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华新水泥:华新水泥 独立董事2021年度工作报告 下载公告

独立董事张继平2021年度工作报告Annual Work Report 2021 of Independent Director Mr. Zhang Jiping

本人自2021年4月27日由华新水泥股份有限公司股东大会选举担任第十届董事会独立董事。自那时起,本人严格按照国家有关法律法规和公司章程的相关规定,本着勤勉、尽职的原则,代表全体股东忠实履行独立董事的职责。积极出席相关会议和活动,认真审议董事会各项议案,对公司的发展等相关事项积极发表独立意见。I was elected on April 27, 2021 by the Annual Shareholders’ General Meeting as oneof the Independent Directors of the Tenth Board of Directors of Huaxin Cement Co.,Ltd. Since then I have acted as an Independent Director strictly abiding by relevantlaws, rules and regulations as well as Articles of Association of the Company, andunder the principle of diligence. Acting on behalf of all shareholders, I faithfully fulfilledmy duties, actively attended relevant meetings and carefully reviewed all the Boardproposals, and gave independent opinions on issues relating to the Companydevelopment.


My detailed annual work is hereby reported as follows:


1. I attended 10 Board Meetings including 6 Board Meetings by circular resolutionsand was present at 5 Shareholders’ General Meetings.


2. As an Independent Director acting on behalf of all shareholders I carefully reviewed,considered and voted for all the proposals that were submitted to the Boardobjectively and professionally. I did not vote “negative” or “abstention” on any of theproposals.


3. I conscientiously performed my duties as a member of certain special committees(Remuneration and Assessment Committee, Audit Committee, and NominationCommittee). I worked with other members, discussed with them on issues related toremuneration and assessment for directors, supervisors and senior management, andinternal audit, improvement on Internal Control System of the Company.


4. As the convener of the Compensation and Assessment Committee to the Board, Ipresided over the meetings of the Committee three times, strictly abiding by the
