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古井贡B:2024年半年度报告(英文版) 下载公告



August 2024

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Part I Important Notes, Table of Contents and Definitions

The Board of Directors (or the “Board”), the Supervisory Committee as well as thedirectors, supervisors and senior management of Anhui Gujing Distillery CompanyLimited (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) hereby guarantee the factuality,accuracy and completeness of the contents of this Report and its summary, and shallbe jointly and severally liable for any misrepresentations, misleading statements ormaterial omissions therein.Liang Jinhui, the legal representative, and Zhu Jiafeng, the Deputy Chief Accountantand Board Secretary, hereby guarantee that the financial statements carried in thisReport are factual, accurate and complete.All the Company’s directors have attended the Board meeting for the review of thisReport and its summary.Investors’ attention is kindly directed to the detailed description of possible risks inthe Company’s operations in “X Risks Facing the Company and Countermeasures”under “Part III Management Discussion and Analysis”.The Company has no interim dividend plan, either in the form of cash or stock.This Report and its summary have been prepared in both Chinese and English.Should there be any discrepancies or misunderstandings between the two versions,the Chinese versions shall prevail.

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Table of Contents

Part I Important Notes, Table of Contents and Definitions 1Part II Corporate Information and Key Financial Information 5Part III Management Discussion and Analysis 8Part IV Corporate Governance 27Part V Environmental and Social Responsibility 28Part VI Significant Events 36Part VII Share Changes and Shareholder Information 40Part VIII Preferred Shares 46Part IX Corporate Bonds 47Part X Financial Statements 48

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Documents Available for Reference

(I) Financial statements signed and sealed by the Company’s legal representative, aswell as Deputy Chief Accountant and Board Secretary;(II) All originals of the Company’s documents and announcements that have beenpublicly disclosed in the Reporting Period on the media designated by the ChinaSecurities Regulatory Commission; and(III) The interim report disclosed in other securities markets.

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The “Company”, “ Gu Jing” or “we”Anhui Gujing Distillery Co., Ltd.
Gujing GroupAnhui Gujing Group Co., Ltd.
Gujing SalesBozhou Gujing Sales Co., Ltd.
Yellow Crane Tower DistilleryYellow Crane Tower Distillery Co., Ltd.
Mingguang DistilleryAnhui Mingguang Distillery Co., Ltd.
Longrui GlassAnhui Longrui Glass Co., Ltd.
Intelligent ParkBaijiu Production Intelligent Transformation Project


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Part II Corporate Information and Key Financial InformationI Corporate Information

Stock nameGujing Distillery, Gujing Distillery-BStock code000596, 200596
Stock exchange for stock listingShenzhen Stock Exchange
Company name in Chinese安徽古井贡酒股份有限公司
Abbr. (if any)古井
Abbr. (if any)GU JING
Legal representativeLiang Jinhui

II Contact Information

Board SecretarySecurities Representative
NameZhu JiafengMei Jia
AddressGujing Town, Bozhou City, Anhui Province, P.R.ChinaGujing Town, Bozhou City, Anhui Province, P.R.China
Email addressgjzqb@gujing.com.cngjzqb@gujing.com.cn

III Other Information

1. Contact Information of the Company

Indicate by tick mark whether any change occurred to the registered address, office address and their zip codes, website address andemail address of the Company in the Reporting Period.

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

No change occurred to the said information in the Reporting Period, which can be found in the 2023 Annual Report.

2. Media for Information Disclosure and Place where this Report is KeptIndicate by tick mark whether any change occurred to the information disclosure media and the place for keeping the Company’speriodic reports in the Reporting Period.

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□ Applicable ? Not applicable

The newspapers designated by the Company for information disclosure, the website designated by the CSRC for disclosing theCompany’s periodic reports and the place for keeping such reports did not change in the Reporting Period. The said information canbe found in the 2023 Annual Report.

3. Other Information

Indicate by tick mark whether any change occurred to other information during the Reporting Period.

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

IV Key Financial Information

Indicate by tick mark whether there is any retrospectively restated datum in the table below.

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

H1 2024H1 2023Change (%)
Operating revenue (RMB)13,805,693,542.3511,310,016,495.1022.07%
Net profit attributable to the listed company’s shareholders (RMB)3,572,791,595.152,779,474,367.5128.54%
Net profit attributable to the listed company’s shareholders before exceptional gains and losses (RMB)3,540,540,906.672,731,120,890.7629.64%
Net cash generated from/used in operating activities (RMB)4,009,706,455.494,727,836,696.73-15.19%
Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)6.765.2628.52%
Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share)6.765.2628.52%
Weighted average return on equity (%)15.75%13.96%1.79%
30 June 202431 December 2023Change (%)
Total assets (RMB)36,562,696,626.7035,420,907,274.993.22%
Equity attributable to the listed company’s shareholders (RMB)22,720,178,118.3821,525,309,609.445.55%

V Accounting Data Differences under Chinese Accounting Standards (CAS) andInternational Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Foreign Accounting Standards

1. Net Profit and Equity Differences under CAS and IFRS

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

No such differences for the Reporting Period.

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2. Net Profit and Equity Differences under CAS and Foreign Accounting Standards

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

No such differences for the Reporting Period.

XI Exceptional Gains and Losses? Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: RMB

Gain or loss on disposal of non-current assets (inclusive of impairment allowance write-offs)-1,989,838.49
Government subsidies charged to current profit or loss (exclusive of government subsidies consistently given in the Company’s ordinary course of business at fixed quotas or amounts as per governmental policies or standards)23,621,646.20
Gain or loss on fair-value changes in trading financial assets and liabilities & investment income from disposal of trading financial assets and liabilities and available-for-sale financial assets (exclusive of effective portion of hedges that arise in the Company’s ordinary course of business)1,401,435.40
Reversed portion of impairment allowance for receivables which are tested individually for impairment0.00
Non-operating income and expense other than the above27,610,952.13
Less: Income tax effects12,342,219.62
Non-controlling interests effects (net of tax)6,051,287.14

Particulars about other items that meet the definition of exceptional gain/loss:

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

No such cases for the Reporting Period.Explanation of why the Company reclassifies as recurrent an exceptional gain/loss item listed in the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public—Exceptional Gain/Loss Items:

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

No such cases for the Reporting Period.

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Part III Management Discussion and AnalysisI Principal Activity of the Company in the Reporting Period(I) Principal Activity of the CompanyThe Company primarily produces and markets baijiu. According to the Industry Categorization Guide for Listed Companies (Revisedin 2012) issued by the CSRC, baijiu making belongs to the “liquor, beverage and refined tea making industry" (C15). TheCompany’s principal operations remained unchanged in the Reporting Period.(II) Status of the Industry and Position of the Company in the Industry

1. Status of the Baijiu Industry

In the first half of 2024, the industry experienced a process of "hot first and then cold". In the early Spring Festival, the demand forliquor was strong, and then the overall sales slowed down. In the first half of the year, the industry as a whole showed thecharacteristics of rising production, income growth, profit improvement, obvious industry differentiation, dual-rational consumptionand stock era. In the second half of the year, the development trend of strong concentration and strong differentiation will becomemore obvious.

2. Position of the Company in the Industry

China has a long history of baijiu. There are a large number of baijiu production enterprises in the country, but the regionaldistribution of baijiu consumers is particularly evident. The baijiu industry is characterized by full competition, with a high degree ofmarketization. The market competition is fierce, and the industry adjustments are constantly deepening. In the national market, thecompetitive edges of the enterprises come from their brand influence, product style and marketing & operation models. In a singleregional market, the competitive strengths of the enterprises depend on their brand influence in the region, the recognition of thecompanies by regional consumers and comprehensive marketing capacity.As one of China’s traditional top eight liquor brands, the Company is the first listed baijiu company with both A and B stocks. It islocated in Bozhou City, Anhui Province in China, the hometown of historic figures Cao Cao and Hua Tuo, as well as one of theworld’s top 10 liquor-producing areas. No changes have occurred to the main business of the Company in the Reporting Period. Asthe main product of the Company, the Gujing spirit originated as a “JiuYunChun Spirit”, together with its making secrets, beingpresented as a hometown specialty by Cao Cao, a famous warlord in China’s history, to Emperor Han Xiandi (name: Liu Xie) in A.D.196, and was continually presented to the royal house since then. With crystalline liquid, rich aroma, a fine flavor and a lingeringaftertaste, the Gujing spirit has helped the Company win four national baijiu golden awards, a golden award at the 13th SIAL Paris,the title of China’s “Geographical Indication Product”, the recognition as a “Key Cultural Relics Site under the State Protection”, therecognition with a “National Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Project”, a Quality Award from the Anhui provincialgovernment, a title of “National Quality Benchmark”, among other honors.In April 2016, Gujing Distillery signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Huanghelou Liquor Co., Ltd., opening a new era ofcooperation in China's famous liquor industry. Yellow Crane Tower Baijiu is the only famous Chinese liquor in Hubei. Its uniquestyle is "soft, mellow, elegant and cool, and has a long lingering fragrance". It won the two China gold medal in baijiu appreciation in1984 and 1989. At present, Huanghelou liquor industry has three bases: Wuhan, Xianning and Suizhou. Among them, HuanghelouLiquor Culture Expo Park in Wuhan base has been approved as national AAA scenic spot, and Huanghelou forest wine town inXianning base has been approved as national AAAA scenic spot.In January 2021, Gujing Distillery and Mingguang signed a strategic cooperation agreement. The unique mung bean flavor adds tothe famous liquor family of Gu Jing. At this point, the company has five well-known Chinese trademarks: "Gujing", "Gujing Gong","NianFen Yuanjiang", "Huanghe Tower", and "Lao Mingguang".

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The Company is subject to the disclosure requirements for the “food and liquor & wine production industry” in the Guideline No. 3of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange for Self-regulation of Listed Companies—Industry-specific Information Disclosure.Brand operationFocusing on "brand, quality and morality", the Company vigorously promotes product development and quality upgrade and givesfull play to the leading role of the brand “Gujinggong Liquor”. It proactively participates in the project of China Central Television("CCTV") titled Promote Chinese Brands to Strengthen China and takes advantage of platforms provided by CCTV, provincial-levelsatellite TV channels, the Internet and new media to constantly tell the stories of the brand “Gujinggong Liquor”. Additionally, theCompany uses "liquor as the medium" to display the beauty of Chinese culture and convey the values of "Be Honest, Offer QualityLiquor, Be Stronger and Be Helpful to the Society" to the world.The Company has been strengthening the building of access to the end market and creating new marketing forms.Focused on the coremarket exploration and comprehensively launched a range of consumer fostering activities. Through the brand communication modethat combines online publicity and offline experience, the Company has offered core consumers an opportunity to watch andexperience its liquor-making process and quality. It has organized a series of brand promotion activities, as a result of which thevisibility of the brand “Gujinggong Liquor” has continuously increased.Main sales modelThe Company's key sales model is dealer model. Under the dealer model, the Company will select one or more dealers for sales of aproduct brand (or product sub-brand) according to the market capacity.Distribution model:

? Applicable □ Not applicable

1. Operating Performance by Distribution Channel and Product Category

Unit: RMB

ByOperating revenueCost of salesGross profit marginYoY change in operating revenue (%)YoY change in cost of sales (%)YoY change in gross profit margin (%)
ByOperating revenueCost of salesGross profit marginYoY change in operating revenue (%)YoY change in cost of sales (%)YoY change in gross profit margin (%)
Product series
Original Vintage10,786,816,470.431,476,401,398.6086.31%23.12%13.46%1.16%

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Gujinggong Liquor1,238,445,047.68542,615,286.5956.19%11.47%19.73%-3.02%
Yellow Crane Tower and others1,403,101,546.20390,925,829.8372.14%26.58%2.84%6.43%

2. Distributors

RegionEnding numberIncrease or decrease in quantity during the reporting period
North China1,28864
South China63037
Central China2,84845

3. Principal methods of settlement and distribution with distributors

The Company's principal method of settlement with its distributors is on a pay-as-you-go basis, and the method of distribution isauthorised distribution.

4. Top five distributors

Total sales to top five distributors (RMB)1,783,969,952.81
Total sales to top five distributors as % of total sales of the Reporting Period (%)12.92%
Total sales to related parties among top five distributors as % of total sales of the Reporting Period (%)0.00

The Company had no accounts receivable from the top five distributors at the end of the Reporting Period.Proportion of store sales terminal exceeds 10%

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

Online direct sales? Applicable □ Not applicableThe major product varieties sold online are Original Vintage Series, and Gujinggong Liquor Series, among others. The main onlinesales platforms are Gujing Distillery platform, Tmall, JD.com, and Suning.com.Any over 30% YoY movements in the selling price of main products contributing over 10% of current total operating revenue

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

Model and contents of purchaseThe Company primarily adopts the bidding and strategic cooperation models. It also adopts the base planting model in order toensure the quality of some raw materials.Purchase contents

Purchase contentsPurchase modelAmount (RMB’0,000)
1Raw materials and fuelsStrategic purchasing51,377.70 51,377.70 51,377.70
Tendering purchasing109,187.68
2Packaging materialsTendering purchasing115,436.11

The proportion of raw materials purchased from cooperations or farmers to total purchase amount exceeds 30%

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□ Applicable ? Not applicable

Any over 30% YoY movements in prices of main purchased raw materials

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

Main production modelThe Company's existing production model is sales-based production. Specifically, the Logistics Control Center is responsible forcoordinating the implementation of production plans, release of material production plans, and delivery and tracking of products, andprepares balanced production plans on a quarterly basis according to the product inventory. The logistics distribution system iscoordinated according to the production schedule and inventory with a view to ensuring timely delivery of products.Commissioned production

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

Breakdown of cost of sales

ItemH1 2024H1 2023Change (%)
Cost of sales (RMB)As % of total cost of salesCost of sales (RMB)As % of total cost of sales
Direct materials2,016,355,219.7174.55%1,768,111,648.9274.02%14.04%
Direct labor cost231,283,792.498.55%206,960,453.628.66%11.75%
Manufacturing expenses107,314,434.523.97%104,793,339.674.39%2.41%

Output and inventory

1. Output, sales volume and inventory of main products for the Reporting Period and respective YoY changes thereof

Unit: ton

Main productOutputSales volumeinventoryYoY changes of outputYoY changes of sales volumeYoY changes of inventory
Original Vintage Series30,548.6242,047.8913,153.657.15%16.64%-22.91%
Gujinggong Liquor Series14,317.5217,981.711,992.4234.25%11.52%-35.57%
Yellow Crane Tower Liquor Series and other12,284.7813,562.982,949.736.09%3.57%-18.98%

Reasons for change:

(1) The output of the Gujinggong Liquor Series increased 34.25% year on year, primarily driven by the increased sales volume.

(2) The inventory of the Gujinggong Liquor Series decreased 35.57% year on year, primarily driven by the increased sales volume.

2. Ending inventory of finished liquor and semi-product

CategoryEnding quantity (ton)
Finished liquor18,095.80

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3. Capacity

Unit: ton

Main productDesigned capacity (annual)Actual capacity (H1)Capacity in progress (annual)
Finished liquor115,00057,151130,000

II Core Competitiveness AnalysisNo significant changes occurred to the Company’s core competitiveness in the Reporting Period.

III Analysis of Core Businesses

OverviewIndicate whether it is the same with the contents disclosed under the heading “Principal Activity of the Company in the ReportingPeriod” above.? Yes □ NoSee contents under the heading “I Principal Activity of the Company in the Reporting Period”.Year-on-year changes in key financial data:

Unit: RMB

H1 2024H1 2023Change (%)Main reason for change
Operating revenue13,805,693,542.3511,310,016,495.1022.07%
Cost of sales2,704,664,895.422,388,610,838.2813.23%
Selling expense3,611,684,984.173,048,015,143.6118.49%
Administrative expense671,150,694.72583,974,559.3714.93%
Finance costs-282,322,329.48-122,850,639.75-129.81%Increased interest income
Income tax expense1,328,603,900.45964,656,318.7237.73%Increased gross profit
Net cash generated from/used in operating activities4,009,706,455.494,727,836,696.73-15.19%
Net cash generated from/used in investing activities-443,334,911.51-999,774,105.4255.66%Decreased cash payments for investment
Net cash generated from/used in financing activities-2,376,542,589.638,867,195.83-26,901.51%Dividend payout
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents1,189,828,954.353,736,929,787.14-68.16%Dividend payout

Material changes to the profit structure or sources of the Company in the Reporting Period:

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□ Applicable ? Not applicable

No such changes in the Reporting Period.Breakdown of operating revenue:

Unit: RMB

H1 2024H1 2023Change (%)
Operating revenueAs % of total operating revenue (%)Operating revenueAs % of total operating revenue (%)
By operating division
By product category
Hotel services41,450,489.640.30%44,091,924.960.39%-5.99%
By operating segment
North China1,109,250,619.818.03%821,080,901.867.26%35.10%
Central China11,869,976,454.1585.98%9,782,622,497.2186.49%21.34%
South China815,792,256.195.91%696,179,001.746.16%17.18%

Operating division, product category or operating segment contributing over 10% of operating revenue or operating profit:

? Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: RMB

Operating revenueCost of salesGross profit marginYoY change in operating revenue (%)YoY change in cost of sales (%)YoY change in gross profit margin (%)
By operating division
By product category
Hotel services41,450,489.6420,650,238.5950.18%-5.99%-5.43%-0.30%
By operating segment
North China1,109,250,619.81232,885,728.8779.01%35.10%30.88%0.68%
Central China11,869,976,454.152,325,411,733.6980.41%21.34%11.78%1.68%
South China815,792,256.19143,909,531.0282.36%17.18%12.22%0.78%

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Core business data of the prior year restated according to the changed statistical caliber for the Reporting Period:

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

Any over 30% YoY movements in the data above and why:

? Applicable □ Not applicableRevenue from North China increased 35.10% year on year, primarily driven by the increased orders.The Company is subject to the disclosure requirements for the “food and liquor & wine production industry” in the Guideline No. 3of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange for Self-regulation of Listed Companies—Industry-specific Information Disclosure.Breakdown of selling expense:

Unit: RMB

ItemH1 2024H1 2023Change (%)Reason
Employment benefits675,938,548.40623,631,139.588.39%
Travel fees120,981,637.1596,783,184.7025.00%
Advertisement fees688,129,021.87564,290,043.3821.95%
Comprehensive promotion costs1,685,467,666.431,333,513,264.0126.39%
Service fees373,733,873.49371,761,620.490.53%

Details about advertisement

No.Main wayAmount (RMB’0,000)

IV Analysis of Non-Core Businesses

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

V Analysis of Assets and Liabilities

1. Significant Changes in Asset Composition

Unit: RMB

30 June 202431 December 2023Change in percentage (%)Reason for any significant change
AmountAs % of totalAmountAs % of total

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Monetary assets16,158,396,761.5844.19%15,966,371,744.1945.08%-0.89%
Accounts receivable59,519,246.910.16%68,607,919.270.19%-0.03%
Investment property44,627,931.010.12%46,622,910.190.13%-0.01%
Long-term equity investments10,437,313.990.03%10,367,078.260.03%0.00%
Fixed assets4,724,543,385.2212.92%4,596,044,056.9212.98%-0.06%
Construction in progress3,228,411,813.848.83%2,910,735,155.398.22%0.61%
Right-of-use assets104,188,743.840.28%81,038,100.240.23%0.05%
Short-term borrowings40,014,544.520.11%0.000.00%0.11%
Contract liabilities2,218,413,969.306.07%1,401,122,249.533.96%2.11%
Long-term borrowings83,400,000.000.23%107,106,256.940.30%-0.07%
Lease liabilities84,363,974.830.23%68,380,767.780.19%0.04%

2. Major Assets Overseas

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

3. Assets and Liabilities at Fair Value

? Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: RMB

ItemBeginning amountGain/loss on fair-value changes in the Reporting PeriodCumulative fair-value changes charged to equityImpairment allowance for the Reporting PeriodPurchased in the Reporting PeriodSold in the Reporting PeriodOther changesEnding amount
Financial assets

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1. Held-for-trading financial assets (excluding derivative financial assets)719,987,547.420.,987,547.420.000.00
2. Investments in other equity instruments63,105,658.070.005,693,974.850.,799,632.92
Subtotal of financial assets783,093,205.490.005,693,974.850.000.00719,987,547.420.0068,799,632.92
Total of the above783,093,205.490.005,693,974.850.000.00719,987,547.420.0068,799,632.92
Financial liabilities0.

Significant changes to the measurement attributes of the major assets in the Reporting Period:

□ Yes ? No

4. Restricted Asset Rights as at the Period-End

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding carrying valueReason for restriction
Monetary assets292,400,389.87Amount in pledge for issuing bank acceptance bills and other security deposits, etc.
Intangible assets72,111,318.24In pledge for loan

VI Investments Made

1. Total Investments Made

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

2. Significant Equity Investments Made in the Reporting Period

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

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3. Major Non-Equity Investments Ongoing in the Reporting Period

? Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: RMB

ItemWay of investmentFixed assets investment or notIndustry involvedInput amount in the Reporting PeriodAccumulative actual input amount as of the period-endCapital resourcesProgressEstimated return on investmentAccumulative realized revenues as of the period-endReason for not reaching the schedule and anticipated incomeDisclosure date (if any)Disclosure index (if any)
Baijiu Production Intelligent Transformation ProjectSelf-builtYesBaijiu production1,066,593,093.906,173,876,244.46Self-owned funds and raised funds80.72%N/AN/AN/A3 March 2020For details, please refer to the Announcement No. 2020-002 on Investment in the Baijiu Production Intelligent Transformation Project disclosed by the Company on the website of Cninfo dated 3 March

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4. Financial Investments

(1) Securities Investments

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

(2) Investments in Derivative Financial Instruments

1) Investments in derivative financial instruments for the purpose of hedging during the Reporting Period

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

2) Investments in derivative financial instruments for the purpose of speculation during the Reporting Period? Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: RMB’0,000

OperatorRelationship with the CompanyConnected transactionType of derivativeInitial investment amountStarting dateEnding dateBeginning investment amountPurchased in the Reporting PeriodSold in the Reporting PeriodImpairment provision (if any)Ending investment amountProportion of closing investment amount in the Company’s ending net assetsActual gain/loss in the Reporting Period
ReverseNaughtNoReverse2,519.902511 January2,519.900.002,519.900.000.000.00%7.13

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repurchase of national debtrepurchase of national debtDecember 20232024
Capital source for derivative investmentCompany’s own funds
Lawsuits involved (if applicable)N/A
Disclosure date of board announcement approving derivative investment (if any)30 August 2013
Disclosure date of shareholders’ meeting announcement approving derivative investment (if any)N/A
Analysis of risks and control measures associated with derivative investments held in the Reporting Period (including but not limited to market risk, liquidity risk, credit risk, operational risk, legal risk, etc.)The Company had controlled the relevant risks strictly according to the Derivatives Investment Management System.
Changes in market prices or fair value of derivative investments during the Reporting Period (fair value analysis should include measurement method and related assumptions and parameters)N/A
Significant changes in accounting policies and specific accounting principles adopted for derivative investments in the Reporting Period compared to previous reporting periodN/A

5. Use of Funds Raised

? Applicable □ Not applicable

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(1) Overall Usage of Funds Raised

? Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: RMB’0,000

YearWay of raisingTotal funds raisedNet proceedsTotal funds used in the Current PeriodAccumulative fund usedTotal funds with usage changedAccumulative funds with usage changedProportion of accumulative funds with usage changedTotal unused fundsThe usage and destination of unused fundsAmount of funds raised idle for over two years
2021Private placement of stocks500,000495,434.2193,943.71402,497.580.000.000.00%92,936.63Deposited in fund raising account and cash management0.00
Explanation of overall usage of funds raised
Through this issuance, the Company raised total proceeds of RMB5,000,000,000.00. After deducting the expenses related to the issuance of RMB45,657,925.15 (excluding VAT), the actual net proceeds raised were RMB4,954,342,074.85, and the actual amount received was RMB4,957,547,169.81. In the first half of 2024, the Company used the raised funds of 939.437million yuan, the interest income of the special account for raised funds of 30.3491 million yuan, and the balance of the temporarily idle raised funds for cash management as of June 30, 2024 was 600.00 million yuan.At 30 June 2024, the balance of the raised funds account stood at RMB1,114.1446 million.

(2) Commitment Projects of Fund Raised

? Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: RMB’0,000

Committed investment projectChanged or not (includingCommitted investmentInvestment amount afterInvestment amount in theAccumulative investmentInvestment schedule asDate of reachingRealized income in theWhether reachedWhether occurred

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and super raise fund arrangementpartial changes)amountadjustment (1)Reporting Periodamount as of the period-end (2)the period-end (3)=(2)/(1)intended use of the projectReporting Periodanticipated incomesignificant changes in project feasibility
Committed investment project
Baijiu Production Intelligent Transformation ProjectNot495,434.21495,434.2193,943.71402,497.5881.24%31 December 2024N/ANot
Subtotal of committed investment project--495,434.21495,434.2193,943.71402,497.58--------
Explain project by project reasons for not reaching the schedule and anticipated income (including reasons for inputting “N/A” for “Whether reached anticipated income”)N/A
Notes of condition of significant changes occurred in project feasibilityN/A
Amount, usage and schedule of super raise fundN/A
Changes in implementation address of investment projectN/A
Adjustment of implementation mode of investment projectN/A

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Advance investments in projects financed with raised funds and swaps of such advance investments with subsequent raised fundsN/A
Idle fund supplementing the current capital temporarilyN/A
Amount of surplus in project implementation and the reasonsN/A
Usage and destination of unused fundsAs of 30 June 2024, the unused raised funds and the interest were deposited in the special account for raised funds, and idle raised funds of RMB600 million were outstanding for cash management purposes.
Problems incurred in fund using and disclosure or other conditionN/A

(3) Raised Funds Re-purposed

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.VII Sale of Major Assets and Equity Interests

1. Sale of Major Assets

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

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2. Sale of Major Equity Interests

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

VIII Main Controlled and Joint Stock Companies? Applicable □ Not applicableMain subsidiaries and joint stock companies with an over 10% influence on the Company’s net profits

Unit: RMB

Company nameRelationship with the CompanyMain business scopeRegistered capitalTotal assetsNet assetsOperating revenuesOperating profitNet profit
Bozhou Gujing Sales Co., LtdSubsidiaryWholesales of Baijiu, construction materials, feeds, assistant materials, etc.84,864,497.8910,958,775,981.054,161,897,876.9412,348,470,772.541,645,071,644.171,188,111,388.58
Anhui Longrui Glass Co., LtdSubsidiaryManufacture and sale of glass products, etc.86,660,268.98557,996,447.66457,390,452.64215,597,538.1622,324,523.6720,211,443.00
Yellow Crane Tower Wine Industry Co., LtdSubsidiaryProduction and sales of Baijiu, etc.400,000,000.002,098,289,434.741,085,612,238.721,070,259,791.38168,615,284.35127,820,604.30

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Shanghai Gujing Jinhao Hotel Management Co., Ltd.SubsidiaryHotel management, house lease, etc.54,000,000.00190,108,670.3088,077,419.1934,572,274.806,994,664.765,286,233.70

Subsidiaries obtained or disposed in the Reporting Period:

? Applicable □ Not applicable

SubsidiaryHow subsidiary was obtained or disposedEffects on overall operations and performance
Ezhou Junya Trading Co., Ltd.Incorporated with investmentOptimizing internal operation structure and enhancing endogenous impetus
Fengyang Xiaogangcun Mingjiu Distillery Co., Ltd.De-registered and liquidated
Hubei Yellow Crane Tower Beverage Co., Ltd.De-registered and liquidated
Wuhan Yashibo Technology Co., Ltd.De-registered and liquidated

Notes to main controlled and joint stock companies:

Not applicable.

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X Risks Facing the Company and Countermeasures(I) Risks Facing the Company

1. The strengthened concentration and intensified polarisation in the baijiu industry, leading to highly competitive conditions;

2. The more complex, severe and uncertain external environment.

(II) Operating Measures

1. Brand Development

We will continue to focus on mainstream media while strengthening new media platforms to enhance synergistic effects in ourpromotions. Efforts will be made to enhance our CCTV and satellite TV Spring Festival IP, as well as high-speed rail IP, includedeepening the quality expression and cultural content of strong flavour baijiu. Leveraging live streaming and short video platforms,the Company aims to continually invigorate our brand, increasing our presence in e-commerce, factory tours, and experience storesthrough multi-channel traffic driving, creating synergy between online and offline efforts to expand both the reach and effectivenessof our initiatives.

2. Marketing

The Company will maintain the strategy of aiming high, anchoring on a "nationwide and sub-high-end" approach, and continue todeepen the "Three Ones Project", optimizing our product and customer structures. We will coordinate the advancement of bothdomestic and international markets. Domestically, we will accelerate our national expansion, strengthen provincial markets, speed upinter-provincial reach, and refine key markets. Internationally, we will capitalise on the "Belt and Road" initiative to fully launchglobal partnerships and identify optimal agents, continuing to target the sub-high-end consumer segment with our strategic focus on"Gu 20".

3. Production Management

We will progress our wine storage projects and expedite key initiatives, enhancing our capabilities for automated baijiu productionand improving our capacity for production reserves, bottling operations, and related infrastructure. We will bolster our qualityinitiatives and establish a distinctive "Grand Quality Control" system specific to Gujing Distillery. Horizontal management will bestrengthened to oversee the entire production process from grain to fragrance, while vertical management will be reinforced from theground up to solidify the responsibility of quality management staff at all levels, ensuring comprehensive, gap-free quality control.Centring on "three products", "transparent factory", and "four research institutes", we will continue to refine our quality expression,converting technical terminology into more accessible language, and advancing the health, flavour, quality, and cultural aspects ofGujing Distillery.

4. Engineering Construction

We will accelerate the progression of the Intelligent Park project, ensuring the completion of new workshops that are both intelligentand automated. This initiative will significantly enhance our production capacity, quality, and efficiency.

5. Informatisation Construction

We will hasten our efforts in advancing the "Digital Engineering" initiative to bolster our capabilities in digital management. Thiswill include deepening the integration of digital technologies with production and manufacturing processes. We will also intensifyour digital marketing efforts to enrich user experiences and optimise our digital production models. The deployment of theManufacturing Execution System (MES) will further facilitate the integration of IT and Operational Technology (OT), merging dataresources and automation benefits to refine production processes, boost efficiency, reduce costs, and ensure that digital advancessignificantly enhance the quality of our products.

6. Safety and Environmental Protection

We will comprehensively enforce a strict safety responsibility system and enhance fire management to fortify our safety defences.We will intensify source control and process management of pollutants, aiming to further reduce emissions and promote the recyclingof waste. We will continue to advance our energy-saving and environmental protection projects, including the implementation ofphotovoltaic projects, research into energy storage applications, bilateral green energy trading, and balanced energy and water usage.We will also meticulously coordinate and enhance our top-level energy-saving management planning and dual-carbonimplementation strategies.

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7. Internal Management

We will strengthen our innovative talent incentive mechanisms and consolidate the outcomes of the three-year action plan forstate-owned enterprise reform. We will advance reforms in "tenure systems", "performance wagering", "internal marketisation", and"independent legal entity" frameworks. By employing more flexible staffing and incentive mechanisms, we aim to further unleashpotential, revitalise our workforce, and significantly boost our core competitiveness.

8. Corporate Culture Construction

We will enhance our political framework by deeply studying and implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with ChineseCharacteristics for a New Era, and comprehensively embracing the guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress. Supportedby the Gujing Distillery Original Vintage Cultural Research Institute, we will actively explore and disseminate China's excellenttraditional culture, continuously implementing the cultural contributions of Gujing Distillery and Zhengzi culture. At the same time,leveraging our steps towards internationalisation with the new Ancient Well approach, we will innovate ways and means of culturalcommunication, aiming to "make Chinese baijiu a global language".In the second half of 2024, the Company will continue to be guided by Xi Jinping's Thoughts on Socialism with ChineseCharacteristics for a New Era, and deeply implement the guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress along with thestrategic decisions of the provincial and municipal governments. With the "Three Products Project" as our blueprint, we will worktirelessly, hand in hand, and focus our efforts to deeply implement a new round of state-owned enterprise reform and enhancementactions. We will raise the bar, strive to be pioneers, and aim to reach RMB30 billion, as we set forth on this new journey to composenew chapters and achieve new glories.

XI Implementation of the Action Plan for “Dual Enhancement of Quality and Profitability”Indicate whether the Company has disclosed its Action Plan for “Dual Enhancement of Quality and Profitability”.? Yes □ NoIn order to implement the guiding ideology of "to activate the capital market and boost investor confidence" proposed by the meetingof the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and "to vigorously improve the quality and investment value of listedcompanies, and to take more effective and effective measures to stabilize the market and stabilize confidence" proposed by theNational Standing Committee, combined with the company's development strategy, operating conditions and financial conditions, inorder to safeguard the interests of all shareholders of the company, To enhance investor confidence and promote the long-termhealthy and sustainable development of the company, the company has formulated a "quality return double improvement" action plan.For details, see the "Announcement on Promoting the" Double Improvement of Quality Return "action Plan" disclosed by thecompany on March 6, 2024 (Announcement Number: 2024-001).On 26 April 2024, the 2023 Profit Distribution Plan was approved at the Fifth Meeting of the 10

thBoard of Directors. The Company's2023 profit distribution plan is as follows: Based on the total share capital of 528,600,000 shares, the Company will distribute a cashdividend of RMB45.00 (including tax) to all shareholders for every 10 shares. The Company distributed a total cash dividend ofRMB2,378,700,000.00 (including tax), accounting for 51.83% of the net profit attributable to the Company as the parent in theconsolidated statement of this year. This year's cash dividend amount increased by 50.00%, fully sharing the company's developmentresults with investors. Following the approval of this plan at the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, the implementationof this plan has been completed in June 2024.Going forward, the Company will continue to implement the relevant initiatives of the Action Plan for “Dual Enhancement of Qualityand Profitability”, and strive to put the concept of “investor-oriented” into practice through excellent performance, generous investorreturns, and compliant corporate governance. It will effectively fulfill its responsibilities and obligations as a public company,enhance investor confidence and achieve sustained high-quality development.

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Part IV Corporate GovernanceI Annual and Extraordinary General Meeting Convened during the Reporting Period

1. General Meetings Convened during the Reporting Period

MeetingTypeInvestor participation ratioConvened dateDisclosure dateIndex to disclosed information
The 2023 Annual General MeetingAnnual General Meeting59.58%29 May 202430 May 2024For details, see Announcement about Resolutions of 2023 Annual General Meeting of the Company disclosed on China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities News, Ta Kung Pao (HK), and http://www.cninfo.com.cn on 30 May 2024.

2. Extraordinary General Meetings Convened at the Request of Preference Shareholders with ResumedVoting Rights

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

II Change of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

III Interim Dividend Plan

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

The Company has no interim dividend plan, either in the form of cash or stock.

IV Equity Incentive Plans, Employee Stock Ownership Plans or Other Incentive Measures forEmployees

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

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Part V Environmental and Social ResponsibilityI Major Environmental IssuesIndicate by tick mark whether the Company or any of its subsidiaries is a heavily polluting business identified by the environmentalprotection authorities of China.? Yes □ NoPolicies and industry standards pertaining to environmental protectionThe Company carries out environmental protection work in strict accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations such as"Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China", "Air Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People'sRepublic of China", "Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People's Republic of China", "Solid Waste PollutionPrevention and Control Law of the People's Republic of China" and other laws and regulations, and strictly follows the "ManagementMeasures for the Disclosure of Enterprise Environmental Information According to Law" and "Measures for Self-monitoring andInformation Disclosure of National Key Monitoring Enterprises (Trial)". The Company discloses environmental information in atimely manner and consciously accepts social supervision. The Company implements the Emission Standards for Air Pollutants fromBoilers (GB13271-2014), Water Pollution Emission Standards for Fermented Alcohol and Baijiu Industry (GB27631-2011) andEnvironmental Noise Emission Standards for Industrial Enterprises (GB12348-2008) and other relevant standards.Environmental protection administrative license

No.Administrative matterSerial numberApplication timeExpiry date
1Sewage discharge permit for Gujing plant913400001519400083001V19 July 202218 July 2027
2Sewage discharge permit for Zhangji plant913400001519400083002V19 July 202218 July 2027
3Sewage discharge permit for Headquarter plant913400001519400083003V19 July 202218 July 2027
4Sewage discharge permit for Intelligent Park plant913400001519400083004V17 October 202216 October 2027
5Sewage discharge permit for Longrui Glass91341600151946047T001U24 July 202323 July 2028
6Sewage discharge permit for Yellow Crane Tower (Wuhan)914201057483467497001R6 January 20235 January 2028
7Sewage discharge permit for Yellow Crane Tower (Xianning)91421200562735332N001V25 June 202324 June 2028
8Sewage discharge permit for Yellow Crane Tower (Suizhou)9142130077756290XJ001V29 December 202328 December 2028
9Sewage discharge permit for Anhui Mingguang Distillery91341182781098222U001T26 November 202225 November 2027

The regulations for industrial emissions and the particular requirements for controlling pollutant emissions those are associated withproduction and operational activities.

Name of polluterType of majorName of majorWay of dischargeNumber ofDistribution of dischargeDischarge concentrationDischarge standardsTotal dischargeApproved totalExcessive discharge

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pollutantspollutantsdischarge outletsoutletsimplementeddischarge
Anhui Gujing Distillery Co., Ltd.Water pollutantCODDirect discharge3Gujing plant, Zhangji plant, Headquarter plant15.23mg/L 35.04mg/L 16.57mg/LGujing plant≦50mg/L Zhangji plant、Headquarter plant≦100mg/LGujing plant:2.68t Zhangji plant:1.95t Headquarter plant:5.44tGujing plant:52.958t/a Zhangji plant:26.504t/a Headquarter plant:116.0596t/aNaught
Anhui Gujing Distillery Co., Ltd.Water pollutantNH3-NDirect discharge3Gujing plant, Zhangji plant, Headquarter plant0.21mg/L 0.23mg/L 0.27mg/LGujing plant≦5mg/L Zhangji plant、Headquarter plant≦10mg/LGujing plant:0.04t Zhangji plant:0.01t Headquarter plant:0.19tGujing plant:5.2958t/a Zhangji plant:2.6504t/a Headquarter plant:11.60596t/aNaught
Anhui Gujing Distillery Co., Ltd.Air pollutantSmokeOrganized2Gujing plant, Headquarter plant0.47mg/m? 0.54mg/m?Gujing plant、Headquarter plant≦10mg/m3Gujing plant:0.078t Headquarter plant:0.29tGujing plant:4.301t/a Headquarter plant:5.01t/aNaught
Anhui Gujing Distillery Co., Ltd.Air pollutantSO2Organized2Gujing plant, Headquarter plant10.30mg/m? 1.66mg/m?Gujing plant、Headquarter plant≦35mg/m3Gujing plant:1.71t Headquarter plant:0.90tGujing plant:15.055t/a Headquarter plant:17.536t/aNaught
Anhui Gujing Distillery Co., Ltd.Air pollutantNitrogen oxideOrganized3Gujing plant, Zhangji plant, Headquarter plant25.23mg/m? 25.74mg/m? 23.66mg/m?Gujing plant、Headquarter plant≦50mg/m3 Zhangji plant≦150mg/ m3Gujing plant:4.19t Zhangji plant:0.63t Headquarter plant:12.85tGujing plant:21.056t/a Zhangji plant:10.318t/a Headquarter plant:25.051t/aNaught

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Anhui Longrui Glass Co., LtdAir pollutantSmokeOrganized21#furnace 2#furnace2.12mg/m? 1.36mg/m?≦10mg/m?1#furnace:0.28t 2#furnace:0.37t/Naught
Anhui Longrui Glass Co., LtdAir pollutantSO2Organized21#furnace 2#furnace6.69mg/m? 6.04mg/m?≦50mg/m?1#furnace:1.89t 2#furnace:1.63t/Naught
Anhui Longrui Glass Co., LtdAir pollutantNitrogen oxideOrganized21#furnace 2#furnace53.87mg/m? 52.96mg/m?≦200mg/m?1#furnace:7.17t 2#furnace:14.27t/Naught
Yellow Crane Tower Distillery (Wuhan) Co., Ltd.Water pollutantCODIndirect discharge1Wuhan plant DW00139 mg/L≦400mg/L1.16t11.07t/aNaught
Yellow Crane Tower Distillery (Wuhan) Co., Ltd.Water pollutantNH3-NIndirect discharge1Wuhan plant DW0011.36 mg/L≦30mg/L0.04t4.05t/aNaught
Yellow Crane Tower Distillery (Wuhan) Co., Ltd.Air pollutantSO2Organized1Wuhan plant DA004ND≦50mg/m3//Naught
Yellow Crane Tower Distillery (Wuhan) Co., Ltd.Air pollutantNitrogen oxideOrganized1Wuhan plant DA00469.56 mg/m3≦150mg/m30.25 t/Naught
Yellow Crane Tower Distillery (Xianning) Co., Ltd.Water pollutantCODIndirect discharge1Xianning plant12.2765mg/L≦400 mg/L0.14t6t/aNaught

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Yellow Crane Tower Distillery (Xianning) Co., Ltd.Water pollutantAmmonia nitrogenIndirect discharge1Xianning plant0.1035 mg/L≦30mg/L0.0011t1t/aNaught
Yellow Crane Tower Distillery (Xianning) Co., Ltd.Air pollutantSO2Organized1Xianning plant DA003ND≦50mg/m3//Naught
Yellow Crane Tower Distillery (Xianning) Co., Ltd.Air pollutantNitrogen oxideOrganized1Xianning plant DA00386 mg/m3≦150mg/m30.79t/Naught
Yellow Crane Tower Distillery (Suizhou) Co., Ltd.Water pollutantCODIndirect discharge1Suizhou plant47.5 mg/L≦300mg/L2.73t17.83t/aNaught
Yellow Crane Tower Distillery (Suizhou) Co., Ltd.Water pollutantNH3-NIndirect discharge1Suizhou plant1.8085 mg/L≦25mg/L0.104t1.783t/aNaught
Yellow Crane Tower Distillery (Suizhou) Co., Ltd.Air pollutantSO2Organized1Suizhou plantND≦50mg/m?/0.634t/aNaught
Yellow Crane Tower Distillery (Suizhou) Co., Ltd.Air pollutantNitrogen oxideOrganized1Suizhou plant61.5 mg/m?≦200mg/m?1.205t2.966t/aNaught

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Anhui Mingguang Distillery Co., Ltd.Air pollutantNitrogen oxideOrganized110t boiler furnace30.83 mg/m?≦50mg/m?0.320t2.128t/aNaught
Anhui Mingguang Distillery Co., Ltd.Water pollutantCODIndirect discharge1Outlet outside the plant50 mg/L≦400mg/L0.724t11.107t/aNaught
Anhui Mingguang Distillery Co., Ltd.Water pollutantAmmonia nitrogenIndirect discharge1Outlet outside the plant6.44 mg/L≦30mg/L0.093t0.18t/aNaught

Treatment of pollutantsIn the first half of 2024, the Company and its subsidiaries maintained normal operations of their waste management facilities,effectively achieving standard emissions for major pollutants. The Company was transparent with its environmental information andsuccessfully fulfilled its social responsibilities. Details are as follows:

1. Construction and operational status of the sewage treatment facilities of the Company and its subsidiaries

(1) The Gujing plant of Anhui Gujing Distillery Co., Ltd. employed a sewage treatment process comprising "IC anaerobic + A?/Oaerobic + in-depth treatment" techniques. The facility was designed with a capacity to treat 5,000 tonnes per day. The treated sewagemet the direct discharge requirements set by the GB27631-2011 Discharge Standard of Water Pollutants for Fermentation AlcoholAnddistilled Spirits Industry, and the facility operated normally, discharging a total of 176,000 tonnes of treated sewage in the firsthalf of the year.

(2) The Zhangji plant of Anhui Gujing Distillery Co., Ltd. employed a sewage treatment process comprising "IC anaerobic + A?/Oaerobic + in-depth treatment" techniques. The facility was designed with a capacity to treat 1,500 tonnes per day. The treated sewagemet the direct discharge requirements set by the GB27631-2011 Discharge Standard of Water Pollutants for Fermentation AlcoholAnddistilled Spirits Industry, and the facility operated normally, discharging a total of 55,567 tonnes of treated sewage in the first halfof the year.

(3) The headquarters plant of Anhui Gujing Distillery Co., Ltd. employed a sewage treatment process comprising "IC anaerobic +A?/O aerobic + in-depth treatment" techniques. The facility was designed with a capacity to treat 8,000 tonnes per day. The treatedsewage met the direct discharge requirements set by the GB27631-2011 Discharge Standard of Water Pollutants for FermentationAlcohol Anddistilled Spirits Industry, and the facility operated normally, discharging a total of 318,670 tonnes of treated sewage inthe first half of the year.

(4) The production and living sewage of Anhui Longrui Glass Co., Ltd is discharged indirectly into the sewage treatment station ofZhangji Plant under Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited, and it is discharged after treatment and up to the standard and isunder normal operation, discharging a total of 64,981 tonnes of treated sewage in the first half of the year.

(5) The sewage treatment station of Wuhan plant of Yellow Crane Tower Distillery employed a sewage treatment process comprising"anaerobic + aerobic treatment" techniques. The facility was designed with a capacity to treat 250 tonnes per day. The treated sewagemet the direct discharge requirements set by the GB27631-2011 Discharge Standard of Water Pollutants for Fermentation Alcoholand Distilled Spirits Industry, and the facility operated normally, discharging a total of 29,895 tonnes of treated sewage in the firsthalf of the year.

(6) The sewage treatment station of plant of Yellow Crane Tower Distillery (Xianning) employed a sewage treatment processcomprising "UASB anaerobic + A2/O2" techniques. The facility was designed with a capacity to treat 100 tonnes per day. The treatedsewage met the direct discharge requirements set by the GB27631-2011 Discharge Standard of Water Pollutants for Fermentation

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Alcohol and Distilled Spirits Industry, and the facility operated normally, discharging a total of 10,610 tonnes of treated sewage in thefirst half of the year.

(7) The sewage treatment station of the plant of Yellow Crane Tower Distillery (Suizhou) employed a sewage treatment processcomprising "IC anaerobic + A2/O + in-depth treatment" techniques. The facility was designed with a capacity to treat 100 tonnes perday. The treated sewage met the direct discharge requirements set by the GB27631-2011 Discharge Standard of Water Pollutants forFermentation Alcohol and Distilled Spirits Industry, and the facility operated normally, discharging a total of 55,803 tonnes of treatedsewage in the first half of the year.

(8) The sewage treatment station of Anhui Mingguang Distillery Co., Ltd. employed a sewage treatment process comprising "UASBanaerobic + facultative pond + contact oxidation pond" techniques. The facility was designed with a capacity to treat 500 tonnes perday. The treated sewage met the direct discharge requirements set by the GB27631-2011 Discharge Standard of Water Pollutants forFermentation Alcohol and Distilled Spirits Industry, and the facility operated normally, discharging a total of 14,488 tonnes of treatedsewage in the first half of the year.

2. Construction and operational status of the waste gas treatment facilities of the Company and its subsidiaries

(1) The Gujing plant of Anhui Gujing Distillery Co., Ltd. operated two 35t/h coal-fired boilers at its power station. The flue gastreatment facilities, designed with a capacity of 100,000 Nm?/h, employed a combination of "baghouse dust removal,limestone-gypsum wet desulphurisation, SNCR non-catalytic reduction, SCR catalytic reduction, and wet electrostatic precipitation"processes. These facilities treated approximately 165.9413 million Nm? of flue gases in the first half of the year, adhering to ultra-lowemission standards, which are under normal operation.

(2) The power station of Zhangji plant of Anhui Gujing Distillery Co., Ltd. operated a 25t/h gas boiler. Its flue gas treatment facilities,designed to handle 25,000 Nm?/h, used "low NOx combustion" technology. These facilities treated approximately 24.4745 millionNm? of flue gases in the first half of the year, ensuring compliance with the GB13271-2014 Emission Standards of Air Pollutants forCoal-burning Boiler for gas boilers, which are under normal operation.

(3) The headquarters plant of Anhui Gujing Distillery Co., Ltd. operated two 35t/h coal-fired boilers at its power station. The flue gastreatment facilities, designed with a capacity of 20,000 Nm?/h, employed a combination of "baghouse dust removal,limestone-gypsum wet desulphurisation, SNCR non-catalytic reduction, SCR catalytic reduction, and wet electrostatic precipitation"processes. These facilities treated approximately 519.8390 million Nm? of flue gases in the first half of the year, adhering to ultra-lowemission standards, which are under normal operation.

(4) Anhui Longrui Glass Co., Ltd. operated two glass kilns with flue gas treatment facilities capable of handling 100,000 Nm?/h. Theprocess will include "baghouse dust removal, dry desulphurisation, and SCR catalytic reduction." These facilities treatedapproximately 402.4595 million Nm? of flue gases in the first half of the year, meeting the A-level enterprise emission requirementsunder the Technical Guide for Emergency Emission Reduction Measures in Key Industries during Heavy Pollution Weather for theglass industry, which are under normal operation.

(5) The Wuhan plant of Yellow Crane Tower Distillery operated five 1t/h natural gas steam heat sources, with flue gas treatmentfacilities designed to manage 18,000 Nm?/h using "low NOx combustion" techniques. These facilities treated approximately 3.3536million Nm? of flue gases in the first half of the year, ensuring compliance with the special emission limits for air pollutants from gasboilers as specified in GB13271-2014 Emission Standards of Air Pollutants for Coal-burning Boiler, which are under normaloperation.

(6) The plant of Yellow Crane Tower Distillery (Xianning) operated one 3t/h and one 4t/h gas boiler, with flue gas treatment facilitiesdesigned to process 13,000 Nm?/h using "low NOx combustion" techniques. These facilities treated approximately 10.0122 millionNm? of flue gases in the first half of the year, adhering to the GB13271-2014 Emission Standards of Air Pollutants for Coal-burningBoiler for gas boilers, which are under normal operation.

(7) The plant of Yellow Crane Tower Distillery (Suizhou) operated one 15t/h and one 25t/h gas boiler, with flue gas treatmentfacilities designed to process 35,000 Nm?/h using "low NOx combustion" techniques. These facilities treated approximately 67.48million Nm? of flue gases in the first half of the year, adhering to the GB13271-2014 Emission Standards of Air Pollutants for

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Coal-burning Boiler for gas boilers, which are under normal operation.

(8) Anhui Mingguang Distillery Co., Ltd. operated one 10t/h gas boiler, with flue gas treatment facilities designed to process 11,000Nm?/h using "low NOx combustion" techniques. These facilities treated approximately 10.1342 million Nm? of flue gases in the firsthalf of the year, adhering to the GB13271-2014 Emission Standards of Air Pollutants for Coal-burning Boiler for gas boilers, whichare under normal operation.Emergency plan for sudden environment affairs

1. The Company has formulated the Emergency Plan of Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited for Sudden EnvironmentalPollution Accidents (File No. 341602-2021-006-H), which has been filed with Bureau of Ecology and Environment of Bozhou.Emergency plan drills have been carried out as planned.

2. Anhui Longrui Glass Co., Ltd. has formulated the Emergency Plan of Anhui Longrui Glass Co., Ltd for Sudden EnvironmentalPollution Accident, which has been filed with Bureau of Ecology and Environment of Bozhou (File No. 341602-2023-027-M).Emergency plan drills have been carried out as planned.

3. The Wuhan plant of Yellow Crane Tower Distillery has formulated the Emergency Plan of Yellow Crane Tower Distillery Co., Ltdfor Sudden Environmental Issues, which has been filed with the Hanyang District branch of the Wuhan Municipal Ecology andEnvironment Bureau (File No. 420105-2021-005-L). Emergency plan drills have been carried out as required.

4. The plant of Yellow Crane Tower Distillery (Xianning) has formulated the Emergency Plan of Yellow Crane Tower Distillery(Xianning) Co., Ltd for Sudden Environmental Issues, which has been filed with the Xianning High-tech District branch of theXianning Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (File No. 421201-2021-014-H). Emergency plan drills have been carried outas required.

5. The plant of Yellow Crane Tower Distillery (Suizhou) has signed a service contract (Contract No. SZ-HB-202208-0040) with athird-party technical unit regarding the emergency plan for sudden environmental issues. The plan has passed expert review and iscurrently under re-examination by the local Bureau of Ecology and Environment.

6. Anhui Mingguang Distillery Co., Ltd. has formulated the Emergency Plan of Anhui Mingguang Distillery Co., Ltd. for SuddenEnvironmental Issues, which has been filed with the Mingguang Municipal Ecology and Environment Sub-Bureau (File No.341182-2021-031-M). Emergency plan drills have been carried out as required.Input in environment governance and protection and payment of environmental protection taxIn the first half of 2024, the total investment in environmental governance and protection by the Company and its subsidiariesamounted to RMB20.0480 million, with environmental taxes paid totaling RMB94.7 thousand.Environmental self-monitoring schemeThe Company and its subsidiaries have formulated their Environmental Self-Monitoring Schemes and published them on the localwebsites for self-monitoring information disclosure.Administrative penalties imposed for environmental issues during the Reporting Period

NameReasonCaseResultInfluence on production and operationRectification measures

Other environment information that should be disclosedNaughtMeasures taken to decrease carbon emission in the Reporting Period and corresponding effects? Applicable □ Not applicable

1. Equilibrated production at thermal power station boilers: To enhance boiler operational efficiency and reduce carbon emissions,

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equilibrated production was implemented at the headquarters' plant in 2024. This initiative improved boiler thermal efficiency by 15%and is projected to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 5,000 tonnes.

2. Intensified power conservation of the Company:

(1) The Company conserved power in offices, sufficiently utilized natural light, and prohibited lamps from shining all the time,replaced lamps in passageways with sound-controlled types, and strictly implemented the requirements of temperature setting onair-conditioners.

(2) The Company conserved power used by street lamps, and strictly specified turn-off and turn-on time; through theabove-mentioned measures, power wasted in offices has been greatly reduced, which has played an active role in the energyconservation and carbon reduction of the Company.Other related environment protection informationNaught

II Social ResponsibilityDuring the Reporting Period, the Company, in strict accordance with the requirements for high-quality development of listedcompanies in the new era, focused on its established strategies, actively responded to the expectations of society, shareholders andother stakeholders, continuously improved its corporate governance structure, standardized its operations, attached importance toinvestor relations, and took the initiative to fulfill its social responsibilities in the areas of protection of the rights and interests ofsuppliers, customers and employees, and environmental protection and sustainable development. The Company upholds the corevalues of "Be Honest, Offer Quality Liquor, Be Stronger and Be Helpful to the Society", actively builds and develops strategicpartnerships with suppliers and customers. Also, the Company focuses on communication and coordination with all relevant parties,jointly builds a platform of trust and cooperation, and effectively fulfills the Company's social responsibility to suppliers andcustomers.The Company has continuously consolidated its quality management foundation and improved customer service mechanisms. Asidefrom attaching great importance to green production and discharge compliance, it has constantly created new green products andimplemented innovative energy-conservation and emission-reduction technologies. The Company builds dynamic teams throughtalent development, protects employees' rights and interests, optimizes talent teams and boosts diversified development. Also, it hasconstantly enhanced the management of workplace safety as well as the inspection of employees' occupational and health risks,thereby creating a diverse, safe and harmonious working environment.

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Part VI Significant EventsI Commitments of the Company’s De Facto Controller, Shareholders, Related Parties andAcquirers, as well as the Company Itself and Other Entities Fulfilled in the Reporting Periodor Ongoing at the Period-End

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.II Occupation of the Company’s Capital by the Controlling Shareholder or any of Its RelatedParties for Non-Operating Purposes

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.III Irregularities in the Provision of Guarantees

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

IV Engagement and Disengagement of Independent Auditor

Are the interim financial statements audited?

□ Yes ? No

The interim financial statements have not been audited.V Explanations Given by the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee Regardingthe Independent Auditor's “Modified Opinion” on the Financial Statements of the ReportingPeriod

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

VI Explanations Given by the Board of Directors Regarding the Independent Auditor's“Modified Opinion” on the Financial Statements of Last Year

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

VII Insolvency and Reorganization

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

~ 37 ~

VIII Legal Matters

Significant lawsuits and arbitrations:

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.Other legal matters:

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

IX Punishments and Rectifications

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

X Credit Quality of the Company as well as its Controlling Shareholder and De FactoController

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

XI Major Related-Party Transactions

1. Continuing Related-Party Transactions

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

2. Related-Party Transactions Regarding Purchase or Disposal of Assets or Equity Investments

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

3. Related-Party Transactions Regarding Joint Investments in Third Parties

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

4. Amounts Due to and from Related Parties

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

5. Transactions with Related Finance Companies, or Finance Companies Controlled by the Company

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

The Company did not make deposits in, receive loans or credit from and was not involved in any other finance business with anyrelated finance company, finance company controlled by the Company or any other related parties.

~ 38 ~

6. Transactions between Related Parties and Finance Companies Controlled by the Company

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

No related parties made deposits in, received loans or credit from and were involved in any other finance business with any financecompany controlled by the Company.

7. Other Major Related-Party Transactions

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

XII Major Contracts and Execution thereof

1. Entrustment, Contracting and Leases

(1) Entrustment

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

(2) Contracting

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

(3) Leases

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

2. Major Guarantees

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

3. Cash Entrusted for Wealth Management

? Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: RMB’0,000

Specific typeCapital resourcesAmount incurredUndue balanceUnrecovered overdue amountUnrecovered overdue amount with provision for

~ 39 ~

Bank financial productsSelf-owned funds70,

High-risk wealth management transactions with a significant single amount, low security, or low liquidity:

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

Situation where the principal is expectedly irrecoverable or an impairment may be incurred:

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

4. Other Significant Contracts

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

XIII Other Significant Events

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

XIV Significant Events of Subsidiaries

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

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Part VII Share Changes and Shareholder InformationI Share Changes

1. Share Changes

Unit: share

BeforeIncrease/decrease (+/-)After
SharesPercentage (%)New issuesShares as dividend converted from profitShares as dividend converted from capital reservesOtherSubtotalSharesPercentage (%)
I. Restricted shares
1. Shares held by the state
2. Shares held by state-owned corporations
3. Shares held by other domestic investors
Among which: Shares held by domestic corporations
Shares held by domestic individuals
4. Shares held by foreign investors
Among which: Shares held by foreign corporations
Shares held by foreign individuals
II. Non-restricted shares528,600,000100.00%528,600,000100.00%
1. RMB ordinary shares408,600,00077.30%408,600,00077.30%
2. Domestically listed foreign shares120,000,00022.70%120,000,00022.70%
3. Overseas listed foreign shares
4. Other
III. Total shares528,600,000100.00%528,600,000100.00%

Reasons for share changes:

~ 41 ~

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

Approval of share changes:

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

Transfer of share ownership:

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

Progress on any share repurchase:

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

Progress on reducing the repurchased shares by means of centralized bidding:

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

Effects of share changes on the basic and diluted earnings per share, equity per share attributable to the Company’s ordinaryshareholders and other financial indicators of the prior year and the prior accounting period, respectively:

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

Other information that the Company considers necessary or is required by the securities regulator to be disclosed:

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

2. Changes in Restricted Shares

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

II Issuance and Listing of Securities

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

III Shareholders and Their Shareholdings at the Period-End

Unit: share

Number of ordinary shareholders33,319Number of preferred shareholders with resumed voting rights (if any) (see note 8)0
5% or greater ordinary shareholders or the top 10 ordinary shareholders
Name of shareholderNature of shareholderShareholding percentageTotal ordinary shares held at the period-endIncrease/decrease in the Reporting PeriodRestricted ordinary shares heldNon-restricted ordinary shares heldShares in pledge, marked or frozen
ANHUI GUJING GROUP COMPANY LIMITEDState-owned legal person51.34%271,404,02241,300271,404,022In pledge30,000,000
BANK OF CHINA-CHINA MERCHANTSOther2.49%13,183,400368,94513,183,400N/A

~ 42 ~

HONG KONG SECURITIES CLEARING COMPANY LTD.Foreign legal person1.52%8,024,458988,0868,024,458N/A
UBS (LUX) EQUITY FUND - CHINA OPPORTUNITY (USD)Foreign legal person1.30%6,896,6616,896,661N/A

~ 43 ~

GREENWOODS CHINA ALPHA MASTER FUNDForeign legal person1.14%6,049,7606,049,760N/A
3W GLOBAL FUNDForeign legal person0.77%4,051,5284,051,528N/A
Strategic investor or general legal person becoming a top-10 ordinary shareholder due to rights issue (if any) (see note 3)N/A
Related or acting-in-concert parties among the shareholders aboveAmong the shareholders above, the Company’s controlling shareholder—Anhui Gujing Group Company Limited—is not a related party of other shareholders; nor are they parties acting in concert as defined in the Administrative Measures on Information Disclosure of Changes in Shareholding of Listed Companies. As for the other shareholders, the Company does not know whether they are related parties or whether they belong to parties acting in concert as defined in the Administrative Measures on Information Disclosure of Changes in Shareholding of Listed Companies.
Explain if any of the shareholders above was involved in entrusting/being entrusted with voting rights or waiving voting rightsN/A
Special account for share repurchases (if any) among the top 10 shareholders (see note 11)N/A
Top 10 non-restricted ordinary shareholders
Name of shareholderNon-restricted shares held at the period-endShares by type
ANHUI GUJING GROUP COMPANY LIMITED271,404,022RMB-denominated ordinary share271,404,022

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HONG KONG SECURITIES CLEARING COMPANY LTD.8,024,458RMB-denominated ordinary share8,024,458
UBS (LUX) EQUITY FUND - CHINA OPPORTUNITY (USD)6,896,661Domestically listed foreign share6,896,661
GREENWOODS CHINA ALPHA MASTER FUND6,049,760Domestically listed foreign share6,049,760
3W GLOBAL FUND4,051,528Domestically listed foreign share4,051,528
Related or acting-in-concert parties among top 10 unrestricted ordinary shareholders, as well as between top 10 unrestricted ordinary shareholders and top 10 ordinary shareholdersAmong the shareholders above, the Company’s controlling shareholder—Anhui Gujing Group Company Limited—is not a related party of other shareholders; nor are they parties acting in concert as defined in the Administrative Measures on Information Disclosure of Changes in Shareholding of Listed Companies. As for the other shareholders, the Company does not know whether they are related parties or whether they belong to parties acting in concert as defined in the Administrative Measures on Information Disclosure of Changes in Shareholding of Listed Companies.
Top 10 ordinary shareholders involved in securities margin trading (if any) (see note 4)Since October 2021, the Company's controlling shareholder Gujing Group has conducted the business of "Refinancing by Lending Securities", and as of 30 June 2024, all lent shares for refinancing were returned.

5% or greater shareholders, top 10 shareholders and Top 10 unrestricted shareholders involved in refinancing shares lending? Applicable □ Not applicable

~ 45 ~

Unit: share

5% or greater shareholders, top 10 shareholders and Top 10 unrestricted shareholders involved in refinancing shares lending
Full name of shareholderShares in the common account and credit account at the period-beginShares lent in refinancing and not yet returned at the period-beginShares in the common account and credit account at the period-endShares lent in refinancing and not yet returned at the period-end
Total sharesAs % of total share capitalTotal sharesAs % of total share capitalTotal sharesAs % of total share capitalTotal sharesAs % of total share capital
ANHUI GUJING GROUP COMPANY LIMITED271,362,72251.34%41,3000.0078%271,404,02251.34%0.000.00%

Changes in top 10 shareholders and top 10 unrestricted shareholders due to refinancing shares lending/return compared with the priorperiod

□Applicable ? Not applicable

Indicate by tick mark whether any of the top 10 ordinary shareholders or the top 10 unrestricted ordinary shareholders of theCompany conducted any promissory repo during the Reporting Period.

□ Yes ? No

No such cases in the Reporting Period.IV Change in Shareholdings of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

No changes occurred to the shareholdings of the directors, supervisors and senior management in the Reporting Period. See the 2023Annual Report for more details.V Change of the Controlling Shareholder or the De Facto ControllerChange of the controlling shareholder in the Reporting Period

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.Change of the de facto controller in the Reporting Period

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

~ 46 ~

Part VIII Preference Shares

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

No preference shares in the Reporting Period.

~ 47 ~

Part IX Bonds

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

~ 48 ~

Part X Financial Statements

I Independent Auditor’s ReportAre these interim financial statements audited by an independent auditor?

□ Yes ? No

These interim financial statements have not been audited by an independent auditor.II Financial Statements

Currency unit for the financial statements and the notes thereto: RMB

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet

Prepared by Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited

30 June 2024

Unit: RMB

Item30 June 20241 January 2024
Current assets:
Monetary assets16,158,396,761.5815,966,371,744.19
Settlement reserve
Loans to other banks and financial institutions
Held-for-trading financial assets0.00719,987,547.42
Derivative financial assets
Notes receivable
Accounts receivable59,519,246.9168,607,919.27
Receivables financing1,581,346,121.50957,560,115.73
Premiums receivable
Reinsurance receivables
Receivable reinsurance contract reserve
Other receivables37,020,138.2649,178,194.70
Including: Interest receivable
Dividends receivable
Financial assets purchased under resale agreements

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Including: Data resource
Contract assets
Assets held for sale
Current portion of non-current assets
Other current assets134,701,510.60135,071,255.36
Total current assets25,844,541,789.6325,508,066,655.36
Non-current assets:
Loans and advances to customers
Debt investments
Other debt investments
Long-term receivables
Long-term equity investments10,437,313.9910,367,078.26
Investments in other equity instruments68,799,632.9263,105,658.07
Other non-current financial assets
Investment property44,627,931.0146,622,910.19
Fixed assets4,724,543,385.224,596,044,056.92
Construction in progress3,228,411,813.842,910,735,155.39
Productive living assets
Oil and gas assets
Right-of-use assets104,188,743.8481,038,100.24
Intangible assets1,107,445,540.601,123,186,836.65
Including: Data resource
Development costs
Including: Data resource
Long-term prepaid expense236,660,533.3359,102,583.98
Deferred income tax assets627,263,071.31455,588,567.46
Other non-current assets4,412,486.005,685,287.46
Total non-current assets10,718,154,837.079,912,840,619.63
Total assets36,562,696,626.7035,420,907,274.99
Current liabilities:
Short-term borrowings40,014,544.520.00
Borrowings from the central bank
Loans from other banks and financial institutions
Held-for-trading financial liabilities
Derivative financial liabilities
Notes payable418,126,347.551,353,187,723.44
Accounts payable2,090,075,757.872,814,192,071.24
Advances from customers

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Contract liabilities2,218,413,969.301,401,122,249.53
Financial assets sold under repurchase agreements
Customer deposits and deposits from other banks and financial institutions
Payables for acting trading of securities
Payables for underwriting of securities
Employee benefits payable1,152,665,323.591,180,605,773.29
Taxes and levies payable1,304,481,154.791,179,368,855.69
Other payables3,032,063,462.123,267,292,222.01
Including: Interest payable
Dividends payable
Fees and commissions payable
Reinsurance payables
Liabilities directly associated with assets held for sale
Current portion of non-current liabilities65,734,379.4680,825,022.51
Other current liabilities1,964,535,477.831,132,018,451.10
Total current liabilities12,286,110,417.0312,408,612,368.81
Non-current liabilities:
Insurance contract reserve
Long-term borrowings83,400,000.00107,106,256.94
Bonds payable
Including: Preference shares
Perpetual bonds
Lease liabilities84,363,974.8368,380,767.78
Long-term payables
Long-term employee benefits payable
Deferred income101,700,136.20100,811,404.82
Deferred income tax liabilities276,292,048.38321,723,514.56
Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities545,756,159.41598,021,944.10
Total liabilities12,831,866,576.4413,006,634,312.91
Owners’ equity:
Share capital528,600,000.00528,600,000.00
Other equity instruments
Including: Preference shares
Perpetual bonds
Capital reserves6,224,747,667.106,224,747,667.10

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Less: Treasury stock
Other comprehensive income2,373,236.521,596,322.73
Specific reserve
Surplus reserves269,402,260.27269,402,260.27
General reserve
Retained earnings15,695,054,954.4914,500,963,359.34
Total equity attributable to owners of the Company as the parent22,720,178,118.3821,525,309,609.44
Non-controlling interests1,010,651,931.88888,963,352.64
Total owners’ equity23,730,830,050.2622,414,272,962.08
Total liabilities and owners’ equity36,562,696,626.7035,420,907,274.99

Legal representative: Liang Jinhui The Company’s chief accountant: Zhu JiafengHead of the Company’s financial department: Zhu Jiafeng

2. Balance Sheet of the Company as the Parent

Unit: RMB

Item30 June 20241 January 2024
Current assets:
Monetary assets7,047,539,494.697,430,906,530.24
Held-for-trading financial assets0.00719,987,547.42
Derivative financial assets
Notes receivable0.0044,669,454.15
Accounts receivable
Accounts receivable financing1,522,467,507.11353,179,776.80
Other receivables452,421,557.21384,878,020.29
Including: Interest receivable
Dividends receivable
Including: Data resource
Contract assets
Assets held for sale
Current portion of non-current assets
Other current assets88,103,446.4870,067,944.53
Total current assets15,191,057,045.9514,859,170,804.31
Non-current assets:
Investments in debt obligations
Investments in other debt obligations
Long-term receivables

~ 52 ~

Long-term equity investments1,624,003,543.471,602,935,444.04
Investments in other equity instruments
Other non-current financial assets
Investment property44,627,931.0146,622,910.19
Fixed assets3,323,853,340.673,457,239,038.00
Construction in progress2,639,110,755.672,081,093,829.00
Productive living assets
Oil and gas assets
Right-of-use assets104,188,743.8481,038,100.24
Intangible assets484,777,828.88494,450,059.46
Including: Data resource
Development costs
Including: Data resource
Long-term prepaid expense202,384,409.6322,664,614.49
Deferred income tax assets26,518,520.6531,803,704.33
Other non-current assets
Total non-current assets8,449,465,073.827,817,847,699.75
Total assets23,640,522,119.7722,677,018,504.06
Current liabilities:
Short-term borrowings
Held-for-trading financial liabilities
Derivative financial liabilities
Notes payable
Accounts payable1,310,534,504.821,658,351,501.91
Advances from customers
Contract liabilities2,387,816,632.04858,057,014.88
Employee benefits payable502,426,705.03477,940,588.68
Taxes payable755,081,514.38730,264,020.00
Other payables755,412,160.76879,518,254.66
Including: Interest payable
Dividends payable
Liabilities directly associated with assets held for sale
Current portion of non-current liabilities13,652,379.4710,771,925.29
Other current liabilities315,363,510.93134,926,323.61
Total current liabilities6,040,287,407.434,749,829,629.03
Non-current liabilities:
Long-term borrowings

~ 53 ~

Bonds payable
Including: Preferred shares
Perpetual bonds
Lease liabilities84,363,974.8368,380,767.78
Long-term payables
Long-term employee benefits payable
Deferred income37,220,451.2035,650,375.64
Deferred income tax liabilities62,757,792.0171,944,672.72
Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities184,342,218.04175,975,816.14
Total liabilities6,224,629,625.474,925,805,445.17
Owners’ equity:
Share capital528,600,000.00528,600,000.00
Other equity instruments
Including: Preferred shares
Perpetual bonds
Capital reserves6,176,504,182.206,176,504,182.20
Less: Treasury stock
Other comprehensive income-4,101,328.79-1,993,312.09
Specific reserve
Surplus reserves264,300,000.00264,300,000.00
Retained earnings10,450,589,640.8910,783,802,188.78
Total owners’ equity17,415,892,494.3017,751,213,058.89
Total liabilities and owners’ equity23,640,522,119.7722,677,018,504.06

3. Consolidated Income Statement

Unit: RMB

ItemH1 2024H1 2023
1. Revenue13,805,693,542.3511,310,016,495.10
Including: Operating revenue13,805,693,542.3511,310,016,495.10
Interest income
Insurance premium income
Handling charge and commission income
2. Costs and expenses8,832,090,887.257,533,156,217.79
Including: Cost of sales2,704,664,895.422,388,610,838.28
Interest expense
Handling charge and commission expense

~ 54 ~

Net insurance claims paid
Net amount provided as insurance contract reserve
Expenditure on policy dividends
Reinsurance premium expense
Taxes and surcharges2,093,680,344.081,605,442,141.06
Selling expense3,611,684,984.173,048,015,143.61
Administrative expense671,150,694.72583,974,559.37
R&D expense33,232,298.3429,964,175.22
Finance costs-282,322,329.48-122,850,639.75
Including: Interest expense3,445,346.57771,499.92
Interest income298,352,344.67122,996,635.75
Add: Other income26,746,914.8227,104,577.88
Return on investment (“-” for loss)-25,111,476.37-27,346,113.37
Including: Share of profit or loss of joint ventures and associates70,235.7346,146.26
Income from the derecognition of financial assets at amortized cost (“-” for loss)
Exchange gain (“-” for loss)
Net gain on exposure hedges (“-” for loss)
Gain on changes in fair value (“-” for loss)0.0025,168,981.30
Credit impairment loss (“-” for loss)57,444.8884,454.20
Asset impairment loss (“-” for loss)6,603,562.17-17,556,673.87
Asset disposal income (“-” for loss)115,019.47203,366.67
3. Operating profit (“-” for loss)4,982,014,120.073,784,518,870.12
Add: Non-operating income32,302,009.9944,676,493.06
Less: Non-operating expense6,795,915.8220,358,442.79
4. Profit before tax (“-” for loss)5,007,520,214.243,808,836,920.39
Less: Income tax expense1,328,603,900.45964,656,318.72
5. Net profit (“-” for net loss)3,678,916,313.792,844,180,601.67
5.1 By operating continuity
5.1.1 Net profit from continuing3,678,916,313.792,844,180,601.67

~ 55 ~

operations (“-” for net loss)
5.1.2 Net profit from discontinued operations (“-” for net loss)
5.2 By ownership
5.2.1 Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company as the parent (“-” for net loss)3,572,791,595.152,779,474,367.51
5.2.1 Net profit attributable to non-controlling interests (“-” for net loss)106,124,718.6464,706,234.16
6. Other comprehensive income, net of tax2,500,944.331,494,571.29
Attributable to owners of the Company as the parent776,913.79250,144.18
6.1 Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss2,562,288.681,937,767.20
6.1.1 Changes caused by remeasurements on defined benefit schemes
6.1.2 Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss under the equity method
6.1.3 Changes in the fair value of investments in other equity instruments2,562,288.681,937,767.20
6.1.4 Changes in the fair value arising from changes in own credit risk
6.1.5 Other
6.2 Items that will be reclassified to profit or loss-1,785,374.89-1,687,623.02
6.2.1 Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit or loss under the equity method
6.2.2 Changes in the fair value of investments in other debt obligations
6.2.3 Other comprehensive income arising from the reclassification of financial assets-1,785,374.89-1,687,623.02
6.2.4 Credit impairment allowance for investments in other debt obligations
6.2.5 Reserve for cash flow hedges
6.2.6 Differences arising from the translation of foreign

~ 56 ~

currency-denominated financial statements
6.2.7 Other
Attributable to non-controlling interests1,724,030.541,244,427.11
7. Total comprehensive income3,681,417,258.122,845,675,172.96
Attributable to owners of the Company as the parent3,573,568,508.942,779,724,511.69
Attributable to non-controlling interests107,848,749.1865,950,661.27
8. Earnings per share
8.1 Basic earnings per share6.765.26
8.2 Diluted earnings per share6.765.26

Legal representative: Liang Jinhui The Company’s chief accountant: Zhu JiafengHead of the Company’s financial department: Zhu Jiafeng

4. Income Statement of the Company as the Parent

Unit: RMB

ItemH1 2024H1 2023
1. Operating revenue7,384,017,491.415,688,977,006.98
Less: Cost of sales2,445,598,078.602,033,053,131.03
Taxes and surcharges1,772,751,072.051,375,276,190.77
Selling expense21,459,835.7218,124,000.75
Administrative expense419,472,201.59390,026,657.42
R&D expense13,929,592.9011,525,750.69
Finance costs-97,004,971.38-90,964,543.78
Including: Interest expense3,595,408.74637,086.51
Interest income112,271,255.0691,541,910.22
Add: Other income6,966,116.881,828,952.83
Return on investment (“-” for loss)-26,308,146.40-18,401,784.46
Including: Share of profit or loss of joint ventures and associates68,099.4343,101.60
Income from the derecognition of financial assets at amortized cost (“-” for loss)
Net gain on exposure hedges (“-” for loss)
Gain on changes in fair value (“-” for loss)0.0025,168,981.30
Credit impairment loss (“-” for-10,278.59148,348.99

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Asset impairment loss (“-” for loss)5,706,685.56-17,141,448.76
Asset disposal income (“-” for loss)0.0014,302.24
2. Operating profit (“-” for loss)2,794,166,059.381,943,553,172.24
Add: Non-operating income15,441,836.2715,599,716.85
Less: Non-operating expense4,287,382.3917,213,516.15
3. Profit before tax (“-” for loss)2,805,320,513.261,941,939,372.94
Less: Income tax expense759,833,061.15538,348,288.93
4. Net profit (“-” for net loss)2,045,487,452.111,403,591,084.01
4.1 Net profit from continuing operations (“-” for net loss)2,045,487,452.111,403,591,084.01
4.2 Net profit from discontinued operations (“-” for net loss)
5. Other comprehensive income, net of tax-2,108,016.70-1,133,280.01
5.1 Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss
5.1.1 Changes caused by remeasurements on defined benefit schemes
5.1.2 Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss under the equity method
5.1.3 Changes in the fair value of investments in other equity instruments
5.1.4 Changes in the fair value arising from changes in own credit risk
5.1.5 Other
5.2 Items that will be reclassified to profit or loss-2,108,016.70-1,133,280.01
5.2.1 Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit or loss under the equity method
5.2.2 Changes in the fair value of investments in other debt obligations
5.2.3 Other comprehensive income arising from the reclassification of financial assets-2,108,016.70-1,133,280.01
5.2.4 Credit impairment allowance for investments in other debt obligations
5.2.5 Reserve for cash flow hedges

~ 58 ~

5.2.6 Differences arising from the translation of foreign currency-denominated financial statements
5.2.7 Other
6. Total comprehensive income2,043,379,435.411,402,457,804.00
7. Earnings per share
7.1 Basic earnings per share3.872.66
7.2 Diluted earnings per share3.872.66

5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

Unit: RMB

ItemH1 2024H1 2023
1. Cash flows from operating activities:
Proceeds from sale of commodities and rendering of services14,245,568,250.4612,967,342,850.81
Net increase in customer deposits and interbank deposits
Net increase in borrowings from the central bank
Net increase in loans from other financial institutions
Premiums received on original insurance contracts
Net proceeds from reinsurance
Net increase in deposits and investments of policy holders
Interest, handling charges and commissions received
Net increase in interbank loans obtained
Net increase in proceeds from repurchase transactions
Net proceeds from acting trading of securities
Tax rebates23,333,556.851,875,811.35
Cash generated from other operating activities1,818,735,111.851,056,647,876.21
Subtotal of cash generated from operating activities16,087,636,919.1614,025,866,538.37
Payments for commodities and services3,170,264,475.642,160,026,046.33

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Net increase in loans and advances to customers
Net increase in deposits in the central bank and in interbank loans granted
Payments for claims on original insurance contracts
Net increase in interbank loans granted
Interest, handling charges and commissions paid
Policy dividends paid
Cash paid to and for employees2,060,510,062.011,885,616,624.31
Taxes paid4,887,229,011.013,995,204,357.05
Cash used in other operating activities1,959,926,915.011,257,182,813.95
Subtotal of cash used in operating activities12,077,930,463.679,298,029,841.64
Net cash generated from/used in operating activities4,009,706,455.494,727,836,696.73
2. Cash flows from investing activities:
Proceeds from disinvestment725,199,000.00760,098,239.02
Return on investment22,301,834.451,221,108.96
Net proceeds from the disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-lived assets49,020.00276,793.00
Net proceeds from the disposal of subsidiaries and other business units
Cash generated from other investing activities
Subtotal of cash generated from investing activities747,549,854.45761,596,140.98
Payments for the acquisition of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-lived assets1,190,884,765.961,027,930,984.35
Payments for investments720,000,000.00
Net increase in pledged loans granted
Net payments for the acquisition of subsidiaries and other business units13,439,262.05
Cash used in other investing activities
Subtotal of cash used in investing activities1,190,884,765.961,761,370,246.40
Net cash generated from/used in investing activities-443,334,911.51-999,774,105.42
3. Cash flows from financing activities:
Capital contributions received14,000,000.004,000,000.00

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Including: Capital contributions by non-controlling interests to subsidiaries14,000,000.004,000,000.00
Borrowings raised90,000,100.00134,000,000.00
Cash generated from other financing activities
Subtotal of cash generated from financing activities104,000,100.00138,000,000.00
Repayment of borrowings91,590,000.00113,000,000.00
Interest and dividends paid2,381,442,940.927,626,554.97
Including: Dividends paid by subsidiaries to non-controlling interests5,304,511.69
Cash used in other financing activities7,509,748.718,506,249.20
Subtotal of cash used in financing activities2,480,542,689.63129,132,804.17
Net cash generated from/used in financing activities-2,376,542,589.638,867,195.83
4. Effect of foreign exchange rates changes on cash and cash equivalents
5. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents1,189,828,954.353,736,929,787.14
Add: Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of the period14,676,167,417.3613,105,373,435.22
6. Cash and cash equivalents, end of the period15,865,996,371.7116,842,303,222.36

6. Cash Flow Statement of the Company as the Parent

Unit: RMB

ItemH1 2024H1 2023
1. Cash flows from operating activities:
Proceeds from sale of commodities and rendering of services15,817,677,216.119,423,877,589.29
Tax rebates
Cash generated from other operating activities732,824,253.24684,649,476.89
Subtotal of cash generated from operating activities16,550,501,469.3510,108,527,066.18
Payments for commodities and services1,871,024,800.581,600,410,168.91
Cash paid to and for employees696,968,743.97579,079,631.71
Taxes paid3,138,757,389.982,341,187,694.15
Cash used in other operating activities8,602,551,118.123,320,490,019.02
Subtotal of cash used in operating14,309,302,052.657,841,167,513.79

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Net cash generated from/used in operating activities2,241,199,416.702,267,359,552.39
2. Cash flows from investing activities:
Proceeds from disinvestment710,199,000.00210,098,239.02
Return on investment152,089,852.0792,948,040.53
Net proceeds from the disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-lived assets45,000.0014,800.00
Net proceeds from the disposal of subsidiaries and other business units
Cash generated from other investing activities
Subtotal of cash generated from investing activities862,333,852.07303,061,079.55
Payments for the acquisition of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-lived assets1,078,518,200.30854,427,751.14
Payments for investments21,000,000.00719,000,000.00
Net payments for the acquisition of subsidiaries and other business units0.0013,439,262.05
Cash used in other investing activities
Subtotal of cash used in investing activities1,099,518,200.301,586,867,013.19
Net cash generated from/used in investing activities-237,184,348.23-1,283,805,933.64
3. Cash flows from financing activities:
Capital contributions received
Borrowings raised
Cash generated from other financing activities
Subtotal of cash generated from financing activities
Repayment of borrowings
Interest and dividends paid2,379,872,355.310.00
Cash used in other financing activities7,509,748.717,606,249.20
Subtotal of cash used in financing activities2,387,382,104.027,606,249.20
Net cash generated from/used in financing activities-2,387,382,104.02-7,606,249.20
4. Effect of foreign exchange rates changes on cash and cash equivalents
5. Net increase in cash and cash-383,367,035.55975,947,369.55

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Add: Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of the period7,430,906,530.247,338,284,192.52
6. Cash and cash equivalents, end of the period7,047,539,494.698,314,231,562.07

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7. Consolidated Statements of Changes in Owners’ Equity

H1 2024

Unit: RMB

ItemH1 2024
Equity attributable to owners of the Company as the parentNon-controlling interestsTotal owners’ equity
Share capitalOther equity instrumentsCapital reservesLess: Treasury stockOther comprehensive incomeSpecific reserveSurplus reservesGeneral reserveRetained earningsOtherSubtotal
Preferred sharesPerpetual bondsOther
1. Balance as at the end of the period of prior year528,600,000.006,224,747,667.101,596,322.73269,402,260.2714,500,963,359.3421,525,309,609.44888,963,352.6422,414,272,962.08
Add: Adjustment for change in accounting policy
Adjustment for correction of previous error

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2. Balance as at the beginning of the Reporting Period528,600,000.006,224,747,667.101,596,322.73269,402,260.2714,500,963,359.3421,525,309,609.44888,963,352.6422,414,272,962.08
3. Increase/ decrease in the period (“-” for decrease)776,913.791,194,091,595.151,194,868,508.94121,688,579.241,316,557,088.18
3.1 Total comprehensive income776,913.793,572,791,595.153,573,568,508.94107,848,749.183,681,417,258.12
3.2 Capital increased and reduced by owners14,000,000.0014,000,000.00
3.2.1 Ordinary shares increased by owners14,000,000.0014,000,000.00
3.2.2 Capital increased by holders of

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other equity instruments
3.2.3 Share-based payments included in owners’ equity
3.2.4 Other
3.3 Profit distribution-2,378,700,000.00-2,378,700,000.00-160,169.94-2,378,860,169.94
3.3.1 Appropriation to surplus reserves
3.3.2 Appropriation to general reserve
3.3.3 Appropriation to owners (or shareholders)-2,378,700,000.00-2,378,700,000.00-160,169.94-2,378,860,169.94
3.3.4 Other

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3.4 Transfers within owners’ equity
3.4.1 Increase in capital (or share capital) from capital reserves
3.4.2 Increase in capital (or share capital) from surplus reserves
3.4.3 Loss offset by surplus reserves
3.4.4 Changes in defined benefit schemes transferred

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to retained earnings
3.4.5 Other comprehensive income transferred to retained earnings
3.4.6 Other
3.5 Specific reserve
3.5.1 Increase in the period
3.5.2 Used in the period
3.6 Other
4. Balance as at the end of the Reporting Period528,600,000.006,224,747,667.102,373,236.52269,402,260.2715,695,054,954.4922,720,178,118.381,010,651,931.8823,730,830,050.26

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H1 2023

Unit: RMB

ItemH1 2023
Equity attributable to owners of the Company as the parentNon-controlling interestsTotal owners’ equity
Share capitalOther equity instrumentsCapital reservesLess: Treasury stockOther comprehensive incomeSpecific reserveSurplus reservesGeneral reserveRetained earningsOtherSubtotal
Preferred sharesPerpetual bondsOther
1. Balance as at the end of the period of prior year528,600,000.006,224,747,667.10408,739.61269,402,260.2711,497,599,306.5418,520,757,973.52812,095,782.6919,332,853,756.21
Add: Adjustment for change in accounting policy
Adjustment for correction of previous error
Other adjustments
2. Balance as at the528,600,000.006,224,747,667.10408,739.61269,402,260.2711,497,599,306.5418,520,757,973.52812,095,782.6919,332,853,756.21

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beginning of the Reporting Period
3. Increase/ decrease in the period (“-” for decrease)250,144.181,193,674,367.511,193,924,511.6963,320,021.661,257,244,533.35
3.1 Total comprehensive income250,144.182,779,474,367.512,779,724,511.6965,950,661.272,845,675,172.96
3.2 Capital increased and reduced by owners4,000,000.004,000,000.00
3.2.1 Ordinary shares increased by owners4,000,000.004,000,000.00
3.2.2 Capital increased by holders of other equity instruments

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Share-based payments included in owners’ equity
3.2.4 Other
3.3 Profit distribution-1,585,800,000.00-1,585,800,000.00-6,630,639.61-1,592,430,639.61
3.3.1 Appropriation to surplus reserves
3.3.2 Appropriation to general reserve
3.3.3 Appropriation to owners (or shareholders)-1,585,800,000.00-1,585,800,000.00-6,630,639.61-1,592,430,639.61
3.3.4 Other
3.4 Transfers within owners’

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3.4.1 Increase in capital (or share capital) from capital reserves
3.4.2 Increase in capital (or share capital) from surplus reserves
3.4.3 Loss offset by surplus reserves
3.4.4 Changes in defined benefit schemes transferred to retained earnings
3.4.5 Other

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comprehensive income transferred to retained earnings
3.4.6 Other
3.5 Specific reserve
3.5.1 Increase in the period
3.5.2 Used in the period
3.6 Other
4. Balance as at the end of the Reporting Period528,600,000.006,224,747,667.10658,883.79269,402,260.2712,691,273,674.0519,714,682,485.21875,415,804.3520,590,098,289.56

8. Statements of Changes in Owners’ Equity of the Company as the Parent

H1 2024

Unit: RMB

ItemH1 2024

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Share capitalOther equity instrumentsCapital reservesLess: Treasury stockOther comprehensive incomeSpecific reserveSurplus reservesRetained earningsOtherTotal owners’ equity
Preferred sharesPerpetual bondsOther
1. Balance as at the end of the period of prior year528,600,000.006,176,504,182.20-1,993,312.09264,300,000.0010,783,802,188.7817,751,213,058.89
Add: Adjustment for change in accounting policy
Adjustment for correction of previous error
Other adjustments
2. Balance as at the beginning of the Reporting Period528,600,000.006,176,504,182.20-1,993,312.09264,300,000.0010,783,802,188.7817,751,213,058.89
3. Increase/ decrease in the period (“-” for decrease)-2,108,016.70-333,212,547.89-335,320,564.59
3.1 Total comprehensiv-2,108,016.702,045,487,452.112,043,379,435.41

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e income
3.2 Capital increased and reduced by owners
3.2.1 Ordinary shares increased by owners
3.2.2 Capital increased by holders of other equity instruments
3.2.3 Share-based payments included in owners’ equity
3.2.4 Other
3.3 Profit distribution-2,378,700,000.00-2,378,700,000.00
3.3.1 Appropriation to surplus

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3.3.2 Appropriation to owners (or shareholders)-2,378,700,000.00-2,378,700,000.00
3.3.3 Other
3.4 Transfers within owners’ equity
3.4.1 Increase in capital (or share capital) from capital reserves
3.4.2 Increase in capital (or share capital) from surplus reserves
3.4.3 Loss offset by surplus reserves

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Changes in defined benefit schemes transferred to retained earnings
3.4.5 Other comprehensive income transferred to retained earnings
3.4.6 Other
3.5 Specific reserve
3.5.1 Increase in the period
3.5.2 Used in the period
3.6 Other
4. Balance as at the end of the Reporting Period528,600,000.006,176,504,182.20-4,101,328.79264,300,000.0010,450,589,640.8917,415,892,494.30

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H1 2023

Unit: RMB

ItemH1 2023
Share capitalOther equity instrumentsCapital reservesLess: Treasury stockOther comprehensive incomeSpecific reserveSurplus reservesRetained earningsOtherTotal owners’ equity
Preferred sharesPerpetual bondsOther
1. Balance as at the end of the period of prior year528,600,000.006,176,504,182.20-529,354.77264,300,000.009,691,022,921.7816,659,897,749.21
Add: Adjustment for change in accounting policy
Adjustment for correction of previous error
Other adjustments
2. Balance as at the beginning of the Reporting Period528,600,000.006,176,504,182.20-529,354.77264,300,000.009,691,022,921.7816,659,897,749.21
3. Increase/ decrease in-1,133,280.01-182,208,915.99-183,342,196.00

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the period (“-” for decrease)
3.1 Total comprehensive income-1,133,280.011,403,591,084.011,402,457,804.00
3.2 Capital increased and reduced by owners
3.2.1 Ordinary shares increased by owners
3.2.2 Capital increased by holders of other equity instruments
3.2.3 Share-based payments included in owners’ equity
3.2.4 Other
3.3 Profit-1,585,800,000.0-1,585,800,000.0

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3.3.1 Appropriation to surplus reserves
3.3.2 Appropriation to owners (or shareholders)-1,585,800,000.00-1,585,800,000.00
3.3.3 Other
3.4 Transfers within owners’ equity
3.4.1 Increase in capital (or share capital) from capital reserves
3.4.2 Increase in capital (or share capital) from surplus reserves

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Loss offset by surplus reserves
3.4.4 Changes in defined benefit schemes transferred to retained earnings
3.4.5 Other comprehensive income transferred to retained earnings
3.4.6 Other
3.5 Specific reserve
3.5.1 Increase in the period
3.5.2 Used in the period
3.6 Other

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4. Balance as at the end of the Reporting Period528,600,000.006,176,504,182.20-1,662,634.78264,300,000.009,508,814,005.7916,476,555,553.21

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Anhui Gujing Distillery Company LimitedNotes to Financial Statements for H1 2024(Currency Unit Is RMB Unless Otherwise Stated)


The Anhui State-owned Asset Management Bureau approved through WanGuoZiGongZi (1996)No. 053 the incorporation of Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited (the Company and GJDistillery) by Anhui Gujing Group Company Limited (GJ Group), as the sole founder, by theoperating assets of Anhui Bozhou Gujing Distillery Factory (GJ Distillery Factory), which is thecore operating unit of GJ Group. The incorporation was further approved by the Anhui People'sGovernment through WanZhengMi (1996) 42. The incorporation General Meeting was held on 28May 1996 and the incorporation was registered with the Anhui Admistration Bureau for Commerceand Industry on 30 May 1996 with the registered address at Bozhou, Anhui, the People’s Republicof China (the PRC). At incorporation, the Company’s total number of shares stood at 155 millionwith a valuation of CNY 377.17million, which was the fair value of the operating assets of GJDistillery Factory upon appraisal.The Company initiated public offering of 60 million domestic listed shares held by foreigninvestors (known as “B share(s)”) in June 1996 and 20 million domestic listed CNY ordinary shares(known as “A share(s)”) in September 1996. The par value of both the B share and A share is CNY

1.00 per share. The B shares and A shares issued were listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.As of the public listing, the Company has 235 million shares in total with the share capital at CNY235 million. The Company’s at public listing comprised 155 million state-owned shares, 60 millionB shares and 20 million A shares. Each of the Company’s shares has a par value at CNY 1.00 pershare.In accordance with the resolution of the General Meeting held on 29 May 2006, the Companyexercised the share reorganisation plan in June 2006. Immediately after the implementation of theshare reorganisation plan, the Company had in total 235 million shares, comprising 147 millionshares with restriction of disposal (equal to 62.55% of total shares) and 88 million free-floatingshares (equal to 37.45% of total shares).Upon the Company’s publication of the Notice of Lifting Restriction of Shares on 27 June 2007, therestriction on disposal on 11.75 million shares was lifted on 29 June 2007. Immediately after thelifting, the Company had in total 235 million shares, comprising 135.25 million shares withrestriction of disposal (equal to 57.55% of total shares) and 99.75 million free-floating shares (equalto 42.45% of total shares).

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Upon the Company’s publication of the Notice of Lifting Restriction of Shares on 17 July 2008, therestriction on disposal on 11.75 million shares was lifted on 18 July 2008. Immediately after thelifting, the Company had in total 235 million shares, comprising 123.5 million shares withrestriction of disposal (equal to 52.55% of total shares) and 111.5 million free-floating shares (equalto 47.45% of total shares).Upon the Company’s publication of the Notice of Lifting Restriction of Shares on 24 July 2009, therestriction on disposal on 123.5 million shares was lifted on 29 July 2009. Immediately after thelifting, the Company had in total 235 million shares, comprising 235 million free-floating shares(equal to 100% of total shares).Upon approval by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) through ZhengJianXuKe[2011] 943, the Company issued on 15 July 2011 through private offering of 16.8 million A shareswith the par value at CNY 1.00 to designated investors. The shares were issued at CNY 75.00 pershare. Gross proceeds from this issuance was CNY 1,260 million and the respective net proceedsafter deduction of the cost of issuance (CNY 32.5 million) was CNY 1,227.5 million. Thesubscription for the issuance was verified by Reanda CPAs Co., Ltd. through Reanda YanZi [2011]No. 1065. Immediately after this private offering, the share capital of the Company increased toCNY 251.8 million.In accordance with the resolution of the Company’s 2011 General Meeting, a bonus issue of 10shares for every 10 shares held at 31 December 2011 through utilisation of capital reserves wasexercised in 2012. 251.8 million bonus shares were issued in total. Immediately after the exercise ofthe bonus issue, the Company’s share capital increased to CNY 503.6 million.Upon approval by the CSRC through ZhengJianXuKe [2021] 1422, the Company issued on 22 July2021 through private offering of 25 million A shares with the par value at CNY 1.00 to designatedinvestors. The shares were issued at CNY 200.00 per share. Gross proceeds from this issuance wasCNY 5,000 million and the respective net proceeds after deduction of the cost of issuance (CNY

45.66 million) was CNY 4,954.34 million. The subscription for the issuance was verified by RSMChina CPAs LLP through RSM Yan [2021] No. 518Z0050. Immediately after this private offering,the share capital of the Company increased to CNY 528.6 million.As of 30 June 2024, total number of the Company’s shares stood at 528.6 million. See Note 5.32 forfurther details.The Company's headquarters is located in Gujing town, Bozhou City, Anhui Province. Legalrepresentative of the company is Liang Jinhui.The Company is mainly engaged in the production and sales of baijiu, which belongs to the foodmanufacturing industry.These financial statements are approved on 30 August 2024 by the Company’s Board of Directors

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for publication.


2.1 Basis of Preparation

Based on going concern, according to actually occurred transactions and events, the Companyprepares its financial statements in accordance with the Accounting Standards for BusinessEnterprises – Basic standards and concrete accounting standards, Accounting Standards forBusiness Enterprises – Application Guidelines, Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises –Interpretations and other relevant provisions (collectively known as “Accounting Standards forBusiness Enterprises, issued by Ministry of Finance of PRC”). In addition, the Company disclosesthe relevant financial information in accordance with "Rules No.15 for the Information Disclosureand Reporting of Companies Offering Securities to the Public - General Requirements for FinancialReporting (2023 Revision)" issued by CSRC.

2.2 Going Concern

The Company has assessed its ability to continually operate for the next twelve months from theend of the reporting period, and no any matters that may result in doubt on its ability as a goingconcern were noted. Therefore, it is reasonable for the Company to prepare financial statements onthe going concern basis.

3. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ACCOUNTING ESTIMATESThe following significant accounting policies and accounting estimates of the Company areformulated in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises. Businesses notmentioned are complied with relevant accounting policies of the Accounting Standards for BusinessEnterprises.

3.1 Statement of Compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business EnterprisesThe Company prepares its financial statements in accordance with the requirements of theAccounting Standards for Business Enterprises, truly and completely reflecting the Company’sfinancial position as at 30 June 2024, and its operating results, changes in shareholders' equity, cashflows and other related information for the year then ended.

3.2 Accounting Period

The accounting year of the Company is from 1 January to 31 December in calendar year.

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3.3 Operating Cycle

The normal operating cycle of the Company is twelve months.

3.4 Functional Currency

The Company takes Renminbi Yuan (“RMB”) as the functional currency.The Company’s overseas subsidiaries choose the currency of the primary economic environment inwhich the subsidiaries operate as the functional currency.

3.5 Determining Factor and Basis of Selection of Materiality

ItemFactor and basis of materiality
Significant write-off of other receivablesAmount greater than 5 million
Significant individual provision for bad debt of accounts receivableAmount greater than 5 million
Significant other payables with aging of over one yearMore than 0.03% of the total assets
Significant accounts payable with aging of over one yearMore than 0.03% of the total assets
Significant non-wholly owned subsidiariesTotal assets, operating income, and net profit account for more than 5% of the corresponding items in the consolidated financial statements
Significant construction in progressIndividual amount more than 20 million

3.6 Accounting Treatment of Business Combinations under and not under Common Control

(1) Business combinations under common control

The assets and liabilities that the Company obtains in a business combination under commoncontrol shall be measured at their carrying amount of the acquired entity at the combination date. Ifthe accounting policy adopted by the acquired entity is different from that adopted by the acquiringentity, the acquiring entity shall, according to accounting policy it adopts, adjust the relevant itemsin the financial statements of the acquired party based on the principal of materiality. As for thedifference between the carrying amount of the net assets obtained by the acquiring entity and thecarrying amount of the consideration paid by it, the capital reserve (capital premium or sharepremium) shall be adjusted. If the capital reserve (capital premium or share premium) is notsufficient to absorb the difference, any excess shall be adjusted against retained earnings.For the accounting treatment of business combination under common control by step acquisitions,please refer to Note 3.7 (6).

(2) Business combinations not under common control

The assets and liabilities that the Company obtains in a business combination not under commoncontrol shall be measured at their fair value at the acquisition date. If the accounting policy adopted

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by the acquired entity is different from that adopted by the acquiring entity, the acquiring entityshall, according to accounting policy it adopts, adjust the relevant items in the financial statementsof the acquired entity based on the principal of materiality. The acquiring entity shall recognise thepositive balance between the combination costs and the fair value of the identifiable net assets itobtains from the acquired entity as goodwill. The acquiring entity shall, pursuant to the followingprovisions, treat the negative balance between the combination costs and the fair value of theidentifiable net assets it obtains from the acquired entity:

(i) It shall review the measurement of the fair values of the identifiable assets, liabilities andcontingent liabilities it obtains from the acquired entity as well as the combination costs;(ii) If, after the review, the combination costs are still less than the fair value of the identifiable netassets it obtains from the acquired entity, the balance shall be recognised in profit or loss of thereporting period.For the accounting treatment of business combination under the same control by step acquisitions,please refer to Note 3.7 (6).

(3) Treatment of business combination related costs

The intermediary costs such as audit, legal services and valuation consulting and other relatedmanagement costs that are directly attributable to the business combination shall be charged inprofit or loss in the period in which they are incurred. The costs to issue equity or debt securities forthe consideration of business combination shall be recorded as a part of the value of the respectequity or debt securities upon initial recognition.

3.7 Judgment of Control and Method of Preparing the Consolidated Financial Statements

(1) Judgment of control and consolidation decision

Control exists when the Company has power over the investee, exposure, or rights, to variablereturns from its involvement with the investee and the ability to use its power over the investee toaffect the amount of the returns. The definition of control contains there elements: - power over theinvestee; exposure, or rights to variable returns from the Company’s involvement with the investee;and the ability to use its power over the investee to affect the amount of the investor’s returns. TheCompany controls an investee if and only if the Company has all the above three elements.The scope of consolidated financial statements shall be determined on the basis of control. It notonly includes subsidiaries determined based on voting rights (or similar) or together with otherarrangement, but also structured entities under one or more contractual arrangements.Subsidiaries are the entities that controlled by the Company (including enterprise, a divisible part ofthe investee, and structured entity controlled by the enterprise). A structured entity (sometimescalled a Special Purpose Entity) is an entity that has been designed so that voting or similar rights

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are not the dominant factor in deciding who controls the entity.

(2) Special requirement as the parent company is an investment entityIf the parent company is an investment entity, it should measure its investments in particularsubsidiaries as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss instead of consolidating thosesubsidiaries in its consolidated and separate financial statements. However, as an exception to thisrequirement, if a subsidiary provides investment-related services or activities to the investmententity, it should be consolidated.The parent company is defined as investment entity when meets following conditions:

(i) Obtains funds from one or more investors for the purpose of providing those investors withinvestment management services;(ii) Commits to its investors that its business purpose is to invest funds solely for returns fromcapital appreciation, investment income or both; and(iii) Measures and evaluates the performance of substantially all of its investments on a fair valuebasis.If the parent company becomes an investment entity, it shall cease to consolidate its subsidiaries atthe date of the change in status, except for any subsidiary which provides investment-relatedservices or activities to the investment entity shall be continued to be consolidated. Thedeconsolidation of subsidiaries is accounted for as though the investment entity partially disposedsubsidiaries without loss of control.When the parent company previously classified as an investment entity ceases to be an investmententity, subsidiary that was previously measured at fair value through profit or loss shall be includedin the scope of consolidated financial statements at the date of the change in status. The fair value ofthe subsidiary at the date of change represents the transferred deemed consideration in accordancewith the accounting for business combination not under common control.

(3) Method of preparing the consolidated financial statements

The consolidated financial statements shall be prepared by the Company based on the financialstatements of the Company and its subsidiaries, and using other related information.When preparing consolidated financial statements, the Company shall consider the entire group asan accounting entity, adopt uniform accounting policies and apply the requirements of AccountingStandard for Business Enterprises related to recognition, measurement and presentation. Theconsolidated financial statements shall reflect the overall financial position, operating results andcash flows of the group.(i) Like items of assets, liabilities, equity, income, expenses and cash flows of the parent arecombined with those of the subsidiaries.

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(ii) The carrying amount of the parent’s investment in each subsidiary is eliminated (off-set) againstthe parent’s portion of equity of each subsidiary.(iii) Eliminate the impact of intragroup transactions between the Company and the subsidiaries orbetween subsidiaries, and when intragroup transactions indicate an impairment of related assets, thelosses shall be recognised in full.(iv) Make adjustments to special transactions from the perspective of the group.

(4) Method of preparation of the consolidated financial statements when subsidiaries areacquired or disposed in the reporting period(i) Acquisition of subsidiaries or businessSubsidiaries or business acquired through business combination under common controlWhen preparing consolidated statements of financial position, the opening balance of theconsolidated balance sheet shall be adjusted. Related items of comparative financial statementsshall be adjusted as well, deeming that the combined entity has always existed ever since theultimate controlling party began to control.Incomes, expenses and profits of the subsidiary incurred from the beginning of the reporting periodto the end of the reporting period shall be included into the consolidated statement of profit or loss.Related items of comparative financial statements shall be adjusted as well, deeming that thecombined entity has always existed ever since the ultimate controlling party began to control.Cash flows from the beginning of the reporting period to the end of the reporting period shall beincluded into the consolidated statement of cash flows. Related items of comparative financialstatements shall be adjusted as well, deeming that the combined entity has always existed ever sincethe ultimate controlling party began to control.Subsidiaries or business acquired through business combination not under common controlWhen preparing the consolidated statements of financial position, the opening balance of theconsolidated statements of financial position shall not be adjusted.Incomes, expenses and profits of the subsidiary incurred from the acquisition date to the end of thereporting period shall be included into the consolidated statement of profit or loss.Cash flows from the acquisition date to the end of the reporting period shall be included into theconsolidated statement of cash flows.(ii) Disposal of subsidiaries or businessWhen preparing the consolidated statements of financial position, the opening balance of theconsolidated statements of financial position shall not be adjusted.Incomes, expenses and profits incurred from the beginning of the subsidiary to the disposal date

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shall be included into the consolidated statement of profit or loss.Cash flows from the beginning of the subsidiary to the disposal date shall be included into theconsolidated statement of cash flows.

(5) Special consideration in consolidation elimination

(i) Long-term equity investment held by the subsidiaries to the Company shall be recognised astreasury stock of the Company, which is offset with the owner’s equity, represented as “treasurystock” under “owner’s equity” in the consolidated statement of financial position.Long-term equity investment held by subsidiaries between each other is accounted for takinglong-term equity investment held by the Company to its subsidiaries as reference. That is, thelong-term equity investment is eliminated (off-set) against the portion of the correspondingsubsidiary’s equity.(ii) Due to not belonging to paid-in capital (or share capital) and capital reserve, and being differentfrom retained earnings and undistributed profit, “Specific reserves” and “General risk provision”shall be recovered based on the proportion attributable to owners of the parent company afterlong-term equity investment to the subsidiaries is eliminated with the subsidiaries’ equity.(iii) If temporary timing difference between the book value of the assets and liabilities in theconsolidated statement of financial position and their tax basis is generated as a result of eliminationof unrealized inter-company transaction profit or loss, deferred tax assets of deferred tax liabilitiesshall be recognised, and income tax expense in the consolidated statement of profit or loss shall beadjusted simultaneously, excluding deferred taxes related to transactions or events directlyrecognised in owner’s equity or business combination.(iv) Unrealised inter-company transactions profit or loss generated from the Company selling assetsto its subsidiaries shall be eliminated against “net profit attributed to the owners of the parentcompany” in full. Unrealized inter-company transactions profit or loss generated from thesubsidiaries selling assets to the Company shall be eliminated between “net profit attributed to theowners of the parent company” and “non-controlling interests” pursuant to the proportion of theCompany in the related subsidiaries. Unrealized inter-company transactions profit or loss generatedfrom the assets sales between the subsidiaries shall be eliminated between “net profit attributed tothe owners of the parent company” and “non-controlling interests” pursuant to the proportion of theCompany in the selling subsidiaries.(v) If loss attributed to the minority shareholders of a subsidiary in current period is more than theproportion of non-controlling interest in this subsidiary at the beginning of the period,non-controlling interest is still to be written down.

(6) Accounting for Special Transactions

(i) Purchasing of non-controlling interests

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Where, the Company purchases non-controlling interests of its subsidiary, in the separate financialstatements of the Company, the cost of the long-term equity investment obtained in purchasingnon-controlling interests is measured at the fair value of the consideration paid. In the consolidatedfinancial statements, difference between the cost of the long-term equity investment newly obtainedin purchasing non-controlling interests and share of the subsidiary’s net assets from the acquisitiondate or combination date continuingly calculated pursuant to the newly acquired shareholdingproportion shall be adjusted into capital reserve (capital premium or share premium). If capitalreserve is not enough to be offset, surplus reserve and undistributed profit shall be offset in turn.(ii) Gaining control over the subsidiary in stages through multiple transactionsBusiness combination under common control in stages through multiple transactionsOn the combination date, in the separate financial statement, initial cost of the long-term equityinvestment is determined according to the share of carrying amount of the acquiree’s net assets inthe ultimate controlling entity’s consolidated financial statements after combination. The differencebetween the initial cost of the long-term equity investment and the carrying amount of the long-term investment held prior of control plus book value of additional consideration paid atacquisition date is adjusted into capital reserve (capital premium or share premium). If the capitalreserve is not enough to absorb the difference, any excess shall be adjusted against surplus reserveand undistributed profit in turn.In the consolidated financial statements, the assets and liabilities acquired during the combinationshould be recognized at their carrying amount in the ultimate controlling entity’s consolidatedfinancial statements on the combination date unless any adjustment is resulted from the differencein accounting policies. The difference between the carrying amount of the investment held prior ofcontrol plus book value of additional consideration paid on the acquisition date and the net assetsacquired through the combination is adjusted into capital reserve (capital premium or sharepremium). If the capital reserve is not enough to absorb the difference, any excess shall be adjustedagainst retained earnings.If the acquiring entity holds equity investment in the acquired entity prior to the combination dateand the equity investment is accounted for under the equity method, related profit or loss, othercomprehensive income and other changes in equity which have been recognised during the periodfrom the later of the date of the Company obtaining original equity interest and the date of both theacquirer and the acquiree under common control of the same ultimate controlling party to thecombination date should be offset against the opening balance of retained earnings at thecomparative financial statements period respectively.Business combination not under common control in stages through multiple transactionsOn the consolidation date, in the separate financial statements, the initial cost of long-term equityinvestment is determined according to the carrying amount of the original long-term investment

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plus the cost of new investment.In the consolidated financial statements, the equity interest of the acquired entity held prior to theacquisition date shall be re-measured at its fair value on the acquisition date. Difference between thefair value of the equity interest and its book value is recognised as investment income. The othercomprehensive income related to the equity interest held prior to the acquisition date calculatedthrough equity method, should be transferred to current investment income of the acquisitionperiod, excluding other comprehensive income resulted from the remeasurement of the net assets ornet liabilities under defined benefit plan. The Company shall disclose acquisition-date fair value ofthe equity interest held prior to the acquisition date, and the related gains or losses due to theremeasurement based on fair value.(iii) Disposal of investment in subsidiaries without a loss of controlFor partial disposal of the long-term equity investment in the subsidiaries without a loss of control,when the Company prepares consolidated financial statements, difference between considerationreceived from the disposal and the corresponding share of subsidiary’s net assets cumulativelycalculated from the acquisition date or combination date shall be adjusted into capital reserve(capital premium or share premium). If the capital reserve is not enough to absorb the difference,any excess shall be offset against retained earnings.(iv) Disposal of investment in subsidiaries with a loss of controlDisposal through one transactionIf the Company loses control in an investee through partial disposal of the equity investment, whenthe consolidated financial statements are prepared, the retained equity interest should bere-measured at fair value at the date of loss of control. The difference between i) the fair value ofconsideration received from the disposal plus non-controlling interest retained; ii) share of theformer subsidiary’s net assets cumulatively calculated from the acquisition date or combination dateaccording to the original proportion of equity interest, shall be recognised in current investmentincome when control is lost.Moreover, other comprehensive income and other changes in equity related to the equity investmentin the former subsidiary shall be transferred into current investment income when control is lost,excluding other comprehensive income resulted from the remeasurement of the movement of netassets or net liabilities under defined benefit plan.Disposal in stagesIn the consolidated financial statements, whether the transactions should be accounted for as “asingle transaction” needs to be decided firstly.If the disposal in stages should not be classified as “a single transaction”, in the separate financial

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statements, for transactions prior of the date of loss of control, carrying amount of each disposal oflong-term equity investment need to be recognized, and the difference between considerationreceived and the carrying amount of long-term equity investment corresponding to the equityinterest disposed should be recognized in current investment income; in the consolidated financialstatements, the disposal transaction should be accounted for according to related policy in “Disposalof long-term equity investment in subsidiaries without a loss of control”.If the disposal in stages should be classified as “a single transaction”, these transactions should beaccounted for as a single transaction of disposal of subsidiary resulting in loss of control. In theseparate financial statements, for each transaction prior of the date of loss of control, differencebetween consideration received and the carrying amount of long-term equity investmentcorresponding to the equity interest disposed should be recognised as other comprehensive incomefirstly, and transferred to profit or loss as a whole when control is lost; in the consolidated financialstatements, for each transaction prior of the date of loss of control, difference between considerationreceived and proportion of the subsidiary’s net assets corresponding to the equity interest disposedshould be recognised in profit or loss as a whole when control is lost.In considering of the terms and conditions of the transactions as well as their economic impact, thepresence of one or more of the following indicators may lead to account for multiple transactions asa single transaction:

? The transactions are entered into simultaneously or in contemplation of one another.? The transactions form a single transaction designed to achieve an overall commercial effect.? The occurrence of one transaction depends on the occurrence of at least one other transaction.? One transaction, when considered on its own merits, does not make economic sense, but when consideredtogether with the other transaction or transactions would be considered economically justifiable.(v) Diluting equity share of parent company in its subsidiaries due to additional capital injection by the

subsidiaries’ minority shareholders.Other shareholders (minority shareholders) of the subsidiaries inject additional capital in thesubsidiaries, which resulted in the dilution of equity interest of parent company in these subsidiaries.In the consolidated financial statements, difference between share of the corresponding subsidiaries’net assets calculated based on the parent’s equity interest before and after the capital injection shallbe adjusted into capital reserve (capital premium or share premium). If the capital reserve is notenough to absorb the difference, any excess shall be adjusted against retained earnings.

3.8 Classification of Joint Arrangements and Accounting for Joint OperationA joint arrangement is an arrangement of which two or more parties have joint control. Jointarrangement of the Company is classified as either a joint operation or a joint venture.

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(1) Joint operation

A joint operation is a joint arrangement whereby the parties that have joint control of thearrangement have rights to the assets, and obligations for the liabilities, relating to the arrangement.The Company shall recognise the following items in relation to shared interest in a joint operation,and account for them in accordance with relevant accounting standards of the Accounting Standardsfor Business Enterprises:

(i) its assets, including its share of any assets held jointly;(ii) its liabilities, including its share of any liabilities incurred jointly;(iii) its revenue from the sale of its share of the output arising from the joint operation;(iv) its share of the revenue from the sale of the output by the joint operation; and(v) its expenses, including its share of any expenses incurred jointly.

(2) Joint venture

A joint venture is a joint arrangement whereby the parties that have joint control of the arrangementhave rights to the net assets of the arrangement.The Company accounts for its investment in the joint venture by applying the equity method oflong-term equity investment.

3.9 Cash and Cash Equivalents

Cash comprises cash on hand and deposits that can be readily withdrawn on demand. Cashequivalents include short-term (generally within three months of maturity at acquisition), highlyliquid investments that are readily convertible into known amounts of cash and which are subject toan insignificant risk of changes in value.

3.10 Financial Instruments

Financial instrument is any contract which gives rise to both a financial asset of one entity and afinancial liability or equity instrument of another entity.

(1) Recognition and derecognition of financial instrument

A financial asset or a financial liability should be recognised in the statement of financial positionwhen, and only when, an entity becomes party to the contractual provisions of the instrument.A financial asset can only be derecognised when meets one of the following conditions:

(i) The rights to the contractual cash flows from a financial asset expire(ii) The financial asset has been transferred and meets one of the following derecognition

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Financial liabilities (or part thereof) are derecognised only when the liability is extinguished—i.e.,when the obligation specified in the contract is discharged or cancelled or expires. An exchange ofthe Company (borrower) and lender of debt instruments that carry significantly different terms or asubstantial modification of the terms of an existing liability are both accounted for as anextinguishment of the original financial liability and the recognition of a new financial liability.Purchase or sale of financial assets in a regular-way shall be recognised and derecognised usingtrade date accounting. A regular-way purchase or sale of financial assets is a transaction under acontract whose terms require delivery of the asset within the time frame established generally byregulations or convention in the market place concerned. Trade date is the date at which the entitycommits itself to purchase or sell an asset.

(2) Classification and measurement of financial assets

At initial recognition, the Company classified its financial asset based on both the business modelfor managing the financial asset and the contractual cash flow characteristics of the financial asset:

financial asset at amortised cost, financial asset at fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL) andfinancial asset at fair value through other comprehensive income (FVTOCI). Reclassification offinancial assets is permitted if, and only if, the objective of the entity’s business model formanaging those financial assets changes. In this circumstance, all affected financial assets shall bereclassified on the first day of the first reporting period after the changes in business model;otherwise the financial assets cannot be reclassified after initial recognition.Financial assets shall be measured at initial recognition at fair value. For financial assets measuredat FVTPL, transaction costs are recognised in current profit or loss. For financial assets notmeasured at FVTPL, transaction costs should be included in the initial measurement. Notesreceivable or accounts receivable that arise from sales of goods or rendering of services are initiallymeasured at the transaction price defined in the accounting standard of revenue where thetransaction does not include a significant financing component.Subsequent measurement of financial assets will be based on their categories:

(i)Financial asset at amortised costThe financial asset at amortised cost category of classification applies when both the followingconditions are met: the financial asset is held within the business model whose objective is to holdfinancial assets in order to collect contractual cash flows, and the contractual term of the financialasset gives rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solely payment of principal and interest onthe principal amount outstanding. These financial assets are subsequently measured at amortisedcost by adopting the effective interest rate method. Any gain or loss arising from derecognitionaccording to the amortisation under effective interest rate method or impairment are recognised in

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current profit or loss.(ii)Financial asset at fair value through other comprehensive income (FVTOCI)The financial asset at FVTOCI category of classification applies when both the followingconditions are met: the financial asset is held within the business model whose objective is achievedby both collecting contractual cash flows and selling financial assets, and the contractual term of thefinancial asset gives rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solely payment of principle andinterest on the principal amount outstanding. All changes in fair value are recognised in othercomprehensive income except for gain or loss arising from impairment or exchange differences,which should be recognised in current profit or loss. At derecognition, cumulative gain or losspreviously recognised under OCI is reclassified to current profit or loss. However, interest incomecalculated based on the effective interest rate is included in current profit or loss.The Company make an irrevocable decision to designate part of non-trading equity instrumentinvestments as measured through FVTOCI. All changes in fair value are recognised in othercomprehensive income except for dividend income recognised in current profit or loss. Atderecognition, cumulative gain or loss are reclassified to retained earnings.(iii)Financial asset at fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL)Financial asset except for above mentioned financial asset at amortised cost or financial asset at fairvalue through other comprehensive income (FVTOCI), should be classified as financial asset at fairvalue through profit or loss (FVTPL). These financial assets should be subsequently measured atfair value. All the changes in fair value are included in current profit or loss.

(3) Classification and measurement of financial liabilities

The Company classified the financial liabilities as financial liabilities at fair value through profit orloss (FVTPL), loan commitments at a below-market interest rate and financial guarantee contractsand financial asset at amortised cost.Subsequent measurement of financial assets will be based on the classification:

(i)Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL)Held-for-trading financial liabilities (including derivatives that are financial liabilities) and financialliabilities designated at FVTPL are classified as financial liabilities at FVTP. After initialrecognition, any gain or loss (including interest expense) are recognised in current profit or lossexcept for those hedge accounting is applied. For financial liability that is designated as at FVTPL,changes in the fair value of the financial liability that is attributable to changes in the own credit riskof the issuer shall be presented in other comprehensive income. At derecognition, cumulative gainor loss previously recognised under OCI is reclassified to retained earnings.(ii)Loan commitments and financial guarantee contractsLoan commitment is a commitment by the Company to provide a loan to customer under specified

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contract terms. The provision of impairment losses of loan commitments shall be recognised basedon expected credit losses model.Financial guarantee contract is a contract that requires the Company to make specified payments toreimburse the holder for a loss it incurs because a specified debtor fails to make payment when duein accordance with the original or modified terms of a debt instrument. Financial guaranteecontracts liability shall be subsequently measured at the higher of: The amount of the lossallowance recognised according to the impairment principles of financial instruments; and theamount initially recognised less the cumulative amount of income recognised in accordance withthe revenue principles.(iii)Financial liabilities at amortised costAfter initial recognition, the Company measured other financial liabilities at amortised cost usingthe effective interest method.Except for special situation, financial liabilities and equity instrument should be classified inaccordance with the following principles:

(i) If the Company has no unconditional right to avoid delivering cash or another financialinstrument to fulfill a contractual obligation, this contractual obligation meet the definition offinancial liabilities. Some financial instruments do not comprise terms and conditions relatedto obligations of delivering cash or another financial instrument explicitly, they may includecontractual obligation indirectly through other terms and conditions.(ii) If a financial instrument must or may be settled in the Company's own equity instruments, itshould be considered that the Company’s own equity instruments are alternatives of cash or anotherfinancial instrument, or to entitle the holder of the equity instruments to sharing the remaining rightsover the net assets of the issuer. If the former is the case, the instrument is a liability of the issuer;otherwise, it is an equity instrument of the issuer. Under some circumstances, it is regulated in thecontract that the financial instrument must or may be settled in the Company's own equityinstruments, where, amount of contractual rights and obligations are calculated by multiplying thenumber of the equity instruments to be available or delivered by its fair value upon settlement. Suchcontracts shall be classified as financial liabilities, regardless that the amount of contractual rightsand liabilities is fixed, or fluctuate totally or partially with variables other than market price of theentity’s own equity instruments (such as interest rate, price of some kind of goods or some kind offinancial instrument).

(4) Derivatives and embedded derivatives

At initial recognition, derivatives shall be measured at fair value at the date of derivative contractsare signed and subsequently measured at fair value. The derivative with a positive fair value shall berecognized as an asset, and with a negative fair value shall be recognised as a liability.

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Gains or losses arising from the changes in fair value of derivatives shall be recognised directly intocurrent profit or loss except for the effective portion of cash flow hedges which shall be recognisedin other comprehensive income and reclassified into current profit or loss when the hedged itemsaffect profit or loss.An embedded derivative is a component of a hybrid contract with a financial asset as a host, theCompany shall apply the requirements of financial asset classification to the entire hybrid contract.If a host that is not a financial asset and the hybrid contract is not measured at fair value withchanges in fair value recognised in profit or loss, and the economic characteristics and risks of theembedded derivative are not closely related to the economic characteristics and risks of the host,and a separate instrument with the same terms as the embedded derivative would meet thedefinition of a derivative, the embedded derivative shall be separated from the hybrid instrumentand accounted for as a separate derivative instrument. If the Company is unable to measure the fairvalue of the embedded derivative at the acquisition date or subsequently at the balance sheet date,the entire hybrid contract is designated as financial assets or financial liabilities at fair value throughprofit or loss.

(5) Impairment of financial instrument

The Company shall recognise a loss allowance based on expected credit losses on a financial assetthat is measured at amortised cost, a debt investment at fair value through other comprehensiveincome, a contract asset, a lease receivable, a loan commitment and a financial guarantee contract.(i) Measurement of expected credit lossesExpected credit losses are the weighted average of credit losses of the financial instruments with therespective risks of a default occurring as the weights. Credit loss is the difference between allcontractual cash flows that are due to the Company in accordance with the contract and all the cashflows that the Company expects to receive (ie all cash shortfalls), discounted at the originaleffective interest rate or credit- adjusted effective interest rate for purchased or originatedcredit-impaired financial assets.Lifetime expected credit losses are the expected credit losses that result from all possible defaultevents over the expected life of a financial instrument.12-month expected credit losses are the portion of lifetime expected credit losses that represent theexpected credit losses that result from default events on a financial instrument that are possiblewithin the 12 months after the reporting date (or the expected lifetime, if the expected life of afinancial instrument is less than 12 months).At each reporting date, the Company classifies financial instruments into three stages and makesprovisions for expected credit losses accordingly. A financial instrument of which the credit risk hasnot significantly increased since initial recognition is at stage 1. The Company shall measure theloss allowance for that financial instrument at an amount equal to 12-month expected credit losses.

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A financial instrument with a significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition but is notconsidered to be credit-impaired is at stage 2. The Company shall measure the loss allowance forthat financial instrument at an amount equal to the lifetime expected credit losses. A financialinstrument is considered to be credit-impaired as at the end of the reporting period is at stage 3. TheCompany shall measure the loss allowance for that financial instrument at an amount equal to thelifetime expected credit losses.The Company may assume that the credit risk on a financial instrument has not increasedsignificantly since initial recognition if the financial instrument is determined to have low credit riskat the reporting date and measure the loss allowance for that financial instrument at an amount equalto 12-month expected credit losses.For financial instrument at stage 1, stage 2 and those have low credit risk, the interest revenue shallbe calculated by applying the effective interest rate to the gross carrying amount of a financial asset(ie, impairment loss not been deducted). For financial instrument at stage 3, interest revenue shallbe calculated by applying the effective interest rate to the amortised cost after deducting ofimpairment loss.For notes receivable, accounts receivable and accounts receivable financing, no matter it contains asignificant financing component or not, the Company shall measure the loss allowance at an amountequal to the lifetime expected credit losses.Receivables/Contract assetsFor the notes receivable, accounts receivable, other receivables, accounts receivable financing andlong-term receivables which are demonstrated to be impaired by any objective evidence, orapplicable for individual assessment, the Company shall individually assess for impairment andrecognise the loss allowance for expected credit losses. If the Company determines that no objectiveevidence of impairment exists for notes receivable, accounts receivable, other receivables, accountsreceivable financing and long-term receivables, or the expected credit loss of a single financial assetcannot be assessed at reasonable cost, such notes receivable, accounts receivable, other receivables,accounts receivable financing and long-term receivables shall be divided into several groups withsimilar credit risk characteristics and collectively calculated the expected credit loss. Thedetermination basis of groups is as following:

Determination basis of notes receivable is as following:

Group 1: Commercial acceptance billsGroup 2: Bank acceptance billsFor each group, the Company calculates expected credit losses through default exposure and thelifetime expected credit losses rate, taking reference to historical experience for credit losses andconsidering current condition and expectation for the future economic situation.

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Determination basis of accounts receivable is as following:

Group 1: Related parties within the scope of consolidationGroup 2: Receivables due from third partiesFor each group, the Company calculates expected credit losses through preparing an aging analysisschedule with the lifetime expected credit losses rate, taking reference to historical experience forcredit losses and considering current condition and expectation for the future economic situation.Determination basis of other receivables is as following:

Group 1: Related parties within the scope of consolidationGroup 2: Receivables due from third partiesFor each group, the Company calculates expected credit losses through default exposure and the12-months or lifetime expected credit losses rate, taking reference to historical experience for creditlosses and considering current condition and expectation for the future economic situation.Determination basis of accounts receivable financing is as following:

Group 1: Commercial acceptance billsGroup 2: Bank acceptance billsFor each group, the Company calculates expected credit losses through default exposure and thelifetime expected credit losses rate, taking reference to historical experience for credit losses andconsidering current condition and expectation for the future economic situation.Determination basis of contract assets is as following:

Group 1: Project constructionGroup 2: Undue warrantyFor each group, the Company calculates expected credit losses through default exposure and thelifetime expected credit losses rate, taking reference to historical experience for credit losses andconsidering current condition and expectation for the future economic situation.Determination basis of long-term receivables financing is as following:

Group 1: Project receivables, Lease receivablesGroup 2: OthersFor group 1, the Company calculates expected credit losses through default exposure and thelifetime expected credit losses rate, taking reference to historical experience for credit losses andconsidering current condition and expectation for the future economic situation.For group 2, the Company calculates expected credit losses through default exposure and the12-months or lifetime expected credit losses rate, taking reference to historical experience for credit

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losses and considering current condition and expectation for the future economic situation.The Company's aging calculation method of credit risk characteristic combination based on aging isas follows:

AgingAccounts receivable Provision ratioOther receivables provision ratio
Within 6 months1%1%
7 months to 1 years5%5%
1-2 years10%10%
2-3 years50%50%
Over 3 years100%100%

Debt investment and other debt investmentFor debt investment and other debt investment, the Company shall calculate the expected credit lossthrough the default exposure and the 12-month or lifetime expected credit loss rate based on thenature of the investment, counterparty and the type of risk exposure.(ii) Low credit riskIf the financial instrument has a low risk of default, the borrower has a strong capacity to meet itscontractual cash flow obligations in the near term and adverse changes in economic and businessconditions in the longer term may, but will not necessarily, reduce the ability of the borrower tofulfill its contractual cash flow obligations.(iii) Significant increase in credit riskThe Company shall assess whether the credit risk on a financial instrument has increasedsignificantly since initial recognition, using the change in the risk of a default occurring over theexpected life of the financial instrument, through the comparison of the risk of a default occurringon the financial instrument as at the reporting date with the risk of a default occurring on thefinancial instrument as at the date of initial recognition.To make that assessment, the Company shall consider reasonable and supportable information, thatis available without undue cost or effort, and that is indicative of significant increases in credit risksince initial recognition, including forward-looking information. The information considered by theCompany are as following:

? Significant changes in internal price indicators of credit risk as a result of a change in credit risk since

inception? Existing or forecast adverse change in the business, financial or economic conditions of the borrower that

results in a significant change in the borrower’s ability to meet its debt obligations;? An actual or expected significant change in the operating results of the borrower; An actual or expected

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significant adverse change in the regulatory, economic, or technological environment of the borrower;? Significant changes in the value of the collateral supporting the obligation or in the quality of third-party

guarantees or credit enhancements, which are expected to reduce the borrower’s economic incentive to make

scheduled contractual payments or to otherwise influence the probability of a default occurring;? Significant change that are expected to reduce the borrower’s economic incentive to make scheduled

contractual payments;? Expected changes in the loan documentation including an expected breach of contract that may lead to

covenant waivers or amendments, interest payment holidays, interest rate step-ups, requiring additional

collateral or guarantees, or other changes to the contractual framework of the instrument;? Significant changes in the expected performance and behavior of the borrower;? Contractual payments are more than 30 days past due.

Depending on the nature of the financial instruments, the Company shall assess whether the creditrisk has increased significantly since initial recognition on an individual financial instrument or agroup of financial instruments. When assessed based on a group of financial instruments, theCompany can group financial instruments on the basis of shared credit risk characteristics, forexample, past due information and credit risk rating.Generally, the Company shall determine the credit risk on a financial asset has increasedsignificantly since initial recognition when contractual payments are more than 30 days past due.The Company can only rebut this presumption if the Company has reasonable and supportableinformation that is available without undue cost or effort, that demonstrates that the credit risk hasnot increased significantly since initial recognition even though the contractual payments are morethan 30 days past due.(iv) Credit-impaired financial assetThe Company shall assess at each reporting date whether the credit impairment has occurred forfinancial asset at amortised cost and debt investment at fair value through other comprehensiveincome. A financial asset is credit-impaired when one or more events that have a detrimental impacton the estimated future cash flows of that financial asset have occurred. Evidences that a financialasset is credit-impaired include observable data about the following events:

Significant financial difficulty of the issuer or the borrower;a breach of contract, such as a defaultor past due event; the lender(s) of the borrower, for economic or contractual reasons relating to theborrower’s financial difficulty, having granted to the borrower a concession(s) that the lender(s)would not otherwise consider;it is becoming probable that the borrower will enter bankruptcy orother financial reorganisation; the disappearance of an active market for that financial asset becauseof financial difficulties;the purchase or origination of a financial asset at a deep discount that

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reflects the incurred credit losses.(v) Presentation of impairment of expected credit lossIn order to reflect the changes of credit risk of financial instrument since initial recognition, theCompany shall at each reporting date remeasure the expected credit loss and recognise in profit orloss, as an impairment gain or loss, the amount of expected credit losses addition (or reversal). Forfinancial asset at amortised cost, the loss allowance shall reduce the carrying amount of the financialasset in the statement of financial position; for debt investment at fair value through othercomprehensive income, the loss allowance shall be recognised in other comprehensive income andshall not reduce the carrying amount of the financial asset in the statement of financial position.(vi) Write-offThe Company shall directly reduce the gross carrying amount of a financial asset when theCompany has no reasonable expectations of recovering the contractual cash flow of a financial assetin its entirety or a portion thereof. Such write-off constitutes a derecognition of the financial asset.This circumstance usually occurs when the Company determines that the debtor has no assets orsources of income that could generate sufficient cash flow to repay the write-off amount.Recovery of financial asset written off shall be recognised in profit or loss as reversal of impairmentloss.

(6) Transfer of financial assets

Transfer of financial assets refers to following two situations:

? Transfers the contractual rights to receive the cash flows of the financial asset;? Transfers the entire or a part of a financial asset and retains the contractual rights to receive the cash flows ofthe financial asset, but assumes a contractual obligation to pay the cash flows to one or more recipients.(i) Derecognition of transferred assetsIf the Company transfers substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset,or neither transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financialasset but has not retained control of the financial asset, the financial asset shall be derecognised.Whether the Company has retained control of the transferred asset depends on the transferee’sability to sell the asset. If the transferee has the practical ability to sell the asset in its entirety to anunrelated third party and is able to exercise that ability unilaterally and without needing to imposeadditional restrictions on the transfer, the Company has not retained control.The Company judges whether the transfer of financial asset qualifies for derecognition based on thesubstance of the transfer.If the transfer of financial asset qualifies for derecognition in its entirety, the difference between the

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following shall be recognised in profit or loss:

? The carrying amount of transferred financial asset;? The sum of consideration received and the part derecognised of the cumulative changes in fair valuepreviously recognised in other comprehensive income (The financial assets involved in the transfer areclassified as financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income in accordance with Article 18of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises - Recognition and Measurement of FinancialInstruments).If the transferred asset is a part of a larger financial asset and the part transferred qualifies forderecognition, the previous carrying amount of the larger financial asset shall be allocated betweenthe part that continues to be recognised (For this purpose, a retained servicing asset shall be treatedas a part that continues to be recognised) and the part that is derecognised, based on the relative fairvalues of those parts on the date of the transfer. The difference between following two amounts shallbe recognised in profit or loss:

? The carrying amount (measured at the date of derecognition) allocated to the part derecognised;? The sum of the consideration received for the part derecognised and part derecognised of the cumulative

changes in fair value previously recognised in other comprehensive income (The financial assets involved inthe transfer are classified as financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income in accordancewith Article 18 of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises - Recognition and Measurement ofFinancial Instruments).(ii) Continuing involvement in transferred assetsIf the Company neither transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of atransferred asset, and retains control of the transferred asset, the Company shall continue torecognise the transferred asset to the extent of its continuing involvement and also recognise anassociated liability.The extent of the Company’s continuing involvement in the transferred asset is the extent to whichit is exposed to changes in the value of the transferred asset(iii) Continue to recognise the transferred assetsIf the Company retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the transferredfinancial asset, the Company shall continue to recognise the transferred asset in its entirety and theconsideration received shall be recognised as a financial liability.The financial asset and the associated financial liability shall not be offset. In subsequentaccounting period, the Company shall continuously recognise any income (gain) arising from thetransferred asset and any expense (loss) incurred on the associated liability.

(7) Offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities

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Financial assets and financial liabilities shall be presented separately in the statement of financialposition and shall not be offset. When meets the following conditions, financial assets and financialliabilities shall be offset and the net amount presented in the statement of financial position:

The Company currently has a legally enforceable right to set off the recognised amounts; TheCompany intends either to settle on a net basis, or to realise the asset and settle the liabilitysimultaneously.In accounting for a transfer of a financial asset that does not qualify for derecognition, the Companyshall not offset the transferred asset and the associated liability.

(8) Determination of fair value of financial instruments

Determination of fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities please refer to Note 3.11.

3.11 Fair Value Measurement

Fair value refers to the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability inan orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date.The Company determines fair value of the related assets and liabilities based on market value in theprincipal market, or in the absence of a principal market, in the most advantageous market price forthe related asset or liability. The fair value of an asset or a liability is measured using theassumptions that market participants would use when pricing the asset or liability, assuming thatmarket participants act in their economic best interest.The principal market is the market in which transactions for an asset or liability take place with thegreatest volume and frequency. The most advantageous market is the market which maximizes thevalue that could be received from selling the asset and minimizes the value which is needed to bepaid in order to transfer a liability, considering the effect of transport costs and transaction costsboth.If the active market of the financial asset or financial liability exists, the Company shall measure thefair value using the quoted price in the active market. If the active market of the financialinstrument is not available, the Company shall measure the fair value using valuation techniques.A fair value measurement of a non-financial asset takes into account a market participant’s abilityto generate economic benefits by using the asset in its highest and best use or by selling it to anothermarket participant that would use the asset in its highest and best use.(i) Valuation techniquesThe Company uses valuation techniques that are appropriate in the circumstances and for whichsufficient data are available to measure fair value, including the market approach, the incomeapproach and the cost approach. The Company shall use valuation techniques consistent with one or

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more of those approaches to measure fair value. If multiple valuation techniques are used tomeasure fair value, the results shall be evaluated considering the reasonableness of the range ofvalues indicated by those results. A fair value measurement is the point within that range that ismost representative of fair value in the circumstances.When using the valuation technique, the Company shall give the priority to relevant observableinputs. The unobservable inputs can only be used when relevant observable inputs is not availableor practically would not be obtained. Observable inputs refer to the information which is availablefrom market and reflects the assumptions that market participants would use when pricing the assetor liability. Unobservable Inputs refer to the information which is not available from market and ithas to be developed using the best information available in the circumstances from the assumptionsthat market participants would use when pricing the asset or liability.(ii) Fair value hierarchyTo Company establishes a fair value hierarchy that categorises into three levels the inputs tovaluation techniques used to measure fair value. The fair value hierarchy gives the highest priorityto Level 1 inputs and second to the Level 2 inputs and the lowest priority to Level 3 inputs. Level 1inputs are quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that theentity can access at the measurement date. Level 2 inputs are inputs other than quoted pricesincluded within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly.Level 3 inputs are unobservable inputs for the asset or liability.

3.12 Inventories

(1) Classification of inventories

Inventories are finished goods or products held for sale in the ordinary course of business, in theprocess of production for such sale, or in the form of materials or supplies to be consumed in theproduction process or in the rendering of services, including raw materials, work in progress,semi-finished goods, finished goods, goods in stock, turnover material, etc.

(2) Measurement method of cost of inventories sold or used

Inventories are measured at actual cost at recognition. The actual cost of an item of inventoriescomprises the purchase cost, cost of processing and other costs. The cost of inventories used or soldis determined on the weighted average basis.

(3) Inventory system

The perpetual inventory system is adopted. The inventories should be counted at least once a year,and surplus or losses of inventory stocktaking shall be included in current profit and loss.

(4) Recognition Criteria and Provision for impairment of inventory

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Inventories are stated at the lower of cost and net realizable value. The excess of cost over netrealizable value of the inventories is recognised as provision for impairment of inventory, andrecognised in current profit or loss.Net realizable value of the inventory should be determined on the basis of reliable evidenceobtained, and factors such as purpose of holding the inventory and impact of post balance sheetevent shall be considered.(i) In normal operation process, finished goods, products and materials for direct sale, their netrealizable values are determined at estimated selling prices less estimated selling expenses andrelevant taxes and surcharges; for inventories held to execute sales contract or service contract, theirnet realizable values are calculated on the basis of contract price. If the quantities of inventoriesspecified in sales contracts are less than the quantities held by the Company, the net realizable valueof the excess portion of inventories shall be based on general selling prices. Net realizable value ofmaterials held for sale shall be measured based on market price.(ii) For materials in stock need to be processed, in the ordinary course of production and business,net realisable value is determined at the estimated selling price less the estimated costs ofcompletion, the estimated selling expenses and relevant taxes. If the net realisable value of thefinished products produced by such materials is higher than the cost, the materials shall bemeasured at cost; if a decline in the price of materials indicates that the cost of the finished productsexceeds its net realisable value, the materials are measured at net realisable value and differencesshall be recognised at the provision for impairment.(iii) Provisions for inventory impairment are generally determined on an individual basis. Forinventories with large quantity and low unit price, the provisions for inventory impairment aredetermined on group basis.(iv) If any factor rendering write-downs of the inventories has been eliminated at the reportingdate, the amounts written down are recovered and reversed to the extent of the inventoryimpairment, which has been provided for. The reversal shall be included in profit or loss.

(5) Amortisation method of low-value consumables

Low-value consumables: One-off writing off method is adopted.Package material: One-off writing off method is adopted.

3.13 Contract Assets and Contract Liabilities

The Company shall present contract assets or contract liabilities in the statement of financialposition, depending on the relationship between the Company’s satisfying a performance obligationand the customer’s payment. A contract asset shall be presented if the Company has the right toconsideration in exchange for goods or services that the Company has transferred to a customer

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when that right is conditioned on something other than the passage of time. A contract liability shallbe presented if the Company has the obligation to transfer goods or services to a customer for whichthe Company has received consideration (or the amount is due) from the customer.Method of determination and accounting for expected credit loss for contract assets please refer toNote 3.10.Contract assets and contract liabilities shall be presented separately in the statement of financialposition. The contract asset and contract liability for the same contract shall be presented on a netbasis. A net balance shall be listed in the item of "Contract assets" or "Other non-current assets"according to its liquidity; a credit balance shall be listed in the item of "Contract liabilities" or"Other non-current liabilities" according to its liquidity. Contract assets and contract liabilities fordifferent contracts cannot be offset.

3.14 Contract costs

Contract costs include costs to fulfill a contract and the costs to obtain a contract.The Company shall recognise an asset from the costs incurred to fulfill a contract only if those costsmeet all of the following criteria:

(i) The costs relate directly to a contract or to an anticipated contract, including: direct labour,direct materials, manufacturing costs (or similar costs), costs that are explicitly chargeable to thecustomer under the contract and other costs that are incurred only because an entity entered into thecontract;(ii) The costs enhance resources of the Company that will be used in satisfying performanceobligations in the future; and(iii) The costs are expected to be recovered.The incremental costs of obtaining a contract shall be recognised as an asset if the Company expectsto recover them.An asset related to contract costs shall be amortised on a systematic basis that is consistent with therevenue recognition of the goods or services to which the asset relates. The Company recognises thecontract acquisition costs as an expense when incurred if the amortisation period of the asset thatthe Company otherwise would have recognised is one year or less.The Company shall accrue the provision for impairment, recognise an impairment loss in profit orloss to the extent that the carrying amount of an asset related to the contract cost exceeds thedifference of below two items, and further consider whether the estimated liability related to theonerous contract needs to be accrued:

(i) The remaining amount of consideration that the Company expects to receive in exchange for the

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goods or services to which the asset relates; less(ii) The costs that relate directly to providing those goods or services and that have not beenrecognised as expenses.The Company shall recognise in profit or loss a reversal of some or all of an impairment losspreviously recognised when the impairment conditions no longer exist or have improved. Theincreased carrying amount of the asset shall not exceed the amount that would have beendetermined (net of amortisation) if no impairment loss had been recognised previously.Providing that the costs to fulfil a contract satisfy the requirement to be recognised as an asset, theCompany shall present them in the account “Inventory” if the contract has an original expectedduration of one year (or a normal operating cycle) or less, or in the account “Other non-currentassets” if the contract has an original expected duration of more than one year (or a normaloperating cycle).Providing that the costs to obtain a contract satisfy the requirement to be recgonised as an asset, theCompany shall present them in the account “Other current asset” if the contract has an originalexpected duration of one year (or a normal operating cycle) or less, or in the account “Othernon-current assets” if the contract has an original expected duration of more than one year (or anormal operating cycle).

3.15 Long-term Equity Investments

Long-term equity investments refer to equity investments where an investor has control of, orsignificant influence over, an investee, as well as equity investments in joint ventures. Associates ofthe Company are those entities over which the Company has significant influence.

(1) Determination basis of joint control or significant influence over the investeeJoint control is the relevant agreed sharing of control over an arrangement, and the arrangedrelevant activity must be decided under unanimous consent of the parties sharing control. Inassessing whether the Company has joint control of an arrangement, the Company shall assess firstwhether all the parties, or a group of the parties, control the arrangement. When all the parties, or agroup of the parties, considered collectively, are able to direct the activities of the arrangement, theparties control the arrangement collectively. Then the Company shall assess whether decisionsabout the relevant activities require the unanimous consent of the parties that collectively controlthe arrangement. If two or more groups of the parties could control the arrangement collectively, itshall not be assessed as have joint control of the arrangement. When assessing the joint control, theprotective rights are not considered.Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions ofthe investee but is not control or joint control of those policies. In determination of significant

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influence over an investee, the Company should consider not only the existing voting rights directlyor indirectly held but also the effect of potential voting rights held by the Company and otherentities that could be currently exercised or converted, including the effect of share warrants, shareoptions and convertible corporate bonds that issued by the investee and could be converted incurrent period.If the Company holds, directly or indirectly 20% or more but less than 50% of the voting power ofthe investee, it is presumed that the Company has significant influence of the investee, unless it canbe clearly demonstrated that in such circumstance, the Company cannot participate in thedecision-making in the production and operating of the investee.

(2) Determination of initial investment cost

(i) Long-term equity investments generated in business combinationsFor a business combination involving enterprises under common control, if the Company makespayment in cash, transfers non-cash assets or bears liabilities as the consideration for the businesscombination, the share of carrying amount of the owners’ equity of the acquiree in the consolidatedfinancial statements of the ultimate controlling party is recognised as the initial cost of thelong-term equity investment on the combination date. The difference between the initial investmentcost and the carrying amount of cash paid, non-cash assets transferred and liabilities assumed shallbe adjusted against the capital reserve; if capital reserve is not enough to be offset, undistributedprofit shall be offset in turn.For a business combination involving enterprises under common control, if the Company issuesequity securities as the consideration for the business combination, the share of carrying amount ofthe owners’ equity of the acquiree in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimatecontrolling party is recognised as the initial cost of the long-term equity investment on thecombination date. The total par value of the shares issued is recognised as the share capital. Thedifference between the initial investment cost and the carrying amount of the total par value of theshares issued shall be adjusted against the capital reserve; if capital reserve is not enough to beoffset, undistributed profit shall be offset in turn.For business combination not under common control, the assets paid, liabilities incurred or assumedand the fair value of equity securities issued to obtain the control of the acquiree at the acquisitiondate shall be determined as the cost of the business combination and recognised as the initial cost ofthe long-term equity investment. The audit, legal, valuation and advisory fees, other intermediaryfees, and other relevant general administrative costs incurred for the business combination, shall berecognised in profit or loss as incurred.(ii) Long-term equity investments acquired not through the business combination, the investmentcost shall be determined based on the following requirements:

For long-term equity investments acquired by payments in cash, the initial cost is the actually paid

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purchase cost, including the expenses, taxes and other necessary expenditures directly related to theacquisition of long-term equity investments.For long-term equity investments acquired through issuance of equity securities, the initial cost isthe fair value of the issued equity securities.For the long-term equity investments obtained through exchange of non-monetary assets, if theexchange has commercial substance, and the fair values of assets traded out and traded in can bemeasured reliably, the initial cost of long-term equity investment traded in with non-monetaryassets are determined based on the fair values of the assets traded out together with relevant taxes.Difference between fair value and book value of the assets traded out is recorded in current profit orloss. If the exchange of non-monetary assets does not meet the above criterion, the book value ofthe assets traded out and relevant taxes are recognised as the initial investment cost.For long-term equity investment acquired through debt restructuring, the initial cost is determinedbased on the fair value of the equity obtained and the difference between initial investment cost andcarrying amount of debts shall be recorded in current profit or loss.

(3) Subsequent measurement and recognition of profit or loss

Long-term equity investment to an entity over which the Company has ability of control shall beaccounted for at cost method. Long-term equity investment to a joint venture or an associate shallbe accounted for at equity method.(i) Cost methodFor Long-term equity investment at cost method, cost of the long-term equity investment shall beadjusted when additional amount is invested or a part of it is withdrawn. The Company recognisesits share of cash dividends or profits which have been declared to distribute by the investee ascurrent investment income.(ii) Equity methodIf the initial cost of the investment is in excess of the share of the fair value of the net identifiableassets in the investee at the date of investment, the difference shall not be adjusted to the initial costof long-term equity investment; if the initial cost of the investment is in short of the share of the fairvalue of the net identifiable assets in the investee at the date investment, the difference shall beincluded in the current profit or loss and the initial cost of the long-term equity investment shall beadjusted accordingly.The Company recognises the share of the investee’s net profits or losses, as well as its share of theinvestee’s other comprehensive income, as investment income or losses and other comprehensiveincome respectively, and adjusts the carrying amount of the investment accordingly. The carryingamount of the investment shall be reduced by the share of any profit or cash dividends declared todistribute by the investee. The investor’s share of the investee’s owners’ equity changes, other than

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those arising from the investee’s net profit or loss, other comprehensive income or profitdistribution, shall be recognised in the investor’s equity, and the carrying amount of the long-termequity investment shall be adjusted accordingly. The Company recognises its share of the investee’snet profits or losses after making appropriate adjustments of investee’s net profit based on the fairvalues of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the investment date. If the accounting policy andaccounting period adopted by the investee is not in consistency with the Company, the financialstatements of the investee shall be adjusted according to the Company’s accounting policies andaccounting period, based on which, investment income or loss and other comprehensive income,etc., shall be adjusted. The unrealized profits or losses resulting from inter-company transactionsbetween the company and its associate or joint venture are eliminated in proportion to thecompany’s equity interest in the investee, based on which investment income or losses shall berecognised. Any losses resulting from inter-company transactions between the investor and theinvestee, which belong to asset impairment, shall be recognised in full.Where the Company obtains the power of joint control or significant influence, but not control, overthe investee, due to additional investment or other reason, the relevant long-term equity investmentshall be accounted for by using the equity method, initial cost of which shall be the fair value of theoriginal investment plus the additional investment. Where the original investment is classified asother equity investment, difference between its fair value and the carrying value, in addition to thecumulative changes in fair value previously recorded in other comprehensive income, shall berecogised into retained earnings of the period of using equity method.If the Company loses the joint control or significant influence of the investee for some reasons suchas disposal of equity investment, the retained interest shall be measured at fair value and thedifference between the carrying amount and the fair value at the date of loss the joint control orsignificant influence shall be recognised in profit or loss. When the Company discontinues the useof the equity method, the Company shall account for all amounts previously recognised in othercomprehensive income under equity method in relation to that investment on the same basis aswould have been required if the investee had directly disposed of the related assets or liabilities.

(4) Equity investment classified as held for sale

Any retained interest in the equity investment not classified as held for sale, shall be accounted forusing equity method.When an equity investment in an associate or a joint venture previously classified as held for saleno longer meets the criteria to be so classified, it shall be accounted for using the equity methodretrospectively as from the date of its classification as held for sale. Financial statements for theperiods since classification as held for sale shall be amended accordingly.

(5) Impairment testing and provision for impairment loss

For investment in subsidiaries, associates or a joint ventures, provision for impairment loss please

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refer to Note 3.22.

3.16 Investment Properties

(1) Classification of investment properties

Investment properties are properties to earn rentals or for capital appreciation or both, including:

(i) Land use right leased out(ii) Land held for transfer upon appreciation(iii) Buildings leased out

(2) The measurement model of investment property

The Company adopts the cost model for subsequent measurement of investment properties. Forprovision for impairment please refer to Note 3.22.The Company calculates the depreciation or amortisation based on the net amount of investmentproperty cost less the accumulated impairment and the net residual value using straight-line method.The estimated useful life and annual depreciation rates which are determined according to thecategories, estimated economic useful lives and estimated net residual rates are listed as followings:

CategoryEstimated useful life (year)Residual rates (%)Annual depreciation rates (%)
Buildings and constructions10.00-30.003.00-5.003.17-9.70
Land use right40.00-

3.17 Fixed Assets

Fixed assets refer to the tangible assets with higher unit price held for the purpose of producingcommodities, rendering services, renting or business management with useful lives exceeding oneyear.

(1) Recognition criteria of fixed assets

Fixed assets will only be recognised at the actual cost paid when obtaining as all the followingcriteria are satisfied:

(i) It is probable that the economic benefits relating to the fixed assets will flow into the Company;(ii) The costs of the fixed assets can be measured reliably.Subsequent expenditure for fixed assets shall be recorded in cost of fixed assets, if recognitioncriteria of fixed assets are satisfied, otherwise the expenditure shall be recorded in current profit orloss when incurred.

(2) Depreciation methods of fixed assets

The Company begins to depreciate the fixed asset from the next month after it is available for

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intended use using the straight-line-method. The estimated useful life and annual depreciation rateswhich are determined according to the categories, estimated economic useful lives and estimatednet residual rates of fixed assets are listed as followings:

CategoryDepreciation methodEstimated useful life (year)Residual rates (%)Annual depreciation rates (%)
Buildings and constructionsstraight-line-method8.00-35.003.00-5.002.71-12.13
Machinery equipmentstraight-line-method8.00-10.003.00-5.009.50-12.13
Transportation vehiclesstraight-line-method4.003.0024.25
Administrative and other devicesstraight-line-method3.003.0032.33

For the fixed assets with impairment provided, the impairment provision should be excluded fromthe cost when calculating depreciation.At the end of reporting period, the Company shall review the useful life, estimated net residualvalue and depreciation method of the fixed assets. Estimated useful life of the fixed assets shall beadjusted if it is changed compared to the original estimation.

3.18 Construction in Progress

(1) Classification of construction in progress

Construction in progress is measured on an individual project basis.

(2) Recognition criteria and timing of transfer from construction in progress to fixed assetsThe initial book values of the fixed assets are stated at total expenditures incurred before they areready for their intended use, including construction costs, original price of machinery equipment,other necessary expenses incurred to bring the construction in progress to get ready for its intendeduse and borrowing costs of the specific loan for the construction or the proportion of the generalloan used for the constructions incurred before they are ready for their intended use. Theconstruction in progress shall be transferred to fixed asset when the installation or construction isready for the intended use. For construction in progress that has been ready for their intended usebut relevant budgets for the completion of projects have not been completed, the estimated values ofproject budgets, prices, or actual costs should be included in the costs of relevant fixed assets, anddepreciation should be provided according to relevant policies of the Company when the fixedassets are ready for intended use. After the completion of budgets needed for the completion ofprojects, the estimated values should be substituted by actual costs, but depreciation alreadyprovided is not adjusted.The specific criteria and timing of transfer to fixed assets for the Company’s different categories of

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construction in progress items:

categoryThe specific criteria and timing of transfer to fixed assets
Houses and buildings(i) The main construction project and supporting projects have been substantially completed; (ii) After the construction project meets the predetermined design requirements, it shall be inspected and accepted by the survey, design, construction, supervision and other units, and inspected and accepted by the local construction authorities and other relevant units; (iii) If the construction project has reached the predetermined serviceability state but has not yet completed the final accounts, it shall be transferred to the fixed assets at the estimated value according to the actual cost of the project from the date of reaching the predetermined serviceability state.
Equipment to be installed and debugged(i) Relevant equipment and other supporting facilities have been installed; (ii) After debugging, the equipment can maintain normal and stable operation for a period of time, and the production equipment can produce qualified products stably in a period of time; (iii) The equipment management department shall conduct joint inspection with the asset use department, safety management Department, emergency Department, environmental Protection Department and other departments.

3.19 Right-of-use assets

At the lease commencement date, a right-of-use asset is measured at cost. The cost of a right-of-useasset comprise:

(i) The amount of the initial measurement of the lease liability;(ii) Any lease payments made at or before the commencement date, less any lease incentivesreceived;(iii) Any initial direct costs incurred by the Group; and(iv) An estimate of costs to be incurred by the Group in dismantling and removing the underlyingasset, restoring the site on which it is located or restoring the underlying asset to the conditionrequired by the terms and conditions of the lease, unless those costs are incurred to produceinventories.A right-of-use asset is subsequently measured at cost. If it is reasonably certain that ownership ofthe lease item will transfer to the Group upon expiry of the lease, the leased item is depreciated overits useful life; if, however, transfer of ownership of the leased item upon expiry of the lease to theGroup cannot be reasonably expected, the leased item is depreciated over the shorter of its usefullife and the lease term. Where a leased item has recorded impairment, its residual value afterdeducting the impairment allowance is depreciated in accordance the principle described in thisparagraph.

3.20 Borrowing costs

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(1) Recognition criteria and period for capitalization of borrowing costsThe Company shall capitalize the borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition,construction or production of qualifying assets when meet the following conditions:

(i) Expenditures for the asset are being incurred;(ii) Borrowing costs are being incurred, and;(iii) Acquisition, construction or production activities that are necessary to prepare the assets fortheir intended use or sale are in progress.Other borrowing cost, discounts or premiums on borrowings and exchange differences on foreigncurrency borrowings shall be recognized into current profit or loss when incurred.Capitalization of borrowing costs is suspended during periods in which the acquisition, constructionor production of a qualifying asset is interrupted abnormally and the interruption is for a continuousperiod of more than 3 months.Capitalization of such borrowing costs ceases when the qualifying assets being acquired,constructed or produced become ready for their intended use or sale. The expenditure incurredsubsequently shall be recognised as expenses when incurred.

(2) Capitalization rate and measurement of capitalized amounts of borrowing costsWhen funds are borrowed specifically for purchase, construction or manufacturing of assets eligiblefor capitalization, the Company shall determine the amount of borrowing costs eligible forcapitalisation as the actual borrowing costs incurred on that borrowing during the period less anyinterest income on bank deposit or investment income on the temporary investment of thoseborrowings.Where funds allocated for purchase, construction or manufacturing of assets eligible forcapitalization are part of a general borrowing, the eligible amounts are determined by theweighted-average of the cumulative capital expenditures in excess of the specific borrowingmultiplied by the general borrowing capitalization rate. The capitalisation rate will be the weightedaverage of the borrowing costs applicable to the general borrowing.

3.21 Intangible Assets

(1) Measurement method of intangible assets

Intangible assets are recognised at actual cost at acquisition.

(2) The useful life and amortisation of intangible assets

(i) The estimated useful lives of the intangible assets with finite useful lives are as follows:

CategoryEstimated useful lifeBasis

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CategoryEstimated useful lifeBasis
Land use right40-50 yearsLegal life
Patents10 yearsThe service life is determined by reference to the period that can bring economic benefits to the Company
Software3-5 yearsThe service life is determined by reference to the period that can bring economic benefits to the Company
Trademarks10 yearsThe service life is determined by reference to the period that can bring economic benefits to the Company

For intangible assets with finite useful life, the estimated useful life and amortisation method arereviewed annually at the end of each reporting period and adjusted when necessary. No change hasincurred in current year in the estimated useful life and amortisation method upon review.(ii) Assets of which the period to bring economic benefits to the Company are unforeseeable are regarded asintangible assets with indefinite useful lives. The Company reassesses the useful lives of those assets at every yearend. If the useful lives of those assets are still indefinite, impairment test should be performed on those assets atthe balance sheet date.(iii) Amortisation of the intangible assetsFor intangible assets with finite useful lives, their useful lives should be determined upon their acquisition andsystematically amortised on a straight-line basis [units of production method] over the useful life. Theamortisation amount shall be recognised into current profit or loss according to the beneficial items. The amountto be amortised is cost deducting residual value. For intangible assets which has impaired, the cumulativeimpairment provision shall be deducted as well. The residual value of an intangible asset with a finite useful lifeshall be assumed to be zero unless: there is a commitment by a third party to purchase the asset at the end of itsuseful life; or there is an active market for the asset and residual value can be determined by reference to thatmarket; and it is probable that such a market will exist at the end of the asset’s useful life.Intangible assets with indefinite useful lives shall not be amortised. The Company reassesses the useful lives ofthose assets at every year end. If there is evidence to indicate that the useful lives of those assets become finite,the useful lives shall be estimated and the intangible assets shall be amortised systematically and reasonablywithin the estimated useful lives.

(3) Scope of Research and Development Expenditures

The Company classifies the expenses directly related to research and development activities as research anddevelopment expenditures, including remuneration of research and development staff, direct material,depreciation cost and long-term amortised expense, design fee, equipment commissioning fee, intangible assetsamortisation cost, outsourcing research and development cost, and other expenses, etc.

(4) Criteria of classifying expenditures on internal research and development projects intoresearch phase and development phasePreparation activities related to materials and other relevant aspects undertaken by the Company for the purposeof further development shall be treated as research phase. Expenditures incurred during the research phase ofinternal research and development projects shall be recognised in profit or loss when incurred.Development activities after the research phase of the Company shall be treated as development phase.

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(5) Criteria for capitalization of qualifying expenditures during the development phase

Expenditures arising from development phase on internal research and development projects shall be recognisedas intangible assets only if all of the following conditions have been met:

(i) Technical feasibility of completing the intangible assets so that they will be available for use or sale;(ii) Its intention to complete the intangible asset and use or sell it;(iii) The method that the intangible assets generate economic benefits, including the Company can demonstratethe existence of a market for the output of the intangible assets or the intangible assets themselves or, if it is to beused internally, the usefulness of the intangible assets;(iv) The availability of adequate technical, financial and other resources to complete the development and to useor sell the intangible asset; and(v) Its ability to measure reliably the expenditure attributable to the intangible asset.

3.22 Impairment of Long-Term Assets

Impairment loss of long-term equity investment in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures, investmentproperties, fixed assets, constructions in progress, and intangible assets subsequently measured at cost shall bedetermined according to following method:

The Company shall assess at the end of each reporting period whether there is any indication that an asset may beimpaired. If any such indication exists, the Company shall estimate the recoverable amount of the asset and testfor impairment. Irrespective of whether there is any indication of impairment, the Company shall test forimpairment of goodwill acquired in a business combination, intangible assets with an indefinite useful life orintangible assets not yet available for use annually.The recoverable amounts of the long-term assets are the higher of their fair values less costs to dispose and thepresent values of the estimated future cash flows of the long-term assets. The Company estimate the recoverableamounts on an individual basis. If it is difficult to estimate the recoverable amount of the individual asset, theCompany estimates the recoverable amount of the groups of assets that the individual asset belongs to.Identification of a group of asset is based on whether the cash inflows from it are largely independent of the cashinflows from other assets or groups of assets.If, and only if, the recoverable amount of an asset or a group of assets is less than its carrying amount, the carryingamount of the asset shall be reduced to its recoverable amount and the provision for impairment loss shall berecognised accordingly.For the purpose of impairment testing, goodwill acquired in a business combination shall, from the acquisitiondate, be allocated to relevant group of assets based on reasonable method; if it is difficult to allocate to relevantgroup of assets, good will shall be allocated to relevant combination of asset groups. The relevant group of assetsor combination of asset groups is a group of assets or combination of asset groups that is benefit from thesynergies of the business combination and is not larger than the reporting segment determined by the Company.When test for impairment, if there is an indication that relevant group of assets or combination of asset groupsmay be impaired, impairment testing for group of assets or combination of asset groups excluding goodwill shallbe conducted first, and the recoverable amount shall be then calculated and the impairment loss shall berecognised accordingly. Then the group of assets or combination of asset groups including goodwill shall be testedfor impairment, by comparing the carrying amount with its recoverable amount. If the recoverable amount is lessthan the carrying amount, the Company shall recognise the impairment loss.The mentioned impairment loss will not be reversed in subsequent accounting period once it had been recognised.

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3.23 Long-term Deferred Expenses

Long-term deferred expenses are various expenses already incurred, which shall be amortised overcurrent and subsequent periods with the amortisation period exceeding one year.

3.24 Employee Benefits

Employee benefits refer to all forms of consideration or compensation given by the Company inexchange for service rendered by employees or for the termination of employment relationship.Employee benefits include short-term employee benefits, post-employment benefits, terminationbenefits and other long-term employee benefits. Benefits provided to an employee's spouse,children, dependents, family members of decreased employees, or other beneficiaries are alsoemployee benefits.According to liquidity, employee benefits are presented in the statement of financial position as“Employee benefits payable” and “Long-term employee benefits payable”.(a) Short-term employee benefits(i) Employee basic salary (salary, bonus, allowance, subsidy)The Company recognises, in the accounting period in which an employee provides service, actuallyoccurred short-term employee benefits as a liability, with a corresponding charge to current profitexcept for those recognised as capital expenditure based on the requirement of accountingstandards.(ii) Employee welfareThe Company shall recognise the employee welfare based on actual amount when incurred intocurrent profit or loss or related capital expenditure. Employee welfare shall be measured at fairvalue as it is a non-monetary benefits.(iii) Social insurance such as medical insurance, work injury insurance and maternity insurance,housing funds, labor union fund and employee education fundPayments made by the Company of social insurance for employees, such as medical insurance,work injury insurance and maternity insurance, payments of housing funds, and labor union fundand employee education fund accrued in accordance with relevant requirements, in the accountingperiod in which employees provide services, is calculated according to required accrual bases andaccrual ratio in determining the amount of employee benefits and the related liabilities, which shallbe recognised in current profit or loss or the cost of relevant asset.(iv) Short-term paid absencesThe company shall recognise the related employee benefits arising from accumulating paidabsences when the employees render service that increases their entitlement to future paid absences.The additional payable amounts shall be measured at the expected additional payments as a result ofthe unused entitlement that has accumulated. The Company shall recognise relevant employee

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benefit of non-accumulating paid absences when the absences actually occurred.(v)Short-term profit-sharing planThe Company shall recognise the related employee benefits payable under a profit-sharing planwhen all of the following conditions are satisfied:

? The Company has a present legal or constructive obligation to make such payments as a result of past

events; and? A reliable estimate of the amounts of employee benefits obligation arising from the profit- sharing plan

can be made.(b) Post-employment benefits(i) Defined contribution plansThe Company shall recognise, in the accounting period in which an employee provides service, thecontribution payable to a defined contribution plan as a liability, with a corresponding charge to thecurrent profit or loss or the cost of a relevant asset.When contributions to a defined contribution plan are not expected to be settled wholly beforetwelve months after the end of the annual reporting period in which the employees render therelated service, they shall be discounted using relevant discount rate (market yields at the end of thereporting period on high quality corporate bonds in active market or government bonds with thecurrency and term which shall be consistent with the currency and estimated term of the definedcontribution obligations) to measure employee benefits payable.(ii) Defined benefit planThe present value of defined benefit obligation and current service costsBased on the expected accumulative welfare unit method, the Company shall make estimates aboutdemographic variables and financial variables in adopting the unbiased and consistent actuarialassumptions and measure defined benefit obligation, and determine the obligation period. TheCompany shall discount the obligation arising from defined benefit plan using relevant discount rate(market yields at the end of the reporting period on high quality corporate bonds in active market orgovernment bonds with the currency and term which shall be consistent with the currency andestimated term of the defined benefit obligations) in order to determine the present value of thedefined benefit obligation and the current service cost.The net defined benefit liability or assetThe net defined benefit liability (asset) is the deficit or surplus recognised as the present value ofthe defined benefit obligation less the fair value of plan assets (if any).When the Company has a surplus in a defined benefit plan, it shall measure the net defined benefit

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asset at the lower of the surplus in the defined benefit plan and the asset ceiling.The amount recognised in the cost of asset or current profit or lossService cost comprises current service cost, past service cost and any gain or loss on settlement.Other service cost shall be recognised in profit or loss unless accounting standards require or allowthe inclusion of current service cost within the cost of assets.Net interest on the net defined benefit liability (asset) comprising interest income on plan assets,interest cost on the defined benefit obligation and interest on the effect of the asset ceiling, shall beincluded in profit or loss.The amount recognised in other comprehensive incomeChanges in the net liability or asset of the defined benefit plan resulting from the remeasurementsincluding:

? Actuarial gains and losses, the changes in the present value of the defined benefit obligation resulting

from experience adjustments or the effects of changes in actuarial assumptions;? Return on plan assets, excluding amounts included in net interest on the net defined benefit liability or

asset;? Any change in the effect of the asset ceiling, excluding amounts included in net interest on the net defined

benefit liability (asset).

Remeasurements of the net defined benefit liability (asset) recognised in other comprehensiveincome shall not be reclassified to profit or loss in a subsequent period. However, the Companymay transfer those amounts recognised in other comprehensive income within equity.(c) Termination benefitsThe Company providing termination benefits to employees shall recognise an employee benefitsliability for termination benefits, with a corresponding charge to the profit or loss of the reportingperiod, at the earlier of the following dates:

(i) When the Company cannot unilaterally withdraw the offer of termination benefits because of anemployment termination plan or a curtailment proposal.(ii) When the Company recognises costs or expenses related to a restructuring that involves the

payment of termination benefits.If the termination benefits are not expected to be settled wholly before twelve months after the endof the annual reporting period, the Company shall discount the termination benefits using relevantdiscount rate (market yields at the end of the reporting period on high quality corporate bonds inactive market or government bonds with the currency and term which shall be consistent with thecurrency and estimated term of the defined benefit obligations) to measure the employee benefits.

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(d) Other long-term employee benefits(i) Meet the conditions of the defined contribution planWhen other long-term employee benefits provided by the Company to the employees satisfies theconditions for classifying as a defined contribution plan, all those benefits payable shall beaccounted for as employee benefits payable at their discounted value.(ii) Meet the conditions of the defined benefit planAt the end of the reporting period, the Company recognised the cost of employee benefit from otherlong-term employee benefits as the following components:

? Service costs;? Net interest cost for net liability or asset of other long-term employee benefits? Changes resulting from the remeasurements of the net liability or asset of other long-term employee benefitsIn order to simplify the accounting treatment, the net amount of above items shall be recognised inprofit or loss or relevant cost of assets.

3.25 Lease liabilities

At the commencement date, the Group measures the lease liability at the present value of the leasepayments that are not paid at that date. The lease payments comprise:

(i) Fixed payments, or in-substance fixed payments, less any lease incentives receivable;(ii) Variable lease payments that depend on an index or a rate;(iii) The exercise price of a purchase option if the Group is reasonably certain to exercise thatoption;(iv) Payments of penalties for terminating the lease, if the lease term reflects the Group exercisingan option to terminate the lease; and(v) Amounts expected to be payable by the Group under residual value guarantees.The lease payments shall be discounted using the interest rate implicit in the lease, if that rate canbe readily determined. If that rate cannot be readily determined, the lessee shall use the lessee’sincremental borrowing rate. The excess of the lease payments over its present value is amortisedover the lease term as interest expenses using the discount rate. A variable lease payment which isnot included in the initial measurement of the lease liability is recognised in profit or loss whenincurred.

3.26 Provisions

(1) Recognition

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A provision is recognised for an obligation associated with a contingent event when the followingconditions are satisfied:

(i) The obligation is a present obligation assumed by the entity;(ii) It is probable that fulfillment of the obligation will result in outflows of economic benefits fromthe entity;(iii) The amount of the obligation can be reliably measured.

(2) Measurement

A provision is initially measured at the best estimate of expenses required for the performance ofrelevant present obligations. The Company, when determining the best estimate, has had acomprehensive consideration of risks with respect to contingencies, uncertainties and the time valueof money. The carrying amount of the provision shall be reviewed at the end of every reportingperiod. If conclusive evidences indicate that the carrying amount fails to be the best estimate of theprovision, the carrying amount shall be adjusted based on the updated best estimate.

3.27 Revenue

(1) General Principle

Revenue is defined as the gross inflow of economic benefits arising in the course of the ordinaryactivities of the Company when those inflows result in the increases in shareholders’ equity, otherthan increases relating to contributions from shareholders.The Company shall recognise revenue when it satisfies a performance obligation in the contract asthe customer obtains control of a good or service. Control of a good or service refers to the ability todirect the use of, and obtain substantially all of the remaining economic benefits from, the good orservice.When the contract has two or more obligation performances, the Company shall allocate thetransaction price to each performance obligation in proportion to a relative stand-alone selling priceat contract inception of the promised good or service underlying each performance obligation in thecontract and recognize revenue based on the transaction price allocated to each performanceobligation.The transaction price is the amount of consideration to which the Company expects to be entitled inexchange for transferring promised goods or services to a customer, excluding amounts collected onbehalf of third parties. When determining the transaction price of the contract, if the contractincludes a variable consideration, the Company shall determine the best estimate of the variableconsideration based on the expected value or the most likely amount and include in the transactionprice only to the extent that it is highly probable that a significant reversal in the amount ofcumulative revenue recognised will not occur when the uncertainty associated with the variable

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consideration is subsequently resolved. If the contract contains a significant financing component,the Company shall determine the transaction price at an amount that reflects the price that acustomer would have paid for the promised goods or services if the customer had paid cash forthose goods or services when (or as) they transfer to the customer. The difference between thetransaction price and the promised consideration shall be amortised using the effective interestmethod within the contract period. The Company need not consider the effects of a significantfinancing component if the period between when the Company transfers control of a good orservice to a customer and when the customer pays for that good or service will be one year or less.The Company satisfies a performance obligation over time, if one of the following criteria is met;otherwise a performance obligation is satisfied at a point in time:

(i) The customer simultaneously receives and consumes the benefits provided by the Company’sperformance as the Company performs;(ii) The Company’s performance creates or enhances an asset (for example, work in progress) thatthe customer controls as the asset is created or enhanced;(iii) The Company’s performance does not create an asset with an alternative use to the Companyand the Company has an enforceable right to payment for performance completed to date.For each performance obligation satisfied over time, the Company shall recognise revenue overtime by measuring the progress towards complete satisfaction of that performance obligation, unlessthose progress cannot be reasonably measured. The Company measures the progress of aperformance obligation for the service rendered using input methods (or output methods). In somecircumstances, the Company cannot be able to reasonably measure the progress of a performanceobligation, but the Company expects to recover the costs incurred in satisfying the performanceobligation. In those circumstances, the Company shall recognise revenue only to the extent of thecosts incurred until such time that it can reasonably measure the progress of the performanceobligation.The Company shall recognise revenue at the point in which a customer obtains control of apromised good or service if a performance obligation is satisfied at a point in time. To determine thepoint in time at which a customer obtains control of a promised good or service, the Company shallconsider indicators of the transfer of control, which include, but are not limited to, the followings:

(i) The Company has a present right to payment for the good or service – a customer is presentlyobliged to pay for the good or service;(ii) The Company has transferred legal title of an asset to a customer - the customer has legal title tothe asset;(iii) The Company has transferred physical possession of an asset to a customer - the customer has

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physical possession of the asset;(iv) The Company has transferred the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the asset to acustomer - the customer has the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the asset;(v) The customer has accepted the asset.(VI) Other indication that the customer has obtained control over the asset.

(2) Specific Method

Revenue recognition methods of the Company are as follows:

(i) Contract of sales of goodsAccording to the contract of sales of goods between the Company and the customer, the Companysatisfies a performance obligation by transferring goods to the customer, which is a performanceobligation satisfied at a point in time.Revenue from domestic sales of goods can only be recognised when the following conditions aresatisfied: the Company has transferred the promised goods to the customer according to the contractand the customer has accepted the goods; the payment has been received or the receipt voucher hasbeen obtained and it is highly probable that the consideration will be received; the significant risksand rewards of ownership of the asset has been transferred; legal title of the asset has beentransferred.(ii) Contract of rendering servicesThe customer simultaneously receives and consumes the benefits provided by the Company’sperformance as the Company performs,Company satisfies a performance obligation by renderingof services to the customer, which is a performance obligation satisfied over time. For eachperformance obligation satisfied over time, the Company shall recognise revenue over time bymeasuring the progress towards complete satisfaction of that performance obligation.The customer can’t simultaneously receives and consumes the benefits provided by the Company’sperformance as the Company performs, the Company’s performance does not create an asset withan alternative use and the Company has no enforceable right to payment for performance completedto date at all times throughout the duration of the contract, Revenue from rendering of services is aperformance obligation satisfied at a point in time. The company recognizes revenue when thecompany completes technical services in accordance with the contractual agreement(iii) Revenue from usage of assets

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Revenue from usage of the Group’s assets is recognised if the revenue can be reliably measured andit is probable that the associated economic benefits will flow to the Group.Revenue from usage of assets mainly includes the income from the leasing of premises and houses.Revenue measured in accordance with the method determined by the respective contracts.

3.28 Government Grants

(1) Recognition of government grants

A government grant shall not be recgonised until there is reasonable assurance that:

(i) The Company will comply with the conditions attaching to them; and(ii) The grants will be received.

(2) Measurement of government grants

Monetary grants from the government shall be measured at amount received or receivable, andnon-monetary grants from the government shall be measured at their fair value or at a nominalvalue of RMB 1.00 when reliable fair value is not available.

(3) Accounting for government grants

(i) Government grants related to assetsGovernment grants pertinent to assets mean the government grants that are obtained by theCompany used for purchase or construction, or forming the long-term assets by other ways.Government grants pertinent to assets shall be recognised as deferred income, and should berecognised in profit or loss on a systematic basis over the useful lives of the relevant assets. Grantsmeasured at their nominal value shall be directly recognised in profit or loss of the period when thegrants are received. When the relevant assets are sold, transferred, written off or damaged before theassets are terminated, the remaining deferred income shall be transferred into profit or loss of theperiod of disposing relevant assets.(ii) Government grants related to incomeGovernment grants other than related to assets are classified as government grants related to income.Government grants related to income are accounted for in accordance with the following principles:

If the government grants related to income are used to compensate the enterprise’s relevantexpenses or losses in future periods, such government grants shall be recognised as deferred incomeand included into profit or loss (or write down related expenses) in the same period as the relevantexpenses or losses are recognised;If the government grants related to income are used to compensate the enterprise’s relevant

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expenses or losses incurred, such government grants are directly recognised into current profit orloss (or write down related expenses).For government grants comprised of part related to assets as well as part related to income, eachpart is accounted for separately; if it is difficult to identify different part, the government grants areaccounted for as government grants related to income as a whole.Government grants related to daily operation activities are recognised in other income (or writedown related expenses) in accordance with the nature of the activities, and government grantsirrelevant to daily operation activities are recognised in non-operating income.(iii) Loan interest subsidyWhen loan interest subsidy is allocated to the bank, and the bank provides a loan at lower-marketrate of interest to the Company, the loan is recognised at the actual received amount, and the interestexpense is calculated based on the principal of the loan and the lower-market rate of interest.When loan interest subsidy is directly allocated to the Company, the subsidy shall be recognised asoffsetting the relevant borrowing cost.(iv) Repayment of the government grantsRepayment of the government grants shall be recorded by increasing the carrying amount of theasset if the book value of the asset has been written down, or reducing the balance of relevantdeferred income if deferred income balance exists, any excess will be recognised into current profitor loss; or directly recognised into current profit or loss for other circumstances.

3.29 Deferred Tax Assets and Deferred Tax Liabilities

Temporary differences are differences between the carrying amount of an asset or liability in the statement offinancial position and its tax base at the balance sheet date. The Company recognise and measure the effect oftaxable temporary differences and deductible temporary differences on income tax as deferred tax liabilities ordeferred tax assets using liability method. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities shall not be discounted.

(1) Recognition of deferred tax assets

Deferred tax assets should be recognised for deductible temporary differences, the carryforward ofunused tax losses and the carryforward of unused tax credits to the extent that it is probable thattaxable profit will be available against which the deductible temporary differences, the carryforwardof unused tax losses and the carryforward of unused tax credits can be utilised at the tax rates thatare expected to apply to the period when the asset is realised, unless the deferred tax asset arisesfrom the initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction that:

(i) Is not a business combination; and(ii) At the time of the transaction, affects neither accounting profit nor taxable profit (tax loss)

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The Company shall recognise a deferred tax asset for all deductible temporary differences arisingfrom investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures, only to the extent that, it is probablethat:

(i) The temporary difference will reverse in the foreseeable future; and(ii) Taxable profit will be available against which the deductible temporary difference can beutilised.At the end of each reporting period, if there is sufficient evidence that it is probable that taxableprofit will be available against which the deductible temporary difference can be utilized, theCompany recognises a previously unrecognised deferred tax asset.The carrying amount of a deferred tax asset shall be reviewed at the end of each reporting period.The Company shall reduce the carrying amount of a deferred tax asset to the extent that it is nolonger probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available to allow the benefit of part or all ofthat deferred tax asset to be utilised. Any such reduction shall be reversed to the extent that itbecomes probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available.

(2) Recognition of deferred tax liabilities

A deferred tax liability shall be recognised for all taxable temporary differences at the tax rate thatare expected to apply to the period when the liability is settled.(i) No deferred tax liability shall be recognised for taxable temporary differences arising from:

? The initial recognition of goodwill; or

? The initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction which: is not a business

combination; and at the time of the transaction, affects neither accounting profit nor taxableprofit (tax loss)(ii) An entity shall recognise a deferred tax liability for all taxable temporary differences associatedwith investments in subsidiaries, associates, and joint ventures, except to the extent that both of thefollowing conditions are satisfied:

? The Company is able to control the timing of the reversal of the temporary difference; and? It is probable that the temporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future.

(3) Recognition of deferred tax liabilities or assets involved in special transactions or events(i) Deferred tax liabilities or assets related to business combinationFor the taxable temporary difference or deductible temporary difference arising from a businesscombination not under common control, a deferred tax liability or a deferred tax asset shall berecognised, and simultaneously, goodwill recognised in the business combination shall be adjusted

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based on relevant deferred tax expense (income).(ii) Items directly recognised in equityCurrent tax and deferred tax related to items that are recognised directly in equity shall berecognised in equity. Such items include: other comprehensive income generated from fair valuefluctuation of other debt investments; an adjustment to the opening balance of retained earningsresulting from either a change in accounting policy that is applied retrospectively or the correctionof a prior period (significant) error; amounts arising on initial recognition of the equity componentof a compound financial instrument that contains both liability and equity component.(iii) Unused tax losses and unused tax creditsUnused tax losses and unused tax credits generated from daily operation of the Company itselfDeductible loss refers to the loss calculated and permitted according to the requirement of tax lawthat can be offset against taxable income in future periods. The criteria for recognising deferred taxassets arising from the carryforward of unused tax losses and tax credits are the same as the criteriafor recognising deferred tax assets arising from deductible temporary differences. The Companyrecognises a deferred tax asset arising from unused tax losses or tax credits only to the extent thatthere is convincing other evidence that sufficient taxable profit will be available against which theunused tax losses or unused tax credits can be utilised by the Company. Income taxes in currentprofit or loss shall be deducted as well.Unused tax losses and unused tax credits arising from a business combinationUnder a business combination, the acquiree’s deductible temporary differences which do not satisfythe criteria at the acquisition date for recognition of deferred tax asset shall not be recognised.Within 12 months after the acquisition date, if new information regarding the facts andcircumstances exists at the acquisition date and the economic benefit of the acquiree’s deductibletemporary differences at the acquisition is expected to be realised, the Company shall recogniseacquired deferred tax benefits and reduce the carrying amount of any goodwill related to thisacquisition. If goodwill is reduced to zero, any remaining deferred tax benefits shall be recognisedin profit or loss. All other acquired deferred tax benefits realised shall be recognised in profit orloss.(iv) Temporary difference generated in consolidation eliminationWhen preparing consolidated financial statements, if temporary difference between carrying valueof the assets and liabilities in the consolidated financial statements and their taxable bases isgenerated from elimination of inter-company unrealized profit or loss, deferred tax assets ordeferred tax liabilities shall be recognised in the consolidated financial statements, and income taxesexpense in current profit or loss shall be adjusted as well except for deferred tax related to

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transactions or events recognised directly in equity and business combination.(v) Share-based payment settled by equityIf tax authority permits tax deduction that relates to share-based payment, during the period inwhich the expenses are recognised according to the accounting standards, the Company estimatesthe tax base in accordance with available information at the end of the accounting period and thetemporary difference arising from it. Deferred tax shall be recognised when criteria of recognitionare satisfied. If the amount of estimated future tax deduction exceeds the amount of the cumulativeexpenses related to share-based payment recognised according to the accounting standards, the taxeffect of the excess amount shall be recognised directly in equity.

(4) Basis for deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities presented on a netbasisThe Company shall offset deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities if, and only if:

(i) the Company has a legally enforceable right to set off current tax assets against current taxliabilities; and(ii) the deferred tax assets and the deferred tax liabilities relate to income taxes levied by the sametaxation authority on either:

? the same taxable entity; or? different taxable entities which intend either to settle current tax liabilities and assets on a net basis, or to

realise the assets and settle the liabilities simultaneously, in each future period in which significantamounts of deferred tax liabilities or assets are expected to be settled or recovered.

3.30 Leases

(1) Identifying a lease

At inception of a contract, the Company shall assess whether the contract is, or contains, a lease. Acontract is, or contains, a lease if the contract conveys the right to control the use of one or moreidentified assets for a period of time in exchange for consideration. To assess whether a contractconveys the right to control the use of an identified asset for a period of time, the Company shallassess whether, throughout the period of use, the customer has the right to obtain substantially all ofthe economic benefits from use of the identified asset and to direct the use of the identified asset.

(2) Identifying a separate lease component

When a contract includes more than one separate lease components, the Company shall separatecomponents of the contract and account for each lease component separately. The right to use anunderlying asset is a separate lease component if both conditions have been satisfied: (i) the lessee

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can benefit from use of the underlying asset either on its own or together with other resources thatare readily available to the lessee; (ii) the underlying asset is neither highly dependent on, norhighly interrelated with, the other underlying assets in the contract.

(3) The Company as a lessee

At the commencement date, the Company identifies the lease that has a lease term of 12 months orless and does not contain a purchase option as a short-term lease. A lease qualifies as a lease of alow-value asset if the nature of the asset is such that, when new, the asset is typically of low value.If the Company subleases an asset, or expects to sublease an asset, the head lease does not qualifyas a lease of a low-value asset.For all the short-term leases or leases for which the underlying asset is of low value, the Companyshall recognise the lease payments associated with those leases as cost of relevant asset or expensesin current profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the lease term.Except for the election of simple treatment as short-term lease or lease of a low-value asset asmentioned above, at the commencement date, the Company shall recognise a right-of-use asset anda lease liability.(i) Right-of-use assetA right-of-use asset is an asset that represents a lessee’s right to use an underlying asset for the leaseterm.At the commencement date, the Company shall initially measure the right-of-use asset at cost. Thecost of the right-of-use asset shall comprise:

? the amount of the initial measurement of the lease liability;? any lease payments made at or before the commencement date, less any lease incentives received;? any initial direct costs incurred by the lessee; and? an estimate of costs to be incurred by the lessee in dismantling and removing the underlying asset, restoringthe site on which it is located or restoring the underlying asset to the condition required by the terms andconditions of the lease. The Company recognises and measures the cost in accordance with the recognitioncriteria and measurement method for estimated liabilities, details please refer to Notes 3.26. Those costsincurred to produce inventories shall be included in the cost of inventories.The right-of-use asset shall be depreciated according to the categories using straight‐line method.If it is reasonably certain that the ownership of the underlying asset shall be transferred to the lesseeby the end of the lease term, the depreciation rate shall be determined based on the classification ofthe right-of- use asset and estimated residual value rate from the commencement date to the end ofthe useful life of the underlying asset. Otherwise, the depreciation rate shall be determined based on

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the classification of the right-of-use asset from the commencement date to the earlier of the end ofthe useful life of the right-of-use asset or the end of the lease term.The depreciation method, estimated useful life, residual rates and annual depreciation rates whichare determined according to the categories of right-of-use asset are listed as followings:

CategoryDepreciation methodEstimated useful life (year)Residual rates (%)Annual depreciation rates (%)
Buildings and constructionsstraight‐line method3.00-10.000.0010.00-33.33
Machinery equipmentstraight‐line method3.000.0033.33

(ii) Lease liabilityAt the commencement date, the lease liability shall be measured at the present value of the leasepayments that are not paid at that date. The lease payments included in the measurement of the leaseliability comprise the following 5 items:

? fixed payments and in-substance fixed payments, less any lease incentives receivable;? variable lease payments that depend on an index or a rate;? the exercise price of a purchase option if the lessee is reasonably certain to exercise that option;? payments of penalties for terminating the lease, if the lease term reflects the lessee exercising an option toterminate the lease;? amounts expected to be payable by the lessee under residual value guarantees.

In order to calculate the present value of the lease payments, interest rate implicit in the lease shallbe used as the discount rate. If that rate cannot be readily determined, the Company shall use theincremental borrowing rate. The difference between the lease payments and its present value shallbe recognised as unrecognised financing charges, calculated bases on the discount rate of thepresent value of the lease payments in each period within the lease term and recorded as interestexpense in current profit or loss. Variable lease payments not included in the measurement of leaseliabilities shall be recognised in current profit or loss when incurred.After the commencement date, the Company shall remeasure the lease liability based on the revisedpresent value of the lease payments and adjust the carrying amount of the right-of-use asset if thereis a change in the in-substance fixed payments, or change in the amounts expected to be payableunder a residual value guarantee, or change in an index or a rate used to determine lease payments,or change in the assessment or exercising of an option to purchase the underlying asset, or an optionto extend or terminate the lease.

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(4) The Company as a lessor

At the commencement date, the Company shall classify a lease as a finance lease if it transferssubstantially all the risks and rewards incidental to ownership of an underlying asset, otherwise itshall be classified as an operating lease.(i) Operating leasesThe Company shall recognise lease payments from operating leases as income on a straight-linebasis over the term of the relevant lease and the initial direct costs incurred in obtaining anoperating lease shall be capitalised and recognised as an expense over the lease term on the samebasis as the lease income. The Company shall recognise the variable lease payments relating to theoperating lease but not included in the measurement of the lease receivables into current profit orloss when incurred.(ii) Finance leasesAt the commencement date, the Company shall recognise the lease receivables at an account equalto the net investment in the lease (the sum of the present value of the unguaranteed residual valuesand the lease payment that are not received at the commencement date discounted at the interest rateimplicit in the lease) and derecognise the asset relating to the finance lease. The Company shallrecognise interest income using the interest rate implicit in the lease over the lease term.The Company shall recognise the variable lease payments relating to the finance lease but notincluded in the measurement of the net investment in the lease into current profit or loss whenincurred.

(5) Lease modifications

(i) A lease modification accounted for as a separate leaseThe Company shall account for a modification to a lease as a separate lease, if both:

? the modification increases the scope of the lease by adding the right to use one or more underlying assets;and? the consideration for the lease increases by an amount commensurate with the stand-alone price for the

increase in scope.(ii) A lease modification not accounted for as a separate leaseThe Company as a lesseeAt the effective date of the lease modification, the Company shall redetermine the lease term of themodified lease and remeasure the lease liability by discounting the revised lease payments using arevised discount rate. The revised discount rate is determined as the interest rate implicit in the lease

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for the remainder of the lease term, if that rate can be readily determined, or the incrementalborrowing rate at the effective date of the modification, if the interest rate implicit in the leasecannot be readily determined.The Company shall account for the remeasurement of the lease liability by:

? decreasing the carrying amount of the right-of-use asset to reflect the partial or full termination of the leasefor lease modifications that decrease the scope of the lease or shorten the lease term. The Company shallrecognise in profit or loss any gain or loss relating to the partial or full termination of the lease.? Making a corresponding adjustment to the carrying amount of the right-of-use asset for all other leasemodifications.The Company as a lessorThe Company shall account for a modification to an operating lease as a new lease from theeffective date of the modification, considering any prepaid or accrued lease payments relating to theoriginal lease as part of the lease payments for the new lease.For a modification to a finance lease that is not accounted for as a separate lease, the Company shallaccount for the modification as follows:

? if the lease would have been classified as an operating lease had the modification been in effect at theinception date, the Company shall account for the lease modification as a new lease from the effective date ofthe modification and measure the carrying amount of the underlying asset as the net investment in the leaseimmediately before the effective date of the lease modification;? if the lease would have been classified as a finance lease had the modification been in effect at the inceptiondate, the Company shall account for the lease modification according to the requirements in the modificationor renegotiation of the contract.

(6) Sale and leaseback

The Company shall determine whether the transfer of an asset under the sale and leasebacktransaction is a sale of that asset according to the policies in Note 3.27.(i) The Company as a seller (lessee)If the transfer of the asset is not a sale, the Company shall continue to recognise the transferredasset and shall recognise a financial liability equal to the transfer proceeds. It shall account for thefinancial liability according to Note 3.10. If the transfer of the asset is a sale, the Company shallmeasure the right-of-use asset arising from the leaseback at the proportion of the previous carryingamount of the asset that relates to the right of use retained by the Company. Accordingly, theCompany shall recognise only the amount of any gain or loss that relates to the rights transferred tothe buyer-lessor.

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(ii) The Company as a buyer (lessor)If the transfer of the asset is not a sale, the Company shall not recognise the transferred asset andshall recognise a financial asset equal to the transfer proceeds. It shall account for the financial assetaccording to Note 3.10. If the transfer of the asset is a sale, the Company shall account for thepurchase of the asset applying applicable Accounting Standards of Business Enterprises, and for thelease applying the lessor accounting requirements.

3.31 Changes in Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates

(1) Changes in accounting polices

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

(2) Significant changes in accounting estimates

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

(3) Adjustments to financial statement items at the beginning of the year of the firstimplementation of the new accounting standards implemented since 2024

□ Applicable ? Not applicable


4.1Major Categories of Tax and Tax Rates Applicable to the Company

Categories of taxBasis of tax assessmentTax rate
Value added tax (VAT)Value added in the course of sales of goods and rendering of services13%, 9%, 6%
Consumption dutyTaxable revenueTax by quantity: CNY 1.00 per kilogram or litre of distrilled wine sold; Tax by revenue: 20% on taxable revenue from sale of distrilled wine
Urban maintenance and construction taxTransaction tax payable7%, 5%
Education surchargeTransaction tax payable3%
Local education surchargeTransaction tax payable2%
Corporate income tax (CIT)Taxable income25%

The basic income tax rate of the company is 25%, and the actual income tax rate of some subsidiaries is shown inthe following table:

Name of TaxpayerRate of Income Tax
Anhui Longrui Glass Co., Ltd15.00%
Anhui Ruisiweier Technology Co., Ltd15.00%

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Anhui RunAnXinKe Testing Technology Co., Ltd.15.00%
Anhui Gujinggong Liquor Original Vintage Theme Hotel Management Co., Ltd.5.00%
Anhui Guqi Distillery Co., Ltd.5.00%
Bozhou Gujing Hotel Co., Ltd5.00%
Anhui Jiuan Mechanical Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd.5.00%
Hubei Junlou Cultural Tourism Co., Ltd.5.00%
Hubei Xinjia Testing Technology Co., Ltd.5.00%
Wuhan Gulou Junhe Trading Co., Ltd.5.00%
Wuhan Gulou Juntai Trading Co., Ltd.5.00%
Ezhou Junya Trading Co., Ltd.5.00%
Anhui Gujing Health Technology Co., Ltd.15.00%

4.2Tax Preference

(1) According to the Notice on Announcing the List of First Batch of High-tech Enterprises in Anhui Province for2022 (wankeqimi [2022] No.482) issued by Department of Science and Technology of Anhui province, thesubsidiary Ruisiweier was identified as a high-tech enterprise in 2022, therefore was given High-tech EnterpriseCertificate (Certificate Number: GR202234000476) which is valid for 3 years. According to Enterprise IncomeTax Law and other relevant regulations, the company is subject to a national high-tech enterprise income tax rateat 15% for three years from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2024.

(2) According to the Notice on Filing and Publicity for the First Batch of High-tech Enterprises Recognized by theCertifing Body in Anhui Province for 2022 jointly issued by Department of Science and Technology of Anhuiprovince, Department of Finance of Anhui province, and Anhui Provincial Taxation Bureau of StateAdministration of Taxation, the subsidiary Longrui Glass was identified as a high-tech enterprise in 2022,therefore was given High-tech Enterprise Certificate (Certificate Number: GR202234004359) which is valid for 3years. According to Enterprise Income Tax Law and other relevant regulations, the company is subject to anational high-tech enterprise income tax rate at 15% for three years from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2024.

(3) According to Notice on Announcing the List of Two Batches of Supplementary Filing High-tech Enterprises inAnhui Province for 2021 (wankegaomi [2022] No.49) issued by Department of Science and Technology of Anhuiprovince, Department of Finance of Anhui province, and Anhui Provincial Taxation Bureau of StateAdministration of Taxation, the subsidiary Anhui RunAnXinKe Testing Technology Co., Ltd. was identified as ahigh-tech enterprise in 2021, therefore was given High-tech Enterprise Certificate (Certificate Number:

GR202134004920) which is valid for 3 years. According to Enterprise Income Tax Law and other relevantregulations, the company is subject to a national high-tech enterprise income tax rate at 15% for three years from1 January 2021 to 31 December 2023. It is currently in the process of recertification, and until it passes therecertification, the corporate income tax is temporarily prepaid at a rate of 15%.

(4) According to the Announcement on the Filing of the Second Batch of High-tech Enterprises Identified by the

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Anhui Province in 2021 issued by the Office of the National Leading Group for the Identification andManagement of High-tech Enterprises, the subsidiary Anhui Gujing Health Technology Co., Ltd. (“HealthTechnology”) has been recognized as the second batch of high-tech enterprises in Anhui Province in 2021, andobtained the High-tech Enterprise Certificate (Certificate No.: GR202134004641) with a valid period from 2021to 2023. According to relevant regulations such as the Enterprise Income Tax Law, the Health Technology shallenjoy an income tax rate of 15% for national high-tech enterprises from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2023. Itis currently in the process of recertification, and until it passes the recertification, the corporate income tax istemporarily prepaid at a rate of 15%.

(5) According to the relevant provisions of the document “Announcement of the Ministry of Finance and theGeneral Administration of Taxation No. 12 of 2023, from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2027, the part of theannual taxable income of small and micro profit enterprises that does not exceed RMB3 million shall be includedin the taxable income at a reduced rate of 25%. Pay corporate income tax at a rate of 20%. Anhui GujinggongLiquor Original Vintage Theme Hotel Management Co., Ltd., Bozhou Gujing Hotel Co., Ltd., Anhui JiuanMechanical Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd., Anhui Guqi Distillery Co., Ltd., Hubei Junlou Cultural Tourism Co.,Ltd., Hubei Xinjia Testing Technology Co., Ltd., Wuhan Gulou Junhe Trading Co., Ltd., Wuhan Gulou JuntaiTrading Co., Ltd., Ezhou Junya Trading Co., Ltd. comply with the relevant provisions of small low-profitenterprise income tax preferential policy.


5.1 Monetary funds

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Cash on hand45,031.5878,223.44
Cash at bank16,113,769,698.4715,674,993,088.76
Other monetary funds44,582,031.53291,300,431.99

Notes: At the end of June 2024, there were 250.0498 million yuan used as collateral for opening bank drafts in thebank deposits, 27.8853 million yuan in other restricted funds, and 14.4653 million yuan in other monetary fundsused as collateral for opening bank drafts that could not be withdrawn in advance. In addition, there were no othermonetary funds with restrictions on use due to pledges, collateral, or freezing, etc., with potential risks of recoveryat the end of June 2024.Liquor manufacturing enterprises shall disclose whether there exists special interest arrangements such asestablishing a joint fund account with related parties

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

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5.2 Financial Assets Held-for-trading

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss0.00719,987,547.42
Including: bank financial products0.00719,987,547.42

5.3 Accounts Receivable

(1) Disclosure by aging

AgingEnding balanceBeginning balance
Within one year59,584,421.3068,276,125.36
Of which: 1-6 months53,371,718.6765,998,078.79
7-12 months6,212,702.632,278,046.57
1-2 years561,254.471,209,303.29
2-3 years8,340,881.567,827,391.86
Over 3 years119,341.10173,492.54
Less: Bad debt provision9,086,651.528,878,393.78

(2) Disclosure by withdrawal method of bad debt provision

①Ending balance

CategoryEnding balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying value
AmountProportion (%)AmountWithdrawal proportion (%)
Bad debt provision withdrawn separately7,792,783.7211.367,792,783.72100.000.00
Bad debt provision withdrawn by group60,813,114.7188.641,293,867.802.1359,519,246.91
Of which: Group 1
Group 260,813,114.7188.641,293,867.802.1359,519,246.91

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②Beginning balance

CategoryBeginning balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying value
AmountProportion (%)AmountWithdrawal proportion (%)
Bad debt provision withdrawn separately7,792,783.7210.067,792,783.72100.000.00
Bad debt provision withdrawn by group69,693,529.3389.941,085,610.061.5668,607,919.27
Of which: Group 1
Group 269,693,529.3389.941,085,610.061.5668,607,919.27

On 30 June 2024, Accounts receivable with bad debt provision withdrawn by group 2

AgingEnding balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionWithdrawal proportion (%)
Within one year59,584,421.30844,352.321.42
Of which: 1-6 months53,371,718.67533,717.191.00
7-12 months6,212,702.63310,635.135.00
1-2 years561,254.4756,125.4510.00
2-3 years548,097.84274,048.9350.00
Over 3 years119,341.10119,341.10100.00

On 1 January 2024, Accounts receivable with bad debt provision withdrawn by group 2

AgingBeginning balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionWithdrawal proportion (%)
Within one year68,276,125.36773,883.121.13
Of which: 1-6 months65,998,078.79659,980.791.00
7-12 months2,278,046.57113,902.335.00
1-2 years1,209,303.29120,930.3310.00
2-3 years34,608.1417,304.0750.00
Over 3 years173,492.54173,492.54100.00

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AgingBeginning balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionWithdrawal proportion (%)

(3) Changes of bad debt provision during the Reporting Period

CategoryBeginning amountChanges in the Reporting PeriodEnding balance
WithdrawalIncrease from business combination not under the same controlRecovery or reversalElimination or write-off
Accounts receivable with significant amount but bad debt provision withdrawn separately7,792,783.720.000.007,792,783.72
Accounts receivable with insignificant amount but bad debt provision withdrawn separately
Group 2: Bad debt provision withdrawn by aging group1,085,610.06338,160.77129,903.031,293,867.80

(4) Accounts receivable written off during the reporting period

Not applicable.

(5) Top five ending balances by entity

Entity nameEnding balance of accounts receivableEnding balance of contract assetsEnding balance of accounts receivable and contract assetsProportion of the balance to the total accounts receivable and contract assets (%)Provision for bad debt of accounts receivable and contract assets
No. 110,981,419.6110,981,419.6116.01109,814.20
No. 27,792,783.727,792,783.7211.367,792,783.72
No. 34,048,496.724,048,496.725.9040,484.97
No. 43,838,718.593,838,718.595.6038,387.19
No. 52,998,387.092,998,387.094.3729,983.87

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5.4 Accounts Receivable Financing

(a) Accounts receivable financing by category

CategoryEnding balanceBeginning balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying valueCarrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying value
Bank acceptance bills1,581,346,121.501,581,346,121.50957,560,115.73957,560,115.73
Commercial acceptance bills

(b) Pledged notes receivable at 30 June 2024Not applicable.(c) Notes receivable which were discounted or endorsed but not due at 30 June 2024

ItemsAmount of derecognitionAmount of unrecognition
Bank acceptance bills4,722,000,240.750.00
Commercial acceptance bills

(d) Accounts receivable financing by loss allowance provision method

CategoryEnding balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying value
AmountProportion (%)AmountWithdrawal proportion (%)
Bad debt provision withdrawn separately
Bad debt provision withdrawn by group1,581,346,121.50100.001,581,346,121.50
Of which: Group 1
Group 21,581,346,121.50100.001,581,346,121.50


CategoryBeginning balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying value

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CategoryBeginning balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying value
AmountProportion (%)AmountWithdrawal proportion (%)
Bad debt provision withdrawn separately
Bad debt provision withdrawn by group957,560,115.73100.00957,560,115.73
Of which: Group 1
Group 2957,560,115.73100.00957,560,115.73

(e) Movement of impairment allowanceNot applicable.(f) Notes receivable written off during the reporting periodNot applicable.

5.5 Prepayment

(1) Disclosure by aging

AgingEnding balanceBeginning balance
AmountProportion (%)AmountProportion (%)
Within one year112,708,157.8897.8190,144,117.8998.40
1 to 2 years1,632,058.581.42995,545.311.09
2 to 3 years689,830.480.60467,678.980.51
Over 3 years204,600.

(2) Top five ending balances by entity

Entity nameEnding balanceProportion of the balance to the total prepayment (%)
No. 19,905,660.438.60
No. 25,322,437.924.62
No. 33,648,748.703.17
No. 41,257,301.201.09
No. 51,234,905.961.07

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Entity nameEnding balanceProportion of the balance to the total prepayment (%)

5.6 Other Receivables

(1) Listed by category

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Interest receivable0.000.00
Dividend receivable0.000.00
Other receivables37,020,138.2649,178,194.70

(2) Other Receivables

①Disclosure by aging

AgingEnding balanceBeginning balance
Within one year35,952,434.1546,992,878.99
Of which: 1-6 months32,751,072.1840,097,431.00
7-12 months3,201,361.976,895,447.99
1-2 years842,987.192,308,597.13
2-3 years1,593,188.871,706,650.01
Over 3 years34,847,825.1734,652,068.31
Less: Bad debt provision36,216,297.1236,481,999.74

②Disclosure by nature

NatureEnding balanceBeginning balance
Investment in securities28,635,660.2228,635,660.22
Deposit and guarantee10,477,644.937,558,471.55
Borrowing for business trip expenses369,421.60594,453.48
Rent, utilities and gasoline charges9,783,340.478,593,773.81
Less: Bad debt provision36,216,297.1236,481,999.74

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③Disclosure by withdrawal method of bad debt provision

A. As of 30 June 2024, bad debt provision withdrawn based on three stages model:

StageCarrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying value
Stage 144,600,775.167,580,636.9037,020,138.26
Stage 2
Stage 328,635,660.2228,635,660.22-

A1. As of 30 June 2024, bad debt provision at stage 1:

CategoryCarrying amount12-month expected credit losses rate (%)Bad debt provisionCarrying value
Bad debt provision withdrawn separately
Bad debt provision withdrawn by group44,600,775.1617.007,580,636.9037,020,138.26
Of which: Group 1
Group 244,600,775.1617.007,580,636.9037,020,138.26

On 30 June 2024, other receivables with bad debt provision withdrawn by group 2

AgingEnding balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionWithdrawal proportion (%)
Within one year35,952,434.15487,578.791.36
Of which: 1-6 months32,751,072.18327,510.711.00
7-12 months3,201,361.97160,068.085.00
1-2 years842,987.1984,298.7210.00
2-3 years1,593,188.87796,594.4450.00
Over 3 years6,212,164.956,212,164.95100.00

A2. As of 30 June 2024, bad debt provision at stage 3:

CategoryCarrying amountExpected credit loss rate for the entire duration (%)Bad debt provisionCarrying value

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CategoryCarrying amountExpected credit loss rate for the entire duration (%)Bad debt provisionCarrying value
Bad debt provision withdrawn separately28,635,660.22100.0028,635,660.220.00
Bad debt provision withdrawn by group
Of which: Group 1
Group 2

On 30 June 2024, bad debt provision withdrawn separately:

NameEnding balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionWithdrawal proportion (%)Withdrawal reason
Hengxin Securities Co., Ltd.28,635,660.2228,635,660.22100.00The enterprise is bankrupt and liquidated

B. As of 1 January 2024, bad debt provision withdrawn based on three stages model:

StageCarrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying value
Stage 157,024,534.227,846,339.5249,178,194.70
Stage 2
Stage 328,635,660.2228,635,660.220.00

B1. On 1 January 2024, bad debt provision at stage 1:

CategoryCarrying amount12-month expected credit losses rate (%)Bad debt provisionCarrying value
Bad debt provision withdrawn separately
Bad debt provision withdrawn by group57,024,534.2213.767,846,339.5249,178,194.70
Of which: Group 1
Group 257,024,534.2213.767,846,339.5249,178,194.70

On 1 January 2024, other receivables with bad debt provision withdrawn by group 2

AgingBeginning balance

~ 145 ~

Carrying amountBad debt provisionWithdrawal proportion (%)
Within one year46,992,878.99745,746.711.59
Of which: 1-6 months40,097,431.00400,974.311.00
7-12 months6,895,447.99344,772.405.00
1-2 years2,308,597.13230,859.7110.00
2-3 years1,706,650.01853,325.0150.00
Over 3 years6,016,408.096,016,408.09100.00

B2. As of 1 January 2024, bad debt provision at stage 3:

CategoryCarrying amountExpected credit loss rate for the entire duration (%)Bad debt provisionCarrying value
Bad debt provision withdrawn separately28,635,660.22100.0028,635,660.220.00
Bad debt provision withdrawn by group
Of which: Group 1
Group 2

On 1 January 2024, bad debt provision withdrawn separately:

NameBeginning balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionWithdrawal proportion (%)Withdrawal reason
Hengxin Securities Co., Ltd.28,635,660.2228,635,660.22100.00The enterprise is bankrupt and liquidated

④Changes of bad debt provision during the Reporting Period

CategoryBeginning balanceChanges in the Reporting PeriodEnding balance
WithdrawalIncrease from business combination not under the same controlRecovery or reversalElimination or write-off
Bad debt provision28,635,660.220.000.0028,635,660.22

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CategoryBeginning balanceChanges in the Reporting PeriodEnding balance
WithdrawalIncrease from business combination not under the same controlRecovery or reversalElimination or write-off
withdrawn separately
Bad debt provision withdrawn by group7,846,339.52314,233.73579,936.357,580,636.90

⑤Top five ending balances by entity

Entity nameNatureEnding balanceAgingProportion of the balance to the total other receivables (%)Bad debt provision
No. 1Securities investment28,635,660.22Over 3 years39.1028,635,660.22
No. 2Other6,277,406.23Within 6 months8.5762,774.06
No. 3Other5,448,432.21Within 6 months7.4454,484.32
No. 4Other3,200,000.00Over 3 years4.373,200,000.00
No. 5Other3,108,795.61Within 6 months4.2431,087.96

5.7 Inventories

(1) Category of inventories

ItemEnding balance
Carrying amountFalling price reservesCarrying value
Raw materials and package materials288,677,708.7218,604,545.95270,073,162.77
Semi-finished goods and work6,684,465,834.090.006,684,465,834.09

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ItemEnding balance
Carrying amountFalling price reservesCarrying value
in process
Finished goods818,390,458.2014,606,091.22803,784,366.98


ItemBeginning balance
Carrying amountFalling price reservesCarrying value
Raw materials and package materials351,787,097.5520,527,645.11331,259,452.44
Semi-finished goods and work in process5,811,584,229.520.005,811,584,229.52
Finished goods1,396,536,633.3219,697,778.771,376,838,854.55

(2) Falling price reserves of inventories

ItemsBeginning balanceIncreaseDecreaseEnding balance
WithdrawalIncrease from business combinationReversal or eliminationOthers
Raw materials and package materials20,527,645.11213,447.250.002,136,546.410.0018,604,545.95
Finished goods19,697,778.77373,112.960.005,464,800.510.0014,606,091.22

5.8 Other Current Assets

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Pledged treasury bond reverse repurchase0.0025,199,000.00
Deposit interest receivable93,124,224.6226,696,206.46
Deductible taxes and tax allowance41,577,285.9883,176,048.90

5.9 Long-term Equity Investments

InvesteesBeginning balanceChanges in the Reporting Period

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Additional investmentsReduced investmentsProfit and loss on investments confirmed according to equity lawAdjustment of other comprehensive incomeChanges in other equity
I. Associated enterprises
Beijing Guge Trading Co., Ltd.5,511,537.652,136.30
Anhui Xunfei Jiuzhi Technology Co., Ltd.4,855,540.6168,099.43


InvesteesChanges in the Reporting PeriodEnding balanceBalance of impairment provision
Declaration of cash dividends or distribution of profitWithdrawal of impairment provisionOther
I. Associated enterprises
Beijing Guge Trading Co., Ltd.5,513,673.95
Anhui Xunfei Jiuzhi Technology Co., Ltd.4,923,640.04

5.10Other Equity Instrument Investment

ItemBeginning balanceChanges during the reporting periodEnding balance
Additional investmentDecrease in investmentGaines recognised in other comprehensive incomeLosses recognised in other comprehensive incomeOthers
Anhui Mingguang Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd.63,105,658.075,693,974.8568,799,632.92

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ItemDividend income recognizedAccumulative gainsAccumulative lossesAmount of other comprehensive income transferred to retained earningsReason for assigning to measure in fair value and the changes included in other comprehensive income
Anhui Mingguang Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd.769,616.2514,950,935.12For management holding purposes, it is specified as measured at fair value and changes in it are included in other comprehensive income

5.11 Investment Properties

(1) Investment property adopting cost measurement mode

ItemsHouses and buildingsLand use rightsTotal
I. Original carrying value
1. Beginning balance84,177,952.612,644,592.0086,822,544.61
2. Increase during the Reporting Period
(1) Transfer from fixed assets
3. Decrease during the Reporting Period
4. Ending balance84,177,952.612,644,592.0086,822,544.61
II. Accumulated depreciation and amortization:
1. Beginning balance39,275,828.32923,806.1040,199,634.42
2. Increase during the Reporting Period1,963,609.5831,369.601,994,979.18
(1) Withdrawal or amortization1,963,609.5831,369.601,994,979.18
(2) Transfer from fixed assets
3. Decrease during the Reporting Period
4. Ending balance41,239,437.90955,175.7042,194,613.60
III. Impairment provision
1. Beginning balance
2. Increase during the Reporting Period
3. Decrease during the Reporting Period
4. Ending balance
IV. Carrying value
1. Ending carrying value42,938,514.711,689,416.3044,627,931.01
2. Beginning carrying value44,902,124.291,720,785.9046,622,910.19

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5.12 Fixed Assets

(1) Listed by category

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Fixed assets4,724,543,385.224,596,044,056.92
Disposal of fixed assets0.000.00

(2) Fixed assets

①General information of fixed assets

ItemsHouses and buildingsMachinery equipmentTransportation vehiclesAdministrative and other devicesTotal
I. Original carrying value
1. Beginning balance3,792,284,000.882,594,999,842.8680,850,726.07514,466,499.766,982,601,069.57
2. Increase during the Reporting Period224,231,460.5283,928,159.66661,133.1736,106,549.37344,927,302.72
(1) Acquisition0.0011,660,201.23661,133.179,954,160.0522,275,494.45
(2) Transfer from construction in progress224,231,460.5272,267,958.430.0026,152,389.32322,651,808.27
(3)Enterprise merger increases0.
3. Decrease during the Reporting Period1,300,061.3611,167,755.84416,812.982,289,474.3015,174,104.48
(1) Disposal or scrap1,300,061.3611,167,755.84416,812.982,289,474.3015,174,104.48
4. Ending balance4,015,215,400.042,667,760,246.6881,095,046.26548,283,574.837,312,354,267.81
II. Accumulated depreciation
1. Beginning balance1,079,567,698.80952,856,539.1267,485,170.84282,097,904.022,382,007,312.78
2. Increase during the Reporting Period83,886,089.98100,466,509.782,638,362.3027,236,604.19214,227,566.25
(1) Withdrawal83,886,089.98100,466,509.782,638,362.3027,236,604.19214,227,566.25
3. Decrease during the Reporting Period1,266,884.418,410,239.02380,833.311,522,210.1911,580,166.93
(1) Disposal or scrap1,266,884.418,410,239.02380,833.311,522,210.1911,580,166.93
4. Ending balance1,162,186,904.371,044,912,809.8869,742,699.83307,812,298.022,584,654,712.10
III. Impairment provision
1. Beginning balance2,596,209.901,375,189.670.00578,300.304,549,699.87
2. Increase during the Reporting Period0.

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ItemsHouses and buildingsMachinery equipmentTransportation vehiclesAdministrative and other devicesTotal
(1) Withdrawal0.
3. Decrease during the Reporting Period17,030.55798,198.530.00578,300.301,393,529.38
(1) Disposal or scrap17,030.55798,198.530.00578,300.301,393,529.38
4. Ending balance2,579,179.35576,991.140.000.003,156,170.49
IV. Carrying value
1. Ending carrying value2,850,449,316.321,622,270,445.6611,352,346.43240,471,276.814,724,543,385.22
2. Beginning carrying value2,710,120,092.181,640,768,114.0713,365,555.23231,790,295.444,596,044,056.92

②Fixed assets leasing out under operating leases

ItemsCarrying value
Buildings and constructions42,938,514.71

③Fixed assets without certificate of title

ItemsCarrying valueReason
Buildings and constructions1,650,802,967.04In process

④At the end of the period, there were no fixed assets with limited use due to mortgage.

5.13 Construction in Progress

(1) Listed by category

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Construction in progress3,228,411,813.842,910,735,155.39
Project materials0.000.00

(2) Construction in progress

①General information of construction in progress

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Carrying amountDepreciation reserveCarrying valueCarrying amountDepreciation reserveCarrying value
Smart park project3,113,472,732.773,113,472,732.772,564,788,149.932,564,788,149.93
Theme hotel project225,797,376.40225,797,376.40
Gujing plant area 12# liquor warehouse0.000.0025,626,044.8725,626,044.87
Suizhou new plant project0.000.0029,094,832.8829,094,832.88

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Other individual project114,939,081.07114,939,081.0765,428,751.3165,428,751.31

②Changes in significant projects of construction in progress

ProjectBudget (RMB’0,000)Beginning balanceIncrease during the Reporting PeriodAmount transferred to fixed assetDecrease during the Reporting PeriodEnding balance
Smart park project828,965.742,564,788,149.93699,818,163.90122,610,842.5828,522,738.483,113,472,732.77
Theme hotel project62,500.00225,797,376.4015,501,111.5184,843,930.60156,454,557.310.00
Gujing plant area 12# liquor warehouse19,000.0025,626,044.872,705,828.8528,331,873.720.000.00
Suizhou new plant project60,000.0029,094,832.8825,671,599.7754,363,962.81402,469.840.00
Other individual project71,410.2365,428,751.3183,914,308.9332,501,198.561,902,780.61114,939,081.07


ProjectProportion of project input to budgets (%)Schedule (%)Cumulative amount of interest capitalizationOf which: Interest capitalized during the reporting periodInterest capitalization during the Reporting Period (%)Source of funds
Smart park project63.0480.72Self-owned fund and raised fund
Theme hotel project83.19100.00Self-owned fund
Gujing plant area 12# liquor warehouse94.86100.00Self-owned fund
Suizhou new plant project94.68100.008,803,572.05879,034.723.35Self-owned fund and borrowings
Other individual project26.3226.32Self-owned fund

(3) Increase of10.91% in the book value of construction in progress at the end of June 2024 compared to thebeginning of 2024 was mainly resulted from the increase of investment in Smart Zone in the period.

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5.14 Right-of-use Assets

ItemsBuildings and constructionsMachinery equipmentsTotal
I. Original carrying value
1. Beginning balance108,271,565.090.00108,271,565.09
2. Increase during the Reporting Period31,179,563.790.0031,179,563.79
3. Decrease during the Reporting Period-
4. Ending balance139,451,128.880.00139,451,128.88
II. Accumulated depreciation
1. Beginning balance27,233,464.850.0027,233,464.85
2. Increase during the Reporting Period8,028,920.190.008,028,920.19
3. Decrease during the Reporting Period
4. Ending balance35,262,385.040.0035,262,385.04
III. Impairment provision
1. Beginning balance
2. Increase during the Reporting Period
3. Decrease during the Reporting Period
4. Ending balance
IV. Carrying value
1. Ending carrying value104,188,743.840.00104,188,743.84
2. Beginning carrying value81,038,100.240.0081,038,100.24

5.15 Intangible Assets

(1) General information of intangible assets

ItemLand use rightsSoftwarePatents and trademarkTotal
I. Original carrying value
1. Beginning balance1,136,647,237.75131,841,013.57254,972,753.561,523,461,004.88
2. Increase during the Reporting Period5,225,439.061,869,156.290.007,094,595.35
(1) Acquisition5,225,439.06875,275.340.006,100,714.40

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ItemLand use rightsSoftwarePatents and trademarkTotal
(2) Transfer from construction in progress0.00993,880.950.00993,880.95
3. Decrease during the Reporting Period73,153.580.00300,000.00373,153.58
(1) Disposal73,153.580.00300,000.00373,153.58
4. Ending balance1,141,799,523.23133,710,169.86254,672,753.561,530,182,446.65
II. Accumulated amortization:
1. Beginning balance226,089,125.23101,093,879.4072,924,291.21400,107,295.84
2. Increase during the Reporting Period12,098,915.6410,449,949.3391,327.0222,640,191.99
(1) Withdrawal12,098,915.6410,449,949.3391,327.0222,640,191.99
3. Decrease during the Reporting Period24,954.170.00152,500.00177,454.17
(1) Disposal24,954.170.00152,500.00177,454.17
4. Ending balance238,163,086.70111,543,828.7372,863,118.23422,570,033.66
III. Impairment provision
1. Beginning balance0.00166,872.390.00166,872.39
2. Increase during the Reporting Period
(1) Withdrawal
3. Decrease during the Reporting Period
(1) Withdrawal
4. Ending balance0.00166,872.390.00166,872.39
IV. Carrying value
1. Ending carrying value903,636,436.5321,999,468.74181,809,635.331,107,445,540.60
2. Beginning carrying value910,558,112.5230,580,261.78182,048,462.351,123,186,836.65

(2) Intangible assets used for mortgage or pledge at 30 June 2024

ItemOriginal carrying valueAccumulated amortizationImpairment provisionCarrying valueNote
Trademark right75,315,327.343,204,009.10-72,111,318.24Loan pledge

(3) Land use rights without certificate of title at 30 June 2024

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There were no land use rights without certificate of title at the end of the period.

5.16 Goodwill

(1) Original carrying value of goodwill

Investees or matters that goodwill arising fromBeginning balanceIncreaseDecreaseEnding balance
Formed by business combinationOtherDisposalOther
Yellow Crane Tower Distillery Co., Ltd.478,283,495.29478,283,495.29
Anhui Mingguang Distillery Co., Ltd.60,686,182.0760,686,182.07
Renhuai Maotai Town Zhencang Winery Industry Co., Ltd.22,394,707.6522,394,707.65

5.17 Long-term Deferred Expenses

ItemBeginning balanceIncreaseDecreaseEnding balance
AmortizationOther decrease
Experience center5,414,614.070.002,539,171.160.002,875,442.91
Sewage treatment project76,885.250.0076,885.250.000.00
Outdoor auxiliary projects24,727,266.52165,091.021,476,344.500.0023,416,013.04
Pottery jar16,479,992.7330,171,784.071,677,279.250.0044,974,497.55
Theme hotel project0.00157,152,774.511,731,874.650.00155,420,899.86
Other individual project with insignificant amounts12,403,825.41525,367.542,955,512.980.009,973,679.97

5.18 Deferred Tax Assets and Deferred Tax Liabilities

(1) Deferred tax assets before offsetting

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Deductible temporary differencesDeferred tax assetsDeductible temporary differencesDeferred tax assets
Asset impairment provision36,533,680.059,116,732.7744,941,996.1410,848,316.56
Credit impairment provision45,302,948.6411,325,737.1645,360,393.5211,292,126.66
Unrealized intergroup profit48,961,580.6011,867,838.6174,347,126.8418,586,781.71

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ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Deductible temporary differencesDeferred tax assetsDeductible temporary differencesDeferred tax assets
Deferred income101,700,136.2025,425,034.05100,811,404.8224,492,497.96
Deductible losses240,435,547.2753,364,629.54356,467,985.5682,136,692.17
Carry-over of payroll payables deductible during the next period0.000.008,433,254.651,264,988.20
Accrued expenses and discount2,058,701,970.77514,675,492.691,229,968,568.55306,212,224.03
Change in fair value of accounts receivable financing5,963,219.861,487,606.493,029,905.06754,940.17
Lease liabilities98,016,354.3024,504,088.5879,152,693.0719,788,173.27

(2) Deferred tax liabilities before offsetting

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Taxable temporary differencesDeferred tax liabilitiesTaxable temporary differencesDeferred tax liabilities
Difference in accelerated depreciation of fixed assets244,858,778.5461,214,694.63348,420,771.6384,243,324.54
Assets appreciation arising from business combination not under the same control669,009,499.08161,979,691.50677,082,342.46163,643,316.42
Changes in fair value of trading financial assets0.000.0019,987,547.424,996,886.86
Unrealized intergroup profit191,267,324.3647,816,831.09264,217,579.5266,054,394.88
Changes in fair value of investments in other equity instruments14,950,935.123,737,733.789,256,960.272,314,240.07
Right-of-use assets104,188,743.8426,047,185.9681,038,100.2420,259,525.06

(3) Net balance of deferred tax liabilities and deferred tax assets after offsetting

ItemsOffset amount at the period-endNet balance after offsetting at the period-endOffset amount at the period-beginNet balance after offsetting at the period- begin

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ItemsOffset amount at the period-endNet balance after offsetting at the period-endOffset amount at the period-beginNet balance after offsetting at the period- begin
Deferred tax assets-24,504,088.58627,263,071.31-19,788,173.27455,588,567.46
Deferred tax liabilities-24,504,088.58276,292,048.38-19,788,173.27321,723,514.56

(4) As at 30 June 2024, the amount of deductible loss on the Company's unrecognised deferred tax assets wasRMB27,501,192.84.

(5) Deductible losses not recognised as deferred tax assets will expire in the following periods: due in three to fouryears at RMB9,659,508.57, and due after four years is RMB17,841,684.27.

5.19 Other Non-current Assets

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Prepayment for construction and machinery4,412,486.005,685,287.46

5.20Short-term Borrowings

CategoryEnding balanceBeginning balance
Credit loan40,014,544.520.00

5.21Notes Payable

(1) Listed by nature

CategoryEnding balanceBeginning balance
Bank acceptance bills418,126,347.551,332,031,679.44
Commercial acceptance bills0.0021,156,044.00

(2) At the end of the reporting period, there is no notes payable matured but not yet paid.

5.22 Accounts Payable

(1) Listed by nature

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Payables for materials838,995,188.451,352,488,385.40
Payments for constructions and equipment830,488,076.76980,033,062.83

(2) Significant accounts payable with aging of over one year

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Not applicable.

5.23Contract liabilities

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Payment for goods2,218,413,969.301,401,122,249.53

5.24 Employee Benefits Payable

(1) List of employee benefits payable

ItemBeginning balanceIncreaseDecreaseEnding balance
I. Short-term employee benefits1,180,454,095.441,915,332,446.511,943,271,838.791,152,514,703.16
II. Post-employment benefits-defined contribution plans151,677.85115,262,072.90115,263,130.32150,620.43
III. Termination benefits0.00396,689.84396,689.840.00
IV. Other benefits due within one year0.

(2) List of short-term employee benefits

ItemBeginning balanceIncreaseDecreaseEnding balance
I. Salaries, bonuses, allowances and subsidies1,102,959,306.931,644,530,357.291,671,939,981.121,075,549,683.10
II. Employee benefits0.0061,454,437.5161,454,437.510.00
III. Social insurance481,283.1858,850,299.9158,854,492.55477,090.54
Of which: Health insurance478,930.0955,206,452.1055,210,628.34474,753.85
Injury insurance2,353.093,643,847.813,643,864.212,336.69
IV. Housing accumulation fund8,189,307.0266,742,257.3466,290,293.738,641,270.63
V. Labor union funds and employee education funds64,598,761.7722,411,735.4223,542,207.8763,468,289.32
VI. Enterprise annuity4,225,436.5461,343,359.0461,190,426.014,378,369.57

(3) Defined contribution plans

ItemBeginning balanceIncreaseDecreaseEnding balance

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1. Basic endowment insurance147,081.53109,554,175.21109,555,200.59146,056.15
2. Unemployment insurance4,596.325,707,897.695,707,929.734,564.28

5.25Taxes Payable

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Consumption tax393,911,618.60434,932,478.09
Enterprise income tax526,241,628.24280,172,679.93
Individual income tax3,159,701.394,436,736.14
Urban maintenance and construction tax35,508,685.7740,651,189.20
Stamp duty4,456,456.364,531,195.41
Educational surcharge34,101,008.8239,534,935.75

5.26Other Payables

(1) Listed by category

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Interest payable
Dividends payable
Other payables3,032,063,462.123,267,292,222.01

(2) Other payables

①Listed by nature

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Security deposit and guarantee2,455,866,045.912,567,100,177.13
Personal housing fund paid by company8,738,351.626,231,182.41

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ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance

②Other payables aged over one year as of the statement date are mainly security deposit and warranty not yetmatured.

5.27 Non-current Liabilities due within one year

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Lease liabilities due within one year13,652,379.4710,771,925.29
Long-term borrowings due within one year52,081,999.9970,053,097.22

5.28Other Current Liabilities

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Accrued expenses1,676,050,492.54951,949,301.38
Pre-mature output VAT288,484,985.29180,069,149.72

5.29 Long-term Borrowings

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Credit Loan0.000.00
Guarantee loan83,400,000.00107,000,000.00
Accrued interest0.00106,256.94

5.30 Lease Liabilities

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Lease payments111,029,732.8494,538,857.20
Less: unrecognized financial charges13,013,378.5415,386,164.13
Less: lease liabilities due within one year13,652,379.4710,771,925.29

5.31 Deferred Income

ItemBeginning balanceIncreaseDecreaseEnding balanceReason
Government grants100,811,404.824,014,000.003,125,268.62101,700,136.20Receiving asset-related grants from government

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ItemBeginning balanceIncreaseDecreaseEnding balanceReason

5.32 Share Capital

ItemBeginning balanceChanges during the Reporting Period (+,-)Ending balance
New issuesBonus issuesCapitalization of reservesOthersSubtotal
The sum of shares528,600,000.00528,600,000.00

5.33 Capital Reserves

ItemBeginning balanceIncreaseDecreaseEnding balance
Capital premium (share premium)6,191,894,530.906,191,894,530.90
Other capital reserves32,853,136.2032,853,136.20

5.34 Other Comprehensive Income

ItemBeginning balanceReporting PeriodEnding balance
Income before taxation in the Current PeriodLess: Recorded in other comprehensive income in prior period and transferred to profit or loss in the Current PeriodLess: Recorded in other comprehensive income in prior period and transferred to retained earnings in the Current PeriodLess: Income tax expenseAttributable to owners of the Company as the parent after taxAttributable to non-controlling interests after tax
I. Other comprehensive income that may not subsequently be reclassified to profit or loss4,165,632.125,693,974.851,423,493.722,562,288.681,708,192.456,727,920.80
Of which: Changes caused by remeasurements on defined benefit schemes
Other comprehensive income that will not be

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reclassified to profit or loss under the equity method
Changes in fair value of other equity instrument investment4,165,632.125,693,974.85--1,423,493.722,562,288.681,708,192.456,727,920.80
Changes in the fair value arising from changes in own credit risk
II. Other comprehensive income that may subsequently be reclassified to profit or loss-2,569,309.39-5,963,219.86-3,608,102.09-585,580.97-1,785,374.8915,838.09-4,354,684.28
Of which: Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit or loss under the equity method
Changes in the fair value of investments in other debt obligations
Other comprehensive income arising from the reclassification of financial assets-2,569,309.39-5,963,219.86-3,608,102.09-585,580.97-1,785,374.8915,838.09-4,354,684.28
Credit impairment allowance for investments in other debt obligations
Reserve for cash flow hedges
Differences arising from translation of foreign currency-denominated financial statements
Total of other comprehensive income1,596,322.73-269,245.01-3,608,102.09-837,912.75776,913.791,724,030.542,373,236.52

5.35 Surplus Reserves

ItemBeginning balanceIncreaseDecreaseEnding balance
Statutory surplus reserve269,402,260.27269,402,260.27

Note: In accordance with provisions of Company Law and Articles of Association, the statutory surplus reserveshall be withdrawn at 10% of net profits by the Company. The accumulated amount of statutory surplus reservecan no longer be withdrawn when it is more than 50% of the Company’s registered capital.

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5.36 Retained Earnings

ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last year
Beginning balance of retained earnings before adjustments14,500,963,359.3411,497,599,306.54
Total beginning balance of retained earnings before adjustment (increase+, decrease-)0.000.00
Beginning balance of retained earnings after adjustments14,500,963,359.3411,497,599,306.54
Add: Net profit attributable to owners of the Company as the parent3,572,791,595.154,589,164,052.80
Less: withdrawal of statutory surplus reserve0.000.00
Dividend of ordinary shares payable2,378,700,000.001,585,800,000.00
Ending retained earnings15,695,054,954.4914,500,963,359.34

5.37 Operating Revenue and Cost of Sales

ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last year
Operating revenueCosts of salesOperating revenueCosts of sales
Main operations13,749,070,890.992,684,505,728.2811,255,806,929.702,371,427,439.55
Other operations56,622,651.3620,159,167.1454,209,565.4017,183,398.73

Information on operating revenue and cost of sales:

ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last year
Operating revenueCosts of salesOperating revenueCosts of sales
Commodity type
Baijiu business13,428,363,064.312,409,942,515.0210,980,685,839.602,134,573,872.18
By operating segment
North China1,109,250,619.81232,885,728.87821,080,901.86177,942,282.98
Central China11,869,976,454.152,325,411,733.699,782,622,497.212,080,292,659.11
South China815,792,256.19143,909,531.02696,179,001.74128,233,371.06
By distribution channel:

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Information on performance obligations: None

5.38 Taxes and Surcharges

ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last year
Consumption tax1,725,234,888.541,311,088,718.86
Urban maintenance and construction tax and educational surcharge314,017,926.17249,167,147.23
Urban land use tax12,164,355.3411,797,701.09
Property tax17,079,657.9112,402,844.79
Stamp duty11,546,725.679,986,220.33

5.39 Selling Expense

ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last year
Employment benefits675,938,548.40623,631,139.58
Travel fees120,981,637.1596,783,184.70
Advertisement fees688,129,021.87564,290,043.38
Comprehensive promotion costs1,685,467,666.431,333,513,264.01
Service fees373,733,873.49371,761,620.49

5.40 Administrative Expenses

ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last year
Employee benefits443,783,424.86404,447,209.51
Office fees28,284,746.8818,750,767.90
Maintenance expenses16,737,356.4724,933,916.68
Pollution discharge13,466,130.9711,632,964.09

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Travel expenses6,681,000.737,252,762.78
Water and electricity charges6,129,646.266,563,326.70

5.41 Development Costs

ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last year
Labor cost23,995,060.2720,823,084.10
Direct input costs2,031,791.025,437,858.15
Depreciation expense2,058,186.201,459,282.37

5.42 Finance Costs

ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last year
Interest expenses3,445,346.57771,499.92
Including: Interest expenses for lease liabilities1,575,990.34637,086.51
Less: Interest income298,352,344.67122,996,635.75
Net interest expenses-294,906,998.10-122,225,135.83
Net foreign exchange losses11,640,952.86-75,794.06
Bank charges and others943,715.76-549,709.86

5.43 Other Income

ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last yearRelated to assets /income
I. Government grants recorded to other income22,796,192.8921,893,660.44
Of which: Government grant related to deferred income3,125,268.622,804,835.00Related to assets
Government grant recorded to current profit or loss19,670,924.2719,088,825.44Related to income
II. Others related to daily operation activities and recognised in other income3,950,721.935,210,917.44Related to income

5.44 Investment Income

ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last year

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Investment income from long-term equity investments under equity method70,235.7346,146.26
Gains on disposal of long-term equity investments0.000.00
Gains on disposal of held-for-trading financial assets1,330,123.81-991,715.70
Gains from other equity instrument investment income during holding period769,616.25747,200.50
Gains from disposal of financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income-27,352,763.75-27,223,678.44

5.45 Gains on Changes in Fair Values

SourcesReporting PeriodSame period of last year
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss0.0025,168,981.30
Of which: gains on changes in fair value of derivatives0.000.00

5.46 Credit Impairment Loss

ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last year
Bad debt of notes receivable0.000.00
Bad debt of accounts receivable-208,257.74-98,593.99
Bad debt of other receivables265,702.62183,048.19

5.47 Asset Impairment Loss

ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last year
I. Inventory falling price loss6,603,562.17-17,556,673.87
II. Impairment loss of fixed assets0.000.00
III. Impairment loss of intangible assets0.000.00

5.48 Gains on Disposal of Assets

ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last year
Gains/losses from disposal of fixed assets, construction in progress, productive biological assets and intangible assets not classified as held for sale115,019.47203,366.67
Of which: Fixed assets115,019.47203,366.67

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ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last year

5.49 Non-operating Income

ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last yearRecognized in current non-recurring profit or loss
Gains from damage or scrapping of non-current asset41,575.95792.3641,575.95
Fine and compensation18,024,818.4327,153,467.5318,024,818.43
Sale of scrap1,837,031.102,315,235.071,837,031.10
Release of payables12,171,666.340.0012,171,666.34

5.50 Non-operating Expenses

ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last yearRecognized in current non-recurring profit or loss
Loss from damage or scrapping of non-current assets2,146,433.911,388,046.952,146,433.91

5.51 Income Tax Expenses

(1) Details of income tax expenses

ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last year
Current tax expenses1,546,400,697.871,087,484,097.12
Deferred tax expenses-217,796,797.42-122,827,778.40

(2) Reconciliation of accounting profit and income tax expenses

ItemReporting Period
Profit before taxation5,007,520,214.24
Current income tax expense accounted at applicable tax rate of the Company as the parent1,251,880,053.56
Influence of applying different tax rates by subsidiaries-9,327,139.85

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Adjustment for prior period88,557,402.05
Influence of non-taxable income-209,963.00
Influence of non-deductable costs, expenses and losses4,545,065.26
Influence of deductable losses of unrecognized deferred income tax at the beginning of the Reporting Period0.00
Influence of deductable temporary difference or deductable losses of unrecognized deferred income tax in the Reporting Period0.00
Influence of development expense deduction-6,841,517.57
Tax rate adjustment to the beginning balance of deferred income tax assets/liabilities0.00
Income tax credits0.00

5.52 Notes to the Statement of Cash Flows

(1) Other cash received relating to operating activities

ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last year
Security deposit, guarantee and warranty165,662,356.11191,395,775.56
Government grants27,166,798.3723,086,588.11
Interest income298,352,344.67114,262,772.85
Release of restricted monetary assets1,290,204,326.83667,182,706.08

(2) Other cash payments relating to operating activities

ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last year
Cash paid in sales and distribution expenses and general and administrative expense1,281,715,414.951,028,393,443.01
Security deposit, guarantee and warranty267,466,177.89112,028,193.49
Time deposits or deposits pledged for the issuance of notes payable292,400,389.8710,001,995.00

(3) Other cash payments relating to financing activities

ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last year
Payment of minority shareholder equity0.000.00
Rental fee7,509,748.718,506,249.20

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ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last year

Changes in liabilities arising from financing activities

ItemBeginning balanceIncrease in the current periodDecrease in the current periodEnding balance
Changes in cashChanges in non-cashChanges in cashChanges in non-cash
Short-term Borrowings0.0040,000,100.0014,444.520.000.0040,014,544.52
Long-term Borrowings107,106,256.9450,000,000.00215,289.5821,812,513.8852,109,032.6483,400,000.00
Lease liabilities68,380,767.780.0032,755,553.390.0016,772,346.3484,363,974.83
lease liabilities due within one year10,771,925.290.0016,772,346.347,225,950.436,665,941.7313,652,379.47
Long-term Borrowings due within one year70,053,097.220.0052,109,032.6470,080,129.870.0052,081,999.99

5.53 Supplementary Information to the Statement of Cash Flows

(1) Supplementary information to the statement of cash flows

Supplementary informationReporting PeriodSame period of last year
1. Reconciliation of net profit to net cash flows generated from operating activities:----
Net profit3,678,916,313.792,844,180,601.67
Add: Provisions for impairment of assets-6,603,562.1717,556,673.87
Losses on credit impairment-57,444.88-84,454.20
Depreciation of fixed assets, oil and gas assets and productive biological assets214,227,566.25141,764,699.64
Depreciation of right-of-use assets8,028,920.197,271,247.88
Amortization of intangible assets22,640,191.9921,694,016.84
Amortization of long-term deferred expenses10,457,067.7914,328,044.89
Losses from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets (gains: negative)-115,019.47-203,366.67
Losses on scrapping of fixed assets (gains: negative)2,104,857.961,387,254.59

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Losses on changes in fair value (gains: negative)0.00-25,168,981.30
Finance costs (gains: negative)3,445,346.57695,705.86
Investment losses (gains: negative)25,111,476.3727,346,113.37
Decreases in deferred tax assets (increase: negative)-171,674,503.85-134,248,634.08
Increases in deferred tax liabilities (decrease: negative)-45,431,466.1811,925,466.41
Decreases in inventories (increase: negative)-231,626,040.62-133,877,031.57
Decreases in operating receivables (increase: negative)-626,166,581.73-555,140,216.28
Increases in operating payables (decrease: negative)-163,754,993.351,821,226,849.73
Net cash flows from operating activities4,009,706,455.494,727,836,696.73
2. Significant investing and financing activities without involvement of cash receipts and payments
Conversion of debt into capital
Current portion of convertible corporate bonds
Fixed assets acquired under finance leases
3. Net increase/decrease of cash and cash equivalents:
Ending balance of cash15,865,996,371.7116,842,303,222.36
Less: Beginning balance of cash14,676,167,417.3613,105,373,435.22
Add: Ending balance of cash equivalents
Less: Beginning balance of cash equivalents
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents1,189,828,954.353,736,929,787.14

*1: Refer to impact of recovered restricted funds for operating activities paid at the same period of last year on netcash flow generated from operating activities of the reporting period.

(2) The components of cash and cash equivalents

ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last year
I. Cash15,865,996,371.7116,842,303,222.36

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ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last year
Including: Cash on hand45,031.58100,681.01
Bank deposit on demand15,835,834,577.8016,842,069,031.88
Other monetary assets on demand30,116,762.33133,509.47
II. Cash equivalents
Of which: Bond investments maturing within three months
III. Ending balance of cash and cash equivalents15,865,996,371.7116,842,303,222.36
Of which: cash and cash equivalents with restriction to use in the subsidies of the Company as the parent or Group

5.54 Assets with Restricted Ownership or Right of Use

ItemEnding carrying valueReason
Cash and cash equivalents292,400,389.87Amount in pledge for issuing bank acceptance bills and other security deposits, etc.
Intangible assets72,111,318.24Pledged for loans

5.55 Leases

(1) The Company as a lessee

Current gains and losses and cash flows related to leases

ItemReporting Period
Expenses for short-term lease under simplified method3,472,146.35
Expenses for lease of low value asset (except for short-term lease) under simplified method-
Interest expense of lease liabilities1,575,990.34
Variable lease payments not included in lease liabilities recognised in current profit or loss-
Income from subleasing the right-of-use assets-
Cash outflows related to leases38,121,656.46
Profit or loss in sale and leaseback transaction

(2) The Company as a lessor

①Operating lease

A. Lease income

ItemReporting Period
Lease income5,695,087.03

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ItemReporting Period
Including: income related to variable lease payments not included in lease receivables


ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last year
Labor costs23,995,060.2720,823,084.10
Material costs2,031,791.025,437,858.15
Depreciation costs2,058,186.201,459,282.37
Including:Expensed R&D expenditures33,232,298.3429,964,175.22
Capitalized R&D expenditures0.000.00


7.1 Other Reasons of Changes in the Scope of Consolidation

Compared with the previous period, the Company set up a new subsidiary “Ezhou Junya Trading Co., Ltd. andliquidated three subsidiaries “Fengyang Xiaogang Village Ming Wine Distillery Co., Ltd.”, “Hubei Yellow CraneTower Beverage Co., Ltd.” and “Wuhan Yashibo Technology Co., Ltd.”.


8.1 Interests in Subsidiaries

(1) Composition of corporate group

Name of subsidiaryRegistered capital (RMB’0,000)Principal place of businessRegistered AddressNature of businessPercentage of equity interests by the Company (%)Ways of acquisition
Bozhou Gujing Sales Co., Ltd.8,486.45Anhui BozhouAnhui BozhouCommercial trade100.00Investment establishment
Anhui Longrui Glass Co., Ltd8,666.03Anhui BozhouAnhui BozhouManufacture100.00Investment establishment
Anhui Jiuan Mechanical Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd.1,000.00Anhui BozhouAnhui BozhouEquipment manufacturing100.00Investment establishment
Anhui Jinyunlai Culture & Media Co., Ltd.1,500.00Anhui HefeiAnhui HefeiAdvertisement marketing100.00Investment establishment
Anhui Ruisiweier Technology Co., Ltd.5,000.00Anhui BozhouAnhui BozhouTechnical research100.00Investment establishment

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Name of subsidiaryRegistered capital (RMB’0,000)Principal place of businessRegistered AddressNature of businessPercentage of equity interests by the Company (%)Ways of acquisition
Shanghai Gujing Jinhao Hotel Management Co., Ltd.5,400.00ShanghaiShanghaiHotel management100.00Business combination under common control
Bozhou Gujing Hotel Co., Ltd62.80Anhui BozhouAnhui BozhouHotel operating100.00Business combination under common control
Anhui Yuanqing Environmental Protection Co., Ltd.1,600.00Anhui BozhouAnhui BozhouSewage treatment100.00Investment establishment
Anhui Gujing Yunshang E-commerce Co., Ltd500.00Anhui HefeiAnhui HefeiElectronic commerce100.00Investment establishment
Anhui RunAnXinKe Testing Technology Co., Ltd.1,000.00Anhui BozhouAnhui BozhouFood testing100.00Investment establishment
Anhui Jiudao Culture Media Co., Ltd.1,500.00Anhui HefeiAnhui HefeiAdvertisement marketing100.00Investment establishment
Anhui Gujinggong Liquor Original Vintage Theme Hotel Management Co., Ltd.1,000.00Anhui BozhouAnhui BozhouHotel operation100.00Investment establishment
Anhui Guqi Distillery Co., Ltd.12,000.00Anhui BozhouAnhui BozhouManufacture60.00Investment establishment
Yellow Crane Tower Distillery Co., Ltd.40,000.00Hubei WuhanHubei WuhanManufacture51.00Business combination not under common control
Yellow Crane Tower Distillery (Xianning) Co., Ltd.31,000.00Hubei XianningHubei XianningManufacture51.00Business combination not under common control
Yellow Crane Tower Distillery (Suizhou) Co., Ltd.20,000.00Hubei SuizhouHubei SuizhouManufacture51.00Business combination not under common control
Hubei Junlou Cultural Tourism Co., Ltd.300.00Hubei WuhanHubei WuhanAdvertising marketing51.00Business combination not under common control
Hubei Xinjia Testing Technology418.00HubeiHubeiFood testing51.00Investment

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Name of subsidiaryRegistered capital (RMB’0,000)Principal place of businessRegistered AddressNature of businessPercentage of equity interests by the Company (%)Ways of acquisition
Co., Ltd.XianningXianningestablishment
Wuhan Tianlong Jindi Technology Development Co., Ltd3,000.00Hubei WuhanHubei WuhanCommercial trade51.00Business combination not under common control
Xianning Junhe Sales Co., Ltd1,000.00Hubei XianningHubei XianningCommercial trade51.00Business combination not under common control
Wuhan Junya Sales Co., Ltd100.00Hubei WuhanHubei WuhanCommercial trade51.00Investment establishment
Suizhou Junhe Commercial Co., Ltd.100.00Hubei SuizhouHubei SuizhouCommercial trade51.00Investment establishment
Huanggang Junya Trading Co., Ltd.2,000.00Huanggang HubeiHuanggang HubeiCommercial trade51.00Investment establishment
Wuhan Gulou Junhe Trading Co., Ltd.2,000.00Hubei WuhanHubei WuhanCommercial trade51.00Investment establishment
Wuhan Gulou Juntai Trading Co., Ltd.2,000.00Hubei WuhanHubei WuhanCommercial trade51.00Investment establishment
Xiaogan Gulou Tiancheng Trading Co., Ltd.2,000.00Hubei XiaoganHubei XiaoganCommercial trade51.00Investment establishment
Ezhou Junya Trading Co., Ltd.2,000.00Hubei EzhouHubei EzhouCommercial trade51.00Investment establishment
Anhui Mingguang Distillery Co., Ltd.6,883.00Anhui ChuzhouAnhui MingguangManufacture60.00Business combination not under common control
Mingguang Tiancheng Ming Wine Sales Co., Ltd.80.00Anhui ChuzhouAnhui MingguangCommercial trade60.00Business combination not under common control
Anhui Jiuhao China Railway Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.1,100.00Anhui BozhouAnhui BozhouConstruction52.00Investment establishment
Anhui Zhenrui Construction Engineering Co., Ltd1,000.00Anhui BozhouAnhui BozhouConstruction52.00Investment establishment
Renhuai Maotai Town Zhencang125.00RenhuaiRenhuaiManufacture60.00Business

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Name of subsidiaryRegistered capital (RMB’0,000)Principal place of businessRegistered AddressNature of businessPercentage of equity interests by the Company (%)Ways of acquisition
Winery Industry Co., Ltd.GuizhouGuizhoucombination not under common control
Guizhou Zhencang Winery Industry Sales Co., Ltd.100.00Renhuai GuizhouRenhuai GuizhouCommercial trade60.00Investment establishment
Anhui Gujing Health Technology Co., Ltd.10,768.50Anhui BozhouAnhui BozhouManufacture60.00Business combination not under common control
Anhui Maiqi Biotechnology Co., Ltd.1,000.00Anhui BozhouAnhui BozhouTechnology development60.00Business combination not under common control
Anhui Yangshengtianxia Brand Operation Co., Ltd.500.00Anhui HefeiAnhui HefeiAdvertising marketing60.00Business combination not under common control
Hainan Yangshengtianxia Biotechnology Development Co., Ltd.500.00Hainan LingshuiHainan LingshuiCommercial trade60.00Business combination not under common control

(2) Significant non-wholly owned subsidiaries

NameShareholding proportion of non-controlling interestsThe profit or loss attributable to the non-controlling interestsDeclaring dividends distributed to non-controlling interestsBalance of non-controlling interests at the period-end
Yellow Crane Tower Distillery Co., Ltd.49.0061,418,274.640.00663,701,504.77

(3) Main financial information of significant non-wholly owned subsidiaries

NameEnding balance
Current assetsNon-current assetsTotal assetsCurrent liabilitiesNon-current liabilityTotal liabilities
Yellow Crane Tower Distillery Co., Ltd.1,293,513,412.791,163,082,223.552,456,595,636.34859,761,989.10242,340,780.371,102,102,769.47


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NameBeginning balance
Current assetsNon-current assetsTotal assetsCurrent liabilitiesNon-current liabilityTotal liabilities
Yellow Crane Tower Distillery Co., Ltd.1,269,187,978.691,167,449,470.702,436,637,449.39939,863,270.35267,657,052.441,207,520,322.79


NameReporting Period
Operating revenueNet profitTotal comprehensive incomeCash flows from operating activities
Yellow Crane Tower Distillery Co., Ltd.1,070,259,791.38125,343,417.64125,375,740.27168,005,118.50


NameSame period of last year
Operating revenueNet profitTotal comprehensive incomeCash flows from operating activities
Yellow Crane Tower Distillery Co., Ltd.865,646,272.06100,981,091.52100,884,320.7419,674,621.86

8.2 Interests in Joint Arrangements or Associates

(1) Significant joint ventures or associates

The Company had no significant joint venture or associate.

(2) Summarized financial information about insignificant joint ventures and associates

ItemEnding balance/Reporting PeriodBeginning balance/Same period of last year
Joint venture:
Total carrying amount of investments
The aggregate amount of below items calculated based on proportion of equity interests:
—Net profit/(loss)
—Other comprehensive income
—Total comprehensive income
Total carrying amount of investments10,437,313.9910,367,078.26
The aggregate amount of below items calculated based on proportion of equity interests:
—Net profit/(loss)70,235.7346,146.26

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ItemEnding balance/Reporting PeriodBeginning balance/Same period of last year
—Other comprehensive income
—Total comprehensive income


9.1 Government grants recognised as receivables

The ending balance of accounts receivable was RMB0.00.Reason for not receiving the projected amount of government grants at the projected point in time

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

9.2 Liability items that involve government grants

? Applicable □ Not applicable

Items presented in the statement of financial positionBeginning balanceIncrease in government grants during the reporting periodAmount recognised in non-operating income during the reporting periodAmount recognised in other income during the reporting periodOther changes during the reporting periodEnding balanceRelated to assets or income
Deferred income100,811,404.824,014,000.000.003,125,268.620.00101,700,136.20Related to assets

9.3 Government grants recognised in current profit or loss

? Applicable □ Not applicable

Items presented in income statementReporting PeriodSame period of last year
Other income22,796,192.8921,893,660.44
Finance costs0.00-1,392,125.00


Risks related to the financial instruments of the Company arise from the recognition of variousfinancial assets and financial liabilities during its operation, including credit risk, liquidity risk andmarket risk.Management of the Company is responsible for determining risk management objectives andpolicies related to financial instruments. Operational management is responsible for the daily riskmanagement through functional departments (e.g. credit management department of the Companyreviews each credit sale). Internal audit department is responsible for the daily supervision ofimplementation of the risk management policies and procedures, and report their findings to theaudit committee in a timely manner.

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Overall risk management objective of the Company is to establish risk management policies tominimize the risks without unduly affecting the competitiveness and resilience of the Company.

10.1 Credit Risk

Credit risk is the risk of one party of the financial instrument face to a financial loss because theother party of the financial instrument fails to fulfill its obligation. The credit risk of the Company isrelated to cash and equivalent, notes receivable, accounts receivables, other receivables andlong-term receivables. Credit risk of these financial assets is derived from the counterparty’s breachof contract. The maximum risk exposure is equal to the carrying amount of these financialinstruments.Cash and cash equivalent of the Company has lower credit risk, as they are mainly deposited insuch financial institutions as commercial bank, of which the Company thinks with higher reputationand financial position. For notes receivable, other receivables and long-term receivables, theCompany establishes related policies to control their credit risk exposure. The Company assessescredit capability of its customers and determines their credit terms based on their financial position,possibility of the guarantee from third party, credit record and other factors (such as current marketstatus, etc.). The Company monitors its customers’ credit record periodically, and for thosecustomers with poor credit record, the Company will take measures such as written call, shorteningor cancelling their credit terms so as to ensure the overall credit risk of the Company is controllable.

(1) Determination of significant increases in credit risk

The Company assesses at each reporting date as to whether the credit risk on financial instrumentshas increased significantly since initial recognition. When the Company determines whether thecredit risk has increased significantly since initial recognition, it considers based on reasonable andsupportable information that is available without undue cost or effort, including quantitative andqualitative analysis of historical information, external credit ratings and forward-lookinginformation. The Company determines the changes in the risk of a default occurring over theexpected life of the financial instrument through comparing the risk of a default occurring on thefinancial instrument as at the reporting date with the risk of a default occurring on the financialinstrument as at the date of initial recognition based on individual financial instrument or a group offinancial instruments with the similar credit risk characteristics.When met one or more of the following quantitative or qualitative criteria, the Company determinesthat the credit risk on financial instruments has increased significantly: the quantitative criteriaapplied mainly because as at the reporting date, the increase in the probability of default occurringover the lifetime is more than a certain percentage since the initial recognition; the qualitativecriteria applied if the debtor has adverse changes in business and economic conditions, earlywarning list of customer, and etc.

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(2) Definition of credit-impaired financial assets

The criteria adopted by the Company for determination of credit impairment are consistent withinternal credit risk management objectives of relevant financial instruments in considering bothquantitative and qualitative indicators.When the Company assesses whether the debtor has incurred the credit impairment, the mainfactors considered are as following: Significant financial difficulty of the issuer or the borrower; abreach of contract, e.g., default or past-due event; a lender having granted a concession to theborrower for economic or contractual reasons relating to the borrower’s financial difficulty that thelender would not otherwise consider; the probability that the borrower will enter bankruptcy orother financial re-organisation; the disappearance of an active market for the financial asset becauseof financial difficulties of the issuer or the borrower; the purchase or origination of a financial assetat a deep discount that reflects the incurred credit losses.

(3) The parameter of expected credit loss measurement

The company measures impairment provision for different assets with the expected credit loss of12-month or the lifetime based on whether there has been a significant increase in credit risk orcredit impairment has occurred. The key parameters for expected credit loss measurement includedefault probability, default loss rate and default risk exposure. The Company sets up the model ofdefault probability, default loss rate and default risk exposure in considering the quantitativeanalysis of historical statistics (such as counterparties’ ratings, guarantee method and collateral type,repayment method, etc.) and forward-looking information.Relevant definitions are as following:

Default probability refers to the probability of the debtor will fail to discharge the repaymentobligation over the next 12 months or the entire remaining lifetime;Default loss rate refers to the Company's expectation of the loss degree of default risk exposure.The default loss rate varies depending on the type of counterparty, recourse method and priority,and the collateral. The default loss rate is the percentage of the risk exposure loss when default hasoccurred and it is calculated over the next 12 months or the entire lifetime;The default risk exposure refers to the amount that the company should be repaid when default hasoccurred in the next 12 months or the entire lifetime. Both the assessment of significant increase incredit risk of forward-looking information and the calculation of expected credit losses involveforward-looking information. Through historical data analysis, the Company identifies keyeconomic indicators that have impact on the credit risk and expected credit losses for each business.The maximum exposure to credit risk of the Company is the carrying amount of each financial assetin the statement of financial position. The Company does not provide any other guarantees that mayexpose the Company to credit risk.

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For the accounts receivable of the Company, the amount of top 5 clients represents 43.24% of thetotal; for the other receivables, the amount of the top five entities represents 63.72% of the total.

10.2 Liquidity Risk

Liquidity risk is the risk of shortage of funds when fulfilling the obligation of settlement bydelivering cash or other financial assets. The Company is responsible for the capital management ofall of its subsidiaries, including short-term investment of cash surplus and dealing with forecastedcash demand by raising loans. The Company’s policy is to monitor the demand for short-term andlong-term floating capital and whether the requirement of loan contracts is satisfied so as to ensureto maintain adequate cash and cash equivalents.

10.3 Market Risk

Market risk of financial instruments refers to the risk that the fair value or future cash flow offinancial instruments will fluctuate due to changes in market prices. Market risk mainly includesforeign exchange risk and interest rate risk.

(1) Foreign currency risk

Foreign currency risk of the Company mainly arise from foreign currency assets and liabilitiesdenominated in currency other than the Company’s functional currency. The main business of theCompany is located in Chinese Mainland, and the main business is settled in RMB. There is only asmall amount of export business, which has a small proportion of income scale and impact, and haslittle exchange rate risk.

(2) Interest rate risk

Interest risk refers to the risk on the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument broughtby the change of market interest rate. Interest risk mainly arises from bank loans. As of thestatement date, the Company had no bank loan with a floating interest rate.

(3) Other price risk

Investments held for trading were measured at fair value. As such, these investments are subject tothe risk brought by the change of security prices. The Company controls this risk to the acceptablelevel by utilising multiple investment mix.


The inputs used in the fair value measurement in its entirety are to be classified in the level of thehierarchy in which the lowest level input that is significant to the measurement is classified.Level 1: Inputs consist of unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or

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liabilities.Level 2: Inputs for the assets or liabilities (other than those included in Level 1) that are eitherdirectly or indirectly observable.Level 3: Inputs are unobservable inputs for the assets or liabilities.

11.1 Assets and Liabilities Measured at Fair Value on 30 June 2024

ItemFair value on 30 June 2024
Level 1Level 2Level 3Total
I. Recurring fair value measurements
(I) Held-for-trading financial assets
1. Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
(1) Debt instruments
(2) Bank financial products
(II) Financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income1,650,145,754.421,650,145,754.42
(1) Accounts receivable financing1,581,346,121.501,581,346,121.50
(2) Investments in other equity instrument68,799,632.9268,799,632.92
Total assets measured at fair value on a recurring basis1,650,145,754.421,650,145,754.42

The fair value of financial instruments traded in an active market is based on quoted market pricesat the reporting date. The fair value of financial instruments not traded in an active market isdetermined by using valuation techniques. Specific valuation techniques used to value the abovefinancial instruments include discounted cash flow and market approach to comparable companymodel. Inputs in the valuation technique include risk-free interest rates, benchmark interest rates,exchange rates, credit spreads, liquidity premiums, discount for lack of liquidity.

11.2 Fair Value of Financial Assets or Financial Liabilities which are not Measured at FairValueThe financial assets and financial liabilities of the Company measured at amortised cost mainlyinclude: cash and cash equivalents, notes receivable, accounts receivable, other receivables, debtinvestments, short-term borrowings, notes payable, accounts payable, other payables, long-termborrowings maturing within one year, long-term payables, long-term borrowings and bondspayable.

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12. RELATED PARTIES AND RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONSRecognition of related parties: The Company has control or joint control of, or exercise significantinfluence over another party; or the Company and another party are controlled or jointly controlledby the same third party.

12.1 General Information of the Parent Company

Name of the parentRegistered addressNature of the businessRegistered capitalPercentage of equity interests in the Company (%)Voting rights in the Company (%)
Anhui Gujing Group Co., Ltd.Anhui BozhouCommercial trade1,000,000,000.0051.3451.34

The Company’s ultimate controller is the State-owned Asset Management Commission of the People'sGovernment of Bozhou, Anhui.

12.2 General Information of Subsidiaries

Details of the subsidiaries please refer to Notes 8.1 INTERESTS IN OTHER ENTITIES.

12.3 Joint Ventures and Associates of the Company

(1) General information of significant joint ventures and associates

Details of significant joint ventures and associates please refer to Notes 8.2 INTERESTS IN OTHER ENTITIES.

12.4 Other Related Parties of the Company

NameRelationship with the Company
Nanjing Suning Property Development Co., Ltd.(Suning Property Development)Controlled by ZHANG Guiping, the non-executive director of the Company
Anhui Ruijing Shanglv (Group) Co., Ltd. (RJSL Group)Controlled by the Company's controlling shareholder or ultimate controller
Anhui Ruijing Shanglv (Group) Co., Ltd. Hefei Gujing Holiday Inn (RJSL Holiday Inn)Controlled by the Company's controlling shareholder or ultimate controller
Bozhou Gujing Huishenglou Catering Co., Ltd.(GJ Huishenglou Catering)Controlled by the Company's controlling shareholder or ultimate controller
Anhui Haochidian Catering Co., Ltd. (Haochidian Catering)Controlled by the Company's controlling shareholder or ultimate controller
Anhui Ruijing Catering Co., Ltd. (Ruijing Catering)Controlled by the Company's controlling shareholder or ultimate controller

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Shanghai Beihai Hotel Co., Ltd. (Beihai Hotel)Controlled by the Company's controlling shareholder or ultimate controller
Anhui Gujing Hotel Development Co., Ltd.(GJ Hotel Development)Controlled by the Company's controlling shareholder or ultimate controller
Anhui Huixin Financial Investment Group Co., Ltd.(Huixin Financial Investment)Controlled by the Company's controlling shareholder or ultimate controller
Bozhou Anxin Small Loan Co., Ltd. (Anxin Small Loan)Controlled by the Company's controlling shareholder or ultimate controller
Anhui Hengxin Pawnshop Co., Ltd. (Hengxin Pawnshop)Controlled by the Company's controlling shareholder or ultimate controller
Anhui Ruixin Pawnshop Co., Ltd. (Ruixin Pawnshop)Controlled by the Company's controlling shareholder or ultimate controller
Anhui Zhongxin Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.(Zhongxin Financial Leasing)Controlled by the Company's controlling shareholder or ultimate controller
Anhui Youxin Financing Guarantee Co, Ltd. (Youxin Guarantee)Controlled by the Company's controlling shareholder or ultimate controller
Hefei Longxin Corporate Management Advisory Co., Ltd. (Longxin Advisory)Controlled by the Company's controlling shareholder or ultimate controller
Anhui Chuangxin Equity Investment Co. Ltd.(Chuangxin Equity Investment)Controlled by the Company's controlling shareholder or ultimate controller
Anhui Lejiu Jiayuan Travel Management Co., Ltd. (Lejiu Jiayuan)Controlled by the Company's controlling shareholder or ultimate controller
Anhui Shenglong Trading Co., Ltd. (Shenglong Trading)Controlled by the Company's controlling shareholder or ultimate controller
Anhui Gujing Health Industry Co., Ltd. (Health Industry)Controlled by the Company's controlling shareholder or ultimate controller
Bozhou Hotel Co., Ltd. (Bozhou Guest House)Controlled by the Company's controlling shareholder or ultimate controller
Dongfang Ruijing Enterprise Investment Co., Ltd.(Dongfang Ruijing)Controlled by the Company's controlling shareholder or ultimate controller
Anhui Gujing International Development Co., Ltd.(GJ International)Controlled by the Company's controlling shareholder or ultimate controller

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Anhui Jiuan Construction Management Advisory Co., Ltd.(Jiuan Advisory)Controlled by the Company's controlling shareholder or ultimate controller
Dazhongyuan Jiugu Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd. (Dazhongyuan Jiugu Cultural)Controlled by the Company's controlling shareholder or ultimate controller

12.5 Related Party Transactions

(1) Purchases or sales of goods, rendering or receiving of services

Purchases of goods, receiving of services:

Related partiesNature of the transaction(s)Reporting PeriodSame period of last year
Bozhou Hotel Co., Ltd.Receiving catering and accommodation3,528,662.254,325,048.30
Bozhou Gujing Huishenglou Catering Co., Ltd.Receiving catering and accommodation2,692,164.503,553,459.37
Anhui Gujing Hotel Development Co., Ltd.Receiving catering and accommodation515,749.97728,018.80
Anhui Gujing Hotel Development Co., Ltd.Purchases of materials193,308.410.00
Anhui Vista Business Travel (Group) Co., Ltd.Purchases of materials0.0045,663.72
Anhui Vista Business Travel (Group) Co., Ltd.Receiving catering and accommodation0.0010,358.79
Hefei Gujing Holiday Hotel Co., Ltd.Receiving catering and accommodation364,357.7022,627.37
Hefei Gujing Holiday Hotel Co., Ltd.Purchases of materials143,785.38233,711.85
Anhui Youxin Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd.Receiving services57,289.430.00
Anhui Jiuan Engineering Management Consulting Co., Ltd.Advisory and assurance7,313,584.493,098,429.54

Sales of goods and rendering of services:

Related partiesNature of the transaction(s)Reporting PeriodSame period of last year
Anhui Shenglong Commercial Co., Ltd.Sales of baijiu220,548.661,011,223.02
Anhui Gujing Hotel Development Co., Ltd.Provision of utilities76,598.1953,250.00
Anhui Gujing Group Co., Ltd.Provision of catering and accommodation152,324.0275,237.68
Anhui Gujing Group Co., Ltd.Sales of small materials70,556.3645,141.22

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Related partiesNature of the transaction(s)Reporting PeriodSame period of last year
Anhui Gujing Hotel Development Co., Ltd.Sales of baijiu492,217.6718,141.59
Anhui Vista Business Travel (Group) Co., Ltd.Provision of catering and accommodation2,569.403,083.75
Anhui Vista Business Travel (Group) Co., Ltd.Sales of baijiu13,539.830.00
Bozhou Hotel Co., Ltd.Sales of small materials75,134.1044,233.90
Bozhou Hotel Co., Ltd.Sales of baijiu179,690.270.00
Bozhou Hotel Co., Ltd.Provision of labor services707.550.00
Anhui Huixin Finance Investment Group Co., LtdSales of baijiu11,867.250.00
Anhui Huixin Finance Investment Group Co., LtdProvision of catering and accommodation2,243.400.00
Bozhou Gujing Huishenglou Catering Co., Ltd.Sales of small materials10,991.1613,238.94
Bozhou Gujing Huishenglou Catering Co., Ltd.Sales of baijiu38,150.440.00
Bozhou Anxin Micro Finance Co., Ltd.Sales of baijiu17,522.120.00
Anhui Zhongxin Finance Leasing Co. Ltd.Sales of baijiu3,185.840.00
Anhui Hengxin Pawn Co. Ltd.Sales of baijiu6,371.690.00
Anhui Jiuan Engineering Management Consulting Co., Ltd.Sales of baijiu28,672.5660,318.59
Shanghai Beihai Restaurant Co., Ltd.Sales of baijiu26,442.480.00
Anhui Haochidian Catering Co., Ltd.Sales of baijiu8,522.120.00
Anhui Haochidian Catering Co., Ltd.Provision of catering and accommodation72,376.000.00
Anhui Haochidian Catering Co., Ltd.Sales of small materials21,235.360.00
Anhui Shenglong Commercial Co., Ltd.Provision of catering and accommodation7,675.836,539.00
Anhui Lejiu Home Tourism Management Co., Ltd.Provision of utilities0.001,346.46
Anhui Ruixin Pawn Co. Ltd.Sales of baijiu3,185.840.00
Anhui Youxin Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd.Sales of baijiu3,185.840.00
Anhui Jiuan Engineering Management Consulting Co., Ltd.Provision of800.003,220.00

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Related partiesNature of the transaction(s)Reporting PeriodSame period of last year
catering and accommodation
Bozhou Anxin Micro Finance Co., Ltd.Sales of small materials0.009,911.50
Anhui Shenglong Commercial Co., Ltd.Sales of small materials203.541,796.46
Hefei Longxin Business Management Consulting Co., LtdSales of baijiu796.460.00
Anhui Jiuan Engineering Management Consulting Co., Ltd.Sales of small materials0.009,376.56
Hefei Gujing Holiday Hotel Co., Ltd.Sales of small materials8,853.9814,658.28
Hefei Gujing Holiday Hotel Co., Ltd.Provision of catering and accommodation0.001,276.02
Hefei Gujing Holiday Hotel Co., Ltd.Sales of baijiu128,123.900.00
Anhui Vista Business Travel (Group) Co., Ltd.Sales of small materials2,946.904,605.30
Dongfang Vista Business Investment Development Co., Ltd.Provision of catering and accommodation34,061.790.00
Anhui Gujing Hotel Development Co., Ltd.Provision of catering and accommodation94,339.620.00
Anhui Gujing Hotel Development Co., Ltd.Sales of small materials33,747.0717,544.24

(2) Related-party leases

The Company as lessor:

Name of lesseeCategory of leased assetsThe lease income confirmed in the Reporting PeriodThe lease income confirmed in the same period of last year
Anhui Gujing Hotel Development Co., Ltd.Houses and buildings546,897.62261,183.34

The Company as lessee:

Name of lessorCategory ofReporting Period

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leased assetsExpenses for short-term lease and lease of low value asset under simplified methodVariable lease payments not included in lease liabilitiesLease payment for current periodInterest expense of lease liabilitiesIncrease in right-of-use assets
Anhui Gujing Group Co., Ltd.Houses and buildings310,396.560.00325,916.390.000.00
Nanjing Suning Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.Houses and buildings0.000.001,157,625.00252,549.470.00
Dazhongyuan Jiugu Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd.Houses and buildings0.,179,563.79


Name of lessorCategory of leased assetsThe same period of last year
Expenses for short-term lease and lease of low value asset under simplified methodVariable lease payments not included in lease liabilitiesLease payment for current periodInterest expense of lease liabilitiesIncrease in right-of-use assets
Anhui Gujing Group Co., Ltd.Houses and buildings534,782.12470,848.160.000.00
Nanjing Suning Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.Houses and buildings0.001,102,500.00291,028.220.00

12.6 Receivables and Payables with Related Parties

ItemRelated partyEnding balanceBeginning balance
Contract liabilitiesBozhou Hotel Co., Ltd.143.3615,988.44
Contract liabilitiesBozhou Gujing Huishenglou Catering Co., Ltd.4,345.135,070.80
Contract liabilitiesAnhui Vista Business Travel (Group) Co., Ltd.3,380,660.06221.12
Contract liabilitiesAnhui Shenglong Commercial Co., Ltd.1,115.040.00
Contract liabilitiesAnhui Gujing Hotel Development Co., Ltd.36,021.240.00

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ItemRelated partyEnding balanceBeginning balance
Accounts payableAnhui Jiuan Engineering Management Consulting Co., Ltd.254,732.494,711,062.24
Accounts payableAnhui Gujing Hotel Development Co., Ltd.0.006,500.00
Accounts payableBozhou Hotel Co., Ltd.101,358.0029,768.32
Accounts payableAnhui Vista Business Travel (Group) Co., Ltd.246,132.000.00
Other payablesAnhui Vista Business Travel (Group) Co., Ltd.305,533.600.00
Other payablesAnhui Gujing Hotel Development Co., Ltd.100,000.0050,000.00
Other payablesDazhongyuan Jiugu Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd.6,999,238.820.00
Other payablesAnhui Jiuan Engineering Management Consulting Co., Ltd.29,877.0018,000.00


13.1 Significant Commitments

As at 30 June 2024, the Company has no significant commitments need to be disclosed.

13.2 Contingencies

As at 30 June 2024, the Company has no significant contingencies need to be disclosed.


As at 30 August 2024, the Company had no post-balance sheet events that required disclosure.


Segment InformationThe Company did not determine the operating segment in accordance with the internal organizational structure,management requirements, and internal reporting system, so there was no need to disclose segment informationreport based on the operating segments.


16.1 Accounts Receivable

(1) On 30 June 2024, the Company as the parent has no balance of accounts receivable.

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(2) On 1 January 2024, the Company as the parent has no balance of accounts receivable.

(3) There is no change in bad debt provision for the Company as the parent during the Reporting Period.

16.2 Other Receivables

(1) Listed by category

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Interest receivable0.000.00
Dividends receivable0.000.00
Other receivables452,421,557.21384,878,020.29

(2) Other receivables

①Disclosure by aging

AgingEnding balanceBeginning balance
Within one year451,850,947.68384,298,400.37
Of which:1-6 months450,070,156.43384,283,297.37
7-12 months1,780,791.2515,103.00
1-2 years25,649.0024,380.80
2-3 years1,303,136.001,303,136.00
Over 3 years29,741,318.3129,741,318.31
Less: Bad debt provision30,499,493.7830,489,215.19

②Disclosure by nature

NatureEnding balanceBeginning balance
Related parties within the scope of consolidation448,569,855.28374,969,732.31
Security investment28,635,660.2228,635,660.22
Security deposit and guarantee3,713,589.173,693,589.17
Rent, water, electricity and gas918,155.191,135,726.76
Less: Bad debt provision30,499,493.7830,489,215.19

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③Disclosure by withdrawal method of bad debt provision

A. As of 30 June 2024, bad debt provision withdrawn based on three stages model:

StageCarrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying value
Stage 1454,285,390.771,863,833.56452,421,557.21
Stage 2
Stage 328,635,660.2228,635,660.220.00

A1. As of 30 June 2024, bad debt provision at stage 1:

CategoryCarrying amount12-month expected credit losses rate (%)Bad debt provisionCarrying value
Bad debt provision withdrawn separately
Bad debt provision withdrawn by group-454,285,390.770.411,863,833.56452,421,557.21
Of which: Group 1448,569,855.280.000.00448,569,855.28
Group 25,715,535.4932.611,863,833.563,851,701.93

On 30 June 2024, other receivables with bad debt provision withdrawn by group 2

AgingEnding balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionWithdrawal proportion (%)
Within one year3,281,092.40104,042.573.17
Of which:1-6 months1,500,301.1515,003.011.00
7-12 months1,780,791.2589,039.565.00
1-2 years25,649.002,564.9010.00
2-3 years1,303,136.00651,568.0050.00
Over 3 years1,105,658.091,105,658.09100.00

A2. As of 30 June 2024, bad debt provision at stage 3:

CategoryCarrying amountExpected credit loss rate for the entire duration (%)Bad debt provisionCarrying value

~ 191 ~

CategoryCarrying amountExpected credit loss rate for the entire duration (%)Bad debt provisionCarrying value
Bad debt provision withdrawn separately28,635,660.22100.0028,635,660.220.00
Bad debt provision withdrawn by group
Of which: Group 1
Group 2

On 30 June 2024, other receivables with bad debt provision withdrawn separately:

NameEnding balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionWithdrawal proportion (%)Withdrawal reason
Hengxin Securities Co., Ltd.28,635,660.2228,635,660.22100.00The enterprise has gone bankrupt and liquidated

B. As of 1 January 2024, bad debt provision withdrawn based on three stages model:

StageCarrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying value
Stage 1386,731,575.261,853,554.97384,878,020.29
Stage 2
Stage 328,635,660.2228,635,660.220.00

B1. On 1 January 2024, bad debt provision at stage 1:

CategoryCarrying amount12-month expected credit losses rate (%)Bad debt provisionCarrying value
Bad debt provision withdrawn separately
Bad debt provision withdrawn by group386,731,575.260.481,853,554.97384,878,020.29
Of which: Group 1374,969,732.310.000.00374,969,732.31
Group 211,761,842.9515.761,853,554.979,908,287.98

~ 192 ~

CategoryCarrying amount12-month expected credit losses rate (%)Bad debt provisionCarrying value

On 1 January 2024, other receivables with bad debt provision withdrawn by group 2

AgingBeginning balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionWithdrawal proportion (%)
Within one year9,328,668.0693,890.801.01
Of which: 1-6 months9,313,565.0693,135.651.00
7-12 months15,103.00755.155.00
1-2 years24,380.802,438.0810.00
2-3 years1,303,136.00651,568.0050.00
Over 3 years1,105,658.091,105,658.09100.00

B2. As of 1 January 2024, bad debt provision at stage 3:

CategoryCarrying amountExpected credit loss rate for the entire duration (%)Bad debt provisionCarrying value
Bad debt provision withdrawn separately28,635,660.22100.0028,635,660.220.00
Bad debt provision withdrawn by group
Of which: Group 1
Group 2

On 1 January 2024, other receivables with bad debt provision withdrawn separately:

NameBeginning balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionWithdrawal proportion (%)Withdrawal reason
Hengxin Securities Co., Ltd.28,635,660.2228,635,660.22100.00The enterprise has gone bankrupt and liquidated

④Changes of bad debt provision during the Reporting Period

~ 193 ~

CategoryBeginning balanceChanges in the Reporting PeriodEnding balance
WithdrawalReversal or recoveryElimination or Write-off
Bad debt provision withdrawn separately28,635,660.220.0028,635,660.22
Bad debt provision withdrawn by group1,853,554.9710,278.591,863,833.56

⑤ On 30 June 2024, top five ending balance by entity

No.NatureEnding balanceAgingProportion of the balance to the total other receivables (%)Bad debt provision
No. 1Current accounts within the scope of consolidation230,000,000.00Within 6 months47.63
No. 2Current accounts within the scope of consolidation98,000,000.00Within 6 months20.29
No. 3Current accounts within the scope of consolidation78,207,352.12Within 6 months16.19
No. 4Current accounts within the scope of consolidation41,179,561.36Within 6 months8.53
No. 5Securities Investment28,635,660.22Over 3 years5.9328,635,660.22

16.3 Long-term Equity Investments

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Carrying amountDepreciation reserveCarrying valueCarrying amountDepreciation reserveCarrying value
Investment in subsidiaries1,619,079,903.431,619,079,903.431,598,079,903.431,598,079,903.43
Investment in associated enterprises4,923,640.044,923,640.044,855,540.614,855,540.61

(1) Investments in subsidiaries

~ 194 ~

InvesteesBeginning balanceIncrease during the Reporting PeriodDecrease during the Reporting PeriodEnding balanceImpairment provision during the Reporting PeriodProvision for impairment at 30 June 2024
Bozhou Gujing Sales Co., Ltd.68,949,286.8968,949,286.89
Anhui Longrui Glass Co., Ltd.85,267,453.0685,267,453.06
Shanghai Gujing Jinhao Hotel Management Co., Ltd.49,906,854.6349,906,854.63
Bozhou Gujing Hotel Co., Ltd.648,646.80648,646.80
Anhui Ruisiweier Technology Co., Ltd.40,000,000.0040,000,000.00
Anhui Yuanqing Environmental Protection Co., Ltd.16,000,000.0016,000,000.00
Anhui Gujing Yunshang E-commerce Co., Ltd.5,000,000.005,000,000.00
Yellow Crane Tower Distillery Co., Ltd.816,000,000.00816,000,000.00
Anhui Jinyunlai Cultural Media Co., Ltd.15,000,000.0015,000,000.00
Anhui RunanXinke Testing Technology Co., Ltd.10,000,000.0010,000,000.00
Anhui Jiuan Mechanical Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd.10,000,000.0010,000,000.00
Anhui Mingguang Distillery Co., Ltd.200,200,000.00200,200,000.00
Renhuai Maotai Town Zhencang Winery Industry224,723,400.00224,723,400.00

~ 195 ~

InvesteesBeginning balanceIncrease during the Reporting PeriodDecrease during the Reporting PeriodEnding balanceImpairment provision during the Reporting PeriodProvision for impairment at 30 June 2024
Co., Ltd.
Anhui Jiuhao China Railway Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.5,720,000.005,720,000.00
Anhui Gujing Health Technology Co., Ltd.34,664,262.0534,664,262.05
Anhui Gujinggong Liquor Original Vintage Theme Hotel Management Co., Ltd.10,000,000.0010,000,000.00
Anhui Guqi Distillery Co., Ltd.6,000,000.0021,000,000.0027,000,000.00

(2) Investment in associated enterprises

InvesteeBeginning balanceIncrease/decrease
Additional investmentReduced investmentInvestment income recognized under the equity methodAdjustment of other comprehensive incomeChanges of other equity
I. Joint ventures
Anhui Xunfei Jiuzhi Technology Co., Ltd.4,855,540.6168,099.43


InvesteeIncrease/decreaseEnding balanceEnding balance of depreciation reserve
Cash bonus or profits announced to issueWithdrawal of impairment provisionOther
I. Joint ventures
Anhui Xunfei Jiuzhi Technology Co., Ltd.4,923,640.04

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16.4 Operating Revenue and Cost of Sales

ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last year
Operating revenueCost of salesOperating revenueCost of sales
Main operations7,313,486,177.502,404,603,519.545,622,237,508.481,993,854,656.60
Other operations70,531,313.9140,994,559.0666,739,498.5039,198,474.43

Information on performance obligations: None.

16.5 Investment Income

ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last year
Investment income from long-term equity investments under cost method0.009,945,959.41
Investment income from long-term equity investments under equity method68,099.4343,101.60
Gains on disposal of financial assets at fair value through profit or loss1,330,123.81-1,293,063.11
Gains on disposal of financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income-27,719,016.19-27,107,452.17
Other investment income12,646.559,669.81


17.1 Items and Amounts of Non-recurring Profit or Loss

Gain or loss on disposal of non-current assets-1,989,838.49
Government grants recognised in profit or loss (exclusive of those that are closely related to the Company's normal business operations and given in accordance with defined criteria and in compliance with government policies, and have a continuing impact on the Company's profit or loss)23,621,646.20
Gain or loss on fair-value changes in financial assets and liabilities held by a non-financial enterprise, as well as on disposal of financial assets and liabilities (exclusive of the effective portion of hedges that is related to the Company's normal business operations)1,401,435.40

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Depreciation reserves returns of receivables with separate depreciation test0.00
Non-operating income and expense other than the above27,610,952.13
Less: Income tax effects12,342,219.62
Non-controlling interests effects (net of tax)6,051,287.14

Others that meets the definition of non-recurring gain/loss:

□Applicable ? Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.Explain the reasons if the Company classifies any extraordinary gain/loss item mentioned in the ExplanatoryAnnouncement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to thePublic—Non-recurring Gains and Losses as a recurrent gain/loss item

□Applicable ? Not applicable

17.2 Return on Net Assets and Earnings Per Share

Profit as of Reporting PeriodWeighted average ROE (%)EPS (Yuan/share)
Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company15.756.766.76
Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company after deduction of non-recurring profit and loss15.616.706.70

17.3 Differences between Accounting Data under Domestic and Overseas Accounting Standards

(1) Differences of Net Profit and Net Assets Disclosed in Financial Reports Prepared under International andChinese Accounting Standards

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

(2) Differences of Net profit and Net assets Disclosed in Financial Reports Prepared under Overseas and ChineseAccounting Standards

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

(3) Explain Reasons for the Differences between Accounting Data under Domestic and Overseas AccountingStandards; for any Adjustment Made to the Difference Existing in the Data Audited by the Foreign AuditingAgent, Such Foreign Auditing Agent’s Name Shall Be Clearly StatedNone
