Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.
Semi-Annual Report 2024
August, 2024
Ⅰ. Important Notice, Table of Contents, and Definitions
The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee and the Directors, members of the SupervisoryCommittee and senior management of the Company guarantee that there are no misrepresentationsor misleading statements, or material omission in this report, and individually and collectively acceptfull responsibility for the authenticity, accuracy and integrity of the information contained in thisreport.
Huang Zuowei, the person in charge of the company, Zheng Zhengli, the person in charge ofaccounting work, and Sun Yanbin, the person in charge of the accounting organization (accountingofficer), hereby confirm that the financial report in this semi-annual report is true, accurate andcomplete.
All directors have attended the board meeting for reviewing this report.
This report involves forward-looking statements such as future plans and does not constitute asubstantial commitment of the company to investors. Investors are advised to pay attention toinvestment risks. This report is prepared in Chinese and English respectively. In the event ofdiscrepancies in the interpretation of Chinese and foreign texts, the Chinese text shall prevail.
The Company has described the existing risks and countermeasures in detail in this report, pleaserefer to the content of Section 3-10 "Risks Faced by the Company and Countermeasures". "ChinaSecurities Journal", "Securities Times", "Hong Kong Commercial Daily" and Juchao InformationNetwork ( are selected as the company's information disclosure media. Allinformation of the company is subject to the information published in the above-mentioneddesignated media. Investors are kindly requested to pay attention to investment risks.
The Company plans not to pay cash dividends, issue bonus shares, or increase capital by convertingreserves.
Table of Contents
Ⅰ. Important Notice, Table of Contents, and Definitions ..................................................................... 2
Ⅱ. Company Profile and Main Financial Index ................................................................................... 6
III. Management Discussion and Analysis .......................................................................................... 9
IV. Corporate Governance ................................................................................................................. 24
V. Environment and Social Responsibilities...................................................................................... 26
VI. Important Events .......................................................................................................................... 31
VII. Status of Share Capital Changes and Shareholders .................................................................... 65
VIII. Status of Preferred Shares ......................................................................................................... 65
IX. Status of Bonds ............................................................................................................................ 66
X. Financial Report ............................................................................................................................ 70
Reference File Directory
1. Financial statements containing the signatures and seals of legal representative, chieffinancial officer, and chief accountant;
2. The originals of all company documents and announcements publicly disclosed during thereporting period;
3. Semi-annual reports published in other securities markets.
Terms to be defined | Refers to | Content of Definition |
Bengang Bancai, the Company, the Listed Company | Refers to | Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. |
Angang Group | Refers to | Anshan Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. |
Bengang Group | Refers to | Bengang Group Co., Ltd. |
Bengang Steel Co., Bengang Co. | Refers to | Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Co., Ltd. |
SSE | Refers to | Shenzhen Stock Exchange |
Liaoning Provincial State-asset Administration | Refers to | Liaoning State-owned Asset Supervisory and Management Committee |
Bengang Posco | Refers to | Bengang Posco Cold-rolled Sheet Co., Ltd. |
Angang Finance Co. | Refers to | Ansteel Group Finance Co., Ltd. |
Angang | Refers to | Anshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. |
Vanadium Titanium | Refers to | Pangang Group Vanadium Titanium Resources Co., Ltd. |
Ⅱ. Company Profile and Main Financial Index
I. Company Information
Stock abbreviation | Bengang Bancai, Bengangban B | Stock Code | 000761、200761 |
Stock exchange for listing | Shenzhen Stock Exchange | ||
Company name in Chinese | 本钢板材股份有限公司 | ||
Abbreviation of Company name in Chinese | 本钢板材 | ||
Company name in English (If any) | BENGANG STEEL PLATES CO., LTD. | ||
Abbreviation of Company name in English (If any) | BSP | ||
Legal representative | Huang Zuowei |
II. Contact Information
Secretary of the Board | Representative of Stock Affairs | |
Name | Zheng Zhengli | Chen Liwen |
Address | No1-1 Gangtie Road, Pingshan District, Benxi City, Liaoning Province | No1-1 Gangtie Road, Pingshan District, Benxi City, Liaoning Province |
Tel | 024-47827003 | 024-47828980 |
Fax | 024-47827004 | 024-47827004 | | |
III. Other Information
1.Contact Information of the Company
Whether the registered address, office address, postal code, company website and email address have changed
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The company's registered address, office address, postal code, company website, email address, and etc. have notchanged during the reporting period. Please refer to Annual Report 2023 for details.
2. Place for information disclosure
Whether the information disclosure and place for consulting have changed
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Name of newspaper selected by the Company for information release, website appointed by CSRC for publishingsemi-annual report and lodging address of semi-annual report of the Company have not changed during the reportingperiod. Please refer to Annual Report 2023 for details
3. Other related information
Whether other related information have changed
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
IV. Summary of Accounting Data and Financial Index
Whether the Company makes retroactive adjustment or restatement of the accounting data of the previous year
□ Yes √ No
This reporting period | Same period in previous year | Increase or decrease in this reporting period over the previous year | |
Operating income | 28,364,539,286.80 | 30,567,409,205.03 | -7.21% |
Net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed company | -1,550,950,137.71 | -1,004,945,623.68 | -54.33% |
Net profit attributable to the shareholders of listed company after deducting non-recurring gain/loss | -1,621,652,605.92 | -1,007,279,338.85 | -60.99% |
Net cash flows generated by operating activities | 1,095,091,396.54 | 4,662,637,281.81 | -76.51% |
Basic earnings per share | -0.3775 | -0.2446 | -54.33% |
Diluted earnings per share | -0.3775 | -0.1558 | -142.30% |
ROE | -9.55% | -5.49% | -4.06% |
At the end of this reporting period | At the end of previous reporting period | Increase or decrease at the end of this reporting period over the previous year | |
Total assets | 45,631,488,543.54 | 46,181,979,851.06 | -1.19% |
Net assets attributable to shareholders of the listed company | 15,462,920,341.56 | 17,009,969,496.07 | -9.09% |
V. Differences between Domestic and Foreign Accounting Standards
1. Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under IFRS and Chineseaccounting standards.
□Applicable √ Not applicable
There is no differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under IFRS and Chineseaccounting standards during the reporting period.
2. Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under overseas and Chineseaccounting standards.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There is no differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under overseas andChinese accounting standards during the reporting period.VI. Items and Amount of Non-recurring Gains and Losses
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Unit: yuan
Items | Amount | Notes |
Profit or loss from disposal of non-current assets (including the write-off part for which assets impairment provision is made) | -13,712,227.48 | |
Details of government subsidies recorded into current profits and loss(except such government subsidy closely related to the company’s normal business operation,,meeting the regulation of national policy and enjoyed constantly in certain quota or quantity according to a certain standard) | 84,071,493.95 | |
Other non-operating revenue and expenditure other than above items | 5,115,874.05 | |
Less: Impact of income tax | 4,003,960.33 | |
Impact of non-controlling interests (after tax) | 768,711.98 | |
Total | 70,702,468.21 | -- |
Details of other profit and loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring profit and loss:
□ Applicable√ Not applicable
Explanation for defining non-recurring gains and losses items according to the "Public Offering of Securities InformationDisclosure Explanatory Notice No. 1 – Non-Recurring Gains and Losses", and reasons for defining non-recurring gainsand losses items listed in the document as recurring items.
□ Applicable√ Not applicable
There exists no situation of defining non-recurring gains and losses items listed in the document as recurring items.
III. Management Discussion and Analysis
I. The Company's main business during the reporting period
1. Industry development
In the first half of 2024, the domestic steel industry still presents a "three highs and three lows" pattern of "high output,high cost, high inventory, low demand, low price, and low efficiency", and the overall market is in the bottoming stage.Orders and demand are weak, supply is stronger than demand, and the price of raw materials and fuels is running at ahigh level. The actual downward shift of the cost center of gravity is smaller than the downward shift of steel prices. Theoverall steel price is weak, and the overall steel market is in a contradiction between strong expectations and weak reality.
2. Main business, main products and their uses
During the reporting period, the company’s main businesses include iron and steel smelting, rolling processing, powergeneration, coal chemical industry, special steel profiles, railways, import and export trade, scientific research, productsales, etc. Basically built a high-quality steel base, formed more than 60 varieties, more than 7,500 specifications ofproduct series, the proportion of high value-added and high-tech products reached more than 80%, automotive surfacepanels, home appliance panels, petroleum pipeline steel, container panels Leading products such as, shipboard, etc. arewidely used in the fields of automobiles, home appliances, petrochemicals, aerospace, machinery manufacturing, energyand transportation, building decoration and metal products, and are exported to more than 60 countries and regions.During the reporting period, the company's main business did not undergo major changes.
3. Business model
Procurement model: The company's procurement model includes domestic procurement and foreign procurement.Domestic material procurement is carried out through centralized procurement, unified bidding, price comparison, andnegotiation. The procurement of foreign materials is carried out through long-term cooperative procurement, directprocurement, open and invited bidding, price inquiry, price competition, negotiation and procurement, and is mainlyrepresented by Benxi Iron and Steel International Trade Corporation.Sales model: The company’s sales are divided into domestic sales and foreign sales. Domestic sales mainly adopt thedirect sales model. Large customers are sold directly by the company, and other small and medium customers are soldthrough various regional sales subsidiaries. The strong marketing network accumulated in international trade is exportedby its agency company, and the agency fee of Benxi Iron and Steel International Trade Co., Ltd. is paid.
4. Main performance drivers
During the reporting period, Bengang Plate closely followed the work deployment of Angang Group to "focus on fivekey points and promote three new breakthroughs", fully implemented the overall work requirements of Bengang "onestability, two controls, three improvements, and create five new situations", maintained the strategic focus on automotivesteel, insisted on accelerating breakthroughs in risk prevention and control, structural adjustment, systematic costreduction, efficiency improvement, and people's livelihood, highlighted the key breakthroughs in lean management,deepening reform, scientific and technological innovation, and digital plates, and took extreme efficiency improvementas the key to deepen "accounting management", strengthen production and sales coordination, and strive to promotetransformation and upgrading.The company's main operating indicators were achieved: pig iron output was 5.3473 million tons, an increase of 318thousand tons year-on-year; crude steel output was 5.7217 million tons, an increase of 52.9 thousand tons year-on-year;steel output was 8.5029 million tons, an increase of 365,900 tons year-on-year. Looking back on the work in the first halfof the year, it is mainly reflected in the following aspects:
(1) With the "Automobile Steel Strategy" in place, the sales of automotive steel hit a record high. Adhere to theefficiency-centered approach, strengthen the strategic focus of automotive steel in leading development, strengthenthe chain, supplement the chain, extend the chain, and actively cultivate a robust industrial chain ecosystem. Thesales of automotive steel reached 1.38 million tons, an increase of 115.1 thousand tons year-on-year, a year-on-yearincrease of 9.09%; the sales of OEMs reached 176.7 thousand tons, an increase of 91.6 thousand tons year-on-year,a year-on-year increase of 107.64%, a record high; the sales of automotive outer panels reached 71 thousand tons, ayear-on-year increase of 146%. Actively carry out OEM certification, pass 19 users and 44 brand certifications, andare carrying out BMW certification.
(2) We strive for "extreme efficiency" and make operations more efficient. We insist on being user-centric, adjusting theproduct structure as the core, focusing on "production with orders and marginal output", strengthening productionand sales coordination, improving the cold-hot ratio and cold-plating ratio, promoting the cold rolling efficiency andthe utilization rate of new production lines, optimizing the adjustment index, and fully promoting efficientdevelopment. The production end broke the monthly production record 11 times, and the capacity utilization rate ofhigh-efficiency galvanizing lines increased significantly. Among them, the 5# galvanizing line reached 110.4%, anincrease of 4.85% over the previous year, and the 3# galvanizing line reached 113.7%, an increase of 4.63% over theprevious year. The delivery rate of automobile OEMs has been 100% for four consecutive months.
(3) The company made efforts to "create A level in environmental protection and extreme energy efficiency" and make
the green background more distinct. The company will accelerate the ultra-low emission transformation, continue tocarry out the construction of garden-style factories, and actively plan energy structure changes and processoptimization and innovation. The company will promote the implementation of 65 ultra-low emission transformationprojects, all of which are planned to be completed and put into production by the end of the year; the comprehensiveenergy consumption per ton of steel is 564.67kgce/t, reaching the advanced level of the industry; the company hassuccessfully pioneered the low-carbon "semi-steel" process path, and automotive steel products can achieve acomprehensive carbon reduction of more than 30% compared with the long process.
(4) Focusing on "digital empowerment and technological innovation", the driving force for development continues toincrease. Plan the benchmark demonstration of the 5# galvanizing line and the 2300 line dark factory, increase modelcooperation and research and development, plan the construction of digital projects, and it is expected that the digitalprojects will create 17.14 million yuan in benefits throughout the year, and the 3D job replacement rate will increaseto 67%. Adhere to the dominant position of scientific and technological innovation, create original leadingtechnologies and products, and accelerate the development of a series of products such as 2GPa hot-formed steel newcoating products, cold-rolled complex phase steel, and electro-galvanized deep stamping steel; carry out 4 ton levelnew product projects and 3 main product cost reduction projects of 1%. It is expected that the new products willachieve a revenue of 2.821 billion yuan and a technological innovation of 0.25 billion yuan throughout the year.
(5) The company will make efforts to "market-oriented reform and lean management" to effectively enhance the vitality
of development. The company will further promote the reform of the three systems, promote the long-term market-oriented exit mechanism for employees, promote the competitive employment, the adjustment of the last-ranked andthe exit system for incompetent managers; further promote the integration of institutions and the optimization ofresponsibilities; improve the classification assessment mechanism, expand the "four-to" concept, strengthen the jobperformance management of all employees, and improve the performance assessment mechanism. The company willadhere to "benchmarking + lean", focus on the combination of lean operation and centralized and consistentmanagement, and the integration of lean site and five systems, and promote the integration of lean management intothe whole process and chain of production and operation management.
(6) Adhere to the bottom line thinking and strictly observe the red line of safety and environmental protection. Carry out"four no's and two direct" safety inspections on a regular basis; strengthen the safety supervision of relevant parties,strictly control the "five checkpoints", and implement the "four unifications". Strengthen environmental protectionmanagement, increase the intensity of environmental protection assessment, and strictly implement the "threesimultaneous" requirements.
II. Analysis on Core Competitiveness
The company adheres to the innovation-driven and "quality plus service" development model, with the strategic goal ofbuilding an internationally competitive high-quality plate base, a domestic first-class special steel base and acomprehensive service provider, and exerts a strategic leading role, focusing on improving quality and efficiency, In termsof product upgrades, technological innovation, green and intelligent manufacturing, we will innovate management ideas,enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises, and promote the realization of high-quality, green and intelligentdevelopment of enterprises.
1. Manufacturing capacity. Adhere to the efficiency-centered approach, firmly establish the strategic determination ofautomotive steel to lead development, strengthen the chain, supplement the chain, extend the chain, and activelycultivate a stable industrial chain ecosystem. With the increase of key products represented by automotive steel asthe main line, strengthen the application of profit analysis system results, optimize resource allocation, increase thedevelopment and promotion of cold-rolled wide-width automotive plates, electro-galvanized automotive outer plates,and high-level pickled automotive plates, create new "core brand" efficiency, and continuously improve theproportion of high value-added products and differentiated profitability. The steelmaking process is mainly based onstable operation, achieving both cost reduction and quality improvement. The key technical and economic indicatorsof electric furnaces have reached the international leading level; the steel rolling process, while ensuring stable quality,improves the unit operation rate and machine hour output, and strives to improve the efficiency of the productionline. With the ultimate cost reduction and carbon reduction ideas, the company optimizes the process to organize low-carbon and emission-reducing automotive steel production, and achieves domestic leading levels.
2. Equipment transformation and upgrading. In 2024, the company issued a fixed asset investment plan of 1.945 billionyuan. A new round of large-scale technical transformation and ultra-low emission transformation represented by keyprojects such as the transformation project of the main body of the first cold rolling mill of the cold rolling mill, thedust removal transformation of the refining area of the plate steelmaking plant, the dust removal transformation ofthe continuous casting and finishing areas of the plate steelmaking plant, the environmental governance of the firstand second mixing systems of the sintering machine of the plate ironmaking plant, the transformation of the finishingdust removal system of the plate 2300 production line, the dust removal project of the finishing mill of the platespecial steel hot rolling bar line, and the transformation of the coking wastewater of the plate ironmaking plant havebeen implemented. At present, the transformation project of the main body of the first cold rolling mill of the coldrolling mill of the cold rolling mill has been put into operation.
3. New product development capabilities. The company has successfully developed 42 new product grades, all of whichhave been sold on the market. In response to the national new energy development strategy, the company has fullyutilized the advantages of "sales, research and production" integration and successfully developed 700MPa high-strength photovoltaic bracket steel GF700, which has extremely high pressure resistance and wind resistance whilemeeting the requirements of photovoltaic bracket forming and production. The company has explored emergingmarkets and developed 500MPa grade pile pipe steel HK490, achieving the first stable supply of hot-rolled productsexported to the Japanese market by Bengang. Aiming at the international market, we have developed and exportedmolycop grinding ball steel S650A, using large square billet continuous casting and terminal reduction processes toimprove density and reduce carbon segregation. The company has completed the first batch of 400 tons of productionunder the contract, and all indicators are qualified.
4. Technological innovation ability. In order to strengthen the cooperation between schools and enterprises, the companyhas signed 8 foreign technical cooperation projects with Dalian University of Technology, Northeastern Universityand others to promote the transplantation of mature scientific and technological achievements of universities andinstitutes to enterprises. In terms of standards, the company participated in the revision of 1 international standard,presided over the revision of 2 national standards, and drafted 30 enterprise standards. In terms of intellectual propertyrights, the company has accepted 81 patents, including 30 inventions and 6 overseas patents; 38 patents have beenauthorized, including 11 invention patents. In terms of scientific and technological achievements, the companyparticipated in the project "Development and Application of Key Common Technologies for Electromagnetic Controlof Large Metal Billets Preparation" and won the second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award,"Development and Application of High-Performance and Low-Cost Cold-Rolled Galvanized Dual-Phase Steel SeriesProducts" won the second prize of Metallurgical Science and Technology Progress, and "Car Body Lightweight HotStamping Steel Series Products" won the third prize of Liaoning State-Owned Enterprises "Spark" Innovation andCreativity Competition.
5. Green development capability. In accordance with the strict policy requirements of the country and Liaoning Provincefor the steel industry and local ultra-low emissions, the company strives to achieve ultra-low emissions by the end of2025 and build the company into an "ecological steel plant" that is deeply integrated and harmonious with urbandevelopment. In 2024, the company's ultra-low emission projects have made significant progress, with a total of 73key projects implemented. In terms of transportation, the company has completely phased out the original transportvehicles below the National 3 emission standards and successfully replaced them with new energy trams or vehiclesthat meet the National 5 and above emission standards, laying a solid foundation for building a green logistics system.In terms of green steel market development, the company successfully carried out semi-steel experiments andsuccessfully opened up the process path to expand the green steel product line and enhance market competitiveness.At the same time, the company has established an LCA (life cycle assessment) carbon data platform to fully preparefor future EPD (environmental product declaration) certification work, demonstrating the company's leading positionand forward-looking vision in the field of green manufacturing.
6. Intelligent manufacturing capabilities. In 2024, the company will focus on promoting the construction of smartfactories in the cold rolling three-cold area and hot rolling 2300 smart factories. Focusing on the core developmentstrategy of plate automotive steel, the company will promote digital transformation. Through school-enterprisecooperation, the company will upgrade the intelligent model of the main production line. According to the 14th Five-Year Plan, the completion rate of the four-in-one transformation of the main production line will increase by 9%, thereplacement rate of 3D positions will increase by 11%, the centralization rate of the operation room will increase by9%, and the automation rate of the production line will increase by 5%.III. Analysis on Main BusinessPlease refer to the relevant content of "I. Main Business Engaged in the Reporting Period".Year-on-year changes in major financial data.
Unit: Yuan
Current Period | Previous Period | Change | Reason | |
Operating income | 28,364,539,286.80 | 30,567,409,205.03 | -7.21% | |
Operating cost | 29,177,241,820.27 | 30,714,640,963.91 | -5.01% | |
Selling and distribution expenses | 78,868,443.13 | 69,901,883.24 | 12.83% | |
General and administrative expenses | 351,694,254.72 | 339,569,021.49 | 3.57% | |
Financial expenses | 135,182,892.48 | 161,557,765.87 | -16.33% | |
Income tax expenses | 34,100,570.67 | 33,191,710.84 | 2.74% | |
Research and development investment | 970,755,841.00 | 969,879,939.00 | 0.09% | |
Net cash flows from operating activities | 1,095,091,396.54 | 4,662,637,281.81 | -76.51% | Due to increase in cash payments |
Net cash flows from investing activities | -508,521,987.15 | -893,054,682.05 | -43.06% | Due to the decrease of expenditure on asset purchase and construction |
Net cash flows from financing activities | -611,953,198.81 | -1,961,254,120.62 | -68.80% | Due to increase of new borrowings |
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents | -2,505,569.00 | 1,838,873,251.94 | -100.14% | Due to increase in cash payments |
Significant changes in the company's profit composition or source of profit during the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no major change in the company's profit composition or source of profit during the reporting period.Operating income composition
Unit: Yuan
Current period | Previous period | Change over previous period | |||
Amount | Proportion | Amount | Proportion | ||
Total operating income | 28,364,539,286.80 | 100% | 30,567,409,205.03 | 100% | -7.21% |
By industries | |||||
Industry | 28,364,539,286.80 | 100.00% | 30,567,409,205.03 | 100.00% | -7.21% |
By products | |||||
Steel plate | 27,720,971,567.89 | 97.73% | 29,094,813,444.07 | 95.18% | -4.72% |
Others | 643,567,718.91 | 2.27% | 1,472,595,760.96 | 4.82% | -56.30% |
By region | |||||
Domestic | 23,404,921,383.53 | 82.51% | 27,000,481,311.59 | 88.33% | -13.32% |
Abroad | 4,959,617,903.27 | 17.49% | 3,566,927,893.44 | 11.67% | 39.04% |
Industry, Product and Regions Accounting for the Company’s Operating Income or Profit over 10%
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Unit: Yuan
Operating income | Operating costs | Gross margin | Operating income change over last year | Operating costs change over last year | Gross margin change over last year | |
By industries | ||||||
Industry | 28,364,539,286.80 | 29,177,241,820.27 | -2.87% | -7.21% | -4.93% | -2.46% |
By products | ||||||
Steel plate | 27,720,971,567.89 | 28,521,627,207.05 | -2.89% | -4.72% | -2.50% | -2.35% |
Others | 643,567,718.91 | 655,614,613.22 | -1.87% | -56.30% | -55.14% | -2.62% |
By regions | ||||||
Domestic | 23,404,921,383.53 | 24,171,627,813.37 | -3.28% | -13.32% | -10.93% | -2.78% |
Abroad | 4,959,617,903.27 | 5,005,614,006.90 | -0.93% | 39.04% | 39.89% | -0.61% |
When the statistical caliber of the company's main business data is adjusted during the reporting period, the company'smain business data adjusted according to the caliber at the end of the reporting period in the most recent period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
IV. Analysis of Non-core Business
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Unit: Yuan
Amount | Proportion in total profit | Explanation of cause | Sustainable (yes or no) | |
Income on investment | -31,605,308.28 | 2.15% | Due to bank bill discount | No |
Assets disposal gains | -14,313,228.28 | 0.97% | Due to impairment of inventory | No |
Non-operating income | 8,976,877.17 | -0.61% | Due to the gain from scarp of non-current assets | No |
Non-operating expenses | 27,576,186.51 | -1.87% | Due to scrap of assets | No |
V. Assets and Liabilities
1. Significant Change of Assets Components
Unit: Yuan
At the end of this reporting period | At the end of the Same period in previous year | Proportion change | Notes to significant changes | |||
Amount | Proportion in the total assets | Amount | Proportion in the total assets | |||
Cash at bank and on hand | 1,992,324,226.63 | 4.37% | 2,194,654,161.34 | 4.75% | -0.38% | |
Accounts receivable | 1,327,038,676.85 | 2.91% | 1,328,532,598.47 | 2.88% | 0.03% | |
Inventories | 7,854,274,573.95 | 17.21% | 7,708,372,894.81 | 16.69% | 0.52% | |
Long-term equity investments | 46,910,346.41 | 0.10% | 46,910,346.41 | 0.10% | 0.00% | |
Fixed assets | 24,878,573,917.57 | 54.52% | 25,028,192,964.67 | 54.19% | 0.33% | |
Construction in progress | 4,156,908,135.68 | 9.11% | 4,308,404,147.31 | 9.33% | -0.22% | |
Right-of-use assets | 1,566,663,478.21 | 3.43% | 1,319,616,179.37 | 2.86% | 0.57% | |
Short-term loans | 495,730,592.00 | 1.09% | 328,000,000.00 | 0.71% | 0.38% | |
Contract liabilities | 2,925,386,458.14 | 6.41% | 3,303,108,592.38 | 7.15% | -0.74% | |
Long-term loans | 2,319,589,918.00 | 5.08% | 1,723,726,700.80 | 3.73% | 1.35% | |
Lease liabilities | 1,578,684,995.29 | 3.46% | 1,342,427,252.45 | 2.91% | 0.55% |
2. Main overseas assets
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
3. Assets and liabilities measured at fair value
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Unit: yuan
Item | Beginning balance | Profit and loss from changes in fair value in the current period | Accumulated fair value changes recognized in equity | Impairment accrued in the current period | Purchase amount during the current period | Sales amount during the current period | Other changes | Ending balance |
Financial assets | ||||||||
4.Other equity instrument investments | 974,463,039.83 | -81,576,482.17 | 974,463,039.83 | |||||
Subtotal of financial assets | 974,463,039.83 | -81,576,482.17 | 974,463,039.83 | |||||
Total | 974,463,039.83 | -81,576,482.17 | 974,463,039.83 | |||||
Financial liabilities | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Other changes
Whether there are significant changes in the measurement attributes of the company's main assets during the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
4. Restricted Assets by the End of the Period
Items | 30 Jun, 2024 | |||
Gross carrying amount | Book value | Reason of restriction | Situation | |
Cash at bank and on hand | 810,054,824.11 | 810,054,824.11 | Deposit for notes and L/C | |
Notes receivables | 383,067,330.50 | 383,067,330.50 | Pledged | |
Total | 1,193,122,154.61 | 1,193,122,154.61 |
VI. Analysis of investment status
1. Overall situation
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
2. Major equity investments obtained during the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
3. Significant non-equity investment in progress during the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
4. Financial asset investment
(1) Securities investment
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no securities investment in the company during the reporting period.
(2) Investment in derivatives
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no derivative investment in the company during the reporting period.
5. Use of Raised Funds
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
(1) Use of Raised Funds
√Applicable □ Not applicable
Unit: 10 thousand yuan
Year | Way of raising funds | Total amount of raised funds | Net value of raised funds | Used amount of raised fund this year | The total used amount of funds raised | The total amount of funds raised for change of purpose during the reporting period | Cumulative total amount of funds raised for change of purpose | Cumulative proportion of total raised funds for changes of purposes | The total amount of funds raised not used | The purpose and destination of the raised funds not yet used | Amount of funds raised after being idle for more than two years |
2020 | Issue of convertible bonds | 680,000 | 675,920 | 556.29 | 476,787.84 | 199,132.16 | Deposit | 101,479 | |||
Total | -- | 680,000 | 675,920 | 556.29 | 476,787.84 | 0 | 0 | 0.00% | 199,132.16 | -- | 101,479 |
Description of the overall use of raised funds |
Temporarily Supplement Working Capital".As of June 30, 2024, the company used idle funds raised from the public issuance of convertible corporate bonds to temporarily supplement thebalance of RMB1,961,200,000.00 in working capital.
(5) Cash management using idle raised funds
The company does not use idle raised funds for cash management.
(6) Use of surplus raised funds
The company does not use the surplus funds from the raised funds investment projects for other raised funds investment projects or non-raisedfunds investment projects.
(7) Utilization of excess funds
The company does not have any situation of over-using raised funds.
(8) Purpose and destination of unused raised funds
As of June 30, 2024, except for the advance investment and replacement of investment projects with raised funds and the temporary supplementof working capital with idle raised funds as described in “(III) Advance investment and replacement of investment projects with raised funds”and “(IV) Temporary supplement of working capital with idle raised funds”, the remaining raised funds will be temporarily deposited in thespecial account for raised funds.
(9) Other uses of raised funds
The company does not have any other use of raised funds.
(2) Fundraising commitments
√Applicable □ Not applicable
Unit: 10 thousand yuan
Committed investment projects and over-raised funds | Whether the project has been changed (including partial changes) | Raised funds promised total investment | Total amount of investment after adjustment (1) | Amount invested during the reporting period | Accumulated investment amount as of the end of the period (2) | Investment progress as of the end of the period (3)=(2)/(1) | Date of the project reaches the expected usable status | Benefits achieved during the reporting period | Whether the expected benefits are achieved | Whether the project feasibility has changed significantly |
Committed invested projects | ||||||||||
High grade, high magnetic induction non-oriented silicon steel project | No | 101,620 | 101,620 | 0 | 141 | 0.14% | Not applicable | No | ||
Steelmaking Plant No. 8 Casting Machine Project | No | 33,500 | 33,500 | 443.9 | 20,132.3 | 60.10% | 31.10.2020 | -28,201.2 | No | No |
Capacity Replacement Project of No. 5 Blast Furnace in Ironmaking Plant | No | 96,000 | 96,000 | 15.66 | 80,182.6 | 83.52% | 30.11.2020 | -21,501.16 | No | No |
Special Steel Electric Furnace Upgrade Project | No | 141,600 | 141,600 | 0 | 123,025.3 | 86.88% | Not applicable | No | ||
CCPP power generation project | No | 83,300 | 83,300 | 38.29 | 42,873.11 | 51.47% | 31.12.2022 | 14,370.15 | Yes | No |
Steelmaking plant No. 4-6 converter environmental protection renovation project | No | 19,900 | 19,900 | 58.44 | 10,433.53 | 52.43% | 31.12.2020 | Not applicable | No | |
Repayment of bank loans | No | 200,000 | 200,000 | 0 | 200,000 | 100.00% | Not applicable | No | ||
Subtotal | -- | 675,920 | 675,920 | 556.29 | 476,787.84 | -- | -- | -35,332.21 | -- | -- |
Over-raised funds | ||||||||||
Not applicable | ||||||||||
Total | -- | 675,920 | 675,920 | 556.29 | 476,787.84 | -- | -- | -35,332.21 | -- | -- |
Situation and cause of failure to meet planned progress or projected earnings (disclosed by project) (Reasons for selecting “Not applicable” for “whether the expected benefits have been achieved”) | High-grade, high-magnetic-induction non-oriented silicon steel engineering projects are greatly affected by market factors. The company adjust our development strategies and continuously track market changes. | |||||||||
Description of major changes in project feasibility | None. | |||||||||
Amount, use and progress of usage of over-raised funds | Not applicable | |||||||||
Change in the implementation location of the raised funds investment project | Not applicable | |||||||||
Adjustment of implementation methods of fund-raising investment projects | Not applicable | |||||||||
The initial investment and replacement of the fundraising investment project | Applicable | |||||||||
Refer to the Contents in Special Report III 3 | ||||||||||
Temporary replenishment of working capital with idle raised funds | Applicable | |||||||||
Refer to the Contents in Special Report III 4 | ||||||||||
The amount and reason for the rest of raised fund in the project implementation | Not applicable | |||||||||
Use and destination of raised funds that have not been used | Unused raised funds are deposited in the special account for raised funds. | |||||||||
Problems or other | None. |
situations in the useand disclosure of raisedfunds
(3) The situation for raised funds change project
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
During the reporting period, the company did not have any changes in the fundraising project.
VII. Significant Assets and Equity Sold in Reporting Period
1. Significant Assets Sold
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
2. Substantial Equity Sold
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
VIII. Analysis on Main Subsidiaries and Share Participating Companies
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Main subsidiaries and the joint-stock companies influencing over 10% net profit of the Company
Unit: Yuan
Company Name | Company type | Main business | Registered capital | Total assets | Net assets | Turnover | Operating profit | Net Profit |
Bengang Puxiang Cool Rolling Steel Sheet Co., Ltd. | Subsidiary | Processing and sales of steel | 1,920,000,00 | 5,495,628,297.35 | 2,482,555,227.53 | 4,625,594,944.57 | 208,259,632.58 | 175,927,445.95 |
Acquirement and disposal of subsidiaries during the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Illustration of main joint-stock companiesIX. Structured Entities controlled by the Company
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
X. Risks and countermeasures for the Company
1. Environmental protection risks
Under the constraints of the national "carbon peak" and "carbon neutrality" goals, environmental protection departmentshave increased their supervision of pollution control in the steel industry. Steel companies' environmental protectioninvestment and operating costs have increased, and the environmental challenges they face have increased.Response measures: First, establish and improve a green, low-carbon and circular production and operation system, thatis, through energy-saving and environmental protection equipment upgrades and the promotion and application of
advanced technologies, further improve resource and energy utilization efficiency, promote ultra-low emissiontransformation and comprehensive pollutant control, and continuously reduce carbon emission intensity; second, activelycarry out product ecological design and life cycle evaluation to create green and low-carbon products; third, strengthenthe operation and maintenance and standardized operation control of existing environmental protection equipment andfacilities, and focus on strengthening the monitoring of air pollution sources; fourth, strengthen the control of raw fuelprocurement quality to achieve emission reduction at the source.
2. Market risks
In 2024, the domestic economic recovery has not progressed as expected, there is still uncertainty in the growth ofdownstream demand, and the risk of overcapacity caused by the continued growth in supply still exists. The steel industryis in a period of transition from incremental development to stock optimization. It will continue to face the challenge ofsupply and demand imbalance at present and for a long time in the future, and market competition will become moreintense.Response measures: Deepen "predictive" operations, strengthen market analysis and judgment, accurately control themarket rhythm, and dynamically adjust marketing strategies; increase market development efforts, strengthen regionalmarket collaboration, deepen strategic long-term cooperation, and optimize resource flow allocation; continue to optimizeproduct structure, continuously increase the proportion of unique, leading, and key products, steadily improve productquality, and minimize costs; deeply cultivate the terminal market, effectively improve customer precision services andsatisfaction levels, and continuously enhance product market competitiveness.
3. The risk of raw material price and supply
The global iron ore supply monopoly is unlikely to change in the short term. Iron ore is highly dependent on foreigncountries, coking coal and other resources are scarce, and the independent controllable capacity of the steel industry chainsupply chain is relatively weak; geopolitical conflicts are intensifying, supply chain security is fragile, and the risk of safesupply is increasing. The financial attributes of ore, coal and coke black resources are enhanced, and domestic and foreignhot money speculation is frequent; energy-saving and emission reduction policies continue to deepen, upstream coal andcoke enterprises have limited production capacity, and various internal and external factors have led to frequentfluctuations in raw material prices, and enterprises are under great pressure to reduce costs and increase efficiency.Response measures: Strengthen the analysis and judgment of raw material supply and market demand, build a rawmaterial procurement model, scientifically control procurement opportunities, and adjust procurement strategies in atimely manner; strengthen strategic cooperation in raw material supply, consolidate and expand domestic raw materialprocurement channels, deeply aggregate raw material resources, accelerate the formation of domestic and foreign supplychain security structures, and enhance the price advantages of scale procurement; optimize the production charge structure,adjust the raw material procurement structure, strengthen benchmarking and potential tapping, optimize the coal and oreblending structure, further reduce production costs, reasonably control raw material inventories, effectively reduce theadverse effects of raw material price fluctuations, and minimize raw material costs.
XI. Implementation of the "Dual Improvement of Quality and Return" Action Plan
Whether the company has disclosed the announcement of the "double improvement of quality and return" action plan
□ Yes √ No
IV. Corporate Governance
I. Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and Temporary General Meeting of Shareholdersheld during the Reporting Period
1. General meeting of shareholders during the reporting period
Meeting session | Meeting type | Investors’ participation ratio | Date of convening | Date of disclosure | Disclosure index |
The annual general meeting of 2023 | Annual general meeting | 77.10% | 23 May 2024 | 24 May 2024 | Announcement of Resolutions of 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders |
2. Temporary general meeting Request by preferred stockholders whose voting rights restore
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
II. Change of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives
√Applicable □ Not applicable
Name | Position | Type of change | Date | Reason |
Jiang Zhenyu | Employee Supervisor | Resignation | 22 Mar 2024 | Voluntary resignation |
Mao Xiuru | Employee Supervisor | Elected | 22 Mar 2024 | Elected |
Liu Yansong | Deputy General Manager | Dismissal | 1 Apr 2024 | Job Change |
III. Profit Distribution or Capital Reserve Conversion Proposal in the Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The company plans not to distribute cash dividends, issue bonus shares, or increase capital from the accumulation fundin the first half of the year.
IV. Implementation of the company’s equity incentive plan, employee stock ownership plan orother employee incentive measures
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
During the reporting period, the company had no equity incentive plan, employee stock ownership plan or otheremployee incentive measures and their implementation.
V. Environment and Social Responsibilities
I. Major environmental issues
Whether the listed company and its subsidiaries belong to the key pollutant discharge units announced by theenvironmental protection department
√ Yes □ No
Policies and industrial standards in environmental protection
Implement the Environmental Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China, Environmental Impact Assessment Law of thePeople’s Republic of China,Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People’s Republic of China,Atmospheric PollutionPrevention and Control Law of the People’s Republic of China, Soil Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People’s Republicof China,Law of the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste and otherrelated ecological environment policy, Water Pollutant emission Standard for Iron and Steel Industry (GB13456-2012), PollutantDismission Standard for Coking Chemical Industry (GB 16171-2012), Air Pollutant emission Standard for Sintering and SinteringPellets in Iron and Steel Industry (GB28662-2012), Air Pollutant emission Standard for Iron-making Industry (GB28663-2012), AirPollutant Emission Standard for Steel Rolling Industry (GB28665-2012), Air Pollutant Emission Standard for Thermal Power Plants(GB13223-2011) and other related industry standards.Environmental permitsThe company involves 12 pollutant discharge units, 10 of which are key pollutant discharge units. They obtained the license for thefirst time in December 2018, and in December 2021, they applied for an extension to December 2026 according to the licensemanagement requirements. In 2022, two units had their change application extended to December 2027, and in 2023, one unit had itschange application extended to February 2028. Two units are subject to registration management, and they obtained the fixed pollutionsource pollution discharge registration receipt in March 2020, which is valid until 2025; in 2024, two units re-applied and wereapproved, and the validity period is until February 2029 and April 2029 respectively. All units strictly implement the environmentalprotection facilities to meet the standards and operate stably, strictly control the emission of pollutants, and the plate companydischarges pollutants within the scope of the license every year. All units submit quarterly implementation reports and annual reportsonline as required.Specific details of industry discharge standards and the discharges of pollutants involved in production and operational activities
Name | Type of Main pollutants and specific pollutants | Main pollutants and specific pollutants | Discharge modes | The number of discharge hatch | The distribution of discharge hatch | Emission concentration | The emission standard | Total emission | Approved total emission | Surpass the emission standard |
Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. | Waste water pollutants | COD | Continuous | 1 | Energy general plant sewage treatment plant | 14 | 50 | 23.2 Tons | The total quantity is not confirmed by the government | None |
Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. | Waste water pollutants | Ammonia nitrogen | Continuous | 1 | Energy general plant sewage treatment plant | 0.31 | 8 | 0.9 Tons | The total quantity is not confirmed by the government | None |
Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. | Waste gas pollutants | Particulate Matter | Continuous and intermittent | 191 | Raw material dumper, transfer station, ore | Raw materials 12-15; | Raw materials 25; | 406 tons of Smoke and | The total quantity is not | None |
receiving trough, pre-batch; iron-making tapping yard, furnace top, fuel, solvent, whole grain, ore coke trough, sintering machine head dust removal, machine tail dust removal; steelmaking molten steel pretreatment, north-south backflow station, tundish, primary dust removal, secondary dust removal, refining dust removal; special steel electric furnace, refining furnace; coking coal adding, coke pushing, dry quenching, chimney desulfurization and denitrification; power generation boiler dust removal, desulfurization and denitrification; cold rolling acid regeneration, pickling, straightening, welding machine, leveling, annealing, roasting; hot rolling heating furnace. | sintering 1.36-28; ironmaking 0.76-8; steelmaking 0.6-10; special steel 0.7-10; coking 0.7-7; power generation 0.2-7; cold rolling 6-18; hot rolling 2-6. | sintering 50-30; ironmaking 25; steelmaking 20-50; special steel 20; coking 10-50; power generation 10-30; cold rolling 20; hot rolling 20-30. | dust; 5240 tons of dust | confirmed by the government | ||||||
Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. | Waste gas pollutants | Sulfur dioxide | Continuous and intermittent | 65 | Sintering machine head; coke oven chimney; power boiler desulfurization; cold rolling roasting and annealing; hot rolling heating furnace. | Sintering machine head 13-40; coke oven chimney 7-17; power generation 2-21; cold rolling 11-25; hot | Sintering machine head 200; coke oven 50-100; power generation 100-200; cold rolling 100; hot rolling 150 | 1263 tons | The total quantity is not confirmed by the government | None |
rolling 3-44. | ||||||||||
Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. | Waste gas pollutants | Nitrogen oxides | Continuous and intermittent | 58 | Sintering machine head; coking chimney; power generation boiler; cold rolling roasting; annealing; hot rolling heating furnace. | Sintering machine head 25-77; coking chimney 77-177; power generation 20-60; cold rolling 84-94; hot rolling 10-100. | Sintering head 300; coking chimney 150-500; power generation 100-200; cold rolling 200; hot rolling 300. | 3546 tons | The total quantity is not confirmed by the government | None |
Pollutants treatmentIn 2024 company as a whole enterprise development and environmental protection, invest 1.84 billion yuan comprehensively promoteultra-low emissions transformation work, the source reduction, process control, terminal control of combining technology, isimplementing the original plate iron factory in dust removal system transformation, plate steel mills, steelmaking area dust removaltransformation, sintering head electric transformation, plate hot rolling mill production line heat treatment transformation, plateresources service branch scrap yard transformation 65 ultra-low emissions transformation project, the project can be put into operationat the end of 2024. Vigorously promote the plate company clean transportation work. More than 1,000 materials were managed undervehicle emission standards, 3,320 national VI vehicles and 60 electric heavy trucks were introduced, old vehicles and non-road mobilemachinery that did not meet ultra-low requirements were phased out, and facilities such as power changing stations, charging piles,hydrogenation stations and other facilities were laid out on the main transportation routes to broaden the application scenarios of newenergy vehicle services. Build and complete the corresponding transformation of the property holding, metering and other relatedsystems. So far, involving the bulk materials and products the six and above vehicle controls are under control state, according to therequirements required for clean transportation function has all realize stable operation, the factory transport vehicles and the roadmobile machinery are meet the requirements of ultra-low emissions of clean transportation public, clean transportation + electric cardratio increased from 68% to 81.75% (including: clean transportation 77.07%), reached the plank company ultra-low emissions cleantransportation. The plate company carries out the whole process and the whole process of ultra-low emission transformation oforganized emission, unorganized emission and clean transportation, which can realize the emission concentration of air pollutants tomeet the requirements of ultra-low emission standards, and the environmental protection control ability of the enterprise has beensignificantly improved.Environmental-related emergency response plansCompany and its subsidiary in strict accordance with the Emergency Response Law of the People's Republic of China, about theprinting <Enterprise Environmental Emergency Risk Assessment Guide (trial) notice, the enterprise environmental emergency planfor the record management measures (try out)" and other current laws and regulations to carry out environmental emergencymanagement, complete emergency environmental emergency plan revision, to carry out risk assessment and emergency resourcesinvestigation, has according to the city bureau management assessment, for the record. At the same time, each unit of the plate companyshall formulate the 2024 drill plan according to the pre-plan, and carry out the corresponding pre-plan drill work.Investment in environmental governance and protection and the payment of environmental protection tax
1. In the first half of 2024, the operation cost of environmental protection facilities was 513 million yuan, and the environmentalprotection tax was 13.99 million yuan.
2. In 2024,1.84 billion yuan will be invested to comprehensively upgrade ultra-low emissions.Environmental self-monitoring programDuring the reporting period, the monitoring points of pollution sources were 279 flue gas monitoring points, 13 waste water monitoringpoints, 19 factory boundary noise monitoring points and 12 atmospheric dust control points.
(1) There are 279 flue gas monitoring points: 203 organized monitoring points and 76 unorganized monitoring points, which are dividedinto weekly, monthly, quarterly, half-annual and annual frequency according to the monitoring plan, and the routine monitoring taskof disorganized and organized atmospheric flue gas is completed. A total of 352 monitoring data were obtained in the first half of theyear.
(2) 13 wastewater monitoring points: the monitoring was divided into weekly, monthly and quarterly frequency according to themonitoring plan, and 632 monitoring data were obtained in the first half of the year.
(3) 19 noise monitoring points at the factory boundary: the monitoring was divided into quarterly frequency according to the monitoringplan, and 58 monitoring data were obtained in the first half of the year.
(4) 12 atmospheric dust removal points: the monitoring was divided into quarterly frequency according to the monitoring plan, and 62monitoring data were obtained in the first half of the year.Administrative penalties due to environmental issues during the reporting period
Name of company | Penalty reasons | Violation circumstances | Penalty results | Impact on the production and operation of listed companies | Company rectification measures |
None | None | None | None | None | None |
Other environmental information that should be disclosed.No.
Emission reduction actions in the reporting period and the effect? Applicable □ Not applicableThrough technology upgrading, equipment upgrading, energy conservation and emission reduction measures, energy consumption perunit of output value has decreased, unit carbon emissions have been reduced year by year, and enterprises have achieved fruitful resultsin green and low-carbon development. Give full play to the synergistic advantages of smelting facilities, process structure, energystructure and material technology, put forward three low-carbon metallurgical technology paths, and implement them in stages to meetcustomer needs. High quality scrap steel is melted into "semi-steel" molten steel through electric furnace, which is mixed into 50%molten iron from blast furnace to electric furnace, and then transported together for converter smelting, and then rolling. Taking theproduction of hot-dip galvanized products as an example, the long production process reduces carbon by 34% to 26% to the terminalproduct. Considering the whole process of green electricity deduction, to the terminal product reduced by 38%. Published theenvironmental product declaration of hot dip galvanized IF steel, cold rolled IF steel, hot rolled pickling low carbon stamping steel,and the third party EPD certification. Through the development of photovoltaic power generation projects, the construction area of 310,000 m2 in three cold rolling, sewage treatment center, 2250 hot rolling and office building, storage and transportation center andbuilding 40,000 parking lot, with an average annual power generation of 15,081,000 kWh, and an estimated investment of 59 millionyuan. The electric furnace project of Bensteel Plate Special Steel Division has introduced the new technology and equipment ofJapanese Steel Plantech (SPCO), which is the first set of Japanese SPCO ecological electric furnace (ECOARC electric furnace) inChina. It adopts continuous waste steel preheating and flat melting tank smelting technology, which represents the internationaladvanced level of electric furnace technology. The whole process of 0.43t low carbon leading level, and use the green electricityresources of Bensteel to achieve nearly "zero carbon" production line.Other environmental protection-related informationNone.II. Social responsibility situation
The company strictly implements the principle of precise policy implementation and providing all possible assistance, adheres to theworking belief of "never letting a single employee fall behind", establishes a long-term mechanism to do practical and good things foremployees, and effectively solves problems for employees in need. The company visited and comforted 12 employees in need anddistributed 19,000 yuan in consolation money. The company also completed the update and entry of the electronic files of the NationalTrade Union Assistance Management Platform, and the electronic files are consistent with the paper files, and the data is accurate,realizing the institutionalization, standardization and networking of assistance work for employees in need.The company actively selects outstanding cadres to participate in rural revitalization work, and currently there are 2 people serving asfirst secretaries in the village. The village cadres focus on serving and guaranteeing the three-year action plan for new breakthroughsin comprehensive revitalization, based on the actual situation of the villages they are stationed in, do a good job in one-on-one assistanceand condolences visits, promote the implementation of assistance industry projects, actively promote e-commerce training projects,promote the high-quality development of digital e-commerce, increase the publicity of assistance industries, and complete the povertyalleviation and prevention of poverty recurrence work in the first half of 2024.
The company continues to provide growth points for the rural collective economy by directly purchasing agricultural and sidelineproducts for employee welfare and dispatching them to rural areas, effectively increasing per capita income. It has been rated as anadvanced unit for targeted poverty alleviation work in Liaoning Province for many years in a row.
VI. Important Events
I. The Fulfilled Commitments During the Reporting Period and Under-FulfillmentCommitments by the End of the Period Made by Actual Controller, Acquirer, Director,Supervisor, Senior Management Personnel and other Related Parties.
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Commitments | Commitment party | Type of commitment | Contents | Commitment time | Commitment period | Performance |
Commitments made in acquisition reports or equity change reports | Anshan Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. | Other commitment | n order to maintain the independence of Bengang Plates, Ansteel Group promises as follows: 1. Ansteel Group guarantees to keep separate from Bengang Plates in terms of assets, personnel, finance, institutions and business, and strictly abide by the relevant regulations of the China Securities Regulatory Commission on the independence of listed companies, and will not use its controlling position to interfere with the standardized operation of Bengang Plates, interfere with the business decisions of Bengang Plates, or damage the legitimate rights and interests of Bengang Plates and other shareholders. Ansteel Group and its controlled subsidiaries guarantee not to illegally occupy the funds of Bengang Plates and its controlled subsidiaries in any way. 2. The above commitments will remain valid during the period when Ansteel Group has control over Bengang Plates. If Ansteel Group fails to fulfill the above commitments and causes losses to Bengang Plates, Ansteel Group will bear the corresponding compensation liability. | Aug 20, 2021 | Long term | Under normal fulfillment |
Anshan Iron and Steel Group Co., | Other commitment | To avoid horizontal competition, Ansteel Group undertakes as | Aug 20, 2021 | Long term | Under normal fulfillment |
Ltd. | follows: (1) With regard to the overlap of some businesses between Ansteel Group and Bengang Plates after the completion of this acquisition, in accordance with the requirements of current laws, regulations and relevant policies, Ansteel Group will, within 5 years from the date of this letter of commitment, and strive to achieve the same within a shorter period of time, in accordance with the requirements of relevant securities regulatory authorities, and on the premise of complying with the laws, regulations and relevant regulatory rules applicable at that time, and in line with the principle of benefiting the development of Bengang Plates and safeguarding the interests of shareholders, especially the interests of small and medium-sized shareholders, steadily promote the integration of related businesses to resolve horizontal competition by comprehensively using a variety of methods such as asset restructuring, business adjustments, and entrusted management. The above solutions include but are not limited to: 1) Asset restructuring: adopt different methods permitted by relevant laws and regulations such as cash consideration or issuance of shares to purchase assets, asset replacement, asset transfer or other feasible restructuring methods, gradually sort out and reorganize the assets of Ansteel Group and Bengang Plate with overlapping businesses, and eliminate the overlap of some businesses; 2) Business adjustment: sort out the business |
Plates, Ansteel Group will make every effort to give Bengang Plates priority development rights and priority acquisition rights for such opportunities, ensure that the price of the relevant transaction is fair and reasonable, and will use the business practices followed in normal commercial transactions with independent third parties as the basis for pricing; (4) Ansteel Group guarantees to strictly abide by laws, regulations and the provisions of the Articles of Association of Bengang Plates Co., Ltd. and its relevant management systems, and will not use its position as an indirect controlling shareholder of Bengang Plates to seek improper interests, thereby damaging the rights and interests of other shareholders of Bengang Plates; (5) The above commitments made by Ansteel Group are valid during the period when Ansteel Group controls Bengang Plates. If the rights and interests of Bengang Plates are damaged due to the violation of the above commitments, Ansteel Group is willing to bear the corresponding liability for damages. | |||||
Anshan Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. | Other commitment | In order to standardize and reduce the related-party transactions between Ansteel Group and listed companies, Ansteel Group has made the following commitments: 1. Ansteel Group will ensure that Bensteel Plates has independent business and complete assets, and has independent and complete production, supply, sales and other supporting systems. 2. Ansteel Group and other enterprises controlled by | Aug 20, 2021 | Long term | Under normal fulfillment |
accordance with the law. | ||||||
Commitment made during initial public offering or refinancing | Company directors, senior management | Other commitment | According to the relevant regulations of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, all directors and senior management of the Company have made the following commitments to the Company’s fulfillment of the diluted immediate return measures: 1. I promise to perform my duties faithfully and diligently, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the Company and all shareholders . 2. I promise not to deliver benefits to other units or individuals without compensation or under unfair conditions, nor to use other means to damage the Company's interests. 3. I promise to restrict the position-related consumption behavior of company directors and senior management personnel. 4. I promise not to use the Company’s assets to do investment and consumption activities that are not related to the performance of my duties. 5. Within the scope of my responsibilities and authority, I promise to make every effort to promote the company's board of directors or the remuneration system established by the remuneration and appraisal committee to be linked to the implementation of the company's compensation measures, and vote in favor of the relevant proposals reviewed by the company's board of directors and general meeting (If I have voting rights). 6. If the company intends to implement equity incentives, I promise to, within my own responsibilities and jurisdiction, make every effort to promote the | May 22, 2019 | Long term | Under normal fulfillment |
Company’s proposed equity incentive exercise conditions to be linked to the Company’s implementation of the return measures, and to review the Company’s board of directors and shareholders’ general meetings and vote in favor of the relevant proposals reviewed by the company's board of directors and general meeting (If I have voting rights). 7. If the future issuance of this commitment and the implementation of the Company’s public issuance of convertible corporate bonds are completed, if the China Securities Regulatory Commission makes other new regulatory provisions on the measures for filling returns and their commitments, and the above commitments cannot meet the requirements of the China Securities Regulatory Commission When other regulations are stipulated, a commitment will be issued in accordance with the latest regulations of the China Securities Regulatory Commission. The company's controlling shareholder, Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Co., Ltd., promised not to interfere with the company's operation and management activities beyond its authority and not to infringe on the Company's interests. | ||||||
Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Co., Ltd. and Bengang Group Co., Ltd. | Other Commitment | The sales companies of Bengang International Trade Co., Ltd. and Bengang Steel plates in the same region guarantee independent personnel, independent business, independent finance, and independent assets, and are guaranteed not to be in the same registration place or in the same | July 24,2019 | Long term | Under normal fulfillment |
Changning District People's Court issued an announcement to appoint Guohao Lawyer (Shanghai) Office as the bankruptcy administrator. After communication with the bankruptcy administrator, it is expected that the bankruptcy and liquidation of Shanghai Bengang Iron and Steel Sales Co., Ltd. will be completed by the end of 2020. Upon completion of the aforementioned bankruptcy liquidation procedures, the relevant procedures for cancellation of Shanghai Bengang Iron and Steel Sales Co., Ltd. will be handled immediately. (2) Shanghai Bengang Iron & Steel Materials Co., Ltd. is a holding subsidiary of Shanghai Bengang Iron & Steel Sales Co., Ltd., and was deregistered in November 2020. (3) Guangzhou Free Trade Zone Bengang Sales Co., Ltd. was deregistered in July 2022. | ||||||
Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Co., Ltd. | Other Commitment | The Group's horizontal competition with Benxi Steel Plates and the measures and commitments to avoid inter-industry competition 1. During the period when the Group is the controlling shareholder of Bengang Steel Plates, in addition to the matters listed in Article 1 of this Commitment Letter, the Group and other enterprises controlled by the Group other than Bengang Steel Plates no longer produce or develop any products that compete or may compete with the products produced by Bengang Steel Plates and its subsidiaries at home and abroad, and do not directly or indirectly operate any business that competes with Bengang | July 24,2019 | Long term | Under normal fulfillment |
commitments are violated, the Group is willing to bear all the responsibilities arising therefrom, and fully compensate or compensate for all direct or indirect losses caused to Bengang Steel Plates. 5. This letter of commitment continues to be effective during the period of the Group as the controlling shareholder of Bengang Steel Plates and cannot be changed or withdrawn | ||||||
Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Co., Ltd. and Bengang Group Co., Ltd. | Other Commitment | In order to regulate and reduce the Company’s transactions with controlling shareholders and other related parties, and to protect the interests of the Company and small and medium shareholders, Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Co., Ltd. and Bengang Group Co., Ltd. have issued the following commitments: "Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Co., Ltd. and Bengang Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Group"), as a direct controlling shareholder and an indirect controlling shareholder of Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Bengang Steel Plates"), in order to protect the interests of Bengang Steel Plates and other shareholders of Bengang Steel Plates, regulate The Group's related transaction with Bengang Steel Plates hereby promises: 1. The Group will fully respect the independent legal person status of Bengang Steel Plates, ensure the independent operation and independent decision-making of Bengang Steel Plates, ensure the independence of Bengang Steel Plates’ business, asset integrity and personnel Independence and financial independence | July 24,2019 | Long term | Under normal fulfillment |
interests of Benxi Steel Plates from damage. 4. The Group guarantees that the above commitments are continuously effective and irrevocable as long as Bengang Steel Plates is listed on the domestic stock exchange and the Group acts as its direct and indirect controlling shareholder. If any violation of the above commitments occurs, the Group therefore bear all the losses caused to Bengang Steel Plates. | |||
Whether Commitment fulfilled on time or not | Yes |
II.. Non-operating capital occupation of listed companies by controlling shareholders and otherrelated parties
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
During the reporting period, there was no non-operating capital occupation of the listed company by controllingshareholders and other related parties.III. Violation of external guarantees
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
During the reporting period, the company had no violations of external guarantees.
IV. Appointment and Dismissal of Certified Accountant’s FirmIs the semi-annual financial report audited?
□ Yes √ No
The semi-annual report has not been audited.
V. Illustrations of the Board of Directors and Supervisory Committee on the Modified AuditReport Issued by the CPAs
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
VI. Illustrations of the Board of Directors on the Modified Audit Report Issued by the CPAsfor Previous Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Ⅶ. Bankrupt and Reforming Events
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no bankrupt and reforming event during the reporting period.
VIII. Lawsuits and ArbitrationsSignificant lawsuits and arbitrations
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There is no Significant lawsuits and arbitrations during the reporting period.
Other Lawsuits and Arbitrations
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Basic information of litigation (arbitration) | Amount involved (ten thousand yuan) | Whether a provisional liability is formed | Progress in litigation (arbitration) | Results and effects of the litigation (arbitration) trial | Execution of the litigation (arbitration) judgment | Disclosure date | Disclosure index |
Summary of matters that the company does not meet the disclosure standards of material litigation (arbitration) | 6,084.17 | No | In the trial | To be concluded | In accordance with the law |
IX. Punishment and Rectification
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Name | Type | Cause | Type of investigation and punishment | Conclusion (if any) | Disclosure date | Disclosure index |
Bengang plate, Gao Lie, Shen Qiang, Zhao Zhonghua | Other | Before 2019, the company failed to promptly settle the port and transit consumption of raw materials procured on behalf of others, resulting in inaccurate disclosure of the amounts of relevant report items in the current period; | The CSRC adopts administrative supervision measures | Issue a warning letter, and record it in the integrity file of the securities and futures market | May 18,2024 | Announcement on receipt of the Warning Letter of Liaoning Securities Regulatory Bureau (No.: 2024-022) |
at the sametime, there wasalso a lack ofindependencein theprocurementbusiness andirregularmanagement ofaccountingfiles.
X. Credit Status of the Company and its Controlling Shareholders and Actual Controllers
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
XI. Major Related Party Transactions
1. Related party transactions relevant to daily operations
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Related party | Relationship | Transactions type | Related party transaction content | Pricing principles of related party transactions | Related party transaction price | Amount of Affiliated Transaction (ten thousand Yuan) | Proportion of the amount of similar transactions | Approved transaction amount (ten thousand yuan) | Whether the approved quota is exceeded | Settlement method of related party transactions | The market price of similar transactions available | Disclosure date | Disclosure index |
Benxi Beiying Iron and Steel (Group) Co., LTD | Also belong to Bengang Group | Purchasing goods / provide services | Procurement of major raw materials | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 603,611.18 | 54.70% | 1,493,000 | No | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Mining Co., LTD | The same parent company | Purchasing goods / provide services | Procurement of major raw materials | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 376,154.34 | 34.09% | 750,000 | No | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
Benxi Iron and Steel | The same parent | Purchasing goods / | Procurement of major | protocol | Related Agree | 26,837.98 | 2.43% | 30,000 | No | According to the | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
(Group) Industrial Development Co., LTD | company | provide services | raw materials | ment Price | agreement | ||||||||
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Co., LTD | parent company | Purchasing goods / provide services | Procurement of major raw materials | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 5,335.12 | 0.48% | 30,000 | No | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
Angang Group International Economic and Trade Co., LTD | Also belong to Angang Iron and Steel Group | Purchasing goods / provide services | Procurement of major raw materials | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 10,730.56 | 0.97% | 30,000 | No | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
Anshan Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd | Also belong to Angang Iron and Steel Group | Purchasing goods / provide services | Procurement of major raw materials | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 30,471.11 | 2.76% | 50,600 | No | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
Ansteel Group Zhongyuan Industrial Development Co., LTD | Also belong to Angang Iron and Steel Group | Purchasing goods / provide services | Procurement of major raw materials | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 48,342.36 | 4.38% | 160,000 | No | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
Other subsidiaries of Angang Group | Also belong to Angang Iron and | Purchasing goods / provide | Procurement of major raw materials | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 2,060.84 | 0.19% | 5,000 | No | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
Steel Group | services | ||||||||||||
Benxi Beiying Iron and Steel (Group) Co., LTD | Also belong to bengang Group | Purchasing goods / provide services | Procurement of auxiliary materials | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 0.00% | 2,000 | No | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 | |
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Machinery Manufacturing Co., LTD | The same parent company | Purchasing goods / provide services | Procurement of auxiliary materials | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 6,254.91 | 22.35% | 10,000 | No | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Equipment Engineering Co., LTD | The same parent company | Purchasing goods / provide services | Procurement of auxiliary materials | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 1,540.73 | 5.50% | 16,000 | No | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Construction Co., Ltd | The same parent company | Purchasing goods / provide services | Procurement of auxiliary materials | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 81.86 | 0.29% | 12,000 | No | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Information Auto | The same parent company | Purchasing goods / provide services | Procurement of auxiliary materials | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 701.69 | 2.51% | 8,000 | No | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
mation Co., LTD | |||||||||||||
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Industrial Development Co., LTD | The same parent company | Purchasing goods / provide services | Procurement of auxiliary materials | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 1.7 | 0.01% | 4,000 | No | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Co., LTD | parent company | Purchasing goods / provide services | Procurement of auxiliary materials | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 10,658.11 | 38.08% | 26,000 | No | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
Ansteel Group Zhongyuan Industrial Development Co., LTD | Also belong to Angang Iron and Steel Group | Purchasing goods / provide services | Procurement of auxiliary materials | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 517.11 | 1.85% | 1,500 | No | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
Anshan Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd | Also belong to Angang Iron and Steel Group | Purchasing goods / provide services | Procurement of auxiliary materials | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 6,454.44 | 23.06% | 11,500 | No | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
Other subsidiaries of Angang Group | Also belong to Angang Iron and Steel Group | Purchasing goods / provide services | Procurement of auxiliary materials | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 1,781.03 | 6.36% | 4,000 | No | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
Benxi Beiying | Also belong to | Purchasing goods | Purchase energ | protocol | Related Agree | 31,661.95 | 99.96% | 60,000 | No | According to the | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
Iron and Steel (Group) Co., LTD | bengang Group | / provide services | y power | ment Price | agreement | ||||||||
Other subsidiaries of Angang Group | Also belong to Angang Iron and Steel Group | Purchasing goods / provide services | Purchase energy power | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 11.8 | 0.04% | Yes | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 | |
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Construction Co., Ltd | The same parent company | Purchasing goods / provide services | Accept supportive services | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 10,354.51 | 8.03% | 40,000 | No | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
Benxi Beiying Iron and Steel (Group) Co., LTD | Also belong to Bengang Group | Purchasing goods / provide services | Accept supportive services | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 5,309.62 | 4.12% | 12,000 | No | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Equipment Engineering Co., LTD | The same parent company | Purchasing goods / provide services | Accept supportive services | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 31,102.4 | 24.11% | 35,000 | No | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Mining Co., LTD | The same parent company | Purchasing goods / provide services | Accept supportive services | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 0.00% | 3,000 | No | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
Bensteel Group International Economic and Trade Co., LTD | Also belong to Bengang Group | Purchasing goods / provide services | Accept supportive services | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 4,072.96 | 3.16% | 10,000 | No | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Information Automation Co., LTD | The same parent company | Purchasing goods / provide services | Accept supportive services | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 10,478.53 | 8.12% | 20,000 | No | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
North Hengda Logistics Co., Ltd | Also belong to Bengang Group | Purchasing goods / provide services | Accept supportive services | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 1,120.09 | 0.87% | 10,000 | No | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Machinery Manufacturing Co., LTD | The same parent company | Purchasing goods / provide services | Accept supportive services | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 1,070.25 | 0.83% | 7,000 | No | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Industrial Development | The same parent company | Purchasing goods / provide services | Accept supportive services | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 380.28 | 0.29% | 800 | No | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
Co., LTD | |||||||||||||
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Co., LTD | parent company | Purchasing goods / provide services | Accept supportive services | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 14,011.96 | 10.86% | 34,400 | No | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
Ben Steel Group Co., Ltd | Controlling shareholder of the parent company | Purchasing goods / provide services | Accept supportive services | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 10,248.94 | 7.95% | 36,200 | No | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
Angang Group Engineering Technology Development Co., LTD | Also belong to Angang Iron and Steel Group | Purchasing goods / provide services | Accept supportive services | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 5,363.81 | 4.16% | 12,000 | No | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
Anshan Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd | Also belong to Angang Iron and Steel Group | Purchasing goods / provide services | Accept supportive services | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 34,746.46 | 26.94% | 26,000 | No | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
Other subsidiaries of Angang Group | Also belong to Angang Iron and Steel Group | Purchasing goods / provide services | Accept supportive services | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 734.25 | 0.57% | 3,000 | No | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
North Hengda Logistics Co., Ltd | Also belong to Bengang Group | Selling goods / providing services | Selling goods | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 172,205.26 | 44.13% | 420,000 | No | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
Benxi Beiying Iron and Steel (Group) Co., LTD | Also belong to Bengang Group | Selling goods / providing services | Selling goods | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 22,264.05 | 5.70% | 50,000 | No | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Mining Co., LTD | The same parent company | Selling goods / providing services | Selling goods | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 14,334.91 | 3.67% | 90,000 | No | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Construction Co., Ltd | The same parent company | Selling goods / providing services | Selling goods | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 144.31 | 0.04% | 500 | No | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Machinery Manufacturing Co., LTD | The same parent company | Selling goods / providing services | Selling goods | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 943.66 | 0.24% | 1,300 | No | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Industrial Development Co., LTD | The same parent company | Selling goods / providing services | Selling goods | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 8,121.77 | 2.08% | 14,000 | No | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Co., LTD | parent company | Selling goods / providing services | Selling goods | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 5,760.19 | 1.48% | 24,200 | No | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
Anshan Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd | Also belong to Angang Iron and Steel Group | Selling goods / providing services | Selling goods | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 140,168.59 | 35.92% | 331,900 | No | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
Ansteel Group Zhongyuan Industrial Development Co., LTD | Also belong to Angang Iron and Steel Group | Selling goods / providing services | Selling goods | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 3,735.37 | 0.96% | 14,500 | No | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
Angang Group International Economic and Trade Co., LTD | Also belong to Angang Iron and Steel Group | Selling goods / providing services | Selling goods | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 19,862.22 | 5.09% | 30,000 | No | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
Panzhihua Steel Group Co., Ltd | Also belong to Angang Iron and Steel Group | Selling goods / providing services | Selling goods | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 1,219.37 | 0.31% | 2,600 | No | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
Other subsidiaries of Angang Group | Also belong to Angang Iron and | Selling goods / providing | Selling goods | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 1,500.5 | 0.38% | 4,000 | No | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
Steel Group | services | ||||||||||||
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Mining Co., LTD | The same parent company | Selling goods / providing services | Provide supportive services | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 410.83 | 73.37% | 3,700 | No | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
Other subsidiaries of Angang Group | Also belong to Angang Iron and Steel Group | Selling goods / providing services | Provide supportive services | protocol | Related Agreement Price | 149.13 | 26.63% | 300 | No | According to the agreement | Yes | Dec 02, 2023 | 2023-068 |
Total | -- | -- | 1,683,023.06 | -- | 3,940,000 | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | |||
Details of any sales return of a large amount | No applicable | ||||||||||||
Actual performance of the estimated total amount of daily related transactions to occur in the current period during the reporting period by category(if any) | No applicable | ||||||||||||
Reason for any significant difference between the transaction price and the Market price for reference (if applicable) | No applicable |
2. Related transactions relevant to asset acquisition or sold
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no related transaction relevant to asset acquisition or sold during the reporting period.
3. Related transactions relevant to joint investments
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no related transaction relevant to joint investments during the reporting period.
4. Credits and liabilities with related parties
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There were no related credits and debts during the reporting period.
5. Deals with related financial companies and financial companies controlled by the company
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Deposit business
Related party | Relationship | Maximum daily deposit limit (ten thousand) | Deposit interest rate range | Beginning balance (10 thousand) | Current period | Ending balance (10 thousand) | |
Total deposit amount of the current period (10 thousand) | Total withdrawal amount of this period (10 thousand) | ||||||
Angang Steel Group Finance Co., LTD | Also belong to Anshan Iron and Steel Group | 450,000 | 1.35% | 39,137.76 | 5,388,504.11 | 5,349,987.28 | 77,654.58 |
Loan Business
Related party | Relationship | Loan limit(10 thousand) | Loan interest rate range | Beginning balance(10 thousand) | Current period | Ending balance(10 thousand) | |
Total loan amount of the current period (10 thousand) | Total repayment amount of the current period (10 thousand) |
Credit or other financial services
Related party | Relationship | Business type | Amount(10 thousand) | Actual amount(10 thousand) |
Angang Steel Group Finance Co., LTD | Also belong to Anshan Iron and Steel Group | Other financial operations | 32,962.57 | 13,111.58 |
6. Other significant related transactions
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no other significant related transaction during the reporting period.
7. Material Contracts and Performance Thereof
□ Applicable ? Not applicable
The company has no other material related party transactions during the reporting period.
XII. Major Contracts and Performance
1. Trusteeship, contracting, and leasing matters
(1) Trusteeship
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no trusteeship during the reporting period.
(2) Contracting
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no contracting during the reporting period.
(3) Lease
√Applicable □ Not applicable
Description of leaseThe Company as the lessor:
Name of lessee | Type of leased assets | Lease income recognized in this period | Leasing income recognized in the previous period |
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Equipment Engineering Co., LTD | Plant and auxiliary equipment | 670,802.00 |
The Company as the lessee:
Name of lessor | Type of leased assets | Current period | Previous period | ||||||||
Rental fees for short-term leas | Variable lease payments not included in the measurement of lease | Rent paid | Interest expense on lease liabilities assumed | Increased access assets | Rental fees for short-term leas | Variable lease payments not included in the measurement of lease | Rent paid | Interest expense on lease liabilities assumed | Increased access assets |
es and low-value assets | liabilities | es and low-value assets | liabilities | ||||||||
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Co., LTD | Land use right 7,669,068.17 square meters, land use right 42,920.00 square meters | 27,638,772.06 | 19,500,054.00 | 27,627,809.26 | 19,750,096.20 | ||||||
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Co., LTD | 2300 hot rolling mill production line, related real estate | 8,049,080.52 | 3,870,344.34 | 8,049,080.53 | 3,736,932.14 | ||||||
Benxi Beiying Iron and Steel (Group) | 1780 hot rolling mill production line, | 7,175,818.86 | 2,980,721.70 | 7,557,730.91 | 2,877,975.14 |
Co., LTD | related property | ||||||||||
Ben Steel Group Co., Ltd | Land use right is 728,282.30 square meters | 4,972,711.56 | 1,224,959.40 | 4,972,711.54 | 1,315,378.20 | ||||||
Ansteel Group Energy Saving Technology Service Co., LTD | machinery equipment | 12,063,482.04 | - |
For the company's profit and loss of the company to more than 10% of the total profit of the reporting period
□ Applicable ? Not applicable
During the reporting period of the company, there is no leasing project that the profit and loss of the company reaches more than 10%of the total profit of the company during the reporting period.
2. Major Guarantee
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no guarantee during the reporting period.
3. Entrusted Finance
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no entrusted finance during the reporting period.
4. Other Major Contracts
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no other major contract during the reporting period.XIII. Other Major Events
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
On June 20, 2023, the company disclosed the "Major Asset Replacement and Related Transaction Plan" to carry out assetreplacement with Benxi Iron and Steel Company, intending to acquire 100% equity of Benxi Iron and Steel (Group)Mining Co., Ltd., and intending to dispose of all assets and liabilities of the listed company except for retained assets andliabilities. The difference between the assets to be acquired and the assets to be disposed of shall be made up by one partyto the other in cash. At present, the company is conducting further demonstration and communication and negotiation onthe transaction plan. After the relevant matters are determined, the company will convene the board of directors again fordeliberation.
XIV. Major Events of Subsidiaries
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
VII. Status of Share Capital Changes and Shareholders
I. Share Capital Changes
1. Share capital changes
Unit: Share
Before the change | Increase/decrease(+,-) | After the Change | |||||||
Quantity | Percentage | Issuing of new share | Bonus shares | Capitalization of common reserve fund | Others | Subtotal | Quantity | Percentage | |
I. Restricted Shares | |||||||||
2. State-own Legal-person Shareholding | |||||||||
3. Other domestic shareholdings | |||||||||
Including: Domestic legal person holding | |||||||||
Domestic person holding | |||||||||
II. Non-restricted Shares | 4,108,219,302 | 100.00% | 1,771 | 1,771 | 4,108,221,073 | 100.00% | |||
1. Common shares in RMB | 3,708,219,302 | 90.26% | 1,771 | 1,771 | 3,708,221,073 | 90.26% | |||
2. Foreign shares in domestic market | 400,000,000 | 9.74% | 400,000,000 | 9.74% | |||||
2. Foreign shares in oversea market | |||||||||
4.Others | |||||||||
III. Total shares | 4,108,219,302 | 100.00% | 1,771 | 1,771 | 4,108,221,073 | 100.00% |
Reason of share capital changes
√Applicable □Not applicable
During the reporting period, the company's publicly issued convertible corporate bonds were convertedinto 70 shares, and the company's total share capital increased by 1,771 shares.Approval of share capital changes
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Status of registration process of transferred shares
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Progress of Share Repurchase
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Implementation Progress of Reducing Holdings of Repurchase Shares by Centralized Bidding
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Influences of share capital changes on financial indices such as basic earnings per share, diluted earningsper share, and net asset per share attributed to common shareholders
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Other information the Company deems necessary to be disclosed or required by the authority
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
2. Changes of Restricted Shares
□Applicable √Not applicable
II. Securities Issuance and Listing
√Applicable □Not applicable
III. Total Number of shareholders and shareholding
Unit: Shares
Total number of common shareholders at the end of the reporting period | 47,365 | The total number of preferred shareholders voting rights restored at the end of the reporting period (See Notes 8) | 0 | ||||||||
Shareholding of shareholders holding more than 5% or top 10 shareholders | |||||||||||
Name of the shareholder | Nature of shareholder | Holding Percentage | Number of shares held at period-end | Changes in reporting period | Restricted shares held | Un-restricted shares held | Number of pledged or frozen shares | ||||
Status | Number | ||||||||||
Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Co., Ltd. | State-owned legal person | 58.65% | 2,409,628,094 | 0 | 0 | 2,409,628,094 | Pledged | 110,000,000 | |||
Frozen | 102,100,000 |
Bengang Group Co., Ltd. | State-owned legal person | 17.95% | 737,371,532 | 0 | 0 | 737,371,532 | Not applicable | 0 |
Guan Hui | Domestic natural person | 0.71% | 29,081,200 | 351,200 | 0 | 29,081,200 | Not applicable | 0 |
Zhang Wenyou | Domestic natural person | 0.47% | 19,168,167 | 18,200 | 0 | 19,168,167 | Not applicable | 0 |
Gao Tao | Domestic natural person | 0.38% | 15,440,000 | -8,310,000 | 0 | 15,440,000 | Not applicable | 0 |
Lyu Ruijun | Domestic natural person | 0.29% | 12,000,005 | 12,000,005 | 0 | 12,000,005 | Not applicable | 0 |
Basic Pension Insurance Fund Combination 804 | Others | 0.29% | 11,823,600 | 1,538,500 | 0 | 11,823,600 | Not applicable | 0 |
Ma Yonghua | Domestic natural person | 0.24% | 10,022,457 | 10,022,457 | 0 | 10,022,457 | Not applicable | 0 |
Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited | Foreign legal person | 0.24% | 9,964,534 | -4,264,215 | 0 | 9,964,534 | Not applicable | 0 |
Zhou Wei | Domestic natural person | 0.22% | 8,995,300 | -1,000 | 0 | 8,995,300 | Not applicable | 0 |
Strategy investors or general legal person becomes top 10 shareholders due to rights issued (if any) (See Notes 3) | None | |||||||
Notes to relationship or ‘action in concert’ among the top 10 shareholders. | Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Co., Ltd. has a related relationship with Benxi Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd., and is a concerted action person stipulated in the "Administrative Measures for the Acquisition of Listed Companies". It is unknown to the Company whether there is any related connection or ‘Action in Concert’ as described by Rules of Information Disclosing Regarding Changing of Shareholding Status of Listed Companies existing among the above shareholders. | |||||||
Explanation of the above-mentioned shareholders' entrusted/entrusted voting rights and waiver of voting rights | The above shareholders are not involved in the entrustment, entrusted voting rights, or abstention of voting rights. | |||||||
Special instructions for the existence of special repurchase accounts among the | None |
top 10 shareholders (if any) (see Note 11) | ||||
Shareholding of top 10 unrestricted shareholders | ||||
Name of the shareholder | Un-restricted shares held at the end of the reporting period | Category of shares | ||
Category of shares | Quantity | |||
Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Co., Ltd. | 2,409,628,094 | Common shares in RMB | 2,409,628,094 | |
Bengang Group Co., Ltd. | 737,371,532 | Common shares in RMB | 737,371,532 | |
Guan Hui | 29,081,200 | Common shares in RMB | 29,081,200 | |
Zhang Wenyou | 19,168,167 | Common shares in RMB | 19,168,167 | |
Gao Tao | 15,440,000 | Foreign shares in domestic exchange | 15,440,000 | |
Lyu Ruijun | 12,000,005 | Foreign shares in domestic exchange | 12,000,005 | |
Basic Pension Insurance Fund Combination 804 | 11,823,600 | Common shares in RMB | 11,823,600 | |
Ma Yonghua | 10,022,457 | Foreign shares in domestic exchange | 10,022,457 | |
Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited | 9,964,534 | Common shares in RMB | 9,964,534 | |
Zhou Wei | 8,995,300 | Common shares in RMB | 8,995,300 | |
Notes to relationship or ‘action in concert’ among the top 10 non-restricted shareholders, and among the top 10 non-restricted shareholders and top 10 shareholders | Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Co., Ltd. has a related relationship with Benxi Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd., and is a concerted action person stipulated in the "Administrative Measures for the Acquisition of Listed Companies". It is unknown to the Company whether there is any related connection or ‘Action in Concert’ as described by Rules of Information Disclosing Regarding Changing of Shareholding Status of Listed Companies existing among the above shareholders. | |||
Shareholders among the top 10 participating in securities margin trading (if any) (see Note 4) | Guan Hui holds 1,081,200 shares of the Company's stock through an investor general account and 28,000,000 shares of the Company's stock through an investor credit securities account. Zhang Wenyou holds 19,168,167 shares of the Company's stock through an investor credit securities account. Zhou Wei holds 163,500 shares of the Company's stock through an investor general account and 8,831,800 shares of the Company's stock through an investor credit securities account. |
Shareholders holding more than 5% of the shares, the top 10 shareholders and the top 10shareholders of unrestricted tradable shares participating in the refinancing business and lendingshares
□ Applicable √ Not Applicable
The top 10 shareholders and the top 10 shareholders of unrestricted tradable shares have changedcompared with the previous period due to lending/repayment of refinancing
□ Applicable √ Not Applicable
Whether top 10 common shareholders and top 10 un-restricted common shareholders have a buy-back agreement dealing in reporting period
□ Yes √ No
Top 10 common shareholders and top 10 un-restricted common shareholders had no buy-backagreement dealing in reporting period.
IV. Change of controlling shareholder or actual controller
□ Applicable √ Not Applicable
There was no change in the shareholding status of the company's directors, supervisors and seniormanagement during the reporting period. Please refer to the 2023 annual report for details.
V. Change of controlling shareholder or actual controller
Change of controlling shareholder during the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no change of holding shareholder in the report period.
Change of actual controller during the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no change of substantial controller in the report period.
VIII. Status of Preferred Shares
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There were no preferred shares during the reporting period.
IX. Status of Bonds
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
I. Enterprise bonds
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
During the reporting period, the company did not have Enterprise bonds.
II. Corporate bonds
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
During the reporting period, the company did not have corporate bonds.
III. Debt financing tools for non-financial companies
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
During the reporting period, the company did not have non-financial corporate debt financinginstruments.
IV. Convertible corporate bonds
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
1. Previous adjustments to the conversion price
1. The initial conversion price of "Bengang Convertible Bonds" is 5.03 yuan per share.
2. As the company implemented the 2020 equity distribution plan, the conversion price of "BengangConvertible Bonds" was adjusted to RMB 5.02 per share on July 19, 2021.
3. As the company implemented the 2021 mid-term equity distribution plan, the conversion price of"Bengang Convertible Bonds" was adjusted to RMB 4.55 per share on August 13, 2021.
4. As the company implemented the 2021 equity distribution plan, the conversion price of "BengangConvertible Bonds" was adjusted to RMB 3.95 per share on August 13, 2021.
2. Cumulative share conversion
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Name of Convertible Bond | Start date and end date of conversion | Total issue quantity | Total issue amount | Cumulative conversion amount (Yuan) | Cumulative conversion quantity(shares) | Proportion of converted shares to the total issue quantity | Amount of shares not converted (Yuan) | Proportion of unconverted amount to the total issue amount |
Bengang Convertible Bond | 4th Jan 2021 – 28th Jun 2026 | 68,000,000 | 6,800,000,000.00 | 1,168,982,900.00 | 232,849,541 | 6.01% | 5,631,017,100.00 | 82.81% |
3. The top ten holders of convertible bonds
No. | Convertible bond holders | Nature of convertible bond holders | Number of convertible bonds held at the end of the reporting period (sheets) | Amount of convertible bonds held at the end of the reporting period (yuan) | Percentage of convertible bonds held at the end of the reporting period |
1 | E Fund Security Return Fixed Income Pension Product-Construction Bank of China Limited | Others | 2,444,591 | 244,459,100.00 | 4.34% |
2 | Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited - Bosera Credit Bond Investment Fund | Others | 1,382,219 | 138,221,900.00 | 2.45% |
3 | Huaxia Fund Extended Life No.9 Fixed Income Pension Product-Merchants Bank Co. | Others | 1,293,068 | 129,306,800.00 | 2.30% |
4 | China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd - Franklin Guohai Hengrui Bond Fund | Others | 1,206,531 | 120,653,100.00 | 2.14% |
5 | Pacific Securities Co. | Domestic non State-owned legal person | 1,169,036 | 116,903,600.00 | 2.08% |
6 | China Construction Bank Corporation - Xingquan Hengxin Bond Securities Investment Fund | Others | 1,059,488 | 105,948,800.00 | 1.88% |
7 | National Social Security Fund portfolio 207 | Others | 943,578 | 94,357,800.00 | 1.68% |
8 | China National Petroleum Corporation Corporate Pension Plan-Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd. | Others | 866,399 | 86,639,900.00 | 1.54% |
9 | Pacific Capital Management - China Merchants Bank - Pacific Premier Tranche Treasure Product | Others | 855,355 | 85,535,500.00 | 1.52% |
10 | China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd - Bosera CSI Convertible and Exchangeable Bond Traded Open-ended Index Fund | Others | 739,300 | 73,930,000.00 | 1.31% |
4. Significant changes in the guarantor’s profitability, asset status, and credit status
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
5. At the end of the reporting period, the company's liabilities, changes in credit standing, and casharrangements for debt repayment in future yearsAs of the end of the reporting period, based on the company's major accounting data and financialindicators for the past two years, the company's convertible bond credit rating for this year has notchanged.
V. The loss in the scope of consolidated statements during the reporting periodexceeded 10% of the net assets at the end of the previous year
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
VI. The company’s main accounting data and financial indicators for the past twoyears as of the end of the reporting periodUnit: ten thousand yuan
Item | 30 June 2024 | 31 December 2023 | Changes over ending balance of last year |
Current ratio | 0.67 | 0.70 | -4.29% |
Debt-to-asset ratio | 64.72% | 61.89% | 2.83% |
Quick ratio | 0.24 | 0.27 | -11.11% |
Current period | Previous period | Changes over previous period | |
Net profit after deducting non-recurring gains and losses | -162,165.26 | -103,833.29 | 56.17% |
EBITDA total debt ratio | -2.04% | 1.99% | -4.03% |
Interest Coverage ratio | -5.54 | -3.05 | 81.64% |
Cash Interest Coverage ratio | 4.74 | 20.09 | -76.41% |
EBITDA Interest Coverage ratio | -1.79 | 2.33 | -176.82% |
Loan repayment rate | 100.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% |
Interest repayment rate | 100.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% |
X. Financial Report
I. Audit report
Whether the semi-annual report is audited
□ Yes √ No
The semi-annual report is not audited.II. Financial StatementsStatement in Notes are carried in RMB Yuan
Prepared by: Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.
Unit: Yuan
Items | 30 Jun, 2024 | 31 Dec, 2023 |
Current assets | ||
Cash at bank and on hand | 1,992,324,226.63 | 2,194,654,161.34 |
Settlement provisions | ||
Capital lent | ||
Financial assets held for trading | ||
Derivative financial assets | ||
Notes receivable | 783,400,896.20 | 453,560,095.49 |
Accounts receivable | 1,327,038,676.85 | 1,328,532,598.47 |
Accounts receivable financing | 191,450,087.40 | 806,822,622.43 |
Prepayments | 567,363,480.87 | 674,872,999.29 |
Premium receivable | ||
Reinsurance accounts receivable | ||
Receivable deposit for reinsurance contract | ||
Other receivables | 243,424,884.42 | 318,793,157.58 |
Redemptory financial assets for sale | ||
Inventories | 7,854,274,573.95 | 7,708,372,894.81 |
Including: data assets | ||
Contract assets | ||
Assets held for sale | ||
Non-current assets due within one year | ||
Other current assets | 142,442,422.36 | 157,789,976.90 |
Total current assets | 13,101,719,248.68 | 13,643,398,506.31 |
Non-current assets | ||
Loan and advances issued | ||
Debt Investments | ||
Other debt investments | ||
Long-term receivables | ||
Long-term equity investments | 46,910,346.41 | 46,910,346.41 |
Items | 30 Jun, 2024 | 31 Dec, 2023 |
Other equity instrument investments | 974,463,039.83 | 974,463,039.83 |
Other non-current financial assets | ||
Investment property | ||
Fixed assets | 24,878,573,917.57 | 25,028,192,964.67 |
Construction in progress | 4,156,908,135.68 | 4,308,404,147.31 |
Productive biological assets | ||
Oil and gas assets | ||
Right-of-use assets | 1,566,663,478.21 | 1,319,616,179.37 |
Intangible assets | 252,638,185.50 | 256,020,436.13 |
Including: data assets | ||
Development expenditure | ||
Including: data assets | ||
Goodwill | ||
Long-term deferred expenses | ||
Deferred tax assets | 531,708,321.88 | 467,040,631.42 |
Other non-current assets | 121,903,869.78 | 137,933,599.61 |
Total non-current assets | 32,529,769,294.86 | 32,538,581,344.75 |
Total assets | 45,631,488,543.54 | 46,181,979,851.06 |
Current Liabilities | ||
Short-term loans | 495,730,592.00 | 328,000,000.00 |
Loan from central bank | ||
Loan from other banks | ||
Financial liability held for trading | ||
Derivative financial liabilities | ||
Notes payable | 11,559,857,567.62 | 10,364,993,998.89 |
Accounts payable | 2,476,396,054.14 | 2,809,435,260.77 |
Advance from customers | ||
Contract liabilities | 2,925,386,458.14 | 3,303,108,592.38 |
Financial assets sold for repurchase | ||
Deposits from customers and interbank | ||
Receipt from vicariously traded securities | ||
Receipt from vicariously underwriting securities | ||
Employee benefits payable | 1,083,065.32 | 1,175,970.83 |
Current tax liabilities | 41,045,519.93 | 55,402,959.11 |
Other payables | 1,291,824,477.57 | 1,659,284,531.06 |
Handling charges and commission payable | ||
Reinsurance accounts payable | ||
Liabilities held for sale | ||
Non-current liabilities due within one year | 474,487,295.43 | 685,881,691.76 |
Other current liabilities | 334,009,488.97 | 392,122,093.59 |
Total current liabilities | 19,599,820,519.12 | 19,599,405,098.39 |
Non-current liabilities | ||
Provision for insurance contract | ||
Long-term loans | 2,319,589,918.00 | 1,723,726,700.80 |
Bonds payable | 5,522,410,434.46 | 5,451,381,676.38 |
Including: Preferred stock | ||
Perpetual bond | ||
Lease liabilities | 1,578,684,995.29 | 1,342,427,252.45 |
Long-term payables | ||
Long-term employee benefits payable | ||
Estimated liabilities | ||
Deferred income | 121,815,955.18 | 136,084,955.18 |
Deferred tax liabilities | 391,676,209.87 | 329,914,385.19 |
Other non-current liabilities |
Items | 30 Jun, 2024 | 31 Dec, 2023 |
Total non-current liabilities | 9,934,177,512.80 | 8,983,534,970.00 |
Total liabilities | 29,533,998,031.92 | 28,582,940,068.39 |
Shareholders' equity: | ||
Share capital | 4,108,221,073.00 | 4,108,219,302.00 |
Other equity instruments | 947,856,709.19 | 947,858,134.16 |
Including: Preferred stock | ||
Perpetual bond | ||
Capital reserves | 13,272,231,048.85 | 13,272,225,870.92 |
Less: treasury shares | ||
Other comprehensive income | -50,371,341.88 | -50,371,341.88 |
Special reserves | 3,950,302.39 | 54,843.15 |
Surplus reserves | 1,195,116,522.37 | 1,195,116,522.37 |
General risk reserve | ||
Undistributed profits | -4,014,083,972.36 | -2,463,133,834.65 |
Total equity attributable to equity holders of the parent company | 15,462,920,341.56 | 17,009,969,496.07 |
Non-controlling interests | 634,570,170.06 | 589,070,286.60 |
Total shareholder's equity | 16,097,490,511.62 | 17,599,039,782.67 |
Total of liabilities and owners’ equity | 45,631,488,543.54 | 46,181,979,851.06 |
Legal Representative: Huang Zuowei Person in charge of accounting: Zheng Zhengli Accounting Dept. Leader: Sun Yanbin
Unit: Yuan
Items | 30 Jun, 2024 | 31 Dec, 2023 |
Current assets | ||
Cash at bank and on hand | 1,565,219,400.33 | 2,084,382,077.60 |
Financial assets held for trading | ||
Derivative financial assets | ||
Notes receivable | 1,091,748,486.31 | 613,514,613.02 |
Accounts receivable | 1,515,826,559.56 | 1,243,326,802.56 |
Accounts receivable financing | 161,969,807.22 | 693,239,068.68 |
Prepayments | 557,269,854.41 | 664,669,952.97 |
Other receivables | 392,648,388.05 | 604,535,173.18 |
Inventories | 7,019,383,657.05 | 6,726,641,809.04 |
Including: data assets | ||
Contract assets | ||
Assets held for sale | ||
Non-current assets due within one year | ||
Other current assets | 100,948,491.33 | 82,661,697.57 |
Total current assets | 12,405,014,644.26 | 12,712,971,194.62 |
Non-current assets | ||
Debt investments | ||
Other debt investments | ||
Long-term receivables | ||
Long-term equity investments | 2,269,191,936.65 | 2,269,191,936.65 |
Other equity instrument investments | 974,463,039.83 | 974,463,039.83 |
Items | 30 Jun, 2024 | 31 Dec, 2023 |
Other non-current financial assets | ||
Investment property | ||
Fixed assets | 23,937,849,640.91 | 24,052,882,215.31 |
Construction in progress | 4,116,101,211.84 | 4,275,801,115.73 |
Productive biological assets | ||
Oil and gas assets | ||
Right-of-use assets | 1,566,663,478.21 | 1,319,616,179.37 |
Intangible assets | 168,116,690.33 | 170,176,158.95 |
Including: data assets | ||
Development expenditure | ||
Including: data assets | ||
Goodwill | ||
Long-term deferred expenses | ||
Deferred tax assets | 530,831,227.91 | 465,645,459.77 |
Other non-current assets | 114,992,260.13 | 131,159,433.56 |
Total non-current assets | 33,678,209,485.81 | 33,658,935,539.17 |
Total assets | 46,083,224,130.07 | 46,371,906,733.79 |
Current liabilities | ||
Short-term loans | 495,730,592.00 | 328,000,000.00 |
Financial liability held for trading | ||
Derivative financial liabilities | ||
Notes payable | 10,233,187,014.80 | 10,361,392,779.12 |
Accounts payable | 3,192,743,487.97 | 3,190,842,780.56 |
Prepayments | ||
Contract liabilities | 5,932,847,092.82 | 4,903,008,138.37 |
Employee benefits payable | ||
Current tax liabilities | 21,221,921.24 | 30,105,183.40 |
Other payables | 1,321,397,394.39 | 1,656,804,114.53 |
Liabilities held for sale | ||
Non-current liabilities due within one year | 474,487,295.43 | 685,881,691.76 |
Other current liabilities | 47,486,240.64 | 79,447,326.71 |
Total current liabilities | 21,719,101,039.29 | 21,235,482,014.45 |
Non-current liabilities | ||
Long term loans | 2,319,589,918.00 | 1,723,726,700.80 |
Bonds payable | 5,522,410,434.46 | 5,451,381,676.38 |
Including: Preferred stock | ||
Perpetual bond | ||
Lease liabilities | 1,578,684,995.29 | 1,342,427,252.45 |
Long-term payables | ||
Long-term employee benefits payable | ||
Estimated liabilities |
Items | 30 Jun, 2024 | 31 Dec, 2023 |
Deferred income | 121,815,955.18 | 136,084,955.18 |
Deferred tax liabilities | 391,676,209.87 | 329,914,385.19 |
Other non-current liabilities | ||
Total non-current liabilities | 9,934,177,512.80 | 8,983,534,970.00 |
Total liabilities | 31,653,278,552.09 | 30,219,016,984.45 |
Shareholder’s equity: | ||
Share capital | 4,108,221,073.00 | 4,108,219,302.00 |
Other equity instruments | 947,856,709.19 | 947,858,134.16 |
Including: Preferred stock | ||
Perpetual bond | ||
Capital reserves | 12,852,079,366.73 | 12,852,074,188.80 |
Less: Treasury shares | ||
Other comprehensive income | -50,371,341.88 | -50,371,341.88 |
Special reserves | 1,690,365.35 | 3,681.16 |
Surplus reserves | 1,195,116,522.37 | 1,195,116,522.37 |
Undistributed Profits | -4,624,647,116.78 | -2,900,010,737.27 |
Total shareholder's equity | 14,429,945,577.98 | 16,152,889,749.34 |
Total liabilities and shareholder’s equity | 46,083,224,130.07 | 46,371,906,733.79 |
Unit: Yuan
Items | Current period | Previous period |
1. Total operating income | 28,364,539,286.80 | 30,567,409,205.03 |
Including: Operating income | 28,364,539,286.80 | 30,567,409,205.03 |
Interest income | ||
Premium earned | ||
Income from handling charges and commission | ||
2. Total operating cost | 29,882,450,076.18 | 31,417,700,991.35 |
Including: Operating cost | 29,177,241,820.27 | 30,714,640,963.91 |
Interest expense | ||
Expenditure for handling charges and commission | ||
Surrender value | ||
Net expenditure for compensation | ||
Net provision for insurance contract appropriated | ||
Bonus payment for policy | ||
Reinsurance premium | ||
Tax and surcharges | 102,496,404.95 | 99,040,677.75 |
Selling and distribution expenses | 78,868,443.13 | 69,901,883.24 |
General and administrative expenses | 351,694,254.72 | 339,569,021.49 |
Research and development expenses | 36,966,260.63 | 32,990,679.09 |
Financial expenses | 135,182,892.48 | 161,557,765.87 |
Including: Interest expense | 192,939,391.68 | 234,419,462.35 |
Interest income | 19,612,598.56 | 27,351,519.21 |
Add: Other income | 84,071,493.95 | 3,518,092.14 |
Income on investment(“-” for loss) | -31,605,308.28 | -2,541,506.30 |
Including: Income from associates and joint ventures | -439,659.58 | |
Income from derecognition of financial assets measured at amortized cost | ||
Exchange gains(“-” for loss) | ||
Net exposure hedge income(“-” for loss) | ||
Gains from change of fair value (“-” for loss) | ||
Credit impairment loss (“-” for loss) | 16,164,459.46 | -17,450,773.47 |
Asset impairment loss (“-” for loss) | -14,313,228.28 | -84,458,260.66 |
Items | Current period | Previous period |
Assets disposal gains(“-” for loss) | 10,002,955.91 | |
3. Operational profit(“-” for loss) | -1,453,590,416.62 | -951,224,234.61 |
Add: Non-operating income | 8,976,877.17 | 51,584,548.03 |
Less: Non-operating expenses | 27,576,186.51 | 50,585,327.13 |
4. Total profit (“-” for loss) | -1,472,189,725.96 | -950,225,013.71 |
Less: Income tax expenses | 34,100,570.67 | 33,191,710.84 |
5. Net profit(“-” for loss) | -1,506,290,296.63 | -983,416,724.55 |
1.Classification by continuing operating | ||
1.Net profit from continuing operation(“-” for loss) | -1,506,290,296.63 | -983,416,724.55 |
2.Net profit from discontinued operation(“-” for loss) | ||
2.Classification by ownership | ||
1. Net profit attributable to the owners of parent company (“-” for loss) | -1,550,950,137.71 | -1,004,945,623.68 |
2. Net profit attributable to non-controlling shareholders (“-” for loss) | 44,659,841.08 | 21,528,899.13 |
6.Other comprehensive income | ||
Other comprehensive income attributable to owners of the parent company after tax | ||
1.Other comprehensive income items that will not be reclassified into gains/losses | ||
1) Re-measurement of defined benefit plans of changes in net debt or net assets | ||
2) Other comprehensive income under the equity method cannot be reclassified into profit or loss | ||
3) Changes in fair value of investments in other equity instruments | ||
4) Changes in fair value of company's credit risk | ||
2.Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified into profit or loss. | ||
1) Other comprehensive income under the equity method which can be reclassified into profit or loss | ||
2) Changes in fair value of other debt investments | ||
3) Amount of financial assets reclassified into other comprehensive income | ||
4) Credit impairment provision of other debt investments | ||
5) Cash flow hedges reserve | ||
6) Translation differences in foreign currency financial statements | ||
7) Others | ||
Other comprehensive income attributable to non-controlling shareholders’ equity after tax | ||
7. Total comprehensive income | -1,506,290,296.63 | -983,416,724.55 |
Total comprehensive income attributable to the owner of the parent company | -1,550,950,137.71 | -1,004,945,623.68 |
Total comprehensive income attributable to non-controlling shareholders | 44,659,841.08 | 21,528,899.13 |
8. Earnings per share | ||
1)Basic earnings per share | -0.3775 | -0.2446 |
2)Diluted earnings per share | -0.3775 | -0.1558 |
In the current period of business combination under common control, the net profit realized by the merged partybefore the merger is: yuan, and the net profit realized by the merged party in the previous period is: yuanLegal Representative: Huang Zuowei Person in charge of accounting: Zheng Zhengli Accounting Dept. Leader: Sun Yanbin
Unit: Yuan
Items | Current period | Previous period |
1. Total operating income | 28,760,149,571.95 | 30,351,590,885.27 |
Less: Operating cost | 29,834,240,304.59 | 30,725,796,931.13 |
Tax and surcharges | 78,312,309.36 | 70,444,069.04 |
Selling and distribution expenses | 72,861,508.21 | 72,626,552.38 |
General and administrative expenses | 340,794,236.88 | 320,165,443.13 |
Research and development expenses | 36,966,260.63 | 32,990,679.09 |
Financial expenses | 151,347,791.22 | 168,567,801.72 |
Including: Interest expense | 192,939,391.68 | 233,021,988.80 |
Interest income | 16,562,599.74 | 18,139,148.26 |
Add: Other income | 58,511,958.86 | 2,943,726.56 |
Income on investment(“-” for loss) | -31,605,308.28 | -2,247,043.73 |
Including: Income from associates and joint ventures | -439,659.58 | |
Income from derecognition of financial assets measured at amortized cost | ||
Net exposure hedge income(“-” for loss) | ||
Gains from change of fair value (“-” for loss) |
Items | Current period | Previous period |
Credit impairment loss(“-” for loss) | 13,580,897.44 | -11,635,010.35 |
Assets impairment loss(“-” for loss) | -14,313,228.28 | -84,458,260.66 |
Assets disposal gains(“-” for loss) | 10,000,000.00 | |
2. Operational profit(“-” for loss) | -1,718,198,519.20 | -1,134,397,179.40 |
Add: Non-operating income | 8,866,515.98 | 51,556,172.07 |
Less: Non-operating expenses | 27,207,319.92 | 50,585,327.13 |
3. Total profit (“-” for loss) | -1,736,539,323.14 | -1,133,426,334.46 |
Less: Income tax expenses | -11,902,943.63 | -31,989,066.39 |
4. Net profit(“-” for loss) | -1,724,636,379.51 | -1,101,437,268.07 |
1.Net profit from continuing operation (“-” for loss) | -1,724,636,379.51 | -1,101,437,268.07 |
2.Net profit from discontinued operation (“-” for loss) | ||
5.Other comprehensive income | ||
1.Other comprehensive income items that will not be reclassified into gains/losses | ||
1) Re-measurement of defined benefit plans of changes | ||
2) Other comprehensive income under the equity method cannot be reclassified into profit or loss | ||
3) Changes in fair value of investments in other equity instruments | ||
4) Changes in fair value of company's credit risk | ||
2.Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified into profit or loss. | ||
1) Other comprehensive income under the equity method investee can be reclassified into profit or loss | ||
2) Changes in fair value of other debt investments | ||
3) Amount of financial assets reclassified into other comprehensive income | ||
4) Credit impairment provision of other debt investments | ||
5) Cash flow hedges reserve | ||
6) Translation differences in foreign currency financial statements | ||
7) Others | ||
6. Total comprehensive income | -1,724,636,379.51 | -1,101,437,268.07 |
7. Earnings per share | ||
1)Basic earnings per share | ||
2)Diluted earnings per share |
Unit: Yuan
Items | Current period | Previous period |
1.Cash flow from operating activities | ||
Cash received from sale of goods or rendering of services | 29,518,326,412.24 | 28,113,350,099.51 |
Net increase of customers' deposit and interbank deposit | ||
Net increase of loan from central bank | ||
Net increase of loans from other financial institutions | ||
Cash received for premium of original insurance contract | ||
Net cash received for reinsurance business | ||
Net increase of deposit and investment of the insured | ||
Cash from receiving interest, handling charge and commission | ||
Net increase of loans from borrowing funds | ||
Net increase of fund for repurchase business | ||
Net cash received from traded securities | ||
Tax rebate received | 77,037,466.40 | 152,957,619.94 |
Other cash received relating to operating activities | 76,804,297.21 | 66,147,192.05 |
Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities | 29,672,168,175.85 | 28,332,454,911.50 |
Cash paid for goods and services | 27,126,140,952.23 | 22,042,504,737.63 |
Net increase of customer's loan and advances | ||
Net increase of deposit in central bank and interbank deposit | ||
Cash for payment of compensation for original insurance contract | ||
Net increase in capital lent |
Items | Current period | Previous period |
Cash for payment of interest, handling charge and commission | ||
Cash for payment of policy bonus | ||
Cash paid to and on behalf of employees | 1,033,443,300.27 | 1,233,151,555.08 |
Cash paid for all types of taxes | 251,370,035.13 | 216,708,235.51 |
Other cash paid relating to operating activities | 166,122,491.68 | 177,453,101.47 |
Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities | 28,577,076,779.31 | 23,669,817,629.69 |
Net cash flows from operating activities | 1,095,091,396.54 | 4,662,637,281.81 |
2. Cash flows from investing activities | ||
Cash received from disposal of investments | 1,843,800.00 | |
Cash received from return on investments | 896,200.00 | |
Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets | 4,854.37 | 31,053,599.66 |
Net cash received from disposal of subsidiary and other operating units | ||
Other cash paid relating to investing activities | ||
Subtotal of cash inflows from investing activities | 4,854.37 | 33,793,599.66 |
Cash paid for acquisition of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets | 508,526,841.52 | 926,848,281.71 |
Cash paid for acquisition of investments | ||
Net increase of mortgage loan | ||
Net cash received from subsidiary and other operating unit | ||
Other cash paid relating to investing activities | ||
Subtotal of cash outflows from investing activities | 508,526,841.52 | 926,848,281.71 |
Net cash flows from investing activities | -508,521,987.15 | -893,054,682.05 |
3. Cash flows from financing activities | ||
Proceeds from investment | ||
Including: Proceeds from investment of non-controlling shareholders of subsidiary | ||
Proceeds from borrowings | 1,095,000,000.00 | 300,000,000.00 |
Other proceeds relating to financing activities | 1,841,743,458.53 | 299,914,718.38 |
Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities | 2,936,743,458.53 | 599,914,718.38 |
Cash repayments of borrowings | 1,657,310,516.00 | 1,691,272,090.32 |
Cash payments for distribution of dividends, profit or interest expenses | 213,951,632.57 | 174,775,117.17 |
Including: Cash paid to non-controlling shareholders as dividend and profit by subsidiaries | ||
Other cash payments relating to financing activities | 1,677,434,508.77 | 695,121,631.51 |
Subtotal of cash outflows from financing activities | 3,548,696,657.34 | 2,561,168,839.00 |
Net cash flows from financing activities | -611,953,198.81 | -1,961,254,120.62 |
4. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents | 22,878,220.42 | 30,544,772.80 |
5. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents | -2,505,569.00 | 1,838,873,251.94 |
Add: Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period | 1,184,774,971.52 | 1,296,662,683.20 |
6. Cash and cash equivalents at the ending of the period | 1,182,269,402.52 | 3,135,535,935.14 |
Unit: Yuan
Items | Current period | Previous period |
1. Cash flow from operating activities | ||
Cash received from sale of goods or rendering of services | 29,388,810,509.14 | 27,625,067,518.78 |
Tax rebate received | 73,839,161.75 | 144,310,086.64 |
Other cash received relating to operating activities | 65,515,228.78 | 55,780,538.64 |
Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities | 29,528,164,899.67 | 27,825,158,144.06 |
Cash paid for goods and services | 27,619,248,120.78 | 22,087,125,206.72 |
Cash paid to and on behalf of employees | 957,610,316.32 | 1,169,170,038.27 |
Cash paid for all types of taxes | 160,249,664.86 | 64,558,833.83 |
Other cash paid relating to operating activities | 150,081,370.56 | 159,109,487.43 |
Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities | 28,887,189,472.52 | 23,479,963,566.25 |
Net cash flows from operating activities | 640,975,427.15 | 4,345,194,577.81 |
Items | Current period | Previous period |
2. Cash flows from investing activities | ||
Cash received from disposal of investments | ||
Cash received from return on investments | 137,000,000.00 | |
Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets | 31,053,599.66 | |
Net cash received from disposal of subsidiary and other operating units | ||
Other cash received relating to investing activities | 17,624,754.20 | |
Subtotal of cash inflows from investing activities | 137,000,000.00 | 48,678,353.86 |
Cash paid for acquisition of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets | 508,204,963.64 | 925,373,942.02 |
Cash paid for acquisition of investments | ||
Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiary and other operating unit | ||
Other cash paid relating to investing activities | ||
Subtotal of cash outflows paid for investing activities | 508,204,963.64 | 925,373,942.02 |
Net cash flows from investing activities | -371,204,963.64 | -876,695,588.16 |
3. Cash flows from financing activities | ||
Proceeds from investment | ||
Cash received from borrowings | 1,095,000,000.00 | 300,000,000.00 |
Other cash received relating to financing activities | 1,841,743,458.53 | 299,914,718.38 |
Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities | 2,936,743,458.53 | 599,914,718.38 |
Cash repayments of borrowings | 1,657,310,516.00 | 1,691,272,090.32 |
Cash payments for distribution of dividends, profit or interest | 213,951,632.57 | 174,775,117.17 |
Other cash payments relating to financing activities | 1,677,434,508.77 | 678,225,192.33 |
Subtotal of cash outflows from financing activities | 3,548,696,657.34 | 2,544,272,399.82 |
Net cash flows from financing activities | -611,953,198.81 | -1,944,357,681.44 |
4. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents | 22,844,423.74 | 28,934,107.60 |
5. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents | -319,338,311.56 | 1,553,075,415.81 |
Add: Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period | 1,074,502,887.78 | 420,642,596.45 |
6. Ending balance of cash and cash equivalents | 755,164,576.22 | 1,973,718,012.26 |
Unit: Yuan
Items | Current period | |||||||||||||
Owner's equity attributable to parent company | Non-controlling interest | Total of owner's equity | ||||||||||||
Share capital | Other equity instruments | Capital reserves | Less: Treasury shares | Other comprehensive income | Special reserves | Surplus reserves | General risk reserve | Undistributed profit | Subtotal | |||||
Preference shares | Perpetual bond | Others | ||||||||||||
1. Ending balance of last year | 4,108,219,302.00 | 947,858,134.16 | 13,272,225,870.92 | -50,371,341.88 | 54,843.15 | 1,195,116,522.37 | -2,463,133,834.65 | 17,009,969,496.07 | 589,070,286.60 | 17,599,039,782.67 | ||||
Add: Change of accounting policies | ||||||||||||||
Correction of errors for last period | ||||||||||||||
Business consolidation under common control | ||||||||||||||
Others | ||||||||||||||
2. Beginning balance of current year | 4,108,219,302.00 | 947,858,134.16 | 13,272,225,870.92 | -50,371,341.88 | 54,843.15 | 1,195,116,522.37 | -2,463,133,834.65 | 17,009,969,496.07 | 589,070,286.60 | 17,599,039,782.67 | ||||
3. Changes in current year (“-” for decrease) | 1,771.00 | -1,424.97 | 5,177.93 | 3,895,459.24 | -1,550,950,137.71 | -1,547,049,154.51 | 45,499,883.46 | -1,501,549,271.05 | ||||||
1) Total comprehensive income | -1,550,950,137.71 | -1,550,950,137.71 | 44,659,841.08 | -1,506,290,296.63 | ||||||||||
2) Capital increase and decrease by shareholders | 1,771.00 | -1,424.97 | 5,177.93 | 5,523.96 | 5,523.96 | |||||||||
(1) Common share invested by shareholders | ||||||||||||||
(2) Capital input by the holder of other equity instruments | 1,771.00 | -1,424.97 | 5,177.93 | 5,523.96 | 5,523.96 | |||||||||
(3) Share-based payment attributable to owners' equity | ||||||||||||||
(4) Others | ||||||||||||||
3) Profit distribution | ||||||||||||||
(1) Appropriation to surplus reserves | ||||||||||||||
(2) Appropriation to general risk reserve | ||||||||||||||
(3) Profit distribution to shareholders | ||||||||||||||
(4) Others | ||||||||||||||
4) Transfers within shareholders' equity | ||||||||||||||
(1) Capital reserves transferred into paid-in capital (or stock) | ||||||||||||||
(2) Surplus reserves transferred into paid-in capital (or stock) | ||||||||||||||
(3) Surplus reserves to recover loss | ||||||||||||||
(4) Net changes of defined contribution plans transferred into Retained Earnings | ||||||||||||||
(5) Other comprehensive income transferred into Retained Earnings | ||||||||||||||
(6) Others | ||||||||||||||
5) Special reserves | 3,895,459.24 | 3,895,459.24 | 840,042.38 | 4,735,501.62 | ||||||||||
(1) Provision of special reserves | 36,054,579.27 | 36,054,579.27 | 2,591,073.09 | 38,645,652.36 | ||||||||||
(2) Use of special reserves | 32,159,120.03 | 32,159,120.03 | -1,751,030.71 | 30,408,089.32 | ||||||||||
6) Others | ||||||||||||||
4. Ending balance of current year | 4,108,221,073.00 | 947,856,709.19 | 13,272,231,048.85 | -50,371,341.88 | 3,950,302.39 | 1,195,116,522.37 | -4,014,083,972.36 | 15,462,920,341.56 | 634,570,170.06 | 16,097,490,511.62 |
Items | Previous period | |||||||||||||
Owner's equity attributable to parent company | Non-controlling interest | Total of owner's equity | ||||||||||||
Share capital | Other equity instruments | Capital reserves | Less: Treasury shares | Other comprehensive income | Special reserves | Surplus reserves | General risk reserve | Undistributed profit | Subtotal | |||||
Preference shares | Perpetual bond | Others | ||||||||||||
1. Ending balance of last year | 4,108,212,217.00 | 947,863,834.02 | 13,272,205,160.21 | -15,904,760.02 | 2,217,913.77 | 1,195,116,522.37 | -720,559,670.73 | 18,789,151,216.62 | 584,587,863.76 | 19,373,739,080.38 | ||||
Add: Change of accounting policies | ||||||||||||||
Correction of errors for last period | ||||||||||||||
Business consolidation under common control | ||||||||||||||
Others | ||||||||||||||
2. Beginning balance of current year | 4,108,212,217.00 | 947,863,834.02 | 13,272,205,160.21 | -15,904,760.02 | 2,217,913.77 | 1,195,116,522.37 | -720,559,670.73 | 18,789,151,216.62 | 584,587,863.76 | 19,373,739,080.38 | ||||
3. Changes in current year (“-” for decrease) | 2,530.00 | -2,035.66 | 7,397.04 | 26,792,439.12 | -1,004,945,623.68 | -978,145,293.18 | 23,881,110.18 | -954,264,183.00 | ||||||
1) Total comprehensive income | -1,004,945,623.68 | -1,004,945,623.68 | 21,528,899.13 | -983,416,724.55 | ||||||||||
2) Capital increase and decrease by shareholders | 2,530.00 | -2,035.66 | 7,397.04 | 7,891.38 | 7,891.38 | |||||||||
(1) Common share invested by shareholders | ||||||||||||||
(2) Capital input by the holder of other equity instruments | ||||||||||||||
(3) Share-based payment attributable to owners' equity | ||||||||||||||
(4) Others | 2,530.00 | -2,035.66 | 7,397.04 | 7,891.38 | 7,891.38 | |||||||||
3) Profit distribution | ||||||||||||||
(1) Appropriation to surplus reserves | ||||||||||||||
(2) Appropriation to general risk reserve | ||||||||||||||
(3) Profit distribution to shareholders | ||||||||||||||
(4) Others | ||||||||||||||
4) Transfers within shareholders' equity | ||||||||||||||
(1) Capital reserves transferred into paid-in capital (or stock) | ||||||||||||||
(2) Surplus reserves transferred into paid-in capital (or stock) | ||||||||||||||
(3) Surplus reserves to recover loss | ||||||||||||||
(4) Net changes of defined contribution plans transferred into Retained Earnings | ||||||||||||||
(5) Other comprehensive income transferred into Retained Earnings | ||||||||||||||
(6) Others | ||||||||||||||
5) Special reserves | 26,792,439.12 | 26,792,439.12 | 2,352,211.05 | 29,144,650.17 | ||||||||||
(1) Provision of special reserves | 34,099,757.81 | 34,099,757.81 | 2,472,551.75 | 36,572,309.56 | ||||||||||
(2) Use of special reserves | 7,307,318.69 | 7,307,318.69 | -120,340.70 | 7,186,977.99 | ||||||||||
6) Others | ||||||||||||||
4. Ending balance of current year | 4,108,214,747.00 | 947,861,798.36 | 13,272,212,557.25 | -15,904,760.02 | 29,010,352.89 | 1,195,116,522.37 | -1,725,505,294.41 | 17,811,005,923.44 | 608,468,973.94 | 18,419,474,897.38 |
Unit: Yuan
Items | Current period | ||||||||||
Share capital | Other equity instruments | Capital reserves | Less: Treasury shares | Other comprehensive income | Special reserves | Surplus reserves | Undistributed profits | Total shareholder’s equity | |||
Preference shares | Perpetual bond | Others | |||||||||
1. Ending balance of last year | 4,108,219,302.00 | 947,858,134.16 | 12,852,074,188.80 | -50,371,341.88 | 3,681.16 | 1,195,116,522.37 | -2,900,010,737.27 | 16,152,889,749.34 | |||
Add: Change of accounting policies | |||||||||||
Correction of errors for last period | |||||||||||
Others | |||||||||||
2. Beginning balance of current year | 4,108,219,302.00 | 947,858,134.16 | 12,852,074,188.80 | -50,371,341.88 | 3,681.16 | 1,195,116,522.37 | -2,900,010,737.27 | 16,152,889,749.34 | |||
3. Changes in current year (“-” for decrease) | 1,771.00 | -1,424.97 | 5,177.93 | 1,686,684.19 | -1,724,636,379.51 | -1,722,944,171.36 | |||||
1) Total comprehensive income | -1,724,636,379.51 | -1,724,636,379.51 | |||||||||
2) Capital increase and decrease by shareholders | 1,771.00 | -1,424.97 | 5,177.93 | 5,523.96 | |||||||
(1) Common share invested by shareholders | |||||||||||
(2) Capital input by the holder of other equity instruments | 1,771.00 | -1,424.97 | 5,177.93 | 5,523.96 | |||||||
(3) Share-based payment attributable to shareholders' equity | |||||||||||
(4) Others | |||||||||||
3) Profit distribution | |||||||||||
(1) Appropriation of surplus reserves | |||||||||||
(2) Profit distribution to shareholders | |||||||||||
(3) Others | |||||||||||
4) Transfers within shareholders' equity | |||||||||||
(1) Capital reserves transferred into paid-in capital (or stock) | |||||||||||
(2) Surplus reserves transferred into paid-in capital (or stock) | |||||||||||
(3) Surplus reserves to recover loss | |||||||||||
(4) Net changes of defined contribution plans transferred into Retained Earnings | |||||||||||
(5) Other comprehensive income transferred into retained earnings | |||||||||||
(6) Others | |||||||||||
5) Special reserves | 1,686,684.19 | 1,686,684.19 | |||||||||
(1) Provision of special reserves | 28,658,400.00 | 28,658,400.00 | |||||||||
(2) Use of special reserves | 26,971,715.81 | 26,971,715.81 | |||||||||
6) Others | |||||||||||
4. Ending balance of current year | 4,108,221,073.00 | 947,856,709.19 | 12,852,079,366.73 | -50,371,341.88 | 1,690,365.35 | 1,195,116,522.37 | -4,624,647,116.78 | 14,429,945,577.98 |
Items | Previous period | ||||||||||
Share capital | Other equity instruments | Capital reserves | Less: Treasury shares | Other comprehensive income | Special reserves | Surplus reserves | Undistributed profits | Total shareholder’s equity | |||
Preference shares | Perpetual bond | Others | |||||||||
1. Ending balance of last year | 4,108,212,217.00 | 947,863,834.02 | 12,852,053,478.09 | -15,904,760.02 | 58,212.15 | 1,195,116,522.37 | -1,296,333,684.67 | 17,791,065,818.94 | |||
Add: Change of accounting policies | |||||||||||
Correction of errors for last period | |||||||||||
Others | |||||||||||
2. Beginning balance of current year | 4,108,212,217.00 | 947,863,834.02 | 12,852,053,478.09 | -15,904,760.02 | 58,212.15 | 1,195,116,522.37 | -1,296,333,684.67 | 17,791,065,818.94 | |||
3. Changes in current year (“-” for decrease) | 2,530.00 | -2,035.66 | 7,397.04 | 19,773,600.54 | -1,101,437,268.07 | -1,081,655,776.15 | |||||
1) Total comprehensive income | -1,101,437,268.07 | -1,101,437,268.07 | |||||||||
2) Capital increase and decrease by shareholders | 2,530.00 | -2,035.66 | 7,397.04 | 7,891.38 | |||||||
(1) Common share invested by shareholders | |||||||||||
(2) Capital input by the holder of other equity instruments | 2,530.00 | -2,035.66 | 7,397.04 | 7,891.38 | |||||||
(3) Share-based payment attributable to shareholders' equity | |||||||||||
(4) Others | |||||||||||
3) Profit distribution | |||||||||||
(1) Appropriation of surplus reserves | |||||||||||
(2) Profit distribution to shareholders | |||||||||||
(3) Others | |||||||||||
4) Transfers within shareholders' equity | |||||||||||
(1) Capital reserves transferred into paid-in capital (or stock) | |||||||||||
(2) Surplus reserves transferred into paid-in capital (or stock) | |||||||||||
(3) Surplus reserves to recover loss | |||||||||||
(4) Net changes of defined contribution plans transferred into Retained Earnings | |||||||||||
(5) Other comprehensive income transferred into retained earnings | |||||||||||
(6) Others | |||||||||||
5) Special reserves | 19,773,600.54 | 19,773,600.54 | |||||||||
(1) Provision of special reserves | 26,797,787.85 | 26,797,787.85 | |||||||||
(2) Use of special reserves | 7,024,187.31 | 7,024,187.31 | |||||||||
6) Others | |||||||||||
4. Ending balance of current year | 4,108,214,747.00 | 947,861,798.36 | 12,852,060,875.13 | -15,904,760.02 | 19,831,812.69 | 1,195,116,522.37 | -2,397,770,952.74 | 16,709,410,042.79 |
III. Basic Information of the Company
(1) Company profile
Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Bengang Steel Plates” or “theCompany”), as approved in Liao-Zheng (1997) No. 57 by Liaoning People’s Government on27 March 1997, was incorporated as a joint stock limited company through public share offerof domestic listed foreign currency denominated shares (B shares) in the People’s Republic ofChina (the “PRC”) on 27 June 1997 by Benxi Steel and Iron (Group) Co., Ltd. (“BengangGroup”), through reorganization of operations, assets and liabilities of its plants, namely, SteelSmelting Plant, Primary Rolling Plant and Continuous Hot Rolling Plant.
As approved by China Securities Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as “theCSRC”), the Company issued 400,000,000 B-shares at HKD 2.38 each in Shenzhen StockExchange on 10 June 1997. On 3 November 1997, the Company issued another 120,000,000A-shares (Renminbi common Shares) at RMB 5.40 each, and listed in Shenzhen StockExchange since 15 January 1998. The capital shares were totaled to 1,136,000,000 shares.
On 14 March 2006, according to the resolutions of the Shareholders’ Meeting regarding shareequity relocation, the Share Equity Relocation Scheme, Response to Bengang Steel Plate Co.,Ltd. about Share Equity Relocation issued by Liaoning Provincial Government State-ownedAsset Administrative Committee, Bengang Group – the only holder of non-negotiable state-owned legal person shares paid the consideration to the current shareholders to obtain thecurrent option for the 40,800,000 shares of the total 616,000,000 shares it was holding.Shareholding positions have been registered with China Securities Depository & ClearingCorporation Ltd. Shenzhen Office. However, the total amount of capital shares of BengangSteel Plates Co., Ltd. was not changed through the share equity relocation action.
According to the approval document “Zheng-Jian-Gong-Si-Zi [2006] No. 126” by ChinaSecurities Regulatory Commission on 30 June 2006, the Company was approved to place 2billion Renminbi common shares particularly to Bengang Group and the proceeds would beused to purchase the related assets of the Group. On the same day, Bengang Group receivedcircular Zheng-Jian-Gong-Si-Zi [2006] No. 127 issued by China Securities RegulatoryCommittee, and were exempted for the liability of undertaking the purchase offer. The liabilitywas caused by subscribing of the 2 billion new shares and the total shareholding was thusincreased to 2.5752 billion shares (accounting for 82.12% of the total capital shares of theCompany). On 28 August 2006, as approved by China Securities Depository & ClearingCorporation Ltd. Shenzhen Office, the registration and conditional placing procedures of the 2billion new shares were completed. On 28 September 2006, the privately placed shares were
approved by Shenzhen Stock Exchange to be placed in the stock market. The placing price wasRMB4.6733 per share.
Approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission [2017] No. 1476, Bengang SteelPlate Co., Ltd. privately placed no more than 739,371,534 RMB ordinary shares (A shares) tono more than 10 issuers. The non-public offering was completed on 9 February 2018, and739,371,532 shares were actually issued. The placing price was RMB5.41 per share.
On August 20, 2021, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission ofthe People's Government of Liaoning Province (hereinafter referred to as Liaoning SASAC)and Anshan Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Ansteel Group) signedthe "Agreement on the Gratuitous Transfer of State-owned Equity in Bengang Group Co., Ltd.between the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the People'sGovernment of Liaoning Province and Ansteel Group Co., Ltd." According to the agreement,Liaoning SASAC will transfer its 51% equity in Bengang Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referredto as Bengang Group) to Anshan Iron and Steel Group for free. After the completion of thisfree transfer, Ansteel Group became the controlling shareholder of Bengang Group, andAnsteel Group indirectly hold 81.07% of the total share capital of Bengang Steel Plates.
As at 30 June 2024, the capital shares were totaled to 4,108,221,073.00 shares.The Company’s uniform social credit code: 91210000242690243E.The Company’s registered address: 16th Renmin Road, Pingshan District, Benxi, LiaoningProvince.The Company’s legal representative: Huang Zuowei.
The parent company of Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd is Benxi Steel and Iron (Group) Co., Ltd.and the actual controller is Anshan Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd..
Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. belongs to ferrous metal smelting and rolling processingindustry and is mainly involved in producing and trading of ferrous metal products.
The financial statements have been approved for reporting by the board of directors of theCompany on 27 June 2024.IV. Basis of preparation
(1) Basis of preparation
The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with “Accounting Standards forBusiness Enterprises – Basic Standard” and relevant specific standards, application materials,
interpretations (together hereinafter referred to as “Accounting Standards for BusinessEnterprises”) issued by the Ministry of Finance, and “Information Disclosure Rules forCompanies of securities for public issuance No. 15 – General Regulations for FinancialStatements” issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission.
(2) Going concern
The financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis.
V. Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates
The following disclosed content covers the specific accounting policies and accountingestimates that are adopted by the Company based on the actual production and operationcharacteristics. Please see Note (10) Financial instruments, (11) Inventory, (14) Fixed assets,
(17) Intangible assets, (23) Revenue under “3. Significant accounting policies and
accounting estimates” for details.
(1) Statement of compliance with China Accounting Standards for Business EnterprisesThe financial statements present truly and completely the financial position, operation resultsand cash flows of the Company during the reporting period in accordance with ChinaAccounting Standards for Business Enterprises.
(2) Accounting year
The Accounting year is from 1 January to 31 December.
(3) Operating period
The operating period is twelve months.
(4) Functional currency
The Company’s functional currency is RMB.
(5) The accounting treatment for Business combination under/not under common controlBusiness combination under common controlThe assets and liabilities that the Company acquired in a business combination shall bemeasured on the basis of their carrying amount of acquiree’s assets, liabilities (as well as thegoodwill arising from the business combination) in the consolidated financial statement of theultimate controller on the combining date. As for the balance between the carrying amount ofthe net assets obtained by the Company and the carrying amount of the consideration paid byit (or the total par value of the shares issued), capital reserve needs to be adjusted. If the capitalreserve is not sufficient, any excess shall be adjusted against retained earnings.
Business combination not under common control
The Company shall, on the acquisition date, measure the assets given and liabilities incurredor assumed by an enterprise for a business combination in light of their fair values, and shallrecord the balances between them and their carrying amounts into the profits and losses at thecurrent period. The Company shall recognize the positive balance between the combinationcosts and the fair value of the identifiable net assets it obtains from the acquiree as goodwill.The Company shall treat the negative balance between the combination costs and the fair valueof the identifiable net assets it obtains from the acquiree into the profits and losses of the currentperiod.
The intermediary costs and relevant fees for the business combination paid by the acquirer,including the expenses for audit, assessment and legal services, shall be recorded into theprofits and losses at the current period. The transaction expenses for the issuance of equitysecurities for the business combination shall be recorded into the initial recognition amount ofequity securities. All identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities of the acquiree thatmeet the recognition criteria acquired in the merger are measured at fair value on the acquisitiondate.
Directly related expenses incurred for a business combination are recorded in the currentperiod's profit or loss when incurred; transaction costs of equity securities or debt securitiesissued for a business combination are included in the initial recognition amount of the equitysecurities or debt securities.
(6) Scope of consolidation and Consolidation of Financial Statements
1. Scope of consolidation
The scope of consolidation of consolidated financial statements is determined based on controland the scope of consolidation includes the Company and all its subsidiaries. Control meansthat the Company has power over the investee, enjoys variable returns through participation inthe relevant activities of the investee, and has the ability to use the power over the investee toinfluence the amount of its returns.
2. Procedure of consolidation
When preparing consolidated financial statements, the parent shall consider the entire group asan accounting entity, adopt uniform accounting policies to prepare the consolidated financialstatements which reflect the overall financial position, operating results and cash flows of thegroup. The impact of internal transactions between the Company and its subsidiaries andbetween subsidiaries shall be offset. If internal transactions indicate that relevant assets havesuffered impairment losses, such losses shall be fully recognized. The accounting policy andaccounting period of the subsidiaries within the consolidation scope shall be in accordance
with those of the Company. If not, it is necessary to make the adjustment according to theCompany’s accounting policies and accounting period when preparing the consolidatedfinancial statements.
The owners’ interests, profit or loss, and comprehensive income of the subsidiary attributableto the non-controlling shareholders shall be presented separately in the shareholders’ equity ofthe consolidated balance sheet and under the item of net profit of the consolidated statement ofcomprehensive income and under the item of total comprehensive income. Where lossesassumed by the minority exceed the minority’s interests in the beginning equity of a subsidiary,the excess shall be charged against the minority’s interests.
(1) Increasing new subsidiaries and businesses
If the Company has a new subsidiary due to business combination under common controlduring the reporting period, it shall adjust the beginning balance in the consolidated statementof financial position when preparing consolidated statement of financial position. The revenue,expenses and profits of the subsidiaries from the acquisition date to the end of the reportingperiod are included in the Company’s consolidated statement of comprehensive income. Thecash flow of the subsidiaries from the acquisition date to the end of the reporting period isincluded in the Company’s consolidated statement of cash flows. And meanwhile theCompany shall adjust the relevant items of the comparative financial statements as if thereporting entity for the purpose of consolidation has been in existence since the date theultimate controlling party first obtained control.
When the Company becomes capable of exercising control over an investee under commoncontrol due to additional investment or other reasons, adjustment shall be made as if thereporting entity after the combination has been in existence since the date the ultimatecontrolling party first obtained control. The investment income recognized between date ofpreviously obtaining equity investment and the date the acquiree and acquirer are undercommon control, which is later, and the combining date, other comprehensive income andother changes of net assets arising from the equity investment previously held beforeobtaining the control the acquiree shall be adjusted against the prior retained earnings of thecomparative financial statements and the current profit or loss respectively.
If it is not under common control, it will be included in the consolidated financial statements
from the date of acquisition based on the fair value of each identifiable asset, liability andcontingent liability determined on the date of acquisition.
When the Company becomes capable of exercising control over an investee not under
common control due to additional investment or other reasons, the acquirer shall remeasureits previously held equity interest in the acquiree to its fair value at the acquisition date. Thedifference between the fair value and the carrying amount shall be recognized as investmentincome for the period when the acquisition takes place. When the previously held equityinvestment is accounted for under the equity method, any other comprehensive incomepreviously recognized in relation to the acquiree’s equity changes shall be transferred to profitor loss for the current period when the acquisition takes place.
(2) Disposing subsidiaries or businesses
1. General treatment
When the Company loses control over an investee due to partial disposal or other reasons, theacquirer shall re-measure the remaining equity interests in the acquiree to its fair value at theacquisition date. The difference, between sums of consideration received for disposal equityshares and fair value of the remaining shares, and sums of share of net assets of the subsidiarycalculated continuously from the acquisition date or the combination date based on theprevious shareholding proportion and goodwill, shall be recognized as investment income forthe period when the Company loses control over acquiree. When the previously held equityinvestment is accounted for under the equity method, any other comprehensive incomepreviously recognized in relation to the acquiree’s equity changes, and other equity changesrather than changes from net profit, other comprehensive income and profit distribution, shallbe transferred to investment income for the current period when the Company loses controlover acquiree.
2. Disposing subsidiaries by multiple transactions
Where the Company loses control of a subsidiary in multiple transactions in which itdisposes of its subsidiary in stages, in determining whether to account for the multipletransactions as a single transaction, the Company shall consider all of the terms andconditions of the transactions and their economic effects. One or more of the following mayindicate that the Company shall account for the multiple arrangements as a single transaction:
(a) Arrangements are entered into at the same time or in contemplation of each other;(b) Arrangements work together to achieve an overall commercial effect;(c) The occurrence of one arrangement is dependent on the occurrence of at least oneother arrangement; and(d) One arrangement considered on its own is not economically justified, but it iseconomically justified when considered together with other arrangements.
If each of the multiple transactions forms part of a bundled transaction which eventuallyresults in loss of control of the subsidiary, these multiple transactions shall be accounted for
as a single transaction. In the consolidated financial statements, the difference between theconsideration received and the corresponding proportion of the subsidiary’s net assets ineach transaction prior to the loss of control shall be recognized in other comprehensiveincome and transferred to the profit or loss when the Company eventually loses control ofthe subsidiary.
If each of the multiple transactions which eventually results in loss of control of thesubsidiary do not form part of a bundled transaction, apply the treatment of disposing partiallong-term equity investments in a subsidiary without loss of control prior to the loss ofcontrol. After the loss of control, apply the treatment of disposing the subsidiary in commoncases.
(3) Acquiring the subsidiaries’ equity interest held by non-controlling shareholdersWhere the Company has acquired a subsidiary’s equity interest held by non-controllingshareholders, the difference between the increase in the cost of long-term investments as aresult of acquisition of non-controlling interests and the share of net assets of the subsidiarycalculated continuously from the acquisition date or the combination date based on the newshareholding proportion shall be adjusted to the capital reserve( capital premium or sharepremium) in the consolidated financial statements. If the balance of the capital reserve is notsufficient, any excess shall be adjusted against retained earnings.
(4) Disposing portion of equity investments in subsidiaries without losing control
When the Company disposes of a portion of the long-term equity investments in a subsidiarywithout loss of control, the difference between the amount of the consideration received andthe corresponding portion of the nest assets of the subsidiary calculated continuously fromthe acquisition date or the combination date related to the disposal of the long-term equityinvestments shall be adjusted to the capital reserve (capital premium or share premium) inthe consolidated financial statements. If the balance of the capital reserve is not sufficient,any excess shall be adjusted against retained earnings.
(7) Classification of joint venture arrangements and accounting treatment
Joint venture arrangements are divided into joint operations and joint ventures.
When the Company is a joint venture party of a joint venture arrangement and have the assetsrelated to the arrangement and assumes the liabilities related to the arrangement, it is a jointoperation.
The Company confirms the following items related to the share of interest in the jointoperation and performs accounting treatment in accordance with the relevant enterpriseaccounting standards:
a. Confirm the assets held by the company separately, and confirm the assets held jointly bythe Company's share;
b. Recognize the liabilities assumed by the Company separately and the liabilities jointlyassumed by the company's share;c. Recognize the income generated by the sale of the Company’s share of common operatingoutput;d. Recognize the revenue generated from the sale of joint operations based on the Company'sshare;e. Confirm the expenses incurred separately and the expenses incurred in the joint operationaccording to the Company's share.
The Company's investment in joint ventures is accounted for using the equity method. Fordetails, see Note (13) Long-term equity investments under “3. Significant accountingpolicies and accounting estimates”.
(8) Recognition of cash and cash equivalents
The term “cash” refers to the cash on hand and the unrestricted deposit. And the term “cashequivalents” refers to short-term (maturing within three months from acquisition) and highlyliquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subjectto an insignificant risk of change in value.
(9) Foreign currency transaction and translation of foreign currency financial statements
1. Foreign currency transaction
Foreign currency transactions are translated into RMB at the current rate at the day oftransactions.
The foreign currency monetary items shall be translated at the spot exchange rate on thebalance sheet date. The balance of exchange arising from the difference between the spotexchange rate on the balance sheet date and the spot exchange rate at the time of initialrecognition or prior to the balance sheet date, except those arising from the raising of specialforeign debt for the purchase or construction of capitalizable assets thus shall be capitalizedaccording to the borrowing costs capitalization principle, shall be recorded into the profits andlosses at the current period.
2. Translation of foreign currency financial statements
The asset and liability items in the statement of financial position shall be translated at a spotexchange rate on the balance sheet date. Among the owner's equity items, except the ones as"undistributed profits", others shall be translated at the spot exchange rate at the time whenthey are incurred. The income and expense items in the income statement shall be translatedusing an exchange rate that is determined in a systematic and reasonable manner andapproximates the spot exchange rate on the transaction date.
When disposing an overseas business, the Company shall shift the balance, which is presentedunder the items of the owner's equities in the statement of financial position and arises from
the translation of foreign currency financial statements related to this oversea business, into thedisposal profits and losses of the current period.
(10) Financial instruments
The Company recognizes a financial asset, financial liability or equity instrument when itbecomes a party to a financial instrument contract.
1. Classification of financial instruments
The Company shall classify financial assets on the basis of both the entity’s business model formanaging the financial assets and the contractual cash flow characteristics of the financial assetas: financial assets measured at amortised cost, financial assets measured at fair value throughother comprehensive income and financial assets measured at fair value through profit or lossat initial measurement.
A financial asset which is not designated as a financial asset measured at fair value throughprofit or loss shall be measured at amortised cost if both of the following conditions are met.- The financial asset is held within a business model whose objective is to hold financialassets in order to collect contractual cash flows.- The contractual terms of the financial asset give rise on specified dates to cash flows thatare solely payments of principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding.
A financial asset shall be measured at fair value through other comprehensive income if bothof the following conditions are met.- The financial asset is held within a business model whose objective is achieved by bothcollecting contractual cash flows and selling financial assets.- The contractual terms of the financial asset give rise on specified dates to cash flows thatare solely payments of principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding.
The Company may make an election at initial recognition for non-trading equity instrumentinvestments whether it is designated as a financial asset (equity instrument) that is measured atfair value through other comprehensive income. The designation is made on the basis of asingle investment, and the related investment meets the definition of an equity instrument fromthe issuer's perspective.
Other financial assets other than these are classified as financial assets measured at fair valuethrough profit or loss. At the initial recognition, in order to eliminate or significantly reduce
accounting mismatches, financial assets that should be classified as measured at amortizedvalue or financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income can bedesignated as financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss.
The Company shall classify financial liabilities as financial liabilities measured at amortisedcost and financial liabilities measured at fair value through profit or loss at initial measurement.
The Company may, at initial recognition, designate a financial liability as measured at fair valuethrough profit or loss because either:
(a) it eliminates or significantly reduces an accounting mismatch;(b) a group of financial liabilities or financial assets and financial liabilities is managed and itsperformance is evaluated on a fair value basis, in accordance with a documented riskmanagement or investment strategy, and information about the group is provided internallyon that basis to the entity’s key management personnel;(c) the financial liability contains embedded derivatives that need to be separated.
2. Recognition and measurement of financial instruments
(1) Financial assets measured at amortised cost
Financial assets measured at amortized cost include notes receivables, accounts receivables,other receivables, long-term receivables, debt investments, etc. At initial recognition, theCompany shall measure a financial asset at its fair value plus or minus transaction costs thatare directly attributable to the acquisition or issue of the financial asset. The Company shallmeasure account receivables at their transaction price if the account receivables do not containa significant financing component and accounts receivables that the company has decided notto consider for a financing component of no more than one year.
Interests calculated by using the effective interest method during the holding period shall be.recognized in profit or loss.
When recovering or disposing the receivables, the difference between the price obtained andthe carrying value shall be recognized in current profit or loss.
(2) Financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income (debt
instruments)Financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income (debt instruments)include receivables financing, other debt investments, etc. At initial recognition, the Companyshall measure a financial asset at its fair value plus transaction costs that are directly attributableto the acquisition or issuance of the financial asset. The financial assets are subsequentlymeasured at fair value. Changes in fair value are included in other comprehensive incomeexcept for interest calculated using the effective interest method, impairment losses or gainsand exchange gains and losses. When the financial assets are derecognized, the accumulatedgain or loss previously recognized in other comprehensive income is transferred from othercomprehensive income and recognized in profit or loss.
(3) Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income (equity
instruments)Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income (equity instruments). includeother equity instrument investments, etc. At initial recognition, the Company shall measure afinancial asset at its fair value plus transaction costs that are directly attributable to theacquisition or issue of the financial asset. The financial assets are subsequently measured atfair value. Changes in fair value are included in other comprehensive income. The dividendsobtained are recognised in profit and loss.
When the financial assets are derecognized, the accumulated gain or loss previously.recognised in other comprehensive income is transferred from other comprehensive incomeand recognised in retained earnings.
(4) Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss include transactional financial assets,derivative financial assets, other non-current financial assets, etc. The Company shall measurethe financial assets at fair value at initial recognition. Transaction costs are recognised in profitor loss. Changes in fair value are included in profit or loss.
(5) Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss include current financial liabilities,derivative financial liabilities, etc. The Company shall measure the financial assets at fair valueat initial recognition. Transaction costs are recognised in profit or loss. Changes in fair valueare included in profit or loss.
When the financial liabilities are derecognized, the difference between the fair value and the.initially recorded amount is recognized as investment income, and the gains and losses fromchanges in fair value are adjusted.
(6) Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost
Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost include short-term borrowings, notes. payables,accounts payables, other payables, long-term borrowings, bonds payables, long-term payables.At initial recognition, the Company shall measure a financial liability at its fair value plus.transaction costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition or issue of the financial asset.
Interests calculated by using the effective interest method during the holding period shall berecognized in profit or loss.
When the financial liabilities are derecognized, the difference between the price obtained and.the carrying value shall be recognised in profit and loss.
3. Termination of recognition of financial assets and financial assets transfer
When one of the following conditions is met, the company terminates the recognition offinancial assets.- Termination of contractual rights to receive cash flows from financial assets;- The financial assets have been transferred, and almost all the risks and rewards in theownership of the financial assets have been transferred to the transferee;- The financial assets have been transferred. Although the company has neither transferrednor retained almost all the risks and rewards of the ownership of the financial assets, it hasnot retained control of the financial assets.
If the Company modifies or renegotiates a contract with its counterparty and the modificationconstitutes a substantial modification, the original financial asset will be derecognized and anew financial asset will be recognized in accordance with the modified terms.
If it retained nearly all of the risks and rewards related to the ownership of the financial asset,it shall not stop recognizing the financial asset.
To judge whether the transfer of a financial asset can satisfy the conditions as prescribed inthese Standards for stopping the recognition of a financial asset, the Company shall follow theprinciple of the substance over form.Transfer of an entire financial asset can be divided into partial financial assets transfer andentire financial asset transfer. If the transfer of an entire financial asset satisfies the conditionsfor de-recognition, the difference between the amounts of the following 2 items shall berecorded in the profits and losses of the current period:
(1) The book value of the transferred financial asset; and
(2) The sum of consideration received from the transfer, and the accumulative amount of thechanges of the fair value originally recorded in the owners' equities (in the event that thefinancial asset involved in the transfer is a financial asset Available-for-sale).
If the transfer of partial financial asset satisfies the conditions to derecognize, the entire bookvalue of the transferred financial asset shall, between the portion whose recognition has beenstopped and the portion whose recognition has not been stopped (under such circumstance,the service asset retained shall be deemed as a portion of financial asset whose recognitionhas not been stopped), be apportioned according to their respective relative fair value, andthe difference between the amounts of the following 2 items shall be included into the profitsand losses of the current period :
(1) The book value of the portion whose recognition has been stopped; and
(2) The sum of consideration of the portion whose recognition has been stopped, and theportion of the accumulative amount of the changes in the fair value originally recorded in theowner's equities which is corresponding to the portion whose recognition has been stopped(in the event that the financial asset involved in the transfer is a financial asset Available-for-sale).
If the transfer of financial assets does not satisfy the conditions to stop the recognition, itshall continue to be recognized as financial assets and the consideration received shall berecognized as financial liabilities.
4. Termination of recognition of financial liabilities
Only when the prevailing obligations of a financial liability are relieved in all or in part maythe recognition of the financial liability be terminated in all or partly. Where the Company(debtor) enters into an agreement with a creditor so as to substitute the existing financialliabilities by way of any new financial liability, and if the contractual stipulation regardingthe new financial liability is substantially different from that regarding the existing financialliability, it shall terminate the recognition of the existing financial liability, and shall at thesame time recognize the new financial liability.
Where the Company makes substantial revisions to part or all of the contractual stipulationsof the existing financial liability, it shall terminated the recognition of the existing financialliability or part of it, and at the same time recognize the financial liability after revising thecontractual stipulations as a new financial liability.
Where the recognition of a financial liability is totally or partially terminated, the Companyshall include into the profits and losses of the current period the difference between thecarrying amount which has been terminated from recognition and the considerations it haspaid (including the non-cash assets it has transferred out and the new financial liabilities ithas assumed).
Where the Company buys back part of its financial liabilities, it shall distribute, on the dateof repurchase, the carrying amount of the whole financial liabilities in light of thecomparatively fair value of the part that continues to be recognized and the part whoserecognition has already been terminated. The gap between the carrying amount which isdistributed to the part whose recognition has terminated and the considerations it has paid(including the noncash assets it has transferred out and the new financial liabilities it hasassumed) shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period.
5. Determination of the fair value of the financial assets (liabilities)
If active markets for the financial instruments exist, the fair value shall be measured by quotedprices in the active markets. If active markets for the financial instruments do not exist,valuation techniques shall be applied for the measurement. The Company uses valuationtechniques appropriate in the circumstances and for which sufficient data are available tomeasure fair value. The Company chooses relevant observable inputs for identical or similarassets or liabilities. Only when relevant observable inputs are unavailable or should theCompany use unobservable inputs for the asset or liability.
6. Impairment provision of the financial assets
The Company recognize the expected credit loss on financial assets measured at amortized cost,financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income (debt instruments) ,financial guarantee contract, and so on, on the individual or portfolio basis.The Company considers all reasonable and relevant information, including past events, currentconditions, and forecasts of future economic conditions, and uses the risk of default as theweight to calculate the probability-weighted amount of present value of difference between thecash flow receivable from the contract and the cash flow expected to be received to confirmthe expected credit loss.
For account receivables and contract assets recognized according to Accounting Standards forBusiness Enterprises No. 14 Revenue, whether a significant financing component is containedor not, the Company shall always measure the loss allowance at an amount equal to lifetimeexpected credit losses.
For lease receivables recognized according to Accounting Standards for Business EnterprisesNo. 21 Lease, the Company shall always measure the loss allowance at an amount equal tolifetime expected credit losses.For other financial instruments, the Company shall assess changes in the credit risk of therelevant financial instruments since initial recognition at each balance sheet date.
The company compares the risk of default on the balance sheet date of financial instrumentswith the risk of default on the date of initial recognition to determine the relative change in therisk of default during the expected life of the financial instrument to assess whether there is asignificant increase in credit risk of financial assets since the initial recognition. Generally, the
Company believes that the credit risk of the financial instrument has significantly increasedover 30 days after the due date, unless there is solid evidence that the credit risk of the financialinstrument has not increased significantly since initial recognition.
If the credit risk of a financial instrument at the reporting date is relatively low, the Companyconsiders that the credit risk of the financial instrument has not increased significantly sincethe initial recognition.
If the credit risk of the financial instrument has increased significantly since the initialconfirmation, the Company shall measure the loss allowance for a financial instrument at anamount equal to the lifetime expected credit losses. If the credit risk on a financial instrumenthas not increased significantly since initial recognition, the Company shall measure the lossallowance for that financial instrument at an amount equal to 12-month expected credit losses.The increase or reversal amount of loss allowance thus formed shall be included in the currentprofits and losses as impairment losses or gains. For financial assets at fair value through othercomprehensive income (debt instruments), loss provisions are recognised in othercomprehensive income and impairment losses or gains are recognised in profit or loss at thecurrent period without reducing the carrying amount of the financial asset in the balance sheet.
(11) Inventory
1. Inventory classification
Inventories include material in transit, raw material, turnover materials, finished goods, workin process, issue commodity, materials for consigned processing, etc.
Inventory is initially measured at cost. Inventory cost includes purchase cost, processing costand other expenditures incurred to bring inventory to its current location and state.
2. Valuation method for inventory dispatched
The weighted average method is used to confirm the actual cost of the inventories dispatched.
3. Inventory system
The Company uses perpetual inventory system.
4. Amortization of low-valued consumables and packing materials
(1) Low-valued consumables shall be amortized in full amount on issuance.
(2) Packing materials shall be amortized in full amount on issuance.
5. The basis for confirming the net realizable value of inventories and the methods tomake provision for the inventory impairment lossOn the balance sheet date, inventories shall be measured at the lower of cost and net realizablevalue. When the cost of inventories is higher than its net realizable value, provision forinventory impairment loss shall be made. The net realizable value refers to the amount of the
estimated selling price of the inventory minus the estimated costs that will occur at the time ofcompletion, estimated selling expenses, and relevant taxes in daily activities.
The net realizable value of inventories (finished products, stock commodity, material, etc.)held for direct selling in the daily business activity shall be calculated by deducting theestimated sale expense and relevant taxes from the estimated sale price of inventories; The netrealizable value of inventories for further processing in the daily business activity shall becalculated by deducting the estimated cost of completion, estimated sale expense and relevanttaxes from the estimated sale price of inventories; The net realizable value of inventories heldfor the execution of sales contracts or labor contracts shall be calculated on the ground of thecontract price. If the Company holds more inventories than the quantities subscribed in thesales contract, the net realizable value of the excessive part of the inventories shall be calculatedon the ground of the general sales price.
After the inventory impairment is withdrawn, if the factors that previously affected the write-down of the inventory value have disappeared, causing the net realizable value of the inventoryto be higher than its book value, it shall be reversed within the amount of the inventoryimpairment that has been withdrawn, and the reverted amount shall be included in the currentprofit and loss.
(12) Contract asset
1. Recognition methods and criteria of contract assets
When either party to a contract has performed, the Company shall present the contract in thestatement of financial position as a contract asset or a contract liability, depending on therelationship between the Company’s performance and the customer’s payment. If theCompany have the rights to receive consideration (the right is conditioned on factors otherthan the passage of time) by transferring goods or services to a customer, the entity shallpresent the contract as a contract asset. Contract assets and contract liabilities under the samecontract are disclosed in net amount. An entity shall present any unconditional rights toconsideration (only the passage of time is required) separately as a receivable.
2. Expected credit loss of contract assets
For the accounting policy of the expected credit loss of contract assets, please refer to Note
(10) 6. Impairment provision of the financial assets under “3. Significant accounting policiesand accounting estimates”
(13) Long-term equity investment
1. Criteria of joint control and significant influence
Joint control is the contractually agreed sharing of control of an arrangement, which exists onlywhen decisions about the relevant activities require the unanimous consent of the partiessharing control. If the Company and other joint venture have joint control of the investee andhave rights to the net assets of the investee, the investee is a joint venture of the Company.
Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisionsof the investee but not control or join control of those policies. If the Company could exertsignificant influence over the investee, the investee is the associate of the Company.
2. The initial cost of long-term equity investment from business acquisition
(1) Long-term equity investment from business acquisition
For a business combination under common control, the initial investment cost of the long-termequity investment shall be the absorbing party’s share of the carrying amount of the owner’sequity of the party being absorbed in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimatecontrolling party at combination date. The difference between the initial investment cost andthe carrying amount of the previously held equity investment, together with the additionalinvestment cost for new shares at combination date, shall be adjusted to the capital reserve. Ifthe balance of capital reserve is not sufficient, any excess shall be adjusted to retained earnings.When an investor becomes capable of exercising control over an investee due to additionalinvestment or other reasons, the difference between the initial investment cost recognized inaccordance with the above principles and the sum of the book value of the long-term equityinvestment before the merger plus the book value of the cost for the further shares acquired onthe merger date, shall be adjusted to the capital reserve. If the balance of capital reserve is notsufficient, any excess shall be adjusted to retained earnings.
For a business combination not under common control, the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment shall be the acquisition cost at the acquisition date. When an investorbecomes capable of exercising control over an investee due to additional investment or otherreasons, the initial investment cost under the cost method shall be the carrying amount ofpreviously held equity investment together with the additional investment cost.
(2) The initial cost of the long-term equity investment other than from business acquisition
The initial cost of a long-term equity investment obtained by making payment in cash shall bethe purchase cost which is actually paid.
The initial cost of a long-term equity investment obtained on the basis of issuing equitysecurities shall be the fair value of the equity securities issued.
3. Subsequent measurement and profit or loss recognition
(1) Cost method
The Company adopts cost method for the long term investment in subsidiary company unlessthe investment qualifies as held for sale. An investing enterprise shall, in accordance with theattributable share of the net profits or losses of the invested entity, recognize the investment
profits or losses except the dividend declared but unpaid, which is included in the paymentwhen acquiring the investment.
(2) Equity method
A long-term equity investment in an associate or a joint venture shall be accounted for usingthe equity method. Where the initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment exceedsinvestor’s interest in the fair values of an investee’s identifiable net assets at the acquisitiondate, no adjustment shall be made to the initial investment cost. Where the initial cost is lessthan the investor’s interest in the fair values of the investee’s identifiable net assets at theacquisition date, the difference shall be credited to profit or loss for the current period, and thecost of long-term equity investment shall be adjusted accordingly.
The Company shall recognize its share of the investee’s net profits or losses, as well as its shareof the investee’s other comprehensive income, as investment income or losses and othercomprehensive income, and adjust the carrying amount of the investment accordingly. Thecarrying amount of the investment shall be reduced by the portion of any profit distributions orcash dividends declared by the investee that is attributable to the investor. The investor’s shareof the investee’s owners’ equity changes, other than those arising from the investee’s net profitor loss, other comprehensive income or profit distribution, and the carrying amount of the long-term equity investment shall be adjusted accordingly.
During the holding period, if the investee makes consolidated financial statements, theCompany shall calculate its share based on the investee’s net profit, other comprehensiveincome and the amount of other owners' equity attribute to the investee in the consolidatedfinancial statements. The investor shall recognize its share of the investee’s net profits or lossesafter making appropriate adjustments according to the Company’s accounting principles andoperating period based on the fair values of the investee’s identifiable net assets.
The unrealized profits or losses resulting from transactions between the investor and itsassociate or joint venture shall be eliminated in proportion to the investor’s equity interest inthe investee, based on which investment income or losses shall be recognized, except thetransaction of investment or sale of assets is a business. Any losses resulting from transactionsbetween the investor and investee which are attributable to asset impairment shall berecognized in full.
The company’s net losses incurred by joint ventures or associates, in addition to assumingadditional loss obligations, are limited to the book value of long-term equity investments andother long-term equity that essentially constitutes net investment in joint ventures or associates.
If a joint venture or associated enterprise realizes net profits in the future, the company resumesrecognizing its share of profits after the share of profits makes up for the share of unrecognizedlosses.
(3) Disposal of long-term equity investment
When disposing long-term equity investment, the difference between the proceeds actuallyreceived and the carrying amount shall be recognized in profit or loss for the current period.
Partial disposal of long-term equity investments accounted for by the equity method, and theremaining equity is still accounted for by the equity method, the other comprehensive incomerecognized by the original equity method shall be carried forward according to the same basisas the direct disposal of related assets or liabilities by the investee. All other changes in theinterests of the holders are carried forward to the current profit and loss on a pro rata basis.
When an investor can no longer exercise joint control of or significant influence over aninvestee due to disposal of equity investment or other reasons, any other comprehensive incomepreviously recognized shall be accounted for on the same basis as would have been required ifthe investee had directly disposed of the related assets or liabilities for the current period upondiscontinuation of the equity method. Other owner's equity change shall be transferred intoprofit or loss of current period in full when the Company cease to adopt the equity method.
When an investor can no longer control the investee due to partial disposal, when the individualfinancial statements are prepared, the remaining equity can exercise joint control or significantinfluence on the investee, the equity method shall be used to account for the remaining equity.It is deemed that the equity method is adopted for adjustment since the acquisition, and theother comprehensive income recognized before the control of the investee is obtained is carriedforward on the same basis as the direct disposal of related assets or liabilities by the investee,because the equity method is used for accounting. The confirmed changes in other owners’equity are carried forward to the current profit and loss on a pro rata basis. If the remainingequity cannot exercise joint control or exert significant influence on the investee, it shall berecognized as a financial asset, and the difference between its fair value and book value on thedate when control is lost shall be included in the current profit and loss, and othercomprehensive income and other owner’s interests previously recognized shall be transferredto profit or loss in full.
If the equity investment of a subsidiary is disposed through multiple transactions until it losescontrol, which is a package transaction, each transaction shall be accounted as a transactionthat disposes of the equity investment of the subsidiary and loses control. Each transaction
before the loss of control, the difference between the disposal price and the book value of thecorresponding disposed part of long-term equity investment is firstly recognized as othercomprehensive income in individual financial statements, and then transferred to the currentprofit and loss when the control is lost. If it is not a package transaction, each transaction shallbe accounted separately.
(14) Fixed assets
1. Recognition of Fixed assets
The term "fixed assets" refers to the tangible assets held for the sake of producing commodities,rendering labor service, renting or business management and of which useful life is in excessof one fiscal year. No fixed asset may be recognized unless it simultaneously meets theconditions as follows:
(1) The economic benefits pertinent to the fixed asset are likely to flow into the enterprise; and
(2) The cost of the fixed asset can be measured reliably.
Fixed assets are initially measured at cost (and considering the impact of expected dismantlingcost factors).
Subsequent expenditures related to fixed assets are included in the cost of fixed assets whenthe related economic benefits are likely to flow in and their costs can be reliably measured; thebook value of the replaced part is derecognized; all other subsequent expenditures are incurredshall be included in the current profit and loss.
2. Fixed assets depreciation
Fixed assets are depreciated under the straight line method. The depreciation rate is determinedaccording to the category of assets, the useful life and the expected residual rate. If thecomponents of the fixed assets have different useful lives or provide the economic benefits ina different way, then different depreciation rate or method shall be applied and the depreciationof the components shall be calculated separately.
Details of classification, depreciation period, residual value rate and annual depreciation rateare as follows:
Category | Depreciation method | Depreciation Period | Residual Value Rate (%) | Depreciation Rate (%) |
Plants and Buildings | straight line method | 40 years | 5.00 | 2.38 |
Machinery | straight line method | 17-24 years | 5.00 | 3.96-5.59 |
Transportation and other equipment | straight line method | 5-12 years | 5.00 | 7.92-19.00 |
4. Disposal of fixed assets
When a fixed asset is disposed, or it is expected that no economic benefits will be generatedthrough use or disposal, the recognition of fixed asset shall be de terminated. The amount ofdisposal income of fixed assets raising from sell, transfer, scrapping or damage shall beincluded in the current profit and loss after deducting its book value and related taxes.
(15) Construction in progress
Construction in progress is measured at the actual cost incurred. The actual cost includesconstruction costs, installation costs, borrowing costs that meet the capitalization conditions,and other necessary expenditures incurred before the construction in progress reaches itsintended use status. Construction in progress is transferred to fixed asset when it has reachedits working condition for its intended use and depreciation will be accrued from the next month.
(16) Borrowing costs
1. Principle of the recognition of capitalized borrowing costs
Where the borrowing costs incurred to an enterprise can be directly attributable to theacquisition and construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization, it shall becapitalized and recorded into the costs of relevant assets. Other borrowing costs shall berecognized as expenses on the basis of the actual amount incurred, and shall be recorded intothe current profits and losses.
Assets eligible for capitalization refer to the fixed assets, investment property, inventories andother assets, of which the acquisition and construction or production may take quite a long timeto get ready for its intended use or for sale.
2. The capitalization period of borrowing costs
The capitalization period shall refer to the period from the commencement to the cessation ofcapitalization of the borrowing costs, excluding the period of suspension of capitalization ofthe borrowing costs.
The borrowing costs shall not be capitalized unless they simultaneously meet the followingrequirements:
(1) The asset disbursements have already incurred, which shall include cash, transferred non-cash assets or interest bearing debts paid for the acquisition and construction or productionactivities for preparing assets eligible for capitalization;
(2) The borrowing costs has already incurred; and
(3) The acquisition and construction or production activities which are necessary to prepare theasset for its intended use or sale have already started.
When the qualified asset under acquisition and construction or production is ready for theintended use or sale, the capitalization of the borrowing costs shall be ceased.
3. The suspension of capitalization of borrowing costs
Where the acquisition and construction or production of a qualified asset is interruptedabnormally and the interruption period lasts for more than 3 months, the capitalization of theborrowing costs shall be suspended. If the interruption is a necessary step for making thequalified asset under acquisition and construction or production ready for the intended use orsale, the capitalization of the borrowing costs shall continue. The borrowing costs incurredduring such period shall be recognized as expenses, and shall be recorded into the profits andlosses of the current period, till the acquisition and construction or production of the assetrestarts.
4. Method of calculating the capitalization rate and capitalized amount of borrowing costsFor interest expense (minus the income of interests earned on the unused borrowing loans as adeposit in the bank or investment income earned on the loan as a temporary investment) andthe ancillary expense incurred to a specifically borrowed loan, those incurred before a qualifiedasset under acquisition, construction or production is ready for the intended use or sale shallbe capitalized at the incurred amount when they are incurred, and shall be recorded into thecosts of the asset eligible for capitalization.
The Company shall calculate and determine the to-be-capitalized amount of interests on thegeneral borrowing by multiplying the weighted average asset disbursement of the part of theaccumulative asset disbursements minus the general borrowing by the capitalization rate of thegeneral borrowing used. The capitalization rate shall be calculated and determined in light ofthe weighted average interest rate of the general borrowing.
During the capitalization period, the exchange difference between the principal and interest ofthe foreign currency special loan is capitalized and included in the cost of the assets that meetthe capitalization conditions. Exchange differences arising from the principal and interest offoreign currency borrowings other than foreign currency special borrowings are included inthe current profits and losses.
(17) Intangible Assets
1. Measurement of Intangible Assets
(1) Initial measurement is based on cost upon acquisition
The cost of an intangible asset on acquisition include the purchase price, relevant taxes andother necessary disbursements which may be directly attributable to bringing the intangibleasset to the conditions for the expected purpose.
(2) Subsequent Measurement
The Company shall analyze and judge the beneficial period of intangible assets uponacquisition.
Intangible assets with finite beneficial period shall be amortized under the straight-line methodduring the period when the intangible asset can bring economic benefits to the enterprise. If itis unable to estimate the beneficial period of the intangible asset, it shall be regarded as anintangible asset with uncertain service life and shall not be amortized.
2. Estimated useful lives of intangible assets with limited useful lives
Item | Estimated useful life | Criteria |
Land use right | 50 years | Land use right certificate |
3. Classification criteria for internal research phase and development phase
The expenditures for its internal research and development projects of an enterprise shall beclassified into research expenditures and development expenditures.
Research phase refers to the phase of creative and planned investigation to acquire and studyto acquire and understand new scientific or technological knowledge.
Development phase refers to the phase during which the result of research phase or otherknowledge is applied into certain projects or designs for the manufacturing of new orsubstantially improved material, device and product before commercial manufacturing and use.
4. Criteria of capitalization of development phase expenditures
Expenditures incurred during the research phase are recognized in profit or loss for the periodwhen incurred. Expenditures incurred during the research phase shall be capitalized if theymeet the following conditions at the same time. If the expenditures incurred during thedevelopment phase do not meet the following conditions, they shall be included in the currentperiod's profit and loss.
(1) It is technically feasible to complete the intangible asset so that it can be used or sold.
(2) The Company intent to complete the intangible asset and use or sell it.
(3) The way intangible assets generate economic benefits, including being able to prove thatthere is a market for the products produced by using the intangible assets or the intangibleassets themselves has market. If the intangible assets will be used internally, it should beable to prove that the intangible assets will be useful.
(4) The company has sufficient technical, financial and other resources to complete the
development of the intangible asset and is able to use or sell the intangible asset.
(5) The expenditure attributable to the development phase of the intangible asset can be
measured reliably.If it is impossible to distinguish between expenditures in the research phase and expendituresin the development phase, all research and development expenditures incurred shall beincluded in the current period's profit and loss.
(18) Impairment of long-term assetsFor long-term assets such as long-term equity investments, investment property under the costmodel, fixed assets, construction in progress, right-of-use assets, intangible assets with limiteduseful lives and oil gas assets etc., the Company shall perform impairment tests at the periodend if there is clear indication of impairment. If the recoverable amounts of long-term assetsare less than their carrying amounts, the carrying amounts of the assets shall be written downto their recoverable amounts. The write-downs are recognized as impairment losses andcharged to current profit and loss. The recoverable amounts of long-term assets are the higherof their fair values less costs to sell and the present values of the future cash flows expected tobe derived from the assets. The Company shall estimate its recoverable amount on an individualbasis. Where it is difficult to do so, it shall determine the recoverable amount of the assets onthe basis of the asset group to which the asset belongs. The term "assets group” refers to aminimum combination of assets by which the cash flows could be generated independently
The goodwill, intangible assets with uncertain useful life and intangible assets not meeting theexpected condition for use the shall be subject to an impairment test at least at the end of eachyear.
When the Company makes an impairment test of assets, it shall, as of the purchasing day,apportion the carrying value of the business reputation formed by merger of enterprises to therelevant asset groups by a reasonable method. Where it is difficult to do so, it shall beapportioned to the relevant combinations of asset groups. A related group of assets orcombination of asset groups is an asset group or combination of asset groups that can benefitfrom the synergy effect of a business combination.
When making an impairment test on the relevant asset groups or combination of asset groupscontaining business reputation, if any evidence shows that the impairment of asset groups orcombinations of asset groups is possible, the Company shall first make an impairment test onthe asset groups or combinations of asset groups not containing business reputation, calculatethe recoverable amount, compare it with the relevant carrying value and recognize thecorresponding impairment loss. Then the Company shall make an impairment test of the assetgroups or combinations of asset groups containing business reputation, and compare thecarrying value of these asset groups or combinations of asset groups (including the carryingvalue of the business reputation apportioned thereto) with the recoverable amount. Where therecoverable amount of the relevant assets or combinations of the asset groups is lower than thecarrying value thereof, it shall recognize the impairment loss of the business reputation.
Impairment losses on long-term assets shall not be reversed in subsequent accounting periodsonce recognized.
(19) Long-term deferred expense
The long-term deferred expense refers to the expenses incurred but shall be borne by currentand subsequent accounting period, which is more than one year.
The long-term deferred expense shall be amortized over its beneficiary period evenly
(20) Contract liability
When either party to a contract has performed, the Company shall present the contract in thestatement of financial position as a contract asset or a contract liability, depending on therelationship between the Company’s performance and the customer’s payment. If a customerpays consideration, or the Company has a right to an amount of consideration before theCompany transfers a good or service to the customer, the Company shall present the contractas a contract liability. Contract assets and contract liabilities under the same contract aredisclosed in net amount.
(21) Employee benefits
1. Accounting treatment for short employee benefit
The Company shall recognise, in the accounting period in which an employee provides service,actually occurred short-term employee benefits as a liability, with a corresponding charge tothe profit or loss or cost of an asset for the current period.
Payments made by an enterprise of social security contributions for employees, payments ofhousing funds, and union running costs employee education costs provided in accordance with
relevant requirements shall, in the accounting period in which employees provide services, becalculated according to prescribed bases and percentages in determining the amount ofemployee benefits.
The employee welfare expenses incurred by the company are included in the current profit andloss or related asset costs based on the actual amount when they actually occur. Among them,non-monetary benefits are measured at fair value.
2. Accounting treatment of post-employment benefits
(1) Defined contribution plan
The Company shall recognize, in the accounting period in which an employee providesservice, pension fund and unemployment fund for employees as a liability according to thelocal government regulations. The amount shall be calculated according to local prescribedbases and percentages in determining the amount of employee benefits, with acorresponding charge to the profit or loss or cost of an asset for the current period. Inaddition, the Company also participates in the enterprise annuity plan/supplementarypension insurance fund approved by relevant state departments. The Company pays acertain proportion of the total salary of employees to the annuity plan/local social insuranceagency, and the corresponding expenses are included in the current profit and loss orrelated asset cost.
(2) Defined benefit plan
3. Accounting treatment of termination benefits
The Company shall recognize an employee benefits liability for termination benefits, with acorresponding charge to the profit or loss for the current period, at the earlier of the followingdates: when the Company cannot unilaterally withdraw the offer of termination benefitsbecause of an employment termination plan or a curtailment proposal; or when the Companyrecognizes costs or expenses related to a restructuring that involves the payment of terminationbenefits.
(22) Estimated liabilities
The obligation pertinent to a contingency shall be recognized as an estimated liability whenthe following conditions are satisfied simultaneously:
(1) That obligation is a current obligation of the enterprise;
(2) It is likely to cause any economic benefit to flow out of the enterprise as a result ofperformance of the obligation; and
(3) The amount of the obligation can be measured in a reliable way.
The estimated debts shall be initially measured in accordance with the best estimate of thenecessary expenses for the performance of the current obligation.
To determine the best estimate, an enterprise shall take into full consideration of the risks,uncertainty, time value of money, and other factors pertinent to the Contingencies. If the timevalue of money is of great significance, the best estimate shall be determined after discountingthe relevant future outflow of cash.
The best estimate shall be conducted in accordance with the following situations, respectively:
If there is a continuous range for the necessary expenses and if all the outcomes within thisrange are equally likely to occur, the best estimate shall be determined in accordance with theaverage estimate within the range, that is, the average of the upper and lower limit.
If there is not a sequent range for the necessary expenses and if the outcomes within this rangeare not equally likely to occur, the best estimate shall be determined as follows:
(1) If the Contingencies concern a single item, it shall be determined in the light of the mostlikely outcome.
(2) If the Contingencies concern two or more items, the best estimate shall be calculated anddetermined in accordance with all possible outcomes and the relevant probabilities.
When all or some of the expenses necessary for the liquidation of an estimated debts of anenterprise is expected to be compensated by a third party, the compensation shall be separatelyrecognized as an asset only when it is virtually certain that the reimbursement will be obtained.The amount recognized for the reimbursement shall not exceed the book value of the estimateddebts.
The company reviews the book value of the estimated liabilities on the balance sheet date. Ifthere is conclusive evidence that the book value does not reflect the current best estimate, thebook value will be adjusted according to the current best estimate.
(23) Revenue
(1) The general principle of revenue recognition and measurement
The company shall recognise revenue when (or as) the company satisfies a performanceobligation when (or as) the customer obtains control of a promised good or service. Control ofa promised good or service refers to the ability to direct the use of, and obtain substantially allof the remaining benefits from it.
If the contract contains two or more performance obligations, the company shall allocate thetransaction price to each individual performance obligation based on the relative proportion ofthe stand-alone selling price of the goods or services promised by each individual performanceobligation on the date of the contract. The company measures revenue based on the transactionprice allocated to each individual performance obligation.
The transaction price is the amount of consideration to which the company expects to beentitled in exchange for transferring promised goods or services to a customer, excludingamounts collected on behalf of third parties or amounts expected to be returned to customers.The company shall consider the terms of the contract and its customary business practices todetermine the transaction price. When determining the transaction price, the company shallconsider the effects of all of the following: variable consideration, the existence of a significantfinancing component in the contract, non-cash consideration, and consideration payable to acustomer. The company determines the transaction price that includes variable considerationat an amount that does not exceed the amount of accumulated recognized revenue that isunlikely to be materially reversed when the relevant uncertainty is eliminated. If there is asignificant financing component in the contract, the company shall recognise revenue at anamount that reflects the price that a customer would have paid for the promised goods orservices if the customer had paid cash for those goods or services when (or as) they transfer tothe customer, and use the effective interest method to amortize the difference between thetransaction price and the contract consideration during the contract period.
The company transfers control of a good or service over time and, therefore, satisfies aperformance obligation and recognises revenue over time, if one of the following criteria ismet. Otherwise, the company satisfies the performance obligation at a point in time.(a) the customer simultaneously receives and consumes the benefits provided by the company’sperformance as the company performs;(b) the company’s performance creates or enhances an asset that the customer controls as theasset is created or enhanced; or(c) the company’s performance does not create an asset with an alternative use to the companyand the company has an enforceable right to payment for performance completed to date.The company shall recognise revenue over time by measuring the progress towards completesatisfaction of that performance obligation, except where the performance progress cannot bereasonably determined. The company considers the nature of the goods or services and adoptsthe output method or the input method to determine the progress of performance. Where theperformance progress cannot be reasonable determined, but the company expects to recoverthe costs incurred in satisfying the performance obligation, the company shall recognise
revenue only to the extent of the costs incurred until such time that it can reasonably measurethe outcome of the performance obligation.For performance obligations satisfied at a certain point in time, the company shall recognisesrevenue at the point when the customer obtains control of the relevant goods or services. Todetermine the point in time at which a customer obtains control of a promised goods or services,the company shall consider requirements as follows:
(a) The company has a present right to payment for the promised goods or services and thecustomer is presently obliged to pay for that;(b) The company has transferred the legal title of the goods to the customer, that is, thecustomer has the legal title to the goods;(c) The company has transferred physical possession of the goods to the customer, that is, thecustomer has taken possession of the goods;(d) The company has transferred the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goodsto the customer, that is, the customer has the significant risks and rewards of ownership of thegoods;(e) The customer has accepted the promised goods or services.
The Company determines whether it is the principal or agent when engaging in a transactionbased on whether it has control over the goods or services before transferring them to thecustomer. If the Company is able to control the goods or services before transferring them tothe customer, the Company is the principal and recognizes revenue based on the totalconsideration received or receivable; otherwise, the Company is the agent and recognizesrevenue based on the amount of commissions or fees it expects to be entitled to receive.
(2) The specific criteria of revenue recognition and measurement
Commodity sales contracts between companies and customers usually only includeperformance obligations for the transfer of steel and other commodities. This type ofperformance obligation is a performance obligation performed at a certain point in time. TheCompany recognizes revenue when the customer obtains control of the relevant goods orservices. When judging whether the customer has obtained control of goods or services, thecompany considers the following signs:
The company obtains the current right of collection of receivables, the legal ownership of thegoods is transferred to the customer, the physical assets of the goods are transferred to thecustomer, the company transfers the main risks and rewards of the ownership of the goods tothe customer, and the customer has accepted the goods.
(24) Contract costs
Contract costs include costs to fulfill a contract and incremental costs of obtaining a contract.
If the costs incurred in fulfilling a contract with a customer are not within the scope of anotherStandard, for example, Inventories, Property, Plant and Equipment or Intangible Assets, thecompany shall recognise an asset from the costs incurred to fulfil a contract only if those costsmeet all of the following criteria:
(a) the costs relate directly to a contract or to an expected contract;(b) the costs generate or enhance resources of the Company that will be used in satisfyingperformance obligations in the future; and(c) the costs are expected to be recovered.The company shall recognise as an asset the incremental costs of obtaining a contract with acustomer if the company expects to recover those costs.
An asset recognised in accordance with contract costs shall be amortised in consistent with thetransfer to the customer of the goods or services to which the asset relates. The company mayrecognise the incremental costs of obtaining a contract as an expense when incurred if theamortisation period of the asset is one year or less.
The company shall recognise an impairment loss in profit or loss to the extent that the carryingamount of an asset related to contract assets exceeds:
(a) the remaining amount of consideration that the company expects to receive in exchange forthe goods or services to which the asset relates; less(b) the costs that relate directly to providing those goods or services and that have not beenrecognised as expenses.
The company shall recognise in profit or loss a reversal of some or all of an impairment losspreviously recognised when the impairment conditions no longer exist or have improved. Theincreased carrying amount of the asset shall not exceed the carrying amount that if noimpairment loss had been recognised previously.
(25) Government Subsidies
1. Types
A government subsidy means the monetary or non-monetary assets obtained free of chargeby the Company from the government. Government subsidies consist of the governmentsubsidies pertinent to assets and government subsidies pertinent to income.
Government subsidies related to assets are government subsidies whose primarycondition is that an entity qualifying for them should purchase, construct or otherwiseacquire long-term assets. The government subsidies related to incomes refers togovernment subsidies other than those related to assets.
The standard of the Company recognizing the government subsidies related to assets is:
an entity qualifying for them should purchase, construct or otherwise acquire long-termassets.
The standard of the Company recognizing the government subsidies related to income is:
In addition to government subsidies related to assets, government subsidies that have beenclearly targeted for subsidies.
2. Recognition
Government grants are recognized when the Company is able to meet the conditionsattached to them and is able to receive them.
3. Accounting treatment
Government subsidies related to assets shall be recognized by deducting the subsidies atthe caring amount of the assets or recognized as deferred income. Subsidies thatrecognized as deferred income shall be recognized in profit or loss on a systematic basisover the periods during the useful lives of the relevant assets (Subsidies related to dailyactivities should be recorded in Other Income. Subsidies that unrelated to daily activitiesshould be recorded in Non-operating Income).
The government subsidies related to incomes to compensate future expenses, shall berecognized as deferred income and transferred to current profit or loss (Subsidies relatedto daily activities should be recorded in Other Income. Subsidies that unrelated to dailyactivities should be recorded in Non-operating Income) in the period during which theexpenses compensation is recognized or deduct relevant cost or loss. Governmentsubsidies to compensate expenses or losses already incurred shall be recognized in currentprofit and loss (Subsidies related to daily activities should be recorded in Other Income.Subsidies unrelated to daily activities should be recorded in Non-operating Income) ordeduct relevant cost or loss.
The policy discount loans obtained by the company are divided into the following twosituations and are separately accounted for:
(a) The government allocates discounted funds to the loan bank, and the loan bankprovides loans to the company at a policy preferential interest rate. The preferentialinterest rate is used to calculate the relevant borrowing costs.(b) If the government directly allocates the discounted funds to the company, the companywill offset the relevant borrowing costs with the corresponding discounts, directlyaccounted for the current profit or loss or recognized as deferred income.
(26) Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities
Income tax includes current income tax and deferred income tax. Except for income taxarising from business combinations and transactions or events directly recorded in owners'equity (including other comprehensive income), the Company records current income tax anddeferred income tax in current profit or loss.Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are calculated based on the difference betweenthe tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts (temporary differences).Income tax includes current income tax and deferred income tax. Except for income taxarising from business mergers and transactions or events that are directly included in owner's
equity (including other comprehensive income), the company will include current income taxand deferred income tax in current profit and loss.
Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities are calculated and confirmedbased on the difference (temporary difference) between the tax base of assets and liabilitiesand their book value.
An enterprise shall recognize the deferred income tax assets arising from a deductibletemporary difference to the extent of the amount of the taxable income which it is most likelyto be obtained and which can be deducted from the deductible temporary difference. As forany deductible loss or tax deduction that can be carried forward to the next year, thecorresponding deferred income tax assets shall be determined to the extent that the amount offuture taxable income to be offset by the deductible loss or tax deduction to be likely obtained.
All taxable temporary differences shall be recognized as deferred tax liabilities with certainlimited exceptions.
Exceptions when deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are not recognized include:
- Initial recognition of goodwill;- A transaction or event that is neither a business combination nor affects accounting profitand taxable income (or deductible loss) when it occurs, and the assets and liabilitiesinitially recognized do not result in equal taxable temporary differences and deductibletemporary differences.For taxable temporary differences related to investments in subsidiaries, associates and jointventures, deferred income tax liabilities are recognized, unless the company can control thetiming of the reversal of the temporary differences and the temporary differences are likelynot to be transferred back in the foreseeable future. For deductible temporary differencesrelated to investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures, when the temporarydifferences are likely to be reversed in the foreseeable future and are likely to be used todeduct the taxable income of deductible temporary differences in the future, income tax assetsare recognized.On the balance sheet date, deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities aremeasured at the applicable tax rate during the period when the relevant assets are expected tobe recovered or the relevant liabilities are expected to be recovered in accordance with theprovisions of the tax law.On the balance sheet date, the company reviews the book value of deferred income tax assets.If it is probable that sufficient taxable income cannot be obtained in the future to offset thebenefits of deferred income tax assets, the book value of the deferred income tax assets shallbe written down. When it is possible to obtain sufficient taxable income, the reduced amountshall be reversed.When the Company has the statutory right to offset and intend to offset or obtain assets andpay off liabilities at the same time, the current income tax assets and current income taxliabilities are presented at the net amount after offsetting.
An entity shall offset deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities if, and only if: (a) theentity has a legally enforceable right to set off current tax assets against current tax liabilities;and (b) deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities are related to incometaxes levied by the same tax collection and administration department on the same taxpayeror to different taxpayers, but in each future period of significant deferred income tax assetsand liabilities reversal, the taxpayers involved intend to settle the current income tax assetsand liabilities on a net basis or to acquire assets and settle liabilities at the same time.
(27) Leases
Lease refers to a contract in which the lessor transfers the right to use the asset to the lesseewithin a certain period of time to obtain consideration.On the starting date of the contract, the company assesses whether the contract is a lease orcontains a lease. If the contract conveys the right to control the use of an identified asset for aperiod of time in exchange for consideration, the contract is, or contains, a lease.For a contract that contains a lease component and one or more additional lease or non-leasecomponents, a lease shall allocate the consideration in the contract to each lease componenton the basis of the relative stand-alone price of the lease component and the aggregate stand-alone price of the non-lease components.
1. The company as the lessee
(1) Right-of-use assets
On the start date of the lease term, the company recognizes the right-of-use asset for leasesother than short-term leases and low-value asset leases. Right-of-use assets are initiallymeasured at cost.This cost includes:
The initial measurement amount of the lease liability;If there is a lease incentive for the lease payment paid on or before the start of the lease term,the relevant amount of the lease incentive already enjoyed shall be deducted;The initial direct expenses incurred by the company;The company expects to incur costs for dismantling and removing leased assets, restoringthe site where leased assets are located, or restoring leased assets to the state agreed upon inthe lease terms, but does not include the costs incurred for the production of inventory.
The company uses the straight-line method to depreciate the right-of-use assets. If it can bereasonably determined that the ownership of the leased asset will be obtained at the end of thelease term, the company shall depreciate the leased asset during the remaining useful life;otherwise, the leased asset will be depreciated during the shorter period of the lease term andthe remaining useful life of the leased asset .The company determines whether the right-of-use asset has been impaired in accordance withthe principles described in "3. (18) Long-term asset impairment" in this note, and conductsaccounting treatment for the identified impairment loss.
(2) Lease liabilities
At the beginning of the lease term, the company recognizes lease liabilities for leases other
than short-term leases and leases of low-value assets. Lease liabilities are initially measuredbased on the present value of the payments that are not paid at that date. Lease paymentsinclude:
1) Fixed payment (including in-substance fixed payment), less any lease incentives receivable;
2) Variable lease payments that depend on an index or a ratio;
3) Amounts expected to be payable by the lease under residual value guarantees;
4) The exercise price of the purchase option if the lease is reasonably certain to exercise thatoption;
5) Payments of penalties for terminating the lease, if the lease term reflects the lessee exercisingan option to terminate the lease;The company uses the interest rate implicit in the lease as the discount rate, but if the interestrate implicit in the lease cannot be reasonably determined, the company's incrementalborrowing interest rate is used as the discount rate.The company calculates the interest expense of the lease liability during each period of thelease term according to a fixed periodic interest rate, and includes it in the current profit andloss or the cost of related assets.Variable lease payments that are not included in the measurement of lease liabilities areincluded in the current profit and loss or the cost of related assets when they occur.After the start of the lease term, if the following circumstances occur, the company re-measuresthe lease liability and adjusts the corresponding right-of-use asset. If the book value of theright-of-use asset has been reduced to zero, but the lease liability still needs to be furtherreduced, the difference shall be included in the current profit and loss:
? When the evaluation result or actual exercise situation of the purchase option, renewal optionor termination option changes, the company remeasures the lease liability based on the presentvalue calculated by the lease payment after the change and the revised discount rate;? When the actual fixed payment changes, the expected payable amount of the guaranteeresidual value changes, or the index or ratio used to determine the lease payment changes, thecompany calculates the present value based on the changed lease payment and the originaldiscount rate to remeasure the lease liability. However, if changes in lease payments originatefrom changes in floating interest rates, the revised discount rate is used to calculate the presentvalue.
(3) Short-term leases and low-value asset leases
The company chooses not to recognize right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for short-termleases and low-value asset leases, and calculates the relevant lease payments in the current
profit and loss or related asset costs on a straight-line basis during each period of the lease term.Short-term lease refers to a lease that does not include purchase options for a lease period notexceeding 12 months at the beginning of the lease period. Low-value asset leasing refers to alease with a lower value when a single leased asset is a new asset. If the company subleases orexpects to sublease the leased assets, the original lease is not a low-value asset lease.
(4) Lease modifications
The lease shall account for a lease modification as a separate lease if both:
The modification increases the scope of the lease by adding the right to use one or moreunderlying assets; andthe consideration for the lease increases by an amount commensurate with the stand-aloneprice for the increase in scope and any appropriate adjustment to that stand-alone price toreflect the circumstances of the particular contract.
For a lease modification that is not accounted for as a separate lease, at the effective date of thelease modification a lessee shall allocate the consideration in the modified contract, determinethe lease term of the modified lease and remeasure the lease liabilities by discounting therevised lease payments using a revised discount rate.For a lease modification that is not accounted for as a separate lease, the lessee shall accountfor the remeasurement of the lease liabilities by decreasing the carrying amount of the right-of-use assets to reflect the partial or full termination of the lease for lease modifications thatdecrease the scope of the lease. The lessee shall recognize in profit or loss any gain or lossrelating to the partial or full termination of the lease; or by making a corresponding adjustmentto the right-of-asset for all other lease modifications.
2. The company as the lessor
On the commencement date of the lease, the company divides the lease into finance lease andoperating lease. Finance lease refers to a lease in which almost all the risks and rewards relatedto the ownership of the leased asset are transferred regardless of whether the ownership isultimately transferred. Operating leases refer to leases other than financial leases. When thecompany acts as a sublease lessor, it classifies subleases based on the right-of-use assetsgenerated from the original lease.
(1) Accounting treatment of operating leases
The lease receipts of operating leases are recognized as rental income in each period of thelease term according to the straight-line method. The company capitalizes the initial direct
costs incurred related to operating leases, and allocates them to the current profit and loss onthe same basis as the recognition of rental income during the lease term. Variable leasepayments that are not included in the lease receipts are included in the current profit and losswhen they actually occur.
(2) Accounting treatment of finance leasing
On the start date of the lease, the company recognizes the finance lease receivables for thefinance lease and terminates the recognition of the finance lease assets. When the companyinitially measures the finance lease receivables, the net lease investment is taken as the entryvalue of the financial lease receivables. The net lease investment is the sum of the unguaranteedresidual value and the present value of the lease payment not yet received at the beginning ofthe lease term, discounted at the interest rate implicit in the lease.The company calculates and recognizes the interest income for each period of the lease termbased on a fixed periodic interest rate. The derecognition and impairment of finance leasereceivables shall be accounted for in accordance with "3. (10) Financial Instruments" in thisNote.Variable lease payments that are not included in the measurement of the net lease investmentare included in the current profit or loss when they actually occur.A lessor shall account for a modification to a finance lease as a separate lease if both:
? The modification increases the scope of the lease by adding the right to use one or moreunderlying assets;? The consideration for the lease increases by an amount commensurate with the stand-aloneprice for the increase in scope and any appropriate adjustments to that stand-alone price toreflect the circumstances of the particular contract.For a modification to a finance lease that is not accounted for as a separate lease, a lessor shallaccount for the modification as follows:
? If the lease would have been classified as an operating lease had the modification been ineffect at the inception date, the lessor shall account for the lease modification as a new leasefrom the effective date of the modification; and measure the carrying amount of the underlyingassets as the net investment in the lease immediately before the effective date of the leasemodification.? If the change takes effect on the lease start date, the lease will be classified as a financiallease, and the company will perform accounting treatment in accordance with the policy of “3.
(10) Financial Instruments” in this Note on the modification or re-negotiation of the contract.
3. Sale and leaseback transaction
The company evaluates and determines whether the asset transfer in the sale and leasebacktransaction is a sale in accordance with the principles described in "3. (23) Revenue" of thisNote.
(1) As the lessee
If the transfer of an asset in the sale and leaseback transaction is a sale, the company as thelessee measures the right-of-use asset arising from the leaseback at the proportion of theprevious carrying amount of the asset that relates to the right-of-use retained by the lessee andrecognize only the amount of any gain or loss that relates to the rights transferred to the lessor.For details on the subsequent measurement of right-of-use assets and lease liabilities and leasechanges after the commencement date of the lease term, please refer to Note III. (27) Leases 1.The Company as Lessee. When subsequently measuring the lease liabilities arising from a saleand leaseback, the Company determines the lease payments or the modified lease payments ina manner that does not result in the recognition of gains or losses related to the right of useacquired through the leaseback.If the asset transfer in the sale and leaseback transaction does not belong to the sale, thecompany as the lessee continues to recognize the transferred assets and at the same timerecognize a financial liability equal to the transfer proceeds. For the accounting treatment offinancial liabilities, please refer to "3. (10) Financial Instruments" in this note.
(2) As a lessor
If the asset transfer in the sale and leaseback transaction is a sale, the company acts as the lessorto account for the purchase of the asset, and the asset lease is accounted for in accordance withthe aforementioned "2. The company as the lessor" policy; in the sale and leaseback transactionIf the transfer of assets is not a sale, the company as the lessor does not recognize the transferredassets, but recognizes a financial asset equal to the transfer proceeds. For the accountingtreatment of financial assets, please refer to "3. (10) Financial Instruments" in this note.
(28) Debt restructuring
1. The company as the creditor
The Company terminates the recognition of claims when the contractual right to collect cashflows from the claims terminates. If debt is restructured by using assets to pay off debts or byconverting debts into equity instruments, the company will recognize the relevant assets whenthey meet their definition and recognition conditions.If debt restructuring is carried out by repaying debts with assets, the transferred non-financialassets shall be measured at cost at initial recognition. The cost of inventories includes the fair
value of waived claims and other costs directly attributable to the asset incurred in bringing theasset to its present location and condition, such as taxes, transportation, handling charges,insurance, etc. The cost of an investment in an associate or joint venture includes the fair valueof waived claims and other costs such as taxes directly attributable to the asset. The cost ofinvestment property includes the fair value of claims relinquished and other costs such as taxesdirectly attributable to the asset. The cost of fixed assets includes the fair value of waivedclaims and other costs directly attributable to the asset incurred before the asset is ready for itsintended use, such as taxes, transportation costs, handling charges, installation costs,professional service fees, etc. The cost of biological assets includes the fair value of waivedclaims and other costs directly attributable to the asset, such as taxes, transportation costs,insurance premiums, etc. The cost of an intangible asset includes the fair value of claimswaived and other costs, such as taxes, that are directly attributable to bringing the asset to itsintended use. If a debt restructuring by converting debt into equity instruments results in thecreditor converting its claims into equity investments in associates or joint ventures, theCompany measures its initial investment cost at the fair value of the claims waived and othercosts such as taxes directly attributable to the asset. The difference between the fair value andthe book value of the waived claims is included in the current profit and loss. If the debtrestructuring is carried out by modifying other terms, the Company shall recognize andmeasure the restructured claims in accordance with "III. (10) Financial Instruments" of thisNote.When multiple assets are used to settle debts or for debt restructuring, the Company shall firstrecognize and measure the financial assets acquired and the restructured claims in accordancewith Note III. (10) Financial Instruments. It shall then allocate the net amount of the fair valueof the waived claims after deducting the recognized amounts of the acquired financial assetsand the restructured claims in accordance with the fair value ratio of the various assets otherthan the acquired financial assets, and on this basis, determine the cost of each asset separatelyin accordance with the above method. The difference between the fair value and the carryingamount of the waived claim should be included in the current profit and loss.
2. The company as the debtor
The Company derecognizes a debt when the present obligation for the debt is discharged.If debt restructuring is carried out by settling debts with assets, the Company shall terminatethe recognition when the relevant assets and the debts settled meet the conditions fortermination of recognition, and the difference between the book value of the debts settled and
the book value of the transferred assets shall be included in the current profit and loss.In case of debt restructuring by converting debt into equity instruments, the Company shallderecognize the debts paid when they meet the derecognition conditions. Equity instrumentshall be measured at fair value at initial recognition. If the fair value of an equity instrumentcannot be measured reliably, it is measured at the fair value of the debt settled. The differencebetween the carrying amount of the debt settled and the amount recognized as an equityinstrument should be recognized in the current period's profit or loss.If debt restructuring is carried out by modifying other terms, the Company shall recognize andmeasure the restructured debt in accordance with “III. (10) Financial Instruments” of this Note.If multiple assets are used to repay debts or a combination is used to restructure debt, thecompany shall confirm and measure equity instruments and restructured debts in accordancewith the aforementioned methods. The difference between the carrying amount of the debtsettled and the sum of the carrying amount of the transferred assets and the recognized amountof the equity instruments and restructured debts is included in the current period's profit andloss.
(29) Major accounting estimates and judgments
When preparing financial statements, the Company's management needs to use estimates andassumptions, which will affect the application of accounting policies and the amount of assets,liabilities, income and expenses. Actual conditions may differ from these estimates. Themanagement of the company continuously evaluates the judgment of key assumptions anduncertainties involved in the estimation, and the impact of changes in accounting estimateswill be recognized in the current and future periods.
The main uncertainties in the estimated amount are as follows:
1. Measurement of expected credit losses
The company calculates the expected credit loss through the default risk exposure and theexpected credit loss rate, and determines the expected credit loss rate based on the defaultprobability and the default loss rate. When determining the expected credit loss rate, thecompany uses internal historical credit loss experience and other data, and adjusts thehistorical data in combination with current conditions and forward-looking information.When considering forward-looking information, the indicators used by the Company includethe risk of economic downturn, the expected increase in unemployment rate, changes in theexternal market environment, technological environment and customer conditions. The
Company regularly monitors and reviews assumptions related to the calculation of expectedcredit losses.
2. Inventory Impairment
As mentioned in note 3 (11) Inventory under “3 Significant accounting policies andaccounting estimates”, the Company regularly estimates the net realizable value of theinventory, and recognizes the difference in inventory cost higher than the net realizable value.When estimating the net realizable value of inventory, the Company considers the purposeof holding the inventory and uses the available information as the basis for estimation,including the market price of the inventory and the Company's past operating costs. Theactual selling price, completion cost, sales expenses and taxes of the inventory may changeaccording to changes in market sales conditions, production technology, or the actual use ofthe inventory. Therefore, the amount of inventory depreciation reserve may change accordingto the above reasons. Adjustments to the inventory impairment will affect the current profitand loss.
3. Impairment of other assets except inventory and financial assets
As mentioned in note 3 (18) Long-term Asset Impairment, the company performs animpairment assessment on assets other than inventory and financial assets on the balancesheet date to determine whether the recoverable amount of the asset has fallen to a lowerlevel than its book value. If the situation shows that the book value of the long-term assetsmay not be fully recovered, the relevant assets will be deemed to be impaired and theimpairment loss will be recognized accordingly.
The recoverable amount is the higher of the net value of the fair value of the asset (or assetgroup) minus the disposal expenses and the present value of the asset (or asset group) 'sexpected future cash flow. Because the Company cannot reliably obtain the public marketprice of assets (or asset groups), and cannot reliably and accurately estimate the fair value ofassets. Therefore, the Company regards the present value of the expected future cash flow asthe recoverable amount. When estimating the present value of future cash flows, it isnecessary to make a significant judgment on the output, selling price, related operating costsof the products produced by the asset (or asset group), and the discount rate used incalculating the present value. The Company will use all available relevant information whenestimating the recoverable amount, including the prediction of output, selling price andrelated operating costs based on reasonable and supportable assumptions.
4. Depreciation and amortization of assets such as fixed assets and intangible assets
As described in note 3 (14) Fixed Assets and note 3 (17) Intangible Assets, the company shallaccrue depreciation for the fixed assets and amortization for intangible assets within theuseful life after considering their residual value. The company regularly reviews the usefullife of related assets to determine the amount of depreciation and amortization expenses tobe included in each reporting period. The useful life of assets is determined by the companybased on past experience with similar assets and in combination with anticipatedtechnological changes. If the previous estimates change significantly, the depreciation andamortization expenses will be adjusted in the future.
5. Deferred tax assets
When it is estimated that sufficient taxable income can be obtained in the future to use theunrecovered tax losses and deductible temporary differences, the relevant deferred tax assetsare calculated and confirmed on the basis of the applicable income tax rate during the periodwhen the asset is expected to be recovered and the amount of taxable income is limited todeductible tax losses and deductible temporary differences likely to be obtained by theCompany. The Company needs to use judgment to estimate the time and amount of futuretaxable income, and make reasonable estimates and judgments on the future applicableincome tax rate according to the current tax policy and other related policies to determine thedeferred tax assets that should be recognized. If the time and amount of profits actuallygenerated in the future period or the actual applicable income tax rate are different from themanagement's estimate, the difference will have an impact on the amount of deferred taxassets.
(30) Change of significant accounting policy and accounting estimate
1. Change of major accounting policy during this reporting period
(1) Implementation of Interpretation of Enterprise Accounting Standards No. 17The Ministry of Finance issued the "Interpretation of the Enterprise Accounting StandardsNo. 17 " (Accounting [2023] No. 21, hereinafter referred to as "Interpretation No. 17") onOctober 25, 2023. The Company will implement the "Classification of Current Liabilitiesand Non-Current Liabilities", "Disclosure of Supplier Financing Arrangements" and"Accounting Treatment of Sale and Leaseback Transactions" from January 1, 2024. Theaforementioned regulations have no significant impact on the Company's financial reports.
2. Change of accounting estimate during the reporting period
There is no significant changes in accounting estimates during the reporting period.
VI. Taxes
(1) Major type of taxes and corresponding tax rates
Tax | Taxation Method | Tax Rate |
Value-added Tax (VAT) | The balance of output VAT calculated based on product sales and taxable services revenue in accordance with the tax laws after subtracting the deductible input VAT of the period | 6%, 9%, 13% |
City maintenance and construction tax | Based on VAT and business tax actually paid | 5%, 7% |
Enterprise income tax | See the table below for details |
Notes to taxpayers with different corporate income tax rates:
Name of the taxpayers | Income tax rate (5%) |
Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd | 25 |
Shanghai Bengang Metallurgy Science and Technology Co., Ltd. | 25 |
Benxi Bengang Steel Sales Co., Ltd. | 25 |
Bengang Posco Cold-rolled Sheet Co., Ltd. | 15 |
Tianjin Bengang Steel & Iron Trading Co., Ltd. | 25 |
Changchun Bengang Steel & Iron Sales Co., Ltd. | 25 |
Yantai Bengang Steel & Iron Sales Co., Ltd. | 25 |
Guangzhou Bengang Steel & Iron Trading Co., Ltd. | 25 |
Dalian Benruitong Automobile Material Technology Co., Ltd. | 25 |
Shenyang Bengang Metallurgical Science and Technology Co., Ltd. | 25 |
(2) Tax Preference
1. Benxi Posco Cold-Rolled Sheet Co., Ltd., the subsidiary of the Company has obtained theHigh-tech Enterprise Certificate, certificate number: GR202321001624; valid fromDecember 20, 2023 to December 20, 2026. Benxi Steel Posco Cold-Rolled Sheet Co., Ltd.pays corporate income tax at a reduced tax rate of 15%.
2. On December 30, 2021, the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxationissued the "Announcement on Improving the Value-Added Tax Policy for ComprehensiveUtilization of Resources" (Announcement No. 40 of the Ministry of Finance and the StateAdministration of Taxation in 2021). The announcement will take effect on March 1, 2022.The original "Notice of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation onIssuing the "Catalogue of Value-Added Tax Preferential Policies for ComprehensiveUtilization of Resources Products and Services" (Finance and Taxation [2015] No. 78) willbe abolished at the same time except for "technical standards and related conditions". Theelectricity and heat produced and sold by the Energy Development Branch of Benxi Iron andSteel Co., Ltd., a branch of the Company, are items listed in the "Catalogue of Value-Added
Tax Preferential Terms for Comprehensive Resource Utilization Products and Services" andenjoy the value-added tax refund policy.
VII. Notes to the consolidated financial statements
(1) Cash at bank and on hand
Items | 2024/06/30 | 2023/12/31 |
Cash on hand | ||
Cash at bank | 1,182,269,402.52 | 1,184,774,971.52 |
Other monetary funds | 810,054,824.11 | 1,009,879,189.82 |
Total | 1,992,324,226.63 | 2,194,654,161.34 |
Including:Total amount deposited abroad |
Notes: As at 30 June 2024, bank acceptance deposit of RMB 810,054,824.11 was not recognized as cashand cash equivalents in the cash flow statement.
(2) Notes receivable
1. Notes receivable disclosed by category
Items | 2024/06/30 | 2023/12/31 |
Bank acceptance bill | 398,864,911.20 | 367,402,376.67 |
Commercial acceptance bill | 384,535,985.00 | 86,157,718.82 |
Total | 783,400,896.20 | 453,560,095.49 |
2. Notes receivable disclosed by bad debt accrual method
Items | 2024/06/30 | 2023/12/31 | ||||||||
Carrying amount | Provision for bad debts | Book value | Carrying amount | Provision for bad debts | Book value | |||||
Amount | Percentage (%) | Amount | Bad debts ratio (%) | Amount | Percentage (%) | Amount | Bad debts ratio (%) | |||
Provision for bad debts individually | ||||||||||
Provision for bad debts based on portfolio of credit risk characteristics | 783,400,896.20 | 100.00 | 783,400,896.20 | 453,560,095.49 | 100.00 | 453,560,095.49 | ||||
Total | 783,400,896.20 | 100.00 | 783,400,896.20 | 453,560,095.49 | 100.00 | 453,560,095.49 |
Provision for bad debts based on portfolio of credit risk characteristicsPortfolio items:
Items | 2024/06/30 | ||
Notes receivable | Provision for bad debts | Bad debts ratio (%) | |
Bank acceptance bill | 398,864,911.20 | ||
Commercial acceptance bill | 384,535,985.00 | ||
Total | 783,400,896.20 |
3. The pledged acceptance bill at the year-end
Items | Notes receivable pledged at the end of period |
Bank acceptance bill | 383,067,330.50 |
Total | 383,067,330.50 |
4. The amount of notes receivable endorsed over or discounted but not yet matured at the year-end
Items | Amount terminated at the end of the period | Amount was not terminated at the end of the period |
Bank acceptance bill | 7,259,929,534.66 | 11,363,054.21 |
Commercial acceptance bill | 9,435,985.00 | |
Total | 7,259,929,534.66 | 20,799,039.21 |
(3) Accounts receivable
1. Accounts receivable disclosed by aging
Items | 2024/06/30 | 2023/12/31 |
Within 1 year (inclusive) | 1,070,054,692.28 | 1,047,842,246.01 |
1-2 years (inclusive) | 98,498,849.30 | 322,945,580.33 |
2-3 years (inclusive) | 208,590,086.46 | 647,190.77 |
3-4 years (inclusive) | 561,144.95 | 5,690,114.98 |
4-5 years (inclusive) | 5,592,931.88 | 300,882,005.30 |
over 5 years | 373,852,067.33 | 98,724,184.94 |
Total | 1,757,149,772.20 | 1,776,731,322.33 |
Items | 2024/06/30 | 2023/12/31 |
Less: Provision for bad debts | 430,111,095.35 | 448,198,723.86 |
Total | 1,327,038,676.85 | 1,328,532,598.47 |
2. Accounts receivable disclosed by the bad debt accrual method
Items | 2024/06/30 | 2023/12/31 | ||||||||
Gross carrying amount | Provision for bad debts | Book value | Gross carrying amount | Provision for bad debts | Book value | |||||
Amount | Percentage (%) | Amount | Bad debts ratio (%) | Amount | Percentage (%) | Amount | Percentage (%) | |||
Tested for impairment individually | 354,309,554.42 | 20.16 | 354,309,554.42 | 100.00 | 353,419,325.80 | 19.89 | 353,419,325.80 | 100.00 | ||
Tested for impairment by portfolio | 1,402,840,217.78 | 79.84 | 75,801,540.93 | 5.40 | 1,327,038,676.85 | 1,423,311,996.53 | 80.11 | 94,779,398.06 | 6.66 | 1,328,532,598.47 |
Include: | ||||||||||
Portfolio 1: Aging portfolio | 1,402,840,217.78 | 79.84 | 75,801,540.93 | 5.40 | 1,327,038,676.85 | 1,423,311,996.53 | 80.11 | 94,779,398.06 | 6.66 | 1,328,532,598.47 |
Total | 1,757,149,772.20 | 100.00 | 430,111,095.35 | 1,327,038,676.85 | 1,776,731,322.33 | 100.00 | 448,198,723.86 | 1,328,532,598.47 |
Significant accounts receivables tested for impairment individually:
Company | 2024/06/30 | 2023/12/31 | ||||
Carrying amount | Provision for bad debts | Bad debts ratio (%) | Reason | Carrying amount | Provision for bad debts | |
Benxi Nanfen Xinhe Metallurgical Furnace Material Co., Ltd | 48,196,244.68 | 48,196,244.68 | 100.00 | Discontinued | 48,196,244.68 | 48,196,244.68 |
Brilliance Automotive Group Holdings Co., Ltd. | 306,113,309.74 | 306,113,309.74 | 100.00 | Bankruptcy | 305,223,081.12 | 305,223,081.12 |
Total | 354,309,554.42 | 354,309,554.42 | 353,419,325.80 | 353,419,325.80 |
Provision for bad debts based on portfolio of credit risk characteristicsProvision for bad debts by portfolio: Aging analysis
Items | 2024/06/30 | ||
Account Receivable | Provision for bad debts | Bad debt ratio(%) | |
Within 1 year (inclusive) | 1,244,814,190.60 | 12,448,141.92 | 1.00 |
1-2 years (inclusive) | 95,955,967.70 | 9,595,596.77 | 10.00 |
2-3 years (inclusive) | 10,390,321.55 | 2,078,064.31 | 20.00 |
3-4 years (inclusive) | 561,144.95 | 561,144.95 | 100.00 |
4-5 years (inclusive) | 748,799.87 | 748,799.87 | 100.00 |
over 5 years | 50,369,793.11 | 50,369,793.11 | 100.00 |
Total | 1,402,840,217.78 | 75,801,540.93 |
3. The provision for bad debts accrued, reversed or recovered in the current period
Items | 2023/12/31 | Changes during the current period | 2024/06/30 | |||
Accrued | Reversed or recovered | Write-off or Write-back | Other changes | |||
Provision for bad debts | 448,198,723.86 | 7,005,291.06 | 25,092,919.57 | 430,111,095.35 | ||
Total | 448,198,723.86 | 7,005,291.06 | 25,092,919.57 | 430,111,095.35 |
Significant amount of bad debt provision recovered or reversed during the period:
Company | Reversed or recovered | Reason | Recovered method | Basis for determining the original bad debt provision and its reasonableness |
Brilliance Automotive Group Holdings Co., Ltd. | 25,092,919.57 | repay the debt | bank deposit | Debt restructuring agreements |
4. Top five debtors and contract assets at the end of the period
Company | Accounts receivable as at 2024/06/30 | Contract assets at 2024/06/30 | Total | Percentage(%) | Provision for bad debts |
Bengang Group International Economy and Trade Co., Ltd. | 893,836,130.28 | 893,836,130.28 | 50.87 | 8,938,361.30 | |
Brilliance Auto Group Holding Co., Ltd. | 306,113,309.74 | 306,113,309.74 | 17.42 | 306,113,309.74 | |
Shenzhen CIMC Tongchuang Supply Chain Co. | 119,995,203.37 | 119,995,203.37 | 6.83 | 1,199,952.03 |
Company | Accounts receivable as at 2024/06/30 | Contract assets at 2024/06/30 | Total | Percentage(%) | Provision for bad debts |
Liaoning North Coal Chemical Industry (Group) Co., Ltd. | 90,698,309.19 | 90,698,309.19 | 5.16 | 4,789,690.91 | |
Benxi Steel Refractory Material Co., Ltd. | 48,417,907.79 | 48,417,907.79 | 2.76 | 4,085,640.54 | |
Total | 1,459,060,860.37 | 1,459,060,860.37 | 83.04 | 325,126,954.52 |
(4) Accounts receivable financing
1. Accounts receivable financing by category
Items | 2024/06/30 | 2023/12/31 |
Notes Receivable | 191,450,087.40 | 806,822,622.43 |
Total | 191,450,087.40 | 806,822,622.43 |
(5) Prepayments
1. Prepayments disclosed by aging
Aging | 2024/06/30 | 2023/12/31 | ||
Amount | Percentage (%) | Amount | Percentage (%) | |
Within 1 year (inclusive) | 498,392,587.65 | 87.84 | 647,043,310.27 | 95.88 |
1-2 years (inclusive) | 49,149,774.87 | 8.66 | 22,062,469.17 | 3.27 |
2-3 years (inclusive) | 16,643,813.88 | 2.93 | 3,389,343.94 | 0.50 |
Over 3 years | 3,177,304.47 | 0.56 | 2,377,875.91 | 0.35 |
Total | 567,363,480.87 | 99.99 | 674,872,999.29 | 100.00 |
Notes: As of June 30, 2024, there were no outstanding prepayments over 1 year.
2. Top five prepaid companies at the end of the period
Name of the company | 2024/06/30 | Percentage (%) |
Shanxi Coking Coal Group Co., Ltd. | 134,314,004.36 | 23.67 |
Shanxi Coking Coal Energy Group Co., Ltd. | 63,103,944.72 | 11.12 |
China Railway Shenyang Group Co., Ltd. Shenyang Freight Center | 57,110,096.09 | 10.07 |
Shanxi Jiao Hua Co., Ltd. | 47,665,209.92 | 8.40 |
Shanxi Coking Coal Group Co., Ltd. | 45,016,096.88 | 7.93 |
Total | 347,209,351.97 | 61.19 |
(6) Other receivables
Items | 2024/06/30 | 2023/12/31 |
Interest receivables | ||
Dividend receivables | ||
Other receivables | 243,424,884.42 | 318,793,157.58 |
Total | 243,424,884.42 | 318,793,157.58 |
1. Other receivables
(1) Other receivables disclosed by aging
Items | 2024/06/30 | 2023/12/31 |
Within 1 year (inclusive) | 211,555,998.22 | 288,095,370.24 |
1-2 years (inclusive) | 9,012,745.09 | 35,231,832.41 |
2-3 years (inclusive) | 35,141,930.92 | 6,078,775.88 |
3-4 years (inclusive) | 1,045,234.49 | 3,125,628.24 |
4-5 years (inclusive) | 3,125,628.24 | 229,028.24 |
over 5 years | 60,704,095.76 | 61,270,101.82 |
Subtotal | 320,585,632.72 | 394,030,736.83 |
Less: Provision for bad debts | 77,160,748.30 | 75,237,579.25 |
Total | 243,424,884.42 | 318,793,157.58 |
(2) Disclosed by bad debt accrual method
Items | 2024/06/30 | 2023/12/31 | ||||||||
Carrying amount | Provision for bad debts | Book value | Carrying amount | Provision for bad debts | Book value | |||||
Amount | Percentage (%) | Amount | Bad debts ratio (%) | Amount | Percentage (%) | Amount | Bad debts ratio (%) | |||
Provision for bad debts individually | 18,245,545.94 | 5.69 | 18,245,545.94 | 100.00 | 18,245,545.94 | 4.63 | 18,245,545.94 | 100.00 | ||
Provision for bad debts based on portfolio | 302,340,086.78 | 94.31 | 58,915,202.36 | 19.49 | 243,424,884.42 | 375,785,190.89 | 95.37 | 56,992,033.31 | 15.17 | 318,793,157.58 |
Include: | ||||||||||
Aging portfolio | 302,003,576.79 | 58,915,202.36 | 243,088,374.43 | 375,513,463.19 | 56,992,033.31 | 318,521,429.88 | ||||
other portfolio | 336,509.99 | 336,509.99 | 271,727.70 | 271,727.70 | ||||||
Total | 320,585,632.72 | 100.00 | 77,160,748.30 | 243,424,884.42 | 394,030,736.83 | 100.00 | 75,237,579.25 | 318,793,157.58 |
Significant other receivables tested for impairment individually:
Company | 2024/06/30 | 2023/12/31 | ||||
Carrying amount | Provision for bad debts | Bad debts ratio (%) | Reason | Carrying amount | Provision for bad debts | |
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) No. 3 Architectural Engineering Co., Ltd. | 12,504,978.59 | 12,504,978.59 | 100.00 | Bankruptcy liquidation | 12,504,978.59 | 12,504,978.59 |
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) No. 1 Architectural Engineering Co., Ltd. | 3,247,307.07 | 3,247,307.07 | 100.00 | Bankruptcy liquidation | 3,247,307.07 | 3,247,307.07 |
Xuzhou Jinshanqiao Development Zone Metal Material Corporation | 5,670.77 | 5,670.77 | 100.00 | Irrecoverable payment | 5,670.77 | 5,670.77 |
Xuzhou Railway Material Factory | 6,567.20 | 6,567.20 | 100.00 | Irrecoverable payment | 6,567.20 | 6,567.20 |
Harbin Xuda Company | 10,644.72 | 10,644.72 | 100.00 | Irrecoverable payment | 10,644.72 | 10,644.72 |
Company | 2024/06/30 | 2023/12/31 | ||||
Carrying amount | Provision for bad debts | Bad debts ratio (%) | Reason | Carrying amount | Provision for bad debts | |
Jining Economy and Trade Joint Development Corporation | 12,831.81 | 12,831.81 | 100.00 | Irrecoverable payment | 12,831.81 | 12,831.81 |
Zhangdian Iron and Steel Headquarter Factory | 15,167.78 | 15,167.78 | 100.00 | Irrecoverable payment | 15,167.78 | 15,167.78 |
Zibo Zhouchun Welfare Spring Factory | 15,666.59 | 15,666.59 | 100.00 | Irrecoverable payment | 15,666.59 | 15,666.59 |
Weifang Head Office of Constructive Materials | 25,179.84 | 25,179.84 | 100.00 | Irrecoverable payment | 25,179.84 | 25,179.84 |
Jiaozhou Zhenxing Metal Product Plant (Weifang) | 411,891.80 | 411,891.80 | 100.00 | Irrecoverable payment | 411,891.80 | 411,891.80 |
Historical debts | 242,845.73 | 242,845.73 | 100.00 | Irrecoverable payment | 242,845.73 | 242,845.73 |
Company | 2024/06/30 | 2023/12/31 | ||||
Carrying amount | Provision for bad debts | Bad debts ratio (%) | Reason | Carrying amount | Provision for bad debts | |
Jiaozhou Zhenxing Metal Product Plant | 32,989.12 | 32,989.12 | 100.00 | Irrecoverable payment | 32,989.12 | 32,989.12 |
Tai'an Taishan Metal Constructive Material Company | 41,145.75 | 41,145.75 | 100.00 | Irrecoverable payment | 41,145.75 | 41,145.75 |
Xuzhou Guanghuan Steel Pipeline Company | 49,016.73 | 49,016.73 | 100.00 | Irrecoverable payment | 49,016.73 | 49,016.73 |
Guan County Cold Rolling Plate and Strip Headquarter Factory | 52,602.25 | 52,602.25 | 100.00 | Irrecoverable payment | 52,602.25 | 52,602.25 |
Weifang Nonggao Industry and Trade Center | 68,000.00 | 68,000.00 | 100.00 | Irrecoverable payment | 68,000.00 | 68,000.00 |
Benxi Fangyuan Provition | 80,000.00 | 80,000.00 | 100.00 | Irrecoverable payment | 80,000.00 | 80,000.00 |
Company | 2024/06/30 | 2023/12/31 | ||||
Carrying amount | Provision for bad debts | Bad debts ratio (%) | Reason | Carrying amount | Provision for bad debts | |
Management Agent | ||||||
Weifang Sanfeng Steel Pipeline Co., Ltd. | 81,657.46 | 81,657.46 | 100.00 | Irrecoverable payment | 81,657.46 | 81,657.46 |
Qingdao Liduo Economy and Trade Co., Ltd. | 133,163.36 | 133,163.36 | 100.00 | Irrecoverable payment | 133,163.36 | 133,163.36 |
Weifang Mingxin Trading and Supply Company | 197,900.80 | 197,900.80 | 100.00 | Irrecoverable payment | 197,900.80 | 197,900.80 |
Gao Pengquan | 204,294.00 | 204,294.00 | 100.00 | Irrecoverable payment | 204,294.00 | 204,294.00 |
Zhangdian Jinkun Steel Plate Management Agent | 231,910.95 | 231,910.95 | 100.00 | Irrecoverable payment | 231,910.95 | 231,910.95 |
Harbin Band Steel Factory | 403,559.70 | 403,559.70 | 100.00 | Irrecoverable payment | 403,559.70 | 403,559.70 |
Bengang Group International | 6,617.52 | 6,617.52 | 100.00 | Irrecoverable payment | 6,617.52 | 6,617.52 |
Company | 2024/06/30 | 2023/12/31 | ||||
Carrying amount | Provision for bad debts | Bad debts ratio (%) | Reason | Carrying amount | Provision for bad debts | |
Economy and Trade Co., Ltd. | ||||||
Changchun Kanghong Metal Material Co., Ltd. | 85,277.50 | 85,277.50 | 100.00 | Irrecoverable payment | 85,277.50 | 85,277.50 |
China Railway Shenyang Bureau Group Co., Ltd. Benxi Freight Center | 53,712.42 | 53,712.42 | 100.00 | Irrecoverable payment | 53,712.42 | 53,712.42 |
FAW Jiefang Automobile Co., Ltd. Procurement Department | 24,648.73 | 24,648.73 | 100.00 | Irrecoverable payment | 24,648.73 | 24,648.73 |
Jilin Province Jinghai Material Distribution Co., Ltd | 297.75 | 297.75 | 100.00 | Irrecoverable payment | 297.75 | 297.75 |
Total | 18,245,545.94 | 18,245,545.94 | 18,245,545.94 | 18,245,545.94 |
Provision for bad debt by portfolio of credit risk characteristics:
Portfolio accrual item: Aging portfolio
Items | 2024/06/30 | ||
Amount | Provision for bad debts | Percentage(%) | |
Within 1 year (inclusive) | 211,219,488.23 | 2,112,194.88 | 1.00 |
1-2 year (inclusive) | 6,519,484.81 | 651,948.48 | 10.00 |
2-3 year (inclusive) | 35,141,930.92 | 7,028,386.17 | 20.00 |
3-4 year (inclusive) | 400,236.49 | 400,236.49 | 100.00 |
4-5 year (inclusive) | 3,125,628.24 | 3,125,628.24 | 100.00 |
Aver 5 years | 45,596,808.10 | 45,596,808.10 | 100.00 |
Total | 302,003,576.79 | 58,915,202.36 |
(3) Information of provision for bad debts
Provision for bad debts | Stage one | Stage two | Stage three | Total |
12-month expected credit losses | lifetime expected credit losses (credit impairment has not occurred) | lifetime expected credit losses (credit impairment has already occurred) | ||
Beginning balance | 2,864,723.85 | 4,609,838.82 | 67,763,016.58 | 75,237,579.25 |
Beginning balance during current period | -651,948.48 | 251,711.99 | 400,236.49 | |
--Transfer to the second stage | -651,948.48 | 651,948.48 | ||
--Transfer to the third stage | -400,236.49 | 400,236.49 | ||
--Write-back to the second stage | ||||
--Write-back to the first stage | ||||
Accrual for the current period | -100,580.49 | 2,818,783.84 | -795,034.30 | 1,923,169.05 |
Reversal during the current period | ||||
Write-back of the current period | ||||
Write-off during the current period | ||||
Other changes | ||||
Ending balance | 1,460,246.40 | 7,932,046.64 | 67,768,455.26 | 77,160,748.30 |
(4) Information of provision, reversal or recovery of bad debts of current period
Items | 2023/12/31 | Changes during the current period | 2024/06/30 | |||
Accrual | Reversal or recovered | Write-back or write-off | Others | |||
Bad debt provision for other receivables | 75,237,579.25 | 1,923,169.05 | 77,160,748.30 | |||
Total | 75,237,579.25 | 1,923,169.05 | 77,160,748.30 |
(5) Other receivables disclosed by nature
Nature | 2024/06/30 | 2023/12/31 |
Compensation for the “Living Showbelt” project | 199,177,700.00 | 212,242,400.00 |
Current Account | 117,082,895.23 | 176,055,536.99 |
Others | 4,325,037.49 | 5,732,799.84 |
Total | 320,585,632.72 | 394,030,736.83 |
(6) Top five other receivable by pooling owing party at the end of the reporting period
Company | Nature or content | Amount | Aging | Percentage of total other receivables (%) | Provision for bad debts at 2024/06/30 |
Benxi Xihu District Government | Compensation for the “Living Showbelt” project | 199,177,700.00 | within 1 year | 62.13 | 1,991,777.00 |
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Third construction Engineering Co., Ltd | Current Account | 12,504,978.59 | 3-4 years, over 3 years | 3.90 | 12,504,978.59 |
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Co., Ltd. | Current Account | 5,476,979.64 | within 1 year, 1-2 years, over 5 years | 1.71 | 4,156,527.72 |
Company | Nature or content | Amount | Aging | Percentage of total other receivables (%) | Provision for bad debts at 2024/06/30 |
Liaoning Hengtai Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd.. | Current Account | 3,510,967.39 | 1-2 years | 1.10 | 351,096.74 |
Benxi Dongfeng Lake Steel Resources Utilization Co. | Current Account | 3,478,250.07 | 2-3 years | 1.08 | 695,650.01 |
Total | 224,148,875.69 | 69.92 | 19,700,030.06 |
(7) Inventories
1. Inventories disclosed by category
Items | 2024/06/30 | 2023/12/31 | ||||
Gross carrying amount | Impairment | Book value | Gross carrying amount | Impairment | Book value | |
Raw material and main material | 4,404,132,619.41 | 56,931,870.40 | 4,347,200,749.01 | 4,596,538,313.45 | 56,931,870.40 | 4,539,606,443.05 |
Work in process and self-made semi-finished product | 2,080,826,080.59 | 12,076,074.97 | 2,068,750,005.62 | 1,627,187,498.35 | 12,076,074.97 | 1,615,111,423.38 |
Finished products | 1,457,805,042.38 | 19,481,223.06 | 1,438,323,819.32 | 1,558,823,023.16 | 5,167,994.78 | 1,553,655,028.38 |
Total | 7,942,763,742.38 | 88,489,168.43 | 7,854,274,573.95 | 7,782,548,834.96 | 74,175,940.15 | 7,708,372,894.81 |
2. Impairment of inventory and contract assets
Category | 2023/12/31 | Increase | Decrease | 2024/06/30 | ||
Provision | Others | Write-back or write-off | Others | |||
Raw material and main material | 56,931,870.40 | 56,931,870.40 |
Category | 2023/12/31 | Increase | Decrease | 2024/06/30 | ||
Provision | Others | Write-back or write-off | Others | |||
Work in process and self-made semi-finished products | 12,076,074.97 | 12,076,074.97 | ||||
Finished products | 5,167,994.78 | 14,313,228.28 | 19,481,223.06 | |||
Total | 74,175,940.15 | 14,313,228.28 | 88,489,168.43 |
(8) Other current assets
Items | 2024/06/30 | 2023/12/31 |
VAT input tax | 108,735,472.49 | 88,281,138.57 |
Prepaid tax | 362,947.46 | 17,220,232.46 |
others | 33,344,002.41 | 52,288,605.87 |
Total | 142,442,422.36 | 157,789,976.90 |
(9) Long-term equity investment
1. long-term equity investment
Investees | 2023/12/31 | Impairment provision as of 2023/12/31 | Increase/decrease | 2024/06/30 | Impairment provision as of 2024/06/30 | |||||||
Addition of Investment | Reduction of Investment | Income or loss on investment recognized under the equity method | Other Comprehensive Income Adjustment | Other Equity Changes | Declaration of Cash Dividends or Profit | Provision | Others | |||||
1.Joint Venture | ||||||||||||
2.Associated Enterprise | ||||||||||||
Bensteel Baojin (Shenyang) New Automotive | 46,910,346.41 | 46,910,346.41 |
Investees | 2023/12/31 | Impairment provision as of 2023/12/31 | Increase/decrease | 2024/06/30 | Impairment provision as of 2024/06/30 | |||||||
Addition of Investment | Reduction of Investment | Income or loss on investment recognized under the equity method | Other Comprehensive Income Adjustment | Other Equity Changes | Declaration of Cash Dividends or Profit | Provision | Others | |||||
Materials Technology Co. | ||||||||||||
Subtotal | 46,910,346.41 | 46,910,346.41 | ||||||||||
Total | 46,910,346.41 | 46,910,346.41 |
(10) Other equity instrument investment
1. The information of other equity instrument investment
Items | 2024/06/30 | 2023/12/31 | Gains recognized in other comprehensive income | Losses recognized in other comprehensive income | Accumulated gains in other comprehensive income | Accumulated losses in other comprehensive income | Dividend income | Reasons for designation as at fair value through other comprehensive income |
Suzhou Longben Metal Materials Co. Ltd. | 3,930,341.27 | 3,930,341.27 | 41,361.27 | |||||
Sinosteel Shanghai Steel Processing Co., Ltd. | 14,414,693.00 | |||||||
Northeast Special Steel Group Co., Ltd. | 970,532,698.56 | 970,532,698.56 | 67,203,150.44 | |||||
Total | 974,463,039.83 | 974,463,039.83 | 41,361.27 | 81,617,843.44 |
(11) Fixed assets
1. Fixed assets and Disposal of fixed assets
Items | 2024/06/30 | 2023/12/31 |
Fixed assets | 24,878,573,917.57 | 25,028,192,964.67 |
Disposal of fixed assets | ||
Total | 24,878,573,917.57 | 25,028,192,964.67 |
2. Details of fixed assets
Items | Buildings | Machinery | Transportation equipment and others | Furniture and office equipment | Total |
1.Gross carrying amount | |||||
(1)31 December 2023 | 13,031,421,747.35 | 51,512,912,760.03 | 399,037,323.55 | 198,681,621.21 | 65,142,053,452.14 |
(2)Increase in current period | 57,782,406.88 | 628,914,174.75 | 5,662,053.10 | 14,119,753.29 | 706,478,388.02 |
Including: Purchase | 286,053.10 | 286,053.10 | |||
Transferred from construction in progress | 57,657,024.07 | 628,821,321.68 | 5,376,000.00 | 14,119,753.29 | 705,974,099.04 |
Others | 125,382.81 | 92,853.07 | 218,235.88 | ||
(3)Decrease in current period | 30,976,158.83 | 188,875,074.34 | 10,056,358.13 | 558,524.79 | 230,466,116.09 |
—Including: Disposal or scrapped | 30,976,158.83 | 188,875,074.34 | 10,056,358.13 | 558,524.79 | 230,466,116.09 |
(4)30 June 2024 | 13,058,227,995.40 | 51,952,951,860.44 | 394,643,018.52 | 212,242,849.71 | 65,618,065,724.07 |
2.Total accumulated depreciation | |||||
(1)31 December 2023 | 6,637,762,628.34 | 32,928,064,766.56 | 323,798,847.36 | 112,924,985.39 | 40,002,551,227.65 |
(2)Increase in current period | 106,370,818.07 | 705,687,704.82 | 5,428,986.40 | 11,923,234.34 | 829,410,743.63 |
Items | Buildings | Machinery | Transportation equipment and others | Furniture and office equipment | Total |
—Including: Provision | 106,370,818.07 | 705,687,704.82 | 5,428,986.40 | 11,923,234.34 | 829,410,743.63 |
(3)Decrease in current period | 22,269,734.47 | 171,386,048.99 | 9,558,370.01 | 557,362.97 | 203,771,516.44 |
—Including: Disposal or scrapped | 22,269,734.47 | 171,386,048.99 | 9,558,370.01 | 557,362.97 | 203,771,516.44 |
(4)30 June 2024 | 6,721,863,711.94 | 33,462,366,422.39 | 319,669,463.75 | 124,290,856.76 | 40,628,190,454.84 |
3.Total impairment | |||||
(1)31 December 2023 | 83,249,262.08 | 28,059,997.74 | 111,309,259.82 | ||
(2)Increase in current period | |||||
—Including: Provision | |||||
(3)Decrease in current period | 7,908.16 | 7,908.16 | |||
—Including: Disposal or scrapped | 7,908.16 | 7,908.16 | |||
(4)30 June 2024 | 83,249,262.08 | 28,052,089.58 | 111,301,351.66 | ||
4.Total net book value of fixed assets | |||||
(1)30 June 2024 | 6,253,115,021.38 | 18,462,533,348.47 | 74,973,554.77 | 87,951,992.95 | 24,878,573,917.57 |
(2)31 December 2023 | 6,310,409,856.93 | 18,556,787,995.73 | 75,238,476.19 | 85,756,635.82 | 25,028,192,964.67 |
3. Fixed assets idled temporarily
Items | Gross carrying amount | Accumulated depreciation | Impairment | Book value | Note |
Buildings | 111,291,120.75 | 66,768,763.56 | 41,943,853.74 | 2,578,503.45 | |
Machinery | 3,034,473.01 | 2,388,968.64 | 75,666.43 | 569,837.94 | |
Total | 114,325,593.76 | 69,157,732.20 | 42,019,520.17 | 3,148,341.39 |
4. Fixed assets leased out by operating lease
Items | Book value |
Buildings | 895,879.23 |
5. Fixed assets without property rights certificates at the end of the period
Items | Book value | Reason |
Buildings | 2,426,004,556.93 | In process |
(12) Construction in progress
1. Construction in progress and Construction materials
Items | 2024/06/30 | 2023/12/31 | ||||
Gross carrying amount | Total impairment | Book value | Gross carrying amount | Total impairment | Book value | |
Construction in progress | 4,156,908,135.68 | 4,156,908,135.68 | 4,307,646,942.37 | 4,307,646,942.37 | ||
Project materials | 757,204.94 | 757,204.94 | ||||
Total | 4,156,908,135.68 | 4,156,908,135.68 | 4,308,404,147.31 | 4,308,404,147.31 |
2. Details of construction in progress
Items | 2024/06/30 | 2023/12/31 | ||||
Gross carrying amount | Total impairment | Book value | Gross carrying amount | Total impairment | Book value | |
Special Steel Electric Furnace Capacity Replacement Project | 1,025,492,952.41 | 1,025,492,952.41 | 1,195,585,747.24 | 1,195,585,747.24 | ||
Cold Rolling Transformation Project | 641,990,141.86 | 641,990,141.86 | 578,301,217.76 | 578,301,217.76 | ||
Environmental Protection Renovation of Sheet Raw Material Plant | 460,227,181.39 | 460,227,181.39 | 452,296,692.77 | 452,296,692.77 | ||
Special Steel Rolling Mill Renovation Project | 284,742,386.90 | 284,742,386.90 | 367,831,655.88 | 367,831,655.88 | ||
Environmental Protection Renovation in No. 2 Coal Storage Field of Plates Raw Material Plant | 257,297,346.28 | 257,297,346.28 | 256,434,251.91 | 256,434,251.91 | ||
Integration Construction of Informatization System for Ansteel and Bengang Recombination | 112,748,748.06 | 112,748,748.06 | ||||
Blocking of ABC and DEF Stockyard in Plates Iron Making General Plant | 99,425,674.71 | 99,425,674.71 | 99,129,674.71 | 99,129,674.71 | ||
Desulphurization Waste Liquor Acid Making Project in Plates Iron Making Plant | 78,717,673.84 | 78,717,673.84 | 78,562,923.84 | 78,562,923.84 | ||
Plate No.1 Dry Quenching System Boosting Modification and Unit No.34 New Construction | 41,822,708.63 | 41,822,708.63 | 76,994,180.14 | 76,994,180.14 | ||
Steelmaking 1#2#3#7#Converter New Three Times Dust Removal System | 88,529,471.79 | 88,529,471.79 | 76,798,979.91 | 76,798,979.91 |
Items | 2024/06/30 | 2023/12/31 | ||||
Gross carrying amount | Total impairment | Book value | Gross carrying amount | Total impairment | Book value | |
Centralized Control Project before Ironmaking of Plates Iron Making General Plant | 84,842,706.03 | 84,842,706.03 | 61,969,240.03 | 61,969,240.03 | ||
1780 Production Line Upgrading | 78,531,654.02 | 78,531,654.02 | 58,044,160.54 | 58,044,160.54 | ||
Flue Gas Desulfurization and Denitrification Project of 4B and 5 Furnace Group in Bengang Plates and Iron Making General Plant | 54,693,576.01 | 54,693,576.01 | 54,553,821.01 | 54,553,821.01 | ||
Plates Energy Centralized Control Project | 80,258,847.34 | 80,258,847.34 | 50,276,243.36 | 50,276,243.36 | ||
Supporting Projects for Outward Transportation of Nanfen Pipeline Transported Mineral Concentrate in Bengang Plates and Iron Making General Plant | 40,637,546.59 | 40,637,546.59 | 37,857,546.59 | 37,857,546.59 | ||
Improvement of Quality and Efficiency of 2300 Line in Hot Continuous Rolling Plant of Benxi Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. ( First Phase ) - Layer Cooling and Upgrading of Secondary System | 472,621.73 | 472,621.73 | 32,327,295.12 | 32,327,295.12 | ||
Centralized Control Center before Ironmaking of Plates Iron Making General Plant | 32,015,183.16 | 32,015,183.16 | 31,573,183.16 | 31,573,183.16 | ||
Capacity Replacement Project of No. 5 Blast Furnace of Bensteel Ironmaking Plant (Energy-saving and Environmental Protection Renovation of No. 5 Blast | 42,414,525.25 | 42,414,525.25 | 31,033,533.06 | 31,033,533.06 |
Items | 2024/06/30 | 2023/12/31 | ||||
Gross carrying amount | Total impairment | Book value | Gross carrying amount | Total impairment | Book value | |
Furnace of Ironmaking Plant of Bensteel Plate) | ||||||
Blocking Project for Second and Third Burning Mixing Warehouse Recycling Operation Area | 27,014,192.00 | 27,014,192.00 | 26,589,400.00 | 26,589,400.00 | ||
New Construction of 40, 000 m3/h Nitrogen Compressors in Energy General Plant | 28,420,757.24 | 28,420,757.24 | 25,842,342.61 | 25,842,342.61 | ||
Renovation of No. 5 RH Refining in Plates Steel Making General Plant | 25,772,677.77 | 25,772,677.77 | ||||
Outage for 2300 Line Heating Furnace in Plates Hot Continuous Rolling Plant | 15,281,054.86 | 15,281,054.86 | 22,388,923.72 | 22,388,923.72 | ||
Capitalized Outage for Roads in Plates Plant | 17,004,500.00 | 17,004,500.00 | 22,004,500.00 | 22,004,500.00 | ||
Bensteel Plate intelligent factory Project | 41,509,016.39 | 41,509,016.39 | 17,440,916.39 | 17,440,916.39 | ||
Renovation of purification and desulphurisation system of coking process at the Sheet Ironmaking Plant | 34,205,496.13 | 34,205,496.13 | 23,436,618.10 | 23,436,618.10 | ||
Cold rolling plant (three colding area) automotive plate quality improvement | 26,428,760.00 | 26,428,760.00 | 7,010,000.00 | 7,010,000.00 | ||
Sheet Energy Control Centre Unit 33 Relocation Project | 16,164,547.57 | 16,164,547.57 | 15,353,930.75 | 15,353,930.75 | ||
Optimisation and upgrading of logistics in the new Special Steel District | 16,118,806.00 | 16,118,806.00 | 11,706,800.00 | 11,706,800.00 |
Items | 2024/06/30 | 2023/12/31 | ||||
Gross carrying amount | Total impairment | Book value | Gross carrying amount | Total impairment | Book value | |
Intelligent Eco-environmental Control System for Plate Company | 20,309,310.40 | 20,309,310.40 | 3,700,000.00 | 3,700,000.00 | ||
220kV Substation Project of General Energy Plant | 18,442,406.18 | 18,442,406.18 | 951,966.34 | 951,966.34 | ||
Bensteel's steel industry management and information technology overall enhancement supporting projects | 18,767,177.36 | 18,767,177.36 | 13,240,377.36 | 13,240,377.36 | ||
Relocation and Improvement Project of Hot Repair Position in Plate Steel Mill (Phase II) | 23,628,350.00 | 23,628,350.00 | 7,708,000.00 | 7,708,000.00 | ||
Others | 461,501,563.61 | 461,501,563.61 | 432,181,394.24 | 432,181,394.24 | ||
Total | 4,156,908,135.68 | 4,156,908,135.68 | 4,307,646,942.37 | 4,307,646,942.37 |
3. Changes in important construction projects in the current period
Items | Budget | 2023/12/31 | Increase during current period | Transferred to fixed asset during current period | Other decrease during current period | 2024/06/30 | Project cumulative investment accounted for the proportion of the budget (%) | Project progress (%) | Accumulated amount of interest capitalization | Including:Interest capitalization amount in current period | Interest capitalization rate in current period (% | Sources of funds |
Integration Construction of Informatization System for Ansteel and Bengang Recombination | 232,100,000.00 | 112,748,748.06 | 51,863,186.24 | 164,611,934.30 | 100.00 | 100.00 | 7,233,001.66 | 853,186.24 | 4.35 | Loan from financial institute | ||
Renovation of No. 5 RH Refining in Plates Steel Making General Plant | 41,330,800.00 | 25,772,677.77 | 11,518,436.32 | 37,291,114.09 | 90.00 | 96.00 | Others | |||||
Special Steel Electric Furnace Capacity Replacement Project | 1,732,481,000.00 | 1,195,585,747.24 | 38,608,081.75 | 208,700,876.58 | 1,025,492,952.41 | 89.00 | 95.00 | 32,840,333.57 | 9,809,783.28 | 4.35 | Fund raising | |
Cold Rolling Transformation Project | 843,640,000.00 | 578,301,217.76 | 85,813,824.11 | 22,124,900.00 | 641,990,141.87 | 85.00 | 85.00 | 29,357,282.86 | 10,797,255.21 | 4.35 | Loan from financial institute | |
Plate No.1 Dry Quenching System Boosting Modification and | 93,270,000.00 | 76,994,180.14 | 2,851,243.27 | 38,022,714.78 | 41,822,708.63 | 86.00 | 90.00 | Others |
Items | Budget | 2023/12/31 | Increase during current period | Transferred to fixed asset during current period | Other decrease during current period | 2024/06/30 | Project cumulative investment accounted for the proportion of the budget (%) | Project progress (%) | Accumulated amount of interest capitalization | Including:Interest capitalization amount in current period | Interest capitalization rate in current period (% | Sources of funds |
Unit No.34 New Construction | ||||||||||||
Plate energy management center 6#, 7# furnace plate exchange heat source efficiency improvement project | 26,500,000.00 | 17,976,789.00 | 7,447,653.00 | 25,424,442.00 | 96.00 | 100.00 | Others | |||||
Special Steel Rolling Mill Renovation Project | 734,730,000.00 | 367,831,655.88 | 21,926,248.51 | 105,015,517.49 | 284,742,386.90 | 88.00 | 93.00 | 27,340,901.77 | 5,257,761.16 | 3.12 | Loan from financial institute | |
Improvement of Quality and Efficiency of 2300 Line in Hot Continuous Rolling Plant of Benxi Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. ( First Phase ) - Layer Cooling and Upgrading of Secondary System | 39,200,000.00 | 32,327,295.12 | 23,926.61 | 31,878,600.00 | 472,621.73 | 83.00 | 85.00 | Others |
Items | Budget | 2023/12/31 | Increase during current period | Transferred to fixed asset during current period | Other decrease during current period | 2024/06/30 | Project cumulative investment accounted for the proportion of the budget (%) | Project progress (%) | Accumulated amount of interest capitalization | Including:Interest capitalization amount in current period | Interest capitalization rate in current period (% | Sources of funds |
Special Steel Division Equipment Purchase Project | 11,162,885.69 | 11,162,885.69 | 11,162,885.69 | 100.00 | 100.00 | Others | ||||||
Overhaul project of No.1 dry quenching coke of plate ironmaking plant | 12,000,000.00 | 10,592,603.42 | 31,960.00 | 8,410,423.85 | 2,214,139.57 | 89.00 | 90.00 | Others | ||||
Total | 2,418,130,914.39 | 231,247,445.50 | 652,643,408.78 | 1,996,734,951.11 | 96,771,519.86 | 26,717,985.89 |
(13) Right of use assets
1. Right of use assets
Items | Land use right | Buildings | Machinery | Total |
1. Gross carrying amount | ||||
(1) 31 December 2023 | 1,132,274,415.17 | 368,465,367.56 | 1,500,739,782.73 | |
(2) Increase in current period | 280,278,953.41 | 280,278,953.41 | ||
—Addition | ||||
—Merging | ||||
—Revaluation | ||||
—Others | 280,278,953.41 | 280,278,953.41 | ||
(3) Decrease in current period | ||||
—transfer to PPE | ||||
—Disposal | ||||
(4) 30 June 2024 | 1,132,274,415.17 | 368,465,367.56 | 280,278,953.41 | 1,781,018,736.14 |
2.Total accumulated depreciation | ||||
(1) 31 December 2023 | 119,712,708.68 | 61,410,894.68 | 181,123,603.36 | |
(2) Increase in current period | 19,952,118.12 | 10,235,149.14 | 3,044,387.31 | 33,231,654.57 |
—Provision | 19,952,118.12 | 10,235,149.14 | 3,044,387.31 | 33,231,654.57 |
(3) Decrease in current period | ||||
—Transfer to PPE | ||||
—Disposal | ||||
(4) 30 June 2024 | 139,664,826.80 | 71,646,043.82 | 3,044,387.31 | 214,355,257.93 |
3.Total impairment | ||||
(1) 31 December 2023 | ||||
(2) Increase in current period |
Items | Land use right | Buildings | Machinery | Total |
—provision | ||||
(3) Decrease in current period | ||||
—Transfer to PPE | ||||
—Disposal | ||||
(4) 30 June 2024 | ||||
4.Total net book value | ||||
(1) 30 June 2024 | 992,609,588.37 | 296,819,323.74 | 277,234,566.10 | 1,566,663,478.21 |
(2) 31 December 2023 | 1,012,561,706.49 | 307,054,472.88 | 1,319,616,179.37 |
(14) Intangible assets
1. Details of intangible assets
Items | Software | Land use right | Total |
1.Total of original value | |||
(1)31 December 2023 | 267,948.72 | 336,885,314.76 | 337,153,263.48 |
(2)Increase | |||
—Purchase | |||
—Internal R&D | |||
—Increase in Mergers | |||
(3)Decrease | |||
—Disposal | |||
—Invalided and derecognized portion | |||
(4)30 June 2024 | 267,948.72 | 336,885,314.76 | 337,153,263.48 |
2.Total Accumulated Amortization | |||
(1)31 December 2023 | 186,634.58 | 80,946,192.77 | 81,132,827.35 |
(2)Increase | 13,397.45 | 3,368,853.18 | 3,382,250.63 |
—Provision | 13,397.45 | 3,368,853.18 | 3,382,250.63 |
Items | Software | Land use right | Total |
(3)Decrease | |||
—Disposal | |||
—Invalided and derecognized portion | |||
(4)30 June 2024 | 200,032.03 | 84,315,045.95 | 84,515,077.98 |
3.Total of Impairment | |||
(1)31 December 2023 | |||
(2)Increase | |||
—Provision | |||
(3)Decrease | |||
—Disposal | |||
—Invalided and derecognized portion | |||
(4)30 June 2024 | |||
4.Total of Net book value | |||
(1)30 June 2024 | 67,916.69 | 252,570,268.81 | 252,638,185.50 |
(2)31 December 2023 | 81,314.14 | 255,939,121.99 | 256,020,436.13 |
(15) Deferred tax asset and deferred tax liability
1. Deferred tax assets before taking into consideration of the balance offsetting
Items | 2024/06/30 | 2023/12/31 | ||
Deductible temporary differences | Deferred tax asset | Deductible temporary differences | Deferred tax asset | |
Impairment | 400,948,822.34 | 100,212,083.01 | 403,698,019.09 | 100,549,055.02 |
Fair value through other comprehensive income | 81,617,843.44 | 20,404,460.86 | 81,617,843.44 | 20,404,460.86 |
Lease liability | 1,644,367,112.02 | 411,091,778.01 | 1,384,348,462.17 | 346,087,115.54 |
Total | 2,126,933,777.80 | 531,708,321.88 | 1,869,664,324.70 | 467,040,631.42 |
2. Deferred tax liabilities before taking into consideration of the balance offsetting
Items | 2024/06/30 | 2023/12/31 | ||
Taxable temporary differences | Deferred tax liabilities | Taxable temporary differences | Deferred tax liabilities | |
Changes in fair value of other equity instrument investments | 41,361.27 | 10,340.32 | 41,361.27 | 10,340.32 |
Right-of-use assets | 1,566,663,478.21 | 391,665,869.55 | 1,319,616,179.47 | 329,904,044.87 |
Total | 1,566,704,839.48 | 391,676,209.87 | 1,319,657,540.74 | 329,914,385.19 |
3. Unrecognized deferred tax assets
Items | 2024/06/30 | 2023/12/31 |
Deductible temporary differences | 306,113,541.40 | 305,223,483.99 |
Deductible losses | 6,019,434,124.25 | 4,213,758,736.79 |
Total | 6,325,547,665.65 | 4,518,982,220.78 |
4. The deductible loss of unrecognized deferred tax assets due in the following period
Year | 30 June 2024 | 31 December 2023 | Notes |
Year 2024 | 12,164,389.35 | 12,164,389.35 | |
Year 2025 | 8,257,832.98 | 8,257,832.98 | |
Year 2026 | 6,799,314.77 | 6,799,314.77 | |
Year 2027 | 1,919,832,999.81 | 1,919,832,999.81 | |
Year 2028 | 2,367,541,315.76 | 2,266,704,199.88 | |
Year 2029 | 1,704,838,271.58 | - | |
Total | 6,019,434,124.25 | 4,213,758,736.79 |
(16) Other non-current assets
Items | 2024/06/30 | 2023/12/31 | ||||
Gross carrying amount | Impairment | Book value | Gross carrying amount | Impairment | Book value | |
Prepayment for long-term assets | 121,903,869.78 | 121,903,869.78 | 137,933,599.61 | 137,933,599.61 | ||
Total | 121,903,869.78 | 121,903,869.78 | 137,933,599.61 | 137,933,599.61 |
(17) Assets with restrictions on ownership or use
Items | 2024/06/30 | 2023/12/31 | ||||||
Carrying amount | Book value | Type of restriction | Status | Carrying amount | Book value | Type of restriction | Status | |
Cash at bank and on hand | 810,054,824.11 | 810,054,824.11 | Margin for Notes receivable, Margin for letter of credit | 1,009,879,189.82 | 1,009,879,189.82 | Margin for Notes receivable、Margin for letter of credit | ||
Notes receivable | 383,067,330.50 | 383,067,330.50 | Pledged | 218,427,117.76 | 218,427,117.76 | pledged | ||
Total | 1,193,122,154.61 | 1,193,122,154.61 | 1,228,306,307.58 | 1,228,306,307.58 |
(18) Short-term loans
1. Classification of short-term loans
Items | 2024/06/30 | 2023/12/31 |
Pledge loans | ||
Mortgage loans | ||
Guaranteed loans | ||
Credit loans | 495,000,000.00 | 300,000,000.00 |
Discounted unexpired bills | 730,592.00 | 28,000,000.00 |
Total | 495,730,592.00 | 328,000,000.00 |
(19) Notes payable
Items | 2024/06/30 | 2023/12/31 |
Commercial acceptance bill | 512,109,059.19 | 463,403,421.74 |
Bank acceptance bill | 9,506,031,958.09 | 8,601,590,577.15 |
letter of credit | 1,541,716,550.34 | 1,300,000,000.00 |
Total | 11,559,857,567.62 | 10,364,993,998.89 |
There is no short-term loans that were overdue at the end of the reporting period.
(20) Accounts payable
1. Accounts payable disclosed by category
Items | 2024/06/30 | 2023/12/31 |
Within 1 year (inclusive) | 2,068,453,035.18 | 2,782,628,881.51 |
1-2 year (inclusive) | 386,521,195.69 | 9,101,689.71 |
2-3 year (inclusive) | 7,418,840.63 | 7,414,901.65 |
Over 3 year | 14,002,982.64 | 10,289,787.90 |
Total | 2,476,396,054.14 | 2,809,435,260.77 |
2. Significant accounts payable aging over one year
Items | 2024/06/30 | Reasons |
Henan Weihua Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. | 6,829,683.84 | Not yet eligible for settlement |
Dalian Huarui Heavy Industry Group Co. Ltd. | 5,870,242.00 | Not yet eligible for settlement |
Total | 12,699,925.84 |
(21) Contract liabilities
1. Details of contract liabilities
Items | 2024/06/30 | 2023/12/31 |
Payment received in advance and labor costs | 2,925,386,458.14 | 3,302,218,364.90 |
Others | 890,227.48 | |
Total | 2,925,386,458.14 | 3,303,108,592.38 |
(22) Employee benefits payable
1. Employee benefits payable
Items | 2023/12/31 | Increase | Decrease | 2024/06/30 |
Short-term employee benefits | 1,175,970.83 | 878,644,448.54 | 878,737,354.05 | 1,083,065.32 |
Post-employment benefits - defined contribution plans | 134,124,608.30 | 134,124,608.30 | ||
Termination benefits | 28,762,172.65 | 28,762,172.65 | ||
Other benefits due within one year | ||||
Others | ||||
Total | 1,175,970.83 | 1,041,531,229.49 | 1,041,624,135.00 | 1,083,065.32 |
2. Short-term employee benefits
Items | 2023/12/31 | Increase | Decrease | 2024/06/30 |
(1) Salary, bonus, allowance and subsidy | 623,422,824.80 | 623,422,824.80 | ||
(2) Employee welfare | 82,505,854.77 | 82,505,854.77 | ||
(3) Social Insurance | 74,570,098.59 | 74,570,098.59 | ||
Including: Medical insurance | 55,241,262.92 | 55,241,262.92 | ||
Work injury insurance | 17,024,055.67 | 17,024,055.67 | ||
Maternity insurance | 2,304,780.00 | 2,304,780.00 | ||
(4) Housing | 81,980,838.00 | 81,980,838.00 | ||
(5) Union funds and staff education fee | 1,175,970.83 | 12,663,313.09 | 12,756,218.60 | 1,083,065.32 |
(6) Short-term compensated absences | ||||
(7) Short-term profit - sharing scheme | ||||
(8) Other short-term benefits (Health care, labor insurance, temporary employment) | 3,501,519.29 | 3,501,519.29 | ||
Total | 1,175,970.83 | 878,644,448.54 | 878,737,354.05 | 1,083,065.32 |
3. Defined contribution plans
Items | 2023/12/31 | Increase | Decrease | 2024/06/30 |
Basic pension fund | 104,790,953.08 | 104,790,953.08 | ||
Unemployment insurance | 3,275,218.58 | 3,275,218.58 | ||
Annuity | 26,058,436.64 | 26,058,436.64 | ||
Total | 134,124,608.30 | 134,124,608.30 |
(23) Current tax liabilities
Items | 2024/06/30 | 2023/12/31 |
Value-added tax | 7,638,735.14 | 7,969,729.86 |
Corporate income tax | 11,854,155.78 | 16,637,900.58 |
City maintenance and construction tax | 491,284.32 | 526,991.99 |
House property tax | 4,202,867.37 | 3,997,351.10 |
Land use right tax | 1,088,809.99 | 1,088,809.99 |
Individual income tax | 1,092,281.46 | 2,427,153.14 |
Educational surcharges(including local Educational surcharges) | 350,917.37 | 376,422.86 |
Others | 14,326,468.50 | 22,378,599.59 |
Total | 41,045,519.93 | 55,402,959.11 |
(24) Other payables
Items | 2024/06/30 | 2023/12/31 |
Interest payables | ||
Dividends payables | ||
Other payables | 1,291,824,477.57 | 1,659,284,531.06 |
Total | 1,291,824,477.57 | 1,659,284,531.06 |
1. Other payables
(1) Other payables disclosed by nature
Items | 2024/06/30 | 2023/12/31 |
Deposit | 639,292.00 | 679,292.00 |
Margin | 335,475,533.08 | 328,420,047.69 |
Accounts | 950,613,256.48 | 1,317,921,724.74 |
Others | 5,096,396.01 | 12,263,466.63 |
Total | 1,291,824,477.57 | 1,659,284,531.06 |
(2) Significant other payables aged over one year
Items | 2024/06/30 | Reasons |
Ansteel Group Engineering Technology Co. Ltd. | 22,549,189.37 | unsettled |
(25) Non-current liabilities due within one year
Items | 2024/06/30 | 2023/12/31 |
Long-term loans due within one year | 408,685,967.20 | 562,310,473.60 |
Bond payables due within one year | 81,650,008.44 | |
Long-term payables due within one year | ||
Leas liability due within one year | 65,801,328.23 | 41,921,209.72 |
Total | 474,487,295.43 | 685,881,691.76 |
(26) Other current liabilities
Items | 2024/06/30 | 2023/12/31 |
Output tax to be transferred | 334,009,488.97 | 392,122,093.59 |
Total | 334,009,488.97 | 392,122,093.59 |
(27) Long-term loans
Items | 2024/06/30 | 2023/12/31 |
Pledged loans | ||
Mortgage loan | ||
Guaranteed loans | ||
Credit loans | 2,319,589,918.00 | 1,723,726,700.80 |
Total | 2,319,589,918.00 | 1,723,726,700.80 |
(28) Bonds payable
1. Bonds payable disclosed by category
Items | 2024/06/30 | 2023/12/31 |
Convertible Bond | 5,522,410,434.46 | 5,451,381,676.38 |
Total | 5,522,410,434.46 | 5,451,381,676.38 |
2. Changes in Bonds payables (Excluding other financial instruments such as preferred stocks and perpetual bonds classified as financial liabilities)
3. Description of corporate convertible bond:
Approved by Shenzhen Stock Exchange "Shen Zheng Shang [2020] No. 656", the Company’s RMB 6.80 billion convertible corporate bonds were listed on theShenzhen Stock Exchange on August 4, 2020, and the abbreviation is "Bengang Convertible Bonds". The bond code is "127018". The conversion period of theconvertible corporate bonds issued this time is from the first trading day after six months of the issuance of the convertible corporate bonds (July 3, 2020) tothe maturity date of the convertible corporate bonds, that is, from January 4, 2021 to June 28, 2026. The initial conversion price of the convertible bonds isRMB 5.03 per share. From January 1, 2024 to June 30, 2024, an aggregate of RMB7,000.00 of the convertible bonds were converted into 1,771.00 commonstock. Among them:
In the first quarter of 2024, the Bengang convertible bonds were reduced by RMB7,000.00 (70 units) due to the conversion, and the number of shares convertedwas 1,771.00 shares, and the conversion price was RMB3.95 per share;As of June 30, 2024, the remaining amount of the face value of the convertible bonds was RMB 5,631,017,100.00 Yuan (56,310,171.00 sheets).
Items | Face value | Issue date | Term to maturity | Issuance amount | Balance at the end of the previous year | Current issue | Interest accrued at face value | Premium and discount amortization | Repayment in this period | Balance at the end of the current period | Default or not |
BengangConvertible Bond (Bond code:127018) | 6,800,000,000.00 | 29th June 2020 | 6 years | 6,800,000,000.00 | 5,451,381,676.38 | - | 81,650,255.46 | 71,034,282.04 | 81,655,779.42 | 5,522,410,434.46 | No |
Total | 6,800,000,000.00 | 5,451,381,676.38 | 81,650,255.46 | 71,034,282.04 | 81,655,779.42 | 5,522,410,434.46 |
(29) Lease liabilities
Items | 2024/06/30 | 2023/12/31 |
Lease payments | 2,480,710,302.86 | 2,098,254,018.65 |
Less: Unrealized financing expenses | 836,223,979.34 | 713,905,556.48 |
Reclassified to non-current liabilities within one year | 65,801,328.23 | 41,921,209.72 |
Total | 1,578,684,995.29 | 1,342,427,252.45 |
(30) Deferred income
Items | 2023/12/31 | Increase | Decrease | 2024/06/30 | Reason |
Government subsidy | 136,084,955.18 | 100,000.00 | 14,369,000.00 | 121,815,955.18 | |
Total | 136,084,955.18 | 100,000.00 | 14,369,000.00 | 121,815,955.18 |
Items | 2023/12/31 | Increase | Transfer to non-operating income | Transfer to other income | Offsetting cost or expenses | Other changes | 2024/06/30 | Related to assets or income |
Research and Development of High-strength Steel for the Third Generation of Automobiles | 580,000.00 | 290,000.00 | 290,000.00 | Assets | ||||
Desulfurization and Denitrification Project of Coal-fired Boiler in High-pressure Workshop of Bengang Power Plant | 1,800,000.00 | 300,000.00 | 1,500,000.00 | Assets | ||||
Advanced Treatment Project of Carbon Fiber Wastewater in Dongfeng Plant Area of Plate Coking Plant | 3,800,000.00 | 950,000.00 | 2,850,000.00 | Assets | ||||
Second Sintering Finishing Dust Removal Ultra-low Emission Reconstruction Project | 820,000.00 | 205,000.00 | 615,000.00 | Assets | ||||
Converter Gas Recovery Efficiency Improvement Project for Plate Material Area | 9,680,000.00 | 1,210,000.00 | 8,470,000.00 | Assets | ||||
Central environmental protection award fund | 84,352,000.00 | 10,544,000.00 | 73,808,000.00 | Assets | ||||
2021 Intellectual Manufacturing Strong Province Special Fund | 3,840,000.00 | 480,000.00 | 3,360,000.00 | Assets | ||||
2020 Ecological Civilization Construction Special Project (Special Steel Electric Furnace Upgrading Project) | 20,000,000.00 | 20,000,000.00 | Assets | |||||
2021 Manufacturing Strong Province Special Fund Project | 8,100,000.00 | 390,000.00 | 7,710,000.00 | Assets |
Government grant for “Liaoning Revitalization Talent Plan” | 236,500.00 | 236,500.00 | Assets | |||||
2022 Provincial Science and Technology Department Liaoning Provincial Natural Science Foundation Program Project Section | 28,400.00 | 28,400.00 | Assets | |||||
Design of Rare Earth Steel Metallurgical Slag System and Research on Its Physicochemical Properties | 317,349.00 | 317,349.00 | Assets | |||||
2021 Municipal Skilled Master Workstation Fee | 77,219.45 | 77,219.45 | Income | |||||
Study on the Mechanism and Control of the Effect of Rare Earth Oxysulfides on the Plasticizability of Automotive Steel | 122,220.20 | 122,220.20 | Income | |||||
2021 Benxi Experts and Talents Interaction with Enterprises Project | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | Income | |||||
2019 Municipal Master Skill Workstation Fee | 69,500.19 | 69,500.19 | Income | |||||
2018 Municipal Master Skill Workstation Fee | 58,766.34 | 58,766.34 | Income | |||||
Liaoning Province "Hundred, Thousand, Thousand, Thousand Talents Project" funding project in 2018 | 220,000.00 | 220,000.00 | Income | |||||
Provincial Science and Technology Department National Natural Science Foundation Committee | 334,000.00 | 334,000.00 | Income | |||||
2019 Provincial Skilled Master Workstation Fee | 200,000.00 | 200,000.00 | Income | |||||
2020 Provincial Skilled Master Workstation Fee | 100,000.00 | 100,000.00 | Income |
Fundamental Research on New Technology of Composite Iron Coke Low Carbon Ironmaking Furnace Charge | 168,000.00 | 168,000.00 | Income | |||||
The Second Batch of 2021 Liaoning Funds on Central Government Guiding the Development of Local Science and Technology | 300,000.00 | 300,000.00 | Income | |||||
2022 Digital Liaoning Intellectual Manufacturing Strong Province | 300,000.00 | 300,000.00 | Income | |||||
Municipal Enterprise Operation Class Patent Navigation Project Funding Grant | 200,000.00 | 200,000.00 | Income | |||||
Genetic Engineering and Artificial Intelligence Design of Aviation Critical Materials (Research Institute) | 376,000.00 | 376,000.00 | Income | |||||
2022 Provincial Skilled Master Workstation Fee | 100,000.00 | 100,000.00 | Income | |||||
Total | 136,084,955.18 | 100,000.00 | - | 14,369,000.00 | - | - | 121,815,955.18 |
(31) Share capital
Items | 2023/12/31 | Increase/decrease (+ , - ) | 2024/06/30 | ||||
Issuing of new share | Bonus shares | Transferred from reserves | Others | Subtotal | |||
Capital shares | 4,108,219,302.00 | 1,771.00 | 1,771.00 | 4,108,221,073.00 |
Note: The decrease was due to the convertible bonds issued by the Company were convertedinto 1,771.00 shares of common stock during the period, and the remaining balance of the facevalue of the Company's convertible bonds as of June 30, 2024 was RMB5,631,017,100.00 Yuan(56,310,171.00 units). For details, please refer to Note 5. (28) Bonds payable.
(32) Other equity instruments
1. Changes in financial instruments such as preferred stocks and perpetual bonds issued at the end of the period
Items | 2023/12/31 | Increase | Decrease | 2024/06/30 | ||||
Number | Book value | Number | Book value | Number | Book value | Number | Book value | |
Convertible corporate bonds | 56,310,241.00 | 947,858,134.16 | - | - | 70.00 | 1,424.97 | 56,310,171.00 | 947,856,709.19 |
Total | 56,310,241.00 | 947,858,134.16 | - | - | 70.00 | 1,424.97 | 56,310,171.00 | 947,856,709.19 |
Notes: The decrease during the current period was due to convertible bonds issued by the Company have been partially converted into common stock for an aggregateof RMB7,000.00 (70 units), and the remaining balance of the face value of the convertible bonds as of June 30, 2024 was RMB5,631,017,100.00 Yuan (56,310,171.00sheets). For details, please refer to Note 5. (28) Bonds payable.
(33) Capital reserves
Items | 2023/12/31 | Increase | Decrease | 2024/06/30 |
Capital premium over par value | 13,156,308,402.10 | 5,177.93 | 13,156,313,580.03 | |
Other capital reserves | 115,917,468.82 | 115,917,468.82 | ||
Total | 13,272,225,870.92 | 5,177.93 | 13,272,231,048.85 |
Notes: The increase was due to the conversion of A-share convertible bonds issued by theCompany into A-share common stock during the period, as described in Note 5, (28) Bondspayable.
(34) Other comprehensive income
Items | 2023/12/31 | Current period | 2024/06/30 | |||||
Amounts before corporate income tax | Less: amount recognized in OCI in the previous period transfer to PL in current period | Less: income tax | Income after tax attributable to owners of the Company | Income after tax attributable to non-controlling interests | Less: transfer to retain earnings | |||
1.Items can not be reclassified into profit or loss. | -50,371,341.88 | -50,371,341.88 | ||||||
including: Remeasurement of defined benefit plans of changes | ||||||||
Other comprehensive income under the equity method cannot be reclassified into profit or loss |
Items | 2023/12/31 | Current period | 2024/06/30 | |||||
Amounts before corporate income tax | Less: amount recognized in OCI in the previous period transfer to PL in current period | Less: income tax | Income after tax attributable to owners of the Company | Income after tax attributable to non-controlling interests | Less: transfer to retain earnings | |||
Changes in fair value of investments in other equity instruments | -50,371,341.88 | -50,371,341.88 | ||||||
Changes in fair value of company's credit risk | ||||||||
2.Items can be reclassified into profit or loss | ||||||||
Total | -50,371,341.88 | -50,371,341.88 |
(35) Special Reserves
Items | 2023/12/31 | Increase | Decrease | 2024/06/30 |
Safety production cost | 54,843.15 | 36,054,579.27 | 32,159,120.03 | 3,950,302.39 |
Total | 54,843.15 | 36,054,579.27 | 32,159,120.03 | 3,950,302.39 |
(36) Surplus Reserves
Items | 2023/12/31 | Increase | Decrease | 2024/06/30 |
Statutory surplus reserves | 1,195,116,522.37 | 1,195,116,522.37 | ||
Discretionary reserves | ||||
Reserve fund | ||||
Enterprise Development Fund (EDF) | ||||
Others | ||||
Total | 1,195,116,522.37 | 1,195,116,522.37 |
(37) Undistributed Profits
Items | Current period | Previous period |
Before adjustments: undistributed profits at last year-end | -2,463,133,834.65 | -720,559,670.73 |
Adjustments of the beginning distributed profits (increase + / decease -) | ||
After adjustments: undistributed profit at this year-beginning | -2,463,133,834.65 | -720,559,670.73 |
Add: undistributed profit belonging to parent company | -1,550,950,137.71 | -1,742,574,163.92 |
Less: Statutory surplus reserves | ||
Discretionary reserves |
Items | Current period | Previous period |
General risk reserves | ||
Common shares dividend payable | ||
Common shares dividend transferred to paid-in capital | ||
Ending balance of undistributed profits | -4,014,083,972.36 | -2,463,133,834.65 |
(38) Operating income and operating cost
1. Operating income and operating cost
Items | Current period | Previous period | ||
Revenue | Cost | Revenue | Cost | |
Principal business | 27,942,407,986.74 | 28,743,063,625.90 | 30,178,980,302.21 | 30,346,840,599.33 |
Other business | 422,131,300.06 | 434,178,194.37 | 388,428,902.82 | 367,800,364.58 |
Total | 28,364,539,286.80 | 29,177,241,820.27 | 30,567,409,205.03 | 30,714,640,963.91 |
2. Details for operating income
Item | Principal business Revenue | Principal business Cost | Other business Revenue | Other business Cost |
Classified by businessarea
Classified by business area |
Including:Domestic | 22,982,790,083.47 | 23,737,449,619.00 | 422,131,300.06 | 434,178,194.37 |
Abroad | 4,959,617,903.27 | 5,005,614,006.90 | - | - |
Classified by the timeof commodity transfer
Classified by the time of commodity transfer | 27,942,407,986.74 | 28,743,063,625.90 | 422,131,300.06 | 434,178,194.37 |
Including: recognizeat a certain point intime
Including: recognize at a certain point in time |
-Recognizeover a certain periodof time
-Recognize over a certain period of time | 27,942,407,986.74 | 28,743,063,625.90 | 420,272,981.66 | 432,990,677.97 |
Item | Principal business Revenue | Principal business Cost | Other business Revenue | Other business Cost |
Total | 1,858,318.40 | 1,187,516.40 |
Item | 27,942,407,986.74 | 28,743,063,625.90 | 422,131,300.06 | 434,178,194.37 |
(39) Tax and surcharges
Items | Current period | Previous period |
Environmental tax | 10,657,195.93 | 9,527,874.78 |
City maintenance and construction tax | 7,179,465.72 | 6,576,796.79 |
Educational surcharge | 5,141,768.24 | 4,800,732.70 |
Housing property tax | 42,403,396.66 | 40,884,994.48 |
Land use right tax | 6,075,969.40 | 6,075,969.40 |
Vehicle and vessel tax | 24,659.44 | |
Stamp duty | 30,999,838.67 | 30,849,463.63 |
Others | 14,110.89 | 324,845.97 |
Total | 102,496,404.95 | 99,040,677.75 |
(40) Selling and marketing expenses
Items | Current period | Previous period |
Import and export agency fee | 26,379,873.76 | 21,131,652.66 |
Salary and benefits | 36,058,846.27 | 37,771,652.79 |
Sales service fee | 10,571,474.17 | 1,382,736.23 |
Others | 5,858,248.93 | 9,615,841.56 |
Total | 78,868,443.13 | 69,901,883.24 |
(41) General and administrative expenses
Items | Current period | Previous period |
Salary and benefits | 222,695,719.15 | 232,474,136.03 |
Repair expense | 3,878,241.83 | 298,281.38 |
Depreciation | 25,488,252.64 | 19,462,599.70 |
Professional service expenses | 10,565,726.99 | 6,665,914.90 |
Items | Current period | Previous period |
IT systems fees | 21,186,116.66 | 14,723,225.16 |
Safety production expenses | 13,231,852.96 | 36,283,096.29 |
Others | 54,648,344.49 | 29,661,768.03 |
Total | 351,694,254.72 | 339,569,021.49 |
(42) Research and development expenses
Items | Current period | Previous period |
Depreciation, materials and compensation, etc. | 36,966,260.63 | 32,990,679.09 |
Total | 36,966,260.63 | 32,990,679.09 |
(43) Financial expenses
Items | 2024/06/30 | 2023/12/31 |
Interest expenses | 192,939,391.68 | 234,419,462.35 |
including: Interest expenses for lease liabilities | ||
Less: Interest income | 19,612,598.56 | 27,351,519.21 |
Exchange losses | -43,562,831.57 | -49,493,753.99 |
Others | 5,418,930.93 | 3,983,576.72 |
Total | 135,182,892.48 | 161,557,765.87 |
(44) Other income
Items | Current period | Previous period |
Research and Development of High-strength Steel for the Third Generation of Automobiles | 290,000.00 | 290,000.00 |
Desulfurization and Denitrification Project of Coal-fired Boiler in High-pressure Workshop of Bengang Power Plant | 300,000.00 |
Items | Current period | Previous period |
Advanced Treatment Project of Carbon Fiber Wastewater in Dongfeng Plant Area of Plate Coking Plant | 950,000.00 | 950,000.00 |
Second Sintering Finishing Dust Removal Ultra-low Emission Reconstruction Project | 205,000.00 | |
Plate factory area converter Gas Recovery and Efficiency Improvement Project | 1,210,000.00 | |
Central Government Environmental Protection Award Fund | 10,544,000.00 | |
2021 Intellectual Manufacturing Strong Province Special Fund | 480,000.00 | 205,000.00 |
2021 Intellectual Manufacturing Strong Province Special Fund project | 390,000.00 | |
Tax Rebates for Low-growth Businesses from Government | 724,200.00 | |
2024 Special Incentive Funds for Business Stable development Measures (Q1) | 785,500.00 | |
Air Pollution Prevention and Control Funds - Second Burn Finishing Dedusting Ultra Low Emission Retrofit Project | 300,000.00 | |
2021 Benxi Pollution Control and Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction Special Project (Converter Gas Recovery Efficiency Improvement Project) | 44,117.65 | |
2019 Municipal Skilled Master Workstation Fee | 81.08 | |
Liaoning Province “One Million Talents Project” Funding Program in 2020 | 50,000.00 | |
Additional tax relief for retired soldiers in 2022 | 540,000.00 | |
Withholding fee income | 389,899.87 | 913,893.41 |
VAT tax relief | 67,802,894.08 | |
Others | 225,000.00 | |
Total | 84,071,493.95 | 3,518,092.14 |
(45) Investment income
Items | Current period | Previous period |
Income on long-term equity investment by equity method | -439,659.58 | |
Income on disposal of financial assets holding for trading | -294,462.57 |
Items | Current period | Previous period |
Gains/loss from Available-for-sale financial assets during the holding period | -2,502,067.50 | |
Gain from debt restructuring | 694,683.35 | |
Others | -31,605,308.28 | |
Total | -31,605,308.28 | -2,541,506.30 |
(46) Credit impairment loss
Items | Current period | Previous period |
Loss from bad debts of account receivable | -18,087,628.51 | -18,426,234.94 |
Loss from bad debts of other receivables | 1,923,169.05 | 35,877,008.41 |
Total | -16,164,459.46 | 17,450,773.47 |
(47) Asset impairment loss
Items | Current period | Previous period |
Inventory and contract assets impairment loss | 14,313,228.28 | 84,458,260.66 |
Total | 14,313,228.28 | 84,458,260.66 |
(48) Assets disposal gains
Items | Current period | Previous period | The amount recognized in non-recurring profit |
Disposal gains or losses arising from disposal of fixed assets not classified for sale | 10,002,955.91 | 10,002,955.91 | |
Total | 10,002,955.91 | 10,002,955.91 |
(49) Non-operating income
Items | Current period | Previous period | The amount recognized in non-recurring profit |
Non-current assets scrapped gains | 2,969,609.64 | 17,095,345.19 | 2,969,609.64 |
Liquidated damages | 2,252,849.81 | 980,399.63 | 2,252,849.81 |
Unpayable accounts payable (Debt liquidation income) | 2,447,931.60 | ||
Others | 3,754,417.72 | 31,060,871.61 | 3,754,417.72 |
Total | 8,976,877.17 | 51,584,548.03 | 8,976,877.17 |
(50) Non-operating expense
Items | Current period | Previous period | Recorded in the current period |
Non-current assets scrapped loss | 26,684,793.03 | 48,484,833.89 | 26,684,793.03 |
Penalties and late fees | 819,442.12 | 2,072,844.13 | 819,442.12 |
Others | 71,951.36 | 27,649.11 | 71,951.36 |
Total | 27,576,186.51 | 50,585,327.13 | 27,576,186.51 |
(51) Income tax expenses
1. Income tax expense
Items | Current period | Previous period |
Income tax payable for the current year | 37,006,436.45 | 46,665,568.90 |
Adjustment of deferred income tax | -2,905,865.78 | -13,473,858.06 |
Total | 34,100,570.67 | 33,191,710.84 |
2. Accounting profit and income tax expense adjustment process
Items | Current period |
Total profit | -1,472,189,725.96 |
Items | Current period |
Income tax expense calculate according to the official or applicable tax rate | -368,047,431.49 |
Effect of different tax rates applied by subsidiaries | -20,834,895.35 |
Effect of adjustment of the income tax expense of prior period | -7,776,343.01 |
Effect of non-taxable income | -21,514.35 |
Effect of undeductible costs, expenses or losses | 16,939.75 |
Effect of use of deductible losses of unrecognized deferred tax asset of prior period | -485,271.99 |
Effect of deductible temporary differences or deductible losses of unrecognized deferred tax asset of current period | 430,710,887.32 |
Others | 538,199.79 |
Total | 34,100,570.67 |
(52) Notes of statement of cash flows
1. Cash related to other operating activities
(1)Cash received related to other operating activities
Items | Current period | Previous period |
Current accounts, advances received | 41,261,597.48 | 36,965,273.21 |
Interest income | 19,128,419.09 | 27,351,519.21 |
Special subsidy income | 10,475,771.68 | 850,000.00 |
Non-operating income | 3,955,339.02 | - |
Others | 1,983,169.94 | 980,399.63 |
Total | 76,804,297.21 | 66,147,192.05 |
(2)Cash paid related to other operating activities
Items | Current period | Previous period |
Current accounts, advance for another | 60,227,872.08 | 28,422,075.16 |
Administrative expenses | 46,701,363.64 | 112,917,219.14 |
Sales expenses | 8,837,487.92 | 32,130,230.45 |
Bank charges | 32,800,163.46 | 3,983,576.72 |
Items | Current period | Previous period |
Others | 17,555,604.58 | - |
Total | 166,122,491.68 | 177,453,101.47 |
2. Other cash in relation to financing activities
(1)Other cash received in relation to financing activities
Item | Current period | Previous period |
Notes, letter of guarantee, and letter of credit margins | 1,841,743,458.53 | 299,914,718.38 |
Total | 1,841,743,458.53 | 299,914,718.38 |
(2)Other cash paid in relation to financing activities
Item | Current period | Previous period |
Notes, letter of guarantee, and letter of credit margins | 1,641,919,092.82 | 673,351,795.82 |
Lease payments | 31,137,341.92 | 18,485,374.02 |
Bank charges | 4,378,074.03 | 3,284,461.67 |
Total | 1,677,434,508.77 | 695,121,631.51 |
(53) Supplementary details of statement of cash flows
1. Supplementary details for statement of cash flows
Items | Current period | Previous period |
1. A reconciliation of net profit to cash flows from operating activities: | ||
Net profit | -1,506,290,296.63 | -983,416,724.55 |
Add: Credit impairment loss | -16,164,459.46 | 17,450,773.47 |
Asset impairment loss | 14,313,228.28 | 84,458,260.66 |
Depreciation of fixed assets | 829,410,743.63 | 823,089,855.07 |
Depreciation of right of use assets | 33,231,654.57 | 30,187,267.26 |
Amortization of intangible assets | 3,382,250.63 | 3,039,005.87 |
Long-term deferred expenses |
Items | Current period | Previous period |
Losses proceeds from disposal of PPE, intangible assets and other long-term assets (Earnings marked“-”) | -10,002,955.91 | |
Scrapped losses from fixed assets (Earnings marked“-”) | 23,715,183.39 | 31,389,488.70 |
Change in fair value loss (Earnings marked“-”) | ||
Financial expenses (Earnings marked“-”) | 149,376,560.11 | 184,925,708.36 |
Investment losses (Earnings marked“-”) | 31,605,308.28 | 2,541,506.30 |
Deferred tax assets reduction (Addition marked“-”) | -64,667,690.46 | -11,622,984.29 |
Deferred tax liabilities increased (Reduction marked“-”) | 61,761,824.68 | |
Reduction of inventory (Addition marked“-”) | -160,214,907.42 | 784,701,660.05 |
Operating receivable items reduction (Addition marked“-”) | 501,415,461.52 | -816,626,771.10 |
Operating payable items increase (Less marked"-") | 1,204,219,491.33 | 4,512,520,236.01 |
Others | ||
Net cash flows generated from operating activities | 1,095,091,396.54 | 4,662,637,281.81 |
2. Payments of investing and financing activities not involving cash: | ||
Liabilities transferred to capital | ||
Convertible bonds due within one year | ||
Fixed assets financed by leasing | ||
3. The net increase in cash and cash equivalents: | ||
Ending balance of cash | 1,182,269,402.52 | 3,135,535,935.14 |
Less: Beginning balance of cash | 1,184,774,971.52 | 1,296,662,683.20 |
Add: Ending balance of cash equivalents | ||
Less: Opening balance of cash equivalents | ||
The net increase in cash and cash equivalents | -2,505,569.00 | 1,838,873,251.94 |
2. The structure of cash and cash equivalents
Items | Current period | Previous period |
1. Cash | 1,182,269,402.52 | 1,184,774,971.52 |
Including: Cash on hand | ||
Digital currencies available on demand | ||
Bank deposits available on demand | 1,182,269,402.52 | 1,184,774,971.52 |
Other monetary funds available on demand | ||
Central bank deposits available on demand | ||
Balances with other financial institutions | ||
Loans to other financial institutions | ||
2. Cash equivalents | ||
Including: Investment of securities due within 3 months | ||
3. Ending balance of cash and cash equivalents | 1,182,269,402.52 | 1,184,774,971.52 |
Including: Cash and cash equivalents limited to use by the parent company of other subsidiary in the group |
(54) Foreign currency monetary items
1. Foreign currency monetary items
Item | Ending balance in foreign currency | Exchange rate | Ending balance translated to RMB |
Cash and cash equivalents | 355,889,274.38 | ||
Including: USD | 49,169,322.42 | 7.1268 | 350,419,927.04 |
HKD | 5,992,491.88 | 0.9127 | 5,469,347.34 |
Non-current liabilities due within one year | 1,035,967.20 | ||
Including: JPY | 23,176,000.00 | 0.0447 | 1,035,967.20 |
Long-term loans | 2,589,918.00 | ||
Including: JPY | 57,940,000.00 | 0.0447 | 2,589,918.00 |
VIII. Equity in other entities
(1) Equity in subsidiaries
1. Constitution of enterprise group
Name of the subsidiary | Registered capital | Principal place of business | Registration place | Notes of business | Shareholding ratio | Acquisition method | |
Direct | Indirect | ||||||
Guangzhou Bengang Steel & Iron Trading Co., Ltd | 200,000,000.00 | Guangzhou | Guangzhou | Sales | 100.00 | Establishment | |
Shanghai Bengang Metallurgy Science and Technology Co., Ltd | 229,936,718.57 | Shanghai | Shanghai | Sales | 100.00 | Establishment | |
Dalian Benruitong Automobile Material Technology Co., Ltd | 65,000,000.00 | Dalian | Dalian | Manufacturing | 65.00 | Establishment | |
Bengang POSCO Cold-rolled Sheet Co., Ltd. | 1,019,781,571.10 | Benxi | Benxi | Manufacturing | 75.00 | Business combination under common control | |
Changchun Bengang Steel & Iron Trading Co., Ltd. | 28,144,875.36 | Changchun | Changchun | Sales | 100.00 | Business combination under common control | |
Yantai Bengang Steel Sales Co., Ltd. | 219,100,329.41 | Yantai | Yantai | Sales | 100.00 | Business combination under common control | |
Tianjin Bengang Steel Trading Co., Ltd. | 230,318,095.80 | Tianjin | Tianjin | Sales | 100.00 | Business combination under common control | |
Benxi Bengang Steel & Iron Sales Co., Ltd. | 30,000,000.00 | Benxi | Benxi | Sales | 100.00 | Establishment | |
Shenyang Bengang Metallurgy Science and Technology Co., Ltd | 200,000,000.00 | Shenyang | Shenyang | Sales | 100.00 | Establishment |
2. Significant but not wholly-owned subsidiaries
Name of the subsidiaries | Proportion of non-controlling interests (%) | Profits and losses attributing to non-controlling shareholders | Dividend declared to distribute to non-controlling shareholders | Ending balance of non-controlling interests |
Bengang Posco Cold-rolled Sheet Co., Ltd. | 25% | 43,980,460.30 | 620,637,405.69 |
3. Financial information of significant but not wholly-owned subsidiaries
Name of the subsidiaries | 30 June 2024 | 31 December 2023 | ||||||||||
Current assets | Non-current assets | Total assets | Current liabilities | Non-current liabilities | Total liabilities | Current assets | Non-current assets | Total assets | Current liabilities | Non-current liabilities | Total liabilities | |
Bengang Posco Cold-rolled Sheet Co., Ltd. | 4,562,128,686.75 | 933,499,610.60 | 5,495,628,297.35 | 3,013,073,069.82 | 3,013,073,069.82 | 3,314,945,506.13 | 958,741,994.50 | 4,273,687,500.63 | 1,969,330,156.26 | 1,969,330,156.26 |
Name of the subsidiaries | Current period | Previous period | ||||||
Operating income | Net profit | Total comprehensive income | Net cash flows from operating activities | Operating income | Net profit | Total comprehensive income | Net cash flows from operating activities | |
Bengang Posco Cold-rolled Sheet Co., Ltd. | 4,625,594,944.57 | 175,927,445.95 | 175,927,445.95 | 321,389,844.86 | 4,253,071,574.21 | 69,847,227.23 | 69,847,227.23 | 171,658,194.18 |
(2) The shareholder's equity in the subsidiary has changed and still control the subsidiary's transactions
The Company does not exist such matters.
IX. Government grants
1. Liabilities relating to government grants
Item | 31 December 2023 | Addition | Amounts recognized in non-operating income during the current period | Amounts recognized in other income during the current period | Amounts derecognized in other expense during the current period | Offset costs or expenses during the current period | 30 June 2024 | Related to assets/income |
Deferred income | 136,084,955.18 | 100,000.00 | - | 14,369,000.00 | - | - | 121,815,955.18 | Assets/income |
X. Risks associated with financial instruments
(1) Various types of risks arising from financial instruments
The Company's principal financial instruments include other equity instrumentsinvestments, borrowings, receivables, payables, etc. A detailed description of each financialinstrument is set out in note V. The risks associated with these financial instruments and therisk management policies adopted by the Company to mitigate these risks are describedbelow. The Company's management manages and monitors these exposures to ensure thatthese risks are contained within defined limits.The objective of the Company's risk management is to strike an appropriate balancebetween risk and return, minimize the negative impact of risk on the Company's operatingresults, and maximize the benefits of shareholders and other equity investors. Based on thisrisk management objective, the Company's basic risk management strategy is to determineand analyze the various risks faced by the company, establish an appropriate risk tolerancebottom line and risk management, and timely and reliable supervision of various risks, tocontrol the risks within the limited scope.
1. Credit risk
As at 30 June 2024, the maximum credit exposure that could give rise to theCompany's financial loss stems primarily from losses on the Company's financialassets arising from the failure of the other party to perform its obligations, including:
The carrying amount of the financial assets recognised in the consolidated balancesheet; For financial instruments measured at fair value, the carrying value reflects itsrisk exposure, but not its maximum risk exposure, which will change as fair valuechanges in the future.In order to reduce credit risk, the Company has established a special department todetermine credit limits, conduct credit approvals, and perform other monitoringprocedures to ensure that necessary measures are taken to recover overdue claims.In addition, the Company reviews the collection of each individual receivables ateach balance sheet date to ensure that adequate provisions are made for doubtfulaccounts that cannot be collected. As a result, the Company's management considersthat the Company's exposure to credit risk has been substantially reduced.The Company's working capital is held in financial institutions with higher creditratings and therefore the credit risk of its working capital is lower.
2. Liquidity risk
Liquidity risk is the risk that the Company will not be able to meet its financialobligations on the maturity date. The Company manages liquidity risk by ensuringthat it has sufficient liquidity to meet its obligations as they mature without causingunacceptable losses or damaging the reputation of the business. The Companyregularly analyzes the structure and maturity of its liabilities to ensure that it hassufficient funds. The Company's management monitors the use of bank borrowingsand ensures compliance with loan agreements. It also negotiates financing withfinancial institutions to maintain a certain credit line and reduce liquidity risk.
3. Market risk
Market risk of financial instruments refers to the risk that the fair value or future cashflows of financial instruments will fluctuate due to changes in market prices,including exchange rate risk, interest rate risk and other price risks.
(1) Interest rate risk
Interest rate risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financialinstrument will fluctuate due to changes in market interest rates.The interest rate risk faced by the Company mainly arises from floating interest ratebank deposits and floating interest rate loans, which expose the Company to cashflow interest rate risk. The Company has not yet established a policy to manage itsinterest rate risk, but management will carefully choose financing methods, acombination of fixed and floating interest rates, and a combination of short-term debtand long-term debt. Using effective interest rate risk management methods, theCompany will closely monitor interest rate risk, control the amount of floating rateborrowings, and use interest rate swaps when necessary to achieve the desiredinterest rate structure.
(2) Exchange rate risk
Exchange rate risk refers to the risk that the fair value or future cash flows offinancial instruments will fluctuate due to changes in foreign exchange rates.The Company's exposure to exchange rate risk is mainly related to US dollars, HongKong dollars, Japanese yen and euros. Except for the Company's purchase of a smallamount of raw materials and sales of finished products, which are settled in USdollars, Hong Kong dollars, Japanese yen and euros, the Company's other majorbusiness activities are settled in RMB. As at June 30, 2024, the assets or liabilities
described in the following table were all balances in US dollars, Hong Kong dollars,Japanese yen and Euros:
Items | Closing balance | Balance at the end of previous year | ||||
US Dollars | Other foreign currencies | Total | US Dollars | Other foreign currencies | Total | |
Monetary funds | 49,169,322.42 | 5,992,491.88 | 55,161,814.30 | 81,951,964.90 | 6,400,196.40 | 88,352,161.30 |
Non-current liabilities due within one year | 23,176,000.00 | 23,176,000.00 | 23,176,000.00 | 23,176,000.00 | ||
Long-term borrowing | 57,940,000.00 | 57,940,000.00 | 69,528,000.00 | 69,528,000.00 | ||
Total | 49,169,322.42 | 87,108,491.88 | 136,277,814.30 | 81,951,964.90 | 99,104,196.40 | 181,056,161.30 |
XI. Disclosure of fair valueThe input value used in fair value measurement is divided into three levels:
The input value of the first level is the unadjusted quotation of the same asset or liability that can beobtained on the measurement date in an active market.The input value of the second level is the input value of the related assets or liabilities that is directlyor indirectly observable except the input value of the first level.The third level of input value is the unobservable input value of related assets or liabilities.The level to which the fair value measurement result belongs is determined by the lowest level towhich the input value that is important to the fair value measurement as a whole belongs.
(1) Fair value of assets and liabilities measured at fair value
Items | Fair value at the end of the period | |||
Fair value measurement in the first level | Fair value measurement in the second level | Fair value measurement in the third level | Total | |
1. Continuous fair value measurement | ||||
◆Accounts receivable financing | 191,450,087.40 | 191,450,087.40 |
Items | Fair value at the end of the period | |||
Fair value measurement in the first level | Fair value measurement in the second level | Fair value measurement in the third level | Total | |
◆Investment in other equity instruments | 974,463,039.83 | 974,463,039.83 | ||
Total assets continuously measured at fair value | 1,165,913,127.23 | 1,165,913,127.23 |
XII. Related party transactions
(1) Details of parent company
Name of parent company | Place of Registry | Notes of Business | Registered capital | Share proportion (%) | Voting rights (%) |
Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Co., Ltd. | Benxi | Manufacturing | 80 | 58.65 | 58.65 |
The ultimate controlling party of the Company is:Angang Group Co., Ltd.
(2) Details of the subsidiaries
For details of subsidiaries of the Company please refer to Note 6 “Equity in other entities”.
(3) The company's joint ventures and associates
For details of joint ventures and associates of the Company please refer to Note 6 “Equity inother entities”.Other joint ventures or associates that had related-party transactions with the Company duringthe current period, or had balances resulting from related-party transactions with the Companyin prior periods, are described below:
Name of joint ventures and associates | Relationship |
Bensteel Baojin (Shenyang) New Automotive Materials Technology Co., Ltd. | Associate |
(4) Details of other related parties
Name of Other related parties | Relationship |
Bengang Group Co., Ltd. | Controlling shareholder of parent company. |
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. | Same parent company |
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Engineering Construction Supervision Co., Ltd. | Same parent company |
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) International Trade Tengda Co., Ltd. | Same parent company |
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Electromechanical Installation Engineering Co., Ltd. | Same parent company |
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. | Same parent company |
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Inspection and Testing Co., Ltd. | Same parent company |
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Construction Advanced Decoration Co., Ltd. | Same parent company |
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Construction Co., Ltd. | Same parent company |
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Mining Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. | Same parent company |
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Mining Mineral Resources Development Co., Ltd. | Same parent company |
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Mining Liaoyang Jiajiaobao Iron Mine Co., Ltd. | Same parent company |
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Mining Liaoyang Ma'erling Pellet Co., Ltd. | Same parent company |
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Mining Yanjia Valley Limestone Mine Co., Ltd. | Same parent company |
Name of Other related parties | Relationship |
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Mining Co., Ltd. | Same parent company |
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Road and Bridge Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. | Same parent company |
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Thermal Power Development Co., Ltd. | Same parent company |
Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Steel & Iron Process and Logistics Co., Ltd. | Same parent company |
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Industrial Development Co., Ltd. | Same parent company |
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Information Automation Co., Ltd. | Same parent company |
Benxi New Industrial Development Co., Ltd. | Same parent company |
Liaoning Hengtai Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. | Same parent company |
Liaoning Hengtong Metallurgical Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. | Same parent company |
Liaoning Slag Micropowder Co., Ltd. | Same parent company |
Liaoning Lide Internet of Things Co., Ltd. | Same parent company |
Liaoning Metallurgical Technician College | Same parent company |
Liaoning Metallurgical Vocational Technical College | Same parent company |
Liaoning Yitong Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. | Same parent company |
Bengang Stainless Steel Cold Rolling Dandong Co., Ltd. | Same parent company |
Bengang Gaoyuan Industrial Development Co., Ltd. | Same parent company |
Benxi Aiko Hydraulic Sealing Co., Ltd. | Same parent company |
Benxi Dongfeng Lake Steel Resource Utilization Co., Ltd. | Same parent company |
Benxi Xihu Metallurgical Furnace Material Co., Ltd. | Same parent company |
Benxi Weir Surfacing Manufacturing Co., Ltd. | Same parent company |
Dalian Bolore Steel Pipe Co., Ltd. | Same parent company |
Bengang Electrical Co., Ltd. | Associate of parent company |
Northern Hengda Logistics Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Bengang Group Co., Ltd. |
Name of Other related parties | Relationship |
Bengang Group International Economic and Trade Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Bengang Group Co., Ltd. |
Benxi Northern Iron Industry Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Bengang Group Co., Ltd. |
Benxi Beiying Iron and Steel (Group) Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Bengang Group Co., Ltd. |
Benxi Beiying Iron and Steel Group Import and Export Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Bengang Group Co., Ltd. |
Chengdu Xingyun Smart Technology Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
DeLin Industrial Products Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
DeLin Landport Supply Chain Services Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
Guangzhou Angang Steel Processing Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
Angang (Hangzhou) Automotive Materials Technology Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
Angang (Liaoning) Materials Technology Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
Angang Electrical Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
Angang Scrap Resources (Anshan) Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
Angang Steel Processing & Distribution (Dalian) Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
Angang Steel Processing & Distribution (Changchun) Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
Angang Steel Processing & Distribution (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
Angang Steel Distribution (Hefei) Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
Angang Steel Distribution (Wuhan) Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
Angang Steel Rope Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
Angang Steel Company Limited | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
Angang Chemical Technology Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
Angang Group Beijing Research Institute Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
Angang Group International Economic & Trade Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
Angang Group Energy-Saving Technology Services Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
Angang Group Mining Gongchangling Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
Angang Group Mining Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
Name of Other related parties | Relationship |
Angang Group Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
Angang Group Automation Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
Angang Construction Group Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
Angang Metal Structure Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
Angang Mining Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
Angang Mining Automotive Transportation Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
Angang Green Resources Technology Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
Angang Energy Technology Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
Angang Industrial Group (Anshan) Equipment Operation & Maintenance Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
Angang Industrial Group Metallurgical Machinery Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
Angang Industrial Group Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
Angang Heavy Machinery Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
Angang Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
Anshan Angang International Travel Agency Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
Anshan Iron & Steel Metallurgical Furnace Material Technology Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
Anshan Jianbo Engineering Testing Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
Anzi (Tianjin) Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
Pangang Group Chengdu Vanadium & Titanium Resources Development Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
Pangang Group Engineering Technology Consulting Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
Pangang Group Jiangyou Great Wall Special Steel Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
Shanxi Materials International Energy Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
Tianjin Angang Steel Processing & Distribution Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
Tianjin Angang International Northern Trade Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
Tianjin Bengang Sheet Metal Processing & Distribution Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
Name of Other related parties | Relationship |
Changchun FAW Angang Steel Processing & Distribution Co., Ltd. | Belongs to Angang Group Co., Ltd. |
Angang Group Engineering Technology Co., Ltd. | Associate of Angang Group |
(5) Related Party Transactions
1. Related party transactions of purchasing goods and services
Company as the purchaser
Name | The content of related party transactions | Current period | Amount of transactions approved | Whether the transaction limit is exceeded | Previous period |
Benxi Beiying Iron & Steel (Group) Co., Ltd. | Raw material | 6,036,111,840.20 | 14,930,000,000.00 | NO | 6,177,881,267.18 |
Benxi Iron & Steel (Group) Mining Co., Ltd. | Raw material | 3,761,543,430.27 | 7,500,000,000.00 | NO | 3,173,059,838.70 |
Benxi Iron & Steel (Group) Industrial Development Co., Ltd. | Raw material | 268,379,808.18 | 300,000,000.00 | NO | 9,559,452.37 |
Benxi Iron & Steel (Group) Co., Ltd. | Raw material | 53,351,214.25 | 300,000,000.00 | NO | 133,872,831.15 |
Angang Group International Economic & Trade Co., Ltd. | Raw material | 107,305,564.26 | 300,000,000.00 | NO | |
Anshan Iron & Steel Group Co., Ltd. | Raw material | 304,711,056.15 | 506,000,000.00 | NO | 200,416,836.36 |
Angang Group Diverse Industry Development Co., Ltd. | Raw material | 483,423,623.30 | 1,600,000,000.00 | NO | 370,082,138.82 |
Other Subsidiaries of Angang Group | Raw material | 20,608,416.29 | 50,000,000.00 | NO | 942,680.16 |
Benxi Beiying Iron & Steel (Group) Co., Ltd. | Supplementary material | 20,000,000.00 | NO | ||
Benxi Iron & Steel (Group) Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. | Supplementary material | 62,549,067.24 | 100,000,000.00 | NO | 38,334,305.48 |
Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Steel & Iron Process and Logistics Co., Ltd. | Supplementary material | 15,407,343.86 | 160,000,000.00 | NO | 79,433,788.85 |
Benxi Iron & Steel (Group) Construction Co., Ltd. | Supplementary material | 818,584.20 | 120,000,000.00 | NO | 4,854,600.01 |
Benxi Iron & Steel (Group) Information Automation Co., Ltd. | Supplementary material | 7,016,883.54 | 80,000,000.00 | NO | 16,818,802.44 |
Benxi Iron & Steel (Group) Industrial Development Co., Ltd. | Supplementary material | 17,015.07 | 40,000,000.00 | NO | 2,120,094.92 |
Benxi Iron & Steel (Group) Co., Ltd. | Supplementary material | 106,581,116.87 | 260,000,000.00 | NO | 53,746,891.24 |
Angang Group Diverse Industry Development Co., Ltd. | Supplementary material | 5,171,074.60 | 15,000,000.00 | NO |
Name | The content of related party transactions | Current period | Amount of transactions approved | Whether the transaction limit is exceeded | Previous period |
Anshan Iron & Steel Group Co., Ltd. | Supplementary material | 64,544,420.24 | 115,000,000.00 | NO | 61,671,860.93 |
Other Subsidiaries of Angang Group | Supplementary material | 17,810,333.73 | 40,000,000.00 | NO | 78,844,487.60 |
Benxi Beiying Iron & Steel (Group) Co., Ltd. | Procurement of energy power | 316,619,543.14 | 600,000,000.00 | NO | 329,215,977.30 |
Other Subsidiaries of Angang Group | Procurement of energy power | 118,036.44 | YES | 208,218.19 | |
Benxi Iron & Steel (Group) Construction Co., Ltd. | Support services | 103,545,050.15 | 400,000,000.00 | NO | 246,466,923.42 |
Benxi Iron & Steel (Group) Information Automation Co., Ltd. | Support services | 53,096,184.97 | 120,000,000.00 | NO | 8,215,028.90 |
Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Steel & Iron Process and Logistics Co., Ltd. | Support services | 311,023,983.44 | 350,000,000.00 | NO | 103,157,106.74 |
Benxi Steel (Group) Mining Co., Ltd. | Support services | 30,000,000.00 | NO | ||
Benxi Steel Group International Economic and Trade Co., Ltd. | Support services | 40,729,648.83 | 100,000,000.00 | NO | 32,464,379.89 |
Benxi Steel (Group) Information Automation Co., Ltd. | Support services | 104,785,276.69 | 200,000,000.00 | NO | 60,120,395.62 |
Northern Hengda Logistics Co., Ltd. | Support services | 11,200,905.68 | 100,000,000.00 | NO | 67,162,305.56 |
Benxi Steel (Group) Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. | Support services | 10,702,549.83 | 70,000,000.00 | NO | 21,034,856.70 |
Benxi Steel (Group) Industry Development Co., Ltd. | Support services | 3,802,809.23 | 8,000,000.00 | NO | 5,080,866.42 |
Benxi Steel (Group) Co., Ltd. | Support services | 140,119,640.51 | 344,000,000.00 | NO | 168,574,123.96 |
Bengang Group Co., Ltd. | Support services | 102,489,358.33 | 362,000,000.00 | NO | |
Ansteel Group Engineering Technology Development Co., Ltd. | Support services | 53,638,063.99 | 120,000,000.00 | NO | 118,731,759.13 |
Anshan Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. | Support services | 347,464,633.47 | 260,000,000.00 | YES | 319,392,000.92 |
Other subsidiaries of Ansteel Group | Support services | 7,342,541.75 | 30,000,000.00 | NO | 14,261,748.44 |
Company as the seller
Name | The content of related party transactions | Current period | Previous period |
Northern Hengda Logistics Co., Ltd. | Products | 1,722,052,621.91 | 1,646,632,183.35 |
Name | The content of related party transactions | Current period | Previous period |
Benxi Beiying Steel (Group) Co., Ltd. | Products | 222,640,542.68 | 133,546,983.71 |
Benxi Steel (Group) Mining Co., Ltd. | Products | 143,349,069.56 | 468,447,521.17 |
Benxi Steel (Group) Construction Co., Ltd. | Products | 1,443,062.14 | 3,761,171.44 |
Benxi Steel (Group) Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. | Products | 9,436,595.76 | 6,539,107.03 |
Benxi Steel (Group) Industrial Development Co., Ltd. | Products | 81,217,653.27 | 18,085,533.30 |
Benxi Steel (Group) Co., Ltd. | Products | 57,601,879.59 | 114,712,497.47 |
Anshan Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. | Products | 1,401,685,867.84 | 582,043,758.79 |
Ansteel Group Zhongyuan Industrial Development Co., Ltd. | Products | 37,353,702.58 | 79,515,461.22 |
Ansteel Group International Economic and Trade Co., Ltd. | Products | 198,622,209.28 | |
Panzhihua Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. | Products | 12,193,696.16 | 1,542,012.35 |
Other Subsidiaries of Ansteel Group | Products | 15,005,049.12 | 126,692.04 |
Benxi Steel (Group) Mining Co., Ltd. | Support services | 4,108,288.08 | |
Other Subsidiaries of Ansteel Group | Support services | 1,491,326.68 | 100,754.71 |
2. Lease information of related parties
Company as the lessor
Lessee | Lease capital category | Lease income of current period | Lease income of previous period |
Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Steel & Iron Process and Logistics Co., Ltd. | Warehouse and machinery | 670,802.00 |
Company as the lessee
Lessor | Lease capital category | Current period | Previous period | ||||||||
Rental costs for short-term leases and leases of low-value assets with simplified treatment | Variable lease payments not included in the measurement of the lease liability | Lease charges | Interest expense on lease liabilities assumed | Increased right to use assets | Rental costs for short-term leases and leases of low-value assets with simplified treatment | Variable lease payments not included in the measurement of the lease liability | Lease charges | Interest expense on lease liabilities assumed | Increased right to use assets | ||
Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Steel & Iron Process | Land use right 7,669,068.17 square meter Land use right | 27,638,772.06 | 19,500,054.00 | 27,627,809.26 | 19,750,096.20 |
Lessor | Lease capital category | Current period | Previous period | ||||||||
Rental costs for short-term leases and leases of low-value assets with simplified treatment | Variable lease payments not included in the measurement of the lease liability | Lease charges | Interest expense on lease liabilities assumed | Increased right to use assets | Rental costs for short-term leases and leases of low-value assets with simplified treatment | Variable lease payments not included in the measurement of the lease liability | Lease charges | Interest expense on lease liabilities assumed | Increased right to use assets | ||
and Logistics Co., Ltd. | 42,920.00 square meter | ||||||||||
Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Steel & | 2300 Hot rolling product line, | 8,049,080.52 | 3,870,344.34 | 8,049,080.53 | 3,736,932.14 |
Lessor | Lease capital category | Current period | Previous period | ||||||||
Rental costs for short-term leases and leases of low-value assets with simplified treatment | Variable lease payments not included in the measurement of the lease liability | Lease charges | Interest expense on lease liabilities assumed | Increased right to use assets | Rental costs for short-term leases and leases of low-value assets with simplified treatment | Variable lease payments not included in the measurement of the lease liability | Lease charges | Interest expense on lease liabilities assumed | Increased right to use assets |
IronProcessandLogisticsCo., Ltd.
Iron Process and Logistics Co., Ltd. | related real estate | ||||||||||
Benxi Beiying | 1780 Hot rolling | 7,175,818.86 | 2,980,721.70 | 7,557,730.91 | 2,877,975.14 |
Lessor | Lease capital category | Current period | Previous period | ||||||||
Rental costs for short-term leases and leases of low-value assets with simplified treatment | Variable lease payments not included in the measurement of the lease liability | Lease charges | Interest expense on lease liabilities assumed | Increased right to use assets | Rental costs for short-term leases and leases of low-value assets with simplified treatment | Variable lease payments not included in the measurement of the lease liability | Lease charges | Interest expense on lease liabilities assumed | Increased right to use assets | ||
Steel & Iron (Group) Co., Ltd. | product line, related real estate | ||||||||||
Bengang Group Co., Ltd. | Land use right | 4,972,711.56 | 1,224,959.40 | 4,972,711.54 | 1,315,378.20 |
Lessor | Lease capital category | Current period | Previous period | ||||||||
Rental costs for short-term leases and leases of low-value assets with simplified treatment | Variable lease payments not included in the measurement of the lease liability | Lease charges | Interest expense on lease liabilities assumed | Increased right to use assets | Rental costs for short-term leases and leases of low-value assets with simplified treatment | Variable lease payments not included in the measurement of the lease liability | Lease charges | Interest expense on lease liabilities assumed | Increased right to use assets |
728,282.30square meter
728,282.30 square meter | |||||||||||
Ansteel Group Energy-Saving Technology | machinery and equipment | 12,063,482.04 | 119,211.50 |
Lessor | Lease capital category | Current period | Previous period | ||||||||
Rental costs for short-term leases and leases of low-value assets with simplified treatment | Variable lease payments not included in the measurement of the lease liability | Lease charges | Interest expense on lease liabilities assumed | Increased right to use assets | Rental costs for short-term leases and leases of low-value assets with simplified treatment | Variable lease payments not included in the measurement of the lease liability | Lease charges | Interest expense on lease liabilities assumed | Increased right to use assets |
ServicesCo., Ltd.
ServicesCo., Ltd.
(6) Receivables and payables of the related parties
1. Receivables of the Company
Items | Name | 30 June 2024 | 31 December 2023 | ||
Gross carrying amount | Provision for bad debts | Gross carrying amount | Provision for bad debts | ||
Accounts receivable | Angang Steel Company Limited | 629,660.82 | 6,296.61 | - | - |
Accounts receivable | Angang Engineering Technology Group Co., Ltd. | 22,834.85 | 228.35 | 30,509.40 | 305.09 |
Accounts receivable | Angang Construction Group Co., Ltd. | - | - | 4,154.16 | 41.54 |
Accounts receivable | Benxi Steel Group International Economic & Trade Co., Ltd. | 893,836,130.28 | 8,938,361.30 | 854,482,902.28 | 29,419,309.19 |
Accounts receivable | Bengang Group Co., Ltd. | 6,007.34 | 60.07 | 1,246.09 | 12.46 |
Accounts receivable | Benxi Beifang Iron Co., Ltd. | 8,222,949.22 | 82,229.49 | 52,161,339.98 | 539,226.50 |
Accounts receivable | Benxi Beiying Steel Group Co., Ltd. | 28,089,043.04 | 280,890.43 | - | - |
Accounts receivable | Benxi Dongfenghu Steel Resource Utilization Co., Ltd. | 549,364.51 | 5,493.65 | 1,129,130.33 | 11,291.30 |
Accounts receivable | Benxi Steel Group Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. | 123,492.06 | 1,234.92 | 269,832.53 | 244,698.20 |
Accounts receivable | Benxi Steel Group Construction Co., Ltd. | 5,628,612.94 | 495,118.68 | 5,954,675.29 | 10,700.06 |
Accounts receivable | Benxi Steel Group Mine Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. | 601,622.16 | 29,008.27 | 662,998.24 | 11,004.96 |
Accounts receivable | Benxi Steel Group Mining Mineral Resources Development Co., Ltd. | 88,983.85 | 8,898.39 | 88,983.85 | 889.84 |
Accounts receivable | Benxi Steel Group Mining Liaoyang Jiajiaopu Iron Mine Co., Ltd. | 72,885.60 | 728.86 | 303,609.00 | 3,036.09 |
Items | Name | 30 June 2024 | 31 December 2023 | ||
Gross carrying amount | Provision for bad debts | Gross carrying amount | Provision for bad debts | ||
Accounts receivable | Benxi Steel Group Mining Liaoyang Ma'erling Pelletizing Co., Ltd. | 76,258.77 | 762.59 | 1,602,237.39 | 16,022.37 |
Accounts receivable | Benxi Steel (Group) Mining Co., Ltd. | 28,746,100.01 | 287,461.00 | 43,742,238.95 | 437,422.39 |
Accounts receivable | Benxi Steel Group Thermal Development Co., Ltd. | 8,369,230.23 | 83,692.30 | 16,191,269.77 | 142,065.08 |
Accounts receivable | Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Steel & Iron Process and Logistics Co., Ltd. | 11,517,761.37 | 873,105.60 | 11,642,752.56 | 256,914.89 |
Accounts receivable | Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Industrial Development Co., Ltd. | 17,525,398.95 | 175,253.99 | 20,496,130.86 | 2,727.99 |
Accounts receivable | Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Information Automation Co., Ltd. | 10,377.61 | 103.78 | 14,700.00 | 147.00 |
Accounts receivable | Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Co., Ltd. | 15,340,188.72 | 498,892.02 | 19,025,699.80 | 681,571.55 |
Accounts receivable | Benxi Xihu Metallurgical Furnace Charge Co., Ltd. | 37,834.35 | 378.34 | 13,216.40 | 132.16 |
Accounts receivable | Benxi Weld Phosphate Overlay Manufacturing Co., Ltd. | 189,911.43 | 17,160.36 | 191,720.22 | 16,994.63 |
Accounts receivable | Benxi New Business Development Co., Ltd. | 43,969.49 | 8,793.90 | 49,497.48 | 55.28 |
Accounts receivable | Liaoning Hengtong Metallurgical Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. | 144,307.22 | 1,443.07 | 162,404,481.01 | 1,637,032.46 |
Accounts receivable | Liaoning Slag Micro Powder Co., Ltd. | - | - | 12,848.00 | 128.48 |
Items | Name | 30 June 2024 | 31 December 2023 | ||
Gross carrying amount | Provision for bad debts | Gross carrying amount | Provision for bad debts | ||
Accounts receivable | Pangang Group Jiangyou Great Wall Special Steel Co., Ltd. | 5,151,698.62 | 51,516.99 | - | - |
Accounts receivable | Ansteel Energy Technology Co., Ltd. | - | - | 283.53 | 2.84 |
Accounts receivable | Ansteel Steel Material Processing and Distribution (Dalian) Co., Ltd. | 9,587,508.87 | 95,875.09 | 27,279,295.84 | 272,792.96 |
Other receivables | Angang Steel Company Limited | 95,781.27 | 50,581.83 | 95,781.27 | 46,061.89 |
Other receivables | Ansteel Group Corporation Limited | 6,706.00 | 670.60 | 6,706.00 | 67.06 |
Other receivables | Bengang Group Co., Ltd. | 80,622.08 | 806.22 | 7,305.59 | 73.06 |
Other receivables | Benxi Dongfenghu Steel Resource Utilization Co., Ltd. | 3,478,250.07 | 695,650.01 | 3,478,250.07 | 23,340.75 |
Other receivables | Benxi Steel (Group) Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. | 1,061,981.67 | 212,396.33 | 1,061,981.67 | 106,198.17 |
Other receivables | Benxi Steel Group Construction Co., Ltd. | 250,679.61 | 250,679.61 | 250,679.61 | 250,679.61 |
Other receivables | Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Industrial Development Co., Ltd. | 431,639.87 | 86,327.97 | 431,639.87 | 43,163.99 |
Other receivables | Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Co., Ltd. | 5,988,404.80 | 4,678,560.88 | 7,413,860.80 | 4,561,714.36 |
Other receivables | Liaoning Hengtai Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. | 3,510,967.39 | 351,096.74 | 3,545,583.40 | 35,455.83 |
Other receivables | Ansteel Capital (Tianjin) Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. | - | - | 8,064,427.98 | 80,644.28 |
Items | Name | 30 June 2024 | 31 December 2023 | ||
Gross carrying amount | Provision for bad debts | Gross carrying amount | Provision for bad debts | ||
Other receivables | Northern Hengda Logistics Co., Ltd. | 1,000.00 | - | 1,000.00 | - |
Other receivables | Benxi Steel Group International Economic & Trade Co., Ltd. | 6,617.52 | 6,617.52 | 6,617.52 | 6,617.52 |
Other receivables | Benxi New Business Development Co., Ltd. | 2,280,942.73 | 2,280,942.73 | 2,280,942.73 | 2,280,942.73 |
Prepayments | Angang Steel Company Limited | 702,645.58 | - | 882,482.46 | - |
Prepayments | Ansteel Group International Economic and Trade Co., Ltd. | 395,500.01 | - | 0.01 | - |
Prepayments | Northern Hengda Logistics Co., Ltd. | 844,386.93 | - | 874,210.39 | - |
Prepayments | Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Steel & Iron Process and Logistics Co., Ltd. | 3,197,081.91 | - | 3,162,173.15 | - |
Prepayments | Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Information Automation Co., Ltd. | 575,313.17 | - | 1,075,365.83 | - |
Prepayments | Benxi New Business Development Co., Ltd. | 4,765,300.85 | - | 8,122,937.94 | - |
Prepayments | Angang Engineering Technology Group Co., Ltd. | - | - | 6,774,166.05 | - |
Prepayments | Benxi Steel Group International Economic & Trade Co., Ltd. | - | - | 10,176,164.50 | - |
Prepayments | Benxi Beiying Iron & Steel Group Import and Export Co., Ltd. | - | - | 1,119,904.00 | - |
Items | Name | 30 June 2024 | 31 December 2023 | ||
Gross carrying amount | Provision for bad debts | Gross carrying amount | Provision for bad debts | ||
Prepayments | Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Industrial Development Co., Ltd. | 82.41 | - | - | - |
Other non-current assets | Angang Engineering Technology Group Co., Ltd. | 14,084,299.22 | - | 14,517,451.17 | - |
Other non-current assets | Benxi Steel Gaoyuan Industrial Development Co., Ltd. | 542,400.00 | - | 542,400.00 | - |
Other non-current assets | Benxi Steel (Group) Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. | 4,176.00 | - | 4,176.00 | - |
Other non-current assets | Benxi Steel Group Construction Co., Ltd. | 10,094,076.34 | - | 22,094,076.34 | - |
Other non-current assets | Benxi Steel Group Mine Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. | 3,155,429.08 | - | 3,155,429.08 | - |
Other non-current assets | Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Steel & Iron Process and Logistics Co., Ltd. | 19,639,834.36 | - | 22,915,336.04 | - |
Other non-current assets | Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Industrial Development Co., Ltd. | 833,139.38 | - | 833,139.38 | - |
Other non-current assets | Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Information Automation Co., Ltd. | 14,770,709.95 | - | 16,042,420.95 | - |
Other non-current assets | Liaoning Hengtai Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. | 37,496.00 | - | 263,473.40 | - |
Other non-current assets | Angang Steel Company Limited | - | - | 7,305.45 | - |
Items | Name | 30 June 2024 | 31 December 2023 | ||
Gross carrying amount | Provision for bad debts | Gross carrying amount | Provision for bad debts | ||
Other non-current assets | Benxi Steel (Group) Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. | - | - | 3,506,580.00 | - |
2. Payables of the Company
Items | Name | 30 June 2024 | 31 December 2023 |
Notes payable | Angang Electric Co., Ltd. | 63,861.90 | 170,418.08 |
Notes payable | Angang Scrap Resources (Anshan) Co., Ltd. | 93,887,524.63 | 66,774,511.99 |
Notes payable | Angang Steel Rope Co., Ltd. | - | 263,044.11 |
Notes payable | Angang Steel Company Limited | 594,771.45 | 145,476.64 |
Notes payable | Ansteel Group International Economic and Trade Co., Ltd. | - | 38,512,770.27 |
Notes payable | Angang Steel Company Limited | 57,905,049.62 | 6,637,769.40 |
Notes payable | Ansteel Group International Economic and Trade Co., Ltd. | 301,455.97 | - |
Notes payable | Ansteel Energy Technology Co., Ltd. | - | 132,150.38 |
Notes payable | Angang Industrial Group (Anshan) Equipment Operation and Maintenance Co., Ltd. | 2,594,377.99 | 3,063,464.44 |
Notes payable | Angang Industrial Group Metallurgical Machinery Co., Ltd. | 6,921,702.31 | 2,198,235.32 |
Notes payable | Angang Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. | 3,451,927.09 | 864,614.53 |
Notes payable | Anshan Iron and Steel Metallurgical Furnace Material Technology Co., Ltd. | 8,561,439.30 | 5,954,131.61 |
Notes payable | Northern Hengda Logistics Co., Ltd. | 4,193,014.39 | 4,962,246.27 |
Notes payable | Benxi Stainless Steel Cold Rolling Dandong Co., Ltd. | - | 42,982.27 |
Notes payable | Benxi Steel Gaoyuan Industrial Development Co., Ltd. | 718,720.40 | 1,125,249.71 |
Notes payable | Benxi Steel Group International Economic & Trade Co., Ltd. | 49,695,126.60 | 47,218,526.77 |
Items | Name | 30 June 2024 | 31 December 2023 |
Notes payable | Bengang Group Co., Ltd. | 4,688,315.28 | 4,688,315.28 |
Notes payable | Benxi Aike Hydraulic Sealing Co., Ltd. | 2,375,563.52 | 1,646,773.75 |
Notes payable | Benxi Beifang Iron Co., Ltd. | 3,038,178.83 | 4,486,925.32 |
Notes payable | Benxi Beiying Steel & Iron (Group) Co., Ltd. | - | 152,926,015.01 |
Notes payable | Benxi Beiying Iron & Steel Group Import and Export Co., Ltd. | - | 225,141.59 |
Notes payable | Benxi Dongfenghu Steel Resource Utilization Co., Ltd. | 9,114,752.45 | 11,255,094.10 |
Notes payable | Benxi Steel (Group) Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. | 213,493.64 | 130,815.00 |
Notes payable | Benxi Steel (Group) International Trade Tenda Co., Ltd. | 69,861,530.98 | 42,667,716.38 |
Notes payable | Benxi Steel (Group) Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. | 23,856,002.37 | 2,228,869.19 |
Notes payable | Benxi Steel (Group) Construction Advanced Decoration Co., Ltd. | 264,705.62 | 264,705.62 |
Notes payable | Benxi Steel Group Construction Co., Ltd. | 14,334,617.90 | 35,954,925.98 |
Notes payable | Benxi Steel Group Mining Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. | 7,680,319.81 | 7,069,202.17 |
Notes payable | Benxi Steel Group Mining Liaoyang Mailin Pellet Co., Ltd. | 22,954,939.79 | 55,297,876.79 |
Notes payable | Benxi Steel Group Mining Co., Ltd. | 92,350,907.77 | 71,864,074.04 |
Notes payable | Benxi Steel Group Thermal Power Development Co., Ltd. | 234,627.43 | 281,092.78 |
Notes payable | Benxi Steel Group Equipment Engineering Co., Ltd. | 20,637,252.99 | 47,480,851.11 |
Notes payable | Benxi Steel Group Industrial Development Co., Ltd. | 66,092,986.94 | 99,026,848.37 |
Notes payable | Benxi Steel Group Information Automation Co., Ltd. | 23,085,044.04 | 18,762,233.66 |
Notes payable | Benxi Steel Group Metallurgical Slag Co., Ltd. | - | 250,593.53 |
Notes payable | Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Steel & Iron Process and Logistics Co., Ltd. | 35,105,246.14 | 32,174,626.26 |
Items | Name | 30 June 2024 | 31 December 2023 |
Notes payable | Benxi Jikong Electronic Instrument Industry Co., Ltd. | 28,802.83 | - |
Notes payable | Benxi Xihu Metallurgical Furnace Charge Co., Ltd. | 20,433,308.06 | 25,620,902.35 |
Notes payable | Benxi Weld Phosphate Overlay Manufacturing Co., Ltd. | 234,112.13 | 234,112.13 |
Notes payable | Benxi New Business Development Co., Ltd. | 3,357,637.09 | 3,357,637.09 |
Notes payable | Dalian Polaro Steel Pipe Co., Ltd. | 1,065,882.33 | - |
Notes payable | Dalian DeLin Industry and Trade Co., Ltd. | 6,313,029.23 | 9,685,683.68 |
Notes payable | Liaoning Hengtai Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. | 14,195,131.54 | 18,098,769.50 |
Notes payable | Liaoning Hengtong Metallurgical Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. | 17,960,536.38 | 1,409,071.37 |
Notes payable | Liaoning Lide IoT Co., Ltd. | 4,641,997.80 | 4,170,770.16 |
Notes payable | Liaoning Yitong Mechanical Manufacturing Co., Ltd. | 5,429,310.75 | 2,127,118.28 |
Notes payable | Panzhihua Iron and Steel Group Chengdu Vanadium & Titanium Resources Development Co., Ltd. | 7,080.77 | - |
Notes payable | Shanxi Wuchan International Energy Co., Ltd. | - | 91,859.97 |
Notes payable | Angang Steel Processing and Distribution (Changchun) Co., Ltd. | 47,065.95 | 208,377.96 |
Notes payable | Angang Steel Processing and Distribution (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd. | 36,055.30 | - |
Notes payable | Benxi Electrical Co., Ltd. | 469,417.41 | 2,903,896.45 |
Notes payable | DeLin Port Logistics and Supply Chain Service Co., Ltd. | - | 58,351.28 |
Notes payable | Liaoning Metallurgical Vocational and Technical College | 48,048.00 | 48,048.00 |
Notes payable | Angang Engineering Technology Group Co., Ltd. | - | 170,708.00 |
Notes payable | Benxi Steel (Group) First Construction | - | 108.90 |
Notes payable | Tianjin Benxi Steel Sheet Processing and Distribution Co., Ltd. | 959.74 | 7.25 |
Items | Name | 30 June 2024 | 31 December 2023 |
Contract liabilities | Angang Steel Company Limited | 130,744.73 | 130,744.73 |
Contract liabilities | Angang Chemical Technology Co., Ltd. | 10,325,624.88 | 6,485,543.83 |
Contract liabilities | Angang Mining Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. | 1,708,332.16 | - |
Contract liabilities | Angang Green Resources Technology Co., Ltd. | 212,523.31 | 1,484,311.95 |
Contract liabilities | Ansteel Energy Technology Co., Ltd. | 0.02 | 283.55 |
Contract liabilities | Benxi Steel (Group) Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. | - | 23,079.79 |
Contract liabilities | Northern Hengda Logistics Co., Ltd. | 48,069,790.93 | 54,423,037.31 |
Contract liabilities | Benxi Beiying Steel & Iron (Group) Co., Ltd. | 39,580,174.45 | 1,579,294.00 |
Contract liabilities | Benxi Dongfenghu Steel Resource Utilization Co., Ltd. | 2,902,028.57 | 2,470,669.23 |
Contract liabilities | Benxi Steel (Group) Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. | 212,368.12 | 177,026.55 |
Contract liabilities | Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Construction Co., Ltd. Construction Engineering Branch Company | 5,898.81 | - |
Contract liabilities | Benxi Steel (Group) Mining Liaoyang Jiajia Fortress Iron Mine Co., Ltd. | 55,491.00 | - |
Contract liabilities | Benxi Steel Group Mining Liaoyang Mailin Pellet Co., Ltd. | 13,846,575.06 | - |
Contract liabilities | Benxi Steel Group Mining Co., Ltd. | 8,075,928.55 | 4,862,723.19 |
Contract liabilities | Benxi Steel Group Industrial Development Co., Ltd. | 6,225,258.11 | 1,587,538.32 |
Contract liabilities | Benxi Steel Group Metallurgical Slag Co., Ltd. | 0.02 | 0.02 |
Contract liabilities | Benxi Xihu Metallurgical Furnace Charge Co., Ltd. | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 |
Contract liabilities | Dalian Polaro Steel Pipe Co., Ltd. | 2,743,036.96 | 3,221,292.56 |
Contract liabilities | DeLin Port Logistics and Supply Chain Service Co., Ltd. | 248,936,991.59 | 188,703,584.97 |
Contract liabilities | Liaoning Hengtong Metallurgical Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. | 609,189.71 | 3,588,934.12 |
Items | Name | 30 June 2024 | 31 December 2023 |
Contract liabilities | Liaoning Metallurgical Vocational and Technical College | 0.01 | 0.01 |
Contract liabilities | Pangang Group Jiangyou Great Wall Special Steel Co., Ltd. | - | 1,779,438.17 |
Contract liabilities | FAW Angang Steel Processing and Distribution (Changchun) Co., Ltd. | 876,634.27 | 589,358.32 |
Contract liabilities | Angang (Hangzhou) Automotive Materials Technology Co., Ltd. | 269,633.16 | 299,035.59 |
Contract liabilities | Angang Steel Processing and Distribution (Changchun) Co., Ltd. | 2,890,251.95 | 5,370,495.95 |
Contract liabilities | Angang Steel Distribution (Hefei) Co., Ltd. | 3,050,349.68 | 3,050,349.68 |
Contract liabilities | Angang Steel Distribution (Wuhan) Co., Ltd. | 2,298,467.19 | - |
Contract liabilities | Ansteel Group International Economic and Trade Co., Ltd. | 2,484,903.58 | - |
Contract liabilities | Benxi Steel Group Construction Co., Ltd. | - | 5,898.81 |
Contract liabilities | Benxi Steel Group Thermal Power Development Co., Ltd. | - | 4,487,918.73 |
Contract liabilities | Guangzhou Ansteel Steel Processing Co., Ltd. | - | 1,067.17 |
Contract liabilities | Tianjin Ansteel Steel Processing and Distribution Co., Ltd. | 132,666.06 | 374,664.00 |
Other payables | Ansteel (Liaoning) Material Technology Co., Ltd. | 390,000.00 | 390,000.00 |
Other payables | Ansteel Group Corporation Limited | - | 1,635.00 |
Other payables | Ansteel Group Automation Co., Ltd. | 12,466,000.00 | 1,283,900.00 |
Other payables | Angang Construction Group Co., Ltd. | 3,597,472.94 | 6,676,229.55 |
Other payables | Benxi Steel (Group) Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. | 9,288,998.00 | 50,000.00 |
Other payables | Angang Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. | 1,707,731.10 | 409,930.10 |
Other payables | Anshan Ansteel International Travel Service Co., Ltd. | - | 245,460.00 |
Other payables | Anshan Jianbo Engineering Testing Co., Ltd. | 252,280.00 | - |
Other payables | Northern Hengda Logistics Co., Ltd. | - | 5,522,865.33 |
Items | Name | 30 June 2024 | 31 December 2023 |
Other payables | Benxi Steel Gaoyuan Industrial Development Co., Ltd. | 3,866,090.78 | 3,058,404.54 |
Other payables | Benxi Steel Group International Economic & Trade Co., Ltd. | 52,449,107.24 | 44,960,728.47 |
Other payables | Bengang Group Co., Ltd. | 903,375.93 | 903,375.93 |
Other payables | Benxi Aike Hydraulic Sealing Co., Ltd. | 10,000.00 | 142,790.82 |
Other payables | Benxi Beiying Steel & Iron (Group) Co., Ltd. | 36,739,332.79 | 40,103,767.22 |
Other payables | Benxi Steel (Group) Engineering Construction Supervision Co., Ltd. | 1,497,272.08 | 1,999,087.29 |
Other payables | Benxi Steel (Group) Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. | 9,605,712.59 | - |
Other payables | Benxi Steel (Group) Inspection and Testing Co., Ltd. | 138,630.00 | 75,000.00 |
Other payables | Benxi Steel (Group) Construction Advanced Decoration Co., Ltd. | 186,195.55 | 265,274.55 |
Other payables | Benxi Steel Group Construction Co., Ltd. | 113,582,071.77 | 186,939,097.90 |
Other payables | Benxi Steel Group Mining Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. | 16,367,149.60 | 36,371,606.19 |
Other payables | Benxi Steel (Group) Road and Bridge Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. | 318.66 | 318.66 |
Other payables | Benxi Steel Group Thermal Power Development Co., Ltd. | 2,563,792.72 | 2,070,400.72 |
Other payables | Benxi Steel Group Equipment Engineering Co., Ltd. | 34,655,017.52 | 293,195,637.86 |
Other payables | Benxi Steel Group Industrial Development Co., Ltd. | 4,231,753.90 | 4,078,753.90 |
Other payables | Benxi Steel Group Information Automation Co., Ltd. | 72,479,369.47 | 54,062,361.00 |
Other payables | Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Steel & Iron Process and Logistics Co., Ltd. | 26,154,744.68 | 13,372,608.70 |
Other payables | Benxi New Business Development Co., Ltd. | 6,942,650.77 | 15,131,176.03 |
Other payables | Dalian DeLin Industry and Trade Co., Ltd. | 943,215.92 | 943,215.92 |
Other payables | Liaoning Hengtai Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. | 3,643,401.37 | 6,941,075.21 |
Items | Name | 30 June 2024 | 31 December 2023 |
Other payables | Liaoning Hengtong Metallurgical Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. | - | 20,000.00 |
Other payables | Liaoning Metallurgical Technician College | 388,880.00 | 2,229,204.00 |
Other payables | Liaoning Metallurgical Vocational and Technical College | 362,298.00 | 707,260.00 |
Other payables | Liaoning Yitong Mechanical Manufacturing Co., Ltd. | 10,000.00 | 30,396.50 |
Other payables | Angang Engineering Technology Group Co., Ltd. | 146,627,077.45 | 183,423,813.04 |
Other payables | Benxi Xihu Metallurgical Furnace Charge Co., Ltd. | 100,000.00 | 200,000.00 |
Other payables | Dalian Polaro Steel Pipe Co., Ltd. | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 |
Other payables | Pangang Group Engineering & Technology Consulting Co., Ltd. | 463,291.39 | 1,001,991.58 |
Other payables | Angang Scrap Resources (Anshan) Co., Ltd. | - | 500,000.00 |
Other payables | Ansteel Metal Structure Co., Ltd. | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 |
Other payables | Anshan Iron and Steel Metallurgical Furnace Material Technology Co., Ltd. | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 |
Other payables | Benxi Electrical Co., Ltd. | 5,768,826.24 | 5,768,826.24 |
Other payables | Benxi Dongfenghu Steel Resource Utilization Co., Ltd. | 210,000.00 | 210,000.00 |
(7) Centralized fund management
1. The key elements of the centralized capital management arrangements in which the
Company participates and operates are as follows:
In December 2021, after negotiation with Anshan Iron & Steel Group Finance CompanyLimited (hereinafter referred to as Anshan Iron & Steel Finance Company), the “FinancialServices Agreement (Years 2022-2024)” was entered into in order to agree on the terms of therelevant financial business and the upper limit of the amount of the relevant transactionsbetween the Company and its subsidiaries and Anshan Iron & Steel Finance Company for theyears 2022, 2023 and 2024. The agreement stipulates that in the next twelve months, themaximum daily deposit balance of the Company and its holding subsidiaries with Anshan Iron& Steel Finance Company will be RMB4.5 billion, the maximum credit limit of loans, bills
and other forms of credit will be RMB5.0 billion, and the maximum entrusted loan to beprovided by Anshan Iron & Steel Finance Company to the Company will be RMB2.0 billion.
2. Funds pooled by the Company to the Group
Funds deposited directly into finance companies by the Company without being pooled intothe accounts of the Group's parent company
Items | 30 June 2024 | 31 December 2023 | ||
Gross carrying amount | Provision for bad debts | Gross carrying amount | Provision for bad debts | |
Cash at bank and on hand | 776,545,793.41 | 391,377,566.87 | ||
Total | 776,545,793.41 | 391,377,566.87 | ||
include: funds restricted due to centralized management of funds |
XIII. Commitments and Contingencies
(1) Commitments
1. Significant commitments existing at the balance sheet date
(1) According to the "Land Use Right Leasing Contract" and subsequent supplementaryagreements signed by the company and Benxi Steel (Group) on April 7, 1997, December 30,2005, the Company leased land from Benxi Steel (Group). The monthly rent is 0.594 yuan persquare meters, the leased land area is 7,669,068.17 square meters, and the annual rent is 54.665million yuan.
(2)On August 14, 2019, the Company signed the "House Lease Agreement" with Benxi Steel(Group) and Beiying Steel respectively, leasing the houses and auxiliary facilities occupied by2300 and 1780 hot rolling mill production lines, and the lease term ends on December 31, 2038.The rental fee is based on the depreciation of the original rent value and the national additionaltax, plus reasonable profit negotiation. The estimated annual rent is not more than 20 millionyuan and 18 million yuan respectively. The rental fee is settled and paid monthly. This relatedparty transaction has been reviewed and approved at the fourth meeting of the eighth board ofdirectors of the Company.
(3) On July 15, 2019, the Company signed "Land Lease Agreement" with Bengang Group andBenxi Steel (Group) respectively, and leased and used a total of 8 pieces of land of the twocompanies. The lease areas are 42,920.00 square meters and 728,282.30 square metersrespectively, with a lease term of 20 years, and a rental price of 1.138 yuan per square meterper month. After the agreement comes into effect, considering the national law and policyadjustments every five years, both parties should determine whether the rent needs to beadjusted according to the pricing basis stipulated in Article 2 of this agreement. This relatedparty transaction has been reviewed and approved at the third meeting of the eighth board ofdirectors of the company.
(4) As at 30 June, 2024, the amount of irrevocable letter of credit that was not fulfilled was
1.54 billion yuan.
(2) Contingencies
1. Significant contingencies existing at the balance sheet date
On July 20, 2024, the Company issued the “Progress Announcement of Bengang Steel PlatesCo., Ltd. on Major Asset Replacement and Connected Transaction”, in which the Companyproposed to carry out asset replacement with its controlling shareholder, Benxi Iron & Steel(Group) Co. The assets to be transferred to the Company are 100% equity interest in BenxiIron & Steel (Group) Mining Industry Limited Liability Company, and the assets to betransferred from the Company are all the assets and liabilities of the listed company except forthe retained assets and liabilities, and the difference between the assets to be transferred to theCompany and the assets to be transferred from the Company shall be made up by one party tothe other party in cash. At present, the scope of the specific subject assets, transaction price andother elements have not been finalized, the parties to the transaction have not yet signed anyagreement, the transaction program still needs to be further demonstration and communicationand negotiation, and need to perform the necessary decision-making and approval proceduresin accordance with the provisions of the relevant laws, regulations and the Articles ofAssociation of the Company, the relevant matters are still subject to significant uncertainties.XIV. Subsequent eventsAt the balance sheet date, no significant contingencies need to be disclosed.
XV. Other significant events
(1) Correction of previous accounting errors
1. Retrospective restatement
There were no corrections of prior period accounting errors using the retrospective
restatement method during the reporting period.
2. Prospective application
There were no corrections of prior period accounting errors using the future applicationmethod in the current reporting period.
(2) Segment information
Since the Company's main product is steel, other products account have a small proportion of sales,the main production base is in Liaoning, and the disclosure of the segment report is not applicable.
XVI. Notes to the financial statements of parent company
1. Accounts receivable
(1) Accounts receivable disclosed by aging
Items | 30 June 2024 | 31 December 2023 |
Within 1 year (inclusive) | 1,306,341,076.93 | 719,865,861.39 |
1-2 years (inclusive) | 95,955,967.70 | 561,695,759.42 |
2-3 years (inclusive) | 137,105,707.40 | 647,190.77 |
3-4 years (inclusive) | 561,144.95 | 845,982.97 |
4-5 years (inclusive) | 748,799.87 | 503,056.19 |
Over 5 years | 98,544,000.81 | 98,702,147.96 |
Sub-total | 1,639,256,697.66 | 1,382,259,998.70 |
Less: Provision for bad debts | 123,430,138.10 | 138,933,196.14 |
Total: | 1,515,826,559.56 | 1,243,326,802.56 |
(2) Accounts receivable disclosed by category
Items | 30 June 2024 | 31 December 2023 | ||||||||
Gross carrying amount | Provision for bad debts | Book value | Gross carrying amount | Provision for bad debts | Book value | |||||
Amount | Percentage (%) | Amount | Bad debts ratio (%) | Amount | Percentage (%) | Amount | Bad debts ratio (%) | |||
Individually significant and tested for impairment individually | 48,196,244.68 | 2.94 | 48,196,244.68 | 100.00 | 48,196,244.68 | 3.49 | 48,196,244.68 | 100.00 | ||
Accounts receivable tested for impairment by portfolio | 1,591,060,452.98 | 97.06 | 75,233,893.42 | 4.73 | 1,515,826,559.56 | 1,334,063,754.02 | 96.51 | 90,736,951.46 | 6.80 | 1,243,326,802.56 |
Include: | ||||||||||
Aging | 1,348,257,128.65 | 82.25 | 75,233,893.42 | 5.58 | 1,273,023,235.23 | 1,021,248,997.51 | 73.88 | 90,736,951.46 | 8.88 | 930,512,046.05 |
Related party within consolidation scope | 242,803,324.33 | 14.81 | 242,803,324.33 | 312,814,756.51 | 22.63 | 312,814,756.51 | ||||
Total | 1,639,256,697.66 | 100.00 | 123,430,138.10 | 1,515,826,559.56 | 1,382,259,998.70 | 100.00 | 138,933,196.14 | 1,243,326,802.56 |
Significant receivables tested for impairment individually:
Items | 30 June 2024 | 31 December 2023 | ||||
Accounts receivable | Provision for bad debts | Bad debts ratio(%) | Reason | Accounts receivable | Provision for bad debts | |
Benxi Nanfen Xinhe Metallurgical Co., Ltd. | 48,196,244.68 | 48,196,244.68 | 100.00 | Benxi Nanfen Xinhe has ceased operation. | 48,196,244.68 | 48,196,244.68 |
Total | 48,196,244.68 | 48,196,244.68 | 48,196,244.68 | 48,196,244.68 |
Accounts receivable tested for impairment by portfolio:
Portfolio tested by aging
Items | 30 June 2024 | ||
Gross carrying amount | Provision for bad debts | Bad debts ratio (%) | |
Within 1 year (inclusive) | 1,190,253,138.45 | 11,902,531.39 | 1.00 |
1-2 years (inclusive) | 95,955,967.70 | 9,595,596.77 | 10.00 |
2-3 years (inclusive) | 10,390,321.55 | 2,078,064.31 | 20.00 |
3-4 years (inclusive) | 561,144.95 | 561,144.95 | 100.00 |
4-5 years (inclusive) | 748,799.87 | 748,799.87 | 100.00 |
Over 5 years | 50,347,756.13 | 50,347,756.13 | 100.00 |
Total | 1,348,257,128.65 | 75,233,893.42 |
(3) Information of provision, reversal or recovery of bad debts of current period.
Items | 31 December 2023 | Increase/decrease | 30 June 2024 | |||
Current period provision | Reversal | write-back/write-off | Other changes | |||
Provision for bad debts | 138,933,196.14 | -15,503,058.04 | 123,430,138.10 | |||
Total | 138,933,196.14 | -15,503,058.04 | 123,430,138.10 |
(4) Top five debtors at the year-end
Company | Closing balance of accounts receivable | Closing balance of contract assets | Closing balance of accounts receivable and contract assets | Percentage (%) | Closing balance of provision for bad debts on accounts receivable and impairment of contract assets |
Benxi Steel Group International Economic & Trade Co., Ltd. | 871,987,094.87 | 871,987,094.87 | 53.19 | 8,719,870.95 | |
Shenzhen CIMC Tongchuang Supply Chain Co., Ltd. | 119,995,203.37 | 119,995,203.37 | 7.32 | 1,199,952.03 | |
Liaoning Northern Coal Chemical Industry (Group) Co., Ltd. | 90,698,309.19 | 90,698,309.19 | 5.53 | 4,789,690.91 | |
Benxi Steel Refractory Materials Co., Ltd. | 48,417,907.79 | 48,417,907.79 | 2.95 | 4,085,640.54 | |
Benxi Nanfen Xinhe Metallurgical Co., Ltd. | 48,196,244.68 | 48,196,244.68 | 2.94 | 48,196,244.68 | |
Total | 1,179,294,759.90 | 1,179,294,759.90 | 71.94 | 66,991,399.11 |
2. Other receivables
Items | 30 June 2024 | 31 December 2023 |
Interest receivables | ||
Dividend receivables | 123,000,000.00 | 260,000,000.00 |
Other receivables | 269,648,388.05 | 344,535,173.18 |
Total | 392,648,388.05 | 604,535,173.18 |
1. Dividend receivables
(1) Detail of dividends receivable
Items | 30 June 2024 | 31 December 2023 |
Shenyang Bengang Metallurgical Technology Co., Ltd. | 30,000,000.00 | |
Tianjin Bengang Steel Trade Co., Ltd. | 47,000,000.00 | |
Shanghai Bengang Metallurgical Technology Co., Ltd. | 15,000,000.00 |
Items | 30 June 2024 | 31 December 2023 |
Yantai Bengang Steel Sales Co., Ltd. | 25,000,000.00 | |
Changchun Bengang Steel Sales Co., Ltd. | 43,000,000.00 | 43,000,000.00 |
Guangzhou Bengang Steel Trade Co., Ltd. | 80,000,000.00 | 100,000,000.00 |
Sub-total | 123,000,000.00 | 260,000,000.00 |
Less: Provision for bad debts | ||
Total | 123,000,000.00 | 260,000,000.00 |
2. Other receivables
(1) Other receivables disclosed by aging
Items | 30 June 2024 | 31 December 2023 |
Within 1 year (inclusive) | 210,695,374.33 | 284,052,848.38 |
1-2 years (inclusive) | 6,310,326.70 | 35,230,832.41 |
2-3 years (inclusive) | 35,141,930.92 | 33,345,904.56 |
3-4 years (inclusive) | 28,312,363.17 | 3,125,628.24 |
4-5 years (inclusive) | 3,125,628.24 | 229,028.24 |
Over 5 years | 60,182,062.60 | 60,748,068.66 |
Sub-total | 343,767,685.96 | 416,732,310.49 |
Less: Provision for bad debts | 74,119,297.91 | 72,197,137.31 |
Total: | 269,648,388.05 | 344,535,173.18 |
(2) Other receivables disclosed by bad debt provision
Items | 30 June 2024 | 31 December 2023 | ||||||||
Gross carrying amount | Provision for bad debts | Book value | Gross carrying amount | Provision for bad debts | Book value | |||||
Amount | Percentage (%) | Amount | Bad debts ratio (%) | Amount | Percentage (%) | Amount | Bad debts ratio (%) | |||
Individually significant and tested for impairment individually | 15,752,285.66 | 4.58 | 15,752,285.66 | 100.00 | 15,752,285.66 | 3.78 | 15,752,285.66 | 100.00 | ||
Accounts receivable tested for impairment by portfolio | 328,015,400.30 | 95.42 | 58,367,012.25 | 17.79 | 269,648,388.05 | 400,980,024.83 | 96.22 | 56,444,851.65 | 14.08 | 344,535,173.18 |
Include: | ||||||||||
Portfolio 1: Aging | 300,748,271.62 | 87.49 | 58,367,012.25 | 19.41 | 242,381,259.37 | 373,617,582.97 | 89.65 | 56,444,851.65 | 15.11 | 317,172,731.32 |
Portfolio 2: Related party within consolidation scope | 27,267,128.68 | 7.93 | 27,267,128.68 | 27,362,441.86 | 6.57 | 27,362,441.86 | ||||
Total | 343,767,685.96 | 100.00 | 74,119,297.91 | 269,648,388.05 | 416,732,310.49 | 100.00 | 72,197,137.31 | 344,535,173.18 |
Significant other receivables tested for impairment individually:
Items | 30 June 2024 | 31 December 2023 | ||||
Gross carrying amount | Provision for bad debts | Bad debts ratio (%) | Basis of accrual | Gross carrying amount | Provision for bad debts | |
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) No. 3 Architectural Engineering Co., Ltd. | 12,504,978.59 | 12,504,978.59 | 100.00 | bankruptcy clearance | 12,504,978.59 | 12,504,978.59 |
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) No. 1 Architectural Engineering Co., Ltd. | 3,247,307.07 | 3,247,307.07 | 100.00 | bankruptcy clearance | 3,247,307.07 | 3,247,307.07 |
Total | 15,752,285.66 | 15,752,285.66 | 15,752,285.66 | 15,752,285.66 |
Accounts receivable tested for impairment by portfolio:
Portfolio tested by aging:
Items | 30 June 2024 | ||
Gross carrying amount | Provision for bad debts | Bad debts ratio (%) | |
Within 1 year (inclusive) | 210,695,374.33 | 2,106,953.74 | 70.06 |
1-2 years (inclusive) | 6,310,326.70 | 631,032.67 | 2.10 |
2-3 years (inclusive) | 35,141,930.92 | 7,028,386.17 | 11.68 |
3-4 years (inclusive) | 400,236.49 | 400,236.49 | 0.13 |
4-5 years (inclusive) | 3,125,628.24 | 3,125,628.24 | 1.04 |
Over 5 years | 45,074,774.94 | 45,074,774.94 | 14.99 |
Total | 300,748,271.62 | 58,367,012.25 |
(3) Bad debt provision
Provision for bad debts | Stage one | Stage two | Stage three | Total |
12-month expected credit losses | Lifetime expected credit losses (no credit impairment) | Lifetime expected credit losses (credit impairment occurred) | ||
Beginning balance | 2,839,575.35 | 4,609,838.82 | 64,747,723.14 | 72,197,137.31 |
Beginning balance in current period | -631,032.67 | 230,796.18 | 400,236.49 |
Provision for bad debts | Stage one | Stage two | Stage three | Total |
12-month expected credit losses | Lifetime expected credit losses (no credit impairment) | Lifetime expected credit losses (credit impairment occurred) | ||
--Transfer to Stage two | -631,032.67 | 631,032.67 | ||
--Transfer to Stage three | -400,236.49 | 400,236.49 | ||
--Reversal to Stage two | ||||
--Reversal to Stage one | ||||
Current period provision | -101,588.94 | 2,818,783.84 | -795,034.30 | 1,922,160.60 |
Current period reversal | ||||
Current period write-back | ||||
Current period write-off | ||||
Other change | ||||
Ending balance | 1,475,921.07 | 7,890,215.02 | 64,753,161.82 | 74,119,297.91 |
(4) Provision for bad debts accrued, reversed or recovered in the current period
Items | 31 December 2023 | Increase/decrease | 30 June 2024 | |||
Current period provision | Reversal | write-back/write-off | Other change | |||
Provision for bad debts | 72,197,137.31 | 1,922,160.60 | 74,119,297.91 | |||
Total | 72,197,137.31 | 1,922,160.60 | 74,119,297.91 |
(5) Other receivables disclosed by nature
Nature | 30 June 2024 | 31 December 2023 |
Compensation for the “Living Showbelt” project | 199,177,700.00 | 212,242,400.00 |
Receivable and payable | 140,321,527.47 | 198,934,209.00 |
Other | 4,268,458.49 | 5,555,701.49 |
Total | 343,767,685.96 | 416,732,310.49 |
(6) Top five debtors at the year-end
Company | Nature or content | Amount | Aging | Percentage of total other receivables (%) | Provision for bad debts |
Benxi Xihu District Government | Compensation for the “Living Showbelt” project | 199,177,700.00 | Within 1 year | 57.94 | 1,991,777.00 |
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Third construction Engineering Co., Ltd | Receivable and payable | 12,504,978.59 | 3-4 years, Over 5 years | 3.64 | 12,504,978.59 |
Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Co., Ltd. | Receivable and payable | 5,476,979.64 | Within 1 year, 1-2 years, Over 5 years | 1.59 | 4,156,527.72 |
Liaoning Hengtai Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. | Receivable and payable | 3,510,967.39 | 1-2 years | 1.02 | 351,096.74 |
Benxi Dongfenghu Steel Resource Utilization Co., Ltd. | Receivable and payable | 3,478,250.07 | 2-3 years | 1.01 | 695,650.01 |
Total | 224,148,875.69 | 65.20 | 19,700,030.06 |
3. Long-term equity investment
Items | 30 June 2024 | 31 December 2023 | ||||
Gross carrying amount | Impairment | Book value | Gross carrying amount | Impairment | Book value | |
Subsidiaries | 2,222,281,590.24 | 2,222,281,590.24 | 2,222,281,590.24 | 2,222,281,590.24 | ||
Joint ventures | 46,910,346.41 | 46,910,346.41 | 46,910,346.41 | 46,910,346.41 | ||
Total | 2,269,191,936.65 | 2,269,191,936.65 | 2,269,191,936.65 | 2,269,191,936.65 |
(1) Details of investment in subsidiaries
Name of entity | Beginning balance | Beginning balance of impairment | Increase/decrease | Ending balance | Ending balance of impairment | |||
Increase | Decrease | Impairment of current period | Others | |||||
Shanghai Bengang Metallurgical Technology Co., Ltd. | 229,936,718.57 | 229,936,718.57 | ||||||
Benxi Beitai Steel Sales Co., Ltd. | 30,000,000.00 | 30,000,000.00 | ||||||
Benxi POSCO Cold Rolled Sheet Co., Ltd. | 1,019,781,571.10 | 1,019,781,571.10 | ||||||
Tianjin Bengang Steel Trade Co., Ltd. | 230,318,095.80 | 230,318,095.80 | ||||||
Changchun Bengang Steel Sales Co., Ltd. | 28,144,875.36 | 28,144,875.36 | ||||||
Yantai Bengang Steel Sales Co., Ltd. | 219,100,329.41 | 219,100,329.41 | ||||||
Guangzhou Bengang Steel Trade Co., Ltd. | 200,000,000.00 | 200,000,000.00 | ||||||
Dalian Benruitong Automotive Materials Technology Co., Ltd. | 65,000,000.00 | 65,000,000.00 |
Name of entity | Beginning balance | Beginning balance of impairment | Increase/decrease | Ending balance | Ending balance of impairment | |||
Increase | Decrease | Impairment of current period | Others | |||||
Shenyang Bengang Metallurgical Technology Co., Ltd. | 200,000,000.00 | 200,000,000.00 | ||||||
Total | 2,222,281,590.24 | 2,222,281,590.24 |
(2) Details of investment in joint Venture and associated
Name of entity | Beginning balance | Beginning balance of impairment | Increase/decrease | Ending balance | Ending balance of impairment | |||||||
Addition of Investment | Reduction of Investment | Income or loss on investment recognized under the equity method | Other Comprehensive Income Adjustment | Other Equity Changes | Declaration of Cash Dividends or Profit | Provision | Others | |||||
1.Joint Venture |
Name of entity | Beginning balance | Beginning balance of impairment | Increase/decrease | Ending balance | Ending balance of impairment | |||||||
Addition of Investment | Reduction of Investment | Income or loss on investment recognized under the equity method | Other Comprehensive Income Adjustment | Other Equity Changes | Declaration of Cash Dividends or Profit | Provision | Others | |||||
2.Associated Enterprise | ||||||||||||
Bensteel Baojin (Shenyang) New Automotive Materials Technology Co., Ltd | 46,910,346.41 | 46,910,346.41 | ||||||||||
Subtotal | 46,910,346.41 | 46,910,346.41 | ||||||||||
Total | 46,910,346.41 | 46,910,346.41 |
4. Operating Income and Operating Cost
(1) Operating income and operating cost
Items | Current period | Previous period | ||
Revenue | Cost | Revenue | Cost | |
Principal business | 28,086,225,442.07 | 29,148,262,789.55 | 29,752,956,987.48 | 30,143,666,528.21 |
Other business | 673,924,129.88 | 685,977,515.04 | 598,633,897.79 | 582,130,402.92 |
Total | 28,760,149,571.95 | 29,834,240,304.59 | 30,351,590,885.27 | 30,725,796,931.13 |
(2) Breakdown of operating income and operating cost
Items | Principal Business income | Principal Business cost | Other Business income | Other Business cost |
Classified by business area
Classified by business area |
Including:Domestic | 23,542,489,047.60 | 24,541,067,315.72 | 673,924,129.88 | 685,977,515.04 |
Abroad | 4,543,736,394.47 | 4,607,195,473.83 | - | - |
Total | 28,086,225,442.07 | 29,148,262,789.55 | 673,924,129.88 | 685,977,515.04 |
Classified by the time of commoditytransfer
Classified by the time of commodity transfer |
Including: recognize at a certain point intime
Including: recognize at a certain point in time | 28,086,225,442.07 | 29,148,262,789.55 | 673,253,327.88 | 685,977,515.04 |
recognize over a certainperiod of time
recognize over a certain period of time | 670,802.00 |
Total | 28,086,225,442.07 | 29,148,262,789.55 | 673,924,129.88 | 685,977,515.04 |
5. Income on investment
Items | Current period | Previous period |
Income from long-term equity investment (equity method) | -439,659.58 | |
Investment income from disposal of financial assets held for trading | -2,502,067.50 | |
Investment income from debt restructuring | 694,683.35 | |
Others | -31,605,308.28 | |
Total | -31,605,308.28 | -2,247,043.73 |
XVII. Supplementary information
(1) Details of non-recurring profit and loss
Items | Amount | Notes |
Gains and losses on disposal of non-current assets, including elimination of provision for impairment of assets | -13,712,227.48 | |
Government grants recognized in profit or loss for the current period, except for those government grants that are closely related to the Company's normal business operations, in line with national policies and in accordance with defined criteria, and that have a sustained impact on the Company's profit or loss | 84,071,493.95 | |
Gains and losses from changes in the fair value of financial assets and liabilities held by non-financial corporations and gains and losses from the disposal of financial assets and liabilities, except for effective hedging operations related to the Company's normal business operations | ||
Occupancy fees charged to non-financial corporations included in profit or loss for the period | ||
Gains and losses on entrusted investments or management of assets | ||
Gains and losses on external entrusted loans | ||
Loss of assets due to force majeure factors, such as natural disasters | ||
Reversal of provision for impairment of receivables individually tested for impairment | ||
The cost of investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures acquired by an enterprise is less than its share of the gain arising from the fair value of the investee's identifiable net assets at the time of investment acquisition | ||
Net profit or loss for the period from the beginning of the period to the date of consolidation of subsidiaries resulting from a business combination under the same control | ||
Gains and losses on exchange of non-monetary assets | ||
Debt restructuring gains and losses | ||
One-time costs incurred by the enterprise due to the fact that the relevant business activities are no longer continuing, such as expenses for relocating employees |
Items | Amount | Notes |
Profit and loss affected due to the adjustments of requirements of taxation, accounting and other laws and regulations | ||
One-time share-based payment expense recognized for cancellation and modification of equity incentive plans | ||
For cash-settled share-based payments, gains and losses arising from changes in the fair value of employee compensation payable after the date of exercise of options | ||
Gains and losses arising from changes in the fair value of investment properties subsequently measured using the fair value model | ||
Gains arising from transactions at significantly unfair prices | ||
Gains and losses arising from contingencies unrelated to the Company's normal business operations | ||
Trustee income from trust operations | ||
Other non-operating revenue and expenditure other than above items | 5,115,874.05 | |
Other non-recurring profit and loss | ||
Subtotal | 75,475,140.52 | |
Impact of income tax | 4,003,960.33 | |
Impact of minority interests (after tax) | 768,711.98 | |
Total | 70,702,468.21 |
(2) Net asset yield and earnings per share
Profit in the Reporting Period | Weighted average net assets yield (%) | Earnings per share | |
Basic EPS | Diluted EPS | ||
Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders | -9.55 | -0.3775 | -0.3775 |
Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders after deducting non-recurring profit and loss | -10.01 | -0.3947 | -0.3947 |