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大华股份:2021Q1Report 下载公告

Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

2021 Q1 Report

April, 2021

Section I Important NoticeThe Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors, directors,supervisors and senior management members of the Company herebyguarantee that the information presented in this quarterly report isauthentic, accurate, complete and free of any false records, misleadingstatements or material omissions, and they will bear joint and severalliability for such information.

All the directors attended the meeting of the Board of Directors forthe deliberation of this quarterly report.

Fu Liquan, the Company's legal representative, Xu Qiaofen, chiefaccountant, and Zhu Zhuling, person in charge of accounting institution(Accounting Officer) hereby declare and warrant that the financialstatements in the quarterly report are authentic, accurate, and complete.

Section II Basic Information about the CompanyI. Key Accounting Data and Financial IndicatorsWhether the Company needs performed retroactive adjustment or restatement of accounting data in prior years or not

□ Yes √ No

The Current Reporting PeriodThe Same Period of Last YearIncrease/Decrease of the Current Reporting Period Compared with the Same Period of the Previous Year
Operating Income (RMB)5,114,399,101.723,501,562,275.8046.06%
Net Profit Attributable to Shareholders of the Listed Company (RMB)347,573,484.46317,916,471.899.33%
Net Profit Attributable to Shareholders of the Listed Company after Deducting Non-recurring Gains and Losses (RMB)311,445,134.94300,408,224.853.67%
Net Cash Flow Generated by Operational Activities (RMB)-1,327,570,256.40-1,190,517,598.97-11.51%
Basic Earnings per Share (RMB/Share)
Diluted Earnings per Share (RMB/Share)
Weighted Average ROE1.74%2.01%-0.27%
At the End of the Current Reporting PeriodAt the End of the Previous YearIncrease/Decrease at the End of the Current Reporting Period Compared with the End of the Previous Year
Total assets (RMB)37,793,288,583.8236,595,034,080.753.27%
Net assets attributable to shareholders of the listed company (RMB)20,730,157,335.5019,773,030,426.404.84%

Note: The investment income of current period is decreased by RMB 59 million compared with the same period ofprevious year, a year-on-year decrease of 377.53%, mainly due to confirmed loss of RMB 98 million investment inLeapmotor, an associate.Non-recurring Gains and Losses Items and Their Amounts

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: RMB

ItemThe Amount from theNote
Beginning of the Year to the End of the Current Reporting Period
Profits or Losses from Disposal of Non-current Assets (Including the Write-off for the Accrued Impairment of Assets)483,524.47
The Government Subsidies Included in the Current Profits and Losses (Excluding the Government Subsidies Closely Related to Regular Businesses of the Company And Issued in the Quota or Quantity Based on the National Standards)20,323,912.52
Gains or Losses From Investment or Asset Management Entrusted to Others-2,913,829.24
Profits and Losses Resulting from the Changes in Fair Value for Holding Trading Financial Assets, Derivative Financial Assets and Trading Financial Liabilities, Derivative Financial Liabilities and Investment Income from Disposal of Trading Financial Assets, Derivative Financial Assets, Trading Financial Liabilities, Derivative Financial Liabilities, and Other Obligatory Right Investment, Excluding the Effective Hedging Businesses Related to the Regular Business Operation of the Company27,365,451.74
Non-operating Revenue and Expenses Other than the above1,484,792.89
Other Gains and Losses Items that Fit the Definition of Non-Recurring Gains and Losses169,645.79
Less: Impact of Income Tax7,098,388.91
Impact of Minority Equity (After Tax)3,686,759.74

For items defined as non-recurring gains and losses according to the No. 1 Explanatory Announcement on InformationDisclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to Public - Non-recurring Gains and Losses, or non-recurring gainsand losses items listed in the said document defined as recurring ones, please specify the reasons.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

In the reporting period, the Company did not define any non-recurring gains and losses items defined and listed in the No.1 Explanatory Announcement on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to Public - Non-recurringGains and Losses, as recurring gains and losses items.

II. The Total Number of Shareholder and the Holdings of the Top 10 Shareholders atthe End of the Current Reporting Period

1. The total number of common shareholders, the number of preferred shareholders withrestored voting rights and shareholding status of the top 10 shareholders

Unit: share

Total Number of Common Shareholders at The End of The Reporting Period143,572Total Number of Preferred Shareholders (If Any) Whose Voting Rights have been Recovered at the End of the Reporting Period0
The shareholdings of the top 10 shareholders
Name of ShareholderNature of ShareholderShareholding PercentageNumber of Shares HeldNumber of Shares Held with Limited Sales ConditionsPledge or Freezing
State of SharesNumber
Fu LiquanDomestic Natural Person34.18%1,023,868,980767,901,735Pledge257,587,942
Zhu JiangmingDomestic Natural Person5.36%160,577,490120,433,117Pledge37,000,000
Shanghai Perseverance Asset Management (Limited Partnership) - Gaoyi Linshan No.1 Yuanwang FundOthers3.84%115,000,0000
Hong Kong Securities Clearing Co. Ltd.Overseas Legal Person3.81%114,260,0340
Chen AilingDomestic Natural Person2.38%71,262,81353,447,110Pledge21,100,000
Wu JunDomestic Natural Person2.31%69,250,88651,938,164
China Galaxy Securities Co.,State-owned Legal Person1.61%48,262,7260
China Securities Finance Co., Ltd.Domestic Non-state-owned Legal Person1.32%39,611,2410
Central Huijin Asset Management Co., Ltd.State-owned Legal Person1.05%31,448,7500
Shanghai Greenwoods Asset Management Co., Ltd. - Greenwoods Global FundOthers0.95%28,361,8930
Shareholding List of Top Ten Shareholders without Limited Sales Condition
Name of ShareholderNumber of Shares Held without Limited Sales ConditionType of Shares
Type of SharesNumber
Fu Liquan255,967,245RMB common stock255,967,245
Shanghai Perseverance Asset Management (Limited Partnership) - Gaoyi Linshan No.1 Yuanwang Fund115,000,000RMB common stock115,000,000
Hong Kong Securities Clearing Co. Ltd.114,260,034RMB common stock114,260,034
China Galaxy Securities Co., Ltd.48,262,726RMB common stock48,262,726
Zhu Jiangming40,144,373RMB common stock40,144,373
China Securities Finance Co., Ltd.39,611,241RMB common stock39,611,241
Central Huijin Asset Management Co., Ltd.31,448,750RMB common stock31,448,750
Shanghai Greenwoods Asset Management Co., Ltd. - Greenwoods Global Fund28,361,893RMB common stock28,361,893
Agricultural Bank of China Co., Ltd.- Shanghai Investment Morgan Emerging Power Hybrid18,691,142RMB common stock18,691,142
Securities Investment Fund
Chen Ailing17,815,703RMB common stock17,815,703
Description of the association relationship or concerted action of above-mentioned shareholdersMr. Fu Liquan And Ms. Chen Ailing Are Husband And Wife. The Company Is Unaware Of Whether Other Shareholders Have Associated Relationship Or Are Persons Acting In Concert.
Explanation On Top Ten Shareholders’ Participation In Securities Margin Trading (If Any)N/A

Whether the Company's top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders without limited shares agree onany repurchase transaction in the reporting period

□ Yes √ No

None of the Company's top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders without limited shares agreed onrepurchase in the reporting period.

2. The total number of the preferred shareholders and the shareholdings of the top 10 preferredshareholders

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Section III Significant Events

I. The Changes in Major Financial Data and Financial Indicators in the CurrentReporting Period and the Reasons

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

i. The changes of assets and liabilities and the reasons

1. Trading Financial Assets increased by 20374.31% compared with end of the previous year, mainly due to newlyincreased structured deposits in this period.

2. Long-term Equity Investment increased by 90.50% compared with end of the previous year, mainly due to the change inShareholders' Equity of company's associates in the current period, and the company confirmed the corresponding shareaccording to the shareholding ratio;

3. Other Non-current Financial Assets increased by 140.57% compared with end of the previous year, mainly due toinvestment of RMB 500 million in new asset management plan in this period;

4. The right-of-use Assets increased by 100% compared with end of the previous year, mainly due to the implementationof the new lease standards and related statement adjustment in this period.

5. Intangible assets increased by 46.08% compared with end of the previous year, mainly due to the newly purchasedland in this period.

6. Short-term loan increased by 392.23% compared with end of the previous year, mainly due to the increase of bank loanin this period;

7. Transaction financial liabilities increased by 100% compared with end of the previous year, mainly due to changes inthe fair value of foreign currency exchange contracts in this period;

8. The salary payable to employees decreased by 64.09% compared with end of the previous year, mainly due to theissuance of year-end bonus in this period;

9. Non-current liabilities due within one year increased by 50.83% compared with end of the previous year, mainly due tothe implementation of the new lease standards and reclassification of lease liabilities due within one year in this period;

10. Other Current Liabilities increased by 35.83% compared with end of the previous year, mainly due to the increase inthe bills to be unrecognized compared in this period;

11. Long-term Loan increased by 56.95% compared with end of the previous year, mainly due to the increase of long-termbank loan in this period;

12. Lease Liabilities increased by 100% compared with end of the previous year, mainly due to implementation of the newlease standards and related adjustments in this period;

13. The Capital Reserves increased by 30.03% compared with end of the previous year, mainly due to confirmed increaseof the changes in other rights and interests of associates in this period;(II) The changes of items in the income statement and the reasons

1. Operating income increased by 46.06% compared with same period of previous year, mainly due to expansion of thecompany's sales scale;

2. Operating Costs increased by 70.02% compared with same period of the previous year, mainly due to the costincreases as the revenue grows;

3. Taxes and Surcharges increased by 142.08% compared with same period of previous year, mainly due to the increaseof turnover tax payable in this period;

4. Financial Expenses decreased by 41.67% compared with same period of previous year, mainly due to the increase in

interest income in this period;

5. Other Income decreased by 30.94% compared with same period of the previous year, mainly due to the decrease invalue-added tax refund;

6. Investment Income decreased by 377.53% compared with same period of the previous year, mainly due to confirmedinvestment losses of associates in this period;

7. The gains and losses from changes in fair value increased by 100% compared with same period of the previous year,mainly due to the increase of fair value changes in Other Non-current Financial Assets;

8. Credit Impairment Losses increased by 185.89% compared with same period of the previous year, mainly due to theincrease of the provisions for bad debts accrued in this period;

9. Asset Impairment Losses increased by 212.70% compared with same period of the previous year, mainly due to theincrease of inventory depreciation provisions made during the current period;

10. Non-operating Revenues increased by 56.93% compared with the same period of previous year, mainly due to theincrease of contract liquidated damages received in this period;

11. Non-operating Expenses decreased by 71.87% compared with same period of previous year, mainly due to thedecrease of donation in this period;

12. Income Tax Expenses increased by 119.29% over the same period of the previous year, mainly due to the increase oftaxable income in this period;(III) The changes of items in the cash flow statement and the reasons

1. The net amount of cash flow generated by investment activities decreased by 320.94% compared with same period ofthe previous year, mainly due to the increase of entrusted financial management investment in this period.II. Progress of Significant Events and the Analysis of Its Influence and Solutions

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

1. On January 8, 2021, the eighth meeting of the seventh Board of Directors of the company reviewed and approved the"Proposal on Joint Capital Increase and Related Party Transactions with Related Parties", and agreed that the companyand related parties Zhang Xingming, He Chao, Ningbo Huaqi Investment Management Partnership (Limited Partnership),Hangzhou Kangpi Enterprise Management Partnership (Limited Partnership) and non-related party Yao Weizhong to signthe "Agreement on Equity Transfer and Capital Increase of Zhejiang Healnoc Technology Co., Ltd.". The company andrelated parties Zhang Xingming, He Chao, Ningbo Huaqi Investment Management Partnership (Limited Partnership),Hangzhou Kangpi Enterprise Management Partnership (Limited Partnership) and unrelated party Yao Weizhongcontributed RMB 50 million in total to Zhejiang Healnoc Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as " Healnoc") as capitalincrease. In which, the company invested RMB 20 million of its own funds, holding 20% of Healnoc equity, and Healnocbecame a shareholding company. The procedures for industrial and commercial change of the above matters have beencompleted in February 2021.

2. On January 8, 2021, the eighth meeting of company seventh Board of Directors reviewed and approved "Proposal onGiving up Shareholding Company Equity Increase in Capital and Related Party Transactions". Zhu Jiangming, Gao Dong,Chen Jinxia, Ningbo Hualing Investment management partnership( limited partnership), total of 14 investors made a B-1round of capital increase in Leapmotor Technology. The related transaction amount of company giving up the right toincrease capital in the same proportion was RMB 458,459 million. The procedures for the industrial and commercialchange of the above matters have been completed in January 2021.

3. On January 27, 2021, the ninth meeting of the seventh Board of Directors the company reviewed and approved"Proposal on Giving up the Shareholding Company Equity Increase in Capital and Related Party Transactions". A total of10 investors, including Zhejiang Mituo Investment Co., Ltd., Gao Dong, Huzhou Heninghai Investment Partnership

(Limited Partnership), intended to make a B-2 round of capital increase in Leapmotor. The amount of related partytransactions involved in the company's abandonment of the right to increase capital in the same proportion was RMB166,835.46 million. The procedures for the industrial and commercial change of the above matters have been completedin January 2021.

4. On March 26, 2021, the twelfth meeting of the seventh Board of Directors of the company and the eighth meeting of thecompany seventh Board of Supervision, reviewed and approved "Proposal on Processing Scheme of Non-publicIssuance of Shares of Year 2021", "Proposal on Plan of Non-public Issuance of Shares of Year 2021" "Proposal onSigning of agreement( Subscription Agreement for Non-public Issuance of Shares with Effective Conditions) betweencompany and the subscriber", "Proposal on Company Introducing Strategic Investors and Signing of Agreement (StrategicCooperation Agreement with Effective Conditions)", "Proposal on Company Non-public Issuance of Shares Related PartyTransactions" and so on. The company planned to issue 312,151,600 non-public shares, and the total amount of fundsraised did not exceed RMB 5.6 billion (including RMB 5.6 billion). The target company of this non-public issuance is ChinaMobile Capital Holdings Co., Ltd., which is the wholly-owned subsidiary of China Mobile Communications Group Co.,Ltd.,.

5. On April 1, 2021, the thirteenth meeting of the seventh Board of Directors and the ninth meeting of hte seventh Board ofSupervisors of the company, reviewed and approved the "Proposal of restricted share incentive plan for the second unlockperiod of the first grant and reserving the achievement for the first unlock of Year 2018 " It approved to unlock 29,431,520restricted shares held by 2,889 incentive targets who met the share unlock conditions. The matter was completed on April15, 2021.

6. On April 1, 2021, the thirteenth meeting of the seventh Board of Directors of the company and the ninth meeting of theseventh Board of Supervisors of the company reviewed and approved the "Proposal on Repurchase and Cancellation ofPart of Restricted Share (granted but not yet unlocked)". It approved to repurchase 1,028,860 restricted shares that havebeen granted but not yet unlocked, held by 65 ex-employees , including 882,360 shares of first time granted at repurchaseprice of RMB 8.17 per share and 146,500 reserved shares at a purchase price of RMB 8.75 per share. The aforesaidrepurchase and cancellation matters need to be submitted to the General Meeting of shareholders for approval.

Overview of the Significant EventsDate of DisclosureIndexes for the Inquiry of Websites Disclosing the Provisional Reports
Related party transactions over capital increase in Healnoc with related partiesJanuary 9, 2021Juchao Information Website http://www.cninfo.com.cn/
Related matters on giving up the right to increase capital in the same proportion of Leapmotor, a shareholding companyJanuary 9, 2021Juchao Information Website http://www.cninfo.com.cn/
Related matters on giving up the right to increase capital in the same proportion of Leapmotor, a shareholding companyJanuary 28, 2021Juchao Information Website http://www.cninfo.com.cn/
Details of company non-public issuance of shares in Year 2021March 27, 2021Juchao Information Website http://www.cninfo.com.cn/
Matters concerning the conditions for the first granting of the second unlock period and reserved granting of the first unlock period in 2018 Restricted Stock Incentive PlanApril 02, 2021Juchao Information Website http://www.cninfo.com.cn/
Details of repurchase and cancellation of restricted shares that have been granted but not yet unlockedApril 02, 2021Juchao Information Website http://www.cninfo.com.cn/

The progress on share repurchase

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The progress on reduction of re-purchase shares by means of centralized competitive bidding

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III. Commitments made by the Company's actual controllers, shareholders, relatedparties, purchasers and purchasing companies having not been fulfilled during thereporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

During this reporting period, there is no commitment made by the Company's actual controllers, shareholders, relatedparties, purchasers and purchasing companies having not been fulfilled during the reporting period.IV. Financial assets investment

1. Securities investment

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such case as securities investment during the reporting period.

2. Derivatives investment

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: ten thousand RMB

Name of Derivatives Investment OperatorRelation with Related PartyWhether It Is A Related TransactionTypes of Derivatives InvestmentInitial Amount of Derivatives InvestmentStarting DateTermination DateInitial Investment AmountAmount Purchased during the Reporting PeriodAmount Sold during the Reporting PeriodAmount of Provision for Impairment Accrued (if any)Investment Amount at the End of the PeriodProportion of Investment Amount in the Company’s Net Assets at End of the Reporting PeriodActual Profit and Loss during the Reporting Period
BankNo relationsNoStructured deposits50,000January 26, 2021June 30, 202150,00050,0002.41%350.68
BankNo relationsNoForeign exchange contractNovember 27, 2020March 31, 202240,904.41299,051.09215,601.24124,354.266.00%1,202.53
Sources of funds for derivatives investmentEquity Fund
Litigation involved (if applicable)N/A
Disclosure date of board of directors'April 3, 2020
announcement on the approval of derivatives investment (if any)
Disclosure date of shareholder meeting's announcement on the approval of derivatives investment (if any)May 13, 2020
Risk analysis and description of control measures for derivatives positions during the reporting period (including but not limited to market risk, liquidity risk, credit risk, operational risk, legal risk, etc.)For details of risk analysis and control measures, please refer to the "Announcement on the Use of Own Funds to Purchase Bank Wealth Management Products" (Announcement No. 2020-025) and "Announcement on Carrying out Foreign Exchange Hedging Transactions" (Announcement No. 2020-022), which were disclosed on April 3, 2020.
Changes in market prices or product fair value of invested derivatives during the reporting period, and the analysis of the fair value of derivatives should disclose the specific methods used and the setting of related assumptions and parameters.For the structured deposits signed between the company and bank during the reporting period, the profit and loss of fair value shall be determined according to the association between interest rate and the foreign exchange options. The difference between the forward foreign exchange settlement contract quotation and the forward foreign exchange price determined the transactional financial assets or transactional financial liabilities.
Explanation of whether the Company’s derivatives accounting policies and specific accounting principles have changed significantly during the reporting period compared with the previous reporting periodNo
Independent directors' special opinions on the Company's derivatives investment and risk controlFor details, please refer to the "Independent Opinions of Independent Directors on Related Matters" disclosed by the company on April 3, 2020.

V. Progress of investment projects with raised funds

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VI. Estimated operating performance from January to June, 2021Warning and explanation of the prediction that the cumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of thenext reporting period may be a loss or a significant change compared the same period of last year

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VII. Major contracts in daily operations

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VIII. Entrusted Financing

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: ten thousand RMB

Specific TypeFunding SourceEntrusted AmountUnexpired BalanceOverdue Outstanding Amount
Bank financial productsEquity Fund50,00050,0000
Financial products of securities companiesEquity Fund50,00050,0000

Specific matters on high-risk entrusted capital management with a large amount for a single item, or with low security,poor liquidity and no capital preservation guarantee.

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: ten thousand RMB

Name of Trustee Organization (or Name of Trustee)Trustee Organization (or Trustee) TypeProduct TypeAmountCapital SourceStarting DateTermination DateInvestment DirectionPayment Determination MethodReference for Annualized Rate of ReturnExpected Earnings (If Any)Actual Profit and Loss during the Reporting PeriodActual Recovery of Profits and Losses during the Reporting PeriodAmount of Provision for Impairment Accrued (if any)Whether it Passed the Legal ProceduresWhether there Will be Entrusted Financial Plan in the FutureItem Overview and Related Query Index (if any)
Guosen Securities co., Ltd.Securities companyAsset Management Plan50,000Equity FundFebruary 10, 2021February 9, 2031Private equity fund products, fixed income assets, equity assets, public equity hybrid fundsPayment of principal and income at maturity-642.07UnexpiredYesNo

Cases of entrusted financing expected to be unable to recover the principal or cases that may result in impairment

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IX. Illegal external guarantees

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No illegal external guarantees during the reporting period.

X. Non-operational capital occupation over listed companies by controllingshareholders and their related parties

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

During the reporting period, there is no non-operational capital occupation over listed companies by controllingshareholders and their related parties.XI. Registration form for reception of research, communication, interviews, and otheractivities during the reporting period

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Reception TimeReception LocationReception MethodReception Target TypeReception ObjectsMain Content of the Discussion and the Information ProvidedIndex of the Basic Information of Research
January 29, 2021Company meeting roomCombination of field research and telephone communicationInstitutionDestination Partners Limited, Frankline Templeton, Inforesight, (China Insight, Fund in CRM), LSQ SPAC Fund, Panjing, Harbourview Investment Fund, Point72, UBS, Essence Securities, Essence Fund, Power Pacific, Bingshen Investment, Bosera Fund , Caitong Fund, Caitong Asset Management, Ivy Capital, Chengshi Assets, All Fund, Morgan Stanley Huaxin fund, Danyi Investment, Springs Capital, Dehui Group, Northeast Securities, Dongfang Self-operated, Soochow Securities, East Securities Asset Management , Dunhe Asset Management, Fengling Capital, Fuanda Fund, Fidelity, Fullgoal fund, Gaoyi, Green Fund, Golden Eagle Fund, Golden Eagle, Invesco Great Wall, Jiutai Fund, Juming Investment, Junze Investment, Kendall Square Capital, Legend Investment, Neuberger Berman Fund, Minsheng Royal Fund, China Southern Fund, Ningbo Bank Wealth Management, Ningquan Assets, ABC-CA, Lion Fund, Ping An Assets, Peifeng Assets, Penghua Fund, Ping An Asset Management, Foresea Life Insurance, Headwater Investment, Ren Bridge Asset Management, Rongtong Fund, Foresight Fund, Xiamen Pearl Investment, Shanghai Chengtou Investment, Shanghai Daoren Assets, CIFM Asset Management, SWS Mu fund, Tenbagger Capital, Suzhou Junrong Asset Management Co., Ltd. , CPIC, BOC International (China) Co.,Ltd, Bank of China Investment Management, China Post, China Re Assets, Rosefinch Fund, Zige Investment, CITIC Securities, CITIC Asset Management, CITIC Prudential, CITIC Construction Investment, Gen Xi Assets, ICBC Credit Suisse, GF Fund, GF Securities , GF Proprietary, Sinolink Securities,There is no information about the overall operating status of the company, development in new technologies, Yunrui platform and five major research institutes introduction has not been provided.For more information, please see the investor relations activity list in http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Guosheng Securities, China Life Security, China Life Pension, China Life Assets, Guotai Fund, UBS SDIC, Guosen Securities, Guoyuan Securities, Haitong Securities, Hechuang Capital, HeXi Youfang Investing, Hony Horizon Fund, Sequoia Capital, HC Capital, Huaan Securities, Huaan Self-operated, Hua Chuang Securities, Harfor Fund, Huashang Fund, Huatai Insurance, Huatai Asset Management, Huaxia, China Everwin Asset, China Future Capital Group, High Flyer Quant Fund, HSBC Jintrust Fund, HuiJin Capital, China Universal Asset Management, Harvest Fund, CCB, Jiangxin Fund, Bank of Communications Schroders, Manulife TEDA Fund, Taikang, Tianhong, Tongben Investment, Sunsource, Wukong Investment, Western Leadbank FMC, Shiva Investment, New China Fund , New China Assets, Cinda Securities, CIB Fund, AEFON-Industrial Fund, Sun Fund, discovering Investment, China Galaxy Securities, Yinhua Fund, Argent Fund, Infore Capital, Yingke PE, Yongrui Fortune, Maxwealth Fund, Yuhe Assets, GTS Fund, .Longrising Fund, GORTUNE Investment, Ze Quan Investment, Changjiang Pension, Changsheng Fund, China Merchants Fund, Zheshang Fund, Zhong Geng Fund, CICC, CICC Asset Management
March 24, 2021Company meeting roomTelephone communicationInstitutions and individualsArohi Fund, Broad Peak Investment, Citi Bank, Cledit Suisse, DTC Capital, MLP, Morgan Stanley, ABS Assets, CQ Capital, Purekind Fund, Dacheng Fund Management, Dahua Group, Springs Investment, Orient Securities, Hillview Capital, Fidelity International Investment, Hillhouse Capital, Everbright Securities, Guodu Securities, Guohua Life Insurance, Guotai Fund, Citibank, Huaan Securities, Huarong Securities, Huijing Assets, Harvest Fund, Green wood Assets, JT Asset Management , Junhe Capital, Lead Capital, Lin Fu Investment, Marco Polo Asset Management, Macquarie Funds, Minsheng Securities, DIB Asset Management, Morgan Stanley Funds, Nanjing Securities, Lion Funds, Ruike Asset Management Co., Ltd., Switzerland Credit, Shangao Asset Management, Shanshi Fund, Shanghai Kandao Assets, Shanghai Yiheng Investment, Shanghai Chasecloud Asset Management Co., Ltd., CIFM Asset Management, Deepstone Fund, Shenzhen Echo capital., Shenzhen Xiangshu Assets , Taikang Asset Management Co., Ltd., Sunshine Capital, Southwest Securities, Starock Investment, Easy Fund, Mutual Benefits, Great WallThere is no information about the operations summary, future strategic investment, and development strategies of each business sector of the company Year in 2020.For more information, please see the investor relations activity list in http://www.cninfo.com.cn

Section IV Financial StatementsI. Financial Statements

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet

Prepared by: Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

March 31, 2021

Unit: RMB

ItemMarch 31, 2021December 31, 2020
Current Assets:
Cash and Bank Balances6,293,350,353.367,471,652,634.66
Deposit Reservation for Balance
Loans to Banks and Other Financial Institutions
Trading Financial Assets506,878,374.092,475,680.45
Derivative Financial Assets
Notes Receivable222,586,828.58232,857,354.55
Accounts Receivable12,220,193,199.2812,857,519,110.16
Receivables Financing1,035,476,913.511,207,879,654.58
Premium Receivable
Reinsurance Accounts Receivable
Reinsurance Contract Reserves Receivable
Other Receivables885,793,311.37970,427,893.48
Including: Interest Receivable
Dividends Receivable
Buying Back the Sale of Financial Assets
Contract Assets102,260,297.9384,825,834.82
Holding for-sale Assets
Non-current Assets Due within 1 Year612,063,373.30635,956,549.07
Other Current Assets661,270,153.24558,434,219.93
Subtotal of Current Assets28,798,690,714.4429,112,299,417.75
Non-current Assets:
Granting of Loans and Advances
Investment in Creditor's Rights
Investment in Other Creditor's Rights
Long-term Receivables2,122,293,873.572,250,315,769.50
Long-term Equity Investment868,639,104.37455,977,616.16
Investment in Other Equity Instruments
Other Non-current Financial Assets866,261,508.85360,087,786.34
Investment Property332,088,083.04336,008,869.13
Fixed Assets1,959,919,814.171,515,594,629.97
Projects under Construction978,543,887.771,164,130,453.03
Productive Biological Assets
Oil and gas assets
Right-of-use Assets215,056,482.42
Intangible Assets594,239,278.84406,777,323.39
Development Expenditure
Long-term Deferred Expenses35,454,858.6332,280,430.67
Deferred Income Tax Assets894,399,405.48832,453,676.69
Other Non-current Assets85,016,081.9486,422,617.82
Subtotal of Non-current Assets8,994,597,869.387,482,734,663.00
Total Assets37,793,288,583.8236,595,034,080.75
Current Liabilities:
Short-term Loan1,231,454,666.13250,177,083.34
Borrowings from the Central Bank
Borrowings from Banks and Other Financial Institutions
Transactional Financial Liabilities1,042,761.84
Derivative Financial Liabilities
Notes Payable3,447,526,796.123,258,552,758.17
Accounts Payable5,999,522,945.006,444,787,705.28
Received Prepayments
Contract Liabilities819,678,608.61671,120,385.08
Financial Assets Sold for Repurchase
Deposit Taking and Interbank Deposit
Receiving from Vicariously Traded Securities
Receiving from Vicariously Sold Securities
Payroll payable648,335,502.611,805,464,535.31
Tax Payable684,617,819.81900,144,863.67
Other Payables968,467,036.17970,552,877.22
Including: Interest Payable
Dividends Payable12,982,399.2712,982,399.27
Service Charge and Commission Payable
Reinsurance Accounts Payable
Holding for-sale liabilities
Non-current Liabilities Due within 1 Year229,097,062.00151,891,709.34
Other Current Liabilities284,440,354.28209,401,914.77
Subtotal of Current Liabilities14,314,183,552.5714,662,093,832.18
Non-current Liabilities:
Insurance Contract Reserves
Long-term Loan1,378,000,000.00878,000,000.00
Bonds Payable
Including: Preferred Stocks
Perpetual Bonds
Lease Liabilities121,509,115.83
Long-term Payables
Long-term Payroll Payable
Expected Liabilities266,393,066.24282,427,517.82
Deferred Income108,914,414.33110,469,806.29
Deferred Income Tax Liabilities61,845,851.1367,272,768.46
Other Non-current Liabilities369,645,918.81391,128,045.90
Subtotal of Non-current Liabilities2,306,308,366.341,729,298,138.47
Total Liabilities16,620,491,918.9116,391,391,970.65
Shareholders' Equity:
Share Capital2,995,579,590.002,995,579,590.00
Other Equity Instruments
Including: Preferred Stocks
Perpetual Bonds
Capital Reserves2,587,135,107.941,989,655,334.05
Less: Treasury Share581,968,930.89581,968,930.89
Other Comprehensive Incomes73,231,173.8861,157,523.13
Special Reserves
Surplus Reserves1,553,691,005.921,553,691,005.92
General Risk Reserves
Undistributed Profits14,102,489,388.6513,754,915,904.19
Total Shareholders' Equity Attributable to the Parent Company20,730,157,335.5019,773,030,426.40
Minority Shareholders' Equity442,639,329.41430,611,683.70
Total Shareholders' Equity21,172,796,664.9120,203,642,110.10
Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity37,793,288,583.8236,595,034,080.75

Legal representative: Fu Liquan Person in charge of accounting: Xu Qiaofen Person in charge of the accountinginstitution: Zhu Zhuling

2. Balance Sheet of the Parent Company

Unit: RMB

ItemMarch 31, 2021December 31, 2020
Current Assets:
Cash and Bank Balances2,136,079,368.493,130,479,311.55
Trading Financial Assets503,506,849.32
Derivative Financial Assets
Notes Receivable76,325,143.1474,284,006.99
Accounts Receivable3,334,285,692.282,740,152,239.35
Receivables Financing378,414,500.46169,109,529.24
Other Receivables13,084,595,903.6113,796,603,550.30
Including: Interest Receivable
Dividends Receivable
Contract Assets8,316,811.528,338,657.15
Holding for-sale Assets
Non-current Assets Due within 1 Year60,059,864.0761,828,724.54
Other Current Assets13,936,871.2512,592.38
Subtotal of Current Assets19,818,205,352.1120,200,768,385.19
Non-current Assets:
Investment in Creditor's Rights
Investment in Other Creditor's Rights
Long-term Receivables99,393,268.82100,221,713.49
Long-term Equity Investment4,121,147,862.353,660,410,557.29
Investment in Other Equity Instruments
Other Non-current Financial Assets849,976,508.85355,853,684.59
Investment Property171,060,808.18173,003,549.71
Fixed Assets570,329,253.75550,991,444.04
Projects under Construction499,398,442.52438,014,907.22
Productive Biological Assets
Oil and gas assets
Right-of-use Assets101,252,294.54
Intangible Assets152,990,574.20156,335,152.97
Development Expenditure
Long-term Deferred Expenses19,225,823.4421,149,342.55
Deferred Income Tax Assets173,899,292.77135,371,242.86
Other Non-current Assets8,417,003.5535,774,247.16
Subtotal of Non-current Assets6,767,091,132.975,627,125,841.88
Total Assets26,585,296,485.0825,827,894,227.07
Current Liabilities:
Short-term Loan529,121,332.80250,177,083.34
Transactional financial Liabilities
Derivative Financial Liabilities
Notes Payable272,010,077.43303,660,579.62
Accounts Payable405,284,890.67752,373,890.95
Received Prepayments
Contract Liabilities78,560,588.4385,275,423.36
Payroll Payable409,905,572.961,127,500,408.14
Tax Payable519,482,084.63627,351,201.46
Other Payables1,022,238,933.411,002,654,121.27
Including: Interest Payable
Dividends Payable12,982,399.2712,982,399.27
Holding for-sale Liabilities
Non-current Liabilities Due within 1 Year186,467,610.58150,643,750.02
Other Current Liabilities42,231,074.3126,870,130.42
Subtotal of Current Liabilities3,465,302,165.224,326,506,588.58
Non-current Liabilities:
Long-term Loan1,250,000,000.00750,000,000.00
Bonds Payable
Including: Preferred Stocks
Perpetual Bonds
Lease Liabilities54,377,957.51
Long-term Payables
Long-term Payroll Payable
Expected Liabilities8,058,379.208,333,634.18
Deferred Income
Deferred Income Tax Liabilities29,315,669.3729,407,289.24
Other Non-current Liabilities10,272,904.1510,599,934.34
Subtotal of Non-current Liabilities1,352,024,910.23798,340,857.76
Total Liabilities4,817,327,075.455,124,847,446.34
Shareholders' Equity:
Share Capital2,995,579,590.002,995,579,590.00
Other Equity Instruments
Including: Preferred Stocks
Perpetual Bonds
Capital Reserves2,563,802,932.551,976,156,775.91
Less: Treasury Share581,968,930.89581,968,930.89
Other Comprehensive Incomes544,380.66522,554.00
Special Reserves
Surplus Reserves1,553,691,005.921,553,691,005.92
Undistributed Profits15,236,320,431.3914,759,065,785.79
Total Shareholders' Equity21,767,969,409.6320,703,046,780.73
Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity26,585,296,485.0825,827,894,227.07

3. Consolidated Income Statement

Unit: RMB

ItemThis Period's Amount of OccurrencePrevious Period's Amount of Occurrence
I. Total Operating Revenue5,114,399,101.723,501,562,275.80
Including: Operating Revenue5,114,399,101.723,501,562,275.80
Interest Income
Earned Premiums
Service Charge and Commission Income
II. Total Operating Cost4,770,751,992.983,369,359,569.59
Including: Operating Cost3,022,354,395.091,777,655,306.56
Interest Expenditures
Service Charge and Commission Expenses
Surrender Value
Net Claims Paid
Net Amount of Withdrawn Reserve for Insurance Liability
Policyholder Dividend Expense
Reinsurance Cost
Taxes and Surcharges45,259,450.4218,696,287.45
Sales Expenses884,332,162.54794,773,576.60
Administration Expenses186,886,265.44150,490,749.11
Research and Development Expense605,759,333.31582,896,157.53
Financial Expenses26,160,386.1844,847,492.34
Including: Interest Expenses16,480,279.6521,544,585.52
Interest Income57,860,554.1045,305,751.27
Add: Other Income159,998,097.67231,668,573.00
Investment Income (Mark "-" for Loss)-74,602,834.57-15,622,723.50
Including: Investment Income from Affiliates and Joint Ventures-89,233,951.37-16,724,727.64
Profits from Recognition Termination of Financial Assets at Amortized Cost
Exchange Gains (Mark "-" for Losses)
Profit of Net Exposure Hedging (Mark "-" for Loss)
Incomes from Changes in Fair Value (losses marked with "-")9,990,151.49
Credit Impairment Losses (Mark "-" for Loss)-19,450,426.80-6,803,561.85
Asset Impairment Losses (Mark "-" for Loss)-4,764,740.17-1,523,740.78
Asset Disposal Income (Mark "-" for Loss)846,368.96
III. Operating Profit (Mark "-" for Loss)415,663,725.32339,921,253.08
Add: Non-operating Revenues3,038,549.121,936,274.21
Less: Non-operating Expenses1,862,924.196,623,544.62
IV. Total Profit (Mark "-" for Total Loss)416,839,350.25335,233,982.67
Less: Income Tax Expense57,238,292.0526,101,996.30
V. Net Profit (Mark "-" for Net Loss)359,601,058.20309,131,986.37
(I) Classified by Operation Continuity
1. Net Profit as a Going Concern (Mark "-" for Net Loss)359,601,058.20309,131,986.37
2. Net Profit of Discontinued Operation (Mark "-" for Net Loss)
(II) Classified by the Attribution of Ownership
1. Net Profit Attributable to Shareholders of Parent Company347,573,484.46317,916,471.89
2. Minority Shareholders' Profit and Loss12,027,573.74-8,784,485.52
VI. Net Amount of Other Comprehensive Incomes after Tax12,073,722.729,999,857.49
Net Amount of Other Comprehensive Incomes after Tax Attributable to the Parent Company's Owner12,073,650.759,999,864.59
(I) Other Comprehensive Income that cannot be Reclassified as P/L
1. Re-measure the Variation of the Defined Benefit Plan
2. Other Comprehensive Income that cannot be Transferred to P/L under the Equity Method
3. Changes in the Fair Value of Investment in Other Equity Instruments
4. Changes in the Fair Value of the Credit Risk of the Enterprise
5. Others
(II) Other Comprehensive Income that will be Reclassified as P/L12,073,650.759,999,864.59
1. Other Comprehensive Income that can be Transferred to P/L
under the Equity Method
2. Changes in the Fair Value of Investment in other Creditor's Rights
3. Financial Assets Reclassified into other Comprehensive Income
4. Provisions for the Credit Impairment of Investment in other Creditor's Rights
5. Cash Flow Hedge Reserves
6. Currency Translation Difference12,538,226.459,999,864.59
7. Others-464,575.70
Net Amount of Other Comprehensive Incomes after Tax Attributable to Minority Shareholders71.97-7.10
VII. Total Comprehensive Income371,674,780.92319,131,843.86
Total Comprehensive Income Attributable to the Parent Company's Owner359,647,135.21327,916,336.48
Total Comprehensive Income Attributable to Minority Shareholders12,027,645.71-8,784,492.62
VIII. Earnings per Share:
(I) Basic Earnings per Share0.120.11
(II) Diluted Earnings per Share0.120.11

Legal representative: Fu Liquan Person in charge of accounting: Xu Qiaofen Person in charge of the accountinginstitution: Zhu Zhuling

4. Income Statement of the Parent Company

Unit: RMB

ItemThis Period's Amount of OccurrencePrevious Period's Amount of Occurrence
I. Operating Revenue1,563,961,550.221,534,303,148.70
Less: Operating Cost243,645,162.63223,891,713.58
Taxes and Surcharges19,757,987.1810,768,457.54
Sales Expenses279,505,529.10250,468,420.26
Administration Expenses91,753,307.5775,613,815.40
Research and Development Expense454,461,822.19496,224,547.93
Financial Expenses-12,966,763.14-4,875,931.36
Including: Interest Expenses13,058,070.7614,345,671.26
Interest Income27,404,419.9519,875,466.93
Add: Other income126,639,304.33204,171,397.15
Investment Income (Mark "-" for Loss)-94,254,915.67-10,851,788.21
Including: Investment Income from Affiliates and Joint Ventures-96,713,821.28-11,978,886.10
Profits from Derecognition of Financial Assets at Amortized Cost (Mark "-" for Loss)
Profit of Net Exposure Hedging (Mark "-" for Loss)
Incomes from changes in fair value (losses marked with "-")-1,913,829.24
Credit Impairment Losses (Mark "-" for Loss)4,028,611.396,922,219.15
Asset Impairment Losses (Mark "-" for Loss)-123,203.33
Asset Disposal Income (Mark "-" for Loss)623,180.23
II. Operating Profit (Mark "-" for Loss)522,803,652.40682,453,953.44
Add: Non-operating Revenues2,458,012.551,387,746.17
Less: Non-operating Expenses161,235.055,434,839.68
III. Total Profit (Mark "-" for Total Loss)525,100,429.90678,406,859.93
Less: Income Tax Expense47,845,784.3051,135,509.16
IV. Net Profit (Mark "-" for Net Loss)477,254,645.60627,271,350.77
(I) Net Profit as a Going Concern (Mark "-" for Net Loss)477,254,645.60627,271,350.77
(II) Net Profit of Discontinued Operation (Mark "-" for Net Loss)
V. Net Amount of Other Comprehensive Incomes After Tax21,826.66
(1) Other Cmprehensive Income that cannot be Reclassified as P/L
1. Re-measure the Variation of the Defined Benefit Plan
2. Other Comprehensive Income that cannot be Transferred to P/L under the Equity Method
3. Changes in the Fair Value of Investment in other Equity Instruments
4. Changes in the Fair Value of the Credit Risk of the Enterprise
5. Others
(II) Other Comprehensive Income that will be Reclassified as P/L21,826.66
1. Other Comprehensive Income that can be Transferred to P/L under the Equity Method
2. Changes in the Fair Value of Investment in Other Creditor's Rights
3. Financial Assets Reclassified into Other Comprehensive Income
4. Provisions for the Credit Impairment of Investment in Other Creditor's Rights
5. Cash Flow Hedge Reserves
6. Currency Translation Difference
7. Others21,826.66
VI. Total Comprehensive Income477,276,472.26627,271,350.77
VII. Earnings per Share:
(I) Basic Earnings per Share0.160.22
(II) Diluted Earnings per Share0.160.22

5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

Unit: RMB

ItemThis Period's Amount of OccurrencePrevious Period's Amount of Occurrence
I. Cash Flow Generated by Operational Activities:
Cash from Sales of Merchandise and Provision of Services6,696,184,907.846,120,271,238.59
Net Increase in Customer's Bank Deposits and Interbank Deposits
Net Increase in Borrowings from the Central Bank
Net Increase in Borrowings from Other Financial Institutions
Cash Arising from Receiving Premiums for the Original Insurance Contract
Net Amount Arising from Reinsurance Business
Net Increase in Deposits and Investments from Policyholders
Cash Arising from Interests, Service Charges and Commissions
Net Increase in Borrowings from Banks and Other Financial Institutions
Net Increase in Repurchase Business Funds
Net Amount of Cash Received from the Vicariously Traded Securities
Tax Refund538,055,790.42740,215,721.64
Other Received Cashes Related to Operational Activities54,578,627.8944,949,326.78
Subtotal of Cash Inflow from Operational Activities7,288,819,326.156,905,436,287.01
Cash Paid for Merchandise and Services5,193,565,946.565,017,346,044.66
Net Increase in Loans and Advances to Customers
Net Increase in Deposits with Central Bank and Other Financial Institutions
Cash Paid for Original Insurance Contract Claims
Net Increase of Funds Lent
Cash Paid for Interests, Service Charges and Commissions
Cash Paid for Policy Dividends
Cash Paid to and for Employees2,392,888,197.291,981,075,262.40
Cash Paid for Taxes and Surcharges562,650,190.08636,310,647.26
Other Paid Cashes Related to Operational Activities467,285,248.62461,221,931.66
Subtotal of Cash Outflow from Operational Activities8,616,389,582.558,095,953,885.98
Net Cash Flow Generated by Operating Activities-1,327,570,256.40-1,190,517,598.97
II. Cash Flow from Investment Activities:
Cash Arising from Disposal of Investments290,456,497.18199,900,000.00
Cash Arising from Investment Incomes11,560,064.44640,733.53
Net Cash Arising from Disposal of Fixed Assets, Intangible Assets and Other Long-term Assets565,031.37219,552.16
Net Cash Arising from Disposal of Subsidiaries and Other Business Units
Other Received Cashes Related to Investment Activities18,821,667.601,619,946.28
Subtotal of Cash Inflow from Investment Activities321,403,260.59202,380,231.97
Cash Paid for Purchase and Construction of Fixed Assets, Intangible Assets and Other Long-term Assets297,175,969.38127,443,261.33
Cash Paid for Investments1,296,000,000.00308,047,000.00
Net Increase in Pledge Loans
Net Cash Paid for Acquisition of Subsidiaries and Other Business Units
Other Paid Cashes Related to Investment Activities4,604,399.7570,109,093.75
Subtotal of Cash Outflows from Investment Activities1,597,780,369.13505,599,355.08
Net amount of Cash Flow Generated by Investment Activities-1,276,377,108.54-303,219,123.11
III. Cash Flow from Financing Activities:
Cash Arising from Absorbing Investments2,600,000.00
Including: Cash Arising from Subsidiaries Absorbing Investments by Minority Shareholders2,600,000.00
Cash Arising from Borrowings1,729,079,926.552,503,241,328.07
Other Received Cashes Related to Financing Activities0.00241,066,000.00
Subtotal of Cash Inflow from Financing Activities1,729,079,926.552,746,907,328.07
Cash Paid for Debts Repayment250,000,000.001,134,342,813.55
Cash Paid for Distribution of Dividends and Profits or Payment of Interests12,204,555.5313,192,254.16
Including: Dividends and Profits Paid to Minority Shareholders by Subsidiaries
Other Paid Cashes Related to Financing Activities27,392,770.30241,066,000.00
Subtotal of Cash Outflow from Financing Activities289,597,325.831,388,601,067.71
Net Cash Flow Generated by Financing Activities1,439,482,600.721,358,306,260.36
IV. Impact of Fluctuation in Exchange Rate on Cash and Cash Equivalents-22,308,563.47-21,109,999.08
V. Net Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents-1,186,773,327.69-156,540,460.80
Add: Cash and Cash Equivalents at the Commencement of the Period7,358,452,769.532,734,185,976.41
VI. Cash and Cash Equivalents at the End of the Period6,171,679,441.842,577,645,515.61

6. Cash Flow Statement of the Parent Company

Unit: RMB

ItemThis Period's Amount of OccurrencePrevious Period's Amount of Occurrence
I. Cash Flow Generated by Operational Activities:
Cash from Sales of Merchandise and Provision of Services925,149,718.543,415,807,937.69
Tax Refund117,475,226.11241,436,506.43
Other Received Cashes Related to Operational Activities33,095,838.8216,282,249.26
Subtotal of Cash Inflow from Operational Activities1,075,720,783.473,673,526,693.38
Cash Paid for Merchandise and Services502,090,945.4943,425,201.12
Cash Paid to and for Employees1,387,469,606.701,276,096,836.81
Cash Paid for Taxes and Surcharges328,920,020.28398,845,113.34
Other Paid Cashes Related to Operational Activities240,878,106.41256,763,641.58
Subtotal of Cash Outflow from Operational Activities2,459,358,678.881,975,130,792.85
Net Cash Flow Generated by Operating Activities-1,383,637,895.411,698,395,900.53
II. Cash Flow from Investment Activities:
Cash Arising from Disposal of Investments290,456,497.18199,900,000.00
Cash Arising from Investment Incomes2,458,905.61640,733.53
Net Cash Arising from Disposal of Fixed Assets, Intangible Assets and Other Long-term Assets7,129,335.517,434,630.94
Net Cash Arising from Disposal of Subsidiaries and Other Business Units
Other Received Cashes Related to Investment Activities2,045,056.661,601,946.28
Subtotal of cash inflow from investment activities302,089,794.96209,577,310.75
Cash Paid for Purchase and Construction of Fixed Assets, Intangible Assets and Other Long-term Assets88,557,828.1775,087,633.55
Cash Paid for Investments1,331,940,000.00325,407,000.00
Net Cash Paid for Acquisition of Subsidiaries and Other Business Units
Other Paid Cashes Related to Investment Activities
Subtotal of Cash Outflows from Investment Activities1,420,497,828.17400,494,633.55
Net amount of Cash Flow Generated by Investment Activities-1,118,408,033.21-190,917,322.80
III. Cash Flow from Financing Activities:
Cash Arising from Absorbing Investments
Cash Arising from Borrowings1,029,079,926.551,739,800,000.00
Other Received Cashes Related to Financing Activities1,113,601,928.85811,534,932.34
Subtotal of Cash Inflow from Financing Activities2,142,681,855.402,551,334,932.34
Cash Paid for Debts Repayment250,000,000.00599,800,000.00
Cash Paid for Distribution of Dividends and Profits or Payment of Interests10,665,273.618,418,694.92
Other Paid Cashes Related to Financing Activities380,050,687.973,537,474,262.85
Subtotal of Cash Outflow from Financing Activities640,715,961.584,145,692,957.77
Net Cash Flow Generated by Financing Activities1,501,965,893.82-1,594,358,025.43
IV. Impact of Fluctuation in Exchange Rate on Cash and Cash Equivalents6,203.881,932.87
V. Net Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents-1,000,073,830.92-86,877,514.83
Add: Cash and Cash Equivalents at the Commencement of the Period3,090,496,504.00860,741,299.14
VI. Cash and Cash Equivalents at the End of the Period2,090,422,673.08773,863,784.31

II. Adjustments to the Financial Statements

1. Details of adjustment for financial statements at the beginning of year due to firstimplementation of the new lease standards from 2021.

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Whether the accounts of the balance sheet at the beginning of the year shall be adjusted

√ Yes □ No

Consolidated Balance Sheet

Unit: RMB

ItemDecember 31, 2020January 1, 2021Adjusted amount
Current Assets:
Cash and Bank Balances7,471,652,634.667,471,652,634.66
Trading Financial Assets2,475,680.452,475,680.45
Notes Receivable232,857,354.55232,857,354.55
Accounts Receivable12,857,519,110.1612,857,519,110.16
Receivables Financing1,207,879,654.581,207,879,654.58
Other Receivables970,427,893.48968,975,721.11-1,452,172.37
Contract Assets84,825,834.8284,825,834.82
Non-current Assets Due within 1 Year635,956,549.07635,956,549.07
Other Current Assets558,434,219.93558,536,267.47102,047.54
Subtotal of Current Assets29,112,299,417.7529,101,693,519.77-10,605,897.98
Non-current Assets:
Long-term Receivables2,250,315,769.502,250,315,769.50
Long-term Equity Investment455,977,616.16455,977,616.16
Other Non-current Financial Assets360,087,786.34360,087,786.34
Investment Property336,008,869.13336,008,869.13
Fixed Assets1,515,594,629.971,515,594,629.97
Projects under Construction1,164,130,453.031,164,130,453.03
Right-of-use Assets155,673,708.67155,673,708.67
Intangible Assets406,777,323.39406,777,323.39
Long-term Deferred Expenses32,280,430.6732,280,430.67
Deferred Income Tax Assets832,453,676.69832,453,676.69
Other Non-current Assets86,422,617.8286,422,617.82
Subtotal of Non-current Assets7,482,734,663.007,638,408,371.67155,673,708.67
Total Assets36,595,034,080.7536,740,101,891.44145,067,810.69
Current Liabilities:
Short-term Loan250,177,083.34250,177,083.34
Notes Payable3,258,552,758.173,258,552,758.17
Accounts Payable6,444,787,705.286,444,787,705.28
Contract Liabilities671,120,385.08671,120,385.08
Payroll Payable1,805,464,535.311,805,464,535.31
Tax Payable900,144,863.67900,144,863.67
Other Payables970,552,877.22970,552,877.22
Dividends Payable12,982,399.2712,982,399.27
Non-current Liabilities Due within 1 Year151,891,709.34210,863,157.6158,971,448.27
Other Current Liabilities209,401,914.77209,401,914.77
Subtotal of Current Liabilities14,662,093,832.1814,721,065,280.4558,971,448.27
Non-current Liabilities:
Long-term Loan878,000,000.00878,000,000.00
Lease Liabilities86,096,362.4286,096,362.42
Expected Liabilities282,427,517.82282,427,517.82
Deferred Income110,469,806.29110,469,806.29
Deferred Income Tax Liabilities67,272,768.4667,272,768.46
Other Non-current Liabilities391,128,045.90391,128,045.90
Subtotal of Non-current Liabilities1,729,298,138.471,815,394,500.8986,096,362.42
Total Liabilities16,391,391,970.6516,536,459,781.34145,067,810.69
Shareholders' Equity:
Share Capital2,995,579,590.002,995,579,590.00
Capital Reserves1,989,655,334.051,989,655,334.05
Less: Treasury Share581,968,930.89581,968,930.89
Other Comprehensive Incomes61,157,523.1361,157,523.13
Surplus Reserves1,553,691,005.921,553,691,005.92
Undistributed Profits13,754,915,904.1913,754,915,904.19
Total Shareholders' Equity19,773,030,426.4019,773,030,426.40
Attributable to the Parent Company
Minority Shareholders' Equity430,611,683.70430,611,683.70
Total Shareholders' Equity20,203,642,110.1020,203,642,110.10
Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity36,595,034,080.7536,740,101,891.44145,067,810.69

Balance Sheet of the Parent Company

Unit: RMB

ItemDecember 31, 2020January 1, 2021Adjusted amount
Current Assets:
Cash and Bank Balances3,130,479,311.553,130,479,311.55
Notes Receivable74,284,006.9974,284,006.99
Accounts Receivable2,740,152,239.352,740,152,239.35
Receivables Financing169,109,529.24169,109,529.24
Other Receivables13,796,603,550.3013,796,461,689.02-141,861.28
Contract Assets8,338,657.158,338,657.15
Non-current Assets Due within 1 Year61,828,724.5461,828,724.54
Other Current Assets12,592.3812,592.38
Subtotal of Current Assets20,200,768,385.1920,193,145,830.23-7,622,554.96
Non-current Assets:
Long-term Receivables100,221,713.49100,221,713.49
Long-term Equity Investment3,660,410,557.293,660,410,557.29
Other Non-current Financial Assets355,853,684.59355,853,684.59
Investment Property173,003,549.71173,003,549.71
Fixed Assets550,991,444.04550,991,444.04
Projects under Construction438,014,907.22438,014,907.22
Right-of-use Assets82,586,983.0982,586,983.09
Intangible Assets156,335,152.97156,335,152.97
Long-term Deferred Expenses21,149,342.5521,149,342.55
Deferred Income Tax Assets135,371,242.86135,371,242.86
Other Non-current Assets35,774,247.1635,774,247.16
Subtotal of Non-current Assets5,627,125,841.885,709,712,824.9782,586,983.09
Total Assets25,827,894,227.0725,902,858,655.2074,964,428.13
Current Liabilities:
Short-term Loan250,177,083.34250,177,083.34
Notes Payable303,660,579.62303,660,579.62
Accounts Payable752,373,890.95752,373,890.95
Contract Liabilities85,275,423.3685,275,423.36
Payroll payable1,127,500,408.141,127,500,408.14
Tax Payable627,351,201.46627,351,201.46
Other Payables1,002,654,121.271,002,654,121.27
Dividends Payable12,982,399.2712,982,399.27
Non-current Liabilities Due within 1 Year150,643,750.02180,101,689.0129,457,938.99
Other Current Liabilities26,870,130.4226,870,130.42
Subtotal of Current Liabilities4,326,506,588.584,355,964,527.5729,457,938.99
Non-current Liabilities:
Long-term Loan750,000,000.00750,000,000.00
Lease Liabilities45,506,489.1445,506,489.14
Expected Liabilities8,333,634.188,333,634.18
Deferred Income Tax Liabilities29,407,289.2429,407,289.24
Other Non-current Liabilities10,599,934.3410,599,934.34
Subtotal of Non-current Liabilities798,340,857.76843,847,346.9045,506,489.14
Total Liabilities5,124,847,446.345,199,811,874.4774,964,428.13
Shareholders' Equity:
Share Capital2,995,579,590.002,995,579,590.00
Capital Reserves1,976,156,775.911,976,156,775.91
Less: Treasury Share581,968,930.89581,968,930.89
Other Comprehensive Incomes522,554.00522,554.00
Surplus Reserves1,553,691,005.921,553,691,005.92
Undistributed Profits14,759,065,785.7914,759,065,785.79
Total Shareholders' Equity20,703,046,780.7320,703,046,780.73
Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity25,827,894,227.0725,902,858,655.2074,964,428.13

2. Explanation of data comparison before and after the adjustment due to first implementation ofthe new lease accounting standard from 2021

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III. Audit ReportHas the Q1report been audited

□ Yes √ No

The report for the Q1 has not been audited.
