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晨鸣B:2020年第一季度报告全文(英文版) 下载公告


2020 First Quarterly Report

April 2020

I. Important Notice

The board of directors (the“Board”), the supervisory committee (the“SupervisoryCommittee”), and the directors (the“Directors”), supervisors (the“Supervisors”) andsenior management (the“Senior Management”) of the Company hereby warrant that thetruthfulness, accuracy and completeness of this quarterly report which does not containfalse representations, misleading statements or material omissions, and are jointly andseverally responsible for the liabilities of the Company.

All Directors were present at the Board meeting to consider and approve this quarterlyreport.

Chen Hongguo, the head of the Company, Dong Lianming, the head in charge ofaccounting, and Zhang Bo, the head of the accounting department (Accounting Officer),declare that they warrant the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the financialstatements in this quarterly report.

II. General Information of the Company

I. Major accounting data and financial indicators

Retrospective adjustment to or restatement of the accounting data for prior years by theCompany

□ Yes √ No

The reporting periodThe corresponding period of the prior yearIncrease/decrease compared to the corresponding period of the prior year
Revenue (RMB)6,085,376,805.286,159,836,579.24-1.21%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company (RMB)202,790,856.2538,223,111.21430.55%
Net profit after extraordinary gains or losses attributable to shareholders of the Company (RMB)143,993,251.71-23,652,252.85708.79%
Net cash flows from operating activities (RMB)655,581,522.201,424,685,047.04-53.98%
Basic earnings per share (RMB per share)0.019-0.037151.35%
Diluted earnings per share (RMB per share)0.019-0.037151.35%
Rate of return on weighted average net assets0.32%-0.61%Increase of 0.93 percentage point
As at the end of the reporting periodAs at the end of the prior yearIncrease/decrease as at the end of the reporting period compared to the end of the prior year
Total assets (RMB)96,849,000,201.1197,958,909,935.15-1.13%
Net assets attributable to shareholders of the Company (RMB)25,164,443,617.3125,169,743,863.75-0.02%


Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company does not exclude the effect of the interestof perpetual bonds and the dividends of preference shares paid and declared to be paid. Whencalculating financial indicators such as earnings per share and the rate of return on weightedaverage net assets, the interest for perpetual bonds from 1 January 2020 to 31 March 2020 ofRMB48,367,123.29 and the dividend on preference shares paid in 2020 of RMB98,100,000 arededucted.

Items and amounts of extraordinary gains or losses

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: RMB

ItemAmounts for the period from the beginning of the year to the end of the reporting periodNote
Profit or loss from disposal of non-current assets (including write-off of asset impairment provision)-4,496,557.63
Government grants(except for the government grants closely related to thenormal operation of the company and granted constantly at a fixed amount or quantity in accordance with acertain standard based on state policies) accounted for in profit or loss for the current period86,170,502.36
Non-operating income and expenses other than the above items961,050.14
Less: Effect of income tax23,489,605.82
Effect of minority interest (after tax)347,784.51

Notes for the Company’s extraordinary gain or loss items as defined in the ExplanatoryAnnouncement on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the PublicNo. 1 – Extraordinary Gains or Losses and the extraordinary gain or loss items as illustrated in theExplanatory Announcement on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities tothe Public No. 1 – Extraordinary Gains or Losses defined as its recurring gain or loss items

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No extraordinary gain or loss items as defined or illustrated in the Explanatory Announcementon Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public No. 1 –Extraordinary Gains or Losses were defined by the Company as its recurring gain or loss itemsduring the reporting period.

II. Total number of shareholders and shareholdings of the top ten shareholders as at the

end of the reporting period

1. Total number of shareholders of ordinary shares and shareholders of preference shares

with restored voting rights and shareholdings of the top ten shareholders

Unit: share

Total number of shareholders of ordinary shares as at the end of the reporting period117,887, of which 97,790 were holders of A shares, 19,731 were holders of B shares and 366 were holders of H sharesTotal number of shareholders of preference shares with restored voting right as at the end of the reporting period (if any)0
Shareholding of top ten shareholders
Name of shareholdersNature of shareholdersPercentage of shareholdingNumber of shares heldNumber of restricted shares heldShare pledged or locked-up
Status of sharesNumber
CHENMING HOLDINGS COMPANY LIMITEDState-owned legal person15.33%445,396,1280Pledged298,970,000
HKSCC NOMINEES LIMITEDOverseas legal person12.85%373,355,8750
CHENMING HOLDINGS (HONG KONG) LIMITEDOverseas legal person12.54%364,131,5630
CENTRAL HUIJIN ASSET MANAGEMENT LTD.State-owned legal person2.07%60,206,8500
HONG KONG SECURITIES CLEARING COMPANY LIMITEDOverseas legal person0.63%18,232,0120
VANGUARD EMERGING MARKETS STOCK INDEX FUNDOverseas legal person0.45%13,176,4460
VANGUARD TOTAL INTERNATIONAL STOCK INDEX FUNDOverseas legal person0.45%13,139,9700
Chen SuiqiangDomestic nature person0.42%12,270,3000
Chen HongguoDomestic nature person0.38%11,080,0448,310,033
Shareholdings of the top ten shareholders of non-restricted shares
Name of shareholdersNumber of non- restricted shares heldClass of shares
Class of sharesNumber
CHENMING HOLDINGS COMPANY LIMITED445,396,128RMB ordinary shares445,396,128
HKSCC NOMINEES LIMITED373,355,875Overseas listed foreign shares373,355,875
CHENMING HOLDINGS (HONG KONG) LIMITED364,131,563Domestic listed foreign shares210,717,563
Domestic listed foreign shares153,414,000
CENTRAL HUIJIN ASSET MANAGEMENT LTD.60,206,850RMB ordinary shares60,206,850
VANGUARD EMERGING MARKETS STOCK INDEX FUND13,176,446Domestic listed foreign shares13,176,446
VANGUARD TOTAL INTERNATIONAL STOCK INDEX FUND13,139,970Domestic listed foreign shares13,139,970
AGRICULTURAL BANK OF CHINA LIMITED – CHINA CSI 500 ETF12,304,250RMB ordinary shares12,304,250
Chen Suiqiang12,270,300RMB ordinary shares12,270,300
Jin Xing10,210,000Domestic listed foreign shares10,210,000
Related party relationship or acting in concert among the above shareholdersA shareholder, Chenming Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited, which is an overseas legal person, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of a shareholder, Chenming Holdings Company Limited, which is a state-owned legal person. A shareholder, Chen Hongguo, is the legal representative, chairman and general manager of Chenming Holdings Company Limited. Save for the above, it is not aware that any other shareholders of tradable shares are persons acting in concert. It is also not aware that any other shareholders of tradable shares are related to each other.
Securities margin trading of top 10 ordinary shareholders, if anyChenming Holdings Company Limited held 445,396,128 RMB ordinary shares, of which 402,196,128 shares were held through ordinary account and 43,200,000 shares were held through credit guarantee securities account; Chen Suiqiang held 12,270,300 RMB ordinary shares, of which 0 shares were held through ordinary account and 12,270,300 shares were held through credit guarantee securities account.

Whether an agreed repurchase transaction was entered into during the reporting period by the top10 ordinary shareholders and top 10 shareholders of non-restricted shares of the Company

□ Yes √ No

The top 10 ordinary shareholders and top 10 shareholders of non-restricted ordinary shares of theCompany did not enter into any agreed repurchase transaction during the reporting period.

2. Total number of shareholders of preference shares and shareholding of the top ten

shareholders of preference shares

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: share

Total number of shareholders of preference shares as at the end of the reporting period8
Shareholdings of the top ten shareholders of preference shares
Name of shareholdersNature of shareholdersPercentage of shareholdingNumber of shares heldNumber of restricted shares heldShare pledged or locked-up
tatus of sharesNumber
BEIJING YIBEN ZHONGXING INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT CO., LTD.Domestic non-state- owned legal person27.78%12,500,0000Pledged12,500,000
HENGFENG BANK CO., LTD.Domestic non-state- owned legal person11.11%5,000,0000
SHANGHAI STATE-OWNED ASSETS OPERATION CO., LTD.State-owned legal person4.44%2,000,0000
SHANGHAI SHIJIE BUSINESS CONSULTING CO., LTD.Domestic non-state- owned legal person2.22%1,000,0000
Related party relationship or acting in concert among the above shareholdersThe shareholders of preference shares, namely “BANK OF COMMUNICATIONS INTERNATIONAL TRUST CO., LTD. – HUILI NO. 167 SINGLE CAPITAL TRUST” and “BANK OF COMMUNICATIONS INTERNATIONAL TRUST CO., LTD. – HUILI NO.136 SINGLE CAPITAL TRUST”, are persons acting in concert. Save for the above, it is not aware that any other shareholders of preference shares are persons acting in concert, and it is also not aware whether there is any related party relationship between the above shareholders of preference shares and the top ten shareholders of ordinary shares.

III Material matters

I. Details and reasons for changes of major financial data and financial indicators during

the reporting period

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

(1) Accounts receivable financing increased by 68.72% as compared to the beginning of the year

mainly due to the increase in the payment for goods made by bills at the end of the reportingperiod.

(2) Construction in progress decreased by 91.03% as compared to the beginning of the year

mainly due to the reclassification of the Huanggang Chenming Chemical pulp project duringthe reporting period.

(3) Investment income increased by 1,124 times as compared to the corresponding period of the

prior year mainly due to the recognised investment income from Guangdong Nanyue Bank bythe Company during the reporting period.

(4) Loss on impairment of assets increased by 100.2% as compared to the corresponding period

of the prior year mainly due to receipt of confirmation letter in respect of assumption ofexpenses of the Guangdong Huirui BT project from the government during the correspondingperiod of the prior year.

(5) Credit impairment loss increased by 397.65% as compared to the corresponding period of the

prior year mainly due to an increase in the provision for impairment based on the receivablesageing made by the Company during the reporting period.

(6) Gain on disposal of assets decreased by 367.96% as compared to the corresponding period of

the prior year mainly due to a year-on-year increase in the loss on disposal of assets by theCompany during the reporting period.

(7) Net cash flows from operating activities decreased by 53.98% as compared to the

corresponding period of the prior year mainly due to a year-on-year decrease in the expiryof the financial leasing business of the Company during the reporting period from thegovernment.

(8) Net cash flows from investment activities increased by 138.16% as compared to the

corresponding period of the prior year mainly due to receipt of the equity and debt transferpayments for Haiming Mining by the Company during the reporting period.

(9) Net cash flows from financing activities decreased by 2,106.14% as compared to the

corresponding period of the prior year mainly due to greaten debt repayments during thereporting period resulting from the active debt reduction by the Company during the reportingperiod.

II. Progress in respect of material matters and analysis of the related effects and solutions

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Progress of share repurchase

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Progress of decrease in the holding of repurchased shares by way of bidding

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III. Undertakings made by parties involved in undertakings including the Company’sbeneficial controllers, shareholders, related parties, bidders and the Company subsistingduring the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

During the reporting period, there were no undertakings made by parties involved inundertakings including the Company’s beneficial controllers, shareholders, related parties,bidders and the Company subsisting during the reporting period.

Estimate of the operating results for January – June 2020

Warning of projection on cumulative net profit for the period from the beginning of the yearto the end of the next reporting period to be at a loss or expected to have material changes ascompared to the corresponding period of prior year and its explanation

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

V. Security investments

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company did not have any security investments during the reporting period.

VI. Derivatives investments

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company did not have any derivative investments during the reporting period.

VII. Registration report on reception of research investigations, communications and

interviews during the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No research investigations, communications and interviews of the Company occurred duringthe reporting period.

VIII. External guarantees against the rules and regulations

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There was no external guarantee provided by the Company which was against rules andregulations during the reporting period.

IX. Appropriation of funds of the Company by the controlling shareholder and its related

parties for non-operating purposes

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There was no appropriation of funds of the Company by the controlling shareholder and itsrelated parties for non-operating purposes during the reporting period.

IV Financial Statements

I. Financial Statements

1. Consolidated balance sheet

Prepared by: Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited

31 March 2020

Unit: RMB

Item31 March 202031 December 2019
Monetary funds17,945,064,973.7319,306,529,473.33
Accounts receivable2,585,913,010.422,525,083,311.03
Accounts receivable financing747,303,546.42442,915,861.70
Other receivables2,256,642,821.362,216,654,598.66
Including: Dividends receivable13,000,000.0013,000,000.00
Non-current assets due within one year6,761,429,946.676,974,539,613.30
Other current assets8,359,300,190.828,108,707,394.70
Total current assets44,663,823,486.1744,952,433,912.61
Long-term receivables895,274,094.341,200,575,810.95
Long-term equity investments3,690,225,211.593,606,339,023.74
Other non-current financial assets147,445,653.55147,445,653.55
Investment properties5,052,099,663.965,082,362,293.11
Fixed assets38,906,325,693.8534,439,935,032.69
Construction in progress490,984,338.975,476,122,928.95
Right-of-use assets151,075,369.06152,141,882.05
Intangible assets1,670,534,278.921,781,061,904.51
Long-term prepaid expenses53,752,451.3248,203,408.71
Deferred income tax assets954,862,303.05892,442,631.04
Other non-current assets166,628,029.76173,875,826.67
Total non-current assets52,185,176,714.9453,006,476,022.54
Total assets96,849,000,201.1197,958,909,935.15
Item31 March 202031 December 2019
Short-term borrowings37,162,255,680.2936,883,156,014.19
Bills payable1,605,128,806.381,515,048,206.00
Accounts payable4,172,061,533.864,351,087,581.98
Contract liabilities1,146,463,617.24968,082,063.13
Staff remuneration payables232,917,423.69190,229,883.52
Taxes payable398,048,496.05311,554,116.73
Other payables1,957,321,349.682,594,249,626.54
Including: Interest payable127,487,697.54208,189,699.15
Non-current liabilities due within one year5,207,469,837.045,662,958,920.03
Other current liabilities166,483,533.24222,402,500.00
Total current liabilities52,048,150,277.4752,698,768,912.12
Long-term borrowings9,850,422,478.389,140,339,693.56
Bonds payable1,275,802,390.111,258,270,909.49
Lease liabilities59,697,128.6559,697,128.65
Long-term payables2,864,252,501.153,321,535,538.94
Deferred income1,698,711,138.491,771,013,335.11
Deferred income tax liabilities1,411,125.591,411,125.59
Other non-current liabilities2,382,732,408.473,042,841,328.86
Total non-current liabilities18,458,288,253.1218,920,368,142.48
TOTAL LIABILITIES70,506,438,530.5971,619,137,054.60
Item31 March 202031 December 2019
Share Capital2,904,608,200.002,904,608,200.00
Other equity instruments7,465,500,000.007,465,500,000.00
Including: Preference shares4,477,500,000.004,477,500,000.00
Perpetual bonds2,988,000,000.002,988,000,000.00
Capital reserves5,086,686,427.305,086,686,427.30
Other comprehensive income-989,443,237.79-879,452,135.10
Surplus reserves1,212,009,109.971,212,009,109.97
General risk provisions74,122,644.2074,122,644.20
Retained profit9,410,960,473.639,306,269,617.38
Minority interest1,178,118,053.211,170,029,016.80
Total owners’ equity26,342,561,670.5226,339,772,880.55
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND OWNERS’ EQUITY96,849,000,201.1197,958,909,935.15

Legal Representative: Head in charge of accounting:

Head of theaccounting department:

Chen Hongguo Dong Lianming Zhang Bo

2. Balance sheet of the Company

Unit: RMB

Item31 December 202031 December 2019
Monetary funds8,480,014,351.409,001,257,324.52
Bills receivable2,253,460,000.003,254,460,000.00
Accounts receivable1,259,347,483.2139,204,670.00
Accounts receivable financing275,058,915.16189,873,567.14
Other receivables12,187,585,712.8613,975,590,537.58
Non-current assets due within one year119,546,826.00129,546,826.00
Other current assets87,479,947.9980,815,659.84
Total current assets26,082,188,888.3528,089,708,791.62
Long-term receivables418,750,862.51418,750,862.51
Long-term equity investments23,645,643,907.5723,629,780,317.87
Investment in other equity instruments3,000,000.00
Other non-current financial assets147,445,653.55147,445,653.55
Fixed assets3,866,844,374.903,901,007,932.88
Construction in progress343,878,791.95350,623,821.42
Intangible assets443,446,229.37446,430,156.00
Deferred income tax assets421,577,745.82426,711,909.98
Other non-current assets110,930,000.00110,930,000.00
Total non-current assets29,398,517,565.6729,434,680,654.21
Total assets55,480,706,454.0257,524,389,445.83
Short-term borrowings11,656,207,709.5011,601,509,632.09
Bills payable8,876,900,869.819,890,041,170.20
Accounts payable2,453,278,350.44833,526,295.40
Contract liabilities2,234,960,927.542,096,436,345.90
Staff remuneration payables84,915,868.3671,040,017.13
Taxes payable57,631,625.7076,872,851.56
Other payables4,880,617,762.526,426,648,847.95
Including: Interest payable44,143,333.31127,278,083.35
Non-current liabilities due within one year3,002,733,964.903,695,934,663.30
Other current liabilities312,810,000.00932,402,500.00
Total current liabilities33,560,057,078.7735,624,412,323.53
Item31 December 202031 December 2019
Long-term borrowings850,692,035.94150,692,035.94
Bonds payable88,350,000.0089,070,000.00
Long-term payables1,012,327,385.481,167,426,124.98
Deferred income40,985,546.5942,070,840.27
Other non-current liabilities1,790,683,341.672,789,283,340.67
Total non-current liabilities4,108,297,391.964,563,801,424.14
Total liabilities37,668,354,470.7340,188,213,747.67
Share capital2,904,608,200.002,904,608,200.00
Other equity instruments7,465,500,000.007,465,500,000.00
Including: Preference shares4,477,500,000.004,477,500,000.00
Perpetual bonds2,988,000,000.002,988,000,000.00
Capital reserves4,953,557,435.194,953,557,435.19
Surplus reserves1,199,819,528.061,199,819,528.06
Retained profit1,288,866,820.04812,690,534.91
Total owners’ equity17,812,351,983.2917,336,175,698.16
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND OWNERS’ EQUITY55,480,706,454.0257,524,389,445.83

3. Consolidated Income Statement

Unit: RMB

ItemAmounts for the periodAmounts for the prior period
I. Total revenue6,085,376,805.286,159,836,579.24
Including: Revenue6,085,376,805.286,159,836,579.24
II. Total operating costs5,834,610,012.186,294,268,043.62
Including: Operating costs4,367,126,791.554,741,194,631.64
Taxes and surcharges47,639,420.3165,722,322.73
Sales and distribution expenses267,671,791.96287,382,511.79
General and administrative expenses246,726,191.21272,195,901.33
Research and development expenses253,652,714.07192,763,955.03
Finance expenses651,793,103.08735,008,721.10
Including: Interest expenses673,866,359.05785,193,442.24
Interest income81,512,048.2385,022,879.60
Plus: Other income60,795,590.7818,406,874.30
Investment income (“-” denotes loss)89,156,680.1479,234.37
Including: Investment income from associates and joint ventures76,715,510.2279,234.37
Credit impairment loss (“-” denotes loss)-179,716,703.0560,378,880.05
Loss on impairment of assets (“-” denotes loss)-164,217.7682,790,921.68
Gain on disposal of assets (“-” denotes loss)-16,937,727.55-3,619,496.92
III. Operating profit (“-” denotes loss)203,900,415.6623,604,949.10
Plus: Non-operating income29,326,528.5585,638,465.22
Less: Non-operating expenses2,456,719.004,104,746.56
IV. Total profit (“-” denotes total loss)230,770,225.21105,138,667.76
Less: Income tax expenses19,890,332.5266,242,708.11
V. Net profit (“-” denotes net loss)210,879,892.6938,895,959.65
(I) Classification according to the continuity of operation
Net profit from continuing operations (“-” denotes net loss)210,879,892.6938,895,959.65
(II) Classification according to ownership
1. Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company202,790,856.2538,223,111.21
2. Profit or loss of minority interest8,089,036.44672,848.44
ItemAmounts for the periodAmounts for the prior period
VI. Net other comprehensive income after tax-109,991,102.69153,048,157.14
Net other comprehensive income after tax attributable to shareholders of the Company-109,991,102.69153,048,157.14
Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit and loss in subsequent periods-109,991,102.69153,048,157.14
Including Exchange differences on translation-109,991,102.69153,048,157.14
VII. Total comprehensive income100,888,790.00191,944,116.79
Total comprehensive income attributable to shareholders of the Company92,799,753.56191,271,268.35
Total comprehensive income attributable to minority interest8,089,036.44672,848.44
VIII. Earnings per share:
(I) Basic earnings per share0.019-0.037
(II) Diluted earnings per share0.019-0.037

Legal Representative: Head in charge of accounting:

Head of theaccounting department:

Chen Hongguo Dong Lianming Zhang Bo

4. Income statement of the Company

Unit: RMB

ItemAmounts for the periodAmounts for the prior period
I. Revenue1,916,635,173.201,180,608,914.97
Less: Operating costs1,442,158,792.79996,667,766.88
Taxes and surcharges9,314,020.0811,315,088.59
Sales and distribution expenses53,050,071.3241,028,655.63
General and administrative expenses72,148,076.6979,878,521.50
Research and development expenses61,093,032.2753,425,038.77
Finance expenses227,917,229.09359,385,884.76
Including: Interest expenses422,979,137.81604,583,755.19
Interest income231,893,683.70257,495,978.51
Plus: Other income1,085,293.681,085,293.68
Investment income (“-” denotes loss)501,463,589.70312,370.63
Including: Investment income from associates and joint ventures-1,636,410.30312,370.63
Credit impairment loss (“-” denotes loss)17,806,046.25-1,063,774.22
Gain on disposal of assets (“-” denotes loss)5,198,189.62-3,632,875.13
II. Operating profit (“-” denotes loss)576,507,070.21-364,391,026.20
Plus: Non-operating income3,006,242.052,648,246.00
Less: Non-operating expenses102,862.973,482,007.43
III. Total profit (“-” denotes total loss)579,410,449.29-365,224,787.63
Less: Income tax expenses5,134,164.16-61,173,011.98
IV. Net profit (“-” denotes net loss)574,276,285.13-304,051,775.65
Net profit from continuing operations (“-” denotes net loss)574,276,285.13-304,051,775.65
V. Total comprehensive income574,276,285.13-304,051,775.65
VI. Earnings per share:
(I) Basic earnings per share
(II) Diluted earnings per share

5. Consolidated cash flow statement

Unit: RMB

ItemAmounts for the periodAmounts for the prior period
I. Cash flows from operating activities:
Cash received from sales of goods and rendering of services6,083,538,589.426,865,397,396.38
Tax rebates received152,548.94345,075.02
Cash received relating to other operating activities654,984,761.521,574,349,856.47
Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities6,738,675,899.888,440,092,327.87
Cash paid for goods and services5,294,624,400.875,663,841,703.91
Cash paid to and for employees262,530,875.99346,721,083.55
Payments of taxes and surcharges193,288,988.68552,838,124.31
Cash paid relating to other operating activities332,650,112.15452,006,369.06
Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities6,083,094,377.687,015,407,280.83
Net cash flows from operating activities655,581,522.201,424,685,047.04
II. Cash flows from investing activities:
Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets73,153,160.0076,631.50
Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other business units217,810,000.00
Cash received relating to other investing activities129,197,968.06
Subtotal of cash inflows from investing activities420,161,128.0676,631.50
Cash paid for purchase of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets57,107,045.84176,754,169.25
Cash paid on investments32,253,000.00
Cash paid relating to other investing activities690,140,000.00
Subtotal of cash outflows from investing activities89,360,045.84866,894,169.25
Net cash flows from investing activities330,801,082.22-866,817,537.75
ItemAmounts for the periodAmounts for the prior period
III. Cash flows from financing activities:
Cash received from borrowings8,767,475,858.209,537,282,829.45
Cash received relating to other financing activities320,000,000.002,432,706,925.14
Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities9,087,475,858.2011,969,989,754.59
Cash repayments of amounts borrowed9,045,058,473.318,052,875,959.00
Cash paid for dividend and profit distribution or interest payment718,587,541.06712,139,280.54
Cash paid relating to other financing activities1,410,982,326.583,100,936,139.44
Subtotal of cash outflows from financing activities11,174,628,340.9511,865,951,378.98
Net cash flows from financing activities-2,087,152,482.74104,038,375.61
IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents-8,973,806.00-202,918,477.21
V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents-1,109,743,084.32458,987,407.69
Plus: Balance of cash and cash equivalents as at the beginning of the period2,890,328,027.412,381,558,242.52
VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents as at the end of the period1,780,584,343.092,840,545,650.21

6. Cash flow statement of the Company

Unit: RMB

ItemAmounts for the periodAmounts for the prior period
I. Cash flows from operating activities:
Cash received from sales of goods and rendering of services2,016,322,718.531,344,720,749.36
Cash received relating to other operating activities80,132,375.79618,744,996.01
Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities2,096,455,094.321,963,465,745.37
Cash paid for goods and services1,053,052,884.20610,419,459.85
Cash paid to and for employees77,807,706.74113,868,782.40
Payments of taxes and surcharges30,799,543.7930,119,219.00
Cash paid relating to other operating activities98,434,983.32395,606,491.12
Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities1,260,095,118.051,150,013,952.37
Net cash flows from operating activities836,359,976.26813,451,793.00
II. Cash flows from investing activities:
Cash received from investment income500,000,000.00
Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets1,153,160.0025,022.00
Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other business units217,810,000.00
Cash received relating to other investing activities129,197,968.06
Subtotal of cash inflows from investing activities848,161,128.0625,022.00
Cash paid for purchase of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets2,025,213.002,752,000.00
Cash paid on investments27,500,000.001,047,500,000.00
Subtotal of cash outflows from investing activities29,525,213.001,050,252,000.00
Net cash flows from investing activities818,635,915.06-1,050,226,978.00
ItemAmounts for the periodAmounts for the prior period
III. Cash flows from financing activities:
Cash received from borrowings5,527,955,369.413,608,046,421.28
Cash received relating to other financing activities695,738,215.551,399,028,643.17
Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities6,223,693,584.965,007,075,064.45
Cash repayments of amounts borrowed6,174,301,531.592,213,232,691.23
Cash paid for dividend and profit distribution or interest payment422,979,137.81364,442,666.62
Cash paid relating to other financing activities1,389,481,422.692,224,412,965.16
Subtotal of cash outflows from financing activities7,986,762,092.094,802,088,323.01
Net cash flows from financing activities-1,763,068,507.13204,986,741.44
IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents226,208.85-296,116.69
V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents-107,846,406.96-32,084,560.25
Plus: Balance of cash and cash equivalents as at the beginning of the period136,328,721.71607,805,063.02
VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents as at the end of the period28,482,314.75575,720,502.77

II. Reason for Adjustment in the Financial Statement

1. Adjustment to the relevant items in the financial statements at the beginning of the

year due to the first adoption of the New Standards for Financial Instruments, the NewStandards for Revenue and the New Standards for Lease

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Reason for the retrospective adjustment to the comparative data in the prior period

due to the first adoption of the New Standards for Financial Instruments and the NewStandards for Lease

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III. Auditors’Report

Has the first quarterly report already been audited yet?

□ Yes √ No

The first quarterly report of the Company is unaudited.

By order of the BoardShandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited20April 2020
