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冰山B:2019年年度权益分派实施公告(英文版) 下载公告

Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd.

Public Notice of Dividend Distribution for year of 2019

Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd.and its wholemembers of Board of Directors ensure that the public notice is real, accurate andcomplete, and there are no any important omissions, fictitious statements or seriousmisleading carried in this notice.

The dividend distribution plan for year of 2019 under the name of BingshanRefrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) has beendeliberated and approved at the Annual Shareholder’s General Meeting 2019 held onMay 15, 2020. If the total capital stock of the Company changes before theimplementation of equity allocation, it will be implemented in accordance with theprinciple that the total allocation remains unchanged.The total share capital of theCompany has not changed during the period from the disclosure to theimplementation of the dividend distribution plan. The dividend distribution planimplemented is consistent with the plan examined and passed by Shareholders'General meeting.It is not more than two months from implementation day of thedistribution plan to the day that Shareholders' General meeting examined and passed.Distribution for the dividend for year of 2019 is disclosed as:

I. Dividend distribution planThe equity distribution scheme for year of 2019 under the name of the Company are:

1. A cash dividend RMB 0.3 for every 10 shares will be paid to all the shareholdersbased on the current total number of 843,212,507 shares (including tax; after tax isdeducted, RMB0.27 for every 10 shares held by A-share QFII, RQFII and individualsand securities investment funds holding restricted shares issued for stock reform andnew-restricted shares; for individuals holding other restricted shares andnon-restricted outstanding shares, different tax rates will be applied on the dividend. Adividend of RMB 0.3 for every 10 shares will be distributed first. The tax? will bededucted according to the actual shareholding period and number of shares sold byinvestor after the equity registration day; for securities investment funds holding otherrestricted shares and non-restricted outstanding shares,for the Hong Kong investorsholding fund shares according to 10% tax, different tax rates will be applied on thecash dividend distributed to the mainland investors holding fund shares fornon-resident enterprise other than QFII and RQFII, the Company will not withholdthe income tax. Tax payers shall pay tax whether it is accrued; the after-tax cashdividend for B-share non-resident enterprises is RMB 0.27 for every 10 shares.Different tax rates will be applied on the cash dividend distributed to domestic(overseas) individual shareholders. A dividend of RMB 0.3 for every 10 shares will bedistributed first. The tax will be deducted according to the actual shareholding periodand number of shares sold by the investor after the equity registration day. ).【? Note: The shareholding period is calculated based on investors’ securitiesaccounts and the first-in-first-out principle. The tax for every 10 shares is RMB 0.06for shares held for one month (one month included) or less; RMB 0.03 for shares heldfor more than one month but no more than one year (one year included). No tax willdeducted for shares held for more than one year.】

The cash dividend for B-share shareholders will be distributed in HKD based on themiddle exchange rate between RMB and HKD released by the People’s Bank ofChina (HKD: RMB =1:0.9163) on the first business day after the resolution day ofGeneral Meeting (that is May 18, 2020), according to the discount rate for dividendregulated in Article of Association. The pay back taxes withhold for B-shareshareholders in the future refer to the aforesaid discount rate.

II. Record Date & Ex-Dividend date

1. Record date for A shares: July 9, 2020, XD: July 10, 2020;

2. Final trading date for B shares: July 9, 2020, RD: July 14, 2020, XD: July 10, 2020.

III. Distribution targets

1. All shareholders of A shares as listed on the Company’s register of holders of Ashares on Shenzhen Branch of China Securities Depository and Clearing CorporationLimited after trading close of Shenzhen Stock Exchange ended as noon July 9, 2020.

2. All shareholders of B shares as listed on the Company’s register of holders of Ashares on Shenzhen Branch of China Securities Depository and Clearing CorporationLimited after trading close of Shenzhen Stock Exchange ended as noon

July 14,2020 (final trading date as July 9, 2020).

IV. Distribution way

1. Shenzhen Branch of China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limitedwas entrusted by the Company for dividend distribution for A shareholders. And thedividend will wire to capital account directly through shareholders’ trusteeshipsecurity company (or other custodian) dated July 10, 2020.

2.Dividend for B shares will wire to the capital account directly through shareholders’trusteeship security company or trustee bank dated July 14, 2020. If shareholders of Bshares transfer the custody of “Bingshan B” dated July 14, 2020 the dividend willreceive in the original shareholders’ trusteeship security company or trustee bank.

3. The dividend for followed shareholders of A shares will distribute by the Company:

SerialShareholders’ accountName of shareholders
108*****772Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd.

During the application of dividend distribution business ( the application date:July1,2020; the equity registration date: July 9,2020 ), If because the shares in securityaccount of Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd. decrease, lead to entrust ShenzhenBranch of China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited for dividenddistribution insufficient , all legal responsibility and consequences shall be borne bythe Company.

V. Other explanationIf the relevant shareholders of A shares and B shares holds the taxation certificatewhich was recognized as resident enterprise issued by Chinese taxation authorities, oridentification documents that enjoys treatment under Double Taxation Agreement(DTA) or other duty-free referential policy approved by Chinese taxation authorities,please contact the Company before July 31, 2020 (including July 31, 2020) withrelevant documents required for discrimination. The Company will re-calculatedistributable dividend based on taxation documents and relevant documents thatprovided, and will help the taxation authority on the claim for tax refund for taxedamount and payable amount as well as distribution correspondingly.

IX. ConsultingConsulting agency: Security and Legal Affairs Department of the CompanyContact person: Mrs. Du YuPhone: 0086-411-87968822Fax:0086-411-87968125

X. Documents available for reference

1. Resolution of Annual Shareholder’s General Meeting 2019;

2. Other related documents.

Hereby notify the above.

Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd.

July 2, 2020
