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张裕B:2015年半年度报告(英文版) 下载公告
                      Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd. 2015 Semi-annual Report
Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.
       2015 Semi-annual Report
              2015-Final 03
            August 2015
                                                                           Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd. 2015 Semi-annual Report
I、Important Notice, Contents and Definition ............................................................................... 3
II、Brief Introduction for the Company ....................................................................................... 5
III、Summary of Accounting Data and Financial Indicators ..................................................... 7
IV、Board of Directors’ Report ................................................................................................... 10
V、Major Issues ............................................................................................................................. 20
VI、Changes in Shares and the Shareholders’ Situation ........................................................... 29
VII、Relative situation for preferred shares ................................................................................ 33
VIII、Situation for Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management ............................................. 34
IX、Financial Report .................................................................................................................... 35
X、Catalogue of Documents for Future Reference .................................................................... 125
                                                   Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd. 2015 Semi-annual Report
                   I. Important Notice, Contents and Definition
The Board of Directors,the Board of Supervisors,directors, supervisors & senior management
of the Company collectively and individually accept full responsibility for the truthfulness,
accuracy and completeness of the information contained in the semi-annual report and there
are no unfaithful facts, misleading statements or significant omissions.
Except the following directors, other directors all personally attended the meeting for
deliberating the annual report.
Absent directors        Directors’ post      Absent reason              Authorized person
Mrs. Dai Hui            Director              Business trip              Mr. Sun Liqiang
The Company has no plan to distribute cash dividends and bonus shares; capital reserve will
not be transferred to equity in the semi-annual.
Mr. Sun Liqiang (Chairman of the Company), Mr. Leng Bin (Chief Financial Officer) and Mr.
Jiang Jianxun (Financial Manager) assure the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the
financial report in the semi-annual report.
This semi-annual report involves in forward-looking statements about future plan etc. It bases
mainly on the basic command of economic development trend of China and the judgment of
several years of experience in this industry, with a great uncertainty. The Company does not
give the investors tangible commitment, so the investors should be in a special attention, and
choose wisely.
                                            Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd. 2015 Semi-annual Report
         Definition Item    Refers to                    Definition Content
Company/The Company         Refers to Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.
Changyu Group/Controlling   Refers to
                                        Yantai Changyu Group Co. Ltd.
CSRC                        Refers to China Securities Regulatory Commission
SSE                         Refers to Shenzhen Stock Exchange
CNY                         Refers to Chinese Yuan
                                                                  Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd. 2015 Semi-annual Report
                                 II、Brief Introduction for the Company
1. Company’s information
Abbreviation of the Shares:      Changyu A、Changyu B                 Code number of the Shares   000869、200869
Abbreviation of the Shares
after alteration
Place of listing of the Shares   Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Legal Name in Chinese            烟台张裕葡萄酿酒股份有限公司
Abbreviation of Chinese name 张裕
Abbreviation of English name CHANGYU
Legal Representative             Mr. Sun Liqiang
2. Contact person and information
                                           Secretary       to   the    Board       of Authorized Representative of the
                                           Directors                                  Securities Affairs
Name                                       Mr. Qu Weimin                             Mr. Li Tingguo
Address                                    56 Dama Road, Yantai, Shandong, China     56 Dama Road, Yantai, Shandong, China
Tel                                        0086-535-6633658                          0086-535-6633656
Fax                                        0086-535-6633639                          0086-535-6633639
E-mail                                     quwm@changyu.com.cn                       stock@changyu.com.cn
3. Other information
1)、The Company’s contact information
Whether there is any change for the Company‘s registered address, office address, post code, website
and e-mail address during the report period.
□Available     V Not available
There is no any change for the Company‘s office address, post code, website and e-mail address
during the report period, please see 2014 annual report for more details.
2)、Information disclosure and filing Location
Whether there is any change for the information disclosure and filling location during the report
                                                    Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd. 2015 Semi-annual Report
□Available     V Not available
There is no any change for the newspapers in which the Company‘s information is disclosed, website
assigned by CSRC to carry the semi-annual report and the filing location during the report period,
please see 2014 annual report for more details.
3)、Registration changes
Whether there is any change for the registration during the report period.
□Available     V Not available
There is no any change for the company‘s registration date & place, business License No., tax
registration No. and organization code during the report period, please see 2014 annual report for
more details.
                                                     Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd. 2015 Semi-annual Report
    III、 Summary of Accounting Data and Financial Indicators
1. Key accounting data and financial indicators
Whether the Company makes retroactive adjustments or restates the accounting data of previous
fiscal years because of changes of accounting policy and/or accounting errors.
□Yes      V No
                                                                              More or less than
                                                       In the same period of
              Item                In the report period                       the same period of
                                                              last year
                                                                                last year(%)
Business revenue (CNY)                   2,825,793,250.00          2,301,990,248.00                    22.75%
Net profit attributed to the
shareholders of the listed                 746,060,248.00            638,041,311.00                    16.93%
company (CNY)
Net profit attributed to the
shareholders of the listed                 739,432,003.00            629,900,854.00                    17.39%
company after deducting the
irregular profit and loss (CNY)
Net cash flows from the
                                           927,163,060.00            889,675,131.00                     4.21%
operating activities (CNY)
Basic earnings (CNY) per share                       1.09                      0.93                    17.20%
Diluted earnings (CNY) per
                                                     1.09                      0.93                    17.20%
Return on net assets (%)                          10.11%                     9.77%                      0.34%
                                   At the end of the        At the end of last         More or less than
                                    report period                 year                the end of last year
Total assets (CNY)                       9,379,910,798.00          8,912,232,640.00                     5.25%
Net Assets attributed to the
shareholders of the listed               7,582,367,402.00          6,840,452,145.00                    10.85%
company (CNY)
2. Accounting data difference between domestic and foreign accounting standards
1)、Difference in net profit and net asset disclosed in the financial report under the PRC accounting
standards and international accounting standards.
V Available    □Not available
                                                       Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd. 2015 Semi-annual Report
Item             Net profit belonged to        Net asset belonged to
                 shareholders of listed        shareholders of listed
                 company                       company
                 Amount in       Amount in     Amount at the Amount at the
                 current         last period   end of this   beginning of
                 period                        period        this period
Based on
                 746,060,248 638,041,311 7,582,367,402 6,840,452,145
Items and amount adjusted based on international accounting standard
Based on
              746,060,248 638,041,311 7,582,367,402 6,840,452,145
2)、Difference in net profit and net asset disclosed in the financial report under the PRC accounting
standards and foreign accounting standards.
□Available       V Not available
There is no difference in net profit and net asset disclosed in the financial report under the PRC
accounting standards and foreign accounting standards during the report period.
3)、Explanation of difference in accounting data based on Chinese and international accounting standards
□Available       V Not available
3. Details of irregular profit and loss
V Available       □Not available
                                                                                                        Unit: CNY
                          Item                               Amount                      Explanation
Gain on disposal of non-current assets, including
the reversal of accrued impairment provision
Government grants credited in profit and loss
(except for those recurring government grants               6,527,952.00
that are closely related to the entity's operation,
                                                     Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd. 2015 Semi-annual Report
in line with related regulations and have proper
basis of calculation)
    Other non-operating expense and income                1,913,510.00
              Less: Income tax effect                     1,814,638.00
                       Total                              6,628,245.00                        -
The reasons shall be made clear and definitely as to the non-recurring profit and loss that the Company
has defined by virtue of the Explanatory Announcement on Public Company‘s Information Disclosure
No.1 - Non-recurring Profit and Loss and as to regarding the non-recurring profit and loss as recurrent
profit and loss as specified in the Explanatory Announcement on Public Company‘s Information
Disclosure No.1 - Non-recurring Profit and Loss.
□Available     V Not available
There is no situation regarding the non-recurring profit and loss as defined and specified in the
Explanatory Announcement on Public Company‘s Information Disclosure No.1 - Non-recurring
Profit and Loss as recurrent profit and loss.
                                                             Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd. 2015 Semi-annual Report
                            IV、Board of Directors’ Report
1. Summarization
During the report period, the need for high-end products in domestic wine industry was still weak, but
the consumer demand began to increase mildly in some regions; middle-and-low-end wines suitable for
the public kept favorable growth momentum. There was still strong competition existing in domestic
wine market. Facing quite a lot of external disadvantages, the Company insisted on focusing on the
market, adjusted marketing strategy and product structure, energetically developed middle-and-low-end
products, optimized market layout, perfected market channels and promoted sales of products with all
strength, preliminarily reversing the unfavorable tide about the decline of sales revenue and net profit,
and respectively accomplishing the sales revenue of CNY2825.79million with a year-on-year increase of
22.75% and net profit of CNY746.06million with a year-on-year increase of 16.93%.
2. Analysis to main business
Period comparison of main financial data
                                                                                                           Unit: CNY
                                  In the same               More
                    In the report
                                  period of last            or less Reason for changes
                                  year                      (%)
                                                                      Mainly increased sales volume of
Operating revenue    2,825,793,250.00   2,301,990,248.00     22.75%
                                                                      Mainly increased sales volume of
Operating cost         932,522,743.00    754,302,386.00      23.63%
                                                                      Mainly increased advertising expense,
Sales expense          653,425,516.00    486,481,030.00      34.32% storage  charge and salary of sales
Management                                                            Mainly increased salary of management,
                       119,770,340.00    103,980,497.00      15.19% administrative   expense, depreciation cost,
expense                                                               building tax and other taxes
                                                                      Mainly declined interest income of bank
Financial expense       -3,880,903.00      -14,254,385.00    72.77% deposit  and increased interest expenditure
                                                                      of bank loan
Income tax                                                            Mainly increase net profit on
                       245,727,101.00    210,241,876.00      16.88%
expense                                                               year-on-year basis
R&D investment           5,534,562.00       5,436,054.00      1.81%
Net amount of          927,163,060.00    889,675,131.00       4.21%   Mainly increased cash received by
                                                           Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd. 2015 Semi-annual Report
cash flow                                                            products sales on year-on-year basis
generated in
operating activities
Net amount of
                                                                   Mainly declined cash inflow generated by
cash flow                                                          investment activities including
                                                                   withdrawal of fixed time deposit and
generated in           -432,181,002.00   -240,974,464.00   -79.35%
                                                                   increased cash outflow generated by
investment                                                         investment activities including purchase
                                                                   and building of fixed assets
Net amount of
cash flow
generated in
financing activities
Net increased
amount of cash                                                       Mainly declined net amount of cash flow
                        470,554,249.00   648,662,711.00    -27.46%
and cash                                                             generated by investment activities
Whether there is any great change for the Company’s profit structure or profit source during the report
□Available      V Not available
There is no great change for the Company‘s profit structure or profit source during the report period.
Whether there is any future development and planning disclosed in the public Company’s shares prospectus,
collecting prospectus and asset restructuring report during the report period.
□Available      V Not available
The Company does not disclose any future development and planning in the public Company‘s
shares prospectus, collecting prospectus and asset restructuring report during the report period.
Review and summary of the progress situation during the report period of the Company’s
                                                    Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd. 2015 Semi-annual Report
business plan disclosed in earlier stage
Firstly, the Company insisted on focusing on the market and conducted the marketing work with all
strength in order to strengthen the marketing capability. The company further perfected the
marketing system and evaluation method of chateau wines and defined the person responsible for the
marketing of chateau wines; strengthened the degree of media publicity and market expansion for
middle-and-low-end brands, such as Jiebaina, Zuishixian and Noble Rot and so on, improving the
competition in wine market; quickened the construction of brandy extension system, preliminarily
building the brandy marketing system that covered main cities in China; implemented the strategy of
multiple level and multiple brand for brandy, forming four brandy brands containing Franllet Cognac,
Lormin, Koyac and Gold Medal; quickened the construction work of Pioneer franchised stores and
recruitment work of shop managers, and optimized evaluation and motivation system to Pioneer
franchised stores, contributing to the benign development of Pioneer franchised stores.
Secondly, the Company continue promoting informatization construction and management
innovation. Based on the completion of the first and second phase of SAP system, the Company
proceeded the construction of the third phase of SAP system, further improving the Company‘s
informatization level; proposed and implemented more than 180 innovation and rationa
