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安徽古井贡酒股份有限公司2014年半年度报告(英文版) 下载公告
                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited
             2014 Semi-annual Report
                   August 2014
                                              2014 Semi-annual Report of Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited
          Section I. Important Reminders, Contents & Definition
The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee as well as all directors, supervisors and senior
management staff of Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as “the
Company”) warrant that this report is factual, accurate and complete without any false record,
misleading statement or material omission. And they shall be jointly and severally liable for that.
All directors attended the board session for reviewing this report.
The Company plans not to distribute cash dividends or bonus shares or turn capital reserve into
share capital.
Liang Jinhui, company principal, Ye Changqing, chief of the accounting work, and Zhu Jiafeng,
chief of the accounting organ (chief of accounting), hereby confirm that the Financial Report
enclosed in this report is factual, accurate and complete.
This report involves futures plans and some other forward-looking statements, which shall not be
considered as virtual promises to investors. Investors are kindly reminded to pay attention to
possible risks.
This report is prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there be any discrepancy between the
two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.
                                                                 2014 Semi-annual Report of Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited
2014 Semi-annual Report .................................................................................................................. 1
Section I. Important Reminders, Contents & Definition ............................................................... 2
Section II. Company Profile .............................................................................................................. 5
Section III. Highlights of Accounting Data & Financial Indicators .............................................. 7
Section IV. Report of the Board of Directors ....................................................错误!未定义书签。
Section V. Significant Events ........................................................................................................... 19
Section VI. Change in Shares & Shareholders .............................................................................. 27
Section VII. Preferred Shares ......................................................................................................... 27
Section VIII. Directors, Supervisors & Senior Management Staff .................错误!未定义书签。
Section IX. Financial Report ..............................................................................错误!未定义书签。
Section X. Documents Available for Reference ................................................错误!未定义书签。
                                            2014 Semi-annual Report of Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited
                   Term                                                 Definition
Company, the Company, Gu Jing            Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited
Group, the Group                         Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited (consolidated)
Gujing Group                             Anhui Gujing Group Co., Ltd.
                                                               2014 Semi-annual Report of Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited
                                        Section II. Company Profile
I. Basic information of the Company
Stock abbreviation              GJGJ, GJGB                               Stock code                    000596, 200596
Stock exchange listed with      Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Chinese name of the Company 安徽古井贡酒股份有限公司
Abbr. of the Chinese name of
the Company (if any)
English name of the Company
                                ANHUI     GUJING          DISTILLERY COMPANY LIMITED
(if any)
Abbr. of the English name of
                                GU JING
the Company (if any)
Legal representative of the
                                Liang Jinhui
II. Contact information
                                                           Company Secretary                  Securities Affairs Representative
Name                                           Ye Changqing                              Ma Junwei
                                               Gujing Town, Bozhou City, Anhui           Gujing Town, Bozhou City, Anhui
Contact address
                                               Province                                  Province
Tel.                                           (0558)5712231                           (0558)5710057
Fax                                            (0558)5317706                           (0558)5317706
E-mail                                         ycq@gujing.com.cn                         gjzqb@gujing.com.cn
III. Other information
1. Ways to contact the Company
Did any change occur to the registered address, office address and their postal codes, website address and email address of the
Company during the reporting period?
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The registered address, office address and their postal codes, website address and email address of the Company did not change
during the reporting period. The said information can be found in the 2013 Annual Report.
2. About information disclosure and where this report is placed
Did any change occur to information disclosure media and where this report is placed during the reporting period?
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The newspapers designated by the Company for information disclosure, the website designated by CSRC for disclosing this report
and the location where this report is placed did not change during the reporting period. The said information can be found in the 2013
                                                             2014 Semi-annual Report of Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited
Annual Report.
3. Change of the registered information
Did any change occur to the registered information during the reporting period?
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The registration date and place of the Company, its business license No., taxation registration No. and organizational code did not
change during the reporting period. The said information can be found in the 2013 Annual Report.
                                                             2014 Semi-annual Report of Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited
     Section III. Highlights of Accounting Data & Financial Indicators
I. Major accounting data and financial indicators
Does the Company adjust retrospectively or restate accounting data of previous years due to change of any accounting policy or
correction of any accounting error?
□ Yes √ No
                                                 Reporting period             Same period of last year        YoY +/- (%)
Operating revenues (RMB Yuan)                          2,390,158,949.76                2,306,954,677.39                     3.61%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                         357,806,197.58                  375,752,833.11                     -4.78%
the Company (RMB Yuan)
Net profit attributable to shareholders of
the Company after extraordinary gains and                349,115,748.43                  366,358,371.54                     -4.71%
losses (RMB Yuan)
Net cash flows from operating activities
                                                         -76,213,052.44                  142,716,150.70                   -153.40%
(RMB Yuan)
Basic EPS (RMB Yuan/share)                                             0.71                          0.75                   -5.33%
Diluted EPS (RMB Yuan/share)                                           0.71                          0.75                   -5.33%
Weighted average ROE (%)                                          9.33%                          10.94%                     -1.61%
                                                As at the end of the
                                                                              As at the end of last year        +/- (%)
                                                  reporting period
Total assets (RMB Yuan)                                5,908,898,994.97                5,816,934,562.27                     1.58%
Net assets attributable to shareholders of
                                                       3,927,285,740.25                3,742,756,257.05                     4.93%
the Company (RMB Yuan)
II. Differences between accounting data under domestic and overseas accounting standards
1. Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under international and
Chinese accounting standards
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No difference.
2. Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under overseas and
Chinese accounting standards
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No difference.
III. Items and amounts of extraordinary gains and losses
√Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                2014 Semi-annual Report of Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited
                                Item                                           Amount                        Explanation
Gains/losses on the disposal of non-current assets (including the
offset part of asset impairment provisions)
Capital occupation charges on non-financial enterprises that were
recorded into current gains and losses
Gains and losses on change in fair value from tradable financial
assets and tradable financial liabilities, as well as investment
income from disposal of tradable financial assets and tradable
financial liabilities and financial assets available for sales except
for effective hedging related with normal businesses of the
Non-operating income and expenses other than the above                             10,782,540.53
Less: Income tax effects                                                            2,896,816.38
Total                                                                               8,690,449.15                  --
Explain the reasons if the Company classifies an item as an extraordinary gain/loss according to the definition in the Explanatory
Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public—Extraordinary Gains and
Losses, or classifies any extraordinary gain/loss item mentioned in the said explanatory announcement as a recurrent gain/loss item
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No such cases during the reporting period.
                                                                2014 Semi-annual Report of Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited
                           Section IV. Report of the Board of Directors
I. Overview
In the first half of 2014, adjustment in the distilled spirit industry continued to deepen, with innovation and
transformation speeding up. The Board of Directors of the Company had a calm mind in studying and judging the
big picture and made adjustments to adapt. Centering on the values of “be honest, make good wine, make
ourselves better and make the world better”, we further freed our mind, transformed our ideology, enhanced
management and deepened our exploration of markets, which enlarged the market share, improved the operation
and management capability and helped realize the normal operation of the main business of distilled spirit. For the
reporting period, the Company achieved operating revenues of RMB 2,390,158,949.76, up 3.61% year on year; and
net profits of RMB 357,806,197.58, down 4.78% from the same period of last year.
II. Main business analysis
YoY change of major financial data:
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                                Reporting period        Same period of last year         YoY +/-%            Main reasons for change
Operating revenues                  2,390,158,949.76           2,306,954,677.39                     3.61%
Operating costs                       734,083,360.31             726,521,456.89                     1.04%
Selling expenses                      706,159,566.91             617,749,743.85                  14.31%
Administrative expenses               239,125,781.91             178,529,442.62                  33.94%
Financial expenses                     -32,364,892.13             -34,200,295.79                    -5.37%
Income tax expenses                   126,941,933.36             133,976,868.93                     -5.25%
Net cash flows from
                                       -76,213,052.44            142,716,150.70                -153.40%
operating activities
Net cash flows from
                                      -204,715,450.66          -1,013,354,196.93                -79.80%
investing activities
                                                                                                             The equity distribution
Net cash flows from
                                                                 -251,800,000.00               -100.00% for 2013 was carried out
financing activities
                                                                                                             in this July.
Net increase in cash and
                                      -280,928,503.10          -1,122,438,046.23                -74.97%
cash equivalents
Major changes to the profit structure or sources of the Company during the reporting period:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No major changes occurred to the profit structure or sources of the Company during the reporting period.
Reporting period progress of the future development planning in the disclosed documents of the Company such as share-soliciting
prospectuses, offering prospectuses, asset reorganization reports, etc.:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company did not mention any future planning for the reporting period in its disclosed documents such as share-soliciting
prospectuses, offering prospectuses, asset reorganization reports, etc.
Review the progress of any previously disclosed business plan in the reporting period:
                                                        2014 Semi-annual Report of Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited
III. Breakdown of main business
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                    Increase/decrea Increase/decrea Increase/decrea
                     Operating                         Gross profit se of operating se of operating se of gross
                                       Operating costs
                     revenues                             rate       revenues over costs over last profit rate over
                                                                        last year         year         last year
Classified by industry:
Manufacture      2,368,129,229.88 713,705,869.42           69.86%             3.22%            -0.15%            1.02%
Classified by product:
Distilled spirit
                 2,326,086,139.93 687,121,871.32           70.46%             3.27%             0.01%            0.96%
Hotel revenue        35,011,065.89      20,656,528.88      41.00%             5.32%             1.87%            2.00%
Other                   7,032,024.06     5,927,469.22      15.71%           -17.84%           -20.45%            2.77%
Classified by region:
Domestic         2,368,129,229.88 713,705,869.42           69.86%             3.22%            -0.15%            1.02%
IV. Core competitiveness analysis
No major change occurred to the core competitiveness of the Company during the reporting period.
V. Investment analysis
1. Investments in equities of external parties
 (1) Investments in external parties
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no investment in external parties of the reporting period.
 (2) Equity-holdings in financial enterprises
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no equity-holding in financial enterprise of the reporting period.
 (3) Securities investments
√Applicable □ Inapplicable
 Variety Code of Name of Initial Number Shareho Number Shareho Closing Gain/los
                                                                                       Account Source
   of     securitie securitie investmen   of    lding     of    lding   book    s for
                                                                                       ing title of stock
securitie    s         s        t cost  shares percenta shares percenta value reportin
                                                           2014 Semi-annual Report of Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited
      s                              (RMB       held at ge at held at ge at        (RMB g period
                                     Yuan)     period-b period-b period-e period-e Yuan) (RMB
                                                 egin     egin      nd       nd          Yuan)
                                    25,199,9 1,938,46            3,489,22           28,053,4                      Subscri
Stock      002374 LPGF                                   1.82%              1.82%                  0.00 e
                                       93.00        1                   9              01.16                      ption
                                                                                  17,060.0                          Subscri
Stock      002720 LDRS              9,790.00     1,000   0.00%     1,000    0.00%                         financial
