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大众公用:苏创燃气2015年年报 下载公告
(Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability)
                                            ( 於開曼群島註冊成立的有限公司 )
                                                  Stock Code 股份代號 : 1430
AnnuAl RepoRt 2015
Corporate Information                2    Independent Auditors’ Report
Financial Highlights                 4    Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss   62
                                          and Other Comprehensive Income
Chairman’s Statement
                                          Consolidated Statement of Financial        63
Profile of Directors and
Senior Management
                                          Consolidated Statement of Changes
                                          in Equity
Management Discussion and Analysis   23
                                          Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows       66
Corporate Governance Report
                                          Notes to Financial Statements
Report of the Directors
                                          Financial Summary
    Corporate Information
    BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                               董事會
    Executive Directors
    Mr. Su Aping (Chairman)                                          蘇阿平先生(主席)
    Ms. Zhu Yaying                                                   朱亞英女士
    Mr. Du Shaozhou                                                  杜紹周先生
    Non-executive Director
    Mr. Xu Lei                                                       許雷先生
    Independent Non-executive Directors
    Mr. Zhou Qingzu                                                  周慶祖先生
    Mr. He Junjie                                                    何俊傑先生
    Mr. Luk Wai Keung                                                陸偉強先生
    COMPANY SECRETARY                                                公司秘書
    Mr. Ng Chi Kit                                                   吳智傑先生
    AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVES                                       授權代表
    Mr. Du Shaozhou                                                  杜紹周先生
    Mr. Ng Chi Kit                                                   吳智傑先生
    AUDIT COMMITTEE                                                  審核委員會
    Mr.   Zhou Qingzu (Chairman)                                     周慶祖先生(主席)
    Mr.   He Junjie                                                  何俊傑先生
    Mr.   Luk Wai Keung                                              陸偉強先生
    Mr.   Xu Lei                                                     許雷先生
    REMUNERATION COMMITTEE                                           薪酬委員會
    Mr. He Junjie (Chairman)                                         何俊傑先生(主席)
    Mr. Zhou Qingzu                                                  周慶祖先生
    Ms. Zhu Yaying                                                   朱亞英女士
    NOMINATION COMMITTEE                                             提名委員會
    Mr. Su Aping (Chairman)                                          蘇阿平先生(主席)
    Mr. Zhou Qingzu                                                  周慶祖先生
    Mr. He Junjie                                                    何俊傑先生
    AUDITORS                                                         核數師
    Ernst & Young Certified Public Accountants                       安永會計師事務所執業會計師
    22nd Floor, Citic Tower, 1 Tim Mei Avenue, Central, Hong Kong    香港中環添美道1號中信大廈22樓
    REGISTERED OFFICE                                                註冊辦事處
    Clifton House, 75 Fort Street, PO Box 1350                       Clifton House, 75 Fort Street, PO Box 1350
    Grand Cayman KY1-1108, Cayman Islands                            Grand Cayman KY1-1108, Cayman Islands
    HEADQUARTERS AND PRINCIPAL PLACE OF                              總辦事處及中國主要營業地點
    116 Loujiang South Road, Taicang City, Suzhou                   中 國 江 蘇 省 蘇 州 市 太 倉 市 婁 江 南 路116號
    Jiangsu Province, PRC, 215400                                   (郵編:215400)
2   Suchuang Gas Corporation Limited. | Annual Report 2015
                                                                          Corporate Information
PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS IN HONG                  香港主要營業地點
13th Floor, One Pacific Place                        香港金鐘道88號
88 Queensway                                         太古廣場一座13樓
Hong Kong
PRINCIPAL BANKERS                                    主要往來銀行
China Construction Bank Corporation Taicang Branch   中國建設銀行股份有限公司太倉支行
44 Xianfu Street                                     中國太倉市城廂鎮
Cheng Xiang Town, Taicang City, PRC                  縣府街44號
Bank of China Limited Taicang Branch                 中國銀行有限公司太倉支行
68 Xinhua Road East                                  中國太倉市城廂鎮
Cheng Xiang Town, Taicang City, PRC                  新華東路68號
LEGAL ADVISORS                                       法律顧問
As to Hong Kong law:                                 香港法律:
Simmons & Simmons                                    西盟斯律師行
13th Floor, One Pacific Place                        香港金鐘道88號
88 Queensway                                         太古廣場一座13樓
Hong Kong
As to Cayman Islands law:                            開曼群島法律:
Appleby                                              Appleby
2206-19 Jardine House                                香港中環
1 Connaught Place, Central                           康樂廣場一期
Hong Kong                                            怡和大廈2206-19室
COMPLIANCE ADVISOR                                   合規顧問
OSK Capital Hong Kong Limited                        興業融資有限公司
12/F, World-Wide House                               香港德輔道中19號
19 Des Voeux Road Central                            環球大廈12樓
Hong Kong
Appleby Trust (Cayman) Ltd.                          Appleby Trust (Cayman) Ltd.
Clifton House                                        Clifton House
75 Fort Street, PO Box 1350                          75 Fort Street, PO Box 1350
Grand Cayman, KY1-1108                               Grand Cayman, KY1-1108
Cayman Islands                                       Cayman Islands
HONG KONG SHARE REGISTRAR                            香港股份過戶登記處
Tricor Investor Services Limited                     卓佳證券登記有限公司
Level 22, Hopewell Centre                            香港
183 Queen’s Road East                               皇后大道東183號
Hong Kong                                            合和中心22樓
STOCK CODE                                           股份代號
Stock code: 1430                                     股份代號:1430
WEBSITE                                              網站
www.suchuanggas.com                                  www.suchuanggas.com
                                                                2015 年年報 | 蘇創燃氣股份有限公司   3
    Financial Highlights
         Revenue was approximately RMB795.6 million,                  收入約為人民幣795.6百萬元,較去年
         representing an increase of approximately 1.3% from          增加約1.3%。
         last year.
         Gross profit was approximately RMB200.4 million,             毛利約為人民幣200.4百萬元,較去年
         representing an increase of approximately 5.5% from          增加約5.5%。
         last year.
         Profit attributable to owners of the parent was              母公司擁有人應佔溢利約為人民幣
         approximately RMB138.6 million, representing an              138.6百萬元,較去年增加約19.1%。
         increase of approximately 19.1% from last year.
         Basic earnings per share amounted to RMB0.18,                每股基本盈利為人民幣0.18元,較去年
         representing a decrease of approximately 14.3% from          減少約14.3%。
         last year.
         The Board proposed to declare a final dividend of            董 事 會 建 議 就 截 至2015年12月31日 止
         RMB0.034 per share for the year ended 31 December            年 度 宣 派 末 期 股 息 每 股 人 民 幣0.034
         2015, which will be subject to shareholders’ approval       元,惟須待股東於股東週年大會上批准
         at the annual general meeting. This represented a total      後方可作實,表示本公司就截至2015年
         distribution of RMB28.1 million for the year ended 31        12月31日 止 年 度 的 分 派 總 額 為 人 民 幣
         December 2015.                                               28.1百萬元。
4   Suchuang Gas Corporation Limited. | Annual Report 2015
                                                            Chairman’s Statement
Dear Shareholders,                                               尊敬的各位股東:
On behalf of the board of directors (the ”Board”) of           本人謹代表蘇創燃氣股份有限公司(「蘇創燃
Suchuang Gas Corporation Limited (”Suchuang Gas” or            氣」或「本公司」,與其附屬公司合稱「本集
the ”Company”, together with its subsidiaries collectively     團」)董事會(「董事會」)欣然向各位股東提
refer to as the ”Group”), I am pleased to present to you       呈 蘇 創 燃 氣 截 至2015年12月31日 止 年 度 的
the annual results for the year ended 31 December 2015           全年業績。本集團於年內實現了收入和利潤
of Suchuang Gas. During the year, the Group achieved the         的穩健增長,毛利率進一步提升至25.2%,
steady growth of revenue and profit, the gross profit margin     母 公 司 擁 有 人 應 佔 溢 利 從2014年 約 人 民 幣
further increased to 25.2%, and the profit attributable to the   116.4百 萬 元 增 長19.1%至2015年 約 人 民 幣
owners of the Parent increased by 19.1% from approximately       138.6百萬元。此外,本集團於年內錄得經
RMB116.4 million in 2014 to approximately RMB138.6               營現金流入人民幣162.7百萬元,資產負債
million in 2015. Moreover, the operating cash inflow as          比率(借款總額 ╱ 資產總值)約為4.4%。
recorded by the Group during the year was RMB162.7
million and the gearing ratio (total borrowing/total assets)
was approximately 4.4%.
Market Review and Business Review                                市場回顧及業務回顧
In 2015, the domestic demand for natural gas, its production     2015年,國內外環境錯綜複雜,經濟下行壓
volume and imported volume experienced a slower growth,          力加大,國際油價不斷探底,天然氣市場整
due to the complicated domestic and overseas environment,        體供大於求,導致國內天然氣需求、產量、
rising pressures from economic downward, sustained               進口量增速均有所放緩。然而,中國政府於
decline of international oil price and general oversupply in     年 內 貫 徹 深 化 環 保 能 源 結 構 改 革, 繼 續 執
natural gas market. However, during the year, the Chinese        行利好天然氣的行業政策,並通過兩度調整
Government has consistently deepened the structure reform        非居民用天然氣門站價格,以及推進天然氣
of green energy, continued to implement favorable policy         價格市場化改革刺激天然氣市場消費,為中
for natural gas industry, and adjusted the gateway station       國天然氣市場的穩健發展帶來一定的動力。
price for natural gas for non-residential usage for two times,   2015年天然氣發電量同比大幅增長24%,同
meanwhile promoted the market reform of natural gas price        時「油改氣」被進一步推廣運用於汽車、船
to stimulate market demand for natural gas, which drove          舶等交通工具。
the healthy development of natural gas market in China to a
certain extent. In 2015, the gas-fired generation represented
a significant increase of 24% year-on-year, while ”Oil to
Gas” was further expanded into application of transportation
vehicles such as automobiles and ships.
                                                                               2015 年年報 | 蘇創燃氣股份有限公司       5
    Chairman’s Statement
    During the year, China has continuously implemented               年內,中國持續推進天然氣價格體制改革及
    the natural gas price structure reform and marketing              市場化進程,實現了非居民天然氣增量氣與
    progress, and has achieved synchronization of the price           存量氣價格並軌。繼去年7月上海石油天然
    of incremental natural gas and stock natural gas for non-         氣交易中心開始試運行,國家發展和改革委
    residential usage. Following the trial operation of Shanghai      員會(「國家發改委」)進一步完善天然氣價
    Petroleum and Natural Gas Trading Center last July, the           格 形 成 機 制, 自2015年11月20日 起 將 之 前
    National Development and Reform Committee (the ”NDRC”)          的由最高門站價格管理改為基準門站價格管
    has further improved the natural gas pricing mechanism and        理,以便更合理、更靈敏地反映市場價格或
    has changed the previous maximum gateway station price            供求關係。隨着天然氣市場化改革進程的加
    management to standard gateway station price management           快,天然氣價格透明度提高以及能源結構的
    ever since 20 November 2015, so as to reflect the market          優化,中國天然氣消費增速有望回升,為居
    price or supply-demand relationship more reasonably               於區域市場領先地位的天然氣運營商的持續
    and flexibly. Along with the acceleration of the natural          發展提供長遠支持。
    gas marketing reform progress, the improvement of the
    natural gas price transparency and the optimization of the
    energy structure, China’s natural gas consumption growth is
    expected to rebound, which will provide long-term support
    for the sustainable development of natural gas operators that
    take leading position in regional markets.
    In 2015, the GDP of Jiangsu Province attained a                   2015年,江蘇省生產總值首次突破人民幣7
    breakthrough of RMB7 trillion for the first time, ranking the     萬億元,穩居全國第二位,天然氣消費總量
    second in China. Its total natural gas consumption ranked         居於全國首位,並已經建成完備的天然氣供
    the first in China, and it has also established a complete        應保障體系。蘇創燃氣作為江蘇省太倉市的
    natural gas supply guarantee system. As the dominant              主要管道天然氣供應運營商,受惠於區域經
    piped natural gas supplier and operator in Taicang City,          濟發展及江蘇省持續加強大氣污染防治,努
    Jiangsu Province, Suchuang Gas has benefited a lot from           力實現「氣化江蘇」的目標的推動,本集團
    regional economic development and the strengthened air            的業務因此於年內取得了穩健發展,管道天
    pollution control in Jiangsu Province, and has tried our best     然氣銷售量於2015年維持平穩。此外,本集
    to realize the goal of ”Gasification Jiangsu”. Therefore, our   團已完成與中石化川氣相接的城市門站的建
    business has maintained a robust development, while our           設, 並 於2015年11月 投 產 運 營, 為 天 然 氣
    piped natural gas has kept a stable sales volume in 2015.         業務的營運發展以及未來的擴張計劃做好充
    Furthermore, the Group has finished constructing the city         足的準備。
    gateway station which is connected with the Sichuan-East
    Transmission Pipeline of Sinopec and has put into operation
    in November 2015, which has made sufficient preparations
    for the operation and development of the natural gas
    business and the future business expansion plan of the
6   Suchuang Gas Corporation Limited. | Annual Report 2015
                                                                                          Chairman’s Statement
Prospects                                                         未來展望
Being a leading energy consumption country, China is              中國作為能源消費大國,正努力建設清潔低
endeavoring to establish the modern clean, safe and               碳安全高效的現代能源體系,天然氣發展成
efficient lower-carbon energy system, of which natural gas        為實現能源發展戰略轉型的重要一步。展望
development represents an important step for achieving            未來,中國政府將逐步提高天然氣消費比重
strategic transformation for energy development. Looking          作為「十三五」期間能源發展總的目標要求
into the future, the Chinese Government will gradually            之 一, 到2020年, 全 國 內 河 運 輸 船 舶 能 源
increase the proportion of natural gas consumption as one         消耗總量中液化天然氣佔比達到10%以上。
of the overall targets for energy development during the          尤其是,江蘇省更計劃在「十三五」期間將
13th Five-Year Plan period. By 2020, the liquefied natural        天然氣用量提升到全國的十分之一,在地方
gas over 10% of the total energy consumption by inland            一 次 能 源 消 費 結 構 中 的 佔 比 提 高 至10%。
river transport ships in China. In particular, Jiangsu Province   年內,太倉市也將推進城市能源配套設施建
intends to increase the natural gas usage to one-tenth of         設,完善天然氣管網,同時積極推進生活方
the national consumption during the 13th Five-Year Plan           式的綠色化轉型,包括推進「油改氣」、「油
period, and increase the natural gas proportion to 10% in         改電」工程,推廣電動、天然氣及混合動力
local primary energy structure. During the year, Taicang          汽車。
City will also promote the construction of urban energy
facilities, improve the natural gas pipelines, and actively
advance the eco-friendly lifestyle transformation, including
implementing the ”Oil to Gas” and ”Oil To Electricity”
Projects and popularizing electric natural gas and hybrid
electric vehicles.
Benefited from the high-efficiency utilization of natural         本集團相信,受惠於各級政府積極推進天然
gas, the continued reform of China’s energy structure, the       氣高效利用,中國能源結構的持續改革及天
market-oriented progressing of natural gas price promoted         然氣價格市場化的不斷推進,中國天然氣行
actively by the governments at various levels, the Group          業擁有長期穩定發展的良好前景。對於蘇創
believes that China’s natural gas industry will have a long-     燃氣而言,本集團還將持續受惠於「一帶一
term stable development prospect. As for Suchuang Gas,            路」和「長江經濟帶」戰略加快實施,長三角
the Group will continue benefiting from the accelerated           區域發展一體化的不斷深化以及新型城鎮化
implementation of ”One Belt, One Road” and ”Yangtze            建設的加速推進。
River Economic Zone” strategies, the profound integrated
development of the Yangtze River Delta region, and the
fast-growing advancement of the new type urbanization
                                                                               2015 年年報 | 蘇創燃氣股份有限公司     7
    Chairman’s Statement
    Meanwhile, located at the intersection of the Yangtze River      同時,太倉港地處長江經濟帶與沿海經濟帶
    Economic Zone and the Coastal Economic Belt, Taicang Port        的交匯處,具有通江達海的區域地理優勢。
    enjoys considerable geographic advantages connecting both        太倉港的快速發展所帶來的物流需求的增長
    rivers and seas. The rapid development of Taicang Port will      亦推動本集團於港區加氣站的布局,把握加
    contribute to the increasing logistics demands, which will       氣站業務發展機遇。年內,太倉港主動對接
    further promote the Group’s layout of gas refueling stations    「一 帶 一 路」、「長 江 經 濟 帶」戰 略, 貨 運 吞
    in port areas and enable the Group to grasp the business         吐量與集裝箱吞吐量繼續保持快速增長,全
    development opportunities of gas refueling stations. Within      年貨物吞吐量突破2億噸,集裝箱吞吐量371
    the year, Taicang Port has initiatively adopted the strategies   萬噸,其快速增長的大宗貨運及物流運輸需
    of ”One Belt, One Road” and ”Yangtze River Economic           求,為本集團具有潛力的天然氣加氣站業務
    Zone”, maintained the continued rapid growth in both cargo      的發展奠定基礎。2016年,本集團計劃通過
    throughput and container throughput, and achieved the            收購和自建合共7個加氣站,分別位於四川
    annual cargo throughput of over 200 million tons and the         省、太倉市及蘇州市。
    annual container throughput of 3.71 million tons. The fast-
    growing bulk shipment and logistics transportation demands
    have laid a solid foundation for the development of our
    promising natural gas refueling station business. In 2016, the
    Group plans to establish 7 gas refueling stations by means
    of acquisition and self-construction, located in Sichuan
    Province, Taicang City and Suzhou City.
    Based on our sustainable regional leading position as well        憑借不斷鞏固的區域領先地位,高效的業務
    as the high-efficiency business operation and management          運 營 管 理 能 力, 本 集 團 將 繼 續 專 注 於 管 道
    capability, the Group will continue to focus on the fields        天然氣運營及天然氣加氣站領域,探索拓展
    of piped natural gas operation and natural gas refueling          客戶結構至天然氣發電廠及天然氣分布式能
    stations, explore and expand the customer structure to            源運營公司,拓展天然氣加氣站服務對象包
    natural gas power plant and natural gas distributed energy        括汽車、船舶等天然氣動力交通工具,從而
    operation companies, expand the service targets of natural        在目前穩定的天然氣用量基礎上提升用氣規
    gas refueling stations towards vehicles, ships and other          模。
    means of transport powered by natural gas, thus increase the
    gas consumption level on the basis of the currently stable
    natural gas consumption.
8   Suchuang Gas Corporation Limited. | Annual Report 2015
