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小天鹅B:2016年年度报告(英文版) 下载公告
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                  Annual Report 2016
                             ANNUAL REPORT 2016
                                   March 2017
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                 Annual Report 2016
             Section I Important Statements, Contents and Definitions
The board of directors (the ―Board‖), the supervisory board (the ―Supervisory Board‖) as well as
the directors, supervisors and executive officers of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited (the
―Company‖) hereby guarantee the factuality, accuracy and completeness of the contents of this
Report, and shall be jointly and severally liable for any false representation, misleading statements
or material omissions in this Report.
Mr. Fang Hongbo, chairman of the Board, Mr. Sun Yunan, CFO, and Mr. Xu Yunwei, chief of the
accounting organ (chief of accounting), hereby confirm that the Financial Report carried in this
Report is factual, accurate and complete.
All directors attended the board meeting for the review of this Report.
The Board has considered and approved the following proposal for profit distribution: Based on the
total shares of 632,487,764, a cash dividend of RMB7.50 (tax inclusive) per 10 shares will be
distributed to all shareholders of the Company. No bonus shares will be granted, nor will any capital
reserve be converted into share capital.
Any plans for the future and other forward-looking statements mentioned in this Report shall NOT
be considered as virtual promises of the Company to investors. Therefore, investors are kindly
reminded to pay attention to possible investment risks.
This Report has been prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there be any discrepancies or
misunderstandings between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                                                  Annual Report 2016
                                                   Table of Contents
Section I Important Statements, Contents and Definitions ............................................................ 2
Section II Corporate Profile and Financial Results ........................................................................ 5
Section III Business Profile ............................................................................................................... 9
Section IV Performance Analysis ................................................................................................... 13
Section V Significant Events ........................................................................................................... 29
Section VI Share Changes and Shareholders’ Profile ................................................................... 46
Section VII Preference Shares......................................................................................................... 53
Section VIII Directors, Supervisors, Executive Officers and Staff .............................................. 54
Section IX Corporate Governance ................................................................................................. 60
Section X Corporate Bonds ............................................................................................................. 66
Section XI Financial Report ............................................................................................................ 67
Section XII Documents Available for Reference ......................................................................... 160
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                      Annual Report 2016
                      Term                                               Definition
Company, the Company or Little Swan   Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited
Midea Group                           Midea Group Co., Ltd.
TITONI                                TITONI Investments Development Ltd.
Midea Group Finance                   Midea Group Finance Co., Ltd.
GD Midea Holding                      GD Midea Holding Co., Ltd.
Hefei Midea Washing Machine           Hefei Midea Washing Machine Co., Ltd.
Wuxi Little Swan General Appliance    Wuxi Little Swan General Appliance Co., Ltd.
Wuxi FILIN Electronics                Wuxi FILIN Electronics Co., Ltd.
Guangzhou Hualing Air Conditioner     Guangzhou Hualing Air Conditioner Equipment Co., Ltd.
Attend Logistics                      Guangzhou Attend Logistics Co., Ltd.
CSRC                                  China Securities Regulatory Commission
Reporting Period                      January 1, 2016-December 31, 2016
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                                         Annual Report 2016
                     Section II Corporate Profile and Financial Results
I Corporate information
Stock name                      Little Swan A, Little Swan B         Stock code                     000418, 200418
Stock exchange                  Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Company name in Chinese         无锡小天鹅股份有限公司
Abbr.                           小天鹅
Company name in English (if any) Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited
Legal representative            Fang Hongbo
                                No. 18, Changjiang Road S., National Hi-tech Development Zone, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province,
Registered address
Zip code
                                No. 18, Changjiang Road S., National Hi-tech Development Zone, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province,
Office address
Zip code
Company website                 http://www.littleswan.com
Email                           ir@littleswan.com.cn
II Contact information
                                                  Board Secretary                             Securities Representative
Name                            Ms. Zhou Sixiu                                    Mr. Zhao Yulin
                                No. 18, Changjiang Road S., National Hi-tech      No. 18, Changjiang Road S., National Hi-tech
Address                         Development Zone, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province,         Development Zone, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province,
                                P.R.China                                         P.R.China
Tel.                            0510-81082320                                     0510-81082377
Fax                             0510-83720879                                     0510-83720879
E-mail                          ir@littleswan.com.cn                              ir@littleswan.com.cn
III Information disclosure and place where this Report is kept
Newspapers designated by the Company for
                                                  Securities Times, Ta Kung Pao (HK)
information disclosure
Website designated by the China Securities
Regulatory    Commission   (CSRC)    for    the
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                                           Annual Report 2016
publication of this Report
Place where this Report is kept                    Securities Department of the Company
IV Company registration and alteration
Credibility code                          91320200704046760T
Change in main business activities of
                                          No change
the Company after going public (if any)
                                          The Company was incorporated in November 1993 by raising funds from targeted
                                          sources, with Jiangsu Little Swan Group Co., Ltd. as the controlling shareholder. In June
                                          2007, Wuxi Guolian Development (Group) Co., Ltd. became the controlling shareholder
                                          as Jiangsu Little Swan Group Co., Ltd. transferred the 87,673,341 Little Swan A-shares to
Change of the controlling shareholder
                                          it according to law. In April 2008, GD Midea Holding Co., Ltd. became the controlling
(if any)
                                          shareholder as it took over, upon agreement, all the Company‘s shares held by Wuxi
                                          Guolian Development (Group) Co., Ltd. In September 2013, Midea Group Co., Ltd.
                                          became the controlling shareholder as it merged in GD Midea Holding Co., Ltd. in a stock
V Other information
The CPAs firm hired by the Company
Name                                      PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLP
Office address                            11/F, PricewaterhouseCoopers Center, 202 Hubin Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai
Accountants writing signatures            Huang Meimei, Cai Xiujuan
Sponsor engaged by the Company to continuously perform its supervisory function during this Reporting Period
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
           Name               Office address          Sponsor representative                    Supervisory period
                                                                               From August 4, 2006 to the date when all
                       25/F, CTS Tower, No. 4011
Huatai United                                                                  non-tradable share holders pay off the considerations
                       Shennan Road, Shenzhen,            Bian Jianguang
Securities Co., Ltd.                                                           that have been paid in advance for them and the
                                                                               non-tradable shares are unlocked.
Financial advisor engaged by the Company to continuously perform its supervisory function during this Reporting
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
VI Accounting and financial results
Indicate by tick mark whether the Company performed any retroactive adjustments to or restatement of its
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                                               Annual Report 2016
accounting data due to changes of accounting policies or correction of accounting errors
□ Yes √ No
                                                       2016                    2015                  +/-%
Operating revenues (RMB)                          16,334,914,501.69      13,131,626,932.44                  24.39% 10,804,217,288.60
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the
                                                   1,175,054,922.85         919,181,968.58                  27.84%      698,195,731.48
Company (RMB)
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the
Company before exceptional profit and loss         1,162,942,494.37         903,388,867.00                  28.73%      695,186,106.92
Net cash flows from operating activities
                                                   3,896,072,787.38       3,598,695,468.80                   8.26%     1,657,114,317.33
Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)                            1.86                    1.45                28.28%                1.10
Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share)                          1.86                    1.45                28.28%                1.10
Weighted average return on equity (%)                         21.14%                  19.32%                 1.82%             16.73%
                                                 December 31, 2016 December 31, 2015                 +/-%            December 31, 2014
Total assets (RMB)                                18,885,986,837.64      14,327,655,366.60                  31.81% 11,376,793,928.71
Net assets attributable to shareholders of the
                                                   5,983,847,862.72       5,124,866,173.14                  16.76%     4,427,982,112.33
Company (RMB)
VII Differences in accounting data under domestic and foreign accounting standards
1. Differences in the net profit and the net assets disclosed in the financial reports prepared under Chinese
and international accounting standards
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such differences for this Reporting Period.
2. Differences in the net profit and the net assets disclosed in the financial reports prepared under Chinese
and foreign accounting standards
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such differences for this Reporting Period.
VIII Financial results by quarter
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                 1Q                       2Q                      3Q                      4Q
Operating revenues                         4,239,779,074.70            3,745,008,120.22        4,070,848,719.32       4,279,278,587.45
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                                   Annual Report 2016
Net      profit     attributable    to
                                            317,052,211.46     263,774,351.12         332,295,999.87       261,932,360.40
shareholders of the Company
Net     profit   attributable      to
shareholders of the Company                 311,794,446.12     255,649,556.94         326,278,938.30       269,219,553.01
before exceptional profit and loss
Net cash flows from operating
                                           573,548,265.90    1,033,549,126.98         320,196,692.35      1,968,778,702.15
Indicate by tick mark whether there are any material differences between the financial indicators above or their
summations and those which have been disclosed in quarterly or semi-annual reports
□ Yes √ No
IX Exceptional profit/loss
                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                             Item                             2016                2015             2014            Note
Profit/loss on disposal of non-current assets (including
                                                             -1,833,734.45        -280,195.57    -3,482,781.03
offset asset impairment provisions)
Government grants charged to the profit/loss for this
Reporting Period (except for the government grants
closely related to the business of the Company and given     13,872,569.26      31,893,010.09    19,316,074.38
at a fixed quota or amount in accordance with the State‘s
uniform standards)
Profit/loss on debt restructuring                                                                 7,708,285.28
Effect on Reporting Period profit/loss when a one-off
adjustment is made to Reporting Period profit/loss
                                                                                 2,679,264.25     7,701,506.00
according to requirements of taxation, accounting and
other relevant laws and regulations
Other non-operating income and losses other than items
                                                              4,288,097.78      -8,815,676.21     7,821,536.57
Less: Corporate income tax                                    2,455,096.12       3,899,799.51    11,994,501.34
    Minority interests (after tax)                        1,759,407.99       5,783,501.47    24,060,495.30
Total                                                        12,112,428.48      15,793,101.58     3,009,624.56      --
Explanation of why the Company classified an item as exceptional profit/loss according to the definition in the
Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the
Public—Exceptional Profit and Loss, or reclassified any exceptional profit/loss item given as an example in the
said explanatory announcement to recurrent profit/loss
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period.
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                            Annual Report 2016
                                   Section III Business Profile
I Main business scope in this Reporting Period
As one of the earliest washing machine manufacturers in China, Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited is
principally engaged in R&D, production and sale of domestic washing machines. In 1978, China‘s first fully-auto
washing machine greeted the world in the Company. With 38 years of focus on washing machines, the Company
mainly produces front-loading washing machines (also known as ―roller washing machines‖) and top-loading
washing machines (also ―pulsator washing machines‖, divided into fully-auto ones and double-cylinder ones by
structure). In addition, the Company can also produce clothes dryers and agitator washing machines. Currently,
roller washing machines, fully-auto washing machines and double-cylinder washing machines are the mainstream
in the market. In 2016, the Company output over 18 million units of washing machines, representing a fast growth
from the year earlier.
The Company has a sound technological R&D system, including one state-level technological center and two
state-recognized labs. Little Swan holds on to independent innovation and has the internationally advanced
frequency-changing, intelligent control, structure design, industrial design and other core washing technologies.
We own 2 manufacturing bases, one in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province and the other one in Hefei, Anhui Province, with a
total floor area of more than 800,000 ㎡ as well as a combined annual production capacity reaching 22 million
units. We also have domestically and internationally first-class manufacturing equipments and an experienced
manufacturing team. Our products are sold to the domestic market as well as over 130 other countries and regions,
with the overseas market accounting for more than 20% in our total sales. In domestic sale, we adopt the
marketing mode of ―agents+direct sale‖ and simultaneously develop the online and offline channels. In overseas
sale, we focus on OEM and attach importance to our own brands at the same time. We adopt a two-brand strategy
(―Little Swan‖ and ―Midea‖) and the business under both brands has seen fast and sound growth in the recent
The Company has been focusing on its main business, improving its product mix according to consumers‘ needs,
and increasing product quality. Therefore, its management efficiency has increased significantly, its profitability
has been enhanced and its position in the industry as well as its share in the market have kept increasing, which
have made the Company one of the most competitive washing machine manufacturers for all these years.
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                                        Annual Report 2016
According to China Market Monitor, the Company took up a share of 27.0% in the domestic retail of washing
machines in 2016, 1.6 percentage points higher than last year; and according to customs statistics, its share in
China‘s export of washing machines was 17.8% in 2016, 3.1 percentage points higher than last year.
The washing machine industry is now at a mature stage. And its status quo and periodic features are talked about
in detail in ―Macro-environment‖ under ―Section IV Performance Analysis‖ and ―Tendency of the industry
development‖ under ―IX Outlook of the Company‘s future development‖ of the aforesaid section.
II Significant changes in main assets
1. Significant changes in main assets
      Main assets                                          Reason for any significant change
                       In this Reporting Period, the Company and General Appliance (China) Co., Ltd. signed an equity transfer
                       agreement, with the latter transferring its 30% stake in Wuxi Little Swan General Appliance Co., Ltd. to
Equity assets          the Company for USD10 million. Up to the end of this Reporting Period, the transfer had been concluded
                       and Wuxi Little Swan General Appliance Co., Ltd. has thus become a wholly-owned subsidiary of the
Fixed assets           No change
Intangible assets      No change
Construction in progress No change
2. Main assets overseas
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
III Core competitiveness analysis
Our core competitiveness is demonstrated in the following aspects:
1. Our knowledge and experience accumulated in the long history of our main business. We are the sole
company in China that has focused on the washing machine industry since the end of 1970s. Profound knowledge
and experience has been accumulated through these several decades in technology, R&D and innovation, market
research, business operation, etc., which has been transformed into our tacit knowledge through the accumulation
and inheritance by our talent team and has thus become our most important core competitiveness.
2. Our capability of seeing the industry clearly and R&D. We have our unique capability of judging and
foreseeing developments in the industry and technology. Through constant input of R&D resources over the years,
we have owned leading technological competitiveness in the industry. We have a sound technological R&D
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                               Annual Report 2016
system, including one state-level technological center and two state-recognized labs. Little Swan Lab is the first
washing machine lab in China to pass the UL North American safety verification and the German VDE
verification. We hold on to independent innovation and have the internationally advanced frequency-changing,
intelligent control, structure design, industrial design and other core technologies. We connect technology,
products and customers through medium and long-term technological planning, and have research talent, talent
reserve and development talent for our R&D.
3. Our capability of managing the industrial chain. We keep building a customer-oriented supply chain
management system, have set up an industry-leading cross-enterprise procurement platform with the help of
Midea Group, constantly increase the efficiency of our supply chain and foster a strategic partnership with our
suppliers. In terms of channels, in the domestic first and secondary markets, we mainly work with Suning, Gome
and some other big regional customers; in the tertiary and fourth markets, we combine agent channels, flagship
stores and franchised stores to distribute our products to households. In e-commerce, we continue to improve our
online channels by enhancing cooperation with famous online shopping platforms and expanding our own online
shopping center. As a result, our online sales have achieved a fast growth. Overseas, we keep deepening our
cooperation with customers, expanding strategic overseas markets and enhancing the promotion of our own
brands, as well as moving manufacturing overseas and localizing overseas operations. We enjoy a good and
long-term cooperation with our major customers at home and abroad.
4. Our capability to respond to needs of consumers. We have been keeping a watchful eye on market changes,
studying consumers‘ needs, and focusing on improvement of the whole process experience of customers in
shopping, product use and after-sales service. Consumers are always looking for professional, intelligent, green
and individualized washing machines. And we satisfy customers‘ needs with the spirit of craftsman and provide
them with extremely easy use experience through our innovative solutions of intelligent accurate self-loading,
intelligent roller water cube, intelligent WIFI, silver nano-particle sterilization,and classified washing. We adopt a
two-brand strategy (―Little Swan‖ and ―Midea‖) to create differentiation for the satisfaction of different needs.
With a history of over three decades, Little Swan is considered a very reliable brand among consumers, with the
slogan of ―Whole-hearted Little Swan‖ being well-known among them. As for Midea, a comprehensive home
appliance brand, its share in the washing machine market keeps rising with increasing recognition.
5. Our capability of reform and self-improvement. Through years of accumulation, we have developed a
corporate culture of sustained reform and self-improvement. Along with rapid changes in the market and this new
era, we will keep reforming our organizational structure and operating model so as to ensure our capability of
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                            Annual Report 2016
sustainable development. In order to adapt to the era of mobile internet, we restructure the Company with the
internet thinking and create a platformized operating model. Meanwhile, we are the first in the sector to adopt the
T+3 order-oriented production and sale mechanism to cope with the fast changes of market needs. And in order
for continuing vitality, we push forward reform of our remuneration mechanism and encourage creative sidelines
as a way to keep improving our management system.
No significant changes occurred to our core competitiveness in the Reporting Period.
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                           Annual Report 2016
                               Section IV Performance Analysis
I Overview
(I) Macro-environment
2016 was the first year of China‘s 13th Five-Year Plan. In the year, China‘s home appliance market saw some
growth but was lacking in driving force due to factors such as a weak recovery of the world economy, the
slowdown in growth of the domestic economy, the soaring prices of raw materials, more fluctuations in exchange
rates and the changes in the real estate market.
In 2016, the trend of transformation and upgrade in washing machine industry was still obvious. Other than the
constantly rapid growth of roller, large-capacity, and inverter washing machines, the demand for smart and
high-end machines, dryers, and 2 machines for 1 family grew sharply as affected by the upgrade of consumption
and the motivation of innovation. A new round of consumption upgrade was gradually rising. The precise
understanding for the trigger points of consumer demand became the core of product competitiveness. The whole
society‘s demand for ―good products‖ was still pressing. The sales channels developed in diversity, showing a
sharp growth of online businesses, and the gradual integration of online and offline businesses, as well as the
continuous arising channels of company-self-established stores and shops on we-chat. Merge and integration of
giants in the home appliance industry speeded up. Enterprises in Chinese home appliance industry have been
transforming from the trade mode, which depends on exports, to a new international strategic mode. In the
reporting period, growth in the washing machine industry kept around low volumes, the competitions further
intensified, and the concentration ratio of the industry constantly improved. Based on data from the Industry
Online, in Jan-Dec 2016, the gross out-put of domestic washing machines in China was 58.8611 million units,
representing a year-on-year growth of 4.39%. The gross sales reached 59.5046 million units, showing a
year-on-year increase of 6.00%. Among them, sales volume in the domestic market was 41.1489 million units,
increasing by 5.37% as compared with last year; and exports volume was 18.3557 million units, with a
year-on-year increase of 7.44%.
(II) Analysis of main business
In face of the complex and changeable domestic and overseas environments, we continued to adhere closely to our
main strategy of ―leading products, efficiency-driven and global operations‖, focused on our main business, kept
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                              Annual Report 2016
increasing the competitiveness of our products with customers as the center, and furthered transformation of our
operations for leaner management. And for that, we were rewarded with fine operating results. For the Reporting
Period, the Company achieved operating revenues of RMB16.335 billion, up 24.39% from the year earlier; the net
profit attributable to shareholders of the Company stood at RMB1.175 billion, representing a YoY growth of
27.84%; and the overall gross profit rate was 25.86%.
In the Reporting Period, the unit prices of the Company‘s products remained generally stable and the revenue
growth was mainly attributed to an increased sales volume, which was still resulted from better product
competitiveness and optimized structures. The percentage of roller washing machines in our total sales volume
exceeded 30% for the Reporting Period. Domestically, the online sales took up a much larger proportion; and the
sales to Europe, etc. witnessed fast growth. Meanwhile, the continuously growing business of clothes dryers also
contributed to the growth in the total sales. In the Reporting Period, sales of the Company went up 21.22% from
last year, a lot higher than the average growth in the industry.
The profit growth was attributed to a larger business scale, the increased efficiency and as well as exchange rate
effects. the Company had more self-owned funds and gained more from investments with the said funds. In
addition, the depreciation of Renminbi served as a favorable factor to the Company‘s export. For the Reporting
                                                          Period, the Company achi eved a net profit margin of
                                                          8.22%, 0.20 percentage points higher than last year.
                                                          (III) Work accomplished in 2016
                                                          1. The Company kept on more input on R&D,
                                                          optimized the administration system, and continuously
                                                          improved product competitiveness.
                                                          The Company continued to invest more on R&D,
                                                          constantly improved product competitiveness, built a
                                                          R&D platform with global competitiveness, and tried
                                                          efforts provide the society with ―good products‖. The
                                                          Company pushed the separation of research and
                                                          development, formulated middle and long term product
                                                          and technology routes, promoted the transformation for
                                                          R&D remuneration mechanism and the project manager
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                           Annual Report 2016
mechanism, so as to constantly optimize the administration system, and further motivate the innovation vigor for
R&D. The Company strengthened research on users, continuously kept digging out user‘ trigger points and
invisible demands, preliminarily adopted the CDOC innovation method for product development, so that the hit
rate of planning can be improved. The Company kept intensified its efforts on technology innovation, and gained
remarkable results in the Beverly Products, Disney products, the auto put-in products, the water cube products,
and the smart products. In the reporting period, the Company had the honor to get technology certification of
―Water Cube with High Efficiency and Energy Saving‖ awarded by VDE, as well as the quality certification of
―BLDC Motor with 20-year Service Life‖. The Little Swan and Beverly products won the Red Dot Award. The
Beverly roller washing machines won the GD Award in Korea and the China Appliance Award. In the reporting
period, the product competiveness of the Company was further enhanced, and won broad market recognition.
2. The Company deepened the transformation of marketing, steadily developed domestic and international
sales, and kept high growth of E-commerce business
In aspect of domestic sales, the Company constantly promoted marketing transformation, guided agents to
transform to platform operators, continuously motivated organizational vitality and raised the efficiency of the
value chain. The Company thoroughly propelled the large-end management system, reinforced the flagship stores,
the TOP clients, the construction of end sites, for example, V200. The Company positively developed small-scale
and frequent promotion activities, so as to elaborately farm the market. The Company focused on products and
users, placed a major emphasis on new products including the high-end Beverly series, the Disney series, the auto
put-in series, and dryers, so as to continuously optimize product sales structure. The Company strived to develop
E-commerce business, continuously enhanced the sales volume in major e-commerce platforms, and at the same
time, positively enlarged the Little Swan Mall, continuously guided the offline clients to online shops, and
accelerated the integration of online and offline sales by degrees. In 2016, the gross online retail sales of the
Company reached RMB 4.58 billion, reaching a year-on-year increase of 84.6%. In the reporting period, domestic
sales revenue of the Company was RMB 11.449 billion, representing a year-on-year increase of 23.93%.
In aspect of international sales, the Company positively hit out and made remarkable breakthroughs in strategic
and key markets, further consolidated and enlarged the advantaged areas, constantly optimized the global
marketing layout. The Company kept enlarging the strategic cooperation with large clients, positively developed
new clients, and constantly optimized client structure. The Company emphasized on market survey and product
innovation, continuously optimized product sales structure, and achieved continuous sales ratio growth of roller
washing machines. The Company boosted the development of self-own brands, built the unique image of Midea
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                             Annual Report 2016
products, enhanced marketing and channel enlargement, practiced localized operation in some areas, and achieved
rapid year-on-year growth of self-own brands. In the reporting period, the Company‘s international sales revenues
reached RMB 3.313 billion, showing a year-on-year increase of 23.10%.
3. The Company vigorously promoted the refine management on value chains, and obviously improved
operating efficiency
As for the marketing end, the Company insisted on and perfected the T+3 client order mechanism, launched
offline direct mailing, so as to deduct intermediate links, such as transfer, load, and unload, promoted sharing of
channel stocks, integrated the planning and allocation of stocks from the whole channels, and maximized the
deduction of unqualified stocks. The Company launched the pre-arranged-order system and the visible-capacity
system, balanced order allocation and accelerated turnover. As for the manufacturing end, the Company
continuously contributed to building smart manufacturing capability with the features of refinement, automation,
and informatization. The Company accomplished projects including launching the automate roller line body,
which continued to get the overall manufacturing efficiency improved. As for the supply end, the Company took
the informationized system control, gained the real-time access to business information of suppliers, improved the
rate of promptness and completeness of incomings, and meanwhile, continuously cleared away exclusive
suppliers, and kept optimizing the supply layout. As for the quality end, the Company insisted on the One-Veto
mechanism, put emphasis on improving product reliability, constantly decreased the maintenance ratio in market,
boosted the boutique engineering strategy, and gradually improved the boutique coverage ratio. In the reporting
period, the refining management of the Company achieved outstanding result, and remarkably improved the
operating efficiency.
4. The Company positively promoted the new business layout, and well developed dryers and smart-cloud
washing machines
The Company continuously reinforced on R&D, innovation, and business development of dryers, and had
developed a whole-category product layout covering direct-drained dryers, condensation dryers, heat pump dryers,
as well as washing-drying integral machines. With the synchronized online and offline sales, sales volume of
dryers and washing-drying integral machines in 2016 reached over RMB 1.2 billion, realizing a sharp
year-on-year increase. At the same time, the Company strived to develop the smart-cloud washing machine
project. Based on the combination of smart washing machines, dryers, and smart software platforms, the
Company realized the smart and convenient washing business in practice by applying the internet operating mode.
Currently, the Company has entered and stationed in over 280 colleges and universities, hotels, and flats, attracted
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                                            Annual Report 2016
more than 500 thousand users, achieving rapid growth. In the reporting period, the Company positively promoted
the new business layout, and has gained well development so far.
II Analysis of main business
1. Overview
The Company is mainly engaged in washing machines. And this remained the same during the Reporting Period.
Movements of revenue, cost, expense, etc. are as follows:
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
               Item                          2016                      2015                      +/-                  +/-%
Operating revenues                    16,334,914,501.69             13,131,626,932.44          3,203,287,569.25              24.39%
Operating costs                       12,111,213,286.28              9,646,390,824.36          2,464,822,461.92              25.55%
Period expense                         2,676,141,071.58              2,387,468,126.14            288,672,945.44              12.09%
Operating profit                       1,554,025,314.69              1,210,303,981.45            343,721,333.24              28.40%
Total profit                           1,584,427,028.99              1,225,421,617.93            359,005,411.06              29.30%
Net profit attributable to the
                                       1,175,054,922.85               919,181,968.58             255,872,954.27              27.84%
2. Revenues and costs
(1) Breakdown of operating revenues
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                              As a percentage of                           As a percentage of
                            Amount            operating revenues          Amount           operating revenues
                                                     (%)                                          (%)
Operating revenues    16,334,914,501.69                     100%      13,131,626,932.44                  100%                24.39%
By business segment
Home appliance
                      14,761,654,334.87                    90.37%      11,929,121,727.57                90.84%               23.74%
Other                     1,573,260,166.82                 9.63%        1,202,505,204.87                9.16%                30.83%
By product
Washing machines      14,761,654,334.87                    90.37%      11,929,121,727.57                90.84%               23.74%
Other                     1,573,260,166.82                 9.63%        1,202,505,204.87                9.16%                30.83%
By geographical segment
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                                             Annual Report 2016
China                    13,022,118,060.74                 79.72%    10,440,519,133.71                   79.51%               24.73%
Other countries           3,312,796,440.95                 20.28%     2,691,107,798.73                   20.49%               23.10%
(2) Business segments, products or geographical segments contributing over 10% of the operating revenues
or profit
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                                    Operating                        Gross profit
                                                              Gross profit                        Operating cost:
                    Operating revenue    Operating cost                        revenue: YoY                          margin: YoY
                                                                margin                              YoY +/-%
                                                                                      +/-%                              +/-%
By business segment
Home appliance
                    14,761,654,334.87    10,775,398,510.01          27.00%               23.74%            23.66%              0.04%
By product
                    14,761,654,334.87    10,775,398,510.01          27.00%               23.74%            23.66%              0.04%
By geographical segment
China               11,448,857,893.92     7,910,808,456.78          30.90%               23.93%            24.99%             -0.59%
Other countries       3,312,796,440.95    2,864,590,053.23          13.53%               23.10%            20.14%              2.13%
Note: For a better understanding of the Company‘s operations, the table above only gives data of the Company‘s
main business.
Main business data of the prior year restated according to the changed statistical caliber for this Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
(3) Whether revenue from physical sales is higher than service revenue
 Business segment             Item                  Unit                     2016                 2015                 +/-%
                      Sales volume           Unit                             17,287,074            14,294,646                20.93%
  Home appliances     Output volume          Unit                             18,891,795            14,567,161                29.69%
                      Inventory              Unit                              2,676,139             1,071,418             149.78%
Reason for any over 30% YoY movements in the data above
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
The YoY increase of the stock exceeded 30%, which mainly due to the increase of the scope and the stocking for
China‘s Spring Festival.
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                                                Annual Report 2016
(4) Execution progress of major signed sales contracts in this Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
(5) Breakdown of operating costs
                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
Business segment         Item                             As a percentage of                          As a percentage of        +/-%
                                          Amount                                    Amount
                                                          operating costs (%)                         operating costs (%)
                   Raw materials      9,987,516,184.35                92.69% 8,054,839,050.08                     92.44%           0.25%
                   Labor costs           456,420,377.10                4.24%      398,109,632.96                    4.57%         -0.33%
                   Depreciation          166,480,328.30                1.55%      136,687,138.85                    1.57%         -0.02%
                   Energy                 63,655,701.04                0.59%       59,950,304.43                    0.69%         -0.10%
(6) Changes in the scope of the consolidated financial statements for this Reporting Period
□ Yes √ No
(7) Major changes in the business, products or services in this Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
(8) Main customers and suppliers
Main customers
Total sales to top five customers (RMB)                                                                                6,187,645,348.19
Total sales to top five customers as a percentage of the total sales for this Reporting Period (%)                                37.88%
Total sales to related parties among top five customers as a percentage of the total sales for this
Reporting Period (%)
Information about top five customers
                                                                                              As a percentage of the total sales for this
    No.                       Customer                          Sales amount (RMB)
                                                                                                         Reporting Period (%)
1          Customer A                                                    2,577,162,601.61                                         15.78%
2          Customer B                                                    1,617,389,536.64                                          9.90%
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                                              Annual Report 2016
3            Customer C                                                 1,420,119,056.70                                        8.69%
4            Customer D                                                  392,837,621.69                                         2.40%
5            Customer E                                                  180,136,531.55                                         1.10%
Total                            --                                    6,187,645,348.19                                         37.88%
Other information about the main customers
Customer A is under the control of the Company‘s controlling shareholder.
Main suppliers
Total purchases from top five suppliers (RMB)                                                                        3,322,254,917.42
Total purchases from top five suppliers as a percentage of the total purchases for this Reporting
Period (%)
Total purchases from related parties among top five suppliers as a percentage of the total
purchases for this Reporting Period (%)
Information about top five suppliers
                                                                                           As a percentage of the total purchases for
    No.                       Supplier                       Purchase amount (RMB)
                                                                                                    this Reporting Period (%)
1             Supplier A                                               2,380,403,669.52                                         19.84%
2             Supplier B                                                 300,295,382.90                                         2.50%
3             Supplier C                                                 218,035,789.00                                         1.82%
4             Supplier D                                                 216,519,905.80                                         1.81%
5             Supplier E                                                 207,000,170.20                                         1.73%
Total                             --                                   3,322,254,917.42                                         27.70%
Other information about the main suppliers
Supplier A is under the control of the Company‘s controlling shareholder.
3. Expense
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                      2016                2015                  +/-%            Reason for any significant change
Selling expenses               2,325,645,712.65       1,957,833,768.25              18.79%
Administrative expenses          505,321,107.14         539,747,209.80               -6.38%
                                                                                              Increase   in   interest   revenue   and
Finance costs                   -154,825,748.21        -110,112,851.91              -40.61%
                                                                                              exchange earnings
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                                     Annual Report 2016
4. R&D input
During the Reporting Period, the Company was market-oriented and took the customers‘ needs as the center. It
input more for R&D and optimized the management mechanism to build up a globally competitive platform of
R&D. The R&D input was mainly for: 1. strengthening R&D of intelligent, high-end and differentiate washing
machines and clothes dryers for better competitive edges in those sectors; 2. strengthening user research,
promoting standardized management, increasing manufacturability of products and creating continuous cost
advantages; and 3. expanding the high-end talent pool. In 2016, the Company‘s expenditure on R&D was
RMB695 million, representing 9.99% of its audited net assets and 4.26% of its operating revenues in the year.
Information about R&D input:
                                                      2016                      2015                        +/-%
Number of R&D personnel                                             707                       564                    25.35%
R&D personnel as a percentage in the total
                                                                 9.20%                     7.16%                     2.04%
R&D input (RMB)                                        695,077,712.27            557,319,550.74                      24.72%
R&D input as a percentage in operating
                                                                 4.26%                     4.24%                     0.02%
Capitalized R&D input (RMB)                                         0.00                      0.00                   0.00%
Capitalized R&D input as a percentage in
                                                                 0.00%                     0.00%                     0.00%
the total R&D input
Reasons for any significant YoY change in the percentage of the R&D input in the operating revenues
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Reason for any sharp variation in the percentage of the capitalized R&D input and rationale
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
5. Cash flows
                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                       Item                                  2016                      2015                   +/-%
Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities       16,377,852,960.18         12,873,994,461.09                 27.22%
Subtotal of cash      outflows    from operating
                                                         12,481,780,172.80             9,275,298,992.29
activities                                                                                                           34.57%
Net cash flows from operating activities                     3,896,072,787.38          3,598,695,468.80              8.26%
Subtotal of cash inflows from investing activities           9,274,869,699.89          8,525,242,206.01              8.79%
Subtotal of cash outflows from investing activities      11,534,305,378.00         10,570,010,753.52                 9.12%
Net cash flows from investing activities                 -2,259,435,678.11         -2,044,768,547.51               -10.50%
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                                                 Annual Report 2016
Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities                  183,813,064.12                  215,915,154.66                -14.87%
Subtotal of cash       outflows     from financing
                                                                    464,554,974.82                  502,603,592.68                  -7.57%
Net cash flows from financing activities                           -280,741,910.70                  -286,688,438.02                  2.07%
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                          1,379,004,588.52              1,275,945,523.83                    8.08%
Explanation of why the data above varied significantly
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Reason for any big difference between the net operating cash flow and the net profit for this Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
III Analysis of non-core business
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
IV Analysis of assets and liabilities
1. Significant changes in the asset composition
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                  December 31, 2016                       December 31, 2015
                                                                                                            Change in       Reason for any
                                             As a percentage                            As a percentage
         Item                                                                                               percentage        significant
                            Amount            of total assets          Amount            of total assets
                                                                                                               (%)             change
                                                     (%)                                      (%)
Monetary funds           4,272,077,211.11              22.62%       3,042,843,924.81             21.24%           1.38%
Accounts receivable      1,465,654,497.90                  7.76%      896,075,475.63                6.25%         1.51%
Inventories              1,724,837,944.69                  9.13%      745,412,967.52                5.20%         3.93%
Investment property         64,854,903.25                  0.34%       68,843,047.52                0.48%        -0.14%
Fixed assets               970,859,291.03                  5.14%    1,019,528,291.60                7.12%        -1.98%
                           183,813,064.12                  0.97%                                                  0.97%
Other current assets     8,385,724,282.16              44.40%       5,733,188,604.23             40.01%           4.39%
Notes receivable         1,297,609,202.29                  6.87%    2,205,189,379.10             15.39%          -8.52%
2. Assets and liabilities measured at fair value
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB‘0,000
                        Opening       Profit/loss on Cumulative fair      Impairment      Purchased in       Sold in this       Closing
                        balance        fair value      value changes      provided in     this Reporting      Reporting         balance
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                                          Annual Report 2016
                                       changes in      charged to equity this Reporting     Period       Period
                                      this Reporting                        Period
                        305,267.56        -5,567.56           10,414.27                     817,100.00   -527,800.00     599,414.27
financial assets
Total of the above      305,267.56        -5,567.56           10,414.27                     817,100.00   -527,800.00     599,414.27
Significant changes in the measurement attributes of the main assets in this Reporting Period
□ Yes √ No
3. Restricted asset rights as of the end of this Reporting Period
As of the end of this Reporting Period, there were no such circumstances where any main assets of the Company
were sealed, distrained, frozen, impawned, pledged or limited in any other way.
V Investments made
1. Total investments made
  Investments made in this Reporting Period (RMB)             Investments made in the prior year (RMB)            +/-%
                     137,529,712.00                                        144,419,272.00                         -4.77%
2. Significant equity investments made in this Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
3. Significant non-equity investments ongoing in this Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
4. Financial investments
(1) Securities investments
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period
(2) Investment in derivative financial instruments
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                                    Annual Report 2016
5. Use of funds raised
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period
VI Sale of major assets and equity interests
1. Sale of major assets
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
2. Sale of major equity interests
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
VII Main controlled and joint stock companies
                                                                                                          Unit: RMB‘0,000
                 Relationsh       Main
                                business      Registered                               Operating    Operating
 Company name ip with the                                  Total assets   Net assets                            Net profit
                                  scope        capital                                  revenues      profit
Hefei Midea                   Washing
Washing Machine Subsidiary machine          USD13,552      760,473.59     253,863.58   725,996.19   37,187.64   31,798.88
Co., Ltd.                     manufacture
Wuxi FILIN       Subsidiary of electronic USD362.4564      125,468.12     74,148.77    90,494.04    24,219.88   22,325.72
Subsidiaries obtained or disposed in this Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
VIII Structured bodies controlled by the Company
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
IX Outlook for the future development of the Company
(I) Development trends in the industry
In 2017, under the influence of uncertainty of world economy recovery, slowdown of domestic economic growth,
cost increase challenging operation capability of enterprises, continuous control of real estate, exchange rate
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                           Annual Report 2016
fluctuation and anti-dumping trade protectionism, household appliance industry is facing increasing growth
2017 is the year of supply-side structural reform deepening, in which, industrial structure adjustment and
consumption upgrading shall continue and industrial concentration ratio shall further increase; new-type
urbanization and population structure change shall inject fresh impetus into consumption growth. As new
generation consumers grow and e-commerce logistics supporting facilities in rural areas are further improved,
online sales are expected to maintain high growth. The increase of residents' income and the change of
consumption concept shall further drive product quality improvement and structure upgrading. The popularity of
network and We Media greatly increases the participation of consumers in buying and using process, thus brand
reputation construction is particularly important. As living habits and external environment change, the need for
dryer shall increase in the future. The profound adjustment of global industrial pattern and re-division shall
provide new space for the internationalization of Chinese household appliances enterprises. In general, the
industry enters a new period of deep integration and rapid reform, the consumption upgrading trend remains
evident, the internationalization process of Chinese household appliance enterprises shall speed up and industry
development shall face new opportunities and challenges.
(II) Development plan of the Company
                                                       Main business thoughts in 2017: insist on the strategic
                                                       principal axis of \"products prevailing, efficiency driven
                                                       and global operating‖, focus on the core main business of
                                                       the washing machines and actively develop dryer
                                                       business. Continue to increase R&D investment and
                                                       innovation, further optimize product structure, accelerate
                                                       the promotion of key market and private brand,
                                                       comprehensively improve fine management level and
                                                       ensure income and profit increase with multiple
                                                       Based on foregoing business thoughts, following tasks
                                                       shall be carried out as key points in 2017:
                                                       1. Continue to develop leading ability of products and
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                             Annual Report 2016
vigorously promote quality engineering
Continue to increase R&D investment, break conventional thinking, actively carry out innovation and
differentiation reform; adapt to the requirement of times, enhance consumers' pain point-based user research, build
big data-based scientific evaluation system, discover the real demand of users, create hot selling products; conduct
product development in strict accordance with CDOC innovation method, continue to simplify product model;
strengthen R&D system management, continue to increase R&D investment, update technology roadmap in
rolling way, develop the future product competitiveness; align with world first-class brands, continue to promote
technical standards for products, vigorously promote quality engineering strategy and continue to create quality
products and shape quality culture.
2. Firmly carry out efficiency driving and comprehensively improve fine management level
Drive the promotion of whole value chain and continue to improve company operation quality by taking fine
management as the direction and method. For the R&D part, continue to build global product platform, accelerate
the transformation of advanced technical achievements and promote the manufacturability level of products. For
the manufacturing part, systematically plan energy production investment, promote the effective ground operation
of MBS system and build more agile and flexible platform. For the marketing part, further remove intermediate
links, accelerate the transformation from agent to operator; continue to carry forward inventory share, promote
channel efficiency and improve sales structure. For the supply part, continue to optimize supply layout and
promote exclusive supply clearance and further promote supply efficiency and resources guarantee ability.
3. Develop global operation and actively explore overseas localized layout
Increase the promotion strength of private brand, fully participate in market operation through team dispatching
and channel sharing, promote rapid development of private brand; actively conduct cooperation with Toshiba
brand, continuously expand market area and promote global competitiveness of the Company; further focus on
strategy market, break through key market, exploit potential market, and meanwhile rapidly clear up blank market,
continuously optimize global market layout of the Company; actively explore overseas localized operation layout
in order to meet the development demand of global operation strategy.
(III) Key capital expenditure plan for the near future
To actively adapt to industry environment change and satisfy the future development demand of the Company, the
investment focus of the Company in 2017 shall be put on R&D and innovation, quality improvement, intelligent
manufacturing, structural capacity expansion, brand construction, e-commerce and dryer business development
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                                         Annual Report 2016
and IT information system improvement etc. and meanwhile the Company shall actively explore overseas
localized operation layout and promote the global competitiveness of the Company. The Company shall strictly
control non-production operation investment. Investment fund comes from the Company's own fund.
(IV) Main risks in future development
1. Macro risk. Under the influence of uncertainty of world economy recovery, slowdown of domestic economic
growth, continuous control of real estate and turbulence of political and economical structure, consumption
market recession may continue and the industry may face the risk of insufficient growth power.
2. Market risk. Washing machine industry is a mature and fully competitive industry with many foreign
enterprises and local enterprises involved. Though the Company has strong competition advantage, it still faces
the impact brought by market risks such as intensification of industry competition, continuously upgrading of
consumption structure, profound adjustment of global industrial pattern and re-division.
3. Cost risk. Labor cost continues to rise, new overloading regulations lead to increased logistics cost. If the price
of raw materials continues to rise in 2017, cost pressure of the Company shall further increase to directly affect
the profitability of the Company.
4. Exchange rate risk. Since exchange rate fluctuation is very uncertain, though the Company has adopted
certain countermeasures to deal with exchange rate fluctuation risk, exchange rate fluctuation still greatly affect
the profitability of the export sales business of the Company.
5. Policy risk. Overseas non-tariff trade barriers and anti-dumping policy shall also have an impact on the scale
and profit of export sales business.
X Visits paid to the Company for purposes of research, communication, interview, etc.
1. In this Reporting Period
                                       Type of
     Date of visit    Way of visit                                       Index to main inquiry information
                     One-on-one                    The Sheet of Interactions with Investors Dated 01/22/2016 (No. 2016-01) on
     01/22/2016                      Institution
                     meeting                       www.cninfo.com.cn
                                                   The Sheet of Interactions with Investors Dated 03/15/2016 (No. 2016-02) on
     03/15/2016          Ditto          Ditto
                                                   The Sheet of Interactions with Investors Dated 05/12/2016 (No. 2016-03) on
     05/12/2016          Ditto          Ditto
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                                       Annual Report 2016
07/05/2016-07/06/201                             The Sheet of Interactions with Investors for 07/05/2016-07/06/2016 (No.
                            Ditto     Ditto
          6                                      2016-04) on www.cninfo.com.cn
08/10/2016-08/17/201                             The Sheet of Interactions with Investors for 08/10/2016-08/17/2016 (No.
                            Ditto     Ditto
          6                                      2016-05) on www.cninfo.com.cn
09/22/2016-09/28/201                             The Sheet of Interactions with Investors for 09/22/2016-09/28/2016 (No.
                            Ditto     Ditto
          6                                      2016-06) on www.cninfo.com.cn
11/30/2016-12/22/201                             The Sheet of Interactions with Investors for 11/30/2016-12/22/2016 (No.
                            Ditto     Ditto
          6                                      2016-07) on www.cninfo.com.cn
Times of visit
Number of visiting institutions
Number of visiting individuals
Number of other visitors
Significant undisclosed information disclosed,
revealed or leaked
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                                           Annual Report 2016
                                         Section V Significant Events
I Profit distribution and converting capital reserve into share capital for common
Plans/proposals for profit distribution and converting capital reserve into share capital for common shareholders
for the past three years (including this Reporting Period):
2016 profit distribution proposal: Based on the total 632,487,764 shares of the Company as of December 31, 2016,
it is proposed that a cash dividend of RMB7.5 (tax inclusive) per 10 shares should be distributed to all
shareholders of the Company and that no capital reserve should be converted into share capital. The said proposal
has been reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors and is to be submitted to the Shareholders‘ Meeting for
final approval.
2015 profit distribution plan: Based on the total 632,487,764 shares of the Company as of December 31, 2015, a
cash dividend of RMB6 (tax inclusive) per 10 shares would be distributed to all shareholders of the Company and
no capital reserve would be converted into share capital. The said plan has been carried out in May 2016.
2014 profit distribution plan: Based on the total 632,487,764 shares of the Company as of December 31, 2014, a
cash dividend of RMB4.5 (tax inclusive) per 10 shares would be distributed to all shareholders of the Company
and no capital reserve would be converted into share capital. The said plan has been carried out in June 2015.
Cash dividend distribution of the Company to common shareholders over the past three years (including this
Reporting Period)
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                Proportion in net profit
                                   Net profit attributable to
                                                                attributable to common
                                   common shareholders of
             Cash dividends                                       shareholders of the                             Ratio of cash
                                                                                           Cash dividends in
  Year                               the Company in the                                                         dividends in other
             (tax included)                                        Company in the            other forms
                                   consolidated statements
                                                                consolidated statements
                                         for the year
                                                                   for the year (%)
2016              474,365,823.00            1,175,054,922.85                      40.37%                 0.00                0.00%
2015              379,492,658.40              919,181,968.58                      41.29%                 0.00                0.00%
2014              284,619,493.80              698,195,731.48                      40.77%                 0.00                0.00%
Indicate by tick mark whether the Company made profit in this Reporting Period and the profit distributable to
common shareholders of the Company was positive, but it did not put forward a proposal for cash dividend
distribution to its common shareholders
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                                              Annual Report 2016
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
II Proposal for profit distribution and converting capital reserve into share capital for this
Reporting Period
Bonus shares for every 10 shares (share)
Dividend for every 10 shares (RMB) (tax inclusive)                                                                                   7.50
Additional shares to be converted from capital reserve     for every 10 shares (share)
Total shares as the basis for the profit distribution proposal (share)                                                        632,487,764
Total cash dividends (RMB) (tax included)                                                                                 474,365,823.00
Distributable profit (RMB)                                                                                               2,608,364,062.12
Percentage of cash dividends in the total profit to be distributed (%)                                                           100.00%
                                                          Cash dividend policy
                  Details about the proposal for profit distribution and converting capital reserve into share capital
Pursuant to the Auditor‘s Report issued by PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLP, the Company realized a net profit of
RMB763,741,936.87 for 2016. Adding that figure to the undistributed profit at the beginning of the year of RMB2,224,114,783.65,
the distributable profit will come out at RMB2,987,856,720.52. Deducting the dividends of RMB379,492,658.40 for 2015, which
were distributed during this Reporting Period, the distributable profit at the end of this Reporting Period will come out at
2016 profit distribution proposal: Based on the total 632,487,764 shares of the Company as of December 31, 2016, it is proposed
that a cash dividend of RMB7.50 (tax inclusive) per 10 shares should be distributed to all shareholders of the Company, totaling
RMB474,365,823.00 (the rest of the undistributed profit to be carried forward for future distribution); and that no capital reserve
should be converted into share capital, nor should any bonus shares be granted.
III Fulfillment of commitments
1. Commitments of the Company’s actual controller, shareholders, related parties and acquirer, as well as
the Company and other commitment makers, fulfilled in this Reporting Period or ongoing at the
                         Commit                                                                        Date of    Period of
     Commitment            ment                                 Contents                             commitme commitme
                          maker                                                                       nt making          nt
                                   Where the controlling shareholder Midea Group plans to sell
                        Controlli the Company‘s shares released from trading moratorium held
Commitments made in ng             by it via the bid trading system of the Shenzhen Stock 02/28/200 Long-stan In
share reform            sharehol Exchange, and Midea Group decreases over 5% shares within 8                      ding          execution
                        der        six months since the first reduction of holdings, Midea Group
                                   will disclose an indicative public announcement on share
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                                               Annual Report 2016
                                 selling through the Company two trading days before its first
                                 reduction of holdings.
                                 1. As for the commitment of avoiding horizontal competition,
                                 Midea Group (the controlling shareholder) and Mr. He
                                 Xiangjian (the actual controller) has promised that, for the
                                 period after the said transaction when the Company‘s
                                 controlling shareholder and actual controller remain unchanged,
                                 the actual controller Mr. He Xiangjian, his immediate family,
                                 Midea Group and its controlled other enterprises neither
                                 recently nor in the future will engage in any production or
                                 operation activity the same as or similar to the recently main
                        Controlli business of Little Swan or its controlled enterprises, as well as
                        ng       will neither engage in nor participate in any competitive
                        sharehol business the same as the recently main business of Little Swan
                                                                                                       0,          Long-stan In
                        der and or its controlled enterprises through controlling other economic
                                                                                                       06/06/201 ding        execution
                        actual   entities, institutions, economic organizations. If Little Swan and
                        controlle its controlled enterprises further developed its scope of the
                        r        operation business on the basis of the recently business, and if
                                 the actual controller Mr. He Xiangjian, his immediate family,
                                 Midea Group and its controlled other enterprises had executed
                                 production of that, would solve the corresponding horizontal
Commitments made in              competition problems within the reasonable period. If recently
acquisition documents            there was no any production or operation, would not engage in
or       shareholding            the similar new business that competed with Little Swan and its
alteration documents             controlled enterprises. If there was any situation violated the
                                 above commitments, the profits gained from the business
                                 related to operation were belongs to Little Swan.
                                 2. The commitment by Midea Group and the actual controller
                                 on the specification of the related-party transaction. Midea
                                 Group (the controlling shareholder) and Mr. He Xiangjian (the
                                 actual controller) has promised that, for the period after the said
                                 transaction when the Company‘s controlling shareholder and
                        Controlli actual controller remain unchanged, the actual controller Mr.
                        ng       He Xiangjian, his immediate family, Midea Group and its
                        sharehol controlled other enterprises will specify and try their best to
                                                                                                       0,          Long-stan In
                        der and reduce the related-party transactions with Little Swan and its
                                                                                                       06/06/201 ding        execution
                        actual   controlled enterprises. If occurred the unavoidable related
                        controlle transactions with Little Swan and its controlled enterprises,
                        r        would sign the normative related-party transactions agreement
                                 Little Swan according to laws and would execute the approval
                                 procedure according to the relevant regulations to ensure the
                                 fairness of the price of the related-party transactions; ensure to
                                 execute the information disclose obligation of related-party
                                 transactions according to the relevant regulations; ensure not to
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                                              Annual Report 2016
                                 make advantage of the related-party transactions for illegally
                                 transferring the assets and profits of Little Swan, as well as not
                                 to make advantage of the related-party transactions for harming
                                 to the interests of Little Swan and the shareholders; would not
                                 require Little Swan to offer any more favorable condition
                                 compared with that offered to the independent third party in any
                                 fair trade market transaction; execute the voting debarb
                                 obligation when involved in the voting of the related events of
                                 the actual controller Mr. He Xiangjian, his immediate family,
                                 Midea Group and its controlled other enterprises. If Midea
                                 Group and Mr. He Xiangjian violated the above commitments
                                 and promises that led to the harm for the equity of Little Swan
                                 or other shareholders, Midea Group and Mr. He Xiangjian
                                 should take the responsibility of the corresponding liability for
                                 3. As for the commitment on independence, Midea Group and
                                 the actual controller Mr. He Xiangjian has promised that, to
                                 further ensure the independent operation of Little Swan, Mr. He 12/01/201
                                 Xiangjian, Midea Group and its controlled other enterprises 0,                  Long-stan In
                     der and
                                 would maintain the mutual independent in terms of personnel, 06/06/201 ding               execution
                                 finance, assets, business and institutions with Little Swan 4
                                 according to the relevant laws and regulations as well as the
                                 normative documents.
                                 4. As for the commitment on related-party deposits and
                                 borrowings, up to April 8, 2010, the Financial Settlement
                                 Center of Midea Group had settled all internal deposits and
                     ng                                                                                12/01/201 Long-stan In
                                 borrowings with Hefei Midea Washing Machine Co., Ltd.; and
                     sharehol                                                                          0         ding      execution
                                 Midea Group has promised that there will be no more deposits,
                                 borrowings or other funds flows incurred between the Financial
                                 Settlement Center and Hefei Midea Washing Machine Co., Ltd..
                                 5. The commitment by Midea Group on housing properties with
                                 no ownership certificates of the target company for sale is
                                 detailed as follows. Two pieces of the buildings of Hefei Midea
                                 Washing Machine Co., Ltd. assessed and sold to the Company
                     Controlli are    of   no    ownership    certificates—the    warehouse    for
                     ng          half-finished products (176 square meters) and the workshop 12/01/201 Long-stan In
                     sharehol for injection molding (834 square meters), both located in the 0                   ding      execution
                     der         old factory on Hewa Road, Hefei. Midea Group has promised
                                 that if loss occurs due to the said two buildings without
                                 ownership certificates in the asset disposal process in the future,
                                 it will assume the loss thus caused and make compensation to
                                 the Company.
                     Controlli 6. The commitment by Midea Group on trademarks is detailed 12/01/201 The use                In
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                                           Annual Report 2016
                     ng          as follows. (1) Concerning the ―Midea‖ trademark: Upon 0                   right of      execution
                     sharehol approval and implementation of the equity transfer transaction,                 the
                     der         Midea Group has promised that it will make sure that Hefei                   ―Royalstar
                                 Midea Washing Machine Co., Ltd. uses the ―Midea‖ trademark                 ‖
                                 in a proper manner. Hefei Midea Washing Machine Co., Ltd.                    trademark
                                 will be allowed to use the ―Midea‖ trademark with a trademark              detailed in
                                 use fee not more than that paid by Midea Group (the controlling              (2) expired
                                 shareholder of Midea Group) and its subsidiaries (currently 3‰              on March
                                 of the annual sales income generated by products using the                   31, 2013
                                 ―Midea‖ trademark), and upon negotiation and signing of the                and was
                                 ―Agreement for Trademark Use‖. The related-party transactions              not
                                 incurred due to the said use of the ―Midea‖ trademark will be              renewed.
                                 submitted to the decision-making organ of the Company for                    And the
                                 approval according to the stipulated procedure. As such,                     other
                                 interests of the Company and its minority shareholders will be               commitme
                                 safeguarded. (2) Concerning the ―Royalstar‖ trademark: Midea               nt
                                 Group has signed the ―Contract for Trademark Use‖ with Hefei               continues.
                                 Royalstar Group and obtained the ordinary use rights of the
                                 ―Royalstar‖ (both in Chinese and English) trademark. As the
                                 transferor in the transfer transaction of equity interests of
                                 Royalstar Washing Equipment, Midea Group has promised that
                                 within the scope as agreed in the ―Contract for Trademark
                                 Use‖, if any dispute arises between Hefei Midea Washing
                                 Machine Co., Ltd. and Hefei Royalstar Group over the former‘s
                                 execution of the ―Contract for Trademark Use‖, Little Swan
                                 will not be involved. If Hefei Midea Washing Machine Co.,
                                 Ltd. and Little Swan have to assume any responsibility or loss
                                 due to the aforesaid dispute, Midea Group is willing to take on
                                 the responsibility instead and make compensations to Hefei
                                 Midea Washing Machine Co., Ltd. and Little Swan at full
                                 7. The commitment by Midea Group on social security payment
                                 and tax risks is detailed as follows. Midea Group has promised
                                 that upon the completion of the said equity transfer deal, if
                                 Hefei Midea Washing Machine Co., Ltd. is obliged to take on
                                 any responsibility or pay relevant fares as required by relevant
                                 government authorities due to its social security payment before
                     ng                                                                             12/01/201 Long-stan In
                                 the said deal, Midea Group is willing to pay relevant fares for
                     sharehol                                                                       0         ding          execution
                                 Hefei Midea Washing Machine Co., Ltd. to relevant
                                 government authorities in a timely manner and assume any
                                 other liability. If any loss thus occurs to Hefei Midea Washing
                                 Machine Co., Ltd. or Little Swan, Midea Group is willing to
                                 assume relevant responsibilities for compensation. Upon the
                                 completion of the said equity transfer deal, if income tax
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                                                Annual Report 2016
                                            evasion or any other tax risk is found in Hefei Midea Washing
                                            Machine Co., Ltd., Midea Group is willing to assume relevant
                                            legal responsibilities and risks and pay relevant taxes in a
                                            timely manner to relevant government authorities; and if any
                                            loss thus occurs to Little Swan, Midea Group will assume the
                                            corresponding responsibility for compensation.
                                            8. The commitment by Midea Group on capital safety at the
                                            finance companies of the Company: during the validity period
                                    Controlli of the Financial Services Agreement, when Midea Group
                                    ng      occurred emergency situation of payment difficulty at finance 03/18/201 Three   In
                                    sharehol companies, it should adopt the effective measures such as 5           years    execution
                                    der     increase the capital fund of the finance companies according to
                                            the actual needs of solving the payment difficulty to ensure the
                                            capital safety of the Company.
Commitments made in
time            of          asset
Commitments made in
time       of         IPO     or
Other       commitments
made        to        Minority
Executed on time or
Specific reasons for
failing          to     fulfill
commitments on time N/A
and plans for next step
(if any)
2. Where there had been an earnings forecast for an asset or project and this Reporting Period was still
within the forecast period, explain why the forecast has been reached for this Reporting Period.
□Applicable √ Not applicable
IV Occupation of the Company’s funds by the controlling shareholder or its related parties
for non-operating purposes
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period.
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                                  Annual Report 2016
V Explanations given by the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Board and the independent
directors (if any) regarding the “auditor’s non-standard report” issued by the CPAs firm for
this Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
VI YoY changes in accounting policies, estimations and methods
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period.
VII Retroactive restatement due to correction of material accounting errors in this Reporting
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period.
VIII YoY changes in the scope of the consolidated financial statements
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period.
IX Engagement and disengagement of CPAs firm
Current CPAs firm
Name of the domestic CPAs firm                                              PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLP
The Company‘s payment for the domestic CPAs firm (RMB‘0,000)
Consecutive years of the audit service provided by the domestic CPAs firm
Names of the certified public accountants from the domestic CPAs firm             Huang Meimei, Cai Xiujuan
Indicate by tick mark whether the CPAs firm was changed in this Reporting Period
□ Yes √ No
CPAs firm, financial advisor or sponsor engaged for internal control audit
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
During the Reporting Period, the Company hired PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLP as the accountant firm
of internal control during Reporting Period, the total amount of the audit expenses of the Financial Report the
external audit expenses paid for PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLP was RMB2.35 million. During the
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                                 Annual Report 2016
Reporting Period, Huatai United Securities Co., Ltd. was as continuous supervision sponsor institution of the
equity division reform of the Company that continued to carry out the supervision responsibility of the Reporting
X Possibility of listing suspension or termination after disclosure of this Report
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
XI Bankruptcy and restructuring
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period.
XII Significant litigations and arbitrations
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period.
XIII Punishments and rectifications
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period.
XIV Credit conditions of the Company as well as its controlling shareholder and actual
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
XV Implementation of any equity incentive plan, employee stock ownership plan or other
incentive measures for employees
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period.
XVI Significant related-party transactions
1. Related-party transactions relevant to routine operation
For details, please refer to ―14. Related-party and related-party transactions‖ under ―Section IX Financial Report‖.
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                              Annual Report 2016
2. Related-party transactions regarding purchase or sales of assets or equity interests
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period.
3. Related-party transitions regarding joint investments
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period.
4. Credits and liabilities with related parties
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period.
5. Other significant related-party transactions
(1) About the Financial Service Agreement which signed with the Midea Group Finance Co., Ltd. of related
It was agreed that, the financial company should provide the service of deposit, loan, note discount, guarantee,
settlement, and the series of the financial services that approved by the CBRC according to the requirements of
the Company as well as its subsidiaries. During the three-year validity after date of the validation of the agreement,
the maximum of the deposit balance that the Company and its subsidiaries disposed in the financial company
should not exceed the amount of RMB2 billion per day; and the maximum of the outstanding loan principal and
interest balance that the financial company granted to the Company and its subsidiaries should not exceed the
amount of RMB2 billion per day.
At the report-end, the deposit balance of the Company at Midea Group Finance Co., Ltd. was of RMB1.974
billion, with no loans.
(2) About trademark license of related transactions
①The Company permitted GD Midea Holding Co., Ltd. and its controlled subsidiaries to use trademark of
LITTLE SWAN and picture in air conditioner commodities; permitted Hubei Midea Refrigerator Co., Ltd. and its
controlled subsidiaries to use to use trademark of LITTLE SWAN and picture in the refrigerators and the freezers;
at the same time GD Midea Holding Co., Ltd. permitted the Company and subsidiaries of the Company to use
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                                Annual Report 2016
trademark of Midea in production, sales and ad campaign of washing machines and dryers. The aforesaid
licensing contracts were all contracted with 0.3% charges of net sales revenue of products with the authorized
trademark as trademark license fees, and the permitting period last from the January 1, 2014 to December 31,
(Notes: Approved by [2013] No. 1014 document of China Securities Regulatory Commission, Midea Group had
made share swap absorption merger of the original controlling shareholder—GD Midea Holding Co., Ltd. on
September 18, 2013, after which, Midea Group inherited and carried on the whole obligations and right such as
the whole assets and liabilities of GD Midea Holding Co., Ltd. as a remainder enterprise as well as had completed
the relevant share transfer registration procedures on December 31, 2013.)
②The Company permitted Midea Group Co., Ltd. and its controlled subsidiaries to use trademark of Beverly in
water heater, water purification equipment and machinery, which was charged with 0.3% charges of net sales
revenue of products with the authorized trademark as trademark license fees, and the permitting period last from
the December 1, 2015 to December 31, 2018.
(3) The Company held the 2015 Annual General Meeting on April 4, 2016 which reviewed and approved the
Proposal on Estimating the Amount of the 2016 Daily Related Transactions.
(4) The Company held the 6th Meeting of the 8th Board of Directors on August 8, 2016, which reviewed and
approved the Proposal on Adjusting the Amount of the 2016 Daily Related Transactions.
(5) The Company held the 7th Meeting of the 8th Board of Directors on October 24, 2016, which reviewed and
approved the Proposal on Adjusting the Amount of the 2016 Daily Related Transactions.
Index to the current announcements about the said related-party transactions disclosed
                  Title of current announcement                     Disclosure date          Disclosure website
Announcement about the Estimating the Amount of the 2016 Daily
                                                                 03/10/2016           www.cninfo.com.cn
Related Transactions.(No. 2016-04)
Announcement about the Adjusting the Amount of the 2016 Daily
                                                                 08/10/2016           www.cninfo.com.cn
Related Transactions (No. 2016-17)
Announcement about the Adjusting the Amount of the 2016 Daily
                                                                 10/25/2016           www.cninfo.com.cn
Related Transactions (No. 2016-24)
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                                              Annual Report 2016
XVII Significant contracts and execution
1. Entrustment, contracting and leasing
(1) Entrustment
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period.
(2) Contracting
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period.
(3) Leasing
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period.
2. Significant guarantees
(1) Guarantees
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB'0,000
          Guarantees provided by the Company and its subsidiaries for external parties (excluding those for subsidiaries)
                    Disclosure date
                                                     Actual occurrence     Actual                                            e for a
                    of the guarantee      Line of                                        Type of       Term of     Due or
 Guaranteed party                                       date (date of     guarantee                                          related
                          line           guarantee                                      guarantee      guarantee    not
                                                     agreement signing)    amount                                           party or
Total   external    guarantee     line                                    Total actual external
approved during this Reporting                         0                  guarantee amount during
Period (A1)                                                               this Reporting Period (A2)
                                                                          Total actual external
Total approved external guarantee
                                                                          guarantee balance at the
line at the end of this Reporting                      0
                                                                          end of this Reporting
Period (A3)
                                                                          Period (A4)
                                          Guarantees between the Company and its subsidiaries
                    Disclosure date                  Actual occurrence     Actual                                           Guarante
                                          Line of                                        Type of       Term of     Due or
 Guaranteed party        of the                         date (date of     guarantee                                          e for a
                                         guarantee                                      guarantee      guarantee    not
                     guarantee line                  agreement signing)    amount                                            related
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                                                      Annual Report 2016
                        announcement                                                                                                   party or
Hefei          Midea
Washing Machine 03/10/2016                       125,000 06/27/2016              5,999.52 Joint-liability     Half year    Yes         No
Co., Ltd.
Ditto                   Ditto                    125,000 08/29/2016              3,959.34 Ditto               Ditto        No          No
Ditto                   Ditto                    125,000 11/25/2016              9,683.85 Ditto               Ditto        No          No
Ditto                   Ditto                    125,000 12/26/2016              5,671.14 Ditto               Ditto        No          No
                                                                                Total actual guarantee
Total       guarantee          line      for
                                                                                amount for subsidiaries
subsidiaries approved during this                          125,000                                                         25,313.85
                                                                                during this Reporting
Reporting Period (B1)
                                                                                Period (B2)
                                                                                Total actual guarantee
Total approved guarantee line for
                                                                                balance for subsidiaries at
subsidiaries at the end of this                            125,000                                                         19,314.33
                                                                                the end of this Reporting
Reporting Period (B3)
                                                                                Period (B4)
                                                           Guarantees between subsidiaries
                        Disclosure date
                                                            Actual occurrence    Actual                                                 e for a
                               of the           Line of                                        Type of         Term of       Due or
 Guaranteed party                                             date (date of     guarantee                                               related
                        guarantee line         guarantee                                      guarantee        guarantee        not
                                                           agreement signing)    amount                                                party or
                                                                                Total actual guarantee
Total       guarantee          line      for
                                                                                amount for subsidiaries
subsidiaries approved during this                             0
                                                                                during this Reporting
Reporting Period (C1)
                                                                                Period (C2)
                                                                                Total actual guarantee
Total approved guarantee line for
                                                                                balance for subsidiaries at
subsidiaries at the end of this                               0
                                                                                the end of this Reporting
Reporting Period (C3)
                                                                                Period (C4)
                                Total guarantee amount (total of the above-mentioned three kinds of guarantees)
                                                                                Total actual guarantee
Total    guarantee      line     approved
                                                                                amount during this
during      this   Reporting          Period               125,000                                                         25,313.85
                                                                                Reporting Period
                                                                                Total actual guarantee
Total approved guarantee line at
                                                                                balance at the end of this
the end of this Reporting Period                           125,000                                                         19,314.33
                                                                                Reporting Period
Proportion of the total actual guarantee amount (A4+B4+C4) in net                                             3.23%
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                                                              Annual Report 2016
assets of the Company
Of which:
Amount of guarantees provided for shareholders, the actual controller
and their related parties (D)
Amount of debt guarantees provided directly or indirectly for entities
with a liability-to-asset ratio over 70% (E)
Portion of the total guarantee amount in excess of 50% of net assets
Total amount of the three kinds of guarantees above (D+E+F)
Joint responsibilities possibly borne or already borne in this
Reporting Period for undue guarantees (if any)
Provision of external guarantees in breach of the prescribed
procedures (if any)
(2) Illegal provision of guarantees for external parties
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period.
3. Entrusted cash management
(1) Entrusted asset management
                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB'0,000
                                                                                           Actual      Amount                      Actual
            Whether it                                                                    principal provided                      profit and
                is a                  Value of                                            amount        for          Projecte        loss
Name of                   Product                Commenc Terminat      Method of                                                               profit/los
           related-par                entruste                                            recovere impairm                d       amount for
 trustee                   type                  ement date ion date remuneration                                                              s amount
                ty                    d assets                                            d for this   ent (if       income          this
                                                                                                                                                for this
           transaction                                                                    Reportin applicab                       Reporting
                                                                                          g Period       le)                        Period
                                                                      interest    rate
                                                                      with          the
                          wealth                 01/01/201 12/31/20
Bank       No                         817,100                         highest              537,800               0       20,024      20,024 20,024
                         manageme                6         16
                         nt product
                                                                      return subject
                                                                      to contract
Total                                 817,100        --         --           --            537,800               0       20,024      20,024        --
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                                             Annual Report 2016
                                  All is self-owned capital of the Company. The amount of wealth management entrustment was the
Source of entrusted assets        cumulative amount, the capital amount used for wealth management entrustment was no more
                                  than RMB6 billion and repeated use was allowed within the line.
Cumulative amount of principal
and revenue overdue
Litigation involved (if
Disclosure date of the
announcement about the board‘s
consent for the asset             03/10/2016
management entrustment (if
Disclosure date of the
announcement about the
consent of the shareholders‘
meeting for the asset
management entrustment (if
                                  On March 7, 2017, the Company held the 9th Meeting of the 8th Board of Directors, the Meeting
                                  reviewed and approved the Proposal on the Self-own Idle Fund Entrusting Wealth Management in
Any plan for asset management 2017, the Board of Directors agree to put the self-owned idle funds no more than RMB6 billion
entrustment in the future         into wealth management entrustment, the aforesaid amount can be and used for investing
                                  short-term low-risk investment products on a rolling basis. The said proposal is still awaiting final
                                  approval of a shareholders‘ meeting.
Note: Gains from the undue entrusted asset management in 2016 were RMB50 million (see ―Note 29 Other
comprehensive income‖ under ―Section IX Financial Report‖ for more details), and the actual gains and undue
gains combined reached RMB250 million for the year.
(2) Entrusted loans
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period.
4. Other significant contracts
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period.
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                              Annual Report 2016
XVIII Social responsibilities
1. Targeted measures taken to help people lift themselves out of poverty
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
2. Other social responsibilities taken
The Company positively executed the social responsibility, paid attention on maintaining the legal equities of each
benefit-related party, insisted to harmonious coexist with each party. The Company positively participated in the
social and public welfare undertakings, paid attention on the environmental protection and positively responded to
the national appeal of energy saving and emission-reduction that made great efforts to contribute to the sustainable
development of the society as well as environment, with the specific work situation as follows:
(I) Safeguarding legitimate rights and interests of consumers:       Being market-oriented, the Company centered
on the customers‘ needs and keeps improving quality management to offer products with a quality higher than the
expectation of consumers and an improved users experience. It has a national service hotline—4008228228—to
answer to customers‘ questions and complaints, ensure that they would be satisfied.
                                                       (II) Offering generous returns to shareholders. The
                                                       Company constructed a more perfect corporate governance
                                                       structure and formulated a corresponding management
                                                       system for ensure the shareholders to fully enjoy each legal
                                                       interests stipulated by the laws and regulations. In line with
                                                       the stipulation of the Articles of Association, the Company
                                                       realized the allocable profit positive, and there were no
                                                       significant investment plan or significant cash expenditure
                                                       events (excluding raise funds investment events).Any
                                                       within three consecutive years, the Company allocated the
                                                       profits in cash accumulatively no less than 30% of the
                                                       average distributive profits realized in recent three years.
                                                       When allocating profits, the Cash bonus should take the
minimum proportion of 20% in the profits allocation. The Company attached great importance to the retribution
and had been executing the cash dividends for recent years.
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                              Annual Report 2016
(III) Constructing strategic partnership. The Company positively constructed the strategic partnership with
suppliers and customers, complied with the business rule, paid attention on the communication and cooperation
with each related party, built up interests community with the partners for growing together and sharing
achievements, ensured the interests and relevant equities of the partners and jointly dedicated to maintain the
sustainable healthy development of the industry.
(IV) Safeguarding rights and interests of employees. The Company strictly implemented the state laws and
regulations to positively guarantee the legal interests of the staff. Withholding the ―people-oriented‖ spirit, the
Company offered a favorable working and living environment for its staff and built as well as improved the salary
standard and the incentive system, and provided competitive salary reward with improving space. The Company
offered various kinds of training to promote the career development of the staff by the method combined either in
internal or external. It also conducts many leisure activities to enrich employees‘ life.
(V) Promoting energy saving and environmental protection. In strict compliance with the country‘s laws and
regulations for environment protection, the Company carried out and promoted the energy conservation and
emission reduction and executed the social responsibility under the low-carbon time through innovation in
management, technology and products. During the progress of produce, the Company realized 100% of the
recycle and the reuse of the industrial water consumption; the Company explored the Accurate Automatic Launch
Detergent Technology, which gained the authentication of the international authority-UK Intertek, and at the same
time received the green leave label of Carbon Footprint that meant the Company be the first enterprise that
received that label in the domestic washing machine industry.
(VI) Being active in charity. At the activity named ―Jiangsu Province Disabled-aiding Welfare Project‖ held by
Jiangsu Province Disabled Person Welfare Foundation, the Company made donations for four years in a row, and
it also donated at the ―Give Your Love and Warmth‖ charity event organized by Wuxi Charity Federation, taking
on social responsibilities with actions.
Indicate by tick mark whether the Company or any of its subsidiaries is a heavily polluting business identified by
the environmental protection authorities of China
□ Yes √ No
Indicate by tick mark whether a social responsibility report is released
□ Yes √ No
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                       Annual Report 2016
XIX Other significant events
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period.
XX Significant events of subsidiaries
In this Reporting Period, the Company and General Appliance (China) Co., Ltd. signed an equity transfer
agreement, with the latter transferring its 30% stake in Wuxi Little Swan General Appliance Co., Ltd. to the
Company for USD10 million. Up to the end of this Reporting Period, the transfer had been concluded and Wuxi
Little Swan General Appliance Co., Ltd. has thus become a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company.
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                                         Annual Report 2016
                   Section VI Share Changes and Shareholders’ Profile
I Share changes
1. Share changes
                                                                                                                        Unit: share
                                      Before                        Increase/decrease (+/-)                     After
                                              Percentage New Bonus       from                                          Percentage
                                Number                                             Other      Subtotal   Number
                                                (%)      issues shares capital                                             (%)
1. Restricted shares              3,711,190      0.59%                             -794,470   -794,470     2,916,720        0.46%
1.1 Shares held by other
                                  3,711,190      0.59%                             -794,470   -794,470     2,916,720        0.46%
domestic investors
Among     which:       Shares
held      by        domestic      3,686,890      0.58%                             -770,170   -770,170     2,916,720        0.46%
                  Shares held
                                    24,300       0.01%                              -24,300    -24,300
by domestic individuals
2. Non-restricted shares        628,776,574     99.41%                             794,470     794,470   629,571,044       99.54%
2.1 RMB common shares           437,740,702     69.21%                             794,470     794,470   438,535,172       69.34%
2.2 Domestically listed
                                191,035,872     30.20%                                                   191,035,872       30.20%
foreign shares
3. Total shares                 632,487,764    100.00%                                                   632,487,764      100.00%
Reasons for the share changes
1. Reasons for changes in holdings of domestic individuals: The former Deputy GM Mao Zhiliang purchased
24,300 shares of the Company on May 28, 2015, and left his post on August 26, 2015. In line with the stipulation
No. 141 of Corporation Law, the Company's directors, supervisors and senior executives cannot transfer their
holdings in the Company within six months after demission. Now that it has been over half a year since Mr. Mao
left the Company, his holding of 24,300 shares has been released from lock-up.
2. Reasons for changes in holdings of domestic corporations: see the Indicative Announcement on Share
Unlocking disclosed by the Company dated September 12, 2016 and October 25, 2016 for details.
Approval of share changes
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                                              Annual Report 2016
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Transfer of share ownership
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Effects of share changes on the basic EPS, diluted EPS, net assets per share attributable to common shareholders
of the Company and other financial indexes over the prior year and the prior period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Other contents that the Company considers necessary or is required by the securities regulatory authorities to
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
2. Changes in restricted shares
                                                                                                                           Unit: share
                               Unlocked Increased
                 Opening                                 Closing
   Name of                      in this    in this                                                                       Date of
                 restricted                              restricted               Reason for unlocking
 shareholder                   Reporting Reporting                                                                      unlocking
                  shares                                  shares
                                Period     Period
                                                                     Mr. Mao Zhiliang is the former vice general
                                                                     manager of the Company. He leaves office on
                                                                     August 26, 2015. As per Article 141 of the
                                                                                                                    February        26,
Mao Zhiliang        24,300        24,300             0             0 Company Law, directors, supervisors and senior
                                                                     management of the Company shall not transfer
                                                                     their shares in the Company within half a year
                                                                     after they leave.
                                                                     On August 22, 2016, as per the (2016) L 0211 ZH
                                                                     No. 1184 Verdict issued by Dalian Ganjingzi
Anhui Huayu
                                                                     District People's Court, 27,800 restricted September           13,
Cable Group                0      27,800             0
                                                                     corporate shares under Dongbei Special Steel 2016
Co., Ltd.
                                                                     Group Co., Ltd. were transferred to Anhui Huayu
                                                                     Cable Group Co., Ltd.
Dalian                                                               On August 19, 2016, as per the (2016) L 0211 ZH
                           0      46,958             0             0 No. 2246, 1005 and 1304 verdicts issued by
Switch                                                               Dalian Ganjingzi District People's Court, 46,958
Factory                                                              restricted corporate shares under Dongbei Special
Dongfang                                                             Steel Group Co., Ltd. were transferred to Dalian September     13,
Environmental                                                        Dongya Switch Factory; 195,484 restricted 2016
Engineering                                                          corporate shares under DONGBEI SPECIAL
                           0     195,484             0             0 STEEL GROUP CO., LTD. were transferred to
Institute Co.,                                                       Dongfang Environmental Engineering Design
Ltd.                                                                 Institute Co., Ltd.; 374,320 restricted corporate
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                                          Annual Report 2016
                                                         shares under Dongbei Special Steel Group Co.,
Shanghai                                                 Ltd. were transferred to Shanghai Heavy Machine
                      0    374,320           0         0 Plant Co., Ltd.
Machine Plant
Co., Ltd.
Ningbo Tianan
(Group) Co.,          0     26,356           0         0 On September 19, 2016, as per the (2016) L 0211
Ltd.                                                     ZH No. 71, 1275 and 2419 verdicts issued by
                                                         Dalian Ganjingzi District People's Court, 26,356
                                                         restricted corporate shares under Dongbei Special
Luyang                                                   Steel Group Co., Ltd. were transferred to Ningbo
                      0     86,787           0         0 Tianan (Group) Co., Ltd.; 86,787 restricted October 26, 2016
Materials Co.,                                           corporate shares under DONGBEI SPECIAL
Ltd                                                      STEEL GROUP CO., LTD. were transferred to
                                                         Luyang Energy-saving Materials Co., Ltd; 12,465
Jiangyin                                                 restricted corporate shares under Dongbei Special
Pengjin                                                  Steel Group Co., Ltd. were transferred to Jiangyin
                      0     12,465           0         0 Pengjin Machinery Co., Ltd.
Co., Ltd.
Total             24,300   794,470           0         0 --                                                     --
II Issuance and listing of securities
1. Securities (excluding preference shares) issued in this Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
2. Changes in total shares of the Company and the shareholder structure, as well as the asset and liability
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
3. Existing staff-held shares
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
III Shareholders and actual controller
1. Total number of shareholders and their shareholdings
                                                                                                                         Unit: share
                            Total number of                   Total    number       of       Total        number         of
Total number of
                            common                            preference                     preference     shareholders
                  18,394    shareholders at the   16,226      shareholders       with    0   with     resumed        voting    0
shareholders at
                            prior    month-end                resumed           voting       rights    at    the      prior
the period-end
                            before         the                rights       at      the       month-end      before      the
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                                                          Annual Report 2016
                                 disclosure of this                     period-end (if any)                 disclosure of this Report
                                 Report                                                                     (if any)
                                          5% or greater shareholders or the top 10 shareholders
                                                                                         Increase/dec Number                            Pledged or
                                                              Sharehol                                                 Number of
                                                                          Total shares rease during           of                       frozen shares
                                               Nature of        ding                                                   non-restricte
          Name of shareholder                                              held at the         this        restricte
                                           shareholder        percenta                                                   d shares               Num
                                                                           period-end     Reporting        d shares                    Status
                                                               ge (%)                                                      held                 ber
                                                                                              Period         held
MIDEA GROUP CO., LTD.                  non-state-owned         37.78% 238,948,117                      0               238,948,117
TITONI INVESTMENTS                     Foreign
                                                               14.89% 94,204,942                       0                94,204,942
DEVELOPMENT LTD.                       corporation
GAOLING FUND,L.P.                                               3.43% 21,694,456                       0                21,694,456
                                       non-state-owned          3.29% 20,798,894          19,198,855                    20,798,894
GREENWOODS CHINA ALPHA                 Foreign
                                                                2.82% 17,846,794           5,853,413                    17,846,794
MASTER FUND                            corporation
FINANCE BUREAU OF WUXI                                          2.70% 17,054,071                       0                17,054,071
                                       non-state-owned          2.29% 14,453,887           5,892,564                    14,453,887
CENTRAL HUIJIN ASSET                   State-owned
                                                                1.61% 10,156,300                       0                10,156,300
MANAGEMENT CO., LTD.                   corporation
BILL & MELINDA GATES                   Foreign
                                                                1.03%        6,537,874     6,537,874                     6,537,874
FOUNDATION TRUST                       corporation
-CHINA UNIVERSAL GROWTH non-state-owned                        0.95%        6,000,041     3,994,864                     6,000,041
FOCUS MIXED SECURITIES                 corporation
Strategic investors or general corporations becoming
top-ten shareholders due to placing of new shares (if N/A
any) (see Note 3)
Related     or   acting-in-concert   parties    among      the Midea Group and TITONI Investments Development Ltd. are parties
shareholders above                                            acting in concert.
                                        Shareholdings of the top ten non-restricted shareholders
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                                            Annual Report 2016
                                                       Number of non-restricted                     Type of shares
               Name of shareholder
                                                     shares held at the period-end              Type                   Number
MIDEA GROUP CO., LTD.                                                 238,948,117 RMB ordinary share
TITONI INVESTMENTS DEVELOPMENT                                                       Domestically listed foreign
LTD.                                                                                 share
                                                                                     Domestically listed foreign
GAOLING FUND,L.P.                                                      21,694,456
                                                                       20,798,894 RMB ordinary share
GREENWOODS CHINA ALPHA MASTER                                                        Domestically listed foreign
FUND                                                                                 share
FINANCE BUREAU OF WUXI                                                 17,054,071 RMB ordinary share
                                                                       14,453,887 RMB ordinary share
                                                                       10,156,300 RMB ordinary share
                                                                        6,537,874 RMB ordinary share
                                                                        6,000,041 RMB ordinary share
Related or acting-in-concert parties among the top
ten non-restrictedly tradable share holders and Midea Group and TITONI Investments Development Ltd. are parties acting in
between the top ten non-restrictedly tradable concert.
share holders and the top ten shareholders
Top    ten   common      shareholders   conducting
securities margin trading (if any) (see Note 4)
Indicate by tick mark whether any of the top ten common shareholders or the top ten non-restricted common
shareholders of the Company conducted any promissory repo during this Reporting Period.
□ Yea √ No
No such cases in this Reporting Period.
2. Information about the controlling shareholder
   Name of controlling          Legal
                                            Date of establishment     Credibility code                 Main business scope
       shareholder          representativ
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                                         Annual Report 2016
                                                                                        Home appliances and parts, robots and
Midea Group Co., Ltd.                    04/07/2000             91440606722473344C      automatic systems, as well as financial
Shareholdings      of   the
controlling shareholder in The Company‘s controlling shareholder is Midea Group Co., Ltd. with the securities code of 000333,
other listed companies at whose shares held in other listed companies by holding or shareholding is published on
home or abroad in this www.cninfo.com.cn.
Reporting Period
Change of the controlling shareholder during this Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period.
3. Information about the actual controller
          Name of actual controller                   Nationality            Right of residence in other countries or regions
He Xiangjian                                 Chinese                    No
                                             Current board chairman of Midea Holding and former board chairman of Midea
Main occupation and duty
Used-to-be-holding listed companies home Midea Group (000333.SZ), Welling Holding (00382.HK) and Little Swan (A:
and abroad in the last ten years             000418.SZ;B:200418)
Change of the actual controller during this Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in this Reporting Period.
Ownership and control relations between the actual controller and the Company
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                                 Annual Report 2016
                                                          He Xiangjian
                                                   Midea Holding Co., Ltd.
                                                    Midea Group Co., Ltd.
                          Midea Electric Investment (BVI) Limited              37.78%
                        TITONI Investments Development Ltd.
                                                   Wuxi Little Swan Co., Ltd.
Indicate by tick mark whether the actual controller controls the Company via trust or other ways of asset
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
4. 10% or greater corporate shareholders
  Name of corporate     Legal representative /       Date of
                                                                   Registered capital            Business scope
     shareholder         company principal        establishment
                                                                                        Holding equity interests in Little
      TITONI              Xiao Mingguang           02/07/2007         USD50,000
5. Limited shareholding decrease by the Company’s controlling shareholder, actual controller, reorganizer
and other commitment makers
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
See ―Fulfillment of commitments‖ in ―Section V Significant Events‖ for details.
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                   Annual Report 2016
                                   Section VII Preference Shares
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No preference shares in this Reporting Period.
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                                           Annual Report 2016
     Section VIII Directors, Supervisors, Executive Officers and Staff
I Changes in shareholdings of directors, supervisors and executive officers
                                                                                                   Increa Decre              Closi
                                                                                          Openi se in        ase in Other     ng
                           Incumbe                                                          ng      this      this   increa share
                                      Gende         Starting date of     Ending date of
  Name      Office title   nt/forme           Age                                         shareh Report Report se/dec holdi
                                        r                tenure             tenure
                              r                                                           olding    ing       ing    rease    ng
                                                                                          (share) Period Period (share) (share
                                                                                                   (share) (share)              )
  Fang      Chairman of Incumbe
                                      Male    49 05/09/2008            08/25/2018           0        0         0
 Hongbo      the Board        nt
   Lu        General       Incumbe
                                      Male    43 12/14/2016            08/25/2018           0        0         0
 Jianfeng    Manager          nt
Minggua      Director                 Male    46 01/12/2010            08/25/2018           0        0         0
              Board        Incumbe Femal
                                              43 01/10/2007            08/25/2018           0        0         0
  Zhou       Secretary        nt        e
  Sixiu                    Incumbe Femal
             Director                         43 08/21/2012            08/25/2018           0        0         0
                              nt        e
               CFO                    Male    38 11/24/2014            08/25/2018           0        0         0
   Sun                        nt
  Yunan                    Incumbe
             Director                 Male    38 08/26/2015            08/25/2018           0        0         0
  Jiang     Independent    Incumbe
                                      Male    52 08/22/2014            08/25/2018           0        0         0
Qingyun       director        nt
   Tao      Independent    Incumbe
                                      Male    50 04/20/2015            08/25/2018           0        0         0
Xiangnan      director        nt
   Zhu      Independent    Incumbe
                                      Male    52 08/26/2015            08/25/2018           0        0         0
 Heping       director        nt
  Liang                    Incumbe
              Board                   Male    39 08/22/2014            08/25/2018           0        0         0
 Pengfei                      nt
  Wang                     Incumbe
            Supervisor                Male    35 08/22/2014            08/25/2018           0        0         0
 Shouhu                       nt
   Xu          Staff       Incumbe Male       47 08/05/2014            08/25/2018           0        0         0
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                                Annual Report 2016
Pengchen representative           nt
    g          supervisor
   Yin                         Former      Male    48 08/02/2013        12/14/2016      0   0       0
               Director        Former      Male    48 08/27/2013        12/14/2016      0   0       0
               Director        Former      Male    41 11/02/2012        03/06/2017      0   0       0
  Total            --              --        --    --              --           --      0   0       0
II Changes in directors, supervisors and executive officers
    Name                Office title          Type of change              Date                  Reason
                        Director & General
   Yin Bitong                                       Outgoing               12/14/2016             Job change
 Zhang Zhaofeng              Director               Outgoing               03/06/2017             Job change
III Brief biographies
Professional backgrounds, main working experience and current responsibilities in the Company of the incumbent
directors, supervisors and executive officers
(1) Mr. Fang Hongbo, born in Jan. 1967, holder of a master‘s degree, now serves in the Company as the Chairman
of the Board, the Chairman of the Board & President of Midea Group Co., Ltd. He once was the Board Chairman
and President of GD Midea Holding Co., Ltd., etc.
(2) Mr. Lu Jianfeng, born in Nov. 1973, holder of a master‘s degree, now serves as the General Manager of the
Company. He once was the Domestic Home A/C President, China Marketing President and Vice President of GD
Midea Holding Co., Ltd., as well as the Environmental Appliances General Manager of Midea Group, etc.
(3) Mr. Xiao Mingguang, was born in Feb. 1970, master degree, CPA. He now serves as Director in the Company,
Business Management Director of Midea Group. He ever took the posts as Deputy Director of financial
management of GD Midea Holding Co., Ltd., chief of Audit and Supervision Department Midea Group and
Director of GD Midea Holding Co., Ltd. ,etc.
(4) Ms. Zhou Sixiu, born in Feb. 1973, holder of a master‘s degree, CPA, now serves as a director and the Board
Secretary of the Company. She once was the Securities Representative of Wuxi Qingfeng Co., Ltd., etc.
(5) Sun Yunan, born in May 1978, holder of a master‘s degree, now serves as a director and the CFO of the
Company. He ever served as Finance Minister of Automatic Factory of the Company, Refrigerator Career Dept.
Factory and Manager of Accounting and Process Management of Midea Group, etc.
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                                  Annual Report 2016
(6) Jiang Qingyun, was born in Jun. 1964, doctor degree. He now serves as Independent Director of the Company,
Marketing Director of School of Management Fudan University. He ever acted as Associate Professor and Deputy
Dean of East China University of Science and Technology School of Business, Associate professor and Deputy
Market Director of School of Management of Fudan University, etc.
(7) Tao Xiangnan was born in Jan. 1966, doctor degree. He now serves as Independent Director of the Company,
Associate Professor of Nanjing University Business School, Adjunct Associate Professor of MUST and
Independent Director of Shenzhen Maida Digital Co., Ltd.
(8) Zhu Heping was born in Apr. 1964, doctor degree. He now serves as Independent Director of the Company,
Accounting Professor of school of business Jiangnan university, Member of CICPA and Independent Director of
Jiangsu Yataiqing Alloy Technology Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Pengyao Environment Protection Co., Ltd. and Wuxi
Shangji Numerical Control Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Yoke Technology Co.,Ltd.
(9) Liang Pengfei was born in Aug. 1977, bachelor. He now serves as Chairman of the Board of Supervisor,
Director of Operating and Human Resources. He ever acted as Manager of Marketing Center Compressor Dept.,
Manager of Supply Chain Management Dept. Minister of Manufacturing Management Dept. and Director of
Operating management of Midea Group etc.
(10) Wang Shouhu, was born in Sep. 1981, bachelor, He now serves as Supervisor Manager of Internal Audit. He
ever acted as Director of Management Audit of Media Daily Appliance Group and Supervision of Integrity officer
of Media Group, etc.
(11) Xu Pengcheng, was born in Dec. 1969, bachelor. He now serves as Staff Representative Supervisor and
Director of R&D of the Company. He ever acted as Minister of impeller Development Dept. officer of R&D of
Automatic Washing Machine Company and GM of Hefei Midea Washing Machine Co., Ltd., etc.
Posts concurrently held in shareholding entities
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                        Allowance from
                                                                    Starting date of   Ending date of
    Name          Shareholding entity               Post                                                the shareholding
                                                                         tenure           tenure
                       Midea Group          Chairman of the Board     08/25/2012        09/17/2018            Yes
 Fang Hongbo
                       Midea Group                President           10/15/2013        09/17/2018            Yes
     Xiao              Midea Group                  CFO               12/02/2015        09/17/2018            Yes
  Mingguang              TITONI                   Director            12/23/2013                              No
Posts held concurrently in other entities
√Applicable □Not applicable
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                                     Annual Report 2016
                                                                        Starting date of   Ending date of   Allowance from
    Name                Other entity                 Post
                                                                             tenure           tenure           the entity
                 School of Management      Professor and    Marketing
 Jiang Qingyun                                                            08/01/1999                             Yes
                     Fudan University              Director
                     Nanjing University
 Tao Xiangnan                                 Associate Professor         01/01/2005                             Yes
                      Business School
                     School of Business
  Zhu Heping                                       Professor              09/01/2007                             Yes
                     Jiangnan university
Punishments imposed in the recent three years by the securities regulators on the incumbent directors, supervisors
and executive officers as well as those who left in this Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
IV Remuneration of directors, supervisors and executive officers
Decision-making procedure, determination basis and actual remuneration payment of directors, supervisors and
executive officers
(1) Decision-making procedure for the remuneration of directors, supervisors and executive officers: The
remuneration for executive officers is proposed by the Remuneration and Appraisal Committee under the Board
and finalized upon the Board‘s approval; and that for directors and supervisors is subject to their positions.
(2) Determining basis for the remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior management: The remuneration of
directors, supervisors and senior management receiving remuneration from the Company consist of the basic
annual salary and performance annual salary. The basic annual salary is decided according to the duties, risks,
pressure and other factors born by the directors, supervisors and senior management, and it stays unchanged;
while the performance annual salary is linked with the profit completion rate and the appraisal results of target
responsibility system of the Company. The remuneration system of the directors, supervisors and senior
management of the Company serves for its operating strategy, which is adjusted according to the changes of
operation situation of the Company so as to adapt to the needs of the further development of the Company. The
adjustment basis for the remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior management of the Company is as
follows: (1) the increase level of remuneration in the same industry; (2) the earnings of the Company; (3) the
adjustment of organization structure; (4) adjustment on positions. The allowances for independent directors is
RMB100, 000 (tax included) per year upon consideration and approval of the shareholders‘ meeting, and the
expenses occurred to execute their responsibilities are borne by the Company.
(3) Actual payment for the remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior management: The basic salary of
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                                  Annual Report 2016
directors, supervisors and senior management receiving remuneration from the Company is paid monthly; the
allowance for independent directors is paid quarterly.
Remuneration of directors, supervisors and executive officers in this Reporting Period
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB'0,000
                                                                                     Total before-tax    Remuneration
                                                                                      remuneration        from related
     Name                Office title         Gender      Age     Incumbent/former
                                                                                        from the         parties of the
                                                                                        Company            Company
  Fang Hongbo      Chairman of the Board        Male      49          Incumbent                               Yes
   Lu Jianfeng       General Manager            Male      43          Incumbent                               Yes
Xiao Mingguang            Director              Male      46          Incumbent                               Yes
                      Director, Board
   Zhou Sixiu                                 Female      43          Incumbent          131.04
   Sun Yunan           Director, CFO            Male      38          Incumbent          136.03
 Jiang Qingyun      Independent director        Male      52          Incumbent           10.00
  Tao Xiangnan      Independent director        Male      50          Incumbent           10.00
   Zhu Heping       Independent director        Male      52          Incumbent           10.00
                     Supervisory Board
  Liang Pengfei                                 Male      39          Incumbent          148.84
  Wang Shouhu            Supervisor             Male      35          Incumbent           49.99
                     Staff representative
 Xu Pengcheng                                   Male      47          Incumbent          361.42
   Yin Bitong           Director, GM            Male      48           Former            347.70
 Zhang Zhaofeng           Director              Male      41           Former                                 Yes
      Total                   --                 --        --            --             1,205.02               --
Equity incentives for directors, supervisors and executive officers in this Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
V Employees
1. Number, functions and educational backgrounds of employees
Number of in-service employees of the Company                                           4,400
Number of in-service employees of main subsidiaries                                     3,286
Total number of in-service employees                                                    7,686
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                                   Annual Report 2016
Total number of employees with remuneration in this Reporting Period                      8,580
Number of retirees to whom the Company or its main subsidiaries need
to pay retirement pension
                              Function                                            Number of employees
Production                                                                                5,614
Total                                                                                     7,686
                                                   Educational backgrounds
                       Educational background                                     Number of employees
Master and above
Bachelor                                                                                  1,561
College, technical secondary school                                                       3,932
Middle school and below                                                                   1,998
Total                                                                                     7,686
2. Employee remuneration policy
The remuneration of employees is paid on time according to the Company‘s Methods for Remuneration
Management. The Company decides its employees‘ fixed salaries according to their positions and their floating
wages in line with its operating results. Meanwhile, the Company leans to strategic talent so as to ensure
competitive wages for core personnel. And the remuneration policy will be irregularly adjusted according to
regional differences, the talent supply, employees‘ turnover, changes in the industry environment and the
Company‘s paying ability.
3. Employee training plans
It will decide the training content for employees from different levels and groups according to the post
qualification, and promote the training of entire staff, so as to build a learning organization.
4. Labor outsourcing
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                             Annual Report 2016
                              Section IX Corporate Governance
I Basic situation of corporate governance
The Company continuously perfected its corporate governance; promote the improvement of its operation and
formulate the corresponding internal control system, prevented and controlled risks and safeguarded the legitimate
rights and interests of the Company and the shareholders in accordance with the requirements of relevant laws and
rules such as Company Law, Securities Law issued by CSRC. The actual situation of the Company‘s corporate
governance is in accordance with the requirements of Administrative Rule for Listed Companies issued by CSRC.
For better governance, the Company has formulated the Rules of Procedure for the Board of Directors, the
Supervisory Board, shareholders‘ meetings and the specialized committees under the Board of Directors, as well
as the Disclosure of Information Management System, Raise Money Management System, Related Transaction
Management System, Information Source Insider Registration Management System, Internal Report System for
the Major Issues, System of Accountability for Management, the Preliminary Plan Regarding Risk Handling in
Financial Services (Accepting Deposits and Lending) Provided by Midea Group Finance Co., Ltd, etc. During the
Reporting Period, according to applicable laws and regulations and the need arising from its actual operations, the
Company held the 4th Meeting of the 8th Board of Directors on March 8, 2016, at which the Internal Control Rules
for Entrusted Asset Management has been revised, further improving its corporate governance mechanism.
In line with the relevant provisions of Company Law, the Articles of Association etc., the Company established a
comparative perfect organization control structure system The Board of Director conducted the resolutions of
general meeting of shareholders, response for the significant decision-making events and general meeting of
stockholders; the Company appointed GM by law, presided over the daily production operation and management,
organized the implementation of resolution of the Board, was responsible for the Board of Directors; the
supervisor of the Company was the supervisory organization for the Company which supervised the behaviors of
the directors, GM and the finance of the Company. The four committees, Strategy Committee, the Remuneration
and Appraisal Committee, Audit Committee, the Nomination Committee were under the Board of Directors. the
Company‘s General Meeting of shareholders, Board of Directors, Board of directors and operation managerial
personnel with clear responsibilities and rights, performing their duties, effective checks and balances, scientific
decision-making and coordinate operations, which laid a solid foundation for sustained, stable and healthy
development of the Company.
During this Reporting Period, the Company was granted the ―Top 20 Main Board Listed Companies in Value‖
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                           Annual Report 2016
Award and the ―Top 10 Management Teams of Main Board Listed Companies‖ Award in the 10th China Listed
Company Value Awards hosted by Securities Times and the New Fortune magazine, as well as co-hosted by
Jiangsu Financial Work Office, the Jiangsu CSRC and the Yangzhou municipal government. Looking forward,
the Company will continue to improve its ability of sustainable development and governance capability.
Any significant incompliance with the regulatory documents issued by the CSRC governing the governance of
listed companies
□ Yes √ No
No such cases in this Reporting Period.
II Independence of businesses, personnel, asset, organizations and finance which are separate
from the controlling shareholder
The Company is completely separated from its controlling shareholder in aspects such as business, personnel,
assets, institutions and finance and possesses independent and complete business and self-dependent operating
1. In respect of business, the Company owned independent and integrated system of R&D, purchasing, production
and sales. Main business of the Company is washing machine that there isn‘t any horizontal competition between
the Company and the controlling shareholder. The Company was completely separated from the controlling
shareholder in business.
2.In respect of personnel, in terms of labor, personnel and salary management, the Company and the controlling
shareholder were independent each other, there existed no mixed operation and management between the
Company and the controlling shareholder. Such senior management staff as General Manager, CFO and Board
Secretary did not take any posts in shareholding companies.
3. In respect of assets, the Company‘s assets were complete, and there was the clear property right relationship
between the Company and the controlling shareholder.
4. In respect of organization, the Company has set up the organization that was independent from the controlling
shareholder completely, the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Board and internal organization could operate
5. In respect of financing, the Company owned independent financial department, established independent
accounting system and financial management system, opened independent bank account, paid tax in line with
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                                                Annual Report 2016
III Horizontal competition
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
IV Annual and special meetings of shareholders convened during this Reporting Period
1. Meetings of shareholders convened during this Reporting Period
         Meeting          Type    participati       Convened date          Disclosure date         Index to the disclosed information
                                   on ratio
2016 Annual Meeting                                                                           Announcement No. 2016-12 disclosed
                       Annual           58.21% 04/07/2016               04/08/2016
of Shareholders                                                                               on www.cninfo.com.cn
The First Special
                                                                                              Announcement No. 2016-28 disclosed
Meeting of             Special           5.55% 11/16/2016               11/17/2016
                                                                                              on www.cninfo.com.cn
Shareholders in 2016
2. Special meetings of shareholders convened at the request of preference shareholders with resumed voting
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
V Performance of independent directors in this Reporting Period
1. Attendance of independent directors in board meetings and meetings of shareholders
                                        Attendance of independent directors in board meetings
                       Due presence in                         Presence by                                            Absence for two
                                          Presence on site                      Presence through
Independent director   this Reporting                        telecommunicati                        Absence (times)      consecutive
                                                (times)                          a proxy (times)
                       Period (times)                          on (times)                                                   times
   Jiang Qingyun             5                    1                 4                  0                    0                No
   Tao Xiangnan              5                    1                 4                  0                    0                No
    Zhu Heping               5                    1                 4                  0                    0                No
Attendance of independent directors in
meetings of shareholders as non-voting
delegates (times)
2. Objections raised by independent directors on issues of the Company
Indicate by tick mark whether any independent directors raised any objections on issues of the Company.
□ Yes √ No
No such cases in this Reporting Period.
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                           Annual Report 2016
3. Other details about the performance of duties by independent directors
Indicate by tick mark whether any suggestions from independent directors were adopted by the Company.
√ Yes □ No
During the Reporting Period, the independent directors of the Company in strict accordance with the relevant laws,
regulations and rules of Articles 0f Association, focus on the operation of the Company, perform their duties
independently and put forward the professional opinions to complete the system of the Company and daily
management decisions , for those events need issued opinions, the independent directors put forward independent
and impartial advice, which play a proper role to improve the company governance mechanism, safeguard the
legitimate rights and interests of the Company and all shareholders.
VI Performance of duties by specialized committees under the Board during this Reporting
During the Reporting Period, the performance of the specialized committees under the Board was as follows:
1.The Audit Committee under the Board convened four meetings, at which reviewed and approved the Annual
Financial Statement Report 2015, Annual Report and Its Abstract 2015, Summary Report of the Audit Committee
on the 2015 Annual Audit Work, Proposal on Engaging the Audit Firm for 2016, First Quarter Report 2016,
Semi-annual Report 2016 and Third Quarter Report 2016.
2. The strategy Committee under the Board convened one meeting, at which reviewed and approved the proposal
on Mid-term Development Plan of the Company (2016-2018);
3.The Remuneration and Appraisal Committee under the Board convened one meeting, at which reviewed and
approved the Proposal on Paying the 2015 Annual Remuneration to the Senior Management;
4. The Nomination Committee under the Board convened one meeting, at which reviewed and approved the
Proposal on Appointment of GM of the Company.
VII Performance of duties by the Supervisory Board
Did the Supervisory Board find any risks to the Company during its supervision in this Reporting Period?
□ Yes √ No
The Supervisory Board raised no objections in this Reporting Period.
VIII Appraisal and incentive for executive officers
The selection, appraisal and incentive system of the executive officers of the Company were implemented
according to relevant regulations of the Company Law and the Articles of Association of the Company. The
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                                                   Annual Report 2016
Company established examination and evaluation system on the basis of the target responsibility, determine the
evaluation index, evaluation method and evaluation method relate to the assessment results, according to the
annual signing of the Target Responsibility Assessment System Agreement with executive officers. During the
Reporting Period, the Company had in accordance with the measures for the management of target responsibility
system exam and the rate the executive officers, and had reflected in an annual performance remuneration, which
effectively improved the executive officers‘ responsibility and work enthusiasm.
IX Internal control
1. Serious internal control defects found in this Reporting Period
□ Yes √ No
2. Internal control self-evaluation report
Disclosure date of the internal
control self-evaluation report
Index to the disclosed internal For details about the Internal Control Self-Evaluation Report 2016, see www.cninfo.com.cn,
control self-evaluation report             the website designated by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange for information disclosure.
Total assets of the evaluated entities
as a percentage in the consolidated                                                     100.00%
total assets
Operating revenues of the evaluated
entities as a percentage in the                                                         100.00%
consolidated operating revenues
                                                           Defect identification standards
                Type                                    Financial-report related                      Non-financial-report related
                                           For details, please refer to ―(III) Basis for For details, please refer to ―(III) Basis for
                                           internal control appraisal and identification internal control appraisal and identification
                                           standards for internal control defects‖ in standards for internal control defects‖ in
Nature standard
                                           Section   III      of   the   Internal   Control Section    III   of   the   Internal     Control
                                           Self-Evaluation Report 2016 disclosed on Self-Evaluation Report 2016 disclosed on
                                           www.cninfo.com.cn dated March 9, 2017.            www.cninfo.com.cn dated March 9, 2017.
Quantitative standard                      Ditto                                             Ditto
Number            of             serious
financial-report-related defects
Number            of             serious
non-financial-report-related defects
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                                            Annual Report 2016
Number             of       important
financial-report-related defects
Number             of       important
non-financial-report-related defects
X Auditor’s report on internal control
                                        Opinion paragraph in the auditor‘s report on internal control
The audit firm for internal control believes that the Company makes valid internal control on financial report in all significant
aspects on December 31, 2016 according to the Basic Rules on Enterprise Internal Control and other relevant stipulations.
Auditor‘s report on internal control
disclosed or not
Disclosure date                            03/09/2017
Index to the disclosed auditor‘s report For details about the Auditor‘s Report on Internal Control 2016, see www.cninfo.com.cn,
on internal control                        the website designated by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange for information disclosure.
Type of the auditor‘s opinion             Standard unqualified opinion
Serious    non-financial-report-related
Indicate by tick mark whether any modified opinions are expressed by the CPAs firm in its auditor‘s report on the
Company‘s internal control.
□ Yes √ No
Indicate by tick mark whether the auditor‘s report on the Company‘s internal control issued by the CPAs firm is
consistent with the self-evaluation report of the Board.
√ Yes □ No
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                                          Annual Report 2016
                                   Section X Corporate Bonds
Indicate by tick market whether there are any corporate bonds publicly offered and listed on the stock exchange,
which were undue before the approval date of this Report or were due but could not be redeemed in full
□ Yes √ No
                                     Section XI Financial Report
[English translation for reference only. Should there be any inconsistency between the Chinese and English
versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.]
                                                  Auditor’s Report
                                                                              PwC ZT Shen Zi (2017) No. 10036
                                                                                                     (Page 1 of 2)
To the shareholders of Wuxi Little Swan Co., Ltd.,
We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Wuxi Little Swan Co., Ltd. (hereinafter ―the
Company‖), which comprise the consolidated and company balance sheets as at 31 December 2016, and the
consolidated and company income statements, the consolidated and company statements of changes in
shareholder‘s equity and the consolidated and company cash flow statements for the year then ended, and the
notes to the financial statements.
Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements
Management of the Company is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial
statements in accordance with the requirements of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, and for such
internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are
free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
Auditor’s Responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our
audit in accordance with China Standards on Auditing. Those standards require that we comply with ethical
requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements are free from material misstatement.
                                                                                  PwC ZT Shen Zi (2017) No. 10036
                                                                                                          (Page 2 of 2)
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the
financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor‘s judgment, including the assessment of the
risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk
assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity‘s preparation and fair presentation of the
financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances. An audit also
includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting
estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit
In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated
and company‘s financial position of the Company as at 31 December 2016, and their financial performance and
cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with the requirements of Accounting Standards for Business
PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLP
Shanghai, the People‘s Republic of China
7 March 2017
     AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2016
     (All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
     [English Translation for Reference Only]
                                                              31 December 2016         31 December 2015
                                                                Consolidated             Consolidated
Current Assets:
  Cash at bank and in hand                                          4,272,077,211.11       3,042,843,924.81
  Notes receivable                                                  1,297,609,202.29       2,205,189,379.10
  Accounts receivable                                               1,465,654,497.90         896,075,475.63
  Advances to suppliers                                               131,513,792.18          97,628,578.17
   Interests receivable                                               26,755,807.07          22,932,602.74
   Other receivables                                                  23,693,886.54            9,208,180.08
   Inventories                                                      1,724,837,944.69        745,412,967.52
   Other current assets                                             8,385,724,282.16       5,733,188,604.23
Total current assets                                               17,327,866,623.94      12,752,479,712.28
Non-current assets:
  Available-for-sale financial assets                                    200,000.00             200,000.00
  Investment properties                                               64,854,903.25          68,843,047.52
  Fixed assets                                                       970,859,291.03        1,019,528,291.60
  Intangible assets                                                  192,283,486.15         197,521,625.03
  Long-term prepaid expenses                                            4,387,728.14           4,238,244.38
  Deferred tax assets                                                299,879,029.23         251,881,220.89
  Other non-current assets                                            25,655,775.90          32,963,224.90
Total non-current assets                                            1,558,120,213.70       1,575,175,654.32
Total assets                                                       18,885,986,837.64      14,327,655,366.60
       AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2016
       (All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English Translation for Reference Only]
                                                                31 December 2016        31 December 2015
                                                                  Consolidated            Consolidated
Current liabilities:
   Short-term borrowings                                              183,813,064.12                          -
   Notes payable                                                     2,620,549,815.47          1,953,065,274.06
   Accounts payable                                                  3,335,089,672.06          2,419,807,341.95
   Advances from customers                                           3,014,347,762.24          1,652,908,781.44
   Employee benefits payable                                           288,592,163.29           248,280,716.92
   Taxes payable                                                       412,238,029.96           325,108,227.91
   Dividends payable                                                     7,150,684.06              5,400,652.06
  Other payables                                                       199,926,402.04           171,807,137.94
  Other current liabilities                                          1,844,413,154.26          1,521,734,293.24
Total current liabilities                                           11,906,120,747.50          8,298,112,425.52
Non-current liabilities:
  Long-term employee benefits payable                                   16,101,348.60             28,439,299.25
  Provisions                                                             1,727,340.89              9,981,021.44
  Deferred income                                                        2,942,333.25              3,395,533.29
Total non-current liabilities                                           20,771,022.74             41,815,853.98
Total liabilities                                                   11,926,891,770.24          8,339,928,279.50
Owners’ equity:
  Share capital                                                        632,487,764.00           632,487,764.00
  Capital surplus                                                    1,191,490,133.01          1,164,014,947.85
  Other comprehensive income                                            70,757,524.61             34,813,284.64
  Surplus reserve                                                      332,594,722.29           332,594,722.29
  Retained earnings                                                  3,756,517,718.81          2,960,955,454.36
Equity attributable to the owners of the Company                     5,983,847,862.72          5,124,866,173.14
Minority interests                                                     975,247,204.68           862,860,913.96
Total owners’ equity                                                6,959,095,067.40          5,987,727,087.10
Total liabilities and owners’ equity                               18,885,986,837.64         14,327,655,366.60
      AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2016
      (All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
      [English Translation for Reference Only]
                                                               31 December 2016        31 December 2015
                                                                  Company                 Company
Current Assets:
  Cash at bank and in hand                                          2,397,428,457.92          2,092,430,579.63
  Notes receivable                                                  1,088,559,252.21          1,410,210,597.47
  Accounts receivable                                               2,310,254,576.98          1,183,394,794.67
  Advances to suppliers                                                89,477,823.29            98,437,350.05
  Interests receivable                                                 18,798,031.69            18,918,219.18
  Other receivables                                                    16,176,106.89              6,351,010.17
  Inventories                                                       1,068,494,123.28           482,807,868.13
  Other current assets                                              4,965,682,855.69          3,178,113,808.28
Total current assets                                               11,954,871,227.95          8,470,664,227.58
Non-current assets:
  Available-for-sale financial assets                                    150,000.00                150,000.00
  Long-term equity investments                                      1,375,785,041.57          1,306,323,041.57
  Investment properties                                                 7,546,955.16              8,040,536.02
  Fixed assets                                                        490,047,802.72           514,950,803.50
  Intangible assets                                                    92,591,167.64            95,281,467.96
  Long-term prepaid expenses                                            1,817,228.83              3,873,799.88
  Deferred tax assets                                                 197,091,251.29           159,759,565.25
  Other non-current assets                                             18,313,858.80            23,027,173.60
Total non-current assets                                            2,183,343,306.01          2,111,406,387.78
Total assets                                                       14,138,214,533.96         10,582,070,615.36
      AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2016
      (All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
      [English Translation for Reference Only]
                                                               31 December 2016        31 December 2015
                                                                  Company                 Company
Current liabilities:
  Short-term borrowings                                               123,943,093.80                         -
  Notes payable                                                     1,508,017,904.49          1,519,749,295.73
  Accounts payable                                                  3,913,090,507.89          2,038,397,769.71
  Advances from customers                                           1,854,711,663.46          1,060,643,231.20
  Employee benefits payable                                           216,530,836.37           184,287,498.34
  Taxes payable                                                       249,034,768.38           224,024,964.68
  Dividends payable                                                     7,150,684.06              5,400,652.06
  Other payables                                                      143,124,857.82            95,009,275.20
  Other current liabilities                                         1,173,641,937.69           944,905,437.98
Total current liabilities                                           9,189,246,253.96          6,072,418,124.90
Owners’ equity:
   Share capital                                                      632,487,764.00           632,487,764.00
   Capital surplus                                                  1,350,656,531.65          1,319,496,538.02
   Other comprehensive income                                          37,515,343.84            13,608,826.40
   Surplus reserve                                                    319,944,578.39           319,944,578.39
   Retained earnings                                                2,608,364,062.12          2,224,114,783.65
Total owners’ equity                                               4,948,968,280.00          4,509,652,490.46
Total liabilities and owners’ equity                              14,138,214,533.96         10,582,070,615.36
      FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 December 2016
      (All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
      [English Translation for Reference Only]
                                                               Consolidated          Consolidated
Revenues                                                        16,334,914,501.69     13,131,626,932.44
Less: Cost of sales                                             -12,111,213,286.28     -9,646,390,824.36
     Taxes and surcharges                                          -99,204,438.58        -66,761,675.48
     Selling and distribution expenses                           -2,325,645,712.65     -1,957,833,768.25
     General and administrative expenses                          -505,321,107.14       -539,747,209.80
     Finance income – net                                         154,825,748.21        110,112,851.91
     Asset impairment losses                                       -94,569,651.27        -22,451,935.85
Add: Investment income                                             200,239,260.71        201,749,610.84
Including: share of profits in an associate                                      -           263,002.04
Operating profit                                                 1,554,025,314.69      1,210,303,981.45
Add: Non-operating income                                           38,975,400.74         63,387,660.89
     Including: Gains on disposal of non-current assets              1,008,085.77            444,371.81
Less: Non-operating expenses                                         -8,573,686.44       -48,270,024.41
     Including: Losses on disposal of non-current assets             -2,841,820.22          -724,567.38
Total profit                                                     1,584,427,028.99      1,225,421,617.93
Less: Income tax expenses                                         -241,651,767.11       -172,296,831.78
Net profit                                                       1,342,775,261.88      1,053,124,786.15
     Attributable to owners of the Company                       1,175,054,922.85        919,181,968.58
     Minority interests                                            167,720,339.03        133,942,817.57
     FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 December 2016
     (All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
     [English Translation for Reference Only]
                                                                      Consolidated          Consolidated
Other comprehensive income, net of tax                                     41,216,788.60         48,553,778.03
     Attributable to equity owners of the Company                          35,944,239.97         38,262,974.21
    Other comprehensive income that will be subsequently
          reclassified to profit or loss                                   35,944,239.97         38,262,974.21
              Changes in fair value of available-for-sale financial
                assets                                                     35,924,495.90         37,033,422.18
              Foreign-currency financial statement translation
                difference                                                      19,744.07         1,229,552.03
     Attributable to minority interests                                     5,272,548.63         10,290,803.82
Total comprehensive incomes                                             1,383,992,050.48      1,101,678,564.18
    Attributable to owners of the Company                               1,210,999,162.82        957,444,942.79
    Attributable to minority interests                                    172,992,887.66        144,233,621.39
Earnings per share
    Basic earnings per share                                                         1.86                  1.45
    Diluted earnings per share                                                       1.86                  1.45
      FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 December 2016
      (All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
      [English Translation for Reference Only]
                                                                     Company              Company
Revenues                                                              12,451,627,200.77   9,844,644,562.96
Less: Cost of sales                                                   -9,679,123,368.71   -7,456,129,294.02
      Business taxes and surcharges                                      -64,404,746.49     -42,679,139.04
      Distribution expenses                                           -1,521,389,300.24   -1,413,834,422.46
      Administrative expenses                                           -402,652,997.95    -382,512,004.73
      Financial costs                                                    99,230,544.04       70,967,103.94
      Impairment loss                                                    -64,797,585.33     -12,035,597.15
      Add: Investment income                                             76,128,199.93      110,021,226.68
      Including: Share of profit of an associate                                      -         263,002.04
Operating profit                                                        894,617,946.02      718,442,436.18
Add: Non-operating income                                                10,913,249.33       27,773,563.63
      Including: Gain on disposal of non-current assets                      905,427.15         184,324.80
Less: Non-operating expenses                                              -2,859,936.65     -34,731,819.32
      Including: Losses on disposal of non-current assets                 -1,012,613.51        -111,821.73
Total profit                                                            902,671,258.70      711,484,180.49
Less: Income tax expenses                                               -138,929,321.83     -90,481,581.88
Net profit                                                              763,741,936.87      621,002,598.61
Other comprehensive income, net of tax                                   23,906,517.44       13,608,826.40
   Other comprehensive income that will be subsequently
    reclassified to profit or loss                                       23,906,517.44       13,608,826.40
      Changes in fair value of available-for-sale financial assets       23,906,517.44       13,608,826.40
Total comprehensive income                                              787,648,454.31      634,611,425.01
      FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 December 2016
      (All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
      [English Translation for Reference Only]
                                                                             Consolidated         Consolidated
Cash flows from operating activities
  Cash received from sales of goods or rendering of services                  16,223,050,621.37    12,740,160,550.07
  Refund of taxes and surcharges                                                  87,968,408.39        77,145,657.15
  Cash received relating to other operating activities                            66,833,930.42        56,688,253.87
    Sub-total of cash inflows                                                 16,377,852,960.18    12,873,994,461.09
  Cash paid for goods and services                                           -10,455,208,887.42    -6,084,201,536.57
  Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                                       -977,297,801.66      -893,989,108.53
  Payments of taxes and surcharges                                              -651,736,882.51      -543,482,333.15
  Cash paid relating to other operating activities                              -397,536,601.21    -1,753,626,014.04
    Sub-total of cash outflows                                               -12,481,780,172.80    -9,275,298,992.29
      Net cash flows from operating activities                                 3,896,072,787.38     3,598,695,468.80
Cash flows from investing activities
  Cash received from disposal of investments                                   8,998,000,000.00     8,274,398,907.76
  Cash received from returns on investments                                      200,239,260.71       202,012,612.84
  Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and
    other long-term assets                                                         5,447,359.13         6,561,716.52
  Cash received relating to other investing activities                            71,183,080.05        42,268,968.89
    Sub-total of cash inflows                                                  9,274,869,699.89     8,525,242,206.01
  Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term
    assets                                                                       -63,305,378.00      -113,960,753.52
  Cash paid to acquire additional interest in a subsidiary                   -11,471,000,000.00   -10,456,050,000.00
    Sub-total of cash outflows                                               -11,534,305,378.00   -10,570,010,753.52
      Net cash flows from investing activities                                -2,259,435,678.11    -2,044,768,547.51
      FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 December 2016
      (All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
      [English Translation for Reference Only]
                                                                              Consolidated         Consolidated
Cash flows from financing activities
  Cash received from borrowings                                                   183,813,064.12       215,915,154.66
   Sub-total of cash inflows                                                      183,813,064.12       215,915,154.66
  Cash repayments of borrowings                                                                -      -215,915,154.66
  Cash payments for distribution of dividends, profits or interest expenses      -395,092,974.82      -286,688,438.02
  Cash payments relating to other financing activities                            -69,462,000.00                    -
   Sub-total of cash outflows                                                    -464,554,974.82      -502,603,592.68
     Net cash flows from financing activities                                    -280,741,910.70      -286,688,438.02
Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents               23,109,389.95         8,707,040.56
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                       1,379,004,588.52     1,275,945,523.83
  Add: Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                           2,792,685,328.69     1,516,739,804.86
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                                        4,171,689,917.21     2,792,685,328.69
   FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 December 2016
   (All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
   [English Translation for Reference Only]
                                                                               Company             Company
Cash flows from operating activities
  Cash received from sales of goods or rendering of services                  10,147,589,853.70   8,364,432,765.46
  Cash received relating to other operating activities                           39,602,069.13       29,865,585.50
    Sub-total of cash inflows                                                 10,187,191,922.83   8,394,298,350.96
  Cash paid for goods and services                                            -6,418,903,625.65   -3,793,842,616.29
  Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                                       -675,417,191.26    -595,390,188.36
  Payments of taxes and surcharges                                              -453,239,964.32    -274,650,446.03
  Cash paid relating to other operating activities                              -269,070,271.83   -1,444,764,032.80
    Sub-total of cash outflows                                                -7,816,631,053.06   -6,108,647,283.48
      Net cash flows from operating activities                                 2,370,560,869.77   2,285,651,067.48
Cash flows from investing activities
  Cash received from disposal of investments                                   5,086,000,000.00   5,295,471,450.01
  Cash received from returns on investments                                      76,128,199.93      110,453,700.06
  Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets and intangible assets and
    other long-term assets                                                         1,606,025.78       1,952,876.70
  Cash received relating to other investing activities                           62,624,714.64       35,092,311.37
    Sub-total of cash inflows                                                  5,226,358,940.35   5,442,970,338.14
  Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term
    assets                                                                       -32,673,329.11     -70,559,477.51
  Cash paid to acquire investments                                            -6,751,000,000.00   -6,112,000,000.00
  Cash paid to relating to other investing activities                            -69,462,000.00                   -
    Sub-total of cash outflows                                                -6,853,135,329.11   -6,182,559,477.51
      Net cash flows from investing activities                                -1,626,776,388.76    -739,589,139.37
  FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 December 2016
  (All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
  [English Translation for Reference Only]
                                                                             Company            Company
Cash Flows from Financing Activities:
 Cash received from borrowings                                                123,943,093.80      16,404,201.00
   Sub-total of cash inflows                                                  123,943,093.80      16,404,201.00
 Cash repayments of borrowings                                                              -     -16,404,201.00
 Cash payments for distribution of dividends, profits or interest expenses   -389,009,428.38    -283,468,922.78
   Sub-total of cash outflows                                                -389,009,428.38    -299,873,123.78
     Net cash flows from financing activities                                -265,066,334.58    -283,468,922.78
Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents            8,547,293.68       3,619,003.80
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                     487,265,440.11    1,266,212,009.13
    Add: Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                      1,866,443,114.64    600,231,105.51
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                                     2,353,708,554.75   1,866,443,114.64
     FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 December 2016
     (All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
     [English Translation for Reference Only]
                                                                                     Attributable to the owners of the Company
                                                       Share capital       Capital surplus           Other           Surplus reserves       Retained earnings
                          Item                                                                                                                                      Minority interests       Total owners’ equity
Balance at 1 January 2016                              632,487,764.00        1,164,014,947.85      34,813,284.64       332,594,722.29          2,960,955,454.36         862,860,913.96           5,987,727,087.10
Movements for the year ended 31 December 2016                          -       27,475,185.16       35,944,239.97                        -        795,562,264.45         112,386,290.72             971,367,980.30
    Total comprehensive income                                         -                     -     35,944,239.97                        -      1,175,054,922.85         172,992,887.66           1,383,992,050.48
     -Net profit                                                       -                     -                   -                      -      1,175,054,922.85         167,720,339.03           1,342,775,261.88
     -Other comprehensive income                                       -                     -     35,944,239.97                        -                       -         5,272,548.63              41,216,788.60
    Capital contribution and withdrawal by owners                      -       27,475,185.16                     -                      -                       -       -60,606,596.94              -33,131,411.78
     -Amount recorded in owners' equity arising from
    share-based payment arrangements                               -       34,772,462.28                     -                      -                       -         1,558,125.94              36,330,588.22
     -Others                                                           -        -7,297,277.12                    -                      -                       -       -62,164,722.88             -69,462,000.00
    Profit distribution                                                -                     -                   -                      -       -379,492,658.40                          -        -379,492,658.40
     -Profit distribution to equity owners                             -                     -                   -                      -       -379,492,658.40                          -        -379,492,658.40
Balance at 31 December 2016                            632,487,764.00        1,191,490,133.01      70,757,524.61       332,594,722.29          3,756,517,718.81         975,247,204.68           6,959,095,067.40
     FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 December 2015
     (All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
     [English Translation for Reference Only]
                                                                                    Attributable to the owners of the Company
                                                    Share capital       Capital surplus       Other comprehensive     Surplus reserves   Retained earnings                        Total owners’ equity
Balance at 1 January 2015                           632,487,764.00        1,139,956,336.03            -3,449,689.57     332,594,722.29      2,326,392,979.58     716,713,982.38        5,144,696,094.71
Movements for the year ended 31 December 2015                       -        24,058,611.82           38,262,974.21                   -        634,562,474.78     146,146,931.58          843,030,992.39
    Total comprehensive income                                      -                     -          38,262,974.21                   -        919,181,968.58     144,233,621.39        1,101,678,564.18
     -Net profit                                                    -                     -                       -                  -        919,181,968.58     133,942,817.57        1,053,124,786.15
     -Other comprehensive income                                    -                     -          38,262,974.21                   -                       -    10,290,803.82           48,553,778.03
    Capital contribution and withdrawal by owners                   -        24,058,611.82                        -                  -                       -     1,913,310.19           25,971,922.01
     -Amount recorded in owners' equity arising
    from share-based payment arrangements                       -        22,544,356.36                        -                  -                       -     1,353,341.72           23,897,698.08
     -Others                                                        -         1,514,255.46                        -                  -                       -      559,968.47             2,074,223.93
    Profit distribution                                             -                     -                       -                  -       -284,619,493.80                  -         -284,619,493.80
     -Profit distribution to equity owners                          -                     -                       -                  -       -284,619,493.80                  -         -284,619,493.80
Balance at 31 December 2015                         632,487,764.00        1,164,014,947.85           34,813,284.64      332,594,722.29      2,960,955,454.36     862,860,913.96        5,987,727,087.10
     FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 December 2016
     (All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
     [English Translation for Reference Only]
                                                                                                        Other comprehensive
                            Item                              Share capital       Capital surplus                                 Surplus reserves       Retained earnings       Total owners’ equity
Balance at 1 January 2016                                      632,487,764.00        1,319,496,538.02          13,608,826.40         319,944,578.39          2,224,114,783.65          4,509,652,490.46
Movements for the year ended 31 December 2016                                 -         31,159,993.63          23,906,517.44                         -         384,249,278.47            439,315,789.54
     Total comprehensive income                                               -                     -          23,906,517.44                         -         763,741,936.87            787,648,454.31
       Net profit                                                             -                     -                         -                      -         763,741,936.87            763,741,936.87
       Other comprehensive income                                             -                     -          23,906,517.44                         -                       -            23,906,517.44
     Capital contribution and withdrawal by owners                            -         31,159,993.63                         -                      -                       -            31,159,993.63
       Amount recorded in owners' equity arising from
            share-based payment arrangements                                  -         31,159,993.63                         -                      -                       -            31,159,993.63
     Profit distribution                                                      -                     -                         -                      -        -379,492,658.40           -379,492,658.40
       Profit distribution to equity owners                                   -                     -                         -                      -        -379,492,658.40           -379,492,658.40
Balance at 31 December 2016                                    632,487,764.00        1,350,656,531.65          37,515,343.84         319,944,578.39          2,608,364,062.12          4,948,968,280.00
     FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 December 2015
     (All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
     [English Translation for Reference Only]
                                                                                                        Other comprehensive
                            Item                              Share capital       Capital surplus                                 Surplus reserves       Retained earnings       Total owners’ equity
Balance at 1 January 2015                                      632,487,764.00        1,300,124,962.20                         -      319,944,578.39          1,887,731,678.84          4,140,288,983.43
Movements for the year ended 31 December 2015                                 -         19,371,575.82          13,608,826.40                         -         336,383,104.81            369,363,507.03
     Total comprehensive income                                               -                     -          13,608,826.40                         -         621,002,598.61            634,611,425.01
       Net profit                                                             -                     -                         -                      -         621,002,598.61            621,002,598.61
       Other comprehensive income                                             -                     -          13,608,826.40                         -                       -            13,608,826.40
     Capital contribution and withdrawal by owners                            -         19,371,575.82                         -                      -                       -            19,371,575.82
       Amount recorded in owners' equity arising from                         -                                               -                      -                       -
          share-based payment arrangements                                              19,371,309.18                                                                                     19,371,309.18
       Others                                                                 -                266.64                         -                      -                       -                   266.64
     Profit distribution                                                      -                     -                         -                      -        -284,619,493.80           -284,619,493.80
       Profit distribution to equity owners                                   -                     -                         -                      -        -284,619,493.80           -284,619,493.80
Balance at 31 December 2015                                    632,487,764.00        1,319,496,538.02          13,608,826.40         319,944,578.39          2,224,114,783.65          4,509,652,490.46
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
I. Company profile
Wuxi Little Swan Co., Ltd. (hereinafter ―the Company\") was formerly a SOE founded and reorganized as a private
placement limited liability company by the approval of Jiangsu Provincial Commission for Economic
Restructuring (SuTiGaiSheng (1993) No.253 Document) on 29th Nov,1993. As approved by Jiangsu Provincial
Government ((1996) No.52 Document), Securities Regulatory Commission under State Council (ZhengWeiFa
(1996) No.14 Document) and Shenzhen Securities and Exchange Commission (ShenZhengBanhan (1996) No.4
Document), the Company publicly issued 70 million RMB foreign shares (B-shares) in China, after which the
Company‘s share capital came to RMB 310 million.
In March 1997, as approved by China Securities Regulatory Commission (ZhengJianFaZi (1997) No.54
Document and ZhengJianFaZi (1997) No.55 Document, the Company publicly issued 60 million RMB common
shares (including 90 million staff shares). The public offerings raised 720.83 million RMB yuan and the A-shares
were formally listed at Shenzhen Stock Exchange in Mar, 1997. The abbreviation for A-shares is ―Little Swan A\".
A-share code is 000418.
On 20 July 2006, the Company‘s proposal on reformation of segregated stocks was approved by relevant
shareholders‘ meeting. To gain liquidity for the restricted stocks of the Company, the holders of the restricted
stocks of the Company agreed to pay the following consideration: based on the stock registration as of 4 August
2006, the Company issued bonus shares on 7 August 2006 at the ratio of 2.5 shares to every 10 A-shares to
liquidated A-share holders which went public on the same day. After this bonus issue, the total number of shares of
the Company remained unchanged with corresponding changes in the composition of share holdings.
Pursuant to the resolution at the Annual General Meeting on 9 May 2008, programme of transference from
capital surplus to share capital at the ratio of 10 shares to 5 shares was approved. Additional 182,551,920 shares
were allotted at par from the capital surplus of the Company. As a result, the total shares of the Company increased
to 547,655,760.
In accordance to the resolution of the 4th seeion of the 6th board meeting and the 1st temprorary shareholders
meeting in 2010, as well as Document ZhengJianXuKe (2010) No. 1577 ―The approval of significant assets
reorganization of Wuxi Little Swan Co., Ltd. and stock offering with assets purchase to Guangdong Midea
Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.‖ issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission, a placement in A share was
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
completed in which additional 84,832,000 shares were issued to Guangdong Midea Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.
(Midea Electric Appliances), while 69.47% equity interest of Hefei Midea Washing Machine Limited (formerly as
Hefei Royal star Washing Machine Manufacture Limited) was acquired. Through the non-public offering of A
share, the Company‘s captital share increased by RMB 84,832,000.
On 18 September 2013, Midea Group Co., Ltd. (the Group) combined the Company‘s former controlling
shareholder Midea Electric Appliances through shares exchanges according to Document ZhengJianXuKe (2013)
No. 1014 ―The approval of the merger of Guangdong Midea Electric Appliances Co., Ltd. to Midea Group Co.,
Ltd.‖ issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission. After the consolidation by merger, the equity interest
held by Midea Electric Appliances previously was held by the Group and registration procedures for shares
transfer were completed by 31 December, 2013. Thus, the Group became the first major shareholder of the
As of 31 December 2015, the total share capital of the Company mounted to 632,487,764, 0.59% of which are
3,711,190 A shares with restriction of trading, 69.21% of which are 437,765,002 A shares without restriction of
trading, and 30.20% of which are 191,011,572 B shares without restriction of trading.
The address of the Company‘s registered office and the headquarters office address is No.18 Changjiang South
Road, National High-tech Industrial Development Zone, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province.
The Company is engaged in the industry of household electric appliances, the approved scope of business of
which includes manufacture, sales and after-sales service of household electric appliances, industrial ceramic
products, environmental-friendly dry cleaning equipment, washing apparatus for typical machines, processing
equipment and fittings. The Company provides laundry service, machining; exports and imports, or be agent for a
variety of products and technologies (excluding unauthorized or forbidden products and technologies for
operation according to state regulations for enterprises). It also provides appliance technical services, certified
outsourcing services (operated with a valid qualification certificate) and invests in financial instruments with
surplus funds.
The financial statements were authorized for issue by the board of directors of the Company on 7 March 2017.
Principle subsidiaries included in the scope of consolidation are listed in Note VI.
II. Important accounting policies and estimations
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
The Group determine the accounting policies and accounting estimates based on the operation of business, which
mainly reflected in the revenue recognition policies (note II (22)).
The critical judgements of the Group in determining the critical accounting policies are stated in note II (27).
(1) Basis of preparation
The Group prepared the financial statements with the Basic Standard of the Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises, accounting policies and other regulations (hereafter referred to as ―the Accounting Standard for
Business Enterprises‖ or ―CAS‖) issued by the Ministry of Finance on and after 15 February 2006, and No. 15
Listing Rules on Disclosure Information for Public Business Entities – preparation of financial statements issued
by China Securities Regulatory Commission.
The financial statements are prepared on a going concern basis
(2) Statement of compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
The financial statements of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2015 are in compliance with the
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, and truly and completely present the financial position of the
Group and the Company as of 31 December 2015 and the operating results, cash flows and other information of
the Group and the Company for the year then ended.
(3) Accounting year
The company‘s accounting year starts on 1st January and ends on 31st December.
(4) Functional currency
The functional currency is Renminbi (RMB).
(5) Business combinations
  (a) Business combinations involving enterprises under common control
The consideration paid and net assets obtained by the absorbing party in a business combination are measured at
the carrying amount. The difference between the carrying amount of the net assets obtained from the combination
and the carrying amount of the consideration paid for the combination is treated as an adjustment to capital surplus
(share premium). If the capital surplus (share premium) is not sufficient to absorb the difference, the remaining
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
balance is adjusted against retained earnings. Costs directly attributable to the combination are included in profit
or loss in the period in which they are incurred. Transaction costs associated with the issue of equity or debt
securities for the business combination are included in the initially recognised amounts of the equity or debt
  (b) Business combinations involving enterprises not under common control
The cost of combination and identifiable net assets obtained by the acquirer in a business combination are
measured at fair value at the acquisition date. Where the cost of the combination exceeds the acquirer‘s interest in
the fair value of the acquirer‘s identifiable net assets, the difference is recognised as goodwill; where the cost of
combination is lower than the acquirer‘s interest in the fair value of the acquirer‘s identifiable net assets, the
difference is recognised in profit or loss for the current period. Costs directly attributable to the combination are
included in profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred. Transaction costs associated with the issue of
equity or debt securities for the business combination are included in the initially recognised amounts of the equity
or debt securities.
(6) Basis of preparation of consolidated financial statements
The consolidated financial statements comprise the financial statements of the Company and all of its subsidiaries.
Subsidiaries are consolidated from the date on which the Group obtains control and are de-consolidated from the
date that such control ceases. For a subsidiary that is acquired in a business combination involving enterprises
under common control, it is included in the consolidated financial statements from the date when it, together with
the Company, comes under common control of the ultimate controlling party. The portion of the net profits
realised before the combination date is presented separately in the consolidated income statement.
In preparing the consolidated financial statements, where the accounting policies and the accounting periods of the
Company and subsidiaries are inconsistent, the financial statements of the subsidiaries are adjusted in accordance
with the accounting policies and the accounting period of the Company. For subsidiaries acquired from business
combinations involving enterprises not under common control, the individual financial statements of the
subsidiaries are adjusted based on the fair value of the identifiable net assets at the acquisition date.
All significant intra-group balances, transactions and unrealised profits are eliminated in the consolidated
financial statements. The portion of a subsidiary‘s equity and the portion of a subsidiary‘s net profits, losses and
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
comprehensive income for the period not attributable to the Company are recognised as minority interests and
presented separately in the consolidated financial statements within equity, net profits and total comprehensive
income respectively. Unrealised gain or loss from selling assets to subsidiaries fully offsets the net income
attributable to equity holders of the company. Unrealised gain or loss from purchasing assets from subsidiaries
offsets the net income attributable to equity holders of the company and atrributable to the minority interest by the
distribution proportion regarding the company and the subsidiary. Unrealised gain or loss from transaction
between subsidiaries offsets the net income attributable to equity holders of the company and atrributable to the
minority interest by the distribution proportion regarding the company and the selling side of the subsidiaries.
If different recognition perspectives for the same transaction arise within different accounting identities setup,
there is adjustment for the transaction from the Group‘s perspective.
(7) Cash and cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash on hand, deposits that can be readily drawn on demand, and short-term
and highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and are subject to an
insignificant risk of changes in value.
(8) Foreign currency
(a) Foreign currency transaction
Foreign currency transactions are translated into RMB using the exchange rates prevailing at the dates of the
At the balance sheet date, monetary items denominated in foreign currencies are translated into RMB using the
spot exchange rates on the balance sheet date. Exchange differences arising from these translations are recognised
in profit or loss for the current period, except for those attributable to foreign currency borrowings that have been
taken out specifically for the acquisition or construction of qualifying assets, which are capitalised as part of the
cost of those assets. Non-monetary items denominated in foreign currencies that are measured at historical costs
are translated at the balance sheet date using the spot exchange rates at the date of the transactions. The effect of
exchange rate changes on cash is presented separately in the cash flow statement.
(b) Foreign currency financial statements translations
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
Assets and liabilities, which are oversea operating, are translated into RMB using the spot exchange rate on the
balance sheet date. Items in Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity are translated into RMB using the spot
exchange rate at the date of the transactions, except for the retained earnings. Incomes and expenses items, which
are oversea operating, are translated into RMB using the spot exchange rate at the date of the transactions. The
translation differences of foreign currency transactions are presented in other comprehensive income. Cash flow
items, which are oversea operating, are translated into RMB using the spot exchange rate at the date of the cash in
or cash out. The effect of exchange rate changes on cash is presented separately in the cash flow statement.
(9) Financial instruments
(a) Financial assets
(i)   Classification
Financial assets are classified into the following categories at initial recognition: financial assets at fair value
through profit or loss, loan and receivables, available-for-sale financial assets and held-to-maturity investments.
The classification of financial assets depends on the Group‘s intention and ability to hold the financial assets.
Loan and receivables
Loan and receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted
in an active market.
Available-for-sale financial assets
Available-for-sale financial assets are non-derivative financial assets that are designated to be available for sale
upon initial recognition and financial assets not classified in any other categories. Available-for-sale financial
assets are included in other current assets if management intends to dispose of them within 12 months from
balance sheet date.
(ii) Recognition and measurement
Financial assets are recognized at fair value on the balance sheet when the Group becomes a party to the
contractual provisions of the financial instrument. Transaction costs that are attributable to the acquisition of the
financial assets at fair value through profits or losses are included in profit or loss in the period in which they are
incurred, and transaction costs that are attributable to the acquisition of other financial assets are included in their
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
initially recognized amounts.
Available-for-sale financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value. Investments in equity instruments are
measured at cost when they do not have a quoted market price in an active market and whose fair value cannot be
reliably measured. Loan and receivables and held-to-maturity investments are measured at amortised cost using
the effective interest method.
Gains or losses arising from change in fair value of available-for-sale financial assets are recognized directly in
equity, except for impairment losses and foreign exchange gains and losses arising from translation of monetary
financial assets. When such financial assets are derecognized, the cumulative gains or losses previously
recognized directly into equity are recycled into profit or loss for the current period. Interests on available-for-sale
investments in debt instruments calculated using the effective interest method during the period in which such
investments are held and cash dividends declared by the investee on available-for-sale investments in equity
instruments are recognized as investment income, which is recognized in profits or losses for the period.
(iii) Impairment of financial assets
The Group assesses the carrying amount of financial assets at each balance sheet date. If there is objective
evidence that the financial asset is impaired, an impairment loss is provided for.
The objective evidence are matters that occur after the financial assets been recognised, affect its estimated future
cash flow and could be measured accuractly by the Group.
The objective evidence, of which provided for available-for-sale equity instruments being impaired, includes an
investment in an equity instrument with serious or prolonged decline. The Group assesses available-for-sale
equity instruments at each balance sheet date. If the fair value of equity instruments is less than its initial
investment cost of more than 50% (including 50%), or less than the duration of its initial investment cost of more
than one year (including one year), it indicates that the equity instruments are impaired. If the fair value of equity
instruments is less than its initial investment cost of more than 20% (including 20%) to 50% (not including 50%),
the Group will consider other relevant factors such as ratios of price fluctuation to judge that whether equity
instruments are impaired. The group measured the initial investment cost of available-for-sale equity instruments
using the weighted average method.
When an impairment loss on a financial asset carried at amortized cost has been incurred, the amount of loss is
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
measured at the difference between the asset‘s carrying amount and the present value of estimated future cash
flows (excluding future credit losses that have not been incurred). If there is objective evidence that the value of
the financial asset recovered and the recovery is related objectively to an event occurring after the impairment was
recognized, the previously recognized impairment loss is reversed and the amount of reversal is recognized in
profits or losses.
When an impairment loss on available-for-sale financial assets incurred, the cumulative losses arising from the
decline in fair value that had been recognized directly in equity are transferred out from equity and into
impairment loss. For an investment in debt instrument classified as available-for-sale on which impairment losses
have been recognized, if, in a subsequent period, its fair value increases and the increase can be objectively related
to an event occurring after the impairment loss was recognized in profit or loss, the previously recognized
impairment loss is reversed into profit or loss for the current period. For an investment in an equity instrument
classified as available-for-sale on which impairment losses have been recognized, the increase in its fair value in a
subsequent period is recognized directly in equity.
If an impairment loss incurred on a financial asset carried at amortized cost, the amount of loss is measured as the
difference between the asset‘s carrying amount and the present value of estimated future cash flows discounted at
the current market rate of return for a similar financial asset and cannot be revert in the subsequent periods.
(iv) Derecognition of financial assets
Financial assets are derecognised when: i) the contractual rights to receive the cash flows from the financial assets
have expired; or ii) substantial risks and rewards of ownership of the financial assets have been transferred; or iii)
the control over the financial asset has been waived even if the Group does not transfer or retain nearly all of the
risks and rewards relating to the ownership of a financial asset.
On derecognition of a financial asset, the difference between the carrying amount and the aggregate of
consideration received and the accumulative amount of the changes of fair value originally recorded in the
owner‘s equity is recognised in the profit or loss.
(b) Financial liabilities
Financial liabilities are classified into the following categories at initial recognition: the financial liabilities at fair
value through profit or loss and other financial liabilities. The financial liabilities in the Group mainly comprise of
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
other financial liabilities, including short-term borrowings, notes payable, accounts payable, dividends payable,
other payables and other current liabilities, which are recognised initially at fair value and measured subsequently
at amortised cost using the effective interest method.
Borrowings are recognised initially at fair value, net of transaction costs incurred, and subsequently carried at
amortised costs using the effective interest method.
Other financial liabilities are classified as current liabilities if they mature within one year (one year included);
others are classified as non-current liabilities; non-current liabilities due for repayment within one year since the
balance sheet date are classified as current portion of non-current liabilities.
A financial liability (or a part of financial liability) is derecognised when and only when the obligation specified in
the contract is discharged or cancelled. The difference between the carrying amount of a financial liability (or a
part of financial liability) extinguished and the consideration paid is recognised in profit or loss.
(c) Determination of the fair value of the financial instruments
The fair value of a financial instrument that is traded in an active market is determined at the quoted price in the
active market. The fair value of a financial instrument for which the market is not active is determined by using a
valuation technique. Valuation techniques include using prices of recent market transactions between
knowledgeable, willing parties, reference to the current fair value of another financial asset that is substantially the
same with this instrument, and discounted cash flow analysis. When a valuation technique is used to establish the
fair value of a financial instrument, management uses market data as much as possible and avoids use of data that
is particularly related to the Group.
(10) Receivables
Receivables comprise notes receivable, accounts receivable, interests receivable and other receivables. Accounts
receivable arising from sale of goods or rendering of services are initially recognised at fair value of the
contractual payments from the buyers or service recipients.
(a) Receivables with amounts that are individually significant are subject to separate assessment for impairment. If
there exists objective evidence that the Group will not be able to collect the amount under the original terms, a
provision for bad debts of that receivable is made at the difference between its carrying amount and the present
value of estimated future cash flows.
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
The criteria for individually significant receivables: the amount of account receivable individually accounts for
over 10% (including 10%) of total amount of accounts receivable on balance sheet date or is individually more
than RMB 10,000,000 (including RMB 10,000,000); the amount of other receivable individually accounts for over
10% (including 10%) of total amount of other receivable on balance sheet date or is individually more than RMB
5,000,000 (including RMB 5,000,000).
The provision for impairment of the receivables that are individually significant is established at the difference
between the carrying amount of the receivable and the present value of estimated future cash flows.
(b) Receivables with amounts that are not individually significant and those receivables that have been
individually assessed for impairment and have not been found impaired are classified into certain groupings based
on their credit risk characteristics. Provision for bad debts is determined based on the historical loss experience for
groupings of receivables with similar credit risk characteristics, taking into consideration of the current
A provision for impairment of the receivables is made based on the aging of receivables at the following
  □ Applicable √ Not applicable
                  Aging                    Provision as a percentage of receivables Provision as a percentage of other receivables
Within 1 year                                                                5.00%                                         5.00%
Between 1 and 2 years                                                      10.00%                                         10.00%
Between 2 and 3 years                                                      30.00%                                         30.00%
Between 3 and 4 years                                                      50.00%                                         50.00%
Between 4 and 5 years                                                      50.00%                                         50.00%
Over 5 years                                                              100.00%                                        100.00%
In the groups, those adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
In the groups, those adopting other methods to withdraw bad debt provision:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
(c) Accounts receivable with an insignificant single amount but for which the bad debt provision is made
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
The recognition criteria and method of provision for impairment of receivables those are not individually
Receivables that are not individually significant are subject to separate impairment assessment if there is objective
evidence that the Group will not be able to collect the full amounts according to the original terms.
The provision for impairment of the receivables is established at the difference between the carrying amount of the
receivables and the present value of estimated future cash flows.
(11) Inventory
(a) classification
Inventories include raw materials, work in progress, finished goods and turnover materials, and are presented at
the lower of cost and net realizable value.
(b) Determination of cost
Cost is determined on the weighted average method. The cost of finished goods and work in progress comprises
raw materials, direct labour and an allocation of all production overhead expenditures incurred based on normal
operating capacity.
(c) The determination of net realizable value and the method of provisions for impairment of inventories
Provisions for declines in the value of inventories are determined at the carrying value of the inventories net of
their net realizable value. Net realizable value is determined based on the estimated selling price in the ordinary
course of business, less the estimated costs to completion and estimated costs necessary to make the sale and
relevant taxes.
(d) The Company and its sudsidiaries adopt the perpetual inventory system.
(e) Amortisation methods of low value consumables and packaging materials
Turnover materials include low value consumables and packaging materials, which are expensed when issued.
(12) Long-term equity investments
Long-term equity investments include the company‘s long-term equity investments in its subsidiaries.
Subsidiaries are all entities over which the Company is able to control.
Investments in subsidiaries are measured using the cost method in the Company‘s financial statements, and
adjusted by using the equity method when preparing the consolidated financial statements.
(a) Determination of investment cost
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
For long-term equity investments acquired through a business combination: for long-term equity investments
acquired through a business combination involving enterprises under common control, the investment cost shall
be the absorbing party‘s share of the carrying amount of owners‘ equity of the party being absorbed at the
combination date; for long-term equity investment acquired through a business combination involving enterprises
not under common control, the investment cost shall be the combination cost.
For long-term equity investments acquired not through a business combination: for long-term equity investment
acquired by payment in cash, the initial investment cost shall be the purchase price actually paid; for long-term
equity investment acquired by issuing equity securities, the initial investment cost shall be the fair value of the
equity securities.
(b) Subsequent measurement and recognition of related profits and losses
For long-term equity investments accounted for using the cost method, they are measured at the initial investment
costs, and cash dividends or profits distribution declared by the investees are recognised as investment income in
profits or losses.
For long-term equity investments accounted for using the equity method, where the initial investment cost of a
long-term equity investment exceeds the Group‘s share of the fair value of the investee‘s identifiable net assets at
the acquisition date, the long-term equity investment is measured at the initial investment cost; where the initial
investment cost is less than the share of the Company and its subsidiaries of the fair value of the investee‘s
identifiable net assets at the acquisition date, the difference is included in profits or losses and the cost of the
long-term equity investment is adjusted upwards accordingly.
For long-term equity investments accounted for using the equity method, the Company and its subsidiaries
recognize the investment income according to its share of net profit or loss of the investee. The Company and its
subsidiaries discontinue recognizing its share of net losses of an investee after the carrying amount of the
long-term equity investment together with any long-term interests that, in substance, form part of the investor‘s net
investment in the investee are reduced to zero. However, if the Company and its subsidiaries have obligations for
additional losses and the criteria with respect to recognition of provisions under the accounting standards on
contingencies are satisfied, the Company and its subsidiaries continue recognizing the investment losses and the
provisions. For changes in owners‘ equity of the investee other than those arising from its net profit or loss,other
comprehensive income and profit distribution, the Company and its subsidiaries record its proportionate share
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
directly into capital surplus, provided that the proportion of the Company and its subsidiaries of shareholding in
the investee remains unchanged. The carrying amount of the investment is reduced by the share of the Company
and its subsidiaries of the profit distribution or cash dividends declared by an investee. The unrealized profits or
losses arising from the intra-group transactions amongst the Company, its subsidiaries and its investees are
eliminated in proportion to the equity of the Company and its subsidiaries interest in the investees, and then based
on which the investment gains or losses are recognised. For the loss on the intra-group transaction amongst the
Company, its subsidiaries and its investees attributable to asset impairment, any unrealized loss is not eliminated.
(c) Basis for determine existence of control, joint control or significant influence over investees
Control is the power to govern the financial and operating policies of the investee so as to obtain benefits from its
operating activities. When determining whether to control the investees or not, the potential voting rights, of
which convertible bonds and executable warrants issued by the investees in current period, should be considered
as well.
Joint control is the contractually agreed sharing of control over an economic activity, and exists only when the
strategic financial and operating decisions relating to the activity require the unanimous consent of the parties
sharing control.
Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee, but
is not control or joint control over those policies.
(d) Impairment of long-term equity investments
The carrying amount of long-term equity investments in subsidiaries is reduced to the recoverable amount when
the recoverable amount is less than the carrying amount (Note II (17)).
(13) Investment properties
Investment properties, including land use rights that have already been leased out and buildings that are held for
the purpose of leasing, are measured initially at cost. Subsequent expenditures incurred in relation to an
investment property are included in the cost of the investment property when it is probable that the associated
economic benefits will flow to the Group and their costs can be reliably measured; otherwise, the expenditures are
recognised in profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred.
The Company and its subsidiaries adopt the cost model for subsequent measurement of investment properties,
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
which are depreciated or amortizerd using the straight-line method to allocate the cost of the assets to their
estimated residual values over their estimated useful lives.. The estimated useful lives, the estimated net residual
values that are expressed as a percentage of cost and the annual depreciation (amortisation) rates of investment
properties are as follows:
                                                                                                  Annual Depreciation
             Items                    Estimate Useful Lives       Estimated residual value
                                                                                                  (amortization) Rates
           Buildings                       20-35 years                     5.00%                      2.71%-4.75%
       Land Use Rights                       50 years                        -                           2.00%
When an investment property is transferred to owner-occupied properties, it is reclassified as fixed asset or
intangible asset at the date of the transfer. When an owner-occupied property is transferred out for earning rentals
or for capital appreciation, the fixed asset or intangible asset is reclassified as investment properties at its carrying
amount at the date of the transfer.
The investment property‘s estimated useful life, net residual value and depreciation (amortization) method applied
are reviewed and adjusted as appropriate at each year-end.
An investment property is derecognised on disposal or when the investment property is permanently withdrawn
from use and no future economic benefits are expected from its disposal. The net amount of proceeds from sale,
transfer, retirement or damage of an investment property after its carrying amount and related taxes and expenses
is recognised in profit or loss for the current period.
The carrying amount of an investment property is reduced to the recoverable amount if the recoverable amount is
below the carrying amount (Note II (17)).
(14) Fixed assets
(1)   Recognition and initial measurement of fixed assets
Fixed assets comprise buildings, machinery and equipment, motor vehicles and office equipment, etc.
Fixed assets are recognized when it is probable that the related economic benefits will flow to the Company and its
subsidiaries and the costs can be reliably measured. Fixed assets purchased or constructed by the Company and its
subsidiaries are initially measured at cost at the acquisition date.
Subsequent expenditures incurred for fixed assets are included in the cost of the fixed assets when it is probable
that the associated economic benefits will flow to the Company and its subsidiaries and the related costs can be
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
reliably measured. The carrying amount of the replaced part is derecognised. All the other subsequent
expenditures are recognized in profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred.
(2)   Depreciation method
                                                         Estimated useful
                                                                            Estimated residual value Annual depreciation rate
 Buildings                      Straight-line method       20-35 years                       5.00%              2.71%-4.75%
 Machinery and equipment        Straight-line method       10-15 years                       5.00%              6.33%-9.50%
 Motor vehicles                 Straight-line method         5 years                         5.00%                       19%
 Office equipment               Straight-line method        3-5 years                        5.00%              19%-31.67%
(3) The carrying amount of fixed assets is reduced to the recoverable amount when the recoverable
amount is less than the carrying amount (Note II(17)).
(4) Disposal
A fixed asset is derecognized on disposal or when no future economic benefits are expected from its use or
disposal. The amount of proceeds on sale, transfer, retirement or damage of a fixed asset net of its carrying amount
and related taxes and expenses is recognized in profit or loss.
(15) Intangible assets
Intangible assets include land use rights, non-patented technology and computer soft wares, which initially
recognized at cost.
(a) Land use rights
A land use right granted by government with a infinite useful life would not be amortised. Other land use rights are
amortised on the straight-line basis over 50 years. If the acquisition costs of land use rights and the buildings
located thereon cannot be reliably allocated between the land use rights and the buildings, all of the acquisition
costs are recognised as fixed assets.
(b) Non-patented technology
Non-patented technology are amortised on the straight-line basis over the shorter of their useful life/benefit period
stipulated in the agreement or contract and the legal age.
(c) Computer softwares
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
Computer softwares purchased by the Group are initially measured at cost, which are amortised on the
straight-line over their approved useful period of 3-5 years.
(d) Periodical review of useful life and amortisation method
For an intangible asset with a finite useful life, review of its useful life and amortisation method is performed at
each year-end, with adjustment made as appropriate.
(e) Research and development
The expenditure on an internal research and development project is classified into expenditure on the research
phase and expenditure on the development phase based on its nature and whether there is material uncertainty that
the research and development activities can form an intangible asset at end of the project.
Expenditure for investigation, evaluation and selection of production process researches is recognised in profit or
loss in the period in which it is incurred. Expenditure on the designation, assessment of the final utilization of the
production process before mass production, is capitalised only if all of the following conditions are satisfied:
     development of the production process has been fully demonstrated by the technical team;
     management has approved the budget of production development;
     existed market research analysis suggests that the products produced by the new production technology are
able to be promoted;
     adequate technical, financial and other resources to complete the development and subsequent mass
production and the ability to use or sell the intangible asset; and
     the expenditure attributable to the intangible asset during its development phase can be reliably measured.
Other development expenditures that do not meet the conditions above are recognised in profit or loss in the period
in which they are incurred. Development costs previously recognised as expenses are not recognised as an asset in
a subsequent period. Capitalised expenditure on the development phase is presented as development costs in the
balance sheet and transferred to intangible assets at the date that the asset is ready for its intended use.
(f) Impairment of intangible assets
The carrying amount of intangible assets is reduced to the recoverable amount when the recoverable amount is less
than the carrying amount (Note II (17)).
(16) Long-term prepaid expenses
Long-term prepaid expenses include the expenditure for improvements to fixed assets held under operating leases,
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
and other expenditures that have been incurred but should be recognised as expenses over more than one year in
the current and subsequent periods. Long-term prepaid expenses are amortised on the straight-line basis over the
expected beneficial period and are presented at actual expenditure net of accumulated amortisation.
(17) Impairment of long-term assets
Fixed assets, intangible assets with finite useful lives, investment properties measured using the cost model,
long-term prepaid expense, other non-current assets and long-term equity investments in subsidiaries are tested for
impairment if there is any indication that an asset may be impaired at the balance date. Intangible assets which are
not yet ready to use should be tested at least annually for impairment, irrespective of whether there is any indication
that it may be impaired. If the result of the impairment test indicates that the recoverable amount of the asset is less
than its carrying amount, a provision for impairment and an impairment loss are recognised for the amount by which
the asset‘s carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is the higher of an asset‘s fair
value less costs to sell and the present value of the future cash flows expected to be derived from the asset. Provision
for asset impairment is determined and recognised on the individual asset basis. If it is not possible to estimate the
recoverable amount of an individual asset, the recoverable amount of a group of assets to which the asset belongs is
determined. A group of assets is the smallest identifiable group of assets that is able to generate independent cash
Intangible assets with infinite useful lives are tested at least annually for impairment, irrespective of whether there is
any indication that it may be impaired.
Once the above asset impairment loss is recognised, it will not be reversed for the value recovered in the subsequent
(18) Employee benefits
 (a) Short-term employee benefits
Short-term employee benefits mainly include wages or salaries, bonus, allowances and subsidies, staff welfare,
medical insurance, work injury insurance, maternity insurance, housing funds, and union running costs and
employee education costs. The employee benefits are recognised in the accounting period in which the service has
been rendered by the employees, and as costs of assets or expenses to whichever the employee service is
 (b) Pension obligations
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
The Company and its subsidiaries operate various post-employment schemes, including both defined benefit and
defined contribution pension plans. A defined contribution plan is a pension plan under which the Company and its
subsidiaries pay fixed contributions into a separate entity then the Company and its subsidiaries have no legal or
constructive obligations to pay further contributions. The current and past service cost of the defined benefit plan,
recognised in the income statement in employee benefit expense. The net interest cost is calculated by applying the
discount rate to the net balance of the defined benefit obligation and the fair value of plan assets. This cost is
included in employee benefit expense in the income statement. Actuarial gains and losses arising from experience
adjustments and changes in actuarial assumptions are charged or credited to equity in other comprehensive income
in the period in which they arise. In the reporting period, The Company and its subsidiaries‘s pension obligations
mainly include the basic endowment insurance and unemployment insurance; both belong to the defined
contribution plan.
Pension insurance
Employees of the Group participate in the social pension insurance organized by the local labour and social security
departments. The Group pay pension insurance premium to the pension insurance agency with the local provision of
social pension insurance base pay and proportional monthly. When the employee is retired, the local labour and
social security departments have the responsibility to pay the basic pension insurance to retired employees.
(c) Termination benefits
Termination benefits are payable when employment is terminated by the Company and its subsidiaries before the
normal retirement date, or whenever an employee accepts voluntary redundancy in exchange for these benefits. the
Company and its subsidiaries recognises termination benefits at the earlier of the following dates, when the Group
can no longer withdraw the offer of those benefits and when the entity recognises costs related to restructuring.
(d) Retirement benefits
The Company and its subsidiaries provide termination benefits to employees who accept voluntary redundancy in
exchange for these benefits. Termination benefits are the payments of wages or salaries and social insurance for the
employees who accept termination plan before the normal retire age. The termination benefits plan covers the period
from the starting date of termination benefit plan to the normal retire age. When the Group terminates the
employment relationship with employees before the end of the employment contract, a provision for termination
benefits for the compensation arising from termination of the employment relationship with employees to the retire
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
age is recognised with a corresponding change to profit or loss. The difference from change of actuarial assumptions
and adjustment on benefit is recognised in the current profits and losses.
Retirement benefits falling due within a year are reclassified as a current liability.
(19) Dividend distribution
Cash dividends distribution is recognised as a liability in the period in which it is approved by the annual
shareholders‘ meeting.
(20) Provisions
Provisions for product warranties, onerous contracts etc. are recognised when the Group has a present obligation, it
is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation, and the amount of the
obligation can be measured reliably.
A provision is initially measured at the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the related present
obligation. Factors surrounding a contingency, such as the risks, uncertainties and the time value of money, are
taken into account as a whole in reaching the best estimate of a provision. Where the effect of the time value of
money is material, the best estimate is determined by discounting the related future cash outflows. The increase in
the discounted amount of the provision arising from passage of time is recognised as interest expense.
The carrying amount of provisions is reviewed at each balance sheet date and adjusted to reflect the current best
The provisions expected to be settled within one year since the balance sheet date are classified as current liabilities.
(21) Share-based payment
(a) Type of share-based payment
Share-based payment is a transaction in which the entity acquires services from employees as consideration for
equity instruments of the entity or by incurring liabilities for amounts based on the equity instruments. Equity
instruments include equity instruments of the Company, its parent company or other accounting entities of the
Group. Share-based payments are divided into equity-settled and cash-settled payments. The Group‘s share-based
payments are equity-settled payments. Equity-settled share-based payment The Group‘s stock optionstock option
plan is the equity-settled share-based payment in exchange of employees' services and is measured at the fair value
of the equity instruments at grant date. The equity instruments are exercisable after services in vesting period are
completed or specified performance conditions are met. In the vesting period, the services obtained in current period
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
are included in relevant cost and expenses at the fair value of the equity instruments at grant date based on the best
estimate of the number of exercisable equity instruments, and capital surplus is increased accordingly. If the
subsequent information indicates the number of exercisable equity instruments differs from the previous estimate,
an adjustment is made and, on the exercise date, the estimate is revised to equal the number of actual vested equity
instruments. On the exercise date, the recognised amount calculated based on the number of exercised equity
instruments is transferred into share capital.
(b) Determination of the fair value of equity instruments
The Group determines the fair value of stock optionstock options using option pricing model, which is Black -
Scholes option pricing model.
(c) Basis for determining best estimate of exercisable equity instruments At the end of each reporting period, the
         group revises its estimates of the number of options that are expected to vest based on the non-marketing
         performance and service conditions. On the exercise date, the final number of estimated exercisable equity
         instruments is consistent with the number of exercised equity instruments.
(d) Accounting treatment related to the exercise of stock optionstock options When the options are exercised, the
         company issues new shares. The proceeds received net of any directly attributable transaction costs are
         credited to share capital (and share premium). At the same time, capital surplus recognised in the vesting
         periond are carried forward to share premium..
(22) Revenue
The amount of revenue is determined in accordance with the fair value of the consideration received or receivable
for the sale of goods and services in the ordinary course of the Company and its subsidiaries‘s activities. Revenue is
shown net of discounts and returns.
Revenue is recognized when the economic benefits associated with the transaction will flow to the Group, the
relevant revenue can be reliably measured and specific revenue recognition criteria have been met for each of the
Group‘s activities as described below:
(a) Sales of goods
The Group is engaged in manufacturing and sales of washing machine. Revenue from sales of goods is recognized
when the goods and confirmed documents are delivered, significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods are
transferred to the customers, the Company retains neither continuing managerial involvement to the degree usually
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
associated with the ownership nor effective control over the goods sold, relevant consideration or the documents
which grant the right to receive the relevant consideration has been received, and related costs can be measured
During the reporting period,the Company sales goods mainly through deals, large-scale chain supermarkets and
e-business platform. Revenue is recognized when products accepted by dealers, chain supermarkets and third-party
e-business platform. As for self-operation e-business website, revenue is recognized when products accepted by
ultimate customers.
The Group is engaged in sales of materials. Revenue from sales of materials is recognized when the materials and
confirmed documents are delivered, significant risks and rewards of ownership of the materials are transferred to the
customers, the Group retains neither continuing managerial involvement to the degree usually associated with the
ownership nor effective control over the materials sold, relevant consideration or the documents which grant the
right to receive the relevant consideration has been received, and related costs can be measured reliably.
(b) Transfer of assets use rights
Interest income is determined by using the effective interest method, based on the length of time for which the cash
of the Company and its subsidiaries is used by others.
Income from an operating lease is recognised on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease.
(23) Government Grants
Government grants are the monetary asset that the Group receives from the government for free, including tax
refund, financial subsidies, etc.
A government grant is recognized when the conditions attached to it can be complied with and the government grant
can be received. For a government grant in the form of transfer of monetary assets, the grant is measured at the
amount received or receivable.
The government grants pertinent to assets mean the government assets that are obtained by enterprises used for
purchase or construction, or forming the long-term assets by other ways.
The government grants pertinent to income refer to all the government grants except those pertinent to assets.
A government grant related to an asset is recognized as deferred income, and evenly amortized to profit or loss over
the useful life of the related asset.
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
For government grants related to income, where the grant is a compensation for related expenses or losses to be
incurred by the Company and its subsidiaries in the subsequent periods, the grant is recognized as deferred income,
and included in profit or loss over the periods in which the related costs are recognized; where the grant is a
compensation for related expenses or losses already incurred by the Company and its subsidiaries, the grant is
recognized immediately in profit or loss for the current period.
(24) Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities
Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are calculated and recognised based on the differences arising
between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts (temporary differences). Deferred tax asset
is recognised for the deductible losses that can be carried forward to subsequent years for deduction of the taxable
profit in accordance with the tax laws. No deferred tax asset or deferred tax liability is recognised for the temporary
differences resulting from the initial recognition of assets or liabilities due to a transaction other than a business
combination, which affects neither accounting profit nor taxable profit (or deductible loss). At the balance sheet date,
deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply to the period
when the asset is realised or the liability is settled.
Deferred tax assets are only recognised for deductible temporary differences, deductible losses and tax credits to the
extent that it is probable that taxable profit will be available in the future against which the deductible temporary
differences, deductible losses and tax credits can be utilised.
Deferred tax liabilities are recognized for temporary differences arising from investments in subsidiaries, unless the
Company is able to control the timing of the reversal of the temporary difference, and it is probable that the
temporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future. When it is probable that the temporary differences
arising from investments in subsidiaries will be reversed in the foreseeable future and that the taxable profit will be
available in the future against which the temporary differences can be utilized, the corresponding deferred tax assets
are recognized.
Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset when:
         The deferred taxes are relate to the same tax payer within the Group and the same taxation authority, and;
         That tax payer has a legally enforceable right to offset current tax assets against current tax liabilities
(25) Leases
A lease that transfers substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to ownership of an asset is a finance lease.
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
An operating lease is a lease other than a finance lease.
Lease payments under an operating lease are recognised on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease, and
are either capitalised as part of the cost of related assets, or charged as an expense for the current period.
Rental income from an operating lease is recognised on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease.
(26) Segment information
The Company and its subsidiaries identify operating segments based on the internal organisation structure,
management requirements and the internal reporting system, and discloses segment information of reportable
segments determined on the basis of operating segments.
An operating segment is a component of the Company and its subsidiaries that satisfy all of the following
(a) the component is able to earn revenues and incur expenses from its ordinary activities.
(b) whose operating results are regularly reviewed by the Group‘s management to make decisions about
resources to be allocated to the segment and to assess its performance.
(c) for which the information on financial position, operating results and cash flows is available to the Group. If
two or more operating segments have similar economic characteristics, and satisfy certain conditions, they are
aggregated into a single operating segment.
(27) Critical accounting estimates and judgements
The Group continually evaluates the critical accounting estimates and key judgements applied based on historical
experience and other factors, including expectations of future events that are believed to be reasonable under the
The critical accounting estimates and key assumptions that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment
to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next accounting year are outlined below:
 (i) Sales rebates
 The Company and its subsidiaries apply the rebating policies with deals, large-scale chain supermarkets and
 e-business platform. The amount of the rebates is estimated periodically taking into account related sales contracts,
 examination of particular transactions, historical experiences, market environment, inventory stock and the agreed
 indicator of particular customers. As it determined by the judgement and estimation of management, there is a
 possibility that changes in the estimation will have significant effect on the provision of sales rebates of the period
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
 when the changes occurred.
 (ii) Income taxes
 The Group is subject to income taxes in numerous jurisdictions. There are some transactions and events for which
 the ultimate tax determination is uncertain during the ordinary course of business. Significant judgement is required
 from the Group in determining the provision for income taxes in each of these jurisdictions. Where the final tax
 outcome of these matters is different from the amounts that were initially recorded, such differences will impact the
 income tax and deferred tax provisions in the period in which such determination is made.
III. Taxation
(a) The types and rates of taxes applicable to the Group are set out below:
                Types                                       Taxable base                            Tax rate
                                Taxable value added amount (tax payable represents output VAT
 Value-added tax                calculated using the taxable sales amount multiplied by the
                                effective tax rate less deductible input VAT)                         17%, 11% or 5%
 Business tax                   Taxable turnover amount                                                             5%
 City maintenance and
                                The payment amount of VAT and business tax
 construction tax                                                                                              7% or 5%
 Enterprise income tax          Taxable income                                                       15%, 17% or 25%
Pursuant to the 'Circular on the Overall Promotion of Pilot Program of Levying VAT in place of Business Tax'(Cai
Shui [2016] 36) jointly issued by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation, revenue
from lease is subject to VAT from 1 May 2016, and the applicable tax rate is 11%(the Company) or 5%( Hefei
Midea Washing Machine Limited, simplied collection), while the business tax was 5% before then.
(b) Tax preferences
According to Enterprise income tax law of the People's Republic of China, Article 28, The Company and its three
subsidiaries, Hefei Washing Machine Limited, Wuxi Little Swan GE Limited and Wuxi Filin Electronics Limited,
shall be subject to the corporate income tax at the reduced rate of 15%(FY2015: same).
In July 2015, The Company gained the certificate of 'High-tech Enterprises, which is issued by Jiangsu Science and
Technology Department, Jiangsu Finance Department, Jiangsu State Administration of Taxation and Jiangsu Local
Taxation Bureau. The Certificate Number is GR201532000606. Term of validity for this Certificate is three years,
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
from 2015 to 2018.
In July 2014, The Companys subsidiary Hefei Midea Washing Machine Limited gained the certificate of
'High-tech Enterprises, which is issued by Anhui Science and Technology Department, Anhui Finance Department,
Anhui State Administration of Taxation and Anhui Local Taxation Bureau. The Certificate Number is
GR2001434000147. Term of validity for this Certificate is three years, from 2014 to 2017.
In July 2015, The Companys subsidiary Wuxi Little Swan GE Limited gained the certificate of 'High-tech
Enterprises, which is issued by Jiangsu Science and Technology Department, Jiangsu Finance Department, Jiangsu
State Administration of Taxation and Jiangsu Local Taxation Bureau. The Certificate Number is GR201532000557.
Term of validity for this Certificate is three years, from 2015 to 2018.
In July 2015, The Companys subsidiary Wuxi Filin Electronics Limited gained the certificate of 'High-tech
Enterprises, which is issued by Jiangsu Science and Technology Department, Jiangsu Finance Department, Jiangsu
State Administration of Taxation and Jiangsu Local Taxation Bureau. The Certificate Number is GR201532000557.
Term of validity for this Certificate is three years, from 2015 to 2018.
The Companys subsidiary Little Swan International (Singapore) Limited shall be subject to the corporate income
tax at the rate of 17%..
IV. Notes to the consolidated financial statements
(1) Cash and cash at bank
                                                         31 December 2016                31 December 2015
Cash at bank                                                        4,171,689,917.21                2,792,685,328.69
Other cash balances                                                  100,387,293.90                  250,158,596.12
Total                                                               4,272,077,211.11                3,042,843,924.81
  including:cash deposited overseas                                        594,128.38                      607,997.46
As at 31 December 2016, the other cash balances comprise: bank acceptance notes of RMB 93,781,938.00 and
deposits for letter of credit of RMB 6,605,355.90 (31 December 2015: Bank acceptance bills of RMB 97,393,915.78
and deposits for letter of credit of RMB 2,764,680.34, and time deposits over 3 months of RMB 150,000,000.00).
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
(2) Notes receivable
(a) Notes receivable classified by nature
                                                           31 December 2016                              31 December 2015
Bank acceptance notes                                                    1,297,609,202.29                              2,205,189,379.10
As at 31 December 2016 and 31 December 2015, there is no pledged notes receivable
(b) As at 31 December 2016, notes receivable that have been endorsed but not yet expired are as follows:
                   Items                                       Derecognised                               Not derecognised
Bank acceptance notes                                                    2,162,685,355.85                                              -
(3) Accounts receivable
(a) Accounts receivable classified by nature:
                                                                    31 December 2016
    Category                 Carrying Amount                         Bad debt provision
                                                                                                                   Book value
                           Amount              %               Amount              % of provision
Debtors grouped
                       1,542,798,634.63   100.00%          77,144,136.73                5.00%                    1,465,654,497.90
by credit risk
                                                                    31 December 2015
    Category                 Carrying Amount                         Bad debt provision
                                                                                                                   Book value
                           Amount              %               Amount              % of provision
Debtors grouped
                       943,243,995.63     100.00%          47,168,520.00                5.00%                    896,075,475.63
by credit risk
Accounts receivable individually significant for which bad debt provision was assessed individually.
□Applicable √ Not applicable
Accounts receivable adopting aging analysis method for bad debt provision:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                              31 December 2016
               Aging                 Accounts receivable           Bad debt provision           % of provision            Book
Within 1 year                             1,542,714,534.82                    77,135,726.75              5.00%          1,465,578,808.07
1 to 2 years                                       84,099.81                       8,409.98             10.00%                  75,689.83
Total                                     1,542,798,634.63                    77,144,136.73              5.00%          1,465,654,497.90
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
                                                                          31 December 2015
               Aging               Accounts receivable           Bad debt provision              % of provision              Book
Within 1 year                             943,117,591.22                  47,155,879.56                    5.00%             895,961,711.66
1 to 2 years                                    126,404.41                          12,640.44              10.00%                113,763.97
Total                                     943,243,995.63                  47,168,520.00                    5.00%             896,075,475.63
As at 31 December 2016 and 2015, there were no material accounts receivable which were past due.
(b) Accounts receivable withdraw, reversed or collected during the reporting period
During the year ended 31 December 2016, the net movement of provision for accounts receivable was RMB
29,975,616.73 (2015: RMB 632,077.76). There were no provision or reverse of provision for individual
significant accounts receivable.
(c) Accounts receivable written-off during the reporting period
There were no accounts receivable written-off during the reporting period.
(d) Top 5 of accounts receivable by customers
                                                         Amounts                      Bad debt provision            % of total balance
Total amount of the top 5 accounts receivable
                                                             1,147,210,161.49               57,360,508.07                            74.36%
by customers
(4) Prepayment
(a) Aging analysis of prepayment:
                                          31 December 2016                                            31 December 2015
                                   Balance               % of total balance                     Balance              % of total balance
Within 1 year                      131,513,792.18                    100.00%                     95,192,076.23                      97.50%
1 to 2 years                                       -                            -                 2,416,501.94                       2.48%
2 to 3 years                                       -                            -                             -                           -
Over 3 years                                      -                             -                    20,000.00                       0.02%
Total                              131,513,792.18             100.00%                            97,628,578.17            100.00%
As at 31 December 2016, the balance of advance to suppliers with aging over one year amounts to RMB 0.00.
(31 December 2015: RMB 2,436,501.94, mainly comprising the prepayments for goods for which the standards
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
stipulated by the contract has not yet been reached)
 (b) Top 5 prepayment by suppliers
                                                                        Amounts                           % of total balance
Total amount of the top 5 by suppliers                                        96,563,794.36                                    73.42%
 (5) Interests receivable
(a) Category
                                                         31 December 2016                              31 December 2015
Interests receivable                                                     26,755,807.07                               22,932,602.74
 (6) Other receivables
(a) Other receivable by category:
                                                                            31 December 2016
                 Category                         Book balance                    Bad debt provision
                                                                                                                  Book value
                                               Amount              %          Amount        % of provision
Debtors grouped by credit risk                25,307,331.32      100.00%     1,613,444.78              6.38%         23,693,886.54
                                                                            31 December 2015
                 Category                       Carrying Amount                   Bad debt provision
                                                                                                                  Book value
                                               Amount              %          Amount        % of provision
Debtors grouped by credit risk                 9,956,212.29      100.00%       748,032.21              7.51%          9,208,180.08
Other receivable individually significant for which bad debt provision was assessed individually.
□   Applicable √ Not applicable
Other receivable adopting aging analysis method for bad debt provision:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                31 December 2016
                       Other receivables      Bad debt provision             % of provision                    Book value
Within 1 year                23,476,591.19               1,173,829.56                         5.00%                 19,845,075.14
1 to 2 years                  1,043,047.12                104,304.71                          6.44%                  3,396,428.90
2 to 3 years                     292,680.00                87,804.00                        30.00%                     204,876.00
3 to 5 years                     495,013.01               247,506.51                        50.00%                     247,506.50
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
Total                        25,307,331.32               1,613,444.78                        6.38%               23,693,886.54
                                                                31 December 2015
                      Other receivables      Bad debt provision             % of provision                   Book value
Within 1 year                 8,422,416.66                421,120.83                         5.00%                8,001,295.83
1 to 2 years                  1,010,391.00                101,039.06                     10.00%                     909,351.94
2 to 3 years                    179,150.00                 53,745.00                     30.00%                     125,405.00
3 to 5 years                    344,254.63                172,127.32                     50.00%                     172,127.31
Total                         9,956,212.29                748,032.21                         7.51%                9,208,180.08
As at 31 December 2016 and 31 December 2015, there were no material other receivable which were past due.
Other receivables adopting aging balance percentage method for bad debt provision:
□      Applicable √ Not applicable
Other receivables adopting aging other method for bad debt provision:
□      Applicable √ Not applicable
(b) Other receivable withdraw, reversed or collected during the reporting period
During the year ended 31 December 2016, the net movement of provision for other receivable was RMB
865,412.57 (2015: RMB 2,184,257.60). There were no provision or reverse of provision for individual significant
other receivable
(c) Other receivable written-off during the reporting period
There were no other receivable written-off during the reporting period
(d) Other receivables classified by nature
          Nature of other receivables                    31 December 2016                            31 December 2015
Advances                                                                14,330,097.53                              1,544,575.33
Loan to employees                                                        2,098,324.20                              3,657,991.12
Deposits                                                                 2,018,096.36                              1,194,312.63
Others                                                                   6,860,813.23                              3,559,333.21
Bad debt provision                                                      -1,613,444.78                               -748,032.21
Total                                                                   23,693,886.54                              9,208,180.08
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
(e) Top 5 of other receivable by customers
                                                                                                Proportion of the
                                           Nature of other     31 December                       total year end
           Name of the entities                                                    Aging                              balance of bad
                                             receivables           2016                          balance of the
                                                                                                                      debt provision
                                                                                               accounts receivable
Shenzhen Midea Payment Technology        Advance and
                                                               10,835,423.12 Within 1 year                  42.82%       541,771.16
Co., Ltd                                 temporary payments
Guangdong Midea Group Wuhu               Trademark royalty
                                                                3,428,921.06 Within 1 year                  13.55%       171,446.05
Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd.        charges
                                         Long-term equity
Guangzhou Antaida Logistics
                                         investments            2,587,038.41 Within 1 year                  10.22%       129,351.92
Hefei Hualing Co., Ltd.                  Advance payments         854,915.88 Within 1 year                  3.38%          42,745.79
Wuxi China Resources Gas Co., Ltd.       Deposits                 820,800.00 Within 1 year                  3.24%          41,040.00
Total                                               --         18,527,098.47         --                     73.21%       926,354.92
(7) Inventory
(a) Category of inventory
                                      31 December 2016                                         31 December 2015
                     Book balance       Provision for        Book value        Book balance      Provision for        Book value
                                         wirite-down                                             wirite-down
Raw materials         21,928,651.09      1,593,768.57        20,334,882.52     21,725,796.66      1,149,192.62        20,576,604.04
Goods in
                      11,864,254.41                      -   11,864,254.41      8,189,804.33                     -     8,189,804.33
Inventory goods 1,768,281,418.69        75,642,610.93 1,692,638,807.76        755,272,411.35     38,625,852.20       716,646,559.15
Total              1,802,074,324.19     77,236,379.50 1,724,837,944.69        785,188,012.34     39,775,044.82       745,412,967.52
(b) Provision for wirite-down of inventory
                      31 December              Increased amount                     Decreased amount
                                                                                                                     31 December
                                         Withdrawal            Other           Reverse or
Raw materials          1,149,192.62        468,128.22                     -       -23,552.27                     -     1,593,768.57
Inventory goods       38,625,852.20     60,902,807.00                     -   -23,886,048.27                     -    75,642,610.93
Total                 39,775,044.82     61,370,935.22                     -   -23,909,600.54                     -    77,236,379.50
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
The provisions for inventories are provided to write down the book value to           the net realizable value when the
net realizable value is lower.
(8) Other current assets
                                                         31 December 2016                   31 December 2015
Financial products                                                 5,994,142,671.24                      3,152,675,560.00
Structured deposits                                                2,150,000,000.00                      2,470,000,000.00
Input tax to be authenticated or deducted                            197,355,573.10                        78,446,417.44
others                                                                44,226,037.82                        32,066,626.79
Total                                                              8,385,724,282.16                      5,733,188,604.23
    As at 31 December 2016, all financial products are matured within one year, which comprise products of
floating income and unprotected principles mounted to RMB 5,994,142,671.24 (As at 31 December 2015,
financial products comprise products of floating income and unprotected principles amounted to RMB
3,052,675,560 and products of floating income and protected principles amounted to RMB 100,000,000). As at 31
December 2016, the carrying value of financial products measured by fair value amounted to
RMB5,994,142,671.24, with principal amounted to RMB5,890,000,000.00, and accumulated fair value changes
recognised in other comprehensive income amounted to RMB104,142,671.24 (As at 31 December 2015, the
carrying value of financial products measured by fair value amounted to RMB3,052,675,560.00, with principal
amounted to RMB2,997,000,000.00, and accumulated fair value changes recognised in other comprehensive
income amounted to RMB55,675,560.00). All financial products mentioned above are structural objects which are
out of scope of consolidation. At 31 December 2016, the maximum risk exposure of financial products held by the
Company and its subsidiaries is limited to the carrying value of financial products. The Company and its
subsidiaries have no obligation or intention to provide financial support to the financial product funds mentioned
(9) Available-for-sale financial assets
                                            31 December 2016                           31 December 2015
                            Book balance Bad debt provision Book value Book balance Bad debt provision      Book value
Available-for-sale equity
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
     measured at cost           200,000.00                 -     200,000.00       200,000.00                      -      200,000.00
 Total                          200,000.00                 -     200,000.00       200,000.00                      -      200,000.00
 (10) Investment Properties
(a) Investment properties measured at cost method
                                                                      Buildings          Land use rights                 Total
Original book value
31 December 2015                                                      88,425,049.29            22,949,959.07          111,375,008.36
Reduction                                                               -235,792.33                           -          -235,792.33
   Disposal                                                             -235,792.33                           -          -235,792.33
31 December 2016                                                      88,189,256.96            22,949,959.07          111,139,216.03
Accumulative depreciation and accumulative amortization
31 December 2015                                                      24,340,722.34              5,615,173.21         29,955,895.55
   Amortization                                                        3,506,203.14               355,238.27            3,861,441.41
   Disposal                                                             -109,089.47                           -          -109,089.47
31 December 2016                                                      27,737,836.01              5,970,411.48         33,708,247.49
Provision for impairment loss
31 December 2015                                                      12,576,065.29                           -       12,576,065.29
31 December 2016                                                      12,576,065.29                           -       12,576,065.29
Net book value
31 December 2016                                                      47,875,355.66            16,979,547.59          64,854,903.25
31 December 2015                                                      51,508,261.66            17,334,785.86          68,843,047.52
Depreciation and amortization charge for 2016 amounted to RMB 3,861,441.41 (2015:RMB 4,583,668.43).
 (11) Fixed assets
                                    Buildings        Machinery         Motor vehicles     Office equipment              Total
                                                                                               and fixtures
                                                    and equipment
Original book value
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
31 December 2015                 730,443,485.05      877,011,703.05      27,335,068.10    113,116,467.37       1,747,906,723.57
  Purchase                          3,600,886.02         62,721,781.33    2,058,316.10     11,030,180.41            79,411,163.86
  Disposal or Scrap                  -117,971.27     -28,823,461.74      -1,767,849.97     -5,619,144.95           -36,328,427.93
31 December 2016                 733,926,399.80     910,910,022.64       27,625,534.23    118,527,502.83       1,790,989,459.50
Accumulative depreciation
31 December 2015                 166,521,051.15     440,072,941.95       23,012,295.94     83,371,414.00           712,977,703.04
  Addition                        31,042,743.12          72,429,849.85    2,113,693.42     12,981,800.57           118,568,086.96
  Disposal or Scrap                   -37,746.40     -21,092,170.92      -1,628,578.35     -5,023,491.35           -27,781,987.02
31 December 2016                 197,526,047.87      491,410,620.88      23,497,411.01     91,329,723.22           803,763,802.98
Provision for impairment
31 December 2015                    3,918,452.47         11,165,580.56      64,570.25        252,125.65             15,400,728.93
  Addition                                      -         2,357,686.75                -                -             2,357,686.75
  Disposal or Scrap                             -        -1,210,381.93      -29,076.04       -152,592.22            -1,392,050.19
31 December 2016                    3,918,452.47         12,312,885.38      35,494.21         99,533.43             16,366,365.49
Net book value
31 December 2016                 532,481,899.46     407,186,516.38        4,092,629.01     27,098,246.18           970,859,291.03
31 December 2015                 560,003,981.43     425,773,180.54        4,258,201.91     29,492,927.72       1,019,528,291.60
Depreciation charges for 2016 amounted to RMB 118,568,086.96 (2015:RMB 114,810,675.67). The amount of
depreciation recognized in cost of sales, selling expense and operating expense are RMB 98,698,557.97 , RMB
516,024.94 and RMB 19,353,504.05 respectively. (2015: The amount of depreciation recognized in cost of sales,
selling expense and operating expense are RMB 94,295,000.40, RMB 544,100.15 and RMB 19,971,575.12
(12) Intangible assets
(1) List of intangible assets
                               Land use right        Non-patented            Others                        Total
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
Original book value
31 December 2015                242,666,890.39            1,992,000.00           1,395,014.56                        246,053,904.95
31 December 2016                 242,666,890.39            1,992,000.00           1,395,014.56                        246,053,904.95
Accumulated amortization
31 December 2015                  45,145,265.36           1,992,000.00           1,395,014.56                         48,532,279.92
    Addition                       5,238,138.88                         -                    -                         5,238,138.88
31 December 2016                  50,383,404.24           1,992,000.00           1,395,014.56                         53,770,418.80
Provision for impairment
31 December 2015                                -                       -                    -                                    -
31 December 2016                                -                       -                    -                                    -
Book value
 31 December 2016               192,283,486.15                          -                    -                       192,283,486.15
31 December 2015                197,521,625.03                                                                       197,521,625.03
    In 2016, the amortization of intangible assets amounted to RMB 5,238,138.88. (2015: RMB 5,238,952.67)
(13) Long-term prepaid expenses
         Item         31 December 2015              Addition            Amortization        Other reductions      31 December 2016
                             3,448,863.46           2,533,689.96            1,808,353.08                    -           4,174,200.34
Others                        789,380.92                        -              575,853.12                   -             213,527.80
Total                        4,238,244.38           2,533,689.96            2,384,206.20                    -           4,387,728.14
(14) Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities
(a) Deferred income tax assets without taking into consideration of the offsetting of balances
                                            31 December 2016                                     31 December 2015
            Item           Deductible temporary          Deferred income tax       Deductible temporary         Deferred income tax
                                 difference                    assets                   difference                    assets
Provision for impairment          160,340,693.36                24,051,104.00               90,583,724.89              13,587,558.73
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
of assets
Unrealized profit of
                                       67,442,606.20                10,116,390.93               68,217,414.97                10,232,612.25
inter-group transaction
Termination benefits                   17,699,114.41                 2,654,867.16               32,192,522.18                 4,828,878.33
Accrued expenses                     1,844,401,155.54             276,660,173.33              1,521,730,526.58             228,259,578.99
Provisions                               1,727,340.89                  259,101.13                9,981,021.44                 1,497,153.22
Deferred income                          2,942,333.25                  441,349.99                3,395,533.29                   509,329.99
Others                                   8,782,955.88                1,317,443.38                8,782,955.88                 1,317,443.38
Total                                2,103,336,199.53             315,500,429.92              1,734,883,699.23             260,232,554.89
Deferred income tax assets details
                      Item                                 31 December 2016                                31 December 2015
Expected to reverse within 1 year
 (including 1 year)                                                         311,339,611.98                                 253,576,903.19
Expected to reverse after 1 year                                               4,160,817.94                                   6,655,651.70
Total                                                                       315,500,429.92                                 260,232,554.89
(b)Deferred tax liabilities without taking into consideration the offsetting of balances
                                                    31 December 2016                                     31 December 2015
                Item                     Taxable Temporary             Deferred tax            Taxable Temporary            Deferred tax
                                             difference                  liabilities               difference                 liabilities
Fair change of available-for-sale
                                               104,142,671.24             15,621,400.69               55,675,560.00             8,351,334.00
financial assets
Deferred tax liabilities details
                      Item                                 31 December 2016                                31 December 2015
 Expected to reverse within 1 year                                           15,621,400.69                                    8,351,334.00
 (including 1 year)
 Expected to reverse after 1 year                                                         -                                                 -
 Total                                                                       15,621,400.69                                    8,351,334.00
(c)Net amounts of deferred income tax assets and liabilities taking into consideration the offsetting of
balances are set out as follows:
                                   Netting amount          Deferred income tax            Netting amount            Deferred income tax
                                                          assets or liabilities, net                               assets or liabilities, net
Deferred income tax                     15,621,400.69              299,879,029.23                 8,351,334.00             251,881,220.89
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
Deferred income tax
                                    15,621,400.69                              -                  8,351,334.00                       -
(d) List of unrecognized deferred income tax assets
                      Item                               31 December 2016                                 31 December 2015
Deductible temporary difference                                           27,153,343.58                                24,307,336.03
Deductible tax losses                                                     81,177,769.43                                75,877,413.93
Total                                                                    108,331,113.01                               100,184,749.96
(e) Deductible losses of unrecognized deferred income tax assets will due the following years
                      Years                              31 December 2016                                31 December 2015
2016                                                                                    -                                   287,136.58
2017                                                                          57,917.22                                      89,186.59
2018                                                                     16,303,166.71                                16,303,166.71
2019                                                                     49,620,940.42                                49,620,940.42
2020                                                                      9,576,983.63                                 9,576,983.63
2021                                                                      5,618,761.45                                               -
Total                                                                    81,177,769.43                                75,877,413.93
(15) Other non-current assets
               Item                                             31 December 2016                                     31 December 2015
Prepayment for equipment                                                25,655,775.90                                   32,963,224.90
(16) Provision for impairment of assets
              Item                                           Increase                        Decrease
                                      31 December                                                                           31 December
                                                                                   Revenue           Write off
 Bad debt provision                    47,916,552.21      30,841,029.30                       -                  -          78,757,581.51
 -Accounts receivable                  47,168,520.00      29,975,616.73                       -                  -          77,144,136.73
 -Other receivables                      748,032.21          865,412.57                       -                  -           1,613,444.78
 Write-down of inventories             39,775,044.82      61,370,935.22                       -    -23,909,600.54           77,236,379.50
 Impairment     provision     for        100,300.00                       -                   -                  -            100,300.00
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
 financial assets
 Impairment provision                  12,576,065.29                  -                 -                   -        12,576,065.29
 for     investment properties
 Impairment      provision     for     15,400,728.93       2,357,686.75                 -    -1,392,050.19           16,366,365.49
 fixed assets
 Total                               115,768,691.25       94,569,651.27                 -   -25,301,650.73          185,036,691.79
(17) Short-term borrowings
                    Category                             31 December 2016                           31 December 2015
Factoring of accounts receivables                                     183,813,064.12                                             -
(18) Notes payable
                    Category                             31 December 2016                           31 December 2015
Bank acceptance note                                                 2,620,549,815.47                           1,953,065,274.06
  The total amount of the due but not pay notes payable at the period-end was of 0.
(19) Accounts payable
(a) List of accounts payable
                     Item                                31 December 2016                          31 December 2015
Material                                                            3,301,435,137.79                            2,359,604,637.06
Others                                                                 33,654,534.27                                 60,202,704.89
Total                                                               3,335,089,672.06                            2,419,807,341.95
(b) Accounts payable aging over one year
                     Item                     31 December 2016                     Reason for aging over one year
Material                                               81,244,372.58 Contract expiration has not yet come
(20) Advance from customers
(a) List of advance from customers
                      Item                               31 December 2016                         31 December 2015
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
Advance from customers                                                    3,014,347,762.24                           1,652,908,781.44
(b) Significant advance from customers aging over one year
                      Item                               31 December 2016                          Unpaid/ Un-carry-over reason
Advance from customers                                                       30,970,017.47 The project is under processing
(21) Payroll payable
(a) List of Payroll payable
                   Item                 31 December 2015                  Increase               Decrease          31 December 2016
Short-term employee benefit payable         226,371,272.61            927,006,665.10            -890,688,255.24       262,689,682.47
Defined contribution plans payable           14,208,683.82                80,133,783.49          -72,575,097.45        21,767,369.86
Termination benefits payable                  7,700,760.49                10,468,799.44          -14,034,448.97          4,135,110.96
Total                                       248,280,716.92          1,017,609,248.03            -977,297,801.66       288,592,163.29
(b) List of Short-term salary
                   Item                31 December 2015                   Increase               Decrease          31 December 2016
1. Salary, bonus, allowance and
subsidies                                   203,062,076.70            784,561,258.90            -748,546,151.56       239,077,184.04
2. Employee welfare                            5,560,243.09               65,451,171.30          -66,137,478.58          4,873,935.81
3. Social insurance                            6,877,301.07               34,113,837.10          -34,821,442.08          6,169,696.09
  -Medical insurance                           5,502,760.59               27,945,198.41          -28,268,052.00          5,179,907.00
  -Employment injury insurance                    950,454.45               4,320,447.42           -4,542,780.40           728,121.47
  -Maternity insurance                            424,086.03               1,848,191.27           -2,010,609.68           261,667.62
4. Housing fund                                6,456,798.64               28,853,648.83          -28,143,895.23          7,166,552.24
5. Labor union funds and employee                                         14,026,748.97          -13,039,287.79          5,402,314.29
education fee
Total                                       226,371,272.61            927,006,665.10            -890,688,255.24       262,689,682.47
As at 31 December 2016, there were no overdue payroll and welfare payables. This balance of payroll and welfare
payables will be settled in 2017.
(c) Defined contribution plans
            Item               31 December 2015                Increase                      Decrease             31 December 2016
Pension                              13,201,271.54              76,521,029.71                 -68,707,356.91           21,014,944.34
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
Unemployment insurance                1,007,412.28              3,612,753.78             -3,867,740.54               752,425.52
Total                                14,208,683.82            80,133,783.49             -72,575,097.45         21,767,369.86
(d) Termination benefits payable
                   Item                                  31 December 2016                         31 December 2015
Termination benefits payable                                            4,055,110.96                            6,800,760.49
Other termination benefits payable                                          80,000.00                            900,000.00
Total                                                                   4,135,110.96                            7,700,760.49
(22) Taxes payable
                   Item                                  31 December 2016                         31 December 2015
Corporate income tax                                                  317,599,561.26                          279,867,360.71
VAT                                                                    43,959,339.80                            8,884,701.12
House appliance recycling funds                                        22,600,123.00                           22,335,614.00
Urban maintenance and construction tax                                  9,810,227.91                            2,492,588.81
Education Surcharge                                                     7,604,254.32                            1,779,616.70
Others                                                                 10,664,523.67                            9,748,346.57
Total                                                                 412,238,029.96                          325,108,227.91
(23) Dividend payable
                   Item                                  31 December 2016                         31 December 2015
Common stock dividend                                                  7,150,684.06                             5,400,652.06
Total                                                                  7,150,684.06                             5,400,652.06
(24) Other payables
(a) Other payables listed by nature
                   Item                                  31 December 2016                         31 December 2015
Payment for equipment                                                  65,358,163.79                           54,026,136.97
Payment for moulds                                                     84,354,267.87                           50,738,280.49
Guarantee and deposits                                                 20,631,583.91                           13,794,750.00
Prepaid expenses                                                        7,782,998.86                           18,631,746.58
Energy efficiency rebate                                                6,140,000.00                           25,080,000.00
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
Advances collected                                                      5,410,822.47                               5,407,965.76
Others                                                                 10,248,565.14                               4,128,258.14
Total                                                                 199,926,402.04                          171,807,137.94
(b) Significant other payable aging over one year
                    Item                      31 December 2016                     Unpaid/ Un-carry-over reason
Payment for moulds                                   33,189,575.18 Contracts expiration has not yet come
Payment for equipment                                30,228,987.71 Contracts expiration has not yet come
Total                                                63,418,562.89
(25) Other current-liabilities
                    Item                                 31 December 2016                         31 December 2015
Accrued sale rebate                                                1,095,875,998.29                           868,491,961.48
Accrued maintenance and installation costs                           248,172,966.72                           199,287,081.29
Accrued sales promotion fees                                         223,209,831.40                           249,793,144.13
Accrued transportation fee                                            139,146,303.25                          127,259,322.97
Accrued household electrical appliances
recycling fund                                                         15,830,282.99                               3,768,666.99
Accrued trademark royalty charges                                      14,192,875.86                              15,536,878.06
Others                                                                107,984,895.75                              57,597,238.32
Total                                                                1,844,413,154.26                       1,521,734,293.24
(26) Long-term payroll payable
                    Item                                 31 December 2016                         31 December 2015
Retirement benefits                                                    20,156,459.56                              35,240,059.74
Less:Current portion within 1 year                                     -4,055,110.96                             -6,800,760.49
Total                                                                  16,101,348.60                              28,439,299.25
Current portion within 1 year of retirement benefits payable is included in payroll payable.
(27) Provisions
             Item                     31 December 2016                 31 December 2015                     Causes
Quality guarantee deposits                         1,727,340.89                    9,981,021.44
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
Total                                                 1,727,340.89                               9,981,021.44
(28) Deferred income
          Item          31 December 2015           Addition                     Reduction           31 December 2016                    Causes
Government grants              3,395,533.29                           -              453,200.04             2,942,333.25 Government grants
Total                          3,395,533.29                           -              453,200.04             2,942,333.25
Projects involved in government grants:
                                   31 December                            Amount recognised as       Other          31 December          Related to
  Government Grants Project                           Addition
                                       2015                               non-operating income      changes               2016         assets/ income
Hefei Midea automation
                                                                                                                                      Related to
development of washing               3,033,333.29             -                      350,000.04                 -   2,683,333.25
machine project
Jiangsu modern service                                                                                                                Related to
                                       185,600.00             -                       52,800.00                 -     132,800.00
development special fund                                                                                                              assets
Subsidy for power substation                                                                                                          Related to
                                       176,600.00             -                       50,400.00                 -     126,200.00
renovation                                                                                                                            assets
Total                                3,395,533.29             -                      453,200.04                 -   2,942,333.25
(29) Share capital
                                                                  Increase/decrease (+/-)
                   31 December                                                  Shares                                                  31 December
                                   New shares
                        2015                        Bonus shares            transferred from       Others            Subtotal
                                                                            capital reverse
Total share
                  632,487,764.00               -                  -                       -                 -                    -     632,487,764.00
(30) Capital surplus
           Item                31 December 2015                   Increase                        Decrease                   31 December 2016
Share premium                      1,055,182,718.57                                   -                               -              1,055,182,718.57
Other capital surplus               108,832,229.28                    34,772,462.28                  -7,297,277.12                    136,307,414.44
 -Share options (a)                  66,599,778.25                    34,772,462.28                                   -               101,372,240.53
 -Others (b)                         42,232,451.03                                    -              -7,297,277.12                     34,935,173.91
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
Total                              1,164,014,947.85                   34,772,462.28                 -7,297,277.12            1,191,490,133.01
(a) In 2016, RMB 34,772,462.28(2015: RMB 22,544,356.36) increase in capital surplus arises from the execution
of share options incentive plan.
(b) In 2016, The Company acquired the minority interest of its subsidiary, Wuxi Little Swan General Electric
Appliances Co. , Ltd., resulting in the decrease of capital surplus of RMB7,297,277.12.
(31) Other comprehensive income
                                                                      Increase/decrease in the year
                                        Amount for the Less: previously Less: Income                              Attributable
                                        year before tax   recognized in         tax expense
                                                                                                                  to the
                                                                                                  to the
                        31 December                                                                                                  31 December
    Item                                              comprehensive                                           minority
                            2015                                                                  Company
                                                          income                                                  interest after
                                                                                                  after tax
                                                          transferred to
                                                          profit or loss
                                                          this year
Items that may be
                        34,813,284.64 104,162,415.31       -55,675,560.00 -7,270,066.71 35,944,239.97               5,272,548.63 70,757,524.61
reclassified into
profits or losses
-change in
 fair value of
 available-for-sale     37,033,422.18 104,142,671.24       -55,675,560.00 -7,270,066.71 35,924,495.90               5,272,548.63 72,957,918.08
 financial assets
-currency translation
                        -2,220,137.54         19,744.07                     -                 -       19,744.07                    - -2,200,393.47
Total                   34,813,284.64 104,162,415.31       -55,675,560.00 -7,270,066.71 35,944,239.97               5,272,548.63 70,757,524.61
                                                                      Increase/decrease in the year
                                        Amount for the Less: previously Less: Income                              Attributable
                                        year before tax   recognized in         tax expense
                        31 December                                                                               to the             31 December
    Item                                                                                      to the
                            2014                          other
                                                          comprehensive                                           minority
                                                          income                                                  interest after
                                                                                                  after tax
                                                          transferred to
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
                                                           profit or loss                                      tax
                                                           this year
Items that may be
                        -3,449,689.57      56,905,112.03                    - -8,351,334.00         38,262,974.2110,290,803.82 34,813,284.64
reclassified into
profits or losses
-change in
 fair value of
                                     -     55,675,560.00                    - -8,351,334.00 37,033,422.18 10,290,803.82 37,033,422.18
 financial assets
-currency translation
                        -3,449,689.57       1,229,552.03                    -               -   1,229,552.03                - -2,220,137.54
Total                   -3,449,689.57      56,905,112.03                    - -8,351,334.00 38,262,974.21 10,290,803.82 34,813,284.64
(32) Surplus reserves
             Item                 31 December 2015                 Increase                     Decrease             31 December 2016
Statutory surplus reserves               332,594,722.29                             -                           -          332,594,722.29
In accordance with the Company Law of the PRC, the Company‘s Articles of Association, 10% of net profit
should be made to the statutory surplus reserve, after offsetting accumulated losses from prior years, unless the
accumulated statutory surplus reserve reaches 50% of the share capital. Statutory surplus reserve can be used to
make up losses or to increase share capital. At the end of 2016, there is no appropriation to the statutory surplus
reserve as the Company‘s accumulated statutory surplus reserve has already reached 50% of the share capital.
(33) Retained Earnings
                        Item                                Year ended 31 December 2016                 Year ended 31 December 2015
31 December 2015                                                                2,960,955,454.36                        2,326,392,979.58
Add: net profit attributable to the shareholders of
                                                                                1,175,054,922.85                          919,181,968.58
    the Company
Less: statutory surplus reserve                                                                 -                                       -
    Dividends to ordinary shareholders                                      -379,492,658.40                          -284,619,493.80
31 December 2016                                                                3,756,517,718.81                        2,960,955,454.36
Pursuant to the resolution of general meeting of shareholders on 7 April 2016, cash dividends of RMB
379,492,658.40 (RMB 0.6 per share) was paid based on the issued shares of 632,487,764.
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
Pursuant to the resolution of board of directors on 07 March 2017, cash dividends of RMB 474,365,823.00 (RMB
0.75 per share) was paid based on the issued shares of 632,487,764.
During the year ended 31 December 2016, statutory surplus reserve of RMB 22,090,679.85 was made from
retained earnings of the year ended 31 December 2016 of the Company‘s subsidiary Hefei Midea Washing
Machine Co., Ltd. (2015: RMB 19,748,700.45)
(34) Sales and cost of sales
                                       Year ended 31 December 2016                          Year ended 31 December 2015
                                 Sales revenue             Cost of sales              Sales revenue             Cost of sales
Main operations                  14,761,654,334.87         10,775,398,510.01          11,929,121,727.57          8,713,461,567.66
Other operations                  1,573,260,166.82          1,335,814,776.27           1,202,505,204.87           932,929,256.70
Total                            16,334,914,501.69         12,111,213,286.28          13,131,626,932.44          9,646,390,824.36
Other operating income and expenses
          Item                         Year ended 31 December 2016                          Year ended 31 December 2015
                             Other operating           Other operating            Other operating          Other operating
                                    income                   expenses                      income          expenses
 Sales of materials               1,523,956,580.61          1,321,614,639.82           1,168,168,201.64           928,355,789.30
 Others                                49,303,586.21           14,200,136.45               34,337,003.23              4,573,467.40
 Total                            1,573,260,166.82          1,335,814,776.27           1,202,505,204.87           932,929,256.70
(35) Taxes and surcharges
                      Item                         Year ended 31 December 2016                 Year ended 31 December 2015
Civil infrastructure maintenance and
construction fee                                                           47,043,929.59                              36,866,172.60
Education fee                                                              36,099,067.67                              28,980,795.86
Other                                                                      16,061,441.32                                914,707.02
Total                                                                      99,204,438.58                           66,761,675.48
(36) Selling expenses
                      Item                         Year ended 31 December 2016                 Year ended 31 December 2015
Selling expenses                                                     2,325,645,712.65                           1,957,833,768.25
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
In 2016 , selling expenses maily include promotion expenses, transportation and storage expenses, employee
wages and benefits, maintenance and installation expenses and after-sales service expenses, which accounts for
above 90% of the total selling expenses (2015: above 90%).
(37) Administrative expenses
                    Item                           Year ended 31 December 2016              Year ended 31 December 2015
Administrative expenses                                              505,321,107.14                            539,747,209.80
In 2016 , administrative expenses maily include employee wages and benefits, taxation and depreciation and
amortization costs, which accounts for above 90% of the total administrative expenses.
(38) Finance income - net
                    Item                           Year ended 31 December 2016              Year ended 31 December 2015
Interest expenses                                                     13,763,829.67                               9,536,939.00
Interest income                                                     -123,093,414.43                             -83,981,673.66
Exchange gains                                                       -57,584,688.79                             -40,188,776.26
Other financial expenses                                              12,088,525.34                               4,520,659.01
Total                                                               -154,825,748.21                            -110,112,851.91
(39) Asset impairment losses
                    Item                           Year ended 31 December 2016              Year ended 31 December 2015
Provision for bad debts                                               30,841,029.30                              -2,816,335.36
Provision for inventory                                               61,370,935.22                             23,886,048.29
Provision for fixed assets                                             2,357,686.75                               1,382,222.92
Total                                                                 94,569,651.27                             22,451,935.85
(40) Investment Income
                             Item                             Year ended 31 December 2016         Year ended 31 December 2015
Income from disposal of available-for-sale financial assets                      169,302,270.03                 201,658,430.62
Income from return of available-for-sale financial assets                         30,936,990.68                       6,050.00
Others                                                                                        -                      85,130.22
Total                                                                            200,239,260.71                 201,749,610.84
There is no significant restriction on the remittance of investment income to the Company and its subsidiaries
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
(41) Non-operating income
              Item                 Year ended 31 December 2016 Year ended 31 December 2015                      Non-operating items
Gains on disposal of
                                                       1,008,085.77                           444,371.81                      1,008,085.77
non-current assets
Includes: Gains on disposal of
                                                       1,008,085.77                           444,371.81                      1,008,085.77
          fixed assets
Government grants                                    33,024,499.34                          31,893,010.09                   13,872,569.26
Others                                                 4,942,815.63                         31,050,278.99                     4,942,815.63
Total                                                38,975,400.74                          63,387,660.89                   19,823,470.66
Government grants list:
                                                                      Whether                   Year ended     Year ended
                                                                      profit or    Whether 31 December 31 December             Related to
                                                                     losses are    special         2016          2015            assets /
   Item          Granter         Causes           Nature
                                                                    affected by subsidie                                       Related to
                                                                    the grant in        s                                        income
                                                                    current year
                                          The subsidy is
                                          acquired for engaging
VAT          Wuxi      New                in specified industries
                                                                                                                              Related to
Rebate on District Taxation Subsidy encouraged and                  No             No          19,151,930.08 16,273,049.89
collection Bureau                         supported by the
                                          country in accordance
                                          with national policies.
                                          The subsidy is
             Wuxi Municipal
Subsidies                                 acquired for engaging
             Bureau of
for export                                in specified industries
             Commerce and                                                                                                     Related to
credit                          Subsidy encouraged and              No             No           1,100,319.00   2,065,800.00
             Wuxi Municipal                                                                                                   income
insurance                                 supported by the
             Bureau of
premiums                                  country in accordance
                                          with national policies.
             Wuxi economic
                                                                                                                              Related to
             and information
Others                          Reward                              No             No          12,772,250.26 13,554,160.20 income or
             commission, etc.
Total                                                                                          33,024,499.34 31,893,010.09
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
(42) Non-operating expenses
               Item                 Year ended 31 December 2016 Year ended 31 December 2015               Non-routine items
Losses on disposal of
                                                    2,841,820.22                     724,567.38                      2,841,820.22
non-current assets
Includes: Losses on disposal of
                                                    2,841,820.22                     724,567.38                      2,841,820.22
fixed assets
Refund of Energy efficiency
                                                               -                  36,428,856.99                                -
Others                                              5,731,866.22                  11,116,600.04                        654,717.85
Total                                               8,573,686.44                  48,270,024.41                      3,496,538.07
(43) Income tax expenses
(a) Income tax expenses
                      Item                        Year ended 31 December 2016                  Year ended 31 December 2015
Current income tax                                                     296,919,642.14                              197,324,795.33
Deferred income tax                                                    - 55,267,875.03                             -25,027,963.55
Total                                                                  241,651,767.11                              172,296,831.78
(b) Reconciliation of tax payable
                                                                                   Year ended                   Year ended
                                                                               31 December 2016             31 December 2015
Profit before tax                                                                   1,584,427,028.99              1,225,421,617.93
Income tax calculated at applicable tax rates                                            237,664,054.35            183,813,242.69
Adjusted income tax of prior year                                                          5,459,687.46             -10,782,157.42
Non- deductable costs, expenses and losses                                                 5,157,878.49               4,089,000.62
Influence of deductible temporary difference or deductible losses of
deferred income tax assets derecognized in current year                                    2,036,590.76               2,394,245.89
Super deduction for development cost                                                      -8,666,443.95              -7,217,500.00
Income tax expense                                                                       241,651,767.11            172,296,831.78
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
(44) Earnings per share
(a) Basic earnings per share
Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the consolidated net profit attributable to shareholders of the
Company by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue:
                                                                                 Year ended                  Year ended
                                                                              31 December 2016            31 December 2015
  Consolidated net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company              1,175,054,922.85             919,181,968.58
  Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue                               632,487,764.00              632,487,764.00
  Basic earnings per share                                                                      1.86                        1.45
(b) Diluted earnings per share
Diluted earnings per share is calculated by dividing the net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the
Company adjusted based on the dilutive potential ordinary shares by the adjusted weighted average number of
ordinary shares in issue. There were no dilutive potential ordinary shares in 2016 (2015: nil). Therefore, diluted
earnings per share equal to basic earnings per share.
(45) Notes to consolidated cash flow statement
(a) Cash received relating to other operating activities
                    Item                          Year ended 31 December 2016                 Year ended 31 December 2015
Interest income                                                         48,087,130.05                            12,858,360.87
Government grants                                                       13,419,369.22                            15,619,960.20
Others                                                                   5,327,431.15                            28,209,932.80
Total                                                                   66,833,930.42                            56,688,253.87
(b) Cash paid relating to other operating activities
During the year ended 31 December 2016, cash paid relating to other operating activities amounted to RMB
397,536,601.21, was other administrative expenses and selling expenses excluding payroll and taxes (2015:
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
(c) Cash received relating to other investing activities
                    Item                           Year ended 31 December 2016                  Year ended 31 December 2015
Interest income of structured deposits                                   71,183,080.05                             42,268,968.89
(46) Supplementary information of cash flow statements
(a) Supplementary information of cash flow statements
                                                                Year ended 31 December 2016        Year ended 31 December 2015
Reconciliation of net profit to cash flows from operating
Net profit                                                                  1,342,775,261.88                    1,053,124,786.15
Add:Provision for asset impairment                                            94,569,651.27                       22,451,935.85
Depreciation of fixed assets and amortization of
                                                                              122,429,528.37                      119,394,344.10
investment properties
Amortization of intangible assets                                                5,238,138.88                       5,238,952.67
Amortization of long-term prepaid expenses                                       2,384,206.20                       3,143,625.56
Losses on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and
                                                                                 1,833,734.45                        280,195.57
other long-term assets
Financial income                                                              - 80,745,581.81                     -75,219,066.77
Investment income                                                            -200,239,260.71                     -201,749,610.84
Increase in deferred income tax assets                                       - 55,267,875.03                      -25,027,963.55
Amortization of deffered incomes                                                 -453,200.04                         -453,200.04
Increase of inventory                                                      -1,040,795,912.39                     -163,682,022.56
Decrease in operating receivables                                             127,720,638.07                    1,734,355,028.92
Increase in operating payables                                              3,540,292,870.02                    1,102,940,765.66
Share-based payments                                                           36,330,588.22                       23,897,698.08
Net cash flows from operating activities                                    3,896,072,787.38                    3,598,695,468.80
2.Significant investing and financing activities that do not
involve cash receipts and payments
3.Not increase in cash and cash equivalents :
Cash at the end of the year                                                 4,171,689,917.21                    2,792,685,328.69
Less: Cash at the beginning of the year                                     2,792,685,328.69                    1,516,739,804.86
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                   1,379,004,588.52                    1,275,945,523.83
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
(b) Cash and cash equivalents
                                                         31 December 2016                        31 December 2015
Cash                                                               4,171,689,917.21                         2,792,685,328.69
  Including Cash in hand                                                          -                                         -
              Cash at bank                                         4,171,689,917.21                         2,792,685,328.69
Ending balance of cash                                             4,171,689,917.21                         2,792,685,328.69
(47) Foreign currency monetary items
(a) Foreign currency monetary items
                                                                      31 December 2016
               Item                 Foreign currency balance            Exchange rate                  RMB balance
Cash at bank & in hand
       -USD                                     123,572,720.03                          6.9370                857,223,958.85
       -EUR                                        5,609,814.13                         7.3068                 40,989,789.89
       -USD                                      77,586,438.35                          6.9370                538,217,122.83
       -EUR                                        4,075,798.56                         7.3068                 29,781,044.92
       -USD                                        7,388,885.06                         6.9370                 51,256,695.66
       -EUR                                         106,784.36                          7.3068                      780,251.96
       -KRW                                        5,000,000.00                         0.0058                       28,785.00
(b) Explanation of oversea operating entities, including important oversea operating entities, should disclose the
principal places of business, the bookkeeping base currency and the reason of selection, and the causes if the
bookkeeping base currency changes.
□Applicable √ Not applicable
V. Changes in consolidation scope
In 2016, there is no change in the Group‘s Consolidation scope.
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
VI. Equity interests in other entities
(1) Equity interests in subsidiaries
(a) Components of the Company and its subsidiaries
                                                Place of       Place of        Principle        % of ownership
                  Name                          business      registration     activities          interest                Acquired by
                                                                                            Directly     Indirectly
Wuxi Little Swan General Electric                                            Manufacture                              Establishmenr or
Appliances Co. , Ltd.                        Wuxi            Wuxi                           100.00%                   Investment
Wuxi Filin Electronics Co. , Ltd.            Wuxi            Wuxi            Manufacture        73.00%                Establishmenr or
Jiangsu Little Swan Marketing and Sales Wuxi                 Wuxi            Marketing          99.54%        0.09% Establishmenr or
Co. , Ltd.                                                                                                            Investment
Wuxi Little Swan Import & Export Co. ,                                       Import and                               Establishmenr or
                                             Wuxi            Wuxi                               88.46%
Ltd.                                                                         export                                   Investment
Little Swan International (Singapore) Co.,                                                                            Establishmenr or
                                             Singapore       Singapore       Investing      100.00%
Ltd.                                                                                                                  Investment
                                                                                                                      Business merger
Little Swan (Jing Zhou) Sanjin Electronic
                                             Jingzhou        Jingzhou        Manufacture    100.00%                   under common
Appliances Limited
                                                                                                                      Business merger
Hefei Midea Washing Machine Co., Ltd.        Hefei           Hefei           Manufacture        69.47%                under common
In 2016, the Company entered into an agreement with General Electric (China) Co., Ltd., who transfered its 30%
of equity interests in Wuxi Little Swan General Electric Appliances Co., Ltd to the Company, about USD
10,000,000. At 31 December 2016, this transfer completed and Wuxi Little Swan General Electric Appliances Co.,
Ltd became a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company. The transaction reduced minority interest about
62,164,722.88 and reduced capital surplus 7,297,277.12.
(b) Subsidiaries with significant minority interests
                                              % of shares held by       P&L attributable        Dividends declaired to Minority interest at
                                             minority shareholders           tominority         minority shareholders      31 December 2016
                  Name                                                    shareholders
Wuxi Filin Electronics Co. , Ltd.                          27.00%               60,279,451.02                          -        200,201,688.97
Hefei Midea Washing Machine Co., Ltd.                      30.53%               97,081,971.47                          -        775,045,515.71
              WUXI LITTLE SWAN CO., LTD.
              FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2016
              (All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
              [English Translation for Reference Only]
              (c) The main financial information of significant not wholly owned subsidiary
    Name                                                      31 December 2016                                                                                                    31 December 2015
                                     Non-current                                  Current        Non-current                                               Non-current                                   Current     Non-current
                   Current assets           assets       Total assets           liabilities         liabilities    Total liabilities    Current assets            assets       Total assets            liabilities      liabilities     Total liabilities
Wuxi Filin
Co. , Ltd.        1,203,071,028.74   51,610,150.79   1,254,681,179.53      512,934,442.62          259,000.00        513,193,442.62      630,040,449.62    56,417,457.81    686,457,907.43         168,388,420.57      362,200.00        168,750,620.57
Hefei Midea
Limited.          6,955,889,821.64 648,846,122.85    7,604,735,944.49     5,049,130,635.42      16,969,489.50     5,066,100,124.92     4,899,597,642.19   660,802,382.62   5,560,400,024.81    3,323,567,046.22      36,569,848.57      3,360,136,894.79
                                                                        Year ended 31 December 2016                                                                             Year ended 31 December 2015
                                                                                              Total comprehensive       Net cash flow from                                                              Total comprehensive           Net cash flow from
                                                      Sales                 Net profit                      income       operating activites                    Sales                 Net profit                     income           operating activites
Wuxi Filin Electronics Co. , Ltd.
                                             904,940,364.35         223,257,225.99                223,257,225.99            30,800,930.14             597,332,804.55           149,474,951.17                149,474,951.17              -89,990,112.02
Hefei Midea Washing Machine
Limited.                                   7,259,961,899.44         317,988,769.96                334,100,184.20         1,429,556,107.23           6,165,350,114.71           284,276,672.73                317,518,924.93            1,395,138,587.97
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
(2) Equity interest in associates and joint ventures
□Applicable √ Not applicable
VII. Segment reporting
Sales, expenses, assets and liabilities of the Company and its subsidiaries are primarily attributable to
manufacturing and sales of washing machines and related products. No segment information of the Group is
presented considering the internal organization and management structure, the system of internal financial
reporting to key management personnel, and similar business nature among various subsidiaries in the Group.
The domestic and overseas sales transaction and non-current assets excluding financial assets and deferred tax
asset are as follows:
(1) Sales transactions to third parties
                                                         31 December 2016               31 December 2015
  China                                                          13,022,118,060.74               10,440,519,133.71
  Other countries                                                 3,312,796,440.95                2,691,107,798.73
  Total                                                          16,334,914,501.69               13,131,626,932.44
(2) Non-current assets
                                                         31 December 2016               31 December 2015
  China                                                           1,258,041,184.47                1,323,094,433.43
  Other countries                                                                -                               -
  Total                                                           1,258,041,184.47                1,323,094,433.43
VIII. Risk related to financial instruments
The Company and its subsidiaries' activities are exposed to a variety of financial risks: market risk (primarily
foreign exchange risk and interest rate risk), credit risk and liquidity risk. The Company and its subsidiaries'
overall risk management program focuses on the unpredictability of financial markets and seeks to minimize
potential adverse effects on the Company and its subsidiaries' financial performance.
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
(1) Market risk
     (a) Foreign exchange risk
   The Company and its subsidiaries' major operations are carried out in Mainland China and majority of its
transactions are denominated in RMB. The Company and its subsidiaries are exposed to foreign exchange risk
arising from assets and liabilities nominated in foreign currencies, primarily in USD. Headquarter of financial
department is responsible for monitoring foreign currency transactions and the scale of foreign currency assets
and liabilities of the Company and its subsidiaries, to minimize the foreign exchange risk. Therefore, the
Company and its subsidiaries may sign forward foreigh exchange contract or currency swap contract to avoid
foreign exchange risk. In 2015 and 2014, the Company and its subsidiaries did not use any forward contracts or
hedging instruments to mitigate the foreign exchange risk.
   The following table presents the structure analysis of the Company and its subsidiaries‘ financial assets and
financial liabilities by currencies as at 31 December 2015 and 31 December 2014:
                          Item                                                31 December 2016
                                                              USD                   Other               Total
 Financial assets denominated in foreign currency -
 Cash at bank and in hand                                   857,223,958.85         40,989,789.89      898,213,748.74
 Receivables                                                538,217,122.83         29,781,044.92      567,998,167.75
 Total                                                     1,395,441,081.68        70,770,834.81     1,466,211,916.49
 Financial liabilities denominated in foreign currency -
 Payables                                                    51,256,695.66            809,036.96       52,065,732.62
         Item                                                                 31 December 2015
                                                              USD                   Other               Total
 Financial assets denominated in foreign currency -
 Cash at bank and in hand                                   299,468,993.14          5,111,988.93      304,580,982.07
 Receivables                                                665,033,732.65          4,291,192.21      669,324,924.86
 Total                                                      964,502,725.79          9,403,181.14      973,905,906.93
 Financial liabilities denominated in foreign currency -
 Payables                                                    39,699,749.59                       -     39,699,749.59
     As at 31 December 2016, if the RMB had strengthened/ weakened by 7 % against the USD while all other
variables had been held constant, the Company and its subsidiaries‘ net profit for the year would have been
approximately RMB 79,980,000 (as at 31 December 2015: approximately RMB 55,026,000) lower/higher for
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
various financial assets and liabilities denominated in USD.
       (b) Interest rate risk
     As at 31 December 2016 and 31 December 2015, there is no any short-term or long-term interest bearing
borrowings issued at floating rates in the Company and its subsidiaries. The company and its subsidiaries expect
that there is no significant interest rate risk.
(2) Credit risk
     Credit risk is managed on a group basis. Credit risk mainly arises from cash at bank, accounts receivable,
other receivables, notes receivable, other current assets-structured deposits and financial products, etc.
     The Company and its subsidiaries expect that there is no significant credit risk associated with cash at bank
and structured deposits since they are deposited at state-owned banks and other medium or large size listed banks.
Management does not expect that there will be any significant losses from non-performance by these
     The Company and its subsidiaries authorized commercial bank, trust company, asset management company
and other financial agencies to conduct short-term investment finance, such as bank financial products, trust plan
of trust company and assets management plan of assets management company, whose investment orientations are
mainly on financial instruments with high market credit rating among banks in China as well as fine liquidity and
trust product assets management plan with estimated earnings, including but not limited to national debt, financial
debt, central bank bill, bond repurchase and corporate bonds, short-term financial bills, etc. and commercial
bank‘s financial products, which have low risk, stable return and an investment period within one year. The
Company and its subsidiaries' idle funds which are authorized to finance won‘t be invested in stock and its
derivative products, securities investment funds, entrusted financial products aimed at security investment and
other investment related to securities.
     In addition, the Company and its subsidiaries have policies to limit the credit exposure on accounts
receivable, other receivables and notes receivable. The Company and its subsidiaries assesse the credit quality of
and sets credit limits on its customers by taking into account their financial position, the availability of guarantee
from third parties, their credit history and other factors such as current market conditions. The credit history of the
customers is regularly monitored by the Group. In respect of customers with a poor credit history, the Company
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
and its subsidiaries will use written payment reminders, or shorten or cancel credit periods, to ensure the overall
credit risk of the Company and its subsidiaries is limited to a controllable extent. There are no significant expired
receivables at 31 December 2016 (2015: Nil).
(3) Liquidity risk
    Cash flow forecasting is performed by the Company and its subsidiaries and aggregated by the Group‘s
finance department in its headquarters. The Group‘s finance department at its headquarters monitors rolling
forecasts of the Company and its subsidiaries‘ short-term and long-term liquidity requirements to ensure it has
sufficient cash and securities that are readily convertible to cash to meet operational needs.
The financial liabilities of the Company and its subsidiaries at the balance sheet date are analysed by their
maturity date below at their undiscounted contractual cash flows :
                                                                        31 December 2016
                                         Within 1 year       1 to 2 years   2 to 5 years       Over 5 years        Total
Short-term borrowings                      185,237,615.37               -                  -              -    185,237,615.37
Notes payable
                                         2,620,549,815.47               -                  -              -
Accounts payable
                                         3,335,089,672.06               -                  -              -
Dividends payable                             7,150,684.06              -                  -              -       7,150,684.06
Other current liabilities                1,844,413,154.26               -                  -              -   1,844,413,154.26
Other payables                             199,926,402.04               -                  -              -    199,926,402.04
Provisions                                    1,727,340.89                                                        1,727,340.89
Total                                    8,194,094,684.15               -                  -              -   8,194,094,684.15
                                                                        31 December 2015
                                         Within 1 year       1 to 2 years   2 to 5 years       Over 5 years        Total
Notes payable                            1,953,065,274.06               -                  -              -   1,953,065,274.06
Accounts payable                          2,419,807,341.95              -                  -              -   2,419,807,341.95
Dividends payable                             5,400,652.06              -                  -              -       5,400,652.06
Other current liabilities                   653,242,331.76              -                  -              -     653,242,331.76
Other payables                              171,807,137.94              -                  -              -     171,807,137.94
Total                                     5,203,322,737.77              -                  -              -   5,203,322,737.77
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
IX. Fair value disclosure
(1) Closing balance of assets and liabilities measured at fair value
     Based on the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement in its entirety, the fair value
hierarchy has the following levels:
     Level 1: Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities.
     Level 2: Inputs other than quoted prices included within level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability,
either directly (that is, as prices) or indirectly (that is, derived from prices).
     Level 3: Inputs for the assets or liabilities that are not based on observable market data (that is,unobservable
     The fair value of a financial instrument that is traded in an active market is determined at the quoted price in
the active market. The fair value of a financial instrument for which the market is not active is determined by
using a valuation technique. Valuation techniques include cash flow discount model and market comparable
company model. The input of valuation techniques mainly include risk free rate, expected exchange rate,
estimated annual yield,etc.
                                                                    31 December 2016
                                       Level 1                 Level 2                   Level 3                Total
Assets measured at fair value
on a continuous basis
Available-for-sale financial
                                                         -                   -       5,994,142,671.24      5,994,142,671.24
assets-financial products
Assets measured at fair value
on a non-continuous basis
                                                                    31 December 2015
                                       Level 1                 Level 2                   Level 3                Total
Assets measured at fair value
on a continuous basis
Available-for-sale financial
                                                         -                   -          3,052,675,560.00     3,052,675,560.00
assets-financial products
Assets measured at fair value
on a non-continuous basis
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
(2) Valuation technique and qualitative and quantitative information of significant parameter used by
    instruments measured at fair value by Level 3 on a continuous and non-continuous basis
     As at 31 December 2016, the Company and its subsidiaries‘ financial assets measured at fair value by Level
3 are financial product investments with floating income and unprotected principles. The fair value is determined
by the Company and its subsidiaries using valuation techniques.
(3) Reasons of conversion among levels and policies of determining conversion date of instruments
    measured at fair value on a continuous basis
     The Company and its subsidiaries consider the date of events leading the conversion between different levels
as the conversion recognizing date. In 2016, there was no conversion between Level 1 and Level 2.
(4) The movement of financial assets measured at fair value by Level 3
                                   Item                                  Financial product investments
 1 January 2016                                                                                     3,052,675,560.00
 Purchase                                                                                           8,171,000,000.00
 Sale                                                                                               -5,278,000,000.00
 Total gains in current year                                                                              48,467,111.24
    attributable to profit or loss                                                                   -55,675,560.00
    attributable to other comprehensive income                                                       104,142,671.24
 31 December 2016                                                                                   5,994,142,671.24
 Changes in unrealised gains or losses included in profit or loss                                                     -
 for the current year with respect to assets still held as at 31
 December 2016
    Gain or loss on changes in fair value                                                                         -
                                   Item                                  Financial product investments
 1 January 2015                                                                                     1,900,100,000.00
 Purchase                                                                                           6,042,300,000.00
 Sale                                                                                               -5,144,315,650.60
 Total gains in current year                                                                             254,591,210.60
    attributable to profit or loss                                                                   198,915,650.60
    attributable to other comprehensive income                                                        55,675,560.00
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
 31 December 2015                                                                                      3,052,675,560.00
 Changes in unrealised gains or losses included in profit or loss
 for the current year with respect to assets still held as at 31
 December 2015                                                                                                        -
      Gain or loss on changes in fair value                                                                           -
The relevant information of financial assets measured at fair value by Level 3 are below:
                                                                                        Relationship       Observable/
                    Fair value at 31   Valuation         Non-observable
      Item                                                                  Range         with fair
                    December 2016      technique                                                          unobservable
                                                            Input                           value
 Available-for-sale financial assets
                                                                                        Moves in the
     Financial                         Discount     Estimated                                             unobservable
                   5,994,142,671.23                                       3.9%-5.5%         same
      products                         cash flow    annual yield
                                                                                        Relationship       Observable/
                    Fair value at 31   Valuation         Non-observable
      Item                                                                  Range         with fair
                    December 2015      technique                                                          unobservable
                                                            Input                           value
 Available-for-sale financial assets
                                                                                        Moves in the
     Financial                         Discount     Estimated                                             unobservable
                   3,052,675,560.00                                       3.5%~6.7%         same
      products                         cash flow    annual yield
(5) Financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value
     Financial assets and liabilities measured at amortized cost mainly include: notes receivable, accounts
receivable, other current assets-structured deposits, other receivables, notes payable, accounts payable, other
payables and other current liabilities.
     Available-for-sale financial assets measured in cost model are investments on shares of unlisted companies,
which have no quoted price in the active market and the range of reasonable estimation of their fair value is
relatively wide and probabilities used to determine the estimation cannot be ascertained reasonably. Therefore, the
fair values cannot be measured reliably.
     The carrying amount of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value is a reasonable approximation of
their fair value at 31 December 2016 and 31 December 2015.
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
X. Capital management
    The Company and its subsidiaries‘ objectives of managing capital policies are to safeguard the Company and
its subsidiaries‘ ability to continue operating, in order to provide returns for shareholders and benefits for other
stakeholders and to maintain an optimal capital structure to reduce the cost of capital.
     In order to maintain or adjust the capital structure, the Company and its subsidiaries may adjust the amount
of dividends paid to shareholders, return capital to shareholders, issue new shares or sell assets to reduce debt.
     The Group is not subject to external mandatory capital requirements, and monitors capital on the basis of
gearing ratios.
                     Item                                    31 December 2016                                31 December 2015
 Gearing ratios                                                                      63.15%                                         58.21%
XI. Related parties and related party transactions
(1) Major shareholders of the Company
                     Place of                        Nature of business                        Registered Capital % of share % of voting
                   registeration                                                                                       holding      rights
Midea Group Foshan,                Manufacture and sales of household appliances,
                                                                                                6,458,766,808.00         52.67%      52.67%
Co., Ltd.         Guang Dong
                                   motor and fittings, along with after-sale service, etc.
(2) Registered capital and changes in registered capital of the parent company
               Name                          31 December 2015                Increase               Decrease            31 December 2016
  Midea Group Co., Ltd.                           4,266,264,092.00      2,192,502,716.00                           -       6,458,766,808.00
(3) The percentage of shareholding and voting rights in the Company held by the parent
                                                31 December 2016                                         31 December 2015
                                   % of share holding         % of voting rights             % of share holding         % of voting right
 Midea Group Co., Ltd.                           52.67%                      52.67%                       52.67%                    52.67%
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
(4) Subsidiaries of the Company
       For the detailed information of subsidiaries, please refer to Note IX.
(5) Associates and joint ventures of the Company
       There is no associates or joint ventures of the company and its subsidiaries at 31 December 2016.
(6) Other related parties
                             name                                  Relationship with the Company and its subsidiaries
Ningbo Midea United Supply Limited                          Controlled by controlling shareholders of the Company
Ningbo Meian Logistics Co., Ltd.                            Controlled by controlling shareholders of the Company
Ningbo Meimei Garden Appliance service Limited              Controlled by controlling shareholders of the Company
Andhra Logistics Co., Ltd.                                  Controlled by controlling shareholders of the Company
Midea E-business Limited                                    Controlled by controlling shareholders of the Company
Zhejiang Meizhi Compressor Limited                          Controlled by controlling shareholders of the Company
Guangdong Midea Hicks Electronics Limited                   Controlled by controlling shareholders of the Company
Foshan Shunde Century Technology Limited                    Controlled by controlling shareholders of the Company
Midea Wisdom Household Technology Co., Ltd.                 Controlled by controlling shareholders of the Company
Hefei Hualing Co., Ltd.                                     Controlled by controlling shareholders of the Company
Ningbo Andhra Logistics Limited                             Controlled by controlling shareholders of the Company
Wuhu Midea Household Appliances Manufacture Limited         Controlled by controlling shareholders of the Company
Midea Appliance (Singapore)Trading Limited                  Controlled by controlling shareholders of the Company
MIDEA SCOTT & ENGLISH ELECTRONICS SDN BHD                   Controlled by controlling shareholders of the Company
Midea Household Equipmental Appliance(Vietnam) Limited      Controlled by controlling shareholders of the Company
PT. MIDEA PLANET INDONESIA                                  Controlled by controlling shareholders of the Company
Orient Household Appliances Ltd.                            Controlled by controlling shareholders of the Company
Hefei Midea Materials Supply Co., Ltd.                      Controlled by controlling shareholders of the Company
Guangdong Midea Consumer Electric Manufacturing Co., Ltd.   Controlled by controlling shareholders of the Company
Guangdong Midea Refrigeration Equipment Limited             Controlled by controlling shareholders of the Company
Chongqing Midea Refrigeration Equipment Limited             Controlled by controlling shareholders of the Company
Guangdong Midea Group Wuhu Refrigeration Equipment Co., Controlled by controlling shareholders of the Company
Hubei Midea Refrigerator Limited                            Controlled by controlling shareholders of the Company
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
Hefei Midea Refrigerator Co., Ltd.                               Controlled by controlling shareholders of the Company
Guangdong Midea Environment Equipment Limited                    Controlled by controlling shareholders of the Company
Midea Group Finance Co., Ltd.                                    Controlled by controlling shareholders of the Company
Foshan Midea Clear Lake Water Purification Equipment Controlled by controlling shareholders of the Company
Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Wuhu Welling Motor Sales Co., Ltd.                               Controlled by controlling shareholders of the Company
Huaian Weiling motor manufacture Limited                         Controlled by controlling shareholders of the Company
Midea Welling Motor Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd               Controlled by controlling shareholders of the Company
Shenzhen Midea Payment Technology Co., Ltd                       Controlled by controlling shareholders of the Company
(7) (7) Related party transactions
(a) Sale/Purchase of goods and services received/offered
Purchase of goods and services received
                                                                                                If it exceeds     Year ended
                                                               Year ended Approved     amount
    Related parties         Nature of transaction                                           the approved
                                                         31 December 2016     of transaction                    31 December 2015
 Ningbo Midea United
                                Materials purchase
 Supply Limited                                          1,082,899,440.77    1,256,410,256.00            No      642,317,854.48
 Huaian Weiling motor
 manufacture Limited /          Electric engines
 Wuhu Welling Motor Sales       purchase
 Co., Ltd.                                                909,387,012.40     1,029,911,026.00            No      625,887,185.38
 Ningbo Meian Logistics
 Co., Ltd./                     Storage & logistics
 Andhra Logistics Co., Ltd.                               596,152,613.40      585,585,585.60            Yes       75,627,390.93
 Ningbo Meimei Garden
                                After-sales service
 Appliance service Limited                                170,460,492.92      256,410,256.40            No                     -
 Midea E-business Limited       Promotion service          28,280,507.93        33,018,867.92           No          5,202,073.88
 Zhejiang Meizhi                Compressor &
 Compressor Limited             material purchase            5,879,190.09       12,820,512.82           No          5,265,435.21
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
 Guangdong Midea Hicks
 Electronics Limited /
                               Chip & Wifi Modules
 Ningbo Midea United           purchase
 Supply Limited                                            35,734,928.99        49,572,649.57           No                     -
 Foshan Shunde Century
                               Mould purchase                 632,478.62                                                       -
 Technology Limited
 Midea Wisdom Household
                               Materials purchase             286,969.84                                                       -
 Technology Co., Ltd.
 Hefei Hualing Co., Ltd.       Materials purchase               2,222.22                                                       -
 Ningbo Andhra Logistics
                               Storage & logistics
 Co., Ltd.                                                          -                                            307,619,269.27
 Wuhu Midea Household
 Appliances Manufacture        Material purchase
 Limited                                                            -                                                 53,333.33
                                                         2,829,715,857.18    3,223,729,154.31                   1,661,972,542.48
The pricing policies of related party transactions are agreed price.
Sales of goods and services provided
                                                           Year ended                           If it exceeds     Year ended
                                                                            Approved   amount
         Related parties       Nature of transaction                                            the approved
                                                         31 December 2016     of transaction                    31 December 2015
                               Sales of washing
 Midea Appliance
                               machines and
 (Singapore)Trading Limited                              2,454,180,175.61    3,020,500,000.00            No     1,955,298,317.81
                               Sales of washing
                               machines                    54,647,993.33        98,000,000.00            No       41,335,737.51
 Midea Household
 Equipmental                   Sales of washing
 Appliance(Vietnam)            machines
 Limited                                                   24,473,060.87        45,000,000.00            No         9,413,711.55
 PT. MIDEA PLANET              Sales of washing
 INDONESIA                     machines                    23,243,634.98        50,000,000.00            No       15,660,128.95
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
 Orient Household                Sales of washing
 Appliances Ltd.                 machines                      19,228,098.22          25,000,000.00             No                    -
 Ningbo Meimei Garden
                                 Sales of materials            11,050,814.22          34,188,034.00             No                    -
 Appliance service Limited
 Ningbo Meian Logistics          Sales of washing
 Co., Ltd.                       machines                         934,535.79                                                          -
 Ningbo Midea United
                                 Sales of materials               176,304.62                                                          -
 Supply Limited
 Hefei Midea Materials
                                 Sales of materials               147,098.63                                                181,010.15
 Supply Co., Ltd.
 Guangdong Midea
                                 Sales of washing
 Consumer Electric
                                 machines                         108,102.56                                                          -
 Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
 Guangdong Midea
                                 Sales of washing
 Refrigeration Equipment
                                 machines                         104,923.08                                                812,888.89
                                 Sales of washing
 Andhra Logistics Co., Ltd.                                        34,536.74                                               1,242,839.32
 Ningbo Andhra Logistics         Sales of washing
 Limited                         machines                                   -                                              1,832,343.59
 Chongqing Midea
                                 Sales of washing
 Refrigeration Equipment
                                 machines                                   -                                               400,615.38
 Total                                                       2,588,329,278.65     3,272,688,034.00                     2,026,177,593.15
The pricing policies of related party transactions are agreed price.
(b) Lease
                                               Rental income of Approved        amount of      If it exceeds the
             Lessee           Type of assets                                                                       Rental income of 2015
                                                      2016              transaction           approved amount
Hefei Hualing Co., Ltd.       House
                              property          10,466,576.72            14,150,943.40                     No            11,667,537.60
Andhra Logistics Co., Ltd.    House
                                                      19,888.81                                                                       -
Total                                           10,486,465.53            14,150,943.40                                   11,667,537.60
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
(c) Asset Transfer
                                                                                Approved         If it exceeds    Year ended
                                      Related-party         Year ended
           Related parties                                                      amount of        the approved    31 December
                                      Transactions       31 December 2016
                                                                                transaction           amount         2015
 Guangdong Midea Group Wuhu        Trademark royalty          3,234,831.39                                        3,187,769.20
 Refrigeration Equipment Co.,      charges
                                                                                  Charged by
 Hubei Midea Refrigerator          Trademark royalty            767,582.21        0.3% of net            No        841,058.36
 Limited                           charges                                               sales
 Midea Group Co., Ltd.             Trademark royalty         13,389,505.52                                        9,960,480.61
 Hefei Midea Refrigerator Co.,     Equipments                    14,848.68                                                     -
 Ltd.                              purchase
 Guangdong Midea Environment       Equipments                               -                                       49,640.99
 Equipment Limited                 purchase
 Midea Group Co., Ltd.             Equipments                               -                                       40,984.50
 Guangdong Midea Refrigeration     Equipments                               -                                        11,564.05
 Equipment Limited                 purchase
 Ningbo Meimei Garden              Equipments sales               3,437.82                                                     -
 Appliance service Limited
 Andhra Logistics Co., Ltd.        Equipments sales                         -                                         7,332.44
 Guangdong Midea Refrigeration     Equipments sales                         -                                         7,017.43
 Equipment Limited
 Total                                                       17,410,205.62                                       14,105,847.58
(d) Remuneration of key management
                    Item                         Year ended 31 December 2016               Year ended 31 December 2015
Remuneration of key management                                       12,050,200.00                               12,258,201.20
(e) Transaction with Midea Group Finance Co., Ltd.
As at 31 December 2016, the Company and its subsidiaries‘ Cash at bank deposited in Midea Group Finance Co.,
Ltd. amounted to RMB 1,974,034,532.35 (as at 31 December 2015: RMB 1,997,171,470.18). During the year
ended 31 December 2016, interest income of cash at bank mentioned above was RMB 6,734,059.25 (2015: RMB
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
As at 31 December 2016, the Company and its subsidiaries‘ bank acceptance notes accepted by Midea Group
Finance Co., Ltd. Amounted to RMB 1,493,984,805.34 (as at 31 December 2015, RMB 1,963,652,880.92).
During the year ended 31 December 2016, commission charges of the bank acceptance notes mentioned above
amounted to RMB 2,118,620.23 (2015: RMB 4,876,260.99).
(8) Receivables from and payables to related parties
(a) Receivables from related parties
                                                              31 December 2016                 31 December 2015
Name of item                 Related parties                               Bad debt                          Bad debt
                                                         Book value        provision       Book value        provision
Accounts       Midea Appliance (Singapore)Trading
receivable     Limited                                   475,357,280.44   23,767,864.02 497,669,561.47      24,883,478.07
Accounts       Orient Household Appliances Ltd.
receivable                                                13,679,187.05     683,959.35                  -                -
Accounts       Midea Household Equipmental
receivable     Appliance(Vietnam) Limited                 13,183,502.52     659,175.13      5,998,410.85      299,920.54
receivable                                                 8,404,017.46     420,200.87      4,712,904.79      235,645.24
Accounts       MIDEA SCOTT & ENGLISH
receivable     ELECTRONICS SDN BHD                         3,485,105.76     174,255.29     11,531,302.72      576,565.14
Accounts       Ningbo Meian Logistics Co., Ltd.
receivable                                                    43,086.00       2,154.30                  -                -
Accounts       Ningbo Andhra Logistics Limited
receivable                                                            -                -     344,351.37        17,217.57
Accounts       Andhra Logistics Co., Ltd.
receivable                                                            -                -     288,245.00        14,412.25
Total                                                    514,152,179.23   25,707,608.96 520,544,776.20      26,027,238.81
Other          Shenzhen Midea Payment Technology Co.,
                                                          10,835,423.12     541,771.16                  -                -
receivables    Ltd
Other          Guangdong Midea Group Wuhu                                                   3,379,035.35      168,951.77
                                                           3,428,921.06     171,446.05
receivables    Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd.
Other          Hefei Hualing Co., Ltd.                      854,915.88       42,745.79      2,516,870.13      125,843.51
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
Other                                                                                             891,521.86      44,576.09
                 Hubei Midea Refrigerator Limited                   813,636.76     40,681.84
Total                                                           15,932,896.82     796,644.84    6,787,427.34     339,371.37
Prepayment       Ningbo Midea United Supply Limited             10,121,553.93               -               -            -
Prepayment       Midea E-business Limited                        1,549,712.32               -    1,072,593.00            -
                 Foshan Midea Clear Lake Water
Prepayment       Purification Equipment Manufacturing Co.,           75,816.00              -               -                -
                 Foshan Shunde Century Technology
Prepayment                                                           48,100.00              -               -                -
Total                                                           11,795,182.25               -    1,072,593.00                -
(b) Payables to related parties
    Name of item                     Related parties                     31 December 2016              31 December 2015
Accounts payable           Wuhu Welling Motor Sales Co., Ltd.                        201,074,837.49                                  -
Accounts payable           Ningbo Midea United Supply Limited                        110,265,994.59                73,289,057.95
Accounts payable           Zhejiang Meizhi Compressor Limited                           3,330,792.14                1,445,079.96
Accounts payable           Guangdong Midea Hicks Electronics
                                                                                        1,305,066.18                                 -
Accounts payable           Ningbo Meimei Garden Appliance service
                                                                                         499,870.00                39,107,819.41
Accounts payable           Huaian Weiling motor manufacture
                                                                                         390,637.80               117,984,701.58
Accounts payable           Ningbo Meian Logistics Co., Ltd.                              151,302.88                                  -
Accounts payable           Andhra Logistics Co., Ltd.                                     52,603.40                                  -
Accounts payable           Midea Wisdom Household Technology Co.,
                                                                                                  -                     1,421.02
Accounts payable           Ningbo Andhra Logistics Limited                                342,449.48                                 -
Total                                                                                 317,413,553.96              231,828,079.92
Other payables             Wuhu Midea Household Appliances                                                                       -
                           Manufacture Limited
Other payables             Guangdong Midea Refrigeration Equipment                                                               -
Other payables             Midea Welling Motor Technology                                 275,223.94                             -
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
                         (Shanghai) Co., Ltd
Other payables           Guangdong Midea Consumer Electric                                                          -
                         Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Other payables           Midea Group Co., Ltd.                                      43,400.00                       -
Other payables           Ningbo Meimei Garden Appliance service                                                     -
Total                                                                             1,985,502.53
Other current liabilities Midea Group Co., Ltd                                   14,192,875.85            15,536,878.06
XII. Share-based payment
(1) Summary
    According to the authorisation of 3rd extraordinariy general meeting of Midea Group in 2016, 15th meeting
of the 2nd term of Board of Midea Group have passed the share option incentive plan (The 3rd Incentive Plan)
and agree to grant 127,290,000 share options to 929 objects on 28th June 2016. As at 31 December 2016, the
number of benefit employees involved in the 1st Incentive Planmentioned above is 36, and the number of share
options granted is 7,762,500.The number of benefit employees involved in the 2nd Incentive Plan is 42,and the
number of share options granted is 7,200,000. The number of benefit employees involved in the 3rd Incentive
Plan is 67, and the number of share options granted is 9,225,000.
(2) Impact of share-based payment transactions on financial position and financial performance.
    The total stock option expenses recognised in 2016 were RMB 36,330,588.22 (2015: RMB 23,897,698.08).
As at 31 December 2016, the balance relating to the option incentive plan and provided for in capital surplus was
RMB 101,372,240.53 (31 December 2014: RMB 66,599,778.25).
XIII. Commitment and contingency
(1) Significant commitments
    As at 31 December 2016, no significant commitments shall be disclosed.
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
XIV. Contingency
    As at 31 December 2016, no significant contingency shall be disclosed.
XV. Events after balance sheet date
    Profit distribution after balance sheet date
Proposed profits or dividends (a)                                                                              474,365,823.00
Authorized dividends                                                                                           474,365,823.00
 (a) According to the resolution of the Board on 7 March,2017, the Board propose to distribute RMB
    474,365,823.00 and it has not been recognized as a liability in the financial statement ended 31 December
    2016. (Note IV (29))
XVI. Notes to the material items in the Company financial statements
(1) Accounts receivable
(a) Accounts receivable classified by nature:
                                                                             31 December 2016
                 Category                           Book balance                   Bad debt provision
                                                                                                                      Book value
                                               Amount          Proportion    Amount          % of proportion
Debtors with significant balance assessed   1,262,331,696.77       53.37%             -                         -    1,262,331,696.77
Debtors grouped by credit risk              1,103,076,716.02       46.63% 55,153,835.81                   5.00%      1,047,922,880.21
Total                                       2,365,408,412.79       53.37% 55,153,835.81                   2.33%      2,310,254,576.98
                                                                             31 December 2015
                 Category                           Book balance                   Bad debt provision
                                                                                                                      Book value
                                               Amount          Proportion    Amount          % of proportion
Debtors with significant balance assessed    763,953,231.04        63.37%             -                         -     763,953,231.04
Debtors grouped by credit risk               441,524,088.26        36.63% 22,082,524.63                   5.00%       419,441,563.63
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
Total                                        1,205,477,319.30       100.00% 22,082,524.63                       1.83%       1,183,394,794.67
Accounts receivable individually significant for which bad debt provision was assessed individually.
□Applicable √Not applicable
Accounts receivable adopting aging analysis method for bad debt provision:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                         31 December 2016
                                     Account receivable   Bad debt provision       % of proportion             Book Value
Within 1 year                          1,103,076,716.02         55,153,835.81                   5.00%            1,047,922,880.21
                                                                         31 December 2015
                                     Account receivable   Bad debt provision       % of proportion             Book Value
Within 1 year                            441,397,683.85         22,069,884.19                   5.00%              419,327,799.66
1 to 2 year                                  126,404.41            12,640.44                    10.00%                    113,763.97
Total                                    441,524,088.26         22,082,524.63                   5.00%              419,441,563.63
As at 31 December 2016 and 2015, there were no material accounts receivable which were past due.
Accounts receivable adopting aging balance percentage method for bad debt provision:
□      Applicable √ Not applicable
Accounts receivable adopting aging other method for bad debt provision:
□      Applicable √ Not applicable
(b) Accounts receivable withdraw, reversed or collected during the reporting period
During the year ended 31 December 2016, the net movement of provision for accounts receivable was RMB
33,071,311.18 (2015: RMB 3,439,821.47). There were no provision or reverse of provision for individual
significant accounts receivable.
 (c) Top 5 of accounts receivable by customers
                    name                              Amounts            Bad debt provision          % of total balance
Total amount of the top 5 accounts
                                                      2,083,485,915.68          41,198,198.12                                   88%
receivable by customers
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
(2) Other receivables
(a) Other receivables classified by nature:
                                                                                    31 December 2016
                 Category                            Book balance                         Bad debt provision
                                                                                                                            Book value
                                                Amount          Proportion          Amount        % of proportion
Debtors with significant balance assessed       75,755,041.50         81.69% 75,408,191.50                     99.54%            346,850.00
Debtors grouped by credit risk                  16,981,991.47         18.31%     1,152,734.58                     6.79%       15,829,256.89
Total                                           92,737,032.97        100.00% 76,560,926.08                     82.56%         16,176,106.89
                                                                                    31 December 2015
                 Category                            Book balance                         Bad debt provision
                                                                                                                            Book value
                                                Amount          Proportion          Amount        % of proportion
Debtors with significant balance assessed       75,736,975.50         92.10% 75,331,167.42                     99.46%            405,808.08
Debtors grouped by credit risk                   6,499,053.39          7.90%        553,851.30                    8.52%        5,945,202.09
Total                                           82,236,028.89        100.00% 75,885,018.72                     92.28%          6,351,010.17
Other receivable with single significant amount and withdrawal bad debt provision separately at end of period:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                               31 December 2016
   Other accounts receivable (unit)
                                        Other accounts                                 % of                               Reason of
                                                            Bad debt provision                       Book value
                                            receivable                               proportion                           provision
Jiangsu Littleswan Marketing and                                                                                    -
                                            74,296,538.55           74,296,538.55        100%                             Uncollectible
Sales Co.,Ltd.
Wuxi Little Swan Import & Export                                                                                    -
                                             1,111,652.95            1,111,652.95        100%                              Uncollectible
Co. , Ltd
Total                                       75,408,191.50           75,408,191.50                                   -
                                                                               31 December 2015
   Other accounts receivable (unit)
                                        Other accounts                                 % of                               Reason of
                                                            Bad debt provision                       Book value
                                            receivable                               proportion                           provision
Jiangsu Littleswan Marketing and            75,736,975.50           75,331,167.42      99.46%           405,808.08        Uncollectible
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
Sales Co.,Ltd.
In the groups, other accounts receivable adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                     31 December 2016
                Aging                  Other accounts       Bad debt provision     Withdrawal proportion    Book Value
Within 1 year                               15,644,811.47             782,240.58                    5.00%    14,862,570.89
1 to 2 years                                   598,900.00              59,890.00                   10.00%      539,010.00
2 to 3 years                                   292,680.00              87,804.00                   30.00%      204,876.00
Above 3 years                                  445,600.00             222,800.00                   50.00%      222,800.00
Total                                       16,981,991.47           1,152,734.58                    6.79%    15,829,256.89
                                                                     31 December 2015
                Aging                  Other accounts       Bad debt provision     Withdrawal proportion    Book Value
Within 1 year                                5,271,957.76             263,597.88                  5.00%       5,008,359.88
1 to 2 years                                   718,661.00              71,866.10                 10.00%        646,794.90
2 to 3 years                                   179,150.00              53,745.00                 30.00%        125,405.00
Above 3 years                                  329,284.63             164,642.32                 50.00%        164,642.31
Total                                        6,499,053.39             553,851.30                  8.52%       5,945,202.09
As at 31 December 2016 and 31 December 2015, there were no material ohter receivable which were past due.
Other receivables adopting aging balance percentage method for bad debt provision:
□      Applicable √ Not applicable
Other receivables adopting aging other method for bad debt provision:
□      Applicable √ Not applicable
 (b) Other receivable withdraw, reversed or collected during the reporting period
During the year ended 31 December 2016, the net movement of provision for other receivable was RMB
675,907.35 (2015: RMB 895,274.66). There were no provision or reverse of provision for individual significant
other receivable
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
(c) Other receivables written-off during the reporting period
There were no other receivables written-off during the reporting period
(d) Other receivables classified by nature
           Nature of other receivables                       31 December 2016                            31 December 2015
Current accounts with subsidiaries                                            75,755,041.50                            75,736,975.50
Deposits                                                                        1,477,683.35                              878,058.00
Loans to employees                                                              1,719,177.08                             3,033,956.98
Others                                                                        13,785,131.04                             2,587,038.41
Less:Bad debt provision                                                      -76,560,926.08                           -75,885,018.72
Total                                                                         16,176,106.89                             6,351,010.17
(e) The top five other receivables classified by debtor at period-end
                                           Nature of other        31 December                   % of total other    Bad debt provision
         Name of the entity                                                          Aging
                                            receivables               2016                          receivables     31 December 2016
Jiangsu Littleswan Marketing and                Inter-company                       Between 4
Sales Co.,Ltd.                                     receivables 74,296,538.56 and 5 years                   80.12%        74,296,538.55
Shenzhen Midea Payment                   Advance & temporaty                         Within 1
Technology Co., Ltd                                  payments      6,945,518.53          year               7.49%           347,275.93
Guangdong Midea Group Wuhu                  Trademark royalty                        Within 1
Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd.                      charges     3,428,921.06          year               3.70%           171,446.05
Guangzhou        Antaida   Logistics                                                 Within 1
                                             Long-term equity
Corporation                                                        2,587,038.41          year               2.79%           129,351.92
                                       investments Liquidation
Wuxi Little Swan Import &                       Inter-company                       Between 4
Export Co. , Ltd                                   receivables     1,111,652.94 and 5 years                 1.20%         1,111,652.95
Total                                                             88,369,669.50                            95.29%        76,056,265.40
(3) Long-term equity investments
                                         31 December 2016                                           31 December 2015
                     Carrying amount        Impairment           Book value       Carrying amount      Impairment      Book value
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
                                            provision                                                    provision
Subsidiaries       1,433,285,041.57        57,500,000.00 1,375,785,041.57 1,363,823,041.57           57,500,000.00 1,306,323,041.57
Investment in
total               1,433,285,041.57        57,500,000.00 1,375,785,041.57 1,363,823,041.57          57,500,000.00 1,306,323,041.57
(a) Investment in subsidiaries
                                                                                                                            Balance of
                                            Balance at                                      Balance at        Impairment
    Name of subsidiaries                                 Addition        Reduction                                      impairment
                                         1 January 2016                                  31 December 2016 provision
Wuxi Little Swan Import & Export
                                           57,500,000.00                -            -      57,500,000.00               - 57,500,000.00
Co. , Ltd
Jiangsu Little Swan Marketing and
                                          417,550,000.00                -            -     417,550,000.00               -                -
Sales Co. , Ltd.
Wuxi Filin Electronics Co. , Ltd.          25,660,308.10                -            -      25,660,308.10               -                -
Wuxi Little Swan General Electric
                                           19,600,000.00 69,462,000.00               -      89,062,000.00               -                -
Appliances Co. , Ltd.
Little Swan (Jing Zhou) Sanjin
                                           11,869,431.12                -            -      11,869,431.12               -                -
Electronic Appliances Limited.
Little Swan International
                                                681,050.00              -            -        681,050.00                -                -
(Singapore) Limited.
Hefei Midea Washing Machine
                                          830,962,252.35                -            -     830,962,252.35               -                -
Total                                   1,363,823,041.57 69,462,000.00               - 1,433,285,041.57                 - 57,500,000.00
As at 31 December 2016, the Company provided credit guarantee for Hefei Midea Washing Machine Limited
amounted to RMB 193,143,310.84 (as at 31 December 2015: nil).
(4) Sales and cost of sales
                                        Year ended 31 December 2016                          Year ended 31 December 2015
                                       Income                Cost of sales                  Income                   Cost of sales
Operating income                    11,476,294,751.16        8,827,790,922.43             9,149,930,217.84           6,884,349,798.71
Other operating income                975,332,449.61           851,332,446.28               694,714,345.12             571,779,495.31
Total                            12,451,627,200.77           9,679,123,368.71             9,844,644,562.96           7,456,129,294.02
Other operating income and expenses:
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
             Item                         Year ended 31 December 2016                      Year ended 31 December 2015
                                Other operating
                                                         Other operating         Other operating            Other operating
                                                         expenses                income                     expenses
Sale of materials                       958,017,488.25          850,941,124.43            682,563,266.86            570,717,772.88
Others                                   17,314,961.36              391,321.85             12,151,078.26               1,061,722.43
Total                                   975,332,449.61          851,332,446.28            694,714,345.12            571,779,495.31
(5) Investment income
                              Item                              Year ended 31 December 2016        Year ended 31 December 2015
Income from disposal of available-for-sale financial assets                      66,407,088.82                      112,263,580.07
Investment income from holding available-for-sale equity
instrument                                                                        9,721,111.11
Long-term equity investment income measured at equity
                                                                                               -                        -255,029.37
Investment loss from disposal of long-term equity
investment                                                                                     -
Income from disposal of financial assets measured at fair
value through profits or losses                                                                -
Total                                                                            76,128,199.93                      110,021,226.68
There is no significant restriction on the remittance of investment income to the Company and its subsidiaries.
XVII. Supplementary information
(1) Non-recurring profits or losses
                                 Item                                Year ended 31 December 2016       Year ended 31 December 2015
Net loss on disposal of non-current assets                                           -1,833,734.45                       -280,195.57
Government grants recognized in profits or losses for the                                                              31,893,010.09
current period (exclude for those closely related to the                             13,872,569.26
Company and its subsidiaries‘ operation and received at
national statutory standard and amount)
Gain or loss of debt restructuring                                                                 -                    2,679,264.25
Other non-operating income and losses other than items above                          4,288,097.78                      -8,815,676.21
Less: Effect of income tax                                                          - 2,455,096.12                      -3,899,799.51
         Effect of minority interest                                                - 1,759,407.99                      -5,783,501.47
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
Total                                                                                  12,112,428.48                    15,793,101.58
Under requirements in Explanatory announcement No. 1 on information disclosure by companies offering
securities to the public – non-recurring profits or losses [2008] from CSRC, non-recurring profits or losses refer to
those arises from transactions and events that are not directly relevant to ordinary activities, or that are relevant to
ordinary activities, but are extraordinary and not expected to recur frequently that would have an influence on
users of financial statements making economic decisions on the financial performance and profitability of an
□      Applicable √ Not applicable
     (2) Return on equity and earnings per share
                                                                                                 Earnings per share
                                                      Weighted average return
                 Profit of the year                                             Basic earnings per share   Diluted earnings per share
                                                           on equity(%)
                                                                                (RMB yuan per share)        (RMB yuan per share)
Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of
                                                                     21.14%                         1.86                          1.86
the Company
Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of
the Company, excluding non-recurring profits or
losses                                                               20.92%                         1.84                          1.84
(All amounts in Renminbi yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English Translation for Reference Only]
                     Section XII Documents Available for Reference
I This Annual Report carrying the signature of the legal representative;
II The financial statements signed and sealed by the legal representative, the CFO and the accounting head for this
III The original Auditor‘s Report signed and sealed by the CPAs, as well as sealed by the CPAs firm; and
IV The originals of all the Company‘s documents and announcements which were disclosed on Securities Time
and Ta Kung Pao (HK) during this Reporting Period.
                                                                           Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited
                                                                            Legal representative: Fang Hongbo
                                                                                       March 9, 2017
