe current profit and loss.

13. Contract assets

(1) Confirmation methods and standards of contract assets

Contract assets refer to the right of the Company to receive consideration after transferring goods to customers,and this right depends on factors other than the passage of time. If the Company sells two clearlydistinguishable commodities to a customer and has the right to receive payment because one of thecommodities has been delivered, but the payment is also dependent on the delivery of the other commodity,the Company shall take the right to receive payment as a contract asset.

(2) Determination method and accounting treatment method of expected credit loss of contract assetsFor the determination method for expected credit loss of contract assets, please refer to the above-mentionedAccounting treatment methods for financial instrument impairment. The Company calculates the expectedcredit loss of contract assets on the balance sheet date, if the expected credit loss is greater than the book valueof provision for impairment of contract assets, the Company shall recognize the difference as an impairmentloss, debiting the "asset impairment loss" and crediting the "contract asset impairment provision". On thecontrary, the Company shall recognize the difference as an impairment gain and keep the opposite accountingrecords.If the Company actually incurs credit losses and determines that the relevant contract assets cannot berecovered, for those approved to be written off, debit the "contract asset impairment reserve" and credit the"contracted asset" based on the approved write-off amount. If the written-off amount is greater than theprovision for loss that has been withdrawn, the "asset impairment loss" is debited based on the difference.

14. Contract cost

(1) The method of determining the amount of assets related to the contract cost

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

The Company’s assets related to contract costs include contract performance cost and contract acquisition cost.The contract performance cost is the cost incurred by the Company for the performance of the contract, thosethat do not fall within the scope of other accounting standards and meet the following conditions at the sametime are recognized as as an asset as the contract performance cost: the cost is directly related to a current orexpected contract, including direct labor, direct materials, manufacturing expenses (or similar expenses), costsclarified to be borne by the customer, and other costs incurred solely due to the contract; this cost increases theCompany's future resources for fulfilling the contract's performance obligations; this cost is expected to berecovered.Contract acquisition cost is the incremental cost incurred by the Company to obtain the contract, those that areexpected to be recovered are recognized as the contract acquisition cost as an asset; if the asset amortizationperiod does not exceed one year, it shall be included in the current profit and loss when it occurs. Incrementalcost refers to the cost (such as sales commission, etc.) that will not incur if the Company doesn’t obtain thecontract. The Company’s expenses (such as travel expenses incurred regardless of whether the contract isobtained) incurred for obtaining the contract other than the incremental costs expected to be recovered areincluded in the current profits and losses when they are incurred, except those are clarified to be borne by thecustomer.

(2) Amortization of assets related to contract costs

The Company’s assets related to contract costs are amortized on the same basis as the recognition of commodityincome related to the asset and included in the current profit and loss.

(3) Impairment of assets related to contract costs

When the Company determines the impairment loss of assets related to the contract cost, it first determines theimpairment loss of other assets related to the contract that are confirmed in accordance with other relevantaccounting standards for business enterprises; then based on the difference between the book value of whichis higher than the remaining consideration that the Company is expected to obtain due to the transfer of thecommodity related to the asset and the estimated cost of transferring the related commodity, the excess shallbe provided for impairment and recognized as an asset impairment loss.If the depreciation factors of the previous period changed later, causing the aforementioned difference to behigher than the book value of the asset, the original provision for asset impairment shall be reversed andincluded in the current profit and loss, but the book value of the asset after the reversal shall not exceed thebook value of the asset on the reversal date under the assumption that no impairment provision is made.

15.Long-term equity investment

Long-term equity investment of the Company is mainly about investment in subsidiary, investment in associatesand investment in joint-ventures.For long-term equity investments acquired through business combination under common control, the initialinvestment cost shall be the acquirer’s share of the carrying amount of net assets of the acquiree as of thecombination date as reflected in the consolidated financial statement of the ultimate controller. If the carryingamount of net assets of the acquiree as of the combination date is negative, the investment cost of long-termequity investment shall be zero. For long-term equity investment acquired through business combination notunder common control, the initial investment cost shall be the combination cost.

Excluding the long-term equity investment acquired through business combination, there is also a king of long-term equity investment acquired through cash payment, for which the actual payment for the purchase shall be

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

investment cost; If Long-term equity investments are acquired by issuing equity securities, fair value of issuingequity investment shall be investment cost; for Long-term equity investments which are invested by investors,the agreed price in investment contract or agreement shall be investment cost; and for long-term equityinvestment which is acquired through debt reorganization and non-monetary assets exchange, regulations ofrelevant accounting standards shall be referred to for confirming investment cost.The Company adopts cost method for investment in subsidiaries, makes calculation for investments in joint-ventures and associates by equity method.When calculated by cost method, long-term equity investment is priced according to its investment cost, andcost of the investment is adjusted when making additional investment or writing off investment; Whencalculated by equity method, current investment gains and losses represent the proportion of the net gains andlosses realized by the invested unit in current year attributable to or undertaken by the investor. When theCompany is believed to enjoy proportion of net gains and losses of invested unit, gains and losses attributableto the Company according to its shareholding ratio is to computer out according to the accounting policy andaccounting period of the Company, on the basis of the fair value of various recognizable assets of the investedunit as at the date of obtaining of the investment, after offset of gains and losses arising from internaltransactions with associates and joint-ventures, and finally to make confirmation after adjustment of net profitof the invested unit. Confirmation on gains and losses from the long-term equity investment in associates andjoint-ventures held by the Company prior to the first execution day, could only stand up with the precedentcondition that debit balance of equity investment straightly amortized according to its original remaining termhas already been deducted, if the aforementioned balance relating to the investment do exist.In case that investor loses joint control or significant influence over investee due to disposal of part equityinterest investment, the remaining equity interest shall be calculated according to Accounting Standards forBusiness Enterprise No.22-Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instrument. Difference between the fairvalue of the remaining equity interest as of the date when loss of joint control or significant influence and thecarrying value is included in current gains and losses. Other comprehensive income recognized in respect ofthe original equity interest investment under equity method should be treated according to the same basis whichthe investee adopts to directly dispose the relevant assets or liabilities when ceasing adoption of equity methodcalculation; and also switches to cost method for calculating the long-term equity investments which entitlesthe Company to have conduct control over the invested units due to its additional investments; and switches toequity method for calculating the long-term equity investments which entitles the Company to conductcommon control or significant influence, while no control over the invested units due to its additionalinvestments, or the long-term equity investments which entitles the Company with no control over the investedunits any longer while with common control or significant influence.When disposing long-term equity investment, the balance between it carrying value and effective price forobtaining shall be recorded into current investment income. When disposing long-term equity investmentwhich is calculated by equity method, the proportion originally recorded in owners’ equity shall be transferredto current investment income according to relevant ratio, except for that other movements of owners’ equityexcluding net gains and losses of the invested units shall be recorded into owners’ equity

16. Investment real estate

The investment real estate of the Company includes leased houses and buildings, and is accounted value by itscost. Cost of purchased-in investment real estate consists of payment for purchase, relevant taxes and otherexpenditure which is attributable to the assets directly; while cost of self-built investment real estate is formedwith all necessary expenditures occurred before construction completion of the assets arriving at the estimated

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

utilization state.Consequent measurement of investment estate shall be measured by cost method. Depreciation is providedwith average service life method pursuant to the predicted service life and net rate of salvage value. Thepredicted service life and net rate of salvage value and annual depreciation are listed as follows:

CategoryDepreciation term(Year)Predicted rate of salvage value (%)Depreciation rate per annual (%)
House and buildings30-40 years4%-5%2.375%-3.20%

When investment real estate turns to be used by holders, it shall switch to fixed assets or intangible assetscommencing from the date of such turning. And when self-used real estate turns to be leased out for rental oradditional capital, the fixed assets or intangible assets shall switch to investment real estate commencing fromthe date of such turning. In situation of switch, the carrying value before the switch shall be deemed as thecredit value after the switch.When investment real estate is disposed, or out of utilization forever and no economic benefit would bepredicted to obtain through the disposal, the Company shall terminate recognition of such investment realestate. The amount of income from disposal, transfer, discarding as scrap or damage of investment real estateafter deducting the asset’ s carrying value and relevant taxation shall be written into current gains and losses.

17.Fixed assets

Fixed assets of the Company are tangible assets that are also held for the production of goods, provision ofservices, rental or management of operations, have a useful life of more than one year and have a unit value ofmore than 2,000 yuan.Their credit value is determined on the basis of the cost taken for obtaining them. Of which, cost of purchased-in fixed assets include bidding price and import duty and relevant taxes, and other expenditure which occursbefore the fixed assets arrive at the state of predicted utilization and which could be directly attributable to theassets; while cost of self-built fixed asset is formed with all necessary expenditures occurred beforeconstruction completion of the assets arriving at the estimated utilization state; credit value of the fixed assetsinjected by investors is determined based on the agreed value of investment contracts or agreements, while asfor the agreed value of investment contracts or agreements which is not fair, it shall take its fair value as creditvalue; and for fixed assets which are leased in through finance leasing, credit value is the lower of fair valueof leased assets and present value of minimized leasing payment as at the commencing date of leasing.Consequent expenditure related to fixed assets consists of expenditures for repair and update reform. For thosemeeting requirements for recognization of fixed assets, they would be accounted as fixed asset cost; and forthe part which is replaced, recognization of its carrying value shall cease; for those not meeting requirementsfor recognization of fixed assets, they shall be accounted in current gains and losses as long as they occur.When fixed asset is disposed, or no economic benefit would be predicted to obtain through utilization ordisposal of the asset, the Company shall terminate recognization of such fixed asset. The amount of incomefrom disposal, transfer, discarding as scrap or damage of fixed asset after deducting the asset’ s carrying valueand relevant taxation shall be written into current gains and losses.The Company withdraws depreciation for all fixed assets except for those which have been fully depreciated

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

while continuing to use. It adopts average service life method for withdrawing depreciation which is treatedrespectively as cost or current expense of relevant assets according to purpose of use. The depreciation term,predicted rate of salvage value and depreciation rate applied to fixed assets of the Company are as follows:

No.CategoryDepreciation termPredicted rate of salvage valueDepreciation rate per year
1House and buildings30-40 years4%-5%2.375%-3.20%
2Machinery equipment10-14 years4%-5%6.786%-9.60%
3Transport equipment5-12 years4%-5%7.92%-19.20%
4Other equipment8-12 years4%-5%7.92%-12.00%

End of each year, the Company makes re-examination on predicted service life, predicted rate of salvage valueand depreciation method at each year-end. Any change will be treated as accounting estimation change.

18. Construction in progress

On the day when the construction in progress reaches the expected usable state, it will be carried forward tofixed assets according to the estimated value based on the construction budget, cost or actual construction cost,and depreciation will be accrued from the next month, and the difference in the original value of fixed assetsshall be adjusted after the completion of the final accounting procedures.

19. Borrowing expense

For the incurred borrowing expense that can be directly attributable to fixed assets, investment real estate, andinventory which require more than one year of purchase, construction or production activities to reach theintended usable or saleable state, the capitalization begins when the asset expenditure has occurred, theborrowing expense have occurred, and the acquisition, construction or production activities necessary to makethe asset reach the intended usable or saleable state have begun; when the acquisition, construction orproduction of assets that meet the capitalization conditions reaches the intended usable or saleable state, stopthe capitalization, the borrowing expense incurred thereafter are included in the current profit and loss. If anasset that meets the capitalization conditions is abnormally interrupted during the acquisition, construction orproduction process, and the interruption lasts for more than 3 months, the capitalization of borrowing expenseshall be suspended until the acquisition, construction or production activities of the asset restart.

Capitalization shall be exercised for interest expense actually occurred from special borrowings in currentperiod after deduction of the interest income arising from unutilized borrowing capital which is saved in banksor deduction of investment income obtained from temporary investment; For recognization of capitalizedamount of common borrowing, it equals to the weighted average of the assets whose accumulated expense orcapital disburse is more than common borrowing times capitalization rate of occupied common borrowing.Capitalization rate is determined according to weighted average interest rate of common borrowing.

20. Right-of-use assets

Upon becoming a lessee under a lease contract, the Company is entitled to receive substantially all of theeconomic benefits, arising from the use of the identified assets during the period of use and is entitled torecognized the right-of-use assets at the sum of the present value of the lease liability, prepaid rent and initialdirect costs, and to recognized the depreciation and interest expenses respectively, when the use of theidentified assets dominates during that period of use.When the Company becomes the lessee of a lease contract, for short-term leases of less than one year without

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.

From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

a purchase option and leases with a value of less than 40000 yuan (excluding sublease or expected subleaseassets), the Company elects to follow simplified treatment and record the related assets at cost or currentgain/loss on a straight-line basis over the lease period.

21. Intangible assets

(1) Valuation method, service life and impairment test

The Company’s intangible assets include land use rights, trademark rights and non-proprietary technology,which are measured at actual cost at the time of acquisition, of which, acquired intangible assets are stated atactual cost based on the price actually paid and related other expenditure; the actual cost of an intangible assetinvested by an investor is determined at the value agreed in the investment contract or agreement, except wherethe agreed value in the contract or agreement is not fair, in which case the actual cost is determined at fairvalue.The Company analyzes and judges the service life of intangible assets when acquiring them. Intangible assetswith definite service life, such as land use rights, are amortized by the straight-line method during the servicelife from the time when the intangible assets are available for use until they are no longer recognized asintangible assets. Other intangible assets shall be amortized according to the service life stipulated in thecontract or law. Intangible assets with uncertain service life shall not be amortized. Intangible assets developedby the Company shall be generally amortized on an average of 3-5 years according to the benefit period of theresults of the project recognized in advance.The service life and amortization method of intangible assets with limited service life shall be reviewed at theend of the year. If the estimated service life and amortization method of intangible assets are different fromthose previously estimated, the amortization period and amortization method shall be changed. The service lifeof intangible assets with uncertain service life shall be rechecked. If there is evidence that their service life islimited, estimate their service life and treat them as intangible assets with limited service life. If there is anychange after the recheck, it will be regarded as the change of accounting estimate.

(2) Collection scope of R&D expenditure and related accounting treatment methodsThe Company's R&D expenditure is directly related to the Company's R&D activities, including R&D staffsalaries, direct input expenses, depreciation expenses and other expenses.The R&D expenditure of the Company is divided into research stage expenditure and development stageexpenditure according to its nature and whether there is great uncertainty in the final formation of intangibleassets from R&D activities. Research stage expenditure is included in the current profits and losses when itoccurs; Development stage expenditure is recognized as intangible assets if it meets the following conditionsat the same time: (1) It is technically feasible to complete the intangible assets so that they can be used or sold;

(2) It has the intention to complete the intangible assets and use or sell them; (3) The products produced byusing the intangible assets exist in the market or the intangible assets themselves exist in the market; (4) It hassufficient technical, financial and other resources to support the development of the intangible assets, and hasthe ability to use or sell the intangible assets; (5) Expenditure attributable to the development stage of theintangible assets can be reliably measured.

-Expenditure attributable to development of the intangible assets could be reliable measured.Expenditure arising during development not satisfying the above conditions shall be recorded in currentgains and losses upon occurrence. Development expenditure which had been recorded in gains and losses inprevious period would not be recognized as assets in later period. Expenditure arising during developmentphase which has been starting capitalization is listed in balance sheet as development expenditure, andtransferred to intangible assets since the project reaches at predicted utilization state.

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

22. Impairment of long-term assets

As at each balance sheet date, the Company has inspection on fixed assets, construction in process andintangible assets with limited service life. When the following indications appear, assets may be impaired, andthe Company would have impairment test. As for goodwill and intangible assets which have uncertain servicelife, no matter there is impairment or not, impairment test shall be conducted at the end of every year. If it ishard to make test on recoverable amount of single asset, test is expected to make on the basis of the assetsgroup or assets group portfolio where such asset belongs to.Indications for impairment are as follows:

(1) Market value of asset drops a lot in current period, the drop scope is obviously greater than the predicteddrop due to move-on of times or normal utilization;

(2) Economy, technology or law environment where enterprise operates or market where asset is located willhave significant change in current or recent periods, which brings negative influence to enterprise;

(3) Market interest rate or returning rate of other market investments have risen in current period, which bringsinfluence in calculating discount rate of present value of predicted future cash flow of assets, which leads to agreat drop in recoverable amount of such assets;

(4) Evidence proving that asset is obsolete and out of time or its entity has been damaged;

(5) Asset has been or will be keep aside, terminating utilization or disposed advance;

(6) Internal report of enterprise shows that economic performance of asset has been or will be lower thanprediction, such as that net cash flow created by asset or operation profit (or loss) realized by asset is greatlylower (or higher) than the predicted amount;

(7) Other indications showing possible impairment of assets

After impairment test, if the carrying value exceeds the recoverable amount of the asset, the balance isrecognized as impairment loss. As long as impairment loss of the aforementioned assets is recognized, itcouldn’t be switched back in later accounting periods. Recoverable amount of assets refers to the higher of fairvalue of assets net disposal expense and present value of predicted cash flow of the asset.

23. Contract liability

Contract liabilities reflect the Company's obligation to transfer goods to customers for consideration receivedor receivable from customers. Before the Company transfers the goods to the customer, if the customer haspaid the contract consideration or the Company has obtained the right to unconditionally receive the contractconsideration, the contract liability is recognized based on the received or receivable amount at the earlier timepoint of the actual payment by the customer and the payment due.

24. Goodwill

Goodwill represents balance between equity investment cost or business combination cost under no commoncontrol exceeding the attributable part or fair value of recognizable net assets of party invested or purchased(obtained through business combination) as of acquisition day or purchase day.

Goodwill relating to subsidiaries is separately listed in consolidated financial statement. And goodwill relatingto associates and joint-ventures is included in carrying value of long-term equity investment.

25.Long-term deferred expenses

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.

From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

The company's long-term deferred expenses refer to the expenses that have been paid, but should be borne bythe current period and future periods with an amortization period of more than one year (excluding one year),and these expenses are amortized evenly during the benefit period. If the long-term deferred expense itemcannot benefit the future accounting period, all the amortized value of the item that has not been amortizedwill be transferred into the current profit and loss.

26. Staff remuneration

Employee benefits mainly include all kinds of remuneration incurred in exchange for services rendered byemployees or compensation to the termination of employment relationship such as short-term wages, post-employment benefits, compensation for the termination of employment relationship and other long-termemployee welfare.Short-term remuneration includes: staff salary, bonus, allowances and subsidies, staff benefits, socialinsurances like medical insurance, work-related injury insurance and maternity insurance, housing fund, laborunion funds and staff education funds, short-term paid absence of duty, short-term profit sharing scheme, andnon-monetary benefits as well as other short-term remuneration. During the accounting period when staffprovides services, the short-term remuneration actually occurred is recognized as liabilities and shall beincluded in current gains and losses or related asset costs according to the beneficial items.

Retirement benefits mainly consist of basic pension insurance, unemployment insurance and early-retirementbenefits, etc. retirement benefit scheme represents the agreement reached by the Company and its employeesin respect of retirement benefits, or the rules or regulations established by the Company for providingretirement benefits to employees. In particular, defined contribution plan means a retirement benefit plan,pursuant to which, the Company makes fixed contribution to independent fund, upon which, and it is notobliged to make further payment. Defined benefit plan refers to retirement benefit scheme other than definedcontribution plan.The early retirement policy for staff and workers of the Company is the compensation for encouraging staffand workers to accept the reduction voluntarily. The employees make applications voluntarily, the two partiessign the compensation agreement after approved by the Company and calculate the compensation amountaccording to the compensation standard passed by the staff representative conference, and the Companyconfirms it as dismiss welfare and reckons it in current profits and losses. As the Company promises to adjustthe treatment for early retiring staff and workers with the increase of social basic cost of living allowances, thediscount elements will not be considered for calculating the dismiss welfare.

27.Lease liability

Upon becoming a lessee under a lease contract, the Company recognizes a lease liability for the leased-in assetat the present value of the unpaid lease payments, net of lease incentives (except for short-term leases andleases of low-value assets for which simplified treatment is elected), when it is entitled to receive substantiallyall of the economic benefits arising from the use of the identified asset during the period of use and is entitledto dominate the use of the identified asset during that period of use.

28.Accrual liability

If the business in connection with such contingencies as a security involving a foreign party, commercialacceptance bill discount, pending litigation or arbitration, product quality assurance, etc. meets all of thefollowing conditions, the Company will confirm the aforesaid as liabilities: the obligation is an existingobligation of the Company; performance of the obligation is likely to cause economic benefits to flow out of

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.

From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

the enterprise; the amount of the obligation is reliably measurable.

29. Special reserve

The work safety expense extracted according to the regulations will be included in the cost of related productsor the current profit and loss, and also included in the special reserve; When used, it will be treated separatelyaccording to whether fixed assets are formed or not: if it is an expense expenditure, the special reserve will bedirectly offset; If the fixed assets are formed, the expenses incurred shall be collected, and the fixed assets shallbe confirmed when the predetermined usable state is reached, and at the same time, the equivalent specialreserve shall be offset and the equivalent accumulated depreciation shall be confirmed.

30. Revenue

The Company’s sales revenue is mainly comprised of revenue from sale of goods, labor providing income andrevenue from assignment of asset use rights.The Company has fulfilled the performance obligations in the contract, that is, revenue is recognized when thecustomer obtains control of the relevant goods or services.

If the contract contains two or more performance obligations, the Company will allocate the transaction priceto each individual performance obligation according to the relative proportion of the stand-alone selling priceof the goods or services promised by each individual performance obligation on the date of the contract. Therevenue is measured according to the transaction price of each individual performance obligation.

The transaction price is the amount of consideration that the Company expects to be entitled to receive due tothe transfer of goods or services to customers, excluding payments on behalf of third parties. The transactionprice confirmed by the Company does not exceed the amount at which the cumulatively recognized revenuewill most likely not to undergo a significant switch back when the relevant uncertainty is eliminated. Themoney expected to be returned to the customer will be regarded as a return liability and not included in thetransaction price. If there is a significant financing component in the contract, the Company shall determinethe transaction price based on the amount payable on the assumption that the customer pays in cash whenobtaining the control of the goods or services. The difference between the transaction price and the contractconsideration shall be amortized by the effective interest method during the contract period. On the startingdate of the contract, if the Company expects that the interval between the customer's acquisition of control ofthe goods or services and the customer's payment of the price doesn’t exceed one year, the significant financingcomponents in the contract shall be ruled out.

When meeting one of the following conditions, the Company is to perform its performance obligations withina certain period of time, otherwise, it is to perform its performance obligations at a certain point in time:

1) The customer obtains and consumes the economic benefits brought by the Company's performance at thesame time as the Company's performance;

2) Customers can control the products under construction during the performance of the Company;

3) The goods produced by the Company during the performance of the contract have irreplaceable uses, andthe Company has the right to collect payment for the accumulated performance part of the contract during theentire contract period.

For performance obligations performed within a certain period of time, the Company recognizes revenue in

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

accordance with the performance progress during that period and determine the progress of performance inaccordance with the output method. When the performance progress cannot be reasonably determined, if thecost incurred by the Company is expected to be compensated, the revenue shall be recognized according to theamount of the cost incurred until the performance progress can be reasonably determined.

For performance obligations performed at a certain point in time, the Company recognizes revenue at the pointwhen the customer obtains control of the relevant goods or services. When judging whether a customer hasobtained control of goods or services, the Company will consider the following signs:

1) The Company has the current right to collect payment for the goods or services;

2) The Company has transferred the goods in kind to the customer;

3) The Company has physically transferred the goods to the customer;

4) The Company has transferred the principal risks and rewards of ownership of the goods to the customer;

5) The customer has accepted the goods or services, etc.

The Company’s right to receive consideration for goods or services that have been transferred to customers arepresented as contractual assets, which are impaired on the basis of expected credit losses. The Company’sunconditional right to receive consideration from customers is shown as a account receivable. The obligationto transfer goods or services to customers for which the Company has received consideration receivable fromthem is shown as a contractual liability.

31. Government subsidy

Government subsidy of the Company include project grants, financial subsidies and job stabilization subsidies.Of which, asset-related government subsidy are government subsidy acquired by the Company for theacquisition or other formation of long-term assets; government subsidy related to revenue are governmentsubsidy other than those related to assets. If the government document does not clearly specify the subsidyobject, the Company will judge according to the above-mentioned distinguishing principle. If it is difficult todistinguish, it will be overall classified as a government subsidy related to income.If government subsidies are monetary assets, they are measured according to the amount actually received. Forsubsidies paid on the basis of a fixed quota standard, when there is conclusive evidence at the end of the yearthat it can meet the relevant conditions stipulated by the financial support policy and is expected to receivefinancial support funds, they are measured according to the amount receivable. If the government subsidy is anon-monetary asset, it shall be measured at its fair value, when the fair value cannot be obtained reliably, itshall be measured at its nominal amount (1 yuan).

Government subsidies related to assets are recognized as deferred income. Asset-related government subsidiesthat are recognized as deferred income are included in the current profit and loss in installments according tothe average life method during the useful life of the relevant assets.

If the relevant asset is sold, transferred, scrapped or damaged before the end of its useful life, the undistributeddeferred income balance shall be transferred to the current profit and loss of asset disposal.

32. Deferred Income Tax Assets and Deferred Income Tax Liabilities

A deferred tax asset and deferred tax liability shall be determined by a difference (temporary difference)between the carrying amount of an asset or liability and its tax base. The deferred tax asset shall be recognized

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.

From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

for the carry forward of unused deductible losses that it is probable that future taxable profits will be availableagainst which the deductible losses can be utilized. For temporary difference arising from initial recognitionof goodwill, no corresponding deferred income tax liabilities will be recognized. For temporary differencearising from initial recognition of assets and liabilities occurred in the transaction related to non-businesscombination which neither affect accounting profit nor taxable income (or deductible losses), no correspondingdeferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities will be recognized. As of the balance sheet date,deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities are measured at the effective tax rate applicableto the period when recovery of assets or settlement of liabilities occur.The Company recognizes deferred income tax assets to the extent of future taxable income tax which is likelyto be obtained to offset deductible temporary difference, deductible losses and tax credits. For the confirmeddeferred income tax assets.


When the Company becomes the lessee of the lease contract, has the right to obtain almost all the economicbenefits arising from the use of the identified assets during the period of use, and has the right to lead the useof the identified assets during the period of use, the present value of unpaid lease payments of the lease assetsafter deducting lease incentives (except for short-term leases and leases of low-value assets for whichsimplified treatment is selected) is recognized as a lease liability, and a right-of-use asset is recognized basedon the sum of the present value of the lease liability, prepaid rent, and initial direct costs, and depreciation andinterest expenses are recognized separately.When the Company becomes the lessee of a lease contract, for short-term leases of less than one year withouta purchase option and leases with a value of less than 40,000 yuan (excluding sublease or expected subleaseassets), the Company elects to follow simplified treatment and record the related assets at cost or currentgain/loss on a straight-line basis over the lease period.When the Company becomes the lessor of a lease contract, it classifies the lease into an operating lease and afinance lease at the lease commencement date. A finance lease is a lease that transfers substantially all the risksand rewards associated with the ownership of an asset. Operating leases are leases other than finance leases.Rentals under operating leases are recognized as income on a straight-line basis over the lease term. Financeleases are recorded at the net lease investment value of the finance lease receivable, which is the sum of theunguaranteed residual value and the present value of the lease receipts not yet received as of thecommencement date of the lease term.There are both leasing and non-leasing businesses in the contract and can be split, and the leasing business isfinancially accounted according to the lease standards. There are both leasing and non-leasing businesses inthe contract and cannot be split, and the entire contract is included in the lease business for financial accountingaccording to the lease standards.The lease change needs to be judged whether it can be recognized as a single leasing business, and it needs tobe recognized separately if it meets the recognition conditions of a single lease; if it does not meet therecognition of a single leasing business, or there is a major event or change within the controllable range of thelessee, re-evaluate and measure the present value of lease liabilities, and adjust the book value of the right-of-use asset accordingly. If the book value of the right-of-use asset has been reduced to zero, but the lease liabilitystill needs to be further reduced, the lessee shall include the remaining amount in the corresponding expensesfor the current period.

When the Company becomes the lessor of a lease contract, the lease is divided into operating lease and finance

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

lease on the start date of lease. A finance lease is a lease that transfers substantially all the risks and rewardsassociated with ownership of an asset. An operating lease refers to a lease other than finance leases. The rentof an operating lease is recognized as income on a straight-line basis during the lease term. For an finance lease,the net investment in the lease is regarded as the entry value of the finance lease receivables, and the netinvestment in the lease is the sum of the unguaranteed residual value and the present value of the lease receiptsthat have not been received on the start date of the lease term.

34. Income tax accounting

The Company accounted the income tax in a method of debit in balance sheet. The income tax expenses includeincome tax in the current year and deferred income tax. The income tax associated with the events andtransactions directly included in the owners’ equity shall be included in the owners’ equity; and the deferredincome tax derived from business combination shall be included in the carrying amount of goodwill, exceptfor that above, the income tax expense shall be included in the profit or loss in the current period.The income tax expense in the current year refers to the tax payable, which is calculated according tothe taxlaws on the events and transactions incurred in the current period. The deferred income tax refersto thedifference between the carrying amount and the deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities at CurrentYear-end recognized in the method of debit in the balance sheet.

35. Segment information

Business segment was the major reporting form of the Company, which divided into four parts: air-conditioning, refrigerator & freezer& washing machine, small home appliance and others. The transfer priceamong the segments will recognize based on the market price, common costs will allocated by incomeproportion between segments except for the parts that without reasonable allocation.

36. Explanation on significant accounting estimation

The management of the Company needs to apply estimation and assumption when preparing financialstatement which will affect the application of accounting policy and amounts of assets, liabilities, income andexpense. The actual condition may differ from the estimation. Constant evaluation is conducted by themanagement in respect of the key assumption involved in the estimation and judgment of uncertainties. Effectresulting from change of accounting estimation is recognized in the period the change occurs and future periods.

The following accounting estimation and key assumption may result in material adjustment to the book valueof assets and liabilities in future period.

(1) Inventory impairment provision

The Company's provision for impairment of inventories on the balance sheet date is the part of the net realizablevalue lower than the cost of inventories. The net realizable value of the inventory of goods that are directlyused for sale, such as the goods in stock, the goods sent out, and the materials for sale, and the low-consumptiongoods, shall be determined by the amount of the estimated selling price of the inventory minus the estimatedselling expenses and relevant taxes. The net realizable value of the material inventory held for production isdetermined by the amount of the estimated selling price of the finished product produced minus the estimatedcost to be incurred at the time of completion, the estimated selling expenses and relevant taxes.

(2) Accounting estimation on long-term assets impairment provision

The Company makes impairment test on fixed assets such as buildings, machine and equipment which haveimpairment indication and long-term assets such as goodwill as at the balance sheet date. The recoverable

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

amount of relevant assets and assets group shall be the present value of the projected future cash flow whichshall be calculated with accounting estimation.If the management amends the gross profit margin and discount rate adopted in calculation of future cash flowof assets and assets group and the amended gross profit margin is lower than the currently adopted one or theamended discount rate is higher than the currently adopted one, the Company needs to increase provision ofimpairment provision. If the actual gross profit margin is higher (or the discount rate is lower) than theestimation of management, the Company can not transfer back the long term assets impairment provisionprovided already.

(3) Accounting estimation on realization of deferred income tax assets

Estimation on deferred income tax assets needs estimation on the taxable income and applicable tax rate foreach future year. Realization of deferred income tax assets depends on whether a company is able to obtainsufficient taxable income in future. Change of future tax rate and switch back of temporary difference couldaffect the balance of income tax expense (gains) and deferred income tax. Change of the aforesaid estimationmay result in material adjustment to deferred income tax.

(4) Usable term and residual value rate of fixed assets and intangible assets

The Company, at least at the end of each accounting year, reviews the projected usable life and residual valuerate of fixed assets and intangible assets. The projected usable life and residual value rate are determined bythe management based on the historical experiences of similar assets by reference to the estimation generallyused by the same industry with consideration on projected technical upgrade. If material change occurs toprevious estimation, the Company shall accordingly adjust the depreciation expenses and amortizationexpenses for future period.

37. Other comprehensive income

Other comprehensive income represents various gains and losses not recognized in current gains and lossesaccording to other accounting rules.Other comprehensive income items shall be reported in the following two classes under other relevantaccounting rules:

(1)Other comprehensive income items that can not be reclassified into gains and losses in future accountingperiods, mainly including changes arising from re-measurement of net liabilities or net assets under definedbenefit plan and interest in investee’s other comprehensive income which are measured under equity methodand which can not be reclassified into gains and losses in future accounting periods;

(2) Other comprehensive income items that will be reclassified into gains and losses in future accountingperiods upon satisfaction of required conditions, mainly includes the share of other comprehensive income thatis reclassified into profit and loss when the investee’s subsequent accounting periods are accounted for inaccordance with the equity method and meet the specified conditions, the fair value changes occurred by thedebt investment that is measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other comprehensive income,the difference between the original book value included in other comprehensive income and the fair valuewhen a financial asset measured at amortized cost is reclassified as a financial asset measured at fair value andits changes are included in other comprehensive income, the loss provisions for financial assets measured atfair value and whose changes are included in other comprehensive income, the gains or losses generated fromcash flow hedging instruments are part of effective hedging, and the differences in conversion of foreigncurrency financial statements.

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

(1) Change of significant accounting policy: N/A

(2) Change of significant accounting estimates: N/A

IV. Taxation

1. Major taxes and tax rates

Tax (expenses)Tax (expenses) baseTax (expenses) rate
VATIncome from sales of goods and from processing13%、9%、6%、5%、3%
Urban maintenance and construction taxTurnover tax5%或7%
Education surchargeTurnover tax3%
Local education surchargeTurnover tax2%
Corporate income taxTaxable income25%/ See the table below
House Property TaxOriginal Book value of house property×(1-30%)or annual rent income1.2% or 12%
Land use taxActual land area used1 yuan/M2 to 15 yuan/M2

Description of taxpayers with different corporate income tax rates:

NameIncome tax rate
Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.15%
Zhongke Meiling Cryogenic Technology Co., Ltd.15%
Zhongshan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.15%
Mianyang Meiling Refrigeration Co., Ltd.15%
Sichuan Hongmei Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.15%
Changhong Meiling Ridian Technology Co., Ltd.15%
Ground Energy Heat Pump Tech. (Zhongshan) Co., Ltd.15%
Hefei Meiling Nonferrous Metal Products Co., Ltd.15%
Jiangxi Meiling Electric Appliance Co., Ltd.15%
Sichuan Changhong Air-conditioner Co., Ltd.15%
Hebei Hongmao Daily Appliance Technology Co., Ltd.20%
Anhui Tuoxing Technology Co., Ltd.20%
Guangzhou Changhong Trading Co., Ltd.20%
Hefei Meiling Wulian Technology Co., Ltd15%
CH-Meiling International (Philippines) Inc.20%
Changhong Ruba Trading Company (Private) Limited29%

2. Preferential tax

(1) On November 30, 2023, the Company passed the high-tech enterprise certification and obtained the high-tech enterprise certificate numbered GR2020340006385, and shall enjoy the national high-tech enterprise

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

income tax rate of 15%, which is valid for three years.

(2) On October 16, 2023, the subsidiary Zhongke Meiling Cryogenic Technology Co., Ltd. obtained the high-tech enterprise certificate numbered GR202334003036 approved by the Anhui Provincial Department ofScience and Technology, the Anhui Provincial Department of Finance, and the Anhui Provincial TaxationBureau of the State Administration of Taxation, and shall enjoy the 15% enterprise income tax rate of thenational high-tech enterprise, which is valid for three years.

(3) On December 28, 2023, the subsidiary Zhongshan Changhong Electric Appliance Co., Ltd. obtained a high-tech enterprise certificate with a certificate number of GR202344012950 approved by the GuangdongProvincial Department of Science and Technology, the Guangdong Provincial Department of Finance and theGuangdong Provincial Taxation Bureau of the State Administration of Taxation, and shall enjoy a nationalenterprise income tax rate of 15% for high-tech enterprises, which is valid for three years.

(4) Subsidiary Mianyang Meiling Refrigeration Co., Ltd., belongs to the encouraged industry in the IndustrialStructure Adjustment Guidance Catalog and enjoys the preferential taxation policy of corporate income tax forthe Western Development, and the corporate income tax is levied at a reduced tax rate of 15%, valid untilDecember 31, 2030.

(5) The subsidiary Sichuan Hongmei Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. has passed the qualification of high-techenterprise certification on 9 October 2021, and enjoys 15% rate for the income tax for State Hi-Tech Enterprisefor three years term.

(6) The subsidiary Guangdong Changhong Meiling Ridian Technology Co., Ltd. has passed the qualificationof high-tech enterprise certification on 22 December 2022, and enjoys 15% rate for the income tax for StateHi-Tech Enterprise for three years term.

(7) The subsidiary Hong Yuan Ground Energy Heat Pump Tech. (Zhongshan) Co., Ltd. has passed thequalification of high-tech enterprise certification on 22 December 2022, and enjoys 15% rate for the incometax for State Hi-Tech Enterprise for three years term.

(8) The subsidiary Hefei Meiling Nonferrous Metal Products Co., Ltd. has passed the qualification of high-tech enterprise certification on 18 September 2021, and enjoys 15% rate for the income tax for State Hi-TechEnterprise for three years term.

(9) The subsidiary Jiangxi Meiling Electric Appliance Co., Ltd. has passed the qualification of high-techenterprise certification on 4 November 2022, and enjoys 15% rate for the income tax for State Hi-TechEnterprise for three years term.

(10) The subsidiary Sichuan Changhong Air-conditioner Co., Ltd., has passed the qualification of high-techenterprise certification on 29 November 2022, and enjoys 15% income tax rate for national payroll technologyenterprise for three years term.

(11) The subsidiaries Anhui Tuoxing Technology Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Changhong Trading Co., Ltd. and

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

Hebei Hongmao Daily Electrical Appliance Technology Co., Ltd., in accordance with the announcement of theMinistry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on further supporting the development of smalland micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households (Announcement No. 12 of 2023 ofthe Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation), calculate the taxable income of small andlow-profit enterprises at a reduced rate of 25% and pay enterprise income tax at a rate of 20%, which will beextended to December 31, 2027.

(12) The subsidiary Hebei Meiling Wulian Technology Co., Ltd. has passed the qualification of high-techenterprise certification on 18 September 2021, and enjoys 15% income tax rate for national payroll technologyenterprises for three years term.V. Notes to the major items in the consolidated financial statementsWith respect to the financial statements’ figures disclosed below, unless otherwise specified, “period-beginning”refers to Jan. 1, 2024; “period-end” refers to Jun. 30, 2024; “Current Period” refers to Jan. 1 to Jun. 30, 2023;“the last period” refers to Jan. 1 to Jun. 30, 2023; the currency is RMB.

1. Monetary fund

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Bank deposit4,688,899,674.434,160,096,314.60
Other monetary fund387,433,262.65425,569,359.11
Interest receivable on deposit3,973,325,909.434,255,007,124.44
Including: total amount deposited in overseas33,332,025.3325,902,580.15

2. Tradable financial assets

ItemEnding BalanceBeginning Balance
Financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in current gains/losses1,091,019,993.1339,236,447.63
Including: Derivative financial assets8,754,120.6539,236,447.63
Principal and interest of wealth management products1,082,265,872.48

Transactional financial assets in this period are caused by forward foreign exchange contracts, unconfirmedfirm commitment evaluation and new wealth management products.

3. Note receivable

(1) Category of note receivable

ItemEnding BalanceBeginning Balance
Bank acceptance228,500.00
Trade acceptance38,674.50

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

ItemEnding BalanceBeginning Balance

(2) By accrual of bad debt provision

CategoryEnding Balance
Book balanceBad debt provisionBook value
AmountRatio (%)AmountRatio (%)
With bad debt provision accrual on single item267,174.50100.00267,174.50
Including: Bank acceptance228,500.0085.52228,500.00
Trade acceptance38,674.5014.4838,674.50

1) Note receivable withdrawal bad debt provision on single item

NameBeginning balanceEnding balance
Book balanceBad debt provisionBook balanceBad debt provisionProvision ratio (%)Provision reason
Bank acceptance228,500.00Minimal risk, holding maturity acceptance
Trade acceptance38,674.50Endorsement is not due,Minimal risk.

(2) Bad debt provision of note receivable that has been accrued, withdrawn, and reversed in the current period

(3) Notes receivable that have been pledged at the end of the year: N/A

(4) Notes endorsement or discount and undue on balance sheet date :N/A

(5) Notes receivable not yet due: N/A

(6) Notes receivable actually written off this year: N/A

4. Account receivable

(1) Category of account receivable by aging

Account ageEnding BalanceBeginning Balance
Within 1 year(Including 1 year)2,184,385,432.321,629,505,172.78
Within 3 months (3 months included)1,931,692,500.621,441,654,287.27
More than 3 months and less than 6 months (6 months included)182,123,877.62140,150,202.58
Over 6 months and within one year (One year included)70,569,054.0847,700,682.93
Over one year - within 2 years (2 years included)81,064,638.11131,340,766.08
Over 2 years - within 3 years (3 years included)130,905,000.64154,167,214.15
Over 3 years93,752,969.3053,619,387.00

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

Account ageEnding BalanceBeginning Balance

(2) Category of account receivable by bad debt accrual

CategoryEnding balance
Book balanceBad debt provisionBook value
AmountRatio (%)AmountRatio (%)
Account receivable that withdrawal bad debt provision by single item957,605,494.6738.46178,714,212.7118.66778,891,281.96
Including: current payment with related party683,176,319.6827.44136,438,304.7019.97546,738,014.98
Account receivable with letter of credit227,542,803.559.14227,542,803.55
Account receivable with single minor amount but withdrawal single item bad debt provision46,886,371.441.8842,275,908.0190.174,610,463.43
Account receivable withdrawal bad debt provision by portfolio1,532,502,545.7061.54144,021,478.849.401,388,481,066.86
Including: account receivable of engineering customers203,565,098.948.1741,990,000.2620.63161,575,098.68
Receivables other than engineering customers1,328,937,446.7653.37102,031,478.587.681,226,905,968.18


CategoryBeginning balance
Book balanceBad debt provisionBook value
AmountRatio (%)AmountRatio (%)
Account receivable that withdrawal bad debt provision by single item682,942,277.4834.69195,578,324.8428.64487,363,952.64
Including: current payment with related party545,656,729.9027.72154,606,151.9828.33391,050,577.92
Account receivable with letter of credit83,951,301.014.2683,951,301.01
Account receivable with single minor amount but withdrawal single item bad debt provision53,334,246.572.7140,972,172.8676.8212,362,073.71
Account receivable withdrawal bad debt provision by portfolio1,285,690,262.5365.31139,347,326.1110.841,146,342,936.42
Including: account receivable of engineering customers212,621,463.4510.8044,910,916.5021.12167,710,546.95
Receivables other than engineering customers1,073,068,799.0854.5194,436,409.618.80978,632,389.47

1) Account receivable that withdrawal bad debt provision by single item

Account receivable with single minor amount but withdrawal bad debt provision singly, refers to the minorsingle receivables, and withdrawal bad debt provision by combination shows no risk characteristic of thereceivables, 114 clients involved.

2) Account receivable withdrawal bad debt provision by portfolio

A.Account receivable of engineering customers

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

Account ageEnding balance
Book balanceBad debt provisionProvision ratio (%)
Within 3 months (3 months included)33,139,378.12
More than 3 months and less than 6 months (6 months included)14,650,060.23
Over 6 months and within one year (One year included)52,784,102.22
Over one year - within 2 years (2 years included)48,455,733.799,691,146.7620.00
Over 2 years - within 3 years (3 years included)44,473,942.1622,236,971.0850.00
Over 3 years10,061,882.4210,061,882.42100.00


Account ageBeginning balance
Book balanceBad debt provisionProvision ratio (%)
Within 3 months (3 months included)33,502,386.39
More than 3 months and less than 6 months (6 months included)29,638,184.67
Over 6 months and within one year (One year included)29,724,507.75
Over one year - within 2 years (2 years included)71,526,399.7014,305,279.9420.00
Over 2 years - within 3 years (3 years included)35,248,696.7717,624,348.3950.00
Over 3 years12,981,288.1712,981,288.17100.00

B.Receivables other than engineering customers

Account ageEnding balance
Book balanceBad debt provisionProvision ratio (%)
Within 3 months (3 months included)1,156,716,570.1511,567,165.701.00
More than 3 months and less than 6 months (6 months included)68,643,701.606,864,370.1610.00
Over 6 months and within one year (One year included)8,285,316.341,657,063.2720.00
Over one year - within 2 years (2 years included)4,719,357.342,359,678.6750.00
Over 2 years - within 3 years (3 years included)54,946,502.7343,957,202.1880.00
Over 3 years35,625,998.6035,625,998.60100.00


Account ageBeginning balance
Book balanceBad debt provisionProvision ratio (%)
Within 3 months (3 months included)923,822,329.939,238,223.301.00
More than 3 months and less than 6 months (6 months included)41,778,451.314,177,845.1310.00

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

Account ageBeginning balance
Book balanceBad debt provisionProvision ratio (%)
Over 6 months and within one year (One year included)9,463,055.001,892,611.0020.00
Over one year - within 2 years (2 years included)2,723,777.861,361,888.9350.00
Over 2 years - within 3 years (3 years included)87,576,718.6170,061,374.8880.00
Over 3 years7,704,466.377,704,466.37100.00

(3) Bad debt provision of accounts receivable in the current period

CategoryBeginning balanceChanges this yearEnding Balance
AccrualWithdrawal or reversalResale or write-offOther decreases
Bad debt provision334,925,650.958,380,959.3620,809,004.37238,085.61322,735,691.55

(4) Provision for bad debts of accounts receivable actually recovered or reversed in the current period

ItemWritten-off amount
Provision for bad debts of accounts receivable recovered or reversed20,809,004.37

The important amount of bad debt provision recovered or reversed in the current period thereinto:

Name of the organizationAmount recovered or reversedReason of recoveryMethod of recoveryThe basis for determining the proportion of provision for bad debts and its reasonableness
Sichuan Zhiyijia Network Technology Co., Ltd20,073,699.40Payment recoveredCustomer payment collection

(5) Account receivable actually written-off in the Current period: N/A.

(6) Top five receivables collected by arrears party amounting to 1,047,848,385.72 yuan in total, accountedfor 41.9% of the receivables of current year-end, the bad debt provision accrual correspondingly amountingto 94,883,259.48yuan at year-end balance.

5. Receivables financing

(1)Classification and listing of receivable financing

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Bank acceptance1,600,373,357.871,641,858,740.34

(2)Receivable financing is classified and listed by bad debt accrual method

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.

From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

CategoryEnding balance
Book balanceBad debt provisionBook value
AmountRatio (%)AmountRatio (%)
Withdrawal bad debt provision by single item1,600,373,357.87100.001,600,373,357.87
Including:Bank acceptance1,600,373,357.87100.001,600,373,357.87


CategoryBeginning balance
Book balanceBad debt provisionBook value
AmountRatio (%)AmountRatio (%)
Withdrawal bad debt provision by single item1,641,858,740.34100.001,641,858,740.34
Including:Bank acceptance1,641,858,740.34100.001,641,858,740.34

(3)There is no bad debt provision accrued, recovered or reversed in the Current period ;

(4)Financing of receivables that have been pledged at the end of the period

ItemPeriod-end pledged amount
Bank acceptance743,380,533.32

Note: with purpose of improving the note utilization, the Company draw up bank acceptance by pledge partsof the outstanding notes receivable to the bank. For details of the pledge of bills receivable, see Note V. 25.Assets with restricted ownership or use rights.

(5) Notes endorsement or discount and undue on balance sheet date listed in receivables financing at the endof the period

ItemAmount derecognition at period-endAmount without derecognition at period-end
Bank acceptance709,516,249.45

6. Accounts paid in advance

(1) Age of account paid in advance

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
AmountRatio (%)AmountRatio (%)
Within one year25,620,331.2698.4443,288,908.7694.64
1-2 years118,591.110.46811,122.731.77
2-3 years49,636.020.19707,919.391.55
Over 3 years237,765.330.91930,855.022.04

(2) Top 5 of account paid in advance in Ending balaqnce amounting to17,119,020.35yuan, accounted for

65.78% of the account.

7. Other account receivable

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.

From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Other account receivable80,790,579.5582,953,808.97

(1) Category of other account receivable

NatureBook Ending balanceBook Beginning balance
Export rebate49,174,580.4941,300,752.20
Cash deposit11,383,392.7720,927,726.52
Loans of employee’s pretty cash21,636,865.1920,970,369.96
Related party not in consolidation statement789,830.16619,414.34
Advance money temporary192,867.60707,676.06

(2) By account age

Account ageEnding balanceBeginning balance
Within 1 year(Including 1 year)73,549,094.7774,641,189.07
Within 3 months (3 months included)67,976,644.6860,732,006.02
More than 3 months and less than 6 months (6 months included)3,007,738.811,842,273.09
Over 6 months and within one year (One year included)2,564,711.2812,066,909.96
Over one year - within 2 years (2 years included)2,198,771.083,017,092.43
Over 2 years - within 3 years (3 years included)3,344,947.462,473,240.42
Over 3 years4,709,695.055,882,592.53

(3) Category of Other account receivable bad debt reserves

CategoryAmount at year-end
Book balanceBad debt provisionBook value
AmountRatio (%)AmountRatio (%)
That withdrawal bad debt provision by single item83,631,925.8599.802,935,406.153.5180,696,519.70
In which: other receivables with no major individual amount but bad debt provision accrued individually33,667,515.2040.182,935,406.158.7230,732,109.05
Export rebate49,174,580.4958.6849,174,580.49
Related party funds789,830.160.94789,830.16
Bad debt provision accrued by portfolio170,582.510.2076,522.6644.8694,059.85
In which: other receivables accrued by aging portfolio170,582.510.2076,522.6644.8694,059.85

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)


CategoryBeginning balance
Book balanceBad debt provisionBook value
AmountRatio (%)AmountRatio (%)
That withdrawal bad debt provision by single item85,698,646.4399.632,945,873.363.4482,752,773.07
In which: other receivables with no major individual amount but bad debt provision accrued individually43,778,479.8950.902,945,873.366.7340,832,606.53
Export rebate41,300,752.2048.0141,300,752.20
Related party funds619,414.340.72619,414.34
Bad debt provision accrued by portfolio315,468.020.37114,432.1236.27201,035.90
In which: other receivables accrued by aging portfolio315,468.020.37114,432.1236.27201,035.90

1) Accrual of bad debt provision for other receivables

Bad debt provisionFirst stageSecond stageThird stageTotal
Expected credit loss in next 12 monthsExpected credit loss for the whole duration (no credit impairment)Expected credit loss for the whole duration (credit impairment has occurred)
Balance as at 1 Jan. 2024181.4958,484.213,001,639.783,060,305.48
Book balance of other account receivable in Current period as at 1 Jan. 2024
--Transfer to the second stage
-- Transfer to the third stage
-- Reversal to the second stage
-- Reversal to the first stage10,467.21-10,467.21
Provision in Current Year530.26530.26
Reversal in Current Year358.8948,017.0048,375.89
Conversion in Current Year
Write off in Current Year
Other change-531.04-531.04
Balance as at 30 June. 202410,289.033,001,639.783,011,928.81

(4)Bad debt provision for other receivables accrued, recovered or reversed in the current period

CategoryBeginning balanceAmount of change this periodEnding balance
AccrualRecovery or reversalWrite-off or cancellationOther
Bad debt provision3,060,305.48530.2648,375.89-531.043,011,928.81

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

(5)Other account receivable actually written-off in Current period: N/A

(6) Top 5 other receivables collected by arrears party at balance of period-end

NameNatureEnding balanceAccount ageProportion in total other receivables ending balance (%)Bad debt provision Ending balance
Unit IExport rebate49,174,580.49Within 1 year58.68
Unit IILoans of employee’s pretty cash2,730,438.36Within 1 year, 1-2 years,Over 2-3 years3.26
Unit IIICash deposit1,689,512.96Within 1 year2.02
Unit IVLoans of employee’s pretty cash1,497,437.881-2 years1.78
Unit VLoans of employee’s pretty cash1,368,000.00Within 1 year1.63

(7)There are no other receivables reported due to centralized management of funds.

8. Inventories

(1) Classification of inventories

ItemEnding Amount
Book balanceInventory price decline provision/contract performance cost impairment provisionBook value
Raw materials210,188,862.324,227,320.88205,961,541.44
Stock commodities1,829,456,156.1762,088,588.751,767,367,567.42
Low value consumable articles1,125,814.1099,237.621,026,576.48
Goods in transit1,508,762,043.388,188,477.801,500,573,565.58
Contract performance cost20,015,002.8520,015,002.85
Deferred expense for mould64,128,045.0664,128,045.06


ItemBeginning amount
Book balanceInventory price decline provision/contract performance cost impairment provisionBook value
Raw materials150,806,222.674,061,217.23146,745,005.44
Stock commodities1,216,300,557.7260,027,642.161,156,272,915.56
Low value consumable articles3,141,564.20143,306.822,998,257.38
Goods in transit641,198,998.837,934,263.70633,264,735.13
Contract performance cost28,988,664.6728,988,664.67
Deferred expense for mould47,131,566.7847,131,566.78

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

ItemBeginning amount
Book balanceInventory price decline provision/contract performance cost impairment provisionBook value

(2) Provision for inventory depreciation and contract performance cost impairment provision

ItemAmount at period-beginIncrease this periodDecrease this periodAmount at period-end
AccrualOtherReversal or resellingOther
Raw materials4,061,217.231,440,622.581,274,518.934,227,320.88
Stock commodities60,027,642.1622,159,109.5820,082,201.0015,961.9962,088,588.75
Goods in transit7,934,263.704,510,597.634,256,383.538,188,477.80
Low value consumable articles143,306.822,634.7746,703.9799,237.62

(3) Accrual for inventory falling price reserves

ItemSpecific basis for determining of net realizable valueReasons for the reversal or reselling in Current Year
Raw materialsCost is higher than net realizable value (The processed products are decline)For production
Stock commoditiesCost is higher than net realizable value (The market price at period-end fell)For sale
Goods in transitCost is higher than net realizable value (The market price at period-end fell)For sale
Low value consumable articlesCost is higher than net realizable valueAlready used
Contract performance costEngineering construction Cost is higher than net realizable value (The processed products are decline)Already used

9. Contract assets

(1) Contract assets

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Book balanceImpairment provisionBook valueBook balanceImpairment provisionBook value

(2) Contract assets are classified and listed according to the bad debt provision method

CategoryEnding balance
Book balanceBad debt provisionBook value
AmountRatio (%)AmountRatio (%)
Withdrawal bad debt provision by single10,769,071.52100.00575,921.405.3510,193,150.12


Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

CategoryBeginning balance
Book balanceBad debt provisionBook value
AmountRatio (%)AmountRatio (%)
Withdrawal bad debt provision by single13,879,087.90100.00617,397.284.4513,261,690.62

1)Bad debt provisions are made individually for contract assets

NameBeginning balanceEnding balance
Book balanceBad debt provisionBook balanceBad debt provisionRatio (%)Reason
Provision for bad debts of contract assets13,879,087.90617,397.2810,769,071.52575,921.405.35Other party is expected to be at risk of default

(3)The provision, recovery or transfer of bad debt provisions for contract assets this yearproject

ItemProvision for this PeriodTransferred this yearWrite -off this yearReason
Provision for bad debts of contract assets94,052.32135,528.20

10. Non-current assets coming due within one year

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Creditor's right investment due within one year122,294,027.78

(1)Creditor's right investment due within one year

1)Creditor's right investment due within one year

NameEnding balanceBeginning balance
Book balanceImpairment provisionBook valueBook balanceImpairment provisionBook value
large deposit certificates122,294,027.78122,294,027.78

2).Creditor's right investment due within 1 year at the end of the period: N/A

11.Other current asset

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Held to maturity fixed deposits301,394,444.44

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Held to maturity large deposit certificates100,261,944.44
VAT to be deducted204,277,714.77193,911,165.30
Advance payment of income tax25,702,879.6629,599,620.50
Contract acquisition cost43,560.92701,222.80
Local sales tax in Pakistan740,153.42511,584.19
.Amortization expense1,545,198.17494,612.19

12.Creditors' right investment

(1)Other creditor's right investment

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Book balanceImpairment provisionBook valueBook balanceImpairment provisionBook value
large deposit certificates980,754,190.44980,754,190.44420,537,485.54420,537,485.54
Fixed deposit250,783,680.56250,783,680.56

(2)Other important creditor's right investment

ItemEnding balance
Face valueInterest rateActual rateDate of expiring
large deposit certificates100,000,000.003.20%3.20%2026/1/31
large deposit certificates80,000,000.003.35%3.35%2026/3/28
large deposit certificates150,000,000.003.15%3.15%2027/5/16
Fixed deposit250,000,000.003.05%3.05%2027/5/24
large deposit certificates100,000,000.002.60%2.60%2027/6/20


ItemBeginning balance
Face valueInterest rateActual rateDate of expiring
large deposit certificates100,000,000.003.20%3.20%2026/1/31
large deposit certificates80,000,000.003.35%3.35%2026/3/28
large deposit certificates30,000,000.003.20%3.20%2026/3/16
large deposit certificates30,000,000.003.30%3.30%2026/5/31

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

ItemBeginning balance
Face valueInterest rateActual rateDate of expiring
large deposit certificates50,000,000.003.30%3.30%2026/6/14
large deposit certificates50,000,000.003.10%3.10%2026/6/26
large deposit certificates20,000,000.003.15%3.15%2026/7/31
large deposit certificates25,000,000.003.25%3.25%2025/8/30
large deposit certificates25,000,000.003.30%3.30%2025/8/30

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

13. Long-term equity investment

Invested enterpriseBeginning balanceImpairment provision begin- year balanceChanges in Current periodEnding balanceBalance at year-end of impairment
Additional investmentDisinvestmentInvestment profit and loss confirmed by equity methodOther comprehensive income adjustmentOther changes of equityDeclaration of cash dividends or profitsProvision for impairmentOther
Associated companies
1.Hefei Xingmei Assets Management Co., Ltd.14,139,256.7845,466.7114,184,723.49
2.Sichuan Zhiyijia Network Technology Co., Ltd. note168,854,162.705,998,850.595,097,740.9169,755,272.38
3. Sichuan Tianyou Guigu Technology Co., Ltd.note22,948,859.23-81,933.932,866,925.30
4. Chengdu Guigu Environmental Tech. Co., Ltd.note38,756,262.50-887,937.727,868,324.78
5.ChanghongRuba ElectricCompany(Private)Ltd. note4
6. Hefei Xinmei Solar Energy Technology Co., Ltd. note52,202,871.202,202,871.20
7. .Sichuan Hongyun Venture Investment Partnership(LP)note618,047,270.54114,051.4518,161,321.99

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

Note 1: on 16 December 2014, the Company executed a joint venture agreement with its controllingshareholder Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., LTD, targeting to jointly establish Sichuan ZhiyijiaNetwork Technology Co., Ltd. On 5 January 2015, Sichuan Zhiyijia Network Technology Co., Ltd wasofficially incorporated with registered capital of 50 million yuan, among which, the Company madecontribution of 15 million yuanwith shareholding proportion of 30% and Sichuan Changhong ElectricCo., LTD made contribution of 35 million yuanwith shareholding proportion of 70%. In 2019, theCompany increase capital of 29,087,040.00 yuan (of which: 20 million yuan reckoned in registeredcapital and 9,087,040 yuan reckoned in capital reserves) to Zhiyijia with shareholding ratio up to 50%.Note 2: Sichuan Tianyou Guigu Technology Co., Ltd. was incorporated on 31 March 2015 withregistered capital of 100 million yuan. Our subsidiary Changhong Air Conditioner made capitalcontribution of RMB 25 million in cash, accounting for 25% of the registered capital. Chengdu JiaodaoProperty Development Company made capital contribution of 20 million yuan, accounting for 20% ofthe registered capital. Chengdu Southwest Jiaotong University Industry (Group) Co., Ltd made capitalcontribution of 20 million yuan, accounting for 20% of the registered capital. Mianyang InvestmentHolding (Group) Co., Ltd made capital contribution of 5 million yuan, accounting for 5% of theregistered capital. Shanghai Zhongcheng Xindaya Financial Information Service Co., Ltd made capitalcontribution of 5 million yuan, accounting for 5% of the registered capital. Jiangsu Runye InvestmentCo., Ltd. made capital contribution of 10 million yuan, accounting for 10% of the registered capital. InNovember 2015, Jiangsu Runye Investment Co., Ltd. transferred all its 10% shares to Sichuan ShuyeJiachen Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.;Chengdu Dongyu Shangmao Co., Ltd made capitalcontribution of 15 million yuan, accounting for 15% of the registered capital.In November 2015,Chengdu Dongyu Shangmao Co., Ltd. transferred all its 15% shares to Chengdu Dongyu No. 1Enterprise Management Consulting Partnership (Limited Partnership).In 2016, shareholders meeting ofSichuan Tianyou Guigu Technology Co., Ltd. agreed to reduce the 50 million Yuan capital, theshareholders are reducing the capital by ratio of share-holding. After capital reduction, subsidiaryChanghong Air conditioner contributed 12.5 million Yuan, representing 25% of the registered capital.Note 3: Chengdu Guigu Environmental Tech. Co., Ltd. was incorporated on 22 May 2013 withregistered capital of 40 million yuan. Our subsidiary Changhong Air Conditioner made capitalcontribution of 10 million yuan, accounting for 25% of the registered capital. Chengdu Jiaodao PropertyDevelopment Company made capital contribution of 8 million yuan, accounting for 20% of theregistered capital. Chengdu Southwest Jiaotong University Industry (Group) Co., Ltd made capitalcontribution of 8 million yuan, accounting for 20% of the registered capital. Mianyang InvestmentHolding (Group) Co., Ltd made capital contribution of 2 million yuan, accounting for 5% of theregistered capital. Shanghai Zhongcheng Xindaya Financial Information Service Co., Ltd made capitalcontribution of 2 million yuan, accounting for 5% of the registered capital. Sichuan Shuye JiachenProperty Development Company made capital contribution of 4 million yuan, accounting for 10% ofthe registered capital. Chengdu Dongyu Shangmao Co., Ltd made capital contribution of 6 million yuan,accounting for 15% of the registered capitalNote 4: Zhongshan Changhong, a subsidiary of the Company, entered into a supplemental joint ventureagreement with RUBA Comprehensive Trading Company in 2017, pursuant to which, both partiesagreed to increase capital contribution of US$ 1,130,191.00, among which, Zhongshan Changhongsubscribed to contribute US$ 452,076.00 (equivalent to 3,001,649.02 yuan on the actual contributiondate) according to the original shareholding proportion of 40% and RUBA Comprehensive TradingCompany subscribed to contribute US$ 678,115.00 according to the original shareholding proportion of

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

60%.Note 5: Hefei Xinmeitai Energy Technology Co., Ltd. was incorporated on April 18, 2002, with aregistered capital of 10 million yuan. Subsidiary Hefei Meiling Group Holdings Limited invested 3.1114million yuan, accounting for 31.114% of the registered capital; Hefei Huayi Investment Co., Ltd.invested 4.972 million yuan, accounting for 49.72% of the registered capital; Hefei Xingtai AssetManagement Co., Ltd. invested 1.9166 million yuan, accounting for 19.166% of the registered capital.Note 6.On May 5, 2023, the Company signed a partnership agreement with the controlling shareholderSichuan Changhong Electric Co.,Ltd., Sichuan Changhong Electronic (Group) Co., Ltd. and SichuanHongyun Venture Equity Investment Management Co., Ltd. to jointly establish Sichuan HongyunVenture Capital Partnership (Limited Partnership) with a registered capital of RMB 148 million, ofwhich RMB 45 million was subscribed by the Company, with a shareholding ratio of 304.1%. This year,the Company actually contributed RMB 18 million.

14. Other non-current financial assets

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Sichuan Changhong Group Finance Co., Ltd.554,145,436.29554,145,436.29
Sichuan Hongyun New-Generation Information technology Venture Capital Fund Partnership (limited partnership)36,507,860.1936,507,860.19
Changhong Group Sichuan Shenwan Hongyuan Strategic New Industrial Parent Fund Partnership (limited partnership)68,686,219.0068,686,219.00
Huishang Bank Co., Ltd.14,800,000.0014,800,000.00

15. Investment real estate

(1) Investment real estate measured at costs

ItemHouse and buildingsTotal
I.Original book value
1.Beginning balance62,361,143.4762,361,143.47
2.Increase in this year16,612.4416,612.44
3.Decrease in this year
4.Ending balance62,377,755.9162,377,755.91
II.Accumulated depreciation and accumulated amortization
1.Beginning balance11,440,655.7611,440,655.76
2.Increase in this year988,995.63988,995.63
(1)Withdrawal or amortization988,995.63988,995.63
3.Decrease in this year
4.Ending balaqnce12,429,651.3912,429,651.39
III.Impairment provision
IV.Book value

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

ItemHouse and buildingsTotal
1.Ending book value49,948,104.5249,948,104.52
2. Opening book value50,920,487.7150,920,487.71

(2) No investment real estate measured by fair value at year-end.

(3) Investment real estate without property certification held

ItemBook valueReasons for failing to complete property rights certificate
J04workshop26,125,205.32Related property rights in procedure
J03workshop18,069,680.82Related property rights in procedure
J20 air compressor station workshop1,290,044.18Related property rights in procedure
J18 opening and closing office624,284.91Related property rights in procedure

16.Fixed assets

ItemBook value at year-endBook value at year-begin
Fixed assets2,123,123,749.752,104,618,850.52
Liquidation of fixed assets32,847,524.1132,293,183.76

16.1 Fixed assets

(1) Fixed assets

ItemHouse and buildingsMachinery equipmentTransport equipmentOther equipmentTotal
I.Original book value
1.Beginning balance1,737,673,105.291,842,041,115.7535,510,533.61271,253,897.933,886,478,652.58
2.Increase in this year2,069,951.34113,785,930.98748,991.4723,427,206.51140,032,080.30
(2)Construction in progress transfer-in1,948,176.61108,175,962.47734,305.5921,793,071.97132,651,516.64
(3)Other increase121,774.7314,685.8843,286.95179,747.56
3.Decrease in this year130,121.9419,813,175.36117,578.794,043,072.2024,103,948.29
(1)Dispose or retirement17,708,252.57117,578.793,774,457.4521,600,288.81
(2)Construction in progress transfer-in2,104,387.40233,972.852,338,360.25
(3)Other Derease130,121.94535.3934,641.90165,299.23
4.Ending balaqnce1,739,612,934.691,936,013,871.3736,141,946.29290,638,032.244,002,406,784.59
II.Accumulated depreciation
1.Beginning balance507,688,570.521,114,275,828.0324,857,123.23133,926,258.071,780,747,779.85
2.Increase in this year28,021,024.6172,096,021.501,345,744.1616,096,306.74117,559,097.01

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

ItemHouse and buildingsMachinery equipmentTransport equipmentOther equipmentTotal
(2)Other increase12,539.3153,174.8865,714.19
3.Decrease in this year16,311,354.13111,699.853,710,645.9620,133,699.94
(1)Dispose or retirement15,537,011.47111,699.853,559,631.8519,208,343.17
(2)Construction in progress transfer-in774,342.66151,014.11925,356.77
4.Ending balaqnce535,709,595.131,170,060,495.4026,091,167.54146,311,918.851,878,173,176.92
III.Impairment provision
1.Beginning balance113,462.70998,559.511,112,022.21
2.Increase in this year
3.Decrease in this year2,164.292,164.29
(1)Dispose or retirement2,164.292,164.29
4.Ending balaqnce113,462.70996,395.221,109,857.92
IV.Book value
1.Ending book value1,203,903,339.56765,839,913.2710,050,778.75143,329,718.172,123,123,749.75
2. Opening book value1,229,984,534.77727,651,825.0210,653,410.38136,329,080.352,104,618,850.52

The new fixed assets in this year mainly due to the132,651,516.64 yuan transfer from construction inprocess; decrease of the fixed assets in Current Year mainly including assets dispose for retirement.

(2) Fixed assets temporary idle at year-end. N/A

(3) Fixed assets leased through operating lease at year-end

ItemOriginal book valueAccumulated depreciationImpairment provisionBook value
House and buildings50,691,336.0818,914,736.7731,776,599.31
Machinery equipment22,429,348.2915,402,132.297,027,216.00

(4) Fixed assets without property certificate

ItemBook valueReason of not complete the property certificate
J07 electrical workshop42,932,327.84Related property rights in procedure
J02workshop27,617,073.32Related property rights in procedure
J05 evaporator and condenser workshop26,628,077.95Related property rights in procedure
J01workshop25,597,448.16Related property rights in procedure
J06 central air-conditioner workshop18,062,009.85Related property rights in procedure
J50finished product warehouse15,921,658.66Related property rights in procedure
J51finished product warehouse15,448,457.60Related property rights in procedure
J53finished product warehouse11,722,286.51Related property rights in procedure
J52finished product warehouse11,203,657.15Related property rights in procedure
J54finished product warehouse10,956,078.69Related property rights in procedure
J55finished product warehouse10,101,083.52Related property rights in procedure

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

ItemBook valueReason of not complete the property certificate
J56 finished product warehouse10,101,083.52Related property rights in procedure
J09raw material warehouse6,122,522.20Related property rights in procedure
J10raw material warehouse4,731,618.22Related property rights in procedure
J11raw material warehouse4,661,225.90Related property rights in procedure
J08 packing materials warehouse4,248,874.06Related property rights in procedure
J17 chemical storage1,453,978.78Related property rights in procedure
J15 house of refrigerant forklift1,424,846.66Related property rights in procedure
J16 chemical storage1,173,465.56Related property rights in procedure
J19 main guard room348,086.85Related property rights in procedure
J19A guard room184,676.45Related property rights in procedure
J19D guard room135,795.39Related property rights in procedure
J19E guard room135,795.39Related property rights in procedure

16.2 Disposal of fixed assets

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balanceReasons for disposal transferred
Relevant assets disposal for reserved lands32,293,183.7632,293,183.76Relocation for land reserve
Machinery equipment554,340.35For customer acceptance and treatment

Pursuant to the urban planning requirements of Hefei Municipal Government and the Government ofFeidong county, the land reserve center of Feidong county will purchase and store the land use right of aneconomic development zone located at Feidong county, Hefei city, which is owned by the Company’ssubordinate companies, Equator Electric and Equator Home Appliance, respectively, with an area of19,245.09 sq.m. (Approximately 28.87 mu, Land Use Right Certificate No.: Dong Guo Yong (2008) No.0366, the stated use of the land is for industrial purpose) and an area of 46,161.9 sq.m. (Approximately

69.24 mu, Land Use Right Certificate No.: Dong Guo Yong (2008) No. 0367, the stated use of the land isfor industrial purpose). The total consideration for purchasing and storage is approximately 36 millionyuan, of which the consideration for the land use right owned by Equator Electric and Equator HomeAppliance is approximately 10.59 million yuan and 25.41 million yuan, respectively. The Company hascompleted the relocation of occupants of the premises, and the net fixed assets in relation to the land willtransfer as disposal, accounting treatment will be conduct in line with relevant rules upon receiving of therelocation compensation.No impairment of relevant assets disposal for reserved lands at year-end.

17. Construction in progress

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.

From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Construction in progress69,381,313.7169,920,839.20

(1) Details of construction in progress

ItemsEnding balanceBeginning balance
Book balanceImpairment provisionBook valueBook balanceImpairment provisionBook value
Hefei manufacturing base refrigerator front-end production capacity promotion project15,536,793.5115,536,793.51
Technical transformation project of Zhongshan Changhong7,580,020.977,580,020.977,036,680.597,036,680.59
Investment projects to improve production and ensure supply5,946,371.695,946,371.69-
Industrial Internet Changhong Meiling Promotion Project5,633,962.295,633,962.295,563,207.575,563,207.57
New flat color plate door shell line project4,140,206.214,140,206.212,155,584.072,155,584.07
Extrusion and crushing capacity improvement demand project of Hefei refrigerator manufacturing company3,299,034.713,299,034.711,033,130.001,033,130.00
Fixed assets project of 7 kg supporting production equipment3,069,026.563,069,026.561,534,513.281,534,513.28
Transformation and maintenance project of large line for B-line shift recovery2,632,393.752,632,393.752,048,088.462,048,088.46
Blister machine project2,421,592.912,421,592.911,027,433.621,027,433.62
Air conditioning manufacturing system capacity improvement renovation project1,361,215.391,361,215.3924,062,124.8324,062,124.83
415 series conversion project1,038,128.201,038,128.20648,083.64648,083.64
Liquid nitrogen tank production line construction580,864.94580,864.94680,956.02680,956.02
23 years of Manufacturing System Automation Project532,412.89532,412.891,113,002.291,113,002.29
Commercial kitchen refrigerator cabinet project-1,894,989.001,894,989.00
Washing machine manufacturing company capacity and production efficiency improvement project in the first quarter-1,624,647.041,624,647.04
Large refrigerator efficiency improvement and transformation project-1,388,626.001,388,626.00
Rectification project of elevators and fire hazards in charging area of finished product warehouse-1,124,589.141,124,589.14
Laboratory investment projects-627,076.10627,076.10
Supporting production equipment of washing machine-617,699.12617,699.12

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

ItemsEnding balanceBeginning balance
Book balanceImpairment provisionBook valueBook balanceImpairment provisionBook value
Meiling extrusion line relocation and capacity expansion project-339,115.04339,115.04
Adaptability transformation project of fin stamping production line and its supporting equipment-2,634,632.942,634,632.94
Projects to be installed equipment-2,003,069.712,003,069.71
Other petty projects15,609,289.6915,609,289.6910,763,590.7410,763,590.74

(2) Changes in significant construction in progress

Name of the projectBudgetBeginning balanceAmount increased in the current periodAmount of fixed assets transferred in the current periodOther decreases for the periodEnding balance
Hefei manufacturing base refrigerator front-end production capacity improvement project88,000,000.0015,536,793.5115,536,793.51


The proportion of the cumulative investment of the project to the budgetProgress of the projectThe accumulated amount of interest capitalizationThereinto: the amount of interest capitalization in the current periodCapitalization rate of interest for the current periodFunds source
19.95%50%Self funds

18. Right-of-use assets

ItemHouse and buildingsTotal
I. Original book value
1.Beginning balance62,005,148.1562,005,148.15
2.Increase in this year72,131,961.8772,131,961.87
(1) Rent in72,131,961.8772,131,961.87
3. Decrease in this year
4.Ending balaqnce134,137,110.02134,137,110.02
II.Accumulated depreciation
1.Beginning balance12,011,747.5412,011,747.54
2. Increase in this year6,700,265.956,700,265.95

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.

From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

ItemHouse and buildingsTotal
3. Decrease in this year
4.Ending balaqnce18,712,013.4918,712,013.49
III.Impairment provision
1.Beginning balance
2. Increase in this year
3. Decrease in this year
4.Ending balaqnce
IV.Book value
1.Ending book value115,425,096.53115,425,096.53
2. Opening book value49,993,400.6149,993,400.61

The Company accrual the depreciation on right-of-use assets from the commencement date of the leaseperiod. Depending on use of the assets, amount of accrual will included in costs of relevant assets orcurrent gain/loss.

19. Intangible assets

(1) Intangible assets

ItemLand use rightTrademark special rightNon-patent technologyPatent technologyOtherTotal
I.Original book value
1.Beginning balance864,798,616.68283,292,439.34743,027,808.89196,090,356.1611,193,437.002,098,402,658.07
2.Increase in this year49,878,953.2725,301,221.76379,622.6475,559,797.67
(1) Internal research49,878,953.2725,301,221.7675,180,175.03
3.Decrease in this year379,622.64379,622.64
(1) Disposal
(2)Other decreases379,622.64379,622.64
4.Ending balaqnce864,798,616.68283,292,439.34792,527,139.52221,391,577.9211,573,059.642,173,582,833.10
II.Accumulated amortization
1.Beginning balance233,381,336.43283,292,439.34550,293,846.6976,940,491.504,235,458.671,148,143,572.63
2.Increase in this year9,206,326.3945,782,698.3217,042,208.15857,366.3872,888,599.24
3.Decrease in this year284,716.96284,716.96
4.Ending balaqnce242,587,662.82283,292,439.34595,791,828.0593,982,699.655,092,825.051,220,747,454.91
III.Impairment provision

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

ItemLand use rightTrademark special rightNon-patent technologyPatent technologyOtherTotal
1.Beginning balance41,003,993.4118,291,161.974,508,495.3363,803,650.71
2.Increase in this year
3.Decrease in this year
4.Ending balaqnce41,003,993.4118,291,161.974,508,495.3363,803,650.71
IV.Book value
1.Ending book value622,210,953.86155,731,318.06109,117,716.301,971,739.26889,031,727.48
2. Opening book value631,417,280.25151,729,968.79100,858,702.692,449,483.00886,455,434.73

The intangible assets resulted from internal research takes3.46% of the balance of intangible assets atyear-end

(2) No land use right without property certification done at year-end

(3) Impairment test of intangible assets:N/A

20. Development expense


ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Book balanceImpairment provisionBook valueBook balanceImpairment provisionBook value
Development expense110,820,740.92110,820,740.9297,177,535.3497,177,535.34


Development expenditure are detailed in note VI to this financial statement..

21. Goodwill

(1) Original value of goodwill

Invested enterpriseBeginning balanceIncrease this yearDecrease this yearEnding balance
Formation from enterprise mergerOtherFormation from enterprise mergerOther
Hefei Meiling Group Holdings Limited3,553,367.773,553,367.77

(2) Impairment loss of goodwill

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

Invested enterpriseBeginning balanceIncrease this yearDecrease this yearEnding balance
Hefei Meiling Group Holdings Limited3,553,367.773,553,367.77

Note: The Company’s goodwill has been fully accrued for impairment reserves at year-end.

22. Long-term prepaid expenses

ItemOpening balanceIncrease this periodAmortization for the periodOther decreasesEnding balance
Long-term prepaid expenses35,698,465.624,577,809.127,060,808.3433,215,466.40

23. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

(1) Deferred income tax assets without the offset

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Deductible temporary differenceDeferred income tax assetsDeductible temporary differenceDeferred income tax assets
Deferred income tax assets recognized from ir-reparable losses450,041,039.3067,506,155.91575,117,840.0286,267,676.00
Deferred income tax assets recognized from assets impairment329,143,252.7349,760,008.05312,522,821.2947,114,940.66
Deferred income tax assets recognized from deferred income76,103,886.3511,415,582.9689,179,865.3513,376,979.81
Deferred income tax assets recognized by lease liabilities112,468,629.5317,357,210.6252,138,935.617,287,948.90
Deferred income tax assets recognized from accrual liability35,570,774.195,441,345.1531,904,790.394,785,718.56
Deferred income tax assets recognized from Dismission welfare12,886,850.401,933,027.5613,940,576.252,091,086.44
Accrued income tax assets7,676,622.071,655,300.916,464,906.831,367,611.03
Deferred income tax assets recognized by changes in fair value21,275,136.813,191,270.53323,557.5048,533.63

(2) Deferred income tax liabilities without the offset

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Taxable temporary differencesDeferred income tax liabilityTaxable temporary differencesDeferred income tax liability
Recognized by changes in fair value54,610,621.347,512,564.3372,922,565.8110,938,384.87
Deferred income tax liabilities recognized by use asset110,898,237.3717,893,276.4649,993,400.617,031,136.31
Recognized by fixed assets depreciation23,213,429.663,484,182.6225,632,968.473,844,945.25

(3) Details of unrecognized deferred income tax assets

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Deductible temporary difference134,020,915.31159,108,623.94

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Deductible loss187,044,746.04216,256,401.45

24. Other non-current assets

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Book balanceImpairment provisionBook valueBook balanceImpairment provisionBook value
Prepaid equipment, engineering, etc.2,446,254.282,446,254.2815,299,373.8515,299,373.85
Contract asset12,083,853.03623,720.0011,460,133.0311,955,960.50653,720.0011,302,240.50

25.Assets with restricted ownership or use right

ItemEnding balance
Book BalanceBook valueRestriction typeRestriction information
Monetary funds426,428,115.13426,428,115.13FrozenSecurity deposit; Frozen for litigation
Receivable financing743,380,533.32743,380,533.32PledgePledge for issuing bank acceptance bills
Real estate investment5,795,017.723,007,051.80MortgageLoan mortgage
Fixed assets478,767,594.24313,432,156.44MortgageLoan mortgage
Intangible assets415,797,056.93260,033,471.63MortgageLoan mortgage


ItemBeginning balance
Book BalanceBook valueRestriction typeRestriction information
Monetary funds438,655,288.66438,655,288.66FrozenSecurity deposit; Frozen for litigation
Receivable financing997,291,535.93997,291,535.93PledgePledge for issuing bank acceptance bills
Real estate investment5,795,017.723,097,441.68MortgageLoan mortgage
Fixed assets478,732,601.33321,209,491.52MortgageLoan mortgage
Intangible assets415,797,056.93264,252,595.08MortgageLoan mortgage

26. Short-term loans

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.

From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

(1)Classification of short-term loans

CategoryEnding balanceBeginning balance
Guaranteed loan5,000,000.005,000,000.00
Loan in credit1,140,328,642.911,128,967,080.14
Interest payable221,944.44135,338.89

(2)Short-term loans overdue:N/A.

27. Trading financial liability

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Trading financial liability46,906,758.5632,229,012.86
Including: Derivative financial liability46,906,758.5632,229,012.86

28. Note payable

TypeEnding balanceBeginning balance
Bank acceptance6,991,196,515.005,604,059,289.98
Trade acceptance447,732,011.00300,327,800.00

The total amount of notes payable due and unpaid at the end of the current period was RMB 192,000.00,and the reason for the non-payment was that the creditor did not make a reminder payment.

29. Account payable

(1) Account payable

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Including: Amount aged over 1 year83,777,136.5687,743,285.28

(2) Major account payable with over one year book age at year-end.: N/A

30. Received in advance.

CategoryEnding balanceBeginning balance
Including: Amount aged over 1 year

31. Contract liabilities

(1) Contract liabilities

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Including: Amount aged over 1 year25,237,697.7442,798,796.43

(2) Major contract liabilities with over one year book age at year-end.: N/A

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.

From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

(3)Significant changes in the book value in the current period: N/A

32. Wages payable

(1) Category

ItemBeginning balanceIncrease this yearDecrease this yearEnding balance
Short-term compensation437,396,328.781,005,378,642.551,002,610,695.88440,164,275.45
After-service welfare- defined contribution plans1,752,993.4968,448,865.8468,518,355.321,683,504.01
Dismiss welfare4,462,894.292,371,709.842,722,100.444,112,503.69

(2) Short-term compensation

ItemBeginning balanceIncrease this yearDecrease this yearEnding balance
Wages, bonuses, allowances and subsidies429,211,880.79909,374,229.29907,315,521.96431,270,588.12
Welfare for workers and staff557,735.8827,360,479.5027,271,065.89647,149.49
Social insurance1,701,031.2129,402,367.3229,488,156.681,615,241.85
Including: Medical insurance1,588,055.2627,036,608.5827,042,248.981,582,414.86
Work injury insurance29,219.112,360,749.612,357,141.7332,826.99
Maternity insurance83,756.845,009.1388,765.97-
Housing accumulation fund5,412,345.2436,574,105.3636,383,051.195,603,399.41
Labor union expenditure and personnel education expense513,335.662,667,461.082,152,900.161,027,896.58

(3) Defined contribution plans

ItemBeginning balanceIncrease this yearDecrease this yearEnding balance
Basic endowment insurance598,361.3966,096,945.8866,167,060.91528,246.36
Unemployment insurance1,154,632.102,351,919.962,351,294.411,155,257.65

33. Tax payable

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.

From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Value-added tax11,686,146.1716,433,804.39
Enterprise income tax36,181,243.9122,442,997.30
Individual income tax1,796,200.829,049,531.30
Urban maintenance and construction tax7,063,245.928,800,180.85
Real estate tax3,866,629.763,702,169.69
Land use tax1,430,553.181,430,553.17
Educational surtax5,196,405.316,388,436.72
Stamp tax6,169,729.574,270,122.54
Construction fund of Water Conservancy Projects657,544.85663,334.83
Treatment fund for abandon electrics & electronics16,436,695.00

34. Other account payable

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Dividend payable6,005,989.725,384,407.44
Other account payable1,033,230,180.96879,330,313.86

34.1 Dividend payable

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
China Life Insurance (Group) Company65,987.57432,607.23
Hefei Branch of Bank of China631,013.60446,576.60
Hefei collective industry association631,012.60446,575.90
Provincial trust and investment company Wuhu office504,810.90357,261.30
China Life Insurance (Group) Company43,992.07288,404.82
BOC- Fullgoal Tianyi Securities Investment Fund153,697.50153,697.50
Other units3,975,475.483,259,284.09

34.2 Other account payable

(1) Other account payable by nature

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.

From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

NatureEnding balanceBeginning balance
Accrued expenses (expenses occurred without reimbursed)500,069,530.97381,110,482.12
Receivables received temporary and deducted temporary10,766,232.7913,201,384.59
Deposit, margin156,884,291.78170,042,120.52
Not the come-and-go with related parties in statement scope339,850,177.36285,951,275.98

(2) At end of the year, the major other account payable with account age over one year mainly refers tothe deposit and margin. :N/A

35. Non-current liability due within one year

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Long-term loan principal and interest due within one year45,299,832.4440,172,155.56
Lease liabilities due within one year14,495,340.688,650,642.91

36. Other current liabilities

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Pending sales tax15,760,538.7918,915,531.41
Factoring fees payable2,095,449.88218,335.59
Bill recovery38,674.50

37. Long term borrowings

(1) Category of long term borrowings

CategoryEnding balanceBeginning balance
Loan in mortgage83,000,000.00108,000,000.00
Loan in credit6,058,089.90

(2) Long-term borrowings at period-end

Loan fromBorrowing dayReturning dayForeign currencyInterest rateAmount at year-end (RMB)Amount at year-begin(RMB)
EIBC (Export-Import Bank) Anhui Province Branch note12020/3/262026/11/25RMB3.755%83,000,000.0098,000,000.00
EIBC (Export-Import Bank) Anhui Province Branch note22019/12/232026/11/2RMB4.005%10,000,000.00
Zhongshan Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. Zhongshan South Head Sub-branch note32024/1/252025/12/31RMB3.850%6,058,089.90

Note 1: The Company signed the "Loan Contract (Promoting the Opening-up of Loans in China - Fixed

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

Assets)" with the Export-Import Bank of China Anhui Branch, the Company's fixed assets andintangible assets are used as mortgage for a long-term loan under the contract. And withdrawal of98,000,000.00 yuan on March 26, 2020. The term of the loan is from March 26, 2020 to November 25,2026, the interest rate of the loan is determined according to the market quotation rate of the loan witha term of more than 5 years reduced by 0.195%, which fluctuates annually, and the amount of the loanis 98,000,000.00 yuan. According to the repayment plan agreed with the bank, It plans to repay15,000,000.00 yuan on June 25, 2025 has been reclassified to non-current liabilities due within one year.The balance at the end of the year is RMB 83,000,000.00.Note 2: The Company signed the "Loan Contract (Promoting the Opening-up of Loans in China - FixedAssets)" with the Export-Import Bank of China Anhui Branch, the Company's investment real estate,fixed assets and intangible assets are used as mortgage for the loan. The term of the loan is fromDecember 23, 2019 to November 25, 2026, the interest rate of the loan is determined according to themarket quotation rate of the loan with a term of more than 5 years reduced by 0.195%, which fluctuatesannually, and the amount of the loan is 100,000,000.00 yuan. According to the repayment plan agreedwith the bank, the Company has repaid 70,000,000.00 yuan. It plans to repay 20,000,000.00 yuan onDecember 25, 2024 and repay 10,000,000.00 yuan on June 25, 2024, a total of 30,000,000.00 yuan hasbeen reclassified to non-current liabilities due within one year. The balance at the end of the year is 0yuan.Note 3:Hongyuan Heat Pump Technology (Zhongshan) Co., Ltd. and Zhongshan Rural CommercialBank Co., Ltd. Nantou Branch signed the "Loan Contract (Corporate Business-Fixed Assets)", with purecredit approval, no guarantee, no pledge, the loan period is January 25, 2024 to December 31, 2025, theloan amount in 2024 is 6,213,427.90 yuan, the borrowing interest rate is determined by increasing theone-year market base interest rate LPR by 40 basis points, adjusted based on the corresponding datetothe specific date of previous year, and the current interest rate is 3.85%. The principal is repaid at 2.5%of the single loan amount every six months, and the remaining principal is repaid in a lump sum on thematurity date of the contract. According to the repayment plan agreed with the bank, It plans to repay155,338.00 yuan on June 30, 2025 has been reclassified to non-current liabilities due within one year.The balance at the end of the year is 6,058,089.90 yuan.

38. Lease liability

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Lease liability104,173,573.2843,488,292.70

39. Long-term payable

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Special payable627,878.52800,347.84

39.1Special payable

ItemBeginning balanceIncrease this yearDecrease this yearEnding balanceReason
Special funds for technological800,347.84172,469.32627,878.52Technology plan project in

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

ItemBeginning balanceIncrease this yearDecrease this yearEnding balanceReason
transformation from Zhongshan ChanghongZhongshan City

40. Long-term wage payable

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Dismissal welfare10,530,588.3411,417,181.82

According to the internal early retirement policy, the long-term payable dismissal welfare bears by theCompany up to year-end amounting to 10,530,588.34yuan

41. Accrual liability

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balanceReason
Product quality guarantee note133,605,901.8729,939,918.07Product warranty
Litigation matters note21,964,872.322,114,872.32

Note 1: Product quality deposit is the maintenance expense provided by the Company under thenational policy.Note2: In November 2021, Zhejiang Teruisi Pharmaceutical Inc. filed a lawsuit against Zhongke Meilingfor the "Cold Storage Design, Equipment Purchase and Installation Construction Contract". Currently,quality of the subject under the contract is being authenticated by a third party engineering qualityappraisal agency, the initial start-up operation test is now completed. Zhongke Meiling intends tomaintain the cold storage project, and the estimated maintenance cost is 1,720,534.42 yuan. Themanagement has provided a total estimated liability of 394337.90 yuan for other business lawsuits Theestimated liabilities of RMB 150,000.00 were reversed after the conclusion of the litigation in the currentperiod, and the estimated liabilities of RMB 244,337.90 were remaining in provision.

42. Deferred income

ItemBeginning balanceIncrease this yearDecrease this yearEnding balanceReason
Government subsidies---subsidies of development project102,040,223.272,334,900.0014,503,242.1689,871,881.11
Government subsidies---subsidies of Relocation30,937,271.061,326,544.4729,610,726.59

43. Share capital

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

ItemsBeginning balanceChange during the year (+、-))Ending balance
New shares issuedBonus shareShares transferred from capital reserveOtherSubtotal
Total shares1,029,923,715.001,029,923,715.00

44. Capital reserve

ItemBeginning balanceIncrease this periodDecrease this periodEnding balance
Share premium2,757,460,366.372,757,460,366.37
Other capital reserve48,043,091.4048,043,091.40

45. Other comprehensive income

ItemBeginning balanceCurrent periodEnding balance
Account before income tax in Current YearLess: written in other comprehensive income in previous period and carried forward to gains and losses in current periodLess:Income tax expensesBelong to parent company after taxBelong to minority shareholders after tax
Other comprehensive income re-divided into gains/losses
Conversion difference arising from foreign currency financial statement-20,704,362.05-1,142,407.83-1,173,618.6931,210.86-21,877,980.74

46.Special reserves

ItemBeginning balanceIncrease this yearDecrease this yearEnding balance
Safety production costs11,246,811.9117,312,570.3314,105,204.2014,454,178.04

Note: This year's increase refers to the work safety expenses accrued according to the notice issued bythe Ministry of Finance on November 21, 2022 on printing and distributing the AdministrativeMeasures for the Extraction and Use of Work Safety Expenses of Enterprises (CZ [2022] No.136).

47. Surplus reserves

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.

From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

ItemBeginning balanceIncrease this yearDecrease this yearEnding balance
Statutory surplus reserve361,445,492.66361,445,492.66
Discretionary surplus reserve115,607,702.16115,607,702.16

48. Retained profit

ItemCurrent periodLast Period
Prior year-end balance1,521,759,836.64909,082,037.66
Add: adjustment from undistributed profit at year-begin167,328.13
Including: retroactive adjustment by Accounting Standards for Business Enterprise
change of accounting policy167,328.13
Correction of former material error
Change of combination scope under common control
Beginning balance1,521,759,836.64909,249,365.79
Add: net profit attributable to shareholders of parent company for this year415,033,415.88741,038,108.54
Less: withdraw of statutory surplus reserve35,834,503.34
withdraw of discretionary surplus reserve
Withdraw of general risk provision
Dividend payable for ordinary shares308,977,114.5092,693,134.35
Dividend of ordinary shares transferred to share capital
Ending balance1,627,816,138.021,521,759,836.64

49. Operation income and operation cost

(1) Operation income and operation cost

ItemCurrent periodLast period
Main business14,847,789,922.8613,208,737,884.3712,734,698,313.8411,126,041,806.09
Other business99,880,368.8453,068,681.4393,996,009.7352,872,269.74

(2)The decomposition information of operation income and operation cost

TypeCurrent PeriodLast Year
Including:Refrigerator, Freezer4,739,349,946.803,927,763,612.824,224,670,444.643,452,620,652.77
Washing machine783,936,724.28660,322,573.64557,352,305.32458,999,445.42
Small household appliances and kitchen and bathroom744,514,913.93643,013,706.71852,703,435.92746,076,815.25

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

TypeCurrent PeriodLast Year
Other product80,082,677.4961,374,314.15102,474,968.7284,445,767.03
Other business99,880,368.8453,068,681.4393,996,009.7352,872,269.74

(3)Information related to performance obligations

ItemTime to perform performance obligationsMaterial payment termsNature of the goods that the Company promises to transferMain responsible person or notAmount expected to be refunded to customers undertaken by the CompanyTypes of quality assurance provided by the Company and related obligations
Income from sales of goodsWhen the customer obtains the control right of relevant commoditiesAdvance payment or payment collected according to credit periodGoodsYesNoProduct quality assurance
Income from providing servicesWhen customers obtain related servicesAdvance payment or payment collected according to credit periodServiceYesNo

(4)Information related to the transaction price allocated to the remaining performance obligationsAt the end of this year, the income corresponding to the performance obligations that have been signedbut not yet fulfilled or not yet fully fulfilled is RMB 112,929,265.33, of which RMB 49,843,805.15isexpected to be recognized in 2024, RMB53,085,460.18 in 2025 and RMB10,000,000.00 in 2026.

50. Business tax and extra charges

ItemCurrent periodLast period
Treatment fund for abandon electrics & electronics45,585,295.00
City construction tax12,658,264.4513,473,561.59
Extra charge for education and local education surcharge9,528,988.4910,374,633.25
Real estate tax10,608,992.6210,697,322.79
Stamp duty12,554,573.7510,239,001.40
Land use tax3,870,113.743,870,702.26
Water fund3,876,070.993,778,106.41

51. Sales expense

ItemCurrent periodLast period
Salary, extra charges and labor service expenses301,793,753.60327,557,081.46

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

ItemCurrent periodLast period
Market support expenses174,815,604.29140,461,155.25
National three guarantees expense94,809,310.2581,830,891.01
Shipping and Installation expense91,952,697.0386,205,859.39
Storage lease expenses70,156,124.8145,248,950.36
Travelling expenses12,042,153.8027,620,363.01
Business activity expenses7,428,851.268,433,498.60
Vehicle expenses7,091,465.146,329,264.05
Depreciation expenses4,127,717.614,023,917.38
Other expenses43,987,022.6447,237,303.21

52. Administration expense

ItemCurrent periodLast period
Salary and social insurance etc.103,449,052.65119,736,522.57
Amortized intangible assets9,096,588.729,135,614.87
Software use3,638,733.822,629,643.03
Water and electricity fee3,314,456.032,425,289.58
Property insurance2,258,205.691,875,442.73
Safety in production2,187,081.242,078,232.07
Business activities fee2,172,710.943,157,527.78
Software use2,036,485.691,841,591.27
Housing rent1,960,818.91706,646.91
Travelling fee1,703,367.941,841,650.97
Other expenses14,358,990.2526,225,642.90

53. R&D expenses

ItemCurrent periodLast period
Salary and social insurance etc.125,688,771.65116,235,127.25
Amortized intangible assets62,574,483.0863,618,830.74
Trial fee of R&D33,329,478.9826,151,862.28
Cost of mould19,477,506.3113,061,216.32
Technological development9,795,954.439,999,651.18
Trial fee of R&D7,681,408.618,613,510.99

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

ItemCurrent periodLast period
Water and electricity fee5,451,257.045,616,418.28
Other expenses12,220,699.7411,867,471.17

54. Financial expenses

ItemCurrent periodLast period
Interest expenditure12,799,719.7013,185,503.15
Less: Interest income98,725,551.3483,240,562.07
Add: exchange loss-8,064,704.24-35,883,923.32
Procedure charge expenditure8,611,344.517,339,147.69
Discount expenditure-18,083,136.98-17,235,858.76
Interest expense on lease liability1,761,401.61821,767.04

55. Other income

ItemCurrent PeriodLast Period
Advanced manufacturing value-added tax deduction50,468,374.01
The deferred income is transferred15,829,786.6315,696,724.67
Immediate VAT refund after collection4,288,247.024,165,995.12
Talent incentives and technological transformation subsidies4,052,377.92272,732.00
Enterprise support funds2,338,639.008,905,000.00
Other tax returns1,327,682.14648,855.83
Financial awards1,060,000.00838,234.37
Stable job subsidy633,337.08216,067.21
R & D Subsidy250,000.00333,305.00
Foregn economic and trade development promotion funds194,200.00
Other petty projects1,059,503.821,057,142.46

56. Investment income

ItemCurrent PeriodLast Period
Long-term equity investment income by equity method7,391,368.3012,544,969.44
Investment income obtained from disposal of Trading financial assets-6,015,323.23-4,626,995.54
Investment income of other current financial assets during holding period1,656,388.881,840,756.94
Investment income of other non-current financial assets during12,912,196.3711,409,029.33

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

ItemCurrent PeriodLast Period
holding period
The termination of income recognition for financial assets measured by amortized cost-24,604,289.53-14,192,040.21
Interest income from debt investment during the holding period11,593,385.087,402,220.09

57. Changes in fair value gains

ItemCurrent PeriodLast Period
Trading financial assets-28,041,659.9815,221,223.22
Including :Income of fair value changes from derivative financial instruments-30,482,326.9814,587,494.15
Interest accrual for wealth management products2,440,667.00633,729.07
Trading financial liability-14,677,745.70-71,649,406.65
Including: Income of fair value changes from derivative financial instruments-14,677,745.70-71,649,406.65

58. Credit impairment loss

ItemCurrent PeriodLast Period
Account receivable bad debt loss12,428,045.01-42,428,408.08
Other account receivable bad debt loss47,845.631,346,818.25

59. Assets impairment loss

ItemCurrent PeriodLast Period
Loss on inventory valuation-27,799,697.87-16,752,702.16
Impairment loss on contractual assets41,475.88-824,633.73
Development expense impairment loss-1,530,365.17
Other impairment losses of non-current assets30,000.00-590,000.00

60. Income from assets disposal

ItemCurrent PeriodLast Period
Income from non-current assets disposal36,334.95
Including: income classify to assets ready for sale
income not classify as to assets ready for sale36,334.95
Including: Income from fixed assets disposal36,334.95

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

61. Non-operation revenue

ItemCurrent PeriodLast PeriodAmount reckoned into non-recurring gains/losses in Current Period
Income of penalty927,089.264,888,567.59927,089.26

62. Non-operating expenditure

ItemCurrent PeriodLast PeriodAmount reckoned into non-recurring gains/losses in Current Period
Non-current asset retirement losses1,335,367.012,758,202.881,335,367.01

63. Income tax expenses

ItemCurrent PeriodLast Period
Current income tax41,949,054.198,379,498.72
Deferred Income Tax11,156,150.32-7,454,488.68

64. Other comprehensive income

Found more in 45. Other comprehensive income in V

65. Items of cash flow statement

(1) Cash related to business activities

1) Cash received from other activities relating to operation

Item Government subsidy and rewardsCurrent PeriodLast Period
Government subsidy and rewards11,231,873.0413,652,143.10
Cash deposit, deposit15,975,517.1224,366,520.52
Rental income2,745,771.842,985,657.33
Petty cash collection4,318.00140,806.43

2) Cash paid for other activities relating to operation

ItemCurrent PeriodLast Period
Operating out of cash expenses366,583,583.43306,192,633.71

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

ItemCurrent PeriodLast Period
Petty cash, deposit, Cash deposit29,856,337.6539,417,445.80

(2) Cash related to Investment activities

1) Important cash received related to investment activities

ItemCurrent PeriodLast Period
Structural deposits1,300,000,000.00530,000,000.00

2)Important cash payable related to investment activities

ItemCurrent PeriodLast Period
Structural deposits2,380,000,000.00650,000,000.00
Large deposit certificate650,000,000.00340,000,000.00
Fixed deposits550,000,000.00

3) Cash received from other activities relating to investment

ItemCurrent PeriodLast Period
Interest income arising from bank savings99,765,587.6381,700,559.42
Cash deposit794,951.65956,132.70
Income of forward exchange settlement1,436,020.071,303,892.65

4) Cash paid for other activities relating to investment

ItemCurrent PeriodLast Period
Loses of forward exchange settlement7,111,935.4513,791,587.29
Bid bond refund500,000.00

( 3) Cash related to financing activities

1) Cash received from other activities relating to financing

ItemCurrent PeriodLast Period
Recover restricted funds71,141,339.20220,652,668.19
Meiling series (internal) bill discounting fundraising1,155,206.5926,054,470.31

2) Cash paid for other activities relating to financing

ItemCurrent PeriodLast Period
Turn into limited funds58,914,165.67134,086,488.59
Meiling series (internal) bill discounting fundraising15,883,841.1023,536,567.33
Lease liability principal and interest5,486,967.902,353,526.71

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

ItemCurrent PeriodLast Period
Intermediary service fee230,889.2765,600.34

3) Changes in liabilities arising from fund-raising activities

ItemBeginning balanceIncrease this periodDecrease this periodEnding balance
Cash changesNon Cash changesCash changesNon Cash changes
Short-term Loans1,134,102,419.031,121,669,129.0211,470,295.201,120,031,742.011,659,513.891,145,550,587.35
Long-term loans108,000,000.006,213,427.9031,017.8831,017.8825,155,338.0089,058,089.90
Lease liabilities43,488,292.7070,426,877.469,741,596.88104,173,573.28
Lease liabilities due within 1 year8,650,642.9111,709,308.485,486,967.90377,642.8114,495,340.68
Long-term due within 1 year40,172,155.5628,112,480.2122,984,803.3345,299,832.44
Dividend payable5,384,407.44315,069,034.92314,447,452.646,005,989.72

(4)Statement of cash flow in net amount

ItemRelevant factsBasis for adopting net presentationFinancial impact
Forward foreign exchange deliveryAs a legal entity, the Company reports the gains or losses of foreign exchange contract delivery to the receipt of other cash related to investment activities and the payment of other cash related to investment activitiesThe reported information is more intuitiveNo
Restricted fundsAs a legal entity, the Company reports the current year's change of restricted funds to the receipt of other cash related to fund-raising activities and the payment of other cash related to fund-raising activitiesRolling reflectionNo
Meiling (internal) notes discount fund-raising amountAs a legal entity, the Company reclassifies the current year's change in Meiling (internal) notes discount undue, from cash received from sales of goods, service provision/cash paid from purchase of goods, and receipt of services to other received cash related to fund-raising activities/other paid cash related to fund-raising activitiesRolling reflectionNo

(5)It does not involve the current cash receipts and payments, but affects the financial situation ofthe enterprise or may affect the cash flow of the enterprise in the future:N/A

66.Supplementary of the consolidated cash flow statement

(1)Supplementary of cash flow statement

ItemCurrent PeriodLast Period
1. Net profit is adjusted to cash flow of operation activities:
Net profit424,830,039.95369,929,382.64
Add: provision for depreciation of assets2,393,554.97435,749.77

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

ItemCurrent PeriodLast Period
Credit impairment loss-12,238,336.0738,934,095.84
Depreciation of fixed assets, consumption of oil gas assets and depreciation of productive biological assets118,482,378.45112,075,611.84
Amortization of intangible assets72,603,882.2874,830,332.62
Depreciation of right-of-use assets6,700,265.954,155,504.30
Amortization of long-term retained expense7,060,808.341,235,884.46
Loss from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long term assets (gain is listed with “-”)36,334.95-
Loss from discarding fixed assets as useless (gain is listed with “-”)1,317,077.202,721,451.99
Loss from change of fair value (gain is listed with “-”)42,719,405.6856,428,183.43
Financial expense (gain is listed with “-”)-93,990,535.88-105,938,982.24
Investment loss (gain is listed with “-”)-2,933,725.87-14,377,940.05
Decrease of deferred income tax assets (increase is listed with “-”)4,080,593.34-4,935,498.56
Increase of deferred income tax liabilities (decrease is listed with “-”)7,075,556.98-2,518,990.12
Decrease of inventories (increase is listed with “-”)-1,549,852,189.74-590,146,519.04
Decrease of operational accounts receivable (increase is listed with “-”)-461,842,328.60-1,555,010,894.69
Increase of operational accounts receivable (decrease is listed with “-”)4,161,783,094.673,022,702,437.62
Net cash flow arising from operation activities2,728,225,876.601,410,519,809.81
2. Major investment and financing activities that do not involve cash receipts:
Conversion of debt into capital
Switching Company bonds due within one year
financing lease of fixed assets
3. Net change in cash and cash equivalents:
Balance at period-end of cash8,613,097,566.147,245,577,241.32
Less: Opening balance of cash8,391,128,635.876,113,222,069.76
Add: Balance at period-end of cash equivalents
Less: Opening balance of cash equivalents
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents221,968,930.271,132,355,171.56

(2) No net cash paid for subsidiary obtained in Current Period

(3) No net cash received from subsidiary disposal in Current Period

(4) Cash and cash equivalent

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Including: cash in stock30,445.2712,727.56
Bank deposits available for payment at any time.8,610,951,284.188,387,387,613.83
Other monetary fund available for payment at any time2,115,836.693,728,294.48
Cash equivalents
Including: bond investment due within 3 months
Balance of cash and cash equivalents at year-end8,613,097,566.148,391,128,635.87
Including: using the restricted cash and cash equivalents of the parent company or subsidiary of the group

(5)This year, there is no limited scope of use but it is still listed in cash and cash equivalents

(6)Monetary funds that are not cash and cash equivalents

ItemThis period's amountLast period's amountReasons other than cash and cash equivalents
Judicial freezing of funds due to contract disputes5,603,675.0027,715,825.21Limited use
Guarantee and acceptance bill deposit420,824,440.13410,939,463.45Limited use
Interest receivable10,163,610.5110,901,601.18Interest accrual

67. Foreign currency

(1) Foreign currency

ItemEnding foreign currency balanceExchange rateEnding RMB converted balance
Monetary fund259,031,085.41
Including: USD12,023,741.467.126885,690,800.64
Account receivable1,445,148,682.38
Including: USD166,952,728.367.12681,189,838,704.48
Other account receivable1,162,321.73
Including: USD102,747.507.1268732,260.88

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.

From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

ItemEnding foreign currency balanceExchange rateEnding RMB converted balance
Account payable53,633,110.34
Including: USD488,535.337.12683,481,693.59
Other account payable621,020,495.220.025615,898,124.68
Including: PKR60,037,668,601.000.00044026,416,574.18
Other account payable18,623,183.96
Including: PKR276,756,931.770.02567,084,977.45

(2) Foreign operational entity

The foreign operational entity of the Company was Changhong Ruba Trading Company (Private)Limited, mainly operates in Lahore, Pakistan; Recording currency is Pakistan Rupi. CHANGHONGMEILING ELECTRIC INDONESIA, PT, mainly operates in Jakarta; recording currency is IDR. CH-Meiling International (Philippines) Inc, mainly operates in Philippines; Recording currency is PHP.


(1)The Company as lessee

ItemAmount incurred this periodAmount incurred last period
Interest expense of lease liabilities1,761,401.61821,767.04
Short-term lease expenses with simplified treatment included in current profits and losses5,707,741.234,802,249.90

The total cash outflow related to leasing is 10621500.81 yuan.

(2)The Company as lessor

1)Operating lease of the Company as lessor

ItemLease incomeIn which: income related to variable lease payment not included in lease receipts
House building10,098,660.44

2)Financial lease of the Company as lessor: N/A.

(3)The Company does not recognize the profit and loss of financial lease sales as a manufacturer ordistributor.VI.R&D expenditure

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

ItemAmount incurred this periodAmount incurred last period
Salary, social security, etc146,813,392.74143,485,454.57
Amortization of intangible assets62,574,483.0863,618,830.74
Cost of mould76,827,153.2059,644,367.56
R&D and trial production costs41,544,966.9827,127,642.70
Technological development expense10,749,161.7312,057,739.60
Depreciation expense10,817,365.059,064,081.71
Inspection and certification fees9,214,086.2610,541,017.26
Domestic travel expenses2,786,185.992,136,403.01
Other expenses16,628,549.0315,504,855.14
Among them: Expensed R&D expenses287,601,598.28265,176,197.93
Capitalized R&D expenditure90,353,745.7878,004,194.36

1.R&D projects eligible for capitalization

ItemBeginning balanceIncreased amount this yearDecreased amount this yearEnding balance
Internal development expenditureOther increaseRecognized as intangible assetsTransfer to current profits and losses
Development of ice washing technology59,134,989.0733,696,292.0736,835,885.721,530,365.1754,465,030.25
Development of air conditioning technology38,042,546.2756,657,453.7138,344,289.3156,355,710.67

(1)Material capitalized R&D projects: N/A.

ProjectR&D progressEstimated completion timeExpected ways of generating economic benefitsThe starting point of capitalizationSpecific basis for starting capitalization
Air conditioning technology development projectUnder developmentJanuary 2025Product salesJanuary 2025R&D project assetization report

(2) Provision for impairment of development expenditure for the current period

ProjectBeginning balanceIncrease in the current periodDecrease in the current periodEnding balanceImpairment test information
Dry-ice cleaning technology development1,530,365.171,530,365.17

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

VII. Changes of consolidation rage

1. Enterprise combined are not under the same control: N/A

2. Enterprise combined under the same control: N/A

3. Reversed takeover: N/A

4. Disposal of subsidiary: N/A

5. Subsidiary liquidated : N/A

6. Establishment of a new subsidiary

Company nameReason for the new inclusion in consolidationShareholding ratioNet assets at the end of the periodNet profit for the current period
Sichuan Changhong Intelligent Air Conditioning Technology Co., LtdInvestment establishment100%95,756,077.38-4,243,922.62

VIII. Equity in other entity

1. Equity in subsidiary

(1) Composition of the enterprise group

SubsidiaryRegistered capital(RMB0'000)Main office placeRegistration placeBusiness natureShareholding ratio(%)Acquire by
Zhongke Meiling Cryogenic Technology Co., Ltd 1)9,673.09HefeiHefeiManufacturing and sales47.4512Investment establishment
Sichuan Hongmei Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. 2)500.00MianyangMianyangSoftware development100Investment establishment
Mianyang Meiling Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 3)10,000.00MianyangMianyangManufacturing and sales955Investment establishment
Jiangxi Meiling Electric Appliance Co., Ltd 4)5,000.00JingdezhenJingdezhenManufacturing and sales98.751.25Investment establishment
Hefei Meiling Wulian Technology Co., Ltd 5)1,000.00HefeiHefeiSoftware development100Investment establishment
Hefei Meiling Nonferrous Metal Products Co., Ltd. 6)2,428.68HefeiHefeiManufacturing and sales100Enterprise combined not under the same control
Changhong Meiling Ridian Technology Co., Ltd 7)8,300.00ZhongshanZhongshanManufacturing and sales99.0361Enterprise combined under the same control
CHANGHONG MEILING ELECTRIC INDONESIA,PT 8)4,027.20JakaptaJakaptaSales100Investment establishment
ChanghongRubaTradingCom8,308.98PakistanPakistanSales60Investment establishm

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

SubsidiaryRegistered capital(RMB0'000)Main office placeRegistration placeBusiness natureShareholding ratio(%)Acquire by
pany(Private)Limited 9)ent
Sichuan Changhong Air-conditioner Co., Ltd 10)85,000.00MianyangMianyangManufacturing and sales100Enterprise combined under the same control
Zhongshan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd 11)33,400.00ZhongshanZhongshanManufacturing and sales9010Enterprise combined under the same control
Hefei Meiling Group Holdings Limited 12)8,000.00HefeiHefeiManufacturing and sales100Enterprise combined not under the same control
Meiling Equator Household Appliance (Hefei) Co., Ltd. 13)2,479.32HefeiHefeiManufacturing and sales100Enterprise combined not under the same control
Hefei Equator Appliance Co., Ltd 14)1,200.00HefeiHefeiManufacturing and sales100Enterprise combined not under the same control
Ground Energy Heat Pump Tech. Co., Ltd. 15)5,000.00MianyangMianyangManufacturing and sales85Investment establishment
Ground Energy Heat Pump Tech. (Zhongshan) Co., Ltd. 16)4,500.00ZhongshanZhongshanManufacturing and sales85Investment establishment
Guangzhou Changhong Trading Co., Ltd. 17)100.00GuangzhouGuangzhouSales100Investment establishment
Hebei Hongmao Daily Appliance Technology Co., Ltd. 18)500.00HandanHandanManufacturing and sales99.0361Investment establishment
Anhui Tuoxing Technology Co., Ltd. 19)1,000.00HefeiHefeiTechnology Development47.4512Investment establishment
CH-Meiling.International (Philippines) Inc.20)688.91PhilippinesPhilippinesSales100Investment establishment
Anhui Tuoxing Technology Co., Ltd. 21)5,000.00HefeiHefeiSales70Investment establishment
Anhui Ling'an Medical Equipment Co., Ltd 22)5,000.00Lu'anLu'anManufacturing and sales47.4512Investment establishment
Sichuan Changhong Intelligence Air conditioning Technology Co., Ltd. 23)10,000.00MianyangMianyangSales100Investment establishment


Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.

From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

1) Zhongke Meiling Cryogenic Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Zhongke Meiling), thepredecessor of which was Zhongke Meiling Cryogenic Technology Limited Liability Company, wasestablished on 29 October 2002 by joint contribution from the Company and Technical Institute of Physicsand Chemistry, CAS (“TIPC”), with registered capital of 60 million yuan upon the establishment, amongwhich, the Company made capital contribution of 42 million yuan (including the assets in specie at theconsideration of35,573,719.70 yuan as evaluated by Beijing Zhongzheng Appraisal Co., Ltd. with issuanceof the Appraisal Report (ZZPBZ(2002)No.029) and cash contribution of 6,426,280.30 yuan) accountingfor 70% of the aforesaid registered capital, and TIPC made capital contribution of 18 million yuan withintangible assets of such value (namely the single compressor mixture industrial low temperaturerefrigeration technology) as evaluated by Jingzhongzi Assets Appraisal Co., Ltd. with issuance of theAppraisal Report (ZZPBZ(2002)No.225) accounting for 30% of the aforesaid registered capital. The paid-in of the above registered capital has been verified by Huazheng Accounting Firm by issuance of the AssetsVerification Report (HZYZ (2002) No. B157) dated 16 October 2002.In October 2014, according to the relevant provision under the Management Rules on Application of StateOwned Assets by Central Business Organs, TIPC transferred the 30% equity interests held by it in ZhongkeMeiling Cryogenic Technology Company Limited to its wholly-owned subsidiary Zhongke Xianxing(Beijing) Assets Management Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as Zhongke Xianxing) which would performmanagement over the operating assets of TIPC. Upon consideration and approval at the 37


session of the

thBOD of Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd, it is agreed to waive the pre-emptive right.On 10 August 2015, all the founders signed the Founder Agreement of Zhongke Meiling CryogenicTechnology Company Limited, pursuant to which, they decided to change the firm type of ZhongkeMeiling Cryogenic Technology Company Limited to a joint stock company. Based on the net assets of 96,431,978.25 yuan as audited by Xinyong Zhonghe CPA as of 30 June 2015, an aggregate of 65,000,000shares have been converted at the proportion of 1:0.67, which are to be held by the original shareholdersaccording to their respective entitlement. In case that the net assets exceed registered capital, the balanceshall be recorded in capital reserve. On 28 August 2015, Xinyong Zhonghe CPA reviewed the registeredcapital and paid-in thereof in respect of the stock reform, and issued Assets Verification Report(XYZH/2015CDA40161). The Company registered industrial and commercial information on 11September 2015.On November 25, 2016, the first Extraordinary Shareholders' General Meeting of Zhongke MeilingCryogenic Technology Co., Ltd. in 2016 considered and approved the Proposal on the Issuance Plan of theCompany; Zhongke Meiling Company issued 3,150,000 shares to specific investors by the non-publicoffering of shares at 1.63 yuan per share. The current capital increase was verified by the No.[XYZH/2016CDA40294]capital verification report issued by ShineWing CPA (special generalpartnership). After the completion of the issuance, the share capital of Zhongke Meiling Companyincreased to 68,150,000 shares and the Company's shareholding ratio was 66.76%.On 15 September 2017, the Proposal of the First Stock Placement of Zhongke Meiling CryogenicTechnology Co., Ltd for year of 2017 was deliberated and approved by 4

thsession extraordinary ofshareholders general meeting of 2017. Zhongke Meiling offering 490,300 shares to specific investors byway of privately placement, which has 1.72 yuan per share in amount. The capital increasement has beenverified by the No. [XYZH/2017CDA40324]capital verification report issued by ShineWing CPA(special general partnership). After the completion of shares placement, stock of the Company increasedto 68,640,300 shares and 66.87% held by the Company.

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

On September 9, 2019, the 10

th Meeting of the 2

ndBOD and the Fourth Extraordinary Shareholders’Meeting reviewed and approved the Proposal on the First Stock Issuance Plan of Zhongke MeilingCryogenic Technology Co., Ltd. in 2019 (Revised Version), the number of shares to be issued this timedoes not exceed 3,907,900 shares (including 3,907,900 shares), the issue price is not less than 2.16 yuanper share, and the raised funds are expected to not exceed 8,441,064.00 yuan (including 8,441,064.00yuan). After the completion of the additional issue, the company’s share capital increased to 72,548,200shares, which was verified by [No. XYZH/2020CDA30002] “Capital Verification Report” issued by ShineWing Certified Public Accountants (LLP), and the Company’s shareholding ratio was 63.2683%.On September 16, 2022, the Management Committee of China Securities Regulatory Commission issuedthe Reply on Approving the Registration of Zhongke Meiling Cryogenics Co.,Ltd. to Public Offering ofShares to Unspecified Qualified Investors (ZJXK [2022] No. 2182), which approved the registrationapplication of Zhongke Meiling to Public Offering of Shares to Unspecified Qualified Investors. The priceof this issue is RMB 16.00/share, the initial number of shares issued is 24,182,734, and the actual net fundraised is RMB 364,573,394.95. By September 30, 2022, all the above-mentioned raised funds had beenreceived and verified by the Capital Verification Report [XYZH/No. 2022CDAA70693] issued byShineWing Certified Public Accountants (special general partnership). After the issuance, the share capitalof Zhongke Meiling is 96,730,934 shares, and the shareholding ratio of the Company is 47.4512%.

2) Sichuan Hongmei Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Hongmei Intelligent) wasestablished on Jan. 24, 2014. It is a limited company jointly invested by the Company and MianyangMeiling Refrigeration Co., Ltd., being approved by the Industrial and Commerce Bureau of PeichengDistrict, Mianyang City. The company owes registered capital of 5 million yuan, including 4.95 millionyuan contributed by Changhong Meiling Company in cash, accounted for 99% of the registered capital;Mianyang Meiling Refrigeration Co., Ltd. contributed 50000 yuan in cash with 1% of the register capitaloccupied. The above mentioned register capital have been verified by verification report of ChuanjinlaiYanzi No. [2014] B039 issued by Sichuan Jinlai Accounting Firm Co., Ltd. In July 2016, the shares ofHongmei Intelligent, held by the Company has transferred to Sichuan Changhong AC Co., Ltd., aftertransferred, Changhong AC has 99% equity of Hongmei Intelligent, the Company has no shares ofHongmei Intelligent directly. In October 2023, Changhong Air Conditioning and MianyangMeilingtransferred all the shares held by each of them to the Company, and after the transfer, the Company held100% of the equity of HongmeiIntelligent.

3) Mianyang Meiling Refrigeration Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Mianyang Meiling), a limitedliability company jointly set up by the Company and China-tech Meiling Company, was founded on Mar.6, 2009. Its registered capital and paid-in capital were 50 million yuan upon establishment, of which, theCompany invested 45 million yuan, accounting for 90% of the registered capital; Zhongke MeilingCompany invested 5 million yuan, accounting for 10% of the registered capital. The capital receipt wasverified by the verification report [CXKY (2009) No. 008] of Sichuan Xingrui Certified PublicAccountants. On 19 January 2011, the Company increase 50 million yuan in capital of Mianyang Meiling,of which 95 million yuan invested by the Company, a 95% of total register capital while 5 million yuaninvested by Zhongke Meiling, a 5% of total capital occupied. The paid-in capital has been verified byCapital Verification Report[XYZH/2010CDA6040]from Chengdu Branch of Shinewing CPA CO., Ltd.In 2011, Zhongke Meiling entered into “Equity Transfer Agreement” with Jiangxi Meiling Refrigeration

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

Co., Ltd. 5 percent equity of Mianyang Meiling held by Zhongke Meiling was transferred to JiangxiMeiling Refrigerator. In September 2013, Jiangxi Meiling Refrigeration was combined by Jiangxi MeilingElectric Appliance Co., Ltd., than 5 percent equity was transfer to Jiangxi Meiling Electric Appliance.

4) Jiangxi Meiling Electric Appliance Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Jiangxi Meiling ElectricAppliance) was a limited liability company jointly established by the Company and Mianyang Meiling on23 May 2011. Register capital of the company totally as 50 million yuan, 49.375 million yuan invested bythe Company, 98.75% in total register capital while 0.625 million yuan invested by Mianyang Meiling, a

1.25% in total register capital occupied. The initial investment 10.50 million yuan was received dated 13May 2011 with 10 million yuan from the Company and 0.5 million yuan from Mianyang Meiling. Rest ofthe capital shall be invested fully within 2 years after the joint ventures established according to capitalrequirement. The initial investment capital were verified by the Capital Verification Report [JXKYZi (2011)No. 090] issued from Jingdezhen Xingci CPA Co., Ltd. Second capital 39.5 million yuan was fully fundedon 28 July 2011, the Company contributed 39.375 million yuan while Mianyang Meiling Companyinvested 125,000 yuan, the contributions have been verified by the capital verification report [Jing XingKuai Yan Zi (2011) No.: 134] issued from JDZ Xingci CPA Co., Ltd.

5) Hefei Meiling Wulian Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Wulian Technology) wasestablished dated 21 January 2019 with registered capital of 10 million yuan, and it is the subsidiary of theCompany with fully-owned establishment. On March 19, 2019 and December 11, 2023, the Companyrespectively paid in 6 million yuan and 4 million yuan, with a cumulative capital contribution of 10 millionyuan, accounting for 100% of its registered capital.

6) Hefei Meiling Nonferrous Metal Products Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Nonferrous Metal) wasthe Sino-foreign joint venture jointly set up by original Meiling Group, Hefei Meiling Copper Co., Ltd.And Singapore Kim Shin Development Co., Ltd., which have been originally approved by the[WJMWFZZ (1996) No.349] of Foreign Trade and Economic Committee of Anhui Province. Its registeredcapital was US$ 2.92 million upon establishment, of which, original Meiling Group invested US$ 1.46million (monetary capital), accounting 50% of the registered capital, Hefei Meiling Copper Co., Ltdinvested US$ 0.584 million (monetary capital of RMB 0.18 million and real assets of US$ 0.404 million),accounting 20% of registered capital while Singapore Kim Shin Development Co., Ltd invested US$ 0.876million (monetary capital), accounting 30% of the registered capital. The above mentioned investmentverified by the verification report of [HSWZ (1995) No. 0737], [HSWZ (1996) No. 328] and [HSWZ(1998) No. 088] from Anhui CPAs Co., Ltd. In July 2008, approved by [HWS (2008) No.53] from ForeignTrade Economic Cooperation Bureau of Hefei City, 30% equity and 20% equity held by Singapore KimShin Development Co., Ltd and Hefei Meiling Copper Co., Ltd respectively transferred to original MeilingGroup Totally. The Company’s register capital came into 24,286,808.00 yuan after transference, and wasnot the joint-venture any more.

7) Changhong Meiling Ridian Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Ridian Technology) is alimited liability company invested and established by Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. (hereinafterreferred to as Sichuan Changhong) and Sichuan Changhong Motor Transport Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referredto as Changhong Motor Transport Company) on May 25, 2016. The registered capital and paid-in capitalare 40 million yuan, of which Sichuan Changhong has invested 32 million yuan by monetary capital,accounting for 80% of the registered capital; Changhong Motor Transport Company has invested 8 million

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

yuan, accounting for 20% of the registered capital. The official receipts of registered capital have beenverified by original Sichuan Junhe Accounting Firm [No. JHYZ (2006) 3027]. Ridian Technologyincreased registered capital of 43 million yuan on January 4, 2007, changing from 40 million yuan to 83million yuan, for the newly increased 43 million yuan, Sichuan Changhong invested 1.8 million yuan,Guangdong Xiongfeng Electric Co., Ltd. invested 40 million yuan, and Kou Huameng and other 9 naturalperson shareholders invested 1.2 million yuan, at the same time, the shareholders' meeting considered andagreed to transfer the investment of 8 million yuan of Changhong Motor Transport Company to SichuanChanghong Venture Investment Co., Ltd, the structure of the registered capital after changes was thatSichuan Changhong invested 33.8 million yuan, accounting for 40.72%; Guangdong Xiongfeng ElectricCo., Ltd. invested 40 million yuan, accounting for 48.19%; Sichuan Changhong Venture Investment Co.,Ltd Invested 8 million yuan, accounting for 9.64%; Kou Huameng and other 9 natural person shareholdersinvested 1.2 million yuan, accounting for 1.45%. The change of registered capital was verified byZhongshan Promise Accounting Firm [No. ZCHZ (2007)501010].On February 18, 2009, seven natural person shareholders transferred total 0.76% stock rights to HuZhiheng, after the transfer, the registered capital of Changhong Ridian was still 83 million yuan, thestructure of registered capital after changes was that Sichuan Changhong invested 33.8 million yuan,accounting for 40.72%; Guangdong Xiongfeng Electric Co., Ltd. invested 40 million yuan, accounting for

48.19%; Sichuan Changhong Venture Investment Co., Ltd invested 8 million yuan, accounting for 9.64%;Hu Zhiheng and other two natural person shareholders invested 1.2 million yuan, accounting for 1.45%.On October 9, 2014, Changhong Ridian held the shareholders meeting which considered and agreed KouHuameng to transfer its stock rights of total 250,000 yuan which accounts for 0.301% of the RidianTechnology’s registered capital to Sichuan Changhong Venture Investment Co., Ltd at the cost of 317,802yuan. The other shareholders of the Ridian Technology waived the right of pre-emption. On December 11,2014, Ridian Technology held the shareholders meeting which considered and agreed GuangdongXiongfeng Electric Co., Ltd. to transfer its stock rights of total 40 million yuan which accounts for 48.19 %of the company's registered capital to Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. at the cost of 43,977,300 yuan.The other shareholders of the Ridian Technology waived the right of pre-emption. The structure ofregistered capital after changes was that Sichuan Changhong invested 73.8 million yuan, accounting for

88.92%; Sichuan Changhong Venture Investment Co., Ltd Invested 8.25 million yuan, accounting for

9.94%; Hu Zhiheng and another natural person shareholder invested 950,000 yuan, accounting for 1.14%.On 4 January 2016, Sichuan Changhong and Sichuan Changhong Venture Investment Co., Ltd. transferredtotal 98.855% equity of the Ridian Technology to the Company. After the transfer, the Company directlyholds 98.855% stock rights of Ridian Technology.On 7 April 2020, Ridian Technology convened the shareholders’ meeting, and agreed the Wu Chang yuanto transferred total 0.18% equity of the Ridian Technology to the Company. After the transfer, the Companydirectly holds 99.0361% stock rights of Ridian Technology.

8) CHANGHONG MEILING ELECTRIC INDONESIA, PT.(hereinafter referred to as Indonesia Meiling)is a subsidiary established in Indonesia and jointly invested by Zhongshan Changhong and SichuanChanghong in 2016, the company’s registered capital is 6 million US dollars, of which ZhongshanChanghong subscribed and paid 5.88 million US dollars in cash, accounting for 98% of the registeredcapital, Changhong Air Conditioning subscribed and paid 120,000 US dollars in cash, accounting for 2%of the registered capital. On 4 July 2017, rests of the 2.94 million US dollars are subscribed by ZhongshanChanghong in line with the agreement.

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

9) Changhong Ruba Trading Company (Private) Limited (hereinafter referred to as Changhong Ruba) wasa joint venture established by Zhongshan Changhong Appliances Company Limited and RUBAGENERAL TRADING FZE Company (“RUBA”) on 5 August 2011 with the approval from GuangdongDevelopment and Reform Commission by issuance of the Approval Relating to Joint Construction of aManufacturing and Selling Platform Project in Pakistan by Zhongshan Changhong Appliances CompanyLimited (YFGWZ(2011)958). The resolution of the second extraordinary shareholders' meeting ofZhongshan Changhong in 2016 passed the "Proposal on the Company's Capital Increase to ChanghongRuba Trading Company (Private) Limited", and agreed that the company and UAE RUBA Companyjointly increase capital to Changhong Ruba Trading Company(Private) Limited which was invested byboth sides in Pakistan at an earlier stage, Zhongshan Changhong invested 3.84 million US dollars in thiscapital increase, and UAE RUBA Company invested 2.56 million US dollars, the shares held by both sidesremained unchanged. After the capital increase, the company’s registered capital became 12.4 million USdollars, of which Zhongshan Changhong Home Appliances Company Limited invested 7.44 million USdollars in cash, shareholding ratio was 60%, UAE RUBA Company invested 4.96 million US dollars incash, and shareholding ratio was 40%.In 2017, the shareholder meeting of Zhongshan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. passed the "Proposal on the Company's Increased Investment in Pakistan Refrigerator Project", agreeing that Zhongshan Changhong and the UAE RUBA company will jointly increase the capital of ChanghongRuba. , the shares held by both parties remain unchanged. After the capital increase, the registered capital of ChanghongRuba is US$13,004,923, of which Zhongshan Changhong contributed US$7,802,954 in cash, holding 60%of the shares, and RUBA of the United Arab Emirates contributed US$5,201,969 in cash, holding 40% of the shares.10) Sichuan Changhong Air Conditioning Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Changhong Air Conditioner),a limited liability company jointly set up by Sichuan Changhong and Changhong Chuangtou, was foundedon November 28, 2008. Its registered capital was 200 million yuan upon establishment, of which, SichuanChanghong invested 298 million yuan ( 210,088,900 yuan invested by monetary capital while 87,911,100yuan invested by real material), equivalent to 198 million yuan shares, accounting for 99% of the registeredcapital; and Changhong Chuangtou invested 3 million yuan, accounting for 1% of the registered capitalwith equivalent of 2 million yuan shares. The registered capital receipt was verified by the verificationreport [CGYYZ (2008) No. 177] of Sichuan Guang yuan Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd. and[HLTHYZ (2008) No. 12-006] of Sichuan Henglitai Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd. In December2009, the Company obtained 100% equity of Changhong Air-conditioner by consolidated under the samecontrol. In 2017, the Company increased capital of 650 million yuan to Changhong Air Conditioner, aftercapital increased, registered capital of Sichuan Changhong comes to 850 million yuan from 200 millionyuan, shareholding still counted as 100%.

11) Zhongshan Changhong Electric Co., LTD (hereinafter referred to as Zhongshan Changhong), was theoriginal Guangdong Changhong Electric Co., Ltd., and is a limited liability company jointly set up bySichuan Changhong and China Minmetals on May 22, 2001. Its registered capital was RMB 80 millionupon establishment, of which, Sichuan Changhong invested 72 million yuan, including 69.3 million yuanbiding for the estate/non-estate from original Zhongshan Sanrong Air-conditioner Co., Ltd. And its patentuse-right of 2.7 million yuan, accounting for 90% of the registered capital; Chine Minmetals invested 8million yuan in monetary capital accounting 10% of the registered capital. The Company changed its nameoriginally from Guangdong Changhong Electric Co., Ltd in July 2003. In December 2009, the Company

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

obtained 90% equity of Zhongshan Changhong by consolidated under same control. 10% equity held byChina Minmetals has been transferred by Changhong Air-conditioner on April 11, 2010. On 25 May 2014,the Company increased 36 million yuan to Zhongshan Changhong, and Changhong AC increased 4 millionyuan. In 2016, according to the overseas development strategy of the Company and the development andoperation needs of the subsidiaries, the Company and the wholly-owned subsidiary Changhong AirConditioning have increased capital of 64 million yuan to Zhongshan Changhong according to the existingshareholding ratio, among which the capital increase of the Company was 57.6 million yuan, and thecapital increase of Changhong Air Conditioning was 6.4 million yuan. After the completion of this capitalincrease, the registered capital Zhongshan Changhong shall increase to184 million yuan, the shareholdingratio of the company and Changhong Air Conditioning remained unchanged and was still 90% and 10%,of which the Company invested 165.6 million yuan, accounting for 90% of the registered capital,Changhong Air Conditioning invested 18.4 million yuan, accounting for 10% of the registered capital. InMarch 2020, in accordance with the Company’s overseas development strategy and the operation anddevelopment needs of its subsidiaries, the Company and its wholly-owned subsidiary Changhong AirConditioning increased capital of 150 million yuan to Zhongshan Changhong according to the existingshareholding ratios, of which the Company increased capital of 135 million yuan, Changhong Air-Conditioning increased capital of 15 million yuan. After the completion of capital increase, the registeredcapital of Zhongshan Changhong has increased to 334 million yuan. The Company’s and Changhong’sshareholding ratios in Zhongshan Changhong remain unchanged at 90% and 10%, of which the Companyfunded 300.6 million yuan, accounting for 90% of the registered capital, while Changhong AirConditioning funded 33.4 million yuan, accounting for 10% of the registered capital.

12) Hefei Meiling Group Holdings Limited (hereinafter referred to as Meiling Group), was the state-ownedcompany originally approved by People’s Government of Hefei Province and established authorized bySASAC of Hefei City. On July 14, 2008, 100% state-owned equity of Meiling Group has freely transferredto Xingtai Holding by Hefei SASAC. Agreement by the approval of < State-owned property agreementtransfer from Meiling Group> [ HGZCQ (2010) No.34] of Hefei SASAC on April 9, 2010, 100% state-owned property of Meiling Group after partial assets and liabilities separated transferred to the Companyfrom Xingtai Holding as amount of 113.2 million yuan. The re-registration of industrial and commercialprocedure for Meiling Group after separated partial assets liability has finished on July 28, 2010. The newMeiling Group has register capital of 80 million yuan, and has been verified by the [AD (2010) YZD No.016] from Anhui Auding CPAs Co., Ltd.

13) Meiling EquatorHousehold Appliance (Hefei) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as EquatorHouseholdAppliance) was the Sino-foreign joint venture jointly set up by original Meiling Group and EQUATORINVESTMENTS (USA) INC. (EQUATOR for short), which have been approved by the[SWZWFZZ(2004) No.0103] of Approval Certificate of Foreign Enterprise from People’s Government ofAnhui Province. Its registered capital was US$ 3 million upon establishment, of which, Sino companyinvested US$ 2.25 million in machinery equipment, accounting 75% of the registered capital while foreigncompany invested US$ 0.5 million in monetary capital and US$ 0.25 million in intangible assets,amounting to US$0.75 million, accounting 25% of the registered capital. The above mentioned investmentverified by the verification report of [WYAYZ (2004) No. 135] from Anhui Yongan CPAs Co., Ltd. In July2007, approved by [HWJ (2007) No.136] from Foreign Trade Economic Cooperation Bureau of Hefei City,25% equity held by EQUATOR transferred to Anhui Meiling Electric Co., Ltd. Totally. The Company’s

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

register capital came into 24,793,200 yuan after transference, and was not the joint-venture any more. 25%equity owned by Anhui Meiling Electric Co., Ltd has been transferred totally to original Meiling Group inJuly 2009.

14) Hefei Equator Appliance Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Equator Appliance) was jointly set up byoriginal Meiling Group and Yingkaite Appliance on September 26, 2007. Its register capital was 12 million yuan,among which, original Meiling Group invested 8,670,600 yuan in monetary capital, accounting 72.255%in registered capital; Equator Appliance invested 3,329,400 yuan in the assessment value of intangibleassets (land-use right), accounting 27.745% of total registered capital. The investment being verified by[WYAZ (2004) No. 135] from Anhui Yongan CPAs Co., Ltd.

15) Hong Yuan Ground Energy Heat Pump Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Hong YuanGround Energy) was established on 28 August 2015, it is a limited liability company authorized byAdministration for Industry and Commerce of Peicheng District, Mianyang, Sichuan, contributed bySichuan Changhong Air Conditioner Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as Changhong Air Conditioner) andHengyou yuan Technology Development Group Co., Ltd. together. Registered capital amounted as 50million yuan, including 25.5 million yuan contributed by Changhong Air Conditioner in cash, a 51% intotal registered capital; Hengyou yuan Technology Development Group Co., Ltd. invested 24.5 millionyuan in cash, a 49% in registered capital. In September 2023, Hengyouyuan Technology DevelopmentGroup Co., Ltd. transferred its 34% equity of Hongyuan Dineng to Changhong Air Conditioning. After thetransfer, Changhong Air Conditioning held 85% equity of Hongyuan Dineng.

16) Hong Yuan Ground Energy Heat Pump Tech. (Zhongshan) Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as Hongyuan Zhongshan) was established and invested on 18 July 2017 with registered capital of 15 million yuan,The Hong Yuan Ground Energy Heat Pump Tech. Co., Ltd contributed 1.5 million yuan with own fundsand takes 100% in the registered capital.In 2018, the shareholders of the Hong yuan Zhongshan decidedto increase capital of 30 million yuan, and contributed by the shareholder Hong Yuan Ground Energy; thusregistered capital of Hong yuan Zhongshan up to 45 million yuan

17)Guangzhou Changhong Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Changhong Trading) wasestablished on 6 Jan. 2017, the wholly-owned subsidiary of Zhongshan Changhong Electric Co., LTD(hereinafter referred to as Zhongshan Changhong) with registered capital of one million yuan

18) Hebei Hongmao Household Appliance Technology Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as Hebei Hongmao)was established on 21 July 2017 with registered capital of 5 million yuan. Changhong Ridian invested 5million yuan by own fund and takes 100% in registered capital.

19) Anhui Tuoxing Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Tuoxing Technology) was establishedon 20 May 2019 with registered capital of 10 million yuan and it is the subsidiary of Zhongke Meilingwith fully-owned establishment. On May 21, 2020 and February 21, 2021, Zhongke Meiling investedRMB 5 million, with a total investment of RMB 10 million, accounting for 100% of its registered capital.20) CH-Meiling.International (Philippines) Inc. was established on 13 February 2020 in Philippines withregistered capital of US$ 1,000,000, takes 100% of the equity. As of December 31,2020, the Company hasinvested US$ 1,000,000,

21) Hefei Changhong Meiling Life Appliances Co., Ltd(hereinafter referred to as Changmei LifeAppliances) was established on 24 December 2020, jointly established by the Company and NingboHongling Enterprise Management Partnership (Limited Partnership). the Company contributed 35 million

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

yuan, representing 70% of the equity while 15 million yuan invested by Ningbo Hongling EnterpriseManagement Partnership (Limited Partnership), a 30% takes in the equity. The paid-in capital contributionfrom the Company and Ningbo Hongling Enterprise Management Partnership (Limited Partnership) hasbeen completed on January 21, 2021 and on January 18, 2021 respectively.

22) Anhui Ling’an Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Ling’an Medical) wasestablished on 4 September 2021, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Zhongke Meiling, and registeredcapital of 10 million yuan. On June 29, 2021, Zhongke Meiling actually contributed 10 million yuan,accounting for 100% of the registered capital. In 2022, the Board of Directors of Zhongke Meiling decidedto increase the registered capital by RMB 40 million. On December 30, 2022, the paid-in capital wascompleted, and the registered capital of Ling'an Medical increased to RMB 50 million.

23)Sichuan Changhong Intelligent Air Conditioning Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to asIntelligent Air Conditioning) was established on March 26, 2024, and is a wholly-owned subsidiary ofChanghong Air Conditioning approved by the Administration for Industry and Commerce of the EconomicDevelopment Zone of Mianyang City, Sichuan Province. The registered capital ofIntelligent AirConditioning is 100 million yuan, and ChanghongAir Conditioning subscribes 100 million yuan in cash,accounting for 100% of its registered capital.

(2) Major non-wholly-owned subsidiary

SubsidiaryShareholding ratio of minorityGains/losses attributable to minority in Current PeriodDividend distributed to minority announced in Current PeriodBalance of minority’s interest at period-end
Zhongke Meiling52.5488%5,479,149.045,083,093.40316,890,194.97
Ground Energy15%-698,820.069363421.96
Ridian Technology0.9639%6,533.891,371,877.47
Changmei Life Appliances30%4,132,440.5246,070,495.34

(3) Financial information for major non-wholly-owned subsidiary

SubsidiaryEnding balance
Current assetsNon-current assetsTotal assetsCurrent liabilityNon-current liabilityTotal liabilities
Zhongke Meiling600,009,169.66137,688,171.59737,697,341.25123,327,726.7911,329,651.94134,657,378.73
Ground Energy635,691,815.29123359689.6759,051,504.91615,327,307.1781,301,384.64696,628,691.81
Ridian Technology228,124,402.4738,562,930.44266,687,332.91124,093,006.53262,038.83124,355,045.36
Changmei Life Appliances680,049,639.981,288,189.39681,337,829.37526,712,221.391,057,290.18527,769,511.57


SubsidiaryBeginning balance
Current assetsNon-current assetsTotal assetsCurrent liabilityNon-current liabilityTotal liabilities
Zhongke Meiling590,872,333.93143,608,411.32734,480,745.25120,874,302.4412,086,470.45132,960,772.89
Ground Energy256,060,078.7627,234,236.22283,294,314.98216,616,587.412,400.97216,618,988.38
Ridian Technology226,657,040.8240,283,953.89266,940,994.71125,655,866.42292,501.04125,948,367.46

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

SubsidiaryBeginning balance
Current assetsNon-current assetsTotal assetsCurrent liabilityNon-current liabilityTotal liabilities
Changmei Life Appliances621,873,116.90613,240.68622,486,357.58481,523,383.111,169,458.41482,692,841.52


SubsidiaryCurrent Period
Operation incomeNet profitTotal comprehensive incomeCash flow from operation activity
Zhongke Meiling147,052,294.2510,426,784.6910,426,784.692,863,688.61
Ground Energy861,624,361.40-4,658,800.38-4,658,800.38-74,764,271.86
Ridian Technology68,792,446.53677,890.37677,890.376,073,100.72
Changmei Life Appliances680,109,991.8513,774,801.7413,774,801.7480,971,196.73


SubsidiaryLast Period
Operation incomeNet profitTotal comprehensive incomeCash flow from operation activity
Zhongke Meiling144,766,155.528,290,186.988,290,186.98-13,661,569.66
Ground Energy276,522,437.81-1,914,885.50-1,914,885.50-87,545,869.73
Ridian Technology105,403,861.00-1,894,959.92-1,894,959.9210,295,047.76
Changmei Life Appliances775,737,017.9823,764,641.1123,764,641.1150,850,277.81

(4) Major limitation on using enterprise group’s assets and liquidate debts of enterprise group: N/A

(5) Offering financial supporting or other supports for structured entity that included in consolidationstatement scope: N/A

2. Changes of owner’ equity shares in subsidiary and its impacts:N/A

3. Equity in joint venture or associate enterprise

(1) Major joint venture or associate enterprise

Joint venture or associate enterpriseMain office placeRegister placeBusiness natureShareholding ratio(%)Accounting treatment for investment of joint venture or associate enterprise
Associated companies:
Sichuan Zhiyijia Network Technology Co., Ltd.MianyangMianyangSales50.00Equity

(2) Financial information for major Joint venture: N/A

(3) Financial information for associate enterprise

ItemSichuan Zhiyijia Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Ending balance/Current YearBeginning balance /Last Year
Current assets2,362,423,884.132,466,521,759.37
Including: cash and cash equivalent349,094,285.64364,453,302.32

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

ItemSichuan Zhiyijia Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Ending balance/Current YearBeginning balance /Last Year
Non-current assets14,610,854.0918,519,147.09
Total assets2,377,034,738.222,485,040,906.46
Current liability2,235,601,330.932,343,467,271.81
Non-current liability3,718,006.485,509,063.82
Total liabilities2,239,319,337.412,348,976,335.63
Total of net asset137,715,400.81136,064,570.83
Minority's interest
Equity attributable to shareholder of parent company137,715,400.81136,064,570.83
Share of net assets measured by shareholding68,857,700.4168,032,285.42
Unrealized profit of the internal downstream transactions
Unrealized profit of the internal upstream transactions
Book value of the equity investment for associate enterprise69,679,577.6968,854,162.70
Fair value of equity investment for the affiliates with consideration publicly
Operation income259,097,941.965,238,453,286.91
Financial expenses-14,120,619.54-19,188,756.89
Income tax expenses2,309,955.973,112,952.18
Net profit11,846,311.8023,268,872.28
Other comprehensive income
Total comprehensive income11,846,311.8023,268,872.28
Dividend received from associate enterprise in Current Year5,097,740.911,629,022.64

(4) Financial summary for non-important Joint venture and associate enterprise

ItemEnding balance/Current YearBeginning balance /Last Year
Associated companies:
Total book value of investment43,020,010.1143,891,649.05
Total amount measured by shareholding ratio
--Net profit-656,570.61-33,658,934.21
--Other comprehensive income-1,267,004.527,582,766.35
-- Total comprehensive income-1,923,575.13-26,076,167.86

(5) Major limitation on capital transfer ability to the Company from joint venture or affiliates: N/A

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

(6) Excess loss occurred in joint venture or affiliates

Hefei Meiling Solar Energy Technology Co., Ltd and Changhong Ruba Electric Company(Private)Ltdhave losses above the quota.

(7) Unconfirmed commitment with joint venture investment concerned: N/A

(8) Intangible liability with joint venture or affiliates investment concerned: N/A

4. Major conduct joint operation: N/A

5. Structured body excluding in consolidate financial statement: N/A

IX.Government subsidies

1.There is no government subsidies recognized by amount receivable at the end of the year

2.Liabilities involving government subsidies

Accounting subjectBeginning balanceNew subsidy amount this yearAmount included in non-operating income this yearAmount transferred to other income this yearOther changes this yearEnding balanceRelated to assets/income
Deferred income132,977,494.332,034,900.0015,529,786.63119,482,607.70Asset-related
Deferred income300,000.00300,000.00Income-related

3.Government subsidies included in current profits and losses

Accounting subjectAmount incurred this periodAmount incurred last period
Other income14,244,752.4816,631,531.99
Deferred income15,829,786.6315,696,724.67

X. Relevant risks related with financial instrumentThe major financial instruments of the Company include borrowings, account receivables, accountpayable, Trading financial assets, Trading financial liability, the details of which are set out in NoteVI.Risks related to these financial instruments include exchange risks and interest rate risks. Themanagement of the Company controls and monitors the risk exposures to ensure the above risks areunder control.

1. Various risk management objectives and policies

The Company's goal in risk management is to strike a proper balance between risks and benefits, reducethe negative impact of risks on the Company's operating performance to the lowest level, and maximizethe interests of shareholders and other equity investors. Based on this risk management goal, the basicstrategy of the Company's risk management is to identify and analyze all kinds of risks faced by the

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.

From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

Company, establish an appropriate risk tolerance bottom line and conduct risk management, and timelyand reliably supervise all kinds of risks to control the risks within a limited range.

(1) Market risk

1) Exchange rate risk

The Company pays close attention to the impact of exchange rate changes on the Company. TheCompany attaches great importance to the study of exchange rate risk management policies andstrategies. In order to avoid the exchange rate risk of foreign currency payment and foreign currencycollection and settlement income, the Company has signed several forward foreign exchange contractswith banks. The fair value of forward foreign exchange contracts recognized as derivative financialinstruments on June 30, 2024 is RMB -38,152,637.91 Changes in the fair value of derivative financialinstruments have been included in the profit and loss, and the relevant contents of "V. 57 Income fromchanges in fair value" in this note. In the meantime, with the constant change in the share of theinternational market, if there are risks beyond the control of the Company, such as unilateral largechanges in the RMB exchange rate, the Company will reduce the risks by adjusting the sales orpurchasing strategies.

2) Interest rate risk

The Company's interest rate risk arises from bank loans and interest-bearing debts. Financial liabilitieswith floating interest rate expose the Company to cash flow interest rate risk, while financial liabilitieswith fixed interest rate expose the Company to fair value interest rate risk. The Company decides therelative proportion of fixed interest rate and floating interest rate contracts according to the marketenvironment at that time. On June 30, 2024, the Company's interest-bearing debts were mainly the fixed-rate loan contracts denominated in RMB, with a total amount of RMB1,145,328,642.91; and the RMBfloating-rate loan contracts, with a total amount of RMB134,213,427.90 The Company's risk of changesin the fair value of financial instruments due to changes in interest rates is mainly related to fixed-ratebank loans. The Company's risk of cash flow changes of financial instruments caused by interest ratechanges is mainly related to floating interest rate bank loans. The Company pays close attention to theimpact of this part of interest rate changes on the Company and attaches importance to the study ofinterest rate risk management policies and strategies.

(2) Credit risk

On June 30, 2024, the biggest credit risk exposure that may cause the financial loss of the Companymainly comes from the loss of the Company's financial assets caused by the failure of the other party tothe contract and the financial guarantee undertaken by the Company, including: the book amount of thefinancial assets recognized in the consolidated balance sheet; For financial instruments measured at fairvalue, the book value reflects their risk exposure, but not the maximum risk exposure, and its maximumrisk exposure will change with the change of fair value in the future. In order to reduce the credit risk,the Company set up a special department to determine the credit line, conduct credit approval, andimplement other monitoring procedures to ensure that necessary measures are taken to recover overduecreditor's rights. Meanwhile, the Company tries to reduce the impact of credit default of creditor's rightsby purchasing credit insurance. In addition, the Company reviews the recovery of each single receivableon each balance sheet date to ensure that sufficient bad debt provision is made for unrecoverable funds.Therefore, the management of the Company believes that the credit risk assumed by the Company hasbeen greatly reduced. The Company's working capital is deposited in the finance company, so the credit

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

risk of working capital is low. The Company has adopted necessary policies to ensure that all salescustomers have good credit records. The total amount of the top five accounts receivable isRMB1,047,848,385.72, accounting for 41.90% of the accounts receivable at the end of the year, whichis dependent on major customers. Except for the top five accounts receivable, the Company has no othermajor credit risks.

(3) Liquidity risk

Liquidity risk is the risk that the Company cannot fulfill its financial obligations on the due date. TheCompany's method of managing liquidity risk is to ensure that there is enough financial liquidity tofulfill the due debts through capital plan management, without causing unacceptable losses or damagingthe reputation of the company. According to the requirements of the capital plan cycle, the Companymakes a capital plan in advance to ensure that there is sufficient capital when the debt is due. Themanagement of the Company monitors the use of bank loans and ensures compliance with the loanagreement. In the meantime, it conducts financing negotiations with financial institutions to maintain acertain credit line and reduce liquidity risk.


(1)The Company carries out hedging business and risk management

The Company mainly uses forward foreign exchange contracts to hedge the risk of exchange ratefluctuations. The Company designates the purchased forward foreign exchange contracts as hedginginstruments, treats them in accordance with the hedge accounting method, and evaluates the hedgeditems of unconfirmed asset liability itemssuch as unrecognized fixed commitments at the balance sheetdate. The Company uses the ratio analysis method to evaluate the effectiveness of the hedge, andconsiders that it is highly effective, and the amount of hedge invalidity recognized in the current periodis not material.

ItemCorresponding risk management strategies and objectivesQualitative and quantitative information on hedged riskThe economic relationship between the hedged item and the related hedging instrumentExpected effective achievement of risk management objectivesThe impact of the corresponding hedging activity on the risk exposure
Forward foreign exchange contractsA foreign exchange risk prevention strategy with hedging as the core and risk prevention as the purposeThe extent to which changes in the fair value of the hedging instrument can offset the change in the fair value or cash flows of the hedged item caused by the hedged riskForward foreign exchange contracts are hedging instruments that are locked based on the foreign exchange exposure generated by the business: foreign exchange exposures include book assets and irrevocable orders. Irrevocable orders, which are defined commitments that have not yet been confirmed; Not yet recognized, which means that it has not been recognized in the balance sheet; A firm commitmentForeign exchange hedging refers to the risk management activity of designating a financial instrument as a hedging instrument in order to manage the risk exposure arising from foreign exchange risk, so that the fair value or cash flow of the hedging instrument changes in anticipation of offsetting all or part of the change in the fair value or cash flow of theAccording to the hedge accounting standards, in order to ensure the effectiveness of hedging, the premise of exposure hedging is that the currency is the same, the direction is opposite, and the expected date of receipt and payment of foreign exchange is similar

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

refers to the exchange of a specific amount of resources at an agreed price and the signing of a legally binding agreement at a specific date or period in the futurehedged item

(2) The Company conducts qualified hedging business and applies hedge accounting

ItemBook value related to hedged items and hedging instrumentsHedging adjustment of accumulated fair value of hedged items included in the book value of hedged items recognizedHedging effectiveness and source of part with invalid hedgingImpact of hedging accounting on the Company's financial statements
Fair value hedging
Hedging instruments- Trading financial assets8,754,120.65Financial expenses - Exchange losses; Investment income; Change of income fair value-48,267,891.22
Hedging instruments- Trading financial liabilities46,906,758.56
hedged items-assets911,457,632.30
hedged items-liabilities9,583,813.66

3.Transfer of financial assets

(1)Classification of transfer modes

Transfer modeNature of transferred financial assetsAmount of transferred financial assetsDerecognized or notJudgment basis of derecognition
Notes endorsement/Notes discountReceivable financing1,004,594,022.03DerecognizedAlmost all its risks and rewards have been transferred
FactoringAccounts receivable4,278,022,889.80DerecognizedAlmost all its risks and rewards have been transferred

(2)Financial assets that are derecognized due to transfer

ItemWays of financial assets transferAmount of financial assets derecognizedGains or losses related to derecognition
Receivable financingNotes endorsement/Notes discount1,004,594,022.03-3,114,432.51
Accounts receivableFactoring4,278,022,889.80-24,604,289.53

(3) Financial assets that continue to be involved in asset transfer: N/A

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

XI. Fair value disclosure

1. Asset and liability measured by fair value at end of Current Period and fair value measurement level

ItemsFair value at period-end
1st level2nd level3rd levelTotal
I. Continuous fair value measurement
(i) Trading financial assets8,754,120.651,082,265,872.481,091,019,993.13
1.Financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in current gains/losses8,754,120.651,082,265,872.481,091,019,993.13
Including: Derivative financial assets8,754,120.658,754,120.65
Principal and interest of financial products1,082,265,872.481,082,265,872.48
(ii) Other non-current financial assets105,194,079.19568,945,436.29674,139,515.48
(iii) Receivables financing1,600,373,357.871,600,373,357.87
Total assets continuously measured at fair value8,754,120.651,187,459,951.672,169,318,794.163,365,532,866.48
(iv) Trading financial liability46,906,758.5646,906,758.56
1. Financial liabilities measured by fair value and with variation reckoned into current gains/losses46,906,758.5646,906,758.56
Including: Derivative financial liability46,906,758.5646,906,758.56
Total liabilities continuously measured at fair value46,906,758.5646,906,758.56

2. The basis for determining the market price of continuous and non-continuous first-level fair valuemeasurement itemsThe company's fair value measurement items are futures contracts and foreign exchange options. Themarket price of futures contracts is determined based on the closing price of the futures contract at the endof the period; the market price of foreign exchange options is determined based on the quotation of contractproducts of the foreign exchange options at the end of the period.

3. Qualitative and quantitative information on the valuation techniques used and important parameters forcontinuous and non-continuous second-level fair value measurement itemsThe fair value measurement items are long-term investments in the fund company. For long-terminvestments in fund companies, the assessed book value can represent the best estimate of fair value withinthe scope.

4. Qualitative and quantitative information on the valuation techniques used and important parameters forcontinuous and non-continuous third-level fair value measurement itemsThe items with fair value measurement refer to the investment of Sichuan Changhong Group Finance Co.,Ltd and Huishang Bank Co., Ltd. As the unlisted equity instrument, the fair value are estimated using arange of valuation models, the assumptions used are not supported by observable market prices or interestrates. We believes that the fair value and their changes estimated by valuation techniques are reasonable andare the most appropriate values at the balance sheet date.

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.

From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

XII. Related parties and related transaction(i) Relationship of related parties

1. Controlling shareholder and ultimate controller

(1) Controlling shareholder and ultimate controller

Sichuan Changhong Electronics Holding Group is the controlling shareholder of Sichuan ChanghongElectric Co., Ltd, and the SASAC Mianyang office holds 90% equity interests of Sichuan ChanghongElectronic Holding Group, which means that SASAC Mianyang office is the ultimate controller of theCompany.

(2) Register capital and change thereof of controlling shareholder

Controlling shareholderBeginning balanceIncrease this periodDecrease this periodEnding balance
Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.4,616,244,222.004,616,244,222.00

(3) Shares held by the controlling shareholder and its changes on equity

Controlling shareholderAmount of shares heldShareholding ratio
Ending balanceBeginning balanceRatio at period-endRatio at period-beginning
Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.281,832,434.00281,832,434.0027.36%27.36%

2. Subsidiary

Found more in Note “VIII. 1 (1) Enterprise group composition”

3. Joint venture and associated enterprise

Other Joint venture and associated enterprise that have related transactions occurred with theCompany in Current Period or occurred in last period, and with balance results:

Joint venture and associated enterpriseRelationship with the company
Changhong Ruba Electric Company (Private) Ltd.Associated enterprise of subsidiary Zhongshan Changhong
Chengdu Guigu Environmental Tech. Co., LtdAssociated enterprise of subsidiary Changhong Air-conditioner
Sichuan Tianyou Guigu Technology Co., LtdAssociated enterprise of subsidiary Changhong Air-conditioner
Sichuan Zhiyijia Network Technology Co., Ltd.Associated enterprise of the Company, has the same controlling shareholder and actual control of the Company

4. Other related party

Other related partyRelationship with the company
Mianyang Haili Appliance Co., Ltd.Associated enterprise of controlling shareholder
Sichuan Hongran Green Energy Co., Ltd.Associated enterprise of controlling shareholder
Sichuan Changxin Refrigeration Parts Co., Ltd.Associated enterprise of controlling shareholder
Sichuan Baiku Technology Co., LtdAssociated enterprise of other enterprise that have the same

Controlling shareholder and ultimatecontroller

Controlling shareholder and ultimate controllerRegistration placeBusiness natureRegistered capitalShare-holding ratio in the CompanyVoting rights ratio in the Company
Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.MianyangManufacture and sales4,616,244,222.0027.36%27.36%

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

Other related partyRelationship with the company
controlling shareholder
Sichuan Hongyu Metal Manufacturing Co., Ltd.Associated enterprise of other enterprise that have the same controlling shareholder
Mianyang High-tech Zone Hongfu Technology Co., Ltd.An enterprise in which the supervisor of the controlling shareholder acts as its legel representative
CHANGHONG ELECTRIC MIDDLE EAST FZCOControl by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
Changhong Europe Electric s.r.oControl by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
CHANGHONG (HK) TRADING LIMITEDControl by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
CHANGHONG.ELECTRIC.(AUSTRALIA) PTY.LTD.Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
Orion.PDP.Co.LtdControl by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
PT.CHANGHONG ELECTRIC INDONESIAControl by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
Chengdu Changhong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
Guangdong Changhong Electronics Co., Ltd.Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
Guangyuan Changhong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
Hefei Changhong Industrial Co., Ltd.Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
081 Electronic Group Co., Ltd.Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
Mianyang Hongshang Real Estate Co., Ltd.Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
Mianyang Huafeng Hulian Technology Co., Ltd.Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
Sichuan Aichuang Science & Technology Co., Ltd.Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
Sichuan Ailink Technology Co., Ltd.Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
Sichuan Ansifei Technology Co., Ltd.Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
Sichuan Aoiku Technology Co., LtdAssociated enterprise of other enterprise that have the same controlling shareholder
Sichuan Hongmofang Network Technology Co., Ltd.Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
Sichuan Hongwei Technology Co., Ltd.Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
Sichuan Hongxin Software Co., Ltd.Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
Sichuan Huafeng Technology Co., Ltd.Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
Sichuan Jiahong Industry Co., Ltd.Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
Sichuan Kuaiyidian Electric Appliance Service Chain Co., LtdControl by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
Sichuan Qiruik Technology Co., Ltd.Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
Sichuan Qisai Microelectronics Co., Ltd.Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
Sichuan Changhong Package Printing Co., Ltd.Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
Sichuan Changhong Power Source Co., Ltd.Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

Other related partyRelationship with the company
Sichuan Changhong Electronic Products Co., Ltd.Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
Sichuan Changhong Gerun Environmental Protection Tech. Co., Ltd.Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
Sichuan Changhong International Hotel Co., Ltd.Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
Sichuan Changhong Group Finance Co., Ltd.Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
Sichuan Changhong Jijia Fine Co., Ltd.Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
Sichuan Changhong Jiahua Information Co., Ltd.Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
Sichuan Changhong Jichuang Lithium Technology Co., LTDControl by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
Sichuan Changhong Precision Electronics Tech. Co., Ltd.Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
Sichuan Changhong Minsheng Logistics Co., Ltd.Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
Sichuan Changhong Moulding Tech. Co., Ltd.Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
Sichuan Changhong Device Technology Co., Ltd.Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
Sichuan Changhong Network Technology Co., Ltd.Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
Sichuan Changhong Property Service Co., Ltd.Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
Sichuan Changhong New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
Sichuan Changhong Xinwang Technology Co., Ltd.Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
Sichuan Changhong Intelligent Manufacturing Technology Co., Ltd.Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
Sichuan Changhong Real Estate Co., Ltd.Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
Yuanxin Financial Lease Co., Ltd.Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
Changhong International Holdings (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
Yibin Hongxing Electric Co., Ltd.Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
Sichuan Qineng Zhongzheng TechnologyCo., ltd.Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller
Changhua Huayi Compressor Co., Ltd.Control by same controlling shareholder and ultimate controller

(ii) Related transactions

1. Purchasing commodity

Related partyContentCurrent PeriodApproved tradingquota ((In 10 thousand yuan)Whether the trading inmit is exceededLast period
(In 10 thousand yuan)(In 10 thousand yuan(In 10 thousand yuan)
Sichuan Changhong Electric HoldingGroup Co., Ltd.Purchasing commodity116,368.50280,000.00N
Sichuan Changhong Moulding Tech. Co., Ltd.Purchasing commodity59,341.49130,000.00N47,227.00

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

Related partyContentCurrent PeriodApproved tradingquota ((In 10 thousand yuan)Whether the trading inmit is exceededLast period
(In 10 thousand yuan)(In 10 thousand yuan(In 10 thousand yuan)
Sichuan Changhong Jijia Fine Co., Ltd.Purchasing commodity40,976.0865,000.00N29,862.39
Sichuan Changxin Refrigeration Parts Co., Ltd.Purchasing commodity40,618.0640,002.29
Mianyang Highly Electric Co., Ltd.Purchasing commodity36,505.4425,317.48
Changhong Huayi Compressor Co., Ltd.Purchasing commodity29,660.3780,000.00N25,980.62
Sichuan Changhong Package Printing Co., Ltd.Purchasing commodity8,727.9920,000.00N6,932.79
Sichuan Aichuang Science & Technology Co., Ltd.Purchasing commodity7,397.5130,000.00N7,075.57
Sichuan Changhong Electronic Co., Ltd.Purchasing commodity6,217.8723,000.00N21,647.30
Sichuan Changhong Precision Electronics Tech. Co., Ltd.Purchasing commodity1,976.064,000.00N1,776.19
Sichuan Changhong Electronic Products Co., Ltd.Purchasing commodity1,485.085,000.00N2,034.05
Sichuan Aoku Technology Co., Ltd.Purchasing commodity1,458.928,000.00N1,155.21
Sichuan Ailink Technology Co., Ltd.Purchasing commodity777.613,000.00N868.04
Guangdong Changhong Electronics Co., Ltd.Purchasing commodity542.446,000.00N400.10
Sichuan Changhong Precision Electronics Tech. Co., Ltd.Purchasing commodity454.576,000.00N559.39
Changhong International Holdings (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.Purchasing commodity432.7716,000.00N1,538.32
Hefei Changhong Industrial Co., Ltd.Purchasing commodity403.796,000.00N385.14
ChanghongRuba Electric Company (Private) Ltd.Purchasing commodity201.381,110.98
Sichuan Zhiyijia Network Technology Co., Ltd.Purchasing commodity160.026,000.00N461.50
Sichuan Hongran Green Energy Co., Ltd.Purchasing commodity70.6890.89
Sichuan Changhong New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Purchasing commodity41.585,000.00N2.40
Sichuan Hongwei Technology Co., Ltd.Purchasing commodity1.426,000.00N4.06
Sichuan Changhong Intelligent Manufacturing Technology Co., Ltd.Purchasing commodity0.495,000.00N0.05
081 Electronic Group Co., Ltd.Purchasing commodity5.30
Sichuan Hongyu Metal Manufacturing Co., Ltd.Purchasing commodity1.47
Sichuan Jiahong Industrial Co., Ltd.Purchasing commodity0.33
Sichuan Service Exp. Appliance Service Chain Co., Ltd.Purchasing commodity0.18
Sichuan Changhong Source Co., Ltd.Purchasing commodity0.18

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.

From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

2. Accept the services

Related partyContentCurrent PeriodApproved trading quotaWhether the trading limit is exceededLast Period
Sichuan Changhong Minsheng Logistics Co., Ltd.Accept the services456,703,052.23750,000,000.00N368,497,783.26
Sichuan Service Exp. Appliance Service Chain Co., Ltd.Accept the services196,911,290.80510,000,000.00N180,747,221.09
Sichuan Changhong Moulding Tech. Co., Ltd.Accept the services22,376,331.5650,000,000.00N19,178,221.81
Sichuan Qiruik Technology Co., Ltd.Accept the services6,919,202.1850,000,000.00N5,854,992.14
Sichuan Jiahong Industry Co., Ltd.Accept the services3,449,141.5750,000,000.00N4,181,446.86
Sichuan Changxin Refirgeration Part Co., Ltd.Accept the services2,101,818.011,443,843.02
Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.Accept the services1,892,321.9050,000,000.00N2,012,125.83
Sichuan Changhong Jijia Fine Co., Ltd.Accept the services1,253,524.2650,000,000.00N1,585,419.16
Sichuan Hongxin Software Co., Ltd.Accept the services1,147,485.8650,000,000.00N763,205.18
Sichuan Changhong International Hotel Co., Ltd.Accept the services883,842.5350,000,000.00N81,164.57
Mianyang High-tech Zone Hongfu Technology Co., Ltd.Accept the services682,378.321,200,000.00N454,323.56
Sichuang Changhong Electric Holdings Group Co., Ltd.Accept the services667,435.362,800,000,000.00N455,179.68
Sichuan Changhong Precision Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.Accept the services178,134.6050,000,000.00N
Guangyuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.Accept the services169,707.8850,000,000.00N361,166.90
Sichuan Zhiyijia Network Technology Co., LtdAccept the services77,108.1250,000,000.00N69,357.35
Sichuan Changhong Property Service Co., Ltd.Accept the services58,338.5450,000,000.00N73,423.50
Sichuan Changhong Gerun Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.Accept the services54,051.4250,000,000.00N202,167.22
Sichuan Changhong Electric Part Co., Ltd.Accept the services34,147.7050,000,000.00N162,049.81
Sichuan Changhong Network Technology Co., Ltd.Accept the services733.9450,000,000.00N
Sichuan Changhong Intelligent Manufacturing Technology Co., Ltd.Accept the services50,000,000.00N94,339.62
Sichuan Aichuang Technology Co., Ltd.Accept the services-59,982.2650,000,000.00N

3. Sales of goods

Related partyContentCurrent PeriodLast Period
(in 10 thousand Yuan)(in 10 thousand Yuan)
Sichuan Zhiyijia Network Technolgy Co., Ltd.Sales of goods381,470.50375,670.47
CHANGHONG(HK)TRADINGLIMITEDSales of goods23,462.8038,739.78

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

CHANGHONG.ELECTRIC.(AUSTRALIA) PTY.LTD.Sales of goods13,731.675,714.99
Changhong International Holdings (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.Sales of goods7,047.955,017.47
Changhong Europe Electric s.r.oSales of goods3,386.814,109.31
Orion.PDP.Co.,ltdSales of goods2,058.891,964.81
Sichuan Service Exp. Appliance Service Chain Co., Ltd.Sales of goods217.07253.80
Sichuan Changhong Jijia Fine Co., Ltd.Sales of goods84.740
Sichuan Changhong Appliance Technology Co., Ltd.Sales of goods80.904.05
Sichuan Changhong Minsheng Logistics Co., Ltd.Sales of goods77.9844.03
Sichuan Changhong Electronic Co., Ltd.Sales of goods49.7930.23
Sichuan Changhong Jiahua Information Product Co., Ltd.Sales of goods43.24
Mianyang Huafeng Hulian Technoology Co., Ltd.Sales of goods41.59
Sichuan Changhong Model Technology Co., Ltd.Sales of goods38.3857.00
Chengdu Guigu Environment Technology Co., Ltd.Sales of goods29.0518.32
Sichuan Aoku Technology Co., Ltd.Sales of goods19.230.77
Sichuan Changhong Network Technology Co., LtdSales of goods7.54
Sichuan Ailian Technology Co., Ltd.Sales of goods4.95
Sichuan Baiku Technology Co., Ltd.Sales of goods2.259.61
Sichuan Changhong Real Estate Co., Ltd.Sales of goods1.44
Mianyang Hongsheng Real Estate Co., Ltd.Sales of goods0.72
Sichuan Aichuang Technology Co., Ltd.Sales of goods0.530.73
Sichuan Changhong Power Source Co., Ltd.Sales of goods0.305.46
Sichuan Changhong International Hotal Co., Ltd.Sales of goods0.11
Sichuan Changhong Intelligent Manufacturing Technology Co., Ltd.Sales of goods258.76
Sichuan Tianyou Guigu Technology Co., Ltd.Sales of goods94.29
Guangyuan Changhong Electric Technology Co., Ltd.Sales of goods22.45
Guangdong Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.Sales of goods7.23
Sichuan Hongmofang Network Technology Co., Ltd.Sales of goods4.33
Sichuan Qisai Microelectronics Co.,Ltd.Sales of goods4.99
Sichuan Changhong Electric Holdings Group Co., Ltd.Sales of goods0.26
Sichuan Qiruik Technology Co., Ltd.Sales of goods0.23
Sichuan Ansifei Technology Co., Ltd.Sales of goods0.01

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)


4. Providing services

Related partyContentCurrent PeriodLast Period
Mianyang Huafeng Hulian Technology Co., Ltd.Provide the services3,954,355.8293,625.64
Sichuan Service Exp. Appliance Service Chain Co., Ltd.Provide the services867,737.061,239,722.20
Sichuan Changhong Moulding Tech. Co., Ltd.Provide the services828,156.62393,122.08
Sichuan Changhong Device Technology Co., Ltd.Provide the services544,959.19124,018.93
Yuanxin Financial Lease Co., Ltd.Provide the services489,372.07185,532.18
Changhong Huayi Compressor Co., Ltd.Provide the services276,535.87116,943.63
Sichuan Changhong Network Technology Co., LtdProvide the services173,539.62
Sichuan Changhong Jija Fine Co., Ltd.Provide the services141,015.3158,326.34
Sichuan Changhong Property Service Co., Ltd.Provide the services85,797.50135,593.96
Sichuan Zhiyijia Network Technology Co., Ltd.Provide the services70,158.00131,027.58
Sichuan Aoku Technology Co., Ltd.Provide the services50,941.151,081.72
Sichuan Changhong International Hotel Co., Ltd.Provide the services26,349.1231,608.80
Sichuan Changhong Minsheng Logistics Co., Ltd.Provide the services11,427.04367,086.07
Sichuan Changhong Jiechuang Lithium Battery Technology Co., Ltd.Provide the services10,912.08
Sichuan Ailian Technology Co.,Ltd.Provide the services1,586.5080.94
Sichuan Qiruik Technology Co., Ltd.Provide the services1,446.001,314.00
Sichuan Changhong Electronic Products Co., Ltd.Provide the services900.004,500.00
Guangdong Changhong Electronics Co., Ltd.Provide the services486,725.66
Sichuan Hongwei Technology Co., Ltd.Provide the services69,735.85
Sichuan Changhong Precision Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.Provide the services2,700.00
Hefei Changhong Industrial Co., Ltd.Provide the services42.50
Sichuan Qisai Microelectonics Co., Ltd.Provide the services44,593.58
Sichuan Huafeng Technology Co., Ltd.Provide the services-11,201.00
Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.Provide the services-52,499.0128,299.02
Sichuan Aichuang Technology Co., Ltd,Provide the services-97,082.07111,462.81
Sichuan Changhong New Network Technology Co., Ltd.Provide the services-101,370.00

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

Businesses between the Company and its connected persons are generally conducted under marketoperation rules as if they were the same as other business counterparties. For price of sale or purchaseand provision of other labor service between the Company and its related parties, the state pricing isapplicable if the pricing do exists; in case of absence of such state pricing, price is determined undermarket price; in case of absence of such market price, price is determined by both parties at actual costplus reasonable expenses; for some special services, the price of which cannot be determined under therule of cost plus expense, the price shall be determined by both parties by negotiation.

5. Related rental

(1) Rent out

LessorLesseeType of assetsLeasing income in Current PeriodLeasing income in Last Period
Changhong MeilingSichuan Changhong Moulding Tech. Co., Ltd.Apartments, warehouses, factories999,377.251,436,731.33
Changhong MeilingSichuan Changhong Jijia Fine Co., Ltd.warehouse, apartment, forklift, warehouse402,946.09470,897.06
Changhong MeilingSichuan Aichuang Science & Technology Co., Ltd.Apartment, office126,690.0684,571.19
Changhong MeilingSichuan Changhong Minsheng Logistics Co., Ltd.Apartment, office114,850.93104,497.98
Changhong MeilingSichuan Zhiyijia Network Technology Co., Ltd.Apartment Office building94,128.4494,128.44
Changhong MeilingSichuan Aoku Technology Co., Ltd.Warehouse, Apartment5,858.1020,987.63
Changhong MeilingHefei Changhong Industrial Co., Ltd.Apartments, warehouses146,562.74
Changhong MeilingSichuan Aichuang Science & Technology Co., Ltd.Warehouse19,507.00
Changhong Meilinghanghong Huayi Compressor Co., Ltd.Warehouse5,811.32
Changhong MeilingSichuan Hongxin Software Co., Ltd.Apartment4,400.00
Changhong MeilingSichuan Ailian Technology Co., LTD.Warehouse1,586.50
Changhong MeilingSichuan Changhong Precision Electronics Tech. Co., Ltd.Apartment1,105.00
Changhong Air-conditionerSichuan Changhong Moulding Tech. Co., Ltd.Factories,Equipment2,927,575.632,786,522.82
Changhong Air-conditionerSichuan Changhong Jijia Fine Co., Ltd.Factories,Equipment1,867,409.091,831,253.85
Changhong Air-conditionerSichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.Factories,Equipment429,427.67448,648.03
Changhong Air-conditionerSichuan Changxin Refrigeration Parts Co., Ltd.Processing equipment of U53,333.3579,999.99
Changhong Air-conditionerChengdu Guigu Environmental Tech. Co., LtdHouse and buildings14,201.8314,201.83
Changhong Air-conditionerSichuan Changhong Electronics Holding Group Co., Ltd.Workshop4.49
Ridian TechnologySichuan Changhong Device Technology Co., Ltd.Workshop1,073,574.841,073,574.90
Ridian TechnologySichuan Qiruik Technology Co., Ltd.Workshop47,314.2947,314.29
Zhongshan ChanghongSichuan Changhong Minsheng Logistics Co., Ltd.Parts of the office building rent-out22,148.5822,148.58

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.

From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

Zhongshan ChanghongSichuan Changhong Precision Electronics Tech. Co., Ltd.living area42,000.00
Zhongshan ChanghongSichuan Changhong Moulding Tech. Co., Ltd.living area24,900.00
Jiangxi MeilingSichuan Changhong Moulding Tech. Co., Ltd.Workshop443546.86411,144.18
Jiangxi MeilingSichuan Changhong Minsheng Logistics Co., Ltd.Warehouse,Office9,142.86

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

(2)Lessee of related parties

LessorLesseeType of assetsRental charges for short-term and low-value assets (if any)Variable lease payments not included in lease liabilities measurement (if any)Rent paidInterest expenses on lease liabilities assumedIncreased use right assets
Amount of current periodAmount of previous periodAmount of current periodAmount of previous periodAmount of current periodAmount of previous periodAmount of current periodAmount of previous periodAmount of current periodAmount of previous period
Hefei Changhong Industrial Co., Ltd.Changhong MeilingWorkshop leasing566,866.14590,931.54563,322.99485,439.06
Sichuan Changhong Electronics Holding Group Co., Ltd.Changhong Air-conditionerRental64,694.4084,747.8412,815.14338,991.37
Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.Changhong Air-conditionerVISA Laboratories153,431.50153,431.5017,157.5217,157.521,534,315.05
Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.Changhong Air-F3 workshop106,678.90

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

Sichuan Jiahong Industrial Co., Ltd.Changhong Air-conditionerStaff dormitory271,649.52216,056.16
Guangdong Changhong Electronics Co., Ltd.Hong yuan ZhongshanStaff dormitory46,289.0439,530.00
Chengdu Changhong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.Hongmei IntelligentOffice313,553.36334,385.0615,677.6728,592.17329,231.03
Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.Mianyang MeilingWorkshop leasing64,519.3832,259.691,039,954.881,433,275.56601,697.08208,376.40
Sichuan Jiahong Industrial Co., Ltd.Mianyang MeilingStaff dormitory15,620.9716,664.37
Changhong Huayi Compressor Co., Ltd.Jiangxi MeilingStaff dormitory57,000.00
Guangdong Changhong Electronics Co., Ltd.Ridian TechnologyStaff dormitory33,749.2828,660.58
Chengdu Changhong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.Changmei IntelligentOffice62,618.29

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

6. Related guarantee

Secured partySponsored partyMaximum guarantee amountStartDate dueCompleted (Y/N)
(in 10 thousand Yuan)
Changhong MeilingMeiling Group4,500.002023/5/112024/5/11Yes
Changhong MeilingMeiling Group8,000.002023/7/122024/7/11No
Changhong MeilingRidian Technology4,000.002023/7/82024/7/8No
Changhong MeilingRidian Technology3,500.002022/11/102023/11/9Yes
Changhong MeilingRidian Technology3,500.002024/2/62024/12/28No
Changhong MeilingZhongshan Changhong15,000.002022/8/152023/8/14Yes
Changhong MeilingZhongshan Changhong10,000.002023/5/302024/5/29No
Changhong MeilingZhongshan Changhong6,000.002023/3/152024/3/15Yes
Changhong MeilingZhongshan Changhong7,000.002023/6/152024/6/14Yes
Changhong MeilingZhongshan Changhong10,000.002023/5/112024/5/10Yes
Changhong MeilingZhongshan Changhong15,000.002023/8/232024/8/23No
Changhong MeilingZhongshan Changhong20,000.002023/7/32024/7/3No
Changhong MeilingZhongshan Changhong5,000.002023/7/282024/7/27No
Changhong MeilingZhongshan Changhong10,000.002023/5/122024/5/12No
Changhong MeilingZhongshan Changhong5,000.002023/11/22024/11/2No
Changhong MeilingChangmei Life Appliances5,000.002022/10/262023/10/25Yes
Changhong MeilingChangmei Life Appliances2,000.002023/4/242024/4/23Yes
Changhong MeilingChangmei Life Appliances5,000.002024/1/12024/8/14No
Changhong MeilingChangmei Life Appliances8,000.002023/2/222024/1/12Tes
Changhong MeilingChangmei Life Appliances8,000.002024/1/222025/1/22No
Changhong MeilingChangmei Life Appliances5,000.002023/4/212024/4/21No
Changhong MeilingChangmei Life Appliances2,000.002023/11/32024/11/2No
Changhong MeilingChangmei Life Appliances10,000.002023/12/12024/11/30No
Changhong MeilingChangmei Life Appliances4,000.002023/12/152024/6/4No
Changhong MeilingChanghong air-conditioner60,000.002023/3/182024/3/18Yes
Changhong MeilingChanghong air-conditioner12,000.002023/4/142024/4/13No
Changhong MeilingChanghong air-conditioner10,000.002023/1/172023/10/11Yes
Changhong MeilingChanghong air-conditioner5,000.002023/1/172024/1/16No
Changhong MeilingChanghong air-conditioner16,000.002023/2/272024/2/26Tes
Changhong MeilingChanghong air-conditioner30,000.002023/3/162024/3/16No
Changhong MeilingChanghong air-conditioner1,500.002023/7/52023/12/13Yes
Zhongke MeilingAnhui Touxing1,000.002023/6/202024/6/4No

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

Secured partySponsored partyMaximum guarantee amountStartDate dueCompleted (Y/N)
(in 10 thousand Yuan)
Zhongke MeilingAnhui Touxing400.002023/8/152024/8/14No
Zhongke MeilingAnhui Touxing1,000.002023/10/202024/10/20No
Zhongke MeilingLingan Medical1,000.002023/8/252024/8/24No
Zhongke MeilingLingan Medical1,000.002023/10/202024/10/20No
Counter guarrantee:
Meiling GroupChanghong Meiling4,500.002023/5/112024/5/11Yes
Meiling GroupChanghong Meiling8,000.002023/7/122024/7/11No
Ridian TechnologyChanghong Meiling4,000.002023/7/82024/7/8No
Ridian TechnologyChanghong Meiling3,500.002022/11/102023/11/9Yes
Ridian TechnologyChanghong Meiling3,500.002024/2/62024/12/28No
Zhongshan ChanghongChanghong Meiling15,000.002022/8/152023/8/14Yes
Zhongshan ChanghongChanghong Meiling10,000.002023/5/302024/5/29No
Zhongshan ChanghongChanghong Meiling6,000.002023/3/152024/3/15Yes
Zhongshan ChanghongChanghong Meiling7,000.002023/6/152024/6/14Yes
Zhongshan ChanghongChanghong Meiling10,000.002023/5/112024/5/10Yes
Zhongshan ChanghongChanghong Meiling15,000.002023/8/232024/8/23No
Zhongshan ChanghongChanghong Meiling20,000.002023/7/32024/7/3No
Zhongshan ChanghongChanghong Meiling5,000.002023/7/282024/7/27No
Zhongshan ChanghongChanghong Meiling10,000.002023/5/122024/5/12No
Zhongshan ChanghongChanghong Meiling5,000.002023/11/22024/11/2No
Changmei Life AppliancesChanghong Meiling5,000.002022/10/262023/10/25Yes
Changmei Life AppliancesChanghong Meiling2,000.002023/4/242024/4/23Yes
Changmei Life AppliancesChanghong Meiling5,000.002024/1/12024/8/14No
Changmei Life AppliancesChanghong Meiling8,000.002023/2/222024/1/12Yes
Changmei Life AppliancesChanghong Meiling8,000.002024/1/222025/1/22No
Changmei Life AppliancesChanghong Meiling5,000.002023/4/212024/4/21No
Changmei Life AppliancesChanghong Meiling2,000.002023/11/32024/11/2No
Changmei Life AppliancesChanghong Meiling10,000.002023/12/12024/11/30No
Changmei Life AppliancesChanghong Meiling4,000.002023/12/152024/6/4No
Changhong air-conditionerChanghong Meiling60,000.002023/3/182024/3/18Yes
Changhong air-conditionerChanghong Meiling12,000.002023/4/142024/4/13No
Changhong air-conditionerChanghong Meiling10,000.002023/1/172023/10/11Yes
Changhong air-conditionerChanghong Meiling5,000.002023/1/172024/1/16No
Changhong air-conditionerChanghong Meiling16,000.002023/2/272024/2/26Yes
Changhong air-Changhong Meiling30,000.002023/3/162024/3/16No

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

Secured partySponsored partyMaximum guarantee amountStartDate dueCompleted (Y/N)
(in 10 thousand Yuan)
Changhong air-conditionerChanghong Meiling1,500.002023/7/52023/12/13Yes
Anhui TuoxingZhongke Meiling1,000.002023/6/202024/6/4No
Anhui TuoxingZhongke Meiling400.002023/8/152024/8/14No
Anhui TuoxingZhongke Meiling1,000.002023/10/202024/10/20No
Lingan MedicalZhongke Meiling1,000.002023/8/252024/8/24No
Lingan MedicalZhongke Meiling1,000.002023/10/202024/10/20No

7. Assets transfer and debt reorganization of related parties

Related partyTypeCurrent PeriodLast Period
Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.Construction of fixed assets610,665.49
Sichuan Changhong Intelligent Manufacturing Technology Co., Ltd.Purchase and construction of fixed assets352,395.49454,167.32
081 Electronic Group Co., Ltd.Purchase and construction184,634.57
Sichuan Zhiyijia Network Technology Co., Ltd.Purchase and construction of fixed assets78,818.0015,700.88
Sichuan Hongxin Software Co., Ltd.Purchase and construction of fixed assets902,404.42
Sichuan Qiruik Technology Co., Ltd.Purchase and construction of fixed assets288,000.00
Sichuan Changhong Jiahua In formation Product Co., Ltd.Purchase and construction of fixed assets275,800.17
Sichuan Hongxin Software Co., Ltd.Purchase and construction of fixed assets121115.04


Name of companyContentCurrent Period (in 10 thousand Yuan)Last Period (in 10 thousand Yuan)
Yuanxin Financial Lease Co., Ltd.Financing business56,792.4927,779.67

9. Related transaction with Changhong Finance Company

(1) Saving balance

Name of companyEnding balanceBeginning balanceInterest income from bank saving in the period
Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.1,601,681,337.842,052,187,201.7927,680,821.56
Sichuan Changhong Air-conditioner Co., Ltd1,102,313,364.69977,689,247.587,091,574.11
Zhongshan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd816,026,341.19761,905,289.078,703,320.84
Hefei Changhong Meiling Life Appliances Co., Ltd.271,654,887.64243,577,856.452,157,552.43

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

Ground Energy Heat Pump Tech. (Zhongshan) Co., Ltd.81,384,980.04167,225,376.641,173,218.85
Zhongke Meiling Cryogenic Technology Co., Ltd50,081,556.2960,561,687.38593,285.38
Changhong Meiling Ridian Technology Co., Ltd.42,390,960.3556,655,316.2290,960.04
Anhui Tuoxing Technology Co., Ltd.7,411,207.547,358,942.1687,613.31
Hefei Meiling Group Holdings Limited353,192.29304,516.483,399.40
Mianyang Meiling Refrigeration Co., Ltd.9,586.7813,743.0023.13
Anhui Ling'an medical equipment Co., Ltd.9,283.96825.2638.40
Jiangxi Meiling Electric Appliance Co., Ltd.9,210.829,667.6420.02
Ground Energy Heat Pump Tech. Co., Ltd.0.43

(2) Discounted bills

Name of companyBank acceptanceBank acceptanceDiscounting fees
Sichuan Changhong Air Conditioning Co., Ltd281,027,530.72279,951,182.651,076,348.07
Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.257,740,577.09256,054,793.871,685,783.22
Hefei Changhong Meiling Life Appliances Co., Ltd.69,759,487.3269,380,572.37378,914.95
Changhong Meiling Ridian Technology Co., Ltd.7,539,519.047,503,749.8835,769.16
Zhongshan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.3,186,264.003,166,934.0019,330.00

(3) Issuance of invoices

Name of companyIssuerBill amountTypes
Sichuan Changhong Air-conditioner Co., Ltd.Sichuan Changhong Group Finance Co., Ltd.412,479,666.87Bank acceptance
Zhongshan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.Sichuan Changhong Group Finance Co., Ltd.175,994,106.32Bank acceptance
Ground Energy Heat Pump Tech. (Zhongshan) Co., Ltd.Sichuan Changhong Group Finance Co., Ltd.93,332,635.40Bank acceptance
Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.Sichuan Changhong Group Finance Co., Ltd.68,648,000.00Bank acceptance
Hefei Changhong Meiling Life Appliances Co., Ltd.Sichuan Changhong Group Finance Co., Ltd.52,619,912.95Bank acceptance
Zhongke Meiling Cryogenic Technology Co., Ltd.Sichuan Changhong Group Finance Co., Ltd.22,782,762.33Bank acceptance
Hefei Meiling Group Holdings LimitedSichuan Changhong Group Finance Co., Ltd.19,690,458.51Bank acceptance
Changhong Meiling Ridian Technology Co., Ltd.Sichuan Changhong Group Finance Co., Ltd.4,636,688.71Bank acceptance
Anhui Tuoxing Technology Co., Ltd.Sichuan Changhong Group Finance Co., Ltd.567,648.11Bank acceptance

(4) Borrowings: N/A

(5) Receivable factoring: N/A

(iii) Come and go balance with related parties

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.

From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

1. Receivable items

ItemRelated partyEnding balanceBeginning balance
Book balanceBad debt provisionBook balanceBad debt provision
Account receivableSichuan Zhiyijia Network Technology Co., Ltd.307,366,371.7490,806,707.75188,235,530.60110,410,176.95
Account receivableCHANGHONG (HK) TRADING LIMITED164,326,395.49117,003,398.60
Account receivableCHANGHONGELECTRIC(AUSTRALIA)PTY.LTD.99,172,832.8379,488,591.21
Account receivableChanghong International Holdings (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.52,456,012.284,579,899.0367,734,903.253,339,617.94
Account receivableChanghong Ruba Electric Company (Private) Ltd.41,050,781.1941,050,781.1940,856,357.0940,856,357.09
Account receivableOrion.PDP.Co.,ltd12,433,142.3813,506,278.22
Account receivableChanghong Europe Electric s.r.o3,116,227.6631,860,854.17
Account receivableSichuan Changhong Jijia Fine Co., Ltd.834,176.17
Account receivableSichuan Changhong Precision Electronics Tech. Co., Ltd.501,968.02
Account receivableYuanxin Financing Lease Co., Ltd.430,950.72558,665.14
Account receivableSichuan Changhong Model Technology Co., Ltd.442,885.30176,175.52
Account receivableSichuan Changhong Jiahua Information Product Co., Ltd.390,882.36
Account receivableSichuan Service Exp. Appliance Service Chain Co., Ltd.368,299.76349,069.73
Account receivableSichuan Changhong Electric Appliance Co., Ltd237,383.91916.73900,179.64
Account receivableSichuan Changhong Jiechuang Lithium battery Technology Co., Ltd.40,738.0030,600.00
Account receivableSichuan Changhong Electricl Holdings Group Co., Ltd.6,227.50720.00
Account receivableSichuan Changhong Minsheng Logistics Co., Ltd.1,044.36
Account receivableSichuan Aichuang Technology Co., Ltd.0.013,195,467.74
Account receivableChanghong Huayi Compressor Co., Ltd.519,071.54
Account receivableSichuan Changhong Intelligent Manufacturing Technology Co., Ltd.727,500.00
Account receivableSichuan Changhong Property Service Co., Ltd.119,213.45
Account receivableSichuan Changhong Electric Part Co., Ltd.954.00
Account receivableSichuan Changhong Newe Network Technology Co., Ltd.112,000.00
Account receivableMianyang Huafeng Hulian Technology Co., Ltd.8,800.00
Account receivableSichuan Huafeng Technology Co., Ltd.176,400.00
Account receivableSichuan Changhong Network Technology Co., Ltd.96,000.00
Account paid in advanceSichuan Ailian Technology Co., Ltd.50,889.4953,247.60
Account paid in advanceSichuan Changhong Model Technology Co., Ltd.15,433.63

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

ItemRelated partyEnding balanceBeginning balance
Book balanceBad debt provisionBook balanceBad debt provision
Account paid in advanceHefei Changhong Industry Co., Ltd.2,320.582,986.27
Account paid in advanceSichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.19.1719.17
Account paid in advanceSichuan Changhong Minsheng Logistics Co., Ltd.8,396.00
Account paid in advanceChengdu Changhong Electric Technology Co., Ltd.381,126.07
Other account receivableSichuan Service Exp. Appliance Service Chain Co., Ltd.581,398.59313,490.41
Other account receivableSichuan Zhiyijia Network Technology Co., Ltd.190,551.00303,019.00
Other account receivableSichuan Changhong Package Printing Co., Ltd11,587.58
Other account receivableSichuan Changhong Electric Appliance Co., Ltd3,346.20
Other account receivableSichuan Changhong Property Service Co., Ltd.2,904.932,904.93
Other account receivableSichuan Changhong Device Technology Co., Ltd41.86
Contract assetsYuanxin Financing Lease Co., Ltd534,886.00
Contract assetsSichuan Changhong Jiechuang Lithium battery Technology Co., Ltd.171,000.00
Contract assetsSichan Changhong Electric Holdings Group Co., Ltd.38,056.67
Contract assetsSichuan Aichuang Technology Co., Ltd.21,254.70
Contract assetsGuangdong Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.11,516.30
Contract assetsSichuan Qimeng Zhongzheng Technology Co., Ltd.11,500.00
Contract assetsYibin Hongxing Electric Co., Ltd.9,800.00
Contract assetsMianyang Huafeng Hulian TechnologyCo., Ltd8,800.00

2.Payable items

ItemRelated partyEnding balanceBeginning balance
Account payableSichuan Changhong Electric Holding Group Co., Ltd.357,862,588.0923,732,724.50
Account payableSichuan Changhong Moulding Tech. Co., Ltd.326,017,919.87173,023,852.05
Account payableSichuan Changhong Jijia Fine Co., Ltd.267,085,463.3332,211,531.65
Account payableMianyang Highly Electric Co., Ltd.165,520,564.7817,723,765.52
Account payableChanghong Huayi Compressor Co., Ltd.116,072,221.07117,609,190.18
Account payableSichuan Changxin Refrigeration Parts Co., Ltd.115,851,974.4817,976,156.76
Account payableSichuan Changhong Package Printing Co., Ltd.66,409,690.2014,430,893.66
Account payableSichuan Aichuang Science & Technology Co., Ltd.50,216,916.3456,579,812.80
Account payableChanghong Ruba Electric Company (Private) Ltd.15,898,124.6813,195,411.19
AccountSichuan Changhong Precision Electronics Tech. Co.,14,616,291.062,884,803.49

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

ItemRelated partyEnding balanceBeginning balance


Account payableSichuan Changhong Minsheng Logistics Co., Ltd.14,129,525.094,022,048.97
Account payableSichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.13,691,229.682,863,953.34
Account payableSichuan Changhong Electronic Products Co., Ltd9,412,873.243,801,344.25
Account payableSichuan Aoku Technology Co., Ltd.8,932,249.5214,614,765.93
Account payableChanghong International Holdings (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.7,634,824.108,933,631.46
Account payableSichuan Ailink Technology Co., Ltd.4,853,668.901,721,318.59
Account payableGuangdong Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.4,382,778.251,554,593.15
Account payablePT.CHANGHONG ELECTRIC INDONESIA2,867,287.581,514,130.31
Account payableSichuan Changhong Electric Appliance Co., Ltd2,131,639.891,148,884.00
Account payableSichuan Changhong Intelligence Manufacturing technology Co., Ltd.801,438.62270,846.58
Account payableSichuan Hongxin Software Co., Ltd.557,526.89451,301.89
Account payableSichuan Service Exp. Appliance Service Chain Co., Ltd.500,389.64725,473.65
Account payableSichuan Changhong New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.421,990.00225,732.08
Account payableSichuan Changhong International Hotel Co., Ltd.114,322.00146,276.00
Account payableSichuan Qiruik Technology Co., Ltd.32,000.0032,000.00
Account payableSichuan Zhiyijia Network Technology Co., Ltd.30,019.6935,267.63
Account payableSichuan Hongwei Technology Co., Ltd.10,901.645,492.64
Account payableChengdu Guigu Environmental Tech. Co., Ltd57,178.00
Account payableSichuan Jiahong Industry Co., Ltd.396.00
Contract liabilityMianyang Huafeng Hulian Technology Co., Ltd.2,917,074.13
Contract liabilityYuanxin Financial Lease Co., Ltd.1,797,939.40
Contract liabilitySichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.353,941.29353,941.29
Contract liabilitySichuan Aichuang Technology Co., Ltd.198,900.00
Contract liabilityCHANGHONG ELECTRIC MIDDLE EAST FZCO90,788.3190,332.93
Contract liabilityChanghong Europe Electric s.r.o26,420.38
Contract liabilitySichuan Changhong Minsheng Logistics Co., Ltd.14,654.8714,654.86
Contract liabilitySichuan Service Exp. Appliance Service Chain Co., Ltd.10,727.8910,727.89
Contract liabilitySichuan Baiku Technology Co., ltd.7,841.5922,932.74
Contract liabilitySichuan Anshifei Technology Co., Ltd.2,646.192,646.19
Contract liabilityCHANGHONG(HK)TRADINGLIMITED914.31908.66

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

ItemRelated partyEnding balanceBeginning balance
Contract liabilitySichuan Changhong Moulding Tech. Co., Ltd.577.962,415.93
Contract liabilityChanghong International Holdings (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.409.11713.44
Contract liabilitySichuan Zhiyijia Network Technology Co., Ltd.32,073,215.34
Contract liability081 Electronic Group Co., Ltd.22.61
Lease liabilitySichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.26,224,871.5927,418,257.97
Lease liabilityHefei Changhong Industrial Co., Ltd.15,997,026.0216,678,869.72
Lease liabilitySichuan Changhong Electric Holding Group Co., Ltd.254,243.53
Lease liabilityChengdu Changhong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.381,126.07
Other payableSichuan Service Exp. Appliance Service Chain Co., Ltd.167,921,811.8082,400,851.21
Other payableSichuan Changhong Minsheng Logistics Co., Ltd.162,347,273.68132,815,918.64
Other payableSichuan Changhong Electric Holding Group Co., Ltd.2,709,884.52393,156.00
Other payableSichuan Changhong Moulding Tech. Co., Ltd.2,590,227.372,559,981.65
Other payableChanghong Huayi Compressor Co., Ltd.1,848,900.001,903,400.00
Other payableSichuan Changhong Jijia Fine Co., Ltd.485,624.10425,492.32
Other payableSichuan Hongxin Software Co., Ltd.477,830.19594,516.98
Other payableSichuan Zhiyijia Network Technology Co., Ltd.295,915.19566,063.25
Other payableSichuan Changhong Gerun Environmental Tech. Co., Ltd160,516.00
Other payableSichuan Aoku Technology Co., Ltd.160,212.20260,212.20
Other payableSichuan Hongwei Technology Co., Ltd.139,366.58
Other payableSichuan Changhong Precision Electronics Tech. Co., Ltd.136,929.45734.43
Other payableSichuan Aichuang Technology Co., Ltd.100,000.001,443,020.00
Other payableSichuan Changxin Refrigeration Parts Co., Ltd.64,104.03173,907.41
Other payableSichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.51,799.4458,735.52
Other payableSichuan Changhong Package Printing Co., Ltd.50,000.00139,699.18
Other payableSichuan Ailink Technology Co., Ltd.50,000.0050,000.00
Other payableSichuan Changhong Electronic Products Co., Ltd.50,000.0050,000.00
Other payableHefei Changhong Industrial Co., Ltd.50,000.0050,000.00
Other payableSichuan Changhong New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.50,000.0050,000.00
Other payable081 Electronic Group Co., Ltd.40,867.89
Other payableSichuan Changhong Intelligence Manufacturing Technology Co., Ltd.34,550.00109,596.00
Other payableGuangdong Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.21,219.1225,113.76

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

ItemRelated partyEnding balanceBeginning balance
Other payableSichuan Qiruik Technology Co., Ltd.7,410.00585,767.70
Other payableChengdu Guigu Environmental Tech. Co., Ltd5,717.80
Other payableSichuan Jiahong Industry Co., Ltd.18.0018.00
Other payableYuanxin Financial Lease Co., Ltd.61,295,062.03
Other payableSichuan Changhong Precision Electronic Technology Co., Ltd29.70
Received in advanceSichuan Changhong Moulding Tech. Co., Ltd.315,021.87
Received in advanceSichuan Changhong Jijia Fine Co., Ltd.309,333.10
Received in advanceSichuan Changhong Electric Appliance Co., Ltd170,589.03
Received in advanceChengdu Guigu Environmental Tech. Co., Ltd14,201.84

(iv) Commitments from related parties: N/Al

XIII. Share-based payment: N/A

XIV. Contingency

1. Pending action or possible liabilities formed from arbitration

In November 2021, Zhejiang Teruisi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. filed a lawsuit against Zhongke Meilingfor the "Contract for Cold Storage Design, Equipment Procurement and Installation Construction".Currently, a third-party engineering quality appraisal agency is conducting quality appraisal of theobjects under the contract, the boot-up and operation test has been initially completed, and ZhongkeMeiling intends to advocate maintenance of the cold storage project, and the maintenance cost isestimated to be 1,720,534.42 yuan.As of December 31, 2024, apart from the aforementioned lawsuits, some of our subsidiaries have beendefendants in certain legal proceedings and plaintiffs in other lawsuits that arise in our daily businessoperations. Although the outcome of these contingencies, legal proceedings, or other lawsuits cannot bedetermined at present, the management believes that any resulting liabilities will not have a significantnegative impact on the financial condition or operating performance of the company.

2. Contingency from external guarantee: N/A

3. Other contingency: N/A

XV. Commitments: N/A

XVI. Events occurring after the balance sheet date

1. Important non-adjustment items: N/A

2. Profit distribution: N/A

3.Major sales return: N/A

4.Other than the above mentioned events, the Company have no other events occurred after balance

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.

From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

sheet date.XVII. Other significant matters

1. Correction of previous periods and influence: N/A

2. Debt restructuring: N/A

3. Assets replacement: N/A

4. Pension plan: N/A

5. Discontinuing operation: N/A

6.Branch information

In RMB 10,000

ItemRefrigerator, freezer Washing machineAir-conditionerSmall home appliancesOtherSales in branchTotal
Operation income558,100.36860,091.4884,000.6220,871.2628,296.691,494,767.03
Including: foreign trade income553,437.53860,078.1074,343.406,908.001,494,767.03
Income from transactions between divisions4,662.8313.389,657.2213,963.2628,296.69
Operation expenses544,166.28833,783.4082,703.2419,147.1228,401.541,451,398.50
Operation profit13,934.0826,308.081,297.381,724.14-104.8543,368.53
Total assets1,364,350.651,065,786.2393,346.7024,847.28179,729.702,368,601.16
Total liability817,950.67895,622.7863,868.488,108.2834,746.021,750,804.19
Supplementary information
Depreciation and amortization expenses11,034.187,494.00166.73403.22-10.5019,108.63
Capital expenditure8,716.5713,691.990.91372.2030.8822,750.79

Total assets do not include deferred income tax assets, and total liabilities exclude deferred income taxliabilities.

7. Other major transactions and events shows impact on investor’s decision-making: N/AXVIII. Notes to main items of financial statement of parent company

1.Account receivable

(1) By account age

Account ageEnding balanceBeginning balance
Within 1 year(Including 1 year)1,245,715,775.861,455,451,760.05
Within 3 months (3 months included)1,223,841,022.591,405,485,686.08
More than 3 months and less than 6 months (6 months included)12,901,775.2940,372,699.21
Over 6 months and within one year (One year included)8,972,977.989,593,374.76
Over one year - within 2 years (2 years included)5,229,426.8313,012,239.58

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

Account ageEnding balanceBeginning balance
Over 2 years - within 3 years (3 years included)15,633,879.2726,677,206.61
Over 3 years39,535,366.4624,592,353.91

(2) Category of account receivable by bad debt accrual

CategoryEnding balance
Book balanceBad debt provisionBook value
AmountRatio (%)AmountRatio (%)
Account receivable that withdrawal bad debt provision by single item812,379,874.2962.2055,210,546.986.80757,169,327.31
Including: current payment with related party733,464,745.3956.1639,882,592.065.44693,582,153.33
Account receivable with letter of credit59,479,316.904.5559,479,316.90
Account receivable with single minor amount but withdrawal single item bad debt provision19,435,812.001.4915,327,954.9278.864,107,857.08
Account receivable withdrawal bad debt provision by portfolio493,734,574.1337.8012,895,779.722.61480,838,794.41
Including: account receivable of engineering customers
Receivables other than engineering customers493,734,574.1337.8012,895,779.722.61480,838,794.41


CategoryBeginning balance
Book balanceBad debt provisionBook value
Account receivable that withdrawal bad debt provision by single item876,212,956.5557.6653,914,896.276.15822,298,060.28
Including: current payment with related party803,660,757.4652.8839,553,880.214.92764,106,877.25
Account receivable with letter of credit52,483,325.933.4652,483,325.93
Account receivable with single minor amount but withdrawal single item bad debt provision20,068,873.161.3214,361,016.0671.565,707,857.10
Account receivable withdrawal bad debt provision by portfolio643,520,603.6042.3414,023,130.162.18629,497,473.44
Including: account receivable of engineering customers
Receivables other than engineering customers643,520,603.6042.3414,023,130.162.18629,497,473.44

1) Provision for bad debts of account receivable on an individual basis

Account receivable with single minor amount but withdrawal bad debt provision singly, refers to theminor single receivables, and withdrawal bad debt provision by combination shows no risk

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

characteristic of the receivables, Involving 10 customers.

2) Account receivable withdrawal bad debt provision by portfolio

A. Account receivable of engineering customers

Account ageEnding balance
Book balanceBad debtAccrual ratio (%)
Within 3 months(3 months included)474,441,406.174,744,414.061.00
Over 3 months and within 6 months (6 months included)2,945,228.31294,522.8310.00
Over 6 months and within one year (One year included)7,340,804.831,468,160.9720.00
over one year-within two years (2 years included)4,227,645.872,113,822.9450.00
Over 2 years - within 3 years (3 years included)2,523,150.142,018,520.1180.00
Over 3 years2,256,338.812,256,338.81100.00


Account ageBeginning balance
Book balanceBad debtAccrual ratio (%)
Within 3 months(3 months included)616,484,217.926,164,842.181.00
Over 3 months and within 6 months (6 months included)10,991,345.131,099,134.5110.00
Over 6 months and within one year (One year included)9,190,814.211,838,162.8420.00
over one year-within two years (2 years included)2,053,806.511,026,903.2650.00
Over 2 years - within 3 years (3 years included)4,531,662.283,625,329.8280.00
Over 3 years268,757.55268,757.55100.00

(3) Bad debt reserves of the account receivable

CategoryBeginning balanceAmount change in the periodEnding balance
AccrualCollected or switch backResale or write-off
Bad debt provision67,938,026.43168,300.2768,106,326.70

(4) Top 5 balance of account receivable aggregated by the debtor at end of the period amountedto794,668,513.11 yuan, accounted for60.84% of the receivables at balance of current period-end, thebad debt provision amounted as2,213,597.52yuan.

2. Other account receivable

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Other account receivable67,480,000.9561,841,221.91

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance

(1) By nature

NatureEnding book balanceBeginning book balance
Export tax refund49,174,580.4941,179,511.61
Cash deposit4,501,770.324,109,987.09
Loans of employee’s pretty cash10,249,628.2610,727,346.46
Related party not in consolidation statement3,687,015.365,957,370.23

(2) By account age

Account ageEnding balanceBeginning balance
Within 1 year(1 year included)63,012,902.2157,173,854.18
Within 3 months (3 months included)57,173,080.9153,994,269.35
Over 3 months and within 6 months (6 months included)2,694,293.371,161,881.37
Over 6 months and within one year (One year included)3,145,527.932,017,703.46
over one year-within two years (2 years included)1,272,860.981,206,412.81
Over 2 years - within 3 years (3 years included)1,088,660.681,288,721.92
Over 3 years2,694,835.982,761,491.90

(3) Category of Other account receivable bad debt reserves

CategoryEnding balance
Book balanceBad debt provisionBook value
AmountRatio (%)AmountRatio (%)
That withdrawal bad debt provision by single item68,069,259.85100.00589,258.900.8767,480,000.95
In which: other receivables with no major individual amount but bad debt provision accrued individually15,207,664.0022.34589,258.903.8714,618,405.10
Export tax refund49,174,580.4972.2449,174,580.49
Related party funds3,687,015.365.423,687,015.36
Bad debt provision accrued by portfolio

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.

From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

CategoryEnding balance
Book balanceBad debt provisionBook value
AmountRatio (%)AmountRatio (%)
In which: other receivables accrued by aging portfolio


CategoryBeginning balance
Book balanceBad debt provisionBook value
AmountRatio (%)AmountRatio (%)
That withdrawal bad debt provision by single item62,430,480.81100.00589,258.900.9461,841,221.91
In which: other receivables with no major individual amount but bad debt provision accrued individually15,293,598.9724.50589,258.903.8514,704,340.07
Export tax refund41,179,511.6165.9641,179,511.61
Related party funds5,957,370.239.545,957,370.23
Bad debt provision accrued by portfolio
In which: other receivables accrued by aging portfolio

1) Accrual of bad debt provision for other receivables

Bad debt provisionFirst stageSecond stageThird stageTotal
Expected credit loss in next 12 monthsExpected credit loss for the whole duration (no credit impairment)Expected credit loss for the whole duration (credit impairment has occurred)
Balance as at 1 Jan. 2024589,258.90589,258.90
Book balance of other account receivable in Current Year as at 1 Jan. 2024
--Transfer to the second stage
-- Transfer to the third stage
-- Reversal to the second stage
-- Reversal to the first stage
Provision in Current Year
Reversal in Current Year
Conversion in Current Year
Write off in Current Year
Other change
Balance as at 30 June. 2024589,258.90589,258.90

(4)Bad debt provision for other receivables accrued, recovered or reversed this year

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

CategoryBeginning balanceAmount change in the periodEnding balance
AccrualRecovery or reversalWrite-off or cancellationOther
Bad debt provision589,258.90589,258.90

(5)Other account receivable actually written-off in Current period: N/A

(6) Top 5 other receivables collected by arrears party at balance of period-end

Name of the unitNatureEnding balanceAccount ageProportion of the total period-end balance of other receivable (%)Ending balance of bad debt reserve
Unit IExport rebates49,174,580.49Within 1 year72.24
Unit IIRelated party payment3,037,629.38Within 1 year,,1-2 years4.46
Unit IIIPetty cash1,368,000.00Within 1 year2.01
Unit IVPetty cash2,730,438.36Within 1 year, 1-2 years,2-3 years4.01
Unit VPetty cash884,183.55Within 1 year1.30

(7)There is no other receivables reported due to the centralized management of funds.

3. Long-term equity investments

(1) Classification of long-term equity investments

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Book balanceImpairment lossBook valueBook balanceImpairment lossBook value
Investment in subsidiaries:1,756,435,120.881,756,435,120.881,756,435,120.881,756,435,120.88
Investment in associates:102,101,317.86102,101,317.86101,040,690.02101,040,690.02

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

(2) Investment in subsidiaries

Invested enterpriseBeginning balanceIncreased in Current PeriodDecreased in Current PeriodEnding balanceProvision for impairment losses in the PeriodEnding balance of impairment
Zhongke Meiling Cryogenic Technology Co., Ltd42,652,000.0042,652,000.00
Mianyang Meiling Refrigeration Co., Ltd.95,000,000.0095,000,000.00
Zhongshan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd304,856,419.37304,856,419.37
Sichuan Changhong Air-conditioner Co., Ltd955,600,437.79955,600,437.79
Hefei Meiling Group Holdings Limited113,630,000.00113,630,000.00
Jiangxi Meiling Electric Appliance Co., Ltd.79,000,000.0079,000,000.00
Changhong Meiling Ridian Technology Co., Ltd.91,082,111.1291,082,111.12
Hefei Meiling Wulian Technology Co., Ltd.10,000,000.0010,000,000.00
CH-Meiling.International (Philippines) Inc.6,889,100.006,889,100.00
Hefei Changhong Meiling Life Appliances Co., Ltd.35,000,000.0035,000,000.00
Sichuan Hongmei Intellgence Technology Co., Ltd.22,725,052.6022,725,052.60

(3) Investment in associates

Invested enterpriseBeginning balanceChanges in Current PeriodEnding balanceEnding balance of impairment
Additional InvestmentNegative InvestmentInvestment income recognized under equityAdjustment for other comprehensive incomeOther equity changeCash dividend or profit announced to issuedProvision for impairment lossOther
Hefei Xingmei Assets Management Co., Ltd.14,139,256.7845,466.7114,184,723.49

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

Sichuan Zhiyijia Network Technology Co., Ltd.68,854,162.705,998,850.595,097,740.9169,755,272.38
Sichuan Hongyuan Venture Investment Partnership(LP)18,047,270.54114,051.4518,161,321.99

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

4. Operation income, operation cost

(1) Operation income and operation cost

ItemCurrent PeriodLast Period
Main business4,736,689,610.114,312,082,040.294,122,655,653.513,763,651,668.97
Other business233,213,037.21213,049,683.92216,043,888.41191,302,905.28

(2)The decomposition information of operation income and operation cost

ItemCurrent PeriodLast Period
Including:Refrigerator, Freezer3,855,961,141.783,531,389,024.773,480,438,269.963,192,961,299.81
Washing machine765,993,263.60683,377,373.67527,176,164.12463,485,427.18
Small household appliances and kitchen and bathroom111,542,187.0294,122,608.82109,368,361.02101,536,835.13
Other business233,213,037.21213,049,683.92216,043,888.41191,302,905.28

5. Investment income

ItemCurrent PeriodLast Period
Long-term equity investment income by cost method4,590,000.0050,826,032.53
Long-term equity investment income by equity method6,158,368.7511,539,929.52
Investment income obtained from disposal of Trading financial assets-2,695,895.63-8,577,708.50
Investment income of other current financial assets during holding period1,394,444.44
Investment income of other non-current financial assets during holding period12,912,196.3711,409,029.33
The termination of income recognition for financial assets measured by amortized cost-2,635,478.39-4,223,097.22
Interest income from debt investment during the holding period6,946,457.967,402,220.09

XIX. Supplementary information for financial statement

1. Non-recurring gains and losses for this period

ItemCurrent amountNote
Non-current asset disposal gain/loss(including the write-off part for which assets impairment provision is made)36,334.95

Annotations of Financial Statements of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.

From 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024(Unless other wise specified, RMB for record in the Statement)

ItemCurrent amountNote
Government subsidies recognized in current gain and loss(excluding those closely related to the Company’s business and granted under the state’s policies)25,786,292.09
Losses/gains from changes of fair values occurred in holding trading financial assets and trading financial liabilities, and investment income obtaining from the disposal of trading financial assets,trading financial liability and financial assets available-for-sale, excluded effective hedging business relevant with normal operations of the Company-65,274,314.20
Reversal of the account receivable depreciation reserves subject to separate impairment test20,809,004.37
Other non-operating income and expenses other than the above-1,926,547.40
Less: impact on income tax-7,066,269.14
Impact on minority shareholders’ equity (post-tax)3,968,079.44

2. Return on equity and earnings per share

Profit during the report periodWeighted average return on equityEarnings per share/EPS (RMB/Share)
Basic EPSDiluted EPS
Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the parent company6.88%0.40300.4030
Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the parent company after deduction of the non-recurring gains/losses7.17%0.41990.4199

Chairman: Wu DinggangChanghong Meiling Co., Ltd.

August 17, 2024
