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华新水泥:华新水泥 2021年企业社会责任报告 下载公告


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地址:湖北省武汉市东湖新技术开发区高新大道426号华新大厦联系人:李紫微联系电话:4001 100 800邮箱:liziwei@huaxincem.com网址:http://www.huaxincem.com

Welcome enquiries of contact us through the following:

Add: Huaxin Building, No.426 Gaoxin Av, East LakeTechnology Development District, Wuhan, Hubei;Contact: Li ZiweiPhone: 4001100800E- mail: liziwei@huaxincem.comWeb: http://www.huaxincem.com




总裁致辞Forward by the CEO

环保履责Social Responsibilities Performance inEnvironmental Protection

Serving the Society



Staff Development

公司治理Corporate Governance

公司概况Company Profile

本报告依据《全球报告倡议组织(GRI)可持续发展报告指南》以及国务院国资委《关于中央企业履行社会责任的指导意见》编制而成,报告披露数据以2021年度为主,适度向前延伸,以补充2020年报告中未曾披露的有关信息。我们将定期发布公司社会责任报告,接受社会监督,搭建与您沟通的平台。This report is compiled based on “Global ReportingInitiative (GRI) Reporting Guidelines for SustainableDevelopment” and the State “Guidance on CentralCorporate Fulfilling Social Responsibility”. Datadisclosed mainly refer to 2021, with a brief supplementto the information disclosed in 2020.We will regularly issue corporate social responsibilityreports, to provide a platform for communication andfor external supervision.


38健康安全履责Social ResponsibilityPerformance in Health

and Safety

2021年是十四五开局之年,也是我国“双碳”行动的元年。面对复杂严峻的外部环境,一年来,公司加强安全、环保等合规性管理,严控金融风险、产品质量风险、合规性和廉洁风险,守住企业发展生命线,深化实施“一体化发展、海外发展、高新建材业务拓展、传统工业+数字化创新”四大战略,各项工作取得新突破,实现了高质量、高速度、高效益发展。2021 is the first year of the 14th Five-year Plan period and the first year of China's "carbon peaking and carbonneutrality" action. Faced with complicated external environment, over the past year, Huaxin strengthen compliancemanagement such as safety, environmental protection, control the financial risk, quality risk, compliance and integrityrisk, keep the enterprise development lifeline, deepen the implementation of the four strategies of "integrateddevelopment, overseas development, the development of new building materials business, traditional industry +digital innovation", made new breakthroughs in various work, and achieved high-quality, high-speed and high-efficiency development.

公司始终以“清洁我们的生活环境,提供信赖的建筑材料”为使命,坚持绿色生态发展理念。为响应国家“双碳”战略,不断夯实科技创新能力,探索绿色低碳发展新路径,推进减碳研发项目,开发低碳水泥产品,并率先发布了行业首份《低碳发展白皮书》。The company has always been "cleaning our living environment, provide reliable building materials"as its mission and adhere to the concept of green ecological development. In response to thenational "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality" strategy, the company has continuouslystrengthened technological innovation capacity, explored new paths of green and low-carbondevelopment, promoted carbon reduction R&D projects, developed low- carbon cement products,and took the lead in publishing the industry's first white paper on low- carbon development.公司在实现经济效益的同时,不忘投身社会公益事业,积极践行社会责任,开展形式多样的公益活动,以实际行动回馈社会,续写公司可持续发展新担当。While achieving economic benefits, the company did not forget to devote itself to social welfareundertakings, actively practiced social responsibilities, carried out various public welfare activities,gave back to the society with practical actions, and continued its new responsibility for sustainabledevelopment.职业健康安全是企业发展的基石,公司把健康安全作为开展一切工作的基本要求和前提,不断完善健康安全制度,强化职业健康管理,全方位守护员工生产、作业中的安全。Occupational health and safety is the cornerstone of enterprise development, the companyregarded health and safety as the basic requirements and premise of all work, constantly improvedthe health and safety system, strengthened occupational health management, andcomprehensively protected the safety of employees in production and operation.公司将员工视为最宝贵的资源和财富,坚持以人为本的原则,关心员工、聚焦员工,持续提升员工薪酬标准和福利待遇,为员工提供多样化的学习和发展机会,不断提升员工的归属感和幸福感。The company regards employees as the most valuable resources and wealth, adheres to thepeople-oriented principle, cares about and focuses on employees, continuously improves the salarystandard and welfare treatment for employees, provides diversified learning and developmentopportunities for them, and continuously improves the sense of belonging and happiness ofemployees.新的一年,公司将锚定既定奋斗目标,在新起点上奋勇争先,在新征程中建功立业,以优异成绩迎接党的二十大胜利召开,踔厉奋发、笃行不怠,昂首阔步走向美好未来!In the New Year, Huaxin will anchor the established goal, strive to be the first at a new starting point,make contributions in the new journey, welcome the opening of the Party's 20th national congresswith outstanding results, vigorous and determined endeavor,work together for a bright future.

总裁致辞Forward by the CEO

总裁 李叶青CEO Li Yeqing




华新水泥股份有限公司始创于1907年,被誉为中国水泥工业的摇篮,110多年来为国家和地方经济社会发展作出了突出贡献。Huaxin Cement Co., LTD., founded in 1907, isknown as the cradle of China's cementindustry,and has made outstanding contributionsto national and local economic and socialdevelopment for more than 110 years.1994年,公司A、B股在上海证券交易所上市。1999年,与瑞士Holcim集团结为战略伙伴关系。In 1994, Huaxin A Share and Huaxin B Share werelisted via SSE. In 1999,Huaxin established strategicpartnership with Holcim.



In the past 20 years, great changes have taken place inHuaxin Cement. Under the background of the averageannual compound growth rate of China's cement outputof 7.5%, the average annual compound growth rate ofHuaxin main economic indicators keep 25% for 20consecutive years, Huaxin has also developed from alocal cement factory into more than 270 subsidiaries in

more than 10 provinces and cities across thecountry and overseas, it is a global buildingmaterials group involved in the integrateddevelopment of the whole industry chain incement, concrete, aggregate, environmentalprotection, equipment&engineering, newbuilding materials and other fields. In 2021,Huaxin Cement ranked 80th on the list of“China's 500 most valuable brands” list witha brand value of 70.269 billion yuan.2021年,公司实现水泥和熟料销售总量7526万吨,较上年下滑0.96%;骨料销量3497万吨,同比增长52%;环保业务处置总量328万吨,同比增长12%;商品混凝土销量905万方,同比增长96%。全年实现营业收入324.64亿元,同比上年增长10.59%;实现税收39.56亿元,为股东创造了价值,为社会做出了贡献。In 2021, the company achieved a total salesvolume of 75.26 million tons of cement andclinker, a decrease of 0.96% over the previousyear; aggregate sales reached 34.97 milliontons, with a year-on-year increase of 52%; thetotal disposal volume of environmentalprotection business was 3.28 million tons, ayear-on-year increase of 12%; 9.05 millioncubic meters of commercial concrete, a year-on-year increase of 96%. The annual operatingrevenue was 32.464 billion yuan, an increaseof 10.59% over the previous year; the taxrevenue reached 3.956 billion yuan, creatingvalue for shareholders and contributing to thesociety.


Company Profile





Economic Results of the Company in 2021


Company Honor in 2021

营业收入(单位:亿元) Operating revenue (100 Million Yuan)


税收实现额(单位:亿元) Taxes payment (100 Million Yuan)





1.华新水泥以702.69亿元位列2021年《中国500最具价值品牌》榜单第80位,较去年上涨了103.94亿元,连续第九年上榜。Huaxin Cement ranked 80th on the list of “China's 500 most valuable brands” list in 2021 with 70.269 billion yuan, up 10.394 billionyuan from last year and the ninth consecutive year.

2.华新水泥连续第12年上榜《财富》中国500强排行榜。同时,还上榜了“净资产收益率(ROE)最高的40家公司”榜单。Huaxin Cement has been listed in Fortune China top 500 for the 12th consecutive year. At it also made the list of “40 companieswith the highest return on equity (ROE)”.


In the sixth year, Huaxin Cement was selected as one of the top 500 Asian Brands, ranking 167th and rising steadily.


Huaxin Cement won the “top 100 Chinese enterprises Award in 2021”.


Huaxin Cement was rated as one of the “top ten leading enterprises in scientific and technological breakthroughs” in the nationalbuilding materials industry in 2021.


Li Yeqing, President of Huaxin Cement, won the title of "top ten scientific and technological breakthrough leaders" in the nationalbuilding materials industry in 2021.


Huaxin Cement was continuously selected as one of China's top 500 manufacturing enterprises, ranking 306th.


Huaxin Cement ranked 22nd among the top 100 enterprises in Hubei province, up 5 places from the previous ranking.


Huaxin Cement ranked 10th among the top 100 manufacturing enterprises in Hubei Province, up 2 places from the previousranking.


Huaxin Cement was selected as one of the first industrial Internet enterprises in Hubei province in 2021.


Huaxin Cement's “world first concrete brick production line using CO2 discharged from cement kiln was successfully operated inHuaxin Cement”was selected as “2021 Top 10 Global Building Materials Science and Technology News”.










公司治理Corporate Governance

公司不断完善内部治理机制,同时强化审计监督,宣导廉洁文化,实现持续有效高质量发展。Huaxin continues to improve its internal governance mechanism, strengthenaudit supervision, and promote a clean culture to achieve sustainable,effective and high-quality development.

不断完善内部治理机制,提高公司管理水平,以确保股东权益,提高企业价值Constantly improve the internal governance mechanism and improvethe management level of the company, so as to ensure the rights andinterests of shareholders and improve the value of the enterprise

公司股东大会、董事会及其专门委员会情况General meeting of shareholders, board of directors andspecial committee of the company公司克服疫情、时差等不利因素,创新沟通方式,圆满地召开了公司股东大会、董事会,确保公司规范运作、重大经营决策的顺利实施。The company overcame the epidemic situation, time difference and other adverse factors, innovated communicationmethods, and successfully convened the general meeting of shareholders and the board of directors of the company toensure the standardized operation of the company and the smooth implementation of major business decisions.

全年组织股东大会7次、董事会会议14次、董事会各专门委员会会议14次(其中战略委员会会议2次,审计委员会会议5次、治理与合规委员会会议1次、提名委员会会议2次、薪酬与考核委员会会议4次)。Throughout the year, it organized 7 general meetings of shareholders, 14 meetings of the board of directors and 14meetings of special committees of the board of directors (including 2 meetings of the strategy committee, 5 meetings ofthe audit committee, 1 meeting of the governance and compliance committee, 2 meetings of the nomination committeeand 4 meetings of the remuneration and assessment committee).

公司信息披露Company information disclosure严格标准提升信息披露质量。公司全年共披露定期报告4份、临时公告59份(含公司低碳发展白皮书),中英文公告同步发出。全年各类公告披露及时准确,符合交易所信息披露各项要求,并在沪市上市公司2020至2021年度信息披露工作评价中获得 “上市公司信息披露A类评价”。

We improve the quality of information disclosure in strict accordance with standards. The company disclosed 4 regularreports and 59 interim announcements (including the company's white paper on low-carbon development) throughoutthe year, and both Chinese and English announcements were issued simultaneously. All kinds of announcementdisclosure in the whole year were timely and accurate, which meet the requirements of information disclosure of thestock exchange, in the evaluation of information disclosure of Listed Companies in Shanghai Stock Exchange from 2020to 2021, the company has obtained the "class A evaluation of information disclosure of listed companies".

2021企业社会责任报告CSR REPORT



投资者关系与市值管理The management of investor relationship and market value

公司以合规控制风险为工作重点,坚持与证券监管机构、投资者密切互动;维持高分红比例回报投资者。公司减碳降耗减排、创新数字化转型等优秀事迹得到了媒体、监管机构及投资者的高度好评;在资本市场展示了公司低碳发展、加速转型、积极履行社会责任的良好企业形象。The company focused on compliance control risk andinsisted on close interaction with securities regulatoryauthorities and investors, maintain a high dividend ratioto reward investors. The company's outstanding deedsof carbon reduction, consumption reduction andemission reduction, innovation and digitaltransformation have been highly praised by the media,regulators and investors. In the capital market, thecompany showed a good corporate image of low-carbon development, accelerating transformation andactively fulfilling social responsibilities.公司通过各种投资服务渠道进行投资者交流活动。2021年,公司管理层在股东大会期间与现场股东交流7场次;公司与上证路演中心/证监局/证券公司联合举办有关公司季度、半年度、年度报告的业绩解读会8场次;现场接待到访的机构投资者、基金经理、建材行业分析师/研究员19批次;全年参加证券公司组织的线上/现场证券市场投资策略会22场次;参加证券公司组织的与机构投资者交流的电话/线上会议24场次。平均30余次/月接听投资者热线电话;20余次/月回复行业分析师/研究员电话/微信;每个工作日查看公司investor邮箱,全年回复邮件60余封;及时查看上证E互动投资者咨询,全年回复提问90余条。Through various investment service channels, weconducted investor exchange activities. In 2021, thecompany's management communicated with on-siteshareholders for 7 times during the general meeting of

shareholders; the company and Shanghai Securitiesroadshow Center/Securities RegulatoryBureau/securities company jointly held 8 performanceinterpretation meetings on the company's quarterly,semi-annual and annual reports; 19 batches ofinstitutional investors, fund managers, buildingmaterials industry analysts/researchers visited on site;participated in 22 online/on-site securities marketinvestment strategy meetings organized by securitiescompanies throughout the year; participated in 24telephone/online meetings with institutional investorsorganized by securities companies. We answered theinvestor hotline more than 30 times/month on average;more than 20 times/month, replied to thetelephone/wechat of industry analysts/researchers;checked the company's investor email every workingday and replied to more than 60 emails throughout theyear; Timely check the Shanghai Stock Exchange E-interaction interactive investor consultation, and reply tomore than 90 questions throughout the year.在中国上市公司百强高峰论坛组委会、华顿经济研究院主办的第二十一届中国上市公司百强高峰论坛暨颁奖典礼上,公司荣获“2021年中国百强企业奖”,这是公司连续第三年获此殊荣。At the 21st top 100 China listed companies SummitForum and award ceremony hosted by the OrganizingCommittee of the top 100 China listed companiesSummit Forum and Wharton Institute of economics,Huaxin won the "top 100 China enterprises Award in2021", which is the third consecutive year that Huaxinwon this award.

2021企业社会责任报告CSR REPORT



公司治理Corporate Governance制度改进、依规行事,公司不断完善法人治理结构,公司法人治理体系与国际规范逐步接轨。In accordance with relevant rules and regulations, the companycontinued to improve the corporate governance structure and thecorporate governance system is gradually in line with internationalnorms.通过梳理董事会通过的各项制度,结合香港联交所上市规则要求,公司完成了《公司章程》、《信息披露事务管理办法》、《关联方交易管理规定》等3项制度的修订;制定了《公司董事、监事和高级管理人员持有公司股份及其变动管理制度》、《公司风险管理制度》、《公司合规管理办法》、《公司环境、社会及管治报告制度》、《公司利益冲突回避制度》、《公司企业管治报告制度》等6项制度,确保公司规章制度符合国际规范要求。By sorting out various systems adopted by the board of directors and incombination with the requirements of the Listing Rules of the Hong Kongstock exchange, the company has completed the revision of threesystems, including the articles of association, the measures for theadministration of information disclosure and the provisions on theadministration of related party transactions; six systems have beenformulated, including the management system for the shares held by thecompany's directors, supervisors and senior managers and theirchanges, the company's risk management system, the company'scompliance management measures, the company's environmental,social and governance reporting system, the company's conflict ofinterest avoidance system and the company's corporate governancereporting system, ensure that the company's rules and regulations meetthe requirements of international norms.

2021企业社会责任报告CSR REPORT



持续开展风险管理与内部控制,提升公司风险防范能力Continuously carry out risk management and internal control toimprove the company's risk prevention ability公司持续开展风险管理工作,2021年6至7月,组织各职能管理/业务运营部门对战略、运营、外部等各类风险的重要性程度进行开放式讨论,评估确认了3项年度关键风险,制定了15项具体的行动计划。各项行动计划的责任人切实履责,适时报告工作进展并接受风险管控部门的监督。The company continued to carry out risk management, from June to July 2021, it organized variousfunctional management/business operation departments to have an open discussion on the importance ofstrategic, operational, external and other risks, assessed and identified 3 key annual risks, and formulated15 specific action plans. The person in charge of each action plan fulfilled his / her responsibilities,reported the work progress timely and accepted the supervision of the risk control department.公司持续开展内部控制工作,适时更新完善内部控制规范,运用内控管理平台对各项控制活动的执行情况进行记录,并在8家新运营单位推广实施了内部控制规范。公司2021年共计对26家下属单位进行了控制活动执行有效性专项审计,针对采购、销售、物流业务等高风险领域实施了22项业务流程审计,并组织公司总部及164家下属单位进行了年度内部控制自我评价。针对前述发现的各类内部控制缺陷,公司积极督促各责任单位按期整改,并通过内部通报、专项会议等方式进一步加大内控宣贯力度,促进各单位自查自纠,同时致力于辅导各单位内部审计人员高效履职。The company continued to carry out internal control work, timely updated and improved internal controlstandards, and used the internal control management platform to record the implementation of variouscontrol activities, and promoted the implementation of internal control norms in 8 new operating units. In2021, the company conducted a special audit on the implementation effectiveness of control activities for26 subordinate units, implemented 22 business process audits in high-risk areas such as procurement,sales and logistics, and organized the headquarters of the company and 164 subordinate units to conductannual internal control self-evaluation. In view of all kinds of internal control defects found above, thecompany actively urged all responsible units to rectify on schedule, and further strengthened the publicityand implementation of internal control by means of internal notification and special meeting, so as topromote self-examination and self -correction of all units, and at the same time, it is committed to coachinginternal audit personnel of all units to perform their duties efficiently.持续的风险管理与内部控制工作,有效提升了公司的风险防范能力。公司内部控制自2011年接受会计师事务所审计以来,已连续11年获得标准无保留意见的审计报告。Continuous risk management and internal control work effectively improved the company's risk preventionability. Since the company's internal control was audited by the accounting firm in 2011, it has obtained thestandard unqualified audit report for 11 consecutive years.

激发、传递、汇聚风清气正、廉洁奉公华新正能量,为公司高质量发展保驾护航Inspire, transmit and gather the clean, honest and fair energy toescort the high-quality development of the company

公司纪委、监察室逐步分批建立党政“一把手”廉政档案,2021年完成182名首批党政领导干部信息建档。狠刹收送礼不正之风,制定并督促执行《关于集中开展违规收送礼品礼金问题专项整治的实施办法》《关于规范党员干部办理婚丧喜庆等事宜的暂行规定》,取得初步效果。坚持抓早抓小,坚持用好监督执纪“第一种形态”,累计使用2451人次。The Discipline Inspection Commission and supervision office of the company gradually establish theintegrity archives of the "top leaders" of the party and government in batches, and complete theinformation filing of 182 leading cadres in the first batch in 2021. We have put an end to the unhealthytrend of receiving and sending gifts, We formulated and urged the implementation of the Measures forFocusing on the Special Rectification of Illegal Receipt and Sending of Gifts and Cash and the InterimProvisions for Standardizing Party Members and Cadres' Handling of Weddings, funerals, Celebrationsand other matters, which achieved initial results. We identify problems early and correct them while theyare nascent, adhere to the "first form" of supervision and discipline enforcement, and it has been used2451 times in total.

公司2021年纪检暨反贿赂反腐败工作研讨会Symposium on discipline inspection and anti-bribery and anti-corruption work in 2021

2021企业社会责任报告CSR REPORT



实例Case Studies公司召开庆祝中国共产党成立100周年暨表彰大会The company held a ceremony marking the centenary of the CommunistParty of China and commendation conference

6月30日,在喜迎中国共产党百年华诞之际,公司在武汉隆重召开庆祝中国共产党成立100周年暨表彰大会,以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指引,进一步激励公司各级党组织和广大党员干部,紧紧围绕倍增发展目标,坚守跟党初心、勇担报国使命,加快推动公司转型高质量发展,奋力夺取“十四五”业绩开门红,献礼党的百年华诞。On June 30, to celebrate the centenary of the Communist Party of China, the company held a ceremony marking thecentenary of the Communist Party of China and commendation conference in Wuhan, under the guide of Xi Jinping Thoughton Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, further incentive company party organizations at all levels and thebroad masses of party members and cadres, closely around multiplication development goals, stick to the patriotic missionwith party beginner's mind, accelerate the company's transformation and high-quality development, strive to seize the "14thfive-year" performance off to a good start, to present the centennial birthday of the Party.公司党委书记、总裁李叶青,党委副书记、副总裁刘凤山,公司党委常委、副总裁柯友良、杜平,公司工会主席彭清宇,公司党员高管刘云霞、梅向福、袁德足、杨宏兵、徐钢、王加军、叶家兴、张林和部分公司党委委员以及各区域、各业务运营单位、直属机关的党员代表、受表彰的“两优一先”代表、部分新党员等140余人在主会场参会。公司各基层党组织负责人、党员及新党员等近3千人通过视频在各分会场参会。会议由刘凤山主持。

Li Yeqing, secretary of the party committee and president of the company, Liu Fengshan, deputy secretary of the party

committee and vice president of the company, Ke Youliang and Du Ping, members of the standing committee of theparty committee and vice presidents of the company, Peng Qingyu, chairman of the labor union of the company, Partymember executives Liu Yunxia, Mei Xiangfu, Yuan Dezhu, Yang Hongbing, Xu Gang, Wang Jiajun, Ye Jiaxing, ZhangLin, some members of the Party Committee of the company, party representatives from various regions, businessoperation units, directly affiliated organs, representatives of "two excellent and one first" and some new party membersattended the meeting at the main venue. Nearly 3000 people including heads of grass-roots party organizations, partymembers and new party members of the company attended the meeting at each branch venue through video. Themeeting was presided over by Liu Fengshan.大会开始时,全体人员起立同唱国歌。在李叶青的带领下,来自主会场、各分会场的130名新党员举起右手面对鲜艳的党旗庄严宣誓,全体党员重温入党誓词。At the beginning of the meeting, all the people stood up and sang the National Anthem. Under the leadership of Li Yeqing,130 new party members from the main venue and each sub-venue raised their right hands to take a solemn oath in frontof the bright party flag, and all party members reviewed the oath of joining the Party.

李叶青在会上给大家作了一堂题为《学史力行 谱写百年华新倍增发展新华章》的专题党课报告,选取了党的创立、遵义会议、抗日民族统一战线、开国大典、十一届三中、六中全会等重大历史事件,由点及面、情理交融,深情回顾了波澜壮阔的百年党史,以及百年华新砥砺奋进、实业报国的峥嵘岁月。At the meeting, Li Yeqing gave them a special party lesson report entitled "learning history and making efforts to write anew chapter for the multiplication development of Huaxin", he selected major historical events such as the founding ofthe party, the Zunyi Conference, the National Anti-Japanese United Front, the founding ceremony, the third and sixthplenary sessions of the Eleventh Central Committee, and deeply reviewed the magnificent hundred year history of theparty, ss well as huaxin hundred years of forging ahead, the extraordinary years of industrial service to the country.


Li yeqing pointed out that China's accession to the WTO is not only a milestone of China's in-depth participation ineconomic globalization, but also marks a new historical stage of reform and opening-up. With the reform and opening up,Chinese enterprises have stepped into the process of internationalization. When facing the world economic stage,Chinese enterprises can make full use of various elements and opportunities provided by international economy torealize the internationalization of production, sales and management of enterprises.在谈到习近平总书记改革新征程时,李叶青就中国梦的目标和路径、新征程的内容、意义和过程、全面深化改革的必要性及举措等方面进行了详细分析。他强调,公司广大党员干部员工要从百年党史中汲取奋进力量,赓续红色基因,传承优良传统,提振足够的精气神,在新时代新征程中谱写华新人践行初心使命的新篇章。When talking about Xi Jinping's new journey of reform, Li made a detailed analysis of the goals and path of the ChineseDream, the content, significance and process of the new journey, as well as the necessity and measures ofcomprehensively deepening reform. He stressed that the majority of party members, cadres and employees of thecompany should learn from the century-old party history to forge ahead, continuously inherit the red gene, inherit the fine

公司党委书记、总裁李叶青作专题党课Li Yeqing, Secretary of the Partycommittee and President of thecompany, gave a special party lesson

tradition, and raise enough energy to write a new chapter for Huaxin people to fulfill the mission of theoriginal aspiration in the new era and new journey.刘凤山作总结讲话时表示,李叶青书记的党课展示了他深入学习党史的深邃思考、精辟认识和独到感悟,体现了他在“学党史、悟思想、办实事、开新局”上的示范带动作用。刘凤山要求各基层党组织认真宣贯党课报告精神,围绕“学史明理、学史增信、学史崇德、学史力行”要求,深入推进党史学习教育,统筹开展好“破思想之冰,聚发展之力”主题活动和“我为群众办实事”实践活动,团结带领广大党员、干部和员工创先争优、克难攻坚,奋力完成年度目标。In his concluding speech, Liu Fengshan said that Secretary Li Yeqing's party class showed hisprofound thinking, incisive understanding and unique perception of in-depth study of party history,and reflected his exemplary and leading role in "study the Party's history, understand its theories, dopractical work and make new advances ". Liu Fengshan asked all grass-roots party organizations toearnestly publicize and implement the spirit of the party class report, deeply promote the study andeducation of party history, coordinate and carry out the theme activity of "breaking the ice of thoughtand gathering the power of development" and the practical activity of "I do practical things for themasses", unite and lead the majority of Party members, cadres and employees to strive forexcellence overcome difficulties and strive to achieve the annual goal.会上还对公司优秀共产党员、优秀党务工作者以及先进基层党组织进行了表彰。The meeting also commended the company's outstanding Communist Party members, outstandingParty affairs workers and advanced grass-roots Party organizations.

2021企业社会责任报告CSR REPORT



活动现场Meeting site

公司连续第三年荣获中国百强企业奖The company has won the award of China's top100 enterprises for the third consecutive year

12月4日,由中国上市公司百强高峰论坛组委会、华顿经济研究院主办的第二十一届中国上市公司百强高峰论坛暨颁奖典礼在上海举行,公司荣获“2021年中国百强企业奖”,这是华新连续第三年获此殊荣。On December 4, the 21st top 100 China listed companies Summit Forum and award ceremonyhosted by the Organizing Committee of the top 100 China listed companies Summit Forum andWharton Institute of economics was held in Shanghai. Huaxin won the "top 100 China enterprisesAward in 2021", which is the third consecutive year that Huaxin won this award.在2021年,面对复杂严峻的外部环境和诸多挑战,公司构建“双作战、两不误”工作格局,切实保障员工生命健康安全,有序稳定生产和经营,全年各项工作取得新突破,实现了高质量、高速度、高效益发展。In 2021, in the face of complex and severe external environment and many challenges, Huaxin built a"double operations and no mistake" work pattern, effectively guaranteed the life and health ofemployees, orderly and stable production and operation, made new breakthroughs in all workthroughout the year, and achieved high-quality, high-speed and high-efficiency development.

遵守环保法律法规Abide by environmental laws and regulations公司“新、改、扩”建项目均依据环评法的要求,落实项目“环保三同时”制度,以及清洁生产法和清洁生产主管部门的要求,落实强制性清洁生产审核工作。

The "new, modified and expanded" projects of the company implement the "three simultaneities of environmental protection" systemof the project in accordance with the requirements of the Environment Impact Assessment Law, and implement the mandatorycleaner production audit according to the Clean Production Law and the requirements of the competent cleaner productiondepartment.公司所有分子公司均按照排污许可管理的要求,实现依法持证排污。依据排污许可证申请与核发技术规范,定期在全国排污许可证管理信息平台上落实排污许可证执行报告,向社会公开主要污染物排放浓度与总量,接受社会监督。All subsidiaries of the company have achieved pollutant discharge with permits according to law in accordance with therequirements of pollutant discharge permit management. In accordance with the technical standards for the application andissuance of pollutant discharge permits, we regularly publish reports on the implementation of pollutant discharge permits on theNational Information Platform for the Management of pollutant discharge permits, and publicize the discharge concentrations andtotal quantities of major pollutants for public supervision.公司严格落实《排污单位自行监测技术指南 水泥工业》等规定,制定自行监测方案并实施,为公司的污染物排放提供内部自查与预警,实现主要污染物稳定达标排放。The company strictly implements the "Self-monitoring technology guide for pollution sources- Cement manufacturing industry" andother regulations, formulates and implements self-monitoring plans, provides internal self-inspection and early warning for thecompany's pollutant discharge, and realizes the stable and up to standard discharge of major pollutants.

公司坚信,清洁生产才是污染物控制的根本路径。我们一直致力于采用“PDCA”循环模式,最大程度降低有组织排放和无组织排放对环境的影响。通过不断强化内部环境监管,采取持续的环境审计策略,促进各分子公司优化污染治理措施,提升工厂环境业绩。The company firmly believes that cleaner production is the fundamental path of pollutant control. We have been committed toadopting the "PDCA" cycle mode to minimize the impact of organized and unorganized emissions on the environment. Bycontinuously strengthening internal environmental supervision and adopting continuous environmental audit strategy, promote eachsubsidiary company to optimize pollution control measures and improve the environmental performance of the factory.

清洁生产Clean Production

环保履责Social Responsibilities Performancein Environmental Protection

作为一家以“清洁我们的生活环境,提供信赖的建筑材料”为使命的环保型公司,紧紧结合水泥工业绿色低碳发展路径,持续推行清洁生产,采用最佳污染防治技术,不断优化、提升污染物治理水平;通过水泥绿色制造与替代原燃料协同处置结合的低碳发展战略,大力推广水泥窑协同处置替代原燃料技术,探索、开发低碳水泥产品,力争做水泥行业“碳中和”赛道上的领跑者。As an environment- friendly company with the mission of "cleaning our living environment, provide reliablebuilding materials", we closely combine the green and low-carbon development path of cement industry,continue to promote clean production, use the best pollution prevention and control technology,constantly optimize and improve the level of pollution control; through the low-carbon developmentstrategy of combining green cement manufacturing and collaborative disposal of alternative raw fuels,vigorously promote the technology of co- processing by the cement kiln, explore and develop low-carboncement products, and strive to be a leader in the " carbon neutrality " track of the cement industry.

2021企业社会责任报告CSR REPORT





Strengthen pollutant control公司在不断推进污染治理水平,实现污染物逐步下降的同时,探索优化水泥窑主要污染物(颗粒物、SO2、NOx)超低排放技术,并通过内部环境监管与治理,提升各分子公司污染物排放控制和环境管理水平,打造水泥行业绿色工厂样板。

While continuously promoting the pollution control level and realizing the gradual decline of pollutants, the company explores andoptimizes the ultra-low emission technology of main pollutants (particulate matter, SO2 and NOX) of cement kiln, improves thepollutant emission control and environmental management level of each subsidiary company through internal environmentalsupervision and treatment, and creates a model of green factory in the cement industry.

2021年,公司各分子公司通过强化污染物控制与治理,全年实现颗粒物、SO2、NOx等主要污染物连续稳定排放。通过SNCR精准脱硝技术,不断优化NOx排放控制;采用湿法脱硫、复合脱硫以及生产工艺等多种技术策略实现SO2连续稳定排放;通过强化收尘设备改造与维护,提升收尘效率,有效控制颗粒物排放。In 2021, all subsidiaries of the company achieved continuous and stable emission of major pollutants such as particulate matter,SO2 and NOx throughout the year by strengthening pollutant control and treatment. Continuously optimize NOx emission controlthrough SNCR technology; adopt various technical strategies such as wet desulfurization, compound desulfurization andproduction process to realize continuous and stable emission of SO2; by strengthening the transformation and maintenance ofdust collection equipment, improve the dust collection efficiency and effectively control the emission of particulate matter.

降低有组织排放Reduce organized emissions

优化无组织排放控制Optimize fugitive emission control公司多措并举,推行无组织排放深度治理。在工厂、矿山道路沿线设置喷淋降尘设施,并配置道路清扫车辆;在物料堆场封闭的同时加装雾化喷淋设施,进一步减少无组织排放对环境的影响。The company takes multiple measures to implement in-depth treatment of fugitive emissions. Spray dust reduction facilities shall beset along the roads of factories and mines, and road cleaning vehicles shall be equipped; while the material storage yard is closed,atomizing and spraying facilities are installed to further reduce the impact of fugitive emission on the environment.

2021企业社会责任报告CSR REPORT




严格落实废水、工业固废处置Strictly implement the disposal of waste water and industrial solid waste公司遵循“雨污分流、清污分流、一水多用”的原则,实现水泥工厂废水“近零”排放;严格按照《固废法》要求落实工厂工业固废综合利用及危险废物无害化处置。The company follows the principle of "diversion of rain and sewage, diversion of clean water and sewage and multi-purpose of onewater" to realize "near zero" discharge of wastewater from cement factory; implement the comprehensive utilization of industrialsolid waste and harmless disposal of hazardous waste in strict accordance with the requirements of theEnvironmental Pollution Prevention and Control Law of Solid Wastes.

大力推进“美丽工厂”建设Vigorously promote the construction of "beautiful factory"2021年,公司成立了“美丽工厂”达标创建指导委员会,以环保合规性为基础,以厂容厂貌及跑冒滴漏治理、厂区无组织排放治理、绿色矿山建设为主线,通过内部管理挖潜,建设“洁绿亮美”的花园式工厂,不断提升工厂环保业绩。公司下属赤壁、西藏2家工厂入选国家绿色工厂名单。截至2021年,公司共11家工厂入选。In 2021, the company set up a "beautiful factory" compliance creation steering committee, based onenvironmental compliance, focusing on the treatment of plant appearance and leakage, the treatment of fugitiveemissions in the plant and the construction of green mines, through internal management to tap the potential,the construction of "clean, green, bright and beautiful" garden factory, to improve the environmental protectionperformance, the company's two factories in Chibi and Tibet were selected into the list of national greenfactories. by 2021, 11 factories of the company had been selected.

西藏公司 Tibet factory

赤壁公司 Chibi factory

围绕国家“双碳”发展战略,规划行业、公司低碳发展路径,通过大力发展水泥窑协同处置替代原燃料技术,推进技术革新、设备升级、工艺优化,不断发掘自身碳减排潜力,稳步推进绿色低碳发展。Focus on the national " carbon peaking and carbon neutrality" goals, we plan the low-carbon development path of theindustry and our company, by vigorously developing the technology of cement kiln co-disposal to replace raw fuel,promote technological innovation, equipment upgrading and process optimization, constantly explore the carbon-reduction potential and steadily promote green and low-carbon development.

2021企业社会责任报告CSR REPORT




持续实施绿色矿山建设Continuously implement green mine construction公司始终树立和践行“绿水青山就是金山银山”的生态保护理念,坚定绿色发展道路不动摇,通过制定科学、系统的开采方案,落实矿山资源综合利用。全面推行绿色矿山建设,基于矿山原生态环境,因地制宜地采用矿山治理与恢复方案,并努力将矿山开采区域恢复到原有水平,实现矿山生态与周边环境相协调,打造生态型绿色矿山,实现矿山的永续利用。Huaxin has always established and implemented the ecological protection concept of "clean waters and green mountainsare just as valuable as gold and silver ", firmly adhered to the green development path, and implemented thecomprehensive utilization of mine resources by formulating scientific and systematic mining plans. Comprehensivelypromote the construction of green mines, based on the original ecological environment of the mine, adopt the minetreatment and restoration scheme according to local conditions, and strive to restore the mining area to the original level, soas to realize the coordination between the mine ecology and the surrounding environment, build ecological green minesand realize the sustainable utilization of mines.截至2021年,公司共有15家矿山入选国家级绿色矿山名录。By 2021, the company has 15 mines selected into the National Green Mine List

不断提升员工与周边社区环保意识Continuously improve the environmental protection awareness ofemployees and surrounding communities持续推行环保观察行,强化全员参与环保管理,创造“环境保护,人人有责”的良好氛围。We continued to carry out environmental protection observation, strengthened the participation of all staff in environmentalprotection management, and created a good atmosphere of "environmental protection is everyone's responsibility".实施环保专业技能培训,通过污染物治理新技术、新措施的宣贯,促进工厂不断完善污染治理水平,提升工厂环境绩效。We implemented environmental protection professional skills training, and promoted the factory to continuously improve thepollution control level and improve the environmental performance of the factory through the publicity and implementation ofnew technologies and measures for pollutant control.推行工厂环保开放日活动,向公众展示工厂在污染物治理上的努力及改善,接受公众监督。开展“世界环境日”活动,走进一线生产车间,下沉社区,向员工和社区居民传递环保知识,提升工厂所在地人员的整体环境保护意识。We launched the factory environmental protection open day to show the public the efforts and improvements of the factoryin pollutant treatment and accept public supervision,and carried out "World Environment Day" activities, walked into thefront-line production workshop and the community, transferred environmental protection knowledge to employees andcommunity residents, and improved the overall environmental protection awareness of personnel in the factory.

环保开放日活动Environmental protection open day activities

传递环保知识Transfer environmental protection knowledge

应对气候变化Tackling climate change

引领水泥行业“双碳”发展Lead the "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality" development of cement industry

公司总裁李叶青在2021建材行业碳减排国际论坛上发表主题演讲Li Yeqing, President of the company, delivered a keynote speech at the 2021 International Forum on CarbonEmission Reduction of Building Materials Industry

发展“近零”碳排放建材产品Developing building materials with "near zero" carbon emissions

公司大力推进能源梯级利用,通过自主研发,利用余热蒸汽水热成岩反应新技术,大规模利用矿山废渣土等工业固废生产高性能环保墙材,整个生产过程中基本不产生直接二氧化碳排放,实现矿山资源全利用的同时,大幅度提升水泥窑余热高效利用。The company vigorously promotes the energy cascade utilization, through independent research anddevelopment, we use the new technology of waste heat steam hydrothermal diagenetic reaction to producehigh-performance environmental protection wall materials by using industrial solid wastes such as mine slagand soil on a large scale, there is basically no direct CO2 emission in the whole production process, so as torealize the full utilization of mineral resources and greatly improve the efficient utilization of waste heat ofcement kiln.目前,公司已建成世界首条水泥窑尾气吸碳制砖生产线,该技术将水泥窑尾气制品化,采用水泥窑尾烟气吸碳养护工艺取代传统粘土烧成制砖和混凝土灰砂砖工艺,解决了资源消耗、能耗及二氧化碳排放的问题,开发出水泥产业碳中和技术。以“二氧化碳传输—碳化养护—温度—后续水化”协同效应理论,开发出了水泥产业链上碳中和的技术。以年产1亿块蒸养砖生产线为例,每年利用2.6万吨二氧化碳,全国推广每年减碳将达到5200万吨。At present, the company has built the world's first concrete brick production line using CO2 discharged fromcement kiln, the technology makes the cement kiln tail gas into products, adopts the cement kiln tail gascarbon absorption curing process to replace the traditional clay firing brick making and concrete lime sandbrick process, solves the problems of resource consumption, energy consumption and CO2 emission, anddevelops the carbon-neutral technologies of cement industry. Based on the synergistic effect theory of "CO2transmission - carbonization curing - temperature - subsequent hydration", the carbon-neutral technologiesin the cement industry chain is developed. Taking the production line with an annual output of 100 millionsteam cured bricks as an example, 26000 tons of carbon dioxide will be used every year, the annual carbonreduction will reach 52 million tons.

2021企业社会责任报告CSR REPORT




公司总裁李叶青深度参与水泥行业碳减排路径规划,参加 2021建材行业碳减排国际论坛,从全生命周期的绿色低碳建筑材料理念出发,提出了从原材料矿山到建筑材料全生命周期的减碳途径,规划建筑材料行业走绿色低碳、高质量发展之路。Li Yeqing, President of the company, deeply participated in the carbon emission reduction path planning of thecement industry.He attended the 2021 International Forum on Carbon Emission Reduction of Building MaterialsIndustry, Starting from the concept of green and low-carbon building materials in the whole life cycle, Li Yeqingproposed the carbon reduction path from raw material mines to building materials in the whole life cycle, and plannedthe building materials industry to take the road of green, low-carbon and high-quality development.公司深度参与《温室气体核算方法与报告指南——水泥熟料工段》等相关标准和课题政策的研究、起草、修订工作,从促进行业减排、对行业公平公正的角度,提出合理建议,助力水泥行业碳排放核算的规范化。The company has deeply participated in the research, drafting and revision of relevant standards and subject policiessuch as "Greenhouse Gas Accounting Methods and Reporting Guide -- Cement Clinker Section", and put forwardreasonable suggestions from the perspective of promoting industry emission reduction and fairness to the industry,so as to help standardize the carbon emission accounting of the cement industry.

科学规划公司“双碳”发展路径Scientifically plan the "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality "development path of the company公司发布国内建材行业首份以低碳发展为主题的白皮书,将围绕碳减排路线和目标,在替代燃料、替代原料、熟料利用系数、燃料效率、低碳熟料开发、能源利用率等绿色、低碳领域持续加强技术攻关及科技成果转化,为水泥行业持续发展贡献力量,争做中国“碳中和”道路上的行业领跑者。The company released the first white book on low-carbon development in the domestic building materialsindustry, which will focus on the route and goal ofcarbon emission reduction, and continue to strengthen technical research and the transformation of scientific andtechnological achievements in green and low-carbon fields such as alternative fuels, alternative raw materials, clinkerutilization coefficient, fuel efficiency, low-carbon clinker development and energy utilization, so as to contribute to thesustainable development of the cement industry, strive to be the industry leader on the road of "carbon neutrality" inChina.

武穴工业园内,由水泥窑烟气CO2 吸碳制砖自动化生产线生产的环保砖In Wuxue Industrial Park,concrete bricks produced byproduction line using CO2discharged from cement kiln

2021企业社会责任报告CSR REPORT




持续推进节能降碳工程Continuously promote energy conservationand carbon reduction projects通过发挥水泥窑协同处置替代原料的节能降碳优势,加大生活垃圾、替代衍生燃料(RDF)、生物质等的利用率,水泥窑热替代率(TSR)达到7.37%,较2020年上升2.43个百分点。2021年公司处置生活垃圾及衍生燃料212万吨,节约标煤44万吨,减排二氧化碳121万吨,与填埋相比,净二氧化碳减排247余万吨(等当量)。By taking advantage of the energy saving and carbon reduction advantages of co-processing by the cementkiln and increasing the utilization rate of domestic waste, alternative derived fuel (RDF), biomass, etc., thethermal substitution rate (TSR) of cement kilns reached 7.37%, an increase of 2.43 percentage points over2020.In 2021, the company disposed of 2.12 million tons of domestic waste and derivative fuels, saved440,000 tons of standard coal,and reduced 1.21 million tons of CO2. compared with landfill, the net carbondioxide emission was reduced by more than 2.47 million tons (equivalent).

公司通过广寻源,做好替代原料的质量分析与配料优化,加大对钢渣、炉渣等工业副产品的利用率,利用替代原料对天然钙基材料的替代。2021年全年,公司水泥窑线综合利用各类工业废渣338万吨作为替代原料,直接减少碳排放34万吨。Through extensive sourcing, the company has done a good job in the quality analysis and batchingoptimization of alternative raw materials, increased the utilization rate of industrial by-products such as steelslag and slag, and used alternative raw materials to replace natural calcium-based materials. In 2021, thecompany's cement kiln line comprehensively utilized 3.38 million tons of various industrial waste residues asalternative raw materials, directly reducing carbon emissions by 340,000 tons.充分发掘工厂的节能减排潜力,通过预热器降阻,电耗优化等措施,实现能效水平稳步提升。Fully explore the energy-saving and emission reduction potential of the plant, and steadily improve theenergy efficiency level through measures such as preheater resistance reduction and power consumptionoptimization.2021年重点用能行业能效“领跑者”企业名单,水泥行业上榜9家企业,华新信阳公司、株洲公司的熟料综合能耗分别为87.95kgce/t和89.66kgce/t,位列前2。In 2021, the list of energy efficiency "leaders" in key energy-using industries, 9 companies in the cementindustry, Huaxin Xinyang Company and Zhuzhou Company's comprehensive clinker energy consumptionare 87.95kgce/t and 89.66kgce/t respectively, ranking the top 2.2021年公司吨熟料综合能耗水平较2020年下降3.26kg标煤,折算减排二氧化碳约50.5万吨。In 2021, the company's comprehensive energy consumption per ton of clinker decreased by 3.26kg ofstandard coal compared with 2020, which translates to about 505,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissionreduction.

圆满完成碳交易试点履约Successful completion of carbon trading pilot implementation

2020履约年度,公司积极参与湖北省、重庆市、广东省的碳交易试点工作,在各试点规定的时限内,完成碳配额履约,履行企业对气候变化的社会责任。In the year of performance in 2020, the company actively participated in the pilot work of carbon trading inHubei Province, Chongqing city and Guangdong Province, completed the implementation of carbon quotawithin the time limit specified by each pilot, and fulfilled the corporate social responsibility for climate change.

持续开展能力建设,提升工厂碳资产管理水平Continuous capacity building and improvement of CarbonAsset Management组织开展低碳周、低碳月活动,提升全员低碳意识;持续开展碳资产管理培训,提高各分子公司管理水平。Organize and carry out low-carbon week and low-carbon Month activities to enhance the low-carbonawareness of all staff; continue to carry out carbon asset management training to promote the managementlevel of each subsidiary company.实施碳排放对标管理,将碳排放减排目标完成情况纳入水泥工厂业绩考核,促进工厂持续对标,探索过程排放、化石燃料排放及电力排放的碳减排方案。Implement carbon emission benchmarking management, incorporate the achievement of carbon emissionreduction targets into the performance assessment of cement plants, promote the continuous benchmarkingof cement plants, and explore carbon emission reduction schemes for process emission, fossil fuel emissionand power emission.持续推进碳排放审计工作,特别强化对非试点地区的审计工作,提升各分子公司的碳资产管理意识和水平,强化碳排放数据质量管理控制,规范碳资产管理。Continue to promote the carbon emission audit work, especially strengthen the audit work in non-pilot areas,improve the carbon asset management awareness and level of each subsidiary company, strengthen themanagement and control of carbon emission data quality, and standardize carbon asset management.


13.03万吨,三峡漂浮物14.4万立方。全年完成主营业务收入同比上年增长24.83%,水泥窑协同处置废弃物总量居全国前列。In 2021, Huaxin Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Huaxin CementCo., Ltd., received and disposed of 3.2725 million tons of waste, including 2.3551 million tons ofdomestic waste, 603,600 tons of municipal sludge, 135,000 tons of hazardous waste, 68,500 tons ofcontaminated soil, and 130,300 tons of general waste, 144,000 cubic meters of Three Gorgesfloating debris. The annual main business income increased by 24.83%, and the total amount ofcollaborative disposal of waste in cement kilns ranked first in China.武汉市约15%的生活垃圾、50%以上的城市污泥由华新进行无害化处置;河南省信阳市、四川省万源市、湖北省鄂州市、武穴市、赤壁市、应城市、秭归县、南漳县和湖南省株洲县、攸县等市县100%的生活垃圾均交给华新处置;湖北省宜昌市、大冶市及重庆涪陵100%的生活污泥也由华新进行环保处置。About 15% of domestic waste and more than 50% of urban sludge in Wuhan are disposed ofinnocuously by Huaxin; Xinyang City of Henan Province, Wanyuan city of Sichuan Province, EzhouCity, Wuxue City, Chibi City, Yingcheng City, Zigui County, Nanzhang County of Hubei Province,Zhuzhou County and You County of Hunan Province, 100% of the domestic waste were handedover to Huaxin for disposal; 100% of domestic sludge in Yichang City, Daye City of Hubei Provinceand Fuling District in Chongqing are also disposed by Huaxin.

环境服务Environmental Service

环保创新创造价值Environmental protection innovation creates value2021年,华新环境公司积极进行技术创新,为节煤减碳、环境治理做出突出贡献。在实施技术创新的同时,也积极推进商业创新,为实现双碳目标贡献华新力量。In 2021, Huaxin environment company actively carried out technological innovation and made outstandingcontributions to coal saving, carbon reduction and environmental governance. While implementing technologicalinnovation, it also actively promotes business innovation and contributes to the realization of the carbon peakingand carbon neutrality goals.

2021企业社会责任报告CSR REPORT




生活垃圾脱水技术创新Domestic waste dehydration technology innovation随着新的脱水技术在项目上的应用,RDF含水率进一步降低,提升RDF的热值,提高水泥窑的燃煤替代率,经济效益和环境效益显著提升。With the application of new dehydration technology in the project, the moisture content of RDF is furtherreduced, the calorific value of RDF is increased, the coal substitution rate of cement kiln is increased, andthe economic and environmental benefits are significantly improved.臭氧高级氧化Ozone advanced oxidation利用臭氧产生的羟基自由基将污水中难生物降解的有机物进行氧化分解,该工艺能够很好地处理超滤产水污染物超标问题,有效去除难降解的有机物,从而达到降低COD、脱色、除臭以及提高污水可生化性,减少对下游污水处理厂的冲击,确保生产稳定运行。超滤产水COD稳定降解到400mg/L以下,去除率接近于60%,并提高出水的可生化性。该技术在保证工厂稳定达标排放且无二次污染物产生的同时,创造了良好的经济效益。The hydroxyl radical generated by ozone is used to oxidize and decompose the refractory organic matter inthe sewage, the process can well deal with the problem of exceeding the standard of pollutants inultrafiltration water production and effectively remove the refractory organic matter, so as to reduce COD,decolorization, deodorization, improve the biodegradability of sewage, reduce the impact on the downstreamsewage treatment plant and ensure the stable operation of production. The hydroxyl radical generated byozone is used to oxidize and decompose the refractory organic matter in the sewage. This process can welldeal with the problem of exceeding the standard of pollutants in ultrafiltration water production and effectivelyremove the refractory organic matter, so as to reduce COD, decolorization, deodorization, improve thebiodegradability of sewage, reduce the impact on the downstream sewage treatment plant and ensure thestable operation of production. The COD of ultrafiltration effluent is stably degraded to less than 400mg/L,the removal rate is close to 60%, and the biodegradability of effluent is improved. This technology hascreated good economic benefits while ensuring stable emission standards and no secondary pollutants.

生物型除臭菌剂Biological deodorizer针对华新环保工厂垃圾处理工艺的微生物菌剂,在菌种的选择和复配设计加以优化,并适量添加生物酶。该技术可以控制环保工厂气体处置源头效果,减轻后端尾气的处理负荷,降低尾气处理成本,为环境保护做出突出贡献。

Aiming at the microbial agent of waste treatment process in Huaxin environmental protection factory, theselection and compound design of bacteria should be optimized, and an appropriate amount of biologicalenzyme should be added. This technology can control the source effect of gas disposal in environmentalprotection plants, reduce the treatment load of back-end tail gas, reduce the cost of tail gas treatment, andmake outstanding contributions to environmental protection.

环保业务蓬勃发展Vigorous development of environmentalprotection business华新环境公司积极拓展各类废弃物处置业务,成功签约湖北宜昌二期180吨/天水泥窑协同处置污泥项目,湖北大冶、赤壁20万吨/年水泥窑协同处置污染土项目合作协议;获取湖北南漳3.3万吨/年、武穴

3.5万吨/年、长阳5万吨/年、重庆参天1万吨/年、湖南株洲3.5万吨/年、广东恩平9.5万吨/年危险废物处置经营许可,持续实现环保发展战略落地。Huaxin environment company actively develops various waste disposal businesses,and successfullysigned the 180 tons/day cement kiln co-processing of sludge project in Phase II of Hubei Yichang, and the200,000 tons/year cement kiln co-processing of contaminated soil project in Hubei Daye and Chibi. It hasobtained the hazardous waste disposal business license of 33,000 tons/year in Nanzhang city, 35,000tons/year in Wuxue City, 50,000 tons/year in Changyang City, Hubei Province, 10,000 tons/year inChongqing City, 35,000 tons/year in Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province, and 95,000 tons/year in Enping City,Guangdong Province, continuously realizing the implementation of environmental protection developmentstrategy.

2021企业社会责任报告CSR REPORT




打破传统,助力小微企业危废收集转运Break the tradition, help small and micro enterprises hazardouswaste collection and transfer2021年,公司对传统危废商务模式进行创新,将“生物城模式”推广至湖北、广东等地区,打造专业化小微企业危废转移服务团队,依托自主研发的“危废智能化系统”,以“线上智能化管家系统+线下技术服务+环保大数据”为模式,通过专业化技术服务、创新解决环保问题等途径,提升园区企业对环境法律、法规和相关政策要求的认知、分析和遵守能力,切实促进“无废城市”建设,努力实现城市产业园区绿色、低碳、循环的可持续发展。In 2021, the company innovated the traditional hazardous waste business model, extended the "biologicalcity model" to Hubei, Guangdong and other regions, and built a professional hazardous waste transferservice team for small and micro enterprises,relying on the self-developed "hazardous waste intelligentsystem", the company took the mode of "online intelligent housekeeper system + offline technical services +environmental protection big data" as the model, through professional technical services, innovativesolutions to environmental problems and other ways, enterprises in the park can improve their ability tounderstand, analyze and comply with environmental laws, regulations and relevant policy requirements,effectively promote the construction of "waste free city", and strive to achieve green, low-carbon and circularsustainable development of urban industrial parks.

提高低闪点液废闪点的关键方法Key methods to improve the flash point of low flash point liquid waste利用一般固废中的有效成分对低闪点液废进行乳化作用,对低闪点液废中高危成分进行稳定化,从而控制液废易燃性、毒性、腐蚀性和反应性,实现了“以废治废,变废为宝”。The effective components of general solid waste are used to emulsify the low flash point liquid waste,and the high-risk components in the low flash point liquid waste are stabilized, so as to control theflammability, toxicity, corrosiveness and reactivity of the liquid waste, and realize "treating waste withwaste and turning waste into treasure".该技术创造经济效益的同时,降低了生产运营费用,提升了工厂运营环境。同时,开辟了公司液体处置新道路,也为行业提供了液体废物处置新方案,促进整个行业的进步和发展。This technology not only creates economic benefits, but also reduces production and operation costsand improves the factory operation environment. At the same time, it has opened up a new path for thecompany's liquid disposal, provided a new scheme for the liquid waste disposal for the industry, andpromoted the progress and development of the whole industry.

献“智”武汉垃圾分类Offer " Intellectualization " wuhan garbage classification2021年12月,华新正式开始推广“危废智能化系统”和配套硬件设备,针对居民生活垃圾中的有害垃圾进行流程规范,为有害垃圾的源头产生信息记录、过程流转、中转接收及配套台帐管理提供了一套有效的解决方案。公司将配合城市垃圾分类专项工作不断优化系统管理水平,助力城市生活垃圾分类体系搭建,为国家碳减排战略添砖加瓦。In December 2021, Huaxin officially began to promote the "hazardous waste intelligent system" andsupporting hardware equipment, standardize the process of hazardous waste in residents' domesticwaste, and provide a set of effective solutions for information recording, process flow, transfer receptionand supporting account management of hazardous waste at the source. The company will cooperatewith the special work of urban waste classification, continuously optimize the system management level,help build the urban domestic waste classification system, and contribute to the national carbonemission reduction strategy.













(含运营/在建,万吨) disposal capacity

Including operation/ in construction, 10 ktons


Disposal capacity in 2021


Performance Indicators

实例Case Studies

2021年8月,武汉疫情再度发生,华新环境临危受命,冲锋到抗疫一线,协助完成武汉同济医院光谷院区医疗废弃物转运任务,再次彰显出华新人不折不挠的抗疫先锋精神。In August 2021, the epidemic situation occurred again in Wuhan, Huaxin environment company was assigned to assist inthe transfer of medical waste in Guanggu Branch of Wuhan Tongji Hospital at the most critical moment, which once againdemonstrated the indomitable pioneer spirit of anti epidemic of Huaxin people.8月6日晚,接武汉市生态环境局通知,同济医院光谷院区有一批医疗废弃物资急需转运至武汉千子山医废应急处置中心进行处置,请求华新提供支援。接到通知后,华新环境物流公司迅速组织员工穿戴上防疫装备,驾驶环保物流运输车辆赶往医院。On the night of August 6, Wuhan Ecological Environment Bureau informed that a batch of medical waste materials inGuanggu Branch of Tongji Hospital urgently needed to be transferred to Wuhan Qianzi mountain medical waste

临危受命,华新人再上抗疫一线At the most critical moment, Huaxin people went to the front lineof anti epidemic again

emergency disposal center for disposal, requesting Huaxin to provide support. After receiving the notice,Huaxin environmental logistics company quickly organized employees to wear epidemic preventionequipment and drive environmental logistics vehicles to the hospital.在全封闭的医院地下废弃物仓库,华新环境物流人员协助将一批批的医疗废弃物搬运上车,在保证安全的前提下顺利完成110桶医疗废弃物的转运及卸车。In the fully enclosed underground waste warehouse of the hospital, the personnel of Huaxin environmentallogistics company assisted in transporting batches of medical waste onto the vehicle, and successfullycompleted the transfer and unloading of 110 barrels of medical waste on the premise of ensuring safety.危急时刻,华新人再次英勇逆行,为抗疫贡献华新力量。

At the critical moment, Huaxin people went retrograde again bravely, and contributed to the anti epidemic.

医疗废弃物转运现场Medical waste transfer site

2021企业社会责任报告CSR REPORT





On March 15, Huaxin Zigui environmental factory assisted the countyTobacco Bureau in the centralized destruction of counterfeit andshoddy cigarettes and confiscated tobacco leaves seized since 2020to achieve harmless treatment.本次共销毁各类假冒伪劣卷烟70余种重360公斤、罚没烟叶4吨,共价值31万余元。当日上午,秭归环保积极配合烟草专卖局将要销毁的假冒伪劣烟草卸货至接收池,经破碎筛分等程序生产出衍生燃料RDF后入窑焚烧,全程无害化、资源化进行处置,整个销毁过程约3小时。烟草专卖局相关负责人对秭归环保提供帮助表示感谢。More than 70 kinds of counterfeit and shoddy cigarettes weighing 360kg were destroyed , and 4 tons of tobacco leaves were confiscated,with a total value of more than 310,000 yuan. In the morning of that

秭归环保助力秭归县烟草局销毁假冒卷烟活动Zigui Eco plant helps Zigui Tobacco Bureau destroycounterfeit cigarettes

6月25日,参天公司与重庆市永川区生态环境局在永川华茂中心商业街联合开展“人与自然 和谐共生”环境宣传志愿者活动,践行企业社会责任,助力区“无废城市”的创建工作,本次活动共计30余人参与。On June 25, Cantian company and Chongqing Yongchuan District Ecological Environment Bureau jointly carried out theenvironmental publicity volunteer activity of "harmonious coexistence between man and nature" in Yongchuan HuamaoCentral Commercial Street, practiced corporate social responsibility and helped create a "waste free city" in the district,a total of more than 30 people participated in this activity.本次活动由区生态环境局牵头,永川区城市管理局、企业、学校环保志愿者共同参与环境日宣传活动。活动现场,参天公司志愿者们向前来咨询的市民发放宣传资料,讲解环保小知识,其他参与单位在宣传现场开展环境小知识有奖问答活动,活动现场十分热闹。This activity is led by the district ecological environment bureau, and environmental protection volunteers fromYongchuan District Urban Administration Bureau, enterprises and schools jointly participate in the publicity activities ofthe environment day. At the event site, the volunteers of Cantian company distributed publicity materials to the citizenswho came to consult to explain the small knowledge of environmental protection, other participating units carried out theaward-winning Q&A activity of small knowledge of environment at the publicity site, the event site was very lively.

区生态环境局对参天公司近年来多个环保项目予以肯定,对本次活动给予认可。本次世界环境日宣传活动形式多样,过往市民参与积极性高,既加强了市民的环保意识,也进一步提升了公司环保形象。The district ecological environment bureau affirmed many environmental protection projects of Cantian company inrecent years and recognized this activity. The publicity activities of this world environment day have various forms, thecitizens had high enthusiasm for participation, which not only strengthened citizens' awareness of environmentalprotection, but also further improved the company's environmental protection image.

参天公司与永川区生态环境局联合开展环境日宣传活动Cantian company and Yongchuan District Ecological EnvironmentBureau jointly carried out environment day publicity activitiesday, Zigui Eco plant actively cooperated with theTobacco Monopoly Bureau to unload the fake andshoddy tobacco to be destroyed to the receivingpool, After crushing and screening and otherprocedures, the derivative fuel RDF was produced,and then put it into the kiln for incineration. Thewhole process of harmless and resource-baseddisposal took about 3 hours. The relevant person incharge of the Tobacco Monopoly Bureau thankedZigui Eco plant for its help.据了解,近年来相关部门不断加大打击烟草制假、贩假的力度,查处了上百起违法案件,秭归环保多次助力烟草监管局和烟草专卖局销毁假冒伪劣产品,为净化卷烟市场做出了积极贡献。此外,秭归环保利用水泥窑协同处置技术,曾多次协助当地主管部门无害化销毁假冒伪劣产品,以实际行动践行企业的责任和担当,为维护广大消费者的合法权益贡献力量。It is understood that in recent years, relevantdepartments have continuously increased theirefforts to crack down on tobacco counterfeiting andselling, and have investigated and dealt withhundreds of illegal cases, and Zigui Eco plant hasrepeatedly assisted the tobacco regulatory bureauand the tobacco monopoly bureau in destroyingfake and shoddy products, making a positivecontribution to purifying the cigarette market. Inaddition, Zigui Eco plant has used cement kiln co-processing technology to assist local authorities inthe harmless destruction of counterfeit and shoddyproducts for many times, fulfilled the responsibilitiesand responsibilities of the enterprise with practicalactions, and contributed to safeguarding thelegitimate rights and interests of consumers.

销毁假冒卷烟现场Scene of destroying counterfeit cigarettes

2021企业社会责任报告CSR REPORT




世界环境日活动World Environment Day activities

安全培训与运行优化Safety training and operation optimization

健康安全是公司持续发展的基石,我们坚持开展安全教育培训和审计,强化职业健康管理,完善公司健康安全制度,进一步提高员工安全技能和意识,确保公司的健康安全管理水平有效提升。Health and safety is the cornerstone of the company's sustainable development.We insist on carrying out safety education, training and audit, strengthenoccupational health management, improve the company's health and safetysystem, further improve employees' safety skills and awareness to ensure thatthe company's health and safety management level is effectively improved.

安全能力提升发展项目培训Safety capability improvement project training

Social Responsibility Performancein Health and Safety


2021年5-12月,分3批组织实施了6期部长&工厂副总安全能力提升发展项目培训班,为各区域/事业部/工厂61名部长、58名工厂副总提供了现场安全培训和为期三个月的“一对一”安全辅导。该培训为提升各区域/事业部/工厂部长、副总的安全管理水平和能力夯实了基础,为公司安全持续发展提供了强有力的人才支撑。From May to December 2021, sixtraining courses for the safetycapability improvement anddevelopment project of the ministerand the deputy general manager offactories were organized andimplemented in three batches,providing on-site safety training andthree-month "one-to-one" safetycoaching for 61 ministers and 58deputy general managers of eachregion / business division / factory.The training has laid a solid foundationfor improving the safety managementlevel and ability of regional / businessdivision / factory directors and deputygeneral managers, and providedstrong talent support for thesustainable development of thecompany's safety.

分管副总裁熊光炜在工厂副总班进行管理分享Xiong Guangwei, the vice president in charge, sharedthe management with the vice president of the factory

安全培训总监陆斌在部长班分享安全管理实践Lu Bin, director of safety training, shared safetymanagement practice in the ministerial class

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安全能力提升发展培训班全体师生合影A group photo of all the teachers and students inthe training class of improving safety ability


The company has organized and implemented the TtT training program for health and safety field subjectexperts, covering six subject projects, including wharf safety, project safety, AI safety monitoring project,interpretation and countermeasures of new safety law, CCM key control management project, and safetylearning measures for personnel to be promoted; 20 TtT on-site training for the region and businessdivision, 484 of the company's on-site safety managers and related management personnel participated inthe training; for overseas, Xizang and other special regions to carry out two online live training 97 people,comprehensively improve the professional quality and management ability of safety productionmanagement personnel at all levels of the company.

中部区域三季度TtT培训现场(同步线上直播视频培训)On site TtT training in the thirdquarter of the central region(synchronous online live videotraining)

为进一步强化项目施工现场合同方安全管理,组织开展各区域/事业部项目合同方安全管理培训共9场,相关项目负责人及合同方单位286名项目管理人员参加了安全培训。安全培训部门还根据公司当前项目一体化需求,优化设计了10个模块的项目安全管理培训课件,剪辑制作了31个有关现场施工安全培训视频及10套施工现场安全检查图文对照表,推广应用于项目安全培训;全面提升项目现场管理人员的安全能力,有效防控项目施工过程的安全风险,助力公司倍增发展。In order to further strengthen the safety management of the contractor at the project construction site, we organized and carried out9 safety management training sessions for the contract party in each region/division, and 286 project managers and relevant

project leaders participated in the safety training. According to thecompany's current project integration needs, the safety training departmenthas optimized and designed 10 modules of project safety managementtraining courseware, edited and produced 31 on-site construction safetytraining videos and 10 sets of construction site safety inspection graphicand text comparison tables, which are popularized and applied in projectsafety training, comprehensively improve the safety ability of project sitemanagement personnel, effectively prevent and control the safety risks inthe project construction process, and help the company to double itsdevelopment.

为进一步推进公司注安师项目,公司鼓励生产安全管理人员报考注册安全工程师,组织实施了注安师考前辅导线上培训班,各区域/事业部/工厂近50名安全生产管理人员参加了线上辅导培训。截至2021年底,全公司累计已持有国家注安师资格证人数89人,且报考与持证人数逐年增加,目前已基本覆盖公司国内运行的水泥矿山,满足了矿山运营的安全合规性。In order to further promote the company's certified safety engineer project, we encouraged productionsafety managers to apply for the examination of certified safety engineers, and organized and implementedan online training course for pre-exam training, nearly 50 safety production managers from all regions /business units / factories participated in the online guidance training. By the end of 2021, the company hasaccumulated 89 people hold the certified safety engineer's qualification certificate, and the number ofapplicants and holders has increased year by year, at present, it has basically covered the cement minesoperated by the company in the country, meeting the safety compliance of mine operation.

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健康与安全现场主题专家TtT培训Health and safety field subject matter expert TtT training

项目施工合同方安全管理培训Project construction contractor safety management training

注册安全工程师考试辅导培训Certified safety engineer examinationcoaching training

根据公司人力资源部的要求,为所有新入职员工开展入职安全教育培训。According to the requirements of the company'shuman resources department,we carried out inductionsafety education training for all new employees.

新入职员工安全教育培训Certified safety engineer examination coachingtraining

新入职员工安全教育培训现场Training site ofsafety educationfor new employees

分管副总裁熊光炜在项目施工合同方安全专题会上讲话Xiong Guangwei, vice president in charge, delivered aspeech at the safety symposium of the projectconstruction contractor

为进一步落实国家及公司相关健康安全管理制度,依据有关国家法律法规、政策及规章制度编制完成《员工健康安全行动手册》,并印制发放至公司所有员工。为全体员工遵守健康安全制度提供了指南,为全体员工健康安全教育培训夯实了基础。In order to further implement the relevant national andcompany health and safety management systems, theemployee Health and Safety Handbook is preparedaccording to relevant national laws, regulations, policiesand rules, printed and distributed to all employees of thecompany. It provides guidance for all employees to abideby the health and safety system and lays a solidfoundation for health and safety education training for allemployees.

员工健康安全行动手册Employee Health and Safety Handbook

为了帮助公司员工及合同方进一步理解“iSave”系列规定,在持续对“iSave”十条黄金/白银/青铜规定及视频学习、践行、应用的基础上,进一步设计制作完成“iSave”十条黄金/白银/青铜规定漫画图集285张,便于基层员工安全教育培训可视化。In order to help the company's employees and contractors further understand the "isave" series ofregulations, on the basis of continuous learning, practice and application of the "isave" ten gold / silver/bronze regulations and videos, 285 cartoon pictures of the "isave" ten gold / silver / bronze regulations werefurther designed and produced to facilitate the visualization of safety education and training for grass-rootsemployees.

2021年组织完成了含水泥、骨料、装备、环保、新材料、混凝土在内的31个工厂的健康安全审计。从公司层面组织生产运行、设备维修、人力资源、健康与安全等各层级管理人员147人 (其中生产维修和安全各占50%)参与安全审计,坚持以审代训原则,为被审计工厂400余名管理人员从各专业层面提供了相应安全知识分享和交流,双向、有效提升了审计人员与被审计人员的健康安全管理能力。通过审计,帮助工厂累计发现各类安全管理问题1769项,给出整改建议并监督执行,有效降低了生产过程中的安全风险。通过审计发现良好实践33项、正面发现237项,及时将其在公司内进行分享推广,促进了各单位之间安全管理学习交流和持续改进。In 2021, we organized and completed the health and safety audit of 31 factories including cement,aggregate, equipment, environmental protection, new building materials and concrete. At thecompany level, 147 managers at all levels of production operation, equipment maintenance,human resources, health and safety (of which production maintenance and safety account for50% respectively) were organized to participate in safety audit, adhering to the principle ofreplacing training with audit, more than 400 managers of the audited factory were provided withrelevant safety knowledge sharing and communication from various professional levels, it hastwo-way, effectively improved the health and safety management ability of auditors and auditees.Through the audit, the company helped the factory find 1769 safety management problems, gaverectification suggestions and supervised the implementation, effectively reducing the safety risksin the production process. Through the audit, 33 good practices and 237 positive findings werefound, which were shared and promoted in the company in time, and promoted the learning,communication and continuous improvement of safety management among all units.全年通过审计、审计回访等工作进行603人次的现场安全支持与辅导,现场支持过程中开展可视个人承诺VPC共156次。了解员工作业中的安全应知应会情况,对安全工作的行动达成一致,通过交流强化安全工

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编制与发布公司《员工健康安全行动手册》Compile and issue the company's Employee Healthand Safety Handbook

持续推行、优化实施“iSave”十条黄金/白银/青铜规定Continuously implement and optimize the implementationof the “isave” ten gold / silver / bronze regulations


Health and safety audit

赤壁公司安全审计现场Chibi company safety audit site

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作的重要性,鼓励持续沟通,强化良好的安全实践和行为,以员工安全的工作承诺和参与度,提高安全工作行为,以期达到减少事故和伤害的目标。Throughout the year, 603 person times of on-sitesafety support and guidance were conducted throughaudit, audit return visit and other work, in the process ofon-site support, visual personal commitment wascarried out for 156 times. To understand the safetymastery of employees in operation, reach anagreement on the actions of safety work, strengthenthe importance of safety work through communication,encourage continuous communication, strengthengood safety practice and behavior, and improve thesafety work behavior with employees' safe workcommitment and participation, so as to achieve the goalof reducing accidents and injuries.

现场审计观察交流On site audit observation and communication

积极响应全国爱卫办、国家卫生健康委、工业和信息化部、生态环境部、全国总工会、共青团中央、全国妇联联合印发《关于开展健康企业建设的通知》的号召,辅导公司8家工厂(鹤峰、房县、红河、丽江、水城、桑植、地维、参天)创建健康企业。以健康企业创建为平台,通过跨部门合作、启动会、培训交流、分析工厂员工的实际健康状态等方式,加强和工厂管理层、部门负责人及员工在健康方面的沟通,提升管理层对健康管理价值的认同度,引导员工树立“每个人是自己健康第一责任人”的观念。Actively responded to the call of the national patriotic health office, the National Health Commission, the Ministry of Industryand Information Technology, the Ministry of Ecological and Environment, the All China Federation of Trade Unions, theCentral Committee of the Communist Youth League and the All China Women's Federation to jointly issue the notice ondeveloping the construction of healthy enterprises, and assisted the company's 8 factories (Hefeng, Fangxian, Honghe,

峰公司“健康企业”创建启动会现场Hefeng company's "Healthy Enterprise"creation kick-off meeting

职业健康与工业卫生Occupational health and industrial hygiene


Continue to promote the establishment of "Healthy Enterprise"

Lijiang, Shuicheng, Sangzhi, Diwei and Cantian) toestablish healthy enterprises. Taking theestablishment of a healthy enterprise as the platform,strengthen the communication with the factorymanagement, department heads and employees interms of health through cross departmentalcooperation, kick-off meeting, training exchange andanalysis of the actual health status of factoryemployees, so as to improve the recognition of themanagement on the value of health management andguide employees to establish the concept of "everyoneis the first person responsible for their own health".

2021年,职业健康与工业卫生团队共计收集整理6357名员工的个人健康信息,并利用缺血性心血管病(ICVD)10年发病风险评估和糖尿病10年发病风险评估工具对员工发病风险进行评估,同时为评估出来的部分高风险人群进行一对一沟通,引导员工培养健康的生活方式。In 2021, occupation health and industrial hygiene team collected personal health information of 6357employees, and evaluated the risk of employees by using the 10 year risk assessment of ischemiccardiovascular disease (ICVD) and the 10 year risk assessment tool for diabetes,meanwhile, the groupconducted a one-to-one communication for some high-risk groups and led them to develop a healthylifestyle.

健康评估与健康沟通Health assessment and health communication

与员工开展“一对一”健康沟通"one-to-one" healthy communication withemployees

2021年工业卫生风险评估培训师生合影Group photo of industrial hygiene risk assessmenttraining in 2021

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In 2021, the company provided occupationalhealth and health knowledge training for a totalof 730 people from 24 units, and made relevantvideo materials according to infectious diseases(Ebola, malaria, dengue fever, AIDS, etc.) facedby overseas factories for staff training andlearning.

培训支持Training support

公司一如既往地关注员工健康、现场作业环境及合规性问题。截止目前,自有员工和合同方员工共计10098余人参加职业健康检查,另有新入职659人,离职260人,转岗165人,均按要求参加职业健康检查。截止2021年12月,全公司共配置血压计376台,自动体外除颤仪(AED)59台,自给式呼吸器(SCBA)157台。公司全年累计投入约6256万元,完成粉尘、噪声、人机工程及其他职业危害改善项目118个,其中新改自动化水泥插袋生产线10条,使在生产现场工作的3002名员工从中直接受益。The company always pays attention to employee health, on-site working environment and compliance issues. Up to now,more than 10098 self-owned employees and contractor's employees have participated in the occupational health examination,and 659 new employees, 260 resigned and 165 transferred, all of whom have participated in the occupational healthexamination as required. By December 2021, the company had 376 sphygmomanometers, 59 automatic external defibrillators(AED) and 157 Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). The company invested about 62.56 million yuan in the whole yearto complete 118 projects to improve dust, noise, ergonomics and other occupational hazards, including 10 new automaticcement bag inserting production lines, which directly benefited 3002 employees working on the production site.2021年有209人取得职业健康管理人员证书,提升了公司整体合规性,2257人取得急救员证书,3514人参加了自动体外除颤仪(AED)的使用培训,2084人参加了自给式呼吸器(SCBA)的培训,有效提高工厂人员对应急事件的处理能力。In 2021, 209 people obtained the certificate of occupational health management personnel, which improved the overallcompliance of the company, 2257 people obtained the certificate of first aider, 3514 people participated in the use training ofAED, and 2084 people participated in the training of SCBA, which effectively improved the ability of factory personnel to dealwith emergencies.

职业健康与工业卫生基础工作Basic work of occupational health and industrial hygiene

大力开展健康安全月活动Vigorously carry out Health and SafetyMonth activities

为深化健康安全责任意识,持续改进健康安全工作,助力公司倍增式发展开新局,结合公司当前生产经营实际,2021年6月在全公司范围内开展了以“落实安全责任,推动安全发展”为主题的“健康安全月”活动。并同步开展了“安全责任大家谈”和“健康安全风险管控”竞赛活动。员工学习踊跃,反响强烈,脱颖而出了大量优秀单位和作品。在公司OA内网开设的“大家谈”专栏,从收到的员工及合同方的1646件作品中,筛选、发布18期共108件作品;“健康安全风险管控”竞赛共收到106件作品,择优在企业微信“创享”平台分享了其中的46件作品。活动调动了全员自觉践行健康安全改进工作的积极性,健康安全责任意识持续提升,健康安全行为得到良性转变,进一步夯实了健康安全管理基础。In order to deepen the awareness of health and safety responsibility, continuously improve healthand safety work, and help the company multiplier development and open a new situation, combinedwith the company's current production and operation reality, a "Health and Safety Month" activity withthe theme of "implementing safety responsibility and promoting safety development" was carried outthroughout the company in June 2021. The competition activities of "safety responsibility talk" and"health and safety risk control" were carried out simultaneously. The staff are enthusiastic in learningand have a strong response, and a large number of outstanding units and works stand out. In the"safety responsibility talk " column opened on the company's OA intranet, 108 works in 18 issueswere screened and released from 1646 works received by employees and contractors; a total of 106works were received in the "health and safety risk control" competition, and 46 of them were sharedon the enterprise wechat "chuangxiang" platform. The activity mobilized the enthusiasm of all staff toconsciously practice the improvement of health and safety, continuously improved the awareness ofhealth and safety responsibility, made a benign change in health and safety behavior, and furtherconsolidated the foundation of health and safety management.

健康安全月启动会Health and Safety Month Kick-off Meeting

秭归公司一级安标评审现场Zigui Company review site

2021年,公司根据国家应急管理部新的安标评审定级管理办法,积极协调、推进一级安全标准化创建工作,持续强化企业安全主体责任的落实。通过全员参与,建立健全安全管理体系,全面管控安全生产工作,实现了安全管理系统化、岗位操作规范化、设备设施本质化、作业环境定置化,提高公司本质安全管理水平,有效降低了事故的发生,最终实现企业安全达标。In 2021, the company actively coordinated and promoted theestablishment of primary safety standardization according tothe new safety standard review and grading managementmeasures of the National Emergency ManagementDepartment, and continued to strengthen the implementation ofthe main responsibility of enterprise safety. Through fullparticipation, establish and improve the safety managementsystem, comprehensively control the safety production work,realize the systematization of safety management, the

2021企业社会责任报告CSR REPORT



开展“健康知识我知晓”学习答题及“健康达人”评选活动Carry out the learning of "I know healthknowledge" and the selection of "health talent"为鼓励公司员工广泛参与健康知识普及行动,引导员工养成健康的生活方式,科学精准做好常态化疫情防控,以切实提升员工的健康素养,降低慢性病和突发疾病发生率,结合公司实际,在全公司范围内组织开展“健康知识我知晓”学习答题及“健康达人”评选活动。截止2021年底,共计在公司学习平台上发布健康相关主题视频12个,累计55000余人次参与视频学习及答题。通过与公司总工会的齐心协作,经层层选拔,在众多“健康达人”参赛选手中评选出具有代表性的“健康达人”12名。并通过视频访谈等形式向全公司员工推送其健康的生活方式,营造“我要健康”的健康生活氛围。In order to encourage employees of the company to widely participate in health knowledgepopularization, guide them to develop a healthy lifestyle, scientifically and accurately do a good job innormalized epidemic prevention and control, so as to effectively improve employees' health literacyand reduce the incidence of chronic and sudden diseases, combined with the actual situation of thecompany, we organized and carried out " I know health knowledge " learning and "health talent"selection activities throughout the company. By the end of 2021, a total of 12 videos on health-related topics had been released on the company's learning platform, with a total of more than55,000 people participating in video learning and answering questions. Through the concertedcooperation with the general trade union of the company, through layers of selection, 12representative "health talents" were selected among the many "health talents" contestants. Andthrough video interviews and other forms to promote their healthy lifestyle to the employees of thewhole company, so as to create a healthy living atmosphere of "I want to be healthy".

在公司学习平台发布的12个健康主题视频12 health theme videosreleased on the company'slearning platform

开展一级安全生产标准化创建工作Carry out the establishment of primary safetyproduction standardization


进。项目旨在通过生产现场设置的摄像头对监控区域实施24小时监控,对指定违章行为进行辨识、抓拍,将违章照片推送给指定人员,并对违章行为进行事后追究。公司在阳新公司进行了AI安全监控系统的部署,已实现了安全帽佩戴、区域入侵、安全带系挂、高温隔热服穿戴以及救生衣穿戴5种违章行为的抓拍推送。后续将在有条件的工厂采取定制化方式推广实施,推进公司安全管理智能化。In 2021, the company piloted the "artificial intelligence safety monitoring and video monitoring" project, which was jointlypromoted by occupational health and safety system and digital innovation center. The project aims to implement 24-hourmonitoring of the monitoring area through the cameras set at the production site, identify and capture the specifiedviolations, push the violation photos to the designated personnel, and investigate the violations afterwards. The companyhas deployed AI safety monitoring system in Yangxin company, and has realized the capture and push of 5 illegalbehaviors, including helmet wearing, area intrusion, safety belt hanging, high-temperature thermal insulation clothing andlife jacket wearing. In the future, customized methods will be adopted in qualified factories to promote the implementationand promote the intellectualization of the company's safety management.


Promote intelligent safety management

standardization of post operation, theessentialization of equipment and fixed location ofworking environment, improve the company'sintrinsic safety management level, effectivelyreduce the occurrence of accidents, and finallyachieve the safety standard of the enterprise.

安全生产投入情况(万元)Safety investment (10 thousand RMB)

业绩指标Performance Indicators

4月25日,在湖北省第19个《职业病防治法》宣传周仪式上,省卫健委、省文明办、省经信厅、省人社厅、省应急管理厅、省总工会联合发布了首批湖北省“健康企业”名单,华新武穴公司、秭归公司两家单位榜上有名。On April 25, at the ceremony of the 19th publicity week of the Occupational DiseasePrevention Law in Hubei Province, the Provincial Health Commission, the Provincial CivilizationOffice, the Provincial Department of economy and information technology, the ProvincialDepartment of Human Resources and Social Security, the Provincial Emergency ManagementDepartment and the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions jointly released the list of the firstbatch of "Health Enterprises" in Hubei Province, which was listed by Wuxue company and Ziguicompany of Huaxin.“健康企业”建设活动由湖北省卫健委等多部门联合开展,旨在推动企业不断强化健康保护意识,完善各项制度措施,切实提高企业卫生健康工作质量和水平,是推进“健康湖北”建设的重要内容。自“健康企业”建设活动开展以来,武穴、秭归公司通过完善安全设施、改善作业环境、强化人员安全培训等多样化举措,持续提升企业健康管理水平和提高员工健康保护意识。The construction activity of "Healthy Enterprise" is jointly carried out by Hubei Provincial HealthCommission and other departments, it aims to promote enterprises to continuously strengthentheir awareness of health protection, improve various systems and measures, and effectivelyimprove the quality and level of enterprise health work, it is an important content to promote theconstruction of "Healthy Hubei". Since the "Healthy Enterprise" construction activities werecarried out, Wuxue and Zigui companies have continuously improved the level of enterprisehealth management and employees' awareness of health protection through diversifiedmeasures such as improving safety facilities, improving working environment andstrengthening personnel safety training.此次获评湖北省“健康企业”是对公司依法履行职业病防治等责任和义务、营造企业健康文化、履行企业社会责任、有效保护劳动者健康与福祉等工作的肯定。后期,公司将持续推进健康安全培训和审计,不断完善公司健康安全文化和制度,进一步提升员工职业健康及安全防范意识,实现企业建设与个人健康协调发展。

百万工时损失事故率Accident rate per million work hours




















2021企业社会责任报告CSR REPORT







实例Case Studies

武穴、秭归公司获湖北省首批“健康企业”称号Wuxue and Zigui companies won the title of the firstbatch of "Health Enterprises" in Hubei Province

9月27-28日,重庆召开应急管理工作现场会。会议将华新涪陵公司石灰石矿山作为全市非煤矿山安全生产的优秀典型,以实况直播方式展示了该公司一线岗位员工安全生产责任制落实情况,受到与会代表好评,有力提升了涪陵公司在重庆的美誉度和影响力。From September 27 to 28, Chongqing held an on-site meeting on emergencymanagement. The meeting took the limestone mine of Huaxin Fuling company as anexcellent model of safety production in non-coal mine mountains in the city, andshowed the implementation of the safety production responsibility system of front-lineemployees of the company in the form of live broadcast, which was highly praised bythe participants and effectively improved the reputation and influence of Fulingcompany in Chongqing.

The award of "Healthy Enterprise" in Hubei Province is an affirmation of the company'sperformance of responsibilities and obligations such as occupational diseaseprevention and control according to law, the creation of corporate health culture, theperformance of corporate social responsibility, and the effective protection of workers'health and well-being. In the later stage, the company will continue to promote healthand safety training and audit, constantly improve the company's health and safetyculture and system, further improve employees' awareness of occupational health andsafety prevention, and realize the coordinated development of enterprise constructionand personal health.

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奖牌"Health Enterprise" Medalof Hubei Province


Fuling mine participated in the on-site meeting of Chongqingemergency management

直播现场Live broadcast

涪陵公司相关负责人通过与会场嘉宾视频连线,对涪陵公司矿山生产进行直播和讲解。该公司在矿山工作中严格落实一线岗位员工安全生产责任制,以科学管理排除风险,确保了矿山工作的持续安全稳定。The relevant person in charge of Fuling company broadcast and explained the mine production ofFuling company through video connection with the guests. The company strictly implemented thesafety production responsibility system of front-line employees in the mine work, eliminated risksthrough scientific management, and ensured the continuous safety and stability of the mine work.涪陵公司相关负责人表示,涪陵公司是国家安全生产标准化一级企业,矿山被评为涪陵区非煤矿山安全生产先进集体。该公司高度重视一线岗位从业人员安全生产责任的落实,通过编制安全顺口溜、开展班前会讲风险、知识竞赛考职责、岗位巡检查操作、实战演练强应急等活动,持续提升员工的安全意识和技能。涪陵公司矿山还通过建立健全考核制度,运用AI技术和卫星定位技术建立强大的隐患排查治理系统,实现一线岗位安全生产责任的制度化、规划化、信息化、智能化,为矿山安全生产提供了强力支撑。The relevant person in charge of Fuling company said that Fuling company is a first-classenterprise of national safety production standardization, and the mine was rated as the advancedcollective of non-coal mine mountain safety production in Fuling District. The company attachesgreat importance to the implementation of the safety production responsibility of employees in front-line posts, and continuously improves the safety awareness and skills of employees through thepreparation of safety doggerels, pre-shift meeting on risks, knowledge competition ofresponsibilities, post patrol inspection of operation, Strengthen emergency handling capacitythrough actual combat drills. Fuling mine also established a strong hidden danger investigation andtreatment system by establishing and improving the assessment system and using AI technologyand satellite positioning technology, so as to realize the institutionalization, planning, informatizationand intelligence of safety production responsibility of front-line posts, which provided strong supportfor mine safety production.

培训与发展Training & Development

公司持续开展定制化管理培训项目,培训课程结合公司业务实际进行定制化制作。公司高管和资深职能总监担任公司级定制化管理课程的内部培训讲师,共计1585人次参加了“圆梦之旅”、Mini-MBA、中级管理、新提拔管理人员和水泥工业生产成本管理、基础管理培训项目,持续提升各级管理人员的领导力,其中“圆梦之旅”培训项目为公司首次开展,助力公司业绩倍增计划实现。对公司储备人才和总部新员工开展职业健康与安全、企业文化、管理制度、职业生涯规划、时间管理等专题培训。组织开展在线管理课程和在线英语培训,全年总计14652人完成在线管理课程的培训、299人次完成在线英语的培训。The company continued to carry out customized management training projects, and the training courses werecustomized in combination with the actual business of the company. Senior executives and senior functionaldirectors of the company served as internal training lecturers for company level customized managementcourses, with a total of 1585 people participating in the "dream journey", mini-MBA, intermediate management,newly promoted management personnel, production cost management and basic management training projectsof cement industry, so as to continuously improve the leadership of managers at all levels, among them, the"dream journey" training project was carried out for the first time to help realize the company's performancedoubling plan. Special training were carried out on occupational health and safety, corporate culture,management system, career planning, time management and other topics for the reserved talents of thecompany and new employees of the headquarters. Online management courses and online English trainingwere organized and carried out, a total of 14652 people completed online management courses and 299 peoplecompleted online English training throughout the year.

员工发展Staff Development

公司始终坚持以人为本,关心员工、聚焦员工,努力提升员工薪酬标准和福利待遇,不断提升员工的归属感和幸福感。同时,十分重视员工的培训与发展,通过线上、线下相结合的方式,针对不同层级、不同类型员工开展多样化、差异化培训,推动公司学习型组织的构建,不断提升公司核心竞争力,助力企业高质量发展。The company always put people first, cares about and focuses on our employees, strives toimprove their salary standards and welfare treatment, and constantly enhance their sense ofbelonging and happiness. At the same time, we attach great importance to the training anddevelopment of employees, through the combination of online and offline, we carry outdiversified and differentiated training for different levels and types of employees, promote theconstruction of the company's learning organization, continuously improve the company's corecompetitiveness and help the high-quality development of the enterprise.


2021企业社会责任报告CSR REPORT



管理培训Management Training

技术培训Technical Training

公司持续打造采购系统人才梯队培养项目,实施第二期菁英计划-高潜人才项目,邀请公司采购总监、各领域业务专家授课;组织开展采购系统首届应知应会知识竞赛,采购全员参加线上、线下培训40余场,每周组织在线考试(累计9期),近2100人次参与线上答题;围绕公司战略组织开展可替代燃料/原料(AFR)培训,为后续工作提供标准模板;组织开展“顾问式”采购培训,赴区域/业务运营部门开展专项培训;为促进一体化战略落地,持续组织开展一体化理念培训及非水泥产品知识培训,拓展采购人员视野,与公司的发展同轨并向。全年累计开展各类线上、线下培训80余场,超1000余人次参加了培训,为公司持续储备高素质采购人才。The company continued to build a talent echelon training project for the procurement system, implemented thesecond phase of the elite plan - high potential talent project, and invited the company's procurement directorand business experts in various fields to give lectures; organized and carried out the first knowledgecompetition of the procurement system, all procurement staff participated in more than 40 online and offlinetrainings, organized online examinations every week (9 sessions in total), and nearly 2100 people participatedin online answer; organized and carried out Alternate Fuels and Raw Materials (AFR) training around thecompany's strategy and provide standard templates for follow-up work; organized and carried out "consultant"procurement training, and carried out special training in regional/business operation departments; in order topromote the implementation of integration strategy, continued to organize and carry out integration concepttraining and non-cement product knowledge training, expanded the vision of purchasers, and kept pace withthe development of the company. In the whole year, more than 80 online and offline trainings were carried out,and more than 1000 people participated in the training, so as to continuously reserve high-quality procurementtalents for the company.

公司依据财务组织架构调整和变化,组织实施“财赋+培训计划”,更加注重培训针对性和实效性。一是组织“财商特训营”,从战略思维、管理会计实务和财务软技能三个方面培养出一批财商型财务骨干和后备人才;二是组织全体财务人员参加“财创在线课程”,提供精选100+财务专业课程,通过“必修+选修”课程形式提高整体财务管理水平和专业技能;三是组织中层财务管理人员参加“财智公开课”,学习前沿的理论知识,并与其他同行业务交流;四是组织高层财务管理人员标杆参访,学习和体验标杆企业的财务管理智慧和经验。According to the adjustment and change of financial organization structure, the companyorganized and implemented the "wealth+training plan", paying more attention to the pertinenceand effectiveness of training. One is to organize the "Financial intelligence Training Camp", fromthe strategic thinking, management accounting practice and financial soft skills of three aspectsto train a number of financial intelligence financial backbone and backup talents; Second,organize all financial staff to participate in "Caichuang Online course", selected 100+ financialprofessional courses, through the form of "compulsory + elective" courses to improve theoverall level of financial management and professional skills; Third, organize middle-levelfinancial managers to participate in the "Open class of Financial Wisdom" to learn cutting-edgetheoretical knowledge and communicate with other peers; Fourth, organize high-level financialmanagement personnel to visit benchmarking enterprises to learn and experience their financialmanagement wisdom and experience.

The company continued to carry out certification training for key posts such as process, quality andmaintenance, training for engineers of kiln and mill machinery, electrical, automation and vibration analysis, anda series of special training programs for initial/medium/senior maintenance workers, production tomaintenance, lubricators, alignment of coupling centerline, low-voltage frequency converters, so as to improvethe theoretical knowledge and practical operation skills of its own maintenance personnel, meet the needs ofthe company's production and operation. Organized and carried out mechanical equipment risk seminars andelectrical automation equipment reliability seminars, at the same time, cooperated with third parties to carry outtraining related to fester scale, fluorescence analysis and management system, so as to improve theprofessional level of technicians, reduce production costs and improve operation performance. Participated intechnical exchanges in the cement industry such as carbon neutralization, carbon peak, environmentalprotection and energy conservation, understood the latest trends of the industry, and provided support forHuaxin's technological innovation and continuous improvement. The annual training time reached 1470 classhours, a total of 210 days, and 1759 trainees.

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采购培训Procurement Training

财务培训Financial Training

2021年,在全公司范围内组织开展内训师的认证工作,共计337名内训师参加认证,231人入围资深培训师,其中87人获得提名参加首席认证。在全公司范围内持续开展内训师俱乐部,公司累计组建54家内训师俱乐部,全年共开展55期内训师俱乐部例会活动,参与人次达1548人。持续提升公司内训师的专业能力和授课技巧,打造专业的内训师团队。In 2021, the certification of internal trainers was organized throughout the company, a total of337 internal trainers participated in the certification, and 231 were shortlisted as senior trainers,of which 87 were nominated to participate in the chief certification. The company continued tocarry out internal trainer clubs throughout the company, and has established a total of 54internal trainer clubs, and carried out 55 regular meetings of internal trainer clubs throughoutthe year, with 1548 participants. Continuously improve the professional ability and teachingskills of the company's internal trainers, and build a professional internal trainer team.

内训师管理Internal trainer Management

福利与关怀Welfare and care

2021年,面对复杂严峻的外部环境和诸多挑战,公司仍对员工年度薪酬进行了回顾和调整,采用年度普调和特别调薪相组合的方式,主要向基层员工倾斜,提升员工幸福感和获得感。In 2021, in the face of complex and severe external environment and many challenges, the companystill reviewed and adjusted the annual salary of employees, and adopted the combination of annualgeneral salary and special salary adjustment to mainly favor grass-roots employees and improve theirsense of happiness and acquisition.

2021企业社会责任报告CSR REPORT



薪酬福利Salary and welfare

公司始终坚持以人为本,关爱员工,帮扶困难员工,丰富员工业余文化生活,提升员工归属感和幸福感。The company always put people first, cares for employees, helps employees with difficulties, enrichesemployees' amateur cultural life, and improves employees' sense of belonging and happiness.

员工关怀Employees care

公司工会持续开展“两节”困难帮扶活动,缓解了困难员工燃眉之急。2021年,共计帮扶困难员工357人次,帮扶金额达45万余元;争取上级组织帮扶资金,累计10余万元,救助特困员工3人,实现特困员工全部脱困出库;公司工会开展日常特困帮扶救助,救助困难员工2人,帮扶金额2万元;女职工安康基金救助女职工14人,救助金额3万元以上。本年度帮扶救助困难员工合计376人,救助金额60万余元。The labor union of the company continued to carry out the " two festivals " activities to help the

帮扶慰问Help and sympathy

employees in need. In 2021, a total of 357 employees in need were assisted, with the amount ofassistance reaching more than 450,000 yuan; strive for assistance funds from superior organizations,with a total of more than 100,000 yuan, rescue three employees in extreme poverty, and realize allemployees in extreme poverty to get out of poverty; the labor union of the company carried out dailyassistance and assistance to 2 employees in need, with the amount of 20,000 yuan; the health fund forfemale workers helped 14 female workers, with a relief amount of more than 30,000 yuan. In this year,376 employees in difficulty were assisted, and the amount of assistance was more than 600,000 yuan.

公司工会克服新冠疫情的影响,通过合理的调整休养时间、地点等措施,在确保员工安全健康的前提下,持续开展员工休养活动,组织公司员工在昆明和珠海休养中心休养,参加人数达520人。The labor union of the company overcame the influence of COVID-19, and through reasonable adjustment ofrecuperation time and location and so on, under the premise of ensuring the safety and health of employees, thecompany continued to carry out employee recuperation activities, and organized employees to recuperate inKunming and Zhuhai recuperation center. The number of participants was 520.

员工休养Staff recuperation

员工休养剪影Silhouette of staff recuperation

2021企业社会责任报告CSR REPORT



2021年,公司持续开展一线技术工人的技能培训和竞赛活动,相继组织东部、西部区域事业部开展了窑操、磨操、物理检验、化学分析、电工、钳工、焊工等多岗位技能培训和竞赛活动。以劳动竞赛为基础,加大推荐、申报各类先进力度,本年度共计有16人次分别荣获全国、省、市“五一劳动奖章”等多项荣誉。In 2021, the company continued to carry out skill training and competition activities for front-line technicalworkers, and successively organized the eastern and western regional business departments to carryout multi post skill training and competition activities such as kiln operation, grinding operation, physicalinspection, chemical analysis, electrician, fitter and welder. On the basis of labor competition, we haveincreased our efforts to recommend and declare all kinds of advanced work, a total of 16 people havewon the national, provincial and municipal "May 1st Labor Medal" and many other honors this year.

持续开展“乐问”知识分享平台分享活动,推动知识分享和十佳能手评比相结合,鼓励员工主动分享知识和经验,平台全年累计访问人次达182万、访问人数达8万,汇编分享优秀成果427个,取得了良好效果。The company continued to carry out the sharing activities of the "Le Wen" knowledge sharing platform,promoted the combination of knowledge sharing and the evaluation of the top ten experts, andencouraged employees to actively share knowledge and experience, the platform had a total of 1.82million visitors and 80,000 visitors, and compiled and shared 427 excellent results, which achieved goodresults.为庆祝中国共产党百年华诞,进一步弘扬传承红色精神,抒发爱国爱党爱企情怀,激励广大员工不忘初心、牢记使命,全力以赴开启逐梦公司2025倍增发展的新征程,公司工会于2021年4 -11月开展了“献礼百年 奋勇逐梦” MV视频征集活动,活动期间共征集到28个视频,其中23个视频在“华新之光”微信公众号上发布。通过视频充分展示公司重大发展成果及员工良好精神风貌,唱响全力逐梦2025倍增发展的主旋律,激励广大员工争做新时代追梦人。In order to celebrate the CPC's centenary, further carry forward and inherit the red spirit, express thefeelings of loving the CPC, patriotism and enterprise, encourage the employees stay true to ouraspiration and founding mission, and go all out to start a new journey of the company's 2025 doublingdevelopment, the company's labor union launched the MV collection activity of "dedicating the centenaryand bravely pursuing a dream" from April to November 2021, during which a total of 28 videos werecollected, 23 of the videos were released on the WeChat official account of Huaxin light. Through thevideo, we can fully display the company's major development achievements and the good spiritualoutlook of employees, sing the main melody of striving to pursue their dreams, and encourageemployees to strive to be dreamers in the new era.

竞赛和文体活动Competitions and sports activities

员工总人数Total number of employees

业绩指标Performance Indicators



华新员工性别比例The gender ratio of Huaxin employees

华新员工学历组成Employee education composition in Huaxin


大专及以下本科硕士及以上College and belowUndergraduateMaster and above






实例Case Studies

2021企业社会责任报告CSR REPORT



公司召开青年研发人才总裁座谈会The company held a CEO symposium of youngresearch& development talents2月25日,公司在武汉业务中心召开青年研发人才总裁座谈会,李叶青总裁在座谈中听取公司青年研发人才心声并给予青年人才发展指导意见。公司领导杨宏兵、胡贞武、罗焘、叶家兴、王加军、汤峻出席座谈。On February 25, the company held a CEO symposium on young R&D talents in Wuhan business center. PresidentLi Yeqing listened to the voice of young R&D talents of the company and gave guidance on the development ofyoung talents. Company leaders Yang Hongbing, Hu Zhenwu, Luo Tao, Ye Jiaxing, Wang Jiajun and Tang Junattended the discussion.座谈会由组织与人力资源部主办,主题为“增强创新力量,引领发展动力”,旨在收集研发骨干员工对公司2025倍增发展时期以及未来长期推动创新驱动发展、加快技术研发步伐的意见和建议。来自技术研究院、数创、水泥业务、环境工程及工程与装备的60多名科研类业绩表现突出员工、关键岗位青年员工及2020届储备人才代表参加活动。The symposium was hosted by HR department with the theme of "enhancing innovation power and leadingdevelopment momentum", which aims to collect the opinions and suggestions of key R&D employees on promotinginnovation driven development and accelerating the pace of technology R&D in the company's 2025 developmentperiod and in the long term in the future. More than 60 outstanding scientific research employees, youngemployees in key positions and representatives of 2020 reserved talents from Technology Research Institute,digital innovation, cement business, environmental engineering and engineering and equipment participated in theactivity.

李叶青总裁在座谈会上讲话CEO Li Yeqing made a speech at the symposium

李叶青总裁为青年研发人才代表答疑解惑CEO Li Yeqing answered questions foryoung R&D talent representatives

公司组织开展“圆梦之旅”定制化管理培训项目The company carried out the customized management trainingproject of "dream journey"为了让管理团队更深入理解公司一体化战略,明晰自身职责与使命,转变思维模式,更好地带领团队,助力公司业绩倍增计划,公司于4月29-30日开展了首期“圆梦之旅”培训,来自各区域的43名基地主任、工业园总经理、执总、总监等参加了本期培训。本期培训由公司总裁李叶青、公司副总裁袁德足和叶家兴、混凝土业务总监卢国兵、混凝土业务专家等担任授课老师。In order to make the management team better understand the company's integration strategy, clarifytheir responsibilities and missions, change their thinking mode, better lead the team and help thecompany's performance doubling plan, the company carried out the first training of "dream journey"from April 29 to 30, and 43 base directors, general managers, chief executives and directors ofindustrial parks from all regions participated in this training. Li Yeqing, President of the company, YuanDezu and Ye Jiaxing, vice president of the company, Lu guobing, director of concrete business, andexperts of concrete business served as instructors for this training.

公司高管在“圆梦之旅”培训课程上授课Senior executives of the company give lectures on the "dream journey" training course

为新形势下不断提升公司公共事务干部员工能力水平,进一步加强和规范商务接待、危机应对等工作,为公司倍增计划实施营造良好的内外环境,6月25日,公司行政事务在武汉华新大厦举办了为期一天的“接待管理及公共关系”培训。In order to continuously improve the ability level of thecompany's public affairs cadres and employees underthe new situation, further strengthen and standardizebusiness reception, crisis response and other work, andcreate a good internal and external environment for theimplementation of the company's doubling plan, thecompany's administrative affairs held a one-day trainingon "reception management and public relations" inWuhan Huaxin Building on June 25.

2021企业社会责任报告CSR REPORT



公司举办接待管理及公共关系培训班The company holds reception management and publicrelations training courses

刘凤山副总裁作企业公共关系实务辅导Vice president Liu Fengshan gives practicalguidance on corporate public relations

培训现场Training site

公司骨料及墙材事业部开展骨料专业技能培训The aggregate and wall material division of the companycarried out aggregate professional skills training

6月16-18日,骨料及墙材事业部组织的首期“骨料专业技能培训”在黄石培训学校开班,此次培训对象主要为骨料矿山、骨料生产管理及相关人员。在培训授课过程中,讲师和学员们通过实例分析、现场问答、经验分享等方式进行了互动和交流,现场氛围活跃。From June 16 to 18, the firstphase of "aggregateprofessional skill training"organized by the aggregateand wall materials divisionopened in Huangshi trainingschool. The training objectsare mainly aggregate mines,aggregate productionmanagement and relevantpersonnel. In the course oftraining and teaching, thelecturers and studentsinteracted and exchangedthrough case analysis, on-siteQ&A and experience sharing,and the on-site atmospherewas active.

柯友良副总裁在培训现场与学员沟通互动Vice President Ke Youliang communicated and interacted with the trainees

参训人员合影Group photo of participants

“送清凉”慰问活动 "Cooling" consolation activities

2021企业社会责任报告CSR REPORT



7月15日以来,华新工会到先后黄石新材料与智能装备制造科技园、环保工厂、武汉业务中心、共享中心、数创中心,技术研究院开展“送清凉”慰问活动,为员工们送去夏日的清爽和关怀。“送清凉”是公司工会多年来一直坚持开展的关爱员工活动,为鼓舞员工士气、营造良好的工作氛围起到了积极作用。Since July 15, the labor union of Huaxin has successively carried out "cooling" consolation activities inHuangshi new material and intelligent equipment manufacturing science and technology Park,environmental protection factory, Wuhan business center, sharing center, digital innovation center andtechnology research institute to send summer freshness and care to employees. "Cooling" is a caringactivity that the labor union of the company has been carrying out for many years, which has played apositive role in boosting employee morale and creating a good working atmosphere.


The labor union of Huaxin carried out "cooling" consolationactivities

节前,公司党委副书记、工会主席明进华在工会副主席、残福公司董事长杨小兵的陪同下,到残福公司进行调研,并看望了残疾员工。Before the festival, Ming Jinhua, deputy secretary ofthe Party committee and chairman of the trade unionof the company, accompanied by Yang Xiaobing,vice chairman of the trade union and chairman of thedisabled welfare company, went to the disabledwelfare company for investigation and visiteddisabled employees.明进华首先前往残福公司员工活动室,对活动室内完善的体育设施给予充分肯定,并强调残疾员工更需要劳逸结合;随后到生产现场进行实地查看,与残疾员工进行了沟通,对他们娴熟的制作工艺表示赞许。Ming Jinhua first went to the staff activity room ofdisabled welfare company, fully affirmed the perfect


Ming Jinhua, chairman of the labor union of the company, went todisabled welfare company for investigation and condolences

明进华查看生产现场Ming Jinhua inspected the production site

sports facilities in the activity room, and stressedthat disabled employees need to combine workand rest; later, he went to the production site forfield inspection, communicated with disabledemployees and praised their skilled productiontechnology.在听取了公司残联理事长、残福公司总经理刘国清的工作汇报后,明进华首先对残福公司取得的成绩给予了充分的肯定,并对他们表示慰问和感谢。随后提出应尽量安置公司子弟中有就业愿望、有劳动能力的残疾人就业,尽力改善他们的工作条件和福利待遇,把对残疾人的关爱工作做好做实。并强调安全生产与产品质量的重要性,树牢思想,坚定信心,确保残福公司能稳定发展。After listening to the work report of Liu Guoqing,chairman of the disabled federation and generalmanager of the disabled welfare company, MingJinhua first fully affirmed the achievements of thecompany, and expressed condolences andthanks to them. Subsequently, he proposed thatthe disabled with employment desire and abilityamong the company's children should be resettledas far as possible, their working conditions andwelfare benefits should be improved as much aspossible, and the care for the disabled should bedone well. He also emphasized the importance ofsafe production and product quality, established afirm thought and firm confidence to ensure thestable development of disabled welfare company.

产品与服务Products and Services

公司严格按照国家质量管理规程及相关法律法规的要求,建立了一整套完善的质量管理体系,包括进厂原燃材料质量的管理、生产过程质量管控、出厂产品质量控制管理、售后服务资料管理、化验室标准化管理等。严格按照质量管理体系文件的要求,从原燃材料进厂到水泥出厂,由生产基地质量部24小时对每个生产环节实施质量管控,工厂均通过了ISO9000质量体系认证和化验室认证。2021年公司有40家分子公司在“砼灿杯”全国第十八次水泥品质指标检验大对比中均获得优良或以上的成果。通过精细化质量管理,公司产品质量较好地满足了客户需要,所有产品均按产品质量认证要求通过国家权威机构认证,2021年本公司未发生重大质量事故。In strict accordance with the requirements of national quality management regulations and relevantlaws and regulations, the company has established a complete set of perfect quality managementsystem, including the quality management of incoming raw and fuel materials, the quality control ofproduction process, the quality control management of ex-factory products, the management ofafter-sales service data, the standardization management of chemical laboratory, etc. In strictaccordance with the requirements of the quality management system documents, the qualitydepartment of the production base implements quality control for each production link 24 hours fromthe entry of raw and fuel materials to the delivery of cement, the factories have passed ISO9000quality system certification and laboratory certification. In 2021, 40 subsidiaries of the companyachieved excellent or above results in the 18th National cement quality index inspection comparisonof "Tongcan Cup". Through refined quality management, the company's products met the needs ofcustomers well, all products have passed the certification of national authorities according to therequirements of product quality certification, there was no major quality accident in 2021.

公司制订了一系列质量管理制度,包括质量管理规程实施细则、原材料合规性管理规定、市场产品抽检管理制度、质量事故管理制度等。公司还建立了质量KPI考核制度,对工厂质量KPI进行严密管控。The company has formulated a series of quality management assessment system, including theimplementation rules of quality management regulations, raw material compliance managementregulations, market product sampling management system, quality accident management system,etc. The company has also established quality KPI assessment system to strictly control the plant'squality KPIs.

服务社会Serving the Society

2021企业社会责任报告CSR REPORT



公司在各项工作取得新突破,实现了高质量、高速度、高效益发展的同时,不忘回报社会,一方面为用户提供满意的产品和服务,聚焦客户需求和体验,一方面积极践行企业社会责任,实现企业的社会价值。While making new breakthroughs in various work and realizing high-quality, high-speedand high-efficiency development, the company does not forget to repay the society, onthe one hand, it provides users with satisfactory products and services, focuses oncustomer needs and experience, and on the other hand, it actively practices corporatesocial responsibility and realizes the social value of the enterprise.

为用户提供满意的产品和服务Provide users with satisfactory products and services

公司建立了强大的信息化管理系统服务于质量管理,将互联网+技术较好地应用到了水泥生产的全过程质量管理,生产及质量人员可以迅速而准确地获取质量信息,精准实施质量控制管理。公司大力推广使用PGNNA在线分析仪等高新技术用于生产质量控制,利于提高产品稳定性。2021年产品质检信息全面上线,方便客户随时随地查看产品质检信息,提高客户满意度。The company has established a powerful information management system to serve qualitymanagement, and has applied Internet plus technology to the whole process of cement productionquality management, production and quality personnel can obtain quality information quickly andaccurately, and implement quality control management accurately. The company vigorouslypromotes the use of new high technologies such as PGNNA online analyzer for production qualitycontrol, which is conducive to improving product stability. In 2021, the product quality inspectioninformation has been fully launched to facilitate customers to view the product quality inspectioninformation anytime and anywhere and improve customer satisfaction.本公司产品被广泛应用于多个国家重点工程,如沿江高铁、渝黔高铁、张南高速、渝湘高速、西十高铁等;为支持“一带一路”倡议,华新水泥完成了“中老铁路”的全面供货,在该工程建设中保质、保量、服务周到,被建设单位评为优秀供货厂家。Our products were widely used in many national key projects, such as Shanghai-Chongqing-Chengdu High-speed Railway, Chongqing-Qianjiang High-speed Railway, Zhangjiajie-NanchongExpressway, Chongqing-Changsha Expressway, Xi'an-Shiyan High-speed Railway, etc; in order tosupport the "Belt and Road" initiative, Huaxin Cement has completed the comprehensive supply of "China-Laos Railway", in the construction of the project, Huaxin Cement has been rated as anexcellent supplier by the construction unit with good quality, quantity and service.

公司持续发扬营销创新传统,结合公司组织架构变化,有序组织实施53个营销创新项目,鼓励商业模式原创创新和应用推广,持续打造营销核心竞争力。公司总部组织做好一体化项目的实施、总结和推广,帮助客户进行业务拓宽和升级,获取更多收益。海外乌兹别克斯坦吉扎克工厂营销团队积极践行“一带一路”理念,通过实施核心门店满意度提升项目,将国内较成熟的客户服务体系成功复制到海外,一方面积极改善工厂发运流程,为客户提供更加便捷、高效的提货服务,一方面帮助客户做好经营场所规范化标准化建设和门店形象提升,帮助经销商建立下游客服标准化服务体系,提高终端客户购买和使用体验,并通过对客户进行亲情维稳、年度表彰等,提升客户凝聚力和幸福感。The company continued to carry forward the tradition of marketing innovation, combined with the changesof the company's organizational structure, orderly organized and implemented 53 marketing innovationprojects, encouraged the original innovation and application promotion of business model, and continued tobuild the core competitiveness of marketing. The headquarters of the company organized theimplementation, summary and promotion of integration projects to help customers expand and upgradetheir business and obtain more benefits. The marketing team of the overseas Uzbek Jizak factory activelypracticed the concept of "Belt and Road", successfully copied the mature customer service system in Chinato overseas by implementing the satisfaction improvement project of core stores, On the one hand, itactively improved the factory shipping process to provide customers with more convenient and efficientdelivery service, on the other hand, it helped customers to do a good job in the standardized construction ofbusiness sites and the improvement of store image, helped dealers to establish a standardized servicesystem for downstream customer service, so as to improve the purchase and use experience of endcustomers, and enhanced customer cohesion and happiness through family maintenance and annualcommendation for customers.公司积极拓展数字化领域,率先在行业内建成数字化管控中心,营销数字化水平居于行业领先地位。通过实施客户订单及提货单电子化、客户付款线上化、客户合同电子化、客户对账电子化等措施,极大简化了客户操作流程,提高了客户与公司业务对接效率,同时增加了客户自助功能,提升了客户体验。2021年,客户提货单电子化率达100%,客户订单电子化率达98%,客户满意度持续提升。The company actively expanded the digital field, took the lead in building a digital control center in theindustry, and the digital level of marketing is in the leading position in the industry. Through theimplementation of electronic customer orders and bills of lading, online customer payment, electroniccustomer contracts, electronic customer reconciliation and other measures, it greatly simplified thecustomer operation process, improved the efficiency of business connection between customers and thecompany, increased the customer self-service function and improves the customer experience. In 2021,

2021企业社会责任报告CSR REPORT



通过营销创新平台挖掘创新潜力,将营销创新能力转化为提升客户服务水平和提升公司品牌价值的核心动力Tap the innovation potential through the marketing innovation platform,transform the marketing innovation ability into the core driving force toimprove the customer service level and enhance the company's brandvalue

“中老铁路”优秀供货厂家Excellent supplier of China-Laos Railway

白鹤滩水电站优秀供应商Excellent supplier of BaihetanHydropower Station


Social welfare

2021年是我国站在全面建成小康社会新起点,开启建设社会主义现代化强国新征程的第一年。为实现中华民族伟大复兴,激励广大员工唱响坚持和发展中国特色社会主义新时代主旋律,提升公司新时期社会责任履行新高度,续写公司可持续发展新担当,2021年公司开展了“新起点·新征程·新担当”为主题的志愿者活动。活动内容包括:联动服务、关爱行动、便民服务、节日专题、公益宣传、知识传递等专题活动,实施包括抗击疫情、抢险救灾、帮困救残、爱心捐助、知识传递、教育辅导、技能传授、环境治理、节日访谈、文化建设等内容的志愿服务。2021 is the first year for China to stand at a new starting point of building a moderately prosperous society in allrespects and embark on a new journey to build a strong socialist country. In order to achieve the greatrejuvenation of the Chinese nation, encourage employees to sing the theme of adhering to and developingsocialism with Chinese characteristics in a new era, improve the performance of the company's socialresponsibility in the new era, and continue to write the company's new responsibility for sustainable development,the company launched a volunteer activity with the theme of "new starting point, new journey and newresponsibility" in 2021. The activities included: linkage service, caring action, convenience service, festival specialtopics, public welfare publicity, knowledge transfer and other special activities, and implement voluntary servicesincluding fighting the epidemic, rescue and disaster relief, helping the poor and the disabled, love donation,knowledge transfer, education and counseling, skill teaching, environmental governance, festival interview, culturalconstruction and so on.

2021企业社会责任报告CSR REPORT



the electronic rate of customer bills of lading reached 100%, the electronic rate of customer ordersreached 98%, and customer satisfaction continued to improve.在做好水泥、混凝土等主要产品销售及客户价值创造工作的同时,公司还注重骨料、机制砖、加气块、石灰、陶粒、砂浆等其他非水泥产品营销模式探索和业务管理建设工作,通过差异化、多产品组合营销模式实践,积累市场经验,提升内部管理水平和客户服务质量,以华新与客户共赢的开放理念,积极向公司五年倍增计划目标迈进。While doing a good job in the sales of major products such as cement and concrete and customervalue creation, the company also paid attention to the exploration of marketing modes and businessmanagement construction of other non-cement products such as aggregates, machine-made bricks,aerated blocks, lime, ceramsite and mortar, and accumulated market experience through the practiceof differentiated and multi product combination marketing modes, improve the internal managementlevel and customer service quality, and actively move forward to the goal of the company's five-yeardoubling plan with the open concept of win-win between Huaxin and customers.

志愿者活动Volunteer activities

单位:万元Unit: 10 thousand RMB


捐款金额人民币Cash Donation(RMB)

社区公益Community publicwelfare

扶贫帮困Help and support

the poor






捐资助学Make donationsfor schools




2021年社会公益活动捐赠情况 Donations at Social Welfare Activities in 2021


捐款金额人民币Cash Donation(RMB)

美丽乡村建设Beautiful Countrysideconstruction

防疫赈灾Epidemic preventionand disaster relief

组织个人捐赠Organize individualdonations

2021年公司各单位志愿者活动参与人次合计23044人次,开展各类活动1986项次,总活动时间120212小时,各类爱心服务活动支出(包括单位、个人捐赠等)折合人民币1802.67万元。In 2021, the total number of participants in volunteer activities of all units of the company was 23,044, and 1,986various activities were carried out, with a total activity time of 120,212 hours, the expenditure of various caringservice activities (including unit and individual donations) was equivalent to 18.0267 million yuan.


Case Studies

2021企业社会责任报告CSR REPORT



华新人星夜赶路,跨越千里驰援河南。7月23日上午10点48分,华新水泥捐赠的20万只包装袋,送达郑州市惠济区红十字会,将用于该市抗洪防汛。Huaxin people travelled overnight and crossed thousands of miles to rush to Henan.. At 10:48a.m. onJuly 23, 200,000 packaging bags donated by Huaxin Cement were delivered to the Red Cross Societyof Huiji District, Zhengzhou City for flood fighting and prevention.河南多地近日出现罕见持续强降水,郑州全市普降大暴雨、特大暴雨,郑州市多处工程出现险情,市区出现严重内涝。防汛物资告急,尤其是编织袋紧缺已成燃眉之急。Several places in Henan province have seen rare and sustained heavy rainfall recently, there has beena general rainstorm and torrential rain in Zhengzhou, many projects in Zhengzhou have been in danger,and serious waterlogging has occurred in the urban area. Flood control supplies are in short supply,especially woven bags have become urgent.河南灾情牵动人心。7月21日深夜,华新总裁李叶青指示华新信阳公司和包装公司沟通捐赠细节,紧急调拨水泥包装袋,北上支援郑州防汛。The disaster in Henan has affected people's hearts. Late at night on July 21, Li Yeqing, President ofHuaxin, instructed Xinyang company and the Packaging company to communicate the donation details,urgently allocate cement packaging bags and go north to support flood control in Zhengzhou.位于湖北黄石的华新包装公司连夜组织精选优质包装袋,紧急增派人员打包,另一方面调派运货车辆,加派人手装货上车。为了尽快发货帮助灾区,大家手不停歇,层层包扎,迅速装好20万只编织袋,7月22日18点8分出发赶赴郑州。为确保物资安全送达,包装公司和信阳公司专人跟车。经过14个小时的星夜奔赴,23日8点10分抵达郑州地界。运输人员顾不上吃饭,立即联系河南慈善总会,于10点48分跟当地防汛指挥部志愿者们一起把包装袋卸到指定位置。郑州市惠济区城市管理局市政管理主任崔建松动情地说:“感谢华新的心意,感谢你们的深情厚谊!”Huaxin Packaging Company, located in Huangshi, Hubei Province, organized the selection of high-quality packaging bags overnight and urgently dispatched more personnel to pack, on the other hand, itdispatched freight vehicles and sent more people to load the goods on the train. In order to deliver thegoods as soon as possible to help the disaster areas, we kept our hands on, wrapped them up layer bylayer, quickly packed 200,000 woven bags, and left for Zhengzhou at 18:08 on July 22. In order toensure the safe delivery of materials, the packaging company and Xinyang company assign special

千里星夜驰援,华新20万只包装袋抵达郑州Thousands of miles and starry nights rushed to the rescue,Huaxin 200,000 packaging bags arrived in Zhengzhou

personnel to follow the car. After 14 hours of starry night, we arrived in Zhengzhou at 8:10 on the 23rd.The transportation personnel, neglecting to eat, immediately contacted the Henan Charity Federationand unloaded the bags to the designated position with the volunteers of the local flood controlheadquarters at 10:48. Cui Jiansong, director of Municipal Administration of Huiji District UrbanAdministration Bureau of Zhengzhou, said emotionally: "thank Huaxin for your kindness and your deepfriendship!"华新捐赠的包装袋是2020年新建投产的年产十亿只热封袋生产线的产品,结实耐用,不仅可用于灌装水泥,也可广泛用于砂石等包装。The bags donated by Huaxin are the products of the new production line of heat-sealed bags with anannual output of 1 billion, which was put into operation in 2020, they are strong and durable, and can beused not only for filling cement, but also for packaging sand.

满载包装袋的捐赠车辆从黄石出发赶赴郑州The donated vehiclesloaded with bags setout from Huangshi toZhengzhou

将包装袋运往指定地点卸货Transported thepacking bags to thedesignated place forunloading

4月26日上午,中伙铺镇中学操场上举行了简短的图书捐赠仪式,华新赤壁公司的志愿者给该校师生送来了300本党史书籍,助力学校更好地开展党史学习教育,让书香伴孩子成长,让爱心接力棒棒相传,让红色基因代代传承。On the morning of April 26, a brief book donation ceremony was held on the playground of Zhonghuoputown middle school, volunteers from Huaxin Chibi company sent 300 party history books to teachers andstudents of the school to help the school better carry out party history learning and education, let thefragrance of books accompany children's growth, let the love baton pass on from generation to generation,and let the red gene pass on from generation to generation.在中伙铺镇党史学习教育政企沟通过程中,华新党员志愿者了解到,中伙铺镇中学师生对党史学习很有热情,但是缺乏一些适应中小学生阅读的优秀党史读物。该公司党委对此非常重视,将其作为“我为群众办实事”活动一项重要内容,表示愿意助力校园更好开展党史学习教育。镇党委、政府工作人员主动在企业和学校间搭建了沟通桥梁,确定由华新出资购买一批党史书籍,捐赠给学校。志愿者们经过数天的仔细遴选,优中选优,终于选中并订购了30多类共300本契合中小学生各年龄层认知特点的优秀党史书籍。In the process of communicating about learning and educating party history between government andenterprises in Zhonghuopu town, Huaxin volunteers learned that teachers and students of Zhonghuoputown middle school are very enthusiastic about party history learning, but they lack some excellent partyhistory books suitable for primary and secondary school students. The Party committee of the companyattached great importance to this, took it as an important part of the "I do practical work for the masses"activity, and expressed its willingness to help the campus better carry out the study and education of partyhistory. The staff of the town Party committee and government took the initiative to build a communicationbridge between the enterprise and the school, and decided to purchase a batch of party history booksfunded by Huaxin and donate them to the school. After several days of careful selection, the volunteersfinally selected and ordered more than 30 categories of 300 excellent party history books that fit thecognitive characteristics of primary and secondary school students at all ages.“党的历史是最生动、最有说服力的教科书。”捐赠仪式上,华新赤壁工业园党委副书记表示,希望通过这批书籍,对青少年进行党史、国史教育,引导青少年从小学党史、知党情、感党恩、听党话、跟党走,扎实学好本领,做新时代合格的接班人。"The history of the Party is the most vivid and persuasive textbook." At the donation ceremony, the DeputySecretary of the Party committee of Huaxin Chibi Industrial Park expressed the hope that through thesebooks, the party history and national history education will be carried out for young people, so as to guidethem to learn well from the party history of primary school, know the party's situation, feel the party'skindness, listen to the party's words and follow the party, so as to be a qualified successor in the new era.

2021企业社会责任报告CSR REPORT



道县公司捐赠900吨水泥助力道县红色景区建设Daoxian company donated 900 tons of cement to helpthe construction of Daoxian red scenic spot

为支持道县寿雁镇豪福村创建湘江战役豪福指挥部3A景区建设工作,助力道县发展红色旅游,构建良好的工农周边关系,4月23日,道县公司向豪福村捐赠水泥900吨,总价值35万元。In order to support Haofu village, Shouyan Town,Daoxian County in the construction of 3A scenicspot of Xiangjiang campaign Haofu headquarters,help Daoxian county develop red tourism and builda good relationship between workers and farmers,Daoxian company donated 900 tons of cement toHaofu village on April 23, with a total value of350,000 yuan.据悉,道县红色资源厚重、革命历史详实,是湖南省文化重点县,也是永州市唯一入选国家“重走长征路”红色旅游精品线路的县区,此刻,豪福村正处于创建战役红色旅游建设的关键时刻。在得知豪福村硬化乡村道路还差900吨水泥,道县公司管理团队决定予以支援。It is reported that Daoxian County has rich red resources and detailed revolutionary history, it is a key cultural county inHunan Province and the only county in Yongzhou City selected for the national "new Long March" red tourism boutiqueline, at that moment, Haofu village was at a critical moment in the construction of red tourism. After learning that thehardened rural roads in Haofu village still need 900 tons of cement, the management team of Daoxian companydecided to give support.捐赠仪式上,华新道县生产副总将捐赠牌送至豪福村村支书手中,并表示,华新水泥衷心希望打造“以企带村、以村促企、村企互动”的新机制,形成村企“组织共建、资源共享、经济共荣、发展共进”的发展合力。At the donation ceremony, the deputy general manager of production of Huaxin Dao County sent the donation card tothe village Party Secretary of Haofu village, and said that Huaxin Cement sincerely hopes to create a new mechanismof "leading the village with enterprises, promoting enterprises with villages and interaction between villages andenterprises", so as to form a joint development force of "co construction organization, resource sharing, economic coprosperity and development together".

华新道县公司在发展的同时,牢记回馈社会、投身公益的责任,一直积极致力于各项公益事业中,参与各类助学、救灾、济困等公益活动。截止目前,累计捐款捐物达数百万元。While developing, Huaxin Daoxian company keeps in mind the responsibility of giving back to the society andparticipating in public welfare, it has been actively committed to various public welfare undertakings and participated invarious public welfare activities such as student aid, disaster relief and poverty relief. So far, millions of yuan have beendonated.

捐赠仪式Donation ceremony

政企联动传承红色基因 赤壁公司捐赠一批党史书籍

Government enterprise linkage inheritance of red gene,Chibi company donated a batch of party history books

2021企业社会责任报告CSR REPORT



“这次捐赠是华新开展党史学习教育、履行企业社会责任的生动实践,带来的不仅仅是书籍,更是红色传承的接力棒、爱心的接力棒。”中伙铺镇副镇长王建说。"This donation is a vivid practice of Huaxin incarrying out the study and education of partyhistory and fulfilling corporate socialresponsibility. It brings not only books, but alsothe baton of red inheritance and love." WangJian, deputy mayor of Zhonghuopu Town, said.

华新资助困难大学生圆梦获上级团组织肯定Huaxin funded college students with difficulties to realize theirdreams and was affirmed by the superior league organization

捐赠现场Donation site

2021年,华新积极参与“湖北希望工程资助困难大学生圆梦行动”,帮助黄石市贫困学子上大学受到上级团组织的肯定。9月9日,共青团黄石市委书记徐可专程到公司颁发了致谢牌,公司党委副书记明进华出席了授牌仪式。In 2021, Huaxin actively participated in the "Hubei HopeProject to subsidize poor college students torealize theirdreams" and helped poor students in Huangshi City go tocollege, which was affirmed by the superior leagueorganization. On September 9, Xu Ke, secretary of HuangshiMunicipal Party Committee of the Communist Youth League,made a special trip to the company to issue a thank-you card.Ming Jinhua, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of thecompany, attended the awarding ceremony.


"2021 Hubei Hope Project subsidizing students with financial difficulties to realize their dreams" is jointlycarried out by the Hubei provincial Party Committee of the Communist Youth League, the Provincial HopeProject Office and the Provincial Youth Foundation, the main objects of funding are students from familieswith financial difficulties in Hubei Province who were admitted to full-time ordinary colleges and universitiesin 2021. The company recently donated 100,000 yuan to help poor students in Huangshi realize theircollege dream.徐可代表共青团黄石市委感谢华新捐资助学。他肯定了华新用实际行动彰显了百年企业的大局意识、担当精神、家国情怀,为黄石企业树立了榜样。明进华在仪式上表示,华新根在黄石、心系黄石,华新在促进黄石经济发展的同时,始终积极履行社会责任,为地方发展贡献力量。On behalf of the Huangshi Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League, Xu Ke thanked Huaxinfor donating money to study. He affirmed that Huaxin has demonstrated the overall situationconsciousness, responsibility spirit and national feelings of the century old enterprise with practicalactions, and set an example for Huangshi enterprise. Ming Jinhua said at the ceremony that Huaxin rootsin Huangshi and cares about Huangshi, while promoting the economic development of Huangshi, Huaxinhas always actively fulfilled its social responsibilities and contributed to local development.


Thank you card

重阳敬老 情暖深秋——秭归公司看望慰问孤寡老人On the Double Ninth Festival, Zigui company visited thewidowed and orphaned elderly

10月12日,华新湖北秭归公司志愿者一行10余人走进大山深处,开展“九九重阳节情暖老人心”主题活动,为老人们送上祝福和关爱,提前陪他们度过了一个温馨而又祥和的重阳佳节。On October 12, more than 10 volunteersfrom Huaxin Zigui company went into thedepths of the mountains to carry out thetheme activity of "warming the hearts of theelderly on the Double Ninth Festival", sendblessings and love to the elderly, andaccompany them to spend a warm andpeaceful Double Ninth Festival in advance.当天中午,志愿者们带着慰问物资,驱车两小时来到一个偏远山村的养老院内,将

重阳节敬老活动Double Ninth Festival respect for the elderly

2021企业社会责任报告CSR REPORT



棉衣棉被一一送到老人们的手中,并同老人们亲切交谈,细心嘱咐他们天气逐渐转凉,要注意保暖。活动中,志愿者们还主动为老人们捶背按摩、整理房间。At noon of the same day, the volunteers drove for two hours to a nursing home in a remote mountainvillage with consolation materials, sent cotton clothes and quilts to the elderly one by one, had acordial conversation with them, and told them that the weather gradually turned cool and they shouldpay attention to keeping warm. During the activity, volunteers also took the initiative to beat theirbacks, massage and tidy up the room for the elderly.一声温馨的话语,一个质朴的笑容,一次看似平常的探望,都能使大山深处的孤寡老人感受到社会的温暖。

A warm word, a simple smile, a seemingly ordinary visit, can make the lonely old people in the depthsof the mountains feel the warmth of society.

丽江公司协助地方无害化销毁易制毒物品30余吨Lijiang company assisted the local government in the harmlessdestruction of more than 30 tons of precursor substances

10月28日,华新丽江公司协助华坪县人民法院销毁易制毒物品大麻籽30余吨,积极承担社会责任,为华坪县禁毒工作的开展发挥积极作用。On October 28, Huaxin Lijiangcompany assisted the people's Court ofHuaping County in destroying morethan 30 tons of marijuana seeds, aprecursor of drugs, actively assumedsocial responsibility and played apositive role in the development of drugcontrol in Huaping County.

当天上午10时,在华坪县人民法院、人民检察院、公安局一行的押运下,满载一车约30余吨大麻籽的货车驶达丽江公司。销毁现场,从大麻籽下车到运输、焚烧等各环节,丽江公司均安排专人负责,确保活动绝对安全。随着现场被拉上警戒线,各项工作有序开展。经轮班作业,截至29日凌晨1点,30余吨大麻籽被全部销毁完毕。整个销毁过程持续约15个小时,华坪县人民法院、人民检察院、公安局进行了全程监督。At 10 a.m. that day, under the escort of Huaping County People's court, people'sProcuratorate and Public Security Bureau, a truck loaded with about 30 tons ofmarijuana seeds arrived at Lijiang company. Lijiang company has assignedspecial personnel to take charge of the destruction site, from getting off themarijuana seeds to transportation and incineration, so as to ensure the absolutesafety of the activities. As the scene was cordoned off, all work was carried out inan orderly manner. After shift operation, as of 1 a.m. on the 29th, more than 30tons of marijuana seeds had been completely destroyed. The whole destructionprocess lasted about 15 hours, and the people's court, people's Procuratorateand Public Security Bureau of Huaping County supervised the whole process.丽江公司凭借自身安标企业特色,利用水泥窑协同处置技术,协助地方政府无害化销毁制毒物品,以实际行动践行企业社会责任担当。Relying on its own safety standard enterprise characteristics, Lijiang companyuses the technology of co-processing wastes in cement kilns to assist the localgovernment in the harmless destruction of drug products, and practice theresponsibility of corporate social responsibility with practical actions.近年来,华新水泥多家分子公司利用水泥窑协同技术助力多地政府无害化、资源化处理生活垃圾、固体废弃物等,获得社会各界的普遍认可。In recent years, many subsidiary companies of Huaxin Cement have used thetechnology of co-processing wastes in cement kilns to help governments inmany places deal with domestic waste and solid waste in a harmless andresource-based manner, which has been widely recognized by all sectors ofsociety.

押运大麻籽的车辆抵达丽江公司The vehicle escorting marijuana seeds arrived at Lijiang company

2021企业社会责任报告CSR REPORT



公司骨料及墙材事业部党员慰问帮扶村Party members of Huaxin aggregate and wall materialdivision visited the Counterpart Assistance Village12月23日上午,公司党委常委、副总裁柯友良率骨料及墙材事业部党员到华新驻点帮扶村茗山乡彭晚村,与村党支部联合开展“学习贯彻党代会、实干担当谱新篇”主题党日活动。并且慰问了村里困难党员,还帮助农户购销了农产品、参加了村里开展的志愿者活动。On the morning of December 23, Ke Youliang, the standing Member of the Party Committee andvice President of the Company, led party members of the aggregate and wall materials businessdepartment to pengwan village, Mingshan Township, and jointly carried out the theme party dayactivity of "learn and implement the Party Congress, work and take on the new chapter " with thevillage Party branch. He also expressed sympathy to the party members in difficulty in the village,helped farmers buy and


Expressed sympathy to Party members in difficulty

助农购销农产品Helped farmers purchase and sell agricultural products


The company's labor union helped boostrural revitalization12月3日,公司工会副主席杨小兵与黄石市总工会党组成员、副主席左高峰一行来到黄石市阳新县王英镇倪家村,向该村捐赠水泥150吨,帮助改善农村公共基础设施建设。On December 3rd, Yang Xiaobing, vice chairman of the company's trade union, together with ZuoGaofeng, member of the Party group and vice chairman of Huangshi Federation of Trade Unions,visited Nijia Village, Wangying Town, Yangxin County, Huangshi city and donated 150 tons ofcement to the village to help improve the construction of rural public infrastructure.倪家村村民委员会向华新专门发来感谢信,信中写道,巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果同乡村振兴有效衔接是该村目前的主要工作重点,对华新为该村乡村振兴实施中的雪中送炭表示衷心感谢。The villagers' committee of Nijia village sent a special letter of thanks to Huaxin, which wrote thatconsolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation and effectively connectingwith rural revitalization is the main focus of the village at present, and expressed heartfelt thanks toHuaxin for providing timely help in the implementation of rural revitalization of the village.

水泥捐赠Cement donation
