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招港B:2018年年度报告(英文版) 下载公告

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018



Date of Disclosure: 30 March 2019

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

Chairman’s Statement

Dear shareholders,

I hereby present to you the annual report of China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. and itssubsidiaries (the “Company”) for the year ended 31 December 2018. On behalf of the Board, Iwould like to express my sincere gratitude to all of you for your long-term support to the Company.

On 26 December 2018, the Company completed the assets restructuring, the change ofcompany name and its listing on the SZSE. Following the change of name to “China MerchantsPort Group Co., Ltd.”, its strategic positioning underwent remarkable transformation andenhancement, and it evolved from a port operator in Chiwan Wharf, West Shenzhen Port Zone, to aglobally leading port developer, investor and operator. As a result of the restructuring, the Companybecame a crucial vehicle for CMG to implement the “Belt and Road” Initiative promoted by Chinaand the “Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area” strategy. Serving not only as theheadquarters of CMG’s port sector, the Company is also the operating and management platformfor the port assets and tier one capital of CMG, hence playing a key role in the consolidation andsynergistic development of CMG’s port assets.

Looking ahead, the Company aims to become a world-class integrated port service provider.With a focus on core port businesses, it will take part in international port investment, developmentand operation under the development model for the port ecosystem. Meanwhile, it will continue toexpand along the value chain and establish an integrated port network service system that connectsthe world, so as to achieve scientific planning and balanced development on a global level. Byoffering top-notch and professional solutions, it will become customers’ partner of choice forcooperation, which will create greater value for the Company, enhance return for shareholders,support local economies and global trade, and contribute to the healthy development of the portindustry.Review for the year

Since 2018, the global economy has in general maintained its growth momentum but on ashaky ground. The economic and political conditions have been increasingly complicated. Tradefrictions provoked by the United States against numerous countries and regions worldwide haveimpacted corporate operating environment and financial market confidence, threatening thedevelopment of global economy and trade. In view of the macroeconomic condition with growinguncertainties over the development of global economy and trade, the Company has adhered to its

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

strategic directives, acted under the overall operation philosophy of “enhancing core capability,insisting on both quality and efficiency, capitalising on opportunities of this era and striving tobecome a global leading enterprise”, focused on the “five key priorities”, namely, homebase portdevelopment, ports consolidation, overseas expansion, integration of industry and finance andbusiness innovation, pursued various designated tasks in a comprehensive and pragmatic manner,and basically achieved its operating indicators formulated at the beginning of last year.

In 2018, the overall operating performance of the Company was satisfactory with steadygrowth of business. In terms of port operation, the port projects of the Company delivered acontainer throughput totalled 109.73 million TEUs, up 6.6% over last year. Looking into theregional performance, container throughput handled by the Group’s ports in Mainland China totaled81.39 million TEUs, up 5.5% year-on-year. Ports in Hong Kong and Taiwan handled a combinedcontainer throughput of 7.67 million TEUs, up 2.5% year-on-year, while overseas operationsdelivered a container throughput of 20.66 million TEUs, up 12.9% year-on-year. Bulk cargo volumehandled by the Group’s ports increased by 1.5% year-on-year to 540 million tonnes, among whichthe Group’s ports in Mainland China handled a total bulk cargo volume of 530 million tonnes,representing an increase of 1.6% year-on-year, while that of overseas ports decreased by 7.7% from2017 to 4.99 million tonnes. Among the major ports, SIPG handled a container throughput of 42.01million TEUs, representing a year-on-year increase of 4.4%, making it the largest port in the worldfor the ninth consecutive year. Container throughput handled in West Shenzhen Port Zone was11.35 million TEUs, up 1.5% year-on-year. In the overseas arena, Colombo International ContainerTerminals Limited (“CICT”) in Sri Lanka delivered a year-on-year growth of 12.0% by handling acontainer throughput of 2.68 million TEUs. Lomé Container Terminal S.A. (“LCT”) in Togohandled a container throughput of 1.05 million TEUs, representing a growth of 18.3% year-on-year.Kumport Liman Hizmetleri ve Lojistik Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim ?irketi (“Kumport”) in Turkeyhandled a container throughput of 1.26 million TEUs, representing a growth of 18.3% year-on-year.Terminal Link SAS acquired the port of Thessaloniki in Greece at the beginning of this year and ithandled a container throughput of 13.64 million TEUs in the year, up 8.6% year-on-year. FromMarch to December 2018, TCP Participa??es S.A. (“TCP”) in Brazil, the transaction of which wascompleted in February 2018, handled a container throughput of 0.69 million TEUs.

In terms of key priorities, significant progress has been made in overseas expansion. Thedelivery of overseas port projects, including TCP in Paranaguá, Brazil and Port of Newcastle inAustralia (the “Newcastle Port”), has been completed. The Djibouti International Free Trade Zonehas successfully opened and garnered positive feedbacks. The consolidation of domestic ports hasachieved remarkable breakthroughs. The Company has completed restructuring and is listed under a

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

new name. It has also been entrusted for the management of Liaoning Port Group Limited *(辽宁港口集团有限公司), which opened up for further in-depth cooperation in various aspects. TheCompany has been pursuing innovation development on multiple fronts as well. With regard tobusiness innovation, the establishment of phase II of “E-port” has been completed and thecommencement of various platforms integration and service building, such as the Electronic DataInterchange (“EDI”) platform system, call center , the big data platform and visualization platform,has enabled the full coverage of shipping companies, ship agents, customs brokers and tractordrivers. For technology innovation, the Company has been actively pushing forward projects,including RTG remote control, digitalized port construction and big data analysis for globalcontainers. These projects have further improved the technological edges of the port industry. Withrespect to the cooperation between the industrial and financial sectors, the Company planned theestablishment of the China Port Innovation Investment Fund (中国港口创新投资基金) whichaimed to coordinate with the domestic influential port groups, innovate cooperation model for theindustrial and financial sectors, and explore new technologies, models and mechanisms for the portecosystem, thereby achieving collaboration and financial resource matching between various portgroups and industries.Outlook

In 2019, CMPort will commence the journey to become a world-class enterprise from a newstarting point. The Company will firmly maintain a steady growth and at the same time achieveimprovement with the focus on the strategic principle of “leveraging on its long-term strategy,tapping the current edges, driving through technology and embracing changes”. It will strengthensynergic cooperation externally and accelerate integrated development internally, make efforts toenhance various capabilities, improve risk prevention and control, establish quality developmentmodels and stay committed to becoming a globally leading enterprise. In 2019, the Company willfocus on the following tasks:

Firstly, for the construction of homebase port, the Company will continue to strengthen itsefforts in the construction of domestic and overseas homebase ports, striving to build the WestShenzhen homebase port into a world-class leading port. Furthermore, the Company will acceleratethe enhancement of the hardware and software environment of its homebase port, plus the CMG’sinternal and external resources, to establish a comprehensive service platform for the Pearl RiverDelta, thus strengthening the construction of fully automated and intelligent port. In addition, theCompany will further promote the integration of operations with a view to improving quality andefficiency effectively and enhancing cost management. In terms of overseas homebase port, the

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

Company will leverage the synergic advantages of CICT and Hambantota port to create a leadingregional port and international shipping centre in South Asia.

Secondly, for the consolidation of domestic ports, the Company will actively incorporatenational strategies in its operation, with emphasis on opportunities brought about by the “Belt andRoad” initiative, the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Province, theYangtze River Economic Belt, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the openingup of Hainan, the revitalization of Northeast China and the integrated development of the YangtzeRiver Delta Zone.

Thirdly, for overseas business layout, the Company will strictly comply with assessmentdimensions and principles for overseas ports projects. The Company will set out clear projectpriorities and conduct studies on its overseas network along the “East-West route, South-Northroute, regions along the Belt and Road Initiative”. It will continue to put more efforts in the study ofglobal regional market and to establish and improve the regional market development and researchdatabase for East Africa, West Africa, South Asia, Europe, Latin America and Southeast Asia. It willalso tap into the growth of the “China+” industry after shifting to the “Port-Park-City” model.

Fourthly, for comprehensive port development, the Company will actively push ahead with thetransformation from a terminal operator to a comprehensive port service provider. It will step up itsefforts in promoting the “Port-Park-City” business model, and actively push forward theconstruction and development of the Djibouti International Free Trade Zone. The Company willcontinue to proactively explore the relevant comprehensive development cooperation projects inTogo; while for the Hambantota industrial port project, the Company will facilitate the preliminarywork in relation to the introduction of investment and capital based on the improvement of the parkdevelopment plan. Capitalizing development opportunities arising from of the Guangdong-HongKong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the Company will actively make progress on its land preparatoryworks in the Qianhai-Shekou Free Trade Zone by participating in the overall development thereof.

Fifthly, for technology innovation, the Company will attach further importance to the uniquerole and fundamental position of technology-driven and innovation-oriented development. Also, theCompany will create a top-tier port innovation ecosystem. Smart upgrade of terminals of which theCompany is a controlling shareholder will be gradually achieved through technological innovation,enabling the Company to formulate a proposal for implementation of “RTG Remote Control” withits own features so as to support the transformation of Shenzhen Haixing Harbor Development Co.,Ltd. ("Haixing")and smart upgrade of various terminals in the future.

Sixthly, for active quality and efficiency enhancement, the Company will continuouslyoptimize its internal procedures and mechanisms to promote management reform and process

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

reengineering. The Company will focus its efforts on enhancing the level of refined operation andmanagement of terminals of which it is a controlling shareholder, increasingly benchmarking itsterminal management, reducing cost and improving efficiency, and generating income by savingcosts, thereby creating values for shareholders.

In 2019, the risk of declining cyclical recovery momentum of the global economy will increase.Due to trade investment policies on “reverse globalization” and macroeconomic policyadjustments such as interest rate hike and tax reduction in developed countries, the growth of globaltrade will be under the intensifying pressure of an overall slowdown in the future. The Companywill respond positively to challenges like the downshift of growth in global container seabornefreight volume, the subdued profitability of domestic ports, the increased competition forinvestment between the ports in emerging countries. Moreover, it will seize the opportunitiespresented by the Chinese government’s support for import, accelerating consumption upgrade, thecontinuous promotion of policies regarding the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-MacaoGreater Bay Area and the free trade port, the growth in regional trade, the relocation of the“China+” industry and port consolidation. By the above means, the Company will spare no effort toenhance operating results and reward shareholders with better investment return.

Fu Gangfeng


China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

Part I Important Notes, Table of Contents and Definitions

The Board of Directors (or the “Board”), the Supervisory Committee as well as the directors,supervisors and senior management of China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafterreferred to as the “Company”) hereby guarantee the factuality, accuracy and completeness ofthe contents of this Report and its summary, and shall be jointly and severally liable for anymisrepresentations, misleading statements or material omissions therein.Bai Jingtao, the Company’s legal representative, Wen Ling, the Company’s Chief FinancialOfficer, and Sun Ligan, the person-in-charge of the accounting organ hereby guarantee thatthe financial statements carried in this Report are factual, accurate and complete.This Report has been approved at the 5th Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors of theCompany. Due to other company affairs, Vice Chairman of the Board Deng Renjie andDirector Song Dexing did not attend the meeting in person. But they have expressed theirconsent to this Report and authorized Director Bai Jingtao to attend the meeting on behalf ofthem, as well as to express opinion and sign the relevant documents.Possible risks faced by the Company and countermeasures have been explained in “Part IVOperating Performance Discussion and Analysis” herein, which investors are kindly remindedto pay attention to. Any forward-looking statements such as future plans or developmentstrategies mentioned herein shall not be considered as the Company’s promises to investors.And investors are reminded to exercise caution when making investment decisions.Securities Times, Ta Kung Pao (HK) and www.cninfo.com.cn have been designated by theCompany for information disclosure. And all information about the Company shall be subjectto what’s disclosed on the aforesaid media. Investors are reminded to exercise caution whenmaking investment decisions.The Board has approved a final dividend plan as follows: based on the Company’s totalshares of 1,793,412,378, a cash dividend of RMB1.14 (tax inclusive) per 10 shares is to bedistributed to shareholders, with no bonus issue from either profit or capital reserves.This Report and its summary have been prepared in both Chinese and English. Should therebe any discrepancies or misunderstandings between the two versions, the Chinese versionsshall prevail.

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

Table of Contents

Chairman’s Statement ...... 1

Part I Important Notes, Table of Contents and Definitions ...... 6

Part II Corporate Information and Key Financial Information ...... 4

Part III. Business Highlights .................................................................................... 10

PART IV Performance Discussion and Analysis ...... 19

Part V Significant Events ...... 45

Part VI Share Changes and Shareholder Information ...... 103

Part VII Preferred Shares ...... 114

Part VIII Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management and Staff ...... 114

Part IX Corporate Governance ...... 128

Part X Corporate Bonds ...... 144

Section XI. Auditor’s Report (See attached) ......................................................... 145

Section XII. Documents Available for Reference ................................................. 146

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018


The “Company”, “CMPort” or “we”China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd., formerly known as “Shenzhen Chiwan Wharf Holdings Limited”
Chiwan WharfShenzhen Chiwan Wharf Holdings Limited (stock name: Chiwan Wharf, Chiwan Wharf-B; stock code: 000022, 200022)
CMGChina Merchants Group Co., Limited
CMG Hong KongChina Merchants Group (H.K.) Limited, a CMG wholly-owned subsidiary in Hong Kong
CMIDChina Merchants Investment Development Company Limited
CMPort HoldingsChina Merchants Port Holdings Company Limited (00144.HK)
CMUChina Merchants Union(BVI) Limited
Broadford GlobalBroadford Global Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of CMG Hong Kong
CMGDChina Merchants Gangtong Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., a Broadford Global wholly-owned subsidiary in Shenzhen
CND GroupChina Nanshan Development (Group) Inc.
CMSKChina Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Holdings Co., Ltd.
Malai StorageShenzhen Malai Storage Co., Ltd.
KFELKeen Field Enterprises Limited
Zhoushan RoRoChina Merchants Port (Zhoushan) RoRo Logistics Co., Ltd., with the name changed from “Zhoushan Archipelago New Area SinoTrans & CSC RoRo Logistics Co., Ltd.” on 29 August 2018
Xinghai TerminalZhoushan Archipelago New Area Xinghai RoRo Terminal Co., Ltd.
SIPGShanghai International Port (Group) Co., Ltd.
CCTChiwan Container Terminal Co., Ltd., a majority-owned subsidiary of the Company
KumportKumport Liman Hizmetleri ve Lojistik Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim ?irketi
TCPTCP Participa??es S.A.
CICTColombo International Container Terminals Ltd.
HIPGHambantota International Port Group
Haixing HarborShenzhen Haixing Harbor Development Co., Ltd.
The “Assets Purchase via Share Offering” or the “Acquisition”Chiwan Wharf’s purchase of 1,313,541,560 ordinary CMPort Holdings shares from CMID via share offering
The “Transaction” or “Restructuring”The transaction plan includes three parts: (1) Chiwan Wharf intends to issue A-shares to CMID for the acquisition of the 1,313,541,560 CMPort Holdings ordinary shares that CMID holds (approximately 39.51% of CMPort Holdings’ outstanding ordinary shares). (2) CMG Hong Kong and Chiwan Wharf signs an Acting in Concert Agreement. According to the agreement, upon the completion of the assets purchase via share offering, CMG Hong Kong shall vote according to Chiwan Wharf’s opinion unconditionally on matters to

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

be voted on at CMPort Holdings’ general meetings in regard with thevoting right of the 753,793,751 CMPort Holdings ordinary shares(approximately 22.67% of CMPort Holdings’ outstanding ordinaryshares) that CMG Hong Kong has been entrusted to exercise. (3)Chiwan Wharf intends to raise matching funds of no more thanRMB4 billion from no more than 10 certain investors via an offeringof no more than 128,952,746 A-shares through enquiry.

be voted on at CMPort Holdings’ general meetings in regard with the voting right of the 753,793,751 CMPort Holdings ordinary shares (approximately 22.67% of CMPort Holdings’ outstanding ordinary shares) that CMG Hong Kong has been entrusted to exercise. (3) Chiwan Wharf intends to raise matching funds of no more than RMB4 billion from no more than 10 certain investors via an offering of no more than 128,952,746 A-shares through enquiry.
SASAC of the State CouncilState-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council
CSRCChina Securities Regulation Commission
Shenzhen CSRCShenzhen Bureau of China Securities Regulatory Commission
SZSEShenzhen Stock Exchange
The “Company Law”The Company Law of the People’s Republic of China
The “Securities Law”The Securities Law of the People’s Republic of China
The “Articles of Association”The Articles of Association of China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.
The “Stock Listing Rules”The Stock Listing Rules of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange
The cninfo websitewww.cninfo.com.cn
RTGRubber Tyre Gantry
E-PortThe unified electronic customer service platform
EDIElectronic Data Interchange
The “Reporting Period” or “Current Period”The period from 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2018
TEUTwenty Foot Equivalent Unit

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

Part II Corporate Information and Key Financial Information

I Corporate Information

Stock nameCM Port Group, CM Port Group BStock code001872, 201872
Stock exchange for stock listingShenzhen Stock Exchange
Company name in Chinese招商局港口集团股份有限公司
Company name in English (if any)China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.
Abbr. (if any)CMPort
Legal representativeBai Jingtao
Registered address23-25/F, China Merchants Port Plaza, 1 Gongye 3rd Road, Zhaoshang Street, Nanshan, Shenzhen, PRC
Zip code518067
Office address23-25/F, China Merchants Port Plaza, 1 Gongye 3rd Road, Zhaoshang Street, Nanshan, Shenzhen, PRC
Zip code518067
Company websitehttp://www.cmp1872.com
Email addressCmpir@cmhk.com
Board SecretarySecurities Representative
NameHuang ChuanjingHu Jingjing and Chen Dan
Address24/F, China Merchants Port Plaza, 1 Gongye 3rd Road, Zhaoshang Street, Nanshan, Shenzhen, PRC
Tel.+86 755 26828888+86 755 26828888
Fax+86 755 26886666+86 755 26886666
Email addressCmpir@cmhk.comCmpir@cmhk.com
Newspapers designated by the Company for information disclosureSecurities Times, Ta Kung Pao
Website designated by CSRC for publication of this Reporthttp://www.cninfo.com.cn
Place where this Report is lodgedBoard Office

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

IV Change to Company Registered Information

Unified social credit code91440300618832968J
Change to principal activity of the Company since going public (if any)On 14 December 2018, the Company changed its business scope registered with the industrial and commercial administration. The new business scope includes: construction, management and operation of ports and wharves; bonded warehousing of various goods for import and export; development, construction and operation of supporting parks in ports; loading, unloading, transshipment, warehousing and transportation of international and domestic goods and processing of goods; devanning and LCL operations, cleaning, repair, manufacturing and leasing of containers; international freight forwarding; vehicle and ship leasing; the provision of ship and port services including the provision of fuels, supplies and daily necessities for ships; ship towing (no operation using foreign ships); leasing and repair services of port facilities, equipment and machinery; import and export of various goods and technologies on a self-operation or agency basis, excluding the goods and technologies restricted or forbidden for import and export by the state; port logistics and port information technology consulting services; technical development and services in respect of modern logistics information systems; supply chain management and related services; design of logistics plans; engineering project management; development, research and consulting services in respect of port engineering technologies. (In respect of any operations that require approval according to law, the approval must be obtained before operation).
Every change of controlling shareholder since incorporation (if any)1. On 8 June 2018, as the ownership of 209,687,067 Chiwan Wharf shares formerly held by CND Group and 161,190,933 Chiwan Wharf shares formerly held by Malai Storage was officially transferred to CMGD, CMGD, holding 57.52% of the Company’s outstanding share capital, became the controlling shareholder of the Company. Meanwhile, CMG remains the actual controller of the Company. 2. On 26 December 2018, the Company issued RMB-denominated ordinary shares (A-shares) at RMB21.46/share to CMID for the acquisition of the 1,313,541,560 CMPort Holdings ordinary shares that it held. Upon the Acquisition, the Company’s total share capital has become 1,793,412,378 shares. Meanwhile, as Broadford Global controls an 87.81% aggregated voting right in the Company (direct interests and interests through CMID and CMGD), it is the direct controlling shareholder of the Company. Meanwhile, CMG remains the actual controller of the Company.

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

V Other InformationThe independent audit firm hired by the Company:

NameDeloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLP
Office address30/F, 222 Yan An Road East, Huangpu District, Shanghai, P.R.C.
Accountants writing signaturesHuang Yue and Jiang Qishen
NameCITIC Securities Co., Ltd.
Office address19/F, CITIC Securities Tower, 8 Zhongxin 3rd Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, China
Participant representativeChen Jianjian, Yang Jun and Huang Zihua
Period of supervisionFrom 26 December 2018 to 31 December 2019
201820172018-over-2017 change2016
Operating revenue (RMB)2,274,934,530.829,703,394,622.582,456,218,834.637,544,635,284.9628.61%2,381,483,399.946,828,528,929.02
Net profit attributable to the listed company’s shareholders (RMB)403,711,043.831,090,418,910.77504,495,064.392,365,214,907.45-53.90%532,376,492.972,041,683,125.35

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

Net profit attributableto the listedcompany’sshareholders beforeexceptional items(RMB)

Net profit attributable to the listed company’s shareholders before exceptional items (RMB)510,911,565.95516,155,803.81497,361,340.01498,373,377.673.57%529,198,593.98526,660,998.71
Net cash generated from/used in operating activities (RMB)737,784,730.574,288,575,424.841,162,281,754.313,475,037,036.2823.41%1,121,032,625.073,049,363,117.24
Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)0.630.610.7821.32-53.79%0.8261.14
Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share)0.630.610.7821.32-53.79%0.8261.14
Weighted average return on equity (%)8.82%3.88%10.45%10.24%-6.36%11.57%9.21%
31 December 201831 December 2017Change of 31 December 2018 over 31 December 201731 December 2016
Total assets (RMB)8,036,053,848.17128,018,084,415.687,975,470,563.32109,135,164,260.0117.30%7,792,570,272.0191,437,459,066.10
Equity attributable to the listed company’s shareholders (RMB)4,831,911,547.5630,760,475,412.934,922,969,405.9228,474,748,165.258.03%4,736,680,543.8122,680,840,458.42
Total share capital at the end of the last trading session before the disclosure of this Report (share)1,793,412,378
Fully diluted earnings per share based on the latest total share capital above (RMB/share)0.608

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

VII Accounting Data Differences under China’s Accounting Standards for BusinessEnterprises (CAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and ForeignAccounting Standards1. Net Profit and Equity under CAS and IFRSNo difference for the Reporting Period.2. Net Profit and Equity under CAS and Foreign Accounting StandardsNo difference for the Reporting Period.3. Reasons for Accounting Data Differences Above□ Applicable √ Not applicableVIII Key Financial Information by Quarter

Unit: RMB

Operating revenue2,172,750,441.442,499,587,599.282,589,330,353.392,441,726,228.47
Net profit attributable to the listed company’s shareholders381,903,088.64238,135,317.01276,846,536.50193,533,968.62
Net profit attributable to the listed company’s shareholders before exceptional items129,600,674.09187,764,097.52135,978,133.4762,812,898.73
Net cash generated from/used in operating activities488,161,711.351,312,573,007.361,315,345,336.411,172,495,369.72
Gain or loss on disposal of non-current assets (inclusive of impairment allowance write-offs)6,512,480.64324,387.87-123,667.77
Government subsidies charged to current profit or loss (exclusive of government subsidies given in the Company’s ordinary course of business at fixed quotas or amounts as per the government’s uniform standards)14,050,544.161,843,431.751,046,444.12

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

Current profit or loss on subsidiaries obtained inbusiness combinations involving enterprisesunder common control from theperiod-beginning to combination dates, net

Current profit or loss on subsidiaries obtained in business combinations involving enterprises under common control from the period-beginning to combination dates, net2,685,592,888.444,928,289,403.494,127,265,578.70Effect of a business combination under common control
Reversed portion of impairment allowance for accounts receivable which are tested individually for impairment4,238,993.78
Non-operating income and expense other than the above-3,767,817.731,002,589.661,487,253.84
Other gains and losses that meet the definition of exceptional gain/loss-121,311,211.59Restructuring costs in the Current Period
Less: Income tax effects3,010,149.89802,116.53595,892.67--
Non-controlling interests effects (net of tax)2,003,803,627.073,068,055,160.242,614,057,589.58

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

Part III. Business Highlights

I. Main business of the Company during the reporting period

1. Main business scope and business modelsThe Company is principally engaged in the handling, warehousing and transportation ofcontainers and bulk cargoes, as well as the provision of other ancillary services. It principallyoperates 24 container berths and 15 bulk cargo berths in the ports in West Shenzhen, 9multi-purpose berths, 2 container berths, 2 bulk cargo berths and a berth for roll-on-roll-off vesselsin Shantou Port, 4 multi-purpose berths in Shunde Port, 2 container berths and 6 bulk cargo berthsin Zhangzhou Port, Xiamen, 3 container berths in Port of Colombo, Sri Lanka, 4 multi-purposeberths, 2 oil berths and 4 container berths in Hambantota Port, 3 container berths in Port of Lomé,Togo, and 3 container berths in Paranaguá Port, Brazil. Moreover, the Company invests in containerhubs in Shanghai and Ningbo and expands its layout to ports in South Asia, Africa, Europe, SouthAmerica and Oceania.

The major business segments of China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. are as follows:

Business segmentsApplications
Cargo handling and warehousingContainer handling and warehousing: the Company provides ship berthing, loading and unloading services to ship companies, offers container storage service to ship companies and cargo owners and provides overhead box services to tractor companies. The Company also engages in the businesses of division or merger of cargoes in containers, container leasing and container maintenance; Bulk cargo handling and warehousing: the Company is engaged in bulk cargo handling and transportation in port zones, as well as storage services in yards. The major types of cargoes handled include food, steel, woods and sandstones.
Ancillary port-related servicesThe ancillary port-related services of the Company mainly include tugboat berthing assistance and barge services at the arrival of ships to the ports, tallying in the course of cargo handling, and supply of shore power and freshwater for vessels.

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018


Bonded logistics operationsThe Company provides various services for clients (including logistics companies, trading companies or cargo owners), for example, warehouse/yard leasing, loading and unloading in warehouses/yards, customs clearance and division or merger of cargoes at terminals. It also provides documentation services for tractors arriving or leaving the bonded logistics parks.

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

statistics of Drewry Shipping Consultants Ltd., a maritime consulting firm, the global container portthroughput amounted to 7.86 billion TEUs in 2018, up 5.3% year-on-year, while the growth ratedecreased by 1.2percentage points as compared with 2017. In terms of market share by containerthroughput, the top 3 regions in order are China (including Hong Kong), Europe and Southeast Asia,and the top 3 fastest growing regions in order are South Asia, Southeast Asia and Oceania. Thegrowth rate of PRC container port throughput decreased and the development of different portsvaried. According to the statistics from National Bureau of Statistics of China, the containerthroughput handled by PRC ports of significant scale was 249.55 million TEUs in 2018,representing a growth of 5.2% compared with the same period last year , growing slower than thesame period in 2017.

The Company is the largest global leading port developer, investor and operator in the PRC,with a comprehensive port network at major hub locations along coastal China. It has alsoestablished presence in South Asia, Africa, Europe, Mediterranean, Oceania and South America. Byits proactive, sound and efficient operating style, the Company capitalises on its global portportfolio, professional management experience, the self-developed state-of-the-art terminaloperation system and integrated logistics management platform for exports and imports, therebyproviding its customers with timely and efficient port and maritime logistics services along withcomprehensive and modern integrated logistics solutions. In addition, the Company also invests inbonded logistics operation and launches integrated park development business for the extension ofthe port value chain, which allows it to create greater value through the synergies of the existingterminal network.

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

II Significant Changes in Major Assets1. Significant Changes in Major Assets

Major assetsMain reason for significant changes
Equity assets1. On 26 January 2018, the Second Extraordinary Meeting of the Ninth Board of Directors of the Company approved the Proposal on Capital Increase to Zhoushan Archipelago New Area SinoTrans & CSC RoRo Logistics Co., Ltd. On the same day, the Company together with Zhoushan Blue Ocean Investment Co., Ltd. (hereafter referred to as “Blue Ocean Investment”), CSC RoRo Logistics Company Limited (hereafter referred to as “CSC”), China Merchants Port (Zhoushan) RoRo Logistics Co., Ltd. (hereafter referred to as “Zhoushan RoRo”) and Zhoushan Archipelago New Area Xinghai RoRo Terminal Co., Ltd. ( hereafter referred to as “Xinghai Terminal”) signed the Agreement on Capital Increase to Zhoushan Archipelago New Area SinoTrans & CSC RoRo Logistics Co., Ltd.. According to the agreement, the Company contributed RMB149.7098 million in cash to hold 51% equity in Zhoushan RoRo, and the registered capital of Zhoushan RoRo increased from RMB60 million to RMB173.0786 million, and Zhoushan RoRo owned 100% stake of Xinghai Terminal, which made Xinghai Terminal a wholly owned subsidiary of Zhoushan RoRo. In May 2018, the Company paid all the increased capital to Zhoushan RoRo. On 29 August 2018, Zhoushan RoRo completed the formalities for the change of its directors, supervisors and senior management with the industrial and commercial administration. As such, Zhoushan RoRo has officially become a majority-owned subsidiary of the Company. For further information, see the Announcement on an External Investment & Related-Party Transaction (Announcement No.: 2018-007) published on the Securities Times, Ta Kun Pao (HK) and www.cninfo.com.cn on 27 January 2018. 2. On 5 February 2018, the Proposal on Signing the Supplementary Agreement II to the Media Port Investments Limited Shareholder Agreement was approved at the 3rd Extraordinary Meeting of the Company’s 9th Board of Directors of 2018. On the same day, the Supplementary Agreement II was signed by Chiwan Wharf, CMPort Holdings, Fatten Investments Limited and Media Port Investments Limited as a further supplement to the Media Port Investments Limited Shareholder Agreement signed on 30 September 2002. According to the Supplementary Agreement II, upon the completion of the transfer of a combined stake of 66.10% in Chiwan Wharf from CND Group, Malai Storage and KFEL to CMGD and Broadford Global, the Company’s control over Media Port Investments Limited will cease. On 8 June 2018, when the relevant equity transfer formalities were completed, the Company excluded Shenzhen Mawan Port Services Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Mawan Wharf Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Mawan Warehouse & Terminals Co., Ltd. from its consolidated financial statements. The announcement (No. 2018-013) on the related-party transactions arising from the signed Supplementary Agreement II has been disclosed on Securities Times, Ta Kung Pao

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and www.cninfo.com.cn on 7 February 2018.3. On 6 February 2018, CMPort Holdings, China Merchants Union (BVI) Limited (“CMU”,a major shareholder of CMPort Holdings and the liaison of CMG) and Gold NewcastleProperty Pty Holding Limited (“Gold Newcastle”, a wholly-owned subsidiary of CMU)entered into an acquisition agreement. According to the agreement, CMU and GoldNewcastle agreed to sell, for the total consideration of AUD607.5 million (approximatelyHK$3.809 billion), their aggregate interests of 50% in the Port of Newcastle (includingshareholder loans of AUD162.5 million) to CMPort Holdings or its wholly-owned subsidiary.And the remaining 50% interest in the Port of Newcastle would be held by a third-party, TIFInvestment Trust.4. On 13 December 2018, the Proposal on the Incorporation of China Merchants HainanDevelopment & Investment Co., Ltd. together with Related Parties was approved at theSecond Extraordinary General Meeting of 2018. Chiwan Wharf Holdings (Hong Kong)Limited (a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company), together with related parties of ChinaMerchants Holdings (Hong Kong) Company Limited, Jumbo Pacific Holdings Limited,China Merchants Expressway Network Technology Holdings Co., Ltd., China MerchantsIndustry Investment Limited and SinoTrans (HK) Logistics Limited, incorporated ChinaMerchants Hainan Development & Investment Co., Ltd. as an important investment platformin the Hainan Province for all the parties. The new joint venture has a registered capital ofRMB3.5 billion, of which Chiwan Wharf Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited subscribes forRMB525 million, representing a stake of 15%.5. On 24 December 2018, the Company disclosed the Report on the Implementation Progressof the Assets Purchase via Share Offering and the Matching Fund Raising & theRelated-Party Transaction & the Listing of the New Shares. The Company issued A-shares toCMID for the acquisition of the 1,313,541,560 ordinary CMPort Holdings shares that it held(accounting for approximately 39.45% of CMPort Holdings’ outstanding ordinary shares),with the transaction price being RMB24.65 billion. According to the offering price ofRMB21.46/share, the Company issued a total of 1,148,648,648 A-shares to CMID. On 26December, the Company held the Restructuring & Name Change Ceremony at the ShenzhenStock Exchange, changing its stock name from “Chiwan Wharf, Chiwan Wharf-B” to “CM Port

Group, CM Port Group B”, its stock code from “000022, 200022” to “001872, 201872”.

and www.cninfo.com.cn on 7 February 2018. 3. On 6 February 2018, CMPort Holdings, China Merchants Union (BVI) Limited (“CMU”, a major shareholder of CMPort Holdings and the liaison of CMG) and Gold Newcastle Property Pty Holding Limited (“Gold Newcastle”, a wholly-owned subsidiary of CMU) entered into an acquisition agreement. According to the agreement, CMU and Gold Newcastle agreed to sell, for the total consideration of AUD607.5 million (approximately HK$3.809 billion), their aggregate interests of 50% in the Port of Newcastle (including shareholder loans of AUD162.5 million) to CMPort Holdings or its wholly-owned subsidiary. And the remaining 50% interest in the Port of Newcastle would be held by a third-party, TIF Investment Trust. 4. On 13 December 2018, the Proposal on the Incorporation of China Merchants Hainan Development & Investment Co., Ltd. together with Related Parties was approved at the Second Extraordinary General Meeting of 2018. Chiwan Wharf Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited (a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company), together with related parties of China Merchants Holdings (Hong Kong) Company Limited, Jumbo Pacific Holdings Limited, China Merchants Expressway Network Technology Holdings Co., Ltd., China Merchants Industry Investment Limited and SinoTrans (HK) Logistics Limited, incorporated China Merchants Hainan Development & Investment Co., Ltd. as an important investment platform in the Hainan Province for all the parties. The new joint venture has a registered capital of RMB3.5 billion, of which Chiwan Wharf Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited subscribes for RMB525 million, representing a stake of 15%. 5. On 24 December 2018, the Company disclosed the Report on the Implementation Progress of the Assets Purchase via Share Offering and the Matching Fund Raising & the Related-Party Transaction & the Listing of the New Shares. The Company issued A-shares to CMID for the acquisition of the 1,313,541,560 ordinary CMPort Holdings shares that it held (accounting for approximately 39.45% of CMPort Holdings’ outstanding ordinary shares), with the transaction price being RMB24.65 billion. According to the offering price of RMB21.46/share, the Company issued a total of 1,148,648,648 A-shares to CMID. On 26 December, the Company held the Restructuring & Name Change Ceremony at the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, changing its stock name from “Chiwan Wharf, Chiwan Wharf-B” to “CM Port Group, CM Port Group B”, its stock code from “000022, 200022” to “001872, 201872”.
Construction in progressConstruction in progress amounted to RMB5.499 billion as at 31 December 2018, up by RMB3.191 billion from the beginning amount of RMB2.308 billion, primarily driven by the adding of new subsidiaries to the consolidated financial statements and a higher expense on wharf projects. To be specific, the HIPG wharf construction project contributed an increase of RMB1.334 billion, the TCP berth expansion project contributed RMB0.59 billion and the Shantou Port Guangdong-Macau Phase II project RMB0.524 billion.
Entrusted1. On 23 August 2017, the Proposal on Signing The Agreement on Equity Management

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assetsEntrustment with China Merchants Port Holdings Company Limited (CMPort Holdings) was approved at the 2nd Meeting of the 9th Board of Chiwan Wharf. On the same day, the agreement was signed to let Chiwan Wharf manage, in CMPort Holdings’ trust, part of the shareholder and other rights in relation to the 80% stake in Mega Shekou Container Terminals Limited, which is held directly by CMPort Holdings. As CMPort Holdings has ceased its control over Chiwan Wharf from 8 June 2018, as per the aforesaid entrustment agreement, Chiwan Wharf’s custodianship of the shareholder and other rights in relation to the 80% stake in Mega Shekou Container Terminals Limited has automatically ended. The announcement (No. 2017-035) on the related transaction arising from the signed entrustment contract has been disclosed on Securities Times, Ta Kung Pao and www.cninfo.com.cn on 25 August 2017. 2. On 13 December 2018, the Proposal on the Company and China Merchants (Liaoning) Port Development Co., Ltd. Signing the Custody Agreement Regarding Equity Interests in Liaoning Port Group Co., Ltd. was approved at the 10th Extraordinary Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors of 2018 of the Company. As such, the Company was agreed to sign the said agreement with China Merchants (Liaoning) Port Development Co., Ltd., an indirectly wholly-owned subsidiary of CMG. According to the agreement, the Company will manage, in the trust of China Merchants (Liaoning) Port Development Co., Ltd., the 49.9% interest in Liaoning Port Group Co., Ltd. that China Merchants (Liaoning) Port Development Co., Ltd. is currently holding.
AssetSourceAsset value (RMB’0,000)LocationManagement modelControl measures to protect asset safetyReturn generated (RMB’0,000)As % of the Company’s equityMaterial impairment risk (yes/no)
Equity assetsAcquired via share offering12,236,421.18Hong KongMajority-owned by the CompanyAppointing directors, supervisors and senior management650,649.7193.16%No
Other informationN/A

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III. Core competitiveness analysis1.Active implementation of the key “Belt and Road” initiative with leverage on its global portnetwork

As an important carrier for domestic and overseas port investment and operation of CMG, theCompany seized the policy opportunities of the key elopment Co., Ltd., an indirectly o activelybuild a global port network and make investments in global resources. In recent years, throughmergers, acquisitions and restructuring, along with the renovation of old ports and construction ofnew ports, the Company has become a modern port chain with global coverage and actively pushedforward the establishment of the “Silk Road Economic Belt” and “21st-Century Maritime SilkRoad”.

After years of overseas development, CMPort has developed the port industries across SoutheastAsia, South Asia, Africa, Europe, Oceania, etc. Among which, its port network spreads over 18countries with most ports locating in important port areas of countries along the “Belt and Road”initiative.

The Company aims at eas development, CMPort has developed the port iive continents”. As boththe shipping and port sectors gradually shifted to forming alliances, the Company activelyintegrated its domestic and overseas port assets and capitalised on its relatively complete global portnetwork to provide customers with comprehensive port logistics service solutions, which created itsunique competitive strength. At the same time, the diversified investment and operation of portassets have also effectively enhanced its capabilities to resist risks of industry fluctuations and tradefictions.

2. Sound shareholder background

CMG is a key state-owned enterprise under the direct administration of the PRC central government.Headquartered in Hong Kong, it is an integrated enterprise with diversified businesses and one ofthe four major Chinese enterprises in Hong Kong. Currently, CMG is mainly engaged in three coreindustries namely transportation, finance and real estate, while focusing on four key sectorsincluding infrastructure and equipment manufacturing, logistics and shipping, integrated financeand comprehensive development of cities and parks. CMG has been rated as a Grade A enterprise in

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the Operating Results Assessment of the State-owned Assets Supervision and AdministrationCommission of the State Council for 14 consecutive years and is a central state-owned enterprisethat owns two Fortune 500 companies.

Being a crucial player and facilitator of the national State-owned Assets Supervision andAdministration Commission of the State Council for 14 consecutive years atively complete networkof overseas port, logistics, finance and park business. The sound shareholder background and ampledomestic and overseas resources of CMG have provided strong support to CMPort for creating aglobal port cooperation platform with international vision and global expansion capabilities.

3. Innovative business development model

Taking port business as the core and leveraging the synergy of different port zones as well ascity-industry integration, the Company is actively exploring and facilitating the comprehensive portdevelopment model of “Port-Park-City”. Based on the traditional loading and unloading andancillary services for ports, the Company further expanded various value-added port services to theports and port cities in which it operates. By gathering talents, information, funds and commodities,the Company continued to expand its business development and regional coverage, thereby drivingurban upgrade and development.

Currently, the Company has participated in and pushed forwarded integrated regional developmentand construction in various overseas regions under the port-oriented approach, where it has madesome progress with initial achievements. The innovative business development model helps fosternew profit growth points for the Company.

4. Extensive experience in professional port management with sound and efficient operating style

The Company always adheres to the proactive, sound and efficient operating style. Capitalising onits global portfolio for port asset and resource allocation, it is committed to providing customerswith timely and efficient port and maritime logistics services and thus becoming an importantgateway for the country’s foreign trade. At the same time, the Company also made an extensiveinvestment in bonded logistics business to expand its port value chain. Taking advantages of thesynergies of its existing terminal network, the Company created values for both its customers and

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The Company has earned itself good reputation across the industry by leveraging the professionalmanagement experience accumulated for years, its self-developed global leading port operatingsystem and integrated logistics management platform for import and export, its extensive maritimelogistics support system and all-rounded modern integrated logistics solutions, its high-qualityengineering management and reliable service offerings.

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PART IV Performance Discussion and Analysis

I. Summary

1. External Environment AnalysisIn 2018, the global economy continued to grow at a moderate pace. However, the growth ratesof major economies have almost peaked while certain emerging markets and countries were facingfinancial instability, demonstrating intensified uneven growth trend among different economies.Currently, with the setback in multilateral trading system, the landscape of international trade isrestructuring, which has facilitated rapid development of regional trade agreements. According tothe latest “atest , the global economy continued to grow at a mornational Monetary Fund (“IMF”MFest , the global economy continued to grow at a mornational Monetary Fund (“growth rates ofmajor economies have almost peaked while certain emerging markets and countries were facing f,down by 0.1 percentage point as compared to that of 2017, while emerging markets and developingeconomies grew at 4.6%, respectively, down by 0.1 percentage point as compared to that of 2017.Total global trade volume (including goods and services) grew by 4.0%, representing a decrease of1.3 percentage points as compared to that of 2017.

In 2018, China’s economic growth was 6.6%, representing a decrease of 0.2 percentage pointover 2017. Despite the complicated international environment, China insisted on pursuing progresswhile maintaining stability and the overall economic development remained stable within areasonable range. While strenuously promoting the supply-side structural reform, the PRCgovernment continued to innovate and improve its macroeconomic control policies, striving tocultivate and develop innovative industries. The Chinese economy has shifted from the rapidgrowth phase to quality development phase with the driving force of innovation further increasedand the upgrade and development of consumption and industry structures progressed at a faster pace.Amid the overall global trade growth, according to the statistics of the General Administration ofCustoms, China’s total foreign trade import and export value amounted to RMB30.51 trillion in2018, representing a year-on-year increase of 9.7%, among which the total export value wasRMB16.42 trillion, indicating a 7.1% year-on-year increase, while total import value wasRMB14.09 trillion, reflecting a year-on-year increase of 12.9%. In particular, the potential of tradecooperation between China and those countries along the “Belt and Road” initiative is unleashing,leading to an increase in import and export value of 13.3%, which is higher than the overall growthrate.

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Driven by the growth in global economy and trade, the global port business generally showedmoderate growth in 2018; and the growth rate of port business in China remained steady since thefirst quarter. According to the data published by National Bureau of Statistics of China, thecontainer throughput handled by Chinese ports of significant scale totalled 250 million TEUs in2018, representing an increase of 5.2% year-on-year.

2. Port Business Review

In 2018, the Company’s ports handled a total container throughput of 109.73 million TEUs, upby 6.6% year-on-year, among which the ports in Mainland China contributed container throughputof 81.39 million TEUs, indicating an increase of 5.5% year-on-year, which was mainly driven bysteady recovery of the Mainland China’s economy and improvement of import and export trade.The Company’s operations in Hong Kong and Taiwan contributed an aggregate containerthroughput of 7.67 million TEUs, representing a growth of 2.5% as compared with the same periodlast year. Benefited from the rapid growth of the ports operation of CICT in Sri Lanka, LCT inTogo and Kumport in Turkey, a total container throughput handled by the Company’s overseasports grew by 12.9% year-on-year to 20.66 million TEUs. Bulk cargo volume handled by theGroup’s ports increased by 1.5% year-on-year to 504 million tonnes, of which the Group’s ports inMainland China handled a total bulk cargo volume of 530 million tonnes, representing an increaseof 1.6% year-on-year.

Pearl River Delta region

In the Pearl River Delta region, the Group’s terminals in West Shenzhen Port Zone handled acontainer throughput of 11.35 million TEUs, up by 1.5% year-on-year. Chu Kong River TradeTerminal Co., Ltd. handled a total container throughput of 1.17 million TEUs, down by 13.3%year-on-year. Bulk cargo volume handled by the West Shenzhen Port Zone amounted to 18.03million tonnes, down by 17.3% year-on-year, mainly due to the decrease in business volume as aresult of the upgrade and renovation project of Haixing Port. With further release of productioncapacity, Dongguan Machong Terminal handled bulk cargo volume of 13.23 million tonnes duringthe period, representing an increase of 3.4% year-on-year.

Yangtze River Delta region

Shanghai International Port (Group) Co., Ltd. (eSIPG”IPGghai International Port (Group) Co.,Ltd. (eon TEUs, up by 4.4% year-on-year, which was mainly driven by the increase in number ofshipping routes due to reorganisation of shipping companies’ alliances, and the release ofproduction capacity from the commencement of operation of phase IV of SIPG’s fully automatedport in Yangshan since December 2017. Bulk cargo volume handled during the year decreased by

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8.3% year-on-year to 150 million tonnes, mainly attributed to the decrease in coal unloaded amountafter adjustments made against the structure of bulk cargo source by SIPG. Ningbo Daxie ChinaMerchants International Terminals Co., Ltd. handled a container throughput of 3.16 million TEUs,representing an increase of 5.1% year-on-year, which was mainly benefited from the adjustment ofcertain shipping routes.

Bohai Rim regionDalian Port (PDA) Company Limited handled a container throughput of 11.11 million TEUsand bulk cargo volume of 135 million tonnes, representing an increase of 3.3% and 4.3%year-on-year respectively. Qingdao Qianwan United Container Terminal Co., Ltd. handled acontainer throughput of 6.93 million TEUs, representing an increase of 11.1% year-on-year.Qingdao Qianwan West Port United Terminal Co., Ltd. handled bulk cargo volume of 15.54 milliontonnes, representing an increase of 18.4% year-on-year. Qingdao Port Dongjiakou Ore TerminalCo., Ltd. handled bulk cargo volume of 57.36 million tonnes, indicating an increase of 3.6%year-on-year. Laizhou Harbour Affairs (莱州港务) handled bulk cargo volume of 22.75 millionTEUs, representing an increase of 4.7% year-on-year. Tianjin Five Continents InternationalContainer Terminals Co., Ltd. handled a total container throughput of 2.72 million TEUs,representing an increase of 3.4% year-on-year.

South-East region of Mainland ChinaZhangzhou China Merchants Port Co., Ltd. (“ZCMP”), located in Xiamen Bay Economic Zone,handled a container throughput of 0.457 million TEUs, increased by 13.9% year-on-year, whichwas mainly benefited from the increase in domestic shipping routes. With the recovery of theproduction capacity of wood processing and iron ore fines industries in the hinterland of ZCMP,bulk cargo volume handled by ZCMP amounted to 14.32 million tonnes, up by 37.4% year-on-year.Shantou China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd., which was acquired in August 2017, handled acontainer throughput of 1.29 million TEUs and bulk cargo volume of 9.23 million tonnes.

South-West region of Mainland ChinaZhanjiang Port (Group) Co., Ltd. handled a container throughput of 0.98 million TEUs, up by9.7% year-on-year; and a bulk cargo volume of 91.87 million tonnes, up by 1.8% year-on-year.

Hong Kong and TaiwanThe total container throughput handled by ports in Hong Kong dropped by 5.7% year-on-year,of which the container throughput handled by the ports in Kwai Tsing area decreased by 4.7%year-on-year. Modern Terminals Limited and China Merchants Container Services Limiteddelivered an aggregate container throughput of 5.93 million TEUs, up by 2.5% year-on-year, which

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outperformed the overall market of Hong Kong. Kao Ming Container Terminal Corporation inKaohsiung handled a total container throughput of 1.75 million TEUs, representing an increase of2.8% year-on-year.

Overseas operationIn 2018, a total container throughput handled by the Company’s overseas operations increasedby 12.9% year-on-year to 20.66 million TEUs, among which container throughput handled by CICTin Sri Lanka rose by 12.0% year-on-year to 2.68 million TEUs. Container throughput handled byLCT in Togo increased by 18.3% year-on-year to 1.05 million TEUs. Container throughput handledby Tin-Can Island Container Terminal Limited (referred to as TICT) in Nigeria was 0.48 millionTEUs, representing an increase of 2.4% year-on-year. Container throughput handled by Port deDjibouti S.A. (referred to as PDSA) in Djibouti amounted to 0.86 million TEUs, down by 7.5%year-on-year, mainly attributed to the decrease in transshipment volume to Ethiopia. Terminal LinkSAS, which acquired the port of Thessaloniki in Greece at the beginning of the year, handledcontainer throughput of 13.64 million TEUs, representing an increase of 8.6% year-on year.Container throughput handled by Kumport in Turkey increased by 18.3% year-on-year to 1.26million TEUs. In February 2018, the acquisition of TCP in Brazil was officially completed. TCPhandled a container throughput of 0.69 million TEUs from March to December.

3. Implementation of business plan during the reporting periodDuring the reporting period, adhering to the working principles of “farsighted anddown-to-earth” and “establishing integrated systems and building core competitiveness”, theCompany continued to maintain its strategic strength and remained committed to the strategic focusof domestic and overseas development and innovation and achieved major breakthroughs in fiveaspects, namely the development of homebase port, port consolidation, overseas expansion,comprehensive development and business innovation. Over the past year, the Company activelyimplemented its key tasks and maintained a steady growth in the core business and operating resultsof the Company’s ports.

Regarding the development of its homebase ports, Tonggu Channel project in West ShenzhenPort Zone was completed which enabled 200,000-tonnes mega vessels to call. Moreover, therenovation project of Haixing Port progressed as scheduled while the construction proposal of“Smart Port” has been proved and already entered into the implementation stage. In accordancewith the concept of “strong synergy for high throughput”, the Group has facilitated the cooperationbetween West Shenzhen Port Zone and river terminals in the Pearl River Delta and achieved

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preliminary results.

In terms of port consolidation, the Company has established a strategic layout with a focus onone was completed which enang Kong-Macao Bay Area, connecting regions along Belt and RoadInitiatives with a broad global network coverage” through strategic reconstruction, which hasbecome the platform for managing the CMG’s port business and capital operation. In Bohai Rim,the entrusted management arrangement of Liaoning Port Group was completed.

As for overseas expansion, by seizing the opportunities arising from the major initiative of“Belt and Road” and the transfer of international production, the Company actively grasped theinvestment opportunities in ports, logistics and related infrastructure. The Company completed theacquisitions of TCP Terminal in Brazil, South America and Port of Newcastle in Australia, Oceaniain 2018, realising its full coverage in six continents and further optimising its global port network.

In terms of comprehensive development, the Company actively explored and promoted the“Port-Park-City” comprehensive development model and achieved milestone progress. DjiboutiInternational Free Trade Zone was officially opened in July 2018 and received good response. Thecomprehensive development project of Hambantota Port in Sri Lanka has completed the initialoverall conceptual planning and has been actively developing the wheeled and bulk cargo business,demonstrating a sound business development trend.

With regard to innovative development, the Group actively pushed forward the “digitalisedstrategy” through the philosophy of “bringing influence through technology innovation, facilitatingexpansion by business innovation, enhancing quality and efficiency by integration innovation, andplanning future by mechanism innovation” in exploring the construction of the port ecosystem. In2018, the Company completed the E-Port project, RTG Remote Control project and Pearl RiverDelta (“PRD”) NETWORK project in West Shenzhen Port Zone with the utilisation of digital porttechnology, automated terminal technology, artificial intelligence application and big data analysisapplication. In terms of integrated cooperation model of industry with elements of finance, theCompany planned for the establishment of the China Port Innovation Investment Fund (中国港口创新投资基金) which aimed to coordinate with the domestic influential port groups, innovateintegrated cooperation model of industry with elements of finance, and explore new technologies,models and mechanisms for the port ecosystem, thereby achieving collaboration and resourcematching between various port groups and the invested industries.

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

II Core Business Analysis1. OverviewChanges in key financial indicators in the Reporting Period are as follows:

Unit: RMB

Item20182017Change (%)Reason for the change
Operating revenue9,703,394,622.587,544,635,284.9628.61%The adding of CMPort Holdings to the consolidated financial statements for the current year
Cost of sales5,739,241,395.874,710,312,660.5121.84%The adding of CMPort Holdings to the consolidated financial statements for the current year
Administrative expense1,251,865,675.45853,900,889.9046.61%The restructuring costs and the adding of CMPort Holdings to the consolidated financial statements for the current year
Finance costs1,643,418,102.95955,406,648.4672.01%A higher interest expense as a result of more interest-bearing debt, as well as a greater exchange loss, net caused by exchange rate fluctuations
Net cash generated from/used in operating activities4,288,575,424.843,475,037,036.2823.41%-
20182017Change (%)
Operating revenueAs % of total operating revenue (%)Operating revenueAs % of total operating revenue (%)
By operating division
Port operations9,184,527,309.0994.65%7,105,017,045.5194.17%29.27%
Bonded logistics service386,269,027.023.98%355,133,637.254.71%8.77%
By operating segment
Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan6,635,924,788.3468.39%6,036,330,920.5380.01%9.93%
Other countries and regions3,067,469,834.2431.61%1,508,304,364.4319.99%103.37%
Operating revenueCost of salesGross profit marginYoY change in operating revenue (%)YoY change in cost of sales (%)YoY change in gross profit margin (%)
By operating division

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Port operations

Port operations9,184,527,309.095,303,286,893.3142.26%29.27%23.38%5.81%
By operating segment
Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan6,635,924,788.344,216,939,216.8136.45%9.93%6.56%2.90%
Other countries and regions3,067,469,834.241,522,302,179.0650.37%103.37%102.15%0.30%
Operating divisionItem20182017Change (%)
Cost of salesAs % of total cost of sales (%)Cost of salesAs % of total cost of sales (%)
Port operationsLoading and unloading services5,303,286,893.3192.40%4,298,197,269.6591.25%23.38%
Bonded logistics serviceLogistics service214,495,776.553.74%201,919,562.784.29%6.23%
Total sales to top five customers (RMB)2,771,538,285.20
Total sales to top five customers as % of total sales of the Reporting Period (%)28.56%
Total sales to related parties among top five customers as % of total sales0%

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of the Reporting Period (%)

of the Reporting Period (%)

Top five customers:

No.CustomerSales revenue contributed for the Reporting Period (RMB)As % of total sales revenue (%)
1Customer A1,185,119,294.0512.21%
2Customer B468,009,461.454.82%
3Customer C454,654,929.724.69%
4Customer D362,165,543.533.73%
5Customer E301,589,056.453.11%
Total purchases from top five suppliers (RMB)969,354,243.89
Total purchases from top five suppliers as % of total purchases of the Reporting Period (%)21.47%
Total purchases from related parties among top five suppliers as % of total purchases of the Reporting Period (%)0%
No.SupplierPurchase in the Reporting Period (RMB)As % of total purchases (%)
1Supplier A345,775,896.277.66%
2Supplier B338,102,927.617.49%
3Supplier C113,117,715.822.51%
4Supplier D88,859,558.971.97%
5Supplier E83,498,145.221.85%

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3. Expense

Unit: RMB

20182017Change (%)Reason for any significant change
Administrative expense1,251,865,675.45853,900,889.9046.61%The restructuring costs and the adding of CMPort Holdings to the consolidated financial statements for the current year
Finance costs1,643,418,102.95955,406,648.4672.01%A higher interest expense as a result of more interest-bearing debt, as well as a greater exchange loss, net caused by exchange rate fluctuations
R&D expense121,989,097.8295,247,274.6728.08%Higher expenses on various R&D projects
20182017Change (%)
Number of R&D personnel4284250.71%
R&D personnel as % of total employees4.47%5.29%-0.82%
R&D expense (RMB)121,989,097.8295,247,274.6728.08%
R&D expense as % of operating revenue1.26%1.26%0.00%
Capitalized R&D expense (RMB)--
Capitalized R&D expense as % of total R&D expense0.00%0.00%

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Reasons for any significant YoY change in the percentage of R&D expense in operating revenue:

□ Applicable √ Not applicableReason for any sharp variation in the percentage of capitalized R&D expense and rationale:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable5. Cash Flows

Unit: RMB

Item20182017Change (%)
Subtotal of cash generated from operating activities10,551,620,379.778,121,339,982.1429.92%
Subtotal of cash used in operating activities6,263,044,954.934,646,302,945.8634.80%
Net cash generated from/used in operating activities4,288,575,424.843,475,037,036.2823.41%
Subtotal of cash generated from investing activities1,989,829,350.629,831,224,130.57-79.76%
Subtotal of cash used in investing activities17,138,391,838.987,747,352,982.62121.22%
Net cash generated from/used in investing activities-15,148,562,488.362,083,871,147.95-826.94%
Subtotal of cash generated from financing activities36,557,170,707.2610,486,329,575.00248.62%
Subtotal of cash used in financing activities27,681,971,449.9111,274,819,013.90145.52%
Net cash generated from/used in financing activities8,875,199,257.35-788,489,438.901225.60%
Effect of exchange rate fluctuations on cash-371,390,771.83-294,425,747.2326.14%
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents-2,356,178,578.004,475,992,998.10-152.64%

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

less cash generated from and more cash used in investing activities.Subtotal of cash generated from financing activities rose 248.62% year-on-year, primarily driven bya higher amount of borrowings obtained.Subtotal of cash used in financing activities rose 145.52% year-on-year, primarily driven by ahigher amount of repayments of borrowings.Net cash generated from financing activities rose 1225.60% year-on-year, primarily driven by ahigher amount of net inflow calculated by borrowings obtained minus repayments of borrowings.Explanation of why net cash generated from/used in operating activities varies significantly fromnet profit of the Reporting Period:

√ Applicable □ Not applicableFor the Reporting Period, net cash generated from operating activities was RMB4,288,575,424.84,while net profit was RMB2,885,914,753.96. The gap was primarily caused by the changes in thefair value of financial assets as a result of the adoption of the new accounting standards governingfinancial instruments for the current year.

III Analysis of Non-Core BusinessesThe non-core business operations with a significant impact on the Company’s profit are as follows:

Unit: RMB

AmountAs % of total profitMain source/reasonExceptional or recurrent
Investment income3,967,828,149.48109.78%Share of the profit of joint ventures and associates, mainly Shanghai PortRecurrent
Gain/loss on changes in fair value-1,074,406,837.68-29.73%Loss on changes in the fair value of trading financial assetsExceptional
31 December 20181 January 2018Change in percentage (%)Reason for any significant change
AmountAs % of total assetsAmountAs % of total assets
Monetary capital7,070,308,704.755.52%7,729,460,082.757.08%-1.56%-

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Inventory108,567,270.020.08%82,789,282.220.08%0.00%The adding of new subsidiaries to the consolidated financial statements
Investment property5,890,146,989.514.60%6,060,625,982.135.55%-0.95%-
Long-term equity investments50,176,577,263.4039.19%43,160,849,807.4839.55%-0.36%-
Fixed assets22,994,190,880.4317.96%23,167,393,454.8621.23%-3.27%-
Construction in progress5,499,426,090.064.30%2,308,007,330.502.11%2.19%The adding of new subsidiaries to the consolidated financial statements and a higher wharf construction expense
Short-term borrowings3,425,291,312.622.68%2,580,000,000.002.36%0.32%-
Long-term borrowings6,971,479,842.185.45%7,670,516,491.157.03%-1.58%-
ItemBeginning amountGain/loss on fair-value changes in the Reporting PeriodCumulative fair-value changes charged to equityImpairment allowance for the Reporting PeriodPurchased in the Reporting PeriodSold in the Reporting PeriodEnding amount
Financial assets
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (exclusive of derivative financial assets) (note)2,982,466,950.23-948,440,538.45----2,087,872,081.94
Investments in other equity instruments (note)233,483,968.79-10,304,221.16---247,848,314.30

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Subtotal of financial assets

Subtotal of financial assets3,215,950,919.02-948,440,538.4510,304,221.16---2,335,720,396.24
Total of the above3,215,950,919.02-948,440,538.4510,304,221.16---2,335,720,396.24
Financial liabilities-------
Amount in 2018 (RMB)Amount in 2017 (RMB)Change (%)
Equity investments13,015,203,804.014,177,797,893.03211.53%
Non-equity investments2,437,080,643.742,511,160,012.03-2.95%
InvesteePrincipal activityWay of investmentInvestment amountThe Company’s interestFunding sourceJoint investorTerm of investmentType of productsInvestment progress as at the balance sheet dateReturn on investment in the Reporting PeriodAny legal matter involvedDisclosure dateIndex to disclosed information
CMPort (Zhoushan) RoRoOperation of freight stationCapital increase14,970.9851%Self-owned fundsZhoushan Lanhai InvestmePermanentEquityEquity has been-212.42Not27 January 2018Refer to http://www.cninfo.com.cn for details

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LogisticsCo., Ltd.

Logistics Co., Ltd.(yard) (freight forwarding and storage and tallying)nt Co., Ltd., CSC RoRo Logistics Company Limited, Zhoushan Archipelago New Area SinoTrans & CSC RoRo Logistics Co., Ltd. and Zhoushan Archipelago New Area Xinghai RoRo Terminal Co., Ltd.transferredof relevant announcement on resolutions (announcement No. 2018-007)
China Merchants Port Holdings Company LimitedPort operationsAcquisition2,465,000.0039.45%Additional sharesChina Merchants Investment Development Company LimitedPermanentEquityEquity has been transferred256,681.31Not21 June 2018Refer to http://www.cninfo.com.cn for details of relevant announcement on resolutions (announcement No. 2018-062)
China Merchants Hainan Development & Investment Co., Ltd.Land development, operation of parks and properties, construction andNew set up52,500.0015%Self-owned fundsChina Merchants Group (H.K.) Limited, Jumbo Pacific Holdings Limited, ChinaPermanentEquityEstablished-Not1 December 2018Refer to http://www.cninfo.com.cn for details of relevant announcement on resolutions (announcement No. 2018-108)

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investment ofmunicipalinfrastructure, waterandpowersupply forparks,urbanrenewal,investment andmanagement ofprojects,etc.

investment of municipal infrastructure, water and power supply for parks, urban renewal, investment and management of projects, etc.Merchants Expressway Network & Technology Holdings Co., Ltd., China Merchants Industrial Investment Co., Ltd. and Sinotrans (HK) Logistics Limited
ItemWay of investmentFixed assets investment or notIndustry involvedInput amount in the Reporting PeriodAccumulative actual input amount as of the period-endCapital resourcesProgressEstimated return on investmentAccumulative realized revenues as of the period-end
Machong III siloSelf-buildYesSupport activities of water transportation4,2004,231Self-owned funds and loansThe civil work completed 30%, the purchase and installment of equipment completed the bid.10.5%Not carry over
Building of Shantou Port’s headquartersSelf-buildYesSupport activities of water transpo55Self-owned fundsNot yet start and is working out the construction plan with China Merchants Shekou10.0%Not carry over

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rtationIndustrial Zone Holdings Co., Ltd.
Bulk grain vertical silo in Machong TerminalSelf-buildYesSupport activities of water transportation3,16324,096Self-owned funds and loansHas been completed and put into operation in June 20188.0%Not carry over
Project of berth in Xiamen Port Houshi PortSelf-buildYesSupport activities of water transportation11,45999,083Self-owned funds and loansThe physical construction of the project has been basically completed8.0%Not carry over
Building project of Legeshan terminal in shunde, FoshanSelf-buildYesSupport activities of water transportation4,74351,889Self-owned funds and loansThe physical construction of the project has been basically completed and currently in the settlement process of each item of the project8.1%Not carry over
Transformation project of Mawan Smart Port of Haixing HarborSelf-buildYesSupport activities of water transportation18,64271,286Self-owned funds and loansConstruction of the hydraulic channel reactor completed 41.1%. The supporting equipment will be landed in late 2019 and early 2020. It is expected to be completed by June 20208.4%Not carry over
Shantou Port Guangao Port Phase II projectSelf-buildYesSupport activities of water transportation71,904150,228Self-owned funds and loansExpected to be completed and put into operation on 30 June 20198.8%Not carry over
Djibouti international Free Trade Zone Phase I WarehouseSelf-buildYesSupport activities of water transportation33,71434,514Self-owned fundsHas been completed and currently in the process of handling the certificate of land14.2%Not carry over
Machong Project IISelf-buildYesSupport activities of water transportation37890,901Self-owned fundsAt the present stage, the main construction content of the project is 50.86 meters of shoreline and rear construction, and 85% of the wharf has been backfilled.22.8%Not carry over
TCPSelf-bYesSuppor91,99391,993Self-owneThe overall project was10.0%Not carry

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expansion projectuildt activities of water transportationd fundscompleted 66% ahead of schedule, with equipment 36% completedover
Variety of securitiesCode of securitiesName of securitiesInitial investment costAccounting measurement modelBeginning carrying valueGain/loss on fair value changes in the Reporting PeriodCumulative fair value changes recorded into equityPurchased in the Reporting PeriodSold in the Reporting PeriodGain/loss in the Reporting PeriodEnding carrying valueAccounting itemCapital resources
Stock601018Ningbo Port592,183,095.14Fair value method2,164,404,449.06-873,891,271.6300032,107,779.071,361,414,474.58Trading financial assetsSelf-owned
Stock06198Qingdao Port124,405,138.80Fair value method180,609,703.141,043,921.180000190,401,046.01Trading financial assetsSelf-owned
Stock600377Jiangsu Expressway1,120,000.00Fair value method9,850,000.000-50,000.0000440,000.009,800,000.00Other equity instrument investmentSelf-owned
Stock400032Petrochemical A13,500,000.00Fair value method382,200.0000000382,200.00Other equity instrument investmentSelf-owned
Stock400009Guang Jian 127,500.00Fair value method17,000.000000017,000.00Other equity instrument investmentSelf-owned

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China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

Unit: RMB

NameRelationship with the CompanyPrincipal activityRegistered capitalTotal assetsNet assetsOperating revenueOperating profitNet profit
China Merchants Port Holdings Company LimitedSubsidiaryPort business, bonded logistics and property investmentHKD39,070,126,258.00122,364,211,826.3376,860,856,823.598,573,857,384.947,652,557,348.826,506,497,086.15
Shanghai International Port (Group) Co., Ltd.Joint stock companyBusiness related to port, container and terminalRMB23,173,674,650.00144,367,034,015.9082,350,314,450.2538,042,544,621.3714,261,140,583.9311,472,021,103.16
China Nanshan Development (Group) Inc.Joint stock companyHolding via investmentRMB900,000,000.0045,189,124,267.2415,431,558,364.9113,783,861,995.284,441,542,814.512,853,690,744.34
Dalian Port (PDA) Company LimitedJoint stock companyport and logisticsRMB12,894,535,999.0035,315,583,172.8920,860,237,206.456,754,444,902.38859,395,678.83681,981,351.02
SubsidiaryHow subsidiary was obtained or disposed in the Reporting PeriodEffects on overall operations and operating performance
China Merchants Port Holdings Company LimitedBusiness combination under the same controlBusiness integration
Shenzhen Haixing Onoda Logistics Development Co., Ltd.Obtained by other methodCooperate with berth transformation of the wharf
TCP Participa??es S.A.Business combination not under the same controlContainer terminal newly added
CMPort (Zhoushan) RoRo Logistics Co., Ltd.Obtained by other methodNewly added services of loading and unloading at ro-ro terminal and warehousing

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

IX. Outlook of the Companyblelled by the Compan1. Outlook and trends of the industryLooking forward to 2019, after the strong recovery in the last two years, the global economy willface the risk of slower growth. Trade protectionism will lead to more friction in the circulation ofkey elements and geopolitical issues will continue to dampen global recovery. With the weakeningmarginal utility of the stimulation policies, coupled with the effect of continuous interest rate hike,the United States will be facing increased debt and financial pressure; while the Europeaneconomies will continue to recover at a slow pace with the prevailing uncertainties associated withpolitical risks. Meanwhile, as affected by capital outflow, currency depreciation and geopoliticalissues, the emerging and developing economies demonstrated diverging growth trends. Accordingto IMF, it is expected that the global economy will grow at a lower rate of 3.5% in 2019, down 0.2percentage point as compared to that of 2018, among which, developed economies are expected togrow by 2.0%, down 0.3 percentage point as compared to that of 2018; emerging and developingeconomies will grow by 4.5%, down 0.1 percentage point as compared to that of 2018, and the totalglobal trade volume (including goods and services) will grow by 4.0%, flat with 2018.Chinang forward to 2019, after the strong recovery in the last two years, the global economy willface the risk of slower growth. Trade protectionism will lead to gradually stabilise under morevigorous fiscal expansion whilst income tax reform will help to stabilise consumption. The constantpromulgation of supportive policies for private enterprises will restore the confidence of theenterprises. Fiscal and monetary policies aiming to stabilise overall demand will be more relaxed,and a more moderate and flexible approach will be adopted in addressing complicated internationalissues such as Sino-US trade friction. All of the above will be conducive to economic and tradegrowth. According to the IMF, China’s economy is projected to grow by 6.2% in 2019, down 0.4percentage point over 2018.Affected by the trade investment policy of 019, down 0.4 percentage point over 2018. economy willface the risk of slower growtt rate hike and tax reduction of developed countries, the risk ofdeclining cyclical recovery momentum of the global economy will increase. In 2019, the globalcontainer transportation market will be under recovery and adjustment with the pressure ofovercapacity. Under the influence of the Sino-US trade friction, the centralized export in 2018 bycertain cargo owners of Trans-Pacific shipping routes will have a certain impact on their seabornevolume in 2019; while the shipping price of Asia-Europe shipping routes is under pressure asaffected by the economic slowdown in Europe. However, the industrial transfer will bring more

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rooms for the development of shipping routes in Southeast Asia. Meanwhile, under the influence oftrade friction and industrial transfer, the port investment of emerging economies will be facingintensified competition. The port price of developed countries continued to rise, creating greatpressure for the acquisition and expansion strategy of port operators.The current policies in China encouraging imports and acceleration of consumption upgrade willdrive the growth of domestic import. Through measures such as organizing Import Expo, theChinese government has been vigorously driving consumption. In the future, the government willfocus on both export and import in China and the consumption import market will certainly providegreat support for the port operation in China. The continued implementation of Guangdong-HongKong-Macao Greater Bay Area and free-trade port policy is expected to promote port development.With enhancing trading activities in the region, there will be opportunities for the development ofregional shipping hubs. The integration of domestic regional ports has also brought opportunities totap into major coastal cities and realise comprehensive development. Under the new developmenttrend of domestic and overseas economy and trade as well as ports and the shipping industry, theCompany will be playing an increasingly important role as a major player among globalcomprehensive port service providers.2. Development strategy of the CompanyThe Company is striving to become a world imports and acceleration of consumption upgrade willdrive the growth of domestic import. Through measures such as organizing ImportExpo,ology-driven and flexible” and the goal of quality development to accelerate thetechnology-powered innovation, thereby realizing a scientific global layout with balanceddevelopment, providing first-class professional solutions and seeking more returns for shareholders,which will in turn support the development of local economy and industries and promote positivedevelopment of the port industry.Firstly, in respect of domestic strategies, the Company will, by seizing the opportunity arising fromthe supply-side reform and based on “regional consolidation and enhancement of synergy”, seek foropportunities for consolidation and cooperation on an ongoing basis across the five main coastalregions with a view to further expanding and improving the ports network layout within China. TheGroup will lead a new direction for the consolidation of regional ports with a key focus onconstantly improving the quality of port development with its best efforts. Secondly, in respect ofoverseas strategies, the Company will continue to capitalize on the opportunities arising from the“Belt and Road” initiative promoted by China and the international industrial transfers, at the sametime adapting to the trend of deploying mega-vessels and forming shipping alliances. Emphasis willbe placed on the development of global major hub ports and gateway ports as well as areas with

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high market potential, fast-growing economy and promising development prospect. The Companywill grasp opportunities in port, logistics and related infrastructures investment for the on-goingenhancement of its global port network.Thirdly, in respect of innovation strategies, the Company will adhere to dhere tony will ct ofinnovation strategies, ogistics and related infrastructuresze on the opportunitiesnnovation andholding the technology high ground. By means of technological innovation and innovativemanagement, it will significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of port operation andbecome a leading enterprise in the automation transformation of traditional ports. It will also enrichthe comprehensive port services through business model innovation.3. Business plans for 2019In 2019, under the strategic principle of being del innovation.ted infrastructuresze on theopportunitiesnnovatioCompany will strengthen synergic cooperation externally and accelerateintegrated development internally, make efforts to enhance various capabilities, improve riskprevention and control, establish quality development models and be committed to the vision ofbeing a “will strengthen synergic cooperation externally and.Regarding the development of homebase port, the Company will promote the West Shenzhen PortZone as a world-class leading port by pushing forward the dredging project of West Shenzhen PortZone and the completion and acceptance of the Tonggu Channel project as soon as possible andthus offering protection to the mega vessels to call at West Shenzhen Port Zone. Meanwhile, theCompany will strengthen the construction of smart ports, facilitate the construction of “PRDNETWORK” platform, expand the network scope and resource docking depth of the Pearl RiverDelta, enhance the transformation of the smart safety monitoring and on-shore smart containeridentification system of CCT Port Zone by the use of various technologies such as LBS system,Internet of Things, big data, etc. and therefore contributing to the construction of smart ports. Inaddition, accelerating the promotion of innovative applications, implementation of innovativeprojects including ngystem for safety protection and operation support in RTGs” and “RTG RemoteControl” will improve operational efficiency, reduce operating costs, strengthen trade facilitationand improve the overall competitiveness of the homebase port. In terms of overseas homebase port,the Company will leverage the synergic advantages of CICT and Hambantota port to create aleading regional port and international shipping centre in South Asia.Regarding overseas expansion, the Company will further improve its global ports network, focus ongateway ports and conduct in-depth research regarding its overseas layout. Also, the Company willidentify priorities in strict compliance with assessment dimensions and principles for overseas portsprojects. The Group will conduct studies on its overseas network along the “East-West route,

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South-North route, regions along the Belt and Road Initiatives”. Furthermore, the Company willcontinue to put more efforts in the study of global regional market to establish and improve theregional market development and research database for the East Africa, West Africa, South Asia,Europe, Latin America and Southeast Asia.In terms of comprehensive development, leveraging the opportunities brought by the shift towardsve the regional market devel will step up its efforts in promoting the “Port-Park-City” businessmodel, and actively push forward the construction and development of the Djibouti Free TradeZone for the comprehensive development project in Djibouti. For the comprehensive developmentproject in Togo, the Group will continue to proactively promote the relevant comprehensivedevelopment cooperation projects; while for the Hambantota Port project, the Group will facilitatethe preliminary work in relation to introduction of investment and capital based on the improvementof the park development plan. Capitalizing development opportunities arising from of theGuangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the Company will actively make progress on itsland preparatory works in the Qianhai-Shekou Free Trade Zone by participating in the overalldevelopment thereof.Regarding operation management, the Company will continuously optimise internal procedures andmechanisms to promote management reform and process reengineering. The Company will focusits efforts on enhancing the level of refined operation and management of terminals for which it is acontrolling shareholder, benchmarking its terminal management, reducing cost and improvingefficiency, and generating income by saving costs so as to establish a governance structure ofglobalised operation and management headquarter, optimise overall management system and enableoperating mechanism to be in line with project operation. The Company will also enhance itsinvestment management and amend and improve relevant systems and procedures.In terms of M&A integration, the Company will actively incorporate national strategies in itsoperation, with a focus on the policy opportunities arising from the Belt and Road Initiativei,coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Province, the Yangtze River Economic Belt,the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the opening-up of Hainan trade zone, therevitalisation of Northeast China and the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta Zone.The Company will also form a set of effective operational procedures to develop world-class M&Aintegration capability. Moreover, when the Company manages the assets of Liaoning Port, it willexplore the potential for integration, focus on its core business and implement the integration ofoperational models through optimising the port zone layout, thereby creating business synergies.Regarding innovative development, the Company will continue to enhance informatisation, upgradeand promote its core IT products, i.e. “TOS” series. Taking “E-Port” as a pivot, the Company will

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set up the establishment of top-tier port platform for providing excellent customer services. On theone hand, the Company will attach further importance to the unique role and fundamental positionof technology-driven and innovation-oriented development. Also, the Company will create atop-tier port innovation ecosystem. Smart upgrade of controlling terminals of the Company will begradually achieved through technological innovation. The Company will learn from the experienceof implementing to enhance informatisation, upgrade and promote its core IT products, i.e. “TOS”series. Taking “E-Port” as a pivot, the Company will set up the establishment of top-tier portplatform for providif various terminals in the future.Capital needs and use plan

In 2019, the Company will formulate capital expenditure plans according to business development needs.Key investment projects include Haixing Harbor upgrading and reconstruction project, Machong Port bulkgrain project, Zhanjiang Port Xiashan Port General Terminal Project, Shantou Port Guangao Port Phase IIproject and TCP terminal expansion project, etc.

4. Possible risks and counter measures

(1)External risks

The external risks mainly come from the combined impact of international political environmentand consolidation of domestic port groups. As for international political risks, the rise of populismaround the globe has led to challenges in the globalization trend. The change in geopolitical andeconomy trade landscape, as highlighted by Sino-US trade friction, has caused changes in globaltrade structure and resulted in certain impacts on global economy trade and port shipping sector.Shipping routes in various regions across the globe may be affected and changed accordingly,causing adverse impacts on containers and bulk cargo businesses of the Company. As forconsolidation of domestic port groups, with an ever-deepening consolidation of various regions inChina, the port competition landscape will change correspondingly, causing uncertainty to thebusiness and operation earnings of the Company.By enhancing the build-up of risk identification, warning and mitigation ability, the Company hasprevented, controlled and reduced external risks. The Company has continued to pay attention tochanges in external policies and market environment specific to international political environmentrisk, especially Sino-US trade friction. On one hand, the Company can improve risk warning andmonitoring measures and ensure proper work on customer credit status so as to reduce the risk ofaccounts receivable. On the other hand, the Company can notice the changes in the trade marketstructure and flow of resources, formulate and adjust strategies for business development in time soas to enhance collaboration and close connection between ports at home and abroad, improveservice quality and related services, and stabilize import and export business and customer base.

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(2) Internal risks

The internal risks mainly come from the risks of shortage of outsourced labour, increased cost andlegal compliance of overseas investment projects. In the context of economic transformation andupgrade in Shenzhen, wharf operation as a traditional industry faced significant labour shortage forthe outsourced business due to the current working conditions and remuneration packages.Remarkable trends such as staff turnover and aging staff will affect production efficiency and posedsafety risks. When the Company expands its overseas business, the requirement on compliance withlegal policies in invested countries will pose the risk of uncertainty on the investment and operationof the Company.The Company has proactively studied the outsourced staffing policy and formulated correspondingresponsive strategies to diminish the impacts of outsourced staffing risk on the business of theCompany, including enhancing the working environment of outsourced staff and improving theirremuneration packages by increasing labor productivity, accelerating technological upgrade andinnovation of techniques to raise the level of mechanization, reduce manual labor input and lowerthe use of manpower. Regarding the legal compliance risk of overseas investment projects, theCompany will step up its efforts in establishing and enforcing compliance management system andensure proper work on management and control throughout the process, i.e. before, during, andafter overseas investment project investment and operation, so as to strictly prevent legalcompliance risks.X Communications with the Investment Community such as Researches, Inquiries andInterviews

1. During the Reporting Period

DateWay of communicationType of communication partyIndex to main information communicated
4 January 2018One-on-one meetingInstitutionMain discussion: basic business condition, investments and financial condition of the Company; Materials provided: brochure of the Company; Index: SZSE EasyIR (http://irm.cninfo.com.cn/ssessgs/S001872/index.html)
6 February 2018One-on-one meetingInstitution
12 March 2018One-on-one meetingInstitution
10 May 2018One-on-one meetingInstitution
25 May 2018One-on-one meetingInstitution
13 November 2018One-on-one meetingInstitution
1 January 2018-31 December 2018By phone or written inquiry (EasyIR platform of SZSE)Individual
Times of communications195
Number of institutions communicated with7

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

Number of individuals communicated with

Number of individuals communicated with188
Number of other communication parties0
Tip-offs or leakages of substantial supposedly-confidential information during communicationsNo
DateWay of communicationType of communication partyIndex to main information communicated
1 January 2019-30 March 2019By phone or written inquiry (EasyIR platform of SZSE)IndividualMain discussion: basic business condition, investments and financial condition of the Company; Materials provided: brochure of the Company; Index: SZSE EasyIR (http://irm.cninfo.com.cn/ssessgs/S001872/index.html)
Times of communications55
Number of institutions communicated with0
Number of individuals communicated with55
Number of other communication parties0
Tip-offs or leakages of substantial supposedly-confidential information during communicationsNo

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

Part V Significant Events

I Profit Distributions to Ordinary Shareholders (in the Form of Cash and/or Stock)Formulation, execution or adjustments of profit distribution policy for ordinary shareholders,especially cash dividend policy, in Reporting PeriodPursuant to the CSRC Guideline for Listed Companies No.3-Cash Dividends of Listed Companiesand the Notice of CSRC on Further Implement ting Matters Related to Cash Dividends of ListedCompanies, the Articles of Association clarifies the specific profit distribution policy,decision-making procedures and mechanism, adjustment of profit distribution policy,implementation of profit distribution plan and profit distribution for foreign shares. During theReporting Period, the Company executed the profit distribution policy in strict compliance with theArticles of Association.

Special statement about the cash dividend policy
In compliance with the Company’s Articles of Association and resolution of general meetingYes
Specific and clear dividend standard and ratioYes
Complete decision-making procedure and mechanismYes
Independent directors faithfully performed their duties and played their due roleYes
Non-controlling interests are able to fully express their opinion and desire and their legal rights and interests are fully protectedYes
In case of adjusting or changing the cash dividend policy, the conditions and procedures involved are in compliance with applicable regulations and transparentYes

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

(2) Based on the total 644,763,730 shares as at the end of 2016, a cash dividend of RMB4.96 (taxincluded) was to be distributed for every 10 shares, with a total of RMB319,802,810.08 beingdistributed.The Board of Directors of the Company published the implementation announcement on dividendpayout for 2016 on Securities Times and Ta Kung Pao (HK) dated 25 July 2017, and completed thedividend payout for the A-share and B-share holders on 1 August 2017 and 3 August 2017respectively.2. Dividend Payout Plan for 2017As audited by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLP, the net profit of theCompany as the parent for 2017 stood at RMB731,510,588.25 and the cumulative distributableprofit at RMB1,046,473,178.03.(1) According to the Company Law and the Articles of Association of the Company, the Companymay stop making statutory surplus reserve when its accumulative amount reaches 50% of theregistered capital. The accumulative statutory surplus reserve of the Company as the parent stood atRMB520,074,434.56 for 2017, equal to 80.66% of the registered capital. Therefore, the Companyintends not to draw surplus reserve from retained earnings for 2017.(2) Based on the total 644,763,730 shares as at the end of 2017, a cash dividend of RMB13.19 (taxincluded) was to be distributed for every 10 shares, with a total of RMB850,443,359.87 beingdistributed.The Board of Directors of the Company published the implementation announcement on dividendpayout for 2017 on Securities Times and Ta Kung Pao (HK) dated 16 May 2018, and completed thedividend payout for the A-share and B-share holders on 23 May 2018 and 25 May 2018respectively.3. Dividend Payout Plan for 2018As audited by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLP, the consolidated netprofit attributable to the Company as the parent for 2018 stood at RMB1,090,418,910.77 and the netprofit of the Company as the parent at RMB71,014,741.10.(1) According to the Company Law and the Articles of Association of the Company, the Companywithdrew RMB7,101,474.11 of profit as statutory reserve. The accumulative distributable profit of

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the Company as the parent at the end of 2018 was RMB259,943,085.16.(2) Base on the total 1,793,412,378 shares as at the end of 2018, a cash dividend of RMB1.14 (taxincluded) is to be distributed for every 10 shares, totaling RMB204,449,011.09.After the above-mentioned distribution, the retained earnings of the Company as the parent will beRMB55,494,074.07.The above profit distribution plan still needs to be submitted to the 2018 Annual General Meetingfor approval.Cash dividend for ordinary shareholders in the past three years (including the ReportingPeriod)

Unit: RMB

YearCash dividends (tax inclusive) (A)Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the listed company in consolidated statements for the year (B)A as % of B (%)Cash dividends in other forms (such as share repurchase) (C)C as % of B (%)
Cash dividend/10 shares (RMB) (tax inclusive)1.14
Bonus issue from capital reserves (share/10 shares)0
Share base (share)1,793,412,378
Total cash dividends (RMB) (tax inclusive)204,449,011.09
Distributable profits (RMB)259,943,085.16
Cash dividends as % of total profits to be distributed (%)100%
Details about the final dividend plan

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

As audited by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLP, the consolidated net profit attributableto the Company as the parent for 2018 stood at RMB1,090,418,910.77 and the net profit of the Company as theparent at RMB71,014,741.10.1. According to the Company Law and the Articles of Association of the Company, the Company withdrewRMB7,101,474.11 of profit as statutory reserve. The accumulative distributable profit at the end of 2018 wasRMB259,943,085.16.2. Base on the total 1,793,412,378 shares as at the end of 2018, a cash dividend of RMB1.14 (tax included) is to bedistributed for every 10 shares, totaling RMB204,449,011.09.After the above-mentioned distribution, the retained earnings of the Company as the parent will beRMB55,494,074.07.The above profit distribution plan still needs to be submitted to the 2018 Annual General Meeting for approval.

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

III Fulfillment of Commitments

1. Commitments of the Company’s Actual Controller, Shareholders, Related Parties and Acquirers, as well as the Company Itself and other EntitiesFulfilled in the Reporting Period or Ongoing at the Period-end

CommitmentPromisorType of commitmentDetails of commitmentDate of commitment makingTerm of commitmentFulfillment
Commitments made in share reformChina Nanshan Development (Group) Inc.Other commitmentIn order to enhance the shareholding confidence of tradable shareholders, and encourage the core management and key personnel so that the interests of the management and all the shareholders can coincide, CND Group made a commitment to entrust, through the general meeting of the Company, the Board of Directors of the Company to formulate and carry out an equity incentive plan at a proper timing after the completion of the share division reform according to applicable laws and regulations.5 April 2006Effective until no-longer to be the shareholder of the CompanyFulfilled On 8 June 2018, China Nanshan Development (Group) Inc. transferred 209,687,067 shares of Chiwan Wharf held by it to CMGD. For relevant details, please refer to the Announcement on Completion of Share Transfer of Shareholders and Changes in Controlling Shareholders (announcement No.: 2018-060) disclosed on cninfo.com.cn on 12 June 2018. The above commitment is effective until China Nanshan Development (Group) Inc. no longer holds shares of the Company.
Commitments made in acquisitionCMPort HoldingsCommitments on horizontal1. Commitment on share custody 2. Commitment on safeguarding independence of CMPort 3. Commitment on horizontal competition17 September 2012Effective until 16 September 2020 forFulfilled On 5 February 2018, China Nanshan Development (Group)

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documents or shareholding alteration documentscompetition, related-party transaction and capital occupation4. Commitment on regulating related-party transactionscommitment on horizontal competition and CMPort is the controlling shareholder of the Company; effective in the share custody term for other three commitmentsInc. signed the Termination Agreement on the Share Custody Agreement of Shenzhen Chiwan Wharf Holdings Limited with CMPort Holdings; the aforesaid termination agreement of share custody agreement was approved on the general meeting of CMPort Holdings on 19 March 2018. So far, CMPort Holdings would no longer be entrusted to manage shares of Chiwan Wharf held by China Nanshan Development (Group) Inc. For more details, please refer to the relevant announcement disclosed by the Company on 3 May 2018. On 8 June 2018, Malai Storage and KFEL transferred their shares of Chiwan Wharf respectively to CMGD and Broadford Global. For more details, please refer to the Announcement on Completion of Share Transfer of Shareholders and Changes in Controlling Shareholders (announcement No.:2018-060) disclosed on cninfo.com.cn by the Company on 12 June 2018.

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So far, CMPort Holdings was nolonger the controllingshareholder of the Company andthe terms of above commitmentswere ended.

So far, CMPort Holdings was no longer the controlling shareholder of the Company and the terms of above commitments were ended.
Commitments made in acquisition documents or shareholding alteration documentsMalai StorageCommitments on horizontal competition, related-party transaction and capital occupation1. Commitment on safeguarding independence of CMPort 2. Commitment on horizontal competition 3. Commitment on regulating related-party transactions27 December 2012Effective until no-longer to be the shareholder of the CompanyFulfilled On 8 June 2018, Malai Storage transferred 161,190,933 shares of Chiwan Wharf held by it to CMGD. For relevant details, please refer to the Announcement on Completion of Share Transfer of Shareholders and Changes in Controlling Shareholders (announcement No.: 2018-060) disclosed on cninfo.com.cn on 12 June 2018. The above commitment is effective until Malai Storage no longer holds shares of the Company.
Commitments made in acquisition documents or shareholding alteration documentsCMGD and Broadford GlobalCommitments on horizontal competition, related-party transaction and capitalCommitment on safeguarding independence of CMPort made by CMGD and its person acting in concert Broadford Global: to safeguard the independence of finance, institutions, business and personnel of CMPort as well as independence and integrity of assets of CMPort15 March 2018The commitment on safeguarding independence of CMPort is effective for a long time; the commitmentOngoing

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occupationon regulating related-party transactions is effective during the period when CMGD and its persons acting in concert possess control power over the Company
Commitments made in acquisition documents or shareholding alteration documentsCMGD and Broadford GlobalCommitments on horizontal competition, related-party transaction and capital occupationCommitment on regulating related-party transaction made by CMGD and corresponding persons acting in concert- Broadford Global: 1. CMGD/Broadford Global will make a great effort to reduce related-party transaction between CMGD/Broadford Global and its related parties as well as CMPort. Inevitable business dealings or transactions shall be conducted as per marketization principle and fair price and the obligation of information disclosure shall be fulfilled pursuant to provisions; 2. CMGD/Broadford Global and its related parties ensure they will strictly observe related stipulations of laws, regulations, normative documents and Articles of Association of CMPort and equally execute shareholders' rights and fulfill shareholders' obligations together with other shareholders in line with legal program as well as won't seek improper interest with actual controller's status or damage legitimate interest of CMPort and other shareholders; 3. The above commitment is continuously effective during the period15 March 2018The commitment on safeguarding independence of CMPort is effective for a long time; the commitment on regulating related-party transactions is effective during the period when CMGD andOngoing

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when CMGD/Broadford Global has the right to control CMPort. Incase of losses incurred by CMGD/Broadford Global failing to fulfillthe above commitment to CMPort, CMGD will bear correspondingcompensation responsibility.

when CMGD/Broadford Global has the right to control CMPort. In case of losses incurred by CMGD/Broadford Global failing to fulfill the above commitment to CMPort, CMGD will bear corresponding compensation responsibility.its persons acting in concert possess control power over the Company
Commitments made in acquisition documents or shareholding alteration documentsCMGCommitments on horizontal competition, related-party transaction and capital occupationCommitment on regulating related-party transaction: 1. China Merchants Group will try its best to reduce related-party transaction between it and its related parties and CMPort. Inevitable business dealings or transactions shall be conducted as per marketization principle and fair price and the obligation of information disclosure shall be fulfilled pursuant to provisions; 2. China Merchants Group ensure they will strictly observe related stipulations of laws, regulations, normative documents and Articles of Association of CMPort and equally execute shareholders' rights and fulfill shareholders' obligations together with other shareholders in line with legal program as well as won't seek improper interest with actual controller's status or damage legitimate interest of CMPort and other shareholders; 3. The above commitment is continuously effective during the period when China Merchants Group has the right to control CMPort. In case of losses incurred by China Merchants Group failing to fulfill the above commitment to CMPort, China Merchants Group will bear corresponding compensation responsibility.15 March 2018Effective until no-longer to be the actual controller of the CompanyOngoing
Commitments made in acquisition documents orCMGCommitments on horizontal competition,Commitment on horizontal competition: 1. On account of horizontal competition in the aspect of port business between China Merchants Group and CMPort, China Merchants Group promises to completely solve horizontal competition problem by asset restructuring before 16 September 2020;15 March 201816 September 2020Fulfilled On 26 December 2018, the Company purchased 1,313,541,560 ordinary shares of CMPort Holdings held by CMID

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shareholding alteration documentsrelated-party transaction and capital occupation2. China Merchants Group confirms the commitment letter is aimed at guaranteeing rights and interests of all the shareholders of CMPort as well as such clauses and commitments are reasonable. China Merchants Group won't carry out operation activities damaging benefits of CMPort and all the shareholders from China Merchants Group based on its control against CMPort. 3. Each commitment carried in his commitment letter shall be independently executed by China Merchants Group confirmed. It shall not influence the effectiveness of the other commitments in case any commitment is deemed invalid or terminated; 4. Provision, explanation, fulfillment and execution of the commitment letter apply to provisions of related laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China (excluding Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan for the purpose of the commitment letter); 5. The commitment letter takes effect as of the date of official signature by China Merchants Group; 6. Above-mentioned various promises are continuously effective during the period when China Merchants Group controls CMPort.and CMPort Holdings starts to be involved into the combination financial statements of the Company. The commitment was fulfilled.
Commitments made in time of asset restructuringCMIDCommitment on restriction on share trading1. CMPort shares obtained by purchasing assets with shares issued this time are forbidden to be transferred or transacted in the market before the latter one between the date arising 36 months after the date when CMPort shares gained by CMID based on this transaction are registered under the name of CMID and the date when fulfillment of compensation obligations set forth in the Impairment Compensation Agreement for Issuing Shares To Purchase Assets signed by and between CMID and CMPort, separately and its supplementary agreement (if any) is over (except for repurchasing or presenting shares pursuant to Impairment Compensation Agreement for Issuing Shares To Purchase Assets and its supplementary agreement (if any));26 December 201825 June 2022Ongoing

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2. In case of closing price of CMPort stocks being lower than issueprice for consecutive 20 transaction days within 6 months aftercompletion of the transaction or such closing price being lower thanissue price at the end of the 6th month after completion of thetransaction, the lockup period of CMPort stocks held by CMID willbe automatically lengthened for at least 6 months;3. CMPort shares which derive from consideration shares obtained byCMID based on the transaction during the lockup period due toCMPort distributing stock dividend and capital reserve converted intoincreased capital shall be subject to the commitment regarding theabove restricted stock trade period;4. In case that the transaction is placed on file for investigation andprosecution by judiciary authorities as well as registered andinvestigated by CSRC because false record, misleading statement orimportant omission happens to provided or disclosed information,CMID won't transfer its shares with rights and interests at CMPortbefore case investigation conclusion is drawn;5. In case that lockup period set forth in the commitment isinconsistent with regulatory opinions from securities marketsupervision department or lockup period required by relatedprovisions, CMID shall adjust the above lockup period pursuant toregulatory opinions from relevant securities market supervisiondepartment and related provisions.6. After the above lockup period expires, CMID Port shall observeprovisions of laws and regulations, related rules of Shenzhen StockExchange as well as Articles of Association of CMPort in case ofreducing shares held by it.

2. In case of closing price of CMPort stocks being lower than issue price for consecutive 20 transaction days within 6 months after completion of the transaction or such closing price being lower than issue price at the end of the 6th month after completion of the transaction, the lockup period of CMPort stocks held by CMID will be automatically lengthened for at least 6 months; 3. CMPort shares which derive from consideration shares obtained by CMID based on the transaction during the lockup period due to CMPort distributing stock dividend and capital reserve converted into increased capital shall be subject to the commitment regarding the above restricted stock trade period; 4. In case that the transaction is placed on file for investigation and prosecution by judiciary authorities as well as registered and investigated by CSRC because false record, misleading statement or important omission happens to provided or disclosed information, CMID won't transfer its shares with rights and interests at CMPort before case investigation conclusion is drawn; 5. In case that lockup period set forth in the commitment is inconsistent with regulatory opinions from securities market supervision department or lockup period required by related provisions, CMID shall adjust the above lockup period pursuant to regulatory opinions from relevant securities market supervision department and related provisions. 6. After the above lockup period expires, CMID Port shall observe provisions of laws and regulations, related rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange as well as Articles of Association of CMPort in case of reducing shares held by it.
Commitments made in time of assetCMGD and BroadfoCommitment on restriction1. Before completion of the transaction, CMPort shares held by CMGD and Broadford Global (include increased shares because allotment of shares, giving bonus and capital reserve converted into26 December 201825 December 2019Ongoing

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restructuringrd Globalon share tradingincreased capital occurs to CMPort) shall not be transferred within 12 months as of the date when the transaction is over (the registration date of new shares by purchasing assets with shares issued this time); 2. In case that lockup period set forth in the commitment is inconsistent with regulatory opinions from securities market supervision department or lockup period required by related provisions, CMGD shall adjust the above lockup period pursuant to regulatory opinions from relevant securities market supervision department and related provisions. 3. In case that the transaction is placed on file for investigation and prosecution by judiciary authorities as well as registered and investigated by CSRC because false record, misleading statement or important omission happens to provided or disclosed information, CMGD and Broadford Global won't transfer its shares with rights and interests at CMPort before case investigation conclusion is drawn. In case of losses incurred by CMGD and Broadford Global violate fulfill the above promise to CMPort, CMGD will bear corresponding compensation responsibility.
Commitments made in time of asset restructuringCMGD and Broadford GlobalCommitment on shareholding reductionShare reduction plan during the period from the date of resumption of trading of CMPort to the date of completing reorganization; 1. CMGD and Broadford Global have no share reduction plan during the period from the date of resumption of trading of the transaction to the date of completing the transaction; 2. Above-mentioned shares include original CMPort shares held by CMGD and Broadford Global as well as shares deriving from original shares held during the above period due to participation in profit and presenting shares by CMPort as well as capital reserve converted into increased capital.26 July 2018Effective until completion of the asset restructuringFulfilled
Commitments made inCMIDCommitments onCommitment on avoiding horizontal competition: 1. CMID and other enterprise controlled by CMID fail to engage in or26 July 2018Effective until no-longer toOngoing

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time of assetrestructuring

time of asset restructuringhorizontal competition, related-party transaction and capital occupationparticipate in business or activity which is similar with and constitutes or likely constitutes competitive relation with main business conducted by CMPort and the enterprise controlled by it now; 2. CMID will try its best to promote CMID and other enterprise controlled by CMID not to directly or indirectly engage in or participate in or assist to engage in or participate in any business or activity which constitutes or likely constitutes competitive relation with main business conducted by CMPort and the enterprise controlled by it now and in the future independently or together with others; 3. In case of discovering any new business opportunity which constitutes or likely constitutes direct or indirect competitive relation with main business of CMPort or the enterprise controlled by it, CMID or CMID and other enterprise controlled by it will immediately notify CMPort in written as well as make a great effort to promote such business opportunity to be provided to CMPort or the enterprise controlled by it firstly according to reasonable and fair terms and conditions; 4. In case of CMPort or the enterprise controlled by it waiving such competitive new business opportunity and CMID or/and other enterprise controlled by it engaging in such competitive business, CMPort or the enterprise controlled by it will have the right to purchase any stock rights, assets or other rights and interests in the above competitive business from CMID or/and other enterprise controlled by it once or several times at any moment, or CMPort will select entrusted operation, leasing or contract operation of assets or businesses of CMID or/and other enterprise controlled by it in the above competitive business as per the mode permitted by national laws and regulations;be the largest shareholder of the Company

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5. When CMID and other enterprise controlled by it plans to transfer,sell, rent out, conduct licensed use of or transfer or allow to use assetsand businesses which constitutes or likely constitutes direct orindirect competitive relationship with main business of CMPort or theenterprise controlled by it in other way, CMID and other enterprisecontrolled by it will provide the right of priority assignment toCMPort or the enterprise controlled by it and promise to make a greateffort to promote other enterprise controlled by CMID provideCMPort or the enterprise controlled by it with the right of priorityassignment under the above situation;6. As of the date when the commitment letter is provided, CMIDpromises to compensate all actual losses, damages and expensesarising from violation of any clause in the commitment letter byCMID or the enterprise controlled by it to CMPort or the enterprisecontrolled by it.

5. When CMID and other enterprise controlled by it plans to transfer, sell, rent out, conduct licensed use of or transfer or allow to use assets and businesses which constitutes or likely constitutes direct or indirect competitive relationship with main business of CMPort or the enterprise controlled by it in other way, CMID and other enterprise controlled by it will provide the right of priority assignment to CMPort or the enterprise controlled by it and promise to make a great effort to promote other enterprise controlled by CMID provide CMPort or the enterprise controlled by it with the right of priority assignment under the above situation; 6. As of the date when the commitment letter is provided, CMID promises to compensate all actual losses, damages and expenses arising from violation of any clause in the commitment letter by CMID or the enterprise controlled by it to CMPort or the enterprise controlled by it.
Commitments made in time of asset restructuringCMIDCommitments on horizontal competition, related-party transaction and capital occupationCommitment on regulating related-party transaction: 1. CMID and other enterprise controlled by it will make a great effort to avoid and reduce related-party transaction between CMPort and economic entity controlled by it; 2. CMID and other enterprise controlled by it will exercise stockholder's rights in accordance with related provisions of relevant laws and regulations as well as Articles of Association of CMPort and fulfill the obligation of vote avoidance at the moment of voting for related-party transactions involved by CMID and other enterprise controlled by it at the stockholders' meeting; 3. As for related-party transaction which is inevitable or occurs due to reasonable reason, CMID will carry out transaction pursuant to the principle of openness, fairness and justice for market transaction and based on fair and reasonable market price, perform related-party transaction decision-making process and legally fulfill information26 July 2018Effective until no-longer to be the largest shareholder of the CompanyOngoing

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disclosure obligation to safeguard benefits of CMPort and othershareholders of CMPort in line with provisions of laws, regulations,normative documents and Articles of Association of CMPort;4. It's ensured that no legitimate interest of CMPort and othershareholders of CMPort is damaged by related-party transactionbased on status and influence of CMPort;5. CMID will promote other enterprise controlled by it to observe thecommitment of Subparagraph 1-4;6. In case of CMID and other enterprise controlled by it violating theabove commitment, causing rights and interests of CMPort and itsshareholders are damaged, CMID will take correspondingcompensation responsibility according to law.

disclosure obligation to safeguard benefits of CMPort and other shareholders of CMPort in line with provisions of laws, regulations, normative documents and Articles of Association of CMPort; 4. It's ensured that no legitimate interest of CMPort and other shareholders of CMPort is damaged by related-party transaction based on status and influence of CMPort; 5. CMID will promote other enterprise controlled by it to observe the commitment of Subparagraph 1-4; 6. In case of CMID and other enterprise controlled by it violating the above commitment, causing rights and interests of CMPort and its shareholders are damaged, CMID will take corresponding compensation responsibility according to law.
Commitments made in time of asset restructuringCMIDCommitments on horizontal competition, related-party transaction and capital occupationCommitment about keeping independence of CMPort: 1. After the transaction is completed, CMID will strictly observe related provisions regarding independence of listed Companies from CSRC and won't violate standard operating procedures of CMPort based on the first majority shareholder, conduct excessive intervention of operation and management activities of CMPort and its subsidiary, embezzle benefits of CMPort and its subsidiary or damage legitimate interest of CMPort and other shareholders; 2. CMID will ensure CMPort is independent from CMID and related parties in the aspects of business, asset, finance, personnel and institution; 3. CMID ensures independence of CMPort, CMID and other enterprise controlled by it fail to occupy capitals and resources of CMPort based on violation in any way and will strictly observe provisions of rules and regulations for avoiding occupation of related party funds from CMPort as well as related laws, regulations and normative documents; 4. The commitment letter takes effect as of the signature date of26 July 2018Effective until no-longer to be the largest shareholder of the CompanyOngoing

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CMID as well as is legally binding upon CMID. CMID ensures it willstrictly fulfill various commitments in the commitment letter and willtake corresponding legal responsibility for losses incurred to CMPortdue to violation of related commitment.

CMID as well as is legally binding upon CMID. CMID ensures it will strictly fulfill various commitments in the commitment letter and will take corresponding legal responsibility for losses incurred to CMPort due to violation of related commitment.
Commitments made in time of asset restructuringCMGCommitments on horizontal competition, related-party transaction and capital occupationCommitment on avoiding horizontal competition: 1. China Merchants Group and the enterprise controlled by it (excluding CMPort Holdings and the enterprise controlled it) fail to engage in or participate in any business or activity which is similar with and constitutes or likely constitute direct or indirect competitive relationship with main business conducted by CMPort and the enterprise controlled by it now; 2. China Merchants Group will try its best to promote enterprises controlled by it(except for CMPort and the enterprise controlled by it) not to directly or indirectly engage in or participate in or assist to engage in or participate in any business or activity which constitutes or likely constitutes competitive relation with main business conducted by CMPort and the enterprise controlled by it now and in the future independently or together with others; 3. In case of discovering any new business opportunity which constitutes and likely constitutes direct or indirect competitive relation with main business of CMPort or the enterprise controlled by it, China Merchants Group or enterprise controlled by it(except for CMPort and the enterprise controlled by it) will immediately notify CMPort in written as well as make a great effort to promote such business opportunity to be provided to CMPort or the enterprise controlled by it firstly according to reasonable and fair terms and conditions; 4. In case of CMPort or the enterprise controlled by it waives such competitive new business opportunity and China Merchants Group or the enterprise controlled by it (except for CMPort and the enterprise26 July 2018Effective until no-longer to be the actual controller of the CompanyOngoing

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controlled by it) engaging in such competitive business, CMPort orthe enterprise controlled by it will be entitled to purchase anyequities, assets and other rights and interests in the above competitivebusiness from China Merchants Group or the enterprise controlled byit (except for CMPort and the enterprise controlled by it) once orseveral times at any moment or CMPort will select entrustedoperation, leasing or contract operation of assets or businesses ofChina Merchants Group or the enterprise controlled by it (except forCMPort and the enterprise controlled by it) in the above competitivebusiness according to the mode permitted by national laws andregulations;5. When China Merchants Group and the enterprise controlled by it(except for CMPort and the enterprise controlled by it) plans totransfer, sell, lease, allow to use or transfer or allow to use asset andbusiness which constitutes or likely constitutes direct or indirectcompetitive relationship with main business of CMPort or theenterprise controlled by it in other way, China Merchants Group andthe enterprise controlled by it (except for CMPort and the enterprisecontrolled by it) will provide the right of priority assignment forCMPort or the enterprise controlled by it and promise to make a greateffort to promote the enterprise controlled by China Merchants Groupto provide the of priority assignment for CMPort or the enterprisecontrolled by it under the above situation;6. As of the date when the commitment letter is provided, ChinaMerchants Group promises to compensate all actual losses, damagesand expenses arising from violation of any clause in the commitmentletter by China Merchants Group or the enterprise controlled by it toCMPort or the enterprise controlled by it.

controlled by it) engaging in such competitive business, CMPort or the enterprise controlled by it will be entitled to purchase any equities, assets and other rights and interests in the above competitive business from China Merchants Group or the enterprise controlled by it (except for CMPort and the enterprise controlled by it) once or several times at any moment or CMPort will select entrusted operation, leasing or contract operation of assets or businesses of China Merchants Group or the enterprise controlled by it (except for CMPort and the enterprise controlled by it) in the above competitive business according to the mode permitted by national laws and regulations; 5. When China Merchants Group and the enterprise controlled by it (except for CMPort and the enterprise controlled by it) plans to transfer, sell, lease, allow to use or transfer or allow to use asset and business which constitutes or likely constitutes direct or indirect competitive relationship with main business of CMPort or the enterprise controlled by it in other way, China Merchants Group and the enterprise controlled by it (except for CMPort and the enterprise controlled by it) will provide the right of priority assignment for CMPort or the enterprise controlled by it and promise to make a great effort to promote the enterprise controlled by China Merchants Group to provide the of priority assignment for CMPort or the enterprise controlled by it under the above situation; 6. As of the date when the commitment letter is provided, China Merchants Group promises to compensate all actual losses, damages and expenses arising from violation of any clause in the commitment letter by China Merchants Group or the enterprise controlled by it to CMPort or the enterprise controlled by it.
Commitments made inCMGCommitments onCommitment on regulating related-party transaction: 1. China Merchants Group and other enterprise controlled by it will26 July 2018Effective until no-longer toOngoing

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time of assetrestructuring

time of asset restructuringhorizontal competition, related-party transaction and capital occupationmake a great effort to avoid and reduce related-party transaction between CMPort and economic entity controlled by it; 2. China Merchants Group and other enterprise controlled by it will exercise stockholder's rights in accordance with related provisions of relevant laws and regulations as well as Articles of Association of CMPort and fulfill the obligation of vote avoidance at the moment of voting for related-party transactions involved by CMID and other enterprise controlled by it at the stockholders' meeting; 3. As for related transaction which is inevitable or occurs due to reasonable reason, China Merchants Group will carry out transaction pursuant to the principle of openness, fairness and justice for market transaction and based on fair and reasonable market price, perform related-party transaction decision-making process and legally fulfill information disclosure obligation to safeguard benefits of CMPort and other shareholders of CMPort in line with provisions of laws, regulations, normative documents and Articles of Association of CMPort; 4. It's ensured that no legitimate interest of CMPort and other shareholders of CMPort is damaged by related-party transaction based on status and influence of CMPort; 5. China Merchants Group promotes other enterprise controlled by it to observe the commitment set forth in Subparagraph 1-4 above; 6. In case of China Merchants Group and other enterprise controlled by it violating the above commitment, causing rights and interests of CMPort and its shareholders are damaged, China Merchants Group will take corresponding compensation responsibility according to law.be the actual controller of the Company
Commitments made in time of assetCMGCommitments on horizontalCommitment about keeping independence of CMPort: 1. After the transaction is completed, China Merchants Group will strictly observe related provisions regarding independence of listed26 July 2018Effective until no-longer to be the actualOngoing

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restructuringcompetition, related-party transaction and capital occupationcompanies from CSRC and won't violate standard operating procedures of CMPort based on actual controller's status, conduct excessive intervention of operation and management activities of CMPort and its subsidiary, embezzle benefits of CMPort and its subsidiary or damage legitimate interest of CMPort and other shareholders; 2. China Merchants Group will ensure CMPort is independent from China Merchants Group and related parties in the aspects of business, asset, finance, personnel and institution; 3. China Merchants Group ensures independence of CMPort, China Merchants Group and other enterprise controlled by it fail to occupy capitals and resources of CMPort based on violation in any way and will strictly observe provisions of rules and regulations for avoiding occupation of related party funds from CMPort as well as related laws, regulations and normative documents; 4. The commitment letter takes effect as of the signature date of China Merchants Group as well is legally binding upon China Merchants Group. China Merchants Group ensures it will strictly fulfill various commitments in the commitment letter and will take corresponding legal responsibility for losses incurred to listed Company due to violation of related commitment.controller of the Company
Commitments made in time of asset restructuringCMGCommitments on lock-up of shares and shareholding reduction plan1. Before completion of the transaction, CMPort shares held by or indirectly controlled by China Merchants Group (include increased shares because allotment of shares, giving bonus and capital reserve converted into increased capital occurs to CMPort) shall not be transferred within 12 months as of the date when the transaction is over (the registration date of new shares by purchasing assets with shares issued this time); 2. In case that lockup period set forth in the commitment is inconsistent with regulatory opinions from securities market26 July 201825 December 2019Ongoing

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supervision department or lockup period required by relatedprovisions, China Merchants Group shall adjust the above lockupperiod pursuant to regulatory opinions from relevant securitiesmarket supervision department and related provisions.3. In case that the transaction is placed on file for investigation andprosecution by judiciary authorities as well as registered andinvestigated by CSRC because false record, misleading statement orimportant omission happens to provided or disclosed information,China Merchants Group won't transfer its shares with rights andinterests at listed Company before case investigation conclusion isdrawn;4. During the period from the date of resumption of trading of thetransaction to the date when the transaction is over, China MerchantsGroup has no share reduction plan. The above shares include originalCMPort shares directly held or indirectly controlled by ChinaMerchants Group as well as derivative shares of original sharesdirectly held or indirectly controlled during the above period due toparticipation in profit and presenting shares by CMPort as well ascapital reserve converted into increased capital.

supervision department or lockup period required by related provisions, China Merchants Group shall adjust the above lockup period pursuant to regulatory opinions from relevant securities market supervision department and related provisions. 3. In case that the transaction is placed on file for investigation and prosecution by judiciary authorities as well as registered and investigated by CSRC because false record, misleading statement or important omission happens to provided or disclosed information, China Merchants Group won't transfer its shares with rights and interests at listed Company before case investigation conclusion is drawn; 4. During the period from the date of resumption of trading of the transaction to the date when the transaction is over, China Merchants Group has no share reduction plan. The above shares include original CMPort shares directly held or indirectly controlled by China Merchants Group as well as derivative shares of original shares directly held or indirectly controlled during the above period due to participation in profit and presenting shares by CMPort as well as capital reserve converted into increased capital.
Commitments made in time of asset restructuringCMGOther commitmentCommitment letter about perfecting the property ownership certificate for land and house property of CMPort Holdings and the enterprise subordinate to it: 1. China Merchants Group will spare no effort to assist, promote and drive CMPort Holdings and the enterprise subordinate to it to standardize, perfect and solve ownership defects of properties such as land and house property; 2. The following situations happen to CMPort Holdings and the enterprise subordinate to it before completion of the transaction: (1) Land use right of ownership certificate which is being handled, the house property failing to be timely handled (except for results26 July 2018Effective until no-longer to be the actual controller of the CompanyOngoing

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incurred by force majeure, law, policy, government administrationbehavior and change in planned use of the land instead of CMPortHoldings and the enterprise subordinate to it); Or (2) Land use rightof ownership certificate, the property ownership certificate failing tobe handled (except for results incurred by force majeure, law, policy,government administration behavior and change in planned use of theland of CMPort Holdings and the enterprise subordinate to it); Or (3)In case of nonstandard other land use right and house property(except for results incurred by force majeure, law, policy, governmentadministration behavior and change in planned use of the land insteadof CMPort Holdings and the enterprise subordinate to it) andencountering actual losses (including but not limited tocompensation, fine, expenditure and benefit lost), China MerchantsGroup will timely and fully compensate CMPort.

incurred by force majeure, law, policy, government administration behavior and change in planned use of the land instead of CMPort Holdings and the enterprise subordinate to it); Or (2) Land use right of ownership certificate, the property ownership certificate failing to be handled (except for results incurred by force majeure, law, policy, government administration behavior and change in planned use of the land of CMPort Holdings and the enterprise subordinate to it); Or (3) In case of nonstandard other land use right and house property (except for results incurred by force majeure, law, policy, government administration behavior and change in planned use of the land instead of CMPort Holdings and the enterprise subordinate to it) and encountering actual losses (including but not limited to compensation, fine, expenditure and benefit lost), China Merchants Group will timely and fully compensate CMPort.
Commitments made in time of asset restructuringCMGOther commitmentCommitment letter about real estate leased by CMPort Holdings and the enterprise subordinate to it: In case of nonstandard situation of the leased property significantly influencing use of CMPort Holdings and the Company subordinate to it to engage in operation of normal business, China Merchants Group will actively take effective measures (including but not limited to arranging to provide the property with identical or similar conditions to be used for operation of related Company) to promote business operation of related Company to be conducted normally and alleviate or eliminate adverse effect; In case of nonstandard of the leased property causing CMPort Holdings and the enterprise subordinate to it produce actual additional expenditures or losses (such as third-party compensation), China Merchants Group will actively coordinate and negotiate with other related party to support normal operation of CMPort Holdings and the enterprise subordinate to it to the great extent and avoid or control continuous enlargement of the damage; At26 July 2018Effective until no-longer to be the actual controller of the CompanyOngoing

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the same time, China Merchants Group agrees compensate CMPortHoldings and the enterprise subordinate to it in cash for actual lossesincurred to CMPort Holdings and the enterprise subordinate to it forthis reason to relieve or eliminate adverse effect.

the same time, China Merchants Group agrees compensate CMPort Holdings and the enterprise subordinate to it in cash for actual losses incurred to CMPort Holdings and the enterprise subordinate to it for this reason to relieve or eliminate adverse effect.
Commitments made in time of asset restructuringCMGOther commitmentCommitment letter about allotted land of the enterprise subordinate to China Merchants Port Holdings Company Limited from China Merchants Group: In case that the above allotted land is withdrawn or needs to be translated into assignment land due to policy adjustment in the future after the transaction is completed, China Merchants Group will actively coordinate with CMPort and related companies such as China Merchants Group International Port (Qingdao) Co., Ltd. and Shantou CMPort Group Co., Ltd. to handle the transfer procedure or take other feasible countermeasures. In case of any actual loss (excluding land-transferring fees or rent, fees paid for taking rural land, ownership registration fees, taxes and dues and other related expenses to be paid by Chiwan Wharf or above-mentioned related companies according to provisions of laws and regulations) incurred to CMPort or above-mentioned related companies for this reason, China Merchants Group will timely and fully compensate actual loss incurred to CMPort or above-mentioned related companies.26 July 2018Effective until no-longer to be the actual controller of the CompanyOngoing
Commitments made in time of asset restructuringCMGOther commitmentCommitment letter about undertaking the accreditation fees of property ownership certificate for the perfection of the land and house property of CMPort Holdings and the enterprise subordinate to it: In case of defective land use right and house property involved by the Company subordinate to CMPort Holdings on account of operation (namely land use right and house property of the Company subordinate to CMPort Holdings without complete ownership certificate existing before the transaction is completed), incurring14 September 2018Effective until no-longer to be the actual controller of the CompanyOngoing

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registration fees such as taxes and dues, compensation and fine in theprocess of perfecting legal procedures of defective land use right andhouse property by the subordinate to CMPort Holdings, ChinaMerchants Group will timely and fully compensate to the Companysubordinate to CMPort Holdings for undertaking.

registration fees such as taxes and dues, compensation and fine in the process of perfecting legal procedures of defective land use right and house property by the subordinate to CMPort Holdings, China Merchants Group will timely and fully compensate to the Company subordinate to CMPort Holdings for undertaking.
Commitments made in time of asset restructuringCMGOther commitmentCommitment letter about related matters of CMPort after the transaction is completed: After the transaction is completed, Chiwan Wharf will become port business asset management headquarters and domestic capital operation platform of China Merchants Group, deeply participate in integration of domestic regional port assets and enlarge the scale of domestic listed assets to make net profit of CMPort Holdings (00144.HK) enjoyed as per the rights and interests in the consolidated statement of listed Company in recent one fiscal year fail to exceed 50% net profit of consolidated statement of the listed Company and net asset of CMPort Holdings (00144.HK) enjoyed in light of rights and interests in the consolidated statement of listed Company in recent one fiscal year fail to exceed 30% net asset in the consolidated statement of the listed Company within 3-5 years after the transaction is completed.30 September 2018Three to five years and CMG is the actual controller of the CompanyOngoing
Commitments made in time of asset restructuringCMGOther commitmentChina Merchants Group and all its directors, supervisors and administrative officers ensure the transaction report, its abstract, other information provided for the transaction and application document are true, accurate and complete without false record, misleading statement or important omission as well as take individual and joint legal liability for false record, misleading statement or important omission. If the information provided or disclosed by this transaction is suspected of false records, misleading statements or major omissions, and is investigated by the judicial authorities or investigated by the26 July 2018Effective continuouslyOngoing

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China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), the directors,supervisors or senior managers of China Merchants Group do nottransfer the shares that have interests in listed Company, and submitthe written application and stock account of the suspension of thetransfer to the Board of Directors of the CMPort within two tradingdays after receiving the filing inspection notice, and the Board ofDirectors shall apply for lock-up on behalf of the CMG Hong Kongto the Stock Exchange and Registration and Settlement Company.In case of failing to file a locking application within two transactiondays and after the Board of Directors is authorized for verification,identity information and account information on directors,supervisors or administrative officers of China Merchants Group willbe directly submitted to Stock Exchange and Registration andSettlement Company with locking applied; In case of Board ofDirectors failing to submit identity information and accountinformation on directors, supervisors or administrative officers ofChina Merchants Group to Stock Exchange and Registration andSettlement Company, Stock Exchange and Registration andSettlement Company will be authorized to directly lock relatedshares. In case that the situation of violating laws and rules is foundupon investigation conclusion, directors, supervisors oradministrative officers of China Merchants Group promise lockedshares are voluntarily used for compensating related investors.

China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), the directors, supervisors or senior managers of China Merchants Group do not transfer the shares that have interests in listed Company, and submit the written application and stock account of the suspension of the transfer to the Board of Directors of the CMPort within two trading days after receiving the filing inspection notice, and the Board of Directors shall apply for lock-up on behalf of the CMG Hong Kong to the Stock Exchange and Registration and Settlement Company. In case of failing to file a locking application within two transaction days and after the Board of Directors is authorized for verification, identity information and account information on directors, supervisors or administrative officers of China Merchants Group will be directly submitted to Stock Exchange and Registration and Settlement Company with locking applied; In case of Board of Directors failing to submit identity information and account information on directors, supervisors or administrative officers of China Merchants Group to Stock Exchange and Registration and Settlement Company, Stock Exchange and Registration and Settlement Company will be authorized to directly lock related shares. In case that the situation of violating laws and rules is found upon investigation conclusion, directors, supervisors or administrative officers of China Merchants Group promise locked shares are voluntarily used for compensating related investors.
Commitments made in time of asset restructuringCMG Hong KongCommitment on shareholding reductionShare reduction plan during the period from the date of resumption of trading of CMPort to the date of completing reorganization; 1. CMG Hong Kong and Broadford Global have no share reduction plan during the period from the date of resumption of trading of the transaction to the date of completing the transaction; 2. Above-mentioned shares include original CMPort shares held by CMG Hong Kong as well as shares deriving from original shares held26 July 2018Effective until completion of the asset restructuringFulfilled

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during the above period due to participation in profit and presentingshares by CMPort as well as capital reserve converted into increasedcapital.

during the above period due to participation in profit and presenting shares by CMPort as well as capital reserve converted into increased capital.
Commitments made in time of asset restructuringCMG Hong KongOther commitment1. CMG Hong Kong ensures related information provided for the transaction is true, accurate and complete without false record, misleading statement or important omission; 2. CMG Hong Kong ensures the data provided to CMPort and all intermediary organs participating in the transaction is true, accurate and complete original written data or data copy. Data copy is consistent with original data and signature and seal of all the documents are true. The signatory of such documents is legally authorized and effectively signs such documents without any false record, misleading statement or important omission; 3. CMG Hong Kong ensures descriptions and confirmations issued for the transaction is true, accurate and complete without false record, misleading statement or important omission; 4. CMG Hong Kong ensures that statutory disclosure and report obligation has been performed, and no contracts, agreements, arrangements or miscellaneous that should have been disclosed exists; 5. The CMG Hong Kong made the commitment that if the information provided or disclosed by this transaction is suspected of false records, misleading statements or major omissions, and is investigated by the judicial authorities or investigated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), it does not transfer the shares that have interests in listed Company, and submit the written application and stock account of the suspension of the transfer to the Board of Directors of the CMPort within two trading days after receiving the filing inspection notice, and the Board of Directors shall apply for lock-up on behalf of the CMG Hong Kong to the Stock26 July 2018Effective continuouslyOngoing

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Exchange and Registration and Settlement Company. In case offailing to file a locking application within two transaction days andafter the Board of Directors is authorized for verification, identityinformation and account information on CMG Hong Kong will bedirectly submitted to Stock Exchange and Registration andSettlement Company with locking applied; In case of Board ofDirectors failing to submit identity information and accountinformation on CMG Hong Kong to Stock Exchange and Registrationand Settlement Company, Stock Exchange and Registration andSettlement Company will be authorized to directly lock relatedshares. If the investigation finds that there is a violation of the law,CMG Hong Kong committed to lock the shares voluntarily for therelevant investor compensation;6. If CMG Hong Kong promises to related document, data andinformation provided in the reorganization process aren't true,accurate or complete or are with false record, misleading statement orimportant omission, CMG Hong Kong is willing to legally bearcorresponding legal responsibility;7. In case of CMG Hong Kong violating the above promise, incurringlosses to CMPort, CMG Hong Kong will take correspondingcompensation responsibility.

Exchange and Registration and Settlement Company. In case of failing to file a locking application within two transaction days and after the Board of Directors is authorized for verification, identity information and account information on CMG Hong Kong will be directly submitted to Stock Exchange and Registration and Settlement Company with locking applied; In case of Board of Directors failing to submit identity information and account information on CMG Hong Kong to Stock Exchange and Registration and Settlement Company, Stock Exchange and Registration and Settlement Company will be authorized to directly lock related shares. If the investigation finds that there is a violation of the law, CMG Hong Kong committed to lock the shares voluntarily for the relevant investor compensation; 6. If CMG Hong Kong promises to related document, data and information provided in the reorganization process aren't true, accurate or complete or are with false record, misleading statement or important omission, CMG Hong Kong is willing to legally bear corresponding legal responsibility; 7. In case of CMG Hong Kong violating the above promise, incurring losses to CMPort, CMG Hong Kong will take corresponding compensation responsibility.
Commitments made in time of asset restructuringCMIDOther commitment1.CMID ensures related information provided for the transaction is true, accurate and complete without false record, misleading statement or important omission; 2. CMID ensures the data provided to CMPort and all intermediary organs participating in the transaction is true, accurate and complete original written data or data copy. Data copy is consistent with original data and signature and seal of all the documents are true. The signatory of such documents is legally authorized and effectively signs such documents without any false record, misleading statement26 July 2018Effective continuouslyOngoing

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or important omission;3. CMID ensures description and confirmation provided for thetransaction are true, accurate and complete without any false record,misleading statement or important omission;4. CMID ensures that statutory disclosure and report obligation hasbeen performed, and no contracts, agreements, arrangements ormiscellaneous that should have been disclosed exists;5. The CMID made the commitment that if the information providedor disclosed by this transaction is suspected of false records,misleading statements or major omissions, and is investigated by thejudicial authorities or investigated by the China Securities RegulatoryCommission (CSRC), it does not transfer the shares that haveinterests in CMPort, and submit the written application and stockaccount of the suspension of the transfer to the Board of Directors ofthe CMPort within two trading days after receiving the filinginspection notice, and the Board of Directors shall apply for lock-upon behalf of the CMG Hong Kong to the Stock Exchange andRegistration and Settlement Company. If the application for lock-upis not submitted within two transaction days, the Board of Directorsis authorized to verify and submit the identity information andaccount information of CMID directly to the Stock Exchange andRegistration and Settlement Company and apply for lock-up; If theBoard of Directors fails to submit the identity information andaccount information of the CMID to the Stock Exchange andRegistration and Settlement Company, then the Stock Exchange andRegistration and Settlement Company shall be authorized to directlylock the relevant shares. If the investigation finds that there is aviolation of the law, CMID committed to lock the shares voluntarilyfor the relevant investor compensation;6. If CMID promises to related document, data and information

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provided in the reorganization process aren't true, accurate orcomplete or are with false record, misleading statement or importantomission, CMID is willing to legally bear corresponding legalresponsibility;7. In case of CMID violating the above commitment, incurring lossesto CMPort, CMID will take corresponding compensationresponsibility.

provided in the reorganization process aren't true, accurate or complete or are with false record, misleading statement or important omission, CMID is willing to legally bear corresponding legal responsibility; 7. In case of CMID violating the above commitment, incurring losses to CMPort, CMID will take corresponding compensation responsibility.
Commitments made in time of asset restructuringCMPort HoldingsOther commitment1.CMID ensures related information provided for the transaction is true, accurate and complete without false record, misleading statement or important omission; 2. CMID ensures the data provided to CMPort and all intermediary organs participating in the transaction is true, accurate and complete original written data or data copy. Data copy is consistent with original data and signature and seal of all the documents are true. The signatory of such documents is legally authorized and effectively signs such documents without any false record, misleading statement or important omission; 3. CMID ensures description and confirmation provided for the transaction are true, accurate and complete without any false record, misleading statement or important omission; 4. CMID ensures that statutory disclosure and report obligation has been performed, and no contracts, agreements, arrangements or miscellaneous that should have been disclosed exists; 5. The CMID made the commitment that if the information provided or disclosed by this transaction is suspected of false records, misleading statements or major omissions, and is investigated by the judicial authorities or investigated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), it does not transfer the shares that have interests in CMPort, and submit the written application and stock account of the suspension of the transfer to the Board of Directors of26 July 2018Effective continuouslyOngoing

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the CMPort within two trading days after receiving the filinginspection notice, and the Board of Directors shall apply for lock-upon behalf of the CMG Hong Kong to the Stock Exchange andRegistration and Settlement Company. If the application for lock-upis not submitted within two transaction days, the Board of Directorsis authorized to verify and submit the identity information andaccount information of CMID directly to the Stock Exchange andRegistration and Settlement Company and apply for lock-up; If theBoard of Directors fails to submit the identity information andaccount information of the CMID to the Stock Exchange andRegistration and Settlement Company, then the Stock Exchange andRegistration and Settlement Company shall be authorized to directlylock the relevant shares. If the investigation finds that there is aviolation of the law, CMID committed to lock the shares voluntarilyfor the relevant investor compensation;6. If CMID promises to related document, data and informationprovided in the reorganization process aren't true, accurate orcomplete or are with false record, misleading statement or importantomission, CMID is willing to legally bear corresponding legalresponsibility;7. In case of CMID violating the above commitment, incurring lossesto CMPort, CMID will take corresponding compensationresponsibility.

the CMPort within two trading days after receiving the filing inspection notice, and the Board of Directors shall apply for lock-up on behalf of the CMG Hong Kong to the Stock Exchange and Registration and Settlement Company. If the application for lock-up is not submitted within two transaction days, the Board of Directors is authorized to verify and submit the identity information and account information of CMID directly to the Stock Exchange and Registration and Settlement Company and apply for lock-up; If the Board of Directors fails to submit the identity information and account information of the CMID to the Stock Exchange and Registration and Settlement Company, then the Stock Exchange and Registration and Settlement Company shall be authorized to directly lock the relevant shares. If the investigation finds that there is a violation of the law, CMID committed to lock the shares voluntarily for the relevant investor compensation; 6. If CMID promises to related document, data and information provided in the reorganization process aren't true, accurate or complete or are with false record, misleading statement or important omission, CMID is willing to legally bear corresponding legal responsibility; 7. In case of CMID violating the above commitment, incurring losses to CMPort, CMID will take corresponding compensation responsibility.
Commitments made in time of asset restructuringCMGOther commitment1. China Merchants Group ensures related information provided for the transaction is true, accurate and complete without false record, misleading statement or important omission; 2. China Merchants Group ensures the data provided to CMPort and all intermediary organs participating in the transaction is true, accurate and complete original written data or data copy. Data copy is consistent with original data and signature and seal of all the26 July 2018Effective continuouslyOngoing

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documents are true. The signatory of such documents is legallyauthorized and effectively signs such documents without any falserecord, misleading statement or important omission;3. China Merchants Group ensures descriptions and confirmationsissued for the transaction is true, accurate and complete without falserecord, misleading statement or important omission;4. China Merchants Group ensures that statutory disclosure andreport obligation has been performed, and no contracts, agreements,arrangements or miscellaneous that should have been disclosedexists;5. China Merchants Group made the commitment that if theinformation provided or disclosed by this transaction is suspected offalse records, misleading statements or major omissions, and isinvestigated by the judicial authorities or investigated by the ChinaSecurities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), it does not transfer theshares that have interests in CMPort, and submit the writtenapplication and stock account of the suspension of the transfer to theBoard of Directors of the CMPort within two trading days afterreceiving the filing inspection notice, and the Board of Directors shallapply for lock-up on behalf of the CMG Hong Kong to the StockExchange and Registration and Settlement Company. In case offailing to file a locking application within two transaction days andafter the Board of Directors is authorized for verification, identityinformation and account information of China Merchants Group willbe directly submitted to Stock Exchange and Registration andSettlement Company with locking applied; In case of Board ofDirectors failing to submit identity information and accountinformation of China Merchants Group to Stock Exchange andRegistration and Settlement Company, Stock Exchange andRegistration and Settlement Company will be authorized to directly

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lock related shares. If the investigation finds that there is a violationof the law, China Merchants Group committed to lock the sharesvoluntarily for the relevant investor compensation;6. If China Merchants Group promises to related document, data andinformation provided in the reorganization process aren't true,accurate or complete or are with false record, misleading statement orimportant omission, China Merchants Group is willing to legally bearcorresponding legal responsibility;In case of China Merchants Group violating the above promise,incurring losses to CMPort, China Merchants Group will takecorresponding compensation responsibility.

lock related shares. If the investigation finds that there is a violation of the law, China Merchants Group committed to lock the shares voluntarily for the relevant investor compensation; 6. If China Merchants Group promises to related document, data and information provided in the reorganization process aren't true, accurate or complete or are with false record, misleading statement or important omission, China Merchants Group is willing to legally bear corresponding legal responsibility; In case of China Merchants Group violating the above promise, incurring losses to CMPort, China Merchants Group will take corresponding compensation responsibility.
Commitments made in time of asset restructuringChiwan Wharf and all directors, supervisors and senior managementOther commitmentChiwan Wharf and all its directors, supervisors and administrative officers ensure the transaction report, its abstract, other information provided for the transaction and application document are true, accurate and complete without false record, misleading statement or important omission as well as take individual and joint legal liability for false record, misleading statement or important omission. If the information provided or disclosed by this transaction is suspected of false records, misleading statements or major omissions, and is investigated by the judicial authorities or investigated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), the directors, supervisors, or senior managers of Chiwan Wharf do not transfer the shares that have interests in listed Company, and submit the written application and stock account of the suspension of the transfer to the Board of Directors of the CMPort within two trading days after receiving the filing inspection notice, and the Board of Directors shall apply for lock-up on behalf of the CMG Hong Kong to the Stock Exchange and Registration and Settlement Company. In case of failing to file a locking application within two transaction days and after the Board of Directors is authorized for verification, identity26 July 2018Effective continuouslyOngoing

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information and account information on directors, supervisors oradministrative officers of Chiwan Wharf will be directly submitted toStock Exchange and Registration and Settlement Company withlocking applied; In case of Board of Directors failing to submitidentity information and account information on directors,supervisors or administrative officers of Chiwan Wharf to StockExchange and Registration and Settlement Company, StockExchange and Registration and Settlement Company will beauthorized to directly lock related shares. In case that the situation ofviolating laws and rules is found upon investigation conclusion,directors, supervisors or administrative officers of Chiwan Wharfpromise locked shares are voluntarily used for compensating relatedinvestors

information and account information on directors, supervisors or administrative officers of Chiwan Wharf will be directly submitted to Stock Exchange and Registration and Settlement Company with locking applied; In case of Board of Directors failing to submit identity information and account information on directors, supervisors or administrative officers of Chiwan Wharf to Stock Exchange and Registration and Settlement Company, Stock Exchange and Registration and Settlement Company will be authorized to directly lock related shares. In case that the situation of violating laws and rules is found upon investigation conclusion, directors, supervisors or administrative officers of Chiwan Wharf promise locked shares are voluntarily used for compensating related investors
Commitments made in time of asset restructuringChiwan Wharf and all directors, supervisors and senior managementCommitment on shareholding reductionShare reduction plan during the period from the date of resumption of trading of CMPort to the date of completing reorganization; 1. I have no share reduction plan during the period from the date of resumption of trading of the transaction to the date when the transaction is over. 2. Above-mentioned shares include original shares of listed Company held by me as well as derivative shares of original shares caused by participation in profit and presenting shares by listed Company as well as capital reserve converted into increased capital during the above period.26 July 2018Effective until completion of the asset restructuringFulfilled
Other commitments made to minority shareholdersChina Nanshan Development (Group) Inc.Other commitmentChina Nanshan Development(group) Incorporation will irrevocably and unconditionally agrees it will ensure transferee of such land use right and its successor and assignee will be fully exempted from responsibility for the above matters in case of CMPort encountering losses, needing to bear expenses and liabilities, undergoing claim for compensation or needing to file a lawsuit due to any actual or potential illegal and unenforceable issues incurred by land use20 March 2001, 18 June 2003, 29 September 2004Effective continuouslyOngoing

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agreement and relevant documents signed and to be signed by it.

agreement and relevant documents signed and to be signed by it.
Specific reasons for failing to fulfill commitments on time and plans for next step (if any)N/A

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IV Occupation of the Company’s Capital by the Controlling Shareholder or Its RelatedParties for Non-Operating PurposesDuring the Reporting Period, the controlling shareholder or its related parties did not occupy capitalfor non-operating purposes or repay such capital. Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified PublicAccountants LLP issued the “Special Report on Capital Occupation by the Controlling Shareholderand Other Related Parties of China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. For the detailed report, see thewebsite www.cninfo.com.cn.V Explanations Given by the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Board and the IndependentDirectors (if any) Regarding the Independent Auditor's “Modified Opinion” on the FinancialStatements of the Reporting Period□ Applicable √ Not applicableVI YoY Changes to Accounting Policies, Estimates and MethodsThe changes in accounting policies of the Company are as follows: on 31 March 2017, the Ministryof Finance issued Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.22-Recognition andMeasurement of Financial Instruments (hereinafter referred to as “Revised Standards No.22”),Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.23-Transfer of Financial Assets (hereinafterreferred to as “Revised Standards No.23”), Accounting Standards for Business EnterprisesNo.24-Hedge Accounting (hereinafter referred to as “Revised Standards No.24”); on 2 May 2017,the Ministry of Finance issued Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.37-Presentationof Financial Instruments (hereinafter referred to as “Revised Standards No.37”); on 5 July 2017, theMinistry of Finance issued Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.14-Income(hereinafter referred to as “Revised Standards No.14”). The Company starts to implement theRevised Standards No.22, No.23, No.24, No.37 and No.14 in accordance with requirementsstipulated in documents of the Ministry of Finance since 1 January 2018. For more details, pleaserefer to the Announcement on Changes in Accounting Policies (announcement No.: 2018-025)disclosed on cninfo.com.cn by the Company on 7 March 2018.On 27 November 2018, the Company held the 8


Extraordinary Meeting of the 9


Directors of the

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Board in 2018 and the 5


Extraordinary Meeting of the 9


Supervisory Committee in 2018, onwhich the Proposal on Changes in Accounting Estimate of Fixed Assets was reviewed and approved.In line with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.4-Fixed Assets and relevantregulations of the Company, the Company rechecked the estimated useful life and expected netresidual value of fixed assets based on the current performance and service condition of fixed assetsand decided to adjust the depreciation life of partial fixed assets and net residual value of total fixedassets so as to make it more reasonable and reflect the Company’s financial condition and operatingresults more objectively and fairly. For more details, please refer to the Announcement on Changesin Accounting Estimate of Fixed Assets (announcement No.: 2018-104) disclosed on cninfo.com.cnby the Company on 28 November 2018.For further information, please refer to (III) Changes in Main Accounting Policies and Estimates inPart XI Financial Statements for details.VII Retrospective Restatements due to Correction of Material Accounting Errors in theReporting PeriodNo such cases in the Reporting Period.VIII YoY Changes to the Scope of the Consolidated Financial StatementsDuring the year under review, the Company acquired a 51% interest in China Merchants Port(Zhoushan) RoRo Logistics Co., Ltd. (“Zhoushan RoRo”). Zhoushan RoRo changed its directors,supervisors and senior management with the industrial and commercial administration on 29 August2018 and officially became a majority-owned subsidiary of the Company. From that day on, theCompany includes Zhoushan RoRo into the consolidated financial statements. Theabove-mentioned acquisition fits the definition of an assets acquisition, and does not constitutebusiness or a business combination. Thus, it is recognized as a change to the consolidation scopecaused by other reasons.The Company and China Merchants Investment Development Company Limited (hereinafterreferred to as “CMID”) signed the Agreement on Asset Acquisition through the Issue of Shares on19 June 2018, which was approved by China Securities Regulatory Commission through the Replyon the Approval of the Issue of Shares by Shenzhen Chiwan Wharf Holdings Limited to China

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Merchants Investment Development Company Limited for Asset Acquisition and Raising ofSupporting Funds (ZJXK [2018] No. 1750). The Company issued shares to CMID to acquire1,313,541,560 ordinary shares (hereinafter referred to as “the target assets”) of China MerchantsPort Holdings Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as CMPort Holdings) held by CMID.According to the transaction bills affixed with the stamp duty of Hong Kong dated 15 November2018 and the Daily Settlement Book of Chiwan Wharf’s stock account produced on 16 November2018 by China Merchants Securities (HK) Co., Ltd., the stock agent in Hong Kong, the1,313,541,560 CMPort Holdings ordinary shares have been registered under the name of theCompany, marking that the procedures for the registration of the ownership transfer in respect ofthe target assets has been completed. As at 25 December 2018, the procedures for the registration ofthe shares issued by the Company to the counterparty CMID had been completed in CSDCCShenzhen. Thus, the Company has controlled and consolidated CMPort Holdings. For more details,please refer to the Announcement of Shenzhen Chiwan Wharf Holdings Limited on the Issue ofShares to Acquire Assets and Raise Supporting Funds and the Attainment of the Approval fromCSRC for Related-party Transactions (Announcement No. 2018-094), and the Report of ChinaMerchants Port Group Co., Ltd. on the Issue of Shares to Acquire Assets and Raise SupportingFunds and the Implementation of Related-party Transactions and the Listing of New Sharespublished on CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn) on 1 November 2018 and 24 December 2018respectively.On 25 December 2018, the Company completed the issue of shares to the counterparty CMID andachieved the control over CMPort Holdings in form and nature. In accordance with the relatedprovisions in the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 33 - Consolidated FinancialStatements, the Company started to consolidate the financial statements of CMPort Holdings fromDecember 2018, and adjusted the beginning and last year data in the comparative financialstatements according to the rules governing business combinations under common control.IX Engagement and Disengagement of Independent AuditorCurrent independent auditor

Name of the domestic independent auditorDeloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLP

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The Company’s payment to the domestic independentauditor (RMB’0,000)

The Company’s payment to the domestic independent auditor (RMB’0,000)1,236.25
How many consecutive years the domestic independent auditor has provided audit service for the Company7
Names of the certified public accountants from the domestic independent auditor writing signatures on the auditor’s reportHuang Yue and Jiang Qishen
How many consecutive years the certified public accountants have provided audit service for the Company2
Name of the overseas independent auditor (if any)Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
The Company’s payment to the overseas independent auditor (RMB’0,000) (if any)945.63
How many consecutive years the overseas independent auditor has provided audit service for the Company (if any)7
Names of the certified public accountants from the overseas independent auditor writing signatures on the auditor’s report (if any)Zhong Zhiwen
How many consecutive years the certified public accountants have provided audit service for the Company (if any)2

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

Tohmatsu, and RMB2,745,500 for Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLP.Considering the asset restructuring occurring in 2018, the Company needs to engage the agency toaudit the financial statements for the Company with 31 March 2018 as the base date for companiesinvolved in the restructuring. As for the audit expenses on engagement of independent auditors,RMB7.677 million was paid to Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLP,RMB1.46 million to Ernst & Young Global Limited, RMB3.7 million to BDO China Shu Lun PanCertified Public Accountants LLP, RMB163,300 to Klynveld Peat Marwick Goerdeler (KPMG)and Price waterhouse Coopers (PWC).The expenses on financial advisors was RMB49 million for engagement of CITIC Securities Co.,Ltd. and China Merchants Securities Co. Ltd.X Possibility of Listing Suspension or Termination after Disclosure of this Report□ Applicable √ Not applicableXI Insolvency and Reorganization□ Applicable √ Not applicableXII Major Legal Matters□ Applicable √ Not applicableXIII Punishments and Rectifications□ Applicable √ Not applicableXIV Credit Quality of the Company as well as Its Controlling Shareholder and ActualController□ Applicable √ Not applicableXV Equity Incentive Plans, Employee Stock Ownership Plans or Other Incentive Measuresfor Employees□ Applicable √ Not applicable

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

XVI Major Related-Party Transactions1. Continuing Related-Party Transactions

UUnit: RMB’0,000

Related partyRelationship with the CompanyType of transactionSpecific transactionPricing principleTransaction priceTotal valueAs % of total value of all same-type transactionsApproved transaction lineOver the approved line or notMethod of settlementObtainable market price for same-type transactionsDisclosure dateIndex to disclosed information
China Merchants Port Holdings Company Limited and its affiliated companiesOriginal shareholder of Chiwan WharfServicesServices related to terminalBilateral negotiation6,887.756,887.7517.37%10,000.00NoSettled according to times6,887.757 February 2018Refer to Announcement on Forecast of Related-party Transactions for 2018 (Announcement No. 2018-012) published on http://www.cninfo.com.cn for details.
China Nanshan Development (Group) IncorporationAffiliated legal personLeaseLand leaseBilateral negotiation6,523.026,523.0240.02%7,500.00NoSettled monthly6,523.027 February 2018
Large-amount sales return in detailN/A
Give the actual situation in theN/A

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

Reporting Period (if any) where anestimate had been made for thetotal value of continuingrelated-party transactions by typeto occur in the Reporting Period

Reporting Period (if any) where an estimate had been made for the total value of continuing related-party transactions by type to occur in the Reporting Period
Reason for any significant difference between the transaction price and the market reference price (if applicable)N/A

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

conducted here due to small amount and large quantity. )2. Related-Party Transactions Regarding Purchase or Sales of Assets or Equity InterestsIn 2018, CMPort Holdings (00144.HK) made the related-party transaction on equity investmentwith CMGD with actual amount of RMB3.346 billion.For details about the related-party transaction on the Company’s capital increase in CMPort(Zhoushan) RoRo Logistics Co., Ltd., please refer to 2. Major Equity Investments Made in theReporting Period in V Investment Made in Part IV Operating Performance Discussion and Analysis.3. Related Transactions Regarding Joint Investments in Third Parties

Unit: RMB’0,000

Joint investorsRelated relationshipinvesteePrincipal activities of investeeRegistered capital of investeeTotal assets of investeeNet assets of investeeNet profit of investee
China Merchants Group (H.K.) Limited, Jumbo Pacific Holdings Limited, China Merchants Expressway Network & Technology Holdings Co., Ltd., China Merchants Industrial Investment Co., Ltd. and Sinotrans (HK) Logistics LimitedThe same ultimate actual controllerChina Merchants Hainan Development & Investment Co., Ltd.Land development, operation of parks and properties, construction and investment of municipal infrastructure, water and power supply for parks, urban renewal, investment and management of projects, etc.350,000350,000350,000-191
Progress of major programs in progress of investee (if any)N/A

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

Credits receivable with related parties

Related partyRelated relationshipForming reasonWhether there is occupation on non-operating capital or notBeginning balance (RMB’0,000)Increased in the Reporting Period (RMB’0,000)Recovered in the Reporting Period (RMB’0,000)Interest rateInterest in the Reporting Period (RMB’0,000)Ending balance (RMB’0,000)
China Merchants Group Finance Co., Ltd.Under common control of ultimate controlling shareholderBank depositsNot60,540.28975,653.97986,781.132.37%1,404.2549,413.12
China Merchants BankThe ultimate controlling shareholder has major influence on itBank depositsNot92,893.471,615,797.321,581,237.141.84%3,462.95127,453.65
Effects of credits with related parties on the Company’s operating results and financial conditionsThe above credits receivable with related parties were mainly deposits in financial institutions which has no major influence on the Company’s operating results and financial conditions.
Related partyRelated relationshipForming reasonBeginning balance (RMB’0,000)Increased in the Reporting Period (RMB’0,000)Recovered in the Reporting Period (RMB’0,000)Interest rateInterest in the Reporting Period (RMB’0,000)Ending balance (RMB’0,000)
China Merchants Group Finance Co., Ltd.Under common control of ultimate controlling shareholderBorrowing189,000.00104,500.00216,000.004.54%5,157.4177,500.00
China Merchants BankThe ultimate controlling shareholder has majorBorrowing4,000.00-4,000.004.35%10.44-

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

influence onit

influence on it
Effects of liabilities with related parties on the Company’s operating results and financial conditionsThe above liabilities payable with related parties were mainly financial institution loans which had no major influence on the Company’s operating results and financial conditions.

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

2. Major guarantees

(1) Guarantees

Unit: RMB’0,000

Guarantees provided by the Company and its subsidiaries for external parties (exclusive of those for subsidiaries)
ObligorDisclosure date of the guarantee line announcementLine of guaranteeActual occurrence dateActual guarantee amountType of guaranteeTerm of guaranteeHaving expired or notGuarantee for a related party or not
CMA CGM SAN/A2,498.2111 June 20131,224.12General guaranteeAbout 6 yearsNoNot
CMA CGM SAN/A8,219.5811 June 20138,219.58General guaranteeAbout 20 yearsNoNot
PORT DE DJIBOUTI S.A.,N/A34,316.0014 June 20162,419.28General guaranteeAbout 3 yearsNoYes
Total approved line for such guarantees in the Reporting Period (A1)-Total actual amount of such guarantees in the Reporting Period (A2)-
Total approved line for such guarantees at the end of the Reporting Period (A3)45,033.79Total actual balance of such guarantees at the end of the Reporting Period (A4)11,862.98
Guarantee between the company to its subsidiaries
ObligorDisclosure date of the guarantee line announcementLine of guaranteeActual occurrence dateActual guarantee amountType of guaranteeTerm of guaranteeHaving expired or notGuarantee for a related party or not
Total approved line for such guarantees in the Reporting Period (B1)0Total actual amount of such guarantees in the Reporting Period (B2)0
Total approved line for such guarantees at the end of the Reporting Period (3)0Total actual balance of such guarantees at the end of the Reporting Period (B4)0
Guarantees provided between subsidiaries
ObligorDisclosure date of theLine of guaranteeActual occurrence dateActual guarantee amountType of guaranteeTerm of guaranteeHaving expired or notGuarantee for a

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018




guarantee line announcementrelated party or not
China Merchants International Terminal (Qingdao) Co., Ltd.N/A10,000.00N/A-General guaranteeN/ANoNo
Shenzhen Jinyu Rongtai Investment Development Co., Ltd.N/A80,000.0012 January 201750,000.00Joint-liabilityAbout 10 yearsNoNo
Shenzhen Jinyu Rongtai Investment Development Co., Ltd.N/A50,000.0025 June 201437,800.00Joint-liabilityAbout 5 yearsNoNo
China Merchants International (China) Investment Co., Ltd.N/A2,500.0030 June 20162,500.00Joint-liabilityAbout 10 yearsNoNo
China Merchants Finance Company LimitedN/A343,160.004 May 2012343,160.00General guaranteeAbout 10 yearsNoNo
China Merchants Finance Company LimitedN/A343,160.003 August 2015343,160.00General guaranteeAbout 10 yearsNoNot
China Merchants Finance Company LimitedN/A137,264.003 August 2015137,264.00General guaranteeAbout 5 yearsNoNo
CMHI Finance (BVI) Co., LtdN/A617,688.006 August 2018617,688.00General guaranteeAbout 5 yearsNoNo
CMHI Finance (BVI) Co., LtdN/A411,792.006 August 2018411,792.00General guaranteeAbout 10 yearsNoNo
COLOMBO INTERNATIONAL CONTAINER TERMINALS LIMITEDN/A240,143.3716 September 201215,456.61General guaranteeAbout 13 yearsNoNo
COLOMBO INTERNATIONAL CONTAINER TERMINALS LIMITEDN/A10,294.8016 September 201210,294.80General guaranteeInfiniteNoNo
COLOMBON/A17,158.016 September17,158.00GeneralInfiniteNoNo

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018


Lome Container Terminal Co., Ltd.N/A7,847.301 June 20152,004.99General guaranteeAbout 9 yearsNoNo
Lome Container Terminal Co., Ltd.N/A7,847.301 June 20152,004.99General guaranteeAbout 9 yearsNoNo
Lome Container Terminal Co., Ltd.N/A7,847.301 June 20152,004.99General guaranteeAbout 9 yearsNoNo
China Merchants Port Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.N/A320,000.0031 July 2017218,000.00Joint-liabilityAbout 5 yearsNoNo
TCP - TERMINAL DE CONTElNERES DE PARANAGUA S/A.N/A53,169.0019 April 201847,437.38General guaranteeAbout 6 yearsNoNo
TCP - TERMINAL DE CONTElNERES DE PARANAGUA S/A.N/A75,862.7719 Nov7 201675,862.77General guaranteeAbout 6 yearsNoNo
Total approved line for such guarantees in the Reporting Period (C1)1,082,649.00Total actual amount of such guarantees in the Reporting Period (C2)1,076,917.38
Total approved line for such guarantees at the end of the Reporting Period (C3)2,735,733.84Total actual balance of such guarantees at the end of the Reporting Period (C4)2,333,588.52
Total guarantee amount (total of the three kinds of guarantees above)
Total guarantee line approved in the Reporting Period (A1+B1+C1)1,082,649.00Total actual guarantee amount in the Reporting Period (A2+B2+C2)1,076,917.38
Total approved guarantee line at the end of the Reporting Period (A3+B3+C3)2,704,904.86Total actual guarantee balance at the end of the Reporting Period (A4+B4+C4)2,345,451.50
Total actual guarantee amount (A4+B4+C4) as % of the Company’s net assets76.25%
Of which:
Balance of guarantees provided for shareholders, actual controller and their related parties (D)

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

Balance of debt guarantees provided directly or indirectly forobligors with an over 70% debt/asset ratio (E)

Balance of debt guarantees provided directly or indirectly for obligors with an over 70% debt/asset ratio (E)2,202,879.11
Amount by which the total guarantee amount exceeds 50% of the Company’s net assets (F)807,427.73
Total of the three amounts above (D+E+F)3,010,306.84
Joint responsibilities possibly borne in the Reporting Period for undue guarantees (if any)None
Provision of external guarantees in breach of the prescribed procedures (if any)None
AmountCapital resourcesUndue balanceOverdue amount
3,430.00Self-owned funds3,430.00

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

employees, attaching importance to occupational health development, promoting urban and ruraleconomic development and improving people’s living standards. We also actively participate invarious social organisations and political parties and strengthen our communication with thegovernment and the industries to make use of our well-earned influence.1. Fulfillment of social responsibilitiesThe Company is always committed to take on historical missions and has a strong sense of socialresponsibilities. During our journey of growth and development, we never steer away from theoriginal goal. We take the lead to address social problems, continue to seek for the matching pointfor mutual development with the society and explore appropriate models for conducting charitablebusiness that meets the needs of the current generation. By leveraging our core strengths to launchprofessional charitable activities, support regional development and preserve fine cultures, we willincorporate social development needs into our daily operation activities and join hands with evenmore partners to create a harmonious society and promote social progress.In 2018, the Company adhered to the theme of “Shaping Blue Dreams Together (共铸蓝色梦想)”for its charitable activities, striving to fulfil its corporate social responsibilities through engagementin social charitable activities, at the same time building the charity brand of its own. Large-scaledpublic welfare activities included “C Blue Summer Camp for Children(C Blue 儿童夏令营)” and“Shaping Blue Dreams Together – C Blue Training Programme in the 21st Century (共铸蓝色梦想-21世纪海上丝绸之路优才计划)” (C Blue Training Programme).The “C Blue Summer Camp for Children” charitable event invited the left-behind children of theport’s frontline staff to reunite with their parents in Shenzhen and participate in a summer camp. Atotal of 50 families of the constructors stationed in Shenzhen had joined the event. The event notonly obtained positive feedback from the society, but also created a sound corporate image of theCompany to contribute to the society on a continuous basis. This project represented ChinaMerchants Group in the o theedeams Together (arrvice Project Competition of State-ownedEnterprises” and was awarded the Gold Winner.Sponsored by China Merchants Charitable Foundation and hosted by China Merchants Port, “CBlue Training Programme (C Blue优才计划)” is a corporate social responsibility project to practicethe mission of “promoting social progress through commercial success” extensively in countriesalong the “21st Century Maritime Silk Road” by adhering to the concept of promoting value sharingworldwide under the theme of “Shaping Blue Dreams Together (C Blue)”. The purpose of thisproject is to train more leading talents in port and shipping industry for countries along the SilkRoad and to offer high-end port and shipping industry-related training courses to various countries.

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

The success of this programme further enhanced China Merchants’ influence on countries along the“Belt and Road” initiative and better explicated China Merchants Port’s corporate goal of “WeConnect the World (天涯若比邻)”, at the same time deepening the school-enterprise cooperationwith Shenzhen Polytechnic. Through systematic study of theories and diversified visits andpractices, trainees will be able to utilize the extensive knowledge and experience gained to promotethe development of port and shipping industry and to strengthen the implementation of the “Beltand Road” initiative and thus promote the economic development of their respective countries.

Environmental protectionThe Company embeds environmental elements into corporate development. During the whole lifecycle of projects, the Company adheres to green ecological development philosophy and practice,and continuously pursues sustainable development in economic, environmental and social aspectsas a whole by leveraging innovative green development models, strengthening development andapplication of energy conservation technologies, optimizing green industry network and promotinggreen culture among its staff. Meanwhile, the Company strives to develop a green accountabilitychain and a green ecosystem with joint efforts of the community. With the concerted efforts ofvarious parties, the Company is able to develop innovative solutions for sustainable environmentaldevelopment and play its part in pushing forward ecocivilisation.XIX Other Significant Events1. Significant Events of Asset RestructuringOn 19 June 2018, the Proposal on the Company’s Plan to Issue Shares to Specific Targets toAcquire Assets was reviewed and approved at the 5


Special Meeting of the Company’s 9


Boardof Directors of 2018.On 28 June 2018, SASAC issued the Reply to the Issues in Respect of the Private Placement ofA-Shares by Shenzhen Chiwan Wharf Holdings Limited (GZCQ [2018] No. 360). In principle, theapproval was granted for the Company’s plan to acquire the share considerations of ChinaMerchants Port Holdings Co., Ltd. through a private placement of no more than 1,148,648,648A-shares and to issue no more than 128,952,746 A-shares to raise supporting funds. On 26 July2018, the Proposal on the Company’s Plan to Issue Shares to Specific Targets to Acquire Assets wasreviewed and approved at the 2


Extraordinary General Meeting of 2018 of the Company.The Company obtained the Notice on the Filing of Overseas Investment Projects (FGBWZB [2018]No. 690) issued by NDRC and the Certificate of Corporate Overseas Investment (JWTZZ No.N1000201800487) issued by the Ministry of Commerce respectively on 20 September 2018 and 28September 2018.On 30 October 2018, the transaction was approved by China Securities Regulatory Commissionthrough the document of ZJXK [2018] No. 1750.

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

On 5 November 2018, the Company received the Reply to the Filing of Changes in Foreign-FundedEnterprises (YSWZB 201800004) issued by the Bureau of Industry and Information Technology ofShenzhen on November 2.On 15 November 2018, 1,313,541,560 ordinary shares of China Merchants Port Holdings CompanyLimited were registered in the name of the Company and the procedures for the registration ofownership transfer of the underlying assets were completed.On 25 December 2018, the procedures for the registration of the shares issued by the Company tothe counterparty CMID were completed in CSDCC Shenzhen.2. Changes in the Company’s Stock Name and Stock CodeOn 27 November 2018, the Company held the 8


Special Meeting of the 9


Board of Directors of2018. The Proposal on Changing the Company’s Name, Stock Name and Stock Code was reviewedand approved at the Meeting. According to the Proposal, the Company’s stock name would changefrom “CHIWAN WHARF/CHIWAN WHARF-B” to “CM PORT GROUP/CM PORT GROUP B”,and its stock code would change from “000022/200022” to “001872/201872”. On 13 December2018, the Company held the 3


Extraordinary General Meeting of 2018, and the Proposal onChanging the Company’s Name, Stock Name and Stock Code was reviewed and approved. Inaccordance with the provisions of the Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange for Stock Listing andrelevant business processing requirements, the Company applied with Shenzhen Stock Exchangeand the revised stock name and code were officially applied from 26 December 2018.3. Description of the Events of Share Trading Suspension and ResumptionDue to the planning and demonstration of the actual controller China Merchants Group onsignificant events in respect of the Company, the Company’s stock was suspended from the openingon 20 November 2017. Through the negotiation and demonstration of related parties thereafter, theCompany recognized the aforementioned significant events as significant asset reorganization, withits stock transferred into significant asset reorganization and continuing to be suspended from 4December 2017. During the stock suspension, the Company duly performed its obligations ofinformation disclosure in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and released anannouncement on the progress at least every five working days. On 9 July 2018, in accordance withregulations, the Company disclosed the Report of Shenzhen Chiwan Wharf Holdings Limited onthe Issue of Shares to Acquire Assets and Raise Supporting Funds and Connected Transactions(Draft) (Revision) and related announcements. On 10 July 2018, the Company’s stock was resumedthrough its application.Due to the Company’s application for changes in its stock name and stock code, the Company’sstock was suspended consecutively for three trading days in total from 21 December 2018 to 25December 2018 during the implementation of the changes. From 26 December 2018, trading in theCompany’s shares was resumed and traded in the revised stock name and code.4. Information Disclosure IndexIn the Reporting Period, the Company disclosed the following significant events on SecuritiesTimes, Ta Kung Pao (HK) and www.cninfo.com.cn:

Announcement No.DateTitle
2018-0014 January 2018Announcement on the Progress of Share Trading Suspension of Significant Assets Restructuring

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018


2018-0026 January 2018Announcement on Voluntary Information Disclosure of Business Volume Data of December 2017
2018-00311 January 2018Announcement on the Progress of Share Trading Suspension of Significant Assets Restructuring
2018-00420 January 2018Announcement on Resolutions of the 1st Special Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors in 2018
2018-00520 January 2018Announcement on Application for Continuing the Suspension due to the Expiration of Significant Assets Restructuring Delisting
2018-00627 January 2018Announcement on Resolutions of the 2nd Special Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors in 2018
2018-00727 January 2018Announcement on the Related-party Transaction regarding Foreign Investments
2018-00827 January 2018Announcement on Convening Shareholders Meeting for Approval of Matters Related to Continuous Suspension
2018-00927 January 2018Notice on Convening the 1st Extraordinary General Meeting of 2018
2018-0103 February 2018Announcement on the Progress of Share Trading Suspension of Significant Assets Restructuring
2018-0117 February 2018Announcement on Resolutions of the 3rd Special Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors in 2018
2018-0127 February 2018Announcement on Expected Routine Related-Party Transactions for 2018
2018-0137 February 2018Announcement on Related-party Transaction regarding Signing Supplementary Agreement to the MEDIA PORT INVESTMENTS LIMITED Shareholder Agreement II
2018-0147 February 2018Reminder of Changes in Controlling Shareholders
2018-0157 February 2018Reminder of Convening the 1st Extraordinary General Meeting of 2018
2018-0168 February 2018Announcement on Voluntary Information Disclosure of Business Volume Data of January 2018
2018-01710 February 2018Announcement on the Progress of Share Trading Suspension of Significant Assets Restructuring
2018-01814 February 2018Announcement on Resolutions of the 1st Extraordinary General Meeting of 2018
2018-01914 February 2018Announcement on Application for Continuing the Suspension due to the Expiration of Significant Assets Restructuring Delisting
2018-02028 February 2018Announcement on the Progress of Share Trading Suspension of Significant Assets Restructuring
2018-0217 March 2018Announcement on Resolutions of the 3rd Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors
2018-0227 March 2018Announcement on Resolutions of the 3rd Meeting of the 9th Supervisory Committee
2018-0237 March 2018Abstract of Annual Report 2017 of Shenzhen Chiwan Wharf Holdings Limited
2018-0247 March 2018Announcement on Plan of Profit Distribution and Dividend Payout in 2017

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2018-0257 March 2018Announcement on Changes in Accounting Policy
2018-0267 March 2018Announcement on Termination of Joint Investment in Haixing Onoda Project with Related Parties
2018-0277 March 2018Notice of Convening the 2017 Annual General Meeting
2018-0287 March 2018Announcement on the Progress of Share Trading Suspension of Significant Assets Restructuring
2018-0298 March 2018Announcement on Voluntary Information Disclosure of Business Volume Data of February 2018
2018-0308 March 2018Correction Notice
2018-03114 March 2018Announcement on the Progress of Share Trading Suspension of Significant Assets Restructuring
2018-03220 March 2018Reminder of the Progress of Changes in Controlling Shareholders
2018-03321 March 2018Reminder of Convening the 2017 Annual General Meeting
2018-03421 March 2018Announcement on the Progress of Share Trading Suspension of Significant Assets Restructuring
2018-03527 March 2018Reminder of the Progress of Changes in Controlling Shareholders
2018-03628 March 2018Announcement on the Progress of Share Trading Suspension of Significant Assets Restructuring
2018-03729 March 2018Announcement on Resolutions of the 2017 Annual General Meeting
2018-0384 April 2018Announcement on the Progress of Share Trading Suspension of Significant Assets Restructuring
2018-03910 April 2018Announcement on Voluntary Information Disclosure of Business Volume Data of March 2018
2018-04013 April 2018Announcement on the Progress of Share Trading Suspension of Significant Assets Restructuring
2018-04120 April 2018Announcement on the Progress of Share Trading Suspension of Significant Assets Restructuring
2018-04224 April 2018Reminder of Issuance of 2018 Phase I Super-short-term Financing Bonds
2018-04327 April 2018Announcement on Resolutions of the 4th Special Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors in 2018
2018-04427 April 2018The Text of the First Quarter Report 2018
2018-04527 April 2018Announcement on the Progress of Share Trading Suspension of Significant Assets Restructuring
2018-04628 April 2018Announcement on Issue Results of 2018 Phase I Super-short-term Financing Bonds
2018-0473 May 2018Announcement on China Securities Regulatory Commission’s Consent for the Exemption of China Merchants Gangtong Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. and its Acting-in-concert

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

Parties from the Tender Offer Obligation

Parties from the Tender Offer Obligation
2018-0488 May 2018Announcement on the Progress of Share Trading Suspension of Significant Assets Restructuring
2018-0499 May 2018Announcement on Voluntary Information Disclosure of Business Volume Data of April 2018
2018-05015 May 2018Announcement on the Progress of Share Trading Suspension of Significant Assets Restructuring
2018-05115 May 2018Announcement on Convening Investor Conference regarding Significant Assets Restructuring
2018-05217 May 2018Announcement on the Execution of the 2017 Dividend Plan
2018-05318 May 2018Announcement on Application for Continuing the Suspension due to the Expiration of Significant Assets Restructuring Delisting
2018-05419 May 2018Announcement on Particulars of Investors Conference Convened regarding Significant Assets Restructuring
2018-05522 May 2018Announcement on the Due Payment of 2017 Phase I Super-short-term Financing Bonds
2018-05625 May 2018Announcement on the Progress of Share Trading Suspension of Significant Assets Restructuring
2018-0571 June 2018Announcement on the Progress of Share Trading Suspension of Significant Assets Restructuring
2018-0588 June 2018Announcement on the Progress of Share Trading Suspension of Significant Assets Restructuring
2018-0599 June 2018Announcement on Voluntary Information Disclosure of Business Volume Data of May 2018
2018-06012 June 2018Announcement on Completion of Share Transfer and Changes in Controlling Shareholders
2018-06115 June 2018Announcement on the Progress of Share Trading Suspension of Significant Assets Restructuring
2018-06221 June 2018Announcement on Resolutions of the 5th Special Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors in 2018
2018-06321 June 2018Announcement on Resolutions of the 2nd Special Meeting of the 9th Supervisory Committee in 2018
2018-06421 June 2018Announcement on Related-party Transaction regarding Signing Supplementary Agreement to the Financial Service Agreement with China Merchants Group Finance Co., Ltd.
2018-06521 June 2018Announcement on Disclosure of Related-party Transaction Report on Assets Purchase via Share Offering and Matching Fund Raising and on Temporary not Resumption
2018-06621 June 2018Reminder of General Risk of Significant Assets Restructuring
2018-06728 June 2018Announcement on the Progress of Share Trading Suspension of Significant Assets Restructuring

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018


2018-0684 July 2018Announcement on Approval of Relevant Issues of Significant Assets Restructuring by State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission
2018-0695 July 2018Announcement on the Delay in Reply to the Enquiry Letter of Restructuring of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and Continuous Share Trading Suspension
2018-0707 July 2018Announcement on Voluntary Information Disclosure of Business Volume Data of June 2018
2018-07110 July 2018Announcement on Resolutions of the 6th Special Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors in 2018
2018-07210 July 2018Announcement on Resolutions of the 3rd Special Meeting of the 9th Supervisory Committee in 2018
2018-07310 July 2018Announcement on Signing Termination of Agreement to the Financial Service Agreement with China Development Finance Company Ltd.
2018-07410 July 2018Notice on Convening the 2nd Extraordinary General Meeting of 2018
2018-07510 July 2018Announcement on the Share Trading Resumption of Significant Assets Restructuring
2018-07619 July 2018Reminder of Convening the 2nd Extraordinary General Meeting of 2018
2018-07724 July 2018Announcement on Execution of 2017 Equities Distribution from the Company’s Significant Assets Restructuring of Intending to Purchase the Target Company China Merchants Port Holdings Company Limited
2018-07827 July 2018Announcement on Resolutions of the 2nd Extraordinary General Meeting of 2018
2018-0799 August 2018Announcement on the Assets Purchase Offering and Matching Fund Raising of Shenzhen Chiwan Wharf Holdings Limited and the Revision of Relevant Documents of Related-Party Transactions
2018-08010 August 2018Announcement on Voluntary Information Disclosure of Business Volume Data of July 2018
2018-08111 August 2018Announcement on Receiving the Acceptance Form of Application for Administrative license of China Securities Regulatory Commission
2018-08231 August 2018Announcement on Resolutions of the 4th Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors
2018-08331 August 2018Abstract of Interim Report 2018
2018-08431 August 2018Announcement on the Progress of Foreign Investment and Related-party Transactions
2018-0856 September 2018Announcement on Receiving a Feedback Notification of Project Review for Administrative license of China Securities Regulatory

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018


2018-08611 September 2018Announcement on Voluntary Information Disclosure of Business Volume Data of August 2018
2018-08714 September 2018Announcement on the Reply to the Feedback Notification of Project Review for Administrative license of China Securities Regulatory Commission
2018-08828 September 2018Announcement on Share Trading Suspension about the Examination of the Company’s Assets Purchase via Share Offering and Matching Fund Raising and the Related-party Transactions by Audit Committee of China Securities Regulatory Commission for Listed Companies’ acquisition and Reorganization
2018-08910 October 2018Announcement on Conditional Approval of the Assets Purchase via Share Offering and Matching Fund Raising the Related-party Transactions by Audit Committee of China Securities Regulatory Commission for Listed Companies’ acquisition and Reorganization and the Share Trading Resumption of the Company
2018-09016 October 2018Announcement on Voluntary Information Disclosure of Business Volume Data of September 2018
2018-09118 October 2018Announcement on Receiving the Notification of Foreign Investment Project Filing from National Development and Reform Commission and Certificate for Foreign Investment of Enterprises from Ministry of Commerce regarding the Assets Purchase via Share Offering and Matching Fund Raising and Related-party Transactions
2018-09231 October 2018Announcement on Resolutions of the 7th Special Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors in 2018
2018-09331 October 2018The Text of the Third Quarter Report 2018
2018-0941 November 2018Announcement on Receiving the Approval of China Securities Regulatory Commission regarding the Assets Purchase via Share Offering and Matching Fund Raising and Related-party Transactions
2018-0951 November 2018Announcement on Notice for the Revision of the Report of Assets Purchase via Share Offering and Matching Fund Raising and Related-party Transactions
2018-0966 November 2018Announcement on Receiving the Reply to the Filing of Changes in Foreign-invested Enterprises from Shenzhen Commission of Economy and Information Technology regarding the Assets Purchase via Share Offering and Matching Fund Raising and Related-party Transactions

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018


2018-0979 November 2018Announcement on Voluntary Information Disclosure of Business Volume Data of October 2018
2018-09820 November 2018Announcement on Execution of 2018 Interim Equities Distribution from the Company’s Significant Assets Restructuring of Intending to Purchase the Target Company China Merchants Port Holdings Company Limited
2018-09921 November 2018Announcement on Resignation of Directors
2018-10021 November 2018Announcement on Resignation of Supervisors
2018-10122 November 2018Announcement on Completion of the Transfer of Underlying Assets regarding the Assets Purchase via Share Offering and Matching Fund Raising and Related-party Transactions
2018-10228 November 2018Announcement on Resolutions of the 8th Special Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors in 2018
2018-10328 November 2018Announcement on Resolutions of the 5th Special Meeting of the 9th Supervisory Committee in 2018
2018-10428 November 2018Announcement on Accounting Estimate Change of Fixed Assets
2018-10528 November 2018Announcement on Related-party Transaction regarding Signing Supplementary Agreement to the Financial Service Agreement with China Merchants Group Finance Co., Ltd.
2018-10628 November 2018Notice on Convening the 3rd Extraordinary General Meeting of 2018
2018-1071 December 2018Announcement on Resolutions of the 9th Special Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors in 2018
2018-1081 December 2018Announcement on Related-party Transaction regarding Jointly Investing and Establishing China Merchants Hainan Development and Investment Co., Ltd with Related Parties
2018-1093 December 2018Announcement on Adding Temporary Proposal in the 3rd Extraordinary General Meeting of 2018 and Supplementary Notice on Convening the 3rd Extraordinary General Meeting of 2018
2018-1106 December 2018Reminder of Convening the 3rd Extraordinary General Meeting of 2018
2018-1118 December 2018Announcement on Resignation of Chairman of the Board
2018-1128 December 2018Announcement on Resignation of Senior Executives
2018-1138 December 2018Announcement on Voluntary Information Disclosure of Business Volume Data of November 2018
2018-11414 December 2018Announcement on Resolutions of the 3rd Extraordinary General Meeting of 2018
2018-11514 December 2018Announcement on Resolutions of the 10th Special Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors in 2018

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018


2018-11614 December 2018Announcement on Resolutions of the 6th Special Meeting of the 9th Supervisory Committee in 2018
2018-11714 December 2018Announcement on Signing Trusteeship of the Stock Right Agreement with China Merchants (Liaoning) Port Development Co., Ltd and Related-party Transactions
2018-11814 December 2018Reminder of Intending to Change the Company’s Name, Stock Name and Stock Code and Share Trading Suspension of the Company
2018-11915 December 2018Announcement on Completion of Changes in Industrial and Commercial Registration
2018-12021 December 2018Reminder of Share Trading Suspension of the Company and Intending to Change Stock Name and Stock Code
2018-12124 December 2018Announcement on Changes in Shareholdings of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives of the China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.
2018-12224 December 2018Announcement on Commitment Made by Related Parties of the Assets Purchase via Share Offering
2018-12325 December 2018Announcement on Signing the Qianhai Land Service Agreement by the Wholly-owned Subordinate Company of Majority-owned Subsidiary Namely China Merchants Port Holdings Company Limited
2018-12426 December 2018Announcement on Share Trading Suspension of the Company and Changes in Stock Name and Stock Code

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

Shengang Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone Authority, CMG, Shenzhen Qianhai SquarePark Development Co., Ltd, China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Holdings Co., Ltd, CMSK,several subsidiary companies of China Merchants Shekou, and Shenzhen China Merchants QianhaiChidi Industry Co., Ltd to further manage the various land equities held by CMG in Qianhai,Shenzhen, China at present.

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

Part VI Share Changes and Shareholder Information

I. Share Changes1. Share Changes

Unit: share

BeforeIncrease/decrease in the Reporting Period (+/-)After
SharesPercentage (%)New issuesShares as dividend converted from profitShares as dividend converted from capital reservesOtherSubtotalSharesPercentage (%)
I. Restricted shares160,1060.02%1,148,648,648001,148,700,6981,148,700,6981,148,860,80464.06%
1. Shares held by state00.00%0000000.00%
2. Shares held by state-owned legal person00.00%0000000.00%
3. Shares held by other domestic investors160,1060.02%00052,05052,050212,1560.01%
Including: Shares held by domestic legal person00.00%0000000.00%
Shares held by domestic natural person160,1060.02%00052,05052,050212,1560.01%
4. Shares held by foreign investors00.00%1,148,648,6480001,148,648,6481,148,648,64864.05%
Including: Shares held by foreign legal person00.00%1,148,648,6480001,148,648,6481,148,648,64864.05%
Shares held by foreign natural person00.00%0000000.00%
II. Unrestricted shares644,603,62499.98%000-52,050-52,050644,551,57435.94%
1. RMB ordinary shares464,859,30072.10%00-3,976-3,976464,855,32425.92%
2. Domestically listed foreign shares179,744,32427.88%000-48,074-48,074179,696,25010.02%
3. Overseas listed foreign shares00.00%0000000.00%
4. Other00.00%0000000.00%
III. Total shares644,763,730100.00%1,148,648,6480001,148,648,6481,793,412,378100.00%

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

approved at the meetings, including the Proposal on the Company’s Eligibility for the Issue ofShares to Acquire Assets and Raise Supporting Funds, the Proposal on the Company’s Plan to IssueShares to Specific Targets to Acquire Assets, the Proposal on the Company’s Entering into theAgreement on the Concerted Action of China Merchants Port Holdings Co., Ltd. with ChinaMerchants Group (HK) Co., Ltd., the Proposal on the Company’s Raising of Supporting Funds, theProposal on the Report of Shenzhen Chiwan Wharf Holdings Limited on the Issue of Shares toAcquire Assets and Raise Supporting Funds and Connected Transactions (Draft) and the Abstract,the Proposal on the Entering with Specific Targets into the Agreement on the Issue of Shares toAcquire Assets and the Agreement on the Impairment Compensation Effective with Conditions, theProposal on the Entering with Specific Targets into the Supplementary Agreement to theAgreement on the Impairment Compensation of the Agreement on the Issue of Shares to AcquireAssets Effective with Conditions, and the Proposal on the Application for the Approval of theCompany’s Annual General Meeting for the Exemption of Increased Shareholding of ChinaMerchants Investment Development Company Limited by Offer.On 28 June 2018, SASAC issued the Reply to the Issues in Respect of the Private Placement ofA-Shares by Shenzhen Chiwan Wharf Holdings Limited (GZCQ [2018] No. 360). In principle, theapproval was granted for the private placement of no more than 1,148,648,648 A-shares by ChinaMerchants Port to acquire the share considerations of China Merchants Port Holdings Co., Ltd. andthe issue of no more than 128,952,746 A-shares to raise supporting funds.On 26 July 2018, the issues in respect of the transaction were reviewed and approved at the 2


Extraordinary General Meeting of 2018, and non-related shareholders reviewed and approved theProposal on the Application for the Approval of the Company’s Annual General Meeting for theExemption of Increased Shareholding of China Merchants Investment Development CompanyLimited by Offer and agreed to the exemption of increasing the holding of shares of ChinaMerchants Port by CMID through offer.On 20 September 2018, pursuant to the Filing of Overseas Investment Projects (FGBWZB [2018]No. 690) issued by NDRC, NDRC agreed to file the project of acquisition of partial equity of ChinaMerchants Port Holdings by China Merchants Port.On 28 September 2018, pursuant to the Certificate of Corporate Overseas Investment (JWTZZNo.N1000201800487) issued by the Ministry of Commerce, the filing with the Ministry ofCommerce in respect of the overseas investment involved in the acquisition was completed.On 30 October 2018, CSRC issued the Reply on the Approval of the Issue of Shares by ShenzhenChiwan Wharf Holdings Limited to China Merchants Investment Development Company Limitedfor Asset Acquisition and Raising of Supporting Funds (ZJXK [2018] No. 1750) to approval the

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transaction.On 2 November 2018, pursuant to the Reply to the Filing of Changes in Foreign-FundedEnterprises (Number: YSWZB 201800004) issued by the Bureau of Industry and InformationTechnology of Shenzhen, China Merchants Port completed the procedures for the filing of changesin foreign-funded enterprises in respect of the strategic investment in listed companies by foreigninvestors involved in the acquisition.Transfer of share ownership:

On 25 December 2018, the registration of the 1,148,648,648 A-shares issued by China MerchantsPort Holdings Company Limited to CMID with China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd.Shenzhen Branch. On 26 December 2018, some of the shares were listed for trading on ShenzhenStock Exchange.Progress on any share repurchases:

□ Applicable √ Not applicableProgress on reducing the repurchased shares by means of centralized bidding:

□ Applicable √ Not applicableEffects of share changes on the basic and diluted earnings per share, equity per share attributable tothe Company’s ordinary shareholders and other financial indicators of the prior year and the prioraccounting period, respectively:

At the beginning of the Reporting Period, the Company had 645 million capital shares, whichincreased to 1,793 million upon the additional issue. Pursuant to the Information Disclosure andPresentation Rules for Companies Making Public Offering No. 9 - Calculation and Disclosure ofReturn on Net Assets and Earnings per Share, the Company used the 1,793 capital shares as thebase in the calculation of the earnings per share and net asset value per share for 2016 and 2017.Therefore, the changes in the capital shares from the Company’s reorganization do not have anyeffect on the financial indicators including earnings per share and net asset value per sharepresented in the comparative financial statements.The Company completed the asset acquisition through issue of shares on 26 December 2018, fromwhen the Company included China Merchants Port Holdings Company Limited into theconsolidated financial statements. Based on the net profits attributable to the listed company in thelatest restated consolidated financial statements for 2017 and the latest total capital shares, theearnings per share was RMB1.32. The diluted earnings per share was RMB1.32, and the net assetvalue per share attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company was RMB15.88.To provide investors with comparable financial information, the Company disclosed the financial

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

indicators before and after the restatement for the recent two years, including basic earnings pershare, diluted earnings per share and net assets attributable to the common shareholders of theCompany. The details can be found in “VI. Key Financial Information” under “Section II CorporateInformation and Key Financial Information”.Other information that the Company considers necessary or is required by the securities regulator tobe disclosed:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Changes in Restricted Shares

Unit: share

Name of shareholdersNumber of restricted shares at the period-beginNumber of released restricted sharesNumber of increased restricted sharesNumber of restricted shares at the period-endReason for restrictionDate of restriction release
China Merchants Investment Development Company Limited001,148,648,6481,148,648,648During the Reporting Period, the Company issued 1,148,648,648 A shares to CMID who made the commitment to restrict the shares when the new shares went public. For details, see III. Fulfillment of commitments in Part V Significant Events of this report25 June 2022
Zhang Jianguo55,712018,57074,282According to the Articles of Association and the relevant laws and regulations12 May 2019
Yuan Yuhui10,5300010,530-
Ni Keqin21,9090021,909-
Zhao Chaoxiong48,716016,23864,9545 May 2019
Wang Yongli3,73901,2464,98512 May 2019
Yao Shenglan006,50026,0005 May 2019

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Zheng Shaoping009,4969,496-
Name of stock and its derivative securitiesIssuing dateIssuing price (or interest rate)NumbersListing dateApproved numbers for tradingExpiry date of the trading
Issuing A shares25 December 2018RMB21.46 per share1,148,648,64826 December 20181,148,648,648-

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III Shareholders and Actual Controller1. Shareholders and Their Shareholdings at the Period-End

Unit: share

Number of ordinary shareholders at the period-end35,642 (including 24,924 A-shareholders, and 10,718 B-shareholders)Number of ordinary shareholders at the month-end prior to the disclosure of this Report35,972 (including 25,184 A-shareholders, and 10,788 B-shareholders)Number of preferred shareholders with resumed voting rights at the period-end (if any)0Number of preferred shareholders with resumed voting rights at the month-end prior to the disclosure of this Report (if any)0
5% or greater shareholders or top 10 shareholders
Name of shareholderNature of shareholderShareholding percentageTotal shares held at the period-endIncrease/decrease in the Reporting PeriodRestricted shares heldUnrestricted shares heldPledged or frozen shares
CHINA MERCHANTS INVESTMENT DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LIMITEDForeign legal person64.05%1,148,648,6481,148,648,6481,148,648,64800
CHINA MERCHANTS GANGTONG DEVELOPMENT (SHENZHEN) CO., LTD.Domestic general legal person20.68%370,878,000370,878,0000370,878,0000
BROADFORD GLOBAL LIMITEDForeign legal person3.08%55,314,20855,314,208055,314,2080
CMBLSA RE FTIF TEMPLETON ASIAN GRW FD GTI 5496Foreign legal person2.42%43,445,204-4,469,750043,445,204Unknown
NORGES BANKForeign legal person0.16%2,802,863002,802,863Unknown
CHINA MERCHANTS SECURITIES (HK) CO., LTD.State-owned legal person0.15%2,641,020514,99802,641,020Unknown
MAI SHUQINGDomestic natural person0.13%2,361,047122,70002,361,047Unknown
VANGUARD EMERGING MARKETS STOCK INDEX FUNDForeign legal person0.12%2,229,700-387,81802,229,700Unknown

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CANADA POST CORPORATION REGISTERED PENSION PLANForeign legal person0.08%1,446,906-132,19001,446,906Unknown
Strategic investors or general legal person becoming top-ten shareholders due to placing of new shares (if any)N/A
Related or acting-in-concert parties among the shareholders aboveChina Merchants Gangtong Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Broadford Global Limited, and Broadford Global Limited is the controlling shareholder of China Merchants Investment Development Company Limited. The Company does not know whether the other unrestricted shareholders are related parties or not.
Top 10 unrestricted shareholders
Name of shareholderUnrestricted shares held at the period-endShares by type
BROADFORD GLOBAL LIMITED55,314,208B share55,314,208
CMBLSA RE FTIF TEMPLETON ASIAN GRW FD GTI 549643,445,204B share43,445,204
NORGES BANK2,802,863B share2,802,863
CHINA MERCHANTS SECURITIES (HK) CO., LTD.2,641,020B share2,641,020
MAI SHUQING2,361,047A share2,361,047
CHEN ZEHONG1,240,000A share1,240,000
Related or acting-in-concert parties among the top ten unrestricted public shareholders and between the top ten unrestricted public shareholders and the top ten shareholdersChina Merchants Gangtong Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Broadford Global Limited. The Company does not know whether the other unrestricted shareholders are related parties or

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018


Top ten ordinary shareholders conducting securities margin trading (if any)N/A
Name of controlling shareholderLegal representative/person in chargeDate of establishmentUnified social credit codePrincipal activity
BROADFORD GLOBAL LIMITEDDeng Weidong27 November 201768550019-000-11-17-2Port services, bonded logistic and cold chain services, property development and investment
Equities held by the controlling shareholder in other listed companies at home or overseas by holding shares or participating in shares during the Reporting PeriodN/A
Name of actual controllerLegal representative/person in chargeDate of establishmentUnified social credit codePrincipal activity
China Merchants GroupLi Jianhong14 October 198610000522-0Lease and agency of water/land passenger-cargo transportation, water/land conveyance and facilities; investment and management of port and storage business; salvage, refloatation and tugboat; industrial production; construction, repairing, checking and marketing of shipping, offshore petroleum drilling equipment;

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

repairing and checking of drilling platformand drilling container; overall contracting ofwater/land construction projects and therelated offshore petroleum developmentprojects, and their construction organizationand logistic services; procurement, supplyand sale of water/land communication andtransportation equipment; export and importbusiness of transportation; investment andmanagement of finance, insurance, trust,securities, futures business; investment andmanagement of tourism, hotels, cateringservices and relevant service; real estatedevelopment, management and consultancyof property; investment and management ofpetroleum and chemical industry;investment and operation of infrastructure ofcommunication; overseas assetsmanagement. Development andmanagement of Shenzhen Shekou IndustrialZone and Fujian Zhangzhou DevelopmentZone.

repairing and checking of drilling platform and drilling container; overall contracting of water/land construction projects and the related offshore petroleum development projects, and their construction organization and logistic services; procurement, supply and sale of water/land communication and transportation equipment; export and import business of transportation; investment and management of finance, insurance, trust, securities, futures business; investment and management of tourism, hotels, catering services and relevant service; real estate development, management and consultancy of property; investment and management of petroleum and chemical industry; investment and operation of infrastructure of communication; overseas assets management. Development and management of Shenzhen Shekou Industrial Zone and Fujian Zhangzhou Development Zone.
Equities of the other listed companies at home or overseas controlled by the actual controller during the Reporting PeriodChina Merchants Group holds: 62.09% shares of China Merchants Port Holdings Company Limited; 27.86% shares of China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd; 54.28% shares of China Merchants Energy Shipping Co., Ltd; 72.36% shares of China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Holdings Co., Ltd.; 74.35% shares of China Merchants Land Limited; 26.77% shares of Shanghai International Port (Group) Co., Ltd; 24.58% shares of China International Marine Containers (Group) Ltd; 87.81% shares of China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd; 3.09% shares of Ningbo Zhoushan Port Company Limited; 2.54% shares of Qingdao Port International Co., Ltd; 44.09% shares of China Merchants Securities Co. Ltd.; 27.59% shares of China Merchants China Direct Investments Limited; 68.72% shares of China Merchants Expressway Network&Technology Holdings Co., Ltd; 16.52% shares of Heilongjiang Transport Development Co., Ltd; 14.04% shares of Jilin Expressway Co., Ltd; 16.02% shares of Shangdong Hi-speed Co., Ltd; 17.75% shares of Fujian Expressway Development Co., Ltd; 24.05% shares of Sichuan Expressway Company Limited; 29.94% shares of Anhui Expressway Company Limited; 13.86% shares of Guangxi Wuzhou Communications Co., Ltd; 4.02% shares of Shenzhen Expressway Co., Ltd; 11.69% shares of Jiangsu Expressway Company Limited; 15.21% shares of Hubei Chutian Expressway Co., Ltd; 15.43% shares of Henan Zhongyuan Expressway Co., Ltd; 66.31% shares of Sinotrans Limited; 60.95% shares of Sinotrans Air Transportation Development Co., Ltd.; 68.70% shares of Sinotrans Shipping Ltd.; 7.04% shares of Xiandai Touzi Co., Ltd; 21.05% shares of Dalian Port (PDA) Company Limited; 0.37% shares of Hunan Sunward Intelligent Machine Co., Ltd; 0.16% shares of CMMB Vision Holdings Limited; 1.20% shares of Oriental Times Media Co., Ltd;

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

Ownership and control relations between the actual controller and the Company:

Indicate by tick mark whether the actual controller controls the Company via trust or other ways ofasset management.□ Applicable √ Not applicable4. Other 10% or Greater Corporate Shareholders

Name of corporate shareholdersLegal representative/person in chargeDate of establishmentRegistered capitalBusiness scope or management activities
China Merchants Investment and Development Co., LtdFu Gangfeng15 November 2013HKD28,287,989,241Investment management of equities and others
China Merchants Gangtong Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.Deng Weidong16 January 2018RMB9,446 millionProvision of management services for ports (without involving special administrative measures on the access of foreign investment); port information inquiries, economic information consultation, economic information consultation, corporate management consultation, business information consultation, brand management consultation and logistics information consultation (excluding restricted items in each case); technical development and sales of ship machinery and

State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council100%


China Merchants Group

China Merchants Group

Broadford Global Limited

Broadford Global Limited

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.

China Merchants GangtongDevelopment (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

China Merchants GangtongDevelopment (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.Public A-shareholders

Public A-shareholders

Public B-shareholders

Public B-shareholders










China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

equipment; technical services inrespect of port loading and unloadingequipment; supporting businesses inrespect of the design, sales, importand export of loading and unloadingtools, mechanical and electricalproducts and non-ferrous metalproducts (excluding precious metals)(Commodities that involve statetrading, quota, license and specialadministrative regulations shall beoperated through the applicationpursuant to related state regulations);technical development and technicalservices in respect of modernlogistics information systems; supplychain management and relatedsupporting services; design oflogistics plans; planning of corporateimage; planning of cultural exchangeactivities (without involving specialadministrative measures on the accessof foreign investment); marketingplanning; and planning of brandimage. (In each case, any itemforbidden by laws, administrativeregulations and the State Councilshall be excluded and restricted itemsshall be operated upon the attainmentof the permission)

equipment; technical services inrespect of port loading and unloadingequipment; supporting businesses inrespect of the design, sales, importand export of loading and unloadingtools, mechanical and electricalproducts and non-ferrous metalproducts (excluding precious metals)(Commodities that involve statetrading, quota, license and specialadministrative regulations shall beoperated through the applicationpursuant to related state regulations);technical development and technicalservices in respect of modernlogistics information systems; supplychain management and relatedsupporting services; design oflogistics plans; planning of corporateimage; planning of cultural exchangeactivities (without involving specialadministrative measures on the accessof foreign investment); marketingplanning; and planning of brandimage. (In each case, any itemforbidden by laws, administrativeregulations and the State Councilshall be excluded and restricted itemsshall be operated upon the attainmentof the permission)

5. Limitations on Shareholding Decrease by the Company’s Controlling Shareholder, ActualController, Reorganizer and Other Commitment Makers√ Applicable □ Not applicableFor details, see III. Fulfillment of commitments in Part V Significant Events of this report

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

Part VII Preferred Shares

□ Applicable √ Not applicableNo preferred shares in the Reporting Period.

Part VIII Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management and Staff

I Change in Shareholdings of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

NameOffice titleCurrent/ formerSexAgeStarting and ending dates of office termShares held at the period-begin (share)Increased shares of the period (share)Decreased shares of the period (share)Other increase/decrease (share)Shares held at the period-end (share)
Fu GangfengChairman of the BoardIncumbentMale52December 2018 to June 202000000
Deng RenjieVice Chairman of the BoardIncumbentMale48December 2018 to June 202000000
Bai JingtaoDirectorIncumbentMale53September 2017 to June 202000000
Yan ShuaiDirectorIncumbentMale46December 2018 to June 202000000
Su JianDirectorIncumbentMale46December 2018 to June 202000000
Song DexingDirectorIncumbentMale55December 2018 to June 202000000
Yuan YuhuiIndependent directorIncumbentMale68June 2017 to June 202014,04000014,040
Su QiyunIndependent directorIncumbentMale55June 2017 to June 202000000
Li ChangqingIndependent directorIncumbentMale51June 2017 to June 202000000
Liu YingjieChairman of the Supervisory CommitteeIncumbentMale46December 2018 to June 202000000
Hu QinSupervisorIncumbentFemale52December 2018 to June 202000000
Yang YuntaoSupervisorIncumbentMale52December 2018 to June 202000000
Ni KeqinSupervisorIncumbentFemale54June 2017 to June 202029,21100029,211

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Zheng LinweiSupervisorIncumbentMale48June 2017 to June 202000000
Bai JingtaoCEOIncumbentMale53December 2018 to June 202000000
Zhang YiGM and COOIncumbentMale48December 2018 to June 202000000
Zheng ShaopingVice GMIncumbentMale56December 2018 to June 2020012,6610012,661
Yan GangVice GMIncumbentMale47December 2018 to June 202000000
Huang ChuanjingVice GM and Board SecretaryIncumbentMale36December 2018 to June 202000000
Lu YongxinVice GMIncumbentMale50December 2018 to June 202000000
Li YubinVice GMIncumbentMale47December 2018 to June 202000000
Wen LingCFOIncumbentFemale53December 2018 to June 202000000
Bai JingtaoChairman of the BoardFormerMale53September 2017 to December 201800000
Zhou QinghongVice Chairman of the BoardFormerMale55September 2017 to December 201800000
Lv ShengzhouDirectorFormerMale54June 2017 to December 201800000
Li YubinDirectorFormerMale47June 2017 to December 201800000
Liu BinManaging DirectorFormerMale49June 2017 to December 201800000
Zhang JianguoDirectorFormerMale54June 2017 to December 201874,28200074,282
Zhao JianliChairman of the Supervisory CommitteeFormerFemale55June 2017 to December 201800000
Sun LiganSupervisorFormerMale51June 2017 to December 201800000
Wen LingSupervisorFormerFemale54June 2017 to December 201800000
Zhao ChaoxiongVice GMFormerMale53June 2017 to December 201864,95400064,954
Wang YongliVice GM and Secretary of the BoardFormerMale51June 2017 to December 20184,9850004,985

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Lin Cong

Lin CongVice GMFormerMale60June 2017 to December 201800000
Yao ShenglanCFOFormerFemale52September 2017 to December 201826,00000026,000
NameOffice titleType of changeDate of changeReason for change
Bai JingtaoChairman of the BoardLeft6 December 2018Job change
Zhou QinghongVice Chairman of the BoardLeft13 December 2018Job change
Lv ShengzhouDirectorLeft13 December 2018Job change
Li YubinDirectorLeft13 December 2018Job change
Liu BinManaging DirectorLeft13 December 2018Job change
Zhang JianguoDirectorLeft13 December 2018Job change
Zhao JianliChairman of the Supervisory CommitteeLeft13 December 2018Job change
Sun LiganSupervisorLeft13 December 2018Job change
Wen LingSupervisorLeft13 December 2018Job change
Zhao ChaoxiongVice GMLeft6 December 2018Job change
Wang YongliVice GM and Secretary of the BoardLeft13 December 2018Job change
Lin CongVice GMLeft6 December 2018Job change
Yao ShenglanCFOLeft6 December 2018Job change

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

Zone, Deputy Chief Accountant of Shekou Industrial Zone, Financial Controller of ShekouHoldings, Financial Controller of Shekou Industrial Zone, General Manager of Finance Departmentof China Merchants Group, Deputy Financial Controller of China Merchants Group and ChiefAccountant of China Merchants Group. Fu Gangfeng has been being the President of the Companysince December 2018.Deng Renjie, Vice Chairman of the Board, graduated from Dalian Maritime University, majoringin international economic law, and obtained master’s degree. Deng Renjie now holds the post ofDeputy General Manager of China Merchants Group Company Limited, President of Liaoning PortGroup Co., Ltd. Deng Renjie has successively held the posts of Researcher of General Office ofMinistry of Communications, Deputy Director of General Office of Hunan Provincial PartyCommittee, Deputy Secretary General of Hunan Provincial Party Committee, Deputy SecretaryGeneral of Party Committee of Xinjiang Autonomous Region, Assistant General Manager of ChinaMerchants Group Company Limited and Director of General Manager. Deng Renjie holdsconcurrent posts of Executive Director, Vice Chairman of the 8


Council of China Highway andTransportation Society. Deng Renjie has been being the Vice Chairman of the Board of theCompany since December 2018.Bai Jingtao, Director and Chief Executive Officer, Professor Level Senior Engineer, graduatedfrom Department of Water Conservancy of Tianjin University and obtained bachelor’s degree inport and waterway engineering. Later Bai Jingtao studied at Graduate School of Wuhan Universityof Technology, Graduate School of Shanghai Maritime University and obtained master’s degree inmanagement science and engineering, doctor’s degree in transportation planning and managementrespectively. Bai Jingtao now holds the post of Managing Director of China Merchants PortHoldings Company Limited (CM Port Holdings). Bai Jingtao has successively held the posts ofAssistant Engineer of CCCC Water Transportation Consultants Co., Ltd, Principal Staff of Divisionof Engineering Management and Division of Infrastructure Management of Ministry ofCommunications, Deputy Director and Director of Division of Infrastructure Management andDivision of Water Transport of Ministry of Communications, Deputy General Manager of ChinaMerchants Zhangzhou Development Zone Co., Ltd and Director of Zhangzhou Port Authority,Deputy Director of Xiamen Port Authority and Executive Deputy Commander of ConstructionHeadquarters of Xiamen Haicang Bonded Port Area, Deputy General Manager of China MerchantsInternational Company Limited, Secretary of the Party Committee of China Merchants ZhangzhouEconomic and Technological Development Zone and Executive Deputy Director of ManagementCommittee, Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of China MerchantsZhangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone Company Limited. Bai Jingtao hasbeen being the Director of the Company since September 2017 and Chief Executive Officer of theCompany since December 2018.Yan Shuai, Director, graduated from Harbin Engineering University, majoring in industrialautomation, and obtained bachelor’s degree in engineering. Later Yan Huai obtained master’sdegree in management at Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Yan Shuai now holdsthe posts of Director of Human Resources Department, Director of Party Committee Office,Director of Organization Department of Party Committee and Director of Department ofParty-Mass Work of China Merchants Group. Yan Shuai has successively held the posts of DeputyResearcher of General Office of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China SecondSecretariat, Member of Party Committee, Deputy General Manager and Secretary of Committee ofDiscipline Inspection of China Merchants Group Finance Co., Ltd., Deputy Director (principalperson) of Human Resources Department of China Merchants Group Company Limited. Yan Shuaihas been being the Director of the Company since December 2018.Su Jian, Director, Non-Practicing Member of The Chinese Institute of Certified Public

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Accountants, Intermediate Accountant, graduated from Department of Economics of ShanghaiUniversity of Finance and Economics, and obtained bachelor’s degree in economics. Li Jian nowholds the post of Director of Finance Department (Property Right Department) of China MerchantsGroup Company Limited. Li Jian has successively held the post of Financial Manager of ChinaMerchants International Travel Co., Ltd., Senior Manager of Finance Department of ChinaMerchants Shekou Industrial Zone, Senior Manager of Finance Department of China MerchantsGroup Company Limited, Assistant Director of Finance Department, Deputy Director of FinanceDepartment, Deputy Director of Human Resources Department, Deputy Director of PartyCommittee Office, Deputy Director of Organization Department of Party Committee, DeputyDirector of Property Right Department (principal person), Secretary of Party Committee, Secretaryof Committee for Discipline Inspection, Deputy General Manager of China Merchants IndustrialGroup Company Limited. Li Jian has been being the Director of the Company since December2018.Song Dexing, Director, Senior Engineer, graduated from Department of Mechanics of WuhanUniversity of Technology (former name is Wuhan Institute of Water Transportation Engineering),and obtained bachelor’s degree in engineering. Later Song Dexing obtained master’s degree,majoring in transportation planning at Wuhan University of Technology and doctor’s degree inmanagement, majoring in administrative management at Huazhong University of Science andTechnology. Song Dexing now holds the posts of Director of Transportation & Logistics BusinessDepartment/Beijing Headquarters of China Merchants Group Company Limited, Executive Director,General Manager, Secretary of Party Committee of SINOTRANS&CSC. Song Dexing hassuccessively held the posts of Secretary of Youth League Committee, Engineer of Water TransportPlanning & Design Institute of Ministry of Communications, Principal Staff of Division ofTransport of Ministry of Communications, Deputy Director, Director of Container Office ofDivision of Water Transport of Ministry of Communications, Deputy Mayor of Luoyang MunicipalPeople’s Government (temporary post), Deputy Director of China Waterborne Transport ResearchInstitute, Deputy Director, Director of Yangtze Three Gorges Navigation Administration, DeputyDirector, Director of Division of Water Transport of Ministry of Communications, Director ofBureau of Water Transport of Ministry of Transport (Director of Taiwanese Affairs Office of theministry), Vice President, Member of Party Committee, Deputy Secretary of Party Committee,Secretary of Committee for Discipline Inspection of SINOTRANS&CSC, General Manager ofSINOTRANS&CSC, Director of Department of Comprehensive Logistics Business of ChinaMerchants Group Company Limited. Song Dexing has been being the Director of the Companysince December 2018.Yuan Yuhui, Independent Director, MBA, now acts as the Director of Shenzhen Riland IndustrialCo., Ltd. He once acted as the Vice GM, Vice Director of China Nanshan Development (Group)Incorporation and the Director of the Company. And he has been being the Independent Director ofthe Company since August 2015.Su Qiyun, Independent Director, graduated from Xiamen University of Department of Law with amaster degree of Civil and Commercial Law and a doctor degree of Wuhan University of Law. Henow is the founding partner of Beijing Deheng Law Office. He used to serve as Manager ofInvestment Department of Ping An Insurance Company of China, as Cadres of Shenzhen Industryand Commerce Administration. And he has been an Independent Director of the Company sinceMay 2014.Li Changqing, Independent Director, graduated from Xiamen University with a doctor degree ofAccounting, and also is a CPA, an excellent talent of new century of Ministry of Department, aprominent talent of Xiamen as well as a guide tutor of Postdoctoral Center of SSE. He now is theDirector of Senior Business Administration Education Center, professor and doctoral supervisor of

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Xiamen University. And he has been being an Independent Director of the Company since May2014.Liu Yingjie, Chairman of the Supervisory Committee, graduated from Capital University ofEconomics and Business, majoring in accounting, and obtained bachelor’s degree in economics. LiuYingjie now holds the post of Director of Risk Control Department/Law and ComplianceDepartment of China Merchants Group. Liu Yingjie has successively held the posts of DeputyDirector, Director of Division of Comprehensive Audit of Supervision Department of COSCO,Director of Division of Computer Audit, Assistant Director, Deputy Director of Risk ControlDepartment/Audit Department of China Merchants Group. Liu Yingjie has been being the Chairmanof the Supervisory Committee of the Company since December 2018.Hu Qin, Supervisor, graduated from Peking University, majoring in international law, and obtainedmaster’s degree in law. Later Hu Qin studied at NUS Business School and obtained master’s degreein management. Hu Qin now holds the post of Deputy Director of Risk Control Department/Law&Compliance of China Merchants Group. Hu Qin has successively held the posts of DeputyGeneral Manager of Planning Department of China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone CompanyLimited, General Manager and General Counsel of Department of Legal Affairs, General Counselof China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Holdings Co., Ltd., Deputy Director of Risk ControlDepartment of China Merchants Group, Deputy Director of Legal Department. Hu Qin has beenbeing the Supervisor of the Company Since December 2018.Yang Yuntao, Supervisor, graduated from Jilin University, majoring in international law, andobtained bachelor’s degree in law. Later Yang Yuntao studied at School of Law, University ofInternational Business and Economics, and obtained doctor’s degree in law. Yang Yuntao now holdsthe posts of Deputy Director of Transportation & Logistics Business Department/BeijingHeadquarters of China Merchants Group Company Limited, Deputy General Manager and GeneralCounsel of SINOTRANS&CSC, Member of Party Committee. Yang Yuntao has successively heldthe posts of Deputy General Manager of Port Business Department of Sino-Trans China NationalForeign Trade Transportation Corporation, General Manager of Law Department, Director, DeputyGeneral Manager (principal person) of SINOTRANS (Hong Kong) Group Company Limited,Non-Executive Director of SINOTRANS Limited, General Manager of Law Department ofSino-Trans China Foreign Trade Transportation (Group) Corporation, General Manager, DeputyGeneral Counsel, General Counsel of Law Department of SINOTRANS & CSC. Yang Yuntao hasbeen being the Supervisor of the Company since December 2018.Ni Keqin, Supervisor, is the Deputy GM of Chiwan Container Terminal Co., Ltd. now. She tookthe positions of Manager Assistant, Deputy Manager as well as Manager of the OperationDepartment and GM Assistant of CCT successively. She has been being the Supervisor of theCompany since May 2008.Zheng Linwei, Supervisor, graduated from NJAU, with a bachelor degree of Agricultural ForeignTrade and graduated from Shanghai Maritime University with MBA in 2004. He now serves as ViceGM of the Harbor Division, Dongguan Shenzhen Chiwan Wharf Holdings Limited and DongguanShenzhen Chiwan Terminal Co., Ltd. He has been being worked at the Harbor Division of theCompany from August 1993. He once acted as Director of Operation Room of Department II ofCommercial Freight of the Harbor Division of the Company, Manager Assistant, Vice Manager, andManager of Department II of Commercial Freight. And he has been being the Supervisor of theCompany since May 2014.Zhang Yi, General Manager and Chief Operational Officer, graduated from Wuhan Institute ofWater Transportation Engineering and obtained bachelor’s degree in transportation managementengineering. Later Zhang Yi obtained doctor’s degree in engineering at Wuhan University of

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Technology. Zhang Yi now holds the post of Deputy General Manager of China Merchants PortHoldings Company Limited (CM Port Holdings). Zhang Yi has successively held the posts ofPlanner of Planning Division of Zhanjiang Port Authority, Deputy Director of PlanningDevelopment Division of Zhanjiang Port Authority, Assistant Director of Zhanjiang Port Authority,Director, President, Secretary of Party Committee of Zhanjiang Port Group Company Limited.Zhang Yi has been being the General Manager&COO of the Company since December 2018.Zheng Shaoping, Vice General Manager, graduated from Dalian Maritime University forpostgraduate, majoring in international maritime law. Later Zheng Shaoping obtained master’sdegree in business administration at The University of Wales. Zheng Shaoping now holds the postsof Executive Director and Deputy General Manager of China Merchants Port Holdings CompanyLimited (CM Port Holdings). Zheng Shaoping has successively held the posts of Vice President ofChina Merchants Bonded Logistics Co., Ltd., President of Shekou Container Terminals Ltd.,General Manager and President of Chiwan Container Terminal Co., Ltd. (CCT), General Managerand President of Shenzhen Chiwan Container Co., Ltd., Managing Director and President ofShenzhen Chiwan Wharf Holdings Limited (CWH). Zheng Shaoping has been being the DeputyGeneral Manager of the Company since December 2018.Yan Gang, Vice General Manager, graduated from Xiamen University, and obtained bachelor’sdegree in international trade. Later Yan Gang obtained master’s degree in business administrationjointly run by MSM and Shanghai Maritime University. Yan Gang now holds the post of DeputyGeneral Manager of China Merchants Port Holdings Company Limited (CM Port Holdings). YanGang has successively held the posts of Logistics General Manager in Pearl River Delta of HongKong Air Cargo Terminals Limited (HACTL) dispatched by Swire Group, Deputy General Manager,Executive Deputy General Manager, General Manager of Shekou Container Terminals Ltd., ChiefBusiness Officer of China Merchants Port Holdings Company Limited (CM Port Holdings). YanGang has been being the Deputy General Manager of the Company since December 2018.Huang Chuanjing, Vice General Manager and Board Secretary, graduated from the EnglishDepartment of Shandong University of Science and Technology with a bachelor’s degree in arts.Later, he obtained a master’s degree in business administration at The University of Wales. He oncewas the Director of Wharf Operation Department of China Merchants International Qingdao WharfCompany Limited, Assistant of General Manager’s Office, Director of Administration Departmentof China Merchants International Company Limited, Assistant Director of General Office of ChinaMerchants Group, Senior Manager, Assistant General Manager of General Office of ChinaMerchants Group Company Limited, Assistant Director of General Office and secretary of theboard of China Merchants Group Company Limited, Assistant Director of Board of Directors Office,Chief of Board Secretariat of General Office, Deputy Director of Board of Directors Office ofChina Merchants Group Company Limited. Huang Chuanjing has been acting as the Vice GeneralManager of the Company since December 2018.Lu Yongxin, Vice General Manager, graduated from Dalian University of Technology, andobtained bachelor’s degree in English for science and technology. Later Lu Yongxin graduated fromCurtin University and obtained master’s degree in project management. Lu Yongxin now holds thepost of Deputy General Manager of China Merchants Port Holdings Company Limited (CM PortHoldings). Lu Yongxin has successively held the posts of Assistant General Manager of ZhenhuaConstruction Co. Ltd., Deputy Director of CHEC (Beijing) Head Office, Deputy General Managerof Research & Development Department of China Merchants Port Holdings Company Limited (CMPort Holdings), General Manager of Overseas Business Department, Assistant General Manager. LuYongxin has been dispatched to Terminal Link in France to act as CFO and Senior Vice President.Lu Yongxin has been as the Vice General Manager of the Company since December 2018.

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Li Yubin, Vice General Manager, graduated from Tianjin University, majoring in engineeringmanagement, and obtained master’s degree. Later Li Yubin graduated from The University of HongKong and obtained doctor’s degree in real estate and construction. Li Yubin now holds the post ofDeputy General Manager of China Merchants Port Holdings Company Limited (CM Port Holdings)and General Manager of China Merchants Bonded Logistics Co., Ltd. Li Yubin has successivelyheld the posts of Deputy General Manager of Road and Bridge Project of China Harbor Company inBangladeshi Office, Project Director of Overseas Business Department of CHEC, Assistant GeneralManager of Planning and Commerce Department of China Merchants Port Holdings CompanyLimited (CM Port Holdings), General Manager, Deputy General Economist of Strategy andOperation Management Department, General Manager, Deputy General Economist of Strategy andOperation Department, General Manager of China Merchants Bonded Logistics Co., Ltd. Li Yubinhas been acting the Vice General Manager of the Company since December 2018.Wen Ling, Chief Financial Officer, graduated from Finance Dept. in Southwestern University ofFinance and Economics with a master degree. Wen is now the CFO of China Merchants PortHoldings Company Limited. Wen was once the Deputy Financial Manager of China Merchants PortService (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., the Financial Manager of Shenzhen Mawan Port Services Co., Ltd.and the Vice Financial Manager, Senior Vice Financial Manager, and GM of Capital Operation Dept.in China Merchants Port Holdings Company Limited. And Wen has been acting as the CFO of theCompany since December 2018.Offices held concurrently in shareholding entities:

NameShareholding entityOffice held in the shareholding entityTerm of officeRemuneration or allowance from the shareholding entity
Fu GangfengChina Merchants Investment and Development Co., LtdDirectorAugust 2014 to nowNo
NameOther entityOffice held in the entityTerm of officeRemuneration or allowance from the entity
Fu GangfengChina Merchants Shipping Co., LtdDirectorAugust 2014 to nowNo
China Merchants Group (H.K.) LimitedDirectorAugust 2003 to nowNo
China Merchants Port Holdings Company LimitedChairman of the BoardMarch 2018 to nowNo
China Merchants Bank Co.,LtdVice Chairman of the BoardAugust 2010 to nowNo
China Merchants Life Insurance Co., LtdChairman of the Supervisory CommitteeJuly 2017 to nowNo

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□ Applicable √ Not applicableIV Remuneration of Directors, Supervisors and Senior ManagementDecision-making procedure, determination basis and actual payments of remuneration for directors,supervisors and senior management:

Decision-making procedure for the remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior management:

Remunerations for the Company’s directors, supervisors and senior management shall be nominatedby the Board of Directors and determined upon review of the Remuneration and AppraisalCommittee. Allowance for Independent Directors is RMB100,000/year (tax included), which hasbeen approved at the 2016 Annual General MeetingDetermining basis for the remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior management: Themodes and amounts of the remuneration for directors, supervisors and senior management aredetermined according to the market levels with the post value, responsibilities, etc. taken intoaccount.Actual payment for the remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior management: Salaries andindependent director allowances were paid to directors, supervisors and senior executives on amonthly basis. And the other bonuses were paid all at one time according to the performance ofeach of them.

Unit: RMB’0,000

NameOffice titleGenderAgeIncumbent/FormerTotal before-tax remuneration from the CompanyAny remuneration from related party
Fu GangfengChairman of the BoardMale52Incumbent0Get paid from China Merchants Group
Deng RenjieVice Chairman of the BoardMale48Incumbent0Get paid from China Merchants Group
Bai JingtaoDirector and CEOMale53Incumbent247
Yan ShuaiDirectorMale46Incumbent0Get paid from China Merchants Group
Su JianDirectorMale46Incumbent0Get paid from China Merchants Group

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Song Dexing

Song DexingDirectorMale55Incumbent0Get paid from China Merchants Group
Yuan YuhuiIndependent directorMale68Incumbent10
Su QiyunIndependent directorMale55Incumbent10
Li ChangqingIndependent directorMale51Incumbent10
Liu YingjieChairman of the Supervisory CommitteeMale46Incumbent0Get paid from China Merchants Group
Hu QinSupervisorFemale52Incumbent0Get paid from China Merchants Group
Yang YuntaoSupervisorMale52Incumbent0Get paid from China Merchants Group
Ni KeqinSupervisor54Incumbent124
Zheng LinweiSupervisorMale48Incumbent108
Zhang YiGM and COOMale48Incumbent16

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Zheng ShaopingVice GMMale56Incumbent18
Yan GangVice GMMale47Incumbent14
Huang ChuanjingVice GM and Board SecretaryMale36Incumbent9
Lu YongxinVice GMMale50Incumbent14
Li YubinVice GMMale47Incumbent144
Wen LingCFOFemale53Incumbent129
Zhou QinghongVice Chairman of the BoardMale53Former162
Lv ShengzhouDirectorMale55Former140
Liu BinManaging DirectorMale47Former127
Zhang JianguoDirectorMale49Former0Get paid from China Nanshan Development

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(Group) Incorporation
Zhao JianliChairman of the Supervisory CommitteeFemale54Former112
Sun LiganSupervisorMale55Former92
Zhao ChaoxiongVice GMMale53Former111
Wang YongliVice GM and Secretary of the BoardMale51Former110
Lin CongVice GMMale60Former108
Yao ShenglanCFOFemale52Former79
Number of in-service employees of the Company as the parent284
Number of in-service employees of major subsidiaries9284
Total number of in-service employees9568
Total number of paid employees in the Reporting Period9568

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2. Employee Remuneration PolicyThe Company observes the principle of efficiency first with the consideration given to fairness andsustainable development for its remuneration system, determines the general remuneration levelaccording to its strategic goals and market competitiveness, defines the remuneration gradeaccording to the principles of internal fairness and performances with the priority given toemployees with excellent performance, and establishes a structured broadband remuneration system.Based on its medium- and long-term development planning and key performance goals, theCompany dynamically adjusts its remuneration strategies and implementation policies and exertscontrol over the total remuneration.The Company keeps exploring diverse remuneration incentive mechanisms, promotes medium- andlong-term incentive schemes, enhances the motivation of remuneration, attracts and retainsexcellent employees and builds a talent team matching the development of the Company.3. Employee Training PlansThe Company is dedicated to creating a platform for the development and promotion of global portprofessionals, provides domestic and foreign employees with learning opportunities, opens channelsfor global career development and helps employees to keep improving themselves with thedevelopment of the Company. Meanwhile, it provides its peers with opportunities of coming toChina for exchange to share knowledge and values. In 2018, the Company further optimized thetraining system, integrated internal and external training resources, and established a series of keytraining projects at different levels with different categories, including the project series on strategicleadership of senior executive project series, the project series on enhancement of globalmanagement and implementation of middle-level key leaders and the projects on the enhancementof professional and general abilities for junior employees. The Company shall, based on thenetwork platform, develop terminal learning APP, and share training resources openly, enlargingthe learning timely and effectively at a low cost. Strengthening the communications and

Number of retirees to whom the Company as the parent or its major subsidiaries need to pay retirement pensions2231
Production and operation5635
Educational backgrounds
Educational backgroundEmployees
Master’s degree and above311
Bachelor’s degree1923
Junior college2405
Technical secondary school and below4929

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collaboration between various units, it shall achieve the comprehensive integration of talentstraining under the guidance of the Company. The Company actively fulfilled the socialresponsibility, carrying out the “Co-creating Blue Dream-21


Century Maritime Silk Road TalentsPlan” of China Merchants Port, which cultivate professionals of port and shipping for countriesalong the One Belt and One Road. As of the end of 2018, the project had cultivated 110 youngbackbone talents from 19 countries on 4 continents. Meanwhile, the Company participated in“Zhangqian project” of Hongkong sea silk association and other practical projects for students,providing Hongkong university students with meaningful overseas internship opportunity, andactively promoting the cooperation of the university and enterprises.4. Labor Outsourcing□ Applicable √ Not applicable

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Part IX Corporate Governance

I General Information of Corporate BondsEver since its establishment, the Company has been in strict compliance with the companylaw and securities law, as well as relevant laws and regulations issued by CSRC. And it hastimely formulated and amended its relevant management rules according to the Code ofCorporate Governance for Listed Companies, which are conscientiously and carefullyexecuted. An effective system of internal control has thus taken shape in the Company.Details about corporate governance within the reporting period are set out as below:

1. During the Reporting Period, the Company included Party building work in its Articles ofIncorporation pursuant to the requirements of the Notice on the Inclusion of Party Building Workinto the Articles of Incorporation issued by the superior Party committee. The revision wasreviewed and approved at the 3


Meeting of the 9


Board of Directors held on 3 March 2018.Subsequently, it was reviewed and approved at the Company’s 2017 Annual General Meeting heldon 28 March 2018.2. During the Reporting Period, to further refine the Company’s governance structure and promotestandard operations within the Company, pursuant to the Stock Listing Rules of Shenzhen StockExchange, the Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange for Stock Listing on ChiNext, the CSRCReleases No. 3 Guideline for the Supervision of Listed Companies - Cash Dividend Distribution ofListed Companies, the Notice on Further Implementing Matters in Respect of the Cash DividendDistribution of Listed Companies, the Opinions of the General Office of the State Council onFurther Strengthening the Protection of the Legitimate Rights and Interests of Minority Investors inthe Capital Market, the Rules of Annual General Meeting of Listed Companies, the GuidanceOpinions on the Establishment of the Director System in Listed Companies, the Rules on the Reportof the Use of Previously Raised Fund, the CSRC Releases No. 2 Guideline for the Supervision ofListed Companies - Administration of Funds Raised by Listed Companies and ApplicableSupervision Requirements, the Management Rules on the Shares of the Company Held by Directors,Supervisors and Senior Management of Listed Companies and the Changes, the Rules on DecreasedShareholding of Shareholders, Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management of Listed Companiesand the Implementation Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange for Decreased Shareholding ofShareholders, Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management of Listed Companies, the Companyrevised the Articles of Incorporation, the Rules of Procedures for the Annual General Meeting, theRules of Procedures for the Board of Directors, the Work Policy for Independent Directors, theManagement Policies for Raised Funds, and the Management Policies for the Shares of theCompany Held by Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management and the Changes. The revisionswere reviewed and approved at the 5


Special Meeting of the 9


Board of Directors of 2018 held on19 June 2018. The Articles of Incorporation, the Rules of Procedures for the Annual GeneralMeeting, the Rules of Procedures for the Board of Directors, the Work Policy for IndependentDirectors and the Management Policies for Raised Funds were reviewed and approved subsequentlyat the 2


Extraordinary General Meeting of 2018 held on 26 July 2018.3. During the Reporting Period, based on the change in the Company’s name as well as theCompany’s plan to change its address and increase the number of deputy general managersaccording to the operational management requirements and pursuant to the Decision of NPSCS onthe Amendment to the Company Law of the People’s Republic of China published and

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implemented on 26 October 2018, considering its actual status of development, the Companyrevised the Articles of Incorporation, which was reviewed and approved at the 8


Special Meetingof the 9


Board of Directors of 2018 held on 27 November 2018, and subsequently reviewed andapproved at the 3


Extraordinary General Meeting of 2018 held on 13 December 2018.4. Shareholders and shareholders’ general meeting: the Company ensures that all the shareholders,especially minority shareholders, are equal and could enjoy their full rights. The Company calledand held shareholders’ general meeting strictly in compliance with the Rules for Shareholders’General Meeting.5. Relationship between the controlling shareholder and the Company: controlling shareholder ofthe Company acted in line with rules during the reporting period, did not intervened the decisions,productions or operations of the Company directly or indirectly in exceeding the authority of theshareholders’ general meeting, and did not appropriate any funds of the Company.6. Directors and the Board of Directors: the Company elected directors in strict accordance with theArticles of Association. Number and composition of members of the Board were in compliancewith relevant laws and regulations; all Directors attend Board meetings and shareholders’ generalmeeting in a serious and responsible manner and participated enthusiastically relevant training so asto know better about laws and regulations as well as the rights, obligations and liabilities ofDirectors. The Company The Company set up the Audit Committee as approved by The 1


Extraordinary General Meeting of 2004 and the Nomination, Remuneration and EvaluationCommittee and Strategy Committee as approved by the 2005 Annual General Meeting, with a viewto ensuring the efficient operation and scientific decision-making of the Board of Directors.7. Supervisors and the Supervisory Committee: number and composition of the members of theSupervisory Committee were in compliance with the requirements of laws and regulations. Thesupervisors diligently and seriously performed their duties and obligations, took responsibleattitudes to all shareholders and supervised the financial affair as well as the performance by theCompany’s Directors, managers and other senior executives of their duties in compliance with thelaws and regulations.8. Stakeholders: the Company fully respected and safeguarded the legal rights and interests of thebanks and other creditors, staff, clients and other stakeholders so as to develop the Company in aconsistent and healthy way.9. Information disclosure and transparency: the Company authorized the Board Secretary to takecharge of information disclosure, and the Chairman as well as related Directors to meet withshareholders. The Company disclosed relevant information in a true, accurate, complete and timelyway in strict accordance with the requirements of laws, regulations and the Articles of Association,formulated the Management Rules on Information Disclosure, the Management System on InsideInformation and Insiders and the Rules on the Management of Investors Relations, and designatedSecurities Times, Ta Kung Pao and http://www.cninfo.com.cn as its newspaper and website forinformation disclosure, so as to ensure all shareholders have equal opportunity to obtain theinformation.10. Corporate governance mechanisms and rules that the Company already established:

Articles of Association of the Company, Rules of Procedure for General Meetings, Working Articles

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of Audit Committee of the Board of Directors, Working Rules of Annual Report for AuditCommittee of the Board of Directors, Working Articles for Nomination, Remuneration andEvaluation Committee of the Board of Directors; Working Articles of Strategy Committee of theBoard of Directors, Working System for Independent Directors, Working Rules of Annual Reportfor Independent Directors, Rules of Procedure for Supervisory Board, Working Articles of GeneralManager, Management System for Company Shares held by Directors, Supervisors and SeniorExecutives and Its Changes, Management System of Foreign Investment, Decision-makingMechanism of Related Transactions, Management System of Fund-raising, Management Rules onInformation Disclosure, Rules of Accountability for Significant Mistakes in Annual ReportInformation Disclosure, Management System on Inside Information and Insiders, Internal AuditSystem, Management System of Investors’ Relations, Specific System for Engaging Accountants,Management Method of Financial Tools, Management System on Person in Charge of Finance andCFO, Information Disclosure Management Rules for the Inter-bank Debt Financing Instrument, etc.There isn’t difference between the actual circumstances of the Company and all establishedsystems.Since the foundation, the Company was consistently in strict accordance with Company Law andrelevant laws and regulations to make a standard operation, continued business-running in line withrelevant requirements of Corporate Governance Principle for Listed Companies and earnestly madeeffort to protect profit and interests of shareholders and stakeholders.Indicate by tick market whether there is any material incompliance with the regulatory documentsissued by the CSRC governing the governance of listed companies.□ Yes √ NoII The Company’s Independence from Its Controlling Shareholder in Business, Personnel,Asset, Organization and Financial AffairsThe Company is absolutely independent in business, personnel, assets, finance and organizationfrom its controlling shareholder. Details are set out as follows.Separation in business: The Company has its own assets, personnel, qualifications and ability tocarry out operating activities and is able to operate independently in the market. Separation inpersonnel: The Company has basically separated its staff from its controlling shareholder. No seniormanagement staff of the Company holds positions at controlling shareholder of the Company.Separation in assets: The Company possesses its own self-governed assets and domicile. Separationin organization: The Company has established and improved the corporate governance structureaccording to law and has an independent and complete organizational structure. Separation infinance: The Company has set up its own financial department as well as normative accountingsystem and the financial management system on its subsidiaries. The Company has its own bankaccounts and does not share the same bank account with its controlling shareholder. The Companyhas been paying tax in accordance with the laws and regulations on its own behalf.III Horizontal Competition□ Applicable √ Not applicable

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IV Annual and Special General Meetings Convened during the Reporting Period

1. General Meeting Convened during the Reporting Period

MeetingTypeInvestor participation ratioDate of the meetingDisclosure dateIndex to disclosed information
The 1st Extraordinary General Meeting of 2018Extraordinary General Meeting75.04%13 February 201814 February 2018For the resolution announcement (No. 2018-018), see http://www.cninfo.com.cn
The 2017 Annual General MeetingAnnual General Meeting75.49%28 March 201829 March 2018For the resolution announcement (No. 2018-037), see http://www.cninfo.com.cn
The 2nd Extraordinary General Meeting of 2018Extraordinary General Meeting75.50%26 July 201827 July 2018For the resolution announcement (No. 2018-078), see http://www.cninfo.com.cn
The 3rd Extraordinary General Meeting of 2018Extraordinary General Meeting75.22%13 December 201814 December 2018For the resolution announcement (No. 2018-114), see http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Attendance of independent directors at board meetings and general meetings
Independent directorTotal number of board meetings the independent director was eligible to attendBoard meetings attended on siteBoard meetings attended by way of telecommunicationBoard meetings attended through a proxyBoard meetings the independent director failed to attendThe independent director failed to attend two consecutive board meetings (yes/no)General meetings attended
Yuan Yuhui124800No1

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Su Qiyun

Su Qiyun124800No4
Li Changqing124800No2

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

During the Reporting Period, the Audit Committee of the Board held a total of five meetings, withdetails as follows:

(1) The 1


Meeting of the Audit Committee of the 9


Board of Directors for 2018On 5 March 2018, it held at Conference Room 2, 11/F., Chiwan Haiyun Building, Shenzhen, atwhich the following proposals were reviewed and approved unanimously:

1) “Internal Auditing Report of the Company for 2017”;2) Internal Control and Audit Office's Auditing Report of the Company for 2017 No. 01-04”;3) “Anti-fraud Risk Assessment Report for 2017”;4) “Internal Auditing Plan of the Company for 2018”;5) “Working Report of the Audit Committee of the Board in 2017”;6) “The Financial Statements of 2017 of the Company” was reviewed and approved and wassubmitted to the Board of Directors of the Company for approval;7) “The Work Report of Accounting Firm for 2017” was reviewed and approved and was submittedto the Board of Directors of the Company for approval;8) “Proposal on the Employment of the Accounting Firm for 2018” was reviewed and approved.The Audit Committee continue employ Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public AccountantsLLP to shoulder the audit of the annual financial statements and the internal audit for 2018. Thisproposal was submitted to the Board of Directors of the Company for approval.

(2) The 2


Meeting of the Audit Committee of the 9


Board of Directors for 2018On 25 April 2018, it was held by communication voting at which the Internal Auditing Report ofthe Company for the First Quarter of 2018 was reviewed and approved unanimously.

(3) The 3


Meeting of the Audit Committee of the 9


Board of Directors for 2018On 29 August 2018, it was held at Conference Room 2, 11/F., Chiwan Haiyun Building, Shenzhen,at which the following Proposals were reviewed and approved unanimously:

1) “The Interim Financial Statements for 2018 of the Company” was reviewed and approved andwas submitted to the Board of Directors of the Company for approval;2) “Internal Auditing Report of the Company for the Second Quarter of 2018”3) Internal Control and Audit Office's Auditing Report of the Company for 2018 No. 1

(4) The 4


Meeting of the Audit Committee of the 9


Board of Directors for 2018On 29 October 2018, it was held by communication voting at which the following proposals werereviewed and approved unanimously:

1) “Internal Auditing Report of the Company for the Third Quarter of 2018”2) Internal Control and Audit Office's Auditing Report of the Company for 2018 No. 2

(5) The 5


Meeting of the Audit Committee of the 9


Board of Directors for 2018On 26 December 2018, it was held at Conference Room 25B, China Merchants Port Plaza, ShekouIndustry Third Road, Shenzhen, at which the Audit Report on the Company’s Finance and InternalControl by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLP for 2018 were debriefed

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

by the Committee members.2. Performance of Duties to the Audit Work of Financial Statements of the CompanyIn accordance with relevant requirements of CSRC and Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the specificworking rules and procedure for the Audit Committee, during the reporting period, the AuditCommittee of the Board of the Company oversaw the audit work of Financial Statements of theCompany for 2017 with due diligence, details of which are as follows:

(1) Before the auditors started their work, the Audit Committee discussed with the principal auditorof the accounting firm and determined, inter alia, the timing schedule for the auditing work of thefinancial statements for the year.(2) The Audit Committee expressed its audit opinions two times on the financial statements of theCompany for 2017.During the reporting period, the Audit Committee expressed its audit opinions two times on thefinancial statements of the Company for 2017 in accordance with relevant requirements fromCSRC.The Audit Committee reviewed the Financial Statements prepared by the Company and issued thefollowing opinions before the Auditors started their work: the Company was in full compliance withrelevant laws, regulations and the Articles of Association of the Company, the units and items of theCompany's financial statements to be consolidated were complete, and the consolidation basisthereof was accurate and the information included in the Financial Statements submitted by theCompany was objective, comprehensive and true. The Company's accounting policies wereproperly adopted and the accounting estimates made were reasonable. No significant mistake oromission has been identified so far. Due to the time-lag between this review of Financial Statementsand the dates of the Auditors' Report, we suggest the Finance Department focus on and deal withsubsequent events properly in accordance with the New Enterprises Accounting Standards to ensurethe fairness, truthfulness and completeness of the Financial Statements.After the Auditors issued their preliminary audit opinions, the Audit Committee reviewed theFinancial Statements again and issued the following opinions: the Company prepared the FinancialStatement in full compliance with the New Enterprise Accounting Standards and relevant provisionsof the financial control system of the Company, the procedures for the preparation of the FinancialStatements were reasonable and proper, which gave a true and fair view of the Company's assets,liabilities, equity interests and operation results as at 31 December 2017. Information included inthe Financial Statements was objective and complete. Financial Statements for 2017 which waspreliminarily audited by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLP may besubmitted for review at the 3


Meeting of the 9


Board of Directors.(3) Supervision over the Auditing Work of the Accounting firmDuring the Reporting Period, the Audit Committee issued letters to Deloitte Touche TohmatsuCertified Public Accountants LLP to urge them to produce their audit recommendation on thefinancial statements and the summary statement of adjusting events in a timely manner to help ourfinancial staff finish the preparation of financial statements and related notes for 2017 as soon aspossible, so as to ensure the annual audit and information disclosure proceed as scheduled.(4) Opinions on the Auditing Work Performed by the Accountants for the previous yearDuring the auditing period, the Audit Committee of the Board focused on the problems discoveredin process of audit, urged auditors to finish the preparation of their report within a prescribed period

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

of time and ensured the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the annual report. The CertifiedPublic Accountants issued a standard unqualified audit report on 5 March 2018. The AuditCommittee considered that the Certified Public Accountants conducted the audit work of 2017 inaccordance with China’s Independent Auditing Standards, the audit time was sufficient, thedeployment of the auditors was appropriate and their practicing capability was excellent, and thatthe audit report issued sufficiently reflected the Company's financial condition as at 31 December2017 and its operation results and cash flows for the year 2017 and the audit conclusion made wasin line with the actual situation of the Company.3. Paying attention to the Internal Control and Internal Audit Work of the CompanyDuring the reporting period, the Audit Committee made standards and requirements to the AuditOffice's report submitted, fully understood the sound establish and implementation of internalcontrol system, focused on problems and suggestions provided by the Audit Office. In addition, theAudit Committee advised on the improvement for the work of the Audit Department and theCompany relating to internal control for the next year.(II) Performance of the Nomination, Remuneration and Evaluation CommitteeThe members of Nomination, Remuneration and Evaluation Committee include independentdirector Yuan Yuhui (Convener), director Yan Shuai, and independent director Su Qiyun During theReporting Period, the Nomination, Remuneration and Evaluation Committee earnestly performedtheir duties, investigated the candidate of the manager and the directors, and examined theremuneration of directors, supervisors and senior executives in term of the requirements andstipulations of CSRC, Articles of Association, Working Rules of the Nomination, Remunerationand Evaluation Committee and responsibilities and obligations empowered by the Board ofDirectors.During the Reporting Period, the Nomination, Remuneration and Evaluation Committee under theBoard of Directors held a total of three meetings, details of which are as follows:

1. On 5 March 2018, the 1


Meeting of the Nomination, Remuneration and Evaluation Committeeof the 9


Board of Directors for 2018 was held at Conference Room 2, 11/F., Chiwan HaiyunBuilding, Shenzhen, at which the following proposals were reviewed and approved unanimously:

(1) “The Working Report of the Nomination, Remuneration and Evaluation Committee of the Boardfor 2017”;(2) “The Report on the Remuneration of the Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management Stafffor 2017”.2. On 27 November 2018, the 2


Meeting of the Nomination, Remuneration and EvaluationCommittee of the 9


Board of Directors for 2018 was held by communication voting at which theProposal on Examining Director Candidates was reviewed and approved unanimously. Upon reviewby the Board, these director candidates would be elected at a meeting of shareholders.3. On 13 December 2018, the 3


Meeting of the Nomination, Remuneration and EvaluationCommittee of the 9


Board of Directors for 2018 was held at Conference Room 24D, ChinaMerchants Port Plaza, Shekou Industry Third Road, Shenzhen, at which the following Proposalswere reviewed and approved unanimously and was submitted to the Board for review.(1) “The Proposal on Hiring CEO, COO, and General Manager of the Company”;(2) “The Proposal on Hiring Deputy General Manager of the Company”;(3) “The Proposal on Hiring CFO of the Company”;

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

(4) “The Proposal on Hiring Board Secretary”.(III) Performance of the Strategy CommitteeThe members of Strategy Committee include vice Chairman of the Board Deng Renjie (Convener),director and CEO Bai Jingtao, director Song Dexing, independent director Yuan Yuhui, andindependent director Li Changqing. During the Reporting Period, members of the StrategyCommittee in line with the requirements of CSRC, Article of Association, and the stipulation ofWorking Rules of the Strategy Committee earnestly performed their duties, conducted research andadvised on the investment plans and assets operation projects related to the medium to long termdevelopment strategy of the Company.During the Reporting Period, the Strategy Committee under the Board of Directors held a total offour meetings, details of which are as follows:

1. On 26 January 2018, the 1


Meeting of the Strategy Committee of the 9


Board of Directors for2018 was held by communication voting at which the Proposal on Capital Increase to ZhoushanArchipelago New Area SinoTrans & CSC RoRo Logistics Co., Ltd. was reviewed and approvedunanimously and was submitted to the Board for review.2. On 5 March 2018, the 2


Meeting of the Strategy Committee of the 9


Board of Directors for2018 was held at Conference Room 1, 11/F, Chiwan Haiyun Building, Shenzhen, at which theProposal on 2017 Performance Report of Strategy Committee of the Board of Directors andFive-year Business Development Planning from 2018-2022 were reviewed and approvedunanimously.1. On 30 November 2018, the 3


Meeting of the Strategy Committee of the 9


Board of Directorsfor 2018 was held by communication voting at which the Proposal on Joint Investment andEstablishment of China Merchants Hainan Development Investment Co., Ltd was reviewed andapproved unanimously and was submitted to the Board for review.4. On 13 December 2018, the 4


Meeting of the Strategy Committee of the 9


Board of Directorsfor 2018 was held at Conference Room 24D, China Merchants Port Plaza, Shekou Industry ThirdRoad, Shenzhen, at which the Proposal on Election of Convener for the Strategy Committee underthe 9


Board of Directors was reviewed and approved unanimously and was submitted to the Boardfor review.VII Performance of Duty by the Supervisory CommitteeIndicate by tick mark whether the Supervisory Committee found any risk to the Company during itssupervision in the Reporting Period.□ Yes √ NoThe Supervisory Committee raised no objections in the Reporting Period.VIII Appraisal of and Incentive for Senior ManagementThe Company has a mature assessment mechanism and system covering all senior managementpersonnel. The annual comprehensive assessment combines qualitative and quantitative methodswith the dimensions including performance, competence, self-discipline, etc. The assessment resultsof senior management serve as an important basis for appointment and motivation. The Companyadjusts and determines the post salary of senior managers based on the factors including operationstatus, position served and assessment results, and determines the performance bonus of managers

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through the factors including annual comprehensive ability assessment, annual key performanceindicators appraisal and three-year strategic appraisal results.IX Internal Control1. Material Internal Control Weaknesses Identified for the Reporting Period□ Yes √ No2. Internal Control Self-Evaluation Report

Disclosure date of the internal control self-evaluation report30 March 2019
Index to the disclosed internal control self-evaluation reportFor details, see www.cninfo.com.cn
Evaluated entities’ combined assets as % of consolidated total assets98%
Evaluated entities’ combined operating revenue as % of consolidated operating revenue94%
Identification standards for internal control weaknesses
TypeWeaknesses in internal control over financial reportingWeaknesses in internal control not related to financial reporting
Nature standardIf a defect or defect group give rise to the following events which cannot be prevented or found and made rectification, the defect or defect group are recognized as significant defects: (1) Malpractices of directors, supervisors and senior management: (2) The Company make correction to the financial report issued; (3) Certified Public Accountant find that there is a significant error in the financial report, however, the internal control did not discover it when conducting internal control; (4) The Audit Committee under the Board andGreat defectSignificant defectCommon defect
Development direction substantially deviates from the strategic goals, investment direction, and business structure, commercial modeled. which completely unable to support the realization of strategic goalsDevelopment direction partly deviates from the strategic goals, investment direction, and business structure, commercial modeled. which unable to support the realization of strategic goals at a larger extentDevelopment direction slightly deviates from the strategic goals, investment direction, and business structure, commercial modeled. which completely can't fully support the realization of strategic goals
Strategy implementation is blocked, almost all indicators of strategy implementation cannotStrategy implementation is blocked, most of indicators of strategy implementation cannot completed asStrategy implementation is blocked, part of indicators of strategy implementation cannot completed as

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

Internal Audit Service'ssupervision to the internalcontrol is invalid.

Internal Audit Service's supervision to the internal control is invalid.completed as plannedplannedplanned
Lead to break off of common business/service or it takes half year or above to recover the break off of common business/serviceLead to break off of common business/service or it takes three months or half year below to recover the break off of common business/serviceSome daily business is influenced, lead to break off of common business/service or it takes three months below to recover the break off of common business/service
Badly damage the working enthusiasm of all the employees, will give rise to large scale group events or heavy damage to enterprises culture and enterprises cohesionIn a large extent, damage the working enthusiasm of all the employees, reduce work efficiency, have greatly adverse effect to enterprises culture and enterprises cohesiondamage the working enthusiasm of all the employees, reduce work efficiency, have some adverse effect to enterprises culture and enterprises cohesion
The employee's ability and professional skills universally cannot meet the enterprise development needs by a large marginThe employee's ability and professional skills in some significant fields cannot meet the enterprise development needsThe employee's ability and professional skills in some fields cannot meet the enterprise development
Negative news spread in the field of the entire business (including extending to industryNegative news spread in the field of the entire business, or was paid attention or reported by theNegative news spread in the field of the entire business, have small damage to the reputation of

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

chain),or waspaid attentionby the nationalmedia or publicmedia, therecovery ofreputation willtake more thansix months

chain),or was paid attention by the national media or public media, the recovery of reputation will take more than six monthslocal media the recovery of reputation will take three to six monthsthe enterprise, the recovery of reputation will take three months below
The enterprise's internal confidential information leakage which badly affect the enterprise's competitive capacity in the market, or affect the competitive capacity in managementThe enterprise's internal confidential information leakage which affect the enterprise's competitive capacity in the market, or affect the competitive capacity in management in a large extentThe enterprise's internal confidential information leakage which affect the enterprise's competitive capacity in the market, or affect the competitive capacity in management in a general extent
Quantitative standardThe judging standard was the net profits attributable to the parent Company's shareholders in the consolidated financial statements audited in last year. Misstatement amount ≥ 5% above of judging standard was great defect; 5% judging standard >1% misstatement amount was significant defect; misstatement amount <1% below of judging standard was general standard.The judging standard was the net profits attributable to the parent Company's shareholders in the consolidated financial statements audited in last year.
Great defectSignificant defectCommon defect
Have a significant adverse impact on the asset turnover ability, which lead to total asset turnover rate lowed 20% above (Including 20%)Have a greater adverse impact on the asset turnover ability, which lead to total asset turnover rate lowed10% to 20% (Including 10%)Have an adverse impact on the asset turnover ability, which lead to total asset turnover rate lowed10% below
Had significantHad largerHad adverse

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

adverse impactto the annualoperationprofits or causedecrease ofannualoperationprofits when at5% (including5%) above ofjudgingstandard

adverse impact to the annual operation profits or cause decrease of annual operation profits when at 5% (including 5%) above of judging standardadverse impact to the annual operation profits or cause decrease of annual operation profits when at 1% (including 1%) to 5% judging standardimpact to the annual operation profits or cause decrease of annual operation profits when at 1% below of judging standard
Had significant adverse impact to decrease of inflow of total cash flow or increase of outflow total cash flow when at 10% (including 10%) above of judging standardHad larger adverse impact to decrease of inflow of total cash flow or increase of outflow total cash flow when at 5% (including 5%) to 10% above of judging standardHad adverse impact to decrease of inflow of total cash flow or increase of outflow total cash flow when at 5% below of judging standard
Great investment mistake incurred which cause direct economy losses when at 5% (including 5%) above of judging standard or the return on investment more than 40% lower than expectedLarger investment mistake incurred which cause direct economy losses when at 1% (including 1%)to 5% of judging standard or the return on investment less than 30%(including 30% to 40%) lower than expectedGreat investment mistake incurred which cause direct economy losses when at 1% below of judging standard or the return on investment less than 30% lower than expected
10 death or above , or 50 people serious3 deaths above to 10 deaths below , or moreless than 3 deaths or above , or less

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

injury, or directeconomy losseswhen at 5%(including 5%)above ofjudgingstandard

injury, or direct economy losses when at 5% (including 5%) above of judging standardthan 10 people but less than 50 people serious injury, or direct economy losses when at 1% (including 1%) to 5% of judging standardthan 10 people serious injury, or direct economy losses when at 1% below of judging standard
Asset integrity cannot be ensured, when assets losses at 5% (including 5%) above of judging standardAsset integrity cannot be ensured, when assets losses at 1% (including 1%)to 5% of judging standardAsset integrity cannot be ensured, when assets losses at 1% below of judging standard
A large number of great commercial disputes, civil lawsuits and negative influences can't eliminate in a short period of time, may pay compensation at 5% (including 5%) above of judging standardSeveral commercial disputes, civil lawsuits, and had obviously influence in a certain area and period, may pay compensation at 1% (including 1%) to 5% of judging standardIrreconcilable commercial disputes, civil lawsuits happened sometimes, cause a certain influences in local, may pay compensation at 1% below of judging standard
A serious violation of laws and regulations, investigated by government department and legal department, cause prosecution and class action, may payA serious violation of laws and regulations, investigated by government department and legal department, may pay compensation at 0.5% (includingViolation of laws and regulations, investigated by government department and legal department, may pay compensation at 0.5% below of judging standard

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

compensationat 2%(including 2%)above ofjudgingstandard

compensation at 2% (including 2%) above of judging standard0.5%) to 2% of judging standard
Number of material weaknesses in internal control over financial reporting0
Number of material weaknesses in internal control not related to financial reporting0
Number of serious weaknesses in internal control over financial reporting0
Number of serious weaknesses in internal control not related to financial reporting0
Opinion paragraph in the independent auditor’s report on internal control
We believe that China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. has maintained effective internal control over financial reporting in all material respects as of 31 December 2018 as per the Basic Rules for Enterprise Internal Control and relevant regulations.
Independent auditor’s report on internal control disclosed or notDisclosed
Disclosure date30 March 2019
Index to such report disclosedFor details, see www.cninfo.com.cn
Type of the auditor’s opinionUnmodified unqualified opinion
Material weaknesses in internal control not related to financial reportingNone

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

on the Company’s internal control.□ Yes √ NoIndicate by tick mark whether the independent auditor’s report on the Company’s internal control isconsistent with the internal control self-evaluation report issued by the Company’s Board.√ Yes □ No

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

Part X Corporate Bonds

Does the Company have any corporate bonds publicly offered on the stock exchange, which wereoutstanding before the date of this Report’s approval or were due but could not be redeemed in full?No.

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

Section XI. Auditor’s Report (See attached)

Type of audit opinionStandard and unqualified auditor's report
Date of signing audit report29 March 2019
Audit agencyDeloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLP
No. of audit reportDe Shi Bao (Shen) Zi (19) No. P01937
Name of CPAHuang Yue, Jiang Qishen

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2018

Section XII. Documents Available for Reference

I. Financial Statements carrying the signatures and stamps of the Company Principal, theChief Financial Officer and the person in charge of accounting firm;II. Original copy of the Auditor's Report stamped by the accounting firm and signed andstamped by registered accountants;III. Original copies of all documents and the announcements thereof disclosed in the reportingperiod on “Securities Times” and “Ta Kung Pao”;

For and on behalf of the Board

Bai JingtaoLegal representative ofChina Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.Dated 30 March 2019












De Shi Bao (Shen) Zi (19) No. P01937

(Page 1, 6 pages)

To the Shareholders of China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.:

I. Audit Opinion

We have audited the accompanying financial statements of China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.(formerly known as "Shenzhen Chiwan Wharf Holdings Limited", hereinafter referred to as "theCompany"), which comprise the consolidated and company balance sheets as at 31 December 2018,and the consolidated and company income statements, the consolidated and company cash flowstatements and the consolidated and company statements of changes in shareholders' equity for theyear then ended, and the notes to the financial statements.

In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements of the Company present fairly, in all materialrespects, the consolidated and company's financial position as of 31 December 2018, the consolidatedand company's results of operations and cash flows for the year then ended in accordance withAccounting Standards for Business Enterprises.

II. Basis for Opinion

We conducted our audit in accordance with the Auditing Standards for the Chinese Certified PublicAccountants. Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor'sResponsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements section of our report. We are independent ofthe Company in accordance with the Auditing Standards for the Chinese Certified Public Accountants,and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with the standards. We believethat the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for ouropinion.

III. Key Audit Matters

Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgment, were of most significance inour audit of the financial statements of the current period. These matters were addressed in the contextof our audit of the financial statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and we do notprovide a separate opinion on these matters. We determine the followings are key audit matters thatneed to be addressed in our report.

1. Subsequent measurement of long-term equity investment in associates and joint ventures

As disclosed in Notes (V) 9 to the consolidated financial statements, the Company has made equityinvestment in several enterprises, over which the Company exercises joint control or has significantinfluence. In 2018, the Company's income from investment in associates/joint ventures under equitymethod amounts to RMB 3,913,864,538.60. As at 31 December 2018, the carrying amount oflong-term equity investment of the Company in associates/joint ventures amounts to RMB50,176,577,263.40. Since the investment income from long-term equity investment in associates/jointventures is significant, with its accuracy depending on the investee's financial status and operationresults, we identified the aforesaid subsequent measurement of long-term equity investment inassociates/joint ventures as a key audit matter of the consolidated financial statements.

AUDITOR'S REPORT - continued

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III. Key Audit Matters - continued

1. Subsequent measurement of long-term equity investment in associates and joint ventures -


Principal audit procedures we performed for key audit matters are as follows:

(1) Understood the major associates/joint ventures and their environment, and identified whether the

major associates/joint ventures were significant components in terms of financial importance andbusiness nature;

(2) Understood the certified public accountants of major associates/joint ventures and evaluated their

independence and professional competence;

(3) Identified and assessed the risk of material misstatement in the financial statements of the major

associates/joint ventures from the perspective of auditing the consolidated financial statements ofthe Company by reading the financial statements of the major associates/joint ventures anddiscussing with the management the financial performance of the major associates/joint venturesand the significant judgments and estimates made in the preparation of the financial statements;

(4) Discussed with the component certified public accountants of the major associates/joint ventures

their assessment of the component audit risk, the identification of key audit areas and theimplementation of the corresponding audit procedures to evaluate whether the audit of thecomponent certified public accountants was appropriate;

(5) Evaluated whether the audit evidence obtained by the component certified public accountants was

sufficient and appropriate by reviewing the audit documents of the component certified publicaccountants of the major associates/joint ventures when we deemed necessary.

(6) Verified whether the accounting policies and accounting periods adopted by the associates/joint

ventures were consistent with the Company's. If not, checked whether the financial statements ofthe associates/joint ventures have been adjusted according to the accounting policies andaccounting period of the Company, and recognized the amount of investment income under equitymethod on that basis.

AUDITOR'S REPORT - continued

De Shi Bao (Shen) Zi (19) No. P01937

(Page 3, 6 pages)

III. Key Audit Matters - continued

2. Accounting treatment of business combinations involving enterprises not under common


As disclosed in Notes (VI) 1 to the consolidated financial statements, on 23 February 2018, theCompany acquired 90% of the shares of TCP Participa??es SA (hereinafter referred to as "TCP")at a price of BRL 2,811,941,923.95 (equivalent to RMB 5,468,066,151.65), and the considerationpaid in excess of the fair value of identifiable net assets of TCP on the acquisition date equivalentto RMB 3,969,374,954.86 was recognized as goodwill. Since the business combinations notinvolving enterprises under common control involves significant judgments and estimates indetermining the fair value of identifiable net assets on the acquisition date, the calculation ofgoodwill, etc., we identified the accounting treatment of the business combinations involvingenterprises not under common control as a key audit matter of the consolidated financialstatements.

Principal audit procedures we performed for key audit matters are as follows:

(1) Evaluated the independence, objectiveness and professional competence of the third-party

evaluation organization hired by the management through interviews and quriers;

(2) Based on our understanding of the industry and business, judged whether the management's

methods and assumptions used in assessing the fair value of the identifiable net assets at theacquisition date were reasonable; compared the gross profit margin of forecast period and thehistorical gross profit margin, the income growth rate of forecast period and the historical incomegrowth rate, and the development planning of TCP, etc. to evaluate the reasonableness offorecasted financial data and its evaluation results.

(3) Utilized the work of internal evaluation experts to assess the rationality of evaluation methods and

key assumptions used by third-party evaluation organization in the assessment of the fair value ofidentifiable net assets at the acquisition date, the rationality of the discount rate used, and theaccuracy of calculation of the net present value of expected future cash flows.

3. Goodwill impairment

As disclosed in Notes (V) 16 to the consolidated financial statements, as at 31 December 2018,the goodwill in the consolidated financial statements of the Company was RMB 8,335,895,842.35.The management of the Company used the present value of the estimated future cash flows todetermine the recoverable amount of the relevant asset group when testing the goodwill forimpairment, and the forecast of future cash flows included key assumptions, such as incomegrowth rate, gross profit margin, discount rate, etc. We identified the goodwill impairment as akey audit matter of the consolidated financial statements due to the significant amount of goodwilland that the management needs to make significant judgments and estimates when conductinggoodwill impairment testing.

AUDITOR'S REPORT - continued

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III. Key Audit Matters - continued

3. Goodwill impairment - continued

Principal audit procedures we performed for key audit matters are as follows:

(1) Tested the operation effectiveness of internal controls related to goodwill impairment;

(2) Referred to industry practice to assess whether the management's approach in cash flows forecast

is appropriate and whether the assumptions used are reasonable;

(3) Compared the data used in cash flow forecast with historical data and budget data approved by the

management, and assessed the reasonableness of the data used;

(4) Compared the growth rate of the business volume in the forecast period with the growth rate of

the historical business volume and evaluated its appropriateness.

(5) Compared the gross profit margin of the forecast period with the actual gross profit margin of

previous years to assess its appropriateness in combination with the business plan and industrydevelopment trend;

(6) Understood the basis for management to determine the growth rate of the business in the

subsequent forecast period and assessed its appropriateness;

(7) Assessed the appropriateness of the discount rate adopted by the management in combination with

market risk-free interest rates, risk factors, etc.;

(8) Reviewed whether the calculation of the present value of future cash flows was correct.

IV. Other Information

The Company is responsible for the other information. The other information comprises theinformation included in the annual report, but does not include the consolidated financial statementsand our auditor's report.

Our opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and we do not expressany form of assurance conclusion.

In combination with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read the otherinformation and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with thefinancial statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit or otherwise appears to be materiallymisstated.

If, based on the audit work performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this otherinformation, we are required to report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard.

AUDITOR'S REPORT - continued

De Shi Bao (Shen) Zi (19) No. P01937

(Page 5, 6 pages)

V. Responsibilities of the Management and Those Charged with Governance for the Financial


The Company is responsible for the preparation of the financial statements that give a true and fairview in accordance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, and for the design,performance and maintenance of such internal control that is necessary to enable the preparation offinancial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

In preparing the financial statements, the management is responsible for assessing the Company'sability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern andusing the going concern basis of accounting unless the management either intends to liquidate theCompany or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so.

These charged with governance are responsible for overseeing the Company's financial reportingprocess.

VI. Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements

Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free frommaterial misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor's report that includes anaudit opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an auditconducted in accordance with Auditing Standards for the Chinese Certified Public Accountants willalways detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error andare considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could expected influence theeconomic decisions taken based on these financial statements by reasonable users.

As part of an audit in accordance with Auditing Standards for the Chinese Certified PublicAccountants, we exercise professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism throughout theaudit. We also:

(1) Identified and assessed the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether

due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtainaudit evidence that was sufficient and appropriate to form our opinion. The risk of not detectinga material misstatement resulting from fraud was higher than for one resulting from error, asfraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the overrideof internal control.

(2) Understood audit related internal control in order to design audit procedures that were

appropriate in the circumstances.

(3) Evaluated the appropriateness of accounting policies applied and the reasonableness of

accounting estimates and related disclosures made by the management.

AUDITOR'S REPORT - continued

De Shi Bao (Shen) Zi (19) No. P01937

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VI. Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements - continued

(4) Concluded on the appropriateness of the directors' application of the going concern basis of

accounting. Based on audit evidence obtained, concluded on whether the material uncertainty ofevents or conditions that may cause cast significant doubt on the Company's ability to continueas a going concern existed. If we concluded that a material uncertainty existed, we were requiredto draw attention in our auditor's report to the related disclosures in the financial statements or tomodify our opinion, if such disclosures were inadequate. Our conclusions were based on theaudit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor's report. However, future events orconditions may cause the Company to cease to continue as a going concern.

(5) Evaluated the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements (including

the disclosures), and whether the financial statements represented the underlying transactionsand events in a manner that achieved fair presentation.

(6) Obtained sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entities

or business activities within the Company to express an opinion on the financial statements. Wewere responsible for the direction, supervision and performance of the group audit. We remainedsolely responsible for our audit opinion.

We communicated with those charged with governance over audit scope, time arrangement andsignificant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies of internal control that we identifiedthrough audit.

We also provided the those charged with governance with a statement that we had complied withrelevant ethical requirements of independence, and communicated with those charged with governanceover all relationships and other matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence,and where applicable, related safeguards.

From the matters communicated with those charged with governance, we determined those mattersthat were of most significance in the audit of the financial statements of the current period and weretherefore the key audit matters. We described these matters in our auditor's report unless law orregulation precluded public disclosure about the matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances, wedetermined that a matter should not be addressed in our report because the adverse consequences ofdoing so would reasonably be expected to outweigh the public interest benefits of suchcommunication.

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA LLP Chinese Certified Public Accountant(Engagement Partner)Shanghai, ChinaHuang Yue

Chinese Certified Public Accountant

Jiang Qishen

29 March 2019


Consolidated Balance Sheet

Unit: RMB

ItemNotes31/12/201801/01/2018 (restated)31/12/2017 (restated)
Current assets:
Cash and bank balances(V)17,070,308,704.757,729,460,082.757,729,460,082.75
Notes and accounts receivable(V)21,120,839,172.51909,326,662.63871,370,660.21
Other receivables(V)4799,559,226.45938,579,424.96938,786,831.94
Assets held for sale(V)6115,356,162.94--
Other current assets(V)71,195,421,189.121,199,446,613.691,200,476,091.74
Total current assets10,534,456,588.6610,931,270,268.7610,894,551,151.37
Non-current Assets:
Available-for-sale financial assets3,083,581,935.68
Long-term receivables(V)8793,046,240.119,659,365.329,669,034.35
Long-term equity investments(V)950,176,577,263.4043,160,849,807.4843,160,849,807.48
Other investments in equity instruments(V)10247,848,314.30233,483,968.79
Other non-current financial assets(V)112,087,872,081.942,982,466,950.23
Investment properties(V)125,890,146,989.516,060,625,982.136,060,625,982.13
Fixed assets(V)1322,994,190,880.4323,167,393,454.8623,167,393,454.86
Construction in progress(V)145,499,426,090.062,308,007,330.502,308,007,330.50
Intangible assets(V)1520,761,018,044.5415,873,713,338.9115,873,713,338.91
Long-term prepaid expenses(V)17235,706,437.21254,930,584.77254,930,584.77
Deferred tax assets(V)1866,708,157.1942,425,905.0742,425,905.07
Other non-current assets(V)19395,191,485.98227,749,831.65227,749,831.65
Total non-current assets117,483,627,827.0298,372,972,422.9598,240,613,108.64
TOTAL ASSETS128,018,084,415.68109,304,242,691.71109,135,164,260.01


Consolidated Balance Sheet - continued

Unit: RMB

ItemNotes31/12/201801/01/2018 (restated)31/12/2017 (restated)
Current liabilities:
Short-term borrowings(V)203,425,291,312.622,580,000,000.002,580,000,000.00
Notes and accounts payable(V)21429,120,690.97331,606,335.81331,606,335.81
Receipts in advance(V)2229,170,709.8631,959,751.17106,944,420.75
Contract liabilities(V)2349,993,895.5043,926,190.25
Employee benefits payable(V)24433,489,555.40379,770,098.40379,770,098.40
Taxes payable(V)25345,183,422.42258,555,167.79258,555,167.79
Other payables(V)262,245,670,528.896,570,561,586.966,544,589,530.18
Non-current liabilities due within one year(V)272,349,849,449.962,393,237,748.472,393,237,748.47
Other current liabilities(V)28602,659,721.80385,472,328.45385,472,328.45
Total current liabilities9,910,429,287.4212,975,089,207.3012,980,175,629.85
Non-current Liabilities:
Long-term borrowings(V)296,971,479,842.187,670,516,491.157,670,516,491.15
Bonds payable(V)3022,097,467,096.4010,591,709,808.1610,591,709,808.16
Long-term payables(V)311,294,190,118.181,290,782,441.941,290,782,441.94
Projected benefits obligation(V)32375,325,127.65350,750,123.90350,750,123.90
Deferred income(V)34228,658,214.64186,491,676.05222,857,800.33
Deferred tax liabilities(V)182,911,074,941.272,015,175,104.461,984,303,944.46
Other non-current liabilities(V)353,777,582,522.8683,594,525.9654,763,901.68
Total non-current liabilities37,690,729,255.4522,239,598,096.5922,165,684,511.62
TOTAL LIABILITIES47,601,158,542.8735,214,687,303.8935,145,860,141.47
Share capital(V)361,793,412,378.00644,763,730.00644,763,730.00
Capital reserve(V)3719,426,912,957.0518,845,899,356.2018,845,899,356.20
Other comprehensive income(V)3888,925,978.57(729,621,208.40)(7,064,646.43)
Special reserve(V)398,231,080.434,767,373.454,767,373.45
Surplus reserve(V)40527,175,908.67520,074,434.56520,074,434.56
Unappropriated profit(V)418,915,817,110.219,282,631,255.648,466,307,917.47
Total shareholders' equity attributable to equity holders of the parent30,760,475,412.9328,568,514,941.4528,474,748,165.25
Minority interests49,656,450,459.8845,521,040,446.3745,514,555,953.29
TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY80,416,925,872.8174,089,555,387.8273,989,304,118.54
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY128,018,084,415.68109,304,242,691.71109,135,164,260.01


Balance Sheet of the Company

Unit: RMB

ItemNotes31/12/201801/01/2018 (restated)31/12/2017
Current Assets:
Cash and bank balances389,841,854.93230,039,345.73230,039,345.73
Notes and accounts receivable(XIV)123,444,175.6512,987,394.8412,987,394.84
Other receivables(XIV)2651,050,233.081,172,569,336.181,172,569,336.18
Other current assets1,563,111.612,210,653.662,210,653.66
Total current assets1,066,064,928.731,418,221,893.591,418,221,893.59
Non-current Assets:
Available-for-sale financial assets23,759,200.00
Long-term receivables11,004,284.7511,004,284.7511,004,284.75
Long-term equity investments(XIV)328,544,261,576.962,215,952,842.622,215,952,842.62
Other investments in equity instruments151,746,700.00147,243,840.00
Investment properties12,685,959.0613,116,783.7213,116,783.72
Fixed assets190,804,655.63204,839,343.34204,839,343.34
Construction in progress2,500,843.8710,631,762.7710,631,762.77
Intangible assets57,755,603.4459,954,618.2059,954,618.20
Long-term prepaid expenses3,785,801.323,976,969.453,976,969.45
Total non-current assets28,974,545,425.032,666,720,444.852,543,235,804.85
TOTAL ASSETS30,040,610,353.764,084,942,338.443,961,457,698.44


Balance Sheet of the Company - continued

Unit: RMB

ItemNotes31/12/201801/01/2018 (restated)31/12/2017
Current Liabilities:
Short-term borrowings377,716,000.00--
Notes and accounts payable13,125,624.2918,376,556.5318,376,556.53
Receipts in advance--98,400.00
Contract liabilities92,003.0098,400.00
Employee benefits payable26,605,190.5251,689,614.6051,689,614.60
Taxes payable18,826,587.501,578,674.011,578,674.01
Other payables717,536,924.18880,542,349.29880,542,349.29
Non-current liabilities due within one year299,531,506.81--
Other current liabilities200,000,000.00100,000,000.00100,000,000.00
Total current liabilities1,653,433,836.301,052,285,594.431,052,285,594.43
Non-current Liabilities:
Bonds payable-298,931,506.83298,931,506.83
Long-term payables151,710,000.00150,098,000.00150,098,000.00
Deferred tax liabilities34,179,375.0033,053,660.002,182,500.00
Total non-current liabilities185,889,375.00482,083,166.83451,212,006.83
TOTAL LIABILITIES1,839,323,211.301,534,368,761.261,503,497,601.26
Share capital1,793,412,378.00644,763,730.00644,763,730.00
Capital reserve25,517,647,180.04240,001,254.59240,001,254.59
Other comprehensive income102,638,125.0099,260,980.006,647,500.00
Special reserve470,465.59--
Surplus reserve527,175,908.67520,074,434.56520,074,434.56
Unappropriated profit259,943,085.161,046,473,178.031,046,473,178.03
TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY28,201,287,142.462,550,573,577.182,457,960,097.18
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY30,040,610,353.764,084,942,338.443,961,457,698.44


Consolidated Income Statement

Unit: RMB

ItemNotesAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the previous period (restated)
I. Operating income(V)429,703,394,622.587,544,635,284.96
Less: Operating costs(V)425,739,241,395.874,710,312,660.51
Business taxes and levies(V)43235,953,803.5171,984,283.55
Administrative expenses(V)441,251,865,675.45853,900,889.90
Research and development expenses121,989,097.8295,247,274.67
Financial expenses(V)451,643,418,102.95955,406,648.46
Including: Interest expense1,634,101,331.801,129,672,527.80
Investment income272,453,293.86116,797,403.30
Impairment losses of assets(V)46-632,741,768.60
Impairment losses of credit(V)477,528,580.60
Add: Other income(V)4856,180,127.6444,158,463.01
Investment income(V)493,967,828,149.485,771,294,706.67
Including: Income from investments in associates and joint ventures(V)493,913,864,538.604,681,582,632.76
Gains (losses) from changes in fair value(V)50(1,074,406,837.68)-
Gains (losses) on disposal of assets(V)5119,258,495.33(391,053.09)
II. Operating profit3,672,257,901.156,040,103,875.86
Add: Non-operating income(V)5267,128,689.9823,505,578.15
Less: Non-operating expenses(V)53125,031,298.5745,601,286.22
III. Gross profit3,614,355,292.566,018,008,167.79
Less: Income tax expenses(V)54728,440,538.60580,458,478.80
IV. Net profit2,885,914,753.965,437,549,688.99
(I) Categorization by continuity of operation
1. Net profit of continued operation2,885,914,753.965,437,549,688.99
2. Net profit of discontinued operation--
(II) Categorization by attribution of ownership
1. Net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent1,090,418,910.772,365,214,907.45
2. Profit or loss attributable to minority shareholder1,795,495,843.193,072,334,781.54


Consolidated Income Statement - continued

Unit: RMB

ItemNotesAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the previous period (restated)
V. Amount of other comprehensive net income after tax(V)56204,602,785.68642,605,602.46
Amount of other comprehensive net income after tax attributable to equity holders of the parent41,778,087.02242,204,762.79
(I) Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss(48,671,312.79)65,863,882.85
1. Change as a result of remeasurement of the net defined benefit plan(7,943,999.30)5,313,793.20
2. Other comprehensive income under the equity method that will not be reclassified to profit or loss(46,138,662.23)60,550,089.65
3. Fair value changes of other investments in equity instruments5,411,348.74
(II) Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss90,449,399.81176,340,879.94
1. Other comprehensive income under the equity method that will be reclassified to profit or loss(7,952,099.73)175,630,117.53
2. Gains or losses on changes in fair value of available-for-sale financial assets87,348,744.15
3. Translation differences of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies98,401,499.54(86,637,981.74)
Amount of other comprehensive net income after tax attributable to minority shareholders162,824,698.66400,400,839.67
VI. Total comprehensive income attributable to:3,090,517,539.646,080,155,291.45
Shareholders of the parent1,132,196,997.792,607,419,670.24
Minority shareholders1,958,320,541.853,472,735,621.21
VII. Earnings per share
(I) Basic earnings per share0.611.32
(II) Diluted earnings per share0.611.32


Income Statement of the Company

Unit: RMB

ItemNotesAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the previous period
I. Operating income(XIV)4243,899,253.07262,128,083.88
Less: Operating costs(XIV)4160,065,451.42147,940,894.54
Business taxes and levies47,542,310.812,028,572.84
Administrative expenses122,905,018.7570,514,131.56
Research and development expenses742,954.48264,150.94
Financial expenses34,174,062.13(8,048,217.56)
Including: Interest expense36,872,089.5723,359,008.38
Interest income20,843,903.2725,260,320.71
Impairment losses of assets-(7,730.22)
Impairment losses of credit-
Add: Other income271,927.46-
Investment income(XIV)5193,138,161.44648,579,235.35
Including: Income from investments in associates and joint ventures(XIV)563,015,142.1049,683,858.86
Gains (losses) on disposal of assets(937,948.47)304,464.57
II. Operating profit70,941,595.91698,319,981.70
Add: Non-operating income1,336,230.7033,035,528.92
Less: Non-operating expenses867,312.18241,366.11
III. Gross profit71,410,514.43731,114,144.51
Less: Income tax expenses395,773.33(396,443.74)
IV. Net profit71,014,741.10731,510,588.25
V. Amount of other comprehensive net income after tax3,377,145.00975,000.00
(I) Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss3,377,145.00-
1. Change as a result of remeasurement of the net defined benefit plan--
2. Other comprehensive income under the equity method that will not be reclassified to profit or loss--
3. Fair value changes of other investments in equity instruments3,377,145.00
(II) Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit or loss-975,000.00
1. Other comprehensive income under the equity method that will be reclassified to profit or loss--
2. Gains or losses on changes in fair value of available-for-sale financial assets975,000.00
3. Translation differences of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies--
VI. Total comprehensive income74,391,886.10732,485,588.25


Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

Unit: RMB

ItemNotesAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the previous period (restated)
I. Cash Flows from Operating Activities:
Cash receipts from sales of goods and rendering of services9,581,481,387.067,491,616,295.63
Receipts of tax refunds6,203,721.122,026,413.44
Other cash receipts relating to operating activities(V)57(1)963,935,271.59627,697,273.07
Sub-total of cash inflows10,551,620,379.778,121,339,982.14
Cash payments for goods purchased and services received2,647,715,026.472,127,952,256.75
Cash payments to and on behalf of employees1,808,824,527.761,415,998,152.93
Payments of all types of taxes762,131,488.97514,231,751.73
Other cash payments relating to operating activities(V)57(2)1,044,373,911.73588,120,784.45
Sub-total of cash outflows6,263,044,954.934,646,302,945.86
Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities(V)58(1)4,288,575,424.843,475,037,036.28
II. Cash Flows from Investing Activities:
Cash receipts from disposals and recovery of investments200,000.00342,998,439.88
Cash receipts from investments income1,813,166,370.381,632,392,218.45
Net cash receipts from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets19,846,988.1019,718,639.98
Net cash receipts from disposal of subsidiary and other operating units-7,617,940,434.09
Other cash receipts relating to investing activities(V)57(3)156,615,992.14218,174,398.17
Sub-total of cash inflows1,989,829,350.629,831,224,130.57
Cash payments to acquire or construct fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets2,437,080,643.742,511,160,012.03
Cash payments to acquire investments4,084,107,008.202,290,174,234.90
Net cash payment to acquire subsidiary and other operating units(V)57(5)8,931,096,795.811,887,623,658.13
Other cash payments relating to investing activities(V)57(4)1,686,107,391.231,058,395,077.56
Sub-total of cash outflows17,138,391,838.987,747,352,982.62
Net Cash Flows from Investing Activities(15,148,562,488.36)2,083,871,147.95
III. Cash Flows from Financing Activities:
Cash receipts from capital contributions296,363,615.57166,540,000.00
Including: cash receipts from capital contributions from minority owners of subsidiary40,100,000.00166,540,000.00
Cash receipts from borrowings21,763,411,408.427,719,939,575.00
Cash receipts from issue of bonds10,621,000,000.002,599,850,000.00
Other cash receipts relating to financing activities(V)57(6)3,876,395,683.27-
Sub-total of cash inflows36,557,170,707.2610,486,329,575.00
Cash repayments of borrowings23,593,666,839.996,729,078,966.70
Cash payments for distribution of dividends or profit or interest3,942,108,074.864,462,491,329.19
Including: Payments for distribution of dividends or profit to minorities1,929,962,094.72349,393,736.16
Other cash payments relating to financing activities(V)57(7)146,196,535.0683,248,718.01
Sub-total of cash outflows27,681,971,449.9111,274,819,013.90
Net Cash Flows from Financing Activities8,875,199,257.35(788,489,438.90)
IV. Effect of Foreign Exchange Rate Changes on Cash and Cash Equivalents(371,390,771.83)(294,425,747.23)
V. Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents(2,356,178,578.00)4,475,992,998.10
Add: Opening balance of Cash and Cash Equivalents(V)58(2)7,729,460,082.753,253,467,084.65
VI. Closing Balance of Cash and Cash Equivalents(V)58(2)5,373,281,504.757,729,460,082.75


Cash Flow Statement of the Company

Unit: RMB

ItemNotesAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the previous period
I. Cash Flows from Operating Activities:
Cash receipts from sales of goods and rendering of services229,302,378.14269,045,995.41
Other cash receipts relating to operating activities29,331,866.91716,765,626.94
Sub-total of cash inflows258,634,245.05985,811,622.35
Cash payments for goods purchased and services received74,086,330.8578,023,594.34
Cash payments to and on behalf of employees121,661,642.64111,426,044.20
Payments of all types of taxes9,401,709.9410,127,012.26
Other cash payments relating to operating activities279,797,604.56247,511,704.35
Sub-total of cash outflows484,947,287.99447,088,355.15
Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities(226,313,042.94)538,723,267.20
II. Cash Flows from Investing Activities:
Cash receipts from investments income445,875,054.9263,576,674.42
Net cash receipts from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets766,830.382,693,776.59
Other cash receipts relating to investing activities635,013,754.63683,875,000.00
Sub-total of cash inflows1,081,655,639.93750,145,451.01
Cash payments to acquire or construct fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets162,248,840.2119,183,612.16
Other cash payments relating to investing activities374,513,229.40685,067,880.47
Sub-total of cash outflows536,762,069.61704,251,492.63
Net Cash Flows from Investing Activities544,893,570.3245,893,958.38
III. Cash Flows from Financing Activities:
Cash receipts from capital contributions256,263,615.57-
Cash receipts from borrowings566,016,000.00163,436,000.00
Cash receipts from issue of bonds200,000,000.0099,850,000.00
Sub-total of cash inflows1,022,279,615.57263,286,000.00
Cash repayments of borrowings300,000,000.00380,000,000.00
Cash payments for distribution of dividends or profit or interest873,011,086.61333,589,040.71
Other cash payments relating to financing activities1,497,344.37402,325.25
Sub-total of cash outflows1,174,508,430.98713,991,365.96
Net Cash Flows from Financing Activities(152,228,815.41)(450,705,365.96)
IV. Effect of Foreign Exchange Rate Changes on Cash and Cash Equivalents(6,549,202.77)(1,274,170.98)
V. Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents159,802,509.20132,637,688.64
Add: Opening balance of Cash and Cash Equivalents230,039,345.7397,401,657.09
VI. Closing Balance of Cash and Cash Equivalents389,841,854.93230,039,345.73


Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders' Equity

Unit: RMB

Attributable to shareholders of the parentMinority interestsTotal shareholders' equity
Share capitalCapital reserveOther comprehensive incomeSpecial reserveSurplus reserveUnappropriated profitOthers
I. Closing balance of the preceding year644,763,730.00167,480,381.2419,800,344.494,767,373.45520,074,434.563,566,083,142.17-1,644,073,503.716,567,042,909.62
Add: Changes in accounting policies--(722,556,561.97)--816,323,338.17-6,484,493.08100,251,269.28
Corrections of prior period errors---------
Business combination involving enterprises under common control-18,678,418,974.96(26,864,990.92)-4,900,224,775.30-43,870,482,449.5867,422,261,208.92
II. Opening balance of the year644,763,730.0018,845,899,356.20(729,621,208.40)4,767,373.45520,074,434.569,282,631,255.64-45,521,040,446.3774,089,555,387.82
III. Changes for the year1,148,648,648.00581,013,600.85818,547,186.973,463,706.987,101,474.11(366,814,145.43)-4,135,410,013.516,327,370,484.99
(I) Total comprehensive income--41,778,087.02--1,090,418,910.77-1,958,320,541.853,090,517,539.64
(II) Owners' contributions and reduction in capital1,148,648,648.00581,013,600.85776,769,099.95----3,092,504,057.825,598,935,406.62
1.Capital contribution from shareholders1,148,648,648.00------1,594,806,295.502,743,454,943.50
2.Capital contribution from other equity investment holder---------
3.Share-based payment recognized in shareholders' equity---------
4.Business combination involving enterprises under common control-(583,183,507.54)776,769,099.95-----193,585,592.41
(III) Profit distribution----7,101,474.11(1,457,233,056.20)-(920,434,015.30)(2,370,565,597.39)
1.Transfer to surplus reserve----7,101,474.11(7,101,474.11)---
2.Transfer to general reserve---------
3.Distributions to shareholders-----(850,443,359.86)--(850,443,359.86)
(IV) Transfers within shareholders' equity---------
1.Capitalization of capital reserve---------
2.Capitalization of surplus reserve---------
3.Loss made up by surplus reserve---------
(V) Special reserve---3,463,706.98---5,019,429.148,483,136.12
1.Withdrawn in the period---24,165,961.75---49,870,501.7674,036,463.51
2.Utilized in the period---(20,702,254.77)---(44,851,072.62)(65,553,327.39)
(VI) Others---------
IV. Closing balance of the year1,793,412,378.0019,426,912,957.0588,925,978.578,231,080.43527,175,908.678,915,817,110.21-49,656,450,459.8880,416,925,872.81


Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders' Equity - continued

Unit: RMB

Attributable to shareholders of the parentMinority interestsTotal shareholders' equity
Share capitalCapital reserveOther comprehensive incomeSpecial reserveSurplus reserveUnappropriated profitOthers
I. Closing balance of the preceding year644,763,730.00167,480,381.25(8,039,646.43)4,145,765.65520,074,434.563,381,390,887.86-927,178,183.535,636,993,736.42
Add: Changes in accounting policies---------
Corrections of prior period errors---------
Business combination involving enterprises under common control-13,716,765,033.15---4,254,259,872.38-41,705,041,719.6759,676,066,625.20
II. Opening balance of the year644,763,730.0013,884,245,414.40(8,039,646.43)4,145,765.65520,074,434.567,635,650,760.24-42,632,219,903.2065,313,060,361.62
III. Changes for the year-4,961,653,941.80975,000.00621,607.80-830,657,157.23-2,882,336,050.098,676,243,756.92
(I) Total comprehensive income--242,204,762.79--2,365,214,907.45-3,472,735,621.216,080,155,291.45
(II) Owners' contributions and reduction in capital-4,961,653,941.80(241,229,762.79)----1,551,760,081.006,272,184,260.01
1.Capital contribution from shareholders------131,153,105.53131,153,105.53
2.Capital contribution from other equity investment holder-4,790,837,053.25-----(4,790,837,053.25)-
3.Share-based payment recognized in shareholders' equity---------
4.Business combination involving enterprises under common control-170,816,888.55(241,229,762.79)-----(70,412,874.24)
(III) Profit distribution-----(1,534,557,750.22)-(2,145,447,695.86)(3,680,005,446.08)
1.Transfer to surplus reserve---------
2.Transfer to general reserve---------
3.Distributions to shareholders-----(319,802,810.08)-(280,975,918.30)(600,778,728.38)
(IV) Transfers within shareholders' equity---------
1.Capitalization of capital reserve---------
2.Capitalization of surplus reserve---------
3.Loss made up by surplus reserve---------
(V) Special reserve---621,607.80---3,288,043.743,909,651.54
1.Withdrawn in the period---17,456,696.76---33,537,670.5250,994,367.28
2.Utilized in the period---(16,835,088.96)---(30,249,626.78)(47,084,715.74)
(VI) Others---------
IV. Closing balance of the year644,763,730.0018,845,899,356.20(7,064,646.43)4,767,373.45520,074,434.568,466,307,917.47-45,514,555,953.2973,989,304,118.54


Statement of Changes in Shareholders' Equity of the Company

Unit: RMB

Share capitalCapital reserveOther comprehensive incomeSpecial reserveSurplus reserveUnappropriated profitTotal shareholders' equity
I. Closing balance of the preceding year644,763,730.00240,001,254.596,647,500.00-520,074,434.561,046,473,178.032,457,960,097.18
Add: Changes in accounting policies--92,613,480.00---92,613,480.00
Corrections of prior period errors-------
II. Opening balance of the year644,763,730.00240,001,254.5999,260,980.00-520,074,434.561,046,473,178.032,550,573,577.18
III. Changes for the year1,148,648,648.0025,277,645,925.453,377,145.00470,465.597,101,474.11(786,530,092.87)25,650,713,565.28
(I) Total comprehensive income--3,377,145.00--71,014,741.1074,391,886.10
(II) Owners' contributions and reduction in capital1,148,648,648.0025,277,645,925.45----26,426,294,573.45
1.Capital contribution from shareholders1,148,648,648.0025,276,764,780.38----26,425,413,428.38
2.Share-based payment recognized in shareholders' equity-------
(III) Profit distribution----7,101,474.11(857,544,833.97)(850,443,359.86)
1.Transfer to surplus reserve----7,101,474.11(7,101,474.11)-
2.Transfer to general reserve-------
3.Distributions to shareholders-----(850,443,359.86)(850,443,359.86)
(IV) Transfers within shareholders' equity-------
1.Capitalization of capital reserve-------
2.Capitalization of surplus reserve-------
3.Loss made up by surplus reserve-------
(V) Special reserve---470,465.59--470,465.59
1.Withdrawn in the period---2,621,280.84--2,621,280.84
2.Utilized in the period---(2,150,815.25)--(2,150,815.25)
(VI) Others-------
IV. Closing balance of the year1,793,412,378.0025,517,647,180.04102,638,125.00470,465.59527,175,908.67259,943,085.1628,201,287,142.46


Statement of Changes in Shareholders' Equity of the Company - continued

Unit: RMB

Share capitalCapital reserveOther comprehensive incomeSpecial reserveSurplus reserveUnappropriated profitTotal shareholders' equity
I. Closing balance of the preceding year644,763,730.00240,001,254.595,672,500.001,027,543.25520,074,434.56634,765,399.862,046,304,862.26
Add: Changes in accounting policies-------
Corrections of prior period errors-------
II. Opening balance of the year644,763,730.00240,001,254.595,672,500.001,027,543.25520,074,434.56634,765,399.862,046,304,862.26
III. Changes for the year--975,000.00(1,027,543.25)-411,707,778.17411,655,234.92
(I) Total comprehensive income--975,000.00--731,510,588.25732,485,588.25
(II) Owners' contributions and reduction in capital-------
1.Capital contribution from shareholders-------
2.Share-based payment recognized in shareholders' equity-------
(III) Profit distribution-----(319,802,810.08)(319,802,810.08)
1.Transfer to surplus reserve-------
2.Transfer to general reserve-------
3.Distributions to shareholders-----(319,802,810.08)(319,802,810.08)
(IV) Transfers within shareholders' equity-------
1.Capitalization of capital reserve-------
2.Capitalization of surplus reserve-------
3.Loss made up by surplus reserve-------
(V) Special reserve---(1,027,543.25)--(1,027,543.25)
1.Withdrawn in the period---2,239,851.36--2,239,851.36
2.Utilized in the period---(3,267,394.61)--(3,267,394.61)
(VI) Others-------
IV. Closing balance of the year644,763,730.00240,001,254.596,647,500.00-520,074,434.561,046,473,178.032,457,960,097.18



China Merchants Port Holdings Company Limited (formerly known as "Shenzhen Chiwan WharfHoldings Limited", hereinafter referred to as the "Company") was a stock limited companyincorporated in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, on 16 January 1993.

On 30 October 2018, as approved by the Reply on Approving Issuance of Shares to PurchaseAssets and Collection of Funds from Shenzhen Chiwan Wharf Holdings Limited to ChinaMerchants Investment Development Company Limited (Zheng Jian Xu Ke [2018] No. 1750)issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission ("CSRC"), the Company issued1,148,648,648 shares of A-stock to China Merchants Investment Development Company Limited("CMID") to acquire 39.45% equity of China Merchants Port Holdings Company Limited("CMPORT"). The Company has adopted this name since completion of the acquisition.

The headquarters of the Company is located in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province. The Companyand its subsidiaries (collectively the "Group") are principally engaged in the rendering of portservice, bonded logistics service and other business such as property development and investment.

The Company's and consolidated financial statements have been approved by the Board ofDirectors on 28 March 2019.

See Notes (VII) "Equity in other entities" for details of the scope of consolidated financialstatements in the current period are subsidiaries acquired through business combination undercommon control. See Note (VI) "Changes in the consolidated scope" for details of changes in thescope of consolidated financial statements in the current period.


Basis of preparation of financial statements

The Group has adopted the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises ("ASBE") issued bythe Ministry of Finance ("MoF"). In addition, the Group has disclosed relevant financialinformation in accordance with Information Disclosure and Presentation Rules for CompaniesOffering Securities to the Public No. 15 - General Provisions on Financial Reporting (Revised in2014).

Basis of accounting and principle of measurement

The Group has adopted the accrual basis of accounting. Except for certain financial instrumentswhich are measured at fair value, the Group adopts the historical cost as the principle ofmeasurement of the financial statements. Upon being restructured into a stock company, the fixedassets and intangible assets initially contributed by the state-owned shareholders are recognizedbased on the valuation amounts confirmed by the state-owned assets administration department.Where assets are impaired, provisions for asset impairment are made in accordance with therelevant requirements.



Basis of accounting and principle of measurement - continued

Where the historical cost is adopted as the measurement basis, assets are recorded at the amountof cash or cash equivalents paid or the fair value of the consideration given to acquire them at thetime of their acquisition. Liabilities are recorded at the amount of proceeds or assets received orthe contractual amounts for assuming the present obligation, or, at the amounts of cash or cashequivalents expected to be paid to settle the liabilities in the normal course of business.

Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in anorderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date, regardless of whetherthat price is directly observable or estimated using valuation technique. Fair value measurementand/or disclosure in the financial statements are determined according to the above basis.

Fair value measurements are categorized into Level 1, 2 or 3 based on the degree to which theinputs to the fair value measurements are observable and the significance of the inputs to the fairvalue measurement in its entirety, which are described as follows:

? Level 1 inputs are unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that the

entity can access at the measurement date;? Level 2 inputs are inputs, other than quoted prices included within Level 1, that are observable

for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly; and? Level 3 inputs are unobservable inputs for the asset or liability.

Going Concern

The Group assessed its ability to continue as a going concern for the 12 months from 31December 2018 and did not notice any events or circumstances that may cast significant doubtupon its ability to continue as a going concern. Therefore, the financial statements have beenprepared on a going concern basis.



All the following significant accounting policies and accounting estimates are based onAccounting Standards for Business Enterprises ("ASBE").

1. Statement of compliance with the ASBE

The financial statements of the Company have been prepared in accordance with the ASBE, andpresent truly and completely, the Company’s and consolidated financial position as of 31December 2018, and the Company’s and consolidated results of operations and cash flows for theyear then ended.



ESTIMATES - continued

2. Accounting period

The Group has adopted the calendar year as its accounting year, e.g. from 1 January to 31December.

3. Operating cycle

An operating cycle refers to the period since when an enterprise purchases assets for processingpurpose till the realization of those assets in cash or cash equivalents. The Group are principallyengaged in the rendering of port service, bonded logistics service and other business such asproperty development and investment with an operating cycle of one year.

4. Functional currency

Renminbi ("RMB") is the currency of the primary economic environment in which the Companyoperates. Therefore, the Company chooses RMB as their functional currency. The Company'ssubsidiaries chooses their functional currency on the basis of the primary economic environmentin which they operate. The Company adopts RMB to prepare its financial statements.

5. The accounting treatment of business combinations involving or not involving

enterprises under common control

Business combinations are classified into business combinations involving enterprises undercommon control and business combinations not involving enterprises under common control.

5.1 Business combinations involving enterprises under common control

A business combination involving enterprises under common control is a business combination inwhich all of the combining enterprises are ultimately controlled by the same party or parties bothbefore and after the combination, and that control is not transitory.

Assets and liabilities obtained shall be measured at their respective carrying amounts as recordedby the combining entities at the date of the combination. The difference between the carryingamount of the net assets obtained and the carrying amount of the consideration paid for thecombination is adjusted to the share premium in capital reserve. If the share premium is notsufficient to absorb the difference, any excess shall be adjusted against retained earnings.

Costs that are directly attributable to the combination are charged to profit or loss in the period inwhich they are incurred.



ESTIMATES - continued

5. The accounting treatment of business combinations involving or not involving enterprises

under common control - continued

5.2 Business combinations not involving enterprises under common control and goodwill

A business combination not involving enterprises under common control is a businesscombination in which all of the combining enterprises are not ultimately controlled by the sameparty or parties before and after the combination.

The cost of combination is the aggregate of the fair values, at the acquisition date, of the assetsgiven, liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity securities issued by the acquirer, in exchange forcontrol of the acquire. Where a business combination not involving enterprises under commoncontrol is achieved in stages that involve multiple transactions, the cost of combination is the sumof the consideration paid at the acquisition date and the fair value at the acquisition date of theacquirer's previously held interest in the acquiree. The intermediary expenses (fees in respect ofauditing, legal services, valuation and consultancy services, etc.) and other administrativeexpenses attributable to the business combination are recognized in profit or loss in the periodswhen they are incurred.

The acquiree's identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities acquired by the acquirer in abusiness combination that meet the recognition criteria shall be measured at fair value at theacquisition date.

Where the cost of combination exceeds the acquirer's interest in the fair value of the acquiree'sidentifiable net assets, the difference is treated as an asset and recognized as goodwill, which ismeasured at cost on initial recognition. Where the cost of combination is less than the acquirer'sinterest in the fair value of the acquiree's identifiable net assets, the acquirer reassesses themeasurement of the fair values of the acquiree's identifiable assets, liabilities and contingentliabilities and measurement of the cost of combination. If after that reassessment, the cost ofcombination is still less than the acquirer's interest in the fair value of the acquiree's identifiablenet assets, the acquirer recognizes the remaining difference immediately in profit or loss for thecurrent period.

Goodwill arising on a business combination is measured at cost less accumulated impairmentlosses, and is presented separately in the consolidated financial statements.

6. Preparation of consolidated financial statements

The scope of consolidation in the consolidated financial statements is determined on the basis ofcontrol. Control exists when the investor has power over the investee; is exposed, or has rights, tovariable returns from its involvement with the investee; and has the ability to use its power overthe investee to affect its returns. The Group reassesses whether or not it controls an investee iffacts and circumstances indicate that there are changes of the above elements of the definition ofcontrol.



ESTIMATES - continued

6. Preparation of consolidated financial statements - continued

Consolidation of a subsidiary begins when the Group obtains control over the subsidiaries andceases when the Group loses control of the subsidiary.

For a subsidiary already disposed of by the Group, the operating results and cash flows before thedate of disposal (the date when control is lost) are included in the consolidated income statementand consolidated statement of cash flows, as appropriate.

For subsidiaries acquired through a business combination involving enterprises not undercommon control, the operating results and cash flows from the acquisition date (the date whencontrol is obtained) are included in the consolidated income statement and consolidated statementof cash flows, as appropriate.

No matter when the business combination occurs in the reporting period, subsidiaries acquiredthrough a business combination involving enterprises under common control or the party beingabsorbed under merger by absorption are included in the Group's scope of consolidation as if theyhad been included in the scope of consolidation from the date when they first came under thecommon control of the ultimate controlling party. Their operating results and cash flows from thedate when they first came under the common control of the ultimate controlling party are includedin the consolidated income statement and consolidated statement of cash flows, as appropriate.

The significant accounting policies and accounting periods adopted by the subsidiaries aredetermined based on the uniform accounting policies and accounting periods set out by theCompany.

All significant intra-group balances and transactions are eliminated on consolidation.

The portion of subsidiaries' equity that is not attributable to the parent is treated as minorityinterests and presented as "minority interests" in the consolidated balance sheet undershareholders' equity. The portion of net profits or losses of subsidiaries for the period attributableto minority interests is presented as "minority interests" in the consolidated income statementunder the "net profit" line item.

When the amount of loss for the period attributable to the minority shareholders of a subsidiaryexceeds the minority shareholders' portion of the opening balance of shareholders' equity of thesubsidiary, the excess amount is still allocated against minority interests.

Acquisition of minority interests or disposals of interests in a subsidiary that do not result in theloss of control over the subsidiary are accounted for as equity transactions. The carrying amountsof the parent's interests and minority interests are adjusted to reflect the changes in their relativeinterests in the subsidiary. The difference between the amount by which the minority interests areadjusted and the fair value of the consideration paid or received is adjusted to capital reserve. Ifthe capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the difference, the excess are adjusted againstretained earnings.



ESTIMATES - continued

6. Preparation of consolidated financial statements - continued

For the stepwise acquisition of equity interest till acquiring control after a few transactions andleading to business combination not involving enterprises under common control, this should bedealt with based on whether this belongs to 'package deal': if it belongs to 'package deal',transactions will be dealt as transactions to acquire control. If it does not belong to 'package deal',transactions to acquire control on acquisition date will be under accounting treatment, the fairvalue of acquirees' shares held before acquisition date will be revalued, and the differencebetween fair value and book value will be recognized in profit or loss of the current period; ifacquirees' shares held before acquisition date involve in changes of other comprehensive incomeand other equity of owners under equity method, this will be transferred to income of acquisitiondate.

When the Group loses control over a subsidiary due to disposal of equity investment or otherreasons, any retained interest is re-measured at its fair value at the date when control is lost. Thedifference between (i) the aggregate of the consideration received on disposal and the fair value ofany retained interest and (ii) the share of the former subsidiary's net assets cumulatively calculatedfrom the acquisition date according to the original proportion of ownership interests is recognizedas investment income in the period in which control is lost, and the goodwill is offset accordingly.Other comprehensive income associated with investment in the former subsidiary is reclassified toinvestment income in the period in which control is lost.

When the Group loses control of a subsidiary in two or more arrangements (transactions), termsand conditions of the arrangements (transactions) and their economic effects are considered.One or more of the following indicate that the Group shall account for the multiple arrangementsas a 'package deal': (i) they are entered into at the same time or in contemplation of each other; (ii)they form a complete transaction designed to achieve an overall commercial effect; (iii) theoccurrence of one transaction is dependent on the occurrence of at least one other transaction; (iv)one transaction alone is not economically justified, but it is economically justified whenconsidered together with other transactions. Where the transactions of disposal of equityinvestments in a subsidiary until the loss of control are assessed as a package deal, thesetransactions are accounted for as one transaction of disposal of a subsidiary with loss of control.Before losing control, the difference of consideration received on disposal and the share of netassets of the subsidiary continuously calculated from acquisition date is recognized as othercomprehensive income. When losing control, the cumulated other comprehensive income istransferred to profit or loss of the period of losing control. If the transactions of disposal of equityinvestments in a subsidiary are not assessed as a package deal, these transactions are accountedfor as unrelated transactions.



ESTIMATES - continued

7. Types of joint arrangements and the accounting treatment of joint operation

There are two types of joint arrangements - joint operations and joint ventures. The classificationof joint arrangements under is determined based on the rights and obligations of parties to thejoint arrangements by considering the structure, the legal form of the arrangements, thecontractual terms agreed by the parties to the arrangement. A joint operation is a jointarrangement whereby the parties that have joint control of the arrangement have rights to theassets, and obligations for the liabilities, relating to the arrangement. A joint venture is a jointarrangement whereby the parties that have joint control of the arrangement have rights to the netassets of the arrangement.

Investments in joint ventures are accounted for using the equity method by the Group, which isdetailed in Notes (III) 14.3.2, a long-term equity investment is subject to for using the equitymethod.

The Group as a joint operator recognizes the following items in relation to its interest in a jointoperation: (1) its solely-held assets, including its share of any assets held jointly; (2) itssolely-assumed liabilities, including its share of any liabilities incurred jointly; (3) its revenuefrom the sale of its share of the output arising from the joint operation; (4) its share of the revenuefrom the sale of the output by the joint operation; and (5) its solely-incurred expenses, includingits share of any expenses incurred jointly. The Group accounts for the recognized assets, liabilities,revenues and expenses relating to its interest in a joint operation in accordance with therequirements applicable to the particular assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses.

8. Recognition criteria of cash and cash equivalents

Cash comprises cash on hand and deposits that can be readily withdrawn on demand. Cashequivalents are the Group's short-term, highly liquid investments that are readily convertible toknown amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.

9. Foreign currency transactions

9.1 Transactions denominated in foreign currencies

A foreign currency transaction is recorded, on initial recognition, by applying the spot exchangerate on the date of the transaction.

At the balance sheet date, foreign currency monetary items are translated into functional currencyusing the spot exchange rates at the balance sheet date. Exchange differences arising from thedifferences between the spot exchange rates prevailing at the balance sheet date and those oninitial recognition or at the previous balance sheet date are recognized in profit or loss for theperiod, except that (1) exchange differences related to a specific-purpose borrowing denominatedin foreign currency that qualify for capitalization are capitalized as part of the cost of thequalifying asset during the capitalization period; (2) exchange differences related to hedginginstruments for the purpose of hedging against foreign currency risks are accounted for usinghedge accounting.



ESTIMATES - continued

9. Foreign currency transactions - continued

9.1 Transactions denominated in foreign currencies - continued

When the consolidated financial statements include foreign operation(s), if there is foreigncurrency monetary item constituting a net investment in a foreign operation, exchange differencearising from changes in exchange rates are recognized as "exchange differences arising ontranslation of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies " in other comprehensiveincome, and in profit and loss for the period upon disposal of the foreign operation.

Foreign currency non-monetary items measured at historical cost are translated to the amounts infunctional currency at the spot exchange rates on the dates of the transactions; the amounts infunctional currency remain unchanged. Foreign currency non-monetary items measured at fairvalue are re-translated at the spot exchange rate on the date the fair value is determined.Difference between the re-translated functional currency amount and the original functionalcurrency amount is treated as changes in fair value (including changes of exchange rate) and isrecognized in profit and loss or as other comprehensive income.

9.2 Translation of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies

For the purpose of preparing the consolidated financial statements, financial statements of aforeign operation are translated from the foreign currency into RMB using the following method:

assets and liabilities on the balance sheet are translated at the spot exchange rate prevailing at thebalance sheet date; shareholders' equity items are translated at the spot exchange rates at the dateson which such items arose; all items in the income statement as well as items reflecting thedistribution of profits are translated at exchange rates that approximate the actual spot exchangerates on the dates of the transactions; The difference between the translated assets and theaggregate of liabilities and shareholders' equity items is recognized as other comprehensiveincome and included in shareholders' equity.

Cash flows arising from a transaction in foreign currency and the cash flows of a foreignsubsidiary are translated at average exchange rate during the accounting period of consolidatedfinancial statements. The effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents is regardedas a reconciling item and presented separately in the cash flow statement as "effect of exchangerate changes on cash and cash equivalents".

The opening balances and the comparative figures of previous year are presented at the translatedamounts in the previous year's financial statements.

On disposal of the Group's entire interest in a foreign operation, or upon a loss of control over aforeign operation due to disposal of certain interest in it or other reasons, the Group transfers theaccumulated exchange differences arising on translation of financial statements of this foreignoperation attributable to the owners' equity of the Company and presented under owners' equity,to profit or loss in the period in which the disposal occurs.



ESTIMATES - continued

9. Foreign currency transactions - continued

9.2 Translation of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies - continued

In case of a disposal of part equity investments or other reason leading to lower interestpercentage in foreign operations but does not result in the Group losing control over a foreignoperation, the proportionate share of accumulated exchange differences arising on translation offinancial statements are re-attributed to minority interests and are not recognized in profit and loss.For partial disposals of equity interests in foreign operations which are associates or joint ventures,the proportionate share of the accumulated exchange differences arising on translation of financialstatements of foreign operations is reclassified to profit or loss.

10. Financial instruments

The Group recognizes a financial asset or a financial liability when it becomes a party to thecontractual provisions of a financial instrument.

All regular way purchases or sales of financial assets are recognized and derecognized on a tradedate basis.

Financial assets and financial liabilities are initially measured at fair value. For financial assetsand financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, relevant transaction costs are directlyrecognized in profit or loss; transaction costs relating to other categories of financial assets andfinancial liabilities are included in the value initially recognized. For accounts receivablerecognized that do not contain a significant financing component or a financing componentincluded in the contracts less than one year which are not considered by the Group, which arewithin the scope of Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No.14 - Revenue (hereinafterreferred to as "new standards for revenue"), transaction prices defined in the standards shall beadopted on initial recognition.

The effective interest method is a method that is used in the calculation of the amortized cost of afinancial asset or a financial liability and in the allocation of the interest income or interestexpense in profit or loss over the relevant period.

The effective interest rate is the rate that exactly discounts estimated future cash flows through theexpected life of the financial asset or financial liability to the gross carrying amount of a financialasset or to the amortized cost of a financial liability. When calculating the effective interest rate,the Group estimates future cash flows by considering all the contractual terms of the financialasset or financial liability (for example, prepayment, extension, call option or similar options) butshall not consider the expected credit losses.

The amortized cost of a financial asset or a financial liability is the amount of a financial asset or afinancial liability initially recognized net of principal repaid, plus or less the cumulative amortizedamount arising from amortization of the difference between the amount initially recognized andthe amount at the maturity date using the effective interest method, net of cumulative credit lossallowance (only applicable to financial assets).



ESTIMATES - continued

10. Financial instruments - continued

10.1 Classification, recognition and measurement of financial assets

Subsequent to initial recognition, the Group's financial assets of various categories aresubsequently measured at amortized cost, at fair value through other comprehensive income or atfair value through profit or loss.

If contractual terms of the financial asset give rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solelypayments of principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding, and the financial asset isheld within a business model whose objective is to hold financial assets in order to collectcontractual cash flows, such asset is classified into financial assets measured at amortized cost,which include cash and bank balances, notes receivable and accounts receivable and otherreceivables and etc..

Financial assets that meet the following conditions are subsequently measured at fair valuethrough other comprehensive income ("FVTOCI"): the financial asset is held within a businessmodel whose objective is achieved by both collecting contractual cash flows and selling; and thecontractual terms of the financial asset give rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solelypayments of principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding. Financial assets atFVTOCI are presented as other debt investments. Other debt investments due within one year(inclusive) since the balance sheet date are presented as non-current assets due within one year.Other debt investments due within one year (inclusive) upon acquisition are presented as othercurrent assets.

On initial recognition, the Group may irrevocably designate non-trading equity instruments, otherthan contingent consideration recognized through business combination not involving enterprisesunder common control, as financial assets at FVTOCI on an individual basis. Such financialassets at FVTOCI are presented as other equity instrument.

Financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss ("FVTPL") include those classifiedas financial assets at FVTPL and those designated as financial assets at FVTPL, which arepresented as held-for-trading financial assets other than derivative financial assets. Such financialassets at FVTPL which may fall due more than one year since the balance sheet date and will beheld more than one year are presented as other non-current financial assets.

? Any financial assets that does not qualify for amortized cost measurement or measurement at

FVTOCI or designated at FVTOCI are classified into financial assets at FVTPL.? Upon initial recognition, in order to eliminate or significantly reduce accounting mismatch

and qualified hybrid financial instrument combines financial asset with embedded derivatives,

the Group will irrevocably designated it as financial liabilities at FVTPL.



ESTIMATES - continued

10. Financial instruments - continued

10.1 Classification, recognition and measurement of financial assets -continued

A financial asset is classified as held for trading if one of the following conditions is satisfied:

? It has been acquired principally for the purpose of selling in the near term; or? On initial recognition it is part of a portfolio of identified financial instruments that the

Group manages together and there is objective evidence that the Group has a recent actualpattern of short-term profit-taking; or? It is a derivative that is not a financial guarantee contract or designated and effective as a

hedging instrument.

10.1.1 Financial assets measured at amortized cost

Financial assets measured at amortized cost are subsequently measured at amortized cost usingthe effective interest method. Gain or loss arising from impairment or derecognition is recognizedin profit or loss.

For financial assets measured at amortized cost, the Group recognizes interest income usingeffective interest method. The Group calculates and recognizes interest income through bookvalue of financial assets multiplying effective interest, except for the following circumstances:

? For purchased or originated credit-impaired financial assets with credit impairment, the

Group calculates and recognizes its interest income based on amortized cost of thefinancial asset and the effective interest through credit adjustment since initial recognition.

10.1.2 Financial assets at FVTOCI

Impairment losses or gains related to financial assets at FVTOCI, interest income measured usingeffective interest method and exchange gains or losses are recognized into profit or loss for thecurrent period, except for the above circumstances, changes in fair value of the financial assets areincluded in other comprehensive income. Amounts charged to profit or loss for every period equalto the amount charged to profit or loss as it is measured at amortized costs. When the financialasset is derecognized, the cumulative gains or losses previously recognized in othercomprehensive income shall be removed from other comprehensive income and recognized inprofit or loss.

Non-trading equity instrument investments are designated as financial assets at FVTOCI, thecumulative gains or losses previously recognized in other comprehensive income allocated to thepart derecognized are transferred and included in retained earnings. During the period in whichthe Group holds the non-trading equity instrument, revenue from dividends is recognized in profitor loss for the current period when (1) the Group has established the right of collecting dividends;(2) it is probable that the associated economic benefits will flow to the Group; and (3) the amountof dividends can be measured reliably.



ESTIMATES - continued

10. Financial instruments - continued

10.1 Classification, recognition and measurement of financial assets -continued

10.1.3 Financial assets at FVTPL

Financial assets at FVTPL are subsequently measured at fair value. Gain or loss arising fromchanges in fair values and dividends and interests related to the financial assets are recognized inprofit or loss.

10.2 Impairment of financial instruments

The Group makes accounting treatment on impairment and recognizes loss allowance forexpected credit losses ("ECL") on financial instruments measured at amortized cost, financialinstruments classified as at FVTOCI, lease receivables and contract assets.

The Group makes a loss allowance against amount of lifetime ECL of the contract assets andaccounts receivable that exclude significant financing component or do not consider the financingcomponent in the contract within one year arising from transactions adopting New Standards forRevenue, contract assets and accounts receivable that include significant financing componentand lease receivables arising from transactions adopting New Standards for Lease.

For other financial instrument, other than purchased or originated credit-impaired financial assets,the Group assesses changes in credit risks of the relevant financial asset since initial recognition ateach balance sheet date. If the credit loss of the financial instrument has been significantlyincreased since initial recognition, the Group will make a loss allowance at an amount of expectedcredit loss during the whole life; if not, the Group will make a loss allowance for the financialinstrument at an amount in the future 12-month expected credit losses. Except for the financialassets classified as at FVTOCI, increase in or reversal of credit loss allowance is included in profitor loss as loss/gain on impairment. For the financial assets classified as at FVTOCI, the Grouprecognizes credit loss allowance in other comprehensive income and recognizes the loss/gain onimpairment in profit or loss, while the Group does not decrease the carrying amount of suchfinancial assets in the balance sheet.

The Group has makes a loss allowance against amount of expected credit losses during the wholelife in the prior accounting period. However, at the balance sheet date, the credit risk on afinancial instrument has not increased significantly since initial recognition; the Group willmeasure the loss allowance for that financial instrument at an amount in the future 12-monthexpected credit losses. Reversed amount of loss allowance arising from such circumstances shallbe included in profit or loss as impairment gains.



ESTIMATES - continued

10. Financial instruments - continued

10.2 Impairment of financial instruments - continued

10.2.1 Significant increase of credit risk

In assessing whether the credit risk has increased significantly since initial recognition, the Groupcompares the risk of a default occurring on the financial instrument as at the reporting date withthe risk of a default occurring on the financial instrument as at the date of initial recognition. Forloan commitments, the date that the Group becomes a party to the irrevocable commitment isconsidered to be the date of initial recognition in the application of criteria related to the financialinstrument for impairment.

In particular, the following information is taken into account when assessing whether credit riskhas increased significantly:

(1) Significant changes in internal price indicators of credit risk as a result of a change in credit

risk;(2) Other changes in the rates or terms of an existing financial instrument that would be

significantly different if the instrument was newly originated or issued at the balance sheet

date (such as more stringent covenants, increased amounts of collateral or guarantees, or

higher income coverage).(3) Significant changes in external market indicators of credit risk for a particular financial

instrument or similar financial instruments with the same expected life. These indicators

include the credit spread, the credit swap prices for the borrower, the length of time or the

extent to which the fair value of a financial asset has been less than its amortized cost and

other market information related to the borrower, such as changes in the price of a

borrower’s debt and equity instruments.(4) Significant changes in actual or expected external credit rating for the financial instruments;(5) An actual or expected internal credit rating downgrade for the borrower(6) Adverse changes in business, financial or economic conditions that are expected to cause a

significant change in the debtor’s ability to meet its debt obligations;(7) An actual or expected significant change in the operating results of the debtor;(8) Significant increases in credit risk on other financial instruments of the same borrower;(9) Significant adverse change in the regulatory, economic, or technological environment of the

debtor;(10) Significant changes in the value of the collateral supporting the obligation or in the quality

of third-party guarantees or credit enhancements, which are expected to reduce the

debtor’s economic incentive to make scheduled contractual payments or to otherwise have

an effect on the probability of a default occurring.(11) Significant changes in circumstances expected to reduce the debtor’s economic incentive to

make scheduled contractual payments;



ESTIMATES - continued

10. Financial instruments - continued

10.2.1 Significant increase of credit risk - continued

(12) Expected changes in the loan documentation including an expected breach of contract that

may lead to covenant waivers or amendments, interest payment holidays, interest ratestep-ups, requiring additional collateral or guarantees, or other changes to the contractualframework of the financial instrument;(13) Significant changes in the expected performance and behavior of the debtor;(14) Changes in the entity’s credit management approach in relation to the financial instrument;(15) Past due of contract payment.

At balance sheet date, if the Group judges that the financial instrument solely has lower credit risk,the Group will assume that the credit risk of the financial instrument has not been significantlyincreased since initial recognition.

10.2.2 Credit-impaired financial assets

When the Group expected occurrence of one or more events which may cause adverse impact onfuture cash flows of a financial asset, the financial asset will become a credit-impaired financialassets. Objective evidence that a financial asset is impaired includes but not limited to thefollowing observable events:

(1) Significant financial difficulty of the issuer or debtor;(2) A breach of contract by the debtor, such as a default or delinquency in interest or principal

payments;(3) The creditor, for economic or legal reasons relating to the debtor’s financial difficulty,

granting a concession to the debtor;(4) It becoming probable that the debtor will enter bankruptcy or other financial

reorganizations;(5) The disappearance of an active market for that financial asset because of financial

difficulties of the issuer or the debtor;(6) Purchase or originate a financial asset with a large scale of discount, which reflects facts

of credit loss incurred.

10.2.3 Determination of expected credit loss

The Group uses a provision matrix to determine the credit losses for accounts receivable, contractassets and debt investment based on a portfolio basis. The Group classifies financial instrumentsinto different groups based on common risk characteristics. Common credit risk characteristicsinclude credit risk rating, the date of initial recognition, remaining contractual maturity, industryof borrower and geographical location of the borrower etc.



ESTIMATES - continued

10. Financial instruments - continued

10.2 Impairment of financial assets - continued

10.2.3 Determination of expected credit loss - continued

The Group determines expected credit losses of relevant financial instruments using the followingmethods:

? For a financial asset, a credit loss is the present value of the difference between the contractual

cash flows that are due to the Group under the contract and the cash flows that the Groupexpects to receive;? For a lease receivable, a credit loss is the present value of the difference between the contractual

cash flows that are due to the Group under the contract and the cash flows that the Groupexpects to receive;? For a financial asset with credit-impaired at the balance sheet date, but not purchased or

originated credit-impaired, a credit losses is the difference between the asset’s grosscarrying amount and the present value of estimated future cash flows discounted at thefinancial asset’s original effective interest rate.

The factors reflected in methods of measurement of expected credit losses include an unbiasedand probability-weighted amount that is determined by evaluating a range of possible outcomes;time value of money; reasonable and supportable information about past events, currentconditions and forecasts on future economic status at balance sheet date without unnecessaryadditional costs or efforts.

10.2.4 Write-down of financial assets

When the Group will no longer reasonably expect that the contractual cash flows of financialassets can be collected in aggregate or in part, the Group will directly write down the carryingamount of the financial asset, which constitutes derecognition of relevant financial assets.

10.3 Transfer of financial assets

The Group will derecognize a financial asset if one of the following conditions is satisfied: (i) thecontractual rights to the cash flows from the financial asset expire; (ii) the financial asset has beentransferred and substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset istransferred to the transferee; or (iii) although the financial asset has been transferred, the Groupneither transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financialasset but has not retained control of the financial asset.



ESTIMATES - continued

10. Financial instruments - continued

10.3 Transfer of financial assets - continued

If the Group neither transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of afinancial asset, and it retains control of the financial asset, the Group will recognize the financialasset to the extent of its continuing involvement in the transferred financial asset and recognize anassociated liability. The Group will measure relevant liabilities as follows:

? For transferred financial assets carried at amortized cost, the carrying amount of relevant

liabilities is the carrying amount of financial assets transferred with continuing involvementless amortized cost of the Group's retained rights (if the Group retains relevant rights upontransfer of financial assets) with addition of amortized cost of obligations assumed by theGroup (if the Group assumes relevant obligations upon transfer of financial assets). Relevantliabilities are not designated as financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss.

? For transferred financial assets carried at fair value, the carrying amount of relevant financial

liabilities is the carrying amount of financial assets transferred with continuing involvementless fair value of the Group's retained rights (if the Group retains relevant rights upontransfer of financial assets) with addition of fair value of obligations assumed by the Group(if the Group assumes relevant obligations upon transfer of financial assets). Accordingly,the fair value of relevant rights and obligations shall be measured on an individual basis.

For a transfer of a financial asset in its entirety that satisfies the derecognition criteria, forfinancial asset categorized into those measured at amortized cost and financial asset categorizedinto those measured at FVTOCI, the difference between (1) the carrying amount of the financialasset transferred and (2) the sum of the consideration received from the transfer and accumulatedchanges in fair value initially recorded in other comprehensive income is recognized in profit orloss. For the non-tradable equity instrument designated as financial assets at FVTOCI, cumulativegain or loss that has been recognized in other comprehensive income should be removed fromother comprehensive income but be recognized in retained earnings.

For a part of transfer of a financial asset that satisfies the derecognition criteria, the carryingamount of the transferred financial asset is allocated between the part that is derecognized and thepart that is continuously involved, based on the respective fair values of those parts on transferdate. The difference between (1) the sum of the consideration received for the part derecognizedand any cumulative gain or loss allocated to the part derecognized which has been previouslyrecognized in other comprehensive income; and (2) the carrying amount allocated to the partderecognized on derecognition date; is recognized in profit or loss. For the non-tradable equityinstrument designated as financial assets at FVTOCI, cumulative gain or loss that has beenrecognized in other comprehensive income should be removed from other comprehensive incomebut be recognized in retained earnings.



ESTIMATES - continued

10. Financial instruments - continued

10.3 Transfer of financial assets - continued

For a transfer of a financial asset in its entirety that does not satisfy the derecognition criteria, theGroup will continuously recognize the transferred financial asset in its entirety. Considerationsreceived due to transfer of assets should be recognized as a liability upon receipts.

10.4 Classification of financial liabilities equity instruments

Financial instruments issued by the Group are classified into financial liabilities or equityinstruments on the basis of the substance of the contractual arrangements and the economic naturenot only its legal form, together with the definition of financial liability and equity instruments oninitial recognition.

10.4.1 Classification, recognition and measurement of financial liabilities

On initial recognition, financial liabilities are classified into financial liabilities at FVTPL andother financial liabilities. Financial liabilities at FVTPL

Financial liabilities at FVTPL consist of financial liabilities held for trading (including derivativesclassified as financial liabilities) and those designated as at FVTPL. Except for derivativefinancial liabilities presented separately, the financial liabilities at FVTPL are presented asheld-for-trading financial liabilities.

A financial liability is classified as held for trading if one of the following conditions is satisfied:

? It has been acquired principally for the purpose of repurchasing in the near term; or? On initial recognition it is part of a portfolio of identified financial instruments that the

Group manages together and there is objective evidence that the Group has a recent actualpattern of short-term profit-taking; or? It is a derivative that is not a financial guarantee contract or designated and effective as a

hedging instrument.

A financial liability may be designated as at FVTPL on initial recognition when one of thefollowing conditions is satisfied: (i) Such designation eliminates or significantly reducesaccounting mismatch; or (ii) The Group makes management and performance evaluation on a fairvalue basis, in accordance with the Group's formally documented risk management or investmentstrategy, and reports to key management personnel on that basis. (iii) The qualified hybridfinancial instrument combines financial asset with embedded derivatives.



ESTIMATES - continued

10. Financial instruments - continued

10.4 Classification of financial liabilities equity instruments - continued

10.4.1 Classification, recognition and measurement of financial liabilities - continued Financial liabilities at FVTPL - continued

Transaction financial liabilities are subsequently measured at fair value. Any gains or lossesarising from changes in the fair value and any dividend or interest expenses paid on the financialliabilities are recognized in profit or loss.

The amount of change in the fair value of the financial liability that is attributable to changes inthe credit risk of that liability shall be presented in other comprehensive income, other changes infair values are included in profit or loss for the current period. Upon the derecognition of suchliability, the accumulated amount of change in fair value that is attributable to changes in thecredit risk of that liability, which is recognized in other comprehensive income, is transferred toretained earnings. Any dividend or interest income earned on the financial liabilities arerecognized in profit or loss. If the impact of the change in credit risk of such financial liabilitydealt with in the above way would create or enlarge an accounting mismatch in profit or loss, theGroup shall present all gains or losses on that liability (including the effects of changes in thecredit risk of that liability) in profit or loss. Other financial liabilities

Other financial liabilities, except for financial liabilities arising from transfer of financial assetsdoes not satisfy derecognition criteria or continue involvement of transferred financial assets, aresubsequently measured at amortized cost, with gain or loss arising from derecognition oramortization recognized in profit or loss.

That the Group and its counterparty modify or renegotiate the contract does not result inderecognition of a financial liability subsequently measured at amortized cost but result inchanges in contractual cash flows, the Group will recalculate the carrying amount of the financialliability, with relevant gain or loss recognized in profit or loss. The Group will determine carryingamount of the financial liability based on the present value of renegotiated or modified contractualcash flows discounted at the financial liability's original effective interest rate. For all costs orexpenses arising from modification or renegotiation of the contract, the Group will adjust themodified carrying amount of the financial liability and make amortization during the remainingterm of the modified financial liability.



ESTIMATES - continued

10. Financial instruments - continued

10.4 Classification of financial liabilities equity instruments - continued

10.4.1 Classification, recognition and measurement of financial liabilities - continued Financial guarantee contracts

A financial guarantee contract is a contract that requires the issuer to make specified paymentsto reimburse the holder of the contract for a loss it incurs because a specified debtor fails to makepayment when due in accordance with the original or modified terms of a debt instrument.Subsequent to initial recognition, financial guarantee contracts that are not designated as financialliabilities at fair value through profit or loss are measured at the higher of: (1) amount of lossprovision; and (2) the amount initially recognized less cumulative amortization amountdetermined based on new standards for revenue.

10.4.2 Derecognition of financial liabilities

The Group derecognizes a financial liability (or part of it) when the underlying present obligation(or part of it) is discharged. An agreement between the Group (the debtor) and the creditor toreplace the original financial liability with a new financial liability with substantially differentterms is accounted for as an extinguishment of the original financial liability and the recognitionof a new financial liability.

When the Group derecognizes a financial liability or a part of it, it recognizes the differencebetween the carrying amount of the financial liability (or part of the financial liability)derecognized and the consideration paid (including any non-cash assets transferred or newfinancial liabilities assumed) in profit or loss.

10.4.3 Equity instruments

An equity instrument is any contract that evidences a residual interest in the assets of the Groupafter deducting all of its liabilities. Equity instruments issued (including refinanced), repurchased,sold and cancelled by the Group are recognized as changes of equity. Changes of fair value ofequity instruments is not recognized by the Group. Transaction costs related to equity transactionsare deducted from equity.

The Group recognizes the distribution to holders of the equity instruments as distribution ofprofits, dividends paid do not affect total amount of shareholders' equity.



ESTIMATES - continued

10. Financial instruments - continued

10.5 Offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities

Where the Group has a legal right that is currently enforceable to set off the recognized financialassets and financial liabilities, and intends either to settle on a net basis, or to realize the financialasset and settle the financial liability simultaneously, a financial asset and a financial liability shallbe offset and the net amount is presented in the balance sheet. Except for the above circumstances,financial assets and financial liabilities shall be presented separately in the balance sheet and shallnot be offset.

11. Accounts receivable

The Group makes internal credit ratings on customers and determines expected losses rate ofaccounts receivable. Basis for determining ratings and methods for bad debt provision are asfollows:

Internal credit ratingBasis for determining portfolioAverage expected loss rate (%)
ACustomers can make repayments within credit term and have good credit records based on historical experience. The probability of unpayment of due amount are extremely low in the foreseeable future.0.00-0.10
BThe customer may have overdue payment based on historical experience but they can make repayments.0.10-0.30
CThe evidences indicate that the overdue credit risks of the customer are significantly increased and there is probability of unpayment and default.0.30-50.00
DThe evidences indicate that the accounts receivable are impaired and the customer has significant financial difficulty. The amounts cannot be recovered in the foreseeable future.50.00-100.00



12. Inventories - continued

12.2 Valuation method of inventories upon delivery

The actual cost of inventories upon delivery is calculated using the weighted average method.

12.3 Basis for determining net realizable value of inventories and provision methods for declinein value of inventories

At the balance sheet date, inventories are measured at the lower of cost and net realizable value. Ifthe cost of inventories is higher than the net realizable value, a provision for decline in value ofinventories is made. Net realizable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course ofbusiness less the estimated costs of completion, the estimated costs necessary to make the sale andrelevant taxes. Net realizable value is determined on the basis of clear evidence obtained, aftertaking into consideration the purposes of inventories being held and effect of post balance sheetevents.

Provision for decline in value of other inventories is made based on the excess of cost ofinventory over its net realizable value on an item-by-item basis.

After the provision for decline in value of inventories is made, if the circumstances thatpreviously caused inventories to be written down below cost no longer exist so that the netrealizable value of inventories is higher than their cost, the original provision for decline in valueis reversed and the reversal is included in profit or loss for the period.

12.4 Inventory count system

The perpetual inventory system is maintained for stock system.

12.5 Amortization methods for low cost and short-lived consumable items and packagingmaterials

Packaging materials and low cost and short-lived consumable items are amortized using theimmediate write-off method.

13. Assets held for sale

When the Group withdraw the book value of certain assets or disposal group mainly throughdisposal instead of continual application, the assets should be classified as held-for-sale assets.

Assets or disposal group classified as held-for-sale assets should meat following conditions: (1)The current status is available for immediate distribution according to similar transactions of thiscategory of assets or disposal group; (2) The transaction is likely to occur, i.e. the Group has madeits resolution over the distribution arrangements and acquired purchase commitment. Also thedistribution is going to be fulfilled within a year.



13. Assets held for sale - continued

If the holding company loses control of its subsidiary for reasons like subsidiary disposal, inregardless of whether the holding company still keeps part of equity investment, once theproposed investment disposal meets the requirements of being classified as available for saleassets in the holding company's individual statement, all assets and liabilities of the subsidiaryshould be classified as held-for-sale in consolidated financial statement.

The group's non-current assets and disposal group are measured at the lower of book value andthe net value of fair value less costs to sell. Once the book value is higher than the net value offair value less costs to sell, the book value should be adjusted to the net value and the excessshould be recognized as impairment losses and provision for held-for-sale assets impairmentshould be made. A gain and a reverse in the previous provision for held-for-sale assetsimpairment can be recognized for any increase in fair value less costs to sell at subsequentbalance sheet dates, to the extent that it is not in excess of the cumulative impairment loss that hasbeen recognized.

Non-current held-for-sale assets is not subject to depreciation and amortization. The creditorinterest and other expenses of disposal group classified as held-for-sale asset should still berecognized.

Once the associate or joint venture equity investment is completely or partly classified asheld-for-sale assets, the classified part of the investment is not subject to equity methodmeasurement.

14. Long-term equity investments

14.1 Basis for determining joint control and significant influence over investee

Control is archived when the Group has the power over the investee and has rights to variablereturns from its involvement with the investee; and has the ability to use its power to affect itsreturns. Joint control is the contractually agreed sharing of control over an economic activity, andexists only when the strategic financial and operating policy decisions relating to the activityrequire the unanimous consent of the parties sharing control. Significant influence is the power toparticipate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee but is not control or jointcontrol over those policies. When determining whether an investing enterprise is able to exercisecontrol or significant influence over an investee, the effect of potential voting rights of theinvestee (for example, warrants and convertible debts) held by the investing enterprises or otherparties that are currently exercisable or convertible shall be considered.



14. Long-term equity investments - continued

14.2 Determination of investment cost

For a long-term equity investment acquired through a business combination involving enterprisesunder common control, the investment cost of the long-term equity investment is the attributableshare of the carrying amount of the shareholders' equity of the acquiree at the date of combination.The difference between the initial investment cost and the carrying amount of cash paid, non-cashassets transferred and liabilities assumed shall be adjusted to capital reserve. If the balance ofcapital reserve is not sufficient, any excess shall be adjusted to retained earnings. If theconsideration of the combination is satisfied by the issue of equity securities, the initialinvestment cost of the long-term equity investment shall be the share of party being absorbed ofthe owners' equity in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controlling party at thedate of combination. The aggregate face value of the shares issued shall be accounted for as sharecapital. The difference between the initial investment cost and the aggregate face value of theshares issued shall be adjusted to capital reserve. If the balance of capital reserve is not sufficient,any excess shall be adjusted to retained earnings.

For a long-term equity investment acquired through business combination not involvingenterprises under common control, the investment cost of the long-term equity investmentacquired is the cost of acquisition.

The absorbing party's or purchaser's intermediary expenses (fees in respect of auditing, legalservices, valuation and consultancy services, etc.) and other administrative expenses attributableto the business combination are recognized in profit or loss in the periods when they are incurred.

The long-term equity investment acquired otherwise than through a business combination isinitially measured at its cost. When the entity is able to exercise significant influence or jointcontrol (but not control) over an investee due to additional investment, the cost of long-termequity investments is the sum of the fair value of previously-held equity investments determinedin accordance with Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No.22 - Financial Instruments:

Recognition and Measurement of (ASBE No. 22) and the additional investment cost.

14.3 Subsequent measurement and recognition of profit or loss

14.3.1 A long-term equity investment accounted for using the cost method

Long-term equity investments in subsidiaries are accounted for using the cost method in theCompany's separate financial statements. A subsidiary is an investee that is controlled by theGroup.

Under the cost method, a long-term equity investment is measured at initial investment cost.Additional or withdrawing investment would affect the cost of long-term equity investment.Investment income is recognized in the period in accordance with the attributable share of cashdividends or profit distributions declared by the investee.



14. Long-term equity investments - continued

14.3 Subsequent measurement and recognition of profit or loss - continued

14.3.2 A long-term equity investment accounted for using the equity method

Except associate and joint venture investment completely or partly classified as available for sale,and The Group accounts for investment in associates and joint ventures using the equity method.An associate is an entity over which the Group has significant influence and a joint venture is ajoint arrangement whereby the parties that have joint control of the arrangement have rights to thenet assets of the joint arrangement.

Under the equity method, where the initial investment cost of a long-term equity investmentexceeds the Group's share of the fair value of the investee's identifiable net assets at the time ofacquisition, no adjustment is made to the initial investment cost. Where the initial investmentcost is less than the Group's share of the fair value of the investee's identifiable net assets at thetime of acquisition, the difference is recognized in profit or loss for the period, and the cost of thelong-term equity investment is adjusted accordingly.

Under the equity method, the Group recognizes its share of the other comprehensive income andnet profit or loss of the investee for the period as other comprehensive income and investmentincome or loss respectively for the period, and the carrying amount of the long-term equityinvestment is adjusted accordingly. The carrying amount of the investment shall be reduced by theportion of any profit distributions or cash dividends declared by the investee that is distributed tothe investing enterprise. The investing enterprise shall adjust the carrying amount of the long-termequity investment for other changes in owners' equity of the investee (other than net profits orlosses, other comprehensive income and profit distribution), and include the correspondingadjustment in capital reserve. The Group recognizes its share of the investee's net profit or lossbased on the fair value of the investee's individually identifiable assets at the acquisition date aftermaking appropriate adjustments. Where the accounting policies and accounting period adopted bythe investee are different from those of the investing enterprise, the investing enterprise shalladjust the financial statements of the investee to conform to its own accounting policies andaccounting period, and recognize other comprehensive income and investment income or lossesbased on the adjusted financial statements. Unrealized profits or losses resulting from the Group'stransactions and assets invested or sold that are not recognized as business transactions with itsassociates and joint ventures are recognized as investment income or loss to the extent that thoseattributable to the Group's, equity interest are eliminated. However, unrealized losses resultingfrom the Group's transactions with its associates and joint ventures which represent impairmentlosses on the transferred assets are not eliminated.

The Group discontinues recognizing its share of net losses of the investee after the carryingamount of the long-term equity investment together with any long-term interests that in substanceform part of its net investment in the investee are reduced to zero. Except that if the Group hasincurred obligations to assume additional losses, a provision is recognized according to theobligation expected, and recorded in the investment loss for the period. Where net profits aresubsequently made by the investee, the Group resumes recognizing its share of those profits onlyafter its share of the profits exceeds the share of losses previously not recognized.



14. Long-term equity investments - continued

14.4 Disposal of long-term equity investments

On disposal of a long-term equity investment, the difference between the proceeds actuallyreceived and receivable and the carrying amount is recognized in profit or loss for the period.For long-term equity investments accounted for using the equity method, if the remaining interestafter disposal is still accounted for using the equity method, other comprehensive incomepreviously recognized for using the equity method is accounted for on the same basis as wouldhave been required if the investee had directly disposed of related assets or liabilities, andtransferred to profit or loss for the period on a pro rata basis; owners' equity recognized due tochanges in other owners' equity of the investee (other than net profit or loss, other comprehensiveincome and profit distribution) is transferred to profit or loss for the period on a pro rata basis.

For long-term equity investments accounted for using the cost method, if the remaining interestafter disposal is still accounted for using the cost method, other comprehensive income previouslyrecognized for using the equity method or in accordance with the standards for the recognitionand measurement of financial instruments before obtaining the control over the investee, isaccounted for on the same basis as would have been required if the investee had directly disposedof related assets or liabilities, and transferred to profit or loss for the period on a pro rata basis;changes in other owners' equity in the investee's net assets recognized under the equity method(other than net profit or loss, other comprehensive income and profit distribution) is transferred toprofit or loss for the period on a pro rata basis.

15. Investment properties

Investment property is property held to earn rentals or for capital appreciation or both. It includesa land use right that is leased out; a land use right held for transfer upon capital appreciation; anda building that is leased out.

An investment property is measured initially at cost. Subsequent expenditures incurred for suchinvestment property are included in the cost of the investment property if it is probable thateconomic benefits associated with an investment property will flow to the Group and thesubsequent expenditures can be measured reliably, other subsequent expenditures are recognizedin profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred.

The Group uses the cost model for subsequent measurement of investment property, and adopts adepreciation or amortization policy for the investment property which is consistent with that forbuildings or land use rights.

When an investment property is sold, transferred, retired or damaged, the Group recognizes theamount of any proceeds on disposal net of the carrying amount and related taxes in profit or lossfor the period.



16. Fixed assets

16.1 Recognition criteria for fixed assets

Fixed assets are tangible assets that are held for use in the production or supply of goods orservices, for rental to others, or for administrative purposes, and have useful lives of more thanone accounting year. A fixed asset is recognized only when it is probable that economic benefitsassociated with the asset will flow to the Group and the cost of the asset can be measured reliably.Fixed assets are initially measured at cost. Upon being restructured into a stock company, thefixed assets initially contributed by the state-owned shareholders are recognized based on thevaluation amounts confirmed by the state-owned assets administration department.

Subsequent expenditures incurred for the fixed asset are included in the cost of the fixed asset andif it is probable that economic benefits associated with the asset will flow to the Group and thesubsequent expenditures can be measured reliably. Meanwhile the carrying amount of thereplaced part is derecognized. Other subsequent expenditures are recognized in profit or loss inthe period in which they are incurred.

16.2 Depreciation of each category of fixed assets

A fixed asset is depreciated over its useful life using the straight-line method starting from themonth subsequent to the one in which it is ready for intended use. The useful life, estimated netresidual value rate and annual depreciation rate of each category of fixed assets are as follows:

CategoryEstimated useful livesEstimated residual value (%)Annual depreciation rate (%)
Port and terminal facilities8 - 99 years5.000.96 - 11.88
Buildings10 - 50 years5.001.90 - 9.50
Machinery and equipment, furniture and fixture and other equipment3 - 20 years5.004.75 - 31.67
Motor vehicles and cargo ships5 - 25 years5.003.80 - 19.00



17. Construction in progress

Construction in progress is measured at its actual costs. The actual costs include variousconstruction expenditures during the construction period, borrowing costs capitalized before it isready for intended use and other relevant costs. Construction in progress is not depreciated.Construction in progress is transferred to a fixed asset when it is ready for intended use.

18. Borrowing Costs

Borrowing costs directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of qualifyingasset are capitalized when expenditures for such asset and borrowing costs are incurred andactivities relating to the acquisition, construction or production of the asset that are necessary toprepare the asset for its intended use or sale have commenced. Capitalization of borrowing costsceases when the qualifying asset being acquired, constructed or produced becomes ready for itsintended use or sale. Capitalization of borrowing costs is suspended during periods in which theacquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset is interrupted abnormally and whenthe interruption is for a continuous period of more than 3 months. Capitalization is suspendeduntil the acquisition, construction or production of the asset is resumed. Other borrowing costs arerecognized as an expense in the period in which they are incurred.

Where funds are borrowed under a specific-purpose borrowing, the amount of interest to becapitalized is the actual interest expense incurred on that borrowing for the period less any bankinterest earned from depositing the borrowed funds before being used on the asset or anyinvestment income on the temporary investment of those funds. Where funds are borrowed undergeneral-purpose borrowings, the Group determines the amount of interest to be capitalized onsuch borrowings by applying a capitalization rate to the weighted average of the excess ofcumulative expenditures on the asset over the amounts of specific-purpose borrowings. Thecapitalization rate is the weighted average of the interest rates applicable to the general-purposeborrowings. During the capitalization period, exchange differences related to a specific-purposeborrowing denominated in foreign currency are all capitalized. Exchange differences inconnection with general-purpose borrowings are recognized in profit or loss in the period inwhich they are incurred.

19. Intangible assets

Intangible assets include land use rights and port operating right.

An intangible asset is measured initially at cost. Upon being restructured into a stock company,the intangible assets initial contributed by the state-owned shareholders are recognized based onthe valuation amounts confirmed by the state-owned assets administration department. When anintangible asset with a finite useful life is available for use, its original cost is amortized over itsestimated useful life.



19. Intangible assets - continued

CategoryAmortization methodEstimated useful lives (years)Residual value (%)
Land use rightsStraight-line method40 - 99-
Port operating rightStraight-line method30 - 35-
OthersStraight-line method5 - 50-



21. Long-term prepaid expenses

Long-term prepaid expenses represent expenses incurred that should be borne and amortized overthe current and subsequent periods (together of more than one year). Long-term prepaid expensesare amortized using the straight-line method over the expected periods in which benefits arederived.

22. Employee benefits

22.1 The accounting treatment of short-term employee benefits

Actually occurred short-term employee benefits are recognized as liabilities, with a correspondingcharge to the profit or loss for the period or in the costs of relevant assets in the accounting periodin which employees provide services to the Group. Staff welfare expenses incurred by theGroup are recognized in profit or loss for the period or the costs of relevant assets based on theactually occurred amounts when it actually occurred. Non-monetary staff welfare expenses aremeasured at fair value.

Payment made by the Group of social security contributions for employees such as premiums orcontributions on medical insurance, work injury insurance and maternity insurance, etc. andpayments of housing funds, as well as union running costs and employee education costs providedin accordance with relevant requirements, are calculated according to prescribed bases andpercentages in determining the amount of employee benefits and recognized as relevant liabilities,with a corresponding charge to the profit or loss for the period or the costs of relevant assets in theaccounting period in which employees provide services.

22.2 The accounting treatment of post-employment benefits

Post-employment benefits are classified into defined contribution plans and defined benefit plans.

During the accounting period of rendering service to employees of the Group, amount whichshould be paid according to defined contribution plans is recognized as liabilities, and recognizedin profit or loss or related costs of assets.

For defined benefit plans, the Group calculates defined benefit plan obligations using projectedunit credit method and the service cost resulting from employee service in the current period isrecorded in profit or loss or the cost of related assets. Defined benefit costs are categorized asfollows:

? Service cost (including current service cost, past service cost, as well as gains and losses on

settlements);? Net interest of net liabilities or assets of defined benefit plan (including interest income of

planned assets, interest expenses of defined benefit plan liabilities and effect of asset ceiling);

and? Changes arising from remeasurement of net liabilities or net assets of defined benefit plans



22.2 The accounting treatment of post-employment benefits - continued

Service costs and net interest of net liabilities and net assets of defined benefit plans arerecognized in profit or loss of current period or costs of related assets. Remeasurement of the netdefined benefit liability (asset) (including actuarial gains and losses, the return on plan assets,excluding amounts included in net interest on the net defined benefit liability (asset), and anychange in the effect of the asset ceiling, excluding amounts included in net interest on the netdefined benefit liability (asset)) are recognized in other comprehensive income.

22.3 The accounting treatment of termination benefits

When the Group provides termination benefits to employees, employee benefit liabilities arerecognized for termination benefits, with a corresponding charge to the profit or loss for theperiod at the earlier of: (1) when the Group cannot unilaterally withdraw the offer of terminationbenefits because of the termination plan or a curtailment proposal; and (2) when the Grouprecognizes costs or expenses related to restructuring that involves the payment of terminationbenefits.

23. Provisions

Provisions are recognized when the Group has a present obligation related with contingencies, itis probable that the Group will be required to settle that obligation causing an outflow ofeconomic benefits, and a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation.

The amount recognized as a provision is the best estimate of the consideration required to settlethe present obligation at balance sheet date, taking into account the risks, uncertainties and timevalue of money surrounding the obligation. When a provision is measured using the cash flowsestimated to settle the present obligation, its carrying amount is the present value of those cashflows where the effect of the time value of money is material.

When some or all of the economic benefits required to settle a provision are expected to berecovered from a third party, a receivable is recognized as an asset if it is virtually certain thatreimbursement will be received and the amount of the receivable should not exceed the carryingamount of provisions.

24. Revenue

The Group's revenue is mainly from the following business types:

(1) Port service;

(2) Bonded logistics service(3) Other business such as property development and investment.



ESTIMATES - continued

24. Revenue - continued

The Group recognizes revenue based on the transaction price allocated to such performanceobligation when a performance obligation is satisfied, i.e. when "control" of the goods or servicesunderlying the particular performance obligation is transferred to the customer. A performanceobligation represents the commitment that a good and service that is distinct shall be transferredby the Group to the customer. Transaction price refers to the consideration that the Group isexpected to charge due to the transfer of goods or services to the customer, but it does not includepayments received on behalf of third parties and amounts that the Group expects to return to thecustomer.

If one of the following criteria is met and it is a performance obligation performed over time, theGroup recognizes the revenue within a certain period of time according to the progress of theperformance: (1) the customer simultaneously receives and consumes the benefits provided by theGroup's performance as the Group performs; (2) the customer is able to control the goods underconstruction in the course of the Group's performance; (3) the goods produced by the Groupduring the performance of the contract are irreplaceable and the Group has the right to charge forthe accumulated part of the contract that has been performed so far during the whole contractperiod. Otherwise, the Group recognizes revenue at a certain point in time when "control" of thegoods or services is transferred to the customer.

The Group adopts input method, i.e. the value of goods or services transferred to customers todetermine the appropriate progress of performance. Where the progress cannot be determinedreasonably, the revenue is recognized based on the amount of cost that is expected to becompensated based on the cost already incurred, until the progress of performance is reasonablydetermined.

Contract asset refers to the Group's right to consideration in exchange for goods or services thatthe Group has transferred to a customer when that right is conditioned on something other thanthe passage of time. The Group's unconditional (i.e., depending on the passage of time only) rightto receive consideration from the customer is separately presented as receivables. Contractliabilities refers to the Group's obligation to transfer goods or services to a customer for which theGroup has received consideration from the customer. Contract assets and contract liabilities underthe same contract are set out on a net basis.



ESTIMATES - continued

24. Revenue - continued

If the contract includes two or more performance obligations, at contract inception, the Groupallocates the transaction price to single performance obligation according to relative proportion ofthe stand-alone selling prices of the goods or services promised by single performance obligation.However, where there is conclusive evidence that the contract discount or variable considerationis only related to one or more (not all) performance obligations in the contract, the Group shallallocate the contract discount or variable consideration to relevant one or more performanceobligations. The stand-alone selling price is the price at which the Group would sell a promisedgood or service separately to a customer. If a stand-alone selling price is not directly observable,the Group shall consider all information that is reasonably available to the Group and maximizethe use of observable inputs and apply estimates methods consistently in similar circumstances.

If the contract includes significant financing component, the Group determines the transactionprice based on the amount payable under the assumption that the customer pays that amountpayable in cash when "control" of the goods or services is obtained by the customer. Thedifference between the transaction price and the contract consideration shall be amortized withinthe contract period using effective interest rate. If the Group expects, at contract inception, that theperiod between when the Group transfers a promised good or service to a customer and when thecustomer pays for that good or service will be one year or less, the Group needs not to considerthe significant financing component.

Principal and agent

The Group determines whether it is a principal or an agent at the time of the transaction based onwhether it owns the "control" of the goods or services before the transfer of such goods orservices to the customer. The Group is a principal if it controls the specified good or servicebefore that good or service is transferred to a customer, and the revenue shall be recognized basedon the total consideration received or receivable; otherwise, the Group is an agent, and therevenue shall be recognized based on the amount of commission or handling fee that is expectedto be charged, and such amount is determined based on the net amount of the total considerationreceived or receivable after deducting the prices payable to other related parties or according tothe established commission amount or proportion.

Costs to fulfill a contract

If the costs incurred in fulfilling a contract are not within the scope of other standard other thannew standards for revenue, the Group shall recognized an asset from the costs incurred to fulfill acontract only if those costs meet all of the following criteria: (1) the costs relate directly to acontract or to an anticipated contract that the Group can specifically identify; (2) the costsgenerate or enhance resources of the entity that will be used in satisfying performanceobligations in the future; and (3) the costs are expected to be recovered. The asset mentionedabove shall be amortized on a basis that is consistent with the transfer to the customer of thegoods or services to which the asset relates and recognized in profit or loss for the period.



ESTIMATES - continued

24. Revenue - continued

Impairment of contract costs

In determination of impairment losses of assets related to contract costs, firstly impairment lossesof other assets related to the contract recognized based on other relevant accounting standards;secondly, the Group shall recognized an impairment loss to the extent that the carrying amount ofan asset exceeds: (1) the remaining amount of consideration that the Group expects to receive inexchange for the goods or services to which the asset relates; less; the estimated costs that relateto providing those goods or services.

The Group shall, after the impairment has been provided, recognized in profit or loss a reversal ofsome or all of an impairment loss previously recognized when the impairment conditions nolonger exist or have improved. The increased carrying amount of the asset shall not exceed thecarrying amount that would have been determined if no impairment loss had been recognizedpreviously.

25. Government grants

Government grants are transfer of monetary assets or non-monetary assets from the government tothe Group at no consideration. A government grant is recognized only when the Group cancomply with the conditions attached to the grant and the Group will receive the grant.

If a government grant is in the form of a transfer of a monetary asset, it is measured at the amountreceived or receivable.

25.1 The accounting treatment of government grants related to assets

Government grants, such as special funds for modern logistics project and special funds forenergy-saving and emission reduction of transportation, are government grants related to assets asthey are all related to the construction and use of assets.

A government grant related to an asset is recognized as deferred income, and evenly amortized toprofit or loss over the useful life of the related asset.



25. Government grants - continued

25.2 The accounting treatment of government grants related to income

The Group's government grant, such as financial support funds of business tax converted to VATand reward for energy saving, if used to compensate the related expenses or losses to be incurredin subsequent periods, is determined to be government grant relating to income.

A government grant relating to income, if used to compensate the related cost, expenses or lossesto be incurred in subsequent periods, is determined as deferred income and recognized in profit orloss over the periods in which the related costs are recognized; if used to compensate the relatedcost, expenses or losses already incurred, is recognized immediately in profit or loss for theperiod.

A government grant relating to the Group's daily activities, is recognized in other income in linewith the nature of economic transaction. A government grant not relating to the Group's dailyactivities, is recognized in non-operating income.

26. Deferred tax assets/ deferred tax liabilities

The income tax expenses include current income tax and deferred income tax.

26.1 Current income tax

At the balance sheet date, current income tax liabilities (or assets) for the current and prior periodsare measured at the amount expected to be paid (or recovered) according to the requirements oftax laws.

26.2 Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

For temporary differences between the carrying amounts of certain assets or liabilities and theirtax base, or between the nil carrying amount of those items that are not recognized as assets orliabilities and their tax base that can be determined according to tax laws, deferred tax assets andliabilities are recognized using the balance sheet liability method.

Deferred tax liabilities are generally recognized for all taxable temporary differences. Deferredtax assets for deductible temporary differences are recognized to the extent that it is probable thattaxable profits will be available against which the deductible temporary differences can be utilized.However, for temporary differences associated with the initial recognition of goodwill and theinitial recognition of an asset or liability arising from a transaction (not a business combination)that affects neither the accounting profit nor taxable profits (or deductible losses) at the time oftransaction, no deferred tax asset or liability is recognized.



26. Deferred tax assets/ deferred tax liabilities - continued

26.2 Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities - continued

For deductible losses and tax credits that can be carried forward, deferred tax assets arerecognized to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profits will be available againstwhich the deductible losses and tax credits can be utilized.

Deferred tax liabilities are recognized for taxable temporary differences associated withinvestments in subsidiaries and associates, and interests in joint ventures, except where the Groupis able to control the timing of the reversal of the temporary difference and it is probable that thetemporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future. Deferred tax assets arising fromdeductible temporary differences associated with such investments and interests are onlyrecognized to the extent that it is probable that there will be taxable profits against which to utilizethe benefits of the temporary differences and they are expected to reverse in the foreseeablefuture.

At the balance sheet date, deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax ratesapplicable in the period in which the asset is realized or the liability is settled according to taxlaws.

Current and deferred tax expenses or income are recognized in profit or loss for the period, exceptwhen they arise from transactions or events that are directly recognized in other comprehensiveincome or in equity, in which case they are recognized in other comprehensive income or inequity, and when they arise from business combinations, in which case they adjust the carryingamount of goodwill.

At the balance sheet date, the carrying amount of deferred tax assets is reviewed and reduced if itis no longer probable that sufficient taxable profits will be available in the future to allow thebenefit of deferred tax assets to be utilized. Any such reduction in amount is reversed when itbecomes probable that sufficient taxable profits will be available.

26.3 Offset of income tax

When the Group has a legal right to settle on a net basis and intends either to settle on a net basisor to realize the assets and settle the liabilities simultaneously, current tax assets and current taxliabilities are offset and presented on a net basis.

When the Group has a legal right to settle current tax assets and liabilities on a net basis, anddeferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities relate to income taxes levied by the same taxationauthority on either the same taxable entity or different taxable entities which intend either to settlecurrent tax assets and liabilities on a net basis or to realize the assets and liabilities simultaneously,in each future period in which significant amounts of deferred tax assets or liabilities are expectedto be reversed, deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are offset and presented on a netbasis.



27. Leases

Leases are classified as finance leases whenever the terms of the lease transfer substantially all therisks and rewards of ownership to the lessee. All other leases are classified as operating leases.

27.1 The accounting treatment of operating leases

27.1.1 The Group as lessee under operating leases

Operating lease payments are recognized on a straight-line basis over the term of the relevantlease, and are either included in the cost of related asset or charged to profit or loss for the period.Initial direct costs incurred are charged to profit or loss for the period. Contingent rents arecharged to profit or loss in the period in which they are actually incurred.

27.1.2 The Group as lessor under operating leases

Rental income from operating leases is recognized in profit or loss on a straight-line basis over theterm of the relevant lease. Initial direct costs with more than an insignificant amount arecapitalized when incurred, and are recognized in profit or loss on the same basis as rental incomeover the lease term. Other initial direct costs with an insignificant amount are charged in profit orloss in the period in which they are incurred. Contingent rents are charged to profit or loss in theperiod in which they actually arise.

28. Discontinued operation

Discontinued operation refers to the separately identifiable components that have been disposedof or classified as held for sale and meet one of the following conditions:

(1) The component represents an independent main business or a major business area;(2) This component is a part of a related plan that intends to dispose an independent main

business or a separate main operating area;(3) This component is a subsidiary acquired exclusively for resale.

29. Safety Production Cost

According to the Administrative Rules on Provision and Use of Enterprise Safety Production Costjointly issued by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Work Safety on 14February 2012 (filed as Cai Qi [2012] No. 16), safety production cost set aside by the Group isdirectly included in the cost of relevant products or recognized in profit or loss for the period, aswell as the special reserve. When safety production cost set aside is utilized, if the costs incurredcan be categorized as expenditure, the costs incurred should be charged against the special reserve.If the costs set aside are used to build up fixed assets, the costs should be charged to constructionin progress, and reclassified to fixed assets when the safety projects are ready for intended use.Meantime, expenditures in building up fixed assets are directly charged against the special reservewith the accumulated depreciation recognized at the same amount. Depreciation will not be madein the future period on such fixed assets.



30. Critical judgments in applying accounting policies and key assumptions and

uncertainties in accounting estimates

In the application of accounting policies as set out in Note (III), the Company is required to makejudgments, estimates and assumptions about the carrying amounts of items in the financialstatements that cannot be measured accurately, due to the internal uncertainty of the operatingactivities. These judgments, estimates and assumptions are based on historical experiences of theCompany's management as well as other factors that are considered to be relevant. Actual resultsmay differ from these estimates.

The Company regularly reviews the judgments, estimates and assumptions on a going concernbasis. Changes in accounting estimates which only affect the current period should be recognizedin current period; changes which not only affect the current but the future periods should berecognized in current and future periods. At the balance sheet date, key assumptions anduncertainties that are likely to lead to significant adjustments to the book values of assets andliabilities in the future are:

Goodwill impairment

For the purpose of impairment testing, the present value of the expected future cash flows of theassets group or portfolio including goodwill shall be calculated, and such expected future cashflows shall be estimated. Meantime, a pre-tax rate shall be determined that should reflect the timevalue of money on the current market and the specific interest risks.

Recognition of deferred tax

The Group calculates and makes provision for deferred income tax liabilities according to theprofit distribution plan of subsidiaries, associates and the joint ventures subject to the related law.For retained earnings which are not allocated by the investment company, since the profits will beused to invest the company's daily operation and future development, no deferred income taxliabilities are recognized. If the actually distributed profits in the future are more or less than thoseexpected, corresponding deferred tax liabilities will be recognized or reversed at the earlier ofprofits distribution date and the declaration date, in the profit and loss of the current period.

Deferred tax assets are recognized based on the deductible temporary difference and thecorresponding tax rate, to the extent that it has become probable that future taxable profit will beavailable for the deductible temporary difference. If in the future the actual taxable income doesnot coincide with the amount currently expected, the deferred tax assets resulting will berecognized or reversed in the period when actually incurred, in profit or loss.



31. Changes in significant accounting policies and accounting estimates

The Group has adopted the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.22 – Recognitionand Measurement of Financial Instruments (Cai Kuai [2017] No. 7), the Accounting Standardsfor Business Enterprises No.23—Transfer of Financial Assets (Cai Kuai [2017] No. 8), theAccounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.24 – Hedging Accounting (Cai Kuai [2017] No.9) and the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.37 – Presentation of FinancialInstruments (Cai Kuai [2017] No. 14) (the four standards mentioned above are collectivelyreferred to as "New Standards of Financial Instruments" while the "Original Revenue Standard"refers to the standards of financial instruments prior to amendment.) since 1 January 2018. At thesame time, the Group has adopted the New Revenue Standards revised by MoF in 2017 since 1January 2018.

(1) New Standards for Revenue

The New Standards for Revenue have introduced the 5-step method for recognition andmeasurement of revenue and added more instructions on specific transactions (or events). Theaccounting policies for recognition and measurement of revenue is referred to Note III 24. TheNew Standards for Revenue require the entity to adjust the retained earnings at the beginning ofinitial adoption (i.e. 1 January 2018) of the new standards for the cumulative affected figures andamounts of other relative items in the financial statements, and not to adjust information incomparable period. At the adoption of New Standards Revenue, the Group solely adjusts thecumulative affected figures in contract not yet been completed at the initial adoption date.

Compared to Original Standards for Revenue, effects of implementation of New Standards forRevenue on relevant items of the consolidated financial statements for the year are as follows:

Unit: RMB

Item31 December 2017Reclassification1 January 2018
Current assets:
Notes and accounts receivable871,370,660.2137,956,002.42909,326,662.63
Current liabilities:
Receipts in advance106,944,420.75(74,984,669.58)31,959,751.17
Contract liabilities43,926,190.2543,926,190.25
Other payables6,544,589,530.1825,972,056.786,570,561,586.96
Non-current liabilities:
Deferred income222,857,800.33(36,366,124.28)186,491,676.05
Other non-current liabilities54,763,901.6828,830,624.2883,594,525.96



31. Changes in significant accounting policies and accounting estimates - continued

(1) New Standards for Revenue - continued

Compared to Original Standards for Revenue, effects of implementation of New Standards forRevenue on relevant items of the Company's financial statements for the year are as follows:


Item31 December 2017Reclassification1 January 2018
Current liabilities:
Receipts in advance98,400.00(98,400.00)-
Contract liabilities98,400.0098,400.00



31. Changes in significant accounting policies and accounting estimates - continued

(2) New Standards of Financial Instruments - continued

The Group made retrospective adjustment according to the New Standards of FinancialInstruments for the recognition and measurement of financial instruments prior to 1 January 2018.The Group has not adjusted the comparative financial information. For the differences betweenthe original carrying amount of financial instruments and the carrying amount of financialinstruments measured by the New Standards of Financial Instruments, the Group adjusted theretained earnings or other comprehensive income at 1 January 2018. As at 1 January 2018, impacts

of the New Standards of Financial Instruments to the consolidated financial statements are set out asfollows.

Summary of effects on the Group's initial implementation of New Standards of FinancialInstruments since 1 January 2018

Unit: RMB

ItemCarrying amount impact based on the original standards of financial instruments (31 December 2017)Effects of implementation of New Standards for Financial Instruments on consolidated balance sheetCarrying amount impact on the New Standards of Financial Instruments (1 January 2018)
Transferred from available-for-sale financial assetsExpected credit lossesFrom measured at cost to measured at fair value
Other receivables938,786,831.94-(207,406.98)-938,579,424.96
Other current assets1,200,476,091.74-(1,029,478.05)-1,199,446,613.69
Available-for-sale financial assets (Note)3,083,581,935.68(3,083,581,935.68)---
Long-term receivables9,669,034.35-(9,669.03)-9,659,365.32
Investments in other equity instruments (Note)-109,999,328.79-123,484,640.00233,483,968.79
Other non-current financial assets (Note)-2,973,582,606.89-8,884,343.342,982,466,950.23
Deferred tax liabilities1,984,303,944.46--30,871,160.002,015,175,104.46
Other comprehensive income(7,064,646.43)(815,170,041.97)-92,613,480.00(729,621,208.40)
Retained profits8,466,307,917.47815,170,041.97(1,246,554.06)2,399,850.269,282,631,255.64
Minority interest45,514,555,953.29--6,484,493.0845,521,040,446.37



31. Changes in significant accounting policies and accounting estimates - continued

(2) New Standards of Financial Instruments - continued

Summary of effects on the Company's initial implementation of New Standards of FinancialInstruments since 1 January 2018

Unit: RMB

ItemCarrying amount impact based on the original standards of financial instruments (31 December 2017)Effects of implementation of New Standards for Financial Instruments on consolidated balance sheetCarrying amount impact on the New Standards of Financial Instruments (1 January 2018)
Transferred from available-for-sale financial assetsExpected credit lossesTransferred from available-for-sale financial assets
Available-for-sale financial assets23,759,200.00(23,759,200.00)---
Investments in other equity instruments (Note)-23,759,200.00-123,484,640.00147,243,840.00
Deferred tax liabilities2,182,500.00--30,871,160.0033,053,660.00
Other comprehensive income6,647,500.00--92,613,480.0099,260,980.00
ItemProvision for credit loss recognized based on Original Standards of Financial InstrumentsRemeasurement of expected loss provisionImpairment provision recognized based on New Standards of Financial Instruments
Provision for credit loss for financial assets:
Provision for credit loss for other receivables24,816,684.83207,406.9825,024,091.81
Including: Provision for credit loss for interest receivable-14,145.2314,145.23
Provision for credit loss for dividend receivable-193,261.75193,261.75
Provision for credit loss for other receivable24,816,684.83-24,816,684.83
Provision for credit loss for other current assets-1,029,478.051,029,478.05
Provision for credit loss for long-term receivables-9,669.039,669.03



31. Changes in significant accounting policies and accounting estimates - continued

(3) Presentation of financial statements

The Group started adopting the Notice of the Revised Format of 2018 Financial Statements forGeneral Business Enterprise (Cai Kuai (2018) No. 15, hereinafter referred to as the "Cai KuaiNo.15 Document") released by the MoF on 15 June 2018 since the preparation of financialstatements for the year of 2018. Cai Kuai No.15 Document revised the presenting accounts in thebalance sheet and income statement, added line items of "Notes and Accounts Receivable","Notes and Accounts Payable" and "Research and Development Expenses", revised the presentingcontents of the line items of "Other Receivables", "Fixed Assets", "Construction in Progress","Other Payables", "Long-term Payables" and "Administrative Expenses", removed the line itemsof "Notes Receivable", "Accounts Receivable", "Dividends Receivable", "Interest Receivable","Disposal of Fixed Assets", "Engineering Materials", "Notes Payable", "Accounts Payable","Interest Payable", "Dividends Payable" and "Special Payables", added line items of "Including:

Interest Expenses" and "Interest Income" under "Financial Expenses", and adjusted the presentinglocation of some accounts in the income statement. The Company has accounted for the abovechanges in presenting accounts retrospectively, and adjusted comparable data for prior year.

Above changes in accounting policies are approved in the 3


session of the 9


board of directorsmeeting of the Company.

32. Changes in significant accounting estimates

(1) Changes in accounting estimates and reasons

As at 27 November 2018, the Company held the 8th temporary session of the 9th board ofdirectors meeting in 2018 and the 5th temporary session of the 9th board of supervisors meetingin 2018, and reviewed and approved the Proposal on Changes in Accounting Estimates of FixedAssets. The Company reviewed the estimated useful life and estimated net residual value of fixedassets based on the current performance and use status of fixed assets. In order to moreobjectively and fairly reflect the financial position and operating results of the Group, it is decidedto adjust the depreciation years of the Group's fixed assets and the net residual value rate of allfixed assets within the scope of the Group's consolidation(expected new subsidiaries whichchanges in the scope of consolidation). The details of adjustments are as follows:

(a) Adjustments of fixed assets in depreciation years

CategoryUseful life before adjustmentUseful life after adjustment
Port and wharf equipment5 – 50 years5 - 40 years
Buildings5 - 40 years10 - 30 years
Machinery equipment, furniture and other equipment5 - 15 years3 - 20 years
Vehicles and vessels5 - 20 years5 - 25 years



32. Changes in significant accounting estimates - continued

(2) Financial effect of changes in accounting estimates

The above adjustments of fixed assets in depreciation years and net residual rate have beenimplemented since December 1, 2018.

According to the "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 28 - Changes in AccountingPolicies and Accounting Estimates, and Corrections of Errors", the adjustments of fixed assets inthe depreciation years and the net residual value rate are changes in accounting estimates, andshall be treated using the prospective approach, which is not required to make retrospectiveadjustments. Financial positions and operating results of the Group in prior years will not beaffected.

The Group increased the depreciation expense of fixed assets in 2018 by RMB 41,405,189.48,reduced the consolidated net profit in 2018 by RMB 38,076,037.04, and reduced theunconsolidated net assets by RMB 20,076,037.04 in the end of 2018, due to the above changes inaccounting estimates.


1. Major taxes and tax rates

TaxesTax basisTax rate
Enterprise income taxTaxable income16.5%-34% (Note1)
Dividend income tax5%, 10%, 25% (Note2)
Value-added Tax ("VAT") (Note 3)Income from sale of goods (Note 4)10%-17%
Income from transportation, loading and unloading business and part of modern service industries6%
Income from sale of real estate, property management, real estate lease, etc.5%
Social contribution tax (Note 5)Income0.65%-7.6%
Deed taxLand use right and property transfer amount3%-5%
Property tax70% of cost of property or rental income1.2% or 12%
City maintenance and construction taxVAT paid1%-7%
Education surtaxVAT paid3%


IV. TAXES - continued

1. Major taxes and tax rates - continued

Note 2: Foreign investors who receive dividends of profits from Chinese subsidiaries in 2008 and

thereafter generally shall pay withholding income tax at a rate of 10% in accordance withthe relevant provisions of the PRC enterprise income tax. For companies incorporated incertain regions (including Hong Kong and Singapore), if the companies are actual ownersholding more than 25% interest in the subsidiaries in China, they will enjoy a preferentialtax rate of 5%.

The Company obtains dividends distributed by overseas subsidiaries and should payenterprise income tax at a rate of 25% in accordance with relevant Chinese tax laws. TheCompany obtains taxable income outside of China, and the amount of income tax that hasbeen paid abroad can be offset with the current taxable amount. The credit limit is thetaxable amount calculated in accordance with the provisions of the Enterprise Income TaxLaw.

Note 3: The VAT amount is the balance of the output tax less the deductible input tax, and the

output tax is calculated in accordance with the sales income and the corresponding tax ratestipulated in the relevant tax laws of China.

Note 4: Pursuant to the Notice of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation

on the Adjustment of VAT issued by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administrationof Taxation (Cai Shui [2018] No. 32 Document), effective from 1 May 2018, the taxablesales or imports of goods at original applicable VAT rate of 17% and 11% shall be subjectto a VAT rate of 16% and 10% respectively.

Note 5: The social contribution tax is the tax paid by the overseas subsidiaries of the Group to the

local government.

2. Tax preference

Some subsidiaries of the Group in China are subject to tax preference of "3-year exemptionfollowed by 3-year half reduction".

Some subsidiaries of the Group in China are recognized as high-tech enterprises or encouragedindustrial enterprises in the region and are subject to an enterprise income tax rate of 15%. TheGroup's subsidiaries outside China may be subject to enterprise income tax preference inaccordance with relevant local tax policies.



1. Cash and bank balances

Unit: RMB

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Bank deposit (Note1)6,118,508,644.137,716,378,695.65
Other cash and bank balances (Note 2)951,450,410.5512,483,029.40
Including: The total amount of funds deposited overseas2,809,011,079.473,108,783,498.70
ItemClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Notes receivable11,608,669.4316,910,891.14
Accounts receivable1,109,230,503.08892,415,771.49



2. Notes and accounts receivable - continued

(2) Notes receivable

(a) Classification of notes receivable

Unit: RMB

CategoryClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Bank acceptance11,608,669.4316,910,891.14
Less: Provision for credit losses--
Carrying amount11,608,669.4316,910,891.14
Credit ratingExpected credit loss rate (%)Closing balance
Carrying amountProvisionBook value



2. Notes and accounts receivable - continued

(3) Accounts receivable - continued

(b) Changes in provision for credit loss of accounts receivable

Unit: RMB

Lifetime expected credit loss (not credit-impaired)Lifetime expected credit loss (credit-impaired)Total
At 31 December 2017-43,295,671.7443,295,671.74
Remeasurement of provision for expected credit loss---
At 1 January 2018-43,295,671.7443,295,671.74
Provision for expected credit loss for the year3,895,740.28289,954.604,185,694.88
Reversal of expected credit loss for the year(3,780,327.65)(3,507,559.23)(7,287,886.88)
Effect of changes in the scope of consolidation3,572,789.46-3,572,789.46
Effect of changes in foreign exchange(432,355.77)184,132.17(248,223.60)
At 31 December 20183,255,846.3240,262,199.2843,518,045.60
Name of customerCarrying amountAgingProportion of the amount to the total accounts receivable (%)
Client A90,579,511.81More than 1 year but not exceeding 2 years and more than 3 years7.86
Client B69,081,097.25More than 1 year but not exceeding 2 years, more than 2 year but not exceeding 3 years5.99
Client C45,161,278.00More than 1 year but not exceeding 2 years, more than 2 year but not exceeding 3 years, more than 3 years3.92
Client D38,820,531.88More than 1 year but not exceeding 2 years3.37
Client E34,756,078.85More than 1 year but not exceeding 2 years3.02



3. Prepayments

(1) Aging analysis of prepayment

Unit: RMB

AgingClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
AmountProportion (%)AmountProportion (%)
Within 1 year124,276,781.5199.9071,176,428.5299.32
More than 1 year but not exceeding 2 years4,000.00-367,773.990.51
More than 2 years but not exceeding 3 years81.36---
More than 3 years124,000.000.10124,000.000.17
EntitiesRelationship with the CompanyClosing balanceProportion of the closing balance to the total prepayments (%)
Sri Lanka Ports AuthorityNon-related party35,488,756.5128.53
Judicial InsuranceNon-related party8,694,880.326.99
Shenzhen Administration of Transportation and Public ServicesNon-related party6,030,000.004.85
Saham Assurance Togo S.A.Non-related party4,571,510.403.67
Shenzhen Jet Technology Co., Ltd.Non-related party3,829,746.603.08
ItemClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Interest receivable33,041,147.7314,131,083.11
Dividend receivable259,804,145.16193,068,488.25
Other receivables506,713,933.56731,379,853.60



4. Other receivables - continued

(2) Interest receivable

(a) Classification of interest receivable

Unit: RMB

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Interest receivable from related parties25,986,030.987,002,104.12
Less: Provision for credit loss33,074.2214,145.23
Book value33,041,147.7314,131,083.11
Name of investeeClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
China Nanshan Development (Group) Incorporation ("Nanshan Group")175,692,500.00193,261,750.00
Shanghai International Port (Group) Co., Ltd.50,118,027.14-
Qingdao Qianwan United Container Terminal Co., Lt.25,000,000.00-
Zhanjiang Port (Group) Co., Ltd.9,253,682.23-
Less: Provision for credit loss260,064.21193,261.75
Book value259,804,145.16193,068,488.25
Name of investeeClosing balanceAgingWhy unrecoveredImpaired or not
Nanshan Group70,277,000.00More than 1 year but not exceeding 2 yearsUndergoing relevant formalities and expected to be recovered at the end of 2019Not



4. Other receivables - continued

(4) Other receivables

(a) Disclosure of other receivables by categories

As part of the Group's credit risk management, the Group conducts internal credit ratings for itscustomers and determines the expected loss rate for other receivables for each rating. Suchexpected average loss rates are based on actual historical impairments and taking into account thecurrent and future economic conditions.

As at 31 December 2018, the credit risk and expected credit loss of other receivables of eachcategory of customers are presented as below:

Unit: RMB

Credit ratingExpected credit loss rate (%)Closing balance
Expected credit loss in 12 monthsLifetime expected credit loss (not credit-impaired)Lifetime expected credit loss (credit-impaired)Total
Carrying amount506,719,623.66-35,596,931.73542,316,555.39
Provision for credit loss5,690.10-35,596,931.7335,602,621.83
Book value506,713,933.56--506,713,933.56
Expected credit loss in 12 monthsLifetime expected credit loss (not credit-impaired)Lifetime expected credit loss (credit-impaired)Total
At 31 December 2017--24,816,684.8324,816,684.83
Remeasurement of provision for expected credit loss----
At 1 January 2018--24,816,684.8324,816,684.83
Provision for expected credit loss for the year5,690.10-9,955,180.009,960,870.10
Reversal of expected credit loss for the year--(200,000.00)(200,000.00)
Effect of changes in the scope of consolidation--1,020,000.001,020,000.00
Effect of changes in foreign exchange--5,066.905,066.90
At 31 December 20185,690.10-35,596,931.7335,602,621.83



4. Other receivables - continued

(4) Other receivables – continued

(c) Other payables presented by the nature

Unit: RMB

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Operation compensation(Note)176,625,857.32400,848,897.19
Temporary payments187,153,302.95130,219,643.59
Less: Provision for credit loss35,602,621.8324,816,684.83
Book value506,713,933.56731,379,853.60
Name of customerNatureClosing balanceAgingProportion of the amount to the other receivable (%)Bad debt provision
Global Terminal LimitedOperation compensation175,997,722.02More than 2 years but not exceeding 3 years (inclusive)32.45-
Chu Kong River Trade Terminal Co., Ltd.Temporary payments59,975,890.00More than 3 years11.06-
Shenzhen Qianhaiwan Bonded Port AreaTemporary payments43,796,162.41More than 3 years8.08-
Tianjin Haitian Bonded Logistics Co., Ltd.Temporary payments34,300,000.00More than 3 years6.32-
Port de Djibouti S.A.Temporary payments24,411,770.72More than 3 years4.50-
ItemClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Carrying amountProvision for decline in value of inventoriesBook valueCarrying amountProvision for decline in value of inventoriesBook value
Raw materials89,572,663.062,584,953.5386,987,709.5368,729,097.332,793,815.0465,935,282.29
Finished goods4,629,610.81-4,629,610.81100,509.49-100,509.49



5. Inventories - continued

(2) Provision for decline in value of inventories

Unit: RMB

ItemOpening balance (restated)ProvisionDecreaseClosing balance
Raw materials2,793,815.04--208,861.512,584,953.53
ItemCarrying amount at the end of the yearFair value at the end of the yearEstimated disposal expensesSchedule
Long-term assets held for sale115,356,162.94216,379,774.36-Removal before 29 June 2019
Less: Provision for impairment of assets held for sale-
Carrying amount115,356,162.94
ItemClosing balanceOpening balance(restated)
Loan to the associates of related parties (Note 1)1,029,478,047.00980,134,545.00
Prepaid taxes7,872,157.38978,566.31
Entrusted loans-120,000,000.00
Others (Note 2)159,100,462.7999,362,980.43
Less: Provision for credit loss1,029,478.051,029,478.05
Book value1,195,421,189.121,199,446,613.69



8. Long-term receivables

(1) Long-term receivables

Unit: RMB

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Carrying amountProvision for credit lossBook valueCarrying amountProvision for credit lossBook value
Advances to shareholders793,840,080.19793,840.08793,046,240.119,669,034.359,669.039,659,365.32



9. Long-term equity investments

Unit: RMB

InvesteesAccounting method1 January 2018 (restated)Effect of changes in the scope of consolidationChanges of this year31 December 2018Closing value of provision for impairment
IncreaseDecreaseInvestment profit or loss under equity methodReconciling items from other comprehensive incomeOther equity movementsCash dividends or profits announced of issuanceProvision for impairmentEffect of translation of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies
I. Joint ventures
Euro-Asia Oceangate S.à r.l.Equity method2,543,905,022.59---108,552,693.4531,873.27-111,712,525.45-128,082,970.462,668,860,034.32-
Port of Newcastle (Note1)Equity method--2,160,442,453.52-8,870,390.98(5,640,777.39)-44,549,625.54-3,231,523.182,122,353,964.75-
Zhanjiang Port(Group) Co., Ltd.Equity method2,053,843,683.66---(36,596,428.75)--9,740,718.14--2,007,506,536.77-
Qingdao Qianwan United Container Terminal Co., Lt.Equity method1,523,008,583.00---141,704,248.41-(2,550,500.00)150,000,000.00--1,512,162,331.41-
Laizhou Laiyin Port Business Co., Ltd.Equity method783,668,303.84---48,450,765.57--38,562,004.83--793,557,064.58-
OthersEquity method2,029,488,434.19-6,964,120.00-158,922,580.81--76,500,000.00-6,987,087.432,125,862,222.43-
II. Associates
Shanghai International Port (Group) Co., Ltd. (A Share) (Note 2)Equity method20,140,460,412.59-453,700,695.53-2,571,370,986.64(99,859,568.82)180,954,063.751,059,194,508.74-127,990.0022,187,560,070.95-
Nanshan GroupEquity method3,437,393,142.72---220,478,175.60(16,230,971.37)1,530,681,674.94111,041,999.99--5,061,280,021.90-
Terminal Link SASEquity method3,563,936,186.34---357,885,181.992,954,661.321,505,998.1315,671,554.15-22,649,011.633,933,259,485.26-
Dalian Port Co., Ltd.(A Share and H Share)Equity method3,188,107,183.18---112,882,708.11(4,941,315.60)47,470.8862,438,928.00-(29,775,775.90)3,203,881,342.67647,382,998.60
China Merchants Hainan Development Investment Co., Ltd. (Note 3)Equity method--525,000,000.00-------525,000,000.00-
OthersEquity method3,897,038,855.37-1,000,000.00-221,343,235.79(13,426,099.03)26,900,981.70290,453,065.22-192,890,279.754,035,294,188.36-



9. Long-term equity investments - continued

Note 1: As at 6 February 2018, China Merchants Union (BVI) Limited (hereinafter referred to as

"CMU"), a joint venture between the Group and China Merchants Group (Hong Kong)Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "CMHK"), and its wholly-owned subsidiary GoldNewcastle Property Holding Pty Limited (hereinafter referred to as "Gold Newcastle")signed an acquisition agreement. The agreement stipulates that the Group will purchasefrom CMU its wholly-owned subsidiaries Gold Newcastle and Gold Newcastle's jointventures Port of Newcastle Investments (Holdings) Pty Limited, Port of NewcastleInvestments (Property Holdings) Pty Limited, Port of Newcastle Investments ( Holdings)Trust, Port of Newcastle Investments (Property Holdings) Trust (hereinafter collectivelyreferred to as "Port of Newcastle") is a 50% interest, and thus Port of Newcastlebecomes a joint venture of the Group.

Port of Newcastle is made up of several entities and trusts, and has acquired all the rightsand interests of the largest port on the east coast of Australia for about 98 years since 30May 2014 via lease and sublease. Gold Newcastle is an entity established in Australia byCMU in order to hold a number of assets, including Port of Newcastle. The remaining50% equity of Port of Newcastle is held by independent third parties.

The transaction was completed this year with a final consideration of AUD 605 million(RMB 2,944,265,945.15), including an interest-bearing shareholder loan of AUD 162.5million (RMB 783,823,491.63) from CMU to Port of Newcastle.

The Group believes that the Group and other joint venture parties jointly control Port ofNewcastle. Therefore, the Group accounts for Port of Newcastle as a joint venture.

Note 2: In 2018, the Group purchased 72,199,132 shares of Shanghai International Port (Group)

Co., Ltd. directly from the open market. As of 31 December 2018, the equity held by theGroup in Shanghai International Port (Group) Co., Ltd. has increased from 26.45% to26.77%.

Note 3: It was jointly established on 18 December 2018 by the Company’s subsidiary Chiwan

Wharf Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited and related parties CMHK, Jumbo PacificHoldings Limited, China Merchants Expressway Network & Technology Holdings Co.,Ltd., China Merchants Industrial Investment Co., Ltd., and Sinotrans(HK)Logistics Co.,Ltd. The registered capital is RMB 3,500 million, among which Chiwan Wharf Holdings(Hong Kong) Limited subscribed and contributed RMB 525 million with shareholdingproportion of 15%.



10. Other investments in equity instruments

Unit: RMB

InvesteesClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)NatureCash dividends for this year
China Ocean Shipping Agency (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd141,547,500.00136,994,640.00The intention of holding is neither for sale nor profits in short-term7,788,975.00
Others106,300,814.3096,489,328.79The intention of holding is neither for sale nor profits in short-term440,000.00
ItemClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Cost of equity instruments108,289,950.79104,397,628.79
Increase in the current year3,892,322.00
Fair value247,848,314.30233,483,968.79
Changes of fair value included in OCI139,558,363.51129,086,340.00
ItemClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Financial assets measured at fair values and changes of which are recorded into current period profit or loss2,087,872,081.942,982,466,950.23
Including: Equity instrument investment2,087,872,081.942,982,466,950.23
ItemClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Cost of equity instruments1,173,690,773.131,158,810,992.06
Fair value2,087,872,081.942,982,466,950.23
Changes of fair value included in profit or loss of the current period914,181,308.811,823,655,958.17



12. Investment properties

(1) Investment properties measured under cost method

Unit: RMB

ItemLand use rightsBuildingsTotal
I. Total original carrying amount
1.Opening balance (restated)28,632,130.846,278,583,514.396,307,215,645.23
2.Increase in the current year-14,022,292.3314,022,292.33
(2)Other increase-1,792,941.461,792,941.46
3.Decrease in the current year---
4.Closing balance28,632,130.846,292,605,806.726,321,237,937.56
II. Total accumulated depreciation
1.Opening balance (restated)14,982,319.41231,607,343.69246,589,663.10
2.Increase in the current year513,472.44183,987,812.51184,501,284.95
(1)Accrual of depreciation513,472.44182,734,964.93183,248,437.37
(2)Other increase-1,252,847.581,252,847.58
3.Decrease in the current year---
4.Closing balance15,495,791.85415,595,156.20431,090,948.05
III. Total accumulated amount of provision for impairment losses of investment property
1.Opening balance (restated)---
2.Increase in the current year---
3.Decrease in the current year---
4.Closing balance---
IV. Total book value of investment property
1.Closing balance13,136,338.995,877,010,650.525,890,146,989.51
2.Opening balance (restated)13,649,811.436,046,976,170.706,060,625,982.13
ItemClosing balanceOpening balance(restated)
Buildings and land use rights43,119,291.8937,101,489.68
ItemClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Fixed assets22,994,155,151.4323,167,379,576.44
Disposal of fixed assets35,729.0013,878.42



13. Fixed assets - continued

(1) Fixed assets

Unit: RMB

ItemPort and terminal facilitiesBuildingsMechanical equipment, furniture and othersMotor vehicles, cargo ships and tugboatsTotal
I. Total original carrying amount
1.Opening balance (restated)21,717,431,562.531,109,711,967.129,556,587,164.501,202,757,027.7533,586,487,721.90
2. Increase in the current year1,444,412,678.7349,885,407.011,268,003,739.58186,161,101.232,948,462,926.55
(2)Transfer from construction in progress71,825,427.4742,131,895.04358,429,373.77148,125,344.43620,512,040.71
(3)Effect of changes in the scope of consolidation1,355,398,794.156,228,298.08817,146,031.3111,075,147.172,189,848,270.71
3.Decrease in the current year1,619,698,235.9822,009,112.14234,172,039.2249,119,866.781,924,999,254.12
(1)Disposal or retire143,249,072.49634,179.50234,172,039.2249,119,866.78427,175,157.99
(2)Transfer to construction in progress1,476,449,163.4919,581,991.18--1,496,031,154.67
(3)Transfer to investment properties-1,792,941.46--1,792,941.46
4.Effect of changes in foreign exchange293,091,861.7011,378,173.471,737,493.3028,467,389.87334,674,918.34
5.Closing balance21,835,237,866.981,148,966,435.4610,592,156,358.161,368,265,652.0734,944,626,312.67
II. Total accumulated depreciation
1.Opening balance (restated)4,286,051,154.44208,977,381.635,392,312,327.64474,303,769.9610,361,644,633.67
2.Increase in the current year854,950,356.8339,456,897.49977,003,813.9473,149,393.381,944,560,461.64
(1)Accrual of depreciation585,606,826.0539,456,897.49606,453,094.4467,154,391.451,298,671,209.43
(2)Effect of changes in the scope of consolidation269,343,530.78-370,550,719.505,995,001.93645,889,252.21
3.Decrease in the current year182,416,870.312,837,281.84169,430,690.6935,400,272.26390,085,115.10
(1)Disposal or retire95,233,231.01566,086.84169,430,690.6935,400,272.26300,630,280.80
(2)Transfer to construction in progress87,183,639.301,018,347.42--88,201,986.72
(3)Transfer to investment properties-1,252,847.58--1,252,847.58
4.Effect of changes in foreign exchange(11,415,084.52)1,583,244.14(16,454,108.66)3,173,617.91(23,112,331.13)
5.Closing balance4,947,169,556.44247,180,241.426,183,431,342.23515,226,508.9911,893,007,649.08
III. Total accumulated amount of provision for impairment losses of investment property
1.Opening balance (restated)57,419,468.96-44,042.83-57,463,511.79
2.Increase in the current year--0.37-0.37
3.Decrease in the current year-----
4.Closing balance57,419,468.96-44,043.20-57,463,512.16
IV. Total book value of investment property
(1) Closing balance16,830,648,841.58901,786,194.044,408,680,972.73853,039,143.0822,994,155,151.43
(2) Opening balance (restated)17,373,960,939.13900,734,585.494,164,230,794.03728,453,257.7923,167,379,576.44



13. Fixed assets - continued

(2) Fixed assets leased in through financial leasing

Unit: RMB

ItemCarrying amountAccumulated depreciationBook value
Port and terminal facilities5,318,357,246.9685,260,010.275,233,097,236.69
Mechanical equipment, furniture and others360,238,863.33214,493,738.80145,745,124.53
Motor vehicles, cargo ships and tugboats38,350,000.0028,100,712.7110,249,287.29
ItemClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Port and terminal facilities844,843,802.95971,151,561.19
Mechanical equipment, furniture and others139,712.96255,687.15
ItemClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Buildings, Port and terminal facilities1,590,990,468.381,746,684,998.44
The original amounts of fixed assets fully depreciated but still in use at 31 December 20181,680,807,123.39
Closing original amount of temporary idle fixed assets-
Fixed assets disposed or retired in the current period
Original amount of fixed assets disposed or retired in the current period427,175,157.99
Net book value of fixed assets disposed or retired in the current period126,544,877.19
Gains or losses on disposal or retire of fixed assets(13,944,505.56)



14. Construction in progress

(1) Summary of construction in progress

Unit: RMB

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance(restated)
Carrying amountProvision for impairmentBook valueCarrying amountProvision for impairmentBook value
Port and terminal facilities4,104,748,962.75-4,104,748,962.751,772,774,735.44-1,772,774,735.44
Berths and yards1,023,331,798.30-1,023,331,798.3012,388,194.50-12,388,194.50
Ship under construction22,985,373.73-22,985,373.73142,411,112.12-142,411,112.12



14. Construction in progress - continued

(2) The top ten balances of construction in progress

Unit: RMB

ItemBudget amountOpening balance(restated)Increase in the current periodEffect of changes in scope of consolidationDecrease in the current periodEffect of changes in foreign exchangeClosing balanceProportion of accumulated construction investment in budget (%)Construction progress (%)Amount of accumulated capitalized interestIncluding: capitalized interest for the current periodInterest capitalization rate for the current period (%)Capital source
Reconstruction Project of container, oil terminal and tank area, HIPG2,776,464,530.76-1,334,002,333.13--50,259,451.571,384,261,784.7049.8649.86---Self-funding
Guangao project Phase II, Shantou Port2,875,500,000.00726,456,652.38523,789,103.07---1,250,245,755.4543.4843.48---Self-funding
TCP berth expansion project1,071,009,228.80-590,710,536.81456,392,978.15-(80,506,818.84)966,596,696.1290.2590.258,473,403.788,473,403.787.44Self-funding and loan
Berth 3 of Houshigang District, Xiamen Port1,000,000,000.00679,113,997.5358,742,500.98-97,650.00-737,758,848.5173.7898.7856,757,132.8917,491,904.904.77Self-funding and loan
Reconstruction project of Berth 1#-4#, Haixing Wharf1,174,090,000.00210,348,590.96206,977,637.18---417,326,228.1435.5435.54---Self-funding
Logistics park project Phase I, Djibouti international free trade zone255,311,040.0033,958,350.80165,744,909.11--5,684,437.02205,387,696.9380.4585.00---Self-funding
Reclamation project, Zhangzhou Wharf57,855,731.00-56,809,343.00---56,809,343.0098.1998.00---Self-funding
Project of Grain Dispatch Warehouse at Berth2#,3# Phase III , Machong Port680,000,000.001,760,873.5953,039,774.09---54,800,647.688.068.06---Self-funding
Liaogeshou project, Guangdong Yide Port105,357,118.224,499,011.9039,495,974.81-642,881.78-43,352,104.9341.1541.15880,381.52880,381.524.66Bank loan
RTG remote control system Phase III, Mawan Wharf34,726,400.0024,057,992.686,544,920.51---30,602,913.1988.1388.13---Self-funding



15. Intangible assets

(1) Summary of intangible assets

Unit: RMB

Land use rightsTerminal management rightsOthersTotal
I. Total original carrying amount
1.Opening balance (restated)13,012,429,380.155,171,928,708.25356,221,955.0618,540,580,043.46
2.Increase in the current year198,446,998.715,682,157,733.65761,163,308.236,641,768,040.59
(2)Effect of changes in the scope of consolidation198,446,998.715,661,504,634.58649,313,168.736,509,264,802.02
(3)Other increase--73,063,858.5573,063,858.55
3.Decrease in the current year213,014,868.97-4,347,166.59217,362,035.56
(2)Other decrease212,303,868.97-385,400.73212,689,269.70
4.Effect of changes in foreign exchange100,017,007.56(342,565,782.79)11,031,872.58(231,516,902.65)
5.Closing balance13,097,878,517.4510,511,520,659.111,124,069,969.2824,733,469,145.84
II. Accumulated amortization
1.Opening balance (restated)2,180,627,622.16336,212,844.34150,026,238.052,666,866,704.55
2.Increase in the current year276,118,161.351,023,071,295.99133,128,803.321,432,318,260.66
(1)Accrual of amortization256,213,827.21217,063,102.4953,717,661.08526,994,590.78
(2)Effect of changes in the scope of consolidation19,895,447.17806,008,193.5073,484,560.81899,388,201.48
(3)Other increase8,886.97-5,926,581.435,935,468.40
3.Decrease in the current year31,916,438.47-3,959,215.5535,875,654.02
(2)Other decrease31,688,188.73--31,688,188.73
4.Effect of changes in foreign exchange9,068,369.38(90,587,828.63)(9,338,750.64)(90,858,209.89)
5.Closing balance2,433,897,714.421,268,696,311.70269,857,075.183,972,451,101.30
III. Total provision for impairment losses
1.Opening balance----
2.Increase in the current year----
3.Decrease in the current year----
4.Closing balance----
IV. Total book value
1.Closing balance10,663,980,803.039,242,824,347.41854,212,894.1020,761,018,044.54
2.Opening balance (restated)10,831,801,757.994,835,715,863.91206,195,717.0115,873,713,338.91
ItemClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Land use rights1,383,494,095.832,202,883,733.38



16. Goodwill

(1) Carrying amount of goodwill

Unit: RMB

InvesteeOpening balance (restated)IncreaseDecreaseEffect of changes in foreign exchangeClosing balance
TCP Participa??es S.A.(hereinafter referred as "TCP")(Note1)-3,969,374,954.86-314,854,984.254,284,229,939.11
Mega Shekou Container Terminals Limited (Note2)1,815,509,322.42---1,815,509,322.42
China Merchants Port Holdings Co., Ltd(Note3)993,992,000.00---993,992,000.00
Shantou CMPort Group Co., Ltd. (Note4)552,317,736.65---552,317,736.65
Shenzhen Mawan Project(Note5)408,773,001.00---408,773,001.00



16. Goodwill - continued

(2) Details of goodwill impairment

The Group conducts impairment testing on the entire group of subsidiaries that generate goodwillas an asset group. The recoverable amount of each subsidiary that generates goodwill isdetermined by the present value of the estimated future cash flows of each subsidiary. Themanagement of the Group estimates the future cash flows based on the 5-year detailed forecastperiod and the subsequent forecast period. The estimated future cash flows for the detailedforecast period are based on the business plan established by the management; the expected futurecash flows for the subsequent forecast period are determined in conjunction with the level of thefinal year of the detailed forecast period, combined with the Group's business plans, industrytrends and inflation rates. The key assumptions used by the Group in estimating future cash flowsinclude growth in business volume, gross profit margin and discount rate. After the impairmenttest, the management of the Group believes that any reasonable change in the above assumptionswill not result in the book value of the net assets of the subsidiaries generating the goodwill beinglower than the recoverable amount.

17. Long-term prepaid expenses

Unit: RMB

ItemOpening balance (restated)Effect of changes in the scope of consolidationIncrease in the current periodAmortization in the curren periodOther decreaseClosing balance
Construction expenditure of Tonggu sea-route177,084,607.57--12,517,222.60-164,567,384.97
Relocation project of Nanhai Rescue Bureau41,165,331.01--1,057,781.52-40,107,549.49
Expenditures for the improvement of leased fixed assets21,819,104.34-1,812,481.572,468,047.74-21,163,538.17
ItemClosing balanceOpening balance(restated)
Deductible temporary differencesDeferred tax assetsDeductible temporary differencesDeferred tax assets
Deductible losses86,136,992.4223,604,794.0523,413,934.045,853,483.51
Deferred income50,033,346.5211,382,687.3053,396,038.9312,048,346.61
Provision for credit loss32,805,128.888,213,219.4531,601,788.617,859,088.01
Depreciation of fixed assets22,036,522.494,514,995.568,969,515.162,236,628.81
Amortization of computer software16,453,443.954,113,360.9916,552,962.314,138,240.58
Organization costs14,386,394.263,287,938.2717,866,660.193,849,377.27
Provision for impairment losses of assets2,258,081.96481,468.224,319,993.78811,641.14



18. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities - continued

(2) Deferred tax liabilities without offsetting

Unit: RMB

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance(restated)
Taxable temporary differencesDeferred tax liabilitiesTaxable temporary differencesDeferred tax liabilities
Withholding dividend income tax17,819,027,902.411,138,273,886.1213,476,065,349.28730,874,825.97
Fair value adjustment of assets acquired by business combination6,415,001,869.221,431,954,458.354,836,948,279.07874,093,308.95
Changes in fair value of other equity investments136,717,500.0034,179,375.00132,214,640.0033,053,660.00
Changes in fair value of other non-current financial assets930,040,371.21105,285,399.581,814,771,615.06190,566,523.96
Depreciation of fixed assets754,359,502.42174,592,634.60749,768,170.23183,301,560.91
ItemClosing amount of deferred tax assets and liabilities that are offsetClosing amount of deferred tax assets or liabilities after offsettingOpening amount of deferred tax assets and liabilities that are offsetOpening amount of deferred tax assets or liabilities after offsetting (restated)
Deferred tax assets-66,708,157.19-42,425,905.07
Deferred tax liabilities-2,911,074,941.27-2,015,175,104.46
ItemClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Deductible temporary differences237,418,074.51264,023,276.51
Deductible losses1,291,865,454.88674,971,756.09



18. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities - continued

(5) Deductible losses for unrecognized deferred tax assets will be expired in the following years

Unit: RMB

YearClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)Note
No expiration date38,674.5927,353.15
ItemClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Prepayments of land use rights175,908,026.15175,807,391.86
Prepayments of fixed assets174,039,051.9114,666,643.64
Prepayments of terminal franchise30,383,609.7929,974,884.20
ItemClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Credit loan3,425,291,312.622,540,000,000.00
Credit guaranteed loan (Note)-40,000,000.00



21. Notes and accounts payable

(1) Summary of notes and accounts payable

Unit: RMB

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Notes payable--
Accounts payable429,120,690.97331,606,335.81
ItemClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Service fee132,946,488.8163,471,208.22
Construction fee115,371,240.88120,248,846.99
Material purchase76,365,058.4981,737,391.88
Rental fee10,564,893.9318,658,503.66
Equipment payments659,317.1511,756,211.33
ItemAmountReason for outstanding
CCCC Third Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd.36,262,727.66According to the contract, it has not been paid for the completion.
Shenzhen Land and Resources Bureau21,642,795.50The government planning project has not been completed, and the certificates of property rights has not been processed.
ItemClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Service fee receipt in advance23,038,672.4429,458,721.86
Rental fee receipt in advance5,536,804.561,669,309.14



23. Contract liabilities

(1) Summary of contract liabilities

Unit: RMB

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Service fee received in advance24,353,966.5017,336,038.22
Port charges received in advance11,657,235.8113,053,987.04
Warehousing fee received in advance8,705,589.579,628,695.56
ItemOpening balance (restated)Effect of changes in the scope of consolidationIncrease in the current yearDecrease in the current yearClosing balance
1.Short-term benefits379,876,734.7030,144,586.641,758,280,674.141,736,587,857.25431,714,138.23
2.Post-employment benefits - Projected benefits obligation299,320.002,131,376.20146,194,303.52146,338,349.812,286,649.91
3.Termination benefits--15,538,374.3215,538,374.32-



24. Employee benefits payable - continued

(2) Short-term benefits

Unit: RMB

ItemOpening balance (restated)Effect of changes in the scope of consolidationIncrease in the current yearDecrease in the current yearClosing balance
I. Wages and salaries, bonuses, allowances and subsidies356,127,716.6929,532,679.531,519,476,886.861,495,746,353.47409,390,929.61
II. Staff welfare--50,293,470.2250,293,470.22-
III. Social insurance charges2,284,921.87558,496.8676,887,740.3174,585,632.475,145,526.57
Including: Medical insurance2,256,946.66-57,578,876.9855,417,484.384,418,339.26
Work injury insurance--6,929,715.226,929,715.22-
Maternity insurance--3,430,651.303,430,651.30-
IV. Housing funds--82,135,287.6782,135,287.67-
V. Labor union and employee education funds21,464,096.1443,396.6423,379,295.4527,720,114.4717,166,673.76
VI. Others-10,013.616,107,993.636,106,998.9511,008.29
ItemOpening balanceEffect of changes in the scope of consolidationIncrease in the current yearDecrease in the current yearClosing balance
I. Basic pension-1,614,246.59106,347,884.56106,341,694.261,620,436.89
II. Unemployment insurance-517,129.612,197,297.412,163,268.90551,158.12
III. Enterprise annuity plan299,320.00-37,649,121.5537,833,386.65115,054.90
ItemClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Enterprise income tax271,954,754.74218,660,609.24



26. Other payables

(1) Other payables

Unit: RMB

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Interest payable555,545,627.60248,861,288.63
Dividends payable66,052,207.09207,240,883.54
Other payables1,624,072,694.206,114,459,414.79
ItemClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Corporate bond interest492,300,138.05213,605,656.91
Long-term loan interest57,176,593.2929,371,285.14
Short-term loan interest2,074,199.593,400,732.73
ItemClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Ordinary share dividends66,052,207.09207,240,883.54
Including:Yihai Kerry Investment Co., Ltd. ("Yihai Kerry")37,402,426.0937,402,426.09
Sinotrans South China Co., Ltd25,949,781.0025,949,781.00
Qingdao Port (Group) Co., Ltd2,700,000.0015,336,000.00
Payable to Hongkong International Enterprise Co., Ltd. ("HK International")-128,552,676.45



26. Other payables - continued

(4) Other payables

(a) Disclosure of other payables by nature

Unit: RMB

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Amount payable for construction and quality warranty660,870,685.70737,770,664.40
Prepaid expenses140,305,423.5463,222,555.07
Customer discount128,787,894.63130,349,250.94
Balance of land use rights transfer93,258,350.9093,258,350.90
Port construction and security fee62,255,593.3862,730,234.66
Equity acquisition(Note)-4,473,272,642.90
Company nameClosing balanceNature
China Merchants Zhangzhou Co., Ltd.93,258,350.90Payments to be paid after confirmation by both parties
Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (ZPMC)75,414,386.66Payments to be paid after confirmation by both parties
CCCC Third Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd.37,743,418.00The contracted settlement condition has not been reached
CCCC Fourth Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd.32,307,249.00The contracted settlement condition has not been reached
Shantou Transportation Bureau31,358,355.47Payments to be paid after confirmation by both parties
Shenzhen Merchants Construction Co., Ltd.28,223,077.10The contracted settlement condition has not been reached
Qingdao Maritime Bureau20,713,982.12Outstanding port construction fee
China Merchants property Co., Ltd.12,090,083.93Outstanding property management fee
Shantou Finance Bureau10,000,000.00Payments to be paid after confirmation by both parties
Guangdong Hengtai Tong Industrial Co., Ltd.10,000,000.00The contracted settlement condition has not been reached
China First Metallurgical Group Co., Ltd8,175,706.55The contracted settlement condition has not been reached
Harman Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.5,884,632.48The contracted settlement condition has not been reached
Ningbo Communications Engineering Construction Group Co., Ltd.5,633,275.00The contracted settlement condition has not been reached



27. Non-current liabilities due within one year

Unit: RMB

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Long-term loans due within one year1,913,116,720.26773,035,147.51
Including:Credit loan375,382,058.46127,230,000.00
Guaranteed loan1,090,500,000.00338,000,000.00
Mortgage loan447,234,661.80307,805,147.51
Bonds payable due within one year299,531,506.811,555,654,132.52
Long-term payable due within one year30,635,607.8445,068,468.44
Long-term employee benefits payable due within one year19,100,000.0019,480,000.00
Other non-current liabilities due within one year87,465,615.05-
ItemClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Joint venture loan241,927,341.05230,331,618.08
Short-term bonds payable200,000,000.00100,000,000.00
Accrued professional agency fee116,064,056.7538,342,089.20
Name of bondFace valueDate of issueTerm of the bondAmount of issueOpening balanceAmount issued in the current periodInterest accrued at par during the periodDiscount or premium amortizationRepayment in the current periodClosing balance
4.740%, RMB 100 million, Super & Short-term Commercial Paper100,000,000.0021/08/2017270days100,000,000.00100,000,000.00-1,805,095.90-100,000,000.00-
4.730%, RMB 200 million, Super & Short-term Commercial Paper200,000,000.0024/04/2018267days200,000,000.00-200,000,000.006,349,863.00--200,000,000.00
ItemClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Credit borrowings2,032,494,533.83741,493,000.00
Guaranteed borrowings (Note1)3,657,846,864.584,121,000,000.00
Mortgage borrowings (Note2)3,194,255,164.033,581,058,638.66
Less: Long-term borrowings due within one year1,913,116,720.26773,035,147.51
Including: Credit borrowings375,382,058.46127,230,000.00
Guaranteed borrowings1,090,500,000.00338,000,000.00
Mortgage borrowings447,234,661.80307,805,147.51
Long-term borrowings due after one year6,971,479,842.187,670,516,491.15



29. Long-term borrowings - continued

(1) Classification of long-term loans - continued

Note1: The loan was guaranteed by Shenzhen Mawan Terminals Co., Ltd., China Merchants Port

Services (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. ("CMPS"), and China Merchants Port Holdings Co., Ltd


Note2: As at 31 December 2018, the Group obtained the long-term loan amounted to RMB

3,194,255,164.03 is firm subject to the entire share capital of Colombo InternationalContainer Terminals Limited and the entire interest of Thesar Maritime Limited, and theland use rights, fixed assests and construction in progress held by Guangdong Yide PortCo., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Yide Port")(31 December 2017:RMB3,581,058,638.66).

Details of mortgage loan are as follows:

Unit: RMB

Company nameClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)collateral
China Development Bank Corporation1,543,473,787.281,839,649,776.16The entire equity of Colombo International Container Terminals Limited held by the Group
International Finance Corporation529,891,283.72595,413,018.76The entire equity of Thesar Maritime Limited held by the Group
African Development Bank243,463,562.79273,568,143.76
Nederlandse Financierings-Maatschappij voor Ontwikkelingslanden N.V.200,499,404.66225,291,412.50
The Opec Fund For International Development171,856,632.57193,106,925.00
Societe de Promotion et de Participation pour la Cooperation Economique S.A171,856,632.55193,106,925.00
Deutsche Investitions-und Entwicklungsgesellschaft MBH143,213,860.46160,922,437.48
China Construction Bank Shunde Branch190,000,000.00100,000,000.00Yide Port fixed assets and construction in progress (refer to the details in Notes (V) 55).
ProgramClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
4.375%, USD 900 million corporate bond6,126,655,733.91-
5.000%, USD 600 million corporate bond4,062,553,267.60-
4.750%, USD 500 million corporate bond3,414,652,244.843,249,996,583.73
5.000%, USD 500 million corporate bond3,408,446,692.173,240,255,080.35
4.890%, RMB 2.5 billion corporate bond2,500,000,000.002,500,000,000.00
3.500%, USD 200 million corporate bond1,369,419,343.411,302,526,637.25
IPCA + 7.8164%,BRL 428 million corporate bond715,739,814.47-
5.150%, RMB 500 million corporate bond500,000,000.00-
2.970%, RMB 300 million corporate bond299,531,506.81298,931,506.83
7.125%, USD 200 million corporate bond-1,305,654,132.52
6.380%, RMB 250 million corporate bond-250,000,000.00
Deduct :Bonds payable due within one year299,531,506.811,555,654,132.52
Bonds payable due after one year22,097,467,096.4010,591,709,808.16



30. Bonds payable - continued

(2) Changes of bonds payable

Unit: RMB

Name of bondsFace valueDate of issueTerm of the bondAmount of issueOpening balance (restated)Effect of changes in scope of consolidationAmount issued in the current periodInterest accrued at par during the periodDiscount or premium amortizationDiscount or premium amortizationEffect of changes in foreign exchangeClosing balance
4.375%, USD 900 million corporate bondUSD 900,000,000.0006/08/20185USD 900,000,000.00--5,901,408,380.77104,784,513.813,708,529.28-221,538,823.866,126,655,733.91
5.000%, USD 600 million corporate bondUSD 600,000,000.0006/08/201810USD 600,000,000.00--3,913,954,048.0579,835,819.951,697,641.11-146,901,578.444,062,553,267.60
4.750%, USD 500 million corporate bondUSD 500,000,000.0003/08/201510USD 500,000,000.003,249,996,583.73--157,143,889.471,969,224.45-162,686,436.663,414,652,244.84
5.000%, USD 500 million corporate bondUSD 500,000,000.0004/05/201210USD 500,000,000.003,240,255,080.35--165,413,763.155,848,608.07-162,343,003.753,408,446,692.17
4.890%, RMB 2.5 billion corporate bondRMB 2,500,000,000.0021/04/20175RMB 2,500,000,000.002,500,000,000.00--122,743,557.86---2,500,000,000.00
3.500%, USD 200 million corporate bondUSD 200,000,000.0003/08/20155USD 200,000,000.001,302,526,637.25--46,316,093.761,659,288.43-65,233,417.731,369,419,343.41
IPCA + 7.8164%,BRL 428 million corporate bondBRL 428,047,000.0007/11/20166BRL 428,047,000.00-794,778,392.21-76,470,918.0410,826,025.73-(89,864,603.47)715,739,814.47
5.150%, RMB 500 million corporate bondRMB 500,000,000.0006/02/20183RMB 500,000,000.00--500,000,000.0023,561,925.18---500,000,000.00
2.970%, RMB 300 million corporate bondRMB 300,000,000.0011/10/20163RMB 300,000,000.00298,931,506.83--8,910,000.04599,999.98--299,531,506.81
7.125%, USD 200 million corporate bondUSD 200,000,000.0018/06/200810USD 200,000,000.001,305,654,132.52--43,833,617.641,392,506.051,322,800,000.0015,753,361.43-
6.380%, RMB 250 million corporate bondRMB 250,000,000.0024/03/20153RMB 250,000,000.00250,000,000.00--3,636,600.00-250,000,000.00--
CDI + 3.40%, BRL 100 million corporate bondBRL 100,000,000.0007/11/20163BRL 100,000,000.00-196,567,218.72-8,854,671.292,899,768.68187,090,000.00(12,376,987.40)-
CDI + 3.90%, BRL 60 million corporate bondBRL 60,095,000.0007/11/20165BRL 60,095,000.00-117,291,020.45-7,124,061.792,526,023.19112,431,735.50(7,385,308.14)-
Less: Bonds payable due within one year1,555,654,132.52299,531,506.81
Bonds payable due after one year10,591,709,808.1622,097,467,096.40



31. Long-term payables

(1) Summary of long-term payables

Unit: RMB

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Long-term payables1,285,984,226.341,292,874,742.87
Special payables38,841,499.6842,976,167.51
Less: Long-term payables due within one year30,635,607.8445,068,468.44
Long-term payables due after one year1,294,190,118.181,290,782,441.94
ItemClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Terminal management rights (Note1)823,360,554.03788,587,599.72
Payable to minority shareholders of subsidiaries (Note2)390,658,146.52371,899,413.63
Financing lease payments71,965,525.79116,052,229.49
Rental of port land-16,335,500.03
Deduct :long-term payable due within one year30,635,607.8445,068,468.44
long-term payable due after one year1,255,348,618.501,247,806,274.43
ItemClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Refunds of Harbor Construction Fee(Note)36,061,435.6740,491,828.56
Employee housing fund2,780,064.012,484,338.95



32. Long-term employee benefits payable

(1) Summary of long-term employee benefits payable

Unit: RMB

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Post-employment benefits- net debt of projected benefits obligation(Note)385,323,310.21358,010,123.90
Termination benefits9,101,817.4412,220,000.00
Less: Long-term employee benefits payable due within one year19,100,000.0019,480,000.00
Long-term employee benefits payable due after one year375,325,127.65350,750,123.90
I. Opening balance(restated)358,010,123.90835,963.38
II. Benefit cost included in current period income10,313,678.4310,084,051.60
1.Current service cost2,163,678.433,934,051.60
2.Post service cost(7,460,000.00)-
3.Interest adjustment15,610,000.006,150,000.00
III. Benefit cost included in other comprehensive income34,693,502.67(23,529,891.08)
1.Acturial gains (losses)34,562,392.88(23,510,000.00)
2.Effect of currency rate changes131,109.79(19,891.08)
IV. Others changes(17,693,994.79)370,620,000.00
1.Benefits paid(17,693,994.79)(6,560,000.00)
2.Changes in the scope of consolidation-377,180,000.00
V. Closing balance385,323,310.21358,010,123.90



33. Provisions

Unit: RMB

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)Reason
Pending litigation (Note)19,470,820.72-Note
Sales discount15,480,571.5550,577,924.97
ItemOpening balance (restated)IncreaseEffect of changes in the scope of consolidationDecreaseClosing balance
Government grants186,491,676.053,534,716.0048,183,333.339,551,510.74228,658,214.64
LiabilitiesOpening balance (restated)IncreaseEffect of changes in the scope of consolidationRecognized in Other comprehensive incomeClosing balanceRelated to assets /Related to income
Modern logistics special funds116,000,000.00--639,999.96115,360,000.04Related to assets
Ro-ro terminal subsidy--48,183,333.33408,333.3347,775,000.00Related to assets
Qianwan Bonded Logistics Park Project16,057,853.92202,466.00-956,018.8415,304,301.08Related to assets
Subsidized grain transfer project subsidy8,428,571.41--285,714.298,142,857.12Related to assets
Central budgetary support for bulk grain transfer terminal projects7,685,416.67--212,500.007,472,916.67Related to assets
AMPI7,709,657.14--961,620.726,748,036.42Related to assets
Oil to electricity project6,801,927.59--784,837.926,017,089.67Related to assets
Automated terminal operation and dispatching system special support project3,802,263.983,300,000.00-1,939,793.675,162,470.31Related to assets
Research and development of fully automated intelligent terminal information investment based on cloud platform architecture3,984,700.64--1,247,677.572,737,023.07Related to assets
Warfare gate subsidy2,117,903.97--262,008.731,855,895.24Related to assets
Green low carbon port project1,825,070.02--421,170.001,403,900.02Related to assets
Others12,078,310.7132,250.00-1,431,835.7110,678,725.00Related to assets
Total186,491,676.053,534,716.0048,183,333.339,551,510.74228,658,214.64Related to assets



35. Other non-current liabilities

Unit: RMB

ItemClosing balancesOpening balance(restated)
TCP Operating rights liability (Note1)3,260,547,002.45-
Obligation to minority shareholders due to acquisition (Note2)579,195,304.56-
Berth priority call right (Note3)25,305,830.9028,830,624.28
Less: Other non-current liabilities due in one year87,465,615.05-
Including: TCP Operating rights liability87,465,615.05-
Other non-current liabilities due after one year3,777,582,522.8683,594,525.96



36. Share capital

Unit: RMB

ItemOpening balanceChanges for the periodClosing balance
New issue of shareBonus issueCapitalization of surplus reserveOthersSubtotal
I. Restricted tradable shares
1 State-owned shares-------
2. State-owned legal person shares-------
3. Other domestic shares160,106.00-----160,106.00
4. Other foreign shares-1,148,648,648.00--52,050.001,148,700,698.001,148,700,698.00
Total restricted tradable shares160,106.001,148,648,648.00--52,050.001,148,700,698.001,148,860,804.00
II. Non-restricted tradable shares
1. Ordinary shares denominated in RMB464,859,300.00---(3,976.00)(3,976.00)464,855,324.00
2. Foreign capital shares listed domestically179,744,324.00---(48,074.00)(48,074.00)179,696,250.00
3. Foreign capital shares listed overseas-------
4. Others-------
Total non-restricted tradable shares644,603,624.00---(52,050.00)(52,050.00)644,551,574.00
III. Total shares644,763,730.001,148,648,648.00---1,148,648,648.001,793,412,378.00
I. Restricted tradable shares
1 State-owned shares-------
2. State-owned legal person shares-------
3. Other domestic shares305,100.00---(144,994.00)(144,994.00)160,106.00
4. Other foreign shares-------
Total restricted tradable shares305,100.00---(144,994.00)(144,994.00)160,106.00
II. Non-restricted tradable shares
1. Ordinary shares denominated in RMB464,866,050.00---(6,750.00)(6,750.00)464,859,300.00
2. Foreign capital shares listed domestically179,592,580.00---151,744.00151,744.00179,744,324.00
3. Foreign capital shares listed overseas-------
4. Others-------
Total non-restricted tradable shares644,458,630.00---144,994.00144,994.00644,603,624.00
III. Total shares644,763,730.00-----644,763,730.00



37. Capital Reserve

Unit: RMB

ItemOpening balance (restated)IncreaseDecreaseClosing balance
Capital premium18,848,680,489.201,164,197,108.39583,183,507.5419,429,694,090.05
Including:Capital contributed by investors4,954,397,136.25--4,954,397,136.25
Differences arising from business combination involving enterprises under common control13,894,283,352.95-583,183,507.5413,311,099,845.41
Other capital reserve(2,781,133.00)--(2,781,133.00)
Including: Transfer from capital reserve under the previous accounting system(2,781,133.00)--(2,781,133.00)
ItemOpening balance (restated)IncreaseDecreaseClosing balance
Capital premium13,887,026,547.404,961,653,941.80-18,848,680,489.20
Including: Capital contributed by investors163,560,083.004,790,837,053.25-4,954,397,136.25
Differences arising from business combination involving enterprises under common control13,723,466,464.40170,816,888.55-13,894,283,352.95
Other capital reserve(2,781,133.00)--(2,781,133.00)
Including: Transfer from capital reserve under the previous accounting system(2,781,133.00)--(2,781,133.00)



38. Other comprehensive income

Unit: RMB

ItemOpening balance (restated)Amount incurred in current yearClosing balance
Amount before income tax incurred in current yearLess: Amount included in other comprehensive income in the prior periods that is transferred to profit or loss for the periodLess: Income tax expenseAfter-tax income attributable to the parent company ownerAfter-tax income attributable to minority shareholdersThe impact of business combination under common control
I. Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss(742,874,052.89)(127,586,823.04)-1,125,715.00(48,671,312.79)(80,041,225.25)867,218,499.7675,673,134.08
Including: Change as a result of remeasurement of the net defined benefit plan liability or asset-(20,136,880.35)--(7,943,999.30)(12,192,881.05)7,943,999.30-
Share of other comprehensive income of the investee under the equity method that will not be reclassified to profit or loss-(116,954,783.85)--(46,138,662.23)(70,816,121.62)46,138,662.23-
Changes in fair value of other equity instruments(742,874,052.89)9,504,841.16-1,125,715.005,411,348.742,967,777.42813,135,838.2375,673,134.08
II. Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss13,252,844.49333,315,323.72--90,449,399.81242,865,923.91(90,449,399.81)13,252,844.49
Including: Share of other comprehensive income of the investee under the equity method that will be reclassified to profit or loss100,000.00(20,157,413.77)--(7,952,099.73)(12,205,314.04)7,952,099.73100,000.00
Translation differences of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies13,152,844.49353,472,737.49--98,401,499.54255,071,237.95(98,401,499.54)13,152,844.49



39. Other comprehensive income – continued

Unit: RMB

ItemOpening balance (restated)Amount incurred in current yearClosing balance
Amount before income tax incurred in current yearLess: Amount included in other comprehensive income in the prior periods that is transferred to profit or loss for the periodLess: Income tax expenseAfter-tax income attributable to the parent company ownerAfter-tax income attributable to minority shareholdersThe impact of business combination under common control
I. Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss-176,570,902.51--65,863,882.85110,707,019.66(65,863,882.85)-
Including: Change as a result of remeasurement of the net defined benefit plan liability or asset-23,085,250.68--5,313,793.2017,771,457.48(5,313,793.20)-
Share of other comprehensive income of the investee under the equity method that will not be reclassified to profit or loss-153,485,651.83--60,550,089.6592,935,562.18(60,550,089.65)-
II. Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss(8,039,646.43)759,286,170.35265,589,702.1627,661,768.24176,340,879.94289,693,820.01(175,365,879.94)(7,064,646.43)
Including: Share of other comprehensive income of the investee under the equity method that will be reclassified to profit or loss100,000.00445,196,749.12--175,630,117.53269,566,631.59(175,630,117.53)100,000.00
Gains or losses on change in fair value of available-for-sale financial assets5,572,500.00514,409,289.75265,589,702.1627,661,768.2487,348,744.15133,809,075.20(86,373,744.15)6,547,500.00
Translation differences of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies(13,712,146.43)(200,319,868.52)--(86,637,981.74)(113,681,886.78)86,637,981.74(13,712,146.43)



40. Special reserve

Unit: RMB

ItemOpening balance (restated)IncreaseDecreaseClosing balance
Production safety reserve4,767,373.4524,165,961.7520,702,254.778,231,080.43
Production safety reserve4,145,765.6517,456,696.7616,835,088.964,767,373.45
ItemOpening balanceIncreaseDecreaseClosing balance
Statutory surplus reserve520,074,434.567,101,474.11-527,175,908.67
Statutory surplus reserve520,074,434.56--520,074,434.56
ItemAmountProportion of appropriation or allocation
Unappropriated profit at the end of prior year before adjustment3,566,083,142.17
Adjustment of total unappropriated profit at the beginning of year5,716,548,113.47Note1
Unappropriated profit at the beginning of year after adjustment9,282,631,255.64
Add: Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company for the year1,090,418,910.77
Less: Appropriation to statutory surplus reserve7,101,474.11Note2
Appropriation to discretionary surplus reserve-
Appropriation to risk preparation-
Ordinary shares' dividends payable850,443,359.86Note3
Ordinary shares' dividends converted into share capital-
Unappropriated profit at the end of the year8,915,817,110.21



41. Unappropriated profit - continued

Unit: RMB

ItemAmountProportion of appropriation or allocation
Unappropriated profit at the end of prior year before adjustment3,381,390,887.86
Adjustment of total unappropriated profit at the beginning of year4,254,259,872.38Note1
Unappropriated profit at the beginning of year after adjustment7,635,650,760.24
Add: Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company for the year2,365,214,907.45
Less: Appropriation to statutory surplus reserve-
Appropriation to discretionary surplus reserve-
Appropriation to risk preparation-
Ordinary shares' dividends payable319,802,810.08
Ordinary shares' dividends converted into share capital-
Unappropriated profit at the end of the year8,466,307,917.47



41. Unappropriated profit - continued

Note4: As Notes (VI) 2, on 25 December 2018, the Company acquired 39.45% equity of China

Merchants Port Holdings and included it as a subsidiary of the business combination underthe same control. The Group included the corresponding financial statements in thepreparation of the consolidated financial statements. The proportion of its shareholding of39.45% is calculated and the amount of the profit distribution of the China Merchants PortHoldings is calculated and reported.

Note5: Resolution of profit distribution after the balance sheet date

According to the 2018 annual profit distribution plan adopted by the Company at the 5thmeeting of the 9th Board of Directors held on March 28, 2019, the company distributedcash dividends based on the total shares of 1,793,412,378 shares as of December 31, 2018.RMB 204,449,011.09. The above dividend distribution plan has yet to be reviewed andapproved by the shareholders meeting.

43. Operating income and operating costs

Unit: RMB

Principal operating9,570,796,336.115,517,782,669.867,460,150,682.764,481,568,589.16
Other operating132,598,286.47221,458,726.0184,484,602.20228,744,071.35
Property tax50,993,199.8928,897,407.11
Stamp duty45,775,414.65350,759.93
Land holding tax15,095,001.8513,874,451.73
City construction and maintenance tax5,258,434.336,155,605.48
Education surcharges4,059,161.544,014,776.21



45. Administrative expenses

Unit: RMB

Employee's salary702,986,443.49534,635,252.36
Fees paid to agencies233,972,825.1738,630,088.41
Depreciation expenses42,634,581.6828,699,209.39
Amortization of intangible assets14,013,965.6914,109,534.56
Interest expense1,672,764,416.741,159,304,941.02
Less: Capitalized interest expenses38,663,084.9429,632,413.22
Less: Interest income272,453,293.86116,797,403.30
Exchange differences235,825,068.78(74,223,354.90)
Handling fee37,531,206.169,788,095.70
I. Bad debt losses(7,843,782.40)
II. Impairment on long-term equity investments-640,585,551.00
I. Impairment of credit loss on notes receivable and accounts receivable(3,102,192.00)
II. Impairment of credit loss on other receivables9,760,870.10
III. Impairment of credit loss on long-term receivables784,171.05
IV. Others85,731.45



49. Other income

Unit: RMB

Item20182017 (restated)Related to assets / related to income
Recognition of deferred income9,551,510.7413,023,645.38Related to assets
Shenzhen Municipal Finance Committee policy subsidy5,767,400.00-Related to income
2017 annual port business support subsidy5,602,326.79-Related to income
Central Infrastructure Investment--Brazil TCP Terminal Item (Previous Work Part) Grant Fund5,161,467.89-Related to income
Electricity subsidy4,040,714.30-Related to income
2017 Port Container Throughput Business Increase Subsidy3,500,000.00-Related to income
Special fund for the development of modern logistics industry in Shenzhen3,000,000.00-Related to income
Refund of withholding tax payment2,334,770.36Related to income
Financial subsidy of Container Throughput Trade1,999,631.00-Related to income
Shenzhen Economic, Trade and Information Technology Committee 2017 Foreign Economic and Trade Development Special funds (cross-border e-commerce) subsidies (trade clearance facilitation platform)1,904,900.00-Related to income
Enterprise subsidy of Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Committee (the first batch of the fourth batch)1,685,000.00-Related to income
Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Committee 2017 Corporate Research and Development Funding Fund1,450,000.00-Related to income
Research and development funding1,239,000.00881,000.00Related to income
Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Committee - the third batch of enterprise funding in the high-tech zone1,037,000.00-Related to income
Fujian Provincial Port and Shipping Development Special Fund1,029,000.00-Related to income
2017 International Capacity Cooperation Grant Fund-15,000,000.00Related to income
2016 port business subsidy funds-5,058,295.00Related to income
Qianhai cross-border e-commerce support funds-4,920,000.00Related to income
Funding for cross-border e-commerce projects for special funds for central foreign trade and economic development-2,040,000.00Related to income
Others6,877,406.563,235,522.63Related to income



50. Investment income

(1) Details of investment income

Unit: RMB

Long-term equity investments income under equity method3,913,864,538.604,681,582,632.76
Investment income on sale of long-term equity investments-750,788,928.68
Investment income on sale of available-for-sale financial assets265,589,701.73
Investment income on available-for-sale financial assets73,333,443.50
Investment income on other equity instruments8,228,975.00
Investment income on other non-current financial assets45,661,915.63
Investee20182017 (restated)Reason for changes
Shanghai International Port (Group) Co., Ltd.2,571,370,986.642,986,681,299.47Changes in net profit of investee
Terminal Link SAS357,885,181.99304,871,290.69Changes in net profit of investee
Nanshan Group220,478,175.60380,486,882.72Changes in net profit of investee
Qingdao Qianwan United Container Terminal Co., Ltd.141,704,248.41163,655,930.56Changes in net profit of investee
Dalian Port Co., Ltd.112,882,708.11105,414,178.27Changes in net profit of investee
Euro-Asia Oceangate, S.a` r.l.108,552,693.4574,107,255.10Changes in net profit of investee
COHA (Laizhou)48,450,765.5742,846,672.03Changes in net profit of investee
Port of Newcastle8,870,390.98-Changes in net profit of investee
China International Marine Containers (Group) Shares Limited-165,369,876.99Sales of long-term equity investment
Zhanjiang Port (Group) Co., Ltd.(36,596,428.75)(32,515,588.04)Changes in net profit of investee
Others380,265,816.60490,664,834.97Changes in net profit of investee
Other non-current financial assets(948,440,538.45)-
Including: Financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss(948,440,538.45)-
other non-current liabilities(125,966,299.23)-
Including: Financial liabilities measured at fair value through profit or loss(125,966,299.23)-



52. Gains (losses) on disposal of assets

Unit: RMB

Item20182017 (restated)Amount recognized as non-recurring gain and loss in the current period
Gains (losses) on disposal of non-current assets19,258,495.33(391,053.09)19,258,495.33
Including: Gains (losses) on disposal of fixed assets18,151,195.97(3,719,537.83)18,151,195.97
Item20182017 (restated)Amount recognized as non-recurring gain and loss in the current period
Compensation received for contracts violation945,809.03633,155.24945,809.03
Insurance compensation received540,000.00-540,000.00
Government grants634,505.42482,082.82634,505.42
Item20182017 (restated)Amount recognized as non-recurring gain and loss in the current period
Losses on retirement of non-current assets32,095,701.5344,424.5132,095,701.53
Current tax expenses510,367,919.37488,899,010.45
Deferred income tax218,072,619.2391,559,468.35



54. Income tax expenses - continued

Reconciliation of income tax expenses to the accounting profit is as follows:

Unit: RMB

Item20182017 (restated)
Accounting profit3,614,355,292.566,018,008,167.79
Income tax expenses calculated at 25%903,588,823.141,504,502,041.95
Effect of non-deductible expenses and losses317,900,855.16252,110,058.94
Accrued income tax expenses509,742,164.89337,151,647.63
Effect of previous deductible losses and deductible temporary differences unrecognized as deferred tax assets118,205,066.3878,120,672.31
Effect of tax-free income (Note)(682,015,134.39)(898,437,828.02)
Effect of tax preference policy(309,855,093.00)(325,608,548.39)
Effect of different tax rates of subsidiaries operating in other jurisdictions(137,300,892.53)(325,633,891.21)
Effect of recognition of deductible losses of previously-unrecognized deferred tax assets(44,825,432.51)(26,783,743.21)
Effect of adjustments to previous year income tax(3,138,487.61)95,154.17
Tax adjustments result in changes in the opening deferred tax assets / liabilities balance-395,301.67
Income tax expenses728,440,538.60580,458,478.80
ItemClosing balanceOpening balance(restated)
Cash and bank balances (Note 1)1,697,027,200.00-
Fixed assets (Note 2.Note 3)5,825,207,339.576,990,903,829.37
Equity investment in Colombo International Container Terminals Limited (Note 4)1,526,241,901.611,436,892,458.07
Equity investment in Thesar Maritime Limited (Note 4)767,331,789.70729,773,420.12
Intangible assets (Note 3)161,408,030.71164,783,981.14
Construction in process (Note 3)43,352,104.934,499,011.90



55. Assets with restricted ownership or usage right - continued

Note3: Guangdong Yide Port Co. Ltd. acquired mortgage loans by pledged land with use right and

property right, fixed assets and construction in process, details referred to notes (V) 29.

As at December 31, 2018, the book value of the mortgage land use right in the Port of Suidewas RMB 161,408,030.71, the book value of the mortgaged fixed assets was RMB307,836,672.27, and the book value of the mortgaged construction in progress was RMB43,352,104.93. TCP purchases fixed assets by way of a mortgage, and the book value of thefixed assets is RMB 977,216.17.

Note4: See notes (V) 29 pledged equity and equity investment.

56. Other comprehensive income

See notes (V) 38.

57. Notes to items in cash flow statement

(1) Operating cash inflow

Unit: RMB

Contract compensation received218,843,719.69-
Interest income214,787,250.36114,433,142.20
Government grants50,797,838.32126,835,841.58
Guarantees and deposits27,953,110.7120,857,890.37
Insurance compensation received16,320,537.807,700,961.48
Refunds of harbor construction fee96,876,815.0491,598,931.94
Refunds of river channel occupation fee-14,469,500.00
Administration expense and other operating expenses255,069,427.76110,684,200.65
Advance payment155,172,493.6440,679,722.24
Port construction fee83,269,723.0096,836,232.93
Berth dredging fee73,263,986.3015,853,578.00
Port expenses53,236,125.2337,680,224.61
Guarantees and deposits16,514,731.009,835,356.07
Cargo fee2,668,097.853,006,275.75



57. Notes to items in cash flow statement - continued

(3) Investment cash inflow

Unit: RMB

Cash borrowings repayment received120,500,000.0096,868,451.25
Interests received from structured deposit36,115,992.14-
Cash received from acquisition of subsidiaries-121,305,946.92
Restricted cash due to acquisition of HIPG965,644,000.00-
Structured cash deposit695,000,000.00-
Income tax expenses on disposal of other equity instruments25,463,391.2344,950,077.56
Cash borrowings-1,013,445,000.00
Cash and cash equivalents paid for merge and acquisition in current period5,468,066,151.65
Including: TCP5,468,066,151.65
Less: Cash and cash equivalents of subsidiaries on acquisition date896,117,055.37
Including: TCP896,117,055.37
Add: Cash and cash equivalents paid this year for previous merge and acquisition4,359,147,699.53
Including: HIPG4,359,147,699.53
Net cash payment for acquisition of subsidiaries8,931,096,795.81
CMPH disposes stock equity of the company3,876,395,683.27-
Debt issue costs104,284,657.113,788,342.21
Payment for financial lease39,828,477.1528,196,148.11
Repayment to stock holders1,833,400.8051,264,227.69



58. Supplementary information to the cash flow statement

(1) Supplementary information to the cash flow statement

Unit: RMB

Supplementary informationClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
1. Reconciliation of net profit to cash flows from operating activities:
Net profit2,885,914,753.965,437,549,688.99
Add: Provision for impairment losses of assets-632,741,768.60
Impairment of credit loss7,528,580.60
Depreciation of fixed assets1,298,671,209.43997,765,905.13
Depreciation of investment property183,248,437.37196,198,784.24
Amortization of intangible assets526,994,590.78334,246,119.42
Amortization of long-term prepaid expenses19,045,474.7519,088,228.38
Losses (Gains) on disposal of fixed assets , intangible assets and other long-term assets(19,258,495.33)391,053.09
Losses on retirement of fixed assets , intangible assets and other long-term assets32,095,701.5344,424.51
Losses on changes in fair value1,074,406,837.68-
Financial expenses1,869,926,400.581,080,537,549.18
Losses (Gains) arising from investments(3,967,828,149.48)(5,771,294,706.67)
Decrease (Increase) in deferred tax assets(24,282,252.12)1,398,127.04
Increase in deferred tax liabilities242,354,871.34378,486,734.05
Decrease in inventories(25,110,483.47)2,771,127.20
Decrease(Increase) in operating receivables(261,424,216.35)(19,560,328.96)
Increase in operating payables446,292,163.57184,672,562.08
Net cash flows from operating activities4,288,575,424.843,475,037,036.28
2.Significant investing and financing activities that do not involve cash receipts and payments:
Conversion of debt into capital--
Convertible bonds due within one year--
Fixed assets acquired under finance leases--
3.Net changes in cash and cash equivalents:
Closing balance of cash5,373,281,504.757,729,460,082.75
Less: Opening balance of cash7,729,460,082.753,253,467,084.65
Add: Closing balance of cash equivalents--
Less: Opening balance of cash equivalents--
Net increase (Decrease) in cash and cash equivalents(2,356,178,578.00)4,475,992,998.10
ItemClosing balanceOpening balance(restated)
I. Cash5,373,281,504.757,729,460,082.75
Including: Cash on hand349,650.07598,357.70
Bank deposits5,116,481,444.137,716,378,695.65
Other monetary funds256,450,410.5512,483,029.40
II. Cash equivalents--
III. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents5,373,281,504.757,729,460,082.75



59. Foreign currency monetary items

ItemClosing balance of foreign currencyExchange rateClosing amount in RMB
Cash and bank balances2,134,538,905.15
Including: HKD388,017,311.400.8762339,980,768.25
Accounts receivable159,141,161.37
Including: HKD10,874,226.310.87629,527,997.09
Other receivables574,646,768.14
Including: HKD1,980,078.380.87621,734,944.68
Short-term borrowings1,825,358,000.00
Including: HKD830,000,000.000.8762727,246,000.00
Notes and accounts payables45,071,940.89
Including: HKD1,614,214.780.87621,414,374.99
Other payables512,625,788.26
Including: HKD20,347,108.990.876217,828,136.90
Non-current liabilities due within one year220,116,765.00
Long-term borrowings1,926,978,130.00
Bonds payable21,384,578,670.28
Long-term payables423,754,200.00



1. Business combination involving enterprises not under common control

(1) Business combination involving enterprises not under common control

Unit: RMB

Name of acquireeAcquisition DateAcquisition CostProportion of equity acquired by business combination (%)Acquisition MethodPurchase DateBasis for determining the acquisition dateRevenue from the beginning of the period to the combination dateNet profit from the beginning of the period to the combination date
TCP23 February 20185,622,128,181.3890.00Cash Payment23 February 2018Transfer of control1,256,737,392.9569,660,138.47
Acquisition costTCP
Less: Fair value per share of acquired net identifiable assets1,652,753,226.52



1. Business combination involving enterprises not under common control - continued

(3) Carrying amount of the acquiree's assets and liabilities on the combination date

Unit: RMB

Fair Value on Combination DateBook Value on Combination Date
Current Assets1,136,212,899.491,136,212,899.49
Fixed Assets1,405,437,560.591,195,347,281.14
Construction in progress468,950,467.03468,950,467.03
Intangible assets5,386,643,891.153,830,786,653.38
Deferred tax assets31,600,449.3031,600,449.30
Current liabilities686,328,006.23686,328,006.23
Long-term borrowings763,828,636.10763,828,636.10
Bonds payable1,108,636,631.381,108,636,631.38
Long-term payables3,425,767,336.763,425,767,336.76
Deferred tax liabilities587,011,852.20126,850,494.80
Net assets1,836,392,473.91530,606,314.09
Less: Minority interests183,639,247.3953,060,631.41
Net assets acquired1,652,753,226.52477,545,682.68
Name of merged partyAcquired Equity in proportionBasis for formation of combination under the same controlCombination dateBasis for determining the combination dateRevenue from the beginning of the period to the combination dateNet profit from the beginning of the period to the combination dateRevenue in the comparative periodNet profit in the comparative period
CMPH39.45Note 125 December 2018Note 17,729,738,537.452,685,592,888.445,668,455,620.874,928,289,403.49



2. Business combination involving enterprises under common control - continued

(1) Business combination involving enterprises under common control - continued

As at 5 February 2018, CMPH and its wholly-owned subsidiary Malai warehousing(Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Malai warehousing") and ChinaMerchants Port Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. signed a share transfer agreement, saleof 161,190,933 shares of A common stock shares of the Company held by ChinaMerchants Holdings Limited (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., representing approximately 25% of thetotal issued shares of the Company on the date of the agreement; CMPH has awholly-owned subsidiary Feng Enterprise Co., Ltd. and Broadford International Co., Ltd.signed a share transfer agreement to sell 55,314,208 shares of B common stock shares ofthe Company to Broadford International Co., Ltd., accounting for 8.58% of the total issuedshares of the company on the date of the agreement; Nanshan Group, a joint venture of thePort Holdings, signed a share transfer agreement with China Merchants KongtongDevelopment (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., and sold 209,687,067 A common stock shares of itsshares to China Merchants Gangtong Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 32.52% of allissued shares of the company on the date of signing the agreement. On the same day,CMPH and Nanshan Group signed an agreement to terminate the agreement to host the Acommon stock shares of the Company held by Nanshan Group. As at June 8, 2018, theabove equity transaction was completed, and CMPH was no longer the parent company ofthe company.

As at 19 June 2018, the company and CMID signed the "issuing shares to purchase assetsagreement", according to the agreement. The company purchased 1,313,541,560 ordinaryshares of CMPH held by CMID, representing approximately 39.45% of the issued sharesof CMPH (hereinafter referred to as "Target assets"), the transaction amount is RMB246.50 million. On 16 November 2018, the company's shares issued to CMID werecompleted in China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch, andCMID officially became a shareholder of the Company. On the same day, the "ConsensusAction Agreement on China Merchants Port Holdings Limited" signed by the Companyand CMHK came into effect. According to the agreement, CMHK has voting rights on22.64% of CMPH, which it is entrusted to exercise. China Merchants Port ControllingShareholders' Meeting held unanimous agreement with the Company when voting on thedeliberation matters, and voted based on the opinions of the Company. After thecompletion of the above transaction, CMID acquired 64.05% of the shares of the Company;the Company holds a total of 62.09% of the voting rights of CMPH, which can control it.Therefore, starting from December 25, 2018, the Company refers to the accountingtreatment method of business combination under the common control, and incorporatesCMPH into the consolidated scope of the Company's consolidated financial statementsfrom the beginning of the comparative financial statements.



2. Business combination involving enterprises under common control - continued

(2) Acquisition cost

Unit: RMB

Acquisition costCMPH
Face value of issued equity securities1,148,648,648.00
Contingent consideration-



2. Business combination involving enterprises under common control - continued

(4) Carrying amount of the acquiree's assets and liabilities on the combination date

Unit: RMB

Combining dateAt the end of last year
Cash and bank balances6,286,625,388.237,010,046,720.27
Notes and accounts receivable886,192,452.65687,058,097.67
Other receivables784,384,329.861,102,454,504.60
Assets held for sale115,356,162.94-
Other current assets1,165,966,118.291,169,773,192.59
Available-for-sale financial assets3,059,822,735.68
Long-term receivables793,840,080.199,669,034.35
Long-term equity investments49,203,721,619.7042,671,121,909.29
Other equity investments96,101,614.30
Other non-current financial assets2,087,872,081.94
Investment properties5,868,106,799.886,037,804,900.44
Fixed assets19,873,743,830.7219,999,622,807.44
Construction in progress5,323,807,106.872,256,101,893.73
Intangible assets19,631,243,508.6714,899,396,341.07
Long-term prepaid expenses184,721,499.76202,064,891.53
Deferred tax assets52,289,927.4731,672,836.18
Other non-current assets247,632,416.2795,415,126.79
Short-term borrowings2,478,045,312.622,580,000,000.00
Notes and accounts payable347,093,777.13236,483,248.53
Receipts in advance28,185,109.5061,659,604.71
Contract liabilities47,581,489.59
Employee benefits payable379,272,707.40295,466,425.37
Taxes payable256,463,960.76168,341,559.91
Other payables2,075,705,657.546,357,346,447.29
Non-current liabilities due within one year2,002,817,943.152,393,237,748.47
Other current liabilities402,659,721.80285,472,328.45
Long-term borrowings6,971,479,842.187,670,516,491.15
Bonds payable22,097,467,096.4010,292,778,301.33
Long-term payable1,266,057,088.661,247,806,274.43
Long-term employee benefits payable375,325,127.65350,750,123.90
Deferred income55,520,260.4066,808,802.84
Special payables-10,412,745.10
Deferred tax liabilities2,666,838,286.931,982,121,444.46
Other non-current liabilities3,752,276,691.9554,763,901.68
Net assets74,916,605,655.8068,361,116,382.18
Less: Minority interests49,740,467,883.8745,770,803,019.72
Net assets acquired25,176,137,771.9322,590,313,362.46



3. Changes in scope of consolidation due to other reasons

(1) New subsidiaries due to assets acquisition in this period

Unit: RMB

Name of subsidiariesClosing balance of net assets
Shenzhen Haixing Xiaoyetian Logistics Development Co., Ltd.10,378,526.33
China Merchants Port (Zhoushan) RoRo Terminal Co., Ltd.49,755,188.46
China Merchants Port (Zhoushan) RoRo Logistics Co., Ltd.24,178,813.68



1. Interests in subsidiaries

(1) Composition of the Group

Full name of the subsidiaryPrincipal place of businessPlace of incorporationNature of businessRegistered Capital (in ten thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated)Proportion of ownership Interest (%)Proportion of ownership Interest (%)
Direct ownership interestDirect ownership interest
Shenzhen Chiwan International Freight Agency Co., Ltd.Shenzhen, PRCShenzhen, PRCLogistics support services550.00100.00-Established through investment
Chiwan Wharf Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited.Hong Kong SAR, PRCHong Kong SAR, PRCInvestmentHKD 1,000,000.00100.00-Established through investment
Dongguan Chiwan Warf Co., Ltd. ("DGW")Dongguan, PRCDongguan, PRCLogistics support services45,000.0085.00-Established through investment
DGT.Dongguan, PRCDongguan, PRCLogistics support services40,000.00100.00-Established through investment
Hinwin Development LimitedHong Kong SAR, PRCHong Kong SAR, PRCInvestmentHKD 10,000.00100.00-Established through investment
CHCCShenzhen, PRCShenzhen, PRCLogistics support services28,820.00100.00-Combination involving enterprises under common control
Shenzhen Chiwan Transportation Co., Ltd.Shenzhen, PRCShenzhen, PRCLogistics support services1,500.00100.00-Combination involving enterprises under common control
CCTShenzhen, PRCShenzhen, PRCLogistics support servicesUSD 95,300,000.0055.0020.00Combination involving enterprises under common control
Shenzhen Chiwan Tugboat Co., Ltd.Shenzhen, PRCShenzhen, PRCLogistics support services2,400.00100.00-Combination involving enterprises under common control
Chiwan Shipping (Hong Kong) LimitedHong Kong SAR, PRCHong Kong SAR, PRCLogistics support servicesHKD 800,000.00100.00-Combination involving enterprises under common control
China Merchants Port Holdings (Note 1)Hong Kong SAR, PRCHong Kong SAR, PRCInvestmentHKD39,070.13million39.45-Combination involving enterprises under common control
CMBL.Shenzhen, PRCShenzhen, PRCLogistics support services70,000.0040.0060.00Combination involving enterprises under common control
China Merchants International Information Technology Co., Ltd.Shenzhen, PRCShenzhen, PRCInformation Technology5,000.0023.1676.84Combination involving enterprises under common control
China Merchants International (China) Investment Co., Ltd.Shenzhen, PRCShenzhen, PRCInvestmentUSD 30,000,000.00-100.00Combination involving enterprises under common control
CMTQingdao PRCQingdao PRCLogistics support servicesUSD 206.30 million-100.00Combination involving enterprises under common control
CMHITHong Kong SAR, PRCHong Kong SAR, PRCLogistics support servicesHKD 500,000.00-100.00Combination involving enterprises under common control
China Merchants Port (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.Shenzhen, PRCShenzhen, PRCLogistics support services55,000.00-100.00Combination involving enterprises under common control
SZHQ.Shenzhen, PRCShenzhen, PRCEngineering supervision300.00-100.00Combination involving enterprises under common control
ATJShenzhen, PRCShenzhen, PRCStorageHKD 100.00 million-100.00Combination involving enterprises under common control
ASJShenzhen, PRCShenzhen, PRCStorageHKD 100.00 million-100.00Combination involving enterprises under common control
China Merchants International Terminal (Qingdao) Co., Ltd.Qingdao PRCQingdao PRCLogistics support servicesUSD 44.00 million-90.10Combination involving enterprises under common control
Colombo International Container Terminals LimitedSri LankaSri LankaLogistics support servicesUSD 150.00 million-85.00Combination involving enterprises under common control
SMPSShenzhen, PRCShenzhen, PRCLogistics support services20,000.00-100.00Combination involving enterprises under common control
SMTCShenzhen, PRCShenzhen, PRCLogistics support services33,500.00-100.00Combination involving enterprises under common control
SMWCShenzhen, PRCShenzhen, PRCLogistics support services20,000.00-100.00Combination involving enterprises under common control
Zhangzhou China Merchants Tugboat Co Ltd.Zhangzhou, PRCZhangzhou, PRCLogistics support services1,500.00-70.00Combination involving enterprises under common control
Zhangzhou China Merchants Port Co Ltd.Zhangzhou, PRCZhangzhou, PRCLogistics support services100,000.00-60.00Combination involving enterprises under common control
ZCMG(Note2)Zhangzhou, PRCZhangzhou, PRCLogistics support services44,450.00-31.00Combination involving enterprises under common control
China Merchants (SCT) Holdings Company LimitedShenzhen, PRCShenzhen, PRCLogistics support servicesHKD 618.20 million-80.00Combination involving enterprises under common control
Shekou Container Terminals (Phase II) Co., Ltd.Shenzhen, PRCShenzhen, PRCLogistics support services60,854.90-80.00Combination involving enterprises under common control
SCT3Shenzhen, PRCShenzhen, PRCLogistics support services127,600.00-80.00Combination involving enterprises under common control
AYJShenzhen, PRCShenzhen, PRCStorage6,060.00-80.00Combination involving enterprises under common control
Shenzhen Haixing Port Development Co., Ltd.Shenzhen, PRCShenzhen, PRCLogistics support services53,072.92-67.00Combination involving enterprises under common control
YDGFoshan, PRCFoshan, PRCLogistics support services21,600.00-51.00Combination involving enterprises under common control
Mega Shekou Container Terminals LimitedBritish Virgin IslandsBritish Virgin IslandsInvestmentUSD 120.00-85.42Combination involving enterprises under common control
Thesar Maritime LimitedCyprusCyprusInvestmentEUR 5,000.00-50.00Combination involving enterprises under common control
Lomé Container Terminal S. A. (Note3)Togolese RepublicTogolese RepublicLogistics support servicesFCFA 200.00 million-35.00Combination involving enterprises under common control
HIPGSri LankaSri LankaLogistics support servicesUSD 794.00 million-85.00Combination involving enterprises under common control
Shantou China Merchants Port Co., Ltd.Shantou, PRCShantou, PRCLogistics support services12,500.00-60.00Combination involving enterprises under common control
JYRTShenzhen, PRCShenzhen, PRCProperty rental services80,000.00-100.00Combination involving enterprises under common control



1. Interests in subsidiaries - continued

(1) Composition of the Group - continued

Full name of the subsidiaryPrincipal place of businessPlace of incorporationNature of businessRegistered Capital (in ten thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated)Proportion of ownership Interest (%)Proportion of ownership Interest (%)
Direct ownership interestDirect ownership interest
QHWShenzhen, PRCShenzhen, PRCProperty rental services20,000.00-100.00Combination involving enterprises under common control
JZZShenzhen, PRCShenzhen, PRCInvestment Consulting4,000-75.00Combination involving enterprises under common control
Shenzhen Lianda Tugboat Co., Ltd.Shenzhen, PRCShenzhen, PRCLogistics support services200-60.29Combination involving enterprises under common control
Zhangzhou Zhongli Outer Wheel Tally Co., LtdZhangzhou, PRCZhangzhou, PRCLogistics support services200-84.00Combination involving enterprises under common control
China Merchants Holdings (Djibouti) FZEDjiboutiDjiboutiLogistics support servicesUSD 38.14 million-100.00Combination involving enterprises under common control
TCP(Note1)BrazilBrazilLogistics support servicesBRL 68.85 million-90.00Combination involving enterprises not under common control
China Merchants Port (Zhoushan) RoRo Logistics Co., Ltd. (Note1)Shantou, PRCShantou, PRCLogistics support services17,307.8651.00-Assets Acquisition
China Merchants Port (Zhoushan) RoRo Terminal Co., Ltd. (Note1)Shantou, PRCShantou, PRCLogistics support services5,000.00-51.00Assets Acquisition
Shenzhen Haixing Xiaoyetian Logistics Development Co., Ltd. (Note1)Shenzhen, PRCShenzhen, PRCLogistics support services7,066.79-79.57Assets Acquisition
Name of the subsidiaryProportion of ownership interest held by the minority shareholders (%)Profit or loss attributable to minority shareholders at the end of the periodPayments for dividends to minority shareholders in the current periodClosing balance of minority interest



1. Interests in subsidiaries - continued

(3) Significant financial information of material non-wholly-owned subsidiaries

Unit: RMB

Name of the subsidiaryClosing balanceOpening balance
Current assetsNon-current assetsTotal assetsCurrent liabilitiesNon-current liabilitiesTotal liabilitiesCurrent assetsNon-current assetsTotal assetsCurrent liabilitiesNon-current liabilitiesTotal liabilities
Name of the subsidiary20182017
Operating incomeNet profitTotal comprehensive incomeCash flows from operating activitiesOperating incomeNet profitTotal comprehensive incomeOperating cash flows



2. Interests in joint ventures and associates

(1) Material joint ventures or associates

Unit: RMB

InvesteePrincipal place of businessPlace of incorporationNature of businessProportion of ownership interests held by the Group (%)Accounting method of investments in joint ventures and associates
Joint ventures
Shanghai International Port (Group) Co., Ltd.Shanghai, PRCShanghai, PRCPort and container terminal business-26.77Equity method
ItemShanghai International Port (Group) Co., Ltd.
Closing balance/2018Opening balance/2017
Current assets47,842,620,837.3250,265,638,309.88
Including: cash and cash equivalent27,935,157,994.8320,246,034,398.90
Non-current assets96,524,413,178.5890,969,266,684.14
Total assets144,367,034,015.90141,234,904,994.02
Current liabilities31,676,398,710.3538,083,862,202.13
Non-current liabilities30,340,320,855.3026,094,575,871.54
Total liabilities62,016,719,565.6564,178,438,073.67
Minority interests6,802,318,747.827,572,086,010.64
Total equity attributable to shareholders of the parent company75,547,995,702.4369,484,380,909.71
Net assets calculated based on the proportion of ownership interest20,216,643,649.9718,378,618,750.62
- Goodwill2,076,585,747.121,834,571,145.21
- Others(105,669,326.14)(72,729,483.24)
Carrying amounts of equity investments in Joint Ventures22,187,560,070.9520,140,460,412.59
Fair value of joint venture equity investment with public quotation32,129,272,123.4840,766,914,309.10
Income tax expenses38,042,544,621.3737,423,946,226.91
Net profit11,472,021,103.1612,846,413,455.93
Other comprehensive income(954,348,960.96)1,525,862,566.50
Total comprehensive income10,517,672,142.2014,372,276,022.43
Dividends received from joint ventures in the current year1,059,194,508.74913,488,707.16



2. Interests in joint ventures and associates - continued

(3) Summarized financial information of immaterial associates and joint ventures

Unit: RMB

Closing balance/2018Opening balance/2017
Joint ventures:
Total carrying amounts of investment11,230,302,154.268,933,914,027.28
Aggregate of following items calculated based on the proportion of ownership interest
- Net profit429,904,250.47376,916,082.57
- Other comprehensive income(5,608,904.12)22,002,683.51
- Total comprehensive income424,295,346.35398,918,766.08
Total carrying amounts of investment16,758,715,038.1914,086,475,367.61
Aggregate of following items calculated based on the proportion of ownership interest
- Net profit912,589,301.491,317,985,250.72
- Other comprehensive income(31,643,724.68)77,536,453.90
- Total comprehensive income880,945,576.811,395,521,704.62



1.Risk management objectives and policies

The Group's risk management objectives are to achieve proper balance between risks and yield,minimize the adverse impacts of risks on the Group's operation performance, and maximize thebenefits of the shareholders and other equity investors. Based on these risk managementobjectives, the Group's basic risk management strategy is to identify and analyze the industry'sexposure to various risks, establish appropriate bottom line for risk tolerance, implement riskmanagement, and monitors these exposures to ensure the risks are monitored at a certain level.

1.1 Market risk

1.1.1 Currency risk

Currency risk is the risk that losses will occur because of changes in foreign exchange rates. TheGroup's exposure to the currency risk is primarily associated with FCFA and HKD. Several of theGroup's subsidiaries have purchases and sales denominated in HKD while the Group's otherprincipal activities are denominated and settled in RMB. As at 31 December 2018, the balance ofthe Group's assets and liabilities are both denominated in functional currency, except that balanceof assets set out below is in HKD and USD. Currency risk arising from the foreign currencybalance of assets and liabilities may have impact on the Group's performance.

Unit: RMB

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance(restated)
Cash and bank balances2,134,538,905.15900,731,401.82
Notes and accounts receivable159,141,161.3724,592,272.50
Other receivables574,646,768.143,446,717,477.66
Short-term borrowings1,825,358,000.00-
Notes and accounts payable45,071,940.896,767,235.27
Other payables512,625,788.2653,024,698.55
Non-current liabilities due within one year220,116,765.00-
Long-term borrowings1,926,978,130.00-
Bonds payable21,384,578,670.282,500,000,000.00
Long-term payables423,754,200.00423,754,200.00



1.Risk management objectives and policies - continued

1.1 Market risk - continued

1.1.1 Currency risk - continued

Sensitivity analysis on currency risk

The assumption for the sensitivity analysis on currency risk is that all the cash flow hedges andhedges of a net investment in a foreign operation are highly effective. On the basis of the aboveassumption, where all other variables are held constant, the reasonably possible changes in theforeign exchange rate may have the following pre-tax effect on the profit or loss for the period orequity:

Unit: RMB

ItemChanges in exchange rateClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Effect on profitsEffect on shareholders' equityEffect on profitsEffect on shareholders' equity
All foreign currencies5% increase against RMB(11,394,591.45)(11,394,591.45)23,982,328.8923,982,328.89
All foreign currencies5% decrease against RMB11,394,591.4511,394,591.45(23,982,328.89)(23,982,328.89)
All foreign currencies5% increase against USD17,324.2017,324.20322,074.56322,074.56
All foreign currencies5% decrease against USD(17,324.20)(17,324.20)(322,074.56)(322,074.56)
All foreign currencies5% increase against HKD(1,098,658,981.68)(1,098,658,981.68)(67,627,776.68)(67,627,776.68)
All foreign currencies5% decrease against HKD1,098,658,981.681,098,658,981.6867,627,776.6867,627,776.68
All foreign currencies5% increase against FCFA(63,413,556.92)(63,413,556.92)1,410,777.821,410,777.82
All foreign currencies5% decrease against FCFA63,413,556.9263,413,556.92(1,410,777.82)(1,410,777.82)



1.Risk management objectives and policies - continued

1.1 Market risk - continued

1.1.2 Interest rate risk - changes in cash flows - continued

Given that other variables unchanged on the basis of above assumptions, the pre-tax effect on theprofit or loss for the current period from possible and reasonable changes of interest rate are asfollows:

Unit: RMB

ItemChanges in interest rateClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Effect on profitsEffect on shareholders' equityEffect on profitsEffect on shareholders' equity
Short-term & Long-term borrowings1% increase(119,061,442.29 )(119,061,442.29 )(102,505,164.91)(102,505,164.91)
Short-term & Long-term borrowings1% decrease119,061,442.29119,061,442.29102,505,164.91102,505,164.91



1. Risk management objectives and policies - continued

1.3 Liquidity risk

In the management of the liquidity risk, the Group monitors and maintains a level of cash andcash equivalents deemed adequate by the management to finance the Group's operations andmitigate the effects of fluctuations in cash flows. The management monitors the utilization ofbank loans and ensures compliance with loans covenants.

The following is the maturity analysis for financial assets and financial liabilities held by theGroup which is based on undiscounted remaining contractual obligations:

Unit: RMB

ItemCarrying amountTotal amountWithin 1 year1-5 yearsMore than 5 years
The non-derivative financial liabilities
Short-term borrowings3,425,291,312.623,478,169,207.833,478,169,207.83--
Notes and accounts payable429,120,690.97429,120,690.97429,120,690.97--
Other payables2,245,670,528.892,245,670,528.892,245,670,528.89--
Non-current liabilities due within one year2,243,283,834.912,660,121,708.862,660,121,708.86--
Other current liabilities602,659,721.80608,495,040.88608,495,040.88--
Long-term borrowings6,971,479,842.187,796,930,369.38-6,538,562,313.751,258,368,055.63
Bonds payable22,097,467,096.4027,296,882,971.12605,139,169.5518,009,414,364.388,682,329,437.19
Long-term payables431,988,064.47433,111,346.10-42,453,199.58390,658,146.52
The derivative financial liabilities
Other non-current liabilities579,195,304.56579,195,304.56-579,195,304.56-
ItemClosing Balance
Level 1Level 2Level 3Total
Measurements at fair value continuously
Other investments in equity instruments9,800,000.00-238,048,314.30247,848,314.30
Other non-current financial assets1,551,815,520.48-536,056,561.462,087,872,081.94
Total assets measured at fair value continuously1,561,615,520.48-774,104,875.762,335,720,396.24
Other non-current liabilities-3,839,742,307.013,839,742,307.01
Total liabilities measured at fair value continuously-3,839,742,307.013,839,742,307.01


(IX) FAIR VALUE - continued

2. Basis for determining the market price measured at fair value at level I continuously

The market price of assets and liabilities measured at fair value at level I continuously isdetermined by the Shanghai stock exchange and the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Ltd. closingprice of equity instruments at 29 December 2018.

3. Level 3 continuously fair value measure instruments, using valuation method and

qualitative and quantitative information on important parameters.

Unit: RMB

ItemClosing Balance Fair ValueOpening Balance Fair ValueValuation methodInput
Other investments in equity instruments238,048,314.30223,633,968.79Net assets methodNet asset value
Other non-current financial assets2,000,000.00-Discounted cash flow methodDiscount rate
Other non-current financial assets689,901.07644,549.67Net assets methodNet asset value
Other non-current financial assets533,366,660.39602,632,149.19Comparative method of listed companyStock Price
Other non-current liabilities3,260,547,002.45-Discounted cash flow methodDiscount rate
Other non-current liabilities579,195,304.56-Option pricing methodExecutive price, expected volatility, etc.



1. Parent of the Company

Name of the parentRelated party relationshipType of the entityPlace of incorporationLegal representativeNature of businessIssued share capitalProportion of the entity's ownership interests held by the parent (%)Proportion of the entity's voting power held by the parent (%)
Broadford Global LimitedParent companyPrivate limited company (share limited)Hong KongDeng WeidongInvestment holdingHKD21,120,986,2623.08%-87.81 (Note)
Name of other related partiesRelationships between other related parties and the Company
Kumport Liman Hizmetleri ve Lojistik Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim ?irketiJoint venture
Port of Newcastle and its subsidiariesJoint venture
Ningbo Daxie Merchants International Wharf Co., Ltd.Joint venture
Qingdao Qianwan United Container Terminal Co., Ltd.Joint venture
Qingdao Qianwan West Port United Wharf Co., Ltd.Joint venture
Qingdao Qianwan New United Container Terminal Co., Ltd.Joint venture
Zhanjiang Port (Group) Co., Ltd.Joint venture
China Overseas Harbour Affaris (Laizhou) Co., Ltd.Joint venture
Great Horn Development Company FZCOAssociate Company
International Djibouti Industrial Parks Operation FZCOAssociate Company
Port de Djibouti S.A.Associate Company
Terminal Link SASAssociate Company
Nanshan Group and its subsidiariesAssociate Company
Shanghai International Port (Group) Co., Ltd.Associate Company
Shenzhen Globex e-Service IncAssociate Company
Shenzhen Baohong Trade Service Co., Ltd.Associate Company
Tianjin Haitian Bonded Logistics Co., Ltd.Associate Company
Modern Terminals LimitedAssociate Company



4. Other related parties of the Company

Unit: RMB

Name of other related partiesRelationships between other related parties and the Company
Zhangzhou COSCO Shipping Agency Co., LtdAssociate Company
COFCO Merchants Bureau (Shenzhen) Grain Electronic Trading Center Co., Ltd.Associate Company
Qingdao Port International Co., Ltdminority shareholders of subsidiaries
Hong Kong International Enterprises Limitedminority shareholders of subsidiaries
YiHai Kerry Investment Company Limitedminority shareholders of subsidiaries
CMHKControlled by the same ultimate actual controller
Sinotrans(NZ)LimitedControlled by the same ultimate actual controller
Sinoway Shipping LimitedControlled by the same ultimate actual controller
Guangzhou International Ocean Shipping Agency Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate actual controller
Hoi Tung (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate actual controller
EuroAsia Dockyard Enterprise and development LtdControlled by the same ultimate actual controller
Qingdao Bonded Logistics Park Sino-foreign Transport Warehousing Logistics Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate actual controller
Qingdao Sino-foreign Transport Supply Chain Management Co., LtdControlled by the same ultimate actual controller
Shenzhen Science and Technology University Phase II Real Estate Management Co., LtdControlled by the same ultimate actual controller
Shenzhen Nanyou (Holdings) LtdControlled by the same ultimate actual controller
Shenzhen Waidai Warehousing Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate actual controller
China Merchants Landmark (Shenzhen) Co ., LtdControlled by the same ultimate actual controller
China Merchants Ocean Shipping Agency ShenzhenControlled by the same ultimate actual controller
Shenzhen Merchants Qianhai Industrial Development Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate actual controller
CSC RoRo Logistics Co., LtdControlled by the same ultimate actual controller
China Merchants (Shenzhen) Power Supply., LtdControlled by the same ultimate actual controller
Shenzhen Merchants Construction Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate actual controller
Shenzhen Merchants Commercial Property Investment Co., LtdControlled by the same ultimate actual controller
Shenzhen Merchants Culture Industry Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate actual controller
Shenzhen Investment Promotion Real Estate Management Co., Ltd..Controlled by the same ultimate actual controller
China Ocean Shipping Tally Shenzhen CO., LtdControlled by the same ultimate actual controller
China Marine Shipping Agency,Shenzhen Company LimitedControlled by the same ultimate actual controller
Yiu Lian Dockyards (Shekou) LimitedControlled by the same ultimate actual controller
Yiu Lian Dockyards LimitedControlled by the same ultimate actual controller
Cm Houlder Insurance Brokers LimitedControlled by the same ultimate actual controller
Investment Promotion Bureau Zhangzhou Development Zone Power Supply Co., Ltd..Controlled by the same ultimate actual controller
China Merchants Godown, Wharf Transportation Company LimitedControlled by the same ultimate actual controller
Huanan Refrigeration Ice Making(Shenzhen)Co., Ltd..Controlled by the same ultimate actual controller
China Merchants Group Finance Company LimitedControlled by the same ultimate actual controller
China Merchants Steam Navigation Company LimitedControlled by the same ultimate actual controller
China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Holdings Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate actual controller
China Merchants Bureau Logistics Group Fujian Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate actual controller
China Merchants Bureau Logistics Group Qingdao Co., LtdControlled by the same ultimate actual controller
China Merchants Property Management Co., Ltd..Controlled by the same ultimate actual controller
China Merchants Bureau Zhangzhou Development Zone Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate actual controller
China Merchants Bureau Zhongbai Commercial Logistics Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate actual controller
China Merchants Securities Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate actual controller
China Communications Import & Export Co., LtdControlled by the same ultimate actual controller
China Ocean Shipping Agency ShenzhenControlled by the same ultimate actual controller
Sinotrans Co., Ltd..Controlled by the same ultimate actual controller
China Outbound Air Transport Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate actual controller
Sinotrans Container Lines (Hong Kong) Company LimitedControlled by the same ultimate actual controller
Sinotrans Container Lines Co., Ltd..Controlled by the same ultimate actual controller
China Merchants Bureau Food (Shenzhen) Co., LtdControlled by the same ultimate actual controller
China Merchants Union (BVI) LimitedControlled by the same ultimate actual controller
Khor Ambado FZCoControlled by the same ultimate actual controller
China Merchants Bank Company LimitedControlled by the same ultimate actual controller



5. Related party transaction

(1) Provision and receipt of services

Unit: RMB

Related partyContent of related party transactionPricing and decision-making procedures of related party transactionsClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Receipt of services:
China Merchants Securities Co., LtdService expenditureNegotiation22,641,509.43-
Qingdao Qianwan West Port United Terminal Co., LtdService expenditureNegotiation15,358,571.8816,832,662.07
Shenzhen China Merchants Shangzhi Investment Co., LtdService expenditureNegotiation10,707,148.0315,012,063.63
Yiu Lian Dockyards LimitedService expenditureNegotiation10,019,922.189,182,821.83
China Merchants Bureau Zhangzhou Development Zone Co., Ltd.Service expenditureNegotiation5,681,278.305,395,042.75
China Merchants Bureau Logistics Group Qingdao Co., LtdService expenditureNegotiation3,751,785.752,015,655.27
China Ocean Shipping Agency ShenzhenService expenditureNegotiation3,539,104.804,072,313.14
Hoi Tung (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.Service expenditureNegotiation3,461,147.791,432,378.81
China Merchants (Shenzhen) Power Supply Co., Ltd.Service expenditureNegotiation2,908,847.34-
China Outbound Air Transport Co., Ltd.Service expenditureNegotiation2,199,064.60-
Cm Houlder Insurance Brokers LimitedService expenditureNegotiation2,102,764.121,903,741.43
China Merchants Property Management Co., Ltd.Service expenditureNegotiation1,764,315.362,015,655.27
China Ocean Shipping Tally Shenzhen CO., LtdService expenditureNegotiation1,240,537.341,126,870.35
Nanshan Group and Its SubsidiaryService expenditureNegotiation1,080,269.252,288,324.92
Sinoway Shipping LimitedService expenditureNegotiation760,244.197,861,796.11
Shenzhen Merchants Culture Industry Co., Ltd.Service expenditureNegotiation461,390.461,824,228.26
Other related partiesService expenditureNegotiation3,695,383.533,818,846.42
China Merchants Group Finance Company LimitedInterest expenseNegotiation51,574,070.7843,521,750.00
Port de Djibouti S.A.Interest expenseNegotiation24,719,148.382,364,694.82
China Merchants Steam Navigation Company LimitedInterest expenseNegotiation3,961,479.458,246,884.93
China Merchant Bank Co., LtdInterest expenseNegotiation104,400.005,762,005.73
China Merchants GroupInterest expenseNegotiation-4,318,767.12



5. Related party transaction - continued

(1) Provision and receipt of services - continued

Unit: RMB

Related partyContent of related party transactionPricing and decision-making procedures of related party transactionsClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Provision of service:
Qingdao Qianwan United Container Terminal Co., LtdService revenueNegotiation59,871,312.1952,831,836.74
China Ocean Shipping Agency ShenzhenService revenueNegotiation26,678,580.2425,783,328.94
Khor Ambado FZCoService revenueNegotiation22,976,552.15-
Qingdao Qianwan West Port United Terminal Co., Ltd.Service revenueNegotiation14,667,866.5915,378,330.78
Globex e-Services Co., Ltd.Service revenueNegotiation13,954,183.688,174,128.49
China Marine Shipping Agency,Shenzhen Company LimitedService revenueNegotiation11,339,084.028,393,115.04
Sinotrans Container Lines Co., Ltd.Service revenueNegotiation10,699,341.993,489,366.88
Huanan Refrigeration Ice Making (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.Service revenueNegotiation6,422,615.016,226,134.87
Zhangzhou COSCO Shipping Agency Co., LtdService revenueNegotiation5,804,690.705,417,274.27
Zhanjiang Port (Group) Co., LtdService revenueNegotiation5,568,651.211,356,499.96
Qingdao Bonded Logistics Park Sino-foreign Transport Warehousing Logistics Co., Ltd.Service revenueNegotiation5,085,762.323,154,879.91
Port de Djibouti S.A.Service revenueNegotiation4,640,763.435,686,674.06
Great Horn Development Company FZCOService revenueNegotiation3,985,900.369,947,871.61
Ningbo Daxie Merchants International Wharf Co., LtdService revenueNegotiation3,929,015.114,537,052.85
Qingdao Qianwan New United Container Terminal Co., Ltd.Service revenueNegotiation3,411,057.433,179,265.03
Yiu Lian Dockyards (Shekou) LimitedService revenueNegotiation3,319,608.631,274,969.05
International Djibouti Industrial Parks Operation FZCOService revenueNegotiation3,054,612.365,725,098.14
China Merchants Ocean Shipping Agency ShenzhenService revenueNegotiation3,013,980.254,402,744.18
China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Holdings Co., LtdService revenueNegotiation2,496,490.063,140,643.98
China Merchants Bureau Zhongbai Commercial Logistics Co., Ltd.Service revenueNegotiation2,484,304.001,764,574.00
Sinotrans Container Lines (Hong Kong) Company LimitedService revenueNegotiation2,182,888.921,809,539.25
China Outbound Air Transport Co., Ltd.Service revenueNegotiation1,993,291.26-
CMHKService revenueNegotiation1,600,000.0020,274.29
Shanghai International Port (Group) Co., Ltd.Service revenueNegotiation1,588,035.851,331,677.32
Laizhou Laiyin Port Business Co., Ltd.Service revenueNegotiation1,574,244.921,776,636.76
Terminal Link SASService revenueNegotiation1,378,437.571,315,926.11
Guangzhou International Ocean Shipping Agency Co., LtdService revenueNegotiation1,312,017.951,049,904.69
Kumport Liman Hizmetleri ve Lojistik Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim ?irketiService revenueNegotiation1,119,436.151,693,185.98
Qingdao Qianwan West Port United Wharf Co., Ltd.Service revenueNegotiation1,071,100.78-
Shenzhen Waidai Warehousing Co., Ltd.Service revenueNegotiation690,687.402,581,013.80
China Merchants GroupService revenueNegotiation407,655.621,173,935.66
COFCO Merchants Bureau (Shenzhen) Grain Electronic Trading Center Co., Ltd.Service revenueNegotiation17,134.901,529,032.53
Shenzhen Baohong Trade Service Co., LtdService revenueNegotiation-11,018,134.42
Sinotrans(NZ)LimitedService revenueNegotiation-8,994,813.95
Other related partiesService revenueNegotiation7,990,585.7215,969,731.66
Khor Ambado FZCoInterest incomeNegotiation51,599,386.037,097,464.46
Port of Newcastle and its SubsidiariesInterest incomeNegotiation34,416,578.56-
China Merchant Bank Co., LtdInterest incomeNegotiation34,629,531.0831,155,058.39
China Merchants Group Finance Company LimitedInterest incomeNegotiation14,042,476.823,299,729.55
Morden Terminals LimitedInterest incomeNegotiation1,193,424.67736,667.48
Other related partiesInterest incomeNegotiation1,443,994.717,181,287.74



5. Related party transaction - continued

(2) Leases with related parties

The Group as the lessor:


Name of lesseeType of leased assetsPricing and decision-making procedures of related party transactionsLease income recognized in the current yearLease income recognized in the previous year (restated)
Nanshan Group and its SubsidiariesBuildingsNegotiation3,506,398.00-
China Merchants Bureau Food (Shenzhen) Co., LtdBuildingsNegotiation3,393,457.47143,124.29
China Communications Import and Export Co., Ltd.BuildingsNegotiation2,699,223.601,965,231.30
Shenzhen Nanyou (Holdings) LtdBuildingsNegotiation2,400,571.432,400,571.43
Yiu Lian Dockyards (Shekou) LimitedBuildingsNegotiation2,025,218.142,439,540.40
Other related partiesBuildings and Land use rightNegotiation1,573,182.073,355,566.56
Name of lessorType of leased assetsPricing and decision-making procedures of related party transactionsLease payment recognized in the current yearLease payment recognized in the previous year (restated)
Nanshan Group and its SubsidiariesBuildingsNegotiation70,044,701.5071,986,357.12
China Merchants Bureau Shekou Industrial Zone Holding Co., Ltd.BuildingsNegotiation40,961,038.6041,973,260.20
China Merchants Property Management Co., Ltd.BuildingsNegotiation13,814,358.7220,284,937.94
Euro Asia Dockyard Enterprise and development LtdBuildings and Land use rightNegotiation13,057,843.6112,938,008.64
Shenzhen China Merchants Shangzhi Investment Co., LtdBuildingsNegotiation8,342,789.849,905,500.99
Shenzhen Nanyou (Holdings) LtdBuildingsNegotiation3,558,233.301,978,376.12
Shenzhen Science and Technology University Phase II Real Estate Management Co., Ltd.BuildingsNegotiation3,541,404.003,305,310.00
China Merchants Property Management Co., LtdBuildingsNegotiation3,250,687.11-
China Merchants Godown, Wharf & Transportation Company LimitedOther equipmentNegotiation1,395,479.121,433,677.44
China Merchants Landmark (Shenzhen) Co., LtdBuildingsNegotiation1,147,441.221,038,371.81
China Merchants Bureau Logistics Group Fujian Co., LtdBuildingsNegotiation731,132.084,386,792.48
Other related partiesBuildings, Land use right and othersNegotiation3,142,604.462,100,185.74



5. Related party transaction - continued

(3) The Group as the guarantor

Unit: RMB

WarranteeCredit LineGuarantee amountGuarantee Starting DateGuarantee maturity dateThe guarantee has been completed
2018 year
CMA CGM S.A.(Note)82,195,789.2482,195,789.24June 20132033No
CMA CGM S.A.(Note)24,982,114.9712,241,236.33June 20132033No
Port de Djibouti S.A.343,160,000.0024,192,780.0014 June 201614 June 2019No
2017 year
CMA CGM S.A.81,962,196.9981,962,196.99June 20132033No
CMA CGM S.A.27,941,438.3727,941,438.37June 20132033No
Port de Djibouti S.A.76,776,850.0053,743,795.0014 June 201614 June 2019No
Related partiesLoan AmountStarting dateDue dateInstructions
2018 Year
China Merchants Group Finance Company Limited270,000,000.0023 April 201822 April 2019Fixed Annual Interest Rate4.35%
China Merchants Group Finance Company Limited220,000,000.0017 May 201816 May 2019Fixed Annual Interest Rate4.35%
China Merchants Group Finance Company Limited80,000,000.0011 December 201810 December 2028Fixed Annual Interest Rate4.802%
China Merchants Group Finance Company Limited60,000,000.0019 June 201820 June 2019Fixed Annual Interest Rate4.35%
China Merchants Group Finance Company Limited40,000,000.0020 May 201821 May 2019Fixed Annual Interest Rate4.35%
China Merchants Group Finance Company Limited30,000,000.007 December 20186 December 2019Fixed Annual Interest Rate4.35%
China Merchants Group Finance Company Limited30,000,000.0020 December 201819 December 2021Fixed Annual Interest Rate4.275%
China Merchants Group Finance Company Limited25,000,000.006 December 20185 October 2021Fixed Annual Interest Rate4.75%
China Merchants Group Finance Company Limited20,000,000.0017 December 201816 December 2019Fixed Annual Interest Rate4.35%



5. Related party transaction - continued

(4) Relevant Party Funds Borrowing - continued

Unit: RMB

Related PartiesAmountFromToRemarks
Lending money to
Port of Newcastle and subsidiaries784,057,712.7514 June 201829 May 2020Fixed rate at 8.00%
Year 2017
Borrowing money from
CMFC1,000,000,000.0024 March 201723 March 2018Fixed rate at 3.83%
CMFC300,000,000.0021 April 201720 April 2018Fixed rate at 4.35%
Port de Djibouti S.A.230,331,618.0812 November 201711 June 2019Floating rate
CMFC200,000,000.0029 September 201728 September 2018Fixed rate at 4.35%
CMFC150,000,000.0016 November 201715 November 2018Fixed rate at 4.35%
CMFC100,000,000.0014 September 201713 September 2018Fixed rate at 4.35%
CMFC80,000,000.0018 December 201718 December 2018Fixed rate at 4.35%
CMFC30,000,000.0018 December 201718 December 2018Fixed rate at 4.35%
CMFC30,000,000.0022 June 201721 June 2018Fixed rate at 4.35%
Lending money to
Khor Ambado FZCo980,134,545.0010 November 20179 November 2018Floating rate
ItemClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Compensation for key management personnel19,243,010.1619,437,529.56
ItemRelated partiesClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Cash and bank balancesCMB1,274,536,476.91928,934,746.51
Nanshan Group and Its Subsidiary-1,192,728.52



6. Amounts due from/to related parties - continued

(1) Amounts due from related parties - continued

Unit: RMB

ItemRelated partiesClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Notes and accounts receivableShenzhen Globex e-service Inc.7,222,351.103,508,011.61
Port de Djibouti S.A.6,387,923.401,423,786.05
Qingdao Qianwan United Container Terminal Co., Ltd.5,112,134.914,929,217.77
Ocean Shipping Agency4,678,761.754,983,931.70
China Overseas Harbor Affaris(LAIZHOU) Co., Ltd1,490,941.09-
Sinotrans Container Lines Co., Ltd.1,156,769.47817,413.49
Great Horn Development Company FZCO1,486,615.752,315,470.86
China Marine Shipping Agency,Shenzhen Company Limited1,115,972.501,350,887.20
China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Holdings Co., Ltd.1,029,573.58115,180.72
Qingdao Qianwan West Port United Wharf Co., Ltd.74,485.744,371,957.66
Nanshan Group and its subsidiaries-279,645.50
Other related parties4,564,416.466,137,476.38
Other receivablesNanshan Group and its subsidiaries175,976,941.31194,710,379.10
CHU KONG RIVER TRADE TERMINAL CO., LTD.59,975,890.0057,217,355.00
Shanghai International Port (Group) Co., Ltd50,118,027.14-
Tianjin Haitian Bonded Logistics Co., Ltd.34,300,000.0034,300,000.00
Qingdao Qianwan United Container Terminal Co., Ltd.25,000,000.00-
Port de Djibouti S.A24,411,770.7223,197,515.92
Port of Newcastle and its subsidiaries15,858,848.40-
Zhanjiang Port (Group) Co., Ltd.9,253,682.23-
Khor Ambado FZCo7,332,144.826,848,478.86
CSC RoRo Logistics Co., Ltd.2,899,163.95-
Euro Asia Dockyard Enterprise and development Ltd.1,481,149.511,413,025.42
Shenzhen Merchants Commercial Property Investment Co., Ltd.1,051,801.581,206,519.60
Terminal Link SAS346,490.001,210,417.79
Other related parties3,293,911.534,131,562.24
Other current assetsKhor Ambado FZCo1,029,478,047.00980,134,545.00
Modern Terminals Limited-120,000,000.00
Long-term receivablesPort of Newcastle and its subsidiaries784,057,712.75-
Terminal Link SAS9,782,367.449,669,034.35
Other non-current assetsChina Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Holdings Co., Ltd.43,472,687.0043,472,687.00



6. Amounts due from/to related parties - continued

(2) Amounts due to related parties

Unit: RMB

ItemRelated partiesClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Short-term borrowingsCMFC640,000,000.001,890,000,000.00
Notes and accounts payableNanshan Group and Its Subsidiary11,631,575.1316,968,830.09
Qingdao Qianwan United Container Terminal Co., Ltd.5,196,134.764,069,171.94
Euro Asia Dockyard Enterprise and development Ltd.3,698,897.163,265,979.26
Yiu Lian Dockyards Limited2,204,328.631,619,449.67
Other related parties3,252,253.362,521,076.36
Contract liabilitiesZhanjiang Port (Group) Co., Ltd.1,287,452.83
Other related parties803,584.16
Receipts in advanceOther related parties66,799.01917,915.58
Other payablesChina Merchants Zhangzhou93,258,350.9093,258,350.90
Terminal Link SAS46,506,416.5457,593,466.16
Yihai Kerry investment Co., Ltd.37,402,426.0937,402,426.09
Shenzhen Merchants Construction Co., Ltd.28,379,667.1036,991,325.43
Sinotrans Co., Ltd.25,949,781.0025,949,781.00
Sinotrans Co., Ltd.22,641,509.43-
Shenzhen Investment Promotion Real Estate Management Co., Ltd.18,294,814.6412,999,683.93
Shenzhen Merchants Commercial Property Investment Co., Ltd.9,355,392.439,786,880.69
Port de Djibouti S.A.2,951,170.402,286,980.61
Qingdao Port International Co., Ltd.2,700,000.0015,336,000.00
Modern Terminals Limited1,286,962.56409,256.64
China Merchants Bureau Food (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.1,254,271.10-
China Communications Import & Export Co., Ltd.495,944.181,246,375.78
Hong Kong International Enterprises Limited-128,552,676.45
Shenzhen Merchants Qianhai Industrial Development Co., Ltd.-1,255,800.00
Other related parties5,840,795.875,708,791.51
Non-current liabilities within one yearChina Merchants Steam Navigation Company Limited-100,000,000.00
Other current liabilitiesPort de Djibouti S.A.241,927,341.05230,331,618.08
Long-term borrowingsChina Merchants Steam Navigation Company Limited-50,000,000.00



7. Other related parties transactions

As Notes (V) 9 stated, the Group signed acquisition agreement with CMU and Gold Newcastle,the associated company and wholly-owned subsidiary of CMHK respectively. The agreementstipulates that the Group will purchase from CMU a 50% interest in Gold Newcastle and GoldNewcastle's joint venture Port of Newcastle, with a final consideration of 605 million Australiandollars (equivalent to RMB 2,944,265,945.15), including CMU providing the principal to Port ofNewcastle. Interest-bearing shareholder loans of 162.5 million Australian dollars (equivalent toRMB 788,823,491.63).


1. Significant commitments

(1) Capital commitments

Unit: RMB

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Capital commitments that have been entered into but have not been recognized in the financial statements:
-Commitment to acquisition of long-term assets3,971,730,917.342,635,299,294.22
-Commitment to port construction investment5,490,560.006,047,217,548.20
ItemClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Minimum lease payments under non-cancellable operating leases:1,756,853,448.931,851,844,563.15
1st year subsequent to the balance sheet date125,780,272.12185,070,168.27
2nd year subsequent to the balance sheet date51,145,934.81118,949,570.41
3rd year subsequent to the balance sheet date43,017,965.0243,589,813.97
More than 3 years1,536,909,276.981,504,235,010.50



2. Contingencies

Unit: RMB

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Contingent liabilities (Note 1)323,559,335.68-
Guarantees for associates (Note 2)118,629,805.57163,647,430.36



1. Profit appropriation

Unit: RMB

Proposed distribution of profits or dividends (Note)204,449,011.09
Profits or dividends declared to be distributedSubject to approval by shareholders' general meeting



3. Merge under non-identical control issues

As at 2 January 2019, the Company and Guangdong Sinotrans Co., Ltd. signed the "ShareTransfer Agreement on Zhanjiang Port (Group) Co., Ltd." and transferred the shares of ZhanjiangPort (Group) held by Guangdong Sinotrans Co., Ltd. 201,034,548 common shares of the company,accounting for 5% of the total number of issued shares of Zhanjiang Port (Group) Co., Ltd. on thedate of signing the agreement, the consideration for the conversion is RMB 375,334,390.00.

As at 8 January2019, Chiwan Port (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company, andZhanjiang Infrastructure Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd. and Zhanjiang Port (Group)Co., Ltd. signed the "Zhejiang Port (Group) Co., Ltd. Limited The Capital Increase Agreement ofthe Company (Group) Co., Ltd., the agreement stipulates that Zhanjiang Port (Group) Co., Ltd.intends to issue 1,853,518,190 common shares at a price of RMB 1.867 per share or equivalentforeign currency (determined according to the capital exchange rate). Its registered capitalincreased to RMB 5,874,209,145.00. Among them, Chiwan Port (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. intends tosubscribe for 1,606,855,919 ordinary shares, accounting for 27.73544% of the issued shares ofZhanjiang Port (Group) Co., Ltd. on the date of issue of the subscription shares. The total is RMB3,000,000,000.77 or the equivalent foreign currency (determined according to the capitalcontribution rate).

The above transaction was completed on February 3, 2019. After the transaction, the companydirectly holds 3.4223% of the shares of Zhanjiang Port (Group) Co., Ltd., and indirectly holdsZhanjiang Port through the subsidiary China Merchants International Terminal (Zhanjiang) Co.,Ltd. 27.5782% of the shares of the Group Co., Ltd., indirectly through the subsidiary Chiwan Port(Hong Kong) Co., Ltd., holding 27.3544% of Zhanjiang Port (Group) Co., Ltd., and enjoying atotal of 58.3549% of Zhanjiang Port (Group) Co., Ltd. Voting rights.

Except for the subsequent events that need to be disclosed above, the Group has no othersignificant issues after the balance sheet date.


1.Significant equity entrusted management matters

As at 13 December 2018, the 10th Extraordinary Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors of theCompany reviewed and approved the signing of the "Equity Custody Agreement of Liaoning PortGroup Co., Ltd." with the China Merchants (Liaoning) Port Development Co., Ltd. The "Proposal"agrees that the China Merchants Group (Liaoning) Port Development Co., Ltd., a wholly-ownedsubsidiary of China Merchants Group, entrusts its 49.9% stake in Liaoning Port Group Co., Ltd. tothe company for management. The China Merchants (Liaoning) Port Development Co., Ltd. Thecompany pays the company a fixed custodian fee of RMB 1,000,000.00 per year.



2. Segment reporting

(1) Basis for determining and accounting treatments of reporting segments

The key management team of the Company is regarded as the CODM, who reviews the Group'sinternal reports in order to assess performance, allocate resources and determine the operatingsegments.

The CODM manages the Group's operations by divisions from both business and geographicperspectives.

From business and financial perspectives, management assesses the performance of the Group'sbusiness operations including ports operation, bonded logistics operation, port-relatedmanufacturing operation and other operations.

Ports operation

Ports operation includes container terminal operation, bulk and general cargo terminal operationoperated by the Group and its associates and joint ventures.The Group's reportable segments of the ports operation are as follows:

(a) Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan

? Pearl River Delta? Yangtze River Delta? Bohai Rim? Others

(b) Other locations outside of Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan

Bonded logistics operation

Bonded logistics operation includes logistic park operation, ports transportation and airport cargohandling operated by the Group and its associates.

Other operations

Other operations mainly includes property development and investment and construction ofmodular housing operated by the Group's associate, property investment operated by the Groupand corporate function.



2. Segment reporting - continued

(1) Basis for determining and accounting treatments of reporting segments - continued

Each of the segments under ports operation include the operations of a number of ports in variouslocations within the geographic locations, each of which is considered as a separate operatingsegment by the CODM. For the purpose of segment reporting, these individual operatingsegments have been aggregated into reportable segments on geographic basis in order to present amore systematic and structured segment information. To give details of each of the operatingsegments, in the opinion of the directors of the Company, would result in particulars of excessivelength.

Bonded logistics operation and other operations include a number of different operations, each ofwhich is considered as a separate but insignificant operating segment by the CODM. Forsegment reporting, these individual operating segments have been aggregated according to thenatures of their operations to give rise to more meaningful presentation.

There are no material sales or other transactions between the segments.

As at 31 December 2018, around 64% of The Group's non-current assets other than financialinstruments and deferred tax assets are located in Mainland China.



2 Segment reporting - continued

(2) Segment financial information

Segment financial information in 2018 as following:


ItemPorts operationUnallocatedTotal
Mainland China, Hong Kong and TaiwanOther locationsSub-totalBonded logistics operationOthers
Pearl River DeltaYangtze River DeltaBohai RimOthers
Segment operating profit (loss)2,209,547,750.60-14,246,042.45116,165,815.291,541,280,807.443,881,240,415.78171,773,250.47(88,860,439.54)-3,964,153,226.71
Taxes and levies71,372,197.96284,627.701,160,781.8510,778,344.95112,983,856.21196,579,808.6732,621,484.276,211,213.84541,296.73235,953,803.51
Administrative expenses390,753,695.033,749,372.109,930,005.8297,317,524.40193,183,913.13694,934,510.4836,924,775.1628,852.77519,977,537.041,251,865,675.45
Research and development expenses118,865,768.66----118,865,768.66--3,123,329.16121,989,097.82
Financial expenses33,812,457.4382,614,789.19(406,546.82)19,344.58419,088,994.19535,129,038.5738,623,819.1651,653,121.271,018,012,123.951,643,418,102.95
Impairment losses of assets----------
Impairment of credit loss10,760,473.33--10,616.21(3,410,788.03)7,360,301.51168,279.09--7,528,580.60
Other income32,901,021.72408,333.33113,998.1712,684,291.81-46,107,645.031,411,014.72-8,661,467.8956,180,127.64
Investment income143,206,331.482,706,435,143.32322,968,785.89(21,733,692.03)592,367,561.643,743,244,130.3017,758,667.43207,255,360.07(430,008.32)3,967,828,149.48
Gains (losses) from changes in fair value45,351.40(873,891,271.63)(74,594,618.22)-(125,966,299.23)(1,074,406,837.68)---(1,074,406,837.68)
Gains on disposal of assets9,216,008.49--(418,481.28)10,450,227.4319,247,754.6426,746.03-(16,005.34)19,258,495.33
Operating profit1,769,351,871.281,746,303,416.03252,049,967.44(1,427,896.35)1,296,286,321.785,062,563,680.1882,631,320.9760,501,732.65(1,533,438,832.65)3,672,257,901.15



2. Segment reporting - continued

(2) Segment financial information - continued

Segment financial information in 2018 as following:


ItemPorts operationBonded logistics operationOthersUnallocatedTotal
Mainland China, Hong Kong and TaiwanOther locationsSub-total
Pearl River DeltaYangtze River DeltaBohai RimOthers
Non-operating income34,351,337.85-424,231.581,931,244.5824,074,268.1060,781,082.111,216,591.28943,208.694,187,807.9067,128,689.98
Non-operating expenses40,405,962.284,010.31400,000.001,057,097.2865,315,693.08107,182,762.956,240,627.54200,000.0011,407,908.08125,031,298.57
Gross profit1,763,297,246.851,746,299,405.72252,074,199.02(553,749.05)1,255,044,896.805,016,161,999.3477,607,284.7161,244,941.34(1,540,658,932.83)3,614,355,292.56
Income tax expenses294,544,209.6643,364,189.7512,909,324.2316,064,881.6694,332,207.91461,214,813.2114,785,763.4349,933,513.49202,506,448.47728,440,538.60
Net profit1,468,753,037.191,702,935,215.97239,164,874.79(16,618,630.71)1,160,712,688.894,554,947,186.1362,821,521.2811,311,427.85(1,743,165,381.30)2,885,914,753.96
Segment assets24,361,542,350.8324,738,700,129.246,498,939,975.2611,975,384,175.2043,137,915,507.68110,712,482,138.212,768,799,649.6810,986,223,834.863,550,578,792.93128,018,084,415.68
Total assets in the financial statements128,018,084,415.68
Segment liabilities3,716,328,520.15620,013,763.67108,999,946.502,399,865,586.8911,874,203,103.7818,719,410,920.99809,775,291.611,161,920,752.3126,910,051,577.9647,601,158,542.87
Total liabilities in the financial statements47,601,158,542.87
Supplementary information:
Depreciation and Amortization777,378,984.84-2,030,173.13287,332,851.66698,620,897.881,765,362,907.5180,463,924.42165,229,175.1416,903,705.262,027,959,712.33
Interest income21,954,329.37508,539.88438,043.1140,225,269.8184,159,789.64147,285,971.811,052,104.99828,268.56123,286,948.50272,453,293.86
Interest expense44,507,286.381,009,944.96-39,664,933.55398,730,346.09483,912,510.9832,382,213.7239,755,069.061,078,051,538.041,634,101,331.80
Investment income from long-term equity investment under equity method134,907,307.682,674,327,364.23309,435,330.98(21,882,199.10)592,062,707.313,688,850,511.1017,758,667.43207,255,360.07-3,913,864,538.60
Long-term equity investment under equity method2,629,326,400.7523,003,406,812.985,696,221,052.022,540,719,065.3410,818,356,531.6144,688,029,862.70340,969,759.955,147,577,640.75-50,176,577,263.40
Non-current assets other than long-term equity investment18,136,739,566.92296,477,731.8529,099,361.177,816,817,366.3129,571,968,313.5855,851,102,339.832,206,436,654.135,573,444,649.09480,592,127.0364,111,575,770.08



2. Segment reporting - continued

(2) Segment financial information - continued

The Group's revenue by geographical areas of operations and information about its non-currentassets other than financial instruments and deferred tax assets presented based on the geographicalareas in which the assets are located as follows:


Revenue from external transactionsClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan6,635,924,788.346,036,330,920.53
Pearl River Delta5,705,075,363.715,408,964,837.46
Yangtze River Delta--
Bohai Rim183,277,638.76172,188,112.13
Other locations3,067,469,834.241,508,304,364.43
Non-current assetsClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan73,602,488,004.0169,066,842,626.11
Pearl River Delta33,618,069,629.6031,673,369,539.45
Yangtze River Delta23,299,884,544.8321,204,548,605.13
Bohai Rim6,316,574,360.926,271,516,876.96
Other locations40,685,665,029.4726,038,093,607.43
ItemClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Notes receivable--
Accounts receivable23,444,175.6512,987,394.84




1. Notes and Accounts receivable - continued

(2) Accounts receivable

(a) Disclosure of accounts receivable by categories - continued

Unit: RMB

CategoriesExpected credit loss rate (%)Closing balance
Carrying amountProvisionBook value
Name of customerAmountAgingProportion of the amount to the total accounts receivable (%)
Client F5,566,248.78Within 1 year23.74
Client G3,872,340.00Within 1 year16.52
Client H3,056,777.34Within 1 year13.04
Client I2,910,036.03Within 1 year12.41
Client J1,502,541.05Within 1 year6.41
ItemClosing balanceOpening balance(restated)
Interest receivable34,899.02-
Dividends receivable329,153,465.74589,478,376.49
Other receivables321,861,868.32583,090,959.69




2. Other receivables – continued

(2) Interest receivable

(a) Disclosure of interest receivable by categories

Unit: RMB

CategoryClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Fixed term deposit34,899.02-
EntitiesClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Dongguan Chiwan Warf Co., Ltd. ("DGW")103,355,370.74103,355,370.74
Shenzhen Chiwan Tugboat Co., Ltd21,929,842.2421,606,823.62
Shenzhen Chiwan Transportation Co., Ltd3,299,252.312,619,884.81
Shenzhen Chiwan International Freight Agency Co., Ltd286,843.18193,834.42
Net: provision of credit loss--
Book value329,153,465.74589,478,376.49
CategoryClosing balanceOutstanding ReasonProvision or not
Dongguan Chiwan Warf Co., Ltd. ("DGW")103,355,370.74Working on and expected to be received by the end of 2019No
DGT88,196,930.66Working on and expected to be received by the end of 2019No




2. Other receivables - continued

(4) Other receivables

(a) Disclosure of other receivables by categories

As a part of cooperate credit risk management, the company rank the credit risk of its client, anddetermine the average expected loss rate of each internal credit rating level. These averageexpected loss rates are determined by considering the historical actual loss and the current andfuture economic situation.

As at 31 December 2018, the credit risk and expected credit loss of other receivables of eachcategory of customers are presented as below:

Unit: RMB

Internal credit ratingExpected Loss Rate (% )Closing balance
Expected credit loss in 12 monthsLifetime expected credit loss (not credit-impaired)Lifetime expected credit loss (credit-impaired)Total
Carrying amount321,861,868.32-383,456.60322,245,324.92
Provision of credit loss--383,456.60383,456.60
Book value321,861,868.32--321,861,868.32
Expected credit loss in 12 monthsLifetime expected credit loss (not credit-impaired)Lifetime expected credit loss (credit-impaired)Total
31 Dec 2017--383,456.60383,456.60
Remeasurement of provision for expected credit loss----
1 Jan 2018--383,456.60383,456.60
Provision for expected credit loss for the year----
Reversal of expected credit loss for the year----
Effect of changes in the scope of consolidation----
Effect of changes in foreign exchange----
31 Dec 2018--383,456.60383,456.60




2. Other receivables - continued

(3) Other receivables - continued

(b) Disclosure of other receivables by nature

Unit: RMB

NatureClosing balanceOpening balance (restated)
Amounts due from related parties316,567,355.24482,067,880.47
Temporary payments4,785,167.824,360,323.59
Net: provision of credit loss383,456.60383,456.60
Book value321,861,868.32583,090,959.69
EntitiesNature of the fundClosing balanceAgingProportion of the amount to the total other receivable (%)Closing balance of provision for credit loss
DGTLoan to related parties165,500,000.00Within 1 year51.36-
Dongguan Chiwan Warf Co., Ltd. ("DGW")Loan to related parties151,067,355.24Within 1 year46.88-
Chiwan Wharf Holdings (Hong Kong) LimitedTemporary payments2,955,962.35Within 1 year to 2 year and over 3 year0.92-
CCTTemporary payments736,080.69Within 1 year0.23-
CHCCTemporary payments320,239.46Within 1 year0.10-



3. Long-term equity investments

Unit: RMB

InvesteesOpening balanceChangesClosing balanceClosing balance of provision for impairment
IncreaseDecreaseInvestment income under equity methodReconciling items from other comprehensive incomeOther equity movementsCash dividends or profits announced of issuanceProvision for impairmentOthers
I. Subsidiaries
Shenzhen Chiwan International Freight Agency Co., Ltd5,500,000.00--------5,500,000.00-
Shenzhen Chiwan Transportation Co., Ltd7,000,000.00--------7,000,000.00-
Chiwan Wharf Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited1,070,000.00--------1,070,000.00-
Shenzhen Chiwan Tugboat Co., Ltd24,000,000.00--------24,000,000.00-
Dongguan Chiwan Warf Co., Ltd. ("DGW")186,525,000.00--------186,525,000.00-
Chiwan Shipping (Hong Kong) Limited1,051,789.43--------1,051,789.43-
CMPORT (note)-26,170,129,771.99-------26,170,129,771.99-
China merchants port (zhoushan) roller loading logistics co. LTD-149,709,800.00-------149,709,800.00-
II. Associates
China Merchants Holdings (International) Information Technology Co., Ltd16,875,997.65--2,556,570.73--1,158,000.00--18,274,568.38-
III. Joint ventures
COHA (Laizhou)783,668,303.84--48,450,765.57--38,562,004.83--793,557,064.58-




4. Operating income and operating costs

Unit: RMB

Principal operating211,782,804.61158,561,191.30230,376,600.39147,184,443.19
Other operating32,116,448.461,504,260.1231,751,483.49756,451.35
Income from long-term equity investments under cost method121,894,044.34589,478,376.49
Income from long-term equity investments under equity method63,015,142.1049,683,858.86
Income from Other investments in equity instruments8,228,975.00
Investment income on available-for-sale financial assets, etc.9,417,000.00
Investment20182017Reasons for increases or decreases in the current compared to the prior period
CHCC96,378,106.6197,455,574.40The profits distributed by investee fluctuate
Shenzhen Chiwan Tugboat Co., Ltd21,929,842.2421,606,823.62The profits distributed by investee fluctuate
Shenzhen Chiwan Transportation Co., Ltd3,299,252.312,619,884.81The profits distributed by investee fluctuate
Shenzhen Chiwan International Freight Agency Co., Ltd286,843.18193,834.42The profits distributed by investee fluctuate
CCT-276,049,957.84The profits distributed by investee fluctuate
Dongguan Chiwan Warf Co., Ltd. ("DGW")-103,355,370.74The profits distributed by investee fluctuate
DGT-88,196,930.66The profits distributed by investee fluctuate




Unit: RMB

Gains or losses on disposal of non-current assets6,512,480.64
Tax refunds or reductions with ultra vires approval or without official approval documents-
Government grants recognized in profit or loss (except for grants that are closely related to the Company's business and are in amounts and quantities fixed in accordance with the national standard)14,050,544.16
Money lending income earned from non-financial institutions in profit or loss-
The excess of attributable fair value of identifiable net assets over the consideration paid for subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures-
Gains or losses on exchange of non-monetary assets-
Gains or losses on entrusted investments or assets management-
Provision of impairment losses for each asset due to force majeure, e.g. natural disasters-
Gains or losses on debt restructuring-
Business restructuring expenses, e.g., expenditure for layoff of employees, integration expenses, etc.-
Gains or losses relating to the unfair portion in transactions with unfair transaction price-
Net profit or loss of subsidiaries recognized as a result of business combination of enterprises under common control from the beginning of the period up to the business combination date (Note)2,685,592,888.44
Gains or losses arising from contingencies other than those related to normal operating business-
Gains or losses on changes in the fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities held for trading and investment income on disposal of held-for-trading financial assets, held-for-trading financial liabilities and available-for-sale financial assets, other than the effective hedging activities relating to normal operating business-
Reversal of provision for accounts receivable that are tested for credit loss individually-
Gains or losses on entrusted loans-
Gains or losses on changes in the fair value of investment properties that are subsequently measured using the fair value model-
Effects on profit or loss of one-off adjustment to profit or loss for the period according to the requirements by tax laws and accounting laws and regulations-
Custodian fees earned from entrusted operation-
Other non-operating income or expenses other than above(3,767,817.73)
Other profit or loss that meets the definition of non-recurring profit or loss(note)(121,311,211.59)
Tax effects(3,010,149.89)
Effects of minority interest (after tax)(2,003,803,627.07)




The return on net assets and EPS have been prepared by Shenzhen Chiwan Wharf Co., Ltd. in accordancewith Information Disclosure and Presentation Rules for Companies Making Public Offering No. 9 -Calculation and Disclosure of Return on Net Assets and Earnings per Share (revised in 2010) issued byChina Securities Regulatory Commission.

Unit: RMB

CategoryWeighted average return on net assets (%)ESP
Basic ESPDiluted EPS
Net profit for the current period attributable to ordinary shareholders3.88300.60800.6080
Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders after deducting extraordinary gains and losses1.83800.28780.2878
