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九阳股份:2023年环境、社会及管治报告(英文版) 下载公告

2023Environmental, Social and

Governance (ESG) Report

Joyoung Co., Ltd.

About Joyoung

Company Pro?leCompany CultureCompany EventsHonorsESG Management

About the ReportMessage from ChairKey Performance

Index of IndicatorsIndependent Assurance andStatement of Opinion

Readers Feedback Form

Feature on Responsibility


Compliance Operation andStable Development

Corporate GovernanceRisk ManagementBusiness EthicsInformation SecurityParty Building

Innovation-led ProductResponsibility Ful?lment

Continuous Innovation DriveIntellectual Property ProtectionProduct Quality Optimization


Be Customer-oriented and FullyProtect Customer Rights and Interests

Responsible MarketingConsiderate Customer Service

Shared Responsibility andSynergistic Industry Development

Supplier ManagementCommon Progress of the IndustryIndustry-University-Research Coo-peration


Employee Empowerment andJoint Growth

EmploymentTraining and DevelopmentHealth and SafetyCare for Employees

Environmental Governancefor Green Future

Environmental ManagementClimate Change

Social Welfare79


Giving Back to Society


This Report is the fourth ESG report issued by Joyoung Co., Ltd. forstakeholders. The statements herein and the performance reportedmainly cover the period from January 1, 2023 to December 31,2023, and may involve previous years or re?ect the policies orpractices in 2024.

The Reporting Period

The Report provides a comprehensive review onthe environmental, social and governanceimpacts of Joyoung Co., Ltd. and its 13 subsid-iaries, with typical cases presented relating todi?erent subsidiaries.

Scope of the Report

The information and data disclosed herein come from internalo?cial documents, statistical reports and annual reports ofJoyoung Co., Ltd. Financial data in the Report are in RMB. In case ofany inconsistency with the ?nancial statements, the latter shallprevail.

Source of Information

Joyoung Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as"Joyoung" or "Company" or "we/us").

Company Name

The Report is prepared with reference to the following standards:

· 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UnitedNations·  (GRI Standards) of GlobalSustainability Standards Board (GSSB)· Sustainability Accounting Standards Board Standards (SASBStandards)· China National Standard -  (GB/T 36001-2015)·  issued by theChinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS-CSR 5.0)· Shenzhen Stock Exchange 

Compilation Basis

The Report is provided in electronic form. Youmay log onto the Company's o?cial website(https://www.joyoung.com) or cninfo(www.cninfo.com.cn) to read the electronicversion of the Report. If you have any questionsor suggestions about this Report, please emailus at 002242@joyoung.com, or call0571-81639093.

Availability of the Report

The Report was approved by the Board onMarch 27th, 2024. Report Approval

About the Report

Features 01: Space Science and TechnologySparking the Kitchen RevolutionFeatures 02: Caring for Youth Health and Growth

About Joyoung

Company Pro?leCompany CultureCompany EventsHonorsESG Management

About the ReportMessage from ChairKey Performance

Index of IndicatorsIndependent Assurance andStatement of Opinion

Readers Feedback Form

Feature on Responsibility

Compliance Operation andStable Development

Corporate GovernanceRisk ManagementBusiness EthicsInformation SecurityParty Building

Innovation-led ProductResponsibility Ful?lment

Continuous Innovation DriveIntellectual Property ProtectionProduct Quality Optimization

Be Customer-oriented and FullyProtect Customer Rights and Interests

Responsible MarketingConsiderate Customer Service

Shared Responsibility andSynergistic Industry Development

Supplier ManagementCommon Progress of the IndustryIndustry-University-Research Coo-peration

Employee Empowerment andJoint Growth

EmploymentTraining and DevelopmentHealth and SafetyCare for Employees

Environmental Governancefor Green Future

Environmental ManagementClimate Change

Social Welfare79

Giving Back to Society


This Report is the fourth ESG report issued by Joyoung Co., Ltd. forstakeholders. The statements herein and the performance reportedmainly cover the period from January 1, 2023 to December 31,2023, and may involve previous years or re?ect the policies orpractices in 2024.

The Reporting Period

The Report provides a comprehensive review onthe environmental, social and governanceimpacts of Joyoung Co., Ltd. and its 13 subsid-iaries, with typical cases presented relating todi?erent subsidiaries.

Scope of the Report

The information and data disclosed herein come from internalo?cial documents, statistical reports and annual reports ofJoyoung Co., Ltd. Financial data in the Report are in RMB. In case ofany inconsistency with the ?nancial statements, the latter shallprevail.

Source of Information

Joyoung Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as"Joyoung" or "Company" or "we/us").

Company Name

The Report is prepared with reference to the following standards:

· 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UnitedNations·  (GRI Standards) of GlobalSustainability Standards Board (GSSB)· Sustainability Accounting Standards Board Standards (SASBStandards)· China National Standard -  (GB/T 36001-2015)·  issued by theChinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS-CSR 5.0)· Shenzhen Stock Exchange 

Compilation Basis

The Report is provided in electronic form. Youmay log onto the Company's o?cial website(https://www.joyoung.com) or cninfo(www.cninfo.com.cn) to read the electronicversion of the Report. If you have any questionsor suggestions about this Report, please emailus at 002242@joyoung.com, or call0571-81639093.

Availability of the Report

The Report was approved by the Board onMarch 27th, 2024.

Report Approval

About the Report

Features 01: Space Science and TechnologySparking the Kitchen RevolutionFeatures 02: Caring for Youth Health and Growth

About the ReportJoyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 20230304Message from ChairKey PerformanceRe?ecting on 2023, in the face of a complex, severe, andchallenging domestic and international environment, weexperienced the impact of many unfavorable factors, such asK-shaped divergence in consumer demand, decline in salesin traditional channels, intensi?ed competition in theindustry and negative growth in the market size of thekitchen small appliances industry. The Company adheres toa customer-centric approach, retail-oriented strategy, andutilizes technological innovation as a means to continuouslydevelop healthy household appliances to meet the needs ofthe people's aspirations for a better life. Together withconsumers, investors, employees and all partners, we aim tocreate long-term social value and work together towards abetter future of sustainable development.Insisting on innovation and enhancing the quality of life withinnovative technology,the Company consistently adheresto the brand concept of "Healthy and Enjoyable" ,striving topromote the development of brand rejuvenation, andbrought its products into the lives of young people through avariety of original intelligent technologies. In 2023, theCompany mainly focused on the Space Technology 2.0 seriesof products, and launched a number of new products, suchas 0-coating non-stick rice cooker, quick & easy air fryer, andless noisy blender; In the ?eld of cleaning appliances, theCompany has gradually achieved a full range of anti-tanglingfeatures. Moreover, in mainstream products such as integrat-ed washing and drying machines and integrated moppingand sweeping robots, innovative technologies includingfour-dimensional hot air fast drying and track roller brush?oor washing have been implemented. These advance-ments truly realize comprehensive antimicrobial anddeodorizing e?ects throughout the entire cleaning process.In 2023, the Company's R&D investment is RMB 388.91million yuan. The Company will continue to explore techno-logical innovation, improve the protection of intellectualproperty rights and the construction of digital operationplatforms, aiming to enhance the in?uence of the Company'sproducts and technologies, and continuously lead industrydevelopment.Customer-?rst, aiming at satisfying consumer needs in allaspects. "User-centric, retail-oriented" is a principle that weconsistently adhere to at Joyoung. This principle not onlyentails conducting in-depth user research but also manifestsin product development and design that is driven by meetinguser demands. We deeply integrate quality and safetystandards into product manufacturing and supply chaincollaboration. When working with channels and customers,we prioritize enhancing the user shopping experience. Weare committed to providing dedicated after-sales service toevery user. Leveraging our core competitive advantage ofinsight and swift response to consumer needs, we will contin-ue to be driven by retail sales, comprehensively developvarious emerging channels, and strive to become a leadingenterprise in high-quality small household appliances.

Chair of Joyoung Co., Ltd.

Yang Ningning

Staying true to our original mission, ful?lling our social responsi-bilities. Joyoung has been committed to the development ofinnovative public welfare projects including "Joyoung CharityKitchen" and "Food and Education Workshop", and has contin-ued to support the development of public welfare undertakingssuch as youth nutrition and health, education and rural revitaliza-tion. By the end of 2023, the Company had established more than1,484 Joyoung Charity Kitchen in more than 30 provinces (munici-palities and autonomous regions) across China, providingcampus catering services for over 2 million students cumulativelyand improving the nutritional status of rural students. Meanwhile,the Company has established 254 Food and EducationWorkshops in 19 provinces (municipalities and autonomousregions), and innovatively carried out thematic activities such as"Food Education Teacher Training Camp" and "Space RestaurantSummer Camp for Food Education" to promote food educationand help children and teenagers grow up healthily. In 2023, theJoyoung Foundation was awarded the highest grade of "5A socialorganization" on its ?rst participation in the evaluation. From2008 to 2023, the Company has cumulatively invested RMB 100million yuan in public welfare. Adhering to the original intention,Joyoung will persistently create value for society, uphold compas-sion and goodwill, and give back to the community.Green operation, building a sustainable future. The Company willcontinue to improve environmental management, strictly complywith environmental regulations on resource utilization andemission management, and strive to reduce the environmentalimpact of production and operations. By actively promoting the"Trade-in" service, Joyoung encourages consumers to recyclesmall home appliances of various brands through the Company.In return, Joyoung provides subsidies for consumers to purchasenew products, actively promoting the concept of sustainableconsumption. Additionally, Joyoung has established refurbish-ment factories to renovate returned products, promotingresource recycling and driving the development of a circulareconomy. We advocate green and low-carbon o?ce and lifestyle,promote digitalization and paperless o?ce, and actively adoptrenewable energy. Joyoung is committed to making practicalcontributions to addressing global climate change and achievingthe country's "dual-carbon" goals!The year 2024 marks the 30th anniversary of Joyoung's founding.On this long road of entrepreneurship, the Company has alwayspracticed the core corporate values of "people-oriented,teamwork, responsibility and health". It is because we stick to ouroriginal intention when facing various di?cult choices andchallenges, adhere to the brand genes of "innovation" and"health", and focus on the development of the main business ofsmall household appliances, that we have earned the in?uence inthe industry today. In the future, the Company will work hand inhand with all stakeholders to explore the sustainable develop-ment potential of the entire value chain and take a solid stepforward for the sustainable development of the whole society.


Operating RevenueRMB 0'0001,054,0471,017,669Total Tax PaymentRMB 0'00034,28850,563Amassed PatentsPatents10,12911,648Customer Complaint Handling Rate%100100Customer Satisfaction%96.597.4


Total Number of EmployeesPerson2,9152,832Percentage of Female Employees%3537Employee Training Coverage%100100





Tonne CO2e8,630.589,143.75kWh3,163,1983,053,413




Photovoltaic Power Generation

Number of Employees Participat-ing in Volunteer Activities

Total Carbon Emissions

kWh/ RMB 0'00010.6612.43t/ RMB 0'0000.180.20




Water Consumption Intensity(10,000 Yuan Revenue Consump-tion)

Electricity Consumption Intensity(10,000 Yuan Revenue Consump-tion)



For the indicator of income from continuing operations in 2023 and previous years, please refer to the relevant sections in the 2023 annual report.

About the ReportJoyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 20230304Message from ChairKey Performance

Re?ecting on 2023, in the face of a complex, severe, andchallenging domestic and international environment, weexperienced the impact of many unfavorable factors, such asK-shaped divergence in consumer demand, decline in salesin traditional channels, intensi?ed competition in theindustry and negative growth in the market size of thekitchen small appliances industry. The Company adheres toa customer-centric approach, retail-oriented strategy, andutilizes technological innovation as a means to continuouslydevelop healthy household appliances to meet the needs ofthe people's aspirations for a better life. Together withconsumers, investors, employees and all partners, we aim tocreate long-term social value and work together towards abetter future of sustainable development.Insisting on innovation and enhancing the quality of life withinnovative technology,the Company consistently adheresto the brand concept of "Healthy and Enjoyable" ,striving topromote the development of brand rejuvenation, andbrought its products into the lives of young people through avariety of original intelligent technologies. In 2023, theCompany mainly focused on the Space Technology 2.0 seriesof products, and launched a number of new products, suchas 0-coating non-stick rice cooker, quick & easy air fryer, andless noisy blender; In the ?eld of cleaning appliances, theCompany has gradually achieved a full range of anti-tanglingfeatures. Moreover, in mainstream products such as integrat-ed washing and drying machines and integrated moppingand sweeping robots, innovative technologies includingfour-dimensional hot air fast drying and track roller brush?oor washing have been implemented. These advance-ments truly realize comprehensive antimicrobial anddeodorizing e?ects throughout the entire cleaning process.In 2023, the Company's R&D investment is RMB 388.91million yuan. The Company will continue to explore techno-logical innovation, improve the protection of intellectualproperty rights and the construction of digital operationplatforms, aiming to enhance the in?uence of the Company'sproducts and technologies, and continuously lead industrydevelopment.Customer-?rst, aiming at satisfying consumer needs in allaspects. "User-centric, retail-oriented" is a principle that weconsistently adhere to at Joyoung. This principle not onlyentails conducting in-depth user research but also manifestsin product development and design that is driven by meetinguser demands. We deeply integrate quality and safetystandards into product manufacturing and supply chaincollaboration. When working with channels and customers,we prioritize enhancing the user shopping experience. Weare committed to providing dedicated after-sales service toevery user. Leveraging our core competitive advantage ofinsight and swift response to consumer needs, we will contin-ue to be driven by retail sales, comprehensively developvarious emerging channels, and strive to become a leadingenterprise in high-quality small household appliances.

Chair of Joyoung Co., Ltd.

Yang Ningning

Staying true to our original mission, ful?lling our social responsi-bilities. Joyoung has been committed to the development ofinnovative public welfare projects including "Joyoung CharityKitchen" and "Food and Education Workshop", and has contin-ued to support the development of public welfare undertakingssuch as youth nutrition and health, education and rural revitaliza-tion. By the end of 2023, the Company had established more than1,484 Joyoung Charity Kitchen in more than 30 provinces (munici-palities and autonomous regions) across China, providingcampus catering services for over 2 million students cumulativelyand improving the nutritional status of rural students. Meanwhile,the Company has established 254 Food and EducationWorkshops in 19 provinces (municipalities and autonomousregions), and innovatively carried out thematic activities such as"Food Education Teacher Training Camp" and "Space RestaurantSummer Camp for Food Education" to promote food educationand help children and teenagers grow up healthily. In 2023, theJoyoung Foundation was awarded the highest grade of "5A socialorganization" on its ?rst participation in the evaluation. From2008 to 2023, the Company has cumulatively invested RMB 100million yuan in public welfare. Adhering to the original intention,Joyoung will persistently create value for society, uphold compas-sion and goodwill, and give back to the community.Green operation, building a sustainable future. The Company willcontinue to improve environmental management, strictly complywith environmental regulations on resource utilization andemission management, and strive to reduce the environmentalimpact of production and operations. By actively promoting the"Trade-in" service, Joyoung encourages consumers to recyclesmall home appliances of various brands through the Company.In return, Joyoung provides subsidies for consumers to purchasenew products, actively promoting the concept of sustainableconsumption. Additionally, Joyoung has established refurbish-ment factories to renovate returned products, promotingresource recycling and driving the development of a circulareconomy. We advocate green and low-carbon o?ce and lifestyle,promote digitalization and paperless o?ce, and actively adoptrenewable energy. Joyoung is committed to making practicalcontributions to addressing global climate change and achievingthe country's "dual-carbon" goals!The year 2024 marks the 30th anniversary of Joyoung's founding.On this long road of entrepreneurship, the Company has alwayspracticed the core corporate values of "people-oriented,teamwork, responsibility and health". It is because we stick to ouroriginal intention when facing various di?cult choices andchallenges, adhere to the brand genes of "innovation" and"health", and focus on the development of the main business ofsmall household appliances, that we have earned the in?uence inthe industry today. In the future, the Company will work hand inhand with all stakeholders to explore the sustainable develop-ment potential of the entire value chain and take a solid stepforward for the sustainable development of the whole society.

IndicatorUnit20212022Operating RevenueRMB 0'0001,054,0471,017,669Total Tax PaymentRMB 0'00034,28850,563Amassed PatentsPatents10,12911,648Customer Complaint Handling Rate%100100Customer Satisfaction%96.597.4


Total Number of EmployeesPerson2,9152,832Percentage of Female Employees%3537Employee Training Coverage%100100





Tonne CO2e8,630.589,143.75kWh3,163,1983,053,413




Photovoltaic Power Generation

Number of Employees Participat-ing in Volunteer Activities

Total Carbon Emissions

kWh/ RMB 0'00010.6612.43t/ RMB 0'0000.180.20




Water Consumption Intensity(10,000 Yuan Revenue Consump-tion)

Electricity Consumption Intensity(10,000 Yuan Revenue Consump-tion)



For the indicator of income from continuing operations in 2023 and previous years, please refer to the relevant sections in the 2023 annual report.

hot-air heating devicedrinking water dispenser

Explore deeper in the space, and pursue better life on the earth. Looking back the research and development history ofJoyoung's space kitchen, it was a journey that completed with devotion, hard work and breakthroughs in genera-tions. Joyoung-made space kitchen ?nally arrived in the space together with the "Tianhe" core module of the spacestation in 2021 after thousands of attempts and tests, realizing the goal of equipping the space station withChina-made space kitchen.Joyoung has been the developer of the space kitchen for China's manned space?ight program since 2014, embarkingon the journey of assisting the country's manned space program with leading technology. As a great mission of Chinafor high-tech development and space resource exploration, the manned space?ight program is of great signi?cance tothe country and people. With a great sense of the national mission, Joyoung's research and development personnelhas developed a range of kitchen appliances suitable for zero gravity and non-convective environments throughindependent technological innovation, enabling astronauts to eat and drink pleasantly in the outer space.By the end of 2023, Joyoung had successfully developed a hot-air heating device, a drinking water dispenser, and anaerospace intelligent APP for the space kitchen. The hot- air heating device adopts 360° hot-air-circulation heatingtechnology to solve the problems of slow, uneven heating and power limitation in a zero gravity and non-convectiveenvironment. It enables astronauts to only take 30 minutes to heat delicious dishes such as Fish-?avored Pork andGongbao Chicken. The drinking water dispenser can purify water, inhibit bacteria, and heat water immediately, provid-ing ?ltered and puri?ed warm water for astronauts. The intelligent IoT control APP is used to control all kitchenappliances of the space station, freeing astronauts from burdensome operations.

Feature on Responsibility0506

Feature onResponsibility

Space Kitchen

Features 01: Space Science and TechnologySparking the Kitchen Revolution

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

SDGs Benchmark

hot-air heating devicedrinking water dispenser

Explore deeper in the space, and pursue better life on the earth. Looking back the research and development history ofJoyoung's space kitchen, it was a journey that completed with devotion, hard work and breakthroughs in genera-tions. Joyoung-made space kitchen ?nally arrived in the space together with the "Tianhe" core module of the spacestation in 2021 after thousands of attempts and tests, realizing the goal of equipping the space station withChina-made space kitchen.Joyoung has been the developer of the space kitchen for China's manned space?ight program since 2014, embarkingon the journey of assisting the country's manned space program with leading technology. As a great mission of Chinafor high-tech development and space resource exploration, the manned space?ight program is of great signi?cance tothe country and people. With a great sense of the national mission, Joyoung's research and development personnelhas developed a range of kitchen appliances suitable for zero gravity and non-convective environments throughindependent technological innovation, enabling astronauts to eat and drink pleasantly in the outer space.By the end of 2023, Joyoung had successfully developed a hot-air heating device, a drinking water dispenser, and anaerospace intelligent APP for the space kitchen. The hot- air heating device adopts 360° hot-air-circulation heatingtechnology to solve the problems of slow, uneven heating and power limitation in a zero gravity and non-convectiveenvironment. It enables astronauts to only take 30 minutes to heat delicious dishes such as Fish-?avored Pork andGongbao Chicken. The drinking water dispenser can purify water, inhibit bacteria, and heat water immediately, provid-ing ?ltered and puri?ed warm water for astronauts. The intelligent IoT control APP is used to control all kitchenappliances of the space station, freeing astronauts from burdensome operations.

Feature on Responsibility0506

Feature onResponsibility

Space Kitchen

Features 01: Space Science and TechnologySparking the Kitchen Revolution

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

SDGs Benchmark

Feature on Responsibility0708

In 2023, with Joyoung's brand mission of "embracing health with space technology", we continued our e?orts inapplying space technology to home kitchen in a bid to improve people's life. To this end, we focused on the research anddevelopment of new space technology products, bringing a signi?cant innovation to people's kitchen and life.

In 2023, we upgraded the less noisy blender by adopting the space technology &silent sound technology as well as the brushless variable-frequency motorBLDC, sharply lowering operation noise. Moreover, the blender body is made ofa 4.6mm-thick soundproo?ng double-layer casing, with internal componentsinstalled in a ?exible manner with a contactless mounting structure to insulatenoise within the casing, realizing noise control from the source and reducing theoverall noise of the blender to 37dB.

Less Noisy Blender

By adopting the hot-air circulation technology used in the space station,Joyoung surround hot-air circulation air fryer is able to thaw and heat foodevenly and faster with 720° surround hot-air circulation. In addition, our patent-ed 240°C far-infrared high-temperature technology can maintain the waterretention rate of food above 72.1%.

Surround Hot-airCirculation Air Fryer

Joyoung 0-coating non-stick rice cooker adopts precise hot-air temperaturecontrol technology used for the space products as well as the moist ?lm technol-ogy, which can generate a moist ?lm between rice and the inner pot throughtemperature di?erence. Empowered by these technologies, the inner pot of therice cooker can achieve non-stick e?ects even without a coating, which is betterfor health and easier to clean.

0-coatingNon-stick Rice CookerSpace TechnologyProduct Series

With the space technology & swirling core technology, the puri?er can e?ective-ly remove 150 kinds of harmful substance while heating water quickly. Inaddition, the space technology & zinc oxide technology can maintain along-term antibacterial e?ect, with an antibacterial rate of 99.99%, elongatingthe service life of the ?lter to 6 years.

Antibacterial Instant-heating Water Puri?er

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

Feature on Responsibility0708

In 2023, with Joyoung's brand mission of "embracing health with space technology", we continued our e?orts inapplying space technology to home kitchen in a bid to improve people's life. To this end, we focused on the research anddevelopment of new space technology products, bringing a signi?cant innovation to people's kitchen and life.

In 2023, we upgraded the less noisy blender by adopting the space technology &silent sound technology as well as the brushless variable-frequency motorBLDC, sharply lowering operation noise. Moreover, the blender body is made ofa 4.6mm-thick soundproo?ng double-layer casing, with internal componentsinstalled in a ?exible manner with a contactless mounting structure to insulatenoise within the casing, realizing noise control from the source and reducing theoverall noise of the blender to 37dB.

Less Noisy Blender

By adopting the hot-air circulation technology used in the space station,Joyoung surround hot-air circulation air fryer is able to thaw and heat foodevenly and faster with 720° surround hot-air circulation. In addition, our patent-ed 240°C far-infrared high-temperature technology can maintain the waterretention rate of food above 72.1%.

Surround Hot-airCirculation Air Fryer

Joyoung 0-coating non-stick rice cooker adopts precise hot-air temperaturecontrol technology used for the space products as well as the moist ?lm technol-ogy, which can generate a moist ?lm between rice and the inner pot throughtemperature di?erence. Empowered by these technologies, the inner pot of therice cooker can achieve non-stick e?ects even without a coating, which is betterfor health and easier to clean.

0-coatingNon-stick Rice CookerSpace TechnologyProduct Series

With the space technology & swirling core technology, the puri?er can e?ective-ly remove 150 kinds of harmful substance while heating water quickly. Inaddition, the space technology & zinc oxide technology can maintain along-term antibacterial e?ect, with an antibacterial rate of 99.99%, elongatingthe service life of the ?lter to 6 years.

Antibacterial Instant-heating Water Puri?er

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

Feature on Responsibility0910

The year 2023 saw the thirteenth anniversary of the "Joyoung Charity Kitchen" project. In the past thirteenyears, Joyoung has made constant and determined e?orts in rural revitalization and youth health. We havefunded the construction of1,484 Joyoung Charity Kitchens in more than 30 provinces (municipalities andautonomous regions) and 230 counties (cities and districts) across the country, securing campus cateringservices for over2 million students cumulatively.In this year, in response to the country's policy, Joyoung Charity Kitchen took active actions to supportstudents in rural areas with healthier diets, and we continued to bring warmth and love to rural schools in linewith the core strategy of "covering all key areas and extending exemplary areas". In addition, we worked withpartners to push forward the construction of professional, e?cient and green electri?ed kitchens for ruralschools, and help rural schools establish mechanisms for scienti?c and nutritious school meals, striving toful?ll the vision of "strong youth and strong China, wish the healthy and happy growth of the Chinese youth".

We are always committed to promoting the "Joyoung Charity Kitchen" project to all districts and counties, in a bid to support more schools withbetter kitchen and cooking conditions. At present, we are promoting full coverage of Charity Kitchen in 10 places, including Qixia in Shandong,Pingjiang in Hunan, Jinyun in Zhejiang and Huining in Gansu. In this year, we have expanded the coverage of Charity Kitchen in following places:

Qixia, Shandong ProvinceIn Qixia, Shandong Province, we provided kitchen equipment for two new kindergartens, optimized the energy structure there andprovided additional equipment for the kitchens of three rural schools. We totally provided ?nancial support to29 schools in Qixia.Pingjiang, Hunan ProvinceBy adopting the aid mode of "Design + Support in Equipment + Renovation by Local Power", we helped with the renovation of 8schools in total in this year. Currently, we have implemented a total of74 "Joyoung Charity Kitchen" projects in Pingjiang.Huining, Gansu ProvinceJoyoung Foundation and CICC Charity Foundation have jointly provided funding for the renovation of kitchen in 24 rural schoolsin Huining County, replacing the outdated coal, wood, and oil-burning equipment with cleaner and more e?cient electri?edequipment. Additionally, smoke exhaust systems were installed to further improve the kitchen environment in rural schools inHuining County, achieving full coverage of the kitchen renovation needs.

Charity Kitchen


Driving Full Coverage of the"Charity Kitchen" Project

In 2023, we actively collaborated with local authorities to carry out the "Joyoung Charity Kitchen" project based on local conditions. Withthe help of Ji Nan Science & Technology Bureau, we conducted ?eld survey in a number of rural primary and secondary schools in LinxiaPrefecture, Gansu Province. In this year, we pushed forward the kitchen renovation for 7 rural schools in this area. In 2023, in close collabo-ration with CICC Charity Foundation and other organizations, Joyoung Foundation advanced the upgrading of 30 Charity Kitchens inHuining and Wushan in Gansu Province, Yuexi in Anhui Province and Wangqing in Jilin Province, better satisfying the school meal needs ofnearly 20,000 students.

In 2023, a total of 127 public welfare kitchens were newly built, exceeding 27% of the annual construction target. Starting from 2021,Joyoung Foundation plans to donate no less than 110 million yuan for the "Joyoung Charity Kitchen" project over a period of 10 years. Wealso plan to select 100 schools in rural areas across the country every year and invest RMB 30,000 to 150,000 Yuan to each school. Moreover,we will provide support in design, utilities renovation, equipping and personnel training to build professional, green and e?cient standard-ized kitchens, striving to improve schools' capabilities for meal preparation and safeguard youth growth.

In October 2023, Joyoung Foundation donated RMB 3.5 million yuan to the Guangxi Hope Project, as a special fund to build 35Joyoung Charity Kitchens in rural areas in Guangxi from 2022 to 2024, aiming to help revitalize rural education in Guangxi.In 2022, a project team of Joyoung Foundation visited the kitchens of rural schools in Nanning, Liuzhou and other places inGuangxi together with Guangxi Youth Development Foundation, and developed school-speci?c aid plans based on eachschool's kitchen conditions and meal preparation needs. In 2023, the ?rst batch of 13 pilot Joyoung Charity Kitchens startedoperation, greatly improving the meal preparation conditions of rural schools and providing safe and health meals to ruralstudents.

Collaboration to Revitalize Rural Education

CaseJoyoung Charity Kitchen Helps with Rural Education in Guangxi

Joyoung Charity Kitchen of Duxiu Primary School in Nanning, Guangxi Province

Features 02: Caring for Youth Health and Growth

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

The year 2023 saw the thirteenth anniversary of the "Joyoung Charity Kitchen" project run by Joyoung. In thepast thirteen years, Joyoung has made constant and determined e?orts in rural revitalization and youthhealth. We have funded the construction of 1,484 Joyoung Charity Kitchens in more than 30 provinces(municipalities and autonomous regions) and 230 counties (cities and districts) across the country, securingcampus catering services for over 2 million students cumulatively.In the year, in response to the country's policy, Joyoung Charity Kitchen took active actions to supportstudents in rural areas with healthier diets, and we continued to bring warmth and love to rural schools in linewith the core strategy of "covering all key areas and extending exemplary areas". In addition, we worked withpartners to push forward the construction of professional, e?cient and green electri?ed kitchens for ruralschools, and help rural schools establish mechanisms for scienti?c and nutritious school meals, striving toful?ll the vision of "strong youth and strong China, as well as healthy and happy growth of the Chinese youth".

Feature on Responsibility0910

The year 2023 saw the thirteenth anniversary of the "Joyoung Charity Kitchen" project. In the past thirteenyears, Joyoung has made constant and determined e?orts in rural revitalization and youth health. We havefunded the construction of1,484 Joyoung Charity Kitchens in more than 30 provinces (municipalities andautonomous regions) and 230 counties (cities and districts) across the country, securing campus cateringservices for over2 million students cumulatively.In this year, in response to the country's policy, Joyoung Charity Kitchen took active actions to supportstudents in rural areas with healthier diets, and we continued to bring warmth and love to rural schools in linewith the core strategy of "covering all key areas and extending exemplary areas". In addition, we worked withpartners to push forward the construction of professional, e?cient and green electri?ed kitchens for ruralschools, and help rural schools establish mechanisms for scienti?c and nutritious school meals, striving toful?ll the vision of "strong youth and strong China, wish the healthy and happy growth of the Chinese youth".

We are always committed to promoting the "Joyoung Charity Kitchen" project to all districts and counties, in a bid to support more schools withbetter kitchen and cooking conditions. At present, we are promoting full coverage of Charity Kitchen in 10 places, including Qixia in Shandong,Pingjiang in Hunan, Jinyun in Zhejiang and Huining in Gansu. In this year, we have expanded the coverage of Charity Kitchen in following places:

Qixia, Shandong ProvinceIn Qixia, Shandong Province, we provided kitchen equipment for two new kindergartens, optimized the energy structure there andprovided additional equipment for the kitchens of three rural schools. We totally provided ?nancial support to29 schools in Qixia.Pingjiang, Hunan ProvinceBy adopting the aid mode of "Design + Support in Equipment + Renovation by Local Power", we helped with the renovation of 8schools in total in this year. Currently, we have implemented a total of74 "Joyoung Charity Kitchen" projects in Pingjiang.

Huining, Gansu ProvinceJoyoung Foundation and CICC Charity Foundation have jointly provided funding for the renovation of kitchen in 24 rural schoolsin Huining County, replacing the outdated coal, wood, and oil-burning equipment with cleaner and more e?cient electri?edequipment. Additionally, smoke exhaust systems were installed to further improve the kitchen environment in rural schools inHuining County, achieving full coverage of the kitchen renovation needs.

Charity Kitchen


Driving Full Coverage of the"Charity Kitchen" Project

In 2023, we actively collaborated with local authorities to carry out the "Joyoung Charity Kitchen" project based on local conditions. Withthe help of Ji Nan Science & Technology Bureau, we conducted ?eld survey in a number of rural primary and secondary schools in LinxiaPrefecture, Gansu Province. In this year, we pushed forward the kitchen renovation for 7 rural schools in this area. In 2023, in close collabo-ration with CICC Charity Foundation and other organizations, Joyoung Foundation advanced the upgrading of 30 Charity Kitchens inHuining and Wushan in Gansu Province, Yuexi in Anhui Province and Wangqing in Jilin Province, better satisfying the school meal needs ofnearly 20,000 students.

In 2023, a total of 127 public welfare kitchens were newly built, exceeding 27% of the annual construction target. Starting from 2021,Joyoung Foundation plans to donate no less than 110 million yuan for the "Joyoung Charity Kitchen" project over a period of 10 years. Wealso plan to select 100 schools in rural areas across the country every year and invest RMB 30,000 to 150,000 Yuan to each school. Moreover,we will provide support in design, utilities renovation, equipping and personnel training to build professional, green and e?cient standard-ized kitchens, striving to improve schools' capabilities for meal preparation and safeguard youth growth.

In October 2023, Joyoung Foundation donated RMB 3.5 million yuan to the Guangxi Hope Project, as a special fund to build 35Joyoung Charity Kitchens in rural areas in Guangxi from 2022 to 2024, aiming to help revitalize rural education in Guangxi.In 2022, a project team of Joyoung Foundation visited the kitchens of rural schools in Nanning, Liuzhou and other places inGuangxi together with Guangxi Youth Development Foundation, and developed school-speci?c aid plans based on eachschool's kitchen conditions and meal preparation needs. In 2023, the ?rst batch of 13 pilot Joyoung Charity Kitchens startedoperation, greatly improving the meal preparation conditions of rural schools and providing safe and health meals to ruralstudents.

Collaboration to Revitalize Rural Education

CaseJoyoung Charity Kitchen Helps with Rural Education in Guangxi

Joyoung Charity Kitchen of Duxiu Primary School in Nanning, Guangxi Province

Features 02: Caring for Youth Health and Growth

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

The year 2023 saw the thirteenth anniversary of the "Joyoung Charity Kitchen" project run by Joyoung. In thepast thirteen years, Joyoung has made constant and determined e?orts in rural revitalization and youthhealth. We have funded the construction of 1,484 Joyoung Charity Kitchens in more than 30 provinces(municipalities and autonomous regions) and 230 counties (cities and districts) across the country, securingcampus catering services for over 2 million students cumulatively.In the year, in response to the country's policy, Joyoung Charity Kitchen took active actions to supportstudents in rural areas with healthier diets, and we continued to bring warmth and love to rural schools in linewith the core strategy of "covering all key areas and extending exemplary areas". In addition, we worked withpartners to push forward the construction of professional, e?cient and green electri?ed kitchens for ruralschools, and help rural schools establish mechanisms for scienti?c and nutritious school meals, striving toful?ll the vision of "strong youth and strong China, as well as healthy and happy growth of the Chinese youth".

Feature on Responsibility1112

In 2023, Joyoung Foundation went on with the project of Joyoung Food and Education Workshop. With a vision of"enabling every child to know how to live healthily in a whole life", we strive to build an educational space based onkitchen scenario, utilize cooking as an educational medium, and through labor education or nutrition and healtheducation courses to promote traditional dietary culture, advocate for balanced eating habits, and convey knowl-edge about nutrition and health. As of 2023, we had built a total of 254 food and education workshops in 19provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions).Since the Ministry of Education released the  in 2022, emphasiz-ing food education, all provinces have actively carried out the popularization and promotion of food and educationworkshops. In this year, in response to the national policy of food education, Joyoung continued to re?ne thestandards for building Food and Education Workshop and enhance the capabilities of food education teachers inline with the core strategy of "responding to the national policy and pushing forward the publication of text books",and carried out a range of theme activities such as "Specialized Training Camp for Food Education Teachers" and"Summer Camp for Food Education".

Hangzhou, Zhejiang ProvinceJoyoung has collaborated with the Education Bureau of Qiantang District of Hangzhou to pilot full coverage of Food andEducation Workshop in Qiantang District, with a total of54 Food and Education Workshops built in the primary andsecondary schools in this district. We will collaborate with the Education Bureau to further establish a regional organizationmanagement mechanism, to promote education and research, school-level evaluation, and teacher training.Jinan, Shandong ProvinceIn collaboration with the Jinan Education Bureau, Joyoung has promoted the implementation of the Three-Year ActionPlan for Food Education of Jinan, and has built 9 model Food and Education Workshops in Jinan. In addition, Joyoungplans to build 30 Food and Education Workshops in the next three years, and ?nally form 100 demonstration schools offood education in the local area.Zhengzhou, Henan ProvinceJoyoung has promoted the establishment of Food and Education Workshops in 6 schools and set up the "Xing Zhi XingJoyoung Food and Education Workshop Curriculum Teaching and Research Alliance", which is centered on cross-region,cross-phase, and cross-discipline teaching and research activities, aiming to promote the improvement of professionalismand business capacity of the teacher team.

Joyoung Food andEducation Workshop

Promoting Full Coverage of Food and Education Workshop andUnveiling the Mode of Multi-regional Joint Construction

Launching Specialized FoodEducation Textbooks

In November 2023, the Joyoung Food Education Workshop was inaugurated and commenced classes at theHangzhou Children's Welfare Institute. From washing and cutting pumpkins to kneading and steaming dough, thechildren joyfully followed the cooking teacher's guidance in making pumpkin cakes. Each step was learned withenthusiasm, ?lling the institute with continuous laughter.Joyoung Food and Education Workshop always concerns about developing and implementing courses suitable fordi?erent children. In partnership with the Hangzhou Children's Welfare Institute, we established the Joyoung Foodand Education Workshop as a public service classroom. This initiative aims to provide a chance for disadvantagedand disabled children to learn and practice baking, thereby improving their life skills, social skills, and subjectiveinitiative, and helping them better integrate into the society with valuable skills.

CaseInauguration of Joyoung Food and Education Workshop at Hangzhou children's welfare institute

Joyoung Food and Education Workshop

Food Education Textbook

Since the release of the ,through research, Joyoung innovatively proposed and planned a compre-hensive set of Food Education textbooks covering primary grades 1-6volumes, including student books and teacher books in six volumes. Thetextbook is scheduled to be released in 2024, with the aim of strengtheningstudents' awareness of nutrition, understanding of balanced diets, andrecognition of Chinese dietary culture.

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

Feature on Responsibility1112

In 2023, Joyoung Foundation went on with the project of Joyoung Food and Education Workshop. With a vision of"enabling every child to know how to live healthily in a whole life", we strive to build an educational space based onkitchen scenario, utilize cooking as an educational medium, and through labor education or nutrition and healtheducation courses to promote traditional dietary culture, advocate for balanced eating habits, and convey knowl-edge about nutrition and health. As of 2023, we had built a total of 254 food and education workshops in 19provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions).Since the Ministry of Education released the  in 2022, emphasiz-ing food education, all provinces have actively carried out the popularization and promotion of food and educationworkshops. In this year, in response to the national policy of food education, Joyoung continued to re?ne thestandards for building Food and Education Workshop and enhance the capabilities of food education teachers inline with the core strategy of "responding to the national policy and pushing forward the publication of text books",and carried out a range of theme activities such as "Specialized Training Camp for Food Education Teachers" and"Summer Camp for Food Education".

Hangzhou, Zhejiang ProvinceJoyoung has collaborated with the Education Bureau of Qiantang District of Hangzhou to pilot full coverage of Food andEducation Workshop in Qiantang District, with a total of54 Food and Education Workshops built in the primary andsecondary schools in this district. We will collaborate with the Education Bureau to further establish a regional organizationmanagement mechanism, to promote education and research, school-level evaluation, and teacher training.Jinan, Shandong ProvinceIn collaboration with the Jinan Education Bureau, Joyoung has promoted the implementation of the Three-Year ActionPlan for Food Education of Jinan, and has built 9 model Food and Education Workshops in Jinan. In addition, Joyoungplans to build 30 Food and Education Workshops in the next three years, and ?nally form 100 demonstration schools offood education in the local area.Zhengzhou, Henan Province

Joyoung has promoted the establishment of Food and Education Workshops in 6 schools and set up the "Xing Zhi XingJoyoung Food and Education Workshop Curriculum Teaching and Research Alliance", which is centered on cross-region,cross-phase, and cross-discipline teaching and research activities, aiming to promote the improvement of professionalismand business capacity of the teacher team.

Joyoung Food andEducation Workshop

Promoting Full Coverage of Food and Education Workshop andUnveiling the Mode of Multi-regional Joint Construction

Launching Specialized FoodEducation Textbooks

In November 2023, the Joyoung Food Education Workshop was inaugurated and commenced classes at theHangzhou Children's Welfare Institute. From washing and cutting pumpkins to kneading and steaming dough, thechildren joyfully followed the cooking teacher's guidance in making pumpkin cakes. Each step was learned withenthusiasm, ?lling the institute with continuous laughter.Joyoung Food and Education Workshop always concerns about developing and implementing courses suitable fordi?erent children. In partnership with the Hangzhou Children's Welfare Institute, we established the Joyoung Foodand Education Workshop as a public service classroom. This initiative aims to provide a chance for disadvantagedand disabled children to learn and practice baking, thereby improving their life skills, social skills, and subjectiveinitiative, and helping them better integrate into the society with valuable skills.

CaseInauguration of Joyoung Food and Education Workshop at Hangzhou children's welfare institute

Joyoung Food and Education Workshop

Food Education Textbook

Since the release of the ,through research, Joyoung innovatively proposed and planned a compre-hensive set of Food Education textbooks covering primary grades 1-6volumes, including student books and teacher books in six volumes. Thetextbook is scheduled to be released in 2024, with the aim of strengtheningstudents' awareness of nutrition, understanding of balanced diets, andrecognition of Chinese dietary culture.

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

Feature on Responsibility1314

Strengthening the training of teachers is a crucial foundation for implementing Food and Education Workshops. Joyounghas conducted 8 rounds of online training of teachers since 2022, with over 700 teachers completing the program. Theonline courses primarily focus on disseminate of foundational Food Education knowledge, application of the knowledgetaught, and training on nutrition and health knowledge. Meanwhile, two o?ine "Food Education Teacher Training Camps"have been organized, with over 160 food education teachers from schools across the country participating.

Conducting Food Education

Teacher Empowerment Training

In 2023, a total of 54 new Food and Education Workshops were established, surpassing the target of 50 Food and EducationWorkshops set at the beginning of the year.With the implementation of the policies of "Healthy China" and "Labor Education"forced by the education authority, Joyoung Foundation and the schools will continue to explore the new mode of Food andEducation Workshop, optimize the curriculum, upgrade teaching tools and train teachers to achieve the mission of "promotingfood education and contributing to the health of children and youth".

In December 2023, the specialized training camp for Food Education teachers, organized by Joyoung Foundation,commenced at the Joyoung Creative Industrial Park in Hangzhou. A total of 125 frontline Food Education teachersfrom 54 schools in the Qiantang district gathered for the training, which focused on optimizing the teachers' skillsthrough successful case analyses, hands-on workshops with kitchen appliances, and classroom exchanges aboutFood Education, aiming to enhance the current level of food education teaching. At the same time, more than 330teachers from Qiantang District have completed 20 hours of online food education training courses, promotingcomprehensive food education and improving the quality of food education teaching.

Summer Camp for FoodEducation Brand Event

CaseFirst-ever specialized o?ine training camp for food education teachers launched in Hangzhou

Joyoung Food Education Teacher Empowerment Training Participants

In July 2023, Joyoung Foundation, in collaboration with the Hainan Youth Development Foundation and otherorganizations like "Food Vision for the Future", conducted a 7-day, 7-night Summer Camp for Food Education inWenchang, Hainan. During the camp, students from all corners of the country completed the design for the 2050"Space Dining Room" , including the site selection, interior design, and menu planning. After the summer camp,parents provided feedback that their children had developed a stronger interest in scienti?c exploration. Improve-ments were also noted in areas such as health awareness, eating habits, and emotional management. Additionally,the children had cultivated an sustainable environmental consciousness.

Case"Innovate for the Future-Space Restaurant" summer camp for food education brand event

Self-painted headshots of children

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

Feature on Responsibility1314

Strengthening the training of teachers is a crucial foundation for implementing Food and Education Workshops. Joyounghas conducted 8 rounds of online training of teachers since 2022, with over 700 teachers completing the program. Theonline courses primarily focus on disseminate of foundational Food Education knowledge, application of the knowledgetaught, and training on nutrition and health knowledge. Meanwhile, two o?ine "Food Education Teacher Training Camps"have been organized, with over 160 food education teachers from schools across the country participating.

Conducting Food Education

Teacher Empowerment Training

In 2023, a total of 54 new Food and Education Workshops were established, surpassing the target of 50 Food and EducationWorkshops set at the beginning of the year.With the implementation of the policies of "Healthy China" and "Labor Education"forced by the education authority, Joyoung Foundation and the schools will continue to explore the new mode of Food andEducation Workshop, optimize the curriculum, upgrade teaching tools and train teachers to achieve the mission of "promotingfood education and contributing to the health of children and youth".

In December 2023, the specialized training camp for Food Education teachers, organized by Joyoung Foundation,commenced at the Joyoung Creative Industrial Park in Hangzhou. A total of 125 frontline Food Education teachersfrom 54 schools in the Qiantang district gathered for the training, which focused on optimizing the teachers' skillsthrough successful case analyses, hands-on workshops with kitchen appliances, and classroom exchanges aboutFood Education, aiming to enhance the current level of food education teaching. At the same time, more than 330teachers from Qiantang District have completed 20 hours of online food education training courses, promotingcomprehensive food education and improving the quality of food education teaching.

Summer Camp for FoodEducation Brand Event

CaseFirst-ever specialized o?ine training camp for food education teachers launched in Hangzhou

Joyoung Food Education Teacher Empowerment Training Participants

In July 2023, Joyoung Foundation, in collaboration with the Hainan Youth Development Foundation and otherorganizations like "Food Vision for the Future", conducted a 7-day, 7-night Summer Camp for Food Education inWenchang, Hainan. During the camp, students from all corners of the country completed the design for the 2050"Space Dining Room" , including the site selection, interior design, and menu planning. After the summer camp,parents provided feedback that their children had developed a stronger interest in scienti?c exploration. Improve-ments were also noted in areas such as health awareness, eating habits, and emotional management. Additionally,the children had cultivated an sustainable environmental consciousness.

Case"Innovate for the Future-Space Restaurant" summer camp for food education brand event

Self-painted headshots of children

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

About Joyoung

Company Pro?leCompany CultureCompany EventsHonorsESG Management

About Joyoung

Company Pro?leCompany CultureCompany EventsHonorsESG Management

About Joyoung1718

Joyoung Co., Ltd. was listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in2008 (002242.SZ ). It is a modernized company dedicated to theR&D, production, and sales of small household appliances.In1994, Joyoung invented the world's ?rst fully automatic house-hold soymilk maker. Over the past 30 years, Joyoung, as aleading brand of quality small household appliances, has beenadhering to the core DNA of health and innovation, comprehen-sively promoting digital transformation, keeping being custom-er-centered and demand-oriented, and grasping the dual-en-gine of products and channels. Joyoung has been proactivelyful?lling its social responsibilities. Since the establishment of theJoyoung Foundation, we have been focusing on building twomajor brand projects Charity Kitchen and Food and EducationWorkshop to ensure the healthy growth of teenagers.Joyoung has always been practicing the brand concept of"Healthy and Enjoyable", empowering a better quality of life byspace science and technology. At present, Joyoung mainlycovers domains such as soymilk makers, high speed blenders,rice cookers, air fryers, water puri?ers, electric steamers, waterboiling kettles, noodle makers, ?oor scrubbers and othercooking utensils, cleaning appliances and personal careappliances. We have boasted hundreds of millions of householdand kitchen products providing convenience for families.

Our VisionBecome a respected national brand representing self-developed innovation and a healthy lifestyle.

Our Brand MissionJoyoung starts from the wish of o?ering a cup of good soymilk and now it actively advocates a healthy eating plan for all ourpeople. For years, Joyoung strives to provide unparalleled high-quality products and services, promote a healthy andquality lifestyle, spread Chinese food culture, and enable our people to enjoy a better and healthier life.Core Values

Insist on being responsible to users, employees, partners andstakeholders, and require employees to be sincere, pragmaticand faithful to their promises.

ResponsibilityBe a responsible enterprises and bene?tsociety

Regard health as the core quality of our business; pursuesimplicity, e?ciency and standardization, provide employ-ees with a healthy platform.

HealthChoose health undertakings and makehealth products

Encourage employees to consciously integrate into theteam, rely on their team to achieve personal development,and develop an ability and habit of communicating andcooperating with their team.

TeamworkEncourage teamworkBe proud of employees' achievements and progress, create afair working environment for them, and adhere to thepeople-oriented philosophy.

People-oriented philosophyRespect and care for employees, help themto grow,and recognize their contributions

Company CultureCompany Pro?le

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

About Joyoung1718

Joyoung Co., Ltd. was listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in2008 (002242.SZ ). It is a modernized company dedicated to theR&D, production, and sales of small household appliances.In1994, Joyoung invented the world's ?rst fully automatic house-hold soymilk maker. Over the past 30 years, Joyoung, as aleading brand of quality small household appliances, has beenadhering to the core DNA of health and innovation, comprehen-sively promoting digital transformation, keeping being custom-er-centered and demand-oriented, and grasping the dual-en-gine of products and channels. Joyoung has been proactivelyful?lling its social responsibilities. Since the establishment of theJoyoung Foundation, we have been focusing on building twomajor brand projects Charity Kitchen and Food and EducationWorkshop to ensure the healthy growth of teenagers.Joyoung has always been practicing the brand concept of"Healthy and Enjoyable", empowering a better quality of life byspace science and technology. At present, Joyoung mainlycovers domains such as soymilk makers, high speed blenders,rice cookers, air fryers, water puri?ers, electric steamers, waterboiling kettles, noodle makers, ?oor scrubbers and othercooking utensils, cleaning appliances and personal careappliances. We have boasted hundreds of millions of householdand kitchen products providing convenience for families.

Our VisionBecome a respected national brand representing self-developed innovation and a healthy lifestyle.Our Brand MissionJoyoung starts from the wish of o?ering a cup of good soymilk and now it actively advocates a healthy eating plan for all ourpeople. For years, Joyoung strives to provide unparalleled high-quality products and services, promote a healthy andquality lifestyle, spread Chinese food culture, and enable our people to enjoy a better and healthier life.Core Values

Insist on being responsible to users, employees, partners andstakeholders, and require employees to be sincere, pragmaticand faithful to their promises.

ResponsibilityBe a responsible enterprises and bene?tsociety

Regard health as the core quality of our business; pursuesimplicity, e?ciency and standardization, provide employ-ees with a healthy platform.

HealthChoose health undertakings and makehealth products

Encourage employees to consciously integrate into theteam, rely on their team to achieve personal development,and develop an ability and habit of communicating andcooperating with their team.

TeamworkEncourage teamworkBe proud of employees' achievements and progress, create afair working environment for them, and adhere to thepeople-oriented philosophy.

People-oriented philosophy

Respect and care for employees, help themto grow,and recognize their contributions

Company CultureCompany Pro?le

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

About Joyoung1920

Joyoung invented the world's ?rst fullyautomatic household soymilk maker,making it easy for thousands of familiesto drink homemade cooked soymilk,creating a brand-new industry.

In 1994

Sales of Joyoung soymilk machinesexceeded 1 million units.

In 2004

Joyoung was successfully listedon the Shenzhen Stock Exchange(002242.SZ).In 2008

Joyoung was o?cially engaged inthe ?rst space kitchen developmentproject for China's space station.In 2014

Joyoung acquired 51% shares ofSharkNinja (China) and started thenew development model involvingnot only kitchen appliances but alsoother household appliances.

In 2017

Joyoung achieved sales of RMB10 billion Yuan.In 2020

Joyoung launches Space Series 2.0New Products, including 0-coatingnon-stick rice cooker, less noisyblender, and quick & easy air fryer.

In 2023

Together with the Tianhe core module,the ?rst Joyoung-made "Space Kitchen"was installed in China's space station,o?ering healthy water and meals forastronauts.

In 2021

Joyoung donated RMB 50 millionYuan to set up the "Joyoung HopeFund" and launched the JoyoungCharity Kitchen project.

In 2010

HonorsCompany Events

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

National-levelIndustrial DesignCenter

National-level ManufacturingIndustry SingleChampion Product(High-Speed Soymilk Blender)

China Household ApplianceInnovation Award:

Most In?uentialSmall Household Appliance Brand

Quanjing Best Institutional Communi-

cation Award& Best Small andMedium Investor Engagement Award

Top 100 ManufacturingEnterprises in Hangzhou City

Top 100 PrivateEnterprises in Jinan City

The First National New Cup ESGGolden Bull Award Top 100

Response Enterprise of theOccupational HealthPromotion Action

About Joyoung1920

Joyoung invented the world's ?rst fullyautomatic household soymilk maker,making it easy for thousands of familiesto drink homemade cooked soymilk,creating a brand-new industry.

In 1994

Sales of Joyoung soymilk machinesexceeded 1 million units.In 2004

Joyoung was successfully listedon the Shenzhen Stock Exchange(002242.SZ).In 2008

Joyoung was o?cially engaged inthe ?rst space kitchen developmentproject for China's space station.

In 2014

Joyoung acquired 51% shares ofSharkNinja (China) and started thenew development model involvingnot only kitchen appliances but alsoother household appliances.

In 2017

Joyoung achieved sales of RMB10 billion Yuan.In 2020

Joyoung launches Space Series 2.0New Products, including 0-coatingnon-stick rice cooker, less noisyblender, and quick & easy air fryer.

In 2023

Together with the Tianhe core module,the ?rst Joyoung-made "Space Kitchen"was installed in China's space station,o?ering healthy water and meals forastronauts.

In 2021

Joyoung donated RMB 50 millionYuan to set up the "Joyoung HopeFund" and launched the JoyoungCharity Kitchen project.

In 2010

HonorsCompany Events

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

National-levelIndustrial DesignCenter

National-level ManufacturingIndustry SingleChampion Product(High-Speed Soymilk Blender)

China Household ApplianceInnovation Award:

Most In?uentialSmall Household Appliance Brand

Quanjing Best Institutional Communi-cation Award& Best Small andMedium Investor Engagement Award

Top 100 Manufacturing

Enterprises in Hangzhou City

Top 100 PrivateEnterprises in Jinan City

The First National New Cup ESGGolden Bull Award Top 100

Response Enterprise of theOccupational HealthPromotion Action

StakeholdersIssues ConcernedCommunication Channels


●Operational complianceStable performance growthProtection of shareholdersFull disclosure of informationInvestor Relations ManagementAnti-corruption

Standardized governance and prudent operationStrive to maintain high-quality developmentComprehensive risk managementComplete, accurate, and timely information disclosureSincere and smooth communication with investorsZero tolerance for corruption and briberyOperational complianceCompliance with regulatory requirementsResponse to national development policiesHigh-quality productsAfter-sale servicesPrivacy protection

Innovate and develop high-quality products throughresearch and development.Provide high-quality and e?cient customer serviceStrictly protect user informationEmployment and rights protectionEmployee compensations and bene?tsCareer development and trainingEmployee safety and healthDemocratic communication

Strictly protect the rights and interests of employeesSound salary systemSmooth promotion channelsStandardize management to ensure employees'health and well-beingAbundant communication mechanism and channelsSupply chain managementHonest and friendly cooperation

Sunshine procurement and responsible procurementSupplier assessmentInnovative development

Participation in industry exchangesIndustry-university-research cooperation

Social welfareRural revitalization

Public welfare donationsVolunteer activities

Low-carbon operationEnvironmental protection action

Environmental-friendly factory constructionWaste treatmentGreen workplace

Compliance with laws and regulationsAcceptation of regulatory inspectionsActively implement and ensure proper execution

● ●●●

● ● ● ● ● ●●Government and Regulatory Agencies

● ● ●


Customers &Distributors




● ●



● ●

● ●

Communities and the Public

About Joyoung2122

Joyoung values the suggestions of stakeholders. We have established a smooth communication mechanism and launchedregular communication through various channels and methods, such as the o?cial website, media platforms, meetings,reports, etc., to fully understand the key issues of concern to stakeholders and o?er precise responses.

Stakeholder communicationESG Management

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

九阳0涂层不粘电饭煲Materiality AssessmentThe Company regularly reviews material issues and conducts materiality assessments through the following steps to ensurethat the assessment results re?ect the Company's operations and stakeholders' concerns:

Identify issues that have signi?cantimpacts on both the Company andstakeholders based on domestic andinternational ESG disclosure standards,United Nations Sustainable Develop-ment Goals, stakeholder surveys, andthe Company's business developmentplans.

Evaluate and prioritize the identi?edissues based on the double materialityconcept, considering their importanceto the Company and the impact onstakeholders.

Validate the identi?ed material issues bythe Company's executives and externalexperts, adjusting form the ?nal materi-al issues.




StakeholdersIssues ConcernedCommunication Channels


●Operational complianceStable performance growthProtection of shareholdersFull disclosure of informationInvestor Relations ManagementAnti-corruption

Standardized governance and prudent operationStrive to maintain high-quality developmentComprehensive risk managementComplete, accurate, and timely information disclosureSincere and smooth communication with investorsZero tolerance for corruption and briberyOperational complianceCompliance with regulatory requirementsResponse to national development policiesHigh-quality productsAfter-sale servicesPrivacy protection

Innovate and develop high-quality products throughresearch and development.Provide high-quality and e?cient customer serviceStrictly protect user informationEmployment and rights protectionEmployee compensations and bene?tsCareer development and trainingEmployee safety and healthDemocratic communication

Strictly protect the rights and interests of employeesSound salary systemSmooth promotion channelsStandardize management to ensure employees'health and well-beingAbundant communication mechanism and channelsSupply chain managementHonest and friendly cooperation

Sunshine procurement and responsible procurementSupplier assessmentInnovative development

Participation in industry exchangesIndustry-university-research cooperation

Social welfareRural revitalization

Public welfare donationsVolunteer activities

Low-carbon operationEnvironmental protection action

Environmental-friendly factory constructionWaste treatmentGreen workplace

Compliance with laws and regulationsAcceptation of regulatory inspectionsActively implement and ensure proper execution

● ●●●

● ● ● ● ● ●●Government and Regulatory Agencies

● ● ●


Customers &Distributors




● ●



● ●

● ●

Communities and the Public

About Joyoung2122

Joyoung values the suggestions of stakeholders. We have established a smooth communication mechanism and launchedregular communication through various channels and methods, such as the o?cial website, media platforms, meetings,reports, etc., to fully understand the key issues of concern to stakeholders and o?er precise responses.

Stakeholder communicationESG Management

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023


Materiality AssessmentThe Company regularly reviews material issues and conducts materiality assessments through the following steps to ensurethat the assessment results re?ect the Company's operations and stakeholders' concerns:

Identify issues that have signi?cantimpacts on both the Company andstakeholders based on domestic andinternational ESG disclosure standards,United Nations Sustainable Develop-ment Goals, stakeholder surveys, andthe Company's business developmentplans.

Evaluate and prioritize the identi?edissues based on the double materialityconcept, considering their importanceto the Company and the impact onstakeholders.

Validate the identi?ed material issues bythe Company's executives and externalexperts, adjusting form the ?nal materi-al issues.




About Joyoung2324Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023In 2023, considering external regulations and policies as well as stakeholder concerns, the Company discussed and assessedmaterial issues, and determined that the results still apply to the Company's operations, thus continuing with the 15 materialissues from 2022. In the Report, we will provide responses and disclosures for each issue. The issues are as follows:




Strictly adhere to laws, regulations, policies, and industrystandards, manage compliance issues and risks.Business ethics and


Prohibit acts of corruption, extortion, and embezzlement ofpublic funds, refuse to provide or accept improper bene?ts, andadhere to the principle of fair trade.Intellectual propertyprotection

Protect the intellectual property rights of the Company itself andothers.Information securityand privacyprotection

Protect the privacy and data security of the Company, clients,and business partners.

Product Quality and SafetyTechnology R&D and InnovationCustomer and Consumer Rights ProtectionBusiness Ethics and Anti-corruption

Compliance OperationInformation Security and Privacy Protection

Intellectual Property ProtectionResource Conservationand Renewable Resource UtilizationCarbon Emission Reduction

Green Product R&DThe Establishment of an Environmental

Management System

Green WorkplaceGovernanceEnvironmentalSocial

Intelligent Manufacturing and Digitization

Supply ChainManagement

Employee Training

and Development

Impact on Joyoung

Impact on stakeholders



DimensionIssueImpact on the Company

The developmentofan environmentalmanagement system


Systematically manage the environmental impact of Companyresource utilization and production operations.Greenproduct R&D

Invest in the research and development of energy-saving andlow-carbon technologies and products.Resource conserva-tion and renewableresource utilization

Enhance resource utilization e?ciency in production and opera-tions, promote the recycling of resources.

Green workplace

Achieve the sustainability and environmental friendliness of theo?ce environment through measures such as energy conserva-tion, water conservation, and paperless o?ce.Carbon emissionreduction

Reduce the use of fossil fuels and invest in, as well as utilize,renewable energy sources.

Product quality and



Ensure quality control and safety throughout the entire lifecycleof the product.Technology R&Dand innovation

Actively invest in research and development, promote innova-tion and improvement in technology, products, and services.Customer andconsumer rightsprotection

Provide high-quality products and services, ensuring customerrights and interests.Intelligentmanufacturing anddigitization

Apply advanced technology and digital solutions to achieveautomation, intelligence, and e?ciency in the productionprocess.Supply chainmanagement

Pay attention to supply chain environmental and social risks,and build a robust and sustainable supply chain.Employee trainingand development

Provide skills training necessary for career development ando?er employees multiple development pathways.

DimensionIssueImpact on the Company

About Joyoung2324Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023In 2023, considering external regulations and policies as well as stakeholder concerns, the Company discussed and assessedmaterial issues, and determined that the results still apply to the Company's operations, thus continuing with the 15 materialissues from 2022. In the Report, we will provide responses and disclosures for each issue. The issues are as follows:



Strictly adhere to laws, regulations, policies, and industrystandards, manage compliance issues and risks.Business ethics andanti-corruption

Prohibit acts of corruption, extortion, and embezzlement ofpublic funds, refuse to provide or accept improper bene?ts, andadhere to the principle of fair trade.Intellectual propertyprotection

Protect the intellectual property rights of the Company itself andothers.Information securityand privacyprotection

Protect the privacy and data security of the Company, clients,and business partners.

Product Quality and SafetyTechnology R&D and InnovationCustomer and Consumer Rights ProtectionBusiness Ethics and Anti-corruption

Compliance OperationInformation Security and Privacy Protection

Intellectual Property ProtectionResource Conservationand Renewable Resource UtilizationCarbon Emission Reduction

Green Product R&DThe Establishment of an Environmental

Management System

Green WorkplaceGovernanceEnvironmentalSocial

Intelligent Manufacturing and Digitization

Supply ChainManagement

Employee Trainingand Development

Impact on Joyoung

Impact on stakeholders



DimensionIssueImpact on the Company

The developmentofan environmentalmanagement system


Systematically manage the environmental impact of Companyresource utilization and production operations.Greenproduct R&D

Invest in the research and development of energy-saving andlow-carbon technologies and products.Resource conserva-tion and renewableresource utilization

Enhance resource utilization e?ciency in production and opera-tions, promote the recycling of resources.

Green workplace

Achieve the sustainability and environmental friendliness of theo?ce environment through measures such as energy conserva-tion, water conservation, and paperless o?ce.Carbon emissionreduction

Reduce the use of fossil fuels and invest in, as well as utilize,renewable energy sources.

Product quality andsafety


Ensure quality control and safety throughout the entire lifecycleof the product.Technology R&Dand innovation

Actively invest in research and development, promote innova-tion and improvement in technology, products, and services.Customer andconsumer rightsprotection

Provide high-quality products and services, ensuring customerrights and interests.Intelligentmanufacturing and


Apply advanced technology and digital solutions to achieveautomation, intelligence, and e?ciency in the productionprocess.Supply chainmanagement

Pay attention to supply chain environmental and social risks,and build a robust and sustainable supply chain.Employee trainingand development

Provide skills training necessary for career development ando?er employees multiple development pathways.

DimensionIssueImpact on the Company

Corporate GovernanceRisk ManagementBusiness EthicsInformation SecurityParty Building

Compliance Operation

and Stable Development

SDGs Benchmark

Corporate GovernanceRisk ManagementBusiness EthicsInformation SecurityParty Building

Compliance Operation

and Stable Development

SDGs Benchmark

Compliance Operation and Stable Development2728

Joyoung continuously improves its corporate governance capacity and strictly abides by relevant laws and regulations such as, and , and has established a multi-level management system based on the Articles of Association, and an e?cient gover-nance structure consisting of the general meeting of shareholders, the board of directors, the board of supervisors and themanagers. Joyoung clari?es the responsibilities and authorities of each level in terms of decision-making, supervision, andimplementation, to optimize the standardized operation of the Company, and e?ectively safeguard the rights and interests ofthe Company and all shareholders.

Corporate Governance

General meeting ofshareholders

Board ofSupervisors

Board ofDirectors

The Managers

Remuneration andAppraisal Committee




General meeting ofshareholdersThe general meeting of shareholders is the highest authority of the Company, holding the voting right on material issuesof the Company's operation. In 2023, the Company held a total of 3 general meetings of shareholders according to  and , e?ectively guaranteeing therights and interests of all shareholders.

the Company held a total of 3 general meetings of shareholdersIn 2023

Board of DirectorsBoard of Directors is the standing decision-making body, which is responsible to the general meeting of shareholders, exercis-ing the decision-making power by law. A Strategy Committee, an Audit Committee, a Remuneration and Appraisal Committee,and a Nomination Committee comprise the Board of Directors. In 2023, the Company's board of directors consisted of 6directors, including 3 female directors, and held a total of 6 board meetings.

In 2023

Board of SupervisorsThe board of supervisors is the supervisory body of the Company and is responsible to the general meeting of shareholders forsupervising the performance of the Company's directors and other senior managers in accordance with the law. In 2023, theboard of supervisors of the Company consisted of 3 supervisors and held a total of 5 meetings of the board of supervisors.

In 2023

The ManagersThe managers are appointed by the board of directors and responsible for organizing and implementing matters resolved bythe general meeting of shareholders and the board of directors, presiding over all business operations of the Company.

In 2023

the Company's board of directors consisted of 6 directors, including 3 female directors, andheld a total of6 board meetings

The manager are appointed by the board of directors

the board of supervisors of the Company consisted of 3 supervisors and held a total of 5meetings of the board of supervisors

Joyoung Governance Structure

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

Compliance Operation and Stable Development2728

Joyoung continuously improves its corporate governance capacity and strictly abides by relevant laws and regulations such as, and , and has established a multi-level management system based on the Articles of Association, and an e?cient gover-nance structure consisting of the general meeting of shareholders, the board of directors, the board of supervisors and themanagers. Joyoung clari?es the responsibilities and authorities of each level in terms of decision-making, supervision, andimplementation, to optimize the standardized operation of the Company, and e?ectively safeguard the rights and interests ofthe Company and all shareholders.

Corporate Governance

General meeting ofshareholders

Board ofSupervisors

Board ofDirectors

The Managers

Remuneration andAppraisal Committee




General meeting ofshareholdersThe general meeting of shareholders is the highest authority of the Company, holding the voting right on material issuesof the Company's operation. In 2023, the Company held a total of 3 general meetings of shareholders according to  and , e?ectively guaranteeing therights and interests of all shareholders.

the Company held a total of 3 general meetings of shareholdersIn 2023

Board of DirectorsBoard of Directors is the standing decision-making body, which is responsible to the general meeting of shareholders, exercis-ing the decision-making power by law. A Strategy Committee, an Audit Committee, a Remuneration and Appraisal Committee,and a Nomination Committee comprise the Board of Directors. In 2023, the Company's board of directors consisted of 6directors, including 3 female directors, and held a total of 6 board meetings.

In 2023

Board of SupervisorsThe board of supervisors is the supervisory body of the Company and is responsible to the general meeting of shareholders forsupervising the performance of the Company's directors and other senior managers in accordance with the law. In 2023, theboard of supervisors of the Company consisted of 3 supervisors and held a total of 5 meetings of the board of supervisors.

In 2023

The ManagersThe managers are appointed by the board of directors and responsible for organizing and implementing matters resolved bythe general meeting of shareholders and the board of directors, presiding over all business operations of the Company.

In 2023

the Company's board of directors consisted of 6 directors, including 3 female directors, andheld a total of6 board meetings

The manager are appointed by the board of directors

the board of supervisors of the Company consisted of 3 supervisors and held a total of 5meetings of the board of supervisors

Joyoung Governance Structure

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

Joyoung recognizes the importance of the Company's internal risk management and has formulated a  and , which divides risk manage-ment into Strategic Layer, Planning Layer, Operation Layer and Support Layer, and speci?es the corresponding managementpersonnel for each layer. The annual performance assessment of the President, Vice President, and ?rst-level departmentheads will be linked to the risk management, with the aim of further optimizing the construction of the Company's riskmanagement mechanism.

The Company conducts all-round risk control based on the seven major processes:risk identi?cation, assessment, response,responsibility determination, implementation, review, and evaluation, meanwhile actively carries out special work of riskmanagement related audits.

Strategy formula-tionExecution reviewInternal controlenvironmentExternal riskidenti?cation

Risk Management

Joyoung strictly abides by , and , etc., and has formulated the ,the, and the   which explicitly prohibit

any behavior concerning embezzlement, bribe taking, unfair competition, fraud, and con?ict of interest, endeavoring to create aclean operating environment. In 2023, the Company did not have any corruption, anti-unfair competition, anti-monopoly litigationcases, or other violations of business ethics.

Business Ethics

Compliance Operation and Stable Development


PlanningMonitoringexecution?IT system securityand businessproject manage-ment??


Product lifecyclemanagementChannel managementSupply chainmanagementQuality and technicalmanagementBasic R&D manage-mentBrand asset manage-ment


Strategic LayerPlanning LayerOperation LayerSupport Layer

First-level Department HeadsPresident

Board of Directors Vice President

Risk Management Organization Framework

In 2023

the Company executed a total of 11 ?nancial and management operational audits and 6 special audits on supervision andmanagement, e?ectively promoting the Company's compliance development

We have established a comprehensive business ethics governance structure and mechanism to clarify the business ethics at alllevels. The audit and supervision department of the Company is responsible for establishing and improving the anti-fraud manage-ment system, complaint reporting and investigation mechanism, receiving reports of fraud and proposing handling opinions.Meanwhile, the audit and supervision department accepts the supervision of the board of directors and guides each department inthe work related to creating an anti-fraud corporate culture and environment. The remaining departments need to actively cooper-ate with the audit and supervision department and collaborate to improve the Company's business ethics governance.

Business Ethics Governance


Auditand Supervision

Suppliers HonestyGovernance

Complaintsand Reporting

The audit and supervision department evaluates fraud leads and based on the results of the evaluation, establishes aspecial investigation team to assure the facts. Upon completion of the fraud investigation, the audit and supervisiondepartment issues an audit report to the human resources department. Upon receipt of the report, the humanresources department issues an opinion on the handling of the personnel involved in the fraud and informs theaudited organization of the result. The audited unit recovers the money from the personnel involved within 10 daysof receiving the results. At the same time, the Legal A?airs Center conducts a judicial assessment of the facts of theviolation and enters into the judicial process after the Company's approval, so as to pursue the legal responsibility ofthe relevant companies or personnel involved in the fraud.The audit and supervision department carries out regular internal audits and the problems revealed related tomanagement, process and risk control will be noti?ed to the audited department to deal with, and the audit andsupervision department will supervise the timely recti?cation and continue to follow up on its e?ectiveness.Problems related to management malfeasance and dereliction of duty will be reported to the human resourcedepartment to determine the responsibility of the involved employees. Problems related to alleged corruption,misappropriation of the Company's assets and other crimes will be reported to the Legal A?airs Center to evaluatethe evidence and pursue their legal responsibilities.The Company sets up multi-channels to receive complaints and suggestions from the Company's employees,suppliers, distributors, consumers, etc. The channels include, but are not limited to:

Hotline: 18758173358 WeChat: joyoungtj Security Mail: jytj@joyoung.com Address: No. 760 Yinhai Street,Xiasha Street, Hangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone, Hangzhou, China (Postal Code:

310018) To Audit and Supervision DepartmentIn 2023, we received a total of 404 complaints and reports, with a follow-up rate of 100%. The Company adopts a strictprotection system for whistleblowers, prohibiting anyone from leaking whistleblower information without anyauthorization under any circumstances, or taking any form of retaliation against whistleblowers. Violators will be heldaccountable severely.In carrying out external cooperation, the Company requires its partners to comply with Joyoung's various compli-ance management systems and sign Honesty Cooperation Agreement and Commitment on the Code of Conduct forPartners of Joyoung Group, demonstrating zero tolerance for corruption and bribery.

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

Joyoung recognizes the importance of the Company's internal risk management and has formulated a  and , which divides risk manage-ment into Strategic Layer, Planning Layer, Operation Layer and Support Layer, and speci?es the corresponding managementpersonnel for each layer. The annual performance assessment of the President, Vice President, and ?rst-level departmentheads will be linked to the risk management, with the aim of further optimizing the construction of the Company's riskmanagement mechanism.

The Company conducts all-round risk control based on the seven major processes:risk identi?cation, assessment, response,responsibility determination, implementation, review, and evaluation, meanwhile actively carries out special work of riskmanagement related audits.

Strategy formula-tionExecution reviewInternal controlenvironmentExternal riskidenti?cation

Risk Management

Joyoung strictly abides by , and , etc., and has formulated the ,the, and the   which explicitly prohibit

any behavior concerning embezzlement, bribe taking, unfair competition, fraud, and con?ict of interest, endeavoring to create aclean operating environment. In 2023, the Company did not have any corruption, anti-unfair competition, anti-monopoly litigationcases, or other violations of business ethics.

Business Ethics

Compliance Operation and Stable Development



?IT system securityand businessproject manage-ment??


Product lifecyclemanagementChannel managementSupply chainmanagementQuality and technicalmanagementBasic R&D manage-mentBrand asset manage-ment


Strategic LayerPlanning LayerOperation LayerSupport Layer

First-level Department HeadsPresident

Board of Directors Vice President

Risk Management Organization Framework

In 2023

the Company executed a total of 11 ?nancial and management operational audits and 6 special audits on supervision andmanagement, e?ectively promoting the Company's compliance development

We have established a comprehensive business ethics governance structure and mechanism to clarify the business ethics at alllevels. The audit and supervision department of the Company is responsible for establishing and improving the anti-fraud manage-ment system, complaint reporting and investigation mechanism, receiving reports of fraud and proposing handling opinions.Meanwhile, the audit and supervision department accepts the supervision of the board of directors and guides each department inthe work related to creating an anti-fraud corporate culture and environment. The remaining departments need to actively cooper-ate with the audit and supervision department and collaborate to improve the Company's business ethics governance.

Business Ethics Governance


Auditand Supervision

Suppliers HonestyGovernance

Complaintsand Reporting

The audit and supervision department evaluates fraud leads and based on the results of the evaluation, establishes aspecial investigation team to assure the facts. Upon completion of the fraud investigation, the audit and supervisiondepartment issues an audit report to the human resources department. Upon receipt of the report, the humanresources department issues an opinion on the handling of the personnel involved in the fraud and informs theaudited organization of the result. The audited unit recovers the money from the personnel involved within 10 daysof receiving the results. At the same time, the Legal A?airs Center conducts a judicial assessment of the facts of theviolation and enters into the judicial process after the Company's approval, so as to pursue the legal responsibility ofthe relevant companies or personnel involved in the fraud.The audit and supervision department carries out regular internal audits and the problems revealed related tomanagement, process and risk control will be noti?ed to the audited department to deal with, and the audit andsupervision department will supervise the timely recti?cation and continue to follow up on its e?ectiveness.Problems related to management malfeasance and dereliction of duty will be reported to the human resourcedepartment to determine the responsibility of the involved employees. Problems related to alleged corruption,misappropriation of the Company's assets and other crimes will be reported to the Legal A?airs Center to evaluatethe evidence and pursue their legal responsibilities.The Company sets up multi-channels to receive complaints and suggestions from the Company's employees,suppliers, distributors, consumers, etc. The channels include, but are not limited to:

Hotline: 18758173358 WeChat: joyoungtj Security Mail: jytj@joyoung.com Address: No. 760 Yinhai Street,Xiasha Street, Hangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone, Hangzhou, China (Postal Code:

310018) To Audit and Supervision DepartmentIn 2023, we received a total of 404 complaints and reports, with a follow-up rate of 100%. The Company adopts a strictprotection system for whistleblowers, prohibiting anyone from leaking whistleblower information without anyauthorization under any circumstances, or taking any form of retaliation against whistleblowers. Violators will be heldaccountable severely.In carrying out external cooperation, the Company requires its partners to comply with Joyoung's various compli-ance management systems and sign Honesty Cooperation Agreement and Commitment on the Code of Conduct forPartners of Joyoung Group, demonstrating zero tolerance for corruption and bribery.

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

Based on the philosophy of "reducing information risks and ensuring stable developmentof the Company's business", Joyoung has formulated multiple internal regulations suchas  and , to further improve the Company's information security workand its stable and sustainable development. The Company successfully passed theISO27001 information security management system certi?cation and accepted andpassed the supervision and audit by a third-party professional organization during thereporting period. Joyoung's intelligent home appliance platform system has obtained theInformation System Security Level Protection Level 3 certi?cation, the o?cial websitesystem and the distributor inventory management system of Joyoung have obtained theInformation System Security Level Protection Level 2 certi?cation.

Information SecurityCompliance Operation and Stable Development

Joyoung highlights honesty and dedication. We conducted employee business ethics training this year, in an e?ort to promotestandard professional conduct among employees and prevent the occurrence of any damage to the interests of the Companyand shareholders.

Business Ethics Training

Joyoung ?rmly believes that the building of an honesty culture isnot an overnight task. The Company continues to integrate theconcept of honesty into the daily work and life of employees,actively promotes the themed activity "Honest Joyoung". Thisactivity was synchronized through the Company's WeChatplatform, "Honest Joyoung" WeChat o?cial account, Joyoungnews bulletin, Joyoung culture circle forum, etc. A series ofcartoons was posted in the corridors of the administrative hall, andthe cartoon display racks were placed in the Creative Theatre. Atthe beginning of 2023, the cartoon series "Honest Joyoung" hasbeen distributed in the form of desktop calendars to alldepartment heads, marketing and purchasing personnel, distribu-tors, suppliers, etc., aiming to create a fair, transparent, andtrustworthy atmosphere of integrity.

Honesty Culture Publicity

In 2023, all departments of the Company carried out online and o?ine synchronized training on the interpretation of 2022honesty and compliance cases. The training content covered the Company's ethical standards, the red lines of ethicalbehavior, the integrity work agreement, and speci?c case analyses related to violations of compliance requirements.Through case interpretations, the training helped employees gain a deeper understanding of regulations regardinganti-corruption, anti-bribery, and anti-monopoly measures, e?ectively enhancing their awareness of laws and regulationsand improving their ability to identify such risks. The training also introduced employees to the channels for consulting oncompliance behaviors, including the compliance consulting email, compliance consulting hotline, and "Honest Joyoung"public account. Employees were encouraged to proactively seek advice from professionals and receive guidance andsupport when facing ethical risks, further promoting the establishment of an ethical culture within the Company.

CaseHonesty and compliance case interpretation training

Honesty and Compliance Training - Case Analysis

Publicity Cartoon"Honest Joyoung"

Personal informationprotection

In 2023

all employees of the Company participated in business ethics training, achieving a coveragerate of 100%

In 2023 A total of 6 information security tests were conducted, no informationsecurity breaches have occurred

When collecting personal information, we notify users of the purpose, manner, scope, and rules of handling personal information toobtain their consent in advanceWhen using the newly added features for the ?rst time, every user is informed of the new services provided and the personal informationinvolved through interactive interfaces (pop-ups, prompts, alert sounds, etc.)

The data center dynamic environment monitoring system, core networks and security equipment are of high availabilityTo support data recovery, conduct data backup in the data center in Qiantang, Hangzhou set up one data backup data center in Xiaoshan,Hangzhou and another in Jinan, Shandong to ensure data security with the three centres separately deployed in two cities, and selectsome business databases for recovery tests every month.

The Company's trade secrets are classi?ed into top secret, con?dential and secret based on the importance, and are managed hierarchi-callyThe Information Department shall conduct domain and cryptographic technology authentication for secret-related devices such ascomputers and mobile storage media. The Information Department is responsible for the maintenance of secret-related devices such ascomputers and mobile storage media. If the Department are unable to undertake maintenance in house, quali?ed external serviceproviders should be selected for maintenance, with con?dentiality measures implemented.The Research Institute and the R&D Department of each Business Unit (BU) are responsible for preparing the "Con?dential Area List" todelineate the con?dential area, require access control to be implemented and specify the persons authorized to enter the area

Information systemdeployment

Before the system goes live, the project team needs to deploy the Company's uni?ed Interactive Security Testing (IAST) agent in thesystem testing environment to conduct vulnerability scanning and submit the  and the  to the Security Assessment Team of the Information Department in accordancewith the requirements of the project approval letterThe Security Assessment Team will carry out a security assessment on the system, issue an assessment opinion and submit the If the system does not meet the security requirements and needs to be recti?ed, the Team will re-assess and test the recti?cation resultsof the project team and submit the 

Trade secretprotection

Informationsecurity precaution

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

ISO27001 Certi?cation

Based on the philosophy of "reducing information risks and ensuring stable developmentof the Company's business", Joyoung has formulated multiple internal regulations suchas  and , to further improve the Company's information security workand its stable and sustainable development. The Company successfully passed theISO27001 information security management system certi?cation and accepted andpassed the supervision and audit by a third-party professional organization during thereporting period. Joyoung's intelligent home appliance platform system has obtained theInformation System Security Level Protection Level 3 certi?cation, the o?cial websitesystem and the distributor inventory management system of Joyoung have obtained theInformation System Security Level Protection Level 2 certi?cation.

Information SecurityCompliance Operation and Stable Development

Joyoung highlights honesty and dedication. We conducted employee business ethics training this year, in an e?ort to promotestandard professional conduct among employees and prevent the occurrence of any damage to the interests of the Companyand shareholders.

Business Ethics Training

Joyoung ?rmly believes that the building of an honesty culture isnot an overnight task. The Company continues to integrate theconcept of honesty into the daily work and life of employees,actively promotes the themed activity "Honest Joyoung". Thisactivity was synchronized through the Company's WeChatplatform, "Honest Joyoung" WeChat o?cial account, Joyoungnews bulletin, Joyoung culture circle forum, etc. A series ofcartoons was posted in the corridors of the administrative hall, andthe cartoon display racks were placed in the Creative Theatre. Atthe beginning of 2023, the cartoon series "Honest Joyoung" hasbeen distributed in the form of desktop calendars to alldepartment heads, marketing and purchasing personnel, distribu-tors, suppliers, etc., aiming to create a fair, transparent, andtrustworthy atmosphere of integrity.

Honesty Culture Publicity

In 2023, all departments of the Company carried out online and o?ine synchronized training on the interpretation of 2022honesty and compliance cases. The training content covered the Company's ethical standards, the red lines of ethicalbehavior, the integrity work agreement, and speci?c case analyses related to violations of compliance requirements.Through case interpretations, the training helped employees gain a deeper understanding of regulations regardinganti-corruption, anti-bribery, and anti-monopoly measures, e?ectively enhancing their awareness of laws and regulationsand improving their ability to identify such risks. The training also introduced employees to the channels for consulting oncompliance behaviors, including the compliance consulting email, compliance consulting hotline, and "Honest Joyoung"public account. Employees were encouraged to proactively seek advice from professionals and receive guidance andsupport when facing ethical risks, further promoting the establishment of an ethical culture within the Company.

CaseHonesty and compliance case interpretation training

Honesty and Compliance Training - Case Analysis

Publicity Cartoon"Honest Joyoung"

Personal informationprotection

In 2023

all employees of the Company participated in business ethics training, achieving a coveragerate of 100%

In 2023 A total of 6 information security tests were conducted, no informationsecurity breaches have occurred

When collecting personal information, we notify users of the purpose, manner, scope, and rules of handling personal information toobtain their consent in advanceWhen using the newly added features for the ?rst time, every user is informed of the new services provided and the personal informationinvolved through interactive interfaces (pop-ups, prompts, alert sounds, etc.)

The data center dynamic environment monitoring system, core networks and security equipment are of high availabilityTo support data recovery, conduct data backup in the data center in Qiantang, Hangzhou set up one data backup data center in Xiaoshan,Hangzhou and another in Jinan, Shandong to ensure data security with the three centres separately deployed in two cities, and selectsome business databases for recovery tests every month.

The Company's trade secrets are classi?ed into top secret, con?dential and secret based on the importance, and are managed hierarchi-callyThe Information Department shall conduct domain and cryptographic technology authentication for secret-related devices such ascomputers and mobile storage media. The Information Department is responsible for the maintenance of secret-related devices such ascomputers and mobile storage media. If the Department are unable to undertake maintenance in house, quali?ed external serviceproviders should be selected for maintenance, with con?dentiality measures implemented.The Research Institute and the R&D Department of each Business Unit (BU) are responsible for preparing the "Con?dential Area List" todelineate the con?dential area, require access control to be implemented and specify the persons authorized to enter the area

Information system

deploymentBefore the system goes live, the project team needs to deploy the Company's uni?ed Interactive Security Testing (IAST) agent in thesystem testing environment to conduct vulnerability scanning and submit the  and the  to the Security Assessment Team of the Information Department in accordancewith the requirements of the project approval letterThe Security Assessment Team will carry out a security assessment on the system, issue an assessment opinion and submit the If the system does not meet the security requirements and needs to be recti?ed, the Team will re-assess and test the recti?cation resultsof the project team and submit the 

Trade secretprotection

Informationsecurity precaution

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

ISO27001 Certi?cation

Become a participant in company decision-makingBecome an executor of company developmentBecome a driver of company innovation

Become a builder ofcompany cultureBecome an opinionleader of employees

Advocating "learning the thought to strengthen party spirit, and practicing the instructions to make new achievements", Joyoung PartyCommittee plays a leading role in party building. The committee actively selects and cultivates excellent talents to expand the ranks ofparty members, and carries out many themed activities on Party founding day and party member education to enhance the partyorganization construction.

Compliance Operation and Stable Development

Joyoung, upholding Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, has established a party buildingactivity mechanism with "365" characteristics. Under the guidance of this mechanism, all employees learn and implement the spirit ofthe 20th CPC National Congress.

Party Building

In 2023

we held 12 party-themed education sessions, 12 branch party meetings and 4 party membertraining sessions

Six Dimensions of Health

Three Mechanisms

Five Commitments

Establish a reward incentive mechanismEstablish a performance evaluation mechanismEstablish a responsibility implementation mechanism

Mechanism healthMind healthPhysical health

Life healthOrganization healthProduct health

In July 2023, to further strengthen the Party members' commitment to their original aspiration, inherit the revolution-ary spirit, and strive for excellence in their positions with a strong sense of Party discipline, Joyoung Party Branch,under the leadership of the General Branch Secretary of the Party, came to Jinan Battle Memorial Hall to carry outParty activity with the theme of "Keep the original mission in mind, inherit and pass on the revolutionary ?ame".In front of the memorial hall, all party members solemnly swore to face the party ?ag. Under the guidance of thelecturer, the party members felt the spirit of Jinan Campaign, which is "love the party and the army, rely on the people,be brave and tenacious, and dare to win". Watching the intense scenes of the Battle of Jinan, the party membersgained a deeper understanding of the patriotic sentiments and national sentiments of the Chinese communists.

Case"Keep the original mission in mind, inherit and pass on the revolutionary ?ame" themed Party activity

Themed Party Activity

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

Become a participant in company decision-makingBecome an executor of company developmentBecome a driver of company innovation

Become a builder ofcompany cultureBecome an opinionleader of employees

Advocating "learning the thought to strengthen party spirit, and practicing the instructions to make new achievements", Joyoung PartyCommittee plays a leading role in party building. The committee actively selects and cultivates excellent talents to expand the ranks ofparty members, and carries out many themed activities on Party founding day and party member education to enhance the partyorganization construction.

Compliance Operation and Stable Development

Joyoung, upholding Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, has established a party buildingactivity mechanism with "365" characteristics. Under the guidance of this mechanism, all employees learn and implement the spirit ofthe 20th CPC National Congress.

Party Building

In 2023

we held 12 party-themed education sessions, 12 branch party meetings and 4 party membertraining sessions

Six Dimensions of Health

Three Mechanisms

Five Commitments

Establish a reward incentive mechanismEstablish a performance evaluation mechanismEstablish a responsibility implementation mechanism

Mechanism healthMind healthPhysical health

Life healthOrganization healthProduct health

In July 2023, to further strengthen the Party members' commitment to their original aspiration, inherit the revolution-ary spirit, and strive for excellence in their positions with a strong sense of Party discipline, Joyoung Party Branch,under the leadership of the General Branch Secretary of the Party, came to Jinan Battle Memorial Hall to carry outParty activity with the theme of "Keep the original mission in mind, inherit and pass on the revolutionary ?ame".In front of the memorial hall, all party members solemnly swore to face the party ?ag. Under the guidance of thelecturer, the party members felt the spirit of Jinan Campaign, which is "love the party and the army, rely on the people,be brave and tenacious, and dare to win". Watching the intense scenes of the Battle of Jinan, the party membersgained a deeper understanding of the patriotic sentiments and national sentiments of the Chinese communists.

Case"Keep the original mission in mind, inherit and pass on the revolutionary ?ame" themed Party activity

Themed Party Activity

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

Innovation-led Product

Responsibility Ful?lment

SDGs BenchmarkContinuous Innovation DriveIntellectual Property ProtectionProduct Quality Optimization

Innovation-led Product

Responsibility Ful?lment

SDGs BenchmarkContinuous Innovation DriveIntellectual Property ProtectionProduct Quality Optimization

Innovation-led Product Responsibility Ful?lment3738

Continuous innovation and research and development is the foundation for Joyoung to build solid technical strength and achieverapid growth. In this year, the Company updated and improved the , clari?ed the declarationprocess, scoring mechanism and reward setting of the Company's internal innovation proposals, aiming to encourage employees tomake breakthroughs, carry out innovative exploration, accelerate the transformation of scienti?c and technological achievements,and inject scienti?c innovation vitality into Joyoung R&D.Joyoung always positions innovation incentivation and innovation empowerment as an important strategic key to success. We holdactivities such as "Joyoung Innovation Day" and "Product Innovation Competition" within the Company, aiming to unleash theinnovation potential of employees, and encourage them to give full play to their advantages in the frontier ?eld of technology andbring core driving force for Joyoung's scienti?c and technological progress. In addition, we also attach importance to the internalsharing of knowledge. Every month, we invite BU R&D experts to carry out the "Innovation Panel Experts Talk" sharing meeting toshare the latest R&D trends, and update the content of the sharing meeting simultaneously on the Company's internal WeChatplatform to promote the knowledge dissemination across departments.

Joyoung strictly abides by the applicable intellectual property laws and regulations in the place where it operates, such as the, the , the . The Company establishes a patent management system and operation mechanism with high-value patents atthe core. We continue to improve the  to clarify the procedures and regulations related tothe application, protection and maintenance of patents, trademarks and copyrights. We implement intellectual propertymanagement through the intellectual property department, and at the BU level. The intellectual property department has apatent department Head who is responsible for overall management of the Company's patent applications and protection. Inaddition, there are patent supervisors and patent engineers in each product unit and research institute, who are responsible forhandling patent applications and protection for their respective product lines.To drive intellectual property publicity and education, Joyoung invited external experts to carry out o?-line training to explainintellectual property related knowledge to employees. The Company also requires patent managers to provide special trainingon intellectual property for R&D personnel to improve business capabilities through internal communication.

Joyoung encourages employees to apply for patents, provides bonus incentive for patent applicants, carries out OutstandingPatent Reward for annual authorized patents, and gives corresponding awards of important awards.

Continuous Innovation Drive

In 2023

In 2023

In 2023

the total R&D investment of the Company amounted to RMB 388.91 million yuanThe Company has 705 R&D employees, accounting for 27.36 % of all employees

A total of15 IP-related training sessions were held

Invention Patent

Intellectual Property Protection

Product Innovation Competition

Innovation Panel Experts Talk

The Company has implemented TRIZ theory since 2013. After ten years of hard research and development, the coverage rate ofTRIZ engineers in Joyoung R&D system has exceeded 90%, and the cumulative precipitation of TRIZ innovation projects is over

500. Since 2022, Joyoung has been participating in China Innovation Methods Competition and verify its own innovationachievements. In 2023, Joyoung formed 7 teams to participate in the China Innovation Methods Competition in ZhejiangDivision, winning 1 ?rst prize with the project of "Doing a good job in every meal of the People - Research and Application of0-coating non-stick Technology based on TRIZ", and competed in the national ?nal on behalf of Zhejiang Province, winning thethird prize. Other teams also followed, winning 2 provincial second prizes, 2 third prizes and 2 winning prizes, returning homewith a full load.

CaseParticipating in the 2023 China Innovation Methods Competition and winning multiple honors

Design Patent

New Trademark Application

New Software Copyright Application

Utility Model Patent1,269

Joyoung ?led 1,653 new patent applications

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

Innovation-led Product Responsibility Ful?lment3738

Continuous innovation and research and development is the foundation for Joyoung to build solid technical strength and achieverapid growth. In this year, the Company updated and improved the , clari?ed the declarationprocess, scoring mechanism and reward setting of the Company's internal innovation proposals, aiming to encourage employees tomake breakthroughs, carry out innovative exploration, accelerate the transformation of scienti?c and technological achievements,and inject scienti?c innovation vitality into Joyoung R&D.Joyoung always positions innovation incentivation and innovation empowerment as an important strategic key to success. We holdactivities such as "Joyoung Innovation Day" and "Product Innovation Competition" within the Company, aiming to unleash theinnovation potential of employees, and encourage them to give full play to their advantages in the frontier ?eld of technology andbring core driving force for Joyoung's scienti?c and technological progress. In addition, we also attach importance to the internalsharing of knowledge. Every month, we invite BU R&D experts to carry out the "Innovation Panel Experts Talk" sharing meeting toshare the latest R&D trends, and update the content of the sharing meeting simultaneously on the Company's internal WeChatplatform to promote the knowledge dissemination across departments.

Joyoung strictly abides by the applicable intellectual property laws and regulations in the place where it operates, such as the, the , the . The Company establishes a patent management system and operation mechanism with high-value patents atthe core. We continue to improve the  to clarify the procedures and regulations related tothe application, protection and maintenance of patents, trademarks and copyrights. We implement intellectual propertymanagement through the intellectual property department, and at the BU level. The intellectual property department has apatent department Head who is responsible for overall management of the Company's patent applications and protection. Inaddition, there are patent supervisors and patent engineers in each product unit and research institute, who are responsible forhandling patent applications and protection for their respective product lines.To drive intellectual property publicity and education, Joyoung invited external experts to carry out o?-line training to explainintellectual property related knowledge to employees. The Company also requires patent managers to provide special trainingon intellectual property for R&D personnel to improve business capabilities through internal communication.

Joyoung encourages employees to apply for patents, provides bonus incentive for patent applicants, carries out OutstandingPatent Reward for annual authorized patents, and gives corresponding awards of important awards.

Continuous Innovation Drive

In 2023

In 2023

In 2023

the total R&D investment of the Company amounted to RMB 388.91 million yuanThe Company has 705 R&D employees, accounting for 27.36 % of all employees

A total of15 IP-related training sessions were held

Invention Patent

Intellectual Property Protection

Product Innovation Competition

Innovation Panel Experts Talk

The Company has implemented TRIZ theory since 2013. After ten years of hard research and development, the coverage rate ofTRIZ engineers in Joyoung R&D system has exceeded 90%, and the cumulative precipitation of TRIZ innovation projects is over

500. Since 2022, Joyoung has been participating in China Innovation Methods Competition and verify its own innovationachievements. In 2023, Joyoung formed 7 teams to participate in the China Innovation Methods Competition in ZhejiangDivision, winning 1 ?rst prize with the project of "Doing a good job in every meal of the People - Research and Application of0-coating non-stick Technology based on TRIZ", and competed in the national ?nal on behalf of Zhejiang Province, winning thethird prize. Other teams also followed, winning 2 provincial second prizes, 2 third prizes and 2 winning prizes, returning homewith a full load.

CaseParticipating in the 2023 China Innovation Methods Competition and winning multiple honors

Design Patent

New Trademark Application

New Software Copyright Application

Utility Model Patent1,269

Joyoung ?led 1,653 new patent applications

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

Joyoung has successfully passed ISO 9001 quality management system certi?cation. All products of the Companyhave been tested for food contact safety in accordance with relevant national regulations and obtained test reports.

We carry out a quality management strategy of "one center, one chain and four key points". Which means, with customer-cen-tered, we adopt a full lifecycle management approach, implement four core management key points, adhere to the productquality, and realize the transformation from customer demand to customer satisfaction.The Company strictly abides by the   and the , and comprehensively formulates more than 10 policy documents, including the , and the , to standard-ize the whole process of product quality management and e?ectively prevent quality risks.

Product Quality Optimization

Quality Management and Control System

Joyoung Quality Management Philosophy




Product LifecycleManagement

ISO 9001 Quality Management System Certi?cation

Innovation-led Product Responsibility Ful?lment

Assurance inmass-produc-tion consistency

Developmentand veri?cationcontrol

Quality controlimprovementof suppliers

Demand andrisk manage-ment

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

Joyoung has successfully passed ISO 9001 quality management system certi?cation. All products of the Companyhave been tested for food contact safety in accordance with relevant national regulations and obtained test reports.

We carry out a quality management strategy of "one center, one chain and four key points". Which means, with customer-cen-tered, we adopt a full lifecycle management approach, implement four core management key points, adhere to the productquality, and realize the transformation from customer demand to customer satisfaction.The Company strictly abides by the   and the , and comprehensively formulates more than 10 policy documents, including the , and the , to standard-ize the whole process of product quality management and e?ectively prevent quality risks.

Product Quality Optimization

Quality Management and Control System

Joyoung Quality Management Philosophy



Product LifecycleManagement

ISO 9001 Quality Management System Certi?cation

Innovation-led Product Responsibility Ful?lment

Assurance inmass-produc-tion consistency

Developmentand veri?cationcontrol

Quality controlimprovementof suppliers

Demand andrisk manage-ment

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

Innovation-led Product Responsibility Ful?lment4241

Joyoung are committed to product lifecycle quality management and control in an all-round way. We have established and regularly upgrad-ed relevant internal control systems such as Product Dvelopment IPD Process and GTM Process Management System, implementing integrat-ed product development (IPD) + Go-To-Market (GTM) procedures to enable comprehensive quality control throughout the product lifecycle. Inaddition to implementing quality control measures throughout the various stages of the product development lifecycle, the Company alsoestablishes product recall management processes for products that have been launched. This ensures that the entire process from marketintroduction to end-of-life is conducted with high quality and standards, safeguarding the Company's reputation and brand image.

To enhance product quality, we o?er employees a variety of product quality-related training. The trainingcovers product knowledge, product legal regulations, knowledge accumulation quality records, and job guide-book training, aiming to help employees deeply understand the importance of product quality to customersand the Company, and encourage them to maintain the bottom line of product quality in their daily work.

To ensure timely recall management of defective products, the Company has set up a defective product expert group and a recall manage-ment group. The expert team is responsible for evaluating and analyzing the suspected recalled products, identifying whether there aredefects, and reporting the identi?cation results to the recall management team. The recall management group is responsible for productinvestigation and analysis at the Company level, and determines whether to carry out product recall according to the product appraisal resultsissued by the expert group.The voluntary recall procedure of defective products is mainly divided into three stages: information collection, defective products recall andresponsibility retrospect. At the same time, the Company has formulated countermeasures to prevent the recurrence of recall events. There isno defective products recall incident occurred in 2023.

Quality Management and Control Process

IPD procedure adopts a matrix-based organizational structure to supervise the operation of a project and realize quality monitoring through-out the product development process. In the meantime, a technical expert committee (composed of senior experts of the Company andtechnical leaders of relevant departments) is established as a Company-level technical authority to coordinate related work, provide technicalsupport for product BU, realize R&D resource sharing, and ensure the implementation of technology-driven product strategy.

IPD procedure

GTM procedure is interlocked with IPD procedure of product development to ensure that new products become popular on the market. Theprocess standardizes the whole-process management of a product throughout its product life cycle, improves concrete management andoperation methods, and builds a mechanism for the creation of billion-level-selling trending products.

GTM procedure

Voluntary product recall management

Quality Training

Product Quality Training

In 2023

the Company carried out about 60 quality theme training sessions

Voluntary Recall Management for Defective Products

Information collection

Defects investigationDefects evaluation

Defective products recall

Voluntary recall

Responsibility retrospect

Seriously deal withemployees who fail toperform their duties inproduct recall

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

Innovation-led Product Responsibility Ful?lment4241

Joyoung are committed to product lifecycle quality management and control in an all-round way. We have established and regularly upgrad-ed relevant internal control systems such as Product Dvelopment IPD Process and GTM Process Management System, implementing integrat-ed product development (IPD) + Go-To-Market (GTM) procedures to enable comprehensive quality control throughout the product lifecycle. Inaddition to implementing quality control measures throughout the various stages of the product development lifecycle, the Company alsoestablishes product recall management processes for products that have been launched. This ensures that the entire process from marketintroduction to end-of-life is conducted with high quality and standards, safeguarding the Company's reputation and brand image.

To enhance product quality, we o?er employees a variety of product quality-related training. The trainingcovers product knowledge, product legal regulations, knowledge accumulation quality records, and job guide-book training, aiming to help employees deeply understand the importance of product quality to customersand the Company, and encourage them to maintain the bottom line of product quality in their daily work.

To ensure timely recall management of defective products, the Company has set up a defective product expert group and a recall manage-ment group. The expert team is responsible for evaluating and analyzing the suspected recalled products, identifying whether there aredefects, and reporting the identi?cation results to the recall management team. The recall management group is responsible for productinvestigation and analysis at the Company level, and determines whether to carry out product recall according to the product appraisal resultsissued by the expert group.The voluntary recall procedure of defective products is mainly divided into three stages: information collection, defective products recall andresponsibility retrospect. At the same time, the Company has formulated countermeasures to prevent the recurrence of recall events. There isno defective products recall incident occurred in 2023.

Quality Management and Control Process

IPD procedure adopts a matrix-based organizational structure to supervise the operation of a project and realize quality monitoring through-out the product development process. In the meantime, a technical expert committee (composed of senior experts of the Company andtechnical leaders of relevant departments) is established as a Company-level technical authority to coordinate related work, provide technicalsupport for product BU, realize R&D resource sharing, and ensure the implementation of technology-driven product strategy.

IPD procedure

GTM procedure is interlocked with IPD procedure of product development to ensure that new products become popular on the market. Theprocess standardizes the whole-process management of a product throughout its product life cycle, improves concrete management andoperation methods, and builds a mechanism for the creation of billion-level-selling trending products.

GTM procedure

Voluntary product recall management

Quality Training

Product Quality Training

In 2023

the Company carried out about 60 quality theme training sessions

Voluntary Recall Management for Defective Products

Information collection

Defects investigationDefects evaluation

Defective products recall

Voluntary recall

Responsibility retrospect

Seriously deal withemployees who fail toperform their duties inproduct recall

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

Be Customer-oriented and

Fully Protect Customer Rights and Interests

SDGs BenchmarkResponsible MarketingConsiderate Customer Service

Be Customer-oriented and

Fully Protect Customer Rights and Interests

SDGs BenchmarkResponsible MarketingConsiderate Customer Service

Be Customer-oriented and Fully Protect Customer Rights and Interests4546

Joyoung strictly abides by the , the  and other relevant national laws and regulations, actively ful?ls its commitment to compliance marketing, and strives toprovide customers with a better service experience while fully safeguarding their rights to be informed. For online sales channels, theCompany has formulated the , which requires that product promotional terms complywith relevant laws and regulations, ensures that product technical parameters, product materials and sizes on the commodity detailpage are consistent with those of the physical item, and avoid any false or fraudulent information. For o?-line sales channels, theCompany carries out systematic communication training for sales sta? in each store, requiring sales sta? to convey product informa-tion to customers comprehensively and accurately, so as to help consumers make better consumption decisions.

As an earnest practitioner of responsible marketing, the Company works hand in hand with sales channel partners to promotedistributor management and service. The Company and the distributor signed the  and the , which stipulates the commitment of consumer rights protection,advertising code of conduct and other compliance commitments that the distributor should abide by, ensure the rigour andstandardized management of product publicity.In addition, the Company also formulated the  and  to promote high-quality development of channel partners and provide high-quality services to customers.

Responsible Marketing

Special training on legal "Tips" for "Double 11"

With "Double 11" shopping promotion season approaching, to better carry out business activities on the Company'se-commerce platform, Joyoung launched a special training on e-commerce legal knowledge. In this training, theemployees fully learned a number of laws and regulations including the , the , the  and the . The training also fully helped theemployees understand how to carry out compliant advertising activities, playing a driving role in the maintenance offair competition market order and the standardization of business environment.

CaseSpecial training on legal "Tips" for "Double 11"

Marketing Compliance

Distributor Management

Every year, the Company classi?es and manages distributors based on di?erentdimensions. If the distributor has a record of channel order penalties during theyear, the level will be adjusted downward according to the . If the distributor violating the principle of business integrity or?nancially underperforming during the year will be downgraded to the lowestlevel and the grade will not be allowed to be adjusted within half a year.

2023 Marketing BU Distributors Grading Management System

2023 Channel Incentive PolicyIn 2023, Joyoung launched 13 awards for distributors, including Dynamic SalesGrowth Award, Operation Management Award, Excellent Shopping Guide Award,Ex-cellent After-Sales Service Award, Champion Channel Award, New Channel Break-through Award, Product Structure Optimization Award and Target AchievementAward, and established rich and comprehensive incentive machine for these awards.This incentive policy aims to encourage distributors to promote the growth of retailperformance, provide customers with better service, expand diversi?ed marketingchannels, and realize the common progress between the Company and distributors.

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

Be Customer-oriented and Fully Protect Customer Rights and Interests4546

Joyoung strictly abides by the , the  and other relevant national laws and regulations, actively ful?ls its commitment to compliance marketing, and strives toprovide customers with a better service experience while fully safeguarding their rights to be informed. For online sales channels, theCompany has formulated the , which requires that product promotional terms complywith relevant laws and regulations, ensures that product technical parameters, product materials and sizes on the commodity detailpage are consistent with those of the physical item, and avoid any false or fraudulent information. For o?-line sales channels, theCompany carries out systematic communication training for sales sta? in each store, requiring sales sta? to convey product informa-tion to customers comprehensively and accurately, so as to help consumers make better consumption decisions.

As an earnest practitioner of responsible marketing, the Company works hand in hand with sales channel partners to promotedistributor management and service. The Company and the distributor signed the  and the , which stipulates the commitment of consumer rights protection,advertising code of conduct and other compliance commitments that the distributor should abide by, ensure the rigour andstandardized management of product publicity.In addition, the Company also formulated the  and  to promote high-quality development of channel partners and provide high-quality services to customers.

Responsible Marketing

Special training on legal "Tips" for "Double 11"

With "Double 11" shopping promotion season approaching, to better carry out business activities on the Company'se-commerce platform, Joyoung launched a special training on e-commerce legal knowledge. In this training, theemployees fully learned a number of laws and regulations including the , the , the  and the . The training also fully helped theemployees understand how to carry out compliant advertising activities, playing a driving role in the maintenance offair competition market order and the standardization of business environment.

CaseSpecial training on legal "Tips" for "Double 11"

Marketing Compliance

Distributor Management

Every year, the Company classi?es and manages distributors based on di?erentdimensions. If the distributor has a record of channel order penalties during theyear, the level will be adjusted downward according to the . If the distributor violating the principle of business integrity or?nancially underperforming during the year will be downgraded to the lowestlevel and the grade will not be allowed to be adjusted within half a year.

2023 Marketing BU Distributors Grading Management System

2023 Channel Incentive PolicyIn 2023, Joyoung launched 13 awards for distributors, including Dynamic SalesGrowth Award, Operation Management Award, Excellent Shopping Guide Award,Ex-cellent After-Sales Service Award, Champion Channel Award, New Channel Break-through Award, Product Structure Optimization Award and Target AchievementAward, and established rich and comprehensive incentive machine for these awards.This incentive policy aims to encourage distributors to promote the growth of retailperformance, provide customers with better service, expand diversi?ed marketingchannels, and realize the common progress between the Company and distributors.

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

4847Be Customer-oriented and Fully Protect Customer Rights and Interests

The Company constantly develops and improves the customer service management frameworks. We have formulated andregularly updated internal management policies such as the , the , the , and the . With a sound service system and processes, the Companyis committed to providing high-level professional services for customers and creating an excellent customer service brand.

Joyoung is committed to building an after-sales service brand "Sunshine Service". We uphold "integrity, warmth, transparency,and happiness" as our core service principle. Through continuously improving the customer service management mechanismand enhancing the business capacity of the customer service team, we expect to provide better consumption experience forconsumers.

Considerate Customer Service

Protect Customer Rights and Interests

Complaint ManagementDuring this year, we adopted strict management standards for customer complaint handling and raised the requirementfor service timeliness. The Company requires the Customer Service Department to dispatch complaints to thecorresponding service outlets through the customer service system within 30 minutes of working hours after acceptingcustomers' demands through each service channel. The system SMS/WeChat will remind the customer service directorand outlets to receive and handle complaints in time.The service outlet is required to implement 30-minutes acceptance and 100% callback for complaints, and ensureauthentic communication and e?ective solution. The service outlet needs to reply with the handling opinions throughthe customer service system within 2 hours and follow up on the issue.In 2023, 89 complaints about products and services were received, with a complaint handling rate of 100%.

Product ServicesJoyoung provides customers with diversi?ed product services, including regular services and value-added services, to meettheir di?erentiated needs. Value-added services, such as trade-in, ful?l customers' demand while promoting the concept ofsustainable consumption, encouraging consumers to dispose of their unwanted items in a more environmentally friendly wayand reducing the waste of resources.

Regular servicesStrictly implementing the country's regulations on thereturn, replacement, maintenance of sold goodsallowing the return of sold products for qualityreasons within 7 days, the replacement of sold prod-ucts for quality reasons within 15 days, and the freerepair of old products for quality reasons within 1 yearLifetime free cleaning service at after-sales serviceoutletsFree two-way mailing during the warranty period if thesend repair service is needed

Value-added services

Five-free services: free maintenance, cleaning, sanitiz-ing, testing, water quality testing"Replacement instead of repair" service allowing thefree replacement of a product with quality defects soldwithin 1 year and trade-in of an old product sold morethan a year ago for a new one (5-Year DepreciationPrinciple)Extra-long warranty period for designated accessories,such as the 10-year free-replace period for Y951 motorsExtra-long (over 1 year) warranty period for designatedproduct, such as the 3-year free-repair period for 40N7

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

4847Be Customer-oriented and Fully Protect Customer Rights and Interests

The Company constantly develops and improves the customer service management frameworks. We have formulated andregularly updated internal management policies such as the , the , the , and the . With a sound service system and processes, the Companyis committed to providing high-level professional services for customers and creating an excellent customer service brand.

Joyoung is committed to building an after-sales service brand "Sunshine Service". We uphold "integrity, warmth, transparency,and happiness" as our core service principle. Through continuously improving the customer service management mechanismand enhancing the business capacity of the customer service team, we expect to provide better consumption experience forconsumers.

Considerate Customer Service

Protect Customer Rights and Interests

Complaint ManagementDuring this year, we adopted strict management standards for customer complaint handling and raised the requirementfor service timeliness. The Company requires the Customer Service Department to dispatch complaints to thecorresponding service outlets through the customer service system within 30 minutes of working hours after acceptingcustomers' demands through each service channel. The system SMS/WeChat will remind the customer service directorand outlets to receive and handle complaints in time.The service outlet is required to implement 30-minutes acceptance and 100% callback for complaints, and ensureauthentic communication and e?ective solution. The service outlet needs to reply with the handling opinions throughthe customer service system within 2 hours and follow up on the issue.In 2023, 89 complaints about products and services were received, with a complaint handling rate of 100%.

Product ServicesJoyoung provides customers with diversi?ed product services, including regular services and value-added services, to meettheir di?erentiated needs. Value-added services, such as trade-in, ful?l customers' demand while promoting the concept ofsustainable consumption, encouraging consumers to dispose of their unwanted items in a more environmentally friendly wayand reducing the waste of resources.

Regular services

Strictly implementing the country's regulations on thereturn, replacement, maintenance of sold goodsallowing the return of sold products for qualityreasons within 7 days, the replacement of sold prod-ucts for quality reasons within 15 days, and the freerepair of old products for quality reasons within 1 yearLifetime free cleaning service at after-sales serviceoutletsFree two-way mailing during the warranty period if thesend repair service is needed

Value-added services

Five-free services: free maintenance, cleaning, sanitiz-ing, testing, water quality testing"Replacement instead of repair" service allowing thefree replacement of a product with quality defects soldwithin 1 year and trade-in of an old product sold morethan a year ago for a new one (5-Year DepreciationPrinciple)Extra-long warranty period for designated accessories,such as the 10-year free-replace period for Y951 motorsExtra-long (over 1 year) warranty period for designatedproduct, such as the 3-year free-repair period for 40N7

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023


In 2023, Joyoung Creative Industrial Park was honored as a "National Industrial Tourism Demonstration Base" by theMinistry of Culture and Tourism. The park features a combination of "One Hall, Three Centers, and Twelve ScenicSpots," including the iconic Joyoung Brand Experience Center, high-quality industrial resources in the "IntelligentManufacturing Center," "Administrative Center," and "Living Center," as well as twelve popular attractions. TheCompany has designed and developed four major tourism products, namely, parent-child experiences, businessstudy tours, educational experiences, and personalized customizations, aiming to provide visitors with an integratedindustrial tourism experience that combines sightseeing, experiential activities, and shopping. In the future, Joyoungwill continually incorporate digital empowerment, upgrade diversi?ed services, and strive to become a benchmark inindustrial tourism, allowing tourists and consumers to enjoy convenient and delightful experiences in both visitingand shopping.

CaseJoyoung Creative Industrial Park creates immersive industrial tourism experience

Note: Satisfaction = overall satisfaction * 0.1 + satisfaction over maintenance at store * 0.4 + satisfaction over local service hotline * 0.3 + satisfaction over service policy * 0.2

Enhance Customer ExperienceCustomer Demand SurveyAccurate insight into customer needs can help the Company better carry out new product research and development,complete the iterative upgrading of existing products, so as to enhance customer experience. The Customer ResearchDepartment of Joyoung ?nds out the real needs of customers by analyzing their feedback, with consideration given toprevious research and experience. For example, in the testing stage of a certain product, the problem of unclear interac-tion interface design was directly found in the consumer interview, which pointed out the direction for the subsequentproduct development and adjustment. Through customer demand research, the Company strengthens the constructionof its own weak links, and strives to provide customers with high-quality experience.

Customer Service ManagementJoyoung has established a standardized and professional customer service team. We require more than 1,300 outlets tounify their sta? image. Sta? at these outlets have an average 5-year work experience, and are subject to star-level assess-ment management.In addition, Joyoung provides customers with an omni-channel service model, including but not limited to o?-lineservice outlets, AI intelligent customer service robots, Sunshine Service WeChat mini programs, Call Center professional,VIP service personnel, etc.Customer Satisfaction SurveyThe Company actively carries out customer satisfaction research. The customer satisfaction has been stable at about95% in the past ten years, and has shown a trend of steady rise in the past three years, demonstrating that Joyoung'slong-term high standard and strict customer service management mode has received customers' recognition.











Surveyed Service Satisfaction Rate from 2014 to 2023

Be Customer-oriented and Fully Protect Customer Rights and InterestsJoyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023


In 2023, Joyoung Creative Industrial Park was honored as a "National Industrial Tourism Demonstration Base" by theMinistry of Culture and Tourism. The park features a combination of "One Hall, Three Centers, and Twelve ScenicSpots," including the iconic Joyoung Brand Experience Center, high-quality industrial resources in the "IntelligentManufacturing Center," "Administrative Center," and "Living Center," as well as twelve popular attractions. TheCompany has designed and developed four major tourism products, namely, parent-child experiences, businessstudy tours, educational experiences, and personalized customizations, aiming to provide visitors with an integratedindustrial tourism experience that combines sightseeing, experiential activities, and shopping. In the future, Joyoungwill continually incorporate digital empowerment, upgrade diversi?ed services, and strive to become a benchmark inindustrial tourism, allowing tourists and consumers to enjoy convenient and delightful experiences in both visitingand shopping.

CaseJoyoung Creative Industrial Park creates immersive industrial tourism experience

Note: Satisfaction = overall satisfaction * 0.1 + satisfaction over maintenance at store * 0.4 + satisfaction over local service hotline * 0.3 + satisfaction over service policy * 0.2

Enhance Customer ExperienceCustomer Demand SurveyAccurate insight into customer needs can help the Company better carry out new product research and development,complete the iterative upgrading of existing products, so as to enhance customer experience. The Customer ResearchDepartment of Joyoung ?nds out the real needs of customers by analyzing their feedback, with consideration given toprevious research and experience. For example, in the testing stage of a certain product, the problem of unclear interac-tion interface design was directly found in the consumer interview, which pointed out the direction for the subsequentproduct development and adjustment. Through customer demand research, the Company strengthens the constructionof its own weak links, and strives to provide customers with high-quality experience.

Customer Service Management

Joyoung has established a standardized and professional customer service team. We require more than 1,300 outlets tounify their sta? image. Sta? at these outlets have an average 5-year work experience, and are subject to star-level assess-ment management.In addition, Joyoung provides customers with an omni-channel service model, including but not limited to o?-lineservice outlets, AI intelligent customer service robots, Sunshine Service WeChat mini programs, Call Center professional,VIP service personnel, etc.Customer Satisfaction Survey

The Company actively carries out customer satisfaction research. The customer satisfaction has been stable at about95% in the past ten years, and has shown a trend of steady rise in the past three years, demonstrating that Joyoung'slong-term high standard and strict customer service management mode has received customers' recognition.

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023











Surveyed Service Satisfaction Rate from 2014 to 2023

Be Customer-oriented and Fully Protect Customer Rights and InterestsJoyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

Supplier ManagementCommon Progress of the IndustryIndustry-University-Research Cooperation

Shared Responsibility

and Synergistic Industry Development

SDGs Benchmark

Supplier ManagementCommon Progress of the IndustryIndustry-University-Research Cooperation

Shared Responsibility

and Synergistic Industry Development

SDGs Benchmark

Supplier Management Measures

Shared Responsibility and Synergistic Industry Development5354

A stable and e?ective supply chain is crucial to the continuous and stable supply of high-quality products to consumers. There-fore, Joyoung has formulated a range of internal policies such as the . The purpose is to?nd and develop high-quality suppliers and standardize supplier management and performance assessment, thus optimizingthe supplier pool and jointly building a resilient, reliable and sustainable supply chain.

The Company assesses its suppliers through various methods. According to the assessment results, we divide suppliers intofour levels: A, B, C and D. We adjust procurement measures accordingly and take appropriate measures for incentives or penal-ties. In the assessment, suppliers are rated with stars, the suppliers that fail to comply with relevant regulations and show littlewillingness to improve will be terminated, and suppliers that show a willingness to improve will be encouraged. In addition,the Company carries out supplier sampling and unannounced inspections from time to time to ensure the problem can betimely identi?ed and recti?ed.

Grade A:

Grade B:

Grade C:

Grade D:

Joyoung actively seeks to cooperate with suppliers that have high quality standards and are environmentally and sociallyresponsible. We uphold the principle of fairness and equality when selecting suppliers. In the phase of access, we identify andmanage the environmental and social risks of potential suppliers, and require them to comply with national laws and regula-tions and obtain the authoritative certi?cation.Core suppliers are required to obtain ISO 9001 quality management system certi?cation, suppliers of food-grade componentsare required to pass either FDA Food Safety Certi?cation or IECQ QC 080000 Hazardous Substance Process ManagementSystem Certi?cation. Suppliers that cause environmental pollution through their production and operational activities arerequired to obtain ISO 14001 certi?cation. Meanwhile, suppliers are required to provide government certi?cation documentssuch as environmental assessment reports, pollutant discharge permits and ?re inspection and approval permits. Only suppli-ers that have passed the necessary quali?cation assessment can proceed to the subsequent evaluation.We comprehensively evaluate potential suppliers from three dimensions: quality, technology, and business, and make theselections on the basis of merit. Before cooperating, suppliers are required to abide by the , and signthe  , so that we can carry outbusiness cooperation in a responsible manner.

Supplier Management

Code of Conduct for


The Company requires suppliers to abide by

the Company's ,

which clearly speci?es provisions on anti-dis-

crimination, anti-harassment, prohibition of

child labor and forced labor, health and

safety, environmental protection and other

issues, to ensure a reliable and responsible

supply chain.

Indicator2023(Unit: Supplier)Total number of suppliersTier-one SuppliersKey tier-one suppliers

Annual quality star ratings are conducted forsuppliers and categorized the suppliers intobelow three stars, three-star, four-star, and?ve-star levels. If suppliers who were ratedbelow three stars fail to make improvements,they will see a reduction in their cooperationpriority by the Company. Suppliers rated atthree stars and above will enjoy correspondingpreferential cooperation policies.

Supplier Access

Supplier Assessment

In 2023, no violations relating to environmental and social issues were found in the supplieraccess inspection of JoyoungIn 2023, the Company conducted 2 supplier audits, covering 29 suppliers, and found no violations related toenvironmental and social issues.Procurement IntegrityManagementThe Company has incorporated clauses ofthe into thepurchase and sale contracts it signed with itssuppliers. The Company implements azero-tolerance policy for corruption andbribery in any form.

Key tier-one suppliers in Mainland China(excluding Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan)Key tier-one suppliers in Hong Kong, Macau,Taiwan of China and other countries and regions

Graded SupplierManagement


Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

Prioritized procurement. Furthercooperation expected.Cooperation will be maintained,with instructions provided to sup-port its better development.Recti?cations are required, andsemi-annual review is expected.Disquali?ed for the annual appraisalof outstanding suppliers. Rejectedfor bidding for a certain period oftime or permanently.

Supplier Management Measures

Shared Responsibility and Synergistic Industry Development5354

A stable and e?ective supply chain is crucial to the continuous and stable supply of high-quality products to consumers. There-fore, Joyoung has formulated a range of internal policies such as the . The purpose is to?nd and develop high-quality suppliers and standardize supplier management and performance assessment, thus optimizingthe supplier pool and jointly building a resilient, reliable and sustainable supply chain.

The Company assesses its suppliers through various methods. According to the assessment results, we divide suppliers intofour levels: A, B, C and D. We adjust procurement measures accordingly and take appropriate measures for incentives or penal-ties. In the assessment, suppliers are rated with stars, the suppliers that fail to comply with relevant regulations and show littlewillingness to improve will be terminated, and suppliers that show a willingness to improve will be encouraged. In addition,the Company carries out supplier sampling and unannounced inspections from time to time to ensure the problem can betimely identi?ed and recti?ed.

Grade A:

Grade B:

Grade C:

Grade D:

Joyoung actively seeks to cooperate with suppliers that have high quality standards and are environmentally and sociallyresponsible. We uphold the principle of fairness and equality when selecting suppliers. In the phase of access, we identify andmanage the environmental and social risks of potential suppliers, and require them to comply with national laws and regula-tions and obtain the authoritative certi?cation.Core suppliers are required to obtain ISO 9001 quality management system certi?cation, suppliers of food-grade componentsare required to pass either FDA Food Safety Certi?cation or IECQ QC 080000 Hazardous Substance Process ManagementSystem Certi?cation. Suppliers that cause environmental pollution through their production and operational activities arerequired to obtain ISO 14001 certi?cation. Meanwhile, suppliers are required to provide government certi?cation documentssuch as environmental assessment reports, pollutant discharge permits and ?re inspection and approval permits. Only suppli-ers that have passed the necessary quali?cation assessment can proceed to the subsequent evaluation.We comprehensively evaluate potential suppliers from three dimensions: quality, technology, and business, and make theselections on the basis of merit. Before cooperating, suppliers are required to abide by the , and signthe  , so that we can carry outbusiness cooperation in a responsible manner.

Supplier Management

Code of Conduct for


The Company requires suppliers to abide by

the Company's ,

which clearly speci?es provisions on anti-dis-

crimination, anti-harassment, prohibition of

child labor and forced labor, health and

safety, environmental protection and other

issues, to ensure a reliable and responsible

supply chain.

Indicator2023(Unit: Supplier)Total number of suppliersTier-one SuppliersKey tier-one suppliers

Annual quality star ratings are conducted forsuppliers and categorized the suppliers intobelow three stars, three-star, four-star, and?ve-star levels. If suppliers who were ratedbelow three stars fail to make improvements,they will see a reduction in their cooperationpriority by the Company. Suppliers rated atthree stars and above will enjoy correspondingpreferential cooperation policies.

Supplier Access

Supplier Assessment

In 2023, no violations relating to environmental and social issues were found in the supplieraccess inspection of JoyoungIn 2023, the Company conducted 2 supplier audits, covering 29 suppliers, and found no violations related toenvironmental and social issues.Procurement IntegrityManagementThe Company has incorporated clauses ofthe into thepurchase and sale contracts it signed with itssuppliers. The Company implements azero-tolerance policy for corruption andbribery in any form.

Key tier-one suppliers in Mainland China(excluding Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan)Key tier-one suppliers in Hong Kong, Macau,Taiwan of China and other countries and regions

Graded SupplierManagement


Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

Prioritized procurement. Furthercooperation expected.Cooperation will be maintained,with instructions provided to sup-port its better development.Recti?cations are required, andsemi-annual review is expected.Disquali?ed for the annual appraisalof outstanding suppliers. Rejectedfor bidding for a certain period oftime or permanently.

Shared Responsibility and Synergistic Industry Development5556


Joyoung led the establishment of "0-Coating Standard Technology Alliance"to promote the industry development

Joyoung regards communication with suppliers as an important supplier management approach. We have provided supplierswith a communication platform for mutual learning and improvement. The Company organizes the quality meetings, supplierconferences and training sessions every year. This helps achieve e?cient supplier management and provides a solid guaranteefor win-win cooperation. Moreover, we focus on mutual bene?t with our suppliers. We carry out technology research anddevelopment with excellent suppliers and share the results together, and also introduce high-quality manufacturing capabili-ties from suppliers to empower our own production system to achieve the common growth.In 2023, we launched a supplier capability enhancement program toimprove our suppliers' manufacturing, quality testing, planning anddelivery capabilities. For manufacturing, we focus on suppliers'process optimization and equipment e?ciency enhancement, andpropose the con?guration plan for tooling and equipment. For qualitytesting, we strive to improve the testing ability of suppliers, and arecommitted to standard benchmarking, core supplier quality improve-ment and model supplier cultivation. For planning capability enhance-ment, we focus on improving the machine suppliers' planning andmaterial control capabilities, and consolidate the implementation ofthe planning form and the plan of projected monthly demand tosupport the scheduling of the e?cient production.

Joyoung actively promotes cooperation across industries. With innovation-driven and integration-empowered as our corephilosophy, we are dedicated to showcasing our leadership responsibility in technological research and development.Working together with our industry partners, we are committed to making continuous progress in product quality andstandardization. Through strengthened collaboration, we aim to achieve technology, resource, and market sharing, collective-ly creating higher-quality products to meet consumer demands and drive the development of the entire industry.

Common Progress of the Industry

IndicatorsUnit2023Total number ofsupplier trainingsNumber ofsuppliers trained


Joyoung maintains close contact and interaction with universities and research institutions in the long term. Based on thepractice bases established, we actively support the development of innovative practical education, internship and learningin universities, and invite university teachers and students to participate in our creative projects for internship and scienti?cresearch. Guided by the principle of" conducting multi-level, multi-channel, multi-form cooperation and achieving practicalresults", the Company and the universities give full play to their strengths, learn from each other, and cultivate high-qualityinnovative and entrepreneurial talents to achieve common progress and development.By the end of 2023, the Company had cooperated withrenowned institutions such as Zhejiang University, South-east University, China Jiliang University, Zhejiang Universityof Technology, Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology &Engineering, Hefei Institute of Physics Technology & Engi-neering, China Electronics Standardization Institute, Zheji-ang Institute of Science and Technology Information Scienceand Technology Search (Evaluation) Center, ZhejiangFangyuan Test Group to jointly apply for provincial-level keyresearch and development projects. These collaborationshave facilitated exchanges on cutting-edge technologies,regular internship matching, and explore future researchdirections.

Industry-University-Research Cooperation

The Research Institute of Hengdian GroupDMEGC visited Joyoung and initiated cooperations

Three-year joint research on high-performancebiomaterials by Joyoung, Ningbo Institute of Materials

Technology and Engineering,and Zhejiang University of Technology

Supplier Communication and Empowerment

In July 2023, Joyoung, in collaboration with six industry institutions including China Household Electric Appliance ResearchInstitute, established the ?rst "0-coating standard technology alliance", and released t. Joyoung owns a numberof patented 0-coating rice cooker technologiesand has won a number of technical awards, suchas the Patent Cultivation of 0-Coating Rice CookerAward and the China Household AppliancesInnovation Award. As the leading organization ofthe alliance, Joyoung took the lead in formulatingthe group standard for "Rice Cooker with 0-Coat-ing Inner Pot" and jointly launched the "0-CoatingRice Cooker" certi?cation with China HouseholdElectric Appliance Research Institute. Joyoungalso became the ?rst company to obtain certi?ca-tion for its 0-coating rice cooker products. In thefuture, Joyoung will also focus on the ?eld of0-coating kitchen appliances, collaboratingclosely with industry partners to facilitate therobust and sustainable advancement of theindustry.

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

Shared Responsibility and Synergistic Industry Development5556


Joyoung led the establishment of "0-Coating Standard Technology Alliance"to promote the industry development

Joyoung regards communication with suppliers as an important supplier management approach. We have provided supplierswith a communication platform for mutual learning and improvement. The Company organizes the quality meetings, supplierconferences and training sessions every year. This helps achieve e?cient supplier management and provides a solid guaranteefor win-win cooperation. Moreover, we focus on mutual bene?t with our suppliers. We carry out technology research anddevelopment with excellent suppliers and share the results together, and also introduce high-quality manufacturing capabili-ties from suppliers to empower our own production system to achieve the common growth.In 2023, we launched a supplier capability enhancement program toimprove our suppliers' manufacturing, quality testing, planning anddelivery capabilities. For manufacturing, we focus on suppliers'process optimization and equipment e?ciency enhancement, andpropose the con?guration plan for tooling and equipment. For qualitytesting, we strive to improve the testing ability of suppliers, and arecommitted to standard benchmarking, core supplier quality improve-ment and model supplier cultivation. For planning capability enhance-ment, we focus on improving the machine suppliers' planning andmaterial control capabilities, and consolidate the implementation ofthe planning form and the plan of projected monthly demand tosupport the scheduling of the e?cient production.

Joyoung actively promotes cooperation across industries. With innovation-driven and integration-empowered as our corephilosophy, we are dedicated to showcasing our leadership responsibility in technological research and development.Working together with our industry partners, we are committed to making continuous progress in product quality andstandardization. Through strengthened collaboration, we aim to achieve technology, resource, and market sharing, collective-ly creating higher-quality products to meet consumer demands and drive the development of the entire industry.

Common Progress of the Industry

IndicatorsUnit2023Total number ofsupplier trainingsNumber ofsuppliers trained


Joyoung maintains close contact and interaction with universities and research institutions in the long term. Based on thepractice bases established, we actively support the development of innovative practical education, internship and learningin universities, and invite university teachers and students to participate in our creative projects for internship and scienti?cresearch. Guided by the principle of" conducting multi-level, multi-channel, multi-form cooperation and achieving practicalresults", the Company and the universities give full play to their strengths, learn from each other, and cultivate high-qualityinnovative and entrepreneurial talents to achieve common progress and development.By the end of 2023, the Company had cooperated withrenowned institutions such as Zhejiang University, South-east University, China Jiliang University, Zhejiang Universityof Technology, Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology &Engineering, Hefei Institute of Physics Technology & Engi-neering, China Electronics Standardization Institute, Zheji-ang Institute of Science and Technology Information Scienceand Technology Search (Evaluation) Center, ZhejiangFangyuan Test Group to jointly apply for provincial-level keyresearch and development projects. These collaborationshave facilitated exchanges on cutting-edge technologies,regular internship matching, and explore future researchdirections.

Industry-University-Research Cooperation

The Research Institute of Hengdian GroupDMEGC visited Joyoung and initiated cooperations

Three-year joint research on high-performancebiomaterials by Joyoung, Ningbo Institute of Materials

Technology and Engineering,and Zhejiang University of Technology

Supplier Communication and Empowerment

In July 2023, Joyoung, in collaboration with six industry institutions including China Household Electric Appliance ResearchInstitute, established the ?rst "0-coating standard technology alliance", and released t. Joyoung owns a numberof patented 0-coating rice cooker technologiesand has won a number of technical awards, suchas the Patent Cultivation of 0-Coating Rice CookerAward and the China Household AppliancesInnovation Award. As the leading organization ofthe alliance, Joyoung took the lead in formulatingthe group standard for "Rice Cooker with 0-Coat-ing Inner Pot" and jointly launched the "0-CoatingRice Cooker" certi?cation with China HouseholdElectric Appliance Research Institute. Joyoungalso became the ?rst company to obtain certi?ca-tion for its 0-coating rice cooker products. In thefuture, Joyoung will also focus on the ?eld of0-coating kitchen appliances, collaboratingclosely with industry partners to facilitate therobust and sustainable advancement of theindustry.

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

Employee Empowerment

and Joint Growth

SDGs BenchmarkEmploymentTraining and DevelopmentHealth and SafetyCare for Employees

Employee Empowerment

and Joint Growth

SDGs BenchmarkEmploymentTraining and DevelopmentHealth and SafetyCare for Employees

Employee Empowerment and Joint Growth5960

Joyoung always regards employees as the cornerstone of the Company's sustainable development, respects and attachesimportance to the basic rights and interests of all employees. We strictly abide by the ,the  and other relevant laws and regulations. We focus on the growth anddevelopment of each employee, continuously creating a fair, just, diverse, and inclusive working environment, in order toshare development and co-create the future with our employees.

The Company strictly prohibits the employment of child labor and forced labor, actively creating an equal and diverseworkplace environment. We ensure equal pay for equal work between male and female employees, guaranteeing that allemployees are not subject to di?erential treatment based on personal backgrounds such as religion, gender, age, disability,etc. We also prohibit any form of discrimination, insults, and harassment, ensuring that all employees have equal opportuni-ties in employment, training, promotion, and other aspects.During the Reporting Period, the Company did not have anyincidents of employing child labor or forced labor.The Company continued to implement the  and otherlaws and regulations. We make proper arrangements for the employment of disabled individuals, ensuring equal participationof disabled employees in work and various company activities.


Equality and Diversity

We believe that high-quality talent is a major driving force for the development of the Company. Therefore, the Companyplaces great importance on attracting high-quality talent and mainly posts job vacancies through various channels, includingthe Company's o?cial website, o?cial WeChat account, third-party recruitment platforms, and o?ine job fairs. Meanwhile,we actively carry out school-enterprise cooperation with major universities, cultivate talents in universities via J Project thatassigns internal executives as professional mentors, creating a comprehensive internal training mechanism.

Fair Recruitment

2023 Joyoung Employee FiguresTotal number of employees:









Sta?Junior managementMiddle managementSenior managementBy GenderBy Rank








29 and below30-3940-4950 and above

Mainland China (excluding Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan)Hong Kong, Macauand Taiwan of ChinaOther regionsBy Region

Master degreeand aboveBachelor degreeCollege degreeSpecializedsecondary schooland high schoolBelow specializedsecondary school


By Age








Production sta?Sales sta?TechniciansFinancial sta?Administrative sta?Other managementsta?Other professionalsta?


J Project refers to Joyoung's campus recruitment program. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. STEM professionals refer to individuals working in positions that involve the application of knowledge

related to science, technology, engineering, or mathematics.

By the Divisionof Labor

As the end of 2023, the Company employed 37 persons with disabilities, including 29males and8 females

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023






By Educational




Employees inRevenue-Gener-ating Functions



Employees inSTEM


Employee Empowerment and Joint Growth5960

Joyoung always regards employees as the cornerstone of the Company's sustainable development, respects and attachesimportance to the basic rights and interests of all employees. We strictly abide by the ,the  and other relevant laws and regulations. We focus on the growth anddevelopment of each employee, continuously creating a fair, just, diverse, and inclusive working environment, in order toshare development and co-create the future with our employees.

The Company strictly prohibits the employment of child labor and forced labor, actively creating an equal and diverseworkplace environment. We ensure equal pay for equal work between male and female employees, guaranteeing that allemployees are not subject to di?erential treatment based on personal backgrounds such as religion, gender, age, disability,etc. We also prohibit any form of discrimination, insults, and harassment, ensuring that all employees have equal opportuni-ties in employment, training, promotion, and other aspects.During the Reporting Period, the Company did not have anyincidents of employing child labor or forced labor.The Company continued to implement the  and otherlaws and regulations. We make proper arrangements for the employment of disabled individuals, ensuring equal participationof disabled employees in work and various company activities.


Equality and Diversity

We believe that high-quality talent is a major driving force for the development of the Company. Therefore, the Companyplaces great importance on attracting high-quality talent and mainly posts job vacancies through various channels, includingthe Company's o?cial website, o?cial WeChat account, third-party recruitment platforms, and o?ine job fairs. Meanwhile,we actively carry out school-enterprise cooperation with major universities, cultivate talents in universities via J Project thatassigns internal executives as professional mentors, creating a comprehensive internal training mechanism.

Fair Recruitment

2023 Joyoung Employee FiguresTotal number of employees:









Sta?Junior managementMiddle managementSenior managementBy GenderBy Rank








29 and below30-3940-4950 and above

Mainland China (excluding Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan)Hong Kong, Macauand Taiwan of ChinaOther regionsBy Region

Master degreeand aboveBachelor degreeCollege degreeSpecializedsecondary schooland high schoolBelow specializedsecondary school


By Age








Production sta?Sales sta?TechniciansFinancial sta?Administrative sta?Other managementsta?Other professionalsta?


J Project refers to Joyoung's campus recruitment program. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. STEM professionals refer to individuals working in positions that involve the application of knowledge

related to science, technology, engineering, or mathematics.

By the Division

of Labor

As the end of 2023, the Company employed 37 persons with disabilities, including 29males and8 females

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023






By EducationalBackground



Employees inRevenue-Gener-ating Functions



Employees inSTEM


The 6th Workers' Conference of Joyoung

Employee Empowerment and Joint Growth6162

The Company has established  to ensure a compensation system that combines internalfairness and market competitiveness, and also ensures that employee salaries are above the local minimum wage. A salarystructure has been implemented, consisting of basic salaries, allowances, and incentive bonuses, among other components,to share the Company's development achievements with employees. Meanwhile, to convey the corporate culture and values,and to show its care for employees, Joyoung has formulated the . In addition to statutory basicwelfare bene?ts, Joyoung provides employees with bene?ts for festivals, company shuttle for commuting, education sponsor-ship plans and other special bene?ts, which e?ectively enhance the sense of belonging and cohesion of employees.

Six types of insurance and one fund (endowmentinsurance, unemployment insurance, employmentinjury insurance, maternity insurance, medicalinsurance, supplementary commercial insurance,and housing provident fund)The legitimate right to leave (statutory holidays, sickleave, marriage leave, funeral leave, and maternityleave for female employees, etc.)Physical examination for all employeesHigh-temperature subsidy

Compensations and Bene?ts

Focusing on the voices of employees, we ?rmly hold that listening to the opinions of front-line employees is essential for ourdevelopment. The Company convened workers' conference to hear their suggestions on the Company's developmentplanning, production and operation, employee rights and interests, and other related issues. The Company has formulatedthe  to learnabout employees' needs in a timely manner, thereby making the communication with employees more e?cient.

Democratic Management

In 2023

Basic Bene?tsSpecial Bene?ts

Six types of care visits paid to employees on theirspecial days and special occasions (birthday/mar-riage/maternity/illness/accident/funeral care)Education sponsorship given to an employee whoacquires a higher degree or professional certi?cateBene?ts given for festivals and holidaysAllowance and subsidies: meal subsidies or free lunchCompany dormitories and shuttles








Sta?Junior managementMiddle managementSenior managementBy Gender

By Rank

29 and below30-3940-4950 and above





By Age

116 Joyoung employees were represented by an independent workers' union andcovered by collective bargaining agreements (CBAs)116 Joyoung employees attended the 2023 Joyoung workers' conference

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

Composition of New Employees

The 6th Workers' Conference of Joyoung

Employee Empowerment and Joint Growth6162

The Company has established  to ensure a compensation system that combines internalfairness and market competitiveness, and also ensures that employee salaries are above the local minimum wage. A salarystructure has been implemented, consisting of basic salaries, allowances, and incentive bonuses, among other components,to share the Company's development achievements with employees. Meanwhile, to convey the corporate culture and values,and to show its care for employees, Joyoung has formulated the . In addition to statutory basicwelfare bene?ts, Joyoung provides employees with bene?ts for festivals, company shuttle for commuting, education sponsor-ship plans and other special bene?ts, which e?ectively enhance the sense of belonging and cohesion of employees.

Six types of insurance and one fund (endowmentinsurance, unemployment insurance, employmentinjury insurance, maternity insurance, medicalinsurance, supplementary commercial insurance,and housing provident fund)The legitimate right to leave (statutory holidays, sickleave, marriage leave, funeral leave, and maternityleave for female employees, etc.)Physical examination for all employeesHigh-temperature subsidy

Compensations and Bene?ts

Focusing on the voices of employees, we ?rmly hold that listening to the opinions of front-line employees is essential for ourdevelopment. The Company convened workers' conference to hear their suggestions on the Company's developmentplanning, production and operation, employee rights and interests, and other related issues. The Company has formulatedthe  to learnabout employees' needs in a timely manner, thereby making the communication with employees more e?cient.

Democratic Management

In 2023

Basic Bene?tsSpecial Bene?ts

Six types of care visits paid to employees on theirspecial days and special occasions (birthday/mar-riage/maternity/illness/accident/funeral care)Education sponsorship given to an employee whoacquires a higher degree or professional certi?cateBene?ts given for festivals and holidaysAllowance and subsidies: meal subsidies or free lunchCompany dormitories and shuttles








Sta?Junior managementMiddle managementSenior managementBy Gender

By Rank

29 and below30-3940-4950 and above





By Age

116 Joyoung employees were represented by an independent workers' union andcovered by collective bargaining agreements (CBAs)116 Joyoung employees attended the 2023 Joyoung workers' conference

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

Composition of New Employees

Special Training Camp - Cultivate Outstanding Potential Managers

As a training program for Joyoung's potential managers, the Special Training Camp has been launched since May2022, and has systematically empowered ?elds such as culture, strategy, product, marketing, organizational capaci-ty, and leadership. In 2023, we continued our e?orts in ?nance and customers insights training. By applying method-ologies and tools through practical business projects, we continuously enhance the user thinking, business aware-ness, and management skills of the 51 participants.In graduation season, the camp members integrated what they had learned and participated in group defensesaround topics on actual business. After comprehensive review by senior managers, 43 of them graduated, becomingoutstanding reserve talents for managers and providing a strong support for the Company's future development.

CaseSpecial Training Camp - Cultivate Outstanding Potential Managers

Training Camp for New Managers

To help new managers to better adapt to their leadership roles, the 2023 Joyoung Training Camp for New Manager focus-es on two major pillars, namely "reshaping management perception and philosophy" and "realizing team performancetarget". The training lasted for 7 months, and systematically covered many areas such as role conversion, trust building,

CaseTraining Camp for New Managers

Online Learning Platform - Xiaoyang School

As Joyoung's online learning platform, Xiaoyang School has always been popular among employees for its convenientoperation, user-friendly points redemption activities and abundant high-quality courses. In 2023, a lot of e?orts were putinto the course development of Xiaoyang School. In line with current hotspots and business needs, Xiaoyang Schoolnewly developed over 300 premium courses, with a total of 12 series and over 1,300 courses established, covering R&D,management, psychology, e?cient o?ce practices, structured thinking, communication and expression, and otherdomains. These courses have received widespread praise from employees. During the Reporting Period, 100% of employ-ees have logged in for learning, with an average of 50 learning hours per person in Xiaoyang School, fostering a strongculture of a learning organization and forming a strong learning atmosphere within the Company.

CaseOnline Learning Platform - Xiaoyang School

Employee Empowerment and Joint Growth6364

In 2023

Employee development is the key to our continuous growth. To meet the career development needs of diversi?ed employees,the Company provides two development channels for employees: the management channel and the professional channel. Wehave also formulated policies such as the  and the , which provide employees with clear performance appraisal standards, promotion procedures and careerplanning.Besides, the Company recognizes the importance of enhancing employees' professional skills, and organizes various internaltraining sessions for employees both online and o?ine, to enable employees to grow with the Company.

Training and Development

delegation, coaching feedback, e?ective incentive,performance evaluation, talent appointment, andintegrated various methods including ?ipped teach-ing, live Q&A, scenario-based practices, and case stud-ies to help the camp members comprehensivelyimprove their management abilities.In addition to input of theories, the camp also empha-sizes the output of management practice. In responseto the common problems encountered by new man-agers, such as "low completion of tasks assigned tosubordinates" and "it's hard to deal with Gen Zemployees", 41 new managers combined classroomknowledge and practical experience, and explored anumber of solutions that were supported by manyindustry cases, accumulating a batch of valuable man-agement lessons for Joyoung.

a total of 2,577 employees received training throughout the year, with an average of78 training hours per person and a training coverage rate of 100% Through multi-level training, employees can realize self-improvement, continuously pro-moting the Company's sustainable development

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

Special Training Camp - Cultivate Outstanding Potential Managers

As a training program for Joyoung's potential managers, the Special Training Camp has been launched since May2022, and has systematically empowered ?elds such as culture, strategy, product, marketing, organizational capaci-ty, and leadership. In 2023, we continued our e?orts in ?nance and customers insights training. By applying method-ologies and tools through practical business projects, we continuously enhance the user thinking, business aware-ness, and management skills of the 51 participants.In graduation season, the camp members integrated what they had learned and participated in group defensesaround topics on actual business. After comprehensive review by senior managers, 43 of them graduated, becomingoutstanding reserve talents for managers and providing a strong support for the Company's future development.

CaseSpecial Training Camp - Cultivate Outstanding Potential Managers

Training Camp for New Managers

To help new managers to better adapt to their leadership roles, the 2023 Joyoung Training Camp for New Manager focus-es on two major pillars, namely "reshaping management perception and philosophy" and "realizing team performancetarget". The training lasted for 7 months, and systematically covered many areas such as role conversion, trust building,

CaseTraining Camp for New Managers

Online Learning Platform - Xiaoyang School

As Joyoung's online learning platform, Xiaoyang School has always been popular among employees for its convenientoperation, user-friendly points redemption activities and abundant high-quality courses. In 2023, a lot of e?orts were putinto the course development of Xiaoyang School. In line with current hotspots and business needs, Xiaoyang Schoolnewly developed over 300 premium courses, with a total of 12 series and over 1,300 courses established, covering R&D,management, psychology, e?cient o?ce practices, structured thinking, communication and expression, and otherdomains. These courses have received widespread praise from employees. During the Reporting Period, 100% of employ-ees have logged in for learning, with an average of 50 learning hours per person in Xiaoyang School, fostering a strongculture of a learning organization and forming a strong learning atmosphere within the Company.

CaseOnline Learning Platform - Xiaoyang School

Employee Empowerment and Joint Growth6364

In 2023

Employee development is the key to our continuous growth. To meet the career development needs of diversi?ed employees,the Company provides two development channels for employees: the management channel and the professional channel. Wehave also formulated policies such as the  and the , which provide employees with clear performance appraisal standards, promotion procedures and careerplanning.Besides, the Company recognizes the importance of enhancing employees' professional skills, and organizes various internaltraining sessions for employees both online and o?ine, to enable employees to grow with the Company.

Training and Development

delegation, coaching feedback, e?ective incentive,performance evaluation, talent appointment, andintegrated various methods including ?ipped teach-ing, live Q&A, scenario-based practices, and case stud-ies to help the camp members comprehensivelyimprove their management abilities.In addition to input of theories, the camp also empha-sizes the output of management practice. In responseto the common problems encountered by new man-agers, such as "low completion of tasks assigned tosubordinates" and "it's hard to deal with Gen Zemployees", 41 new managers combined classroomknowledge and practical experience, and explored anumber of solutions that were supported by manyindustry cases, accumulating a batch of valuable man-agement lessons for Joyoung.

a total of 2,577 employees received training throughout the year, with an average of78 training hours per person and a training coverage rate of 100% Through multi-level training, employees can realize self-improvement, continuously pro-moting the Company's sustainable development

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

Safety InspectionThe Company's security brigade conducts monthly inspections and con?rmation of ?re-?ghting equipmentand also intensi?es the inspection and daily patrol e?orts in key areas related to potential hazards. Eachdepartment conducts monthly inspections of departmental organization, tidiness, cleaning, sanitizing, safety,and discipline (6S). Speci?c modules, such as the chemical warehouse, are inspected and con?rmed daily bythe responsible department.

Hazard Identi?cationThe Company organizes all departments to identify and evaluate the hazard sources every year. The depart-ments identify hazard sources in their own business activities and take corresponding control measures. Incase of any changes in a department's activities or places, the department is required to conduct hazard identi-?cation and evaluation accordingly.

Emergency DrillsThe Company carries out ?re emergency drills twice a year to ensure a calm response and orderly evacuationwhen a real ?re occurs. Meanwhile, for possible emergencies such as chemical leakage and electric shock,relevant departments organize corresponding emergency drills.

Related PartyManagementThe Company's external construction party, contractor and other related parties are required to sign a safetyresponsibility commitment letter, receive safety education before construction, and conduct safety inspec-tions during construction. Relevant approval procedures are required to be in place to manage special opera-tions such as ?re-related work and excavation work.

Special EquipmentManagementThe Company conducts regular inspection, and periodic maintenance and veri?cation of special equipment toensure their e?ective operation.

Three-Level SafetyEducation and TrainingNew employees are required to attend the three-level safety education and training during the probationaryperiod (i.e., the Company level, department level, and position level). The training covers the Company's safetyrules, hazard sources, the use of labor protective equipment, and ?re escape.

Employee Empowerment and Joint Growth6566

Health and Safety

Fire Evacuation Drill

To enhance employees' ?re safety awareness and ?re accident response ability. On August 27, 2023, a ?re evacua-tion drill was carried out in the Joyoung Creative Industrial Park in Hangzhou. A total of 1,235 employees participat-ed in the drill, which mainly included evacuation, ?re-?ghting and rescue, casualty treatment, ?re extinguishingexperience. This drill aimed at guiding employees to be familiar with the evacuation routes and helped themmaster the use of ?re-?ghting equipment, so as to further safeguard employees' life safety.

CaseFire Evacuation Drill

As for the occupational health and safety management, theCompany adheres to the principle of "pursuing people-orientedharmonious management, realizing risk reduction, and guaran-teeing safety and health". We always put the protection ofemployees' life, health and safety in the ?rst place. We strictlyabide by the and the   and other laws and regulations.Meanwhile, we have established a sound work safety manage-ment system, and formulated internal policies such as the, the , the , to protect employees' occupationalhealth and work safety. Joyoung has obtained the ISO 45001occupational health and safety management system certi?ca-tion, and on this basis, further upgraded its occupational healthand safety management system.

Occupational Health and Safety Management System

The Company systematically implements measures for ensuring operational environment safety and employee health and safety,aiming to minimize safety hazards and protect the lives of employees.

Health and Safety Measures

ISO 45001 Occupational Healthand Safety Management

System Certi?cation

In 2023, the Company had no work-related fatalities. There were 6 cases of work-related injuries, and39 lost workdays due to work-related injuries

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

Safety InspectionThe Company's security brigade conducts monthly inspections and con?rmation of ?re-?ghting equipmentand also intensi?es the inspection and daily patrol e?orts in key areas related to potential hazards. Eachdepartment conducts monthly inspections of departmental organization, tidiness, cleaning, sanitizing, safety,and discipline (6S). Speci?c modules, such as the chemical warehouse, are inspected and con?rmed daily bythe responsible department.

Hazard Identi?cationThe Company organizes all departments to identify and evaluate the hazard sources every year. The depart-ments identify hazard sources in their own business activities and take corresponding control measures. Incase of any changes in a department's activities or places, the department is required to conduct hazard identi-?cation and evaluation accordingly.

Emergency DrillsThe Company carries out ?re emergency drills twice a year to ensure a calm response and orderly evacuationwhen a real ?re occurs. Meanwhile, for possible emergencies such as chemical leakage and electric shock,relevant departments organize corresponding emergency drills.

Related PartyManagementThe Company's external construction party, contractor and other related parties are required to sign a safetyresponsibility commitment letter, receive safety education before construction, and conduct safety inspec-tions during construction. Relevant approval procedures are required to be in place to manage special opera-tions such as ?re-related work and excavation work.

Special EquipmentManagementThe Company conducts regular inspection, and periodic maintenance and veri?cation of special equipment toensure their e?ective operation.

Three-Level SafetyEducation and TrainingNew employees are required to attend the three-level safety education and training during the probationaryperiod (i.e., the Company level, department level, and position level). The training covers the Company's safetyrules, hazard sources, the use of labor protective equipment, and ?re escape.

Employee Empowerment and Joint Growth6566

Health and Safety

Fire Evacuation Drill

To enhance employees' ?re safety awareness and ?re accident response ability. On August 27, 2023, a ?re evacua-tion drill was carried out in the Joyoung Creative Industrial Park in Hangzhou. A total of 1,235 employees participat-ed in the drill, which mainly included evacuation, ?re-?ghting and rescue, casualty treatment, ?re extinguishingexperience. This drill aimed at guiding employees to be familiar with the evacuation routes and helped themmaster the use of ?re-?ghting equipment, so as to further safeguard employees' life safety.

CaseFire Evacuation Drill

As for the occupational health and safety management, theCompany adheres to the principle of "pursuing people-orientedharmonious management, realizing risk reduction, and guaran-teeing safety and health". We always put the protection ofemployees' life, health and safety in the ?rst place. We strictlyabide by the and the   and other laws and regulations.Meanwhile, we have established a sound work safety manage-ment system, and formulated internal policies such as the, the , the , to protect employees' occupationalhealth and work safety. Joyoung has obtained the ISO 45001occupational health and safety management system certi?ca-tion, and on this basis, further upgraded its occupational healthand safety management system.

Occupational Health and Safety Management System

The Company systematically implements measures for ensuring operational environment safety and employee health and safety,aiming to minimize safety hazards and protect the lives of employees.

Health and Safety Measures

ISO 45001 Occupational Healthand Safety ManagementSystem Certi?cation

In 2023, the Company had no work-related fatalities. There were 6 cases of work-related injuries, and39 lost workdays due to work-related injuries

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

Employee Empowerment and Joint Growth6768

Joyoung "Love Apartments"

Basketball Competition in 2023Billiards Competition in 2023

To alleviate the growing pressure on con-temporary couples to buy houses, the Com-pany provides "Love Apartments" service fordual-income families where the husbandand wife are both Joyoung employees andhave not yet purchased a house in Hang-zhou, Haining or Jiaxing. In addition, theCompany has renovated 10 dormitories intocozy homes suitable for couples, providingmaximum convenience for Joyoung'semployee couples. Meanwhile, the Companyalso o?ers regular dormitories and employ-ee apartments for employees, truly fosteringa sense of belonging in the workplace.

CaseJoyoung "Love Apartments"

Joyoung "Mommy Cabin"

Joyoung has long emphasized the care offemale employees. In order to meet theneeds of nursing mothers for privacy, webuilt "Mommy Cabins" in Hangzhou andJinan campuses to provide safe, comfort-able and convenient spaces for breastfeed-ing female employees. "Mommy Cabins"have all kinds of supporting facilities includ-ing hand-washing stations, refrigerators,sofas, water puri?er, and sterilization cabi-net to solve the practical problems encoun-tered by female employees returning to theworkplace after giving birth, in order toe?ectively create a family-friendly work-place.

CaseJoyoung "Mommy Cabins"

Joyoung attaches great importance to the prevention and control of occu-pational diseases, and protects the health of its employees through theprevention and control with regard to employees themselves and theoperating environment. On the one hand, the Company requires person-nel joining positions with high risk of occupational diseases to sign a letterof noti?cation before joining the Company, informing employees of thevarious hazardous situations that may arise, and guaranteeing theemployees' right to be fully informed. Such employees are required to takephysical examinations for occupational diseases before, during and uponthe departure from duty. We also establish occupational health records ofemployees to track changes in their health status. We require employeesengaged in positions with occupational hazards such as noise to wearearplugs and other personal protective equipment (PPE) before enteringthe workplace to protect against occupational diseases.Regarding the work environment aspect, the Company carries out hazard-ous source identi?cation and synchronized monitoring of harmful factorsin each workplace every year to ensure a high level of safety in the operat-ing environment.

Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases

Joyoung is committed to providing employees with a vibrant working environment, aiming to make every employee feelcared for and supported by the Company. We take the initiative to respond to employees' demands in terms of their daily lifeand physical and mental health. We also provide diversi?ed cultural and sports activities and care projects for our employ-ees, and are committed to giving them a sense of belonging and happiness in the workplace.

Employees wear PPE such as earplugs during the production

and testing processes

Care for Employees

By the end of the Reporting Period, the number of occupational disease cases in the Company hadbeen0, and the medical examination coverage rate had been 100%

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

Employee Empowerment and Joint Growth6768

Joyoung "Love Apartments"

Basketball Competition in 2023Billiards Competition in 2023

To alleviate the growing pressure on con-temporary couples to buy houses, the Com-pany provides "Love Apartments" service fordual-income families where the husbandand wife are both Joyoung employees andhave not yet purchased a house in Hang-zhou, Haining or Jiaxing. In addition, theCompany has renovated 10 dormitories intocozy homes suitable for couples, providingmaximum convenience for Joyoung'semployee couples. Meanwhile, the Companyalso o?ers regular dormitories and employ-ee apartments for employees, truly fosteringa sense of belonging in the workplace.

CaseJoyoung "Love Apartments"

Joyoung "Mommy Cabin"

Joyoung has long emphasized the care offemale employees. In order to meet theneeds of nursing mothers for privacy, webuilt "Mommy Cabins" in Hangzhou andJinan campuses to provide safe, comfort-able and convenient spaces for breastfeed-ing female employees. "Mommy Cabins"have all kinds of supporting facilities includ-ing hand-washing stations, refrigerators,sofas, water puri?er, and sterilization cabi-net to solve the practical problems encoun-tered by female employees returning to theworkplace after giving birth, in order toe?ectively create a family-friendly work-place.

CaseJoyoung "Mommy Cabins"

Joyoung attaches great importance to the prevention and control of occu-pational diseases, and protects the health of its employees through theprevention and control with regard to employees themselves and theoperating environment. On the one hand, the Company requires person-nel joining positions with high risk of occupational diseases to sign a letterof noti?cation before joining the Company, informing employees of thevarious hazardous situations that may arise, and guaranteeing theemployees' right to be fully informed. Such employees are required to takephysical examinations for occupational diseases before, during and uponthe departure from duty. We also establish occupational health records ofemployees to track changes in their health status. We require employeesengaged in positions with occupational hazards such as noise to wearearplugs and other personal protective equipment (PPE) before enteringthe workplace to protect against occupational diseases.Regarding the work environment aspect, the Company carries out hazard-ous source identi?cation and synchronized monitoring of harmful factorsin each workplace every year to ensure a high level of safety in the operat-ing environment.

Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases

Joyoung is committed to providing employees with a vibrant working environment, aiming to make every employee feelcared for and supported by the Company. We take the initiative to respond to employees' demands in terms of their daily lifeand physical and mental health. We also provide diversi?ed cultural and sports activities and care projects for our employ-ees, and are committed to giving them a sense of belonging and happiness in the workplace.

Employees wear PPE such as earplugs during the production

and testing processes

Care for Employees

By the end of the Reporting Period, the number of occupational disease cases in the Company hadbeen0, and the medical examination coverage rate had been 100%

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

Environmental Governance

for Green Future

SDGs BenchmarkEnvironmental ManagementClimate Change

Environmental Governance

for Green Future

SDGs BenchmarkEnvironmental ManagementClimate Change

ISO 14001 EnvironmentManagement SystemCerti?cation

Environmental Governance for Green Future7172

Committed to building a positive, healthy, high value-added, greenand environmentally-friendly household appliance brand, Joyoungstrives to integrate the concept of environmental protection intoevery aspect of production and operation. Joyoung strictly complieswith various laws and regulations including the, the 

, the , and 

. We have established a sound environmen-tal management system, and are ISO 14001 certi?ed, which isexternally reviewed by a third-party company every three years.In 2023, the Company did not get involved in any violation of environ-mental protection laws and regulations or pollution accidentdisputes, and it did not receive any administrative penalty forviolating environmental protection laws and regulations.

Joyoung actively explores the opportunities to optimize the energy structure and utilize renewable and clean energy. TheCompany has equipped its factories and o?ces with photovoltaic power generation equipment, which has greatly reducedthe Company's dependence on purchased electricity and embodied the Company's dedication to address the challenge ofclimate change and contributing to the achievement China's dual carbon goals (the national goal of reaching peak carbonemissions before 2030 and that of achieving carbon neutrality before 2060).Environmental Management

Resource Use ManagementThe Company has established the  and other internal policies to regulate the management of energyand resource use. Departments are required to choose environmentally friendly and energy-e?cient products whenever possible whenselecting resources. Regular internal news announcements are made to promote environmentally friendly o?ce practices. The Companyconducts daily inspections of energy usage in each department, regularly reporting on energy wastage. Adhering to the principle of energyconservation, the Company continuously improves energy resource management to minimize negative environmental impacts.InformationSystemDevelopment


Green O?ceManagement

Promoting online, paperless business processing, and encouraging online commu-nication to minimize paper consumptionStrictly control air conditioning temperatureUsing energy-saving lighting equipmentPhasing out the old water pumps of high water consumptionTurning o? o?ce equipment such as computers during non-o?ce hoursProhibiting use of high-power electrical o?ce equipment for any purpose otherthan workPromoting double-sided and black and white printing, and prioritizing electrocom-munication and online work?owsReducing subscription of unnecessary newspaper to reduce paper wasteSorting garbage with separate bins for recycling purposes at workplace

Photovoltaic Power Generation Equipment on Factories and O?ces Roofs in Hangzhou Campus

Among them

Joyoung consumed

kWh ofelectricity2,847,145

The remaining

kWh ofelectricityis fed intothe grid


The self-consumptionratio reached%

the total photovoltaic power generation in Hangzhou amountedto3,419,365 kWhIn 2023

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

ISO 14001 EnvironmentManagement SystemCerti?cation

Environmental Governance for Green Future7172

Committed to building a positive, healthy, high value-added, greenand environmentally-friendly household appliance brand, Joyoungstrives to integrate the concept of environmental protection intoevery aspect of production and operation. Joyoung strictly complieswith various laws and regulations including the, the 

, the , and . We have established a sound environmen-tal management system, and are ISO 14001 certi?ed, which isexternally reviewed by a third-party company every three years.In 2023, the Company did not get involved in any violation of environ-mental protection laws and regulations or pollution accidentdisputes, and it did not receive any administrative penalty forviolating environmental protection laws and regulations.

Joyoung actively explores the opportunities to optimize the energy structure and utilize renewable and clean energy. TheCompany has equipped its factories and o?ces with photovoltaic power generation equipment, which has greatly reducedthe Company's dependence on purchased electricity and embodied the Company's dedication to address the challenge ofclimate change and contributing to the achievement China's dual carbon goals (the national goal of reaching peak carbonemissions before 2030 and that of achieving carbon neutrality before 2060).Environmental Management

Resource Use ManagementThe Company has established the  and other internal policies to regulate the management of energyand resource use. Departments are required to choose environmentally friendly and energy-e?cient products whenever possible whenselecting resources. Regular internal news announcements are made to promote environmentally friendly o?ce practices. The Companyconducts daily inspections of energy usage in each department, regularly reporting on energy wastage. Adhering to the principle of energyconservation, the Company continuously improves energy resource management to minimize negative environmental impacts.InformationSystemDevelopment


Green O?ceManagement

Promoting online, paperless business processing, and encouraging online commu-nication to minimize paper consumptionStrictly control air conditioning temperatureUsing energy-saving lighting equipmentPhasing out the old water pumps of high water consumptionTurning o? o?ce equipment such as computers during non-o?ce hoursProhibiting use of high-power electrical o?ce equipment for any purpose otherthan workPromoting double-sided and black and white printing, and prioritizing electrocom-munication and online work?owsReducing subscription of unnecessary newspaper to reduce paper wasteSorting garbage with separate bins for recycling purposes at workplace

Photovoltaic Power Generation Equipment on Factories and O?ces Roofs in Hangzhou Campus

Among them

Joyoung consumed

kWh ofelectricity2,847,145

The remaining

kWh ofelectricityis fed intothe grid572,220

The self-consumptionratio reached%

the total photovoltaic power generation in Hangzhou amountedto3,419,365 kWhIn 2023

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

Environmental Governance for Green Future7374

Environmental Impact ManagementJoyoung has established a rigid waste management system through the formulation and implementation of , in which each department is responsible for the management of solid waste, from generation to collection.Hazardous waste is entrusted to quali?ed companies for disposal.In addition, Joyoung has developed corresponding regulations for waste management, taking into account the Company'so?ce operations. These regulations provide clear guidelines for waste classi?cation. We placed sorted waste recycle bins forrecyclable waste, kitchen waste, and other waste in areas such as employee work bays and pantries. Meanwhile, Joyoungregularly carries out training and advocacy to promote waste recycling in o?ce and advocate green business.Based on the , we strictly regulate the procurement, transportation, use and disposal ofhazardous chemicals and other harmful substances, and clarify the supervision, management, record-keeping, and reportingresponsibilities of employees in all departments and at all levels. We make every e?ort to minimize the environmental pollutionof hazardous chemicals by adsorbing the volatile organic compounds generated during the use of hazardous chemicals throughactivated carbon and sprinklers. Meanwhile, we inspect the storage area weekly, conduct the overall inspection on a regularbasis and engage a third-party organization in regular exhaust gas testing. Any problems found in inspections are corrected ina timely manner. All responsible departments have established emergency plans for leakage, over?ow, equipment failure, etc.,and organize employees to conduct drills regularly according to the plans.

Indicator Unit 2022Gasoline consumptionNatural gas consumptionPurchased electricityGreen Power On-sitConsumptionPurchased electricityper unit of revenue

Total direct energyconsumption

LiterCubic metersGJkWhkWhkWh/RMB 0'000






Energy Consumption Statistics in 2022 and 2023

Indicator Unit 2022Total hazardous waste

Total non-hazardous waste

MethylbenzeneDiethyl etherWastewater

Metric tonKg/ RMB 0'000Metric tonKg/ RMB 0'000Metric tonMetric tonCubic meters














Emissions Statistics in 2022 and 2023

Indicator Unit 2022

Metric tonMetric ton/RMB 0'000






Water Consumption Statistics in 2022 and 2023

The Company has established refurbishment factory to refurbish returned products. Among the returned productscollected by the Company, approximately 80% still hold value for reconditioning. The factories replace damagedcomponents in the returned products and subject the refurbished products to strict quality and performanceinspections before reintroducing them into the inventory for resale. This promotes resource recycling and reducesthe negative environmental impact.

CaseRefurbishment factory for recycling of resources

Water consumptionWater consumptionper unit of revenue

Hazardous waste perunit of revenueNon-hazardous waste perunit of revenue

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

4Increased handling of printed circuit boards in 2023 resulted in an increase in the weight of hazardous waste produced. 5Increased disposal of returned machinery and accessories from Shangyu warehouse in 2023 resulted in an increase in the weight of non-hazardous waste produced.

Environmental Governance for Green Future7374

Environmental Impact Management

Joyoung has established a rigid waste management system through the formulation and implementation of , in which each department is responsible for the management of solid waste, from generation to collection.Hazardous waste is entrusted to quali?ed companies for disposal.In addition, Joyoung has developed corresponding regulations for waste management, taking into account the Company'so?ce operations. These regulations provide clear guidelines for waste classi?cation. We placed sorted waste recycle bins forrecyclable waste, kitchen waste, and other waste in areas such as employee work bays and pantries. Meanwhile, Joyoungregularly carries out training and advocacy to promote waste recycling in o?ce and advocate green business.Based on the , we strictly regulate the procurement, transportation, use and disposal ofhazardous chemicals and other harmful substances, and clarify the supervision, management, record-keeping, and reportingresponsibilities of employees in all departments and at all levels. We make every e?ort to minimize the environmental pollutionof hazardous chemicals by adsorbing the volatile organic compounds generated during the use of hazardous chemicals throughactivated carbon and sprinklers. Meanwhile, we inspect the storage area weekly, conduct the overall inspection on a regularbasis and engage a third-party organization in regular exhaust gas testing. Any problems found in inspections are corrected ina timely manner. All responsible departments have established emergency plans for leakage, over?ow, equipment failure, etc.,and organize employees to conduct drills regularly according to the plans.

Indicator Unit 2022Gasoline consumptionNatural gas consumptionPurchased electricityGreen Power On-sitConsumptionPurchased electricityper unit of revenue

Total direct energyconsumption

LiterCubic metersGJkWhkWhkWh/RMB 0'000






Energy Consumption Statistics in 2022 and 2023

Indicator Unit 2022Total hazardous waste

Total non-hazardous waste

MethylbenzeneDiethyl etherWastewater

Metric tonKg/ RMB 0'000Metric tonKg/ RMB 0'000Metric tonMetric tonCubic meters














Emissions Statistics in 2022 and 2023

Indicator Unit 2022

Metric tonMetric ton/RMB 0'000






Water Consumption Statistics in 2022 and 2023

The Company has established refurbishment factory to refurbish returned products. Among the returned productscollected by the Company, approximately 80% still hold value for reconditioning. The factories replace damagedcomponents in the returned products and subject the refurbished products to strict quality and performanceinspections before reintroducing them into the inventory for resale. This promotes resource recycling and reducesthe negative environmental impact.

CaseRefurbishment factory for recycling of resources

Water consumptionWater consumptionper unit of revenue

Hazardous waste perunit of revenueNon-hazardous waste perunit of revenue

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

Increased handling of printed circuit boards in 2023 resulted in an increase in the weight of hazardous waste produced. 5Increased disposal of returned machinery and accessories from Shangyu warehouse in 2023 resulted in an increase in the weight of non-hazardous waste produced.

Environmental Governance for Green Future7576

Joyoung has always attached great importance to the impact of climate change on its operations and has incorporatedclimate change-related risks into its enterprise risk management framework. We actively respond to operational risks thatmay arise from extreme weather events and natural disasters. We have referenced the Task Force on Climate-related Finan-cial Disclosures (TCFD) framework to identify climate change risks and opportunities and plan e?ective response measures.

Climate Change

Climate change risks Description Response

Damage factories, o?ce buildings and equip-ment, resulting in loss of assets;Cause injuries to employees;Disrupt supply chain continuity and stability.Acute risks:

extreme weathersuch as drought,?oods andtyphoons.

Chronic risks:

sustained hightemperature, sealevel rise, etc.

Policy and legalrisks

Technology risks

Market risks

Reputation risks

Increases the Company's need for cooling-re-lated investments, which in turn increasesoperating costs;During heat seasons, employees may faceheat-related health risks that could impactoperational e?ciency, as they may be unableto work outdoors for long hours.

Formulate emergency response plansfor natural disasters, and constantlyimprove the emergency responsemechanism for natural disasters;Actively identify possible assetdamage and purchase necessaryinsurance to cover potential risks.Integrate climate risk into our riskmanagement and strategic planning;Adopt more energy-e?cient refrigera-tion equipment to reduce energyconsumption and operating costs;Scienti?cally arrange productionplans and carefully deploy productionorganization to improve operationale?ciency and ensure that employeescan work e?ectively during heatseasons.Closely track changes in environ-mental laws, regulations, andpolicies at home and abroad andrespond to them in a timely manner;Promote energy saving and emissionreduction in the Company's opera-tions as well as green procurement.Continue to research and applylow-carbon technology, and active-ly carry out industry cooperation;Optimize the mechanism of attract-ing, cultivating and retaining tech-nical talents, and enhance theCompany's R&D capability.Actively develop green and low-car-bon products to meet consumerdemand;Promote green procurement andwork with suppliers to explorelow-carbon solutions.Establish a regular communicationmechanism to actively respond tothe concerns of stakeholders;Enhance the Company's sustainabil-ity and proactive response to climatechange.

Stricter policies and regulations to mitigateclimate change and increase compliancee?orts for business operations may increaserelated litigation or claims;Emission allowances and carbon pricing regu-lations may a?ect the production costs ofupstream raw materials, which in turn leads tohigher procurement costs for the Company.The Company needs to transition to low-emis-sion technologies and invest in energy-savingand emission-reducing technologies. However,there is uncertainty regarding the return oninvestment in these technologies, requiringcareful evaluation and management;Failure to timely identify and adopt low-carbontechnologies may cause the Company to fallbehind its industry peers in terms of low-carbontransformation.Failure to adequately meet consumer demandfor green and low-carbon products.;The frequency of extreme weather has a nega-tive impact on supply chain stability, resultingin higher raw material costs.Stakeholders expect the Company to set andmeet energy e?ciency targets and mitigateclimate change. Failure to e?ectively respondto stakeholder expectations may a?ect theCompany's reputation.

Transition risks

Physical risks

Climate change opportunitiesResponse

The market demand for green and low-car-bon products has increased.MarketTechnology



Research and develop green and low-carbonmaterials and technologies;Expand the Company's intellectual propertyreserve.

Continue to invest in low-carbontechnology R&D, develop more inno-vative green and low-carbon prod-ucts, and constantly improve thetechnological capabilities and prod-uct competitiveness.Actively explore the application ofnew technologies, equipment, andprocesses to improve resourcee?ciency and achieve cost reductionand e?ciency improvement.The cost of renewable energy, suchas solar and wind power, is expectedto keep declining in the future, andthe active development of renewableenergy projects or the procurementof renewable energy can reduce thecosts associated with energy use inthe medium to long term.

Use more energy-e?cient production ando?ce equipment, buildings and technology.

Develop or participate in renewable energyprojects.

Indicator Unit 2022

Scope 1 GHG emissionsScope 2 GHG emissions

tCO2etCO2etCO2etCO2e/RMB 0'000








GHG Emissions Statistics in 2022 and 2023

Total GHG emissions(Scopes 1 and 2)GHG emissions per unit of revenue(Scopes 1 and 2)

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

GHG are calculated according to the standards and emission factors of the General Rules for Calculation of the Comprehensive Energy Consumption (GB2589-2020) and theGuidelines for Accounting and Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Non-Industrial Enterprises (Trial). The emission factor of purchased electricity refers to theaverage grid electricity emission factor of the Notice on the Management of Corporate GHG Emissions Reporting in Power Generation Industry from 2023 to 2025 issued bythe Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People's Republic of China.

Environmental Governance for Green Future7576

Joyoung has always attached great importance to the impact of climate change on its operations and has incorporatedclimate change-related risks into its enterprise risk management framework. We actively respond to operational risks thatmay arise from extreme weather events and natural disasters. We have referenced the Task Force on Climate-related Finan-cial Disclosures (TCFD) framework to identify climate change risks and opportunities and plan e?ective response measures.

Climate Change

Climate change risks Description Response

Damage factories, o?ce buildings and equip-ment, resulting in loss of assets;Cause injuries to employees;Disrupt supply chain continuity and stability.Acute risks:

extreme weathersuch as drought,?oods andtyphoons.

Chronic risks:

sustained hightemperature, sealevel rise, etc.

Policy and legalrisks

Technology risks

Market risks

Reputation risks

Increases the Company's need for cooling-re-lated investments, which in turn increasesoperating costs;During heat seasons, employees may faceheat-related health risks that could impactoperational e?ciency, as they may be unableto work outdoors for long hours.

Formulate emergency response plansfor natural disasters, and constantlyimprove the emergency responsemechanism for natural disasters;Actively identify possible assetdamage and purchase necessaryinsurance to cover potential risks.Integrate climate risk into our riskmanagement and strategic planning;Adopt more energy-e?cient refrigera-tion equipment to reduce energyconsumption and operating costs;Scienti?cally arrange productionplans and carefully deploy productionorganization to improve operationale?ciency and ensure that employeescan work e?ectively during heatseasons.Closely track changes in environ-mental laws, regulations, andpolicies at home and abroad andrespond to them in a timely manner;Promote energy saving and emissionreduction in the Company's opera-tions as well as green procurement.Continue to research and applylow-carbon technology, and active-ly carry out industry cooperation;Optimize the mechanism of attract-ing, cultivating and retaining tech-nical talents, and enhance theCompany's R&D capability.Actively develop green and low-car-bon products to meet consumerdemand;Promote green procurement andwork with suppliers to explorelow-carbon solutions.Establish a regular communicationmechanism to actively respond tothe concerns of stakeholders;Enhance the Company's sustainabil-ity and proactive response to climatechange.

Stricter policies and regulations to mitigateclimate change and increase compliancee?orts for business operations may increaserelated litigation or claims;Emission allowances and carbon pricing regu-lations may a?ect the production costs ofupstream raw materials, which in turn leads tohigher procurement costs for the Company.The Company needs to transition to low-emis-sion technologies and invest in energy-savingand emission-reducing technologies. However,there is uncertainty regarding the return oninvestment in these technologies, requiringcareful evaluation and management;Failure to timely identify and adopt low-carbontechnologies may cause the Company to fallbehind its industry peers in terms of low-carbontransformation.Failure to adequately meet consumer demandfor green and low-carbon products.;The frequency of extreme weather has a nega-tive impact on supply chain stability, resultingin higher raw material costs.Stakeholders expect the Company to set andmeet energy e?ciency targets and mitigateclimate change. Failure to e?ectively respondto stakeholder expectations may a?ect theCompany's reputation.

Transition risks

Physical risks

Climate change opportunitiesResponse

The market demand for green and low-car-bon products has increased.MarketTechnology



Research and develop green and low-carbonmaterials and technologies;Expand the Company's intellectual propertyreserve.

Continue to invest in low-carbontechnology R&D, develop more inno-vative green and low-carbon prod-ucts, and constantly improve thetechnological capabilities and prod-uct competitiveness.Actively explore the application ofnew technologies, equipment, andprocesses to improve resourcee?ciency and achieve cost reductionand e?ciency improvement.The cost of renewable energy, suchas solar and wind power, is expectedto keep declining in the future, andthe active development of renewableenergy projects or the procurementof renewable energy can reduce thecosts associated with energy use inthe medium to long term.

Use more energy-e?cient production ando?ce equipment, buildings and technology.

Develop or participate in renewable energyprojects.

Indicator Unit 2022Scope 1 GHG emissionsScope 2 GHG emissions

tCO2etCO2etCO2etCO2e/RMB 0'000








GHG Emissions Statistics in 2022 and 2023

Total GHG emissions(Scopes 1 and 2)GHG emissions per unit of revenue(Scopes 1 and 2)

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

GHG are calculated according to the standards and emission factors of the General Rules for Calculation of the Comprehensive Energy Consumption (GB2589-2020) and theGuidelines for Accounting and Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Non-Industrial Enterprises (Trial). The emission factor of purchased electricity refers to theaverage grid electricity emission factor of the Notice on the Management of Corporate GHG Emissions Reporting in Power Generation Industry from 2023 to 2025 issued bythe Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People's Republic of China.

Giving Back

to Society

SDGs Benchmark

Social Welfare

Giving Back

to Society

SDGs Benchmark

Social Welfare

Giving Back to Society7980

The "Joyoung Foundation" was initiated and established by Joyoung and its founders, with the core value of "uniting the power of kindnessand creating a healthy and better life". Based on Joyoung's business strengths, the Foundation carries out public welfare events closely relatedto social issues such as health advocacy, nutrition, and well-being. The Foundation has also built two core brands, "Joyoung Charity Kitchen"and "Joyoung Food and Education Workshop", to promote the healthy development of young people.

In 2023, Joyoung Foundation launched "Living in the Sunshine - Wish Ful?lment Activity" campaign which encourag-es underprivileged children to express their wishes. In collaboration with Joyoung's philanthropic partners, thefoundation endeavors to ful?ll these wishes, thereby safeguarding the children's happy growth.During the activity, 103 underprivileged children from Lishui, Quzhou and Taizhou, and other areas in ZhejiangProvince made wishes. During the Spring Festival period, with the coordinated assistance of Joyoung Foundation'sphilanthropic partners across the country, the New Year gifts for children are continuously delivered to their hands,allowing them to feel the warmth of kindness during the cold winter season.

CaseLiving in the Sunshine - Chinese New Year special events for underprivileged children

Chinese New Year Special Events for the Underprivileged Children

In the summer vacation of 2023, Joyoung Foundation worked with Zhejiang Women and Children's Foundation toimplement the "Gathering for the Hangzhou Asian Games ? A Summer Travel Study in 2023, Themed on Living in theSunshine" project. Joyoung invited 20 children from Sanmen, Jiangshan and Pingyang, which are among the 26counties in the mountainous regions of Zhejiang Province, to come to Hangzhou for a travel study.The children visited Hefang Street Historical and Cultural Block during the ?rst stop of the travel study to relive thehistorical memories of Hangzhou. During their second stop, the children travelled to West Lake to visit famous sightsthat depicted in ancient poems and experience the history, culture, and scenery. During the third stop, the childrenvisited the robotics laboratory of Zhejiang University and learned the most cutting-edge scienti?c and technologicalknowledge. During the fourth stop, the children visited the WESNLI Silk Industry Museum and the Zhejiang SwireCoca-Cola Museum, understanding the fusion of Chinese and Western cultures. Finally, the children visited theQiantang Roller Sports Centre, the roller skating venue for the Hangzhou Asian Games, and experienced the charm ofsportsmanship.This activity combined travel and learning perfectly, and the children expanded their horizons while enriching theirknowledge.

CaseGathering for the Hangzhou Asian Games - A summer travel study

Gathering for the Hangzhou Asian Games - A Summer Travel Study

In 2023

Joyoung Foundation was rated as a "5A Social Organization", the highestrating for social organizations, in its ?rst evaluation

Since 2022, Joyoung Foundation has launched a project called "Living in the Sunshine". Through this project, the Companyo?ered support for uncared-for children and socially scattered orphans to improve their self-protection and social interactionabilities through education assistance and accompanying, so as to promote social harmony and progress.At present, the project has covered 10 counties across 4 cities,including Lishui, Quzhou, andTaizhou in Zhejiang Province, providing ?nancial support for a total of158 students

From 2008 to 2023the Company has cumulatively invested over 100 million yuan in public welfareThe total number ofemployees participatingin volunteer activities

The total duration ofvolunteer service


Average duration ofvolunteer service per person



Social Welfare

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

Giving Back to Society7980

The "Joyoung Foundation" was initiated and established by Joyoung and its founders, with the core value of "uniting the power of kindnessand creating a healthy and better life". Based on Joyoung's business strengths, the Foundation carries out public welfare events closely relatedto social issues such as health advocacy, nutrition, and well-being. The Foundation has also built two core brands, "Joyoung Charity Kitchen"and "Joyoung Food and Education Workshop", to promote the healthy development of young people.

In 2023, Joyoung Foundation launched "Living in the Sunshine - Wish Ful?lment Activity" campaign which encourag-es underprivileged children to express their wishes. In collaboration with Joyoung's philanthropic partners, thefoundation endeavors to ful?ll these wishes, thereby safeguarding the children's happy growth.During the activity, 103 underprivileged children from Lishui, Quzhou and Taizhou, and other areas in ZhejiangProvince made wishes. During the Spring Festival period, with the coordinated assistance of Joyoung Foundation'sphilanthropic partners across the country, the New Year gifts for children are continuously delivered to their hands,allowing them to feel the warmth of kindness during the cold winter season.

CaseLiving in the Sunshine - Chinese New Year special events for underprivileged children

Chinese New Year Special Events for the Underprivileged Children

In the summer vacation of 2023, Joyoung Foundation worked with Zhejiang Women and Children's Foundation toimplement the "Gathering for the Hangzhou Asian Games ? A Summer Travel Study in 2023, Themed on Living in theSunshine" project. Joyoung invited 20 children from Sanmen, Jiangshan and Pingyang, which are among the 26counties in the mountainous regions of Zhejiang Province, to come to Hangzhou for a travel study.The children visited Hefang Street Historical and Cultural Block during the ?rst stop of the travel study to relive thehistorical memories of Hangzhou. During their second stop, the children travelled to West Lake to visit famous sightsthat depicted in ancient poems and experience the history, culture, and scenery. During the third stop, the childrenvisited the robotics laboratory of Zhejiang University and learned the most cutting-edge scienti?c and technologicalknowledge. During the fourth stop, the children visited the WESNLI Silk Industry Museum and the Zhejiang SwireCoca-Cola Museum, understanding the fusion of Chinese and Western cultures. Finally, the children visited theQiantang Roller Sports Centre, the roller skating venue for the Hangzhou Asian Games, and experienced the charm ofsportsmanship.This activity combined travel and learning perfectly, and the children expanded their horizons while enriching theirknowledge.

CaseGathering for the Hangzhou Asian Games - A summer travel study

Gathering for the Hangzhou Asian Games - A Summer Travel Study

In 2023

Joyoung Foundation was rated as a "5A Social Organization", the highestrating for social organizations, in its ?rst evaluation

Since 2022, Joyoung Foundation has launched a project called "Living in the Sunshine". Through this project, the Companyo?ered support for uncared-for children and socially scattered orphans to improve their self-protection and social interactionabilities through education assistance and accompanying, so as to promote social harmony and progress.

At present, the project has covered 10 counties across 4 cities,including Lishui, Quzhou, andTaizhou in Zhejiang Province, providing ?nancial support for a total of158 students

From 2008 to 2023the Company has cumulatively invested over 100 million yuan in public welfareThe total number ofemployees participatingin volunteer activities

The total duration ofvolunteer service


Average duration ofvolunteer service per person



Social Welfare

Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

Index of Indicators
















G1.8,G1.9Compliance Operationand Stable Development

Feature onResponsibility

About Joyoung

Key PerformanceMessage fromChairAbout the ReportContents

Innovation-led ProductResponsibility Ful?lment

Corporate GovernanceRisk ManagementBusiness EthicsInformation SecurityParty Building





ResponsibleMarketingConsiderateCustomer ServiceSupplierManagementCommon Progressof the IndustryIndustry-University-Research CooperationEmploymentTraining andDevelopmentHealth and SafetyCare for Employees

Giving Back to SocietySocial Welfare


Climate Change










2-5Index of Indicators

P1.1,P1.2,P1.3,G3.7,A4Independent Assuranceand Statement of Opinion

A3Readers Feedback FormA5

Features 02: Caring forYouth Health and Growth

Features 01: Space Scienceand Technology Sparkingthe Kitchen Revolution

Company Pro?leCompany CultureCompany EventsHonorsESG Management

Continuous Innova-tion DriveIntellectual Proper-ty ProtectionProduct QualityOptimization

ContentsBe Customer-oriented andFully Protect CustomerRights and Interests

Employee Empowermentand Joint Growth

Environmental Governancefor Green Future

Shared Responsibility andSynergistic IndustryDevelopment

8182Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

Index of Indicators
















G1.8,G1.9Compliance Operationand Stable Development

Feature onResponsibility

About Joyoung

Key PerformanceMessage fromChairAbout the ReportContents

Innovation-led ProductResponsibility Ful?lment

Corporate GovernanceRisk ManagementBusiness EthicsInformation SecurityParty Building





ResponsibleMarketingConsiderateCustomer ServiceSupplierManagementCommon Progressof the IndustryIndustry-University-Research CooperationEmploymentTraining andDevelopmentHealth and SafetyCare for Employees

Giving Back to SocietySocial Welfare


Climate Change










2-5Index of Indicators

P1.1,P1.2,P1.3,G3.7,A4Independent Assuranceand Statement of Opinion

A3Readers Feedback FormA5

Features 02: Caring forYouth Health and Growth

Features 01: Space Scienceand Technology Sparkingthe Kitchen Revolution

Company Pro?leCompany CultureCompany EventsHonorsESG Management

Continuous Innova-tion DriveIntellectual Proper-ty ProtectionProduct QualityOptimization


Be Customer-oriented andFully Protect CustomerRights and Interests

Employee Empowermentand Joint Growth

Environmental Governancefor Green Future

Shared Responsibility andSynergistic IndustryDevelopment

8182Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

8384Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023Independent Assurance and Statement of Opinion

8384Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023Independent Assurance and Statement of Opinion

Readers Feedback FormDear reader,Delighted to make your acquaintance.Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to read the 2023 Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Gover-nance (ESG) Report. To provide you as well as other stakeholders with more valuable information, and to facilitate the Com-pany's progress in ESG management, we sincerely look forward to your comments and suggestions.

Do you have any comments and suggestions on the ful?lment by Joyoung Co., Ltd. of its environmental, social andgovernance responsibilities and on this Report?

Multiple-Choice Questions (Please tick where appropriate)

1. What is your overall assessment of this Report?

Very goodGoodAverageVery poorPoorVery goodGoodAverageVery poorPoorVery goodGoodAverageVery poorPoorVery goodGoodAverageVery poorPoorVery goodGoodAverageVery poorPoorVery goodGoodAverageVery poorPoorVery goodGoodAverageVery poorPoorVery goodGoodAverageVery poorPoorVery goodGoodAverageVery poorPoor

2. What is your overall assessment of this Report?

3. What is your overall assessment of this Report?

4. What is your overall assessment of this Report?

5. What is your overall assessment of this Report?

9. What is your overall assessment of this Report?

10. Open Question

6. What is your overall assessment of this Report?

7. What is your overall assessment of this Report?

8. What is your overall assessment of this Report?

8586Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

Readers Feedback FormDear reader,Delighted to make your acquaintance.Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to read the 2023 Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Gover-nance (ESG) Report. To provide you as well as other stakeholders with more valuable information, and to facilitate the Com-pany's progress in ESG management, we sincerely look forward to your comments and suggestions.

Do you have any comments and suggestions on the ful?lment by Joyoung Co., Ltd. of its environmental, social andgovernance responsibilities and on this Report?

Multiple-Choice Questions (Please tick where appropriate)

1. What is your overall assessment of this Report?

Very goodGoodAverageVery poorPoorVery goodGoodAverageVery poorPoorVery goodGoodAverageVery poorPoorVery goodGoodAverageVery poorPoorVery goodGoodAverageVery poorPoorVery goodGoodAverageVery poorPoorVery goodGoodAverageVery poorPoorVery goodGoodAverageVery poorPoorVery goodGoodAverageVery poorPoor

2. What is your overall assessment of this Report?

3. What is your overall assessment of this Report?

4. What is your overall assessment of this Report?

5. What is your overall assessment of this Report?

9. What is your overall assessment of this Report?

10. Open Question

6. What is your overall assessment of this Report?

7. What is your overall assessment of this Report?

8. What is your overall assessment of this Report?

8586Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

2023Environmental, Social andGovernance (ESG) Report

Joyoung Co., Ltd.
