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珀莱雅:珀莱雅化妆品股份有限公司2021年第一季度报告(英文版) 下载公告

Stock Code: 603605 Stock Code: Proya

Proya Cosmetics Co., Ltd.

2021 Q1 Report


I Important Notice ...... 3

II General Information about the Company ...... 3

III Major Events ...... 10

IV Appendixes ...... 16

I Important Notice

1.1 The Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, directors, supervisors and seniormanagement of the Company warrant that the contents of the quarterly report are true,accurate and complete, without any misrepresentation, misleading statements ormaterial omissions, and will severally and jointly bear the legal responsibilitiesthereof.

1.2 All directors of the Company attended the Board meeting to review the quarterly


1.3 Hou Juncheng, the Chairman of the Company, Wang Li, CFO of the Company and Wang Li,the head of the public accountant (person in charge of accounting) warrant thetruthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the financial report in this quarterlyreport.

1.4 The Q1 Report of the Company has not been audited.

II General Information about the Company

2.1 Key financial data

Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB

ItemEnd of the Reporting PeriodEnd of last yearYear-on-year change (%)
Total asset3,473,279,571.503,636,882,185.29-4.50
Net assets attributable to shareholders of the listed company2,505,261,008.652,391,535,435.944.76
ItemFrom the beginning of the year to the end of the Reporting PeriodFrom the beginning of last year to the end of the Reporting Period of last yearYear-on-year increase or decrease (%)
Net cash flow generated from operating activities55,030,968.90-134,873,267.48Not applicable
ItemFrom the beginning of the year to the end of the Reporting PeriodFrom the beginning of last year to the end of the Reporting Period of last yearYear-on-year increase or decrease (%)
Net profits attributable to shareholders of the listed company109,895,944.6677,728,276.2241.38
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed companies, net of non-recurring gains and losses107,715,991.5783,469,428.4929.05
Weighted average ROE (%)4.493.75Increase by 0.74 percentage points
Basic earnings per share (Yuan/share)0.550.3941.03
Diluted earnings per share (Yuan/share)0.550.3941.03

Items and Amounts of Non-recurring Gains or Losses

√ Applicable□ Not applicable

Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB

ItemAmount in the current periodthe situation
Gains or losses on disposal of non-current assets-1,416.28
Tax returns and exemption with approval exceeding one's authority or without formal approval document, or on an accidental basis
Government grants included in profits and losses for the2,895,914.45
current period, excluding those closely related to the normal business and of fixed amount or fixed quantity granted on an on-going basis in accordance with certain standards and in compliance with the State policies
Fund possession cost from non-financial business included in current profit or loss
Gains arising from investment costs for acquisition of subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures less than the fair values of attributable identifiable net assets of the invested entity at the time of acquisition
Profit and loss from exchange of non-currency assets
Gains or losses on entrusted investment or asset management
Provision for asset impairment due to force majeure factors, such as natural disaster
Profit and loss from restructuring of debts
Enterprise restructuring charge, such as expenditure on staffing, integration cost
Profit and loss of the part exceeding fair value generated from transaction with unreasonable transaction price
Net current profit and loss of subsidiary generated from enterprise merger under common control from the beginning of the period to the date of merger
Profit and loss generated from contingencies unrelated to normal business of company
Investment income arising from
changes in fair values held-for-trading financial assets, derivative financial assets, held-for-trading financial liabilities and derivative financial liabilities, and investment gains on the disposal of held-for-trading financial assets, derivative financial assets, held-for-trading financial liabilities, derivative financial liabilities and other debt investment, except the Company normal operations related to effective hedging business
Reversal of provision for impairment of receivables and contract assets which are individually tested for impairment
Profit and loss obtained from entrusted loans
Profit and loss generated from fair value change of investment real estate whose subsequent measurement is conducted with fair value model
Influences on current profit and loss of one-time adjustment to current profit or loss pursuant to the laws and regulations on tax and accounting
Trustee fee income obtained from entrusted operation
Other net non-operating income and expenses, other than the above items548,615.47
Other profit and loss items conforming to the definition of non-recurring gains and losses
Effect of minority equity (after-tax)-574,005.20
Effect of income tax-689,155.35

2.2 Total number of shareholders and shareholdings of the top ten shareholders and the

top ten shareholders of shares in circulation (or shareholders not subject to sellingrestrictions) as at the end of the Reporting Period

Unit: Share

Total number of shareholders20,423
Shareholdings of the top ten shareholders
Name of shareholder (full name)Number of shares held as at the end of the period NumberPercentage (%)Number of shares held subject to selling restrictionsPledged or frozenNature of shareholder
Share statusNumber
Hou Juncheng71,875,63135.740NoneDomestic natural person
Fang Yuyou44,065,92921.910Pledge14,900,000Domestic natural person
Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited21,145,82610.510NoneOthers
Li Xiaolin5,474,2222.720NoneDomestic natural person
Xu Junqing5,398,0312.680NoneDomestic natural person
Cao Liangguo4,078,9382.030NoneDomestic natural person
China Construction Bank Corporation - Yinhua Fuyu Theme Hybrid Securities Investment Fund(中国建设银行股份有限公司-银华富裕主题混合型证券投资基金)2,100,0001.040NoneOthers
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited-Invesco Great Wall Emerging Mature and Hybrid Equity Investment Funds(中国工商银行股份有限公司-景顺长城新兴成长混合型证券投资基金)1,700,0000.850NoneOthers
China Citic Bank Corporation Limited - China ABC-CA Strategy Selected Hybrid Securities Investment Fund(中信银行股份有限公司-农银汇理策略精选混合型证券投资基金)1,069,6410.530NoneOthers
Abu Dhabi Investment Authority997,5980.500NoneOthers
Shareholdings of the top ten shareholders of non-restricted circulating shares
Name of shareholderNumber of non-restricted circulating shares heldType and number of shares
Hou Juncheng71,875,631Ordinary RMB Shares71,875,631
Fang Yuyou44,065,929Ordinary RMB Shares44,065,929
Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited21,145,826Ordinary RMB Shares21,145,826
Li Xiaolin5,474,222Ordinary RMB Shares5,474,222
Xu Junqing5,398,031Ordinary RMB Shares5,398,031
Cao Liangguo4,078,938Ordinary RMB Shares4,078,938
China Construction Bank Corporation - Yinhua Fuyu Theme Hybrid Securities Investment Fund(中国建设银行股份有限公司-银华富裕主题混合型证券投资基金)2,100,000Ordinary RMB Shares2,100,000
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited-Invesco Great Wall Emerging Mature and Hybrid Equity Investment Funds(中国工商银行股份有限公司-景顺长城新兴成长混合型证券投资基金)1,700,000Ordinary RMB Shares1,700,000
China Citic Bank Corporation Limited – ABC-CA Strategy Selected Hybrid Securities Investment Fund(中信银行股份有限公司-农银汇理策略精选混合型证券投资基金)1,069,641Ordinary RMB Shares1,069,641
Abu Dhabi Investment Authority997,598Ordinary RMB Shares997,598
Explanation on the related relationship or parties acting in concert among the above shareholdersFang Yuyou is the younger brother of Hou Juncheng's spouse Fang Aiqin, so Hou Juncheng and Fang Yuyou are related.
Explanation on the preference shareholders with voting rights restored and their shareholdingsNone

2.3 Total number of shareholders of preferred shares and shareholdings of the top tenshareholders of preferred shares and the top ten shareholders of preferred sharesin circulation not subject to selling restrictions as at the end of the ReportingPeriod

□ Applicable√ Not applicable

III Major Events

3.1 Particulars and reasons for material changes in major accounting statement items andfinancial indicators of the Company

√ Applicable□ Not applicable

Items in balance sheetAmount as at the end of the Reporting PeriodAmount as at the end of prior yearChange ratio (%)Explanation
Receivables financing7,523,263.605,531,997.3236.00Mainly due to the increase in the balance of bank bills receivable
Prepayment129,292,973.2682,742,815.9256.26Mainly due to the increase in online promotion fee prepaid in this quarter
Other receivables64,220,393.5248,733,527.3531.78Mainly due to the increase of tender security for “Huzhou Production Base Expansion Project”
Construction in progress69,413,005.5347,324,523.3646.67Mainly due to the investment for steel structure works of “Huzhou Expansion Project” in this
Deferred income tax assets29,979,586.3346,660,550.76-35.75Mainly due to the unlocking of 293,265 lock-up shares in the current period, and the decrease in the balance of deferred income tax assets calculated based on the share-based payment at the end of the period
Other non-current assets16,782,105.2587,322,780.03-80.78RMB 81.6 million paid for the land in Longwu, Hangzhou at the beginning of the year; the corresponding certificate has been issued in this quarter and it has been transferred to intangible assets
Short-term borrowings200,000,000.00299,280,435.09-33.17Mainly due to the repayment of the principal of RMB 99 million and interest for short-term borrowings from bank in this quarter
Accounts payable319,300,759.09515,832,031.27-38.10Mainly due to the arrival of payment date and payment of accounts payable, with the payment date yet to come at the end of prior year, in this quarter
Contract liabilities58,240,788.4230,618,778.9990.21Mainly due to the increase of over RMB 28 million in accounts received in advance
Employee benefits payable45,100,485.2470,828,239.70-36.32Mainly due to the payment of year-end performance bonus withheld at the end of prior in the current
period and the decrease of balance
Other current liabilities4,086,034.071,439,262.02183.90Mainly due to the increase of accounts received in advance in the contract liabilities and the corresponding increase of output taxes to be transferred
Treasury shares7,688,928.8012,653,905.25-39.24Mainly due to the unlocking of 293,265 lock-up shares in the current period, and the decrease in the balance of treasury shares calculated based on the grant price per share and dividend during the period
Items in income statementAmount from the beginning of the year to the end of the Reporting PeriodAmount from the beginning of last year to the end of the reporting period of last yearChange ratio (%)Explanation
Revenue905,464,673.13608,193,650.9448.88Mainly due to the year-on-year increase of online sales
Cost of sales322,264,228.48243,860,039.9832.15Mainly due to the year-on-year increase of sales and the increase of operating cost
Taxes and surcharges8,144,353.904,457,361.8682.72Mainly due to the year-on-year increase of VAT surcharge
Selling expenses377,754,359.96197,193,427.0391.57Mainly due to the year-on-year increase of 140.07% of image promotion expense in the current period
Financial expenses1,606,197.54-890,731.84Not applicableMainly due to the year-on-year increase of interest expense
Other income3,530,669.175,359,718.92-34.13Mainly due to the year-on-year decrease of government grant
Credit impairment losses2,274,620.443,762,697.79-39.55Mainly due to the changes in the balance of bad debt provisions calculated by account age of receivables
Asset impairment losses-328,307.81-3,654,227.45Not applicableMainly due to the year-on-year decrease of inventory devaluation loss provisions
Non-operating expenses54,523.4512,284,163.50-99.56Mainly due to the donation of RMB 12.26 million against COVID-19 in the same period last year
Items of the cash flow statementAmount from the beginning of the year to the end of the Reporting PeriodAmount from the beginning of last year to the end of the reporting period of last yearChange ratio (%)Explanation
Net cash flow generated from operating activities55,030,968.90-134,873,267.48Not applicableThe year-on-year net flow increased by RMB 190 million, mainly due to the followings: 1.Cash inflow: The year-on-year increase of cash received from sales of goods achieved RMB 419 million; 2.Cash outflow: The cash paid for goods and services increased by RMB 45 million on year-on-year basis, and the cash paid related to other operating activities increased by RMB 195 million
Net cash flow generated from investing-45,787,653.7589,068,792.28-151.41The year-on-year net flow decreased by RMB 135 million, mainly due
activitiesto the followings: 1. Increase of cash: (1) The investment of RMB 46 million on the associate - Jiaxing Woyong was paid in the same period last year; 2. Decrease of cash: (1) The redemption of wealth management products was RMB 161 million in the same period last year; (2) The year-on-year increase for the acquisition of fixed assets and construction in progress was RMB 17 million in the current period
Net cash flow from financing activities-102,339,506.52-114,181,810.61Not applicableThe year-on-year net flow increased by RMB 11.84 million, mainly due to the followings: the changes in short-term borrowings from bank, repayment of principal and interest for short-term borrowings from bank on year-on-year basis
Cash received from sales of goods or rendering of services1,089,758,485.27670,762,842.2462.47Main reasons: 1. The year-on-year increase of online sales and the increase of payment collection; 2. The decrease of accounts receivable and the increase of payment collection
Tax rebates3,124,105.70209,178.371,393.51Mainly due to the increase of incremental retention VAT rebate received in the current
Cash paid for other operating activities430,498,541.95235,474,500.0682.82Mainly due to the year-on-year increase of image promotion expense in the current period
Cash received from disposal of investments161,450,000.00-100.00Mainly due to the redemption of wealth management products in the same period last year
Cash received from returns on investments2,584,761.19-100.00Mainly due to the earnings change from wealth management products
Cash paid for purchase and construction of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets45,788,653.7528,965,968.9158.08Mainly due to the project funds paid for steel structure of “Huzhou Expansion Project” paid in this quarter
Cash paid for investment46,000,000.00-100.00Mainly due to the payment of investment of RMB 46 million on the associate - Jiaxing Woyong in the same period last year
Cash received from borrowings99,000,000.00-100.00Mainly due to the short-term bank borrowings of RMB 99 million received in the same period last year
Cash repayments of borrowings99,000,000.00212,186,065.10-53.34Mainly due to the repayment decrease of short-term borrowings from bank
Dividends paid, profit distributed or interest paid2,852,875.00995,745.51186.51Mainly due to the year-on-year increase of the payment for interest on bank

3.2 Analysis and explanation on the progress, impact and solutions of major events

□ Applicable√ Not applicable

3.3 Undertakings not fulfilled within the Reporting Period

□ Applicable√ Not applicable

3.4 Warning and explanation for the case when the accumulated net profit from the

beginning of the year to the end of the next reporting period may be subject to lossor there are material changes compared with the same period of prior year

□ Applicable√ Not applicable


Company Name

Company NameProya Cosmetics Co., Ltd.
Legal RepresentativeHou Juncheng
Date21 April 2021

IV Appendixes

4.1 Financial statements

Consolidated Balance Sheet

31 March 2021Prepared by: Proya Cosmetics Co., Ltd.

Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Audit type: Unaudited

Item31 March 202131 December 2020
Current assets:
Cash and equivalents1,323,394,271.801,416,654,640.93
Transaction settlement funds
Lending funds
Held-for-trading financial assets
Derivative financial assets
Bills receivable
Accounts receivable206,385,940.96284,878,419.58
Receivables financing7,523,263.605,531,997.32
Premium receivable
Reinsurance premium receivable
Reserves for reinsurance contract receivable
Other receivables64,220,393.5248,733,527.35
Where: Interest receivable
Dividend receivable
Financial assets purchased under agreements to resell
Contract assets
Held for sale assets
Non-current assets due within one year
Other current assets38,593,254.1335,235,811.27
Total current assets2,184,524,976.262,342,418,230.12
Non-current assets:
Loans and advances to customers
Debt investment
Other debt investment
Long-term receivables
Long-term equity investments58,061,005.1258,220,059.60
Investments in other equity instruments20,580,000.0020,580,000.00
Other non-current financial assets
Investment real estate71,033,300.1372,237,610.10
Fixed assets559,652,167.42565,864,152.62
Construction in progress69,413,005.5347,324,523.36
Productive biological assets
Oil and gas assets
Right-of-use assets
Intangible assets383,888,254.69314,643,323.97
Development expenses
Long-term prepaid expenses48,331,009.5750,576,793.53
Deferred income tax assets29,979,586.3346,660,550.76
Other non-current assets16,782,105.2587,322,780.03
Total non-current assets1,288,754,595.241,294,463,955.17
Total assets3,473,279,571.503,636,882,185.29
Current liabilities:
Short-term borrowings200,000,000.00299,280,435.09
Borrowings from central bank
Placements from banks and other financial institutions
Held-for-trading financial liabilities
Derivative financial liabilities
Bills payable58,678,000.0064,580,000.00
Accounts payable319,300,759.09515,832,031.27
Accounts received in advance
Contract liabilities58,240,788.4230,618,778.99
Financial assets sold under repurchase agreements
Deposits from customers and other banks
Brokerage for trading securities
Brokerage for underwriting securities
Employee benefits payable45,100,485.2470,828,239.70
Taxes payable90,372,398.3271,335,290.77
Other payables80,192,043.3975,546,323.32
Where: Interest payable
Dividend payable
Fees and commissions payable
Reinsured accounts payable
Held-for-sale liabilities
Non-current liabilities due within one year
Other current liabilities4,086,034.071,439,262.02
Total current liabilities855,970,508.531,129,460,361.16
Non-current liabilities:
Reserves for insurance contracts
Long-term borrowings
Bonds payable
Where: Preference shares
Perpetual bonds
Lease liabilities
Long-term payables
Long-term employee benefits payable
Estimated liabilities10,190,099.2210,190,099.22
Deferred income7,975,580.838,495,353.33
Deferred income tax liabilities6,874,105.456,874,105.45
Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities25,039,785.5025,559,558.00
Total liabilities881,010,294.031,155,019,919.16
Owner’s equity (or shareholders’ equity):
Share capital201,116,925.00201,116,925.00
Other equity instruments
Where: Preference shares
Perpetual bonds
Capital reserve836,263,666.05837,034,836.69
Less: Treasury shares7,688,928.8012,653,905.25
Other comprehensive income-633,243.89-269,066.13
Special reserve
Surplus reserve100,634,780.00100,634,780.00
General risk provision
Undistributed profit1,375,567,810.291,265,671,865.63
Total equity attributable to the owners of the parent company2,505,261,008.652,391,535,435.94
Minority equity87,008,268.8290,326,830.19
Total owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity)2,592,269,277.472,481,862,266.13
Total liabilities and owner's equity (or shareholders’ equity)3,473,279,571.503,636,882,185.29

Chairman of the Company: Hou Juncheng CFO of the Company: Wang Li Head of the publicaccountant: Wang Li

Balance Sheet of Parent Company

31 March 2021Prepared by: Proya Cosmetics Co., Ltd.

Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Audit type: Unaudited

Item31 March 202131 December 2020
Current assets:
Cash and equivalents464,792,985.67498,358,108.55
Held-for-trading financial assets
Derivative financial assets
Bills receivable
Accounts receivable541,632,449.10565,037,411.15
Receivables financing
Other receivables227,301,760.07236,585,409.48
Where: Interest receivable
Dividend receivable
Contract assets
Held for sale assets
Non-current assets due within one year
Other current assets24,916,776.5415,543,206.01
Total current assets1,457,397,820.681,552,039,635.16
Non-current assets:
Debt investment
Other debt investment
Long-term receivables
Long-term equity investments348,610,828.25347,372,956.06
Investments in other equity instruments20,580,000.0020,580,000.00
Other non-current financial assets
Investment real estate333,650,384.63339,018,465.70
Fixed assets289,279,658.59291,193,420.67
Construction in progress64,966,852.8746,993,562.96
Productive biological assets
Oil and gas assets
Right-of-use assets
Intangible assets378,768,727.42308,401,627.24
Development expenses
Long-term prepaid expenses36,192,726.2334,817,495.54
Deferred income tax assets13,533,451.1015,889,636.90
Other non-current assets17,009,134.5687,545,799.42
Total non-current assets1,502,591,763.651,491,812,964.49
Total assets2,959,989,584.333,043,852,599.65
Current liabilities:
Short-term borrowings200,000,000.00200,163,972.59
Held-for-trading financial liabilities
Derivative financial liabilities
Bills payable58,678,000.0064,580,000.00
Accounts payable246,891,372.87403,605,887.84
Accounts received in advance
Contract liabilities12,687,161.3210,212,194.96
Employee benefits payable18,817,960.5929,624,549.78
Taxes payable64,955,589.4034,953,057.88
Other payables20,026,115.5224,771,086.23
Where: Interest payable
Dividend payable
Held-for-sale liabilities
Non-current liabilities due within one year
Other current liabilities
Total current liabilities622,056,199.70767,910,749.28
Non-current liabilities:
Long-term borrowings
Bonds payable
Where: Preference shares
Perpetual bonds
Lease liabilities
Long-term payables
Long-term employee benefits payable
Estimated liabilities
Deferred income7,975,580.838,495,353.33
Deferred income tax liabilities6,283,428.686,283,428.68
Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities14,259,009.5114,778,782.01
Total liabilities636,315,209.21782,689,531.29
Owner’s equity (or shareholders’ equity):
Share capital201,116,925.00201,116,925.00
Other equity instruments
Where: Preference shares
Perpetual bonds
Capital reserve835,912,055.71837,075,425.32
Less: Treasury shares7,688,928.8012,653,905.25
Other comprehensive income
Special reserve
Surplus reserve100,634,780.00100,634,780.00
Undistributed profit1,193,699,543.211,134,989,843.29
Total owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity)2,323,674,375.122,261,163,068.36
Total liabilities and owner's equity (or shareholders’ equity)2,959,989,584.333,043,852,599.65

Chairman of the Company: Hou Juncheng CFO of the Company: Wang Li Head of the publicaccountant: Wang Li

Consolidated Income Statement

January - March 2021Prepared by: Proya Cosmetics Co., Ltd.

Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Audit type: Unaudited

ItemQ1 2021Q1 2020
I. Total operating income905,464,673.13608,193,650.94
Where: Revenue905,464,673.13608,193,650.94
Interest income
Premium received
Handling fee and commission income
II. Total operating costs779,738,541.63505,558,891.36
Where: Cost of sales322,264,228.48243,860,039.98
Interest expenses
Handling fee and commission expenses
Payment on surrenders
Net compensation expenses
Net provision drawn for insurance contract
Policy dividend expenses
Reinsurance expenses
Taxes and surcharges8,144,353.904,457,361.86
Selling expenses377,754,359.96197,193,427.03
Administrative expenses52,312,582.2645,018,968.95
R&D expenses17,656,819.4915,919,825.38
Financial expenses1,606,197.54-890,731.84
Where: Interest expense2,959,908.291,081,016.01
Interest income5,773,529.434,889,638.38
Add: Other income3,530,669.175,359,718.92
Income from investment (“-” refers to loss)-83,299.74527,717.70
Where: Investment income from associates and joint ventures-79,753.50-178,035.72
Derecognition of income from financial assets at amortized cost
Exchange gains (“-” refers to loss)
Net gain on exposure hedging (“-” refers to loss)
Gain on change in fair value (“-” refers to loss)
Losses on credit impairment (“-” refers to loss)2,274,620.443,762,697.79
Losses on assets impairment (“-” refers to loss)-328,307.81-3,654,227.45
Gains from asset disposal (“-” refers to loss)-1,416.28
III. Operating profits (“-” refers to loss)131,118,397.28108,630,666.54
Add: Non-operating profits30,582.3324,332.92
Less: Non-operating expenses54,523.4512,284,163.50
IV. Total profits (“-” refers to total loss)131,094,456.1696,370,835.96
Less: Income tax expenses24,279,745.4819,640,938.36
V. Net profits (“-” refers to net loss)106,814,710.6876,729,897.60
(I) Classified by operation continuity
1. Net profits from continuing activities (“-” refers to net loss)106,814,710.6876,729,897.60
2. Net profits from discontinuing activities (“-” refers to net loss)
(II) Classified by ownership
1. Net profits attributable to shareholders of the parent company (“-” refers to net loss)109,895,944.6677,728,276.22
2. Profit or loss attributable to minority shareholders (“-” refers to net loss)-3,081,233.98-998,378.62
VI. Net amount of other comprehensive income after tax-364,177.76631,177.97
(I) Net amount of other comprehensive income after tax attributable to owners of the parent company-364,177.76631,177.97
1. Other comprehensive income not to be reclassified into profit or loss
(1) Change in re-measurement of defined benefit plans
(2) Other comprehensive income that may not be reclassified to profit or loss under equity method
(3) Change in fair value of investments in other equity instruments
(4) Change in fair value of enterprise's own credit risk
2. Other comprehensive income to be reclassified into profit or loss-364,177.76631,177.97
(1) Other comprehensive income that may be reclassified to profit or loss under equity method
(2) Change in fair value of other debt investments
(3) Amount included in other comprehensive income on reclassification of financial assets
(4) Credit impairment provisions of other debt investments
(5) Cash flow hedging reserve
(6) Exchange differences from translation of financial statements-364,177.76631,177.97
(7) Others
(II) Net amount of other comprehensive income after tax attributable to minority shareholders
VII. Total comprehensive income106,450,532.9277,361,075.57
(I) Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of the parent company109,531,766.9078,359,454.19
(II) Total comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders-3,081,233.98-998,378.62
VIII. Earnings per share:
(I) Basic earnings per share (Yuan/share)0.550.39
(II) Diluted earnings per share (Yuan/share)0.550.39

In case of business merger under common control, net profit realized by the acquiree beforethe merger in the current period was: RMB 0; net profit realized by the acquiree in theprior period was: RMB 0.Chairman of the Company: Hou Juncheng CFO of the Company: Wang Li Head of the publicaccountant: Wang Li

Income Statement of Parent Company

January - March 2021Prepared by: Proya Cosmetics Co., Ltd.

Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Audit type: Unaudited

ItemQ1 2021Q1 2020
I. Revenue408,173,400.21350,169,343.93
Less: Cost of sales206,072,326.96155,785,868.64
Taxes and surcharges3,429,432.253,005,208.22
Selling expenses39,382,263.4135,872,263.41
Administrative expenses46,201,997.5333,343,034.03
R&D expenses18,082,676.0715,905,473.42
Financial expenses-3,917,706.17-3,120,213.72
Where: Interest expense1,736,327.41649,857.64
Interest income5,532,382.163,801,738.94
Add: Other income1,518,080.104,584,772.50
Income from investment (“-” refers to loss)-35,243.81611,430.53
Where: Investment income from associates and joint ventures-35,243.81-94,322.89
Derecognition of income from financial assets at amortized cost
Net gain on exposure hedging (“-” refers to loss)
Gain on change in fair value (“-” refers to loss)
Losses on credit impairment (“-” refers to loss)-32,993,248.87-5,412,972.27
Losses on assets impairment (“-” refers to loss)-429,753.06-2,429,037.23
Gains from asset disposal (“-” refers to loss)
II. Operating profits (“-” refers to66,982,244.52106,731,903.46
Add: Non-operating profits2,110.22
Less: Non-operating expenses9,975.0012,263,883.37
III. Total profits (“-” refers to total loss)66,974,379.7494,468,020.09
Less: Income tax expenses8,264,679.8214,817,755.18
IV. Net profits (“-” refers to net loss)58,709,699.9279,650,264.91
(I) Net profits from continuing activities (“-” refers to net loss)58,709,699.9279,650,264.91
(II) Net profits from discontinuing activities (“-” refers to net loss)
V. Net amount of other comprehensive income after tax
(I) Other comprehensive income not to be reclassified into profit or loss
1. Change in re-measurement of defined benefit plans
2. Other comprehensive income that may not be reclassified to profit or loss under equity method
3. Change in fair value of investments in other equity instruments
4. Change in fair value of enterprise's own credit risk
(II) Other comprehensive income to be reclassified into profit or loss
1. Other comprehensive income that may be reclassified to profit or loss under equity method
2. Change in fair value of other debt investments
3. Amount included in other comprehensive income on reclassification of financial assets
4. Credit impairment provisions of other debt investments
5. Cash flow hedging reserve
6. Exchange differences from translation of financial statements
7. Others
VI. Total comprehensive income58,709,699.9279,650,264.91
VII. Earnings per share:
(I) Basic earnings per share (Yuan/share)
(II) Diluted earnings per share (Yuan/share)

Chairman of the Company: Hou Juncheng CFO of the Company: Wang Li Head of the publicaccountant: Wang Li

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

January - March 2021Prepared by: Proya Cosmetics Co., Ltd.

Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Audit type: Unaudited

ItemQ1 2021Q1 2020
I. Cash flow from operating activities:
Cash received from sales of goods or rendering of services1,089,758,485.27670,762,842.24
Net increase in customer and interbank deposits
Net increase in borrowings from central bank
Net increase in placements from banks and other financial institutions
Cash received from premiums under original insurance contract
Net cash received from reinsurance business
Net increase in deposits of policy holders and investments
Cash received from interest, fees and commissions
Net increase in borrowings
Net increase in repurchase business capital
Net cash received from securities trading agency services
Tax rebates3,124,105.70209,178.37
Other cash received from operating activities20,519,108.1617,885,641.65
Sub-total of cash inflows from operating activities1,113,401,699.13688,857,662.26
Cash paid for goods and services420,589,796.75375,600,732.50
Net increase in customer loans
and advances
Net increase in deposits with PBOC and interbank deposits
Cash paid for compensation payments under original insurance contract
Net increase in funds for lending
Cash paid for interests, handling charges and commissions
Cash paid for policy dividends
Cash paid to and on behalf of employees134,515,707.43109,451,639.45
Taxes and fees paid72,766,684.10103,204,057.73
Cash paid for other operating activities430,498,541.95235,474,500.06
Sub-total of cash outflows from operating activities1,058,370,730.23823,730,929.74
Net cash flow generated from operating activities55,030,968.90-134,873,267.48
II. Cash flow from investing activities:
Cash received from disposal of investments161,450,000.00
Cash received from returns on investments2,584,761.19
Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets1,000.00
Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other operating entities
Other cash received relating to investing activities
Sub-total of cash inflows from investing activities1,000.00164,034,761.19
Cash paid for purchase and construction of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets45,788,653.7528,965,968.91
Cash paid for investment46,000,000.00
Net increase in pledged loans
Net cash paid for acquiring subsidiaries and other operating
Other cash paid relating to investing activities
Sub-total of cash outflows from investing activities45,788,653.7574,965,968.91
Net cash flow generated from investing activities-45,787,653.7589,068,792.28
III. Cash flow from financing activities:
Proceeds received from financing activities
Where: Cash received by subsidiaries from minority shareholders’ investment
Cash received from borrowings99,000,000.00
Other cash received from financing-related activities
Sub-total of cash inflows from financing activities99,000,000.00
Cash repayments of borrowings99,000,000.00212,186,065.10
Dividends paid, profit distributed or interest paid2,852,875.00995,745.51
Where: Dividend and profit paid by subsidiaries to minority shareholders
Other cash paid for financing-related activities486,631.52
Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities102,339,506.52213,181,810.61
Net cash flow from financing activities-102,339,506.52-114,181,810.61
IV. Effects of exchange rate fluctuations on cash and cash equivalents-364,177.76631,177.97
V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents-93,460,369.13-159,355,107.84
Add: Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period1,401,850,754.881,099,092,785.07
VI. Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period1,308,390,385.75939,737,677.23

Chairman of the Company: Hou Juncheng CFO of the Company: Wang Li Head of the publicaccountant: Wang Li

Cash Flow Statement of Parent Company

January - March 2021Prepared by: Proya Cosmetics Co., Ltd.

Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Audit type: Unaudited

ItemQ1 2021Q1 2020
I. Cash flow from operating activities:
Cash received from sales of goods or rendering of services480,216,369.75492,805,384.33
Tax rebates2,938,756.09207,716.60
Other cash received from operating activities7,876,767.7310,381,506.87
Sub-total of cash inflows from operating activities491,031,893.57503,394,607.80
Cash paid for goods and services325,323,478.45252,752,839.96
Cash paid to and on behalf of employees52,783,929.4337,260,964.23
Taxes and fees paid10,529,293.5678,306,605.30
Cash paid for other operating activities92,129,423.47248,182,527.49
Sub-total of cash outflows from operating activities480,766,124.91616,502,936.98
Net cash flow generated from operating activities10,265,768.66-113,108,329.18
II. Cash flow from investing activities:
Cash received from disposal of investments506,383.08160,000,000.00
Cash received from returns on investments2,584,761.19
Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets
Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other operating entities
Other cash received relating to investing activities
Sub-total of cash inflows from investing activities506,383.08162,584,761.19
Cash paid for purchase and construction of fixed assets, intangible assets and other41,937,274.6228,948,491.03
long-term assets
Cash paid for investment500,000.0047,000,000.00
Net cash paid for acquiring subsidiaries and other operating entities
Other cash paid relating to investing activities
Sub-total of cash outflows from investing activities42,437,274.6275,948,491.03
Net cash flow generated from investing activities-41,930,891.5486,636,270.16
III. Cash flow from financing activities:
Proceeds received from financing activities
Cash received from borrowings
Other cash received from financing-related activities
Sub-total of cash inflows from financing activities
Cash repayments of borrowings85,130,289.87
Dividends paid, profit distributed or interest paid1,900,000.00835,248.84
Other cash paid for financing-related activities
Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities1,900,000.0085,965,538.71
Net cash flow from financing activities-1,900,000.00-85,965,538.71
IV. Effects of exchange rate fluctuations on cash and cash equivalents
V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents-33,565,122.88-112,437,597.73
Add: Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period484,019,222.50255,868,964.43
VI. Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period450,454,099.62143,431,366.70

Chairman of the Company: Hou Juncheng CFO of the Company: Wang Li Head of the publicaccountant: Wang Li

4.2 Particulars on adjustment to the financial statements at the beginning of the yearfor the first implementation of new standards for lease from 2021

□ Applicable√ Not applicable

According to theNotice on Revising and Issuing Accounting Standards for BusinessEnterprises No. 21 – leases(CK [2018] No.35) issued by the Ministry of Finance, theCompany shall implement the above new standards for lease since 1 January 2021. Theself-inspection of the Company indicates that implementation of the relevant standardshas no impact on the statement items, so no retrospective adjustment is required.

4.3 Description on retrospective adjustment to previous comparative data for the first

implementation of new standards for lease from 2021

□ Applicable√ Not applicable

4.4 Auditor’s report

□ Applicable√ Not applicable
