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深康佳B:2018年第一季度报告全文(英文版) 下载公告
Konka Group Co., Ltd.                               First Quarter Report 2018
                           KONKA GROUP CO., LTD.
                        FIRST QUARTER REPORT 2018
                                 April 2018
Konka Group Co., Ltd.                                                     First Quarter Report 2018
                               Part I Important Notes
The Board of Directors (or the “Board”), the Supervisory Board as well as the Directors,
Supervisors and senior management of Konka Group Co., Ltd. (inclusive of its consolidated
subsidiaries, the “Company”; exclusive of its subsidiaries, the “Parent Company”, except
where the context otherwise requires) hereby guarantee the factuality, accuracy and
completeness of the contents of this Report, and shall be jointly and severally liable for any
misrepresentations, misleading statements or material omissions in this Report.
All the Company’s Directors have attended the Board meeting for the review of this Report.
Liu Fengxi, the Company’s legal representative, Li Chunlei, the Company’s Chief Financial
Officer (CFO), and Feng Junxiu, head of the Company’s financial department (equivalent to
financial manager) hereby guarantee that the Financial Statements carried in this Report are
factual, accurate and complete.
This Report has been prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there be any
discrepancies or misunderstandings between the two versions, the Chinese version shall
Konka Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                       First Quarter Report 2018
                                 Part II Key Corporate Information
I Key Financial Information
Indicate by tick mark whether there is any retrospectively restated datum in the table below.
□ Yes √ No
                                                     January-March 2018         January-March 2017                 Change
 Sales revenue (RMB)                                      7,773,238,729.83            4,686,318,957.34                       65.87%
 Net income attributable to shareholders of
                                                            55,758,297.40                26,245,353.83                      112.45%
 the listed company (RMB)
 Net income attributable to shareholders of
 the listed company before nonrecurring                     -68,684,426.14              -18,772,884.12                     -265.87%
 gains and losses (RMB)
 Net cash flows from operating activities
                                                         -1,019,365,516.72           -1,629,437,072.94                       37.44%
 Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)                              0.0232                          0.0109                   112.84%
 Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share)                            0.0232                          0.0109                   112.84%
 Weighted average return on equity (%)                              0.70%                          0.90%                     -0.20%
                                                       March 31, 2018           December 31, 2017                  Change
 Total assets (RMB)                                     23,501,965,507.75            23,558,735,469.78                       -0.24%
 Equity attributable to shareholders of the
                                                          8,059,777,898.53            7,994,145,476.61                       0.82%
 listed company (RMB)
Nonrecurring gains and losses:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                              Item                                                    January-March 2018       Note
 Gains and losses on disposal of non-current assets (inclusive of offset allowance for asset
 Government subsidies charged to current profit and loss (exclusive of government subsidies
 given in the Company’s ordinary course of business at fixed quotas or amounts as per                       57,080,159.10
 government’s uniform standards )
 Gains and losses on investment or asset management entrustments to other entities                           21,676,523.58
 Gains and losses on changes in fair value of trading financial assets and liabilities &
 investment income from disposal of trading financial assets and liabilities and
 available-for-sale financial assets (exclusive of effective portion of hedges that arise in the
 Company’s ordinary course of business)
Konka Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                             First Quarter Report 2018
 Gains and losses on loan entrustment                                                                                  235,966.96
 Non-operating income and expense other than above                                                                 17,047,430.35
 Less: Income tax effects                                                                                          20,793,700.28
         Non-controlling interests effects (net of tax)                                                            52,888,550.03
 Total                                                                                                            124,442,723.54       --
Explanation of why the Company classifies an item as a nonrecurring gain/loss according to the
definition in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies
Offering Their Securities to the Public—Nonrecurring Gains and Losses, or reclassifies any
nonrecurring gain/loss item listed in the said explanatory announcement as a recurring gain/loss:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
              Item                        Amount (RMB)                                             Reason
                                                                  Government subsidies related to the Company’s ordinary course of
 Tax refund of software                         24,228,550.05     business and in line with the regulations of national policies at fixed
                                                                  quotas or amounts as per certain standards
II Total Number of Shareholders and Top 10 Shareholders’ Holdings at Period-End
1. Numbers of Common Shareholders and Preferred Shareholders with Resumed Voting
Rights as well as Holdings of Top 10 Shareholders
                                                                                                                             Unit: share
 Common           shareholders       at                                      Preferred shareholders with resumed voting rights at
 period-end                                                                  period-end (if any)
                                                             Top 10 shareholders
                                                                   Sharehol                                            Pledged or frozen
                                                                     ding                                                    shares
                                                   Nature of       percenta                          Restricted
             Name of shareholder                                                     Shares
                                                  shareholder        ge at                             shares                         Shar
                                                                   period-e                                                            es
                                                                    nd (%)
                                                 juridical          21.75%          523,746,932
                                                 juridical            7.56%         182,100,202
 HOLY TIME GROUP LIMITED                         juridical            2.33%          56,000,000
Konka Group Co., Ltd.                                                                              First Quarter Report 2018
                                        juridical         2.27%         54,755,145
 (HK) CO., LTD.
 GAOLING FUND,L.P.                      juridical         2.19%         52,801,250
 WANG LEI                               natural           1.47%         35,400,939
 ZHANG XIAOYU                           natural           1.08%         26,096,200
                                        juridical         0.97%         23,357,343
 NAM NGAI                               natural           0.90%         21,788,540
 CO., LTD-JULI NO. 48 SINGLE            Other             0.84%         20,216,860
                                          Top 10 non-restricted shareholders
                                                        Non-restricted shares held at             Type of shares
                  Name of shareholder
                                                                  period-end                    Type               Shares
                                                                                        RMB       common
 OVERSEAS CHINESE TOWN ENTERPRISES CO.                                   523,746,932                          523,746,932
                                                                         182,100,202    listed stock for      182,100,202
 CO., LTD.
                                                                                        foreign investors
 HOLY TIME GROUP LIMITED                                                  56,000,000    listed stock for       56,000,000
                                                                                        foreign investors
 GUOYUAN SECURITIES BROKER (HK) CO., LTD.                                 54,755,145    listed stock for       54,755,145
                                                                                        foreign investors
 GAOLING FUND,L.P.                                                        52,801,250    listed stock for       52,801,250
                                                                                        foreign investors
                                                                                        RMB       common
 WANG LEI                                                                 35,400,939                           35,400,939
Konka Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                        First Quarter Report 2018
                                                                                                  RMB       common
 ZHANG XIAOYU                                                                       26,096,200                            26,096,200
 CHINA MERCHANTS SECURITIES (HK) LIMITED                                            23,357,343    listed stock for        23,357,343
                                                                                                  foreign investors
 NAM NGAI                                                                           21,788,540    listed stock for        21,788,540
                                                                                                  foreign investors
 YUNNAN INTERNATIONAL TRUST CO., LTD-JULI                                                         RMB       common
                                                                                    20,216,860                            20,216,860
 NO. 48 SINGLE CAPITAL TRUST                                                                      stock
                          Jialong Investment Limited, a wholly-funded subsidiary of the Company’s first majority shareholder
 Related             or   Overseas Chinese Town Enterprises Co. (“OCT Group” for short), holds 180,001,110 and 18,360,000
 acting-in-concert        common shares in the Company respectively through CITIC Securities Brokerage (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.
 parties        among     and China Merchants Securities (HK) Limited. Jialong Investment Limited and Overseas Chinese Town
 shareholders above       Enterprises Co. are parties acting in concert. Other than that, it is unknown whether the other shareholders
                          are related parties or act-in-concert parties or not.
                          Wang Lei holds 35,400,939 A-shares in the Company through an account of collateral securities for
                          margin trading in GF Securities Co., Ltd. Zhang Xiaoyu holds 26,096,200 A-shares in the Company
 securities     margin
                          through an account of collateral securities for margin trading in Huaxi Securities Co., Ltd.
 trading (if any)
Indicate by tick mark whether any of the top 10 common shareholders or the top 10 non-restricted
common shareholders of the Company conducted any promissory repo during the Reporting Period.
□ Yea √ No
No such cases in the Reporting Period.
2. Number of Preferred Shareholders and Shareholdings of Top 10 of Them
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
   Konka Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                     First Quarter Report 2018
                                                 Part III Significant Events
   I Changes in Selected Financial Statement Items and Explanation of why
   √ Applicable □ Not applicable
   (I) During the Reporting Period, in order to accelerate the shift in its business and profit models, the
   Company continued to work on the development models of “Hardware + Software”, “Terminals +
   Users” and “Technology + Holding”, as well as on the expansion guideline of “Technology +
   Industry + Urbanization”, by implementing strategies of “Promote High-End Orientation in
   Traditional Business”, “Capitalize Existing Business”, “Turn Traditional Plants into Industrial
   Parks” and “Integrate Technologies and Create Added Value”.
   During the Reporting Period, the Company improved efficiency in its multi-media business through
   promoting corporatization and organizational reform. It also increased its product competitiveness
   and overall operating income through more investments in technological innovation, product
   development and content operation.
   Driven by the fast growing new business, the Company is expected to record sales revenue of
   approximately RMB7.773billion in the first quarter of 2018, an around 65.87% rise compared to the
   first quarter of 2017.
   The estimated influence of non-recurring gains and losses on the net income is about RMB124
   million in the Reporting Period.
   (II) Changes in Key Financial Indicators:
                                                            Unit: RMB’0,000 (in RMB ten thousand)
                                              December 31,
         Item              March 31, 2018                       Change       Change (%)                  Explanation of why
Financial assets at
                                                                                           Changes in the fair value of forward foreign
fair   value     through              71.73             29.68        42.05       141.68%
                                                                                           exchange contracts
profit or loss
Accounts receivable            425,034.28        344,309.59      80,724.69        23.45% Increase in Sales revenue.
                           January-March January-March
         Item                                                   Change       Change (%)                  Explanation of why
                                                                                           Year-over-year increase in revenue from the
Sales revenue                  777,323.87        468,631.90     308,691.97        65.87%
                                                                                           supply chain management business
                                                                                           Year-over-year increase in costs in the   supply
Cost of sales                  714,481.34        402,314.94     312,166.40        77.59%
                                                                                           chain management business
Gain on changes in                                                                         Changes in the fair value of forward foreign
                                 3,414.22         -6,933.28      10,347.50       149.24%
fair value                                                                                 exchange contracts
  Konka Group Co., Ltd.                                                                               First Quarter Report 2018
Non-operating                                                                       Year-over-year increase in loss on disposal of
                              203.15            76.78         126.37      164.59%
expense                                                                             property, plant and equipment
  II Progress, Influence and Solutions Associated with Significant Events
  √ Applicable □ Not applicable
  I) Regarding the Kunshan-located Shuiyue Zhouzhuang real estate project, as approved at the 42nd
  Meeting of the 6th Board, the Company has won the bid for the use right of the land to the south of
  the Quanwang Road, Zhouzhuang Town, Kunshan City. Currently, Phase IV of this project is under
  construction, and partial sales are completed.
  (II) In regard to the Konka Technological Innovation Center project, as approved at the 24th Meeting
  of the 8th Board, the Company entrusted Chuzhou Konka Technology & Industry Development Co.,
  Ltd. (Chuzhou Konka TID) to build the center in Chuzhou Economic Development Zone. So far,
  the use right of a 45333 ㎡ land has been obtained by Chuzhou Konka TID for this project, and it is
  formulating the development plan.
  (III) Concerning the intended sale of certain properties in Shanghai, as approved at the 34th Meeting
  of the 8th Board, the Company intended to sell its three houses in Shanghai (Room 908, 1801 and
  1807, 5 Lane 25, Huihe Road, Hongkou District) via an equity exchange. So far, the evaluation on
  these properties has been completed, and the Company is going through the transfer formalities as
  per the rules governing the transfer of state-owned assets.
  (IV) About the multi-media subsidiary, as approved at the 37th Meeting of the 8th Board, the
  Company decided to set up a wholly-owned subsidiary to run the multi-media business covering
  color TVs, among others. So far, Shenzhen Konka Electronics Technology Co., Ltd. has been
  officially set up.
  (V) As for the Yibin-located Konka Intelligent Terminal High-Tech Industrial Park project, as
  approved at the 37th Meeting of the 8th Board, the Company intended to establish the said industrial
  park at Yibin Lingang Economic and Technological Development Zone and relocate its intelligent
  terminal business including mobile phones to this industrial park. So far, the Company has
  established a subsidiary for this project and is waiting for the local government to put out the
  project land for bids.
                     Summary of significant event                      Disclosure date        Index to related announcement
    Dongguan Plant Renovation Project and New Dongguan Plant
                                                                       March 11, 2017        http://www.cninfo.com.cn
    Announcement on Completion of Transfer of Units of Qingsong
    Venture Capital Fund with Industrial and Commercial                March 31, 2018        http://www.cninfo.com.cn
    Announcement on Establishment of Business Combination Fund         April 18, 2018        http://www.cninfo.com.cn
    Announcement on Increased Investment in Sanjiang Properties
                                                                       April 18, 2018        http://www.cninfo.com.cn
    and Related-Party Transaction Rising therefrom
Konka Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                                First Quarter Report 2018
III Commitments that the Company’s Actual Controller, Shareholders, Related Parties and
Acquirers, as well as the Company and Other Commitment Makers, Failed to Fulfill on Time
during Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.
IV Operating Result Forecast for January-June 2018
Warning of a forecast loss on or a forecast significant year-over-year change in net income for
January-June 2018, as well as explanation of why:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
V Securities Investments
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                        Nam                                   Opening                      Closing
  Variety    Symbol                 Initial     Opening                      Closing                            Gain/loss
                        e of                                  holding                      holding                 in       Accountin     Sourc
    of          of                investment    holding                      holding                            Reporting
                        secur                                 percenta                     percenta    value                  g title        e
  security   security             cost (RMB)    (share)                      (share)                  (RMB)
                            ity                                 ge                           ge
                                                                                                                            Available-f   Initial
                        ZXF                                                                                                 or-sale       public
 Stock       002915                  1,459.61       227         0.00%                  0     0.00%       0.00    6,893.99
                        C                                                                                                   financial     offeri
                                                                                                                            asset         ngs
 Ditto       300730                  1,513.16       181         0.00%                  0     0.00%       0.00    6,769.40   Ditto         Ditto
 Ditto       002920                 12,537.88       614         0.00%                  0     0.00%       0.00   13,882.54   Ditto         Ditto
 Ditto       002919                  1,406.72       112         0.00%                  0     0.00%       0.00    3,308.48   Ditto         Ditto
 Ditto       002922     YGE          3,462.39       279         0.00%                  0     0.00%       0.00    6,004.08   Ditto         Ditto
 Ditto       300735                  5,064.93       507         0.00%                  0     0.00%       0.00    9,702.91   Ditto         Ditto
 Ditto       300664                  5,026.08             0     0.00%                  0     0.00%       0.00    8,642.82   Ditto         Ditto
 Ditto       002923                  3,129.84             0     0.00%                  0     0.00%       0.00    5,650.64   Ditto         Ditto
 Ditto       300684                  1,376.00       172         0.00%                  0     0.00%       0.00    8,307.60   Ditto         Ditto
 Ditto       300733                  5,160.00             0     0.00%                  0     0.00%       0.00    6,840.00   Ditto         Ditto
 Ditto       002925                 13,095.00             0     0.00%                  0     0.00%       0.00   34,629.00   Ditto         Ditto
Konka Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                                           First Quarter Report 2018
 Other securities investments
                                                         0.00          0       --             0       --           0.00         0.00       --         --
 held at period-end
 Total                                           53,231.61         2,092       --             0       --           0.00                    --         --
 Disclosure           date            of
 announcement         on      Board’s
 consent       for           securities
 Disclosure           date            of
 announcement on shareholders’
 meeting’s consent for securities
 investment (if any)
VI Investments in Derivative Financial Instruments
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB’0,000 (in RMB ten thousand)
 Capital      source          for         derivative
                                                          U.S. dollar financings
 Legal        matters          involved            (if
 Disclosure           date           of       board
 announcement approving derivative                        May 24, 2014
 investment (if any)
 Disclosure date of shareholders’
 meeting announcement approving                           June 10, 2014
 derivative investment (if any)
                                                          We engage in forward forex transactions to reduce the currency risk when securing
 Analysis of risks and control
                                                          foreign-currency financing. This is very needed in our routine operation and is in
 measures associated with derivative
                                                          compliance with the applicable laws and regulations. We have formulated the
 investments         held       in        Reporting
                                                          Management Rules of Konka Group Co., Ltd. for Investment In Derivative Financial
 Period (including but not limited to
                                                          Instruments, making clear the relevant consideration and approval procedure, risk control,
 market risk, liquidity risk, credit
                                                          etc.. We always sign forward forex contracts with large banks such as the Bank of China,
 risk, operational risk, legal risk,
                                                          which operate steadily and have good credit standing, which could help prevent loss on
                                                          forward forex contracts due to bank failure.
                                                          How we usually measure the fair value of derivative financial instruments: Based on the
 Changes in market prices or fair
                                                          forward forex sales and purchase contracts that are signed between the Company and
 value of derivative investments in
                                                          banks and have not expired in a Reporting Period, we recognize the differences between
 Reporting       Period             (fair     value
                                                          the quotations for these contracts on the balance sheet dates provided by the banks and the
 analysis            should                 include
                                                          contractual prices as transactional financial assets or liabilities, and the profit/loss on fair
 measurement method and related
                                                          value changes is recognized accordingly. Because these contracts have locked in exchange
 assumptions and parameters)
                                                          rates, no changes will occur when comparing the fair value on signing dates with that on
Konka Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                    First Quarter Report 2018
                                       delivery dates.
 Material changes in accounting
 policies and specific accounting
 principles adopted for derivative     No material changes
 investments in Reporting Period
 compared to last reporting period
                                       It is considered necessary for the Company to lock in foreign-currency financing costs
 Opinion of independent directors      through financial instruments, because it could effectively reduce the currency risk when
 on derivative investments and risk    securing foreign-currency financing. The Company has formulated the internal control
 control                               mechanism for investment in derivative financial instruments, and the relevant risk control
                                       measures that the Company has taken are considered effective.
                                                                                          Unit: RMB’0,000 (in RMB ten thousand)
 Type of derivative      Opening            Closing
                                                               Gain/loss in         Closing investment amount as a percentage of
     financial          contractual       contractual
                                                             Reporting Period          the Company’s closing net asset value
     instrument           amount            amount
 Forward forex
                          224,712.77          85,319.52                2,133.33                                           10.59%
VII Visits Paid to the Company for Purposes of Research, Communication, Interview, etc.
during Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.
VIII Irregularities in Provision of Guarantees for External Parties
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.
IX Occupation of the Company’s Money by Its Controlling Shareholder or Related Parties
for Non-Operating Purposes
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.
Konka Group Co., Ltd.                                                                 First Quarter Report 2018
                                         Part IV Financial Statements
I Financial Statements
1. Consolidated Balance Sheet
Prepared by Konka Group Co., Ltd.
March 31, 2018
                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                  Item                          March 31, 2018         December 31, 2017
 Current assets:
   Monetary assets                                                 2,117,778,435.95         3,212,044,851.08
   Settlement reserve
   Interbank loans granted
   Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss                 717,258.83               296,799.53
   Derivative financial assets
   Notes receivable                                                5,055,795,872.09         5,178,668,988.23
   Accounts receivable                                             4,250,342,804.16         3,443,095,947.26
   Prepayments                                                       535,176,019.76           467,123,091.74
   Premiums receivable
   Reinsurance receivables
   Receivable reinsurance contract reserve
   Interest receivable                                                 1,372,365.15             1,813,256.77
   Dividends receivable
   Other receivables                                                 272,036,785.37           182,405,099.39
   Financial assets purchased under resale agreements
   Inventories                                                     4,579,475,103.24         4,690,363,565.53
   Assets classified as held for sale
   Current portion of non-current assets
   Other current assets                                            1,988,929,615.46         1,715,326,868.81
 Total current assets                                             18,801,624,260.01        18,891,138,468.34
 Non-current assets:
   Loans and advances to customers
   Available-for-sale financial assets                               692,112,236.33           712,170,399.09
Konka Group Co., Ltd.                                                                    First Quarter Report 2018
   Held-to-maturity investments
   Long-term receivables
   Long-term equity investments                                       1,335,317,343.74         1,319,987,343.74
   Investment property                                                 215,047,811.42            216,455,629.99
   Property, plant and equipment                                      1,589,036,269.37         1,587,170,348.35
   Construction in progress                                            140,555,936.41            135,863,821.01
   Engineering materials
   Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment
   Productive living assets
   Oil and gas assets
   Intangible assets                                                   203,993,082.56            205,057,773.69
   R&D expense
   Goodwill                                                               3,597,657.15             3,597,657.15
   Long-term prepaid expense                                           154,564,404.30            150,060,937.30
   Deferred income tax assets                                          337,948,558.46            307,942,263.12
   Other non-current assets                                             28,167,948.00             29,290,828.00
 Total non-current assets                                             4,700,341,247.74         4,667,597,001.44
 Total assets                                                        23,501,965,507.75        23,558,735,469.78
 Current liabilities:
   Short-term borrowings                                              7,094,776,142.17         6,927,472,037.35
   Borrowings from central bank
   Customer deposits and deposits from banks and other financial
   Interbank loans obtained
   Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss           13,760,747.13             47,482,470.50
   Derivative financial liabilities
   Notes payable                                                       568,225,276.62            541,175,312.09
   Accounts payable                                                   3,323,036,647.61         3,612,216,266.59
   Advances from customers                                             710,996,014.05            640,510,784.17
   Financial assets sold under repurchase agreements
   Handling charges and commissions payable
   Payroll payable                                                     193,833,901.36            291,370,297.67
   Taxes payable                                                      1,278,332,348.68         1,326,569,094.53
   Interest payable                                                     34,606,973.14             35,723,963.94
   Dividends payable
Konka Group Co., Ltd.                                                                       First Quarter Report 2018
   Other payables                                                        1,626,459,597.43         1,608,359,305.87
   Reinsurance payables
   Insurance contract reserve
   Payables for acting trading of securities
   Payables for underwriting of securities
   Liabilities directly associated with assets classified as held for
   Current portion of non-current liabilities                                 394,871.76                374,358.99
   Other current liabilities
 Total current liabilities                                              14,844,422,519.95        15,031,253,891.70
 Non-current liabilities:
   Long-term borrowings                                                   166,000,000.00            167,000,000.00
   Bonds payable
    Including: Preferred shares
          Perpetual bonds
   Long-term payables                                                          41,025.69                 61,538.46
   Long-term payroll payable                                               12,312,017.04             13,361,821.86
   Specific payables
   Provisions                                                              1,552,310.49              6,181,865.10
   Deferred income                                                        134,208,522.11            130,049,911.87
   Deferred income tax liabilities                                         26,044,725.18             12,636,633.40
   Other non-current liabilities
 Total non-current liabilities                                            340,158,600.51            329,291,770.69
 Total liabilities                                                      15,184,581,120.46        15,360,545,662.39
 Owners’ equity:
   Share capital                                                         2,407,945,408.00         2,407,945,408.00
   Other equity instruments
    Including: Preferred shares
          Perpetual bonds
   Capital reserves                                                       104,732,242.30            104,732,242.30
   Less: Treasury shares
   Other comprehensive income                                              13,571,583.47              3,697,458.95
   Specific reserve
   Surplus reserves                                                      1,217,644,874.79         1,217,644,874.79
   General reserve
Konka Group Co., Ltd.                                                                  First Quarter Report 2018
   Retained earnings                                               4,315,883,789.97          4,260,125,492.57
 Total equity attributable to owners of Parent Company             8,059,777,898.53          7,994,145,476.61
 Non-controlling interests                                           257,606,488.76            204,044,330.78
 Total owners’ equity                                             8,317,384,387.29          8,198,189,807.39
 Total liabilities and owners’ equity                            23,501,965,507.75         23,558,735,469.78
Legal representative: Liu Fengxi                                                        CFO: Li Chunlei
Head of the financial department: Feng Junxiu
2. Parent Company Balance Sheet
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                   Item                         March 31, 2018          December 31, 2017
 Current assets:
   Monetary assets                                                   734,187,293.95          1,760,838,390.83
   Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss                 717,258.83                296,799.53
   Derivative financial assets
   Notes receivable                                                 2,816,719,863.12         2,864,064,309.99
   Accounts receivable                                              5,559,277,595.37         4,732,153,992.25
   Prepayments                                                      1,394,806,157.68         1,066,260,182.37
   Interest receivable                                                57,364,215.13             23,894,771.88
   Dividends receivable                                              203,670,000.00              2,690,276.72
   Other receivables                                                4,640,090,018.36         4,314,882,334.26
   Inventories                                                      1,657,710,511.67         2,090,697,937.23
   Assets classified as held for sale
   Current portion of non-current assets                             100,000,000.00            100,000,000.00
   Other current assets                                             1,662,409,701.81         1,547,454,872.74
 Total current assets                                             18,826,952,615.92         18,503,233,867.80
 Non-current assets:
   Available-for-sale financial assets                               562,612,236.33            562,612,236.33
   Held-to-maturity investments
   Long-term receivables
   Long-term equity investments                                     2,868,044,424.45         2,649,074,424.45
   Investment property                                               215,047,811.42            216,455,629.99
   Property, plant and equipment                                     475,419,199.00            482,020,892.58
   Construction in progress                                          112,209,457.15             79,927,345.88
   Engineering materials
Konka Group Co., Ltd.                                                                       First Quarter Report 2018
   Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment
   Productive living assets
   Oil and gas assets
   Intangible assets                                                       91,902,482.16             91,718,400.70
   R&D expense
   Long-term prepaid expense                                               73,730,479.55             78,305,555.97
   Deferred income tax assets                                             299,354,801.03            279,324,511.96
   Other non-current assets                                                20,000,000.00             20,000,000.00
 Total non-current assets                                                4,718,320,891.09         4,459,438,997.86
 Total assets                                                           23,545,273,507.01        22,962,672,865.66
 Current liabilities:
   Short-term borrowings                                                 3,436,156,337.31         3,269,730,888.60
   Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss              13,760,747.13             47,482,470.50
   Derivative financial liabilities
   Notes payable                                                         2,068,677,122.84         2,394,426,158.76
   Accounts payable                                                      6,756,231,381.01         6,167,204,323.22
   Advances from customers                                                596,815,815.61            601,036,147.76
   Payroll payable                                                        117,014,504.66            163,066,135.71
   Taxes payable                                                         1,061,133,669.37         1,070,771,570.12
   Interest payable                                                        48,578,589.94             50,336,913.53
   Dividends payable
   Other payables                                                        1,980,154,534.60         1,868,073,013.59
   Liabilities directly associated with assets classified as held for
   Current portion of non-current liabilities
   Other current liabilities
 Total current liabilities                                              16,078,522,702.47        15,632,127,621.79
 Non-current liabilities:
   Long-term borrowings                                                   166,000,000.00            167,000,000.00
   Bonds payable
    Including: Preferred shares
          Perpetual bonds
   Long-term payables
   Long-term payroll payable
Konka Group Co., Ltd.                                                        First Quarter Report 2018
   Specific payables
   Provisions                                               1,552,310.49              6,181,865.10
   Deferred income                                         91,099,996.06             94,590,560.82
   Deferred income tax liabilities
   Other non-current liabilities
 Total non-current liabilities                             258,652,306.55            267,772,425.92
 Total liabilities                                      16,337,175,009.02         15,899,900,047.71
 Owners’ equity:
   Share capital                                         2,407,945,408.00          2,407,945,408.00
   Other equity instruments
      Including: Preferred shares
         Perpetual bonds
   Capital reserves                                        111,525,163.22            111,525,163.22
   Less: Treasury shares
   Other comprehensive income                               -1,970,304.62              -1,970,304.62
   Specific reserve
   Surplus reserves                                      1,217,644,874.79          1,217,644,874.79
   Retained earnings                                     3,472,953,356.60          3,327,627,676.56
 Total owners’ equity                                   7,208,098,497.99          7,062,772,817.95
 Total liabilities and owners’ equity                  23,545,273,507.01         22,962,672,865.66
3. Consolidated Income Statement
                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                    Item            January-March 2018       January-March 2017
 1. Operating revenue                                     7,773,238,729.83         4,686,318,957.34
   Including: Sales revenue                               7,773,238,729.83         4,686,318,957.34
      Interest revenue
      Premium revenue
      Handling charge and commission revenue
 2. Cost of operating revenue                             7,882,064,997.46         4,733,743,173.50
   Including: Cost of sales                               7,144,813,360.27         4,023,149,407.98
      Interest expense
      Handling charge and commission expense
      Net claims paid
Konka Group Co., Ltd.                                                                            First Quarter Report 2018
      Net amount provided as insurance contract reserve
      Expenditure on policy dividends
      Reinsurance premium expense
      Taxes and surtaxes                                                         13,589,602.99            18,889,210.59
      Selling expense                                                           515,116,761.90           518,071,670.57
      Administrative expense                                                    162,232,118.05           135,856,678.53
      Finance costs                                                              61,086,438.88            42,775,464.29
      Asset impairment losses                                                   -14,773,284.63             -4,999,258.46
 Add: Gain on changes in fair value (“-” for loss)                             34,142,182.67           -69,332,778.97
   Investment income (“-” for loss)                                            36,786,042.34            34,979,227.70
      Including: Share of profit or loss of joint ventures and
   Foreign exchange gain (“-” for loss)
   Asset disposal income (“-” for loss)
   Other income                                                                  79,427,673.98                         -
 3. Operating income (“-” for loss)                                            41,529,631.36           -81,777,767.43
   Add: Non-operating revenue                                                    84,351,129.33           113,572,905.33
   Less: Non-operating expense                                                    2,031,498.28               767,810.90
 4. Pretax income (“-” for loss)                                              123,849,262.41            31,027,327.00
   Less: Income tax expense                                                      19,428,807.03             5,067,406.90
 5. Net income (“-” for net loss)                                             104,420,455.38            25,959,920.10
   5.1 Net income from continuing operations (“-” for net loss)
   5.2 Net income from discontinued operations (“-” for net loss)
   Attributable to owners of Parent Company                                      55,758,297.40            26,245,353.83
   Attributable to non-controlling interests                                     48,662,157.98              -285,433.73
 6. Other comprehensive income, net of tax                                        9,213,157.17             2,713,427.50
   Attributable to owners of Parent Company                                       9,874,124.52             2,650,263.36
      6.1 Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss
         6.1.1 Changes in net liabilities or assets caused by
 remeasurements on defined benefit pension schemes
         6.1.2 Share of other comprehensive income of investees that
 will not be reclassified to profit or loss under equity method
      6.2 Items that may subsequently be reclassified to profit or loss           9,874,124.52             2,650,263.36
         6.2.1 Share of other comprehensive income of investees that
 will be reclassified to profit or loss under equity method
         6.2.2   Gains/Losses         on   changes   in   fair    value    of       -31,342.08
Konka Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                  First Quarter Report 2018
 available-for-sale financial assets
         6.2.3   Gains/Losses        arising   from   reclassification    of
 held-to-maturity investments to available-for-sale financial assets
         6.2.4 Effective gains/losses on cash flow hedges
         6.2.5 Differences arising from translation of foreign
                                                                                        9,905,466.60             2,650,263.36
 currency-denominated financial statements
         6.2.6 Other
   Attributable to non-controlling interests                                             -660,967.35                63,164.14
 7. Total comprehensive income                                                        113,633,612.55            28,673,347.60
   Attributable to owners of Parent Company                                            65,632,421.92            28,895,617.19
   Attributable to non-controlling interests                                           48,001,190.63              -222,269.59
 8. Earnings per share
   8.1 Basic earnings per share                                                               0.0232                   0.0109
   8.2 Diluted earnings per share                                                             0.0232                   0.0109
Legal representative: Liu Fengxi                                                                        CFO: Li Chunlei
Head of the financial department: Feng Junxiu
4. Parent Company Income Statement
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                     Item                                      January-March 2018      January-March 2017
 1. Sales revenue                                                                   3,669,669,375.96         3,528,146,131.01
   Less: Cost of sales                                                              3,269,110,540.85         3,096,777,598.35
      Taxes and surtaxes                                                                7,177,383.09             5,965,647.75
      Selling expense                                                                 378,868,998.55           384,384,952.78
      Administrative expense                                                           96,348,524.41            97,836,429.53
      Finance costs                                                                    92,033,331.44           100,233,983.39
      Asset impairment losses
   Add: Gain on changes in fair value (“-” for loss)                                 34,142,182.67           -34,248,996.77
      Investment income (“-” for loss)                                              222,948,489.00            46,382,940.03
         Including: Share of profit or loss of joint ventures and
      Asset disposal income (“-” for loss)
      Other income                                                                     29,928,292.31                         -
 2. Operating income (“-” for loss)                                                 113,149,561.60          -144,918,537.53
   Add: Non-operating revenue                                                          13,919,212.26            58,888,782.88
   Less: Non-operating expense                                                          1,773,382.89               465,857.89
 3. Pretax income (“-” for loss)                                                    125,295,390.97           -86,495,612.54
Konka Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                         First Quarter Report 2018
   Less: Income tax expense                                                                  -20,030,289.07           -21,258,680.23
 4. Net income (“-” for net loss)                                                         145,325,680.04            -65,236,932.31
   4.1 Net income from continuing operations (“-” for net loss)
   4.2 Net income from discontinued operations (“-” for net loss)
 5. Other comprehensive income, net of tax                                                    5,222,526.42
   5.1 Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss
      5.1.1 Changes in net liabilities or assets caused by
 remeasurements on defined benefit pension schemes
      5.1.2 Share of other comprehensive income of investees that
 will not be reclassified into profit or loss under equity method
   5.2 Items that may subsequently be reclassified to profit or loss                          5,222,526.42
      5.2.1 Share of other comprehensive income of investees that
 will be reclassified into profit or loss under equity method
      5.2.2 Gains/Losses on changes in fair value of available-for-sale
 financial assets
      5.2.3    Gains/Losses        arising      from    reclassification        of
 held-to-maturity investments to available-for-sale financial assets
      5.2.4 Effective gains/losses on cash flow hedges
      5.2.5   Differences       arising      from   translation   of   foreign
 currency-denominated financial statements
      5.2.6 Other
 6. Total comprehensive income                                                              150,548,206.46            -65,236,932.31
 7. Earnings per share
     7.1 Basic earnings per share
     7.2 Diluted earnings per share
5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                      Item                                           January-March 2018       January-March 2017
 1. Cash generated by or used in operating activities:
   Proceeds from sale of commodities and rendering of services                             5,754,785,966.74         3,504,876,874.27
   Net increase in customer deposits and deposits from banks and
 other financial institutions
   Net increase in loans from central bank
   Net increase in loans from other financial institutions
   Premiums received on original insurance contracts
   Net proceeds from reinsurance
   Net increase in deposits and investments of policy holders
Konka Group Co., Ltd.                                                                       First Quarter Report 2018
   Net increase in proceeds from disposal of financial assets at fair
 value through profit or loss
   Interest, handling charges and commissions received
   Net increase in interbank loans obtained
   Net increase in proceeds from repurchase transactions
   Tax rebates                                                            168,573,547.32            102,339,410.87
   Cash generated by other operating activities                           172,592,473.35            118,039,119.57
 Subtotal of cash generated by operating activities                     6,095,951,987.41          3,725,255,404.71
   Payments for commodities and services                                6,072,157,862.54          4,440,141,644.59
   Net increase in loans and advances to customers
   Net increase in deposits in central bank and in interbank loans
   Payments for claims on original insurance contracts
   Interest, handling charges and commissions paid
   Policy dividends paid
   Cash paid to and for employees                                         481,603,150.56            458,532,563.30
   Taxes paid                                                             201,309,910.91            135,715,221.18
   Cash used in other operating activities                                360,246,580.12            320,303,048.58
 Subtotal of cash used in operating activities                          7,115,317,504.13          5,354,692,477.65
 Net cash flows from operating activities                               -1,019,365,516.72        -1,629,437,072.94
 2. Cash generated by or used in investing activities:
   Proceeds from disinvestments                                            37,303,231.61                112,806.75
   Investment income                                                       27,461,877.60             30,385,376.69
   Net proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment,
                                                                               26,132.00             78,346,069.28
 intangible assets and other long-lived assets
   Net proceeds from disposal of subsidiaries or other business units
   Cash generated by other investing activities                           420,950,000.00            557,451,449.68
 Subtotal of cash generated by investing activities                       485,741,241.21            666,295,702.40
   Payments for acquisition of property, plant and equipment,
                                                                           87,522,934.00             73,620,997.55
 intangible assets and other long-lived assets
   Payments for investments                                                 8,378,256.00               4,157,113.94
   Net increase in pledged loans granted
   Net payments for acquisition of subsidiaries and other business
   Cash used in other investing activities                                623,480,000.00            285,575,000.00
 Subtotal of cash used in investing activities                            719,381,190.00            363,353,111.49
Konka Group Co., Ltd.                                                                             First Quarter Report 2018
 Net cash flows from investing activities                                       -233,639,948.79           302,942,590.91
 3. Cash generated by or used in financing activities:
   Capital contributions received                                                 26,400,000.00               265,000.00
      Including: Capital contributions by non-controlling interests to
                                                                                  26,400,000.00               265,000.00
   Increase in borrowings obtained                                             2,430,850,602.39         2,238,876,860.00
   Net proceeds from issuance of bonds
   Cash generated by other financing activities                                                           444,080,082.06
 Subtotal of cash generated by financing activities                            2,457,250,602.39         2,683,221,942.06
   Repayment of borrowings                                                     2,184,187,298.05         1,143,869,292.69
   Payments for interest and dividends                                            86,485,560.15           105,020,297.25
      Including: Dividends paid by subsidiaries to non-controlling
                                                                                    672,569.18                461,972.51
   Cash used in other financing activities                                                                    318,701.97
 Subtotal of cash used in financing activities                                 2,270,672,858.20         1,249,208,291.91
 Net cash flows from financing activities                                        186,577,744.19         1,434,013,650.15
 4. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash
                                                                                 -42,957,026.83             5,263,241.18
 5. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                 -1,109,384,748.15           112,782,409.30
 Add: Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of the period                       3,097,899,703.76         2,020,902,945.14
 6. Cash and cash equivalents, end of the period                               1,988,514,955.61         2,133,685,354.44
6. Parent Company Cash Flow Statement
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                 Item                                    January-March 2018       January-March 2017
 1. Cash generated by or used in operating activities:
   Proceeds from sale of commodities and rendering of services                 4,460,261,836.82         4,295,329,683.99
   Tax rebates                                                                    49,651,754.59            26,891,931.97
   Cash generated by other operating activities                                  400,528,693.60           707,878,209.00
 Subtotal of cash generated by operating activities                            4,910,442,285.01         5,030,099,824.96
   Payments for commodities and services                                       4,046,918,162.79         3,920,920,891.18
   Cash paid to and for employees                                                308,420,198.90           276,264,044.77
   Taxes paid                                                                     63,378,125.20            46,694,339.02
   Cash used in other operating activities                                     1,120,437,119.07         1,124,083,766.45
 Subtotal of cash used in operating activities                                 5,539,153,605.96         5,367,963,041.42
 Net cash flows from operating activities                                       -628,711,320.95          -337,863,216.46
 2. Cash generated by or used in investing activities:
Konka Group Co., Ltd.                                                                       First Quarter Report 2018
   Proceeds from disinvestments
   Investment income                                                       33,036,245.41             32,123,053.44
   Net proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment,
                                                                               26,132.00                 98,058.25
 intangible assets and other long-lived assets
   Net proceeds from disposal of subsidiaries or other business units
   Cash generated by other investing activities                           517,743,720.30            557,000,000.00
 Subtotal of cash generated by investing activities                       550,806,097.71            589,221,111.69
   Payments for acquisition of property, plant and equipment,
                                                                           39,045,066.97             15,173,135.90
 intangible assets and other long-lived assets
   Payments for investments                                               212,000,000.00             40,000,000.00
   Net payments for acquisition of subsidiaries and other business
   Cash used in other investing activities                                692,763,165.04            333,255,000.00
 Subtotal of cash used in investing activities                            943,808,232.01            388,428,135.90
 Net cash flows from investing activities                                -393,002,134.30            200,792,975.79
 3. Cash generated by or used in financing activities:
   Capital contributions received
   Increase in borrowings obtained                                        763,416,364.16            471,029,374.72
   Net proceeds from issuance of bonds
   Cash generated by other financing activities                                                     141,159,013.75
 Subtotal of cash generated by financing activities                       763,416,364.16            612,188,388.47
   Repayment of borrowings                                                667,515,069.15            165,708,656.06
   Payments for interest and dividends                                     81,697,528.08            101,133,666.93
   Cash used in other financing activities                                                              318,701.97
 Sub-total of cash used in financing activities                           749,212,597.23            267,161,024.96
 Net cash flows from financing activities                                  14,203,766.93            345,027,363.51
 4. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash
                                                                          -19,141,408.56              7,947,240.71
 5. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                           -1,026,651,096.88           215,904,363.55
 Add: Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of the period                1,743,269,944.67            973,613,753.40
 6. Cash and cash equivalents, end of the period                          716,618,847.79          1,189,518,116.95
II Independent Auditor’s Report
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Konka Group Co., Ltd.                                                           First Quarter Report 2018
The Q1 financial statements have not been audited by such an auditor.
                                                                        The Board of Directors
                                                                        Konka Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                            April 27, 2018
