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冰山B:2021年半年度报告摘要(英文版) 下载公告

Stock Code: 000530; 200530 Short Form of the Stock: Bingshan; Bingshan B; No: 2021-031

Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd.

2021 Semiannual Report Summary

§1 Important NotesThis summary is extracted from the original of the semiannual report. For more information, theinvestors are recommended to refer to the original.Non-standard audit opinion presentation □ Applicable √ Not applicableProfit distribution and dividend payment □ Applicable √ Not applicable

§2 Company Profile

2.1 Company Profile

Short form of the stockBingshan; Bingshan B
Stock code000530; 200530
Listed stock exchangeShenzhen Stock Exchange
Legal name in Chinese冰山冷热科技股份有限公司
Short form of legal name冰山冷热
Legal English nameBingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd.
Abbreviation of legal English nameBingshan
Legal representativeJi Zhijian

2.2 Summary of Accounting Data and Financial Indexes

Did the Company retroactively adjust or restate the accounting data of previous years due tochange in the accounting policy and correction of accounting mistakes?

□ Yes √ No Unit: RMB Yuan

2021.1-62020.1-6Increase/decrease compared with the same period of last year
Operating revenue1,094,285,620.97873,403,414.4625.29%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies-14,584,210.01-23,604,345.5238.21%
Net profit belonging to the shareholders of listed companies after the deduction of non-recurring profit and loss-11,882,674.61-8,256,994.99-43.91%
Net cash flow from operating activities-28,887,836.28-78,350,688.7563.13%
Basic earnings per share-0.017-0.02839.29%
Diluted earnings per share-0.017-0.02839.29%
Weighted average return on net asset yield-0.43%-0.70%Increase 0.27 percentage points
2021.6.302020.12.31Increase/decrease compared with 2020.12.31
Total assets5,877,895,817.755,681,568,328.363.46%
Owner's equity attributable to shareholders of listed companies3,336,469,482.703,375,609,788.07-1.16%

2.3 Statement of shares held by the top ten common shareholders

Total number of shareholders in the reporting period42,446
Shareholding of top ten shareholders
NameNatureProportionTotal numberNumber of shares with sale restrictionNumber of pledged shares or shares frozen
Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd.Domestic non-state-owned legal person20.27%170,916,93400
Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd.Overseas legal person8.72%73,503,15000
Lin ZhenmingForeign natural person0.80%6,740,00000
Wu AnDomestic natural person0.53%4,500,00000
Zhang SufenDomestic natural person0.52%4,390,00000
Zhang HuiDomestic natural person0.52%4,388,97500
Xue HongDomestic natural person0.42%3,570,00000
Dalian industrial development investment Co., Ltd.Domestic non-state-owned legal person0.40%3,406,72500
Li XiaohuaDomestic natural person0.38%3,182,60800
Zhang JunDomestic natural person0.36%3,059,60000
Notes to the associated relationship and uniform actions of the above shareholdersDalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd. had the association relationship with Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd. among the above shareholders. Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd. holds 26.6% of Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd.'s equity.

At the end of the report period, the total number of shareholders of the Company was 42,446,including 34,607 A-share shareholders and 7,839 B-share shareholders.

2.4 Variation in controlling shareholders or actual controllers

Variation in controlling shareholders in the report period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Variation in actual controllers in the report period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2.5 Information on Preferred Stock

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

In the reporting period, the Company didn’t own preferred stock.

2.6 Corporate Bonds

The Company’s non-public issuance of exchangeable corporate bonds was listed at the ShanghaiStock Exchange on August 6, 2018. As of August 1, 2018, according to the using plan disclosed inthe prospectus, the raised funds of the Company’s non-public issuance of exchangeable corporatebonds have been used to repay bank loans. The special account for the Company's 2018exchangeable corporate bonds fund raising was cancelled in March 2019. During the reportingperiod, the Company's exchangeable corporate were not exchanged for shares. Till the end ofreporting period, the Company's exchangeable corporate were exchanged for 8,388.9 thousand

shares totally.The Company’s non-public issuance of exchangeable corporate bonds has been fully repaid andofficially delisted on July 30, 2021.

§3 Important itemsIn the first half of 2021, the Company further focused on the hot and cold main business andmarket segments, focused on the improvement of main business and the cultivation of new kineticenergy, continued to improve and innovate, improve quality and efficiency, and solidly enhancedits core competitiveness. In the first half of 2021, the Company achieved operating income of1,094,286 thousand yuan, a year-on-year increase of 25.29%; achieved net profit attributable toshareholders of the Company of -14,584 thousand yuan. Net profit slipped into loss, mainlyaffected by the rising prices of raw materials, the cost pressure of the Company and associatedcompanies increased, and the improvement effect of the Company's main business was not fullyreflected.During the reporting period, the Company adhered to the principle of innovation and took theinitiative to change. The construction of corporate culture is carried out in a pragmatic way,unified thinking, dream weaving, and several core technical personnel return. The organization isstrengthened and vigorously promoted, and the market-oriented integrated operation isimplemented through organizational restructuring and business process reengineering. Throughthe project management system, fully implement the project budget, the whole process ofoperation control, ensure profits and prevent risks. The improvement of engineering capacity andmanufacturing capacity was implemented in an orderly manner, with a significant year-on-yearincrease in orders and a significant improvement in operating cash flow. The red waterpre-cooling device was selected as "innovative products of 2021 China Refrigeration Exhibition".During the reporting period, Bingshan Engineering company, a subsidiary of the Company,optimized and strengthened its professional work department, specialized and deeply cultivated itsadvantageous market segments. It won the bid of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corpscentral kitchen project (the contract amount is about 340 million yuan), which is the largest singleproject contract in the history of the Company. It won the bid of Shanghai Star indoorcomprehensive ice and snow venue project (the contract amount is about 130 million yuan), whichis the largest ice and snow integration contract in China at present. It won the bid of ZhongweiGuolian project (the contract amount is about 120 million yuan), which is the largest contract ofapple controlled atmosphere storage undertaken by the Company in recent years. Polysiliconprojects have been awarded repeatedly, with a total contract amount of about 80 million yuan.CO2 projects broke out in a centralized way, and the influence increased rapidly.During the reporting period, Wuhan New World Refrigeration, a subsidiary of the Company,further implemented the optimization of products and solutions in combination with the nationalstrategy of "carbon peaking and carbon neutralization". Integrate capital resources, focus onstandard products and energy products with remarkable energy saving and emission reductioneffect, and comprehensive solutions such as industrial waste heat utilization, natural gasliquefaction, comprehensive utilization of natural gas pressure energy, and anti freezing of coalmine shaft. Marine screw expansion generator set was selected as "innovative product of 2021China Refrigeration Exhibition".During the reporting period, the new service platform of Bingshan Service company, a subsidiaryof the Company, was put into use, and the pace of business innovation was accelerated. Bingshan

service cloud platform 2.0 system is officially launched, which will further improve the onlineservice quality and provide customers with convenient and fast remote services and data analysis.The trusteeship and operation guarantee business of equipment room has been solidly promoted,and the layout of national service network has been continuously optimized. Equipment recycling,equipment leasing, energy management and other service extension projects were successfullyimplemented.During the reporting period, Panasonic Compressor, an associated company of the Company,grew steadily in response to changes. Market development has been steadily promoted, and themarket share of leading products has increased for two consecutive years. The research anddevelopment of 25HP high-power scroll compressor has been completed and put into the market.The CO2 rotary compressor has been successfully applied to the new generation hydrogen hybridelectric locomotive of CRRC. Deepen organizational change, set up South China Support Center,support direct sales and agents to develop the heat pump market.During the reporting period, the Company's associated company, Panasonic Cold Chain,continued to deepen its advantageous market. Master Kong's cooperation has been furtherexpanded, and the beverage freezer market has again won large orders. In response to thepersonalized demand of Meituan optimization, the first one-piece, high-capacity refrigerantstorage quick freezing equipment in China was quickly launched. Based on the good cooperationof Costco's first store in China (Shanghai store), we successfully won the bid of Costco's secondstore in China (Suzhou store).During the reporting period, the Company's associated company, Panasonic Refrigerator Systemfurther improved its engineering and manufacturing capabilities. It won the bid of BeijingYizhuang pharmaceutical cold storage project and contracted to build the first covid-19 vaccinecold storage with high quality. It won the bid for Sinopharm Wuhan covid-19 vaccine storageproject, and contracted to build the second covid-19 vaccine cold storage at a high speed. Thenewly developed 40HP high-power semi-enclosed piston compressor is officially launched, whichcan provide better service for customers.During the reporting period, Jingxue Energy Saving, an associated company of the Company,successfully obtained the approval of China Securities Regulatory Commission for registrationand was listed on the growth enterprise market of Shenzhen Stock Exchange on June 18, 2021.The future development will be assisted by the capital market.

Board of Directors of Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd.

August 24, 2021
