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老板电器:2019年度社会责任报告(英文版) 下载公告

Hangzhou Robam Appliances Co., Ltd.ROBAM CSR Report 2019

April 2020

About this



This report is the 8th CSR report compiled by Hangzhou Robam Appliances Co., Ltd. (hereafter referred to as "Robam", "ROBAM", or "theCompany"). All data and contents have been reviewed and verified before release by the Company’s management. No false records, mislead-ing statements and major omissions, as the Company pledges, are included. And ROBAM shall be responsible for the objectivity and authen-ticity of the data disclosed in this report.Time range:

This report covers the Company's comprehensive performance in terms of fulfilling its social responsibilities in 2019. As social responsibilitiesare performed continuously in the long run, the content involved includes but is not limited to that of 2019.

Scope of organization:

This report mainly discloses the Company's philosophy, measures and performance in fulfilling social responsibilities, and some of theinformation about the ROBAM Group.Data description:

The data used in the report are all from official documents, including the financial data from ROBAM Annual Report 2019.

Reference criteria:

This report is completed in accordance with the requirements of the Guidelines of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange for the Standard Operationof Listed Companies and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Social Responsibility Guidelines for Listed Companies, with reference to the Guide-lines on Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting for Chinese Enterprises (CASS-CSR 4.0).

Disclosure channels:

The Company has established a daily and annual CSR information disclosure system. For daily CSR information, please refer to the officialwebsite of Robam (www.robam.com); and for annual CSR information, please refer to ROBAM CSR reports (2012-2019). The electronicversion of the report is accessible on the official website of the Company or Cninfo (www.cninfo.com.cn).

About this reportForeword

(I) Company profile(II) Excellent corporate culture concept and system


(I) Responsibility of shareholders 1.Positive cash dividend policy 2.Sound corporate governance 3.True and transparent information disclosure 4.Diversified investor communication mechanisms(II) Consumer responsibility 1.Innovation-driven development(III) Partner responsibility 1.Supplier management 2.Responsible sourcing(IV) Intelligent manufacturing

Market performanceII


(I) Governmental responsibility 1.Paying taxes according to law 2.Establishment of an integrity organization(II) Employee responsibility 1.Safeguard rights and interests of employees

2.Perfect staff promotion system

3.Assurance of employee safety 4.Multi-channel employee communication mechanism 5.Diversified employee benefit systems 6.Colorful employee activities(III) Community responsibility 1. Focus on kitchen and promote rural revitalization 2. Cherish charity with full participation 3. Focus on actual effects and spread love

Social performanceIII

(I) Wastewater treatment(II) Waste gas treatment(III) Noise pollution control(IV) Solid waste treatment(V) Environmental pre-warning and emergency response mechanism(VI) Clean management

Environmental performanceIV

CSR achievementsV

Since 2003, ROBAM has been ranking top in China in terms of the sales volume of range hoods, keeping a firm hand on itsmarket leadership. In 2006, ROBAM was rated as one of the "Top 500 Asian Brands" for the first time, and has since becomethe sole brand winning the honor every year in the Chinese kitchen appliance industry.In 2010, ROBAM was successfully listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, making it the first high-end kitchen applianceenterprise to enter the capital market in China. In 2013, Robam Technology Center was rated as National Enterprise Technol-ogy Center. In 2014, Robam topped the brand value list of the kitchen appliance industry. In 2015, ROBAM had more than 2million range hoods shipped, the largest share of sales around the globe. In 2017, Robam reached the top of quality manage-ment, winning the China Quality Award.


1989-1998Rise andInnovation

1999-2008Take-offand Soar2009-2018Changes andLeading

In 1979, Yuhang County Bolu Hongxing Hardware Factory, the predecessor of the ROBAM Group, was established. In 1987,Hongxing Hardware Factory and the No. 804 Research Institute of the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics cooperat-ed to develop China's first-generation range hood, and it thus became one of the first range hood manufacturers in China.

In 2019, ROBAM celebrated its 40th anniversary, poised to start a new journey, and pursuing changes zealously.As the country's economic reforms deepen, those with strong comprehensive strength are more likely to gain opportunitiesfor development. Companies of the household appliance industry - an important sector of the national economy - have beenincreasingly enhancing their competitiveness. Sustainability and corporate social responsibility are rising to be issues gainingmore and more attention from the executives of the Company and every member of ROBAM. Corporate social responsibilityhas been endowed with something new in the new era. While being committed to its development, the Company activelyresponds to the expectations of its stakeholders, including shareholders, customers and employees, takes initiative toundertake social responsibilities, and enthusiastically participates in social welfare activities to enhance its competitivenessthrough more responsible organizational behaviors, and commits itself to behaving as an outstanding corporate citizen.

To become a century-old enterprise respected by the society by 2079 is the aim of the Company that will never be changed.Every ROBAM member will definitely make due contributions to the society and the country.



In 1989, the "ROBAM" trademark was successfully registered, and ROBAM range hoods started to appear in the marketacross China. In 1991, the Company won the highest award in the industry - National Quality Award (Silver Award). In 1995,Hangzhou Robam Industrial Group Co., Ltd. was established. In 1998, the Company developed wash-free range hood andregistered many patents.

1979-1988Founding andAccumulation

About Robam

Robam (Stock Code: 002508, Stock Abbreviation: ROBAM), founded in 1979, is specialized in the production of kitchen appliances including range hoods, stoves,disinfection cabinets, steam ovens, ovens, combi-steam ovens, dishwashers, water purifiers, purification tanks, integrated range hoods, central purifier systems andintegrated stoves.After 40 years of development and expansion, Robam has grown into a leading and socially acknowledged brand in China's kitchen appliances industry, in terms ofhistory, market share, production scale, product category and sales regions.These years Robam is relying on the industry-leading intelligent manufacturing technology, national industry designs and superior product quality to become a leaderin the market sales, an industry standard advocate, and a social responsibility pioneer, showing a leading position to the society.With its high-end brand image deeply rooted among the public, Robam has won many honors and titles including China Top Brand, China Well-known Trademark,and China Quality Award, among the first to be included in Zhejiang manufacturing. In addition, it has been rated as one of the "BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable ChineseBrands" for 6 consecutive years, and awarded the "Top 500 Asian Brands" for 14 consecutive years. In 2018, Robam put forward a new brand concept of "creatingChina’s new kitchen."The year of 2019 was the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Company, when Robam achieved another success, ranking top 10 of the "BrandZ Top 100 MostValuable Chinese Brands" in the light industry sector with brand value of 11.798 billion yuan and the advantage of ranking the first in the kitchen appliance industry.Robam further put forward the idea of "better understanding of Chinese cooking and better understanding of you", pooling resources to develop its second largestcategory, i.e. Chinese steam ovens, and invented the first integrated range hood in the industry, redefining the suction power and providing intelligent integratedsolutions for Chinese kitchens.In the future, Robam will continue to uphold its corporate mission and vision, commit itself to inheriting and innovating the essence of Chinese culinary culture, createChinese kitchens with modern technology, redefine Chinese cooking, and promote the change of cooking life of Chinese people, to ensure authentic Chinese taste inevery family while restoring the human interest in Chinese kitchens.

About RobamI

(I) Company profile

Focus on the kitchen and create infinite beauty in the limited kitchen space. Committed to enabling customers to enjoy easy cooking withinnovative kitchen technology.Love life, and advocate expressing gratitude and love to the family with a meal, a dish, and attentive companionship, to make people lovekitchen and life.

To render happiness of kitchen life for more families


Leading the change: The strong is not necessarily perpetual, only if it changes. In order to remain invincible in the constantly changing businessenvironment today, ROBAM must follow the market-oriented and customer-centric principles, develop technology to drive innovations, andcommand core competitiveness to therefore continuously push the kitchen appliance industry forward and create the new custom of kitchenlife.World leading: The vast recognizes no borders, and moves as far as the mind can reach. As a leader in China's kitchen appliance industry, weshall take the initiative to fit into the global industrial chain, adding a thick "ROBAM" stroke in the global kitchen appliance industry.Everlasting foundation: The senior is by no means surplus, nothing but simple. Healthy longevity, continuous development, and steady growthare the goals of our business. We must keep abreast of the times, always hold onto the young organization and mind, and be a century-oldROBAM.Craftsmanship: The Company specializes in kitchen appliances, focusing on its main business and performing devotedly to make products andstrengthen the brand.

To be a world-class century-old leader of cooking innovation


The essence of the vise spirit is the innovation in the face of opportunities, the responsibility in the face of risks, and the pragmatism in the faceof resources. It is the cultural foundation underlying every team of the Company, and also the value that every "ROBAM member” must stickto. The vise symbolizes the endeavor of the "ROMAM member" in frustration, and the alertness in glory. The image of the vice is constantlyintegrated with the development of the company, which has become the image expression of the corporate culture, the material carrier of thecorporate culture, the cultural totem of the Company, and the spiritual weapon shared by all ROMAM members.

Hard-working vise entrepreneurship


To be a company respected by the society


(II) Excellent corporate culture concept and system

Market Performance

(I) Responsibility of shareholders

1.Positive cash dividend policy

With the efforts to achieve steady growth of enterprise scale and economic benefits, the Company has developed a long-term stable profit distribution method anda practical and reasonable dividend scheme to offer positive returns to shareholders depending on the reasonable returns to investors (particularly minorityshareholders), when ensuring full cash dividend and reasonable capital stock size of the Company, based on the concrete operation data, profitability and productionneeds.eds.

The fund raised by the Company in IPO was 903 million yuan and the Company's dividend has accumulated to 30.69 billion yuan (including 2019)

accounting for

339.94% of the raised funds.

Market PerformanceII

Schemes of profit distribution and share capital increase from reservedfunds proposed by the Company over the years since its listing:


5 yuan per 10 shares8 yuan per 10 shares

7.5 yuan per 10 shares

5 yuan and 3 bonus shares per 10 shares6 yuan and 5 bonus shares per 10 shares5 yuan and 5 bonus shares per 10 shares5 yuan and 2.5 bonus shares per 10 shares

3 yuan per 10 shares2 yuan per 10 shares3 yuan and 6 bonus shares per 10 shares

Net profit attributable toshareholders of the listed

company in the annualconsolidated statement of

dividendsAmount of cash

dividend(including tax)











Accumulative cash dividend amount since listing3,068,566,208.75



Schemeof profitdistribution



Ratio to net profits

attributable toshareholders of thelisted company in theconsolidated statement

2.Sound corporate governance

Since its establishment, the Company has made steady progress in improving the corporate governance structure and system, to fully guarantee the fair, open andimpartial treatment of all shareholders, and ensure that the shareholders of the Company to fully enjoy the legitimate rights and interests stipulated by laws,regulations and rules. The Company has an internal management and control system where the general meeting of shareholders, the board of directors and the boardof supervisors interact with each other and operate effectively. It also clearly defines that the general meeting of shareholders is the highest authority of the Companyand ensures that all shareholders have the same rights with the same shares, so that they enjoy their legitimate rights and interests equally.In 2019, the directors, supervisors and senior administrative staff of the Company actively participated in trainings organized by Shenzhen Stock Exchange, ZhejiangSecurities Regulatory Bureau under China Securities Regulatory Commission and the Listed Company Association of Zhejiang to enhance the awareness of highstandard operation, obligations and risks among directors and supervisors of the Company. In 2019, the Company's general meeting of shareholders, the board ofdirectors and the board of supervisors all worked in a standardized manner, effectively safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of all shareholders. TheCompany held a total of two general meetings of shareholders, five meetings of directors and four meetings of supervisors throughout the year.

3.True and transparent information disclosure

The Company discloses information in strict accordance with the Measures for the Administration of Information Disclosure, and conducts disclosure of regularreports and temporary announcements in a truthful, accurate, timely, complete and fair manner to ensure that all investors have equal access to the same information.In 2019, the Company disclosed a total of 4 regular reports, 43 temporary announcements and 79 other documents on the website of Shenzhen Stock Exchange andcninfo.com.cn, including 43 announcements also disclosed on Securities Times, Securities Daily and China Securities Journal. As the proportion of overseasinvestors continued to increase, a total of 5 periodic reports in English were disclosed in 2019 to meet their needs.

4.Diversified investor communication mechanisms

The Company attaches great importance to the communication with investors, and has diversified investor communication mechanisms to ensure good managementof investor relations in strict accordance with the Management System of Investor Relations of the Company. The Company actively receives and organizes investorsto visit the site for exchange. In 2019, the Company held an investor reception day and the semi-annual performance presentation meeting of 2019, receiving morethan 450 investors for 117 on-the-spot investigations; attended more than 65 domestic and international strategy meetings, and 8 domestic and foreign fund reverseroadshows. The Company has maintained good communication and contact with investors, winning high recognition to the Company from investors.As at the end of 2019, the Company was listed as one of the outstanding targets of Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect investment with the shares held byShenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect (based on the central clearing system) accounted for 14.23% of the total stock, ranking the fifth among the targets ofShenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect investment. On June 1, 2018, as one of 234 top quality A-Share stocks, the Company was included in the MSCI index system,which is tracked by $12 trillion in assets around the world. According to the latest ESG rating report updated by MSCI on April 3, 2019, the Company's ESG ratingscore was raised from A in 2018 to AA, among the top 22% of peer companies (of household durable goods). With the emphasis on the protection of interests ofsmall and medium-sized investors, the Company welcomes them to attend the investor reception day. In the general meeting of shareholders, the Company countsthe votes of small and medium-sized investors separately. Besides, medium and small-sized investors are also allowed to communicate with the Company throughthe Company's investor line or online investor interaction platform to have a better understanding of the Company.

The Company gives full considerations to the impact of its products and services on quality and safety, environmental protection, comprehensive utilization ofresources, energy saving, public health, etc., and takes environmental protection, energy saving and consumption reducing, and health as key inputs in productdesign and development, to ensure it undertakes public responsibilities from the source and helps the government with environmental enhancement.

1.Innovation-driven development

As imported products, western style kitchen appliances are often "unacclimatized" in the Chinese market. As Chinese cooking produces a large amount of oil fumedue to the use of strong flame and much oil, the western-style range hood with insufficient suction cannot meet the demand. Therefore, kitchen appliances haveexperienced a thorough “Chinization” process since the reform and opening up when they began to enter the Chinese market.As the earliest kitchen appliance enterprise established in China, ROBAM was in the first batch to upgrade kitchen appliances such as range hoods and cookers intoChinese styles based on new technology developed independently, laying a foundation for the Company's technology research and development gene, while openingup a technical road for the later development of the industry, and providing valuable experience.

(II) Consumer responsibility








ROBAMdeveloped the first

generation ofrange hoods in

China incooperation withInstitute 804 ofDepartment ofAeronautics andAstronautics


the Companyparticipated in the

development of

the first rangehoods standard inChina as a major


the Companyinvented theunpick andwash-free range


the Company firstlaunched the large

suction range


the Company

issued theindustry standard

for the largesuction rangehoods

the Companyinvented thecentral cleaningsystem

the Companylaunched theindustry's firstintegrated rangehood

Subversive invention - the central purifier system takes the smoke exhaust power device, the exhaust duct and the smoke returnprevention components as the whole, solving the kitchen smoke exhaust problem with a systematic solution based on the "LORA"intelligent frequency conversion IOT technology, intelligent power distribution technology and the intelligent cloud platform built incooperation with Alibaba, as well as quintuple composite fume purification technology. Over the past 6 years since its launch, thecentral purifier system has reached cooperation with many brand real estate enterprises in China, winning nearly 40 collectivepurchase agreements, and it has received strong support from Beijing Capital Construction Commission and other governmentdepartments.The industry's first integrated range hood, redefining the large suction, pioneered the "super wind pressure, strong suction on left andright” by “dividing” the smoke chamber into two parts, so that two strands of the suction correspond to two stoves and offer strongsuction on left and right. Besides, it intelligently interworks with the range hood, cooker, steam oven / disinfection cabinet, trulyachieving "intelligent integration".The Company now has a national technology center, a national laboratory and a national industrial design center. To gather top qualityR&D resources, ROBAM has set up California Innovation Research Institute and Shenzhen Innovation Research Institute. The formerfocuses on collection of cutting-edge technology, marking the Company’s intelligent transformation towards globalization; the lattersettles down to basic research and application of new materials and new techniques, dedicated to the connection with global innova-tion resources via the Pearl River delta. ROBAM will continue to uphold its mission and vision, and introduce more products andservices suitable for Chinese kitchens by continuous technological innovation with focus on Chinese cooking styles, to create newChinese kitchens, lead the development of the industry, and build a smarter, more convenient and more interesting Chinese familyquality life in the future.The mission of the Company is to render happiness of kitchen life for more families, by improving the existing cooking environmentbased on continuous research on technology to bring healthy and relaxed cooking life to users with cooking fun. By the end of 2019,the Company was staffed by 714 researchers, accounting for 15.82% of the entire staff. In 2019, the Company applied for 509 patents,including 115 invention patents and obtained 417 patent licenses, including 11 invention patents.

In terms of the range hood categories, ROBAM has an original large suction system, a newly upgraded double super-core

6.0, a unique digital motor in the industry, storm eye design, and a subversive "Eiffel" integrated oil network, etc., leading the

industry change many times by defining a large suction standard from suction, strong filtration, quick discharge, and energysaving; the 3D flame and concentrated flame technology of the cooker greatly improves the thermal efficiency; the indepen-dent dual-mold design of disinfection cabinet and doughnut shape-like sterilization technology ensure layered and precisesterilization; strong three-core steaming and water level detection precise control technology of the steamer offers real-timedetection of the state with no water dripping from the top. It is the constant innovation of technology that makes ROBAMalways lead the development of the industry.

1.Supplier management

In 2019, the Company continued to expand the procurement from overseas suppliers, tap high-quality supply resources, optimize the layout of the supply chain, anddeepen strategic cooperation. The Company introduced more than 40 high-quality suppliers in the year, including 4 foreign suppliers. The Company continues towork with third-party audit bodies such as SGS (Societe Generale de Surveillance), TUV SUD Certification and Testing, to select suppliers in accordance with theprofessional standards of the industry. According to the third party audit and the balance scoring evaluation results of suppliers, the Company analyzes finds out theirweaknesses to organize at least 2 large scale training sessions quarterly and at least 2 benchmark learning sessions every six months for them. And the Companyimproves the comprehensive management ability of suppliers by means of on-site guidance, supply chain lean improvement project and the like. In 2019, theguidance and improvement of suppliers achieved remarkable results and the passing rate of A-level suppliers (supplier quality rate) increased from 14.9% in 2017 to


The Company has developed a comprehensive supplier management policy, and has been committed to the transparency construction of supply chain management,which runs through the entire supplier life cycle, including supplier sourcing development, performance evaluation, integration and exit management. In 2019, theCompany conducted a comprehensive review of business processes around the collaborative management of suppliers, and issued guidance documents such asSupplier Guides, Business Code of Conduct for Supplier Business and Procurement based on the construction project of supplier culture; further optimized andconstructed efficient, transparent and informational the supplier collaboration platform SRM. The Company launched supplier life cycle management, order coordina-tion, quotation verification, performance evaluation and supplier resource base to provide support for supply chain management and procurement at the end of 2019.At the same time, it built supplier domain mail, Business Direct and WeChat based information tools to disclose supplier data and procurement strategies irregularlyto ensure information transparency.The Company has a supplier credit evaluation system in information connection with qcc.com, tianyancha.com and other platforms, to get access to supplierinformation on equity relationship, risk management (violation of laws and disciplines, dishonest person, patent infringement) and establish supplier risk preventionand management standards covering supplier credit risks and procurement cooperation risks, so as to reduce the risk of cooperation between the two parties.The Company has a standardized process for introduction of suppliers to ensure their compliance. The cooperative suppliers must be legal enterprises, comply withthe corresponding laws and regulations, and have passed the environmental protection system certification. When importing new suppliers, it is necessary to checkthe acceptance certificates for fire control, environmental assessment and pollutants discharge; for the suppliers in cooperation, it is necessary to establish a supplierqualification information database and dynamically manage the supplier's environmental assessment acceptance qualification. The Company established a supplierenvironmental protection and safety inspection team to carry out point-to-point inspection and assistance for 15 suppliers involved in environmental protection risks.The Company selects appropriate raw materials based on the green design product manufacturing and environmental criteria, and purchases recyclable, reusable orrenewable raw materials or those meeting the requirements of green design. The materials supplied by the supplier shall comply with ROHS requirements, meet theenvironmental protection instructions or certification requirements specified by the national and local laws and regulations, and shall be up to the environmentalprotection instruction requirements of the Company. The Company has a packaging standardization project team to reduce the use of non-renewable packagingmaterials. In 2019, packaging standardization covered more than 85% of projects.The Company has signed the Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Commitment and the Supplier CSR guidelines with all suppliers, clearly requiringthat the suppliers shall strictly follow the ‘Provisions on the Prohibition of Using Child Labor (Order No. 364 of the State Council)’ and the ‘Regulations on SpecialProtection for Juvenile Workers (LBF [1994] No. 498)’ for labor management. And it is required to prohibit forced or compulsory work of employees and ensure thatthey are entitled to holidays stipulated by national laws. The Company has added the policy requirements for peasant-workers to the certification of new suppliers.In 2019, the Company inspected 43 suppliers and rejected 1 new supplier that used underage workers in violation of regulations. The Company also introduces TUVSUD Certification and Testing to review the social responsibility of the cooperative suppliers, including the active willingness of peasant-workers and employmentpolicies. In 2019, there was no cooperative supplier involved in forced labor and illegal use of underage workers.

(III) Partner responsibility

2.Responsible sourcing

The Company attaches great importance to the issue of conflict minerals and publicly states that it neither purchases nor supports the use of conflict minerals. Thematerials purchased by the Company are dominated by routine materials for the production and manufacture of kitchen appliances, and there is no raw materialpurchased from areas involving violent conflicts. The Company has signed a Conflict Minerals Declaration with all suppliers, requiring them to ensure that they do notuse “conflict minerals” from Congo and its surrounding countries and regions in the products, and to trace the sources of the gold, tantalum, tin and tungstencontained in all products. In the survey of conflict minerals in the supply chain for due diligence on the sources of 3TG (tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold native to theDemocratic Republic of Congo and its surrounding countries), the Company identified 7.05% of suppliers using tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold ingredients andregistered the origins of these materials purchased by the suppliers, to trace their sources. In 2019, no suppliers were found to be involved in the procurement or useof conflict minerals.

With an investment of 750 million yuan, ROBAM built the first digital intelligent manufacturing base in the kitchen industry in 2015, which is alsothe most advanced production and R & D base today in the kitchen industry. The base has established chains integration among intelligentproduction, intelligent storage and intelligent logistics, providing productivity and logistics support underlying the rapid growth of ROBAM inrecent years.The full-automatic production based upon man-machine-product connected intelligence has greatly improved the production efficiency. Whilethe base has halved its labor force, the production efficiency would yet be lifted by more than 30%, and the cost lowered by 15%, building upan annual production capacity of 1.8m range hoods and 3m gas stoves.The intelligent manufacturing information command center of ROBAM controls all parts of the manufacturing base all the time like a brain, whichin real time gives feedback on the production plan of the month, monitors the production in each process, and optimizes the production processaccording to the data collation and analysis.The base also has an intelligent warehouse and logistics center supporting a capacity of 8 million units, which saves about 60% of the storagespace. This largest single storage center in the industry is a benchmark model for ROBAM to create “in-depth integration of informatization andindustrialization” in the industry. ROBAM is also in deep cooperation with EMS and establishes the cloud warehouse project, achieving transfor-mation of the logistics management to intelligence and digitization.The digital intelligent manufacturing base of ROBAM has set a new benchmark for the kitchen appliance industry to take the lead in realizingintelligent manufacturing. It was selected in "2016 Intelligent Manufacturing Pilot Demonstration Projects" and "2018 Pilot DemonstrationProjects for Integrated Development of Manufacturing and Internet" by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) of the people'sRepublic of China.In March 2018, ROBAM held the foundation ceremony for the intelligent manufacturing project Phase II, marking the smart factory was furtherupgraded to the intelligent factory. When completed and put into operation, the project Phase II will be the largest intelligent manufacturingscience and innovation park of kitchen appliances and the largest intelligent manufacturing base of kitchen appliances in China.In 2019, ROBAM focused further on Chinese cooking, linking up user, kitchen, products and brand intensively through Chinese cooking, andputting the soul of Chinese cooking into every piece of kitchen appliances, thereby solving the pain points in cooking and building a moreprofessional kitchen appliance brand.In 2020, Robam, backed by the strong cultural assets of Chinese cooking, will set Chinese cooking as the origin of all product technology innova-tions. For the "Chinese old kitchen" mainly based on the 2-piece kitchen set of range hood and gas stove, ROBAM now launches the "Chinesenew kitchen 4-piece set,” which sets up a basic configuration for Chinese new kitchen based on the “hood-stove-steam oven-washer” needs,redefining the standard of China’s new kitchen. This is the total kitchen solution that Robam provides for Chinese cooking, creating a compre-hensive and cozy cooking experience for Chinese families in the prior, in-between and post processes of cooking. In addition, Robam hasestablished ROBAM Chinese Culinary Academy to create a wonderful cooking experience for those who have a longing for food.

(IV) Intelligent manufacturing



Social Performance

1.Paying taxes according to law

ROBAM adheres to legal operation, fair competition and good faith to keep improving service quality, deeply integrating the compliant management concept into theCompany's operation and every employee's daily work.The Company actively fulfills its economic responsibilities and pays taxes according to law. From 2017 to 2019, the Company paid taxes amounting to 851.8 millionyuan, 787.63 million yuan and 825.35 million yuan according to law respectively, making a great contribution to the development of local economy.

2.Establishment of an integrity organization

The Company has developed the Management System for Preventing the Appropriation of Funds by Controlling Shareholders and Other Related Parties and theStandards for the Management of Clean Government Construction around the core values of "eight regulations for hard work" and "to be a respectable enterprise",clearly forbidding employees to seek improper interests by taking advantage of their positions; the Company signs the “commitment against corruption and integrity”with the senior management and has a platform for reporting corruption, implementing strict punishment for any corruption act. The Company requires employees tobe honest, self-disciplined, and abide by social ethics, and carries out ethics evaluation by means of internal audit, KPI evaluation, and third-party inspection viahigh-level meetings and high-level lectures. The Company will observe or dismiss those conducting unethical actions or take other measures, with internal announce-ment and warning.

Social PerformanceIII



million yuan


million yuan


million yuan

(I) Governmental responsibility

To be Honest &Self-disciplinedAbide bySocial EthicsEight Regulations

for Hard Work

To be aRespectableEnterprise

ROBAM positively solves the issues of local talent training, recruitment and employment, providing a large number of jobs for the society. At the end of 2019, theCompany had 4512 employees. The sales personnel and production personnel thereof accounted for 37.48% and 28.75%, respectively, and those with a bachelordegree accounted for 22.74%.

1.Safeguard rights and interests of employees

The Company gives top priority to protecting the employees’ rights and interests,development, as well as employee relations and activities. In strict accordance with theLabor Law of the People's Republic of China, the Law of the People's Republic of Chinaon Employment Contracts, and other laws and regulations on labor and social security,the Company has developed Management Standards for Labor Protection of FemaleEmployees and Minors, Occupational Health and Safety Inspection Standards, Occupa-tional Health Examination Standards, Occupational Disease Management Standardsand other regulations based on the actual conditions, to establish standardized laborrelations, define the rights and obligations of both parties, with labor contracts signedwith and social insurances paid for 100% of employees. The Company has signed adedicated collective contract with the labor union, covering 100% of employees. TheCompany, according to the relevant policies, has established a reasonable and perfectvacation system to guarantee employees' rights to take a vacation, promoting thebalance between work and life. Employees are entitled to paid annual leave, marriageleave, bereavement leave, sick leave, maternity leave, paternity leave and home leave.

No. of Employees2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019












Sales Personnel 37.48%

Production Personnel 28.75%Personnel with a Bachelor Degree 22.74%

The annual growth of the number of employees is shown in the following table:

(II) Employee responsibility

PaidAnnual LeaveMarriage





2.Perfect staff promotion system

The Company implements a multi-pay system based on post-rank salarysystem and supplemented by deduction wage system, merit pay, hourlywages, in accordance with the Salary Management Standards. The Compa-ny has established a salary management system based on the post value andcentered on the competency and performance evaluation of employees,according to the salary status of the regional market and industry. TheCompany highlights the proportion of post contribution in the distribution,keeps income linked with contribution, distributes the merit pay based on theperformance evaluation, pays the excess incentive bonus for the valuecreated, and conducts 1-2 salary adjustments a year by referring to theperformance achievement and the external salary level, to arouse theenthusiasm of employees.To establish a performance-oriented culture for all employees, the Companyhas established Performance Management Standards and broken down thestrategic indicators, key performance indicators and process indicators ofthe Company by levels based on four performance key elements of "KPI,process, competency and corporate culture", accompanied by a matchingevaluation mode for whole staff at different levels / positions to improve thework performance of all employees and organizations. Based on the principleof incremental value creation, the Company has designed diversifiedincentive schemes to specifically motivate employees and teams, such assales spurt incentive, quality improvement crowdfunding incentive, newproduct project incentive, patent application incentive, efficiency promotionincentive, cost reduction incentive, continuous improvement incentive,special campaign incentive, fast promotion incentive, and paid vacationincentive.

And to protect the career development of employees, eliminate the develop-ment bottleneck brought about by the single position promotion, the Compa-ny has also developed the Employee Career Development ManagementStandards and set up a two-track promotion system in management andspecialty around the work ideas of "building channels, establishingstandards, finding gaps and promoting development", to encourage thedevelopment of employees in a diversified and multi-channel manner. TheCompany has established the supporting Position Qualification ManagementStandards, so that employees are clearly aware of their specialty develop-ment paths, identify the ability gap through talent review and qualificationevaluation. The Company has a unique and perfect learning and trainingsystem matching diversified development channels for its employees, that is,five progressive talent development plans: Lemon Plan, Sunflower Plan,Cicada Plan, Ivy Plan and Rainbow Plan, leading employees to keep learning,accelerating ability improvement and arousing their motivation. In 2019, theCompany exported 47 position qualification standards, certified 35 internalevaluators. A total of 962 employees participated in the certification and 260passed it. The Company also exported 10 team reports and about 500personal reports, developed and introduced 138 courses corresponding tojob development.The Company has long paid attention to the optimization of the talentstructure and the control of the total number of talents. Structural optimiza-tion refers to that at the time of talent introduction and training, the Companyreserves urgently needed talents in advance to balance the competency andstrategy. Control of total number refers to the control of the number of regularemployees and circles the “talent zone” in the business planning accordingto the Company's strategic focus. In terms of talent ability improvement, theCompany has established a perfect system matching the diversified develop-ment of employees in accordance with the talent strategy. The Companycalls the training program for college graduates "Lemon Plan", meaning thatthe young people entering the Company have the same fresh, energetic andpotential characteristics as lemon. The goal of Lemon Plan is to trainoutstanding graduates into excellent talents of ROBAM, to provide a strongpersonnel guarantee for the Company's three-year strategy, and to train thecore business backbone for the department. The pre-employment trainingaims to build the rapid growth of “lemons”, accelerating their identitytransformation from campus to workplace, and providing the Company witha group of excellent talents recognizing and practicing the Company'scultural values. In 2019, Lemon training was carried out, lasting for 3 monthswith 52 participants, including 48 assigned to posts after graduation.

3.Assurance of employee safety

With great importance attached to occupational health and safety management, the Company has developed the Occupational Health Examination Standards, theOccupational Safety and Health Education System, the Management Standards for Labor Protection Articles, the Occupational Health Physical Examination Manage-ment Standards and other regulations. According to the national laws and regulations, the Company invites a third-party monitoring agency to detect the occupation-al hazard factors and set the monitoring and measurement indicators on a yearly basis. The current occupational hazard factors mainly include noise, dust, benzeneand toluene. The Company provides pre-post, on-post and off-post physical examination for those exposed to occupational hazard factors, establishes health files,and organizes regular publicity and training to enhance employees' awareness of prevention, while reducing the exposure and impact of occupational hazard factorsby equipment transformation, protective equipment and other means.The Company attaches great importance to safety management and has established an emergency command center. The Chief Safety Officer was appointed to bethe director of the command center. More than 30 systems, such as "Safety Production Inspection and Hidden Danger Management Standard", "Safety ProductionAccident Emergency Plan", and "Safety Assessment Management Standard", have been formulated. Small fire stations are set up in the plants of the Company;likewise, special emergency communication channels are established. The small fire station adopts a training mode in which employees take one training a week,one exercise a month and one combat a quarter, and actively act up to the national mechanism of "one-minute response, three-minute in place, and seven-minutedisposal". The Company would organize firefighting trials and drills in the mid-to-late period of every month, and launch the safety knowledge event, signing of safetycommitment to enhance the fire-fighting knowledge and skills of firefighters, so as to protect corporate property and personal safety of employees, and guaranteethe steady development of the Company. In 2019, there were no major safety accidents or fatal accidents in the Company.


4.Multi-channel employee communication


The Company has established multi-form communication channels andmechanisms for listening to and sharing ideas and suggestions fromdifferent groups of employees, to promote effective communication and skillsharing. For example, the labor union and the HR department organizes astaff meeting every quarter to learn about the work, life and other needs ofthe employees; through quarterly performance interviews, managers andemployees have a one-to-one communication to promote the improvementof their performance and ability; annual employee satisfaction andengagement survey is carried out to identify the factors affecting employeesatisfaction and engagement, and to make improvement plans; the quarterlyvise meeting launched in 2019 is introduced to promote the communicationbetween senior management and grassroots employees, serving as aface-to-face communication platform between senior management andemployees; there is President's email and President reception day availablefor listening to employees' opinions and suggestions; a continuousimprovement proposal submission process is provided so that employeescan make reasonable suggestions anywhere at any time; experience sharingmeetings and reading sharing are organized irregularly to promote thesharing of knowledge and skills among employees.

5.Diversified employee benefit systems

The Company has always regarded the health of its employees as the most precious wealth. Besides the five social insurances and onehousing fund and the employee point welfare platform and holiday welfare payment that have been put into use, ROBAM offers ahigh-end medical insurance for middle and high-level employees every year, with an insured amount ranging from 1 million yuan to 1.5million yuan, covering self-funded medicine, imported medicine, operation fees, VIP clinic, nursing expenses, examination expenses, TCMoutside the scope of social security. It also provides accident insurance, major disease insurance and travel insurance for all employees,and organizes a physical examination for all employees every year. All commercial insurance and health services are paid by the Companyand enjoyed by employees. In 2019, the Company built a health cabin, inviting TCM experts to provide regular massage, acupuncturetherapy and TCM health care for employees. It also prepares daily medicine for general employees to provide comprehensive care forthem and their families. The Company tries to ensure the safety of employees in all around, to reduce their worries. In addition, there arebenefits of holiday season, such as New Year's cash payment in January, bonus for NOBON listing anniversary in February, gifts forWomen's Day in March, cash payment for Labor Day in May, cash payment for Mid-Autumn Festival in September, cash payment forNational Day in October,bonus for Robam Listing Anniversary in November, cash payment for 40th anniversary of the group in December,etc..


PhysicalExaminationforAll Employees

Health Cabin

Insured AmountRanging from 1Million Yuan to

1.5 Million Yuan

New Year'sCash Paymentin January

Bonus forNOBON ListingAnniversaryin February

Gifts forWomen's Day

in MarchCash Payment

for LaborDay in May

Cash Payment for


Festival inSeptemberCash Payment

for NationalDay in October

Bonus forRobam Listing

Anniversaryin November

Cash Payment

for 40thAnniversaryof the Groupin December

6.Colorful employee activities

Adhering to the ideas of "happy work, healthy life", the Company organizes various employee activities on a regular basis, such as Karaoke contest in January,commencement and lantern festival activities in February, Women’s Day and learn-from-Lei Feng activities in March, league construction activities in April, cookingcompetition in May, parent-child activity and rainbow run in June, skills competition in August, the Mid-Autumn Festival activities in September, the staff games inNovember, the Christmas activities in December. Besides, the Company has a football club, a basketball club, a badminton club and other clubs to organizeactivities regularly to enrich the spare time life of employees. The Company has a special cooking experience center, and all departments can make an appoint-ment for cooking experience activities irregularly, so that the employees experience the products made by the Company to continuously improve the quality, whileimproving the team cohesion and arousing their team vitality. With organization of various activities, the Company affirms the contribution of employees to thedevelopment of the Company, arouses their enthusiasm for work, and strengthens their sense of belonging to the Company.

Rainbow Run Activity

the 10th Karaoke Contest

the 10th Cooking Competition

Basketball Club Activity

Over the past 40 years since its establishment, the Company,deeply aware of the obligations and responsibilities of being asocial citizen, has been always taking "to be a respectableenterprise" as its target and the public welfare as an importantpart of the Company's strategic planning. The Company hasdeveloped the Three-Year Public Welfare Plan, organizing avariety of activities in key public welfare support fields ofeducation, environment and industry development every year,with a total investment of more than 14 million yuan in threeyears.In 2015, ROBAM created a named endowment fund of 20 millionyuan in Yuhang Charity Federation, and the Foundation is chairedby the Company's President. The “Foundation” has developedstrict articles of association, donation management measuresand financial management system, spending no less than 1million yuan per year on poverty alleviation in Yuhang district, tocarry out public welfare projects such as poverty reduction,major disease relief, and donation to education. It was renewedin 2019 (for 5 years).

Hangzhou Yuhang ROBAM Charity Foundation is a non-public foundationinitiated by Hangzhou Robam Appliances Co., Ltd., approved by ZhejiangProvincial Department of Civil Affairs and under the supervision of YuhangDistrict Bureau of Civil Affairs. Adhering to the tenet of "helping the needy,repaying the society and improving the cooking environment of Chinesefamily", the Foundation has been committed to rural revitalization, medical andhealth care, education development, targeted poverty alleviation and otherfields since its establishment. And to effectively integrate the charitableresources and maximize the philanthropy, the Company joins hands with theagency companies and its employees give back to the society with practicalactions and create a promising future together.

(III) Community responsibility


Ceremony of Renewingthe NamedEndowmentFund of 20Million Yuanin 2019

1. Focus on kitchen and promote rural revitalization

In 2019, as a member of the first city-level support group, ROBAM continued to pair up with Fengshuling town, Chun'an county, for poverty alleviationwith an investment of no less than 1 million yuan in 5 years. Besides, the Company offered targeted poverty alleviation to 10 impoverished villagers inthe town, helping them improve their kitchen settings as well as production and living conditions.As a responsible enterprise, the Company provided assistance to nearly ten impoverished counties and districts, including Ning county, Diebu county,Qin'an county, Lingtai county in Gansu province, and Enshi and Badong county in Hubei, to help win the battle against poverty.

2. Cherish charity with full participation

The Company always attaches importance to cultivating the charity consciousness and social responsibility of the employees, to arouse their love andenthusiasm, trying to create a strong atmosphere for everyone to participate in the charity with charity in mind, so as to expand the scope of povertyalleviation, increase the intensity of poverty relief with a concerted effort, contributing to building a harmonious society.At the initiative of the Company, all Party members, cadres, employees and agency companies across the state responded positively and devotedthemselves to the public welfare charities, practicing their social responsibility, trying to make greater contributions to the centennial vision of theCompany. In 2019, all Party members, cadres, employees and agency companies across the state donated a total of 2.092 million yuan.In February 2019, the Company held the first "Heart of ROBAM" charity awards ceremony, highly praising 14 agency companies making outstandingcontributions to the public welfare.

3.Focus on actual effects and spread love

The Foundation of the Company uses every donation efficiently and accurately, trying to deliver each penny to those who need it most. The Foundationcarries out a series of education donations, to contribute to the development of education through the projects of college aim program, beautiful campusconstruction and construction of school libraries. It also carries out donations for poverty alleviation. Actively responding to the initiative of YuhangDistrict Party committee and District Government to "send warmth and love", the Foundation donates 1 million yuan to the district Charity Federationevery year. It carries out "Grand Love" major disease relief, helping more than 10 patients with major diseases to get through the difficulties, and carriesout a series of public welfare activities, including "walking into the nursing home", caring for the mentally handicapped, sympathy on work at hightemperatures (front-line traffic police, firefighters), to spread love.


The Company's wastewater mainly consists of production wastewater and domestic wastewater. The formermainly refers to the wastewater generated in the pre-spray process. It shall be treated by sewage treatmentfacilities, then filtered by ultrafiltration equipment and partly recycled for production. The remaining shall bedischarged into municipal sewage pipes, through which it is conveyed to the sewage treatment plant forthorough treatment, and then discharged into the external environment if up to standard. The domesticwastewater could, upon thorough treatment in the septic tank, reach the standard and be discharged into themunicipal sewage pipeline network.Waste gases of the Company mainly include the organic waste gas generated by electrophoresis drying, theorganic waste gas produced by spraying and curing, and the dust generated by plastic spraying. According tothe different properties of the various waste gases, the Company provides corresponding treatment facilities.The organic waste gas generated by electrophoresis drying shall go through high-efficiency filter + tubular heatexchanger + smoke purifier + low-temperature plasma + UV photocatalysis + demister to meet the standard foremission;The organic waste gas produced by spraying and curing shall go through high-efficiency filter + tubular heatexchanger + smoke purifier + low-temperature plasma + demister to meet the standard for emission;The dust generated by spraying is disposed by large cyclone + filter recovery devices, of which the first-stagelarge cyclone recovery device can reach a plastic powder recovery rate of 95%, collected plastic powder forreuse and production; and the second-stage filter recovery device features a plastic powder recovery rate of upto 95%, collected plastic powder being recycled and processed by the plastic powder raw material supplierbefore reuse;

Noises of the Company mainly come from punches, shearing machines, assembly lines, spraying equipment,etc.For prevention and control of noise pollution, the following are undertaken:

Use low-noise facilities in preference. During equipment installation, it is required that the equipment manufac-turers must undertake noise reduction measures;Apply rational workshop layout, to reduce the impact of equipment on employees and the external environment;To install noisy equipment, it is required to apply corresponding soundproofing and noise reduction measures;

In accordance with relevant laws and regulations, such as Production Safety Law and Environmental Protection Law, and based on the "prevention first, compre-hensive governance, scientific management, and continuous improvement” principles, the Company identifies key processes and performance indicators, setsinternal control indicators, and undertakes measures like design & development review, periodic testing, and equipment maintenance to ensure of targets abovenational standard and conforming to public responsibility.

(I) Wastewater treatment

(II) Waste gas treatment

Environmental PerformanceIV

(III) Noise pollution control

Waste of the Company mainly includes hazardous waste, recyclables, domestic waste, and general waste;The hazardous waste mainly refers to water treatment sludge, waste oil, waste emulsion, paint residue, etc.We’ve regularly entrusted qualified institutions to do the transportation and disposal, and normalized andestablished the hazardous waste management records and transshipment manifest system in accordance withrelevant national laws and regulations;The recyclables mainly include waste metal scraps, waste paper boxes, and waste foams. They were sold torecycling plants by tender every month, which would then conduct resource regeneration;The domestic waste is collected and disposed by the local sanitation department;The general waste is placed at a named place after unified collection, and would be regularly delivered to aqualified institution for transportation, and eventually be used in thermal power plant for incineration and powergeneration, hence resource reuse.

Waste gas treatment facilities are all designed and installed featuring linkages with the production equipment, toensure the waste gas treatment facilities and the production equipment are turned on at the same time, and noabnormal operation would occur in the waste gas treatment facilities; the production department would arrangeemployees to run spot check on waste gas and wastewater treatment facilities every day, to check whether thewaste gas and wastewater treatment facilities function correctly and ensure that the pollutants generated amidproduction activities are treated properly; in case of any anomalies with the waste gas and wastewater treatmentfacilities, the Company would initiate emergency responses by the severity degree of the event and according toits emergency plans at different levels, to therefore ensure pollutants generated in normal production could beeffectively disposed of.

In response to the country’s "Blue Sky Defense War", the Company reduced emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO2)and nitrogen oxides (NOX) in the production process. In addition to the waste gas of diesel combustion in theYushi Road plant meeting the national emission standard, ROBAM, as a socially responsible listed company,invested more than 2.8 million yuan in the second half of 2018 to conduct a comprehensive renovation andupgrade of all burners in the plant. All the diesel burners were transformed and upgraded into natural gasburners, and the new equipment was put into operation in early 2019. While upgrading the hardware facilities, italso strengthened its software management, for spot check on the equipment is done every day, and mainte-nance conducted regularly. The Company has fully demonstrated its leadership’s attaching great importance toenvironmental protection, and strong sense of social responsibility, firmly fulfilling its purpose of "being a compa-ny respected by society".

(IV) Solid waste treatment

(V) Environmental pre-warning and emergency response mechanism

(VI) Clean management

CSR Achievements

CSR Achievements

Science and Technology Award of China National Light IndustryCouncil (First Prize)Centralized residential lampblack cleaning & emission system - CCS

Science and Technology Award of China National Light Industry Council(Second Prize)Development and industrialization of key technologies for high-pressure &low-emission intelligent range hood

Zhejiang Key Technology Innovation Project (RIKA)Zhejiang new product and technology appraisal - International leading (8229J / 5606J)Zhejiang new product and technology appraisal - International advanced (9B92 / RIKA)

The 13th China Listed Companies Value Appraisal - "Top 50 Value Stocks on SME Board", "Excellent BoardSecretary on SME Board", and "Outstanding Board Secretary of Information Disclosure"New Fortune - The 15th Golden Board Secretary

ROBAM could by no means achieve its 40-year vigorous growth without the dividend of the reform and opening-up policy of the era. The wealth ofthe enterprise comes from the society. In the future, the Company will continue to refine its products and services and meanwhile strive to be aprestigious enterprise respected by the society, fulfilling its social responsibilities and making new greater contributions to China's social develop-ment.In order to continuously improve the Company's social responsibility work and raise its ability level in fulfilling social responsibilities, we really hopeto receive your comments and suggestions.

AWE 2019 Best Smart Innovation AwardAWE Organizing Committee / China Household ElectricalAppliances Association

Top 500 Chinese Real Estate Developers’ Selected GreenInnovative Product of 2019China Real Estate Association / Shanghai E-house R&DInstitute / China Real Estate Appraisal

Red Dot Design Award (Germany)

AWE 2019 Environmental AwardAWE Organizing Committee / China Household Electrical Appliances Association

AWE 2019 Best Product AwardAWE Organizing Committee / China Household Electrical Appliances Association

Best Technology Innovation Award for ROBAM IntegratedRange HoodChina Business JournalMost Influential Range Hood Brand of 2019tInformation TimesBest Chinese Steam Oven Brand Award of 2019China Household Electrical Appliances Association / Cheaa.com

Outstanding Innovation Achievement of the YearChina Household Electrical Appliances Research Institute

Chinese Real Estate Suppliers’ Top 5 Brands with Most EnvironmentalContribution of 2019China Real Estate Association, China Real Estate AppraisalChina Home Appliances TOP Channel “One-Hundred-City &Ten-Thousand-Outlet” Best-selling Brand Award of 2019China National Household Electronic Appliances Service & MaintenanceAssociation, Jiangsu Household Electrical Appliances Association

China Home Appliances TOP Channel “One-Hundred-City & Ten-Thou-sand-Outlet” Recommended Product Award of 2019China National Household Electronic Appliances Service & MaintenanceAssociation, Jiangsu Household Electrical Appliances AssociationChina Household Appliances Innovation Achievement Certificate (Integrated Range Hood awarded Excellent Innovation Achievement of the Year)China Household Electrical Appliances Research Institute

Securities Times - Tianma Award & The 10th China Listed Companies IR Forum: "Best Board Award", "Best New Media OperationAward", and "Best Board Secretary Award"

Hangzhou Robam Appliances Co., Ltd. Add.: No. 592, Linping Av., Yuhang Economic Development Zone, Yuhang District,

Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, P.R.C Email: wg@robam.com Tel: 0571-86187810
