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中国国际海运集装箱(集团)股份有限公司2012年第一季度报告全文(英文版) 下载公告
                                Report for the First Quarter of 2012 of China International Marine Containers (Group) Co., Ltd.
           China International Marine Containers (Group) Co., Ltd.
                                Report for the First Quarter of 2012
§1. Important Notes
1.1 The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, as well as directors, supervisors and
senior executives of China International Marine Containers (Group) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter
referred to as “the Company”) hereby guarantee that this report carries no false information,
misleading statements or major omissions, and will accept, individually and collectively, the
responsibility for factuality, accuracy and completeness of the information set forth herein.
1.2 Financial statements for the first quarter of 2012 have not been audited by an accounting
1.3 Li Jianhong (Principal of the Company) and Jin Jianlong (the person in charge of the
accounting project and the person-in-charge of the accounting organ/the principal of accounting)
hereby confirm that the financial statements enclosed in the quarterly report are factual and
[English Translation for Reference Only. Should there be any discrepancy between the two
versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.]
§2. Company Profile
2.1 Main accounting data and financial indicators
                                                                                                              Unit: RMB’000
                                                          31 Mar. 2012              31 Dec. 2011           Increase/decrease (%)
Total assets (RMB’000)                                        63,371,505.00            64,361,714.00                      -1.54%
Owners’ equity attributable to shareholders of the
                                                               18,940,843.00            18,633,154.00                       1.65%
Company (RMB’000)
Share capital (share)                                       2,662,396,051.00         2,662,396,051.00                       0.00%
Net assets per share attributable to shareholders
                                                                          7.11                      7.00                    1.57%
of the Company (RMB/share)
                                                         Jan.-Mar. 2012            Jan.-Mar. 2011          Increase/decrease (%)
Gross revenue (RMB’000)                                       12,351,927.00            17,056,642.00                     -27.58%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the
                                                                  375,305.00             1,358,250.00                     -72.37%
Company (RMB’000)
Net   cash   flows      from   operating activities
                                                                  525,875.00             -5,998,953.00                   108.77%
Net cash flows per share from operating
                                                                      0.1975                   -2.2532                   108.77%
activities (RMB/share)
Basic EPS (RMB/share)                                                 0.1410                    0.5102                    -72.37%
Diluted EPS (RMB/share)                                               0.1408                    0.5102                    -72.40%
Weighted average ROE (%)                                               2.00%                    8.02%                      -6.02%
Weighted     average      ROE     after   deducting
                                                                       1.84%                    7.80%                      -5.96%
non-recurring gains and losses (%)
                               Report for the First Quarter of 2012 of China International Marine Containers (Group) Co., Ltd.
Items of non-recurring gains and losses
√Applicable       □Inapplicable
