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晨鸣B:2018年第一季度报告全文(英文版) 下载公告
Report for the First Quarrter of 2018 of S Chennming Paper Hooldings Limited
            20018 First Quarterly Repoort
                       A 20118
                              Report for the First Quarter of 2018 of Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited
                              I Important Notice
    The board of directors (the “Board”), the supervisory committee
(the“Supervisory Committee”), the directors (the “Director”), supervisors (the
“Supervisors”) and senior management (the “Senior Management”) of the
Company hereby warrant that the contents of this quarterly report are true,
accurate and complete, and there are no false representations, misleading
statements or material omissions, and are jointly and severally responsible for
the liabilities of the Company.
    All Directors were present at the Board meeting to consider and approve
this quarterly report.
    Chen Hongguo, the head of the Company, Hu Jinbao, the head in charge of
accounting, and Zhang Bo, the head of the accounting department (Accounting
Officer), declare that they warrant the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness
of the financial statements in this quarterly report.
                                                  Report for the First Quarter of 2018 of Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited
                             II. General Information of the Company
I. Major financial data and financial indicators
Retrospective adjustment to or restatement of the accounting data for prior years by the Company
□ Yes √ No
                                                                                                                 Increase/decrease compared
                                                                                 Corresponding period of
                                                  The reporting period                                           to the corresponding period
                                                                                         prior year
                                                                                                                       of the prior year
Revenue (RMB)                                             7,241,811,895.12                 6,274,273,821.63                           15.42%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the
                                                           782,500,357.98                    702,517,923.91                           11.39%
Company (RMB)
Net profit after extraordinary gains or losses
attributable to shareholders of the Company                 733,118,818.26                   615,479,547.22                           19.11%
Net cash flows from operating activities
                                                          1,267,680,953.19                -1,799,933,755.66                          170.43%
Basic earnings per share (RMB per share)                                  0.31                            0.29                         6.90%
Diluted earnings per share (RMB per share)                                0.31                            0.29                         6.90%
Rate of return on net assets on weighted
                                                                        3.32%                            3.67%                         -0.35%
average basis
                                                                                                                 Increase/decrease as at the
                                                   As at the end of the          As at the end of the prior      end of the reporting period
                                                     reporting period                       year                 compared to the end of the
                                                                                                                 prior year
Total assets (RMB)                                     107,080,769,428.79               105,625,096,076.92                             1.38%
Net assets attributable to shareholders of the
                                                        28,743,611,313.74                 27,778,529,074.90                            3.47%
Company (RMB)
Items and amounts of extraordinary gains or losses
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                        Amounts for the period from
                                  Item                                    the beginning of the year to                    Note
                                                                        the end of the reporting period
Profit or loss from disposal of non-current assets (including
write-off of provision for assets impairment)                                              -833,628.51
Government grants (except for the government grants closely
                                                    Report for the First Quarter of 2018 of Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited
related to the normal operation of the Company and granted                              33,384,235.89
constantly at a fixed amount or quantity in accordance with a
certain standard based on state policies) accounted for in profit
or loss for the current period
Except for effective hedging business conducted in the ordinary
course of business of the Company, gain or loss arising from the
change in fair value of financial assets held for trading and
financial liabilities held for trading, as well as investment gains                     18,500,000.00
from disposal of financial assets held for trading and financial
liabilities held for trading and available-for-sale financial assets
Non-operating income and expenses other than the above items
Less: Effect of income tax
    Effect of minority interest (after tax)
Total                                                                                                                      --
Notes for the Company’s extraordinary gain or loss items as defined in the Explanatory Announcement on Information Disclosure for
Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public No.1 - Extraordinary Gains or Losses and the extraordinary gain or loss items as
illustrated in the Explanatory Announcement on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public No.1 -
Extraordinary Gains or Losses defined as its recurring gain or loss items.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No extraordinary gain or loss items as defined or illustrated in the Explanatory Announcement on Information Disclosure for
Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public No.1 - Extraordinary Gains or Losses were defined by the Company as its
recurring gain or loss items during the reporting period.
II. Total number of shareholders and the shareholding of the top ten shareholders as at the
end of the reporting period
1. Total number of shareholders of ordinary shares and shareholders of preference shares with restored
voting rights and the shareholding of the top ten shareholders
                                                                                                                                Unit: share
                                                                                         Total number of shareholders
Total number of shareholders of            98,301, of which 79,067were holders of A of preference shares with
ordinary shares as at the end of the       shares, 18,866 were holders of B shares and restored voting right as at the
reporting period                           368 were holders of H shares                  end of the reporting period (if
                                                    Shareholding of top 10 shareholders
             Name of shareholders                   Nature of          Percentage of   Number of     Number of        Share pledged or
                                           Report for the First Quarter of 2018 of Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited
                                          shareholders   shareholding     shares held     restricted           locked-up
                                                                                          shares held
                                                                                                        Status of
                                                               15.13%       293,003,657            0 Pledged        193,939,100
COMPANY LIMITED                      legal person
                                     Overseas legal
HKSCC NOMINEES LIMITED                                         12.85%       248,905,750
                                                               12.54%       242,754,375
LIMITED                              person
CENTRAL HUIJIN ASSET                 State-owned
                                                                2.07%        40,137,900
MANAGEMENT LTD.                      legal person
                                     Domestic nature
JIAO Yanxi                                                      0.52%         9,978,637
                                     Others                     0.47%         9,134,240
VANGUARD EMERGING MARKETS            Overseas legal
                                                                0.44%         8,608,238
STOCK INDEX FUND                     person
BANK OF CHINA - CHINA UNIVERSAL Others                          0.39%         7,500,009
                                     Domestic nature
Chen Hongguo                                                    0.35%         6,696,296 5,022,222
                                                                0.33%         6,301,672
STOCK INDEX FUND                     person
                           Shareholding of the top ten shareholders of non-restricted shares
                                                                        Number of                      Class of shares
                   Name of shareholders                           non-restricted shares
                                                                                           Class of shares          Number
                                                                                          RMB ordinary
SHOUGUANG CHENMING HOLDINGS COMPANY LIMITED                                 293,003,657                             293,003,657
                                                                                          Overseas listed
HKSCC NOMINEES LIMITED                                                      248,905,750                             248,905,750
                                                                                          foreign shares
                                                                                          Domestic listed
CHENMING HOLDINGS (HONG KONG) LIMITED                                       242,754,375 foreign shares
                                                                                          Overseas listed           102,276,000
                                                   Report for the First Quarter of 2018 of Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited
                                                                                                      foreign shares
                                                                                                      RMB ordinary
CENTRAL HUIJIN ASSET MANAGEMENT LTD.                                                    40,137,900                              40,137,900
                                                                                                      RMB ordinary
JIAO Yanxi                                                                                9,978,637                               9,978,637
                                                                                                      RMB ordinary
CHINA LIFE INSURANCE - CHINA LIFE INSURANCE’SEQUITY                                      9,134,240                               9,134,240
                                                                                                      Domestic listed
VANGUARD EMERGING MARKETS STOCK INDEX FUND                                                8,608,238                               8,608,238
                                                                                                      foreign shares
INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BANK OF CHINA - CHINA                                                       RMB ordinary
                                                                                          7,500,009                               7,500,009
UNIVERSAL FOCUSED GROWTH FUND                                                                         shares
                                                                                                      Domestic listed
VANGUARD TOTAL INTERNATIONAL STOCK INDEX FUND                                             6,301,672                               6,301,672
                                                                                                      foreign shares
                                                                                                      Domestic listed
LSV EMERGING MARKETS EQUITY FUND,L.P.                                                     6,102,800                               6,102,800
                                                                                                      foreign shares
                                  A shareholder, Chenming Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited, which is an overseas legal person, is a
                                  wholly-owned subsidiary of a shareholder, Shouguang Chenming Holdings Company Limited, which
Related relationship or acting
                                  is a state-owned legal person. Hence they are persons acting in concert under Administration of
in concert among the above
                                  Disclosure of Information on the Change of Shareholding in Listed Companies Procedures. Save for
                                  the above, it is not aware that any other shareholders of tradable shares are persons acting in concert
                                  and it is also not aware that any other shareholders of tradable shares are related with each other.
Whether an agreed repurchase transaction was entered into during the reporting period by the top 10 ordinary shareholders and top 10
shareholders of non-restricted shares of the Company
□ Yes √ No
The top 10 ordinary shareholders and top 10 shareholders of non-restricted ordinary shares of the Company did not enter into any
agreed repurchase transaction during the reporting period.
2. Total number of shareholders of preference shares and shareholding of the top ten shareholders of
preference shares
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                 Unit: share
Total number of shareholders of
preference shares as at the end of the
reporting period
                                      Shareholding of the top ten shareholders of preference shares
                                                                        Percentage                    Number of        Share pledged or
                                                         Nature of                    Number of
               Name of shareholders                                          of                       restricted          locked-up
                                                       shareholders                   shares held
                                                                         shareholdi                 shares held    Status of    Number
                                                  Report for the First Quarter of 2018 of Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited
                                                                          ng                                     shares
                                                  non-state-owned        27.78%     12,500,000              0 Pledged      12,500,000
                                                  legal person
INTERNATIONAL TRUST CO., LTD. -                   Others                 22.44%     10,100,000
INTERNATIONAL TRUST CO., LTD. -                   Others                 14.22%      6,400,000
QUANXIN WEALTH MANAGEMENT                         Others                 13.33%      6,000,000
HENGFENG BANK CO., LTD.                           non-state-owned        11.11%      5,000,000
                                                  legal person
SHANGHAI STATE-OWNED ASSETS                       State-owned legal
                                                                          6.67%      3,000,000
OPERATION CO., LTD.                               person
                                                  Others                  4.44%      2,000,000
                                                  Shareholders of preference shares, namely “BANK OF COMMUNICATIONS
                                                  INTERNATIONAL TRUST CO., LTD. - HUILI NO.167 SINGLE CAPITAL
                                                  TRUST” and “BANK OF COMMUNICATIONS INTERNATIONAL TRUST
Related relationship or acting in concert among
                                                  CO., LTD. - HUILI NO.136 SINGLE CAPITAL TRUST”, are persons acting in
the above shareholders
                                                  concert. Save for the above, it is not aware that any other shareholders of
                                                  preference shares are persons acting in concert and it is also not aware that any
                                                  other shareholders of preference shares are related with each other.
                                                  Report for the First Quarter of 2018 of Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited
                                                III Material matters
I. Details and reasons for changes of major financial data and financial indicators during the
reporting period
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
(I) Analysis of the assets and liabilities of the Company
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
             Item                     31 March 2018         31 December 2017              Change             Reason for change
Goodwill                                    49,364,594.99           20,283,787.17                143.37%             (1)
Advance receipts                           427,243,722.99         243,182,891.22                   75.69%            (2)
Staff remuneration payables                106,813,340.85         185,130,892.10                   -42.30%           (3)
Interest payable                            47,928,028.59           85,480,380.32                  -43.93%           (4)
Bonds payable                            1,198,395,304.75        2,196,261,279.57                  -45.43%           (5)
Other non-current liabilities            1,246,666,667.00          250,000,000.00                398.67%             (6)
Explanation of the reasons leading to the major changes:
(1)Goodwill increased by 143.37% as compared to the beginning of the year mainly due to the positive goodwill arising from the
acquisition of 30% equity interest in Shanghai Hongtai by the Company.
(2) Advance receipts increased by 75.69% as compared to the beginning of the year mainly due to the increase of advance receipts
received by the Company.
(3) Staff remuneration payables decreased by 42.30% as compared to the beginning of the year mainly due to the payment of annual
performance bonus by the Company during the reporting period.
(4) Interest payable decreased by 43.93% as compared to the beginning of the year mainly due to the repayment of the interest on
RMB1,000 million corporate bonds by the financial leasing company.
(5) Bonds payable decreased by 45.43% as compared to the beginning of the year mainly due to the repayment of RMB1,000 million
corporate bonds by the financial leasing company.
(6) Other non-current liabilities increased by 398.67% as compared to the beginning of the year mainly due to the issue of RMB1,000
million medium-term notes by the Company during the reporting period
(II) Reasons for significant year on year changes of income statement items during the reporting period
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
           Item                 January – March2018     January – March2017           Change               Reason for change
Sales revenue                         7,241,811,895.12         6,274,273,821.63                    15.42%           (1)
Taxes and surcharges                     62,538,374.77            54,684,663.59                    14.36%           (2)
Selling and distribution               270,903,272.57           304,176,522.86                   -10.94%            (3)
                                                 Report for the First Quarter of 2018 of Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited
General and
                                      495,307,657.40             413,588,829.04                     19.76%              (4)
administrative expenses
Loss on impairment
                                       59,082,697.85                23,825,034.05                  147.99%              (5)
of assets
Financial expenses                    768,650,745.61             472,931,576.60                     62.53%              (6)
Explanation of the reasons leading to the major changes:
(1) Sales revenue increased by 15.42% as compared to the corresponding period of last year mainly due to a year-on-year increase in
the prices of machine-made paper.
(2)Taxes and surcharges increased by 14.36% as compared to the corresponding period of last year mainly due to a year-on-year
increase in the Company’s sales revenue and gross profit margin.
(3)Selling and distribution expenses decreased by 10.94% as compared to the corresponding period of last year mainly due to the
tighter control on selling and distribution expenses by the Company.
(4)General and administrative expenses increased by 19.76% as compared to the corresponding period of last year mainly due to a
year-on-year increase in R&D expenditure.
(5)Loss on impairment of assets increased by 147.99% as compared to the corresponding period of last year mainly due to the
amendment to the bad debt policy of the financial leasing business at the end of last year by the Company.
(6) Financial expenses increased by 62.53% as compared to the corresponding period of last year mainly due to a year-on-year
increase in the debt size and financing costs of the Company.
(III) Analysis of cash flows during the reporting period
                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
              Item                January - March 2018      January - March 2017             Change              Reason for change
Net cash flows from operating
                                        1,267,680,953.19         -1,799,933,755.66                  170.43%              (1)
Net cash flows from investment
                                        -1,724,411,977.89            147,890,412.84               -1266.01%              (2)
Net cash flows from financing
                                         -134,535,571.79            2,013,126,167.07               -106.68%              (3)
Explanation of the reasons leading to the major changes:
(1)Net cash flows from operating activities increased by 170.43%as compared to the beginning of the year mainly due to an increase
in sales revenue resulting from the increase in the prices of machine-made paper and a decrease in net leasing of the financial leasing
business as compared to the corresponding period of last year.
(2)Net cash flows from investing activities decreased by 1,266.01%as compared to the beginning of the year mainly due to the
acquisition of 30% equity interest in Shanghai Hongtai by the Company.
(3)Net cash flows from financial activities decreased by 106.68%as compared to the beginning of the year mainly due to the
expansion of the debt size controlled by the Company.
II. Progress in respect to material matters and analysis of the related effects and solutions
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
                                                 Report for the First Quarter of 2018 of Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited
III. Undertakings made by parties involved in undertakings including the Company’s
beneficial controllers, shareholders, related parties, bidders and the Company subsisting
during the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
During the reporting period, there were no undertakings made by parties involved in undertakings including the Company’s
beneficial controllers, shareholders, related parties, bidders and the Company subsisting during the reporting period.
IV. Estimate of the operating results for January - June 2018
Warning of projection on cumulative net profit for the period from the beginning of the year to the end of the next reporting period to
be at a loss or expected to have material changes as compared to the corresponding period of prior year and its explanation
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
V. Security investments
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company did not have any security investments during the reporting period.
VI. Derivatives investments
□Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company did not have any derivative investments during the reporting period.
VII. Registration report on reception of research investigations, communications and
interviews during the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company did not have any reception of research investigations, communications and interviews during the reporting period.
VIII. External guarantees against the rules and regulations
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no external guarantee provided by the Company which was against the rules and regulations during the reporting period.
IX. Appropriation of funds of the Company by the controlling shareholder and its related
parties for non-operating purposes
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no appropriation of funds of the Company by the controlling shareholder and its related parties for non-operating purposes
during the reporting period.
                                             Report for the First Quarter of 2018 of Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited
                                           IV Financial Statements
I. Financial Statements
1. Consolidated Balance Sheet
Prepared by: Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited
                                                        31 March 2018
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                    Item                           Closing balance                            Opening balance
     Monetary funds                                            15,089,639,413.59                          14,443,492,461.43
     Financial assets at fair value
                                                                  112,500,000.00                              94,000,000.00
     through profit or loss
     Bills receivable                                           3,916,254,267.61                           4,220,231,853.56
     Accounts receivable                                        3,869,956,800.54                           3,665,865,577.03
     Prepayments                                                1,981,625,567.07                           1,962,151,473.35
     Other receivables                                           658,325,916.30                             538,734,656.55
     Inventories                                                6,632,665,030.29                           6,022,805,491.17
     Non-current assets due within one
                                                                6,932,124,260.47                           6,901,695,875.94
     Other current assets                                       9,374,699,651.53                          11,568,757,330.26
Total current assets                                           48,567,790,907.40                          49,417,734,719.29
     Available-for-sale financial assets                        2,453,000,000.00                           2,453,000,000.00
     Long-term receivables                                     11,118,982,838.89                           9,400,862,089.18
     Long-term equity investments                                408,356,486.31                             391,868,827.45
     Investment properties                                      4,785,281,837.13                           4,809,535,109.82
     Fixed assets                                              28,169,837,026.84                          28,227,509,503.05
     Construction in progress                                   8,460,922,302.89                           7,668,669,413.87
     Construction materials                                          10,090,951.74                            15,275,630.45
     Intangible assets                                          1,925,863,054.11                           2,059,221,379.09
     Goodwill                                                        49,364,594.99                            20,283,787.17
     Long-term prepaid expenses                                  137,283,507.52                             139,122,569.45
     Deferred income tax assets                                  523,792,145.93                             522,288,850.40
                                          Report for the First Quarter of 2018 of Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited
     Other non-current assets                                 470,203,775.04                             499,724,197.70
Total non-current assets                                   58,512,978,521.39                           56,207,361,357.63
Total assets                                              107,080,769,428.79                         105,625,096,076.92
     Short-term borrowings                                 35,711,413,757.44                           35,096,574,873.03
     Bills payable                                          1,595,333,518.56                            1,278,395,090.71
     Accounts payable                                       3,146,107,129.21                            4,013,936,527.74
     Advance receipts                                         427,243,722.99                             243,182,891.22
     Staff remuneration payables                              106,813,340.85                             185,130,892.10
     Taxes payable                                            506,766,970.98                             496,626,014.68
     Interest payable                                          47,928,028.59                               85,480,380.32
     Other payables                                         1,530,547,398.00                            1,426,629,545.41
     Non-current liabilities due within
                                                            3,529,882,896.40                            3,625,430,347.40
     one year
     Other current liabilities                             12,907,095,864.17                           10,797,248,631.76
Total current liabilities                                  59,509,132,627.19                           57,248,635,194.37
     Long-term borrowings                                   7,191,782,466.97                            7,646,122,995.91
     Bonds payable                                          1,198,395,304.75                            2,196,261,279.57
     Long-term payables                                     5,431,980,150.13                            5,550,881,435.64
     Special payables                                         681,039,716.66                             681,039,716.66
     Provisions                                               325,259,082.28                             325,259,082.28
     Deferred income                                        1,430,904,842.12                            1,452,717,833.55
     Other non-current liabilities                          1,246,666,667.00                             250,000,000.00
Total non-current liabilities                              17,506,028,229.91                           18,102,282,343.61
TOTAL LIABILITIES                                          77,015,160,857.10                           75,350,917,537.98
     Share capital                                          1,936,405,467.00                            1,936,405,467.00
     Other equity instruments                              10,048,300,000.00                           10,048,300,000.00
    Including: Preference shares                        4,477,500,000.00                            4,477,500,000.00
                Perpetual bonds                             5,570,800,000.00                            5,570,800,000.00
     Capital reserves                                       6,149,257,784.90                            6,149,257,784.90
     Other comprehensive income                                -73,483,246.94                            -354,165,127.80
     Surplus reserves                                        1,132,116,106.40                           1,132,116,106.40
                                           Report for the First Quarter of 2018 of Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited
     Retained profit                                          9,551,015,202.38                           8,866,614,844.40
Total equity attributable to equity
                                                             28,743,611,313.74                          27,778,529,074.90
 holders of the company
     Minority interest                                        1,321,997,257.95                           2,495,649,464.04
Total owners’ equity                                        30,065,608,571.69                          30,274,178,538.94
                                                            107,080,769,428.79                         105,625,096,076.92
          Legal Representative:                  Financial controller:               Head of the financial department:
              Chen Hongguo                            Hu Jinbao                                 Zhang Bo
2. Balance sheet of the Company
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                    Item                         Closing balance                            Opening balance
     Monetary funds                                           9,441,442,393.70                           9,580,548,200.88
     Financial assets at fair value
                                                                  112,500,000.00                            94,000,000.00
     through profit or loss
     Bills receivable                                             923,114,795.94                           787,095,075.51
     Accounts receivable                                      1,334,746,219.41                                8,188,750.45
     Prepayments                                                  655,328,549.76                           742,107,273.09
     Other receivables                                       26,863,440,842.76                          22,351,203,484.83
     Inventories                                                  804,406,410.36                           751,426,520.51
     Other current assets                                           3,256,461.13                              2,488,977.72
Total current assets                                         40,138,235,673.06                          34,317,058,282.99
     Available-for-sale financial assets                      2,453,000,000.00                           2,453,000,000.00
     Long-term receivables                                        456,925,607.06                           456,925,607.06
     Long-term equity investments                            18,662,876,221.53                          18,674,034,243.49
     Fixed assets                                             2,177,471,274.40                           2,364,990,246.94
     Construction in progress                                 1,303,979,588.96                             973,375,557.42
     Intangible assets                                            467,348,695.74                           470,379,203.58
     Deferred income tax assets                                   168,294,583.66                           186,935,887.68
                                          Report for the First Quarter of 2018 of Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited
     Other non-current assets                                  54,800,000.00                               54,800,000.00
Total non-current assets                                   25,744,695,971.35                           25,634,440,746.17
Total assets                                               65,882,931,644.41                           59,951,499,029.16
     Short-term borrowings                                  7,278,360,581.34                            7,522,637,247.14
     Bills payable                                          6,978,205,900.00                            6,375,070,000.00
     Accounts payable                                       1,793,381,184.53                             570,706,495.21
     Advance receipts                                       1,435,718,563.63                             956,040,917.07
     Staff remuneration payables                               37,774,561.75                               47,546,116.66
     Taxes payable                                            100,627,697.68                              116,173,781.96
     Interest payable                                          47,928,028.59                               28,428,028.58
     Other payables                                         2,739,303,962.12                            2,162,553,106.46
     Non-current liabilities due within
                                                            1,743,985,162.45                            1,318,429,260.12
 one year
     Other current liabilities                             12,907,095,864.17                           10,797,248,631.76
Total current liabilities                                  35,062,381,506.26                           29,894,833,584.96
     Long-term borrowings                                     742,724,996.42                             908,182,122.65
     Bonds payable                                          1,198,395,304.75                            1,198,305,304.75
     Long-term payables                                     4,514,290,046.62                            4,605,691,332.13
     Provisions                                               325,259,082.28                             325,259,082.28
     Deferred income                                           49,667,895.95                               50,753,189.60
     Other non-current liabilities                          1,246,666,667.00                             250,000,000.00
Total non-current liabilities                               8,077,003,993.02                            7,338,191,031.41
TOTAL LIABILITIES                                          43,139,385,499.28                           37,233,024,616.37
     Share capital                                          1,936,405,467.00                            1,936,405,467.00
     Other equity instruments                              10,048,300,000.00                           10,048,300,000.00
    Including: Preference shares                        4,477,500,000.00                            4,477,500,000.00
                Perpetual bonds                             5,570,800,000.00                            5,570,800,000.00
     Capital reserves                                       5,938,960,168.19                            5,938,960,168.19
     Surplus reserves                                        1,119,926,524.49                           1,119,926,524.49
     Retained profit                                        3,699,953,985.45                            3,674,882,253.11
Total owners’ equity                                      22,743,546,145.13                           22,718,474,412.79
                                              Report for the First Quarter of 2018 of Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited
                                                               65,882,931,644.41                           59,951,499,029.16
3. Consolidated income statement
                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                     Item                         Amounts for the period                 Amounts for the prior period
I. Total revenue                                                 7,241,811,895.12                           6,274,273,821.63
     Including: Revenue                                          7,241,811,895.12                           6,274,273,821.63
II. Total operating costs                                        6,348,793,347.27                           5,540,639,425.53
     Including: Operating costs                                  4,692,310,599.07                           4,271,432,799.39
              Taxes and surcharges                                  62,538,374.77                              54,684,663.59
              Sales and distribution
                                                                   270,903,272.57                            304,176,522.86
              General and administrative
                                                                   495,307,657.40                            413,588,829.04
              Finance expenses                                     768,650,745.61                            472,931,576.60
              Loss on impairment of assets                          59,082,697.85                              23,825,034.05
     Plus: Gain on change in fair value
            (“-” denotes loss)
            Investment income
                                                                    38,745,214.22                              34,080,946.51
            (“-” denotes loss)
            Including: Investment income
                         from associates                            -5,008,613.46                              -5,602,501.04
                         and joint ventures
           Gain on disposal of assets
                                                                           5,264.44                              -921,000.44
           (“-” denotes loss)
           Other income                                             35,587,255.87
III. Operating profit (“-” denotes loss)                         985,856,282.38                            766,794,342.17
     Plus: Non-operating income                                      2,608,937.24                              98,493,848.65
     Less: Non-operating expenses                                      905,848.50                                 429,165.35
IV. Total profit (“-” denotes total loss)                        987,559,371.12                            864,859,025.47
     Less: Income tax expenses                                     207,172,541.16                            165,263,056.51
V. Net profit (“-” denotes net loss)                             780,386,829.96                            699,595,968.96
     (I) Net profit from continuing
                                                                   780,386,829.96                            699,595,968.96
operations (“-” denotes net loss)
     (II) Net profit from discontinued                                            -                                        -
                                               Report for the First Quarter of 2018 of Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited
operations(“-” denotes net loss)
     Net profit attributable to
                                                                      782,500,357.98                           702,517,923.91
     shareholders of the Company
     Profit or loss of minority interest                               -2,113,528.02                             -2,921,954.95
VI. Net other comprehensive income
                                                                      280,681,880.86                            36,500,385.95
    after tax
  Net other comprehensive income after
    tax attributable to shareholders of the                           280,681,880.86                            36,500,385.95
     (I) Other comprehensive income that
         will not be reclassified to profit                                        -                                            -
         or loss in sub sequent periods
     (II) Other comprehensive income
         that will be reclassified to profit                          280,681,880.86                            36,500,385.95
         or loss in subsequent periods
     1. Exchange differences on
                                                                      280,681,880.86                            36,500,385.95
         translation of foreign operations
  Net other comprehensive income after
                                                                                   -                                            -
    tax attributable to minority interest
VII. Total comprehensive income                                    1,061,068,710.82                            736,096,354.91
     Total other comprehensive income
      attributable to shareholders of the                          1,063,182,238.84                            739,018,309.86
     Total comprehensive income
                                                                       -2,113,528.02                             -2,921,954.95
      attributable to minority interest
VIII. Earnings per share:
     (I) Basic earnings per share                                               0.31                                         0.29
     (II) Diluted earnings per share                                            0.31                                         0.29
           Legal Representative:                     Financial controller:               Head of the financial department:
                Chen Hongguo                              Hu Jinbao                                 Zhang Bo
4. Income statement of the Company
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                   Item                           Amounts for the period                  Amounts for the prior period
I. Revenue                                                        1,450,100,125.24                           1,825,135,337.89
                                               Report for the First Quarter of 2018 of Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited
     Less: Operating costs                                       1,004,299,850.90                            1,346,106,037.13
           Taxes and surcharges                                     23,185,158.78                               22,146,157.86
           Sales and distribution
                                                                    41,118,479.35                               61,708,995.39
           General and administrative
                                                                   128,845,305.73                             157,074,579.69
           Finance expenses                                        160,195,809.53                              133,730,116.49
           Loss on impairment of assets                              -3,637,308.53                              10,581,405.57
     Plus: Gain on change in fair value
              (“-” denotes loss)
           Investment income
                                                                    35,095,805.72                               39,583,206.16
              (“-” denotes loss)
           Including: Investment income
                         from associates                               -154,294.28                                 -97,092.16
                         and joint ventures
           Gain on disposal of assets
                                                                           121.63                                   19,293.30
(“-” denotes loss)
           Other income                                               1,085,293.65
II. Operating profit (“-” denotes loss)                          150,774,050.48                             133,390,545.22
     Plus: Non-operating income                                        164,617.03                                1,682,622.31
     Less: Non-operating expenses                                      621,903.47
III. Total profit (“-” denotes total loss)                       150,316,764.04                             135,073,167.53
     Less: Income tax expenses                                      18,641,304.02                               10,663,012.86
IV. Net profit (“-” denotes net loss)                            131,675,460.02                             124,410,154.67
     (I) Net profit from continuing
          operations (“-” denotes net                            131,675,460.02                             124,410,154.67
     (II) Net profit from discontinued
          operations (“-” denotes net                                          -                                          -
V. Net other comprehensive income
                                                                                 -                                          -
  after tax
     (I) Other comprehensive income
     that will not be reclassified to                                            -                                          -
     profit or loss in subsequent periods
     (II) Other comprehensive income
     that will be reclassified to profit or                                      -                                          -
     loss in subsequent periods
                                            Report for the First Quarter of 2018 of Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited
VI. Total comprehensive income                                  131,675,460.02                              124,410,154.67
VII. Earnings per share
     (I) Basic earnings per share                                                  -                                     -
     (II) Diluted earnings per share                                               -                                     -
5. Consolidated cash flow statement
                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                  Item                        Amounts for the period                   Amounts for the prior period
I. Cash flows from operating activities:
     Cash received from sales of goods
                                                             8,279,206,351.45                             6,071,765,519.77
     and rendering of services
     Tax rebates received                                        2,412,586.40                                    49,253.28
     Cash received relating to other
                                                               580,565,896.58                               344,275,340.11
     operating activities
Subtotal of cash inflows from operating
                                                             8,862,184,834.43                             6,416,090,113.16
     Cash paid for goods and services                        6,100,012,550.54                             4,284,027,734.66
     Cash paid to and for employees                            338,948,088.15                               254,685,584.47
     Payments of taxes and surcharges                          497,568,122.37                               349,632,991.79
     Cash paid relating to other
                                                               657,975,120.18                             3,327,677,557.90
      operating activities
Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                                             7,594,503,881.24                             8,216,023,868.82
 operating activities
Net cash flows from operating
                                                             1,267,680,953.19                            -1,799,933,755.66
II. Cash flows from investment
     Cash received from investments                             30,000,000.00                                            -
     Cash received from investment
                                                               112,541,400.00                                13,750,000.00
     Net cash received from disposal of
      fixed assets, intangible assets and                              17,384.00                                         -
      other long-term assets
     Cash received relating to other
                                                                               -                            518,764,372.00
      investment activities
Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                                               142,558,784.00                               532,514,372.00
 investment activities
                                           Report for the First Quarter of 2018 of Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited
     Cash paid for purchase of fixed
     assets, intangible assets and other                      591,970,761.89                              384,623,959.16
     long-term assets
     Cash paid on investments                               1,171,957,789.46
     Cash paid relating to other
       investment activities
Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                                            1,866,970,761.89                              384,623,959.16
 investment activities
Net cash flows from investment
                                                            -1,724,411,977.89                             147,890,412.84
III. Cash flows from financing
     Cash received from borrowings                          9,233,253,564.49                           13,559,751,515.69
     Cash received from issuance of
     Cash received relating to other
                                                            6,034,958,302.56                             5,011,942,828.52
     financing activities
Subtotal of cash inflows from financing
                                                           15,268,211,867.05                           19,568,694,344.21
     Cash repayments on borrowing                          10,182,447,626.95                           12,943,894,864.13
     Cash paid for dividend and profit
                                                              651,766,445.79                              468,301,155.59
       distribution or interest payment
     Cash paid relating to other
                                                            4,568,533,366.10                             4,143,372,157.42
       financing activities
Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                                           15,402,747,438.84                           17,555,568,177.14
 financing activities
Net cash flows from financing
                                                             -134,535,571.79                             2,013,126,167.07
IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate
                                                              -18,600,721.48                               -12,654,907.93
changes on cash and cash equivalents
V. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                             -609,867,317.97                              348,427,916.32
     Plus: Balance of cash and cash
              equivalents as at the                         2,804,408,374.46                             1,979,861,045.62
              beginning of the period
VI. Balance of cash and cash
     equivalents as at the end of the                       2,194,541,056.49                             2,328,288,961.94
                                            Report for the First Quarter of 2018 of Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited
6. Cash flow statement of the Company
                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                  Item                        Amounts for the period                   Amounts for the prior period
I. Cash flows from operating activities:
     Cash received from sales of goods
                                                             1,646,162,348.96                             2,043,512,964.97
      and rendering of services
     Cash received relating to other
                                                                21,435,511.08                             2,307,363,848.50
      operating activities
Subtotal of cash inflows from operating
                                                             1,667,597,860.04                             4,350,876,813.47
     Cash paid for goods and services                          800,010,191.80                             1,596,601,181.89
     Cash paid to and for employees                            109,109,796.36                                91,590,954.26
     Payments of taxes and surcharges                          129,294,420.54                                93,278,359.86
     Cash paid relating to other
                                                             2,483,754,448.42                                14,107,297.75
     operating activities
Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                                             3,522,168,857.12                             1,795,577,793.76
 operating activities
Net cash flows from operating
                                                            -1,854,570,997.08                             2,555,299,019.71
II. Cash flows from investment
     Cash received from investments                             30,000,000.00                                            -
     Cash received from investment
                                                               112,541,400.00                                13,750,000.00
     Cash received relating to other
                                                                             -                              500,000,000.00
      investment activities
Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                                               142,541,400.00                               513,750,000.00
 investment activities
     Cash paid for purchase of fixed
      assets, intangible assets and other                        6,127,000.00                                   246,066.75
      long-term assets
     Cash paid on investments                                                -                            2,000,000,000.00
Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                                                 6,127,000.00                             2,000,246,066.75
 investment activities
Net cash flows from investment
                                                               136,414,400.00                            -1,486,496,066.75
III. Cash flows from financing
                                                  Report for the First Quarter of 2018 of Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited
     Cash received from borrowings                                 2,680,503,196.92                             2,805,500,000.00
     Cash received relating to other
                                                                   5,408,064,947.95                             4,495,241,096.00
       financing activities
Subtotal of cash inflows from financing
                                                                   8,088,568,144.87                             7,300,741,096.00
     Cash repayments on borrowing                                  3,605,796,202.77                             3,585,574,810.02
     Cash paid for dividend and profit
                                                                     438,519,151.51                              374,131,591.29
       distribution or interest payment
     Cash paid relating to other
                                                                   2,710,525,941.91                             4,660,350,945.07
       financing activities
Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                                                   6,754,841,296.19                             8,620,057,346.38
 financing activities
Net cash flows from financing
                                                                   1,333,726,848.68                            -1,319,316,250.38
IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate
    changes on cash and cash                                           5,801,533.68                                    42,600.81
V. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                                    -378,628,214.72                              -250,470,696.61
     Plus: Balance of cash and cash
               equivalents as at the                               1,020,262,069.85                              582,578,426.62
               beginning of the period
VI. Balance of cash and cash
    equivalents as at the end of the                                 641,633,855.13                              332,107,730.01
II. Auditors’ Report
Has the first quarterly report already been audited yet?
□ Yes √ No
The first quarterly report of the Company is unaudited.
                                                                                              By order of the Board
                                                                            Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited
                                                                                                   26 April 2018
