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攀钢钒钛:2021年社会责任报告 下载公告


ESG报告Pangang Vanadium & Titanium

ESG Report 2021


Address: No. 21, west section of Gangcheng Avenue,East District, Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province,ChinaTel: +86-812-3385366Fax: +86-812-3385285 Postcode: 617067E-mail: psv@pzhsteel.com.cn

地址:四川省攀枝花市东区钢城大道西段21号电话:0812-3385366 传真:0812-3385285 邮编:617067电子邮箱:psv@pzhsteel.com.cn


This report is printed on environmentally friendly paper.



About This report本报告为攀钢集团钒钛资源股份有限公司(以下简称“攀钢钒钛”“公司”或“我们”)以年度报告形式发布的第十三份社会责任(ESG)报告,报告披露了攀钢钒钛及下属公司2021年1月1日至12月31日履责理念,实践与绩效,部分内容有所延伸。This is the 13th annual CSR (ESG) report issued by Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co., Ltd. (herei-nafter referred to as “Pangang Vanadium & Titanium,” “the Company” or “we”). The report discloses in details thepractice and performance of the Company and our subsidiaries in economic, environmental and social aspects fromJanuary 1 to December 31, 2021. Some content of the report may extend beyond the aforementioned period.

报告简介 Overview

公司释义Reference to relevant companies

国务院国有资产监督管理委员会《关于中央企业履行社会责任的指导意见》(国资发研究[2008]1号);中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局、中国国家标准化管理委员会《社会责任指南》(GB/T 36000-2015)及《社会责任报告编写指南》(GB/T 36001-2015);全球可持续发展标准委员会(GSSB)《GRI 可持续发展报告标准》(GRI Standards);国际标准化组织ISO 26000:2010《社会责任指南》;

编制依据Compilation Basis

Guidelines to the State-owned Enterprises Directly under the Central Government on Fulfilling Corporate Social Responsibi-lities by State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council(SASAC[2008] No.1)Guidance on Social Responsibility Reporting (GB/T 36000-2015) and Guidance on Social Responsibility Reporting (GB/T36001-2015) by Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China (SAC)GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards (GRI Standards) by Global Sustainability Standard Board (GSSB)Guidance on Social Responsibility (ISO 26000:2010) issued by International Organization for Standardization (ISO)报告所披露内容来源于公司内部文件和统计数据,所涉及的财务数据符合国家颁布的《企业会计准则》和相关会计制度,并按照《中国内部审计准则》进行审计,真实反映企业财务指标、经营状况。报告中如无特殊说明,均以人民币为单位表示。数据来源Data Sources

The contents disclosed in the report come from the Company's internal documents and statistical data. The?nancial data included in the report conforms to the Accounting Standards for Enterprises and relevant accountingsystems in China, and has been audited in accordance with Internal Audit Standards of China, thus re?ecting theactual ?nancial indicators and operational conditions of the Company. All the sums of money in the report arein the unit of yuan unless otherwise stipulated.公司保证本报告内容不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏,并对内容的真实性、准确性和完整性承担个别及连带责任。可靠性保证Reliability Assurance

The Company assures that no ?ctitious record, misleading statement, or material omission are included in thisreport, and will undertake the joint and several liabilities for the report’s authenticity, accuracy, and completeness.本报告以印刷版和电子版两种形式发布,电子版可在攀钢钒钛网站(http://www.pgvt.cn)和巨潮资讯网(http://www.cninfo.com.cn)查阅。报告获取Report AccessThe report is released in printed and electronic versions. The electronic copy is available for download at ouro?cial website (http://www.pgvt.cn) and http://www.cninfo.com.cn.

攀钢集团钒钛资源股份有限公司Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.

Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.2021年环境、社会及管治报告

2021年环境、社会及管治报告Environmental, social and Governance Report 2021

释义项Interpretive term


Interpretation content

释义项Interpretive term

释义内容Interpretation content鞍钢集团Ansteel

鞍钢集团有限公司Anshan Iron and Steel Group

Company Limited

东方钛业Dongfang Titanium


攀枝花东方钛业有限公司Panzhihua Dongfang TitaniumIndustry Co.,Ltd.攀钢集团Pangang Group

攀钢集团有限公司Pangang Group Company


国钛科技Guotai Science &


攀枝花市国钛科技有限公司Panzhihua Guotai Science &Technology Co.,Ltd.成都钒钛贸易Chengdu Vanadium &Titanium Trade

攀钢集团成都钒钛资源发展有限公司Pangang Group Chengdu Vanadium &Titanium Resources Development Co., Ltd.

钛业公司Titanium Industry


攀钢集团钛业有限责任公司Pangang Group Titanium

Industry Co., Ltd.攀枝花钒制品Panzhihua Vanadium



枝花钒制品分公司Panzhihua Vanadium Products Branch

under Pangang Group Vanadium &Titanium Resources Co., Ltd.

钛冶炼厂Titanium SmeltingFactory

攀钢集团钛业有限责任公司钛冶炼厂Titanium Smelting Factory of PangangGroup Titanium Industry Co., Ltd.西昌钒制品Xichang Vanadium


攀钢集团西昌钒制品科技有限公司Pangang Group Xichang VanadiumProduction & Technology Co.,Ltd.

氯化钛白厂C.P.TiO2 Factory

攀钢集团钛业有限责任公司氯化钛白厂C.P.TiO2 Factory of Pangang GroupTitanium Industry Co., Ltd.北海铁合金Beihai Ferroalloy

攀钢集团北海特种铁合金有限公司Pangang Group Beihai SpecialFerroalloy Corporation

四川德胜Desheng Group

四川德胜集团钒钛有限公司Sichuan Desheng Group Vanadiumand Titanium Co., Ltd.重庆钛业Chongqing TitaniumIndustry

攀钢集团重庆钛业有限公司Pangang Group Chongqing Titanium

Industry Co., Ltd.

大连博融Dalian Bolong

大连博融新材料有限公司Dalian Bolong New Materials Co., Ltd.

Contents目 录关于本报告董事长致辞关于本报告董事长致辞

About This ReportMessage from the ChairmanAbout UsCompany profileGlobal presenceOrganizational structureCertificates & honorsFigure in 2021

Association involved参与协会Stakeholder communicationmanagement利益相关方沟通管理Identification of material topics

实质性议题识别ESG Management责任管理

Risk management and control风险管控Compliance operation合规经营

Empowering the Companythrough Party building


Governance structure


Corporate Governance




创新驱动 走高质量发展道路

Pursuing a Path of High-qualityDevelopment with Innovation


Strengthening foundationof innovation


Enhancing digital innovation

开放交流 走合作共赢道路

Pursuing Win-Win Cooperationwith Opening Up


Improving quality management

提供优质服务Providing quality services

打造责任供应链Building a responsible supply chain


Driving industry development

携手共进 走以人为本道路

Pursuing People-oriented Pathwith Coordination

保障基本权益Protecting basic rights and interests

建设人才队伍Building talent team

筑牢安全防线Guaranteeing safety

平衡工作生活Balancing work and life共荣共享 走民生福祉道路

Pursuing Well-being for Peoplewith Common Prosperity and Shared Benefits

接续乡村振兴Continuing rural vitalization

服务地方发展Serving local development

志愿者服务Volunteer services

绿色发展 走生态优先道路

Pursuing Green DevelopmentAlong an Eco-Friendly Path


Enhancing environmental management


Addressing climate change


Solid waste management andcomprehensive utilization


Water resource management



ESG PerformanceOutlook 2022Content IndexFeedback


董事长致辞Message from the Chairman

攀钢集团钒钛资源股份有限公司Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.

Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.2021年环境、社会及管治报告

2021年环境、社会及管治报告Environmental, social and Governance Report 2021








Dear stakeholders,In 2021, we witnessed the convergence of the timeframes of “the TwoCentenary Goals” while going through di?culties and tests brought byCOVID-19 and development. Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought onSocialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we coordinated thework of COVID-19 response with reform and development, and completedall related tasks in line with high standards, guaranteeing a wonderful startfor the 14th Five-Year Plan period while creating greater comprehensiveeconomic, social and environmental value for all stakeholders.We are more determined to pursue high quality development to reali-ze bigger strides in business development. Driven by innovation-drivendevelopment, we are devoted to technological innovation to power thehigh-quality development. In 2021, we invested 673 million yuan in R & D,

with a total bene?t of 332 million yuan created through technological inno-vation. Over the past one year, we produced a total of 43,300 tons of vana-dium products, 244,400 tons of titanium dioxide and 21.24 tons of titaniumslag, hitting a record high. We realized the annual operating revenue of 14.06billion yuan and a net pro?t of 1.328 billion yuan attributable to sharehol-ders of listed companies..We are more determined to pursue open development to realizebigger strides in win-win cooperation. We keep customer-centrici-ty while focusing on product quality and service; we continue tofocus on investment and cooperation opportunities in the capitalmarket, and strengthen upstream and downstream partnerships tofoster a high-quality industrial ecosystem where the vanadium andtitanium industry can realize win-win development. In 2021, westrengthened comprehensive cooperation with upstream and down-stream enterprises, While seeking international cooperation with anopen mind, we pool all our strengths to build a stable and sustainableglobal vanadium and titanium value chain.We adhere ?rmer to green development for new progress inlow-carbon and eco-friendly development. Persistent in acceleratingclean manufacturing, green upgrade, and low-carbon and circular deve-lopment, we strive to stabilize and improve our performance througheco-friendly and clean production. As the ?rst vanadium manufacturerin China to treat vanadium precipitation waste water by evaporation andconcentration technology, we have realized zero discharge of wastewa-ter from vanadium extraction process and improved the comprehensiveutilization rate and value of solid waste. In 2021, our total investment inenvironmental protection reached 113 million yuan. 13 comprehensiveenvironmental pollution control projects were implemented. We also setup a special team for the disposal of sodium sulfate and titaniumgypsum, recycling 41,000 tons of sodium sulfate and 745,000 tons oftitanium gypsum, the best performance in the Company’s history.We will attach greater signi?cance to people-oriented developmentto strive for leap-frog development with concerted e?orts. Uphol-ding the philosophy of development for the people, we make everye?ort to unite all employees while serving them wholeheartedly. Wehave established the Wang Chao Model Worker Innovation Workshop,named two advanced employee operating methods, improved six typesof talent training systems, and established a development sequence formarketing personnel for the ?rst time. Based on our own strengths, weinvested 1,242 million yuan in partner assistance programs to help thepeople realize their pursuit of a better life and practice the original aspi-ration of a central SOE.In 2022, we will join hands with all stakeholders to make unremittinge?orts to “build a domestic ?rst-class and internationally famous listedcompany specialized in new vanadium and titanium materials” andmake greater contributions to the high-quality development of a newAnsteel and Pangang Group.

Xie Junyong, Chairman of Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium

Resources Co., Ltd.攀钢钒钛董事长:


攀钢集团钒钛资源股份有限公司Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.

Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.2021年环境、社会及管治报告

2021年环境、社会及管治报告Environmental, social and Governance Report 2021


攀钢集团钒钛资源股份有限公司成立于1993年3月27日,1996年11月15日在深圳证券交易所上市(股票代码:000629),总部坐落在被誉为“钒钛之都”的四川省攀枝花市。攀钢钒钛凭借得天独厚的资源优势和技术积累,探索出独具特色的钒钛磁铁矿资源综合利用道路,形成钒氮合金制备、钛白粉生产、钛渣冶炼等一批拥有自主知识产权的专有技术。其中,钒氮合金生产技术获国家技术发明奖。作为世界主要的钒制品供应商、中国主要的钛原料供应商、中国重要的钛渣生产企业、硫酸法和氯化法钛白粉生产企业,公司产品广泛应用于钢铁工业、电子工业、有色金属及涂料油墨等领域,畅销国内外市场。Established on March 27, 1993, Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co., Ltd was listed onShenzhen Stock Exchange on November 15, 1996 (Stock Code: 000629). Headquarters in Panzhihua City,Sichuan Province, which is known as the "city of vanadium and titanium", the Company has explored aunique way of utilizing vanadium and titanium magnetite resources based on its special advantages inresources and technology. We have gained a number of technologies with independent intellectualproperty rights, such as vanadium nitrogen alloy production, titanium dioxide production, titanium slagsmelting, etc., among which vanadium nitrogen alloy production technology won the National Scienceand Technology Award.As a major supplier of vanadium products in the world, a major supplier of titanium raw materials and akey titanium slag manufacturer in China, we are also among the key titanium dioxide manufacturers byboth sulfuric acid and chlorination processes. Our products are widely used in steel industry, electronicindustry, non-ferrous metals, coatings and inks, etc. and sold well in the markets at home and abroad.

走进攀钢钒钛About Us


Company pro?le

公司愿景Our vision

建设国内一流、国际知名的钒钛新材料上市公司Build a domestic ?rst-class and internationallyfamous listed company specialized in new va-nadium and titanium materials公司使命Our mission

让攀钢钒钛产品惠及千家万户To bene?t thousands of households withPangang’s vanadium and titanium products发展战略Our strategy

协同资源 做强基体 做大产业 绿色发展Integrating resources, consolidating founda-tions, enlarging industries, boosting greendevelopment


攀钢钒钛正紧紧抓住国家供给侧结构性改革和攀西战略资源创新开发的战略机遇,以“建设国内一流、国际知名的钒钛新材料上市公司”为己任,让攀钢钒钛产品惠及千家万户。Firmly grasping the strategic opportunity brought bythe national supply-side structural reform and theinnovation-driven development of strategic resourcesin Panxi region, we uphold the mission of “building adomestic first-class and internationally famous listedcompany specialized in new vanadium and titaniummaterials” to benefit thousands of households withPangang’s vanadium and titanium products.


An annual production capacity of 1 milliontons of titanium concentrate



计)4万吨40,000 tons of vanadiumproducts ( V



钛白粉23.5万吨235,000 tons oftitanium dioxide钛渣24万吨240,000 tons oftitanium slag

综合生产能力Comprehensive production capacity





VN alloy钒铝合金AIV alloy


Vanadium industry


Titanium slag

钛白粉Titanium dioxide


Titanium industry




阿联酋/United Arab Emirates















南非/South Africa

菲律宾/The Philippines澳大利亚/Australia

新西兰/New Zealand






攀钢集团钒钛资源股份有限公司Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.

Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.2021年环境、社会及管治报告

2021年环境、社会及管治报告Environmental, social and Governance Report 2021


Global presence

World map legend: Our internationalsales networkChina map legend: Main production,supply and marketing bases in China


控股子公司Holding subsidiaries

全资子公司Wholly-owned subsidiaries


Power CenterPangang Group Chongqing TitaniumIndustry Co.,Ltd.

Panzhihua Dongfang Titanium IndustryCo.,Ltd.

Panzhihua Guotai Science & TechnologyCo.,Ltd.

Warehousing and Logistics ServiceCenter

Supervision Department(O?ce of Discipline Inspection,O?ce of Supervision)Human Resources Department(O?ce of Regular Director, CYL Committee,Risk Management Department)

Equipment DepartmentFinance Department

Safety and Environmental Protection Department (Armed Forces and Defense Department)Technology and Products managementDepartment (Quality Test & Metering Department)

组织机构Organizational structure

资质荣誉Certi?cates & honors

第十二届中国上市公司投资者关系天马奖“最佳董事会”"Best Board of Directors Award" of the 12th Tianma Award for

investor relations of Listed Companies in China

2021金勋章奖年度董事会秘书Board Secretary of Year 2021 of Gold Medal Award

企业信用AAA等级证书AAA Enterprise Credit Rating Certificate

国家高新技术企业National High-tech Enterprise2021攀枝花钒钛企业20强Top 2Ranking No.2 among 2021 Top 20 Vanadium & Titanium Enterprises in Panzhihua City


2021金蜜蜂企业社会责任中国榜?生态文明企业2021 GoldenBee CSR China Honor Roll—Ecological Civilization Enterprise环境Environmental


"2021 Quality Supplier of Ferrovanadium in China" and"2021 Quality Supplier of Vanadium Nitrogen Alloy in China"awarded at the 13th International Vanadium Products Forum首届“金匮杯”“钒铁企业优质供应商”“钒氮企业优质供应商”"Quality Supplier of Ferrovanadium" and "Quality Supplier of

Vanadium Nitrogen" of the first "Golden Chamber Cup"

公司“钒铁产品”获评工信部第六批制造业单项冠军产品The Company's ferrovanadium products were selected as one of the six batch of

Single-champion Products in the Manufacturing Industry of MIIT(the Ministry of Industry and Information Technol?ogy) and CFIE

(the China Federation of Industrial Economics)


Administrative O?ce (O?ce of the Boardof Directors, O?ce of Party Committee,O?ce of Party Publicity, Labor Union,Legal A?airs Department)

Panzhihua Vanadium Products BranchPangang Group Xichang vanadiumproducts Technology Co., LtdPangang Group Beihaispecial Ferroalloy Co., LtdPangang Group TitaniumIndustry Co., Ltd.(Pangang Group Chongqing VanadiumTitanium Technology Co., Ltd.)Pangang Group Chengdu vanadium andTitanium Resources Development Co., Ltd

Power Plant

发电厂Power Dispatch Center电调中心C.P. TiO

氯化钛白厂Titanium Smelting Factory钛冶炼厂

攀钢集团钒钛资源股份有限公司Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.

Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.


2021年环境、社会及管治报告Environmental, social and Governance Report 2021

期后事项:2022年1月25日,攀钢集团钒钛资源股份有限公司攀枝花钒厂更名为攀钢集团钒钛资源股份有限公司攀枝花钒制品分公司Subsequent event: On January 25, 2022, Panzhihua Vanadium Products Factory of Pangang Group Vanadium &Titanium Resources Co., Ltd was renamed Panzhihua Vanadium Products Branch under Pangang Group Vanadium& Titanium Resources Co., Ltd.

股东大会Shareholder’s Meeting

董事会Board of Directors


监事会Board of Supervisors



Figure in 2021




Operating revenue:

14.06 billion yuan


65(20)授权专利(其中发明专利)65 authorized patents,including 20 invention patents

重要科技奖(国家+省部级)4 important science and technology awards (national & provincial and ministerial level)项


归属于上市公司股东的净利润Net pro?t attributable to shareholders oflisted companies



研发总投入Total investment inR&D: 673 million yuan




13 projects for improving theoverall environment implemented


Comprehensive energy consumption:

509,245 tons of standard coal



环保总投入Total investment in environmentalprotection: 113 million yuan



全年节能量Saving 6,093 tons of standardcoal throughout the year



Total GHG emissions:

1.8116 million tons



万元产值温室气体排放量with 1.87 tons of GHG emissions per 10,000 yuan of output value



培训员工16,600 employees trained



乡村振兴投入The special investment for ruralvitalization: 12.42 million yuan1,242万元员工培训投入

Total investment in employeetraining: 4.29 million yuan


实施乡村振兴项目8 rural vitalizationprojects implemented


Creating 60 jobs


Promoting the employment ofmore than 1,100 people





Governance structure

公司治理Corporate Governance

公司根据相关法律法规和公司章程规定,健全以董事会为核心的上市公司治理结构,确保“三会”运作高效规范、重大事项科学决策。公司董事会由9名董事组成,其中独立董事3名。公司根据“党政同责、一岗双责、齐抓共管”的总体要求,将年度安全与环境保护目标纳入管理层年度绩效考核。公司全体独立董事对公司重大事项和经营中存在的困难和问题提出建议,独立、客观、公正地发表意见,保障全体股东的合法权益。公司构建畅通的投资者沟通机制。接听投资者电话1,200余个,通过互动易平台及投资者接待日回复投资者各类问题270余条。In accordance with relevant laws and regulations as well as the provisions of the Articles of Association, the Companyhas improved the governance structure with the Board of Directors as the core to ensure efficient operation of theShareholder’s Meeting, the Board of Supervisors and the management and guide scientific decision-making on majorissues. The Board of Directors is composed of nine directors, including three independent directors.According to the overall requirements that both Party committees and governments are held accountable and thatofficials take responsibility for workplace safety in performing their duties, we incorporate annual safety and environ-mental protection targets into the annual performance appraisal of the management and explore the link of environmen-tal performance management with executive compensation step by step. All independent directors of the Company canput forward suggestions and offer opinions on major issues of the Company and the difficulties and problems existingin the operation independently, objectively and impartially, thus ensuring scientific decision-making of the Board ofDirectors and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of all shareholders.The Company has established a smooth channel for investor communication. In 2021, more than 1,200 investor callswere answered, and over 270 questions from investors were answered through interactive platform( irm.cninfo.com.cn )and investor reception days.

攀钢集团钒钛资源股份有限公司Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.

Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.2021年环境、社会及管治报告


Environmental, social and Governance Report 2021


3 Shareholder’sMeetings次


12 meetings ofBoard of Directors

召开监事会8 meetings of Boardof Supervisors次

2021年In 2021


公司党委高举习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想伟大旗帜,发挥把方向、管大局、促落实作用,坚持党委“三重一大”事项前置审议程序,推进党的领导迈向组织化、制度化、具体化。把开展党史学习教育作为一项重大政治任务,持续在学党史、悟思想、办实事、开新局上下功夫,聚集职工期盼、落实幸福清单,解决职工“急难愁盼”问题145项。深化“党建+”工程,深入推进地企沟通型、业务链条型、行业互促型、上下工序型党建共建工程,建立党建联盟33个。抓实“强基固本”“晋位升级”“示范引领”三大工程,打造鞍钢党支部示范基地4个,样板党支部10个,公司党委荣获攀钢集团公司先进党组织。The Party committee holds high the great banner of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in theNew Era and plays a role in directing and ensuring overall management and implementation, we insist that the Party com-mittee conducts pre-deliberation of the “three importance and one greatness” (the decision-making of major issues, majorofficials’ appointment, major project arrangement, and use of large-volume capital) matters, so as to guarantee the organi-zed, institutionalized and concrete Party leadership. The requirements regarding Party building of the two units that havenewly established boards of directors have been enshrined into the Articles of Association. We have integrated the Partyleadership into corporate governance, performed the major political task of studying the Party history, to understand itstheories, do practical work and make new advances during the process. We have lived up to the expectations of ouremployees by addressing issues that were of great concern to employees, resolving 145 problems for them. We pressahead with the “Party building +” project to further promote the Party co-building campaign featuring communication withlocal enterprises, involvement of business chains, mutual promotion of players in the industry, and upgrading of upper andlower processes. 33 Party building alliances are established. We continue to implement the three major projects of “stren-gthening the foundation,” “pursuing promotion and upgrading,” and “building models.” 4 demonstration bases at Ansteel’sParty branches, and 10 model Party branches are established. The Company’s Party Committee has been awarded thehonor of excellent Party organization by Pangang Group.


Empowering the Company through Party building

公司始终将合规经营作为立身之本。着力推进法律保障,重大决策、重要规章制度、重大合同“三项”法律审核率100%;宣传贯彻合规文化,组织学习《鞍钢集团合规手册》、民法典、证券法及知识产权等法律法规知识。强化廉洁警示教育,建立廉洁预警模式;开展“清风工程+”专项治理行动,营造风清气正的经营氛围;设立党风廉政监督员,设置举报信箱,公布举报电话,保护举报人信息,畅通监督渠道。We always regard compliance operation as the foundation of the Company. We ensure that all major decisions,important rules and regulations, and major contracts pass legal reviews. To promote the compliance culture, werequire employees to study laws and regulations such as the Ansteel Compliance Manual, the Civil Code, the SecuritiesLaw, and the Intellectual Property Law. We warn the management and employees against corruption, and haveestablished an early warning model for promoting integrity. Besides, we have launched the “Integrity Project +”campaign to create a clean and upright business atmosphere; we appoint supervisors over Party conduct and inte-grity, set up whistle-blowing mailbox mailboxes, and disclose whistle-blowing telephone numbers while protectingwhistle-blowers, thus ensuring the unblocked oversight channels.

合规经营Compliance operation

2021年In 2021


organized 413 anti-corruption and business ethics training sessions for 10,200 participants

廉洁教育覆盖率realized 100% coverage of integrity education


攀钢集团钒钛资源股份有限公司Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.

Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.2021年环境、社会及管治报告

2021年环境、社会及管治报告Environmental, social and Governance Report 2021


风险管控Risk management and control

We have earnestly implemented the decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council onforestalling and defusing major risks, effectively implemented the “2+N” working mechanism with a focus on theoverall goals of high-quality development, and improved the routine collaboration between internal risk controland audit-based oversight. We release the annual comprehensive risk management report, and implement the listof risk control measures; quarterly supervision over internal control of prominent business risks is conducted tostrengthen rectification, and maximize the effectiveness of supervision; we have compiled and printed the Col-lection of Risk and Internal Control Cases, to improve the management system and effectively enhance our ability toprevent and defuse major risks.

Protecting shareholders' rightsand interestsStrengthening audit and riskcontrolImproving innovation abilityInformatizationStrengthening work safety man-agement

保障股东权益加强审计与风险管控提高创新能力信息化建设加强安全生产管理Shareholder’s MeetingInformation disclosureBusiness performance assess-mentInvestor communication

股东大会信息披露经营业绩考核投资者沟通交流Improving pro?tabilityIncreasing the return rateof investment projectsQuality and e?ciencyimprovementWork safety



责任管理ESG management

公司建立健全ESG治理结构,董事会作为公司ESG事宜管理及公开披露的最高责任机构,对公司整体的ESG目标、战略、风险、政策等行使领导和监管职能。公司通过行业背景分析、政策趋势分析、内外沟通等形式,在充分了解利益相关方期望与诉求的基础上,识别利益相关方关注度高、对公司影响程度大的重要性议题。We have improved the Company’s ESG governance structure. As the highest responsible organization for the manage-ment and public disclosure of ESG issues of the Company, the Board of Directors exercises functions of leadership andsupervision over the overall ESG objectives, strategies, risks and policies of the Company.Based on the analysis of indu-stry background and policy trend, internal and external communication as well as a full understanding of the expecta-tions and demands of stakeholders, we have identi?ed material topics highly important to stakeholders and with signi-?cant impacts on the Company.

实质性议题识别 Identi?cation of material topics


With a clear understanding of the value chain, we have identi?ed major stakeholders and deepened stakeholderscommunication. We have established a regular communication mechanism with stakeholders, and incorporated theissues concerned by stakeholders into the Company’s strategic decision-making.

利益相关方沟通管理Stakeholder communication management




Expectations and requirements

沟通方式Communication mode

我们的回应Our response

Job creationLegal compliance促进就业守法合规

High-level meetingExchange meetingInformation submissionFull time liaison organizationof local enterprise


Active tax paymentJob creationLaw-based governance


攀钢集团钒钛资源股份有限公司Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.

Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.


2021年环境、社会及管治报告Environmental, social and Governance Report 2021


Importance to the decision making of stakeholders

对经济、社会、环境的影响程度Impact on the economy, environment and society

客户服务Customer service

企业改革Enterprise reform


Addressingclimate change

资源有效利用E?ective utilization

of resources

安全生产Work safety






产品质量与安全Product quality

and safety合作共赢Win-wincooperation社区发展Communitydevelopment

乡村振兴Rural revitalization

防疫抗疫COVID-19 response

污染防治Pollution prevention




Honoring commitmentsProducts and services withhigh quality and better pricePersonalized servicesCon?dentiality of informa-tion


Daily contact with marketingrepresentativesExhibitionCustomer ConferenceRegular visitsSoliciting opinions


Focusing on customer needsStrengthening quality manage-mentImproving service capabilityProduct innovationStrengthening communicationwith customersPaying attention to customer infor-mation protection





Expectations and requirements

沟通方式Communication mode

我们的回应Our response



期望与要求Expectations and requirements

沟通方式Communication mode

我们的回应Our response

Saving resourcesPollution preventionReducing waste dischargeTackling climate changeProtecting the environ-ment

节约资源污染防治减少废弃物排放应对气候变化保护生态环境Environmental manage-mentResource recycling andutilizationEnergy conservation andemission reductionStrengthening e?orts onecological protection


Energy and water resources man-agementPollution controlImproving waste utilization rateInnovative green technology andproductsPromoting plant greeningGreen o?ce


On-site visitContract negotiationRegular visitsTender meetingSoliciting opinions


Honoring the contractEqual consultationTransparent procurementPublic procurement informationCompliant procurement

信守合同平等协商实施阳光采购公开采购信息合规采购IntegrityPolicy stabilityOpen, fair and just principleWin-win cooperation


Fair competitionIndustry progress公平竞争行业发展与进步

Joining an associationand holding a postParticipating in peerdiscussion and exchange


Participating in standardformulation and otherassociation activitiesAttending exhibitions andexchange meetingsLaunching government-enter-prise cooperation anduniversity-enterprisecooperation


Supporting communitydevelopmentBeing a CSR modelOpen and transparentinformation


Contributing to communitydevelopmentJoint development of projectsRegular communicationMedia communication

社区共建共同开发项目定期交流媒体沟通Engagement in communitydevelopmentSupporting cultural progressParticipating in voluntaryactivitiesReleasing relevant informa-tion of the Company in time








the publicand media

Compensation and bene?tguaranteeCareer developmentHumanistic concernSafety and rights protectionCommunication anddemocratic management


Workers' CongressSeminarOnline communicationFeasible proposalInformation disclosure


Providing competitive compen-sationCarrying out vocational educa-tion and trainingEstablishing career develop-ment channelsCaring for employeesProviding protective equipmentand safety training



Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.

2021年环境、社会及管治报告Environmental, social and Governance Report 2021


参与协会(按协会类别排序)Associations involved (by category)


等级Membership level中国上市公司协会China Association for Public Companies

会员Member四川省上市公司协会Sichuan Association for Public Companies


副会长Vice president中国钢铁工业协会钒业分会China Vanadium Association

轮值会长Rotating president四川省钒钛钢铁产业协会钒(钛)业分会Vanadium (Titanium) Branch of SichuanVanadium Titanium Iron and Steel Industry Association


President攀枝花市钒钛产业协会Panzhihua Association of Vanadium Titanium Industry


President中国涂料工业协会China National Coatings Industry Association

常务理事Executive member



等级Membership level

中国涂料工业协会钛白粉行业分会Titanium Dioxide Industry Branch of China National

Coatings Industry Association

常务副理事长Vice executive director中国有色金属工业协会China Non-Ferrous Metals Industry Association

常务理事Executive member

四川国际商会Sichuan Chamber of Commerce

理事Director四川省质量监督协会Sichuan Quality Supervision Association

副会长Vice President四川省危险化学品协会Sichuan Hazardous Chemicals Association



Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.

Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.2021年环境、社会及管治报告


Environmental, social and Governance Report 2021

重庆市安全生产协会Chongqing Association of Work Safety

会员Member重庆市环境与生态监测协会Chongqing Ecological Environmental Monitoring Association

会员Member重庆市名牌协会Chongqing Association for Topbrands

会员Member重庆市标准化协会Chongqing Institute of Quality and Standardization

会员Member重庆市高新技术企业协会Chongqing High-Tech Enterprises Association


中国有色金属工业协会钛锆铪分会Ti Zr HF Branch of China Non-ferrous Metals Industry Association

副会长Vice President


Pursuing a Path of High-quality Developmentwith Innovation


项4 research results winningprovincial-level awards



亿元332 million yuan of profitscreated by technologicalinnovation



亿元673 million yuaninvested in R&D


项65 newly authorized patents


Innovation, as the primary driving force for development, provides strategic support for a moderneconomic system. Adhering to high-quality development, the Company has increased investmentin scientific research, in a bid to empower business operation with innovation. We promote theintegration of informatization and industrialization in the process of creating a smart vanadiumand titanium industry in an all-round way. We are devoted to the high-quality digital developmentof the Company and the improvement of the overall efficiency of the vanadium and titanium indus-try, striving to build a domestic first-class and internationally famous listed company specialized innew vanadium and titanium materials.

CSR Spotlight


钒钛科技实验室获CNAS认可Vanadium & Titanium Technology Laboratoryrecognized by CNAS2021年5月,攀钢集团重庆钒钛科技有限公司实验室建立符合国际标准的分析测试管理体系,实现2项6个参数授权项的国际互认,通过中国合格评定国家认可委员会(CNAS) 认可,增强公司在检测检验方面的实力。通过实验室认可体系的建立、实施和持续改进,钒钛科技实验室管理结构和人员分工更加清晰明确,各项工作开展进一步规范,日常工作过程有据可依,确保向客户提供准确可靠的检测结果,推动公司稳步走向国际市场。In May 2021, the laboratory of Pangang Group Chongqing Vanadium & Titanium Technology Co., Ltd. established an analy-sis and test management system in line with international standards and realized the international mutual accreditation of6 parameter authorizations in 2 categories. The laboratory was recognized by the China National Accreditation Service forConformity Assessment (CNAS) and will enhance the Company’s strengths in tests and inspections.With the establishment, implementation, and improvement of a system recognized by the CNAS, the laboratory managesto assign tasks more clearly to each personnel, regulate work processes e?ciently, and ensure that daily work of the labo-ratory is carried out in line with relevant standards and requirements. This will ensure accurate test results for clients andpromote the Company to stably expand the international market.

强化创新基础Strengthening foundation of innovation公司以科技创新为发展引擎,以技术创新赋能企业发展,推动科研团队培养和技术攻关,持续推动公司高质量发展和钒钛产业优化升级。We empower business development with technological innovation, make great e?orts to build our research team andseek technological breakthroughs, and continuously promote high-quality development of the Company and theoptimization and upgrade of the vanadium and titanium industry.


Laboratory of Pangang Group Chongqing Vanadium & Titanium Technology Co., Ltd.



2021年目标Objectives in 2021

2021年完成情况Achievements in 2021


R & Dinvestment

总投入≥4.7亿元Total investment ≥ 470 million yuan

总投入6.73亿元Total investment reached 673 million yuan.申请专利


≥90项(发明专利≥40项)≥ 90 (invention patents ≥ 40)

受理91项,其中发明43项;授权65项,其中发明20项。91 patent applications were accepted, including 43

invention patents; 65 patents were authorized,

including 20 invention patents.专有技术Proprietarytechnology



6项,其中独自申报3项,与研究院合报3项。6 items, of which 3 items are reported separately and3 items are reported jointly with the Research Institute.标准Standard

国标≥1项;团标≥3项National standard ≥ 1;

Group standard ≥ 3


1 national standard and 3 group standards


Identifying key directions and focuses of innovation. We compiled the Implementation Plan for the Establishment ofThird-Generation Technology Systems to promote the commercialization of technological results, and the ImplementationPlan for the Establishment of Technological Cooperation and Innovation Platforms For Technological Support and the Commerciali-zation and Application of Technological Results to clarify the tasks of each division and personnel with checklists, so as topromote scienti?c research and innovation in an all-round way and set up an R&D team that undertakes key research projects.Safeguarding the Company's intellectual property rights in accordance with the law. We have formulated a workplan for the protection of core technological results to encourage and protect fair competition, and stop unfair competition.


Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.

Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.2021年环境、社会及管治报告


Environmental, social and Governance Report 2021

钒应用技术推广中心由攀钢钒钛携手四家钒生产企业与钢铁研究总院共同组建,该中心聚焦钢铁行业以及钒制品的重点应用领域,深化钒在钢铁和非钢领域的应用推广工作,搭建技术创新、人才培养、成果转化平台。The Vanadium application Technology Promotion Center is jointly established by the Company with fourvanadium producers and the General Iron & Steel Research Institute. The center focuses on the developmentof the steel industry and key application scenarios of vanadium products, and aims to deepen the applicationand promotion of vanadium in steel and non-steel sectors, providing a platform for technological innovation,talent training, and result transformation.2021年,钒技术推广中心组织专家委员会编制了钒技术研发与应用推广项目五年规划,组织实施钒技术项目21项,起草《中国钒业发展报告》,全面促进钒的消费和产业健康发展。

In 2021, an expert committee organized by the center put forward a ?ve-year plan for vanadium technologyR&D and application promotion projects. It organized the implementation of 21 vanadium technologyprojects and drafted the China Vanadium Industry Development Report, comprehensively promoting thehealthy development of vanadium consumption and the entire vanadium industry.

案例 钒应用技术推广中心


提升数字化创新 Enhancing digital innovation

公司加快数字化、智能化发展步伐,认真落实“两化融合”发展战略,推动数智化营销、智慧管控、智慧检验等系统建设,提升设备自动化水平和劳动生产率,推动钒钛产业实现新突破。公司持续提升营销服务水平与效率,成都钒钛贸易积极落实“两化融合”战略,推进销售模块与数智化营销系统的融合提升,实现客商自助、销售业务管控和大数据分析,准确及时传递销售信息。运用精益六西格玛工具和方法,优化销售合同管理流程,提升流程效率,合同评审时间缩短30%,合同返工比例降低7%。The Company has accelerated digitalization and the application of intelligent technologies, conscientiously carriedforward the integration of industrialization and informatization. By promoting the establishment of digital and intelli-gent marketing, management and control, and inspection facilities, we strive to improve the automation level andproductivity of equipment, and drive new breakthroughs in the vanadium and titanium industry.Besides, we continue to improve the quality and e?ciency of marketing services. Pangang Group Chengdu Vanadium & Tita-nium Resources Development Co., Ltd., through integration of industrialization and informatization, has promoted the integra-ted improvement of its sales modules and digital marketing system, realizing self-service experience for customers, e?cientsales management and control, big data analysis, and timely delivery of accurate information. By applying Six Sigma manage-ment methods, the Company has optimized sales contract management and improved the e?ciency of sales processes, whichhelps shorten the contract review time by 30% and reduce the proportion of rework by 7%.

2021年In 2021获得省级科技成果4项,鞍钢科学技术奖3项,攀钢科技进步奖5项

We won 4 provincial scienti?c and technological achievements, 3 Angang Science and Technology Awards,5 Pangang Science and Technology Progress Awards.申请中国专利奖1项,四川省专利奖2项We applied 1 China Patent Award and 2 Patent Awards of Sichuan Province.

减轻岗位员工劳动强度,提高工作效率。攀枝花钒制品建成自动包装系统、自动配料系统、自动卸料机械手臂,实现机械智能化、作业效率化、环境优美化。重庆钛业实施主线基础自动化升级改造,实现工艺操作的集中控制。The Company has been working to reduce the workloadof employees and improve work e?ciency. PanzhihuaVanadium Products Factory has built an automaticpackaging system and an automatic batching system,and introduced unloading robotic arms, which achie-ved equipment automation, e?cient operation andenvironment beauti?cation. Chongqing Titanium Indu-stry has implemented the basic automation upgrade ofits main production line, which enables centralizedcontrol of processes and operations.

案例 “两化融合”改造推动自动化升级


AGV钒应用技术推广中心成立Vanadium Application Technology Promotion Center

攀钢集团钒钛资源股份有限公司Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.

Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.



Environmental, social and Governance Report 2021

Case: Vanadium application Technology Promotion Center

Case: Improving the automation level through the integration of industrialization and informatization


Pursuing Win-Win Cooperation with Opening Up

钒产品、钛精矿、钛渣国内市场占有率分别达30%、15%、42%,均居国内第一Domestic market shares of our vanadium products, titanium concentrate and titanium slagwere 30%, 15% and 42% respectively, all ranking first in China.

供应商总数1,043家1,043 suppliers in total


Opening-up is necessary for a country to prosper and develop. It is vital for stimulating com-panies’ enthusiasm for development. As a main supplier of vanadium products in the worldand a main supplier of titanium raw materials in China, the Company seeks common growthwith high-quality customers, pursues high-quality development under the guidance of theneeds of customers, and strives to create a better future with customers through high-qualityproducts and services. We aim to join hands with our partners to strengthen collaboration withupstream and downstream players in all aspects, seek international partnerships , and workwith all stakeholders to build a stable and sustainable global vanadium and titanium valuechain.

《质量手册》Quality Manual《质量管理办法》Regulations on Quality Management《QES体系审核管理办法》

Regulations on QES Audits《不合格及改进管理办法》Regulations on the Management of Unqualified

Products and Quality Improvements


Management system质量方针

Quality guideline

精益求精Greater Perfection品质优先Quality First顾客满意 Customer Satisfaction

CSR Spotlight



Wining the Long-Term Strategic Partnership Award issuedby Sherwin-Williams


On April 28, 2021, Sherwin-Williams, world’s largest paint and coatings producer, held the 2021 Asia SupplierSummit in Shanghai. Pangang Vanadium & Titanium won the 2020 Excellent Supplier - Long-term Strategic Part-nership Award, becoming the only titanium dioxide supplier to win such an honor. As a strategic supplier ofSherwin-Williams, the Company continues to optimize resource allocation, enhance the accuracy and timelinessof the implementation of resource plans, make stocking arrangements and organize deliveries rationally, andprovide users with the products they need in a timely manner.

提升质量管理Improving quality management2021年公司未发生重大质量事故。公司始终将保障产品质量作为关键要务,不断完善质量管理体系,从供产运销实施全过程质量把控,确保对每一道工序负责、对每一件产品负责。公司围绕“流程、方法、装备、物料、参数”提升工艺标准化水平,持续开展基础管理提升年活动。

Ensuring product quality has always been one of our top priorities. We constantly improve our quality managementsystem and implement whole-process quality control in terms of supply, production, sales, and transportation toful?ll our responsibility for each process and product. The Company enhances the standardization of processes focu-sing on “processes, methods, equipment, materials, parameters” and has carried out the Basic Quality ImprovementYear campaign for consecutive years. In 2021, the Company had no major quality accidents.



2021 Environmental, Social & Governance Report


Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.



“For more than 20 years, Pangang Vanadium & Titanium has always been our sincere partner and honored its

commitment to tide over all di?culties with Sherwin-Williams. Above all, from the second half of 2020 to the endof 2021, when there was a short supply of titanium dioxide, its chairman, general manager and even its employe-es worked together to guarantee the stable supply for Sherwin-Williams against all obstacles. It has strongly sup-ported the rapid recovery and growth of our business in the Asia-Paci?c region and been an exemplary partner ofSherwin-Williams.”

?Sherwin-Williams, world largest paint and coatings company

颁奖仪式现场The awards ceremony at Sherwin-Williams 2021 Asia Supplier Summit

产品钛白粉整装待发Titanium dioxide

案例 开展“质量月”活动,加强全面质量管理2021年9月公司开展以“加强全面质量管理,推动钒钛高质量发展”为主题的“质量月”活动,按照抓好“三步走”思路,强化质量精细管理,增强全员质量意识。第一步“抓重点”。针对关键工序、重点参数,建立质量过程控制点。第二步“勤分析”。采取“班班跟、日日跟”的方式,对发现的质量异常,分析原因并及时纠偏。第三步“全改进”。推行清单式管理,将顾客反馈、顾客满意度测评等事项列入“质量改进事项清单”,按照PDCA方法做好问题整改和验证,实现闭环管理。


案例 西昌钒制品入选国有重点企业管理标杆2021年8月,西昌钒制品成功入选国资委国有重点企业管理标杆名单。在国企改革三年行动的关键时期,西昌钒制品以解决改革的痛点难点作为突破口,加大授权放权力度、激发内生活力和动力,打造世界一流钒制品旗舰工厂。In August 2021, Pangang Group Xichang Vanadium Production & Technology Co., Ltd. was rated as a benchmarkfor the key SOE management. During the critical period of the three-year (2020-22) action plan for SOEs, thecompany, starting from eliminating the sore spots and di?culties in the reform, has enhanced decentralizationand stimulated internal vitality and motivation, striving to build a world-class ?agship factory of vanadiumproducts.

国有重点企业管理标杆创建行动是国务院国资委按照对标世界一流管理提升行动总体安排,分层分类总结提炼管理提升成功经验,打造管理提升样板和尖兵的重要举措。经综合比选、专家评审、征求意见等环节,遴选出管理提升标杆企业200家、标杆项目100个、标杆模式10个。The management benchmark setting action among key SOEs is an overall arrangement of the State-ownedAssets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC) in the process of benchmar-king the SOE management against world-class management improvement actions. The action summarizessuccessful management improvement experience by level and category, and puts forward key managementimprovement measures by selecting management improvement models and pioneers. After comprehensivecomparison and selection, expert review, and solicitation of opinions, 200 enterprises, 100 projects, and 10models were rated as management improvement benchmarks.

公司持续优化质量管理体系,努力为客户提供更高品质的产品和服务。加强工艺日常监督检查,全程监控原辅料质量、过程质量、产品质量,实施精益六西格玛项目52项,获得中质协线上发表交流赛示范级成果奖3项,专业级5项,分别占全国30%、15.6%。By continuously optimizing the quality management system, we endeavor to provide customers with higher qualityproducts and services. In 2021, we enhanced regular supervision and inspection of production processes, monitored thequality of raw and auxiliary materials, processes, and product quality throughout the whole lifecycle, and implemented 52Six Sigma lean management projects. Three projects of the Company won the demonstration-level award and ?ve won theprofessional-level award in the online communication contest organized by China Association for Quality, accounting for30% and 15.6% of the total nationwide, respectively.

产品质量管理Product quality management

2021年环境、社会及管治报告2021 Environmental, Social & Governance Report

2021 Environmental, Social & Governance Report


攀钢集团钒钛资源股份有限公司Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.

The Company’s titanium dioxide products passed KKDIKPre-Registration of Turkey and REACH Pre-Registration of U.K.钛白粉产品通过土耳其KKDIK、英国UKREACH预注册All subsidiaries of Pangang Vanadium & Titanium passed theISO 9001 Quality Management System certi?cationISO 9001质量管理体系认证实现全公司全覆盖


Pangang Group Xichang Vanadium Production & Technology Co., Ltd.

员工精心操作A conscientious employee at work

延伸阅读Read more

Case: Pangang Group Xichang Vanadium Production & Technology Co., Ltd. rated as a benchmark for the key SOE management

Case: Quality Month campaign to enhance all-around quality management

案例 “攀+”公共服务平台,服务客户更便捷建立客商服务平台、共享平台、数据平台、监督平台,进一步提升客户服务质量体验,2021年,公司以打造数智化攀钢为契机,结合产品特点及产销模式,打造“攀+”公共服务平台。通过信息共享,优化管理,重点实现顾客在线增值服务和顾客在线自助服务,提升客户满意度。To build a platform that integrates the functions of customer service, data sharing, and super-vising and further improve customer experience, in 2021, Pangang Vanadium & Titanium,grasping the opportunity brought by the Company’s digital transformation and in accordancewith the characteristics of the products and the production-marketing model, established thePan+ public service platform. Based on information sharing and optimized management, theplatform provides online value-added services for customers and realizes the function ofonline self-service, signi?cantly improving customer satisfaction.



Providing quality services公司践行以客户为中心的理念,打造“攀+公共服务平台”,带给客户高效化、专业化、个性化的服务体验,为客户创造价值。2021年,钒产品、钛白粉、钛渣的客户满意度分别比上年增加1.06、4.1、3.26。Always putting customers ?rst, the Company strives to build a "Pan + public service platform", to bring customerse?cient, professional and personalized service experience, creating value for customers. In 2021, the customer sati-sfaction of vanadium products, titanium dioxide and titanium slag increased by 1.06 points, 4.1 points and 3.62points respectively over the previous year.


2021 Environmental, Social & Governance Report

2021 Environmental, Social & Governance Report


攀钢集团钒钛资源股份有限公司Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.

In September 2021, we launched the Quality Month campaign under the theme of “strengthening all-around qua-lity management and promoting high-quality development of the vanadium and titanium industry.” During thecampaign, we further strengthened delicacy management of quality and enhanced the quality awareness of allsta? following three steps: First, identify priorities. For key processes and parameters, we selected quality processcontrol points. Second, have regular analyses. Based on everyday quality inspections of each shift, we analyzedthe reasons of quality problems and corrected them in time. Third, improve all defects. We introducedchecklist-based management, and included customer feedback, the results of customer satisfaction assessmentsand other quality-related issues into the Checklist of Quality Improvements. We also conducted problem recti?ca-tion and veri?cation in accordance with the PDCA approach to achieve closed-loop management.





Providing high-quality pre-sale, in-sale, and after-sale service to eliminate the concerns and worries of customers.提供一站式服务


Improving service system

Providing one-stop customer service

打造线上贸易平台,将单一的线下网络销售转变为线上线下相结合,并提供营销及品牌推广等配套服务,为客户提供全新体验和细致服务。To change the single o?ine network sales into the combination of online and o?ine, we build an online tradeplatform to provide marketing, brand communication, and other supporting services for customers, creatingbrand-new customer experience with meticulous services.

拓展销售渠道Expanding sales channels

建立多维度指标的顾客评价体系,实施顾客分类管理动态调整机制;设立以顾客服务、产品质量、供货能力、产品价格、产品开发等5 级李克特量表评价体系,持续提高顾客满意度。

We establish a customer evaluation system with multi-dimensional indicators and implement a dynamic customersegmentation mechanism. We also have created a 5-point Likert scale based on customer service, product quality,supply capacity, product price, product development, etc., to continuously improve customer satisfaction.


Optimizing customer management system

Case: O?ering more convenient customer service through the Pan+ public service platform

"Pan +" public service platform



Protecting the rights and interests of customers通过走访、电话、微信、邮箱、传真及企业沟通平台等渠道加强客户沟通,掌握客户需求,建立产品及服务投诉日常管理和监测机制,及时反馈意见。Through visits and communication via phone calls, WeChat , emails, and corporate platforms, we enhance custo-mer communication and deepen our understanding of customer needs. We also conduct routine managementand monitoring of complaints about our products and services to respond to customers in a timely manner.



In strict compliance with related laws and regulations as well as the Regulations on Commercial Secrets, as well asrelated laws and regulations, we protect the security of customer information and avoid leakages of customers’con?dential information throughout the year.


We have established a sound supplier management system to integrate the concept of responsible procurement intosupply chain management, driving the whole industry chain to perform social responsibility.To standardize supplier management, we have formulated the Regulations on Supplier Management to ensure systematicmanagement of supplier access, audits, evaluation etc., and encourage and support suppliers to obtain QES certi?cation.To identify the quali?cations of suppliers, we check their mutual holdings and other relevant information through creditreporting platforms, and grasp their actual conditions through on-site inspections. In this way, we can screen out unquali-?ed suppliers . We also have established a grey list and a black list of suppliers. For problematic suppliers, we screen themout according to the supplier exit process. In 2021, there are 36 new grey list suppliers and no new blacklisted suppliers.Determined to maintain a honest, fair, just, and transparent supply chain, we resolutely ?ght against corruption in thesupply chain. We continue to strengthen cooperation with local suppliers to support the development of local suppliers.

打造责任供应链Building a responsible supply chain公司建立健全供应商管理体系,将责任采购理念融入供应链管理,带动产业链上下游践行社会责任。规范供应商管理流程,制定《公司供应商管理办法》,系统化管理供应商准入、审核、评估等工作,倡导并助力供应商开展QES体系认证。对准入供应商进行排查,通过相关征信平台掌握供应商交叉持股等信息,结合现场走访掌握供应商实际情况,及时排查、清退关联供应商和违法违纪供应商。建立供应商灰名单、黑名单、关联关系名单,对存在问题的供应商实行退出机制。2021年,公司新增灰名单供应商36家,无新增黑名单供应商。我们坚持维护廉洁、公平、公正、公开的供应链环境,同步做好供应链反腐败管理。不断加强地企合作,助力本地化供应商发展。


2021 Environmental, Social & Governance Report

2021 Environmental, Social & Governance Report


攀钢集团钒钛资源股份有限公司Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.

Open tendering of equipment and spare parts contributed to

93.61% of the Company’s total procurement, and sole source

purchases amounted to 8.0661 million yuan, with a year-on-yeardecrease of 0.88%.







Number of suppliers


按区域划分的供应商(家)Number of suppliers by region

按通过QES体系(单项)认证划分的供应商(家)Number of suppliers by

QES certi?cation

西南Southwest China

华中Central China

华北North China

华南South China

华东East China

西北Northwest China

东北Northeast China

港澳台及海外Hongkong, Macau, Taiwan, and overseas regions

通过ISO 9001质量管理体系ISO 9001 Quality Management System通过ISO 14001环境管理体系ISO 14001 Environmental Management System通过ISO 45001职业健康安全管理体系ISO 45001 Occupational Healthand Safety Management System

Enhancing customer communication

Protecting customer information

2021年4月,由公司承办的第十二届中国钒业发展论坛在攀枝花举行。论坛以“创新发展 构建钒业生态圈”为主题,邀请260余名相关领域的专家、学者、企业代表齐聚一堂,为中国钒产业高质量发展建言献策,有效促进钒的消费和产业健康发展。

In April 2021, the 12th International Vanadium Industry Development Forum organized by Pangang Vanadium&Titanium was held in Panzhihua City under the theme of “pursuing innovation-driven development and creating avanadium industry ecology.” More than 260 experts, scholars, and business representatives from related sectorswere invited and made recommendations on high-quality development of China’s vanadium industry, e?ectivelyboosting the consumption of vanadium products and healthy development of the industry.

案例 承办2021中国钒业发展论坛,构建钒业生态圈



Driving industry development

公司践行共建共享理念,积极与上下游企业广泛开展合作,促进资源共享、优势互补,打造高质量钒钛产业生态圈。2021年9月,公司与四川德胜就合资建设钒渣加工生产线事宜达成合作协议,将有助于提高攀西钒钛资源综合利用效能,促进钒产业健康有序发展。Committed to achieving shared growth through collaboration, we cooperate widely with upstream and downstreamplayers, and promote resource sharing and partnerships based on complementary advantages in creating a high-qua-lity vanadium and titanium industry ecosystem. In September 2021, the Company and Sichuan Desheng Group on thejoint venture of building a vanadium slag processing line. reached an agreement on the joint venture of building avanadium slag processing line. The partnership will improve the comprehensive utilization of vanadium and titaniumresources in Panxi region and promote the healthy and orderly development of the vanadium industry.

开展对外合作Building partnerships widely


2021 Environmental, Social & Governance Report

2021 Environmental, Social & Governance Report攀钢集团钒钛资源股份有限公司

攀钢集团钒钛资源股份有限公司Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.

公司深化与行业伙伴合作交流,借助行业论坛等平台,共同探讨行业前沿技术与最新趋势,携手合作伙伴共促行业良性发展。To deepen cooperation and exchanges, we discuss cutting-edge technologies and the latest industry trends withpartners through industry forums , with an aim to push ahead the sound development of the industry.

加强行业交流Deepening industry exchanges

2021年9月,公司与大连博融就产品及服务、生产合作、平台搭建、市场拓展、技术合作及资本合作等方面达成战略合作意向。这对于发挥双方的战略优势及协同效应,共同做优做强钒产业具有积极意义。In September 2021, the Company and Dalian Borong New Materials Co., Ltd. reached a strategic cooperation inten-tion agreement, which covers products and services, market expansion, technical cooperation, investment, etc. Thestrategic partnership is conducive to the two parties in giving play to our strengths and synergies and building astronger vanadium industry through joint e?orts.


Signing ceremony of the agreement on vanadium industry project with Sichuan Desheng Group

Vanadium and Titanium Co., Ltd.

公司党委书记交流发言Li Xiaoyu, Party Secretary of the Company, shares his opinions

Case:Organizing the 12th International Vanadium Industry Development Forum to facilitate the vanadiumindustry’s ecology

节约标准煤6,093吨6,093 TCEs saved




起0 pollution incident



亿元113 million yuan invested in environmental protection



Pursuing Green Development Along an Eco-Friendly Path


As a state-owned enterprise, the Company has the obligation to promote the green transformationand accelerate low-carbon development. Pangang Vanadium & Titanium, closely following theNational strategies on ecological progress, has always taken ecological conservation as its toppriority and adhered to the green development while pursuing clean production as well as low-car-bon and circular development of the Company. We have strengthened ecological governance andthe implementation of the ultra-low emission transformation, and made positive contributions tothe realization of China’s “30·60 decarbonization goal” with concrete actions.


CSR Spotlight


Zero discharge of wastewater from vanadium extraction processrealized through the application of the evaporation andconcentration technology


The vanadium titanomagnetite in Panxi region is of unique characteristics, and a large amount of waste is generatedduring its production, which is highly di?cult to be disposed of. Based on this fact, the Company strengthened researchon waste water treatment technologies and innovatively applied the evaporation and crystallization process in treatingwaste water with high concentrations of ammonia nitrogen and sodium salt generated during vanadium extraction,which had long been a world problem. The application contributed to zero discharge of industrial waste water duringvanadium extraction and made the Company known as the ?rst vanadium producer in China to apply the evaporationand concentration technology to the treatment of waste water generated during vanadium precipitation. It provides areference for the treatment of sodium-containing waste water generated during vanadium extraction in China.



Enhancing environmental management

Adhering to a development path that takes ecological conservation as the top priority, we establish a comprehensi-ve environmental management system to guide environmental protection from all aspects. By carrying outdelicacy management centering around environmental protection goals, we strive to promote the implementationof various measures steadily and enhance our practices continuously with a focus on improving the environmentalmanagement.




Actual value环境污染事件和核辐射事故(次)Pollution and nuclear radiation incidents

环保税(百万)Total environmental taxes (million yuan)




环保资金投入(百万)Total investment in environmental protection (million yuan)

氨氮(吨)Ammonia nitrogen (ton)







颗粒物(吨)Particular matter (ton)


COD (ton)

万元产值温室气体排放量(吨/万元)GHG emissions per 10,000 yuan of output value (ton)






2021年环境、社会及管治报告2021 Environmental, Social & Governance Report

2021 Environmental, Social & Governance Report攀钢集团钒钛资源股份有限公司

攀钢集团钒钛资源股份有限公司Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.

蒸发浓缩技术实现提钒工序废水零排放Zero discharge of wastewater from vanadium extraction process realized through the application of

the evaporation and concentration technology


全面推进公司环境管理体系的规范化、组织化、透明化。制定《环境保护管理办法》《环境保护责任制》等制度。2021年各产线均通过ISO 14001体系认证。The Company facilitates the standardization, organization, and transparency of the environmental ma-nagement system across the board. We have formulated theRegulations on Environmental Protection and theEnvironmental Protection Responsibility System. In 2021, we obtained ISO 14001 and other certi?cations for each

production line.

环境管理体系Environmental management system


Decision making body

EnvironmentalManagement Committe

1. Implement national and local laws and regulations on environmen-

tal protection, establish and improve the environmental managementsystem and the environmental protection responsibility system, guideand supervise the Company’s environmental practices

2. Organize the meeting of the Environmental Management Commit-

tee every half a year, etc.


1. Report directly to the Environmental Management Committee

2. Organize monthly a meeting of the Environmental Management

Committee O?ce to summarize previous work and assigned tasks forenvironmental protection


环境保护管理委员会办公室Operation body

Environmental ManagementCommittee o?ce


Functional departmentsand subsidiaries


Implement environmental protection guidelines, policies, laws,regulations, and standards under the direct leadership of thedepartmental or subsidiary leaders, carry out the Company’s con-tingency plans, and take charge of environmental protection taskswithin the business scope


We organize regular training sessions on environmental policies and regulations, the latest trends in environ-mental protection and technologies, etc. to enhance the awareness of all employees. In 2021, the Companyorganized training on the Regulations on the Approval of Pollutant Discharge, and the environmental informationplatform operation, etc.



2021年环境、社会及管治报告2021 Environmental, Social & Governance Report

2021 Environmental, Social & Governance Report


攀钢集团钒钛资源股份有限公司Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.


By making full use of the environmental information platform, including the application of environmental regula-tions, the operation of environmental protection facilities, the recording of environmental monitoring data, andthe accounting of environmental tax, we have improved the timeliness, e?ectiveness, accuracy and standardiza-tion of environmental management.


Strengthening training and publicity on environmental protection.

Building an environmental information platform.



,实现完全回收利用钛渣电炉冶炼副产煤气,充分提高资源能源的利用率,减少污染物排放量,预计每年减排二氧化硫80吨、颗粒物20吨,实现社会效益、经济效益和环境效益的统一。To further strengthen environmental pollution control, Titanium Smelting Factory of the Company has impro-ved electric furnaces for smelting titanium slag by adopting an airtight design and recycled puri?ed coal gasof the furnaces to reduce pollution. Through these e?orts, coupled with optimized raw materials and on-sitemanagement, we reduced energy consumption for the production of one ton of titanium slag by 91kWh.Since the introduction of the airtight design, the amount of exhaust generated by each furnace smelting ope-ration has been reduced to about 27,792 m

, while the average concentration of carbon monoxide has rea-ched 45% and the calori?c value has reached 1,800 kCal/Nm

. We have realized 100% recycling and reuse ofthe exhaust from the electric furnaces for smelting titanium slag, fully improving the utilization rate of resour-ces and energy, and signi?cantly reducing pollutants. It is estimated that every year, we can reduce SO

andparticulate matter emissions by 80 tons and 20 tons respectively, and realize an overall increase in social,economic, and environmental bene?ts.

案例 钛渣电炉全密闭改造,实现煤气回收利用


环境影响管理Environmental impact management

公司严格按照《建设项目环境保护管理条例》《建设项目环境影响评价分类管理名录》等法律法规要求,开展新、改、扩建项目环保“三同时”工作,确保建设项目合规建设、合法生产。In strict accordance with laws and regulations such as the Regulations on Environmental Management of ConstructionProjects and the List of Classified Management of Environmental Impact Assessment of Construction Projects, the Com-pany conducts environmental protection simultaneously for new projects as well as renovation and expansion toensure legal and compliant construction and production.


实施污染综合治理项目13项,重点环境项目9项,投入资金1.13亿元,成立硫酸钠、钛石膏处置专班,控增量去存量,实现月度产销平衡。We implemented 13 pollution control projects, including 9 key environmental projects, with an investment ofabout 113 million yuan. In addition, we set up teams for the disposal of sodium sulfate and titanium gypsum. Wesucceeded in controlling increments and reducing the quantity, and achieved the monthly balance between pro-duction and sales.



No.1 titanium slag electric furnace technology upgrading and gas recycling

2021年环境、社会及管治报告2021 Environmental, Social & Governance Report

2021 Environmental, Social & Governance Report攀钢集团钒钛资源股份有限公司

攀钢集团钒钛资源股份有限公司Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.

Carrying out Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) actively.

Promoting comprehensive pollution control continuously.

Case:Realizing exhaust recycling by adopting an airtight design for electric furnaces for smelting titanium slag


应对气候变化Addressing climate change


Responding positively to the China’s “30·60 decarbonization goal” and the international carbon emissiongoals set in the Paris Agreement, we have improved overall energy utilization e?ciency and controlled indu-strial GHG emissions in the whole process, contributing positively to tackling climate change.

公司以资源的高效利用和循环利用为核心,以“减量化、再利用、资源化”为原则,将钒钛资源综合利用、二次资源再利用作为发展循环经济的重点。公司已通过ISO 50001能源管理体系认证。Focusing on e?cient utilization and recycling of resources, the Company sets low consumption, low emissions, andhigh e?ciency as the targets, and commits itself to comprehensive utilization of vanadium and titanium resources andthe reuse of secondary resources in the development of a circular economy. The Company has obtained the certi?ca-tion of the ISO 50001 Energy Management System.

资源利用和能源管理Resource utilization and energy management


The Company has realized comprehensive recycling and reuse of vanadium-containing sludge,sodium sulfate, titanium gypsum, waste water (liquids), waste gas, waste heat, etc.



We promote the construction of an e?cient, clean, low-carbon, and circular green manufacturingsystem, and take the initiative to build green plants that emphasize intensive land use, clean pro-duction, waste recycling, and use of low-carbon energy.



We strengthen the technological transformation of processes and equipment, eliminate high-pollution andhigh-consumption production capacity, develop and promote the application of advanced technologies forenergy conservation and emission reduction. Through this, we can fundamentally control resource consumptionand environmental pollution from the source.



We carry out research on the technology of reusing dry ?ue gas in Panzhihua Vanadium Products Factory, thetechnology of calcination and low-nitrogen combustion in Pangang Group Chongqing Titanium Industry Co., Ltd.,etc. to get prepared for projects with ultra-low emission.








氧化钒综合能耗Comprehensive energyconsumption of vanadium oxide

氧化钒耗新水量New water consumed by V


高钛渣综合能耗Comprehensive energy consump-

tion of high titanium slag

钛白粉综合能耗Comprehensive energy consump-

tion of titanium dioxide












2021 Environmental, Social & Governance Report

2021 Environmental, Social & Governance Report攀钢集团钒钛资源股份有限公司

攀钢集团钒钛资源股份有限公司Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.

Recycling the “three wastes” (waste gas, waste water, and waste residues).

Building green plants.

Improving equipment and techniques.

Promoting the energy-saving technologies.



In December 2021, Panzhihua Vanadium Products Factory, Pangang Group XichangVanadium Production& Technology Co., Ltd., Panzhihua Dongfang Titanium IndustryCo., Ltd., and Pangang Group Titanium Industry Co., Ltd. were named Provincial-Le-vel Demonstration of Green Manufacturers in 2021 by Sichuan Provincial Economicand Information Department, laying a solid foundation for the Company to achieveultra-low emissions and build a circular economy.

案例 能源低碳化绿色工厂?获评2021年四川省省级绿色制造示范单位

2021年环境、社会及管治报告2021 Environmental, Social & Governance Report

2021 Environmental, Social & Governance Report攀钢集团钒钛资源股份有限公司

攀钢集团钒钛资源股份有限公司Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.


温室气体排放总量Total greenhousegas emissions 1.81 million tons



综合能源消耗总量The total energy consumptionwas 509,245 TCEs万吨标准煤


The Company saved

60.93 million TCEs


Case:Low-consumption green plants ? Provincial-Level Demonstration of Green Manufacturers in 2021

重庆钛业投入2,628万元,对12MW背压汽轮发电机组进行改造,同时新建1套10MW凝汽式汽轮发电机组,预计年发电量9,900万kWh,可减少电费4,357万元。截至2021年底,累计发电2,288万kWh,有效降低电能消耗,减少温室气体排放。Pangang Group Chongqing Titanium Industry Co., Ltd. invested 26.28 million yuan to improve the 12MWback-pressure steam turbine generator set. The company also built a new 10MW condensing steamturbine generator with an estimated annual power generation capacity of about 99 GWh, able to reduceelectricity costs by about 43.57 million yuan.As of the end of 2021, the improved generator set had generated 22.88 GWh of electricity, e?ectivelyreducing power consumption and GHG emissions.

案例 重庆钛业蒸汽余热发电项目工程


钛冶炼厂采用密闭式物料输送系统(管式皮带)将干燥后的钛精矿直接送入冶炼系统的原料仓,每年节省能耗约60t标煤,降低能耗约49%,切实降低温室气体排放。The Titanium Smelting Factory introduced an airtight material conveying system composed of tubular conveyorbelts to directly send the dried titanium concentrate to the raw material silo in the smelting system. Once the newsystem is put into operation, it will be able to save 60 TCEs per year, a 49% decline in energy consumption, ande?ectively reduce GHG emissions.

案例 降能耗?密闭式物料输送系统

公司积极响应上级公司碳达峰碳中和宣言,采用低碳冶金技术,开展降低天然气消耗、空压站用电节能改造等一系列节能减排项目,预计可节约标准煤4.02万吨、减少二氧化碳排放10.46万吨。Responding to the superior company’s declaration on carbon neutrality, the Company introduced the low-carbonmetallurgical technology and launched a series of energy-saving and emission-reduction projects. These projects areexpected to save 40,200 TCEs and reduce CO

emissions by 104,600 tons.


GHG emissions


The lower warehouse of a dry mine ? The airtight material conveying system

蒸汽余热发电机组The waste steam heat generator set

2021年环境、社会及管治报告2021 Environmental, Social & Governance Report

2021 Environmental, Social & Governance Report攀钢集团钒钛资源股份有限公司

攀钢集团钒钛资源股份有限公司Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.


In May 2021, Ansteel released the Ansteel Declaration on Carbon Peaking and Neutrality, which states that Ansteelwill release the roadmap for building a low-carbon metallurgy industry by the end of 2021, peak carbonemissions by 2025, make breakthroughs in the industrialization of cutting-edge low-carbon metallurgicaltechnologies and promote the wide application of technologies for deep reductions in carbon emissions by2030, reduce total carbon emissions by 30% from the peak in 2035, continue to develop low-carbon metal-lurgical technologies, and strive to become one of the ?rst large companies in China’s iron and steel indu-stry to achieve carbon neutrality.

延伸阅读Read moreCase:Lower consumption ? An airtight material conveying system

Case: Power generation from waste steam heat of Pangang Group Chongqing Titanium Industry Co., Ltd.


公司发布《危险废物管理办法》,将废机油、废油桶及废油漆桶等危险废物统一交由有资质的第三方运输和处置,严格做到依法合规。The Company published the Regulation on Hazardous Waste Management, which stipulates that the transportationand treatment of hazardous wastes, including waste oil, waste oil drums, and waste paint buckets, should beentrusted to quali?ed third parties in compliance with relevant laws and regulations.2021年,危险废物处置量124.62吨,其中废油56.18吨、废包装物20.53吨、沾染矿物油废物33.06吨、废触媒11.38吨、废电池2.16吨、在线废液及化验室废液1.31吨。

In 2021, 124 tons of hazardous waste was disposed of in total, including 56.18 tons of waste oil, 20.53 tons ofwaste packaging materials, 33.06 tons of waste contaminated with mineral oil, 11.38 tons of waste catalyst, 2.16tons of used batteries, and 1.31 tons of online waste liquid and waste liquid from chemical laboratory.

危废处理Hazardous waste treatment

固废管理与综合利用Solid waste management and comprehensive utilization

公司对照国家固废法及相关要求持续做好危废处理,积极开展硫酸钠、石膏渣、高炉渣提钛尾渣等固废资源综合利用工艺技术及产业化研究,提升固体废物资源化综合利用率及利用价值。While conducting hazardous waste treatment in strict compliance with relevant national laws and requirements,the Company researches into the comprehensive utilization and industrialization of solid waste, including sodiumsulfate, gypsum slag, blast furnace slag, extracted titanium tailings, etc., e?ectively improving the comprehensiveutilization rate of these solid waste resources.



The Company actively promotes the recycling of vanadium-containing materials, and has successfully reused vana-dium-containing slag from the C.P.TiO2 Factory. In 2021, we recycled 313.7 tons of vanadium-containing slag and 34tons of vanadium pieces.


Comprehensive utilization of waste and by-products



The Company disposedof 1.906 million tons ofwaste and by-products



The Company generated 139 tonsof hazardous waste in total.


124 tons of hazardous wastewas disposed of.



Creating a pro?t of150 million yuan



Exceeding the targetby 80.41 million yuan



Applying new techniques, Pangang Vanadium & Titanium has realized the recycling ofsluge containing vanadium and chromium, of which the average recycling rate of vana-dium has reached 92.62%, and that of chromium is 97.80%. The recycling techniques forwaste sluge containing vanadium and chromium and their industrialization demonstra-tion have been awarded the third prize of the Sichuan Science and Technology ProgressAward. In addition, the project have generated 18.4235 million yuan in economic bene?-ts for Panzhihua Vanadium Products Factory.

案例 钒铬污泥资源化利用技术及产业化示范


Water resource management

公司遵循“绿水青山就是金山银山”的理念,重视水资源风险管理,把生态文明建设融入公司生产经营的全过程。Upholding the concept that “lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets,” the Company emphasi-zes risk management of water resources and integrates ecological improvement into the wholeprocess of production and operation.

水环境风险治理Water environmental risk management


The waste water and sludge production line at Panzhihua Vanadium Products

2021年环境、社会及管治报告2021 Environmental, Social & Governance Report

2021 Environmental, Social & Governance Report攀钢集团钒钛资源股份有限公司

攀钢集团钒钛资源股份有限公司Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.

Case:Recycling techniques for waste sluge containing vanadium and chromium and theirindustrialization demonstration



Waste water discharge公司高度重视废水治理及回收利用工作。攀枝花钒制品采用废水脱氨氮、多效蒸发、机械式蒸汽再压缩和冷却结晶相结合的技术方案;实施废水处理系统升级改造、厂区雨污分流等废水治理项目,实现氧化钒生产废水零排放;采用废水污泥综合利用技术,回收钒资源返回前端工序再利用,铬资源生产成合格的氢氧化铬或氧化铬产品,实现钒、铬资源的回收利用。The Company attaches great importance to waste water treatment and recycling. Panzhihua Vanadium Pro-ducts Factory has introduced a technical solution that combines the removal of ammonia nitrogen fromwaste water, multi-e?ect evaporation, as well as mechanical vapor recompression, cooling, and crystalliza-tion; upgraded and reconstructed the waste water treatment system, improved the rain-sewage diversionsystem in the plant area, etc. to realize zero discharge of waste water from vanadium oxide production;applied waste water and sludge comprehensive reuse technologies, recycled vanadium resources for reuse infront-end processes, and used chromium resources to produce up-to-standard chromium hydroxide or chro-mium oxide products to guarantee comprehensive recycling and reuse of vanadium and chromium resources.

以水资源循环使用为重点,攀枝花钒制品、钛冶炼厂等单位建设废水循环利用处理装置,实施清洁生产措施,逐步开展测量产品水足迹项目,新水消耗逐年下降,循环水利用率95.22%。Emphasizing the recycling of water resources, the Company has built waste water recycling and treat-ment facilities in Panzhihua Vanadium Products Factory, Titanium Smelting Factory, etc. We have alsoimplemented clean production measures based on careful studies, and gradually advanced waterfootprint measurement projects, contributing to continuous decreases in new water consumption,thewater recycling rate of the Company reached 95.22%.

提升水资源利用率Water resources utilization


Discharge index of main pollutants in waste water (ton)


氨氮 (ammonia nitrogen)COD


2021 Environmental, Social & Governance Report

2021 Environmental, Social & Governance Report攀钢集团钒钛资源股份有限公司

攀钢集团钒钛资源股份有限公司Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.




Pursuing People-oriented Path with Coordination


48.76 million yuan invested

in work safety


145 urgently needed and difficultproblems solved for employees



4.29 million yuan invested

in training


16,600人次16600 employees trained


People-oriented, the Company relies on and serves employees wholeheartedly. We effectivelyprotect employees' occupational health and safety, legitimate rights and interests, strive to im-prove business performance as well as compensation and welfare, and establish incentive poli-cies to empower employees to develop in an all-round way. We create a fair, equal, democraticand harmonious working atmosphere, and solve emergencies and difficulties of employees, con-tinuing to enhance their sense of satisfaction, happiness and security.


CSR Spotlight

坚守16年的“钛渣电炉卫士”何查克He Chake ?the "Defender of titanium slag electricfurnace" for 16 years何查克坚守钛渣电炉16年,从一名普通钳工成长为大型钛渣电炉系统装备故障诊断专家。他和同事一起攻克上百项电炉装备改造难题,“钛渣电炉水冷炉盖”“自焙电极水冷护屏”“钛渣电炉出渣口”等多项成果获国家专利;实施电炉装备提升以及密闭改造等,缩短冶炼周期,提升设备作业率,降低冶炼电耗。他和团队编写的《钛渣电炉点检维修四大标准》成为同行企业学习的范本,“何查克技能大师工作室”培养了一大批青年人才,连续4年被评为优秀工作室。He Chake spent 16 years from an ordinary ?tter to the expert of fault diagnosis for titanium slag electric furnace. Hehas solved hundreds of problems of electric furnace equipment transformation with his colleges, and won the natio-nal patents of "water-cooled furnace cover", "self-baking electrode water-cooled screen", "titanium slag outlet ofelectric furnace", etc. He has upgraded electric furnace equipment and sealing transformation, shortening the smel-ting cycle, improving the equipment operation rate, and reducing smelting electricity consumption.The Four Standards for Spot Inspection and Maintenance of Titanium Slag Electric Furnaces compiled by the team ledby He Chake has become a model for peer companies, and the He Chake Skill Master Workshop has cultivated a largenumber of young talents and been rated as an excellent workshop for four consecutive years.


2021年环境、社会及管治报告2021 Environmental, Social & Governance Report


Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.


He Chake-the "Defender of titanium slag electric furnace"

员工学历结构Educational background





硕士及以上Master's degree or higher本科

Bachelor's degree


College's degree


Junior college'sdegree or lower


Age group






40 years old or younger


41-45 years old46-50岁

46-50 years old


51 years old or older

员工岗位结构Post structure





Management personnel


Technical personnel

生产操作人才Production andoperation personnel









公司禁止雇佣童工,对雇佣人员实行“男女平等、民族平等”原则,特殊工种或岗位对性别等有特别规定的从其规定。2021年员工总人数3,278人。The Company prohibits child labor and implements the principle of "gender equality and ethnic equality"for employees. If there are special regulations on gender and ethnic for special types of work or positions,the regulations shall be followed. The total number of employees in 2021 reached 3,278.

平等雇佣Equal employment

保障基本权益Protecting basic rights and interests公司严格遵守《劳动法》和相关国家法律法规,为员工构建平等、公平、公正的就业环境,提供平等就业机会,完善员工权益保障和薪酬福利体系。Strictly abiding by the Labor Law and other national laws and regulations, we maintain an equal, fairand impartial work environment, provide equal opportunities for employees, enhance the protectionof employees' rights and interests, and improve the compensation and bene?t system.



We have established incentive policies for employee quality enhancement, improved the cultivation system forsix types of talents, established the marketing talent sequence for the ?rst time, and promoted the integration ofproduction, supply and marketing..We have established a talent training and introduction mechanism to furtherexpand the In 2021, we owned 282 experts and chief engineers, including experts who received the specialallowance granted by the State Council, discipline and technology leaders in Panzhihua City, experts with out-standing contributions, Company tier-2 experts, and chief engineers.

人才体系Talent system

发挥员工的创新创造潜能。公司命名《刘盛飞炼钢生铁增碳操作法》《李卓梧废水蒸发浓缩系统清洗操作法》。To fully tap employees’ potential for innovation, the Company named two advanced operation methods afterthe employees:

Liu Shengfei's Operation Method for Steelmaking and Pigging Up and Li Zhuowu's OperationMethod for Cleaning Wastewater Evaporation and Concentration System.


2021 Environmental, Social & Governance Report攀钢集团钒钛资源股份有限公司

Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.


The Company has pressed ahead with reform of the three systems to stimulated micro vitality, and achieved the goalsof delayering of the management structure, contract-based employee management and administrative personnelmanagement, and e?cient incentive management. The Company has implemented the professional manager systemat Panzhihua Dongfang Titanium Industry Co., Ltd. and Panzhihua Guotai science & Technology Co., Ltd. where inter-nal competition is encouraged, and has introduced transparency recruitment of the managerial positions. We havecarried out equity-based incentives, and allowed primary units to actively explore diversi?ed incentive distributionmethods. We have compiled performance cases, and increased the overall labor productivity greatly. We pay socialinsurances and housing fund (endowment insurance, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, employmentinjury insurance and maternity insurance) in full, with 100% coverage.

三项制度改革Three system reforms

公司切实维护员工参与企业民主决策、民主管理、民主监督的权利,深化厂务公开,规范职代会内容和程序,对员工反映的问题及时整改与反馈。We e?ectively safeguard the right of employees in democratic decision-making, management and supervi-sion of the Company, make factory a?airs opener, standardize the content and procedures of the workers’congress, and make timely recti?cation and feedback on the problems reported by employees.

民主管理Democratic management


Building talent team“致天下之治者在人才,成天下之才者在教化”。公司重视人才培养,人才队伍建设,建立规范的职级体系,提供资源优渥、前景广阔的发展平台。“The governance of the world lies in talents, and education is the core for cultivating talents of theworld.” Attaching great importance to talent training and committed to talent team building, we establi-sh a standardized job rank system to provide employees with rich resources and a broad career develop-ment platform.


员工流失率The employeeturnover rate was 0.5%


劳动合同签订率Labor contract signingrate was 100%



4,356 reasonable suggestionswere received from employees


其中采纳2,342were adopted

为进一步适应钒钛产业快速发展对高层次人才的需求,公司建立 “一干多支”的培训模式,开展“钒钛大讲堂”特色培训。2021年,“钒钛大讲堂”开展具有针对性和实用性的专题管理培训,助力2000多名员工系统学习金融、财务、资本市场、投资分析、公司治理等专业领域的知识。In order to further meet the demand of high-level talents for the rapid development of vana-dium and titanium industry, the Company has established a training model of “one training withmultiple options,” among which Vanadium& Titanium Lectures is a special training program. In2021, Vanadium& Titanium Lectures organized targeted and practical management trainingthat enterprise operation and management, ?nance and enterprise risk management. Thetraining program has helped more than 2,000 employees learn the knowledge of ?nance, capitalmarket, investment analysis, corporate governance etc.

案例 “钒钛大讲堂”为员工专业知识“充电”


以首席大讲堂、师带徒、挂职交流、联办硕士班等方式,提升专业技术人员水平;开展点检人员全员轮训,分6批共60人到兄弟单位实习代培;提升财务人员专项能力,与中税网合作,分期分批外送培训。By organizing chief lectures, apprenticeship, setting temporary positions, jointly running postgraduateprograms, etc., we work to enhance the professional skills of technical personnel. We carried out atraining rotation for all inspection personnel, and sent 60 of them in six batches to take on internships inrelevant factories or departments. To improve the ability of ?nancial personnel, we cooperated withtaxchina.com to provide them with external training.

员工培训Employee training


安全生产管理Work safety management



We o?ered 16,600 trainingopportunities



Invested 4.29 million yuanin employee training



Organized 12,400 hours oftraining sessions in total


安全生产责任险参保率Realized 100% coverage of the worksafety liability insurance

筑牢安全防线Guaranteeing safety

公司将保障员工安全视为首要责任。公司通过安全生产管理、安全教育、合规化管理等多样化管理措施,保障员工职业健康与安全,筑牢安全防线。2021年,识别新颁布、修正(订)法律法规及相关文件84部,完成安全评价8项,职业卫生评价9项。The Company takes the safety of employees as its primary responsibility. We ensure the occupa-tional health and safety of employees and build strong defense through diversi?ed managementmeasures, such as work safety management and education, and compliance management.

Regarding work safety as the lifeblood of corporate development, the Company always adheres to theconcepts of “never compromise on safety” and “safety +”, and implements the three-year special actionplan for enhancing work safety. We always stress “the ?ve things that must be ?rmly kept in mind andthe ?ve things that must be avoided” while strengthening risk grading control and hidden hazards iden-ti?cation and management. We have strengthened anti-violation management, established grading andjoint assessment and reward system; and implemented the responsibility system for major hazards mo-nitoring, warning, and reporting, etc. We implement the system of accountability for work safety, andpromote the initial evaluation, review or promotion regarding work safety at Pangang Group ChongqingTitanium Industry Co., Ltd., Titanium Smelting Factory, Panzhihua Vanadium Products Company, Pan-zhihua Dongfang Titanium Industry Co., Ltd. We have established the information system for work safetymanagement which covers 19 function modules, such as the dual control system, work safety responsi-bility list, special operation management, etc., which has enabled us to improve the e?ciency of routinesafety management.


2021 Environmental, Social & Governance Report

2021 Environmental, Social & Governance Report


攀钢集团钒钛资源股份有限公司Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.



48.76 million yuan invested

in work safetyCase:Empowering employees with professional knowledge through Vanadium& Titanium Lectures


In the safety skills competition of the Company in 2021, Wu Feifei, a process technician fromPangang Group Chongqing Titanium Industry Co., Ltd., stood out among 300 contestants and wonthe ?rst place in the Youth Safety Supervisors Group. Having been engaged in front-line engineeringconstruction, processes technology and quality management for a long time, she attaches greatimportance to safety during work and takes the initiative to learn and apply safety knowledge atwork. “Safety is the foundation of all work, while safety knowledge is the foundation of all safetypractices. We must acquire su?cient safety knowledge.” said Wu Feifei.

案例 安全比武第一“菲”一般




Safety emergency managementTo consolidate the “foundation, grassroots and basic skills” of safety management, we have continuouslyimproved the emergency management system, revised the emergency plan, and carried out targeted emer-gency trainings, so as to guarantee the emergency team, materials and equipment, and improve the com-prehensive support ability.


职业健康管理Occupational health management

In 2021, we completed the internal audit of the occupational health and safety management system andpassed the audit of the occupational health and safety management system of China Quality Certi?cationCentre. We also establish a sound occupational safety management system and conduct regular and moni-toring of occupational hazard factors to safeguard the health of employees.We strengthen the supervision and inspection of epidemic prevention and ensure the procurement ofmasks, online meetings, vaccination, nucleic acid testing for outsiders, and o?-peak dining, to normalize theepidemic prevention work.



3,470 of participants acceptedphysical examinations

2,042点职业病危害因素检测点数2,042 tested points foroccupational hazard factors

2021年环境、社会及管治报告2021 Environmental, Social & Governance Report

2021 Environmental, Social & Governance Report攀钢集团钒钛资源股份有限公司

攀钢集团钒钛资源股份有限公司Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.

99%新冠疫苗接种率99 percent of COVID-19vaccination coverage ofthe Company's employee


Safety emergency drill


Wu Feifei, a process technician from Pangang Group Chongqing Titanium Industry Co., Ltd.

Case: Wu Feifei ? An extraordinary contestant in the safety skills competition

公司坚持红线意识和底线思维,针对负责人、安全管理人员和全体员工,分层级开展安全技能提升培训,提升员工安全技能。Always taking safety as the bottom line in business operation, we carry out safety skills improvementtraining at di?erent levels for all employees to improve the safety skills of all employees.


Strengthening safety education



发放爱心帮扶金the Company donated68,000 yuanin assistance funds



Sent birthday greetings toemployees and distributed455,400 yuan worth ofbirthday bene?ts


发放高考子女家庭关爱金Visited families with children aboutto take “gaokao” and distributed81,000 yuan of funds



Distributed medicines anddrinks for preventingheatstroke worth 200,400 yuan


Balancing work and life


Committed to creating a heartwarming work environment, the Company helps employees balan-ce the work and life, and cares about and assists employees sincerely. We strive to create a safe,healthy, happy and harmonious workplace for all employees.


The Company built a recreation room and a reading room for the employees of Panzhihua DongfangTitanium Industry Co., Ltd. and provided the inpatient medical aid to 1,435 employees and created 19employee homes. More than 50 employees from various basic units participated in the lecture onmental health, and we have built ?ve recreation clubs to enrich employees’ spare time.



The Company organized an air volleyball competition themed “building a beautiful PangangVanadium & Titanium and showing the charm of female employees” on March 8, whichattracted the participation of 90 female employees in di?erent teams. Besides, we handledthe participation and renewal of the serious disease mutual aid scheme for female workers inSichuan Province and the Care for Women Security Scheme of the Municipal Women's Federa-tion for more than 140 female workers.



The Company revised the Management Measures of Voluntary Help to enhance targeted assistance toemployees in need and with serious diseases, help solve di?culties, and show them care. Wealso sent greetings and gifts to employees’ children who will take “gaokao” (the national col-lege entrance examination) in summer.


2021年环境、社会及管治报告2021 Environmental, Social & Governance Report

2021 Environmental, Social & Governance Report攀钢集团钒钛资源股份有限公司

攀钢集团钒钛资源股份有限公司Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.

Enriching employees’ cultural life.

Caring for female employees

Assistance and visits to employees


Pursuing Well-being for People with CommonProsperity and Shared Benefits


1,100余人实现就业Indirectly promoted the employmentof more than 1,100 people



12.42 million yuan invested

in rural vitalization fund


个Directly created 60 jobs


To achieve common prosperity is the essential requirement of socialism and the improvement ofpeople’s well-being is the fundamental purpose of development. Keeping true to our original aspi-ration as a central SOE, we have been devoted to rural vitalization, serving local development,and engaging in community development with our own strengths. While making all-out effort toguarantee and improve people's livelihoods during development, we give back to the society, pro-mote social harmony, and strive to satisfy people's pursuit of a better life with great love and con-crete actions.


CSR Spotlight

打造国内首条刺梨泡腾片生产线,助力乡村振兴Building the ?rst roxburgh rose e?ervescent tabletproduction line in China to boost rural vitalization

贵州省盘州市是公司定点帮扶地区。刺梨产业是当地农业特色产业之一,也是助农增收和乡村振兴的主要产业之一。2021年公司投入专项资金834万元,定项援建并完成盘州市刺梨泡腾片生产线建设。该生产线集刺梨浓缩、刺梨精粉生产、刺梨泡腾片生产为一体,每小时可生产5万片泡腾片,刺梨精粉每小时产能150公斤,有效提高当地刺梨产业的科技水平和产能。实现10万农户可持续增收,为当地乡村振兴做出积极贡献。Pangang Vanadium & Titanium has been providing targeted assistance to Panzhou City, Guizhou Province, where theroxburgh rose is one of the featured local agricultural industries and one of the main industries to increase farmer'sincome and promote rural vitalization. In 2021, the Company invested 8.34 million yuan as special fund to assist theconstruction of the production line of roxburgh rose e?ervescent tablets in Panzhou. The whole production line inte-grates roxburgh rose concentration, roxburgh rose ?ne powder production and roxburgh rose e?ervescent tabletsproduction, and is able to produce 50,000 e?ervescent tablets and 150 kg of roxburgh rose ?ne powder per hour,e?ectively improving the production capacity of the local roxburgh rose industry. The production line contributes tothe sustainable increases in the income of 100,000 farmers and lays a solid foundation for local rural vitalization.



Continuing rural vitalization

公司聚焦定点帮扶地区产业,创新帮扶思路,拓宽帮扶领域。2021年,投入120万元援建稻城县智能蔬菜大棚,提升当地蔬菜水果自给能力,带动桑堆镇和色拉乡213名贫困人口就业,有力保障当地社区居民长期创收和走向富裕。Focusing on industries in areas to which the Company provides targeted assistance, we continue to innovate inthe assistance methods and broaden the assistance ?elds. In 2021, we invested 1.2 million yuan to assist the con-struction of the intelligent vegetable greenhouse project in Daocheng County, so as to improve the self-su?cien-cy of local vegetables and fruits. The project has promoted the employment of 213 poor people in Sangdui Townand Sela Village, becoming a strong guarantee for local residents to create long-term income and get richer.

产业帮扶Developing industries


We assist regions in partner assistance relations with the Company to consolidate and expand the achievements inpoverty alleviation by leveraging our strengths in technology, talents, management and industry. We have provided 1million yuan as the education fund for Daocheng County Government, and invested about 650,000 yuan to carry outtraining for over 1,500 technicians and grass-roots o?cials in Panzhou City, Yanyuan County, Muli County and etc.

教育帮扶Developing education

2021年环境、社会及管治报告2021 Environmental, Social & Governance Report

2021 Environmental, Social & Governance Report


攀钢集团钒钛资源股份有限公司Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.

刺梨泡腾片生产基地Roxburgh rose production

2021年盘州致富带头人创新创业培训班现场The innovation and entrepreneurship training session for

poverty alleviation pioneers in Panzhou City

公司持续巩固脱贫攻坚成果,持续做好产业和民生帮扶、教育帮扶,推进消费帮扶常态化。The Company keeps consolidating the achievements in poverty alleviation while providing constant supportfor local industries, livelihoods, and education, and has normalized consumption-driven assistance.



关键绩效Key Indicators


















































Serving local development


Taking “developing enterprise and contributing to society” as our mission, we actively respond to thenational strategy of promoting the development of the Chengdu-Chongqing economic zone, andseize opportunities in the development of the Panzhihua Vanadium Titanium High-tech IndustrialDevelopment Zone and the Sci-Tech City of Panxi Region, so as to better facilitate local developmentand people’s livelihood.In 2021, we built the residential resettlement sites for Bojiluo Village, Qiaowa Town, Muli County, SichuanProvince, bene?ting 254 people from 46 relocated households. We also implemented the water pipereconstruction project in Mianbu Village, Liewa Town, contributing to the improvement of people’s lives.志愿者服务Volunteer services公司倡导志愿服务精神,热心公益事业,组织员工参与社区志愿者活动,弘扬中华民族乐于助人的优良文化传统。

The Company advocates the spirit of volunteerism and engages in charity to provide community services,as well as in volunteer services, in a bid to carry forward the ?ne tradition of helping the poor and assistingthe needy.



2021年环境、社会及管治报告2021 Environmental, Social & Governance Report

2021 Environmental, Social & Governance Report攀钢集团钒钛资源股份有限公司

攀钢集团钒钛资源股份有限公司Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.

开展志愿者活动A volunteer service activity簸箕箩村居民安置点

Residential resettlement sites in Bojiluo Village

责任绩效ESG Performance

营业收入(亿元)Operating revenue (100 million yuan)

资产总额(亿元)Total assets (100 million yuan)归属于上市公司股东的净利润(亿元)Net pro?t attributable to shareholders of listed companies (100 million yuan)

纳税额(亿元)Taxes paid (100 million yuan)所有者权益(亿元)Owner's equity (100 million yuan)

资产负债率(%)Debt-to-asset ratio (%)


Authorized patents其中发明专利(项)Number of invention patents申请专有技术(项)Number of proprietary technology applied

重要科技奖项(国家+ 省部级)(项)Important sci-tech awards (national, provincial & ministerial level)


Legal review rate of major decisions (%)重要制度法律审核率(%)Legal review rate of important systems (%)


Legal review rate of major contracts (%)

各类环境污染事件(件)Environmental pollution incidents in all types

环保投入(亿元)Investment in environmental protection (100 million yuan)

万元产值温室气体排放量(吨)GHG emissions per 10,000 yuan of output value (ton)


Chemical oxygen demand (ton)氨氮排放总量(吨)Total emissions of ammonia nitrogen (ton)

二氧化硫(吨)Sulfur dioxide (ton)氮氧化物(吨)Nitrogen oxides (ton)节能量(吨标煤)Energy saving (tce)万元产值能耗(tce/ 万元)Energy consumption per 10, 000 yuan of output value (tce/10,000 yuan)

V2O5 耗新水(t/t)New water consumed by V



TiO2 耗新水(t/t)New water consumed by TiO


FeV 耗新水(t/t)New water consumed by FeV (t/t)

煤气回收量(亿立方米)Gas recovery volume (100 million m

)循环水利用率(%)Circulating water utilization rate (%)




关键绩效Key performance









党建Party building



关键绩效Key performance
































2021 Environmental, Social & Governance Report

2021 Environmental, Social & Governance Report


攀钢集团钒钛资源股份有限公司Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.

责任绩效ESG Performance责任绩效ESG Performance

在岗职工(人)Number of in-service sta?员工流失率(%)Employee turnover rate (%)

培训人次Number of training participants培训投入(万元)Training expenses (10,000 yuan)培训总学时(小时)Total training hours

职业健康监护体检Occupational health guardianship checkups

体检及健康档案覆盖率(%)Medical and health ?le coverage (%)

一般及以上事故(件)General and serious accidents

安全环保教育培训 (人次)Participants of safety and environmentalprotection education and training安全培训覆盖(%)Safety training coverage (%)

安全生产支出(万元)Work safety cost (10,000 yuan)

安全、消防应急演练(场)Safety, ?re emergency drills供应商总量(家)Total number of suppliers

责任采购率(%)Responsible procurement rate (%)

发放救济金(包括慰问金、帮扶救助金、助学金)(万元)Relief money (subsidies, assistance, student grant) (10, 000 yuan)

乡村振兴(含巩固脱贫攻坚成果)项目投入(万元)Projects for Rural Vitalization (including those consolidating

the achievements of poverty alleviation) (10,000 yuan)

乡村振兴(含巩固脱贫攻坚成果)项目(个)Number of rural vitalization projects: and projects that consolidate

the achievements of poverty alleviation to link rural vitalization

青年志愿者(人)Number of young volunteers

青年志愿者服务队(个)Number of young volunteer teams

志愿服务活动(人次)Participants of volunteer activities

志愿服务活动次数Number of volunteer activities

下属基层党组织数(个)Number of primary Party organizations

党委数(个)Number of Party committees

党总支数(个)Number of general Party branches

党支部数(个)Number of Party branches

党员数(人)Number of Party members


2021年环境、社会及管治报告2021 Environmental, Social & Governance Report

2021 Environmental, Social & Governance Report攀钢集团钒钛资源股份有限公司

攀钢集团钒钛资源股份有限公司Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.


GRI对标GRI Standards

董事长致辞Message from the Chairman走进攀钢钒钛About Us责任管理CSR Management创新发展 走高质量发展道路Pursuing a Path of High-qualityDevelopment with Innovation

开放交流 走合作共赢道路Pursuing Win-Win Cooperationwith Opening Up绿色发展 走生态优先道路Pursuing Green DevelopmentAlong an Eco-Friendly Path

共荣共享 走民生福祉道路Pursuing Well-being for People withCommon Prosperity and Shared Bene?ts

责任绩效ESG Performance

展望2022Outlook 2022

指标索引Content Index



携手共进 走以人为本道路Pursuing a People-orientedPath with Coordination

关于本报告About This Report

102-1 / 102-50 / 102-52

102-14102-1/102-2/102-3/102-4/102-6/102-7/102-16/ 102-18/201-1

102-13/102-20/102-29/ 102-40 /102-42/102-46/102-47

203-1/203-2102-9/308-1/416-1/417-1 /418-1302-1/302-3/302-4/302-5/303-1/303-3/304-2/305-1/305-4/305-7/306-2/306-4

203-1/203-2/415-1/413-2 201-1/301-3/302-1/302-3/ 302-4/305-1/305-4/305-5/ 305-7/306-1/401-1/404-1/ 405-1/415-1 


103-2/103-3/401-2/403-2/ 403-3/404-2/406-1 


In 2022, the 20th CPC National Congress will be held. The Company, closely following the generalrequirements for high-quality development, will persist in reform and innovation, fight for the generalgoal of achieving shared growth through collaboration, and further consolidate the development founda-tion for the 14th Five-Year Plan period.

坚持以人为本发展。持续做好保障员工基本权益,提供多元化的晋升渠道和培训,保障员工职业健康安全,提升员工关怀力度,切实增强员工幸福感、归属感和满意度。Sticking to people-oriented development.We will protect the basic rights of employees, providediversified promotion channels and trainings, ensure employees' occupational health and safety,strengthen our cares for employees, and effectively enhance their well-being, loyalty and sati-sfaction.


Sticking to technological innovation and development. Always taking technological innovation asthe driving force for corporate development, we will increase our investment in research and develop-ment, firmly implement the blueprint for the 14th Five-Year Plan, and follow the path of comprehensiveutilization of resources to realize sustainable development.


Sticking to ecological development. We will continue to promote green and low-carbon develop-ment, enhance energy efficiency by improving the energy management system, and carry out ener-gy-saving projects to facilitate China’s “30?60 decarbonization goal” and serve the overall interestsof the Party and the country.坚持合作共赢发展。继续广泛深入和各利益相关方沟通,通过合作共赢的方式提高生产效率,积极探索新技术以提升行业竞争力。

Sticking to win-win cooperation and development. We will continue expansive communication withall stakeholders, improve production efficiency through win-win cooperation, and actively explore newtechnologies to enhance our competitiveness in the industry.坚持民生和谐发展。持续投身乡村振兴事业,服务地方发展,积极组织志愿者活动,服务社区,为人民美好生活添砖加瓦。

Sticking to harmonious development. We will devote ourselves to rural vitalization, serve local deve-lopment and communities, and actively organize volunteer activities, contributing our share to the peo-ple's better life.

指标索引Content Index

展望2022Outlook 2022


Pangang Group Vanadium & Titanium Resources Co.,Ltd.

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